diff --git a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
index 72b7537b9c3852a3547af2669332a47126868508..30ba6fe3c6342e4378955f11668671045a86c139 100644
--- a/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
+++ b/devNotes/VersionChangeLog-Premod+LoliMod.txt
@@ -2,6 +2,42 @@
+	404
+	-numerous reported bugs fixed
+	-also a few typos
+	403.1
+	-fixed all reported bugs and typos
+	403
+	-XX, XY, and XXY diets now properly handle boobs
+	-minor fixes
+	-pregmodder can not spell "receive" thus necessitating a sanityCheck entry
+	402
+	-SFanon's new trio of recruits
+	-Pregmodfan's continued fixing and tweaking of his preg tracking system
+	-lower back brand location
+	-fixes
+	401
+	-tweaked saLongTermEffects pregnancy setting
+	-various little fixes
+	-fixed missed closing '>' in neighborsFSAdoption
+	400
+	-added neighbor FS Incest Festishist
+	-new JS functions (areRelated())
+	-more fixes
diff --git a/devNotes/twine JS b/devNotes/twine JS
index 0096138c994100f65b3c5b8b510780891c4dcfc5..a610d5e0fdb65e90969514c0f02d68f3dca118cf 100644
--- a/devNotes/twine JS	
+++ b/devNotes/twine JS	
@@ -293,7 +293,11 @@ window.canImpreg = function(slave1, slave2) {
 window.isFertile = function(slave) {
 	if (!slave) {
 		return null;
-	} else if (slave.womb.length > 0 || slave.broodmother > 0) { /* currently pregnant or broodmother */
+	}
+	WombInit(slave);
+	if (slave.womb.length > 0 || slave.broodmother > 0) { /* currently pregnant or broodmother */
 		return false;
 	} else if (slave.preg < -1) { /* sterile */
 		return false;
@@ -1274,6 +1278,10 @@ window.areSisters = function(c1, c2) {
+window.areRelated = function(slave1, slave2) {
+	return (slave1.father == slave2.ID || slave1.mother == slave2.ID || slave2.father == slave1.ID || slave2.mother == slave1.ID || areSisters(slave1, slave2) > 0);
 window.totalRelatives = function(slave) {
 	var relatives = 0;
 	if (slave.mother > 0) {
@@ -1399,6 +1407,24 @@ window.totalPlayerRelatives = function(pc) {
 	return relatives
+window.relativeTerm = function(slave1, slave2) {
+	if(slave2.mother == slave1.ID || slave2.father == slave1.ID) {
+		return "daughter";
+	} else if(slave1.mother == slave2.ID) {
+		return "mother";
+	} else if(slave1.father == slave2.ID) {
+		return "father";
+	} else if(areSisters(slave2, slave1) == 1) {
+		return "twin";
+	} else if(areSisters(slave2, slave1) == 2) {
+		return "sister";
+	} else if(areSisters(slave2, slave1) == 3) {
+		return "half-sister";
+	} else {
+		return "some unknown blood connection";
+	}
 /*:: pregJS [script]*/
 /*Major props to the anons who worked together to forge the Super Pregnancy Project. Let your legacy go unforgotten.*/
@@ -6886,6 +6912,10 @@ window.WombInit = function(actor) //Init womb system.
           actor.broodmotherFetuses = 0;
+    if ( typeof actor.readyOva != "number" )
+    {
+          actor.readyOva = 0;
+    }
     if (actor.womb.length == 0 && actor.pregType != 0 && actor.broodmother == 0) //backward compatibility setup. Fully accurate for normal pregnancy only.
diff --git a/sanityCheck b/sanityCheck
index 1d4697aa88f0c7a3ba50d7dd2bbbdeb8f96924a7..4439db027c18f68fc6d240d6ae2bc60969dc6f6e 100755
--- a/sanityCheck
+++ b/sanityCheck
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ $GREP "<<<[^<>]*[<>]\?[^<>]*>>" -- "src/*.tw" | myprint "TooManyAngleBrackets"
 # Check for wrong capitalization on 'activeslave' and other common typos
 $GREP -e "\$act" --and --not -e "\$\(activeSlave\|activeArcology\|activeStandard\|activeOrgan\|activeLimbs\|activeUnits\)" -- "src/*" | myprint "WrongCapitilization"
 $GREP  "\(csae\|[a-z] She \|attepmts\|youreslf\|advnaces\|canAcheive\|setBellySize\|SetbellySize\|setbellySize\|bellypreg\|pregBelly\|bellyimplant\|bellyfluid\|pronounCaps\)" -- 'src/*' | myprint "SpellCheck"
+$GREP  "\(recieve\|recieves\)" -- 'src/*' | myprint "PregmodderCannotSpellReceive"
 $GREP "\$slave\[" -- 'src/*' | myprint "ShouldBeSlaves"
 # Check for strange spaces e.g.  $slaves[$i]. lips
 $GREP "\$slaves\[\$i\]\. " -- 'src/*' | myprint "MissingPropertyAfterSlaves"
diff --git a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt
index 58409da91dc1ac671cff4fc452bab1c8d416e0e9..0d62847e0ce38e8a577461d5819283423edecb02 100644
--- a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
+++ b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
@@ -1242,6 +1242,10 @@ pregType:
 Number of children. Warning! Should be not changed after initial impregnantion setup. See Pregnancy Control section for more.
+Number of ready to be impregnated ovas (override normal cases), default - 0. For delayed impregnantions with multiples. Used one time on next call of the SetPregType widget. After SetPregType use it to override .pregType, it set back to 0 automatically. 
 has the slave been turned into a broodmother
diff --git a/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw b/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
index 7312a76a1a4330aeba4127fb0cd969981eb17084..2c1f34985eb8e05c2b40266cc9ea7d31c650f31b 100644
--- a/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
+++ b/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 	During your morning routine you stumble upon a peculiar report: it's been several weeks now that your arcology has been victim of a series of cyber-crimes conducted by a mysterious figure.
 	The egocentric criminal took great pride in its acts, to the point of signing his acts with his or her peculiar symbol: a stylized smiling face. Your arcology was not the only one under assault by the
 	machinations of what the media would quickly nicknamed //the smiling man//.
-	<br>Despite the sheer damage this criminal was doing, you cannot help but admire the skill with which every misdeed is carried: the worst white collar crimes of the century carried out with such elegancy
+	<br>Despite the sheer damage this criminal was doing, you cannot help but admire the skill with which every misdeed is carried: the worst white collar crimes of the century carried out with such elegance
 	they almost seemed the product of natural laws rather than masterful manipulation of the digital market.
 	While you sift through the pages of the report, $assistantName remains strangely quiet. "I'm worried <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>sir<<else>>ma'am<</if>>, this individual seems to be able to penetrate whatever system gathers his attention. I... feel vulnerable" she said "It's not something I'm used to."
 	<br>Fortunately you have not been hit directly by this criminal, not yet at least. Still the repercussions of numerous bankruptcies take their toll on your arcology, whose @@.red;prosperity suffers@@.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 	<<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Random Nonindividual Event">>
-	You just reached your penthouse, when your faithful assistant appears in front of you, evidently exited. 
+	You just reached your penthouse, when your faithful assistant appears in front of you, evidently excited. 
 	"<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I have just received news of a new attack by the Smiling Man. It appears just a few hours ago he infiltrated another arcology and caused a catastrophic failure of its power plant.
 	Between old debts and the loss of value for his shares, the owner went bankrupt in minutes. It seems the Smiling Man managed to keep a small auxiliary generator functioning enough to project a giant holographic picture of his symbol on the arcology's walls.
 	You can say whatever you want about him, but he has style... Anyway this opens up a great opportunity to gain control of the structure for ourselves."
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 	<br>"Hello citizens of Earth! I am here in this special day to relay to you a very important message: we find ourselves in very peculiar times, times of strife and suffering! But also of change and regeneration! Indeed I say humanity is regenerating itself, turning into a new being for which the
 	ideals of the old world no longer hold meaning. A new blank page from which humanity can start to prosper again.
 	<br>Alas my friends not all is good, as in this rebirth a great injustice is being perpetrated. If we truly want to ascend to this new form of humanity the old must give space to the new. If we must cleanse our mind of old ideas, our world must cleanse itself of them as well.
-	It's to fix this unjustice that I worked so hard all this time! To cleanse the world of the old, we must get rid of our precious, precious data. At the end of this message every digital device will se its memory erased, every archived cleaned, every drive deleted.
+	It's to fix this injustice that I worked so hard all this time! To cleanse the world of the old, we must get rid of our precious, precious data. At the end of this message every digital device will see its memory erased, every archive cleaned, every drive deleted.
 	<br>It will be a true rebirth! A true new beginning! No longer the chains of the past will keep humanity anchored!"
 	<br>The voice stopped for a second.
 	<br>"Have a good day." simply concluded, then it happened.
diff --git a/src/cheats/PCCheatMenu.tw b/src/cheats/PCCheatMenu.tw
index 58e911005d3c61345a2e24265d46466a66b83d28..951bcacd79954065453659e28e45aaad5cb66e1e 100644
--- a/src/cheats/PCCheatMenu.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/PCCheatMenu.tw
@@ -30,14 +30,8 @@
 <br>''PhysicalAge'': <<textbox "$PC.physicalAge" $PC.physicalAge "PCCheatMenu">>
 <br>''VisualAge'': <<textbox "$PC.visualAge" $PC.visualAge "PCCheatMenu">>
 <br>''OvaryAge'': <<textbox "$PC.ovaryAge" $PC.ovaryAge "PCCheatMenu">>
-<br>''AgeImplant'': <<textbox "$PC.ageImplant" $PC.ageImplant "PCCheatMenu">>
-<<radiobutton "$PC.ageImplant" 0>> No surgery
-<<radiobutton "$PC.ageImplant" 1>> Age altering surgery
-<br>''PlayerAging (0: no aging, 1:no aging, but birthdays, 2:aging): $PC.playerAging |'' <<textbox "$PC.playerAging" $PC.playerAging "PCCheatMenu">>
-<<radiobutton "$PC.playerAging" 0>> No aging
-<<radiobutton "$PC.playerAging" 1>> No aging, yes birthdays
-<<radiobutton "$PC.playerAging" 3>> Aging
+<br>''AgeImplant'': <<textbox "$PC.ageImplant" $PC.ageImplant "PCCheatMenu">> //0 - no surgery, 1 - age altering surgery//
+<br>''PlayerAging'': <<textbox "$playerAging" $playerAging "PCCheatMenu">> //0 - no aging, 1 - no aging, but birthdays, 2 - aging//
 <<if $PC.vagina == 1>>
 	<<if $PC.preg >= 1>>
diff --git a/src/cheats/PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw b/src/cheats/PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
index 0f1f3a8e787eb6cae53e56a409353d604cb09133..ddbf1141848e17946cbbe19192fb61576989e8bc 100644
--- a/src/cheats/PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/PCCheatMenuCheatDatatypeCleanup.tw
@@ -34,11 +34,9 @@
 <<set $PC.vagina = Math.clamp($PC.vagina, 0, 1)>>
 <<set $PC.ageImplant = Number($PC.ageImplant) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.playerAging = Number($PC.playerAging) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.playerAging = Number($PC.playerAging) || 0>>
+<<set $playerAging = Number($playerAging) || 0>>
 <<set $PC.ageImplant = Number($PC.ageImplant) || 0>>
-<<set $PC.physicalAge = Number($PC.physicalAge) || 0>>
+<<set $PC.physicalAge = Number($PC.physicalAge) || 14>>
 <<set $PC.visualAge = Number($PC.visualAge) || 14>>
 <<set $PC.actualAge = Number($PC.actualAge) || 14>>
-<<set $PC.actualAge = Number($PC.actualAge) || 14>>
 <<set $PC.ovaryAge = Number($PC.ovaryAge) || 14>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheat.tw b/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheat.tw
index ca915825dceddaff70bb24fef60d5d1d9f238969..56933e38cabc2ef84db48aaf57717eb3c4fd4bb5 100644
--- a/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheat.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/mod_EditArcologyCheat.tw
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ __Player Character__
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;__''$arcologies[0].name''__ is your arcology.
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;__'' $arcologies[0].name''__ is your arcology.
 <br>You own: ''$arcologies[0].ownership%'' of the arcology <<textbox "$arcologies[0].ownership" $arcologies[0].ownership>>
 <br>Other minority ownership: ''$arcologies[0].minority%'' <<textbox "$arcologies[0].minority" $arcologies[0].minority>>
 <br>$arcologies[0].name's GSP is @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(0.1*$arcologies[0].prosperity))>>m@@.
diff --git a/src/cheats/mod_EditNeighborArcologyCheatWidget.tw b/src/cheats/mod_EditNeighborArcologyCheatWidget.tw
index 94505d7a058d395df91f4b216a34298f4a3347ac..34df6f4138f7e8a950fbe3d6d6ed061c66208907 100644
--- a/src/cheats/mod_EditNeighborArcologyCheatWidget.tw
+++ b/src/cheats/mod_EditNeighborArcologyCheatWidget.tw
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-	''$arcologies[_i].name direction:'' $arcologies[_i].direction
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name direction:'' $arcologies[_i].direction
 	<br><<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].direction" "north">> north 
 	| <<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].direction" "northeast">> northeast 
 	| <<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].direction" "east">> east 
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
-	''$arcologies[_i].name government:'' $arcologies[_i].government
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name government:'' $arcologies[_i].government
 	<br><<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].government" "elected officials">> elected officials 
 	| <<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].government" "a committee">> a committee 
 	| <<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].government" "an oligarchy">> an oligarchy 
@@ -35,39 +35,39 @@
-	''$arcologies[_i].name honeymoon:'' $arcologies[_i].honeymoon
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name honeymoon:'' $arcologies[_i].honeymoon
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].honeymoon" $arcologies[_i].honeymoon>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name prosperity:'' $arcologies[_i].prosperity
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name prosperity:'' $arcologies[_i].prosperity
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].prosperity" $arcologies[_i].prosperity>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name ownership:'' $arcologies[_i].ownership
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name ownership:'' $arcologies[_i].ownership
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].ownership" $arcologies[_i].ownership>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name minority ownership:'' $arcologies[_i].minority
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name minority ownership:'' $arcologies[_i].minority
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].minority" $arcologies[_i].minority>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name player ownership:'' $arcologies[_i].PCminority
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name player ownership:'' $arcologies[_i].PCminority
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].PCminority" $arcologies[_i].PCminority>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name demand factor:'' $arcologies[_i].demandFactor
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name demand factor:'' $arcologies[_i].demandFactor
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].demandFactor" $arcologies[_i].demandFactor>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Supremacist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSSupremacist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Supremacist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSSupremacist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSSupremacist" $arcologies[_i].FSSupremacist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Supremacist race:'' $arcologies[_i].FSSupremacistRace
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Supremacist race:'' $arcologies[_i].FSSupremacistRace
 	<br><<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].FSSupremacistRace" white>> White |
 	<<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].FSSupremacistRace" asian>> Asian |
 	<<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].FSSupremacistRace" latina>> Latina |
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Subjugationist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Subjugationist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationist" $arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Subjugationist race:'' $arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationistRace
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Subjugationist race:'' $arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationistRace
 	<br><<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationistRace" white>> White |
 	<<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationistRace" asian>> Asian |
 	<<radiobutton "$arcologies[_i].FSSubjugationistRace" latina>> Latina |
@@ -102,137 +102,137 @@
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Gender Radicalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSGenderRadicalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Gender Radicalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSGenderRadicalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSGenderRadicalist" $arcologies[_i].FSGenderRadicalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Gender Fundamentalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSGenderFundamentalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Gender Fundamentalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSGenderFundamentalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSGenderFundamentalist" $arcologies[_i].FSGenderFundamentalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Paternalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSPaternalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Paternalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSPaternalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSPaternalist" $arcologies[_i].FSPaternalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Degradationist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSDegradationist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Degradationist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSDegradationist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSDegradationist" $arcologies[_i].FSDegradationist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Body Purist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSBodyPurist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Body Purist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSBodyPurist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSBodyPurist" $arcologies[_i].FSBodyPurist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Transformation Fetishist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSTransformationFetishist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Transformation Fetishist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSTransformationFetishist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSTransformationFetishist" $arcologies[_i].FSTransformationFetishist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Youth Preferentialist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSYouthPreferentialist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Youth Preferentialist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSYouthPreferentialist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSYouthPreferentialist" $arcologies[_i].FSYouthPreferentialist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Maturity Preferentialist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSMaturityPreferentialist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Maturity Preferentialist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSMaturityPreferentialist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSMaturityPreferentialist" $arcologies[_i].FSMaturityPreferentialist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Slimness Enthusiast (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Slimness Enthusiast (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast" $arcologies[_i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Asset Expansionist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSAssetExpansionist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Asset Expansionist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSAssetExpansionist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSAssetExpansionist" $arcologies[_i].FSAssetExpansionist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Pastoralist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSPastoralist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Pastoralist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSPastoralist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSPastoralist" $arcologies[_i].FSPastoralist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Physical Idealist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSPhysicalIdealist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Physical Idealist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSPhysicalIdealist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSPhysicalIdealist" $arcologies[_i].FSPhysicalIdealist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Chattel Religionist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSChattelReligionist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Chattel Religionist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSChattelReligionist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSChattelReligionist" $arcologies[_i].FSChattelReligionist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Roman Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSRomanRevivalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Roman Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSRomanRevivalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSRomanRevivalist" $arcologies[_i].FSRomanRevivalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Aztec Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSAztecRevivalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Aztec Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSAztecRevivalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSAztecRevivalist" $arcologies[_i].FSAztecRevivalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Egyptian Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSEgyptianRevivalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Egyptian Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSEgyptianRevivalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSEgyptianRevivalist" $arcologies[_i].FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Edo Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSEdoRevivalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Edo Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSEdoRevivalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSEdoRevivalist" $arcologies[_i].FSEdoRevivalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Arabian Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSArabianRevivalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Arabian Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSArabianRevivalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSArabianRevivalist" $arcologies[_i].FSArabianRevivalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Chinese Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSChineseRevivalist
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Chinese Revivalist (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSChineseRevivalist
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSChineseRevivalist" $arcologies[_i].FSChineseRevivalist>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name FSNull (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSNull
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name FSNull (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSNull
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSNull" $arcologies[_i].FSNull>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name Repopulation Focus (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSRepopulationFocus
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name Repopulation Focus (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSRepopulationFocus
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSRepopulationFocus" $arcologies[_i].FSRepopulationFocus>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name FSRestart (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSRestart
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name FSRestart (unset or 1-100):'' $arcologies[_i].FSRestart
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].FSRestart" $arcologies[_i].FSRestart>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name embargo (1 to 3):'' $arcologies[_i].embargo
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name embargo (1 to 3):'' $arcologies[_i].embargo
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].embargo" $arcologies[_i].embargo>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name embargoTarget (0 to 7):'' $arcologies[_i].embargoTarget
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name embargoTarget (0 to 7):'' $arcologies[_i].embargoTarget
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].embargoTarget" $arcologies[_i].embargoTarget>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name influenceTarget:'' $arcologies[_i].influenceTarget
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name influenceTarget:'' $arcologies[_i].influenceTarget
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].influenceTarget" $arcologies[_i].influenceTarget>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name influenceBonus:'' $arcologies[_i].influenceBonus
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name influenceBonus:'' $arcologies[_i].influenceBonus
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].influenceBonus" $arcologies[_i].influenceBonus>>
-	''$arcologies[_i].name rival (0 or 1):'' $arcologies[_i].rival
+	'' $arcologies[_i].name rival (0 or 1):'' $arcologies[_i].rival
 	<br><<textbox "$arcologies[_i].rival" $arcologies[_i].rival>>
diff --git a/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw b/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
index 0484cb90c475e5193073a979706c0a49f22aae8e..d1fed4b30b3a21b563f3e01f1b331664081ad669 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
+++ b/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
@@ -524,11 +524,11 @@
 <<set $neighboringArcologies = Math.clamp($neighboringArcologies, 0, 8)>>
 <<for $i = 0; $i <= $neighboringArcologies; $i++>>
-	<<set $activeArcology = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: "north", government: "an individual", leaderID: 0, honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, ownership: 50, minority: 20, PCminority: 0, demandFactor: 0, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSAztecRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, rival: 0, FSRestart: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSHedonisticDecadence: "unset", FSCummunism: "unset", FSGenderRadicalistResearch: 0, FSGenderFundamentalistResearch: 0, FSPaternalistResearch: 0, FSDegradationistResearch: 0, FSBodyPuristResearch: 0, FSTransformationFetishistResearch: 0, FSYouthPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSMaturityPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch: 0, FSAssetExpansionistResearch: 0, FSPastoralistResearch: 0, FSPhysicalIdealistResearch: 0, FSRepopulationFocusResearch: 0, FSRestartResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch: 0, FSCummunismResearch: 0}>>
+	<<set $activeArcology = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: "north", government: "an individual", leaderID: 0, honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, ownership: 50, minority: 20, PCminority: 0, demandFactor: 0, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSAztecRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, rival: 0, FSRestart: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSHedonisticDecadence: "unset", FSCummunism: "unset", FSIncestFetishist: "unset", FSGenderRadicalistResearch: 0, FSGenderFundamentalistResearch: 0, FSPaternalistResearch: 0, FSDegradationistResearch: 0, FSBodyPuristResearch: 0, FSTransformationFetishistResearch: 0, FSYouthPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSMaturityPreferentialistResearch: 0, FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch: 0, FSAssetExpansionistResearch: 0, FSPastoralistResearch: 0, FSPhysicalIdealistResearch: 0, FSRepopulationFocusResearch: 0, FSRestartResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch: 0, FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch: 0, FSCummunismResearch: 0, FSIncestFetishistResearch: 0}>>
 	<<if $i == 0>>
 		<<set $activeArcology.direction = 0>>
 		<<set $activeArcology.name = "Arcology X-4">>
-		<<set $activeArcology.FSSupremacistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSSubjugationistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSGenderRadicalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSGenderFundamentalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSPaternalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSDegradationistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSBodyPuristDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSTransformationFetishistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSYouthPreferentialistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSMaturityPreferentialistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiastDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSAssetExpansionistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSPastoralistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSPhysicalIdealistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSChattelReligionistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSRomanRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSAztecRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSEdoRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSArabianRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSChineseRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSRepopulationFocusDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSRestartDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSHedonisticDecadenceDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSCummunismDecoration = 20>>
+		<<set $activeArcology.FSSupremacistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSSubjugationistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSGenderRadicalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSGenderFundamentalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSPaternalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSDegradationistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSBodyPuristDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSTransformationFetishistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSYouthPreferentialistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSMaturityPreferentialistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiastDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSAssetExpansionistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSPastoralistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSPhysicalIdealistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSChattelReligionistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSRomanRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSAztecRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSEdoRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSArabianRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSChineseRevivalistDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSRepopulationFocusDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSRestartDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSHedonisticDecadenceDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSCummunismDecoration = 20, $activeArcology.FSIncestFetishistDecoration = 20>>
 		<<if $targetArcology.type != "New">>
 			<<set $FSAnnounced = 1>>
 			<<set $FSGotRepCredits = 1>>
@@ -676,6 +676,7 @@
 <<set $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 0>>
 <<set $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceDietResearch = 0>>
 <<set $arcologies[0].FSCummunismResearch = 0>>
+<<set $arcologies[0].FSIncestFetishistResearch = 0>>
 <<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy = 0>>
 <<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistInterest = 0>>
diff --git a/src/js/extendedFamilyModeJS.tw b/src/js/extendedFamilyModeJS.tw
index d88d678955b72a0c8184bd6b865dfd6eed7a17ce..917565f32cd89f3ed6a33caf6a1598d92462c63f 100644
--- a/src/js/extendedFamilyModeJS.tw
+++ b/src/js/extendedFamilyModeJS.tw
@@ -103,6 +103,10 @@ window.areSisters = function(c1, c2) {
+window.areRelated = function(slave1, slave2) {
+	return (slave1.father == slave2.ID || slave1.mother == slave2.ID || slave2.father == slave1.ID || slave2.mother == slave1.ID || areSisters(slave1, slave2) > 0);
 window.totalRelatives = function(slave) {
 	var relatives = 0;
 	if (slave.mother > 0) {
@@ -227,3 +231,21 @@ window.totalPlayerRelatives = function(pc) {
 	return relatives
+window.relativeTerm = function(slave1, slave2) {
+	if(slave2.mother == slave1.ID || slave2.father == slave1.ID) {
+		return "daughter";
+	} else if(slave1.mother == slave2.ID) {
+		return "mother";
+	} else if(slave1.father == slave2.ID) {
+		return "father";
+	} else if(areSisters(slave2, slave1) == 1) {
+		return "twin";
+	} else if(areSisters(slave2, slave1) == 2) {
+		return "sister";
+	} else if(areSisters(slave2, slave1) == 3) {
+		return "half-sister";
+	} else {
+		return "some unknown blood connection";
+	}
diff --git a/src/js/storyJS.tw b/src/js/storyJS.tw
index b98205536d1e182870175d3d160de9ffd006c312..d45c47bda36842c52fc8a3fd940e97404772c200 100644
--- a/src/js/storyJS.tw
+++ b/src/js/storyJS.tw
@@ -291,7 +291,6 @@ window.canImpreg = function(slave1, slave2) {
 /* contraceptives (.preg == -1) do not negate this function */
 window.isFertile = function(slave) {
 	if (!slave) {
 		return null;
diff --git a/src/js/wombJS.tw b/src/js/wombJS.tw
index fca33e0d73fa4e0116bca8ad377529204d83be0b..a6fc9594541b52cd0495f01c186c5eb55220b488 100644
--- a/src/js/wombJS.tw
+++ b/src/js/wombJS.tw
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ window.WombInit = function(actor) //Init womb system.
           actor.broodmotherFetuses = 0;
+    if ( typeof actor.readyOva != "number" )
+    {
+          actor.readyOva = 0;
+    }
     if (actor.womb.length == 0 && actor.pregType != 0 && actor.broodmother == 0) //backward compatibility setup. Fully accurate for normal pregnancy only.
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/fVagina.tw b/src/npc/descriptions/fVagina.tw
index 7e74c311bd1104b5b554953ca44731f38e529802..cf1d28742cc296b06fe96202081726d078e7e9c4 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/fVagina.tw
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/fVagina.tw
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ You call her over so you can
 		Her huge labia are almost dripping with arousal.
 	<<if $activeSlave.vaginaLube > 1>>
-		A steady stream of lube leaks from her pussy in preparation to recieve you.
+		A steady stream of lube leaks from her pussy in preparation to receive you.
diff --git a/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.tw b/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.tw
index ca61a9e63c0d2aeb95e80217837ac7e31098970b..bb171a501f1b0ecee71721b9d4530be67ac1d433 100644
--- a/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.tw
+++ b/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.tw
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ __You are customizing this slave:__
 	<<elseif $PC.career == "gang">>
 		<<if $activeSlave.mother == -1 && $activeSlave.father == -1>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was the result of a night of hard drugs and unprotected sex after a big score. It took quite abit of alcohol to come to terms with drunkenly knocking yourself up.">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was the result of a night of hard drugs and unprotected sex after a big score. It took quite a bit of alcohol to come to terms with drunkenly knocking yourself up.">>
 			<<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has your former gang's sign tattooed on her neck.">>
 		<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == -1>>
 			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was the result of a night of hard drugs and unprotected sex after a big score.">>
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ __You are customizing this slave:__
 			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was another of your late master's servants. She spent nine months in your womb, courtesy of your master.">>
 			<<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has your master's brand on her left breast.">>
 		<<elseif $activeSlave.father == -1>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was another of your late master's servants. Your master permited you to knock up her mother.">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was another of your late master's servants. Your master permitted you to knock up her mother.">>
 			<<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has your master's brand on her left breast.">>
 		<<elseif $PC.vagina == 1>>
 			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was another of your late master's servants. She helped you give birth to his child.">>
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ __You are customizing this slave:__
 			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was conceived after a successful experiment in hermaphrodite self-reproduction.">>
 			<<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has your personal symbol tattooed on the back of her neck: it's invisible to the naked eye, but shows up starkly on medical imaging.">>
 		<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == -1>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was conceived after a botched birth control expirement early in your career.">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She was conceived after a botched birth control experiment early in your career.">>
 			<<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has your personal symbol tattooed on the back of her neck: it's invisible to the naked eye, but shows up starkly on medical imaging.">>
 		<<elseif $activeSlave.father == -1>>
 			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She is the product of an affair with a cute nurse who assisted you in more ways than one.">>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/SecForceEX/SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit.tw b/src/pregmod/SecForceEX/SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit.tw
index bdcbca4e6286dbf9fcb70b0d9bc4c3c30849f9fd..854c2049ac16706a3b29ed0c635de9a951786499 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/SecForceEX/SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/SecForceEX/SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit.tw
@@ -5,60 +5,60 @@
 Upgrades: $SFAO/_max
-''Barracks:'' <<textbox "$securityForceArcologyUpgrades" $securityForceArcologyUpgrades "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+''Barracks:'' <<textbox "$securityForceArcologyUpgrades" $securityForceArcologyUpgrades "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 <br>Max: _BarracksMax
-''FacilitySupport:'' <<textbox "$FacilitySupport" $FacilitySupport "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+''FacilitySupport:'' <<textbox "$FacilitySupport" $FacilitySupport "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
-''Armory:'' <<textbox "$securityForceInfantryPower" $securityForceInfantryPower "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+''Armory:'' <<textbox "$securityForceInfantryPower" $securityForceInfantryPower "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 <br>Max: _ArmouryMax
-''Stimulant Lab:'' <<textbox "$securityForceStimulantPower" $securityForceStimulantPower "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+''Stimulant Lab:'' <<textbox "$securityForceStimulantPower" $securityForceStimulantPower "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 <br>Max: _StimulantLabMax
 <<if _Garage > 0 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 1>>
-	''LightAndMedium:'' <<textbox "$securityForceVehiclePower" $securityForceVehiclePower "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''LightAndMedium:'' <<textbox "$securityForceVehiclePower" $securityForceVehiclePower "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _LightAndMediumVehiclesMax
-	''HeavyBattleTank:'' <<textbox "$securityForceHeavyBattleTank" $securityForceHeavyBattleTank "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">> 
+	''HeavyBattleTank:'' <<textbox "$securityForceHeavyBattleTank" $securityForceHeavyBattleTank "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">> 
 	<br>Max: _HeavyBattleTankMax
 <<if $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4>>
-	''Aircraft:'' <<textbox "$securityForceAircraftPower" $securityForceAircraftPower "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''Aircraft:'' <<textbox "$securityForceAircraftPower" $securityForceAircraftPower "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _AircraftMax
-	'Space Plane'': <<textbox "$securityForceSpacePlanePower" $securityForceSpacePlanePower "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''Space Plane'': <<textbox "$securityForceSpacePlanePower" $securityForceSpacePlanePower "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _SpacePlaneMax
-	''Fortress Zeppelin:'' <<textbox "$securityForceFortressZeppelin" $securityForceFortressZeppelin "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''Fortress Zeppelin:'' <<textbox "$securityForceFortressZeppelin" $securityForceFortressZeppelin "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _FortressZeppelinMax
-	''AC130:'' <<textbox "$securityForceAC130" $securityForceAC130 "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''AC130:'' <<textbox "$securityForceAC130" $securityForceAC130 "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _AC130Max
-	''Heavy Transport:'' <<textbox "$securityForceHeavyTransport" $securityForceHeavyTransport "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''Heavy Transport:'' <<textbox "$securityForceHeavyTransport" $securityForceHeavyTransport "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _heavyTransportMax
- ''DroneBay:'' <<textbox "$securityForceDronePower" $securityForceDronePower "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+ ''DroneBay:'' <<textbox "$securityForceDronePower" $securityForceDronePower "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
  <br>Max: _DroneBayMax
 <<if (_LaunchBayNO > 0 || _LaunchBayO > 0) && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades >= 4>>
 	<<if $terrain != "oceanic" && $terrain != "marine">>
-		''Satellite:'' <<textbox "$securityForceSatellitePower" $securityForceSatellitePower "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+		''Satellite:'' <<textbox "$securityForceSatellitePower" $securityForceSatellitePower "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 		 <br>Max: _SatelliteMax
-		''GiantRobot:'' <<textbox "$securityForceGiantRobot" $securityForceGiantRobot "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+		''GiantRobot:'' <<textbox "$securityForceGiantRobot" $securityForceGiantRobot "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 		 <br>Max: _GiantRobotMax
-		''MissileSilo:'' <<textbox "$securityForceMissileSilo" $securityForceMissileSilo "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+		''MissileSilo:'' <<textbox "$securityForceMissileSilo" $securityForceMissileSilo "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 		 <br>Max: _MissileSiloMax
 	<<elseif $terrain == "oceanic" || $terrain == "marine">>
-		''Satellite:'' <<textbox "$securityForceSatellitePower" $securityForceSatellitePower "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+		''Satellite:'' <<textbox "$securityForceSatellitePower" $securityForceSatellitePower "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 		<br>Max: _SatelliteMax
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ Upgrades: $SFAO/_max
 <<if $terrain == "oceanic" || $terrain == "marine">>
 	&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ''Naval Yard:''
-	''AircraftCarrier:'' <<textbox "$securityForceAircraftCarrier" $securityForceAircraftCarrier "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''AircraftCarrier:'' <<textbox "$securityForceAircraftCarrier" $securityForceAircraftCarrier "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _AircraftCarrierMax
-	''Submarine:'' <<textbox "$securityForceSubmarine" $securityForceSubmarine "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''Submarine:'' <<textbox "$securityForceSubmarine" $securityForceSubmarine "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _SubmarineMax
-	''Amphibious Transport:'' <<textbox "$securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport" $securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport "SFMSpecialForceBarracksCheatEditBarracks">>
+	''Amphibious Transport:'' <<textbox "$securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport" $securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport "SpecialForceBarracksCheatEdit">>
 	<br>Max: _HeavyAmphibiousTransportMax
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pregmod/SecForceEX/SpecialForceUpgradeOptions.tw b/src/pregmod/SecForceEX/SpecialForceUpgradeOptions.tw
index d3409f3d6664d7a94870a6a6cd9e34ec9c05ff01..c6b18ddafd3379ab948f8956b626a1c1ff7de4be 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/SecForceEX/SpecialForceUpgradeOptions.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/SecForceEX/SpecialForceUpgradeOptions.tw
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 :: SpecialForceUpgradeOptions [nobr]
-<<set _costDebuff = .25>>
+<<set _costDebuff = 1>>
 <<if ($SFAO < _max) && $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0>>
 <span id="resultX">
-	Which facility or equipment do you wish _Name to upgrade this week?
+	<br>Which facility or equipment do you wish _Name to upgrade this week?
 	<<if _Barracks < 1 || _Barracks < 2 || _Barracks < 4>><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;More barracks upgrades are required to unlock further options.<</if>>
 		<<if $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && _Barracks < 5>>
@@ -16,27 +16,27 @@
 		<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceArcologyUpgrades < _BarracksMax && $TierTwoUnlock == 1>>
 			<<switch _Barracks>>
 			<<case 5>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 15000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 1500000>>
 			<<case 6>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 20000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 2000000>>
 			<<case 7>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 35000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 3500000>>
 			<<case 8>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 55000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 5500000>>
 			<<case 9>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 125000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 1250000>>
 			<<case 10>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 350000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 3500000>>
 			<<case 11>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 600000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 6000000>>
 			<<case 12>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 2500000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 25000000>>
 			<<case 13>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 5000000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 50000000>>
 			<<case 14>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 6000000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 60000000>>
 			<<case 15>>
-				<<set _arcCost = 16000000000>>
+				<<set _arcCost = 95000000>>
 			<br><<link "Barracks">>
 			<<replace "#resultX">><br>
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@
 			<br><<link "Facility Support">>
 				<<replace "#resultX">><br>
 				"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Creating  a specialised area for any slaves you send to assist us will benefical to everyone."
