From 2ca82b637a393de26dbf6cc819d2aadce4764a45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: klorpa <>
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2019 23:20:21 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] PYSpace

 artTools/        |  8 ---
 artTools/                | 30 ---------
 artTools/         | 67 -------------------
 .../sugarcube stuff/building sugarcube.txt    |  6 --
 4 files changed, 111 deletions(-)

diff --git a/artTools/ b/artTools/
index f4bd3ba53ef..6d3f0549be6 100644
--- a/artTools/
+++ b/artTools/
@@ -67,19 +67,11 @@ def get_points(xpath_shape):
   points = []
   path_length = None
   for path_data in paths_data:
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 	p = parse_path(path_data)
 	points += [
 	  for i in range(REFERENCE_PATH_SAMPLES)
-    p = parse_path(path_data)
-    points += [
-      p.point(1.0/float(REFERENCE_PATH_SAMPLES)*i)
-      for i in range(REFERENCE_PATH_SAMPLES)
-    ]
->>>>>>> 14b240a283262b8791485ed8f234dfbe31a62dc7
   if (not points):
 	raise RuntimeError(
 	  'No paths for reference points found by selector "%s".'%(xpath_shape)
diff --git a/artTools/ b/artTools/
index e6022ad7d34..abff29fc4a7 100644
--- a/artTools/
+++ b/artTools/
@@ -69,15 +69,9 @@ layers = tree.xpath('//svg:g',namespaces=ns)
 for layer in layers:
   i = layer.get('id')
   if ( # disregard non-content groups
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 	i.endswith("_") or # manually suppressed with underscore
 	i.startswith("XMLID") or # Illustrator generated group
 	i.startswith("g") # Inkscape generated group
-    i.endswith("_") or # manually suppressed with underscore
-    i.startswith("XMLID") or # Illustrator generated group
-    i.startswith("g") # Inkscape generated group
->>>>>>> 14b240a283262b8791485ed8f234dfbe31a62dc7
   # create new canvas
@@ -92,7 +86,6 @@ for layer in layers:
   # TODO: extract only referenced defs (filters, gradients, ...)
   # TODO: detect necessity by traversing the elements. do not stupidly search in the string representation
   if ("filter:" in svg.decode('utf-8')):
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 	# it seems there is a filter referenced in the generated SVG, re-insert defs from main document
 	# re-generate output
@@ -114,29 +107,6 @@ for layer in layers:
 	  svg = svg.replace('<g ','<g transform="\'+_art_transform+\'"') # otherwise use default scaling
 	svg = svg.encode('utf-8')
-    # it seems there is a filter referenced in the generated SVG, re-insert defs from main document
-    canvas.insert(0,defs)
-    # re-generate output
-    svg = etree.tostring(output, pretty_print=False)
-  if (output_format == 'tw'):
-    # remove unnecessary attributes
-    # TODO: never generate unnecessary attributes in the first place
-    svg = svg.decode('utf-8')
-    svg = regex_xmlns.sub('',svg)
-    svg = svg.replace(' inkscape:connector-curvature="0"','') # this just saves space
-    svg = svg.replace('\n','').replace('\r','') # print cannot be multi-line
-    svg = regex_space.sub('><',svg) # remove indentation
-    svg = svg.replace('svg:','') # svg namespace was removed
-    if ("Boob" in i): # internal groups are used for scaling
-      svg = svg.replace('<g ','<g transform="\'+_artTransformBoob+\'"') # boob art uses the boob scaling
-    elif ("Belly" in i):
-      svg = svg.replace('<g ','<g transform="\'+_artTransformBelly+\'"') # belly art uses the belly scaling
-    else:
-      svg = svg.replace('<g ','<g transform="\'+_art_transform+\'"') # otherwise use default scaling
-    svg = svg.encode('utf-8')
->>>>>>> 14b240a283262b8791485ed8f234dfbe31a62dc7
   # save SVG string to file
   i = layer.get('id')
diff --git a/artTools/ b/artTools/
index 6e66922a3c0..eee6817c4f8 100644
--- a/artTools/
+++ b/artTools/
@@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ regex_transformAttr = re.compile('transform="[^"]*"', )
 # find all groups
 layers = tree.xpath('//svg:g', namespaces=ns)
 for layer in layers:
-<<<<<<< HEAD
 	i = layer.get('id')
 	if (  # disregard non-content groups
 			i.endswith("_") or  # manually suppressed with underscore
@@ -139,69 +138,3 @@ for layer in layers:
 			f.write("<<print '<html>".encode("utf-8"))
 			f.write("</html>' >>".encode("utf-8"))
-    i = layer.get('id')
-    if (  # disregard non-content groups
-            i.endswith("_") or  # manually suppressed with underscore
-            i.startswith("XMLID") or  # Illustrator generated group
-            i.startswith("g")  # Inkscape generated group
-    ):
-        continue
-    # create new canvas
-    output = copy.deepcopy(template)
-    # copy all shapes into template
-    canvas = output.getroot()
-    for e in layer:
-        canvas.append(e)
-    # represent template as SVG (binary string)
-    svg = etree.tostring(output, pretty_print=False)
-    # poor man's conditional defs insertion
-    # TODO: extract only referenced defs (filters, gradients, ...)
