diff --git a/src/002-config/fc-version.js b/src/002-config/fc-version.js
index 1186932a084ef006a88b92235850f074970ef590..24bc2f70460405ef1e13015358618a9b5cc363d2 100644
--- a/src/002-config/fc-version.js
+++ b/src/002-config/fc-version.js
@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ App.Version = {
 	base: "", // The vanilla version the mod is based off of, this should never be changed.
 	pmod: "4.0.0-alpha.3",
 	commitHash: null,
-	release: 1131 // When getting close to 2000,  please remove the check located within the onLoad() function defined at line five of src/js/eventHandlers.js.
+	release: 1132 // When getting close to 2000,  please remove the check located within the onLoad() function defined at line five of src/js/eventHandlers.js.
diff --git a/src/facilities/Facility.js b/src/facilities/Facility.js
index b36d79752eedd374cbcc8b8f90cc6f65aed33944..8a2bfebbe18537447bec57cbe43296e059edb402 100644
--- a/src/facilities/Facility.js
+++ b/src/facilities/Facility.js
@@ -141,20 +141,20 @@ App.Facilities.Facility = class {
 	_expand({desc, cost, removeManager, removeSlave}) {
 		const div = document.createElement("div");
-		cost = cost || V[this.facility.name] * 1000 * V.upgradeMultiplierArcology;
+		cost = cost || V[this.facility.desc.baseName] * 1000 * V.upgradeMultiplierArcology;
 		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", div, App.UI.DOM.link(`Expand ${this.facility.name}`, () => {
 			cashX(forceNeg(cost), "capEx");
-			V[this.facility.name] += 5;	// TODO: this will likely need to be changed in the future
+			V[this.facility.desc.baseName] += 5;	// TODO: this will likely need to be changed in the future
 			V.PC.skill.engineering += .1;
 		}, [], '', `Costs ${cashFormat(cost)} and increases the capacity of ${this.facility.name} by 5.`), ['indent']);
 		if (this.facility.hostedSlaves > 0) {
-			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", div, removeFacilityWorkers(this.facility.UIName.toLowerCase(), removeManager, removeSlave), ['indent']);
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", div, removeFacilityWorkers(this.facility.desc.baseName, removeManager, removeSlave), ['indent']);
 		return div;