diff --git a/src/facilities/bodyModification/bodyModification.js b/src/facilities/bodyModification/bodyModification.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4975c4009184b594cf92850a2ac77179c4b3ac01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/facilities/bodyModification/bodyModification.js
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+ *
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @param {boolean} cheat
+ */
+App.UI.bodyModification = function(slave, cheat = false) {
+	const container = document.createElement("span");
+	container.id = "body-modification";
+	const {
+		He, His,
+		he, his, him, himself
+	} = getPronouns(slave);
+	Enunciate(slave);
+	let piercingLevel;
+	let modReaction;
+	let scarApplied;
+	let tattooChoice;
+	container.append(createPage());
+	return container;
+	function createPage() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		if (V.seeImages > 0) {
+			App.Events.drawEventArt(el, slave);
+		}
+		el.append(intro());
+		if (!cheat) {
+			el.append(reaction());
+		}
+		el.append(piercings());
+		el.append(tattoos());
+		el.append(branding());
+		el.append(scar());
+		return el;
+	}
+	function intro() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h1", el, "Body Modification Studio");
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", el, `${SlaveFullName(slave)} is lying strapped down on the table in your body modification studio. ${He} is entirely at your mercy.`);
+		return el;
+	}
+	function reaction() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		let r = [];
+		if (V.brandApplied || V.degradation || scarApplied || modReaction) {
+			if (slave.fuckdoll === 0) {
+				if (canSee(slave)) {
+					r.push(`There's a mirror on the ceiling, so ${he} can see`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`${He} can't see, so `);
+					if (canHear(slave)) {
+						r.push(`you're careful to describe`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${he} must, by ${himself}, get a feel for`);
+					}
+				}
+				r.push(`${his} new appearance.`);
+			}
+			if (V.brandApplied) {
+				r.push(`The smell of burnt flesh hangs in the air. Being branded <span class="health.dec">has hurt ${his} health a little.</span>`);
+				healthDamage(slave, 10);
+				V.brandApplied = 0;
+			}
+			if (scarApplied) {
+				if (V.scarTarget.local === "entire body") {
+					switch (V.scarDesign.local) {
+						case "burn":
+							r.push(`Your goal wasn't to make the distinct shape of a brand, but rather to permanently mar the skin with an open flame.`);
+							break;
+						case "surgical":
+							if (V.PC.skill.medicine >= 100) {
+								r.push(`Your medical mastery is perfect, so creating Frankenstein's monster was a deliberate work of art.`);
+							} else if (V.PC.skill.medicine > 0) {
+								r.push(`Your medical skills are progressing, and the Frankenstein effect reminds you of your earliest attempts.`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`You really slashed away with your knife, but were careful not to allow ${him} to bleed out.`);
+							}
+							break;
+						default:
+							r.push(`The best way to apply scarring to the entire body is with a good old fashioned whip. ${His} body is a mess of crisscrossed lines`);
+							if (hasAnyNaturalLimbs(slave)) {
+								r.push(`, and ${his} `);
+								if (getLimbCount(slave, piercingLevel) > 1) {
+									r.push(`limbs twisted so violently in their restraints that they too have`);
+								} else {
+									r.push(`only limb twists so violently in its restraints that it too has`);
+								}
+								r.push(` become scarred`);
+							}
+							r.push(r.pop() + ".");
+					}
+					r.push(`No matter how you chose to apply it, scarring so much of ${his} body has <span class="health.dec"> hurt ${his} health.</span>`);
+					healthDamage(slave, 20);
+				} else {
+					if (slave.scar[V.scarTarget.local][V.scarDesign.local] > 0) {
+						r.push(`This is not the first time ${he} was scarred like this.`);
+					}
+					switch (V.scarDesign.local) {
+						case "whip":
+							r.push(`Targeting a single area with a whip is not easy. You set the mood by carefully arranging candles dripping on to a whimpering ${slave.slaveName}, then got ${his} attention with a quick`);
+							if (canSee(slave)) {
+								r.push(`wave`);
+							} else if (canHear(slave)) {
+								r.push(`crack`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`tap`);
+							}
+							r.push(`of the whip. One by one, you carefully snuffed out the candles, flicking hot wax as you went. After pausing a moment, you prepared to leave your mark.`);
+							if (["penis", "vagina"].includes(V.scarTarget.local)) {
+								if (slave.dick > 4 && V.seeDicks) {
+									r.push(`${His} dick was large enough that it was not too difficult to hit,`);
+								} else if (slave.dick > 0 && V.seeDicks) {
+									r.push(`${His} dick was a challengingly small target,`);
+								} else {
+									if (slave.clit > 0) {
+										r.push(`${His} clit was a difficult target,`);
+									} else {
+										r.push(`${His} clit was an impossibly tiny target,`);
+									}
+								}
+								r.push(`but the end was never in doubt. The tip connected with ${his} most intimate place on the first try, and plunged ${him} into absolute agony.`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`The	end was never in doubt. A few strokes of the whip plunged ${him} into agony ${his} body will not allow ${him} to forget.`);
+							}
+							break;
+						case "burn":
+							r.push(`Your goal wasn't to make the distinct shape of a brand, but rather to permanently mar the ${slave.skin} skin of ${his} ${V.scarTarget.local} with an open flame.`);
+							break;
+						case "surgical":
+							if (V.PC.skill.medicine >= 100) {
+								r.push(`Your medical mastery is perfect, so creating such a scar was a deliberate act of degradation.`);
+							} else if (V.PC.skill.medicine > 0) {
+								r.push(`Your medical skills are progressing, and the sloppy scar reminds you of your earliest attempts.`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`You really slashed away at ${V.scarTarget.local} with your knife, but were careful not to allow ${him} to bleed out.`);
+							}
+							break;
+						default:
+							r.push(`You had no shortage of kinky and medical tools for applying scars. ${His} ${slave.skin} ${V.scarTarget.local} is bleeding profusely.`);
+					}
+					r.push(`No matter how you chose to apply it, being scarred <span class="health.dec"> hurt ${his} health a little.</span>`);
+					healthDamage(slave, 10);
+				}
+				r.push(`Afterwards you seal the wounds with a white medical spray. Infection is no risk to `);
+				slave.slaveName;
+				r.push(` thanks to your curatives, but in order to form obvious scar tissue you had to keep air out and delay normal healing as long as possible.`);
+				scarApplied = false;
+			}
+			if (slave.fetish !== "mindbroken" && slave.fuckdoll === 0) {
+				if (V.degradation > 1) {
+					if (V.degradation > 5) {
+						if (slave.devotion <= 50 && slave.trust < -50) {
+							r.push(`${He} is appalled by the whorish spectacle you have made of ${him}. ${He} <span class="gold">fears</span> you all the more for this but is so terrified of you it does not affect ${his} submission.`);
+							slave.trust -= 10;
+						} else if (slave.devotion <= 50) {
+							r.push(`${He} is appalled by the whorish spectacle you have made of ${him}. ${He} <span class="mediumorchid">hates</span> and <span class="gold">fears</span> you for this.`);
+							slave.devotion -= 10;
+							slave.trust -= 10;
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${He} is shocked by the whorish spectacle you have made of ${him}. However, ${he} is so submissive to your will that ${he} <span class="hotpink">accepts</span> that the slave `);
+							if (canSee(slave)) {
+								r.push(`in the mirror`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`${he} pictures`);
+							}
+							r.push(`is who ${he} is now.`);
+							slave.devotion += 4;
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (slave.devotion < -20 && slave.trust < 20) {
+							r.push(`${He} is <span class="gold">afraid</span> that ${he} has been permanently altered against ${his} will, but is also scared of your reaction to any objection and suppresses ${his} disgust.`);
+							slave.trust -= 5;
+						} else if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+							r.push(`${He} is <span class="mediumorchid">angry</span> and <span class="gold">afraid</span> that ${he} has been permanently altered against ${his} will.`);
+							slave.devotion -= 5;
+							slave.trust -= 5;
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${He} is saddened to have been altered against ${his} will. However, ${he} realizes that ${he} is a slave, so ${he} <span class="hotpink">accepts</span> your work.`);
+							slave.devotion += 2;
+						}
+					}
+					V.degradation = 0;
+				}
+				if (modReaction) {
+					r.push(modReaction);
