diff --git a/src/endWeek/economics/neighborsDevelopment.js b/src/endWeek/economics/neighborsDevelopment.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f4706571669e387bb287fc45d032dcabb87856e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/endWeek/economics/neighborsDevelopment.js @@ -0,0 +1,3390 @@ +/** + * @returns {HTMLElement} + */ +App.EndWeek.neighborsDevelopment = function() { + const el = document.createElement("p"); + let He, his; + + let averageProsperity = 0; + let agentBonusValue = 0; + let corpBonus; + let error; + let redHanded; + let desc; + for (let i = 0; i < V.arcologies.length; i++) { + if (V.arcologies[i].prosperity < 10) { + V.arcologies[i].prosperity = 10; + } + averageProsperity += V.arcologies[i].prosperity; + } + averageProsperity = averageProsperity / V.arcologies.length; + + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + corpBonus = Math.trunc(1000 * Math.pow(App.Corporate.value, 0.1)); + } + + if (V.useTabs === 0) { + App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", el, `Arcologies in the Free City`); + } + + for (let i = 0; i < V.arcologies.length; i++) { + const arc = V.arcologies[i]; + const r = []; + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span>, your`); + if (arc.direction === 0) { + r.push(`arcology,`); + } else { + r.push(`neighbor to the ${arc.direction},`); + } + + /* PROSPERITY */ + + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + switch (arc.government) { + case "elected officials": + arc.prosperity += random(-1, 1); + break; + case "a corporation": + case "an oligarchy": + arc.prosperity += random(-1, 2); + break; + case "a committee": + case "your trustees": + arc.prosperity += random(0, 2); + break; + case "an individual": + arc.prosperity += random(0, 3); + break; + case "your agent": + agentBonusValue = agentBonus(i); + arc.prosperity += random(0, 3) + agentBonusValue; + break; + default: + arc.prosperity += random(-1, 1); + } + arc.prosperity = Math.clamp(arc.prosperity, 1, 300); + } + + if (arc.honeymoon > 0) { + arc.honeymoon -= 1; + } + const agent = App.currentAgent(i); + if (arc.government === "your agent") { + ({He} = getPronouns(agent)); + r.push(`is being run by your agent <span class="deeppink">${SlaveFullName(agent)}.</span>`); + if (agent && agent.assignment !== "be your agent") { + r.push(`<span class="red">BUG: ${agent} also was ${agent.assignment}!</span>`); + assignJob(agent, "be your agent"); + } + if (agentBonusValue > 0) { + r.push(`<span class="green">${He} does an excellent job this week.</span>`); + } + r.push(`The arcology`); + } else if (arc.government === "your trustees") { + r.push(`is being run by <span class="mediumseagreen">your trustees.</span> The arcology`); + } + + if (arc.direction === 0) { + error = 5; + } else { + error = 10; + } + error -= Math.min(2 * V.assistant.power, error); + const prosperity = (Math.trunc((0.1 * arc.prosperity * random(100 - error, 100 + error)) / 100)); + let millions = ``; + if (V.showNumbers !== 2) { + if (V.showNumbers === 1 && prosperity > V.showNumbersMax) { + millions = `m`; + } else { + millions = `million`; + } + } else { + millions = `m`; + } + millions += `,</span>`; + r.push(`has an estimated GSP of <span class="yellowgreen">${cashFormat(prosperity)}${millions}`); + if (arc.rival === 1 && arc.government !== "an individual") { + r.push(`but it is undergoing some internal turmoil. <span class="red">Resentment that has been quietly building among the arcology's elite turns into open rebellion!</span>`); + if (arc.PCminority > 0) { + r.push(`<span class="red">Your ownership interest in ${arc.name} has been annulled!</span>`); + arc.PCminority = 0; + } + r.push(`<span class="yellow">After a brief power struggle, it undergoes a change of government.</span>`); + if (agent) { + ({his} = getPronouns(agent)); + r.push(`<span class="deeppink">${agent.slaveName}</span> manages to escape with the help of a few loyal citizens and returns to you <span class="gold">fearing your displeasure at ${his} failure.</span>`); + agent.trust -= 40; + assignJob(agent, "rest"); // this takes care of necessary cleanup for agent and agent companion (if any) + } + r.push(`A controlling interest has been taken by a single individual, leaving the arcology ruled like yours is.`); + arc.government = "an individual"; + arc.ownership = random(51, 61); + arc.minority = 100 - arc.ownership - random(1, 19); + arc.honeymoon += 10; + } else if ((arc.government !== "your trustees") && (arc.government !== "your agent") && (arc.ownership < arc.PCminority) && (arc.direction !== 0) && (arc.rival !== 1)) { + r.push(`undergoing a leadership struggle in which you are deeply concerned, since you now own more of it than its current leadership.`); + if (random(0, 10) < arc.PCminority - arc.ownership) { + r.push(`<span class="yellow">You successfully execute a hostile takeover and now control the arcology.</span> Trustees from among its leading citizens will exercise local control at your direction until you make other arrangements.`); + arc.honeymoon += 10; + arc.ownership = 0; + arc.government = "your trustees"; + } else { + r.push(`The current leadership has not yet exhausted its legalistic recourses, and retains control for the moment, causing considerable disruption.`); + arc.prosperity -= 3; + } + } else if ((arc.ownership === 0) && (arc.PCminority > 0) && (arc.minority > arc.PCminority)) { + r.push(`undergoing a leadership struggle in which you are deeply concerned, since your ownership share has diminished to a dangerously low point.`); + if (random(0, 10) < arc.minority - arc.PCminority) { + r.push(`<span class="yellow">It undergoes a change of government.</span>`); + arc.honeymoon += 10; + arc.ownership = arc.minority; + arc.minority = 0; + switch (arc.government) { + case "your trustees": + if (random(0, 2) === 0) { + r.push(`Its leading citizens form a corporation to run the arcology more efficiently.`); + arc.government = "a corporation"; + } else { + r.push(`A power struggle is won by a single individual, leaving the arcology ruled like yours is.`); + arc.government = "an individual"; + } + break; + default: + if (random(0, 2) === 0) { + r.push(`The failed individual who led it is run out and replaced by direct democracy.`); + arc.government = "direct democracy"; + } else { + r.push(`The failed individual who led it is bought out by a corporation.`); + arc.government = "a corporation"; + } + } + } else { + r.push(`The arcology is paralyzed by dissension over how to respond.`); + arc.prosperity -= 3; + } + } else if ((arc.ownership !== 0) && ((arc.ownership < arc.minority) || (arc.ownership < 10)) && (arc.direction !== 0) && (arc.rival !== 1)) { + r.push(`undergoing a leadership struggle, since its current government owns less of it than its largest rival for control.`); + if (random(0, 10) < arc.minority - arc.ownership) { + r.push(`<span class="yellow">It undergoes a change of government.</span>`); + arc.honeymoon += 10; + arc.ownership = arc.minority; + arc.minority = 0; + switch (arc.government) { + case "elected officials": + if (random(0, 2) === 0) { + r.push(`Its elected officials surrender power to a small group of leading citizens.`); + arc.government = "an oligarchy"; + } else { + r.push(`Its elected officials are forced to give way to a committee of public safety.`); + arc.government = "a committee"; + } + break; + case "a committee": + if (random(0, 2) === 0) { + r.push(`Its ruling committee forms it into a corporation in the hope this will spur growth.`); + arc.government = "a corporation"; + } else { + r.push(`A power struggle within its ruling committee leaves only a few leading citizens in power.`); + arc.government = "an oligarchy"; + } + break; + case "an oligarchy": + if (random(0, 2) === 0) { + r.push(`Its leading citizens form a corporation to run the arcology more efficiently.`); + arc.government = "a corporation"; + } else { + r.push(`A power struggle is won by a single individual, leaving the arcology ruled like yours is.`); + arc.government = "an individual"; + } + break; + case "an individual": + if (random(0, 2) === 0) { + r.push(`The failed individual who led it is run out and replaced by direct democracy.`); + arc.government = "direct democracy"; + } else { + r.push(`The failed individual who led it is bought out by a corporation.`); + arc.government = "a corporation"; + } + break; + case "a corporation": + if (random(0, 2) === 0) { + r.push(`A power struggle within the corporation that runs it is won by a single person.`); + arc.government = "an individual"; + } else { + r.push(`The corporation that runs it collapses and is replaced by an oligarchy of rich shareholders.`); + arc.government = "an oligarchy"; + } + break; + default: + r.push(`Its direct democracy votes to empower some elected officials in the hope they can lead the arcology out of its problems.`); + arc.government = "elected officials"; + } + desc = FutureSocieties.decay(i).map((fs) => FutureSocieties.displayName(fs)); + if (desc.length > 2) { + r.push(`Its citizens take the opportunity to make radical social changes, <span class="cyan">purging the ${desc.reduce((res, ch, i, arr) => res + (i === arr.length - 1 ? ' and ' : ', ') + ch)}</span> favored by the old government.`); + } else if (desc.length === 2) { + r.push(`Its citizens take the opportunity to make social changes, <span class="cyan">discarding the ${desc[0]} and ${desc[1]}</span> favored by the old government.`); + } else if (desc.length === 1) { + r.push(`Its citizens take the opportunity to make social change and <span class="cyan">abandon the ${desc[0]}</span> favored by the old government.`); + } + } else { + r.push(`The arcology is paralyzed by internal dissension over how to respond.`); + arc.prosperity -= 3; + } + } else if (arc.prosperity >= 300) { + r.push(`at the maximum possible prosperity.`); + } else if (arc.prosperity > averageProsperity + 10) { + r.push(`much more prosperous than the rest of the Free City, limiting its economic development.`); + arc.prosperity -= 1; + } else if (arc.prosperity >= averageProsperity - 10) { + r.push(`about as prosperous as the rest of the Free City.`); + } else { + if (arc.honeymoon > 0) { + r.push(`far behind the rest of the Free City, making it a good investment and spurring its economic development. It remains in the <span class="lightgreen">honeymoon period</span> after its recent change of government, suppressing dissension and further encouraging growth.`); + arc.prosperity += 2; + if (arc.ownership !== 0 && arc.ownership < 40) { + arc.ownership += 1; + } + } else { + r.push(`not as prosperous as the rest of the Free City, spurring its economic development.`); + arc.prosperity += 1; + } + } + + /* NATURAL CHANGES TO MINORITY SHARE */ + if ((arc.government === "your agent") || (arc.government === "your trustees")) { + arc.ownership = 0; + } + let owned = arc.minority + arc.ownership + arc.PCminority; + if (arc.minority < 10) { + arc.minority = 0; + } else if (arc.minority < arc.PCminority) { + arc.minority = 0; + } else if (owned >= 95) { + arc.minority -= random(3, 5); + } else if (arc.minority > (100 - owned) * 5) { + arc.minority -= random(3, 5); + } else if (arc.minority < (100 - owned) * 4) { + if (arc.minority < 10) { + if (arc.ownership + arc.PCminority <= 90) { + arc.minority = 10; + } + } else { + if (arc.ownership + arc.PCminority <= 98) { + if (arc.prosperity < random(0, 300)) { + arc.minority += random(0, 2); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + /* AI ARCOLOGY SHARE BUYING AND SELLING */ + const economicUncertainty = App.Utils.economicUncertainty(i); + if (arc.government !== "your agent") { + if (arc.government !== "your trustees") { + if (arc.minority + arc.ownership + arc.PCminority < 100) { + const prosperityDiff = arc.prosperity - averageProsperity; + if (prosperityDiff > random(-10, 50)) { + arc.ownership += 1; + arc.prosperity -= 5; + r.push(`Its leadership acquires an increased share of its ownership. This places its government in control of approximately <span class="orange">${Math.trunc(arc.ownership * economicUncertainty)}%</span> of the arcology${(arc.minority > 0) ? `, against its most prominent competition with a <span class="tan">${Math.trunc(arc.minority * economicUncertainty)}%</span> share`:``}.`); + } else if (prosperityDiff < random(-50, 10)) { + if (arc.ownership > 0) { + if (arc.rival !== 1 || (arc.rival === 1 && arc.ownership > 51 && random(1, 2) === 1)) { + arc.ownership -= 1; + arc.prosperity += 5; + r.push(`Its leadership sells off some of its ownership to stay afloat. This leaves its government in control of approximately <span class="orange">${Math.trunc(arc.ownership * economicUncertainty)}%</span> of the arcology${(arc.minority > 0) ? `, against its most prominent competition, with a <span class="tan">${Math.trunc(arc.minority * economicUncertainty)}%</span> share` : ``}.`); + } + } + } + if (arc.minority + arc.ownership > 100) { + arc.minority = 100 - arc.ownership; + } + } else { + if (((arc.ownership + arc.PCminority) >= 99) && arc.rival !== 1) { + arc.ownership = 98 - arc.PCminority; + } else { + arc.minority = Math.clamp(98 - arc.ownership - arc.PCminority, 0, 98); + } + } + } + } + + /* AI ARCOLOGY RENTS TO PC */ + + if (arc.PCminority > 0) { + const rents = (arc.prosperity * arc.PCminority * 2) + random(1, 100); + cashX(rents, "rents"); + r.push(`This week, you made <span class="yellowgreen">${cashFormat(rents)}</span> from your holdings in this arcology.`); + } + + /* CYBER ECONOMIC WARFARE */ + if (arc.direction === V.arcologies[0].CyberEconomicTarget) { + let catchChance; + if (V.PC.skill.hacking === -100) { + catchChance = 10; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= -75) { + catchChance = 30; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= -50) { + catchChance = 40; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= -25) { + catchChance = 45; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking === 0) { + catchChance = 50; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= 25) { + catchChance = 60; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= 50) { + catchChance = 70; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= 75) { + catchChance = 85; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking >= 100) { + catchChance = 100; + } + const weekModifier = Math.max(1, (100 - (V.week * 2))); + arc.prosperity -= V.arcologies[0].CyberEconomic * 2; + const warSpoils = Math.ceil(10 + Math.max(((100 / weekModifier) * arc.prosperity * V.arcologies[0].CyberEconomic), 0)); + arc.prosperity = Math.clamp(arc.prosperity, 1, V.AProsperityCap); + if (random(0, 100) >= catchChance - (10 * V.arcologies[0].CyberEconomic)) { + V.arcologies[0].prosperity -= V.arcologies[0].CyberEconomic * 3; + redHanded = 1; + repX(forceNeg(random(100, 200)), "war"); + if (V.secExpEnabled > 0) { + V.SecExp.core.authority -= random(100, 500) * V.arcologies[0].CyberEconomic; + V.SecExp.core.crimeLow += random(10, 25); + } + V.arcologies[0].prosperity = Math.clamp(V.arcologies[0].prosperity, 1, V.AProsperityCap); + } + r.push(`You target ${arc.name} for <span class="yellow">digital economic warfare,</span> successfully raiding its coffers for <span class="yellowgreen">${cashFormat(warSpoils)}</span> this week.`); + cashX(warSpoils, "war"); + if (redHanded === 1) { + r.push(`A successful trace back to your arcology has exposed your actions, <span class="red">damaging your reputation</span> and <span class="red">scaring away potential investors.</span>`); + if (V.secExpEnabled > 0) { + r.push(`To add insult to injury, <span class="red">your authority has been weakened</span> and your actions have painted your arcology as a <span class="red">haven for crime.</span>`); + } + } + } else if (arc.direction === V.arcologies[0].CyberReputationTarget) { + /* REPUTATION WARFARE */ + let catchChance; + if (V.PC.skill.hacking === -100) { + catchChance = 10; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= -75) { + catchChance = 30; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= -50) { + catchChance = 40; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= -25) { + catchChance = 45; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking === 0) { + catchChance = 50; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= 25) { + catchChance = 60; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= 50) { + catchChance = 70; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking <= 75) { + catchChance = 85; + } else if (V.PC.skill.hacking >= 100) { + catchChance = 100; + } + arc.prosperity -= V.arcologies[0].CyberReputation; + if (arc.rival !== 1) { + arc.ownership -= V.arcologies[0].CyberReputation; + } + arc.prosperity = Math.clamp(arc.prosperity, 1, 300); + arc.ownership = Math.clamp(arc.ownership, 0, 100); + if (random(0, 100) >= catchChance - (10 * V.arcologies[0].CyberReputation)) { + V.arcologies[0].prosperity -= V.arcologies[0].CyberReputation * 3; + redHanded = 1; + repX(forceNeg(random(100, 200)), "war"); + if (V.secExpEnabled > 0) { + V.SecExp.core.authority -= random(100, 500) * V.arcologies[0].CyberReputation; + V.SecExp.core.crimeLow += random(10, 25); + } + V.arcologies[0].prosperity = Math.clamp(V.arcologies[0].prosperity, 1, 300); + } + r.push(`You target ${arc.name}'s leadership for <span class="yellow">character assassination</span> in an attempt to destabilize the arcology.`); + if (redHanded === 1) { + r.push(`A successful trace back to your arcology has exposed your actions, <span class="red">damaging your reputation</span> and <span class="red">scaring away potential investors.</span>`); + if (V.secExpEnabled > 0) { + r.push(`To add insult to injury, <span class="red">your authority has been weakened</span> and your actions have painted your arcology as a <span class="red">haven for crime.</span>`); + } + } + } + + + /* AI ARCOLOGY RENAMING */ + for (let j = 0; j < V.arcologies.length; j++) { + const arc2 = V.arcologies[j]; + if (arc.direction !== arc2.direction) { + if (arc.name === arc2.name) { + arc.name = "Arcology X-" + (i < 4 ? i : i + 1); + /* X-4 is reserved for player's arcology, so X-1 is available */ + r.push(`It resumes its original name, <span class="bold">${arc.name}</span>, since the arcology to the ${arc.direction} of yours is also named ${arc2.name}.`); + break; + } + } + } + } + + /* ECONOMIC WARFARE */ + + for (let j = 0; j < V.arcologies.length; j++) { + const arc2 = V.arcologies[j]; + if (arc.direction === arc2.embargoTarget) { + arc.prosperity -= arc2.embargo * 2; + if (arc2.direction !== 0) { + arc2.prosperity -= arc2.embargo * 2; + } + arc.prosperity = Math.clamp(arc.prosperity, 1, 300); + r.push(`${arc2.name} targets ${arc.name} for <span class="red">economic warfare.</span>`); + } + } + + /* FUTURE SOCIETY PROGRESS */ + + const societiesAdopted = FutureSocieties.activeCount(i); + let efficiency; + switch (arc.government) { + case "elected officials": + efficiency = random(-2, 2); + break; + case "a committee": + efficiency = random(-1, 2); + break; + case "an oligarchy": + case "your trustees": + efficiency = random(-1, 3); + break; + case "an individual": + efficiency = random(-1, 5); + break; + case "your agent": + efficiency = agentBonusValue + random(-1, 1); + break; + case "a corporation": + efficiency = random(1, 2); + break; + default: + efficiency = random(-3, 3); + } + + if (arc.rival === 1) { + efficiency += random(0, 2); + } + + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + FutureSocieties.applyBroadProgress(i, efficiency); + } + const passive = new App.Neighbor.PassiveFSInfluence(i); + if (arc.FSSupremacist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSSupremacist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSSupremacist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Racial Supremacy for ${arc.FSSupremacistRace} people has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + switch (arc.FSSupremacistRace) { + case "white": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistWhite); + break; + case "asian": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistAsian); + break; + case "latina": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistLatina); + break; + case "middle eastern": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMiddleEastern); + break; + case "black": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistBlack); + break; + case "indo-aryan": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistIndoAryan); + break; + case "pacific islander": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistPacificIslander); + break; + case "malay": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMalay); + break; + case "amerindian": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistAmerindian); + break; + case "southern european": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistSouthernEuropean); + break; + case "semitic": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistSemitic); + break; + default: + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMixedRace); + } + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSSupremacist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on ${arc.FSSupremacistRace} Supremacy.`); + arc.FSSupremacist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSSupremacist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (!V.corp.SpecRaces.includes(arc.FSSupremacistRace)) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's racially inferior slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSSupremacist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSSubjugationist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSSubjugationist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSSubjugationist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Racial Subjugationism of ${arc.FSSubjugationistRace} people has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + switch (arc.FSSubjugationistRace) { + case "white": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistWhite); + break; + case "asian": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistAsian); + break; + case "latina": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistLatina); + break; + case "middle eastern": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMiddleEastern); + break; + case "black": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistBlack); + break; + case "indo-aryan": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistIndoAryan); + break; + case "pacific islander": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistPacificIslander); + break; + case "malay": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMalay); + break; + case "amerindian": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistAmerindian); + break; + case "southern european": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistSouthernEuropean); + break; + case "semitic": + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistSemitic); + break; + default: + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMixedRace); + } + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSSubjugationist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on ${arc.FSSubjugationistRace} Subjugationism.`); + arc.FSSubjugationist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSSubjugationist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecRaces.includes(arc.FSSubjugationistRace)) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's ${arc.FSSubjugationistRace} slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSSubjugationist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSRepopulationFocus")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Repopulationism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesRepopulationist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Repopulationism.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecMilk > 0) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's milky cows, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecAge === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's youthful captures, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecInjection === 5) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's milky cows, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSRestart !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSRestart")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSRestart >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + arc.FSRestartResearch = 1; + r.push(`Eugenics has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesEugenics); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSRestart < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Eugenics.`); + arc.FSRestart = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSRestart !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecBalls === -1) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's neutered slavegirls, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSRestart += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecSexEd === 2) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's well trained toys, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSRestart += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecIntelligence === 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's smarter captures, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSRestart += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSGenderRadicalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + arc.FSGenderRadicalistResearch = 1; + r.push(`Gender Radicalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesGenderRadicalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Gender Radicalism.`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecHormones > 0) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's hormonally treated slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + if (V.corp.SpecPussy === 1 && V.corp.SpecDick === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's beautiful futanari, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecBalls === -1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's clipped buttsluts, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + if ((V.corp.SpecGender === 2) || (V.seeDicks === 100)) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's feminized slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSGenderFundamentalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Gender Fundamentalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesGenderFundamentalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Gender Fundamentalism.`); + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if ((V.corp.SpecGender === 1) || (V.seeDicks === 0)) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's enslaved females, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSPaternalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSPaternalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSPaternalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Paternalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesPaternalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSPaternalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Paternalism.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSPaternalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecTrust > 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's well-treated companions, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPaternalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + if (V.corp.SpecCosmetics === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's meticulously beautified ladies, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPaternalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecEducation > 0) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's educated ladies, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPaternalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSDegradationist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSDegradationist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSDegradationist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Degradationism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesDegradationist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSDegradationist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Degradationism.`); + arc.FSDegradationist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSDegradationist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecTrust < 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's thoroughly terrified slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSDegradationist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + if (V.corp.SpecIntelligence === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's idiotic sluts, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSDegradationist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecAmputee === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's human sex toys, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSDegradationist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSIntellectualDependency")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Intellectual Dependency has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesIntellectualDependency); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Intellectual Dependency.`); + arc.FSIntellectualDependency = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecIntelligence === 1) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's idiotic sluts, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSIntellectualDependency += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecEducation === 0) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's uneducated slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSIntellectualDependency += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSSlaveProfessionalism")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalismResearch = 1; + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSlaveProfessionalism); + r.push(`Slave Professionalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed <span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Slave Professionalism.`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecIntelligence === 3) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's smarter captures, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } + if (V.corp.SpecEducation > 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's well educated ladies, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecEducation > 0) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's educated ladies, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + if (V.corp.SpecSexEd === 2) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's well trained toys, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecAccent === 2) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's linguistically perfect slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSBodyPurist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSBodyPurist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSBodyPurist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesBodyPurist); + r.push(`Body Purism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed <span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSBodyPurist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Body Purism.