 * Contains a list of properties the child object has
 * Will need to be pared down
App.Facilities.Nursery.ChildState = class ChildState {
	constructor() {
		/** Child's current name */
		this.slaveName = "blank";
		/** Child's current surname
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.slaveSurname = 0;
		/** Child's original name */
		this.birthName = "blank";
		/** Child's original surname
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.birthSurname = 0;
		/** Slave sex ("XX", "XY") */
		this.genes = "XX";
		/** @type {number} */
		this.pronoun = App.Data.Pronouns.Kind.female;
		/** Game week slave was acquired.
		 * _0: Obtained prior to game start / at game start_ */
		this.weekAcquired = 0;
		/** Child's origin
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.origin = "$He was born and raised in your arcology.";
		/** Career prior to enslavement
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.career = 0;
		/** Child's ID */
		this.ID = 0;
		 * TODO:
		 * Child's relationship
		 * * -3: married to you
		 * * -2: emotionally bound to you
		 * * -1: emotional slut
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: friends with relationshipTarget
		 * * 2: best friends with relationshipTarget
		 * * 3: friends with benefits with relationshipTarget
		 * * 4: lover with relationshipTarget
		 * * 5: relationshipTarget 's slave wife
		this.relationship = 0;
		/** Target of relationship (ID) */
		this.relationshipTarget = 0;
		 * Child's rivalry
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: dislikes rivalryTarget
		 * * 2: rival of rivalryTarget
		 * * 3: bitterly hates rivalryTarget
		this.rivalry = 0;
		/** Target of rival (ID) */
		this.rivalryTarget = 0;
		/** Slave will serve subTarget (ID) */
		this.subTarget = 0;
		this.father = 0;
		this.mother = 0;
		this.daughters = 0;
		this.sisters = 0;
		this.canRecruit = 0;
		 * can slave choose own assignment
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.choosesOwnAssignment = 0;
		/** Child's assignment
		 * TODO:
		this.assignment = Job.REST;
		/** How far along slave is with being trained (skills, flaws, quirks)
		 * TODO:
		this.training = 0;
		/** Week she was born (int between 0-51) */
		this.birthWeek = jsRandom(0, 51);
		/** How old she really is. */
		this.actualAge = 18;
		/** How old her body looks. */
		this.visualAge = 18;
		/** How old her body is. */
		this.physicalAge = 18;
		/** How old her ovaries are. (used to trick menopause) */
		this.ovaryAge = 18;
		/** Has had facial surgery to reduce age. 0: no, 1: yes */
		this.ageImplant = 0;
		this.health = {
			 * Child's health
			 * * -90 - : On the edge of death
			 * * -90 - -51: Extremely unhealthy
			 * * -50 - -21: Unhealthy
			 * * -20 -  20: Healthy
			 * * 21  -  50: Very healthy
			 * * 50  -  90: Extremely healthy
			 * * 90  -  : Unnaturally healthy
			condition: 0,
			/** Child's short term health damage */
			shortDamage: 0,
			/** Child's long term health damage */
			longDamage: 0,
			 * Child's current illness status
			 * * 0 : Not ill
			 * * 1 : A little under the weather
			 * * 2 : Minor illness
			 * * 3 : Ill
			 * * 4 : serious illness
			 * * 5 : dangerous illness
			illness: 0,
			 * Child's current level of exhaustion
			 * * 0  - 50 : Perfectly fine
			 * * 50 - 80 : tired
			 * * 80 - 100 : exhausted
			tired: 0,
			/** Child's combined health (condition - short - long) */
			health: 0
		 * slave has a minor injury ("black eye", "bruise", "split lip")
		 * @type {number | string}
		this.minorInjury = 0;
		 * slave 's trust.
		 * * -96-: abjectly terrified
		 * * -95 - -51: terrified
		 * * -50 - -21: frightened
		 * * -20 - 20: fearful
		 * * 21 - 50: careful
		 * * 51 - 95: trusting
		 * * 96+: profoundly trusting
		this.trust = 0;
		/** Used to calculate trust loss/gain */
		this.oldTrust = 0;
		 * slave 's devotion
		 * * -96 - : hate-filled
		 * * -95 - -51: hateful
		 * * -50 - -21: reluctant
		 * * -20 - 20: careful
		 * * 21 - 50: accepting
		 * * 51 - 95: devoted
		 * * 96+: worshipful */
		this.devotion = 0;
		/** Used to calculate devotion loss/gain */
		this.oldDevotion = 0;
		 * slave 's weight
		 * * 191+: dangerously obese
		 * * 190 - 161: super obese
		 * * 160 - 131: obese
		 * * 130 - 96: fat
		 * * 95 - 31: overweight
		 * * 30 - 11: curvy
		 * * 10 - -10: neither too fat nor too skinny
		 * * -11 - -30: thin
		 * * -31 - -95: very thin
		 * * -96 - : emaciated
		this.weight = 0;
		 * slave 's muscles
		 * * 96+ : extremely muscular
		 * * 31 - 95: muscular
		 * * 6 - 30: toned
		 * * -5 - 5: none
		 * * -30 - -6: weak
		 * * -95 - -31: very weak
		 * * -96- : frail
		this.muscles = 0;
		 * Child's height in cm
		 * * < 150: petite
		 * * 150 - 159: short
		 * * 160 - 169: average
		 * * 170 - 185: tall
		 * * 186+ : very tall
		this.height = 170;
		/** Slave has height implant
		 * -1: -10 cm, 0: none, 1: +10 cm */
		this.heightImplant = 0;
		/** Child's nationality */
		this.nationality = "slave";
		/** Child's race */
		this.race = "white";
		/** Child's original race */
		this.origRace = "white";
		 * slave markings
		 * * "beauty mark"
		 * * "birthmark"
		 * * "freckles"
		 * * "heavily freckled"
		this.markings = "none";
		 * Eyes of the slave.
