window.saBeYourHeadGirl = (function saBeYourHeadGirl() { "use strict"; let r; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars let he, him, his, hers, himself, girl, loli, He, His, wife, wives; let fetishChange; let arcology; return saBeYourHeadGirl; /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * @returns {string} */ function saBeYourHeadGirl(slave) { r = []; fetishChange = fetishChangeChance(slave); arcology = V.arcologies[0]; ({ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars he, him, his, hers, himself, girl, He, His, loli, wife, wives } = getPronouns(slave)); updateHGState(slave); jobPreface(slave); theHGLife(slave); if (V.personalAttention === "HG") { playerHelpsHG(slave); } if (V.HGFormality === 0) { HGFormility(slave); } jobEffects(slave); if (slave.prestige === 0) { prestigeGain(slave); } cleanupVars(slave); return r.join(" "); } /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * */ function updateHGState(slave) { V.HGTimeInGrade += 1; if (V.HGSuite === 1) { = "luxurious"; } tired(slave); } /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * */ function jobPreface(slave) { if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalistLaw === 0) { r.push(`helps manage your other slaves. ${He} helps them when they try and fail, and punishes them when they fail to try.`); } else { r.push(`serves as your Consort. Though ${he} is still your slave, ${his} status is scarcely below that of a citizen. ${He} <span class="green">contributes to your reputation</span> just like a Concubine, and ${he} is <span class="hotpink">conscious</span> of the <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust</span> you place in ${him}.`); slave.devotion += 1; += 1; saPleaseYou(slave); if (slave.relationship > 4) { if (slave.relationshipTarget === V.Concubine.ID) { if (areRelated(V.Concubine, slave)) { const concubinePronouns = getPronouns(V.Concubine); if (V.Concubine.mother === slave.ID || V.Concubine.father === slave.ID) { r.push(`Your Concubine is your Consort's ${concubinePronouns.daughter}-${concubinePronouns.wife}. Truly, ${} looks up to you <span class="green">as children to a father.</span>`); repX(1000, "headGirl", slave); } else if (slave.mother === V.Concubine.ID) { r.push(`Your Concubine is your Consort's mother-${concubinePronouns.wife}. Truly, ${} looks up to you <span class="green">as children to a father.</span>`); repX(1000, "headGirl", slave); } else if (slave.father === V.Concubine.ID) { r.push(`Your Concubine is your Consort's father-${concubinePronouns.wife}. Truly, ${} looks up to you <span class="green">as children to a father.</span>`); repX(1000, "headGirl", slave); } else { switch (areSisters(slave, V.Concubine)) { case 1: r.push(`Your Concubine is your Consort's twin-${concubinePronouns.wife}. Truly, ${} looks up to you <span class="green">as children to a father.</span>`); repX(1000, "headGirl", slave); break; case 2: r.push(`Your Concubine is your Consort's ${concubinePronouns.sister}-${concubinePronouns.wife}. Truly, ${} looks up to you <span class="green">as children to a father.</span>`); repX(1000, "headGirl", slave); break; case 3: r.push(`Your Concubine is your Consort's half-${concubinePronouns.sister}-${concubinePronouns.wife}. Truly, ${} looks up to you <span class="green">as children to a father.</span>`); repX(1000, "headGirl", slave); break; default: r.push(`<span style="bold">Shit went wrong! Post this in a bug report!</span> This is <span class="red">NOT as it should be.</span>`); repX(500, "headGirl", slave); } } } } else { if (totalRelatives(slave) > 0) { let relation = getSlave(slave.relationshipTarget); const relationPronouns = getPronouns(relation); if (relation.mother === slave.ID || relation.father === slave.ID) { r.push(`Your Consort has a ${relationPronouns.daughter}-${relationPronouns.wife}. This is <span class="green">as it should be.</span>`); repX(500, "headGirl", slave); } else if (slave.mother === relation.ID) { r.push(`Your Consort has a mother-${relationPronouns.wife}. This is <span class="green">as it should be.</span>`); repX(500, "headGirl", slave); } else if (slave.father === relation.ID) { r.push(`Your Consort has a father-${relationPronouns.wife}. This is <span class="green">as it should be.</span>`); repX(500, "headGirl", slave); } else { switch (areSisters(slave, relation)) { case 1: r.push(`Your Consort has a twin-${relationPronouns.wife}. This is <span class="green">as it should be.</span>`); repX(500, "headGirl", slave); break; case 2: r.push(`Your Consort has a ${relationPronouns.sister}-${relationPronouns.wife}. This is <span class="green">as it should be.</span>`); repX(500, "headGirl", slave); break; case 3: r.push(`Your Consort has a half-${relationPronouns.sister}-${relationPronouns.wife}. This is <span class="green">as it should be.</span>`); repX(500, "headGirl", slave); break; } } } } } } if (V.HGEnergy === 0) { r.push(`${He} was <span class="red">too exhausted</span> to make any real progress with your slaves this week, however.`); } } /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * */ function theHGLife(slave) { if (V.HGTimeInGrade > 12) { if (V.HGSuite === 1) { r.push(`Being continually trusted with this position <span class="hotpink">increases ${his} devotion to you,</span> and encourages ${him} to <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust you in turn;</span> ${he}'s also <span class="hotpink">grateful</span> for ${his} nice suite, which makes ${him} one of the best provided for slaves in the Free Cities.`); slave.devotion += 4; += 4; } else if ( === "luxurious") { r.push(`Being continually trusted with this position <span class="hotpink">increases ${his} devotion to you</span> and encourages ${him} to <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust you in turn.