diff --git a/src/endWeek/saRelationships.js b/src/endWeek/saRelationships.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e98d4a5534c4a62924e03c7e560f4f9315966bc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/endWeek/saRelationships.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1214 @@
+App.SlaveAssignment.relationships = (function() {
+	"use strict";
+	let r;
+	// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+	let he, him, his, hers, himself, girl, loli, wife, woman, He, His;
+	// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+	let he2, him2, his2, hers2, himself2, girl2, wife2, woman2, loli2, He2, His2;
+	let playerPronouns;
+	let PC;
+	let friend;
+	return saRelationships;
+	/**
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 * @returns {string}
+	 */
+	function saRelationships(slave) {
+		r = [];
+		PC = V.PC;
+		({
+			// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+			he, him, his, hers, himself, girl, He, His, loli, wife
+		} = getPronouns(slave));
+		playerPronouns = getPronouns(PC);
+		if (slave.fuckdoll === 0) {
+			if (slave.relationship === 0 && slave.fetish !== "mindbroken") {
+				generateRelationship(slave);
+			} else if (slave.relationship !== 0) {
+				if (slave.relationship > 0) {
+					sanityCheck(slave);
+				}
+				if (slave.relationship !== 0) {
+					existingRelationship(slave);
+					if (slave.relationship > 2) {
+						consumateRelationship(slave);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.fetish !== "mindbroken" && totalRelatives(slave) > 0) {
+				familyFeelings(slave);
+			}
+		}
+		return r.join(" ");
+	}
+	/** Can this slave possibly be a friend?
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} potentialFriend
+	 * @returns {boolean}
+	 */
+	function canStartFriendship(slave, potentialFriend) {
+		return (potentialFriend.relationship === 0 && slave.rivalryTarget !== potentialFriend.ID && potentialFriend.ID !== slave.ID && potentialFriend.fetish !== "mindbroken" && potentialFriend.fuckdoll === 0 && isSlaveAvailable(potentialFriend));
+	}
+	/** Does the facility head accept her advances?
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} potentialFriend
+	 * @returns {boolean}
+	 */
+	function silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill) {
+		return manipulationSkill > (random(1, 100 + ((potentialFriend.intelligence + potentialFriend.intelligenceImplant) / 10)));
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} friend
+	 */
+	function startFriendship(slave, friend, degree) {
+		friend.relationship = degree;
+		friend.relationshipTarget = slave.ID;
+		slave.relationship = degree;
+		slave.relationshipTarget = friend.ID;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 *
+	 */
+	function generateRelationship(slave) {
+		let randomSeed;
+		if (slave.devotion + slave.trust > 175 && random(1, 3) === 1) { // player + emotional slut
+			r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is quite devoted to you, and trusts both you and ${his} place as a slave. Since ${he} does not have a strong relationship with another slave,`);
+			if (slave.sexualQuirk === "romantic") {
+				r.push(`and persistently interprets sex in the most romantic possible terms, ${he} has decided that ${he} wants to be yours in ${his} heart as well as ${his}`);
+				if (slave.vagina > 0) {
+					r.push(`pussy.`);
+				} else if (slave.anus > 0) {
+					r.push(`butthole.`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`mouth.`);
+				}
+				r.push(`<span class="relationship">${He}'s become emotionally bonded to you!</span>`);
+				slave.relationship = -2;
+			} else if (slave.assignment === Job.CONCUBINE) {
+				r.push(`and is your concubine, ${he} almost inevitably comes to view you as much as a lover as an owner. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become emotionally bonded to you!</span>`);
+				slave.relationship = -2;
+			} else if (V.masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury === 2 && slave.assignment === Job.MASTERSUITE) {
+				r.push(`and does nothing but eat, sleep, and make love to your other fucktoys, ${he} slowly loses sight of any distinction between emotional attachment and sexual congress. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become an emotional slut!</span>`);
+				slave.relationship = -1;
+			} else if (slave.assignment === Job.FUCKTOY || slave.assignment === Job.MASTERSUITE) {
+				r.push(`and spends ${his} days worshipping your`);
+				if (V.PC.dick !== 0) {
+					r.push(`cock${PC.vagina !== -1 ? " and" : ","}`);
+				}
+				if (V.PC.vagina !== -1) {
+					r.push(`cunt,`);
+				}
+				r.push(`${he} begins to focus more and more of ${his} happiness on how happy you are. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become emotionally bonded to you!</span>`);
+				slave.relationship = -2;
+			} else if (slave.assignment === Job.PUBLIC || slave.assignment === Job.CLUB) {
+				r.push(`and ${his} life is an endless stream of lovers, ${he} unconsciously loses any sense of emotional attachment outside the intimacy of sex. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become an emotional slut!</span>`);
+				slave.relationship = -1;
+			} else if (slave.energy > 95 && (slave.counter.anal + slave.counter.vaginal + slave.counter.oral + slave.counter.mammary + slave.counter.penetrative > ((V.week - slave.weekAcquired) * random(20, 30)))) {