		 * @type {App.Entity.EyeState}
		this.eye = new App.Entity.EyeState();
		/** "none", "glasses", "blurring glasses", "corrective glasses", "blurring contacts", "corrective contacts" */
		this.eyewear = "none";
		/** Slave hearing
		 * -2: deaf; -1: hard of hearing; 0: normal */
		this.hears = 0;
		/** "none", "hearing aids", "muffling ear plugs", "deafening ear plugs" */
		this.earwear = "none";
		/** Is there an inner ear implant device
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.earImplant = 0;
		/** The shape of their outer ears
		 * "none", "damaged", "normal", "pointy", "elven", "ushi" */
		this.earShape = "normal";
		/** Type of kemonomimi ears if any
		 * "neko", "inu", "kit", "tanuki", "usagi" */
		this.earT = "none";
		/** Kemonomimi ear color
		 * "hairless" */
		this.earTColor = "hairless";
		/** Sense of smell
		0 - yes, -1 - no */
		this.smells = 0;
		/** Sense of taste
		0 - yes, -1 - no */
		this.tastes = 0;
		/** Horn type if any
		 * "none", "curved succubus horns", "backswept horns", "cow horns", "one long oni horn", "two long oni horns", "small horns" */
		this.horn = "none";
		/** Horn color */
		this.hornColor = "none";
		/** Type of tail installed
		 * "none", "mod", "combat", "sex"*/
		this.tail = "none";
		 * Does she have a tail interface installed
		 * * 0: no
		 * * 1: yes
		this.PTail = 0;
		/** The current shape of their modular tail
		 * "none", "neko", "inu", "kit", "kitsune", "tanuki", "ushi", "usagi", "risu", "uma" */
		this.tailShape = "none";
		/** Tail color */
		this.tailColor = "none";
		/** Child's original hair color, defaults to their initial hair color. */
		this.origHColor = "brown";
		/** Hair color */
		this.hColor = "brown";
		/** Pubic hair color */
		this.pubicHColor = "brown";
		/** Armpit hair style */
		this.underArmHColor = "brown";
		/** eyebrowHColor*/
		this.eyebrowHColor = "brown";
		/** Child's original skin color. */
		this.origSkin = "light";
		/** Skin color */
		this.skin = "light";
		 * hair length
		 * * 150: calf-length
		 * * 149-100: ass-length
		 * * 99-30: long
		 * * 29-10: shoulder-length
		 * * 9-0: short
		this.hLength = 60;
		 * eyebrow thickness
		 * * "pencil-thin"
		 * * "thin"
		 * * "threaded"
		 * * "natural"
		 * * "tapered"
		 * * "thick"
		 * * "bushy"
		this.eyebrowFullness = "natural";
		/** Hair style */
		this.hStyle = "short";
		/** Pubic hair style */
		this.pubicHStyle = "neat";
		/** Armpit hair style */
		this.underArmHStyle = "neat";
		/** EyebrowHStyle */
		this.eyebrowHStyle = "natural";
		 * slave waist
		 * * 96+: masculine
		 * * 95 - 41: ugly
		 * * 40 - 11: unattractive
		 * * 10 - -10: average
		 * * -11 - -40: feminine
		 * * -40 - -95: hourglass
		 * * -96-: absurd
		this.waist = 0;
		/** Series of rings up the back that can be tied together. 0: no, 1: yes */
		this.corsetPiercing = 0;
		 * What level of prosthetic interface she has installed
		 * * 0: no interface
		 * * 1: basic interface
		 * * 2: advanced interface
		this.PLimb = 0;
		 * legs of the slave
		 * * type:0: no leg
		 * * type:1: has leg
		 * * 2: simple prosthetic
		 * * 3: artificial leg - Sex
		 * * 4: artificial leg - Beauty
		 * * 5: artificial leg - Combat
		 * * 6: swiss army leg
		this.leg = {
			left: new App.Entity.LimbState(),
			right: new App.Entity.LimbState()
		 * arms of the slave
		 * * type:0: no arm
		 * * type:1: has arm
		 * * 2: simple prosthetic
		 * * 3: artificial arm - Sex
		 * * 4: artificial arm - Beauty
		 * * 5: artificial arm - Combat
		 * * 6: swiss army arm
		this.arm = {
			left: new App.Entity.LimbState(),
			right: new App.Entity.LimbState()
		/** Are heels clipped
		 * 0: no, 1: yes */
		this.heels = 0;
		/** Slave voice
		 * 0: mute, 1: deep, 2: feminine, 3: high, girly */
		this.voice = 2;
		/** Has voice implant
		 * 0: no; 1: yes, high; -1: yes, low */
		this.voiceImplant = 0;
		/** Has cybernetic voicebox
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.electrolarynx = 0;
		 * slave accent
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: attractive
		 * * 2: heavy
		 * * 3: does not speak language
		this.accent = 0;
		 * shoulder width
		 * * -2: very narrow
		 * * -1: narrow
		 * * 0: feminine
		 * * 1: broad
		 * * 2: very broad
		this.shoulders = 0;
		 * has shoulder implant
		 * * -1: shoulders -1
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: shoulders +1
		this.shouldersImplant = 0;
		 *  slave boob size (in cc)
		 * * 0-299	- flat;
		 * * 300-399   - A-cup;
		 * * 400-499   - B-cup
		 * * 500-649   - C-cup
		 * * 650-799   - D-cup
		 * * 800-999   - DD-cup
		 * * 1000-1199 - F-cup
		 * * 1200-1399 - G-cup
		 * * 1400-1599 - H-cup
		 * * 1600-1799 - I-cup
		 * * 1800-2049 - J-cup
		 * * 2050-2299 - K-cup
		 * * 2300-2599 - L-cup
		 * * 2600-2899 - M-cup
		 * * 2900-3249 - N-cup
		 * * 3250-3599 - O-cup
		 * * 3600-3949 - P-cup
		 * * 3950-4299 - Q-cup
		 * * 4300-4699 - R-cup
		 * * 4700-5099 - S-cup
		 * * 5100-5499 - T-cup
		 * * 5500-6499 - U-cup
		 * * 6500-6999 - V-cup
		 * * 7000-7499 - X-cup
		 * * 7500-7999 - Y-cup
		 * * 8000-8499 - Z-cup
		 * * 8500-14999 - obscenely massive
		 * * 15000-24999 - arm filling
		 * * 25000-39999 - figure dominating
		 * * 40000-54999 - beanbag sized
		 * * 55000-69999 - door jamming
		 * * 70000-89999 - hall clearing
		 * * 90000-100000 - hall jamming
		this.boobs = 0;
		/** Breast engorgement from unmilked tits */
		this.boobsMilk = 0;
		 *  slave implant size
		 * * 0: no implants;
		 * * 1-199: small implants;
