diff --git a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt
index 0f846b4e34877a441bd54205fe728bb5bfd08e86..e8f8c7bad59a7fbc85d209abd4f1995a23bb688c 100644
--- a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
+++ b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ slave's assignment
 		"stay confined"
 		"work a glory hole"
 		"be a subordinate slave"
 	Assigned to facility:
 		"rest in the spa"
 		"work as a servant" (Servants' Quarters )
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ slave's assignment
 		"be confined in the arcade"
 		"get treatment in the clinic"
 		"live with your Head Girl"
 	Leadership positions:
 		"be the Attendant"
 		"be the Stewardess"
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ slave's assignment
 		"be your Head Girl"
 		"guard you"
 		"recruit girls"
 shows assignment in descriptions
@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ slave hearing
 -2 - deaf
 -1 - hard of hearing
  0 - normal
 accepts string
@@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ pregnancy time or state. See Pregnancy Control section for more.
 21-30 - pregnant
 30-35 - very pregnant
 accepts ID See Pregnancy Control section for more.
 Who sired her pregnancy
@@ -1699,7 +1699,7 @@ Number of children. Warning! Should be not changed after initial impregnation se
-Number of ready to be impregnated ova (override normal cases), default - 0. For delayed impregnations with multiples. Used onetime on next call of the SetPregType widget. After SetPregType use it to override .pregType, it set back to 0 automatically. 
+Number of ready to be impregnated ova (override normal cases), default - 0. For delayed impregnations with multiples. Used onetime on next call of the SetPregType widget. After SetPregType use it to override .pregType, it set back to 0 automatically.
@@ -1708,7 +1708,7 @@ has the slave been turned into a broodmother
 1 - standard 1 birth/week
 2 - black market 12 births/week
 count of ova that broodmother implant force to release. Should be setted with "broodmother" property together. If broodmother == 0 has no meaning.
@@ -1716,7 +1716,7 @@ broodmotherOnHold
 If broodmother implant set to pause it's work.
 1 - implant on pause
 != 1 - working.
-If broodmother birth her last baby and her implant is on pause, she will be in contraception like state. 
+If broodmother birth her last baby and her implant is on pause, she will be in contraception like state.
@@ -2944,6 +2944,7 @@ What species of sperm she produces.
@@ -2952,6 +2953,7 @@ What species of ovum she produces.
@@ -3132,6 +3134,21 @@ Her skill as a wardeness
 accepts int
 default cap is 200
+Her skill as a servant.
+accepts int
+default cap is 200
+Her skill as a entertainer.
+accepts int
+default cap is 200
+Her skill as a whore.
+accepts int
+default cap is 200
 Whether she was put in the incubator at birth
 accepts int
@@ -3178,7 +3195,7 @@ To test if your slave is functioning, start up a normal game, swap to cheat mode
 wombJS.tw subsystem:
-This is womb processor/simulator script. It's take care about calculation of belly sizes based on individual fetus sizes, 
+This is womb processor/simulator script. It's take care about calculation of belly sizes based on individual fetus sizes,
 with full support of broodmothers implant random turning on and off possibility. Also this can be expanded to store more parents' data in each individual fetus in future. Should be initialized for all slaves not female only. Currently it's not affect pregnancy mechanic in game directly - it's addon for better sizes calculation, and optional mechanics for future usage.
 Design limitations:
 - Mother can't gestate children with different speeds at same time. All speed changes apply to all fetuses.
@@ -3193,9 +3210,9 @@ Pregnancy control, best practices ($activeSlave used as sample, can be any slave
-<<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, 3, -1, 15)>> 
+<<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, 3, -1, 15)>>
 $activeSlave, 3 fetuses, -1 - player is father, 15 week is initial time for fetuses. Can be used on already pregnant slaves (broodmothers use it).
-<<SetSlaveBelly $activeSlave>> 
+<<SetSlaveBelly $activeSlave>>
 Last line needed only if you need to show description with changed state immediately, an advanced initial pregnancy time set (showing already).
 Advancing pregnancy:
@@ -3214,7 +3231,7 @@ Birthing:
 In array _babies will be placed all babies from womb of $activeSlave who gestation age at least 34 weeks (can be any). Others will be leaved in womb.
 <<set WombFlush($activeSlave)>>
-Will empty womb. You also still should set .preg .pregType .pregSource .pregWeek to 0, or call WombNormalizePreg. 
+Will empty womb. You also still should set .preg .pregType .pregSource .pregWeek to 0, or call WombNormalizePreg.
 _babies here become normal array - we can do with it as with any other array in sugarcube. _babies.length - size, _babies[0] - first element, etc. Contains all babies object, with their age, sex, volume/size, and father ID. Right now - not used anywhere but useful for possible incubator improvements in future at least.
 Usage reference without sugarcube code (samples):
@@ -3225,7 +3242,7 @@ WombImpregnate($Slave, $fetus_count, $fatherID, $initial_age) - should be added
 WombProgress($slave, $time_to_add_to_fetuses) - after code that update $slave.preg, time to add should be the same.
-$isReady = WombBirthReady($slave, $birth_ready_age) - how many children ready to be birthed if their time to be ready is $birth_ready_age (40 is for normal length pregnancy). Return int - count of ready to birth children, or 0 if no ready exists. 
+$isReady = WombBirthReady($slave, $birth_ready_age) - how many children ready to be birthed if their time to be ready is $birth_ready_age (40 is for normal length pregnancy). Return int - count of ready to birth children, or 0 if no ready exists.
 $children = WombBirth($slave, $birth_ready_age) - for actual birth. Return array with fetuses objects that birthed (can be used in future) and remove them from womb array of $slave. Should be called at actual birth code in sugarcube. fetuses that not ready remained in womb (array).
diff --git a/src/cheats/PCCheatMenu.tw b/src/cheats/PCCheatMenu.tw
index 9786d21f37a237a682185200e0b69dddc45bcb0c..24e82d46702834b6d043c40d5b21da6bd3e9e063 100644
--- a/src/cheats/PCCheatMenu.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/PCCheatMenu.tw
@@ -1,306 +1,319 @@
 :: PCCheatMenu [nobr]
 <<set $showEncyclopedia = 0, $nextButton = "Apply", $nextLink = "PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup">>
+<<set $tempSlave = clone($PC)>>
-<<if $PC.title > 0>>
-	''Master''.
-	[[Switch to Mistress|PCCheatMenu][$PC.title = 0]]
-	''Mistress''.
-	[[Switch to Master|PCCheatMenu][$PC.title = 1]]
+''Cheat Editing Player Character'' [[ [Cancel] |"Manage Personal Affairs"][$tempSlave = "unset"]]
+Title: ''<<if $tempSlave.title == 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>''
+<br><<radiobutton "$tempSlave.title" 0>> Master
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.title" 1>> Mistress
+<br>''Name'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.name" $tempSlave.name>>
+<br>''Surname'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.surname" $tempSlave.surname>>
+<br>''Custom Title'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.customTitle" $tempSlave.customTitle>>
+<br>Nationality: ''$tempSlave.nationality''.
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.nationality" $tempSlave.nationality>>
-<br>Nationality: ''$PC.nationality''.<<textbox "$PC.nationality" $PC.nationality "PCCheatMenu">>
+<br>Career: ''$tempSlave.career''.
+<br><<radiobutton "$tempSlave.career" "wealth">> Wealth
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.career" "capitalist">> Capitalist
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.career" "mercenary">> Mercenary
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.career" "slaver">> Slaver
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.career" "engineer">> Engineer
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.career" "medicine">> Medicine
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.career" "celebrity">> Celebrity
-<br>Career: ''$PC.career''.
-	[[Wealth|PCCheatMenu][$PC.career = "wealth"]] |
-	[[Business|PCCheatMenu][$PC.career = "capitalist"]] |
-	[[PMC work|PCCheatMenu][$PC.career = "mercenary"]] |
-	[[Slaving|PCCheatMenu][$PC.career = "slaver"]] |
-	[[Engineering|PCCheatMenu][$PC.career = "engineer"]] |
-	[[Medicine|PCCheatMenu][$PC.career = "medicine"]] |
-	[[Celebrity|PCCheatMenu][$PC.career = "celebrity"]]
+<br>Method of acquiring the arcology: ''$tempSlave.rumor''.
+<br><<radiobutton "$tempSlave.rumor" "wealth">> Wealth
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.rumor" "diligence">> Diligence
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.rumor" "force">> Force
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.rumor" "social engineering">> Social Engineering
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.rumor" "luck">> Luck
-<br>Method of acquiring the arcology: ''$PC.rumor''.
-	[[Wealth|PCCheatMenu][$PC.rumor = "wealth"]] |
-	[[Hard work|PCCheatMenu][$PC.rumor = "diligence"]] |
-	[[Force|PCCheatMenu][$PC.rumor = "force"]] |
-	[[Social engineering|PCCheatMenu][$PC.rumor = "social engineering"]] |
-	[[Luck|PCCheatMenu][$PC.rumor = "luck"]]
+<br>Preferred refreshment: <<textbox "$tempSlave.refreshment" $tempSlave.refreshment>>
+<br><<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshment" "cigar">> Cigar 
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshment" "whiskey">> Whiskey
-<br>Preferred refreshment: <<textbox "$PC.refreshment" $PC.refreshment "PCCheatMenu">> [[Cigars|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshment = "cigar",$PC.refreshmentType = 0]] | [[Whiskey|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshment = "whiskey",$PC.refreshmentType = 1]]
-<br>Preferred method of consumption: <<if $PC.refreshmentType == 0>>Smoked<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 1>>Drank<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 2>>Eaten<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 3>>Snorted<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 4>>Injected<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 5>>Popped<<else>>Orally Dissolved<</if>>
-<br>[[Smoked|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshmentType = 0]] | [[Drank|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshmentType = 1]] | [[Eaten|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshmentType = 2]] | [[Snorted|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshmentType = 3]] | [[Injected|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshmentType = 4]] | [[Popped|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshmentType = 5]] | [[Orally Dissolved|PCCheatMenu][$PC.refreshmentType = 6]]
+<br>Preferred method of consumption: <<if $tempSlave.refreshmentType == 0>>Smoked<<elseif $tempSlave.refreshmentType == 1>>Drank<<elseif $tempSlave.refreshmentType == 2>>Eaten<<elseif $tempSlave.refreshmentType == 3>>Snorted<<elseif $tempSlave.refreshmentType == 4>>Injected<<elseif $tempSlave.refreshmentType == 5>>Popped<<else>>Orally Dissolved<</if>>
+<br><<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshmentType" 0>> Smoked
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshmentType" 1>> Drank
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshmentType" 2>> Eaten
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshmentType" 3>> Snorted
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshmentType" 4>> Injected
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshmentType" 5>> Popped
+	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.refreshmentType" 6>> Orally Dissolved
-''Name'': <<textbox "$PC.name" $PC.name "PCCheatMenu">>
-''Surname'': <<textbox "$PC.surname" $PC.surname "PCCheatMenu">>
-''Custom title'': <<textbox "$PC.customTitle" $PC.customTitle "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Boobs'': <<textbox "$PC.boobs" $PC.boobs "PCCheatMenu">> //0 - masculine chest (if title = 1) or flat chested (if title = 0)(WIP) 1 - feminine bust//
-<<if $PC.boobs > 0>>
-	<br>''BoobsBonus'': <<textbox "$PC.boobsBonus" $PC.boobsBonus "PCCheatMenu">> //breast size -3 B-cup -2 - C-cup -1 - D-cup 0 - DD-cup 1 - F-cup 2 - G-cup 3 - H-cup//
-	<br>''BoobsImplant'': <<textbox "$PC.boobsImplant" $PC.boobsImplant "PCCheatMenu">> //do you have breast implants 0 - no 1 - yes//
+<br>''Boobs'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.boobs" $tempSlave.boobs>> //0: masculine chest (if title = 1) or flat chested (if title = 0)(WIP) 1: feminine bust//
+<<if $tempSlave.boobs > 0>>
+	<br>''BoobsBonus'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.boobsBonus" $tempSlave.boobsBonus>> //breast size - -3: B-cup, -2: C-cup, -1: D-cup, 0: DD-cup, 1: F-cup, 2: G-cup, 3: H-cup//
+	<br>''BoobsImplant'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.boobsImplant" $tempSlave.boobsImplant>> //do you have breast implants - 0: no, 1: yes//
-<br>''Skin'': <<textbox "$PC.skin" $PC.skin "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Genetic Skin'': <<textbox "$PC.origSkin" $PC.origSkin "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Race'': <<textbox "$PC.race" $PC.race "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Genetic Race'': <<textbox "$PC.origRace" $PC.origRace "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Eye Color'': <<textbox "$PC.eyeColor" $PC.eyeColor "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Genetic Eye Color'': <<textbox "$PC.origEye" $PC.origEye "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Pupil Shape'': <<textbox "$PC.pupil" $PC.pupil "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Sclera Color'': <<textbox "$PC.sclerae" $PC.sclerae "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Hair Color'': <<textbox "$PC.hColor" $PC.hColor "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Genetic Hair Color'': <<textbox "$PC.origHColor" $PC.origHColor "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''ButtSize'': <<textbox "$PC.butt" $PC.butt "PCCheatMenu">> //0 - normal 1 - big 2 - huge 3 - enormous//
-<br>''ButtImplant'': <<textbox "$PC.buttImplant" $PC.buttImplant "PCCheatMenu">> //do you have butt implants 0 - no 1 - yes//
-<br>''Dick'': <<textbox "$PC.dick" $PC.dick "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''Vagina'': <<textbox "$PC.vagina" $PC.vagina "PCCheatMenu">>
-<<if $PC.dick == 1>>
-	<br>''BallSize'': <<textbox "$PC.balls" $PC.balls "PCCheatMenu">> //0 - normal 1 - big 2 - huge//
-	<br>''BallsImplant'': <<textbox "$PC.ballsImplant" $PC.ballsImplant "PCCheatMenu">> //0 - normal 1 - large 2 - huge 3 - enormous 4 - monstrous//
+<br>''Skin'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.skin" $tempSlave.skin>>
+<br>''Genetic Skin'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.origSkin" $tempSlave.origSkin>>
+<br>''Race'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.race" $tempSlave.race>>
+<br>''Genetic Race'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.origRace" $tempSlave.origRace>>
+<br>''Eye Color'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.eyeColor" $tempSlave.eyeColor>>
+<br>''Genetic Eye Color'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.origEye" $tempSlave.origEye>>
+<br>''Pupil Shape'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.pupil" $tempSlave.pupil>>
+<br>''Sclera Color'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.sclerae" $tempSlave.sclerae>>
+<br>''Hair Color'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.hColor" $tempSlave.hColor>>
+<br>''Genetic Hair Color'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.origHColor" $tempSlave.origHColor>>
+<br>''Butt Size'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.butt" $tempSlave.butt>> //0: normal, 1: big, 2: huge, 3: enormous//
+<br>''Butt Implant'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.buttImplant" $tempSlave.buttImplant>> //do you have butt implants - 0: no, 1: yes//
+<br>''Dick'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.dick" $tempSlave.dick>>
+<br>''Vagina'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.vagina" $tempSlave.vagina>>
+<<if $tempSlave.dick == 1>>
+	<br>''BallSize'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.balls" $tempSlave.balls>> //0 - normal 1 - big 2 - huge//
+	<br>''BallsImplant'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.ballsImplant" $tempSlave.ballsImplant>> //0: normal, 1: large, 2: huge, 3: enormous, 4: monstrous//
-<br>''ActualAge'': <<textbox "$PC.actualAge" $PC.actualAge "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''PhysicalAge'': <<textbox "$PC.physicalAge" $PC.physicalAge "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''VisualAge'': <<textbox "$PC.visualAge" $PC.visualAge "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''OvaryAge'': <<textbox "$PC.ovaryAge" $PC.ovaryAge "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''AgeImplant'': <<textbox "$PC.ageImplant" $PC.ageImplant "PCCheatMenu">> //0 - no surgery, 1 - age altering surgery//
-<br>''PlayerAging'': <<textbox "$playerAging" $playerAging "PCCheatMenu">> //0 - no aging, 1 - no aging, but birthdays, 2 - aging//
+<br>''Actual Age'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.actualAge" $tempSlave.actualAge>>
+<br>''Physical Age'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.physicalAge" $tempSlave.physicalAge>>
+<br>''Visual Age'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.visualAge" $tempSlave.visualAge>>
+<br>''Ovary Age'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.ovaryAge" $tempSlave.ovaryAge>>
+<br>''Age Implant'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.ageImplant" $tempSlave.ageImplant>> //0: no surgery, 1: age altering surgery//
+<br>''Player Aging'': <<textbox "$playerAging" $playerAging>> //0: no aging, 1: no aging, but birthdays, 2: aging//
-<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>
+<<if $tempSlave.vagina == 1>>
-	<br>''Pregnancy length'': <<textbox "$PC.preg" $PC.preg "PCCheatMenu">> //How far along the your pregnancy is (pregMood kicks in at 24+ weeks) -2      infertile -1      contraceptives 0      not pregnant 1 - 42 pregnant 43+    giving birth//\
-	<br>''Fetus Count'': <<textbox "$PC.pregType" $PC.pregType "PCCheatMenu">> //How many you're having (1-8)//
-	<br>''PregSource'': <<textbox "$PC.pregSource" $PC.pregSource "PCCheatMenu">> //who knocked you up 0 - unknown -1 - Societal Elite -2 - client -3 - former master -4 - male arc owner -5 - citizen -6 - self-impreg//
-	<br>''PregMood'': <<textbox "$PC.pregMood" $PC.pregMood "PCCheatMenu">> //how you act when heavily pregnant. 0: no change 1: submissive and motherly 2: aggressive and dominant//
+	<br>''Pregnancy length'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.preg" $tempSlave.preg>> //how far along the your pregnancy is (pregMood kicks in at 24+ weeks) - -2: infertile, -1: contraceptives, 0: not pregnant, 1 - 42: pregnant, 43+: giving birth//
+	<br>''Fetus Count'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.pregType" $tempSlave.pregType>> //how many you're having (1-8)//
+	<br>''PregSource'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.pregSource" $tempSlave.pregSource>> //who knocked you up - 0: unknown, -1: Societal Elite, -2: client, -3: former master, -4: male arc owner, -5: citizen, -6: self-impreg//
+	<br>''PregMood'': <<textbox "$tempSlave.pregMood" $tempSlave.pregMood>> //how you act when heavily pregnant - 0: no change, 1: submissive and motherly, 2: aggressive and dominant//
-''<<if $PC.trading >= 100>>
+''<<if $tempSlave.trading >= 100>>
 	You are a master at economics and trading.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= 80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= 80>>
 	You are an expert at economics and trading.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= 60>>
 	You are skilled in economics and trading.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= 40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= 40>>
 	You know some things about economics and trading.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= 20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= 20>>
 	You are a beginner in economics.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= 0>>
 	You know only the basics of trading.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= -20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= -20>>
 	You know how to haggle a little.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= -40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= -40>>
 	You know how to shop around.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= -60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= -60>>
 	You know not to pay sticker price.
-<<elseif $PC.trading >= -80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.trading >= -80>>
 	People always give you discounts, but you never save any money.
 	They said it was a bear market, so where are the bears?
-<<radiobutton "$PC.trading" 100>> Economics master
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" 90>> Economics expert
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" 70>> Skilled in economics
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" 50>> Amateur economist
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" 30>> Economics beginner
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" 0>> Basic trader
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" -10>> Haggler
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" -30>> Shopper
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" -50>> Weak saver
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" -70>> Money sieve
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.trading" -90>> What's a trading?
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" 100>> Economics master
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" 90>> Economics expert
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" 70>> Skilled in economics
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" 50>> Amateur economist
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" 30>> Economics beginner
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" 0>> Basic trader
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" -10>> Haggler
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" -30>> Shopper
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" -50>> Weak saver
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" -70>> Money sieve
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.trading" -90>> What's a trading?
-''<<if $PC.warfare >= 100>>
+''<<if $tempSlave.warfare >= 100>>
 	You are a master of warfare.
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= 80>>
 	You are an expert at tactics and strategy.
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= 60>>
 	You are skilled in combat.
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= 40>>
 	You know some things about combat.
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= 20>>
 	You are a beginner in tactics and strategy.
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= 0>>
 	You know only the basics of fighting.
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= -20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= -20>>
 	You know how to hold a gun.
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= -40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= -40>>
 	You know how to stab with a knife.
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= -60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= -60>>
 	Go for the throat?
-<<elseif $PC.warfare >= -80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.warfare >= -80>>
 	Just kick them in the balls, right?
 	People like you are usually the first raped in a war.
-<<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" 100>> Warfare master
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" 90>> Warfare expert
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" 70>> Skilled in warfare
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" 50>> Amateur combatant
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" 30>> Combat beginner
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" 0>> Basic fighter
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" -10>> Gun haver
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" -30>> Knife holder
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" -50>> Throat puncher
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" -70>> Groin kicker?
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.warfare" -90>> Most likely to be raped
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" 100>> Warfare master
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" 90>> Warfare expert
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" 70>> Skilled in warfare
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" 50>> Amateur combatant
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" 30>> Combat beginner
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" 0>> Basic fighter
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" -10>> Gun haver
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" -30>> Knife holder
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" -50>> Throat puncher
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" -70>> Groin kicker?
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.warfare" -90>> Most likely to be raped
-''<<if $PC.slaving >= 100>>
+''<<if $tempSlave.slaving >= 100>>
 	You are a master slaver.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= 80>>
 	You are an expert at enslaving.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= 60>>
 	You are skilled in slaving.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= 40>>
 	You know some things about getting slaves.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= 20>>
 	You are a beginner in slaving.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= 0>>
 	You know only the basics of slaving.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= -20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= -20>>
 	You know how to avoid becoming a slave.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= -40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= -40>>
 	You know to read contracts before you sign them.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= -60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= -60>>
 	You know to be careful.
-<<elseif $PC.slaving >= -80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.slaving >= -80>>
 	You know better than to trust anyone.
 	It would be easy to enslave you.
-<<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" 100>> Master slaver
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" 90>> Expert slaver
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" 70>> Skilled in slaving
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" 50>> Amateur slaver
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" 30>> Slaving beginner
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" 0>> Basic slaver
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" -10>> Can't make me a slave
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" -30>> Can read contracts
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" -50>> Careful now
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" -70>> Don't trust that guy
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.slaving" -90>> Potential slave
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" 100>> Master slaver
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" 90>> Expert slaver
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" 70>> Skilled in slaving
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" 50>> Amateur slaver
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" 30>> Slaving beginner
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" 0>> Basic slaver
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" -10>> Can't make me a slave
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" -30>> Can read contracts
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" -50>> Careful now
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" -70>> Don't trust that guy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.slaving" -90>> Potential slave
-''<<if $PC.engineering >= 100>>
+''<<if $tempSlave.engineering >= 100>>
 	You are a master engineer.
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= 80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= 80>>
 	You are an expert at engineering.
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= 60>>
 	You are skilled in engineering.
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= 40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= 40>>
 	You know some things about engineering.
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= 20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= 20>>
 	You are a beginner in engineering.
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= 0>>
 	You know only the basics of engineering.
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= -20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= -20>>
 	You can build a gingerbread house that doesn't collapse.
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= -40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= -40>>
 	You can tie a tight knot, does that count?
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= -60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= -60>>
 	Glue is your friend; lots of it.
-<<elseif $PC.engineering >= -80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.engineering >= -80>>
 	You know better than to even try to build something.
 	You can cook; that's sort of like building something, right?
-<<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" 100>> Master engineer
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" 90>> Expert engineer
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" 70>> Skilled in engineering
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" 50>> Amateur engineer
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" 30>> Engineering beginner
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" 0>> Basic engineer
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" -10>> Gingerbread house
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" -30>> Knot tyer
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" -50>> You can use glue
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" -70>> You aren't handy
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.engineering" -90>> My hovercraft is full of eels
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" 100>> Master engineer
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" 90>> Expert engineer
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" 70>> Skilled in engineering
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" 50>> Amateur engineer
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" 30>> Engineering beginner
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" 0>> Basic engineer
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" -10>> Gingerbread house
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" -30>> Knot tyer
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" -50>> You can use glue
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" -70>> You aren't handy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.engineering" -90>> My hovercraft is full of eels
-''<<if $PC.medicine >= 100>>
+''<<if $tempSlave.medicine >= 100>>
 	You are a master surgeon.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= 80>>
 	You are an expert at medicine and surgery.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= 60>>
 	You are skilled in surgery.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= 40>>
 	You know some things about medicine.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= 20>>
 	You are a beginner in medicine.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= 0>>
 	You know the basics of treating injuries.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= -20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= -20>>
 	You can stop a wound from getting infected.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= -40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= -40>>
 	Gauze is your friend. Just keep wrapping.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= -60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= -60>>
 	You know how to apply a bandaid.
-<<elseif $PC.medicine >= -80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.medicine >= -80>>
 	Cure-alls are wonderful. Why aren't they sold in stores, though?
 	Alcohol makes pain go away, right?
-<<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" 100>> Master surgeon
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" 90>> Expert surgeon
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" 70>> Skilled in medicine
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" 50>> Amateur surgeon
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" 30>> Medical beginner
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" 0>> Basic medic
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" -10>> Can treat wounds
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" -30>> First-aid kit user
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" -50>> Band-aid applyer
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" -70>> MEDIC!
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.medicine" -90>> Give me another beer
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" 100>> Master surgeon
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" 90>> Expert surgeon
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" 70>> Skilled in medicine
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" 50>> Amateur surgeon
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" 30>> Medical beginner
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" 0>> Basic medic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" -10>> Can treat wounds
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" -30>> First-aid kit user
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" -50>> Band-aid applyer
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" -70>> MEDIC!
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.medicine" -90>> Give me another beer
-''<<if $PC.hacking >= 100>>
+''<<if $tempSlave.hacking >= 100>>
 	You are a master of hacking.
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= 80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= 80>>
 	You are an expert at hacking.
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= 60>>
 	You are skilled in hacking.
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= 40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= 40>>
 	You know some things about hacking.
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= 20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= 20>>
 	You are a beginner in hacking.
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= 0>>
 	You know only the basics of hacking.
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= -20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= -20>>
 	You know how to click a mouse.
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= -40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= -40>>
 	Enter does something?
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= -60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= -60>>
 	Where is the "any" key?
-<<elseif $PC.hacking >= -80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.hacking >= -80>>
 	You can push the power button, good job.
 	This black box thingy is magical.
-<<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" 100>> Master hacker
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" 90>> Expert hacker
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" 70>> Skilled hacker
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" 50>> Amateur hacker
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" 30>> Hacking beginner
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" 0>> Basic hacker
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" -10>> Mouse clicker
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" -30>> You can press Enter
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" -50>> Where's the "any" key?
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" -70>> Main screen turn on?
-| <<radiobutton "$PC.hacking" -90>> Ooh, cool glowy thingy!
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" 100>> Master hacker
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" 90>> Expert hacker
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" 70>> Skilled hacker
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" 50>> Amateur hacker
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" 30>> Hacking beginner
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" 0>> Basic hacker
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" -10>> Mouse clicker
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" -30>> You can press Enter
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" -50>> Where's the "any" key?
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" -70>> Main screen turn on?
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hacking" -90>> Ooh, cool glowy thingy!
 <br>Your mother ID:
-<<textbox "$PC.mother" $PC.mother "PCCheatMenu">>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.mother" $tempSlave.mother>>
 <br>Your father ID:
-<<textbox "$PC.father" $PC.father "PCCheatMenu">>
\ No newline at end of file
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.father" $tempSlave.father>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cheats/PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw b/src/cheats/PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
index 76c2c72b2b7ab3c367465223e3dd859c5c123f94..54dd215a0cc10e1767f719079496ce61ce48573a 100644
--- a/src/cheats/PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
@@ -1,54 +1,62 @@
 :: PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Manage Personal Affairs">>
+/* Cancel Option Check */
+<<if $tempSlave == "unset">>
+	<<unset $tempSlave>>
+	<<goto "Manage Personal Affairs">>
-<<set $PC.preg = Number($PC.preg) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.pregSource = Number($PC.pregSource) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.pregType = Number($PC.pregType) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.pregMood = Number($PC.pregMood) || 0>>
-<<set WombInit($PC)>> /* just to make sure */
-<<set $PC.womb.length = 0>> /* simple way to delete all fetuses */
-<<set WombImpregnate($PC, $PC.pregType, $PC.pregSource, $PC.preg)>> /* recreates fetuses */
-<<if $PC.preg > 0>>
-	<<set $PC.belly = WombGetVolume($PC)>>
-	<<set $PC.pregWeek = $PC.preg>>
+<<set $tempSlave.preg = Number($tempSlave.preg) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.pregSource = Number($tempSlave.pregSource) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.pregType = Number($tempSlave.pregType) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.pregMood = Number($tempSlave.pregMood) || 0>>
+<<set WombInit($tempSlave)>> /* just to make sure */
+<<set $tempSlave.womb.length = 0>> /* simple way to delete all fetuses */
+<<set WombImpregnate($tempSlave, $tempSlave.pregType, $tempSlave.pregSource, $tempSlave.preg)>> /* recreates fetuses */
+<<if $tempSlave.preg > 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.belly = WombGetVolume($tempSlave)>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.pregWeek = $tempSlave.preg>>
-	<<set $PC.belly = 0>>
-	<<set $PC.pregWeek = 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.belly = 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.pregWeek = 0>>
-<<set $PC.pregMood = Number($PC.pregMood) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.boobs = ($PC.boobs == 0 ? 0 : 1)>>
-<<if $PC.boobs == 0>>
-	<<set $PC.boobsBonus = 0>>
-	<<set $PC.boobsImplant = 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.pregMood = Number($tempSlave.pregMood) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.boobs = ($tempSlave.boobs == 0 ? 0 : 1)>>
+<<if $tempSlave.boobs == 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.boobsBonus = 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.boobsImplant = 0>>
-	<<set $PC.boobsBonus = Number($PC.boobsBonus) || 0>>
-	<<set $PC.boobsImplant = Number($PC.boobsImplant) || 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.boobsBonus = Number($tempSlave.boobsBonus) || 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.boobsImplant = Number($tempSlave.boobsImplant) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.butt = Number($PC.butt) || 0>>
-<<if $PC.butt == 0>>
-	<<set $PC.buttImplant = 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.butt = Number($tempSlave.butt) || 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.butt == 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.buttImplant = 0>>
-	<<set $PC.buttImplant = ($PC.buttImplant == 0 ? 0 : 1)>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.buttImplant = ($tempSlave.buttImplant == 0 ? 0 : 1)>>
-<<set $PC.dick = ($PC.dick == 0 ? 0 : 1)>>
-<<set $PC.vagina = ($PC.vagina == 0 ? 0 : 1)>>
-<<if $PC.dick == 1>>
-	<<set $PC.balls = Number($PC.balls) || 0>>
-	<<set $PC.ballsImplant = Number($PC.ballsImplant) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.dick = ($tempSlave.dick == 0 ? 0 : 1)>>
+<<set $tempSlave.vagina = ($tempSlave.vagina == 0 ? 0 : 1)>>
+<<if $tempSlave.dick == 1>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.balls = Number($tempSlave.balls) || 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.ballsImplant = Number($tempSlave.ballsImplant) || 0>>
-	<<set $PC.balls = 0>>
-	<<set $PC.ballsImplant = 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.balls = 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.ballsImplant = 0>>
-<<set $PC.ageImplant = Number($PC.ageImplant) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.ageImplant = Number($tempSlave.ageImplant) || 0>>
 <<set $playerAging = Number($playerAging) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.ageImplant = Number($PC.ageImplant) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.physicalAge = Number($PC.physicalAge) || 14>>
-<<set $PC.visualAge = Number($PC.visualAge) || 14>>
-<<set $PC.actualAge = Number($PC.actualAge) || 14>>
-<<set $PC.ovaryAge = Number($PC.ovaryAge) || 14>>
-<<set $PC.mother = Number($PC.mother) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.father = Number($PC.father) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.ageImplant = Number($tempSlave.ageImplant) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.physicalAge = Number($tempSlave.physicalAge) || 14>>
+<<set $tempSlave.visualAge = Number($tempSlave.visualAge) || 14>>
+<<set $tempSlave.actualAge = Number($tempSlave.actualAge) || 14>>
+<<set $tempSlave.ovaryAge = Number($tempSlave.ovaryAge) || 14>>
+<<set $tempSlave.mother = Number($tempSlave.mother) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.father = Number($tempSlave.father) || 0>>
+You perform the dark rituals, pray to the dark gods and sold your soul for the power to reshape your body and life at will. What a cheater!
-You perform the dark rituals, pray to the dark gods and sold your soul for the power to reshape your body and life at will. What a cheater!
\ No newline at end of file
+<<set $PC = clone($tempSlave)>>
+<<unset $tempSlave>>
diff --git a/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheat.tw b/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheat.tw
index 59b8034133f16c9ea978c02666f51f09d6e88c9b..e46711ae0c16242dbd3b10f34876088c549e623b 100644
--- a/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheat.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheat.tw
@@ -120,33 +120,33 @@ International slave variety is
 <<if $seeDicks >= 90>>
 	''almost always'' have dicks.
 	[[No chicks with dicks pls (0%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 0]]
-	 | [[Side order of girl dick (25%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 25]]
-	 | [[Balanced dick chick diet (50%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 50]]
-	 | [[Dickgirl main course (75%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 75]]
+	| [[Side order of girl dick (25%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 25]]
+	| [[Balanced dick chick diet (50%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 50]]
+	| [[Dickgirl main course (75%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 75]]
 <<elseif $seeDicks > 50>>
 	''more likely than not'' have dicks.
 	[[No chicks with dicks pls (0%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 0]]
-	 | [[Side order of girl dick (25%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 25]]
-	 | [[Balanced dick chick diet (50%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 50]]
-	 | [[All of the dicks (100%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 100]]
+	| [[Side order of girl dick (25%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 25]]
+	| [[Balanced dick chick diet (50%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 50]]
+	| [[All of the dicks (100%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 100]]
 <<elseif $seeDicks > 25>>
 	''occasionally'' have dicks.
 	[[No chicks with dicks pls (0%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 0]]
-	 | [[Side order of girl dick (25%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 25]]
-	 | [[Dickgirl main course (75%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 75]]
-	 | [[All of the dicks (100%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 100]]
+	| [[Side order of girl dick (25%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 25]]
+	| [[Dickgirl main course (75%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 75]]
+	| [[All of the dicks (100%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 100]]
 <<elseif $seeDicks > 0>>
 	''rarely'' have dicks.
 	[[No chicks with dicks pls (0%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 0]]
-	 | [[Balanced dick chick diet (50%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 50]]
-	 | [[Dickgirl main course (75%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 75]]
-	 | [[All of the dicks (100%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 100]]
+	| [[Balanced dick chick diet (50%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 50]]
+	| [[Dickgirl main course (75%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 75]]
+	| [[All of the dicks (100%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 100]]
 	''almost never'' have dicks.
-	 [[Side order of girl dick (25%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 25]]
-	 | [[Balanced dick chick diet (50%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 50]]
-	 | [[Dickgirl main course (75%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 75]]
-	 | [[All of the dicks (100%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 100]]
+	[[Side order of girl dick (25%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 25]]
+	| [[Balanced dick chick diet (50%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 50]]
+	| [[Dickgirl main course (75%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 75]]
+	| [[All of the dicks (100%)|MOD_Edit Arcology Cheat][$seeDicks = 100]]
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Go your own dick way:
@@ -175,8 +175,14 @@ International slave variety is
 <br><br>Arcology citizens: <<print commaNum($ACitizens)>>
 <<textbox "$ACitizens" $ACitizens>>
+<br>Arcology citizen limit: <<print commaNum($ACitizenLimit)>>
+<<textbox "$ACitizenLimit" $ACitizenLimit>>
 <br>Arcology sex slaves: <<print commaNum($ASlaves)>>
 <<textbox "$ASlaves" $ASlaves>>
+<br>Arcology sex slave limit: <<print commaNum($ASlaveLimit)>>
+<<textbox "$ASlaveLimit" $ASlaveLimit>>
+<br>Arcology prosperity: $arcologies[0].prosperity
+<<textbox "$arcologies[0].prosperity" $arcologies[0].prosperity>>
 <br>Arcology prosperity cap: $AProsperityCap
 <<textbox "$AProsperityCap" $AProsperityCap>>
diff --git a/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw b/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
index f82ba11b83fff012578de8b93eecfe3b5e05b1c1..875fb01ef488c2ee7a58aecea9ec1c157ab3465c 100644
--- a/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Manage Arcology">>
 <<set $ACitizens = Number($ACitizens) || 0>>
+<<set $ACitizenLimit = Number($ACitizenLimit) || 0>>
 <<set $ASlaves = Number($ASlaves) || 0>>
+<<set $ASlaveLimit = Number($ASlaveLimit) || 0>>
+<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity = Number($arcologies[0].prosperity) || 0>>
+<<set $AProsperityCap = Number($AProsperityCap) || 0>>
 <<set $shelterAbuse = Number($shelterAbuse) || 0>>
 <<set $TSS.studentsBought = Number($TSS.studentsBought) || 0>>
diff --git a/src/cheats/mod_EditSlaveCheat.tw b/src/cheats/mod_EditSlaveCheat.tw
index 2c9966ca8b53a655f4ef28ea9fb227745500c28a..222c34865676650f833b4ea61a1cf137cc5eeec6 100644
--- a/src/cheats/mod_EditSlaveCheat.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/mod_EditSlaveCheat.tw
@@ -3,23 +3,24 @@
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
 <<set $nextLink = "MOD_Edit Slave Cheat Datatype Cleanup">>
 <<set $oldName = $activeSlave.slaveName, $oldSurname = $activeSlave.slaveSurname>>
+<<set $tempSlave = clone($activeSlave)>>
-''Cheating Edit Slave''
+''Cheating Edit Slave'' [[ [Cancel] |"Slave Interact"][$tempSlave = "unset"]]
 ''Birth Name:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.birthName" $activeSlave.birthName>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.birthName" $tempSlave.birthName>>
 <br>''Birth Surname:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.birthSurname" $activeSlave.birthSurname>>
-<br>''Slave Name (birth name was $activeSlave.birthName):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.slaveName" $activeSlave.slaveName>>
-<br>''Slave Surname (birth surname was $activeSlave.birthSurname):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.slaveSurname" $activeSlave.slaveSurname>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.birthSurname" $tempSlave.birthSurname>>
+<br>''Slave Name (birth name was $tempSlave.birthName):''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.slaveName" $tempSlave.slaveName>>
+<br>''Slave Surname (birth surname was $tempSlave.birthSurname):''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.slaveSurname" $tempSlave.slaveSurname>>
-''Current Slave ID: ($activeSlave.ID)''
+''Current Slave ID: ($tempSlave.ID)''
@@ -27,577 +28,577 @@
 	''Enter the IDs for this slaves parents(-2 or 0:random and untracked by system, -1:PC, all others are applicable):''
 	''mother ID''
-	<<textbox "$activeSlave.mother" $activeSlave.mother>>
+	<<textbox "$tempSlave.mother" $tempSlave.mother>>
 	''father ID''
-	<<textbox "$activeSlave.father" $activeSlave.father>>
+	<<textbox "$tempSlave.father" $tempSlave.father>>
 	''Slave Blood Relations (twin, sister, mother, daughter):''
-	<<textbox "$activeSlave.relation" $activeSlave.relation>>
+	<<textbox "$tempSlave.relation" $tempSlave.relation>>
 	''Blood Relations Target ID:''
-	<<textbox "$activeSlave.relationTarget" $activeSlave.relationTarget>>
+	<<textbox "$tempSlave.relationTarget" $tempSlave.relationTarget>>
-''Relationship (-3:married to you, -2:relationship, -1:emotional slut, 0:none, 1:like, 2:friend, 3:sex friend, 4:lover, 5:married): $activeSlave.relationship |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.relationship" $activeSlave.relationship>>
+''Relationship (-3:married to you, -2:relationship, -1:emotional slut, 0:none, 1:like, 2:friend, 3:sex friend, 4:lover, 5:married): $tempSlave.relationship |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.relationship" $tempSlave.relationship>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" -3>> Married to You
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" -2>> In Relationship with You
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" -1>> Emotional Slut
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" 1>> Like
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" 2>> Friend
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" 3>> Sex Friend
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" 4>> Lover
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.relationship" 5>> Married
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" -3>> Married to You
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" -2>> In Relationship with You
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" -1>> Emotional Slut
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" 1>> Like
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" 2>> Friend
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" 3>> Sex Friend
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" 4>> Lover
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.relationship" 5>> Married
-''Relationship Target ID:'' <<textbox "$activeSlave.relationshipTarget" $activeSlave.relationshipTarget>>
+''Relationship Target ID:'' <<textbox "$tempSlave.relationshipTarget" $tempSlave.relationshipTarget>>
-''Career ($activeSlave.career)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.career" $activeSlave.career>> //Slave variables documentation is your friend. Will tell you exactly what to put here//
+''Career ($tempSlave.career)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.career" $tempSlave.career>> //Slave variables documentation is your friend. Will tell you exactly what to put here//
-''Origin ($activeSlave.origin)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.origin" $activeSlave.origin>>
+''Origin ($tempSlave.origin)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.origin" $tempSlave.origin>>
 ''Legal status: (-1: slave, 0 or more: indentured for x weeks)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.indenture" $activeSlave.indenture>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.indenture" $tempSlave.indenture>>
 ''Fuckdoll: (0-100)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.fuckdoll" $activeSlave.fuckdoll>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.fuckdoll" $tempSlave.fuckdoll>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fuckdoll" 0>> Not a fuckdoll
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fuckdoll" 15>> Barely a fuckdoll
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fuckdoll" 25>> Slight fuckdoll
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fuckdoll" 45>> Basic fuckdoll
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fuckdoll" 65>> Intermediate fuckdoll
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fuckdoll" 85>> Advanced fuckdoll
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fuckdoll" 100>> Total fuckdoll
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fuckdoll" 0>> Not a fuckdoll
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fuckdoll" 15>> Barely a fuckdoll
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fuckdoll" 25>> Slight fuckdoll
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fuckdoll" 45>> Basic fuckdoll
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fuckdoll" 65>> Intermediate fuckdoll
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fuckdoll" 85>> Advanced fuckdoll
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fuckdoll" 100>> Total fuckdoll
-''Nationality: ($activeSlave.nationality)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.nationality" $activeSlave.nationality>>
+''Nationality: ($tempSlave.nationality)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.nationality" $tempSlave.nationality>>
 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//This will not alter name or race//
-''Race: ($activeSlave.race)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.race" $activeSlave.race>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "white">> White
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "asian">> Asian
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "latina">> Latina
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "middle eastern">> Middle Eastern
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "black">> Black
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "semitic">> Semitic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "southern european">> Southern European
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "indo-aryan">> Indo-Aryan
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "amerindian">> Amerindian
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "pacific islander">> Pacific Islander
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "malay">> Malay
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.race" "mixed race">> Mixed race
-''Original Race: ($activeSlave.origRace)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.origRace" $activeSlave.origRace>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "white">> White
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "asian">> Asian
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "latina">> Latina
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "middle eastern">> Middle Eastern
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "black">> Black
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "semitic">> Semitic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "southern european">> Southern European
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "indo-aryan">> Indo-Aryan
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "amerindian">> Amerindian
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "pacific islander">> Pacific Islander
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "malay">> Malay
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origRace" "mixed race">> Mixed race
-''Skin color: ($activeSlave.skin)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.skin" $activeSlave.skin>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "pure white">> Pure White
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "extremely pale">> Extremely Pale
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "pale">> Pale
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "extremely fair">> Extremely Fair
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "very fair">> Very Fair
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "fair">> Fair
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "white">> White
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "light">> Light
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "lightened">> Lightened
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "light olive">> Light Olive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "olive">> Olive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "natural">> Natural
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "tanned">> Tanned
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "bronzed">> Bronzed
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "dark olive">> Dark Olive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "dark">> Dark
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "light brown">> Light Brown
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "brown">> Brown
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "dark brown">> Dark Brown
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "black">> Black
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "ebony">> Ebony
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.skin" "pure black">> Pure Black
-''Original Skin Color: ($activeSlave.origSkin)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.origSkin" $activeSlave.origSkin>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "pure white">> Pure White
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "extremely pale">> Extremely Pale
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "pale">> Pale
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "extremely fair">> Extremely Fair
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "very fair">> Very Fair
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "fair">> Fair
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "white">> White
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "light">> Light
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "lightened">> Lightened
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "light olive">> Light Olive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "olive">> Olive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "natural">> Natural
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "tanned">> Tanned
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "bronzed">> Bronzed
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "dark olive">> Dark Olive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "dark">> Dark
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "light brown">> Light Brown
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "brown">> Brown
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "dark brown">> Dark Brown
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "black">> Black
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "ebony">> Ebony
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.origSkin" "pure black">> Pure Black
-''Accent: ($activeSlave.accent)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.accent" $activeSlave.accent>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.accent" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.accent" 1>> Distinctive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.accent" 2>> Thick
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.accent" 3>> Barely Understands Language
+''Race: ($tempSlave.race)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.race" $tempSlave.race>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "white">> White
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "asian">> Asian
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "latina">> Latina
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "middle eastern">> Middle Eastern
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "black">> Black
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "semitic">> Semitic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "southern european">> Southern European
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "indo-aryan">> Indo-Aryan
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "amerindian">> Amerindian
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "pacific islander">> Pacific Islander
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "malay">> Malay
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.race" "mixed race">> Mixed race
+''Original Race: ($tempSlave.origRace)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.origRace" $tempSlave.origRace>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "white">> White
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "asian">> Asian
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "latina">> Latina
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "middle eastern">> Middle Eastern
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "black">> Black
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "semitic">> Semitic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "southern european">> Southern European
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "indo-aryan">> Indo-Aryan
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "amerindian">> Amerindian
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "pacific islander">> Pacific Islander
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "malay">> Malay
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origRace" "mixed race">> Mixed race
+''Skin color: ($tempSlave.skin)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.skin" $tempSlave.skin>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "pure white">> Pure White
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "extremely pale">> Extremely Pale
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "pale">> Pale
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "extremely fair">> Extremely Fair
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "very fair">> Very Fair
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "fair">> Fair
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "white">> White
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "light">> Light
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "lightened">> Lightened
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "light olive">> Light Olive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "olive">> Olive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "natural">> Natural
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "tanned">> Tanned
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "bronzed">> Bronzed
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "dark olive">> Dark Olive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "dark">> Dark
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "light brown">> Light Brown
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "brown">> Brown
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "dark brown">> Dark Brown
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "black">> Black
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "ebony">> Ebony
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.skin" "pure black">> Pure Black
+''Original Skin Color: ($tempSlave.origSkin)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.origSkin" $tempSlave.origSkin>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "pure white">> Pure White
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "extremely pale">> Extremely Pale
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "pale">> Pale
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "extremely fair">> Extremely Fair
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "very fair">> Very Fair
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "fair">> Fair
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "white">> White
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "light">> Light
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "lightened">> Lightened
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "light olive">> Light Olive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "olive">> Olive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "natural">> Natural
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "tanned">> Tanned
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "bronzed">> Bronzed
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "dark olive">> Dark Olive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "dark">> Dark
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "light brown">> Light Brown
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "brown">> Brown
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "dark brown">> Dark Brown
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "black">> Black
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "ebony">> Ebony
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.origSkin" "pure black">> Pure Black
+''Accent: ($tempSlave.accent)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.accent" $tempSlave.accent>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.accent" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.accent" 1>> Distinctive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.accent" 2>> Thick
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.accent" 3>> Barely Understands Language
 ''Age - Actual:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.actualAge" $activeSlave.actualAge>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.actualAge" $tempSlave.actualAge>>
 ''Age - Physical:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.physicalAge" $activeSlave.physicalAge>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.physicalAge" $tempSlave.physicalAge>>
 ''Age - Visual:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.visualAge" $activeSlave.visualAge>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.visualAge" $tempSlave.visualAge>>
 ''Age - Ovary:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.ovaryAge" $activeSlave.ovaryAge>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.ovaryAge" $tempSlave.ovaryAge>>
 ''Birth week:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.birthWeek" $activeSlave.birthWeek>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.birthWeek" $tempSlave.birthWeek>>
 ''Age Implant (0 or 1):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.ageImplant" $activeSlave.ageImplant>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.ageImplant" $tempSlave.ageImplant>>
 ''Health (-99 to 100, -100 is death):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.health" $activeSlave.health>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.health" $tempSlave.health>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.addict" $activeSlave.addict>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.addict" $tempSlave.addict>>
 ''DNA Damage:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.chem" $activeSlave.chem>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.chem" $tempSlave.chem>>
 //Don't set devotion too far away from old devotion otherwise it won't stick//
 ''Devotion (-100 to 100):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.devotion" $activeSlave.devotion>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.devotion" $tempSlave.devotion>>
 ''Old Devotion (-100 to 100):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.oldDevotion" $activeSlave.oldDevotion>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.oldDevotion" $tempSlave.oldDevotion>>
 //Don't set trust too far away from old trust otherwise it won't stick//
 ''Trust (-100 to 100):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.trust" $activeSlave.trust>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.trust" $tempSlave.trust>>
 ''Old Trust (-100 to 100):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.oldTrust" $activeSlave.oldTrust>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.oldTrust" $tempSlave.oldTrust>>
-<<switch $activeSlave.hStyle>>
+<<switch $tempSlave.hStyle>>
 <<case "tails" "dreadlocks" "cornrows">>
-''Her hair is in $activeSlave.hStyle''
+''Her hair is in $tempSlave.hStyle''
 <<case "ponytail">>
-''Her hair is in a $activeSlave.hStyle''
+''Her hair is in a $tempSlave.hStyle''
-''Her hair is $activeSlave.hStyle''
+''Her hair is $tempSlave.hStyle''
-Custom hair description: <<textbox "$activeSlave.hStyle" $activeSlave.hStyle>>
+Custom hair description: <<textbox "$tempSlave.hStyle" $tempSlave.hStyle>>
 //For best results, use a short, uncapitalized and unpunctuated description; for example: 'back in a ponytail'//
-''Hair length: $activeSlave.hLength''
-Custom hair length: <<textbox "$activeSlave.hLength" $activeSlave.hLength>>
+''Hair length: $tempSlave.hLength''
+Custom hair length: <<textbox "$tempSlave.hLength" $tempSlave.hLength>>
-''Her hair is $activeSlave.hColor in color''
-Custom hair color: <<textbox "$activeSlave.hColor" $activeSlave.hColor>>
+''Her hair is $tempSlave.hColor in color''
+Custom hair color: <<textbox "$tempSlave.hColor" $tempSlave.hColor>>
 //For best results, use a short, uncapitalized and unpunctuated description; for example: 'black with purple highlights', also see [[Dyes|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Dyes"]]//
-''Her pubic hair is $activeSlave.pubicHColor in color''
-Custom pubic hair color: <<textbox "$activeSlave.pubicHColor" $activeSlave.pubicHColor>>
+''Her pubic hair is $tempSlave.pubicHColor in color''
+Custom pubic hair color: <<textbox "$tempSlave.pubicHColor" $tempSlave.pubicHColor>>
-''Pubic Hair Style: ($activeSlave.pubicHStyle)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.pubicHStyle" $activeSlave.pubicHStyle>>
+''Pubic Hair Style: ($tempSlave.pubicHStyle)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.pubicHStyle" $tempSlave.pubicHStyle>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pubicHStyle" "neat">> Neat
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pubicHStyle" "waxed">> Waxed
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pubicHStyle" "in a strip">> Strip
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pubicHStyle" "bushy">> Bushy
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pubicHStyle" "bald">> Bald
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pubicHStyle" "hairless">> Hairless
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pubicHStyle" "neat">> Neat
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pubicHStyle" "waxed">> Waxed
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pubicHStyle" "in a strip">> Strip
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pubicHStyle" "bushy">> Bushy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pubicHStyle" "bald">> Bald
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pubicHStyle" "hairless">> Hairless
-''Her eyes are currently $activeSlave.eyeColor in color''
-Custom eye color: <<textbox "$activeSlave.eyeColor" $activeSlave.eyeColor>>
+''Her eyes are currently $tempSlave.eyeColor in color''
+Custom eye color: <<textbox "$tempSlave.eyeColor" $tempSlave.eyeColor>>
-''Her eyes are originally $activeSlave.origEye in color''
-Custom eye color: <<textbox "$activeSlave.origEye" $activeSlave.origEye>>
+''Her eyes are originally $tempSlave.origEye in color''
+Custom eye color: <<textbox "$tempSlave.origEye" $tempSlave.origEye>>
-''Her pupils are $activeSlave.pupil in shape''
-Custom pupil shape: <<textbox "$activeSlave.pupil" $activeSlave.pupil>>
+''Her pupils are $tempSlave.pupil in shape''
+Custom pupil shape: <<textbox "$tempSlave.pupil" $tempSlave.pupil>>
-''Her sclerae are $activeSlave.sclerae in color''
-Custom sclera color: <<textbox "$activeSlave.sclerae" $activeSlave.sclerae>>
+''Her sclerae are $tempSlave.sclerae in color''
+Custom sclera color: <<textbox "$tempSlave.sclerae" $tempSlave.sclerae>>
-''Her vision is (-1: nearsighted, 1: normal): $activeSlave.eyes''
-<br>Eyes: <<textbox "$activeSlave.eyes" $activeSlave.eyes>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.eyes" 1>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.eyes" -1>> Nearsighted
+''Her vision is (-1: nearsighted, 1: normal): $tempSlave.eyes''
+<br>Eyes: <<textbox "$tempSlave.eyes" $tempSlave.eyes>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.eyes" 1>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.eyes" -1>> Nearsighted
 <<if $seeExtreme == 1>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.eyes" -2>> Blind
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.eyes" -2>> Blind
-''Her hearing is (-1: impaired, 0: normal): $activeSlave.hears''
-<br>Ears: <<textbox "$activeSlave.hears" $activeSlave.hears>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hears" 0>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hears" -1>> Hard Of Hearing
+''Her hearing is (-1: impaired, 0: normal): $tempSlave.hears''
+<br>Ears: <<textbox "$tempSlave.hears" $tempSlave.hears>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hears" 0>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hears" -1>> Hard Of Hearing
 <<if $seeExtreme == 1>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hears" -2>> Deaf
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hears" -2>> Deaf
-''Change her custom tattoo:'' <<textbox "$activeSlave.customTat" $activeSlave.customTat>>
+''Change her custom tattoo:'' <<textbox "$tempSlave.customTat" $tempSlave.customTat>>
 //For best results, use complete, capitalized and punctuated sentences; for example: 'She has blue stars tattooed along her cheekbones, and a blue arrow down each arm.'//
-''Change her custom description:'' <<textbox "$activeSlave.customDesc" $activeSlave.customDesc>>
+''Change her custom description:'' <<textbox "$tempSlave.customDesc" $tempSlave.customDesc>>
 //For best results, use complete, capitalized and punctuated sentences; for example: 'She has a beauty mark above her left nipple.'//
-''Change her custom label:'' <<textbox "$activeSlave.customLabel" $activeSlave.customLabel>>
+''Change her custom label:'' <<textbox "$tempSlave.customLabel" $tempSlave.customLabel>>
 //For best results, use a short phrase; for example: 'Breeder.'//
-''Face (-100 to 100): $activeSlave.face |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.face" $activeSlave.face>>
+''Face (-100 to 100): $tempSlave.face |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.face" $tempSlave.face>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.face" -100>> Very ugly
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.face" -55>> Ugly
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.face" -15>> Unattractive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.face" 0>> Pretty
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.face" 15>> Attractive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.face" 55>> Beautiful
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.face" 100>> Very beautiful
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.face" -100>> Very ugly
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.face" -55>> Ugly
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.face" -15>> Unattractive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.face" 0>> Pretty
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.face" 15>> Attractive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.face" 55>> Beautiful
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.face" 100>> Very beautiful
-''Face Shape: $activeSlave.faceShape |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.faceShape" $activeSlave.faceShape>>
+''Face Shape: $tempSlave.faceShape |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.faceShape" $tempSlave.faceShape>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceShape" masculine>> Masculine
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceShape" androgynous>> Androgynous
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceShape" normal>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceShape" cute>> Cute
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceShape" sensual>> Sensual
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceShape" exotic>> Exotic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceShape" masculine>> Masculine
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceShape" androgynous>> Androgynous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceShape" normal>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceShape" cute>> Cute
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceShape" sensual>> Sensual
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceShape" exotic>> Exotic
-''Facial Artificiality (0 to 100): $activeSlave.faceImplant |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.faceImplant" $activeSlave.faceImplant>>
+''Facial Artificiality (0 to 100): $tempSlave.faceImplant |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.faceImplant" $tempSlave.faceImplant>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceImplant" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceImplant" 15>> Subtle Improvements
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceImplant" 35>> Noticeable Work
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceImplant" 65>> Heavily Reworked
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.faceImplant" 100>> Uncanny Valley
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceImplant" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceImplant" 15>> Subtle Improvements
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceImplant" 35>> Noticeable Work
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceImplant" 65>> Heavily Reworked
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.faceImplant" 100>> Uncanny Valley
-''Natural Skin Distinctiveness: $activeSlave.markings |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.markings" $activeSlave.markings>>
+''Natural Skin Distinctiveness: $tempSlave.markings |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.markings" $tempSlave.markings>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.markings" none>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.markings" freckles>> Freckles
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.markings" heavily freckled>> Heavy Freckles
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.markings" beauty mark>> Beauty Mark
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.markings" birthmark>> Birth Mark
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.markings" none>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.markings" freckles>> Freckles
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.markings" heavily freckled>> Heavy Freckles
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.markings" beauty mark>> Beauty Mark
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.markings" birthmark>> Birth Mark
 ''Oral sex (0 to 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.oralSkill <= 10>>
+<<if $tempSlave.oralSkill <= 10>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.oralSkill <= 30>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.oralSkill <= 30>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.oralSkill <= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.oralSkill <= 60>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.oralSkill < 100>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.oralSkill < 100>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.oralSkill" $activeSlave.oralSkill>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.oralSkill" $tempSlave.oralSkill>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.oralSkill" 0>> Unskilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.oralSkill" 15>> Basic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.oralSkill" 35>> Skilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.oralSkill" 65>> Expert
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.oralSkill" 100>> Masterful
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.oralSkill" 0>> Unskilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.oralSkill" 15>> Basic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.oralSkill" 35>> Skilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.oralSkill" 65>> Expert
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.oralSkill" 100>> Masterful
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.prestige" $activeSlave.prestige>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.prestige" 0>> 0
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.prestige" 1>> 1
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.prestige" 2>> 2
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.prestige" 3>> 3
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.prestige" $tempSlave.prestige>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.prestige" 0>> 0
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.prestige" 1>> 1
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.prestige" 2>> 2
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.prestige" 3>> 3
 ''Prestige description:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.prestigeDesc" $activeSlave.prestigeDesc>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.prestigeDesc" $tempSlave.prestigeDesc>>
-''Muscles (-100 to 100): $activeSlave.muscles |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.muscles" $activeSlave.muscles>>
+''Muscles (-100 to 100): $tempSlave.muscles |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.muscles" $tempSlave.muscles>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.muscles" -98>> Frail
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.muscles" -46>> Very Weak
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.muscles" -16>> Weak
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.muscles" 0>> Soft
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.muscles" 15>> Toned
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.muscles" 45>> Well Built
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.muscles" 62>> Quite Muscular
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.muscles" 97>> Extremely Muscular
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.muscles" -98>> Frail
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.muscles" -46>> Very Weak
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.muscles" -16>> Weak
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.muscles" 0>> Soft
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.muscles" 15>> Toned
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.muscles" 45>> Well Built
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.muscles" 62>> Quite Muscular
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.muscles" 97>> Extremely Muscular
-''Height: $activeSlave.height |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.height" $activeSlave.height>>
+''Height: $tempSlave.height |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.height" $tempSlave.height>>
 (149 or lower: Petite, 150-159: Short, 160-169: Average, 170-184: Tall, 185 or higher: Very Tall)
-''Height Implant (-1 to 1): $activeSlave.heightImplant |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.heightImplant" $activeSlave.heightImplant>>
+''Height Implant (-1 to 1): $tempSlave.heightImplant |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.heightImplant" $tempSlave.heightImplant>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.heightImplant" -1>> Artificially Shortened
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.heightImplant" 0>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.heightImplant" 1>> Artificially Lengthened
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.heightImplant" -1>> Artificially Shortened
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.heightImplant" 0>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.heightImplant" 1>> Artificially Lengthened
-''Lips (0 to 100): $activeSlave.lips |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.lips" $activeSlave.lips>>
+''Lips (0 to 100): $tempSlave.lips |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.lips" $tempSlave.lips>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lips" 0>> Thin
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lips" 15>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lips" 35>> Plush
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lips" 65>> Big
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lips" 85>> Huge
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lips" 100>> Enormous Facepussy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lips" 0>> Thin
