diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index eafb31401e14b6d21bc220ba1e6d4cf6e64affe0..a732390ae40699f2933fef9eabe128ae609aa732 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -1,30 +1,5 @@
 Common problems:
-I want to report a sanityCheck issue.
--Great, however a large majority of the results are false postivies coming from those specific sections breing split over several lines in the name of readability and git grep's intentionally (http://git.661346.n2.nabble.com/bug-git-grep-P-and-multiline-mode-td7613900.html ) lacking support for multiline. An Attempt to add -Pzl (https://gitgud.io/pregmodfan/fc-pregmod/merge_requests/2108 ) created a sub condition black hole. What follows is the entire list of false positives that can safely be ignored;
-	[MissingClosingAngleBracket]src/art/vector/Generate_Stylesheet.tw:11:<<print "<style>."+_art_display_class+" {
-	[MissingOpeningBracket2]src/uncategorized/RESS.tw:1893:			<<set _possibleDrugs.push({type: "dick", text: "peni<<s>> enhan<<c>>ement? I know I'm a <<s>>e<<x>> <<s>>lave and it'<<s>> my pla<<c>>e to get fucked, but when I do get to do a girl, <<Master>>, I want to <<if canSee($activeSlave)>><<s>>ee a little fear in her eye<<s>><<else>>feel her a<<ss>> clench in fear<</if>>."})>>
-	[MissingClosingBracket2]src/uncategorized/RESS.tw:1893:			<<set _possibleDrugs.push({type: "dick", text: "peni<<s>> enhan<<c>>ement? I know I'm a <<s>>e<<x>> <<s>>lave and it'<<s>> my pla<<c>>e to get fucked, but when I do get to do a girl, <<Master>>, I want to <<if canSee($activeSlave)>><<s>>ee a little fear in her eye<<s>><<else>>feel her a<<ss>> clench in fear<</if>>."})>>
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/init/setupVars.tw:1021:<<set _namePool =
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/pregmod/widgets/economyWidgets.tw:10:		<<run
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/pregmod/widgets/economyWidgets.tw:116:		<<run
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/pregmod/widgets/economyWidgets.tw:222:		<<run
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/pregmod/widgets/economyWidgets.tw:307:		<<run
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/pregmod/widgets/marketWidgets.tw:13:	<<set _widgets = _(Story.widgets)
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw:1224:<<set _namePool =
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw:1233:		<<set _namePool =
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw:1254:<<set $args[0].birthName =
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/uncategorized/main.tw:37:	<<= _($slaves)
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/uncategorized/main.tw:59:<<set
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/uncategorized/slaveSummary.tw:189:				<<if (_Slave.assignment == "be your Head Girl")
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/utility/slaveGenerationWidgets.tw:4:<<set $args[0].race
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/utility/slaveGenerationWidgets.tw:9:<<set $args[0].birthName =
-	[MissingClosingAngleBrackets]src/utility/slaveGenerationWidgets.tw:13:<<set $args[0].birthSurname =
-	[OnlyUsedOnce]pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw:340:		<<set $Hers = capFirstChar($hers)>>
-	[OnlyUsedOnce]pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw:342:		<<set $Himself = capFirstChar($himself)>>
-	[OnlyUsedOnce]pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw:343:		<<set $Girl = capFirstChar($girl)>>
 How do I start the game?
 -Run the compile file, go to folder "bin", click the "FC_Pregmod" and play. (Recommendation: Drag it into incognito mode)
@@ -41,32 +16,32 @@ How to mod (basic doc):
 2. Special files and dir's:
     - src/config 		- configuration of the story is here.
-    - src/config/start.tw 	- contains list of .tw passage files, regenerated automatic, by building scripts. Do not change by hands. (origial passage Start from pregmod renamed and moved to src/events/intro/introSummary.tw)
-    - src/js/storyJS.tw		- special passage with [script] tag - contain all native JavaScript from pregmod.
+    - src/config/start.tw 	- contains list of .tw passage files, regenerated automatic, by building scripts. Do not change by hands. (origial passage Start from pregmod renamed and moved to src/events/intro/introSummary.tw) 
+    - src/js/storyJS.tw		- special passage with [script] tag - contain all native JavaScript from pregmod. 
     - devTools/tweeGo/targets/sugarcube-2/userlib.js - on original FC JS moved here (I deleted it after moving JS to storyJS.tw). Compare to storyJS.tw but do not copy file here. May conflict with src/js/storyJS.tw if copied.
     - src/pregmod 		- I put all pregmod-only passages here.
     - .gitignore 		- special file for git - to ignore some files. For example - compilation results.
-3. Compilation:
+3. Compilation: 
     Run compile.bat - result will be file bin/FC_pregmod.html
     Second run of compile.but will overwrite bin/FC_pregmod.html without prompt.
     Ensure executable permission on file "devTools/tweeGo/tweego" (not tweego.exe!)
-    Ensure executable permission on file "compile"
+    Ensure executable permission on file "compile" 
     In the root dir of sources (where you see src, devTools, bin...) run command "./compile" from console
     compile-git will produce the same result file but with current commit hash in filename.
-    Mac:
-    Not supported directly (I don't have access to Mac for testing).
+    Mac: 
+    Not supported directly (I don't have access to Mac for testing). 
     But you can use linux compilation script if you download tweego for mac from here: https://bitbucket.org/tmedwards/tweego/downloads/ and replace linux executable with mac executable in ./devTools/tweeGo/ folder. This is not tested though, so be warned.
 4. Simple comparing and merging with original FC:
     Use meld tool. Place folder FreeCities (original FC sources tree) near FreeCitiesPregmod (this sources tree) and use command:
-    meld FreeCities FreeCitiesPregmod
+    meld FreeCities FreeCitiesPregmod 
     or just select these folders in meld's GUI.
 5. All modders will be very grateful if anyone who makes some changes to game with .html file also post his/her resulting src folder tree.
@@ -75,12 +50,13 @@ How to mod (basic doc):
 7. Git workflow:
     - Master branch is pregmod-master. Only Pregmodder can add something to it directly. Always contain his last public changes.
-    - pregmod-dev - branch with experimental code mainly by pregmodfan.
+    - pregmod-dev - branch with experimental code mainly by pregmodfan. 
     - Any contributions will be placed in separate branches like pregmod-mod-<something> (if it's ready to merge with master complete feature/mod) or pregmod-contrib-<something> if it's partial work until contributions is reviewed.
