diff --git a/sanityCheck b/sanityCheck
index 780894288db13deac3ac69daa42507ef6414549f..412422f8782907c03bc01557d50c9c839ff05d62 100755
--- a/sanityCheck
+++ b/sanityCheck
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ $GREP "<<[ ]*elseif[^>=]*[^><\!=]=[^=][^>]*>>" -- 'src/*' | myprint "AccidentalA
 # Check for missing ".  e.g.:   <<if $foo == "hello>>
 $GREP "<<[^\"<>]*\"[^\"<>]*>>" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingSpeechMark"
 # Check for missing ".  e.g.:   <<if $foo = "hello)
-$GREP "<<[^\"<>]*\([^\"<>]*\"[^><\"]*\"\| [<>] \)*\"\([^\"<>]*\"[^><\"]*\"\| [<>] \)*\([^\"<>]\| [<>] \)*>>" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingSpeechMark2"
+$GREP -e "<<[^\"<>]*\([^\"<>]*\"[^><\"]*\"\| [<>] \)*\"\([^\"<>]*\"[^><\"]*\"\| [<>] \)*\([^\"<>]\| [<>] \)*>>" --and --not -e "*[^']*" -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingSpeechMark2"
 # Check for colors like: @@color:red   - should be @@.red
 $GREP -e "@@color:" --and --not -e  "@@color:rgb([0-9 ]\+,[0-9 ]\+,[0-9 ]\+)" -- "src/*" | myprint "UseCssColors"
 # Check for missing $ in activeSlave or PC
diff --git a/src/init/dummy.tw b/src/init/dummy.tw
index df7a2f03e990bbabccaecb7236ab7fb5aa85fab9..fd04e32ef61d63699ea33f466f00297db27f1353 100644
--- a/src/init/dummy.tw
+++ b/src/init/dummy.tw
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ $belarusianSlaveNames, $dominicanSlaveNames, $scottishSlaveNames
 $ArcologyNamesEugenics, $ArcologyNamesRepopulationist, $ArcologyNamesHedonisticDecadence
 $hare1, $hare2, $hare3, $hareSpeed, $hareSpeed1, $hareSpeed2, $hareSpeed3, $origin1, $origin2, $origin3, $LurcherSpeed
+$SSSlavesIDs, $SSLevel
 $activeSlave.bodySwap, $activeSlave.customImageFormat, $activeSlave.customHairVector, $activeSlave.shoeColor
 $PC.origRace, $PC.origSkin
diff --git a/src/js/utilJS.tw b/src/js/utilJS.tw
index 9a3a10284825f73b9344d1dc524172e0505c9d30..5afa12b152ff47a082bf0d081b74c0198746446f 100644
--- a/src/js/utilJS.tw
+++ b/src/js/utilJS.tw
@@ -104,16 +104,6 @@ window.Height = (function(){
 		"Slovene": 167.4, "a Solomon Islander": 151.8, "Sri Lankan": 151.4, "Surinamese": 155.7, "Tajik": 161.2, "Tongan": 159.5,
 		"Trinidadian": 157.4, "Turkmen": 158.2, "Ni-Vanuatu": 149.8, "Vatican": 162.5,
 		"": 162.5 // default
-		/* undefined version
-		"Antiguan": undefined, "Aruban": undefined, "Azerbaijani": 162.4, "Bahamian":undefined, "Bahraini": 154.2,
-		"Barbadian": undefined, "Bhutanese": undefined, "Burundian": undefined, "a Cook Islander": undefined, "Cypriot": undefined,
-		"Dominiquais": undefined, "East Timorese": undefined, "Ecuadorian": undefined, "Fijian": 161.8, "French Guianan": undefined,
-		"Georgian": undefined, "Guyanese": undefined, "Kuwaiti": undefined, "Kyrgyz": undefined, "Latvian": 165.7, "a Liechtensteiner": undefined, 
-		"Niuean": undefined, "Palauan": undefined, "Palestinian": undefined, "Papua New Guinean": undefined, "Paraguayan": undefined, "Qatari": undefined,
-		"Kittitian": undefined, "Saint Lucian": undefined, "Vincentian": undefined, "Samoan": undefined, "Seychellois": undefined,
-		"Slovene": 167.4, "a Solomon Islander": undefined, "Sri Lankan": 151.4, "Surinamese": undefined, "Tajik": undefined, "Tongan": undefined,
-		"Trinidadian": undefined, "Turkmen": undefined, "Ni-Vanuatu": undefined, "Vatican": undefined, */
 	const xyMeanHeight = {
 		"American.white": 178.2, "American.black": 177.4, "American.latina": 172.5, "American.asian": 172.5, "American": 176.4, 
@@ -149,16 +139,6 @@ window.Height = (function(){
 		"Slovene": 180.3, "a Solomon Islander": 163.1, "Sri Lankan": 163.6, "Surinamese": 165.2, "Tajik": 175.2, "Tongan": 168.2,
 		"Trinidadian": 170.8, "Turkmen": 171.4, "Ni-Vanuatu": 160.5, "Vatican": 176.5,
 		"": 172.5 // defaults
-		/* undefined version
-		"Antiguan": undefined, "Aruban": undefined, "Azerbaijani": 171.8, "Bahamian":undefined, "Bahraini": 165.1,
-		"Barbadian": undefined, "Bhutanese": undefined, "Burundian": undefined, "a Cook Islander": undefined, "Cypriot": undefined,
-		"Dominiquais": undefined, "East Timorese": undefined, "Ecuadorian": undefined, "Fijian": 170.4, "French Guianan": undefined,
-		"Georgian": undefined, "Guyanese": undefined, "Kuwaiti": undefined, "Kyrgyz": undefined, "Latvian": 174.2, "a Liechtensteiner": undefined, 
-		"Niuean": undefined, "Palauan": undefined, "Palestinian": undefined, "Papua New Guinean": undefined, "Paraguayan": undefined, "Qatari": undefined,
-		"Kittitian": undefined, "Saint Lucian": undefined, "Vincentian": undefined, "Samoan": undefined, "Seychellois": undefined,
-		"Slovene": 180.3, "a Solomon Islander": undefined, "Sri Lankan": 163.6, "Surinamese": undefined, "Tajik": undefined, "Tongan": undefined,
-		"Trinidadian": undefined, "Turkmen": undefined, "Ni-Vanuatu": undefined, "Vatican": undefined, */
 	// Helper method - table lookup for nationality/race combinations
diff --git a/src/pregmod/SlaveSupportReport.tw b/src/pregmod/SlaveSupportReport.tw
index b44f65418449973ab97266a91acb0d1e2303f574..d4b663e351e79c021d301059e610ad8fc18d38dd 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/SlaveSupportReport.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/SlaveSupportReport.tw
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 /* Progression at facilities */
-	<<set _FLs = $slaves.findIndex(function(s)>>
+	<<set _FLs = $slaves.findIndex(function(s))>>
 <<if $SSLevelBarracks && $slaves[$i].XP >= 15>>
 	<<set $SSLBSCA += 1, $slaves[_FLs].devotion += 5, $slaves[_FLs].trust += 5,$slaves[_FLs].intelligence = 3,$slaves[_FLs].intelligenceImplant = 1, $slaves[_FLs].combatSkill = 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw b/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
index 767ae7692fb68f0e1cea4a439907edc6e5af24e8..84eb698835171ea2b8888e3275f98600e99868b5 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
@@ -1,16 +1,59 @@
-:: SFM Barracks
-/* The upgrades are currently ordered as: securityForceArcologyUpgrades(8),securityForceInfantryPower(11),securityForceStimulantPower(7),securityForceVehiclePower(7),securityForceAircraftPower(7),ssecurityForceSpacePlanePower(8),securityForceFortressZeppelin(3),securityForceAC130(5),ecurityForceDronePower(6),securityForceSatalitePower(11),securityForceGiantRobot(8)($terrain = "oceanic" securityForceAircraftCarrier(3)+securityForceSubmarine(4) -securityForceGiantRobot),securityForceX */
-<<set $nextButton = "Back to Main">>
-<<set $nextLink = "Main">>
-<<set $returnTo = "Barracks">>
+:: SFM Barracks [nobr]
+/* SFAnon, check your upgrade numbers. Satellite in particular. */
+/* The upgrades are currently ordered as:
+($terrain = "oceanic" 
+	securityForceAircraftCarrier(3)
+	securityForceSubmarine(4)
+	-securityForceGiantRobot)
+securityForceX */
+<<set $nextButton = "Back to Main", $nextLink = "Main", $returnTo = "Barracks">>
 //$securityForceName's barracks is located in the arcology's lower levels, occupying unneeded warehouse space. It is not accessible to the general citizenry, but your personal elevator has express service to it. As you step off, two soldiers in combat armour manning the entry checkpoint tense and raise their weapons, before nodding respectfully and stepping aside, allowing their patron entry. The barracks is cavernous, containing areas for the soldiers to sleep and keep their belongings, areas for the storage and maintenance of their weapons and equipment, and common areas for them to amuse themselves, since they rarely mix with your citizens on the upper levels. You survey the facilities.//
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Barracks:'' 
-		/* 8 upgrades */ <<nobr>><<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 0>>The barracks is currently quite basic, consisting of little more than a dormitory, armoury, a processing facility for human spoils, and a common area, sectioned off by stacks of empty supply crates. The cavernous space, however, is ripe for expansion.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 1>>The barracks has become more permanent, expanding into free space, erecting permanent dividers, and sectioning off an area for use as a garage and vehicle maintenance bay.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 2>>The barracks has added a facility for the storage, maintenance, and deployment of armed combat drones, and added storage facilities for the soldiers to store their personal spoils in.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 3>>The barracks has added additional support personnel and equipment, allowing the potential procurement of heavier infantry armour, fighting vehicles, and combat drones.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 4>>The barracks has expanded tremendously, adding an aerial control facility and express elevator connecting to a ring of launch pads and hangars built around the arcology's upper levels. Additional facilities have been added for soldier recreation, and spartan quarters for live-in slaves, both menial and service, have been installed.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 5>>The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly delineated soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, in addition to advanced command and control apparatus. As a final measure, heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery pieces have been installed in casemates along the aerial launch pads, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 6>>	The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly defined soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, and advanced command and control apparatus. As a final measure, quad heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery pieces have been installed in casemates along the aerial launch pads, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 7>>The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly defined soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, and advanced command and control apparatus. As a final measure, quad heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery pieces have been installed in fortified EMP/jammer resistant casemates along the aerial launch pads, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 8>>The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly defined soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, and advanced command and control apparatus. As final measures, quad heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery pieces have been installed in fortified EMP/jammer resistant casemates along the aerial launch pads and a powerful aracolgy wide electromagnetic forcefield has been installed, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 9>>The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly defined soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, and advanced command and control apparatus. As final measures, quad heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery 140 inch pieces have been installed in fortified EMP/jammer resistant casemates along the aerial launch pads and a powerful aracolgy wide electromagnetic forcefield has been installed, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.<</if>><</nobr>>
-<<nobr>><div style="margin-left:1em"><<if $securityForcePersonnel < 100>>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Barracks:''
+/* 9 upgrades */
+<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 0>>
+	The barracks is currently quite basic, consisting of little more than a dormitory, armoury, a processing facility for human spoils, and a common area, sectioned off by stacks of empty supply crates. The cavernous space, however, is ripe for expansion.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 1>>
+	The barracks has become more permanent, expanding into free space, erecting permanent dividers, and sectioning off an area for use as a garage and vehicle maintenance bay.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 2>>
+	The barracks has added a facility for the storage, maintenance, and deployment of armed combat drones, and added storage facilities for the soldiers to store their personal spoils in.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 3>>
+	The barracks has added additional support personnel and equipment, allowing the potential procurement of heavier infantry armour, fighting vehicles, and combat drones.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 4>>
+	The barracks has expanded tremendously, adding an aerial control facility and express elevator connecting to a ring of launch pads and hangars built around the arcology's upper levels. Additional facilities have been added for soldier recreation, and spartan quarters for live-in slaves, both menial and service, have been installed.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 5>>
+	The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly delineated soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, in addition to advanced command and control apparatus. As a final measure, heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery pieces have been installed in casemates along the aerial launch pads, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 6>>
+	The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly defined soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, and advanced command and control apparatus. As a final measure, quad heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery pieces have been installed in casemates along the aerial launch pads, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 7>>
+	The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly defined soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, and advanced command and control apparatus. As a final measure, quad heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery pieces have been installed in fortified EMP/jammer resistant casemates along the aerial launch pads, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 8>>
+	The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly defined soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, and advanced command and control apparatus. As final measures, quad heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery pieces have been installed in fortified EMP/jammer resistant casemates along the aerial launch pads and a powerful aracolgy wide electromagnetic forcefield has been installed, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.
