/* eslint-disable camelcase */
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
// rewrite of the rules assistant options page in javascript
// uses an object-oriented widget pattern
// wrapped in a closure so as not to pollute the global namespace
// the widgets are generic enough to be reusable; if similar user interfaces are ported to JS, we could move the classes to the global scope

window.rulesAssistantOptions = (function() {
	"use strict";
	let V, current_rule;

	function rulesAssistantOptions(element) {
		V = State.variables;
		V.nextButton = "Back to Main";
		V.nextLink = "Main";
		V.returnTo = "Main";
		V.showEncyclopedia = 1;
		V.encyclopedia = "Personal Assistant";
		if (V.currentRule !== null) {
			const idx = V.defaultRules.findIndex(rule => rule.ID === V.currentRule);
			if (idx === -1)
				current_rule = V.defaultRules[0];
				current_rule = V.defaultRules[idx];
		const root = new Root(element);

	function returnP(e) { return e.keyCode === 13; }

	function newRule(root) {
		const rule = emptyDefaultRule();
		V.currentRule = rule.ID;

	function removeRule(root) {
		const idx = V.defaultRules.findIndex(rule => rule.ID === current_rule.ID);
		V.defaultRules.splice(idx, 1);
		if (V.defaultRules.length > 0) {
			const new_idx = idx < V.defaultRules.length ? idx : V.defaultRules.length - 1;
			V.currentRule = V.defaultRules[new_idx].ID;
		} else V.currentRule = null;

	function lowerPriority(root) {
		if (V.defaultRules.length === 1) return; // nothing to swap with
		const idx = V.defaultRules.findIndex(rule => rule.ID === current_rule.ID);
		if (idx === 0) return; // no lower rule
		arraySwap(V.defaultRules, idx, idx - 1);

	function higherPriority(root) {
		if (V.defaultRules.length === 1) return; // nothing to swap with
		const idx = V.defaultRules.findIndex(rule => rule.ID === current_rule.ID);
		if (idx === V.defaultRules.length - 1) return; // no higher rule
		arraySwap(V.defaultRules, idx, idx + 1);

	function changeName(name, root) {
		if (name === current_rule.name) return;
		current_rule.name = name;

	// reload the passage
	function reload(root) {
		const elem = root.element;
		elem.innerHTML = "";

	const parse = {
		integer(string) {
			let n = parseInt(string, 10);
			return isNaN(n) ? 0 : n;
		boobs(string) {
			return Math.clamp(parse.integer(string), 0, 48000);
		butt(string) {
			return Math.clamp(parse.integer(string), 0, 20);
		lips(string) {
			return Math.clamp(parse.integer(string), 0, 100);
		dick(string) {
			return Math.clamp(parse.integer(string), 0, 30);
		balls(string) {
			return Math.clamp(parse.integer(string), 0, 125);

	// the Element class wraps around a DOM element and adds extra functionality
	// this is safer than extending DOM objects directly
	// it also turns DOM manipulation into an implementation detail
	class Element {
		constructor(...args) {
			this.parent = null;
			this.element = this.render(...args);
			this.children = [];

		appendChild(child) {
			child.parent = this;

		// return the first argument to simplify creation of basic container items
		render(...args) {
			return args[0];

		remove() {
			const idx = this.parent.children.findIndex(child => child === this);
			this.parent.children.slice(idx, 1);

	class Section extends Element {
		constructor(header, hidden = false) {
			this.hidey = this.element.querySelector("div");
			if (hidden) this.toggle_hidey();

		render(header) {
			const section = document.createElement("section");
			const h1 = document.createElement("h1");
			h1.onclick = () => { this.toggle_hidey(); };
			h1.innerHTML = header;
			const hidey = document.createElement("div");
			return section;

		appendChild(child) {
			child.parent = this;

		toggle_hidey() {
			switch (this.hidey.style.display) {
				case "none":
					this.hidey.style.display = "initial";
					this.hidey.style.display = "none";

	// list of clickable elements
	// has a short explanation (the prefix) and a value display
	// value display can optionally be an editable text input field
	// it can be "bound" to a variable by setting its "onchange" method
	class EditorWithShortcuts extends Element {
		constructor(prefix, data = [], editor = false, ...args) {
			super(`${prefix}: `, editor, ...args);
			this.selectedItem = null;
			data.forEach(item => this.appendChild(new ListItem(...item)));

		createEditor(...args) { return null; }

		render(prefix, editor, ...args) {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");
			const label = document.createElement("span");
			label.innerHTML = prefix;
			this.value = editor ? this.createEditor(...args) : document.createElement("strong");
			return elem;

		inputEdited() {
			if (this.selectedItem) this.selectedItem.deselect();

		selectItem(item) {
			if (this.selectedItem) this.selectedItem.deselect();
			this.selectedItem = item;

		setValue(what) {
			if (this.value.tagName === "INPUT")
				this.value.value = `${what}`;
				this.value.innerHTML = `${what}`;

		getData(what) {
			return (this.value.tagName === "INPUT" ? this.parse(this.value.value): this.selectedItem.data);

		// customizable input field parser / sanity checker
		parse(what) { return what; }

		propagateChange() {
			if (this.onchange instanceof Function)

	// a clickable item of a list
	class ListItem extends Element {
		constructor(displayvalue, data) {
			this.data = data !== undefined ? data : displayvalue;
			this.selected = false;

		render(displayvalue) {
			const elem = document.createElement("span");
			elem.innerHTML = displayvalue;
			elem.onclick = () => { return this.select(); };
			return elem;

		select() {
			if (this.selected) return false;
			this.selected = true;
			return true;

		deselect() {
			this.selected = false;

	class List extends EditorWithShortcuts {
		constructor(prefix, data = [], textinput = false) {
			super(prefix, data, textinput);

		createEditor() {
			let res = document.createElement("input");
			res.setAttribute("type", "text");
			res.classList.add("rajs-value"); //
			// call the variable binding when the input field is no longer being edited, and when the enter key is pressed
			res.onblur = () => {
			res.onkeypress = (e) => {
				if (returnP(e)) this.inputEdited();
			return res;

	class NumberRange extends EditorWithShortcuts {
		constructor(prefix, data = [], min, max, spinbox = false) {
			super(prefix, data, spinbox, min, max);
			this.nullValue = data.length ? data[0][1] : null;

		createEditor(min, max) {
			let res = document.createElement("input");
			res.setAttribute("type", "number");
			res.setAttribute("min", min);
			res.setAttribute("max", max);
			res.classList.add("rajs-value"); //
			res.onblur = () => {
			res.onkeypress = (e) => {
				if (returnP(e)) this.inputEdited();
			return res;

		parse(what) {
			return what === "" ? this.nullValue : parseInt(what);

	// a way to organize lists with too many elements in subsections
	// children are bound to the master list
	class ListSubSection extends Element {
		constructor(parent, label, pairs) {
			this.parent = parent;
			pairs.forEach(item => this.appendChild(new ListItem(...item)));

		render(label) {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");
			const lelem = document.createElement("em");
			lelem.innerText = `${label}: `;
			return elem;

		appendChild(child) {
			child.parent = this.parent;

	// similar to list, but is just a collection of buttons
	class Options extends Element {
		constructor(elements = []) {
			elements.forEach(element => { this.appendChild(element); });

		render() {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");
			return elem;

	// options equivalent of ListItem
	class OptionsItem extends Element {
		constructor(label, onclick) {
			this.label = label;
			this.onclick = onclick;
		render(label, onclick) {
			const elem = document.createElement("span");
			elem.innerHTML = label;
			elem.onclick = () => { return this.onclick(this); };
			return elem;

	class ButtonList extends Element {
		render(label) {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");
			const labelel = document.createElement("span");
			labelel.innerHTML = label += ": ";
			return elem;

		getSelection() {
			return (this.children
				.filter(child => child.selected)
				.map(child => child.setvalue)

		onchange() { return; }

	class ButtonItem extends Element {
		constructor(label, setvalue, selected = false) {
			super(label, selected);
			this.selected = selected;
			this.setvalue = setvalue ? setvalue : label;

		render(label, selected) {
			const container = document.createElement("div");

			const labelel = document.createElement("span");
			labelel.innerHTML = label;

			const button = document.createElement("input");
			button.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
			button.checked = selected;
			button.onchange = () => this.onchange(button.checked);
			labelel.onclick = () => button.click();


			return container;

		onchange(value) {
			this.selected = value;

	// rule import field
	class NewRuleField extends Element {
		constructor(root) {
			this.root = root;

		render() {
			let element = document.getElementById("importfield");
			if (element !== null) {
				return element;
			const container = document.createElement("div");
			container.id = "importfield";
			const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
			textarea.placeholder = "Paste your rule here";
			this.textarea = textarea;
			const button = document.createElement("button");
			button.name = "Load";
			button.innerHTML = "Load";
			button.onclick = () => { this.loadNewRule(); };
			return container;

		loadNewRule() {
			const text = this.textarea.value;
			try {
				const rule = JSON.parse(text);
				if (rule instanceof Array)
					rule.forEach(r => V.defaultRules.push(r));
			} catch (e) {
				alert(`Couldn't import that rule:\n${e.message}`);

