:: SA long term effects [nobr]

<<set _actualBreastSize = $slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant-$slaves[$i].boobsMilk>>
<<set _fetishChangeChance = fetishChangeChance($slaves[$i])>>
<<set _bellyAccessory = $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory>>
<<if _bellyAccessory == "a support band">>
	<<set _bellyBand = 2>>
	<<set _bellyBand = 1>>
<<set _para = 0>>
<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs === -1>><<set _oldEnergy = $slaves[$i].energy, _maxEnergyGain = Math.round((75 - _oldEnergy)/9.3)>><</if>>
<<set _rearQuirk = $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.rearLipedema == 2 ? 2 : 0>>
<<set _gigantomastiaMod = $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 2 ? ($slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 2 ? 3 : 2) : 1>>
<<set _uterineHypersensitivityMod = $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2 ? 2 : 1>>
<<set _Stud = slaveStateById($StudID)>> /% may be null %/

<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll >= 100>>
		$He is perfectly adapted to life in a Fuckdoll suit.
		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 5>>
			This is $his first week as a living sex toy. $He is @@.mediumorchid;utterly terrified@@ by the prospect of spending the rest of $his life like this. $He is @@.green;forced to adapt@@ to life as a Fuckdoll. $He must remain still, and do $his best to cooperate with anyone who guides $him by touch. When $he obeys commands relayed by $his suit, $he is rewarded with orgasms; when $he does not, $he is punished with pain.
			<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment > 50>>
				$He @@.red;begins to forget $his entertainment skills@@ under the terrible stress of total confinement.
				<<set $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment = 50>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 15>>
			This is $his second week as a living sex toy. $His suit continues $his training as a living sex toy, @@.green;forcing $him to accept any treatment@@ $he is subjected to. Though the suit is capable of resisting unacceptable movement to a degree, and it includes integral shackles to secure the toy in any position desired, the Fuckdoll is now severely punished if $he attempts any resistance at all.
			<<if $slaves[$i].skill.whoring > 50>>
				$He @@.red;loses $his refined courtesanship,@@ since all $he has to remember now is how to be used.
				<<set $slaves[$i].skill.whoring = 50>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 25>>
			This week $he @@.green;learns the most basic commands@@ $his suit can pass, those for simple postures. <<if isAmputee($slaves[$i])>>These are very simple, since $he lacks limbs.<<else>>One command directs $him to remain standing, but cock $his hips to offer $his rear hole. Another requires $him to get instantly down <<if hasAllLimbs($slaves[$i])>>on all fours<<else>>to the floor<</if>> and arch $his back, offering both $his face hole and <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>lower holes<<else>>rear hole<</if>>.<</if>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "none">>
				With no stimulation other than use, $he @@.red;quickly forgets what used to make $his behavior special.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "none">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].career != "a Fuckdoll">>
				$His procedural memory has largely been overwritten by tonal commands; @@.yellow;$his only meaningful career experience is now the profession of a living sex toy.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].career = "a Fuckdoll">>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 35>>
			This week $he @@.green;learns more advanced posture commands.@@ <<if !hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i])>>These remain quite simple, since $he lacks <<if isAmputee($slaves[$i])>>limbs<<else>>legs<</if>>.<<else>>$He practices balance in the heels integral to the suit, and learns to stand and bend at the waist, all the way down, while keeping $his legs straight, putting $his face hole and $his <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>lower holes<<else>>rear hole<</if>> at convenient waist height.<</if>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk != "none">>
				$His sex life now consists of things that enter $his holes. $He learns to desire any use at all, since nothing else interrupts the infinite boredom. $He @@.red;quickly forgets what used to make $his sexual tendencies distinctive.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk = "none">>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 45>>
			This week $he @@.green;learns basic sexual commands@@ from $his suit. Usually, if something is inserted into $his <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>holes<<else>>lower hole<</if>>, $he is to relax. If a specific command is given, $he is taught to rhythmically tighten <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>$his holes<<else>>the hole<</if>>, massaging whatever's inside.
			<<if $slaves[$i].skill.vaginal > 25>>
				Being trained in this uncomplicated act @@.red;quickly teaches $him to ignore $his vaginal talents.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].skill.vaginal = 25>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].skill.anal > 25>>
				$He's forced to use $his sphincter as hard as $he can, and $he @@.red;quickly forgets all anal refinement.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].skill.anal = 25>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 55>>
			This week $he @@.green;learns more basic sexual commands@@ from $his suit. Usually, if something is inserted into $his throat, $he is to relax and accept a facefucking. If a specific command is given, $he is taught to suck as powerfully as $he can, on pain of punishment.
			<<if $slaves[$i].skill.oral > 25>>
				Being trained to suck so hard @@.red;quickly erases $his finer oral habits.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].skill.oral = 25>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw != "none">>
				$He has now been obeying $his suit out of a desire to avoid punishment for so long that @@.green;$he loses any propensity to misbehave in distinctive ways.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 65>>
			This week $he @@.green;receives training for finer arousal control@@ from $his suit. $He can now be warmed up before use, to make $him as desperate as possible; or $he can be warmed up and left to suffer.
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 50>>
				$He's now so desperate for any stimulation that $he @@.coral;begins to forget what once aroused $him.@@ $He now wants whatever $he can get.
				<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 50>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "none">>
				$He's trained to perform thorough mechanical obedience, @@.green;utterly destroying $his sexual deficiencies.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 75>>
			This week $he @@.green;begins to learn more advanced commands@@ from $his suit. $He is taught a command that instructs $him to take a more active role in penetrative sex. When that command is given, $he must fuck $himself against any <<if $PC.dick != 0>>cocks<<else>>phalli<</if>> that are currently inside $him, as hard as $he possibly can.
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "none" && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
				$He @@.coral;no longer retains any sexual preferences@@ at all. $He just wants to be penetrated.
				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 50>>
				$He was once highly intelligent, but total concentration of all $his mental abilities on simple tonal commands @@.red;dulls $his intelligence.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].intelligence -= 30>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 85>>
			This week $he @@.green;learns some more advanced commands@@ from $his suit. <<if isAmputee($slaves[$i])>>If $his limbless torso is placed atop a dick and a command is given, $he is to do $his best to bounce on it.<<else>>$He learns a special command, on which $he is to slowly squat down, impaling $himself on any phallus beneath $him. Once $his hole is filled, $he is to bounce up and down, using $his hole to milk the phallus.<</if>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment > 15>>
				There is @@.red;no entertainment and no elegance@@ for $him anymore. $He cannot even hear the lewd noises $his holes make.
				<<set $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment = 15>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].skill.whoring > 15>>
				$He @@.red;cannot remember prostitution@@ at all. $He can barely remember anything but being fucked.
				<<set $slaves[$i].skill.whoring = 15>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 15>>
				$His @@.red;mind steadily degrades@@ under the stress of this treatment.
				<<set $slaves[$i].intelligence -= 40>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant != 0>>
				An education holds no bearing for $his new skillset, so it @@.red;wastes away.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant = 0>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fuckdoll <= 95>>
			This week $he @@.green;begins $his final adaptation@@ into a perfect living sex toy. $His suit starts to actively punish any detectable mental activity when $him is not obeying commands or being used.
			<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence > -50>>
				$He was once reasonably intelligent, but the incredible stress of this treatment @@.red;suppresses $his ability to think coherently.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].intelligence = -50>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].fuckdoll = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].fuckdoll+10,0,100)>>

<<if assignmentVisible($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].assignment !== "live with your Head Girl" || $HGSuiteSurgery === 0)>> /* OPENS AUTOSURGERY, CLOTHES, AND ACCESSORIES */
	<<if hasSurgeryRule($slaves[$i], $defaultRules) && $slaves[$i].useRulesAssistant == 1 && $slaves[$i].indentureRestrictions < 2 && $cash > 0>>
		<<= rulesAutosurgery($slaves[$i])>>

<<= App.SlaveAssignment.clothes($slaves[$i], _fetishChangeChance)>>

<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
	<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10, $slaves[$i].attrXY = 50, $slaves[$i].attrXX = 50, $slaves[$i].attrKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].devotion = 40, $slaves[$i].trust = -40, $slaves[$i].skill.vaginal = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].skill.vaginal,0,15), $slaves[$i].skill.oral = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].skill.oral,0,15), $slaves[$i].skill.anal = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].skill.anal,0,15), $slaves[$i].skill.combat = 0, $slaves[$i].skill.whoring = 0, $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment = 0, $slaves[$i].intelligence = -75, $slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant = 0, $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none", $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk = "none", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none", $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "none">>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>


		<<if $slaves[$i].ovaImplant == "asexual" && isFertile($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].preg == 0 || ($slaves[$i].preg >= 0 && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.superfetation == 2))>>
			The frequent internal ejaculations and accompanying climaxes brought about by $his ovarian modifications keeps $him sexually sated.
			<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 10) && ($slaves[$i].attrXY >= 10 || $slaves[$i].attrXX >= 10)>>
				However, the constant self-gratification @@.red;both damages what $he finds attractive and leaves sex less satisfying.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 10, $slaves[$i].attrXY = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-10,0,100), $slaves[$i].attrXX = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-10,0,100)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy >= 10)>>
				However, the constant self-gratification @@.red;leaves sex less satisfying.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY >= 10 || $slaves[$i].attrXX >= 10)>>
				However, the constant self-gratification @@.red;twists what $he finds attractive.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-10,0,100), $slaves[$i].attrXX = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-10,0,100)>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>

		<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 1)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 35)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 20)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
							Recently, $he's been fantasizing about submitting to big strong men. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a man @@.green;mellows.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
							Recently, $he's been reconsidering $his reluctance to be sodomized by a man. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a man @@.green;mellows.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
							Recently, $he's been fantasizing about getting knocked up. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a man @@.green;mellows.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "adores men")>>
						$He enjoys spending time with men, and starts to @@.green;reconsider $his unwillingness to be fucked by men.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 40)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].counter.anal > 0) && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
								Every time $he cums with a dick up $his ass, $his @@.green;resistance to sex with men is worn away.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > random(1,100))>>
						The atmosphere in your arcology is so ubiquitously sexual that $he @@.green;reconsiders $his unwillingness to have sex with men.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					$His weak libido limits natural development of $his sexuality.
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].genes == "XY">>
						<<set _roll = random(1,5)>>
						<<switch _roll>>
						<<case 1>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].nosePiercing>>
								$He's fascinated by $his <<if $slaves[$i].nosePiercing > 1>>slutty nose piercings, and unconsciously thinks of $himself as @@.green;prettier and more suited to take dick.@@<<else>>nice little nasal piercing, and feels like @@.green;more of a girly girl.@@<</if>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
						<<case 2>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].eyebrowPiercing>>
								$His <<if $slaves[$i].eyebrowPiercing > 1>>degrading eyebrow piercings make $him feel @@.green;a little less disinclined to accept being on the bottom.@@<<else>>cute eyebrow piercing makes $him feel @@.green;a little girlier.@@<</if>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
						<<case 3>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].lipsPiercing>>
								$He kind of likes $his <<if $slaves[$i].lipsPiercing > 1>>whorish lip ring, and seems @@.green;less disturbed by the idea of $his mouth as a fuckhole.@@<<else>>pretty little lip piercing, and feels like @@.green;$he has a nice mouth.@@<</if>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
						<<case 4>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].navelPiercing>>
								$He sometimes <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>stares at<<else>>considers<</if>> $his <<if $slaves[$i].navelPiercing > 1>>navel chain, turning this way and that to make it move, unconsciously @@.green;getting used to $his fuckable body.@@<<else>>little feminine navel piercing, and seems to think @@.green;$his lower half is kind of pretty.@@<</if>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
						<<case 5>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].earPiercing>>
								<<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>
									Every morning, $he's greeted by $his girly reflection in the mirror, <<if $slaves[$i].earPiercing > 1>>whose slutty ear piercings make $him @@.green;feel more fuckable.@@<<else>>complete with pretty pierced ears @@.green;like a good slave girl.@@<</if>>
									$His girly pierced ears make $him feel <<if $slaves[$i].earPiercing > 1>>@@.green;like a hot slut.@@<<else>>@@.green;like a cute girl.@@<</if>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 65)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 40)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
							$He's found $himself enjoying watching big strong men use other slaves recently. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
							$He's started fantasizing about cocks being shoved up $his butt even when there are no cocks being shoved up $his butt. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
							$His fantasies about pregnancy have become quite vivid; $he loves hot cum jetting into $him. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores men")>>
						$He enjoys spending time with men, and is now @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 60)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].counter.anal > 0)>>
								Every time $he cums to the feeling of a cock thrusting deep inside $him, $his @@.green;indifference to men is reduced.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > random(1,200))>>
						The atmosphere in your arcology is so ubiquitously sexual that $he has become @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					$His poor sex drive limits natural development of $his sexuality.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 85)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 60)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
							$He can no longer see a man without fantasizing about how it would feel if he held $him down. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by men.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
							$He can't see a man without doing $his best to get his hard cock inside $him. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by men.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
							$He can't see a man without doing $his best to get his hot seed into $his body. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by men.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 80)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].counter.anal > 0)>>
								$He often starts to climax as a cock begins to push inside $him, @@.green;deepening $his appetite for men.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores men")>>
						$He enjoys spending time with men so much that any interaction becomes flirtation; $he's now @@.green;more aroused by men.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					$His average libido limits further natural development of $his sexuality.
				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy < 40)>>
					$His low sex drive @@.red;reduces $his extreme attraction to men.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= 5>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 35)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 20)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
							Recently, $he's been fantasizing about how it would feel to force $himself on some of the cute women all around $him. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a woman @@.green;mellows.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
							Recently, $he's been fantasizing about how it would feel to abuse a weak female slave. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a woman @@.green;mellows.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs")>>
							Recently, $he's been fantasizing about other girls' tits. $His revulsion at the idea of sex with a woman @@.green;mellows.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores women")>>
						$He enjoys spending time with women, and starts to @@.green;reconsider $his unwillingness to have sex with a woman.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
					<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 40)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].counter.penetrative > 0)>>
								Getting to fuck another girl is rare and special, and $he @@.green;starts to value getting to have sex with women.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > random(1,100))>>
						The atmosphere in your arcology is so ubiquitously sexual that $he @@.green;reconsiders $his unwillingness to have sex with women.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX > 35)>>$His weak libido limits natural development of $his sexuality.<</if>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 65)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 40)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
							$He's found $himself enjoying the <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>sight<<else>>idea<</if>> of female slaves being forced to fuck recently. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
							$He's started fantasizing about how a girl might feel, struggling to get away from $him. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs")>>
							$His fantasies about boobs have become quite vivid. $He's now @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores women")>>
						$He enjoys spending time with women, and is now @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
					<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 60)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].counter.penetrative > 0)>>
								@@.green;$His indifference to women@@ is worn down on the special occasions that $he's allowed to stick $his dick in one.
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > random(1,200))>>
						The atmosphere in your arcology is so ubiquitously sexual that $he has become @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX > 65)>>$His poor sex drive limits natural development of $his sexuality.<</if>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 60)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
							$He can't see a woman without plotting to dominate her. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist")>>
							$He can't see a woman without doing $his best to find a way the rules will allow $him to abuse the poor girl. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs")>>
							$He can't see a woman without doing $his best to get $his <<if (!hasAnyArms($slaves[$i]))>>face between<<else>>hand<<if (hasBothArms($slaves[$i]))>>s<</if>> on<</if>> her breasts. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy" && canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
							$He can't see a woman without plotting to plant $his seed in her womb. $He's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores women")>>
						$He enjoys spending time with women so much that any interaction becomes flirtation; $he's now @@.green;more aroused by women.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
					<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].energy >= 80)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].counter.penetrative > 0)>>
								$He cherishes the special occasions on which $he gets to cum inside a girl, @@.green;building $his appetite for women.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX > 85)>>$His average libido limits further natural development of $his sexuality.<</if>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy < 40)>>
					$His low sex drive @@.red;reduces $his extreme attraction to women.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= 5>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX < 100)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXY < 100)>>
						$His nymphomania has a slow but inexorable impact on $his sexuality, @@.green;increasing $his attraction to everyone.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
						$His nymphomania has a slow but inexorable impact on $his sexuality, @@.green;increasing $his lust for pussy,@@ since $he's already crazy about guys.
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY < 100)>>
					$His nymphomania has a slow but inexorable impact on $his sexuality, @@.green;increasing $his need for cock,@@ since $he's already crazy about the ladies.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>

		<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "none")>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw != "none")>>
				<<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw>>
				<<case "arrogant">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "bitchy">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "cutting")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "odd">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "funny")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "hates men">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores women")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "hates women">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "adores men")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "gluttonous">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "anorexic">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "devout">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "sinful")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "liberated">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "advocate")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 70>>
					$His physical overachievement and $his growing athletic prowess @@.green;increase $his sex drive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				<<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk>>
				<<case "confident">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "dom">>
						$His confidence and poise @@.lightcoral;increase $his dominance.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "cutting">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "dom">>
						$His willingness to cut a partner down @@.lightcoral;increases $his dominance.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "funny">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist">>
						Using pain as an outlet for all the mental troubles lurking behind $his funny façade @@.lightcoral;increases $his masochism.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "adores men">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy">>
						$His love of male company has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his pregnancy fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "adores women">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs">>
						$His love of female company has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his boob fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "insecure">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive">>
						$His desperation for validation from others @@.lightcoral;increases $his submission.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "sinful">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
						$His delight at sin @@.lightcoral;increases $his appetite for humiliation.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "advocate">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive">>
						$His conviction that slavery is right @@.lightcoral;increases $his willingness to submit.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing != 3)>>
					<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
						<<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk>>
						<<case "confident">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
								$His confidence and poise affect $his sexual outlook. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a dom!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "cutting">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
								$His willingness to cut a partner down makes $him more dominant in bed. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a dom!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "funny">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist")>>
								Pain becomes an outlet for all the mental troubles lurking behind $his funny façade. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a masochist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "adores men">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy")>>
								$His appreciation of men has turned into a fantasy about getting knocked up. @@.lightcoral;$He's a pregnancy fetishist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "adores women">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs")>>
								$His appreciation of women has turned into a fetish for breasts. @@.lightcoral;$He's a boob fetishist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "insecure">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive")>>
								$He gets so desperate for validation from others that $he becomes willing to submit to anything. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a submissive!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "sinful">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation")>>
								$He learns that $he likes nothing better than being seen doing something sacrilegious. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a humiliation fetishist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "advocate">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive")>>
								$His conviction that slavery is right seeps into $his sexuality. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a submissive!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk != "none")>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "none")>>
				<<switch $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw>>
				<<case "hates oral">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "gagfuck queen")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "hates anal">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "painal queen")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "hates penetration">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "strugglefuck queen")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "shamefast">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "tease")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "idealistic">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "romantic")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "repressed">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "apathetic">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "caring")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "crude">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "unflinching")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<case "judgemental">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "size queen")>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				<<switch $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk>>
				<<case "gagfuck queen">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut">>
						$His eagerness to get roughly throatfucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his oral fixation.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "painal queen">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
						$His eagerness to get roughly assfucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his anal fixation.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "strugglefuck queen">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist">>
						$His eagerness to get roughly fucked has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his masochism.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "tease">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
						The rush $he feels when $he shows $himself off has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his humiliation fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "romantic">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy">>
						$His romanticism has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his reproduction fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "perverted">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
						$His desire to be seen doing the forbidden has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his humiliation fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].energy < 94)>>
						$He's such a pervert that the depravity all around $him @@.green;improves $his sex drive.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
				<<case "caring">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive">>
						$His caring nature has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his submissiveness.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "unflinching">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist">>
						$His unflinching nature has @@.lightcoral;advanced $his masochism.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<case "size queen">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
						$His size queen tendencies have @@.lightcoral;advanced $his devotion to being an anal slut.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing != 3)>>
					<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
						<<switch $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk>>
						<<case "gagfuck queen">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut">>
								$His willingness to get roughly throatfucked has turned into real anticipation. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a cumslut!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "painal queen">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
								$His willingness to get roughly assfucked has turned into real anticipation. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a buttslut!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "strugglefuck queen">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist">>
								$His willingness to be roughly used has turned into real anticipation. @@.lightcoral;$He's now a masochist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "tease">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation">>
								The rush $he feels when $he shows $himself off has deepened into a fetish for being publicly fucked. @@.lightcoral;$He's a humiliation fetishist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "romantic">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
								$His romantic bent has turned into a fantasy about settling down and having a child. @@.lightcoral;$He's a pregnancy fetishist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "perverted">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation">>
								$His perverted side has turned into a desire to be seen doing the forbidden. @@.lightcoral;$He's a humiliation fetishist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "caring">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive">>
								$His caring nature has matured into a need to submit. @@.lightcoral;$He's a submissive!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "unflinching">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist">>
								$He's so unflinching that $he's left searching for sex extreme enough to excite $him. @@.lightcoral;$He's a masochist!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
						<<case "size queen">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
								$He's such a size queen that $he's decided $he prefers dicks where they'll feel biggest to $him. @@.lightcoral;$He's a buttslut!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>

		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "none">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 75>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 50>>
							$He has the confidence to pursue what pleases $him, @@.lightcoral;increasing $his kinkiness.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 10>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
						$He's too afraid to pursue what pleases $him, @@.coral;reducing $his sexual distinctiveness.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 4>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
						$He's so unhappy with $his life as a sex slave that @@.coral;$his interest in unusual sex decreases.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 4>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust <= 50>>
						$He lacks the confidence to pursue what pleases $him, @@.coral;reducing $his kinkiness.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 2>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He's not fully comfortable being a sex slave, @@.coral;reducing $his interest in kinky sex.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 2>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].prostate == 0>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].vagina == -1>>
								<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
									$He thinks of $his anus as $his primary sexual organ, but $he lacks prostate or a g-spot to be internally stimulated by a cock inside $his rear hole, @@.coral;reducing $his ability to appreciate anal.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 4>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 5>>
					@@.coral;$He has lost all interest in $his fetishes and is now sexually vanilla.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 0>>

			<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw != "none")>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout") && ($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist != "unset")>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].trust < -20)>>
							$He is inwardly @@.gold;terrified@@ by living in what $he sees as a powerful theocratic society inimical to $his old world faith.
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1*Math.trunc($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist/25)>>
							$He is filled with @@.mediumorchid;hatred and disgust@@ by Chattel Religionism, which $he believes to be heretical and wrong.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1*Math.trunc($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist/35)>>
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > 20)>>
							$He is experiencing considerable spiritual anguish as $he is torn between obedience and conviction that Chattel Religionism is heretical and wrong. This @@.gold;hinders $his acceptance of $his place@@ in slave society.
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1*Math.trunc($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist/25)>>
							$He is badly torn between Chattel Religionism and $his old world faith, but $he is doing $his best to defer these spiritual issues for now.
						$He has experienced a religious epiphany, and now accepts Chattel Religionism in $his mind, $his heart, and $his <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>womanhood<<else>>anus<</if>>. @@.green;$He has become sinful,@@ maliciously eager to transgress against the faith $he has abandoned.
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "sinful", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
						$He now sees that everything $he has suffered up to now has been a necessary and divinely ordained trial to bring $him into the true faith as a holy sex slave, @@.mediumaquamarine;enormously boosting $his trust in you.@@
						<<if ($slaves[$i].trust < -30)>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust = -10>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 20>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "none")>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength+$slaves[$i].devotion+$slaves[$i].trust > random(1,500)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
								$His need to submit has @@.green;softened $his arrogance into confidence.@@
								<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
								$His need to be humiliated has @@.green;softened $his bitchiness into a penchant for repartee.@@
								<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>

						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "hates men")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
								$He dislikes men, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he comes around, and decides that @@.green;$he needs a man to knock $him up.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "adores men", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs")>>
								$He dislikes men and adores boobs, which @@.green;softens $his hatred of men into a love of women.@@
								<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY > 85)>>
								$He dislikes the company of men but likes their cocks; $he learns to @@.green;enjoy the male presence that comes with taking the dick.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "adores men", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He dislikes men and has constant needs; women are the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens $his hatred of men into a love of feminine company.@@
								<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "hates women")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
								$He dislikes women, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he comes around, and decides that @@.green;$he loves pregnant girls.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "adores women", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
								$He dislikes women and has a real oral fixation; eating dick is the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens $his hatred of women into a love of men.@@
								<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX > 85)>>
								$He dislikes the company of women but likes fucking them; $he learns to @@.green;enjoy the feminine presence that comes with getting some pussy.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "adores women", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He dislikes women and has constant needs; men are the obvious answer, which @@.green;softens $his hatred of women into a love of maleness.@@
								<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$His need for constant sex has @@.green;softened $his devoutness into an appetite for sacrilege.@@
								<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist")>>
								$His subconscious need to be abused has @@.green;converted $his liberated philosophy into an ability to advocate for slavery.@@
								<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength+$slaves[$i].devotion+$slaves[$i].trust > random(1,500)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
								$His arrogance was probably a reflection of $his subconscious need to submit, which is so satisfied by sexual slavery that @@.green;$he no longer needs to act arrogant.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
								$His bitchiness was probably a reflection of $his sexual need to be publicly humiliated, which is so satisfied by sexual slavery that @@.green;$he no longer needs to be insulting@@ to get the degradation $he subconsciously needs.
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "hates men")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
								$He dislikes the company of men, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he decides that men, those hunky impregnators, can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs")>>
								$He dislikes the company of men and adores boobs; $he finds that $he doesn't mind ogling titties with the boys, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY > 85)>>
								$He dislikes the company of men but likes their cocks; $he gets used to putting up with maleness if it gets $him the dick, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He dislikes the company of men and has constant needs; $he can't afford to narrow the playing field, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "hates women")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
								$He dislikes the company of women, but fetishizes pregnancy; $he decides that women, with their motherly hips and fertile cunts, can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
								$He dislikes the company of women and has a real oral fixation; $he decides that women, with their soft, kissable lips can't be //that// bad, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX > 85)>>
								$He dislikes the company of women but likes fucking them; $he gets used to putting up with girls to get into their pants, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He dislikes the company of women and has constant needs; $he can't afford to narrow the playing field, and @@.green;gets over $his hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He finally resolves $his internal dilemma between the faith $he was brought up in and $his all-consuming need to be a slut by deciding that $he prefers being a sinner. @@.green;$He is no longer devoutly faithful@@ to $his old religion.
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "liberated")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist")>>
								$His pre-enslavement belief that $he deserves rights and respect fades in light of how much $he likes being beaten and abused. @@.green;$He is no longer a modern, liberated $girl,@@ and accepts $his place as a sex slave as natural.
								<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>

		<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "none")>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength+$slaves[$i].devotion+$slaves[$i].trust > random(1,500)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "none")>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates anal")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].anusPiercing>>
								The constant stimulation $his guiche piercings give $him most intimate areas helps $him with $his anal hang-ups, @@.green;softening $his hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
								$His sexual fascination with things entering $his asshole @@.green;softens $his hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								As a nymphomaniac $he appreciates kinky sex, so $he @@.green;softens $his hatred of anal into an appetite for anal pain.@@ $He still struggles if $he's fucked in the ass, but $he gets off on it anyway.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].tonguePiercing>>
								$He can't stop sucking on $his tongue piercings, and $he gets over $his oral hang-ups, @@.green;softening $his hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
								$He can't get $his beloved cum without choking down dick, so $he @@.green;softens $his hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so much $he often has to encourage $his partners orally, so $he @@.green;softens $his hatred of oral into a willingness to be roughly throatfucked.@@ $He still gags, but it's a good gagging, now.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates penetration")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].vaginaPiercing>>
								$His pussy piercings get $him used to the idea that it's a fuckhole, not $his precious womanhood, @@.green;softening $his hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive sex.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
								$His sexual fascination with anal penetration @@.green;softens $his hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive sex.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								As a nymphomaniac $he appreciates kinky sex, so $he @@.green;softens $his hatred of penetration into an appetite for abusive intercourse.@@ $He still cries, but $he climaxes as $he cries.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "apathetic")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
								$His subconscious drive to submit @@.green;softens $his sexual apathy into constant care for $his partners' wants.@@
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer be apathetic in bed, and @@.green;softens $his sexual apathy into care for what keeps $his partners aroused.@@
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "crude")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
								$He needs to avoid making unsexy noises during buttsex to be an appealing enough anal partner to satisfy $his backdoor needs, @@.green;softening $his crudeness into a willingness to do anything.@@
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer afford to disgust partners, and @@.green;softens $his sexual crudeness into a willingness to do anything.@@
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "judgemental")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
								$His subconscious belief that $he's worthless @@.green;softens $his judgemental behavior into eagerness to be fucked by the biggest cocks.@@
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so badly that $he can no longer be selective, and @@.green;softens $his judgemental behavior into a love of big dicks, though $he now loves them all.@@
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
								$He decides that hiding won't get $him the humiliation $he craves, and @@.green;softens $his shamefastness into a willingness to tease.@@
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He decides that hiding isn't getting $him enough sex, and @@.green;softens $his shamefastness into a willingness to tease.@@
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "idealistic")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
								$His appetite for submission has @@.green;softened $his innocent ideas about sex into an ability to find romance@@ in the life of a sex slave.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$His appetite for sex has @@.green;softened $his innocent ideas about sex into an ability to find something romantic@@ in a constant whirl of intercourse.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
								$He grew up being taught that good <<= $girl>>s do not take cock up their good $girl anuses, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad $girl and has @@.green;softened $his repression into arousal at the perversion@@ of dicks up $his behind.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
								$He grew up being taught that good <<= $girl>>s do not put their good $girl mouths on others' private parts, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad $girl and has @@.green;softened $his repression into arousal at the perverted@@ idea of dicks down $his throat.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He grew up being taught that good <<= $girl>>s do not happily fuck anything that moves, but $he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad $girl and has @@.green;softened $his repression into arousal at the perversion@@ of reveling in sexual addiction.
								<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates anal")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].anusPiercing>>
								The constant stimulation $his guiche piercings give $him most intimate areas helps $him with $his anal hang-ups, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
								$His sexual fascination with things entering $his asshole overcomes $his professed hatred of anal, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								As a nymphomaniac $he doesn't really care which hole $he's getting fucked in, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about buttsex vanish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates oral")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].tonguePiercing>>
								$He can't stop sucking on $his tongue piercings, so @@.green;$he gets over $his oral hang-ups.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
								$He can't get $his beloved cum without sucking, so @@.green;$he forcibly overcomes $his strong gag reflex.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so much $he often has to encourage $his partners orally, so @@.green;$he forcibly overcomes $his strong gag reflex.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "hates penetration")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].vaginaPiercing>>
								$His pussy piercings get $him used to the idea that it's a fuckhole, not $his precious womanhood, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
								$He's fascinated with the perversity of being anally penetrated, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex like $he needs air, so @@.green;$his previous hesitations about getting fucked vanish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "apathetic")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
								$He likes being on top so much @@.green;$he can no longer bear being lazy in bed.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so badly that @@.green;$he can no longer afford to wait apathetically for others to fuck $him.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "crude")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so badly that @@.green;$he can no longer afford to disgust partners into abandoning intercourse.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "judgemental")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so badly that @@.green;$he can no longer afford to turn potential partners off by judging them.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "shamefast")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation")>>
								$His shamefastness is no longer anything but a pretense; @@.green;$he's decided $he really does like getting fucked in public.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He needs sex so badly that @@.green;$he can no longer afford to be embarrassed by public fucking.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "idealistic")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive")>>
								$He always expected to be able to turn down sex, but @@.green;$he's finally realized that $he doesn't want to be asked.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								Hard as it is for $him to admit, $he recognizes $his own willingness to take sex from other slaves if it isn't forthcoming, and @@.green;accepts that a slave nympho can't worry about trifles like consent.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "repressed")>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
								$He grew up being taught that good <<= $girl>>s do not take cock up their good $girl anuses, but @@.green;$he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad $girl.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut")>>
								$He grew up being taught that good <<= $girl>>s do not put their good $girl mouths on others' private parts, but @@.green;$he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad $girl.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
								$He grew up being taught that good <<= $girl>>s do not happily fuck anything that moves, but @@.green;$he's just now decided $he prefers being a bad $girl.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>


