diff --git a/src/endWeek/smartPiercingEffects.js b/src/endWeek/smartPiercingEffects.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a9175979bd27acc92e324701c8c659363e8557a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/endWeek/smartPiercingEffects.js
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing = {};
+/* -- Normal settings -- */
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.BASE = class {
+	/** Base class for smart piercing settings; encapsulates shared logic and interface
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	constructor(slave) {
+		this.slave = slave;
+	}
+	/** Activate effect for this setting at a given magnitude.
+	 * @param {number} magnitude 1: vibe/piercing, 2: smart vibe, or vibe+piercing, 3: smart vibe+piercing
+	 */
+	effect(magnitude) {
+		throw "abstract";
+	}
+	/** Return text for slave effect for this setting.
+	 * @param {boolean} plural was more than one device used.
+	 * @returns {string} predicate phrase for a sentence describing the results.  note that the subject is provided.
+	 */
+	text(plural) {
+		return `<span class="error">ABSTRACT</span>`;
+	}
+	/** Condition under which the trigger evaluates
+	 * @returns {boolean} whether to evaluate the trigger
+	 */
+	valid() {
+		return true;
+	}
+	/** Activate effect and return text for a slave.  Typically should be inherited without changes.
+	 * @param {number} magnitude 1: vibe/piercing, 2: smart vibe, or vibe+piercing, 3: smart vibe+piercing
+	 * @param {boolean} plural was more than one device used.
+	 * @returns {string} predicate phrase for a sentence describing the results.  note that the subject is provided.
+	 */
+	trigger(magnitude, plural) {
+		if (this.valid()) {
+			const ret = this.text(plural);
+			this.effect(magnitude);
+			return ret;
+		}
+		return '';
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.none = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.BASE {
+	effect(magnitude) {
+		this.slave.devotion -= 1 + magnitude; // 2, 3, or 4
+		this.slave.energy -= 10 + 3 * magnitude; // 10, 13, or 16
+	}
+	text(plural) {
+		const {his, him} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		return `${plural ? "disrupt" : "disrupts"} arousal, <span class="red">reducing ${his} sex drive</span> and <span class="devotion dec">infuriating ${him}.</span>`;
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.all = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.BASE {
+	effect(magnitude) {
+		this.slave.energy += 1 + 2 * magnitude; // 3, 5, or 7
+	}
+	valid() {
+		return this.slave.energy <= 95;
+	}
+	text(plural) {
+		const {his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} sex of all kinds, <span class="improvement">increasing ${his} sex drive.</span>`;
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.GENDERBASE = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.BASE {
+	/** Base class for gender settings; encapsulates shared logic for attraction modification
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 * @param {string} property slave property to adjust
+	 * @param {boolean} positive whether the impact of the attraction change is positive or negative
+	 */
+	constructor(slave, property, positive) {
+		super(slave);
+		this.property = property;
+		this.positive = positive;
+	}
+	effect(magnitude) {
+		const bonus = 2 * V.assistant.power;
+		if (this.positive) {
+			this.slave[this.property] += (2 + 2 * magnitude + bonus); // 4, 6, or 8, plus assistant bonus
+		} else {
+			this.slave[this.property] -= (2 + 2 * magnitude + bonus); // same as above
+		}
+		this.slave[this.property] = Math.clamp(this.slave[this.property], 0, 100);
+	}
+	valid() {
+		if (this.positive) {
+			return this.slave[this.property] < 95;
+		} else {
+			return this.slave[this.property] > 0;
+		}
+	}
+	trigger(magnitude, plural) {
+		if (this.valid()) {
+			let ret = this.text(plural);
+			this.effect(magnitude);
+			// special side effect for gender settings only
+			const {his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+			if (this.positive) {
+				if (this.slave.energy < 80) {
+					ret += ` This has the secondary effect of slightly <span class="improvement">enhancing ${his} libido.</span>`;
+					this.slave.energy += (magnitude === 1 ? 1 : 2);
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (this.slave.energy > 0) {
+					ret += ` This has the secondary effect of slightly <span class="red">reducing ${his} libido.</span>`;
+					this.slave.energy -= (magnitude === 1 ? 1 : 2);
+				}
+			}
+			return ret;
+		}
+		return '';
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.women = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.GENDERBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "attrXX", true);
+	}
+	text(plural) {
+		const {his, him, he} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		return `successfully <span class="improvement">${plural ? "increase" : "increases"} ${his} attraction to girls</span> by pleasuring ${him} when ${he}'s around them.`;
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing["anti-women"] = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.GENDERBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "attrXX", false);
+	}
+	text(plural) {
+		const {his, he} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		return `successfully <span class="improvement">${plural ? "suppress" : "suppresses"} ${his} attraction to girls</span> by making ${his} private parts very uncomfortable when ${he}'s around them.`;
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.men = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.GENDERBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "attrXY", true);
+	}
+	text(plural) {
+		const {his, him, he} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		return `successfully <span class="improvement">${plural ? "increase" : "increases"} ${his} attraction to guys</span> by pleasuring ${him} when ${he}'s around cocks.`;
