From f4fedf6fb276bdc31f0804b1848a038bd708b503 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lowercasedonkey <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2020 21:26:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] fixes

 src/events/intro/introSummary.js | 53 ++++++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/events/intro/introSummary.js b/src/events/intro/introSummary.js
index 30f42f6e963..73a86a0c359 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/introSummary.js
+++ b/src/events/intro/introSummary.js
@@ -328,18 +328,16 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 			.addValue("Default", 2, () => V.difficultySwitch = 1)
 			.addValue("Hard", 3, () => V.difficultySwitch = 1);
-		el.append(_options.render());
-		_options = new App.UI.OptionsGroup();
 		/* Not functional yet
 		All the things you need to run your arcology are getting more expensive
 		if (V.incomeMod === 0) {
-			while all forms of income ''remain static''.
+			while all forms of income <strong>remain static</strong>.
 				[[Easier|Intro Summary][V.incomeMod = 1]]
 		} else if (V.incomeMod === 1) {
-			while all forms of income ''rise but cannot keep pace''.
+			while all forms of income <strong>rise but cannot keep pace</strong>.
 			[[Harder|Intro Summary][V.incomeMod = 0]] | [[Easier|Intro Summary][V.incomeMod = 2]]
 		} else {
-			but luckily all forms of income ''rise in lockstep''.
+			but luckily all forms of income <strong>rise in lockstep</strong>.
 			[[Harder|Intro Summary][V.incomeMod = 1]]
@@ -355,27 +353,34 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 				.customButton("Customize the slave trade", () => { V.customVariety = 1; V.customWA = 0; }, "Customize Slave Trade");
 			_options.addOption("", "internationalTrade")
-				.addValue("Allow intercontinental trade", 1).on().customDescription("The slave trade is ''international,'' so a wider variety of slaves will be available.")
-				.addValue("Restrict the trade to continental", 0).off().customDescription("The slave trade is ''continental,'' so a narrower variety of slaves will be available.");
+				.addValue("Allow intercontinental trade", 1).on().customDescription("The slave trade is <strong>international,</strong> so a wider variety of slaves will be available.")
+				.addValue("Restrict the trade to continental", 0).off().customDescription("The slave trade is <strong>continental,</strong> so a narrower variety of slaves will be available.");
 			if (V.internationalTrade === 1) {
 				_options.addOption("International slave variety is", "internationalVariety")
-					.addValue("Normalized national variety", 1).customDescription("''normalized,'' so small nations will appear nearly as much as large ones.")
-					.addValue("Semi-realistic national variety", 0).customDescription("''semi-realistic,'' so more populous nations will be more common.");
+					.addValue("Normalized national variety", 1).customDescription("<strong>normalized,</strong> so small nations will appear nearly as much as large ones.")
+					.addValue("Semi-realistic national variety", 0).customDescription("<strong>semi-realistic,</strong> so more populous nations will be more common.");
 		} else {
 			_options.addOption("Nationality distributions are customized.")
 				.customButton("Adjust the slave trade", () => { V.customWA = 0; V.customVariety = 1; }, "Customize Slave Trade")
 				.customButton("Stop customizing", () => { delete V.customVariety; });
+		}
+		/* closes V.customVariety is defined */
+		el.append(_options.render());
+		if (V.customVariety) {
 			// TODO: can we really simplify like this?
-		/* closes V.customVariety is defined */
+		_options = new App.UI.OptionsGroup();
 		_options.addOption("", "plot")
-			.addValue("Enable non-erotic events", 1).on().customDescription("Game mode: ''two-handed''. Includes non-erotic events concerning the changing world.")
-			.addValue("Disable non-erotic events", 0).off().customDescription("Game mode: ''one-handed''. No non-erotic events concerning the changing world.");
+			.addValue("Enable non-erotic events", 1).on().customDescription("Game mode: <strong>two-handed</strong>. Includes non-erotic events concerning the changing world.")