+<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 9>>
+	The barracks has (mostly) taken on the appearance of a professional military installation, with clearly defined soldier and logistical areas, dedicated support and recreation facilities, and advanced command and control apparatus. As final measures, quad heavy, long range, electromagnetic railgun artillery 140 inch pieces have been installed in fortified EMP/jammer resistant casemates along the aerial launch pads and a powerful aracolgy wide electromagnetic forcefield has been installed, giving the $securityForceName an immense superiority in local firepower.
+<div style="margin-left:1em">
+<<if $securityForcePersonnel < 100>>
 	The barracks' large dormitories are sparsely occupied, the few members of the $securityForceName residing within them concentrating together in a corner. The hundreds of empty beds and lockers visible herald the future.
 <<elseif $securityForcePersonnel < 300>>
 	The barracks' large dormitories are lightly occupied, with the $securityForcePersonnel members of the $securityForceName starting to spread out across them.
@@ -19,42 +62,283 @@
 <<elseif $securityForcePersonnel < 700>>
 	The barracks' large dormitories are well-occupied, and the $securityForcePersonnel members of the $securityForceName within have started to form small cliques based on section and row.
 <<elseif $securityForcePersonnel < 1500>>
-	The barracks' large dormitories are near capacity, and the $securityForcePersonnel members of the $securityForceName often barter their personal loot, whether it be monetary or human, for the choicest bunks.<</if>></div><</nobr>>
-&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Armoury:''
-		<<nobr>>/* 11 upgrades */ 
-		<<if $securityForceInfantryPower == 0>>The armoury is well-stocked with high-quality personal weapons and light armour, but contains little in the way of exceptional armament.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 1>>The armoury has large stocks of the absolute latest personal weapons and light armour, and has added first-generation exo-suits to improve soldier lethality.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 2>>The armoury has acquired advanced tactical helmets and second-generation exo-suits to further improve soldier lethality.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 3>>The armoury has replaced deployed exo-suits with basic enclosed combat armour suits, and has further begun to deploy early electromagnetic (coilgun) weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 4>>The armoury has begun to equip the soldiers with more advanced combat armour suits, and has expanded its inventory of electromagnetic weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 5>>The armoury has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits, and has further sourced small advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 6>>The armoury has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits, and has further sourced both small and medium advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 7>>The armoury has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits, and has further sourced small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 8>>The armoury has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits with basic thrusters, and has further sourced both small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 9>>The armoury has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits with advanced thrusters, and has further sourced both small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 10>>The armoury has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits with advanced thrusters,basic optical illusion kits, and has further sourced small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 11>>The armoury has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits with advanced thrusters,advanced optical illusion kits, and has further sourced small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.<</if>><</nobr>>
+	The barracks' large dormitories are near capacity, and the $securityForcePersonnel members of the $securityForceName often barter their personal loot, whether it be monetary or human, for the choicest bunks.
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Armory:''
+/* 11 upgrades */ 
+<<if $securityForceInfantryPower == 0>>
+	The armory is well-stocked with high-quality personal weapons and light armour, but contains little in the way of exceptional armament.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 1>>
+	The armory has large stocks of the absolute latest personal weapons and light armour, and has added first-generation exo-suits to improve soldier lethality.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 2>>
+	The armory has acquired advanced tactical helmets and second-generation exo-suits to further improve soldier lethality.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 3>>
+	The armory has replaced deployed exo-suits with basic enclosed combat armour suits, and has further begun to deploy early electromagnetic (coilgun) weaponry.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 4>>
+	The armory has begun to equip the soldiers with more advanced combat armour suits, and has expanded its inventory of electromagnetic weaponry.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 5>>
+	The armory has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits, and has further sourced small advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 6>>
+	The armory has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits, and has further sourced both small and medium advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 7>>
+	The armory has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits, and has further sourced small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 8>>
+	The armory has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits with basic thrusters, and has further sourced both small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 9>>
+	The armory has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits with advanced thrusters, and has further sourced both small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 10>>
+	The armory has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits with advanced thrusters,basic optical illusion kits, and has further sourced small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.
+<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 11>>
+	The armory has acquired heavy weapon attachments for its combat armour suits with advanced thrusters,advanced optical illusion kits, and has further sourced small/medium and large advanced electromagnetic weaponry (miniaturized railguns) for the soldiers, ensuring that the infantry of the $securityForceName is perhaps the most well-equipped in the world.
 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Stimulant Lab:''
-		<<nobr>>/* 7 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceStimulantPower == 0>>The stimulant lab is providing the soldiers with standard ephedrine-based stimulants.<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 1>>The stimulant lab has improved the formula of the ephedrine-based stimulants, concentrating them and increasing both their potency, and the effectiveness of the soldiers under their influence.<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 2>>The stimulant lab has replaced the soldiers' stimulants with methamphetamine-based variants, greatly increasing their alertness and aggressiveness when under their influence.<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 3>>The stimulant lab has improved and concentrated the methamphetamine-based stimulants, and has also begun providing soldiers with phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, allowing the soldiers to excuse their actions in the field and reducing any reluctance to follow severe orders.<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 4>>The stimulant lab has further refined the formulas of the methamphetamine-based stimulants and phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, and has also begun providing tryptamine-based psychedelics to the soldiers, allowing them to avoid traumatic stress in the field.<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 5>>The stimulant lab has maximally refined the formulas of the methamphetamine-based stimulants, phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, and tryptamine-based psychedelics, increasing their effectiveness in all aspects and ensuring that the soldiers of the $securityForceName go into combat wired, aggressive, and euphoric (if needed).<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 6>>The stimulant lab has sligtly refined the formulas of higher purity methamphetamine-based stimulants, phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, and tryptamine-based psychedelics, increasing their effectiveness in all aspects and ensuring that the soldiers of the $securityForceName go into combat wired, aggressive, and euphoric (if needed).<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 7>>The stimulant lab has maximally refined the formulas of higher purity methamphetamine-based stimulants, phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, and tryptamine-based psychedelics, increasing their effectiveness in all aspects and ensuring that the soldiers of the $securityForceName go into combat wired, aggressive, and euphoric (if needed).<</if>><</nobr>> 
+/* 7 upgrades */
+<<if $securityForceStimulantPower == 0>>
+	The stimulant lab is providing the soldiers with standard ephedrine-based stimulants.
+<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 1>>
+	The stimulant lab has improved the formula of the ephedrine-based stimulants, concentrating them and increasing both their potency, and the effectiveness of the soldiers under their influence.
+<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 2>>
+	The stimulant lab has replaced the soldiers' stimulants with methamphetamine-based variants, greatly increasing their alertness and aggressiveness when under their influence.
+<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 3>>
+	The stimulant lab has improved and concentrated the methamphetamine-based stimulants, and has also begun providing soldiers with phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, allowing the soldiers to excuse their actions in the field and reducing any reluctance to follow severe orders.
+<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 4>>
+	The stimulant lab has further refined the formulas of the methamphetamine-based stimulants and phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, and has also begun providing tryptamine-based psychedelics to the soldiers, allowing them to avoid traumatic stress in the field.
+<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 5>>
+	The stimulant lab has maximally refined the formulas of the methamphetamine-based stimulants, phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, and tryptamine-based psychedelics, increasing their effectiveness in all aspects and ensuring that the soldiers of the $securityForceName go into combat wired, aggressive, and euphoric (if needed).
+<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 6>>
+	The stimulant lab has sligtly refined the formulas of higher purity methamphetamine-based stimulants, phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, and tryptamine-based psychedelics, increasing their effectiveness in all aspects and ensuring that the soldiers of the $securityForceName go into combat wired, aggressive, and euphoric (if needed).
+<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 7>>
+	The stimulant lab has maximally refined the formulas of higher purity methamphetamine-based stimulants, phenylcyclidine-based dissociatives, and tryptamine-based psychedelics, increasing their effectiveness in all aspects and ensuring that the soldiers of the $securityForceName go into combat wired, aggressive, and euphoric (if needed).
-<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 1>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Garage:''<</if>> 
-		<<nobr>>/* 7 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceVehiclePower == 0 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 1>>The garage contains basic, unarmoured vehicles for use by the soldiers, primarily high-end civilian vehicles with jury-rigged crew-served weapons.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 1>>The garage has replaced its technical fleet with armed military utility vehicles. It has also sourced customized, high-volume slave transports for better securing human spoils.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 2>>The garage has added a number of light infantry fighting vehicles to its fleet, and acquired more slave transports to keep up with demand.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 3>>The garage has acquired improved infantry fighting vehicles, and has also added some mobile artillery and other support vehicles.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 4>>The garage has acquired some heavier armoured vehicles to augment the infantry fighting vehicles and expanded their inventory of artillery and support vehicles.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 5>>The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 6>>The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced light variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 7>>The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced heavy variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.<</if>><</nobr>>
-<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >=4>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Hangar:''<</if>> 
-		/* 7 upgrades */ <<nobr>><<if $securityForceAircraftPower == 0 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >=4>>The aerial fleet primarily consists of light transport VTOLs equipped with non-lethal weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 1>>The aerial fleet's light transport VTOLs have been upgraded with additional fire-power and lethal weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 2>>The aerial fleet's VTOLs have been upgraded to higher-capacity variants with heavier weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 3>>The aerial fleet's medium transport VTOLs have been upgraded with enhanced armour and customized cargo compartments to better transport captured stock.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 4>>The aerial fleet has acquired specialized attack VTOLs to complement and escort its advanced transport fleet, as well as to provide close air support.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 5>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 6>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 7>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed/armour, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 8>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed/armour, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.Also it now posseses a basic old world bomber.<</if>>
-		/* 8 upgrades */ <br><<if $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 1>>A basic two engine SpacePlane has been 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 2>>Upgraded the Space Plane's shielding, reducing both potential heat damage and radar signature.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 3>>Mounted another engine on top of the Space Plane's tail.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 4>>Modernised the elecontrics.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 5>>Modernised the fuel lines to increase efficency.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 6>>Modernised the Space Plane's engines to allow for more efficent fuel.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 7>>Reduced Space Plane's weight and reworked the body to reduce drag.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 8>>Increased the SpacePlane's crew comfort and life support systems to increase operational time.<</if>> 
-		/* 3 upgrades */ <br><<if $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 1>>A basic Fortress Zeppelin has been 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 2>>Modernised the armor.<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 3>>Modernised the weaponry.<</if>>
-		/* 5 upgrades */ <br><<if $securityForceAC130 == 1>>A basic AC-130 has been 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 2>>Modernised the AC-130's armor.<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 3>>Modernised the AC-130's weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 4>>Modernised the AC-130's eletronics.<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 5>>Modernised the AC-130's crew seating.<</if>><</nobr>>
+<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 1>>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Garage:''
+/* 7 upgrades */
+<<if $securityForceVehiclePower == 0>>
+	The garage contains basic, unarmoured vehicles for use by the soldiers, primarily high-end civilian vehicles with jury-rigged crew-served weapons.
+<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 1>>
+	The garage has replaced its technical fleet with armed military utility vehicles. It has also sourced customized, high-volume slave transports for better securing human spoils.