	// the base element, parent of all elements
	class Root extends Element {
		constructor(element) {
			if (V.defaultRules.length === 0) {
				const paragraph = document.createElement("p");
				paragraph.innerHTML = "<strong>No rules</strong>";
				this.appendChild(new Element(paragraph));
				this.appendChild(new NoRules(this));
			this.appendChild(new RuleSelector(this));
			this.appendChild(new RuleOptions(this));
			this.appendChild(new ConditionEditor(this));
			this.appendChild(new EffectEditor(this));

		render(element) {
			const greeting = document.createElement("p");
			greeting.innerHTML = `<em>${properTitle()}, I will review your slaves and make changes that will have a beneficial effect. Apologies, ${properTitle()}, but this function is... not fully complete. It may have some serious limitations. Please use the 'no default setting' option to identify areas I should not address.</em>`;
			return element;

	// options displayed when there are no rules
	class NoRules extends Options {
		constructor(root) {
			this.root = root;
			const newrule = new OptionsItem("Add a new rule", () => { newRule(this.root); });
			const importrule = new OptionsItem("Import a rule", () => { this.root.appendChild(new NewRuleField(this.root)); });

	// buttons for selecting the current rule
	class RuleSelector extends List {
		constructor(root) {
			super("Current rule", V.defaultRules.map(i => [i.name, i]));
			this.onchange = function(rule) {
				V.currentRule = rule.ID;

	// buttons for doing transformations on rules
	class RuleOptions extends Options {
		constructor(root) {
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("New Rule", () => newRule(root)));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Remove Rule", () => removeRule(root)));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Apply rules", () => this.appendChild(new ApplicationLog())));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Lower Priority", () => lowerPriority(root)));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Higher Priority", () => higherPriority(root)));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Rename", () => this.appendChild(new RenameField(root))));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Export this rule", () => this.appendChild(new ExportField(current_rule))));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Export all rules", () => this.appendChild(new ExportField(...V.defaultRules))));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Import rule(s)", () => this.appendChild(new NewRuleField(root))));

	class ApplicationLog extends Element {
		render() {
			const elem = document.querySelector("#application-log") || document.createElement("div");
			elem.id = "application-log";
			elem.innerHTML = V.slaves.map(slave => DefaultRules(slave)).join("");
			return elem;

	class RenameField extends Element {
		constructor(root) {
			this.element.onblur = () => changeName(this.element.value, root);
			this.element.onkeypress = (e) => { if (returnP(e)) changeName(this.element.value, root); };

		render() {
			const elem = document.createElement("input");
			elem.setAttribute("type", "text");
			elem.setAttribute("value", current_rule.name);
			return elem;

	class ExportField extends Element {
		render(...args) {
			let element = document.getElementById("exportfield");
			if (element === null) {
				element = document.createElement("textarea");
				element.id = "exportfield";
			element.value = JSON.stringify(args, null, 2);
			return element;

	// parent section for condition editing
	class ConditionEditor extends Section {
		constructor() {
			super("Activation Condition");
			this.appendChild(new ConditionFunction());
			this.appendChild(new AssignmentInclusion());
			this.appendChild(new SpecialInclusion());
			this.appendChild(new SpecificInclusionExclusion());

	class ConditionFunction extends Element {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["Never", false],
				["Always", true],
				["Custom", "custom"],
				["Devotion", "devotion"],
				["Trust", "trust"],
				["Health", "health"],
				["Sex", "genes"],
				["Sex drive", "energy"],
				["Height", "height"],
				["Weight", "weight"],
				["Age", "actualAge"],
				["Body Age", "physicalAge"],
				["Visible Age", "visualAge"],
				["Muscles", "muscles"],
				["Lactation", "lactation"],
				["Pregnancy", "preg"],
				["Pregnancy Multiples", "pregType"],
				["Belly Implant", "bellyImplant"],
				["Belly Size", "belly"],
				["Education", "intelligenceImplant"],
				["Intelligence", "intelligence"],
				["Fetish", "fetish"],
				["Accent", "accent"],
				["Waist", "waist"],
				["Amputation", "amp"],
			this.fnlist = new List("Activation function", items);
			this.fnlist.setValue(current_rule.condition.function === "between" ? current_rule.condition.data.attribute : current_rule.condition.function);
			this.fnlist.onchange = (value) => this.fnchanged(value);
			this.fneditor = null;

			switch (current_rule.condition.function) {
				case false:
				case true:
				case "custom":
					this.show_custom_editor(CustomEditor, current_rule.condition.data);
				case "between":
					this.show_custom_editor(RangeEditor, current_rule.condition.function, current_rule.condition.data);
				case "belongs":
					this.show_custom_editor(ItemEditor, current_rule.condition.function, current_rule.condition.data);

		betweenP(attribute) {
			return [

		belongsP(attribute) {
			return [

		show_custom_editor(what, ...args) {
			if (this.custom_editor !== null) this.hide_custom_editor();
			this.custom_editor = new what(...args);

		hide_custom_editor() {
			if (this.custom_editor) {
				this.custom_editor = null;

		render() {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");
			return elem;

		fnchanged(value) {
			if (this.fneditor !== null) {
				this.fneditor = null;
			if (value === true || value === false) {
				current_rule.condition.function = value;
				current_rule.condition.data = {};
			} else if (value === "custom") {
				current_rule.condition.function = "custom";
				current_rule.condition.data = "";
				this.show_custom_editor(CustomEditor, current_rule.condition.data);
			} else if (this.betweenP(value)) {
				current_rule.condition.function = "between";
				current_rule.condition.data = {attribute: value, value: [null, null]};
				this.show_custom_editor(RangeEditor, current_rule.condition.function, current_rule.condition.data);
			} else if (this.belongsP(value)) {
				current_rule.condition.function = "belongs";
				current_rule.condition.data = {attribute: value, value: []};
				this.show_custom_editor(ItemEditor, current_rule.condition.function, current_rule.condition.data);

	class CustomEditor extends Element {
		constructor(data) {
			if (data.length === 0) data = "(slave) => slave.slaveName === 'Fancy Name'";

		render(data) {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");
			const textarea = document.createElement("textarea");
			textarea.innerHTML = data;
			textarea.onblur = () => current_rule.condition.data = textarea.value;
			const explanation = document.createElement("div");
			explanation.innerHTML = "Insert a valid <a target='_blank' class='link-external' href='https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_comparisons.asp'>JavaScript comparison and/or logical operation</a>.";
			return elem;

	class RangeEditor extends Element {
		render(fn, data) {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");

			const minlabel = document.createElement("label");
			minlabel.innerHTML = "Lower bound: ";

			const min = document.createElement("input");
			min.setAttribute("type", "text");
			min.value = `${data.value[0]}`;
			min.onkeypress = e => { if (returnP(e)) this.setmin(min.value); };
			min.onblur = e => this.setmin(min.value);
			this.min = min;


			const maxlabel = document.createElement("label");
			maxlabel.innerHTML = "Upper bound: ";

			const max = document.createElement("input");
			max.setAttribute("type", "text");
			max.value = `${data.value[1]}`;
			max.onkeypress = e => { if (returnP(e)) this.setmax(max.value); };
			max.onblur = e => this.setmax(max.value);
			this.max = max;

			const infobar = document.createElement("div");
			infobar.innerHTML = this.info(data.attribute);

			return elem;

		parse(value) {
			value = value.trim();
			if (value === "null") value = null;
			else {
				value = parseInt(value);
				if (isNaN(value)) value = null;
			return value;

		setmin(value) {
			current_rule.condition.data.value[0] = this.parse(value);
			this.min.value = `${current_rule.condition.data.value[0]}`;

		setmax(value) {
			current_rule.condition.data.value[1] = this.parse(value);
			this.max.value = `${current_rule.condition.data.value[1]}`;