+					modReaction = false;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "p");
+		return el;
+	}
+	function piercings() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		let r = [];
+		const piercingLocations = ["ear", "nose", "eyebrow", "lips", "tongue", "nipples", "areolae", "navel", "corset", "clit", "vagina", "dick", "anus"];
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", el, "Piercings");
+		for (const piercing of piercingLocations.concat(["chastity"])) {
+			r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", App.Desc.piercing(slave, piercing)));
+		}
+		if (r.length === 0) {
+			r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${His} smooth ${slave.skin} skin is completely unpierced.`));
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+		r = [];
+		// Apply piercings
+		r.push(`Choose piercing style:`);
+		const piercingLevelNames = new Map([
+			["Remove", 0],
+			["Light", 1],
+			["Heavy", 2],
+			["Smart", 3]
+		]);
+		let linkArray = [];
+		for (const [title, num] of piercingLevelNames) {
+			if (piercingLevel === num) {
+				linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.disabledLink(title, ["Currently selected"]));
+			} else {
+				linkArray.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						title,
+						() => {
+							piercingLevel = num;
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		r.push(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		// Determine parts that cannot be pierced
+		let validPiercingLocations = Array.from(piercingLocations);
+		if (slave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
+			removePiercingLocation("nipples");
+		}
+		if (slave.vagina !== -1 || slave.dick !== 0) {
+			removePiercingLocation("clit");
+			if (slave.vagina !== -1) {
+				removePiercingLocation("vagina");
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.dick === 0) {
+			removePiercingLocation("dick");
+		}
+		function removePiercingLocation(location) {
+			const index = validPiercingLocations.indexOf(location);
+			validPiercingLocations.splice(index, 1);
+		}
+		if (piercingLevel < 3) {
+			if (piercingLevel === 0) {
+				r.push(`Remove piercings from:`);
+			} else if (piercingLevel === 1) {
+				r.push(`Lightly pierce ${his}:`);
+			} else if (piercingLevel === 2) {
+				r.push(`Heavily pierce ${his}:`);
+			}
+			// Entire body
+			linkArray = [];
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Entire body",
+					() => {
+						modReaction = "";
+						for (const location of validPiercingLocations) {
+							if (slave[`${location}Piercing`] !== piercingLevel) {
+								modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(slave, location, piercingLevel);
+								if (piercingLevel > 1) {
+									V.degradation += 1;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+			// Each individual piercing
+			for (const location of validPiercingLocations) {
+				if (slave[`${location}Piercing`] !== piercingLevel) {
+					linkArray.push(
+						App.UI.DOM.link(
+							capFirstChar(location),
+							() => {
+								modReaction = "";
+								modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(slave, location, piercingLevel);
+								if (piercingLevel > 1) {
+									V.degradation += 1;
+								}
+								refresh();
+							}
+						)
+					);
+				}
+			}
+			r.push(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		} else if (piercingLevel === 3) {
+			// Smart piercings
+			if (slave.vagina !== -1 || slave.dick !== 0) {
+				if (slave.clitPiercing !== 3) {
+					r.push(`Give ${him} a`);
+					r.push(
+						App.UI.DOM.link(
+							"smart piercing",
+							() => {
+								modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(slave, "clit", 3);
+								slave.clitSetting = "all";
+								V.degradation += 1;
+								refresh();
+							},
+							[],
+							"",
+							`Costs ${cashFormat(V.SPcost)}, unlocks options to mold sexuality`
+						)
+					);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`${He} already has a smart piercing!`);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		return el;
+	}
+	function tattoos() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		let r = [];
+		let noTats;
+		const tattooLocations = new Map([
+			["shoulder", "shoulders"],
+			["lips", "lips"],
+			["breast", "boobs"],
+			["upper arm", "arms"],
+			["back", "back"],
+			["lower back", "stamp"],
+			["buttock", "butt"],
+			["vagina", "vagina"],
+			["dick", "dick"],
+			["anus", "anus"],
+			["thigh", "legs"]
+		]);
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", el, "Tattoos");
+		for (const [name, place] of tattooLocations) {
+			r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", App.Desc.tattoo(slave, name)));
+		}
+		if (r.length === 0) {
+			r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${His} smooth ${slave.skin} skin is completely unmarked.`));
+			noTats = true;
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+		r = [];
+		// Apply tattoos
+		r.push(`Choose a tattoo style:`);
+		const tattooChoiceNames = new Set([
+			"tribal patterns",
+			"flowers",
+			"counting",
+			"advertisements",
+			"rude words",
+			"degradation",
+			"Asian art",
+			"scenes",
+			"bovine patterns",
+			"permanent makeup",
+			"sacrilege",
+			"sacrament",
+			"possessive",
+			"paternalist",
+		]);
+		if (slave.anusTat !== 0) {
+			tattooChoiceNames.add("bleached");
+		}
+		let linkArray = [];
+		for (const style of tattooChoiceNames) {
+			if (tattooChoice === style) {
+				linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.disabledLink(capFirstChar(style), ["Currently selected"]));
+			} else {
+				linkArray.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						capFirstChar(style),
+						() => {
+							tattooChoice = style;
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		if (!noTats) {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Remove a tattoo",
+					() => {
+						tattooChoice = 0;
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		r.push(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		// Determine parts that cannot be pierced
+		let validTattooLocations;
+		if (tattooChoice === "bleached") {
+			validTattooLocations = ["anus"];
+		} else {
+			validTattooLocations = Array.from(tattooLocations.keys());
+			if (!hasAnyNaturalArms(slave)) {
+				removeTattooLocation("upper arm");
+			}
+			if (!hasAnyNaturalArms(slave)) {
+				removeTattooLocation("thigh");
+			} else {
+				// There is a disagreement between description and application if we are talking about the leg or thigh.  Switch to leg now for application.
+				const index = validTattooLocations.indexOf("thigh");
+				validTattooLocations.splice(index, 1, "leg");
+			}
+			if (slave.dick === 0 || tattooChoice === "scenes") {
+				removeTattooLocation("dick");
+			}
+			if ((tattooChoice === "Asian art" || tattooChoice === "scenes") && slave.anusTat === "bleached") { // leave existing bleached anus alone
+				removeTattooLocation("anus");
+			}
+		}
+		function removeTattooLocation(location) {
+			const index = validTattooLocations.indexOf(location);
+			validTattooLocations.splice(index, 1);
+		}
+		if (tattooChoice === 0) {
+			r.push(`Clean the ink off of ${him}:`);
+		} else if (tattooChoice === "counting") {
+			r.push(`Add tallies of ${his} sexual exploits to ${him}:`);
+		} else if (tattooChoice === "bleached") {
+			r.push(`Bleach ${his}:`);
+		} else if (tattooChoice) {
+			r.push(`Add ${tattooChoice} to ${his}:`);
+		}
+		// Entire body
+		linkArray = [];
+		if (tattooChoice !== undefined && tattooChoice !== "bleached") {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Entire body",
+					() => {
+						modReaction = "";
+						for (const location of validTattooLocations) {
+							if (slave[`${location}tattoo`] !== tattooChoice) {
+								applyTat(location);
+							}
+						}
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		// Each individual tattoo
+		for (const location of validTattooLocations) {
+			if (slave[`${location}tattoo`] !== tattooChoice) {
+				linkArray.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						capFirstChar(location),
+						() => {
+							modReaction = "";
+							applyTat(location);
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
+		}
+		r.push(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		const customEl = document.createElement("div");
+		customEl.id = "custom-el";
+		customEl.append(
+			App.UI.DOM.link(
+				"Show custom tattoo locations",
+				() => {
+					jQuery("#custom-el").empty().append(customTats());
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		el.append(customEl);
+		return el;
+		function applyTat(location) {
+			tattooChoice = (location === "lips" && tattooChoice === "scenes") ? "permanent makeup" : tattooChoice;
+			modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(slave, tattooLocations.get(location), tattooChoice);
+			if (!["flowers", "paternalist", "tribal patterns", 0].includes(tattooChoice)) {
+				V.degradation += 1;
+			}
+		}
+		function customTats() {
+			const el = new DocumentFragment();
