window.generateRandomEventPoolStandard = function(eventSlave) { /* STANDARD EVENTS */ if (eventSlave.fetish !== "mindbroken") { if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { if (canTalk(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs[0])) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0 || (eventSlave.fetishKnown && eventSlave.fetish === "cumslut")) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("cockmilk interception"); } } } if (State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs[0])) { if (State.variables.universalRulesConsent === 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 40) { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { State.variables.RETSevent.push("interslave begging"); } } } } } } } if (State.variables.familyTesting === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" || > 80) { if (eventSlave.relation === "mother") { if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) { if (eventSlave.lactation) { if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") { if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { State.variables.RETSevent.push("incestuous nursing"); } } } } } } } } else { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 && (eventSlave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" || > 80) && eventSlave.belly < 100000 && eventSlave.lactation > 0 && eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity" && eventSlave.daughters > 0) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("incestuous nursing"); } } if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant > 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.intelligenceImplant >= 15) { if (eventSlave.accent < 4) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted educated slave"); } } } } if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 60 || ["a dancer", "a house DJ", "a party girl", "an aspiring pop star", "an exotic dancer"].includes( { if (canHear(eventSlave)) { if ( > 40) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("happy dance"); } } } } } if (State.variables.RERepressedAnalVirginSubIDs.length > 0) { if (eventSlave.anus === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "repressed") { State.variables.RETSevent.push("repressed anal virgin"); } } } } } if (State.variables.assistant > 0) { if (State.variables.assistantAppearance !== "normal") { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (["be a servant", "work as a servant"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("PA servant"); } } } else if ( > 75) { if ( > 60) { if ((canDoAnal(eventSlave) && eventSlave.anus > 0) || (canDoVaginal(eventSlave) && eventSlave.vagina > 0)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("PA flirting"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.clothes === "a succubus outfit") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("sexy succubus"); } } } if (State.variables.HeadGirl !== 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.HGSeverity >= 0) {"RE anal punishment"); }"RE shower punishment"); } } if (eventSlave.ID === State.variables.HeadGirl.ID) { if ( > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("trusting HG"); } } if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.HeadGirl.ID) { if (canSee(eventSlave) && canWalk(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if ( > 75) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.skill.oral > 30) { if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant >= State.variables.HeadGirl.intelligence + State.variables.HeadGirl.intelligenceImplant) { if (eventSlave.skill.oral > State.variables.HeadGirl.skill.oral) {"RE HG replacement"); } } } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.livingRules === "spare") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > -10) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("sleeping ambivalent"); } if ( < -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("bad dream"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.weekAcquired > 0) { if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired < 10) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("ignorant horny"); } } } } } } } if (State.variables.RETasteTestSubIDs.length > 1) { if (eventSlave.livingRules === "luxurious") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 80) { if (canTaste(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("taste test"); } } } } } if (State.variables.modRequestsAllowed > 0) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.dick !== 0 || eventSlave.vagina !== -1) { if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") { if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") { if (eventSlave.corsetPiercing === 0) { if (eventSlave.tonguePiercing === 0) { if (eventSlave.anusPiercing === 0) { if (eventSlave.nipplesPiercing === 0) { if (eventSlave.dickPiercing === 0) { if (eventSlave.vaginaPiercing === 0) { if (eventSlave.lipsTat === 0 || eventSlave.lipsTat === "none") { if (eventSlave.vaginaTat === 0 || eventSlave.vaginaTat === "none") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("mods please"); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.muscles > 5) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( !== "slimming") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("sore shoulders"); } } } if (eventSlave.relationship > 3) { let relationshipSlave = State.variables.slaves.find(s => s.ID === eventSlave.relationshipTarget); if (relationshipSlave.devotion > 20) { if (canWalk(relationshipSlave)) { if (canTalk(relationshipSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { State.variables.RETSevent.push("date please"); } if (relationshipSlave.anus !== 0) { if (relationshipSlave.dick !== 1) { if (relationshipSlave.dick === 0 || canAchieveErection(relationshipSlave)) { if (relationshipSlave.fetish === "dom" || relationshipSlave.fetish === "sadist") { State.variables.RETSevent.push("top exhaustion"); } } } } } } } } } } if (State.variables.REAnalCowgirlSubIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.REAnalCowgirlSubIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.REAnalCowgirlSubIDs[0])) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { if (eventSlave.fetish === "buttslut" || eventSlave.fetish === "sadist" || eventSlave.fetish === "dom") { if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("anal cowgirl"); } } } } } if (State.variables.REBoobCollisionSubIDs.length > 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 3000) { if (eventSlave.attrXX >= 50 || (eventSlave.fetish === "boobs" && eventSlave.fetishStrength > 95)) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("boob collision"); } } } } } if (State.variables.weatherToday.severity <= 1) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("confident tanning"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { let giver = 0; if (State.variables.HeadGirl === 0) { giver = 1; } else if (State.variables.HeadGirl.ID !