/* Colors are made as css classes, to allow them to be changed for a light color scheme (for example). */
/* a version is for this case: <span class="..."><a>text</a></span> */
/* TODO: remove all color class names (e.g. ".cyan") once all instances are removed in code */
color: var(--link-color)
.aquamarine, .aquamarine a, .skill, .skill a {
color: aquamarine
.coral, .coral a, .fetish.loss, .fetish.loss a {
color: coral
/* used for aphrodisiac & neighbor arcs */
.darkgoldenrod, .darkgoldenrod a, .trust.extremely-terrified, .trust.extremely-terrified a {
color: darkgoldenrod
.darkred, .darkred a, .defiant.full, .defiant.full a {
color: darkred
.darkviolet, .darkviolet a, .devotion.hateful, .devotion.hateful a {
color: darkviolet
.deeppink, .deeppink a, .devotion.devoted, .devotion.devoted a {
color: deeppink
color: steelblue
.deepskyblue, .deepskyblue a, .intelligent, .intelligent a {
color: deepskyblue
color: dodgerblue
.gold, .gold a, .trust.dec, .trust.dec a, .trust.frightened, .trust.frightened a {
.goldenrod, .goldenrod a, .trust.terrified, .trust.terrified a {
color: goldenrod
.green, .green a,, a, .improvement, .improvement a, .flaw.break, .flaw.break a,, a, .fuckdoll, .fuckdoll a, .positive, .positive a,, a, .prestigious, {
color: green
.hotpink, .hotpink a,, a, .devotion.accept, .devotion.accept a {
color: hotpink
color: lawngreen
color: lightblue
.lightcoral, .lightcoral a, .fetish.gain, .fetish.gain a {
color: lightcoral
.lightgreen, .lightgreen a, .relationship, .relationship a, .rivalry.dec, .rivalry.dec a {
color: lightgreen
color: lightpink
.lightsalmon, .lightsalmon a,, a,, a,
.relationship.dec, .relationship.dec a {
color: lightsalmon
/* tight orifices, breast changes, take virginity, not sure on good aliases */
.lime, .lime a, .change.positive, .change.positive a, .virginity.loss, .virginity.loss a, .puberty, .puberty a,
.pregnant, .pregnant a {
color: lime
color: limegreen
.magenta, .magenta a, .devotion.worship, .devotion.worship a {
color: magenta
.mediumaquamarine, .mediumaquamarine a,, a, .trust.careful, .trust.careful a {
color: mediumaquamarine
.mediumorchid, .mediumorchid a, .devotion.dec, .devotion.dec a, .devotion.resistant, .devotion.resistant a {
color: mediumorchid
.mediumseagreen, .mediumseagreen a, .trust.trusting, .trust.trusting a {
color: mediumseagreen
/* generally between red and green, and a lot of other places */
.orange, .orange a, .stupid, .stupid a, .change.negative, .change.negative a, .defiant.careful, .defiant.careful a,
.ncs, .ncs a, .miscarriage, .miscarriage a, .period, .period a, .hindrance.mid, .intro.question {
color: orange
.orangered, .orangered a,, a, .defiant.bold, .defiant.bold a, .education.neg a, .unintelligent, .hindrance.high {
color: orangered
/* also fetish start ??? , and a lot of other stuff */
.pink, .pink a, {
color: pink
/* generally bad stuff */
/* note: .error is for unexpected behavior, .warning for player feedback */
.red, .red a, .health.dec, .health.dec a, .cash.dec, .cash.dec a, .food.dec, .food.dec a, .stat.drop, .stat.drop a, .flaw, .flaw a, .flaw.gain, .flaw.gain a,
.mindbreak, .mindbreak a, .error, .error a, .elites.loss, .elites.loss a, .reputation.dec, .reputation.dec a, .immobile, .hindrance.max,
.seagreen, .seagreen a,, a {
color: seagreen
.springgreen, .springgreen a, .skill.player, .skill.player a {
color: springgreen
color: chocolate
.saddlebrown, .saddlebrown a {
color: saddlebrown
color: teal
.yellow, .yellow a, .noteworthy, .noteworthy a, .paraphilia.gain, .paraphilia.gain a, .hindrance.low,
.devotion.ambivalent, .devotion.ambivalent a, .trust.fearful, .trust.fearful a, .job.change {
color: yellow
.yellowgreen, .yellowgreen a,, a, .cash, .cash a {
color: yellowgreen
.cash.note {
color: seagreen;
color: white
color: violet
color: khaki
.race, .nationality {
color: tan