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSBodyPurist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecImplants === 0) { + if (V.corp.SpecAmputee !== 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's implant-free slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSTransformationFetishist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + arc.FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1; + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesTransformationFetishist); + r.push(`Transformation Fetishism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed <span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Transformation Fetishism.`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecImplants === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's implanted slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecImplants === 2) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's absurdly implanted slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSYouthPreferentialist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Youth Preferentialism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + if (V.pedo_mode === 1 || V.minimumSlaveAge < 6) { + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialistLow); + } else if (V.minimumSlaveAge < 14) { + arc.name = either(setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialist, setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialistLow); + } else { + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialist); + } + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1; + } + } else if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Youth Preferentialism.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecAge === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's young slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSMaturityPreferentialist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Maturity Preferentialism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesMaturityPreferentialist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Maturity Preferentialism.`); + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecAge === 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's enslaved MILFs, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSPetiteAdmiration")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Petite Admiration has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesPetiteAdmiration); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Petite Admiration.`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecHeight === 1) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's minuscule slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecHeight === 2) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's shorter captures, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSStatuesqueGlorification")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Statuesque Glorification has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesStatuesqueGlorification); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Statuesque Glorification.`); + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecHeight === 5) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's gigantic slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecHeight === 4) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's taller captures, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Slimness Enthusiasm has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSlimnessEnthusiast); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1; + } + } else if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Slimness Enthusiasm.`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecInjection < 2) { + if (V.corp.SpecWeight < 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's trim slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSAssetExpansionist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + arc.FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1; + r.push(`Asset Expansionism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesAssetExpansionist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Asset Expansionism.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SPecInjection === 4) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's world-class tits and ass, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecInjection === 5) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's hugely endowed cows, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SPecInjection === 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's stacked slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSPastoralist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSPastoralist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSPastoralist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Pastoralism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesPastoralist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSPastoralist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Pastoralism.`); + arc.FSPastoralist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSPastoralist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecInjection === 5) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's world-class milk producers, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPastoralist += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecMilk > 0) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's world-class milk producers, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPastoralist += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSCummunism !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSCummunism")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSCummunism >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Cummunism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesCummunism); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSCummunism < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Cummunism.`); + arc.FSCummunism = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSCummunism !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecInjection === 5) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's world-class cum producers, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSCummunism += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecHormones === 2) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's masculinized slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSCummunism += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecDick === 1 && V.corp.SpecBalls === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's slaves standard dicks and balls, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSCummunism += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSPhysicalIdealist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Physical Idealism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesPhysicalIdealist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Physical Idealism.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecMuscle === 5) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's ripped chicks, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecMuscle === 4) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's toned ladies, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecHeight > 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's tall ladies, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSHedonisticDecadence")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + arc.FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1; + r.push(`Decadent Hedonism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesHedonisticDecadence); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Decadent Hedonism.`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecTrust > 3) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's well kept, happy slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecSexEd === 2) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's skilled slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSIncestFetishist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSIncestFetishist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSIncestFetishist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Incest Fetishism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesIncestFetishist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSIncestFetishist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Incest Fetishism.`); + arc.FSIncestFetishist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSIncestFetishist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecAge === 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's motherly slaves, especially those that look like peoples mothers, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSIncestFetishist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSChattelReligionist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSChattelReligionist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSChattelReligionist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Chattel Religionism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesChattelReligionist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSChattelReligionist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Chattel Religionism.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSChattelReligionist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecSexEd === 2) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's holy sex slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecSexEd === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's aspiring sexual acolytes, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSRomanRevivalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Roman Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesRomanRevivalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Roman Revivalism.`); + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecEducation > 0) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's properly educated slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSRomanRevivalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSNeoImperialist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Neo-Imperialism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesNeoImperialist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSNeoImperialist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Neo-Imperialism.`); + arc.FSNeoImperialist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecEducation > 0) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's properly educated slaves, improving sales and helping advocate for a hierarchical Imperial society.`); + arc.FSNeoImperialist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSAztecRevivalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Aztec Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesAztecRevivalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Aztec Revivalism.`); + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecAccent === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's lovely mix of slave accents, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSAztecRevivalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSEgyptianRevivalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Egyptian Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesEgyptianRevivalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Egyptian Revivalism.`); + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecAccent === 1) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's lovely mix of slave accents, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSEdoRevivalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Edo Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesEdoRevivalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Edo Revivalism.`); + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecAccent === 2) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's linguistically perfect slaves, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSEdoRevivalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSArabianRevivalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Arabian Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesArabianRevivalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Arabian Revivalism.`); + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecDevotion === 5) { + r.push(`It's an <span class="lightgreen">excellent market</span> for your corporation's harem-ready devotees, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSArabianRevivalist += 2; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus * 2, 'foreign'); + } else if (V.corp.SpecDevotion === 4) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's properly broken girls, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSArabianRevivalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } else if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + r.push(`${passive.output("FSChineseRevivalist")}`); + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel) { + if ((arc.name.indexOf("Arcology") !== -1) && (random(0, 2) === 0)) { + r.push(`Chinese Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed`); + arc.name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesChineseRevivalist); + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span> to mark the occasion.`); + } + } else if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist < 0) { + r.push(`${arc.name} <span class="cyan">has given up</span> on Chinese Revivalism.`); + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = "unset"; + } + } + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + if (V.corp.Incorporated === 1) { + if (V.corp.SpecIntelligence === 3) { + r.push(`It's a <span class="lightgreen">good market</span> for your corporation's intelligent Head Girl prospects, improving sales and helping social progress.`); + arc.FSChineseRevivalist += 1; + App.Corporate.earnRevenue(corpBonus, 'foreign'); + } + } + } + } + FutureSocieties.overflowToInfluence(i); + + /* FUTURE SOCIETY ADOPTION */ + + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (societiesAdopted < V.FSCreditCount) { + if ((arc.rival === 1) || (societiesAdopted < (arc.prosperity / 25) + (V.week / 25) - 3)) { + r.push(neighborsFSadoption(i)); + } + } + } + + /* INFLUENCE RECEPTION */ + + for (let j = 0; j < V.arcologies.length; j++) { + const arc2 = V.arcologies[j]; + if (arc2.direction !== arc.direction) { + if (arc2.influenceTarget === arc.direction) { + arc2.influenceBonus = Math.clamp(arc2.influenceBonus, 0, V.FSLockinLevel); + let appliedInfluenceBonus = Math.trunc(arc2.influenceBonus * 0.1); + arc2.influenceBonus -= appliedInfluenceBonus * 2; + if (V.policies.culturalOpenness === 1) { + if ((arc.direction === 0) || (arc2.direction === 0)) { + appliedInfluenceBonus *= 2; + } + } else if (V.policies.culturalOpenness === -1) { + if ((arc.direction === 0) || (arc2.direction === 0)) { + appliedInfluenceBonus /= 2; + } + } + if (arc.ownership >= 100) { + appliedInfluenceBonus /= 2; + } + desc = []; + let alignment = 0; + + if (arc2.FSSubjugationist !== "unset" && arc2.FSSubjugationist > 60) { + if (arc.FSSubjugationist !== "unset") { + if (arc2.FSSubjugationistRace === arc.FSSubjugationistRace) { + arc.FSSubjugationist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSSubjugationist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSSubjugationist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its racially aligned Subjugationism"); + } else { + arc.FSSubjugationist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSSubjugationist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Subjugationism"); + } + } else if ((arc.FSSupremacist !== "unset") && (arc2.FSSubjugationistRace === arc.FSSupremacistRace)) { + arc.FSSupremacist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSSubjugationist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its opposing Supremacism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSSupremacist !== "unset" && arc2.FSSupremacist > 60) { + if (arc.FSSupremacist !== "unset") { + if (arc2.FSSupremacistRace === arc.FSSupremacistRace) { + arc.FSSupremacist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSSupremacist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSSupremacist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its racially aligned Supremacism"); + } else { + arc.FSSupremacist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSSupremacist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Supremacism"); + } + } else if ((arc.FSSubjugationist !== "unset") && (arc2.FSSupremacistRace === arc.FSSubjugationistRace)) { + arc.FSSubjugationist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSSupremacist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its opposing Subjugationism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset" && arc2.FSRepopulationFocus > 60) { + if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset") { + arc.FSRepopulationFocus += Math.trunc((arc2.FSRepopulationFocus - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Repopulationism"); + } else if (arc.FSRestart !== "unset") { + arc.FSRestart -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSRepopulationFocus - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Eugenics"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSRestart !== "unset" && arc2.FSRestart > 60) { + if (arc.FSRestart !== "unset") { + arc.FSRestart += Math.trunc((arc2.FSRestart - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSRestart > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Eugenics"); + } else if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset") { + arc.FSRepopulationFocus -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSRestart - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Repopulation Efforts"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSGenderRadicalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSGenderRadicalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSGenderRadicalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Gender Radicalism"); + } else if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSGenderRadicalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Gender Fundamentalism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSGenderFundamentalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSGenderFundamentalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Gender Fundamentalism"); + } else if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSGenderRadicalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSGenderFundamentalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Gender Radicalism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSPaternalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSPaternalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSPaternalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPaternalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSPaternalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSPaternalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Paternalism"); + } else if (arc.FSDegradationist !== "unset") { + arc.FSDegradationist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSPaternalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Degradationism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSDegradationist !== "unset" && arc2.FSDegradationist > 60) { + if (arc.FSDegradationist !== "unset") { + arc.FSDegradationist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSDegradationist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSDegradationist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Degradationism"); + } else if (arc.FSPaternalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPaternalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSDegradationist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Paternalism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset" && arc2.FSIntellectualDependency > 60) { + if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset") { + arc.FSIntellectualDependency += Math.trunc((arc2.FSIntellectualDependency - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Intellectual Dependency"); + } else if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism !== "unset") { + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSIntellectualDependency - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Slave Professionalism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSSlaveProfessionalism !== "unset" && arc2.FSSlaveProfessionalism > 60) { + if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism !== "unset") { + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism += Math.trunc((arc2.FSSlaveProfessionalism - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Slave Professionalism"); + } else if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset") { + arc.FSIntellectualDependency -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSSlaveProfessionalism - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Intellectual Dependency"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSBodyPurist !== "unset" && arc2.FSBodyPurist > 60) { + if (arc.FSBodyPurist !== "unset") { + arc.FSBodyPurist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSBodyPurist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSBodyPurist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Body Purism"); + } else if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset") { + arc.FSTransformationFetishist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSBodyPurist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Transformation Fetishism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset" && arc2.FSTransformationFetishist > 60) { + if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset") { + arc.FSTransformationFetishist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSTransformationFetishist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Transformation Fetishism"); + } else if (arc.FSBodyPurist !== "unset") { + arc.FSBodyPurist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSTransformationFetishist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Body Purism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset" && arc2.FSYouthPreferentialist > 60) { + if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSYouthPreferentialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Youth Preferentialism"); + } else if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSYouthPreferentialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Maturity Preferentialism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset" && arc2.FSMaturityPreferentialist > 60) { + if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSMaturityPreferentialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Maturity Preferentialism"); + } else if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSMaturityPreferentialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Youth Preferentialism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSPetiteAdmiration !== "unset" && arc2.FSPetiteAdmiration > 60) { + if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration !== "unset") { + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration += Math.trunc((arc2.FSPetiteAdmiration - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Petite Admiration"); + } else if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification !== "unset") { + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSPetiteAdmiration - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Statuesque Glorification"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSStatuesqueGlorification !== "unset" && arc2.FSStatuesqueGlorification > 60) { + if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification !== "unset") { + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification += Math.trunc((arc2.FSStatuesqueGlorification - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Statuesque Glorification"); + } else if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration !== "unset") { + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSStatuesqueGlorification - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Petite Admiration"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset" && arc2.FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 60) { + if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset") { + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast += Math.trunc((arc2.FSSlimnessEnthusiast - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Slimness Enthusiasm"); + } else if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAssetExpansionist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSSlimnessEnthusiast - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Asset Expansionism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset" && arc2.FSAssetExpansionist > 60) { + if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAssetExpansionist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSAssetExpansionist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Asset Expansionism"); + } else if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset") { + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSAssetExpansionist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Slimness Enthusiasm"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSPastoralist !== "unset" && arc2.FSPastoralist > 60) { + if (arc.FSPastoralist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPastoralist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSPastoralist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSPastoralist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Pastoralism"); + } else if (arc.FSCummunism !== "unset") { + arc.FSCummunism -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSPastoralist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Cummunism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSCummunism !== "unset" && arc2.FSCummunism > 60) { + if (arc.FSCummunism !== "unset") { + arc.FSCummunism += Math.trunc((arc2.FSCummunism - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSCummunism > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Cummunism"); + } else if (arc.FSPastoralist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPastoralist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSCummunism - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Pastoralism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset" && arc2.FSPhysicalIdealist > 60) { + if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSPhysicalIdealist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Physical Idealism"); + } else if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") { + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSPhysicalIdealist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Hedonism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset" && arc2.FSHedonisticDecadence > 60) { + if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") { + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence += Math.trunc((arc2.FSHedonisticDecadence - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Hedonism"); + } else if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSHedonisticDecadence - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its Physical Idealism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSIncestFetishist !== "unset" && arc2.FSIncestFetishist > 60) { + if (arc.FSIncestFetishist !== "unset") { + arc.FSIncestFetishist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSIncestFetishist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSIncestFetishist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Incest Fetishism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSChattelReligionist !== "unset" && arc2.FSChattelReligionist > 60) { + if (arc.FSChattelReligionist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChattelReligionist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSChattelReligionist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSChattelReligionist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Chattel Religionism"); + } + } + if (arc2.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSRomanRevivalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSRomanRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Roman Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSRomanRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism"); + } else if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSRomanRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSRomanRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSRomanRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSRomanRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSRomanRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSAztecRevivalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSAztecRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Aztec Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSAztecRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism"); + } else if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSAztecRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSAztecRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSAztecRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSAztecRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSAztecRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Egyptian Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism"); + } else if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEgyptianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSEdoRevivalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSEdoRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Edo Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEdoRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEdoRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism"); + } else if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEdoRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEdoRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEdoRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSEdoRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSArabianRevivalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSArabianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Arabian Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSArabianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSArabianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism"); + } else if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSArabianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSArabianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSArabianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSArabianRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset" && arc2.FSChineseRevivalist > 60) { + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSChineseRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Chinese Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSChineseRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSChineseRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism"); + } else if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSChineseRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSChineseRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSChineseRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSChineseRevivalist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } + } else if (arc2.