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lips" 15>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lips" 35>> Plush
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lips" 65>> Big
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lips" 85>> Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lips" 100>> Enormous Facepussy
-''Lip Implants (0 to 30): $activeSlave.lipsImplant |''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lipsImplant" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lipsImplant" 10>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lipsImplant" 20>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lipsImplant" 30>> Enormous
+''Lip Implants (0 to 30): $tempSlave.lipsImplant |''
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lipsImplant" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lipsImplant" 10>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lipsImplant" 20>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lipsImplant" 30>> Enormous
-''Teeth: $activeSlave.teeth |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.teeth" $activeSlave.teeth>>
+''Teeth: $tempSlave.teeth |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.teeth" $tempSlave.teeth>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.teeth" normal>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.teeth" pointy>> Pointy
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.teeth" crooked>> Crooked
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.teeth" straightening braces>> Straightening Braces
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.teeth" cosmetic braces>> Cosmetic Braces
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.teeth" removable>> Removable
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.teeth" normal>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.teeth" pointy>> Pointy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.teeth" crooked>> Crooked
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.teeth" straightening braces>> Straightening Braces
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.teeth" cosmetic braces>> Cosmetic Braces
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.teeth" removable>> Removable
-''Voice (0,1,2,3): $activeSlave.voice |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.voice" $activeSlave.voice>>
+''Voice (0,1,2,3): $tempSlave.voice |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.voice" $tempSlave.voice>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.voice" 0>> Mute
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.voice" 1>> Deep
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.voice" 2>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.voice" 3>> High
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.voice" 0>> Mute
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.voice" 1>> Deep
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.voice" 2>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.voice" 3>> High
 ''Weight (-100 to 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.weight < -95>>
+<<if $tempSlave.weight < -95>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight < -30>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.weight < -30>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight < -10>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.weight < -10>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight <= 10 >>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.weight <= 10 >>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight <= 30>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.weight <= 30>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.weight <= 95>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.weight <= 95>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.weight" $activeSlave.weight>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.weight" $tempSlave.weight>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.weight" -100>> Emaciated
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.weight" -50>> Skinny
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.weight" -20>> Thin
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.weight" 0>> Average
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.weight" 20>> Plush
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.weight" 50>> Chubby
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.weight" 100>> Fat
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.weight" -100>> Emaciated
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.weight" -50>> Skinny
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.weight" -20>> Thin
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.weight" 0>> Average
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.weight" 20>> Plush
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.weight" 50>> Chubby
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.weight" 100>> Fat
-''Waist (Masculine:100 | Ugly:55 | Unattractive:15 | Average:0 | Feminine:-15 | hourglass:-55 | Absurd:-100): "$activeSlave.waist" |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.waist" $activeSlave.waist>>
+''Waist (Masculine:100 | Ugly:55 | Unattractive:15 | Average:0 | Feminine:-15 | hourglass:-55 | Absurd:-100): "$tempSlave.waist" |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.waist" $tempSlave.waist>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.waist" 100>> Masculine
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.waist" 55>> Ugly
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.waist" 15>> Unattractive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.waist" 0>> Average
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.waist" -15>> Feminine
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.waist" -55>> Hourglass
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.waist" -100>> Absurd
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.waist" 100>> Masculine
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.waist" 55>> Ugly
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.waist" 15>> Unattractive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.waist" 0>> Average
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.waist" -15>> Feminine
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.waist" -55>> Hourglass
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.waist" -100>> Absurd
-''Shoulders (-2 to 2): $activeSlave.shoulders |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.shoulders" $activeSlave.shoulders>>
+''Shoulders (-2 to 2): $tempSlave.shoulders |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.shoulders" $tempSlave.shoulders>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shoulders" -2>> Very narrow
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shoulders" -1>> Narrow
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shoulders" 0>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shoulders" 1>> Broad
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shoulders" 2>> Very broad
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shoulders" -2>> Very narrow
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shoulders" -1>> Narrow
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shoulders" 0>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shoulders" 1>> Broad
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shoulders" 2>> Very broad
-''Shoulder Surgery (-2 to 2): $activeSlave.shouldersImplant |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.shouldersImplant" $activeSlave.shouldersImplant>>
+''Shoulder Surgery (-2 to 2): $tempSlave.shouldersImplant |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.shouldersImplant" $tempSlave.shouldersImplant>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shouldersImplant" -2>> Adv. Narrowed
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shouldersImplant" -1>> Narrowed
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shouldersImplant" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shouldersImplant" 1>> Broadened
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.shouldersImplant" 2>> Adv. Broadened
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shouldersImplant" -2>> Adv. Narrowed
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shouldersImplant" -1>> Narrowed
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shouldersImplant" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shouldersImplant" 1>> Broadened
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.shouldersImplant" 2>> Adv. Broadened
-''Hips (-2 to 2): $activeSlave.hips |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.hips" $activeSlave.hips>>
+''Hips (-2 to 2): $tempSlave.hips |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.hips" $tempSlave.hips>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hips" -2>> Very narrow
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hips" -1>> Narrow
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hips" -0>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hips" 1>> Broad
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hips" 2>> Very broad
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hips" -2>> Very narrow
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hips" -1>> Narrow
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hips" -0>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hips" 1>> Broad
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hips" 2>> Very broad
-''Hip Surgery(-2 to 2): $activeSlave.hipsImplant |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.hipsImplant" $activeSlave.hipsImplant>>
+''Hip Surgery(-2 to 2): $tempSlave.hipsImplant |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.hipsImplant" $tempSlave.hipsImplant>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hipsImplant" -2>> Adv. Narrowed
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hipsImplant" -1>> Narrowed
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hipsImplant" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hipsImplant" 1>> Broadened
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.hipsImplant" 2>> Adv. Broadened
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hipsImplant" -2>> Adv. Narrowed
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hipsImplant" -1>> Narrowed
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hipsImplant" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hipsImplant" 1>> Broadened
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hipsImplant" 2>> Adv. Broadened
-''Amputated (0:normal, 1: amputated, -1 to -5 prosthetic limbs):'' $activeSlave.amp
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.amp" $activeSlave.amp>>
+''Amputated (0:normal, 1: amputated, -1 to -5 prosthetic limbs):'' $tempSlave.amp
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.amp" $tempSlave.amp>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.amp" 0>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.amp" 1>> Amputated
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.amp" -1>> Basic prosthetic limbs
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.amp" -2>> Sexy prosthetic limbs
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.amp" -3>> Beauty prosthetic limbs
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.amp" -4>> Combat prosthetic limbs
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.amp" -5>> Cybernetic limbs
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.amp" 0>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.amp" 1>> Amputated
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.amp" -1>> Basic prosthetic limbs
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.amp" -2>> Sexy prosthetic limbs
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.amp" -3>> Beauty prosthetic limbs
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.amp" -4>> Combat prosthetic limbs
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.amp" -5>> Cybernetic limbs
-''Genes (XX:female, XY:male):'' $activeSlave.genes
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.genes" $activeSlave.genes>>
+''Genes (XX:female, XY:male):'' $tempSlave.genes
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.genes" $tempSlave.genes>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.genes" "XX">> Female
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.genes" "XY">> Male
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.genes" "XX">> Female
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.genes" "XY">> Male
-''Hormone Balance (<-400 to >+400): $activeSlave.hormoneBalance |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.hormoneBalance" $activeSlave.hormoneBalance>>
+''Hormone Balance (<-400 to >+400): $tempSlave.hormoneBalance |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" $tempSlave.hormoneBalance>>
 <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -400>> Overwhelmingly masculine
 <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -300>> Extremely masculine
@@ -614,850 +615,849 @@ Plush.
 ''Breasts (200 to 50000):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.boobs" $activeSlave.boobs>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.boobs" $tempSlave.boobs>>
 ''Breast Implants:''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.boobsImplant" $activeSlave.boobsImplant>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.boobsImplant" $tempSlave.boobsImplant>>
 ''Breast String Implants (no:0 | yes:1):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.boobsImplantType" $activeSlave.boobsImplantType>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.boobsImplantType" 0>> No
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.boobsImplantType" 1>> Yes
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.boobsImplantType" $tempSlave.boobsImplantType>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobsImplantType" 0>> No
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobsImplantType" 1>> Yes
-''Lactation (none:0 | natural:1 | artificial:2): $activeSlave.lactation |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.lactation" $activeSlave.lactation>>
+''Lactation (none:0 | natural:1 | artificial:2): $tempSlave.lactation |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.lactation" $tempSlave.lactation>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lactation" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lactation" 1>> Natural
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lactation" 2>> Artificial
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lactation" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lactation" 1>> Natural
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lactation" 2>> Artificial
-''Lactation Adaptation (0 to 100): $activeSlave.lactationAdaptation |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.lactationAdaptation" $activeSlave.lactationAdaptation>>
+''Lactation Adaptation (0 to 100): $tempSlave.lactationAdaptation |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.lactationAdaptation" $tempSlave.lactationAdaptation>>
-''Breast Shape: $activeSlave.boobShape |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.boobShape" $activeSlave.boobShape>>
+''Breast Shape: $tempSlave.boobShape |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.boobShape" $tempSlave.boobShape>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.boobShape" "perky">> Perky
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.boobShape" "torpedo-shaped">> Torpedo-Shaped
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.boobShape" "wide-set">> Wide-Set
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.boobShape" "downward-facing">> Downward-Facing
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.boobShape" "saggy">> Saggy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobShape" "perky">> Perky
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobShape" "torpedo-shaped">> Torpedo-Shaped
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobShape" "wide-set">> Wide-Set
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobShape" "downward-facing">> Downward-Facing
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobShape" "saggy">> Saggy
-''Nipples: $activeSlave.nipples |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.nipples" $activeSlave.nipples>>
+''Nipples: $tempSlave.nipples |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.nipples" $tempSlave.nipples>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipples" "tiny">> Tiny
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipples" "cute">> Cute
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipples" "puffy">> Puffy
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipples" "inverted">> Inverted
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipples" "huge">> Huge
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipples" "fuckable">> Penetrable
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipples" "tiny">> Tiny
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipples" "cute">> Cute
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipples" "puffy">> Puffy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipples" "inverted">> Inverted
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipples" "huge">> Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipples" "fuckable">> Penetrable
-''Areolae (Normal:0 to Huge:3): $activeSlave.areolae |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.areolae" $activeSlave.areolae>>
+''Areolae (Normal:0 to Huge:3): $tempSlave.areolae |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.areolae" $tempSlave.areolae>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.areolae" 0>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.areolae" 1>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.areolae" 2>> Wide
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.areolae" 3>> Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.areolae" 0>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.areolae" 1>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.areolae" 2>> Wide
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.areolae" 3>> Huge
 ''Butt Size (1 to 7): ''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.butt" $activeSlave.butt>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.butt" $tempSlave.butt>>
-''Butt Implants (0,1,2,3): $activeSlave.buttImplant'' |
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.buttImplant" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.buttImplant" 1>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.buttImplant" 2>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.buttImplant" 3>> Huge
+''Butt Implants (0,1,2,3): $tempSlave.buttImplant'' |
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.buttImplant" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.buttImplant" 1>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.buttImplant" 2>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.buttImplant" 3>> Huge
 ''Butt String Implants (no:0 | yes:1):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.buttImplantType" $activeSlave.boobsImplantType>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.buttImplantType" 0>> No
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.buttImplantType" 1>> Yes
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.buttImplantType" $tempSlave.boobsImplantType>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.buttImplantType" 0>> No
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.buttImplantType" 1>> Yes
 ''Anus Size:''
-<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>@@.lime;Virgin@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.anus == 1>>Normal
-<<elseif $activeSlave.anus == 2>>Veteran
+<<if $tempSlave.anus == 0>>@@.lime;Virgin@@
+<<elseif $tempSlave.anus == 1>>Normal
+<<elseif $tempSlave.anus == 2>>Veteran
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.anus" 0>> Virgin
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.anus" 1>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.anus" 2>> Veteran
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.anus" 3>> Gaping
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.anus" 0>> Virgin
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.anus" 1>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.anus" 2>> Veteran
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.anus" 3>> Gaping
 ''Anal sex (0 to 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.analSkill <= 10>>
+<<if $tempSlave.analSkill <= 10>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.analSkill <= 30>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.analSkill <= 30>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.analSkill <= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.analSkill <= 60>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.analSkill < 100>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.analSkill < 100>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.analSkill" $activeSlave.analSkill>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.analSkill" $tempSlave.analSkill>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.analSkill" 0>> Unskilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.analSkill" 15>> Basic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.analSkill" 35>> Skilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.analSkill" 65>> Expert
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.analSkill" 100>> Masterful
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.analSkill" 0>> Unskilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.analSkill" 15>> Basic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.analSkill" 35>> Skilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.analSkill" 65>> Expert
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.analSkill" 100>> Masterful
 ''Vagina (no vagina:-1,0,1,2,3):''
-<<if $activeSlave.vagina == -1>>
+<<if $tempSlave.vagina == -1>>
 //No vagina.//
-<<elseif $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.vagina == 0>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.vagina == 1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.vagina == 1>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.vagina == 2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.vagina == 2>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.vagina" $activeSlave.vagina>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.vagina" $tempSlave.vagina>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vagina" -1>> No vagina
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vagina" 0>> Virgin
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vagina" 1>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vagina" 2>> Veteran
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vagina" 3>> Gaping
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vagina" -1>> No vagina
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vagina" 0>> Virgin
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vagina" 1>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vagina" 2>> Veteran
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vagina" 3>> Gaping
 ''Vagina Wetness (0,1,2):''
-<<if $activeSlave.vaginaLube == 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.vaginaLube == 0>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.vaginaLube == 1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.vaginaLube == 1>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.vaginaLube" $activeSlave.vaginaLube>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.vaginaLube" $tempSlave.vaginaLube>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginaLube" 0>> Dry
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginaLube" 1>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginaLube" 2>> Excessive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginaLube" 0>> Dry
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginaLube" 1>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginaLube" 2>> Excessive
-''Ovaries (none: 0 | exist: 1): $activeSlave.ovaries''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.ovaries" $activeSlave.ovaries>>
-<<if $activeSlave.ovaries == 1>>
-<<checkbox "$activeSlave.ovaries" 0 1 checked>>
+''Ovaries (none: 0 | exist: 1): $tempSlave.ovaries''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.ovaries" $tempSlave.ovaries>>
+<<if $tempSlave.ovaries == 1>>
+<<checkbox "$tempSlave.ovaries" 0 1 checked>>
-<<checkbox "$activeSlave.ovaries" 0 1>>
+<<checkbox "$tempSlave.ovaries" 0 1>>
 ''Vaginal sex (0 to 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.vaginalSkill <= 10>>
+<<if $tempSlave.vaginalSkill <= 10>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.vaginalSkill <= 30>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.vaginalSkill <= 30>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.vaginalSkill <= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.vaginalSkill <= 60>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.vaginalSkill < 100>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.vaginalSkill < 100>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.vaginalSkill" $activeSlave.vaginalSkill>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.vaginalSkill" $tempSlave.vaginalSkill>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginalSkill" 0>> Unskilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginalSkill" 15>> Basic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginalSkill" 35>> Skilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginalSkill" 65>> Expert
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginalSkill" 100>> Masterful
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginalSkill" 0>> Unskilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginalSkill" 15>> Basic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginalSkill" 35>> Skilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginalSkill" 65>> Expert
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginalSkill" 100>> Masterful
-<<if $activeSlave.clit == 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.clit == 0>>
 Normal. |
-<<elseif $activeSlave.clit == 1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.clit == 1>>
 Big. |
-<<elseif $activeSlave.clit == 2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.clit == 2>>
 Huge. |
-<<elseif $activeSlave.clit == 3>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.clit == 3>>
 Enormous. |
 Dick-like. |
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.clit" $activeSlave.clit>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clit" 0>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clit" 1>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clit" 2>> Huge
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clit" 3>> Enormous
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clit" 4>> Gigantic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clit" 5>> That's no dick!
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.clit" $tempSlave.clit>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clit" 0>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clit" 1>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clit" 2>> Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clit" 3>> Enormous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clit" 4>> Gigantic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clit" 5>> That's no dick!
-<<if $activeSlave.labia == 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.labia == 0>>
 Minimal. |
-<<elseif $activeSlave.labia == 1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.labia == 1>>
 Normal. |
-<<elseif $activeSlave.labia == 2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.labia == 2>>
 Large. |
 Huge. |
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.labia" $activeSlave.labia>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.labia" $tempSlave.labia>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.labia" 0>> Minimal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.labia" 1>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.labia" 2>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.labia" 3>> Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.labia" 0>> Minimal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.labia" 1>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.labia" 2>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.labia" 3>> Huge
 ''Pregnancy Level (-2: sterile, -1: contraceptives, 0: not pregnant, 1 to 25: pregnant):''
-<<if $activeSlave.preg > 20>>
+<<if $tempSlave.preg > 20>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.preg > 5>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.preg > 5>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.preg == 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.preg == 0>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.preg == -1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.preg == -1>>
 Using contraceptives.
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.preg" $activeSlave.preg>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.preg" $tempSlave.preg>>
 ''Number of babies (0: none, 1 - 5):''
-<<if $activeSlave.pregType == 1>>
+<<if $tempSlave.pregType == 1>>
 A single baby.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.pregType == 2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.pregType == 2>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.pregType == 3>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.pregType == 3>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.pregType == 4>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.pregType == 4>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.pregType > 4>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.pregType > 4>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.pregType" $activeSlave.pregType>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.pregType" $tempSlave.pregType>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pregType" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pregType" 1>> Single
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pregType" 2>> Twins
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pregType" 3>> Triplets
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pregType" 4>> Quadruplets
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.pregType" 5>> Quintuplets
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pregType" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pregType" 1>> Single
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pregType" 2>> Twins
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pregType" 3>> Triplets
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pregType" 4>> Quadruplets
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.pregType" 5>> Quintuplets
 ''Father (0: none, -1: you, -2: unknown, slave ID):''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.pregSource" $activeSlave.pregSource>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.pregSource" $tempSlave.pregSource>>
 ''Penis (none:0, 1 to 10):''
-<<if $activeSlave.dick == 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.dick == 0>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.dick == 1>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.dick == 2>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 3>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.dick == 3>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 4>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.dick == 4>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 5>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.dick == 5>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 6>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.dick == 6>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 7>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.dick == 7>>
 Still huge.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 8>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.dick == 8>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.dick" $activeSlave.dick>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.dick" $tempSlave.dick>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 1>> Tiny
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 2>> Small
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 3>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 4>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 5>> Massive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 6>> Huge
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 7>> More Huge
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 8>> Enormous
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 9>> Monstrous
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dick" 10>> Big McLargeHuge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 1>> Tiny
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 2>> Small
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 3>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 4>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 5>> Massive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 6>> Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 7>> More Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 8>> Enormous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 9>> Monstrous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dick" 10>> Big McLargeHuge
 ''Foreskin (0 to 5):''
-<<if $activeSlave.foreskin == 0>> None
-<<elseif $activeSlave.foreskin == 1>> Tiny
-<<elseif $activeSlave.foreskin == 2>> Small
-<<elseif $activeSlave.foreskin == 3>> Normal
-<<elseif $activeSlave.foreskin == 4>> Large
+<<if $tempSlave.foreskin == 0>> None
+<<elseif $tempSlave.foreskin == 1>> Tiny
+<<elseif $tempSlave.foreskin == 2>> Small
+<<elseif $tempSlave.foreskin == 3>> Normal
+<<elseif $tempSlave.foreskin == 4>> Large
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.foreskin" $activeSlave.foreskin>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.foreskin" $tempSlave.foreskin>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.foreskin" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.foreskin" 1>> Vestigial
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.foreskin" 2>> Small
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.foreskin" 3>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.foreskin" 4>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.foreskin" 5>> Massive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.foreskin" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.foreskin" 1>> Vestigial
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.foreskin" 2>> Small
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.foreskin" 3>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.foreskin" 4>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.foreskin" 5>> Massive
 ''Testicles (0 to 6):''
-<<if $activeSlave.balls == 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.balls == 0>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.balls == 1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.balls == 1>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.balls == 2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.balls == 2>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.balls == 3>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.balls == 3>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.balls == 4>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.balls == 4>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.balls == 5>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.balls == 5>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.balls" $activeSlave.balls>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.balls" $tempSlave.balls>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 0>> None / Invisible
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 1>> Vestigial
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 2>> Small
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 3>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 4>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 5>> Massive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 6>> Huge
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 7>> More Huge
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 8>> Enormous
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 9>> Monstrous
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.balls" 10>> Big McLargeHuge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 0>> None / Invisible
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 1>> Vestigial
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 2>> Small
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 3>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 4>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 5>> Massive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 6>> Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 7>> More Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 8>> Enormous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 9>> Monstrous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.balls" 10>> Big McLargeHuge
 ''Ballsack (0 to 8):''
-<<if $activeSlave.scrotum == 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.scrotum == 0>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.scrotum == 1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.scrotum == 1>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.scrotum == 2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.scrotum == 2>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.scrotum == 3>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.scrotum == 3>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.scrotum == 4>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.scrotum == 4>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.scrotum == 5>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.scrotum == 5>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.scrotum == 6>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.scrotum == 6>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.scrotum == 7>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.scrotum == 7>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.scrotum" $activeSlave.scrotum>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.scrotum" $tempSlave.scrotum>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 1>> Vestigial
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 2>> Small
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 3>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 4>> Large
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 5>> Huge
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 6>> Massive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 7>> Enormous
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.scrotum" 8>> Monstrous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 1>> Vestigial
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 2>> Small
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 3>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 4>> Large
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 5>> Huge
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 6>> Massive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 7>> Enormous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.scrotum" 8>> Monstrous
-''Prostate (0: no prostate, 1:prostate, 2:hyperactive, 3:hyperactive-modified):'' $activeSlave.prostate
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.prostate" $activeSlave.prostate>>
+''Prostate (0: no prostate, 1:prostate, 2:hyperactive, 3:hyperactive-modified):'' $tempSlave.prostate
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.prostate" $tempSlave.prostate>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.prostate" 0>> No prostate
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.prostate" 1>> Prostate
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.prostate" 2>> Hyperactive prostate
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.prostate" 3>> Hyperactive modified prostate
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.prostate" 0>> No prostate
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.prostate" 1>> Prostate
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.prostate" 2>> Hyperactive prostate
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.prostate" 3>> Hyperactive modified prostate
 ''Prostitution (0 to 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.whoreSkill <= 10>>
+<<if $tempSlave.whoreSkill <= 10>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.whoreSkill <= 30>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.whoreSkill <= 30>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.whoreSkill <= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.whoreSkill <= 60>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.whoreSkill < 100>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.whoreSkill < 100>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.whoreSkill" $activeSlave.whoreSkill>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.whoreSkill" $tempSlave.whoreSkill>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.whoreSkill" 0>> Unskilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.whoreSkill" 15>> Basic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.whoreSkill" 35>> Skilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.whoreSkill" 65>> Expert
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.whoreSkill" 100>> Masterful
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.whoreSkill" 0>> Unskilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.whoreSkill" 15>> Basic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.whoreSkill" 35>> Skilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.whoreSkill" 65>> Expert
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.whoreSkill" 100>> Masterful
 ''Entertainment (0 to 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.entertainSkill <= 10>>
+<<if $tempSlave.entertainSkill <= 10>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.entertainSkill <= 30>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.entertainSkill <= 30>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.entertainSkill <= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.entertainSkill <= 60>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.entertainSkill < 100>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.entertainSkill < 100>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.entertainSkill" $activeSlave.entertainSkill>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.entertainSkill" $tempSlave.entertainSkill>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.entertainSkill" 0>> Unskilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.entertainSkill" 15>> Basic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.entertainSkill" 35>> Skilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.entertainSkill" 65>> Expert
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.entertainSkill" 100>> Masterful
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.entertainSkill" 0>> Unskilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.entertainSkill" 15>> Basic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.entertainSkill" 35>> Skilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.entertainSkill" 65>> Expert
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.entertainSkill" 100>> Masterful
 ''Combat (0,1):''
-<<if $activeSlave.combatSkill == 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.combatSkill == 0>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.combatSkill" $activeSlave.combatSkill>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.combatSkill" $tempSlave.combatSkill>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.combatSkill" 0>> Unskilled
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.combatSkill" 1>> Skilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.combatSkill" 0>> Unskilled
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.combatSkill" 1>> Skilled
 ''Intelligence (-3 to 3):''
-<<if $activeSlave.intelligence == 3>>
+<<if $tempSlave.intelligence == 3>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence == 2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.intelligence == 2>>
 @@.deepskyblue;Very Smart.@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence == 1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.intelligence == 1>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence == 0>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.intelligence == 0>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence == -1>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.intelligence == -1>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence == -2>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.intelligence == -2>>
 @@.orangered;Very Stupid.@@
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.intelligence" $activeSlave.intelligence>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.intelligence" $tempSlave.intelligence>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligence" -3>> Moronic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligence" -2>> Very Stupid
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligence" -1>> Stupid
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligence" 0>> Average
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligence" 1>> Smart
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligence" 2>> Very Smart
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligence" 3>> Brilliant
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligence" -3>> Moronic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligence" -2>> Very Stupid
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligence" -1>> Stupid
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligence" 0>> Average
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligence" 1>> Smart
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligence" 2>> Very Smart
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligence" 3>> Brilliant
 ''Education (0,1):''
-<<if $activeSlave.intelligenceImplant == 1>>
+<<if $tempSlave.intelligenceImplant == 1>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant" $activeSlave.intelligenceImplant>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.intelligenceImplant" $tempSlave.intelligenceImplant>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant" 0>> Uneducated
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant" 1>> Educated
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligenceImplant" 0>> Uneducated
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.intelligenceImplant" 1>> Educated
-''Fetish Known (Unknown:0 | Known:1): $activeSlave.fetishKnown |''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.fetishKnown" $activeSlave.fetishKnown>>
+''Fetish Known (Unknown:0 | Known:1): $tempSlave.fetishKnown |''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.fetishKnown" $tempSlave.fetishKnown>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetishKnown" 0>> Unknown
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetishKnown" 1>> Known
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetishKnown" 0>> Unknown
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetishKnown" 1>> Known
-<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "none">>
-''Fetish:'' @@.pink;$activeSlave.fetish.@@
+<<if $tempSlave.fetish == "none">>
+''Fetish:'' @@.pink;$tempSlave.fetish.@@
-''Fetish:'' @@.lightcoral;$activeSlave.fetish.@@
+''Fetish:'' @@.lightcoral;$tempSlave.fetish.@@
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.fetish" $activeSlave.fetish>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.fetish" $tempSlave.fetish>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "none">> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "submissive">> Submissive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "dom">> Dom
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "cumslut">> Cumslut
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "humiliation">> Humiliation
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "buttslut">> Buttslut
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "boobs">> Boobs
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "pregnancy">> Pregnancy
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "sadist">> Sadist
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetish" "masochist">> Masochist
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "none">> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "submissive">> Submissive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "dom">> Dom
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "cumslut">> Cumslut
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "humiliation">> Humiliation
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "buttslut">> Buttslut
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "boobs">> Boobs
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "pregnancy">> Pregnancy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "sadist">> Sadist
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetish" "masochist">> Masochist
 ''Fetish strength (0 to 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.fetishStrength > 95>>
+<<if $tempSlave.fetishStrength > 95>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.fetishStrength <= 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.fetishStrength <= 60>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.fetishStrength" $activeSlave.fetishStrength>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.fetishStrength" $tempSlave.fetishStrength>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetishStrength" 0>> Low
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetishStrength" 70>> Normal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.fetishStrength" 100>> High
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetishStrength" 0>> Low
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetishStrength" 70>> Normal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.fetishStrength" 100>> High
-''Sexuality (unknown:0 | known:1):'' $activeSlave.attrKnown
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.attrKnown" $activeSlave.attrKnown>>
+''Sexuality (unknown:0 | known:1):'' $tempSlave.attrKnown
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.attrKnown" $tempSlave.attrKnown>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrKnown" 0>> Unknown
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrKnown" 1>> Known
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrKnown" 0>> Unknown
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrKnown" 1>> Known
 ''Male Attraction (0 - 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.attrXY <= 5>>
+<<if $tempSlave.attrXY <= 5>>
 	@@.red;Disgusted by guys,@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXY <= 15>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXY <= 15>>
 	@@.red;Turned off by guys,@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXY <= 35>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXY <= 35>>
 	@@.red;Not attracted to guys,@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXY <= 65>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXY <= 65>>
 	Indifferent to guys,
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXY <= 85>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXY <= 85>>
 	@@.green;Attracted to guys,@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXY <= 95>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXY <= 95>>
 	@@.green;Aroused by guys,@@
 	@@.green;Passionate about guys,@@
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.attrXY" $activeSlave.attrXY>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.attrXY" $tempSlave.attrXY>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXY" 0>> Disgusted by guys
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXY" 10>> Turned off by guys
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXY" 20>> Not attracted to guys
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXY" 50>> Indifferent to guys
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXY" 80>> Attracted to guys
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXY" 90>> Aroused by guys
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXY" 100>> Passionate about guys
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXY" 0>> Disgusted by guys
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXY" 10>> Turned off by guys
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXY" 20>> Not attracted to guys
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXY" 50>> Indifferent to guys
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXY" 80>> Attracted to guys
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXY" 90>> Aroused by guys
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXY" 100>> Passionate about guys
 ''Female Attraction (0 - 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.attrXX <= 5>>
+<<if $tempSlave.attrXX <= 5>>
 	@@.red;disgusted by girls.@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXX <= 15>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXX <= 15>>
 	@@.red;turned off by girls.@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXX <= 35>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXX <= 35>>
 	@@.red;not attracted to girls.@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXX <= 65>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXX <= 65>>
 	indifferent to girls.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXX <= 85>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXX <= 85>>
 	@@.green;attracted to girls.@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.attrXX <= 95>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.attrXX <= 95>>
 	@@.green;aroused by girls.@@
 	@@.green;passionate about girls.@@
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.attrXX" $activeSlave.attrXX>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.attrXX" $tempSlave.attrXX>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXX" 0>> Disgusted by girls
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXX" 10>> Turned off by girls
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXX" 20>> Not attracted to girls
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXX" 50>> Indifferent to girls
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXX" 80>> Attracted to girls
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXX" 90>> Aroused by girls
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.attrXX" 100>> Passionate about girls
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXX" 0>> Disgusted by girls
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXX" 10>> Turned off by girls
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXX" 20>> Not attracted to girls
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXX" 50>> Indifferent to girls
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXX" 80>> Attracted to girls
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXX" 90>> Aroused by girls
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.attrXX" 100>> Passionate about girls
 ''Sex drive (0 - 100):''
-<<if $activeSlave.energy == 100>>
+<<if $tempSlave.energy == 100>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.energy > 80>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.energy > 80>>
 @@.green;Sex addict.@@
-<<elseif $activeSlave.energy > 60>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.energy > 60>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.energy > 40>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.energy > 40>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.energy > 20>>
+<<elseif $tempSlave.energy > 20>>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.energy" $activeSlave.energy>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.energy" $tempSlave.energy>>
 ''Behavioral Flaw:''
-<<if $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "none">>
+<<if $tempSlave.behavioralFlaw == "none">>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "none">> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "arrogant">> Arrogant
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "bitchy">> Bitchy
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "odd">> Odd
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "hates men">> Men
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "hates women">> Women
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "anorexic">> Anorexic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "gluttonous">> Gluttonous
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "devout">> Devout
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralFlaw" "liberated">> Liberated
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" $tempSlave.behavioralFlaw>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "none">> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "arrogant">> Arrogant
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "bitchy">> Bitchy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "odd">> Odd
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "hates men">> Men
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "hates women">> Women
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "anorexic">> Anorexic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "gluttonous">> Gluttonous
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "devout">> Devout
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralFlaw" "liberated">> Liberated
 ''Behavioral Quirk:''
-<<if $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk == "none">>
+<<if $tempSlave.behavioralQuirk == "none">>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "none">> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "confident">> Confident
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "cutting">> Cutting
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "funny">> Funny
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "adores women">> Adores Women
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "adores men">> Adores Men
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "insecure">> Insecure
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "fitness">> Fitness
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "sinful">> Sinful
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.behavioralQuirk" "advocate">> Advocate
-<<if $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk != "none">>
-<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "none">>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" $tempSlave.behavioralQuirk>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "none">> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "confident">> Confident
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "cutting">> Cutting
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "funny">> Funny
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "adores women">> Adores Women
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "adores men">> Adores Men
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "insecure">> Insecure
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "fitness">> Fitness
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "sinful">> Sinful
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.behavioralQuirk" "advocate">> Advocate
+<<if $tempSlave.behavioralQuirk != "none">>
+<<set $tempSlave.behavioralFlaw = "none">>
 ''Sexual Flaw / Paraphilias:''
-<<if $activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "none">>
+<<if $tempSlave.sexualFlaw == "none">>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" $activeSlave.sexualFlaw>>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" $tempSlave.sexualFlaw>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "none">> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "hates oral">> Oral
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "hates anal">> Anal
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "hates penetration">> Penetration
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "repressed">> Repressed
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "shamefast">> Shamefast
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "apathetic">> Apathetic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "idealistic">> Sexually Idealistic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "crude">> Crude
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "judgemental">> Judgemental
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "none">> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "hates oral">> Oral
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "hates anal">> Anal
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "hates penetration">> Penetration
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "repressed">> Repressed
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "shamefast">> Shamefast
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "apathetic">> Apathetic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "idealistic">> Sexually Idealistic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "crude">> Crude
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "judgemental">> Judgemental
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "cum addict">> Cum Addict
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "anal addict">> Anal Addict
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "attention whore">> Attention Whore
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "breast growth">> Breast Obsession
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "abusive">> Abusive
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "malicious">> Malicious
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "self hating">> Self Hatred
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "neglectful">> Self Neglect
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualFlaw" "breeder">> Breeding Obsession
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "cum addict">> Cum Addict
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "anal addict">> Anal Addict
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "attention whore">> Attention Whore
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "breast growth">> Breast Obsession
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "abusive">> Abusive
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "malicious">> Malicious
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "self hating">> Self Hatred
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "neglectful">> Self Neglect
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualFlaw" "breeder">> Breeding Obsession
 ''Sexual Quirk:''
-<<if $activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "none">>
+<<if $tempSlave.sexualQuirk == "none">>
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" $activeSlave.sexualQuirk>>
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "none">> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "gagfuck queen">> Gagfuck Queen
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "painal queen">> Painal Queen
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "strugglefuck queen">> Strugglefuck Queen
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "perverted">> Perverted
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "tease">> Tease
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "caring">> Caring
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "romantic">> Romantic
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "unflinching">> Unflinching
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.sexualQuirk" "size queen">> Size Queen
-<<if $activeSlave.sexualQuirk != "none">>
-	<<if !["cum addict", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "abusive", "malicious", "self hating", "neglectful", "breeder"].includes($activeSlave.sexualFlaw)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" $tempSlave.sexualQuirk>>
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "none">> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "gagfuck queen">> Gagfuck Queen
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "painal queen">> Painal Queen
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "strugglefuck queen">> Strugglefuck Queen
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "perverted">> Perverted
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "tease">> Tease
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "caring">> Caring
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "romantic">> Romantic
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "unflinching">> Unflinching
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "size queen">> Size Queen
+<<if $tempSlave.sexualQuirk != "none">>
+	<<if !["cum addict", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "abusive", "malicious", "self hating", "neglectful", "breeder"].includes($tempSlave.sexualFlaw)>>
+		<<set $tempSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
-''Lips Tattoo ($activeSlave.lipsTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.lipsTat" $activeSlave.lipsTat>>
+''Lips Tattoo ($tempSlave.lipsTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.lipsTat" $tempSlave.lipsTat>>
-''Shoulders Tattoo ($activeSlave.shouldersTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.shouldersTat" $activeSlave.shouldersTat>>
+''Shoulders Tattoo ($tempSlave.shouldersTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.shouldersTat" $tempSlave.shouldersTat>>
-''Arms Tattoo ($activeSlave.armsTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.armsTat" $activeSlave.armsTat>>
+''Arms Tattoo ($tempSlave.armsTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.armsTat" $tempSlave.armsTat>>
-''Legs Tattoo ($activeSlave.legsTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.legsTat" $activeSlave.legsTat>>
+''Legs Tattoo ($tempSlave.legsTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.legsTat" $tempSlave.legsTat>>
-''Boobs Tattoo ($activeSlave.boobsTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.boobsTat" $activeSlave.boobsTat>>
+''Boobs Tattoo ($tempSlave.boobsTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.boobsTat" $tempSlave.boobsTat>>
-''Back Tattoo ($activeSlave.backTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.backTat" $activeSlave.backTat>>
+''Back Tattoo ($tempSlave.backTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.backTat" $tempSlave.backTat>>
-''Butt Tattoo ($activeSlave.buttTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.buttTat" $activeSlave.buttTat>>
+''Butt Tattoo ($tempSlave.buttTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.buttTat" $tempSlave.buttTat>>
-''Vagina Tattoo ($activeSlave.vaginaTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.vaginaTat" $activeSlave.vaginaTat>>
+''Vagina Tattoo ($tempSlave.vaginaTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.vaginaTat" $tempSlave.vaginaTat>>
-''Anus Tattoo ($activeSlave.anusTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.anusTat" $activeSlave.anusTat>>
+''Anus Tattoo ($tempSlave.anusTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.anusTat" $tempSlave.anusTat>>
-''Tramp Stamp Tattoo ($activeSlave.stampTat)''
-<<textbox "$activeSlave.stampTat" $activeSlave.stampTat>>
+''Tramp Stamp Tattoo ($tempSlave.stampTat)''
+<<textbox "$tempSlave.stampTat" $tempSlave.stampTat>>
-''Lips piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.lipsPiercing''
+''Lips piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.lipsPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lipsPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lipsPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.lipsPiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lipsPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lipsPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.lipsPiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Tongue piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.tonguePiercing''
+''Tongue piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.tonguePiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.tonguePiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.tonguePiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.tonguePiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.tonguePiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.tonguePiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.tonguePiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Ear piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.earPiercing''
+''Ear piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.earPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.earPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.earPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.earPiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.earPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.earPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.earPiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Nose piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.nosePiercing''
+''Nose piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.nosePiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nosePiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nosePiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nosePiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nosePiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nosePiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nosePiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Eyebrow piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.eyebrowPiercing''
+''Eyebrow piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.eyebrowPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.eyebrowPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.eyebrowPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.eyebrowPiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.eyebrowPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.eyebrowPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.eyebrowPiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Navel piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.navelPiercing''
+''Navel piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.navelPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.navelPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.navelPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.navelPiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.navelPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.navelPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.navelPiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Corset piercings (0-1): $activeSlave.corsetPiercing''
+''Corset piercings (0-1): $tempSlave.corsetPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.corsetPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.corsetPiercing" 1>> Pierced
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.corsetPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.corsetPiercing" 1>> Pierced
-''Nipples piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.nipplesPiercing''
+''Nipples piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.nipplesPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipplesPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipplesPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.nipplesPiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipplesPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipplesPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.nipplesPiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Areolae piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.areolaePiercing''
+''Areolae piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.areolaePiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.areolaePiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.areolaePiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.areolaePiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.areolaePiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.areolaePiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.areolaePiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Clit/frenulum piercing (0-3): $activeSlave.clitPiercing''
+''Clit/frenulum piercing (0-3): $tempSlave.clitPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clitPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clitPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clitPiercing" 2>> Big
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.clitPiercing" 3>> Smart Piercing
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clitPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clitPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clitPiercing" 2>> Big
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.clitPiercing" 3>> Smart Piercing
-''Pussylips piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.vaginaPiercing''
+''Pussylips piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.vaginaPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginaPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginaPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.vaginaPiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginaPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginaPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.vaginaPiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Anus piercing (0-2): $activeSlave.anusPiercing''
+''Anus piercing (0-2): $tempSlave.anusPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.anusPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.anusPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.anusPiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.anusPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.anusPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.anusPiercing" 2>> Heavy
-''Shaft piercings (0-2): $activeSlave.dickPiercing''
+''Shaft piercings (0-2): $tempSlave.dickPiercing''
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dickPiercing" 0>> None
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dickPiercing" 1>> Standard
-<<radiobutton "$activeSlave.dickPiercing" 2>> Heavy
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dickPiercing" 0>> None
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dickPiercing" 1>> Standard
+<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.dickPiercing" 2>> Heavy
diff --git a/src/cheats/mod_EditSlaveCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw b/src/cheats/mod_EditSlaveCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
index c39fde35b7ec70a46abb527da6e8f3104758ab1d..a6a4f8d164578fce9a007faf95dc98c29bd68aad 100644
--- a/src/cheats/mod_EditSlaveCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/mod_EditSlaveCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
@@ -1,88 +1,94 @@
 :: MOD_Edit Slave Cheat Datatype Cleanup [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Slave Interact">>
+/* Cancel Option Check */
+<<if $tempSlave == "unset">>
+	<<unset $tempSlave>>
+	<<goto "Slave Interact">>
 <<set $rep = Number($rep) || 0>>
 <<set $cash = Number($cash) || 0>>
 <<set $week = Number($week) || 1>>
 <<if $familyTesting == 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.mother = Number($activeSlave.mother) || 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.father = Number($activeSlave.father) || 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.mother = Number($tempSlave.mother) || 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.father = Number($tempSlave.father) || 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.relationTarget = Number($activeSlave.relationTarget) || 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.relationTarget = Number($tempSlave.relationTarget) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.relationshipTarget = Number($activeSlave.relationshipTarget) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.indenture = Number($activeSlave.indenture) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.face = Number($activeSlave.face) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.hLength = Number($activeSlave.hLength) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = Number($activeSlave.oralSkill) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.prestige = Number($activeSlave.prestige) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.devotion = Number($activeSlave.devotion) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = Number($activeSlave.oldDevotion) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.trust = Number($activeSlave.trust) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.oldTrust = Number($activeSlave.oldTrust) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.age = Number($activeSlave.age) || 18>>
-<<set $activeSlave.actualAge = Number($activeSlave.actualAge)>>
-<<set $activeSlave.visualAge = Number($activeSlave.visualAge) || 18>>
-<<set $activeSlave.physicalAge = Number($activeSlave.physicalAge) || 18>>
-<<set $activeSlave.ovaryAge = Number($activeSlave.ovaryAge) || 18>>
-<<set $activeSlave.birthWeek = Number($activeSlave.birthWeek) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.health = Number($activeSlave.health) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.addict = Number($activeSlave.addict) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.muscles = Number($activeSlave.muscles) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.height = Number($activeSlave.height) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.heightImplant = Number($activeSlave.heightImplant) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.amp = Number($activeSlave.amp) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.lips = Number($activeSlave.lips) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.lipsImplant = Number($activeSlave.lipsImplant) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.voice = Number($activeSlave.voice) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.accent = Number($activeSlave.accent) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.weight = Number($activeSlave.weight) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.waist = Number($activeSlave.waist) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.boobs = Number($activeSlave.boobs) || 200>>
-<<set $activeSlave.boobsImplant = Number($activeSlave.boobsImplant) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.lactation = Number($activeSlave.lactation) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.areolae = Number($activeSlave.areolae) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.butt = Number($activeSlave.butt) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.buttImplant = Number($activeSlave.buttImplant) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.anus = Number($activeSlave.anus) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.vagina = Number($activeSlave.vagina) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.vaginaLube = Number($activeSlave.vaginaLube) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = Number($activeSlave.vaginalSkill) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.preg = Number($activeSlave.preg) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.dick = Number($activeSlave.dick) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.clit = Number($activeSlave.clit) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.labia = Number($activeSlave.labia) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.balls = Number($activeSlave.balls) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = Number($activeSlave.whoreSkill) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = Number($activeSlave.entertainSkill) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.intelligence = Number($activeSlave.intelligence) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength = Number($activeSlave.fetishStrength) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.attrXY = Number($activeSlave.attrXY) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.attrXX = Number($activeSlave.attrXX) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.energy = Number($activeSlave.energy) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.lactationAdaptation = Number($activeSlave.lactationAdaptation) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.preg = Number($activeSlave.preg) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.pregSource = Number($activeSlave.pregSource) || 0>>
-<<set $activeSlave.pregType = Number($activeSlave.pregType) || 0>>
-<<if $activeSlave.broodmother == 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.relationshipTarget = Number($tempSlave.relationshipTarget) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.indenture = Number($tempSlave.indenture) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.face = Number($activeSlave.face) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.hLength = Number($activeSlave.hLength) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.oralSkill = Number($activeSlave.oralSkill) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.prestige = Number($tempSlave.prestige) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.devotion = Number($tempSlave.devotion) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.oldDevotion = Number($activeSlave.oldDevotion) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.trust = Number($activeSlave.trust) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.oldTrust = Number($activeSlave.oldTrust) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.age = Number($activeSlave.age) || 18>>
+<<set $tempSlave.actualAge = Number($activeSlave.actualAge)>>
+<<set $tempSlave.visualAge = Number($tempSlave.visualAge) || 18>>
+<<set $tempSlave.physicalAge = Number($activeSlave.physicalAge) || 18>>
+<<set $tempSlave.ovaryAge = Number($activeSlave.ovaryAge) || 18>>
+<<set $tempSlave.birthWeek = Number($activeSlave.birthWeek) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.health = Number($activeSlave.health) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.addict = Number($activeSlave.addict) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.muscles = Number($activeSlave.muscles) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.height = Number($activeSlave.height) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.heightImplant = Number($activeSlave.heightImplant) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.amp = Number($activeSlave.amp) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.lips = Number($activeSlave.lips) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.lipsImplant = Number($activeSlave.lipsImplant) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.voice = Number($activeSlave.voice) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.accent = Number($activeSlave.accent) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.weight = Number($activeSlave.weight) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.waist = Number($activeSlave.waist) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.boobs = Number($activeSlave.boobs) || 200>>
+<<set $tempSlave.boobsImplant = Number($activeSlave.boobsImplant) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.lactation = Number($activeSlave.lactation) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.areolae = Number($activeSlave.areolae) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.butt = Number($activeSlave.butt) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.buttImplant = Number($activeSlave.buttImplant) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.anus = Number($activeSlave.anus) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.vagina = Number($activeSlave.vagina) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.vaginaLube = Number($activeSlave.vaginaLube) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.vaginalSkill = Number($activeSlave.vaginalSkill) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.preg = Number($activeSlave.preg) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.dick = Number($activeSlave.dick) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.clit = Number($activeSlave.clit) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.labia = Number($activeSlave.labia) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.balls = Number($activeSlave.balls) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.whoreSkill = Number($activeSlave.whoreSkill) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.entertainSkill = Number($activeSlave.entertainSkill) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.intelligence = Number($activeSlave.intelligence) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.fetishStrength = Number($activeSlave.fetishStrength) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.attrXY = Number($activeSlave.attrXY) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.attrXX = Number($activeSlave.attrXX) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.energy = Number($activeSlave.energy) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.lactationAdaptation = Number($activeSlave.lactationAdaptation) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.preg = Number($activeSlave.preg) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.pregSource = Number($activeSlave.pregSource) || 0>>
+<<set $tempSlave.pregType = Number($activeSlave.pregType) || 0>>
+<<if $tempSlave.broodmother == 0>>
 	<<set WombInit($activeSlave)>> /* just to make sure */
-	<<set $activeSlave.womb.length = 0>> /* simple way to delete all fetuses */
-	<<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, $activeSlave.pregType, $activeSlave.pregSource, $activeSlave.preg)>> /* recreates fetuses */
+	<<set $tempSlave.womb.length = 0>> /* simple way to delete all fetuses */
+	<<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, $tempSlave.pregType, $tempSlave.pregSource, $tempSlave.preg)>> /* recreates fetuses */
-	<<set WombNormalizePreg($activeSlave)>>
+	<<set WombNormalizePreg($tempSlave)>>
-<<if $activeSlave.preg > 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1, $activeSlave.pregWeek = $activeSlave.preg>>
+<<if $tempSlave.preg > 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.pregKnown = 1, $tempSlave.pregWeek = $tempSlave.preg>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.pregKnown = 0, $activeSlave.pregWeek = 0>>
+	<<set $tempSlave.pregKnown = 0, $tempSlave.pregWeek = 0>>
-<<run SetBellySize($activeSlave)>>
+<<run SetBellySize($tempSlave)>>
 You perform the dark rituals, pray to the dark gods and sold your soul for the power to change and mold slaves to your will.
