#!/bin/bash # Find and insert current commit COMMIT=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) sed -Ei "s/build .releaseID/\0 commit $COMMIT/" src/gui/mainMenu/AlphaDisclaimer.tw # Run sanity check. ./sanityCheck ARCH="$(uname -m)" if [ "$ARCH" = "x86_64" ] then echo "x64 arch" ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_nix64 -o bin/FC_pregmod.html src/ || build_failed="true" elif echo "$ARCH" | grep -Ee '86$' > /dev/null then echo "x86 arch" ./devTools/tweeGo/tweego_nix86 -o bin/FC_pregmod.html src/ || build_failed="true" elif echo "$ARCH" | grep -Ee '^arm' > /dev/null then echo "arm arch" # tweego doesn't provide arm binaries so you have to build it yourself export TWEEGO_PATH=devTools/tweeGo/storyFormats tweego -o bin/FC_pregmod.html src/ || build_failed="true" else exit 2 fi # Revert AlphaDisclaimer for next compilation git checkout -- src/gui/mainMenu/AlphaDisclaimer.tw if [ "$build_failed" = "true" ] then exit 1 fi #Make the output prettier, replacing \t with a tab and \n with a newline sed -i -e '/^.*<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\t/\t/g' -e '/^.*<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\n/\n/g' bin/FC_pregmod.html