diff --git a/src/pregmod/fSlaveFeed.tw b/src/pregmod/fSlaveFeed.tw
index 32a3c885bc42922ddc441f64a514303f83073201..ff5d3291cc1492c6f868537a2d4e2700e9c7b402 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/fSlaveFeed.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/fSlaveFeed.tw
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The first necessary step is to prepare the milk cow and _his2 udders.
 <<elseif $milkTap.fetish == "mindbroken">>
 	This is very easy, as $milkTap.slaveName blankly follows your every will. Combined with _his2 instinct to relieve the pressure in _his2 breasts, _he2 is simple to position.
-<<elseif $milkTap.rivalTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
 	This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName wants to see $activeSlave.slaveName's belly swell painfully as $he is forcefed _his2 milk. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>$he is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
 <<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Next, you see to $activeSlave.slaveName.
 <<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
 	$He hesitantly brings $his mouth to its milky nipple, uncertain about suckling from a living doll.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.rivalTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.rivalryTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
 	Knowing $his relationship with $milkTap.slaveName, you feel it best to restrain $him and anchor $him to $milkTap.slaveName's milky nipple so $he has no choice but to drink until you release $him.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.relationshipTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ The first necessary step is to prepare the cum slave and $his cock and balls.
 <<elseif $milkTap.fetish == "mindbroken">>
 	This is very easy, as $milkTap.slaveName blankly follows your every will. Combined with _his2 instinct to relieve the building pressure in _his2 loins, _he2 is simple to position.
-<<elseif $milkTap.rivalTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
 		This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName wants to see $activeSlave.slaveName's belly swell painfully as $he is forced to suck down _his2 huge loads.
 <<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ Next, you see to $activeSlave.slaveName.
 <<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
 	$He hesitantly brings $his mouth to its precum tipped dick, uncertain about sucking off a doll.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.rivalTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.rivalryTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
 	Knowing $his relationship with $milkTap.slaveName, you feel it best to restrain $him and anchor $his to $milkTap.slaveName's eager cock so $he has no choice but to suck $his way to release.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.relationshipTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw b/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
index fe35b7ff25ca52743c75b2ab1bb7c6ef07579665..ae77804fa35c3952f367453795a54ea7439f041c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ __Special Arcology Upgrades__
 <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> is using an alternative personality setting, speaking in a sultry, sexual voice, and talking as though the penthouse's sex toys are _hisA body.
 <<if ($assistant > 1)>>
-She also has charge of all smart piercings in the arcology, and is using her adaptations to sexual duties to improve their effectiveness.
+_HeA also has charge of all smart piercings in the arcology, and is using _hisA adaptations to sexual duties to improve their effectiveness.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/matchmaking.tw b/src/uncategorized/matchmaking.tw
index 332373ff8328a51b6c0ddda95156f08dfb581f19..f17fcb9fac9adfbf2b0a40fadaf88c1746b008ee 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/matchmaking.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/matchmaking.tw
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Despite $his devotion and trust, $he is still a slave, and probably knows that $
 	instructions, _hisA
 	<<if $assistantAppearance == "monstergirl">>
-		monstergirl avatar appearing in a surprisingly conventional surplice that covers her up decently. All except for her horns, which protrude from under the headpiece.
+		monstergirl avatar appearing in a surprisingly conventional surplice that covers _himA up decently. All except for _hisA horns, which protrude from under the headpiece.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "shemale">>
 		shemale avatar appears in a collar patterned to look like a minister's, and absolutely nothing else, stroking herself with anticipation.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "amazon">>
@@ -96,31 +96,31 @@ Despite $his devotion and trust, $he is still a slave, and probably knows that $
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "fairy">>
 		fairy avatar looking incredibly silly, dressed in an oversized, disheveled priest's robes and looking rather smug about it.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "pregnant fairy">>
-		fairy avatar looking incredibly silly, dressed in an oversized, disheveled priest's robes stretched tight by her pregnant belly and looking rather smug about it.
+		fairy avatar looking incredibly silly, dressed in an oversized, disheveled priest's robes stretched tight by _hisA pregnant belly and looking rather smug about it.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "goddess">>
-		goddess avatar completely unchanged, since she considers her usual form perfectly appropriate for a marriage.
+		goddess avatar completely unchanged, since _heA considers _hisA usual form perfectly appropriate for a marriage.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "hypergoddess">>
-		goddess avatar completely unchanged, since she considers her usual form perfectly appropriate for a marriage.
+		goddess avatar completely unchanged, since _heA considers _hisA usual form perfectly appropriate for a marriage.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "loli">>
-		loli avatar looking surprisingly mature in a minister's collar. Though, she would rather be the flower girl in this wedding.