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset" && arc2.FSNeoImperialist > 60) { + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist += Math.trunc((arc2.FSNeoImperialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist > V.FSLockinLevel) { + alignment += 1; + } + desc.push("helping to advance its Neo-Imperialism"); + } else if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSNeoImperialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSNeoImperialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSNeoImperialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSNeoImperialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSNeoImperialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } else if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc((arc2.FSNeoImperialist - 60) / 4) + appliedInfluenceBonus; + desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism"); + } + } + + if (desc.length === 0) { + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc2.name}</span> attempts to influence it, but has no significant impacts.`); + } else if (desc.length > 2) { + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc2.name}</span>'s mature culture influences ${arc.name}, ${desc.slice(0, desc.length - 1).join(', ') + ", and " + desc.slice(-1)}.`); + } else if (desc.length === 2) { + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc2.name}</span>'s culture influences ${arc.name}'s ${desc[0]} and ${desc[1]}.`); + } else { + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc2.name}</span>'s culture is beginning to influence ${arc.name}'s ${desc[0]}.`); + } + + if (appliedInfluenceBonus > 0) { + if (appliedInfluenceBonus < 5) { + r.push(`${arc2.name} is societally advanced, giving it extra influence.`); + } else { + r.push(`${arc2.name} is societally fanatical, lending it great influence.`); + } + } + if (arc.ownership >= 100) { + if (appliedInfluenceBonus > 0) { + r.push(`However,`); + } + r.push(`${arc.name} is under completely unified control, making it resistant to change.`); + } + + if (arc2.direction !== 0) { + if (desc.length === 0) { + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc2.name}</span> is not satisfied with the impact its directed influence is having, and withdraws it with the intention of targeting it elsewhere.`); + arc2.influenceTarget = -1; + } else if (alignment >= 4) { + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc2.name}</span> is satisfied that its influence has brought ${arc.name} into alignment, and withdraws its direct influence with the intention of targeting it elsewhere.`); + arc2.influenceTarget = -1; + } + } + } + } + } + + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + if (arc.influenceTarget === -1) { + App.Neighbor.selectInfluenceTarget(i); + } + } + + if (arc.direction !== 0) { + arc.prosperity = Math.clamp(arc.prosperity, 1, 300); + arc.ownership = Math.clamp(arc.ownership, 0, 100); + arc.PCminority = Math.clamp(arc.PCminority, 0, 100); + arc.minority = Math.clamp(arc.minority, 0, 100); + owned = arc.ownership + arc.PCminority + arc.minority; + if (arc.government !== "your agent" && arc.government !== "your trustees" && arc.rival !== 1) { + if (owned < 10) { + arc.ownership += 10; + /* Someone needs to own something */ + } else if (owned > 100) { + arc.minority = Math.clamp(100 - arc.ownership - arc.PCminority, 0, 100); + if (arc.ownership + arc.PCminority > 100) { + arc.ownership = 100 - arc.PCminority; + } + } + } + } + App.Events.addParagraph(el, r); + } + + /* PEACEKEEPERS */ + + if (V.plot && V.peacekeepers !== 0) { + let prisoners; + let r = []; + if (V.peacekeepers.strength >= 50) { + prisoners = Math.trunc(V.peacekeepers.attitude / 10) + random(0, 10); + r.push(`General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s little empire near the arcology`); + if (V.peacekeepers.attitude >= 100) { + r.push(`offers ${prisoners} menial slaves as tribute; having the area as an avowed client state <span class="green">improves your reputation.</span>`); + V.peacekeepers.attitude = 100; + repX(100, "peacekeepers"); + } else { + r.push(`delivers ${prisoners} menial slaves to you in payment for your past support.`); + } + V.menials += prisoners; + } else if (V.peacekeepers.strength < 0) { + r.push(`<span class="yellow">The peacekeeping force led by General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName} in the troubled area near the Free City has been withdrawn.</span>`); + if (V.peacekeepers.undermining) { + r.push(`Your misinformation campaign against it in the old world media was successful. Before long, everyone in the Free City is confident that you're somehow responsible, <span class="green">greatly improving your reputation.</span>`); + V.peacekeepers = 0; + V.peacekeepersGone = 1; + repX(2000, "peacekeepers"); + } else { + r.push(`The cost was ultimately too high. The time when old world countries could afford to waste billions on military adventurism is gone. It will not return.`); + V.peacekeepers = 0; + V.peacekeepersGone = 1; + } + } else { + r.push(`There's a peacekeeping force led by General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName} in the troubled area near the Free City.`); + if (V.peacekeepers.undermining) { + r.push(`You're paying for a media misinformation campaign in the old world country that sent him. It`); + V.peacekeepers.strength -= V.peacekeepers.undermining / 10000; + if (V.peacekeepers.strength < 10) { + r.push(`has had a significant impact; one of the nation's two major political parties now favors withdrawing the peacekeepers.`); + } else { + r.push(`has not had a significant impact yet; only a few fringe figures are arguing against the mission.`); + } + } + r.push(`Unfortunately, the presence of so much old world military power near the Free City causes <span class="red">public concern.</span>`); + repX(-100, "peacekeepers"); + } + App.Events.addParagraph(el, r); + } + return el; + + /** + * + * @param {number} i + */ + function neighborsFSadoption(i) { + const arc = V.arcologies[i]; + const el = document.createElement("p"); + let r = []; + const {heU, girlU} = getNonlocalPronouns(0).appendSuffix('U'); + + r.push(`<span class="bold">${arc.name}</span>, your`); + if (arc.direction === 0) { + r.push(`arcology,`); + } else { + r.push(`neighbor to the ${arc.direction},`); + } + r.push(`is prosperous enough that`); + switch (arc.government) { + case "elected officials": + r.push(`its elected officials consider`); + break; + case "a committee": + r.push(`the committee that controls it considers`); + break; + case "an oligarchy": + case "your trustees": + r.push(`its leading citizens consider`); + break; + case "an individual": + r.push(`its owner and its citizens consider`); + break; + case "your agent": + r.push(`<span class="deeppink">your agent</span> and its citizens consider`); + break; + case "a corporation": + r.push(`its board of directors considers`); + break; + default: + r.push(`its citizens consider`); + } + r.push(`societal development.`); + + const validFSes = FutureSocieties.validAdoptions(i); + + fsAdoption(); + + App.Events.addNode(el, r); + return el; + + function fsAdoption() { + /* PRIME RIVALRY FS ADOPTION - IGNORES VALIDITY */ + + if (arc.rival === 1) { + if (arc.government === "an individual") { + if (V.rivalryFSAdopted === 0) { + V.rivalryFSAdopted = 1; + desc = "Its owner is"; + switch (V.rivalryFS) { + case "Racial Subjugationism": + if (arc.FSSubjugationist !== "unset") { + arc.FSSubjugationist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} preoccupied by belief in the superiority of the ${V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace} race, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt ${V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace} Supremacy.</span>`); + arc.FSSupremacist = 5; + arc.FSSupremacistRace = V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace; + return; + case "Racial Supremacism": + if (arc.FSSupremacist !== "unset") { + arc.FSSupremacist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} preoccupied by a racial animus towards ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} people, leaving the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} Subjugation.</span>`); + arc.FSSubjugationist = 5; + arc.FSSubjugationistRace = V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace; + return; + case "Repopulation Focus": + if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset") { + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with building a new society based on its Societal Elite, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Eugenics.</span>`); + arc.FSRestart = 5; + return; + case "Eugenics": + if (arc.FSRestart !== "unset") { + arc.FSRestart = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with breeding a new society, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Repopulationism.</span>`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = 5; + return; + case "Gender Radicalism": + if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSGenderRadicalist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} enthusiastic about knocking slaves up, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Gender Fundamentalism.</span>`); + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist = 5; + return; + case "Gender Fundamentalism": + if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} enthusiastic about fucking slaves in the butt, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Gender Radicalism.</span>`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist = 5; + return; + case "Paternalism": + if (arc.FSPaternalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPaternalist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} partial to screaming and struggling, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Degradationism.</span>`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + case "Degradationism": + if (arc.FSDegradationist !== "unset") { + arc.FSDegradationist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} devoted to their slaves' advancement, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Paternalism.</span>`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + case "Intellectual Dependency": + if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency !== "unset") { + arc.FSIntellectualDependency = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with crafting the perfect slave, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Slave Professionalism.</span>`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5; + return; + case "Slave Professionalism": + if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism !== "unset") { + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} worried that they may one day be outsmarted by their chattel, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Intellectual Dependency.</span>`); + arc.FSIntellectualDependency = 5; + return; + case "Body Purism": + if (arc.FSBodyPurist !== "unset") { + arc.FSBodyPurist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} fascinated with extreme surgery, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Transformation Fetishism.</span>`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = 5; + return; + case "Transformation Fetishism": + if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset") { + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} concerned by trends in their slaves' health, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Body Purism.</span>`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + case "Youth Preferentialism": + if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} devoted to time in bed with their MILF slaves, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Maturity Preferentialism.</span>`); + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5; + return; + case "Maturity Preferentialism": + if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} devoted to fucking nubile young slaves, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Youth Preferentialism.</span>`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + case "Petite Admiration": + if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration !== "unset") { + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} convinced that tall equals beauty, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Statuesque Glorification.</span>`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5; + return; + case "Statuesque Glorification": + if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification !== "unset") { + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} enamored by those shorter than them, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Petite Admiration.</span>`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration = 5; + return; + case "Slimness Enthusiasm": + if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset") { + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} loves boobs, the bigger, the better, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Asset Expansionism.</span>`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + case "Asset Expansionism": + if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} loves a slim slave with tight holes, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Slimness Enthusiasm.</span>`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5; + return; + case "Pastoralism": + if (arc.FSPastoralist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPastoralist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} loves cum, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Cummunism.</span>`); + arc.FSCummunism = 5; + return; + case "Cummunism": + if (arc.FSCummunism !== "unset") { + arc.FSCummunism = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} addicted to breast milk straight from the nipple, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Pastoralism.</span>`); + arc.FSPastoralist = 5; + return; + case "Hedonistic Decadence": + if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") { + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} devoted to spending time in the gym, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Physical Idealism.</span>`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = 5; + return; + case "Physical Idealism": + if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset") { + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} addicted to pleasure, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Decadent Hedonism.</span>`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = 5; + return; + case "Chattel Religionism": + if (arc.FSChattelReligionist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChattelReligionist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} open minded, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">permit cultural freedom.</span>`); + arc.FSNull = 5; + return; + case "Multiculturalism": + if (arc.FSNull !== "unset") { + arc.FSNull = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} devoutly religious, and interested in a reformation, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Chattel Religionism.</span>`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = 5; + return; + case "Roman Revivalism": + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by ancient Aztec history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Aztec Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "Neo-Imperialism": + case "Egyptian Revivalism": + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by Arabian romanticism, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Arabian Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "Edo Revivalism": + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by the long tale of Chinese history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Chinese Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "Arabian Revivalism": + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by ancient Egyptian history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Egyptian Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "Chinese Revivalism": + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by Japanese history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Edo Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "Aztec Revivalism": + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") { + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = "unset"; + } + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist !== "unset") { + arc.FSNeoImperialist = "unset"; + } + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by classical Roman history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Roman Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = 5; + return; + default: + V.rivalryFSAdopted = 0; + } + } else { // RIVAL ADOPTION + desc = "Its owner is"; + if (V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSSupremacist") && (arc.FSSubjugationist === "unset") || (arc.FSSubjugationistRace !== V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)) { + r.push(`${desc} preoccupied by belief in the superiority of the ${V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace} race, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt ${V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace} Supremacy.</span>`); + arc.FSSupremacist = 5; + arc.FSSupremacistRace = V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacist > random(5, 60)) { + if ((validFSes.includes("FSSubjugationist") && (arc.FSSupremacist === "unset") || (arc.FSSupremacistRace !== V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace))) { + r.push(`${desc} preoccupied by a racial animus towards ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} people, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} Subjugation.</span>`); + arc.FSSubjugationist = 5; + arc.FSSubjugationistRace = V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSRestart > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")) { + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with breeding a new society, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Repopulationism.</span>`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSRestart")) { + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with creating a new, better society, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Eugenics.</span>`); + arc.FSRestart = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSGenderFundamentalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} enthusiastic about knocking slaves up, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Gender Fundamentalism.</span>`); + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSGenderRadicalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} enthusiastic about fucking slaves in the butt, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Gender Radicalism.</span>`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")) { + r.push(`${desc} partial to screaming and struggling, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Degradationism.</span>`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} devoted to their slaves' advancement, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Paternalism.</span>`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependency > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSSlaveProfessionalism")) { + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with crafting the perfect slave, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Slave Professionalism.</span>`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSSlaveProfessionalism > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSIntellectualDependency")) { + r.push(`${desc} worried that they may one day be outsmarted by their chattel, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Intellectual Dependency.</span>`); + arc.FSIntellectualDependency = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist")) { + r.push(`${desc} fascinated with extreme surgery, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Transformation Fetishism.</span>`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")) { + r.push(`${desc} concerned by trends in their slaves' health, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Body Purism.</span>`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSMaturityPreferentialist")) { + r.push(`${desc} devoted to time in bed with their MILF slaves, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Maturity Preferentialism.</span>`); + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")) { + r.push(`${desc} devoted to fucking nubile young slaves, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Youth Preferentialism.</span>`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSPetiteAdmiration > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSStatuesqueGlorification")) { + r.push(`${desc} convinced that tall equals beautiful, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Statuesque Glorification.</span>`); + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSStatuesqueGlorification > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPetiteAdmiration")) { + r.push(`${desc} enamored by those shorter than them, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Petite Admiration.</span>`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")) { + r.push(`${desc} loves boobs, the bigger, the better, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Asset Expansionism.</span>`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")) { + r.push(`${desc} loves a slim slave with tight holes, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Slimness Enthusiasm.</span>`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSPastoralist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPastoralist")) { + r.push(`${desc} addicted to breast milk straight from the nipple, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Pastoralism.</span>`); + arc.FSPastoralist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSCummunism > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSCummunism")) { + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with cum, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Cummunism.</span>`); + arc.FSCummunism = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")) { + r.push(`${desc} pretty devoted to spending time in the gym, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Physical Idealism.</span>`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence")) { + r.push(`${desc} pretty devoted to indulging their every whim, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Decadent Hedonism.</span>`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = 5; + return; + } + } + if (V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSAztecRevivalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by ancient Aztec history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Aztec Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSRomanRevivalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by classical Roman history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Roman Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > random(5, 60) || V.arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSArabianRevivalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by Arabian romanticism, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Arabian Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSChineseRevivalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by the long tale of Chinese history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Chinese Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSEgyptianRevivalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by ancient Egyptian history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Egyptian Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist > random(5, 60)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSEdoRevivalist")) { + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by Japanese history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Edo Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } + } + } + } + + /* AGENT ADOPTION*/ + if (arc.government === "your agent") { + const leader = App.currentAgent(i); + const {he, himself, woman, him, hers} = getPronouns(leader); + + if (validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus") && leader.fetish === "pregnancy" && V.seePreg === 1) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Repopulationism,</span> since as a pregnancy fetishist, ${he} can't wait to see the female population's bellies swell with life.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSRestart") && (leader.preg < -1 || (leader.ovaries === 0 && leader.mpreg !== 1)) && leader.genes === "XX") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Eugenics,</span> since if no-one can get pregnant, ${he} won't be alone.`); + arc.FSRestart = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSGenderRadicalist") && leader.dick > 0) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Gender Radicalism,</span> since ${he}'s a walking, swinging argument for dickgirls.`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSGenderFundamentalist") && leader.pregKnown === 1 || leader.bellyPreg > 1500) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Gender Fundamentalism,</span> since its citizens find leadership by a pregnant ${woman} fascinating.`); + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist") && leader.behavioralQuirk === "advocate") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Paternalism,</span> since as an advocate for slavery, ${he} believes in its benefits.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist") && leader.fetish === "sadist") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Degradationism,</span> since as a sexual sadist, ${he}'s excited by the idea of leading a society that applauds ${his} cruelest impulses.`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSSlaveProfessionalism") && (leader.intelligence + leader.intelligenceImplant >= 120) && (leader.skill.vaginal + leader.skill.oral + leader.skill.anal + leader.skill.whoring + leader.skill.entertainment >= 400)) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Slave Professionalism,</span> since ${he} wishes to produce slaves you can be proud of.`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSIntellectualDependency") && (leader.intelligence + leader.intelligenceImplant >= 120) && (leader.behavioralFlaw === "arrogant" || leader.behavioralQuirk === "insecure")) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Intellectual Dependency,</span>`); + if (leader.behavioralQuirk === "insecure") { + r.push(`since, due to ${his} own insecurities, needs to be frequently reassured that ${he} is smarter than the masses.`); + } else { + r.push(`since ${he} absolutely needs to feel intellectually superior to ${his} chattel.`); + } + arc.FSIntellectualDependency = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist") && leader.chem > 50) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Body Purism,</span> since ${he} knows what long term drug damage feels like, and doesn't want any slave to ever experience it again.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist") && leader.boobsImplant > 1000) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Transformation Fetishism,</span> out of a perverse desire to subject all slaves to massive implants like ${hers}.`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist") && leader.actualAge <= 25) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Youth Preferentialism,</span> to buttress acceptance of ${his} own young age.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSMaturityPreferentialist") && leader.actualAge > 35) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Maturity Preferentialism,</span> since ${he} has a certain personal interest in promoting the idea that MILFs are sexy.`); + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast") && leader.behavioralQuirk === "insecure") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Slimness Enthusiasm,</span> since ${his} history of anorexia has deeply impacted ${his} idea of beauty.`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist") && leader.fetish === "boobs") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Asset Expansionism,</span> since ${he}'s a breast expansion fetishist in addition to being a mere breast fetishist.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist") && leader.sexualQuirk === "size queen" && leader.vagina > 3) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Asset Expansionism,</span> since ${he}'s a stickler for big dicks and seeks to find one large enough to push ${him} to ${his} very limit.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSCummunism") && leader.fetish === "cumslut") { // this will become the cum focused condition, being replaced with breast focus for milk + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Cummunism,</span> since ${he} already loves sucking down huge loads of cum.