			<<switch $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw>>
			<<case "cum addict">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						$His cum addiction @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His cum addiction @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards oral fixation.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His cum addiction @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject cumslut.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if ["be confined in the arcade", "serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work a glory hole", "work in the brothel"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by how many dicks $he gets to suck at work.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ($PC.dick != 0) && ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "mouth") && ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by constant oral sex with you.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].inflation != 0 && $slaves[$i].inflationType == "cum">>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by swelling $his body with cum.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].dietCum == 1>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by what $he gets to eat.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].dietCum == 2>>
					Other slaves in your penthouse are disturbed by $his insatiable appetite for human ejaculate, which $his heavy cum-diet encourages.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $feeder != 0>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by the way $he gets to eat.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyFeedersSetting > 0)>>
					$He doesn't seem to feel $he's getting enough cum, leaving the cum addict @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
					<<set _para = -1>>
			<<case "anal addict">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						$His anal addiction @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His anal addiction @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards an intense preference for buttsex.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His anal addiction @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject buttslut.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if ["be confined in the arcade", "serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work a glory hole", "work in the brothel"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by how many dicks get shoved up $his butt at work.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass") && ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by constant anal sex with you.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $suppository != 0>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by the way $he gets to take medication.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].buttplug == "huge plug" || $slaves[$i].buttplug == "long, huge plug">>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by the enormous plug $he wears in $his ass.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 0)>>
					$He doesn't seem to feel $he's getting buttfucked often enough, leaving the anal addict @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].prostate == 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].vagina == -1>>
						<<if random(1,5) == 1>>
							Since $he lacks a prostate or a g-spot to be stimulated by cocks up $his butt, $his @@.green;purely psychological addiction to asshole sex resolves itself,@@ and $he @@.coral;starts to consider other sexual pursuits.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk = "none">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
			<<case "attention whore">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						Being an attention whore @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His addiction to exposure @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards a humiliation fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His addiction to exposure @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject humiliation whore.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].porn.feed == 1 && $slaves[$i].porn.viewerCount >= 10000>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by the viewcounts on $his porn and the many viewers no doubt enjoying themselves to $his day to day life.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ["whore", "serve the public", "work in the brothel", "serve in the club", "be the DJ"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by how often $he gets publicly fucked at work.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "recruit girls" && $recruiterTarget == "other arcologies" && $arcologies[0].influenceTarget != -1>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by the sheer amount of attention $he gets as a sexual Ambassador.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "be the Schoolteacher" && $schoolroom >= 20>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as a sexual instructor; enough eyes are fixated on $his lessons.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].clothes == "no clothing">>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his total nudity.
					<<set _para = 1>>
					$He doesn't seem to feel $he's getting fucked in public enough, leaving the attention whore @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
			<<case "breast growth">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						Being a breast expansion fanatic @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His addiction to breast growth @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards a boob fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His addiction to breast growth @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject slut for mammary intercourse.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">>
					Living in a society that openly rejects $his paraphilia @@.mediumorchid;mentally and emotionally cripples@@ $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
				<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">>
					Living in a society that glorifies $his paraphilia @@.hotpink;leaves $him in perpetual ecstasy.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
				<<if ["get milked", "work in the dairy"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment) && $slaves[$i].lactation > 0>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as a cow; $he can feel $his udders swelling with milk.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 2 && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 2 && $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by the knowledge that $his genetic abnormality will keep $his breasts growing for the rest of $his life.
				<<elseif $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1 && ($slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 2 || $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 2)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by the knowledge that $his genetic abnormality will keep $his breasts bigger than $his head.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 2>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his chest's curious tendency toward perpetual growth.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].health.condition < 0>>
					$His paraphilia is ameliorated by $his poor health; $he knows $he can't take expansion right now.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections">>
					$His paraphilia makes $him feel @@.mediumaquamarine;fulfilled to be a sex slave@@ if it means breast expansion like this.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections">>
					$His paraphilia makes breast injections very satisfying for $him.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections">>
					$His paraphilia makes $him feel @@.mediumaquamarine;fulfilled to be a sex slave@@ if it means breast expansion like this.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
					<<set _para = 1>>
					$He feels $his breasts are shrinking horribly, leaving the growth addict @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
			<<case "abusive">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "dom">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						Being addicted to sexually abusing others @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His addiction to sexual force @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards sexual dominance.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His need to force others to pleasure $him @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as a total dom.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Head Girl")>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as your Head Girl.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be the Wardeness")>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as your Wardeness.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be the Stewardess")>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as the Stewardess.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be the Schoolteacher")>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as the Schoolteacher.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif canMove($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].rules.release.slaves === 1 || App.Utils.hasFamilySex($slaves[$i])) && $universalRulesConsent == 0>>
					$His paraphilia makes pinning down and raping other slaves very satisfying.
					<<set _para = 1>>
					$He gets few chances to indulge $his need to hold others down as $he fucks them, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
			<<case "malicious">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "sadist">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						Being addicted to others' sexual anguish @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His addiction to tormenting others sexually @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards sadism.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His need to be the only one enjoying sex @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as a complete sexual sadist.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Head Girl")>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as your Head Girl.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be the Wardeness")>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his work as your Wardeness.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif canMove($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].rules.release.slaves === 1 || App.Utils.hasFamilySex($slaves[$i])) && $universalRulesConsent == 0>>
					$His paraphilia makes pinning down and brutally raping other slaves very satisfying.
					<<set _para = 1>>
					$He gets few chances to indulge $his need to subject others to sexual anguish, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
			<<case "self hating">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						$His sexual self hatred @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His sexual self hatred @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards masochism.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His sexual self hatred @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as a total masochist.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave" && $slaves[$i].subTarget != 0>>
					<<set _dom = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].subTarget]>>
					<<if def _dom>>
						<<if ["abusive", "malicious"].includes($slaves[_dom].sexualFlaw)>>
							<<set _abused = 1>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyRestraintsSetting >= 2)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his horrible life as a producer of useful fluids and a receptacle for machine rape.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ["be confined in the arcade", "work a glory hole"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his horrible life as a helpless hole for an infinite bag of dicks.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif _abused>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by the constant mistreatment $he receives from $his dom, $slaves[_dom].slaveName.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust < -50>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his constant terror.
					<<set _para = 1>>
					$He doesn't seem to feel $he's treated poorly enough, leaving the self hating slut @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
			<<case "neglectful">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						$His sexual self neglect @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His sexual self neglect @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards submissiveness.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His sexual self neglect @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as a total submissive.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if ["be confined in the arcade", "serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work a glory hole", "work in the brothel", "work as a servant", "be the Attendant", "be the Milkmaid"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by how $he's expected to serve others' sexual needs at work.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by how $he's expected to serve your sexual needs at work.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave">>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by how $he's expected to serve other slaves' sexual needs.
					<<set _para = 1>>
					$He doesn't seem to feel $he's serving others' sexual needs enough, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
			<<case "breeder">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
						$His breeding obsession @@.coral;disinterests $him in $his current fetish,@@ and the conflict of sexual identity causes $him @@.mediumorchid;some anguish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His breeding obsession @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards appreciation for impregnation.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						$His breeding obsession @@.lightcoral;forces $him back towards $his past life as an abject impregnation whore.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
					Living in a society that rejects $his paraphilia
					<<if $slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1 && $propOutcome == 1>>
						would have mentally and emotionally crippled $him; but as a designated breeder, $he can't help but @@.hotpink;love $his role@@ in society.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
						@@.mediumorchid;mentally and emotionally cripples@@ $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
				<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">>
					Living in a society that glorifies $his paraphilia @@.hotpink;leaves $him in perpetual ecstasy.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
					$He knows $he will be pregnant until $his body gives out, and @@.hotpink;$he couldn't be happier.@@
					<<set _para = 1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregControl == "labor suppressors" && $slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth>>
					Under the effects of labor suppression drugs, $he knows $he will be pregnant until you decided to allow $his birth. @@.hotpink;$He couldn't be happier.@@
					<<set _para = 1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 10 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
					$His growing hyperpregnancy feeds $his paraphilia and @@.hotpink;fulfills $his deepest fantasies.@@
					<<set _para = 1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his pregnancy.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif canGetPregnant($slaves[$i]) && ($PC.dick != 0) && ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "pussy" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1) && ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by constant unprotected vaginal sex with you.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif canGetPregnant($slaves[$i]) && ($PC.dick != 0) && ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass" && $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by constant unprotected anal sex with you.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 60000>>
					$His paraphilia is satisfied by $his overfilled belly implant.
					<<set _para = 1>>
				<<elseif setup.fakeBellies.includes(_bellyAccessory)>>
					$He @@.mediumorchid;loathes@@ being forced to carry a fake pregnancy.
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregWeek < 0>>
					$His paraphilia is temporarily sated by $his recent pregnancy, though $he anxiously counts the days until $he can get pregnant again.
					<<set _para = 1>>
					$He isn't pregnant, leaving the breeder slut @@.mediumorchid;depressed and anxious.@@
					<<set _para = -1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>

		<</if>> /* closes sexualFlaw != none */

		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "get milked") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy")>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation > 0)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs")>>
						<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
							Since $he has had $his lactating nipples constantly caressed by the milkers, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to appreciate nipple stimulation in a new way.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
						Since $he has had $his lactating nipples constantly caressed by the milkers, @@.lightcoral;$he sinks deeper into sexual reliance on nipple stimulation.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].prostate != 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
							<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
								Since $he has had $his prostate constantly stimulated to encourage $him to give cum, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to look forward to anal penetration.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
								Since $he has had $his prostate constantly stimulated to encourage $him to give cum, @@.lightcoral;$he sinks deeper into sexual reliance on penetration of $his butthole.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>

		<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 95>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrKnown == 1>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion < -20)>>
					$He's having trouble accepting it, but the sex surrounding $him @@.hotpink;is intriguing to a nymphomaniac.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
					@@.hotpink;$His acceptance of $his life as a sex slave is driven faster@@ by how satisfied $he is by the availability of $his favorite activity.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
					@@.hotpink;$He loves being your nympho slut.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].heels == 1)>>
				<<if !["boots", "extreme heels", "heels", "pumps"].includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" || $slaves[$i].career == "a breeding bull">>
							Since $he sees $himself as an animal, $he is perfectly content <<if hasAllLimbs($slaves[$i])>>walking on all fours<<else>>crawling on the ground<</if>>.
							<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
								Living as a sex slave on <<if hasAllLimbs($slaves[$i])>>all fours<<else>>the ground<</if>> @@.lightcoral;turns $him into a sexual submissive.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
						Living as a sex slave on <<if hasAllLimbs($slaves[$i])>>all fours<<else>>the floor<</if>> @@.lightcoral;pushes $him deeper into submission.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>

		<<switch $slaves[$i].career>>
		<<case "a slave">>
			$He has been a slave so long that $he can barely remember making decisions for $himself, and @@.hotpink;feels naturally drawn@@ to $his <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>>.
			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
		<<case "a dairy slave">>
			$He is @@.hotpink;thankful@@ that you saved $him from becoming a mindless cow<<if $slaves[$i].trust < 50>>, though $he still has $his doubts<</if>>.
			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
		<<case "a Fuckdoll">>
			$He was once a Fuckdoll, leaving $him @@.hotpink;willing to obey on an instinctual level.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
		<<case "a cum dump" "a meat toilet">>
			$He was trained to be nothing more than a warm hole to fuck, leaving $him @@.hotpink;obedient@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;willing.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
		<<case "a dairy cow">>
			$His mental conditioning @@.hotpink;leaves $him mellow@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].lactation == 0>>
				However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of sheer panic@@ over $his dried up breasts.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 0 && $slaves[$i].bellyImplant < 1500>>
				However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of panic@@ that $his milk will dry up if $he doesn't get pregnant again soon.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
		<<case "a breeding bull">>
			$His mental conditioning @@.hotpink;leaves $him mellow@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			<<if !canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
				However, $he is @@.gold;reduced to a state of sheer panic@@ over $his inability to get hard.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
			<<elseif !canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
				However, $he is @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that $he is unable to mount and fuck others any more.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
		<<case "a slave since birth">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].tankBaby > 0>>
			The tank's imprinting left a lasting impression on $him; deep down $he
			<<if $slaves[$i].tankBaby == 2>>
				@@.hotpink;knows you are to be obeyed@@ or @@.gold;bad things will happen,@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
				@@.hotpink;knows you are to be obeyed@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusted,@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
			even if $he can't understand why.
		<<case "a breeder">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">>
				$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. However, being surrounded with happy, heavily pregnant women leaves $him @@.hotpink;slightly more accepting@@ of $his fate and @@.mediumaquamarine;hopeful@@ that $his trained body will be useful to you.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
				$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. <<if !canSee($slaves[$i])>>$He can feel $his middle swell at a rate $he considers unnatural, which @@.gold;frightens $him.@@<<else>>$He @@.gold;watches in horror@@ as $his middle visibly swells before $his eyes.<</if>> $He @@.hotpink;slips more into submission@@ as the pressure in $his womb increases.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10, $slaves[$i].devotion += 5>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 || $slaves[$i].pregWeek < 0>>
				$His life used to revolve around being pregnant all the time and nothing has changed. $He @@.gold;fears@@ that $his entire life will revolve around pregnancy and @@.hotpink;slips more into submission@@ of $his fate.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				$He remembers how $his womb used to be swollen with children as often as possible, and is @@.hotpink;thankful@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;grateful@@ that $he isn't just meat to fuck pregnant anymore.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
		<<case "a bioreactor">>
			<<if ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy" && $slaves[$i].assignment != "get milked")>>
				$He remembers what it was like to be a living, breathing, milk-jetting,<<if isFertile($slaves[$i]) && ($dairyPregUpgrade > 0)>> baby-filled,<</if>><<if ($slaves[$i].balls != 0)>> cum-squirting,<</if>> drug-filled piece of industrial equipment, and is @@.hotpink;thankful@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;grateful@@ that $he isn't any more.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1, $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
		<<case "a Futanari Sister">>
			<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite">>
					As a former Futanari Sister, the fuckpit in $masterSuiteName feels like home to $him, and $he has @@.mediumaquamarine;no desire to ever leave.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
					$He knows that $masterSuiteName features a fuckpit much like the one $he spent years enjoying as a Futanari Sister, and @@.hotpink;does $his best@@ to be a good girl in the hope you'll send $him there someday.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -50>>
				<<if setup.gratefulCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
					$He remembers how hard $his life was before $he was a slave, and
					<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 50>>
						@@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you a bit more@@ for improving it.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
						@@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you a bit more@@ because of it.
						@@.mediumaquamarine;fears you a little less@@ because of it.
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion >= -50>>
				<<if setup.menialCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
					$He took orders a lot before $he was a slave, and is subconsciously
					<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 50>>
						@@.hotpink;a little more eager to obey.@@
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
						@@.hotpink;a little quicker to obey.@@
						@@.hotpink;a bit less resistant@@ to commands.


<<if !["be confined in the arcade", "serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work a glory hole", "work in the brothel"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "serve in the master suite") || ($masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury < 2)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyStimulatorsSetting == 0)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina >= 3) && !["huge dildo", "large dildo", "long, huge dildo", "long, large dildo"].includes($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory)>>
					With a rest from strenuous use, @@.lime;$his loose vagina recovers a little.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].vagina -= 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].anus >= 3) && !["huge plug", "large plug", "long, huge plug", "long, large plug"].includes($slaves[$i].buttplug)>>
					With a rest from continual sodomy, @@.lime;$his gaping anus recovers a little.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].anus -= 1>>


<<set _vAcc = $slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory, _dAcc = $slaves[$i].dickAccessory>>	/* for brevity */

<<if ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing == 3)>>
	<<set _piercing = ("smart " + (($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) ? "clit" : "frenulum") + " piercing")>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
		$His _piercing is slaved to $his stimulation systems.
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
		The effects of $his _piercing cannot reach $his shattered mind.
		<<switch $slaves[$i].clitSetting>>
		<<case "none">>
			$His _piercing
			<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
				and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing disrupt arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 13>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 16>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
				and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy disrupt arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 13>>
				disrupts arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 10>>
		<<case "all">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].energy <= 95>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 7>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
					encourages sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
		<<case "women">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX < 95>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;increase $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 8+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy successfully @@.green;increase $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
					successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 4+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy++>>
		<<case "anti-women">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX > 0>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;suppress $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
							This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(8+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
							This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy successfully @@.green;suppress $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
					successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(4+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy-->>
		<<case "men">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY < 95>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;increase $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 8+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy successfully @@.green;increase $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
					successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 4+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy++>>
		<<case "anti-men">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY > 0>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;suppress $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
							This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(8+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
							This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy successfully @@.green;suppress $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
					successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(4+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy-->>
		<<case "vanilla">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "none") && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
				After $his _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					encourages many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
		<<case "oral">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his oral fetish.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his oral fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his oral fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
		<<case "anal">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his anal fetish.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his anal fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his anal fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
		<<case "boobs">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his boob fetish.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his boob fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his boob fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
		<<case "submissive">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his submission.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his submission.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his submission.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
		<<case "humiliation">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his humiliation fetish.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his humiliation fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his humiliation fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
		<<case "pregnancy">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick != 0>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick != 0>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick != 0>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his pregnancy fetish.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his pregnancy fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his pregnancy fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
		<<case "dom">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his dominance.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his dominance.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his dominance.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
		<<case "masochist">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his masochism.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his masochism.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his masochism.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
		<<case "sadist">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "sadist")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					$His _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy act to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
						acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 20>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					After $his _piercing
					<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
						and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourage many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
						<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
						and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy encourage many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
						encourages many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				$His _piercing
				<<if (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
					and the bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advance $his sadism.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vaginalAttachment == "vibrator">>
					and the vibrating dildo in $his pussy @@.lightcoral;advance $his sadism.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
					@@.lightcoral;advances $his sadism.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
<<elseif (_vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator") || (_dAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator")>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
		The effects of the bullet vibrator $he is wearing cannot reach $his shattered mind.
		<<switch $slaves[$i].clitSetting>>
		<<case "none">>
			The bullet vibrator $he is wearing disrupts arousal, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive@@ and @@.mediumorchid;infuriating $him.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 13>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 16>>
		<<case "all">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].energy <= 95>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages sex of all kinds, @@.green;increasing $his sex drive.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
		<<case "women">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX < 95>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to girls@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around them.
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 8+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
		<<case "anti-women">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX > 0>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to girls@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXX-(8+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
		<<case "men">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY < 95>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;increases $his attraction to guys@@ by pleasuring $him when $he's around cocks.
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 6+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 8+(2*$assistant.personality)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.green;enhancing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
		<<case "anti-men">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY > 0>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing successfully @@.green;suppresses $his attraction to guys@@ by making $his private parts very uncomfortable when $he's around them.
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(6+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY -= Math.clamp($slaves[$i].attrXY-(8+(2*$assistant.personality)),0,100)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 0>>
						This has the secondary effect of slightly @@.red;reducing $his libido.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
		<<case "vanilla">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "none") && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms during straightforward sex, @@.coral;$his sexuality returns to normal.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "none", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
		<<case "oral">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's using $his mouth.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms as $he performs oral sex, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for cum.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his oral fetish.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
		<<case "anal">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his rear hole is being fucked.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms when $his ass is being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for being an anal bottom.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his anal fetish.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
		<<case "boobs">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "boobs")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $his tits are being touched.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms when $his nipples are being stimulated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for $his tits.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "boobs", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his boob fetish.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
		<<case "submissive">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "submissive")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being held down and used.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms when $he is restrained, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for submission.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "submissive", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his submission.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
		<<case "humiliation">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "humiliation")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's got an audience.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms when $he is being humiliated, @@.lightcoral;$he develops a fetish for humiliation.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his humiliation fetish.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
		<<case "pregnancy">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he feels like $he's being bred.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms during <<if $PC.dick != 0>>unprotected sex<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>loving contact with the female anatomy<</if>>, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to fantasize about pregnancy.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his pregnancy fetish.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
		<<case "dom">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "dom")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when another slave is servicing $him.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms while $he's taking an active, dominant sexual role, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy dominance.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "dom", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his dominance.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
		<<case "masochist">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he's being hurt.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms while $he's being beaten, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to enjoy pain.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "masochist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his masochism.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>
		<<case "sadist">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "sadist")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength >= 10>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing acts to @@.coral;suppress $his current fetish,@@ encouraging $him to orgasm when $he witnesses or even takes part in another slave's pain.
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 25>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 30>>
				<<elseif (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)-20*$assistant.personality)>>
					The bullet vibrator $he is wearing encourages many orgasms while $he's involved in the abuse of other slaves, @@.lightcoral;$he begins to develop a sadistic streak.@@
					<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 15>>
					<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "sadist", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 20>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
				The bullet vibrator $he is wearing @@.lightcoral;advances $his sadism.@@
				<<if _vAcc == "bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 6>>
				<<elseif _vAcc == "smart bullet vibrator" || _dAcc == "smart bullet vibrator">>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 8>>


<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing != 3) || ($slaves[$i].clitSetting == "off") || ($slaves[$i].clitSetting == "none") || ($slaves[$i].clitSetting == "all") || ($slaves[$i].clitSetting == "men") || ($slaves[$i].clitSetting == "women")>>

			<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1 && !canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
						<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club")>>
								<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
									With so much sexual attention focused on $his anus, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view buttsex as the centerpiece of $his sexuality.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
								<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
									With so much sexual attention focused on $his anus, @@.lightcoral;$his love of anal increases.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
								<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
									With $his anus constantly sold for use, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view buttsex as the centerpiece of $his sexuality.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
								<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut")>>
									With $his anus constantly sold for use, @@.lightcoral;$his love of anal increases.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].vagina == -1>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].prostate != 0>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
							<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,90)>>
								<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club")>>
									<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
										Since most of $his orgasms are caused by prostate stimulation from anal sex with citizens, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view $his asshole as $his primary sexual organ.@@
										<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
									<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
										After many, many prostate orgasms with a citizen's cock up $his butt, @@.lightcoral;$his love of anal increases.@@
										<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
								<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
									<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "buttslut">>
										Since most of $his orgasms are caused by prostate stimulation from anal sex with customers, @@.lightcoral;$he comes to view $his asshole as $his primary sexual organ.@@
										<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "buttslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
									<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
										After many, many prostate orgasms with a customer's cock up $his butt, @@.lightcoral;$his love of anal increases.@@
										<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>

			<<if ($slaves[$i].rules.release.masturbation === 1)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement" || $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive testicle enhancement" || ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
							<<if _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
								<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "cumslut">>
									While masturbating, $he's at first surprised but then aroused by $his drug-enhanced ejaculation. After repeatedly covering $himself in the stuff, @@.lightcoral;$he's become a cum fetishist.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "cumslut", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10>>
								<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut") && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
									$His masturbation sessions have come to consist mainly of $him blowing massive loads of cum into $his own mouth. @@.lightcoral;$His ejaculate addiction increases.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>



<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown != 0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "none">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > random(80,180)>>

					<<switch $slaves[$i].fetish>>
					<<case "submissive">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "neglectful">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].energy < 80>>
								<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade")>>
									Serving as a sex worker drives $him deeper and deeper into submission, and $he pays less and less attention to $his own pleasure. @@.yellow;$He's become sexually self neglectful,@@ and only cares about getting others off.
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "neglectful">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on submission. @@.yellow;$He's become sexually self neglectful,@@ and only cares about getting others off.
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "neglectful">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
					<<case "cumslut">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "cum addict">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].dietCum > 0>>
								In addition to being an orally fixated cumslut, $he eats ejaculate in $his food, making the <<if canTaste($slaves[$i])>>taste<<else>>texture<</if>> omnipresent for $him. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "cum addict">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].inflation != 0 && $slaves[$i].inflationType == "cum">>
								In addition to being an orally fixated cumslut, $he is required to keep $his belly bloated with cum at all times, making $his life revolve around being full of cum. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "cum addict">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $cockFeeder != 0>>
								In addition to being an orally fixated cumslut, $he eats by sucking dick. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "cum addict">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on oral stimulation. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to cum.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "cum addict">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
					<<case "buttslut">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "anal addict">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 80>>
								<<if $slaves[$i].anus > 0>>
									<<if $slaves[$i].prostate > 0>>
										$He has a powerful sex drive, and constantly coming to prostate stimulation drives $him ever deeper into $his identity as a helpless anal slut. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
										<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "anal addict">>
										<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
										<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
											Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
											<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
									<<elseif $slaves[$i].chastityVagina>>
										$He has a powerful sex drive, and since $his pussy's off limits, $he sinks ever deeper into $his identity as a helpless anal slut. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
										<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "anal addict">>
										<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
										<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
											Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
											<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on constant buttsex. @@.yellow;$He's become psychologically addicted to getting assfucked.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "anal addict">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
					<<case "humiliation">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "attention whore">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club")>>
								Serving as a public sex worker gives $him plenty of delicious humiliation, and $he cares less and less about sex itself and more about making people blush. @@.yellow;$He's become an attention whore.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "attention whore">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on stares to get off. @@.yellow;$He's become an attention whore.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "attention whore">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
					<<case "boobs">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "breast growth">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections" || $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections">>
								$He loves $his tits, and feeling them respond to drug injections starts to hold more fascination for $him than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections">>
								$He loves $his tits, and watching them steadily swell from the hyper injections starts to hold more fascination for $him than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 2 && $slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= 25000>>
								$He loves $his tits, and measuring their <<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>weekly growth from gigantomastia<<else>>mysterious weekly growth<</if>> starts to hold more fascination for $him than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 100) && ($slaves[$i].boobs < 1000)>>
								$He loves $his tits, and feeling them grow under female hormone treatments starts to hold more fascination for $him than mere sex. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on $his tits for relief. @@.yellow;$His sexual identity is now dominated by $his swelling boobs.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breast growth">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
					<<case "sadist">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "malicious">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].ID == $WardenessID>>
								As Wardeness, $he becomes @@.yellow;sexually addicted to inflicting pain and anguish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "malicious">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on degradation in other slaves to get off. $He becomes @@.yellow;sexually addicted to inflicting pain and anguish.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "malicious">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
					<<case "dom">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "abusive">>
							<<if $HeadGirlID != 0>>
								<<if $HGSeverity >= 0>>
									<<if $slaves[$i].ID == $HeadGirlID>>
										As Head Girl, $he's plentifully provided with misbehaving slaves to dominate sexually. $He becomes more and more eager until $he's actively @@.yellow;sexually abusive, getting off on the thrill of forcing $himself on other slaves.@@
										<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "abusive">>
										<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
										<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
											Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
											<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on pain in others to get off. $He's become @@.yellow;sexually abusive, getting off on the thrill of forcing $himself on other slaves.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "abusive">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
					<<case "masochist">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "self hating">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade")>>
								Condemned to serve as a public fuckhole, $his masochistic tendencies darken into sexual appreciation for $his life as a human sex toy. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "self hating">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyRestraintsSetting >= 2)>>
								Strapped into a milking machine's tender, penetrative embrace, $his masochistic tendencies darken into sexual appreciation for $his life as a human factory. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "self hating">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on sexual self harm. @@.yellow;$He's descended into true self hatred.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "self hating">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
					<<case "pregnancy">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "breeder">>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth * .75) && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
								The constant pleasure $he feels from the movement in $his womb causes $him to pay more sexual attention to being pregnant than to impregnation. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 37 && $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0>>
								<<if $slaves[$i].broodmother == 2>>
									$He's nearly bursting with life and giving birth constantly,
									$He's stuffed full of child and brings a new life into the world each week, with or without a good fucking,
								causing $him to pay more sexual attention to pregnancy than to impregnation. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 100 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $slaves[$i].pregSource == -1 && $slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1 && $propOutcome == 1 && $slaves[$i].devotion > 75>>
								$He's been marked to be the bearer of your offspring and is growing larger by the day with your child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>. $He is to be nothing more than a vessel for your children, and as such @@.yellow;has become obsessed with carrying them.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 120000>>
								$He's so overfull with life that $he starts to pay much more sexual attention to pregnancy than to impregnation. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].counter.births > 10>>
								$He's been bred so much that $he starts to pay as much sexual attention to pregnancy as to impregnation. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy") && ($dairyPregSetting >= 2) && ($slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1)>>
								With $his womanhood fucked full of cum and fertility drugs, $his pregnancy fetish deepens into true perversity. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
								<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
									Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
									<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].addict > 2>>
									$His aphrodisiac addiction makes $him dependent on $his pregnancy fantasies. @@.yellow;$He's become obsessed with breeding.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "breeder">>
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
									<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
										Allowing $him to indulge in $his fetish to the point of obsession advances hedonism and @@.green;bolsters your reputation.@@
										<<= FutureSocieties.Change("Hedonistic", 2)>>



<<if ($slaves[$i].vaginaPiercing > 1)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].labia < 2) && (random(1,100) > 90)>>
		The weight of $his labial piercings @@.lime;stretches out $his pussylips a bit.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].labia += 1>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].nipplesPiercing == 1)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 95)>>
			$His piercings keep $his nipples half-hard all the time, and @@.lime;$his nipples have stretched out a bit.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "partially inverted")>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 70)>>
			$His piercings keep $his nipples half-hard all the time, which @@.lime;permanently protrudes them.@@
			<<if (random(1,2) == 1)>>
				It turns out they're pretty cute.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
				It turns out they're nice and puffy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				This is @@.hotpink;a long and uncomfortable experience, which $he gets off on.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				This is @@.mediumorchid;a long and uncomfortable experience.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
			Having $his nipples held protruded by $his piercings is uncomfortable, which $he
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				@@.hotpink;gets off on.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 90)>>
			$His piercings keep $his nipples half-hard all the time, which eventually @@.lime;permanently protrudes them.@@
			<<if (random(1,2) == 1)>>
				It turns out they're absolutely massive.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "huge">>
				It turns out they're nice and puffy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				This is @@.hotpink;a long and very uncomfortable experience, which $he gets off on.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
				This is @@.mediumorchid;a long and very uncomfortable experience.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
			Having $his nipples held protruded by $his piercings is very uncomfortable, which $he
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				@@.hotpink;gets off on.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipplesPiercing == 2)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 80)>>
			$He's got so much metal in $his nipples that the weight @@.lime;stretches and lengthens them.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "partially inverted")>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 50)>>
			$He's got so much metal in $his nipples that the weight @@.lime;permanently protrudes them.@@
			<<if (random(1,2) == 1)>>
				It turns out they're pretty cute.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
				It turns out they're nice and puffy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				This is @@.hotpink;a long and uncomfortable experience, which $he gets off on.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
				This is @@.mediumorchid;a long and uncomfortable experience.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
			Having $his nipples held protruded by $his piercings is uncomfortable, which $his
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				@@.hotpink;gets off on.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 70)>>
			$He's got so much metal in $his nipples that the weight @@.lime;permanently protrudes them.@@
			<<if (random(1,2) == 1)>>
				It turns out they're absolutely massive.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "huge">>
				It turns out they're nice and puffy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				This is @@.hotpink;a long and extremely uncomfortable experience, which $he gets off on.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
				This is @@.mediumorchid;a long and extremely uncomfortable experience.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
			Having $his nipples held protruded by $his piercings is extremely uncomfortable, which $he
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "masochist") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
				@@.hotpink;gets off on.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>


<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples != "huge") && ($slaves[$i].nipples != "fuckable")>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation >= 2)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples == "tiny")>>
			<<if (random(1,100) > 70)>>
				Having $his heavy milk production forced through $his tiny nipples @@.lime;stretches and engorges them.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "cute">>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "cute") || ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>>
			<<if (random(1,100) > 80)>>
				$He's lactating so heavily that $his permanently swollen nipples gradually become accustomed to the constant flow of milk. They @@.lime;become puffy@@ and engorged.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "partially inverted") || ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>>
			<<if (random(1,100) > 80)>>
				$He's lactating so heavily that $his swollen nipples almost never retreat into their inverted state. Lactation has @@.lime;permanently protruded them,@@ leaving them engorged and puffy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "puffy">>
			<<if (random(1,100) > 90)>>
				Lactation has @@.lime;swollen $his nipples@@ to an absurd size, making $his status as a cow obvious even when $his chest faucets aren't gushing cream.
				<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "huge">>


<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplantType == "string")>>
	$His string implants absorb fluid @@.lime;slowly swelling $his breasts.@@
	<<set $slaves[$i].boobsImplant += 50, $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
	<<set _effect = random(1,10)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 50000)>>
		Since they are as large as $his body can handle, some serum is drained from them.
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100, $slaves[$i].boobsImplant -= 100>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 25000) && (_effect >= 2)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;greatly irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 20)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 15000) && (_effect >= 3)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 10000) && (_effect >= 4)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 8000) && (_effect >= 5)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 6000) && (_effect >= 6)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 4500) && (_effect >= 7)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 3000) && (_effect >= 8)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 7)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 2000) && (_effect >= 9)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 5)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 1000) && (_effect > 9)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his breasts.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 3)>>

<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant >= $slaves[$i].boobs+$slaves[$i].boobsMilk) && ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 0)>>
	/* catch in case breast implants get larger than boobs */
	$His breast tissue has naturally @@.lime;stretched and grown@@ to accommodate $his implants better.
	<<set $slaves[$i].boobs = $slaves[$i].boobsImplant+$slaves[$i].boobsMilk+10>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 1000)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 1000)>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
			$His breast tissue has naturally @@.lime;stretched and grown@@ to accommodate $his massive implants a bit better.
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 600)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 500)>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
			$His breast tissue has naturally @@.lime;stretched and grown@@ to accommodate $his large implants a bit better.
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 0)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 300)>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
			$His breast tissue has naturally @@.lime;stretched and grown@@ to accommodate $his implants a bit better.
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>

<<if ($slaves[$i].buttImplantType == "string")>>
	$His string implants absorb fluid @@.lime;slowly swelling $his ass.@@
	<<set $slaves[$i].buttImplant += .25, $slaves[$i].butt += .25>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt+$slaves[$i].buttImplant > 10 && $slaves[$i].buttImplant > 1)>>
		Since it as large as $his body can handle, some serum is drained from them.
		<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1, $slaves[$i].buttImplant -= 1>>
	<<set _effect = random(1,8)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 7) && (_effect >= 2)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;greatly irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 20)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 6) && (_effect >= 2)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;greatly irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 20)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 5) && (_effect >= 3)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 4) && (_effect >= 4)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 3) && (_effect >= 5)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 2) && (_effect >= 6)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 1) && (_effect >= 7)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 0) && (_effect > 7)>>
		As they grow they @@.red;irritate@@ the tissue of $his cheeks.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>

<<if $slaves[$i].diet == "muscle building">>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles > 30)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant > 10) && (random(1,100) > 90) && $slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids">>
			All the hormones in $his system from $his heavy, steroid enhanced workouts @@.orange;harden $his face a little.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].face -= 5>>
		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 250)>>
			<<if (random(1,100) > 95)>>
				All the hormones in $his system from $his heavy workouts @@.orange;shrink $his breasts slightly.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>

<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > random(0,2)>>
	<<set _Effects = []>>
	<<if $aphrodisiacUpgradeRefine != 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 1)>>
			<<set _Effects.push("DickShrink")>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 1)>>
			<<set _Effects.push("BallsShrink")>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].clit > 0)>>
			<<set _Effects.push("ClitSmaller")>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].voice < 3) && ($slaves[$i].voice > 0)>>
			<<set _Effects.push("VoiceHigher")>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > -1) && ($slaves[$i].ovaries != 0) && ($slaves[$i].vaginaLube < 2)>>
			<<set _Effects.push("VaginaWetter")>>
		<<set _rearQuirkDivider = _rearQuirk == 0 ? 1 : _rearQuirk>>
		<<if (($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant) < 2+_rearQuirk) && (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) || (random(1,100) > 75/_rearQuirkDivider))>>
			<<set _Effects.push("ButtBigger")>>
		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500*_gigantomastiaMod) && (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) || (random(1,100) > 75/_gigantomastiaMod))>>
			<<set _Effects.push("BoobsBigger")>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant <= 10>>
			<<set _Effects.push("FaceSofter")>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "masculine")>>
			<<set _Effects.push("FaceSofterAndrogynous")>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].faceShape == "androgynous" && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.androgyny != 2)>>
			<<set _Effects.push("FaceNormal")>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
		<<set _Effects.push("Devoted")>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].trust <= 20)>>
		<<set _Effects.push("Trusting")>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXY < 95)>>
		<<set _Effects.push("MaleAttracted")>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXY < 95)>>
		<<set _Effects.push("FemaleAttracted")>>
	<<if (_Effects.length > 0)>>
		<<set _Effects = _Effects.random()>>
		<<switch _Effects>>
		<<case "DickShrink">>
			<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2) && (random(1,100) > 25))>>
				Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $his @@.orange;NCS@@ makes @@.orange;$his dick shrink down to be more childlike.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
				Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.orange;$his dick atrophy.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
		<<case "BallsShrink">>
			<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2) && (random(1,100) > 25))>>
				Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $his @@.orange;NCS@@ makes @@.orange;$his balls shrink down to be more childlike.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
				Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.orange;$his testicles atrophy.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
		<<case "VoiceHigher">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his voice higher and more feminine.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].voice += 1>>
		<<case "VaginaWetter">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his vagina produce more copious natural lubricant.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube += 1>>
		<<case "ButtBigger">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;the natural size of $his butt increase.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
		<<case "BoobsBigger">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;the natural size of $his tits increase.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
		<<case "FaceSofter">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his facial structure soften and become sexier.@@
			<<= faceIncrease($slaves[$i], 10)>>
		<<case "FaceSofterAndrogynous">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his face soften into androgyny.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "androgynous">>
		<<case "FaceNormal">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.lime;$his face soften into femininity.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].faceShape = "normal">>
		<<case "ClitSmaller">>
			<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].clit > 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
				Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs combined with $his @@.orange;NCS@@ makes @@.orange;$his clit shrink down to be more childlike.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
				Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes @@.orange;$his clit shrink significantly.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>
		<<case "Devoted">>
			Hormonal effects make $him a bit more @@.hotpink;docile.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
		<<case "Trusting">>
			Hormonal effects make $him a bit more @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
		<<case "MaleAttracted">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes $him become @@.green;more attracted to men.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY += 3>>
		<<case "FemaleAttracted">>
			Dependence on the hormone-based aphrodisiacs makes $him become @@.green;more attracted to women.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX += 3>>
			ERROR: bad aphro addict effect: _Effects