		info(attribute) {
			return ({
				"devotion": "Very Hateful: (-∞, -95), Hateful: [-95, -50), Resistant: [-50, -20), Ambivalent: [-20, 20], Accepting: (20, 50], Devoted: (50, 95], Worshipful: (95, ∞)",
				"trust": "Extremely terrified: (-∞, -95), Terrified: [-95, -50), Frightened: [-50, -20), Fearful: [-20, 20], Careful: (20, 50], Trusting: (50, 95], Total trust: (95, ∞)",
				"health": "Death: (-∞, -100), Near Death: [-100, -90), Extremely Unhealthy: [-90, -50), Unhealthy: [-50, -20), Healthy: [-20, 20], Very Healthy: (20, 50], Extremely Healthy: (50, 90], Unnaturally Healthy: (90, ∞)",
				"energy": "Frigid: (-∞, 20], Poor: (20, 40], Average: (40, 60], Powerful: (60, 80], Sex Addict: (80, 100), Nympho: 100",
				"weight": "Emaciated: (-∞, -95), Skinny: [-95, -30), Thin: [-30, -10), Average: [-10, 10], Plush: (10, 30], Fat: (30, 95], Overweight: (95, ∞)",
				"lactation": "None: 0, 1: Natural, 2: Lactation implant",
				"preg": "Barren: -2, On contraceptives: -1, Not pregnant: 0, Pregnancy weeks: [1, ∞)",
				"pregType": "Fetus count, known only after the 10th week of pregnancy",
				"bellyImplant": "Volume in CCs. None: -1",
				"belly": "Volume in CCs, any source",
				"intelligenceImplant": "Education level. 0: uneducated, 15: educated, 30: advanced education, (0, 15): incomplete education.",
				"intelligence": "From moronic to brilliant: [-100, 100]",
				"accent": "No accent: 0, Nice accent: 1, Bad accent: 2, Can't speak language: 3 and above",
				"waist": "Masculine waist: (95, ∞), Ugly waist: (40, 95], Unattractive waist: (10, 40], Average waist: [-10, 10], Feminine waist: [-40, -10), Wasp waist: [-95, -40), Absurdly narrow: (-∞, -95)",
			} [attribute] || " ");

	class ItemEditor extends Element {
		render(fn, data) {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");

			const input = document.createElement("input");
			input.setAttribute("type", "text");
			input.value = JSON.stringify(data.value);
			input.onkeypress = e => { if (returnP(e)) this.setValue(input); };
			input.onblur = e => this.setValue(input);
			this.input = input;

			const infobar = document.createElement("div");
			infobar.innerHTML = this.info(data.attribute);

			return elem;

		info(attribute) {
			return `Insert a valid JSON array. Known values: ${{
				"fetish": "buttslut, cumslut, masochist, sadist, dom, submissive, boobs, pregnancy, none (AKA vanilla)",
				"amp": "Amputated: 1, Not amputated: 0",
				"genes": "XX, XY",

		setValue(input) {
			try {
				const arr = JSON.parse(input.value);
				current_rule.condition.data.value = arr;
				input.value = JSON.stringify(arr);
			} catch (e) {

	class AssignmentInclusion extends ButtonList {
		constructor() {
			super("Apply to assignments and facilities");
			const items = ["Classes", "Confined", "Fucktoy", "Gloryhole", "House Servant", "Milked", "Public Servant", "Rest", "Subordinate Slave", "Whore"];
			if (V.HGSuite > 0) items.push("Head Girl Suite");
			if (V.brothel > 0) items.push("Brothel");
			if (V.club > 0) items.push("Club");
			if (V.arcade > 0) items.push("Arcade");
			if (V.dairy > 0) items.push("Dairy");
			if (V.servantsQuarters > 0) items.push("Servant Quarters");
			if (V.masterSuite > 0) items.push("Master Suite");
			if (V.schoolroom > 0) items.push("Schoolroom");
			if (V.spa > 0) items.push("Spa");
			if (V.nursery > 0) items.push("Nursery");
			if (V.clinic > 0) items.push("Clinic");
			if (V.cellblock > 0) items.push("Cellblock");
				i => this.appendChild(new ButtonItem(i, this.getAttribute(i), current_rule.condition.assignment.includes(this.getAttribute(i)))));

		onchange() {
			current_rule.condition.assignment = this.getSelection();

		getAttribute(what) {
			return {
				"Rest": "rest",
				"Fucktoy": "please you",
				"Subordinate Slave": "be a subordinate slave",
				"House Servant": "be a servant",
				"Confined": "stay confined",
				"Whore": "whore",
				"Public Servant": "serve the public",
				"Classes": "take classes",
				"Milked": "get milked",
				"Gloryhole": "work a glory hole",
				"Head Girl Suite": "live with your Head Girl",
				"Brothel": "work in the brothel",
				"Club": "serve in the club",
				"Arcade": "be confined in the arcade",
				"Dairy": "work in the dairy",
				"Farmyard": "work as a farmhand",
				"Servant Quarters": "work as a servant",
				"Master Suite": "serve in the master suite",
				"Schoolroom": "learn in the schoolroom",
				"Spa": "rest in the spa",
				"Nursery": "work as a nanny",
				"Clinic": "get treatment in the clinic",
				"Cellblock": "be confined in the cellblock",
			} [what];

	class SpecialInclusion extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["Include", -1],
				["Exclude", 0],
				["Only", 1]
			super("Special slaves", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.condition.specialSlaves = value;

	class SpecificInclusionExclusion extends Options {
		constructor() {
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Limit to specific slaves", () => this.show_slave_selection()));
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("Exclude specific slaves", () => this.show_slave_exclusion()));
			this.subwidget = null;

		show_slave_selection() {
			if (this.subwidget) this.subwidget.remove();
			this.subwidget = new SlaveSelection();

		show_slave_exclusion() {
			if (this.subwidget) this.subwidget.remove();
			this.subwidget = new SlaveExclusion();

	class SlaveSelection extends ButtonList {
		constructor() {
			super("Include specific slaves");
			V.slaves.forEach(slave => this.appendChild(new ButtonItem(
				[slave.slaveName, slave.slaveSurname].join(" "),

		onchange() {
			current_rule.condition.selectedSlaves = this.getSelection();

	class SlaveExclusion extends ButtonList {
		constructor() {
			super("Exclude specific slaves");
			V.slaves.forEach(slave => this.appendChild(new ButtonItem(
				[slave.slaveName, slave.slaveSurname].join(" "),

		onchange() {
			current_rule.condition.excludedSlaves = this.getSelection();

	// parent section for effect editing
	class EffectEditor extends Element {
		constructor() {
			this.appendChild(new AppearanceSection());
			this.appendChild(new CosmeticSection());
			this.appendChild(new BodyModSection());
			this.appendChild(new AutosurgerySection());
			this.appendChild(new RegimenSection());
			this.appendChild(new BehaviourSection());
			this.appendChild(new OtherSection());

		render() {
			const element = document.createElement("div");
			return element;

	class AppearanceSection extends Section {
		constructor() {
			super("Appearance Settings");
			this.appendChild(new ClothesList());
			this.appendChild(new CollarList());
			this.appendChild(new ShoeList());
			this.appendChild(new CorsetList());
			this.appendChild(new LeggingsList());
			this.appendChild(new VagChastityList());
			this.appendChild(new VagAccVirginsList());
			this.appendChild(new VagAccAVirginsList());
			this.appendChild(new VagAccOtherList());
			this.appendChild(new VaginalAttachmentsList());
			if (V.seeDicks !== 0 || V.makeDicks !== 0) {
				this.appendChild(new DickChastityList());
				this.appendChild(new DickAccVirginsList());
				this.appendChild(new DickAccOtherList());
			this.appendChild(new AnalChastityList());
			this.appendChild(new ButtplugsVirginsList());
			this.appendChild(new ButtplugsOtherList());
			this.appendChild(new ButtplugAttachmentsList());
			this.appendChild(new ImplantVolumeList());

	class RegimenSection extends Section {
		constructor() {
			super("Physical Regimen Settings");
			if (V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch === 1)
				this.appendChild(new HyperGrowthSwitch());
			this.appendChild(new GrowthList());
			this.appendChild(new CurrativesList());
			this.appendChild(new AphrodisiacList());
			this.appendChild(new ContraceptiveList());
			this.appendChild(new AbortionList());
			if (V.pregSpeedControl)
				this.appendChild(new PregDrugsList());
			this.appendChild(new FemaleHormonesList());
			this.appendChild(new ShemaleHormonesList());
			this.appendChild(new GeldingHormonesList());
			this.appendChild(new OtherDrugsList());
			if (V.enema === 1) {
				this.appendChild(new EnemaList());
			this.appendChild(new DietList());
			this.appendChild(new DietGrowthList());
			this.appendChild(new DietBaseList());
			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch === 1) {
				this.appendChild(new DietSolidFoodList());
			this.appendChild(new MuscleList());
			this.appendChild(new BraceList());

	class BehaviourSection extends Section {
		constructor() {
			super("Behavior Settings");
			this.appendChild(new AutomaticAssignmentList());
			this.appendChild(new LivingStandardList());
			this.appendChild(new PunishmentList());
			this.appendChild(new RewardList());
			this.appendChild(new ReleaseList());
			this.appendChild(new ToyHoleList());
			this.appendChild(new SmartFetishList());
			this.appendChild(new SmartXYAttractionList());
			this.appendChild(new SmartXXAttractionList());
			this.appendChild(new SmartEnergyList());
			this.appendChild(new SpeechList());
			this.appendChild(new RelationshipList());
			if (V.studio === 1) {
				this.appendChild(new PornBroadcastStatus());
				this.appendChild(new PornList());