     Typical cycle with git:
 	1. Make account on gitgud if you don't have usable one.
 	2. Fork main repository through gitgud interface. (Or pull changes from main repo if you already have fork.)
 	3. Clone your fork to local machine with git client (Or pull changes if already cloned.)
 	4. Make you changes as you like, commit, and push result into your forked repository (with git client).
 	5. Make merge request through gitgud interface.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
index 469f525c8106c3a6751cb1294eb4755b83e0dc96..4cc08bd2c1c0490cf2909bae1c1258aaf7813f07 100644
--- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
+++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@ PLAYING FREE CITIES
  Unfortunately, Twine doesn't have a solid tooltip system at the moment. So, a certain amount of confusion is to be expected. Sorry about that. Flip through the encyclopedia, or at least this gameplay section. It answers a lot of frequently asked questions, and if you read it you can save yourself the trouble of asking your frequently asked question on /d/ or the blog and getting told to read the encyclopedia. If you've still got questions, start a game and read what it says. The game is reasonably good about telling you what's happening to your slaves, and why. It bears repetition that almost all stat effects are called out with colored text. Try this opening strategy if you don't know where to start. It isn't an optimal build, but it works reliably and will show you the basics.
  <br><br>__Starting options__
- <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Start the game and select any of the world options; choose normal difficulty, since it's pretty forgiving and this opener will make good @@.yellowgreen;[[money|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@. Build a completely male PC for your first game; it makes @@.green;[[reputation|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Arcologies and Reputation"]]@@ maintenance much easier. Choose wealth for both your career and your rumored method of obtaining the arcology; the other options are fun but a full wealth build will set you up quickly to get started. 
+ <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Start the game and select any of the world options; choose normal difficulty, since it's pretty forgiving and this opener will make good @@.yellowgreen;[[money|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@. Build a completely male PC for your first game; it makes @@.green;[[reputation|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Arcologies and Reputation"]]@@ maintenance much easier. Choose wealth for both your career and your rumored method of obtaining the arcology; the other options are fun but a full wealth build will set you up quickly to get started.
  <br><br>Now, customize your starting slaves.
- <br>For your first, make her as @@.cyan;intelligent, educated,@@ and old as possible. Make her @@.hotpink;[[devoted|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@ , but save @@.yellowgreen;[[money|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@ by giving her flaws, an unknown fetish, and @@.gold;making her afraid of you@@. (These are easy to fix.) You can customize the rest of her as you wish, but try to keep her under ;@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(5000)>>@@ . Don't worry about skills, since with two of them you'll be able to rotate head girl duty so the other can learn skills. Commit her, base another slave off her, and commit that one too. Those are your [[head girls|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Head Girl"]]. 
+ <br>For your first, make her as @@.cyan;intelligent, educated,@@ and old as possible. Make her @@.hotpink;[[devoted|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@ , but save @@.yellowgreen;[[money|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@ by giving her flaws, an unknown fetish, and @@.gold;making her afraid of you@@. (These are easy to fix.) You can customize the rest of her as you wish, but try to keep her under ;@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(5000)>>@@ . Don't worry about skills, since with two of them you'll be able to rotate head girl duty so the other can learn skills. Commit her, base another slave off her, and commit that one too. Those are your [[head girls|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Head Girl"]].
  <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Spend the rest of your @@.yellowgreen;[[money|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@ on prospects: slaves that are @@.yellowgreen;[[cheap|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Money"]]@@ now, but can be improved quickly. As long as you keep @@.hotpink;devotion@@ pretty high, low @@.mediumaquamarine;[[trust|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Trust"]]@@ can be fixed reliably. Unknown fetishes, emaciated or fat, flaws, deep voice, and poor skills are all good ways to drive prices down, and can all be fixed quickly. Virginities are a bad idea because they drive costs up and are easy to break. @@.cyan;Education@@ can take awhile and will take slaves away from other jobs, so make them all educated for now, and keep their @@.cyan;intelligence@@ reasonably high.
  <br><br>__First turn__
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ PLAYING FREE CITIES
  <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pay attention to your cash flow. If it's positive and you have a decent buffer of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(10000)>>@@ or so built up, wait for the slave market prices to naturally dip, and then purchase a girl or two to work on once your starting stable is well trained, though you may have to confine or rest new purchases for a while if they're @@.hotpink;[[rebellious|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@ or sick. If you get a virgin, consider applying chastity to preserve value for resale. When prices are high, consider selling anyone who's free of flaws and has a discovered sexual fetish, since this maximizes value bonuses. Within ten turns, you should be making decent weekly profit, with resale of slaves building up your bank when prices favor sale. Once you're confident of the whoring mechanics, consider building a [[brothel|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Brothel"]]. Your alternate head girl will make a good [[madam|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Madam"]].
 <<case "How to Play">>
- This is not a game in which the PC slaveowner is some magical sexual god whose mere presence turns women into submissives. This means that sane slaves will tend to lose obedience and @@.mediumaquamarine;[[trust|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Trust"]]@@ over time if you don't take any steps to maintain their mental state. Mental stats have maximum and minimum values. These are somewhat 'sticky,' so slaves at minimum @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@ for example may require an extra jolt to break free of this state. 
+ This is not a game in which the PC slaveowner is some magical sexual god whose mere presence turns women into submissives. This means that sane slaves will tend to lose obedience and @@.mediumaquamarine;[[trust|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Trust"]]@@ over time if you don't take any steps to maintain their mental state. Mental stats have maximum and minimum values. These are somewhat 'sticky,' so slaves at minimum @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@ for example may require an extra jolt to break free of this state.
  <br><br>Maximized @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;[[trust|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Trust"]]@@ are not useless; if one of these stats is maximized and the other is not, the extra @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@ or @@.mediumaquamarine;[[trust|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Trust"]]@@ will boost the other. If both are maximized, the player gains @@.green;[[reputation|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Arcologies and Reputation"]]@@ instead.
- <br><br>However if both are low the slave in question is liable to experience breakdowns and generally be useless. 
+ <br><br>However if both are low the slave in question is liable to experience breakdowns and generally be useless.
  <br><br>A slave's health is extremely important. Being healthy generally improves beauty and job performance. Most transformative drugs and surgeries can damage health, while curative drugs and rest will restore it. Extremely unhealthy slaves can die, while extremely healthy slaves enjoy considerable bonuses on many assignments. Health damage is generally scaled to a slave's current health, so if a slave is already unhealthy, injuries will hurt her more severely. Pulling a slave with red health indicators off work for a week of rest is generally advisable.
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ SLAVES
 	Choose a more particular entry below:
 	<<case "Living Conditions">>
 	''Spare'': The cheapest and the default but may cause some issues.
 	<br>''Normal'': Is more expensive but doesn't provide anything.
@@ -406,8 +406,8 @@ SLAVES
 <<case "Trust">>
-	''Trust'' is a measure of a slave's expectations of the player character, and secondarily, how confident she is of her ability to do well. (Low trust is also referred to as fear.) Along with @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@, it is the main measure of a slave's mental state. A highly trusting slave is often more expensive to keep, but will do better in a leadership position and is more valuable. Slaves who are not intended for special assignments or resale can usually be kept terrified. 
+	''Trust'' is a measure of a slave's expectations of the player character, and secondarily, how confident she is of her ability to do well. (Low trust is also referred to as fear.) Along with @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@, it is the main measure of a slave's mental state. A highly trusting slave is often more expensive to keep, but will do better in a leadership position and is more valuable. Slaves who are not intended for special assignments or resale can usually be kept terrified.