+			.addValue("Disable non-erotic events", 0).off().customDescription("Game mode: <strong>one-handed</strong>. No non-erotic events concerning the changing world.");
@@ -383,15 +388,16 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", el, "The Free City");
 		_options = new App.UI.OptionsGroup();
-		_options.addOption(`The Free City features ''${V.neighboringArcologies}'' arcologies in addition to your own.`, "neighboringArcologies")
+		_options.addOption(`The Free City features <strong>${V.neighboringArcologies}</strong> arcologies in addition to your own.`, "neighboringArcologies")
 			.showTextBox().addComment("Setting this to 0 will disable most content involving the rest of the Free City.");
 		if (V.targetArcology.fs === "New") {
-			_options.addOption("The Free City is located on ''V.terrain'' terrain.", "terrain")
+			_options.addOption(`The Free City is located on <strong>${V.terrain}</strong> terrain.`, "terrain")
 				.addValueList([["Urban", "urban"], ["Rural", "rural"], ["Ravine", "ravine"], ["Marine", "marine"], ["Oceanic", "oceanic"]]);
 			if (V.terrain !== "oceanic") {
-				_option = _options.addOption(`The Free City is located in ''${V.continent}''.`, "continent")
+				// TODO: this is from original, but seems unused?
+				_option = _options.addOption(`The Free City is located in <strong>${V.continent}</strong>.`, "continent")
 					.addValue("North America").addCallback(() => V.language = "English")
 					.addValue("South America").addCallback(() => V.language = "Spanish")
 					.addValue("Brazil").addCallback(() => V.language = "Portuguese")
@@ -414,7 +420,7 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 				.addValueList(["English", "Spanish", "Arabic"]).showTextBox();
-		_options.addOption("The Free City could develop as many as ''V.FSCreditCount'' future societies.", "FSCreditCount")
+		_options.addOption(`The Free City could develop as many as <strong>${V.FSCreditCount}</strong> future societies.`, "FSCreditCount")
 			.showTextBox().addComment("5 is default, 4 behaves the same as pre-patch, max is 7. This option cannot be changed during the game.");
@@ -499,6 +505,7 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 	function slavesContent() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
 		let _options = new App.UI.OptionsGroup();
 		_options.addOption("Master Suite report details such as slave changes are", "verboseDescriptions")
@@ -615,7 +622,7 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 				.addRange(25, 35, "<", "Surprisingly young").addRange(40, 50, "<", "Entering middle age")
 				.addRange(55, 65, "<", "Well into middle age").addRange(70, 65, ">=", "Old");
-			_options.addOption("Your birthday was ''V.PC.birthWeek'' weeks ago.", "birthWeek", V.PC).showTextBox();
+			_options.addOption(`Your birthday was <strong>${V.PC.birthWeek}</strong> weeks ago.`, "birthWeek", V.PC).showTextBox();
 			_options.addOption("Player aging is", "playerAging")
 				.addValue("Enabled", 2).on().addValue("Celebrate birthdays, but don't age.", 1).neutral().addValue("Disabled", 0).off()
@@ -760,7 +767,7 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 				if (V.PC.counter.birthsTotal > 0) {
-					_options.addOption("").addComment("You have given birth to ''V.PC.counter.birthsTotal'' babies.");
+					_options.addOption("").addComment(`You have given birth to <strong>${V.PC.counter.birthsTotal}</strong> babies.`);
 				_option = _options.addOption("Hormone effects", "pregMood", V.PC)
@@ -789,7 +796,7 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 			r = [];
 			r.push(`You are a`);
 			if (V.PC.title === 1) {
-				r.push(`masculine ''Master''`);
+				r.push(`masculine <strong>Master</strong>`);
 			} else {
 				r.push(`feminine ''Mistress'`);
@@ -797,13 +804,13 @@ App.Intro.summary = function() {
 			r.push(`You are ${V.PC.actualAge} years old which is`);
 			if (V.PC.actualAge >= 65) {
-				r.push(`''old''.`);
+				r.push(`<strong>old</strong>.`);
 			} else if (V.PC.actualAge >= 50) {
-				r.push(`''well into middle age''.`);
+				r.push(`<strong>well into middle age</strong>.`);
 			} else if (V.PC.actualAge >= 35) {
-				r.push(`''entering middle age''.`);
+				r.push(`<strong>entering middle age</strong>.`);
 			} else {
-				r.push(`''surprisingly young''.`);
+				r.push(`<strong>surprisingly young</strong>.`);
 			App.Events.addNode(el, r, "p");