+<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 2>>
+	The garage has added a number of light infantry fighting vehicles to its fleet, and acquired more slave transports to keep up with demand.
+<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 3>>
+	The garage has acquired improved infantry fighting vehicles, and has also added some mobile artillery and other support vehicles.
+<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 4>>
+	The garage has acquired some heavier armoured vehicles to augment the infantry fighting vehicles and expanded their inventory of artillery and support vehicles.
+<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 5>>
+	The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.
+<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 6>>
+	The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced light variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.
+<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 7>>
+	The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced heavy variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.
+<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4>>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Hangar:''
+/* 7 upgrades */
+<<if $securityForceAircraftPower == 0>>
+	The aerial fleet primarily consists of light transport VTOLs equipped with non-lethal weaponry.
+<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 1>>
+	The aerial fleet's light transport VTOLs have been upgraded with additional fire-power and lethal weaponry.
+<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 2>>
+	The aerial fleet's VTOLs have been upgraded to higher-capacity variants with heavier weaponry.
+<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 3>>
+	The aerial fleet's medium transport VTOLs have been upgraded with enhanced armour and customized cargo compartments to better transport captured stock.
+<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 4>>
+	The aerial fleet has acquired specialized attack VTOLs to complement and escort its advanced transport fleet, as well as to provide close air support.
+<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 5>>
+	The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.
+<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 6>>
+	The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.
+<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 7>>
+	The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed/armour, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.
+<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 8>>
+	The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed/armour, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.Also it now posseses a basic old world bomber.
+<<if $securityForceSpacePlanePower > 0>>
+	<br>
+	/* 8 upgrades */
+	<<if $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 1>>
+		A basic two engine SpacePlane has been 'borrowed' from the old world.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 2>>
+		Upgraded the Space Plane's shielding, reducing both potential heat damage and radar signature.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 3>>
+		Mounted another engine on top of the Space Plane's tail.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 4>>
+		Modernised the electronics.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 5>>
+		Modernised the fuel lines to increase efficency.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 6>>
+		Modernised the Space Plane's engines to allow for more efficent fuel.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 7>>
+		Reduced Space Plane's weight and reworked the body to reduce drag.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 8>>
+		Increased the SpacePlane's crew comfort and life support systems to increase operational time.
+	<</if>> 
+<<if $securityForceFortressZeppelin > 0>>
+	<br>
+	/* 3 upgrades */
+	<<if $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 1>>
+		A basic Fortress Zeppelin has been 'borrowed' from the old world.
+	<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 2>>
+		Modernised the armor.
+	<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 3>>
+		Modernised the weaponry.
+	<</if>>
+<<if $securityForceAC130 > 0>>
+	<br>
+	/* 5 upgrades */
+	<<if $securityForceAC130 == 1>>
+		A basic AC-130 has been 'borrowed' from the old world.
+	<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 2>>
+		Modernised the AC-130's armor.
+	<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 3>>
+		Modernised the AC-130's weaponry.
+	<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 4>>
+		Modernised the AC-130's eletronics.
+	<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 5>>
+		Modernised the AC-130's crew seating.
+	<</if>>
-<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 2>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Drone Bay:''<</if>> 
-		<<nobr>> /* 6 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceDronePower == 0>>The drone bay contains a small number of 're-purposed' non-military drones from the arcology's original contingent.<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 1>>The drone bay has replaced the security drones with basic, lightly-armoured military combat models possessing integrated small arms.<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 2>>The drone bay has replaced its basic military drones with more advanced models and added a number of support drones carrying heavy weaponry to its fleet.<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 3>>The drone bay has acquired even more advanced models of both the standard combat drones and the heavy support drones, and expanded its numbers of both.<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 4>>The drone bay has acted to upgrade both the standard and support models of drones to carry basic electromagnetic weaponry, improving their overall combat effectiveness.<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 5>>The drone bay has improved the electromagnetic armament of it's drones by mounting both miniaturized and heavy railguns on them. In addition further sourcing numerous models of drones for roles as diverse as reconnaissance, independent slave capture and swarming tactics.<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 6>>The drone bay has acquired even lighter advanced armoured combat Drones with electromagnetic weaponry, advanced heavy Drones with electromagnetic support weaponry, and specialized Drones for reconnaissance, capture, and swarm tactics.<</if>><</nobr>>
+<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 2>>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Drone Bay:''
+/* 6 upgrades */
+<<if $securityForceDronePower == 0>>
+	The drone bay contains a small number of 're-purposed' non-military drones from the arcology's original contingent.
+<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 1>>
+	The drone bay has replaced the security drones with basic, lightly-armoured military combat models possessing integrated small arms.
+<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 2>>
+	The drone bay has replaced its basic military drones with more advanced models and added a number of support drones carrying heavy weaponry to its fleet.
+<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 3>>
+	The drone bay has acquired even more advanced models of both the standard combat drones and the heavy support drones, and expanded its numbers of both.
+<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 4>>
+	The drone bay has acted to upgrade both the standard and support models of drones to carry basic electromagnetic weaponry, improving their overall combat effectiveness.
+<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 5>>
+	The drone bay has improved the electromagnetic armament of it's drones by mounting both miniaturized and heavy railguns on them. In addition further sourcing numerous models of drones for roles as diverse as reconnaissance, independent slave capture and swarming tactics.
+<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 6>>
+	The drone bay has acquired even lighter advanced armoured combat Drones with electromagnetic weaponry, advanced heavy Drones with electromagnetic support weaponry, and specialized Drones for reconnaissance, capture, and swarm tactics.
+<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4>>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Launch Bay:''
+<<if $securityForceSatalitePower > 0>>
+	<br>
+	/* 16 upgrades */
+	<<if $securityForceSatalitePower == 1>>
+		A basic satalite 'borrowed' from the old world.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 2>>
+		Modernised the satalite's elecontrics.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 3>>
+		Installed a basic localised communications jammer to the satalite (excludes your own frequencies with little to no leway) that will "slightly" anger locals untill it is deactivated.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 4>>
+		//Missing description, please notify SFanon//
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 5>>
+		An advanced communications jammer is installed in the satalite, increasing the AO localisation, reducing the number of effected equipement.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 6>>
+		Boosted the satalite's coms jammer power by 25% (now can damage effected equipment).
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 7>>
+		Boosted the satalite's coms jammer's power by 50% (now can destroy effected equipment).
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 8>>
+		The satalite is now equipped with a basic EMP generator (advanced EMP hardering was applied before the instulation and activation) will "slightly" anger locals untill it is deactivated.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 9>>
+		The satalite is now equipped with an advanced EMP generator, increasing the AO localisation which reduces the qunatiy of effected equipement.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 10>>
+		Bosted the output of the satalite's advanced EMP generator by 25% (now can damage effected equipment).
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 11>>
+		Bosted the output of the satalite's advanced EMP generator 50% (now can destroy effected equipment).
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 12>>
+		Povided R&D funds to be able to shoot a concentrated beam of pure enegery that is able to level an entire city block. It required overhualling the satalite's battery systen and shielding.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 13>>
+		Povided R&D funds to focus the bean enough to level a suburb.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 14>>
+		Povided R&D funds to focus the beam enough to level a box of houses.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 15>>
+		Povided R&D funds to focus the beam enough to level a single house.
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 16>>
+		Povided R&D funds to focus the beam enough to level twelve feet.
+	<</if>>
+<<if $securityForceGiantRobot > 0>>
+	<br>
+	/* 8 upgrades */
+	<<if $securityForceGiantRobot == 1>>
+		An old world Giant Robot has been 'Borrowed'.
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 2>>
+		Upgraded the Giant Robot's wiring and circuitry.
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 3>>
+		Upgraded the Giant Robot's power efficency.
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 4>>
+		Reduced the Giant Robot's weight.
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 5>>
+		Upgraded the Giant Robot's battery capacity.
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 6>>
+		Upgraded the Giant Robot's armour.
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 7>>
+		Upgraded the Giant Robot's weapons to add heat seeking missiles and a massive long sword in addition to quad 140 inch electromagnetic cannons.
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 8>>
+		Upgraded the Giant Robot to support two pilot's via a synced neural link.
+	<</if>> 
-<<nobr>><<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Launch Bay:''<</if>>
-		 /* 11 upgrades */ <br><<if $securityForceSatalitePower == 1>> A basic satalite 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 2>>Modernised the satalite's elecontrics.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 3>>Installed a basic localised communications jammer to the satalite (excludes your own frequencies with little to no leway) that will "slightly" anger locals untill it is deactivated.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 5>>An advanced communications jammer is installed in the satalite, increasing the AO localisation, reducing the number of effected equipement.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 6>>Boosted the satalite's coms jammer power by 25% (now can damage effected equipment).<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 7>>Boosted the satalite's coms jammer's power by 50% (now can destroy effected equipment).<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 8>>The satalite is now equipped with a basic EMP generator (advanced EMP hardering was applied before the instulation and activation) will "slightly" anger locals untill it is deactivated.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 9>>The satalite is now equipped with an advanced EMP generator, increasing the AO localisation which reduces the qunatiy of effected equipement.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 10>>Bosted the output of the satalite's advanced EMP generator by 25% (now can damage effected equipment).<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 11>>Bosted the output of the satalite's advanced EMP generator 50% (now can destroy effected equipment).<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 12>>Povided R&D funds to be able to shoot a concentrated beam of pure enegery that is able to level an entire city block.It required overhualling the satalite's battery systen and shielding.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 13>>Povided R&D funds to focus the bean enough to level a suburb.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 14>>Povided R&D funds to focus the beam enough to level a box of houses.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 15>>Povided R&D funds to focus the beam enough to level a single house.<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 16>>Povided R&D funds to focus the beam enough to level twelve feet.<</if>>
-		 <br><<if $securityForceGiantRobot == 1>>An old world Giant Robot has been 'Borrowed'.<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 2>>Upgraded the Giant Robot's wiring and circuitry.<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 3>>Upgraded the Giant Robot's power efficency.<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 4>>Reduced the Giant Robot's weight.<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 5>>Upgraded the Giant Robot's battery capacity.<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 6>>Upgraded the Giant Robot's armour.<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 7>>Upgraded the Giant Robot's weapons to add heat seeking missiles and a massive long sword in addition to quad 140 inch electromagnetic cannons.<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 8>>Upgraded the Giant Robot to support two pilot's via a synced neural link.<</if>> /* 8 upgrades */
-<<if $terrain == "oceanic">>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Naval Yard:''<</if>>
-		/* 4 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 1>>A basic Aircraft Carrier has been 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 2>>Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's eletronics.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 3>>Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 4>>Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's armour.<</if>>
-		/* 4 upgrades */ <br><<if $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 1>>A basic Aircraft Carrier has been 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 2>>Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's eletronics.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 3>>Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 3>>Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's armour.<</if>>
+<<if $terrain == "oceanic">>
+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Naval Yard:''
+<<if $securityForceAircraftCarrier > 0>>
+	<br>
+	/* 4 upgrades */
+	<<if $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 1>>
+		A basic Aircraft Carrier has been 'borrowed' from the old world.
+	<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 2>>
+		Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's eletronics.
+	<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 3>>
+		Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's weaponry.
+	<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 4>>
+		Modernised the Aircraft Carrier's armour.
+	<</if>>
+<<if securityForceSubmarine > 0>>
+	<br>
+	//I'm missing submarine descriptions, please notify SFanon//
-//You continue towards the common area, the soldiers you pass nodding respectfully, saluting, or giving slight bows, as they please, to you. You pass the briefing areas, and can see the officers and sergeants of the force conferring over planning tables and display screens regarding their upcoming deployments.//<</nobr>>
-<<nobr>><div style="margin-left:2em">
+//You continue towards the common area, the soldiers you pass nodding respectfully, saluting, or giving slight bows, as they please, to you. You pass the briefing areas, and can see the officers and sergeants of the force conferring over planning tables and display screens regarding their upcoming deployments.//
+<div style="margin-left:2em">
 <<if $securityForceFocus == "recruit">>
 	The commanders are viewing lists of potential recruits for the $securityForceName, mercenaries and Old World soldiers who might be receptive to an offer of employment and residence within the arcology. In additon to some citizen's of $securityForceName who wish to have some exictement in their lives.
