@echo off :: Free Cities Basic Compiler - Windows :: Set working directory pushd %~dp0 :: See if we can find a git installation setlocal enabledelayedexpansion for %%k in (HKCU HKLM) do ( for %%w in (\ \Wow6432Node\) do ( for /f "skip=2 delims=: tokens=1*" %%a in ('reg query "%%k\SOFTWARE%%wMicrosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Git_is1" /v InstallLocation 2^> nul') do ( for /f "tokens=3" %%z in ("%%a") do ( set GIT=%%z:%%b set GITFOUND=yes goto FOUND ) ) ) ) :FOUND if %GITFOUND% == yes ( set "PATH=%GIT%bin;%PATH%" bash --login -c ./sanityCheck ) :: Compile the game call "%~dp0compile.bat" if %GITFOUND% == yes ( :: Make the output prettier, replacing \t with a tab and \n with a newline bash -c "sed -i -e '/^.*<div id=\"store-area\".*$/s/\\\t/\t/g' -e '/^.*<div id=\"store-area\".*$/s/\\\n/\n/g' bin/FC_pregmod.html" :: Revert ./src/init/storyInit.tw for next compilation git checkout -- ./src/init/storyInit.tw ) popd PAUSE