		 * * 200-399: normal implants;
		 * * 400-599: large implants;
		 * * 600+: boobsImplant size fillable implants
		this.boobsImplant = 0;
		 * Implant type
		 * * "none"
		 * * "normal"
		 * * "string"
		 * * "fillable"
		 * * "advanced fillable"
		 * * "hyper fillable"
		this.boobsImplantType = "none";
		 * breast shape
		 * * "normal"
		 * * "perky"
		 * * "saggy"
		 * * "torpedo-shaped"
		 * * "downward-facing"
		 * * "wide-set"
		this.boobShape = "normal";
		 * nipple shape
		 * * "huge"
		 * * "puffy"
		 * * "inverted"
		 * * "tiny"
		 * * "cute"
		 * * "partially inverted"
		 * * "fuckable"
		this.nipples = "cute";
		 * nipple are pierced
		 * @default 0
		 * 0: none; 1: yes; 2: heavily */
		this.nipplesPiercing = 0;
		/** What accessory, if any, or on her nipples */
		this.nipplesAccessory = "none";
		/** Slave areolae
		 * 0: normal; 1: large; 2: unusually wide; 3: huge, 4: massive */
		this.areolae = 0;
		/** Edge of areolae are pierced
		 * @default 0
		 * 0: none; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.areolaePiercing = 0;
		/** Slave areolae shape ("heart"; "star"; "circle") */
		this.areolaeShape = "circle";
		 * boobs tattoo
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string | number}
		this.boobsTat = 0;
		/** Slave lactation
		 * 0: none; 1: natural; 2: implant */
		this.lactation = 0;
		/** How many more weeks until lactation dries up
		 * usually 2 as interactions and lactation implant reset it to 2 */
		this.lactationDuration = 0;
		 * odds of inducing lactation
		 * begins trying on breast play if over 10 */
		this.induceLactation = 0;
		/** 0: 10: not used to producing milk(no bonuses);
		 * 11: 50: used to producing milk;
		 * 51: 100: heavily adapted to producing milk(big bonus) */
		this.lactationAdaptation = 0;
		 *  hip size
		 * * -2: very narrow
		 * * -1: narrow
		 * * 0: normal
		 * * 1: wide hips
		 * * 2: very wide hips
		 * * 3: inhumanly wide hips
		this.hips = 0;
		/** Slave has hip implant
		 * -1: hips -1; 0: none; 1: hips +1 */
		this.hipsImplant = 0;
		 *  butt size
		 * * 0	: flat
		 * * 1	: small
		 * * 2   : plump *
		 * * 3	: big bubble butt
		 * * 4	: huge
		 * * 5	: enormous
		 * * 6	: gigantic
		 * * 7	: ridiculous
		 * * 8 - 10: immense
		 * * 11 - 20: inhuman
		 * _* Descriptions vary for just how big 2 is, as such, it may be better to just go with 3_
		this.butt = 0;
		 * butt implant type and size
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: butt implant
		 * * 2: big butt implant
		 * * 3: fillable butt implants
		 * * 5 - 8: advanced fillable implants
		 * * 9+: hyper fillable implants
		this.buttImplant = 0;
		 * Implant type
		 * * "none"
		 * * "normal"
		 * * "string"
		 * * "fillable"
		 * * "advanced fillable"
		 * * "hyper fillable"
		this.buttImplantType = "none";
		 * butt tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.buttTat = 0;
		 * face attractiveness
		 * * -96 - : very ugly
		 * * -95 - -41: ugly
		 * * -40 - -11: unattractive
		 * * -10 - 10: attractive
		 * * 11 - 40: very pretty
		 * * 41 - 95: gorgeous
		 * * 96+: mind blowing
		this.face = 0;
		 * facial surgery degree
		 * * 0 - 14: none
		 * * 15 - 34: Subtle Improvements
		 * * 35 - 64: Noticeable Work
		 * * 65 - 99: Heavily Reworked
		 * * 100: Uncanny Valley
		this.faceImplant = 0;
		 * accepts string (will be treated as "normal")
		 * * "normal"
		 * * "masculine"
		 * * "androgynous"
		 * * "cute"
		 * * "sensual"
		 * * "exotic"
		 * * "feline" (catmod exclusive content)
		this.faceShape = "normal";
		 * lip size (0 - 100)
		 * * 0 - 10: thin
		 * * 11 - 20: normal
		 * * 21 - 40: pretty
		 * * 41 - 70: plush
		 * * 71 - 95: huge(lisps)
		 * * 96 - 100: facepussy(mute)
		this.lips = 15;
		 * how large her lip implants are
		 * @see lips
		this.lipsImplant = 0;
		 * lips pierced
		 * 0: no; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.lipsPiercing = 0;
		 * lip tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "permanent makeup"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.lipsTat = 0;
		 * teeth type
		 * * "normal"
		 * * "crooked"
		 * * "straightening braces"
		 * * "cosmetic braces"
		 * * "removable"
		 * * "pointy"
		 * * "baby"
		 * * "mixed"
		this.teeth = "normal";
		 * has tongue piercing
		 * 0: no; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.tonguePiercing = 0;
		 * vagina type
		 * * -1: no vagina
		 * * 0: virgin
		 * * 1: tight
		 * * 2: reasonably tight
		 * * 3: loose
		 * * 4: cavernous
		 * * 10: ruined
		this.vagina = 0;
		/** How wet she is
		 * 0: dry; 1: wet; 2: soaking wet */
		this.vaginaLube = 0;
		/** Has vagina piercing
		 * 0: no; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.vaginaPiercing = 0;
		 * vagina tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.vaginaTat = 0;
		 * pregnancy time or state.See Pregnancy Control section for more.
		 * * -3: sterilized
		 * * -2: sterile
		 * * -1: contraceptives
		 * * 0: fertile
		 * * 1 - 10: pregnant, not showing
		 * * 11 - 20: showing
		 * * 21 - 30: pregnant
		 * * 30 - 35: very pregnant
		this.preg = -1;
		 * accepts ID See Pregnancy Control section for more.
		 * Who sired her pregnancy
		 * * -9: a futanari sister
		 * * -8: an animal
		 * * -7: designer baby
		 * * -6: a member of the Societal Elite
		 * * -5: one of your clients
		 * * -4: another arcology owner
		 * * -3: your former Master
		 * * -2: citizen of your arcology
		 * * -1: you
		 * * 0: Unidentifiable
		this.pregSource = 0;
		 * Number of children.
