window.generateRandomEventPoolStandard = function(eventSlave) {

	if (eventSlave.fetish !== "mindbroken") {
		if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
			if (canTalk(eventSlave)) {
				if (State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs[0])) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0 || (eventSlave.fetishKnown && eventSlave.fetish === "cumslut")) {
							State.variables.RETSevent.push("cockmilk interception");

				if (State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs[0])) {
					if (State.variables.universalRulesConsent === 1) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( > 40) {
								if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
									if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
										if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
											State.variables.RETSevent.push("interslave begging");

				if (State.variables.familyTesting === 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" || > 80) {
							if (eventSlave.relation === "mother") {
								if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) {
									if (eventSlave.lactation) {
										if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
											if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
												State.variables.RETSevent.push("incestuous nursing");
				} else {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 && (eventSlave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" || > 80) && eventSlave.belly < 100000 && eventSlave.lactation > 0 && eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity" && eventSlave.daughters > 0) {
						State.variables.RETSevent.push("incestuous nursing");

				if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant > 50) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						if (eventSlave.intelligenceImplant >= 15) {
							if (eventSlave.accent < 4) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted educated slave");

				if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 60 || ["a dancer", "a house DJ", "a party girl", "an aspiring pop star", "an exotic dancer"].includes( {
					if (canHear(eventSlave)) {
						if ( > 40) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
								if ( > 50) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("happy dance");

				if (State.variables.RERepressedAnalVirginSubIDs.length > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.anus === 0) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) {
							if ( >= -50) {
								if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "repressed") {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("repressed anal virgin");

				if (State.variables.assistant > 0) {
					if (State.variables.assistantAppearance !== "normal") {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
									if (["be a servant", "work as a servant"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
										if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
											State.variables.RESSevent.push("PA servant");
								} else if ( > 75) {
									if ( > 60) {
										if ((canDoAnal(eventSlave) && eventSlave.anus > 0) || (canDoVaginal(eventSlave) && eventSlave.vagina > 0)) {
											State.variables.RESSevent.push("PA flirting");

				if (eventSlave.clothes === "a succubus outfit") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if ( > 20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("sexy succubus");

				if (State.variables.HeadGirl !== 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
							if (State.variables.HGSeverity >= 0) {"RE anal punishment");
							}"RE shower punishment");
					if (eventSlave.ID === State.variables.HeadGirl.ID) {
						if ( > 50) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("trusting HG");
					if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.HeadGirl.ID) {
						if (canSee(eventSlave) && canWalk(eventSlave)) {
							if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
								if ( > 75) {
									if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
										if (eventSlave.skill.oral > 30) {
											if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant >= State.variables.HeadGirl.intelligence + State.variables.HeadGirl.intelligenceImplant) {
												if (eventSlave.skill.oral > State.variables.HeadGirl.skill.oral) {
			"RE HG replacement");

				if (eventSlave.livingRules === "spare") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > -10) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("sleeping ambivalent");
						if ( < -20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("bad dream");

				if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
						if (eventSlave.weekAcquired > 0) {
							if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired < 10) {
								if ( > 20) {
									if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) {
										if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
											State.variables.RESSevent.push("ignorant horny");

				if (State.variables.RETasteTestSubIDs.length > 1) {
					if (eventSlave.livingRules === "luxurious") {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( > 80) {
								if (canTaste(eventSlave)) {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("taste test");

				if (State.variables.modRequestsAllowed > 0) {
					if ( > 50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if (eventSlave.dick !== 0 || eventSlave.vagina !== -1) {
								if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
									if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") {
										if (eventSlave.corsetPiercing === 0) {
											if (eventSlave.tonguePiercing === 0) {
												if (eventSlave.anusPiercing === 0) {
													if (eventSlave.nipplesPiercing === 0) {
														if (eventSlave.dickPiercing === 0) {
															if (eventSlave.vaginaPiercing === 0) {
																if (eventSlave.lipsTat === 0 || eventSlave.lipsTat === "none") {
																	if (eventSlave.vaginaTat === 0 || eventSlave.vaginaTat === "none") {
																		State.variables.RESSevent.push("mods please");

				if (eventSlave.muscles > 5) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if ( !== "slimming") {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("sore shoulders");

				if (eventSlave.relationship > 3) {
					let relationshipSlave = State.variables.slaves.find(s => s.ID === eventSlave.relationshipTarget);
					if (relationshipSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (canWalk(relationshipSlave)) {
							if (canTalk(relationshipSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
									if ( > 50) {
										if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
											State.variables.RETSevent.push("date please");
										if (relationshipSlave.anus !== 0) {
											if (relationshipSlave.dick !== 1) {
												if (relationshipSlave.dick === 0 || canAchieveErection(relationshipSlave)) {
													if (relationshipSlave.fetish === "dom" || relationshipSlave.fetish === "sadist") {
														State.variables.RETSevent.push("top exhaustion");

				if (State.variables.REAnalCowgirlSubIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.REAnalCowgirlSubIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.REAnalCowgirlSubIDs[0])) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
							if (eventSlave.fetish === "buttslut" || eventSlave.fetish === "sadist" || eventSlave.fetish === "dom") {
								if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("anal cowgirl");

				if (State.variables.REBoobCollisionSubIDs.length > 1) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if ( > 20) {
							if (eventSlave.boobs > 3000) {
								if (eventSlave.attrXX >= 50 || (eventSlave.fetish === "boobs" && eventSlave.fetishStrength > 95)) {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("boob collision");

				if (State.variables.weatherToday.severity <= 1) {
					if ( > 50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("confident tanning");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if ( > 50) {
						let giver = 0;
						if (State.variables.HeadGirl === 0) {
							giver = 1;
						} else if (State.variables.HeadGirl.ID !== eventSlave.ID) {
							giver = 1;
						if (giver === 1) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("a gift");

				if (eventSlave.relationship >= 2) {
					if (eventSlave.relationship < 5) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( >= -20) {"RE relationship advice");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
							if ( > 20) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted exhibition");
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted lotion");
							if ( > 95 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted nympho");
							if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "permissive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "masturbation") {
								if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("permitted masturbation");