+				r.push(`is a total sex addict, and has a spectacularly promiscuous sexual history, ${he} begins to think of sex as ${his} only meaningful emotional connection with people. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become an emotional slut!</span>`);
+				slave.relationship = -1;
+			} else {
+				r.push(`and loves you, ${he} begins to think of you as a ${woman} might think of ${his} lover — or spouse. ${He} knows ${he} cannot hope for more of a relationship with you than ${he} has, but ${he} finds emotional support in serving you nonetheless. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become emotionally bonded to you!</span>`);
+				slave.relationship = -2;
+			}
+		} else if (slave.career === "a Futanari Sister" && slave.rules.relationship === "permissive") {
+			for (const potentialFriend of V.slaves) {
+				if (potentialFriend.career === "a Futanari Sister" && potentialFriend.rules.relationship === "permissive" && canStartFriendship(slave, potentialFriend)) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} greets ${potentialFriend.slaveName} with joy. It's not clear whether they ever knew each other during their lives as Futanari Sisters, but it seems that they believe themselves to be in a relationship by simple virtue of having been Sisters. In any case, ${slave.slaveName} and ${potentialFriend.slaveName} <span class="relationship">become inseparable lovers</span> instantly, as though there's no possibility they would do anything else. They're even surprised when other slaves ask them about it; it's as though they're unaware that other possibilities even exist.`);
+					startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 4);
+					break;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (slave.origin === "You were acquainted with $him before you were an arcology owner; your rival tried to use $him to manipulate you, but you rescued $him." && V.rivalryDuration > 20 && !["Intellectual Dependency", "Paternalism", "Racial Supremacism", "Slave Professionalism"].includes(V.rivalryFS)&& slave.newGamePlus === 0) {
+			potentialFriend = V.slaves.find((s) => (s.prestigeDesc === "You bankrupted and enslaved $him in revenge for $his part in the attack on your arcology by the Daughters of Liberty." && s.fuckdoll === 0 && s.fetish !== "mindbroken" && s.newGamePlus === 0));
+			if (potentialFriend !== undefined) {
+				r.push(`${slave.slaveName} greets ${potentialFriend.slaveName} with joy, happy to see a familiar face again. Without any regard to you, <span class="relationship">they continue their prior relationship.</span>`);
+				if (potentialFriend.relationship > 0) { // remove me with multi-friend system
+					formerFriend = V.slaves.find((s) => (s.ID === potentialFriend.relationshipTarget));
+					if (formerFriend !== undefined) {
+						formerFriend.relationshipTarget = 0;
+						formerFriend.relationship = 0;
+					}
+				}
+				startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 4);
+			}
+		} else if (slave.rules.relationship !== "restrictive") {
+			if (slave.trust > -90) { // used to be devotion > -90. Why a slave hating you wouldn't try to make friends with others that hate you doesn't make sense. Almost tempted to raise it to -50.
+				if (slave.behavioralFlaw === "none" || (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant > 50)) {
+					randomSeed = random(1, 100);
+				} else {
+					randomSeed = random(1, 80);
+				}
+				const manipulationSkill = (slave.devotion + slave.trust + ((slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant) / 10)); // intended for defiant slaves to ingrain themselves with facility heads
+				if (randomSeed > 75) {
+					let resentment = 0;
+					for (const potentialFriend of V.slaves) {
+						({
+							he2, him2, his2, hers2, himself2, girl2, He2, His2, loli2
+						} = getPronouns(potentialFriend).appendSuffix("2"));
+						if (canStartFriendship(slave, potentialFriend) && potentialFriend.assignment !== Job.CONFINEMENT) {
+							if (potentialFriend.ID === V.MadamID && slave.assignment === Job.BROTHEL) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} manages to ingratiate ${himself} with the Madam, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the Madam, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}, and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> by ${him2} for disrespect.`);
+										slave.trust -= 4;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.ID === V.djID && slave.assignment === Job.CLUB) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} manages to ingratiate ${himself} with the DJ, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the DJ, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}, and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> by ${him2} for disrespect.`);
+										slave.trust -= 4;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.ID === V.MilkmaidID && slave.assignment === Job.DAIRY) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} manages to ingratiate ${himself} with the Milkmaid, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the Milkmaid, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}, and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> by ${him2} for disrespect.`);