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing["anti-men"] = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.GENDERBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "attrXY", false);
+	}
+	text(plural) {
+		const {his, he} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		return `successfully <span class="improvement">${plural ? "suppress" : "suppresses"} ${his} attraction to guys</span> by making ${his} private parts very uncomfortable when ${he}'s around them.`;
+	}
+/* -- Fetish settings -- */
+// special pseudo-fetish setting, doesn't extend FETISHBASE
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.vanilla = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.BASE {
+	// FIXME: weirdly, there's no gradual decrease here...vanilla setting just suddenly makes the slave lose all interest in her fetish, if it fires
+	// also, it has no effect once the fetish is changed...never increases the strength.  not sure why this is, but I'm leaving it this way for now.
+	// if you want to make it behave like all the others, just make it extend FETISHBASE and construct it with super(slave, "none").
+	effect(magnitude) {
+		this.slave.fetish = "none";
+		this.slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+		this.slave.fetishStrength = 5 + 5 * magnitude; // 10, 15, or 20
+	}
+	valid() {
+		return (this.slave.fetish !== "none" && (fetishChangeChance(this.slave) > (jsRandom(0, 100) - 20 * V.assistant.power)));
+	}
+	text(plural) {
+		const {his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms during straightforward sex, and <span class="fetish loss">${his} sexuality returns to normal.</span>`;
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.BASE {
+	/** Base class for fetish settings; encapsulates shared logic for fetishes
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 * @param {string} fetishName name of fetish controlled by this class
+	 */
+	constructor(slave, fetishName) {
+		super(slave);
+		this.fetish = fetishName;
+	}
+	/** Return text for slave effect for this fetish setting.
+	 * @param {boolean} plural was more than one device used.
+	 * @param {string} which text type to return - "decrease" (of opposing fetish), "change" (to this fetish), or "increase" (of this fetish)
+	 * @returns {string} predicate phrase for a sentence describing the results.  note that the subject is provided.
+	 */
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		return `<span class="error">ABSTRACT</span>`;
+	}
+	// no point in separating effect for fetishes
+	trigger(magnitude, plural) {
+		if (this.slave.fetish !== this.fetish) {
+			if (this.slave.fetishStrength >= 10) {
+				this.slave.fetishStrength -= 15 + 5 * magnitude; // 20, 25, or 30
+				return this.fetishText(plural, "decrease");
+			} else if (fetishChangeChance(this.slave) > (jsRandom(0, 100) - 20 * V.assistant.power)) {
+				this.slave.fetish = this.fetish;
+				this.slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+				this.slave.fetishStrength = 5 + 5 * magnitude;
+				return this.fetishText(plural, "change");
+			}
+		} else if (this.slave.fetishStrength <= 95) {
+			this.slave.fetishStrength += 2 + 2 * magnitude; // 4, 6, or 8
+			return this.fetishText(plural, "increase");
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.oral = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "cumslut");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when ${he}'s using ${his} mouth.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms as ${he} performs oral sex, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} develops a fetish for cum.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} oral fetish.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.anal = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "buttslut");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when ${his} rear hole is being fucked.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms when ${his} ass is being stimulated, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} anal fetish.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.boobs = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "boobs");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when ${his} tits are being touched.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms when ${his} nipples are being stimulated, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} develops a fetish for ${his} tits.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} boob fetish.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.submissive = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "submissive");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when ${he}'s being held down and used.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms when ${he} is restrained, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} develops a fetish for submission.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} submission.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.humiliation = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "humiliation");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when ${he}'s got an audience.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms when ${he} is being humiliated, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} develops a fetish for humiliation.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} humiliation fetish.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.pregnancy = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "pregnancy");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when ${he} feels like ${he}'s being bred.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			let activities = ''; // FIXME: no text for null PCs.  Is that a thing?
