CSS classes to color code important parts of texts: class names that are not final are marked, this list is NOT exhaustive and subject to change. Note for mass replacing: The following cases have to be checked: @@.trust.inc; <span class="trust inc"> App.UI.DOM.makeElement('string', 'string', ['trust', 'inc']); CLASS - COLOR DEVOTION .devotion.inc - hotpink .devotion.dec - mediumorchid .devotion.hateful - darkviolet ( < -50) (there is also very hateful, but they are the same color, so same class for now) .devotion.resistant - mediumorchid ( < -20) .devotion.ambivalent - yellow ( <= 20) .devotion.accept - hotpink ( <= 50) .devotion.devoted - deeppink ( <= 95) .devotion.worship - magenta ( > 95) TRUST (defiant versions for devotion < -20) .trust.inc - mediumaquamarine .defiant.inc - orangered (trust > -20) .trust.dec - gold .trust.extremely-terrified - darkgoldenrod ( < - 95) .trust.terrified - goldenrod ( < -50) .trust.frightened - gold ( < -20) .trust.fearful - yellow ( <= 20) .trust.careful - mediumaquamarine ( <= 50) .defiant.careful - orange .trust.trusting - mediumseagreen ( <= 95) .defiant.bold - orangered .trust.prof-trusting - seagreen ( > 95) .defiant.full - darkred MINDBROKEN .mindbroken - red SKILL - Player skill.player - springgreen - Slave .skill - aquamarine .skill.inc - green FETISH .fetish.gain - lightcoral .fetish.loss - coral .fetish.inc - lightsalmon INTELLIGENCE (WIP) .intelligent - deepskyblue .stupid - orange .education.neg - orangered REPUTATION .reputation.inc - green .reputation.dec - red GENERAL CHANGES .improvement - green - body parts (usually) .change.positive - lime .change.negative - orange RELATIONSHIPS (both love and family) .relationship - lightgreen ORIFICES .virginity.loss - lime PREGNANCY .pregnant - lime HEALTH .health.dec - red MONEY .cash.dec - red .cash.inc - yellowgreen FLAWS .flaw.gain - red .flaw.break - green GENERAL .error - red .noteworthy - yellow FUTURE SOCIETIES .elites.loss - red (when incrementing $failedElite)