<<if $slaves[$i].diet == "XX">>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 4>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY">>
	<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 0>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 8>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 0>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 8>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].diet == "XY">>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 20>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 20>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 8>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 12>>
<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 12>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 12>>
<<if $hormoneUpgradePower == 1>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 2>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 6>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 2>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 6>>
<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 4>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 12>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 4>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 12>>
	<<if $hormoneUpgradePower == 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 3>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 3>>
/* NCS helps primary sexual maturity */
<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance, -400, 400)>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance * 1.5, -400, 400)>>
/* androgny really wants to sit around 0 and will fight changes to do so */
<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.androgyny == 2>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 6>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 10>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < -6>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 10>>
<<if $slaves[$i].drugs != "hormone blockers">>
	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.hormonesEffects($slaves[$i])>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
	The hormone blockers $he is on suppress $his hormones, natural or not.
	<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
		$His libido is similarly
		<<set _supp = 1, $slaves[$i].energy-->>
	<<if _supp == 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX != 50 || $slaves[$i].attrXY != 50) && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
			@@.red;suppressed,@@ alongside what $he @@.red;finds sexually attractive.@@ Though that may not be a bad thing, should $he find a sex repulsive.
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX != 50 || $slaves[$i].attrXY != 50) && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
		$His @@.red;sexual tastes are also suppressed by the drugs,@@ though that may not be a bad thing should $he find a sex repulsive.
	<<if $slaves[$i].attrXX > 50>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX-->>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].attrXX < 50>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXX++>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].attrXY > 50>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY-->>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].attrXY < 50>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].attrXY++>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 0>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= 5>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 0>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += 5>>

<<if $slaves[$i].genes == "XX">>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && $slaves[$i].pubertyXX > 0>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile") && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY > 0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 20)/25)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 60>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 60)/25)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 60>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((60 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile") && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY > 0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > -20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance + 20)/25)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < -20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((-20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 20)/25)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].genes == "XY">>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && $slaves[$i].pubertyXX > 0>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile") && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY > 0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 20)/25)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 40>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 40)/25)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 40>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((40 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile") && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY > 0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > -40>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance + 40)/25)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < -40>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((-40 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance -= Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance - 20)/25)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 20>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance += Math.ceil((20 - $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance)/25)>>

<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>

	<<set _earlyPubertyFlag = 0>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX) && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1) && $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0>> /* Female type */

		<<set _precocious = 0>>
		/* Just having NCS speeds precocious Puberty, but also hormonal puberty affects are
		* increased while secondary growth is suppressed
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.8>>

		<<if ($slaves[$i].diet == "XX" || $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].diet == "fertility">>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
			<<set _precocious += 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
			<<set _precocious += 0.1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
			<<set _precocious += 0.2>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 100) && (random(1,100) < 30/_gigantomastiaMod) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
				<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 300) && (random(1,100) > 25*_gigantomastiaMod))>>
					Hormonal effects work with $his @@.orange;NCS@@ and cause @@.orange;$his tits to shrink down.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50/_gigantomastiaMod>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
					$He feels an @@.orange;unusual calmness@@ in $his belly and breasts.
				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50/_gigantomastiaMod>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].clit < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
					$He feels @@.lime;unusual warmness@@ in $his clitoris.
					<<set $slaves[$i].clit += 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.5>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
				$He feels an @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $his belly and breasts.
				<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400*_gigantomastiaMod) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
					$His breasts feel @@.lime;heavy, hot and sensitive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
					<<if random(1,100) < 10 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "perky">>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10 * _uterineHypersensitivityMod)>>
					$He feels @@.lime;strange minor pains@@ in $his pelvis.
					<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) < 10+(5*_rearQuirk))>>
					$He feels a @@.lime;strange weight@@ on $his rear.
					<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].labia < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10)>>
					$He feels an @@.lime;unusual tenderness@@ in $his labia.
					<<set $slaves[$i].labia += 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
			<<set _precocious += .5>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
			<<set _precocious += 0.2>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
			<<set _precocious += 0.4>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
				<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
				<<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
				<<set _precocious += 0.1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
				<<set _precocious += 0.2>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
			<<set _precocious += 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
			<<set _precocious *= 2>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX += _precocious>>

		<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge > $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX-3) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX < $fertilityAge)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
				$His body is showing signs of @@.lime;early puberty.@@
				A routine scan confirms that $his body is advancing towards @@.lime;early puberty,@@ despite not really showing signs of secondary sexual characteristics.
			<<set _earlyPubertyFlag = 1>>

	<</if>> /* closes female type */

	<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY) && $slaves[$i].balls >= 1 && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0>> /* Male type */
		<<set _precocious = 0>>
		/* Just having NCS speeds precocious Puberty, but also hormonal puberty affects are increased while secondary growth is suppressed */
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.8>>

		<<if ($slaves[$i].diet == "XY" || $slaves[$i].diet == "XXY")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs")>>
			<<set _precocious += 0.2>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "female hormone injections")>>
			<<set _precocious += 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "male hormone injections")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "testicle enhancement")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "steroids")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.5>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
				$He feels an @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $his groin.
				<<if ($slaves[$i].dick < 4) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
					$His penis feels @@.lime;heavy, hot and oversensitive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].dick += 1>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].balls < 4) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
					$His balls feel @@.lime;heavy, full and oversensitive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
			<<set _precocious -= 1>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
				$He feels @@.lime;unusual warm feeling@@ in $his breasts.
				<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400*_gigantomastiaMod) && (random(1,100) < 30) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
					$His chest feels @@.lime;hot and sensitive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
					<<if random(1,100) < 10 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "perky">>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2) && (random(1,100) < 10) * _uterineHypersensitivityMod>>
					$He feels @@.lime;strange minor pains@@ in $his pelvis.
					<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 4) && (random(1,100) < 10+(5*_rearQuirk))>>
					$He feels a @@.lime;strange weight@@ to $his rear.
					<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 1) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
				<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2) && (random(1,100) > 25))>>
					Hormonal effects work with $his @@.orange;NCS@@ and cause @@.orange;$his dick to shrink.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
					$He feels an @@.orange;unusual lightness@@ in $his penis.
				<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 1) && (random(1,100) < 30)>>
				<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2) && (random(1,100) > 25))>>
					Hormonal effects work with $his @@.orange;NCS@@ and cause @@.orange;$his balls to shrink.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
					$He feels an @@.orange;unusual emptiness@@ to $his scrotum.
				<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
			<<set _precocious += 0.2>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
			<<set _precocious += 0.4>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
			<<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone enhancers">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].hormones == 1)>>
				<<set _precocious += 0.1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == 2)>>
				<<set _precocious += 0.2>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -1)>>
				<<set _precocious -= 0.1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hormones == -2)>>
				<<set _precocious -= 0.2>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hormone blockers">>
			<<set _precocious += 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
			<<set _precocious *= 2>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += _precocious>>

		<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge > $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY-3) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY < $potencyAge) && _earlyPubertyFlag != 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
				$His body is showing signs of @@.lime;early puberty.@@
				A routine scan confirms that $his body is advancing towards @@.lime;early puberty,@@ despite not really showing signs of secondary sexual characteristics.

	<</if>> /* closes male type */

<</if>> /*closes PPmod */

/* puberty - not announced for allowing surprise pregnancy */
<<if $slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyXX = 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 3 && random(1,100) < $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia = 2>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 3 && random(1,100) < $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia = 2>>

<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType != "sterile">>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyXY = 1>>


<<if ($slaves[$i].preg > 0)>> /*EFFECTS OF PREGNANCY*/

	<<if $slaves[$i].preg == $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/8>> /*BAD design - with speed control drugs and animal pregnancy 5th week can be not integer value, and block will be skipped as it's will be not strict == */
		<<if $slaves[$i].pregSource == -1>>
			<<set $PC.counter.slavesKnockedUp++>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregSource > 0>>
			<<set _babyDaddy = findFather($slaves[$i].pregSource)>>
			<<if def _babyDaddy>>
				<<set _adjust = _babyDaddy.counter.slavesKnockedUp++>>
				<<set adjustFatherProperty(_babyDaddy, "slavesKnockedUp", _adjust)>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].bellyFluid > 2000>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].inflation > 1>>
			$He finds $himself only capable of handling @@.yellow;two liters of $slaves[$i].inflationType inside $his body at once,@@ far less than $his required bloating.
			$His body cannot handle having so much $slaves[$i].inflationType inside it, forcing $him to release $his contents until $he feels better.
		<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 0>>
			The cause? @@.lime;$He's pregnant<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4>> and rather far along<</if>>.@@
			This will likely be the case for the duration of $his pregnancy.

	<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2 && $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth>>
				$He's full-term and has never been hornier. $His uterine hypersensitivity combined with $his full womb and upcoming birth confers a @@.green;huge improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 7>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
				Being hugely pregnant with uterine hypersensitivity confers an @@.green;improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2>>
				Being pregnant with uterine hypersensitivity confers a @@.green;slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4>>
				$His new pregnancy excites $him and produces @@.green;very slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg <= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
				The rigors of early pregnancy do not seem to decrease $his sex drive. If anything, it seems to be exciting $him.
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy" && $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth>>
				$He's full-term and has never been hornier. $His pregnancy fetish combined with $his ripe belly confers a @@.green;huge improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
				Being a pregnancy fetishist and hugely pregnant confers an @@.green;improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2>>
				Being a pregnancy fetishist and pregnant confers a @@.green;slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4>>
				$His new pregnancy excites $him and produces @@.green;very slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg <= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
				The rigors of early pregnancy do not seem to decrease $his sex drive. If anything, it seems to be exciting $him.
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth>>
				$He's full-term and has never been hornier. $His advanced pregnancy confers a @@.green;huge improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
				Being hugely pregnant confers an @@.green;improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2>>
				Being pregnant confers a @@.green;slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4>>
				$His new pregnancy excites $him and produces @@.green;very slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg <= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
				The rigors of early pregnancy do not seem to decrease $his sex drive. If anything, it seems to be exciting $him.
			<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy">>
					Given $his enthusiasm, $he appears to have a @@.lightcoral;pregnancy fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth>>
				$He's full-term and has never been hornier, conferring a @@.green;huge improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 7>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
				Being hugely pregnant confers an @@.green;improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 5>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2>>
				Being pregnant confers a @@.green;slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4>>
				$His new pregnancy excites $him and produces @@.green;very slow improvement in $his sexual appetite.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg <= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
				The rigors of early pregnancy do not seem to decrease $his sex drive. If anything, it seems to be exciting $him.
		<<else>> /* not pregnancy fetish */
			<<if ($slaves[$i].energy < 41)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].preg <= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4) && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce $his sexual appetite.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth)>>
					$He is full-term and feels massively unattractive, @@.red;greatly suppressing $his sexual appetite.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 4>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33)>>
					$His advanced pregnancy @@.red;greatly suppresses $his sexual appetite.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2)>>
					$His growing pregnancy @@.red;suppresses $his sexual appetite.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500)>>
					$His visible pregnancy causes $him to feel unattractive, @@.red;reducing $his sex drive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy < 61)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].preg <= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;slightly reduce $his sexual appetite.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth)>>
					$He is full-term and @@.green;hornier than ever.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33)>>
					$His advanced pregnancy @@.green;increases $his libido.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].energy < 90>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].preg <= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4) && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce $his sexual appetite.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth)>>
					$He is full-term and suffering from an @@.green;unquenchable need for sex.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 4>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
					$His advanced pregnancy comes with a hugely increased libido, @@.green;greatly increasing $his sexual drive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2>>
					$His growing pregnancy comes with an increased libido, @@.green;spurring $his sexual appetite.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].preg <= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33>>
					The rigors of early pregnancy @@.red;reduce $his sexual appetite.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth)>>
					$He is full-term and horny as hell. $His hormones and already high libido have $him acting like $he hasn't had a good fuck in nine months.
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 2>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
					$His advanced pregnancy, combined with $his already high libido, has $him practically begging for sex whenever $he has a spare moment.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2>>
					$His growing pregnancy, combined with $his already high libido, has $him always itching for some sex.

	<<set _oldCount = $slaves[$i].pregType>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].preg <= 2 && $slaves[$i].broodmother == 0>>
		<<run fetalSplit($slaves[$i], 1000)>>
		<<run WombCleanYYFetuses($slaves[$i])>>
	<<if $pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade == 1>>
		<<if _oldCount < $slaves[$i].pregType>>
			During $his weekly monitoring, it is discovered that $his womb is now home to @@.lime;more ova than last checkup.@@
		<<elseif _oldCount > $slaves[$i].pregType>>
			During $his weekly monitoring, it is discovered that $his womb is now home to @@.orange;less ova than last checkup.@@
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregType == 0>>
				For all intent and purposes, @@.yellow;$he is no longer pregnant.@@
				<<run TerminatePregnancy($slaves[$i])>>
	<<elseif _oldCount > $slaves[$i].pregType && $slaves[$i].pregType == 0>>
		<<run TerminatePregnancy($slaves[$i])>>

	<<if ($slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/4)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 3 && random(1,200) < $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia = 2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 3 && random(1,200) < $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia = 2>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].need *= 0.5>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 120000>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].need *= 0.7>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 60000>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].need *= 0.9>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].need *= 1.5>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
				$He @@.mediumaquamarine;feels right@@ to be growing heavy with child. To $him, a growing baby means better milk.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1)>>
				$He is filled with a feeling of @@.mediumorchid;revulsion@@ that your child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> growing within $his body.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].relationship == -3>>
					This is compounded by the fact that you @@.gold;forced $him to marry you@@ and @@.mediumorchid;raped $him pregnant.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= -5>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50) && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1)>>
				$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ that your child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> growing within $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].relationship == -3>>
					This is compounded by the fact that $he is your @@.hotpink;devoted $wife@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;feels it is $his duty@@ to bear your children.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].pregSource == $slaves[$i].relationshipTarget) && ($slaves[$i].relationship > 2)>>
				$He can't help but feel @@.mediumaquamarine;satisfaction@@ in carrying $his lover's child.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregSource == -9>>
				$He can't help but feel @@.mediumaquamarine;proud@@ over the life you helped conceive and the future generation of Futanari Sisters.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			/* pregmod start */
			<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20) && ($arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset") && ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "motherly")>>
				$His pregnancy fills $him with @@.hotpink;joyful pride,@@ since $he is surrounded by those that share $his values on having children.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregSource == $slaves[$i].ID>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
					$He's @@.hotpink;aroused@@ at the mere concept that the baby growing inside $him was conceived by $his own sperm.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
					$He often becomes preoccupied with @@.gold;worry@@ that $his self-conceived child will be born unhealthy.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].belly <= 1500>>
						$He feels a pleasant tingling sensation in $his lower belly.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2)>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].belly <= 10000>>
							$He feels a pleasant fullness in $his womb.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly <= 30000>>
							$His pregnancy fills $him with pleasant sensations of fullness and fulfillment,
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 10>>
									@@.coral;distracting $him from $his fetish.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 1>>
									@@.lightcoral;giving $him a new appreciation for pregnancy.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 60, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
								@@.lightcoral;further increasing $his love for pregnancy.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].fetishStrength + 1, 0, 100)>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly <= 60000>>
							$His huge pregnancy fills $him with pleasure and a sense of accomplishment,
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 10>>
									@@.coral;distracting $him from $his fetish.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 2>>
									@@.lightcoral;giving $him a new appreciation for pregnancy.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 60, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
								@@.lightcoral;further increasing $his love for pregnancy.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].fetishStrength + 2, 0, 100)>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly <= 120000>>
							$His enormous pregnancy fills $him with pleasure and sometimes causes small orgasms from fetal movement,
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 10>>
									@@.coral;causing $him to slowly lose interest in $his current fetish.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 3>>
									@@.lightcoral;focusing $his lust on pregnancy.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 60, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
								@@.lightcoral;further increasing $his love for pregnancy.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].fetishStrength + 3, 0, 100)>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly <= 300000>>
							$His gigantic pregnancy fills $him with pleasure and often causes small orgasms from fetal movement,
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 10>>
									@@.coral;causing $him to slowly lose interest in $his current fetish.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
									@@.lightcoral;focusing $his lust on pregnancy.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 60, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
								@@.lightcoral;further increasing $his love for pregnancy.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].fetishStrength + 5, 0, 100)>>
							$His hyperpregnancy fills $him with great pleasure and keeps $him in near constant orgasm from fetal movement alone,
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
								<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 10>>
									@@.coral;causing $him to rapidly lose interest in $his current fetish.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 10>>
									@@.lightcoral;focusing $his lust on pregnancy.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 60, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
								@@.lightcoral;further increasing $his love for pregnancy.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = Math.clamp($slaves[$i].fetishStrength + 10, 0, 100)>>
			<<switch $slaves[$i].pregControl>>
			<<case "speed up">>
				<<if !_S.Nurse || $slaves[$i].assignment != "get treatment in the clinic">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 20 && $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && $slaves[$i].trust <= 50>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "self hating">>
							$He is @@.hotpink;delirious with joy@@ over $his straining womb. Every week $he gets bigger, fuller and tighter; in $his mind, it won't be long until $he bursts, bringing $his children into the world.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
							$He is @@.green;extremely aroused@@ over $his straining womb.
							<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
								$His hypersensitive uterus is overstimulated by the pressure, clouding both pain and worry from $his mind.
								Every week $he gets bigger, fuller, tighter, and, strangely enough, hornier. It's unclear why $he is this way, but it distracts $him from worrying at least.
							<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
							$He is @@.gold;utterly terrified@@ by $his straining womb. Every week $he gets bigger, fuller and tighter; in $his mind, it won't be long until $he bursts, bringing $his children into @@.mediumorchid;this wretched world.@@<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 600000>> $He is absolutely huge, $his <<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>>stretch mark streaked<<else>>swollen<</if>> orb of a belly keeps $him painfully immobilized. $He counts every second, hoping that $he can make it to the next. $His mind @@.red;can't handle it and shatters,@@ leaving $him nothing more than an overfilled broodmother.<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken">><</if>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
						$He is @@.green;extremely aroused@@ over $his straining womb.
						<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
							$His hypersensitive uterus is overstimulated by the pressure, clouding both pain and worry from $his mind.
							Every week $he gets bigger, fuller, tighter, and, strangely enough, hornier. It's unclear why $he is this way, but it distracts $him from worrying at least.
						<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 3>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && $slaves[$i].trust <= 20>>
						$He is @@.gold;utterly terrified@@ by $his straining womb and filled @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ that you've turned $him into nothing more than a rapid breeding vessel.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 80 && $slaves[$i].trust <= 80>>
						$He trusts you, but deep down @@.gold;$he can't help but worry@@ over how fast $he is growing.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
			<<case "labor suppressors">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2 && $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal > 0>>
					<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
						Birth is incredibly pleasurable to $him due to $his uterine hypersensitivity, filling $him with @@.gold;fear@@ and @@.mediumorchid;loathing@@ that $he won't be allowed to reach that high again.
						$He is filled with unwarranted @@.gold;paranoia@@ and @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ over you delaying $his upcoming birth.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1)>>
					$He is filled with @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ that you're forcing $him to continue carrying your child.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
			<<case "slow gestation">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20 && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1)>>
					$He is filled with @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ that you're tormenting $him by prolonging $his pregnancy.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].induce == 1>>
				$His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren visibly shift<<else>> visibly shifts<</if>> within $his womb as <<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>they prepare<<else>>it prepares<</if>> to enter the world. $He experiences several
				<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
				but not enough to deter $him from $his work.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregControl == "labor suppressors">>
				$His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> oddly calm; it is unlikely $he will give birth soon, despite being overdue.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].broodmother == 0>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth+1>>
					$He is constantly beset by $his squirming child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>><<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> and uncontrollable orgasms<</if>>. They're overdue, so $he's likely to go into labor at any moment, but they aren't quite ready to leave their home.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth-1 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.minLiveBirth>>
					$He is constantly beset by $his squirming child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>><<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> and uncontrollable orgasms<</if>>. Given their liveliness, and how long $he has been pregnant, it is likely that $he will go into labor at any time now.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth-2 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.minLiveBirth>>
					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe $his kicking child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>><<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>, to spontaneously orgasm,<</if>> and to catch $his breath. $He is far enough along that $he may go into labor any day now.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth-3 && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.minLiveBirth>>
					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe $his kicking child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>><<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> and clean up after spontaneously orgasming<</if>>. $He is far enough along that $he may go into early labor.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0 && $slaves[$i].preg > 37>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].broodmother == 1>>
					$He often has to stop for breaks to soothe $his kicking child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>><<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>, to spontaneously orgasm,<</if>> and to catch $his breath. It's only a matter of time until the next one drops into position to be born.
					$He is constantly beset by $his squirming children and often has to stop for breaks to soothe $his kicking child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>><<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> and clean up after spontaneously orgasming<</if>>. $He is never quite sure when the next one will drop into position to be born.
			/* pregmod end */
			<<if ($slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2) && (random(1,100) == 69)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none") && ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "none")>>
					<<switch random(1,4)>>
					<<case 1>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "odd">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;acting oddly.@@
					<<case 2>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "hates men">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;disliking the company of men.@@
					<<case 3>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "hates women">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;disliking the company of women.@@
					<<case 4>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;taking solace in overeating.@@
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none") && ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "none")>>
					<<switch random(1,8)>>
					<<case 1>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates oral">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;rejecting oral sex.@@
					<<case 2>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;rejecting anal sex.@@
					<<case 3>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;rejecting penetrative sex.@@
					<<case 4>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "shamefast">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to become @@.red;paranoid about $his naked body.@@
					<<case 5>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "repressed">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to begin @@.red;rejecting sex.@@
					<<case 6>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "apathetic">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy causes $him to become @@.red;inert during sex.@@
					<<case 7>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "crude">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy leads $him to @@.red;become quite crude.@@
					<<case 8>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "judgemental">>
						The stress of $his growing pregnancy causes $him to become overly @@.red;judgemental of $his partners.@@
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95) && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)) && ($slaves[$i].counter.oral+$slaves[$i].counter.vaginal+$slaves[$i].counter.anal > 200) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy")>>
				The combination of pregnancy and constant sex has @@.lightcoral;sexualized pregnancy for $him.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1, $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 65>>
		<</if>> /* closes not Fuckdoll or mindbroken check; still .preg >= 10 */
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
			/* NCS: always working against secondary sexual characteristics even in pregnancies. */
			<<set _boobTarget = 0>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.androgyny == 2>>
			<<set _boobTarget = 400>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 50>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 10000>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 30>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 5000>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 10>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 2000>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 2>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 1000>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 800>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 13>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 50>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 5000>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 30>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 3200>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 10>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 1800>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 2>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 1000>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 700>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 8>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 50>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 1800>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 30>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 1400>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 10>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 1000>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 2>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 800>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 600>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 50>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 1000>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 30>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 800>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 10>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 600>>
				<<set _boobTarget = 400>>
		<<set _boobTarget *= _gigantomastiaMod>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 30) && ((($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Concubine" || $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") && $masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries == 1) || ($slaves[$i].diet == "high caloric"))>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].weight <= 65)>>
					$He has @@.lime;gained weight@@ in order to better sustain $himself and $his children.
					<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
				<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
					<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget)>>
						$His breasts @@.lime;greatly swell@@ to meet the upcoming demand.
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.25 && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
							$His immensely engorged @@.orange;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $his pregnancy as $his body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.androgyny != 2>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].hips < 2)>>
							$His hips @@.lime;widen@@ for $his upcoming birth.
							<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 14)>>
							$His butt @@.lime;swells with added fat@@ from $his changing body.
							<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].pregType >= 10)>>
				<<if random(1,100) > 80 && (($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget)>>
					$His breasts @@.lime;swell@@ in preparation for $his growing brood.
					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].preg > random($slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.25, $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth*2.05)>>
							$His swollen @@.orange;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $his pregnancy as $his body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs - $slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < _boobTarget>>
				<<if random(1,100) > 80>>
					Pregnancy @@.lime;causes $his breasts to swell somewhat.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 25>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy" && $slaves[$i].preg > random($slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.25, $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth*2.5) && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1) && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "sag-B-gone")>>
						$His @@.orange;breasts become saggy@@ in the last stages of $his pregnancy as $his body undergoes changes in anticipation of the forthcoming birth.
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.25 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 1 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 90 / _uterineHypersensitivityMod>>
				$His hips @@.lime;widen@@ to better support $his gravidity.
				<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.42 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18 && $slaves[$i].hips == 0 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant == 0 && random(1,100) > 70 / _uterineHypersensitivityMod>>
				$His hips @@.lime;widen@@ to better support $his gravidity.
				<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg == $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2.66>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 0>>
				$His areolae have oddly darkened. Some cursory tests reveal @@.lime;$he is about fifteen weeks pregnant.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>
				$His areolae darken with $his progressing pregnancy.
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
			<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes(_bellyAccessory)>>
				$His growing pregnancy renders $his fake belly moot.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory = "none">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2) && ($slaves[$i].lactation == 0)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].health.condition < -20>>
					$He's so unwell that natural lactation is unlikely.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].weight <= -30>>
					$He's so skinny that natural lactation is unlikely.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > random($slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2.22, $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33)>>
					Pregnancy @@.lime;causes $him to begin lactating.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].lactation == 1>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].lactationDuration = 2>>
	<</if>> /* closes .preg >= 10 */

	<<if ($slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].pregType == 0)>> /*Catch for strange cases - now with checking.*/
		<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
		<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, $slaves[$i].pregSource, $slaves[$i].preg)>>

<</if>> /* END PREG EFFECTS */


<<if $seePreg != 0>>
	<<if isFertile($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].need *= 2>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "pregnancy">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 10>>
					$He feels a constant compulsion to breed @@.coral;steadily eroding $his fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength -= 5>>
				<<elseif _fetishChangeChance > random(0,100)>>
					$His constant desire to breed @@.lightcoral;finally manifests into a pregnancy fetish.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 60, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95>>
				$His heat @@.lightcoral;further increases $his desire to be impregnated.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 5>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 95>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 100>>
				$He is in a state of heat and in dire need of sex.

	<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].preg == -1) && ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60) && ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && isFertile($slaves[$i])>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0>>
			@@.mediumorchid;$He's unhappy@@ that $he's on contraceptives, revealing that $he has a @@.lightcoral;deep desire to get pregnant.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
			$He badly wants to have a child, so @@.mediumorchid;$he's unhappy@@ that $he's on contraceptives.
		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>

	/* CAN GET PREGNANT (fertile, not on contraceptives and not wearing chastity) */

	<<if canGetPregnant($slaves[$i]) && (($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting == 0) || $slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy")>>

		<<set _conceptionSeed = random(1,100)>>
		<<set _studIgnoresRules = (_Stud && $universalRulesImpregnation == "Stud" && _Stud.career == "a breeding bull" && _Stud.fetish == "mindbroken" && canMove(_Stud)) ? 1 : 0>>

		<<if ($universalRulesImpregnation == "PC") && canImpreg($slaves[$i], $PC)>>
			$slaves[$i].slaveName is ripe for breeding, so you ejaculate inside $him often. When you bore of $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>cunt<</if>>, you keep $him around as you fuck other slaves so you can pull out of them, shove your cock into $him, and fill $him with your seed anyway.
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
					$He attempts to resist this treatment, and spends most of $his days bound securely, with your cum dripping out of $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. This regimen fills $him with @@.mediumorchid;hatred,@@ @@.gold;fear,@@ and @@.lime;a pregnancy.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
						This unpleasant interlude leaves $him @@.red;hating penetration@@ of $his now-pregnant <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
						<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
					$He complies fearfully with your use of $his body.
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
					$He is @@.hotpink;absurdly pleased@@ by this treatment, @@.mediumaquamarine;trustingly@@ serving as your breeding bitch until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@ $He's so aroused by the constant insemination that having your dick, wet from another slave, pushed inside $him to climax is often enough to bring $him to orgasm in turn.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
						Such total satisfaction of $his pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
					$He serves you dutifully in this, @@.mediumaquamarine;trustingly@@ serving as your breeding bitch until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>

			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
			<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -1, 1)>>
			<<set $activeSlave = $slaves[$i]>><<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>><<= VCheck.Anal(10)>><<else>><<= VCheck.Vaginal(10)>><</if>><<set $slaves[$i] = $activeSlave>>