-<<elseif $securityForceFocus is "secure">>
+<<elseif $securityForceFocus == "secure">>
 	The commanders are reviewing maps of trade routes to the arcology as well as those nearby merchant hubs, arranging their future deployments to best protect them and encourage business and trade.
-<<elseif $securityForceFocus is "raiding">>
-	The commanders are reviewing maps of settlements and locations reported to have choice concentrations of material loot and potential slave stock, in preparation for their coming raids.<</if>></div>
+<<elseif $securityForceFocus == "raiding">>
+	The commanders are reviewing maps of settlements and locations reported to have choice concentrations of material loot and potential slave stock, in preparation for their coming raids.
 <div style="margin-left:2em">
 <<if $securityForceRulesOfEngagement == "hold">>
@@ -62,7 +346,9 @@
 <<elseif $securityForceRulesOfEngagement == "limited">>
 	There are some guidelines posted regarding the use of force against non-citizens, forbidding general indiscriminate fire.
 <<elseif $securityForceRulesOfEngagement == "free">>
-	Guidelines regarding the use of force are completely absent from the deployment information screens. A note affixed to the screen, probably from a soldier, says: "Pop 'em if you see 'em - better than target practice!". Another one on top of that, from The Colonel, says: "Don't shoot the pretty ones, you fucking morons, or I'll kill you myself. They're worth good money or good for fun - do you idiots really want to have to fuck month-old stock?" <</if>></div>
+	Guidelines regarding the use of force are completely absent from the deployment information screens. A note affixed to the screen, probably from a soldier, says: "Pop 'em if you see 'em - better than target practice!". Another one on top of that, from The Colonel, says: "Don't shoot the pretty ones, you fucking morons, or I'll kill you myself. They're worth good money or good for fun - do you idiots really want to have to fuck month-old stock?"
 <div style="margin-left:2em">
 <<if $securityForceAccountability == "strict">>
@@ -70,12 +356,18 @@
 <<elseif $securityForceAccountability == "some">>
 	On several screens, there are some minor warnings regarding the mild disciplinary procedures that may be taken against soldiers who commit especially severe crimes while on deployment.
 <<elseif $securityForceAccountability == "none">>
-	There are no warnings or information regarding disciplinary procedures on any of the screens. Near one of them, a waste basket has been dragged over and a soldier has posted a note above it that says: "For Old World Complaints and Warrants." <</if>>
+	There are no warnings or information regarding disciplinary procedures on any of the screens. Near one of them, a waste basket has been dragged over and a soldier has posted a note above it that says: "For Old World Complaints and Warrants."
-<</nobr>><br>//You arrive at the barracks' common area, a nest of bars, pleasure dens, public spaces, and other facilities catering to the soldiers' needs and giving them somewhere to spend their free time, since they do not mingle with your citizens on the higher levels or exit the arcology except on deployment. It is well-occupied by the soldiers not currently tasked with duties, and they respectfully move out of your way as you approach, clearing a path for you to move forward.//
-<<nobr>><div style="margin-left:2em"><<if $securityForceDepravity <= 0.3>>
+//You arrive at the barracks' common area, a nest of bars, pleasure dens, public spaces, and other facilities catering to the soldiers' needs and giving them somewhere to spend their free time, since they do not mingle with your citizens on the higher levels or exit the arcology except on deployment. It is well-occupied by the soldiers not currently tasked with duties, and they respectfully move out of your way as you approach, clearing a path for you to move forward.//
+<div style="margin-left:2em">
+<<if $securityForceDepravity <= 0.3>>
 	The amenities are staffed by menial slaves, captured by the soldiers on their excursions. They are wearing plain jumpsuits and slim identification collars to set them apart from the soldiers, and look resigned but not fearful. The soldiers themselves socialize at the bars, in small groups around tables, and in the gambling parlours. Many of them can be seen entering or leaving the dens occupied by the sexual slaves they have acquired. Laughter from the carousing soldiers can be heard at all times. Small groups of slaves move freely between the plaza and their basic accommodations attached to the barracks.
 <<elseif $securityForceDepravity <= 0.6>>
 	The amenities are staffed by menial slaves, captured by the soldiers on their excursions. They are topless, wearing only utilitarian pants and leather collars to set them apart from the soldiers, and occasionally shoot fearful looks at the soldiers. The soldiers themselves socialize at the bars, or in large groups around tables, leering at and groping slaves of interest as they pass by. Many of them can be seen entering or leaving the dens occupied by the sexual slaves they have acquired, and often emerge only partially dressed, sometimes pulling half-naked slaves out with them.
@@ -96,43 +388,53 @@
 	The amenities are staffed by menial slaves, captured by the soldiers on their excursions.
-<</nobr>><br>//In the middle of the common area is a pile of supply crates with a pavilion on top - The Colonel's personal throne and open quarters, the result of her preferring to live an extreme lifestyle amongst her soldiers rather than in her empty quarters on the upper levels. It's draped with the 'flag' of the $securityForceName, one of her inventions. Sprawled all around it is an immense quantity of; alcohol, hard drugs,clothes, electronic devices,huge amounts of cash, jewels and precious metals looted from the outside world.//
+//In the middle of the common area is a pile of supply crates with a pavilion on top - The Colonel's personal throne and open quarters, the result of her preferring to live an extreme lifestyle amongst her soldiers rather than in her empty quarters on the upper levels. It's draped with the 'flag' of the $securityForceName, one of her inventions. Sprawled all around it is an immense quantity of; alcohol, hard drugs,clothes, electronic devices, huge amounts of cash, jewels and precious metals looted from the outside world.//
-<<nobr>><div style="margin-left:2em"><<if random(1,100) > 50>>
+<div style="margin-left:2em">
+<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
 	The Colonel raises a hand in greeting and nods as you approach. She is sprawled on a couch, wearing only her combat suit tank top and fingerless gloves. She's holding a near-empty bottle of strong liquor in her hand and you can see a naked slave girl kneeling on the floor between her legs. The Colonel has her legs wrapped tightly around the girl's head, forcing the girl to service her if she wants to breathe. The Colonel is close to her climax then suddenly tenses her lower body thus gripping the girl even tighter and throws her head back in ecstasy as she orgasms. She lets out a long breath finally releasing the girl, giving her a hard smack and shouting at her to fuck off.<br><br> The Colonel finishes off her bottle, tossing it over her shoulder then leaning back on the couch and spreading her legs wide. You look down briefly, falling into your habits of inspection. Her pussy is completely devoid of hair with heavy labia in with a very large and hard clit peaking out. Beads of moisture are visible, the result of her excitation and you can tell from long experience that she would be tight as a vise. You return your gaze to her face to find her smirking at you. "Like what you see, boss?" She waves her hand at the plaza around her, "So do they. But you're not here for pussy. You're here to talk business. So, what's up?"
 <<elseif random(1,100) > 50>>
 	The Colonel is in no condition initially, to greet you. She's naked except for one sock that gives you a very good view of her muscled, taut body while lunging with her feet on the table and the rest on her couch. She is face down in a drugged-out stupor in the middle of a wide variety of powders and pills. Perhaps sensing your approach, her head suddenly shoots up and looks at you with unfocused, bloodshot eyes. "Sorry, boss," she slurs, wiping her face and weakly holding up a hand. "Hold on a second, I need something to help me out here. Long fucking night." She struggles to sit on the couch and bending over the table, loudly snorts up some of the white powder on it. "Ahhh, fuck," she says, breathing heavily.<br><br> She shakes her head powerfully now looking at you, her eyes once again alert and piercing. "That's better," she says, leaning back on the couch and giving you another good view of her assets. "So, boss," she begins, "what brings you down here to our little clubhouse? I trust you're happy with how we've been handling things out there?" You nod. "excellent" she laughs. "I have to say, it's nice to have a place like this while having some top-end gear and to be able to have fun out there without worrying about anyone coming back on us. Good fucking times." She laughs again. "So - I'm assuming you want something?"
 <<elseif random(1,100) > 70 && $securityForceDepravity >= 1.5>>
 	The Colonel is relaxing on her couch stark naked, greeting you with a raised hand. Between her tightly clenched legs is a slave girl being forced to eat her out. "Hey, boss, what's -" she breaks off as a flash of pain crosses her features. "Fucking bitch!" she exclaims, pulling her legs away and punching the slave girl in the face. She pushes the girl to the ground, straddling her then begins hitting. You hear one crunch after another as The Colonel's powerful blows shatter the girl's face. She hisses from between clenched teeth, each word accompanied by a brutal punch. "How. Many. Fucking. Times. Have. I. Told. You. To. Watch. Your. Fucking. Teeth. On. My. Fucking. Clit!" She leans back, exhaling heavily. Before leaning back down to grip apply pressure onto the girl's neck with her powerful hands. Wordlessly, she increases the pressure and soon the girl begins to turn blue as she struggles to draw breath. Eventually her struggles weaken and then finally, end.<br><br> The Colonel relaxes her grip then wipes her brow, clearing away the sweat from her exertion. Finally rising from the girl's body, relaxing back on the couch and putting her feet back up on the table. "Sorry about that boss," she says, shrugging. "So many of these bitches we pick up from the outside don't understand that they have to behave." Shaking her head in frustration, "Now I need to find another one. But that's not your problem, you're here to talk business. So, what's up?"
-	The Colonel is topless while reviewing the particulars of her unit on a tablet as you approach. She raises a hand in greeting. "Hey boss," she says, noticing you looking at her chest. She laughs. "Nice, aren't they? But they're not for you or them." She throws a thumb at the plaza around her. "You're down here for a reason, though. What can I do for you?"<</if>></div><</nobr>>
-	<<if $securityForceGiftToken == 0>>
-		<span id="result">
-			<<link "Ask The Colonel for some extra cash">><br>
-			<<replace "#result">>
+	The Colonel is topless while reviewing the particulars of her unit on a tablet as you approach. She raises a hand in greeting. "Hey boss," she says, noticing you looking at her chest. She laughs. "Nice, aren't they? But they're not for you or them." She throws a thumb at the plaza around her. "You're down here for a reason, though. What can I do for you?"