== eventSlave.ID) { giver = 1; } if (giver === 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("a gift"); } } } if (eventSlave.relationship >= 2) { if (eventSlave.relationship < 5) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( >= -20) {"RE relationship advice"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted exhibition"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted lotion"); } if ( > 95 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted nympho"); } if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "permissive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "masturbation") { if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("permitted masturbation"); } } } } } if ( < -50) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("terrified inspection"); } } if (eventSlave.dick > 0) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= 10) { if (State.variables.REFeminizationCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) { State.variables.RECIevent.push("feminization"); } if ( >= 10) { if (canAchieveErection(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.REFutaSisterCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) { State.variables.RECIevent.push("futa"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.skill.anal > 30) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= 10) { if (State.variables.REMILFCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) { State.variables.RECIevent.push("MILF"); } } } if (eventSlave.attrXY > 50) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= 10) { if (State.variables.REOrientationCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) { State.variables.RECIevent.push("orientation"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.face >= -10) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= 10) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public" || eventSlave.assignment === "whore") { if (State.variables.REUglyCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) { State.variables.RECIevent.push("ugly"); } } } } if (eventSlave.anus > 1) { if (eventSlave.anus < 4) { if (eventSlave.analArea > 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { if (State.variables.REButtholeCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) { State.variables.RECIevent.push("butthole"); } } } } } } /* if(eventSlave.drugs === "breast injections") { if(eventSlave.anus > 0 || eventSlave.vagina > 0) { if(eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if(eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if( >= -50) { if(State.variables.REReductionCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) { State.variables.RECIevent.push("reduction"); } } } } } } */ if (eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) { if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant < -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cooler lockin"); } } } if (State.variables.universalRulesConsent === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.fetish === "sadist" || eventSlave.fetish === "dom" || > 95) { if (State.variables.REShowerForceSubIDs.length > 0) { if ( <= 75) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("shower force"); } } if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (State.variables.RESadisticDescriptionSubIDs.length > 0) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("sadistic description"); } } if (State.variables.cockFeeder > 0) { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave) || eventSlave.dick === 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("kitchen molestation"); } } } if (State.variables.REIfYouEnjoyItSubIDs.length > 0) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("if you enjoy it"); } if (State.variables.RESimpleAssaultIDs.length > 0) { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("simple assault"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion < -50) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("vocal disobedience"); } } } if (State.variables.boobAccessibility !== 1 && State.variables.ballsAccessibility !== 1 && State.variables.pregAccessibility !== 1) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 10000) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (State.variables.slaves.length > 2) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("huge tits"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 30) { if (eventSlave.ageImplant > 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("age implant"); } } } if (State.variables.seeAge !== 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.birthWeek >= 51) { /* let's give this a much higher chance of appearing */ State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); } } } } if (eventSlave.clothes === "a penitent nuns habit") { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("penitent"); } } } } if (eventSlave.slaveName !== eventSlave.birthName && eventSlave.birthName !== "") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("not my name"); } } } } if (State.variables.slaves.length > 2) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.heels === 1) { if ( === "heels" || === "boots" || === "extreme heels") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("tendon fall"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.vagina < 0) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.skill.anal <= 30) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient shemale"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 37) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina > 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted old"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.actualAge > 35) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.PC.actualAge < 25) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("young PC age difference"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.actualAge < 22) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.PC.actualAge >= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("old PC age difference"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.fetish === "humiliation" || > 95) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) { if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("fearful humiliation"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.livingRules === "luxurious") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 75) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("newly devoted sunrise"); } } } if (State.variables.PC.dick === 1) { if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000) { if (["be a servant", "work as a servant"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { if (eventSlave.attrXY <= 35 || eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "hates men" || eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "repressed") { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("frightening dick"); } } } } } } if ( > 0) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 2000) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("spa boobs"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.lactation > 0) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 800) { if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cow milking"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if ((eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut" && eventSlave.fetish !== "masochist" && eventSlave.fetishStrength < 60) || eventSlave.fetishKnown === 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("retching cum feeding"); } } } if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist !== "unset") { if (eventSlave.race !== State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace) { if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired > 1) { if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired < 10) { if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) { if ( >= -20) { if ( > -20) { if (eventSlave.race === eventSlave.origRace) { if (eventSlave.indentureRestrictions < 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("subjugation blues"); } } } } } } } } } if (canTalk(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0) { if ( === "fattening") { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut") { if (eventSlave.weight < -30) { if ( > -80) { if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw !== "anorexic") { if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw !== "self hating") { if (eventSlave.fetishStrength <= 60 || eventSlave.fetishKnown !