		<<elseif (($slaves[$i].vagina == 0) || (($slaves[$i].anus == 0) && ($slaves[$i].mpreg > 0))) && !_studIgnoresRules>>
		<<elseif ($HeadGirlID != 0) && (_S.HeadGirl.dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].ID != $HeadGirlID) && ($universalRulesImpregnation == "HG") && canPenetrate(_S.HeadGirl)>>
			<<setLocalPronouns _S.HeadGirl 2>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].HGExclude == 1>>
				It's _S.HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to impregnate fertile slaves, but your Head Girl is forbidden from impregnating $slaves[$i].slaveName.
			<<elseif $universalHGImpregnateMasterSuiteToggle == 1 && ["serve in the master suite", "be your Concubine"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				It's _S.HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to impregnate fertile slaves, but $slaves[$i].slaveName is off-limits.
			<<elseif $HGCum == 0>>
				It's _S.HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to impregnate fertile slaves, but your Head Girl can only fuck a limited number of slaves enough to ensure impregnation each week.
			<<elseif !canBreed($slaves[$i], _S.HeadGirl)>>
				It's _S.HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to impregnate fertile slaves, but _S.HeadGirl.slaveName's sperm is unable to fertilize $slaves[$i].slaveName's ova, so _he2 doesn't waste _his2 seed trying.
				It's _S.HeadGirl.slaveName's responsibility to get $him pregnant, a task your
				<<if (_S.HeadGirl.fetish == "pregnancy") && (_S.HeadGirl.fetishKnown == 1) && (_S.HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
					pregnancy fetishist Head Girl is @@.hotpink;extremely pleased@@ to take on.
					<<set _S.HeadGirl.devotion += 2>>
					<<if (_S.HeadGirl.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
						The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
						<<set _S.HeadGirl.fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<elseif _S.HeadGirl.career == "a breeding bull">>
					Head Girl feels @@.hotpink;_he2 was meant for.@@
					<<set _S.HeadGirl.devotion += 1>>
				<<elseif (_S.HeadGirl.attrXX > 65) && (_S.HeadGirl.attrKnown == 1)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>-hungry Head Girl is @@.hotpink;happy@@ to take on.
					<<set _S.HeadGirl.devotion += 1>>
					Head Girl approaches dutifully.
				<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
						$slaves[$i].slaveName feels a need to be bred by the Head Girl, and submits $himself to $his superior's virile cock until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
						<<if ((_S.HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist") || (_S.HeadGirl.fetish == "dom")) && (_S.HeadGirl.fetishKnown == 1) && (_S.HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							_His2 interest is piqued, however, when $slaves[$i].slaveName shows signs of resistance. _S.HeadGirl.slaveName @@.hotpink;enthusiastically@@ @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor $girl@@ pregnant, ejaculating inside _his2 victim more often than is really necessary for @@.lime;conception.@@
							<<set _S.HeadGirl.devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName tries to resist _him2, so _S.HeadGirl.slaveName is forced to @@.mediumorchid;rape the poor $girl@@ pregnant, regularly ejaculating inside $him until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
							This unpleasant interlude leaves $him @@.red;hating penetration@@ of $his violated <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>anus<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
							<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
						<<if ((_S.HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist") || (_S.HeadGirl.fetish == "dom")) && (_S.HeadGirl.fetishKnown == 1) && (_S.HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							_His2 interest is piqued, however, when it becomes clear that $slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred. _S.HeadGirl.slaveName @@.hotpink;enthusiastically@@ ensures that _his2 victim @@.mediumorchid;does not enjoy@@ a week of being @@.lime;raped pregnant.@@
							<<set _S.HeadGirl.devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred, but _S.HeadGirl.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor $girl@@ pregnant anyway, regularly ejaculating inside $him until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
							This unpleasant interlude leaves $him @@.red;hating penetration@@ of $his violated <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>anus<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
							<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
								<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion < 75)>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;very willing to be bred@@ by your Head Girl, and eagerly takes $his superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								Such total satisfaction of $his pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName is willing to be bred by the Head Girl, and takes $his superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
						<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, considers getting bred by your Head Girl @@.hotpink;a dream come true,@@ and gets fucked bareback daily until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								Such total satisfaction of $his pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.hotpink;quite willing to be bred@@ by the Head Girl, whom $he respects, and submissively takes $his superior's cock bareback until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				<</if>> /* closes not Fuckdoll not mindbroken */
				<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = $HeadGirlID, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1, $HGCum -= 1, _S.HeadGirl.counter.penetrative += 10, $penetrativeTotal += 10>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, $HeadGirlID, 1)>>
				<<set $activeSlave = $slaves[$i]>><<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>><<= VCheck.Anal(10)>><<else>><<= VCheck.Vaginal(10)>><</if>><<set $slaves[$i] = $activeSlave>>
				<<set _saLTE = $slaveIndices[$HeadGirlID]>>
				<<if def _saLTE>>
					<<set $slaves[_saLTE] = _S.HeadGirl>>
			<</if>> /* closes HG impregnation */
		<<elseif _Stud && $slaves[$i].ID != $StudID && $universalRulesImpregnation == "Stud">>
			<<setLocalPronouns _Stud 2>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].StudExclude == 1 || $slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1) && (_Stud.career != "a breeding bull" || _Stud.fetish != "mindbroken" || !canMove(_Stud))>>
				It's _Stud.slaveName's role to provide sperm for fertile slaves, but $slaves[$i].slaveName is not included on the list.
			<<elseif $universalHGImpregnateMasterSuiteToggle == 1 && ["serve in the master suite", "be your Concubine"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				It's _Stud.slaveName's role to provide sperm for fertile slaves, but $slaves[$i].slaveName is off-limits.
			<<elseif $StudCum == 0>>
				It's _Stud.slaveName's role to provide sperm for fertile slaves, but your Stud can only cum enough to ensure impregnation in a limited number of slaves each week.
			<<elseif !canBreed($slaves[$i], _Stud)>>
				It's _Stud.slaveName's role to provide sperm for fertile slaves, but _his2 sperm is unable to fertilize $slaves[$i].slaveName's ova, so there is no point in forcing the union.
				<<set _studRandiness = 0>> /* used to control the slave reaction. 1 - fucks slave, -1 - slave fucks stud, 0 - inert */
				It's _Stud.slaveName's role to
				/* stud's reaction to the role */
				<<if _Stud.fuckdoll > 0>>
					provide sperm for $him; all $he needs to do is signal the suit to stimulate an ejaculation.
				<<elseif _Stud.fetish == "mindbroken">>
					<<if _Stud.career == "a breeding bull" && canMove(_Stud)>>
						impregnate fertile slaves, a task the amorous Stud performs with gusto and little regard for rules.
						<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
						provide sperm for $him, a task that usually involves $him doing all the work.
						<<set _studRandiness = -1>>
				<<elseif _Stud.career == "a breeding bull">>
					<<if (_Stud.fetish == "pregnancy") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
						impregnate $him, a task your pregnancy fetishist Stud believes @@.hotpink;is nothing short of destiny.@@
						<<set _Stud.devotion += 3>>
						<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
							The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
							<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "dom") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
						fill $him with child, a task your dominant Stud @@.hotpink;carries out with gusto.@@
						<<set _Stud.devotion += 2>>
						<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
							The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 dominant tendencies@@ by indulgence.
							<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 4>>
						impregnate $him, a task your Stud feels @@.hotpink;_he2 was meant for.@@
						<<set _Stud.devotion += 1>>
					<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
				<<elseif _Stud.devotion < -20>>
					<<if _Stud.trust > 20>>
						<<if (-Stud.fetish == "pregnancy") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							impregnate $him, a task your pregnancy fetishist Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;takes full advantage of@@ to deeply ingrain _himself2 in your penthouse.
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 4>>
						<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "dom") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							fill $him with child, a task your dominant Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;carries out with glee@@ as _he2 steadily dominates your slaves.
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 dominant tendencies@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 4>>
							impregnate $him, a task your Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;takes pride in@@ with each and every womb _he2 takes from you.
						<<set _Stud.trust += 3>>
						<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
					<<elseif _Stud.trust >= -20>>
						<<if (_Stud.fetish == "pregnancy") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							fill $him with child, a task your pregnancy fetishist Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;takes unwarranted pride@@ in.
							<<set _Stud.trust += 3>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 2>>
						<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "dom") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							fill $him with child, a task your dominant Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;takes unwarranted pride@@ in.
							<<set _Stud.trust += 3>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 dominant tendencies@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 2>>
							impregnate $him, a task your Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;takes unwarranted liberties@@ in.
							<<set _Stud.trust += 2>>
						<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
						<<if (_Stud.fetish == "pregnancy") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							impregnate $him, a task your pregnancy fetishist Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;warms up to@@ in spite of _his2 fear of you.
							<<set _Stud.trust += 1>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 1>>
							<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
						<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "masochist") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							provide sperm for $him, a task your masochist Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;takes advantage of,@@ despite _his2 fear of you.
							<<set _Stud.trust += 1>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 masochistic tendencies@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 1>>
							<<set _studRandiness = -1>>
						<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "submissive") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							provide sperm for $him, a task your submissive Stud @@.mediumaquamarine;warms up to@@ in spite of _his2 fear of you.
							<<set _Stud.trust += 1>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 tendencies@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 1>>
							<<set _studRandiness = -1>>
							impregnate $him, a task your Stud struggles with under _his2 overwhelming fear of you.
							<<set _studRandiness = -1>>
				<<elseif _Stud.devotion <= 20>>
					<<if _Stud.trust >= -20>>
						<<if (_Stud.fetish == "pregnancy") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							impregnate $him, a task your pregnancy fetishist Stud takes @@.hotpink;hesitant pleasure@@ in.
							<<set _Stud.devotion += 1>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 2>>
							<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
						<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "submissive") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							provide sperm for $him, a task your submissive Stud @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ more than _he2 lets on.
							<<set _Stud.devotion += 1>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 tendencies@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 2>>
							<<set _studRandiness = -1>>
							impregnate $him, a task your Stud approaches with caution.
							<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
						<<if (_Stud.fetish == "pregnancy") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							impregnate $him, a task your pregnancy fetishist Stud takes some @@.hotpink;pleasure@@ in, despite _his2 fears of you.
							<<set _Stud.devotion += 1>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 tendencies@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 1>>
						<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "masochist") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							provide sperm for $him, a task your masochist Stud is @@.hotpink;surprisingly willing@@ to complicate, despite _his2 fear of you, in order to provoke $him.
							<<set _Stud.devotion += 1>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 masochistic tendencies@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 1>>
						<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "submissive") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
							provide sperm for $him, a task your submissive Stud @@.hotpink;is more than happy@@ to allow $him to take responsibility of.
							<<set _Stud.devotion += 1>>
							<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
								The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 tendencies@@ by indulgence.
								<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 1>>
							impregnate $him, a task your Stud takes seriously in fear of what will become of $him should $he fail.
						<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
					<<if (_Stud.fetish == "pregnancy") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
						impregnate $him, a task your pregnancy fetishist Stud is @@.hotpink;extremely pleased@@ to take on.
						<<set _Stud.devotion += 2>>
						<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
							The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 pregnancy fetish@@ by indulgence.
							<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 4>>
					<<elseif (_Stud.fetish == "dom") && (_Stud.fetishKnown == 1) && (_Stud.fetishStrength > 60)>>
						fill $him with child, a task your dominant Stud @@.hotpink;enjoys the perks of.@@
						<<set _Stud.devotion += 2>>
						<<if (_Stud.fetishStrength <= 95)>>
							The opportunity @@.lightcoral;strengthens _his2 tendencies@@ by indulgence.
							<<set _Stud.fetishStrength += 4>>
						impregnate $him, a task your Stud approaches dutifully.
					<<set _studRandiness = 1>>
				/* slave's response to the deed */
				<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
					<<if _Stud.fuckdoll > 0>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.mediumorchid;is not amused@@ that $he is expected to use a syringe to @@.lime;inseminate $himself.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.gold;is horrified@@ by the state of _Stud.slaveName and @@.mediumorchid;quite upset@@ that $he is being forced not only to carry _his2 child, but to milk _him2 and inject _his2 cum into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.gold;is utterly horrified@@ by the state of _Stud.slaveName and @@.mediumorchid;has to be forced@@ @@.lime;conceive _his2 child.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 75)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;very willing@@ to inject _his2 cumshots deep into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 10>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is willing to carry your Stud's child and injects _his2 loads into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, @@.hotpink;eagerly@@ injects cumshot after cumshot into $his hungry <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy throughout the week, @@.lime;guaranteeing conception.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 10>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.hotpink;quite willing@@ to carry your Stud's child and dutifully injects $himself with _his2 loads until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
					<<elseif _Stud.dick == 0>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName feels a need to be bred by your Stud,
							<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
								but has @@.mediumorchid;trouble coming to terms with@@ being @@.lime;inseminated@@ by a mate with no dick.
								<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 10>>
								<<set _studVaginal = 1>>
								but between $his mate's lack of a dick and having to @@.lime;inseminate $himself@@ with a syringe, the experience @@.mediumorchid;is not very pleasant.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
							<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName tries to resist _him2, so _Stud.slaveName teaches _him2 that _he2 doesn't need a dick @@.mediumorchid;to rape the poor $girl@@ pregnant. _He2 regularly ejaculating inside $him until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed, @@.gold;much to $his terror.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4>>
								<<set _studVaginal = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName finds _Stud.slaveName is in a similar situation as $he is, so $he tries to make it as @@.mediumaquamarine;mutuably enjoyable as possible,@@ despite the awkwardness involved, while trying $his best to overlook that _Stud.slaveName is being forced to @@.lime;impregnate $him.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 4>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred, so _Stud.slaveName is forced to @@.mediumorchid;rape the poor $girl@@ pregnant, regularly squirting cum into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName finds that _Stud.slaveName is less than enthusiastic about fucking $him, @@.mediumorchid;making the resulting rape extra unpleasant@@ when _he2 @@.lime;forces a baby into $him.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 6>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 75)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, is
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									@@.hotpink;very willing to be bred@@ by your Stud, but never expected to be @@.lime;impregnated via tribbing.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 20>>
									<<set _studVaginal = 1>>
									@@.hotpink;happy to bear@@ your Stud's child by injecting _his2 cumshots deep into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is willing to carry your Stud's child and
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									allows _him2 to effectively @@.lime;trib $him pregnant.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 20>>
									<<set _studVaginal = 1>>
									<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist" || $slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
										wastes no time dealing with _his2 issues and just harvests _his2 sperm
										injects $himself with _his2 loads
									until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, considers carrying your Stud's child @@.hotpink;a dream come true,@@
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									but never expected to be @@.lime;impregnated via tribbing.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 20>>
									<<set _studVaginal = 1>>
									and injects milked cum into $his hungry <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy daily until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.hotpink;quite willing@@ to carry your Stud's child
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									and tribs with _him2 until _he2 squirts enough sperm into $him to @@.lime;conceive a child.@@
									<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 20>>
									<<set _studVaginal = 1>>
									and dutifully injects $himself with _his2 loads until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
					<<elseif canAchieveErection(_Stud) && _Stud.dick <= 7>> /* chastity is temporarily removed, so the only diff between this and canPenetrate() is if the dick actually fits */
						<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName feels a need to be bred by your Stud,
							<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
								and submits $himself to $his mate's virile cock
								and $his mate's unwillingness doesn't stop $him from forcibly riding $his cock
							until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
							<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 50>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
							<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName tries to resist _him2, so _Stud.slaveName just @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor $girl@@ pregnant, regularly ejaculating inside $him until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
								<<set _rapeAddsFlaw = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName finds _Stud.slaveName is in a similar situation as $he is, so $he tries to make it as @@.mediumaquamarine;mutuably enjoyable as possible,@@ despite the awkwardness involved, while trying $his best to overlook that _Stud.slaveName is being forced to @@.lime;impregnate $him.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 4>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred, but _Stud.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor $girl@@ pregnant anyway, regularly ejaculating inside $him until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
								<<set _rapeAddsFlaw = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName finds that _Stud.slaveName is less than enthusiastic about fucking $him, @@.mediumorchid;making the resulting rape extra unpleasant@@ when _he2 @@.lime;forces a baby into $him.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 6>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 75)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;very willing to be bred@@ by your Stud, and eagerly
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									takes _his2 cock bareback
									rides _him2 raw
								until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is willing to be bred by your Stud, and
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									takes _his2 cock bareback
									<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist" || $slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
										takes _his2 dick by force
										dominantly rides _his2 cock raw
								until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 20>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, considers getting bred by your Stud @@.hotpink;a dream come true,@@
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									and gets fucked bareback
									and rides _him2 raw
								daily until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.hotpink;quite willing to be bred@@ by your Stud and
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									submissively takes _his2 cock bareback
									<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist" || $slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
										takes _his2 dick by force
										dominantly rides _his2 cock raw
								until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 30>>
						<<set _studPenetrative = 1>>
						<<set _studTakesV = 1>>
					<<elseif canAchieveErection(_Stud)>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName feels a need to be bred by your Stud, but try as $he might, just can't fit _his2 massive dick inside $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy. Having to take just the tip until $he @@.lime;conceives@@ @@.mediumorchid;isn't satisfying@@ to the ex-dairy cow.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
							<<set _studPenetrative = 1>>
							<<set _studTakesV = 1>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
							<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName tries to resist _him2, so _Stud.slaveName just @@.mediumorchid;rapes the poor $girl@@ pregnant, regularly ejaculating inside $him until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
								<<set _rapeAddsFlaw = 1>>
								<<set _studPenetrative = 1>>
								<<set _studTakesV = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName finds _Stud.slaveName is in a similar situation as $he is, so $he tries to make it as @@.mediumaquamarine;mutuably enjoyable as possible,@@ despite the awkwardness involved, while trying $his best to overlook that _Stud.slaveName is being forced to @@.lime;impregnate $him.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 4>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
								<<set _studPenetrative = 1>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, though fearfully obedient, is not happy with being bred, so _Stud.slaveName is forced to @@.mediumorchid;rape the poor $girl@@ pregnant, regularly squirting cum into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy until @@.lime;conception@@ is confirmed.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName finds that _Stud.slaveName is less than enthusiastic about fucking $him, @@.mediumorchid;making the resulting rape extra unpleasant@@ when _he2 @@.lime;forces a baby into $him.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 6>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 75)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;very willing to be bred@@ by your Stud, and eagerly
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									takes _his2 tip
									rides _his2 tip
								until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
								<<set _studPenetrative = 1>>
								<<set _studTakesV = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is willing to be bred by your Stud, and
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									takes as much of _his2 cock bareback as $he can
									<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 20>>
									<<set _studPenetrative = 1>>
									<<set _studTakesV = 1>>
									<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist" || $slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
										nearly hurts $himself trying to fit the monster in $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>, but manages to take spurts
										<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 10>>
										pumps loads of _his2 cum into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy
								until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, considers getting bred by your Stud @@.hotpink;a dream come true,@@
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									and allows _him2 to have _his2 way with $him
									and rides _his2 oversized dick
								daily until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
								<<set _studPenetrative = 1>>
								<<set _studTakesV = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.hotpink;quite willing to be bred@@ by your Stud and
								<<if _studRandiness == 1>>
									submissively takes the tip of _his2 cock
									<<set _studPenetrative = 1>>
									<<set _studTakesV = 1>>
									<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "sadist" || $slaves[$i].fetish == "dom")>>
										forcibly extracts cum from _his2 massive cock
										dominantly milks _his2 massive cock
								until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 20>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].career == "a dairy cow" && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName feels a need to be bred by your Stud, but try as $he might, just can't get _him2 hard. Being forced to milk _him2 and inject _his2 seed into $himself until $he @@.lime;conceives@@ @@.mediumorchid;disappoints@@ the ex-dairy cow.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
							$slaves[$i].slaveName finds _Stud.slaveName is in a similar situation as $he is, so the two of them work together to make the process @@.mediumaquamarine;as painless as possible,@@ given that $he is @@.lime;coming out of this pregnant,@@ one way or the other.
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 4>>
							<<set _Stud.trust += 4>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
							_Stud.slaveName shows mercy to the pitiable $slaves[$i].slaveName, @@.mediumorchid;building upon their mutual dislike of you.@@ _He2 still has to @@.lime;force $him to bear _his2 child,@@ however.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
							<<set _Stud.devotion -= 4>>
						<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 75)>>
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, is @@.hotpink;very willing@@ to milk _him2 and inject $his harvest deep into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is willing to carry your Stud's child and milks loads into $his <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy until $he @@.lime;conceives.@@
							<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName, a pregnancy fetishist, @@.hotpink;eagerly@@ milks cumshot after cumshot into $his hungry <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<</if>>pussy throughout the week, @@.lime;guaranteeing conception.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								<<set _satisfiedPregFetish = 1>>
								$slaves[$i].slaveName is @@.hotpink;quite willing@@ to carry your Stud's child and dutifully milks loads from _him2 until @@.lime;conception@@ is verified.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 30>>
				<<if _satisfiedPregFetish>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 95)>>
						Such total satisfaction of $his pregnancy fantasies @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength += 4>>
				<<if _rapeAddsFlaw>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
						This unpleasant interlude leaves $him @@.red;hating penetration@@ of $his violated <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>anus<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
						<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
							<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
				<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = $StudID, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1, $StudCum -= 1>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, $StudID, 1)>>
				<<if _studPenetrative>>
					<<if _studTakesV>> /* Stud may not actually take virginity */
						<<set _Stud.counter.penetrative += 10>>
						<<set $penetrativeTotal += 10>>
						<<set $activeSlave = $slaves[$i]>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
							<<= VCheck.Anal(10)>>
							<<= VCheck.Vaginal(10)>>
						<<set $slaves[$i] = $activeSlave>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
							<<run seX($slaves[$i], "anal", 10)>>
							<<run seX($slaves[$i], "vaginal", 10)>>
				<<if _studVaginal>>
					<<if _Stud.vagina >= 0>>
						<<run seX(_Stud, "vaginal", 10)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>
						<<run seX($slaves[$i], "anal", 10)>>
						<<run seX($slaves[$i], "vaginal", 10)>>
			<</if>> /* closes stud impregnation */
		<<elseif _conceptionSeed > (50-($reproductionFormula*10))>>
			<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
				<<case "rest" "stay confined" "be confined in the cellblock">>
					/* these assignments are safe from random impregnation */

				<<case "be your Concubine">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken") && canImpreg($slaves[$i], $PC)>>
						As your concubine, $he takes care to only share $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>> with you. $His efforts paid off; @@.lime;$he has become pregnant with your child.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
						<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -1, 1)>>

				<<case "serve in the master suite">>
					<<if canImpreg($slaves[$i], $PC) && (($slaves[$i].toyHole == "all her holes" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1 && $slaves[$i].vagina > 0) || ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "all her holes" && $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1 && $slaves[$i].anus > 0) || ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "pussy" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1) || ($slaves[$i].mpreg == 1 && $slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass"))>>
						You frequently avail yourself to $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. It's no surprise when @@.lime;$he ends up pregnant with your child.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
						<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -1, 1)>>

					<<else>> /% look for a random father among master suite slaves %/
						<<set _msSlaves = $slaves.filter(function(s) { return s.assignment == "serve in the master suite"; })>>
						<<set _msSlaves = _msSlaves.shuffle()>>
						<<for _m = 0; _m < _msSlaves.length; _m++>>
							<<if canImpreg($slaves[$i], _msSlaves[_m]) && App.Utils.sexAllowed($slaves[$i], _msSlaves[_m])>>
								/* catch for self-impregnation */
								<<if $slaves[$i].ID == _msSlaves[_m].ID>>
									<<if (_conceptionSeed <= 95)>>
										<<continue>> /* 95% chance not to self-impregnate */
								/* found eligible father */
								After all the unprotected sex $he had this week, it's really no surprise when @@.lime;$he ends up pregnant.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = _msSlaves[_m].ID, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
								<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, $slaves[$i].pregSource, 1)>>

				<<case "please you">>
					<<if canImpreg($slaves[$i], $PC) && (($slaves[$i].toyHole == "all her holes" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1 && $slaves[$i].vagina > 0) || ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "all her holes" && $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1 && $slaves[$i].anus > 0) || ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "pussy" && $slaves[$i].mpreg != 1) || ($slaves[$i].mpreg == 1 && $slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass"))>>
						You frequently avail yourself to $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>. It's no surprise when @@.lime;$he ends up pregnant with your child.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
						<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -1, 1)>>

				<<case "serve in the club" "serve the public" "whore" "work in the brothel">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human")>>
						Due to all the citizens cumming in $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>, @@.lime;$he has become pregnant.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -2, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
						<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -2, 1)>>

				<<case "work a glory hole" "be confined in the arcade">>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human")>>
						Due to all the customers cumming in $his fertile, restrained <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>>, @@.lime;$he has become pregnant.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregSource = -2, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
						<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, -2, 1)>>

				<<default>> /* random impregnation chance on other assignments - consider relationships first */
					<<if App.Utils.hasNonassignmentSex($slaves[$i]) || $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						<<if (_conceptionSeed > 80) && (($slaves[$i].counter.vaginal > 0) || ($slaves[$i].counter.anal > 0 && $slaves[$i].mpreg > 0))>> /* TODO: compare to previous week totals? */
							<<if $slaves[$i].relationshipTarget > 0>>
								<<set _tempLover = getSlave($slaves[$i].relationshipTarget)>>
								<<if ndef _tempLover>>@@.red;Error, relationshipTarget not found.@@<</if>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].rivalryTarget > 0>>
								<<set _tempRival = getSlave($slaves[$i].rivalryTarget)>>
								<<if ndef _tempRival>>@@.red;Error, rivalryTarget not found.@@<</if>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].subTarget > 0>>
								<<set _tempSub = getSlave($slaves[$i].subTarget)>>
								<<if ndef _tempSub>>@@.red;Error, subTarget not found.@@<</if>>
							<<if (($slaves[$i].relationship == -3) || ($slaves[$i].relationship == -2)) && canImpreg($slaves[$i], $PC) && App.Utils.sexAllowed($slaves[$i], $PC)>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].relationship > 2) && canImpreg($slaves[$i], _tempLover)>> /* erection not needed for impregnation via consensual sex play (FWB or better) */
								<<if App.Utils.sexAllowed($slaves[$i], _tempLover)>>
									<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = _tempLover.ID>>
								<<elseif disobedience($slaves[$i]) + disobedience(_tempLover) + 5 > random(0, 100)>> /* note higher than normal disobedience chance...telling lovers they can't play is just asking for trouble */
									Although sexual contact between them is forbidden, $slaves[$i].slaveName and $his <<= relationshipTerm($slaves[$i])>> _tempLover.slaveName took a risk and @@.yellow;flaunted the rules@@.
									<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5, _tempLover.trust -= 5>>
									<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = _tempLover.ID>>
							<<elseif ($slaves[$i].subTarget != 0) && ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave") && canAchieveErection(_tempSub) && canImpreg($slaves[$i], _tempSub)>> /* subordinate must have erection to impregnate target */
								<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = _tempSub.ID>>
							<<elseif (random(1,100) > 95) && ($slaves[$i].rivalry > 2) && canAchieveErection(_tempRival) && canImpreg($slaves[$i], _tempRival)>> /* 5% chance to be raped and knocked up by bitter rival - erection needed */
								<<if App.Utils.sexAllowed($slaves[$i], _tempRival)>>
									Driven by the bitter rivalry between them, _tempRival.slaveName successfully manages to overpower $slaves[$i].slaveName and rape $him, cumming deep in $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>asshole<<else>>pussy<</if>>. By the end of the week, $slaves[$i].slaveName is vowing revenge as $he regains confidence.
									<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = _tempRival.ID>>
								<<elseif disobedience(_tempRival) > random(0,100)>>
									Driven by the bitter rivalry between them, _tempRival.slaveName @@.yellow;breaks the rules,@@ successfully overpowering $slaves[$i].slaveName and raping $him, cumming deep in $his fertile <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>asshole<<else>>pussy<</if>>.
									<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
									<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = _tempRival.ID>>
							<<elseif (random(1,100) > 60) && canImpreg($slaves[$i], $PC) && App.Utils.sexAllowed($slaves[$i], $PC)>> /* still 40% chance of impregnation by PC */
								<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1>>
							<<elseif (random(1,100) > 95) && ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human") && $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>> /* 5% chance of impregnation by random citizen - TODO: make this optional for players who want random fathers from among their own slaves only */
								<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = -2>>
								/* pick a random starting point in the slave array and iterate (wrapping around) until finding eligible father or coming back to starting point */
								<<set _sourceSeed = random(0,$slaves.length-1)>><<set _tried = 0>>
								<<set _disobedienceSeed = disobedience($slaves[$i])>>
								<<for _m = _sourceSeed + 1; _m != _sourceSeed; _m++>>
									<<if _m == $slaves.length>><<set _m = 0, _tried = 1>><</if>> /* wrap around */
									<<if _m == _sourceSeed+1 && _tried == 1>><<break>><</if>> /* give up after a full loop */
									<<if canImpreg($slaves[$i], $slaves[_m])>>
										/* self-impregnation check */
										<<if ($slaves[_m].ID == $slaves[$i].ID)>>
											<<if (_conceptionSeed <= 95)>>
												<<continue>> /* 95% chance not to self-impregnate */
												<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = $slaves[$i].ID>>
										<<elseif App.Utils.sexAllowed($slaves[$i], $slaves[_m])>>
											<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = $slaves[_m].ID>> /* this is an eligible father */
										<<elseif (_disobedienceSeed > random(0, 100) && ($universalRulesConsent == 0 || disobedience($slaves[_m]) > random(0, 50)))>>
											Although sexual contact between them is forbidden, $slaves[$i].slaveName @@.yellow;breaks the rules@@ by <<if $universalRulesConsent == 0>>compelling<<else>>convincing<</if>> $slaves[_m] to fuck $him.
											<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
											<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = $slaves[_m].ID>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].pregSource != 0 && $slaves[$i].eggType == "human">>
							A quick scan after a bout of morning nausea reveals that @@.lime;$he has become pregnant.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1, $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1, $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>><<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
							<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, $slaves[$i].pregSource, 1)>>
					<</if>> /* closes random chance and non-zero sex acts check */
			<</switch>> /* closes assignment checks */
		<</if>> /* closes all impregnation checks */


	<<if $slaves[$i].ovaImplant == "asexual" && isFertile($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].preg == 0 || ($slaves[$i].preg >= 0 && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.superfetation == 2))>>
		<<= knockMeUp($slaves[$i], 100, 2, $slaves[$i].ID, 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.superfetation == 2 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1)>>
			<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade != 0>>
				$He experiences frequent spontaneous orgasms from $his asexual reproduction modification despite already being pregnant.
				Since $he is fertile and pregnant, the frequent orgasms caused by $his asexual reproduction modifications eventually force @@.lime;another child into $his increasingly crowded womb.@@
			Since $he is fertile and still not pregnant, the frequent orgasms caused by $his asexual reproduction modifications eventually leave $him @@.lime;pregnant with $his own child.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>

	/* PREGNANCY TYPE SANITY CHECK (not for pregnancies started above) */
	<<if $slaves[$i].preg <= 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].pregType != 0>>
			<<set WombFlush($slaves[$i])>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].pregType == 0>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = setPregType($slaves[$i])>>
		<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, $slaves[$i].pregSource, 1)>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].readyOva != 0>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].readyOva = 0>>

<</if>> /* closes $seePreg */

<<if $slaves[$i].bellyFluid >= 1500>> /* PREGMOD: NOT PREGNANT, YES INFLATION */

	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.inflation($slaves[$i])>>

	<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes(_bellyAccessory)>>
		$He has trouble keeping $himself full of
		<<switch $slaves[$i].inflationType>>
		<<case "cum" "food" "milk" "urine" "water">>
			<<print $slaves[$i].inflationType>>s
		with the weight of the fake belly resting on $his swollen stomach, forcing it to be removed.
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory = "none">>

	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].bellyFluid >= 10000>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "masochist" && $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw != "hates self">>
				Being so distended with fluids is @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ to $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100))>>
				Having such a round, heavy belly leads $him to @@.lightcoral;begin fantasizing about being pregnant.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyFluid >= 1500>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
				Having to walk around with a belly full of
				<<switch $slaves[$i].inflationType>>
				<<case "cum" "food" "milk" "urine" "water">>
					<<print $slaves[$i].inflationType>>s
				is completely humiliating, and
				<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 0>>
					$he revels in the attention. @@.lightcoral;$He's a humiliation fetishist!@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
					$he @@.hotpink;loves it.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength < 100>>
						Every eye on $his swollen stomach @@.lightcoral;strengthens $his fetish@@ further.
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetishStrength++>>
				Having to walk around with a belly full of
				<<switch $slaves[$i].inflationType>>
				<<case "cum" "food" "milk" "urine" "water">>
					<<print $slaves[$i].inflationType>>s
				is @@.mediumorchid;completely humiliating.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
				<<if (($slaves[$i].fetish == "none") || ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 10)) && (_fetishChangeChance > random(0,100))>>
					However, all the eyes on $him and $his jiggling middle @@.lightcoral;makes $him begin to crave humiliation.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "humiliation", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
		<<switch $slaves[$i].inflationType>>
		<<case "cum" "milk">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none" && $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "none" && random(1,100) > 70>>
				Filling $his guts with <<print $slaves[$i].inflationType>> all week @@.red;drives $him to gluttony.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none" && $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "none" && random(1,100) > 70>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "cum" && $slaves[$i].fetish == "cumslut">>
					Filling $his guts with <<print $slaves[$i].inflationType>> all week @@.red;drives $him to hate eating and food.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
		<<case "food">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none" && $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "fitness" && random(1,100) > 70>>
				Stuffing $his face with food all week @@.red;drives $him to gluttony.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none" && $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "fitness" && random(1,100) > 70>>
				Stuffing $his face with food all week @@.red;drives $him to hate eating.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>

	<<if $slaves[$i].bellyFluid >= 10000 && $seeExtreme == 1 && $slaves[$i].health.health <= -100 && $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>>
		$He feels an @@.red;unusual intense pain@@ in $his bloated belly.
		<<set $slaves[$i].burst = 1>>


/* belly sag calcs */
<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 1000000>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 50>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 1>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg < 50>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 5, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 5>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 3>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 3>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 750000>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 30>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.7>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.7>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg < 30>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.7>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 2, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 2>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 1>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 600000>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 20>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.5>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.5>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg < 20>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.5>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 1, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 1>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 450000>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 15>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.4>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.4>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg < 15>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.4>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.6, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.6>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.5>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.5>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 10>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.3>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.3>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg < 10>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.3>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.5, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.5>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.5>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.5>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 100000>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 10>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.2>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg < 10>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.2>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.3, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.3>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.3>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.3>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 10000) || ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 10000)>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 5>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.1>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg < 5>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.2, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.2>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag += 0.2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg += 0.2>>
<<if $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg > $slaves[$i].bellySag>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg = $slaves[$i].bellySag>>

<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag > 0 && $slaves[$i].belly < 1500 && $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 95>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 1)>>
			$His stretched, extreme muscles @@.lime;firm up readily@@ after
			<<if $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg > 0>>
				$his pregnancy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag -= 0.5, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg -= 0.5>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag = 0, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg = 0>>
				being heavily distended for so long.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag -= 0.5>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag = 0>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].muscles >= 30>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 20)>>
			$His stretched, muscular belly @@.lime;firms up@@ after
			<<if $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg > 0>>
				$his pregnancy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag -= 0.4, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg -= 0.4>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag = 0, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg = 0>>
				being heavily distended for so long.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag -= 0.4>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag = 0>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].muscles >= 5>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 40)>>
			$His stretched, toned belly @@.lime;firms up@@ after
			<<if $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg > 0>>
				$his pregnancy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag -= 0.3, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg -= 0.3>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag = 0, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg = 0>>
				being heavily distended for so long.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag -= 0.3>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag = 0>>
		<<if (random(1,100) > 60)>>
			$His belly @@.lime;regains some firmness@@ after
			<<if $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg > 0>>
				$his pregnancy.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag -= 0.2, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg -= 0.2>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag = 0, $slaves[$i].bellySagPreg = 0>>
				being heavily distended for so long.
				<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag -= 0.2>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellySag < 0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].bellySag = 0>>

<<if $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 5000>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "none" || $slaves[$i].fetishStrength <= 10) && $slaves[$i].devotion > 20 && random(1,100) > 85>>
				Having an implant simulating pregnancy drives $him to @@.lightcoral;begin fantasizing about being actually pregnant.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "pregnancy", $slaves[$i].fetishStrength = 10, $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>>
	<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes(_bellyAccessory)>>
		$His implant rounded belly renders $his fake one moot.
		<<set $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory = "none">>


<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -95>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].devotion < -50>>
			<<if $week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 9>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 50>>
					Denied all stimulation other than sexual use for longer than a human mind can bear, @@.red;$he has been irretrievably broken.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken", $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
					<<if random(1,5) == 1>>
						$He has been used as a sexual slave for so long, and is so hopeless that $his future as a slave will be anything but torment, that $his mind finally slips. @@.red;$He has been irretrievably broken.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken", $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
						$He's so unhappy and terrified that the effects of the extreme stress on $his mind and body are unpredictable. This week,
						<<set _stressEffect = random(1,4)>>
						<<switch _stressEffect>>
						<<case 1>>
							@@.mediumorchid;$his hatred of sexual slavery was self-reinforcing.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
						<<case 2>>
							@@.mediumorchid;$his mental state was bad for $his health.@@
							<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 5)>>
						<<case 3>>
							@@.orange;$his face grew a little more haggard.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].face -= 2>>
							$he managed to bear it without lasting harm.
	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none")>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].trust < -20) && ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
				<<if (random(1,100) > 100+$slaves[$i].trust)>>
					<<set _effect = random(1,4)>>
					Being so afraid so constantly drives $him to find solace in
					<<if Array.isArray($personalAttention)>>
						<<set _givingAttention = $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; })>>
						<<set _givingAttention = -1>>
					<<if _givingAttention != -1 && ["build her devotion", "look after her", "soften her behavioral flaw", "soften her sexual flaw", "teach her"].includes($personalAttention[_givingAttention].trainingRegimen)>>
						your attention. Relying on you for @@.hotpink;emotional support@@ strengthens $his @@.mediumaquamarine;bond@@ with <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>>.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust++>>
					<<elseif _effect == 1>>
						self-denial. @@.red;$He has developed anorexia.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
					<<elseif _effect == 2>>
						stress eating. @@.red;$He's now a nervous glutton.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
					<<elseif _effect == 3>>
						the scraps of prayer and superstition $he can remember from $his life before $he was a slave. @@.red;$He's now religious.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "devout">>
						the remnants of modern philosophy and education $he can remember from $his life before $he was a slave. @@.red;$He feels mentally liberated.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "liberated">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion < -20)>>
				<<if (random(1,500) > 500+$slaves[$i].devotion)>>
					<<set _effect = random(1,6)>>
					Being so angry at $his life as a sex slave has
					<<if Array.isArray($personalAttention)>>
						<<set _givingAttention = $personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; })>>
						<<set _givingAttention = -1>>
					<<if _givingAttention != -1 && ["build her devotion", "look after her", "soften her behavioral flaw", "soften her sexual flaw", "teach her"].includes($personalAttention[_givingAttention].trainingRegimen)>>
						forced $him to face $his problems with you. Lending $him support makes it @@.hotpink;a little more tolerable.@@
					<<elseif _effect == 1>>
						driven $him into @@.red;sexual apathy.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "apathetic">>
					<<elseif _effect == 2>>
						convinced $him that the conservative parts of $his upbringing were right: sex is evil. @@.red;$He's now repressed.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "repressed">>
					<<elseif _effect == 3>>
						given $him a dread of being nude. @@.red;$He's now shamefast.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "shamefast">>
					<<elseif _effect == 4>>
						deprived $him of any motivation to keep sex appealing or even clean. @@.red;$He's now crude.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "crude">>
					<<elseif _effect == 5>>
						driven $him to find refuge in high standards. @@.red;$He's now judgemental.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "judgemental">>
						convinced $him that sex is only this way here. Convinced that sexual slavery is wrong, @@.red;$He's become sexually idealistic.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>

<<if !canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
		If $he has anything bitchy to say, @@.green;no one can tell,@@ since $he can't talk.
	<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "cutting")>>
		If $he has anything witty to say, @@.red;no one can tell,@@ since $he can't talk.