-				<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $FacilitySupport++, $cash -= Math.trunc(150000000*(Math.max(0.99,$SFAO)/10)*$Env*_costDebuff)>>
+				<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $FacilitySupport++, $cash -= Math.trunc(15000000*(Math.max(0.99,$SFAO)/10)*$Env*_costDebuff)>>
-			<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(150000000*(Math.max(0.99,$SFAO)/10)*$Env)*_costDebuff)>> //
+			<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(15000000*(Math.max(0.99,$SFAO)/10)*$Env)*_costDebuff)>> //
@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@
 			<br><<link "Armoury">>
 				<<replace "#resultX">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "The boys'll like having some new guns and armour to help them out there." She laughs. "Don't think the poor bastards they'll be shooting will thank you though." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-				<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceInfantryPower++, $cash -= 4500000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
+				<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceInfantryPower++, $cash -= 450000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
-			<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(4500000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
+			<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(450000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
 		<<if _Armoury == _ArmouryMax>>
 			<br>//$securityForceName has fully upgraded the armoury to support it's activities.//
@@ -103,22 +103,22 @@
 		<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && _StimulantLab < _StimulantLabMax && $TierTwoUnlock == 1>>
 			<<switch _StimulantLab>>
 			<<case 5>>
-				<<set _drugCost = 1265000>>
+				<<set _drugCost = 126500>>
 			<<case 6>>
-				<<set _drugCost = 2265000>>
+				<<set _drugCost = 226500>>
 			<<case 7>>
-				<<set _drugCost = 200000000000>>
+				<<set _drugCost = 20000000>>
 			<<case 8>>
-				<<set _drugCost = 250000000000>>
+				<<set _drugCost = 25000000>>
 			<<case 9>>
-				<<set _drugCost = 350000000000>>
+				<<set _drugCost = 35000000>>
 			<br><<link "Stimulant Lab">>
 				<<replace "#resultX">><br>
 				"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "The boys are going to like hearing that they'll be getting new stims. Some of them can't get enough." She laughs, sweeping her arm at a corner of the throne, where dozens of empty stimulant injectors are piled. "I might be one of them. Either way, the fucks out there aren't going to like us once we're on the new juice." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
 				<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceStimulantPower++, $cash -= _drugCost*$Env*_costDebuff>>
-			<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(_drugCost*$Env)>> //
+			<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(_drugCost*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
 		<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && _StimulantLab == 7 && _Armoury >= 11 && $securityForceVehiclePower >= 7 && $securityForceAircraftPower >= 8 && $securityForceSpacePlanePower >= 11 && $securityForceFortressZeppelin >= 3 && $securityForceAC130 >= 5 && _DroneBay >= 6 && $securityForceSatellitePower >= 16 && _Barracks >= 13>>
 			<br><<link "Stimulant Lab">>
 				<<replace "#resultX">><br>
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 		<br><<link "Garage">>
 		<<replace "#resultX">>
 		<span id="resultB">
-		"Which unit do you wish to upgrade or 'borrow'?"
+		<br>"Which unit do you wish to upgrade or 'borrow'?"
 		<<link "Go back">>
 			<<goto "SFM Barracks">>
@@ -149,11 +149,11 @@
 				<</link>>// Costs <<print cashFormat(60000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceVehiclePower < _LightAndMediumVehiclesMax && $TierTwoUnlock == 1>>
 				<<if $securityForceVehiclePower < 6>>
-					<<set _vehCost = 2500000>>
+					<<set _vehCost = 250000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 6>>
-					<<set _vehCost = 3000000>>
+					<<set _vehCost = 300000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceVehiclePower == 7>>
-					<<set _vehCost = 4900000>>
+					<<set _vehCost = 490000>>
 				<br><<link "Light and medium vehicles">>
 					<<replace "#resultB">><br>
@@ -170,14 +170,14 @@
 					<br><<link "A heavy battle tank">>
 					<<replace "#resultB">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A heavy battle tank should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we roll up on them in something better than their piece of shit junkers." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceHeavyBattleTank++, $cash -= 60000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
+					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceHeavyBattleTank++, $cash -= 6000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
-				<</link>>// Costs <<print cashFormat(60000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
+				<</link>>// Costs <<print cashFormat(6000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceHeavyBattleTank >= 1 && $securityForceHeavyBattleTank < _HeavyBattleTankMax>>
 				<<if $securityForceHeavyBattleTank < 2>>
-					<<set _hbtCost = 75000000>>
+					<<set _hbtCost = 7500000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceHeavyBattleTank == 2>>
-					<<set _hbtCost = 8500000>>
+					<<set _hbtCost = 850000>>
 				<br><<link "heavy battle tank">>
 				<<replace "#resultB">><br>
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 		<br><<link "Hangar">>
 		<<replace "#resultX">>
 		<span id="resultY">
-		"Which unit do you wish to upgrade or 'borrow'?"
+		<br>"Which unit do you wish to upgrade or 'borrow'?"
 		<<link "Go back">>
 			<<goto "SFM Barracks">>
@@ -215,15 +215,15 @@
 			<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceAircraftPower < _AircraftMax && $TierTwoUnlock == 1>>
 				<<switch $securityForceAircraftPower>>
 				<<case 5>>
-					<<set _airCost = 2750000>>
+					<<set _airCost = 275000>>
 				<<case 6>>
-					<<set _airCost = 3250000>>
+					<<set _airCost = 325000>>
 				<<case 7>>
-					<<set _airCost = 5750000>>
+					<<set _airCost = 575000>>
 				<<case 8>>
-					<<set _airCost = 6750000>>
+					<<set _airCost = 675000>>
 				<<case 9>>
-					<<set _airCost = 7750000>>
+					<<set _airCost = 775000>>
 				<br><<link "Light and medium aircraft">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
@@ -240,30 +240,30 @@
 				<br><<link "A space plane">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A orbital plane should help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have eyes they can't hit." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceSpacePlanePower++, $cash -= 4750000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff>>
+					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceSpacePlanePower++, $cash -= 475000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff>>
-				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(4750000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
+				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(475000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceSpacePlanePower >= 1 && $securityForceSpacePlanePower < _SpacePlaneMax>>
 				<<if $securityForceSpacePlanePower < 4>>
-					<<set _spCost = 50000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 5000000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 4>>
-					<<set _spCost = 75000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 7500000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 5>>
-					<<set _spCost = 85000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 8500000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 6>>
-					<<set _spCost = 95000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 9500000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 7>>
-					<<set _spCost = 125000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 1250000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 8>>
-					<<set _spCost = 175000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 1750000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 9 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 10>>
-					<<set _spCost = 250000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 2500000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 10>>
-					<<set _spCost = 350000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 3500000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 10>>
-					<<set _spCost = 650000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 6500000>>
 				<<elseif $securityForceSpacePlanePower == 11>>
-					<<set _spCost = 950000000>>
+					<<set _spCost = 9500000>>
 				<br><<link "Space plane">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
@@ -280,15 +280,15 @@
 				<br><<link "A fortress zeppelin">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A fortress zeppelin would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceFortressZeppelin++, $cash -= 30000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(30000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
+					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceFortressZeppelin++, $cash -= 3000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
+					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(3000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceFortressZeppelin >= 1 && $securityForceFortressZeppelin < _FortressZeppelinMax>>
 				<br><<link "Fortress zeppelin">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the Fortress Zeppelin, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceFortressZeppelin++, $cash -= 20000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
+					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceFortressZeppelin++, $cash -= 2000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
-				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat( 20000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
+				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat( 2000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<if $securityForceFortressZeppelin == _FortressZeppelinMax>>
 				<br>//$securityForceName has fully upgraded the fortress zeppelin to support it's activities.//
@@ -298,16 +298,16 @@
 				<br><<link "An AC-130">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "An AC-130 would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAC130++, $cash -= 35000000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff>>
+					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAC130++, $cash -= 3500000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff>>
-				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(35000000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
+				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(3500000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<elseif $securityForceAC130 >= 1 && $securityForceAC130 < _AC130Max>>
 				<br><<link "AC-130">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the AC-130, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAC130++, $cash -= 25000000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff>>
+					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceAC130++, $cash -= 2500000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff>>
-				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(25000000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
+				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(2500000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<if $securityForceAC130 == _AC130Max>>
 				<br>//$securityForceName has fully upgraded the AC-130 to support it's activities.//
@@ -317,15 +317,15 @@
 				<br><<link "A heavy transport">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A heavy transport would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceHeavyTransport++, $cash -= 40000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
-					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(40000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
+					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceHeavyTransport++, $cash -= 4000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
+					<</replace>><</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(4000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceHeavyTransport >= 1 && $securityForceHeavyTransport < _heavyTransportMax>>
 				<br><<link "Heavy transport">>
 					<<replace "#resultY">><br>
 					"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "Upgrading the heavy transport, should help us gain a massive advantage." She laughs, picks up a tablet, and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceHeavyTransport++, $cash -= 30000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
+					<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceHeavyTransport++, $cash -= 3000000*$Env*_costDebuff>>
-				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat( 30000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
+				<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat( 3000000*$Env*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<if $securityForceHeavyTransport == _heavyTransportMax>>
 				<br>//$securityForceName has fully upgraded the heavy transport to support it's activities.//
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
 			<br><<link "Launch Bay">>
 			<<replace "#resultX">>
 			<span id="resultZ">
-			"Which unit do you wish to upgrade or 'borrow'?"
+			<br>"Which unit do you wish to upgrade or 'borrow'?"
 			<<link "Go back">>
 				<<goto "SFM Barracks">>
@@ -375,25 +375,25 @@
 				<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceSatellitePower >= 1 && $securityForceSatellitePower < _SatelliteMax>>
 					<<switch $securityForceSatellitePower>>
 					<<case 11>>
-						<<set _satCost = 150000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 1500000>>
 					<<case 12>>
-						<<set _satCost = 160000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 1600000>>
 					<<case 13>>
-						<<set _satCost = 170000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 1700000>>
 					<<case 14>>
-						<<set _satCost = 180000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 1800000>>
 					<<case 15>>
-						<<set _satCost = 190000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 1900000>>
 					<<case 16>>
-						<<set _satCost = 250000000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 25000000>>
 					<<case 17>>
-						<<set _satCost = 250000000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 25000000>>
 					<<case 18>>
-						<<set _satCost = 300000000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 30000000>>
 					<<case 19>>
-						<<set _satCost = 450000000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 45000000>>
 					<<case 20 && $PC.hacking >= 75>>
-						<<set _satCost = 550000000000>>
+						<<set _satCost = 55000000>>
 						<<set _satCost = 2350000>>
@@ -425,36 +425,34 @@
 			<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceGiantRobot >= 1 && $securityForceGiantRobot < _GiantRobotMax>>
 					<<if $securityForceGiantRobot < 3>>
 						<<set _robCost = 25000000>>
-					<<elseif $securityForceGiantRobot == 9 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 10>>
-						<<set _robCost = 2750000000>>
 					<<switch $securityForceGiantRobot>>
 					<<case 3>>
-						<<set _robCost = 45000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 4500000>>
 					<<case 4>>
-						<<set _robCost = 45000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 4500000>>
 					<<case 5>>
-						<<set _robCost = 65000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 6500000>>
 					<<case 6>>
-						<<set _robCost = 85000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 8500000>>
 					<<case 7>>
-						<<set _robCost = 95000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 9500000>>
 					<<case 8>>
-						<<set _robCost = 105000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 1050000>>
 					<<case 9 && $securityForceInfantryPower >= 10>>
-						<<set _robCost = 255000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 27500000>>
 					<<case 10>>
-						<<set _robCost = 3150000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 3150000>>
 					<<case 11>>
-						<<set _robCost = 3200000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 3200000>>
 					<<case 12>>
-						<<set _robCost = 4550000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 4550000>>
 					<<case 13>>
-						<<set _robCost = 6550000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 6550000>>
 					<<case 14>>
-						<<set _robCost = 8550000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 8550000>>
 					<<case 15 $PC.hacking >= 75>>
-						<<set _robCost = 9550000000>>
+						<<set _robCost = 9550000>>
 					<br><<link "Giant robot">>
 						<<replace "#resultZ">><br>
@@ -478,14 +476,14 @@
 					<br><<link "A missile silo">>
 						<<replace "#resultZ">><br>
 						"Sure, boss." she says, nodding. "A missile silo would help a lot." She laughs. "The scum out there don't seem to like it when we have things that their shit equipment can't damage." She picks up a tablet and taps a few commands on it. "I'll get right on it."
-						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceMissileSilo++, $cash -= 200000000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff>>
+						<<set $securityForceUpgradeToken = 1, $securityForceMissileSilo++, $cash -= 20000000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff>>
-					<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(200000000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
+					<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(20000000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
 			<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceMissileSilo >= 1 && $securityForceMissileSilo < _MissileSiloMax>>
 					<<if $securityForceMissileSilo == 1>>
-						<<set _msCost = 250000000>>
+						<<set _msCost = 2500000>>
 					<<elseif $securityForceMissileSilo == 2>>
-						<<set _msCost = 295000000>>
+						<<set _msCost = 2950000>>
 					<br><<link "Missile silo">>
 						<<replace "#resultZ">><br>
@@ -506,7 +504,7 @@
 			<br><<link "Naval Yard">>
 			<<replace "#resultX">>
 			<span id="resultA">
-			"Which unit do you wish to upgrade or 'borrow'?"
+			<br>"Which unit do you wish to upgrade or 'borrow'?"
 				<<link "Go back">>
 					<<goto "SFM Barracks">>
@@ -539,13 +537,13 @@
 					<</link>> // Costs <<print cashFormat(1500000*$Env*$HackingSkillMultiplier*_costDebuff)>> //
 				<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0 && $securityForceSubmarine >= 1 && $securityForceSubmarine < _SubmarineMax>>
 					<<if $securityForceSubmarine < 4>>
-						<<set _subCost = 25000000>>
+						<<set _subCost = 2500000>>
 					<<elseif $securityForceSubmarine == 4>>
-						<<set _subCost = 85000000>>
+						<<set _subCost = 8500000>>
 					<<elseif $securityForceSubmarine == 5>>
-						<<set _subCost = 86500000>>
+						<<set _subCost = 8650000>>
 					<<elseif $securityForceSubmarine == 6 && $PC.hacking >= 75>>
-						<<set _subCost = 87800000>>
+						<<set _subCost = 8780000>>
 					<br><<link "Submarine">>
 						<<replace "#resultA">><br>
@@ -573,15 +571,15 @@
 				<<elseif $securityForceUpgradeToken == 0&& $securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport >= 1 && $securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport < _HeavyAmphibiousTransportMax>>
 					<<switch $securityForceHeavyAmphibiousTransport>>
 					<<case 1>>
-						<<set _hatCost = 150000000>>
+						<<set _hatCost = 1500000>>
 					<<case 2>>
-						<<set _hatCost = 250000000>>
+						<<set _hatCost = 2500000>>
 					<<case 3>>
-						<<set _hatCost = 300000000>>
+						<<set _hatCost = 3000000>>
 					<<case 4>>
-						<<set _hatCost = 350000000>>
+						<<set _hatCost = 3500000>>
 					<<case 5>>
-						<<set _hatCost = 400000000>>
+						<<set _hatCost = 4000000>>
 					<br><<link "Heavy amphibious transport">>
 						<<replace "#resultA">><br>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/breederProposal.tw b/src/pregmod/breederProposal.tw
index e1e39e8afd77afe077a1be5a3c4ab6298eb5b57b..5705929c2ac9a3301cec1deda5c3ccd389b7581d 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/breederProposal.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/breederProposal.tw
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Within the hour, you are called before <<if $eugenicsFullControl == 1>>what's le
 		<<replace "#result">>
 			"Good choice girl. A selection of men will be provided to you, take your pick and bear our children. Or use a test tube, if that's more to your tastes."
 			<<set $playerBred = 1, $propOutcome = 1>>
+			<<InitStandards>>
 			<<set $nextButton = "Continue">><<UpdateNextButton>> /* unlock Continue button */
@@ -47,21 +48,23 @@ Within the hour, you are called before <<if $eugenicsFullControl == 1>>what's le
 		<<replace "#result">>
 			"Good choice girl, your proposal is more important than your dignity after all, isn't it? A selection of men will be provided to you, take your pick and bear our children. Or use a test tube, if that's more to your tastes."
 			<<set $failedElite -= 50, $playerBred = 1, $propOutcome = 1>>
+			<<InitStandards>>
 			<<set $nextButton = "Continue">><<UpdateNextButton>> /* unlock Continue button */
 		<<if $failedElite <= 0>>
 			<br><<link "Decline being used as a breeder and leverage your standing">>
 			<<replace "#result">>
-				"Yes, you have done much to further out cuase. We respect the "balls" on you, despite your lack of them. Very well, we shall set the standards for what shall qualify as breeding stock and our standards will be delivered to you shortly."
+				"Yes, you have done much to further our cause. We respect the "balls" on you, despite your lack of them. Very well, we shall set the standards for what shall qualify as breeding stock and our standards will be delivered to you shortly."
 				<<set $propOutcome = 1>>
+				<<InitStandards>>
 				<<set $nextButton = "Continue">><<UpdateNextButton>> /* unlock Continue button */
 			<br><<link "Decline being used as a breeder and withdraw your proposal">>
 			<<replace "#result">>
-				"Then why waste our time? You dissapoint us, but don't worry; you'll be laden with child soon enough."
+				"Then why waste our time? You disappoint us, but don't worry; you'll be laden with child soon enough."
 				<<set $propOutcome = -1>>
 				<<set $nextButton = "Continue">><<UpdateNextButton>> /* unlock Continue button */
@@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ Within the hour, you are called before <<if $eugenicsFullControl == 1>>what's le
 		<br><<link "Decline being used as a breeder and withdraw your proposal">>
 		<<replace "#result">>
 			"Very well, if your masculinity is more valuable to you than your proposal, then so be it."
