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  • svornost's avatar
    Prune attributes with bad namespace from vector art files during compile,... · 999f51e3
    svornost authored
    Prune attributes with bad namespace from vector art files during compile, rather than during startup.
    Regenerate all the vector art without the bad attributes.
    Delete a few art files that can't be regenerated and aren't referenced in code.
    Hand-edit a handful of files that can't be regenerated but ARE referenced in code.
    Prune attributes with bad namespace from vector art files during compile,...
    svornost authored
    Prune attributes with bad namespace from vector art files during compile, rather than during startup.
    Regenerate all the vector art without the bad attributes.
    Delete a few art files that can't be regenerated and aren't referenced in code.
    Hand-edit a handful of files that can't be regenerated but ARE referenced in code.