-    # TODO: detect necessity by traversing the elements. do not stupidly search in the string representation
-    if ("filter:" in svg.decode('utf-8')):
-        # it seems there is a filter referenced in the generated SVG, re-insert defs from main document
-        canvas.insert(0, defs)
-        # re-generate output
-        svg = etree.tostring(output, pretty_print=False)
-    elif ("clip-path=" in svg.decode('utf-8')):
-        # it seems there is a clip path referenced in the generated SVG, re-insert defs from main document
-        canvas.insert(0, defs)
-        # re-generate output
-        svg = etree.tostring(output, pretty_print=False)
-    if (output_format == 'tw'):
-        # remove unnecessary attributes
-        # TODO: never generate unnecessary attributes in the first place
-        svg = svg.decode('utf-8')
-        svg = regex_xmlns.sub('', svg)
-        svg = svg.replace(' inkscape:connector-curvature="0"', '')  # this just saves space
-        svg = svg.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')  # print cannot be multi-line
-        svg = regex_space.sub('><', svg)  # remove indentation
-        svg = svg.replace('svg:', '')  # svg namespace was removed
-        transformGroups = regex_transformVar.findall(svg)
-        if (len(transformGroups) > 0):
-            svg = regex_transformAttr.sub('', svg)
-            for transformGroup in transformGroups:
-                transformValue =
-                if (transformValue is not None):
-                    svg = svg.replace(transformGroup, ' transform="\'+' + + '+\'" ')  # internal groups are used for scaling
-        svg = svg.encode('utf-8')
-    # save SVG string to file
-    i = layer.get('id')
-    output_path = os.path.join(output_directory, i + '.' + output_format)
-    with open(output_path, 'wb') as f:
-        if (output_format == 'svg'):
-            # Header for normal SVG (XML)
-            f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>\n'.encode("utf-8"))
-            f.write(svg)
-        elif (output_format == 'tw'):
-            # Header for SVG in Twine file (SugarCube print statement)
-            f.write((':: Art_Vector_Revamp_%s [nobr]\n\n' % (i)).encode("utf-8"))
-            f.write("<<print '<html>".encode("utf-8"))
-            f.write(svg)
-            f.write("</html>' >>".encode("utf-8"))
->>>>>>> 14b240a283262b8791485ed8f234dfbe31a62dc7
diff --git a/devNotes/sugarcube stuff/building sugarcube.txt b/devNotes/sugarcube stuff/building sugarcube.txt
index 1d7f4d6f728..e0ae54e0f31 100644
--- a/devNotes/sugarcube stuff/building sugarcube.txt	
+++ b/devNotes/sugarcube stuff/building sugarcube.txt	
@@ -36,13 +36,7 @@ Run the node package manager (npm) in the repository:
 	npm install
 CAUTION: dependencies list (located in the package.json file in the repository root) may change from
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-commit to commit and it differs between branches! Make sure to install correct dependencies after
-switching working branch.
 commit to commit and it differs between branches! Make sure to install correct dependencies after switching working branch.
->>>>>>> 14b240a283262b8791485ed8f234dfbe31a62dc7
 Patching and building SugarCube.