+										slave.trust -= 4;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.ID === V.FarmerID && slave.assignment === Job.FARMYARD) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} manages to ingratiate ${himself} with the Farmer, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the Farmer, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}, and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> by ${him2} for disrespect.`);
+										slave.trust -= 4;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.ID === V.SchoolteacherID && slave.assignment === Job.SCHOOL) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} manages to ingratiate ${himself} with the Schoolteacher, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the Schoolteacher, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}, and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> by ${him2} for disrespect.`);
+										slave.trust -= 4;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.ID === V.AttendantID && slave.assignment === Job.SPA) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} basks in the affection and care of the spa attendant, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the spa attendant, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. ${He2} gently <span class="devotion inc">counsels</span> ${him} to obey the rules.`);
+										slave.devotion += 1;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.ID === V.StewardessID && slave.assignment === Job.QUARTER) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} manages to ingratiate ${himself} with the Stewardess, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the Stewardess, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}, and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> by ${him2} for disrespect.`);
+										slave.trust -= 4;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.ID === V.WardenessID && slave.assignment === Job.CELLBLOCK) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} manages to earn the respect of the Wardeness, ${potentialFriend}.slaveName. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the Wardeness, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}, and is <span class="trust dec">beaten</span> by ${him2} for ${his} trouble.`);
+										slave.trust -= 5;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.ID === V.ConcubineID && slave.assignment === Job.MASTERSUITE) {
+								if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive" && silverTongue(potentialFriend, manipulationSkill)) {
+									r.push(`${slave.slaveName} becomes especially close to the Concubine, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}. The two slaves have <span class="relationship">struck up a friendship.</span>`);
+									startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+									break;
+								} else {
+									if (slave.devotion < -20 && potentialFriend.fetish !== "mindbroken") {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with the Concubine, ${potentialFriend.slaveName}, and is gently <span class="devotion inc">counseled</span> by ${him2} that such things are against the rules.`);
+										slave.devotion += 1;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.assignment === slave.assignment) {
+								if (random(1, 100) > 50) {
+									if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship !== "restrictive") {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} and ${potentialFriend.slaveName} see a lot of each other`);
+										if (slave.assignment === Job.SCHOOL || slave.assignment === Job.CLASSES) {
+											r.push(`in class`);
+										} else if (slave.assignment === Job.CLINIC) {
+											r.push(`while being treated`);
+										} else if (slave.assignment === Job.CELLBLOCK) {
+											r.push(`while being punished`);
+										} else if (slave.assignment === Job.REST) {
+											r.push(`in their time off`);
+										} else {
+											r.push(`at work`);
+										}
+										r.push(`and <span class="relationship">strike up a friendship.</span>`);
+										startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+										break;
+									} else {
+										if (resentment === 0) {
+											r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a friendship with ${potentialFriend.slaveName} and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> for breaking the rules against such things; ${he} <span class="devotion dec">resents</span> being castigated for simple sociability.`);
+											slave.devotion -= 2;
+											slave.trust -= 2;
+											resentment++;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (mutualChildren(slave, potentialFriend, V.slaves) > 0) {
+								 if (App.Utils.sexAllowed(slave, potentialFriend)) {
+									 if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship === "permissive") {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} and ${potentialFriend.slaveName} have`);
+										if (mutualChildren(slave, potentialFriend, V.slaves) === 0) {
+											r.push(`a child`);
+										} else {
+											r.push(`children`);
+										}
+										r.push(`living in your penthouse, so it's not surprising that their offspring brings them together. They have <span class="relationship">become friends</span> for their child's sake.`);