+<<if $securityForceGiftToken == 0>>
+	<span id="result">
+		<<link "Ask The Colonel for some extra cash">><br>
+		<<replace "#result">>
+			<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
 				<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-					<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-						The Colonel nods. "Sure boss," she says, "we had a bit of a haul this week. One of my sergeants convinced a woman to tell us where she had hidden her shit. Cut her up pretty bad, but she told us. Bunch of nice jewellery, I kept a nice piece for myself." She picks up a tablet on the table, tapping a few commands on it. "@@.green;There's your cut.@@"
-					<<else>>
-						The Colonel smiles widely. "Sure boss," she says, "we pulled in some good shit this week. One of the boys found a real nice family hiding in a basement. 18-year old triplets. Brought in a good bit of cash." She picks up a tablet on the table, tapping a few commands on it. "@@.green;There's your cut.@@"
-					<</if>>
+					The Colonel nods. "Sure boss," she says, "we had a bit of a haul this week. One of my sergeants convinced a woman to tell us where she had hidden her shit. Cut her up pretty bad, but she told us. Bunch of nice jewellery, I kept a nice piece for myself." She picks up a tablet on the table, tapping a few commands on it. "@@.green;There's your cut.@@"
-					The Colonel picks up a tablet. "Sure boss," she says, "we had a nice score this week. Looters fucked up and left a bunch of nice shit behind." She taps a few commands on the tablet. "@@.green;There's your cut.@@"
+					The Colonel smiles widely. "Sure boss," she says, "we pulled in some good shit this week. One of the boys found a real nice family hiding in a basement. 18-year old triplets. Brought in a good bit of cash." She picks up a tablet on the table, tapping a few commands on it. "@@.green;There's your cut.@@"
-			<<set $securityForceGiftToken = 1>>
-			<<if $economy == .5>>
-				<<set $cash += 15000>>
-			<<elseif $economy == 1>>
-				<<set $cash += 25000>>
-			<<elseif $economy == 1.5>>
-				<<set $cash += 35000>>
+			<<else>>
+				The Colonel picks up a tablet. "Sure boss," she says, "we had a nice score this week. Looters fucked up and left a bunch of nice shit behind." She taps a few commands on the tablet. "@@.green;There's your cut.@@"
-			<</replace>>
-			<</link>><br>
-			<<link "Ask The Colonel to put in a good word for you with her contacts">><br>
+		<<set $securityForceGiftToken = 1>>
+		<<if $economy == .5>>
+			<<set $cash += 15000>>
+		<<elseif $economy == 1>>
+			<<set $cash += 25000>>
+		<<elseif $economy == 1.5>>
+			<<set $cash += 35000>>
+		<</if>>
+		<</replace>>
+		<</link>>
+		<<if $rep < 15000>>
+			<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to put in a good word for you with her contacts">><br>
 			<<replace "#result">>
 				<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
 					<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
@@ -146,8 +448,10 @@
 				<<set $securityForceGiftToken = 1>>
 				<<set $rep += 250>>
-			<</link>><br>
-			<<link "Ask The Colonel to use her contacts to help the arcology's business community">><br>
+			<</link>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<if $arcologies[0].prosperity < 30>>
+			<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to use her contacts to help the arcology's business community">><br>
 			<<replace "#result">>
 				<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
 					<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
@@ -167,527 +471,650 @@
 					<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 7>>
-			<</link>><br>
-		</span>
-	<<else>>
-		//The Colonel has already provided you with extra tribute this week.// <</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceUpgradeToken == 1>><br>//The Colonel is working to improve the $securityForceName this week.//<</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceColonelToken == 1>><br>//The Colonel has already spent time with you this week or is unable able to find time in her busy week to relax with you.//<</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceSexedColonelToken == 1>><br>//You have already he Colonel has already spent time with you this week or is unable able to find time in her busy week to relax with you.//<</if>>
+			<</link>>
+		<</if>>
+	</span>
+	//The Colonel has already provided you with extra tribute this week.//
 <<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades+$securityForceInfantryPower+$securityForceStimulantPower+$securityForceVehiclePower+$securityForceAircraftPower+$securityForceSpacePlanePower+$securityForceFortressZeppelin+$securityForceDronePower+$securityForceSatalitePower+$securityForceGiantRobot >= 79>>
-	//The $securityForceName is fully equipped and upgraded - nothing else can be done.//
+	<br>//The $securityForceName is fully equipped and upgraded - nothing else can be done.//
 <<elseif $terrain == "oceanic" && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades+$securityForceInfantryPower+$securityForceStimulantPower+$securityForceVehiclePower+$securityForceAircraftPower+$securityForceSpacePlanePower+$securityForceFortressZeppelin+$securityForceDronePower+$securityForceSatalitePower+$securityForceAircraftCarrier+$securityForceSubmarine >= 79>>
-	//The $securityForceName is fully equipped and upgraded - nothing else can be done.//
+	<br>//The $securityForceName is fully equipped and upgraded - nothing else can be done.//
+<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 1>>
+	<br>//The Colonel is working to improve the $securityForceName this week.//
 <<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
+	<br>
+	Which facility or equipement do you wish The Colonel to upgrade this week?
+	<span id="resultX">
-<br><<if $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>Which facility or equipement do you wish The Colonel to upgrade this week?<</if>><span id="resultX">
-			<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades < 5 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-			<br><<link "Barracks">><<replace "#resultX">>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Expanding the facilities here should help us support more cool shit." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceArcologyUpgrades += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 100000>>
-			<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤100000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades < 9 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-			<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 7>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 5500000>>
-			<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 8>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 3500000>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 125000000>><</if>>
-			<br><<link "Barracks">><<replace "#resultX">>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Expanding the facilities here should help us support more cool shit." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceArcologyUpgrades += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= _arcCost>>
-			<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤_arcCost //
-			<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 5 || $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 9>><br>//$securityForceName's barracks has been fully upgraded to support its activities.//<</if>>
+	<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades < 5>>
+		<br><<link "Barracks">>
+		<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Expanding the facilities here should help us support more cool shit." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceArcologyUpgrades++, $cash -= 100000>>
+		<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤100000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades < 9 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5>>
+		<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 7>>
+			<<set _arcCost = 5500000>>
+		<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 8>>
+			<<set _arcCost = 3500000>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<set _arcCost = 125000000>>
+		<</if>>
+		<br><<link "Barracks">>
+		<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Expanding the facilities here should help us support more cool shit." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceArcologyUpgrades++, $cash -= _arcCost>>
+		<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤<<print _arcCost>> //
+	<<elseif $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 5 || $securityForceArcologyUpgrades == 9>>
+		<br>//$securityForceName's barracks has been fully upgraded to support its activities.//
+	<</if>>
-			<<if $securityForceInfantryPower < 5 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-			<br><<link "Armoury">><<replace "#resultX">>
+	<<if $securityForceInfantryPower < 5>>
+		<br><<link "Armoury">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
 			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "The boys'll like having some new guns and armour to help them out there." She laughs. "Don't think the poor bastards they'll be shooting will thank you though." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceInfantryPower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 40000>>
-			<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤40000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower < 11 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5>>
-			<<link "Armoury">><<replace "#resultX">>
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceInfantryPower++, $cash -= 40000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤40000 //<br>
+	<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower < 11 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5>>
+		<br><<link "Armoury">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
 			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "The boys'll like having some new guns and armour to help them out there." She laughs. "Don't think the poor bastards they'll be shooting will thank you though." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceInfantryPower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 4500000>>
-			<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤4500000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 5 || $securityForceInfantryPower == 12>><br>//The $securityForceName armoury is fully upgraded.//<</if>>
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceInfantryPower++, $cash -= 4500000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤4500000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceInfantryPower == 5 || $securityForceInfantryPower == 12>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName armoury is fully upgraded.//
+	<</if>>
-			<<if $securityForceStimulantPower < 5 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-			<br><<link "Stimulant Lab">><<replace "#resultX">>
+	<<if $securityForceStimulantPower < 5>>
+		<br><<link "Stimulant Lab">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
 			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "The boys are going to like hearing that they'll be getting new stims. Some of them can't get enough." She laughs, sweeping her arm at a corner of the throne, where dozens of empty stimulant injectors are piled. "I might be one of them. Either way, the fucks out there aren't going to like us once we're on the new juice." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceStimulantPower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 40000>>
-				<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤40000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower < 7 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5>>
-			<br><<link "Stimulant Lab">><<replace "#resultX">>
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceStimulantPower++, $cash -= 40000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤40000 //<br>
+	<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower < 7 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5>>
+		<br><<link "Stimulant Lab">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
 			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "The boys are going to like hearing that they'll be getting new stims. Some of them can't get enough." She laughs, sweeping her arm at a corner of the throne, where dozens of empty stimulant injectors are piled. "I might be one of them. Either way, the fucks out there aren't going to like us once we're on the new juice." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceStimulantPower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 2265000>>
-				<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤2265000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 5 || $securityForceStimulantPower == 7>><br>//The $securityForceName stimulant lab is fully upgraded.//<br><</if>>
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceStimulantPower++, $cash -= 2265000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤2265000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceStimulantPower == 5 || $securityForceStimulantPower == 7>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName stimulant lab is fully upgraded.//
+	<</if>>
-			<<if $securityForceVehiclePower < 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 1 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>><<link "Garage">><<replace "#resultX">>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new wheels should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we roll up on them in something better than their piece of shit junkers." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceVehiclePower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 60000>>
-			<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤60000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower < 7 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5>>
-			<<if $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5>>
-				<<set _vehCost = 2500000>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set _vehCost = 3000000>><</if>>
-			<br><<link "Garage">><<replace "#resultX">>
+	<<if $securityForceVehiclePower < 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 1>>
+		<br><<link "Garage">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
 			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new wheels should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we roll up on them in something better than their piece of shit junkers." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceVehiclePower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= _vehCost>>
-			<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤_vehCost //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 5 || $securityForceVehiclePower == 7>>//The $securityForceName vehicle fleet is fully upgraded.//<<else>>//More barracks infrastructure upgrades are needed before the vehicle fleet can be expanded.//<</if>>
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceVehiclePower++, $cash -= 60000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>>// Costs ¤60000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower < 7 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5>>
+		<<if $securityForceVehiclePower < 6>>
+			<<set _vehCost = 2500000>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<set _vehCost = 3000000>>
+		<</if>>
+		<br><<link "Garage">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new wheels should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we roll up on them in something better than their piece of shit junkers." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceVehiclePower++, $cash -= _vehCost>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤<<print _vehCost>> //
+	<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 5 || $securityForceVehiclePower == 7>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName vehicle fleet is fully upgraded.//
+	<<else>>
+		<br>//More barracks infrastructure upgrades are needed before the vehicle fleet can be expanded.//
+	<</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-		<br><<link "Hangar">><<replace "#resultX">><span id="resultY">
-			<<if $securityForceAircraftPower < 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to improve the Airforce">>
-				<<replace "#resultY">>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new VTOLs would be great." She laughs. "They're the real multiplier over the scum out there. Not much a looter gang can do against air support." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceAircraftPower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 70000>>
-				<</replace>>
-				<</link>> // Costs ¤70000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower < 7 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5>>
-				<<if $securityForceAircraftPower == 5>>
-					<<set _vehCost = 2750000>>
-				<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 6>>
-					<<set _vehCost = 3250000>>
-				<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 7>>
-					<<set _vehCost = 5750000>>	
-				<</if>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to improve the Airforce">>
-				<<replace "#resultY">>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new VTOLs would be great." She laughs. "They're the real multiplier over the scum out there. Not much a looter gang can do against air support." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceAircraftPower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= _vehCost>>
-				<</replace>>
-				<</link>> // Costs ¤_vehCost //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 5 || $securityForceAircraftPower == 8>>
-				<br>//The $securityForceName air fleet is fully upgraded.//
-			<<else>>
-				//More barracks infrastructure upgrades are needed before the air fleet can be expanded.//
-			<</if>>
+	<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4 && $securityForceAircraftPower < 5>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to improve the Airforce">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new VTOLs would be great." She laughs. "They're the real multiplier over the scum out there. Not much a looter gang can do against air support." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAircraftPower++, $cash -= 70000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤70000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower < 8 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5>>
+		<<if $securityForceAircraftPower == 5>>
+			<<set _airCost = 2750000>>
+		<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 6>>
+			<<set _airCost = 3250000>>
+		<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 7>>
+			<<set _airCost = 5750000>>	
+		<</if>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to improve the Airforce">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new VTOLs would be great." She laughs. "They're the real multiplier over the scum out there. Not much a looter gang can do against air support." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAircraftPower++, $cash -= _airCost>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤<<print _airCost>> //
+	<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 5 || $securityForceAircraftPower == 8>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName air fleet is fully upgraded.//
+	<<else>>
+		<br>//More barracks infrastructure upgrades are needed before the air fleet can be expanded.//
+	<</if>>
-			<<if $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceSpacePlanePower < 1>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a SpacePlane">>
-					<<replace "#resultY">>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A orbital plane should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceSpacePlanePower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 4750000>>
-					<</replace>>
-				<</link>> // Costs ¤4750000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower >= 1 && $securityForceSpacePlanePower < 9 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the SpacePlane">>
-					<<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the orbital plane should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceSpacePlanePower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 3750000>>
-					<</replace>>
-				<</link>> // Costs ¤3750000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 9>>
-				//The $securityForceName's SpacePlane is fully upgraded.//
-			<</if>>