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h3", el, "Custom Tattoos");
+			const r = [];
+			for (const location of validTattooLocations) {
+				const varName = tattooLocations.get(location);
+				if (varName) {
+					r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${capFirstChar(location)}: `));
+					r.push(
+						App.UI.DOM.makeElement(
+							"div",
+							App.UI.DOM.makeTextBox(
+								slave[`${varName}Tat`],
+								(v) => {
+									modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(slave, varName, v);
+									refresh();
+								}
+							)
+						)
+					);
+				}
+			}
+			r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `Custom: `));
+			r.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.makeElement(
+					"div",
+					App.UI.DOM.makeTextBox(
+						slave.custom.tattoo,
+						(v) => {
+							slave.custom.tattoo = v;
+							cashX(forceNeg(V.surgeryCost), "slaveMod", slave);
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				)
+			);
+			App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div", "grid-2columns-auto");
+			if (slave.custom.tattoo !== "") {
+				el.append(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						"Remove custom Tattoo",
+						() => {
+							slave.custom.tattoo = "";
+							cashX(forceNeg(V.surgeryCost), "slaveMod", slave);
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
+			return el;
+		}
+	}
+	function branding() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		const selection = document.createElement("span");
+		selection.id = "brand-selection";
+		selection.append(App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand(slave, cheat));
+		el.append(selection);
+		if (slave.breedingMark === 1 && (V.propOutcome === 0 || V.eugenicsFullControl === 1 || V.arcologies[0].FSRestart === "unset")) {
+			const r = [];
+			r.push(`${He} has an intricate tattoo on ${his} lower belly that suggests ${he} was made to be bred.`);
+			r.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Remove it",
+					() => {
+						slave.breedingMark = 0;
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+			App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		}
+		return el;
+	}
+	function scar() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", el, "Scars");
+		let r = [];
+		for (const _scarName in slave.scar) {
+			const scarDiv = document.createElement("div");
+			scarDiv.append(`${His} ${_scarName} is marked with ${App.Desc.expandScarString(slave, _scarName)}: `);
+			scarDiv.append(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Remove Scar",
+					() => {
+						scarApplied = 0;
+						delete slave.scar[_scarName];
+						cashX(forceNeg(V.surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", slave);
+						V.degradation -= 10;
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+			r.push(scarDiv);
+		}
+		if (r.length > 0) {
+			App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		} else {
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", el, `${His} skin is not scarred.`);
+		}
+		r = [];
+		r.push(`Use <strong>${V.scarDesign.local}</strong> or choose another scar:`);
+		const scarTypes = new Set([
+			"whip",
+			"burn",
+			"surgical",
+			"menacing",
+			"exotic"
+		]); // Other common scars might be battle scars or c-Section but it makes little sense to include them here
+		let linkArray = [];
+		for (const scarType of scarTypes) {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					capFirstChar(scarType),
+					() => {
+						V.scarDesign.local = scarType;
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		r.push(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		r.push(`Or design your own:`);
+		r.push(
+			App.UI.DOM.makeTextBox(
+				V.scarDesign.local,
+				(v) => {
+					V.scarDesign.local = v;
+					refresh();
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		r.push(`Choose a site for scaring:`);
+		let scarLocations = new Map();
+		if (["exotic", "menacing"].includes(V.scarDesign.local)) {
+			scarLocations.set("Cheeks", "cheek");
+		} else {
+			// Sorted head to toe
+			scarLocations.set("Entire body", "entire body");
+			// Head
+			if (slave.earShape !== "none") {
+				scarLocations.set("Ears", "ear");
+			}
+			scarLocations.set("Cheeks", "cheek");
+			scarLocations.set("Neck", "neck");
+			// Torso
+			scarLocations.set("Chest", "chest");
+			scarLocations.set("Breasts", "breast");
+			scarLocations.set("Back", "back");
+			scarLocations.set("Lower Back", "lower back");
+			scarLocations.set("Belly", "belly");
+			scarLocations.set("Pubic Mound", "pubic mound");
+			if (slave.dick > 0) {
+				scarLocations.set("Penis", "penis");
+			}
+			if (slave.balls > 0 && slave.scrotum > 0) {
+				scarLocations.set("Testicles", "testicle");
+			}
+			// Arms
+			scarLocations.set("Shoulders", "shoulder");
+			if (hasAnyNaturalArms(slave)) {
+				scarLocations.set("Arm, upper", "upper arm");
+				scarLocations.set("Arm, lower", "lower arm");
+				scarLocations.set("Wrists", "wrist");
+				scarLocations.set("Hands", "hand");
+			}
+			// Legs
+			scarLocations.set("Buttocks", "buttock");
+			if (hasAnyNaturalLegs(slave)) {
+				scarLocations.set("Thighs", "thigh");
+				scarLocations.set("Calves", "calf");
+				scarLocations.set("Ankles", "ankle");
+				scarLocations.set("Feet", "foot");
+			}
+		}
+		linkArray = [];
+		for (const [text, value] of scarLocations) {
+			linkArray.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					text,
+					() => {
+						V.scarTarget.local = value;
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+		}
+		r.push(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		r.push(`Or a custom site:`);
+		r.push(
+			App.UI.DOM.makeTextBox(
+				V.scarTarget.local,
+				(v) => {
+					V.scarTarget.local = v;
+					refresh();
+				}
+			)
+		);
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		// Correct some "bad" choices"
+		if (["exotic", "menacing"].includes(V.scarDesign.local)) {
+			if (V.scarTarget.local !== "cheek") {
+				V.scarTarget.local = "cheek";
+			}
+		}
+		r = [];
+		if (["ankle", "breast", "buttock", "calf", "cheek", "ear", "foot", "hand", "lower arm", "shoulder", "testicle", "thigh", "upper arm", "wrist"].includes(V.scarTarget.local)) {
+			const _leftTarget = ("left " + V.scarTarget.local);
+			const _rightTarget = ("right " + V.scarTarget.local);
+			if (slave.scar[_leftTarget]) {
+				r.push(`${His}${_leftTarget} is already marked with ${App.Desc.expandScarString(slave, _leftTarget)}.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.scar[_rightTarget]) {
+				r.push(`${His}${_rightTarget} is already marked with ${App.Desc.expandScarString(slave, _rightTarget)}.`);
+			}
+			r.push(`Scar ${him} now with ''${V.scarDesign.local}'' on the`);
+			let _left = 0, _right = 0;
+			// overwrite brand
+			if (!(["upper arm", "lower arm", "wrist", "hand"].includes(V.scarTarget.local) && getLeftArmID(slave) !== 1) && !(["thigh", "calf", "ankle", "foot"].includes(V.scarTarget.local) && getLeftLegID(slave) !== 1)) {
+				_left = 1;
+				// make next checks easier
+				r.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						"left",
+						() => {
+							V.scarTarget.local = _leftTarget;
+							scarApplied = 1;
+							App.Medicine.Modification.addScar(slave, _leftTarget, V.scarDesign.local);
+							cashX(forceNeg(V.modCost), "slaveMod", slave);
+							V.degradation += 10;
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
+			if (!(["upper arm", "lower arm", "wrist", "hand"].includes(V.scarTarget.local) && getRightArmID(slave) !== 1) && !(["thigh", "calf", "ankle", "foot"].includes(V.scarTarget.local) && getRightLegID(slave) !== 1)) {
+				_right = 1;
+				// make next checks easier
+			}
+			if (_left && _right) {
+				r.push(`${V.scarTarget.local}, or the`);
+			}
+			if (_right) {
+				r.push(
+					App.UI.DOM.link(
+						"right",
+						() => {
+							V.scarTarget.local = _rightTarget;
+							scarApplied = 1;
+							App.Medicine.Modification.addScar(slave, _rightTarget, V.scarDesign.local);
+							cashX(forceNeg(V.modCost), "slaveMod", slave);
+							V.degradation += 10;
+							refresh();
+						}
+					)
+				);
+			}
+			if (!_left || !_right) {
+				r.push(`${V.scarTarget.local}?`);
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (slave.scar.hasOwnProperty(V.scarTarget.local)) {
+				if (slave.scar[V.scarTarget.local][V.scarDesign.local]) {
+					r.push(`${He} already has ${V.scarDesign.local} scars on ${his} V.scarTarget.local. You can make it worse.`);
+				} else {
+					// check how much scarring is on this part
+					const _scarTotalValue = (Object.values(slave.scar[V.scarTarget.local])).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
+					if (_scarTotalValue) {
+						r.push(`That would be a new kind of scar to add to the growing collection on ${his} ${V.scarTarget.local}. Life can always be worse for a slave.`);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			r.push(
+				App.UI.DOM.link(
+					"Scar",
+					() => {
+						let _scarArray;