	class OtherSection extends Section {
		constructor() {
			super("Other Settings");
			this.appendChild(new LabelList());
			this.appendChild(new LabelRemoveList());

	class CosmeticSection extends Section {
		constructor() {
			super("Cosmetic Settings", true);
			this.appendChild(new EyewearList());
			this.appendChild(new LensesList());
			this.appendChild(new EarwearList());
			this.appendChild(new MakeupList());
			this.appendChild(new NailsList());
			this.appendChild(new HairLengthList());
			this.appendChild(new HaircutsList());
			this.appendChild(new HairColorList());
			this.appendChild(new HairStyleList());
			this.appendChild(new EyebrowColorList());
			this.appendChild(new EyebrowStyleList());
			this.appendChild(new EyebrowFullnessList());
			this.appendChild(new PubicHairColorList());
			this.appendChild(new PubicHairStyleList());
			this.appendChild(new ArmpitHairColorList());
			this.appendChild(new ArmpitHairStyleList());
			this.appendChild(new SkinColorList());
			this.appendChild(new MarkingsList());

	class BodyModSection extends Section {
		constructor() {
			super("Body Mod Settings", true);
			this.appendChild(new EarPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new NosePiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new EyebrowPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new NavelPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new NipplePiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new AreolaPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new LipPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new TonguePiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new ClitPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new LabiaPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new ShaftPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new PerineumPiercingList());
			this.appendChild(new CorsetPiercingList());

			this.appendChild(new AutoBrandingList());
			this.appendChild(new BrandingLocationList());
			this.appendChild(new BrandDesignList());

			this.appendChild(new FaceTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new ShoulderTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new ChestTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new ArmTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new UpperBackTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new LowerBackTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new AbdomenTattooList());
			if (V.seeDicks || V.makeDicks)
				this.appendChild(new DickTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new ButtockTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new AnalTattooList());
			this.appendChild(new LegTattooList());

	class AutosurgerySection extends Section {
		constructor() {
			super("Autosurgery Settings", true);
			this.appendChild(new AutosurgerySwitch());
			this.appendChild(new VisionSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new HearingSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new SmellSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new TasteSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new LactationSurgeryList());
			if (V.seeDicks || V.makeDicks) {
				this.appendChild(new SemenSurgeryList());
				this.appendChild(new VasectomyList());
			this.appendChild(new CosmeticSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new LipSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new ButtSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new BreastSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new TighteningSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new TummyTuckSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new BodyHairSurgeryList());
			this.appendChild(new HairSurgeryList());
			if (V.bellyImplants > 0)
				this.appendChild(new BellyImplantList());

	class ClothesList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["Select her own outfit", "choosing her own clothes"]
			super("Clothes", items);

			const nclothes = [
				["No default clothes setting", "no default setting"],
				["Apron", "an apron"],
				["Ballgown", "a ball gown"],
				["Bangles", "slutty jewelry"],
				["Bodysuit", "a comfortable bodysuit"],
				["Boyshorts", "boyshorts"],
				["Bra", "a bra"],
				["Button-up shirt and panties", "a button-up shirt and panties"],
				["Button-up shirt", "a button-up shirt"],
				["Cheerleader", "a cheerleader outfit"],
				["Clubslut netting", "clubslut netting"],
				["Cutoffs and a t-shirt", "cutoffs and a t-shirt"],
				["Cutoffs", "cutoffs"],
				["Cybersuit", "a cybersuit"],
				["Fallen nun", "a fallen nuns habit"],
				["Halter top dress", "a halter top dress"],
				["Hijab and abaya", "a hijab and abaya"],
				["Jeans", "jeans"],
				["Kitty lingerie", "kitty lingerie"],
				["Latex catsuit", "a latex catsuit"],
				["Leather pants and a tube top", "leather pants and a tube top"],
				["Leather pants and pasties", "leather pants and pasties"],
				["Leather pants", "leather pants"],
				["Leotard", "a leotard"],
				["Maid (nice)", "a nice maid outfit"],
				["Maid (slutty)", "a slutty maid outfit"],
				["Mini dress", "a mini dress"],
				["Monokini", "a monokini"],
				["Nice lingerie", "attractive lingerie"],
				["Nurse (nice)", "a nice nurse outfit"],
				["Nurse (slutty)", "a slutty nurse outfit"],
				["One-piece swimsuit", "a one-piece swimsuit"],
				["Overalls", "overalls"],
				["Over-sized t-shirt and boyshorts", "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts"],
				["Over-sized t-shirt", "an oversized t-shirt"],
				["Panties", "panties"],
				["Pasties", "pasties"],
				["Pasties and panties", "panties and pasties"],
				["Scalemail bikini", "a scalemail bikini"],
				["Schoolgirl", "a schoolgirl outfit"],
				["Slave gown", "a slave gown"],
				["Slutty outfit", "a slutty outfit"],
				["Spats and tank top", "spats and a tank top"],
				["Sport shorts and a sports bra", "sport shorts and a sports bra"],
				["Sport shorts and a t-shirt", "sport shorts and a t-shirt"],
				["Sport shorts", "sport shorts"],
				["Sports bra", "a sports bra"],
				["String bikini", "a string bikini"],
				["Succubus costume", "a succubus outfit"],
				["Suit (nice)", "nice business attire"],
				["Suit (slutty)", "slutty business attire"],
				["Sweater and cutoffs", "a sweater and cutoffs"],
				["Sweater and panties", "a sweater and panties"],
				["Sweater", "a sweater"],
				["T-shirt and jeans", "a t-shirt and jeans"],
				["T-shirt and panties", "a t-shirt and panties"],
				["T-shirt and thong", "a t-shirt and thong"],
				["T-shirt", "a t-shirt"],
				["Tank-top and panties", "a tank-top and panties"],
				["Tank-top", "a tank-top"],
				["Thong", "a thong"],
				["Tube top and thong", "a tube top and thong"],
				["Tube top", "a tube top"]
			const spclothes = [
				["Battlearmor", "battlearmor"],
				["Biyelgee costume", "a biyelgee costume"],
				["Burkini", "a burkini"],
				["Burqa", "a burqa"],
				["Dirndl", "a dirndl"],
				["Gothic Lolita Dress", "a gothic lolita dress"],
				["Hanbok", "a hanbok"],
				["Hijab and blouse", "a hijab and blouse"],
				["Ku Klux Klan Robe", "a klan robe"],
				["Ku Klux Klan Robe (slutty)", "a slutty klan robe"],
				["Lederhosen", "lederhosen"],
				["Mounty outfit", "a mounty outfit"],
				["Military uniform", "a military uniform"],
				["Niqab and abaya", "a niqab and abaya"],
				["Police Uniform", "a police uniform"],
				["Pony outfit (nice)", "a nice pony outfit"],
				["Pony outfit (slutty)", "a slutty pony outfit"],
				["Red Army uniform", "a red army uniform"],
				["Santa dress", "a Santa dress"],
				["Schutzstaffel uniform (nice)", "a schutzstaffel uniform"],
				["Schutzstaffel uniform (slutty)", "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform"],
				["Striped Bra", "a striped bra"],
				["Striped Panties", "striped panties"],
				["Striped Underwear", "striped underwear"],
				["Skimpy battledress", "battledress"],
				["Skimpy loincloth", "a skimpy loincloth"],
			const fsnclothes = [
				["Body oil (FS)", "body oil"],
				["Bunny outfit (FS)", "a bunny outfit"],
				["Chattel habit (FS)", "a chattel habit"],
				["Conservative clothing (FS)", "conservative clothing"],
				["Harem gauze (FS)", "harem gauze"],
				["Huipil (FS)", "a huipil"],
				["Kimono (FS)", "a kimono"],
				["Maternity dress (FS)", "a maternity dress"],
				["Maternity lingerie (FS)", "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman"],
				["Qipao (nice) (FS)", "a long qipao"],
				["Qipao (slutty) (FS)", "a slutty qipao"],
				["Stretch pants and a crop-top (FS)", "stretch pants and a crop-top"],
				["Toga (FS)", "a toga"],
				["Western clothing (FS)", "Western clothing"],
			spclothes.forEach(pair => { if (isItemAccessible(pair[1])) nclothes.push(pair); });
			fsnclothes.forEach(pair => { if (isItemAccessible(pair[1])) nclothes.push(pair); });
			const nice = new ListSubSection(this, "Nice", nclothes);

			const hclothes = [
				["Nude", "no clothing"],
				["Penitent nun", "a penitent nuns habit"],
				["Restrictive latex", "restrictive latex"],
				["Shibari ropes", "shibari ropes"],
				["Uncomfortable straps", "uncomfortable straps"]
			const fshclothes = [
				["Chains (FS)", "chains"],
			fshclothes.forEach(pair => { if (isItemAccessible(pair[1])) hclothes.push(pair); });

			const harsh = new ListSubSection(this, "Harsh", hclothes);