+	<<if $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceSpacePlanePower < 1>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a SpacePlane">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A orbital plane should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceSpacePlanePower++, $cash -= 4750000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤4750000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower >= 1 && $securityForceSpacePlanePower < 9>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the SpacePlane">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the orbital plane should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceSpacePlanePower++, $cash -= 3750000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤3750000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 9>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName's SpacePlane is fully upgraded.//
+	<</if>>
-			<<if $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceFortressZeppelin < 1>>
-					<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a Fortress Zeppelin">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A Fortress Zeppelin would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceFortressZeppelin += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 30000000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤30000000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 3>><br>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the Fortress Zeppelin to support its activities.//
-			<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin >= 1>>
-					<<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Fortress Zeppelin">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the Fortress Zeppelin, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceFortressZeppelin += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 20000000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤20000000 //<br>
-			<</if>>
+	<<if $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceFortressZeppelin < 1>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a Fortress Zeppelin">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A Fortress Zeppelin would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceFortressZeppelin++, $cash -= 30000000>>
+			<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤30000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin >= 1 && $securityForceFortressZeppelin < 3>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Fortress Zeppelin">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the Fortress Zeppelin, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceFortressZeppelin++, $cash -= 20000000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤20000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 3>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the Fortress Zeppelin to support its activities.//
+	<</if>>
-			<<if $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceAC130 < 1>>
-					<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' an AC-130">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "An AC-130 would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceAC130 += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 35000000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤35000000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 4>>
-				//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the AC-130 to support its activities.//
-			<<elseif $securityForceAC130 > 1>>
-					<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the AC-130">>
-						"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the AC-130, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceAC130 += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 25000000>>
-					<</link>> // Costs ¤25000000 //<br><</if>>
-	</span><</replace>><</link>>
+	<<if $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceAC130 < 1>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' an AC-130">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "An AC-130 would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAC130++, $cash -= 35000000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤35000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceAC130 > 1 && $securityForceAC130 < 4>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the AC-130">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the AC-130, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAC130++, $cash -= 25000000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤25000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 4>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the AC-130 to support its activities.//
-			<<if $securityForceDronePower < 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 2 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-				<<link "Drone Bay">>
-				<<replace "#resultX">>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new drones would be nice." She laughs. "The poor bastards out there shit themselves when they see combat drones fly over the horizon." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceDronePower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 45000>>
-				<</replace>>
-				<</link>> // Costs ¤45000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceDronePower < 6 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5>>
-				<<link "Drone Bay">>
-				<<replace "#resultX">>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new drones would be nice." She laughs. "The poor bastards out there shit themselves when they see combat drones fly over the horizon." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-					<<set $securityForceDronePower += 1>>
-					<<set $cash -= 2000000>>
-				<</replace>>
-				<</link>> // Costs ¤2000000 //
-			<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 5 || $securityForceDronePower == 6>>
-				<br>//The $securityForceName drone fleet is fully upgraded.//
-			<<else>>
-				//More barracks infrastructure upgrades are needed before the drone fleet can be expanded.//
-			<</if>>
+	<<if $securityForceDronePower < 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 2>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the drone fleet">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new drones would be nice." She laughs. "The poor bastards out there shit themselves when they see combat drones fly over the horizon." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceDronePower++, $cash -= 45000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤45000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceDronePower < 6 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the drone fleet">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Some new drones would be nice." She laughs. "The poor bastards out there shit themselves when they see combat drones fly over the horizon." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceDronePower++, $cash -= 2000000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤2000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceDronePower == 5 || $securityForceDronePower == 6>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName drone fleet is fully upgraded.//
+	<<else>>
+		<br>//More barracks infrastructure upgrades are needed before the drone fleet can be expanded.//
+	<</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4 && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>><br><<link "Launch Bay">><<replace "#resultX">><span id="resultY">
-			<<if $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceSatalitePower < 1>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a Satalite">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A Satalite should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceSatalitePower += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 3750000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤3750000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower >= 1 && $securityForceSatalitePower < 16>>
-					<<if $securityForceSatalitePower < 11>>
-						<<set _vehCost = 2350000>>
-					<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 11>>
-						<<set _vehCost = 150000000>>
-					<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 12>>
-						<<set _vehCost = 160000000>>
-					<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 13>>
-						<<set _vehCost = 170000000>>
-					<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 14>>
-						<<set _vehCost = 180000000>>
-					<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 15>>
-						<<set _vehCost = 190000000>>
-					<</if>>
-					<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Satalite">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the Satalite should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceSatalitePower += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= _vehCost>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤2350000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 16>><br>//The $securityForceName's Satalite is fully upgraded.//<</if>>
+	<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceSatalitePower < 1>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a Satalite">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A Satalite should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceSatalitePower++, $cash -= 3750000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤3750000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower >= 1 && $securityForceSatalitePower < 16>>
+		<<if $securityForceSatalitePower < 11>>
+			<<set _satCost = 2350000>>
+		<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 11>>
+			<<set _satCost = 150000000>>
+		<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 12>>
+			<<set _satCost = 160000000>>
+		<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 13>>
+			<<set _satCost = 170000000>>
+		<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 14>>
+			<<set _satCost = 180000000>>
+		<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 15>>
+			<<set _satCost = 190000000>>
+		<</if>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Satalite">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the Satalite should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceSatalitePower++, $cash -= _satCost>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤<<print _satCost>> //
+	<<elseif $securityForceSatalitePower == 16>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName's Satalite is fully upgraded.//
+	<</if>>
-			<<if $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceGiantRobot < 1 && $terrain != "oceanic" && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a Giant Robot">><<replace "#resultY">><br>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A Giant Robot would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceGiantRobot += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 50000000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤50000000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot < 8>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Giant Robot">><<replace "#resultY">><br>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the Giant Robot, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceGiantRobot += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 25000000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤25000000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 8>>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the GiantRobot to support its activities.//<br><</if>>
-	</span><</replace>><</link>><</if>>
+	<<if $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceGiantRobot < 1 && $terrain != "oceanic">>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a Giant Robot">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A Giant Robot would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceGiantRobot++, $cash -= 50000000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤50000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot < 8>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Giant Robot">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the Giant Robot, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceGiantRobot++, $cash -= 25000000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤25000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 8>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the GiantRobot to support its activities.//
+	<</if>>
-	<<if $terrain == "oceanic" && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>><br><<link "Naval Yard">><<replace "#resultX">><span id="resultY">>
-			<<if $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftCarrier < 1 && $terrain == "oceanic" && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' an aircraft carrier">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A aircraft carrier would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceAircraftCarrier += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 1500000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs 1500000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier < 4>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Aircraft Carrier">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the aircraft carrier, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceAircraftCarrier += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 25000000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤25000000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 4>>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the aircraft carrier to support its activities.//<br><</if>>
+	<<if $terrain == "oceanic" && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftCarrier < 1>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' an aircraft carrier">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A aircraft carrier would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAircraftCarrier++, $cash -= 1500000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs 1500000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier < 4 && $securityForceAircraftCarrier > 0>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Aircraft Carrier">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the aircraft carrier, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAircraftCarrier++, $cash -= 25000000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤25000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceAircraftCarrier == 4>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the aircraft carrier to support its activities.//
+	<</if>>
-			<<if $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceSubmarine < 1 && $terrain == "oceanic" && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a Submarine">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A Submarine would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceSubmarine += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 1500000>>
-				<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤1500000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceSubmarine < 4>>
-				<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Submarine">><<replace "#resultY">>"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the aircraft carrier, should help us gain a massive 	advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1>>
-						<<set $securityForceSubmarine += 1>>
-						<<set $cash -= 25000000>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs ¤25000000 //<br>
-			<<elseif $securityForceSubmarine == 4>>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the Submarine to support its activities.//<br><</if>>
-	</span><</replace>><</link>><</if>>
-<<if $securityForceColonelToken == 0>><span id="result3">
-			<br><<link "Spend some one on one time up on the surface with The Colonel, along with an escort of course.">>
-				<<replace "#result3">>
-					<<set $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>
-					You ask The Colonel if she would like to stretch her legs up on the surface. It doesn't take much effort for her to agree.
-						<<if $PC.warfare < 10>>
-							Your complete lack of skill at warfare ensures that in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName, you need; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a large convy of $securityForceName ground vehicles.
-						<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 100 && $career == "mercenary">>
-							Your mastery of wet work and prior expierence in a PMC, satisfies The Colonel that you only need; one solider and a single vehicle plus $Bodyguard.slaveName. Being able to see and interact with the arcology owner even more directly if they so wish boosts the mood of your citizen's while also giving them an increased opportunity to try gaining favour with you.
-							<<if $economy == .5>>
-								<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 450>>
-							<<elseif $economy == 1>>
-								<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 500>>
-							<<elseif $economy == 1.5>>
-								<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 550>><</if>>
-						<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 100>>
-							Your mastery of wet work, satisfies The Colonel that you only need; two soliders and a single vehicle plus $Bodyguard.slaveName. Being able to see and interact with the arcology owner directly if they so wish boosts the mood of your citizens while also giving them the opportunity to try gaining favour with you.
-							<<if $economy == .5>>
-								<<set $rep += 5, $cash += 200>>
-							<<elseif $economy == 1>>
-								<<set $rep += 5, $cash += 250>>
-							<<elseif $economy == 1.5>>
-								<<set $rep += 5, $cash += 300>><</if>>
-						<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 60>>
-							Your expertness at warfare means that in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName you only require; a sqaud of $securityForceName on foot, a two fighters, a tiny convy of $securityForceName ground vehicles.
-						<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 30>>
-							As you have some skill at warfare, you only need in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a small convy of $securityForceName ground vehicles.
-						<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 10>>
-							Your F.N.G tier skills at warfare ensures that in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName, you need; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a large convy of $securityForceName ground vehicles.
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
-							Stopping at a paternalist shop, you help The Colonel select some luxurious and relaxing treatments for her main slave.
-							<<if $PC.slaving < 10>>
-								Your total lack of slavery skill (which is very unusal and very concerning for an archology owner), means that you are of little to no help or even a hinderance.
-							<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 100>>
-								Your mastery of slaving allows you assist The Colonel greatly. However the shop owner is so impressed by your undestanding of slavery that she is more than happy for an endorsement from you. As you are exiting the shop you hear your pre-recorded message which bears the slogan "This is ($PC.customTitle) and this is my favourate Paternalist shop in $arcologies[0].name."
-								<<if $arcologies[0].prosperity < 20>><<set $arcologies[0].prosperity++>><</if>>
-							<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 60>>
-								Your expertness of slavery alllows you to be  more useful.
-							<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 30>>
-								Possing some skill you are slightly helpful.
-							<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 10>>
-								Your basic skill at slavery, allows you to neither be a hinderance or helpful.<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist == "unset">>Stopping at a shop.<</if>>
-						Soon the entourage heads back to $securityForceName 's HQ. Along the route you see a homeless citizen in great pain.
-						<<if $PC.medicine < 10>>
-							Your total lack of medical skill causes the death of the citizen.
-						<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 100 && $career == "medicine">>
-							Your expertness of medicine ensures that the citizen is probably the best they have ever been. They are so greatful that they are more than happy to try and compensate your time. Word quickly spreads of the kindly medically trained archology owner who took the time to heal a citizen, providing confidence to the rest of the citizens. 
-							<<if $economy == .5>>
-								<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 100>>
-							<<elseif $economy == 1>>
-								<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 150>>
-							<<elseif $economy == 1.5>>
-								<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 200>><</if>>
-						<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 100>>
-							Your expertness of medicine ensures that the citizen is probably the best they have ever been. Word quickly spreads of the kindly archology owner who took the time to heal a citizen. 
-							<<set $rep += 5>>
-						<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 60>>
-							Your mastery of medicine ensures that the citizen's condition is noticably better.