<<if ($slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1 && $propOutcome == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion < -20)>>
		$He views the mark of the Societal Elite @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ as it brands $him as nothing more than your breeding bitch.
		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
		$He bears the mark of the Societal Elite as a sign of $his superiority. As such, $he @@.mediumorchid;behaves like a spoiled child@@ and tries to have everything $his way.
		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "none") && ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk != "confident")>>
			$He has become @@.red;quite arrogant.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "arrogant">>
		$He bears the mark of the Societal Elite @@.hotpink;with pride.@@ It signals that $he is yours, and yours alone, drawing $him ever closer to $his beloved <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>>.
		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10>>

<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
		<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch == 1>>
			<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].onDiet != 1>>
					<<if !canTaste($slaves[$i])>>
						$His lack of a sense of taste makes $him essentially immune to the addictive slave treats, as $he can't be enticed by their delicious taste.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
						$He can't stop $himself from eating the @@.hotpink;addictive, delicious@@ slave treats available throughout the arcology. $He knows they are fattening and @@.gold;starts obsessing@@ even more about $his weight, appearance and how others view $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
						$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how they tempt $him away from a fit lifestyle, but often @@.hotpink;finds $himself absentmindedly snacking on them.@@
						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
							The more $his @@.lime;waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;less $he finds $himself trusting you.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust--, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
							$He finds that no matter how many $he eats, $he never gains weight, a detail $he is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for.
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
						$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he can keep $his mouth filled at @@.hotpink;nearly all times.@@
						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
							Since $his belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep $him sated,@@ though $his constant gorging has a @@.lime;huge impact on $his waistline.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 3>>
							Since $his belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep $him sated.@@ Since the food is fat free, $his waistline is spared $his bad habits.
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
						$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he @@.hotpink;can't stop eating them.@@
						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
							The @@.lime;more $his waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;more horrifying $his body becomes to $him.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
							$He finds that no matter how many $he eats, $he never gains weight, a detail $he is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for, even if $he is disgusted by $his actions.
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
						$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ the availability of the tasty slave treats and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you more@@ for having them so accessible.
						<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
							$He is so distracted by the luxury that $he doesn't notice the @@.lime;weight $he is gaining.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
				<<else>> /* no treats for you */
					<<if !canTaste($slaves[$i])>>
						$He lacks permission to eat the slave treats, which $he has no real opinion over, as $he lacks the sense to taste them anyway.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
						$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;relieved@@ $he doesn't have to fret over eating the treats and gaining weight as $his <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>> is carefully directing $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
						$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ that $he isn't permitted to eat the treats. $He's seen others try one, only to start shoveling them down.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
						$He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to stuff $his face with the tempting treats like the other slaves $he sees.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
						$He @@.hotpink;is relieved@@ that $he doesn't have to eat the treats and is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for your apparent consideration.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
						$He <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>sees<<else>>knows<</if>> how much the other slaves enjoy the delicious treats and @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to enjoy them, feeling you are doing this to @@.gold;spite $him.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion--, $slaves[$i].trust-->>
				<<if $slaves[$i].onDiet != 1>>
					The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. $He cannot stop $himself from eating them, but $he can @@.gold;fear@@ your cruelty as $his @@.hotpink;will steadily erodes@@ from the concentrated aphrodisiacs in $his food.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
					The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. Since $he is not permitted to eat them, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he breathes a sigh of relief,@@ though $he is fully aware of what happens to those not as fortunate as $him. $He @@.hotpink;tries $his best to be obedient@@ hoping to not undergo the agony, but $his efforts pale in comparison to the effects of the food-based aphrodisiacs.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust++>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
				Watching citizens sculpt their slaves to their ideals fills $him with @@.mediumaquamarine;relief@@ that someone will find $him attractive; that or make $him so.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
				Watching both citizens and other slaves lie around and shirk exercise disappoints $him. $He @@.gold;fears@@ that $he'll be prevented from exercising and grow soft too.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
				Being part of a society that welcomes gluttony makes $him @@.mediumaquamarine;feel right at home.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
				$He feels fat just watching your society gorge itself. $He @@.gold;fears@@ that $he'll be a bloated hog soon too.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch == 1>>
		<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].onDiet != 1>>
				<<if !canTaste($slaves[$i])>>
					$His lack of a sense of taste makes $him essentially immune to the addictive slave treats, as $he can't be enticed by their delicious taste.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
					$He can't stop $himself from eating the @@.hotpink;addictive, delicious@@ slave treats available throughout the arcology. $He <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>knows<<else>>believes<</if>> they are fattening and @@.gold;starts obsessing@@ even more about $his weight, appearance and how others view $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
					$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how they tempt $him away from a fit lifestyle, but often @@.hotpink;finds $himself absentmindedly snacking on them.@@
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
						The more $his @@.lime;waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;less $he finds $himself trusting you.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust--, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
						$He finds that no matter how many $he eats, $he never gains weight, a detail $he is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
					$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he can keep $his mouth filled at @@.hotpink;nearly all times.@@
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
						Since $his belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep $him sated,@@ though $his constant gorging has a @@.lime;huge impact on $his waistline.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 3>>
						Since $his belly is always full thanks to your food supplies, $he @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you to keep $him sated.@@ Since the food is fat free, $his waistline is spared $his bad habits.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
					$He hates the availability of the tasty slave treats and how $he @@.hotpink;can't stop eating them.@@
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
						The @@.lime;more $his waistline grows,@@ the @@.gold;more horrifying $his body becomes to $him.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
						$He finds that no matter how many $he eats, $he never gains weight, a detail $he is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for, even if $he is disgusted by $his actions.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
					$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ the availability of the tasty slave treats and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you more@@ for having them so accessible.
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch == 0>>
						$He is so distracted by the luxury that $he doesn't notice the @@.lime;weight $he is gaining.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].weight++>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
			<<else>> /* no treats for you */
				<<if !canTaste($slaves[$i])>>
					$He lacks permission to eat the slave treats, which $he has no real opinion over, as $he lacks the sense to taste them anyway.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "insecure">>
					$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;relieved@@ $he doesn't have to fret over eating the treats and gaining weight as $his <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>> is carefully directing $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "fitness">>
					$He is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ that $he isn't permitted to eat the treats. $He's seen others try one, only to start shoveling them down.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust++>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
					$He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to stuff $his face with the tempting treats like the other slaves<<if canSee($slaves[$i])>> $he sees<</if>>.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "anorexic">>
					$He @@.hotpink;is relieved@@ that $he doesn't have to eat the treat and is @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ for your apparent consideration.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust++, $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
					$He <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>sees<<else>>knows<</if>> how much the other slaves enjoy the delicious treats and @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ not being allowed to enjoy them, feeling you are doing this to @@.gold;spite $him.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion--, $slaves[$i].trust-->>
			<<if $slaves[$i].onDiet != 1>>
				The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. $He cannot stop $himself from eating them, but $he can @@.gold;fear@@ your cruelty as $his @@.hotpink;will steadily erodes@@ from the concentrated aphrodisiacs in $his food.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2, $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
				The treats are designed to cause stomach cramps alongside being extremely addictive. Since $he is not permitted to eat them, @@.mediumaquamarine;$he breathes a sigh of relief,@@ though $he is fully aware of what happens to those not as fortunate as $him. $He @@.hotpink;tries $his best to be obedient@@ hoping to not undergo the agony, but $his efforts pale in comparison to the effects of the food based aphrodisiacs.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust++>>

<<if $FSAnnounced > 0>>

	<<set $pornFameBonus = 1>>
	<<if $studio == 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].porn.viewerCount > 0>>
			<<set $pornFameBonus += (Math.ceil($slaves[$i].porn.viewerCount/100000))>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].porn.viewerCount >= 100000)>>
				$His near-ubiquitous presence in arcology pornography greatly increases $his impact on society.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].porn.viewerCount >= 10000)>>
				$His presence in arcology pornography increases $his impact on society.
				$His occasional presence in arcology pornography slightly increases $his impact on society.

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset" || $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset" || $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist != "unset">>
		<<set _modScore = SlaveStatsChecker.modScore($slaves[$i])>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace)>>
			<<if ["be confined in the arcade", "serve the public", "serve in the club", "whore", "work a glory hole", "work in the brothel"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
					Society @@.red;strongly disapproves@@ of your keeping a slave of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race in a degrading, public role; this also holds back acceptance of $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace superiority.
				<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.3>>
					Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of your keeping a slave of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race in a degrading, public role; this also holds back acceptance of $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace superiority.
					Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of your keeping a slave of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race in a degrading, public role; this also holds back acceptance of $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace superiority.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", -1)>>
				<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
				<<case "work in the brothel">><<run getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $facility.brothel).rep -= $FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSSupremacist/$FSLockinLevel)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Head Girl")>>
				Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of your keeping a slave of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race in a position of leadership as your Head Girl, advancing the notion that those of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race should be in positions of authority over others.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", 2)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "recruit girls")>>
				Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of your keeping a slave of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race in a position of leadership as your recruiter, advancing the notion that it is only natural that those of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race should lead the charge in enslaving others.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", 2)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Concubine")>>
				Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of your keeping a slave of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race in a position of importance as your concubine, advancing the notion that the most favored of your bedslaves should naturally be of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", 2)>>
				/* Code contributed by Anon1888 */
				Society does not disapprove of your keeping a slave of the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace race, since $he is not in a publicly degrading role.
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].pregSource > 0>>
					<<set _saLTE = findFather($slaves[$i].pregSource)>>
					<<if def _saLTE>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].race != _saLTE.race) && ($arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace == "mixed race")>>
							Society @@.lightgreen;approves@@ of your using slave breeders like $slaves[$i].slaveName to propagate the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace civilization.
							<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", 2)>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].race != _saLTE.race>>
							Society @@.red;strongly disapproves@@ of your allowing a pure $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace slave to be miscegenated by _saLTE.slaveName.
							<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", -2)>>
							Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of your using slave breeders like $slaves[$i].slaveName to propagate the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace civilization.
							<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", 2)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
				Society @@.red;strongly disapproves@@ of your owning a $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace Fuckdoll.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", -2)>>
			<<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.5>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of your keeping a slave of an inferior race; this also advances $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace superiority.
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of your keeping a slave of an inferior race; this also advances $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace superiority.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", 1)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of your keeping a Fuckdoll of an inferior race.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Supremacist", 1)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)>>
			<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.5>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of your keeping a slave of the subject $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace race; this also advances $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace inferiority.
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of your keeping a slave of the subject $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace race; this also advances $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace inferiority.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Subjugationist", 1)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].ovaries == 0>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].balls == 0 || $slaves[$i].vasectomy == 1>>
					Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's <<if $slaves[$i].vasectomy == 1 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>vasectomy<<elseif $slaves[$i].dick > 0>>gelding<<else>>sterilization<</if>>, which ensures that $he will not propagate the $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace race.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Subjugationist", 1)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of your keeping a Fuckdoll of the $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace race.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Subjugationist", 1)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $slaves[$i].pregSource > 0>>
				<<set _lte = findFather($slaves[$i].pregSource)>>
				<<if ndef _lte>>@@.red;Error, pregSource not found.@@<</if>>
				<<if _lte.race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>>
					Society @@.red;strongly disapproves@@ of your allowing $slaves[$i].slaveName to be miscegenated by a $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace subhuman like _lte.slaveName.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Subjugationist", -2)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS > 0) && ($slaves[$i].visualAge <= 18)>>
			Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of you keeping $slaves[$i].slaveName forever young and youthening; this furthers the fashion for young slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("YouthPreferentialist", 2)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].visualAge < 30)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's youthful body; $he furthers the fashion for young slaves.
			<<set _youth_rep_change = ((30-$slaves[$i].visualAge)/5)>>
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("YouthPreferentialist", _youth_rep_change)>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge >= 30)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's mature body; $he furthers the fashion for older ladies.
			<<set _maturity_rep_change = (($slaves[$i].visualAge-25)/5)>>
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("MaturityPreferentialist", _maturity_rep_change)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSPetiteAdmiration != "unset">>
		<<if heightPass($slaves[$i])>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of keeping a slave as short as $slaves[$i].slaveName is; $he furthers the fashion for shorter slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PetiteAdmiration", 1)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].height >= 170>>
			Society @@.red;frowns@@ at keeping a slave as tall as $slaves[$i].slaveName; $he hinders the fashion for shorter slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PetiteAdmiration", -1)>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSStatuesqueGlorification != "unset">>
		<<if heightPass($slaves[$i])>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of keeping a slave as tall as $slaves[$i].slaveName is; $he furthers the fashion for taller slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("StatuesqueGlorification", 1)>>
			Society @@.red;frowns@@ at keeping someone as embarrassingly short as $slaves[$i].slaveName; $he hinders the fashion for taller slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("StatuesqueGlorification", -1)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 100)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of your heavy hormonal feminization of $slaves[$i].slaveName; this advances public interest in <<= $girl>>s with soft little dicks.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderRadicalist", 1)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls > 0) && ($slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $potencyAge)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of you keeping $slaves[$i].slaveName from going through puberty; this advances public interest in <<= $girl>>s with soft little dicks.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderRadicalist", 2)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls == 0)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of your keeping a gelded slave; this advances public interest in <<= $girl>>s with soft dickclits.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderRadicalist", 1)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].anus > 0) && ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20) && ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of your keeping a contented dickgirl bottom; this advances public interest in <<= $girl>>s who get hard when assfucked.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderRadicalist", 1)>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">>
		<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart == "unset">>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500)>>
				Society <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.5>>@@.green;strongly approves@@<<else>>@@.green;approves@@<</if>> of your keeping a pregnant slave; this also supports the idea that slave women should bear babies.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderFundamentalist", 1)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].preg == 0) && isFertile($slaves[$i])>>
				Society <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.5>>@@.green;strongly approves@@<<else>>@@.green;approves@@<</if>> of your keeping a slave fertile; this also supports the idea that slave women should bear babies.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderFundamentalist", 1)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].hips > $slaves[$i].shoulders)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of keeping a slave with a feminine figure.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderFundamentalist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 15 || $slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant < 0) && $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBimbo == 1>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of encouraging a woman's education.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderFundamentalist", -1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 95) && canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's stiff, unrestrained dick, since $he isn't even worshipful of you.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("GenderFundamentalist", -1)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 20>>
				Society is @@.green;very pleased@@ at $slaves[$i].slaveName's dedication to pregnancy.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 5)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 10>>
				Society is @@.green;pleased@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's abnormally large pregnancy.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 3)>>
				Society is @@.green;pleased@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's advanced pregnancy.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 2)>>
			<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)>>
				They just wish it wasn't <<print $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>>, of course.
			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace)>>
				The fact that $he is $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace only makes it better.
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].weight > 130>>
			$slaves[$i].slaveName is so fat, society just assumes there is a baby somewhere in there, though they wish it was more obvious.
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregWeek < 0>>
				But fortunately for $him, word of $his recent birth has gotten around @@.green;reassuring the masses@@ that $he can still bear children.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 2)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].collar == "preg biometrics">>
				<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
					@@.green;Their wish is granted@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's collar revealing $his womb's secret<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>s<</if>> even when $his body is trying its best to keep <<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>them<<else>>it<</if>> hidden.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 1)>>
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)>>
						They just wish it wasn't <<print $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>>, of course.
					<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace)>>
						The fact that $he is $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace only makes it better.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg <= 0>>
					@@.red;The illusion is shattered@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's collar revealing $his vacant womb.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", -2)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
			Society is @@.green;pleased@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's pregnancy.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 1)>>
			<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)>>
				They just wish it wasn't <<print $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>>, of course.
			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace)>>
				The fact that $he is $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace only makes it better.
		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace) && $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>>
			Society @@.green;is satisfied@@ with $slaves[$i].slaveName's implant filled belly since $his kind really shouldn't be breeding.
			<<run repX(0.1*$FSSingleSlaveRep, "futureSocieties", $slaves[$i])>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500 && (($slaves[$i].ovaries == 0 && $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0) || $slaves[$i].preg < -1)>>
			Society @@.green;accepts@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName's implant filled belly due to $his infertility.
			<<run repX(0.1*$FSSingleSlaveRep, "futureSocieties", $slaves[$i])>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].collar == "preg biometrics" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
			Society is @@.green;pleased@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's collar revealing $his womb's secret<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>s<</if>> even when $his body is trying its best to keep <<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>them<<else>>it<</if>> hidden.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 1)>>
			<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)>>
				They just wish it wasn't <<print $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>>, of course.
			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace)>>
				The fact that $he is $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace only makes it better.
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregWeek < 0>>
			Society is @@.green;pleased@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's recent birth.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 2)>>
		<<elseif setup.fakeBellies.includes(_bellyAccessory)>>
			Society is @@.green;placated@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's fake belly.
			<<run repX(0.01*$FSSingleSlaveRep, "futureSocieties", $slaves[$i])>>
		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)>>
			Society is perfectly fine with $slaves[$i].slaveName not reproducing. $His belly is still unattractively small, however.
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 0 && $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0) || ($slaves[$i].preg < -1) || ($slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0)>>
			Society is @@.red;mildly disappointed@@ that $slaves[$i].slaveName is unable to become pregnant.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", -1)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg == -1>>
			Society is @@.red;disapproving@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's contraceptive regimen.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", -2)>>
			Society is @@.red;disapproving@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's lack of a baby bump.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", -2)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].abortionTat > 0>>
			Society @@.red;is disgusted@@ by the tally of aborted children adorning $his skin.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", -1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].birthsTat > 0>>
			Society @@.green;is pleased@@ by the tally of successful births adorning $his skin.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("RepopulationFocus", 1)>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusPregPolicy == 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > 30>>
			Society @@.green;loves@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName's advanced pregnancy. It's very trendy.
			<<run repX(Math.trunc($FSSingleSlaveRep), "futureSocieties", $slaves[$i])>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
			Society @@.green;enjoys@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName's pregnancy. Being heavy with child is in right now.
			<<run repX(Math.trunc($FSSingleSlaveRep/2), "futureSocieties", $slaves[$i])>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
		<<if $slaves[$i].chastityVagina>>
			Society is @@.green;mildly pleased@@ at you keeping $his vagina in check.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", 1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].chastityPenis>>
			Society is @@.green;mildly pleased@@ at you keeping $his dick in check.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", 1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1 && $propOutcome == 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && ($slaves[$i].pregSource == -1 || $slaves[$i].pregSource == -6)>>
				The Societal Elite @@.green;are pleased@@ <<if $slaves[$i].pregSource == -1>>your<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregSource == -6>>an Elite<</if>> child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> growing within $him. The mark covering $his lower belly, coupled with $his gravidity and blessing, @@.green;enamors@@ your populace.
				<<set $failedElite -= (5 + $slaves[$i].pregType)>>
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", 3)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].abortionTat > 0>>
					The <<if $slaves[$i].abortionTat > 1>>tally of aborted children<<else>>tattoo marking an aborted child<</if>> adorning $his middle @@.red;is worrying,@@ however.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", -1)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].pregType >= 10>>
					Society is @@.red;furious@@ at $slaves[$i].slaveName's infested womb.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", -10)>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregType >= 4>>
					Society is @@.red;disgusted@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's abnormally large pregnancy.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", -5)>>
					Society is @@.red;greatly displeased@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's advanced pregnancy.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", -3)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
				Society is @@.red;very displeased@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's pregnancy.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", -2)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg < -1 and $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>
				Society is @@.green;pleased@@ that $slaves[$i].slaveName is unable to become pregnant.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", 2)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].abortionTat > 0>>
				The tally of aborted pregnancies adorning $his middle shows @@.green;just how responsible@@ of an owner $he has.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", 1)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1 && $eugenicsFullControl != 1>>
				The Societal Elite @@.red;judge you@@ for keeping pregnant slaves. It falls to the slaveowner to deal with subhuman pregnancies and you are failing in your duties as a member of the Elite.
				<<set $failedElite += (5 + $slaves[$i].pregType)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 1 && $slaves[$i].vasectomy == 0>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $his working testicles.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", -$slaves[$i].balls)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].dick > 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].vasectomy == 1>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his vasectomy.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", 1)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].dick > 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0 && $slaves[$i].ballType == "sterile">>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his useless testicles.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", 1)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].dick > 0 && $slaves[$i].balls == 0>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his lack of testicles.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Eugenics", 2)>>
	<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusMilfPolicy == 1 && $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal > 0>>
		Society @@.green;loves@@ MILFs and as a mother, $slaves[$i].slaveName fits right in.
		<<run repX(Math.trunc($FSSingleSlaveRep), "futureSocieties", $slaves[$i])>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS > 0) && ($slaves[$i].visualAge <= $potencyAge) && ($slaves[$i].physicalAge >= $potencyAge)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of you keeping $slaves[$i].slaveName perpetually young and innocent looking so you can keep taking care of $him; this advances paternalistic ideals.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 1)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant >= 15) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being properly educated; this advances ideas about slave improvement.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant <= -15)>>
				Society @@.red;is appalled@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's twisted education; it goes against paternalistic values.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", -2)>>
			<<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBimbo != 1 && $arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependency == "unset") && ($slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant < 15)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "learn in the schoolroom") && ($slaves[$i].assignment != "take classes")>>
					Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being uneducated; this holds back ideas about slave improvement.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", -1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].health.condition > 80)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his shining health; this advances belief in a slaveowner's duty.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion+$slaves[$i].trust > 180)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].relationship == -3)>>
				Society @@.green;approves very strongly@@ of $his happiness as your $wife; this advances paternalistic ideals.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 5)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].relationship == -2)>>
				Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $his emotional bond to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 2)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his attachment to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 1)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his attachment to you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 1)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > 95)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his trust in you; this advances paternalistic ideals.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].choosesOwnAssignment == 1)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being allowed to choose $his own job, advancing ideals about slave self-actualization.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].relationship == -3)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
				Society is mixed over your marriage to the mindbroken $girl; on one hand $he had no consent, but on the other, you @@.green;surely must love $him@@ to marry $him.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 1)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20)>>
				Society is @@.red;thoroughly disgusted@@ that you took $his hand in marriage by force.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", -3)>>
		<<if (_modScore.total > 15 || (_modScore.piercing > 8 && _modScore.tat > 5))>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $his degrading body modifications, which dulls the public interest in letting slaves choose their own appearance.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", -1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
			Society @@.red;strongly disapproves@@ of your owning a Fuckdoll.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", -2)>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken")>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his broken spirit; $he serves as an example of a soulless fuckpuppet.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].trust <= 4)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fear of you.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Head Girl")>>
					Society accepts $slaves[$i].slaveName trusting you, since $he is your Head Girl and keeps the other slaves down.
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "recruit girls")>>
					Society accepts $slaves[$i].slaveName trusting you, since $he is your Recruiter and entraps new slaves.
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95)>>
					Society reluctantly accepts of $slaves[$i].slaveName trusting you, since $he is worshipful of you.
					Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being trusting of you; $he is not being properly degraded for $his role.
					<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", -1)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant <= -15)>>
				Society @@.red;is amused@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's education and how much it hinders critical thought.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade")>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of how $he is restrained for involuntary use, seeing this as the future of sexual relations.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>
		<<if (_modScore.total > 15 || (_modScore.piercing > 8 && _modScore.tat > 5))>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his many body modifications, which advances the public taste for such degradation of slave bodies.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].abortionTat > 0 && $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus == "unset">>
			Society @@.green;<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>greatly <</if>>approves@@ of $his tally of aborted children.
			<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 2)>>
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].voice != 0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].lips > 95>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of the way $his mouth, with its useless ability to speak, has been replaced with an appealing hole.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].choosesOwnAssignment == 1)>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName being allowed to choose $his own job; this holds back ideas about slave degradation.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", -1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of your owning a Fuckdoll.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>

	/* pregmod */
	<<if !(jQuery.isEmptyObject($slaves[$i].scar))>>
		<<set _hasScar = 0>>
		<<for _scarPlace, _scar range $slaves[$i].scar>> /* loop through all body parts */
			<<for _scarType, _scar range $slaves[$i].scar[_scarPlace]>> /* loop through all scar types */
				<<if _scarPlace === "exotic">> /* exotic scars don't count */
				<<elseif _scar>> /*any other scar greater than 0 does */
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset">>
						Society @@.green;mildly approves@@ of your slave's scarring; this encourages the further abuse of slaves.
						<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Degradationist", 1)>>
					<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
						Society @@.red;mildly disapproves@@ of your scarred slaves, viewing them as a sign of mistreatment.
						<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", -1)>>
					<<set _hasScar = 1>>
			<<if _hasScar>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependency != "unset">>
		<<if $arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependencyLawBeauty == 1>>
			<<if bimboScore($slaves[$i]) == 6>>
				Society @@.green;is delighted@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's perfect bimbo appearance.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("IntellectualDependency", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant < -10)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's dimwitted mind; this supports the idea that slaves should be entirely dependent on their owner.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("IntellectualDependency", 1)>>
		<<elseif ["be your Head Girl", "be the Attendant", "be the Farmer", "be the Madam", "be the Matron", "be the Nurse", "be the Schoolteacher", "be the Stewardess", "guard you"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
			Society understands the value of intelligence in $his appointed position and is willing to overlook it.
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 10)>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's sharp mind; this holds back acceptance of the idea that slaves should be dumb and dependent.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("IntellectualDependency", -1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's bottomless lust, showing the public one more way a slave may be reliant on $his owner.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("IntellectualDependency", 1)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy <= 60)>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's restrained libido; to the public, this gives $him too much freedom to focus on things other than sex.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("IntellectualDependency", -1)>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSlaveProfessionalism != "unset">>
		<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 95>>
			Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's brilliance; $his sharp wit is the foundation of slave perfectionism.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlaveProfessionalism", 1)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant >= 30>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's advanced education; this advances ideas about crafting the perfect slave.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlaveProfessionalism", 1)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant <= -15>>
			Society @@.red;is appalled@@ by $slaves[$i].slaveName's twisted education; why someone would do this is beyond them.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlaveProfessionalism", -3)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].intelligence < -10 && $slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant < 15>>
			Society @@.red;frowns@@ upon keeping a slave as slow as $slaves[$i].slaveName; the lack of an attempt to correct this sets a bad example for other owners.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlaveProfessionalism", -2)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].accent > 1 && canTalk($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].rules.speech != "restrictive" || ($slaves[$i].rules.speech == "restrictive" && $slaves[$i].devotion < 20 && $slaves[$i].trust >= -20))>>
			Society @@.red;dislikes@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName's inability to properly speak $language or hold $his tongue; allowing such a flaw hinders the notion of professional slavery.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlaveProfessionalism", -2)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].skill.entertainment + $slaves[$i].skill.whoring + $slaves[$i].skill.oral + $slaves[$i].skill.anal + $slaves[$i].skill.vaginal >= 400>>
			Society @@.green;appreciates@@ a slave with skills of $slaves[$i].slaveName's caliber.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlaveProfessionalism", 1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].energy <= 40 && $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of a $girl with a clear mind like $slaves[$i].slaveName; $he can pour all $his efforts into $his lover's pleasure without being lost in $his own.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlaveProfessionalism", 1)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].buttImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant == -1)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's natural body; this supports the fashion for surgically untouched slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", 1)>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's implants; this holds back acceptance of the idea that slaves should be all-natural.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", -1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].corsetPiercing == 0 && _modScore.piercing < 3 && _modScore.tat < 2)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his unmarked, unblemished skin, advancing the fashion for unspoiled slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].earShape != "normal" && $slaves[$i].earShape != "damaged") || $slaves[$i].earT != "none">>
			Society finds $his inhuman ears @@.red;appalling.@@
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", -1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].horn != "none" || $slaves[$i].tail != "none">>
			Society @@.red;is disgusted@@ by $his inhuman attributes.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", -1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].faceImplant <= 5 && $slaves[$i].race == $slaves[$i].origRace>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his natural, untouched appearance, advancing the fashion for unaltered slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", 1)>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's surgical beautification; this holds back acceptance of the idea that a natural slave is a beautiful slave.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", -2)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].vagina == 0 && $slaves[$i].anus == 0 && $slaves[$i].counter.vaginal == 0 && $slaves[$i].counter.anal == 0>>
				Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $his intact holes, idolizing $his pristine body.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", 3)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].vagina == 0 && $slaves[$i].counter.vaginal == 0>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his intact hymen, advancing ideals of pure, fresh slaves.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", 1)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].anus == 0 && $slaves[$i].counter.anal == 0>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his intact anus, advancing ideals of pure, fresh slaves.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("BodyPurist", 1)>>

	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">>
		<<set _transformed = 0>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 0) && ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 0) && ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant > 0)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's thoroughly modified body; this supports the fashion for surgically upgraded slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant/$slaves[$i].lips >= .50) || ($slaves[$i].buttImplant/$slaves[$i].butt >= .50 && $slaves[$i].butt >= 6) || ($slaves[$i].buttImplant/$slaves[$i].butt >= .25 && $slaves[$i].butt >= 3) || ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant/$slaves[$i].boobs >= .75 && $slaves[$i].boobs >= 10000) || ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant/$slaves[$i].boobs >= .50 && $slaves[$i].boobs >= 2000) || ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant/$slaves[$i].boobs >= .25 && $slaves[$i].boobs >= 1000) || ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant/$slaves[$i].boobs >= .10 && $slaves[$i].boobs >= 400)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his obvious implants.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500)>>
			Society @@.green;mildly approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's belly bulging implant; this supports interest in more unusual implantations.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if (isAmputee($slaves[$i])) || ($slaves[$i].waist < -95) || ($slaves[$i].teeth == "pointy") || ($slaves[$i].teeth == "fangs") || ($slaves[$i].teeth == "removable") || ($slaves[$i].hips == 3 && $slaves[$i].hipsImplant > 0)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his extreme surgeries; interest in $him stirs interest in transformations of all kinds.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].faceImplant > 30 || $slaves[$i].race != $slaves[$i].origRace>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his surgically improved appearance; this supports the fashion for surgical corrections.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].faceImplant > 95 && $slaves[$i].face > 40>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his beautiful face, considering it's uncanny nature a boon rather than a fault; this supports the belief that there is no such thing as too much surgery.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if hasAnyProstheticLimbs($slaves[$i]) || $slaves[$i].earT != "none" || $slaves[$i].horn != "none" || $slaves[$i].tail != "none">>
			Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $his transhuman body.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 8)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his monolithic dick, since it's such an obvious transformation masterpiece.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].lips > 95)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his absurd facepussy as a transformation of $his mouth into nothing more than another fuckhole.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable")>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fuckable nipples; this supports interest in more unusual body modifications.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of your owning a Fuckdoll.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", 1)>>
			<<set _transformed = 1>>
		<<if _transformed == 0>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's lack of obvious transformations; $he does not advance the ideal of body modification.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("TransformationFetishist", -1)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">>
		<<if isSlim($slaves[$i])>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's graceful, girlish form; $he furthers the fashion for slaves like $him.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlimnessEnthusiast", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 4) || ($slaves[$i].boobs > 800)>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's boorishly<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 800)>> large tits<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 4)>> and ass<</if>><<else>> ass<</if>>; $he damages the fashion for slender slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("SlimnessEnthusiast", -1)>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS > 0)>>
			Society @@.green;strongly disapproves @@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName who can't get bigger; $His shrinking body hurts the fashion for Asset expansion.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("AssetExpansionist", -2)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 2000)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's huge tits; $his breasts further the fashion for bouncing boobs on slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("AssetExpansionist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 7)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his massive ass; $his butt furthers the fashion for big behinds on slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("AssetExpansionist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 8)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his massive member, which might be nonfunctional, but is a wonder of expansionism.
			<<set _Dic = $slaves[$i].dick-8>>
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("AssetExpansionist", _Dic)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 6)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his enormous penis; $his cock furthers the fashion for dangling dicks on slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("AssetExpansionist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 6)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his swinging balls; $his nuts further the fashion for tremendous testicles on slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("AssetExpansionist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].lips > 95)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his expanded lips.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("AssetExpansionist", 1)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation > 0)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's milky udders; the sight of $his creamy milk encourages the public taste for dairy straight from the nipple.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Pastoralist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "get milked") && ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of how $slaves[$i].slaveName gets cockmilked; the sight of $his product encourages experimentation with cum-based concoctions.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Pastoralist", 1)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">>
		<<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistLaw == 1>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles > 50)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's commitment to fitness; but thinks $his muscles are too big and vascular.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PhysicalIdealist", 1)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].muscles > 20)>>
				Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fit body; physical enthusiasts see $him as the optimal example of feminine fitness.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PhysicalIdealist", 2)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].muscles > 5)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's toned form; the public sees potential in those guns.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PhysicalIdealist", 1)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles > 95)>>
				Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's glorious muscles; everyone wants to train a slave to look as swole as $him.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PhysicalIdealist", 2)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].muscles > 30)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fit body; physical enthusiasts see $him as on $his way to something great.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PhysicalIdealist", 1)>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].muscles > 5)>>
				Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's toned form; the public sees potential in those guns.
				<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PhysicalIdealist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].height >= 185)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of how tall $he is; the sexual advantages of $his height are impressed on the public mind.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PhysicalIdealist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].health.condition > 80)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his health; the expectation that slaves should be kept perfectly healthy grows.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("PhysicalIdealist", 1)>>
	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].weight > 160)>>
			Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's glorious rolls; everyone wants to own a pillowy slave like $him.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Hedonistic", 3)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight > 95)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's fat body; it shows just how much luxurious your life must be to pamper a slave as much as $him.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Hedonistic", 2)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight > 30)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's chubby form; the public enjoys the sight of a well rounded slave.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Hedonistic", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles < -30)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of how soft $he is; the sexual advantages of being able to effortlessly overpower $him are not lost on them.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Hedonistic", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 95)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his intense fetish; the expectation that everyone's deepest desires should be fulfilled grows.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Hedonistic", 1)>>
		<<if (_para > 0)>>
			Society @@.green;is pleased@@ that $he is allowed to fully indulge $his paraphilia.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Hedonistic", 1)>>
		<<elseif (_para < 0)>>
			Society @@.red;frowns@@ upon $him not being allowed to indulge in $his paraphilia.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Hedonistic", -2)>>

	<<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
		<<if ["cruel retirement counter", "tight steel", "uncomfortable leather"].includes($slaves[$i].collar)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's collar as an expression of the old ideal of mortification of the flesh, advancing the combination of religious originalism and modern slavery.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", 1)>>
		<<if ["a burqa", "a chattel habit", "a fallen nuns habit", "a hijab and abaya", "a niqab and abaya", "a penitent nuns habit", "a succubus outfit"].includes($slaves[$i].clothes)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his religiously themed clothing, strengthening the connection between sexual servitude and faith.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", 1)>>
		<<elseif ["a bunny outfit", "a hijab and blouse", "a huipil", "a kimono", "a military uniform", "a nice maid outfit", "a nice nurse outfit", "a skimpy loincloth", "a slutty qipao", "a toga", "body oil", "chains", "conservative clothing", "nice business attire", "no clothing", "shibari ropes", "uncomfortable straps"].includes($slaves[$i].clothes)>>
			Society accepts $his spartan clothing, seeing it as permissible under the new religious mores.
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0)>>
			Society @@.red;disapproves@@ of $his unnecessarily gaudy attire; this slows acceptance of a link between faith and sexual servitude.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", -1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95)>>
			Society @@.green;approves@@ of $his devotion to you as a companion to religious devotion, seeing both as the model for holy slaves.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", 1)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > 95)>>
			Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $his faith in you as a companion to faith in God, seeing both as the model for righteous slaves of the future.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", 2)>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "devout")>>
			Society does not disapprove of $his devout adherence to an old world faith, having confidence that you'll bring $him around, and looking forward to seeing $him converted into a holy sex object.
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "sinful")>>
			Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of $his eagerness to transgress against the old world religious mores $he once held dear.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", 2)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].shouldersTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].lipsTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].boobsTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].armsTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].backTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].stampTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].buttTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].vaginaTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].dickTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].anusTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].legsTat == "sacrilege" && $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
			Society @@.green;enjoys the sight@@ of the religious sacrilege scrawled across $his skin.
			<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", 1)>>

<</if>> /* closes FSAnnounced */

<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
		<<if isShelterSlave($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if ["serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work in the brothel"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > 20) && ($slaves[$i].health.condition > 40)>>
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
						Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of how you've brought a shelter $girl health and happiness.
						<<= FutureSocieties.ChangePorn("Paternalist", 2)>>
						<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
						<<case "work in the brothel">><<run getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $facility.brothel).rep += 2*$FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSPaternalist/$FSLockinLevel)>>
					<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
						The public knows $he's a shelter $girl you took in, and is @@.green;touched@@ that $he now seems happy and healthy.
						<<run repX(10, "futureSocieties", $slaves[$i])>>
						<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
						<<case "work in the brothel">><<run getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $facility.brothel).rep += 10>>

<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject($slaves[$i].brand))>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club")>>
			Since $he is in public, your brand against the $slaves[$i].skin skin of $his <<set _brandedSlave = $slaves[$i]>><<print Object.keys(State.temporary.brandedSlave.brand)[0]>> @@.green;slightly increases your reputation@@ as a slaveowner.
			<<run repX(5, "futureSocieties", $slaves[$i])>>
			<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
			<<case "work in the brothel">><<run getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $facility.brothel).rep += 5>>
		<<if $rep > 10000>>
			$His brand is considered a minor enhancement to $his beauty since you are very well liked.
		<<elseif $rep < 5000>>
			$His brand is considered a minor blemish on $his beauty since you are not well liked.