`); + arc.FSCummunism = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPastoralist") && leader.fetish === "boobs") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Pastoralism,</span> since ${he} loves boobs and adores suckling them.`); + arc.FSPastoralist = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence") && leader.behavioralFlaw === "gluttonous") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Decadent Hedonism,</span> since ${he} already loves over-eating.`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist") && leader.behavioralQuirk === "fitness") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Physical Idealism,</span> since ${he}'s a fitness fanatic ${himself}.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence") && leader.fetish !== "none" && leader.fetishStrength >= 100) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Decadent Hedonism,</span> since ${he} seeks to satisfy ${his} powerful fetish.`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSStatuesqueGlorification") && leader.height >= 200) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Statuesque Glorification,</span> since ${he} is tired of being one of the tallest in arcology.`); + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPetiteAdmiration") && leader.height >= 170 && leader.fetish === "dom") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Petite Admiration,</span> since it is far easier to dominate someone much smaller than oneself.`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSIncestFetishist")) { + const lover = V.slaves.find(function(s) { return s.ID === leader.relationshipTarget && areRelated(s, leader) && s.assignment === "live with your agent"; }); + if ((leader.behavioralQuirk === "sinful" || leader.sexualQuirk === "perverted") && lover && V.seeIncest === 1) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Incest Festishism,</span> to share the love and joy ${he} holds with ${his} ${relativeTerm(leader, lover)}.`); + arc.FSIncestFetishist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist") && leader.behavioralFlaw === "devout") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Chattel Religionism,</span> to share and spread ${his} deeply held beliefs about the holiness of sexual service.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist") && leader.behavioralQuirk === "sinful") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Chattel Religionism,</span> since ${he}'s excited by the prospect of getting away with horrible sins against old religions in public.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = 5; + return; + } + if (validFSes.includes("FSEgyptianRevivalist") && leader.relationshipTarget !== 0) { + const lover = getSlave(leader.relationshipTarget); + if (lover && areRelated(leader, lover)) { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Egyptian Revivalism,</span> since ${he}'s already part of a gloriously incestuous relationship.`); + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSChineseRevivalist") && leader.nationality === "Chinese") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Chinese Revivalism,</span> since ${he}'s Chinese ${himself} and can claim high honor in such a society.`); + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSEdoRevivalist") && leader.nationality === "Japanese") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Edo Revivalism,</span> since ${he}'s Japanese ${himself} and can claim high honor in such a society.`); + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSAztecRevivalist") && leader.nationality === "Mexican") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Aztec Revivalism,</span> since ${he}'s Mexican ${himself} and can claim high honor in such a society.`); + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist") && leader.nationality === "German") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Neo-Imperialism,</span> since ${he}'s German ${himself} and can easily cement ${his} rule with Imperial directives in your name.`); + arc.FSNeoImperialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist") && leader.nationality === "French") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Neo-Imperialism,</span> since ${he}'s French ${himself} and can easily cement ${his} rule with Imperial directives in your name.`); + arc.FSNeoImperialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist") && leader.nationality === "Spanish") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Neo-Imperialism,</span> since ${he}'s Spanish ${himself} and can easily cement ${his} rule with Imperial directives in your name.`); + arc.FSNeoImperialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist") && leader.nationality === "English") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Neo-Imperialism,</span> since ${he}'s English ${himself} and can easily cement ${his} rule with Imperial directives in your name.`); + arc.FSNeoImperialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSRomanRevivalist") && leader.behavioralQuirk === "confident") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Roman Revivalism,</span> since it appeals to ${his} confident, patrician nature.`); + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSArabianRevivalist") && leader.fetish === "dom") { + r.push(`Your agent <span class="pink">leader.slaveName</span> successfully pushes it to <span class="yellow">adopt Arabian Revivalism,</span> since ${he}'s sexually dominant and quite likes the idea of overseeing slave bazaars.`); + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } + + /* CROSS-FS ADOPTION*/ + if (arc.FSSubjugationist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's racial Subjugationist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Degradationism.</span>`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + } else if ((validFSes.includes("FSAztecRevivalist") && validFSes.includes("FSEgyptianRevivalist"))) { + if (random(0, 1) === 0) { + r.push(`The arcology's racial Subjugationist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Egyptian Revivalism,</span> since the Ancient Egyptians are famous for keeping a race of slaves.`); + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5; + return; + } else { + r.push(`The arcology's racial Supremacist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Aztec Revivalism,</span> since the enslavement and sacrifice of slaves was fundamental to the culture.`); + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } + } + if (arc.FSRestart > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's elitist, eugenicist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Neo-Imperialism,</span> since the societal elite view themselves as the only appropriate rulers of their society.`); + arc.FSNeoImperialist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSSupremacist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's racial Supremacist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism.</span>`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } else if ((validFSes.includes("FSEdoRevivalist") && validFSes.includes("FSChineseRevivalist") && (arc.FSSupremacistRace === "asian"))) { + if (random(0, 1) === 0) { + r.push(`The arcology's racial Supremacist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Edo Revivalism,</span> since the beauty and grace of the Japanese people are watchwords there.`); + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = 5; + return; + } else { + r.push(`The arcology's racial Supremacist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Chinese Revivalism,</span> since the wisdom of the Middle Kingdom is admired there.`); + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } + } + if (arc.FSRepopulationFocus > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Repopulationist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,</span> since big pregnant bellies go great with huge tits and asses.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSGenderFundamentalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Repopulationist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Gender Fundamentalism,</span> since traditional women make better mothers.`); + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPetiteAdmiration")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Repopulationist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Petite Admiration,</span> since shorter women tend to have an easier time with childbirth.`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSRestart > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's elite focused culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Degradationism,</span> since its lowest class deserves nothing but misery.`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSSlaveProfessionalism")) { + r.push(`The arcology's elite focused culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Slave Professionalism,</span> since the highest class deserve nothing less than the best slaves.`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence")) { + r.push(`The arcology's wide range of imports <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Decadent Hedonism,</span> since it has access to so many undiscovered pleasures.`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSGenderRadicalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Gender Radicalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Transformation Fetishism,</span> since surgery can turn a slave into anything.`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Gender Radicalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Slimness Enthusiasm,</span> since that's the kind of body many of its slaves have.`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSCummunism")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Gender Radicalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Cummunism,</span> since many of its slaves are capable of giving cum.`); + arc.FSCummunism = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSGenderFundamentalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPastoralist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Gender Fundamentalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Pastoralism,</span> since its pregnant slaves are already giving milk.`); + arc.FSPastoralist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSIntellectualDependency")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Gender Fundamentalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Intellectual Dependency,</span> since women don't need to think to serve men.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Gender Fundamentalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Youth Preferentialism,</span> since younger slaves are beautiful and fertile.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSPaternalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Paternalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,</span> since many of its slaves are already worshipful.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Paternalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Body Purism,</span> since giving slaves dangerous drugs is hardly good for them.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSRomanRevivalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Paternalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Roman Revivalism,</span> since loyal service to the res publica bears similarity to their existing mores.`); + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSDegradationist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Degradationist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Transformation Fetishism,</span> the ultimate expression of power over slave bodies.`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSGenderRadicalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Degradationist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Gender Radicalism,</span> since the joy of forcing a gender role on a slave is already popular.`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSIntellectualDependency > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Intellectual Dependency culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Transformation Fetishism,</span> to give its bimbos a body most fitting.`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Intellectual Dependency culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Youth Preferentialism,</span> since the young have more energy to party.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Intellectual Dependency culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Decadent Hedonism,</span> since base instinct already rules slaves' lives.`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Intellectual Dependency culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Repopulationism,</span> since there has been an epidemic of unplanned pregnancies among the slave population.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSMaturityPreferentialist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Slave Professionalism culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Maturity Preferentialist,</span> since with age comes experience.`); + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Slave Professionalism culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> since happy slaves are much more willing to be molded in to shape.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Slave Professionalism culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Physical Idealism,</span> since a fitting body is required to house the perfect mind.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Slave Professionalism culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,</span> since skilled service is already a part of a slave's daily life.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSBodyPurist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Body Purist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Physical Idealism,</span> since it already takes an intense interest in bodily perfection.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Body Purist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> since it's become obvious that happiness is a necessary part of wellness.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSTransformationFetishist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Transformation Fetishist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,</span> since it's already overrun with massive tits and asses.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Transformation Fetishist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Degradationism,</span> since it's already used to slaves whining about their latest surgeries.`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSYouthPreferentialist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Youth Preferentialist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Slimness Enthusiasm,</span> since that's the kind of body many of its slaves have.`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Youth Preferentialist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Repopulationism,</span> since many of its slaves are deliciously ripe for breeding.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Maturity Preferentialist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,</span> since that's the kind of body many of its slaves have.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Maturity Preferentialist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> since its many older slaves have skills best applied by a happy woman.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSPetiteAdmiration > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Petite Admiration culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Asset Expansionist,</span> since a ${girlU} with tits wider than ${heU} is tall attracts quite some attention.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Petite Admiration culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> since such tiny ${girlU}s need extra special attention.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSIncestFetishist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Petite Admiration culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Incest Fetishism,</span> since age play often goes hand-in-hand with size play.`); + arc.FSIncestFetishist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Statuesque Glorification culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Physical Idealism,</span> since being ripped complements being tall.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Statuesque Glorification culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Degradationism,</span> since those that don't measure up deserve only suffering.`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Slimness Enthusiast culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Youth Preferentialism,</span> since younger slaves are often attractively slim.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Slimness Enthusiast culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Body Purism,</span> since the last thing they want is prettily slender girls with health trouble.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSAssetExpansionist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSMaturityPreferentialist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Asset Expansionist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Maturity Preferentialism,</span> since MILF slaves tend to come with nice big tits.`); + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Asset Expansionist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Body Purism,</span> since slaves on curatives are slaves not on growth hormones.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPetiteAdmiration") && validFSes.includes("FSStatuesqueGlorification")) { + if (random(0, 1) === 1) { + r.push(`The arcology's Asset Expansionist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Petite Admiration,</span> since the smaller a slave's body is, the bigger their breasts will look.`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration = 5; + return; + } else { + r.push(`The arcology's Asset Expansionist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Statuesque Glorification,</span> as the love of all things huge is rather indiscriminate.`); + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5; + return; + } + } + } + if (arc.FSPastoralist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Pastoralist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Body Purism,</span> since there have been concerns about milk purity.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Pastoralist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,</span> since they're convinced that there's no such thing as udders that are too big.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Pastoralist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Repopulationism,</span> since pregnancy stimulates milk flow.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSCummunism > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Cummunist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Physical Idealism,</span> since big balls and huge loads go hand in hand with masculine muscles.`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Cummunist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,</span> since they're convinced that there's no such thing as balls that are too big.`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Cummunist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Body Purism,</span> since there have been concerns about cum purity.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSHedonisticDecadence > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPastoralist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Hedonistic culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Pastoralism,</span> since nothing beats a nice glass of fresh squeezed milk with your cake.`); + arc.FSPastoralist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSIntellectualDependency")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Hedonistic culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Intellectual Dependency,</span> since higher thought is unneeded when you have everything you want.`); + arc.FSIntellectualDependency = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Hedonistic culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> since happiness is infectious.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } + } else if (arc.FSPhysicalIdealist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Physical Idealist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Body Purism,</span> since it's already used to treating slaves' bodies as temples.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Physical Idealist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Youth Preferentialism,</span> since beauty and athletic prowess do tend to peak early.`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSStatuesqueGlorification")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Physical Idealist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Statuesque Glorification,</span> to better emulate the titans of legend.`); + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSCummunism")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Physical Idealist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Cummunism,</span> since muscular, testosterone filled slaves make admirable cumshots.`); + arc.FSCummunism = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSIncestFetishist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Repopulationism,</span> in order to create many new future loving couples.`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Body Purism,</span> in order to keep its bloodlines pure.`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> as healthy slaves live longer allowing relationships to span generations.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSEgyptianRevivalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Egyptian Revivalism,</span> as they naturally seek even more incestuous fun.`); + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSChattelReligionist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Chattel Religionist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> since charitable care for slaves' welfare has become widespread.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSArabianRevivalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Chattel Religionist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Arabian Revivalism,</span> since such an intermingling of slavery and faith fascinates them.`); + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSRomanRevivalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Roman Revivalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> since some Roman slaves were traditionally permitted limited rights.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSNeoImperialist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSRestart")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Neo-Imperialist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Eugenics,</span> since their hegemonic, noble culture naturally views itself as genetically superior to the unwashed masses.`); + arc.FSRestart = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSAztecRevivalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Aztec Revivalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Degradation,</span> since most Aztec war slaves were tortured and sacrificed.`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Egyptian Revivalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,</span> since worship is already becoming an established part of its life.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = 5; + return; + } else if (validFSes.includes("FSIncestFetishist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Egyptian Revivalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Incest Fetishism,</span> since more incest is only a good thing in its eyes.`); + arc.FSIncestFetishist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSEdoRevivalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Edo Revivalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Slimness Enthusiasm,</span> since slim and elegant slaves are already fashionable there.`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSArabianRevivalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Arabian Revivalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,</span> since the word of God is already a matter of daily significance there.`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = 5; + return; + } + } + if (arc.FSChineseRevivalist > random(50, 200)) { + if (validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")) { + r.push(`The arcology's Chinese Revivalist culture <span class="yellow">pushes it towards Paternalism,</span> since traditional beliefs about duty and order have become accepted.`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + } + } + + + /* NEIGHBOR ADOPTION*/ + for (let j = 0; j < V.arcologies.length; j++) { + const arc2 = V.arcologies[j]; + if (arc.direction !== arc2.direction) { + let influenceBonus = 0; + if (arc.direction === arc2.influenceTarget) { + r.push(`${arc2.name}'s directed cultural influence gives it some input over ${arc.name}'s choice of direction.`); + influenceBonus = 20; + } + + const opinion = App.Neighbor.opinion(i, j); + if (opinion >= 50) { + r.push(`${arc.name} is aligned with ${arc2.name} socially, encouraging it to consider adopting all its cultural values.`); + influenceBonus += opinion - 50; + } else if (opinion <= -50) { + r.push(`${arc.name} is culturally opposed to ${arc2.name}, encouraging it to resist adopting its cultural values.`); + influenceBonus += opinion + 50; + } + + for (const candidate of validFSes) { + if (candidate === "FSSubjugationist") { + if ((arc.FSSupremacist === "unset") || (arc.FSSupremacistRace !== arc2.FSSubjugationistRace)) { + if (arc2.FSSubjugationist > random(0, 200) - influenceBonus) { + r.push(`It <span class="yellow">adopts ${arc2.FSSubjugationistRace} Subjugation</span> due to influence from its trading partner ${arc2.name}.`); + arc.FSSubjugationist = 5; + arc.FSSubjugationistRace = arc2.FSSubjugationistRace; + return; + } + } + } else if (candidate === "FSSupremacist") { + if ((arc.FSSubjugationist === "unset") || (arc.FSSubjugationistRace !== arc2.FSSupremacistRace)) { + if (arc2.FSSupremacist > random(0, 200) - influenceBonus) { + r.push(`It <span class="yellow">adopts ${arc2.FSSupremacistRace} Supremacy</span> due to influence from its trading partner ${arc2.name}.`); + arc.FSSupremacist = 5; + arc.FSSupremacistRace = arc2.FSSupremacistRace; + return; + } + } + } else { + if (arc2[candidate] > random(0, 200) - influenceBonus) { + r.push(`It <span class="yellow">adopts ${FutureSocieties.displayName(candidate)}</span> due to influence from its trading partner ${arc2.name}.`); + arc[candidate] = 5; + return; + } + } + } + } + } + + /* RANDOM ADOPTION*/ + if (random(0, 4) === 1) { + switch (arc.government) { + case "elected officials": + desc = "Its elected leaders are"; + break; + case "a committee": + desc = "A majority of its ruling committee is"; + break; + case "an oligarchy": + case "your trustees": + desc = "Its leading citizens are"; + break; + case "an individual": + desc = "Its owner is"; + break; + case "your agent": + desc = "Your agent and its citizens are"; + break; + case "a corporation": + desc = "Most of its board of directors are"; + break; + default: + desc = "Its citizens are"; + } + let subjugationRace; + let supremacistRace; + switch (validFSes.random()) { + case "FSSubjugationist": + subjugationRace = setup.filterRacesLowercase.random(); + if ((arc.FSSupremacist === "unset") || (subjugationRace !== arc.FSSupremacistRace)) { + r.push(`${desc} preoccupied by a racial animus towards ${subjugationRace} people, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt ${subjugationRace} Subjugation.</span>`); + arc.FSSubjugationist = 5; + arc.FSSubjugationistRace = subjugationRace; + return; + } + break; + case "FSSupremacist": + supremacistRace = setup.filterRacesLowercase.random(); + if ((arc.FSSubjugationist === "unset") || (supremacistRace !== arc.FSSubjugationistRace)) { + r.push(`${desc} preoccupied by belief in the superiority of the ${supremacistRace} race, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt ${supremacistRace} Supremacy.</span>`); + arc.FSSupremacist = 5; + arc.FSSupremacistRace = supremacistRace; + return; + } + break; + case "FSGenderRadicalist": + r.push(`${desc} enthusiastic about fucking slaves in the butt, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Gender Radicalism.</span>`); + arc.FSGenderRadicalist = 5; + return; + case "FSGenderFundamentalist": + r.push(`${desc} enthusiastic about knocking slaves up, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Gender Fundamentalism.</span>`); + arc.FSGenderFundamentalist = 5; + return; + case "FSPaternalist": + r.push(`${desc} devoted to their slaves' advancement, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Paternalism.</span>`); + arc.FSPaternalist = 5; + return; + case "FSDegradationist": + r.push(`${desc} partial to screaming and struggling, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Degradationism.</span>`); + arc.FSDegradationist = 5; + return; + case "FSBodyPurist": + r.push(`${desc} concerned by trends in their slaves' health, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Body Purism.</span>`); + arc.FSBodyPurist = 5; + return; + case "FSTransformationFetishist": + r.push(`${desc} fascinated with extreme surgery, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Transformation Fetishism.</span>`); + arc.FSTransformationFetishist = 5; + return; + case "FSYouthPreferentialist": + r.push(`${desc} devoted to fucking nubile young slaves, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Youth Preferentialism.</span>`); + arc.FSYouthPreferentialist = 5; + return; + case "FSMaturityPreferentialist": + r.push(`${desc} devoted to time in bed with their MILF slaves, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Maturity Preferentialism.</span>`); + arc.FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5; + return; + case "FSSlimnessEnthusiast": + r.push(`${desc} partial to a slim slave with tight holes, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Slimness Enthusiasm.</span>`); + arc.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5; + return; + case "FSAssetExpansionist": + r.push(`${desc} enthusiastic about boobs, the bigger, the better, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Asset Expansionism.