#!/bin/bash output=/dev/stdout # displays help text function displayHelp { cat << HelpText Usage: compile.sh [OPTION]... Options: -d, --dry Do not compile -g, --git Add hash of HEAD to filename -h, --help Show this help text -j, --java Run sanityCheck based on java (recommended) -p, --python Run sanityCheck based on python -q, --quiet Suppress terminal output HelpText } #display an error message function echoError { echo -e "\033[0;31m$@\033[0m" } #display message function echoMessage { echo "$1" > "${output}" } #compile the HTML file function compile { mkdir -p bin export TWEEGO_PATH=devTools/tweeGo/storyFormats TWEEGO_EXE="tweego" if hash $TWEEGO_EXE 2>/dev/null; then echoMessage "system tweego binary" else case "$(uname -m)" in x86_64|amd64) echoMessage "x64 arch" if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then TWEEGO_EXE="./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_osx64" else TWEEGO_EXE="./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_nix64" fi ;; x86|i[3-6]86) echoMessage "x86 arch" if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then TWEEGO_EXE="./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_osx86" else TWEEGO_EXE="./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_nix86" fi ;; *) echoError "No system tweego binary found, and no precompiled binary for your platform available." echoError "Please compile tweego and put the executable in PATH." exit 2 esac fi if [[ "$usehash" ]]; then HASH="$(git rev-list -n 1 --abbrev-commit HEAD)" $TWEEGO_EXE -o "bin/FC_pregmod_${HASH}_tmp.html" src/ --head devTools/head.html || build_failed="true" if [ "$build_failed" = "true" ] then echoError "Build failed." exit 1 fi #Make the output prettier, replacing \t with a tab and \n with a newline sed -i -e '/^<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\t/\t/g' -e '/^<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\n/\n/g' "bin/FC_pregmod_${HASH}_tmp.html" \ && mv "bin/FC_pregmod_${HASH}_tmp.html" "bin/FC_pregmod_${HASH}.html" ln -s ../resources bin/ 2> /dev/null echoMessage "Saved to bin/FC_pregmod_$HASH.html." else # Find and insert current commit COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) sed -Ei "s/build .releaseID/\0 commit $COMMIT/" src/gui/mainMenu/AlphaDisclaimer.tw $TWEEGO_EXE -o "bin/FC_pregmod_tmp.html" src/ --head devTools/head.html || build_failed="true" # Revert AlphaDisclaimer for next compilation git checkout -- src/gui/mainMenu/AlphaDisclaimer.tw if [ "$build_failed" = "true" ] then echoError "Build failed." exit 1 fi #Make the output prettier, replacing \t with a tab and \n with a newline sed -i -e '/^.*<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\t/\t/g' -e '/^.*<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\n/\n/g' bin/FC_pregmod_tmp.html \ && mv bin/FC_pregmod_tmp.html bin/FC_pregmod.html ln -s ../resources bin/ 2> /dev/null echoMessage "Saved to bin/FC_pregmod.html." fi } if [[ "$1" == "" ]]; then #tip if no option echoMessage "For more options see compile.sh -h." else #parse options while [[ "$1" ]] do case $1 in -d|--dry) dry="true" ;; -g|--git) usehash="true" ;; -h|--help) displayHelp exit 0 ;; -j|--java) java="true" ;; -p|--python) python="true" ;; -q|--quiet) output=/dev/null ;; *) echoError "Unknown argument $1." displayHelp exit 1 esac shift done fi # Run sanity check. [ -n "$java" ] && ./sanityCheck.sh java [ -n "$python" ] && ./sanityCheck.sh #compile if [[ "$dry" ]]; then echoMessage "Dry run finished." else compile echoMessage "Compilation finished." fi