		 * **Warning!** Should be not changed after initial impregnation setup.
		 * See Pregnancy Control section for more.
		this.pregType = 0;
		 * Number of ready to be impregnated ova (override normal cases),
		 * For delayed impregnations with multiples.Used onetime on next call of the SetPregType
		 * widget. After SetPregType use it to override .pregType, it set back to 0 automatically.
		this.pregAdaptation = 50;
		 * Ovary implant type.
		 * * 0: no implants
		 * * "fertility": higher chance of twins (or more)
		 * * "sympathy": doubles eggs released
		 * * "asexual": self-fertilizing
		this.ovaImplant = 0;
		 * Womb focused enhancements.
		 * * "none"
		 * * "restraint": Provides structural support for extremely oversized pregnancies
		this.wombImplant = "none";
		 * Menstrual cycle known variable. To be used for fert cycle discover and things like pregnancy without a first period
		 * * 0: no
		 * * 1: yes
		this.fertKnown = 0;
		 * Menstrual cycle control variable.
		 * * 0: Danger week
		 * * 1+: safe week
		this.fertPeak = 0;
		 * has the slave been turned into a broodmother
		 * * 0: no
		 * * 1: standard 1 birth / week
		 * * 2: black market 12 births / week
		 * * 3: black market upgrade for implant firmware, to allow change weekly number
		 * of ova in range of 1 to 12 in remote surgery block. (broodmotherFetuses change
		 * through remote surgery). (future usage)
		this.broodmother = 0;
		 * count of ova that broodmother implant force to release.
		 * Should be set with "broodmother" property together. If broodmother === 0 has no meaning.
		this.broodmotherFetuses = 0;
		 * If broodmother implant set to pause it 's work.
		 * 1: implant on pause !1: working.
		 * If broodmother birth her last baby and her implant is on pause, she will be in contraception like state.
		this.broodmotherOnHold = 0;
		 * Number of weeks left until last baby will be birthed.
		 * Mainly informative only. Updated automatically at birth process based on remaining fetuses. 0 - 37
		this.broodmotherCountDown = 0;
		 * variable used to set off the birth events
		 * 1: birth this week; 0: not time yet */
		this.labor = 0;
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "a small empathy belly"
		 * * "a medium empathy belly"
		 * * "a large empathy belly"
		 * * "a huge empathy belly"
		 * * "a corset"
		 * * "an extreme corset"
		this.bellyAccessory = "none";
		 * labia type
		 * * 0: minimal
		 * * 1: big
		 * * 2: huge
		 * * 3: huge dangling
		this.labia = 0;
		 * clit size
		 * * 0: normal
		 * * 1: large
		 * * 2: huge
		 * * 3: enormous
		 * * 4: penis-like
		 * * 5: like a massive penis
		this.clit = 0;
		 * is clit pierced
		 * * 0: no
		 * * 1: yes
		 * * 2: heavy
		 * * 3: smart
		this.clitPiercing = 0;
		 * smart piercing setting
		 * * "off"
		 * * "none"
		 * * "all"
		 * * "no default setting"
		 * * "women"
		 * * "men"
		 * * "vanilla"
		 * * "oral"
		 * * "anal"
		 * * "boobs"
		 * * "submissive"
		 * * "humiliation"
		 * * "pregnancy"
		 * * "dom"
		 * * "masochist"
		 * * "sadist"
		this.clitSetting = "vanilla";
		/** 0: circumcised; 1+:uncut, also affects foreskin size */
		this.foreskin = 0;
		 * anus size
		 * * 0: virgin
		 * * 1: tight
		 * * 2: loose
		 * * 3: very loose
		 * * 4: gaping
		this.anus = 0;
		 * dick size
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: tiny
		 * * 2: little
		 * * 3: normal
		 * * 4: big
		 * * 5: huge
		 * * 6: gigantic
		 * * 7: massive/gigantic
		 * * 8: truly imposing/titanic
		 * * 9: monstrous/absurd
		 * * 10: awe-inspiring/inhuman
		 * * 11+: hypertrophied
		this.dick = 0;
		/** Used to calculate size of area around anus. */
		this.analArea = 1;
		 * is dick pierced
		 * * 0: no
		 * * 1: yes
		 * * 2: heavy
		this.dickPiercing = 0;
		 * dick tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.dickTat = 0;
		 * does the slave have a prostate?
		 * * 0: no
		 * * 1: normal
		 * * 2: hyperstimulated +20%
		 * * 3: modified hyperstimulated +50%
		this.prostate = 0;
		 * ball size
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: vestigial
		 * * 2: small
		 * * 3: average
		 * * 4: large
		 * * 5: massive
		 * * 6: huge
		 * * 7: giant
		 * * 8: enormous
		 * * 9: monstrous
		 * * 10: inhuman
		 * * 11+: hypertrophied
		this.balls = 0;
		 * scrotum size
		 * function relative to .balls
		 * *If .balls > 0 and .scrotum === 0, balls are internal*
		this.scrotum = 0;
		/** Has ovaries
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.ovaries = 0;
		/** Has anus piercing
		 * 0: no; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.anusPiercing = 0;
		 * anus tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "bleached"
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.anusTat = 0;
		 * has makeup
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: minimal
		 * * 2: expensive, luxurious
		 * * 3: color-coordinated with hair
		 * * 4: heavy
		 * * 5: neon
		 * * 6: color-coordinated neon
		 * * 7: metallic
		 * * 8: color-coordinated metallic
		this.makeup = 0;
		 * nail type
		 * * 0: neatly clipped
		 * * 1: long and elegant
		 * * 2: color-coordinated with hair
		 * * 3: sharp and claw-like
		 * * 4: bright and glittery
		 * * 5: very long and garish
		 * * 6: neon
		 * * 7: color-coordinated neon
		 * * 8: metallic
		 * * 9: color-coordinated metallic
		this.nails = 0;
		 * brand
		 * @type {Object.<string, string>} */
		this.brand = {};
		/** Has pierced ears
		 * 0: no; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.earPiercing = 0;
		/** Has pierced nose
		 * 0: no; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.nosePiercing = 0;
		/** Has eyebrow piercing
		 * 0: no; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.eyebrowPiercing = 0;
		/** Has navel piercing
		 * 0: no; 1: yes; 2: heavy */
		this.navelPiercing = 0;
		 * shoulder tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.shouldersTat = 0;
		 * arm tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.armsTat = 0;
		 * leg tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 *  @type {string|number} */
		this.legsTat = 0;