/* start here!
<<= App.SlaveAssignment.longTermPhysicalEffects($slaves[$i])>>
<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
	<<set _visionFlag = 0>>
	<<if getBestVision($slaves[$i]) === 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].hears <= -2>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				Even though $he is blind and deaf, $he is devoted enough to you to allow $himself to lower $his guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to keep $him safe.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
				Since $he's blind, deaf and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes @@.hotpink;more reliant@@ on you, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of the world around $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				$He may be blind and deaf, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
				$His blindness and deafness forces $him to @@.hotpink;entirely rely@@ on your mercy. However, it only @@.gold;amplifies $his fear@@ as $he has only <<if canSmell($slaves[$i])>>the smell of arousal<<else>>a stumbling sense of touch<</if>> to warn of an impending threat.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 30>>
				Being blind and deaf forces $him to @@.hotpink;completely rely@@ on your mercy. It does nothing to stem @@.gold;the horror@@ $he faces being unable to sense the world around $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 20, $slaves[$i].trust -= 50>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hears == -1 && $slaves[$i].earwear != "hearing aids") || ($slaves[$i].hears == 0 && $slaves[$i].earwear == "muffling ear plugs")>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				Even though $he is blind and unable to properly hear, $he is devoted enough to you to allow $himself to lower $his guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to keep $him safe.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 4>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
				Since $he's blind, hard of hearing and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes @@.hotpink;more reliant@@ on you, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of the world around $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4, $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				$He may be blind and hard of hearing, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
				$His blindness and trouble hearing forces $him to @@.hotpink;rely@@ on your mercy. However, it only @@.gold;amplifies $his fear@@ as $he strains to hear anything potential threats to $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 7, $slaves[$i].trust -= 20>>
				Being blind and hard of hearing forces $him to @@.hotpink;rely@@ on your mercy. It does nothing to stem @@.gold;the terrible sounds@@ $he struggles to hear.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				Even though $he is blind, $he is devoted enough to you to allow $himself to lower $his guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to keep $him safe.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
				Since $he's blind and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes slightly @@.hotpink;more reliant,@@ but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of what $he can't see.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				$He may be blind, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
				$His blindness forces $him to @@.hotpink;rely@@ on your mercy. However, it only @@.gold;amplifies $his fear@@ as $he has severely limited capabilities to defend $himself.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
				Being blind forces $him to @@.hotpink;completely rely@@ on your mercy. It does nothing to stem @@.gold;the terror@@ $he faces constantly being unable to tell what will happen to $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>
		<<set _visionFlag = -2>>
	<<elseif getBestVision($slaves[$i]) === 1>>
		<<if !canSeePerfectly($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				$His vision may be clouded but it doesn't get in the way of $his devotion to you.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
				Since $he's on the cusp of devotion, $his blurred vision makes $him @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive,@@ since $he can't always see what's happening to $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
				$His blurred vision @@.hotpink;reduces $his distaste for $his life slightly,@@ since $his fuzzy vision allows $him to ignore the details of everyone $he's expected to fuck.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				$His blurred vision tends to make $him @@.gold;a little more fearful,@@ since $he can never tell what's about to happen to $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
			<<set _visionFlag = -1>>
	<<elseif getBestVision($slaves[$i]) === 2>>
		<<if !canSeePerfectly($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				$He tolerates the annoyance of blurred vision induced by $his eyewear.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
				Since $he's on the cusp of devotion, the blurred vision induced by $his eyewear actually makes $him @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
				The blurred vision induced by $his eyewear actually @@.hotpink;reduces $his distaste for $his life slightly,@@ since $his fuzzy vision allows $him to ignore the details of everyone $he's expected to fuck.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				The blurred vision induced by $his eyewear actually @@.mediumorchid;infuriates $him.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
			<<set _visionFlag = -1>>
	<<if _visionFlag == -1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].hears == -2>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				Since $he is also deaf, $he begins to @@.mediumaquamarine;rely@@ on you to give $him the feedback $his body does cannot.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
				Since $he is also deaf, $he becomes @@.hotpink;very reliant@@ on you, but also begins to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust@@ you to convery what $his body does not.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				Since $he is also deaf, $he views you as $his @@.mediumaquamarine;blurry guardian.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
				Since $he is also deaf, $he @@.gold;descends into paranoia@@ as every blurry shape could be out to get $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 20>>
				Since $he is also deaf, $he @@.gold;delves into the depths of paranoia@@ as every blurry shape could be out to get $him. $He becomes increasingly @@.mediumorchid;hateful@@ to those around $him in an effort to ward off threats.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 30, $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].hears == -1>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].earwear != "hearing aids")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
					$His hearing may be muddled too, but $he doesn't let it bother $him.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
					Since $he is also hard of hearing, $he is forced into @@.hotpink;very submissive state,@@ though @@.gold;worrying thoughts@@ begin to plague $his mind.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
					Since $he is also hard of hearing, $he has a hard time understanding what partners want from $him, often causing them to @@.gold;get forceful@@ with $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
					Since $he is also hard of hearing, @@.gold;$he becomes increasingly paranoid@@ since $he can barely discern other's intent any more.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].hears == 0>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].earwear == "muffling ear plugs")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
					$He tolerates the annoyance of muffled hearing induced by $his ear plugs.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
					Since $his hearing is also muffled, $he is forced into @@.hotpink;very submissive state,@@ though @@.gold;worrying thoughts@@ begin to plague $his mind.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust -= 3>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
					Since $his hearing is also muffled, $he has a hard time understanding what partners want from $him, often causing them to @@.gold;get forceful@@ with $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
					The muffled hearing induced by $his ear plugs @@.mediumorchid;infuriates $him@@ with $his vision problems.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
	<<elseif _visionFlag != -2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].hears == -2>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				Even though $he is deaf, $he is devoted enough to you to allow $himself to lower $his guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to watch $his back.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
				Since $he's deaf and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes slightly @@.hotpink;more reliant,@@ but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of what is lurking out of sight.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
				$He may be deaf, but no one can sneak up on $him while $he is with you, @@.mediumaquamarine;developing the trust@@ that you have $his back.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
				$His deafness forces $him to @@.gold;distrust everyone@@ as everything out of sight is a potential threat to $him.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
				Being deaf forces $him to @@.gold;fear@@ everything $he can't see. At any moment, something could jump on $his back and force $him into position.
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].hears == -1>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].earwear != "hearing aids")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
					$His hearing may be muddled but it doesn't get in the way of $his devotion to you.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
					Since $he's on the cusp of devotion, $his muffled hearing makes $him @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive,@@ since $he can't always hear what's going on around $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
					$His muffled hearing @@.mediumorchid;reduces $his distaste for $his life slightly,@@ since $his impaired hearing allows $him to ignore the disgusting comments from everyone around $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
					$His muffled hearing tends to make $him @@.mediumorchid;a little more fearful,@@ since $he can never tell what people are saying about $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].hears == 0>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].earwear == "muffling ear plugs")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
					$He tolerates the annoyance of muffled hearing induced by $his ear plugs.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
					Since $he's on the cusp of devotion, the muffled hearing induced by $his ear plugs actually makes $him @@.hotpink;slightly more submissive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
					The muffled hearing induced by $his ear plugs actually @@.hotpink;reduces $his distaste for $his life slightly,@@ since $his impaired hearing allows $him to ignore the disgusting comments from everyone around $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
					The muffled hearing induced by $his ear plugs @@.mediumorchid;irritates $him.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>

<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && $slaves[$i].muscles < -95>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
		$He knows $he is near helpless but is devoted enough to you to allow $himself to lower $his guard. $He becomes @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ of your ability to keep $him safe.
		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
		Since $he's near helpless and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes slightly @@.hotpink;more reliant,@@ but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of what $he can't see.
		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
	<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
		$He may be physically frail and vulnerable, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
		$His frailty forces $him to @@.hotpink;rely@@ on your mercy. However, it only @@.gold;amplifies $his fear@@ as $he has no chance of defending $himself.
		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
		Being frail and near helpless forces $him to @@.hotpink;heavily rely@@ on your mercy. It does nothing to stem @@.gold;the terror@@ $he faces constantly knowing that whatever anyone wants to do to $him, there is nothing $he can do to stop it.
		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>

<<if $slaves[$i].teeth == "straightening braces">>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
				$His mouth full of orthodontia is quite uncomfortable,
				<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 15>>
					but $he has the presence of mind to know that it's for $his own good, and $he doesn't blame you for it.
					and $he's stupid enough to @@.mediumorchid;blame you@@ for the discomfort.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
				$He puts up with the discomfort produced by $his orthodontia for your sake.
	<<if random(1,10) == 1>>
		$His braces @@.lime;straighten $his teeth.@@ They can now be removed to leave $him with a beautiful smile, or left on.
		<<set $slaves[$i].teeth = "cosmetic braces">>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].teeth == "baby">>
	<<if $seeAge == 1 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 6 && random(0,($slaves[$i].birthWeek*2))>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].teeth = "mixed">>
		$He lost $his first baby tooth this week.
<<elseif $slaves[$i].teeth == "mixed">>
	<<if $seeAge == 1 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 12 && random(0,($slaves[$i].birthWeek*2))>>
		$He lost the last of $his baby teeth this week.
		<<set _crookedTeethGen = ((($slaves[$i].face-$slaves[$i].faceImplant)+100)/10)>>
		<<if random(0,_crookedTeethGen) < 5>>
			<<if random(0,5) < 1>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].teeth = "gapped">>
				$he has a large @@.yellow;gap@@ between $his front teeth that
				<<set $slaves[$i].teeth = "crooked">>
				$his teeth ended up @@.yellow;crooked@@ and
			will require braces to correct.
			<<set $slaves[$i].teeth = "normal">>

<<if $weightAffectsAssets != 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].weight <= 10>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].diet != "fattening">>
			<<set _effBreastSize = ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant-$slaves[$i].boobsMilk)>>
			<<set _effButtSize = ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance > 30 && $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS != 1>>		/* 'Expected' breast size based on weight for feminine-bodied slaves */
				<<set _normBreasts = Math.trunc((100 + ($slaves[$i].weight + 100)*5 + 2*$slaves[$i].lactationAdaptation)*(0.85+$slaves[$i].hormoneBalance/400)*_gigantomastiaMod)>>
				<<set _normButt = (($slaves[$i].weight + 100)*.025*(0.9+$slaves[$i].hormoneBalance/600)*(_rearQuirk/2 + 1))>>
			<<else>>		/* For masculine- and childish-bodied slaves */
				<<set _normBreasts = (($slaves[$i].weight + 100)*2 + $slaves[$i].lactationAdaptation)*_gigantomastiaMod>>
				<<set _normButt = (($slaves[$i].weight + 100)*.0125*(_rearQuirk/2 + 1))>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].weight < -95>>
				<<set _adj1 = "desperately underweight">>
				<<set _adj2 = "plush">>
				<<set _adj3 = "healthy">>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].weight <= -30>>
				<<set _adj1 = "underweight">>
				<<set _adj2 = "big">>
				<<set _adj3 = "plush">>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].weight < -10>>
				<<set _adj1 = "skinny">>
				<<set _adj2 = "huge">>
				<<set _adj3 = "big">>
				<<set _adj1 = "thin">>
				<<set _adj2 = "monstrous">>
				<<set _adj3 = "huge">>
			<<if _effBreastSize > (4*_normBreasts+400) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
				$His _adj1 body @@.orange;burns fat off $his _adj2 boobs.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50/_gigantomastiaMod>>
			<<elseif _effButtSize > (3*_normButt+3) && _rearQuirk != 2>>
				$His _adj1 body @@.orange;burns fat off $his _adj2 butt.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 0.4>>
			<<elseif _effBreastSize > (3*_normBreasts+200) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
				$His _adj1 body @@.orange;burns some fat off $his _adj3 boobs.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
			<<elseif _effButtSize > (2*_normButt+2) && _rearQuirk != 2>>
				$His _adj1 body @@.orange;burns some fat off $his _adj3 butt.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 0.2>>

<<if $slaves[$i].anus > 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].anus >= $slaves[$i].analArea>>
		<<if random(1,100) > (80 - (20*($slaves[$i].anus - $slaves[$i].analArea)))>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].analArea += 1>>
			$His anal area is getting used to being
			<<if $slaves[$i].analArea > 3>>
				permanently gaped, and the puckered skin around $his anus now runs from $his tailbone all the way down to the <<if $slaves[$i].vagina > -1>>bottom of $his pussy<<else>>base of $his dick<</if>>.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].analArea > 2>>
				very loose, and the puckered skin around $his anus now covers more of the space between $his buttocks.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].analArea > 1>>
				nice and relaxed, and it now looks quite lewd.
				penetrated, and to put it delicately, $his anus is now a bit more eye-catching.

<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 0>>

	<<if $slaves[$i].foreskin > 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].foreskin - $slaves[$i].dick < -1>>
			<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
				$His cockhead has grown to the point where it is much too large for $his foreskin, making $his erections so uncomfortable to achieve that $his @@.red;appetite for sex is reduced@@ by $his reluctance to undergo the discomfort.
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				<<if random(1,300) < $slaves[$i].energy || $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
					Despite this, $he spends enough of $his time hard that $his foreskin @@.lime;stretches out naturally.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].foreskin += 1>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].foreskin - $slaves[$i].dick < 0>>
			<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
				$His cockhead has grown to the point where it is too large for $his foreskin, making $his erections uncomfortable to achieve; $his @@.red;arousal is slightly impeded@@ by $his reluctance to undergo the discomfort.
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
				<<if random(1,500) < $slaves[$i].energy || $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
					Despite this, $he spends enough of $his time hard that $his foreskin @@.lime;stretches out naturally.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].foreskin += 1>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].foreskin - $slaves[$i].dick > 1 && $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>
				<<if random(30,110) > $slaves[$i].energy>>
					$His penis has gotten so small that even when $he's hard, $his loose foreskin rarely retracts. Despite $his regular erections, @@.orange;$his foreskin atrophies.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].foreskin -= 1>>
				<<if random(40,120) > $slaves[$i].energy>>
					@@.orange;$His foreskin atrophies,@@ which is not surprising, since $his penis has shrunk and it's almost never hard.
					<<set $slaves[$i].foreskin -= 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].scrotum > 0>>
			<<set _extraScrotum = $slaves[$i].scrotum - $slaves[$i].balls>>
			<<if _extraScrotum < -1>>
				$His nuts are much too big for $his ballsack, giving $him constant discomfort. $His @@.red;appetite for sex is reduced@@ by how much $his junk hurts.
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				<<if random(0,2) == 0 || $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
					$His scrotum @@.lime;stretches out naturally@@ as $his balls force it to accept their size.
					<<set $slaves[$i].scrotum += 1>>
			<<elseif _extraScrotum < 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 5>>
				<<if random(0,4) == 0 || $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
					$His heavy balls tug $his scrotum downward, and it @@.lime;stretches out naturally@@ under their weight.
					<<set $slaves[$i].scrotum += 1>>
			<<elseif _extraScrotum == -1>>
				<<if random(0,5) == 0 || $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth == 1>>
					$His scrotum @@.lime;stretches out naturally@@ as it adapts to $his newly expanded balls.
					<<set $slaves[$i].scrotum += 1>>
			<<elseif _extraScrotum > 1 && $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance >= 100>>
					<<if random(0,2) == 0>>
						@@.orange;$His ballsack atrophies,@@ which is not surprising, since $he's on female hormones and $his girly balls have gotten so small.
						<<set $slaves[$i].scrotum -= 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].balls > 2>>
				$His balls have been relocated to $his abdomen, and while they still work there, it's not where they're designed to be. Routine scans show that @@.orange;they've atrophied,@@ <<if $slaves[$i].balls > 3>>and will probably continue to do so until they stabilize at a below-average size<<else>>but are not likely to get any smaller<</if>>.
				<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1>>

	<<if ($slaves[$i].clit > 0)>>
		$His clit is largely vestigial, since $he has a penis atop $his vagina, so $his @@.orange;clitoris atrophies.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1>>

<</if>> /* CLOSES DICK CHECK */

<<if $slaves[$i].balls == 0 || $slaves[$i].ballType == "sterile">>
	<<if $slaves[$i].ovaries == 0 && $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 5>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].energy <= 95>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
					$His lack of natural sex hormones @@.red;slightly reduces $his sex drive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
					$His lack of balls @@.red;reduces $his sex drive.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				$He's so addicted to sex that $his lack of natural sex hormones doesn't affect $his sex drive.

<<if $slaves[$i].vagina == -1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].dick == 0>>
		<<set _frustration = 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 20>>
			<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].prostate != 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60>>
							is such a buttslut that $his null status doesn't affect $his libido at all; $he's got $his prostate and that's all $he cares about.
							is a buttslut, but not enough of one that $his lack of<<if $seeDicks > 0>> a dick or<</if>> a pussy isn't frustrating.
							<<set _frustration = 1>>
						is no buttslut, but $he has a prostate, allowing $him a sexual outlet despite $him lack of<<if $seeDicks > 0>> a dick or<</if>> a pussy.
						<<set _frustration = 1>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "buttslut">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 95>>
							is such a buttslut that $his complete lack of <<if $seeDicks > 0>>a dick, a pussy, or a prostate<<else>>a pussy<</if>> only bothers $him slightly.
							<<set _frustration = 1>>
							is a buttslut, but not enough of to console $him for $his complete lack of <<if $seeDicks > 0>>a dick, a pussy, or a prostate<<else>>a pussy<</if>>.
							<<set _frustration = 2>>
						has no <<if $seeDicks > 0>>dick, pussy, or prostate<<else>>pussy<</if>> and no easy way to get off.
						<<set _frustration = 2>>
				has no<<if $seeDicks > 0>> dick, no<</if>> pussy, and can't even take it up the ass, leaving $him no easy way to get off.
				<<set _frustration = 2>>
		<<if _frustration > 0>>
			This @@.red;affects $his libido@@ and is
			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				annoying, but $he puts up with it for your sake.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= _frustration*2>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= _frustration*3>>

<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].energy <= 50)>>
				$He's so worshipful of you that $he derives erotic satisfaction simply from being your slave, giving $him @@.green;more of an appetite for sex.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
			$He's so devoted to you that $his appetite for sex isn't affected by the unpleasant parts of slave life.
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy <= 5)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "please you") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave")>>
				$His assignment constantly requires $him to fuck. $He obeys, but @@.red;$his appetite for sex is reduced.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
				Sometimes, $he wishes $he weren't a sex slave, @@.red;reducing $his appetite for sex,@@ though less than if $his assignment required $him to fuck constantly.
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "please you") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave")>>
				$His assignment forces $him to let $himself get fucked constantly, @@.red;reducing $his appetite for sex.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>
				$He isn't used to life as a sex slave, and the constant sexual anxiety @@.red;reduces $his appetite for sex,@@ though less than if $his assignment forced $him to let $himself get fucked constantly.
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 2>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the brothel") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "work a glory hole") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the arcade") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "please you") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "be a subordinate slave")>>
				$His assignment subjects $him to constant rape, @@.red;rapidly reducing $his appetite for sex.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 5>>
				$He hates being a sex slave, @@.red;reducing $his appetite for sex,@@ though less than if $his assignment subjected $him to constant rape.
				<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 3>>

/* There really is no good place for this since saRules is too early and saRivals/saRelationships is too late */
<<if $slaves[$i].rivalry > 1 && $universalRulesConsent == 0>>
	<<set _j = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].rivalryTarget]>>
	<<if (def _j) && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i]) && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_j])>> /* rape time */
		<<if App.Utils.sexAllowed($slaves[_j], $slaves[$i])>>
			<<set _fuckCount = random(1,(Math.ceil($slaves[$i].energy/10)+1))>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _fuckCount*10>>
			<<= SimpleSexAct.Slaves($slaves[_j], $slaves[$i], _fuckCount)>>
<<if App.Utils.hasPartnerSex($slaves[$i])>>
	<<set _j = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].relationshipTarget]>>
	<<if (def _j) && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i]) && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_j])>> /* sexy time */
		<<if $slaves[$i].relationship == 5 && canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if $slaves[_j].vagina == 0 && canDoVaginal($slaves[_j])>>
				<<set $slaves[_j].vagina++, $slaves[_j].counter.vaginal++, $vaginalTotal++>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].counter.penetrative++, $penetrativeTotal++>>
				<<if canImpreg($slaves[_j], $slaves[$i])>>
					<<= knockMeUp($slaves[_j], 50, 0, $slaves[$i].ID, 1)>>
			<<if $slaves[_j].anus == 0 && canDoAnal($slaves[_j])>>
				<<set $slaves[_j].anus++, $slaves[_j].counter.anal++, $analTotal++>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].counter.penetrative++, $penetrativeTotal++>>
				<<if canImpreg($slaves[_j], $slaves[$i])>>
					<<= knockMeUp($slaves[_j], 50, 1, $slaves[$i].ID, 1)>>
		<<set _fuckCount = random(Math.min(4,Math.ceil($slaves[$i].energy/20)),5)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].need = 0>>
		<<= SimpleSexAct.Slaves($slaves[_j], $slaves[$i], _fuckCount)>>

<<if $slaves[$i].need>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].need > $slaves[$i].energy/2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
			$He is not allowed to get off as frequently as $his aphrodisiac fueled sex drive demands, and the constant frustration
			<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll != 0 || $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
				@@.red;stresses $his body considerably.@@
				<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 1+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].need/20))>>
				drives $him mad with lust. $He @@.mediumorchid;blames you@@ for this @@.gold;cruelty.@@
				<<set _decay = 1+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].need/20)>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= _decay, $slaves[$i].trust -= _decay>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].need > $slaves[$i].energy && $slaves[$i].energy >= 70>>
			<<set _decay = 1+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].need/20)>>
			$He is not allowed to get off as frequently as $his powerful sex drive demands, and the constant frustration
			<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll != 0 || $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
				@@.red;stresses $his body considerably.@@
				<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 1+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].need/20))>>
				drives $him mad with lust. $He @@.mediumorchid;blames you@@ for this @@.gold;cruelty.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= _decay, $slaves[$i].trust -= _decay>>
			Unable to achieve the release $he needs, $his @@.red;runaway libido is damaged.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= _decay>>
			$He is not allowed to get off as frequently as $his healthy sex drive demands, and the constant frustration @@.red;wears away at $his libido.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].energy -= 1+Math.trunc($slaves[$i].need/20)>>

<<if $slaves[$i].health.condition > 90>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].need <= $slaves[$i].energy/2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].energy <= 70>>
			$His outstanding health produces a @@.green;slow improvement in libido.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].face > 80>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].face <= 95>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 95>>
				$He is so healthy and trusting that @@.lime;the minute flaws in $his facial appearance seem to be smoothed away@@ every time $he sleeps.
				<<= faceIncrease($slaves[$i], 5)>>

	<<if $seeAge == 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].visualAge > 20 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge > 20>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 95 && $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].ageAdjust == 40>>
					$He has been living a happy, healthy and trusting life under you for so long that you swear @@.lime;$he looks a little younger@@ than a $girl $his age should.
					<<set $slaves[$i].visualAge-->>
					<<set $slaves[$i].ageAdjust = 0>>
				<<elseif random(1,100) > 60>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].ageAdjust++>>
<<elseif ($slaves[$i].health.condition > 60)>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].need <= $slaves[$i].energy/2>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].energy <= 50)>>
			$His good health produces a @@.green;slow improvement in libido.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>

<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 30>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].health.condition > 20>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].curatives == 0 && $slaves[$i].inflationType != "curative">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge-30 > random(1,100)>>
				The bloom comes off $his excellent health a little. It seems $his @@.red;age@@ may be affecting $him.
				<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].trust < random(1,100)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].health.condition < random(1,100)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge-30 > random(1,100)>>
				$His face looks @@.orange;just a little older@@ than it did last week. $He's not getting any younger.
				<<set $slaves[$i].face -= 2>>

<<if $seeAge == 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].visualAge > 15 && $slaves[$i].physicalAge > 15>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -20 && $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].ageAdjust == -40>>
				$He has been living a miserable life under your feet for so long that you swear @@.orange;$he looks a little older@@ than a $girl $his age should.
				<<set $slaves[$i].visualAge++>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].ageAdjust = 0>>
			<<elseif random(1,100) > 40>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].ageAdjust-->>

/* NCS youthening and shrinkage of giant organs and regular shrinking for regular organs happening when not youthening */

<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1)>>
	<<set _countNCS = 0>>
	**	To prevent the NCS from firing on every attribute in one year, this variable counts the
	**	number of NCS affects that fire. Most affects will only trigger if one or two other
	**	have already fired, but won't fire beyond. There are two exceptions to that, first,
	**	massively oversized growth assets, which will fire always, e.g. boobs > 5000, dick > 10,
	**	etc. Second, Body structure, hips/shoulders may fire any time, (decreasing random).
	**	Youthening (visual age year number reduction)
	**	Happens on a sliding scale, the older a slave is, the faster the de-aging goes.
	**	Consequently, it goes slower as the visual age approaches an 8 year old loli/shota body.
	**	Age 45+=> auto age reduction 1 year per 1 week.
	**	Age 41-44=> age reduction 1 year per 2 weeks.
	**	Age 37-40=> age reduction 1 year per 3 weeks.
	**	Age 33-36=> age reduction 1 year per 4 weeks.
	**	Age 29-32=> age reduction 1 year per 5 weeks.
	**	Age 25-28=> age reduction 1 year per 6 weeks.
	**	Age 21-24=> age reduction 1 year per 7 weeks.
	**	Age 17-20=> age reduction 1 year per 8 weeks.
	**	Age 13-16=> age reduction 1 year per 9 weeks.
	**	Age 9-12=> slowest age reduction 1 year per 10 weeks.
	**	To track this, the slave.NCSyouthening field counts the *charge* of youthening the slave
	**	currently has, and if it's over the youthening requirements, the slave will become younger.
	**	Additionally while years fly off quickly in the beginning for older slaves, and oversized body parts
	**	shrink away, other secondary characteristics slowly but surely drop off, but based on the above
	**	*charge* of youthening.
	**	Note that with this system a 45 year old slave given NCS would be indistinguishable from an 8 year
	**	old in a little over 4 years time.
	<<set _youthening = 0, $slaves[$i].NCSyouthening++>>
	<<set _youtheningLevel = Math.round(Math.clamp((($slaves[$i].physicalAge - 8) / 4) + .25, 0, 10))>>
	<<if (($slaves[$i].visualAge > 8) && ($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= (11 - _youtheningLevel)))>>
		<!-- NCS: youthening fires! -->
		<<if $seeAge == 1>>
			$He has been living under the effects of $his @@.orange;NCS@@ for a while and the accumulated effects make @@.lime;$him look younger again.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].visualAge--, _countNCS++, _youthening++>>
	**	height always fires if over 176 cm,
	**	also fires if the slave is tall for their visual age
	**	also if they are in * NCSyouthening 3-5 (reverse teen years) and
	**	over 126 cm
	**	or over height (30% chance)
	<<set _averageHeight = Height.mean($slaves[$i])>>
	<<set _heightDelta = $slaves[$i].height - _averageHeight>>
	<<if (($slaves[$i].height > 176) || (_heightDelta > 5) || (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 6) && (($slaves[$i].height > 126) || (_heightDelta > 0)) && (random(1,100) < 30)))>>
		<<if _heightDelta > 15>><<set _shrinkage = 5>>
		<<elseif _heightDelta > 5>><<set _shrinkage = 4>>
		<<elseif _heightDelta > -5>><<set _shrinkage = 3>>
		<<elseif _heightDelta > -15>><<set _shrinkage = 2>>
		<<else>><<set _shrinkage = 1>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ is actively @@.orange;reducing $his stature, leaving $him shorter.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].height -= _shrinkage, _countNCS++>>
	**	Boobs, nipples and areolae.
	**	Boobs always fires for over 5000 cc,
	**	nipples/areolae shrinkage will fire for boobs under 5000,
	**	where nipples are tiny/cute at 30% chance.
	**	anything over 300 will fire if
	**	the slave's accumulated youthening is 6 or higher,
	**	or by a 50% chance.
	<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant-$slaves[$i].boobsMilk >= 5000) && (random(1,100) < 90) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3)>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ has @@.orange;reduced the size of $his bouncing breasts.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= Math.round($slaves[$i].boobs * .11), _countNCS++>>
	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant-$slaves[$i].boobsMilk <= 5000) && (!["cute", "fuckable", "tiny"].includes($slaves[$i].nipples)) && (random(1,100) < 30))>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].nipples == "inverted")>><<set _target = "partially inverted">>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].nipples == "partially inverted")>><<set _target = "normal">>
		<<else>><<set _target = either("cute", "tiny")>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ has @@.lime;changed $his nipples to <<= _target>>.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = _target>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].areolae > 1)>>
			$His areolae also shrink down to a more normal size<<if ($slaves[$i].areolaeShape != "circle")>>, including the unique $slaves[$i].areolaeShape shapes<</if>>.
			<<set $slaves[$i].areolae = 1, _countNCS++>>
	<<elseif (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant-$slaves[$i].boobsMilk >= 300) && (($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening >= 6) || (random(1,100) < 50)) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3)>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ has @@.orange;reduced the size of $his tits.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= Math.round($slaves[$i].boobs * .09), _countNCS++>>
	**	Hips and Shoulders reshaping
	**	One or the other can happen per week as long as the hips and shoulders are bigger than the smallest
	**	level, though the chances get much more likely for the widest sizes.
	<<if ((($slaves[$i].hips-Math.abs($slaves[$i].hipsImplant)) > -2) && (random(1,100) < (($slaves[$i].hips + 3) * 18)))>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ gets busy @@.orange;reducing the size of $his
		<<if ($slaves[$i].hips >= 2)>>freakish
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hips >= 0)>>wide
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].hips >= -2)>>already narrow
		<<set $slaves[$i].hips -= 1, _countNCS++>>
	<<elseif ((($slaves[$i].shoulders-Math.abs($slaves[$i].shouldersImplant)) > -2) && (random(1,100) < (($slaves[$i].shoulders + 3) * 18)))>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ applies and @@.orange;reduces the size of $his
		<<if ($slaves[$i].shoulders >= 2)>>domineering
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].shoulders >= 0)>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].shoulders >= -2)>>already narrow
		<<set $slaves[$i].shoulders -= 1, _countNCS++>>
	**	Dick and clit shrinkage
	**	Massive 10+ Dicks or 5+ Clits always fire, and at double power.
	**	Below that by chance, (reducing chances by current size). In general clits shrink faster.
	<<if ($slaves[$i].dick >= 10)>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ is actively @@.orange;reducing the size of $his giant dick.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 2, _countNCS++>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].clit >= 5)>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ has @@.orange;reduced the size of $his enormous clit-dick.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 2, _countNCS++>>
	<<elseif ((_countNCS < 3) && ($slaves[$i].dick > 2) && (random(1,100) < (($slaves[$i].dick + 1) * 9)))>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ is actively @@.orange;reducing the size of $his dick.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].dick -= 1, _countNCS++>>
	<<elseif ((_countNCS < 3) && ($slaves[$i].clit >= 1) && (random(1,100) < (($slaves[$i].clit + 2) * 16)))>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ has @@.orange;reduced the size of $his clit.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].clit -= 1, _countNCS++>>
	**	Balls.
	**	Massive testicles (10+) drop by 2 levels,
	**	Others decrease by chance based on current size.
	<<if ($slaves[$i].balls >= 10)>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ gets busy @@.orange;reducing the size of $his titanic balls.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 2, _countNCS++>>
	<<elseif ((_countNCS < 3) && ($slaves[$i].balls > 2) && (random(1,100) < (($slaves[$i].balls + 1) * 8)))>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ gets busy @@.orange;reducing the size of $his balls.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].balls -= 1, _countNCS++>>
	**	Butt.
	**	Tremendous butts burn of by 2 points.
	**	Regular butts based on chances, decrease as the size does.
	<<if ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant >= 10)>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ applies and @@.orange;reduces the size of $his bulbous butt.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2, _countNCS++>>
	<<elseif ((_countNCS < 3) && ($slaves[$i].butt-$slaves[$i].buttImplant >= 1) && (random(1,100) < ($slaves[$i].butt * 9)))>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ applies and @@.orange;reduces the size of $his butt.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1, _countNCS++>>
	**	Scrotum and Labia
	**	One or the other can fire per week.
	**	Pendulous ballsacks or sagging labia will always fire.
	**	Otherwise by reducing chance based on current sizes, but labias are a little more likely.
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].scrotum >= 5)>>
			$His @@.orange;NCS@@ kicks in and @@.orange;reduces the size of $his pendulous scrotum.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].scrotum -= 2, _countNCS++>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].labia >= 5)>>
			$His @@.orange;NCS@@ kicks in and @@.orange;reduces the size of $his sagging labia.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].labia -= 2, _countNCS++>>
		<<elseif ((_countNCS < 3) && ($slaves[$i].labia >= 1) && (random(1,100) < ($slaves[$i].labia * 11)))>>
			$His @@.orange;NCS@@ kicks in and @@.orange;reduces the size of $his labia.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].labia -= 1, _countNCS++>>
		<<elseif ((_countNCS < 3) && ($slaves[$i].scrotum > 1) && (random(1,100) < ($slaves[$i].scrotum * 8.5)))>>
			$His @@.orange;NCS@@ kicks in and @@.orange;reduces the size of $his scrotum.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].scrotum -= 1, _countNCS++>>
	**	Voice.
	**	Small chance for any non-childlike voice.
	<<if ((_countNCS < 3) && ($slaves[$i].voice < 3) && $slaves[$i].voice != 0 && (random(1,100) > ($slaves[$i].voice * 15)))>>
		$His @@.orange;NCS@@ has @@.lime;raised the pitch of $his voice, $he now sounds more <<if $slaves[$i].voice == 1>>feminine<<else>>childlike<</if>>.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].voice += 1, _countNCS++>>
	**	Pussy/Ass-Pussy rejuvenation.
	**	10% chance of either one rejuvenating per week. (The Child Whore's delight!)
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>>
		<<if ((_countNCS < 2) && ($slaves[$i].vagina > 1) && (random(1,100) < ($slaves[$i].vagina * 10)))>>
			$His @@.orange;NCS@@ manages to @@.lime;reverse the stretching in $his vagina, $his pussy now looks more childlike.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].vagina -= 1, _countNCS++>>
		<<elseif ((_countNCS < 2) && ($slaves[$i].anus > 1) && (random(1,100) < ($slaves[$i].anus * 10)))>>
			$His @@.orange;NCS@@ effectively @@.lime;reverses the stretching in $his anus, $his ass-pussy now looks more childlike.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].anus -= 1, _countNCS++>>
	**	reset youthening for those that just got younger (see age above) or for already lolified slaves.
	<<if ((_youthening > 0) || ($slaves[$i].NCSyouthening > 9))>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].NCSyouthening = 0>>