+			if (V.PC.dick !== 0) {
+				activities = "unprotected sex";
+				if (V.PC.vagina !== -1) {
+					activities += " and ";
+				}
+			}
+			if (V.PC.vagina !== -1) {
+				activities += "loving contact with the female anatomy";
+			}
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms during ${activities}, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} begins to fantasize about pregnancy.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} pregnancy fetish.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.dom = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "dom");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when another slave is servicing ${him}.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms while ${he}'s taking an active, dominant sexual role, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} begins to enjoy dominance.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} dominance.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.masochist = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "masochist");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when ${he}'s being hurt.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms while ${he}'s being beaten, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} begins to enjoy pain.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} masochism.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.sadist = class extends App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.FETISHBASE {
+	constructor(slave) {
+		super(slave, "sadist");
+	}
+	fetishText(plural, which) {
+		const {he, him, his} = getPronouns(this.slave);
+		if (which === "decrease") {
+			return `${plural ? "act" : "acts"} to <span class="fetish loss">suppress ${his} current fetish,</span> encouraging ${him} to orgasm when ${he} witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.`;
+		} else if (which === "change") {
+			return `${plural ? "encourage" : "encourages"} many orgasms while ${he}'s involved in the abuse of other slaves, and <span class="fetish gain">${he} begins to develop a sadistic streak.</span>`;
+		} else if (which === "increase") {
+			return `<span class="fetish gain">${plural ? "advance" : "advances"} ${his} sadism.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+/* -- Dispatch -- */
+/** Apply and return description of smart piercing effects
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {string}
+ */
+App.EndWeek.saSmartPiercingEffects = function(slave) {
+	const {he, his, His} = getPronouns(slave);
+	const hasBV = slave.vaginalAccessory === "bullet vibrator" || slave.dickAccessory === "bullet vibrator";
+	const hasSmartBV = slave.vaginalAccessory === "smart bullet vibrator" || slave.dickAccessory === "smart bullet vibrator";
+	const hasInternalVibe = slave.vaginalAttachment === "vibrator";
+	const hasSP = slave.clitPiercing === 3;
+	const piercing = hasSP ? `smart ${(slave.vagina > -1) ? "clit" : "frenulum"} piercing` : ``;
+	if (slave.clitSetting === "off") {
+		return ``; // nothing to do here
+	}
+	// should we bail early because the slave can't be affected?
+	if (hasSP) {
+		if (slave.fuckdoll > 0) {
+			return `${His} ${piercing} is slaved to ${his} stimulation systems.`;
+		} else if (slave.fetish === "mindbroken") {
+			return `The effects of ${his} ${piercing} cannot reach ${his} shattered mind.`;
+		}
+	} else if (hasBV || hasSmartBV) {
+		if (slave.fetish === "mindbroken") {
+			return `The effects of the bullet vibrator ${he} is wearing cannot reach ${his} shattered mind.`;
+		}
+	}
+	// figure out how the slave is affected
+	let magnitude = 0;
+	let plural = false;
+	let subjectPhrase = '';
+	if (hasSP && hasSmartBV) {
+		magnitude = 3;
+		plural = true;
+		subjectPhrase = `${His} ${piercing} and the smart bullet vibrator ${he} is wearing`;
+	} else if (hasSP && (hasBV || hasInternalVibe)) {
+		magnitude = 2;
+		plural = true;
+		subjectPhrase = `${His} ${piercing} and ${hasBV
+			? `the bullet vibrator ${he} is wearing`
+			: `the vibrating dildo in ${his} pussy`
+		}`;
+	} else if (hasSmartBV) {
+		magnitude = 2;
+		subjectPhrase = `The smart bullet vibrator ${he} is wearing`;
+	} else if (hasSP) {
+		magnitude = 1;
+		subjectPhrase = `${His} ${piercing}`;
+	} else if (hasBV) {
+		magnitude = 1;
+		subjectPhrase = `The bullet vibrator ${he} is wearing`;
+	} else {
+		return ''; // no smart toys, nothing else to do here
+	}
+	const ctor = App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing[slave.clitSetting];
+	if (typeof ctor !== "function") { // uninstantiated classes are really just functions. JS is weird.