 	<br><br>This can become negative if a slave is not sufficiently @@.hotpink;[[devoted|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@: in this case, she will not obey since she neither likes nor fears the player character. Many game mechanics can effect trust in some way: @@.mediumaquamarine;aquamarine text@@ text indicates a trust gain, while @@.gold;gold@@ indicates a trust loss. Maximized or minimized trust is somewhat sticky: lightly abusing a perfectly trusting slave will not damage trust, while minor confidence boosts will not affect an abjectly terrified slave. Extremely high trust will boost Devotion weekly, and any trust gains that push it over its maximum value will overflow into Devotion. If both are maximized, the slave's sex drive is increased. If she's already a nympho, Reputation is increased instead.
@@ -712,6 +712,8 @@ Choose a more particular entry below:
 	<br><br>Slaves who have been in slavery long enough that it is effectively their career get a bonus to @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Devotion"]]@@. Slaves can forget their [[career experience|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Career Experience"]] in an industrialized Dairy, but if they do so and remain sane, they will get a special bonus to both @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Devotion"]]@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;[[trust|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Trust"]]@@.
+	<br><br>Facility heads and working slaves can gain work expirence to provide the same benerfit as having a revelant career. Intelligence is the deciding factor in how long this will take, brilliant slaves can achive this idealy in a about fourtheen weeks while borderline retarded slaves can take up two hundred weeks (Assuming that the slave's intelligence doesn't change at all and the dice roll is consistant).
 <<case "Attendant">>
 	An ''Attendant'' can be selected once the [[Spa|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Spa"]] facility is built. Attendants provide emotional help to slaves in the spa, and can also soften flaws and even fix mindbroken slaves. Good Attendants are free of fetishes or submissive, have a calm libido, older than 35, a motherly air, @@.cyan;intelligent@@, and naturally female.
@@ -945,7 +947,7 @@ SLAVE BODY:
 <<case "Musculature">>
 	Slaves' ''musculature'' occurs in seven levels, and affects combat effectiveness, beauty, and the effects of breasts. For combat, the penultimate level is best. At game start, muslces are a minor detriment to beauty, though this can be changed through [[future society|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Future Societies"]] choices. Extremely large breasts can begin to hinder slaves, but the first level will allow them to carry their burdens.
 	<br><br>From the slave documentation;
 	<br>96+        - extremely muscular
 	<br>31  - 95   - muscular
@@ -954,13 +956,13 @@ SLAVE BODY:
 	<br>-30 - -6   - weak
 	<br>-95 - -31  - very weak
 	<br>-96-       - frail
 	<br><br>A standard [[bodyguard|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Bodyguard"]] is negatively impacted by being weak or extremely muscular and postively impacted by being muscular. A slave that is at the max of tall or very tall (>= 185) can handle being extremely muscular.
 	<br><br>[[DJ|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "DJ"]] 's are more effective when they are just under being muscular and inside being toned.
-	<br><br>A [[nurse|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Nurse"]] is more effective when they are toned or greater. 
+	<br><br>A [[nurse|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Nurse"]] is more effective when they are toned or greater.
 	<br><br>Values >= 95 allows slaves with extremly hypertrophied balls (>70) to move around with effort.
@@ -1011,21 +1013,21 @@ SLAVE BODY:
 <<case "Weight">>
 	A slaves' ''weight'' contributes to their beauty. The middle three values (thin, average and curvy) are all considered equally good; outside that range, penalties are applied. Gaining and losing weight can cause changes to a slave's [[breast|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Breasts"]] and [[butt|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Butts"]] size, and will be different for [[anorexics|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Anorexic"]], [[gluttons|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Gluttonous"]], and [[fitness|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Fitness"]] fanatics.
-	<br><br>From the slave documentation; 
+	<br><br>From the slave documentation;
 	<br>191+  - dangerously obese //This can lead to a slave losing their leadership position//
 	<br>190 - 161   - super obese
 	<br>160 - 131   - obese
 	<br>130 -  96   - fat
-	<br>95  -  31   - overweight 
+	<br>95  -  31   - overweight
 	<br>30  -  11   - curvy
 	<br>10  - -10   - neither too fat nor too skinny
 	<br>-11  - -30  - thin
 	<br>-31  - -95  - very thin
 	<br>-96-        - emaciated
 	<br><br>The ideal range for a [[bodyguard|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Bodyguard"]] is 30 - -10, going either way negatively impacts them.
 <<case "Hormones (XX)">>
 	''XX Hormones'' are female hormones, either from hormone treatments or from [[ovaries|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Ovaries"]]. A hidden hormonal score is calculated for each slave:
@@ -2813,7 +2815,7 @@ LORE: INTERVIEWS
         <h4>The Black Market</h4>
         You may be the ruler of your arcology, but you don't exist in a vacuum. You can do all kinds of thing and get lots of things that regular citizens can't. So the Black Market, is a chance for less prominent citizens to do or get stuff like an arcology leader might experience. But for a ruler like yourself, it's a chance to avoid the severe scruitiny you're subject to on a regular basis, and to get a hold of bleeding edge or illegal research and technologies.  The market itself is always moving from place to place, but if you're reputable enough, you can find it when you need it.
-        You will be able to find all manner of Future Society Technologies, while not exactly illegal, they are hard to get through regular channels.  Everyweek, the dealers will have a few for you to purchase if you like.  But for the truely illegal or unethical items, Your only choice is to go to the Black Market.  
+        You will be able to find all manner of Future Society Technologies, while not exactly illegal, they are hard to get through regular channels.  Everyweek, the dealers will have a few for you to purchase if you like.  But for the truely illegal or unethical items, Your only choice is to go to the Black Market.