				if ( < -50) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("terrified inspection");

				if (eventSlave.dick > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= 10) {
							if (State.variables.REFeminizationCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) {
							if ( >= 10) {
								if (canAchieveErection(eventSlave)) {
									if (State.variables.REFutaSisterCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) {

				if (eventSlave.skill.anal > 30) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= 10) {
						if (State.variables.REMILFCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) {

				if (eventSlave.attrXY > 50) {
					if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion >= 10) {
								if (State.variables.REOrientationCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) {

				if (eventSlave.face >= -10) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= 10) {
						if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public" || eventSlave.assignment === "whore") {
							if (State.variables.REUglyCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) {

				if (eventSlave.anus > 1) {
					if (eventSlave.anus < 4) {
						if (eventSlave.analArea > 1) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
								if ( > 50) {
									if (State.variables.REButtholeCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) {

				if(eventSlave.drugs === "breast injections") {
					if(eventSlave.anus > 0 || eventSlave.vagina > 0) {
						if(eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if(eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
								if( >= -50) {
									if(State.variables.REReductionCheckinIDs.includes(eventSlave.ID)) {

				if (eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
						if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant < -50) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("cooler lockin");

				if (State.variables.universalRulesConsent === 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						if (eventSlave.fetish === "sadist" || eventSlave.fetish === "dom" || > 95) {
							if (State.variables.REShowerForceSubIDs.length > 0) {
								if ( <= 75) {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("shower force");
							if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
								if (State.variables.RESadisticDescriptionSubIDs.length > 0) {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("sadistic description");
							if (State.variables.cockFeeder > 0) {
								if (canPenetrate(eventSlave) || eventSlave.dick === 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("kitchen molestation");
						if (State.variables.REIfYouEnjoyItSubIDs.length > 0) {
							State.variables.RETSevent.push("if you enjoy it");
						if (State.variables.RESimpleAssaultIDs.length > 0) {
							if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RETSevent.push("simple assault");

				if (eventSlave.devotion < -50) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive") {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("vocal disobedience");

				if (State.variables.boobAccessibility !== 1 && State.variables.ballsAccessibility !== 1 && State.variables.pregAccessibility !== 1) {
					if (eventSlave.boobs > 10000) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							if (State.variables.slaves.length > 2) {
								if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("huge tits");

				if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 30) {
					if (eventSlave.ageImplant > 0) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("age implant");

				if (State.variables.seeAge !== 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
							if (eventSlave.birthWeek >= 51) {
								/* let's give this a much higher chance of appearing */

				if (eventSlave.clothes === "a penitent nuns habit") {
					if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {

				if (eventSlave.slaveName !== eventSlave.birthName && eventSlave.birthName !== "") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if ( >= -20) {
							if (eventSlave.anus > 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("not my name");

				if (State.variables.slaves.length > 2) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
						if (eventSlave.heels === 1) {
							if ( === "heels" || === "boots" || === "extreme heels") {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("tendon fall");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina < 0) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
									if (eventSlave.skill.anal <= 30) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient shemale");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if ( > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 37) {
							if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
								if (eventSlave.vagina > 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted old");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.actualAge > 35) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								if (State.variables.PC.actualAge < 25) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("young PC age difference");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.actualAge < 22) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								if (State.variables.PC.actualAge >= 50) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("old PC age difference");

				if (eventSlave.fetish === "humiliation" || > 95) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
									if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) {
										if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
											State.variables.RESSevent.push("fearful humiliation");

				if (eventSlave.livingRules === "luxurious") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 75) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("newly devoted sunrise");

				if (State.variables.PC.dick === 1) {
					if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000) {
						if (["be a servant", "work as a servant"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
							if (eventSlave.attrXY <= 35 || eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "hates men" || eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "repressed") {
								if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
									if ( > 20) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("frightening dick");

				if ( > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.boobs > 2000) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( > 20) {
								if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("spa boobs");

				if (eventSlave.lactation > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.boobs > 800) {
						if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
							if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
								if ( > 20) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("cow milking");

				if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if ((eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut" && eventSlave.fetish !== "masochist" && eventSlave.fetishStrength < 60) || eventSlave.fetishKnown === 0) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("retching cum feeding");

				if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist !== "unset") {
					if (eventSlave.race !== State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace) {
						if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired > 1) {
							if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired < 10) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) {
									if ( >= -20) {
										if ( > -20) {
											if (eventSlave.race === eventSlave.origRace) {
												if (eventSlave.indentureRestrictions < 1) {
													State.variables.RESSevent.push("subjugation blues");

				if (canTalk(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0) {
						if ( === "fattening") {
							if ( >= -50) {
								if (eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut") {
									if (eventSlave.weight < -30) {
										if ( > -80) {
											if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw !== "anorexic") {
												if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw !== "self hating") {
													if (eventSlave.fetishStrength <= 60 || eventSlave.fetishKnown !== 1) {
														State.variables.RESSevent.push("too thin for cum diet");

				if (eventSlave.drugs === "intensive breast injections" || eventSlave.drugs === "hyper breast injections") {
					if (eventSlave.boobs <= 8000) {
						if (eventSlave.boobs > 2000) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) {
									if ( >= -50) {
										if (eventSlave.fetish !== "boobs") {
											if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant >= -50) {
												State.variables.RESSevent.push("breast expansion blues");

				if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 35) {
					if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
						if (["serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work in the brothel"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("ara ara");

				if (eventSlave.anus > 3) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						if ( > 50) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("gaped asshole");

				if ( > 90) {
					if (eventSlave.muscles > 5) {
						if (eventSlave.weight <= 30) {
							if (eventSlave.weight >= -30) {
								if ( > 50) {
									if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("passing declaration");

				if ( < -50) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("im scared");

				if (eventSlave.fetish === "sadist") {
					if (eventSlave.fetishStrength > 20) {
						if (State.variables.arcadeSlaves > 0) {
							if ( >= -20) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
									if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("arcade sadist");