+										startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 1);
+										break;
+									} else {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to renew ${his} relationship with ${potentialFriend.slaveName} and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> for breaking the rules against such things; ${he} <span class="devotion dec">resents</span> being prevented from reuniting with ${him2}.`);
+										slave.devotion -= 2;
+										slave.trust -= 2;
+									}
+								}
+							} else if (potentialFriend.fetish === slave.fetish || (potentialFriend.fetish === "sadist" && slave.fetish === "masochist") || (slave.fetish === "sadist" && potentialFriend.fetish === "masochist") || (potentialFriend.fetish === "dom" && slave.fetish === "submissive") || (slave.fetish === "submissive" && potentialFriend.fetish === "dom")) {
+								if (slave.fetish !== "none" && App.Utils.sexAllowed(slave, potentialFriend)) {
+									if (potentialFriend.rules.relationship === "permissive") {
+										r.push(`${slave.slaveName} and ${potentialFriend.slaveName} share sexual inclinations, so it's only natural that they <span class="relationship">become friends with benefits.</span>`);
+										startFriendship(slave, potentialFriend, 3);
+										break;
+									} else {
+										if (resentment === 0) {
+											r.push(`${slave.slaveName} tries to strike up a sexual relationship with ${potentialFriend.slaveName} and is <span class="trust dec">punished</span> for breaking the rules against such things; ${he} <span class="devotion dec">resents</span> being prevented from pursuing ${him2}.`);
+											slave.devotion -= 2;
+											slave.trust -= 2;
+											resentment++;
+										}
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 *
+	 */
+	function sanityCheck(slave) {
+		const friend = getSlave(slave.relationshipTarget);
+		if (friend === undefined) {
+			r.push(`<span class="error">${slave.slaveName}'s relationship was ${slave.relationship} and relationshipTarget was ${slave.relationshipTarget} but no slave with that ID was found</span>`);
+			slave.relationship = 0;
+			slave.relationshipTarget = 0;
+		} else {
+			if (slave.rivalry !== 0 && slave.rivalryTarget === friend.ID) {
+				friend.rivalry = 0;
+				friend.rivalryTarget = 0;
+				slave.rivalry = 0;
+				slave.rivalryTarget = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 *
+	 */
+	function existingRelationship(slave) {
+		if (slave.relationship > 0) {
+			friend = getSlave(slave.relationshipTarget);
+			({
+				he2, him2, his2, hers2, himself2, girl2, He2, His2, loli2
+			} = getPronouns(friend).appendSuffix("2"));
+		}
+		if (slave.fetish === "mindbroken" && slave.relationship !== -3) {
+			r.push(`Since ${he} is mindbroken, ${he} <span class="relationship dec">can't really maintain</span>`);
+			if (slave.relationship > 0) {
+				r.push(`any meaningful relationship with ${friend.slaveName}.`);
+				friend.relationship = 0;
+				friend.relationshipTarget = 0;
+			} else if (slave.relationship === -1) {
+				r.push(`any emotional dependencies.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`any meaningful relationship with you.`);
+			}
+			slave.relationship = 0;
+			slave.relationshipTarget = 0;
+		} else if (slave.relationship === -1) {
+			if ([Job.DJ, Job.CLUB, Job.PUBLIC, Job.WHORE, job.BROTHEL].includes(slave.assignment)) {
+				r.push(`${His} endless stream of lovers maintains and satisfies ${his} emotional reliance on sex.`);
+			} else if (slave.assignment === Job.MASTERSUITE && V.masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury === 2) {
+				r.push(`Forming a part of the pile of copulating bodies in ${V.masterSuiteName} satisfies ${his} voracious sexual appetite.`);
+			} else if ((slave.energy <= 95)) {
+				r.push(`${He} is not a complete nymphomaniac and ${he} doesn't have a constant stream of lovers, so ${he} has <span class="relationship dec">begun to rely less on sex for emotional support</span> than ${he} once did.`);
+				slave.relationship = 0;
+			} else if (slave.energy > 95) {
+				r.push(`${He} is such a nymphomaniac that even without a steady stream of lovers, ${his} emotional reliance on promiscuity remains.`);
+				if (slave.devotion > 60) {
+					r.push(`${He} is <span class="devotion dec">emotionally unfulfilled</span> by ${his} assignment, since it does not afford ${him} the validation of massive promiscuity.`);
+					slave.devotion--;
+				}
+				if (slave.trust > 60) {
+					r.push(`${He} is <span class="trust dec">impatient</span> with ${his} limited field of potential sexual partners, and would prefer to be a publicly available nympho.`);
+					slave.trust--;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (slave.relationship === -2) {
+			incestReactions(slave, PC);
+			if (slave.devotion + slave.trust < 150) {
+				if (random(1, 100) > 50) {
+					r.push(`${He} is no longer as devoted to you as ${he} once was, and has <span class="relationship dec">begun to look elsewhere for emotional support.</span>`);
+					slave.relationship = 0;
+				} else if (slave.trust < 75 && random(1, 100) > 50) {
+					r.push(`${He} is no longer as trusting of you as ${he} once was, and has <span class="relationship dec">begun to look elsewhere for emotional support.</span>`);