</span>`); + arc.FSAssetExpansionist = 5; + return; + case "FSPastoralist": + r.push(`${desc} addicted to breast milk straight from the nipple, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Pastoralism.</span>`); + arc.FSPastoralist = 5; + return; + case "FSPhysicalIdealist": + r.push(`${desc} pretty devoted to spending time in the gym, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Physical Idealism.</span>`); + arc.FSPhysicalIdealist = 5; + return; + case "FSChattelReligionist": + r.push(`${desc} devoutly religious, and interested in a reformation, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Chattel Religionism.</span>`); + arc.FSChattelReligionist = 5; + return; + case "FSRomanRevivalist": + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by classical Roman history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Roman Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSRomanRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "FSAztecRevivalist": + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by ancient Aztec history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Aztec Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSAztecRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "FSEgyptianRevivalist": + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by ancient Egyptian history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Egyptian Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "FSEdoRevivalist": + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by Japanese history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Edo Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSEdoRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "FSArabianRevivalist": + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by Arabian romanticism, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Arabian Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSArabianRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "FSChineseRevivalist": + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by the long tale of Chinese history, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Chinese Revivalism.</span>`); + arc.FSChineseRevivalist = 5; + return; + case "FSRepopulationFocus": + r.push(`${desc} concerned for the future, and partial to watching bellies swell, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Repopulation Efforts.</span>`); + arc.FSRepopulationFocus = 5; + return; + case "FSRestart": + r.push(`${desc} concerned for the future, and believing their elite could do a better job, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Eugenics.</span>`); + arc.FSRestart = 5; + return; + case "FSHedonisticDecadence": + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with indulging their every desire, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Decadent Hedonism.</span>`); + arc.FSHedonisticDecadence = 5; + return; + case "FSCummunism": + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with cum, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Cummunism.</span>`); + arc.FSCummunism = 5; + return; + case "FSIncestFetishist": + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with their relatives, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Incest Fetishism.</span>`); + arc.FSIncestFetishist = 5; + return; + case "FSIntellectualDependency": + r.push(`${desc} partial to airheaded horny bimbos, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Intellectual Dependency.</span>`); + arc.FSIntellectualDependency = 5; + return; + case "FSSlaveProfessionalism": + r.push(`${desc} obsessed with crafting the perfect slave, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Slave Professionalism.</span>`); + arc.FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5; + return; + case "FSPetiteAdmiration": + r.push(`${desc} enamored by those shorter than them, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Petite Admiration.</span>`); + arc.FSPetiteAdmiration = 5; + return; + case "FSStatuesqueGlorification": + r.push(`${desc} convinced that tall equals beauty, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Statuesque Glorification.</span>`); + arc.FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5; + return; + case "FSNeoImperialist": + r.push(`${desc} fascinated by the long rule of ancient European monarchs, leading the arcology to <span class="yellow">adopt Neo-Imperialism.</span>`); + arc.FSNeoImperialist = 5; + return; + } + } + + r.push(`Its future is bitterly controversial, and no side is predominant this week. The dissension reduces the arcology's prosperity.`); + arc.prosperity -= 1; + } + } +}; diff --git a/src/uncategorized/economics.tw b/src/uncategorized/economics.tw index 5b1bcdbb510c9fcac94c0b59a81c69a43e61bca3..e108f2ea75093c15f67462e7f9176fc541884f84 100644 --- a/src/uncategorized/economics.tw +++ b/src/uncategorized/economics.tw @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ <br><br> <<if $useTabs == 0>> - <<include "Neighbors Development">> - <br> + <<includeDOM App.EndWeek.neighborsDevelopment()>> <<includeDOM App.EndWeek.arcmgmt()>> <<if $FSAnnounced > 0>> @@ -69,7 +68,7 @@ <div id="Arcologies" class="tab-content"> <div class="content"> - <<include "Neighbors Development">> + <<includeDOM App.EndWeek.neighborsDevelopment()>> </div> </div> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/neighborsDevelopment.tw b/src/uncategorized/neighborsDevelopment.tw deleted file mode 100644 index 9f03d22f9fe077245b2440409d747d1bb1abcde5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/src/uncategorized/neighborsDevelopment.tw +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1909 +0,0 @@ -:: Neighbors Development [nobr] - -<<set $averageProsperity = 0, _agentBonus = 0>> -<<for $i = 0; $i < $arcologies.length; $i++>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].prosperity < 10>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity = 10>> - <</if>> - <<set $averageProsperity += $arcologies[$i].prosperity>> -<</for>> -<<set $averageProsperity = $averageProsperity/$arcologies.length>> - -<<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<set _corpBonus = Math.trunc(1000 * Math.pow(App.Corporate.value, 0.1))>> -<</if>> - -<<if $useTabs == 0>>__Arcologies in the Free City__<</if>> - -<<for $i = 0; $i < $arcologies.length; $i++>> - -<br> -'' $arcologies[$i].name'', your <<if $arcologies[$i].direction == 0>>arcology<<else>>neighbor to the $arcologies[$i].direction<</if>>, - -/* PROSPERITY */ - -<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<switch $arcologies[$i].government>> - <<case "elected officials">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += random(-1,1)>> - <<case "a corporation" "an oligarchy">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += random(-1,2)>> - <<case "a committee" "your trustees">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += random(0,2)>> - <<case "an individual">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += random(0,3)>> - <<case "your agent">> - <<set _agentBonus = agentBonus($i)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += random(0,3) + _agentBonus>> - <<default>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += random(-1,1)>> - <</switch>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].prosperity, 1, 300)>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].honeymoon > 0>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].honeymoon -= 1>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].government == "your agent">> - <<set _Agent = App.currentAgent($i)>> - <<setLocalPronouns _Agent>> - is being run by your agent @@.deeppink;<<= SlaveFullName(_Agent)>>.@@ - <<set _agentIndex = $slaveIndices[_Agent.ID]>> - <<if (def _agentIndex) && $slaves[_agentIndex].assignment != "be your agent">> - @@.red;BUG: $slaves[_agentIndex].slaveName also was <<print $slaves[_agentIndex].assignment>>!@@ - <<= assignJob($slaves[_agentIndex], "be your agent")>> - <</if>> - <<if _agentBonus > 0>>@@.green;$He does an excellent job this week.@@<</if>> - The arcology -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].government == "your trustees">> - is being run by @@.mediumseagreen;your trustees.@@ The arcology -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].direction == 0>> - <<set _error = 5>> -<<else>> - <<set _error = 10>> -<</if>> -<<set _error -= Math.min(2*$assistant.power, _error)>> -<<set _prosperity = (Math.trunc((0.1*$arcologies[$i].prosperity*random(100-_error,100+_error))/100))>> -has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_prosperity)>><<if $showNumbers != 2>><<if ($showNumbers == 1) && (_prosperity > $showNumbersMax)>>m<<else>> million<</if>><<else>>m<</if>>,@@ - -<<if ($arcologies[$i].rival == 1) && ($arcologies[$i].government != "an individual")>> - but it is undergoing some internal turmoil. @@.red;Resentment that has been quietly building among the arcology's elite turns into open rebellion!@@ - <<if $arcologies[$i].PCminority > 0>> - @@.red;Your ownership interest in $arcologies[$i].name has been annulled!@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].PCminority = 0>> - <</if>> - @@.yellow;After a brief power struggle, it undergoes a change of government.@@ - <<if (def _agentIndex) && _agentIndex != -1>> - <<setLocalPronouns $slaves[_agentIndex]>> - @@.deeppink;$slaves[_agentIndex].slaveName@@ manages to escape with the help of a few loyal citizens and returns to you @@.gold;fearing your displeasure at $his failure.@@ - <<set $slaves[_agentIndex].trust -= 40>> - <<= assignJob($slaves[_agentIndex], "rest")>> /* this takes care of necessary cleanup for agent and agent companion (if any) */ - <</if>> - A controlling interest has been taken by a single individual, leaving the arcology ruled like yours is. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "an individual">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = random(51,61), $arcologies[$i].minority = 100 - $arcologies[$i].ownership - random(1,19), $arcologies[$i].honeymoon += 10>> -<<elseif ($arcologies[$i].government != "your trustees") && ($arcologies[$i].government != "your agent") && ($arcologies[$i].ownership < $arcologies[$i].PCminority) && ($arcologies[$i].direction != 0) && ($arcologies[$i].rival != 1)>> - undergoing a leadership struggle in which you are deeply concerned, since you now own more of it than its current leadership. - <<if random(0,10) < $arcologies[$i].PCminority - $arcologies[$i].ownership>> - @@.yellow;You successfully execute a hostile takeover and now control the arcology.@@ Trustees from among its leading citizens will exercise local control at your direction until you make other arrangements. - <<set $arcologies[$i].honeymoon += 10>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = 0>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "your trustees">> - <<else>> - The current leadership has not yet exhausted its legalistic recourses, and retains control for the moment, causing considerable disruption. - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= 3>> - <</if>> -<<elseif ($arcologies[$i].ownership == 0) && ($arcologies[$i].PCminority > 0) && ($arcologies[$i].minority > $arcologies[$i].PCminority)>> - undergoing a leadership struggle in which you are deeply concerned, since your ownership share has diminished to a dangerously low point. - <<if random(0,10) < $arcologies[$i].minority - $arcologies[$i].PCminority>> - @@.yellow;It undergoes a change of government.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].honeymoon += 10>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = $arcologies[$i].minority>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = 0>> - <<switch $arcologies[$i].government>> - <<case "your trustees">> - <<if random(0,2) == 0>> - Its leading citizens form a corporation to run the arcology more efficiently. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "a corporation">> - <<else>> - A power struggle is won by a single individual, leaving the arcology ruled like yours is. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "an individual">> - <</if>> - <<default>> - <<if random(0,2) == 0>> - The failed individual who led it is run out and replaced by direct democracy. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "direct democracy">> - <<else>> - The failed individual who led it is bought out by a corporation. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "a corporation">> - <</if>> - <</switch>> - <<else>> - The arcology is paralyzed by dissension over how to respond. - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= 3>> - <</if>> -<<elseif ($arcologies[$i].ownership != 0) && (($arcologies[$i].ownership < $arcologies[$i].minority) || ($arcologies[$i].ownership < 10)) && ($arcologies[$i].direction != 0) && ($arcologies[$i].rival != 1)>> - undergoing a leadership struggle, since its current government owns less of it than its largest rival for control. - <<if random(0,10) < $arcologies[$i].minority - $arcologies[$i].ownership>> - @@.yellow;It undergoes a change of government.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].honeymoon += 10>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = $arcologies[$i].minority>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = 0>> - <<switch $arcologies[$i].government>> - <<case "elected officials">> - <<if random(0,2) == 0>> - Its elected officials surrender power to a small group of leading citizens. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "an oligarchy">> - <<else>> - Its elected officials are forced to give way to a committee of public safety. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "a committee">> - <</if>> - <<case "a committee">> - <<if random(0,2) == 0>> - Its ruling committee forms it into a corporation in the hope this will spur growth. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "a corporation">> - <<else>> - A power struggle within its ruling committee leaves only a few leading citizens in power. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "an oligarchy">> - <</if>> - <<case "an oligarchy">> - <<if random(0,2) == 0>> - Its leading citizens form a corporation to run the arcology more efficiently. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "a corporation">> - <<else>> - A power struggle is won by a single individual, leaving the arcology ruled like yours is. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "an individual">> - <</if>> - <<case "an individual">> - <<if random(0,2) == 0>> - The failed individual who led it is run out and replaced by direct democracy. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "direct democracy">> - <<else>> - The failed individual who led it is bought out by a corporation. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "a corporation">> - <</if>> - <<case "a corporation">> - <<if random(0,2) == 0>> - A power struggle within the corporation that runs it is won by a single person. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "an individual">> - <<else>> - The corporation that runs it collapses and is replaced by an oligarchy of rich shareholders. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "an oligarchy">> - <</if>> - <<default>> - Its direct democracy votes to empower some elected officials in the hope they can lead the arcology out of its problems. - <<set $arcologies[$i].government = "elected officials">> - <</switch>> - <<set _desc = FutureSocieties.decay($i).map((fs) => FutureSocieties.displayName(fs))>> - <<if _desc.length > 2>> - Its citizens take the opportunity to make radical social changes, @@.cyan;purging the <<= _desc.reduce((res, ch, i, arr) => res + (i === arr.length - 1 ? ' and ' : ', ') + ch)>>@@ favored by the old government. - <<elseif _desc.length == 2>> - Its citizens take the opportunity to make social changes, @@.cyan;discarding the _desc[0] and _desc[1]@@ favored by the old government. - <<elseif _desc.length == 1>> - Its citizens take the opportunity to make social change and @@.cyan;abandon the _desc[0]@@ favored by the old government. - <</if>> - <<else>> - The arcology is paralyzed by internal dissension over how to respond. - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= 3>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].prosperity >= 300>> - at the maximum possible prosperity. -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].prosperity > $averageProsperity + 10>> - much more prosperous than the rest of the Free City, limiting its economic development. - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= 1>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].prosperity >= $averageProsperity - 10>> - about as prosperous as the rest of the Free City. -<<else>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].honeymoon > 0)>> - far behind the rest of the Free City, making it a good investment and spurring its economic development. It remains in the @@.lightgreen;honeymoon period@@ after its recent change of government, suppressing dissension and further encouraging growth. - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += 2>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].ownership != 0) && ($arcologies[$i].ownership < 40)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership += 1>> - <</if>> - <<else>> - not as prosperous as the rest of the Free City, spurring its economic development. - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += 1>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -/* NATURAL CHANGES TO MINORITY SHARE */ -<<if ($arcologies[$i].government == "your agent") || ($arcologies[$i].government == "your trustees")>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = 0>> -<</if>> -<<set _owned = $arcologies[$i].minority+$arcologies[$i].ownership+$arcologies[$i].PCminority>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].minority < 10>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = 0>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].minority < $arcologies[$i].PCminority>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = 0>> -<<elseif _owned >= 95>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority -= random(3,5)>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].minority > (100 - _owned)*5>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority -= random(3,5)>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].minority < (100 - _owned)*4>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].minority < 10>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].ownership + $arcologies[$i].PCminority <= 90>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = 10>> - <</if>> - <<else>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].ownership + $arcologies[$i].PCminority <= 98>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].prosperity < random(0,300)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority += random(0,2)>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - -/* AI ARCOLOGY SHARE BUYING AND SELLING */ -<<set _economicUncertainty = App.Utils.economicUncertainty($i)>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].government != "your agent">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].government != "your trustees">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].minority + $arcologies[$i].ownership + $arcologies[$i].PCminority < 100>> - <<set _prosperityDiff = $arcologies[$i].prosperity-$averageProsperity>> - <<if _prosperityDiff > random(-10,50)>> - Its leadership acquires an increased share of its ownership. - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership += 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= 5>> - This places its government in control of approximately @@.orange;<<print Math.trunc($arcologies[$i].ownership*_economicUncertainty)>>%@@ of the arcology<<if $arcologies[$i].minority > 0>>, against its most prominent competition with a @@.tan;<<print Math.trunc($arcologies[$i].minority*_economicUncertainty)>>%@@ share<</if>>. - <<elseif _prosperityDiff < random(-50,10)>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].ownership > 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].rival != 1 || ($arcologies[$i].rival == 1 && $arcologies[$i].ownership > 51 && random(1,2) == 1)>> - Its leadership sells off some of its ownership to stay afloat. - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership -= 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity += 5>> - This leaves its government in control of approximately @@.orange;<<print Math.trunc($arcologies[$i].ownership*_economicUncertainty)>>%@@ of the arcology<<if $arcologies[$i].minority > 0>>, against its most prominent competition, with a @@.tan;<<print Math.trunc($arcologies[$i].minority*_economicUncertainty)>>%@@ share<</if>>. - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].minority+$arcologies[$i].ownership > 100>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = 100-$arcologies[$i].ownership>> - <</if>> - <<else>> - <<if (($arcologies[$i].ownership + $arcologies[$i].PCminority) >= 99) && ($arcologies[$i].rival != 1)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = 98 - $arcologies[$i].PCminority>> - <<else>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = Math.clamp(98 - $arcologies[$i].ownership - $arcologies[$i].PCminority, 0, 98)>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -/* AI ARCOLOGY RENTS TO PC */ - -<<if $arcologies[$i].PCminority > 0>> - <<set _rents = ($arcologies[$i].prosperity*$arcologies[$i].PCminority*2)+random(1,100)>> - <<run cashX(_rents, "rents")>> - This week, you made @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_rents)>>@@ from your holdings in this arcology. -<</if>> - -/* CYBER ECONOMIC WARFARE */ -<<if $arcologies[$i].direction == $arcologies[0].CyberEconomicTarget>> - <<if $PC.skill.hacking == -100>> - <<set _Catchchance = 10>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= -75>> - <<set _Catchchance = 30>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= -50>> - <<set _Catchchance = 40>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= -25>> - <<set _Catchchance = 45>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking == 0>> - <<set _Catchchance = 50>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= 25>> - <<set _Catchchance = 60>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= 50>> - <<set _Catchchance = 70>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= 75>> - <<set _Catchchance = 85>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking >= 100>> - <<set _Catchchance = 100>> - <</if>> - <<set _weekModifier = Math.max(1, (100-($week*2)))>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= $arcologies[0].CyberEconomic*2, _WarSpoils = Math.ceil(10+Math.max(((100/_weekModifier)*$arcologies[$i].prosperity*$arcologies[0].CyberEconomic),0))>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].prosperity, 1, $AProsperityCap)>> - <<if random(0,100) >= _Catchchance-(10*$arcologies[0].CyberEconomic)>> - <<set $arcologies[0].prosperity -= $arcologies[0].CyberEconomic*3, _redHanded = 1>> - <<run repX(forceNeg(random(100,200)), "war")>> - <<if $secExpEnabled > 0>> - <<set $SecExp.core.authority -= random(100,500)*$arcologies[0].CyberEconomic, $SecExp.core.crimeLow += random(10,25)>> - <</if>> - <<set $arcologies[0].prosperity = Math.clamp($arcologies[0].prosperity, 1, $AProsperityCap)>> - <</if>> - You target $arcologies[$i].name for @@.yellow;digital economic warfare,@@ successfully raiding its coffers for @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_WarSpoils)>>@@ this week. - <<run cashX(_WarSpoils, "war")>> - <<if _redHanded == 1>> - A successful trace back to your arcology has exposed your actions, @@.red;damaging your reputation@@ and @@.red;scaring away potential investors.@@ - <<if $secExpEnabled > 0>> - To add insult to injury, @@.red;your authority has been weakened@@ and your actions have painted your arcology as a @@.red;haven for crime.@@ - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].direction == $arcologies[0].CyberReputationTarget>> /* REPUTATION WARFARE */ - <<if $PC.skill.hacking == -100>> - <<set _Catchchance = 10>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= -75>> - <<set _Catchchance = 30>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= -50>> - <<set _Catchchance = 40>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= -25>> - <<set _Catchchance = 45>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking == 0>> - <<set _Catchchance = 50>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= 25>> - <<set _Catchchance = 60>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= 50>> - <<set _Catchchance = 70>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking <= 75>> - <<set _Catchchance = 85>> - <<elseif $PC.skill.hacking >= 100>> - <<set _Catchchance = 100>> - <</if>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= $arcologies[0].CyberReputation>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].rival != 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership -= $arcologies[0].CyberReputation>> - <</if>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].prosperity, 1, 300)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].ownership, 0, 100)>> - <<if random(0,100) >= _Catchchance-(10*$arcologies[0].CyberReputation)>> - <<set $arcologies[0].prosperity -= $arcologies[0].CyberReputation*3, _redHanded = 1>> - <<run repX(forceNeg(random(100,200)), "war")>> - <<if $secExpEnabled > 0>> - <<set $SecExp.core.authority -= random(100,500)*$arcologies[0].CyberReputation, $SecExp.core.crimeLow += random(10,25)>> - <</if>> - <<set $arcologies[0].prosperity = Math.clamp($arcologies[0].prosperity, 1, 300)>> - <</if>> - You target $arcologies[$i].name's leadership for @@.yellow;character assassination@@ in an attempt to destabilize the arcology. - <<if _redHanded == 1>> - A successful trace back to your arcology has exposed your actions, @@.red;damaging your reputation@@ and @@.red;scaring away potential investors.@@ - <<if $secExpEnabled > 0>> - To add insult to injury, @@.red;your authority has been weakened@@ and your actions have painted your arcology as a @@.red;haven for crime.@@ - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - - -/* AI ARCOLOGY RENAMING */ -<<for $j = 0; $j < $arcologies.length; $j++>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != $arcologies[$j].direction>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].name == $arcologies[$j].name>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = "Arcology X-"+($i < 4 ? $i : $i + 1)>> /* X-4 is reserved for player's arcology, so X-1 is available */ - It resumes its original name, '' $arcologies[$i].name'', since the arcology to the $arcologies[$i].direction of yours is also named $arcologies[$j].name. - <<break>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</for>> - -<</if>> - -/* ECONOMIC WARFARE */ - -<<for $j = 0; $j < $arcologies.length; $j++>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction == $arcologies[$j].embargoTarget>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= $arcologies[$j].embargo*2>> - <<if $arcologies[$j].direction != 0>> - <<set $arcologies[$j].prosperity -= $arcologies[$j].embargo*2>> - <</if>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].prosperity, 1, 300)>> - $arcologies[$j].name targets $arcologies[$i].name for @@.red;economic warfare.@@ - <</if>> -<</for>> - -/* FUTURE SOCIETY PROGRESS */ - -<<set _societiesAdopted = FutureSocieties.activeCount($i)>> -<<switch $arcologies[$i].government>> -<<case "elected officials">> - <<set _efficiency = random(-2,2)>> -<<case "a committee">> - <<set _efficiency = random(-1,2)>> -<<case "an oligarchy" "your trustees">> - <<set _efficiency = random(-1,3)>> -<<case "an individual">> - <<set _efficiency = random(-1,5)>> -<<case "your agent">> - <<set _efficiency = _agentBonus + random(-1,1)>> -<<case "a corporation">> - <<set _efficiency = random(1,2)>> -<<default>> - <<set _efficiency = random(-3,3)>> -<</switch>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].rival == 1>> - <<set _efficiency += random(0,2)>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<run FutureSocieties.applyBroadProgress($i, _efficiency)>> -<</if>> -<<set _passive = new App.Neighbor.PassiveFSInfluence($i)>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSSupremacist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Racial Supremacy for $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace people has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<switch $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace>> - <<case "white">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistWhite)>> - <<case "asian">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistAsian)>> - <<case "latina">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistLatina)>> - <<case "middle eastern">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMiddleEastern)>> - <<case "black">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistBlack)>> - <<case "indo-aryan">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistIndoAryan)>> - <<case "pacific islander">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistPacificIslander)>> - <<case "malay">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMalay)>> - <<case "amerindian">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistAmerindian)>> - <<case "southern european">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistSouthernEuropean)>> - <<case "semitic">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistSemitic)>> - <<default>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMixedRace)>> - <</switch>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace Supremacy. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if !