/* macromastia random trigger + growth */
<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 3 && random(70-$slaves[$i].physicalAge,300) < $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia = 2>>
<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 3 && random(70-$slaves[$i].physicalAge,300) < $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia = 2>>
<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 2 && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 2>>
	<<if _actualBreastSize < 100000 && $slaves[$i].weight >= -95>>
		<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
			$His @@.lime;breasts expand@@ due to $his abnormal strain of gigantomastia.
			$His @@.lime;breasts are undeniably larger@@ than they were last week, though the exact cause is a mystery.
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 30>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.gigantomastia == 2>>
	<<if _actualBreastSize < 25000 && $slaves[$i].weight >= -95>>
		<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
			$His @@.lime;breasts expand@@ due to $his gigantomastia.
			You suspect that $his @@.lime;breasts have grown slightly@@ since last week, but you cannot account for why.
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 20>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.macromastia == 2>>
	<<if _actualBreastSize < 5000 && $slaves[$i].weight >= -95>>
		<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
			$His @@.lime;breasts expand@@ due to $his macromastia.
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>

<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.rearLipedema == 2 && $slaves[$i].butt < 20 && $slaves[$i].weight >= -95>>
	<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
		$His body @@.lime;continues to lay fat on $his rear@@ due to $his lipedema.
	<<set $slaves[$i].butt += .1>>

<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].vaginaLube < 2 && $slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth * .75>>
		<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
			$His vagina begins to @@.lime;produce more sexual fluids@@ as the stimulation to $his hypersensetive uterus nears its climax.
			$His vagina oddly begins to @@.lime;produce more sexual fluids@@ in apparent preparation to $his upcoming birth.
		<<set $slaves[$i].vaginaLube += 1>>

<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i]) || !canMove($slaves[$i])>>
		<<set _mobility = 1>>
		<<set _anchors = []>>
		<<if !canMove($slaves[$i])>>
			<<set _mobility = 0>>
			<<if tooFatSlave($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set _anchors.push("fat body")>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge <= 3)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].boobs > 25000 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 20)>>
					<<set _anchors.push("tits")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 150000>>
					<<set _anchors.push("belly")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].balls >= 30 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 0.3)>>
					<<set _anchors.push("balls")>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].physicalAge <= 12)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].boobs > 100000 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 50)>>
					<<set _anchors.push("tits")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
					<<set _anchors.push("belly")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].balls >= 60 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 0.5)>>
					<<set _anchors.push("balls")>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].physicalAge < 18)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].boobs > 250000 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 100)>>
					<<set _anchors.push("tits")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 600000>>
					<<set _anchors.push("belly")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].balls >= 90 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 0.7)>>
					<<set _anchors.push("balls")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].boobs > 500000 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 200)>>
					<<set _anchors.push("tits")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 1000000>>
					<<set _anchors.push("belly")>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].balls >= 90 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 0.7)>>
					<<set _anchors.push("balls")>>
			<<if tooBigBreasts($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set _anchors.push("tits")>>
			<<if tooBigBelly($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set _anchors.push("belly")>>
			<<if tooBigDick($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set _anchors.push("dick")>>
			<<if tooBigButt($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set _anchors.push("butt")>>
			<<if tooBigBalls($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set _anchors.push("balls")>>
			<<if tooFatSlave($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set _anchors.push("fat body")>>
		<<if _mobility>>
			<<if _anchors.length > 0>>
				<<print _anchors.reduce(function(res, ch, i, arr) { return res + (i === arr.length - 1 ? ' and ' : ', ') + ch; })>>
				<<if (isAmputee($slaves[$i]))>>
					<<if _anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his limblessness<<else>>or would be if $he had limbs<</if>>,
				<<elseif (!hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i]))>>
					<<if _anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his leglessness<<else>>or would be if $he had legs<</if>>,
				<<elseif (!hasBothLegs($slaves[$i]))>>
					<<if _anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his missing leg<<else>>or would be if $he had both legs<</if>>,
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].heels == 1 && !setup.highHeels.includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
					<<if _anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his heels having been clipped<<else>>or would be if $his heels weren't clipped<</if>>,
				render<<if _anchors.length == 1>>s<</if>>
				<<if (isAmputee($slaves[$i]))>>
					limblessness renders
				<<elseif (!hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i]))>>
					leglessness renders
				<<elseif (!hasBothLegs($slaves[$i]))>>
					missing leg renders
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].heels == 1 && !["boots", "extreme heels", "heels"].includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
					clipped heels render
			$him incapable of walking,
			$He is immobilized by $his
			<<if _anchors.length > 0>>
				<<print _anchors.reduce(function(res, ch, i, arr) { return res + (i === arr.length - 1 ? ' and ' : ', ') + ch; })>>
				<<if (isAmputee($slaves[$i]))>>
					<<if _anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his limblessness<<else>>or would be if $he had limbs<</if>>,
				<<elseif (!hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i]))>>
					<<if _anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his leglessness<<else>>or would be if $he had legs<</if>>,
				<<if (isAmputee($slaves[$i]))>>
				<<elseif (!hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i]))>>
		making $his life more difficult.
		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
			<<if _mobility>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].rules.mobility == "restrictive">>
					<<if $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
						$He <span class="mediumorchid">hates being forced</span> to crawl around like some kind of animal, but it keeps $him properly <span class="gold">afraid.</span>
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
								$He <span class="hotpink">loves being forced</span> to crawl around like some kind of animal.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								$He seems to enjoy $his forced prostration to anyone that comes $his way. @@.lightcoral;$He's a natural submissive!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
							<<set _likesImmobility = 1>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
								$He <span class="hotpink">revels in the humiliation</span> of being forced to crawl around in the dirt.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
								$He seems to be excited by the humiliation not being able to walk brings. @@.lightcoral;$He's enjoys being degraded!@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
							<<set _likesImmobility = 1>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
							It is your will that $he crawl around on
							<<if (hasAllLimbs($slaves[$i]))>>
								all fours,
								the ground,
							so $he embraces it as normality.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
							$He accepts being forced to crawl around on
							<<if (hasAllLimbs($slaves[$i]))>>
								all fours
								the ground
							as part of slave life.
							Being forced to crawl around on
							<<if (hasAllLimbs($slaves[$i]))>>
								all fours
								the ground
							@@.hotpink;breaks down any remaining dignity@@ $he may have and keeps $him @@.gold;well aware of $his total vulnerability@@ to punishment.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
						@@.mediumaquamarine;$He is thankful@@ that $he serves a <<= writtenMaster($slaves[$i])>> so kind as to permit $him the tools $he needs to not be reduced to crawling.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
						@@.mediumaquamarine;$He appreciates@@ being given the means to maintain some semblance of mobility.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
						@@.mediumaquamarine;$He takes full advantage@@ of the provided mobility aids to avoid being forced to crawl everywhere.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
						Anything is better than crawling on the floor, so $he makes full use of the provided mobility aids @@.mediumaquamarine;to avoid such an indignity.@@
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
					$He can't can't escape those looking to prey upon $him, <span class="gold">terrifying $him.</span>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "submissive">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
							$He <span class="hotpink">loves having no choice but to be submissive</span> if $he wants assistance.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
							$He seems to enjoy being at the mercy of you and your chattel. @@.lightcoral;$He's a natural submissive!@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
						<<set _likesImmobility = 1>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
							$He <span class="hotpink">revels in the humiliation</span> of being completely stripped of any ability to do things on $his own.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
							$He seems to be excited by the humiliation complete immobility brings. @@.lightcoral;$He's enjoys being degraded!@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].fetishKnown = 1>>
						<<set _likesImmobility = 1>>
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
						Since you want to keep $him from moving, $he's perfectly happy to sit around and wait for your attention.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
						$He accepts $his inability to move as part of slave life.
						Being completely unable to move leaves $him at the mercy of others, @@.hotpink;destroying any semblance of self-reliance $he has@@ and keeps $him @@.gold;well aware of $his total vulnerability@@ to punishment.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
		<<if _mobility>>
			Other slaves have to help $him at times, which
			$He requires help to do nearly everything, which
		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
			<<if _likesImmobility>>
				suits $his fetish just fine.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				the devoted slave bears with equanimity.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
				$he can't help @@.mediumorchid;resenting@@ a little.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
					$he @@.mediumorchid;actively resents.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
					$he appreciates in $his frightening life.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
					$he @@.mediumorchid;utterly detests.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
					$he needs in these dark times.
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
			goes largely unnoticed by the mindless slave.
		<<if isAmputee($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > -80>>
				As a quadruple amputee
				<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 5>>
					$he @@.orange;loses some muscle definition.@@
					$his @@.orange;muscles steadily atrophy.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 3>>
		<<elseif !canMove($slaves[$i]) && ($slaves[$i].diet != "muscle building")>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > -80>>
				Since $he is effectively incapable of moving $himself,
				<<if $universalRulesImmobileSlavesMaintainMuscles == 1 && $slaves[$i].muscles >= 0>>
					and is required to maintain $his musculature, $he regularly lifts weights<<if (!hasAnyArms($slaves[$i]))>> with $his leg<<if hasBothLegs($slaves[$i])>>s<</if>><</if>> to stave off muscular atrophy.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].muscles >= -5>>
					$he steadily @@.orange;loses muscle definition.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].muscles-->>
					$his @@.orange;muscles steadily atrophy.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].muscles-->>
	<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 18>>
		<<if (_actualBreastSize > 30000)>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
				<<if (($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections") && ($slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections") && ($arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0))>>
					<<if (($slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000) && ($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300) && _gigantomastiaMod != 3)>>
						<<if _actualBreastSize < 30000*2>>
							$His breasts are larger than $his body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they @@.orange;naturally lose mass.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
							$His breasts are far, far beyond what $his body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they @@.orange;naturally lose mass.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50/_gigantomastiaMod>>
						<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50*_gigantomastiaMod))>>
							This effect is massively compounded by $his @@.orange;NCS.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= Math.round(_actualBreastSize * .1)>>
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 200))>>
				$His immense breasts are so big they pin $him to the floor, taking the weight off $his body.
				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
					$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
					$He finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
					$He finds pulling them along somewhat annoying, but $he's happy to do so if it pleases you.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 25000)>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						$His giant tits are debilitatingly big and a constant reminder of $his progress. No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade $him from going bigger.
					<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
							$His debilitatingly giant tits may be @@.red;agony on $his back,@@ but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how valuable@@ they make $him in your arcology.
							<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 5)>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
							$His giant tits are debilitatingly big, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and takes extra measures to care for them.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$His giant tits are debilitatingly big. They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his body.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 5)>>
						$His giant tits are debilitatingly big, but $he takes measures to keep comfortable and pain free as to not concern you with $his troubles.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 10000)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							$His huge breasts are becoming troublesome for $his slight form, but that only drives $his desire to go even bigger.
						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
								$His huge tits may leave $him with a @@.red;sore back,@@ but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how valuable@@ they make $him in your arcology.
								<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 2)>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
								$His breasts are uncomfortably large, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and does $his best to manage them.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							Dragging $his huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his slight form.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
							<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 2)>>
							$He finds $his breasts uncomfortably large, but $he grins and bears it for you.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 4000)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							The weight of $his big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
								$His bits tits may be a little heavy for $his slight form, but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how sexy@@ they make $him in your arcology.
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
								$His breasts are uncomfortably big for $his slight form, but $he this makes $him valuable to society and does $his best to deal with it.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							The weight of $his big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his slight form.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
							The weight of $his big boobs is uncomfortable for $his slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge <= 3>>
		<<if (_actualBreastSize > (_gigantomastiaMod == 2 ? 25000 : 7000))>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300 && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
						<<if _actualBreastSize < (_gigantomastiaMod == 2 ? 25000 : 7000)*2>>
							$His breasts are larger than $his body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they @@.orange;naturally lose mass.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
							$His breasts are far, far beyond what $his body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they @@.orange;naturally lose mass.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50/_gigantomastiaMod>>
						<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
							This effect is compounded by $his @@.orange;NCS.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= Math.round(_actualBreastSize * .1)>>
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000)>>
				$His titanic breasts are so massive they dwarf $his body. $He <<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>happily embraces<<else>>has no choice but to accept<</if>> immobility.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20000)>>
				$His immense breasts are so huge they rest upon the floor even when $he tries to stand, taking the weight off $his tiny body.
				<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						$He finds pulling them along a big burden, but $his devotion to you is far stronger than $his discomfort.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 4700 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 20))>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						$His giant tits are debilitatingly big and a constant reminder of $his progress. No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade $him from going bigger.
					<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
							$His debilitatingly giant tits may be @@.red;agony on $his back,@@ but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how valuable@@ they make $him in your arcology.
							<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 4)>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
							$His giant tits are debilitatingly big for $his childish form, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and takes extra measures to manage them.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$His giant tits are debilitatingly big. They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his childish form.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 4)>>
						$His giant tits are debilitatingly big. $He does everything $he can to keep comfortable and pain free as to not bother you.
				<<elseif canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					$His giant breasts are so big they pin $him to the floor, taking the weight off $his tiny body.
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						$He finds pulling them along a little annoying, but your will is far more important to $him.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 2500)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 80)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							$His huge breasts are troublesome for $his childish form, but that only drives $his desire to go even bigger.
						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
								$His huge tits may be annoying, but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how valuable@@ they make $him in your arcology.
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
								$His breasts are uncomfortably large for $his tiny body, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and does $his best to manage them.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							Hauling $his huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his childish form.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
							$He finds $his breasts uncomfortably large for $his tiny body, but $he grins and bears it for you.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 1000)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							The weight of $his big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
								$His big tits may be uncomfortable, but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how sexy@@ they make $him in your arcology.
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
								$His breasts are uncomfortably big for $his slight form, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and does $his best to deal with it.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							The weight of $his big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his slight form.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
							The weight of $his big boobs is uncomfortable for $his slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge <= 12>>
		<<if (_actualBreastSize > (_gigantomastiaMod == 2 ? 25000 : 15000))>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300 && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
						<<if (_actualBreastSize > (_gigantomastiaMod == 2 ? 25000 : 15000)*2)>>
							$His breasts are larger than $his body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they @@.orange;naturally lose mass.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
							$His breasts are far, far beyond what $his body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they @@.orange;naturally lose mass.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50/_gigantomastiaMod>>
						<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
							This effect is compounded by $his @@.orange;NCS.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= Math.round(_actualBreastSize * .1)>>
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 40000)>>
				$His immense breasts are so huge they rest upon the floor even when $he tries to stand, taking the weight off $his small body.
				<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						$He finds pulling them along a burden, but $his devotion to you is far stronger than $his discomfort.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 9500 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 50))>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His giant tits are debilitatingly big.
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade $him from going bigger.
					<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
							They are @@.red;painful@@ to lug around for $his childish form, but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how much of an effect@@ they have on your citizens.
							<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 5)>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
							They look ridiculous on $his childish body, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and takes extra measures to manage them.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his childish form.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 5)>>
						$He does $his best to not let them get the better of $his youthful body.
					$His giant breasts are so big they pin $him to the floor, taking the weight off $his young body.
					<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							$He finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
							$He finds pulling them along a little annoying, but your will is far more important to $him.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 5000)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 80)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							$His huge breasts are troublesome for $his childish form, but that only drives $his desire to go even bigger.
						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
								$His huge tits may be annoying and @@.red;painful@@ for $his childish form, but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how valuable@@ they make $him in your arcology.
								<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 4)>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
								$His breasts are uncomfortably big for $his childish form, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and does $his best to manage with them.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							Dragging $his huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his childish form.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
							<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 4)>>
							$His huge tits are uncomfortably big for $his childish form, but $he keeps it to $himself out of devotion to you.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 2000)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							The weight of $his big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
								$His big tits may be heavy, but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how sexy@@ they make $him in your arcology.
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
								$His big boobs are uncomfortably heavy for $his slight form, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and does $his best to deal with it.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							The weight of $his big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his slight form.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
							The weight of $his big boobs is uncomfortable for $his slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
		<<if _actualBreastSize > 30000>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy") || ($dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) || $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs != "breast injections" && $slaves[$i].drugs != "intensive breast injections" && $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch == 0)>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg < 300000 && $slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 300 && _gigantomastiaMod != 3>>
						<<if _actualBreastSize > 30000 * 2>>
							$His breasts are larger than $his body can possibly sustain without industrial intervention, and they @@.orange;naturally lose mass.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 25>>
							$His breasts are far, far beyond what $his body can sustain without industrial intervention, and they @@.orange;naturally lose mass.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50/_gigantomastiaMod>>
						<<if (($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1) && (random(1,100) > 50))>>
							This effect is compounded by $his @@.orange;NCS.@@
							<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= Math.round(_actualBreastSize * .1)>>
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 25000 + ($slaves[$i].muscles * 100))>>
				$His immense breasts are so big they pin $him to the floor, taking the weight off $his youthful body.
				<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						$He's perfectly fine with dragging them along as a testament to how much $he's managed to grow.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He finds pulling them along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						$He finds pulling them along a little annoying, but your will is far more important to $him.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 17000)>>
				$His giant tits are debilitatingly big.
				<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						No amount of discomfort or pain could dissuade $him from going bigger.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						They are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his youthful form.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
						$He finds them painfully uncomfortable, but finds ways to mitigate it to not distract you with $his worries.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 10000)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							$His huge breasts are troublesome for $his slight form, but that only drives $his desire to go even bigger.
						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
								$His huge tits may be annoying and @@.red;painful@@ for $his slight form, but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how valuable@@ they make $him in your arcology.
								<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 3)>>
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
								$His breasts are uncomfortably big for $his slight form, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and does $his best to manage with them.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							Dragging $his huge tits around is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ and @@.red;painful@@ for $his slight form.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
							<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 3)>>
							$His huge tits are uncomfortably big for $his slight form, but $he keeps it to $himself out of devotion to you.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs > 2000)>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 5)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
							The weight of $his big boobs serves as a reminder that $he needs to get even bigger.
						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
							<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
								$His big tits may be heavy, but $he is well aware of @@.mediumaquamarine;just how sexy@@ they make $him in your arcology.
								<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
							<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
								$His big boobs are uncomfortably heavy for $his slight form, but $he knows how valuable they are to society and does $his best to deal with it.
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							The weight of $his big boobs is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his slight form.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
							The weight of $his big boobs is uncomfortable for $his slight form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.

	/* physical is countered by .pregAdaptation */
	<<if $slaves[$i].belly > ($slaves[$i].pregAdaptation*4500)>>
		$His bloated <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0 && $slaves[$i].ovaries == 0>>implant-filled middle<<else>>womb<</if>> is constantly straining to hold together and puts @@.red;overwhelming pressure on $his skin and organs.@@ $His stomach is streaked with deep stretch marks and black and blue from the tension.
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" || $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "self hating") && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
				$He spends every painful moment in sheer joy, each agonizing motion sending quivers of lust through $his breaking body.
				<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder">>
					$He has achieved $his desires of being nothing more than a baby factory absolutely.
					$He is on the brink of sacrificing $his worthless life for the lives of $his children and $he couldn't be happier.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2 && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
				$He spends every moment stuck between pleasure and
				<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
					pain due to $his uterine hypersensitivity;
				it distracts from the possibilities at least.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 90>>
				$He believes in you so absolutely that even if $he doesn't make it, $he accepts it as your will.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
				$He struggles along $his daily tasks as if nothing is out of the ordinary.
				This is @@.mediumorchid;horrifying@@ to $him. $He is in excruciating pain and each
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 100>>
					movement within $his tearing <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0 && $slaves[$i].ovaries == 0>>belly<<else>>womb<</if>>
				feels like it may be $his last. $He is @@.gold;terrified@@ that at any moment $his body may fail causing $him to burst.
				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant >= -50>>
					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his gravidity, but given $his situation, it just means more suffering.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 15, $slaves[$i].trust -= 20>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 20, $slaves[$i].trust -= 20>>
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 30)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
			<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
				$His genetic gift helps $his body to rapidly adapt to this incredible stress.
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += 5>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += 1>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly > ($slaves[$i].pregAdaptation*3200)>>
		$His <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0 && $slaves[$i].ovaries == 0>>implant filled abdominal cavity<<else>>straining womb<</if>> takes up most of $his body and puts @@.red;tremendous pressure on $his skin and organs.@@
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
				$He does $his best to ignore the pain; after all, $his wishes to be hugely pregnant have come true.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2 && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
				<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
					$His uterine hypersensitivity renders it more pleasurable than painful, taking $his mind off things.
					$He is disturbingly enjoying the situation.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 70>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 100>>
					every movement within $him
					every breath
				feeling like a knife being driven into $his body, $he has faith in your plans for $him.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
				$He carries on $his daily tasks as if nothing is bothering $him.
				This is @@.mediumorchid;very worrying@@ to $him. $He is in constant pain and
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 100>>
					each movement within $his straining womb
					every breath $he takes,
				causes additional agony. $He is @@.gold;terrified@@ of what
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 100>>
					awaits $him at the end of this pregnancy.
					will become of $him.
				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant >= -50>>
					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his gravidity, but given $his situation, it isn't very comforting.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 7, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 20)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
			<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
				$His genetic gift helps $his body to rapidly adapt to such extreme stress.
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += 4>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += .4>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly > ($slaves[$i].pregAdaptation*2000)>>
		$His <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0 && $slaves[$i].ovaries == 0>>belly implant<<else>>womb<</if>> takes up most of $his body and @@.red;puts tremendous pressure on $his skin and organs.@@
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
				Every painful kick is a reminder of just how pregnant $he really is, but it just makes $his condition hotter to $him.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2 && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
				<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
					$His uterine hypersensitivity renders it completely pleasurable.
					$He handles it well, if a little disturbingly.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 100>>
					every stirring of the life within $him is uncomfortable,
					every motion $he takes is uncomfortable,
				$he tries $his best to not bother you with $his worries.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
				$He tries $his best to stay still to minimize the amount of discomfort $he's in.
				This is @@.mediumorchid;very worrying@@ to $him. $He moans in discomfort
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 100>>
					with each movement within $him.
					whenever $he is forced to move.
				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant >= -50>>
					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his gravidity, easing some of $his worries.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], (10/_bellyBand))>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
			<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
				$His genetic gift helps $his body to rapidly adapt to such huge stress.
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += 3>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += .3>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly > ($slaves[$i].pregAdaptation*1000)>>
		$His <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0 && $slaves[$i].ovaries == 0>>belly implant<<else>>womb<</if>> fills $his body and @@.red;compresses $his internal organs.@@
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
				While $he may be uncomfortable, it only serves to remind $him that $he can sustain larger.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2 && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
				<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
					$His uterine hypersensitivity renders it rather enjoyable.
					$He handles it oddly well, if a little disturbingly.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
				$He is in constant discomfort, but $he grins and bears it for you.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
				Such discomforts are meaningless to $his broken mind.
				$He is in constant @@.mediumorchid;discomfort@@ and can't wait for these children to be born.
				<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation" && $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant >= -50>>
					$His slowed gestation rate gives $his body more time to adapt to $his gravidity, easing some of $his worries.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], (2/_bellyBand))>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
			<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
				$His genetic gift helps $his body to rapidly adapt to such stress.
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += 2>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += .2>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly > ($slaves[$i].pregAdaptation*750)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>
			<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade >= 1>>
				$His genetic gift helps $his body to rapidly adapt to $his gravidity.
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += 1>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation += .1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].wombImplant == "restraint" && $slaves[$i].belly >= 400000>>
		The mesh implanted into the walls of $his uterus is nearing its limit and @@.red;beginning to strangle@@ the organ it is meant to support. While it is still structurally sound, it can only expand so much before failing.
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 15)>>

	<<if $seeExtreme == 1 && $dangerousPregnancy == 1 && (($slaves[$i].belly > ($slaves[$i].pregAdaptation*3200)) || $slaves[$i].bellyPreg > 600000) && $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 100000>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "get treatment in the clinic">>
			<<if _S.Nurse>>
				The fast actions of $clinicName's nurse, _S.Nurse.slaveName, saved $his life a few times. @@.red;$His womb is breaking!@@
				Automatic monitors in $clinicName detected critical pressure and called junior medical staff. They managed to hold $him together, for now; @@.red;$his womb is breaking!@@
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting == 3>>
			Automatic monitors in $his harness detected $his womb has reached critical mass and applied a special adaptive belly corset to hold @@.red;$his breaking womb@@ together.

	/*body inconvenience*/
	<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll != 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken" && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
		<<set _belly = bellyAdjective($slaves[$i])>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge < 4>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 150000>>
				$His _belly belly is so large it dwarfs $his body. $He <<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>enjoys<<else>>has no choice but to accept<</if>> being an accessory to $his belly.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 100000>>
				$His _belly belly is so large it reaches the floor <<if hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i])>>even when $he stands<<else>>no matter how $he rests<</if>>, taking the weight off $his tiny body.
				<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						Such an inconvenience means little when you're living the dream of being a baby-filled breeder.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He finds dragging it along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						$He's fine with this though, as it is much easier than trying to waddle along.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 30000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly is debilitatingly big. $He can barely waddle along and even then, can't manage to avoid bumping into
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						things. Such troubles matter little when you're living the dream of being a baby-filled breeder.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						things, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;extremely annoyed@@ as $he goes about $his day.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						things, but quickly struggles to fix it to keep you happy.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 10000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly juts out tremendously from $his slight
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						form, but the life growing within makes that alright to $him.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						form causing $him @@.mediumorchid;frustration@@ as $he tries $his best to not bump into things.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						form, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge < 13>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
				$His _belly belly is so large it dwarfs $his body. $He <<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>enjoys<<else>>has no choice but to accept<</if>> being an accessory to $his belly.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
				$His _belly belly is so large it reaches the floor <<if hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i])>>even when $he stands<<else>>no matter how $he rests<</if>>, taking the weight off $his young figure.
				<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						Such an inconvenience means little when you're living the dream of being a baby-filled breeder.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He finds dragging it along @@.mediumorchid;mildly annoying.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						While it is quite a nuisance, your will outweighs $his opinions.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 120000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly is debilitatingly big. $He can barely waddle along and even then, can't manage to avoid bumping into
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						things. Such troubles matter little when you're living the dream of being a baby-filled breeder.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						things, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;overly frustrated@@ and moody by the end of the day.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						things, but accepts this is the life you have chosen for $him.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 60000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly is troublesome for $his young figure. Every step is a slow, ponderous one and $he has to be careful not to collide with anything.
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						However, such inconveniences are nothing when you're living the dream of being a baby-filled breeder.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$His day to day life is @@.mediumorchid;filled with annoyances@@ as $he struggles along.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						However, $he takes pride in being kept so round by you, so $he keeps $his thoughts to $himself.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 12000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly juts out heavily from $his young
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						frame, but the life growing within makes that alright to $him.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						frame causing $him @@.mediumorchid;frustration@@ as $he tries $his hardest to move with it.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						frame, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge < 18>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 60000>>
				$His _belly belly is so large it dwarfs $his body. $He <<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>enjoys<<else>>has no choice but to accept<</if>> being an accessory to $his belly.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
				$His _belly belly is so large it reaches the floor <<if hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i])>>even when $he stands<<else>>no matter how $he rests<</if>>, taking the weight off $his body.
				<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						Such an inconvenience means little when you're living the dream of being a baby-filled breeder.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He finds dragging it along @@.mediumorchid;a painful problem.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
						While moving it is a problem, $he struggles through it for you.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 200000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly is debilitatingly big. $He can barely waddle along and even then, it's practically impossible to avoid
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						things, but you take your lumps with pride when you're this heavy with child.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						things, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;overly frustrated@@ and a little roughed up by the end of the day.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						things, but if you like the huge dome hanging from $his body, so does $he.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 80000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly is troublesome for $him. Every step is a slow, ponderous one and $he has to be careful not to collide with anything.
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						However, such inconveniences are nothing when you're more pregnant than any woman ever was in the old world.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$His day to day life is @@.mediumorchid;miserable@@ as $he struggles to do the simplest of tasks.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						However, $he takes pride in being kept so big and round by you, so $he keeps $his thoughts to $himself.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 30000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly juts out heavily from $his
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						frame, but being so full of life is wondrous to $him.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						frame causing $him @@.mediumorchid;frustration@@ as $he frequently bumps things with it.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						frame, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.
			<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 1500000>>
				$His _belly belly is so large it dwarfs $his body. $He <<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>enjoys<<else>>has no choice but to accept<</if>> being an accessory to $his belly.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 1000000>>
				$His _belly belly is so large it reaches the floor <<if hasAnyLegs($slaves[$i])>>even when $he stands<<else>>no matter how $he rests<</if>>, taking the weight off $his body.
				<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						Such an inconvenience means little when you're living the dream of being a baby-filled breeder.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$He finds dragging it along @@.mediumorchid;a painful problem.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5>>
						While moving it is a problem, $he struggles through it for you.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly is debilitatingly big. $He can barely waddle along and even then, it's practically impossible to avoid
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						things, but you take your lumps with pride when you're this heavy with child.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						things, leaving $him @@.mediumorchid;overly frustrated@@ and a little roughed up by the end of the day.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						things, but if you like the huge dome hanging from $his body, so does $he.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 150000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly is troublesome for $him. Every step is a slow, ponderous one and $he has to be careful not to collide with anything.
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						However, such inconveniences are nothing when you're more pregnant than any woman ever was in the old world.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						$His day to day life is @@.mediumorchid;miserable@@ as $he struggles to do the simplest of tasks.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
						However, $he takes pride in being kept so big and round by you, so $he keeps $his thoughts to $himself.
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].belly >= 75000>>
				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
					$His _belly belly juts out heavily from $his
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
						frame, but being so full of life is wondrous to $him.
					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
						frame causing $him @@.mediumorchid;frustration@@ as $he frequently bumps things with it.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						frame, but $he bears it out of devotion to you.

	<<if $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation > 40 && ($slaves[$i].belly < 5000 && $slaves[$i].preg < 1 && $slaves[$i].pregWeek == 0) && $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity != 2>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation > 1001>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation-->>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation >= 751 && $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation < 1000>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation-->>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation >= 501 && $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation < 750>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation-->>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation >= 251 && $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation < 500>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation-->>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation >= 101 && $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation < 250>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation-->>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation >= 51 && $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation < 100>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation-->>

	<<if getBestVision($slaves[$i]) > 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > random(20,100)>>
			$His suit blinds $him, and $his @@.mediumorchid;vision worsens@@ from long disuse.
			<<run eyeSurgery($slaves[$i], "both", "blind")>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].hears >= 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > random(20,100)>>
			$His suit deafens $him, and $his @@.mediumorchid;hearing worsens@@ from long disuse.
			<<set $slaves[$i].hears = -1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].curatives == 0 && $slaves[$i].inflationType != "curative">>
		The extreme physical stress of living in the suit @@.red;damages $his health.@@
		<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
		The <<if $slaves[$i].curatives == 1>>preventatives<<elseif $slaves[$i].inflationType == "curative">>rectal curatives<<else>>curatives<</if>> protect $him from the extreme physical stress of living in the suit.