                 <dt>Black market specialty goods:</dt>
diff --git a/src/js/economyJS.tw b/src/js/economyJS.tw
index 7dea05b743fe1f53567941ba569c91ae61c98aae..97d6e8d4fb820d2946cc571607e0925b099e285d 100644
--- a/src/js/economyJS.tw
+++ b/src/js/economyJS.tw
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ window.getCost = function(array) {
 		+ (State.variables.incubator * facilityCost * 10);
 	var secExpCost = 0;
 	var soldierMod = 0;
 	//facility expenses
 	costs += (0.1 * State.variables.brothelUpgradeDrugs * brothel * facilityCost)
 	+ (0.2 * State.variables.arcadeUpgradeInjectors * arcade * facilityCost)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ window.getCost = function(array) {
 	+ (0.2 * State.variables.incubatorUpgradeReproduction * incubator * facilityCost)
 	+ (0.2 * State.variables.incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims * incubator * facilityCost)
 	+ (0.5 * State.variables.incubatorUpgradeSpeed * incubator * facilityCost);
 	if(dairy > 0) {
 		costs += ((State.variables.bioreactorsXY + State.variables.bioreactorsXX + State.variables.bioreactorsHerm + State.variables.bioreactorsBarren) * 100);
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ window.getCost = function(array) {
 	if(State.variables.masterSuitePregnancyFertilitySupplements === 1) {
 		costs += 1000;
 	//security expansion
 	if(State.variables.secExp == 1) {
 		if(State.variables.edictsUpkeep > 0) {
@@ -117,24 +117,24 @@ window.getCost = function(array) {
 		costs += secExpCost;
 	//general arcology costs
 	costs += (State.variables.girls * (250 + (economy * 500)));
 	if(State.variables.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw === 1 && State.variables.PC.pregKnown == 1) {
 		costs -= 500;
 	costs += State.variables.citizenOrphanageTotal * 100;
 	costs += State.variables.privateOrphanageTotal * 500;
 	if(State.variables.breederOrphanageTotal > 0) {
 		costs += 50;
 	if(State.variables.peacekeepers !== 0 && State.variables.peacekeepers.undermining !== 0) {
 		costs += State.variables.peacekeepers.undermining;
 	if(State.variables.mercenaries > 0) {
 		if(State.variables.barracks) {
 			mercCosts *= 0.5;
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ window.getCost = function(array) {
 	costs += State.variables.FSSpending;
 	//slave expenses
 	for (var slave of array) {
 		costs += getSlaveCost(slave);
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@ window.getCost = function(array) {
 			if(slave.assignment === Job.SERVANT) {
 				costs -= rulesCost;
-			if(setup.servantCareers.includes(slave.career)) {
+			if(setup.servantCareers.includes(slave.career) || slave.skillS >= $masteredXP) {
 				costs -= rulesCost;
 	// policy and other expenses
 	if(State.variables.Recruiter !== 0) {
 		costs += 250;
@@ -315,17 +315,17 @@ window.getCost = function(array) {
 			costs *= (1 - State.variables.railway * 0.05);
 	// clean up
 	if(costs < 0) {
 		costs = 0;
 	} else {
 		costs = Math.trunc(costs);
 	return costs;
 window.getSlaveCost = function(s) {
 	if(!s) { return 0; }
 	// Data duplicated from Cost Report
@@ -333,8 +333,8 @@ window.getSlaveCost = function(s) {
 	var rulesCost = State.variables.rulesCost;
 	var foodCost = State.variables.foodCost;
 	var drugsCost = State.variables.drugsCost;
-	// Living expenses	
+	// Living expenses
 	switch(s.assignment) {
 	case Job.ARCADE:
 		cost += rulesCost * .75;
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ window.getSlaveCost = function(s) {
 	case Job.ATTEND: case Job.STEWARD: case Job.MILKMAID: case Job.TEACHER:
 		cost += rulesCost * 2;
-	default:	
+	default:
 		if(s.livingRules === LivingRule.LUXURIOUS) {
 			cost += rulesCost * (s.relationship >= 4 ? 3 : 4);
 		} else if(s.livingRules == LivingRule.NORMAL) {
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ window.getSlaveCost = function(s) {
 	} else if(s.diet === 'XXY') {
 		cost += 75;
 	// Accessibility costs
 	if(State.variables.boobAccessibility !== 1 && s.boobs > 20000
 		&& (s.assignment != Job.DAIRY || State.variables.dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) && (s.assignment != Job.ARCADE)) {
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ window.getSlaveCost = function(s) {
 			cost += rulesCost;
 	// Maintenance
 	if(s.boobs > 10000 && s.boobsImplantType === 1) {
 		cost += 50;
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ window.getSlaveCost = function(s) {
 	if(State.variables.CitizenRetirement === 1) {
 		cost += 250;
 	// Enemas
 	if(s.inflation === 3) {
 		switch(s.inflationType) {
@@ -584,14 +584,14 @@ window.getSlaveCost = function(s) {
 	if(s.preg === -1 && isFertile(s)) {
 		cost += (drugsCost * 0.5);
 	// Promotion costs
 	if(State.variables.studio === 1) {
 		if(s.pornFameSpending > 0) {
 			cost += s.pornFameSpending;
 	if(isNaN(cost)) {
 		throw new Error('Cost calculation for slave ' + s.slaveName + ' (' + s.ID + ') failed.');
@@ -612,11 +612,11 @@ window.getSlaveStatisticData = function(s, facility) {
 			customers: 0 /* brothel, club, ... */
 	if(!facility.income) {
 		facility.income = new Map();
 	if(facility.income.has(s.ID)) {
 		return facility.income.get(s.ID);
 	} else {
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
index 5b7f9e9eb24ada93d69c3ccde272b6132bd9cff6..6865ec1e13735dbd250eebd50d74a0cbab7473f3 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
@@ -292,6 +292,15 @@
 <<if ndef $args[0].skillWA>>
 	<<set $args[0].skillWA = 0>>
+<<if ndef $args[0].skillS>>
+	<<set $args[0].skillS = 0>>
+<<if ndef $args[0].skillE>>
+	<<set $args[0].skillE = 0>>
+<<if ndef $args[0].skillW>>
+	<<set $args[0].skillW = 0>>
 <<if ndef $args[0].inducedNCS>>
         <<set $args[0].inducedNCS = 0>>
@@ -310,7 +319,7 @@
 	1. Her/her vs his/him.  To solve this ambiguity, variables use male pronouns thoughout, although players will of course see the contents of the variable.  "$He glared" can be printed as "She glared."
-	2. Her/hers vs his/his.  Here, the opposite problem.  In this one case and this alone, where you would use "hers," (the posessive pronoun) the variable is female, since the distinction is only important there.  I am very sorry for English. 
+	2. Her/hers vs his/his.  Here, the opposite problem.  In this one case and this alone, where you would use "hers," (the posessive pronoun) the variable is female, since the distinction is only important there.  I am very sorry for English.
 	<<if $args[1] == 2>>
@@ -534,7 +543,7 @@ In order to be eligible to be bred, the potential breeding bitch must first sati
 		<br>She must be extremely muscular.
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence > 20>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
 		<br>She must be more than "trim".
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
index dc84412d92b56902fbad213483433476f4f54f06..984374203be6f585732acd8173a147830f9c6d3d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
@@ -3104,6 +3104,16 @@ Setting missing slave variables:
 		<<set $genePool.deleteAt(_bci), _bci-->>
+	<<if ndef _Slave.skillS>>
+	<<set _Slave.skillS = 0>>
+<<if ndef _Slave.skillE>>
+	<<set _Slave.skillE = 0>>
+<<if ndef _Slave.skillW>>
+	<<set _Slave.skillW = 0>>
 <<if $incubator > 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
index 8215f2aa0921a71bb049ebba8be4484ec6b2bc8a..b827093608ec00c76a1446d1c2d63ed489ac0fb5 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
@@ -189,6 +189,14 @@
 				She would love to play off of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fame and fertility, but unfortunately she <<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 1500>>is already pregnant and not far enough along to show it<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 5000>>already pregnant, but not enough to be exciting<<else>>is unable to get knocked up<</if>>.
+	<<if setup.whoreCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
+		She has sex work experience from her life before she was a slave, making her more effective.
+	<<elseif $slaves[$i].skillS >= $masteredXP>>
+		She has sex work experience from working for you, making her more effective.
