From 62deddea07302f3088d3c001acb89dd4d0434153 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: lowercasedonkey <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2020 20:28:39 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] begin js conversion for slave on slave feeding selection

 src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeeding.css       |   7 +
 .../slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.js          | 166 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../          |   3 +
 3 files changed, 176 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeeding.css
 create mode 100644 src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.js
 rename src/{pregmod => interaction}/ (98%)

diff --git a/src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeeding.css b/src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeeding.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e4fb2cc907e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeeding.css
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+table.slave-on-slave-feeding {
+	width: 90%;
+table.slave-on-slave-feeding tr {
+	vertical-align: top;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.js b/src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..885a9749ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interaction/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.js
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+App.UI.SlaveInteract.slaveOnSlaveFeedingSelection = function(slave) {
+	const el = new DocumentFragment();
+	let inflationLevel;
+	let inflationMethod;
+	let inflationType;
+	setup();
+	el.append(intro());
+	el.append(milkSlaves());
+	return el;
+	function intro() {
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		const { his } = getPronouns(slave);
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", el, `${slave.slaveName} is prepped to drink ${his} fill; now you must select a slave capable of producing the required amount of milk or ejaculate.`);
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", el, "Select an eligible slave to serve as the tap");
+		return el;
+	}
+	function setup() {
+		for (const slave of V.slaves) {
+			/* milk output */
+			let _milk;
+			let _cum;
+			if (slave.lactation > 0) {
+				slave.milkOutput = 0;
+				_milk = milkAmount(slave);
+				_milk = (_milk / 14);
+				_milk = Math.trunc(_milk);
+				slave.milkOutput = _milk;
+			} else {
+				_milk = 0;
+				slave.milkOutput = 0;
+			}
+			/* cum output */
+			if (slave.balls > 0 && slave.dick > 0 && slave.chastityPenis !== 1) {
+				slave.cumOutput = 0;
+				_cum = cumAmount(slave);
+				_cum = (_cum / 7);
+				_cum = (_cum / 10);
+				_cum = Math.trunc(_cum);
+				slave.cumOutput = _cum;
+			} else {
+				_cum = 0;
+				slave.cumOutput = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 */
+	function milkSlaves(slave) { // Tabs maybe?
+		const el = new DocumentFragment();
+		const twoLiterSlaves = [];
+		const fourLiterSlaves = [];
+		const eightLiterSlaves = [];
+		const {he, his} = getPronouns(slave);
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h3", el, "Milk Slaves");
+		const table = document.createElement("table");
+		table.classList.add("slave-on-slave-feeding");
+		const header = table.createTHead();
+		table.append(header);
+		el.append(table);
+		const columnNames = ["2 Liter", "4 Liter", "8 Liter"];
+		for (const name of columnNames) {
+			header.append(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("th", name));
+		}
+		for (const tapSlave of V.slaves) {
+			if (tapSlave.ID !== slave.ID && tapSlave.nipples !== "fuckable") {
+				if (tapSlave.milkOutput >= 2) {
+					const tapLink = createTapLink(tapSlave);
+					twoLiterSlaves.push(tapLink);
+					if (tapSlave.milkOutput >= 4 && slave.pregKnown === 0) {
+						fourLiterSlaves.push(tapLink);
+						if (tapSlave.milkOutput >= 8) {
+							eightLiterSlaves.push(tapLink);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (twoLiterSlaves.length === 0) {
+			twoLiterSlaves.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("td", `Due to ${his} pregnancy, ${he} is incapable of keeping down more than two liters of milk.`));
+		}
+		if (slave.pregKnown === 0) {
+			fourLiterSlaves.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("td", "You have no slaves capable of producing four liters of milk."));
+		} else {
+			if (fourLiterSlaves.length === 0) {
+				fourLiterSlaves.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("td", "You have no slaves capable of producing four liters of milk."));
+			}
+			if (eightLiterSlaves.length === 0) {
+				eightLiterSlaves.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("td", "You have no slaves capable of producing eight liters of milk."));
+			}
+		}
+		const dataRow = document.createElement("tr");
+		dataRow.append(makeColumn(twoLiterSlaves, 0));
+		dataRow.append(makeColumn(fourLiterSlaves, 1));
+		dataRow.append(makeColumn(eightLiterSlaves, 2));
+		table.append(dataRow);
+		return el;
+	}
+	function createTapLink(tapSlave) {
+		const el = document.createElement("div");
+		el.append(
+				tapSlave.slaveName,
+				() => {
+					V.milkTap = tapSlave;
+					slave.inflation = inflationLevel;
+					slave.inflationType = inflationType;
+					slave.inflationMethod = inflationMethod;
+				},
+				[],
+				"FSlaveFeed"
+			)
+		);
+		const relTerm = relativeTerm(slave, tapSlave);
+		if (relTerm) {
+			el.append(` ${relTerm}`);
+		}
+		if (tapSlave.relationshipTarget === slave.ID) {
+			const { wife } = getPronouns(tapSlave);
+			switch (tapSlave.relationship) {
+				case 1:
+					el.append(` friends`);
+				case 2:
+					el.append(` best friends`);
+				case 3:
+					el.append(` friends with benefits`);
+				case 4:
+					el.append(` lover`);
+				case 5:
+					el.append(` slave${wife}`);
+			}
+		}
+		if (tapSlave.rivalryTarget === getSlave(V.AS).ID) {
+			switch (tapSlave.relationship) {
+				case 1:
+					el.append(`dislikes`);
+				case 2:
+					el.append(`rival`);
+				case 3:
+					el.append(`bitterly hates`);
+			}
+		}
+		return el;
+	}
+	function makeColumn(array, index) {
+		const td = document.createElement("td");
+		for (const cell of array) {
+			td.append(cell);
+		}
+		return td;
+	}
diff --git a/src/pregmod/ b/src/interaction/
similarity index 98%
rename from src/pregmod/
rename to src/interaction/
index e07be1d49ed..b4fb53c1c23 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/
+++ b/src/interaction/
@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
 <<set $milkTap = 0, _descM = "milk", _descC = "cum", _eligibilityMilk2 = 0, _eligibilityMilk4 = 0, _eligibilityMilk8 = 0, _eligibilityCum2 = 0, _eligibilityCum4 = 0, _eligibilityCum8 = 0>>
+<<includeDOM App.UI.SlaveInteract.slaveOnSlaveFeedingSelection(getSlave($AS))>>
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $slaves.length; _i++>> /* milk output */
 	<<if $slaves[_i].lactation > 0>>
 		<<set $slaves[_i].milkOutput = 0>>