+						if (V.scarTarget.local === "entire body" && V.scarDesign.local.includes("whip")) {
+							// Special case for whipping scene, produces two kinds of scars
+							App.Medicine.Modification.addScourged(slave);
+						} else {
+							// Normal entire body scarring
+							if (V.scarTarget.local === "entire body") {
+								_scarArray = ["left breast", "right breast", "back", "lower back", "left buttock", "right buttock"];
+								if (getLeftArmID(slave) === 0) {
+									_scarArray.push("left upper arm");
+								}
+								if (getRightArmID(slave) === 0) {
+									_scarArray.push("right upper arm");
+								}
+								if (getLeftLegID(slave) === 0) {
+									_scarArray.push("left thigh");
+								}
+								if (getRightLegID(slave) === 0) {
+									_scarArray.push("right thigh");
+								}
+							} else { // Single scar
+								_scarArray = [V.scarTarget.local];
+							}
+							for (const scar of _scarArray) {
+								App.Medicine.Modification.addScar(slave, scar, V.scarDesign.local);
+								V.degradation += 10;
+							}
+						}
+						cashX(forceNeg(V.modCost), "slaveMod", slave);
+						scarApplied = 1;
+						V.degradation += 10;
+						refresh();
+					}
+				)
+			);
+			r.push(`with ${V.scarDesign.local} on the ${V.scarTarget.local}${(slave.scar[V.scarTarget.local]) ? `, adding to the scars that are already there?`: `.`}`);
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
+		return el;
+	}
+	function refresh() {
+		jQuery("#body-modification").empty().append(createPage());
+	}
diff --git a/src/facilities/bodyModification/bodyModification.tw b/src/facilities/bodyModification/bodyModification.tw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..74cbfe0d6445fe245e36d74688fd68b05eacfec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/facilities/bodyModification/bodyModification.tw
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+:: Body Modification [nobr jump-from-safe]
+<<set $nextButton = "Confirm changes", $nextLink = "Slave Interact", $encyclopedia = "The Studio">>
+<<includeDOM App.UI.bodyModification(getSlave($AS))>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.js b/src/facilities/bodyModification/createBrand.js
similarity index 91%
rename from src/uncategorized/bodyModification.js
rename to src/facilities/bodyModification/createBrand.js
index 25c6930b16f25ce2af7d26b2d8cc1075dc09ed9d..fb7b5cc58e1fb92c777536573c4dc7d38f5921e1 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.js
+++ b/src/facilities/bodyModification/createBrand.js
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 	let div = document.createElement('div');
 	const {his, His, him, He} = getPronouns(slave);
-	p.classList.add("indent");
+	App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", el, "Branding");
 	for (const brandPlace in slave.brand) {
 		div = document.createElement('div');
 		div.append(`${His} ${brandPlace} is marked with ${slave.brand[brandPlace]}`);
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 					"Remove Brand",
 					() => {
 						delete slave.brand[brandPlace];
-						App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand(slave, cheat); // Refresh display
+						refresh();
@@ -55,8 +56,6 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 	p = document.createElement('p');
-	p.classList.add("indent");
 	div = document.createElement('div');
 	div.append(`Use ''${V.brandDesign.local}'' or choose another brand: `);
@@ -69,14 +68,13 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 	div = document.createElement('div');
-	div.classList.add("indent");
 	div.append(`Or design your own: `);
 			v => {
 				V.brandDesign.local = v;
-				App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand(slave, cheat); // Refresh display
+				refresh();
@@ -84,7 +82,6 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 	p = document.createElement('p');
-	p.classList.add("indent");
 	App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", p, "Choose a site for branding: ");
 	const body = slaveBody();
@@ -93,14 +90,13 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 	div = document.createElement('div');
-	div.classList.add("indent");
 	div.append(`Or a custom site: `);
 			v => {
 				V.brandTarget.local = v;
-				App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand(slave, cheat); // Refresh display
+				refresh();
@@ -108,7 +104,6 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 	p = document.createElement('p');
-	p.classList.add("indent");
 	if (["ankle", "breast", "buttock", "calf", "cheek", "ear", "foot", "hand", "lower arm", "shoulder", "testicle", "thigh", "upper arm", "wrist"].includes(V.brandTarget.local)) {
 		const leftTarget = ("left " + V.brandTarget.local);
@@ -228,12 +223,11 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
-	return jQuery('#brand-selection').empty().append(el);
+	return el;
 	function symbolBlock(brandList) {
 		const div = document.createElement('div');
-		div.classList.add("double-choices");
-		div.style.textIndent = "0px";
+		div.classList.add("choices");
 		return div;
@@ -256,7 +250,7 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 					() => {
 						V.brandDesign.local = check(brand);
-						App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand(slave, cheat); // Refresh display
+						refresh();
@@ -316,8 +310,7 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 	function partLinks(bodyPartObj) {
 		const div = document.createElement("div");
-		div.classList.add("double-choices");
-		div.style.textIndent = "0px";
+		div.classList.add("choices");
 		const array = [];
 		for (const bp in bodyPartObj) {
@@ -325,7 +318,7 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 					() => {
 						V.brandTarget.local = check(bp);
-						App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand(slave, cheat); // Refresh display
+						refresh();
@@ -342,4 +335,8 @@ App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand = function(slave, cheat = false) {
 				return brand;
+	function refresh() {
+		jQuery('#brand-selection').empty().append(App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand(slave, cheat));
+	}
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/describeTattoos.js b/src/npc/descriptions/describeTattoos.js
index 31be28fb299484947585494885e9e98c3886ee95..52e9e03baddadb7fb70a981726bb897d898d711f 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/describeTattoos.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/describeTattoos.js
@@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ App.Desc.tattoo = function(slave, surface) {
 						r.push(`${His} anus is bleached.`);
 					case "tribal patterns":
-						r.push(`${His} anus is bleached. It is tattooed with a tribal pattern that changes interestingly when ${he} relaxes or tightens ${his} sphincter.`);
+						r.push(`${His} anus is tattooed with a tribal pattern that changes interestingly when ${he} relaxes or tightens ${his} sphincter.`);
 					case "flowers":
 						r.push(`${He} has a huge blooming flower tattooed right over ${his} anus.`);
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw b/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index ddac0a6b07843ae8de1ca1c817f0c3a734d72822..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-:: Body Modification [nobr jump-from-safe]
-<<set $nextButton = "Confirm changes", $nextLink = "Slave Interact">>
-<<run App.Utils.setLocalPronouns(getSlave($AS))>>
-<<run Enunciate(getSlave($AS))>>
-<<set $encyclopedia = "The Studio">>
-<h1>Body Modification Studio</h1>
-<p class="scene-intro">
-	<<= SlaveFullName(getSlave($AS))>> is lying strapped down on the table in your body modification studio. $He is entirely at your mercy.
-	<<if $brandApplied || $degradation || $scarApplied || $modReaction>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).fuckdoll == 0>>
-			<<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>There's a mirror on the ceiling, so $he can see<<else>>$He can't see, so <<if canHear(getSlave($AS))>>you're careful to describe<<else>>$he must, by $himself, get a feel for<</if>><</if>> $his new appearance.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $brandApplied>>
-			The smell of burnt flesh hangs in the air. Being branded @@.health.dec;has hurt $his health a little.@@
-			<<run healthDamage(getSlave($AS), 10)>>
-			<<unset $brandApplied>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $scarApplied>>
-			<<if $scarTarget.local == "entire body">>
-				<<switch $scarDesign.local>>
-					<<case "burn">>
-						Your goal wasn't to make the distinct shape of a brand, but rather to permanently mar the skin with an open flame.
-					<<case "surgical">>
-						<<if $PC.skill.medicine >= 100>>
-							Your medical mastery is perfect, so creating Frankenstein's monster was a deliberate work of art.
-						<<elseif $PC.skill.medicine > 0>>
-							Your medical skills are progressing, and the Frankenstein effect reminds you of your earliest attempts.
-						<<else>>
-							You really slashed away with your knife, but were careful not to allow $him to bleed out.