			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.clothes = value;

	class CollarList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["No default collar setting", "no default setting"],
				["No collar", "none"],
			super("Collar", items);

			const ncollars = [
				["Stylish leather", "stylish leather"],
				["Satin choker", "satin choker"],
				["Silken Ribbon", "silk ribbon"],
				["Heavy Gold", "heavy gold"],
				["Pretty jewelry", "pretty jewelry"],
				["Bell", "bell collar"],
				["Cowbell", "leather with cowbell"]
			if (V.seeAge !== 0)
				ncollars.push(["Nice retirement counter", "nice retirement counter"]);
			const fsncollars = [
				["Bowtie collar", "bowtie"],
				["Ancient Egyptian", "ancient Egyptian"],
			fsncollars.forEach(pair => { if (isItemAccessible(pair[1])) ncollars.push(pair); });
			const nice = new ListSubSection(this, "Nice", ncollars);

			const hcollars = [];
			setup.harshCollars.forEach(item => {
				if (item.fs === "seeAge" && V.seeAge === 0) return;
				else if (item.fs === "seePreg" && V.seePreg === 0) return;
				else if (item.rs === "buyGag" && V.toysBoughtGags !== 1) return;
				else hcollars.push([item.name, item.value]);
			const harsh = new ListSubSection(this, "Harsh", hcollars);

			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.collar = value;

	class ShoeList extends List {
		constructor() {
			super("Shoes", setup.shoes.map(i => [i.name, i.value]));
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.shoes = value;

	class CorsetList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const bellies = [];
			setup.bellyAccessories.forEach(acc => {
				if (acc.fs === undefined && acc.rs === undefined)
					bellies.push([acc.name, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.fs === "repopulation" && V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset")
					bellies.push([`${acc.name} (FS)`, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.rs === "boughtBelly" && V.clothesBoughtBelly === 1)
					bellies.push([`${acc.name} (Purchased)`, acc.value]);
			super("Corsetage", bellies);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.bellyAccessory = value;

	class LeggingsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", "none"],
				["Short stockings", "short stockings"],
				["Long stockings", "long stockings"],
			super("Leg accessory", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.legAccessory = value;

	class VagChastityList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const chaste = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Chastity", 1],
			super("Vaginal chastity", chaste);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.chastityVagina = value;

	class VagAccVirginsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const accs = [];
			setup.vaginalAccessories.forEach(acc => {
				if (acc.fs === undefined && acc.rs === undefined)
					accs.push([acc.name, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.rs === "buyBigDildos" && V.toysBoughtDildos === 1)
					accs.push([`${acc.name} (Purchased)`, acc.value]);
			super("Vaginal accessories for virgins", accs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.virginAccessory = value;

	class VagAccAVirginsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const accs = [];
			setup.vaginalAccessories.forEach(acc => {
				if (acc.fs === undefined && acc.rs === undefined)
					accs.push([acc.name, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.rs === "buyBigDildos" && V.toysBoughtDildos === 1)
					accs.push([`${acc.name} (Purchased)`, acc.value]);
			super("Vaginal accessories for anal virgins", accs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.aVirginAccessory = value;

	class VagAccOtherList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const accs = [];
			setup.vaginalAccessories.forEach(acc => {
				if (acc.fs === undefined && acc.rs === undefined)
					accs.push([acc.name, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.rs === "buyBigDildos" && V.toysBoughtDildos === 1)
					accs.push([`${acc.name} (Purchased)`, acc.value]);
			super("Vaginal accessories for other slaves", accs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.vaginalAccessory = value;

	class VaginalAttachmentsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const accs = [];
			setup.vaginalAttachments.forEach(acc => {
				if (acc.fs === undefined && acc.rs === undefined)
					accs.push([acc.name, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.rs === "buyVaginalAttachments" && V.toysBoughtVaginalAttachments === 1)
					accs.push([`${acc.name} (Purchased)`, acc.value]);
			super("Vaginal attachments for slaves with vaginal accessories", accs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.vaginalAttachment = value;

	class DickChastityList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Chastity cage", 1],
			super("Penile chastity", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.chastityPenis = value;

	class DickAccVirginsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			super("Dick accessories for anal virgins", setup.dickAccessories.map(i => [i.name, i.value]));
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.aVirginDickAccessory = value;

	class DickAccOtherList extends List {
		constructor() {
			super("Dick accessories for other slaves", setup.dickAccessories.map(i => [i.name, i.value]));
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.dickAccessory = value;

	class AnalChastityList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Chastity", 1],
			super("Anal chastity", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.chastityAnus = value;

	class ButtplugsVirginsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const accs = [];
			setup.buttplugs.forEach(acc => {
				if (acc.fs === undefined && acc.rs === undefined)
					accs.push([acc.name, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.rs === "buyBigPlugs" && V.toysBoughtButtPlugs === 1)
					accs.push([`${acc.name} (Purchased)`, acc.value]);
			super("Buttplugs for anal virgins", accs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.aVirginButtplug = value;

	class ButtplugsOtherList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const accs = [];
			setup.buttplugs.forEach(acc => {
				if (acc.fs === undefined && acc.rs === undefined)
					accs.push([acc.name, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.rs === "buyBigPlugs" && V.toysBoughtButtPlugs === 1)
					accs.push([`${acc.name} (Purchased)`, acc.value]);
			super("Buttplugs for other slaves", accs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.buttplug = value;

	class ButtplugAttachmentsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const accs = [];
			setup.buttplugAttachments.forEach(acc => {
				if (acc.fs === undefined && acc.rs === undefined)
					accs.push([acc.name, acc.value]);
				else if (acc.rs === "buyTails" && V.toysBoughtButtPlugTails === 1)
					accs.push([`${acc.name} (Purchased)`, acc.value]);
			super("Buttplug attachments for slaves with buttplugs", accs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.buttplugAttachment = value;

	class ImplantVolumeList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No changes", -1],
				["Empty implant", 0],
				["Early pregnancy", 1500],
				["Second trimester pregnancy", 5000],
				["Full-term pregnancy", 15000],
				["Full-term with twins", 30000],
				["Full-term with triplets", 45000],
				["Full-term with quadruplets", 60000],
				["Full-term with quintuplets", 75000],
				["Full-term with sextuplets", 90000],
				["Full-term with septuplets", 105000],
				["Full-term with octuplets", 120000]
			super("Belly implant target volume (if present)", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.bellyImplantVol = value;

	class AutosurgerySwitch extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["Activate", 1],
				["Off", 0],
			super("Assistant-applied implants (Autosurgery global switch)", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.autoSurgery = value;

	class HyperGrowthSwitch extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No", 0],
				["Yes", 1],
			super("Use hyper growth drugs", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.hyper_drugs = value;

	class GrowthList extends Options {
		constructor() {
			this.sublists = [];
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", () => this.nds()],
				["Girlish figure", () => this.girlish()],
				["Stacked figure", () => this.stacked()],
				["Huge but functional", () => this.huge()],
				["Unlimited", () => this.unlimited()],
				["None", () => this.none()]
			pairs.forEach(pair => this.appendChild(new OptionsItem(...pair)));

			this.breasts = new BreastGrowthList();
			this.butts = new ButtGrowthList();
			this.lips = new LipGrowthList();
			this.sublists.push(this.breasts, this.butts, this.lips);

			if (V.seeDicks > 0 || V.makeDicks > 0) {
				this.dicks = new DickGrowthList();
				this.balls = new BallGrowthList();
				this.sublists.push(this.dicks, this.balls);

			this.sublists.forEach(i => this.appendChild(i));

		render() {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");
			const span = document.createElement("span");
			span.innerHTML = "Growth hormone regimes for healthy slaves: ";
			return elem;

		nds() {
			[this.breasts, this.butts, this.lips, this.dicks, this.balls].forEach(i => {
				i.setValue("no default change");

		girlish() {
			if (this.dicks) this.dicks.setValue(0);
			if (this.balls) this.balls.setValue(0);
			this.sublists.forEach(i => i.propagateChange());

		stacked() {
			if (this.dicks) this.dicks.setValue(4);
			if (this.balls) this.balls.setValue(4);
			this.sublists.forEach(i => i.propagateChange());

		huge() {
			if (this.dicks) this.dicks.setValue(6);
			if (this.balls) this.balls.setValue(6);
			this.sublists.forEach(i => i.propagateChange());

		unlimited() {
			if (this.dicks) this.dicks.setValue(30);
			if (this.balls) this.balls.setValue(125);
			this.sublists.forEach(i => i.propagateChange());