				if (eventSlave.dick === 0) {
					if (eventSlave.vagina === -1) {
						if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
							if ( > 20) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) {
									if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut" || eventSlave.fetishStrength <= 20) {
										if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
											State.variables.RESSevent.push("desperate null");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if (eventSlave.boobs > 2000) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("back stretch");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
							if (eventSlave.choosesOwnClothes !== 1) {
								if (setup.modestClothes.includes(eventSlave.clothes)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("modest clothes");

				if (State.variables.PC.vagina === 1) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if (( >= -20 && eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "arrogant") || ( > 20)) {
							if (eventSlave.muscles > 30) {
								if ( > 20) {
									if ( > 50) {
										if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
											if (State.variables.Bodyguard === 0) {
												State.variables.RESSevent.push("mutinery attempt");
			} /* closes mute exempt */

			if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
				if (["ball gag", "bit gag", "dildo gag", "massive dildo gag"].includes(eventSlave.collar)) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("gagged slave");

			if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
				if (eventSlave.butt > 5) {
					if (["a biyelgee costume", "a bunny outfit", "a burkini", "a cheerleader outfit", "a comfortable bodysuit", "a dirndl", "a fallen nuns habit", "a huipil", "a latex catsuit", "a leotard", "a long qipao", "a maternity dress", "a military uniform", "a monokini", "a mounty outfit", "a nice nurse outfit", "a red army uniform", "a scalemail bikini", "a schoolgirl outfit", "a schutzstaffel uniform", "a slutty nurse outfit", "a slutty outfit", "a slutty qipao", "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform", "a succubus outfit", "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman", "attractive lingerie", "battlearmor", "chains", "clubslut netting", "conservative clothing", "cutoffs and a t-shirt", "kitty lingerie", "lederhosen", "nice business attire", "overalls", "restrictive latex", "striped panties", "slutty business attire", "slutty jewelry", "spats and a tank top", "stretch pants and a crop-top", "uncomfortable straps", "Western clothing"].includes(eventSlave.clothes)) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("ass fitting");

			if ( > 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > 40) {
						if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) {
							if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000 && State.variables.PC.ballsImplant < 3 && State.variables.PC.balls < 3) {
								if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("comfortable seat");

			if (eventSlave.vaginaLube > 1) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if (canDoVaginal(State.variables.activeSlave)) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("moist pussy");

			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
				if ( <= -20) {
					if (eventSlave.genes === "XY") {
						if (eventSlave.dick > 0) {
							if (eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) {
								if (eventSlave.vagina === -1) {
									if (eventSlave.attrXY < 50) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("transition anxiety");

			if (State.variables.seeAge === 1) {
				if (eventSlave.actualAge < 18) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.ovaries === 1) {
							if (eventSlave.pubertyXX === 0) {
								if (eventSlave.preg === 0) {
									if (eventSlave.physicalAge >= eventSlave.pubertyAgeXX - 0.5) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
						if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
							if (eventSlave.balls > 0) {
								if (eventSlave.pubertyXY === 0) {
									if (eventSlave.physicalAge >= eventSlave.pubertyAgeXY - 0.5) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
			} /* closes aging exemption */

			if (eventSlave.devotion >= -150) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {"RE standard punishment");

			if (eventSlave.boobs > 600) {
				if (eventSlave.boobShape === "torpedo-shaped") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("torpedo squeeze");

			if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") {
				if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
					if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist === "unset") {
						if (State.variables.arcologyUpgrade.drones === 1) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("mean girls");

			if (eventSlave.balls > 0) {
				if (eventSlave.hormoneBalance >= 100) {
					if (State.variables.hormoneUpgradeMood === 0) {
						if ( >= -50) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("orchiectomy please");

			if ( > 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("shower slip");
					if (eventSlave.amp < 0) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("plimb help");

			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if (State.variables.suppository !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("suppository resistance");
						if (State.variables.cockFeeder !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut") {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("cockfeeder resistance");

			if (eventSlave.relationship <= -2) {
				if ( > 50) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("bonded love");

			if ( > 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("objectifying visit");

			if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > -10) {
						if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.HeadGirl.ID) {
							if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.Concubine.ID) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("refreshment delivery");

			if (eventSlave.dick > 8) {
				if (eventSlave.balls > 0) {
					if ( > 60) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
							if ( > 50) {
								if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
									if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("dick wringing");

			if (eventSlave.balls > 0) {
				if (eventSlave.scrotum > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.chastityPenis === 1) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
							if ( > 50) {
								if ( < 95) {
									if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("cage relief");

			if (State.variables.PC.dick > 0) {
				if (State.variables.PC.boobs > 0) {
					if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
								if (((eventSlave.attrXY <= 35) && (eventSlave.attrXX > 65)) || ((eventSlave.attrXX <= 35) && (eventSlave.attrXY > 65))) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("dickgirl PC");

			if (eventSlave.voice > 0) {
				if (eventSlave.lips <= 95) {
					if (!["ball gag", "bit gag", "dildo gag", "massive dildo gag"].includes(eventSlave.collar)) {
						if (eventSlave.accent === 3) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
								if ( > -10) {
									if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("language lesson");

			if ( > 40) {
				if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
					if ( >= -50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 0) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
								if (((eventSlave.attrXX >= 50) && (State.variables.PC.boobs === 1 || State.variables.PC.title === 0) && (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000)) ||
									((eventSlave.attrXY >= 50) && (State.variables.PC.dick === 1) && (State.variables.PC.boobs === 0) && (State.variables.PC.belly < 1500)) ||
									(eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy" && State.variables.PC.belly >= 5000) ||
									(eventSlave.fetish === "boobs" && State.variables.PC.belly < 5000 && State.variables.PC.boobsBonus > 0)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("hot PC");

			if ( <= 20) {
				if ( >= -75) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 30) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("like me");

			if (eventSlave.boobs >= 2000) {
				if (eventSlave.boobsImplant === 0) {
					if (eventSlave.nipples !== "tiny" && eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("huge naturals");

			if (eventSlave.boobs > 800) {
				if (Math.floor(eventSlave.boobsImplant / eventSlave.boobs) >= 0.60) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("implant inspection");

			if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) {
				if ( >= -20) {
					if (eventSlave.clothes === "uncomfortable straps") {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("bondage gear");

			if (eventSlave.labia > 1 && eventSlave.vagina >= 0) {
				if (eventSlave.muscles > 5 || === "muscle building") {
					if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( > 20) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("inconvenient labia");

			if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) {
				if (eventSlave.addict > 20) {
					if (eventSlave.aphrodisiacs > 0 || eventSlave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient addict");

			if (eventSlave.devotion < -50) {
				if ( >= -50) {
					if (eventSlave.assignment !== "stay confined") {
						if (eventSlave.heels !== 1) {

