diff --git a/src/events/scheduled/assholeKnight.tw b/src/events/scheduled/assholeKnight.tw
index baa8c9c93044724b213244ad4f540e3ce351f8bb..68ff0acdd8d75f954dee57890757bd5e8e1f78fc 100644
--- a/src/events/scheduled/assholeKnight.tw
+++ b/src/events/scheduled/assholeKnight.tw
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Scheduled Event">>
-The group of citizens you hand-picked as your Knights have quickly proven themselves a reliable staple of the Arcology. Being visibly a league above the common citizen with their heavy Imperial Plate decorated with glimmering pendants and marks of their individual, flowery coats of arms, their mere prescence is enough to make most common criminals cower and keep merchants selling their wares at fair prices. The tenets of neo-Imperial hierarchy and their own social prestige have already gone to their heads, and many Knights are now recognized immediately by the common citizens as heroic, uncowed citizen-soldiers.
+The group of citizens you hand-picked as your Knights have quickly proven themselves a reliable staple of the Arcology. Being visibly a league above the common citizen with their heavy Imperial Plate decorated with glimmering pendants and marks of their individual, flowery coats of arms, their mere presence is enough to make most common criminals cower and keep merchants selling their wares at fair prices. The tenets of neo-Imperial hierarchy and their own social prestige have already gone to their heads, and many Knights are now recognized immediately by the common citizens as heroic, uncowed citizen-soldiers.
 Despite the noble reputations of many of your Knights, their image as defenders of the downtrodden and honest protectors of the Arcology is not universal. Although you Knighted every last one of them yourself, it seems you might have made a misjudgement on the character of one of your new servants; a stream of minor offenses from one Knight in particular has been building up in your inbox for quite some time, and reviewing the whole dossier now paints a portrait of abuses and misconduct.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This singular Knight has apparently been using their position to extort and bull
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<link "Have him publicly flogged, then enslaved">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You have the insolent Knight's gear and weapons confiscated, then publicly flog him in the plaza and annouce that he's to be enslaved for crimes against the people of $arcologies[0].name. Although the watching peasants are clearly @@.green;relieved@@ that the cruel bully is off the streets, some of them, those who did not feel the fist of the howling man on their own neck, @@.red;recoil@@ somewhat at the sudden brutality against a class that most of them idolize and romanticize.
+	You have the insolent Knight's gear and weapons confiscated, then publicly flog him in the plaza and announce that he's to be enslaved for crimes against the people of $arcologies[0].name. Although the watching peasants are clearly @@.green;relieved@@ that the cruel bully is off the streets, some of them, those who did not feel the fist of the howling man on their own neck, @@.red;recoil@@ somewhat at the sudden brutality against a class that most of them idolize and romanticize.
     <<run repX(1000, "event")>>
     <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 22>>
     <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 34>>
diff --git a/src/events/scheduled/newBaron.tw b/src/events/scheduled/newBaron.tw
index 03b98b6e9b739008d1c8bf16a55496b998d9e94d..41c0bd9b0e7f126a07605c8d1383f1a616482d83 100644
--- a/src/events/scheduled/newBaron.tw
+++ b/src/events/scheduled/newBaron.tw
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ $arcologies[0].name is prospering. New citizens flood to your gates, filling out
 The appointment of a new Baron is not something to be taken lightly; it is undoubtedly the most desired title in your arcology, and a veritable horde of citizens and millionaires hound your inbox and parties with hints and implications, subtly attempting to display their qualifications, because the Barons posses something even the wealthiest trillionaire in the Free Cities does not - security. The golden band of office of an Imperial Baron brings with it a penthouse, a sense of nobility, and a guaranteed sector of people to rule; so long as the Arcology continues to exist, the Barons will rule in your name, free from worries about petty market fluctuations and slave prices. Short of your personal intervention or the total collapse of the Arcology, nothing can unseat a Baron once they're appointed.
-The hunger for such security among your upper class leaves you in an intersting position. You have dozens of citizens that you could give the title to, with various skills and proficiencies from your diverse acology, and anyone who's handed a noble title will be certain to show their gratitude. The only real question on your mind - and on the minds of the waiting elites - is who you plan to promote.
+The hunger for such security among your upper class leaves you in an interesting position. You have dozens of citizens that you could give the title to, with various skills and proficiencies from your diverse arcology, and anyone who's handed a noble title will be certain to show their gratitude. The only real question on your mind - and on the minds of the waiting elites - is who you plan to promote.
 <span id="result">
 <br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<link "Appoint a wealthy executive">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You select one of your loyal executives, an ultra-wealthy trader within the arcology who made a fortune in the sale of human bodies, for the new Barony. The man, a portly and unintimidating man that hides a razor-sharp mind behind his fat and an exepensive suit, smiles full of teeth as you annouce your decision to a waiting crowd of elites. After you go through the formalities and hand him the golden band that'll represent his symbol of office, he shakes your hand vigorously, still smiling devilishly. The next day, the newly-appointed Baron sends you a platter of expensive gifts and foreign candies, complimented with a @@.green;massive direct deposit to your bank account.@@ You can't help but feel that such a crafty fox might use his new power to @@.red;corner the market@@ in his barony, though.
+	You select one of your loyal executives, an ultra-wealthy trader within the arcology who made a fortune in the sale of human bodies, for the new Barony. The man, a portly and unintimidating man that hides a razor-sharp mind behind his fat and an expensive suit, smiles full of teeth as you announce your decision to a waiting crowd of elites. After you go through the formalities and hand him the golden band that'll represent his symbol of office, he shakes your hand vigorously, still smiling devilishly. The next day, the newly-appointed Baron sends you a platter of expensive gifts and foreign candies, complimented with a @@.green;massive direct deposit to your bank account.@@ You can't help but feel that such a crafty fox might use his new power to @@.red;corner the market@@ in his barony, though.
 	<<run cashX(5000, "Baron gift")>>
     <<run $arcologies[0].prosperity -= 1>>