		 * back tattoo
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.backTat = 0;
		 * tramp stamp
		 * takes one of the following strings or 0
		 * * "tribal patterns"
		 * * "flowers"
		 * * "scenes"
		 * * "Asian art"
		 * * "degradation"
		 * * "counting"
		 * * "advertisements"
		 * * "rude words"
		 * * "bovine patterns"
		 * * "sacrament"
		 * * "Sacrilege"
		 * * "Possessive"
		 * * "Paternalist"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.stampTat = 0;
		/** rules */
		this.rules = new App.Entity.RuleState();
		/** Follows rules or is exempt from them
		 * 0: exempt; 1: obeys */
		this.useRulesAssistant = 1;
		 * * "healthy"
		 * * "restricted"
		 * * "muscle building"
		 * * "fattening"
		 * * "slimming"
		 * * "XX"
		 * * "XY"
		 * * "XXY"
		 * * "cum production"
		 * * "cleansing"
		 * * "fertility"
		this.diet = "healthy";
		/** How much of her diet is cum
		 * 0: none; 1: supplemented; 2: nearly entirely */
		this.dietCum = 0;
		/** How much of her diet is milk
		 * 0: none; 1: supplemented; 2: nearly entirely */
		this.dietMilk = 0;
		 * * -2: heavy male hormones
		 * * -1: male hormones
		 * * 0: none
		 * * 1: female hormones
		 * * 2: heavy female hormones
		this.hormones = 0;
		 * * "no drugs"
		 * * "breast injections"
		 * * "butt injections"
		 * * "lip injections"
		 * * "fertility drugs"
		 * * "penis enhancement"
		 * * "testicle enhancement"
		 * * "psychosuppressants"
		 * * "steroids"
		 * * "hormone enhancers"
		 * * "hormone blockers"
		 * * "super fertility drugs"
		 * * "hyper breast injections"
		 * * "hyper butt injections"
		 * * "hyper penis enhancement"
		 * * "hyper testicle enhancement"
		 * * "female hormone injections"
		 * * "male hormone injections"
		 * * "anti-aging cream"
		 * * "appetite suppressors"
		 * * "penis atrophiers"
		 * * "testicle atrophiers"
		 * * "clitoris atrophiers"
		 * * "labia atrophiers"
		 * * "nipple atrophiers"
		 * * "nipple enhancers"
		 * * "lip atrophiers"
		 * * "breast redistributors"
		 * * "butt redistributors"
		 * * "sag-B-gone"
		 * * "growth stimulants"
		this.drugs = "no drugs";
		 * * "none"
		 * * "preventatives"
		 * * "curatives"
		this.curatives = "none";
		/** If greater than 10 triggers side effects from drug use. */
		this.chem = 0;
		 * * "none"
		 * * applied
		 * * "extreme"
		 * * "anaphrodisiacs"
		this.aphrodisiacs = "none";
		 * TODO:
		 * how addict to aphrodisiacs slave is
		 * * 0: not
		 * * 1-2: new addict
		 * * 3-9: confirmed addict
		 * * 10+: dependent
		this.addict = 0;
		/** 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.choosesOwnClothes = 0;
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "choosing her own clothes"
		 * * "no clothing"
		 * * "a ball gown"
		 * * "a mini dress"
		 * * "an oversized t-shirt"
		 * * "a schoolgirl outfit"
		 * * "a slave gown"
		 * * "a sweater"
		 * * "a t-shirt"
		this.clothes = "no clothing";
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "ancient Egyptian"
		 * * "cruel retirement counter"
		 * * "uncomfortable leather"
		 * * "tight steel"
		 * * "shock punishment"
		 * * "dildo gag"
		 * * "heavy gold"
		 * * "pretty jewelry"
		 * * "nice retirement counter"
		 * * "bell collar"
		 * * "leather with cowbell"
		 * * "bowtie"
		 * * "neck corset"
		 * * "stylish leather"
		 * * "satin choker"
		 * * "preg biometrics"
		 * * "massive dildo gag"
		 * * "silk ribbon"
		 * * "ball gag"
		 * * "bit gag"
		 * * "ring gag"
		 * * "porcelain mask"
		this.collar = "none";
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "heels"
		 * * "pumps"
		 * * "extreme heels"
		 * * "boots"
		 * * "flats"
		this.shoes = "none";
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "bullet vibrator"
		 * * "smart bullet vibrator"
		 * * "dildo"
		 * * "large dildo"
		 * * "huge dildo"
		 * * "long dildo"
		 * * "long, large dildo"
		 * * "long, huge dildo"
		this.vaginalAccessory = "none";
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "vibrator"
		 * * "smart vibrator"
		this.vaginalAttachment = "none";
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "sock"
		 * * "bullet vibrator"
		 * * "smart bullet vibrator"
		this.dickAccessory = "none";
		 * whether the slave has a chastity device on their anus
		 * 0 - no
		 * 1 - yes
		this.chastityAnus = 0;
		 * whether the slave has a chastity device on their penis
		 * 0 - no
		 * 1 - yes
		this.chastityPenis = 0;
		 * whether the slave has a chastity device on their vagina
		 * 0 - no
		 * 1 - yes
		this.chastityVagina = 0;
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "hand gloves"
		 * * "elbow gloves"
		this.armAccessory = "none";
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "short stockings"
		 * * "long stockings"
		this.legAccessory = "none";
		 * may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "plug"
		 * * "large plug"
		 * * "huge plug"
		 * * "long plug"
		 * * "long, large plug"
		 * * "long, huge plug"
		this.buttplug = "none";
		 * Does the slave have an attachment on their buttplug
		 *  may accept strings, use at own risk
		 * * "none"
		 * * "tail"
		 * * "fox tail"
		 * * "cat tail"
		 * * "cow tail"
		this.buttplugAttachment = "none";
		 * slave intelligence
		 * * -100 - -96: borderline retarded
		 * * -95 - -51: very slow
		 * * -50 - -16: slow
		 * * -15 - 15: average
		 * * 16 - 50: smart
		 * * 51 - 95: very smart
		 * * 96 - 100: brilliant
		this.intelligence = 0;
		 * Degree of slave 's education
		 * * 0: uneducated
		 * * 1+: partial education (not really used)
		 * * 15+: educated
		 * * 30: well educated
		this.intelligenceImplant = 0;
		 * sex drive
		 * * 0 - 20: no sex drive
		 * * 21 - 40: poor sex drive
		 * * 41 - 60: average sex drive
		 * * 61 - 80: good sex drive
		 * * 81 - 95: powerful sex drive
		 * * 96+: nymphomaniac
		this.energy = 50;
		 * The amount of sex the slave had with customers for certain jobs during a week
		this.sexAmount = 0;
		 * The 'quality' of the sex a slave had with customers. High quality means they fetch a higher price for their services
		this.sexQuality = 0;
		 * how badly she needs sex.