== 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("too thin for cum diet"); } } } } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.drugs === "intensive breast injections" || eventSlave.drugs === "hyper breast injections") { if (eventSlave.boobs <= 8000) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 2000) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "boobs") { if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant >= -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("breast expansion blues"); } } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 35) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (["serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work in the brothel"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("ara ara"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.anus > 3) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("gaped asshole"); } } } if ( > 90) { if (eventSlave.muscles > 5) { if (eventSlave.weight <= 30) { if (eventSlave.weight >= -30) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("passing declaration"); } } } } } } if ( < -50) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("im scared"); } } if (eventSlave.fetish === "sadist") { if (eventSlave.fetishStrength > 20) { if (State.variables.arcadeSlaves > 0) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("arcade sadist"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.dick === 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina === -1) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut" || eventSlave.fetishStrength <= 20) { if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("desperate null"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 2000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("back stretch"); } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.choosesOwnClothes !== 1) { if (setup.modestClothes.includes(eventSlave.clothes)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("modest clothes"); } } } } } if (State.variables.PC.vagina === 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (( >= -20 && eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "arrogant") || ( > 20)) { if (eventSlave.muscles > 30) { if ( > 20) { if ( > 50) { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.Bodyguard === 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("mutinery attempt"); } } } } } } } } } /* closes mute exempt */ if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (["ball gag", "bit gag", "dildo gag", "massive dildo gag"].includes(eventSlave.collar)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("gagged slave"); } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.butt > 5) { if (["a biyelgee costume", "a bunny outfit", "a burkini", "a cheerleader outfit", "a comfortable bodysuit", "a dirndl", "a fallen nuns habit", "a huipil", "a latex catsuit", "a leotard", "a long qipao", "a maternity dress", "a military uniform", "a monokini", "a mounty outfit", "a nice nurse outfit", "a red army uniform", "a scalemail bikini", "a schoolgirl outfit", "a schutzstaffel uniform", "a slutty nurse outfit", "a slutty outfit", "a slutty qipao", "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform", "a succubus outfit", "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman", "attractive lingerie", "battlearmor", "chains", "clubslut netting", "conservative clothing", "cutoffs and a t-shirt", "kitty lingerie", "lederhosen", "nice business attire", "overalls", "restrictive latex", "striped panties", "slutty business attire", "slutty jewelry", "spats and a tank top", "stretch pants and a crop-top", "uncomfortable straps", "Western clothing"].includes(eventSlave.clothes)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("ass fitting"); } } } if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 40) { if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) { if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000 && State.variables.PC.ballsImplant < 3 && State.variables.PC.balls < 3) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("comfortable seat"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.vaginaLube > 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (canDoVaginal(State.variables.activeSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("moist pussy"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if ( <= -20) { if (eventSlave.genes === "XY") { if (eventSlave.dick > 0) { if (eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) { if (eventSlave.vagina === -1) { if (eventSlave.attrXY < 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("transition anxiety"); } } } } } } } if (State.variables.seeAge === 1) { if (eventSlave.actualAge < 18) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.ovaries === 1) { if (eventSlave.pubertyXX === 0) { if (eventSlave.preg === 0) { if (eventSlave.physicalAge >= eventSlave.pubertyAgeXX - 0.5) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); } } } } if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.balls > 0) { if (eventSlave.pubertyXY === 0) { if (eventSlave.physicalAge >= eventSlave.pubertyAgeXY - 0.5) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); } } } } } } } /* closes aging exemption */ if (eventSlave.devotion >= -150) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {"RE standard punishment"); } } if (eventSlave.boobs > 600) { if (eventSlave.boobShape === "torpedo-shaped") { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("torpedo squeeze"); } } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") { if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) { if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist === "unset") { if (State.variables.arcologyUpgrade.drones === 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("mean girls"); } } } } if (eventSlave.balls > 0) { if (eventSlave.hormoneBalance >= 100) { if (State.variables.hormoneUpgradeMood === 0) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("orchiectomy please"); } } } } } } if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shower slip"); } if (eventSlave.amp < 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("plimb help"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) { if ( >= -20) { if (State.variables.suppository !== 0) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("suppository resistance"); } } if (State.variables.cockFeeder !== 0) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cockfeeder resistance"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.relationship <= -2) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("bonded love"); } } } if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("objectifying visit"); } } if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > -10) { if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.HeadGirl.ID) { if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.Concubine.ID) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("refreshment delivery"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.dick > 8) { if (eventSlave.balls > 0) { if ( > 60) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("dick wringing"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.balls > 0) { if (eventSlave.scrotum > 0) { if (eventSlave.chastityPenis === 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) { if ( > 50) { if ( < 95) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cage relief"); } } } } } } } if (State.variables.PC.dick > 0) { if (State.variables.PC.boobs > 0) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (((eventSlave.attrXY <= 35) && (eventSlave.attrXX > 65)) || ((eventSlave.attrXX <= 35) && (eventSlave.attrXY > 65))) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("dickgirl PC"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.voice > 0) { if (eventSlave.lips <= 95) { if (!["ball gag", "bit gag", "dildo gag", "massive dildo gag"].includes(eventSlave.collar)) { if (eventSlave.accent === 3) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if ( > -10) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("language lesson"); } } } } } } } if ( > 40) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (((eventSlave.attrXX >= 50) && (State.variables.PC.boobs === 1 || State.variables.PC.title === 0) && (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000)) || ((eventSlave.attrXY >= 50) && (State.variables.PC.dick === 1) && (State.variables.PC.boobs === 0) && (State.variables.PC.belly < 1500)) || (eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy" && State.variables.PC.belly >= 5000) || (eventSlave.fetish === "boobs" && State.variables.PC.belly < 5000 && State.variables.PC.boobsBonus > 0)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hot PC"); } } } } } } if ( <= 20) { if ( >= -75) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 30) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("like me"); } } } } if (eventSlave.boobs >= 2000) { if (eventSlave.boobsImplant === 0) { if (eventSlave.nipples !