-			<<set $propOutcome to -1>>
+			<<set $propOutcome = -1>>
 			<<set $nextButton = "Continue">><<UpdateNextButton>> /* unlock Continue button */
diff --git a/src/pregmod/csec.tw b/src/pregmod/csec.tw
index a1a8d4e7cb7abc2a0ef79a6371287399bcc4731f..048a12883fbc8764c4a3c714f2b33710dadcbd70 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/csec.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/csec.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 :: csec [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = " ", $nextLink = "Slave Interact">>
 <<ClearSummaryCache $activeSlave>>
 <<set _getFather = $slaves.find(function(s) { return s.ID == $activeSlave.pregSource; })>>
@@ -15,7 +16,6 @@
 <<set $activeSlave.pregControl = "none">>
 <<set _beforeSize = WombGetVolume($activeSlave)>>
 <<set $activeSlave.curBabies = WombBirth($activeSlave, 34)>> /* 34 week is minimal gestation time for live birth. Here we take only ready to survive. With others we will deal later in code. */
 <<set $activeSlave.curStillBirth = 0 >>
 <<set _curBabies = $activeSlave.curBabies.length>> /*just to improve speed and usability here.*/
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 /* ------------------------------------------------ */
-Performing a cesarean section is trivial for the remote surgery for the remote surgery to carry out. $activeSlave.slaveName is sedated, her child<<if _curBabies > 1>>ren<</if>> extracted, and taken to a bed to recover. By the time she comes to,
+Performing a cesarean section is trivial for the remote surgery to carry out. $activeSlave.slaveName is sedated, her child<<if _curBabies > 1>>ren<</if>> extracted, and taken to a bed to recover. By the time she comes to,
 <<if _curBabies >0 >>
 	<<if $activeSlave.pregSource == -1>>
@@ -117,9 +117,10 @@ Performing a cesarean section is trivial for the remote surgery for the remote s
 	<<for _cb = 0; _cb < _cToIncub; _cb++>> /* if there is no reserved children, code in loop will not trigger */
 			<<include "Generate Child">>
 			<<include "Incubator Workaround">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.curBabies.shift()>> /*for now child generation metod for incubator not changed. But here children for incubator removed from array of birthed babies. If we decide later - we can use them for incubator as real objects here. For now they just discarded silently */
+			<<set $mom.curBabies.shift()>> /*for now child generation metod for incubator not changed. But here children for incubator removed from array of birthed babies. If we decide later - we can use them for incubator as real objects here. For now they just discarded silently */
 			<<set $reservedChildren-- >>
+	<<set $activeSlave = $mom>>
 	/*No live babies. Placeholder */
@@ -222,6 +223,8 @@ Performing a cesarean section is trivial for the remote surgery for the remote s
 			<<set $nextButton = "Back">><<UpdateNextButton>> /* unlock Continue button */
 		//Will cost <<print cashFormat(500)>> weekly//
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $nextButton = "Back">><<UpdateNextButton>> /* unlock Continue button */
@@ -240,12 +243,12 @@ Performing a cesarean section is trivial for the remote surgery for the remote s
 	<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "pregnancy">>
-		She's a little disapointed she didn't get to give birth, but can't wait to get pregnant again.
+		She's a little disappointed she didn't get to give birth, but can't wait to get pregnant again.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
 		@@.hotpink;pleased by this stark development@@, since she is so attentive to your will. She also expects she'll be able to fuck better now.
 		<<set  $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-		She is broken enough to accept your control of her pregancies.
+		She is broken enough to accept your control of her pregnancies.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion >= -20)>>
 		She would have preferred to give birth when she was ready and is @@.gold;sensibly fearful@@ of your total power over her body.
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/eliteTakeOverResult.tw b/src/pregmod/eliteTakeOverResult.tw
index 0579fa894a779a3a07e51cc20e21d773516c92cf..a6f228c3227b06cbf794b345ca5b7a6c7f85f3b3 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/eliteTakeOverResult.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/eliteTakeOverResult.tw
@@ -115,11 +115,11 @@
 			<<include "Generate XY Slave">>
-		<<set _origin = "She was a member of the SocialElite, captured in their failed attempt at expressing their displeasure">>
+		<<set _origin = "She was a member of the Societal Elite, captured in their failed attempt at expressing their displeasure">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.origin = _origin>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.career = "member of the SocialElite">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.career = "a member of the Societal Elite">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.prestige = either(2,2,3)>> 		/* 33% chance of getting level 3 prestige */
-		<<set $activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "She was a member of the SocialElite.">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "She was a member of the Societal Elite.">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.face = random(25,76)>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion = random(-10,-20)>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust = random(-20,-30)>>
@@ -150,11 +150,11 @@
 			<<include "Generate XY Slave">>
-		<<set _origin = "She was a member of the SocialElite, captured in their failed attempt at expressing their displeasure">>
+		<<set _origin = "She was a member of the Societal Elite, captured in their failed attempt at expressing their displeasure">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.origin = _origin>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.career = "member of the SocialElite">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.career = "a member of the Societal Elite">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.prestige = either(2,2,3)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "She was a member of the SocialElite.">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "She was a member of the Societal Elite.">>
 		<<set $activeSlave.face = random(25,76)>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion = random(-10,-20)>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust = random(-20,-30)>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/forceFeeding.tw b/src/pregmod/forceFeeding.tw
index 1f8784aba663e7228c0f15f4abd784f225771464..066caba490b300ea54eece9304ccaa43c8cfc16a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/forceFeeding.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/forceFeeding.tw
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ buckets overflowing with slave food. She is going to eat it all and you're going
 	belly, pulling her into your lap. You hold her tight as you pull her meal closer, dip in a cup and bring it to her lips. It takes little effort to get her to gulp down the contents so you keep the cupfuls coming.
 	You can feel her $activeSlave.skin belly swelling with $activeSlave.inflationType as it pushes out against your hand. Once she has downed two liters, you give her bloated belly a slap, eliciting a small burp from the broken slave and a little jiggle from her gut.
 	<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.preg > 3 && _isDone > 0>>
-		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach all over herself and your lap. It didn't seem to be willful, not that much is with her, but is still unnacceptable.
+		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach all over herself and your lap. It didn't seem to be willful, not that much is with her, but is still unacceptable.
 		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
 		<<if _isDone > 0>>
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ buckets overflowing with slave food. She is going to eat it all and you're going
 	belly. You hold her tight as you pull her meal closer, dip in a cup and bring it to her lips. She struggles in your lap and refuses to open her mouth. You drop the cup back into the bucket and lean in close. You quickly clip her nose shut, eliciting a panicked thrash from the girl.<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> You warn her that her punishment will be severe if she comes that close to kicking over the buckets again.<</if>> With her mouth forced open, you now have a clear avenue with which to pour the slave food into her mouth. She sputters as she struggles to swallow with her nose shut. After several cups, tears are streaming down her face from the discomfort. Weeping, she implores you to remove the clamp so that she may drink like a good girl. You readily comply and waste no time in bring cupful after cupful to her lips. You can feel her $activeSlave.skin belly swelling with $activeSlave.inflationType as it pushes out against your hand. Once she has downed two liters, you give her bloated belly a slap, eliciting a shudder from the groaning slave and a little jiggle from her gut.
 	<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.preg > 3 && _isDone > 0>>
-		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach all over herself and your lap. It didn't seem to be willful, given how pathetically she is cowering from your wrath, but is completely unnacceptable.
+		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach all over herself and your lap. It didn't seem to be willful, given how pathetically she is cowering from your wrath, but is completely unacceptable.
 		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
 		<<if _isDone > 0>>
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ buckets overflowing with slave food. She is going to eat it all and you're going
 	belly. You hold her tight as you pull her meal closer, dip in a cup and bring it to her lips. She submissively drinks the contents and readies her lips for the next, so you keep the cupfuls coming. You can feel her $activeSlave.skin belly swelling with $activeSlave.inflationType as it pushes out against your hand. Once she has downed two liters, you give her bloated belly a slap, eliciting a subtle belch from the moaning slave that she quickly apologizes for, and a little jiggle from her gut.
 	<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.preg > 3 && _isDone > 0>>
-		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach onto your floor. It didn't seem to be willful, given how she is begging to clean it up with her tongue, but is completely unnacceptable.
+		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach onto your floor. It didn't seem to be willful, given how she is begging to clean it up with her tongue, but is completely unacceptable.
 		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
 		<<if _isDone > 0>>
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ buckets overflowing with slave food. She is going to eat it all and you're going
 	belly. You hold her tight as you pull her meal closer, dip in a cup and bring it to her lips. She hurriedly gulps down the contents and opens wide for the next, so you keep the cupfuls coming. You can feel her $activeSlave.skin belly swelling with $activeSlave.inflationType as it pushes out against your hand. Once she has downed two liters, you give her bloated belly a slap, eliciting a subtle belch from the moaning slave and a little jiggle from her gut.
 	<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.preg > 3 && _isDone > 0>>
-		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach all over herself and your lap. It didn't seem to be willful, given how she is in tears over the loss of such a meal, but is completely unnacceptable.
+		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach all over herself and your lap. It didn't seem to be willful, given how she is in tears over the loss of such a meal, but is completely unacceptable.
 		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
 		<<if _isDone > 0>>
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ buckets overflowing with slave food. She is going to eat it all and you're going
 	belly. You hold her tight as you pull her meal closer, dip in a cup and bring it to her lips. She wordless drinks the contents, so you keep the cupfuls coming. You can feel her $activeSlave.skin belly swelling with $activeSlave.inflationType as it pushes out against your hand. Once she has downed two liters, you give her bloated belly a slap, eliciting a small shudder from the bloated slave and a little jiggle from her gut.
 	<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.preg > 3 && _isDone > 0>>
-		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach all over herself and your lap. It didn't seem to be willful, given how she is begging you to try again, but is completely unnacceptable.
+		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach all over herself and your lap. It didn't seem to be willful, given how she is begging you to try again, but is completely unacceptable.
 		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
 		<<if _isDone > 0>>
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ buckets overflowing with slave food. She is going to eat it all and you're going
 	belly. You hold her tight as you pull her meal closer, dip in a cup and bring it to her lips. She drinks the contents without hesitation, so you keep the cupfuls coming. You can feel her $activeSlave.skin belly swelling with $activeSlave.inflationType as it pushes out against your hand. Once she has downed two liters, you give her bloated belly a slap, eliciting a small hiccup, that she immediately apologizes for, from the overfilled slave and a little jiggle from her gut.
 	<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.preg > 3 && _isDone > 0>>
-		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach across the floor. It didn't seem to be willful, given how disapointed she is in failing you, but is completely unnacceptable.
+		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave, shortly expelling the entirety of her stomach across the floor. It didn't seem to be willful, given how disappointed she is in failing you, but is completely unacceptable.
 		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
 		<<if _isDone > 0>>
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ buckets overflowing with slave food. She is going to eat it all and you're going
 	belly. You hold her tight as you pull her meal closer, dip in a cup and bring it to her lips. She happily downs the contents, so you keep the cupfuls coming. You can feel her $activeSlave.skin belly swelling with $activeSlave.inflationType as it pushes out against your hand. Once she has downed two liters, you give her bloated belly a slap, eliciting a cute burp followed by her tongue running over her lips, from the bloated slave and a little jiggle from her gut.
 	<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.preg > 3 && _isDone > 0>>
-		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave while struggling to keep down the slave food, however, she shortly expels the entirety of her stomach across the floor. It didn't seem to be willful, given how disapointed she is in failing you, but is worrying. Such a good slave shouldn't do such bad things.
+		As soon as the next helping enters her you feel something is wrong. She begins to strongly heave while struggling to keep down the slave food, however, she shortly expels the entirety of her stomach across the floor. It didn't seem to be willful, given how disappointed she is in failing you, but is worrying. Such a good slave shouldn't do such bad things.
 		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
 		<<if _isDone > 0>>
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ buckets overflowing with slave food. She is going to eat it all and you're going
 <<if _pregDiscovery == 1>>
-	Once you've managed to stop her heaving and clean up, you get to the root of this mess. While most of the tests come back normal, one in particluar catches your eye; @@.lime;She is pregnant<<if $activeSlave.preg > 10>> and surprisingly far along<</if>>.@@
+	Once you've managed to stop her heaving and clean up, you get to the root of this mess. While most of the tests come back normal, one in particular catches your eye; @@.lime;She is pregnant<<if $activeSlave.preg > 10>> and surprisingly far along<</if>>.@@
 	<<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0, $activeSlave.inflationType = "none", $activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/incubatorReport.tw b/src/pregmod/incubatorReport.tw
index 43d9542b47546e1244ed52323c8e7043cfff86e0..8ad8ea08b745235021a8ee2010b39689aa4ba80a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/incubatorReport.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/incubatorReport.tw
@@ -218,9 +218,9 @@
 				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
 					<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].pregType = random(25,45)>>
+						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(25,45)>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].pregType = random(3,8)>>
+						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(3,8)>>
 					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
@@ -342,9 +342,9 @@
 				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
 					<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].pregType = random(15,25)>>
+						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(15,25)>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].pregType = random(2,6)>>
+						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(2,6)>>
 					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
@@ -466,9 +466,9 @@
 				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
 					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
 					<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].pregType = random(10,15)>>
+						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(10,15)>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].pregType = random(2,4)>>
+						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(2,4)>>
 					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
 						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/newChildIntro.tw b/src/pregmod/newChildIntro.tw
index 0338240cbf220b924d586bbd126f811bb2657324..460dc3cd7d858867052bb2043d5e1f7251e71975 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/newChildIntro.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/newChildIntro.tw
@@ -316,10 +316,10 @@ You completed the legalities before heading to $incubatorName, knowing the tank
 		Her eyes focus on _tempMom.slaveName's <<print _tempMom.boobs>>cc tits, taking in every centimeter of their enormity, but lingering on her <<if _tempMom.lactation == 2>>milk gushing <<elseif _tempMom.lactation == 1>>milk leaking <</if>>_tempMom.nipples nipples.
 		<<set _momInterest = "boobs">>
 	<<elseif _tempMom.bellyPreg >= 450000>>
-		Her eyes focus on _tempMom.slaveName's massively distended, child-filled belly, taking in every obvious motion beneath her taut skin.<<if $activeSlave.pregType >= 20>> A hand runs across her own bloated middle and another down to her moist pussy.<</if>>
+		Her eyes focus on _tempMom.slaveName's massively distended, child-filled belly, taking in every obvious motion beneath her taut skin.<<if $activeSlave.readyOva >= 20>> A hand runs across her own bloated middle and another down to her moist pussy.<</if>>
 		<<set _momInterest = "belly">>
 	<<elseif _tempMom.belly >= 5000>>
-		Her eyes focus on _tempMom.slaveName's rounded middle, staring in fascination at the unfamiliar bulge.<<if $activeSlave.pregType >= 20>> A hand runs across her own middle and another down to her moist pussy.<</if>>
+		Her eyes focus on _tempMom.slaveName's rounded middle, staring in fascination at the unfamiliar bulge.<<if $activeSlave.readyOva >= 20>> A hand runs across her own middle and another down to her moist pussy.<</if>>
 		<<set _momInterest = "belly">>
 	<<elseif _tempMom.dick > 15>>
 		Her eyes focus on _tempMom.slaveName's <<print (6*_tempMom.dick)>>cm long dick, trying to understand how it can fit in a girl.
@@ -400,10 +400,10 @@ You completed the legalities before heading to $incubatorName, knowing the tank
 		Her eyes focus on _tempDad.slaveName's <<print _tempDad.boobs>>cc tits, taking in every centimeter of their enormity, but lingering on her <<if _tempDad.lactation == 2>>milk gushing <<elseif _tempDad.lactation == 1>>milk leaking <</if>>_tempDad.nipples nipples.
 		<<set _dadInterest = "boobs">>
 	<<elseif _tempDad.bellyPreg >= 450000>>
-		Her eyes focus on _tempDad.slaveName's massively distended, child-filled belly, taking in every obvious motion beneath her taut skin.<<if $activeSlave.pregType >= 20>> A hand runs across her own bloated middle and another down to her moist pussy.<</if>>
+		Her eyes focus on _tempDad.slaveName's massively distended, child-filled belly, taking in every obvious motion beneath her taut skin.<<if $activeSlave.readyOva >= 20>> A hand runs across her own bloated middle and another down to her moist pussy.<</if>>
 		<<set _dadInterest = "belly">>
 	<<elseif _tempDad.belly >= 5000>>
-		Her eyes focus on _tempDad.slaveName's rounded middle, staring in fascination at the unfamiliar bulge.<<if $activeSlave.pregType >= 20>> A hand runs across her own middle and another down to her moist pussy.<</if>>
+		Her eyes focus on _tempDad.slaveName's rounded middle, staring in fascination at the unfamiliar bulge.<<if $activeSlave.readyOva >= 20>> A hand runs across her own middle and another down to her moist pussy.<</if>>
 		<<set _dadInterest = "belly">>
 	<<elseif _tempDad.dick > 15>>
 		Her eyes focus on _tempDad.slaveName's <<print (6*_tempDad.dick)>>cm long dick, trying to understand how it can fit in a girl.