+					slave.relationship = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			switch (slave.assignment) {
+				case Job.HOUSE:
+				case Job.CONCUBINE:
+				case Job.FUCKTOY:
+				case Job.MASTERSUITE:
+				case Job.QUARTER:
+					r.push(`${He} is <span class="devotion inc">happy</span> to be allowed to serve you personally, since it's as close a relationship to you as ${he} can aspire to. In addition, ${his} deep love for you produces a slow but steady increase of both <span class="devotion inc">devotion</span> and <span class="trust inc">trust.</span>`);
+					slave.devotion++;
+					slave.trust++;
+					break;
+				default:
+					r.push(`${His} deep love for you produces a slow but steady increase of both <span class="devotion inc">devotion</span> and <span class="trust inc">trust.</span>`);
+					slave.devotion++;
+					slave.trust++;
+			}
+		} else if (slave.relationship === -3) {
+			incestReactions(slave, PC);
+			if (slave.fetish === "mindbroken") {
+				switch (slave.assignment) {
+					case Job.HOUSE:
+					case Job.CONCUBINE:
+					case Job.FUCKTOY:
+					case Job.MASTERSUITE:
+					case Job.QUARTER:
+						r.push(`${He} lives a nice life by your side, despite ${his} inability to realize it. Since ${he} is so malleable and willing, you rarely have reason to punish ${him} anymore.`);
+						if (slave.kindness) {
+							slave.kindness += 2;
+						} else {
+							slave.kindness = 2;
+						}
+						break;
+					case Job.WHORE:
+					case Job.BROTHEL:
+					case Job.PUBLIC:
+					case Job.CLUB:
+					case Job.GLORYHOLE:
+					case Job.ARCADE:
+						r.push(`You, others, it doesn't matter. They are all the same to your mindbroken ${wife}. The public, however, is less forgiving of you ordering your slave ${wife} to fuck random citizens, <span class="reputation dec">seriously damaging your reputation.</span>`);
+						repX(-100, "PCRelationships", slave);
+						break;
+					default:
+						r.push(`Being your ${wife} is wasted on ${his} empty mind. If it weren't for the ring`);
+						 if (hasAnyArms(slave)) {
+							r.push(`around ${his} finger,`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`hanging from ${his} neck,`);
+						}
+						r.push(`nobody would ever realize ${he} was so close to you.`);
+				}
+			} else if (slave.devotion + slave.trust >= 175) {
+				switch (slave.assignment) {
+					case Job.HOUSE:
+					case Job.CONCUBINE:
+					case Job.FUCKTOY:
+					case Job.MASTERSUITE:
+					case Job.QUARTER:
+						r.push(`${He} is <span class="devotion inc">happy</span> to be allowed to live ${his} life close to you, since ${he}'s your ${wife}. In addition, ${his} deep reliance on ${his} formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both <span class="devotion inc">devotion</span> and <span class="trust inc">trust.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion += 2;
+						break;
+					case Job.WHORE:
+					case Job.BROTHEL:
+					case Job.PUBLIC:
+					case Job.CLUB:
+					case Job.GLORYHOLE:
+					case Job.ARCADE:
+						r.push(`${His} reliance on ${his} formal relationship to you produces a slight increase of both <span class="devotion inc">devotion</span> and <span class="trust inc">trust,</span> though this is reduced by being on a public sexual assignment rather than being kept for you alone. The public is less forgiving of you ordering your slave ${wife} to fuck random citizens, <span class="reputation dec">seriously damaging your reputation.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion++;
+						slave.trust++;
+						repX(-100, "PCRelationships", slave);
+						break;
+					default:
+						r.push(`${His} deep reliance on ${his} formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both <span class="devotion inc">devotion</span> and <span class="trust inc">trust.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion++;
+						slave.trust++;
+				}
+			} else if (slave.devotion < -20 && slave.trust > 0) {
+				switch (slave.assignment) {
+					case Job.HOUSE:
+					case Job.CONCUBINE:
+					case Job.FUCKTOY:
+					case Job.MASTERSUITE:
+					case Job.QUARTER:
+						r.push(`${He} <span class="defiant inc">takes advantage</span> of your kindness, since ${he} is allowed to live a pampered life just for letting you use ${his} body. ${His} insolence allows ${him} to retain, if not strengthen, <span class="devotion dec">${his} hatred of you.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion -= 7;
+						slave.trust += 5;
+						break;
+					case Job.WHORE:
+					case Job.BROTHEL:
+					case Job.PUBLIC:
+					case Job.CLUB:
+					case Job.GLORYHOLE:
+					case Job.ARCADE:
+						r.push(`Not being a pampered fucktoy to you <span class="trust dec">wounds ${his} expectations as your ${wife},</span> but gives ${him} the space needed to <span class="devotion inc">begin warming up to you.</span> The public, disregarding ${his} opinions, is less forgiving of you ordering your slave ${wife} to fuck random citizens, <span class="reputation dec">seriously damaging your reputation.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion++;
+						slave.trust--;
+						repX(-100, "PCRelationships", slave);
+						break;
+					default:
+						r.push(`${He} <span class="defiant inc">takes advantage</span> of your kindness, since ${he} expects you'd never truly harm your ${wife}. ${His} insolence allows ${him} to remain, if not strengthen, <span class="devotion dec">${his} hatred of you.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion -= 5;
+						slave.trust += 3;
+				}
+			} else if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+				switch (slave.assignment) {
+					case Job.HOUSE:
+					case Job.CONCUBINE:
+					case Job.FUCKTOY:
+					case Job.MASTERSUITE:
+					case Job.QUARTER:
+						r.push(`${He} is <span class="trust dec">thoroughly terrified</span> by having to remain in a formal relationship with the ${playerPronouns.woman} ${he} hates. Being so close to you forces ${him} to slowly <span class="devotion inc">accept</span> ${his} new role as your ${wife}.`);
+						slave.devotion += 1;
+						slave.trust -= 3;
+						break;
+					case Job.WHORE:
+					case Job.BROTHEL:
+					case Job.PUBLIC:
+					case Job.CLUB:
+					case Job.GLORYHOLE:
+					case Job.ARCADE:
+						r.push(`Being forced into public service only reinforces ${his} <span class="trust dec">fears</span> and <span class="devotion dec">perceptions</span> of you. If there was any chance of ${him} thinking you cared, <span class="devotion dec">it's gone now.</span> The public, disregarding ${his} opinions, is less forgiving of you ordering your slave ${wife} to fuck random citizens, <span class="reputation dec">seriously damaging your reputation.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion -= 10;
+						slave.trust -= 10;
+						repX(-100, "PCRelationships", slave);
+						break;
+					default:
+						r.push(`${He} is <span class="trust dec">thoroughly terrified</span> by having to remain in a formal relationship with the ${playerPronouns.woman} ${he} hates. Without you nearby to distract ${him}, ${he} dwells on ${his} situation as ${his} <span class="devotion dec">hate for you grows.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion -= 3;
+						slave.trust -= 5;
+				}
+			} else {
+				switch (slave.assignment) {
+					case Job.HOUSE:
+					case Job.CONCUBINE:
+					case Job.FUCKTOY:
+					case Job.MASTERSUITE:
+					case Job.QUARTER:
+						r.push(`${He} is <span class="devotion inc">happy</span> to be allowed to live a rather nice life close to you, since ${he}'s your ${wife}. In addition, ${his} formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both <span class="devotion inc">devotion</span> and <span class="trust inc">trust.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion += 2;
+						slave.trust += 2;
+						break;
+					case Job.WHORE:
+					case Job.BROTHEL:
+					case Job.PUBLIC:
+					case Job.CLUB:
+					case Job.GLORYHOLE:
+					case Job.ARCADE:
+						r.push(`${His} formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both <span class="devotion inc">devotion</span> and <span class="trust inc">trust,</span> though this is reduced by being on a public sexual assignment rather than being kept for you alone, not that ${he} minds; just as you ordered ${him} to marry you, so may you order ${him} to fuck others. The public, however, is less forgiving of you ordering your slave ${wife} to fuck random citizens, <span class="reputation dec">seriously damaging your reputation.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion++;
+						slave.trust++;
+						repX(-100, "PCRelationships", slave);
+						break;
+					default:
+						r.push(`${His} formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both <span class="devotion inc">devotion</span> and <span class="trust inc">trust</span> as ${he} gradually grows closer to ${his} spouse.`);
+						slave.devotion++;
+						slave.trust++;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (slave.rules.relationship === "restrictive" && slave.relationship !== 5) {
+			 if (friend.rules.relationship === "restrictive") {
+				r.push(`Since the rules forbid the relationship between ${slave.slaveName} and ${friend.slaveName}, they are <span class="relationship dec">forced apart.</span>`);
+				 if (slave.relationship > 1) {
+					slave.relationship--;
+					friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+				} else {
+					friend.relationship = 0;
+					friend.relationshipTarget = 0;
+					slave.relationship = 0;
+					slave.relationshipTarget = 0;
+				}
+				if (slave.devotion <= 50 && friend.devotion <= 50) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} and ${friend.slaveName} both <span class="devotion dec">resent</span> this.`);
+					slave.devotion -= 2;
+					friend.devotion -= 2;
+				} else if (slave.devotion <= 50) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} <span class="devotion dec">resents</span> this.`);
+					slave.devotion -= 2;
+				} else if (friend.devotion <= 50) {
+					r.push(`${friend.slaveName} <span class="devotion dec">resents</span> this.`);
+					friend.devotion -= 2;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (slave.rules.relationship === "just friends" && slave.relationship !== 5 && slave.relationship > 2) {
+			 if (friend.rules.relationship === "restrictive") {
+				r.push(`Since the sexual relationship between ${slave.slaveName} and ${friend.slaveName} is against the rules, they`);
+				if (!hasAnyArms(slave) && !hasAnyArms(friend)) {
+					r.push(`are, metaphorically speaking,`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`are`);
+				}