-						<</if>>
-					<<default>>
-						The best way to apply scarring to the entire body is with a good old fashioned whip. $His body is a mess of crisscrossed lines<<if hasAnyNaturalLimbs(getSlave($AS))>>, and $his <<if getLimbCount(getSlave($AS), 1) > 1>>limbs twisted so violently in their restraints that they too have<<else>>only limb twists so violently in its restraints that it too has<</if>> become scarred<</if>>.
-				<</switch>>
-				No matter how you chose to apply it, scarring so much of $his body has @@.health.dec; hurt $his health.@@
-				<<run healthDamage(getSlave($AS), 20)>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).scar[$scarTarget.local][$scarDesign.local] > 0>>
-					This is not the first time $he was scarred like this.
-				<</if>>
-				<<switch $scarDesign.local>>
-					<<case "whip">>
-						Targeting a single area with a whip is not easy. You set the mood by carefully arranging candles dripping on to a whimpering <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, then got $his attention with a quick
-						<<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>
-							wave
-						<<elseif canHear(getSlave($AS))>>
-							crack
-						<<else>>
-							tap
-						<</if>>
-						of the whip. One by one, you carefully snuffed out the candles, flicking hot wax as you went. After pausing a moment, you prepared to leave your mark.
-						<<if ["penis", "vagina"].includes($scarTarget.local)>>
-							<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 4 && $seeDicks>>
-								$His dick was large enough that it was not too difficult to hit,
-							<<elseif getSlave($AS).dick > 0 && $seeDicks>>
-								$His dick was a challengingly small target,
-							<<else>>
-								<<if getSlave($AS).clit > 0>>
-									$His clit was a difficult target,
-								<<else>>
-									$His clit was an impossibly tiny target,
-								<</if>>
-							<</if>>
-							but the end was never in doubt. The tip connected with $his most intimate place on the first try, and plunged $him into absolute agony.
-						<<else>>
-							The	end was never in doubt. A few strokes of the whip plunged $him into agony $his body will not allow $him to forget.
-						<</if>>
-					<<case "burn">>
-						Your goal wasn't to make the distinct shape of a brand, but rather to permanently mar the <<= getSlave($AS).skin>> skin of $his $scarTarget.local with an open flame.
-					<<case "surgical">>
-						<<if $PC.skill.medicine >= 100>>
-							Your medical mastery is perfect, so creating such a scar was a deliberate act of degradation.
-						<<elseif $PC.skill.medicine > 0>>
-							Your medical skills are progressing, and the sloppy scar reminds you of your earliest attempts.
-						<<else>>
-							You really slashed away at $scarTarget.local with your knife, but were careful not to allow $him to bleed out.
-						<</if>>
-					<<default>>
-						You had no shortage of kinky and medical tools for applying scars. $His <<= getSlave($AS).skin>> $scarTarget.local is bleeding profusely.
-				<</switch>>
-				No matter how you chose to apply it, being scarred @@.health.dec; hurt $his health a little.@@
-				<<run healthDamage(getSlave($AS), 10)>>
-			<</if>>
-			Afterwards you seal the wounds with a white medical spray. Infection is no risk to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> thanks to your curatives, but in order to form obvious scar tissue you had to keep air out and delay normal healing as long as possible.
-			<<unset $scarApplied>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).fetish != "mindbroken" && getSlave($AS).fuckdoll == 0>>
-			<<if $degradation > 1>>
-				<<if $degradation > 5>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).devotion <= 50 && getSlave($AS).trust < -50>>
-						$He is appalled by the whorish spectacle you have made of $him. $He @@.gold;fears@@ you all the more for this but is so terrified of you it does not affect $his submission.
-						<<set getSlave($AS).trust -= 10>>
-					<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion <= 50>>
-						$He is appalled by the whorish spectacle you have made of $him. $He @@.mediumorchid;hates@@ and @@.gold;fears@@ you for this.
-						<<set getSlave($AS).devotion -= 10, getSlave($AS).trust -= 10>>
-					<<else>>
-						$He is shocked by the whorish spectacle you have made of $him. However, $he is so submissive to your will that $he @@.hotpink;accepts@@ that the slave <<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>in the mirror<<else>>$he pictures<</if>> is who $he is now.
-						<<set getSlave($AS).devotion += 4>>
-					<</if>>
-					<br><br>
-				<<else>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).devotion < -20 && getSlave($AS).trust < 20>>
-						$He is @@.gold;afraid@@ that $he has been permanently altered against $his will, but is also scared of your reaction to any objection and suppresses $his disgust.
-						<<set getSlave($AS).trust -= 5>>
-					<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion < -20>>
-						$He is @@.mediumorchid;angry@@ and @@.gold;afraid@@ that $he has been permanently altered against $his will.
-						<<set getSlave($AS).devotion -= 5, getSlave($AS).trust -= 5>>
-					<<else>>
-						$He is saddened to have been altered against $his will. However, $he realizes that $he is a slave, so $he @@.hotpink;accepts@@ your work.
-						<<set getSlave($AS).devotion += 2>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<set $degradation = 0>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $modReaction>>
-				<<print $modReaction>>
-				<<unset $modReaction>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	/* 000-250-006 */
-	<<if $seeImages == 1>>
-		<<if $imageChoice == 1>>
-			<div class="imageRef lrgVector"><div class="mask">&nbsp;</div><<= SlaveArt(getSlave($AS), 3, 0)>></div>
-		<<else>>
-			<div class="imageRef lrgRender"><div class="mask">&nbsp;</div><<= SlaveArt(getSlave($AS), 3, 0)>></div>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	/* 000-250-006 */
-<<set _piercingCount =(getSlave($AS).earPiercing + getSlave($AS).nosePiercing + getSlave($AS).eyebrowPiercing + getSlave($AS).lipsPiercing + getSlave($AS).tonguePiercing + getSlave($AS).nipplesPiercing + getSlave($AS).areolaePiercing + getSlave($AS).corsetPiercing + getSlave($AS).navelPiercing + getSlave($AS).clitPiercing + getSlave($AS).vaginaPiercing + getSlave($AS).dickPiercing + getSlave($AS).anusPiercing)>>
-<div class="indent">
-	<div style="padding-bottom:1em">
-		<<if _piercingCount == 0>>
-			$His smooth <<= getSlave($AS).skin>> skin is completely unpierced.