 <br><br>This slave has been changed forever and you have lost a bit of your soul, YOU CHEATER!
+<<set $activeSlave = clone($tempSlave)>>
+<<unset $tempSlave>>
 <<set _escdc = $slaveIndices[$activeSlave.ID]>>
 <<if def _escdc>>
 	<<set $slaves[_escdc] = $activeSlave>>
diff --git a/src/cheats/mod_editSlaveCheatNew.tw b/src/cheats/mod_editSlaveCheatNew.tw
index f916fd26a5f413fab4517dfc99d4b2945f99e693..6c8d65c0cb82318481cdc9fb8052d45f4da71b38 100644
--- a/src/cheats/mod_editSlaveCheatNew.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/mod_editSlaveCheatNew.tw
@@ -1348,13 +1348,13 @@
 <<widget FaceTab>>
 	''Face (-100 to 100): ''
-	<<if $tempSlave.face >= 100>>@@.yellow;Very Beautiful  @@
-	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= 55>>@@.yellow;Beautiful  @@
-	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= 15>>@@.yellow;Attractive  @@
-	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= 0>>@@.yellow;Pretty  @@
-	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= -15>>@@.yellow;Unattractive  @@
-	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= -55>>@@.yellow;Ugly  @@
-	<<else>>@@.yellow;Very ugly  @@
+	<<if $tempSlave.face >= 100>>@@.yellow;Very Beautiful@@
+	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= 55>>@@.yellow;Beautiful@@
+	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= 15>>@@.yellow;Attractive@@
+	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= 0>>@@.yellow;Pretty@@
+	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= -15>>@@.yellow;Unattractive@@
+	<<elseif $tempSlave.face >= -55>>@@.yellow;Ugly@@
+	<<else>>@@.yellow;Very Ugly@@
 	<<textbox "$tempSlave.face" $tempSlave.face>>
@@ -1869,21 +1869,21 @@
 	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.genes" "XX">> Female
 	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.genes" "XY">> Male
-        <br>
+	<br>
 	''Hormone Balance (<-400 to >+400): $activeSlave.hormoneBalance |''
-        <<textbox "$activeSlave.hormoneBalance" $activeSlave.hormoneBalance>>
-        <br>
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -400>> Overwhelmingly masculine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -300>> Extremely masculine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -200>> Heavily masculine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -100>> Very masculine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -20>> Masculine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 0>> Neutral
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 20>> Feminine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 100>> Very feminine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 200>> Heavily feminine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 300>> Extremely feminine
-        <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 400>> Overwhelmingly feminine
+		<<textbox "$activeSlave.hormoneBalance" $activeSlave.hormoneBalance>>
+		<br>
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -400>> Overwhelmingly masculine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -300>> Extremely masculine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -200>> Heavily masculine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -100>> Very masculine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" -20>> Masculine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 0>> Neutral
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 20>> Feminine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 100>> Very feminine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 200>> Heavily feminine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 300>> Extremely feminine
+		<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.hormoneBalance" 400>> Overwhelmingly feminine
 	''Amputated: ''
@@ -2147,8 +2147,8 @@
 	<<textbox "$tempSlave.boobsImplant" $tempSlave.boobsImplant>>
 	''Breast String Implants:''
-	<<if $tempSlave.boobsImplantType == 0>>@@.yellow;No@@  |
-	<<else>>@@.yellow;Yes@@  | <</if>>
+	<<if $tempSlave.boobsImplantType == 0>>@@.yellow;No@@ |
+	<<else>>@@.yellow;Yes@@ | <</if>>
 	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobsImplantType" 0>> No
 	<<radiobutton "$tempSlave.boobsImplantType" 1>> Yes
@@ -3313,7 +3313,7 @@
 <<widget BrandTab>>
-	''Branding:  ''<<link "[No Branding]">><<set $tempSlave.brand =0>><<set $tempSlave.brandLocation = 0>><</link>>
+	''Branding: ''<<link "[No Branding]">><<set $tempSlave.brand =0>><<set $tempSlave.brandLocation = 0>><</link>>
 	<<if $tempSlave.brand == 0>>
 		''She has no Branding''
@@ -3538,7 +3538,7 @@
-''Cheat Edit Slave  '' [[ [Cancel] |"Slave Interact"][$tempSlave = "unset"]]
+''Cheat Edit Slave '' [[ [Cancel] |"Slave Interact"][$tempSlave = "unset"]]
@@ -4018,7 +4018,7 @@
 <br><<print "@@.yellow;Refresh through selecting a new or the same passage again for Changes to be seen@@" >><br>
 <span id="spot"></span><br>
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Used Variables: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-/*.visualAge .ageImplant .birthWeek .health .chem .addict .devotion .oldDevotion .trust .oldTrust .face .faceShape .faceImplant .markings .bald .hLength .hStyle .hColor .origHColor          */
-/*.pubicHColor .pubicHStyle .underArmHColor .underArmHStyle .eyeColor .origEye .eyes .hears .lips .lipsImplant .teeth .voiceImplant .voice .accent .genes .amp .fuckdoll .muscles .weight            */
-/*.waist .height .heightImplant .shoulders .shouldersImplant .hips .hipsImplant .bellyImplant .bellySag .burst .boobs .boobsImplant .boobsImplantType .lactation .boobShape .nipples .areolae */
-/*.butt .buttImplant .anus .mpreg .vagina .vaginaLube .clit .labia .pubertyXX .pubertyAgeXX .crevixImplant .csec .breedingMark .ovaries .preg .pregType .pregSource .dick .foreskin .balls    */
+/*.visualAge .ageImplant .birthWeek .health .chem .addict .devotion .oldDevotion .trust .oldTrust .face .faceShape .faceImplant .markings .bald .hLength .hStyle .hColor .origHColor*/
+/*.pubicHColor .pubicHStyle .underArmHColor .underArmHStyle .eyeColor .origEye .eyes .hears .lips .lipsImplant .teeth .voiceImplant .voice .accent .genes .amp .fuckdoll .muscles .weight*/
+/*.waist .height .heightImplant .shoulders .shouldersImplant .hips .hipsImplant .bellyImplant .bellySag .burst .boobs .boobsImplant .boobsImplantType .lactation .boobShape .nipples .areolae*/
+/*.butt .buttImplant .anus .mpreg .vagina .vaginaLube .clit .labia .pubertyXX .pubertyAgeXX .crevixImplant .csec .breedingMark .ovaries .preg .pregType .pregSource .dick .foreskin .balls*/
diff --git a/src/init/storyInit.tw b/src/init/storyInit.tw
index 1bec34c11a0e4fe156fe7d799a3210be11bdc57c..3d2459367ee3827a3d90f76cd7f9824aba799bc9 100644
--- a/src/init/storyInit.tw
+++ b/src/init/storyInit.tw
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 	<<set $useSlaveSummaryTabs = 0>>
 	<<set $useSlaveSummaryOverviewTab = 0>>
 	<<set $useSlaveListInPageJSNavigation = 0>>
 	/* master suite reporting and alternate descriptions */
 	<<set $verboseDescriptions = 0>>
 	/* Accordion 000-250-006 */
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 	<<set $weightAffectsAssets = 1>>
 	<<set $curativeSideEffects = 1>>
 	/*non-vanilla shit*/
 	<<set $pedo_mode = 0>>
 	<<set $minimumSlaveAge = 18>>
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 	<<set $customRetirementAge = 45>>
 	<<set $FSCreditCount = 5>>
 	<<set $FSCreditCountString = "five">>
 	<<include "Init Rules">>
 <<else>> /* imported save (NG+) */
@@ -1013,7 +1013,10 @@ DairyRestraintsSetting($dairyRestraintsSetting)
 <<set $AGrowth = 2>>
 <<set $ACitizens = 4000>>
+<<set $ACitizenLimit = 4800>>
 <<set $ASlaves = 1000>>
+<<set $ASlaveLimit = 12000>>
+<<set $AProsperityCap = 120>>
 <<set $sectors = [
 	{type: "Penthouse", ownership: 1},
diff --git a/src/pregmod/managePersonalAffairs.tw b/src/pregmod/managePersonalAffairs.tw
index 59bbcb086490d11bb6d79c5b659ee8c79fd08887..08e48ab8cda1f0e113590b60b2d30e68c7fff150 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/managePersonalAffairs.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/managePersonalAffairs.tw
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 You pause for a moment from your busy day to day life to return to <<if $masterSuite != 0>>$masterSuiteName<<else>>your room<</if>> to consider some things about yourself.
-<br>You take yourself in a full length mirror. You are a $PC.race <<if $PC.dick == 1 && $PC.vagina == 1>>futanari<<elseif $PC.dick == 1>>man<<else>>woman<</if>> with<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">> freckled<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">> heavily freckled<</if>> <<print $PC.skin>> skin, $PC.hColor hair and $PC.eyeColor eyes.
+<br>You take yourself in a full length mirror. You are <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $PC.race <<if $PC.dick == 1 && $PC.vagina == 1>>futanari<<elseif $PC.dick == 1>>man<<else>>woman<</if>> with<<if $PC.markings == "freckles">> freckled<<elseif $PC.markings == "heavily freckled">> heavily freckled<</if>> <<print $PC.skin>> skin, $PC.hColor hair and $PC.eyeColor eyes.
 <<if $PC.actualAge >= 65>>
 	You're @@.orange;$PC.actualAge@@ and definitely feeling it.<<if $PC.visualAge > $PC.actualAge>> You've taken measures to @@.lime;look an older $PC.visualAge,@@ though perhaps it might be time to undo it.<<elseif $PC.visualAge < $PC.actualAge>> You've taken measures to @@.lime;look a younger $PC.visualAge,@@ now if only your body agreed with your looks.<</if>>
 <<elseif $PC.actualAge >= 50>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/organFarmOptions.tw b/src/pregmod/organFarmOptions.tw
index 480a1ef6a6f7f3398e18cad467e89ca12eee2b36..bb383d9f46278ef74ab7fdf517a7b091e4007c0a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/organFarmOptions.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/organFarmOptions.tw
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 	pigTesticles: 0,
 	dogTesticles: 0,
 	horseTesticles: 0,
+	cowTesticles: 0,
 	foreskin: 0,
 	ovaries: 0,
 	freshOvaries: 0,
@@ -15,13 +16,15 @@
 	pigOvaries: 0,
 	dogOvaries: 0,
 	horseOvaries: 0,
+	cowOvaries: 0,
 	eyes: 0,
 	cochleae: 0,
 	voicebox: 0,
 	mpreg: 0,
 	mpregPig: 0,
 	mpregDog: 0,
-	mpregHorse: 0}>>
+	mpregHorse: 0,
+	mpregCow: 0}>>
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $organs.length; _i++>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.ID == $organs[_i].ID>>
 		<<if $organs[_i].type == "penis">>
@@ -36,6 +39,8 @@
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.dogTesticles = 1>>
 		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "horseTesticles">>
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.horseTesticles = 1>>
+		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "cowTesticles">>
+			<<set $slaveOrgans.cowTesticles = 1>>
 		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "foreskin">>
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.foreskin = 1>>
 		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "ovaries">>
@@ -48,6 +53,8 @@
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.dogOvaries = 1>>
 		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "horseOvaries">>
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.horseOvaries = 1>>
+		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "cowOvaries">>
+			<<set $slaveOrgans.cowOvaries = 1>>
 		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "eyes">>
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.eyes = 1>>
 		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "cochleae">>
@@ -62,6 +69,8 @@
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.mpregDog = 1>>
 		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "mpregHorse">>
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.mpregHorse = 1>>
+		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "mpregCow">>
+			<<set $slaveOrgans.mpregCow = 1>>
 		<<elseif $organs[_i].type == "freshOvaries">>
 			<<set $slaveOrgans.freshOvaries = 1>>
@@ -133,6 +142,16 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
 				<<goto "Remote Surgery">>
 			<</link>> //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>> and requires a penis for successful implantation//
+		<<if $slaveOrgans.cowTesticles != 1>>
+			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+			<<link "Cow testicles">>
+				<<set $cash -= 5000>>
+				<<set _newOrgan = {type: "cowTesticles", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
+				<<set _newOrgan.ID = $activeSlave.ID>>
+				<<set $organs.push(_newOrgan)>>
+				<<goto "Remote Surgery">>
+			<</link>> //Costs <<print cashFormat(5000)>> and requires a penis for successful implantation//
+		<</if>>
 	<<if $slaveOrgans.foreskin != 1>>
 		<<if $activeSlave.foreskin <= 0>>
@@ -198,6 +217,16 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
 			<<goto "Remote Surgery">>
 		<</link>> //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>> and requires a vagina for successful implantation//
+	<<if $slaveOrgans.cowOvaries != 1>>
+		<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+		<<link "Cow ovaries">>
+			<<set $cash -= 10000>>
+			<<set _newOrgan = {type: "cowOvaries", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
+			<<set _newOrgan.ID = $activeSlave.ID>>
+			<<set $organs.push(_newOrgan)>>
+			<<goto "Remote Surgery">>
+		<</link>> //Costs <<print cashFormat(10000)>> and requires a vagina for successful implantation//
+	<</if>>
 <<if $youngerOvaries == 1>>
 	<<if $slaveOrgans.freshOvaries != 1>>
@@ -289,6 +318,16 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
 				<<goto "Remote Surgery">>
 			<</link>> //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>> and the slave must not have female reproductive organs for successful implantation//
+		<<if $slaveOrgans.mpregCow != 1>>
+			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+			<<link "Anal cow womb and ovaries">>
+				<<set $cash -= 20000>>
+				<<set _newOrgan = {type: "mpregCow", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
+				<<set _newOrgan.ID = $activeSlave.ID>>
+				<<set $organs.push(_newOrgan)>>
+				<<goto "Remote Surgery">>
+			<</link>> //Costs <<print cashFormat(20000)>> and the slave must not have female reproductive organs for successful implantation//
+		<</if>>
@@ -308,6 +347,8 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
 				dog testicles are
 			<<case "horseTesticles">>
 				horse testicles are
+			<<case "cowTesticles">>
+				cow testicles are
 			<<case "freshOvaries">>
 				revitalized ovaries are
 			<<case "pigOvaries">>
@@ -316,6 +357,8 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
 				dog ovaries are
 			<<case "horseOvaries">>
 				horse ovaries are
+			<<case "cowOvaries">>
+				cow ovaries are
 			<<case "mpreg">>
 				anal womb and ovaries are
 			<<case "mpregPig">>
@@ -324,6 +367,8 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
 				anal womb and dog ovaries are
 			<<case "mpregHorse">>
 				anal womb and horse ovaries are
+			<<case "mpregCow">>
+				anal womb and cow ovaries are
 			expected to be ready in <<if $organFarmUpgrade == 1>><<print $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion>><<elseif $organFarmUpgrade == 2>><<print Math.ceil($organs[_i].weeksToCompletion/2)>><<elseif $organFarmUpgrade == 3>><<print Math.ceil($organs[_i].weeksToCompletion/4)>><</if>> weeks.
@@ -750,6 +795,98 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
+			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_i].type == "cowTesticles">>
+				<<if $activeSlave.balls > 0>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					ERROR: this slave already has testicles.
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowTesticles"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
+				<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 0>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					ERROR: this slave lacks the penis necessary to accept testicles.
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowTesticles"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
+					<br>You can forgo standard procedure and implant testicles directly into $his abdomen.
+					<<link "Implant" "Surgery Degradation">>
+						<<set $cash -= $surgeryCost>>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowTesticles"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $activeSlave.prostate < 1>><<set $activeSlave.prostate = 1>><</if>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.balls = 2>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.ballType = "cow">>
+						<<set $activeSlave.health -= 20>>
+						<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
+							<<set $activeSlave.chem += 20>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $activeSlave.pubertyXY == 0>>
+							<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+								<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $potencyAge>>
+									<<set $activeSlave.pubertyAgeXY = ($activeSlave.physicalAge+1)>>
+								<</if>>
+							<<else>>
+								<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $potencyAge>>
+									<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXY = 1>>
+								<</if>>
+							<</if>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<set $surgeryType = "addCowBalls">>
+					<</link>>
+				<<else>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					<<link "Implant" "Surgery Degradation">>
+						<<set $cash -= $surgeryCost>>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowTesticles"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.balls = 3>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.scrotum = 3>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.ballType = "cow">>
+						<<set $activeSlave.health -= 20>>
+						<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
+							<<set $activeSlave.chem += 20>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $activeSlave.pubertyXY == 0>>
+							<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+								<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $potencyAge>>
+									<<set $activeSlave.pubertyAgeXY = ($activeSlave.physicalAge+1)>>
+								<</if>>
+							<<else>>
+								<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $potencyAge>>
+									<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXY = 1>>
+								<</if>>
+							<</if>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<set $surgeryType = "addCowBalls">>
+					<</link>>
+					|
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowTesticles"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
+				<</if>>
 			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_i].type == "scrotum">>
 				<<if $activeSlave.scrotum > 0>>
@@ -1139,6 +1276,80 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
+			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_i].type == "cowOvaries">>
+				<<if $activeSlave.ovaries > 0>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					ERROR: this slave already has ovaries.
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowOvaries"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
+				<<elseif $activeSlave.vagina < 0>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					ERROR: this slave lacks the vagina necessary to accept ovaries.
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowOvaries"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
+				<<elseif $activeSlave.mpreg != 0 || $activeSlave.bellyImplant != -1>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					ERROR: this slave's body cavity is filled with another organ.
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowOvaries"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
+				<<else>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					<<link "Implant" "Surgery Degradation">>
+						<<set $cash -= $surgeryCost>>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowOvaries"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 1>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.eggType = "cow">>
+						<<set $activeSlave.preg = 0>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.health -= 20>>
+						<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
+							<<set $activeSlave.chem += 20>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $activeSlave.pubertyXX == 0>>
+							<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+								<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $fertilityAge>>
+									<<set $activeSlave.pubertyAgeXX = ($activeSlave.physicalAge+1)>>
+								<</if>>
+							<<else>>
+								<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $fertilityAge>>
+									<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXX = 1>>
+								<</if>>
+							<</if>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<set $surgeryType = "addCowOvaries">>
+					<</link>>
+					|
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "cowOvaries"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
+				<</if>>
 			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_i].type == "freshOvaries">>
 				<<if ($activeSlave.mpreg == 0 && $activeSlave.ovaries == 0) || $activeSlave.bellyImplant != -1>>
@@ -1589,8 +1800,60 @@ The fabricator is ready to grow an organ for $him. Extract tissue to begin growi
 							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+				<</if>>
+			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_i].type == "mpregCow">>
+				<<if ($activeSlave.ovaries != 0) && ($activeSlave.vagina > -1) && ($activeSlave.mpreg != 0)>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					ERROR: this slave has existing reproductive Organs.
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "mpregCow"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
+				<<else>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					<<link "Implant" "Surgery Degradation">>
+						<<set $cash -= $surgeryCost>>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "mpregCow"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.mpreg = 1>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.eggType = "cow">>
+						<<set $activeSlave.preg = 0>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.health -= 40>>
+						<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
+							<<set $activeSlave.chem += 20>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $activeSlave.pubertyXX == 0>>
+							<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+								<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $fertilityAge>>
+									<<set $activeSlave.pubertyAgeXX = ($activeSlave.physicalAge+1)>>
+								<</if>>
+							<<else>>
+								<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $fertilityAge>>
+									<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXX = 1>>
+								<</if>>
+							<</if>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<set $surgeryType = "mpregCow">>
+					<</link>>
+					|
+					<<link "Discard" "Remote Surgery">>
+						<<set _ofo = $completedOrgans.findIndex(function(s) { return $activeSlave.ID == s.ID && s.type == "mpregCow"; })>>
+						<<if _ofo != -1>>
+							<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_ofo)>>
+						<<else>>
+							@@.red;Organ not found for deletion!@@
+						<</if>>
+					<</link>>
-			<<else>>
+			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_i].type == "voicebox">>
 				<<if $activeSlave.voice > 0 && $activeSlave.electrolarynx != 1>>
 					ERROR: this slave is not mute.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
index 8c6bf16bc64d1a80ee962218ab1d76ac29554129..53de83d89bf9219003fe82bc4380c00c9f7714ad 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 The surgeon awaits the pair of slaves to be strapped into the surgery. So far only $activeSlave.slaveName is prepped:
-//Select the slave who will be trading bodies with $object. This operation will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>.//
+//Select the slave who will be trading bodies with $him. This operation will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>.//
 __Select an eligible slave:__
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/seBirthWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/seBirthWidgets.tw
index b22a418b73393de9b820a831176aae745773c945..c3fac07809bd56ba8bbdad588df479ea94384aba 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/seBirthWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/seBirthWidgets.tw
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ This decriptions can be expanded with more outcomes later. But it's not practica
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregSource == 0>>
 			an unknown father<<if $csec == 1>>, entered the world<</if>>.
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].ID == $slaves[$i].pregSource>>
-			$his own curiosity over if $he could fuck <<print $his>>self<<if $csec == 1>>, entered the world<</if>>.
+			$his own curiosity over if $he could fuck $himself<<if $csec == 1>>, entered the world<</if>>.
 			$daddy's virile cock and balls<<if $csec == 1>>, entered the world<</if>>.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
index 9279e98ea8a190fd26d6d2f88d96924790c55dab..f73479dba5a183e2f3d0a9b3b3c9d431d5bae63c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
@@ -2401,6 +2401,25 @@ Setting missing slave variables:
 	<<set _Slave.origRace = _Slave.race>>
+<<if ndef _Slave.override_Race>>
+	<<set _Slave.override_Race = 0>>
+<<if ndef _Slave.override_Skin>>
+	<<set _Slave.override_Skin = 0>>
+<<if ndef _Slave.override_Eye_Color>>
+	<<set _Slave.override_Eye_Color = 0>>
+<<if ndef _Slave.override_H_Color>>
+	<<set _Slave.override_H_Color = 0>>
+<<if ndef _Slave.override_Pubic_H_Color>>
+	<<set _Slave.override_Pubic_H_Color = 0>>
+<<if ndef _Slave.override_Arm_H_Color>>
+	<<set _Slave.override_Arm_H_Color = 0>>
 <<if _Slave.skin == "red dyed">>
 	<<set _Slave.skin = "dyed red">>
@@ -3164,7 +3183,7 @@ Setting missing slave variables:
 	<<if _dontDeleteMe == 0>>
 		<<set $genePool.deleteAt(_bci), _bci-->>
+	<<set $genePool[_bci] = _Slave>>
 <<if $incubator > 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/buildingWidgets.tw b/src/uncategorized/buildingWidgets.tw
index 2cf2b6f5dd90446c293fa04bb4712fa0ebc9a952..073effa9b5b8184791b2ba6102ce38a29cab0e41 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/buildingWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/buildingWidgets.tw
@@ -32,27 +32,27 @@ Yes, I am aware this is horrible. If anyone can figure out how to get widgets to
 		border: 5px solid transparent;
-	td#Empty            { border-color: lightgray; }
-	td#Private          { border-color: red; }
-	td#Shops            { border-color: thistle; }
-	td#FSShops          { border-color: mediumpurple; }
-	td#Brothel          { border-color: violet; }
-	td#Club             { border-color: orchid; }
-	td#Apartments       { border-color: limegreen; }
-	td#DenseApartments  { border-color: seagreen; }
-	td#LuxuryApartments { border-color: palegreen; }
-	td#Markets          { border-color: mediumorchid; }
-	td#CorporateMarket  { border-color: purple; }
-	td#Arcade           { border-color: deeppink; }
-	td#Pens             { border-color: goldenrod; }
-	td#Pit              { border-color: orangered; }
-	td#Manufacturing    { border-color: slategray; }
-	td#transportHub    	{ border-color: magenta; }
-	td#weapManu		    { border-color: springgreen; }
-	td#Sweatshops       { border-color: gray; }
-	td#Barracks         { border-color: olivedrab; }
-	td#Penthouse        { border-color: teal; }
-	td#Dairy            { border-color: white; }
+	td#Empty			{ border-color: lightgray; }
+	td#Private			{ border-color: red; }
+	td#Shops			{ border-color: thistle; }
+	td#FSShops			{ border-color: mediumpurple; }
+	td#Brothel			{ border-color: violet; }
+	td#Club				{ border-color: orchid; }
+	td#Apartments		{ border-color: limegreen; }
+	td#DenseApartments	{ border-color: seagreen; }
+	td#LuxuryApartments	{ border-color: palegreen; }
+	td#Markets			{ border-color: mediumorchid; }
+	td#CorporateMarket	{ border-color: purple; }
+	td#Arcade			{ border-color: deeppink; }
+	td#Pens				{ border-color: goldenrod; }
+	td#Pit				{ border-color: orangered; }
+	td#Manufacturing	{ border-color: slategray; }
+	td#transportHub		{ border-color: magenta; }
+	td#weapManu			{ border-color: springgreen; }
+	td#Sweatshops		{ border-color: gray; }
+	td#Barracks			{ border-color: olivedrab; }
+	td#Penthouse		{ border-color: teal; }
+	td#Dairy			{ border-color: white; }
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@ if(!Macro.has('sectorblock')) {
 		 * Add sector metadata here
-		 * base:  Which passage the sector link goes to if owned. Defaults to the sector type. Unowned go to "Private"
-		 * name:  The sector name. Defaults to the sector type, with spaces inserted in case of WordsLikeThis
-		 * cls:   The CSS id to use for styling if owned; else uses "Private"
+		 * base: Which passage the sector link goes to if owned. Defaults to the sector type. Unowned go to "Private"
+		 * name: The sector name. Defaults to the sector type, with spaces inserted in case of WordsLikeThis
+		 * cls: The CSS id to use for styling if owned; else uses "Private"
 		 * extra: Some (SugarCube-style) extra text to add after the link
 		sectors: {
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ if(!Macro.has('sectorblock')) {
 				<<if $masterSuite>> <<print MS()>> ($masterSuiteSlaves/$masterSuite<<if $Concubine>>, C<</if>>)<</if>>
 				<<if $HGSuite>> <<print HS()>> <<if $HeadGirl != 0>>(HG<<if $HGSuiteSlaves > 0>>, 1)<<else>>)<</if>><</if>><</if>>
 				<<if $dojo > 1>>[[Armory|BG Select]] <<if $Bodyguard != 0>>(BG)<</if>> <</if>>
-				<<if $servantsQuarters>> <<print SQ()>>  ($servantsQuartersSlaves/$servantsQuarters<<if $Stewardess>>, L<</if>>)<</if>>
+				<<if $servantsQuarters>> <<print SQ()>> ($servantsQuartersSlaves/$servantsQuarters<<if $Stewardess>>, L<</if>>)<</if>>
 				<<if $spa>> <<print S()>> ($spaSlaves/$spa<<if $Attendant>>, L<</if>>)<</if>>
 				<<if $clinic>> <<print CI()>> ($clinicSlaves/$clinic<<if $Nurse>>, L<</if>>)<</if>>
 				<<if $schoolroom>> <<print SC()>> ($schoolroomSlaves/$schoolroom<<if $Schoolteacher>>, L<</if>>)<</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
index a2e3e917252dd62aaa537a09baa53b1ced6ecf54..94ad281b91b55184d2b3d494a2d05dc245b82d2a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
@@ -1345,15 +1345,15 @@ is
 <<if ($activeSlave.skillWA >= $masteredXP)>>
 	<<set _careers.push("Wardeness")>>
+<<if ($activeSlave.skillS >= $masteredXP)>>
+	<<set _careers.push("Servant")>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.skillE >= $masteredXP)>>
 	<<set _careers.push("Entertainer")>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.skillW >= $masteredXP)>>
 	<<set _careers.push("Whore")>>
-<<if ($activeSlave.skillS >= $masteredXP)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Servant")>>
 <<if _careers.length > 0>>
 	$He has working experience as a
 	<<if _careers.length > 2>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/multiImplant.tw b/src/uncategorized/multiImplant.tw
index 3acad5038d355c6756972064f78804e4cd3e3b32..e9e15fc983ecd24782533d2fa9dedcacc71e51ec 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/multiImplant.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/multiImplant.tw
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ You head down to your <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>heavily upgraded and customized
 		pigTesticles: 0,
 		dogTesticles: 0,
 		horseTesticles: 0,
+		cowTesticles: 0,
 		foreskin: 0,
 		ovaries: 0,
 		freshOvaries: 0,
@@ -19,13 +20,15 @@ You head down to your <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>heavily upgraded and customized
 		pigOvaries: 0,
 		dogOvaries: 0,
 		horseOvaries: 0,
+		cowOvaries: 0,
 		eyes: 0,
 		cochleae: 0,
 		voicebox: 0,
 		mpreg: 0,
 		mpregPig: 0,
 		mpregDog: 0,
-		mpregHorse: 0
+		mpregHorse: 0,
+		mpregCow: 0
 	<<for _j = 0; _j < $completedOrgans.length; _j++>>
 		<<if $activeSlave.ID == $completedOrgans[_j].ID>>
@@ -47,6 +50,9 @@ You head down to your <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>heavily upgraded and customized
 			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_j].type == "horseTesticles">>
 				<<set _slaveOrgans.horseTesticles = $completedOrgans[_j]>>
 				<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_j),_j-->>
+			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_j].type == "cowTesticles">>
+				<<set _slaveOrgans.cowTesticles = $completedOrgans[_j]>>
+				<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_j),_j-->>
 			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_j].type == "foreskin">>
 				<<set _slaveOrgans.foreskin = $completedOrgans[_j]>>
 				<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_j),_j-->>
@@ -68,6 +74,9 @@ You head down to your <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>heavily upgraded and customized
 			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_j].type == "horseOvaries">>
 				<<set _slaveOrgans.horseOvaries = $completedOrgans[_j]>>
 				<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_j),_j-->>
+			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_j].type == "cowOvaries">>
+				<<set _slaveOrgans.cowOvaries = $completedOrgans[_j]>>
+				<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_j),_j-->>
 			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_j].type == "eyes">>
 				<<set _slaveOrgans.eyes = $completedOrgans[_j]>>
 				<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_j),_j-->>
@@ -89,6 +98,9 @@ You head down to your <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>heavily upgraded and customized
 			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_j].type == "mpregHorse">>
 				<<set _slaveOrgans.mpregHorse = $completedOrgans[_j]>>
 				<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_j),_j-->>
+			<<elseif $completedOrgans[_j].type == "mpregCow">>
+				<<set _slaveOrgans.mpregCow = $completedOrgans[_j]>>
+				<<set $completedOrgans.deleteAt(_j),_j-->>
 				<br>Error: unrecognized organ.
@@ -394,6 +406,49 @@ You head down to your <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>heavily upgraded and customized
 			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.horseOvaries)>>
+	/* cow ovaries */
+	<<if _slaveOrgans.cowOvaries != 0>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.ovaries == 0) && ($activeSlave.vagina >= 0) && ($activeSlave.mpreg == 0) && ($activeSlave.bellyImplant == -1)>>
+			<<set $cash -= $surgeryCost>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.eggType = "cow">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.preg = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.health -= 20>>
+			<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.chem += 20>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.pubertyXX == 0>>
+				<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+					<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $fertilityAge>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.pubertyAgeXX = ($activeSlave.physicalAge+1)>>
+					<</if>>
+				<<else>>
+					<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $fertilityAge>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXX = 1>>
+					<</if>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<set $surgeryType = "addCowOvaries">>
+			<br><hr>
+			<<include "Surgery Degradation">>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.ovaries == 1>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow ovaries on $activeSlave.slaveName: she already has ovaries.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.cowOvaries)>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.vagina < 0>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow ovaries on $activeSlave.slaveName: she lacks a vagina.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.cowOvaries)>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 0>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow ovaries on $activeSlave.slaveName: she has a fillable abdominal implant.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.cowOvaries)>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.mpreg != 0>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow ovaries on $activeSlave.slaveName: she has an anal womb.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.cowOvaries)>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
 	/* male preg */
 	<<if _slaveOrgans.mpreg != 0>>
 		<<if ($activeSlave.ovaries == 0) && ($activeSlave.vagina < 0) && ($activeSlave.mpreg == 0) && ($activeSlave.bellyImplant == -1)>>
@@ -566,6 +621,49 @@ You head down to your <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>heavily upgraded and customized
 			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.mpregHorse)>>
+	/* male cow preg */
+	<<if _slaveOrgans.mpregCow != 0>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.ovaries == 0) && ($activeSlave.vagina < 0) && ($activeSlave.mpreg == 0) && ($activeSlave.bellyImplant == -1)>>
+			<<set $cash -= $surgeryCost>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.mpreg = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.eggType = "cow">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.preg = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.health -= 40>>
+			<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.chem += 20>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.pubertyXX == 0>>
+				<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+					<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $fertilityAge>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.pubertyAgeXX = ($activeSlave.physicalAge+1)>>
+					<</if>>
+				<<else>>
+					<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $fertilityAge>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXX = 1>>
+					<</if>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<set $surgeryType = "mpregCow">>
+			<br><hr>
+			<<include "Surgery Degradation">>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.ovaries == 1>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow anal womb on $activeSlave.slaveName: she has ovaries.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.mpregCow)>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.vagina < 0>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow anal womb on $activeSlave.slaveName: she has a vagina.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.mpregCow)>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 0>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow anal womb on $activeSlave.slaveName: she has a fillable abdominal implant.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.mpregCow)>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.mpreg != 0>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow anal womb on $activeSlave.slaveName: she already has an anal womb.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.mpregCow)>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
 	/* ovary renewal */
 	<<if _slaveOrgans.freshOvaries != 0>>
 		<<if (($activeSlave.ovaries == 1) || ($activeSlave.mpreg == 1)) && ($activeSlave.bellyImplant == -1) && ($activeSlave.physicalAge < 60)>>
@@ -768,6 +866,41 @@ You head down to your <<if $surgeryUpgrade == 1>>heavily upgraded and customized
 			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.horseTesticles)>>
+	/* cow testicles */
+	<<if _slaveOrgans.cowTesticles != 0>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.dick >= 1) && ($activeSlave.balls == 0)>>
+			<<set $cash -= $surgeryCost>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.balls = 3>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.scrotum = 3>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.ballType = "cow">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.health -= 20>>
+			<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.chem += 20>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.pubertyXY == 0>>
+				<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+					<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $potencyAge>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.pubertyAgeXY = ($activeSlave.physicalAge+1)>>
+					<</if>>
+				<<else>>
+					<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $potencyAge>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXY = 1>>
+					<</if>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<set $surgeryType = "addCowBalls">>
+			<br><hr>
+			<<include "Surgery Degradation">>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.dick == 0>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow testicles on $activeSlave.slaveName: she lacks a penis.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.cowTesticles)>>
+		<<else>>
+			<br><hr>
+			@@.red;Could not implant cow testicles on $activeSlave.slaveName: she already has testicles.@@
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push(_slaveOrgans.cowTesticles)>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
 	/* scrotum */
 	<<if _slaveOrgans.scrotum != 0>>
 		<<if ($activeSlave.scrotum == 0) && ($activeSlave.balls >= 1)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw b/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw
index 9b2a62feea0393e843686c586f91edb789c5d8d1..aaaef4d4c7f37a844505993d9ac10cb97f46f33b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/newGamePlus.tw
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ You have the funds to bring $slavesToImportMax slaves with you (or your equivale
 <<if $cheatMode == 1>><<link "DEBUG: Add all slaves to import list">><<for _ngi = 0; _ngi < $slaves.length; _ngi++>><<= assignJob($slaves[_ngi], "be imported")>><</for>><<goto "New Game Plus">><</link>><br><</if>>
 Select up to $slavesToImportMax slaves to be imported into a new game and then [[click here.|init][$saveImported = 1]]
 <br><br>''These slaves will be imported into the new game:''
 <<set $Flag = 1>>
 <<include "Slave Summary">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw b/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
index 9aa09fa2d2e546ed06b39d6943aefd6cd4f3353b..70eefd3ef7c4f0123acbe818c7eacc990bee8478 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeSlave)>>@@__'' <<
 		A blood test reveals that $he was originally $activeSlave.origRace, not $activeSlave.race<<if $PC.medicine >= 50 || $PC.slaving >= 50>>, just as you suspected<</if>>.
-<<if $activeSlave.race != $activeSlave.origRace>>
+<<if $activeSlave.skin != $activeSlave.origSkin>>
 	An epidermis scan reveals that $his skin was originally $activeSlave.origSkin, not $activeSlave.skin<<if $PC.medicine >= 75 || $PC.slaving >= 75>>, just as you suspected<</if>>.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/options.tw b/src/uncategorized/options.tw
index 521003511022b3e2b1b594714da5861c441676b6..902969300388b724533ed3add7b596accb440083 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/options.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/options.tw
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ End of week autosaving is currently @@.cyan;ENABLED@@. [[Disable|Options][$autos
 	//You can begin a new game with up to five (or more) of your current slaves, although starting resources other than these slaves will be reduced. New Game Plus @@.yellow;MAY@@ work across versions. To attempt to migrate a save across versions://
 	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//1) Save on this screen//
-	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//2) Use your browser to open the new .html file in this tab//
+	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//2) Re-open the .html in a new tab then load the above save.//
 	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//3) [[Activate New Game Plus.|New Game Plus][$ui = "start"]]
 	//New Game Plus is not available because this game was not started with a compatible version.//
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Main menu slave tabs are
 <br />
-The slave Quick list in-page scroll-to is 
+The slave Quick list in-page scroll-to is
 <<if $useSlaveListInPageJSNavigation != 1>>
         @@.red;DISABLED.@@ [[Enable|Options][$useSlaveListInPageJSNavigation = 1]]
@@ -334,8 +334,8 @@ Assignment performance vignettes on the end week report are
 Extreme content like amputation is currently @@.red;DISABLED@@. [[Enable|Options][$seeExtreme = 1]]
 Extreme content like amputation is currently @@.cyan;ENABLED@@. [[Disable|Options][$seeExtreme = 0]]
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Will not affect extreme surgeries already applied already in-game. 
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Will not affect extreme surgeries already applied already in-game.
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More granular control of what appears is in// [[Description Options]].
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ Curative side effects are @@.red;DISABLED@@. [[Enable|Options][$curativeSideEffe
 	The Security Expansion Mod is currently @@.cyan;ENABLED@@. [[Disable|Options][$secExp = 0]]
 //The mod can be activated in any moment, but it may result in unbalanced gameplay if activated very late in the game.//
 <<if def $secExp>>
 	<<if $secExp == 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw b/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
index 37c7063a0d0c335186a787e780797252ed12da7c..10a0c297c5023d56f44f7af30adc155659b1b4d3 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
 :: RE FS acquisition [nobr]
 <<if Array.isArray($FSAcquisitionEvents)>>
-  <<if $cheatMode == 1>>
-	<<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Nonrandom Event", $returnTo = "Nonrandom Event">> /* if user just clicks spacebar */
-	''A random FS acquisition event would have been selected from the following:''
-	<br>
-	<<for _i = 0; _i < $FSAcquisitionEvents.length; _i++>>
-		<<print "[[$FSAcquisitionEvents[_i]|RE FS acquisition][$FSAcquisitionEvents = $FSAcquisitionEvents[" + _i + "]]]">>
+	<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
+		<<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Nonrandom Event", $returnTo = "Nonrandom Event">> /* if user just clicks spacebar */
+		''A random FS acquisition event would have been selected from the following:''
-	<</for>>
-	<br><br>[[Go Back to Random Nonindividual Event|Random Nonindividual Event][$eventSlave = 0]]
-  <<else>>
-	<<set $FSAcquisitionEvents = $FSAcquisitionEvents.random()>>
-	<<goto "RE FS acquisition">>
-  <</if>>
+		<<for _i = 0; _i < $FSAcquisitionEvents.length; _i++>>
+			<<print "[[$FSAcquisitionEvents[_i]|RE FS acquisition][$FSAcquisitionEvents = $FSAcquisitionEvents[" + _i + "]]]">>
+			<br>
+		<</for>>
+		<br><br>[[Go Back to Random Nonindividual Event|Random Nonindividual Event][$eventSlave = 0]]
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $FSAcquisitionEvents = $FSAcquisitionEvents.random()>>
+		<<goto "RE FS acquisition">>
+	<</if>>
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "RIE Eligibility Check", $returnTo = "RIE Eligibility Check", $showEncyclopedia = 1, $encyclopedia = "Enslaving People">>
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
 <<set $contractCost = 1000>>
 <<if $pedo_mode == 1>>
-  <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = $fertilityAge>>
-  <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 21>>
-  <<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>> /% Can lactate. %/
+	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = $fertilityAge>>
+	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 21>>
+	<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>> /% Can lactate. %/
-  <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = random(14,16)>>
+	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = random(14,16)>>
 <<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
 <<include "Generate XX Slave">>
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.hColor = either("black", "blonde", "red", "brown")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hStyle = either("ass-length", "long", "shoulder-length", "short", "very short", "shaved bald")>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.race == "latina">>
-    <<set $activeSlave.skin = either("light olive", "brown", "dark brown", "tanned", "dark olive")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.skin = either("light olive", "brown", "dark brown", "tanned", "dark olive")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hColor = either("black", "black", "brown", "brown")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hStyle = either("ass-length", "long", "shoulder-length", "short", "very short", "shaved bald")>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.race == "asian">>
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.hColor = either("black", "blonde", "red", "brown")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hStyle = either("ass-length", "long", "shoulder-length", "short", "very short", "shaved bald")>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.race == "latina">>
-    <<set $activeSlave.skin = either("light olive", "brown", "dark brown", "tanned", "dark olive")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.skin = either("light olive", "brown", "dark brown", "tanned", "dark olive")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hColor = either("black", "black", "brown", "brown")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hStyle = either("ass-length", "long", "shoulder-length", "short", "very short", "shaved bald")>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.race == "asian">>
@@ -1025,13 +1025,13 @@
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. This proves to be right on the money in this case, though the woman isn't too terribly bedraggled; $his situation must be recent. She asks to be enslaved with the crushing sadness most such people experience during their last free hours. "I'm pregnant," she says through tears. "I know I'm not that pretty, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. But," and $he brings $his sizeable chest into view, "I've got pretty big boobs, and I started giving milk yesterday. I was searching the net, and I saw that you milk women, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. It seems like a better life than getting fucked all the time."
+This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. This proves to be right on the money in this case, though the woman isn't too terribly bedraggled; $his situation must be recent. $He asks to be enslaved with the crushing sadness most such people experience during their last free hours. "I'm pregnant," $he says through tears. "I know I'm not that pretty, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. But," and $he brings $his sizeable chest into view, "I've got pretty big boobs, and I started giving milk yesterday. I was searching the net, and I saw that you milk women, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. It seems like a better life than getting fucked all the time."
 <<case "Pastoralist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. You are understandably surprised when this turns out to not be the case; the woman in the video call is modestly dressed, so her newfound situation must be exceedingly recent. Nonetheless, she asks to be enslaved with the same poignant sadness most people experience during their last free hours. "All my children are gone and my husband left me," she says through tears. "I know I'm older than most, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. But," and she brings her motherly chest into view, "I've still got pretty big breasts, and they still give milk. One of my friends told me that you milk women, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I can't do anything else to make a living."
+This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. You are understandably surprised when this turns out to not be the case; the woman in the video call is modestly dressed, so $his newfound situation must be exceedingly recent. Nonetheless, $he asks to be enslaved with the same poignant sadness most people experience during their last free hours. "All my children are gone and my husband left me," $he says through tears. "I know I'm older than most, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. But", $he says as $he brings $his motherly chest into view, "I've still got pretty big breasts, and they still give milk. One of my friends told me that you milk women, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I can't do anything else to make a living."
 <<case "Supremacist">>
@@ -1049,177 +1049,177 @@ It seems that in a man in their town made the mistake of marrying a woman of an
 Your security drones break up a minor disturbance on the lowest, poorest levels of the arcology without needing your direction, or indeed without even informing you. <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> is good enough at filtering incidents down to what you need to know that you typically leave minor things to her discretion. This time $assistantName only informs you once it's apparent that that brawl left someone injured and unconscious.
-It seems the violence was racially motivated. The $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace victim was publicly sodomized and left bruised and bleeding, her clothes torn off, beaten into insensibility, with anti-$arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace slogans written crudely across her $activeSlave.skin skin. It seems she came into the arcology despite the strong penalties for free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace subhumans found here. You can easily enslave her in return for her medical costs, though no one is likely to object to your enslaving one of her kind, whatever the situation.
+It seems the violence was racially motivated. The $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace victim was publicly sodomized and left bruised and bleeding, $his clothes torn off, beaten into insensibility, with anti-$arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace slogans written crudely across $his $activeSlave.skin skin. It seems $he came into the arcology despite the strong penalties for free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace subhumans found here. You can easily enslave $him in return for $his medical costs, though no one is likely to object to your enslaving one of $his kind, whatever the situation.
 <<case "Subjugationist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The caller is $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace, and a particularly self-hating one at that. It seems she came into the arcology despite the strong penalties for free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace subhumans found here in order to seek enslavement, a curious turn of events. You can easily enslave her; no one is likely to object to your enslaving one of her kind, especially when she came so willingly.
+The caller is $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace, and a particularly self-hating one at that. It seems $he came into the arcology despite the strong penalties for free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace subhumans found here in order to seek enslavement, a curious turn of events. You can easily enslave $him; no one is likely to object to your enslaving one of $his kind, especially when $he came so willingly.
 <<case "Gender Radicalist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is from a rather abused individual from one of the more traditionalist areas of the old world. It seems $he's heard of the new and interesting way gender is thought of in the Free Cities, and in $arcologies[0].name in particular. "Being your slave has to be better than being a subhuman here," $he says. "Being your sex slave is more accepted in your city than being me is, here."
+This one is from a rather abused individual from one of the more traditionalist areas of the old world. It seems $he's heard of the new and interesting way gender is thought of in the Free Cities, and in $arcologies[0].name in particular. "Being your slave has to be better than being a subhuman here," $he says. "Being your sex slave is more accepted in your city than being me is here."
 <<case "Gender Radicalist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is from a rather mature but otherwise visibly well-to-do individual from one of the more traditionalist areas of the old world. It seems $he's heard of the new and interesting way gender is thought of in the Free Cities, and in $arcologies[0].name in particular. "I've lived my whole life as a subhuman here," $he says. "Being your sex slave is more accepted in your city than being me is, here."
+This one is from a rather mature but otherwise visibly well-to-do individual from one of the more traditionalist areas of the old world. It seems $he's heard of the new and interesting way gender is thought of in the Free Cities, and in $arcologies[0].name in particular. "I've lived my whole life as a subhuman here," $he says. "Being your sex slave is more accepted in your city than being me is here."
 <<case "Gender Fundamentalist">>
 The sexual and moral revolution taking place in the Free Cites has spread back into the old world, producing an inevitable reaction. Thus there are still many places in the world where it is socially embarrassing for one's young female relatives to appear pregnant and unmarried, and where direct solutions to this unfortunate situation are frowned upon. You receive a communication from one such place, from a traditionalist family whose daughter has dishonored them in this way.
-Having her disappear discreetly into $arcologies[0].name would be a convenient and face-saving way of resolving the situation. Your society's respect for slave pregnancy gives them a plausible way to salve their own consciences where the baby is concerned. As for the girl, having her out of the way is what matters to them.
+Having $him disappear discreetly into $arcologies[0].name would be a convenient and face-saving way of resolving the situation. Your society's respect for slave pregnancy gives them a plausible way to salve their own consciences where the baby is concerned. As for the girl, having $him out of the way is what matters to them.
 <<case "Gender Fundamentalist Two">>
 The sexual and moral revolution taking place in the Free Cites has spread back into the old world, producing an inevitable reaction. Thus there are still many places in the world where it is socially embarrassing for one's female relatives to be pregnant as a result of rape, and where direct solutions to this unfortunate situation are frowned upon. You receive a communication from one such place, from a traditionalist family whose mother was dishonored in this way.
-Having her disappear discreetly into $arcologies[0].name would be a convenient and face-saving way of resolving the situation. Your society's respect for slave pregnancy gives them a plausible way to salve their own consciences where the baby is concerned. As for the mother, having her out of the way is what matters to them.
+Having $him disappear discreetly into $arcologies[0].name would be a convenient and face-saving way of resolving the situation. Your society's respect for slave pregnancy gives them a plausible way to salve their own consciences where the baby is concerned. As for the mother, having $him out of the way is what matters to them.
