diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw index 5b6d3203f9808f21679f90d8cccc6e83711974e4..b91e8eac33ad6dad9bb11cad79c18aafe3429db0 100644 --- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw +++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ $encyclopedia <br><<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Slave Fetishes", "Fetishes")>> / <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Paraphilias", "Paraphilias")>> <br><<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Quirks", "Quirks")>> / <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Flaws", "Flaws")>> <br><<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Slave Relationships", "Relationships")>> + <br><<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Slave Health", "health")>> <br><<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Slave Pregnancy", "Pregnancy")>> / <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Inflation", "Inflation")>> <br><<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Slave Modification", "Slave Modification")>> <br><br> @@ -454,7 +455,7 @@ SLAVES <br>Long term damage stays with your slaves and is therefore something to be aware of and try to avoid. While some long term damage accumulates passively as slaves start to get old, the most likely source of long term damage comes from slaves taking a lot of abuse without enough time to recover or from a particularly invasive surgery. While curatives and preventatives help avoid long term damage, too much short term damage will eventually bleed over and become long term damage. So even when a slave is perfectly healthy you may want to spread out surgical enhancements and allow for recovery. <br><br>''Tiredness'' - <br>Working hard will eventually make your slaves tired, this is only natural. Once tired they will no longer be able to perform to the best of their abilities and therefore this may be something to avoid, though a tired slave is less capable of resisting their master. A slave can either be perfectly fine, tired, fatigued or exhausted. Excessive tiredness will negatively impact a slave's condition. Avoiding exhaustion can be done by taking them off tiresome assignments, assigning more lenient resting rules, letting them have time off, preferably in the <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Spa", "Spa")>> and providing them with comfortable living conditions. The spa is particularly useful as it is not just really effective at reducing tiredness as an assignment, but also as a relaxation reward or to a lesser degree a situational reward. Be sure to have enough room in your spa for slaves deserving such rewards. A good attendant will also help. It's worth keeping in mind that not all assignments are tiring either. + <br>Working hard will eventually make your slaves tired, this is only natural. Once tired they will no longer be able to perform to the best of their abilities and therefore this may be something to avoid, though a tired slave is more malleable and less capable of resisting their master. A slave can either be perfectly fine, tired, fatigued or exhausted. Excessive tiredness will negatively impact a slave's condition. Avoiding exhaustion can be done by taking them off tiresome assignments, assigning more lenient resting rules, letting them have time off, preferably in the <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Spa", "Spa")>> and providing them with comfortable living conditions. The spa is particularly useful as it is not just really effective at reducing tiredness as an assignment, but also as a relaxation reward or to a lesser degree a situational reward. Be sure to have enough room in your spa for slaves deserving such rewards. A good attendant will also help. It's worth keeping in mind that not all assignments are tiring and not all slaves are good at managing their time. <br><br>''Illness'' <br>Whether we like it or not, sometimes slaves get sick. Most of the time an illness will be nothing more than a minor inconvenience that clears up by the end of the week, but occasionally a slave might catch something that is best handled with the help of a <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Clinic", "Clinic")>>. Keeping slaves in good condition goes a long way to preventing too many issues, but one thing to be aware of is that chemical carcinogen buildup is particularly dangerous and can cause illnesses to become quite serious. A simple illness may be harmless but once a slave is seriously ill their condition will rapidly deteriorate.