		 *  0: sated
		this.need = 0;
		 * attraction to women
		 * * 0 - 5: disgusted by women
		 * * 6 - 15: turned off by women
		 * * 15 - 35: not attracted to women
		 * * 36 - 65: indifferent to women
		 * * 66 - 85: attracted to women
		 * * 86 - 95: aroused by women
		 * * 96+: passionate about women
		 * *if both attrXX and attrXY > 95, slave will be omnisexual*
		 * *if energy > 95 and either attrXX or attrXY > 95, slave will be nymphomaniac*
		this.attrXX = 0;
		 * attraction to men
		 * * 0 - 5: disgusted by men
		 * * 6 - 15: turned off by men
		 * * 15 - 35: not attracted to men
		 * * 36 - 65: indifferent to men
		 * * 66 - 85: attracted to men
		 * * 86 - 95: aroused by men
		 * * 96+: passionate about men
		 * *if both attrXX and attrXY > 95, slave will be omnisexual*
		 * *if energy > 95 and either attrXX or attrXY > 95, slave will be nymphomaniac*
		this.attrXY = 0;
		/** 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.attrKnown = 0;
		 * * "none"
		 * * "mindbroken"
		 * * "submissive"
		 * * "cumslut"
		 * * "humiliation"
		 * * "buttslut"
		 * * "boobs"
		 * * "sadist"
		 * * "masochist"
		 * * "dom"
		 * * "pregnancy"
		this.fetish = "none";
		/** How strong her fetish is (10-100)
		 * 10+: enjoys fetish; 60+: likes fetish; 95+: loves fetish */
		this.fetishStrength = 70;
		/** Is fetish known to player
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.fetishKnown = 0;
		 * * "none"
		 * * "arrogant": clings to her dignity, thinks slavery is beneath her
		 * * "bitchy": can 't keep her opinions to herself
		 * * "odd": says and does odd things
		 * * "hates men": hates men
		 * * "hates women": hates women
		 * * "gluttonous": likes eating, gains weight
		 * * "anorexic": dislikes eating and being forced to eat, loses weight
		 * * "devout": resistance through religious faith
		 * * "liberated": believes slavery is wrong
		this.behavioralFlaw = "none";
		 * * "none"
		 * * "confident": believes she has value as a slave
		 * * "cutting": often has as witty or cunning remark ready, knows when to say it
		 * * "funny": is funny
		 * * "fitness": loves working out
		 * * "adores women": likes spending time with women
		 * * "adores men": likes spending time with men
		 * * "insecure": defines herself on the thoughts of others
		 * * "sinful": breaks cultural norms
		 * * "advocate": advocates slavery
		this.behavioralQuirk = "none";
		 * * "none"
		 * * "hates oral": hates oral sex
		 * * "hates anal": hates anal sex
		 * * "hates penetration": dislikes penetrative sex
		 * * "shamefast": nervous when naked
		 * * "idealistic": believes sex should be based on love and consent
		 * * "repressed": dislikes sex
		 * * "apathetic": inert during sex
		 * * "crude": sexually crude and has little sense of what partners find disgusting during sex
		 * * "judgemental": sexually judgemental and often judges her sexual partners' performance
		 * * "neglectful": disregards herself in sex
		 * * "cum addict": addicted to cum
		 * * "anal addict": addicted to anal
		 * * "attention whore": addicted to being the center of attention
		 * * "breast growth": addicted to her own breasts
		 * * "abusive": sexually abusive
		 * * "malicious": loves causing pain and suffering
		 * * "self hating": hates herself
		 * * "breeder": addicted to being pregnant
		this.sexualFlaw = "none";
		 * * "none"
		 * * "gagfuck queen": can take a facefucking
		 * * "painal queen": knows how far she can go without getting hurt
		 * * "strugglefuck queen": knows how much resistance her partners want
		 * * "tease": is a tease
		 * * "romantic": enjoys the closeness of sex
		 * * "perverted": enjoys breaking sexual boundaries
		 * * "caring": enjoys bring her partners to orgasm
		 * * "unflinching": willing to do anything
		 * * "size queen": prefers big cocks
		this.sexualQuirk = "none";
		/** 0: does not have; 1: carrier; 2: active
		 * * heterochromia is an exception. String = active
		this.geneticQuirks = {
			/** Oversized breasts. Increased growth rate, reduced shrink rate. Breasts try to return to oversized state if reduced. */
			macromastia: 0,
			/** Greatly oversized breasts. Increased growth rate, reduced shrink rate. Breasts try to return to oversized state if reduced.