			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
				if ( >= -50) {
					if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "gluttonous") {
						if ( === "restricted") {

			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant shower");

			if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if ( > 75) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") {
								if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0 || eventSlave.anus !== 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("night visit");

			if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "restrictive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "chastity") {
				if (eventSlave.need) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
						if ( >= -20) {
							if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("forbidden masturbation");
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
						if ( >= -50) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("desperately horny");

			if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
				if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick on slave");

			if (eventSlave.muscles > 30) {
				if (eventSlave.weight <= 10) {
					if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 || State.variables.PC.dick === 0) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0 || State.variables.PC.dick === 0) {

			if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
				if (eventSlave.lactation > 1) {
					if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave) || canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {

			if (eventSlave.waist < -95) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if (eventSlave.belly < 30000) {
							if (eventSlave.weight <= 95) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted waist");

			if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 100) {
				if ( > 50) {
					if (["serve in the club", "serve the public"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("masterful entertainer");

			if (eventSlave.skill.whoring >= 100) {
				if ( > 50) {
					if (["whore", "work in the brothel"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("masterful whore");

			if (eventSlave.dick > 0) {
				if (eventSlave.balls === 0) {
					if (eventSlave.ovaries === 0) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if ( < -50) {
								if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
									if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant gelding");

			if (State.variables.seePreg !== 0) {
				if (isFertile(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy" || > 95) {
								if (eventSlave.eggType === "human") {
									if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
										if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
											if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
												if (eventSlave.geneticQuirks.superfetation === 2 && (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant > 15) && eventSlave.womb.length > 0) {
													if (eventSlave.belly < (eventSlave.pregAdaptation * 1750)) {
														State.variables.RESSevent.push("impregnation please");
												} else {
													State.variables.RESSevent.push("impregnation please");

			if (["huge plug", "large plug", "long, huge plug", "long, large plug"].includes(eventSlave.buttplug)) {
				if (eventSlave.assignment !== "stay confined" && isSlaveAvailable(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if ( >= -50) {
							if (eventSlave.anus < 3) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("plug disobedience");

			if (["serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work in the brothel"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
				if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
					if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) {
						if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("used whore");

			if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
					if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("nice guys");

			if (eventSlave.assignment === "please you") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("lazy evening");

			if (eventSlave.height < (Height.mean(eventSlave) * 0.95)) {
				if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 12) {
					if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( <= 95) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted shortstack");
		} /* closes amp/crawling exempt */

		if (canTalk(eventSlave)) {
			if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.boobsImplant > 400) {
					if (eventSlave.lipsImplant >= 30) {
						if (eventSlave.buttImplant > 3) {
							if (eventSlave.boobs < 9000 || eventSlave.butt < 8) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("surgery addict");

			if (eventSlave.assignment === "please you") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
							if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
								if (State.variables.corpIncorporated !== 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift sleep");
								if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
									if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "permissive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "masturbation") {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift masturbation");
								if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 60) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift doorframe");
							if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								if (State.variables.PC.vagina === 1) {
									if (eventSlave.dick === 0) {
										if (State.variables.fuckSlaves > 2) {
											State.variables.RESSevent.push("fucktoy tribbing");
			} else if (["be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
							if ((eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
								if (State.variables.corpIncorporated !== 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift sleep");
								if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 60) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("shift doorframe");
							if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								if (State.variables.PC.vagina === 1) {
									if (eventSlave.dick === 0) {
										if (State.variables.fuckSlaves > 2) {
											State.variables.RESSevent.push("fucktoy tribbing");

			if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal > 900) {
					if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal < 1100) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
								if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {

			if (eventSlave.assignment === "stay confined") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("solitary desperation");

			if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 60) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("restricted profession");

			if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.intelligence > 15) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("restricted smart");

			if (State.variables.expansionRequestsAllowed > 0) {
				if (eventSlave.drugs === "no drugs") {
					if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") {
						if ( > 20) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
								if ( > 20) {
									if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast === "unset") {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("injections please");

			if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") {
				if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("serve the public devoted");

			if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "bitchy") {
				if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if ( >= -20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient bitchy");
		} /* closes mute exempt */

		if (State.variables.cockFeeder === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant < -50) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient idiot");

		if (eventSlave.boobs > 25000) {
			if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("tittymonster inspection");

		if (State.variables.assistant > 1) {
			if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
				if ( > 95) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "permissive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "masturbation") {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("nympho with assistant");

		if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
			if ( > 50) {
				if (eventSlave.assignment === "please you" || eventSlave.assignment === "serve in the master suite" || eventSlave.assignment === "be your Concubine") {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("bed snuggle");

		if (eventSlave.minorInjury === "sore ass") {
			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("sore ass");

		if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "hates oral") {
			if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("hates oral");

		if (eventSlave.vagina === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
				if ( > 20) {
					if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted virgin");

		if (eventSlave.anus === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
				if ( > 20) {
					if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted anal virgin");

		if (State.variables.seeExtreme === 1) {
			if (eventSlave.balls > 1) {
				if (eventSlave.scrotum > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if ( <= 20) {
							if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("fearful balls");

		if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
			if (eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant") {

		if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
			if (eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant") {
				if (eventSlave.clothes === "a slutty maid outfit" || eventSlave.clothes === "a nice maid outfit") {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("servant maid");