 <<case "Paternalist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is interesting, even by the standards of messages from people who want to become slaves. The individual is neither sick nor abused, and speaks with intelligence and directness. "I've heard a lot about how $arcologies[0].name treats slaves," she says. "And, well, I don't know how closely you watch the old world from where you are, but it's pretty bad. Being smart and driven out here doesn't always keep you fed and clothed, or even alive. I'm smart and driven, and I understand that might make me a madam or a DJ or even a head girl in $arcologies[0].name. I'm not dumb enough to rely on that, but I'll take that chance."
+This one is interesting, even by the standards of messages from people who want to become slaves. The individual is neither sick nor abused, and speaks with intelligence and directness. "I've heard a lot about how $arcologies[0].name treats slaves," $he says. "And, well, I don't know how closely you watch the old world from where you are, but it's pretty bad. Being smart and driven out here doesn't always keep you fed and clothed, or even alive. I'm smart and driven, and I understand that might make me a madam or a DJ or even a head girl in $arcologies[0].name. I'm not dumb enough to rely on that, but I'll take that chance."
 <<case "Paternalist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is interesting, even by the standards of messages from people who want to become slaves. The individual is a normal looking woman, neither sick nor visibly abused. "I've heard a lot about how $arcologies[0].name treats slaves," she says. "And, well, I don't know how closely you watch the old world from where you are, but it's pretty bad. Saving your whole life doesn't always keep you fed and clothed, or even alive. I never had much and now I have even less, and I'd rather live as your slave in $arcologies[0].name than on the streets back home."
+This one is interesting, even by the standards of messages from people who want to become slaves. The individual is a normal looking woman, neither sick nor visibly abused. "I've heard a lot about how $arcologies[0].name treats slaves," $he says. "And, well, I don't know how closely you watch the old world from where you are, but it's pretty bad. Saving your whole life doesn't always keep you fed and clothed, or even alive. I never had much and now I have even less, and I'd rather live as your slave in $arcologies[0].name than on the streets back home."
 <<case "Degradationist">>
 <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> does not typically permit anonymous messages through to you. If someone wishes to speak to you, they can do so under their own name and with their own face. She makes an exception, however, for a message offering you a slave so long as you pay the costs of enslavement, nothing else.
-The face and voice are obscured by a petty anonymization program, the sort that can be obtained with five minutes' work in the shadier parts of the net. <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> could crack it nearly instantaneously, but you hold her back a moment to avoid spooking your correspondent. You are rewarded with video of the subject of the proposed enslavement, and the simple statement "I hate this fucking bitch, and I want her to suffer. Can't do it myself. You seem like the right <<if $PC.title == 1>>guy<<else>>woman<</if>> to break the cunt."
+The face and voice are obscured by a petty anonymization program, the sort that can be obtained with five minutes' work in the shadier parts of the net. <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> could crack it nearly instantaneously, but you hold her back a moment to avoid spooking your correspondent. You are rewarded with video of the subject of the proposed enslavement, and the simple statement "I hate this fucking bitch, and I want $him to suffer. Can't do it myself. You seem like the right <<if $PC.title == 1>>guy<<else>>woman<</if>> to break the cunt."
 <<case "Degradationist Two">>
 <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> does not typically permit anonymous messages through to you. If someone wishes to speak to you, they can do so under their own name and with their own face. She makes an exception, however, for a message offering you a slave so long as you pay the costs of enslavement, nothing else.
-In lieu of a face, a plain page of mostly text and a scant few pictures fills the screen and details a number of potential slaves for sale, though most of the merchandise seems visibly too damaged to be worthy of purchase. Yet, one of the slaves catches your eye - an older woman covered in lashes, bruises and marks yet absent the dead-eyed expression of her peers. The document claims she has been in their possession longer than any of the other slaves, but has proven resistant to their breaking methods.
+In lieu of a face, a plain page of mostly text and a scant few pictures fills the screen and details a number of potential slaves for sale, though most of the merchandise seems visibly too damaged to be worthy of purchase. Yet, one of the slaves catches your eye - an older woman covered in lashes, bruises and marks yet absent the dead-eyed expression of $his peers. The document claims $he has been in their possession longer than any of the other slaves, but has proven resistant to their breaking methods.
 <<case "Body Purist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is from another arcology, which is rather unusual. You are presented with a rather normal-looking, if obviously poor, free citizen. She says dejectedly, "I'm on my last few ¤ here, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. The owner here, he's planning to enslave me later today. I just know it. He fills his slaves up with silicone until they look like fucking Barbie dolls." She shivers fearfully. "You don't do that, right? If I have to be a fucktoy, I don't want to be cut up first."
+This one is from another arcology, which is rather unusual. You are presented with a rather normal-looking, if obviously poor, free citizen. $He says dejectedly, "I'm on my last few ¤ here, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. The owner here, he's planning to enslave me later today. I just know it. He fills his slaves up with silicone until they look like fucking Barbie dolls." $He shivers fearfully. "You don't do that, right? If I have to be a fucktoy, I don't want to be cut up first."
 <<case "Body Purist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is from one of the less prestigious slave schools, which is not in itself unusual, save that it comes directly from one of the graduating students. You are presented with a rather normal-looking slavegirl. "I'm past my majority," she says happily. "I know I'm not that pretty, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. But," and she pulls the camera back to reveal her fully nude body, "I've never had any plastic in me, the school couldn't afford it anyways. I was searching the net, and I saw that you like women without surgery, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. If I'm to be owned, I'd like it to be by someone like you who won't cut me open."
+This one is from one of the less prestigious slave schools, which is not in itself unusual, save that it comes directly from one of the graduating students. You are presented with a rather normal-looking slavegirl. "I'm past my majority," $he says happily. "I know I'm not that pretty, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. But," and $he pulls the camera back to reveal $his fully nude body, "I've never had any plastic in me, the school couldn't afford it anyways. I was searching the net, and I saw that you like women without surgery, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. If I'm to be owned, I'd like it to be by someone like you who won't cut me open."
 <<case "Transformation Fetishist">>
 You receive a message coded urgent from a surgeon who you've hired in the past. You are on the point of opening the a call with a friendly businesslike salutation when you see his haggard, worried face, and change your greeting to one of commiseration and understanding. He pours out his troubles to you in a rush.
-It seems he botched an implant operation on a free woman. She's still out, and the implants are in successfully, but she's not too far from dead and will remain so for some time. He needs her out of sight, now. With your pull, you could easily manipulate the financial situation to enslave her and get her out of the doctor's area at the same time. It would be a favor to him, and by the medical records, a favor to you too, once you nurse her back to health. She's quite the implant queen.
+It seems he botched an implant operation on a free woman. $He's still out, and the implants are in successfully, but $he's not too far from dead and will remain so for some time. He needs $him out of sight, now. With your pull, you could easily manipulate the financial situation to enslave $him and get $him out of the doctor's area at the same time. It would be a favor to him, and by the medical records, a favor to you too, once you nurse $him back to health. $He's quite the implant queen.
 <<case "Transformation Fetishist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The call comes in from an unusually well-to-do area. It appears that an aristocratic-looking man placing the call has fallen on hard times, and is doing the intelligent thing and staying ahead of his creditors by offering his trophy wife into slavery. Enslaving her will be costlier than usual, but it seems likely to be worth it. She's finely aged and completed worked over under a surgeon's knife. She's quite the implant queen, in fact.
+The call comes in from an unusually well-to-do area. It appears that an aristocratic-looking man placing the call has fallen on hard times, and is doing the intelligent thing and staying ahead of his creditors by offering his trophy wife into slavery. Enslaving $him will be costlier than usual, but it seems likely to be worth it. $He's finely aged and completed worked over under a surgeon's knife. $He's quite the implant queen, in fact.
 <<case "Slimness Enthusiast">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The call comes in from an unusually well-to-do area. It appears that the aristocratic-looking woman placing the call has fallen on hard times, and is doing the intelligent thing and staying ahead of her creditors by offering herself into slavery. Enslaving her will be costlier than usual, but it seems likely to be worth it. She's well-spoken and seems both educated and intelligent. Even better, despite being middle-aged, she's extremely well-preserved, a tall, slim and graceful beauty with a face that must be the envy of girls half her age. She knows all this herself, and says, "I hear you appreciate a slender woman; if I'm going down into slavery, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'd be happy to avoid too many implants. I understand $arcologies[0].name is a fine place for someone in my situation."
+The call comes in from an unusually well-to-do area. It appears that the aristocratic-looking woman placing the call has fallen on hard times, and is doing the intelligent thing and staying ahead of $his creditors by offering $himself into slavery. Enslaving $him will be costlier than usual, but it seems likely to be worth it. $He's well-spoken and seems both educated and intelligent. Even better, despite being middle-aged, $he's extremely well-preserved, a tall, slim and graceful beauty with a face that must be the envy of girls half $his age. $He knows all this $himself, and says, "I hear you appreciate a slender woman; if I'm going down into slavery, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'd be happy to avoid too many implants. I understand $arcologies[0].name is a fine place for someone in my situation."
 <<case "Slimness Enthusiast Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. You are understandably surprised when this turns out to not be the case; the young woman in the video call is reasonably well dressed, so her newfound situation must be exceedingly recent. Without hesitation she immediately asks to be enslaved. "My boyfriend wants to turn me into some sort of bimbo," she says through tears. "I found all the surgery brochures that he hid, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. But," and she brings her slender chest, though covered by her top, into view, "I don't want to be cut up and filled with plastic. One of my friends told me that you care about woman with a good figure, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I should have never sold myself to that bastard."
+This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. You are understandably surprised when this turns out to not be the case; the young woman in the video call is reasonably well dressed, so $his newfound situation must be exceedingly recent. Without hesitation $he immediately asks to be enslaved. "My boyfriend wants to turn me into some sort of bimbo," $he says through tears. "I found all the surgery brochures that he hid, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. But", and $he brings $his slender chest, though covered by $his top, into view, "I don't want to be cut up and filled with plastic. One of my friends told me that you care about woman with a good figure, <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I should have never sold myself to that bastard."
 <<case "Asset Expansionist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The person placing the call is physically quite unusual, to the point of looking distinctly unnatural. She has absolutely enormous tits, an ass to match, and is generally plush all over; yet despite being able to compete with the lushest mother in the curves department, she appears to be very young. She explains herself quickly. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I just turned 19. Where I'm from, that means I'm very likely to be enslaved one way or another. So, I've been taking off-market hormones for a couple of years to raise myself out of the gutter as far as who might take me. I hear life is better if you're a valuable slave." She leans into the camera, displaying a solid acre of cleavage. "Can I be your valuable slave?"
+The person placing the call is physically quite unusual, to the point of looking distinctly unnatural. $He has absolutely enormous tits, an ass to match, and is generally plush all over; yet despite being able to compete with the lushest mother in the curves department, $he appears to be very young. $He explains $himself quickly. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I just turned 19. Where I'm from, that means I'm very likely to be enslaved one way or another. So, I've been taking off-market hormones for a couple of years to raise myself out of the gutter as far as who might take me. I hear life is better if you're a valuable slave." $He leans into the camera, displaying a solid acre of cleavage. "Can I be your valuable slave?"
 <<case "Asset Expansionist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The person placing the call is physically quite unusual, to the point of looking distinctly unnatural. She has absolutely enormous tits, an ass to match, and is generally plush all over; perhaps one of the lushest mothers in the curves department you've ever seen. She explains herself quickly. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'm not a young woman. Where I'm from, being this old and unmarried means I'm very likely to be enslaved one way or another. But I've always had big breasts. Well, big everything really. I hear life is better if you're a plush slave." She leans into the camera, displaying a solid acre of cleavage. "Can I be your plush slave?"
+The person placing the call is physically quite unusual, to the point of looking distinctly unnatural. $He has absolutely enormous tits, an ass to match, and is generally plush all over; perhaps one of the lushest mothers in the curves department you've ever seen. $He explains $himself quickly. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'm not a young woman. Where I'm from, being this old and unmarried means I'm very likely to be enslaved one way or another. But I've always had big breasts. Well, big everything really. I hear life is better if you're a plush slave." $He leans into the camera, displaying a solid acre of cleavage. "Can I be your plush slave?"
 <<case "Youth Preferentialist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one, unusually, is voice-only. The caller explains why in a painfully quiet voice: she's turning $activeSlave.actualAge in the next few days, and she's fairly certain her family is about to sell her into slavery. The mixed notes of despair, apathy, and fear in her voice are heartrending, even to you. She begs you to make the necessary arrangements to enslave her. She's heard about you and how you like young girls, and she's also heard about brothels and arcades. There is very little hope discernible in her tone or the pictures she sends you,
+This one, unusually, is voice-only. The caller explains why in a painfully quiet voice: $he's turning $activeSlave.actualAge in the next few days, and $he's fairly certain $his family is about to sell $him into slavery. The mixed notes of despair, apathy, and fear in $his voice are heartrending, even to you. $He begs you to make the necessary arrangements to enslave $him. $He's heard about you and how you like young girls, and $he's also heard about brothels and arcades. There is very little hope discernible in $his tone or the pictures $he sends you.
 <<case "Youth Preferentialist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one, unusually, is voice-only. The caller explains why in a unusually upbeat voice: she turned 18 a few days ago, and she's fairly certain her family is expecting her to make something of her life to help support them. The apathy to her family's wishes is readily evident in her tone of voice. She begs you to make the necessary arrangements to enslave her. She's heard about you and how you like younger girls, and that you take care of all the decision-making for your slaves. There's a lot of hope in her tone, she clearly wants an escape from responsibility - even if that means becoming a slave.
+This one, unusually, is voice-only. The caller explains why in a unusually upbeat voice: $he turned 18 a few days ago, and $he's fairly certain $his family is expecting $him to make something of $his life to help support them. The apathy to $his family's wishes is readily evident in $his tone of voice. $He begs you to make the necessary arrangements to enslave $him. $He's heard about you and how you like younger girls, and that you take care of all the decision-making for your slaves. There's a lot of hope in $his tone, $he clearly wants an escape from responsibility - even if that means becoming a slave.
 <<case "Maturity Preferentialist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-And this one is a rare one indeed. It's a personal file, and you suppress the urge to see whether $assistantName is bugged and has misfiled an application for employment. The beautiful older woman depicted has included a resume listing her skills, and a clever selection of photographs: tasteful shots of her in nice makeup and a fashionable business skirt, and fully nude mirror shots, flaws and all. Curious, you place a video call and get an immediate answer. It seems that 'personal circumstances' that she saw coming are forcing her to accept enslavement. She had some weeks of warning, however, and seems to have made use of the time to find an arcology owner that treats women of her age well, and then to make herself as appealing as possible in the hope you'll keep her.
+And this one is a rare one indeed. It's a personal file, and you suppress the urge to see whether $assistantName is bugged and has misfiled an application for employment. The beautiful older woman depicted has included a resume listing $his skills, and a clever selection of photographs: tasteful shots of $him in nice makeup and a fashionable business skirt, and fully nude mirror shots, flaws and all. Curious, you place a video call and get an immediate answer. It seems that 'personal circumstances' that $he saw coming are forcing $him to accept enslavement. $He had some weeks of warning, however, and seems to have made use of the time to find an arcology owner that treats women of $his age well, and then to make $himself as appealing as possible in the hope you'll keep $him.
 <<case "Maturity Preferentialist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The call comes in from a middle-class area. It appears that the youthful man placing the call has a failing business, and is leveraging his last remaining asset by selling his stately-looking mother into slavery. Enslaving her will be costlier than usual, but it seems likely to be worth it. From the dossier her son forwarded to you, she's both educated and intelligent, both relics of her impressive pedigree. Even better, she's aged like a fine wine, a short, stacked and attractive beauty with a face and rack that must be the envy of girls half her age. She's aware of the situation at hand, and peeks in from the corner of the screen to say, "I hear you appreciate a mature woman; if I'm going down into slavery, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I hope for your sake that you know how to treat a woman of my caliber."
+The call comes in from a middle-class area. It appears that the youthful man placing the call has a failing business, and is leveraging his last remaining asset by selling his stately-looking mother into slavery. Enslaving $him will be costlier than usual, but it seems likely to be worth it. From the dossier $his son forwarded to you, $he's both educated and intelligent, both relics of $his impressive pedigree. Even better, $he's aged like a fine wine, a short, stacked and attractive beauty with a face and rack that must be the envy of girls half $his age. $He's aware of the situation at hand, and peeks in from the corner of the screen to say, "I hear you appreciate a mature woman; if I'm going down into slavery, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I hope for your sake that you know how to treat a woman of my caliber."
 <<case "Physical Idealist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The subject line of the latest is badly misspelled, but the accompanying profile image is impressive, if trite, depicting the sender's massive bicep flexing, veins playing across the striated muscle. Getting her situation out of her proves to be something of a chore, since she scarcely has two functional neurons to rub together. It seems that she's on a fair number of drugs, not limited to aphrodisiacs and steroids, that she can't afford them, and that she has a distorted image of $arcologies[0].name as a sort of muscle-worshipping Valhalla of sex and gains. Hearing her describe her idea of life as one of your slaves, you understand why this idiot wants to be enslaved. If her idea of slave life were accurate, //you'd// want to be enslaved.
+The subject line of the latest is badly misspelled, but the accompanying profile image is impressive, if trite, depicting the sender's massive bicep flexing, veins playing across the striated muscle. Getting $his situation out of $him proves to be something of a chore, since $he scarcely has two functional neurons to rub together. It seems that $he's on a fair number of drugs, not limited to aphrodisiacs and steroids, that $he can't afford them, and that $he has a distorted image of $arcologies[0].name as a sort of muscle-worshipping Valhalla of sex and gains. Hearing $him describe $his idea of life as one of your slaves, you understand why this idiot wants to be enslaved. If $his idea of slave life were accurate, //you'd// want to be enslaved.
 <<case "Physical Idealist Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-And this one is a rare one indeed. It's a personal file, and you suppress the urge to see whether $assistantName is bugged and has misfiled an application for employment. The muscular woman depicted has included a resume listing her various physical achievements, and a clever selection of photographs: tantalizing shots of her in skimpy workout clothes, and fully nude mirror shots of her flexing and posing. Curious, you place a video call and get an immediate answer. It seems that she's determined that life as a slave is the easiest means to access the drugs and steroids she needs to continue making massive gains. She had some weeks of planning, however, and seems to have made use of the time to find an arcology owner that values the pursuit of the physical ideal, and then to make herself as appealing as possible in the hope you'll take her.
+And this one is a rare one indeed. It's a personal file, and you suppress the urge to see whether $assistantName is bugged and has misfiled an application for employment. The muscular woman depicted has included a resume listing $his various physical achievements, and a clever selection of photographs: tantalizing shots of $him in skimpy workout clothes, and fully nude mirror shots of $him flexing and posing. Curious, you place a video call and get an immediate answer. It seems that $he's determined that life as a slave is the easiest means to access the drugs and steroids $he needs to continue making massive gains. $He had some weeks of planning, however, and seems to have made use of the time to find an arcology owner that values the pursuit of the physical ideal, and then to make $himself as appealing as possible in the hope you'll take $him.
 <<case "Hedonistic Decadence">>
 <<run Enunciate($activeSlave)>>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is coming from inside your own arcology, from a tourist interested in permanent residence even if it means enslavement. You have them bought to your office to hear them out. A heavily pregnant girl waddles into your office, her distended belly a stark contrast to her relative thinness. She smiles, her many piercings clicking against each other in the process, and pats her middle. "It'<<s>> food, not a baby. I really enjoyed <<s>>taying in your arcology, I mean, I live like thi<<s>> back home, but everyone alway<<s>> pick<<s>> on me for eating <<s>>o much and never getting off my a<<ss>> to work. I can't find a lover either, no one can <<s>>ati<<s>>fy me anymore..." She exposes her gaping asshole to you. "I overdid it with the toy<<s>>. It felt <<s>>o good, I couldn't <<s>>top going bigger. Once I realized that, I <<s>>tarted getting piercing<<s>> and eating, anything to make me feel better. But on<<c>>e I arrived here, I never felt <<s>>o a<<c>>epted before, everyone wa<<s>> enjoying them<<s>>elve<<s>> however they wanted. <<S>>o plea<<s>>e, let me <<s>>tay, I'll do everything you can think of."
+This one is coming from inside your own arcology, from a tourist interested in permanent residence even if it means enslavement. You have them bought to your office to hear them out. A heavily pregnant girl waddles into your office, $his distended belly a stark contrast to $his relative thinness. $He smiles, $his many piercings clicking against each other in the process, and pats $his middle. "It'<<s>> food, not a baby. I really enjoyed <<s>>taying in your arcology, I mean, I live like thi<<s>> back home, but everyone alway<<s>> pick<<s>> on me for eating <<s>>o much and never getting off my a<<ss>> to work. I can't find a lover either, no one can <<s>>ati<<s>>fy me anymore..." $He exposes $his gaping asshole to you. "I overdid it with the toy<<s>>. It felt <<s>>o good, I couldn't <<s>>top going bigger. Once I realized that, I <<s>>tarted getting piercing<<s>> and eating, anything to make me feel better. But on<<c>>e I arrived here, I never felt <<s>>o a<<cc>>epted before, everyone wa<<s>> enjoying them<<s>>elve<<s>> however they wanted. <<S>>o plea<<s>>e, let me <<s>>tay, I'll do everything you can think of."
 <<case "Hedonistic Decadence Two">>
 <<run Enunciate($activeSlave)>>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is interesting, even by the standards of messages from people who want to become slaves. The individual is neither sick nor abused, and speaks with directness. "I'm what you'd call 'vanilla'," she sighs. "And, well, I want to expand my horizons and I heard how much fun people have in your arcology. I'm yours to experiment with.
+This one is interesting, even by the standards of messages from people who want to become slaves. The individual is neither sick nor abused, and speaks with directness. "I'm what you'd call 'vanilla'," $he sighs. "And, well, I want to expand my horizons and I heard how much fun people have in your arcology. I'm yours to experiment with.
 <<case "Repopulation Efforts">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that your personal assistant has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, are requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is interesting, even by the standards of messages from people who want to become slaves. The individual is neither sick nor abused, and speaks with directness. "I've heard a lot about how your arcology wishes to preserve humanity's place in the future," she says. "And, well, I don't know how closely you watch the old world from where you are, but things are falling apart. Humanity's future surely rests in the arcologies, and you seem to be the only one who's focusing on that future... As such, I want to become a mother to the future of humanity! Please, take me in and knock me up! I'll carry as many children as my body can take!"
+This one is interesting, even by the standards of messages from people who want to become slaves. The individual is neither sick nor abused, and speaks with directness. "I've heard a lot about how your arcology wishes to preserve humanity's place in the future," $he says. "And, well, I don't know how closely you watch the old world from where you are, but things are falling apart. Humanity's future surely rests in the arcologies, and you seem to be the only one who's focusing on that future... As such, I want to become a mother to the future of humanity! Please, take me in and knock me up! I'll carry as many children as my body can take!"
 <<case "Repopulation Efforts Two">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that your personal assistant has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, are requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. You are understandably surprised when this turns out to not be the case, the young woman in the video call is reasonably well dressed, if rather upset over something. "I.. can't have children," she says through building tears. "I've always dreamed of being a mother, but I was born sterile... I heard rumors that $arcologies[0].name had cures for infertility, and if you'd help me, I would love to <<if $PC.title == 1>>have your children<<else>>get pregnant for you<</if>>. Even if the rest of my life was devoted to motherhood... I'd like that..."
+This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. You are understandably surprised when this turns out to not be the case, the young woman in the video call is reasonably well dressed, if rather upset over something. "I.. can't have children," $he says through building tears. "I've always dreamed of being a mother, but I was born sterile... I heard rumors that $arcologies[0].name had cures for infertility, and if you'd help me, I would love to <<if $PC.title == 1>>have your children<<else>>get pregnant for you<</if>>. Even if the rest of my life was devoted to motherhood... I'd like that..."
 <<case "Eugenics">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that your personal assistant has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through are potential applicants for the Societal Elite. As the new world takes shape, they've become more rare than they once were.
-This one is most mundane, a student with top grades wanting to be part of the top of society. Upon arriving for her evaluation, she begins droning on about her unimpressive achievements and pointless accomplishments. You review information on her lineage and connections, while feigning interest in her prattling. It would seem she is worth far less than she thinks she is.
+This one is most mundane, a student with top grades wanting to be part of the top of society. Upon arriving for $his evaluation, $he begins droning on about $his unimpressive achievements and pointless accomplishments. You review information on $his lineage and connections, while feigning interest in $his prattling. It would seem $he is worth far less than $he thinks $he is.
 <<case "Eugenics Two">>
@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This one is a little odd; it merely begs you for an in person audience and offers you the sender's "unworthy body" as payment for granting it. You surreptitiously scan her when she arrives to make sure this isn't an attack of some kind, but she's just a normal girl wearing conservative clothing. When admitted to your office, she immediately strips off her clothing, gets down before your desk, and presses her forehead to the floor. "<<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>," she says, "please accept me as your slave. I am a wretched whore, filled with sin, and freedom is a burden to me. Please free me from this torment and take me into your service."
+This one is a little odd; it merely begs you for an in person audience and offers you the sender's "unworthy body" as payment for granting it. You surreptitiously scan $him when $he arrives to make sure this isn't an attack of some kind, but $he's just a normal girl wearing conservative clothing. When admitted to your office, $he immediately strips off $his clothing, gets down before your desk, and presses $his forehead to the floor. "<<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>," $he says, "please accept me as your slave. I am a wretched whore, filled with sin, and freedom is a burden to me. Please free me from this torment and take me into your service."
 <<case "Chattel Religionist Two">>
@@ -1243,31 +1243,31 @@ It seems that the Chattel Religionists have all but taken over their town and dr
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The call comes in from an old world university. The caller is a young woman who explains that she's struggling with extreme student debt, and has recently graduated with a history degree that she can't seem to turn into gainful employment. She gushes at length about how much she enjoyed ancient history, and how she's heard all about your ideas about reviving ancient culture in the Free Cities. She sees joining your household as a romantic way out of her difficult situation. Apparently she read all the idyllic parts of history and somehow missed out on learning about the salt mines and slave galleys. She's not terribly pretty and seems socially awkward, but that's likely to have its side benefits. She nervously sends you a complete dossier on herself.
+The call comes in from an old world university. The caller is a young woman who explains that $he's struggling with extreme student debt, and has recently graduated with a history degree that $he can't seem to turn into gainful employment. $He gushes at length about how much $he enjoyed ancient history, and how $he's heard all about your ideas about reviving ancient culture in the Free Cities. $He sees joining your household as a romantic way out of $his difficult situation. Apparently $he read all the idyllic parts of history and somehow missed out on learning about the salt mines and slave galleys. $He's not terribly pretty and seems socially awkward, but that's likely to have its side benefits. $He nervously sends you a complete dossier on $himself.
 <<case "Aztec Revivalist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The call comes in from an old world trading colony. The caller is a woman who humbly explains how tired she's from all the godless people and terrible conditions, and expresses interest to join the old empires. She probably knows only of the incredible architecture and the military accomplishments that are advertised in vids. Though the sacrifice and collaring of slaves is no secret, most people never find out the real truth to what you do. Nevertheless she's incredibly willing, so much so that she almost signs herself off to you by accident. Her file is displayed in front if you, pending your reaction.
+The call comes in from an old world trading colony. The caller is a woman who humbly explains how tired $he is from all the godless people and terrible conditions, and expresses interest to join the old empires. $He probably knows only of the incredible architecture and the military accomplishments that are advertised in vids. Though the sacrifice and collaring of slaves is no secret, most people never find out the real truth to what you do. Nevertheless $he's incredibly willing, so much so that $he almost signs $himself off to you by accident. $His file is displayed in front if you, pending your reaction.
 <<case "Edo Revivalist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The caller is a young woman who struggles to stop herself from peppering her socially awkward babble with poorly pronounced Japanese colloquialisms. Insofar as you can parse her nonsense, she seems to have gotten a hilariously romanticized version of feudal Japan from somewhere, and is willing to submit to enslavement in order to join your revivalist arcology. Whoever's out there spreading this rubbish, you owe them one; this serf is in for an extremely rude awakening.
+The caller is a young woman who struggles to stop $himself from peppering $his socially awkward babble with poorly pronounced Japanese colloquialisms. Insofar as you can parse $his nonsense, $he seems to have gotten a hilariously romanticized version of feudal Japan from somewhere, and is willing to submit to enslavement in order to join your revivalist arcology. Whoever's out there spreading this rubbish, you owe them one; this serf is in for an extremely rude awakening.
 <<case "Arabian Revivalist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The call comes in from an old world university. The caller, surprisingly, is a beautiful woman in her thirties who speaks with a richly lilting accent and a literary vocabulary. "I'm afraid," she says sadly, "it's come to slavery, for me. I am no longer a girl, but I can make some claim to beauty. I know many stories and can tell them cleverly; I can sing and dance well. I know you are not looking for a Scheherazade, but I could play her part. Nor am I naive; I know the Sultan enjoyed her body as well as her wit, and I am not unskilled in those respects, either." She looks you straight in the eye. "May I come into your harem? I will do my best to brighten it."
+The call comes in from an old world university. The caller, surprisingly, is a beautiful woman in $his thirties who speaks with a richly lilting accent and a literary vocabulary. "I'm afraid," $he says sadly, "it's come to slavery, for me. I am no longer a girl, but I can make some claim to beauty. I know many stories and can tell them cleverly; I can sing and dance well. I know you are not looking for a Scheherazade, but I could play her part. Nor am I naive; I know the Sultan enjoyed her body as well as her wit, and I am not unskilled in those respects, either." $He looks you straight in the eye. "May I come into your harem? I will do my best to brighten it."
 <<case "Chinese Revivalist">>
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. She lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-The call comes in from an office, and you suppress the urge to check whether $assistantName has misidentified a business communication. The caller is a middle-aged woman, not unattractive, whose face is lined with stress and worry. She draws herself up and says, "I would like to apply to be your slave." There is a flash of bitter amusement at the absurd statement,  but she continues, "Business circumstances make it inevitable. I have considerable skills and experience, and it is my understanding that you value such things." She forwards her qualifications: they are comprehensive and open, including her sexual skills as if they were merely another business asset. Which, in a way, they are.
+The call comes in from an office, and you suppress the urge to check whether $assistantName has misidentified a business communication. The caller is a middle-aged woman, not unattractive, whose face is lined with stress and worry. $He draws $himself up and says, "I would like to apply to be your slave." There is a flash of bitter amusement at the absurd statement, but $he continues, "Business circumstances make it inevitable. I have considerable skills and experience, and it is my understanding that you value such things." $He forwards $his qualifications: they are comprehensive and open, including $his sexual skills as if they were merely another business asset. Which, in a way, they are.
@@ -1284,90 +1284,90 @@ The call comes in from an office, and you suppress the urge to check whether $as
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	<<switch $FSAcquisitionEvents>>
 	<<case "Pastoralist">>
-	She drags herself in, but as the enslavement process winds grindingly on, she shakes off her depression. The vast weight of her situation lifts from her. You've seen this before, the perverse internal freedom that comes with the knowledge that her life is in the hands of another now, and that all she has to do or can do is obey. Her last words to you as a free woman are an ironic statement that, when she was teased back in school for the size of her boobs, she never thought they'd save her one day.
+		$He drags $himself in, but as the enslavement process winds grindingly on, $he shakes off $his depression. The vast weight of $his situation lifts from $him. You've seen this before, the perverse internal freedom that comes with the knowledge that $his life is in the hands of another now, and that all $he has to do or can do is obey. $His last words to you as a free woman are an ironic statement that, when $he was teased back in school for the size of $his boobs, $he never thought they'd save $him one day.
 	<<case "Pastoralist Two">>
-	She speaks to you as a free woman while working through the enslavement process, perhaps she hasn't quite grasped her new role. Nonetheless, it seems as if a vast weight has been lifted from her shoulders. You've seen this before, the perverse internal freedom that comes with the knowledge that her life is in the hands of another now, and that all she has to do or can do is obey. Her last words to you as a free woman are an ironic statement that, people always praised her milk filled udders as givers of life, yet she never thought they'd save $hers one day.
+		$He speaks to you as a free woman while working through the enslavement process, perhaps $he hasn't quite grasped $his new role. Nonetheless, it seems as if a vast weight has been lifted from $his shoulders. You've seen this before, the perverse internal freedom that comes with the knowledge that $his life is in the hands of another now, and that all $he has to do or can do is obey. $His last words to you as a free woman are an ironic statement that, people always praised $his milk filled udders as givers of life, yet $he never thought they'd save $hers one day.
 	<<case "Supremacist">>
-	A battered VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting obviously bogus IFF codes. It seems this mercenary group is playing fast and loose in an attempt to get back on their feet. The aircraft doesn't even touch down on the pad they're directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door.
+		A battered VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting obviously bogus IFF codes. It seems this mercenary group is playing fast and loose in an attempt to get back on their feet. The aircraft doesn't even touch down on the pad they're directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door.
 	<<case "Supremacist Two">>
-	A clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door.
+		A clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door.
 	<<case "Subjugationist">>
-	The enslavement process is disappointingly quiet, since she's still unconscious. As of this morning she was one of the last free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace people in the arcology. Now she's simply the newest sex slave of the inferior race to take her proper place.
+		The enslavement process is disappointingly quiet, since $he's still unconscious. As of this morning $he was one of the last free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace people in the arcology. Now $he's simply the newest sex slave of the inferior race to take $his proper place.
 	<<case "Subjugationist Two">>
-	The enslavement process is disappointingly quiet, since she does little more than stare blankly ahead and respond to any orders. As of this morning she was one of the last free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace people in the arcology. Now she's simply the newest, and perhaps most willing, sex slave of the inferior race to take her proper place.
+		The enslavement process is disappointingly quiet, since $he does little more than stare blankly ahead and respond to any orders. As of this morning $he was one of the last free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace people in the arcology. Now $he's simply the newest, and perhaps most willing, sex slave of the inferior race to take $his proper place.
 	<<case "Repopulation Efforts">>
-	When she arrives, she comes directly to your to your penthouse for enslavement. She wears an excited expression, having seen so many pregnant women on the way there, she can barely contain her enthusiasm.  She eagerly strips for inspection revealing her moist pussy, it seems she may be more into pregnancy then she let on.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an excited expression, having seen so many pregnant women on the way there, $he can barely contain $his enthusiasm. $He eagerly strips for inspection revealing $his moist pussy, it seems $he may be more into pregnancy then $he let on.
 	<<case "Repopulation Efforts Two">>
-	When she arrives, she is the very picture of someone who has seen the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. She can't wait to get started making babies for you.
+		When $he arrives, $he is the very picture of someone who has seen the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. $He can't wait to get started making babies for you.
 	<<case "Eugenics">>
-	You interrupt her rambling and bluntly inform her that she is useless to society. She steps back, insulted, and attempts a rebuttal. You cut her off again and tell her shes much more useful as your personal toy. She takes another step back and is promptly restrained before being dragged off to the autosurgeon.
-	<<set $activeSlave.preg = -2>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.balls = 0>>
+		You interrupt $his rambling and bluntly inform $him that $he is useless to society. $He steps back, insulted, and attempts a rebuttal. You cut $him off again and tell $him $he's much more useful as your personal toy. $He takes another step back and is promptly restrained before being dragged off to the autosurgeon.
+		<<set $activeSlave.preg = -2>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.balls = 0>>
 	<<case "Eugenics Two">>
-	When she arrives, she comes directly to your to your penthouse for enslavement. Her face may painful to look at, but her body is not all bad; with a little work, she can be quite the catch. When she hears the news, her spirits are visibly lifted; she never thought she'd be so lucky.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your to your penthouse for enslavement. $His face may painful to look at, but $his body is not all bad; with a little work, $he can be quite the catch. When $he hears the news, $his spirits are visibly lifted; $he never thought $he'd be so lucky.
 	<<case "Hedonistic Decadence">>
-	She becomes elated when she hears she'll be allowed to stay. Even if she doesn't get to fulfill all her desires, her new life is more welcome than her rapidly ending prior one. She revealed as she is escorted to the slave quarters that she blew the last of her money on her visit here.
+		$He becomes elated when $he hears $he'll be allowed to stay. Even if $he doesn't get to fulfill all $his desires, $his new life is more welcome than $his rapidly ending prior one. $He revealed as $he is escorted to the slave quarters that $he blew the last of $his money on $his visit here.
 	<<case "Hedonistic Decadence Two">>
-	When she arrives, she comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. She wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as she takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. The enslavement process requires her to be nude, of course, and it reveals she has no idea how to be sexy. She really is as boring as she said she was.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as $he takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. The enslavement process requires $him to be nude, of course, and it reveals $he has no idea how to be sexy. $He really is as boring as $he said $he was.
 	<<case "Gender Radicalist">>
-	When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as she takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. The enslavement process requires her to be nude, of course, so $he doesn't need to strip to offer herself to you when it's over. She doesn't even have to be prompted: she just gets down on the floor in front of your desk and offers you $his fuckhole.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as $he takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. The enslavement process requires $him to be nude, of course, so $he doesn't need to strip to offer $himself to you when it's over. $He doesn't even have to be prompted: $he just gets down on the floor in front of your desk and offers you $his fuckhole.
 	<<case "Gender Radicalist Two">>
-	When she arrives, she comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. She wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as she takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. The enslavement process requires her to be nude, of course, so she doesn't need to strip to offer herself to you when it's over. She doesn't even have to be prompted: she just gets down on the floor in front of your desk and offers you her fuckhole.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as $he takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. The enslavement process requires $him to be nude, of course, so $he doesn't need to strip to offer $himself to you when it's over. $He doesn't even have to be prompted: $he just gets down on the floor in front of your desk and offers you $his fuckhole.
 	<<case "Gender Fundamentalist">>
-	When she arrives, she is the very picture of a lost and very pregnant young waif. She clearly feels some hope at leaving her traditionalist home for a more modern society, but she has just as clearly heard enough about the Free Cities to know that she's likely to buy her presence here through long years of sexual labor. She sighs with relief at getting off her feet when the enslavement process finally allows her to sit.
+		When $he arrives, $he is the very picture of a lost and very pregnant young waif. $He clearly feels some hope at leaving $his traditionalist home for a more modern society, but $he has just as clearly heard enough about the Free Cities to know that $he's likely to buy $his presence here through long years of sexual labor. $He sighs with relief at getting off $his feet when the enslavement process finally allows $him to sit.
 	<<case "Gender Fundamentalist Two">>
-	When she arrives, she is the very picture of a distraught and very pregnant mature woman. She clearly feels some resentment at her traditionalist home and family for selling her into slavery, but she has just as clearly heard enough about the Free Cities to know that she's likely traded one form of marginalization for another.
+		When $he arrives, $he is the very picture of a distraught and very pregnant mature woman. $He clearly feels some resentment at $his traditionalist home and family for selling $him into slavery, but $he has just as clearly heard enough about the Free Cities to know that $he's likely traded one form of marginalization for another.
 	<<case "Paternalist">>
-	She speaks to you as a free woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, she stops and waits for instruction before talking. She does not look directly at your face, but keeps her gaze lower than that, and stands expectant and ready for commands. You are reminded of her intelligence by her precisely correct behavior for a new slave, even before you give any kind of direction.
+		$He speaks to you as a free woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, $he stops and waits for instruction before talking. $He does not look directly at your face, but keeps $his gaze lower than that, and stands expectant and ready for commands. You are reminded of $his intelligence by $his precisely correct behavior for a new slave, even before you give any kind of direction.
 	<<case "Paternalist Two">>
-	She speaks to you as a free woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, she stops and waits for instruction before talking. She may not have had many prospects in her life back home, but if she remains this obedient she'll fit right in here in the Free Cities.
+		$He speaks to you as a free woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, $he stops and waits for instruction before talking. $He may not have had many prospects in $his life back home, but if $he remains this obedient $he'll fit right in here in the Free Cities.
 	<<case "Degradationist">>
-	When she arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, she has clearly had some time to mull over her situation. As soon as she sees you, she blurts out, "Whatever that fucker told you, it isn't true. I'll be your little bitch bimbo, whatever you want. Just don't - just don't fucking hurt me." She sticks out her chest in a clear attempt to entice you with her fake tits.
+		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he blurts out, "Whatever that fucker told you, it isn't true. I'll be your little bitch bimbo, whatever you want. Just don't - just don't fucking hurt me." $He sticks out $his chest in a clear attempt to entice you with $his fake tits.
 	<<case "Degradationist Two">>
-	When she arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, she has clearly had some time to mull over her situation. As soon as she sees you, she glares deep into your eyes and addresses you directly, "Those fuckers threw everything they could at me, you can't break me. No one can."
+		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he glares deep into your eyes and addresses you directly, "Those fuckers threw everything they could at me, you can't break me. No one can."
 	<<case "Body Purist">>
-	When she arrives, it's obvious that she isn't particularly happy with the situation, but there is some evident relief to her. When asked about it, she says, "I really hate the idea of surgery, especially implant surgery, M-<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>. Just - the idea of having fake shit in here -" she rubs her chest a little "- ugh." She laughs bitterly at herself, and then rubs her chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation.
+		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he isn't particularly happy with the situation, but there is some evident relief to $him. When asked about it, $he says, "I really hate the idea of surgery, especially implant surgery, M-<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>. Just - the idea of having fake shit in here -" $he rubs $his chest a little "- ugh." $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation.
 	<<case "Body Purist Two">>
-	When she arrives, it's obvious that she's fairly happy. After all, the slave school trained her for this. When asked about it, she says, "Some of the girls who graduated before me were given implants, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>. Just - the idea of having fake shit in here -" she rubs her chest a little "- ugh. I'm glad you're not into that" She laughs bitterly at herself, and then rubs her chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation.
+		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he's fairly happy. After all, the slave school trained $him for this. When asked about it, $he says, "Some of the girls who graduated before me were given implants, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>. Just - the idea of having fake shit in here -" $he rubs $his chest a little "- ugh. I'm glad you're not into that" $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation.
 	<<case "Transformation Fetishist">>
-	She arrives with various medical devices still attached to her, wrapped up in supportive hospital clothing. Despite this, it's obvious that you've made a good decision. The new tits that got her into this situation are so cartoonish that some of the medical tubing has been hastily routed between them. After a few weeks on curatives and a few more in training, she'll be ready to bounce those fake boobs up and down as she takes dick.
+		$He arrives with various medical devices still attached to $him, wrapped up in supportive hospital clothing. Despite this, it's obvious that you've made a good decision. The new tits that got $him into this situation are so cartoonish that some of the medical tubing has been hastily routed between them. After a few weeks on curatives and a few more in training, $he'll be ready to bounce those fake boobs up and down as $he takes dick.
 	<<case "Transformation Fetishist Two">>
-	She arrives unapologetically in her fine clothing. "I'm not sorry," she says harshly, "but I'm wearing my best one last time whether you like it or not." Eventually she sighs, squares her shoulders, and visibly steels herself. "I'll say as a free woman, since it's my last chance to say anything as a free woman, you're good-looking, for an evil slaveholding oligarch." She delivers this last with a little smile on her plush lips and a sense of bitter irony in her voice. "If we'd met at a nice party last week I might have made a pass at you. You'd be a better choice than my ex-husband at least."
+		$He arrives unapologetically in $his fine clothing. "I'm not sorry," $he says harshly, "but I'm wearing my best one last time whether you like it or not." Eventually $he sighs, squares $his shoulders, and visibly steels $himself. "I'll say as a free woman, since it's my last chance to say anything as a free woman, you're good-looking, for an evil slaveholding oligarch." $He delivers this last with a little smile on $his plush lips and a sense of bitter irony in $his voice. "If we'd met at a nice party last week I might have made a pass at you. You'd be a better choice than my ex-husband at least."
 	<<case "Slimness Enthusiast">>
-	She arrives apologizing for her fine clothing. "I'm sorry," she apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my best one last time." She sighs, squares her shoulders, and visibly steels herself. "I'll say as a free woman, since it's my last chance to say anything as a free woman, you're good-looking, for an evil slaveholding oligarch." She delivers this last with a little smile on her lips and rich turn of humor in her voice. "If we'd met at a nice party last week I might have made a pass at you. I suppose that's beside the point now."
+		$He arrives apologizing for $his fine clothing. "I'm sorry," $he apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my best one last time." $He sighs, squares $his shoulders, and visibly steels $himself. "I'll say as a free woman, since it's my last chance to say anything as a free woman, you're good-looking, for an evil slaveholding oligarch." $He delivers this last with a little smile on $his lips and rich turn of humor in $his voice. "If we'd met at a nice party last week I might have made a pass at you. I suppose that's beside the point now."
 	<<case "Slimness Enthusiast Two">>
-	When she arrives, she is the very picture of a young waif out of her depth. It's clear she feels relief and escaping going under the knife, but she knows enough about the Free Cities to know that she's likely to buy her presence here through long years of sexual labor.
+		When $he arrives, $he is the very picture of a young waif out of $his depth. It's clear $he feels relief and escaping going under the knife, but $he knows enough about the Free Cities to know that $he's likely to buy $his presence here through long years of sexual labor.
 	<<case "Asset Expansionist">>
-	When she arrives, it's clear she's nobody's fool. She comes without personal effects of any kind, and is wearing cheap, sturdy clothes to travel in, since she knows she'll be taking them off immediately. She does, without being told, just as soon as the enslavement formalities are out of the way. Her breasts are capped by titanic, puffy nipples; she notices you appreciating them and gives you a hesitant little smile, swaying her shoulders back and forth a little to set her flesh deliciously into motion.
+		When $he arrives, it's clear $he's nobody's fool. $He comes without personal effects of any kind, and is wearing cheap, sturdy clothes to travel in, since $he knows $he'll be taking them off immediately. $He does, without being told, just as soon as the enslavement formalities are out of the way. $His breasts are capped by titanic, puffy nipples; $he notices you appreciating them and gives you a hesitant little smile, swaying $his shoulders back and forth a little to set $his flesh deliciously into motion.
 	<<case "Asset Expansionist Two">>
-	When she arrives, it's clear she's nobody's fool. She comes without personal effects of any kind, and is wearing cheap, sturdy clothes to travel in, since she knows she'll be taking them off immediately. She does, without being told, just as soon as the enslavement formalities are out of the way. Her breasts are capped by titanic, puffy nipples; she notices you appreciating them and gives you a hesitant little smile, swaying her shoulders back and forth a little to set her flesh deliciously into motion.
+		When $he arrives, it's clear $he's nobody's fool. $He comes without personal effects of any kind, and is wearing cheap, sturdy clothes to travel in, since $he knows $he'll be taking them off immediately. $He does, without being told, just as soon as the enslavement formalities are out of the way. $His breasts are capped by titanic, puffy nipples; $he notices you appreciating them and gives you a hesitant little smile, swaying $his shoulders back and forth a little to set $his flesh deliciously into motion.
 	<<case "Physical Idealist">>
-	She gets through the enslavement process without breaking anything, mostly due to your increasingly exasperated supervision. You wondered whether the destruction of her moronic ideas about life as one of your slaves was going to cause an explosion, but it seems that she's under fewer illusions than you thought. She's obviously familiar with getting fucked as a way of earning her keep, and hangs around, flexing idly and clearly wondering when you'll get on with it.
+		$He gets through the enslavement process without breaking anything, mostly due to your increasingly exasperated supervision. You wondered whether the destruction of $his moronic ideas about life as one of your slaves was going to cause an explosion, but it seems that $he's under fewer illusions than you thought. $He's obviously familiar with getting fucked as a way of earning $his keep, and hangs around, flexing idly and clearly wondering when you'll get on with it.
 	<<case "Physical Idealist Two">>
-	When she arrives, you're impressed again. She's even more muscular in person than in her pictures. "<<Master>>," she growls, "I've done my very best to be the biggest, strongest slave before coming here. May I show you?" More than a little curious, you nod. She reaches down to place a palm on the ground. "Well, <<Master>>, I had a month. So I did my best to get in shape." She suddenly flips as if starting a cartwheel, but stops suspended in midair, holding her entire muscular frame off the ground with just one hand planted on the floor. She turns slowly, revealing the base of an impressively large buttplug nestling between her cheeks. She knows her audience.
+		When $he arrives, you're impressed again. $He's even more muscular in person than in $his pictures. "<<Master>>," $he growls, "I've done my very best to be the biggest, strongest slave before coming here. May I show you?" More than a little curious, you nod. $He reaches down to place a palm on the ground. "Well, <<Master>>, I had a month. So I did my best to get in shape." $He suddenly flips as if starting a cartwheel, but stops suspended in midair, holding $his entire muscular frame off the ground with just one hand planted on the floor. $He turns slowly, revealing the base of an impressively large buttplug nestling between $his cheeks. $He knows $his audience.
 	<<case "Youth Preferentialist">>
-	Your slaving network gets her out of her difficult situation without trouble, forwarding her the necessary travel documents. When she arrives, she displays the clear signs of someone who has learned to avoid abuse: she takes no initiative and does nothing without instructions, just standing dumbly until ordered; when told what to do, she does it quickly and carefully. Though her mind is not broken, there is something dead lurking in her eyes. When she looks at you, it is with the watchful caution of an abused animal.
+		Your slaving network gets $him out of $his difficult situation without trouble, forwarding $him the necessary travel documents. When $he arrives, $he displays the clear signs of someone who has learned to avoid abuse: $he takes no initiative and does nothing without instructions, just standing dumbly until ordered; when told what to do, $he does it quickly and carefully. Though $his mind is not broken, there is something dead lurking in $his eyes. When $he looks at you, it is with the watchful caution of an abused animal.
 	<<case "Youth Preferentialist Two">>
-	Your slaving network extracts her from her family's grasp easily, forwarding her the necessary travel documents. When she arrives, she displays the clear signs of someone who's never had to think for themselves: she takes no initiative and does nothing without instructions, just standing dumbly until ordered; when told what to do, she does it quickly and carefully. Though her mind is not broken, there's clearly not a lot in there. Being a slave may actually be her most fitting vocation.
+		Your slaving network extracts $him from $his family's grasp easily, forwarding $him the necessary travel documents. When $he arrives, $he displays the clear signs of someone who's never had to think for themselves: $he takes no initiative and does nothing without instructions, just standing dumbly until ordered; when told what to do, $he does it quickly and carefully. Though $his mind is not broken, there's clearly not a lot in there. Being a slave may actually be $his most fitting vocation.
 	<<case "Maturity Preferentialist">>
-	When she arrives, you're impressed again. She elected to appear in black lace lingerie, and stalks into your office on high heels with a calculated sensuality. "<<Master>>," she purrs, "I've done my very best to get ready to be a good slave. May I show you?" More than a little curious, you nod. She starts to strip slowly and skillfully. "Well, <<Master>>, I had a month. So I did my best to get in shape." She rubs her hands down her toned belly, hooking fingers under her thong. "I practiced stripping. I practiced blowjobs." She turns slowly, revealing the base of an impressively large buttplug nestling between her cheeks. "I even practiced buttsex."
+		When $he arrives, you're impressed again. $He elected to appear in black lace lingerie, and stalks into your office on high heels with a calculated sensuality. "<<Master>>," $he purrs, "I've done my very best to get ready to be a good slave. May I show you?" More than a little curious, you nod. $He starts to strip slowly and skillfully. "Well, <<Master>>, I had a month. So I did my best to get in shape." $He rubs $his hands down $his toned belly, hooking fingers under $his thong. "I practiced stripping. I practiced blowjobs." $He turns slowly, revealing the base of an impressively large buttplug nestling between $his cheeks. "I even practiced buttsex."
 	<<case "Maturity Preferentialist Two">>
-	She arrives apologizing for her fine clothing. "I'm sorry," she apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my best one last time." She sighs, squares her shoulders, and visibly steels herself. "My son's a bastard for selling me to you, and all to save that useless store of his." She delivers this last with a bitter smile on her lips. "At least he had the sense to sell me to someone with exquisite taste, like you. After all, you did buy me."
+		$He arrives apologizing for $his fine clothing. "I'm sorry," $he apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my best one last time." $He sighs, squares $his shoulders, and visibly steels $himself. "My son's a bastard for selling me to you, and all to save that useless store of his." $He delivers this last with a bitter smile on $his lips. "At least he had the sense to sell me to someone with exquisite taste, like you. After all, you did buy me."
