Player variables documentation - Pregmod Shares the vast majority of slave variables. Only ones in use are listed here. For more, see /player/js/playerState.js. **anything labeled accepts string will return any string entered into it** slaveName: your first name accepts string slaveSurname: your last name accepts string 0 - no surname title: (common in events) your title's gender 0 - female 1 - male ID: The player's ID is always -1. genes: Player's gender "XY" "XX" degeneracy: How strong/are there rumors about you doing unsavory things with your slaves 0 - 10 - occasional whispers 11 - 25 - minor rumors 26 - 50 - rumors 51 - 75 - bad rumors 70 - 100 - severe rumors 101+ - life ruining rumors refreshment: your favorite refreshment accepts string refreshmentType: (uncommon in events) The method of consumption of .refreshment 0 - smoked 1 - drank 2 - eaten 3 - snorted 4 - injected 5 - popped 6 - orally dissolved career: Your career before becoming owner "rich kid" "trust fund" "wealth" "entrepreneur" "capitalist" "child soldier" "recruit" "mercenary" "slave tender" "slave overseer" "slaver" "worksite helper" "construction" "engineer" "nurse" "medical assistant" "medicine" "child star" "rising star" "celebrity" "child prostitute" "prostitute" "escort" "child servant" "chambermaid" "servant" "street urchin" "hoodlum" "gang" "script kiddy" "hacker" "BlackHat" "arcology owner" rumor: "wealth" "diligence" "force" "social engineering" "luck" actualAge: (uncommon in events) your actualAge 14+ physicalAge: your body's age 14+ visualAge: (uncommon in events) how old you look 14+ ovaryAge: How old your ovaries are Used to delay menopause temporarily birthWeek: your week of birth in a year accepts int between 0-51 ageImplant: have you had age altering surgery, not yet in use 0 - no 1 - yes boobs: (common in events) 0 - 299 - masculine chest (if title = 1) or flat chested (if title = 0) 300-399 - A-cup; 400-499 - B-cup 500-649 - C-cup 650-799 - D-cup 800-999 - DD-cup 1000-1199 - F-cup 1200-1399 - G-cup 1400-1599 - H-cup boobsImplant: Size, if any, of breast implants 0 - none 1+ - yes boobsImplantType: Implant type "none" "normal" "string" "fillable" "advanced fillable" "hyper fillable" lactation: is player lactating 0 - no 1 - yes lactationDuration: how many more weeks the player will lactate for 0+ butt: how big your butt is 2 - normal 3 - big 4 - huge 5 - enormous buttImplant: do you have butt implants 0 - no 1+ - size buttImplantType: Implant type "none" "normal" "string" "fillable" "advanced fillable" "hyper fillable" vagina: (common in events) Player has a pussy -1 - no 0 - virgin 1 - tight 2 - reasonably tight 3 - loose 4 - cavernous newVag: have you had a loose vagina restored 0 - no 1 - yes dick: (common in events) Player has a cock 0 - no 4 - big balls: how big your balls are (sizes above 0 requires dick == 1) 0 - none 3 - normal 5 - massive 9 - monstrous 14 - hypertrophied 30 - melons ballsImplant: how big your balls implants are (requires dick == 1) 0 - none 1+ size added preg: (uncommon in events) How far along your pregnancy is (pregMood kicks in at 24+ weeks) -2 menopausal -1 contraceptives 0 not pregnant 1 - 42 pregnant 43+ giving birth pregType: How many fetuses you are carrying 1 - 8 pregWeek: How far along your pregnancy is. (used for postpartum) pregKnown: Do you know you are pregnant (currently unused due to lack of menstrual cycle) 0 - no 1 - yes fertKnown: Menstrual cycle known variable. To be used for fert cycle discover and things like pregnancy without a first period 0 - no 1 - yes fertPeak: Menstrual cycle control variable. 0 - Danger week 1+ - safe week belly: (uncommon in events) how big your belly is in CCs thresholds 100 - bloated 1500 - early pregnancy 5000 - obviously pregnant 10000 - very pregnant 15000 - full term 30000 - full term twins 45000 - full term triplets 60000 - full term quads 75000 - full term quints 90000 - full term sextuplets 105000 - full term septuplets 120000 - full term octuplets pregSource: who knocked you up 0 - unknown -1 - self-impreg -2 - citizen of your arcology -3 - former master -4 - male arc owner -5 - client -6 - Societal Elite -7 - designer baby -8 - an animal -9 - futanari sister pregMood: (uncommon in events)($PC.preg >= 28) how you act when heavily pregnant 0 - no change 1 - submissive and motherly 2 - aggressive and dominant labor: are you giving birth this week 0 - no 1 - yes skill: trading: your trading skill accepts int between -100 and 100 warfare: your warfare skill accepts int between -100 and 100 hacking: your hacking skill accepts int between -100 and 100 slaving: your slaving skill accepts int between -100 and 100 engineering: your engineering skill accepts int between -100 and 100 medicine: your medicine skill accepts int between -100 and 100 cumTap: how acclimated you are to taking huge loads race: your race accepts string origRace: your original race accepts string skin: your skin color accepts string origSkin: your original skin tone accepts string markings: do you have markings? "none" "freckles" "heavily freckled" eye: right:/left: iris: your eye color accepts string pupil: your pupil shape accepts string sclerae: your sclerae color accepts string origColor: your genetic eye color accepts string hColor: your hair color accepts string origHColor: your original hair color accepts string nationality: your nationality accepts string father: your father Accepts ID Values between 0 and -20 are reserved. 0 - unknown mother: your mother Accepts ID Values between 0 and -20 are reserved. 0 - unknown sisters: how many sisters you have daughters: how many daughters you have counter: birthsTotal: how many children you've had accepts int abortions: number of abortions you've had accepts int miscarriages: number of miscarriage you've had accepts int birthElite: how many children you've carried for the SE birthMaster: how many children you've carried for your former master (servant start only) birthDegenerate: how many slave babies you've had birthClient: how many whoring babies you've had birthOther: untracked births birthArcOwner: how many children you've carried for other arc owners birthCitizen: how many children you've had by sex with citizens (not whoring) birthSelf: how many times you've giving birth to your own selfcest babies birthLab: how many designer babies you've produced birthFuta: how many babies you've had with the Futanari Sisters storedCum: How many units of your cum are stored away for artificially inseminating slaves laborCount: Have you experienced labor. slavesFathered: how many slave babies you are the father of slavesKnockedUp: how many slaves you've gotten pregnant intelligence: 100 face: 100 reservedChildren: how many of your children will be added to the incubator reservedChildrenNursery: how many of your children will be added to the nursery fertDrugs: are you on fertility supplements 0 - no 1 - yes forcedFertDrugs: have you been drugged with fertility drugs 0 - no 1+ - how many weeks they will remain in your system sexualEnergy: how much fucking you can do in a week accepts int staminaPills: Are you taking pills to fuck more slaves each week? 0 - no 1 - yes pubicHStyle: Used for compatibility. "hairless" underArmHStyle: Used for compatibility. "hairless" rules: living: Your starting expenses. Increases each NG+ until max. Keep in mind that this is in terms of an arcology owner. "spare" "normal" "luxurious" lactation: How you are handling your lactation? "none" "induce" "maintain" "sell"