		if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
			if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
				if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") {
					if (eventSlave.vagina === 0) {
						if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal > 100) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("unhappy virgin");

		if (eventSlave.aphrodisiacs > 1 || eventSlave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") {
			if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "permissive") {
				if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("extreme aphrodisiacs");

		if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
			if (eventSlave.clit > 2) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave clit on slave");

		if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
			if (eventSlave.dick > 4) {
				if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) {
					if (canAchieveErection(eventSlave)) {
						if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) {
							if (eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick huge");

		if (eventSlave.heels === 1) {
			if ( === "heels" || === "extreme heels") {
				if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {

		if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
			if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) {
				if (eventSlave.anus > 2) {
					if (eventSlave.fetish === "buttslut" || > 95) {
						if (eventSlave.fetish !== "none") {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("loose buttslut");

		if (eventSlave.assignment === "whore") {
			if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) && (eventSlave.vagina < 0 || canDoVaginal(eventSlave))) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion < -20 && >= -20) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("whore rebellious");

		if (eventSlave.amp === 1) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
				if (eventSlave.anus > 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted amp");
			if (eventSlave.assignment === "rest") {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("resting amp");

		if (eventSlave.boobs < 500) {
			if (eventSlave.butt < 3) {
				if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 && >= -20) {
							if (eventSlave.weight <= 10) {
								if (eventSlave.muscles <= 30) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient girlish");

		if (eventSlave.boobs > 1200) {
			if (eventSlave.areolaeShape !== "circle") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("shaped areolae");

		if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "arrogant") {
			if (eventSlave.devotion < -50) {
				if ( >= -50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("rebellious arrogant");

		if (State.variables.seePreg !== 0) {
			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 10000) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("hugely pregnant");

		if (eventSlave.hormoneBalance >= 50) {
			if (eventSlave.vagina === -1) {
				if (eventSlave.balls >= 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") {
								if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("hormone dysfunction");

		if (eventSlave.vaginaPiercing > 1) {
			if (eventSlave.nipplesPiercing > 1) {
				if (eventSlave.clitPiercing > 1) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("heavy piercing");

		if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
			if (eventSlave.fetish === "cumslut" || > 95) {
				if (["serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work a glory hole", "work in the brothel"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("cumslut whore");

		if (eventSlave.anus === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) {
				if ( >= -20) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant anal virgin");

		if (eventSlave.relationship === 4) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
				if ( > 20) {"RE slave marriage");

		if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) {
			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("hyperpreg stuck");

		if (eventSlave.devotion >= 50) {
			if ( <= 20) {
				if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted fearful slave");

		if (eventSlave.prestige === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
				if ( > 50) {
					if (eventSlave.skill.entertainment >= 100) {
						if (eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") {"RE legendary entertainer");

					if (eventSlave.skill.whoring >= 100) {
						if (eventSlave.assignment === "whore") {"RE legendary whore");

					if (eventSlave.lactation > 0) {
						if ((eventSlave.boobs - eventSlave.boobsImplant) > 6000) {
							if (eventSlave.assignment === "get milked") {"RE legendary cow");

					if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 14000) {
						if (eventSlave.broodmother === 0) {
							if (eventSlave.counter.births > 10) {
								if (eventSlave.assignment === "whore" || eventSlave.assignment === "serve the public") {
									if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) {
"RE legendary womb");

					if (eventSlave.balls > 6) {
						if (eventSlave.dick > 6) {
							if (eventSlave.assignment === "work in the dairy" || eventSlave.assignment === "get milked") {"RE legendary balls");

					if (eventSlave.origin === "You sentenced $him to enslavement as a punishment for attempted theft of a slave." || eventSlave.origin === "$He is an enslaved Daughter of Liberty." || eventSlave.origin === "You got $him at the Slave Shelter. $He is an enslaved Daughter of Liberty, caught some weeks after the failed coup. $His previous owner used $him as a punching bag and dart board, then when he was bored of $him tattooed obscenities all over $his body and threw $him away." || eventSlave.origin === "$He is an enslaved member of an anti-slavery extremist group.") {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 95 && eventSlave.assignment === "please you") {"RE former abolitionist");


		if (State.variables.nicknamesAllowed === 1) {
			let toSearch = eventSlave.slaveName.toLowerCase();
			if (!toSearch.includes("'")) {
				if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired >= 4) {"RE nickname");
					State.variables.seed = 0;
			} /* closes nickname check */
		} /* closes no nicknames option */
	} /* closes mindbreak exempt */

	if (eventSlave.fetish === "mindbroken") {
		if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
			State.variables.RESSevent.push("mindbroken morning");
		if (eventSlave.kindness !== undefined && eventSlave.kindness >= 100) {
			if ((isSlaveAvailable(eventSlave) && canWalk(eventSlave)) || (["please you", "serve in the master suite", "be your Concubine"].includes(eventSlave.assignment))) {
				if (eventSlave.relationship === -3) {
					if (jsRandom(1, 200) < eventSlave.kindness) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("surprising wakeup");
		if ( === "a breeding bull" && eventSlave.assignment === "serve in the master suite" && canPenetrate(eventSlave) && eventSlave.dick >= 5 && eventSlave.amp !== 1 && State.variables.PC.vagina === 1 && State.variables.PC.preg === 0 && (eventSlave.muscles > 30 || eventSlave.weight > 30)) {
			State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull");
			if (State.variables.PC.fertDrugs > 0) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull");
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull");
			if (State.variables.PC.forcedFertDrugs > 0) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull");
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("breeding bull");