+				r.push(`<span class="relationship dec">forced to keep their hands to themselves.</span>`);
+				friend.relationship = 2;
+				slave.relationship = 2;
+				if (slave.devotion <= 50 && friend.devotion <= 50) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} and ${friend.slaveName} both <span class="devotion dec">resent</span> this.`);
+					slave.devotion -= 2;
+					friend.devotion -= 2;
+				} else if (slave.devotion <= 50) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} <span class="devotion dec">resents</span> this.`);
+					slave.devotion -= 2;
+				} else if (friend.devotion <= 50) {
+					r.push(`${friend.slaveName} <span class="devotion dec">resents</span> this.`);
+					friend.devotion -= 2;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			let seed = 0;
+			r.push(`${slave.slaveName}`);
+			switch (slave.relationship) {
+				case 1: // friends
+					r.push(`is friends with ${friend.slaveName}.`);
+					if (slave.devotion + slave.trust > 170 && random(1, 2) === 1) {
+						r.push(`${He}'s very devoted to you, and strongly trusts both you and ${his} place as a ${slave}. Since ${he} is just friends with ${friend.slaveName},`);
+						if (slave.sexualQuirk === "romantic") {
+							r.push(`and persistently interprets sex in the most romantic possible terms, ${he} has decided that ${he} wants to be yours in ${his} heart as well as ${his} `);
+							if (slave.vagina > 0) {
+								r.push(`pussy.`);
+							} else if (slave.anus > 0) {
+								r.push(`butthole.`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`mouth.`);
+							}
+							r.push(`<span class="relationship">${He}'s become emotionally bonded to you!</span>`);
+							slave.relationship = -2;
+						} else if (slave.energy > 90) {
+							r.push(`and is a total sex addict, ${he} begins to think of sex as ${his} only meaningful emotional connection with people. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become an emotional slut!</span>`);
+							slave.relationship = -1;
+						} else {
+							r.push(`and loves you, ${he} begins to think of you as a ${woman} might think of ${his} lover — or spouse. ${He} knows ${he} cannot hope for more of a relationship with you than ${he} has, but ${he} finds emotional support in serving you nonetheless. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become emotionally bonded to you!</span>`);
+							slave.relationship = -2;
+						}
+						friend.relationship = 0;
+						friend.relationshipTarget = 0;
+						slave.relationshipTarget = 0;
+					} else if (areRelated(slave, friend) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+						r.push(`They build on their family relationship and become <span class="relationship">best friends.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (mutualChildren(slave, friend, V.slaves) > 0 && (random(1, 100) < (50+ (10 * mutualChildren(slave, friend, V.slaves))))) {
+						r.push(`Hoping to benefit their mutual children, they draw closer together, becoming <span class="relationship">best friends.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (slave.energy > 95 && random(1, 100) > 70) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} obviously lusts after ${his} friend, and does everything ${he} can to <span class="relationship">draw ${him2} closer.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (slave.attrXX > 85 && random(1, 100) > 70 && (friend.vagina > -1 || friend.faceShape !== "masculine")) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} obviously lusts after ${his} friend, and does everything ${he} can to <span class="relationship">draw ${him2} closer.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (slave.attrXY > 85 && random(1, 100) > 70 && (friend.dick > 0 || friend.faceShape === "masculine")) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} obviously lusts after ${his} friend, and does everything ${he} can to <span class="relationship">draw ${him2} closer.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (random(1, 100) > 90) {
+						r.push(`They support and reassure each other and become <span class="relationship">best friends.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					}
+					break;
+				case 2: // BFFs;
+					r.push(`maintains a close friendship with ${friend.slaveName}.`);
+					 if (slave.sexualQuirk === "romantic") {
+						r.push(`${His} romantic bent drives ${him} to search for a regular sexual partner.`);
+						seed = 10;
+					}
+					if (slave.devotion + slave.trust > 95 && random(1, 2) === 1) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is totally devoted to you, and implicitly trusts both you and ${his} place as a slave. Since ${his} relationship with ${friend.slaveName} has not yet turned sexual, and`);
+						if (slave.sexualQuirk === "romantic") {
+							r.push(`${he} persistently interprets sex in the most romantic possible terms, ${he} has decided that ${he} wants to be yours in ${his} heart as well as ${his}`);
+							if (slave.vagina > 0) {
+								r.push(`pussy.`);
+							} else if (slave.anus > 0) {
+								r.push(`butthole.`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`mouth.`);
+							}
+							r.push(`<span class="relationship">${He}'s become emotionally bonded to you!</span>`);
+							slave.relationship = -2;
+						} else if (slave.energy > 90) {