-						<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 30>>
-							Your slightly higher level of medicine ensures that the citizen's condition ever so slightly improves.
-						<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 10>>
-							Your basic level of medicine ensures that the citizen's condition remains the same.<</if>>
-				<</replace>>
-			<</link>>
-		<br>
-		<<link "Spend some one on one time down in $securityForceName 's HQ">>
+	<<if $securityForceVehiclePower >= 5 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 5 && $securityForceDronePower >= 5 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 5 && $securityForceStimulantPower >= 5 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 5 && $securityForceSubmarine < 1 && $terrain == "oceanic">>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to 'borrow' a Submarine">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A Submarine would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceSubmarine++, $cash -= 1500000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤1500000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceSubmarine < 4 && $securityForceSubmarine > 0>>
+		<br><<link "Ask The Colonel to upgrade the Submarine">>
+			<<replace "#resultX">>
+			"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the aircraft carrier, should help us gain a massive 	advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
+			<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceSubmarine++, $cash -= 25000000>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> // Costs ¤25000000 //
+	<<elseif $securityForceSubmarine == 4>>
+		<br>//The $securityForceName has fully upgraded the Submarine to support its activities.//
+	<</if>>
+	</span>
+<<if $securityForceColonelToken == 0>>
+	<span id="result3">
+		<br><<link "Spend some one on one time up on the surface with The Colonel, along with an escort of course.">>
+			<<replace "#result3">>
+			<<set $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>
+			You ask The Colonel if she would like to stretch her legs up on the surface. It doesn't take much effort for her to agree.
+			<<if $PC.warfare < 10>>
+				Your complete lack of skill at warfare ensures that in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName, you need; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a large convy of $securityForceName ground vehicles.
+			<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 100 && $career == "mercenary">>
+				Your mastery of wet work and prior expierence in a PMC, satisfies The Colonel that you only need; one solider and a single vehicle plus $Bodyguard.slaveName. Being able to see and interact with the arcology owner even more directly if they so wish boosts the mood of your citizen's while also giving them an increased opportunity to try gaining favour with you.
+				<<if $economy == .5>>
+					<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 450>>
+				<<elseif $economy == 1>>
+					<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 500>>
+				<<elseif $economy == 1.5>>
+					<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 550>>
+				<</if>>
+			<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 100>>
+				Your mastery of wet work, satisfies The Colonel that you only need; two soliders and a single vehicle plus $Bodyguard.slaveName. Being able to see and interact with the arcology owner directly if they so wish boosts the mood of your citizens while also giving them the opportunity to try gaining favour with you.
+				<<if $economy == .5>>
+					<<set $rep += 5, $cash += 200>>
+				<<elseif $economy == 1>>
+					<<set $rep += 5, $cash += 250>>
+				<<elseif $economy == 1.5>>
+					<<set $rep += 5, $cash += 300>>
+				<</if>>
+			<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 60>>
+				Your expertness at warfare means that in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName you only require; a sqaud of $securityForceName on foot, a two fighters, a tiny convy of $securityForceName ground vehicles.
+			<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 30>>
+				As you have some skill at warfare, you only need in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a small convy of $securityForceName ground vehicles.
+			<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 10>>
+				Your F.N.G tier skills at warfare ensures that in addition to $Bodyguard.slaveName, you need; two full sqauds of $securityForceName on foot, a squadron of fighters, a large convy of $securityForceName ground vehicles.
+			<</if>>
+			<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
+				Stopping at a paternalist shop, you help The Colonel select some luxurious and relaxing treatments for her main slave.
+				<<if $PC.slaving < 10>>
+					Your total lack of slavery skill (which is very unusal and very concerning for an archology owner), means that you are of little to no help or even a hinderance.
+				<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 100>>
+					Your mastery of slaving allows you assist The Colonel greatly. However the shop owner is so impressed by your undestanding of slavery that she is more than happy for an endorsement from you. As you are exiting the shop you hear your pre-recorded message which bears the slogan "This is ($PC.customTitle) and this is my favourate Paternalist shop in $arcologies[0].name."
+					<<if $arcologies[0].prosperity < 20>>
+						<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity++>>
+					<</if>>
+				<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 60>>
+					Your expertness of slavery alllows you to be more useful.
+				<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 30>>
+					Possing some skill you are slightly helpful.
+				<<elseif $PC.slaving >= 10>>
+					Your basic skill at slavery, allows you to neither be a hinderance or helpful.
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				Stopping at a shop.
+			<</if>>
+			Soon the entourage heads back to $securityForceName 's HQ. Along the route you see a homeless citizen in great pain.
+			<<if $PC.medicine < 10>>
+				Your total lack of medical skill causes the death of the citizen.
+			<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 100 && $career == "medicine">>
+				Your expertness of medicine ensures that the citizen is probably the best they have ever been. They are so greatful that they are more than happy to try and compensate your time. Word quickly spreads of the kindly medically trained archology owner who took the time to heal a citizen, providing confidence to the rest of the citizens. 
+				<<if $economy == .5>>
+					<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 100>>
+				<<elseif $economy == 1>>
+					<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 150>>
+				<<elseif $economy == 1.5>>
+					<<set $rep += 10, $cash += 200>>
+				<</if>>
+			<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 100>>
+				Your expertness of medicine ensures that the citizen is probably the best they have ever been. Word quickly spreads of the kindly archology owner who took the time to heal a citizen. 
+				<<set $rep += 5>>
+			<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 60>>
+				Your mastery of medicine ensures that the citizen's condition is noticably better.
+			<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 30>>
+				Your slightly higher level of medicine ensures that the citizen's condition ever so slightly improves.
+			<<elseif $PC.medicine >= 10>>
+				Your basic level of medicine ensures that the citizen's condition remains the same.
+			<</if>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>>
+		<br><<link "Spend some one on one time down in $securityForceName's HQ">>
 			<<replace "#result3">>
 				<<set $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>
-					<br>
-					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "I can use a break from all of this." She laughs. 
-					She can try teaching you a bit about;
-							<span id="result4">
-								<<link " field medicine,">>
-									<<replace "#result4">>
-										<<set $PC.medicine + 3>>
-										<br>//<<if $PC.engineering < 10>>Hopefully now, you are less likely to cut yourself on the sharp things.<</if>>//
-									<</replace>>
-								<</link>><<link "trading">>
-									<<replace "#result4">>
-										<<set $PC.trading + 2>>
-										<br>//<<if $PC.trading < 10>>Congragulations you have just passed economics 101, "black and red should balance".<</if>>//
-									<</replace>>
-								<</link>><<link ",slaving">>
-									<<replace "#result4">>
-										<<set $PC.slaving + 2>>
-										<br>//<<if $PC.slaving < 10>>Yes, the rope normally goes around the wrist first and no where near the mouth.<</if>>//
-									<</replace>>
-								<</link>><<link ",combat engineering,">>
-									<<replace "#result4">>
-										<<set $PC.engineering + 2>>
-										<br>//<<if $PC.engineering < 10>>Good job you know what a hammer now looks like.<</if>>//
-									<</replace>>
-								<</link>> <<link "generally ">>
-									<<replace "#result4">>
-										<<set $PC.engineering + 1>>
-										<<set $PC.slaving + 1>>
-										<<set $PC.trading + 1>>
-										<<set $PC.warfare + 1>>
-										<<set $PC.medicine + 1>>
-										<br>//Hopefully this general education I could provide may be of use.
-									<</replace>>
-								<</link>><<link "or tell some war stories.">>
-									<<replace "#result4">>
-										<<set $PC.warfare + 5>>
-										<br>//<<if $PC.warfare < 10>>There, now you hopefully can hit the broad side of a barn. What am I kidding you still suck.
-										<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 10>>Slightly better but you still have a long way to go.<</if>>//
-									<</replace>>
-								<</link>>		
-							</span>
+				"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "I can use a break from all of this." She laughs. 
+				She can try teaching you a bit about;
+				<span id="result4">
+					<<link " field medicine, ">>
+						<<replace "#result4">>
+							<<set $PC.medicine + 3>>
+							//<<if $PC.engineering < 10>>Hopefully now, you are less likely to cut yourself on the sharp things.<</if>>//
+						<</replace>>
+					<</link>>
+					<<link "trading, ">>
+						<<replace "#result4">>
+							<<set $PC.trading + 2>>
+							//<<if $PC.trading < 10>>Congragulations you have just passed economics 101, "black and red should balance".<</if>>//
+						</replace>>
+					<</link>>
+					<<link "slaving, ">>
+						<<replace "#result4">>
+							<<set $PC.slaving + 2>>
+							//<<if $PC.slaving < 10>>Yes, the rope normally goes around the wrist first and no where near the mouth.<</if>>//
+						<</replace>>
+					<</link>>
+					<<link "combat engineering, ">>
+						<<replace "#result4">>
+							<<set $PC.engineering + 2>>
+							//<<if $PC.engineering < 10>>Good job you know what a hammer now looks like.<</if>>//
+						<</replace>>
+					<</link>>
+					<<link "general skills, ">>
+						<<replace "#result4">>
+							<<set $PC.engineering + 1>>
+							<<set $PC.slaving + 1>>
+							<<set $PC.trading + 1>>
+							<<set $PC.warfare + 1>>
+							<<set $PC.medicine + 1>>
+							//Hopefully this general education I could provide may be of use.
+						<</replace>>
+					<</link>>
+					<<link "or tell some war stories.">>
+						<<replace "#result4">>
+							<<set $PC.warfare + 5>>
+							//<<if $PC.warfare < 10>>There, now you hopefully can hit the broad side of a barn. What am I kidding you still suck.
+							<<elseif $PC.warfare >= 10>>Slightly better but you still have a long way to go.<</if>>//
+						<</replace>>
+					<</link>>		
+				</span>			
-/* <<if $securityForceSexedColonelToken == 0>><span id=="result4">
-		<<link "FadeToBlack">>
-									<<replace "#result4">><<link "Private">><<set $securityForceSexedColonelToken = 1>>
-										<span id=="result5">
-											<<link>>"Pussy"<</link>><<replace "#result5">>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1 && $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
-											<</replace>><<link>>
-											<<link "Ass">><<replace "#result5">>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.	
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
-											<</replace>><</link>>
-											<<link "Both pussy and ass">><<replace "#result5">>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 2>>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
-											<</replace>><</link>>
-											<<link "Mouth">><<replace "#result5">>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1>>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
-											<</replace>><</link>>
-											<<link>>"All three holes"<</link>>
-											<<replace "#result5">>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 3>>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
+	</span>
+<<elseif $securityForceColonelToken == 1>>
+	<br>//The Colonel has already spent time with you this week or is unable able to find time in her busy week to relax with you.//
+/* <<if $securityForceSexedColonelToken == 0>>
+	<span id=="result5">
+		<br><<link "Have some fun with The Colonel">>
+			<<replace "#result5">>
+				<br><<link "Private">>
+					<span id=="result6">
+						<br><<link "Pussy">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
-										</span>
-									<</replace>>
-									<<replace "#result4">><<set $securityForceColonelToken = 1>><<link "On The Colonel's throne.">>
-										<span id=="result5">
-											<<replace "#result5">>
-												<<link>>"Pussy"<</link>>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1>>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
-											<</replace>>	
-											<<replace "#result5">>
-												<<link>>"Ass"<</link>>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1>>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>		
-											<</replace>>	
-											<<replace "#result5">>
-												<<link>>"Both pussy and ass"<</link>>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 2>>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
-											<<replace "#result5">>
-												<<link>>"Mouth"<</link>>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1>>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
-											<</replace>>	
-											<<replace "#result5">>
-												<<link>>"All three holes"<</link>>
-												<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 3>>
-												<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
-												//The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
-												<span id=="result6">
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"Do you make an attempt to bring her back to the present?"<</link>><</replace>>
-													<<replace "#result6">><<link>>"It's probably best to let The Colonel with her own demons"<</link>><</replace>>
-												</span>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>	
+						<br><<link "Ass">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>
+						<br><<link "Both pussy and ass">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>
+						<br><<link "Mouth">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>	
+						<br><<link "All three holes">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>
+					</span>
+				<</link>>
+				<br><<link "On The Colonel's throne.">>
+					<span id=="result6">
+							<br><<link "Pussy">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
-										</span>	
-								<</replace>><</link>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>	
+						<br><<link "Ass">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>
+						<br><<link "Both pussy and ass">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>
+						<br><<link "Mouth">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>	
+						<br><<link "All three holes">>
+							<<replace "#result6">>
+								<<set $securityForceSexedColonel = 1, $securityForceColonelToken = 1>>	
+								<<if $ColonelCore == "shell shocked">>
+									The entire time it is obvious that The Colonel is reliving a horriable event.