		none() {
			this.sublists.forEach(i => {

	class BreastGrowthList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["B-Cup", 350],
				["D-Cup", 1000],
				["Monstrous", 9000],
				["Unlimited", 48000],
				["None", 0]
			super("Breasts", pairs, 0, 48000, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.growth_boobs = value;

	class ButtGrowthList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Cute", 2],
				["Big", 4],
				["Huge", 6],
				["Unlimited", 20],
				["None", 0]
			super("Butts", pairs, 0, 20, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.growth_butt = value;

	class LipGrowthList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Plump", 25],
				["Beestung", 45],
				["Facepussy", 100],
				["None", 0]
			super("Lips", pairs, 0, 100, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.growth_lips = value;

	class DickGrowthList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Above average", 4],
				["Pornstar", 6],
				["Unlimited", 30],
				["None", 0]
			super("Dicks, if present", pairs, 0, 30, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.growth_dick = value;

	class BallGrowthList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Sizable", 4],
				["Cumslave", 6],
				["Unlimited", 125],
				["None", 0]
			super("Balls, if present", pairs, 0, 125, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.growth_balls = value;

	class CurrativesList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Preventatives", 1],
				["Curatives", 2],
			super("Health drugs", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.curatives = value;

	class AphrodisiacList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Standard", 1],
				["Extreme", 2],
				["Anaphrodisiacs", -1]
			super("Aphrodisiacs", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.aphrodisiacs = value;

	class ContraceptiveList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const drugs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Contraceptives", true],
				["Fertile", false],
			super("Contraceptives for fertile slaves", drugs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.preg = value;

	class AbortionList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Abort all", "all"],
			if (V.pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade === 1 && V.geneticMappingUpgrade === 1) {
				pairs.push(["Abort boys", "male"]);
				pairs.push(["Abort girls", "female"]);
			super("Pregnancy termination", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.abortion = value;

	class PregDrugsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No changes", "no default setting"],
				["None", "none"],
				["Fast gestation", "fast"],
				["Slow gestation", "slow"],
				["Birth suppressors", "suppress"],
				["Birth stimulators", "stimulate"]
			super("Pregnancy control agents for pregnant slaves", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.pregSpeed = value;

	class FemaleHormonesList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Intensive Female", 2],
				["Female", 1],
				["None", 0],
				["Male", -1],
				["Intensive Male", -2]
			super("Hormones for female slaves", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.XX = value;

	class GeldingHormonesList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Intensive Female", 2],
				["Female", 1],
				["None", 0],
				["Male", -1],
				["Intensive Male", -2]
			super("Hormones for geldings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.gelding = value;

	class ShemaleHormonesList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Intensive Female", 2],
				["Female", 1],
				["None", 0],
				["Male", -1],
				["Intensive Male", -2]
			super("Hormones for shemales", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.XY = value;

	class OtherDrugsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const drugs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", "none"],
				["Fertility drugs", "fertility drugs"],
				["Psychosuppressants", "psychosuppressants"],
				["Steroids", "steroids"],
				["Natural hormone enhancers", "hormone enhancers"],
				["Hormone blockers", "hormone blockers"],
				["Erectile dysfunction circumvention", "priapism agents"],
				["breast injections"],
				["intensive breast injections"],
				["butt injections"],
				["intensive butt injections"],
				["lip injections"],
				["penis enhancement"],
				["intensive penis enhancement"],
				["testicle enhancement"],
				["intensive testicle enhancement"],

			if (V.growthStim === 1)
				drugs.push(["Growth Stimulants (Research)", "growth stimulants"]);
			if (V.precociousPuberty === 1 && V.pubertyHormones) {
				drugs.push(["Female hormone injections (Research)", "female hormone injections"]);
				drugs.push(["Male hormone injections (Research)", "male hormone injections"]);
			if (V.purchasedSagBGone === 1)
				drugs.push(["Sag-B-gone (Product)", "sag-B-gone"]);
			if (V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch === 1) {
				drugs.push(["Weight loss pills (FS)", "appetite suppressors"]);
				drugs.push(["breast redistributors"]);
				drugs.push(["butt redistributors"]);
				drugs.push(["nipple atrophiers"]);
				drugs.push(["lip atrophiers"]);
				drugs.push(["penis atrophiers"]);
				drugs.push(["testicle atrophiers"]);
				drugs.push(["clitoris atrophiers"]);
				drugs.push(["labia atrophiers"]);
			if (V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionistResearch === 1) {
				drugs.push(["hyper breast injections"]);
				drugs.push(["hyper butt injections"]);
				drugs.push(["hyper penis enhancement"]);
				drugs.push(["hyper testicle enhancement"]);
			if (V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch === 1)
				drugs.push(["Anti-aging cream (FS)", "anti-aging cream"]);
			if (V.seeHyperPreg === 1 && V.superFertilityDrugs === 1)
				drugs.push(["Super fertility drugs", "super fertility drugs"]);
			super("Other drugs", drugs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.drug = value;

	class EnemaList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const enemas = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", "none"],
				["Water", "water"]
			if (V.medicalEnema === 1) {
					["Aphrodisiac", "aphrodisiac"],
					["Curative", "curative"],
					["Tightener", "tightener"]
			super("Enemas", enemas);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.inflationType = value;

	class DietList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const diets = [
				["no default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Healthy diet", "healthy"],
				["Fix fat and skinny slaves", "attractive"],
				["Curvy", 30],
				["Average", 0],
				["Thin", -30]
			if (V.feeder === 1) {
					["Feminine", "XX"],
					["Masculine", "XY"]
				if (V.dietXXY === 1)
					diets.push(["Futanari", "XXY"]);
			if (V.dietCleanse === 1)
				diets.push(["Cleansing", "cleansing"]);
			if (V.dietFertility === 1)
				diets.push(["Fertility", "fertility"]);
			if (V.cumProDiet === 1)
				diets.push(["Cum production", "cum production"]);

			super("Slave diets", diets, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.diet = value;

	class DietGrowthList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["On", 1],
				["Off", 0]
			super("Diet support for growth drugs", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.dietGrowthSupport = value;

	class DietBaseList extends List {
		constructor() {
			// TODO: better data structure?
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", {cum: "no default setting", milk: "no default setting"}],
				["Normal Diet", {cum: 0, milk: 0}],
				["Cum Added", {cum: 1, milk: 0}],
				["Milk Added", {cum: 0, milk: 1}],
				["Cum &amp; Milk Added", {cum: 1, milk: 1}],
				["Cum-Based", {cum: 2, milk: 0}],
				["Milk-Based", {cum: 0, milk: 2}],
			super("Diet base", pairs);
			this.setValue(this.value2string(current_rule.set.dietCum, current_rule.set.dietMilk));
			this.onchange = (value) => {
				current_rule.set.dietCum = value.cum;
				current_rule.set.dietMilk = value.milk;
				this.setValue(this.value2string(current_rule.set.dietCum, current_rule.set.dietMilk));

		value2string(cum, milk) {
			return `cum: ${cum}, milk: ${milk}`;

	class DietSolidFoodList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Permitted", 0],
				["Forbidden", 1],
			super("Solid food access", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.onDiet = value;

	class MuscleList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Toned", 20],
				["Ripped", 50],
				["Massive", 100],
				["Weak", -20]
			super("Muscles", pairs, -20, 100, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.muscles = value;

	class BraceList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", "none"],
				["Straighten", "straighten"],
				["Universal", "universal"]
			super("Braces", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.teeth = value;

	class LivingStandardList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Luxurious", "luxurious"],
				["Normal", "normal"],
				["Spare", "spare"]
			super("Living standard", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.livingRules = value;

	class PunishmentList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Confinement", "confinement"],
				["Whipping", "whipping"],
				["Chastity", "chastity"],
				["Situational", "situational"]
			super("Typical punishment", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.standardPunishment = value;

	class RewardList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Relaxation", "relaxation"],
				["Drugs", "drugs"],
				["Orgasm", "orgasm"],
				["Situational", "situational"]
			super("Typical reward", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.standardReward = value;

	class ReleaseList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Permissive", "permissive"],
				["Sapphic", "sapphic"],
				["Masturbation", "masturbation"],
				["Restrictive", "restrictive"],
				["Chastity", "chastity"]
			super("Release rules", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.releaseRules = value;

	class ToyHoleList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["All her holes", "all her holes"],
				["Mouth", "mouth"],
				["Boobs", "boobs"],
				["Pussy", "pussy"],
				["Ass", "ass"],
				["Dick", "dick"]
			super("Fucktoy use preference", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.toyHole = value;

