diff --git a/src/SecExp/attackHandler.tw b/src/SecExp/attackHandler.tw
index c3e52b5410e817297ea5f6bbe6c53d359cb693fd..4a6043d1137c5eb4e17968adc5207571a1ec8095 100644
--- a/src/SecExp/attackHandler.tw
+++ b/src/SecExp/attackHandler.tw
@@ -111,30 +111,16 @@ They seems to be
 	<<set $expectedEquip = $attackEquip + random(-2,2)>>
-<<if $battleTerrain == "sea">>
-	<<if $expectedEquip == 0>>
-		<strong>;poorly armed</strong>: small rusty civilian ships armed with whatever could be salvaged. 
-	<<elseif $expectedEquip == 1>>
-		<strong>;lightly armed</strong>: mostly unarmed civilian ships with a few small military boats with decent armaments.
-	<<elseif $expectedEquip == 2>>
-		<strong>;decently armed</strong>: a small fleet of salvaged military ships. Most small in size and firepower, with a few exceptions.
-	<<elseif $expectedEquip == 3>>
-		<strong>;well armed</strong>: a good assortment of military ships with good armament and some menacing heavy ships fitting a few powerful pieces of naval artillery.
-	<<elseif $expectedEquip == 4>>
-		extremely well armed: a majestic fleet filled with well armed ships, with heavy artillery present in high numbers. It seems even an old salvaged carrier is joining the attack.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $expectedEquip == 0>>
-		<strong>;poorly armed</strong>: old rusty small arms are the norm with just a few barely working civilian vehicles. 
-	<<elseif $expectedEquip == 1>>
-		<strong>;lightly armed</strong>: mostly small arms with some repurposed civilian vehicles and a scattered few machine guns. There's no sign of heavy vehicles, artillery or aircrafts.
-	<<elseif $expectedEquip == 2>>
-		<strong>;decently armed</strong>: good quality small arms, machine guns a few mortars. There seems to be some heavy military vehicles coming as well.
-	<<elseif $expectedEquip == 3>>
-		<strong>;well armed</strong>: high quality small arms, snipers, demolitions teams, heavy duty machine guns and mortars. Heavy military vehicles are numerous and a few artillery piecies are accompaning the detachment. 
-	<<elseif $expectedEquip == 4>>
-		extremely well armed: excellent small arms and specialized teams with heavy duty infantry support weapons. Heavy presence of armored military vehicles, artillery pieces and even some attack helicopters.
-	<</if>>
+<<if $expectedEquip == 0>>
+	<strong>;poorly armed</strong>: old rusty small arms are the norm with just a few barely working civilian vehicles. 
+<<elseif $expectedEquip == 1>>
+	<strong>;lightly armed</strong>: mostly small arms with some repurposed civilian vehicles and a scattered few machine guns. There's no sign of heavy vehicles, artillery or aircrafts.
+<<elseif $expectedEquip == 2>>
+	<strong>;decently armed</strong>: good quality small arms, machine guns a few mortars. There seems to be some heavy military vehicles coming as well.
+<<elseif $expectedEquip == 3>>
+	<strong>;well armed</strong>: high quality small arms, snipers, demolitions teams, heavy duty machine guns and mortars. Heavy military vehicles are numerous and a few artillery piecies are accompaning the detachment. 
+<<elseif $expectedEquip == 4>>
+	extremely well armed: excellent small arms and specialized teams with heavy duty infantry support weapons. Heavy presence of armored military vehicles, artillery pieces and even some attack helicopters.
@@ -351,35 +337,30 @@ Defensive tactics
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Combines bait and switch tactics with guerriglia style assaults, with the objective of slowly bleed the enemy.//
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Useful for a force facing a superior enemy both in numbers and firepower. More effective in rough terrain.//
 <<link "Guerrilla">>
 	<<set $chosenTactics = "Guerrilla">>
 	<<replace "#tactic">><strong><<print $chosenTactic>></strong><</replace>>
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Involves using terrain knowledge and small fast attacks to hinder and weaken the enemy.//
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Useful for a force facing a disciplined, classic army. More effective in rough terrain.//
 <<link "choke Points">>
 	<<set $chosenTactics = "choke Points">>
 	<<replace "#tactic">><strong><<print $chosenTactic>></strong><</replace>>
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Involves using terrain knowledge and strong fortifications in order to stop the enemy on its track.//
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Useful for a force facing an enemy with superior firepower. More effective in rough terrain.//
 <<link "Interior Lines">>
 	<<set $chosenTactics = "Interior Lines">>
 	<<replace "#tactic">><strong><<print $chosenTactic>></strong><</replace>>
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Involves exploiting a defender's shorter logistics lines and redeployment times in order to keep the enemy pressured.//
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Useful for a force facing a superior enemy both in numbers and firepower. More effective in open terrain.//
 <<link "Pincer Manouver">>
 	<<set $chosenTactics = "Pincer Manouver">>
 	<<replace "#tactic">><strong><<print $chosenTactic>></strong><</replace>>
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Involves letting the enemy push back the centre in order to envelop their formation.//
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Useful for a force facing a numerically inferior enemy. More effective in open terrain.//
 <<link "Defense In Depth">>
 	<<set $chosenTactics = "Shock And Awe">>
 	<<replace "#tactic">><strong><<print $chosenTactic>></strong><</replace>>
@@ -388,21 +369,18 @@ Defensive tactics
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Useful for a force facing a numerically superior enemy. More effective in open terrain.//
 Offensive Tactics
 <<link "Blitzkrieg">>
 	<<set $chosenTactics = "Blitzkrieg">>
 	<<replace "#tactic">><strong><<print $chosenTactic>></strong><</replace>>
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Involves breaking the front of the enemy with a fast armored force concentrated into a small area.//
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Useful for a force facing a disciplined, strong enemy. More effective in open terrain.//
 <<link "Human Wave">>
 	<<set $chosenTactics = "Human Wave">>
 	<<replace "#tactic">><strong><<print $chosenTactic>></strong><</replace>>
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Involves assaulting the enemy with large numbers of infantry to overwhelm their lines.//
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Useful for a technologically limited enemy. More effective in rough terrain.//
diff --git a/src/SecExp/seaAttackHandler.tw b/src/SecExp/seaAttackHandler.tw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391