+		throw "Unrecognized smart clit/vibe setting";
+	}
+	/** @type {App.EndWeek.SmartPiercing.BASE} */
+	const setting = new ctor(slave);
+	let predicatePhrase = setting.trigger(magnitude, plural);
+	if (predicatePhrase === "") {
+		return ""; // no predicate means no sentence
+	}
+	return subjectPhrase + " " + predicatePhrase;
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
index 0fd4e787ba0c4558020d8dc3eb0c7e25a5d84dfb..8e3a2b28763413e11ed5c25f9681970ab6a441f6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
@@ -1619,1001 +1619,7 @@
-<<set _vAcc = $slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory, _dAcc = $slaves[$i].dickAccessory>>	/* for brevity */
-<<if ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing == 3)>>
-	<<set _piercing = ("smart " + (($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) ? "clit" : "frenulum") + " piercing")>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
-		$His _piercing is slaved to $his stimulation systems.
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-		The effects of $his _piercing cannot reach $his shattered mind.
-	<<else>>
-		<<switch $slaves[$i].clitSetting>>
-		<<case "none">>
-			$His _piercing
-			<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-				and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing disrupt arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 13>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 16>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-				and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy disrupt arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 13>>
-			<<else>>
-				disrupts arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 10>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "all">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].energy <= 95>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 7>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
-				<<else>>
-					encourages sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "women">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX < 95>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;increase $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 8+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy successfully @@.green;increase $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 4+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy++>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "anti-women">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX > 0>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;suppress $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-							This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-							<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(8+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-							This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-							<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy successfully @@.green;suppress $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(4+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy-->>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "men">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY < 95>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;increase $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 8+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy successfully @@.green;increase $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 4+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy++>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "anti-men">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY > 0>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;suppress $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-							This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-							<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(8+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-							This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-							<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy successfully @@.green;suppress $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(4+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy-->>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "vanilla">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "none") && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-				After $his _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-				<<else>>
-					encourages many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "oral">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his oral fetish.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his oral fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his oral fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "anal">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his anal fetish.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his anal fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his anal fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his boob fetish.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his boob fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his boob fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "submissive">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his submission.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his submission.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his submission.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "humiliation">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his humiliation fetish.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his humiliation fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his humiliation fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "pregnancy">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick != 0>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick != 0>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick != 0>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his pregnancy fetish.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his pregnancy fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his pregnancy fetish.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "dom">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his dominance.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his dominance.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his dominance.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "masochist">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his masochism.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his masochism.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his masochism.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "sadist">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "sadist")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					$His _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<else>>
-						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					After $his _piercing
-					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
-						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<else>>
-						encourages many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				$His _piercing
-				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his sadism.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
-					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his sadism.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<else>>
-					@@.lightcoral;advances $his sadism.@@
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</switch>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-		The effects of the bullet vibrator $he is wearing cannot reach $his shattered mind.
-	<<else>>
-		<<switch $slaves[$i].clitSetting>>
-		<<case "none">>
-			The bullet vibrator $he is wearing disrupts arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 13>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 16>>
-				<</if>>
-		<<case "all">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].energy <= 95>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "women">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX < 95>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 8+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "anti-women">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX > 0>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(8+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "men">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY < 95>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 8+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "anti-men">>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY > 0>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(8+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
-						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
-						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "vanilla">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "none") && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "oral">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his oral fetish.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "anal">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his anal fetish.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "boobs">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his boob fetish.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "submissive">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his submission.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "humiliation">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his humiliation fetish.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "pregnancy">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick != 0>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his pregnancy fetish.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "dom">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his dominance.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "masochist">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his masochism.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<case "sadist">>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "sadist")>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
-					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
-					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
-					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
-				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his sadism.@@
-				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
-				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</switch>>
-	<</if>>
+<<= App.EndWeek.saSmartPiercingEffects($slaves[$i])>>