diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
index c9f500fae961c5133b2aacda505e36c901ddd84a..c4375efcc8e951f9127d07b820650a5bb7278607 100644
--- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
+++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
@@ -2578,8 +2578,9 @@ __I do not give credit without explicit permission to do so.__ If you have contr
 <br>''anon'' for Physical Idealist's beauty standard.
 <br>''anon'' for Gender Radicalist's trap preference.
 <br>''anon'' for the slave mutiny event.
+<br>''onithyr'' for various little tweaks and additions.
 <br>''anonNeo'' for spellchecking.
-<br>''Utopia'' for dirty dealings gang leader focus.
+<br>''Utopia'' for dirty dealings gang leader focus and updates to it.
 <br>''Bane70'' optimized huge swaths of code with notable professionalism.
 <br>''Circle Tritagonist'' provided several new collars and outfits.
 <br>''Qotsafan'' submitted bugfixes.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw b/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
index 5c970e75e79d84f4a039023652f82d8b564bd2e4..333e132944c89f605b7e7d501dc2aedd238a916c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
 <<for _recruiterSlaves.length > 0>>
 	<<set $recruiterSlave = _recruiterSlaves.pluck()>>
 	<<if random(1,100) > 90+(totalRelatives($recruiterSlave)*2)>>
-		<<set $j = $genePool.findIndex(function(o) { return o.ID == $slaves[$i].ID; })>>
+		<<set $j = $genePool.findIndex(function(o) { return o.ID == $recruiterSlave.ID; })>>
 		<<if $j != -1>>
 			<<set $events.push("RE relative recruiter")>>