 	<<case "Chattel Religionist">>
-	She lets out a convulsive sob when you accept her servitude, and is painfully obsequious as you complete the formalities of enslavement. Your exam reveals several minor indications of self-harm - chewed nails, bitten lips, and such. But for all that, a remarkable look of peace has settled on the poor woman's face. She waits patiently for a hint of your will, <<if canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>her cock painfully erect<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 0>>precum dripping from her soft dick<<else>>her pussy visibly moist<</if>> at the prospect of the servile sex she is convinced is her duty.
+		$He lets out a convulsive sob when you accept $his servitude, and is painfully obsequious as you complete the formalities of enslavement. Your exam reveals several minor indications of self-harm - chewed nails, bitten lips, and such. But for all that, a remarkable look of peace has settled on the poor woman's face. $He waits patiently for a hint of your will, <<if canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>$his cock painfully erect<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 0>>precum dripping from $his soft dick<<else>>$his pussy visibly moist<</if>> at the prospect of the servile sex $he is convinced is $his duty.
 	<<case "Chattel Religionist Two">>
-	You complete the legalities and a clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door. The condemned prays tirelessly throughout the biometric scanning process, utterly shocked and disgusted by what they've witnessed in just the few minutes they've been in your arcology. Then it's off to the penthouse for basic slave induction.
+		You complete the legalities and a clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door. The condemned prays tirelessly throughout the biometric scanning process, utterly shocked and disgusted by what they've witnessed in just the few minutes they've been in your arcology. Then it's off to the penthouse for basic slave induction.
 	<<case "Roman Revivalist">>
-	She arrives wide-eyed and enthusiastic about the historical style she saw on the way in. She swallows nervously throughout the enslavement process and even cries a little at the end. She's slow to undress, and when she's finished, she covers her modest breasts with one arm and her mons with the other. It seems that she's about to have a rude awakening about the realities of being a house slave.
+		$He arrives wide-eyed and enthusiastic about the historical style $he saw on the way in. $He swallows nervously throughout the enslavement process and even cries a little at the end. $He's slow to undress, and when $he's finished, $he covers $his modest breasts with one arm and $his mons with the other. It seems that $he's about to have a rude awakening about the realities of being a house slave.
 	<<case "Aztec Revivalist">>
-	She arrives awestruck by all the sights she passed through to get to your abode. She probably didn't see anything too extreme, but she will soon. Feeling your gaze on her body, she quickly abandons all fears from her past life, strips off her clothes, and submits to you fully. Only time will tell if she made a mistake.
+		$He arrives awestruck by all the sights $he passed through to get to your abode. $He probably didn't see anything too extreme, but $he will soon. Feeling your gaze on $his body, $he quickly abandons all fears from $his past life, strips off $his clothes, and submits to you fully. Only time will tell if $he made a mistake.
 	<<case "Edo Revivalist">>
-	She arrives with doubt already clouding her eyes. It seems she passed one of the arcology's seedier bars on her way up to your penthouse; the sight of roaring patrons swilling cheap sake and manhandling whores in loose kimonos does not seem to have been part of her expectations. As the enslavement process winds on, she reflexively begins to look around for a means of escape, and slowly collapses into herself as she realizes there is none.
+		$He arrives with doubt already clouding $his eyes. It seems $he passed one of the arcology's seedier bars on $his way up to your penthouse; the sight of roaring patrons swilling cheap sake and manhandling whores in loose kimonos does not seem to have been part of $his expectations. As the enslavement process winds on, $he reflexively begins to look around for a means of escape, and slowly collapses into $himself as $he realizes there is none.
 	<<case "Arabian Revivalist">>
-	Your estimation of her rises through the enslavement process: she doffs and discards her conservative business wear without complaint, and stands nude before you, obeying instructions without fuss. There is an indecipherable glint in her $activeSlave.eyeColor eyes: nerves? Excitement? Challenge, even? Perhaps she even feels this is an adventure. And that, it will certainly be.
+		Your estimation of $him rises through the enslavement process: $he doffs and discards $his conservative business wear without complaint, and stands nude before you, obeying instructions without fuss. There is an indecipherable glint in $his $activeSlave.eyeColor eyes: nerves? Excitement? Challenge, even? Perhaps $he even feels this is an adventure. And that, it will certainly be.
 	<<case "Chinese Revivalist">>
-	She arrives in a simple, sturdy suit, which she obviously wore in the correct anticipation of immediately removing and never seeing again. She cooperates with the enslavement process as best she can, her glance confident and watchful. She's obviously calculating how to get ahead within this new place, and she pays particularly close attention as the ebb and flow of business through your office brings your various slaves into her view for the first time.
+		$He arrives in a simple, sturdy suit, which $he obviously wore in the correct anticipation of immediately removing and never seeing again. $He cooperates with the enslavement process as best $he can, $his glance confident and watchful. $He's obviously calculating how to get ahead within this new place, and $he pays particularly close attention as the ebb and flow of business through your office brings your various slaves into $his view for the first time.
 	<<include "New Slave Intro">>
@@ -1377,92 +1377,92 @@ The call comes in from an office, and you suppress the urge to check whether $as
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	<<switch $FSAcquisitionEvents>>
 	<<case "Pastoralist">>
-	$He drags herself in, but as the enslavement process winds grindingly on, she shakes off her depression. It threatens to descend again when a purchaser's agent comes in to take her away. She begs to know where she's going, so you tell $him $he's to be a cow in a slave dairy. She quails at the term, but you observe that she'll be well treated and lightly used, if at all, and she seems to take heart at this.
+		$He drags $himself in, but as the enslavement process winds grindingly on, $he shakes off $his depression. It threatens to descend again when a purchaser's agent comes in to take $him away. $He begs to know where $he's going, so you tell $him $he's to be a cow in a slave dairy. $He quails at the term, but you observe that $he'll be well treated and lightly used, if at all, and $he seems to take heart at this.
 	<<case "Pastoralist Two">>
-	She speaks to you as a free woman while working through the enslavement process; perhaps she hasn't quite grasped her new role. Nonetheless, it seems as if a vast weight has been lifted from her shoulders. It threatens to descend again when a purchaser's agent comes in to take her away. She begs to know where she's going, so you tell her she's to be a cow in a slave dairy. She quails at the term, but you observe that she'll be well treated and lightly used, if at all, and she seems to take heart at this.
+		$He speaks to you as a free woman while working through the enslavement process; perhaps $he hasn't quite grasped $his new role. Nonetheless, it seems as if a vast weight has been lifted from $his shoulders. It threatens to descend again when a purchaser's agent comes in to take $him away. $He begs to know where $he's going, so you tell $him $he's to be a cow in a slave dairy. $He quails at the term, but you observe that $he'll be well treated and lightly used, if at all, and $he seems to take heart at this.
 	<<case "Supremacist">>
-	A battered VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting obviously bogus IFF codes. It seems this mercenary group is playing fast and loose in an attempt to get back on their feet. The aircraft doesn't even touch down on the pad they're directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door. You decide to do the simple thing, and leave the bag where it is. The purchaser's agent can deal with it.
+		A battered VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting obviously bogus IFF codes. It seems this mercenary group is playing fast and loose in an attempt to get back on their feet. The aircraft doesn't even touch down on the pad they're directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door. You decide to do the simple thing, and leave the bag where it is. The purchaser's agent can deal with it.
 	<<case "Supremacist Two">>
-	A clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door.  You decide to do the simple thing, and leave the bag where it is. The purchaser's agent can deal with it.
+		A clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door. You decide to do the simple thing, and leave the bag where it is. The purchaser's agent can deal with it.
 	<<case "Subjugationist">>
-	The purchasing agent is businesslike, even hurried. The inert slave receives a simple check, with some industrious fingering of orifices, and is bundled off. As is appropriate.
+		The purchasing agent is businesslike, even hurried. The inert slave receives a simple check, with some industrious fingering of orifices, and is bundled off. As is appropriate.
 	<<case "Subjugationist Two">>
-	The enslavement process is disappointingly quiet, since $he does little more than stare blankly ahead and respond to any orders. As of this morning $he was one of the last free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace people in the arcology. Now $he's simply the newest, and perhaps most willing, sex slave of the inferior race to take $his proper place. $He's taken away by a purchasing agent soon after.
+		The enslavement process is disappointingly quiet, since $he does little more than stare blankly ahead and respond to any orders. As of this morning $he was one of the last free $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace people in the arcology. Now $he's simply the newest, and perhaps most willing, sex slave of the inferior race to take $his proper place. $He's taken away by a purchasing agent soon after.
 	<<case "Repopulation Efforts">>
-	When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your to your penthouse for enslavement. She wears an excited expression, having seen so many pregnant women on the way there, she can barely contain her enthusiasm. She eagerly strips for inspection revealing her moist pussy, it seems she may be more into pregnancy then she let on. You shake your head to her as a purchaser's agent appears to take her away. She asks if she'll still be impregnated and the agent nods approvingly. She seems slightly downtrodden that she won't be yours but she accepts the fact that she'll still be useful to your future.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an excited expression, having seen so many pregnant women on the way there, $he can barely contain $his enthusiasm. $He eagerly strips for inspection revealing $his moist pussy, it seems $he may be more into pregnancy then $he let on. You shake your head to $him as a purchaser's agent appears to take $him away. $He asks if $he'll still be impregnated and the agent nods approvingly. $He seems slightly downtrodden that $he won't be yours but $he accepts the fact that $he'll still be useful to your future.
 	<<case "Repopulation Efforts Two">>
-	When she arrives, she is the very picture of a someone who has seen the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. She can't wait to get started making babies for you. A purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of her and she pleads not to leave her infertile. You abate her fears, her fertility will be restored. Her new owner likes to experiment with fertility agents; she'll quickly be pregnant with <<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>dozens of children<<else>>multiples<</if>>. Her face alights at the thought. She'll finally have all the children she'd dreamed of.
+		When $he arrives, $he is the very picture of a someone who has seen the light at the end of a very dark tunnel. $He can't wait to get started making babies for you. A purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of $him and $he pleads not to leave $him infertile. You abate $his fears, $his fertility will be restored. $His new owner likes to experiment with fertility agents; $he'll quickly be pregnant with <<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>dozens of children<<else>>multiples<</if>>. $His face alights at the thought. $He'll finally have all the children $he'd dreamed of.
 	<<case "Eugenics">>
-	You interrupt her rambling and bluntly inform her that she is useless to society. She steps back, insulted, and attempts a rebuttal. You cut her off again and tell her another of the Societal Elite has taken interest in making her his pet. She takes another step back and is promptly restrained before being dragged off to her new owner.
+		You interrupt $his rambling and bluntly inform $him that $he is useless to society. $He steps back, insulted, and attempts a rebuttal. You cut $him off again and tell $him another of the Societal Elite has taken interest in making $him his pet. $He takes another step back and is promptly restrained before being dragged off to $his new owner.
 	<<case "Eugenics Two">>
-	When she arrives, she comes directly to your to your penthouse for enslavement. Her face may painful to look at, but her body is not all bad; with a little work, she can be quite the catch. A purchaser's agent appears to take her away, and she quietly asks who's bought her. A plastic surgeon, you tell her, who sees a diamond in the rough. She's speechless.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your to your penthouse for enslavement. $His face may painful to look at, but $his body is not all bad; with a little work, $he can be quite the catch. A purchaser's agent appears to take $him away, and $he quietly asks who's bought $him. A plastic surgeon, you tell $him, who sees a diamond in the rough. $He's speechless.
 	<<case "Hedonistic Decadence">>
-	You inform her that she will be staying in your arcology, but not under you. She has been purchased by a feeding trainer interested in slim girls with massive stomach capacities for entry into the eating competitions that have become so popular lately. She seems elated at the news, "<<S>>tuffing i<<s>> one of my favorite perver<<s>>ion<<s>>..." You cut her off and inform her that her current belly pales in comparison to her new owner's previous champion. She should expect to be tied up and force fed until her entire body is filled to capacity with slave food. She gulps nervously as she escorted out by the portly purchasing agent to her new home.
+		You inform $him that $he will be staying in your arcology, but not under you. $He has been purchased by a feeding trainer interested in slim girls with massive stomach capacities for entry into the eating competitions that have become so popular lately. $He seems elated at the news, "<<S>>tuffing i<<s>> one of my favorite perver<<s>>ion<<s>>..." You cut $him off and inform $him that $his current belly pales in comparison to $his new owner's previous champion. $He should expect to be tied up and force fed until $his entire body is filled to capacity with slave food. $He gulps nervously as $he escorted out by the portly purchasing agent to $his new home.
 	<<case "Hedonistic Decadence Two">>
-	When she arrives, she comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. She wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as she takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. A purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of her, and she asks politely who bought her. A man with an oviposition fetish, you tell her. She fails to grasp the meaning. You explain to her that eggs will be stuck into all her holes until she can't stomach any more. She turns beat red at the description, so you carry on. Her new owner will likely remodel her cervix to allow eggs to be pumped straight into her womb; she'll be lucky if she can stand once he's done with her. Then she'll have to look forward to laying them all for his amusement. Her hands have since moved to her crotch, it seems she's getting into the fantasy.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as $he takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. A purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of $him, and $he asks politely who bought $him. A man with an oviposition fetish, you tell $him. $He fails to grasp the meaning. You explain to $him that eggs will be stuck into all $his holes until $he can't stomach any more. $He turns beat red at the description, so you carry on. $His new owner will likely remodel $his cervix to allow eggs to be pumped straight into $his womb; $he'll be lucky if $he can stand once he's done with $him. Then $he'll have to look forward to laying them all for his amusement. $His hands have since moved to $his crotch, it seems $he's getting into the fantasy.
 	<<case "Gender Radicalist">>
-	When she arrives, she comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. She wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as she takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. A purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of her, and she asks politely who bought her. A salon, you tell her; she'll be trained to wait tables, serve drinks, and entertain customers with her mouth and anus.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as $he takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. A purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of $him, and $he asks politely who bought $him. A salon, you tell $him; $he'll be trained to $he tables, serve drinks, and entertain customers with $his mouth and anus.
 	<<case "Gender Radicalist Two">>
-	When she arrives, she comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. She wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as she takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. A purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of her, and she asks politely who bought her. A salon, you tell her; she'll be trained to wait tables, serve drinks, and entertain customers with her mouth and anus.
+		When $he arrives, $he comes directly to your penthouse for enslavement. $He wears an expression of doubt, fear, and wonder as $he takes in the sights and sounds of the magnificent beast that is the new society taking shape in $arcologies[0].name. A purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of $him, and $he asks politely who bought $him. A salon, you tell $him; $he'll be trained to wait tables, serve drinks, and entertain customers with $his mouth and anus.
 	<<case "Gender Fundamentalist">>
-	When she arrives, she is the very picture of a lost and very pregnant young waif. She clearly feels some hope at leaving her traditionalist home for a more modern society, but she has just as clearly heard enough about the Free Cities to know that she's likely to buy her presence here through long years of sexual labor. A purchaser's agent appears to take her away, and she quietly asks who's bought her. A breeder, you tell her, who prefers stock proven to be fertile. She'll probably manage 20 pregnancies or so, before she's retired.
+		When $he arrives, $he is the very picture of a lost and very pregnant young waif. $He clearly feels some hope at leaving $his traditionalist home for a more modern society, but $he has just as clearly heard enough about the Free Cities to know that $he's likely to buy $his presence here through long years of sexual labor. A purchaser's agent appears to take $him away, and $he quietly asks who's bought $him. A breeder, you tell $him, who prefers stock proven to be fertile. $He'll probably manage 20 pregnancies or so, before $he's retired.
 	<<case "Gender Fundamentalist Two">>
-	When she arrives, she is the very picture of a distraught and very pregnant mature woman. She clearly feels some resentment at her traditionalist home and family for selling her into slavery, but she has just as clearly heard enough about the Free Cities to know that she's likely traded one form of marginalization for another. A purchaser's agent appears to take her away, and she quietly asks who's bought her. A breeder, you tell her, who prefers to squeeze a few pregnancies out of mature women. She'll probably manage a few pregnancies before she's retired.
+		When $he arrives, $he is the very picture of a distraught and very pregnant mature woman. $He clearly feels some resentment at $his traditionalist home and family for selling $him into slavery, but $he has just as clearly heard enough about the Free Cities to know that $he's likely traded one form of marginalization for another. A purchaser's agent appears to take $him away, and $he quietly asks who's bought $him. A breeder, you tell $him, who prefers to squeeze a few pregnancies out of mature women. $He'll probably manage a few pregnancies before $he's retired.
 	<<case "Paternalist">>
-	She speaks to you as a free woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, she stops and waits for instruction before talking. She does not look directly at your face, but keeps her gaze lower than that, and stands expectant and ready for commands. You are reminded of her intelligence by her presence of mind when a purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of her; she clearly calculates that making a scene will gain her nothing, and cooperates. You reward this by telling her the truth: she's been sold to a citizen of $arcologies[0].name who shares paternalistic beliefs; she'll be fine.
+		$He speaks to you as a free woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, $he stops and waits for instruction before talking. $He does not look directly at your face, but keeps $his gaze lower than that, and stands expectant and ready for commands. You are reminded of $his intelligence by $his presence of mind when a purchaser's agent arrives to take charge of $him; $he clearly calculates that making a scene will gain $him nothing, and cooperates. You reward this by telling $him the truth: $he's been sold to a citizen of $arcologies[0].name who shares paternalistic beliefs; $he'll be fine.
 	<<case "Paternalist Two">>
-	She speaks to you as a free woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, she stops and waits for instruction before talking. She may not have had many prospects in her life back home, but if she remains this obedient she'll fit right in here in the Free Cities. When the purchasing agent arrives she is momentarily surprised but not alarmed, she figures she'll been sold to a citizen of $arcologies[0].name who shares paternalistic beliefs.
+		$He speaks to you as a free woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, $he stops and waits for instruction before talking. $He may not have had many prospects in $his life back home, but if $he remains this obedient $he'll fit right in here in the Free Cities. When the purchasing agent arrives $he is momentarily surprised but not alarmed, $he figures $he'll been sold to a citizen of $arcologies[0].name who shares paternalistic beliefs.
 	<<case "Degradationist">>
-	When she arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, she has clearly had some time to mull over her situation. As soon as she sees you, she blurts out, "Whatever that fucker told you, it isn't true. I'll be your little bitch bimbo, whatever you want. Just don't - just don't fucking hurt me." She sticks out her chest in a clear attempt to entice you with her fake tits, and is rewarded with a bag over her head, courtesy of the purchaser's agent who arrived in the meantime. The agent clearly felt that she would be a handful worth corralling quickly, and this proves correct. She goes limp after being tased, though.
+		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he blurts out, "Whatever that fucker told you, it isn't true. I'll be your little bitch bimbo, whatever you want. Just don't - just don't fucking hurt me." $He sticks out $his chest in a clear attempt to entice you with $his fake tits, and is rewarded with a bag over $his head, courtesy of the purchaser's agent who arrived in the meantime. The agent clearly felt that $he would be a handful worth corralling quickly, and this proves correct. $He goes limp after being tased, though.
 	<<case "Degradationist Two">>
-	When she arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, she has clearly had some time to mull over her situation. As soon as she sees you, she glares deep into your eyes and addresses you directly, "Those fuckers threw everything they could at me, you can't break me. No one can." She is rewarded with a bag over her head, courtesy of the purchaser's agent who arrived in the meantime. The agent clearly felt that she would be a handful worth corralling quickly, and this proves correct. She goes limp after being tased, though.
+		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he glares deep into your eyes and addresses you directly, "Those fuckers threw everything they could at me, you can't break me. No one can." $He is rewarded with a bag over $his head, courtesy of the purchaser's agent who arrived in the meantime. The agent clearly felt that $he would be a handful worth corralling quickly, and this proves correct. $He goes limp after being tased, though.
 	<<case "Body Purist">>
-	When she arrives, it's obvious that she isn't particularly happy with the situation, but there is some evident relief to her. It vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take her away. She looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased her. You tell her truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought her as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits, and he isn't particular about whether they're natural.
+		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he isn't particularly happy with the situation, but there is some evident relief to $him. It vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away. $He looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased $him. You tell $him truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought $him as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits, and he isn't particular about whether they're natural.
 	<<case "Body Purist Two">>
-	When she arrives, it's obvious that she's fairly happy. After all, the slave school trained her for this. When asked about it, she says, "Some of the girls who graduated before me were given implants, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>. Just - the idea of having fake shit in here -" she rubs her chest a little "- ugh. I'm glad you're not into that" She laughs bitterly at herself, and then rubs her chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation. Her playfulness vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take her away. She looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased her. You tell her truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought her as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits, and he isn't particular about whether they're natural.
+		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he's fairly happy. After all, the slave school trained $him for this. When asked about it, $he says, "Some of the girls who graduated before me were given implants, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>. Just - the idea of having fake shit in here -" $he rubs $his chest a little "- ugh. I'm glad you're not into that" $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation. $His playfulness vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away. $He looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased $him. You tell $him truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought $him as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits, and he isn't particular about whether they're natural.
 	<<case "Transformation Fetishist">>
-	The only downside to her condition is that reselling her is utterly anticlimactic. A purchaser's agent arrives and takes charge of her, transferring her to a medical transport bed. He takes her away, and it's done.
+		The only downside to $his condition is that reselling $him is utterly anticlimactic. A purchaser's agent arrives and takes charge of $him, transferring $him to a medical transport bed. He takes $him away, and it's done.
 	<<case "Transformation Fetishist Two">>
-	She arrives unapologetically in her fine clothing. "I'm not sorry," she says harshly, "but I'm wearing my best one last time whether you like it or not." Eventually she sighs, squares her shoulders, and visibly steels herself. She's about to declaim something when a purchaser's agent arrives to bundle her off. Her face darkens and she mulls something over, probably preparing a really cutting remark, but before she can deliver it the agent fastens a bag over her head and she is heard no more.
+		$He arrives unapologetically in $his fine clothing. "I'm not sorry," $he says harshly, "but I'm wearing my best one last time whether you like it or not." Eventually $he sighs, squares $his shoulders, and visibly steels $himself. $He's about to declaim something when a purchaser's agent arrives to bundle $him off. $His face darkens and $he mulls something over, probably preparing a really cutting remark, but before $he can deliver it the agent fastens a bag over $his head and $he is heard no more.
 	<<case "Slimness Enthusiast">>
-	She arrives apologizing for her fine clothing. "I'm sorry," she apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my best one last time." She sighs, squares her shoulders, and visibly steels herself. She's about to declaim something when a purchaser's agent arrives to bundle her off. Her face darkens and she mulls something over, probably preparing a really cutting remark, but before she can deliver it the agent fastens a bag over her head and she is heard no more.
+		$He arrives apologizing for $his fine clothing. "I'm sorry," $he apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my best one last time." $He sighs, squares $his shoulders, and visibly steels $himself. $He's about to declaim something when a purchaser's agent arrives to bundle $him off. $His face darkens and $he mulls something over, probably preparing a really cutting remark, but before $he can deliver it the agent fastens a bag over $his head and $he is heard no more.
 	<<case "Slimness Enthusiast Two">>
-	When she arrives, she is the very picture of a young waif out of her depth. It's clear she feels relief and escaping going under the knife, but she knows enough about the Free Cities to know that she's likely to buy her presence here through long years of sexual labor. A purchaser's agent appears to take her away, and she quietly asks who's bought her. A citizen, you tell her, who prefers his women slender and unimplanted. She seems relieved by this.
+		When $he arrives, $he is the very picture of a young waif out of $his depth. It's clear $he feels relief and escaping going under the knife, but $he knows enough about the Free Cities to know that $he's likely to buy $his presence here through long years of sexual labor. A purchaser's agent appears to take $him away, and $he quietly asks who's bought $him. A citizen, you tell $him, who prefers his women slender and unimplanted. $He seems relieved by this.
 	<<case "Asset Expansionist">>
-	When she arrives, it's clear she's nobody's fool. She comes without personal effects of any kind, and is wearing cheap, sturdy clothes to travel in, since she knows she'll be taking them off immediately. She does, without being told, just as soon as the enslavement formalities are out of the way. Her breasts are capped by titanic, puffy nipples; she notices you appreciating them and gives you a hesitant little smile, swaying her shoulders back and forth a little to set her flesh deliciously into motion. Her playfulness vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take her away. She looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased her. You tell her truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought her as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits.
+		When $he arrives, it's clear $he's nobody's fool. $He comes without personal effects of any kind, and is wearing cheap, sturdy clothes to travel in, since $he knows $he'll be taking them off immediately. $He does, without being told, just as soon as the enslavement formalities are out of the way. $His breasts are capped by titanic, puffy nipples; $he notices you appreciating them and gives you a hesitant little smile, swaying $his shoulders back and forth a little to set $his flesh deliciously into motion. $His playfulness vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away. $He looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased $him. You tell $him truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought $his as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits.
 	<<case "Asset Expansionist Two">>
-	When she arrives, it's clear she's nobody's fool. She comes without personal effects of any kind, and is wearing cheap, sturdy clothes to travel in, since she knows she'll be taking them off immediately. She does, without being told, just as soon as the enslavement formalities are out of the way. Her breasts are capped by titanic, puffy nipples; she notices you appreciating them and gives you a hesitant little smile, swaying her shoulders back and forth a little to set her flesh deliciously into motion. Her playfulness vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take her away. She looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased her. You tell her truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought her as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits.
+		When $he arrives, it's clear $he's nobody's fool. $He comes without personal effects of any kind, and is wearing cheap, sturdy clothes to travel in, since $he knows $he'll be taking them off immediately. $He does, without being told, just as soon as the enslavement formalities are out of the way. $His breasts are capped by titanic, puffy nipples; $he notices you appreciating them and gives you a hesitant little smile, swaying $his shoulders back and forth a little to set $his flesh deliciously into motion. $His playfulness vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away. $He looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased $him. You tell $him truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought $him as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits.
 	<<case "Physical Idealist">>
-	She gets through the enslavement process without breaking anything, mostly due to your increasingly exasperated supervision. Her buyer's agent arrives to take her away, and it takes the poor man ten minutes to get the situation through her thick skull. He sees the beginnings of rage building in her as she realizes how she's been tricked, but he's a quick draw, and before she can do anything he's got his taser unholstered and deployed. The bitch gives off an antediluvian roar as she goes stiff as a board and crashes to the floor.
+		$He gets through the enslavement process without breaking anything, mostly due to your increasingly exasperated supervision. $His buyer's agent arrives to take $him away, and it takes the poor man ten minutes to get the situation through $his thick skull. He sees the beginnings of rage building in $him as $he realizes how $he's been tricked, but he's a quick draw, and before $he can do anything he's got his taser unholstered and deployed. The bitch gives off an antediluvian roar as $he goes stiff as a board and crashes to the floor.
 	<<case "Physical Idealist Two">>
-	When she arrives, you're impressed again. She's even more muscular in person than in her pictures. "<<Master>>," she growls, "I've done my very best to be the biggest, strongest slave before coming here. May I show you?" Though more than a little curious, the arrival of the purchasing agent cuts short any theatrics. Though initially confused, the promise of steroids and other drugs by her new owner has her follow the agent out of your penthouse without fuss.
+		When $he arrives, you're impressed again. $He's even more muscular in person than in $his pictures. "<<Master>>," $he growls, "I've done my very best to be the biggest, strongest slave before coming here. May I show you?" Though more than a little curious, the arrival of the purchasing agent cuts short any theatrics. Though initially confused, the promise of steroids and other drugs by $his new owner has $him follow the agent out of your penthouse without fuss.
 	<<case "Youth Preferentialist">>
-	Your slaving network gets her out of her difficult situation without trouble, forwarding her the necessary travel documents. When she arrives, she displays the clear signs of someone who has learned to avoid abuse: she takes no initiative and does nothing without instructions, just standing dumbly until ordered; when told what to do, she does it quickly and carefully. When a buyer's agent arrives to take her away, she follows him without a backward glance.
+		Your slaving network gets $him out of $his difficult situation without trouble, forwarding $him the necessary travel documents. When $he arrives, $he displays the clear signs of someone who has learned to avoid abuse: $he takes no initiative and does nothing without instructions, just standing dumbly until ordered; when told what to do, $he does it quickly and carefully. When a buyer's agent arrives to take $him away, $he follows him without a backward glance.
 	<<case "Youth Preferentialist Two">>
-	Your slaving network extracts her from her family's grasp easily, forwarding her the necessary travel documents. When she arrives, she displays the clear signs of someone who's never had to think for themselves: she takes no initiative and does nothing without instructions, just standing dumbly until ordered; when told what to do, she does it quickly and carefully. Though her mind is not broken, there's clearly not a lot in there. Being a slave may actually be her most fitting vocation. When a buyer's agent arrives to take her away, she follows him without a backward glance, clearly unaware of who he is.
+		Your slaving network extracts $him from $his family's grasp easily, forwarding $him the necessary travel documents. When $he arrives, $he displays the clear signs of someone who's never had to think for themselves: $he takes no initiative and does nothing without instructions, just standing dumbly until ordered; when told what to do, $he does it quickly and carefully. Though $his mind is not broken, there's clearly not a lot in there. Being a slave may actually be $his most fitting vocation. When a buyer's agent arrives to take $him away, $he follows him without a backward glance, clearly unaware of who he is.
 	<<case "Maturity Preferentialist">>
-	She and the buyer's agent arrive at the same time. She accepts this defeat with good grace, and cooperates with him as best she can. She gives you a single questioning glance, with just a glint of hope; you take pity, and tell her she won't be going far. She's to be employed in one of the arcology's better MILF brothels. She'll be fucked ten times tomorrow, it's true, but she'll be well treated when she doesn't have dicks in her.
+		$He and the buyer's agent arrive at the same time. $He accepts this defeat with good grace, and cooperates with him as best $he can. $He gives you a single questioning glance, with just a glint of hope; you take pity, and tell $him $he won't be going far. $He's to be employed in one of the arcology's better MILF brothels. $He'll be fucked ten times tomorrow, it's true, but $he'll be well treated when $he doesn't have dicks in $him.
 	<<case "Maturity Preferentialist Two">>
-	She arrives apologizing for her fine clothing. "I'm sorry," she apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my best one last time." She sighs, squares her shoulders, and visibly steels herself. "My son's a bastard for selling me to you, and all to save that useless store of his." She delivers this last with a bitter smile on her lips. "At least he had the sense to sell me to someone with exquisite taste, like you. After all, you did buy me."  She's about to declaim something else when a purchaser's agent arrives to bundle her off. Her face darkens and she mulls something over, probably preparing a really cutting remark, but before she can deliver it the agent fastens a bag over her head and she is heard no more.
+		$He arrives apologizing for $his fine clothing. "I'm sorry," $he apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my best one last time." $He sighs, squares $his shoulders, and visibly steels $himself. "My son's a bastard for selling me to you, and all to save that useless store of his." $He delivers this last with a bitter smile on $his lips. "At least he had the sense to sell me to someone with exquisite taste, like you. After all, you did buy me." $He's about to declaim something else when a purchaser's agent arrives to bundle $him off. $His face darkens and $he mulls something over, probably preparing a really cutting remark, but before $he can deliver it the agent fastens a bag over $his head and $he is heard no more.
 	<<case "Chattel Religionist">>
-	She lets out a convulsive sob when you accept her servitude, and is painfully obsequious as you complete the formalities of enslavement. When her buyer arrives to take her away, the realization agonizes her, but she snuffs out her saddened reaction almost as soon as it dawns on her face. She visibly draws herself up, obviously telling herself that service under one master is as righteous as service under another.
+		$He lets out a convulsive sob when you accept $his servitude, and is painfully obsequious as you complete the formalities of enslavement. When $his buyer arrives to take $him away, the realization agonizes $him, but $he snuffs out $his saddened reaction almost as soon as it dawns on $his face. $He visibly draws $himself up, obviously telling $himself that service under one master is as righteous as service under another.
 	<<case "Chattel Religionist Two">>
-	You complete the legalities and a clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door. The condemned prays tirelessly they're unpacked, utterly shocked and disgusted by what they've witnessed in just the few minutes they've been in your arcology. You tell them to cheer up - they're off to a nice little brothel where they'll learn the joys of their new religion. You make out a single word as they are hauled away, "Blasphemer!" Seems someone wants you to patron them in their new career.
+		You complete the legalities and a clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers six feet off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door. The condemned prays tirelessly they're unpacked, utterly shocked and disgusted by what they've witnessed in just the few minutes they've been in your arcology. You tell them to cheer up - they're off to a nice little brothel where they'll learn the joys of their new religion. You make out a single word as they are hauled away, "Blasphemer!" Seems someone wants you to patron them in their new career.
 	<<case "Roman Revivalist">>
-	She arrives with doubt already clouding her eyes. It seems she got an introduction to the reality of Roman Revivalism on her way up the arcology to your villa. The violence it did to her vision of Rome is deeply ironic; $arcologies[0].name is a fair reproduction of the decadence and vigor of imperial Rome. If she's shocked by the screams of a slave dying in gladiatorial combat or the spectacle of prisoners from the provinces being sold at auction, that's her ignorance. When you cause a price placard to be affixed to her chest so she can be sold at auction, the reality of her future finally comes home to her.
+		$He arrives with doubt already clouding $his eyes. It seems $he got an introduction to the reality of Roman Revivalism on $his way up the arcology to your villa. The violence it did to $his vision of Rome is deeply ironic; $arcologies[0].name is a fair reproduction of the decadence and vigor of imperial Rome. If $he's shocked by the screams of a slave dying in gladiatorial combat or the spectacle of prisoners from the provinces being sold at auction, that's $his ignorance. When you cause a price placard to be affixed to $his chest so $he can be sold at auction, the reality of $his future finally comes home to $him.
 	<<case "Aztec Revivalist">>
-	She arrives so terrified, she can't stop shaking and won't acknowledge most of your commands. It seems she realized what really goes on in this arcology. The blood and gruesome mutilation is very far from she envisioned for her future; $arcologies[0].name is a close reproduction of the miasma of death that accompanied the Aztecs. She's currently too shaken to realize what awaits her. Whether good or bad, she can't back out. She's yours.
+		$He arrives so terrified, $he can't stop shaking and won't acknowledge most of your commands. It seems $he realized what really goes on in this arcology. The blood and gruesome mutilation is very far from $he envisioned for $his future; $arcologies[0].name is a close reproduction of the miasma of death that accompanied the Aztecs. $He's currently too shaken to realize what awaits $him. Whether good or bad, $he can't back out. $He's yours.
 	<<case "Edo Revivalist">>
-	She arrives with doubt already clouding her eyes. It seems she passed one of the arcology's seedier bars on her way up to your penthouse; the sight of roaring patrons swilling cheap sake and manhandling whores in loose kimonos does not seem to have been part of her expectations. When a buyer's agent arrives to take charge of her low-value body, she manages to spit out a last bit of bad Japanese (a childish insult) before he bags her. The body in the bag struggles spastically until he knuckles it hard in the kidney, slings it over his shoulder, and carries the package out, grinning at you in commiseration.
+		$He arrives with doubt already clouding $his eyes. It seems $he passed one of the arcology's seedier bars on $his way up to your penthouse; the sight of roaring patrons swilling cheap sake and manhandling whores in loose kimonos does not seem to have been part of $his expectations. When a buyer's agent arrives to take charge of $his low-value body, $he manages to spit out a last bit of bad Japanese (a childish insult) before he bags $him. The body in the bag struggles spastically until he knuckles it hard in the kidney, slings it over his shoulder, and carries the package out, grinning at you in commiseration.
 	<<case "Arabian Revivalist">>
-	She arrives and works her way through the enslavement process without fuss. When a buyer's agent arrives, she immediately understands that she has been sold. She looks rueful for a moment, obviously realizing that you made no commitment not to do this, and that such a commitment would have been worthless in any case. She flawlessly performs the only successful insult available to her, ignoring you utterly from that moment on, but obeying the agent faultlessly.
+		$He arrives and works $his way through the enslavement process without fuss. When a buyer's agent arrives, $he immediately understands that $he has been sold. $He looks rueful for a moment, obviously realizing that you made no commitment not to do this, and that such a commitment would have been worthless in any case. $He flawlessly performs the only successful insult available to $him, ignoring you utterly from that moment on, but obeying the agent faultlessly.
 	<<case "Chinese Revivalist">>
-	She arrives and works her way through the enslavement process, doing her best to ingratiate herself. When a buyer's agent arrives, she immediately understands that she has been sold. She looks rueful for a moment, obviously realizing that you made no commitment not to do this, and that such a commitment would have been worthless in any case. She transfers her focus to the agent without hesitation, doing her best to improve her rapidly changing position.
+		$He arrives and works $his way through the enslavement process, doing $his best to ingratiate $himself. When a buyer's agent arrives, $he immediately understands that $he has been sold. $He looks rueful for a moment, obviously realizing that you made no commitment not to do this, and that such a commitment would have been worthless in any case. $He transfers $his focus to the agent without hesitation, doing $his best to improve $his rapidly changing position.
 <</link>> //This will bring in <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>//
-	//You lack the necessary funds to enslave her.//
+	//You lack the necessary funds to enslave $him.//
 <<if $cheatMode == 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw b/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
index 969ad8bf1954870a2896ac7f4a60edecc4b9cded..f817d8704c29943eb1659e300349288701aa66ba 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
@@ -50,10 +50,6 @@
 <<set $activeSlave.pubicHStyle = "waxed">>
 <<set $activeSlave.underArmHStyle = "waxed">>
-Your head girl sends you a discreet message that she may have found a slave for you. $HeadGirl.slaveName duly ushers a girl into your office. She looks very young, like a dissolute party girl. She bites her lip nervously when she sees you, and looks to $HeadGirl.slaveName for guidance. $HeadGirl.slaveName nods at her reassuringly, so she explains herself.
-"<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, my name is $activeSlave.slaveName. I'm, um, bored, I guess. I go to clubs and get drunk and fuck guys and it's just kinda boring. I thought it would be different when I turned <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>, but that was a couple months ago and, well, nothing's different. I saw $HeadGirl.slaveName and she was just so graceful and beautiful and she seemed so confident in what she was doing and who she was and I talked to her and she said she was your head girl and... I want to be like her. Can I be your slave? I'd be good, I'm good at sucking dicks and stuff." She seems to be a little naive about sexual slavery, but there's no need to tell her that.
 <<case "male recruit">>
 <<if $pedo_mode == 1>>
@@ -82,10 +78,6 @@ Your head girl sends you a discreet message that she may have found a slave for
 <<set $activeSlave.pubicHStyle = "waxed">>
 <<set $activeSlave.underArmHStyle = "waxed">>
-Your head girl sends you a discreet message that she may have found a slave for you. $HeadGirl.slaveName duly ushers an androgynous young person into your office. She's dressed as a girl and acts like one. She looks very young, like a dissolute party girl. She bites her lip nervously when she sees you, and looks to $HeadGirl.slaveName for guidance. $HeadGirl.slaveName nods at her reassuringly, so she explains herself.
-"<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, my name is $activeSlave.slaveName. I'm, um, bored, I guess. I go to clubs and get drunk and fuck guys and it's just kinda boring. I thought it would be different when I turned <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>, but that was a couple months ago and, well, nothing's different. I saw $HeadGirl.slaveName and she was just so beautiful and has a dick like me and she seemed so confident in what she was doing and who she was and I talked to her and she said she was your head girl and... I want to be like her. Can I be your slave? I'd be good, I'm good at sucking dicks." She seems to be a little naive about sexual slavery, but there's no need to tell her that.
 <<case "whore recruit">>
 <<if $minimumSlaveAge < 14 && $pedo_mode == 0>>
@@ -124,10 +116,6 @@ Your head girl sends you a discreet message that she may have found a slave for
 <<set $activeSlave.underArmHStyle = "waxed">>
 <<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has a tear tattooed under each eye.">>
-Your head girl sends you a discreet message that she may have found a slave for you. $HeadGirl.slaveName duly ushers a working girl into your office. She looks like a classic street hooker, and she's clearly had a rough time recently. She needs no prompting to explain herself, and she does so without embarrassment.
-"<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, my name is $activeSlave.slaveName. I'm a street whore. Working girls get to know each other, so I know $HeadGirl.slaveName pretty well. I've been having a bad time on the streets, and last night a john beat on me pretty good. I'm broke and I'm sick of this. Being free isn't worth shit. $HeadGirl.slaveName likes you and she seems to do OK. So, can I be your slave? I'm a good bet, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I'd be happy enough working for you as a slave whore if you keep me healthy and safe, and I'm a good fuck."
 <<case "female debtor">>
 <<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
@@ -137,8 +125,6 @@ Your head girl sends you a discreet message that she may have found a slave for
 <<set $activeSlave.devotion = random(-45,-25)>>
 <<set $activeSlave.trust = random(-15,0)>>
-One of the tenants in your arcology has not paid rent in some time. In the Free Cities, debtors may be enslaved once their debt reaches a fair price for their enslavement. Your tenant has reached this point. She comes to see you, sobbing in terror; you are pleased to see that she is female and of appropriate age.
 <<case "male debtor">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 30>>
@@ -154,8 +140,6 @@ One of the tenants in your arcology has not paid rent in some time. In the Free
 <<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.hStyle = either("very short", "short")>>
-One of the tenants in your arcology has not paid rent in some time. In the Free Cities, debtors may be enslaved once their debt reaches a fair price for their enslavement. Your tenant has reached this point. He comes to see you, despondent. He is male for the moment, but enslavement will change that status, if only by a technicality. More concrete feminization will be up to you.
 <<case "desperate preg">>
 <<if $pedo_mode == 1>>
@@ -189,8 +173,6 @@ One of the tenants in your arcology has not paid rent in some time. In the Free
 <<set $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.health = random(-40,-20)>>
-A young woman comes to your penthouse for an interview. You accepted her request to see you because she took the unusual step of promising to sell herself to you if you would admit her. The reason for this odd behavior becomes clear when she enters. She's dressed in torn old clothes, is obviously unhealthy, and is massively pregnant. Instead of standing in front of your desk, she kneels and looks at the floor as she speaks. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'm desperate. I understand slaves' babies must be sent to orphanages at birth. But I'm on the streets and I'm so sick and hungry I'm afraid I'll miscarry. Could you enslave me, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? I'm still pretty enough, and... I know some men like pregnant women. My ass is - well, I hear slaves are more valuable if they're tight back there and I've never done it there. I'm also starting to give a little milk. I know I'll have to give up the baby. I guess that's all." She weeps quietly as she talks, but she's brave enough to get through her little speech.
 <<case "blind homeless">>
 <<if $pedo_mode == 1>>
@@ -222,12 +204,8 @@ A young woman comes to your penthouse for an interview. You accepted her request
 <<set $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.health = random(-60,-20)>>
-A young <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge < 13>>girl<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge < 18>>teen<<else>>woman<</if>> struggles into your penthouse for an interview. You accepted her request to see you because she took the unusual step of promising to sell herself to you if you would admit her. The reason for this odd behavior becomes clear when she enters. She is gingerly feeling her way towards your desk, before finding it and straightening up, giving you a good look at her body. She is clothed in rags and dangerously thin, save for a notable roundness in her middle. She shakily makes her case. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'm desperate. My home was repossessed and I was forced onto the street. And the street is no place for a blind girl. T-they", she place a hand on her stomach, "took advantage of my helplessness. For months, they fucked me whenever they wanted, and in return the gave me next to no food and this child!" She stamps her foot angrily, before continuing, "but I thought, you would be far better than that life, a slow death on the streets." She tears up and awaits your response.
 <<case "paternalist swan song">>
-<<set $swanSong = 1>>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 10>>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 14>>
 <<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
@@ -257,17 +235,6 @@ A young <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge < 13>>girl<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAg
 <<set $activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "She was a famous young musical prodigy known throughout both the old world and the free cities.">>
 <<set $activeSlave.accent = 1>>
-Not every day in the arcology is calm and this one is most certainly more energetic than usual. It seems there that a large crowd is gathering along the 
-<<if $terrain != "oceanic">>
-	road extending from the front gate as a small convoy of luxury vehicles rolls in. Your arcology isn't immune to outside old world influences, and the person in the center vehicle
-<<elseif $terrain == "oceanic">>
-	canal extending from the front gate as a small convoy of luxury yachts sails in. Your arcology isn't immune to outside old world influences, and the person on the center yacht
- so happens to be such a force.
-Recently, a young musical prodigy has taken both the old world and the free cities by storm. Their rising popularity has gained them quite a following and the attention of some very powerful people. You look at the schedule of events for citizens tonight and, sure enough, they are to appear, live in concert, tonight. You tell $assistantName to set up a live feed of the performance for you so as not to interrupt your work. Several hours later, the young artist comes out on stage to a full house. They perform their latest hits and some fan favorites, but it's the crowd suddenly going silent that disturbs you from your paperwork. You look at the feed to see the artist standing there, a sullen expression on their face, tears streaming down their cheeks, and their body jerking, obviously wracked by occasional sobbing. They take a very quick bow and run off stage, before the feed gets cut. You shrug, artists have breakdowns and return to your tasks. Surprisingly, $assistantName chimes in to tell you that an unexpected guest has arrived. You have them sent in and are surprised to see the young, visibly distressed prodigy.
-"I was told by my producer to come here, they say I have earned enough of a debt to be enslaved. I heard that slaves seem to be treated well here and thought that, just maybe, if I convinced them to let my final performance be here, I would have a chance at a better life than at another arcology owned by a crueler master. Please, would you consider taking me in?"
 <<case "desperate milf">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = $fertilityAge + $minimumSlaveAge>>
@@ -287,8 +254,6 @@ Recently, a young musical prodigy has taken both the old world and the free citi
 <<set $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.health = random(-80,-60)>>
-A <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge > 50>>old woman<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge > 30>>middle-aged woman<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge >= 18>>young woman<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge >= 13>>teenage girl<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge >= 7>>loli<<else>>little girl<</if>> comes to your penthouse for an interview. She's clearly unwell. Instead of standing in front of your desk, she kneels and looks at the floor as she speaks. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'm desperate. I came to the Free Cities to build a better life, but... it hasn't worked out for me. I can't afford medical care, and I guess I'm too scared to try street-walking yet, though I'll have to soon. I hear you're a known slave owner, and that you give your slaves good medical care... could you enslave me, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? I know I'm still pretty enough, so I'd be used as a sex slave." She weeps quietly as she talks, but she's brave enough to get through her little speech.
 <<case "tg addict">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 25>>
@@ -309,13 +274,8 @@ A <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge > 50>>old woman<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge
 <<set $activeSlave.preg = -2>>
 <<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 0>>
-One of your tenants asks for an interview. He's an effeminate young man; it seems he's a surgical addict. He has heard that you have a remote surgical unit, and offers to pay well over a fair price to rent its use. Intrigued, you investigate, and find that he has been banned from the regular hospitals for unpaid bills. You could easily reprogram the surgery to ignore his input and instead gender reassign him into a saleable young woman, driving him into enslaveable debt at the same time. 'She'll' be slim, inexperienced, and very unhappy.
-//You could agree and then reprogram the remote surgery for transformation into a female once he's unconscious. Alternatively, you could transform him and then sell her.//
 <<case "school sale">>
-<<set $encyclopedia = "Slave Schools">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = Math.max($minimumSlaveAge,10)>>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 16>>
 <<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
@@ -344,19 +304,8 @@ One of your tenants asks for an interview. He's an effeminate young man; it seem
 <<set $activeSlave.pubicHStyle = "waxed">>
 <<set $activeSlave.underArmHStyle = "waxed">>
-A young slave is going door to door offering herself for sale on behalf of her owner. It's rare to see a slave obedient enough to be entrusted with her own sale, and she's interesting, so you let her up. She stands in front of your desk and waits for instructions. She's wearing a very skimpy schoolgirl skirt and a white blouse so tight and brief that the tops of her areolae are visible. The badge on her blouse identifies her as a product of one of the Free Cities' legal slave orphanages. You instruct her to tell you about herself.
-"I was raised and trained by a slave orphanage, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. It is not legal to own underage girls, but it is legal to charge an orphan for the costs of raising her when she reaches $minimumSlaveAge, and those debts are always high enough to enslave her. My <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>th birthday was yesterday, <<if $activeSlave.actualAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>so I am a slave and for sale now<<else>>so I'm too old to stay at the orphanage any longer<</if>>."
-"I have been trained for obedience since I came to the orphanage. At <<print Math.min(14, $activeSlave.actualAge - 4)>> they put me on drugs to make sure I'd grow nice T&A. On my <<print Math.min(16, $activeSlave.actualAge - 2)>>th birthday I got my first set of implants. Every time my boobs got used to the implants, I got sent in for a bigger set. I'm on my second set." She unbuttons her blouse and displays a pair of big fake tits. "I've also had my lips done." She blows you a wet kiss.
-She hikes up her skirt and spins around slowly. "The drugs also made my butt bigger, and I've had my butt done too. <<if $activeSlave.actualAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>Since it wasn't okay to fuck me before I had turned $minimumSlaveAge and been made a slave<<else>>Since my owner thought it would make me more desirable<</if>>, I'm a virgin and my anus has never had anything up it, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>." She pulls her buttocks apart to prove it.
-"I cost <<print cashFormat(2500)>>, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."
 <<case "school trap">>
-<<set $encyclopedia = "Slave Schools">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = Math.max($minimumSlaveAge,10)>>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 16>>
 <<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
@@ -387,16 +336,6 @@ She hikes up her skirt and spins around slowly. "The drugs also made my butt big
 <<set $activeSlave.pubertyXY = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.pubertyAgeXY = 50>>
-A young slave is going door to door offering herself for sale on behalf of her owner. It's rare to see a slave obedient enough to be entrusted with her own sale, and she's interesting, so you let her up. She stands in front of your desk and waits for instructions. She's wearing a very skimpy schoolgirl skirt and a white blouse so tight and brief that the tops of her areolae are visible. Something is tenting the front of her skirt slightly. The badge on her blouse identifies her as a product of one of the Free Cities' legal slave orphanages. You instruct her to tell you about herself.
-"I was raised and trained by a slave orphanage, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. It is not legal to own underage girls, but it is legal to charge an orphan for the costs of raising her when she reaches $minimumSlaveAge, and those debts are always high enough to enslave her. My <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>th birthday was yesterday, <<if $activeSlave.actualAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>so I am a slave and for sale now<<else>>so I'm too old to stay at the orphanage any longer<</if>>."
-"I have been trained for obedience since I came to the orphanage. I came as a male, but they reassigned me to female right away. At <<print Math.min(14, $activeSlave.actualAge - 4)>> they put me on drugs to make sure I'd grow nice T&A and look more feminine. Those drugs also stopped my penis from growing much, so it's small, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. On my <<print Math.min(16, $activeSlave.actualAge - 2)>>th birthday I got my first set of implants. Every time my chest got used to the implants, I got sent in for a bigger set. I'm on my third set." She unbuttons her blouse and displays a pair of fake tits.
-She hikes up her skirt and spins around slowly, displaying a petite, half-hard cock. "The drugs also made my butt bigger and my hips wider. <<if $activeSlave.actualAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>Since it wasn't okay to fuck me before I had turned $minimumSlaveAge and been made a slave<<else>>Since my owner thought it would make me more desirable<</if>>, my anus has never had anything up it, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>." She pulls her buttocks apart to prove it. "I... I would be happy to serve you like I am now <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, or you could send me for surgery to give me a pussy instead, I would like that too, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."
-"I cost <<print cashFormat(2500)>>, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."
 <<case "handsome PC">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = random(12, 16)>>
@@ -417,12 +356,6 @@ She hikes up her skirt and spins around slowly, displaying a petite, half-hard c
 <<set $activeSlave.earPiercing = random(0,1)>>
-<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> alerts you that a supplicant has arrived at the door to the penthouse. A constant stream of hopefuls appear at your door, and $assistantName makes herself invaluable by filtering them. One of the few categories of applicant that is always admitted is people willing to be enslaved for some reason; this is just such a girl.
-The young girl who is admitted to your office quails a bit at the sight of you, and you believe you can detect a bit of infatuation there, too. You wordlessly query $assistantName, and she turns to the massive task of sorting through arcology records to come up with a possible explanation. Meanwhile, you start interviewing the potential slave. It appears that she left home, in a settlement near the arcology, right after her <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>th birthday and came straight here. She's no innocent, and not destitute, and you're surprised she's done something this foolish.
-After a short while, your assistant whispers in your earpiece, <<if $assistant == 0>><<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>"Sir<<else>>"Ma'am<</if>>,<<else>>"Sweetheart,<</if>> she doesn't live here. Look at this." She pulls up footage of a public event several weeks ago, and the girl is in the crowd, staring at you with limpid eyes. Rather than confronting her directly, you probe the subject, and after some evasion she admits that yes, she did come here out of infatuation with you. "Pretty fuckin' stupid," she admits. "But I've come too far now. I just really want to live here. With you, I guess. If that means being your slave, that's okay. Can I be your house servant, maybe?"