== "tiny" && eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("huge naturals"); } } } } if (eventSlave.boobs > 800) { if (Math.floor(eventSlave.boobsImplant / eventSlave.boobs) >= 0.60) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("implant inspection"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.clothes === "uncomfortable straps") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("bondage gear"); } } } if (eventSlave.labia > 1 && eventSlave.vagina >= 0) { if (eventSlave.muscles > 5 || === "muscle building") { if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("inconvenient labia"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) { if (eventSlave.addict > 20) { if (eventSlave.aphrodisiacs > 0 || eventSlave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient addict"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion < -50) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.assignment !== "stay confined") { if (eventSlave.heels !== 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("escapee"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "gluttonous") { if ( === "restricted") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("diet"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant shower"); } } if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if ( >= -20) { if ( > 75) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0 || eventSlave.anus !== 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("night visit"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "restrictive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "chastity") { if (eventSlave.need) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) { if ( >= -20) { if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("forbidden masturbation"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if ( >= -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("desperately horny"); } } } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick on slave"); } } if (eventSlave.muscles > 30) { if (eventSlave.weight <= 10) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 || State.variables.PC.dick === 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0 || State.variables.PC.dick === 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("muscles"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.lactation > 1) { if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave) || canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("milkgasm"); } } } if (eventSlave.waist < -95) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.belly < 30000) { if (eventSlave.weight <= 95) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted waist"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 100) { if ( > 50) { if (["serve in the club", "serve the public"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("masterful entertainer"); } } } if (eventSlave.skill.whoring >= 100) { if ( > 50) { if (["whore", "work in the brothel"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("masterful whore"); } } } if (eventSlave.dick > 0) { if (eventSlave.balls === 0) { if (eventSlave.ovaries === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if ( < -50) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant gelding"); } } } } } } } if (State.variables.seePreg !== 0) { if (isFertile(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) { if (eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy" || > 95) { if (eventSlave.eggType === "human") { if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.geneticQuirks.superfetation === 2 && (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant > 15) && eventSlave.womb.length > 0) { if (eventSlave.belly < (eventSlave.pregAdaptation * 1750)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("impregnation please"); } } else { State.variables.RESSevent.push("impregnation please"); } } } } } } } } } } if (["huge plug", "large plug", "long, huge plug", "long, large plug"].includes(eventSlave.buttplug)) { if (eventSlave.assignment !== "stay confined" && isSlaveAvailable(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.anus < 3) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("plug disobedience"); } } } } } if (["serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work in the brothel"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("used whore"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("nice guys"); } } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "please you") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("lazy evening"); } } if (eventSlave.height < (Height.mean(eventSlave) * 0.95)) { if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 12) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( <= 95) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted shortstack"); } } } } } } /* closes amp/crawling exempt */ if (canTalk(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.boobsImplant > 400) { if (eventSlave.lipsImplant >= 30) { if (eventSlave.buttImplant > 3) { if (eventSlave.boobs < 9000 || eventSlave.butt < 8) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("surgery addict"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "please you") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( >= -20) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) { if (State.variables.corpIncorporated !== 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift sleep"); } if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "permissive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "masturbation") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift masturbation"); } } if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 60) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift doorframe"); } } if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.PC.vagina === 1) { if (eventSlave.dick === 0) { if (State.variables.fuckSlaves > 2) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("fucktoy tribbing"); } } } } } } } } else if (["be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( >= -20) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) { if (State.variables.corpIncorporated !== 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift sleep"); } if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 60) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift doorframe"); } } if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.PC.vagina === 1) { if (eventSlave.dick === 0) { if (State.variables.fuckSlaves > 2) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("fucktoy tribbing"); } } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal > 900) { if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal < 1100) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("millenary"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "stay confined") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("solitary desperation"); } } if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 60) { if ( >= -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("restricted profession"); } } } if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.intelligence > 15) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("restricted smart"); } } } } if (State.variables.expansionRequestsAllowed > 0) { if (eventSlave.drugs === "no drugs") { if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if ( > 20) { if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast === "unset") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("injections please"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("serve the public devoted"); } } } if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "bitchy") { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( >= -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient bitchy"); } } } } } /* closes mute exempt */ if (State.variables.cockFeeder === 0) { if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant < -50) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient idiot"); } } } } if (eventSlave.boobs > 25000) { if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("tittymonster inspection"); } } if (State.variables.assistant > 1) { if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) { if ( > 95) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "permissive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "masturbation") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("nympho with assistant"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "please you" || eventSlave.assignment === "serve in the master suite" || eventSlave.assignment === "be your Concubine") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("bed snuggle"); } } } if (eventSlave.minorInjury === "sore ass") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("sore ass"); } } if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "hates oral") { if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hates oral"); } } } if (eventSlave.vagina === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted virgin"); } } } } if (eventSlave.anus === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted anal virgin"); } } } } if (State.variables.seeExtreme === 1) { if (eventSlave.balls > 1) { if (eventSlave.scrotum > 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if ( <= 20) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("fearful balls"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("scrubbing"); } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant") { if (eventSlave.clothes === "a slutty maid outfit" || eventSlave.clothes === "a nice maid outfit") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("servant maid"); } } } if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") { if (eventSlave.vagina === 0) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) { if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal > 100) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("unhappy virgin"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.aphrodisiacs > 1 || eventSlave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") { if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "permissive") { if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("extreme aphrodisiacs"); } } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { if (eventSlave.clit > 2) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave clit on slave"); } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { if (eventSlave.dick > 4) { if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) { if (canAchieveErection(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) { if (eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick huge"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.heels === 1) { if ( === "heels" || === "extreme heels") { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("heels"); } } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) { if (eventSlave.anus > 2) { if (eventSlave.fetish === "buttslut" || > 95) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "none") { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("loose buttslut"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "whore") { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) && (eventSlave.vagina < 0 || canDoVaginal(eventSlave))) { if (eventSlave.devotion < -20 && >= -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("whore rebellious"); } } } if (eventSlave.amp === 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted amp"); } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "rest") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("resting amp"); } } if (eventSlave.boobs < 500) { if (eventSlave.butt < 3) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 && >= -20) { if (eventSlave.weight <= 10) { if (eventSlave.muscles <= 30) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient girlish"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.boobs > 1200) { if (eventSlave.areolaeShape !== "circle") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shaped areolae"); } } } if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "arrogant") { if (eventSlave.devotion < -50) { if ( >= -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("rebellious arrogant"); } } } if (State.variables.seePreg !== 0) { if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 10000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hugely pregnant"); } } if (eventSlave.hormoneBalance >= 50) { if (eventSlave.vagina === -1) { if (eventSlave.balls >= 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") { if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hormone dysfunction"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.vaginaPiercing > 1) { if (eventSlave.nipplesPiercing > 1) { if (eventSlave.clitPiercing > 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("heavy piercing"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) { if (eventSlave.fetish === "cumslut" || > 95) { if (["serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work a glory hole", "work in the brothel"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cumslut whore"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.anus === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) { if ( >= -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant anal virgin"); } } } if (eventSlave.relationship === 4) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) {"RE slave marriage"); } } } if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) { if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 300000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hyperpreg stuck"); } } if (eventSlave.devotion >= 50) { if ( <= 20) { if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted fearful slave"); } } } if (eventSlave.prestige === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 100) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") {"RE legendary entertainer"); } } if (eventSlave.skill.whoring >= 100) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "whore") {"RE legendary whore"); } } if (eventSlave.lactation > 0) { if ((eventSlave.boobs - eventSlave.boobsImplant) > 6000) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "get milked") {"RE legendary cow"); } } } if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 14000) { if (eventSlave.broodmother === 0) { if (eventSlave.counter.births > 10) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "whore" || eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") { if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) {"RE legendary womb"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.balls > 6) { if (eventSlave.dick > 6) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "work in the dairy" || eventSlave.assignment === "get milked") {"RE legendary balls"); } } } if (eventSlave.origin === "You sentenced $him to enslavement as a punishment for attempted theft of a slave." || eventSlave.origin === "$He is an enslaved Daughter of Liberty." || eventSlave.origin === "You got $him at the Slave Shelter. $He is an enslaved Daughter of Liberty, caught some weeks after the failed coup. $His previous owner used $him as a punching bag and dart board, then when he was bored of $him tattooed obscenities all over $his body and threw $him away." || eventSlave.origin === "$He is an enslaved member of an anti-slavery extremist group.") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 95 && eventSlave.assignment === "please you") {"RE former abolitionist"); } } } } } /* NICKNAME EVENTS */ if (State.variables.nicknamesAllowed === 1) { let toSearch = eventSlave.slaveName.toLowerCase(); if (!toSearch.includes("'")) { if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired >= 4) {"RE nickname"); State.variables.seed = 0; } } /* closes nickname check */ } /* closes no nicknames option */ } /* closes mindbreak exempt */ if (eventSlave.fetish === "mindbroken") { if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("mindbroken morning"); } if (eventSlave.kindness !== undefined && eventSlave.kindness >= 100) { if ((isSlaveAvailable(eventSlave) && canWalk(eventSlave)) || (["please you", "serve in the master suite", "be your Concubine"].includes(eventSlave.assignment))) { if (eventSlave.relationship === -3) { if (jsRandom(1, 200) < eventSlave.kindness) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("surprising wakeup"); } } } } if ( === "a breeding bull" && eventSlave.assignment === "serve in the master suite" && canPenetrate(eventSlave) && eventSlave.dick >= 5 && eventSlave.amp !