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
+	<</if>>
 	<<set _oldCash = $cash>>
@@ -333,7 +341,7 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 40 && $slaves[$i].energy < 95>>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].energy++>>
 		<<if $showEWD != 0>>
 			/* 000-250-006 */
@@ -487,9 +495,9 @@
 	<<if $brothelAdsSpending != 0>>
 		An ad campaign is supporting business there, and whores that match it make more ¤.
 		<<if $brothelAdsStacked == 1>>
 			Its advertisements feature stacked girls.
 			<<set _ads = 1>>
@@ -546,7 +554,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The <<if _girls == 1>>stacked <<elseif _girls == -1>>slim <</if>>girls in the brothel match most customers' preferences for <<if _pref == 1>>stacked <<elseif _pref == -1>>slim <</if>>girls. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -556,7 +564,7 @@
 	<<if ($brothelAdsSpending > 0)>>
 		<<if $brothelAdsPreg == 1>>
 			Its advertisements feature girls that have firm, rounded bellies.
@@ -614,7 +622,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The <<if _girls == 1>>big-bellied <<elseif _girls == -1>>flat-bellied <</if>>girls in the brothel match most customers' preferences for <<if _pref == 1>>big-bellied <<elseif _pref == -1>>flat-bellied <</if>>girls. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -624,7 +632,7 @@
     <<if ($brothelAdsSpending > 0)>>
 		<<if $brothelAdsModded == 1>>
 			Its advertisements feature girls that are heavily pierced and tattooed.
@@ -682,7 +690,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The <<if _girls == 1>>heavily modded <<elseif _girls == -1>>natural bodied <</if>>girls in the brothel match most customers' preferences for <<if _pref == 1>>heavily modded <<elseif _pref == -1>>natural unmodded <</if>>girls. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -692,7 +700,7 @@
 	<<if ($brothelAdsSpending > 0)>>
 		<<if ($brothelAdsImplanted == 1)>>
 			Its advertisements feature girls that are augmented by implants or improved surgically.
@@ -750,7 +758,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The <<if _girls == 1>>implanted or surgically improved <<elseif _girls == -1>>naturally pure <</if>>girls in the brothel match most customers' preferences for <<if _pref == 1>>implanted or surgically improved <<elseif _pref == -1>>natural unmodded <</if>>girls. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -760,7 +768,7 @@
 	<<if $seeDicks != 0>>
 	    <<if ($brothelAdsSpending > 0)>>
 			<<if ($brothelAdsXX == 1)>>
@@ -817,7 +825,7 @@
 			    <<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-		<<else>>	
+		<<else>>
 			<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 				The girls in the brothel match most customers preferences for girls <<if _girls == 1>>with female genitalia <<elseif _girls == -1>>with male genitalia <</if>>. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 				<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -828,7 +836,7 @@
 	<<if ($brothelAdsSpending > 0)>>
 		<<switch ($brothelAdsOld)>>
 			<<case 1>>
@@ -848,7 +856,7 @@
 				<<set _ads = 0>>
 	<<if ($arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset") && ($arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist >= 80)>>
 		Most customers prefer mature girls.
 		<<set _pref = 1>>
@@ -894,7 +902,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The girls in the brothel match most customers' age preferences. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
index ee3e74b1db6561b022f1be9dcee7a7175660fd6a..9669514095d8ed7711bdcf61078f6278597f9fb3 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
 		<<if $slaves[$i].livingRules != "normal">>
 			<<set $slaves[$i].livingRules = "normal">>
 		<<if $showEWD != 0>>
 			/* 000-250-006 */
@@ -300,14 +300,22 @@
 		<<elseif isNotPreg($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<set _pregNo += 1>>
+	<<if setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
+		She has experience with entertainment from her life before she was a slave, making her more effective.
+	<<elseif $slaves[$i].skillS >= $masteredXP>>
+		She has experience with entertainment from working for you, making her more effective.
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
+	<</if>>
 	<<if $clubAdsSpending != 0>>
 		An ad campaign is getting citizens into the club every night, and sluts that match it gratify patrons.
 		<<if $clubAdsStacked == 1>>
 			Its advertisements feature stacked girls.
 			<<set _ads = 1>>
@@ -365,7 +373,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The <<if _girls == 1>>stacked <<elseif _girls == -1>>slim <</if>>girls in the club match most customers' preferences for <<if _pref == 1>>stacked <<elseif _pref == -1>>slim <</if>>girls. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -433,7 +441,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The <<if _girls == 1>>heavily modded <<elseif _girls == -1>>natural bodied <</if>>girls in the club match most customers' preferences for <<if _pref == 1>>heavily modded <<elseif _pref == -1>>natural unmodded <</if>>girls. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -501,7 +509,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The <<if _girls == 1>>implanted or surgically improved <<elseif _girls == -1>>naturally pure <</if>>girls in the club match most customers' preferences for <<if _pref == 1>>implanted or surgically improved <<elseif _pref == -1>>natural unmodded <</if>>girls. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -568,7 +576,7 @@
 				<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-		<<else>>	
+		<<else>>
 			<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 				The girls in the club match most customers preferences for girls <<if _girls == 1>>with female genitalia <<elseif _girls == -1>>with male genitalia <</if>>. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 				<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -644,7 +652,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The girls in the club match most customers' age preferences. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
@@ -712,7 +720,7 @@
 			<<set $rep -= random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
-	<<else>>	
+	<<else>>
 		<<if (_girls == _pref)>>
 			The <<if _girls == 1>>big-bellied <<elseif _girls == -1>>flat-bellied <</if>>girls in the club match most customers' preferences for <<if _pref == 1>>big-bellied <<elseif _pref == -1>>flat-bellied <</if>>girls. Your @@.green;reputation@@ increased slightly as a result.
 			<<set $rep += random(_minBonus,_maxBonus)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/costs.tw b/src/uncategorized/costs.tw
index f222bb993fb380937df202a4014380c780ac8d66..1f42e6b34c69b9bd224c77c279819ba49068d66e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/costs.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/costs.tw
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 	<<if $riotCenter != 0>>
 		<<set $costs += $riotUpkeep>>
 	<<if $soldierWages == 0>>
 		<<set _soldierMod = 1>>
 	<<elseif $soldierWages == 1>>
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@
 	<<set _sL = $slaveUnits.length>>
 	<<for _i = 0; _i < _sL; _i++>>
 		<<set $costs += $militiaUnits[_i].troops*$soldierUpkeep * 0.5 * _soldierMod>>
-	<</for>>	
+	<</for>>
 	<<set _meL = $mercUnits.length>>
 	<<for _i = 0; _i < _meL; _i++>>
 		<<set $costs += $militiaUnits[_i].troops*$soldierUpkeep * 1.5 * _soldierMod>>
 <<set $costs += $citizenOrphanageTotal*100>>
 <<set $costs += $privateOrphanageTotal*500>>
 <<if $breederOrphanageTotal > 0>>
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
 	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be a servant")>>
 		<<set $costs -= ($rulesCost)>>
-	<<if setup.servantCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
+	<<if setup.servantCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) || $slaves[$i].skillS >= $masteredXP>>
 		<<set $costs -= ($rulesCost)>>
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
 <<if $PC.actualAge >= $IsInPrimePC && $PC.actualAge < $IsPastPrimePC>>
-<<set _cost = 10000*$AgeEffectOnTrainerPricingPC>>	
+<<set _cost = 10000*$AgeEffectOnTrainerPricingPC>>
 <<if ($personalAttention == "trading") || ($personalAttention == "warfare") || ($personalAttention == "slaving") || ($personalAttention == "engineering") || ($personalAttention == "medicine") || ($personalAttention == "hacking")>>
 	<<set $costs += _cost>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
index 4919db8e7724dc53d14387e71b407553170b1dcd..bcb2453d46a9f0d0f16fa9338d652bac914d7edc 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ $He comes to you for an inspection
 			high, girly voice.