 <<case "womanly PC">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 28>>
@@ -448,12 +381,6 @@ After a short while, your assistant whispers in your earpiece, <<if $assistant =
 <<set $activeSlave.shouldersTat = either(0, 0, "tribal patterns", "flowers")>>
 <<set $activeSlave.stampTat = either(0, 0, "tribal patterns", "flowers")>>
-<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> alerts you that a supplicant has arrived at the door to the penthouse. A constant stream of hopefuls appear at your door, and $assistantName makes herself invaluable by filtering them. One of the few categories of applicant that is always admitted is people willing to be enslaved for some reason; this is just such a woman.
-"It's my husband," she says forthrightly. "I'm pretty sure the bastard is going to enslave me." She pours out the trite story; it's terrifically boring, but it pays to hear people who want to be enslaved out. It's the only forbearance you'll need to show her, ever, if you manage things correctly.
-"So," she sums up, sighing and dabbing at tears, "I know you're a slave-owner. I don't really have anywhere else to go, so I'll be your slave. I'm not stupid, and I'm not ugly, so I know that means I'd be a sex slave. But it's better than the open market." Left unsaid is her obvious expectation that you'll be sympathetic to her plight.
 <<case "shemale PC">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 13>>
@@ -491,12 +418,6 @@ After a short while, your assistant whispers in your earpiece, <<if $assistant =
 <<set $activeSlave.anusTat = either("bleached")>>
 <<set $activeSlave.pubicHStyle = "waxed">>
-<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> alerts you that a supplicant has arrived at the door to the penthouse. A constant stream of hopefuls appear at your door, and $assistantName makes herself invaluable by filtering them. One of the few categories of applicant that is always admitted is people willing to be enslaved for some reason; this is just such a girl.
-"Hi," she says hesitantly. She's a pretty convincing girl; her voice is the only giveaway. You tell her that if she wishes to be considered for enslavement, you need to inspect her naked. To her credit, she obeys, undressing quickly to reveal a body that's clearly seen a good deal of hormone therapy. She's not unhealthy and isn't too shabby, so you ask her why she's here.
-"I don't make very much money," she says, and you manage not to laugh at the absurdity. "I really want to be a prettier girl. I'm - I'm not really comfortable yet. But all the modern surgeries and drugs are so expensive. And I can't afford it, and I won't be able to before I'm old unless I decide to be a whore. So I decided if I was going to do that I might as well do it here, for you. You're," she blushes, "you're very pretty. I would love to look like you."
 <<case "female SD">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 13>>
@@ -528,14 +449,6 @@ After a short while, your assistant whispers in your earpiece, <<if $assistant =
 <<set $activeSlave.career = "a student">>
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "liberated">>
-Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of pretty liberal students from the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>>college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>>high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>>junior high school<<else>>elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street. 
-One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a quite pretty young woman, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of her getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search (since all the officers agreed she 'had to be hiding something') is definitively worth saving to a private folder.
-Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of her bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way she or even anyone related to her could come up with the cash. All of which leaves you with an opportunity... the car's owner hasn't seen her yet, so you could conceivably approach him and buy the debt for this beauty off him. Better be quick, if he realizes what is waiting in a cell for him, you doubt he'd sell her at all.
-//Her debt will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>> to pay off, with the usual <<print cashFormat(1000)>> in registration fees afterward. Alternatively, you could buy her and sell her.//
 <<case "male SD">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 13>>
@@ -570,14 +483,6 @@ Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of her bank
 <<set $activeSlave.career = "a student">>
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "liberated">>
-Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of pretty liberal students from the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>>college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>>high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>>junior high<<else>>elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street. 
-One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a good-looking young man, well-muscled too, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of him getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search (since all the officers agreed he 'had to be hiding something') does make you think about the potential this guy would have as a dickgirl slave with a little work done on him.
-Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of his bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way he or even anyone related to him could come up with the cash. All of which leaves you with an opportunity... the car's owner hasn't seen the arrested student yet, so you could conceivably approach him and buy the debt for this young buck off him. Better be quick, or the owner might just choose to keep such a promising slave himself.
-//His debt will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>> to pay off, with the usual <<print cashFormat(1000)>> in registration fees and a little work to make a satisfactory dickgirl out of him afterward. Alternatively, you could buy him and after just a little work with the remote surgery sell a newly made dickgirl.//
 <<case "female SD 2">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 13>>
@@ -627,19 +532,6 @@ Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of his bank
 <<set $activeSlave.override_Pubic_H_Color = 1>>
 <<set $activeSlave.hColor = either("purple", "blue", "green")>>
-Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of rather liberal students from the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>>college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>>high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>>junior high school<<else>>elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street. 
-One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a rather fat young woman, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of her getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search by a new recruit (since all the officers agreed she 'had to be hiding something') was definitely amusing. His reaction was priceless.
-Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of her bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way she or even anyone related to her could come up with the cash.
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
-	All of which leaves you with an opportunity... the car's owner hasn't seen her yet, so you could conceivably approach him and buy the debt for this beauty off him. Better be quick, if he realizes what is waiting in a cell for him, you doubt he'd sell her at all.
-	Most slavers wouldn't give such a bloated slave a second look, but your eyes are keen; there is a rather pretty face buried under all that flab. With a bit of work, she can be turned into a rather valuable asset; also it's always fun to break a haughty bitch into an obedient slut. 
-//Her debt will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>> to pay off, with the usual <<print cashFormat(1000)>> in registration fees afterward. Alternatively, you could buy her and sell her.//
 <<case "female SE">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 21>>
@@ -673,12 +565,6 @@ Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of her bank
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "devout">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
-A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same - which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slave owners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
-The situation does yield a few business opportunities too, as not all of the guys think just with their dicks. One of them is currently offering his free girl for sale, which your assistant instantly flags for your attention. A video attached to the offer does look quite nice, as the slave-girl happily poses in the nude for her 'beloved', not knowing that he's planning to sell her.
-//The young woman will be auctioned off, but you think you should be able to get her for about <<print cashFormat(4000)>> or so... she's pretty and a virgin, but the nonexistent sex skills will keep the price relatively low in the end.//
 <<case "MTF SE">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 21>>
@@ -713,12 +599,6 @@ The situation does yield a few business opportunities too, as not all of the guy
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "devout">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
-A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same - which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slave owners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
-It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwagon, throwing in a little bit of transformative surgery in the mix. Either going all the way to making themselves into female slaves or hoping to be accepted as dick-girls after making the target of their affection fall for a pretty face and breasts. One of former cases gets flagged by your assistant as a business opportunity, as the new slave-owner wasn't impressed by a former male - despite her good looks and virgin pussy, he can't forget she originally was a man. A video attached to the 'sale offer' online post does show a relatively pretty young woman, sniffling quietly as she gets ordered to show off her body to prospective buyers.
-//The girl should go pretty cheap, just <<print cashFormat(2000)>>. Sounds like the owner mostly wants to not be bothered by her anymore.//
 <<case "DG SE">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 21>>
@@ -753,12 +633,6 @@ It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwa
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "devout">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
-A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same - which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slave owners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
-It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwagon, throwing in a little bit of transformative surgery in the mix. Either going all the way to making themselves into female slaves or hoping to be accepted as dick-girls after making the target of their affection fall for a pretty face and breasts. One of latter cases gets flagged by your assistant as a business opportunity, as the new slave-owner wasn't impressed by a former male and wants to get rid of the dickgirl as quickly as possible. A video attached to the 'sale offer' online post does show a relatively pretty young dickgirl, sniffling quietly as she gets ordered to show off her body to prospective buyers.
-//The dickgirl should go pretty cheap, just <<print cashFormat(1500)>>. Sounds like the owner mostly wants to not be bothered by her anymore.//
 <<case "gang leader">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 17>>
@@ -794,14 +668,6 @@ It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwa
 <<set $activeSlave.eyebrowPiercing = 1>>
 <<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has a tear tattooed under her left eye.">>
-Your desk flags a video message as coming from an... interesting source. It is from one of the minor gangs on the lower levels of your arcology - or not so minor anymore, as a pop-up tells you of the power-grab they made barely an hour ago. Curious what they might want, you take the call.
-A tough-looking man with multiple tattoos and a wife-beater shirt on appears on the screen, nodding in recognition. "Hey there, boss-<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>man<<else>>woman<</if>>. Just calling to pay my respects. Those weak-ass punks that were squatting in this section won't bother you anymore... we took care of em. Now it's just all law-abiding citizens and shit down here - so you don't have to send your security goons to check us out, you know." Your assistant throws up a list of the gang's numerous criminal activities, as well as the estimates what other enterprises they've just taken over. Nothing much out of the ordinary and with the shape the world is in, you got bigger problems. The recommendation is to observe but mostly ignore them, which you casually confirm with a flick of your finger.
-Clearing his throat, the new gang-leader on level twenty-five continues, "But that's not all, we got a bit of tribute for ya." Waving his hand, he makes room for two muscular bruisers carrying the unconscious form of another man - easily recognizable from his muscled build and numerous tattoos as a hardened criminal. The face-recognition software tells you he is the now overthrown gangster boss in that area of the arcology. "Everyone knows what fun things you do with your slaves, so we thought it'd fit for this guy. Gonna throw him in an elevator in a minute and send it up, kay? If you make him into a proper brainless slut, you'll have quite a few guys standing in line to have a go. And well, he'd make a capable gladiator in a pit fight too. Have fun with the bastard."
-The signal is cut suddenly, and just a few moments later, your assistant flags an elevator going up containing a person needing medical attention. Anticipating your wishes, the planning interface of the remote surgery opens up right away, indicating available options for the criminal's feminized face.
 <<case "DG runaway">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 24>>
@@ -842,12 +708,6 @@ The signal is cut suddenly, and just a few moments later, your assistant flags a
 <<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has a barcode tattooed on her neck.">>
 <<set $activeSlave.attrXY = 20>>
-A report about a successful operation by your mercenaries waits at your desk when you come in the office this morning. Turns out they tracked a brutal gang that was waylaying travellers near the Free City and stormed their hideout last night. All of the criminals were killed in the process, preventing proper punishments or more... creative uses for them. From the videos of the raid and the fanatic way the men fought to the last man, it seems that this was unavoidable, so you send a quick note of approval to their commander.
-After the fighting died down, they found a dickgirl inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gang-bangs there. A scan of her biometric data revealed that she is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago - into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched her ass wide, she has been crudely gelded, and they've decorated her with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
-//The young dickgirl has been used and abused quite a bit, making her deathly terrified about what might happen to her next. She has partially resigned to be nothing but a fuckhole. You can get her cheap from the owner, it'll be just <<print cashFormat(1000)>>.//
 <<case "herm runaway">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 24>>
@@ -894,12 +754,6 @@ After the fighting died down, they found a dickgirl inside the compound, harshly
 <<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has a barcode tattooed on her neck.">>
 <<set $activeSlave.attrXY = 20>>
-A report about a successful operation by your mercenaries waits at your desk when you come in the office this morning. Turns out they tracked a brutal gang that was waylaying travellers near the Free City and stormed their hideout last night. All of the criminals were killed in the process, preventing proper punishments or more... creative uses for them. From the videos of the raid and the fanatic way the men fought to the last man, it seems that this was unavoidable, so you send a quick note of approval to their commander.
-After the fighting died down, they found a woman inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gang-bangs there. A scan of her biometric data revealed that she is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago - into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched her pussy and ass wide, she<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $activeSlave.pubertyAge>> is pregnant with some dead criminal's offspring,<</if>> has been crudely gelded and they've decorated her with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
-//The young dickgirl has been used and abused quite a bit, making her deathly terrified about what might happen to her next. She has partially resigned to be nothing but a fuckhole. You can get her cheap from the owner, it'll be just <<print cashFormat(1000)>>.//
 <<case "female runaway">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 24>>
@@ -944,12 +798,6 @@ After the fighting died down, they found a woman inside the compound, harshly us
 <<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has a barcode tattooed on her neck.">>
 <<set $activeSlave.attrXY = 20>>
-A report about a successful operation by your mercenaries waits at your desk when you come in the office this morning. Turns out they tracked a brutal gang that was waylaying travellers near the Free City and stormed their hideout last night. All of the criminals were killed in the process, preventing proper punishments or more... creative uses for them. From the videos of the raid and the fanatic way the men fought to the last man, it seems that this was unavoidable, so you send a quick note of approval to their commander.
-After the fighting died down, your men found a woman inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gang-bangs there. A scan of her biometric data revealed that she is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago - into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched her pussy and ass wide,<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $activeSlave.pubertyAge>> she is pregnant with some dead criminal bastard's offspring and<</if>> they've decorated her with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
-//The young woman has been used and abused quite a bit, making her deathly terrified about what might happen to her next. She has partially resigned to be nothing but a fuckhole. You can get her cheap from the owner, it'll be just <<print cashFormat(1000)>>.//
 <<case "CCS angel">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 24>>
@@ -994,15 +842,7 @@ After the fighting died down, your men found a woman inside the compound, harshl
 <<set $activeSlave.race = "white">>
 <<set $activeSlave.hLength = 40>>
 <<set $activeSlave.hStyle = "halfway down her back">>
-<<set $activeSlave.slaveName = either("Angel", "Angelica", "Gabriela", "Layla", "Seraph", "Liel")>>
-As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
-Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young and almost naked <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>little girl<</if>> walks through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow her, you see that they scan and log her like any of the other items in the household liquidation - she must have been the cult leader's personal slave. She certainly has a unique look, waking your interest enough to check the slave markets for her - and indeed, half an hour later she's being listed as for sale.
-The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<else>>girl<</if>> is best described as being 'angelic', in a stereotypical Western view of the mythical divine messengers. Blond-haired, blue eyed and with milky-white skin, she has had a pair of beautifully detailed wings tattooed on her back. The small icon of two cherries next to one another also designates her to be a complete virgin. 
-// Someone already started bidding for her and more bids are coming in fast. As such things usually go, you guess that the price will come out to about <<print cashFormat(5000)>> in the end.//
+<<set $activeSlave.slaveName = either("Angel", "Angelica", "Gabriela", "Layla", "Liel", "Seraph")>>
 <<case "CCS DA">>
@@ -1047,15 +887,7 @@ The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<else>>girl<</if>> is best
 <<set $activeSlave.race = "white">>
 <<set $activeSlave.hLength = 40>>
 <<set $activeSlave.hStyle = "halfway down her back">>
-<<set $activeSlave.slaveName = either("Lilith", "Eve", "Lucy", "Malicia", "Lileli", "Jezebel")>>
-As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
-Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young and almost naked <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>little girl<</if>> walks through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow her, you see that they scan and log her like any of the other items in the household liquidation - she must have been the cult leader's personal slave. She certainly has a unique look, waking your interest enough to check the slave markets for her - and indeed, half an hour later she's being listed as for sale.
-The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<else>>girl<</if>> is best described as being 'angelic', in a stereotypical Western view of the mythical divine messengers. Having jet-black hair and amber eyes, coupled with milky-white skin, there is a pair of beautifully detailed wings tattooed on her back. A whole row of icons depicting stylized sex acts mark her as being well versed in sexual matters.
-// Someone already started bidding for her and more bids are coming in fast. As such things usually go, you guess that the price will come out to about <<print cashFormat(7500)>> in the end.//
+<<set $activeSlave.slaveName = either("Eve", "Jezebel", "Lileli", "Lilith", "Lucy", "Malicia")>>
 <<case "racer DG chaser">>
@@ -1097,14 +929,6 @@ The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<else>>girl<</if>> is best
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "perverted">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "judgemental">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end - with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
-Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dick-girls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slaves precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
-As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his dick-girls to you at a fairly reasonable price. When you ask for a reason, the man replies, "Well, she's a crowd-pleaser alright with that big dick of hers, but... a bit headstrong. You see, she punched one of the other girls when they grabbed a virgin at the same time. She's been a distraction for the rest of the team, so I think it's best to remove her and bring in new talent." He then sends you her file to review, including more than a few videos of her 'in action' on the racetrack - both running as well as fucking.
-//The dickgirl does have an impressive physique and is tall, fast on the track and has a whopping big dick. She has some prestige from appearing in the races, but with the control issues, you could likely negotiate a bit and get her for <<print cashFormat(5000)>>.//
 <<case "racer loser">>
 <<if $pedo_mode == 1>>
@@ -1158,14 +982,6 @@ As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
 <<set $activeSlave.trueVirgin = 1>>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end - with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
-Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dick-girls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slaves precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
-As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his well-known virgin runners to you. When you ask him why, he is slightly surprised that you don't know already - turns out, the young woman got caught by an especially motivated chaser during the race yesterday, wrestling her to the ground and taking her virginity with a thick shaft. While a great athlete like her usually still would have a place in his stable, the race track's resident doctor just confirmed that she's pregnant. With abortion being out of the question - as the fans would see that as scandalous cheating defeating the purpose of the virgin race - the owner now wants to sell her before her fame fades.
-//The young woman is really pretty and tall, if a bit plain in the breast department. With the moderate fame she has earned during her racing career and its spectacular end, she'd draw raised interest if used as a whore. Due to the fact that she's no longer a virgin, pregnant and not really trained in sex acts, you could likely negotiate a bit and get her for <<print cashFormat(5000)>>.//
 <<case "racer winner">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = (Math.min(21, Math.max(11,$minimumSlaveAge) + 3))>>
@@ -1205,14 +1021,6 @@ As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "tease">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end - with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
-Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dickgirls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slaves precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
-As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his very prestigious virgin runners to you. She's been the champion of the race track for three years in a row now, the virgin queen of the slave-girl sprinters... so the man decided he'd maximize his profit by selling her at the height of her popularity instead of chancing a loss in the next big race. It's a young woman's sport, and with new talent being trained, he feels its time to give the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 20>>early twenties<</if>> slave-girl a new purpose. There are numerous interested parties in buying her of course, but out of respect he is coming to you first.
-//The young woman is really pretty and tall, if a bit plain in the breast department. With the fame she has earned during her racing career, she'd draw quite a bit of interest if used as a whore. The price for her reflects that of course - you doubt you can get a price under <<print cashFormat(10000)>>.//
 <<case "repo housekeeper">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 18>>
@@ -1249,12 +1057,6 @@ As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "insecure">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "caring">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a professional repossession company. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities... and when someone falls upon hard times, the repo-men and repo-women start their work. Grim-faced and unmoved by sympathy, they go in to seize the debtor's assets to pay off their debts - which does at times include some quite interesting pieces of merchandise, like a nice slave or two.
-The current sale offer by the company was taken from a college frat-house - apparently being enrolled at the small university in your arcology doesn't mean that the guys know their asses from their elbows in money-management. A few too many parties and frivolous purchases sent an asset reclamation officer to their door, soon leaving with one of those recent purchases - a pretty female slave who doubled as both a housekeeper and fuckhole for the whole bunch of horny students. She's cute and apparently well-trained, if a bit exhausted right now after numerous gang-bangs her former owners put her through.
-//The repo-company doesn't hold on to assets long, they just want to get new cash pretty quickly - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the young woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy her off their hands.//
 <<case "repo nanny">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 20>>
@@ -1291,12 +1093,6 @@ The current sale offer by the company was taken from a college frat-house - appa
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "adores women">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "caring">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a professional repossession company. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities... and when someone falls upon hard times, the repo-men and repo-women start their work. Grim-faced and unmoved by sympathy, they go in to seize the debtor's assets to pay off their debts - which does at times include some quite interesting pieces of merchandise, like a nice slave or two.
-The current sale offer by the company was taken from a businesswoman's apartment - one of the higher income strata of the arcology, she's recently had fortune turn from her due to some unfortunate occurrences outside your demesne of the free cities. The file doesn't say exactly which - some natural catastrophe, raiders, competing business or whatnot - one thing is for sure though, she's in a financial pinch right now. All of which meant that her slave nanny was fair game to be taken and is now awaiting re-sale. As her mistress never had any sexual interest in the slave, the young woman is actually a virgin and used to the relatively cushy life of just watching children. The fact that all of that ended from one day to the next has made her quite afraid for her future...
-//The repo-company doesn't hold on to assets long, they just want to get new cash pretty quickly - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the young woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy her off their hands.//
 <<case "farm cow">>
 <<if $pedo_mode == 1>>
@@ -1344,12 +1140,6 @@ The current sale offer by the company was taken from a businesswoman's apartment
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "advocate">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "caring">>
-As you're working on some boring administrative matters, a courier comes to your office, delivering a satchel of documents. Opening it up to check who would go through the trouble of having something hand-delivered, you find out that the Free Cities Farmers Association (FCFA) has chosen your arcology to hold the next of their semi-regular conventions, in which prominent members of the industry will gather and new developments be presented. Sounds like a mixture of a conference and a trade show, and the association has rented out the convention center in the mid-levels of your demesne for more than a week. That'll certainly boost the local economy a bit.
-From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that - in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the obedient milking cow from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
-//Checking her stats and the videos included, you see the woman is healthy and well cared for, fitting for a prized milk-producer. She's a mother of three already and has got another baby on the way, making her lactation an all natural one. With the registration and all, it'll still just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy her and add her to your own slave lineup.//
 <<case "farm bull">>
 <<if $pedo_mode == 1>>
@@ -1394,12 +1184,6 @@ From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the associat
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "adores women">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "size queen">>
-As you're working on some boring administrative matters, a courier comes to your office, delivering a satchel of documents. Opening it up to check who would go through the trouble of having something hand-delivered, you find out that the Free Cities Farmers Association (FCFA) has chosen your arcology to hold the next of their semi-regular conventions, in which prominent members of the industry will gather and new developments be presented. Sounds like a mixture of a conference and a trade show, and the association has rented out the convention center in the mid-levels of your demesne for more than a week. That'll certainly boost the local economy a bit.
-From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that - in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the obedient breeding bull (a dickgirl) from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
-//Checking her stats and the videos included, you see the dickgirl is healthy and well cared for, fitting for a prized breeder of countless milk cows. She's fathered countless offspring already and will yield quite a bit of cum if her cock is milked. With the registration and all, it'll still just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy her and add her to your own slave lineup.//
 <<case "farm virgin cow">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 19>>
@@ -1436,12 +1220,6 @@ From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the associat
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "insecure">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "tease">>
-As you're working on some boring administrative matters, a courier comes to your office, delivering a satchel of documents. Opening it up to check who would go through the trouble of having something hand-delivered, you find out that the Free Cities Farmers Association (FCFA) has chosen your arcology to hold the next of their semi-regular conventions, in which prominent members of the industry will gather and new developments be presented. Sounds like a mixture of a conference and a trade show, and the association has rented out the convention center in the mid-levels of your demesne for more than a week. That'll certainly boost the local economy a bit.
-From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that - in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the fresh and yet unused virgin cow from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
-//Checking her stats and the videos included, you see the young woman is healthy and well cared for, with a nice pair of tits. Her records indicate that she is very fertile and has excellent genes, promising a nice line of slaves to be bred in her womb. With the registration and all, it'll still just take <<print cashFormat(1500)>> to buy her and add her to your own slave lineup.//
 <<case "orphan rebellious female">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 18>>
@@ -1478,12 +1256,6 @@ From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the associat
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = either("bitchy", "hates men", "hates women")>>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = either("crude", "judgemental", "apathetic", "hates oral", "hates anal")>>
-An invitation to a 'visitation day' at an orphanage in the arcology pops up in your in-box, prompting you to make some room in your schedule to go have a look. Run by a well-meaning non-profit organization active in numerous of the Free Cities, the facility does house quite a few orphans (both local and saved from the chaos of the old world), doing excellent work in teaching them and finding new homes. Still, with times being what they are, the people running things do have a... realistic outlook, in the end. And so, in order to keep the orphanage going, those living there who aren't adopted till they reach maturity are sold as slaves. Legally this practice is easily arranged, as the life-debt for any of the orphans builds up over the years, pretty much automatically putting them over the limit for enslavement.
-Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accordingly and try to instill obedience and acceptance into those soon reaching eighteen years of age, but there are always those with whom the lessons don't quite take hold. The young woman that catches your eye from among the newly of age orphans is such a case... from all accounts, she's rather headstrong and doesn't bend her will to anyone really - for example having long lost her virginities one way or another. Still, a young slave at a fairly low price could be worth the investment for anyone who likes breaking them in...
-//A short discussion with an administrator establishes the young woman's asking price at <<print cashFormat(1500)>>.//
 <<case "orphan femboy">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 18>>
@@ -1528,12 +1300,6 @@ Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accord
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = either("funny", "adores women", "adores men", "insecure")>>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = either("gagfuck queen", "strugglefuck queen", "tease", "caring", "unflinching")>>
-An invitation to a 'visitation day' at an orphanage in the arcology pops up in your in-box, prompting you to make some room in your schedule to go have a look. Run by a well-meaning non-profit organization active in numerous of the Free Cities, the facility does house quite a few orphans (both local and saved from the chaos of the old world), doing excellent work in teaching them and finding new homes. Still, with times being what they are, the people running things do have a... realistic outlook, in the end. And so, in order to keep the orphanage going, those living there who aren't adopted till they reach maturity are sold as slaves. Legally this practice is easily arranged, as the life-debt for any of the orphans builds up over the years, pretty much automatically putting them over the limit for enslavement.
-Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accordingly and try to instill obedience and acceptance into those soon reaching eighteen years of age, and the young man you're shown in short notice is said to be a good student and receptive for his lessons. It is quite obvious why he hasn't been adopted so far - the eighteen year old is relatively small in stature and his face was too pretty and feminine to appeal to anyone wanting to add a male child to their family. For your uses on the other hand, he's perfect. With a little bit of training, this teen will make an excellent dickgirl. Approaching him, you question the soon-to-be slave a little, finding him nervous but fairly obedient to commands. Testing out his limits, you have him pull down his pants right then and there, revealing that there's one part of his body that's not at all small - his dick. When you pose the question what he'd think about becoming a dickgirl, he is speechless at first, then after a pointed stare stammers out, "I - um, I'd do my best, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>!"
-//Satisfied, you leave him be and have a short discussion with an administrator, who establishes the young man's - or rather dickgirl's - asking price at <<print cashFormat(1500)>>.//
 <<case "captured teen">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 13>>
@@ -1580,15 +1346,6 @@ Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accord
 <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1>>
 <<set $activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "She is the notoriously spoiled daughter of a wealthy old world businessman.">>
-You've been kept busy until late at night. The warm blue glow of your desk screen illuminates your work. Suddenly, your assistant flags an incoming vidcall as urgent. The call had decent encryption, but could be traced to a rural location several miles away from your arcology. The callers only specified that they had a good deal to offer.
-With apprehension, you decide to let the call through. The screen switches from your work to the vidcall. Several armed men, cloaked in black, are standing around a pretty young girl. She's gagged and bound to a chair.
-The men explain that they've captured the young daughter of a wealthy old-world businessman, by abducting her straight from a gated community. It's far from uncommon for girls to be captured and sold as slaves, but that these men had the balls to raid a gated community is something else. There are still some places in the world that are considered safe, where the world's deterioration isn't readily apparent. Showing that these places aren't safe from the predations of slavers upsets what little balance that the old world still has left, and that isn't always a good thing for the Free Cities.<br><br>
-At any rate, she's a fine capture. And unsurprisingly, they want to get rid of her. Fast. They're willing to offer a below-market price for her enslavement.
-//You can buy out her auction for <<print cashFormat(10000)>>.//
 <<case "desperate university milf">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 30>>
@@ -1611,12 +1368,6 @@ At any rate, she's a fine capture. And unsurprisingly, they want to get rid of h
 <<set $activeSlave.career = setup.uneducatedCareers.random()>>
 <<set $activeSlave.birthsTotal = 2>>
-A call comes in from an old world household. The caller appears on your screen, a worn down matronly woman flanked by her two daughters. The middle-aged mother addresses you in a formal yet halting manner, as if rehearsing an unfamiliar speech. "I don't know how closely you watch the old world from where you are, but finding steady work without an education is becoming increasingly difficult".
-The mother pauses to glance at her daughters before continuing. "I want my daughters to have a chance to make a life for themselves. I know that if I can pay their way towards attending University, then I will have succeeded as a parent."
-She begins to weep quietly, but continues after her daughters lay their hands supportively on her shoulder. "Could you enslave me, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? It's the only way I have to pay for their tuition."
 <<case "spoiled daughter">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 12>>
@@ -1653,14 +1404,6 @@ She begins to weep quietly, but continues after her daughters lay their hands su
 <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1>>
 <<set $activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "She is the spoiled daughter of a wealthy old world businessman. Many will pay well to use her to discredit her father and family.">>
-Your desk flags a video message as coming from an influential old world businessman. To your surprise, rather than the portly visage you were expecting, a pretty young face appears on your screen. "Oh. My. God. How long does it take to answer a call?"
-The girl speaks in a ridiculously high, bubblegum voice and bounces indignantly around her father's luxurious office as she rants, barely acknowledging your presence on the other end of the call. "Daddy says that I'm spending too much of his money but what the hell is all of his money for if he's not spending it on his little girl?"
-She pauses, looking directly at you for the first time, though you get the sense that she seems more interested in your own luxurious surroundings. "Daddy told me all about you arcology types, so I know what you're all about. Anyways, I don't care about freedom and stuff if you treat me like the perfect princess I am."
-"So, could you enslave me or whatever?"
 <<case "starving artist">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 18>>
@@ -1688,12 +1431,6 @@ She pauses, looking directly at you for the first time, though you get the sense
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "odd">>
 <<set $activeSlave.fetish = "humiliation">>
-<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> alerts you that a supplicant has arrived at the door to the penthouse. A constant stream of hopefuls appear at your door, and $assistantName makes herself invaluable by filtering them. One of the few categories of applicant that is always admitted is people willing to be enslaved for some reason; the odd individual standing before you is just such a woman.
-"What we're going to do together will be recorded in the annals of history" she says expansively, sweeping about your office in a series of twirls and pirouettes. Though when you enquire as to what exactly you'll be doing together, all she can give you is a torrent of vague artistic prattle. In the end, all you can get out of her is an understanding that she sees enslavement as the ultimate form of creative self-expression.
-She seems more than a little odd, but not unattractive. At the very least, she's not likely to be a boring slave to have around the penthouse.
 <<case "repo milf housekeeper">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 35>>
@@ -1729,12 +1466,6 @@ She seems more than a little odd, but not unattractive. At the very least, she's
 <<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "insecure">>
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "caring">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a local University. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities. In a novel change of pace, it seems this offer comes from one of the Free Cities' rare winners.
-The current sale offer comes from one of the arcology's oldest college frat-houses - apparently a wealthy alumnus of the fraternity has bestowed a significant donation on the current brothers of the frat house. A few visits to the slave market later, the frat house is practically flush with fresh, nubile, slavegirls. Yet, all these new slaves have left little room for one of the frat house's oldest fixtures - an older female slave who doubled as both a housekeeper and fuckhole for a few generations of horny students. She's pretty and has been well-trained over the years, if a bit exhausted from her decades of serving as a sexual outlet to a house of frat brothers.
-//The brothers don't want to hold onto her for long, having already been entranced by their multitude of new purchases - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the middle-aged woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy her off their hands.//
 <<case "immigrant">>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME == 1>><<set $fixedRace = $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace>><</if>>
@@ -1744,8 +1475,6 @@ The current sale offer comes from one of the arcology's oldest college frat-hous
 <<set $activeSlave.trust = random(-15,0)>>
 <<set $activeSlave.health -= 50>>
-Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a desperate refugee from outside the Free Cities, begging you to pay her steep immigration fees. She promises to pay you back with interest. She clearly isn't too well informed; the fees are so high that if you lend her the money so she can immigrate, you'll be able to call her debt in and enslave her immediately.
 <<case "wandering homeless">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 6>>
@@ -1784,8 +1513,6 @@ Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a desperate refugee fr
 	<<run SetBellySize($activeSlave)>>
-As you are heading back to your penthouse from overseeing a promising new store's opening, you noticed a feminine face peeking around a nearby corner. It quickly darts out of sight before a hand beckons you in. The alley isn't particularly out of sight, so no harm looking in. The girl is young, with silver hair, blue eyes, dark skin and<<if $activeSlave.preg > 0>>is enormously pregnant<<else>>a waifish build<</if>>; certainly an eye-catching display. She doesn't seem to speak much $language at all, and judging by her gesturing, is trying to ask you to purchase her.
 <<case "desperate birth">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = $fertilityAge>>
@@ -1816,17 +1543,8 @@ As you are heading back to your penthouse from overseeing a promising new store'
 <<set $activeSlave.bellySagPreg = 5>>
 <<set $activeSlave.pubertyXX = 1>>
-As you are heading back to your penthouse from inspecting a new line of sex shops, you hear a pained moan emanate from a nearby alley. Looking in, you find a heavily pregnant <<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 17>>girl<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge > 12>>teenager<<else>>little girl<</if>> seated, legs spread as wide as she can, in a pool of her own fluids. Your medical training kicks in and you descend on the laboring woman, only to find she is well into giving birth. Judging by her exhaustion and the ever drying amniotic fluid and blood, she has been struggling for quite some time. The reason is evident,
-<<if $activeSlave.visualAge <= 12>>
-	her body is far too young to birth her child and it has become firmly wedged in her pelvis.
-	her body is ill-suited for childbirth and the unfortunate thing has lodged in her pelvis.
-Every push, every desperate contraction must be agonizing to her. Fortunately you know what to do, however, it will not come cheap. Hour after hour you work with the girl, her debt to you growing ever higher, until you finally manage to coax the newborn from her battered body. She smiles at her baby before losing consciousness; she is in really bad shape. Odds are her child will grow up an orphan, even if you call in her debt.
 <<case "overwhelmed farmgirl">>
-<<set $contractCost = 1000>>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 16>>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 24>>
 <<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
@@ -1867,8 +1585,6 @@ Every push, every desperate contraction must be agonizing to her. Fortunately yo
 	<<set $activeSlave.accent = 2>>
-Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer begging for you to enslave her, not truly unusual given the ever increasing droughts and dangerous weather patterns. Given the huge stomach rounding out her worn clothing, she is likely ready to drop quints and desperately seeking any sort of future for them. You allow her to speak her plea. "Please <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I just can't go on out here. I'm always hungry and can barely even work with this belly in the way. I swear, it gets heavier every day and a life of physical labor just won't let me get by. I don't know what I'll do if you say no, so please, have mercy on a poor farmer."
 <<case "held POW">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = Math.max($fertilityAge, 8)>>
@@ -1906,23 +1622,6 @@ Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer
 <<set $activeSlave.vagina = 3>>
 <<set $activeSlave.anus = 2>>
-While digging through the database of a POW camp for anything of value, you find records of a <<if $activeSlave.actualAge > 17>>rather attractive<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge > 12>>teenage<<else>>child<</if>> soldier long abandoned by her nation. You forge false orders to have her transported to a new location, a location that would be trivial for you to obtain her from.
-<br>Upon her inevitable arrival in your penthouse, you see 
-<<if $seeExtreme == 1>>
-	the traces of her wounds, that she has been greatly modified for war, and that she had been raped, repeatedly, despite her powerful body.
-	<<set $activeSlave.amp = -5, $activeSlave.teeth = "pointy", $activeSlave.muscles = random(30,70), $activeSlave.height = Math.round(Height.random($activeSlave, {skew: 3, spread: .2, limitMult: [1, 4]})), $activeSlave.chem = 1000, $activeSlave.attrXX = 0, $activeSlave.attrXY = 0>>
-	the traces of her wounds, that she had been left bound long enough for her body to atrophy, and that she had been raped, repeatedly.
-	<<if $seePreg == 1>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.preg = 2>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.pregType = 1>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.pregWeek = 2>>
-		<<run SetBellySize($activeSlave)>>
-	<</if>>
-Her odd behaviour suggests that her will to live has nearly been snuffed out. She likely wouldn't have lasted much longer, though it's questionable if she still will if you let her walk free.
 <<case "embryo appropriation">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = Math.max($fertilityAge, 8)>>
@@ -1956,22 +1655,7 @@ Her odd behaviour suggests that her will to live has nearly been snuffed out. Sh
 	<<set $activeSlave.pregType = random(2,8)>> 
 <<run SetBellySize($activeSlave)>>
-While perusing the confidential documents in a nearby hospital's databases, you come across a particularly interesting medical record with a rather lovely face attached to it. It would seem an incredibly attractive and good gened
-<<if $activeSlave.actualAge > 17>>
-	young woman
-<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge > 12>>
-	teenager
-	little girl
-has been has been receiving frequent prenatal check ups
-<<if $seeHyperPreg == 0>> 
-	for her growing pregnancy.
-	for the multiples crowding her womb.
-Judging by her payment plan, the worrisome mother is driving herself into a steep debt and doesn't even realize it. You could easily buy her out and make a tidy profit off her likely to be valuable child<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>ren<</if>>, or keep them for yourself, if you wanted.
 <<case "rogue cyborg">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 13>>
@@ -2009,8 +1693,7 @@ Judging by her payment plan, the worrisome mother is driving herself into a stee
 <<set $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.clitPiercing = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.boobsTat = "She has the characters 'z-23' printed across her left breast.">>
-While digging through the highest security and clearance level database of a powerful old government for anything of value, you discover the existence of a ultra top secret project to develop the most powerful and effective child cyborg ever created. The entire notion is absurd, but it seems they succeeded in creating something. During field testing it was discovered that it retained far too much humanity, resulting in the death of its handler. Unsure of what to do with the project, it has been placed on ice in the bowels of a black site. With a few simple commands, you could release it and order it to your arcology.
 <<case "blessed virgin">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = $fertilityAge>>
@@ -2056,14 +1739,6 @@ While digging through the highest security and clearance level database of a pow
 <<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "repressed">>
 <<set $activeSlave.voice = random(2,3)>>
-As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
-Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young, naked and extremely pregnant <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>little girl<</if>> slowly waddles through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow her, you see that they scan and log her like any of the other items in the household liquidation - she must have been the cult leader's personal slave. She caught your interest just enough to check the slave markets for a potential better look at that cult's tastes - and indeed, half an hour later she's being listed as for sale.
-The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>child<</if>> is likely a virgin, given her obvious discomfort at being poked and prodded for display and is trying her hardest to cover her shame. Quickly reading through the details, your suspicions are confirmed; she is indeed a heavily pregnant virgin. Odds are high that she was treated as a "Virgin Mary" for the cult and is likely going to catch the eye of any collectors of religious objects.
-// Someone already started bidding for her and more bids are coming in fast. As such things usually go, you guess that the price will come out to about <<print cashFormat(10000)>> in the end.//
 <<case "blessed vessel">>
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = $fertilityAge>>
@@ -2096,13 +1771,455 @@ The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actua
 <<set $activeSlave.career = "a breeder">>
 <<set $activeSlave.fetish = "mindbroken">>
+<<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
+<<switch $recruit>>
+<<case "female recruit">>
+<<setLocalPronouns $HeadGirl 2>>
+Your head girl sends you a discreet message that _he2 may have found a slave for you. $HeadGirl.slaveName duly ushers a girl into your office. $He looks very young, like a dissolute party girl. $He bites $his lip nervously when $he sees you, and looks to $HeadGirl.slaveName for guidance. $HeadGirl.slaveName nods at $him reassuringly, so $he explains $himself.
+"<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, my name is $activeSlave.slaveName. I'm, um, bored, I guess. I go to clubs and get drunk and fuck guys and it's just kinda boring. I thought it would be different when I turned <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>, but that was a couple months ago and, well, nothing's different. I saw $HeadGirl.slaveName and _he2 was just so graceful and beautiful and _he2 seemed so confident in what _he2 was doing and who _he2 was and I talked to _him2 and _he2 said _he2 was your head girl and... I want to be like _him2. Can I be your slave? I'd be good, I'm good at sucking dicks and stuff." $He seems to be a little naive about sexual slavery, but there's no need to tell $him that.
+<<case "male recruit">>
+<<setLocalPronouns $HeadGirl 2>>
+Your head girl sends you a discreet message that _he2 may have found a slave for you. $HeadGirl.slaveName duly ushers an androgynous young person into your office. $He's dressed as a girl and acts like one. $He looks very young, like a dissolute party girl. $He bites $his lip nervously when $he sees you, and looks to $HeadGirl.slaveName for guidance. $HeadGirl.slaveName nods at $him reassuringly, so $he explains $himself.
+"<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, my name is $activeSlave.slaveName. I'm, um, bored, I guess. I go to clubs and get drunk and fuck guys and it's just kinda boring. I thought it would be different when I turned <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>, but that was a couple months ago and, well, nothing's different. I saw $HeadGirl.slaveName and _he2 was just so beautiful and has a dick like me and _he2 seemed so confident in what _he2 was doing and who _he2 was and I talked to _him2 and _he2 said _he2 was your head girl and... I want to be like _him2. Can I be your slave? I'd be good, I'm good at sucking dicks." $He seems to be a little naive about sexual slavery, but there's no need to tell $him that.
+<<case "whore recruit">>
+<<setLocalPronouns $HeadGirl 2>>
+Your head girl sends you a discreet message that _he2 may have found a slave for you. $HeadGirl.slaveName duly ushers a working girl into your office. $He looks like a classic street hooker, and $he's clearly had a rough time recently. $He needs no prompting to explain $himself, and $he does so without embarrassment.
+"<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, my name is $activeSlave.slaveName. I'm a street whore. Working girls get to know each other, so I know $HeadGirl.slaveName pretty well. I've been having a bad time on the streets, and last night a john beat on me pretty good. I'm broke and I'm sick of this. Being free isn't worth shit. $HeadGirl.slaveName likes you and _he2 seems to do OK. So, can I be your slave? I'm a good bet, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. I'd be happy enough working for you as a slave whore if you keep me healthy and safe, and I'm a good fuck."
+<<case "female debtor">>
+One of the tenants in your arcology has not paid rent in some time. In the Free Cities, debtors may be enslaved once their debt reaches a fair price for their enslavement. Your tenant has reached this point. $He comes to see you, sobbing in terror; you are pleased to see that $he is female and of appropriate age.
+<<case "male debtor">>
+One of the tenants in your arcology has not paid rent in some time. In the Free Cities, debtors may be enslaved once their debt reaches a fair price for their enslavement. Your tenant has reached this point. He comes to see you, despondent. He is male for the moment, but enslavement will change that status, if only by a technicality. More concrete feminization will be up to you.
+<<case "desperate preg">>
+A young woman comes to your penthouse for an interview. You accepted $his request to see you because $he took the unusual step of promising to sell $himself to you if you would admit $him. The reason for this odd behavior becomes clear when $he enters. $He's dressed in torn old clothes, is obviously unhealthy, and is massively pregnant. Instead of standing in front of your desk, $he kneels and looks at the floor as $he speaks. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'm desperate. I understand slaves' babies must be sent to orphanages at birth. But I'm on the streets and I'm so sick and hungry I'm afraid I'll miscarry. Could you enslave me, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? I'm still pretty enough, and... I know some men like pregnant women. My ass is - well, I hear slaves are more valuable if they're tight back there and I've never done it there. I'm also starting to give a little milk. I know I'll have to give up the baby. I guess that's all." $He weeps quietly as $he talks, but $he's brave enough to get through $his little speech.
+<<case "blind homeless">>
+A young <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge < 13>>girl<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge < 18>>teen<<else>>woman<</if>> struggles into your penthouse for an interview. You accepted $his request to see you because $he took the unusual step of promising to sell $himself to you if you would admit $him. The reason for this odd behavior becomes clear when $he enters. $He is gingerly feeling $his way towards your desk, before finding it and straightening up, giving you a good look at $his body. $He is clothed in rags and dangerously thin, save for a notable roundness in $his middle. $He shakily makes $his case. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'm desperate. My home was repossessed and I was forced onto the street. And the street is no place for a blind girl. T-they", $he place a hand on $his stomach, "took advantage of my helplessness. For months, they fucked me whenever they wanted, and in return the gave me next to no food and this child!" $He stamps $his foot angrily, before continuing, "but I thought, you would be far better than that life, a slow death on the streets." $He tears up and awaits your response.
+<<case "paternalist swan song">>
+<<set $swanSong = 1>>
+Not every day in the arcology is calm and this one is most certainly more energetic than usual. It seems there that a large crowd is gathering along the 
+<<if $terrain != "oceanic">>
+	road extending from the front gate as a small convoy of luxury vehicles rolls in. Your arcology isn't immune to outside old world influences, and the person in the center vehicle
+<<elseif $terrain == "oceanic">>
+	canal extending from the front gate as a small convoy of luxury yachts sails in. Your arcology isn't immune to outside old world influences, and the person on the center yacht
+ so happens to be such a force.
+Recently, a young musical prodigy has taken both the old world and the free cities by storm. Their rising popularity has gained them quite a following and the attention of some very powerful people. You look at the schedule of events for citizens tonight and, sure enough, they are to appear, live in concert, tonight. You tell $assistantName to set up a live feed of the performance for you so as not to interrupt your work. Several hours later, the young artist comes out on stage to a full house. They perform their latest hits and some fan favorites, but it's the crowd suddenly going silent that disturbs you from your paperwork. You look at the feed to see the artist standing there, a sullen expression on their face, tears streaming down their cheeks, and their body jerking, obviously wracked by occasional sobbing. They take a very quick bow and run off stage, before the feed gets cut. You shrug, artists have breakdowns and return to your tasks. Surprisingly, $assistantName chimes in to tell you that an unexpected guest has arrived. You have them sent in and are surprised to see the young, visibly distressed prodigy.
+"I was told by my producer to come here, they say I have earned enough of a debt to be enslaved. I heard that slaves seem to be treated well here and thought that, just maybe, if I convinced them to let my final performance be here, I would have a chance at a better life than at another arcology owned by a crueler master. Please, would you consider taking me in?"
+<<case "desperate milf">>
+A <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge > 50>>old woman<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge > 30>>middle-aged woman<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge >= 18>>young woman<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge >= 13>>teenage girl<<elseif $activeSlave.physicalAge >= 7>>loli<<else>>little girl<</if>> comes to your penthouse for an interview. $He's clearly unwell. Instead of standing in front of your desk, $he kneels and looks at the floor as $he speaks. "<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I'm desperate. I came to the Free Cities to build a better life, but... it hasn't worked out for me. I can't afford medical care, and I guess I'm too scared to try street-walking yet, though I'll have to soon. I hear you're a known slave owner, and that you give your slaves good medical care... could you enslave me, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? I know I'm still pretty enough, so I'd be used as a sex slave." $He weeps quietly as $he talks, but $he's brave enough to get through $his little speech.
+<<case "tg addict">>
+One of your tenants asks for an interview. He's an effeminate young man; it seems he's a surgical addict. He has heard that you have a remote surgical unit, and offers to pay well over a fair price to rent its use. Intrigued, you investigate, and find that he has been banned from the regular hospitals for unpaid bills. You could easily reprogram the surgery to ignore his input and instead gender reassign him into a saleable young woman, driving him into enslaveable debt at the same time. '$He'll' be slim, inexperienced, and very unhappy.
+//You could agree and then reprogram the remote surgery for transformation into a female once he's unconscious. Alternatively, you could transform him and then sell $him.//
+<<case "school sale">>
+<<set $encyclopedia = "Slave Schools">>
+A young slave is going door to door offering $himself for sale on behalf of $his owner. It's rare to see a slave obedient enough to be entrusted with $his own sale, and $he's interesting, so you let $him up. $He stands in front of your desk and waits for instructions. $He's wearing a very skimpy schoolgirl skirt and a white blouse so tight and brief that the tops of $his areolae are visible. The badge on $his blouse identifies $him as a product of one of the Free Cities' legal slave orphanages. You instruct $him to tell you about $himself.
+"I was raised and trained by a slave orphanage, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. It is not legal to own underage girls, but it is legal to charge an orphan for the costs of raising $him when $he reaches $minimumSlaveAge, and those debts are always high enough to enslave $him. My <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>th birthday was yesterday, <<if $activeSlave.actualAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>so I am a slave and for sale now<<else>>so I'm too old to stay at the orphanage any longer<</if>>."
+"I have been trained for obedience since I came to the orphanage. At <<print Math.min(14, $activeSlave.actualAge - 4)>> they put me on drugs to make sure I'd grow nice T&A. On my <<print Math.min(16, $activeSlave.actualAge - 2)>>th birthday I got my first set of implants. Every time my boobs got used to the implants, I got sent in for a bigger set. I'm on my second set." $He unbuttons $his blouse and displays a pair of big fake tits. "I've also had my lips done." $He blows you a wet kiss.
+$He hikes up $his skirt and spins around slowly. "The drugs also made my butt bigger, and I've had my butt done too. <<if $activeSlave.actualAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>Since it wasn't okay to fuck me before I had turned $minimumSlaveAge and been made a slave<<else>>Since my owner thought it would make me more desirable<</if>>, I'm a virgin and my anus has never had anything up it, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>." $He pulls $his buttocks apart to prove it.
+"I cost <<print cashFormat(2500)>>, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."
+<<case "school trap">>
+<<set $encyclopedia = "Slave Schools">>
+A young slave is going door to door offering $himself for sale on behalf of $his owner. It's rare to see a slave obedient enough to be entrusted with $his own sale, and $he's interesting, so you let $him up. $He stands in front of your desk and waits for instructions. $He's wearing a very skimpy schoolgirl skirt and a white blouse so tight and brief that the tops of $his areolae are visible. Something is tenting the front of $his skirt slightly. The badge on $his blouse identifies $him as a product of one of the Free Cities' legal slave orphanages. You instruct $him to tell you about $himself.
+"I was raised and trained by a slave orphanage, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. It is not legal to own underage girls, but it is legal to charge an orphan for the costs of raising $him when $he reaches $minimumSlaveAge, and those debts are always high enough to enslave $him. My <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>th birthday was yesterday, <<if $activeSlave.actualAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>so I am a slave and for sale now<<else>>so I'm too old to stay at the orphanage any longer<</if>>."
+"I have been trained for obedience since I came to the orphanage. I came as a male, but they reassigned me to female right away. At <<print Math.min(14, $activeSlave.actualAge - 4)>> they put me on drugs to make sure I'd grow nice T&A and look more feminine. Those drugs also stopped my penis from growing much, so it's small, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>. On my <<print Math.min(16, $activeSlave.actualAge - 2)>>th birthday I got my first set of implants. Every time my chest got used to the implants, I got sent in for a bigger set. I'm on my third set." $He unbuttons $his blouse and displays a pair of fake tits.
+$He hikes up $his skirt and spins around slowly, displaying a petite, half-hard cock. "The drugs also made my butt bigger and my hips wider. <<if $activeSlave.actualAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>Since it wasn't okay to fuck me before I had turned $minimumSlaveAge and been made a slave<<else>>Since my owner thought it would make me more desirable<</if>>, my anus has never had anything up it, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>." $He pulls $his buttocks apart to prove it. "I... I would be happy to serve you like I am now <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, or you could send me for surgery to give me a pussy instead, I would like that too, <<if $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."
+"I cost <<print cashFormat(2500)>>, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>."
+<<case "handsome PC">>
+<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> alerts you that a supplicant has arrived at the door to the penthouse. A constant stream of hopefuls appear at your door, and $assistantName makes herself invaluable by filtering them. One of the few categories of applicant that is always admitted is people willing to be enslaved for some reason; this is just such a girl.
+The young girl who is admitted to your office quails a bit at the sight of you, and you believe you can detect a bit of infatuation there, too. You wordlessly query $assistantName, and she turns to the massive task of sorting through arcology records to come up with a possible explanation. Meanwhile, you start interviewing the potential slave. It appears that $he left home, in a settlement near the arcology, right after $his <<print $activeSlave.actualAge>>th birthday and came straight here. $He's no innocent, and not destitute, and you're surprised $he's done something this foolish.
+After a short while, your assistant whispers in your earpiece, <<if $assistant == 0>><<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>"Sir<<else>>"Ma'am<</if>>,<<else>>"Sweetheart,<</if>> $he doesn't live here. Look at this." $He pulls up footage of a public event several weeks ago, and the girl is in the crowd, staring at you with limpid eyes. Rather than confronting $him directly, you probe the subject, and after some evasion $he admits that yes, $he did come here out of infatuation with you. "Pretty fuckin' stupid," $he admits. "But I've come too far now. I just really want to live here. With you, I guess. If that means being your slave, that's okay. Can I be your house servant, maybe?"
+<<case "womanly PC">>
+<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> alerts you that a supplicant has arrived at the door to the penthouse. A constant stream of hopefuls appear at your door, and $assistantName makes herself invaluable by filtering them. One of the few categories of applicant that is always admitted is people willing to be enslaved for some reason; this is just such a woman.