			 * **macromastia + gigantomastia** - Breasts never stop growing. Increased growth rate, no shrink rate. */
			gigantomastia: 0,
			/** Is prone to having twins, shorter pregnancy recovery rate */
			fertility: 0,
			/** Is prone to having multiples, even shorter pregnancy recovery rate
			 * **fertility + hyperFertility** - will have multiples, even shorter pregnancy recovery rate */
			hyperFertility: 0,
			/** Pregnancy does not block ovulation, slave can become pregnant even while pregnant */
			superfetation: 0,
			/** Pleasurable pregnancy and orgasmic birth. Wider hips, looser and wetter vagina. High pregadaptation and low birth damage. */
			uterineHypersensitivity: 0,
			/** Is abnormally tall. gigantism + dwarfism - is very average*/
			gigantism: 0,
			/** Is abnormally short. gigantism + dwarfism - is very average*/
			dwarfism: 0,
			/** Has a flawless face. pFace + uFace - Depends on carrier status, may swing between average and above/below depending on it */
			pFace: 0,
			/** Has a hideous face. pFace + uFace - Depends on carrier status, may swing between average and above/below depending on it */
			uFace: 0,
			/** Has pale skin, white hair and red eyes */
			albinism: 0,
			/** May have mismatched eyes */
			heterochromia: 0,
			/** Ass never stops growing. Increased growth rate, reduced shrink rate. */
			rearLipedema: 0,
			/** Has (or will have) a huge dong */
			wellHung: 0,
			/** Constantly gains weight unless dieting, easier to gain weight. wGain + wLoss - weight gain/loss fluctuates randomly */
			wGain: 0,
			/** Constantly loses weight unless gaining, easier to lose weight. wGain + wLoss - weight gain/loss fluctuates randomly */
			wLoss: 0,
			/** Body attempts to normalize to an androgynous state */
			androgyny: 0,
			/** Constantly gains muscle mass, easier to gain muscle. mGain + mLoss - muscle gain/loss amplified, passively lose muscle unless building */
			mGain: 0,
			/** Constantly loses muscle mass, easier to gain muscle. mGain + mLoss - muscle gain/loss amplified, passively lose muscle unless building */
			mLoss: 0,
			/** Slave can only ever birth girls */
			girlsOnly: 0
		/** chance of generating sperm with a Y chromosome (yields male baby). inherited by sons, with mutation */
		this.spermY = 50;
		/** Counts various acts slave participated in */
		this.counter = new App.Entity.ChildActionsCountersState();
		/** Values provided by players */
		this.custom = new App.Entity.ChildCustomAddonsState();
		/** Does this slave refer to you rudely?
		 * 0: not being rude; 1: insists on calling you a rude title */
		this.rudeTitle = 0;
		/** @type {string[]} */
		this.currentRules = [];
		 * Child has a tattoo that is only recognizable when she has a big belly.
		 * * "a heart"
		 * * "a star"
		 * * "a butterfly"
		 * @type {string|number} */
		this.bellyTat = 0;
		 * Child has a series of tattoos to denote how many abortions she has had.
		 * * -1: no tattoo
		 * *  0: assigned to have tattoo, may not have one yet
		 * * 1+: number of abortion tattoos she has
		this.abortionTat = -1;
		 * Child has a series of tattoos to denote how many times she has given birth.
		 * * -1: no tattoo
		 * *  0: assigned to have tattoo, may not have one yet
		 * * 1+: number of birth tattoos she has
		this.birthsTat = -1;
		/** Child will give birth this week.
		 * 1: true; 0: false */
		this.induce = 0;
		/** Male slave has an anal womb and can get pregnant.
		 * 1: true; 0: false */
		this.mpreg = 0;
		/** How much fluid is distending the slave.
		 * 1: 2L; 2: 4L; 3: 8L */
		this.inflation = 0;
		 * What kind of fluid is in the slave.
		 * * "none"
		 * * "water"
		 * * "cum"
		 * * "milk"
		 * * "food"
		 * * "aphrodisiac"
		 * * "curative"
		 * * "tightener"
		 * * "urine"
		this.inflationType = "none";
		 * How she is being filled.
		 * * 0: not
		 * * 1: oral
		 * * 2: anal
		 * * 3: orally by another slave
		this.inflationMethod = 0;
		/** If inflationMethod === 3, ID of the slave filling her with milk. */
		this.milkSource = 0;
		/** If inflationMethod 3, ID of the slave filling her with cum. */
		this.cumSource = 0;
		/** Child's internals have ruptured. Used with poor health and overinflation.
		 * 1: true; 0: false */
		this.burst = 0;
		/** Do you and the slave know she is pregnant.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.pregKnown = 0;
		/** How long she has been pregnant
		 * used in place of .preg when pregnancy speed up and slow down are used on a slave
		 * if negative, designates postpartum. */
		this.pregWeek = 0;
		 * how big their belly is in CCs
		 * ||thresholds:|
		 * |-|-|
		 * 100	| bloated
		 * 1500   | early pregnancy
		 * 5000   | obviously pregnant
		 * 10000  | very pregnant
		 * 15000  | full term
		 * 30000  | full term twins
		 * 45000  | full term triplets
		 * 60000  | full term quads
		 * 75000  | full term quints
		 * 90000  | full term sextuplets
		 * 105000 | full term septuplets
		 * 120000 | full term octuplets
		 * 150000 | oversized pregnancy
		 * 300000 | hyperpreg state 1
		 * 450000 | hyperpreg state 2
		 * 600000 | hyperpreg state 3
		 * 750000 | hyperpreg state 4
		this.belly = 0;
		 * how big their belly is in CCs (pregnancy only)
		 * ||thresholds|
		 * |-|-|
		 * 100	| bloated
		 * 1500   | early pregnancy
		 * 5000   | obviously pregnant
		 * 10000  | very pregnant
		 * 15000  | full term
		 * 30000  | full term twins
		 * 45000  | full term triplets
		 * 60000  | full term quads
		 * 75000  | full term quints
		 * 90000  | full term sextuplets
		 * 105000 | full term septuplets
		 * 120000 | full term octuplets
		 * 150000 | oversized pregnancy (9+ babies)
		 * 300000 | hyperpreg state 1 (20+ babies)
		 * 450000 | hyperpreg state 2 (30+ babies)
		 * 600000 | hyperpreg state 3 (40+ babies)
		 * 750000 | hyperpreg state 4 (50+ babies)
		this.bellyPreg = 0;
		 * how big their belly is in CCs (fluid distension only)
		 * ||thresholds|
		 * |-|-|
		 * 100   | bloated
		 * 2000  | clearly bloated (2 L)
		 * 5000  | very full (~1 gal)
		 * 10000 | full to bursting (~2 gal)
		this.bellyFluid = 0;
		 * Does the slave have a fillable abdominal implant.
		 * * -1: no
		 * * 0+: yes
		 * * 2000+: Early pregnancy
		 * * 4000+: looks pregnant
		 * * 8000+: looks full term
		 * * 16000+: hyperpregnant 1
		 * * 32000+: hyperpregnant 2
		this.bellyImplant = -1;
		/** How saggy her belly is after being distended for too long.
		 * 1+ changes belly description */
		this.bellySag = 0;
		/** How saggy her belly is from being too pregnant.
		 * 1+ changes belly description and overrides/coincides with bellySag */
		this.bellySagPreg = 0;
		 * Has the slave 's belly implant been filled this week. Causes health damage for overfilling.