/* servants spend a lot of time in the penthouse, so should be eligible for a number (but not all) random events */
window.generateRandomEventPoolServant = function(eventSlave) {

	if (eventSlave.fetish !== "mindbroken") {
		if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
			if (canTalk(eventSlave)) {
				if (State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.RECockmilkInterceptionIDs[0])) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0 || (eventSlave.fetishKnown && eventSlave.fetish === "cumslut")) {
							State.variables.RETSevent.push("cockmilk interception");

				if (State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs.length > 1 || (State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs.length === 1 && eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.REInterslaveBeggingIDs[0])) {
					if (State.variables.universalRulesConsent === 1) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( > 40) {
								if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
									if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
										if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
											State.variables.RETSevent.push("interslave begging");

				if (State.variables.familyTesting === 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" || > 80) {
							if (eventSlave.relation === "mother") {
								if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) {
									if (eventSlave.lactation) {
										if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
											if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
												State.variables.RETSevent.push("incestuous nursing");
				} else {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 && (eventSlave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" || > 80) && eventSlave.belly < 100000 && eventSlave.lactation > 0 && eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity" && eventSlave.daughters > 0) {
						State.variables.RETSevent.push("incestuous nursing");

				if (State.variables.assistant > 0) {
					if (State.variables.assistantAppearance !== "normal") {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
								if (["be a servant", "work as a servant"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
									if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("PA servant");

				if (State.variables.HeadGirl !== 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
							if (State.variables.HGSeverity >= 0) {"RE anal punishment");
							}"RE shower punishment");

				if (State.variables.RETasteTestSubIDs.length > 1) {
					if (eventSlave.livingRules === "luxurious") {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( > 80) {
								if (canTaste(eventSlave)) {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("taste test");

				if (eventSlave.relationship > 3) {
					let relationshipSlave = State.variables.slaves.find(s => s.ID === eventSlave.relationshipTarget);
					if (relationshipSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (canWalk(relationshipSlave)) {
							if (canTalk(relationshipSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
									if ( > 50) {
										if (relationshipSlave.anus !== 0) {
											if (relationshipSlave.dick !== 1) {
												if (relationshipSlave.dick === 0 || canAchieveErection(relationshipSlave)) {
													if (relationshipSlave.fetish === "dom" || relationshipSlave.fetish === "sadist") {
														State.variables.RETSevent.push("top exhaustion");

				if (State.variables.weatherToday.severity <= 1) {
					if ( > 50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("confident tanning");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if ( > 50) {
						let giver = 0;
						if (State.variables.HeadGirl === 0) {
							giver = 1;
						} else if (State.variables.HeadGirl.ID !== eventSlave.ID) {
							giver = 1;
						if (giver === 1) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("a gift");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
							if ( > 20) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted lotion");

				if (eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
						if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant < -50) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("cooler lockin");

				if (State.variables.universalRulesConsent === 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						if (eventSlave.fetish === "sadist" || eventSlave.fetish === "dom" || > 95) {
							if (State.variables.REShowerForceSubIDs.length > 0) {
								if ( <= 75) {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("shower force");
							if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
								if (State.variables.RESadisticDescriptionSubIDs.length > 0) {
									State.variables.RETSevent.push("sadistic description");
							if (State.variables.cockFeeder > 0) {
								if (canPenetrate(eventSlave) || eventSlave.dick === 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("kitchen molestation");
						if (State.variables.REIfYouEnjoyItSubIDs.length > 0) {
							State.variables.RETSevent.push("if you enjoy it");
						if (State.variables.RESimpleAssaultIDs.length > 0) {
							if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RETSevent.push("simple assault");

				if (State.variables.boobAccessibility !== 1 && State.variables.ballsAccessibility !== 1 && State.variables.pregAccessibility !== 1) {
					if (eventSlave.boobs > 10000) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							if (State.variables.slaves.length > 2) {
								if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("huge tits");

				if (State.variables.seeAge !== 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
							if (eventSlave.birthWeek >= 51) {
								/* let's give this a much higher chance of appearing */

				if (eventSlave.slaveName !== eventSlave.birthName && eventSlave.birthName !== "") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if ( >= -20) {
							if (eventSlave.anus > 0 && canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("not my name");

				if (State.variables.slaves.length > 2) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
						if (eventSlave.heels === 1) {
							if ( === "heels" || === "boots" || === "extreme heels") {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("tendon fall");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina < 0) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
									if (eventSlave.skill.anal <= 30) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient shemale");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if ( > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.physicalAge > 37) {
							if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
								if (eventSlave.vagina > 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted old");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.actualAge > 35) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								if (State.variables.PC.actualAge < 25) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("young PC age difference");

				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.actualAge < 22) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								if (State.variables.PC.actualAge >= 50) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("old PC age difference");

				if (eventSlave.fetish === "humiliation" || > 95) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
									if (eventSlave.anus !== 0) {
										if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
											State.variables.RESSevent.push("fearful humiliation");

				if (eventSlave.livingRules === "luxurious") {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 75) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("newly devoted sunrise");

				if (State.variables.PC.dick === 1) {
					if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000) {
						if (["be a servant", "work as a servant"].includes(eventSlave.assignment)) {
							if (eventSlave.attrXY <= 35 || eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "hates men" || eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "repressed") {
								if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
									if ( > 20) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("frightening dick");

				if ( > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.boobs > 2000) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( > 20) {
								if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("spa boobs");

				if (eventSlave.lactation > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.boobs > 800) {
						if (eventSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
							if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
								if ( > 20) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("cow milking");

				if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist !== "unset") {
					if (eventSlave.race !== State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace) {
						if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired > 1) {
							if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired < 10) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) {
									if ( >= -20) {
										if ( > -20) {
											if (eventSlave.race === eventSlave.origRace) {
												if (eventSlave.indentureRestrictions < 1) {
													State.variables.RESSevent.push("subjugation blues");

				if (canTalk(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.dietCum > 0) {
						if ( === "fattening") {
							if ( >= -50) {
								if (eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut") {
									if (eventSlave.weight < -30) {
										if ( > -80) {
											if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw !== "anorexic") {
												if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw !== "self hating") {
													if (eventSlave.fetishStrength <= 60 || eventSlave.fetishKnown !== 1) {
														State.variables.RESSevent.push("too thin for cum diet");

				if ( > 90) {
					if (eventSlave.muscles > 5) {
						if (eventSlave.weight <= 30) {
							if (eventSlave.weight >= -30) {
								if ( > 50) {
									if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("passing declaration");

