diff --git a/src/Mods/SecExp/buildings/riotControlCenter.js b/src/Mods/SecExp/buildings/riotControlCenter.js
index b7b9dc39025d0c794e21f93e6ee41feb65854fe0..428a4352280136372cd6adbb11065cfa2466d21d 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SecExp/buildings/riotControlCenter.js
+++ b/src/Mods/SecExp/buildings/riotControlCenter.js
@@ -200,18 +200,11 @@ App.Mods.SecExp.riotCenter = (function() {
 		if (V.SF.Toggle && V.SF.Active >= 1) {
 			if (V.SecExp.edicts.SFSupportLevel >= 4 && V.SF.Squad.Armoury >= 8 && !V.SecExp.rebellions.sfArmor) {
-				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node);
 				const cost = Math.ceil(500000 * App.Mods.SF.env() * (1.15 + (V.SF.Squad.Armoury/10) ));
-				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", node,
-					App.UI.DOM.link(
-						`Give the riot unit access to the combat armor suits of ${V.SF.Lower}.`,
-						() => {
-							V.SecExp.rebellions.sfArmor = 1;
-							cashX(-cost, "capEx");
-						}
-					)
-				);
-				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", node, `Costs ${cashFormat(cost)}.`, "note");
+				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node, makePurchase(
+					`Give the riot unit access to the combat armor suits of ${V.SF.Lower}.`, cost, "capEx",
+					{handler: () => { V.SecExp.rebellions.sfArmor = 1; }}
+				));
 			} else {
 				App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node, `You have given the riot unit access to the combat armor suits of ${V.SF.Lower}.`);