+		loli avatar looking surprisingly mature in a minister's collar. Though, _heA would rather be the flower girl in this wedding.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "preggololi">>
-		loli avatar looking surprisingly mature in a minister's collar. Though, she would rather be the flower girl in this wedding.
+		loli avatar looking surprisingly mature in a minister's collar. Though, _heA would rather be the flower girl in this wedding.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "schoolgirl">>
-		schoolgirl avatar looking willfully absurd in a minister's collar and her usual short plaid skirt.
+		schoolgirl avatar looking willfully absurd in a minister's collar and _hisA usual short plaid skirt.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "angel">>
-		angelic avatar looking, well, angelic in her usual garb with an added minister's collar.
+		angelic avatar looking, well, angelic in _hisA usual garb with an added minister's collar.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "cherub">>
-		angelic avatar looking absurd in her oversized robe, complete with wingholes, and minister's collar.
+		angelic avatar looking absurd in _hisA oversized robe, complete with wingholes, and minister's collar.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "incubus">>
-		demonic avatar completely unchanged, since she considers her usual form perfectly appropriate for a marriage, though she has made sure to be fully erect for the wedding.
+		demonic avatar completely unchanged, since _heA considers _hisA usual form perfectly appropriate for a marriage, though _heA has made sure to be fully erect for the wedding.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "succubus">>
-		demonic avatar wearing nothing but a minister's collar. She has brought several marital aids along with her to tease the bride and groom with.
+		demonic avatar wearing nothing but a minister's collar. _HeA has brought several marital aids along with _himA to tease the bride and groom with.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "imp">>
-		demonic avatar looking absurd in her oversized robe, complete with wingholes, and minister's collar.
+		demonic avatar looking absurd in _hisA oversized robe, complete with wingholes, and minister's collar.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "witch">>
 		witchy avatar looking rather formal in a fine robe and minister's collar.
 	<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "ERROR_1606_APPEARANCE_FILE_CORRUPT">>
-		twitching avatar completely unchanged, sans a bulbous ring of flesh around her neck that sort of resembles a minister's collar.
+		twitching avatar completely unchanged, sans a bulbous ring of flesh around _hisA neck that sort of resembles a minister's collar.
 		symbol appearing in white.
@@ -131,46 +131,46 @@ Despite $his devotion and trust, $he is still a slave, and probably knows that $
 	<<replace "#result2">>
 	You order $assistantName to simply redesignate $eventSlave.slaveName as your slave wife.
 	<<if $assistant == 0>>
-		"Slave redesignated," it responds immediately. The thing is done.
+		"Slave redesignated," _heA responds immediately. The thing is done.
 		<<if $assistantAppearance == "monstergirl">>
-			_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and shrugs off its surplice, revealing her tentacle hair, pale skin, and cocks once more.
+			_HisA avatar snaps _hisA fingers and shrugs off _hisA surplice, revealing _hisA tentacle hair, pale skin, and cocks once more.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "shemale">>
-			_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and starts to masturbate more energetically.
+			_HisA avatar snaps _hisA fingers and starts to masturbate more energetically.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "amazon">>
-			_HisA avatar gives its medicine stick a shake.
+			_HisA avatar gives _hisA medicine stick a shake.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "businesswoman">>
-			_HisA avatar snaps its fingers.
+			_HisA avatar snaps _hisA fingers.
 		<<elseif ($assistantAppearance == "fairy") || ($assistantAppearance == "pregnant fairy")>>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands twice, looking a bit disappointed at the lack of celebration.
+			_HisA avatar claps _hisA hands twice, looking a bit disappointed at the lack of celebration.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "goddess">>
 			_HisA avatar makes a complex hand gesture, looking beatific.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "hypergoddess">>
 			_HisA avatar makes a complex hand gesture, looking beatific.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "loli">>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands together.
+			_HisA avatar claps _hisA hands together.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "preggololi">>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands together.
+			_HisA avatar claps _hisA hands together.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "schoolgirl">>
-			_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and gives a little twirl.
+			_HisA avatar snaps _hisA fingers and gives a little twirl.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "angel">>
-			_HisA avatar spreads its wings and arms and emits a flash of light.
+			_HisA avatar spreads _hisA wings and arms and emits a flash of light.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "cherub">>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands together, emitting a burst of light.
+			_HisA avatar claps _hisA hands together, emitting a burst of light.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "incubus">>
-			_HisA avatar flick the tip of its penis and blows her load towards the both of you.
+			_HisA avatar flick the tip of _hisA penis and blows _hisA load towards the both of you.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "succubus">>
 			_HisA avatar starts to masturbate furiously and orgasms lewdly.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "imp">>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands together, emitting a burst of darkness.