== 1 && State.variables.PC.vagina === 1 && State.variables.PC.preg === 0 && (eventSlave.muscles > 30 || eventSlave.weight > 30)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull"); if (State.variables.PC.fertDrugs > 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull"); } if (State.variables.PC.forcedFertDrugs > 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull"); } } } }; /* servants spend a lot of time in the penthouse, so should be eligible for a number (but not all) random events */ window.generateRandomEventPoolServant = function(eventSlave) { /* STANDARD EVENTS */ if (eventSlave.fetish !== "mindbroken") { if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { if (canTalk(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs[0])) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0 || (eventSlave.fetishKnown && eventSlave.fetish === "cumslut")) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("cockmilk interception"); } } } if (State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs[0])) { if (State.variables.universalRulesConsent === 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 40) { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { State.variables.RETSevent.push("interslave begging"); } } } } } } } if (State.variables.familyTesting === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" || > 80) { if (eventSlave.relation === "mother") { if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) { if (eventSlave.lactation) { if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") { if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { State.variables.RETSevent.push("incestuous nursing"); } } } } } } } } else { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 && (eventSlave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" || > 80) && eventSlave.belly < 100000 && eventSlave.lactation > 0 && eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity" && eventSlave.daughters > 0) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("incestuous nursing"); } } if (State.variables.assistant > 0) { if (State.variables.assistantAppearance !== "normal") { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (["be a servant", "work as a servant"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("PA servant"); } } } } } } if (State.variables.HeadGirl !== 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.HGSeverity >= 0) {"RE anal punishment"); }"RE shower punishment"); } } } if (State.variables.RETasteTestSubIDs.length > 1) { if (eventSlave.livingRules === "luxurious") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 80) { if (canTaste(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("taste test"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.relationship > 3) { let relationshipSlave = State.variables.slaves.find(s => s.ID === eventSlave.relationshipTarget); if (relationshipSlave.devotion > 20) { if (canWalk(relationshipSlave)) { if (canTalk(relationshipSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { if (relationshipSlave.anus !== 0) { if (relationshipSlave.dick !== 1) { if (relationshipSlave.dick === 0 || canAchieveErection(relationshipSlave)) { if (relationshipSlave.fetish === "dom" || relationshipSlave.fetish === "sadist") { State.variables.RETSevent.push("top exhaustion"); } } } } } } } } } } if (State.variables.weatherToday.severity <= 1) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("confident tanning"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { let giver = 0; if (State.variables.HeadGirl === 0) { giver = 1; } else if (State.variables.HeadGirl.ID !== eventSlave.ID) { giver = 1; } if (giver === 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("a gift"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted lotion"); } } } } if (eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) { if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant < -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cooler lockin"); } } } if (State.variables.universalRulesConsent === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.fetish === "sadist" || eventSlave.fetish === "dom" || > 95) { if (State.variables.REShowerForceSubIDs.length > 0) { if ( <= 75) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("shower force"); } } if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (State.variables.RESadisticDescriptionSubIDs.length > 0) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("sadistic description"); } } if (State.variables.cockFeeder > 0) { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave) || eventSlave.dick === 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("kitchen molestation"); } } } if (State.variables.REIfYouEnjoyItSubIDs.length > 0) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("if you enjoy it"); } if (State.variables.RESimpleAssaultIDs.length > 0) { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RETSevent.push("simple assault"); } } } } if (State.variables.boobAccessibility !== 1 && State.variables.ballsAccessibility !== 1 && State.variables.pregAccessibility !== 1) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 10000) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (State.variables.slaves.length > 2) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("huge tits"); } } } } } if (State.variables.seeAge !== 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.birthWeek >= 51) { /* let's give this a much higher chance of appearing */ State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("birthday"); } } } } if (eventSlave.slaveName !== eventSlave.birthName && eventSlave.birthName !== "") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("not my name"); } } } } if (State.variables.slaves.length > 2) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.heels === 1) { if ( === "heels" || === "boots" || === "extreme heels") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("tendon fall"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.vagina < 0) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.skill.anal <= 30) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient shemale"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 37) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina > 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted old"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.actualAge > 35) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.PC.actualAge < 25) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("young PC age difference"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.actualAge < 22) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.PC.actualAge >= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("old PC age difference"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.fetish === "humiliation" || > 95) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) { if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("fearful humiliation"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.livingRules === "luxurious") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 75) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("newly devoted sunrise"); } } } if (State.variables.PC.dick === 1) { if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000) { if (["be a servant", "work as a servant"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) { if (eventSlave.attrXY <= 35 || eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "hates men" || eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "repressed") { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("frightening dick"); } } } } } } if ( > 0) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 2000) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("spa boobs"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.lactation > 0) { if (eventSlave.boobs > 800) { if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cow milking"); } } } } } if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist !== "unset") { if (eventSlave.race !== State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace) { if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired > 1) { if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired < 10) { if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) { if ( >= -20) { if ( > -20) { if (eventSlave.race === eventSlave.origRace) { if (eventSlave.indentureRestrictions < 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("subjugation blues"); } } } } } } } } } if (canTalk(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0) { if ( === "fattening") { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut") { if (eventSlave.weight < -30) { if ( > -80) { if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw !== "anorexic") { if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw !== "self hating") { if (eventSlave.fetishStrength <= 60 || eventSlave.fetishKnown !== 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("too thin for cum diet"); } } } } } } } } } } if ( > 90) { if (eventSlave.muscles > 5) { if (eventSlave.weight <= 30) { if (eventSlave.weight >= -30) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("passing declaration"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.fetish === "sadist") { if (eventSlave.fetishStrength > 20) { if (State.variables.arcadeSlaves > 0) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("arcade sadist"); } } } } } } if (State.variables.PC.vagina === 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (( >= -20 && eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "arrogant") || ( > 20)) { if (eventSlave.muscles > 30) { if ( > 20) { if ( > 50) { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { if (State.variables.Bodyguard === 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("mutinery attempt"); } } } } } } } } } /* closes mute exempt */ if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (["ball gag", "bit gag", "dildo gag", "massive dildo gag"].includes(eventSlave.collar)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("gagged slave"); } } if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 40) { if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) { if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000 && State.variables.PC.ballsImplant < 3 && State.variables.PC.balls < 3) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("comfortable seat"); } } } } } } if (State.variables.seeAge === 1) { if (eventSlave.actualAge < 18) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.ovaries === 1) { if (eventSlave.pubertyXX === 0) { if (eventSlave.preg === 0) { if (eventSlave.physicalAge >= eventSlave.pubertyAgeXX - 0.5) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period"); } } } } if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.balls > 0) { if (eventSlave.pubertyXY === 0) { if (eventSlave.physicalAge >= eventSlave.pubertyAgeXY - 0.5) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams"); } } } } } } } /* closes aging exemption */ if (eventSlave.devotion >= -150) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {"RE standard punishment"); } } if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shower slip"); } if (eventSlave.amp < 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("plimb help"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) { if ( >= -20) { if (State.variables.suppository !== 0) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("suppository resistance"); } } if (State.variables.cockFeeder !== 0) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cockfeeder resistance"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.relationship <= -2) { if ( > 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("bonded love"); } } } if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("objectifying visit"); } } if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > -10) { if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.HeadGirl.ID) { if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.Concubine.ID) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("refreshment delivery"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.dick > 8) { if (eventSlave.balls > 0) { if ( > 60) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 50) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("dick wringing"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.balls > 0) { if (eventSlave.scrotum > 0) { if (eventSlave.chastityPenis === 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) { if ( > 50) { if ( < 95) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("cage relief"); } } } } } } } if (State.variables.PC.dick > 0) { if (State.variables.PC.boobs > 0) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (((eventSlave.attrXY <= 35) && (eventSlave.attrXX > 65)) || ((eventSlave.attrXX <= 35) && (eventSlave.attrXY > 65))) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("dickgirl PC"); } } } } } } if ( > 40) { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (((eventSlave.attrXX >= 50) && (State.variables.PC.boobs === 1 || State.variables.PC.title === 0) && (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000)) || ((eventSlave.attrXY >= 50) && (State.variables.PC.dick === 1) && (State.variables.PC.boobs === 0) && (State.variables.PC.belly < 1500)) || (eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy" && State.variables.PC.belly >= 5000) || (eventSlave.fetish === "boobs" && State.variables.PC.belly < 5000 && State.variables.PC.boobsBonus > 0)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hot PC"); } } } } } } if ( <= 20) { if ( >= -75) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 30) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("like me"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.clothes === "uncomfortable straps") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("bondage gear"); } } } if (eventSlave.labia > 1 && eventSlave.vagina >= 0) { if (eventSlave.muscles > 5 || === "muscle building") { if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("inconvenient labia"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) { if (eventSlave.addict > 20) { if (eventSlave.aphrodisiacs > 0 || eventSlave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient addict"); } } } if (State.variables.seeExtreme === 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion < -50) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.assignment !== "stay confined") { if (eventSlave.heels !== 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("escapee"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "gluttonous") { if ( === "restricted") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("diet"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant shower"); } } if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if ( >= -20) { if ( > 75) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0 || eventSlave.anus !== 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("night visit"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.need) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1 || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("forbidden masturbation"); } } } if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if ( >= -50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("desperately horny"); } } } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick on slave"); } } if (eventSlave.muscles > 30) { if (eventSlave.weight <= 10) { if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 || State.variables.PC.dick === 0) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0 || State.variables.PC.dick === 0) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("muscles"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if (eventSlave.lactation > 1) { if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave) || canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("milkgasm"); } } } if (eventSlave.waist < -95) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( >= -20) { if (eventSlave.belly < 30000) { if (eventSlave.weight <= 95) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted waist"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.dick > 0) { if (eventSlave.balls === 0) { if (eventSlave.ovaries === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if ( < -50) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant gelding"); } } } } } } } if (isFertile(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) { if (eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy" || > 95) { if (eventSlave.eggType === "human") { if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (eventSlave.geneticQuirks.superfetation === 2 && (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant > 15) && eventSlave.womb.length > 0) { if (eventSlave.belly < (eventSlave.pregAdaptation * 1750)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("impregnation please"); } } else { State.variables.RESSevent.push("impregnation please"); } } } } } } } } } if (["large plug", "long, large plug", "huge plug", "long, huge plug"].includes(eventSlave.buttplug)) { if (eventSlave.assignment !