$corp.SpecRaces.includes($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace)>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's racially inferior slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSSubjugationist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Racial Subjugationism of $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace people has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<switch $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace>> - <<case "white">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistWhite)>> - <<case "asian">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistAsian)>> - <<case "latina">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistLatina)>> - <<case "middle eastern">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMiddleEastern)>> - <<case "black">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistBlack)>> - <<case "indo-aryan">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistIndoAryan)>> - <<case "pacific islander">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistPacificIslander)>> - <<case "malay">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMalay)>> - <<case "amerindian">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistAmerindian)>> - <<case "southern european">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistSouthernEuropean)>> - <<case "semitic">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistSemitic)>> - <<default>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMixedRace)>> - <</switch>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace Subjugationism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecRaces.includes($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace)>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSRepopulationFocus")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Repopulationism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesRepopulationist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Repopulationism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecMilk > 0>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's milky cows, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecAge == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's youthful captures, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecInjection == 5>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's milky cows, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRestart != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSRestart")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRestart >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestartResearch = 1>> - Eugenics has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesEugenics)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRestart < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Eugenics. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRestart != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecBalls == -1>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's neutered slavegirls, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecSexEd == 2>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's well trained toys, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecIntelligence == 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's smarter captures, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSGenderRadicalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalistResearch = 1>> - Gender Radicalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesGenderRadicalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Gender Radicalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecHormones > 0>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's hormonally treated slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <<if $corp.SpecPussy == 1 && $corp.SpecDick == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's beautiful futanari, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecBalls == -1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's clipped buttsluts, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <<if ($corp.SpecGender == 2) || ($seeDicks == 100)>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's feminized slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSGenderFundamentalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Gender Fundamentalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesGenderFundamentalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Gender Fundamentalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if ($corp.SpecGender == 1) || ($seeDicks == 0)>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's enslaved females, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSPaternalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Paternalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesPaternalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Paternalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecTrust > 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's well-treated companions, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <<if $corp.SpecCosmetics == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's meticulously beautified ladies, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecEducation > 0>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's educated ladies, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSDegradationist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Degradationism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesDegradationist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Degradationism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecTrust < 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's thoroughly terrified slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <<if $corp.SpecIntelligence == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's idiotic sluts, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecAmputee == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's human sex toys, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSIntellectualDependency")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Intellectual Dependency has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesIntellectualDependency)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Intellectual Dependency. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecIntelligence == 1>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's idiotic sluts, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecEducation == 0>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's uneducated slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSSlaveProfessionalism")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalismResearch = 1>> - Slave Professionalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSlaveProfessionalism)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Slave Professionalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecIntelligence == 3>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's smarter captures, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <<if $corp.SpecEducation > 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's well educated ladies, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecEducation > 0>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's educated ladies, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <<if $corp.SpecSexEd == 2>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's well trained toys, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecAccent == 2>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's linguistically perfect slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSBodyPurist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Body Purism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesBodyPurist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Body Purism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecImplants == 0>> - <<if $corp.SpecAmputee != 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's implant-free slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSTransformationFetishist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1>> - Transformation Fetishism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesTransformationFetishist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Transformation Fetishism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecImplants == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's implanted slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecImplants == 2>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's absurdly implanted slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSYouthPreferentialist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Youth Preferentialism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<if $pedo_mode == 1 || $minimumSlaveAge < 6>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialistLow)>> - <<elseif $minimumSlaveAge < 14>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = either(setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialist, setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialistLow)>> - <<else>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialist)>> - <</if>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Youth Preferentialism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecAge == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's young slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSMaturityPreferentialist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Maturity Preferentialism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesMaturityPreferentialist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Maturity Preferentialism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecAge == 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's enslaved MILFs, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSPetiteAdmiration")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Petite Admiration has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesPetiteAdmiration)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Petite Admiration. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecHeight == 1>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's minuscule slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecHeight == 2>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's shorter captures, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSStatuesqueGlorification")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Statuesque Glorification has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesStatuesqueGlorification)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Statuesque Glorification. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecHeight == 5>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's gigantic slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecHeight == 4>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's taller captures, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Slimness Enthusiasm has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesSlimnessEnthusiast)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Slimness Enthusiasm. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecInjection < 2>> - <<if $corp.SpecWeight < 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's trim slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSAssetExpansionist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1>> - Asset Expansionism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesAssetExpansionist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Asset Expansionism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SPecInjection == 4>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's world-class tits and ass, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecInjection == 5>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's hugely endowed cows, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SPecInjection == 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's stacked slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSPastoralist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Pastoralism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesPastoralist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Pastoralism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecInjection == 5>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's world-class milk producers, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecMilk > 0>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's world-class milk producers, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSCummunism")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Cummunism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesCummunism)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Cummunism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecInjection == 5>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's world-class cum producers, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecHormones == 2>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's masculinized slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecDick == 1 && $corp.SpecBalls == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's slaves standard dicks and balls, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSPhysicalIdealist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Physical Idealism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesPhysicalIdealist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Physical Idealism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecMuscle == 5 >> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's ripped chicks, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecMuscle == 4>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's toned ladies, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecHeight > 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's tall ladies, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSHedonisticDecadence")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1>> - Decadent Hedonism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesHedonisticDecadence)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Decadent Hedonism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecTrust > 3>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's well kept, happy slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecSexEd == 2>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's skilled slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSIncestFetishist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Incest Fetishism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesIncestFetishist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Incest Fetishism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecAge == 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's motherly slaves, especially those that look like peoples mothers, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSChattelReligionist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Chattel Religionism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesChattelReligionist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Chattel Religionism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecSexEd == 2>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's holy sex slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecSexEd == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's aspiring sexual acolytes, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSRomanRevivalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Roman Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesRomanRevivalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Roman Revivalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecEducation > 0>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's properly educated slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSNeoImperialist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Neo-Imperialism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesNeoImperialist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Neo-Imperialism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecEducation > 0>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's properly educated slaves, improving sales and helping advocate for a hierarchical Imperial society. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSAztecRevivalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Aztec Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesAztecRevivalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Aztec Revivalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecAccent == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's lovely mix of slave accents, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSEgyptianRevivalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Egyptian Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesEgyptianRevivalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Egyptian Revivalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecAccent == 1>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's lovely mix of slave accents, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSEdoRevivalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Edo Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesEdoRevivalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Edo Revivalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecAccent == 2>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's linguistically perfect slaves, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSArabianRevivalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Arabian Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesArabianRevivalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Arabian Revivalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecDevotion == 5>> - It's an @@.lightgreen;excellent market@@ for your corporation's harem-ready devotees, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist += 2>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus*2, 'foreign')>> - <<elseif $corp.SpecDevotion == 4>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's properly broken girls, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<= _passive.output("FSChineseRevivalist")>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].name.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>> - Chinese Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed - <<set $arcologies[$i].name = App.Neighbor.getUnusedName(setup.ArcologyNamesChineseRevivalist)>> - '' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion. - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist < 0>> - $arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Chinese Revivalism. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = "unset">> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<if $corp.Incorporated == 1>> - <<if $corp.SpecIntelligence == 3>> - It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's intelligent Head Girl prospects, improving sales and helping social progress. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist += 1>> - <<run App.Corporate.earnRevenue(_corpBonus, 'foreign')>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<run FutureSocieties.overflowToInfluence($i)>> - -/* FUTURE SOCIETY ADOPTION */ - -<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if _societiesAdopted < $FSCreditCount>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].rival == 1) || (_societiesAdopted < ($arcologies[$i].prosperity/25)+($week/25)-3)>> - - <<include "Neighbors FS Adoption">> - - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> /* CLOSES FUTURE SOCIETY ADOPTION */ - -/* INFLUENCE RECEPTION */ - -<<for $j = 0; $j < $arcologies.length; $j++>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].direction != $arcologies[$i].direction>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].influenceTarget == $arcologies[$i].direction>> - -<<set $arcologies[$j].influenceBonus = Math.clamp($arcologies[$j].influenceBonus, 0, $FSLockinLevel)>> -<<set _appliedInfluenceBonus = Math.trunc($arcologies[$j].influenceBonus*0.1)>> -<<set $arcologies[$j].influenceBonus -= _appliedInfluenceBonus*2>> -<<if $policies.culturalOpenness == 1>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].direction == 0) || ($arcologies[$j].direction == 0)>> - <<set _appliedInfluenceBonus *= 2>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $policies.culturalOpenness == -1>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].direction == 0) || ($arcologies[$j].direction == 0)>> - <<set _appliedInfluenceBonus /= 2>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].ownership >= 100>> - <<set _appliedInfluenceBonus /= 2>> -<</if>> -<<set $desc = []>> -<<set _alignment = 0>> - -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationist > 60>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist != "unset")>> - <<if ($arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationistRace == $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its racially aligned Subjugationism")>> - <<else>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Subjugationism")>> - <</if>> - <<elseif ($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist != "unset") && ($arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationistRace == $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its opposing Supremacism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSSupremacist > 60>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist != "unset")>> - <<if ($arcologies[$j].FSSupremacistRace == $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSupremacist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its racially aligned Supremacism")>> - <<else>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSupremacist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Supremacism")>> - <</if>> - <<elseif ($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist != "unset") && ($arcologies[$j].FSSupremacistRace == $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSupremacist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its opposing Subjugationism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSRepopulationFocus > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRepopulationFocus-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Repopulationism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRestart != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRepopulationFocus-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Eugenics")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSRestart > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRestart != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRestart-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRestart > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Eugenics")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRestart-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Repopulation Efforts")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSGenderRadicalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSGenderRadicalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Gender Radicalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSGenderRadicalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Gender Fundamentalism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSGenderFundamentalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSGenderFundamentalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Gender Fundamentalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSGenderFundamentalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Gender Radicalism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSPaternalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSPaternalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Paternalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSPaternalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Degradationism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSDegradationist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSDegradationist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Degradationism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSDegradationist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Paternalism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSIntellectualDependency > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSIntellectualDependency-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Intellectual Dependency")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSIntellectualDependency-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Slave Professionalism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSSlaveProfessionalism > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSlaveProfessionalism-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Slave Professionalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSlaveProfessionalism-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Intellectual Dependency")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSBodyPurist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSBodyPurist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Body Purism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSBodyPurist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Transformation Fetishism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSTransformationFetishist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSTransformationFetishist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Transformation Fetishism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSTransformationFetishist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Body Purism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSYouthPreferentialist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSYouthPreferentialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Youth Preferentialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSYouthPreferentialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Maturity Preferentialism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSMaturityPreferentialist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSMaturityPreferentialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Maturity Preferentialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSMaturityPreferentialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Youth Preferentialism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSPetiteAdmiration > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSPetiteAdmiration-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Petite Admiration")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSPetiteAdmiration-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Statuesque Glorification")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSStatuesqueGlorification > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSStatuesqueGlorification-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Statuesque Glorification")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSStatuesqueGlorification-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Petite Admiration")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSlimnessEnthusiast-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Slimness Enthusiasm")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSSlimnessEnthusiast-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Asset Expansionism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSAssetExpansionist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAssetExpansionist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Asset Expansionism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAssetExpansionist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Slimness Enthusiasm")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSPastoralist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSPastoralist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Pastoralism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSPastoralist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Cummunism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSCummunism > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSCummunism-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Cummunism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSCummunism-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Pastoralism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSPhysicalIdealist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSPhysicalIdealist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Physical Idealism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSPhysicalIdealist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Hedonism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSHedonisticDecadence > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSHedonisticDecadence-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Hedonism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSHedonisticDecadence-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its Physical Idealism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSIncestFetishist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSIncestFetishist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Incest Fetishism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSChattelReligionist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChattelReligionist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Chattel Religionism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$j].FSRomanRevivalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRomanRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Roman Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRomanRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRomanRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRomanRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRomanRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRomanRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSRomanRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSAztecRevivalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAztecRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Aztec Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAztecRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAztecRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAztecRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAztecRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAztecRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSAztecRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEgyptianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Egyptian Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEgyptianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEgyptianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEgyptianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEgyptianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEgyptianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEgyptianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSEdoRevivalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEdoRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Edo Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEdoRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEdoRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEdoRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEdoRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEdoRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSEdoRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSArabianRevivalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSArabianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Arabian Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSArabianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSArabianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSArabianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSArabianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSArabianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSArabianRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSChineseRevivalist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChineseRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Chinese Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChineseRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChineseRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Imperialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChineseRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChineseRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChineseRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChineseRevivalist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <</if>> - -<<elseif $arcologies[$j].FSNeoImperialist > 60>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSNeoImperialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>> - <<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Neo-Imperialism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSNeoImperialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSNeoImperialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSNeoImperialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSNeoImperialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSNeoImperialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist -= Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSNeoImperialist-60)/4)+_appliedInfluenceBonus>> - <<set $desc.push("attacking its incompatible Revivalism")>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $desc.length == 0>> - '' $arcologies[$j].name'' attempts to influence it, but has no significant impacts. -<<elseif $desc.length > 2>> - '' $arcologies[$j].name'''s mature culture influences $arcologies[$i].name, $desc[0], - <<for _k = 1; _k < $desc.length; _k++>> - <<if _k < $desc.length-1>> - $desc[_k], - <<else>> - and $desc[_k]. - <</if>> - <</for>> -<<elseif $desc.length == 2>> - '' $arcologies[$j].name'''s culture influences $arcologies[$i].name's $desc[0] and $desc[1]. -<<else>> - '' $arcologies[$j].name'''s culture is beginning to influence $arcologies[$i].name's $desc[0]. -<</if>> - -<<if _appliedInfluenceBonus > 0>> - <<if _appliedInfluenceBonus < 5>> - $arcologies[$j].name is societally advanced, giving it extra influence. - <<else>> - $arcologies[$j].name is societally fanatical, lending it great influence. - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].ownership >= 100>> - <<if _appliedInfluenceBonus > 0>>However, <</if>>$arcologies[$i].name is under completely unified control, making it resistant to change. -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$j].direction != 0>> - <<if $desc.length == 0>> - '' $arcologies[$j].name'' is not satisfied with the impact its directed influence is having, and withdraws it with the intention of targeting it elsewhere. - <<set $arcologies[$j].influenceTarget = -1>> - <<elseif _alignment >= 4>> - '' $arcologies[$j].name'' is satisfied that its influence has brought $arcologies[$i].name into alignment, and withdraws its direct influence with the intention of targeting it elsewhere. - <<set $arcologies[$j].influenceTarget = -1>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<</if>> -<</if>> -<</for>> /* CLOSES INFLUENCE RECEPTION */ - -<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].influenceTarget == -1>> - <<run App.Neighbor.selectInfluenceTarget($i)>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].prosperity, 1, 300)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].ownership, 0, 100)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].PCminority = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].PCminority, 0, 100)>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = Math.clamp($arcologies[$i].minority, 0, 100)>> - <<set _owned = $arcologies[$i].ownership + $arcologies[$i].PCminority + $arcologies[$i].minority>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].government != "your agent" && $arcologies[$i].government != "your trustees" && $arcologies[$i].rival != 1>> - <<if _owned < 10>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership += 10>> /* Someone needs to own something */ - <<elseif _owned > 100>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].minority = Math.clamp(100 - $arcologies[$i].ownership - $arcologies[$i].PCminority, 0, 100)>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].ownership + $arcologies[$i].PCminority > 100>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].ownership = 100 - $arcologies[$i].PCminority>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<br> -<</for>> - -/* PEACEKEEPERS */ - -<<if $plot>> - <<if $peacekeepers != 0>> - <br> - <<if $peacekeepers.strength >= 50>> - <<set _prisoners = Math.trunc($peacekeepers.attitude/10)+random(0,10)>> - General $peacekeepers.generalName's little empire near the arcology - <<if $peacekeepers.attitude >= 100>> - offers _prisoners menial slaves as tribute; having the area as an avowed client state @@.green;improves your reputation.@@ - <<set $peacekeepers.attitude = 100>> - <<run repX(100, "peacekeepers")>> - <<else>> - delivers _prisoners menial slaves to you in payment for your past support. - <</if>> - <<set $menials += _prisoners>> - <<elseif $peacekeepers.strength < 0>> - @@.yellow;The peacekeeping force led by General $peacekeepers.generalName in the troubled area near the Free City has been withdrawn.@@ - <<if $peacekeepers.undermining>> - Your misinformation campaign against it in the old world media was successful. Before long, everyone in the Free City is confident that you're somehow responsible, @@.green;greatly improving your reputation.@@ - <<set $peacekeepers = 0, $peacekeepersGone = 1>> - <<run repX(2000, "peacekeepers")>> - <<else>> - The cost was ultimately too high. The time when old world countries could afford to waste billions on military adventurism is gone. It will not return. - <<set $peacekeepers = 0, $peacekeepersGone = 1>> - <</if>> - <<else>> - There's a peacekeeping force led by General $peacekeepers.generalName in the troubled area near the Free City. - <<if $peacekeepers.undermining>> - You're paying for a media misinformation campaign in the old world country that sent him. It - <<set $peacekeepers.strength -= $peacekeepers.undermining/10000>> - <<if $peacekeepers.strength < 10>> - has had a significant impact; one of the nation's two major political parties now favors withdrawing the peacekeepers. - <<else>> - has not had a significant impact yet; only a few fringe figures are arguing against the mission. - <</if>> - <</if>> - Unfortunately, the presence of so much old world military power near the Free City causes @@.red;public concern.@@ - <<run repX(-100, "peacekeepers")>> - <</if>> - <br> - <</if>> -<</if>> diff --git a/src/uncategorized/neighborsFSAdoption.tw b/src/uncategorized/neighborsFSAdoption.tw deleted file mode 100644 index 81ff14fed950a09aea08394be1f48f032af2a727..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 --- a/src/uncategorized/neighborsFSAdoption.tw +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1020 +0,0 @@ -:: Neighbors FS Adoption [nobr] - -<br><br> -'' $arcologies[$i].name'', your <<if $arcologies[$i].direction == 0>>arcology<<else>>neighbor to the $arcologies[$i].direction<</if>>, -is prosperous enough that -<<switch $arcologies[$i].government>> -<<case "elected officials">> - its elected officials consider -<<case "a committee">> - the committee that controls it considers -<<case "an oligarchy" "your trustees">> - its leading citizens consider -<<case "an individual">> - its owner and its citizens consider -<<case "your agent">> - @@.deeppink;your agent@@ and its citizens consider -<<case "a corporation">> - its board of directors considers -<<default>> - its citizens consider -<</switch>> -societal development. -<<set _adopted = 0>> - -<<set _validFSes = FutureSocieties.validAdoptions($i)>> - -/* PRIME RIVALRY FS ADOPTION - IGNORES VALIDITY */ - -<<if $arcologies[$i].rival == 1>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].government == "an individual">> -<<if $rivalryFSAdopted == 0>> - - <<set $rivalryFSAdopted = 1>> - <<set $desc = "Its owner is">> - <<switch $rivalryFS>> - <<case "Racial Subjugationism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc preoccupied by belief in the superiority of the $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace race, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace Supremacy.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace = $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>> - <<case "Racial Supremacism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc preoccupied by a racial animus towards $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace people, leaving the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace Subjugation.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace = $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace>> - <<case "Repopulation Focus">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = "unset">><</if>> - $desc obsessed with building a new society based on its Societal Elite, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Eugenics.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Eugenics">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRestart != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart = "unset">><</if>> - $desc obsessed with breeding a new society, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Repopulationism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Gender Radicalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc enthusiastic about knocking slaves up, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Gender Fundamentalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Gender Fundamentalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc enthusiastic about fucking slaves in the butt, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Gender Radicalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Paternalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc partial to screaming and struggling, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Degradationism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Degradationism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc devoted to their slaves' advancement, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Paternalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Intellectual Dependency">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency = "unset">><</if>> - $desc obsessed with crafting the perfect slave, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Slave Professionalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Slave Professionalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism = "unset">><</if>> - $desc worried that they may one day be outsmarted by their chattel, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Intellectual Dependency.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Body Purism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc fascinated with extreme surgery, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Transformation Fetishism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Transformation Fetishism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc concerned by trends in their slaves' health, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Body Purism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Youth Preferentialism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc devoted to time in bed with their MILF slaves, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Maturity Preferentialism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Maturity Preferentialism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc devoted to fucking nubile young slaves, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Youth Preferentialism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Petite Admiration">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration = "unset">><</if>> - $desc convinced that tall equals beauty, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Statuesque Glorification.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Statuesque Glorification">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification = "unset">><</if>> - $desc enamored by those shorter than them, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Petite Admiration.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Slimness Enthusiasm">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = "unset">><</if>> - $desc loves boobs, the bigger, the better, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Asset Expansionism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Asset Expansionism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc loves a slim slave with tight holes, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Slimness Enthusiasm.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Pastoralism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc loves cum, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Cummunism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Cummunism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = "unset">><</if>> - $desc addicted to breast milk straight from the nipple, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Pastoralism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Hedonistic Decadence">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = "unset">><</if>> - $desc devoted to spending time in the gym, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Physical Idealism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Physical Idealism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc addicted to pleasure, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Decadent Hedonism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Chattel Religionism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc open minded, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;permit cultural freedom.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNull = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Multiculturalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNull != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSNull = "unset">><</if>> - $desc devoutly religious, and interested in a reformation, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Chattel Religionism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Roman Revivalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc fascinated by ancient Aztec history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Aztec Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Neo-Imperialism" "Egyptian Revivalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc fascinated by Arabian romanticism, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Arabian Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Edo Revivalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc fascinated by the long tale of Chinese history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Chinese Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Arabian Revivalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc fascinated by ancient Egyptian history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Chinese Revivalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc fascinated by Japanese history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Edo Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<case "Aztec Revivalism">> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = "unset">><</if>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist != "unset">><<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = "unset">><</if>> - $desc fascinated by classical Roman history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Roman Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<default>> - <<set $rivalryFSAdopted = 0>> - <</switch>> - -<<else>> - -/* RIVAL ADOPTION */ - - <<set $desc = "Its owner is">> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSSupremacist") && ($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist == "unset") || ($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace !== $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)>> - $desc preoccupied by belief in the superiority of the $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace race, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace Supremacy.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace = $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist > random(5,60)>> - <<if (_validFSes.includes("FSSubjugationist") && ($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist == "unset") || ($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace !== $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace)>> - $desc preoccupied by a racial animus towards $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace people, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace Subjugation.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace = $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")>> - $desc obsessed with breeding a new society, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Repopulationism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSRestart")>> - $desc obsessed with creating a new, better society, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Eugenics.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSGenderFundamentalist")>> - $desc enthusiastic about knocking slaves up, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Gender Fundamentalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSGenderRadicalist")>> - $desc enthusiastic about fucking slaves in the butt, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Gender Radicalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")>> - $desc partial to screaming and struggling, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Degradationism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - $desc devoted to their slaves' advancement, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Paternalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependency > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSSlaveProfessionalism")>> - $desc obsessed with crafting the perfect slave, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Slave Professionalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSlaveProfessionalism > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSIntellectualDependency")>> - $desc worried that they may one day be outsmarted by their chattel, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Intellectual Dependency.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist")>> - $desc fascinated with extreme surgery, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Transformation Fetishism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")>> - $desc concerned by trends in their slaves' health, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Body Purism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSMaturityPreferentialist")>> - $desc devoted to time in bed with their MILF slaves, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Maturity Preferentialism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")>> - $desc devoted to fucking nubile young slaves, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Youth Preferentialism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSPetiteAdmiration > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSStatuesqueGlorification")>> - $desc convinced that tall equals beautiful, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Statuesque Glorification.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSStatuesqueGlorification > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPetiteAdmiration")>> - $desc enamored by those shorter than them, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Petite Admiration.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")>> - $desc loves boobs, the bigger, the better, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Asset Expansionism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")>> - $desc loves a slim slave with tight holes, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Slimness Enthusiasm.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPastoralist")>> - $desc addicted to breast milk straight from the nipple, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Pastoralism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSCummunism > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSCummunism")>> - $desc obsessed with cum, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Cummunism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")>> - $desc pretty devoted to spending time in the gym, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Physical Idealism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence")>> - $desc pretty devoted to indulging their every whim, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Decadent Hedonism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSAztecRevivalist")>> - $desc fascinated by ancient Aztec history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Aztec Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSRomanRevivalist")>> - $desc fascinated by classical Roman history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Roman Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > random(5,60) || $arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist > random(5, 60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSArabianRevivalist")>> - $desc fascinated by Arabian romanticism, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Arabian Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSChineseRevivalist")>> - $desc fascinated by the long tale of Chinese history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Chinese Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSEgyptianRevivalist")>> - $desc fascinated by ancient Egyptian history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist > random(5,60)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSEdoRevivalist")>> - $desc fascinated by Japanese history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Edo Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - -<</if>> -<</if>> -<</if>> - -/* AGENT ADOPTION*/ - -<<for _adopted == 0>> -<<if ($arcologies[$i].government == "your agent")>> -<<set _adopted = 1>> /* breaking out of the for loop will preserve this */ -<<set _leader = App.currentAgent($i)>> -<<setLocalPronouns _leader>> - -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus") && _leader.fetish == "pregnancy" && $seePreg == 1>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Repopulationism,@@ since as a pregnancy fetishist, $he can't wait to see the female population's bellies swell with life. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSRestart") && (_leader.preg < -1 || (_leader.ovaries == 0 && _leader.mpreg != 1)) && _leader.genes == "XX">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Eugenics,@@ since if no-one can get pregnant, $he won't be alone. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSGenderRadicalist") && _leader.dick > 0>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Gender Radicalism,@@ since $he's a walking, swinging argument for dickgirls. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSGenderFundamentalist") &&_leader.pregKnown == 1 || _leader.bellyPreg > 1500>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Gender Fundamentalism,@@ since its citizens find leadership by a pregnant $woman fascinating. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist") && _leader.behavioralQuirk == "advocate">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Paternalism,@@ since as an advocate for slavery, $he believes in its benefits. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist") && _leader.fetish == "sadist">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Degradationism,@@ since as a sexual sadist, $he's excited by the idea of leading a society that applauds $his cruelest impulses. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSSlaveProfessionalism") && (_leader.intelligence+_leader.intelligenceImplant >= 120) && (_leader.skill.vagina+_leader.skill.oral+_leader.skill.anal+_leader.skill.whoring+_leader.skill.entertainment >= 400)>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Slave Professionalism,@@ since $he wishes to produce slaves you can be proud of. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSIntellectualDependency") && (_leader.intelligence+_leader.intelligenceImplant >= 120) && (_leader.behavioralFlaw == "arrogant" || _leader.behavioralQuirk == "insecure")>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Intellectual Dependency,@@ - <<if _leader.behavioralQuirk == "insecure">> - since, due to $his own insecurities, needs to be frequently reassured that $he is smarter than the masses. - <<else>> - since $he absolutely needs to feel intellectually superior to $his chattel. - <</if>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist") && _leader.chem > 50>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Body Purism,@@ since $he knows what long term drug damage feels like, and doesn't want any slave to ever experience it again. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist") && _leader.boobsImplant > 1000>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Transformation Fetishism,@@ out of a perverse desire to subject all slaves to massive implants like $hers. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist") && _leader.actualAge <= 25>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Youth Preferentialism,@@ to buttress acceptance of $his own young age. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSMaturityPreferentialist") && _leader.actualAge > 35>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Maturity Preferentialism,@@ since $he has a certain personal interest in promoting the idea that MILFs are sexy. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast") && _leader.behavioralQuirk == "insecure">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Slimness Enthusiasm,@@ since $his history of anorexia has deeply impacted $his idea of beauty. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist") && _leader.fetish == "boobs">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Asset Expansionism,@@ since $he's a breast expansion fetishist in addition to being a mere breast fetishist. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist") && _leader.sexualQuirk == "size queen" && _leader.vagina > 3>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Asset Expansionism,@@ since $he's a stickler for big dicks and seeks to find one large enough to push $him to $his very limit. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSCummunism") && _leader.fetish == "cumslut">> /* this will become the cum focused condition, being replaced with breast focus for milk */ - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Cummunism,@@ since $he already loves sucking down huge loads of cum. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPastoralist") && _leader.fetish == "boobs">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Pastoralism,@@ since $he loves boobs and adores suckling them. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence") && _leader.behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Decadent Hedonism,@@ since $he already loves over-eating. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist") && _leader.behavioralQuirk == "fitness">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Physical Idealism,@@ since $he's a fitness fanatic $himself. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence") && _leader.fetish != "none" && _leader.fetishStrength >= 100>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Decadent Hedonism,@@ since $he seeks to satisfy $his powerful fetish. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSStatuesqueGlorification") && _leader.height >= 200>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Statuesque Glorification,@@ since $he is tired of being one of the tallest in arcology. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPetiteAdmiration") && _leader.height >= 170 && _leader.fetish == "dom">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Petite Admiration,@@ since it is far easier to dominate someone much smaller than oneself. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSIncestFetishist")>> - <<set _lover = $slaves.find(function(s) { return s.ID == _leader.relationshipTarget && areRelated(s, _leader) && s.assignment == "live with your agent"; })>> - <<if (_leader.behavioralQuirk == "sinful" || _leader.sexualQuirk == "perverted") && def _lover && $seeIncest == 1>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Incest Festishism,@@ to share the love and joy $he holds with $his <<print relativeTerm(_leader, _lover)>>. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if _validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist") && _leader.behavioralQuirk == "devout">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Chattel Religionism,@@ to share and spread $his deeply held beliefs about the holiness of sexual service. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist") && _leader.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Chattel Religionism,@@ since $he's excited by the prospect of getting away with horrible sins against old religions in public. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> -<<if (_validFSes.includes("FSEgyptianRevivalist") && _leader.relationshipTarget != 0)>> - <<set _lover = getSlave(_leader.relationshipTarget)>> - <<if (def _lover) && areRelated(_leader, _lover)>> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism,@@ since $he's already part of a gloriously incestuous relationship. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSChineseRevivalist") && _leader.nationality == "Chinese">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Chinese Revivalism,@@ since $he's Chinese $himself and can claim high honor in such a society. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSEdoRevivalist") && _leader.nationality == "Japanese">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Edo Revivalism,@@ since $he's Japanese $himself and can claim high honor in such a society. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSAztecRevivalist") && _leader.nationality == "Mexican">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Aztec Revivalism,@@ since $he's Mexican $himself and can claim high honor in such a society. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist") && _leader.nationality == "German">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Neo-Imperialism,@@ since $he's German $himself and can easily cement $his rule with Imperial directives in your name. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist") && _leader.nationality == "French">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Neo-Imperialism,@@ since $he's French $himself and can easily cement $his rule with Imperial directives in your name. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist") && _leader.nationality == "Spanish">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Neo-Imperialism,@@ since $he's Spanish $himself and can easily cement $his rule with Imperial directives in your name. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist") && _leader.nationality == "English">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Neo-Imperialism,@@ since $he's English $himself and can easily cement $his rule with Imperial directives in your name. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSRomanRevivalist") && _leader.behavioralQuirk == "confident">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Roman Revivalism,@@ since it appeals to $his confident, patrician nature. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = 5>><<break>> -<<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSArabianRevivalist") && _leader.fetish == "dom">> - Your agent @@.pink;_leader.slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Arabian Revivalism,@@ since $he's sexually dominant and quite likes the idea of overseeing slave bazaars. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = 5>><<break>> -<</if>> - -<<set _adopted = 0>> /* did not break out of the for loop, so no FS was adopted */ -<</if>> -<<break>> -<</for>> - -/* CROSS-FS ADOPTION*/ - -<<for _adopted == 0>> -<<set _adopted = 1>> /* breaking out of the for loop will preserve this */ - -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")>> - The arcology's racial Subjugationist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Degradationism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif (_validFSes.includes("FSAztecRevivalist") && _validFSes.includes("FSEgyptianRevivalist"))>> - <<if random(0,1) == 0>> - The arcology's racial Subjugationist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Egyptian Revivalism,@@ since the Ancient Egyptians are famous for keeping a race of slaves. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<break>> - <<else>> - The arcology's racial Supremacist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Aztec Revivalism,@@ since the enslavement and sacrifice of slaves was fundamental to the culture. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSRestart > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSNeoImperialist")>> - The arcology's elitist, eugenicist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Neo-Imperialism,@@ since the societal elite view themselves as the only appropriate rulers of their society. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's racial Supremacist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif (_validFSes.includes("FSEdoRevivalist") && _validFSes.includes("FSChineseRevivalist") && ($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace == "asian")>> - <<if random(0,1) == 0>> - The arcology's racial Supremacist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Edo Revivalism,@@ since the beauty and grace of the Japanese people are watchwords there. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = 5>><<break>> - <<else>> - The arcology's racial Supremacist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Chinese Revivalism,@@ since the wisdom of the Middle Kingdom is admired there. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")>> - The arcology's Repopulationist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,@@ since big pregnant bellies go great with huge tits and asses. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSGenderFundamentalist")>> - The arcology's Repopulationist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Gender Fundamentalism,@@ since traditional women make better mothers. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPetiteAdmiration")>> - The arcology's Repopulationist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Petite Admiration,@@ since shorter women tend to have an easier time with childbirth. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRestart > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")>> - The arcology's elite focused culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Degradationism,@@ since its lowest class deserves nothing but misery. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSSlaveProfessionalism")>> - The arcology's elite focused culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Slave Professionalism,@@ since the highest class deserve nothing less than the best slaves. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence")>> - The arcology's wide range of imports @@.yellow;pushes it towards Decadent Hedonism,@@ since it has access to so many undiscovered pleasures. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist")>> - The arcology's Gender Radicalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Transformation Fetishism,@@ since surgery can turn a slave into anything. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")>> - The arcology's Gender Radicalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Slimness Enthusiasm,@@ since that's the kind of body many of its slaves have. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSCummunism")>> - The arcology's Gender Radicalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Cummunism,@@ since many of its slaves are capable of giving cum. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPastoralist")>> - The arcology's Gender Fundamentalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Pastoralism,@@ since its pregnant slaves are already giving milk. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSIntellectualDependency")>> - The arcology's Gender Fundamentalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Intellectual Dependency,@@ since women don't need to think to serve men. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")>> - The arcology's Gender Fundamentalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Youth Preferentialism,@@ since younger slaves are beautiful and fertile. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist")>> - The arcology's Paternalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,@@ since many of its slaves are already worshipful. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")>> - The arcology's Paternalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Body Purism,@@ since giving slaves dangerous drugs is hardly good for them. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSRomanRevivalist")>> - The arcology's Paternalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Roman Revivalism,@@ since loyal service to the res publica bears similarity to their existing mores. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist")>> - The arcology's Degradationist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Transformation Fetishism,@@ the ultimate expression of power over slave bodies. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSGenderRadicalist")>> - The arcology's Degradationist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Gender Radicalism,@@ since the joy of forcing a gender role on a slave is already popular. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSTransformationFetishist")>> - The arcology's Intellectual Dependency culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Transformation Fetishism,@@ to give its bimbos a body most fitting. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")>> - The arcology's Intellectual Dependency culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Youth Preferentialism,@@ since the young have more energy to party. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSHedonisticDecadence")>> - The arcology's Intellectual Dependency culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Decadent Hedonism,@@ since base instinct already rules slaves' lives. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")>> - The arcology's Intellectual Dependency culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulationism,@@ since there has been an epidemic of unplanned pregnancies among the slave population. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSMaturityPreferentialist")>> - The arcology's Slave Professionalism culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Maturity Preferentialist,@@ since with age comes experience. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Slave Professionalism culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since happy slaves are much more willing to be molded in to shape. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")>> - The arcology's Slave Professionalism culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Physical Idealism,@@ since a fitting body is required to house the perfect mind. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist")>> - The arcology's Slave Professionalism culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,@@ since skilled service is already a part of a slave's daily life. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")>> - The arcology's Body Purist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Physical Idealism,@@ since it already takes an intense interest in bodily perfection. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Body Purist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since it's become obvious that happiness is a necessary part of wellness. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")>> - The arcology's Transformation Fetishist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,@@ since it's already overrun with massive tits and asses. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")>> - The arcology's Transformation Fetishist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Degradationism,@@ since it's already used to slaves whining about their latest surgeries. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")>> - The arcology's Youth Preferentialist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Slimness Enthusiasm,@@ since that's the kind of body many of its slaves have. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")>> - The arcology's Youth Preferentialist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulationism,@@ since many of its slaves are deliciously ripe for breeding. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")>> - The arcology's Maturity Preferentialist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,@@ since that's the kind of body many of its slaves have. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Maturity Preferentialist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since its many older slaves have skills best applied by a happy $woman. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")>> - The arcology's Petite Admiration culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Asset Expansionist,@@ since a $girl with tits wider than $he is tall attracts quite some attention. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Petite Admiration culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since such tiny <<= $girl>>s need extra special attention. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSIncestFetishist")>> - The arcology's Petite Admiration culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Incest Fetishism,@@ since age play often goes hand-in-hand with size play. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")>> - The arcology's Statuesque Glorification culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Physical Idealism,@@ since being ripped complements being tall. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")>> - The arcology's Statuesque Glorification culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Degradationism,@@ since those that don't measure up deserve only suffering. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")>> - The arcology's Slimness Enthusiast culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Youth Preferentialism,@@ since younger slaves are often attractively slim. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")>> - The arcology's Slimness Enthusiast culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Body Purism,@@ since the last thing they want is prettily slender girls with health trouble. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSMaturityPreferentialist")>> - The arcology's Asset Expansionist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Maturity Preferentialism,@@ since MILF slaves tend to come with nice big tits. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")>> - The arcology's Asset Expansionist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Body Purism,@@ since slaves on curatives are slaves not on growth hormones. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPetiteAdmiration") && _validFSes.includes("FSStatuesqueGlorification")>> - <<if random(0,1) == 1>> - The arcology's Asset Expansionist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Petite Admiration,@@ since the smaller a slave's body is, the bigger their breasts will look. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration = 5>><<break>> - <<else>> - The arcology's Asset Expansionist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Statuesque Glorification,@@ as the love of all things huge is rather indiscriminate. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")>> - The arcology's Pastoralist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Body Purism,@@ since there have been concerns about milk purity. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")>> - The arcology's Pastoralist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,@@ since they're convinced that there's no such thing as udders that are too big. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")>> - The arcology's Pastoralist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulationism,@@ since pregnancy stimulates milk flow. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPhysicalIdealist")>> - The arcology's Cummunist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Physical Idealism,@@ since big balls and huge loads go hand in hand with masculine muscles. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSAssetExpansionist")>> - The arcology's Cummunist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,@@ since they're convinced that there's no such thing as balls that are too big. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")>> - The arcology's Cummunist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Body Purism,@@ since there have been concerns about cum purity. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPastoralist")>> - The arcology's Hedonistic culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Pastoralism,@@ since nothing beats a nice glass of fresh squeezed milk with your cake. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSIntellectualDependency")>> - The arcology's Hedonistic culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Intellectual Dependency,@@ since higher thought is unneeded when you have everything you want. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Hedonistic culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since happiness is infectious. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")>> - The arcology's Physical Idealist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Body Purism,@@ since it's already used to treating slaves' bodies as temples. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSYouthPreferentialist")>> - The arcology's Physical Idealist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Youth Preferentialism,@@ since beauty and athletic prowess do tend to peak early. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSStatuesqueGlorification")>> - The arcology's Physical Idealist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Statuesque Glorification,@@ to better emulate the titans of legend. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSCummunism")>> - The arcology's Physical Idealist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Cummunism,@@ since muscular, testosterone filled slaves make admirable cumshots. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSRepopulationFocus")>> - The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulationism,@@ in order to create many new future loving couples. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSBodyPurist")>> - The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Body Purism,@@ in order to keep its bloodlines pure. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ as healthy slaves live longer allowing relationships to span generations. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSEgyptianRevivalist")>> - The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Egyptian Revivalism,@@ as they naturally seek even more incestuous fun. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Chattel Religionist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since charitable care for slaves' welfare has become widespread. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSArabianRevivalist")>> - The arcology's Chattel Religionist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Arabian Revivalism,@@ since such an intermingling of slavery and faith fascinates them. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Roman Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since some Roman slaves were traditionally permitted limited rights. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSRestart")>> - The arcology's Neo-Imperialist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Eugenics,@@ since their hegemonic, noble culture naturally views itself as genetically superior to the unwashed masses. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSDegradationist")>> - The arcology's Aztec Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Degradation,@@ since most Aztec war slaves were tortured and sacrificed. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist")>> - The arcology's Egyptian Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,@@ since worship is already becoming an established part of its life. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<break>> - <<elseif _validFSes.includes("FSIncestFetishist")>> - The arcology's Egyptian Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Incest Fetishism,@@ since more incest is only a good thing in its eyes. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSSlimnessEnthusiast")>> - The arcology's Edo Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Slimness Enthusiasm,@@ since slim and elegant slaves are already fashionable there. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSChattelReligionist")>> - The arcology's Arabian Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,@@ since the word of God is already a matter of daily significance there. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> -<<if $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist > random(50,200)>> - <<if _validFSes.includes("FSPaternalist")>> - The arcology's Chinese Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since traditional beliefs about duty and order have become accepted. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<break>> - <</if>> -<</if>> - -<<set _adopted = 0>> /* did not break out of the for loop, so no FS was adopted */ -<<break>> -<</for>> - -/* NEIGHBOR ADOPTION*/ - -<<if _adopted == 0>> -<<for $j = 0; $j < $arcologies.length; $j++>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != $arcologies[$j].direction>> - - <<set _influenceBonus = 0>> - <<if $arcologies[$i].direction == $arcologies[$j].influenceTarget>> - $arcologies[$j].name's directed cultural influence gives it some input over $arcologies[$i].name's choice of direction. - <<set _influenceBonus = 20>> - <</if>> - - <<set _opinion = App.Neighbor.opinion($i, $j)>> - <<if _opinion >= 50>> - $arcologies[$i].name is aligned with $arcologies[$j].name socially, encouraging it to consider adopting all its cultural values. - <<set _influenceBonus += _opinion-50>> - <<elseif _opinion <= -50>> - $arcologies[$i].name is culturally opposed to $arcologies[$j].name, encouraging it to resist adopting its cultural values. - <<set _influenceBonus += _opinion+50>> - <</if>> - - <<for _candidate range _validFSes>> - <<if _candidate === "FSSubjugationist">> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist == "unset") || ($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace != $arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationistRace)>> - <<if $arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationist > random(0,200)-_influenceBonus>> - It @@.yellow;adopts $arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationistRace Subjugation@@ due to influence from its trading partner $arcologies[$j].name. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace = $arcologies[$j].FSSubjugationistRace>> - <<break>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<elseif _candidate === "FSSupremacist">> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist == "unset") || ($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace != $arcologies[$j].FSSupremacistRace)>> - <<if $arcologies[$j].FSSupremacist > random(0,200)-_influenceBonus>> - It @@.yellow;adopts $arcologies[$j].FSSupremacistRace Supremacy@@ due to influence from its trading partner $arcologies[$j].name. - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace = $arcologies[$j].FSSupremacistRace>> - <<break>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <<else>> - <<if $arcologies[$j][_candidate] > random(0,200)-_influenceBonus>> - It @@.yellow;adopts <<= FutureSocieties.displayName(_candidate)>>@@ due to influence from its trading partner $arcologies[$j].name. - <<set $arcologies[$i][_candidate] = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<break>> - <</if>> - <</if>> - <</for>> - <<if _adopted == 1>> - <<break>> - <</if>> - <</if>> -<</for>> -<</if>> - -/* RANDOM ADOPTION*/ - -<<if _adopted == 0>> -<<if random(0,4) == 1>> -<<switch $arcologies[$i].government>> -<<case "elected officials">> - <<set $desc = "Its elected leaders are">> -<<case "a committee">> - <<set $desc = "A majority of its ruling committee is">> -<<case "an oligarchy" "your trustees">> - <<set $desc = "Its leading citizens are">> -<<case "an individual">> - <<set $desc = "Its owner is">> -<<case "your agent">> - <<set $desc = "Your agent and its citizens are">> -<<case "a corporation">> - <<set $desc = "Most of its board of directors are">> -<<default>> - <<set $desc = "Its citizens are">> -<</switch>> -<<switch _validFSes.random()>> -<<case "FSSubjugationist">> - <<set _subjugationRace = setup.filterRacesLowercase.random()>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist == "unset") || (_subjugationRace != $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace)>> - $desc preoccupied by a racial animus towards _subjugationRace people, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt _subjugationRace Subjugation.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace = _subjugationRace>> - <</if>> -<<case "FSSupremacist">> - <<set _supremacistRace = setup.filterRacesLowercase.random()>> - <<if ($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist == "unset") || (_supremacistRace != $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace)>> - $desc preoccupied by belief in the superiority of the _supremacistRace race, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt _supremacistRace Supremacy.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace = _supremacistRace>> - <</if>> -<<case "FSGenderRadicalist">> - $desc enthusiastic about fucking slaves in the butt, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Gender Radicalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSGenderFundamentalist">> - $desc enthusiastic about knocking slaves up, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Gender Fundamentalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSPaternalist">> - $desc devoted to their slaves' advancement, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Paternalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSDegradationist">> - $desc partial to screaming and struggling, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Degradationism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSBodyPurist">> - $desc concerned by trends in their slaves' health, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Body Purism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSTransformationFetishist">> - $desc fascinated with extreme surgery, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Transformation Fetishism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSYouthPreferentialist">> - $desc devoted to fucking nubile young slaves, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Youth Preferentialism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSMaturityPreferentialist">> - $desc devoted to time in bed with their MILF slaves, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Maturity Preferentialism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSSlimnessEnthusiast">> - $desc partial to a slim slave with tight holes, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Slimness Enthusiasm.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSAssetExpansionist">> - $desc enthusiastic about boobs, the bigger, the better, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Asset Expansionism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSPastoralist">> - $desc addicted to breast milk straight from the nipple, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Pastoralism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSPhysicalIdealist">> - $desc pretty devoted to spending time in the gym, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Physical Idealism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSChattelReligionist">> - $desc devoutly religious, and interested in a reformation, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Chattel Religionism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSRomanRevivalist">> - $desc fascinated by classical Roman history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Roman Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSAztecRevivalist">> - $desc fascinated by ancient Aztec history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Aztec Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSEgyptianRevivalist">> - $desc fascinated by ancient Egyptian history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSEdoRevivalist">> - $desc fascinated by Japanese history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Edo Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSArabianRevivalist">> - $desc fascinated by Arabian romanticism, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Arabian Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSChineseRevivalist">> - $desc fascinated by the long tale of Chinese history, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Chinese Revivalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSRepopulationFocus">> - $desc concerned for the future, and partial to watching bellies swell, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Repopulation Efforts.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSRestart">> - $desc concerned for the future, and believing their elite could do a better job, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Eugenics.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestart = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSHedonisticDecadence">> - $desc obsessed with indulging their every desire, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Decadent Hedonism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSCummunism">> - $desc obsessed with cum, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Cummunism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSIncestFetishist">> - $desc obsessed with their relatives, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Incest Fetishism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSIntellectualDependency">> - $desc partial to airheaded horny bimbos, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Intellectual Dependency.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIntellectualDependency = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSSlaveProfessionalism">> - $desc obsessed with crafting the perfect slave, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Slave Professionalism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlaveProfessionalism = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSPetiteAdmiration">> - $desc enamored by those shorter than them, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Petite Admiration.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSPetiteAdmiration = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSStatuesqueGlorification">> - $desc convinced that tall equals beauty, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Statuesque Glorification.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSStatuesqueGlorification = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<<case "FSNeoImperialist">> - $desc fascinated by the long rule of ancient European monarchs, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Neo-Imperialism.@@ - <<set $arcologies[$i].FSNeoImperialist = 5>><<set _adopted = 1>> -<</switch>> -<</if>> -<</if>> - -<<if _adopted == 0>> - Its future is bitterly controversial, and no side is predominant this week. The dissension reduces the arcology's prosperity. - <<set $arcologies[$i].prosperity -= 1>> -<</if>>