		 * 0: no pain; 1: will experience pain; 2: cannot be filled this week */
		this.bellyPain = 0;
		/** Does the slave have a cervical implant that slowly feeds cum from being fucked into a fillable implant.
		 * 0: no; 1: vaginal version only; 2: anal version only; 3: both vaginal and anal */
		this.cervixImplant = 0;
		/** Target .physicalAge for female puberty to occur. */
		this.pubertyAgeXX = 13;
		/** Has the slave gone through female puberty.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.pubertyXX = 0;
		/** Target .physicalAge for male puberty to occur. */
		this.pubertyAgeXY = 13;
		/** Has the slave gone through male puberty.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.pubertyXY = 0;
		 * not fully implemented.
		 * * 0: no scars
		 * * 1: light scarring
		 * * 2: heavy scarring
		 * * 3: fresh scarring
		 * * 4: burns
		 * * 5: menacing scar
		 * * 6: exotic scar
		this.scars = 0;
		 * In a eugenics society, this slave is a designated breeder.
		 * 1: yes; 0: no */
		this.breedingMark = 0;
		/**  Is the PC permitted to fuck this slave pregnant.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.PCExclude = 0;
		/**  Is the Head Girl permitted to fuck this slave pregnant.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.HGExclude = 0;
		 * What species of sperm she produces.
		 * * "human"
		 * * "sterile"
		 * * "dog"
		 * * "pig"
		 * * "horse"
		 * * "cow"
		this.ballType = "human";
		 * What species of ovum she produces.
		 * * "human"
		 * * "dog"
		 * * "pig"
		 * * "horse"
		 * * "cow"
		this.eggType = "human";
		/** Eugenics variable. Is the slave allowed to choose to wear chastity.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.choosesOwnChastity = 0;
		 * Is she on gestation altering drugs?
		 * * "none"
		 * * "slow gestation"
		 * * "speed up"
		 * * "labor suppressors"
		this.pregControl = "none";
		 * Array that holds a slaves fitted prosthetics. Objects are used to ensure easier expansion later (tattoos for limbs and similar).
		 * Elements of the array should be objects.
		 * * .id: ID of the prosthetic, see App.Data.prostheticIDs
		 * @type {Array.<{id:string}>} */
		this.readyProsthetics = [];
		/**  */
		this.ageAdjust = 0;
		/** Child has undergone hair removal surgery
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.bald = 0;
		/** Child is in original body.
		 * 0: yes; 1+: number of swaps (increases upkeep each time) */
		this.bodySwap = 0;
		/** Who, if relevant, the body belonged to. */
		this.origBodyOwner = "";
		/** Who, if relevant, the body belonged to. */
		this.origBodyOwnerID = 0;
		/** Cause of slave death. */
		this.death = "";
		 * Child's current hormonal balance, directs saHormones changes
		 * ||thresholds|
		 * |-|-|
		 * -500 - -400 | overwhelmingly masculine
		 * -399 - -300 | extremely masculine
		 * -299 - -200 | heavily masculine
		 * -199 - -100 | very masculine
		 * -99 - -21 | masculine
		 * -20 - 20 | neutral
		 * 21 - 99 | feminine
		 * 100 - 199 | very feminine
		 * 200 - 299 | heavily feminine
		 * 300 - 399 | extremely feminine
		 * 400 - 500 | overwhelmingly feminine
		this.hormoneBalance = 0;
		/** Whether a slave is permitted to eat Hedonistic Decadence's specialized slave food.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.onDiet = 0;
		/** Does the slave have the breast shape maintaining mesh implant.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.breastMesh = 0;
		/** Used to denote a slave giving birth prematurely.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.prematureBirth = 0;
		/** Was the slave born prematurely?
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.premature = 0;
		/** Has the slave had a vasectomy?
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.vasectomy = 0;
		/** Is the Child's hair under constant maintenance?
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.haircuts = 0;
		/** Used to tell if the slave is from this game or a previous.
		 * 0: no; 1: yes */
		this.newGamePlus = 0;
		/** Her skills */
		this.skill = new App.Entity.ChildSkillsState();
		/** Whether she was put in the incubator at birth
		 * 0: no; 1: yes, comforting; 2: yes, terrifying */
		this.tankBaby = 0;
		/** */
		this.clone = 0;
		/**  */
		this.geneMods = {
			/** Does slave have induced NCS?
			 * @type {FC.Bool}
			 * 0: no; 1: yes */
			NCS: 0,
			/** Has the slave undergone the elasticity (plasticity) treatment?
			 * @type {FC.Bool}
			 * 0: no; 1: yes */
			rapidCellGrowth: 0,
			/** Is the slave immortal?
			 * @type {FC.Bool}
			 * 0: no; 1: yes */
			immortality: 0
		/* eslint-disable camelcase*/
		this.NCSyouthening = 0;
		this.override_Race = 0;
		this.override_Skin = 0;
		this.override_Eye_Color = 0;
		this.override_H_Color = 0;
		this.override_Pubic_H_Color = 0;
		this.override_Arm_H_Color = 0;
		this.override_Brow_H_Color = 0;
		/** Erratic weight gain
		 * 0: stable; 1: gaining; -1: losing */
		this.weightDirection = 0;
		/** @type {{skin:string, eyeColor:string, hColor:string}} */
		this.albinismOverride = null;
		/* eslint-enable */
		/** Amount of cash paid to acquire the slave
		 * accepts negative numbers, 0, or 1.
		 * 1: unknown price; 0: free; negative: amount paid */
		this.slaveCost = 0;
		/** Amount of cash you have spent because of this slave
		 * accepts negative numbers or 0 */
		this.lifetimeCashExpenses = 0;
		/** Total amount of cash you have earned because of this slave
		 * accepts positive numbers or 0 */
		this.lifetimeCashIncome = 0;
		/**  Amount of cash you have earned because of this slave last week
		 * accepts positive numbers or 0 */
		this.lastWeeksCashIncome = 0;
		/** Not currently used, will work similarly to the cash variables above */
		this.lifetimeRepExpenses = 0;
		/** Not currently used, will work similarly to the cash variables above */
		this.lifetimeRepIncome = 0;
		/** Not currently used, will work similarly to the cash variables above */
		this.lastWeeksRepIncome = 0;
		/** Not currently used, will work similarly to the cash variables above */
		this.lastWeeksRepExpenses = 0;
		/** Slave's inbreeding coefficient */
		this.inbreedingCoeff = 0;