== "stay confined" && isSlaveAvailable(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if ( >= -50) { if (eventSlave.anus < 3) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("plug disobedience"); } } } } } } /* closes amp/crawling exempt */ if (canTalk(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.boobsImplant > 400) { if (eventSlave.lipsImplant >= 30) { if (eventSlave.buttImplant > 3) { if (eventSlave.boobs < 9000 || eventSlave.butt < 8) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("surgery addict"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal > 900) { if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal < 1100) { if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) { if (eventSlave.anus > 0) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("millenary"); } } } } } } if (State.variables.expansionRequestsAllowed > 0) { if (eventSlave.drugs === "no drugs") { if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) { if ( > 20) { if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast === "unset") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("injections please"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "bitchy") { if (canSee(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( >= -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient bitchy"); } } } } } /* closes mute exempt */ if (State.variables.cockFeeder === 0) { if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant < -50) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient idiot"); } } } } if (State.variables.assistant > 1) { if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) { if ( > 95) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "permissive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "masturbation") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("nympho with assistant"); } } } } } if (eventSlave.minorInjury === "sore ass") { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("sore ass"); } } if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "hates oral") { if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hates oral"); } } } if (eventSlave.vagina === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted virgin"); } } } } if (eventSlave.anus === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { if ( > 20) { if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted anal virgin"); } } } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("scrubbing"); } } if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) { if (eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant") { if (eventSlave.clothes === "a slutty maid outfit" || eventSlave.clothes === "a nice maid outfit") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("servant maid"); } } } if (eventSlave.aphrodisiacs > 1 || eventSlave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") { if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "permissive") { if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("extreme aphrodisiacs"); } } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") { if (eventSlave.clit > 2) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave clit on slave"); } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.dick > 4) { if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) { if (canAchieveErection(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) { if (eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick huge"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.heels === 1) { if ( === "heels" || === "extreme heels") { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("heels"); } } } if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive") { if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) { if (eventSlave.anus > 2) { if (eventSlave.fetish === "buttslut" || > 95) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "none") { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("loose buttslut"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.boobs < 500) { if (eventSlave.butt < 3) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 && >= -20) { if (eventSlave.weight <= 10) { if (eventSlave.muscles <= 30) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient girlish"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.boobs > 1200) { if (eventSlave.areolaeShape !== "circle") { if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("shaped areolae"); } } } if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 10000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hugely pregnant"); } if (eventSlave.hormoneBalance >= 50) { if (eventSlave.vagina === -1) { if (eventSlave.balls >= 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") { if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hormone dysfunction"); } } } } } } } if (eventSlave.vaginaPiercing > 1) { if (eventSlave.nipplesPiercing > 1) { if (eventSlave.clitPiercing > 1) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) { if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) { if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("heavy piercing"); } } } } } } if (eventSlave.anus === 0) { if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) { if ( >= -20) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant anal virgin"); } } } if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) { if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 300000) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("hyperpreg stuck"); } } if (eventSlave.devotion >= 50) { if ( <= 20) { if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted fearful slave"); } } } if (eventSlave.relationship === 4) { if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) { if ( > 20) {"RE slave marriage"); } } } /* NICKNAME EVENTS */ if (State.variables.nicknamesAllowed === 1) { let toSearch = eventSlave.slaveName.toLowerCase(); if (!toSearch.includes("'")) { if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired >= 4) {"RE nickname"); State.variables.seed = 0; } } /* closes nickname check */ } /* closes no nicknames option */ } /* closes mindbreak exempt */ if (eventSlave.fetish === "mindbroken") { if (canWalk(eventSlave)) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("mindbroken morning"); } if (eventSlave.kindness !== undefined && eventSlave.kindness >= 100) { if ((isSlaveAvailable(eventSlave) && canWalk(eventSlave)) || (["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes(eventSlave.assignment))) { if (eventSlave.relationship === -3) { if (jsRandom(1, 200) < eventSlave.kindness) { State.variables.RESSevent.push("surprising wakeup"); } } } } } }; window.populateEventArray = function(RESS = State.variables.RESSevent.length, RESSTR = State.variables.RESSTRevent.length, RETS = State.variables.RETSevent.length, RECI = State.variables.RECIevent.length) { /* EVENT RANDOMIZATION */ let events =; let i = 0; for (i = 0; i < RESS; i++) { events.push("RESS"); } for (i = 0; i < RESSTR; i++) { events.push("RESSTR"); } for (i = 0; i < RETS; i++) { events.push("RETS"); } for (i = 0; i < RECI; i++) { events.push("RECI"); } if (events.length === 0) { events.push("RE no event"); } return events; };