diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index 55b2c1879a5c9d3a0e249cd2d62fd44126f49466..fc8aec2b2649643223cd29284fc7b6f37ab89215 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -8,19 +8,23 @@ How to mod (basic doc):
     - src/js/storyJS.tw		- special passage with [script] tag - contain all native JavaScript from pregmod. 
     - devTools/tweeGo/targets/sugarcube-2/userlib.js - on original FC JS moved here (I deleted it after moving JS to storyJS.tw). Compare to storyJS.tw but do not copy file here. May conflict with src/js/storyJS.tw if copied.
     - src/pregmod 		- I put all pregmod-only passages here.
-    - .gitignore 		- special file for git - to ignore some files. For example - compilation results or this file.
+    - .gitignore 		- special file for git - to ignore some files. For example - compilation results.
 3. Compilation:
-    Run compile.bat - result will be file bin/FC.html
-    Second run of compile.but will overwrite bin/FC.html without prompt.
+    Run compile.bat - result will be file bin/FC_pregmod.html
+    Second run of compile.but will overwrite bin/FC_pregmod.html without prompt.
     Ensure executable permission on file "devTools/tweeGo/tweego" (not tweego.exe!)
     Ensure executable permission on file "compile" 
     In the root dir of sources (where you see src, devTools, bin...) run command "./compile" from console
     compile-git will produce the same result file but with current commit hash in filename.
+    Mac: 
+    Don't supported directly (I don't have access to Mac for testing). 
+    But potentially can be used linux compilation script if you download tweego for mac from here: https://bitbucket.org/tmedwards/tweego/downloads/ and replace linux executable with mac executable in ./devTools/tweeGo/ folder. This is not tested though.
 4. Simple comparing and merging with original FC:
@@ -30,4 +34,17 @@ How to mod (basic doc):
 5. All modders will be wery grateful if any, who make some changes to game, with .html file also post his/her resulting src folder tree.
-6. For contributors to pregmod: you need to post yours version of src folder tree, not just produced FC_pregmod.html !!! This html file can't be reverted to proper sources, and useless as contribution!
\ No newline at end of file
+6. For contributors to pregmod: if you don't use git, then you need to post yours version of src folder tree, not just produced FC_pregmod.html file!!! This html file can't be reverted to proper sources, and useless as contribution!
+7. Git workflow:
+    - Master branch is pregmod-master. Only Pregmodder can add something to it directly. Always contain his last public changes.
+    - pregmod-dev - branch with experimental code mainly by pregmodfan. 
+    - Any contributions will be placed in separate branches like pregmod-mod-<something> (if it's ready to merge with master complete feature/mod) or pregmod-contrib-<something> if it's partial work until contributions is reviewed.
+    Typical cycle with git:
+	1. Make account on gitgud if you don't have usable one.
+	2. Fork main repository through gitgud interface. (Or pull changes from main repo if you already have fork.)
+	3. Clone your fork to local machine witn git client  (Or pull changes if already cloned.)
+	4. Make you changes as you like, commit, and push result into your forked repository (with git client).
+	5. Make merge request through gitgud interface.