+									<span id=="result7">
+										<br><<link "Bring her back">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"You make an attempt to bring her back to the present."
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+										<br><<link "Leave her be">>
+											<<replace "#result7">>
+												"Leave her to deal with her own demons"
+											<</replace>>
+										<</link>>
+									</span>
+								<</if>>
+							<</replace>>
+						<</link>>
+					</span>
+				<</link>>
+			<</replace>>
-</span><</if>> */
+	<</span>>
+<<elseif $securityForceSexedColonelToken == 1>>
+	<br>//The Colonel has already spent time with you this week or is unable able to find time in her busy week to relax with you.//
+<</if>> */
 /* [[Send a slave to serve in $securityForceName's HQ and facilities|SlaveSupport]]
 In additon to help keeping them clean and tidy,some combat skills will be gained while seeing a small part of military life. */
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/securityForceEOWReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/securityForceEOWReport.tw
index a212457a9b134cf295665fedb91b913f7f0f155d..87af6e91f2a050786e4599bb74da8b327b934fba 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/securityForceEOWReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/securityForceEOWReport.tw
@@ -183,50 +183,50 @@
 /* Facilities and assoicated upgrades/equipement */
 <<if $SSLevelBarracks != 0>>
 	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($SSLevelBarracks*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades != 0>> 	/* (9) 135% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceArcologyUpgrades*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades != 0>> 	/* (9) 135% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceArcologyUpgrades*0.15)))>><</if>>
 <<if $SSLevelArmoury != 0>>
-<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($SSLevelArmoury*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceInfantryPower != 0>> /* (11) 165% */ 
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+($securityForceInfantryPower*0.15))>><</if>> 
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($SSLevelArmoury*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceInfantryPower != 0>> /* (11) 165% */ 
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+($securityForceInfantryPower*0.15))>><</if>> 
 <<if $SSLevelStimulantLab != 0>>
 	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($SSLevelStimulantLab*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceStimulantPower != 0>> /* (7) 105% */ 
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+(1+($securityForceStimulantPower*0.15)))>><</if>> 
+<<if $securityForceStimulantPower != 0>> /* (7) 105% */ 
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+(1+($securityForceStimulantPower*0.15)))>><</if>> 
 <<if $SSLevelGarage != 0>>
 	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($SSLevelGarage*0.15)))>><</if>>	
-	<<if $securityForceVehiclePower != 0>> /* (7) 105% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+($securityForceVehiclePower*0.15))>><</if>> 
+<<if $securityForceVehiclePower != 0>> /* (7) 105% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+($securityForceVehiclePower*0.15))>><</if>> 
 <<if $SSLevelHangar != 0>>
 	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($SSLevelHangar*0.15)))>><</if>>	
-	<<if $securityForceAircraftPower != 0>> /* (7) 105% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+(1+($securityForceAircraftPower*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceSpacePlanePower != 0>> /* (8) 120% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*($securityForceSpacePlanePower*0.15))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceFortressZeppelin != 0>> /* (3) 45 */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*($securityForceFortressZeppelin*0.15))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceAC130 != 0>> /* (5) 75% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceAC130*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceAircraftPower != 0>> /* (7) 105% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+(1+($securityForceAircraftPower*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceSpacePlanePower != 0>> /* (8) 120% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*($securityForceSpacePlanePower*0.15))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceFortressZeppelin != 0>> /* (3) 45 */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*($securityForceFortressZeppelin*0.15))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceAC130 != 0>> /* (5) 75% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceAC130*0.15)))>><</if>>
 <<if $SSLevelDroneBay != 0>>
-<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($SSLevelDroneBay*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceDronePower != 0>> /* (7) 105% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+($securityForceDronePower*0.15))>><</if>>
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($SSLevelDroneBay*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceDronePower != 0>> /* (7) 105% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+($securityForceDronePower*0.15))>><</if>>
 <<if $SSLevelLaunchBay != 0>>
-<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+(1+($SSLevelLaunchBay*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceSatalitePower != 0>> /* (16) 240% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceSatalitePower*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceGiantRobot != 0>> /* (8) 120% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*($securityForceGiantRobot*0.15))>><</if>> 
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+(1+($SSLevelLaunchBay*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceSatalitePower != 0>> /* (16) 240% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceSatalitePower*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceGiantRobot != 0>> /* (8) 120% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*($securityForceGiantRobot*0.15))>><</if>> 
 <<if $SSLevelNavalYard !=0 && $terrain == "oceanic">>
-<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+(1+($SSLevelNavalYard*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceAircraftCarrier !=0 && $terrain == "oceanic">> /* (4) 60% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceAircraftCarrier*0.15)))>><</if>>
-	<<if $securityForceSubmarine !=0 && $terrain == "oceanic">> /* (4) 60% */
-		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceSubmarine*0.15)))>><</if>>
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency+(1+($SSLevelNavalYard*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceAircraftCarrier !=0 && $terrain == "oceanic">> /* (4) 60% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceAircraftCarrier*0.15)))>><</if>>
+<<if $securityForceSubmarine !=0 && $terrain == "oceanic">> /* (4) 60% */
+	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(1+($securityForceSubmarine*0.15)))>><</if>>
 /* Colonel stuff */
 	/* <<switch $ColonelCore>>
 	<<case "warmonger">>
-	<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*($WarmongerColonel*0.15))>>
+		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*(0.15))>>
 	<<if $securityForceSexedColonel != 0>>
 		<<set $securityForceMissionEfficiency = ($securityForceMissionEfficiency*($securityForceSexedColonel*0.15))>><</if>> */
@@ -237,6 +237,7 @@
 	/* Check to see if total booty is over 15k. This is the 'profitability point' of the SF. It has no upkeep, but unless you get over 15k, The Colonel uses the entire take to keep the force together. Still very profitable at higher levels though (Who thought having a 1000-man private military dedicated to slamming meth and pillaging the world would be profitable? It's quite crazy tbh). Technically the booty calcs should be affected if the force is recruiting/securing (less income from raids), but that would be frustrating for the player at high levels of development - we still want them to feel like they're getting the cash. Uses a flag for the eventual description. */
 	<<if $securityForceBooty > 15000>>
 		<<set $securityForceProfitable = 1>>
 		/* Finally, add dat cash to the bank. C.R.E.A.M. */
 		<<if $securityForceFocus == "raiding">>
 			<<set $securityForceIncome = Math.trunc(($securityForceBooty*0.95))>>
@@ -246,9 +247,11 @@
 			<<set $cash = ($cash+$securityForceIncome)>>
 		<<elseif $securityForceFocus == "secure">>
 			<<set $securityForceIncome = Math.trunc(($securityForceBooty*0.25))>>
-			<<set $cash = ($cash+$securityForceIncome)>><</if>>
+			<<set $cash = ($cash+$securityForceIncome)>>
+		<</if>>
-		<<set $securityForceProfitable = 0>><</if>>
+		<<set $securityForceProfitable = 0>>
+	<</if>>
 /* Depravity calculations - hidden stat representing how violent/hedonistic/etc the SF is. Rises with raiding/free,fire/low accountability, The Colonel personality choice and lowers with reduced settings (though much slower since its easier to go criminal then it is to go straight afterward, etc. Middle options have no effect. Each setting is independent of the others. */
@@ -310,7 +313,7 @@
 <<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 1>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Garage:''<</if>> 
 		/* 7 upgrades */  <<if $securityForceVehiclePower == 0 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 1>>The garage contains basic, unarmoured vehicles for use by the soldiers, primarily high-end civilian vehicles with jury-rigged crew-served weapons.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 1>>The garage has replaced its technical fleet with armed military utility vehicles. It has also sourced customized, high-volume slave transports for better securing human spoils.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 2>>The garage has added a number of light infantry fighting vehicles to its fleet, and acquired more slave transports to keep up with demand.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 3>>The garage has acquired improved infantry fighting vehicles, and has also added some mobile artillery and other support vehicles.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 4>>The garage has acquired some heavier armoured vehicles to augment the infantry fighting vehicles and expanded their inventory of artillery and support vehicles.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 5>>The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 6>>The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced light variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 7>>The garage has replaced both its armoured and support vehicles with the most advanced heavy variants possible, making the mobile unit of the $securityForceName far superior to anything in the arcology's immediate area.<</if>>
 <<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >=4>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Hangar:''<</if>> 
-		/* 7 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceAircraftPower == 0 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4>>The aerial fleet primarily consists of light transport VTOLs equipped with non-lethal weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 1>>The aerial fleet's light transport VTOLs have been upgraded with additional fire-power and lethal weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 2>>The aerial fleet's VTOLs have been upgraded to higher-capacity variants with heavier weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 3>>The aerial fleet's medium transport VTOLs have been upgraded with enhanced armour and customized cargo compartments to better transport captured stock.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 4>>The aerial fleet has acquired specialized attack VTOLs to complement and escort its advanced transport fleet, as well as to provide close air support.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 5>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 6>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 7>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed/armour, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<</if>>
+		/* 7 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceAircraftPower == 0 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4>>The aerial fleet primarily consists of light transport VTOLs equipped with non-lethal weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 1>>The aerial fleet's light transport VTOLs have been upgraded with additional fire-power and lethal weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 2>>The aerial fleet's VTOLs have been upgraded to higher-capacity variants with heavier weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 3>>The aerial fleet's medium transport VTOLs have been upgraded with enhanced armour and customized cargo compartments to better transport captured stock.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 4>>The aerial fleet has acquired specialized attack VTOLs to complement and escort its advanced transport fleet, as well as to provide close air support.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 5>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 6>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 7>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed/armour, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.<<elseif $securityForceAircraftPower == 8>>The aerial fleet has upgraded its attack VTOLs for enhanced lethality/speed/armour, and further improved the armour and armament of its transport VTOLs, ensuring that the airfleet of the $securityForceName is amongst the most capable still in operation in the area.Also it now posseses a basic old world bomber.<</if>>
 		/* 8 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 1>>A basic two engine SpacePlane has been 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 2>>Upgraded the Space Plane's shielding, reducing both potential heat damage and radar signature.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 3>>Mounted another engine on top of the Space Plane's tail.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 4>>Modernised the elecontrics.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 5>>Modernised the fuel lines to increase efficency.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 6>>Modernised the Space Plane's engines to allow for more efficent fuel.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 7>>Reduced Space Plane's weight and reworked the body to reduce drag.<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 8>>Increased the SpacePlane's crew comfort and life support systems to increase operational time.<</if>> 
 		/* 3 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 1>>A basic Fortress Zeppelin has been 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 2>>Modernised the Fortress Zeppelin's armor.<<elseif $securityForceFortressZeppelin == 3>>Modernised the Fortress Zeppelin's weaponry.<</if>>
 		/* 5 upgrades */ <<if $securityForceAC130 == 1>>A basic AC-130 has been 'borrowed' from the old world.<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 2>>Modernised the AC-130's armor.<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 3>>Modernised the AC-130's weaponry.<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 4>>Modernised the AC-130's eletronics.<<elseif $securityForceAC130 == 5>>Modernised the AC-130's crew seating.<</if>>