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ You slowly strip down, gauging her reactions to your show, until you are fully n
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus >= 50>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.pregType > 0>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.readyOva > 0>>
 		She notices all the rounded bellies in your arcology and @@.mediumaquamarine;instinctively feels at home with her egg filled womb.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust += 2>>
@@ -640,15 +640,9 @@ You slowly strip down, gauging her reactions to your show, until you are fully n
 <<if $seePreg != 0>>
 <<if isFertile($activeSlave)>>
 <br><<link "Impregnate her">>
-<<set $activeSlave.preg = 1>>
-<<SetPregType $activeSlave>>
-<<set $activeSlave.pregSource = -1>>
-<<set $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1>>
-<<set $activeSlave.pregWeek = 1>>
-<<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, $activeSlave.pregType, -1, 1)>>
 <<replace "#result">>
-	<<if $activeSlave.pregType > 0>>
-		You don't need to perform an exam to know that she is fertile; her nethers are swollen with need and her pussy dripping with desire<<if $activeSlave.pregType > 20>>, and her stomach is already slightly bloated with the number of fertile eggs within her womb<</if>>. She moans with pent-up lust as you deeply penetrate her and begin steadily thrusting. Her tight pussy hungrily massages your dick as you near your climax, prompting you to hilt yourself in her before seeding the deepest reaches of her pussy. She passed out in ecstasy, so you carry her bred body to the couch to recover. She should make the connection once her belly starts to rapidly swell with child.
+	<<if $activeSlave.readyOva > 0>>
+		You don't need to perform an exam to know that she is fertile; her nethers are swollen with need and her pussy dripping with desire<<if $activeSlave.readyOva > 20>>, and her stomach is already slightly bloated with the number of fertile eggs within her womb<</if>>. She moans with pent-up lust as you deeply penetrate her and begin steadily thrusting. Her tight pussy hungrily massages your dick as you near your climax, prompting you to hilt yourself in her before seeding the deepest reaches of her pussy. She passed out in ecstasy, so you carry her bred body to the couch to recover. She should make the connection once her belly starts to rapidly swell with child.
 		You perform a careful medical examination to verify fertility, and then forcefully take the girl's virginity. Whenever you feel able, you drain your balls into her cunt, only allowing her to wander off when scans verify a fertilized ovum. She didn't properly understand the scans, so she just thought it was sex; she won't realize what happened for some months at least, and in the mean time, will think she is just getting fat. Though once her child starts kicking, she might make the connection between sex and pregnancy.
@@ -663,6 +657,12 @@ You slowly strip down, gauging her reactions to your show, until you are fully n
 		Society @@.green;approves@@ of your promptly putting a new slave in her; this advances the idea that all slaves should bear their masters' babies.
 		<<FSChange "GenderFundamentalist" 2>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.preg = 1>>
+	<<SetPregType $activeSlave>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.pregSource = -1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.pregWeek = 1>>
+	<<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, $activeSlave.pregType, -1, 1)>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
index 4dced2bf183387535d519addb2db9f030a1429a3..79fa6735cb47481436242d761234127a08981845 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@
 <<set $args[0].belly = $args[1].belly>>
 <<set $args[0].bellyPreg = $args[1].bellyPreg>>
 <<set $args[0].bellyFluid = $args[1].bellyFluid>>
+<<set $args[0].readyOva = $args[1].readyOva>>
 <<set $args[0].womb = $args[1].womb>> /* this is array assigned by reference, if slave body that is $args[1] will be stil used anywhere in code (not discarded) - it's WRONG (they now technicaly share one womb object). Please tell me about it then. But if old body $args[1] just discarded - it's no problem then.*/
 <<set $args[0].canRecruit = 0>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
index bf1dbd93fff840703ea765f7ad58d430c56b0706..400412b1a1bb1cf2f16b8fea146c4507f6bef866 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@
 <<case "be the Schoolteacher">>
 	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<if (random(1,20) > $suddenBirth)>>
-			She calls for her teaching aid to help position her so the class may recieve a lesson on childbirth. She begins working on birthing <<if $slaves[$i].birthsTotal == 0>>her first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, fully aware of her watching students. She demonstrates the proper ways to labor and how to deliver a baby. She explains the infant's future as her child taken and excuses the class for a short break in order to freshen up. Upon their return, she begins a lesson on being a broodmother, as there is always a curious face locked onto her still very gravid middle. 
+			She calls for her teaching aid to help position her so the class may receive a lesson on childbirth. She begins working on birthing <<if $slaves[$i].birthsTotal == 0>>her first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, fully aware of her watching students. She demonstrates the proper ways to labor and how to deliver a baby. She explains the infant's future as her child taken and excuses the class for a short break in order to freshen up. Upon their return, she begins a lesson on being a broodmother, as there is always a curious face locked onto her still very gravid middle. 
 			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
 			While teaching a lesson, $slaves[$i].slaveName's water breaks. Sensing she wouldn't be able to make it to the birthing area, she instead chooses to act on the opportunity. Today's lesson will be on childbirth.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
index 36be3568b6fe213390b8f273468dac9344126725..7a3211072bc95e71207bd527792c3adcbd67f7be 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
@@ -1916,7 +1916,9 @@ Of $possessive $slaves[$i].pregType child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if
 Call as <<HSM>>
 <<widget "HSM">>
-	<<if $PC.hacking <= -100>>
+	<<if ndef $PC.hacking>>
+		<<set $PC.hacking = 1, $HackingSkillMultiplier = 1>>
+	<<elseif $PC.hacking <= -100>>
 		<<set $HackingSkillMultiplier = 1.5>>
 	<<elseif $PC.hacking <= -75>>
 		<<set $HackingSkillMultiplier = 1.35>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
index dc1c009fa6d01614499715b7a2cf8afbfeb923fc..9eeca44eca37abdd839aa3e7762be1691bffc420 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
@@ -829,6 +829,12 @@
 	<<set $arcologies[0].FSCummunismResearch = 0>>
+<<if ndef $arcologies[0].FSIncestFetishist>>
+	<<for _bci = 0; _bci < $arcologies.length; _bci++>>
+		<<set $arcologies[_bci].FSIncestFetishist = "unset", $arcologies[_bci].FSIncestFetishistDecoration = 0>>
+	<</for>>
+	<<set $arcologies[0].FSIncestFetishistResearch = 0>>
 <<for _bci = 0; _bci < $arcologies.length; _bci++>>
 	<<if $arcologies[_bci].FSHedonisticDecadence == 0>>
 		<<set $arcologies[_bci].FSHedonisticDecadence = "unset", $arcologies[_bci].FSHedonisticDecadenceDecoration = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
index 1f329e53e3589867be4116d1771c231435bff6e4..eb253d5feafbc944fc02ed626317781c2c0e1c4d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
@@ -3495,7 +3495,7 @@ As another long week draws to a close, <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> happens to
 	<<if $activeSlave.mother == -1>>
 		have been a wa<<s>>te of time for you. I'm <<s>>orry you had to carry me in<<s>>ide you for nine month<<s>>, and I'm <<s>>orry I <<s>>tretched you out when I wa<<s>> born, 
-		be a di<<ss>>apointment to you,
+		be a di<<s>>appointment to you,
 	<<Master>>. I<<s>> it a little weird to feel thi<<s>> way?"
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw b/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
index 4fdaf78ec3c64263282f646805879aee9343045f..2eaaa3d8e240ba21552b54e40ef5990c3a43068b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/SFMBarracks.tw
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
 	<</link>> <br>It will cost 5% of your currently displayed cash, which is <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(_securityForceUpgradeResetTokenCurrentCost))>>.
 <<if $securityForceUpgradeTokenReset >= 1>>
-	<br>Total multi week $securityForceName upgrades: $securityForceUpgradeTokenReset <br><br>
+	<br>Total multi week $securityForceName upgrades: $securityForceUpgradeTokenReset <br>
 <<include "SpecialForceUpgradeOptions">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/arcologyDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/arcologyDescription.tw
index a8b94e396eda5ae72b8e431b18eca2aca2d1837a..5e957219b56c49bd38b347610e701ce2535c42f9 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/arcologyDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/arcologyDescription.tw
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 :: Arcology Description [nobr]
-__''$arcologies[0].name''__, your arcology, is located in a Free City in <<if $terrain == "oceanic">>the middle of the ocean<<else>>$continent<</if>>. It is a huge structure whose<<if $arcologyUpgrade.apron == 1>> solar-panelled<</if>> skin gleams in the sunshine<<if $arcologyUpgrade.hydro == 1>>, while verdant exterior hydroponics bays lend it an air of growth<</if>>.
+__'' $arcologies[0].name''__, your arcology, is located in a Free City in <<if $terrain == "oceanic">>the middle of the ocean<<else>>$continent<</if>>. It is a huge structure whose<<if $arcologyUpgrade.apron == 1>> solar-panelled<</if>> skin gleams in the sunshine<<if $arcologyUpgrade.hydro == 1>>, while verdant exterior hydroponics bays lend it an air of growth<</if>>.
 <<if $weatherCladding == 1>>
 	Much of its beautiful exterior is now hidden behind dull panels of weather cladding<<if $arcologyUpgrade.spire == 1>>, though its highest point is capped by tall, elegant spire<</if>>.
 <<elseif $weatherCladding == 2>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/arcologyOpinion.tw b/src/uncategorized/arcologyOpinion.tw
index 1f678d2d03250fcd1db9bd19e3f4e5572ec3e910..676c8bf799d2314e88249e82f14ecdef7b6ad757 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/arcologyOpinion.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/arcologyOpinion.tw
@@ -236,23 +236,27 @@
 <<elseif $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
 	<<if $targetArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set $opinion += $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
-	<<set $opinion += $targetArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion += $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion += $targetArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
 	<<elseif $targetArcology.FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
-	<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSRomanRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSRomanRevivalist>>
 	<<elseif $targetArcology.FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">>
-  <<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
-  <<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSAztecRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSAztecRevivalist>>
 	<<elseif $targetArcology.FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
-	<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSEdoRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSEdoRevivalist>>
 	<<elseif $targetArcology.FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
-	<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSArabianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSArabianRevivalist>>
 	<<elseif $targetArcology.FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
-	<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSChineseRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSChineseRevivalist>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $targetArcology.FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+		<<set $opinion += $activeArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+		<<set $opinion += $targetArcology.FSIncestFetishist>>
 <<elseif $activeArcology.FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">>
 	<<if $targetArcology.FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">>
@@ -315,6 +319,16 @@
 	<<set $opinion -= $targetArcology.FSAztecRevivalist>>
+<<if $activeArcology.FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+	<<if $targetArcology.FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+		<<set $opinion += $activeArcology.FSIncestFetishist>>
+		<<set $opinion += $targetArcology.FSIncestFetishist>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $targetArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
+		<<set $opinion += $activeArcology.FSIncestFetishist>>
+		<<set $opinion += $targetArcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist>>
+	<</if>>
 <<set $activeArcology = 0>>
 <<set $targetArcology = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/bodyModRulesAssistantSettings.tw b/src/uncategorized/bodyModRulesAssistantSettings.tw
index 56cda64a821d21d99b1f8ba9f94960ad3dfb05c4..c04fa06f4988d4d224287d758ba69a66799f7021 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/bodyModRulesAssistantSettings.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/bodyModRulesAssistantSettings.tw
@@ -623,6 +623,11 @@ Other:
 <<set $brandTarget = "back">>
+<<link "Lower Back">>
+<<set $brandTarget = "lower back">>
 <span id = "branddesign">
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw b/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw
index 3381fcdef4e7c4b72fe321e7acba1ac937419993..97a8c27cdac0f97a596df727107f68ecc23cf23f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/bodyModification.tw
@@ -1772,12 +1772,13 @@ Choose a site for branding:
 | [[Belly|Body Modification][$brandTarget = "belly"]]
 | [[Pubic Mound|Body Modification][$brandTarget = "pubic mound"]]
 | [[Back|Body Modification][$brandTarget = "back"]]
+| [[Lower Back|Body Modification][$brandTarget = "lower back"]]
 /* Branding expansion contributed by Anon1888 */
-<<if ($brandTarget == "neck" || $brandTarget == "chest" || $brandTarget == "belly" || $brandTarget == "pubic mound" || $brandTarget == "back")>>
+<<if ($brandTarget == "neck" || $brandTarget == "chest" || $brandTarget == "belly" || $brandTarget == "pubic mound" || $brandTarget == "back" || $brandTarget == "lower back")>>
 	[[Brand|Body Modification][$brandApplied = 1,$activeSlave.brand = $brandDesign,$activeSlave.brandLocation = $brandTarget,$cash -= $modCost,$degradation += 10]]  with $brandDesign on the $brandTarget.
 	Brand $object now with ''$brandDesign'' on the
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/buySlaves.tw b/src/uncategorized/buySlaves.tw
index 907b01a531d8339086281a5aeb7de70e18820276..addeef16f6ec1eba263910d6eb0fe045120d2e29 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/buySlaves.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/buySlaves.tw
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ __Sex Slave Purchase Options__
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $arcologies.length; _i++>>
 	<<if $arcologies[_i].direction != 0>>
 		<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<print '[[Slaves from|Slave Markets][$slaveMarket = "neighbor", $numArcology = ' + _i + ']]'>>
-		''$arcologies[_i].name'' 
+		'' $arcologies[_i].name'' 
 		<<if $cash > _minimumFive>>
 			| <<print '[[(x5)|Bulk Slave Generate][$slaveMarket = "neighbor", $introType = "bulk", $numSlaves = 5, $numArcology = '+_i+']]'>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/clinicReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/clinicReport.tw
index ca26c4d59e274326a474ae7526856ae6b71838bc..44ec5e6c270019ac6a838e0834561f0d9d40e23d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/clinicReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/clinicReport.tw
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].preg >= 31 && $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].preg >= 35 && $slaves[$i].pregControl == "speed up">>
 				<<set $slaves[$i].pregControl = "none">>
 				''@@.pink;$slaves[$i].slaveName's@@'' child is ready to pop out of her womb, ''@@.yellow;her course of rapid gestation agents is finished''.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/futureSocities.tw b/src/uncategorized/futureSocities.tw
index 8f8feeb026c07158f4e5067834bafa2f4d83348c..8f40840ba71261a1a7ea324ac6e221426187e176 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/futureSocities.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/futureSocities.tw
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
 <<if ndef $arcologies[0].FSCummunism>>
 	<<set $arcologies[0].FSCummunism = "unset">>
+<<if ndef $arcologies[0].FSIncestFetishist>>
+	<<set $arcologies[0].FSIncestFetishist = "unset">>
 <<if ndef $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist>>
 	<<set $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist = "unset">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
index 0fb1a31f2ab2b2a6919c8dce910c3f43d3aa0a95..7ae95c486c997e2c05cbb50eb35bad8f80e11d54 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/longSlaveDescription.tw
@@ -1082,14 +1082,8 @@ when a dick is pushed inside <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= -1>>either of its lower
 <<if $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0>>
 <<if $showBodyMods == 1>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "neck")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left cheek")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right cheek")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "cheeks")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left ears")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right ears")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "ears")>>
-	  <<brandDescription>>
+	<<if ["neck", "left cheek", "right cheek", "cheeks", "left ears", "right ears", "ears"].includes($activeSlave.brandLocation)>>
+		<<brandDescription>>
@@ -1818,33 +1812,8 @@ $pronounCap is
 <<if $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0>>
 <<if $showBodyMods == 1>>
 	/* Check it's not a facial brand: */
-	<<if ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "back")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "chest")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right shoulder")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left shoulder")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "shoulders")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right upper arm")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left upper arm")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "upper arms")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right lower arm")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left lower arm")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "lower arms")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right wrist")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left wrist")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "wrists")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right hand")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left hand")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "hands")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left ankle")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right ankle")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "ankles")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right calf")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left calf")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "calves")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "right foot")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "left foot")
-	|| ($activeSlave.brandLocation == "feet")>>
-	  <<brandDescription>>
+	<<if ["back", "lower back", "chest", "right shoulder", "left shoulder", "shoulders", "right upper arm", "left upper arm", "upper arms", "right lower arm", "left lower arm", "lower arms", "right wrist", "left wrist", "wrists", "right hand", "left hand", "hands", "left ankle", "right ankle", "ankles", "right calf", "left calf", "calves", "right foot", "left foot", "feet"].includes($activeSlave.brandLocation)>>
+		<<brandDescription>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/neighborDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/neighborDescription.tw
index 403220c55f7ea8ced76d2ce385c13a2641bc88ff..0e4740973a5d7aa7a2c6b81269c71c174c1f9e63 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/neighborDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/neighborDescription.tw
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 :: Neighbor Description [nobr]
-''$arcologies[$i].name'' is located to the $arcologies[$i].direction of your arcology. It is governed by
+'' $arcologies[$i].name'' is located to the $arcologies[$i].direction of your arcology. It is governed by
 <<switch $arcologies[$i].government>>
 <<case "elected officials">>
 	elected officials, periodically paralyzing its development.
@@ -380,6 +380,24 @@ its neighbors.
 	<<set $seed.push($desc)>>
+<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+	<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > 80>>
+	<<set $desc = "committed to ">>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > 20>>
+	<<set $desc = "pursuing ">>
+	<<else>>
+	<<set $desc = "just establishing ">>
+	<</if>>
+	<<set $desc = $desc + "@@.gold;Incest Fetishism@@, and is ">>
+	<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > 95>>
+	<<set $desc = $desc + "highly recommended as a place to stop by if you like threesomes with twins or familial gangbangs.">>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > 40>>
+	<<set $desc = $desc + "attracting a substantial number of families.">>
+	<<else>>
+	<<set $desc = $desc + "devoting more and more of its resources into genealogy.">>
+	<</if>>
+	<<set $seed.push($desc)>>
 <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
 	<<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist > 80>>
 	<<set $desc = "committed to ">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/neighborInteract.tw b/src/uncategorized/neighborInteract.tw
index bd792c47d7524ae507ce63246d961d8920d71031..7dbc4de068f2f341f20347c9aa7526614456f7d7 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/neighborInteract.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/neighborInteract.tw
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 	<<for $i = 0; $i < $arcologies.length; $i++>>
 	<<if $arcologies[$i].direction == $arcologies[0].embargoTarget>>
-	You have targeted ''$arcologies[$i].name'' for economic warfare.
+	You have targeted '' $arcologies[$i].name'' for economic warfare.
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	<<for $i = 0; $i < $arcologies.length; $i++>>
 	<<if $arcologies[$i].direction == $arcologies[0].influenceTarget>>
-	You have targeted ''$arcologies[$i].name'' for cultural influence.
+	You have targeted '' $arcologies[$i].name'' for cultural influence.