 	<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ $He comes to you for an inspection
 <<elseif $activeSlave.releaseRules == "masturbation">>
-	and $he is only allowed to 
+	and $he is only allowed to
 	<<if ($activeSlave.energy > 95)>>
 		masturbate, which $he is constantly doing.
@@ -1299,6 +1299,46 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
+<<if !setup.bodyguardCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillBG >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Bodyguard that she has the added value of a girl with a history in personal protection from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.wardenessCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillWA >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Wardeness that she has the added value of a girl with a history in wardenessing from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.attendantCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillAT >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Attendant that she has the added value of a girl with a history in attendancy from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.schoolteacherCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillTE >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Schoolteacher that she has the added value of a girl with a history in teaching from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.stewardessCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillST >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Stewardess that she has the added value of a girl with a history in teaching from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.milkmaidCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillMM >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Milkmaid that she has the added value of a girl with a history in farming from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.madamCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillMD >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Madam that she has the added value of a girl with a history in farming from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.DJCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillDJ >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a DJ that she has the added value of a girl with a history in music from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.HGCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillHG >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Head Girl that she has the added value of a girl with a history in leadership from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.recruiterCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillRC >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Recruiter that she has the added value of a girl with a history in recruiting from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillE>= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a entertainer that she has the added value of a girl with a history in entertainment from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.whoreCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillW>= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a whore that she has the added value of a girl with a history in sex work from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.servantCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillS>= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a servant that she has the added value of a girl with a history in house keeping from before she was a slave.
 <<set _careers = []>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.skillHG >= $masteredXP)>>
 	<<set _careers.push("Head Girl")>>
@@ -1384,8 +1424,8 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 <<if ($activeSlave.skillWA >= $masteredXP)>>
 	<<set _numCareers += 1>>
-<<if _numCareers > 0>>	
-	$He has working experience as a 
+<<if _numCareers > 0>>
+	$He has working experience as a
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillHG >= $masteredXP>>
 		<<if _numCareers == 1>>
 			Head Girl.
@@ -1393,9 +1433,9 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Head Girl and
 			Head Girl,
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
-	<</if>>	
+	<</if>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillRC >= $masteredXP>>
 		<<if _numCareers == 1>>
@@ -1403,7 +1443,7 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Recruiter and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillBG >= $masteredXP>>
@@ -1413,7 +1453,7 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Bodyguard and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillMD >= $masteredXP>>
@@ -1423,7 +1463,7 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Madam and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillDJ >= $masteredXP>>
@@ -1433,7 +1473,7 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			DJ and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillNU >= $masteredXP>>
@@ -1443,7 +1483,7 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Nurse and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillTE >= $masteredXP>>
@@ -1453,7 +1493,7 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Schoolteacher and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillAT >= $masteredXP>>
@@ -1463,7 +1503,7 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Attendant and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillST >= $masteredXP>>
@@ -1473,7 +1513,7 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Stewardess and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillMM >= $masteredXP>>
@@ -1481,12 +1521,12 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 			Milkmaid and
-		<</if>>	
+		<</if>>
 		<<set _numCareers -= 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.skillWA >= $masteredXP>>
-	<</if>> 
+	<</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/sellSlave.tw b/src/uncategorized/sellSlave.tw
index 4fa646b3a8f876d7de7ab56db8f2eedbb17c2cc2..04ac8d58d9a6286cb315b20cb776263398731ddd 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/sellSlave.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/sellSlave.tw
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ A reputable slave appraiser arrives promptly to inspect her and certify her qual
 	<<elseif setup.HGCareers.includes($activeSlave.career)>>
 	Her background would help make her a good Head Girl; that's valuable.
 	<<elseif setup.recruiterCareers.includes($activeSlave.career)>>
-	Her background would help make her a good recruiter; that's valuable.
+	Her background would help make her a good Recruiter; that's valuable.
 	<<elseif setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($activeSlave.career)>>
 	Her background should help her flirting a little.
 	<<elseif setup.whoreCareers.includes($activeSlave.career)>>
@@ -254,6 +254,46 @@ A reputable slave appraiser arrives promptly to inspect her and certify her qual
+<<if !setup.bodyguardCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillBG >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Bodyguard that she has the added value of a girl with a history in personal protection from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.wardenessCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillWA >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Wardeness that she has the added value of a girl with a history in wardenessing from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.attendantCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillAT >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Attendant that she has the added value of a girl with a history in attendancy from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.schoolteacherCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillTE >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Schoolteacher that she has the added value of a girl with a history in teaching from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.stewardessCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillST >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Stewardess that she has the added value of a girl with a history in teaching from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.milkmaidCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillMM >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Milkmaid that she has the added value of a girl with a history in farming from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.madamCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillMD >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Madam that she has the added value of a girl with a history in farming from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.DJCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillDJ >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a DJ that she has the added value of a girl with a history in music from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.HGCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillHG >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Head Girl that she has the added value of a girl with a history in leadership from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.recruiterCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillRC >= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a Recruiter that she has the added value of a girl with a history in recruiting from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillE>= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a entertainer that she has the added value of a girl with a history in entertainment from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.whoreCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillW>= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a whore that she has the added value of a girl with a history in sex work from before she was a slave.
+<<if !setup.servantCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillS>= $masteredXP>>
+	She's gotten enough experience as a servant that she has the added value of a girl with a history in house keeping from before she was a slave.
 <<if $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw != "none">>
 	<<if $activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "none">>
 		She has both a behavioral flaw and a sexual flaw; those are both minor negatives.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/servantsQuartersReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/servantsQuartersReport.tw
index 9fb01cbd8719a764a98d363c1cb0d44dec8f31c8..720d11897e2550c0993150de4860a4d048c37939 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/servantsQuartersReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/servantsQuartersReport.tw
@@ -259,6 +259,15 @@
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].health < 90)>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].health += 3>>
+	<<if setup.servantCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
+		She has experience with house keeping from her life before she was a slave, making her more effective.
+	<<elseif $slaves[$i].skillS >= $masteredXP>>
+		She has experience with house keeping from working for you, making her more effective.