<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 20000)>>
				<<if $boobAccessibility == 1>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
						$He's @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ to you for providing living spaces adapted to life with gigantic boobs.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
					$His gigantic boobs make life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breast growth">>
						Every little inconvenience just feeds $his breast growth obsession, so $he's more bothered that they aren't an even bigger problem for $his daily life.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
						Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
						This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
						$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>

<<if $slaves[$i].lactation > 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>> /*Power struggle for sure*/
		<<if $slaves[$i].boobs < 500>>
			The powerful lactation drugs $he's implanted with @@.lime;slowly swell $his petite breasts.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 800)>>
		The powerful lactation drugs $he's implanted with @@.lime;rapidly swell $his small breasts.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 100>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 1600)>>
		The powerful lactation drugs $he's implanted with @@.lime;slowly swell $his big breasts.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 50>>
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].boobs < 3000*_gigantomastiaMod)>>
		The powerful lactation drugs $he's implanted with @@.lime;gradually swell $his enormous breasts.@@
		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 25>>
	<<set $slaves[$i].lactationDuration = 2>>


<<if ($slaves[$i].lactation == 1)>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].boobsMilk > 0>>
		/*Without release, $his breasts have become @@.lime;<<if $slaves[$i].lactationAdaptation > 50>>massively <</if>>engorged@@ with pent-up milk.*/ /* I don't know where to put this since it happens at the tail end of endWeek now */
		<<if $slaves[$i].boobs+$slaves[$i].boobsMilk > $slaves[$i].boobs*2>>
			Having breasts bloated to the point of bursting is @@.red;incredibly painful.@@ Spending a week like that is excruciating,
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 20)>>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].boobs+$slaves[$i].boobsMilk > $slaves[$i].boobs*.5>>
			Having breasts so swollen with milk that every motion hurts is @@.red;very uncomfortable.@@ Spending a week like that only makes it worse,
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 5)>>
			$He spends the week with breasts aching for release,
	<<if $slaves[$i].lactationDuration == 0>>
		<<if (_S.Wardeness !== null && $slaves[$i].assignment == "be confined in the cellblock" && (_S.Wardeness.sexualFlaw == "malicious" || _S.Wardeness.sexualFlaw == "abusive" || _S.Wardeness.sexualFlaw == "breast growth"))>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= $slaves[$i].boobsMilk>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobsMilk = 0, $slaves[$i].lactationDuration = 2>>
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "fertility drugs" || $slaves[$i].drugs == "super fertility drugs")>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].boobsMilk > 0>>
				and, since $he is on lactation inducing drugs, eventually can no longer hold back the flow, releasing $his milk supply
				Since $he is on lactation inducing drugs and not being milked, $he eventually can no longer hold back the flow, and releases $his milk supply
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "boobs">>
				in a @@.hotpink;lewd breastgasm.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
				in a @@.hotpink;humiliating, yet orgasmic, display.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
				in an amusingly lewd display.
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
				in a @@.hotpink;humiliating display.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++>>
				in a @@.gold;shameful display.@@
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust-->>
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= $slaves[$i].boobsMilk/2>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobsMilk = $slaves[$i].boobsMilk/2>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].lactationDuration = 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].boobsMilk > 0>>
				but without regular use, $his lactation finally @@.orange;dries up@@ and $he can be drained without encouraging it.
				Without regular use, $his lactation naturally @@.orange;come to an end.@@
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= $slaves[$i].boobsMilk>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobsMilk = 0, $slaves[$i].lactation = 0>>

<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs - ($slaves[$i].muscles*30) > 5000) && ($slaves[$i].boobs <= 8000) && ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 500) && ($slaves[$i].breastMesh != 1)>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge < random(10,200)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].boobShape == "perky">>
			$His @@.orange;breasts lose their perkiness@@ under their own titanic weight. Their nipples now point forward and $his boobs rest more heavily against the chest beneath them.
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "torpedo-shaped">>
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].boobShape != "saggy">>
			$His @@.orange;breasts become saggy@@ under their own titanic weight. Their nipples now point downward and $his bosom sways pendulously with $his every movement.
			<<set $slaves[$i].boobShape = "saggy">>

/* boobs too small for fuckable nipples */
<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable" && ($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant < 500)>>
	Without the necessary flesh to support them, $his fuckable nipples pop out and stay out. They have @@.orange;reverted to being huge.@@
	<<set $slaves[$i].nipples = "huge">>

/* pregmod */

<<if $slaves[$i].cervixImplant >= 1>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 800000) || (($slaves[$i].bellyImplant > 130000) && ($arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch != 1))>>
		$His cervix implant detected that the volume of filler in $slaves[$i].slaveName's belly reached $His implant's threshold, and @@.orange;opens backflow@@ several times throughout week.
		<<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishistResearch != 1>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellyImplant = 120000>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].bellyImplant = 750000>>

<<if $masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries == 1 && $slaves[$i].broodmother == 2 && ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite" || $slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Concubine")>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].diet != "high caloric">>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/2>>
			The pregnancy generator places heavy strain on $him as $his body @@.red;consumes itself@@ to keep releasing eggs and maintain $his many developing babies.
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 1)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lt -2>>
				<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 1)>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].chem += 2>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].weight lt -2>>
				$He is @@.mediumorchid;gravely concerned@@ over $his withered body and @@.gold;terrified@@ of what will happen next.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4.0>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4.0>>
				$He is @@.mediumorchid;concerned@@ by $his withering body and @@.gold;fears@@ $his future.
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1.0>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1.0>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge lt 12>>
				$His very young body is decimated by it.
				<<if random(2,10) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].weight gt -3>>
					$He has @@.red;lost weight.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].weight -= 2>>
				<<if random(2,10) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].muscles gt 0>>
					$He has @@.red;lost muscle mass.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2>>
				<<if random(2,10) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].boobs gt 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
						With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his breasts.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 5000>>
						$He has @@.red;lost breast tissue.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 300>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].boobs lt 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs to 0>>
				<<if random(2,10) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].butt gt 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
						With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his ass fat.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 4>>
						$He has @@.red;lost some ass fat.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 3>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].butt lt 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt = 0>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge lt 18>>
				$His young body suffers greatly from it.
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].weight gt -3>>
					$He has @@.red;lost weight.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].weight -= 2>>
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].muscles gt 0>>
					$He has @@.red;lost muscle mass.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 2>>
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].boobs gt 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
						With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his breasts.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 2000>>
						$He has @@.red;lost breast tissue.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 200>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].boobs lt 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs to 0>>
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].butt gt 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
						With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his ass fat.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 3>>
						$He has @@.red;lost some ass fat.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].butt lt 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt to 0>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge gt 32>>
				$His mature body handles it well.
				<<if random(1,6) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].weight gt -3>>
					$He has @@.red;lost weight.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].weight -= 1>>
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].muscles gt 0>>
					$He has @@.red;lost muscle mass.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 1>>
				<<if random(1,6) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].boobs gt 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
						With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his breasts.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 1000>>
						$He has @@.red;lost breast tissue.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 50>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].boobs lt 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs to 0>>
				<<if random(1,6) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].butt gt 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
						With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his ass fat.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
						$He has @@.red;lost some ass fat.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].butt lt 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt to 0>>
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].weight gt -3>>
					$He has @@.red;lost weight.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].weight -= 1>>
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].muscles gt 0>>
					$He has @@.red;lost muscle mass.@@
					<<set $slaves[$i].muscles -= 1>>
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].boobs gt 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
						With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his breasts.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 1000>>
						$He has @@.red;lost breast tissue.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 100>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].boobs lt 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].boobs to 0>>
				<<if random(1,8) gt $slaves[$i].health.condition and $slaves[$i].butt gt 0>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].weight lte -3>>
						With nothing else to draw from, $his body @@.red;rapidly consumes $his ass fat.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 2>>
						$He has @@.red;lost some ass fat.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt -= 1>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].butt lt 0>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].butt to 0>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg gt 30>>
			<<if hasAnyArms($slaves[$i])>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion lt -4 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
					When $he isn't laboring or performing $his duties $he can be seen pressing down on $his grotesque belly desperately trying to coax the device out of $his body. $He is @@.gold;mortified@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;loathes you@@ for doing this to $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4.0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4.0>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion lt 5 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
					$He runs $his hand<<if hasBothArms($slaves[$i])>>s<</if>> across $his bulging belly, feeling the life within threatening to burst $him. $He is @@.gold;disgusted@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;hates you@@ for doing this to $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3.0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3.0>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion lt 20 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
					$He runs $his hand<<if hasBothArms($slaves[$i])>>s<</if>> across $his bulging belly, feeling the life within growing larger. $He is @@.gold;concerned@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;is uncertain@@ on $his situation.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2.0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2.0>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].devotion lt -4 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
					When $he isn't laboring or performing $his duties $he can be seen desperately thrashing trying to coax the device out of $his body. $He is @@.gold;mortified@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;loathes you@@ for doing this to $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4.0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 4.0>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion lt 5 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
					$He attempts to shift beneath $his bulging belly, feeling the life within threatening to burst $him. $He is @@.gold;disgusted@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;hates you@@ for doing this to $him.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3.0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 3.0>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion lt 20 and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
					$He pushes $his bulging belly out, feeling the life within growing larger. $He is @@.gold;concerned@@ by $his body and @@.mediumorchid;is uncertain@@ on $his situation.
					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2.0>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2.0>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].counter.births gt 100) and ($slaves[$i].devotion lt 0) and ($slaves[$i].trust lt 0) and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
				Being constantly pregnant and giving birth to over a hundred offspring has taken its toll on $slaves[$i].slaveName's mind. Feeling that $he is nothing more than a breeder has destroyed any hopes that $he had. $slaves[$i].slaveName has become completely broken, leaving $him nothing more than a baby filled sack.
				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken">>
				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight lt -2) and ($slaves[$i].boobs lt 100) and ($slaves[$i].butt lt 1) and ($slaves[$i].muscles lt 1) and ($slaves[$i].fetish isnot "mindbroken")>>
				Watching $his body sacrifice itself for a pregnancy $he hates takes its toll on $slaves[$i].slaveName's mind. Feeling that $he is nothing more than a host for $his brood has destroyed any hopes $he had left. $slaves[$i].slaveName has become completely broken.
				<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken">>
				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
				<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken" and $slaves[$i].weight is -3 and $slaves[$i].butt is 0 and $slaves[$i].boobs is 0 and $slaves[$i].muscles is 0 and (($slaves[$i].physicalAge lt 18 and $slaves[$i].counter.births gt 50) or ($slaves[$i].physicalAge lte 32 and $slaves[$i].counter.births gt 100) or ($slaves[$i].physicalAge gt 32 and $slaves[$i].counter.births gt 150))>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].counter.births += 50>>
				<<set $birthsTotal += 50>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].vagina to 10>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].preg to 0>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].pregType to 0>>
				<<set $slaveDead to 2>>
		$His high-calorie and nutrient filled diet allows $his body to handle its demanding pregnancy, though being stuffed only compounds the pressure within $his abdomen. $He @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ needing to have $his stomach bloated with food at all times, but @@.mediumaquamarine;appreciates@@ the effort you are putting into keeping $him healthy.
		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 0.2>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 0.3>>
	Being allowed to relax among the luxuries of the master suite permit $slaves[$i].slaveName's body to handle its demanding pregnancy.

<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[$i])>>
			<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 100000)>>
				<<if $pregAccessibility == 1>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
						$He's @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ to you for providing living spaces adapted to heavily pregnant life.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
					$His giant pregnancy makes life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder">>
						But all this just feeds $his obsession with being a breeder.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
						Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
						This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
						$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 100000>>
				<<if $pregAccessibility == 1>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
						$He's @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ to you for providing living spaces adapted to life with an enormous belly.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
					$His giant belly makes life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1 || $ballsAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 40)>>
						Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
						This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
						$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>

			<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].dick >= 30)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
						$His titanic penis rests upon the floor even when $he stands. $He finds moving @@.mediumorchid;terrifying@@ since $he drags $his cock along.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
						$His titanic penis rests upon the floor even when $he stands. $He pays close attention as $he moves to keep it pristine for you.
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 20)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
						$His enormous cock is @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ for $him to drag around.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						$His enormous cock is uncomfortable for $him to move with, but $he bears its weight out of devotion to you.
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick >= 10)>>
					<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
						<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
							$His giant dick is @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his body.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
							$He can't seem to get comfortable with $his giant dick, but $he keeps it to $himself out of devotion.

			<<if ($slaves[$i].dick >= 20)>>
				<<if $dickAccessibility == 1>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
						$He's @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ to you for providing living spaces adapted to life with an enormous dick.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
				<<elseif canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					$His giant penis makes life a struggle: $he has to drag it along as $he moves, has trouble fitting into beds and sitting in chairs, and constantly has to make sure to not get $his dick caught in doors.
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
						Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
						This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
						$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>

			<<if canMove($slaves[$i])>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 90)>>
					$His titanic balls rest upon the floor even when $he stands.
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
						$He finds them @@.mediumorchid;annoying@@ to lug around.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						They are a little annoying at times, but $he bears them with pride.
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls > 50)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
						$His enormous balls are @@.mediumorchid;very uncomfortable@@ for $him to carry.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						$He finds $his enormous balls a little uncomfortable, but $he bears their weight out of devotion to you.
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls > 25)>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
						$His huge balls are @@.mediumorchid;uncomfortable@@ for $his body.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						$He can't seem to get comfortable with $his huge balls, but $he keeps it to $himself out of devotion.

			<<if ($slaves[$i].balls > 90)>>
				<<if $ballsAccessibility == 1>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
						$He's @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ to you for providing living spaces adapted to life with enormous testicles.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
				<<elseif canMove($slaves[$i])>>
					$His giant balls make life a struggle: <<if $buttAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using appliances and furniture, and has to be constantly mindful of things striking $his oversensitive testicles, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using appliances and furniture, and has to be constantly mindful of things striking $his oversensitive testicles<</if>>.
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
						Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
						This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
						$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>

			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].hips > 2)>>
					$His inhumanly wide hips make walking difficult. $He can barely move without swinging them side to side seductively, and $he keeps bumping things with them.
					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder">>
						$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ how $his wide body basically screams "fertility goddess".
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
						Since $he's devoted to you, $he embraces $his wide body and does everything $he can to show it off for you.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
						This gait makes $him feel like a huge whore, @@.hotpink;increasing $his submissiveness.@@
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 2>>
						$He hates that $he is forced to bear such freakish hips and @@.mediumorchid;blames you@@ for every trip, bumped object, and hip checked slave.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 3>>
			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder") && ($slaves[$i].hips > 2)>>
				$He @@.hotpink;loves@@ how $his wide body basically screams "fertility goddess".
				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>

			<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
				<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 15)>>
					$His butt is a massive burden to $him. $He dreads walking down narrow hallways and getting dressed in the morning.
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
							However, your arcology can't help but worship an ass as expansive as $hers, @@.mediumaquamarine;giving $him an ego@@ that rivals $his rear.
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
							However, your arcology can't help but worship an ass as expansive as $hers, so it mostly balances out.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
						$He lives a life of @@.mediumorchid;annoyance@@ over knocking things over, bumping people, and getting stuck in chairs with $his godly ass.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>
						$He lives a life of minor annoyances knocking things over, bumping people and getting stuck in chairs with $his godly ass, but bears them with pride out of devotion.
				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].butt > 10)>>
					$His butt has gotten absolutely enormous.
					<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident")>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw == "arrogant">>
							Your arcology glorifies asses as large as $his, @@.mediumaquamarine;inflating $his ego@@ almost as large as $his rear.
							<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "confident">>
							Your arcology glorifies asses as large as $his, so the minor annoyances don't seem so bad.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 50)>>
						$He finds it a @@.mediumorchid;massive nuisance@@ to live with.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1>>
						$He finds it a massive nuisance to live with, but does anyway out of devotion to you.

			<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 15)>>
				<<if $buttAccessibility == 1>>
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
						$He's @@.mediumaquamarine;thankful@@ to you for providing living spaces adapted to life with way too much excess junk in the trunk.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
					$His giant butt makes life a struggle: <<if $ballsAccessibility == 1 || $pregAccessibility == 1 || $boobAccessibility == 1>>$he has trouble using furniture, and constantly bumps into things, but at least the doors have already been widened for your other slaves<<else>>$he barely fits through doors, has trouble using furniture, and constantly bumps into things<</if>>.
					<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
						Since $he's devoted to you, $he just does $his best.
					<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust >= -20)>>
						This torment makes $him @@.gold;less trusting@@ of your willingness to look after $him.
						<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
						$He already believes you capable of tormenting $him, so this proof of your indifference @@.mediumorchid;angers $him@@ daily.
						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 2>>

/* health blips */
<<if ($curativeSideEffects != 0)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].chem > 10)>>
		<<if random(1,200) < $slaves[$i].chem + $slaves[$i].physicalAge - $slaves[$i].health.condition - (5*$slaves[$i].curatives)>>
			<<set _effect = random(1,10)>>
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 10)>>
			<<switch _effect>>
			<<case 1>>
				A routine medical scan detects a small, benign growth in one of $his breasts. The autosurgery removes it with only @@.red;minor health consequences,@@
			<<case 2>>
				A routine medical scan detects a small, benign growth <<if ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1)>>on one of $his ovaries<<elseif ($slaves[$i].balls > 0)>>in one of $his testicles<<else>>in $his abdomen<</if>>. The autosurgery removes it with only @@.red;minor health consequences,@@
			<<case 3>>
				$He experiences a troublingly severe panic attack one morning. It passes with @@.red;a minor dose of medication,@@
			<<case 4>>
				$He suffers a series of severe headaches. They pass with @@.red;a minor dose of medication,@@
			<<case 5>>
				$He experiences recurrent nausea this week. It passes with @@.red;a minor dose of medication,@@
			<<case 6>>
				$He experiences troublingly severe night terrors several times this week. @@.red;A minor dose of medication@@ resolves them,
			<<case 7>>
				A routine medical scan detects a minor arrhythmia in $his heart. @@.red;A minor dose of medication@@ resolves it,
			<<case 8>>
				A trivial injury turns serious when $his blood takes an unnaturally long time to clot. The autosurgery patches $him up with only @@.red;minor health consequences,@@
			<<case 9>>
				An unsightly new vein becomes visible, just under $his $slaves[$i].skin skin. The autosurgery removes it with only @@.red;minor health consequences,@@
				$He seems @@.red;slightly ill@@ this week. $He recovers quickly,
			but it's likely this is a side effect of the heavy drug treatments $he's received.
			<<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPuristLaw == 1>>
				Your society's focus on preventing things like this is starting to have an effect, but long term damage like that $he has suffered takes time to resolve itself.
			<<elseif $healthyDrugsUpgrade == 1>>
				Your effort to provide drug treatments free of negative side effects is starting to show results, but long term damage like that $he has suffered takes time to resolve itself.

<<if $slaves[$i].weight >= 100>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].weight > 190>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].curatives != 1>>
			$His extreme obesity @@.red;directly affects@@ $his health.
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 2)>>
		<<if random(1,200) < 5>>
			$He experienced @@.red;severe health complications@@ due to $his weight this week. After extensive surgery, $his health was stabilized, though $his survival is not assured.
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 80)>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].weight > 160>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].curatives != 1>>
			$His obesity @@.red;directly affects@@ $his health.
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 1)>>
		<<if random(1,200) < 5>>
			$He experienced @@.red;severe health complications@@ due to $his weight this week. After extensive surgery, $his health was stabilized.
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 40)>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].weight > 130>>
		<<if random(1,200) < 5>>
			$He experienced @@.red;severe health complications@@ due to $his weight this week. After some rest, $he recovered.
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 20)>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].weight > 95>>
		<<if random(1,200) < 5>>
			$He experienced @@.red;minor health complications@@ due to $his weight this week. After some rest, $he recovered.
			<<run healthDamage($slaves[$i], 5)>>
/* end here! */


<<if ($slaves[$i].accent > 0) && ($slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken")>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].rules.speech == "restrictive">>
		<<set _minweeks = 30 - Math.trunc(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/10)>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].rules.speech == "accent elimination">>
		<<set _minweeks = 15 - Math.trunc(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/10)>>
	<<elseif $slaves[$i].rules.speech == "language lessons">>
		<<set _minweeks = 10 - Math.trunc(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/10)>>
		<<set _minweeks = 20 - Math.trunc(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/10)>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].voice == 0 || $slaves[$i].lips > 95>> /* can't speak, but slowly picks up language */
		<<set _minweeks += 30>>
	<<elseif SlaveStatsChecker.checkForLisp($slaves[$i])>> /* moderate speech impediment */
		<<set _minweeks += 15>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].accent == 4>>
		<<set _minweeks += 40>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].accent >= 4)>>
		<<if ($week - $slaves[$i].weekAcquired) > _minweeks - 5>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].accent -= 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].rules.speech == "language lessons">>
				<<set $slaves[$i].rules.speech = "accent elimination">>
			<<if $slaves[$i].voice == 0 || $slaves[$i].lips > 95>>
				$He has managed to pick up enough $language that @@.green;$he could now barely get $his point across.@@ If $he were able to talk, that is.
				$He has managed to pick up enough $language that @@.green;$he can now barely get $his point across.@@ $His accent is horrible, but it's a start.
	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].accent >= 3)>>
		<<if ($week - $slaves[$i].weekAcquired) > _minweeks>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].accent -= 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].voice == 0 || $slaves[$i].lips > 95>>
				$He has managed to pick up enough $language that @@.green;$he's now able to understand most of what $he hears.@@
				$He has managed to pick up enough $language that @@.green;$he's now reasonably fluent in the language.@@ $His accent is quite heavy, but $he can make $himself understood.
	<<elseif canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].accent == 2)>>
			<<if ($week - $slaves[$i].weekAcquired) > (5 + _minweeks)>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].accent -= 1>>
				$He has heard and spoken a great deal of $language as your slave. @@.green;$His accent has diminished to a pleasant exoticism.@@
		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].accent == 1) && ($slaves[$i].rules.speech == "accent elimination")>>
			<<if ($week - $slaves[$i].weekAcquired) > (10 + _minweeks)>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].accent -= 1>>
				$He does $his best to speak proper, unaccented $language, as encouraged by the rules. @@.green;$His accent has diminished to imperceptibility.@@


<<if ($slaves[$i].prestige > 0)>>
	Merely owning such a prestigious slave @@.green;helps your reputation.@@
	<<run repX((250*$slaves[$i].prestige), "prestigiousSlave", $slaves[$i])>>

/* App.SlaveAssignment.porn */
<<if $slaves[$i].porn.prestige == 3>>
	$He is the whore people envision when they think of $slaves[$i].porn.fameType porn. $His omnipresence on the internet @@.green;boosts $his owner's reputation.@@
	<<run repX((750*$slaves[$i].porn.prestige), "porn", $slaves[$i])>>
	<<set _donations = Math.floor($slaves[$i].porn.viewerCount/(random(13,20)))+(random(-5000,5000))>>
	<<if _donations > 0>>
		A number of gifts and donations totaling @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_donations)>>@@ were also sent to $him, among other things.
		<<run cashX(_donations, "porn", $slaves[$i])>>
<<elseif $slaves[$i].porn.feed > 0>>
	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.porn($slaves[$i])>>

<<if $seeAge != 0>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].birthWeek >= 51>>
		$His birthday was this week<<if $seeAge == 1>>; $he turned <<print $slaves[$i].physicalAge+1>><</if>>.
		<<if ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0) || ($slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken")>>
			$He did not know.
		<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
			$He did not notice.
		<<elseif $week-$slaves[$i].weekAcquired > 10>>
			$He remembered it only dimly.
			$He remembered it, but no one cared.
	<<if retirementReady($slaves[$i]) && $retiree == 0>>
		<<set $retiree = $slaves[$i].ID>>

<<if $slaves[$i].indenture == 0 && $expiree == 0>>
	<<set $expiree = $slaves[$i].ID>>

<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
	<<if $slaves[$i].breedingMark == 1 && $propOutcome == 1 && $eugenicsFullControl != 1>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/13.33 || $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 1>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregSource != -1 && $slaves[$i].pregSource != -6>>
				$slaves[$i].slaveName's weekly health checkup revealed $he is pregnant with an unacceptable child. @@.red;Its life has been terminated, you have been fined <<print cashFormat(100000)>>, and your rep among the Elite has been severely damaged.@@
				<<run TerminatePregnancy($slaves[$i])>>
				<<set $slaves[$i].counter.abortions++>>
				<<set $abortionsTotal++>>
				<<run cashX(-100000, "fines", $slaves[$i])>>
				<<set $failedElite += 150>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].abortionTat > -1>>
					But hey, $he gets a tattoo signifying $his abortion. Was it worth it?
					<<set $slaves[$i].abortionTat++>>
					<<run cashX(forceNeg($modCost), "slaveMod", $slaves[$i])>>

/*--------------- main labor triggers: -------- */
<<if $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/8>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl != "labor suppressors" && $slaves[$i].assignment != "labor in the production line">>
		<<if $slaves[$i].broodmother < 1>>
			<<if WombBirthReady($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth*1.075) > 0>> /*check for really ready fetuses - 43 weeks - max, overdue*/
				<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $birthee = 1>>
			<<elseif WombBirthReady($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth) > 0 && (random(1,100) > 50)>> /*check for really ready fetuses - 40 weeks - normal*/
				<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $birthee = 1>>
			<<elseif WombBirthReady($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.1111) > 0 && (random(1,100) > 90)>> /*check for really ready fetuses - 36 weeks minimum */
				<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $birthee = 1>>
			<<if WombBirthReady($slaves[$i], 37)>> /* broodmothers ready at 37 week always */
				<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $birthee = 1>>

	<<if $dangerousPregnancy == 1 && $slaves[$i].labor != 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment != "work in the dairy" || $dairyRestraintsSetting < 2) && $slaves[$i].pregAdaptation < 500 && $slaves[$i].broodmother < 1>>
			<<set _miscarriageChance = -10>>
			<<set _miscarriageChance += (($slaves[$i].bellyPreg/1000)-$slaves[$i].pregAdaptation)>> /* this could use to not be linear */
			<<if $slaves[$i].inflation > 0>>
				<<set _miscarriageChance += 10>>
			<<set _miscarriageChance -= ($slaves[$i].curatives == 1 ? 100 : 0)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].health.health < -20>>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= ($slaves[$i].health.health)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
					<<set _miscarriageChance -= ($slaves[$i].trust/2)>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].health.health > 80>>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= ($slaves[$i].health.health/10)>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].weight < -50>>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= ($slaves[$i].weight)>>
			<<if $masterSuitePregnancySlaveLuxuries == 1 && ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the master suite" || $slaves[$i].assignment == "be your Concubine")>>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= 300>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "rest">>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= 100>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "rest in the spa">>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= 50>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "get treatment in the clinic">>
				<<if _S.Nurse>>
					<<set _miscarriageChance -= 200>>
					<<set _miscarriageChance -= 150>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory == "a support band">>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= 30>>
			<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow gestation">>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= 100>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregControl == "labor suppressors">>
				<<set _miscarriageChance -= 10000>>
			<<elseif $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
				<<if _miscarriageChance > 0>>
					<<set _miscarriageChance *= 2>>
			<<set _miscarriageChance = Math.round(_miscarriageChance)>>
			<<if _miscarriageChance > random(0,100)>>
				<<set _chance = random(1,100)>>
				<<if $slaves[$i].preg >= $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.33>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $birthee = 1>>
					<<set _miscarriage = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.48>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $slaves[$i].prematureBirth = 1, $birthee = 1>>
					<<set _miscarriage = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.6 && _chance > 10>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $slaves[$i].prematureBirth = 1, $birthee = 1>>
					<<set _miscarriage = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.73 && _chance > 40>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $slaves[$i].prematureBirth = 1, $birthee = 1>>
					<<set _miscarriage = 1>>
				<<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > $slaves[$i].pregData.normalBirth/1.81 && _chance > 75>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].labor = 1, $slaves[$i].prematureBirth = 1, $birthee = 1>>
					<<set _miscarriage = 1>>
					$His overwhelmed body has @@.orange;forced $him to miscarry,@@ possibly saving $his life.
					<<if lastPregRule($slaves[$i],$defaultRules)>><<set $slaves[$i].preg = -1>><<else>><<set $slaves[$i].preg = 0>><</if>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0 && $slaves[$i].fetish != "mindbroken">>
						<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder">>
							$He is @@.mediumorchid;filled with violent, all-consuming hatred@@ at $himself for failing to carry to term and you for allowing this to happen.
							<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 4>>
								The loss of so many children at once @@.red;shatters the distraught breeder's mind.@@
								<<set $slaves[$i].fetish = "mindbroken", $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk = "none", $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none", $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk = "none", $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none", $slaves[$i].devotion = 0, $slaves[$i].trust = 0>>
								$He cares little for what punishment awaits $his actions.
								<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 25*$slaves[$i].pregType>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -50>>
							$He is @@.mediumorchid;filled with violent, consuming hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@ Even though $he knew $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies were<<else>>y was<</if>> likely destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for <<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>them<<else>>it<</if>> and blames you for the loss.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 25, $slaves[$i].trust -= 25>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -20>>
							$He is @@.mediumorchid;afflicted by desperate, inconsolable grief@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies were<<else>>y was<</if>> likely destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for <<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>them<<else>>it<</if>>.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 20>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "pregnancy">>
							$He is @@.mediumorchid;filled with deep regret@@ and @@.gold;fear.@@
							<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1>>
								To a pregnancy fetishist, ending it like this hurts far worse than birth ever would.
								It appears $he was more attached to $his baby bump than $he let on and is hurting even more for it.
							<<set _fetishModifier = $slaves[$i].fetishStrength/2>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 1*_fetishModifier, $slaves[$i].trust -= 1*_fetishModifier>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
							$He is @@.mediumorchid;consumed by enduring sorrow@@ and @@.gold;horror.@@ Even though $he knew $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies were<<else>>y was<</if>> likely destined for a slave orphanage, it seems $he cared for <<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>them<<else>>it<</if>>.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
							$He is dully obedient. $He has been broken to slave life so thoroughly that even this is neither surprising nor affecting.
							$He is @@.mediumorchid;disappointed by this development@@ and @@.gold;afraid@@ of your reaction. By failing to carry to term, $he has failed your will.
							<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
					<<set TerminatePregnancy($slaves[$i])>>
					<<set $slaves[$i].counter.abortions++>>
					<<set $abortionsTotal++>>
					<<if $slaves[$i].abortionTat > -1>>
						<<set $slaves[$i].abortionTat++>>
						The temporary tattoo of a child has been replaced with $his <<= ordinalSuffix($slaves[$i].abortionTat)>> crossed out infant.
						<<run cashX(forceNeg($modCost), "slaveMod", $slaves[$i])>>
					<<set _miscarriage = 1>>
		<<if $seeExtreme == 1>>
			<<if _miscarriage != 1 && $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 100000 && $slaves[$i].geneMods.rapidCellGrowth != 1>> /* If $he can't relieve the pressure that way, will $he hold? */
				<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 500000 || $slaves[$i].wombImplant != "restraint">>
					<<if (($slaves[$i].belly > ($slaves[$i].pregAdaptation*3200)) || $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 500000)>>
						<<set _burstChance = -80>>
						<<set _burstChance += (($slaves[$i].belly/1000)-$slaves[$i].pregAdaptation)>> /* this could use to not be linear */
						<<if $slaves[$i].health.health < -20>>
							<<set _burstChance -= ($slaves[$i].health.health)>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].health.health > 80>>
							<<set _burstChance -= ($slaves[$i].health.health/10)>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].weight < 0>>
							<<set _burstChance -= $slaves[$i].weight>>
						<<set _burstChance -= $slaves[$i].bellySag>>
						<<set _burstChance -= $slaves[$i].muscles>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory == "a support band">>
							<<set _burstChance -= 10>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "slow down">>
							<<set _burstChance -= 20>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "get treatment in the clinic">>
							<<if _S.Nurse>>
								<<set _burstChance -= 100>>
								<<set _burstChance -= 30>>
						<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting == 3>>
							<<set _burstChance -= 250>>
						<<if $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
							<<if _burstChance > 0>>
								<<set _burstChance *= 4>>
						<<set _burstChance = Math.round(_burstChance)>>
						<<if _burstChance > random(0,100)>>
							<<set $slaves[$i].burst = 1>>
							Constant @@.red;<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>painful orgasms<<else>>sharp pains<</if>>@@ from $his womb strongly suggest @@.red;$his body is beginning to break.@@

<<run endWeekHealthDamage($slaves[$i])>>

<<if $slaves[$i].burst == 1>>
	<<set $burstee = 1>>
	<<if $slaves[$i].health.health <= -90 && $slaves[$i].assignment != "get treatment in the clinic">>
		<<set _deathSeed = ($slaves[$i].health.health-$slaves[$i].physicalAge-($slaves[$i].chem*2)-($slaves[$i].addict*2))>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].weight < -50 || $slaves[$i].weight > 95>>
			<<set _deathSeed -= 100>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].weight > 190>>
			<<set _deathSeed -= 100>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0>>
			<<set _deathSeed -= (75*$slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac">>
			<<set _deathSeed -= (100*$slaves[$i].inflation)>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].curatives == 1>>
			<<set _deathSeed += 200>>
		<<if random(1,1000) > (400+_deathSeed)>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].death = "health">>
			<<set $slaveDeath = 1>>
		<<if ($slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac") && random(1,1000) > (200+_deathSeed)>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].death = "OD">>
			<<set $slaveDeath = 1>>
	<<if $seeAge == 1>>
		<<set _deathSeed = (($slaves[$i].health.health*2)-($slaves[$i].physicalAge*2)-($slaves[$i].chem*4)-($slaves[$i].addict*3))>>
		<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge >= Math.max((70+($slaves[$i].health.health/5)-($slaves[$i].addict)-($slaves[$i].chem/20)),50) && random(1,1000) > 800+_deathSeed>>
			<<set $slaves[$i].death = "old">>
			<<set $slaveDeath = 1>>

<<if (($slaves[$i].hStyle != "shaved" || $slaves[$i].hStyle != "buzzcut" || $slaves[$i].hStyle != "trimmed") && $slaves[$i].bald != 1 && $slaves[$i].haircuts == 0)>>
	<<if ($slaves[$i].hLength < 150)>>
		<<set $slaves[$i].hLength += 1>>

<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs === -1 && $slaves[$i].energy - _oldEnergy > _maxEnergyGain>>Anaphrodisiacs @@.red;limit $his sex drive.@@<<set $slaves[$i].energy = _oldEnergy + _maxEnergyGain>><</if>>