@@ -122,6 +122,9 @@
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence > 60>>
 	<<set $desc.push("Hedonistic Decadence")>>
+<<if $arcologies[0].FSIncestFetishist > 60>>
+	<<set $desc.push("Incest Fetishism")>>
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist > 60>>
 	<<set $desc.push("Chattel Religionism")>>
@@ -280,6 +283,9 @@ A 1% interest in $activeArcology.name is worth <<print cashFormat($seed)>> and w
 <<if $activeArcology.FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
 	<br><<link "Force Abandonment of Hedonistic Decadence">><<set $activeArcology.FSHedonisticDecadence = "unset">><<goto "Neighbor Interact">><</link>>
+<<if $activeArcology.FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+	<br><<link "Force Abandonment of Incest Fetishism">><<set $activeArcology.FSIncestFetishist = "unset">><<goto "Neighbor Interact">><</link>>
 <<if $activeArcology.FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
 	<br><<link "Force Abandonment of Chattel Religionism">><<set $activeArcology.FSChattelReligionist = "unset">><<goto "Neighbor Interact">><</link>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/neighborsDevelopment.tw b/src/uncategorized/neighborsDevelopment.tw
index 87758d6a5096f41b362150e5fead85f0c9e5671c..5f3a3dcf3cd57afe8733a86ee45e8d97568014d2 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/neighborsDevelopment.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/neighborsDevelopment.tw
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 <<for $i = 0; $i < $arcologies.length; $i++>>
-''$arcologies[$i].name'', your <<if $arcologies[$i].direction == 0>>arcology<<else>>neighbor to the $arcologies[$i].direction<</if>>,
+'' $arcologies[$i].name'', your <<if $arcologies[$i].direction == 0>>arcology<<else>>neighbor to the $arcologies[$i].direction<</if>>,
@@ -316,6 +316,14 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		  <<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence -= 10>>
+	  <<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+		<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist < random(10,150)>>
+		  <<set $desc.push("Incest Fetishism")>>
+		  <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = "unset">>
+		<<else>>
+		  <<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist -= 10>>
+		<</if>>
+	  <</if>>
 	  <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
 		<<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist < random(10,150)>>
 		  <<set $desc.push("Chattel Religionism")>>
@@ -487,7 +495,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 <<if $arcologies[$i].direction != $arcologies[$j].direction>>
 <<if $arcologies[$i].name == $arcologies[$j].name>>
 	<<set $arcologies[$i].name = "Arcology X-"+($i < 4 ? $i : $i + 1)>> /* X-4 is reserved for player's arcology, so X-1 is available */
-	It resumes its original name, ''$arcologies[$i].name'', since the arcology to the $arcologies[$i].direction of yours is also named $arcologies[$j].name.
+	It resumes its original name, '' $arcologies[$i].name'', since the arcology to the $arcologies[$i].direction of yours is also named $arcologies[$j].name.
@@ -589,7 +597,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 			<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesSupremacistMixedRace.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on $arcologies[$i].FSSupremacistRace Supremacy.
@@ -658,7 +666,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 			<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesSubjugationistMixedRace.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on $arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationistRace Subjugationism.
@@ -698,7 +706,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Repopulationism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name to setup.ArcologyNamesRepopulationist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Repopulationism.
@@ -741,7 +749,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSRestartResearch = 1>>
 		Eugenics has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesEugenics.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRestart < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Eugenics.
@@ -790,7 +798,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalistResearch = 1>>
 		Gender Radicalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesGenderRadicalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSGenderRadicalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Gender Radicalism.
@@ -844,7 +852,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Gender Fundamentalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesGenderFundamentalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSGenderFundamentalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Gender Fundamentalism.
@@ -884,7 +892,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Paternalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesPaternalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Paternalism.
@@ -927,7 +935,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Degradationism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesDegradationist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Degradationism.
@@ -976,7 +984,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Body Purism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesBodyPurist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Body Purism.
@@ -1017,7 +1025,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishistResearch = 1>>
 		Transformation Fetishism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesTransformationFetishist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Transformation Fetishism.
@@ -1061,7 +1069,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Youth Preferentialism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesYouthPreferentialist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialistResearch = 1>>
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSYouthPreferentialist < 0>>
@@ -1100,7 +1108,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Maturity Preferentialism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesMaturityPreferentialist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Maturity Preferentialism.
@@ -1140,7 +1148,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Slimness Enthusiasm has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesSlimnessEnthusiast.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiastResearch = 1>>
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast < 0>>
@@ -1188,7 +1196,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionistResearch = 1>>
 		Asset Expansionism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesAssetExpansionist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Asset Expansionism.
@@ -1233,7 +1241,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Pastoralism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesPastoralist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPastoralist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Pastoralism.
@@ -1271,7 +1279,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Cummunism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesCummunism.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Cummunism.
@@ -1315,7 +1323,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Physical Idealism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesPhysicalIdealist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSPhysicalIdealist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Physical Idealism.
@@ -1358,7 +1366,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadenceResearch = 1>>
 		Decadent Hedonism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesHedonisticDecadence.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Decadent Hedonism.
@@ -1378,6 +1386,43 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
+<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+	<<set _societiesAdopted += 1>>
+	<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>>
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist += $efficiency>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<for $j = 0; $j < $arcologies.length; $j++>>
+	<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != $arcologies[$j].direction>>
+		<<if $arcologies[$j].FSIncestFetishist > $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist + _FSCrossThresh>>
+			<<if $showNeighborDetails != 0>>Incest Fetishism in $arcologies[$i].name is influenced by $arcologies[$j].name's more advanced society.<</if>>
+			<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist += 1>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
+	<</for>>
+	<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>>
+	<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist >= $FSLockinLevel>>
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].influenceBonus += $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist - $FSLockinLevel>>
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = $FSLockinLevel>>
+		<<set $toSearch = $arcologies[$i].name>>
+		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
+		Incest Fetishism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesIncestFetishist.random()>>
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		<</if>>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist < 0>>
+		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Incest Fetishism.
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = "unset">>
+	<</if>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $corpIncorporated == 1>>
+	<<if $captureUpgradeAge == "old">>
+		It's a @@.lightgreen;good market@@ for your corporation's motherly slaves, especially those that look like peoples mothers, improving sales and helping social progress.
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist += 1>>
+		<<set $corpCash += _corpBonus>>
+	<</if>>
+	<</if>>
 <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
 	<<set _societiesAdopted += 1>>
 	<<if $arcologies[$i].direction != 0>>
@@ -1399,7 +1444,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Chattel Religionism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesChattelReligionist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Chattel Religionism.
@@ -1455,7 +1500,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Roman Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesRomanRevivalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Roman Revivalism.
@@ -1505,7 +1550,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Aztec Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesAztecRevivalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Aztec Revivalism.
@@ -1555,7 +1600,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Egyptian Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesEgyptianRevivalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Egyptian Revivalism.
@@ -1605,7 +1650,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Edo Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesEdoRevivalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Edo Revivalism.
@@ -1655,7 +1700,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Arabian Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesArabianRevivalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Arabian Revivalism.
@@ -1709,7 +1754,7 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 		<<if ($toSearch.indexOf("Arcology") != -1) && (random(0,2) == 0)>>
 		Chinese Revivalism has reached stability and acceptance there. The arcology has been renamed
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].name = setup.ArcologyNamesChineseRevivalist.random()>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name'' to mark the occasion.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist < 0>>
 		$arcologies[$i].name @@.cyan;has given up@@ on Chinese Revivalism.
@@ -1943,6 +1988,13 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 	<<set $desc.push("attacking its Physical Idealism")>>
+<<if $arcologies[$j].FSIncestFetishist > 60>>
+	<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSIncestFetishist-60)/4)+$appliedInfluenceBonus>>
+	<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > $FSLockinLevel>><<set _alignment += 1>><</if>>
+	<<set $desc.push("helping to advance its Incest Fetishism")>>
+	<</if>>
 <<if $arcologies[$j].FSChattelReligionist > 60>>
 	<<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
 		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist += Math.trunc(($arcologies[$j].FSChattelReligionist-60)/4)+$appliedInfluenceBonus>>
@@ -2079,9 +2131,9 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 <<if $desc.length == 0>>
-  ''$arcologies[$j].name'' attempts to influence it, but has no significant impacts.
+  '' $arcologies[$j].name'' attempts to influence it, but has no significant impacts.
 <<elseif $desc.length > 2>>
-  ''$arcologies[$j].name'''s mature culture influences $arcologies[$i].name, $desc[0],
+  '' $arcologies[$j].name'''s mature culture influences $arcologies[$i].name, $desc[0],
   <<for _k = 1; _k < $desc.length; _k++>>
   <<if _k < $desc.length-1>>
@@ -2090,9 +2142,9 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 <<elseif $desc.length == 2>>
-  ''$arcologies[$j].name'''s culture influences $arcologies[$i].name's $desc[0] and $desc[1].
+  '' $arcologies[$j].name'''s culture influences $arcologies[$i].name's $desc[0] and $desc[1].
-  ''$arcologies[$j].name'''s culture is beginning to influence $arcologies[$i].name's $desc[0].
+  '' $arcologies[$j].name'''s culture is beginning to influence $arcologies[$i].name's $desc[0].
 <<if $appliedInfluenceBonus < 0>>
@@ -2108,10 +2160,10 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 <<if $arcologies[$j].direction != 0>>
 	<<if $desc.length == 0>>
-	''$arcologies[$j].name'' is not satisfied with the impact its directed influence is having, and withdraws it with the intention of targeting it elsewhere.
+	'' $arcologies[$j].name'' is not satisfied with the impact its directed influence is having, and withdraws it with the intention of targeting it elsewhere.
 	<<set $arcologies[$j].influenceTarget = -1>>
 	<<elseif _alignment >= 4>>
-	''$arcologies[$j].name'' is satisfied that its influence has brought $arcologies[$i].name into alignment, and withdraws its direct influence with the intention of targeting it elsewhere.
+	'' $arcologies[$j].name'' is satisfied that its influence has brought $arcologies[$i].name into alignment, and withdraws its direct influence with the intention of targeting it elsewhere.
 	<<set $arcologies[$j].influenceTarget = -1>>
@@ -2172,6 +2224,9 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSHedonisticDecadence > 60>>
 	<<set _influential = 1>>
+<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > 60>>
+	<<set _influential = 1>>
 <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist > 60>>
 	<<set _influential = 1>>
@@ -2362,6 +2417,13 @@ has an estimated GSP of @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc((0.1*$arcol
 	<<set _eligibleTargets.push($arcologies[$j].direction)>>
+<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+	<<if $arcologies[$j].FSIncestFetishist != "unset">>
+	<<if $arcologies[$j].FSIncestFetishist < $FSLockinLevel>>
+			<<set _eligibleTargets.push($arcologies[$j].direction)>>
+	<</if>>
+	<</if>>
 <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
 	<<if $arcologies[$j].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
 	<<if $arcologies[$j].FSChattelReligionist < $FSLockinLevel>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/neighborsFSAdoption.tw b/src/uncategorized/neighborsFSAdoption.tw
index f33c0a06dab9c2f10bb403ca80bd4a36ea9c4adf..47a2979d695db1199fc2b926ac3e991e0d98b9ef 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/neighborsFSAdoption.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/neighborsFSAdoption.tw
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 :: Neighbors FS Adoption [nobr]
-''$arcologies[$i].name'', your <<if $arcologies[$i].direction == 0>>arcology<<else>>neighbor to the $arcologies[$i].direction<</if>>,
+'' $arcologies[$i].name'', your <<if $arcologies[$i].direction == 0>>arcology<<else>>neighbor to the $arcologies[$i].direction<</if>>,
 is prosperous enough that
 <<switch $arcologies[$i].government>>
 <<case "elected officials">>
@@ -400,6 +400,19 @@ societal development.
 <<if $adopted == 0>>
+<<if ($arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist == "unset")>>
+	<<if $familyTesting == 1>>
+		<<set _lover = $slaves.find(function(s) { return s.ID == $leaders[$j].relationshipTaget && areRelated(s, $leaders[$j]) && s.assignment == "live with your agent"; })>>
+	<<else>>
+		<<set _lover = $slaves.find(function(s) { return s.ID == $leaders[$j].relationshipTaget && s.ID == $leaders[$j].relationTaget && s.assignment == "live with your agent"; })>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if ($leaders[$j].behavioralQuirk == "sinful" || $leaders[$j].sexualQuirk == "perverted") && def _lover>>
+		Your agent @@.pink;$leaders[$j].slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Incest Festishism@@, to share the love and joy she holds with her relativeTerm($leaders[$j], _lover).
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+	<</if>>
+<<if $adopted == 0>>
 <<if ($arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist == "unset")>>
 <<if ($arcologies[$i].FSNull == "unset")>>
 	<<if $leaders[$j].behavioralQuirk == "devout">>
@@ -421,39 +434,11 @@ societal development.
 	<<if ($arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist == "unset")>>
 	<<if ($arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist == "unset")>>
 		<<if ($leaders[$j].relationshipTarget != 0)>>
-			<<for $k = 0; $k < $slaves.length; $k++>>
-				<<if $leaders[$j].mother == $slaves[$k].ID>>
-					<<if $leaders[$j].relationshipTarget == $slaves[$k].ID>>
-						Your agent @@.pink;$leaders[$j].slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism@@, since she's already part of a gloriously incestuous relationship.
-						<<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<break>>
-				<<elseif $leaders[$j].father == $slaves[$k].ID>>
-					<<if $leaders[$j].relationshipTarget == $slaves[$k].ID>>
-						Your agent @@.pink;$leaders[$j].slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism@@, since she's already part of a gloriously incestuous relationship.
-						<<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<break>>
-				<<elseif $leaders[$j].ID == $slaves[$k].father>>
-					<<if $leaders[$j].relationshipTarget == $slaves[$k].ID>>
-						Your agent @@.pink;$leaders[$j].slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism@@, since she's already part of a gloriously incestuous relationship.
-						<<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<break>>
-				<<elseif $leaders[$j].ID == $slaves[$k].mother>>
-					<<if $leaders[$j].relationshipTarget == $slaves[$k].ID>>
-						Your agent @@.pink;$leaders[$j].slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism@@, since she's already part of a gloriously incestuous relationship.
-						<<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<break>>
-				<<elseif areSisters($leaders[$j], $slaves[$k]) > 0>>
-					<<if $leaders[$j].relationshipTarget == $slaves[$k].ID>>
-						Your agent @@.pink;$leaders[$j].slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism@@, since she's already part of a gloriously incestuous relationship.
-						<<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<break>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</for>>
+			<<set _lover = $slaves.findIndex(function(s) { return areRelated(s, $leaders[$j]) && $leaders[$j].relationshipTarget == s.ID; })>>
+			<<if _lover != -1>>
+				Your agent @@.pink;$leaders[$j].slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Egyptian Revivalism@@, since she's already part of a gloriously incestuous relationship.
+				<<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+			<</if>>
 		<<elseif $leaders[$j].nationality == "Chinese">>
 			Your agent @@.pink;$leaders[$j].slaveName@@ successfully pushes it to @@.yellow;adopt Chinese Revivalism@@, since she's Chinese herself and can claim high honor in such a society.
 			<<set $arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
@@ -640,7 +625,7 @@ societal development.
 	The arcology's Youth Preferentialist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Slimness Enthusiasm,@@ since that's the kind of body many of its slaves have.
 	<<set $arcologies[$i].FSSlimnessEnthusiast = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
 	<<elseif ($arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSRestart == "unset")>>
-	The arcology's Youth Preferentialist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulation,@@ since many of its slaves are deliciously ripe for breeding.
+	The arcology's Youth Preferentialist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulationism,@@ since many of its slaves are deliciously ripe for breeding.
 	<<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSMaturityPreferentialist > random(50,200)>>
@@ -681,7 +666,7 @@ societal development.
 	The arcology's Pastoralist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Asset Expansionism,@@ since they're convinced that there's no such thing as udders that are too big.
 	<<set $arcologies[$i].FSAssetExpansionist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
 	<<elseif ($arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSRestart == "unset")>>
-	The arcology's Pastoralist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulation,@@ since pregnancy stimulates milk flow.
+	The arcology's Pastoralist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulationisn,@@ since pregnancy stimulates milk flow.
 	<<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
 <<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism > random(50,200)>>
@@ -720,6 +705,23 @@ societal development.
 <<if $adopted == 0>>
+<<if $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist > random(50,200)>>
+	<<if ($arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSRestart == "unset")>>
+		The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Repopulationism,@@ in order to create many new future loving couples.
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSRepopulationFocus = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+	<<elseif ($arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSTransformationFetishist == "unset")>>
+		The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Body Purism,@@ in order to keep its bloodlines pure.
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSBodyPurist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+	<<elseif ($arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist == "unset")>>
+		The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ as healthy slaves live longer allowing relationships to span generations.
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+	<<elseif ($arcologies[$i].FSRomanRevivalist == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSAztecRevivalist == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSEdoRevivalist == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSArabianRevivalist == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSChineseRevivalist == "unset")>>
+		The arcology's Incest Fetishizing culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Egyptian Revivalism,@@ as they naturally seek even more incestuous fun.
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+	<</if>>
+<<if $adopted == 0>>
 <<if $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist > random(50,200)>>
 	<<if ($arcologies[$i].FSPaternalist == "unset") && ($arcologies[$i].FSDegradationist == "unset")>>
 	The arcology's Chattel Religionist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Paternalism,@@ since charitable care for slaves' welfare has become widespread.
@@ -749,8 +751,11 @@ societal development.
 <<if $adopted == 0>>
 <<if $arcologies[$i].FSEgyptianRevivalist > random(50,200)>>
 	<<if ($arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist == "unset")>>
-	The arcology's Egyptian Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,@@ since worship is already becoming an established part of its life.
-	<<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+		The arcology's Egyptian Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Chattel Religionism,@@ since worship is already becoming an established part of its life.