-		<</if>>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "ear")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "nose")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "eyebrow")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "lips")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "tongue")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "nipple")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "areolae")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "navel")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "corset")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "clit")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "vagina")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "dick")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "anus")>></div>
-		<div><<= App.Desc.piercing(getSlave($AS), "chastity")>></div>
-	</div>
-	/* Apply piercings */
-	<div>
-		Choose piercing style:
-		<<if $piercingLevel != 1>>[[Light|Body Modification][$piercingLevel = 1]]<<else>>Light<</if>>
-		<<if $piercingLevel != 2>>| [[Heavy|Body Modification][$piercingLevel = 2]]<<else>>| Heavy<</if>>
-		<<if $piercingLevel != 3>>| [[Smart|Body Modification][$piercingLevel = 3]]<<else>>| Smart<</if>>
-		<<if $piercingLevel != 0>>| [[Remove|Body Modification][$piercingLevel = 0]]<<else>>| Remove<</if>>
-	</div>
-	<div>
-		<<if $piercingLevel == 1>>
-			//Lightly// pierce $his:
-			<<link "Entire body">>
-				<<set $modReaction = "">>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).earPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "ear", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).nosePiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nose", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).eyebrowPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "eyebrow", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).lipsPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "lips", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).tonguePiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "tongue", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).nipples != "fuckable">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).nipplesPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nipples", 1)>><</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).areolaePiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "areolae", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).corsetPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "corset", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).navelPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "navel", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1) || (getSlave($AS).dick != 0)>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 1)>><</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1)>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "vagina", 1)>><</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if (getSlave($AS).dick > 0)>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).dickPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "dick", 1)>><</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).anusPiercing != 1>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "anus", 1)>><</if>>
-				<<goto "Body Modification">>
-			<</link>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).earPiercing != 1>>		| [[Ear|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "ear", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).nosePiercing != 1>>		| [[Nose|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nose", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).eyebrowPiercing != 1>>	| [[Eyebrow|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "eyebrow", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).lipsPiercing != 1>>		| [[Lips|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "lips", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).tonguePiercing != 1>>	| [[Tongue|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "tongue", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).nipples != "fuckable">>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).nipplesPiercing != 1>>	| [[Nipples|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nipples", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).areolaePiercing != 1>>	| [[Areolae|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "areolae", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).corsetPiercing != 1>>	| [[Corset|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "corset", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).navelPiercing != 1>>		| [[Navel|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "navel", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1) || (getSlave($AS).dick != 0)>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).vagina != -1>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing != 1>>	| [[Clit|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 1)]]<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing != 1>>	| [[Dickhead|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 1)]]<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1)>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaPiercing != 1>> | [[Vagina|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "vagina", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (getSlave($AS).dick > 0)>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).dickPiercing != 1>>	| [[Dick|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "dick", 1)]]<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).anusPiercing != 1>>		| [[Anus|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "anus", 1)]]<</if>>
-		<<elseif $piercingLevel == 2>>
-			''Heavily'' pierce $his:
-			<<link "Entire body">>
-				<<set $modReaction = "">>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).earPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "ear", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).nosePiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nose", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).eyebrowPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "eyebrow", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).lipsPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "lips", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).tonguePiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "tongue", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).nipples != "fuckable">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).nipplesPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nipples", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).areolaePiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "areolae", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).corsetPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "corset", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).navelPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "navel", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1) || (getSlave($AS).dick != 0)>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1)>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "vagina", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if (getSlave($AS).dick > 0)>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).dickPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "dick", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).anusPiercing != 2>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "anus", 2), $degradation += 1>><</if>>
-				<<goto "Body Modification">>
-			<</link>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).earPiercing != 2>>		| [[Ear|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "ear", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).nosePiercing != 2>>		| [[Nose|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nose", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).eyebrowPiercing != 2>>	| [[Eyebrow|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "eyebrow", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).lipsPiercing != 2>>		| [[Lips|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "lips", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).tonguePiercing != 2>>	| [[Tongue|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "tongue", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).nipples != "fuckable">>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).nipplesPiercing != 2>>	| [[Nipples|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nipples", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).areolaePiercing != 2>>	| [[Areolae|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "areolae", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).corsetPiercing != 2>>	| [[Corset|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "corset", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).navelPiercing != 2>>		| [[Navel|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "navel", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1) || (getSlave($AS).dick != 0)>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).vagina != -1>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing != 2>> | [[Clit|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing != 2>> | [[Dickhead|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1)>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaPiercing != 2>> | [[Vagina|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "vagina", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (getSlave($AS).dick > 0)>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).dickPiercing != 2>>	| [[Dick|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "dick", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).anusPiercing != 2>>		| [[Anus|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "anus", 2),$degradation += 1]]<</if>>
-		<<elseif $piercingLevel == 3>>
-			<<if (getSlave($AS).vagina != -1) || (getSlave($AS).dick != 0)>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing != 3>>
-					Give $him a [[smart piercing?|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 3),getSlave($AS).clitSetting = "all",$degradation += 1]] //Costs <<print cashFormat($SPcost)>>, unlocks options to mold sexuality//
-				<<else>>
-					$He already has a smart piercing!
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $piercingLevel == 0>>
-			Remove piercings from:
-			/* no dick/vagina checks in 'remove' so stealth piercings can be cleaned. Check only for piercings. */
-			<<link "Everywhere">>
-				<<set $modReaction = "">>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).earPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "ear", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).nosePiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nose", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).eyebrowPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "eyebrow", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).lipsPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "lips", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).tonguePiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "tongue", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).nipplesPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nipples", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).areolaePiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "areolae", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).corsetPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "corset", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).navelPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "navel", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "vagina", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).dickPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "dick", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).anusPiercing > 0>><<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "anus", 0)>><</if>>
-				<<goto "Body Modification">>
-			<</link>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).earPiercing > 0>>		| [[Ear|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "ear", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).nosePiercing > 0>>		| [[Nose|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nose", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).eyebrowPiercing > 0>>	| [[Eyebrow|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "eyebrow", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).lipsPiercing > 0>>		| [[Lips|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "lips", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).tonguePiercing > 0>>		| [[Tongue|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "tongue", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).nipplesPiercing > 0>>	| [[Nipples|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "nipples", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).areolaePiercing > 0>>	| [[Areolae|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "areolae", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).corsetPiercing > 0>>		| [[Corset|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "corset", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).navelPiercing > 0>>		| [[Navel|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "navel", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).vagina != -1>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing > 0>>	| [[Clit|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).clitPiercing > 0>>	| [[Dickhead|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "clit", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaPiercing > 0>>		| [[Vagina|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "vagina", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).dickPiercing > 0>>		| [[Dick|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "dick", 0)]]<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).anusPiercing > 0>>		| [[Anus|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setPiercing(getSlave($AS), "anus", 0)]]<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	</div>
-</div> /* indent */
-/* TATTOOS */
-<div class="indent">
-	<div style="padding-bottom:1em">
-		<<if getSlave($AS).shouldersTat != 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "shoulder")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).lipsTat != 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "lips")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).boobsTat != 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "breast")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).armsTat != 0 && hasAnyNaturalArms(getSlave($AS))>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "upper arm")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).backTat != 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "back")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).stampTat != 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "lower back")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).buttTat != 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "buttock")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaTat != 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "vagina")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).dickTat != 0 && getSlave($AS).dick > 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "dick")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).anusTat != 0>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "anus")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).legsTat != 0 && hasAnyNaturalLegs(getSlave($AS))>><div><<= App.Desc.tattoo(getSlave($AS), "thigh")>></div><<set _hasTat = 1>><</if>>
-	</div>
-	<div>
-		Choose a tattoo style:
-		/* if/else is here so a "highlighted" option is never a link. */
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "tribal patterns">>[[Tribal patterns|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "tribal patterns"]]<<else>>Tribal patterns<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "flowers">> | [[Flowers|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "flowers"]]<<else>>| Flowers<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "counting">> | [[Counting|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "counting"]]<<else>>| Counting<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "advertisements">> | [[Advertisements|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "advertisements"]]<<else>>| Advertisements<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "rude words">> | [[Rude words|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "rude words"]]<<else>>| Rude words<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "degradation">> | [[Degradation|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "degradation"]]<<else>>| Degradation<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "Asian art">> | [[Asian art|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "Asian art"]] <<else>>| Asian art<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "scenes">> | [[Scenes|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "scenes"]]<<else>>| Scenes<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "bovine patterns">> | [[Bovine|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "bovine patterns"]]<<else>>| Bovine<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "permanent makeup">> | [[Permanent makeup|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "permanent makeup"]]<<else>>| Permanent makeup<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "sacrilege">> | [[Sacrilege|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "sacrilege"]]<<else>>| Sacrilege<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "sacrament">> | [[Sacrament|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "sacrament"]]<<else>>| Sacrament<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "possessive">> | [[Possessive|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "possessive"]]<<else>>| Possessive<</if>>