	class SmartFetishList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Vanilla", "vanilla"],
				["Oral", "oral"],
				["Anal", "anal"],
				["Boobs", "boobs"],
				["Sub", "submissive"],
				["Dom", "dom"],
				["Humiliation", "humiliation"],
				["Preg", "pregnancy"],
				["Pain", "masochist"],
				["Sadism", "sadist"]
			super("Smart piercing fetish target", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.clitSetting = value;

	class SmartXYAttractionList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Passionate", 100],
				["Attracted", 75],
				["Indifferent", 45],
				["None", 0]
			super("Smart piercing XY attraction target", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.clitSettingXY = value;

	class SmartXXAttractionList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Passionate", 100],
				["Attracted", 75],
				["Indifferent", 45],
				["None", 0]
			super("Smart piercing XX attraction target", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.clitSettingXX = value;

	class SmartEnergyList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Nympho", 100],
				["Sex Addict", 85],
				["Powerful", 65],
				["Healthy", 45],
				["Weak", 25],
				["Frigid", 0]
			super("Smart piercing sex drive target", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.clitSettingEnergy = value;

	class SpeechList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Permissive", "permissive"],
				["Suppress accents", "accent elimination"],
				["Restrictive", "restrictive"]
			super("Speech rules", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.speechRules = value;

	class RelationshipList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Permissive", "permissive"],
				["Just friends", "just friends"],
				["Restrictive", "restrictive"]
			super("Relationship rules", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.relationshipRules = value;

	class PornBroadcastStatus extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Disabled", 0],
				["Enabled", 1]
			super("Porn Broadcasting Status", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.pornFeed = value;

	class PornList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				/* ["No broadcasting", -1], **This has changed, it would now use .pornFeed** */
				["No subsidy", 0],
				["1000", 1000],
				["2000", 2000],
				["3000", 3000],
				["4000", 4000],
				["5000", 5000]
			super("Weekly porn publicity subsidy", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.pornFameSpending = value;

	class EyewearList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["correct with glasses"],
				["correct with contacts"],
				["universal glasses"],
				["blur with glasses"],
				["blur with contacts"]
			super("Eyewear", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.eyewear = value;

	class LensesList extends Element {
		constructor() {
			this.appendChild(new OptionsItem("No default setting", () => this.setValue("no default setting")));
			this.colorlist = new LensesColorList();
			this.shapelist = new LensesShapeList();

		render(color) {
			const elem = document.createElement("div");
			elem.innerHTML = "Eye coloring: ";
			this.label = document.createElement("strong");
			this.label.innerText = color;
			return elem;

		combine() {
			const lst = [];
			if (this.colorlist.value !== "no default setting")
			if (this.shapelist.value !== "no default setting")
			if (lst.length === 0) return "no default setting";
			else return lst.join(" ");

		setValue(val) {
			if (val === undefined) val = this.combine();
			this.label.innerText = `${val} `;
			current_rule.set.eyeColor = val;

	class LensesColorList extends Options {
		constructor() {
			const items = [];
				"no default setting",
			].forEach(i => items.push(new OptionsItem(i, item => {
				this.value = item.label;

	class LensesShapeList extends Options {
		constructor() {
			const items = [];
				"no default setting",
			].forEach(i => items.push(new OptionsItem(i, item => {
				this.value = item.label;

	class EarwearList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["correct with hearing aids"],
				["muffle with ear plugs"],
				["deafen with ear plugs"]
			super("Earwear", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.earwear = value;

	class MakeupList extends List {
		constructor() {
				["no default setting"],
				["makeup-free", 0],
				["nice", 1],
				["gorgeous", 2],
				["color-coordinate with hair", 3],
				["slutty", 4]
			].forEach(pair => this.appendChild(new ListItem(...pair)));
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.makeup = value;

	class NailsList extends List {
		constructor() {
				["no default setting"],
				["clipped", 0],
				["extended", 1],
				["color-coordinate with hair", 2],
				["sharp and claw-like", 3],
				["bright and glittery", 4],
				["hooker nails", 5],
				["neon colored", 6],
				["neon color-coordinate with hair", 7],
				["metallic painted", 8],
				["metallic color-coordinate with hair", 9]
			].forEach(pair => this.appendChild(new ListItem(...pair)));
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.nails = value;

	class HairLengthList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["very short", 5],
				["short", 10],
				["shoulder length", 30],
				["long", 60],
				["very long", 100],
				["floor length", 150]
			super("Hair length", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.hLength = value;

	class HaircutsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["maintain hair length", 1],
				["do not maintain hair length", 0]
			super("Hair length maintenance", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.haircuts = value;

	class HairColorList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["platinum blonde"],
				["deep red"],
				["dark brown"],
				["jet black"],
				["dark orchid"],
				["sea green"],
				["dark blue"],
				["blazing red"],
				["neon green"],
				["neon blue"],
				["neon pink"]
			super("Hair color", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.hColor = value;

	class HairStyleList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["messy bun"],
			super("Hair style", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.hStyle = value;

	class EyebrowColorList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["platinum blonde"],
				["deep red"],
				["dark brown"],
				["jet black"],
				["dark orchid"],
				["sea green"],
				["dark blue"],
				["blazing red"],
				["neon green"],
				["neon blue"],
				["neon pink"]
			super("Eyebrow hair color, when present", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.eyebrowHColor = value;

	class EyebrowStyleList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["slanted inwards"],
				["slanted outwards"],
			super("Eyebrow style", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.eyebrowHStyle = value;

	class EyebrowFullnessList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
			super("Eyebrow fullness", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.eyebrowFullness = value;

	class MarkingsList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["remove beauty marks"],
				["remove birthmarks"],
				["remove both"]
			super("Facial markings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.markings = value;

	class PubicHairColorList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["platinum blonde"],
				["deep red"],
				["dark brown"],
				["jet black"],
				["dark orchid"],
				["sea green"],
				["dark blue"],
				["blazing red"],
				["neon green"],
				["neon blue"],
				["neon pink"]
			super("Pubic hair color, when present", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.pubicHColor = value;

	class PubicHairStyleList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["in a strip"],
				["bushy in the front and neat in the rear"],
				["very bushy"]
			super("Pubic hairstyle", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.pubicHStyle = value;

	class ArmpitHairColorList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
				["platinum blonde"],
				["deep red"],
				["dark brown"],
				["jet black"],
				["dark orchid"],
				["sea green"],
				["dark blue"],
				["blazing red"],
				["neon green"],
				["neon blue"],
				["neon pink"]
			super("Underarm hair color, when present", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.underArmHColor = value;

	class ArmpitHairStyleList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["no default setting"],
			super("Underarm hair style", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.underArmHStyle = value;

	class EarPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Ear piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.earPiercing = value;

	class NosePiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Nasal piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.nosePiercing = value;

	class EyebrowPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Eyebrow piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.eyebrowPiercing = value;

	class NavelPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Navel piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.navelPiercing = value;

	class NipplePiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Nipple piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.nipplesPiercing = value;

	class AreolaPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Studded", 1]
			super("Areola studs", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.areolaePiercing = value;

	class LipPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Lip piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.lipsPiercing = value;

	class TonguePiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Tongue piercing", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.tonguePiercing = value;

	class ClitPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2],
				["Smart (expensive)", 3]
			super("Clit piercing", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.clitPiercing = value;

	class LabiaPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Pussylips piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.vaginaPiercing = value;

	class ShaftPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Shaft piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.dickPiercing = value;

	class PerineumPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Light", 1],
				["Heavy", 2]
			super("Perianal piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.anusPiercing = value;

	class CorsetPiercingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["None", 0],
				["Apply", 1]
			super("Corset piercings", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.corsetPiercing = value;

	class AutoBrandingList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const pairs = [
				["Activate", 1],
				["Off", 0],
			super("Automatic branding", pairs);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.autoBrand = value;

	class BrandingLocationList extends List {
		constructor() {
			super("Your preferred location for brands is", []);

			const ears = new ListSubSection(this, "Ears", [
				["Left", "left ear"],
				["Right", "right ear"],
				["Both", "ears"]

			const cheeks = new ListSubSection(this, "Cheeks", [
				["Left", "left cheek"],
				["Right", "right cheek"],
				["Both", "cheeks"]

			const shoulders = new ListSubSection(this, "Shoulders", [
				["Left", "left shoulder"],
				["Right", "right shoulder"],
				["Both", "shoulders"]

			const breasts = new ListSubSection(this, "Breasts", [
				["Left", "right breast"],
				["Right", "left breast"],
				["Both", "breasts"]

			const upper_arms = new ListSubSection(this, "Arms, upper", [
				["Left", "left upper arm"],
				["Right", "right upper arm"],
				["Both", "upper arms"]

			const lower_arms = new ListSubSection(this, "Arms, lower", [
				["Left", "left lower arm"],
				["Right", "right lower arm"],
				["Both", "lower arms"]

			const wrist = new ListSubSection(this, "Wrist", [
				["Left", "left wrist"],
				["Right", "right wrist"],
				["Both", "wrists"]