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSChattelReligionist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist == "unset">>
+		The arcology's Egyptian Revivalist culture @@.yellow;pushes it towards Incest Fetishism,@@ since more incest is only a good thing in its eyes.
+		<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
@@ -980,7 +985,7 @@ societal development.
 	<<set $desc = "Its citizens are">>
-<<switch random(1,25)>>
+<<switch random(1,26)>>
 <<case 1>>
 	<<set $seed = either("white", "asian", "latina", "middle eastern", "black", "indo-aryan", "pacific islander", "malay", "amerindian", "southern european", "semitic", "mixed race")>>
 	<<if ($arcologies[$i].FSSubjugationist == "unset")>>
@@ -1114,6 +1119,11 @@ societal development.
 	$desc obsessed with cum, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Cummunism.@@
 	<<set $arcologies[$i].FSCummunism = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+<<case 26>>
+	<<if ($arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist == "unset")>>
+	$desc obsessed with their relatives, leading the arcology to @@.yellow;adopt Incest Fetishism.@@
+	<<set $arcologies[$i].FSIncestFetishist = 5>><<set $adopted = 1>>
+	<</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw b/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
index 06575fa66fb5ec67b5173aafa1d7d9c4fd9053c1..6f600ad8a7fb24fdcf574697f7b57aaaa1c69b8a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/officeDescription.tw
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@
 			<<case "chinese revivalist">>
 				she's depicted wearing colorful silk robes; she's pulled them open to flash her lovely body.
 			<<case "chattel religionist">>
-				she's depicted striking a sexy pose, chosen specifically to draw attention to the symbols of your relgion that adorn her nipples.
+				she's depicted striking a sexy pose, chosen specifically to draw attention to the symbols of your religion that adorn her nipples.
 			<<case "repopulation focus">>
-				she's depicted strinking a sexy pose made to draw the eye to her pregnant belly.
+				she's depicted striking a sexy pose made to draw the eye to her pregnant belly.
 			<<case "eugenics">>
 				she's depicted striking a sexy pose; she's so stunning you can't look away.
 			<<case "physical idealist">>
-				she's depicted flexing her <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistStrongFat == 1>>fat vieled <</if>>tremendous musculature intimidatingly.
+				she's depicted flexing her <<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistStrongFat == 1>>fat veiled <</if>>tremendous musculature intimidatingly.
 			<<case "hedonistic decadence">>
 				she's depicted deep throating a banana while groping her large, soft belly.
 			<<case "gender radicalist">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pCoupAftermath.tw b/src/uncategorized/pCoupAftermath.tw
index 6555fd36d31ac0d2d19c39cb3f6193f8c680ecf9..3df68be957fa1542c1e1c9d9023b70a7d5b78c48 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/pCoupAftermath.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/pCoupAftermath.tw
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The face is vigorous, determined, <<if _num < $seeDicks>>and masculine. The very
 	And, as you suspected, it's one of your neighbors. It's the individual who owns
 	<<for $i = 0; $i < $arcologies.length; $i++>>
 	  <<if $arcologies[$i].rival == 1>>
-		''$arcologies[$i].name.''
+		'' $arcologies[$i].name.''
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pRivalryHostage.tw b/src/uncategorized/pRivalryHostage.tw
index 36a177bdaf1af730038b3e56ff9d8a57594f2f33..e52dfb29ae4feb8a16699a79bfce79823991df0f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/pRivalryHostage.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/pRivalryHostage.tw
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
 <<set $activeSlave.waist = Math.clamp($activeSlave.waist,-55,15)>>
 <<set $activeSlave.hips = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.shoulders = -1>>
-<<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>><<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>><</if>>
+<<if $activeSlave.vagina <= 0>><<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>><</if>>
 <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>><<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>><</if>>
 <<set $activeSlave.burst = 0>>
 <<set $activeSlave.relation = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ptWorkaround.tw b/src/uncategorized/ptWorkaround.tw
index e153eae9a32c7a4877c79f52e77000a297b82a30..884a74c94d36c3f512b382b0247b8b26d9729781 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/ptWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/ptWorkaround.tw
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 		Since $activeSlave.slaveName has an unusual taste for having her tits fondled, you @@.hotpink;build her devotion to you@@ by indulging her. You keep her near you as a sort of living stress ball. Whenever you have a free hand, whether you're conducting business or buttfucking another slave, you reach over and play with her. She sometimes masturbates while you massage her breasts and pinch her nipples, but often she doesn't even need to.
 		<<set $activeSlave.mammaryCount += 20, $mammaryTotal += 20>>
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-		Since $activeSlave.slaveName has an unusual taste for big pregnant bellies, you @@.hotpink;build her devotion to you@@ by indulging her. You <<if isItemAccessible("a small empathy belly") && $activeSlave.belly < 1500 && $activeSlave.weight < 130>>strap an enormous sympathy belly onto her and <<elseif $activeSlave.belly < 1500>>give strap a pillow around her middle, give her an oversized shirt and <</if>>keep her near you as a sort of living stress ball. Whenever you have a free hand, whether you're conducting business or buttfucking another slave, you reach over and rub her dome of a belly for luck. Occasionally you pay more attention to her, making sure to fondle her rounded middle as you feel up her motherly body. She sometimes masturbates when you aren't groping her, enjoying her gravid figure, but often she doesn't even need to.
+		Since $activeSlave.slaveName has an unusual taste for big pregnant bellies, you @@.hotpink;build her devotion to you@@ by indulging her. You <<if isItemAccessible("a small empathy belly") && $activeSlave.belly < 1500 && $activeSlave.weight < 130>>strap an enormous sympathy belly onto her and <<elseif $activeSlave.belly < 1500>>strap a pillow around her middle, give her an oversized shirt and <</if>>keep her near you as a sort of living stress ball. Whenever you have a free hand, whether you're conducting business or buttfucking another slave, you reach over and rub her dome of a belly for luck. Occasionally you pay more attention to her, making sure to fondle her rounded middle as you feel up her motherly body. She sometimes masturbates when you aren't groping her, enjoying her gravid figure, but often she doesn't even need to.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetish == "humiliation") && ((canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.vagina > 0) || (canDoAnal($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.anus > 0))>>
 		Since $activeSlave.slaveName has an unusual sexuality, you @@.hotpink;build her devotion to you@@ by indulging her perversions. Since she's an absolute slut for humiliation, you let her whore around inside the special camera room whenever possible. When you're going out and feel like putting on a show, you bring her on a leash and fuck her in public. She comes harder than ever when you push her naked body up against the wall of a crowded public arcology elevator and molest her.
 		<<set $activeSlave.oralCount += 4, $oralTotal += 4>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw b/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
index d8f547e4d4657ea1c0d206490b71bf5205b0c36f..f55b6c443ae90052b24c2477f5f4105a3e3f4653 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
@@ -514,6 +514,9 @@
 	<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1 && $cheatMode == 1>>
 		<<set $recruit.push("overwhelmed farmgirl")>>
+	<<if $PC.medicine > 50 && $PC.hacking > 75 && random(0,100) > 75>>
+		<<set $recruit.push("embryo appropriation")>>
+	<</if>>
 <<set $recruit.push("female SD")>>
 <<set $recruit.push("female SD 2")>>
@@ -536,6 +539,12 @@
 <<if ($HeadGirl.devotion > 50) && ($HeadGirl.whoreSkill >= 100)>>
 	<<set $recruit.push("whore recruit")>>
+<<if $PC.hacking >= 50 && random(0,100) < $PC.hacking>>
+	<<set $recruit.push("held POW")>>
+<<if($pedo_mode == 1 || $minimumSlaveAge <= 13) && $PC.hacking >= 100 && random(0,100) > 95 && $cash >= 100000>>
+	<<set $recruit.push("rogue cyborg")>>
 <<if $arcologyUpgrade.drones == 1>>
 	<<set $events.push("RE malefactor")>>
 	<<set $malefactor = ["liberator", "whore", "businesswoman", "addict"]>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw b/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
index d68cff0552fb7e646c626fa5d0d902d79adb2703..8f1cccec2f7cbc3ec19f4c5d21d78ed7ceb60b47 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
@@ -1787,6 +1787,146 @@ Every push, every desperate contraction must be agonizing to her. Fortunately yo
 Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer begging for you to enslave her, not truly unusual given the ever increasing droughts and dangerous weather patterns. Given the huge stomach rounding out her worn clothing, she is likely ready to drop quints and desperately seeking any sort of future for them. You allow her to speak her plea. "Please <<if $PC.title == 1>>Sir<<else>>Ma'am<</if>>, I just can't go on out here. I'm always hungry and can barely even work with this belly in the way. I swear, it gets heavier every day and a life of physical labor just won't let me get by. I don't know what I'll do if you say no, so please, have mercy on a poor farmer."
+<<case "held POW">>
+	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = Math.max($fertilityAge, 8)>>
+	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 22>>
+	<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
+	<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You helped free her from a POW camp after being abandoned by her country, leaving her deeply indebted to you.">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.devotion = random(0,20)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.trust = random(0,20)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.health = -80>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = random(-80, 0)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-80, -60)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.waist = random(-40, -20)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.combatSkill = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.boobs = random(3,6)*100>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "odd">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "insecure">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "self hating">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "unflinching">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "masochist">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength = 100>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.vaginaLube = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.collar = "shock punishment">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.tired = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.energy = 0>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.actualAge < 13>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.career = "a child soldier">>
+	<<elseif (random(1,100) > 50)>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.career = "a mercenary">> 
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.career = "a soldier">>
+	<</if>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 3>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.anus = 2>>
+	While digging through the database of a POW camp for anything of value, you find records of a <<if $activeSlave.actualAge > 17>>rather attractive<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge > 12>>teenage<<else>>child<</if>> soldier long abandoned by her nation. You forge false orders to have her transported to a new location, a location that would be trivial for you to obtain her from.
+	<br>Upon her inevitable arrival in your penthouse, you see 
+	<<if $seeExtreme == 1>>
+		the traces of her wounds, that she has been greatly modified for war, and that she had been raped, repeatedly, despite her powerful body.
+		<<set $activeSlave.amp = -5, $activeSlave.teeth = "pointy", $activeSlave.muscles = random(30,70), $activeSlave.height =  Math.round(Height.random($activeSlave, {skew: 3, spread: .2, limitMult: [1, 4]})), $activeSlave.chem = 1000, $activeSlave.attrXX = 0, $activeSlave.attrXY = 0>>
+	<<else>>
+		the traces of her wounds, that she had been left bound long enough for her body to atrophy, and that she had been raped, repeatedly.
+		<<if $seePreg == 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.preg = 2>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.pregType = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.pregWeek = 2>>
+			<<SetBellySize $activeSlave>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
+	Her odd behaviour suggests that her will to live has nearly been snuffed out. She likely wouldn't have lasted much longer, though it's questionable if she still will if you let her walk free.
+<<case "embryo appropriation">>
+	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = Math.max($fertilityAge, 8)>>
+	<<if $pedo_mode == 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 16>>
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 22>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
+	<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "Her womb held a baby you desired.">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.face = 100>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.intelligence = 3>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.vagina < 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.preg = 20>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.pregWeek = 20>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1>>
+	<<if $seeHyperPreg == 0>> 
+		<<set $activeSlave.pregType = 1>> 
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.pregType = random(2,8)>> 
+	<</if>>
+	<<SetBellySize $activeSlave>>
+	<<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.race = $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace>>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset" && $activeSlave.race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>>
+		<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace == "white">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.race = "asian">>
+		<<else>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.race = "white">>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
+	While perusing the confidential documents in a nearby hospital's databases, you come across a particularly interesting medical record with a rather lovely face attached to it. It would seem an incredibly attractive and good gened
+	<<if $activeSlave.actualAge > 17>>
+		young woman
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge > 12>>
+		teenager
+	<<else>>
+		little girl
+	<</if>>
+	has been has been receiving frequent prenatal check ups
+	<<if $seeHyperPreg == 0>> 
+		for her growing pregnancy.
+	<<else>>
+		for the multiples crowding her womb.
+	<</if>>
+	Judging by her payment plan, the worrisome mother is driving herself into a steep debt and doesn't even realize it. You could easily buy her out and make a tidy profit off her likely to be valuable child<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>ren<</if>>, or keep them for yourself, if you wanted.
+<<case "rogue cyborg">>
+	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 13>>
+	<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.career = setup.bodyguardCareers.random()>> 
+	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "An unsuccessful cyborg experiment set free.">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.devotion = random(0,20)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.trust = random(0,20)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.health = 100>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-11 -30)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.waist = random(-11, -40)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.combatSkill = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.amp = -5>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.teeth = "pointy">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = random(30,70)>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.height = Math.round(Height.random($activeSlave, {skew: 3, spread: .2, limitMult: [1, 4]}))>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.face = 100>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.vagina = -1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.anus = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.chem = 1500>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "a comfortable bodysuit">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.intelligence = 3>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.intelligenceImplant = 1>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.energy = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.attrXX = 0, $activeSlave.attrXY = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.customLabel = "Z-23series">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "none">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "none">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "none">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength = 96>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.clitPiercing = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.boobsTat = "She has the characters 'z-23' printed across her left breast.">>
+	While digging through the highest security and clearance level database of a powerful old government for anything of value, you discover the existence of a ultra top secret project to develop the most powerful and effective child cyborg ever created. The entire notion is absurd, but it seems they succeeded in creating something. During field testing it was discovered that it retained far too much humanity, resulting in the death of its handler. Unsure of what to do with the project, it has been placed on ice in the bowels of a black site. With a few simple commands, you could release it and order it to your arcology.
 <<switch $recruit>>
@@ -1798,12 +1938,14 @@ Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer
 	<<set $contractCost = 2000>>
 <<case "DG SE" "farm virgin cow" "orphan rebellious female" "orphan femboy">>
 	<<set $contractCost = 1500>>
-<<case "CCS angel" "racer DG chaser" "racer loser">>
+<<case "CCS angel" "racer DG chaser" "racer loser" "held POW">>
 	<<set $contractCost = 5000>>
 <<case "CCS DA">>
 	<<set $contractCost = 7500>>
-<<case "racer winner" "captured teen" "paternalist swan song">>
+<<case "racer winner" "captured teen" "paternalist swan song" "embryo appropriation">>
 	<<set $contractCost = 10000>>
+<<case "rogue cyborg">>
+	<<set $contractCost = 100000>>
 <<case "repo housekeeper" "repo nanny" "farm cow" "farm bull" "school sale" "school trap">>
 	<<set $contractCost = 2500>>
@@ -1811,6 +1953,9 @@ Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer
 <<slaveCost $activeSlave>>
 <<set $slaveCost -= $contractCost>>
+<<if $recruit == "rogue cyborg">>
+	<<set $slaveCost += 300000>>
@@ -1824,6 +1969,12 @@ Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer
 	<<set $cash -= $contractCost>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	<<switch $recruit>>
+	<<case "held POW">>
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss; her will to fight long since broken.
+	<<case "embryo appropriation">>
+		She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is the death of her and her unborn, she complies. The process is completed with a distinct anticlimax: she is one of your slaves now, and soon so shall her spawn.
+	<<case "rogue cyborg">>
+		With your order received the target quickly seeks you out. After a huge sum of credits changes hands to render it penthouse safe, the legalities and biometric scanning are complete and you are now the proud owner of a cyberloli.
 	<<case "female recruit">>
 		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on her heels. Finally she works up her courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your sternly tell her to call you <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>, to ask questions only with permission, and to strip. She looks at $HeadGirl.slaveName, but $HeadGirl.slaveName returns her look with no compassion at all and tells her to do what you say. Looking suddenly fearful, $activeSlave.slaveName strips. Once your inspection of her body reaches her anus, she becomes suddenly nervous. "A-am I going to have t-to do butt stuff, <<Master>>?"
 	<<case "male recruit">>
@@ -1956,6 +2107,14 @@ Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer
 	<<set $cash += $slaveCost>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	<<switch $recruit>>
+	<<case "held POW">>
+		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss; her will to fight long since broken. Though you do catch a faint glimmer of joy in her eyes as you tell her she's been purchased by a notorious Pit Master and will likely spend the rest of her life in combat.
+	<<case "embryo appropriation">>
+		<<set _profit = $slaveCost*$activeSlave.pregCount>>
+		<<set $cash += _profit>>
+		She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is the death of her and her unborn, she complies. A purchasing agent appears to take her away, but not after the slave breeder that bought her paid a ludicrous amount of ¤ per child. An additional @@.yellowgreen;¤<<print _profit>>@@ overall.
+	<<case "rogue cyborg">>
+		With your order received the target quickly seeks you out. After a huge sum of credits changes hands to render it safe, the legalities and biometric scanning are complete and it is sold off to a very eager robophile.
 	<<case "female recruit">>
 		You complete the legalities and biometric scanning quickly and without fuss. $activeSlave.slaveName bounces nervously on her heels. Finally she works up her courage and asks, <<if $HeadGirl.clothes != "no clothing">>"Can I have <<if $HeadGirl.clothes == "choosing her own clothes">>a cute outfit<<else>>$HeadGirl.clothes<</if>> like $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<<else>>"Can I work with $HeadGirl.slaveName?"<</if>> Your answer appears in the form of a purchasing agent, here to take her away. As he restrains the disbelieving girl, you tell her she's been purchased by a brothel, so she's going to be fucked about 70,000 times before she gets to be too old and is retired, so she can be sure she won't be bored. She releases a wail of utter despair, quickly cut off by a sturdy bag being fastened over her head.
 	<<case "male recruit">>
@@ -2003,8 +2162,8 @@ Your desk flags a video message as having potential. It's a rather homely farmer
 	<<case "immigrant">>
 		She comes immediately from the immigration center to your arcology. You patiently explain the realities of the situation to her. She isn't too bright and it takes a while for things to sink in. The scanners finally do it, though. She sobs as the biometric scanners scrupulously record her every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. She tries to resist placing her biometric signature in testament to the truth of her debt, but when you observe that the alternative is death, she complies. You add that she's already been purchased by a brothel, and would be well advised to keep obeying. She breaks down entirely at this.