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
+	<</if>>
 	<<switch $servantsQuartersDecoration>>
 	<<case "Roman Revivalist" "Aztec Revivalist" "Chinese Revivalist" "Chattel Religionist" "Edo Revivalist" "Supremacist" "Subjugationist" "Degradationist" "Arabian Revivalist" "Egyptian Revivalist">>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].livingRules = "spare">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/slaveAssignmentsReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/slaveAssignmentsReport.tw
index 686b94f205e844fe8c9204330989a48b3211e905..56f401ec398db8d4a86b0b104b0509ad9344b740 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/slaveAssignmentsReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/slaveAssignmentsReport.tw
@@ -27,6 +27,24 @@
 	<<set $slaves[$i].oralSkill = 0>>
+<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "be a servant">>
+ <<if !setup.servantCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) && $slaves[$i].skillS < $masteredXP>>
+		<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
+	<</if>>
+<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public">>
+ <<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) && $slaves[$i].skillS < $masteredXP>>
+		<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
+	<</if>>
+<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "whore">>
+ <<if !setup.whoreCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) && $slaves[$i].skillS < $masteredXP>>
+		<<set $slaves[$i].skillS += random(1,($slaves[$i].intelligence+4)*2)>>
+	<</if>>
 <<if ($seeDicks > 0) && (canPenetrate($slaves[$i])) && ($slaves[$i].releaseRules != "restrictive") && ($slaves[$i].releaseRules != "masturbation")>>
 	<<set $averageDick += $slaves[$i].dick, $slavesWithWorkingDicks++>>
@@ -315,9 +333,9 @@
 	<<if $slaves[$i].broodmother == 1 && $slaves[$i].broodmotherOnHold != 1>> /* broodmother advance block */
-		<<if ($week / $slaves[$i].broodmotherFetuses == Math.round($week / $slaves[$i].broodmotherFetuses)) && $slaves[$i].broodmotherFetuses < 1>> 
+		<<if ($week / $slaves[$i].broodmotherFetuses == Math.round($week / $slaves[$i].broodmotherFetuses)) && $slaves[$i].broodmotherFetuses < 1>>
 			/*one fetus in few week - selection and adding*/
-			<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource, 0)>> 
+			<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource, 0)>>
 			/*one or more fetuses in one week*/
 			<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], Math.floor($slaves[$i].broodmotherFetuses), $slaves[$i].pregSource, 0)>> /* really 0, it's will be advanced right few lines down.*/
@@ -327,7 +345,7 @@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].broodmotherCountDown = 37 - WombMinPreg($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<set WombProgress($slaves[$i], _pregSpeed)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>
@@ -364,7 +382,7 @@
-<<if ($slaves[$i].scars == 3)>> 
+<<if ($slaves[$i].scars == 3)>>
 	<<set $slaves[$i].scarheal += 1>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].relationship == -3>>
diff --git a/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw b/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
index b0eeaf9c0333250ab01b780785e17e77ca042704..5c914aaff824c9da69c03bf8cce30d5a516c624c 100644
--- a/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
@@ -1883,6 +1883,46 @@
+<<if !setup.bodyguardCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillBG >= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.wardenessCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillWA >= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.attendantCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillAT >= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.schoolteacherCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillTE >= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.stewardessCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillST >= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.milkmaidCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillMM >= $masteredXP>>
+		<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.madamCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillMD >= $masteredXP>>
+	S	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.DJCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillDJ >= $masteredXP>>
+		<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.HGCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillHG >= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.recruiterCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillRC >= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.1>>
+<<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillE>= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.05>>
+<<if !setup.whoreCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillW>= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.05>>
+<<if !setup.servantCareers.includes($activeSlave.career) && $activeSlave.skillS>= $masteredXP>>
+	<<set _slaveMultiplier += 0.05>>
 <<if $seeAge == 1>>
 <<if $args[0].physicalAge == $minimumSlaveAge && $args[0].physicalAge == $fertilityAge && canGetPregnant($args[0]) && ($arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset" || $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset")>>
 	<<if $args[0].birthWeek == 0>>
diff --git a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
index 29f009a074d175db047ab3c97edf4d50b2a66f5a..c99bec8772f792a3e81bec300112a58da6a31e2f 100644
--- a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 	Called from Gen XX, Gen XY, CheatMode DB, InitNationalities.
 <<widget "BaseSlave">>
-	<<set $activeSlave = {slaveName: "blank", slaveSurname: 0, birthName: "blank", birthSurname: 0, genes: "XX", pronoun: "she", possessive: "her", possessivePronoun: "hers", objectReflexive: "herself", object: "her", noun: "girl", weekAcquired: 0, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 0, prestige: 0, pornFame: 0, pornFameSpending: 0, prestigeDesc: 0, recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, father: 0, mother: 0, daughters: 0, sisters: 0, canRecruit: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, training: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", indenture: -1, indentureRestrictions: 0, birthWeek: random(0,51), actualAge: 18, visualAge: 18, physicalAge: 18, ovaryAge: 18, ageImplant: 0, health: 0, minorInjury: 0, trust: 0, oldTrust: 0, devotion: 0, oldDevotion: 0, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 170, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "slave", race: "white", markings: "none", eyes: 1, eyeColor: "brown", origEye: "brown", eyewear: "none", origHColor: "brown", hColor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", skin: "light", hLength: 60, hStyle: "short", pubicHStyle: "neat", waist: 0, corsetPiercing: 0, PLimb: 0, amp: 0, heels:0, voice: 2, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, boobsImplant: 0, boobsImplantType: 0, boobShape: "normal", nipples: "cute",  nipplesPiercing: 0, nipplesAccessory: 0, areolae: 0, areolaePiercing: 0, boobsTat: 0, lactation: 0, lactationAdaptation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, hips: 0, hipsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, buttImplantType: 0, buttTat: 0, face: 0, faceImplant: 0, faceShape: "normal", lips: 15, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: 0, teeth: "normal", tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 0, vaginaLube: 0, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: 0, preg: -1, pregSource: 0, pregType: 0, pregAdaptation: 50, broodmother: 0, broodmotherFetuses: 0, broodmotherOnHold: 0, broodmotherCountDown: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, cSec: 0, bellyAccessory: "none", labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "vanilla", foreskin: 0, anus: 