-		<<if $tattooChoice != "paternalist">> | [[Paternalist|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "paternalist"]]<<else>>| Paternalist<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).anusTat == 0>>
-			<<if $tattooChoice != "bleached">>| [[Bleach|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = "bleached"]]<<else>>| Bleach<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if _hasTat == 1>>
-			<<if $tattooChoice !== 0>> | //[[Remove a tattoo|Body Modification][$tattooChoice = 0]]//<<else>>| Remove a tattoo<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	</div>
-	<div>
-		<<if def $tattooChoice>>
-			<<if $tattooChoice == 0>>
-				Clean the ink off of $him:
-			<<elseif $tattooChoice == "counting">>
-				Add tallies of $his sexual exploits to $him:
-			<<elseif $tattooChoice == "bleached">>
-				Bleach $his:
-			<<else>>
-				Add $tattooChoice to $his:
-			<</if>>
-			<<if ($tattooChoice != "bleached") && ($tattooChoice != "permanent makeup")>>
-				<<link "Entire body">>
-					<<set _degradationTemp = 0, $modReaction = "">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).boobsTat != $tattooChoice>>
-						<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "boobs", $tattooChoice)>>
-						<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).buttTat != $tattooChoice>>
-						<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "butt", $tattooChoice)>>
-						<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaTat != $tattooChoice>>
-						<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "vagina", $tattooChoice)>>
-						<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-						<<if getSlave($AS).dickTat != $tattooChoice && $tattooChoice != "scenes">>
-							<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "dick", $tattooChoice)>>
-							<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).lipsTat != $tattooChoice>>
-						<<if $tattooChoice == "scenes">>
-							<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "lips", "permanent makeup")>>
-						<<else>>
-							<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "lips", $tattooChoice)>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if ($tattooChoice == "Asian art" || $tattooChoice == "scenes") && getSlave($AS).anusTat == "bleached">>
-						/* leave existing bleached anus alone */
-					<<elseif getSlave($AS).anusTat != $tattooChoice>>
-						<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "anus", $tattooChoice)>>
-						<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).shouldersTat != $tattooChoice>>
-						<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "shoulders", $tattooChoice)>>
-						<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).backTat != $tattooChoice>>
-						<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "back", $tattooChoice)>>
-						<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if hasAnyNaturalArms(getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<if getSlave($AS).armsTat != $tattooChoice>>
-							<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "arms", $tattooChoice)>>
-							<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if hasAnyNaturalLegs(getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<if getSlave($AS).legsTat != $tattooChoice>>
-							<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "legs", $tattooChoice)>>
-							<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).stampTat != $tattooChoice>>
-						<<set $modReaction += App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "stamp", $tattooChoice)>>
-						<<set _degradationTemp += 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if !["flowers", "paternalist", "tribal patterns", 0].includes($tattooChoice)>>
-						<<set $degradation += _degradationTemp>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<goto "Body Modification">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tattooChoice == "permanent makeup">>
-				[[Face|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "lips", $tattooChoice)]]
-			<<elseif $tattooChoice == "bleached">>
-				[[Asshole|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "anus", $tattooChoice)]]
-			<<else>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).shouldersTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Shoulders|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "shoulders", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<<if $tattooChoice != "scenes">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).lipsTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Face|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "lips", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).boobsTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Boobs|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "boobs", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<<if hasAnyNaturalArms(getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).armsTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Arms|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "arms", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).backTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Upper back|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "back", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).stampTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Lower back|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "stamp", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).buttTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Buttock|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "butt", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Vagina|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "vagina", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0 && $tattooChoice != "scenes">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).dickTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Dick|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "dick", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if ($tattooChoice != "Asian art") && ($tattooChoice != "scenes")>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).anusTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Anus|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "anus", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if hasAnyNaturalLegs(getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).legsTat != $tattooChoice>> | [[Legs|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "legs", $tattooChoice)]]<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	</div>
-	<div>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).belly >= 10000 && getSlave($AS).bellyPreg < 450000 && getSlave($AS).bellyFluid < 5000>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).bellyTat == 0>>
-				$He has no navel tattoos.
-			<<else>>
-				$His navel is tattooed with <<= getSlave($AS).bellyTat>>.
-			<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).bellyTat == 0>>
-				<div>
-				[[Heart|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "belly", "a heart")]]
-				| [[Star|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "belly", "a star")]]
-				| [[Butterfly|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "belly", "a butterfly")]]
-				</div>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).bellyTat != 0>>
-				//[[Remove tattoos|Body Modification][$modReaction = App.Medicine.Modification.setTattoo(getSlave($AS), "belly", 0)]]//
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif getSlave($AS).bellyPreg >= 450000>>
-			$His middle is large and taut enough to be a suitable canvas for a navel focused tattoo, but $his brood is too active to permit the needle to do its work.
-		<<elseif getSlave($AS).bellyFluid >= 10000>>
-			$His middle is large and taut enough to be a suitable canvas for a navel focused tattoo, but the pressure applied to $his stomach will likely force $him to release its contents.
-		<<else>>
-			$His middle isn't large enough to be a suitable canvas for a navel focused tattoo.
-		<</if>>
-	</div>
-	<div>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).birthsTat > 0>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).birthsTat > 1>>
-				$He has a series of <<= num(getSlave($AS).birthsTat)>> baby-shaped tattoos adorning $his stomach; one for each successful pregnancy<<if getSlave($AS).pregKnown == 1>> and a temporary one for $his current pregnancy<</if>>.
-			<<else>>
-				$He has a single baby-shaped tattoo<<if getSlave($AS).pregKnown == 1>>, and one temporary one,<</if>> adorning $his stomach.
-			<</if>>
-			//[[Remove tattoos|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).birthsTat = -1, cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", getSlave($AS))]]//
-		<<elseif getSlave($AS).birthsTat == 0>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).pregKnown == 1>>
-				$He has a single baby-shaped temporary tattoo adorning $his stomach.
-				//[[Remove it|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).birthsTat = -1]]//
-				<<if getSlave($AS).abortionTat > -1>> //This will only remove birth tracking//<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				$He is scheduled to receive a tattoo each time $he gives birth.
-				//[[Cancel|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).birthsTat = -1]]//
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			Have $him receive a tattoo each time $he gives birth.
-			//[[Begin keeping track|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).birthsTat = 0]]//
-		<</if>>
-	</div>
-	<div>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).abortionTat > 0>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).abortionTat > 1>>
-				$He has a series of <<= num(getSlave($AS).abortionTat)>> crossed out baby-shaped tattoos<<if getSlave($AS).pregKnown == 1>>, and one uncrossed one,<</if>> adorning $his stomach.
-			<<else>>
-				$He has a single crossed out baby-shaped tattoo<<if getSlave($AS).pregKnown == 1>>, and one uncrossed one,<</if>> adorning $his stomach.
-			<</if>>
-			//[[Remove tattoos|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).abortionTat = -1, cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", getSlave($AS))]]//
-		<<elseif getSlave($AS).abortionTat == 0>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).pregKnown == 1>>
-				$He has a single baby-shaped temporary tattoo adorning $his stomach.
-				//[[Remove it|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).abortionTat = -1]]//
-				<<if getSlave($AS).birthsTat > -1>> //This will only remove abortion tracking//<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				$He is scheduled to receive a tattoo each time $he gets an abortion or miscarries.
-				//[[Cancel|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).abortionTat = -1]]//
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			Have $him receive a tattoo for each abortion or miscarriage $he has.
-			//[[Begin keeping track|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).abortionTat = 0]]//
-		<</if>>
-	</div>
-</div>/* indent */
-<h3>Custom Tattoos</h3>
-<div class="indent">
-	//Use complete sentences, make a description of it//
-	<div class="grid-2columns-auto">
-		<<if getSlave($AS).lipsTat == 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom face tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].lipsTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].lipsTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).shouldersTat == 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom shoulder tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].shouldersTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].shouldersTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).armsTat == 0 && hasAnyNaturalArms(getSlave($AS))>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom arm tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].armsTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].armsTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).boobsTat == 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom tit tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].boobsTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].boobsTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).backTat == 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom back tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].backTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].backTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).stampTat == 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom tramp stamp (lower back tattoo):</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].stampTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].stampTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).buttTat == 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom butt tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].buttTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].buttTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).dickTat == 0 && getSlave($AS).dick != 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom dick tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].dickTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].dickTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).vaginaTat == 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom pubic tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].vaginaTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].vaginaTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).anusTat == 0>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom anus tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].anusTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].anusTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).legsTat == 0 && hasAnyNaturalLegs(getSlave($AS))>>
-			<div>Give $him a custom leg tattoo:</div>
-			<div><<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].legsTat" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].legsTat "Slave Interact">></div>
-		<</if>>
-	</div> /* grid */
-	<div>
-		<<if (getSlave($AS).custom.tattoo == "")>>
-			Give $him a custom tattoo: <<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].custom.tattoo" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].custom.tattoo "Slave Interact">>
-		<<else>>
-			$He <<if _hasTat == 1>>also<</if>> has a custom tattoo: <<= getSlave($AS).custom.tattoo>>
-			Change it here: <<textbox "$slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].custom.tattoo" $slaves[$slaveIndices[$AS]].custom.tattoo "Slave Interact">>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).custom.tattoo != "">>
-			//[[Remove custom tattoo|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).custom.tattoo = "",cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", getSlave($AS))]]//
-		<</if>>
-	</div>
-</div> /* indent */
-/* Branding */
-<span id="brand-selection"></span>
-	App.Medicine.Modification.Select.brand(getSlave(V.AS))
-<<if getSlave($AS).breedingMark == 1 && ($propOutcome == 0 || $eugenicsFullControl == 1 || $arcologies[0].FSRestart == "unset")>>
-	<div class="indent">
-	$He has an intricate tattoo on $his lower belly that suggests $he was made to be bred. [[Remove it|Body Modification][getSlave($AS).breedingMark = 0]]
-	</div>
-/* Scars */
-<div class="indent">
-<div style="padding-bottom:1em">
-<<for _scarName, _scar range getSlave($AS).scar>>
-	<div>
-	$His _scarName is marked with <<= App.Desc.expandScarString(getSlave($AS), _scarName)>>:
-	<<capture _scarName>>
-		<<link "Remove Scar">>
-			<<set $scarApplied = 0>>
-			<<run delete getSlave($AS).scar[_scarName]>>
-			<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $degradation -= 10>>
-			<<goto "Body Modification">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</capture>>
-	</div>
-<<if (jQuery.isEmptyObject(getSlave($AS).scar))>>
-	<div>
-	$His skin is not scarred.