 	<<case "overwhelmed farmgirl">>
-		She barely manages to waddle into your penthouse beforeasking to have a seat on your couch. You decline, since she is clearly so skilled at carrying children, she will spend the rest of her enslavement as a volume breeder. Her gaze falls to the floor, this at least means she'll be fed and get to have her children. She cooperates to having her biometric readings taken and logged, before being seated in a wheelchair and taken to her new home.
-		Hours later, you recieve a brief message from the facility that purchased her. "150. One hundred and fifty babies. That is how many are crammed into that girl. She was a mere sixteen weeks along. If she lives through this, we may have a record breaking breeder on our hands. Felt the need to pass that along, you might have made us quite a profit this year."
+		She barely manages to waddle into your penthouse before asking to have a seat on your couch. You decline, since she is clearly so skilled at carrying children, she will spend the rest of her enslavement as a volume breeder. Her gaze falls to the floor, this at least means she'll be fed and get to have her children. She cooperates to having her biometric readings taken and logged, before being seated in a wheelchair and taken to her new home.
+		Hours later, you receive a brief message from the facility that purchased her. "150. One hundred and fifty babies. That is how many are crammed into that girl. She was a mere sixteen weeks along. If she lives through this, we may have a record breaking breeder on our hands. Felt the need to pass that along, you might have made us quite a profit this year."
 <</link>> //This will bring in <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.//
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reputation.tw b/src/uncategorized/reputation.tw
index e701ea3e30d547649908854b264ba4425f123c7c..94981efcf4efc8d4c121ed4735af1dff24435453 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reputation.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reputation.tw
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ On formal occasions, you are announced as $PCTitle.
 <<elseif $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist != "unset">>
 	<<if $PC.boobsImplant == 1>>
-		Society finds fake breasts repuslive and yours are no exception; your balloon-like breasts @@.red;harm@@ your public image.
+		Society finds fake breasts repulsive and yours are no exception; your balloon-like breasts @@.red;harm@@ your public image.
 		<<set $rep -= (10*$PC.boobsBonus)>>
 	<<if $PC.buttImplant == 1>>
@@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ On formal occasions, you are announced as $PCTitle.
-<<if ($PC.belly >= 1500) || ($PC.career == "escort" && $PC.belly >= 500)>>
+<<if (($PC.belly >= 1500) || ($PC.career == "escort" && $PC.belly >= 500)) && $PC.preg > 0>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
 		<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestartDecoration == 100>>
 			<<if $PC.pregSource != -1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saDiet.tw b/src/uncategorized/saDiet.tw
index fd85323b423357827e7c5177d0c4dec77121e339..2bda641090e462e9df4df163adf45d5e120075a0 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saDiet.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saDiet.tw
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 4>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2>>
 	<<elseif _weightLoss == 7>>
-		Distate for her food caused her to @@.lime;lose weight@@ a bit too quickly, and by the end of the week she looks @@.gold;a little unsettled@@ and @@.red;slightly malnourished.@@
+		Distaste for her food caused her to @@.lime;lose weight@@ a bit too quickly, and by the end of the week she looks @@.gold;a little unsettled@@ and @@.red;slightly malnourished.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 1>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 1>>
 	<<elseif _weightLoss == 6>>
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts <= 500)>>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 500)>>
 			Her breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts <= 600)>>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 600)>>
 			Her breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts <= 400)>>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 400)>>
 			Her breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@
 			Her balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in her diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts > 400)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 400)>>
 			Her breasts @@.orange;lose some mass@@ from the lack of estrogen in her diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;gain muscle.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts > 500)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 500)>>
 			Her breasts @@.orange;lose some mass@@ from the lack of estrogen in her diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
 			Her balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in her diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts > 300)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 300)>>
 			Her breasts @@.orange;lose some mass@@ to better suit her body chemistry.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
 		Hormonal changes encourage her body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts <= 800)>>
+	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 800)>>
 		Her breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ to fit her developing femininity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage its body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts <= 500)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 500)>>
 			Its breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -948,7 +948,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage its body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts <= 600)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 600)>>
 			Its breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage its body to @@.lime;grow softer.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].weight += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts <= 400)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 400)>>
 			Its breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ from the estrogen.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@
 			Its balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in its diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts > 400)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 400)>>
 			Its breasts @@.orange;lose some mass@@ from the lack of estrogen in its diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
@@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes encourage its body to @@.lime;gain muscle.@@
 		<<set $slaves[$i].muscles += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts > 500)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 500)>>
 			Its breasts @@.orange;lose some mass@@ from the lack of estrogen in its diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
@@ -1038,7 +1038,7 @@
 			Its balls @@.lime;swell@@ due to the male hormones in its diet.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].balls += 1>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts > 300)>>
+		<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) > 300)>>
 			Its breasts @@.orange;lose some mass@@ to better suit its body chemistry.
 			<<set $slaves[$i].boobs -= 10>>
@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@
 			Hormonal changes @@.lime;thin its waist.@@
 			<<set $slaves[$i].waist-->>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].breasts <= 800)>>
+	<<if (($slaves[$i].boobs-$slaves[$i].boobsImplant) < 800)>>
 		Its breasts @@.lime;grow slightly@@ to fit its developing femininity.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 10>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
index 6c81d45601be02682f7112cc4848b66a1e311ff2..2ed9d8f8ff8ee86878b35c2a9668aa833b4b3b8d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
@@ -4376,17 +4376,15 @@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = _tempRival.ID>>
 			<<elseif (random(1,100) > 60) && ($PC.dick == 1) && ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human")>> /* still 40% chance of impregnation by PC */
 				<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = -1>>
-			<<elseif (random(1,100) > 95) && ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human")>> /* 5% chance of impregnation by random citizen - TODO: make this optional for players who want random fathers from among their own slaves only */
+			<<elseif (random(1,100) > 95) && ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human") && $slaves[$i].devotion < 20>> /* 5% chance of impregnation by random citizen - TODO: make this optional for players who want random fathers from among their own slaves only */
 				<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = -2>>
-				/* default pregSource to a random citizen in case no eligible father is found */
-				<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = ($slaves[$i].eggType == "human") ? -2 : 0>> /* pregmod: random citizens cannot father non-human children */
 				/* pick a random starting point in the slave array and iterate (wrapping around) until finding eligible father or coming back to starting point */
 				<<if $slaves.length == 1>>
-					<<if canImpreg($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i]) && _conceptionSeed > 95>>
+					<<if canImpreg($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i]) && _conceptionSeed > 95 && ($slaves[$i].releaseRules == "permissive" || $slaves[$i].releaseRules == "masturbation")>>
 						<<set $slaves[$i].pregSource = $slaves[$i].ID>>
-				<<else>>
+				<<elseif $slaves[$i].releaseRules == "permissive" || ($slaves[$i].devotion < 20 && $slaves[$i].trust > 50) || $universalRulesConsent == 0>>
 					<<set _sourceSeed = random(0,$slaves.length-1)>>
 					<<for _m = _sourceSeed + 1; _m != _sourceSeed; _m++>>
 						<<if _m == $slaves.length>><<set _m = 0>><</if>> /* wrap around */
@@ -4412,11 +4410,14 @@
 /* PREGNANCY TYPE SANITY CHECK (not for pregnancies started above) */
-<<if $slaves[$i].preg < 1>>
+<<if $slaves[$i].preg <= 0>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].pregType != 0>>
 		<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = 0>>
 		<<set WombFlush($slaves[$i])>>
+	<<if $slaves[$i].readyOva != 0>>
+		<<set $slaves[$i].readyOva = 0>>
+	<</if>>
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].preg > 0 && $slaves[$i].pregType == 0>>
 	<<SetPregType $slaves[$i]>>
 	<<set WombImpregnate($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].pregType, $slaves[$i].pregSource, 1)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/slaveAssignmentsReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/slaveAssignmentsReport.tw
index 66d6960bfc3bfb33fe8817058ae728601f49792d..6b21ad2c906d5bffbd4c5a52e736243376538699 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/slaveAssignmentsReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/slaveAssignmentsReport.tw
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 <<set $nextLink = "Economics", $nextButton = "Continue", _SL = $slaves.length, $RapeableIDs = []>>
-<h1>$arcologies[0].name Weekly Slave Report - Week $week</h1>
+<h1> $arcologies[0].name Weekly Slave Report - Week $week</h1>
 <<for $i = 0; $i < _SL; $i++>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/slaveMarkets.tw b/src/uncategorized/slaveMarkets.tw
index aed3114825fd246de092025b4316b7963ca2a59b..b8195c7a495e19573f37c0be8a529ae9d9fe4282 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/slaveMarkets.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/slaveMarkets.tw
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ You visit the slave markets off the arcology plaza. It's always preferable to ex
 	<<elseif $seed == 2>>
 		"I guarantee they are all alive, maybe not healthy but alive. Well, except that one, just ignore that one."
 	<<elseif $seed == 3>>
-		"We ask that you don't use this merchandise for organ harvesting, we have plenty of nonfuctional ones for that."
+		"We ask that you don't use this merchandise for organ harvesting, we have plenty of nonfunctional ones for that."
 		"If you are looking for a body to do unmentionable things to, you came to the right place! Though these in particular just barely fall under slave laws."
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@ You visit the slave markets off the arcology plaza. It's always preferable to ex
 	<<if $opinion != 0>>
 		<<set $slaveCost -= Math.trunc($slaveCost*$opinion*0.05)>>
 		<<if $opinion > 2>>
-			Your cultural ties with ''$arcologies[$numArcology].name'' helps keep the price reasonable.
+			Your cultural ties with '' $arcologies[$numArcology].name'' helps keep the price reasonable.
 		<<elseif $opinion < -2>>
-			Your social misalignment with ''$arcologies[$numArcology].name'' drives up the price.
+			Your social misalignment with '' $arcologies[$numArcology].name'' drives up the price.
diff --git a/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw b/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
index 10b75791a3b69b12c160b076a24098befae49b42..60877beef605c3dee6f6b636212075d5c4f18b9d 100644
--- a/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/assayWidgets.tw
@@ -1613,10 +1613,10 @@
 <<if $args[0].visualAge < 13>>
-	<<if $args[0].vagina > -1>>
-		<<set $desc = "loli " + $desc>>
-	<<else>>
+	<<if $args[0].genes == "XY" && $args[0].vagina == -1>>
 		<<set $desc = "shota " + $desc>>
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $desc = "loli " + $desc>>
diff --git a/src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw b/src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw
index a18769dfc7190855572e566afe40658557996414..f7ebbb9a887532d375fdd3bdb55c5e6788f0da6e 100644
--- a/src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw
+++ b/src/utility/descriptionWidgetsFlesh.tw
@@ -2693,7 +2693,7 @@ $pronounCap's got a
 		$pronounCap's such a nympho that despite this, $possessive limp member is tipped by a drop of precum.
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 1) && ($activeSlave.hormoneBalance >= 100)>>
-	Since $pronoun's on an intense regimen of female hormones, $possessive cock is soft.
+	Since $possessive body is flooded with female hormones, $possessive cock is soft.
 	<<if ($activeSlave.devotion > 75)>>
 		Despite this, $pronoun's so devoted to you that being near you has $possessive horny. $possessiveCap limp member is tipped by a drop of precum.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.drugs == "testicle enhancement") || ($activeSlave.drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
@@ -3263,7 +3263,7 @@ $pronounCap's got a
 <<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
 <<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.ovaries == 1>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.genes == "XX">>
 		beautifully natural
@@ -8679,11 +8679,11 @@ $pronounCap has
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.pregWeek < 0) && ($activeSlave.ovaries == 1 || $activeSlave.mpreg == 1)>>
 	$pronounCap is recovering from $possessive recent pregnancy.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.preg == 0 && $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.pregType > 30>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.readyOva > 30>>
 		$possessiveCap lower belly is noticeably bloated, $possessive breasts bigger and more sensitive, and $possessive pussy swollen and leaking fluids. $pronoun desperately needs a dick in $object and reminds you of a bitch in heat.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.pregType > 20>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.readyOva > 20>>
 		$possessiveCap lower belly is noticeably bloated and $possessive pussy swollen and leaking fluids. $pronounCap is very ready to be seeded.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.pregType > 2>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.readyOva > 2>>
 		$possessiveCap lower belly is slightly bloated and $possessive pussy swollen and leaking fluids. $pronounCap is ready to be seeded.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 1000000>>
diff --git a/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw b/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw
index 647748af6f8881b6fb667e039855f380256c0ca9..a23a4c2d8216217ff4217d7f2fb83ebb73cf6d5d 100644
--- a/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/miscWidgets.tw
@@ -2361,6 +2361,9 @@ This experience
 <<widget "SetPregType">> /* IMHO rework is posssible. Can be more interesting to play, if this code will take in account more body conditions - age, fat, food, hormone levels, etc. */
 	<<if $args[0].broodmother < 1>> /* Broodmothers should be not processed here. Necessary now.*/
+		<<if (def $args[0].readyOva) && $args[0].readyOva > 0 >>
+			<<set $args[0].pregType = $args[0].readyOva, $args[0].readyOva = 0>> /* just single override; for delayed impregnation cases */
+		<</if>>
 		<<if $args[0].ID == -1>>
 			<<if $PC.birthMaster > 0>> /* Predisposed to twins */
 				<<if $PC.fertDrugs == 1>>
diff --git a/src/utility/raWidgets.tw b/src/utility/raWidgets.tw
index 6df784d53ccda06fa3fba86a2fa3ddd617941a77..0eab42727b0d9a8a9cdab89e5549abab24fdfe8a 100644
--- a/src/utility/raWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/raWidgets.tw
@@ -4216,16 +4216,16 @@ Your brand design is ''$brandDesign.''
 <<if $args[0].pregKnown == 1 && _combinedRule.pregSpeed != "nds" && $args[0].breedingMark != 1 && $args[0].indentureRestrictions < 1 && $args[0].broodmother == 0>>
-	<<if _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "slow" && $args[0].preg < 31>>
+	<<if _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "slow" && $args[0].preg < 35>>
 		<<set $args[0].pregControl = "slow gestation">>
 		<br>$args[0].slaveName is pregnant, so she has been put on the gestation slowing agents.
-	<<elseif _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "fast" && $args[0].preg < 31 && $args[0].health > -50>>
+	<<elseif _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "fast" && $args[0].preg < 35 && $args[0].health > -50>>
 		<<set $args[0].pregControl = "speed up">>
 		<br>$args[0].slaveName is pregnant, so she has been put on rapid gestation  agents. CAUTION! Can be dangerous. Clinic supervision is recommended.
-	<<elseif _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "suppress" && $args[0].preg > 30 && $args[0].health > -50>>
+	<<elseif _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "suppress" && $args[0].preg > 34 && $args[0].health > -50>>
 		<<set $args[0].pregControl = "labor supressors">>
 		<br>$args[0].slaveName is ready to birth, so she has been put on labor suppressing agents.
-	<<elseif _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "stimulate" && $args[0].preg >= 31 && $args[0].health > -50>>
+	<<elseif _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "stimulate" && $args[0].preg >= 37 && $args[0].health > -50>>
 		<<set $args[0].labor = 1,$args[0].induce = 1,$birthee = 1>>
 		<br>$args[0].slaveName is ready to birth, so her labor has been stimulated.
 	<<elseif _combinedRule.pregSpeed == "fast" && $args[0].pregControl == "speed up" && $args[0].health <= -50>>
diff --git a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
index fc634e1afe61db4cbf23492779f53ac67a83ac86..27bce4a48e793c67e2cb29b7a2290cd2b388a5d7 100644
--- a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
@@ -2724,23 +2724,38 @@
+	<<if $arcologies[_market].FSIncestFetishist > 20>>
+		Incest is acceptable, if not preferable to them.
+		<<if $activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "none" && $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk == "none">>
+			<<if random(0,1) == 0>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "perverted">>
+			<<else>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "sinful">>
+			<</if>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "none" || $activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.sexualQuirk = "perverted">>
+		<<else>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "sinful">>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
 	<<if ($arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset") && ($arcologies[_market].FSPaternalist != "unset")>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion = random(-90,-60)>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust = -20>>
-		''$arcologies[_market].name'' is Paternalist, and your arcology is Degradationist. To its slaves, other niceties of social alignment are trivial. They view your arcology as a literal Hell on Earth.
+		'' $arcologies[_market].name'' is Paternalist, and your arcology is Degradationist. To its slaves, other niceties of social alignment are trivial. They view your arcology as a literal Hell on Earth.
 	<<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSDegradationist != "unset") && ($arcologies[_market].FSPaternalist != "unset")>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion = random(60,90)>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust = 20>>
-		''$arcologies[_market].name'' is Degradationist, and your arcology is Paternalist. To its slaves, other niceties of social alignment are trivial. They view your arcology as a promised land.
+		'' $arcologies[_market].name'' is Degradationist, and your arcology is Paternalist. To its slaves, other niceties of social alignment are trivial. They view your arcology as a promised land.
 	<<elseif $opinion != 0>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += $opinion>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust += $opinion>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion = Math.clamp($activeSlave.devotion, -100, 75)>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust = Math.clamp($activeSlave.trust, -100, 75)>>
 		<<if $opinion > 2>>
-			Your arcology's close social alignment with ''$arcologies[_market].name'' makes its slaves more accepting of the prospect of life in your arcology, and willing to trust that they'll know how to survive there.
+			Your arcology's close social alignment with '' $arcologies[_market].name'' makes its slaves more accepting of the prospect of life in your arcology, and willing to trust that they'll know how to survive there.
 		<<elseif $opinion < -2>>
-			Your arcology's very different culture from ''$arcologies[_market].name'''s makes its slaves unhappy with the prospect of life in your arcology, and afraid of what will happen to them there.
+			Your arcology's very different culture from '' $arcologies[_market].name'''s makes its slaves unhappy with the prospect of life in your arcology, and afraid of what will happen to them there.