diff --git a/src/uncategorized/costsBudget.tw b/src/uncategorized/costsBudget.tw
index 15d5f6621abdc45932b080374d1bbc9e11b1d195..13044d09ea061d0469667bcf9f017076f6159036 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/costsBudget.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/costsBudget.tw
@@ -250,9 +250,11 @@ for(var i = 0; i < State.variables.lastWeeksCashIncome.length; i++){
 	<<print budgetLine("privateOrphanage", "Private tutelage of $privateOrphanageTotal of your slaves\' children")>>
-	<<print budgetLine("mercenaries", "Security: [[$mercenariesTitle|Barracks][$nextButton = \"Back to Budget\", $nextLink = \"Costs Budget\"]]
-			<<if $barracks>><<else>><br>//@@.red;Cost increased by the lack of an armory to house them.@@//<</if>>
-			<<if ($PC.warfare >= 100) || ($PC.career == \"arcology owner\")>><br>//Cost reduced by your @@.springgreen;mercenary contacts.@@//<</if>>")>>
+	<<print budgetLine("mercenaries",
+			"Security: <<if $barracks>>[[$mercenariesTitle|Barracks][$nextButton = \"Back to Budget\", $nextLink = \"Costs Budget\"]]
+			<<else>>Mercenaries<br>//@@.red;Cost increased by the lack of an armory to house them.@@//<</if>>
+			<<if ($PC.warfare >= 100) || ($PC.career == \"arcology owner\")>><br>//Cost reduced by your @@.springgreen;mercenary contacts.@@//<</if>>
+		")>>
 	<<print budgetLine("securityExpansion", "Security expansion")>>