</span>`); slave.devotion += 4; += 4; } else { r.push(`Being continually trusted with this position <span class="hotpink">slightly increases ${his} devotion to you,</span> though ${he} harbors some doubts because ${he} isn't allowed a room of ${his} own to set ${him} apart from the other slaves.`); slave.devotion += 1; } } else { if (V.HGSuite === 1) { r.push(`${He}'s <span class="mediumaquamarine">grateful</span> for ${his} nice suite, which makes ${him} one of the best provided for slaves in the Free Cities.`); += 4; } else if ( !== "luxurious" && slave.devotion <= 50) { r.push(`Given ${his} lofty position, ${he} <span class="mediumorchid">harbors some doubts</span> in ${his} value to you since ${he} isn't allowed a room of ${his} own to set ${him} apart from the other slaves.`); slave.devotion -= 2; } } if ( !== "luxurious") { r.push(`${His} duties are <span class="red">physically and mentally taxing,</span> especially with nothing more than a`); if ( === "normal") { r.push(`bed`); } else { r.push(`cot`); } r.push(`waiting for ${him} in the slave dormitory.`); } } /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * */ function playerHelpsHG(slave) { r.push(`You're cooperating with ${him} this week, working with ${} to free up some of ${his} time so ${he} can target more slaves in need of individual attention.`); if ( > 95) { r.push(`${He} is so trusting of you that ${he} can act as your own right hand, allowing ${him} to oversee your slaves with remarkable efficiency.`); } else { r.push(`This arrangement <span class="mediumaquamarine">builds trust</span> between you.`); += 2; } if ( > 30) { r.push(`It also takes a load off ${his} tired shoulders.`); } } /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * */ function HGFormility(slave) { if ( > 95) { r.push(`Every so often, when you're alone, ${he} calls you ${properTitle()}. ${He} treats your permission to do this as a sacred thing, and <span class="hotpink">loves you for it.</span>`); slave.devotion += 1; } else { r.push(`Your permission to be informal in private <span class="mediumorchid">confuses ${him}</span> a little, since ${he} isn't perfectly confident enough to be comfortable with the idea.`); slave.devotion -= 1; } } /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * */ function jobEffects(slave) { if (slave.fetishKnown === 1) { if (slave.fetish === "dom") { if (slave.fetishKnown === 1 && slave.fetishStrength <= 95) { r.push(`Having all the slaves look up to and obey ${him} advances ${his} <span class="lightcoral">dominant tendencies.</span>`); slave.fetishStrength += 4; } } else if (fetishChange > jsRandom(0, 100)) { r.push(`Having all the slaves look up to and obey ${him} affects ${his} sexuality, turning ${him} into a <span class="lightcoral">bit of a dominatrix.</span>`); slave.fetish = "dom"; slave.fetishStrength = 20; slave.fetishKnown = 1; } else if (slave.fetishStrength <= jsRandom(20, 60)) { r.push(`The sheer variety of sexual situations ${he} sees and participates in <span class="pink">broaden ${his} sexual interests</span> and incline ${him} to take a dominant sexual role.`); slave.fetishStrength -= 4; } } else { if (slave.fetish === "dom") { r.push(`Having all the slaves look up to and obey ${him} clearly excites ${him}; <span class="lightcoral">${he}'s a natural dom!</span>`); } else if (fetishChange > jsRandom(0, 100)) { r.push(`Having all the slaves look up to and obey ${him} affects ${his} sexuality, turning ${him} into a <span class="lightcoral">bit of a dominatrix.</span>`); slave.fetish = "dom"; slave.fetishStrength = 20; slave.fetishKnown = 1; } } if (slave.rules.lactation === "induce") { r.push(`${He} works mammary stimulation into ${his} slave training regimen in an effort to bring in ${his} milk for you.`); slave.induceLactation += 3; r.push(`${induceLactation(slave)}`); if (slave.lactation === 1) { slave.rules.lactation = "maintain"; } } else if (slave.rules.lactation === "maintain") { r.push(`Proper nursing and milking technique is a strong aspect of ${his} slave training regimen, both to keep ${his} milk flowing and to prevent the mounting pressure from distracting from ${his} work.`); slave.lactationDuration = 2; slave.boobs -= slave.boobsMilk; slave.boobsMilk = 0; } if (slave.dick > 0 && V.universalRulesImpregnation === "HG" && canPenetrate(slave)) { r.push(`${He} finds ${his} duty to impregnate slaves at will sexually satisfying.`); slave.need = 0; } else if (V.slaves.length > 5) { r.push(`Seldom a day goes by without ${him} finding an outlet among your slaves for ${his} sexual desires.`); slave.need = 0; } } /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * */ function prestigeGain(slave) { if (V.HGTimeInGrade + ((slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant) / 10) + (slave.devotion / 10) + ( / 10) > 50) { r.push(`${slave.slaveName} has rendered such long and competent service as your Head Girl that many of your citizens have come to rely on ${his} word as an extension of yours, trusting that if ${he} does something, it's because you trust ${him} to. <span class="green">${He} has become prestigious on ${his} own merits, a remarkable achievement for a slave!</span>`); slave.prestige += 1; slave.prestigeDesc = `Many citizens respect ${his} long and able service as your Head Girl.`; } } /** * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave * */ function cleanupVars(slave) { if (!setup.HGCareers.includes( && slave.skill.headGirl < V.masteredXP) { slave.skill.headGirl += jsRandom(1, Math.ceil((slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant) / 15) + 8); } = Math.clamp(, 0, 1000); } })();