+"It's my husband," $he says forthrightly. "I'm pretty sure the bastard is going to enslave me." $He pours out the trite story; it's terrifically boring, but it pays to hear people who want to be enslaved out. It's the only forbearance you'll need to show $him, ever, if you manage things correctly.
+"So", $he sums up, sighing and dabbing at tears, "I know you're a slave-owner. I don't really have anywhere else to go, so I'll be your slave. I'm not stupid, and I'm not ugly, so I know that means I'd be a sex slave. But it's better than the open market." Left unsaid is $his obvious expectation that you'll be sympathetic to $his plight.
+<<case "shemale PC">>
+<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> alerts you that a supplicant has arrived at the door to the penthouse. A constant stream of hopefuls appear at your door, and $assistantName makes herself invaluable by filtering them. One of the few categories of applicant that is always admitted is people willing to be enslaved for some reason; this is just such a girl.
+"Hi", $he says hesitantly. $He's a pretty convincing girl; $his voice is the only giveaway. You tell $him that if $he wishes to be considered for enslavement, you need to inspect $him naked. To $his credit, $he obeys, undressing quickly to reveal a body that's clearly seen a good deal of hormone therapy. $He's not unhealthy and isn't too shabby, so you ask $him why $he's here.
+"I don't make very much money," $he says, and you manage not to laugh at the absurdity. "I really want to be a prettier girl. I'm - I'm not really comfortable yet. But all the modern surgeries and drugs are so expensive. And I can't afford it, and I won't be able to before I'm old unless I decide to be a whore. So I decided if I was going to do that I might as well do it here, for you. You're," $he blushes, "you're very pretty. I would love to look like you."
+<<case "female SD">>
+Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of pretty liberal students from the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>>college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>>high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>>junior high school<<else>>elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street. 
+One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a quite pretty young woman, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of $him getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search (since all the officers agreed $he 'had to be hiding something') is definitively worth saving to a private folder.
+Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of $his bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way $he or even anyone related to $him could come up with the cash. All of which leaves you with an opportunity... the car's owner hasn't seen $him yet, so you could conceivably approach him and buy the debt for this beauty off him. Better be quick, if he realizes what is waiting in a cell for him, you doubt he'd sell $him at all.
+//$His debt will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>> to pay off, with the usual <<print cashFormat(1000)>> in registration fees afterward. Alternatively, you could buy $him and sell $him.//
+<<case "male SD">>
+Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of pretty liberal students from the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>>college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>>high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>>junior high<<else>>elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street. 
+One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a good-looking young man, well-muscled too, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of him getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search (since all the officers agreed he 'had to be hiding something') does make you think about the potential this guy would have as a dickgirl slave with a little work done on him.
+Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of his bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way he or even anyone related to him could come up with the cash. All of which leaves you with an opportunity... the car's owner hasn't seen the arrested student yet, so you could conceivably approach him and buy the debt for this young buck off him. Better be quick, or the owner might just choose to keep such a promising slave himself.
+//His debt will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>> to pay off, with the usual <<print cashFormat(1000)>> in registration fees and a little work to make a satisfactory dickgirl out of him afterward. Alternatively, you could buy him and after just a little work with the remote surgery sell a newly made dickgirl.//
+<<case "female SD 2">>
+Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of rather liberal students from the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>>college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>>high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>>junior high school<<else>>elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street. 
+One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a rather fat young woman, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of $him getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search by a new recruit (since all the officers agreed $he 'had to be hiding something') was definitely amusing. $His reaction was priceless.
+Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of $his bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way $he or even anyone related to $him could come up with the cash.
+<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
+	All of which leaves you with an opportunity... the car's owner hasn't seen $him yet, so you could conceivably approach him and buy the debt for this beauty off him. Better be quick, if he realizes what is waiting in a cell for him, you doubt he'd sell $him at all.
+	Most slavers wouldn't give such a bloated slave a second look, but your eyes are keen; there is a rather pretty face buried under all that flab. With a bit of work, $he can be turned into a rather valuable asset; also it's always fun to break a haughty bitch into an obedient slut. 
+//$His debt will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>> to pay off, with the usual <<print cashFormat(1000)>> in registration fees afterward. Alternatively, you could buy $him and sell $him.//
+<<case "female SE">>
+A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same - which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slave owners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
+The situation does yield a few business opportunities too, as not all of the guys think just with their dicks. One of them is currently offering his free girl for sale, which your assistant instantly flags for your attention. A video attached to the offer does look quite nice, as the slave-girl happily poses in the nude for $his 'beloved', not knowing that he's planning to sell $him.
+//The young woman will be auctioned off, but you think you should be able to get $him for about <<print cashFormat(4000)>> or so... $he's pretty and a virgin, but the nonexistent sex skills will keep the price relatively low in the end.//
+<<case "MTF SE">>
+A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same - which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slave owners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
+It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwagon, throwing in a little bit of transformative surgery in the mix. Either going all the way to making themselves into female slaves or hoping to be accepted as dick-girls after making the target of their affection fall for a pretty face and breasts. One of former cases gets flagged by your assistant as a business opportunity, as the new slave-owner wasn't impressed by a former male - despite $his good looks and virgin pussy, he can't forget $he originally was a man. A video attached to the 'sale offer' online post does show a relatively pretty young woman, sniffling quietly as $he gets ordered to show off $his body to prospective buyers.
+//The girl should go pretty cheap, just <<print cashFormat(2000)>>. Sounds like the owner mostly wants to not be bothered by $him anymore.//
+<<case "DG SE">>
+A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same - which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slave owners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
+It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwagon, throwing in a little bit of transformative surgery in the mix. Either going all the way to making themselves into female slaves or hoping to be accepted as dick-girls after making the target of their affection fall for a pretty face and breasts. One of latter cases gets flagged by your assistant as a business opportunity, as the new slave-owner wasn't impressed by a former male and wants to get rid of the dickgirl as quickly as possible. A video attached to the 'sale offer' online post does show a relatively pretty young dickgirl, sniffling quietly as $he gets ordered to show off $his body to prospective buyers.
+//The dickgirl should go pretty cheap, just <<print cashFormat(1500)>>. Sounds like the owner mostly wants to not be bothered by $him anymore.//
+<<case "gang leader">>
+Your desk flags a video message as coming from an... interesting source. It is from one of the minor gangs on the lower levels of your arcology - or not so minor anymore, as a pop-up tells you of the power-grab they made barely an hour ago. Curious what they might want, you take the call.
+A tough-looking man with multiple tattoos and a wife-beater shirt on appears on the screen, nodding in recognition. "Hey there, boss-<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>man<<else>>woman<</if>>. Just calling to pay my respects. Those weak-ass punks that were squatting in this section won't bother you anymore... we took care of em. Now it's just all law-abiding citizens and shit down here - so you don't have to send your security goons to check us out, you know." Your assistant throws up a list of the gang's numerous criminal activities, as well as the estimates what other enterprises they've just taken over. Nothing much out of the ordinary and with the shape the world is in, you got bigger problems. The recommendation is to observe but mostly ignore them, which you casually confirm with a flick of your finger.
+Clearing his throat, the new gang-leader on level twenty-five continues, "But that's not all, we got a bit of tribute for ya." Waving his hand, he makes room for two muscular bruisers carrying the unconscious form of another man - easily recognizable from his muscled build and numerous tattoos as a hardened criminal. The face-recognition software tells you he is the now overthrown gangster boss in that area of the arcology. "Everyone knows what fun things you do with your slaves, so we thought it'd fit for this guy. Gonna throw him in an elevator in a minute and send it up, kay? If you make him into a proper brainless slut, you'll have quite a few guys standing in line to have a go. And well, he'd make a capable gladiator in a pit fight too. Have fun with the bastard."
+The signal is cut suddenly, and just a few moments later, your assistant flags an elevator going up containing a person needing medical attention. Anticipating your wishes, the planning interface of the remote surgery opens up right away, indicating available options for the criminal's feminized face.
+<<case "DG runaway">>
+A report about a successful operation by your mercenaries waits at your desk when you come in the office this morning. Turns out they tracked a brutal gang that was waylaying travellers near the Free City and stormed their hideout last night. All of the criminals were killed in the process, preventing proper punishments or more... creative uses for them. From the videos of the raid and the fanatic way the men fought to the last man, it seems that this was unavoidable, so you send a quick note of approval to their commander.
+After the fighting died down, they found a dickgirl inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gang-bangs there. A scan of $his biometric data revealed that $he is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago - into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched $his ass wide, $he has been crudely gelded, and they've decorated $him with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
+//The young dickgirl has been used and abused quite a bit, making $him deathly terrified about what might happen to $him next. $He has partially resigned to be nothing but a fuckhole. You can get $him cheap from the owner, it'll be just <<print cashFormat(1000)>>.//
+<<case "herm runaway">>
+A report about a successful operation by your mercenaries waits at your desk when you come in the office this morning. Turns out they tracked a brutal gang that was waylaying travellers near the Free City and stormed their hideout last night. All of the criminals were killed in the process, preventing proper punishments or more... creative uses for them. From the videos of the raid and the fanatic way the men fought to the last man, it seems that this was unavoidable, so you send a quick note of approval to their commander.
+After the fighting died down, they found a woman inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gang-bangs there. A scan of $his biometric data revealed that $he is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago - into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched $his pussy and ass wide, $he<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $activeSlave.pubertyAge>> is pregnant with some dead criminal's offspring,<</if>> has been crudely gelded and they've decorated $him with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
+//The young dickgirl has been used and abused quite a bit, making $him deathly terrified about what might happen to $him next. $He has partially resigned to be nothing but a fuckhole. You can get $him cheap from the owner, it'll be just <<print cashFormat(1000)>>.//
+<<case "female runaway">>
+A report about a successful operation by your mercenaries waits at your desk when you come in the office this morning. Turns out they tracked a brutal gang that was waylaying travellers near the Free City and stormed their hideout last night. All of the criminals were killed in the process, preventing proper punishments or more... creative uses for them. From the videos of the raid and the fanatic way the men fought to the last man, it seems that this was unavoidable, so you send a quick note of approval to their commander.
+After the fighting died down, your men found a woman inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gang-bangs there. A scan of $his biometric data revealed that $he is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago - into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched $his pussy and ass wide,<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $activeSlave.pubertyAge>> $he is pregnant with some dead criminal bastard's offspring and<</if>> they've decorated $him with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
+//The young woman has been used and abused quite a bit, making $him deathly terrified about what might happen to $him next. $He has partially resigned to be nothing but a fuckhole. You can get $him cheap from the owner, it'll be just <<print cashFormat(1000)>>.//
+<<case "CCS angel">>
+As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
+Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young and almost naked <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>little girl<</if>> walks through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation - $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He certainly has a unique look, waking your interest enough to check the slave markets for $him - and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
+The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<else>>girl<</if>> is best described as being 'angelic', in a stereotypical Western view of the mythical divine messengers. Blond-haired, blue eyed and with milky-white skin, $he has had a pair of beautifully detailed wings tattooed on $his back. The small icon of two cherries next to one another also designates $him to be a complete virgin. 
+// Someone already started bidding for $him and more bids are coming in fast. As such things usually go, you guess that the price will come out to about <<print cashFormat(5000)>> in the end.//
+<<case "CCS DA">>
+As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
+Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young and almost naked <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>little girl<</if>> walks through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation - $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He certainly has a unique look, waking your interest enough to check the slave markets for $him - and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
+The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<else>>girl<</if>> is best described as being 'angelic', in a stereotypical Western view of the mythical divine messengers. Having jet-black hair and amber eyes, coupled with milky-white skin, there is a pair of beautifully detailed wings tattooed on $his back. A whole row of icons depicting stylized sex acts mark $him as being well versed in sexual matters.
+// Someone already started bidding for $him and more bids are coming in fast. As such things usually go, you guess that the price will come out to about <<print cashFormat(7500)>> in the end.//
+<<case "racer DG chaser">>
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end - with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
+Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dick-girls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slaves precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
+As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his dick-girls to you at a fairly reasonable price. When you ask for a reason, the man replies, "Well, $he's a crowd-pleaser alright with that big dick of $hers, but... a bit headstrong. You see, $he punched one of the other girls when they grabbed a virgin at the same time. $He's been a distraction for the rest of the team, so I think it's best to remove $him and bring in new talent." He then sends you $his file to review, including more than a few videos of $him 'in action' on the racetrack - both running as well as fucking.
+//The dickgirl does have an impressive physique and is tall, fast on the track and has a whopping big dick. $He has some prestige from appearing in the races, but with the control issues, you could likely negotiate a bit and get $him for <<print cashFormat(5000)>>.//
+<<case "racer loser">>
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end - with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
+Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dick-girls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slaves precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
+As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his well-known virgin runners to you. When you ask him why, he is slightly surprised that you don't know already - turns out, the young woman got caught by an especially motivated chaser during the race yesterday, wrestling $him to the ground and taking $his virginity with a thick shaft. While a great athlete like $him usually still would have a place in his stable, the race track's resident doctor just confirmed that $he's pregnant. With abortion being out of the question - as the fans would see that as scandalous cheating defeating the purpose of the virgin race - the owner now wants to sell $him before $his fame fades.
+//The young woman is really pretty and tall, if a bit plain in the breast department. With the moderate fame $he has earned during $his racing career and its spectacular end, $he'd draw raised interest if used as a whore. Due to the fact that $he's no longer a virgin, pregnant and not really trained in sex acts, you could likely negotiate a bit and get $him for <<print cashFormat(5000)>>.//
+<<case "racer winner">>
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end - with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
+Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dickgirls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slaves precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
+As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his very prestigious virgin runners to you. $He's been the champion of the race track for three years in a row now, the virgin queen of the slave-girl sprinters... so the man decided he'd maximize his profit by selling $him at the height of $his popularity instead of chancing a loss in the next big race. It's a young woman's sport, and with new talent being trained, he feels its time to give the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 20>>early twenties<</if>> slave-girl a new purpose. There are numerous interested parties in buying $him of course, but out of respect he is coming to you first.
+//The young woman is really pretty and tall, if a bit plain in the breast department. With the fame $he has earned during $his racing career, $he'd draw quite a bit of interest if used as a whore. The price for $him reflects that of course - you doubt you can get a price under <<print cashFormat(10000)>>.//
+<<case "repo housekeeper">>
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a professional repossession company. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities... and when someone falls upon hard times, the repo-men and repo-women start their work. Grim-faced and unmoved by sympathy, they go in to seize the debtor's assets to pay off their debts - which does at times include some quite interesting pieces of merchandise, like a nice slave or two.
+The current sale offer by the company was taken from a college frat-house - apparently being enrolled at the small university in your arcology doesn't mean that the guys know their asses from their elbows in money-management. A few too many parties and frivolous purchases sent an asset reclamation officer to their door, soon leaving with one of those recent purchases - a pretty female slave who doubled as both a housekeeper and fuckhole for the whole bunch of horny students. $He's cute and apparently well-trained, if a bit exhausted right now after numerous gang-bangs $his former owners put $him through.
+//The repo-company doesn't hold on to assets long, they just want to get new cash pretty quickly - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the young woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
+<<case "repo nanny">>
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a professional repossession company. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities... and when someone falls upon hard times, the repo-men and repo-women start their work. Grim-faced and unmoved by sympathy, they go in to seize the debtor's assets to pay off their debts - which does at times include some quite interesting pieces of merchandise, like a nice slave or two.
+The current sale offer by the company was taken from a businesswoman's apartment - one of the higher income strata of the arcology, she's recently had fortune turn from her due to some unfortunate occurrences outside your demesne of the free cities. The file doesn't say exactly which - some natural catastrophe, raiders, competing business or whatnot - one thing is for sure though, she's in a financial pinch right now. All of which meant that her slave nanny was fair game to be taken and is now awaiting re-sale. As $his mistress never had any sexual interest in the slave, the young woman is actually a virgin and used to the relatively cushy life of just watching children. The fact that all of that ended from one day to the next has made $him quite afraid for $his future...
+//The repo-company doesn't hold on to assets long, they just want to get new cash pretty quickly - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the young woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
+<<case "farm cow">>
+As you're working on some boring administrative matters, a courier comes to your office, delivering a satchel of documents. Opening it up to check who would go through the trouble of having something hand-delivered, you find out that the Free Cities Farmers Association (FCFA) has chosen your arcology to hold the next of their semi-regular conventions, in which prominent members of the industry will gather and new developments be presented. Sounds like a mixture of a conference and a trade show, and the association has rented out the convention center in the mid-levels of your demesne for more than a week. That'll certainly boost the local economy a bit.
+From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that - in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the obedient milking cow from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
+//Checking $his stats and the videos included, you see the woman is healthy and well cared for, fitting for a prized milk-producer. $He's a mother of three already and has got another baby on the way, making $his lactation an all natural one. With the registration and all, it'll still just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him and add $him to your own slave lineup.//
+<<case "farm bull">>
+As you're working on some boring administrative matters, a courier comes to your office, delivering a satchel of documents. Opening it up to check who would go through the trouble of having something hand-delivered, you find out that the Free Cities Farmers Association (FCFA) has chosen your arcology to hold the next of their semi-regular conventions, in which prominent members of the industry will gather and new developments be presented. Sounds like a mixture of a conference and a trade show, and the association has rented out the convention center in the mid-levels of your demesne for more than a week. That'll certainly boost the local economy a bit.
+From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that - in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the obedient breeding bull (a dickgirl) from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
+//Checking $his stats and the videos included, you see the dickgirl is healthy and well cared for, fitting for a prized breeder of countless milk cows. $He's fathered countless offspring already and will yield quite a bit of cum if $his cock is milked. With the registration and all, it'll still just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him and add $him to your own slave lineup.//
+<<case "farm virgin cow">>
+As you're working on some boring administrative matters, a courier comes to your office, delivering a satchel of documents. Opening it up to check who would go through the trouble of having something hand-delivered, you find out that the Free Cities Farmers Association (FCFA) has chosen your arcology to hold the next of their semi-regular conventions, in which prominent members of the industry will gather and new developments be presented. Sounds like a mixture of a conference and a trade show, and the association has rented out the convention center in the mid-levels of your demesne for more than a week. That'll certainly boost the local economy a bit.
+From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that - in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the fresh and yet unused virgin cow from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
+//Checking $his stats and the videos included, you see the young woman is healthy and well cared for, with a nice pair of tits. $His records indicate that $he is very fertile and has excellent genes, promising a nice line of slaves to be bred in $his womb. With the registration and all, it'll still just take <<print cashFormat(1500)>> to buy $him and add $him to your own slave lineup.//
+<<case "orphan rebellious female">>
+An invitation to a 'visitation day' at an orphanage in the arcology pops up in your in-box, prompting you to make some room in your schedule to go have a look. Run by a well-meaning non-profit organization active in numerous of the Free Cities, the facility does house quite a few orphans (both local and saved from the chaos of the old world), doing excellent work in teaching them and finding new homes. Still, with times being what they are, the people running things do have a... realistic outlook, in the end. And so, in order to keep the orphanage going, those living there who aren't adopted till they reach maturity are sold as slaves. Legally this practice is easily arranged, as the life-debt for any of the orphans builds up over the years, pretty much automatically putting them over the limit for enslavement.
+Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accordingly and try to instill obedience and acceptance into those soon reaching eighteen years of age, but there are always those with whom the lessons don't quite take hold. The young woman that catches your eye from among the newly of age orphans is such a case... from all accounts, $he's rather headstrong and doesn't bend $his will to anyone really - for example having long lost $his virginities one way or another. Still, a young slave at a fairly low price could be worth the investment for anyone who likes breaking them in...
+//A short discussion with an administrator establishes the young woman's asking price at <<print cashFormat(1500)>>.//
+<<case "orphan femboy">>
+An invitation to a 'visitation day' at an orphanage in the arcology pops up in your in-box, prompting you to make some room in your schedule to go have a look. Run by a well-meaning non-profit organization active in numerous of the Free Cities, the facility does house quite a few orphans (both local and saved from the chaos of the old world), doing excellent work in teaching them and finding new homes. Still, with times being what they are, the people running things do have a... realistic outlook, in the end. And so, in order to keep the orphanage going, those living there who aren't adopted till they reach maturity are sold as slaves. Legally this practice is easily arranged, as the life-debt for any of the orphans builds up over the years, pretty much automatically putting them over the limit for enslavement.
+Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accordingly and try to instill obedience and acceptance into those soon reaching eighteen years of age, and the young man you're shown in short notice is said to be a good student and receptive for his lessons. It is quite obvious why he hasn't been adopted so far - the eighteen year old is relatively small in stature and his face was too pretty and feminine to appeal to anyone wanting to add a male child to their family. For your uses on the other hand, he's perfect. With a little bit of training, this teen will make an excellent dickgirl. Approaching him, you question the soon-to-be slave a little, finding him nervous but fairly obedient to commands. Testing out his limits, you have him pull down his pants right then and there, revealing that there's one part of his body that's not at all small - his dick. When you pose the question what he'd think about becoming a dickgirl, he is speechless at first, then after a pointed stare stammers out, "I - um, I'd do my best, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>!"
+//Satisfied, you leave him be and have a short discussion with an administrator, who establishes the young man's - or rather dickgirl's - asking price at <<print cashFormat(1500)>>.//
+<<case "captured teen">>
+You've been kept busy until late at night. The warm blue glow of your desk screen illuminates your work. Suddenly, your assistant flags an incoming vidcall as urgent. The call had decent encryption, but could be traced to a rural location several miles away from your arcology. The callers only specified that they had a good deal to offer.
+With apprehension, you decide to let the call through. The screen switches from your work to the vidcall. Several armed men, cloaked in black, are standing around a pretty young girl. $He's gagged and bound to a chair.
+The men explain that they've captured the young daughter of a wealthy old-world businessman, by abducting $him straight from a gated community. It's far from uncommon for girls to be captured and sold as slaves, but that these men had the balls to raid a gated community is something else. There are still some places in the world that are considered safe, where the world's deterioration isn't readily apparent. Showing that these places aren't safe from the predations of slavers upsets what little balance that the old world still has left, and that isn't always a good thing for the Free Cities.<br><br>
+At any rate, $he's a fine capture. And unsurprisingly, they want to get rid of $him. Fast. They're willing to offer a below-market price for $his enslavement.
+//You can buy out $his auction for <<print cashFormat(10000)>>.//
+<<case "desperate university milf">>
+A call comes in from an old world household. The caller appears on your screen, a worn down matronly woman flanked by $his two daughters. The middle-aged mother addresses you in a formal yet halting manner, as if rehearsing an unfamiliar speech. "I don't know how closely you watch the old world from where you are, but finding steady work without an education is becoming increasingly difficult".
+The mother pauses to glance at $his daughters before continuing. "I want my daughters to have a chance to make a life for themselves. I know that if I can pay their way towards attending University, then I will have succeeded as a parent."
+$He begins to weep quietly, but continues after $his daughters lay their hands supportively on $his shoulder. "Could you enslave me, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>? It's the only way I have to pay for their tuition."
+<<case "spoiled daughter">>
+Your desk flags a video message as coming from an influential old world businessman. To your surprise, rather than the portly visage you were expecting, a pretty young face appears on your screen. "Oh. My. God. How long does it take to answer a call?"
+The girl speaks in a ridiculously high, bubblegum voice and bounces indignantly around $his father's luxurious office as $he rants, barely acknowledging your presence on the other end of the call. "Daddy says that I'm spending too much of his money but what the hell is all of his money for if he's not spending it on his little girl?"
+$He pauses, looking directly at you for the first time, though you get the sense that $he seems more interested in your own luxurious surroundings. "Daddy told me all about you arcology types, so I know what you're all about. Anyways, I don't care about freedom and stuff if you treat me like the perfect princess I am."
+"So, could you enslave me or whatever?"
+<<case "starving artist">>
+<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> alerts you that a supplicant has arrived at the door to the penthouse. A constant stream of hopefuls appear at your door, and $assistantName makes herself invaluable by filtering them. One of the few categories of applicant that is always admitted is people willing to be enslaved for some reason; the odd individual standing before you is just such a woman.
+"What we're going to do together will be recorded in the annals of history" $he says expansively, sweeping about your office in a series of twirls and pirouettes. Though when you enquire as to what exactly you'll be doing together, all $he can give you is a torrent of vague artistic prattle. In the end, all you can get out of $him is an understanding that $he sees enslavement as the ultimate form of creative self-expression.
+$He seems more than a little odd, but not unattractive. At the very least, $he's not likely to be a boring slave to have around the penthouse.
+<<case "repo milf housekeeper">>
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a local University. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities. In a novel change of pace, it seems this offer comes from one of the Free Cities' rare winners.
+The current sale offer comes from one of the arcology's oldest college frat-houses - apparently a wealthy alumnus of the fraternity has bestowed a significant donation on the current brothers of the frat house. A few visits to the slave market later, the frat house is practically flush with fresh, nubile, slavegirls. Yet, all these new slaves have left little room for one of the frat house's oldest fixtures - an older female slave who doubled as both a housekeeper and fuckhole for a few generations of horny students. $He's pretty and has been well-trained over the years, if a bit exhausted from $his decades of serving as a sexual outlet to a house of frat brothers.
+//The brothers don't want to hold onto $him for long, having already been entranced by their multitude of new purchases - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the middle-aged woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
+<<case "immigrant">>
+Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a desperate refugee from outside the Free Cities, begging you to pay $his steep immigration fees. $He promises to pay you back with interest. $He clearly isn't too well informed; the fees are so high that if you lend $him the money so $he can immigrate, you'll be able to call $his debt in and enslave $him immediately.
+<<case "wandering homeless">>
+As you are heading back to your penthouse from overseeing a promising new store's opening, you noticed a feminine face peeking around a nearby corner. It quickly darts out of sight before a hand beckons you in. The alley isn't particularly out of sight, so no harm looking in. The girl is young, with silver hair, blue eyes, dark skin and<<if $activeSlave.preg > 0>>is enormously pregnant<<else>>a waifish build<</if>>; certainly an eye-catching display. $He doesn't seem to speak much $language at all, and judging by $his gesturing, is trying to ask you to purchase $him.
+<<case "desperate birth">>
+As you are heading back to your penthouse from inspecting a new line of sex shops, you hear a pained moan emanate from a nearby alley. Looking in, you find a heavily pregnant <<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 17>>girl<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge > 12>>teenager<<else>>little girl<</if>> seated, legs spread as wide as $he can, in a pool of $his own fluids. Your medical training kicks in and you descend on the laboring woman, only to find $he is well into giving birth. Judging by $his exhaustion and the ever drying amniotic fluid and blood, $he has been struggling for quite some time. The reason is evident,
+<<if $activeSlave.visualAge <= 12>>
+	$his body is far too young to birth $his child and it has become firmly wedged in $his pelvis.
+	$his body is ill-suited for childbirth and the unfortunate thing has lodged in $his pelvis.
+Every push, every desperate contraction must be agonizing to $him. Fortunately you know what to do, however, it will not come cheap. Hour after hour you work with the girl, $his debt to you growing ever higher, until you finally manage to coax the newborn from $his battered body. $He smiles at $his baby before losing consciousness; $he is in really bad shape. Odds are $his child will grow up an orphan, even if you call in $his debt.
+<<case "overwhelmed farmgirl">>
+Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer begging for you to enslave $him, not truly unusual given the ever increasing droughts and dangerous weather patterns. Given the huge stomach rounding out $his worn clothing, $he is likely ready to drop quints and desperately seeking any sort of future for them. You allow $him to speak $his plea. "Please <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I just can't go on out here. I'm always hungry and can barely even work with this belly in the way. I swear, it gets heavier every day and a life of physical labor just won't let me get by. I don't know what I'll do if you say no, so please, have mercy on a poor farmer."
+<<case "held POW">>
+While digging through the database of a POW camp for anything of value, you find records of a <<if $activeSlave.actualAge > 17>>rather attractive<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge > 12>>teenage<<else>>child<</if>> soldier long abandoned by $his nation. You forge false orders to have $him transported to a new location, a location that would be trivial for you to obtain $him from.
+<br>Upon $his inevitable arrival in your penthouse, you see 
+<<if $seeExtreme == 1>>
+	the traces of $his wounds, that $he has been greatly modified for war, and that $he had been raped, repeatedly, despite $his powerful body.
+	<<set $activeSlave.amp = -5, $activeSlave.teeth = "pointy", $activeSlave.muscles = random(30,70), $activeSlave.height = Math.round(Height.random($activeSlave, {skew: 3, spread: .2, limitMult: [1, 4]})), $activeSlave.chem = 1000, $activeSlave.attrXX = 0, $activeSlave.attrXY = 0>>
+	the traces of $his wounds, that $he had been left bound long enough for $his body to atrophy, and that $he had been raped, repeatedly.
+	<<if $seePreg == 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.preg = 2>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.pregType = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.pregWeek = 2>>
+		<<run SetBellySize($activeSlave)>>
+	<</if>>
+$His odd behaviour suggests that $his will to live has nearly been snuffed out. $He likely wouldn't have lasted much longer, though it's questionable if $he still will if you let $him walk free.
+<<case "embryo appropriation">>
+While perusing the confidential documents in a nearby hospital's databases, you come across a particularly interesting medical record with a rather lovely face attached to it. It would seem an incredibly attractive and good gened
+<<if $activeSlave.actualAge > 17>>
+	young woman
+<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge > 12>>
+	teenager
+	little girl
+has been has been receiving frequent prenatal check ups
+<<if $seeHyperPreg == 0>> 
+	for $his growing pregnancy.
+	for the multiples crowding $his womb.
+Judging by $his payment plan, the worrisome mother is driving $himself into a steep debt and doesn't even realize it. You could easily buy $him out and make a tidy profit off $his likely to be valuable child<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>ren<</if>>, or keep them for yourself, if you wanted.
+<<case "rogue cyborg">>
+While digging through the highest security and clearance level database of a powerful old government for anything of value, you discover the existence of a ultra top secret project to develop the most powerful and effective child cyborg ever created. The entire notion is absurd, but it seems they succeeded in creating something. During field testing it was discovered that it retained far too much humanity, resulting in the death of its handler. Unsure of what to do with the project, it has been placed on ice in the bowels of a black site. With a few simple commands, you could release it and order it to your arcology.
+<<case "blessed virgin">>
+As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
+Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young, naked and extremely pregnant <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>little girl<</if>> slowly waddles through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation - $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He caught your interest just enough to check the slave markets for a potential better look at that cult's tastes - and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
+The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>child<</if>> is likely a virgin, given $his obvious discomfort at being poked and prodded for display and is trying $his hardest to cover $his shame. Quickly reading through the details, your suspicions are confirmed; $he is indeed a heavily pregnant virgin. Odds are high that $he was treated as a "Virgin Mary" for the cult and is likely going to catch the eye of any collectors of religious objects.
+//Someone already started bidding for $him and more bids are coming in fast. As such things usually go, you guess that the price will come out to about <<print cashFormat(10000)>> in the end.//
+<<case "blessed vessel">>
 As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
-Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when the obscenely child-filled body of a <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>little girl<</if>> is slowly carted through the image, pushed along by several repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow her, you see that they scan and log her like any of the other items in the household liquidation - she must have been a slave used by the cult leader for religious rituals. She caught your interest just enough to check the slave markets for a potential better look at that cult's tastes - and indeed, half an hour later she's being listed as for sale.
+Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when the obscenely child-filled body of a <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>little girl<</if>> is slowly carted through the image, pushed along by several repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation - $he must have been a slave used by the cult leader for religious rituals. $He caught your interest just enough to check the slave markets for a potential better look at that cult's tastes - and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
-The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>child<</if>> isn't in the greatest of shape, which is understandable when one is ready to burst at the seams with child, and completely devoid of any semblance of awareness of the current situation. She was likely nothing more than a sacrifice to act as a conduit for their Lord to enter the world; in other words, an excuse to load a girl up with fertility drugs and fuck her ridiculously pregnant before your followers while they shout praise to the heavens to every load of cum. Going by how distinctly you can see the life inside her pushing against the thinning walls of her abdomen, she's likely going to either give birth or explode into crying babies at any time, something not lost on those looking to pick up a cheap bundle of future prospects.
+The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>girl<<else>>child<</if>> isn't in the greatest of shape, which is understandable when one is ready to burst at the seams with child, and completely devoid of any semblance of awareness of the current situation. $He was likely nothing more than a sacrifice to act as a conduit for their Lord to enter the world; in other words, an excuse to load a girl up with fertility drugs and fuck $him ridiculously pregnant before your followers while they shout praise to the heavens to every load of cum. Going by how distinctly you can see the life inside $him pushing against the thinning walls of $his abdomen, $he's likely going to either give birth or explode into crying babies at any time, something not lost on those looking to pick up a cheap bundle of future prospects.
-// Someone already started bidding for her and more bids are coming in fast. As such things usually go, you guess that the price will come out to about <<print cashFormat(5000)>> in the end.//
+//Someone already started bidding for $him and more bids are coming in fast. As such things usually go, you guess that the price will come out to about <<print cashFormat(5000)>> in the end.//
@@ -2142,114 +2259,114 @@ The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actua
 <span id="result">
 <<if $cash >= $contractCost>>
-<<link "Enslave her">>
+<<link "Enslave $him">>
 	<<set $cash -= $contractCost>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	<<switch $recruit>>
 	<<case "held POW">>
-		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss; her will to fight long since broken.
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss; $his will to fight long since broken.
 	<<case "embryo appropriation">>
-		She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is the death of her and her unborn, she complies. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: she is one of your slaves now, and soon so shall her spawn.
+		$He sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He tries to resist placing $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his debt, but when you observe that the alternative is the death of $him and $his unborn, $he complies. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: $he is one of your slaves now, and soon so shall $his spawn.
 	<<case "rogue cyborg">>
 		With your order received the target quickly seeks you out. After a huge sum of credits changes hands to render it penthouse safe, the legalities and biometric scanning are complete and you are now the proud owner of a cyberloli.
 	<<case "female recruit">>
-		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on her heels. Finally she works up her courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your sternly tell her to call you <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>, to ask questions only with permission, and to strip. She looks at $HeadGirl.slaveName, but $HeadGirl.slaveName returns her look with no compassion at all and tells her to do what you say. Looking suddenly fearful, $activeSlave.slaveName strips. Once your inspection of her body reaches her anus, she becomes suddenly nervous. "A-am I going to have t-to do butt stuff, <<Master>>?"
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on $his heels. Finally $he works up $his courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your sternly tell $him to call you <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>, to ask questions only with permission, and to strip. $He looks at $HeadGirl.slaveName, but $HeadGirl.slaveName returns $his look with no compassion at all and tells $him to do what you say. Looking suddenly fearful, $activeSlave.slaveName strips. Once your inspection of $his body reaches $his anus, $he becomes suddenly nervous. "A-am I going to have t-to do butt stuff, <<Master>>?"
 	<<case "male recruit">>
-		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on her heels. Finally she works up her courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your sternly tell her to call you <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>, to ask questions only with permission, and to strip. She looks at $HeadGirl.slaveName, but $HeadGirl.slaveName returns her look with no compassion at all and tells her to do what you say. Looking suddenly fearful, $activeSlave.slaveName strips. Her cock is totally flaccid as she looks at the floor, shivering. Once your inspection of her body reaches her anus, she becomes suddenly nervous. "A-am I going to have t-to do butt stuff, <<Master>>?"
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on $his heels. Finally $he works up $his courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your sternly tell $him to call you <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>, to ask questions only with permission, and to strip. $He looks at $HeadGirl.slaveName, but $HeadGirl.slaveName returns $his look with no compassion at all and tells $him to do what you say. Looking suddenly fearful, $activeSlave.slaveName strips. $His cock is totally flaccid as $he looks at the floor, shivering. Once your inspection of $his body reaches $his anus, $he becomes suddenly nervous. "A-am I going to have t-to do butt stuff, <<Master>>?"
 	<<case "whore recruit">>
-		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName participates matter-of-factly, and there's a certain sense of relief about her. Her fate is out of her hands now, and you get the impression she isn't sorry about that at all.
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName participates matter-of-factly, and there's a certain sense of relief about $him. $His fate is out of $his hands now, and you get the impression $he isn't sorry about that at all.
 	<<case "desperate birth">>
 		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly before
 		<<if $clinic > 0 && $clinic < $clinicSlaves>>
-			rushing her to $clinicName,
+			rushing $him to $clinicName,
 			<<set $activeSlave.assignment = "get treatment in the clinic">>
-			putting her to bed,
+			putting $him to bed,
-		in the hopes that she will pull through.
+		in the hopes that $he will pull through.
 	<<case "female debtor" "wandering orphan">>
-		She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, she complies. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: she is one of your slaves now.
+		$He sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He tries to resist placing $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, $he complies. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: $he is one of your slaves now.
 	<<case "male debtor">>
-		Once you begin the enslavement process, you, your personal assistant, and the forms you're filling out all begin to refer to the slave using female pronouns. She is clearly tormented, and only barely manages to hold herself together for the moment, but is on the verge of breaking down.
+		Once you begin the enslavement process, you, your personal assistant, and the forms you're filling out all begin to refer to the slave using female pronouns. $He is clearly tormented, and only barely manages to hold $himself together for the moment, but is on the verge of breaking down.
 	<<case "desperate preg">>
-		She cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: she is one of your slaves now. She looks almost relaxed, as though she's at peace, now.
+		$He cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: $he is one of your slaves now. $He looks almost relaxed, as though $he's at peace, now.
 	<<case "wandering homeless">>
-		You always keep a few slave contracts handy for just such an occasion. She eyes it suspiciously before marking it and dropping her skirt and bending over. As you inform her this is not the place for a proper inspection and move to pull her upright does the realization of what happened sink in. She breaks down in tears, pleading in some language you don't understand for what you can only guess is her freedom back. She doesn't look to be in the best of health, so she'll learn to appreciate the hand that fate dealt her soon enough.
+		You always keep a few slave contracts handy for just such an occasion. $He eyes it suspiciously before marking it and dropping $his skirt and bending over. As you inform $him this is not the place for a proper inspection and move to pull $him upright does the realization of what happened sink in. $He breaks down in tears, pleading in some language you don't understand for what you can only guess is $his freedom back. $He doesn't look to be in the best of health, so $he'll learn to appreciate the hand that fate dealt $him soon enough.
 	<<case "desperate milf">>
-		She cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: she is one of your slaves now. She looks almost relaxed, as though she's at peace, now.
+		$He cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: $he is one of your slaves now. $He looks almost relaxed, as though $he's at peace, now.
 	<<case "blind homeless">>
-		She cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: she is one of your slaves now. She gives you a smile, knowing she'll have a belly full of food before long.
+		$He cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: $he is one of your slaves now. $He gives you a smile, knowing $he'll have a belly full of food before long.
 	<<case "paternalist swan song">>
-		She thanks you profusely for purchasing her, and she means it. She's relieved to have been bought by a kind master and promises to give you a private performance when ever you want.
+		$He thanks you profusely for purchasing $him, and $he means it. $He's relieved to have been bought by a kind master and promises to give you a private performance when ever you want.
 		<<set $swanSongWeek = $week, $swanSong = 2>>
 	<<case "tg addict">>
-		When she awakes from surgery, she slowly realizes that whatever she programmed the remote surgery to do wasn't done; instead, she's a young woman with a flat chest and a new virgin pussy. It takes a while for you to get her to understand, through her tears, that she is now obliged to accept enslavement due to her extreme debts. Eventually she figures it out and glares daggers at you as she signs her life away.
+		When $he awakes from surgery, $he slowly realizes that whatever $he programmed the remote surgery to do wasn't done; instead, $he's a young woman with a flat chest and a new virgin pussy. It takes a while for you to get $him to understand, through $his tears, that $he is now obliged to accept enslavement due to $his extreme debts. Eventually $he figures it out and glares daggers at you as $he signs $his life away.
 	<<case "school sale">>
-		She thanks you profusely for purchasing her, and she means it. She's happy to have been bought by a real master, and to go by the hardness of her nipples, looking forward to finally losing her virginity.
+		$He thanks you profusely for purchasing $him, and $he means it. $He's happy to have been bought by a real master, and to go by the hardness of $his nipples, looking forward to finally losing $his virginity.
 	<<case "school trap">>
-		She thanks you profusely for purchasing her, and she means it. She's happy to have been bought by a real master, and to go by the stiffness of her little dick, looking forward to finally taking it up the ass.
+		$He thanks you profusely for purchasing $him, and $he means it. $He's happy to have been bought by a real master, and to go by the stiffness of $his little dick, looking forward to finally taking it up the ass.
 	<<case "handsome PC">>
-		You put her through the enslavement procedures. She looks doubtful, obviously wondering whether she's made a huge mistake. She's legally your property, now; you can fulfill her wishes for a gentler assignment near you, or not. Her suspicion that she's blundered into something terrible no longer matters.
+		You put $him through the enslavement procedures. $He looks doubtful, obviously wondering whether $he's made a huge mistake. $He's legally your property, now; you can fulfill $his wishes for a gentler assignment near you, or not. $His suspicion that $he's blundered into something terrible no longer matters.
 	<<case "womanly PC">>
-		You put her through the enslavement procedures. She looks relieved, as though she thinks she no longer has anything to worry about. She's certainly more complacent than the average inductee.
+		You put $him through the enslavement procedures. $He looks relieved, as though $he thinks $he no longer has anything to worry about. $He's certainly more complacent than the average inductee.
 	<<case "shemale PC">>
-		You put her through the enslavement procedures. She's almost excited. Though she knows she's signed herself over to a life of sexual slavery, the anticipation of becoming more feminine is clearly more important to her than any kind of fear.
+		You put $him through the enslavement procedures. $He's almost excited. Though $he knows $he's signed $himself over to a life of sexual slavery, the anticipation of becoming more feminine is clearly more important to $him than any kind of fear.
 	<<case "female SD">>
-		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with ' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where she is being kept, you tell the young woman she's getting out of jail right away. She cooperates to having her biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for her release but to register her as a slave. In shock and with tears in her eyes, she dejectedly follows the guard you summon to have her brought to the slave quarters.
+		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with ' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where $he is being kept, you tell the young woman $he's getting out of jail right away. $He cooperates to having $his biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for $his release but to register $him as a slave. In shock and with tears in $his eyes, $he dejectedly follows the guard you summon to have $him brought to the slave quarters.
 	<<case "female SD 2">>
-		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with ' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where she is being kept, you tell the young woman she's getting out of jail right away. She cooperates to having her biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for her release but to register her as a slave. She makes a poor decision to rebel against you on the way to the slave quarters, but the jiggling mass makes it a pathetically short distance before tiring and dejectedly following the guard the rest of the way.
+		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with ' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where $he is being kept, you tell the young woman $he's getting out of jail right away. $He cooperates to having $his biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for $his release but to register $him as a slave. $He makes a poor decision to rebel against you on the way to the slave quarters, but the jiggling mass makes it a pathetically short distance before tiring and dejectedly following the guard the rest of the way.
 	<<case "male SD">>
 		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where he is being kept, you tell the young man he's getting out of jail right away. He cooperates to having his biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for a release but to register him as a slave. In shock and with tears in his eyes, he gets angry and tries to fight, only to be overwhelmed by your guards and be dragged off to the remote surgery. It doesn't take long at all to add a pretty dickgirl to your slave quarters after that.
 	<<case "female SE">>
-		Bidding for the girl and winning her in the auction, you await her and the student selling her in your penthouse. As the young man guides her in, she gives you a properly deferential greeting, then looks wide-eyed at the decor and wealth presented all around. Yet as her 'lover' informs the woman that she'll belong to you now, tears start flowing down her cheeks as her heart almost audibly breaks. Smiling at the man over the sobbing shape of your newly acquired virgin slave-girl, you casually push a button to approve the money transfer and he strides out of the room after checking his smart-phone for the transfer. On your orders, she strips and submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property.
+		Bidding for the girl and winning $him in the auction, you await $him and the student selling $him in your penthouse. As the young man guides $him in, $he gives you a properly deferential greeting, then looks wide-eyed at the decor and wealth presented all around. Yet as $his 'lover' informs the woman that $he'll belong to you now, tears start flowing down $his cheeks as $his heart almost audibly breaks. Smiling at the man over the sobbing shape of your newly acquired virgin slave-girl, you casually push a button to approve the money transfer and he strides out of the room after checking his smart-phone for the transfer. On your orders, $he strips and submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 	<<case "MTF SE">>
-		Sending an offer to buy the slave girl, you get a confirmation from the student very shortly afterward. It doesn't take much longer before he appears at the security office leading into your penthouse to drop off his slave, leaving her behind without even saying goodbye. The sniffling and dejected girl is brought into your office so you can check her out in person afterward. On your orders, she strips and submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property.
+		Sending an offer to buy the slave girl, you get a confirmation from the student very shortly afterward. It doesn't take much longer before he appears at the security office leading into your penthouse to drop off his slave, leaving $him behind without even saying goodbye. The sniffling and dejected girl is brought into your office so you can check $him out in person afterward. On your orders, $he strips and submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 	<<case "DG SE">>
-		Sending an offer to buy the dickgirl, you get a confirmation from the student very shortly afterward. It doesn't take much longer before he appears at the security office leading into your penthouse to drop off his slave, leaving her behind without even saying goodbye. The sniffling and dejected girl is brought into your office so you can check her out in person afterward. On your orders, she strips and submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property.
+		Sending an offer to buy the dickgirl, you get a confirmation from the student very shortly afterward. It doesn't take much longer before he appears at the security office leading into your penthouse to drop off his slave, leaving $him behind without even saying goodbye. The sniffling and dejected girl is brought into your office so you can check $him out in person afterward. On your orders, $he strips and submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 	<<case "gang leader">>
-		Opening a voice-link, you call in two security guards to await the elevator and have your new property brought to the remote surgery. After some fun playing with various sliders and buttons in its settings, you have the machine start on modding the man into a new dickgirl with a pleasing set of features. By the time she comes to after the operation and quick-heal treatment, the legalities of enslavement are completed too, leaving you with another slave registered as your property. Of course, she is naturally horrified and furious with you; where there was once a tough young man's square jaw, there is now a definitively feminine face which looks rather cute when angry. The rest of her is still broad-shouldered and muscular, with all the tattoos and a well-sized dick - but you can always mod that later if you want to.
+		Opening a voice-link, you call in two security guards to await the elevator and have your new property brought to the remote surgery. After some fun playing with various sliders and buttons in its settings, you have the machine start on modding the man into a new dickgirl with a pleasing set of features. By the time $he comes to after the operation and quick-heal treatment, the legalities of enslavement are completed too, leaving you with another slave registered as your property. Of course, $he is naturally horrified and furious with you; where there was once a tough young man's square jaw, there is now a definitively feminine face which looks rather cute when angry. The rest of $him is still broad-shouldered and muscular, with all the tattoos and a well-sized dick - but you can always mod that later if you want to.
 	<<case "DG runaway" "herm runaway" "female runaway">>
-		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the slave-girl's owner, then have your guardsmen bring her from the station infirmary to your penthouse. She is led to stand before you, shivering in terror and looking at her feet. Only after an insistent command does she look up long enough to be biometrically scanned and registered as your property.
+		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the slave-girl's owner, then have your guardsmen bring $him from the station infirmary to your penthouse. $He is led to stand before you, shivering in terror and looking at $his feet. Only after an insistent command does $he look up long enough to be biometrically scanned and registered as your property.
 	<<case "CCS angel" "CCS DA">>
-		Winning out in the auction, you have the young woman brought to you straight away. She is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on her, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order her to strip. Obediently, she slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property.
+		Winning out in the auction, you have the young woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 	<<case "blessed virgin">>
-		Winning out in the auction, you have the girl brought to you straight away. She is helped into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on her, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order her to strip. With quivering hands, she slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property.
+		Winning out in the auction, you have the girl brought to you straight away. $He is helped into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. With quivering hands, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 	<<case "blessed vessel">>
-		Winning out in the auction, you have the girl brought to you straight away. She is rolled into your penthouse completely nude giving you a full view of her cavernous pussy and how it is barely holding back a flood of life from being released upon your floor. Pondering whether or not this was worth it, you submit her to biometric scanning, registering her, and her coming brood, as your property.
+		Winning out in the auction, you have the girl brought to you straight away. $He is rolled into your penthouse completely nude giving you a full view of $his cavernous pussy and how it is barely holding back a flood of life from being released upon your floor. Pondering whether or not this was worth it, you submit $him to biometric scanning, registering $him, and $his coming brood, as your property.
 	<<case "racer DG chaser">>
-		After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the dickgirl athlete, dressed in nothing but a long bathrobe and with a slightly sullen look on her face. Seems like she was brought here from her former owner's premises without so much as a warning or chance to put on any clothes. He really must have wanted her out of his racing stable quickly. On your orders, she pushes the robe over her shoulders and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property.
+		After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the dickgirl athlete, dressed in nothing but a long bathrobe and with a slightly sullen look on $his face. Seems like $he was brought here from $his former owner's premises without so much as a warning or chance to put on any clothes. He really must have wanted $him out of his racing stable quickly. On your orders, $he pushes the robe over $his shoulders and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 	<<case "racer loser">>
-		After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the young athlete, dressed in a cute yet revealing white dress, the 'showing off' outfit used for virgin runners - or ex-virgins, in her case. On your orders, she obediently takes it off, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property.
+		After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the young athlete, dressed in a cute yet revealing white dress, the 'showing off' outfit used for virgin runners - or ex-virgins, in $his case. On your orders, $he obediently takes it off, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 	<<case "racer winner">>
-		After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the virgin athlete, dressed in a cute yet revealing white dress, highlighting her pureness and virginity. On your orders, she readily takes it off, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property.
+		After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the virgin athlete, dressed in a cute yet revealing white dress, highlighting $his pureness and virginity. On your orders, $he readily takes it off, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 	<<case "repo housekeeper">>
-		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the repo company, then wait for her delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with her are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers her head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, what will my new tasks in your household be? Shall I just clean or will there be... other things for me to do?" The eager tremble in her voice tells you that she's more than a little aroused by the thought of being used, so you tell her it'll all depend on if she's a good girl...
+		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the repo company, then wait for $his delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with $him are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers $his head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, what will my new tasks in your household be? Shall I just clean or will there be... other things for me to do?" The eager tremble in $his voice tells you that $he's more than a little aroused by the thought of being used, so you tell $him it'll all depend on if $he's a good girl...
 	<<case "repo nanny">>
-		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the repo company, then wait for her delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with her are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers her head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, I - umm... what will be required of me? I'm really good with children and... and I can sing. Also, I've -" The fearful tremble in her voice tells you that she's more than a little afraid of what you might have planned for her. Waving off the slave's frightened babbling, you tell her that you'll decide what to do with her when you feel like it.
+		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the repo company, then wait for $his delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with $him are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers $his head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, I - umm... what will be required of me? I'm really good with children and... and I can sing. Also, I've -" The fearful tremble in $his voice tells you that $he's more than a little afraid of what you might have planned for $him. Waving off the slave's frightened babbling, you tell $him that you'll decide what to do with $him when you feel like it.
 	<<case "farm cow">>
-		Making a video call to tell the association president you accept the asking price for $activeSlave.slaveName, you're drawn into a conversation with the skillful speaker, at the end of which you agree to be the honored guest for their convention. Who knows, new developments in the slave farming industry might actually prove interesting to learn about, and the pleasure of acquiring a new slave will make it worth your while even if it turns out to be boring. In short notice, the woman you just bought is brought to your penthouse where she obediently strips and stands ready for your inspection.
+		Making a video call to tell the association president you accept the asking price for $activeSlave.slaveName, you're drawn into a conversation with the skillful speaker, at the end of which you agree to be the honored guest for their convention. Who knows, new developments in the slave farming industry might actually prove interesting to learn about, and the pleasure of acquiring a new slave will make it worth your while even if it turns out to be boring. In short notice, the woman you just bought is brought to your penthouse where $he obediently strips and stands ready for your inspection.
 	<<case "farm bull">>
-		Making a video call to tell the association president you accept the asking price for $activeSlave.slaveName, you're drawn into a conversation with the skillful speaker, at the end of which you agree to be the honored guest for their convention. Who knows, new developments in the slave farming industry might actually prove interesting to learn about, and the pleasure of acquiring a new slave will make it worth your while even if it turns out to be boring. In short notice, the dickgirl you just bought is brought to your penthouse where she obediently strips and stands ready for your inspection, a sizeable cock swinging between her legs.