				if (eventSlave.fetish === "sadist") {
					if (eventSlave.fetishStrength > 20) {
						if (State.variables.arcadeSlaves > 0) {
							if ( >= -20) {
								if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
									if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("arcade sadist");

				if (State.variables.PC.vagina === 1) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if (( >= -20 && eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "arrogant") || ( > 20)) {
							if (eventSlave.muscles > 30) {
								if ( > 20) {
									if ( > 50) {
										if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
											if (State.variables.Bodyguard === 0) {
												State.variables.RESSevent.push("mutinery attempt");
			} /* closes mute exempt */

			if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
				if (["ball gag", "bit gag", "dildo gag", "massive dildo gag"].includes(eventSlave.collar)) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("gagged slave");

			if ( > 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > 40) {
						if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) {
							if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000 && State.variables.PC.ballsImplant < 3 && State.variables.PC.balls < 3) {
								if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("comfortable seat");

			if (State.variables.seeAge === 1) {
				if (eventSlave.actualAge < 18) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.ovaries === 1) {
							if (eventSlave.pubertyXX === 0) {
								if (eventSlave.preg === 0) {
									if (eventSlave.physicalAge >= eventSlave.pubertyAgeXX - 0.5) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("first period");
						if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
							if (eventSlave.balls > 0) {
								if (eventSlave.pubertyXY === 0) {
									if (eventSlave.physicalAge >= eventSlave.pubertyAgeXY - 0.5) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("wet dreams");
			} /* closes aging exemption */

			if (eventSlave.devotion >= -150) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {"RE standard punishment");

			if ( > 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("shower slip");
					if (eventSlave.amp < 0) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("plimb help");

			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if (State.variables.suppository !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("suppository resistance");
						if (State.variables.cockFeeder !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish !== "cumslut") {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("cockfeeder resistance");

			if (eventSlave.relationship <= -2) {
				if ( > 50) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("bonded love");

			if ( > 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("objectifying visit");

			if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( > -10) {
						if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.HeadGirl.ID) {
							if (eventSlave.ID !== State.variables.Concubine.ID) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("refreshment delivery");

			if (eventSlave.dick > 8) {
				if (eventSlave.balls > 0) {
					if ( > 60) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
							if ( > 50) {
								if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
									if (eventSlave.belly < 100000) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("dick wringing");

			if (eventSlave.balls > 0) {
				if (eventSlave.scrotum > 0) {
					if (eventSlave.chastityPenis === 1) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
							if ( > 50) {
								if ( < 95) {
									if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("cage relief");

			if (State.variables.PC.dick > 0) {
				if (State.variables.PC.boobs > 0) {
					if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
								if (((eventSlave.attrXY <= 35) && (eventSlave.attrXX > 65)) || ((eventSlave.attrXX <= 35) && (eventSlave.attrXY > 65))) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("dickgirl PC");

			if ( > 40) {
				if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
					if ( >= -50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 0) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
								if (((eventSlave.attrXX >= 50) && (State.variables.PC.boobs === 1 || State.variables.PC.title === 0) && (State.variables.PC.belly < 5000)) ||
									((eventSlave.attrXY >= 50) && (State.variables.PC.dick === 1) && (State.variables.PC.boobs === 0) && (State.variables.PC.belly < 1500)) ||
									(eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy" && State.variables.PC.belly >= 5000) ||
									(eventSlave.fetish === "boobs" && State.variables.PC.belly < 5000 && State.variables.PC.boobsBonus > 0)) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("hot PC");

			if ( <= 20) {
				if ( >= -75) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 30) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("like me");

			if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) {
				if ( >= -20) {
					if (eventSlave.clothes === "uncomfortable straps") {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("bondage gear");

			if (eventSlave.labia > 1 && eventSlave.vagina >= 0) {
				if (eventSlave.muscles > 5 || === "muscle building") {
					if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
							if ( > 20) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("inconvenient labia");

			if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) {
				if (eventSlave.addict > 20) {
					if (eventSlave.aphrodisiacs > 0 || eventSlave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient addict");

			if (State.variables.seeExtreme === 1) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion < -50) {
					if ( >= -50) {
						if (eventSlave.assignment !== "stay confined") {
							if (eventSlave.heels !== 1) {

			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
				if ( >= -50) {
					if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "gluttonous") {
						if ( === "restricted") {

			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion >= -50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant shower");

			if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if ( > 75) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") {
								if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0 || eventSlave.anus !== 0) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("night visit");

			if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.need) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
						if ( >= -20) {
							if (eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1 || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("forbidden masturbation");
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
						if ( >= -50) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("desperately horny");

			if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
				if (canPenetrate(eventSlave)) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick on slave");

			if (eventSlave.muscles > 30) {
				if (eventSlave.weight <= 10) {
					if (eventSlave.anus !== 0 || State.variables.PC.dick === 0) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0 || State.variables.PC.dick === 0) {

			if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
				if (eventSlave.lactation > 1) {
					if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave) || canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {

			if (eventSlave.waist < -95) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
					if ( >= -20) {
						if (eventSlave.belly < 30000) {
							if (eventSlave.weight <= 95) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted waist");

			if (eventSlave.dick > 0) {
				if (eventSlave.balls === 0) {
					if (eventSlave.ovaries === 0) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if ( < -50) {
								if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
									if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant gelding");

			if (isFertile(eventSlave)) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) {
						if (eventSlave.fetish === "pregnancy" || > 95) {
							if (eventSlave.eggType === "human") {
								if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
									if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
										if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
											if (eventSlave.geneticQuirks.superfetation === 2 && (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant > 15) && eventSlave.womb.length > 0) {
												if (eventSlave.belly < (eventSlave.pregAdaptation * 1750)) {
													State.variables.RESSevent.push("impregnation please");
											} else {
												State.variables.RESSevent.push("impregnation please");

			if (["large plug", "long, large plug", "huge plug", "long, huge plug"].includes(eventSlave.buttplug)) {
				if (eventSlave.assignment !== "stay confined" && isSlaveAvailable(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
						if ( >= -50) {
							if (eventSlave.anus < 3) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("plug disobedience");
		} /* closes amp/crawling exempt */