-	</div>
-Use ''$scarDesign.local'' or choose another scar:
-[[Whip|Body Modification][$scarDesign.local = "whip"]]
-| [[Burns|Body Modification][$scarDesign.local = "burn"]]
-| [[Surgical|Body Modification][$scarDesign.local = "surgical"]]
-| [[Menacing|Body Modification][$scarDesign.local = "menacing"]]
-| [[Exotic|Body Modification][$scarDesign.local = "exotic"]]
-/* Other common scars might be battle scars or c-Section but it makes little sense to include them here */
-Or design your own: <<textbox "$scarDesign.local" $scarDesign.local "Body Modification">>
-Choose a site for scaring:
-<<if ["exotic", "menacing"].includes($scarDesign.local)>>
-	[[Cheeks|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "cheek"]]
-	/* Sorted head to toe */
-	[[Entire body|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "entire body"]]
-	/* Head */
-	<<if getSlave($AS).earShape != "none">>
-		| [[Ears|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "ear"]]
-	<</if>>
-	| [[Cheeks|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "cheek"]]
-	| [[Neck|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "neck"]]
-	/* Torso */
-	| [[Chest|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "chest"]]
-	| [[Breasts|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "breast"]]
-	| [[Back|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "back"]]
-	| [[Lower Back|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "lower back"]]
-	| [[Belly|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "belly"]]
-	| [[Pubic Mound|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "pubic mound"]]
-	<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-		| [[Penis|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "penis"]]
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0 && getSlave($AS).scrotum > 0>>
-		| [[Testicles|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "testicle"]]
-	<</if>>
-	/* Arms*/
-	| [[Shoulders|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "shoulder"]]
-	<<if hasAnyNaturalArms(getSlave($AS))>>
-		| [[Arm, upper|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "upper arm"]]
-		| [[Arm, lower|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "lower arm"]]
-		| [[Wrists|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "wrist"]]
-		| [[Hands|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "hand"]]
-	<</if>>
-	/* Legs */
-	| [[Buttocks|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "buttock"]]
-	<<if hasAnyNaturalLegs(getSlave($AS))>>
-		| [[Thighs|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "thigh"]]
-		| [[Calves|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "calf"]]
-		| [[Ankles|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "ankle"]]
-		| [[Feet|Body Modification][$scarTarget.local = "foot"]]
-	<</if>>
-Or a custom site: <<textbox "$scarTarget.local" $scarTarget.local "Body Modification">>
-/* Correct some "bad" choices" */
-<<if ["exotic", "menacing"].includes($scarDesign.local)>>
-	<<if $scarTarget.local != "cheek">>
-		<<set $scarTarget.local = "cheek">>
-	<</if>>
-<<if ["ankle", "breast", "buttock", "calf", "cheek", "ear", "foot", "hand", "lower arm", "shoulder", "testicle", "thigh", "upper arm", "wrist"].includes($scarTarget.local)>>
-	<<set _leftTarget = ("left " + $scarTarget.local)>>
-	<<set _rightTarget = ("right " + $scarTarget.local)>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).scar[_leftTarget]>>
-		$His _leftTarget is already marked with <<= App.Desc.expandScarString(getSlave($AS), _leftTarget)>>.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).scar[_rightTarget]>>
-		$His _rightTarget is already marked with <<= App.Desc.expandScarString(getSlave($AS), _rightTarget)>>.
-	<</if>>
-	Scar $him now with ''$scarDesign.local'' on the
-	<<set _left = 0, _right = 0>> /* overwrite brand */
-	<<if !(["upper arm", "lower arm", "wrist", "hand"].includes($scarTarget.local) && getLeftArmID(getSlave($AS)) !== 1) && !(["thigh", "calf", "ankle", "foot"].includes($scarTarget.local) && getLeftLegID(getSlave($AS)) !== 1)>>
-		<<set _left = 1>> /* make next checks easier */
-		<<link "left">>
-			<<set $scarTarget.local = _leftTarget>>
-			<<set $scarApplied = 1>>
-			<<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar(getSlave($AS), _leftTarget, $scarDesign.local)>>
-			<<run cashX(forceNeg($modCost), "slaveMod", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $degradation += 10>>
-			<<goto "Body Modification">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if !(["upper arm", "lower arm", "wrist", "hand"].includes($scarTarget.local) && getRightArmID(getSlave($AS)) !== 1) && !(["thigh", "calf", "ankle", "foot"].includes($scarTarget.local) && getRightLegID(getSlave($AS)) !== 1)>>
-		<<set _right = 1>> /* make next checks easier */
-	<</if>>
-	<<if _left && _right>>
-		$scarTarget.local, or the
-	<</if>>
-	<<if _right>>
-		<<link "right">>
-			<<set $scarTarget.local = _rightTarget>>
-			<<set $scarApplied = 1>>
-			<<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar(getSlave($AS), _rightTarget, $scarDesign.local)>>
-			<<run cashX(forceNeg($modCost), "slaveMod", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $degradation += 10>>
-			<<goto "Body Modification">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>><<if !_left || !_right>> $scarTarget.local<</if>>?
-	<<if getSlave($AS).scar.hasOwnProperty($scarTarget.local)>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).scar[$scarTarget.local][$scarDesign.local]>>
-			$He already has $scarDesign.local scars on $his $scarTarget.local. You can make it worse.
-		<<else>> /* check how much scarring is on this part */
-			<<set _scarTotalValue = (Object.values(getSlave($AS).scar[$scarTarget.local])).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)>>
-			<<if _scarTotalValue>>
-				That would be a new kind of scar to add to the growing collection on $his $scarTarget.local. Life can always be worse for a slave.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<link "Scar">>
-		<<if $scarTarget.local === "entire body" && $scarDesign.local.includes("whip")>>
-			/* Special case for whipping scene, produces two kinds of scars */
-			<<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScourged(getSlave($AS))>>
-		<<else>>
-			/* Normal entire body scarring */
-			<<if $scarTarget.local === "entire body">>
-				<<set _scarArray = ["left breast", "right breast", "back", "lower back", "left buttock", "right buttock"]>>
-				<<if getLeftArmID(getSlave($AS)) === 0>>
-					<<set _scarArray.push("left upper arm")>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getRightArmID(getSlave($AS)) === 0>>
-					<<set _scarArray.push("right upper arm")>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getLeftLegID(getSlave($AS)) === 0>>
-					<<set _scarArray.push("left thigh")>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if getRightLegID(getSlave($AS)) === 0>>
-					<<set _scarArray.push("right thigh")>>
-				<</if>>
-			/* Single scar */
-			<<else>>
-				<<set _scarArray = [$scarTarget.local]>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<for _i to 0; _i < _scarArray.length; _i++>>
-				<<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar(getSlave($AS), _scarArray[_i], $scarDesign.local)>>
-				<<set $degradation += 10>>
-			<</for>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<run cashX(forceNeg($modCost), "slaveMod", getSlave($AS))>>
-		<<set $scarApplied = 1>>
-		<<set $degradation += 10>>
-		<<goto "Body Modification">>
-	<</link>>
-	with $scarDesign.local on the $scarTarget.local<<if getSlave($AS).scar[$scarTarget.local]>>, adding to the scars that are already there?<<else>>.<</if>>
-</div> /* indent */