+		Making a video call to tell the association president you accept the asking price for $activeSlave.slaveName, you're drawn into a conversation with the skillful speaker, at the end of which you agree to be the honored guest for their convention. Who knows, new developments in the slave farming industry might actually prove interesting to learn about, and the pleasure of acquiring a new slave will make it worth your while even if it turns out to be boring. In short notice, the dickgirl you just bought is brought to your penthouse where $he obediently strips and stands ready for your inspection, a sizeable cock swinging between $his legs.
 	<<case "farm virgin cow">>
-		Making a video call to tell the association president you accept the asking price for $activeSlave.slaveName, you're drawn into a conversation with the skillful speaker, at the end of which you agree to be the honored guest for their convention. Who knows, new developments in the slave farming industry might actually prove interesting to learn about, and the pleasure of acquiring a new slave will make it worth your while even if it turns out to be boring. In short notice, the young woman you just bought is brought to your penthouse where she obediently strips and stands ready for your inspection.
+		Making a video call to tell the association president you accept the asking price for $activeSlave.slaveName, you're drawn into a conversation with the skillful speaker, at the end of which you agree to be the honored guest for their convention. Who knows, new developments in the slave farming industry might actually prove interesting to learn about, and the pleasure of acquiring a new slave will make it worth your while even if it turns out to be boring. In short notice, the young woman you just bought is brought to your penthouse where $he obediently strips and stands ready for your inspection.
 	<<case "orphan rebellious female">>
-		Transferring the money with a few clicks on your smart-phone, you have your new acquisition brought to your penthouse. $activeSlave.slaveName reacts sullenly to an order to strip, so the guardmen's assistance is required to peel her clothes off her, followed by the young woman sticking out her tongue as she is scanned and registered as your property.
+		Transferring the money with a few clicks on your smart-phone, you have your new acquisition brought to your penthouse. $activeSlave.slaveName reacts sullenly to an order to strip, so the guardmen's assistance is required to peel $his clothes off $him, followed by the young woman sticking out $his tongue as $he is scanned and registered as your property.
 	<<case "orphan femboy">>
-		Transferring the money with a few clicks on your smart-phone, you have your new acquisition brought to your penthouse. $activeSlave.slaveName does look rather afraid at the whole business of actually being sold, but she follows your instruction obediently to get naked and let herself be biometrically scanned and registered as your property.
+		Transferring the money with a few clicks on your smart-phone, you have your new acquisition brought to your penthouse. $activeSlave.slaveName does look rather afraid at the whole business of actually being sold, but $he follows your instruction obediently to get naked and let $himself be biometrically scanned and registered as your property.
 	<<case "captured teen">>
-		You agree to the purchase. The men give a hushed thank you, and the call ends, cutting you off from the light. They arrive outside the city just a few hours later, and you send your VTOL to pick up the girl. When she arrives, you see that she was kept in the same bindings. She's awake, and her eyes make her hatred of you unmistakable.
+		You agree to the purchase. The men give a hushed thank you, and the call ends, cutting you off from the light. They arrive outside the city just a few hours later, and you send your VTOL to pick up the girl. When $he arrives, you see that $he was kept in the same bindings. $He's awake, and $his eyes make $his hatred of you unmistakable.
 	<<case "starving artist">>
-		She twirls and poses artistically as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She seems a little disappointed that she won't have the opportunity to practice her penmanship but nonetheless places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement.
+		$He twirls and poses artistically as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He seems a little disappointed that $he won't have the opportunity to practice $his penmanship but nonetheless places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement.
 	<<case "repo milf housekeeper">>
-		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the frat house, then wait for her delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with her are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers her head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, what will my new tasks in your household be? Shall I just clean or will there be... other things for me to do?" The eager tremble in her voice tells you that she's more than a little aroused by the thought of being used, so you tell her it'll all depend on if she's a good MILF.
+		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the frat house, then wait for $his delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with $him are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers $his head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, what will my new tasks in your household be? Shall I just clean or will there be... other things for me to do?" The eager tremble in $his voice tells you that $he's more than a little aroused by the thought of being used, so you tell $him it'll all depend on if $he's a good MILF.
 	<<case "spoiled daughter">>
-		A few days after granting your assent to the girl's offer, she appears at your penthouse laden with luggage and handbags. Much to your relief, she gets through the legalities and biometric scanning with little more than a pout.
+		A few days after granting your assent to the girl's offer, $he appears at your penthouse laden with luggage and handbags. Much to your relief, $he gets through the legalities and biometric scanning with little more than a pout.
 	<<case "desperate university milf">>
-		She cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: she is one of your slaves now. She looks almost relaxed, content in the knowledge that her daughters education has been paid in full.
+		$He cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: $he is one of your slaves now. $He looks almost relaxed, content in the knowledge that $his daughters' education has been paid in full.
 	<<case "immigrant">>
-		She comes immediately from the immigration center to your arcology. You patiently explain the realities of the situation to her. She isn't too bright and it takes a while for things to sink in. The scanners finally do it, though. She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, she complies. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: she is one of your slaves now.
+		$He comes immediately from the immigration center to your arcology. You patiently explain the realities of the situation to $him. $He isn't too bright and it takes a while for things to sink in. The scanners finally do it, though. $He sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He tries to resist placing $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, $he complies. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: $he is one of your slaves now.
 	<<case "overwhelmed farmgirl">>
-		She barely manages to waddle into your penthouse before crashing onto your couch with permission. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. She looks almost relieved. "I traded my virginity for bread and look what it got me. I'm so glad you took me in, I don't know how I would have carried on in a few months, I mean look at me." She gestures to her gravid bulge. 'A few months'? You probe further. "Huh? Oh, yes... I'm only four months along... You can see why I needed this now, right? I'm bigger than every other girl I've ever seen and I'm not even halfway there. You saved my life, even if you, um, get rid of them, you still saved me. So thank you." You can't believe what you are hearing, but a quick sonogram confirms it. Both you and her stare in shock at the sheer number of children growing in her womb. A rough estimate places their count at a staggering one-hundred-and-fifty. "...no way... There can't be that many in me..."
+		$He barely manages to waddle into your penthouse before crashing onto your couch with permission. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. $He looks almost relieved. "I traded my virginity for bread and look what it got me. I'm so glad you took me in, I don't know how I would have carried on in a few months, I mean look at me." $He gestures to $his gravid bulge. 'A few months'? You probe further. "Huh? Oh, yes... I'm only four months along... You can see why I needed this now, right? I'm bigger than every other girl I've ever seen and I'm not even halfway there. You saved my life, even if you, um, get rid of them, you still saved me. So thank you." You can't believe what you are hearing, but a quick sonogram confirms it. Both you and $him stare in shock at the sheer number of children growing in $his womb. A rough estimate places their count at a staggering one-hundred-and-fifty. "...no way... There can't be that many in me..."
 		<<set $activeSlave.preg = 16>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.pregType = 150>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.pregWeek = $activeSlave.preg>>
@@ -2284,87 +2401,87 @@ The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actua
 <<case "desperate birth">>
 <<case "wandering homeless">>
-<br><<link "Sell her immediately">>
+<br><<link "Sell $him immediately">>
 	<<set $cash += $slaveCost>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	<<switch $recruit>>
 	<<case "held POW">>
-		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss; her will to fight long since broken. Though you do catch a faint glimmer of joy in her eyes as you tell her she's been purchased by a notorious Pit Master and will likely spend the rest of her life in combat.
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss; $his will to fight long since broken. Though you do catch a faint glimmer of joy in $his eyes as you tell $him $he's been purchased by a notorious Pit Master and will likely spend the rest of $his life in combat.
 	<<case "embryo appropriation">>
 		<<set _profit = $slaveCost*$activeSlave.pregType>>
 		<<set $cash += _profit>>
-		She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is the death of her and her unborn, she complies. A purchasing agent appears to take her away, but not after the slave breeder that bought her paid a ludicrous amount of ¤ per child. An additional @@.yellowgreen;¤<<print _profit>>@@ overall.
+		$He sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He tries to resist placing $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his debt, but when you observe that the alternative is the death of $him and $his unborn, $he complies. A purchasing agent appears to take $him away, but not after the slave breeder that bought $him paid a ludicrous amount of ¤ per child. An additional @@.yellowgreen;¤<<print _profit>>@@ overall.
 	<<case "rogue cyborg">>
 		With your order received the target quickly seeks you out. After a huge sum of credits changes hands to render it safe, the legalities and biometric scanning are complete and it is sold off to a very eager robophile.
 	<<case "female recruit">>
-		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on her heels. Finally she works up her courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your answer appears in the form of a purchasing agent, here to take her away. As he restrains the disbelieving girl, you tell her she's been purchased by a brothel, so she's going to be fucked about 70,000 times before she gets to be too old and is retired, so she can be sure she won't be bored. She releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over her head.
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on $his heels. Finally $he works up $his courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your answer appears in the form of a purchasing agent, here to take $him away. As he restrains the disbelieving girl, you tell $him $he's been purchased by a brothel, so $he's going to be fucked about 70,000 times before $he gets to be too old and is retired, so $he can be sure $he won't be bored. $He releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over $his head.
 	<<case "male recruit">>
-		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on her heels. Finally she works up her courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your answer appears in the form of a purchasing agent, here to take her away. As he restrains the disbelieving bitch, you tell her she's been purchased by a brothel, so she's going to be fucked about 70,000 times before she gets to be too old and is retired, so she can be sure she won't be bored. She releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over her head.
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on $his heels. Finally $he works up $his courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your answer appears in the form of a purchasing agent, here to take $him away. As he restrains the disbelieving bitch, you tell $him $he's been purchased by a brothel, so $he's going to be fucked about 70,000 times before $he gets to be too old and is retired, so $he can be sure $he won't be bored. $He releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over $his head.
 	<<case "whore recruit">>
-		When the purchasing agent appears to take her away, she looks rueful. "God fucking damn it," she says, less angrily than you expected. "I should have known. $HeadGirl.slaveName played me good. Treat her right, she's got skills."
+		When the purchasing agent appears to take $him away, $he looks rueful. "God fucking damn it," $he says, less angrily than you expected. "I should have known. $HeadGirl.slaveName played me good. Treat _him2 right, $he's got skills."
 	<<case "female debtor">>
-		She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, she complies. A purchasing agent appears to take her away.
+		$He sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He tries to resist placing $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, $he complies. A purchasing agent appears to take $him away.
 	<<case "male debtor">>
-		Once you begin the enslavement process, you, your personal assistant, and the forms you're filling out all begin to refer to the slave using female pronouns. She is clearly tormented, and only barely manages to hold herself together for the moment, but is on the verge of breaking down. When a purchasing agent appears, she loses it entirely, and the agent is obliged to drag her away.
+		Once you begin the enslavement process, you, your personal assistant, and the forms you're filling out all begin to refer to the slave using female pronouns. $He is clearly tormented, and only barely manages to hold $himself together for the moment, but is on the verge of breaking down. When a purchasing agent appears, $he loses it entirely, and the agent is obliged to drag $him away.
 	<<case "desperate preg">>
-		She cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. When a purchaser's agent arrives to take her away, though, she becomes afraid. "W-will they h-hurt my baby?" she asks plaintively. You tell her no, she's been bought by a slave dairy. She'll be permitted to carry her pregnancy to term, since it'll enhance her milk production; and within a few weeks after that, she'll be impregnated again. And again.
+		$He cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. When a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away, though, $he becomes afraid. "W-will they h-hurt my baby?" $he asks plaintively. You tell $him no, $he's been bought by a slave dairy. $He'll be permitted to carry $his pregnancy to term, since it'll enhance $his milk production; and within a few weeks after that, $he'll be impregnated again. And again.
 	<<case "blind homeless">>
-		She cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. When a purchaser's agent arrives to take her away, though, she becomes uneasy. "Will they have food?" she asks plaintively. You tell her yes, all she can hold, she's been bought by a slave dairy. She'll be fattened up and forced to carry her pregnancy to term, since it'll enhance her milk production; and within a few weeks after that, she'll be impregnated again. And again. But she won't be on the streets anymore.
+		$He cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. When a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away, though, $he becomes uneasy. "Will they have food?" $he asks plaintively. You tell $him yes, all $he can hold, $he's been bought by a slave dairy. $He'll be fattened up and forced to carry $his pregnancy to term, since it'll enhance $his milk production; and within a few weeks after that, $he'll be impregnated again. And again. But $he won't be on the streets anymore.
 	<<case "paternalist swan song">>
-		She thanks you profusely for purchasing her and before you get the chance to correct her, a purchaser's agent arrives to take her away. She looks at you in terror, beginning to sob at having trusted you. You place a hand on her shoulder and reassure her; she has many fans in $arcologies[0].name that would love to treat her with the kindness she deserves and you made sure the nicest of the bunch was the one who bought her contract. She brightens up upon hearing your words and leaves the penthouse smiling as the agent talks about all the preparations her new owner has set up for her.
+		$He thanks you profusely for purchasing $him and before you get the chance to correct $him, a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away. $He looks at you in terror, beginning to sob at having trusted you. You place a hand on $his shoulder and reassure $him; $he has many fans in $arcologies[0].name that would love to treat $him with the kindness $he deserves and you made sure the nicest of the bunch was the one who bought $his contract. $He brightens up upon hearing your words and leaves the penthouse smiling as the agent talks about all the preparations $his new owner has set up for $him.
 	<<case "desperate milf">>
-		She cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. A purchasing agent appears to take her away, which she accepts resignedly, though she does ask you who purchased her. You tell her that her ample breasts have gotten her bought by a slave dairy; she looks thoughtful. "I'm going to be a cow?" She turns her torso a little, sloshing her breasts from side to side. "Well, that doesn't sound //too// bad. Thank you."
+		$He cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. A purchasing agent appears to take $him away, which $he accepts resignedly, though $he does ask you who purchased $him. You tell $him that $his ample breasts have gotten $him bought by a slave dairy; $he looks thoughtful. "I'm going to be a cow?" $He turns $his torso a little, sloshing $his breasts from side to side. "Well, that doesn't sound //too// bad. Thank you."
 	<<case "tg addict">>
-		When she awakes from surgery, she slowly realizes that whatever she programmed the remote surgery to do wasn't done; instead, she's a young woman with a flat chest and a new virgin pussy. It takes a while for you to get her to understand, through her tears, that she is now obliged to accept enslavement due to her extreme debts. Eventually she figures it out, assisted by a purchasing agent, who restrains her for transportation despite her grief.
+		When $he awakes from surgery, $he slowly realizes that whatever $he programmed the remote surgery to do wasn't done; instead, $he's a young woman with a flat chest and a new virgin pussy. It takes a while for you to get $him to understand, through $his tears, that $he is now obliged to accept enslavement due to $his extreme debts. Eventually $he figures it out, assisted by a purchasing agent, who restrains $him for transportation despite $his grief.
 	<<case "handsome PC">>
-		You put her through the enslavement procedures. She only realizes her mistake when her purchaser's agent appears to take her away. She looks at you in total unwillingness to believe you'd do such a thing; you observe politely that she's likely to receive an easy assignment like being a house servant in about twenty years. In the meantime, you continue, she's been purchased by a brothel, so she's going to be fucked about 70,000 times before then. She releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over her head.
+		You put $him through the enslavement procedures. $He only realizes $his mistake when $his purchaser's agent appears to take $him away. $He looks at you in total unwillingness to believe you'd do such a thing; you observe politely that $he's likely to receive an easy assignment like being a house servant in about twenty years. In the meantime, you continue, $he's been purchased by a brothel, so $he's going to be fucked about 70,000 times before then. $He releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over $his head.
 	<<case "womanly PC">>
-		You put her through the enslavement procedures. She only realizes the true situation when her purchaser's agent appears to take her away. She looks at you in total unwillingness to believe you'd do such a thing; you observe politely that she's been purchased by a brothel, but is old enough she'll probably only work there for ten years or so. During that time she'll only be fucked 30,000 times, give or take. She releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over her head.
+		You put $him through the enslavement procedures. $He only realizes the true situation when $his purchaser's agent appears to take $him away. $He looks at you in total unwillingness to believe you'd do such a thing; you observe politely that $he's been purchased by a brothel, but is old enough $he'll probably only work there for ten years or so. During that time $he'll only be fucked 30,000 times, give or take. $He releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over $his head.
 	<<case "shemale PC">>
-		You put her through the enslavement procedures. She only realizes the true situation when her purchaser's agent appears to take her away. She looks at you with a faint hopefulness. "Do you think they'll pay for surgery and drugs for me?" she asks plaintively. You observe that they probably will; she's been sold to a boutique trainer that produces high-class gelded escorts. She quails a little at hearing about the castration, but squares her shoulders and accompanies the agent willingly.
+		You put $him through the enslavement procedures. $He only realizes the true situation when $his purchaser's agent appears to take $him away. $He looks at you with a faint hopefulness. "Do you think they'll pay for surgery and drugs for me?" $he asks plaintively. You observe that they probably will; $he's been sold to a boutique trainer that produces high-class gelded escorts. $He quails a little at hearing about the castration, but squares $his shoulders and accompanies the agent willingly.
 	<<case "female SD">>
-		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where she is being kept, you tell the young woman she's getting out of jail right away. She cooperates to having her biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for her release but to register her as a slave. In shock and with tears in her eyes, she dejectedly follows the guard you summon to have her brought to the slave broker you sold her to.
+		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where $he is being kept, you tell the young woman $he's getting out of jail right away. $He cooperates to having $his biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for $his release but to register $him as a slave. In shock and with tears in $his eyes, $he dejectedly follows the guard you summon to have $him brought to the slave broker you sold $him to.
 	<<case "female SD 2">>
-		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with ' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where she is being kept, you tell the young woman she's getting out of jail right away. She cooperates to having her biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for her release but to register her as a slave. She makes a poor decision to rebel against her guard you summoned to have her brought to the slave broker you sold her to, earning herself a taze and a degrading cart ride with her ass bare for all to see.
+		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with ' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where $he is being kept, you tell the young woman $he's getting out of jail right away. $He cooperates to having $his biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for $his release but to register $him as a slave. $He makes a poor decision to rebel against $his guard you summoned to have $him brought to the slave broker you sold $him to, earning $himself a taser shock and a degrading cart ride with $his ass bare for all to see.
 	<<case "male SD">>
-		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where he is being kept, you tell the young man he's getting out of jail right away. He cooperates to having his biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for a release but to register him as a slave. In shock and with tears in his eyes, he gets angry and tries to fight, only to be overwhelmed by your guards and be dragged off to the remote surgery. It doesn't take long at all before the student is transported to the office of the slave broker you sold her to.
+		Contacting the wealthy resident, you apologize for his inconvenience and offer to 'deal with' the matter personally. He is content with not having the hassle and agrees with little thought, leaving you owning the debt of the unfortunate student. Making your way to the guard station where he is being kept, you tell the young man he's getting out of jail right away. He cooperates to having his biometric readings taken and logged, only later realizing this isn't for a release but to register him as a slave. In shock and with tears in his eyes, he gets angry and tries to fight, only to be overwhelmed by your guards and be dragged off to the remote surgery. It doesn't take long at all before the student is transported to the office of the slave broker you sold $him to.
 	<<case "gang leader">>
-		Opening a voice-link, you call in two security guards to await the elevator and have your new property brought to the remote surgery. After some fun playing with various sliders and buttons in its settings, you have the machine start on modding the man into a new dickgirl with a pleasing set of features. By the time she comes to after the operation and quick-heal treatment, the legalities of enslavement are completed too, leaving you with another slave registered as your property. Of course, she is naturally horrified and furious with you, but this is nothing to the terror that dawns when a purchasing agent appears to take her away.
+		Opening a voice-link, you call in two security guards to await the elevator and have your new property brought to the remote surgery. After some fun playing with various sliders and buttons in its settings, you have the machine start on modding the man into a new dickgirl with a pleasing set of features. By the time $he comes to after the operation and quick-heal treatment, the legalities of enslavement are completed too, leaving you with another slave registered as your property. Of course, $he is naturally horrified and furious with you, but this is nothing to the terror that dawns when a purchasing agent appears to take $him away.
 	<<case "DG runaway" "herm runaway" "female runaway">>
-		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the slave-girl's owner, then have your guardsmen bring her from the station infirmary to your penthouse. She is led to stand before you, shivering in terror and looking at her feet. Only after an insistent command does she look up long enough to be biometrically scanned and registered as your property. Frowning at the emotional state the gang left her in, you're relieved when your guards take her away a moment later, to be transported to the office of a slave broker you know well. Oh well, now she'll be someone else's problem to fix up.
+		With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the slave-girl's owner, then have your guardsmen bring $him from the station infirmary to your penthouse. $He is led to stand before you, shivering in terror and looking at $his feet. Only after an insistent command does $he look up long enough to be biometrically scanned and registered as your property. Frowning at the emotional state the gang left $him in, you're relieved when your guards take $him away a moment later, to be transported to the office of a slave broker you know well. Oh well, now $he'll be someone else's problem to fix up.
 	<<case "CCS angel">>
-		Winning out in the auction, you have the young woman brought to you straight away. She is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on her, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order her to strip. Obediently, she slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property. When she's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold her on to, the young woman sighs, sad that she's not staying as yours in the luxurious penthouse you call your own.
+		Winning out in the auction, you have the young woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young woman sighs, sad that $he's not staying as yours in the luxurious penthouse you call your own.
 	<<case "CCS DA">>
-		Winning out in the auction, you have the young woman brought to you straight away. She is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on her, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order her to strip. Obediently, she slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property. When she's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold her on to, the young woman lets out a little huff, as if telling herself that your luxurious penthouse can't be that good if you're not keeping her for it.
+		Winning out in the auction, you have the young woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young woman lets out a little huff, as if telling $himself that your luxurious penthouse can't be that good if you're not keeping $him for it.
 	<<case "blessed virgin">>
-		Winning out in the auction, you have the young woman brought to you straight away. She is helped into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on her, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order her to strip. With shaking hands, she slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering her as your property. When she's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold her on to, the young woman lets out a little sob, as if fearful of her future.
+		Winning out in the auction, you have the young woman brought to you straight away. $He is helped into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. With shaking hands, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young woman lets out a little sob, as if fearful of $his future.
 	<<case "blessed vessel">>
-		Winning out in the auction, you have the girl brought to you straight away. She is rolled into your penthouse completely nude giving you a full view of her cavernous pussy and how it is barely holding back a flood of life from being released upon your floor. Pondering whether or not this was worth it, you submit her to biometric scanning, registering her, and her coming brood, as your property. The purchasing agent groans at that sight of her, not eager at the amount of effort it will take him to roll her to the volume breeder that purchased her.
+		Winning out in the auction, you have the girl brought to you straight away. $He is rolled into your penthouse completely nude giving you a full view of $his cavernous pussy and how it is barely holding back a flood of life from being released upon your floor. Pondering whether or not this was worth it, you submit $him to biometric scanning, registering $him, and $his coming brood, as your property. The purchasing agent groans at that sight of $him, not eager at the amount of effort it will take him to roll $him to the volume breeder that purchased $him.
 	<<case "spoiled daughter">>
-		A few days after granting your assent to the girl's offer, she appears at your penthouse laden with luggage and handbags. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces happily in her heels and eagerly explains her expectations regarding her new life with you. Your response appears in the form of a purchasing agent, here to take her away. As he restrains the disbelieving girl, you tell her she's been purchased by a brothel, so she's soon going to have more sugar daddies than her holes can take. She releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over her head.
+		A few days after granting your assent to the girl's offer, $he appears at your penthouse laden with luggage and handbags. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces happily in $his heels and eagerly explains $his expectations regarding $his new life with you. Your response appears in the form of a purchasing agent, here to take $him away. As he restrains the disbelieving girl, you tell $him $he's been purchased by a brothel, so $he's soon going to have more sugar daddies than $his holes can take. $He releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over $his head.
 	<<case "desperate university milf">>
-		She cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She willingly places her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her voluntary enslavement. A purchasing agent appears to take her away, which she accepts resignedly, though she does ask you who purchased her. Amused, you tell her that her reverence of education convinced you to sell her to a brothel catering to inexperienced men. "I'm going to be a little bit like a teacher?" She contemplates this unexpected turn of events. "Well, that's very thoughtful of you. Thank you."
+		$He cooperates as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He willingly places $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his voluntary enslavement. A purchasing agent appears to take $him away, which $he accepts resignedly, though $he does ask you who purchased $him. Amused, you tell $him that $his reverence of education convinced you to sell $him to a brothel catering to inexperienced men. "I'm going to be a little bit like a teacher?" $He contemplates this unexpected turn of events. "Well, that's very thoughtful of you. Thank you."
 	<<case "immigrant">>
-		She comes immediately from the immigration center to your arcology. You patiently explain the realities of the situation to her. She isn't too bright and it takes a while for things to sink in. The scanners finally do it, though. She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, she complies. You add that she's already been purchased by a brothel, and would be well advised to keep obeying. She breaks down entirely at this.
+		$He comes immediately from the immigration center to your arcology. You patiently explain the realities of the situation to $him. $He isn't too bright and it takes a while for things to sink in. The scanners finally do it, though. $He sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He tries to resist placing $his biometric signature in testament to the truth of $his debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, $he complies. You add that $he's already been purchased by a brothel, and would be well advised to keep obeying. $He breaks down entirely at this.
 	<<case "overwhelmed farmgirl">>
-		She barely manages to waddle into your penthouse before asking to have a seat on your couch. You decline, since she is clearly so skilled at carrying children, she will spend the rest of her enslavement as a volume breeder. Her gaze falls to the floor, this at least means she'll be fed and get to have her children. She cooperates to having her biometric readings taken and logged, before being seated in a wheelchair and taken to her new home.
-		Hours later, you receive a brief message from the facility that purchased her. "150. One hundred and fifty babies. That is how many are crammed into that girl. She was a mere sixteen weeks along. If she lives through this, we may have a record breaking breeder on our hands. Felt the need to pass that along, you might have made us quite a profit this year."
+		$He barely manages to waddle into your penthouse before asking to have a seat on your couch. You decline, since $he is clearly so skilled at carrying children, $he will spend the rest of $his enslavement as a volume breeder. $His gaze falls to the floor, this at least means $he'll be fed and get to have $his children. $He cooperates to having $his biometric readings taken and logged, before being seated in a wheelchair and taken to $his new home.
+		Hours later, you receive a brief message from the facility that purchased $him. "150. One hundred and fifty babies. That is how many are crammed into that girl. $He was a mere sixteen weeks along. If $he lives through this, we may have a record breaking breeder on our hands. Felt the need to pass that along, you might have made us quite a profit this year."
 <</link>> //This will bring in <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.//
-	//You lack the necessary funds to enslave her.//
+	//You lack the necessary funds to enslave $him.//
 <<if $recruit == "wandering homeless">>
 	<br><<link "A quick fuck couldn't hurt">>
 	<<set $cash -= 1>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-		You take her up on her offer,
+		You take $him up on $his offer,
 		<<if $PC.dick == 1>>
-			grab her wiggling hips, and hilt your dick in her tight ass. She's clueless when it comes to anal, so the experience isn't too enjoyable for you. You leave her with a <<print cashFormat(1)>> tip, a load of cum in her butt and a smile on her face over getting any money at all.
+			grab $his wiggling hips, and hilt your dick in $his tight ass. $He's clueless when it comes to anal, so the experience isn't too enjoyable for you. You leave $him with a <<print cashFormat(1)>> tip, a load of cum in $his butt, and a smile on $his face over getting any money at all.
-			pull out a strapon you carry for just such an occasion, grab her wiggling hips, and hilt yourself in her tight ass. She's clueless when it comes to anal, so the experience isn't too enjoyable for you. You leave her with a <<print cashFormat(1)>> tip, a sore rear and a smile on her face over getting any money at all.
+			pull out a strapon you carry for just such an occasion, grab $his wiggling hips, and hilt yourself in $his tight ass. $He's clueless when it comes to anal, so the experience isn't too enjoyable for you. You leave $him with a <<print cashFormat(1)>> tip, a sore rear, and a smile on $his face over getting any money at all.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/resFailure.tw b/src/uncategorized/resFailure.tw
index e95838968c2deec05eee306cc3b8330e9d0e8f68..068abb4269020efd1978974059791ce9de54c1c1 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/resFailure.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/resFailure.tw
@@ -272,8 +272,14 @@
 		<<set $activeSlave.hStyle = "tails">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.hColor = "blonde">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.pubicHColor = "blonde">>
-		<<if $activeSlave.race != "white">><<set $activeSlave.race = "surgically altered to look white">><</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.underArmHColor = "blonde">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.race = "white">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.skin = "tanned">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.override_H_Color = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.override_Arm_H_Color = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.override_Pubic_H_Color = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.override_Race = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.override_Skin = 1>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has the coat of arms of St. Claver Preparatory tattooed on her left cheek.">>
 		<<AddSlave $activeSlave>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
@@ -744,6 +750,8 @@
 	<<AddSlave $activeSlave>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
+<<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
 <<if $RESFailure == "TSS">>
 	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of The Slavegirl School, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
 <<elseif $RESFailure == "GRI">>
@@ -759,9 +767,9 @@
 <<elseif $RESFailure == "TCR">>
 	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Cattle Ranch, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our farm down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. However, we lack the funds to remove some of our finest cattle and since we still owe you a little... We'd like to you to have them; we'll even have them delivered to your penthouse with the last of our credits." He hurriedly ends the call.
-	The senior Sister of the community of Futanari Sisters in your arcology appears at your penthouse, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. This is quite the occasion, since they never leave their little nest. She's delightfully nude, and it occurs to you that the Sisters probably do not own clothing at all. She has obviously been crying; puffy eyes and a sniffling nose mar her gorgeous face. She must have caused quite the sensation as she made her way here, in tears, gigantic tits and huge cock bouncing around. To your surprise, she flings herself at your feet, her dick making a painful-sounding slap against the floor and her breasts squashing out to either side of her.
+	The senior Sister of the community of Futanari Sisters in your arcology appears at your penthouse, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. This is quite the occasion, since they never leave their little nest. $He's delightfully nude, and it occurs to you that the Sisters probably do not own clothing at all. $He has obviously been crying; puffy eyes and a sniffling nose mar $his gorgeous face. $He must have caused quite the sensation as $he made $his way here, in tears, gigantic tits and huge cock bouncing around. To your surprise, $he flings herself at your feet, $his dick making a painful-sounding slap against the floor and $his breasts squashing out to either side of $him.
-	"Please," she cries to your feet. "Please take us as slaves. We're indebted, and we'll all be enslaved. You're our friend, you'll treat us better than anyone." Then she whispers, "Please, <<if $PC.surname>><<if $PC.title>>Mr.<<else>>Ms.<</if>> <<print $PC.surname>>,<<else>><<print $PC.name>>,<</if>> don't make me beg." You tell the prostrate futa you accept. Her mood does not improve: she scrabbles around to face away from you, plush body jiggling submissively, and raises her buttocks to spread her pussy and anus for you. "Thank you," she weeps. "Now please rape me, <<Master>>. I deserve it. My mismanagement stole my Sisters' years of idyll from them. Please, rape me."
+	"Please," $he cries to your feet. "Please take us as slaves. We're indebted, and we'll all be enslaved. You're our friend, you'll treat us better than anyone." Then $he whispers, "Please, <<if $PC.surname>><<if $PC.title>>Mr.<<else>>Ms.<</if>> <<print $PC.surname>>,<<else>><<print $PC.name>>,<</if>> don't make me beg." You tell the prostrate futa you accept. $His mood does not improve: $he scrabbles around to face away from you, plush body jiggling submissively, and raises $his buttocks to spread $his pussy and anus for you. "Thank you," $he weeps. "Now please rape me, <<Master>>. I deserve it. My mismanagement stole my Sisters' years of idyll from them. Please, rape me."
 The failure of a prominent organization within your arcology has @@.red;affected your reputation@@ and @@.red;your arcology's prosperity@@ slightly, but you've come out a long way ahead. You've acquired excellent slaves for a pitiful fraction of their fair price.
@@ -770,7 +778,7 @@ The failure of a prominent organization within your arcology has @@.red;affected
 <span id="result">
 <<if $RESFailure == "TFS">>
-<<link "Rape her">>
+<<link "Rape $him">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	<<for $i = 0; $i < $slaves.length; $i++>>
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].origin == "She was the leader of your arcology's Futanari Sisters until you engineered her community's failure and enslavement.")>>
@@ -781,7 +789,7 @@ The failure of a prominent organization within your arcology has @@.red;affected
 		<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
-	You <<if $PC.dick == 1>>whip out your dick<<else>>pull on a strap-on, the one you use for disobedient slaves,<</if>> and kneel down behind the sobbing futa matron. When she feels it touching her pussylips, she whispers "Thank you, <<Master>>," through her tears. She's very, very sexually experienced, so it's harder to make her feel it than it would be for a girl with tighter holes. But you're an expert. You calibrate your pounding to pull just barely too far out, so that she feels you ramming mercilessly into her with each stroke, and so that the slightest mistake from her sends <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your cock<<else>>the phallus<</if>> right up the other hole. Despite her anguish and the brutal fuck, or perhaps because of them, she slowly manages to get hard, and orgasms painfully when you do. She @@.hotpink;can't seem to stop thanking you,@@ but is quiet when you tell her to be.
+	You <<if $PC.dick == 1>>whip out your dick<<else>>pull on a strap-on, the one you use for disobedient slaves,<</if>> and kneel down behind the sobbing futa matron. When $he feels it touching $his pussylips, $he whispers "Thank you, <<Master>>," through $his tears. $He's very, very sexually experienced, so it's harder to make $him feel it than it would be for a girl with tighter holes. But you're an expert. You calibrate your pounding to pull just barely too far out, so that $he feels you ramming mercilessly into $him with each stroke, and so that the slightest mistake from $him sends <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your cock<<else>>the phallus<</if>> right up the other hole. Despite $his anguish and the brutal fuck, or perhaps because of them, $he slowly manages to get hard, and orgasms painfully when you do. $He @@.hotpink;can't seem to stop thanking you,@@ but is quiet when you tell $him to be.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
index ba13882e91dc2afaab19e4b6c0d150adfc4732e9..d684a8c536623df4ec0bafd9af298f56fc16d27f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
@@ -6448,7 +6448,7 @@
 	<<if (($slaves[$i].visualAge > 8) && ($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= (11 - _youtheningLevel)))>>
 		<!-- NCS: youthening fires! -->
 		<<if $seeAge == 1>>
-			$He has been living under the effects of $his @@.orange;NCS@@ for a while and the accumulated effects make @@.lime;$object look younger again.@@
+			$He has been living under the effects of $his @@.orange;NCS@@ for a while and the accumulated effects make @@.lime;$him look younger again.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].visualAge--, _countNCS++, _youthening++>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw b/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
index aa2115f8e80509beb58b1212ffd9e13483ac1237..bfd7a43ad6bf49c9a94a5f1b0b74b836a1d0b6df 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
@@ -390,12 +390,12 @@ $His appearance attracted $beauty members of the public (<<print Math.trunc($bea
-<<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) && $slaves[$i].skillS < $masteredXP>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
+<<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) && $slaves[$i].skillE < $masteredXP>>
+	<<set $slaves[$i].skillE += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
 <<if setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
 	$He has experience with entertainment from $his life before $he was a slave, making $him more effective.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].skillS >= $masteredXP>>
+<<elseif $slaves[$i].skillE >= $masteredXP>>
 	$He has learned to be entertaining from working for you, making $him more effective.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw b/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
index 581fbb708ad4e9651d0245396b25d29cf49ee48d..c48f774e07603d1bdb4f4c4c2e135d1dbbc82153 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
@@ -378,12 +378,12 @@ $His appearance attracted $beauty customers (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a d
-<<if !setup.whoreCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) && $slaves[$i].skillS < $masteredXP>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
+<<if !setup.whoreCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) && $slaves[$i].skillW < $masteredXP>>
+	<<set $slaves[$i].skillW += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
 <<if setup.whoreCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
 	$He has sex work experience from $his life before $he was a slave, making $him more effective.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].skillS >= $masteredXP>>
+<<elseif $slaves[$i].skillW >= $masteredXP>>
 	$He has experience as a prostitute from working for you, making $him more effective.
diff --git a/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw b/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
index 99aeb2001626a124ec0774680547a2000bba7f5e..ede3f40594e04ebd210e89dbce170d7e01dba4ed 100644
--- a/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
@@ -1517,13 +1517,13 @@
 <<if !setup.recruiterCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillRC >= $masteredXP>>
 	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
-<<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillE >= $masteredXP>>
+<<if !setup.servantCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillS >= $masteredXP>>
 	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.05>>
-<<if !setup.whoreCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillW >= $masteredXP>>
+<<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillE >= $masteredXP>>
 	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.05>>
-<<if !setup.servantCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillS >= $masteredXP>>
+<<if !setup.whoreCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillW >= $masteredXP>>
 	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.05>>
diff --git a/src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw b/src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw
index e4587647ca10b58e780c2cfdc4c67f92a604a38f..a5c315288b79ff7753612fccd341b809fbad7af1 100644
--- a/src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw
+++ b/src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@
-<<if $activeSlave.boobs < 300>>breasts are practically non-existent.
+<<if $activeSlave.boobs < 300>><<print either("androgynous", "flat")>> breasts are practically non-existent.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.boobs < 400>><<print either("pointy", "tiny")>> breasts<<if $showBoobCCs == 1>>, <<print $activeSlave.boobs>> CCs each,<</if>> would only fill A cups.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.boobs < 500>><<print either("perky", "small")>> <<print either("tits", "breasts", "boobs", "bosoms")>><<if $showBoobCCs == 1>>, <<print $activeSlave.boobs>> CCs each,<</if>> would fill B cups.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.boobs < 650>><<print either("healthy", "curved")>> <<print either("tits", "breasts", "boobs", "bosoms")>><<if $showBoobCCs == 1>>, <<print $activeSlave.boobs>> CCs each,<</if>> would fill C cups.
@@ -3398,7 +3398,7 @@ $He's got a
 					$He's got a string of precum dangling from the tip of $his cock; $his artificially hyperactive prostate keeps $him that way.
 			<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-				As an obedient sex slave, $he does $his best to keep <<print $his>>self hard for $his <<= WrittenMaster($activeSlave)>>.
+				As an obedient sex slave, $he does $his best to keep $himself hard for $his <<= WrittenMaster($activeSlave)>>.
 				<<if ($activeSlave.prostate > 2)>>
 					The area above $his crotch has a slight swell to it from $his prostate implant. A constant dribble of precum drips from the tip of $his cock; $his artificially hyperactive prostate keeps $him that way.
 				<<elseif ($activeSlave.prostate > 1)>>
@@ -14433,10 +14433,10 @@ $He has
 <<if $activeSlave.accent != 0>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.accent == 1>>
-		<<set $seed = either("beautiful", "distinctive", "lovely", "pleasant", "rich")>>
+		<<set $seed = either("beautiful", "distinctive", "intriguing", "light", "lovely", "mild", "pleasant", "rich", "slight", "smooth")>>
 		$He speaks $language in a $seed <<if $activeSlave.nationality == "a Cook Islander">>Cook Islander<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a Liechtensteiner">>Liechtensteiner<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a New Zealander">>New Zealander<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a Solomon Islander">>Solomon Islander<<else>>$activeSlave.nationality<</if>> accent<<if $activeSlave.speechRules == "accent elimination">>, which the rules encourage $him to suppress<</if>>.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.accent == 2>>
-		<<set $seed = either("broad", "heavy", "marked", "rough", "strong", "thick")>>
+		<<set $seed = either("broad", "harsh", "heavy", "marked", "noticeable", "rough", "significant", "stressed", "strong", "thick")>>
 		$He speaks $language in a $seed <<if $activeSlave.nationality == "a Cook Islander">>Cook Islander<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a Liechtensteiner">>Liechtensteiner<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a New Zealander">>New Zealander<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a Solomon Islander">>Solomon Islander<<else>>$activeSlave.nationality<</if>> accent that can be hard to understand<<if $activeSlave.speechRules == "accent elimination">>, and the rules encourage $him to make an effort to suppress it<</if>>.
 		$He speaks little $language, but understands enough to be given orders.
diff --git a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
index 6d8405b59345477818f180808ce736ac5bf89b6d..a19cafcd14ec368db5548570617abfe790cea03b 100644
--- a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 	Called from Gen XX, Gen XY, CheatMode DB, InitNationalities.
 <<widget "BaseSlave">>
-	<<set $activeSlave = {slaveName: "blank", slaveSurname: 0, birthName: "blank", birthSurname: 0, genes: "XX", pronoun: "she", possessive: "her", possessivePronoun: "hers", objectReflexive: "herself", object: "her", noun: "girl", weekAcquired: 0, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 0, prestige: 0, pornFeed: 0, pornFame: 0, pornFameSpending: 0, pornPrestige: 0, pornPrestigeDesc: 0, pornFameType: "none", pornFocus: "none", pornTypeGeneral: 0, pornTypeFuckdoll: 0, pornTypeRape: 0, pornTypePreggo: 0, pornTypeBBW: 0, pornTypeGainer: 0, pornTypeStud: 0, pornTypeLoli: 0, pornTypeDeepThroat: 0, pornTypeStruggleFuck: 0, pornTypePainal: 0, pornTypeTease: 0, pornTypeRomantic: 0, pornTypePervert: 0, pornTypeCaring: 0, pornTypeUnflinching: 0, pornTypeSizeQueen: 0, pornTypeNeglectful: 0, pornTypeCumAddict: 0, pornTypeAnalAddict: 0, pornTypeAttentionWhore: 0, pornTypeBreastGrowth: 0, pornTypeAbusive: 0, pornTypeMalicious: 0, pornTypeSelfHating: 0, pornTypeBreeder: 0, pornTypeSub: 0, pornTypeCumSlut: 0, pornTypeAnal: 0, pornTypeHumiliation: 0, pornTypeBoobs: 0, pornTypeDom: 0, pornTypeSadist: 0, pornTypeMasochist: 0, pornTypePregnancy: 0, prestigeDesc: 0, recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, father: 0, mother: 0, daughters: 0, sisters: 0, canRecruit: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, training: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", indenture: -1, indentureRestrictions: 0, birthWeek: random(0,51), actualAge: 18, visualAge: 18, physicalAge: 18, ovaryAge: 18, ageImplant: 0, health: 0, minorInjury: 0, trust: 0, oldTrust: 0, devotion: 0, oldDevotion: 0, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 170, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "slave", race: "white", origRace: "white", markings: "none", eyes: 1, eyeColor: "brown", origEye: "brown", pupil: "circular", sclerae: "white", eyewear: "none", hears: 0, earwear: "none", earImplant: 0, origHColor: "brown", hColor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", skin: "light", hLength: 60, hStyle: "short", pubicHStyle: "neat", waist: 0, corsetPiercing: 0, PLimb: 0, amp: 0, heels:0, voice: 2, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, boobsImplant: 0, boobsImplantType: 0, boobShape: "normal", nipples: "cute", nipplesPiercing: 0, nipplesAccessory: 0, areolae: 0, areolaePiercing: 0, areolaeShape: "circle", boobsTat: 0, lactation: 0, lactationAdaptation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, hips: 0, hipsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, buttImplantType: 0, buttTat: 0, face: 0, faceImplant: 0, faceShape: "normal", lips: 15, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: 0, teeth: "normal", tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 0, vaginaLube: 0, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: 0, preg: -1, pregSource: 0, pregType: 0, pregAdaptation: 50, broodmother: 0, broodmotherFetuses: 0, broodmotherOnHold: 0, broodmotherCountDown: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, cSec: 0, bellyAccessory: "none", labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "vanilla", foreskin: 0, anus: 0, dick: 0, analArea: 1, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: 0, prostate: 0, balls: 0, scrotum: 0, ovaries: 0, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: 0, makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 0, shouldersTat: 0, armsTat: 0, legsTat: 0, backTat: 0, stampTat: 0, vaginalSkill: 0, oralSkill: 0, analSkill: 0, whoreSkill: 0, entertainSkill: 0, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "spare", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "restrictive", relationshipRules: "restrictive", standardPunishment: "situational", standardReward: "situational", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "healthy", dietCum: 0, dietMilk: 0, tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "no drugs", curatives: 0, chem: 0, aphrodisiacs: 0, addict: 0, fuckdoll: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "no clothing", collar: "none", shoes: "none", vaginalAccessory: "none", dickAccessory: "none", legAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", buttplugAttachment: "none", intelligence: 0, intelligenceImplant: 0, energy: 50, need: 0, attrXX: 0, attrXY: 0, attrKnown: 0, fetish: "none", fetishStrength: 70, fetishKnown: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, publicCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: "", customLabel: "", customDesc: "", customTitle: "", customTitleLisp: "", rudeTitle: 0, customImage: 0, currentRules: [], bellyTat: 0, induce: 0, mpreg: 0, inflation: 0, inflationType: "none", inflationMethod: 0, milkSource: 0, cumSource: 0, burst: 0, pregKnown: 0, pregWeek: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, bellyFluid: 0, bellyImplant: -1, bellySag: 0, bellySagPreg: 0, bellyPain: 0, cervixImplant: 0, birthsTotal: 0, pubertyAgeXX: 13, pubertyAgeXY: 13, scars: 0, breedingMark: 0, underArmHStyle: "waxed", bodySwap: 0, HGExclude: 0, ballType: "human", eggType: "human", reservedChildren: 0, choosesOwnChastity: 0, pregControl: "none", readyLimbs: [], ageAdjust: 0, bald: 0, origBodyOwner: "", origBodyOwnerID: 0, death: "", hormoneBalance: 0, onDiet: 0, breastMesh: 0, slavesFathered: 0, PCChildrenFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, PCKnockedUp: 0, origSkin: "white", vasectomy: 0, haircuts: 0, newGamePlus: 0, skillHG: 0, skillRC: 0, skillBG: 0, skillMD: 0, skillDJ: 0, skillNU: 0, skillTE: 0, skillAT: 0, skillST: 0, skillMM: 0, skillWA: 0, skillS: 0, skillE: 0, skillW: 0, tankBaby: 0, inducedNCS: 0, NCSyouthening: 0}>>
+	<<set $activeSlave = {slaveName: "blank", slaveSurname: 0, birthName: "blank", birthSurname: 0, genes: "XX", pronoun: "she", possessive: "her", possessivePronoun: "hers", objectReflexive: "herself", object: "her", noun: "girl", weekAcquired: 0, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 0, prestige: 0, pornFeed: 0, pornFame: 0, pornFameSpending: 0, pornPrestige: 0, pornPrestigeDesc: 0, pornFameType: "none", pornFocus: "none", pornTypeGeneral: 0, pornTypeFuckdoll: 0, pornTypeRape: 0, pornTypePreggo: 0, pornTypeBBW: 0, pornTypeGainer: 0, pornTypeStud: 0, pornTypeLoli: 0, pornTypeDeepThroat: 0, pornTypeStruggleFuck: 0, pornTypePainal: 0, pornTypeTease: 0, pornTypeRomantic: 0, pornTypePervert: 0, pornTypeCaring: 0, pornTypeUnflinching: 0, pornTypeSizeQueen: 0, pornTypeNeglectful: 0, pornTypeCumAddict: 0, pornTypeAnalAddict: 0, pornTypeAttentionWhore: 0, pornTypeBreastGrowth: 0, pornTypeAbusive: 0, pornTypeMalicious: 0, pornTypeSelfHating: 0, pornTypeBreeder: 0, pornTypeSub: 0, pornTypeCumSlut: 0, pornTypeAnal: 0, pornTypeHumiliation: 0, pornTypeBoobs: 0, pornTypeDom: 0, pornTypeSadist: 0, pornTypeMasochist: 0, pornTypePregnancy: 0, prestigeDesc: 0, recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, father: 0, mother: 0, daughters: 0, sisters: 0, canRecruit: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, training: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", indenture: -1, indentureRestrictions: 0, birthWeek: random(0,51), actualAge: 18, visualAge: 18, physicalAge: 18, ovaryAge: 18, ageImplant: 0, health: 0, minorInjury: 0, trust: 0, oldTrust: 0, devotion: 0, oldDevotion: 0, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 170, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "slave", race: "white", origRace: "white", markings: "none", eyes: 1, eyeColor: "brown", origEye: "brown", pupil: "circular", sclerae: "white", eyewear: "none", hears: 0, earwear: "none", earImplant: 0, origHColor: "brown", hColor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", skin: "light", hLength: 60, hStyle: "short", pubicHStyle: "neat", waist: 0, corsetPiercing: 0, PLimb: 0, amp: 0, heels:0, voice: 2, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, boobsImplant: 0, boobsImplantType: 0, boobShape: "normal", nipples: "cute", nipplesPiercing: 0, nipplesAccessory: 0, areolae: 0, areolaePiercing: 0, areolaeShape: "circle", boobsTat: 0, lactation: 0, lactationAdaptation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, hips: 0, hipsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, buttImplantType: 0, buttTat: 0, face: 0, faceImplant: 0, faceShape: "normal", lips: 15, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: 0, teeth: "normal", tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 0, vaginaLube: 0, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: 0, preg: -1, pregSource: 0, pregType: 0, pregAdaptation: 50, broodmother: 0, broodmotherFetuses: 0, broodmotherOnHold: 0, broodmotherCountDown: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, cSec: 0, bellyAccessory: "none", labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "vanilla", foreskin: 0, anus: 0, dick: 0, analArea: 1, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: 0, prostate: 0, balls: 0, scrotum: 0, ovaries: 0, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: 0, makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 0, shouldersTat: 0, armsTat: 0, legsTat: 0, backTat: 0, stampTat: 0, vaginalSkill: 0, oralSkill: 0, analSkill: 0, whoreSkill: 0, entertainSkill: 0, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "spare", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "restrictive", relationshipRules: "restrictive", standardPunishment: "situational", standardReward: "situational", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "healthy", dietCum: 0, dietMilk: 0, tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "no drugs", curatives: 0, chem: 0, aphrodisiacs: 0, addict: 0, fuckdoll: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "no clothing", collar: "none", shoes: "none", vaginalAccessory: "none", dickAccessory: "none", legAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", buttplugAttachment: "none", intelligence: 0, intelligenceImplant: 0, energy: 50, need: 0, attrXX: 0, attrXY: 0, attrKnown: 0, fetish: "none", fetishStrength: 70, fetishKnown: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, publicCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: "", customLabel: "", customDesc: "", customTitle: "", customTitleLisp: "", rudeTitle: 0, customImage: 0, currentRules: [], bellyTat: 0, induce: 0, mpreg: 0, inflation: 0, inflationType: "none", inflationMethod: 0, milkSource: 0, cumSource: 0, burst: 0, pregKnown: 0, pregWeek: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, bellyFluid: 0, bellyImplant: -1, bellySag: 0, bellySagPreg: 0, bellyPain: 0, cervixImplant: 0, birthsTotal: 0, pubertyAgeXX: 13, pubertyAgeXY: 13, scars: 0, breedingMark: 0, underArmHStyle: "waxed", bodySwap: 0, HGExclude: 0, ballType: "human", eggType: "human", reservedChildren: 0, choosesOwnChastity: 0, pregControl: "none", readyLimbs: [], ageAdjust: 0, bald: 0, origBodyOwner: "", origBodyOwnerID: 0, death: "", hormoneBalance: 0, onDiet: 0, breastMesh: 0, slavesFathered: 0, PCChildrenFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, PCKnockedUp: 0, origSkin: "white", vasectomy: 0, haircuts: 0, newGamePlus: 0, skillHG: 0, skillRC: 0, skillBG: 0, skillMD: 0, skillDJ: 0, skillNU: 0, skillTE: 0, skillAT: 0, skillST: 0, skillMM: 0, skillWA: 0, skillS: 0, skillE: 0, skillW: 0, tankBaby: 0, inducedNCS: 0, NCSyouthening: 0, override_Race: 0, override_Skin: 0, override_Eye_Color: 0, override_H_Color: 0, override_Pubic_H_Color: 0, override_Arm_H_Color: 0}>>
@@ -3101,7 +3101,6 @@
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 16>>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 19>>
 	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
-	<<set $fixedRace = "white">>
 	<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You bought her from St. Claver Preparatory after she served as a plastic surgeon's passing final exam.">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.chem = 20>>
@@ -3159,11 +3158,15 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = either("none")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = either("none")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hStyle = "tails">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.hColor = "blonde">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.pubicHColor = "blonde">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.override_Skin = 1>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.underArmHColor = "blonde">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.race = "white">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.skin = "tanned">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.override_H_Color = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.override_Arm_H_Color = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.override_Pubic_H_Color = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.override_Race = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.override_Skin = 1>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has the coat of arms of St. Claver Preparatory tattooed on her left cheek.">>