0, dick: 0, analArea: 1, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: 0, prostate: 0, balls: 0, scrotum: 0, ovaries: 0, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: 0, makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 0, shouldersTat: 0, armsTat: 0, legsTat: 0, backTat: 0, stampTat: 0, vaginalSkill: 0, oralSkill: 0, analSkill: 0, whoreSkill: 0, entertainSkill: 0, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "spare", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "restrictive", relationshipRules: "restrictive", standardPunishment: "situational", standardReward: "situational", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "healthy", dietCum: 0, dietMilk: 0, tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "no drugs", curatives: 0, chem: 0, aphrodisiacs: 0, addict: 0, fuckdoll: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "no clothing", collar: "none", shoes: "none", vaginalAccessory: "none", dickAccessory: "none", legAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", buttplugAttachment: "none", intelligence: 0, intelligenceImplant: 0, energy: 50, need: 0, attrXX: 0, attrXY: 0, attrKnown: 0, fetish: "none", fetishStrength: 70, fetishKnown: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, publicCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: "", customLabel: "", customDesc: "", customTitle: "", customTitleLisp: "", rudeTitle: 0, customImage: 0, currentRules: [], bellyTat: 0, induce: 0, mpreg: 0, inflation: 0, inflationType: "none", inflationMethod: 0, milkSource: 0, cumSource: 0, burst: 0, pregKnown: 0, pregWeek: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, bellyFluid: 0, bellyImplant: -1, bellySag: 0, bellySagPreg: 0, bellyPain: 0, cervixImplant: 0, birthsTotal: 0, pubertyAgeXX: 13, pubertyAgeXY: 13, scars: 0, breedingMark: 0, underArmHStyle: "waxed", bodySwap: 0, HGExclude: 0, ballType: "human", eggType: "human", reservedChildren: 0, choosesOwnChastity: 0, pregControl: "none", readyLimbs: [], ageAdjust: 0, bald: 0, origBodyOwner: "", origBodyOwnerID: 0, death: "", hormoneBalance: 0, onDiet: 0, breastMesh: 0, slavesFathered: 0, PCChildrenFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, PCKnockedUp: 0, origSkin: "white", vasectomy: 0, haircuts: 0, newGamePlus: 0, skillHG: 0, skillRC: 0, skillBG: 0, skillMD: 0, skillDJ: 0, skillNU: 0, skillTE: 0, skillAT: 0, skillST: 0, skillMM: 0, skillWA: 0, tankBaby: 0, inducedNCS: 0, NCSyouthening: 0}>>
+	<<set $activeSlave = {slaveName: "blank", slaveSurname: 0, birthName: "blank", birthSurname: 0, genes: "XX", pronoun: "she", possessive: "her", possessivePronoun: "hers", objectReflexive: "herself", object: "her", noun: "girl", weekAcquired: 0, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 0, prestige: 0, pornFame: 0, pornFameSpending: 0, prestigeDesc: 0, recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, father: 0, mother: 0, daughters: 0, sisters: 0, canRecruit: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, training: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", indenture: -1, indentureRestrictions: 0, birthWeek: random(0,51), actualAge: 18, visualAge: 18, physicalAge: 18, ovaryAge: 18, ageImplant: 0, health: 0, minorInjury: 0, trust: 0, oldTrust: 0, devotion: 0, oldDevotion: 0, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 170, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "slave", race: "white", markings: "none", eyes: 1, eyeColor: "brown", origEye: "brown", eyewear: "none", origHColor: "brown", hColor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", skin: "light", hLength: 60, hStyle: "short", pubicHStyle: "neat", waist: 0, corsetPiercing: 0, PLimb: 0, amp: 0, heels:0, voice: 2, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, boobsImplant: 0, boobsImplantType: 0, boobShape: "normal", nipples: "cute",  nipplesPiercing: 0, nipplesAccessory: 0, areolae: 0, areolaePiercing: 0, boobsTat: 0, lactation: 0, lactationAdaptation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, hips: 0, hipsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, buttImplantType: 0, buttTat: 0, face: 0, faceImplant: 0, faceShape: "normal", lips: 15, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: 0, teeth: "normal", tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 0, vaginaLube: 0, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: 0, preg: -1, pregSource: 0, pregType: 0, pregAdaptation: 50, broodmother: 0, broodmotherFetuses: 0, broodmotherOnHold: 0, broodmotherCountDown: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, cSec: 0, bellyAccessory: "none", labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "vanilla", foreskin: 0, anus: 0, dick: 0, analArea: 1, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: 0, prostate: 0, balls: 0, scrotum: 0, ovaries: 0, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: 0, makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 0, shouldersTat: 0, armsTat: 0, legsTat: 0, backTat: 0, stampTat: 0, vaginalSkill: 0, oralSkill: 0, analSkill: 0, whoreSkill: 0, entertainSkill: 0, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "spare", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "restrictive", relationshipRules: "restrictive", standardPunishment: "situational", standardReward: "situational", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "healthy", dietCum: 0, dietMilk: 0, tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "no drugs", curatives: 0, chem: 0, aphrodisiacs: 0, addict: 0, fuckdoll: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "no clothing", collar: "none", shoes: "none", vaginalAccessory: "none", dickAccessory: "none", legAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", buttplugAttachment: "none", intelligence: 0, intelligenceImplant: 0, energy: 50, need: 0, attrXX: 0, attrXY: 0, attrKnown: 0, fetish: "none", fetishStrength: 70, fetishKnown: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, publicCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: "", customLabel: "", customDesc: "", customTitle: "", customTitleLisp: "", rudeTitle: 0, customImage: 0, currentRules: [], bellyTat: 0, induce: 0, mpreg: 0, inflation: 0, inflationType: "none", inflationMethod: 0, milkSource: 0, cumSource: 0, burst: 0, pregKnown: 0, pregWeek: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, bellyFluid: 0, bellyImplant: -1, bellySag: 0, bellySagPreg: 0, bellyPain: 0, cervixImplant: 0, birthsTotal: 0, pubertyAgeXX: 13, pubertyAgeXY: 13, scars: 0, breedingMark: 0, underArmHStyle: "waxed", bodySwap: 0, HGExclude: 0, ballType: "human", eggType: "human", reservedChildren: 0, choosesOwnChastity: 0, pregControl: "none", readyLimbs: [], ageAdjust: 0, bald: 0, origBodyOwner: "", origBodyOwnerID: 0, death: "", hormoneBalance: 0, onDiet: 0, breastMesh: 0, slavesFathered: 0, PCChildrenFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, PCKnockedUp: 0, origSkin: "white", vasectomy: 0, haircuts: 0, newGamePlus: 0, skillHG: 0, skillRC: 0, skillBG: 0, skillMD: 0, skillDJ: 0, skillNU: 0, skillTE: 0, skillAT: 0, skillST: 0, skillMM: 0, skillWA: 0, skillS: 0, skillE: 0, skillW: 0, tankBaby: 0, inducedNCS: 0, NCSyouthening: 0}>>
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
 	<<replace "#originalSex">>
 	<<replace "#muscles">>
@@ -3874,5 +3874,5 @@
 		<<case "Concubine">>
 			<<set $activeSlave.prestige = 3, $activeSlave.intelligenceImplant = 1, $activeSlave.energy = random(80,100), $activeSlave.intelligence = either(2,2,3), $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 100, $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 100, $activeSlave.analSkill = 100, $activeSlave.oralSkill = 100, $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 100, $activeSlave.face = 100, $activeSlave.devotion = random(90,95), $activeSlave.trust = random(90,100), $activeSlave.health = random(60,80)>>
 		/* Closes Entertain */
-		<</switch>>	
+		<</switch>>