+			_HisA avatar claps _hisA hands together, emitting a burst of darkness.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "witch">>
-			_HisA avatar pulls out its spellbook and attempts a spell to bind you two; she manages to conjure a large ring around her, pinning her arms to her sides.
+			_HisA avatar pulls out _hisA spellbook and attempts a spell to bind you two; _heA manages to conjure a large ring around _himA, pinning _hisA arms to _hisA sides.
 		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "ERROR_1606_APPEARANCE_FILE_CORRUPT">>
 			_HisA avatar splits open to reveal a number of tentacles and wraps them around each other.
 			_HisA symbol flashes.
-		"Done," she says.
+		"Done," _heA says.
 	<<set $eventSlave.relationship = -3>>
 	<<if $PC.surname>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
index b82fdad72da74b01a279a5568d7249906f44682f..0e13574fdb2799145b873160c412561085216bc6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
@@ -184,11 +184,11 @@ There's a display case behind your desk,
 <<if $trinkets.length > 2>>
 	<<for $i = 0; $i < $trinkets.length; $i++>>
-	<<if $i < $trinkets.length-1>>
-		$trinkets[$i],
-	<<else>>
-		and $trinkets[$i].
-	<</if>>
+		<<if $i < $trinkets.length-1>>
+			$trinkets[$i],
+		<<else>>
+			and $trinkets[$i].
+		<</if>>
 <<elseif $trinkets.length > 1>>
 	with a couple of items: $trinkets[0], and $trinkets[1].
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pUndergroundRailroad.tw b/src/uncategorized/pUndergroundRailroad.tw
index 16ef83fc34d8c16af222b9a2ebb097eb41688661..a08f57f51735450aa7842ef48fefd340f6752188 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/pUndergroundRailroad.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/pUndergroundRailroad.tw
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@ You call $activeSlave.slaveName in and politely inquire as to whether $he knows
 <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
 	gestures meekly
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.lips > 70)>>
-	lisps meekly through her huge lips
+	lisps meekly through $his huge lips
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.lipsPiercing+$activeSlave.tonguePiercing > 2)>>
-	lisps meekly through her piercings
+	lisps meekly through $his piercings
 	mumbles meekly
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ that several nondescript citizens $he sees occasionally at work have passed a fe
 <br><<link "Chemically lobotomize $him to extirpate any record of the incident">>
 	<<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "AS Dump", $returnTo = "Random Nonindividual Event">><<UpdateNextButton>> /* unlock Continue button */
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You inform $activeSlave.slaveName that $he is to return to $his duties, which $he does, mystified. Later in the day $he finds herself scheduled for surgery, and meekly goes. As $he feels the cool touch of the injector, loaded with powerful chemical lobotomizing agents, $he looks up at the camera above the auto-surgery with a hint of resigned apology in $his eyes. When $he is released from the surgery's care a few hours later, the hint is gone. @@.red;As is everything.@@
+	You inform $activeSlave.slaveName that $he is to return to $his duties, which $he does, mystified. Later in the day $he finds $himself scheduled for surgery, and meekly goes. As $he feels the cool touch of the injector, loaded with powerful chemical lobotomizing agents, $he looks up at the camera above the auto-surgery with a hint of resigned apology in $his eyes. When $he is released from the surgery's care a few hours later, the hint is gone. @@.red;As is everything.@@
 	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "mindbroken">>
diff --git a/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw b/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
index 76170bca82ed35401670aa0ee3e79d6c2df2fad7..b016ff68acd0a7be0aac874455984cde632aa4e2 100644
--- a/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@
 <<if random(1,2) == 1 && canWalk($slaves[$i])>> /* at assignment else in halls/etc, only if able to move */
 	<<if $slaves[$i].rivalry > 0>>
-		<<set _bw = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].rivalTarget]>>
+		<<set _bw = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].rivalryTarget]>>
 		<<if _bw != -1>>
 			<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[_bw] 2>>
@@ -1171,7 +1171,7 @@
 	<<if ($Nurse != 0)>>
 		<<setLocalPronouns $Nurse 2>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName is in the perfect place to give birth when $his water breaks. <<if $Nurse != 0>>$Nurse.slaveName<<else>>A freelance nurse<</if>> delivers $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> before taking them away. Before long _he2 returns to attend to _his2 patient's post-birth health.
+	$slaves[$i].slaveName is in the perfect place to give birth when $his water breaks. <<if $Nurse != 0>>$Nurse.slaveName<<else>>A freelance nurse<</if>> delivers $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> before taking them away. <<if $Nurse != 0>>Before long _he2 returns to attend to _his2 patient's post-birth health<<else>>Another nurse takes over to attend to $his post-birth health<</if>>.
 <<case "be confined in the cellblock">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>