			const hand = new ListSubSection(this, "Hand", [
				["Left", "left hand"],
				["Right", "right hand"],
				["Both", "hands"]

			const buttocks = new ListSubSection(this, "Buttocks", [
				["Left", "left buttock"],
				["Right", "right buttock"],
				["Both", "buttocks"]

			const thigh = new ListSubSection(this, "Thigh", [
				["Left", "left thigh"],
				["Right", "right thigh"],
				["Both", "thighs"]

			const calf = new ListSubSection(this, "Calf", [
				["Left", "left calf"],
				["Right", "right calf"],
				["Both", "calves"]

			const ankle = new ListSubSection(this, "Ankle", [
				["Left", "left ankle"],
				["Right", "right ankle"],
				["Both", "ankles"]

			const feet = new ListSubSection(this, "Feet", [
				["Left", "left foot"],
				["Right", "right foot"],
				["Both", "feet"]

			const other = new ListSubSection(this, "Other", [
				["Neck", "neck"],
				["Chest", "chest"],
				["Belly", "belly"],
				["Pubic mound", "pubic mound"],
				["Back", "back"],
				["Lower Back", "lower back"]

			this.onchange = (value) => V.brandTarget = value;

	class BrandDesignList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["Your slaving emblem", "your personal symbol"],
				["Your initials", "your initials"],
				["Pussy symbol", "a pussy symbol"],
				["Anus symbol", "an anus symbol"],
				["Penis symbol", "a penis symbol"],
				["Lady", "a lady silhouette"],
				["Princess", "a princess silhouette"],
				["Queen", "a queen silhouette"],
				["Angel", "an angel silhouette"],
				["Devil", "a devil silhouette"]

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacist !== "unset" || V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Racial Slur", "a racial slur"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacist !== "unset" && V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace === "white")
				items.push(["(FS) Swastika", "a swastika"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist !== "unset" && V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace === "semitic")
				items.push(["(FS) Star of David", "a Star of David"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset" || V.arcologies.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Gender Symbol", "a gender symbol"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Personal Symbol", "her own personal symbol"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Chain Symbol", "a chain symbol"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Vitruvian Man", "a Vitruvian man"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Most Desired Implants", "a shortlist of desired implants"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Virginity Status", "her virginity status"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Sexual Skill Info", "her sexual skills"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Breast Ceiling", "her absolute maximum breast size"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Breast Floor", "her absolute minimum breast size"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Product Quality", "her body product quality"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdelist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Deadlift Info", "her deadlift record"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Weight Record", "her highest weigh-in"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence && V.PC.refreshmentType === 2)
				items.push(["(FS) Favorite Food", `a big helping of ${V.PC.refreshment}`]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Birth Count", "the number of children she has birthed"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Religious Symbol", "a religious symbol"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Republican Crest", "a small crest of your Republic"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Seven Serpents", "a small symbol of the Aztec gods"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Dynastic Sigil", "a small sigil of your Dynasty"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Mon", "a small image of the Shogunate's mon"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Caliphate Symbol", "a small symbol of the Caliphate"]);

			if (V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset")
				items.push(["(FS) Imperial Seal", "a small image of your Imperial Seal"]);

			super("Your brand design is", items, true);

	class FaceTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
				["permanent makeup"],
			super("Facial tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.lipsTat = value;

	class ShoulderTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Shoulder tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.shouldersTat = value;

	class ChestTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Chest tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.boobsTat = value;

	class ArmTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Arm tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.armsTat = value;

	class UpperBackTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Upper back tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.backTat = value;

	class LowerBackTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Lower back tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.stampTat = value;

	class AbdomenTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Abdomen tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.vaginaTat = value;

	class DickTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Dick tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.dickTat = value;

	class ButtockTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Buttock tattoos:", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.buttTat = value;

	class AnalTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
			super("Anal tattoo or bleaching", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.anusTat = value;

	class LegTattooList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["tribal patterns"],
				["rude words"],
				["bovine patterns"],
				["Asian art"],
			super("Leg tattoos", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.legsTat = value;

	class VisionSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["fixed", 1],
				["blurred", -1],
			super("Vision correction", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_eyes = value;

	class HearingSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["fixed", 0],
				["muffled", -1],
			super("Hearing correction", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_hears = value;

	class SmellSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["fixed", 0],
				["disabled", -1],
			super("Olfactory correction", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_smells = value;

	class TasteSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["fixed", 0],
				["disabled", -1],
			super("Gustatory correction", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_tastes = value;

	class LactationSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["implanted", 1],
				["removed", 0],
			super("Lactation drug implants", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_lactation = value;

	class SemenSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["implanted", 1],
				["removed", 0],
			super("Prostate production enhancing drug implants", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_prostate = value;

	class VasectomyList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["apply vasectomy", true],
				["undo vasectomy", false],
			super("Apply or undo vasectomy for slaves with testicles", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_vasectomy = value;

	class CosmeticSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["none", 0],
				["subtle", 1],
				["invasive", 2],
			super("Cosmetic Surgery", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_cosmetic = value;

	class LipSurgeryList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["removed", 0],
				["plush", 20],
				["big", 40],
				["huge", 70],
				["facepussy", 95],
			super("Lip implants", items, 0, 95, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_lips = value;

	class ButtSurgeryList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["removed", 0],
				["slim", 2],
				["stacked", 4],
				["huge", 6],
				["maximized", 9],
			super("Buttock implants", items, 0, 9, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_butt = value;

	class BreastSurgeryList extends NumberRange {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["removed", 0],
				["slim", 400],
				["stacked", 1000],
				["huge", 2000],
				["barely functional", 9000],
				["maximized", 48000]
			super("Breast implants", items, 0, 48000, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_boobs = value;

	class TighteningSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["tightening", 1],
				["virginity restoration", 2],
			super("Orifice Tightening", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_holes = value;

	class TummyTuckSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["tuck", 1],
			super("Tummy Tuck", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_tummy = value;

	class BodyHairSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["keep", 1],
				["removal", 2],
			super("Body Hair", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_bodyhair = value;

	class HairSurgeryList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["keep", 1],
				["removal", 2],
			super("Hair", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_hair = value;

	class AutomaticAssignmentList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["No default setting", "no default setting"],
				["Rest", "rest"],
				["Fucktoy", "please you"],
				["Subordinate Slave", "be a subordinate slave"],
				["House Servant", "be a servant"],
				["Confined", "stay confined"],
				["Whore", "whore"],
				["Public Servant", "serve the public"],
				["Classes", "take classes"],
				["Milked", "get milked"],
				["Gloryhole", "work a glory hole"],
				["Choose Her Own", "choose her own job"]

			if (V.HGSuite > 0) items.push(["Head Girl Suite", "live with your Head Girl"]);
			if (V.brothel > 0) items.push(["Brothel", "work in the brothel"]);
			if (V.club > 0) items.push(["Club", "serve in the club"]);
			if (V.arcade > 0) items.push(["Arcade", "be confined in the arcade"]);
			if (V.dairy > 0) items.push(["Dairy", "work in the dairy"]);
			if (V.farmyard > 0) items.push(["Farmyard", "work as a farmhand"]);
			if (V.servantsQuarters > 0) items.push(["Servant Quarters", "work as a servant"]);
			if (V.masterSuite > 0) items.push(["Master Suite", "serve in the master suite"]);
			if (V.schoolroom > 0) items.push(["Schoolroom", "learn in the schoolroom"]);
			if (V.spa > 0) items.push(["Spa", "rest in the spa"]);
			if (V.clinic > 0) items.push(["Clinic", "get treatment in the clinic"]);
			if (V.cellblock > 0) items.push(["Cellblock", "be confined in the cellblock"]);

			super("Automatically set assignment", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.setAssignment = value;

	class BellyImplantList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["install", "install"],
				["remove", "remove"],
			super("Belly implant", items);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.surgery_bellyImplant = value;

	class LabelList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
			super("Custom label", items, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.label = value;

	class LabelRemoveList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
			super("Remove custom label", items, true);
			this.onchange = (value) => current_rule.set.removeLabel = value;

	class SkinColorList extends List {
		constructor() {
			const items = [
				["no default setting"],
				["pure white"],
				["extremely pale"],
				["very pale"],
				["extremely fair"],
				["very fair"],
				["light olive"],
				["dark olive"],
				["light beige"],
				["dark beige"],
				["light brown"],
				["dark brown"],
				["pure black"],
				["sun tanned"],
				["spray tanned"],
				["dyed red"],
				["dyed green"],
				["dyed blue"],
				["dyed pink"],
				["dyed gray"],
				["tiger striped"],
				["camouflage patterned"],
			super("Dye or tan skin", items);
			this.onchange = (x) => current_rule.set.skinColor = x;

	return rulesAssistantOptions;