		if (canTalk(eventSlave)) {
			if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.boobsImplant > 400) {
					if (eventSlave.lipsImplant >= 30) {
						if (eventSlave.buttImplant > 3) {
							if (eventSlave.boobs < 9000 || eventSlave.butt < 8) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("surgery addict");

			if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
				if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal > 900) {
					if (eventSlave.counter.oral + eventSlave.counter.vaginal + eventSlave.counter.anal < 1100) {
						if (eventSlave.vagina !== 0) {
							if (eventSlave.anus > 0) {
								if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {

			if (State.variables.expansionRequestsAllowed > 0) {
				if (eventSlave.drugs === "no drugs") {
					if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") {
						if ( > 20) {
							if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20) {
								if ( > 20) {
									if (State.variables.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast === "unset") {
										State.variables.RESSevent.push("injections please");

			if (eventSlave.behavioralFlaw === "bitchy") {
				if (canSee(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if ( >= -20) {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient bitchy");
		} /* closes mute exempt */

		if (State.variables.cockFeeder === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.intelligence + eventSlave.intelligenceImplant < -50) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion >= -20 || < -20) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient idiot");

		if (State.variables.assistant > 1) {
			if (eventSlave.fetishKnown === 1) {
				if ( > 95) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
						if (eventSlave.releaseRules === "permissive" || eventSlave.releaseRules === "masturbation") {
							State.variables.RESSevent.push("nympho with assistant");

		if (eventSlave.minorInjury === "sore ass") {
			if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("sore ass");

		if (eventSlave.sexualFlaw === "hates oral") {
			if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) {
				if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("hates oral");

		if (eventSlave.vagina === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
				if ( > 20) {
					if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted virgin");

		if (eventSlave.anus === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
				if ( > 20) {
					if (eventSlave.speechRules !== "restrictive") {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted anal virgin");

		if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
			if (eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant") {

		if (eventSlave.devotion <= 20) {
			if (eventSlave.assignment === "work as a servant" || eventSlave.assignment === "be a servant") {
				if (eventSlave.clothes === "a slutty maid outfit" || eventSlave.clothes === "a nice maid outfit") {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("servant maid");

		if (eventSlave.aphrodisiacs > 1 || eventSlave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") {
			if (eventSlave.speechRules === "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "permissive") {
				if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("extreme aphrodisiacs");

		if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
			if (eventSlave.clit > 2) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave clit on slave");

		if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive") {
			if (eventSlave.dick > 4) {
				if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) {
					if (canAchieveErection(eventSlave)) {
						if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) {
							if (eventSlave.chastityPenis !== 1) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick huge");

		if (eventSlave.heels === 1) {
			if ( === "heels" || === "extreme heels") {
				if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {

		if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive") {
			if (eventSlave.belly < 300000) {
				if (eventSlave.anus > 2) {
					if (eventSlave.fetish === "buttslut" || > 95) {
						if (eventSlave.fetish !== "none") {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("loose buttslut");

		if (eventSlave.boobs < 500) {
			if (eventSlave.butt < 3) {
				if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 && >= -20) {
							if (eventSlave.weight <= 10) {
								if (eventSlave.muscles <= 30) {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("obedient girlish");

		if (eventSlave.boobs > 1200) {
			if (eventSlave.areolaeShape !== "circle") {
				if (eventSlave.devotion > 50) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("shaped areolae");

		if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 10000) {
			State.variables.RESSevent.push("hugely pregnant");

		if (eventSlave.hormoneBalance >= 50) {
			if (eventSlave.vagina === -1) {
				if (eventSlave.balls >= 0) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if (eventSlave.fetish !== "buttslut") {
								if (eventSlave.speechRules === "permissive") {
									State.variables.RESSevent.push("hormone dysfunction");

		if (eventSlave.vaginaPiercing > 1) {
			if (eventSlave.nipplesPiercing > 1) {
				if (eventSlave.clitPiercing > 1) {
					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20 || < -20) {
						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 50) {
							if (canDoAnal(eventSlave) || canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
								State.variables.RESSevent.push("heavy piercing");

		if (eventSlave.anus === 0) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion < -20) {
				if ( >= -20) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("resistant anal virgin");

		if (State.variables.PC.dick !== 0) {
			if (eventSlave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
				State.variables.RESSevent.push("hyperpreg stuck");

		if (eventSlave.devotion >= 50) {
			if ( <= 20) {
				if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
					State.variables.RESSevent.push("devoted fearful slave");

		if (eventSlave.relationship === 4) {
			if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
				if ( > 20) {"RE slave marriage");


		if (State.variables.nicknamesAllowed === 1) {
			let toSearch = eventSlave.slaveName.toLowerCase();
			if (!toSearch.includes("'")) {
				if (State.variables.week - eventSlave.weekAcquired >= 4) {"RE nickname");
					State.variables.seed = 0;
			} /* closes nickname check */
		} /* closes no nicknames option */
	} /* closes mindbreak exempt */

	if (eventSlave.fetish === "mindbroken") {
		if (canWalk(eventSlave)) {
			State.variables.RESSevent.push("mindbroken morning");
		if (eventSlave.kindness !== undefined && eventSlave.kindness >= 100) {
			if ((isSlaveAvailable(eventSlave) && canWalk(eventSlave)) || (["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes(eventSlave.assignment))) {
				if (eventSlave.relationship === -3) {
					if (jsRandom(1, 200) < eventSlave.kindness) {
						State.variables.RESSevent.push("surprising wakeup");

window.populateEventArray = function(RESS = State.variables.RESSevent.length, RESSTR = State.variables.RESSTRevent.length, RETS = State.variables.RETSevent.length, RECI = State.variables.RECIevent.length) {
	let events =;
	let i = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < RESS; i++) {
	for (i = 0; i < RESSTR; i++) {
	for (i = 0; i < RETS; i++) {
	for (i = 0; i < RECI; i++) {
	if (events.length === 0) {
		events.push("RE no event");

	return events;