+							r.push(`${he}'s a total sex addict, ${he} begins to think of sex as ${his} only meaningful emotional connection with people. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become an emotional slut!</span>`);
+							slave.relationship = -1;
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${he} loves you, ${he} begins to think of you as a ${woman} might think of ${his} lover — or spouse. ${He} knows ${he} cannot hope for more of a relationship with you than ${he} has, but ${he} finds emotional support in serving you nonetheless. <span class="relationship">${He}'s become emotionally bonded to you!</span>`);
+							slave.relationship = -2;
+						}
+						friend.relationship = 0;
+						friend.relationshipTarget = 0;
+						slave.relationshipTarget = 0;
+					} else if (mutualChildren(slave, friend, V.slaves) > 0 && random(1, 100) < (50 + (10 * mutualChildren(slave, friend, V.slaves)) + seed)) {
+						r.push(`Having already had kids together, their relationship turns sexual once again, turning them into <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (V.seeIncest === 1 && slave.energy > 95 && areRelated(slave, friend) && random(1, 100) > (90-seed)) {
+						r.push(`Driven by nymphomania to attempt to have sex with everyone, ${slave.slaveName} successfully seduces ${his} ${relativeTerm(slave, friend)}, ${friend.slaveName}, making them <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (V.seeIncest === 1 && slave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" && areRelated(slave, friend) && random(1, 100) > (80 - seed)) {
+						r.push(`Reveling in the taboo nature of ${his} attraction to ${friend.slaveName}, ${slave.slaveName} successfully seduces ${his} ${relativeTerm(slave, friend)}, making them <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (V.seeIncest === 1 && slave.behavioralQuirk === "sinful" && areRelated(slave, friend) && random(1, 100) > (80 - seed)) {
+						r.push(`Aroused by the chance to commit the sin of incest, ${slave.slaveName} successfully seduces  ${his} ${relativeTerm(slave, friend)}, ${friend.slaveName}, making them <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (slave.energy > 95 && random(1, 100) > (80 - seed)) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} successfully seduces ${friend.slaveName}, making them <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if ((random(1, 100) > (100 - seed) - (0.2 * slave.attrXX)) && (friend.vagina > -1 || friend.faceShape !== "masculine")) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} successfully seduces ${friend.slaveName}, making them <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if ((random(1, 100) > (100 - seed) - (0.2 * slave.attrXY)) && (canAchieveErection(friend) || friend.faceShape === "masculine")) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} successfully seduces ${friend.slaveName}, making them <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (V.seeIncest === 1 && areRelated(slave, friend) && (random(1, 100) > (95 - seed))) {
+						r.push(`Eventually, they happen to be together and horny, and find themselves fucking without thinking. They have become incestuous <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (random(1, 100) > (95 - seed)) {
+						if (friend.vagina !== -1 && slave.behavioralFlaw === "hates women" && random(1, 2) === 1) {
+							r.push(`Despite ${slave.slaveName}'s dislike of pussy,`);
+						} else if ((friend.dick > 0 || friend.faceShape === "masculine") && slave.behavioralFlaw === "hates men" && random(1, 2) === 1) {
+							r.push(`Despite ${slave.slaveName}'s distaste for cock,`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`Living in an atmosphere of omnipresent sexuality,`);
+						}
+						r.push(`they fuck in a weak moment and find themselves becoming <span class="relationship">friends with benefits.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					}
+					break;
+				case 3: // FWB
+					r.push(`keeps up a sexual friendship with ${friend.slaveName}.`);
+					 if (slave.sexualQuirk === "romantic") {
+						r.push(`${His} romantic bent drives ${him} to do ${his} best to advance ${his} relationship to an emotional level.`);
+						seed = 10;
+					}
+					if (V.seeIncest === 1 && slave.energy > 95 && areRelated(slave, friend) && random(1, 100) > (90 - seed)) {
+						r.push(`${He}'s such a desperate nympho that constant incest is nothing to ${him}. ${He} develops real feelings for ${friend.slaveName} as a romantic partner. Their relationship becomes <span class="relationship">romantically emotional</span> as well as physical and familial.`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (V.seeIncest === 1 && slave.sexualQuirk === "perverted" && areRelated(slave, friend) && random(1, 100) > (80 - seed)) {
+						r.push(`Reveling in the taboo nature of ${his} sexual relationship with ${friend.slaveName}, ${he} not only enjoys ${his} ${relativeTerm(slave, friend)}'s body, but looks after ${his2} pleasure, too. Their relationship becomes <span class="relationship">romantically emotional</span> as well as physical and familial.`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (V.seeIncest === 1 && slave.behavioralQuirk === "sinful" && areRelated(slave, friend) && random(1, 100) > (80 - seed)) {
+						r.push(`${He} gets deep, perverse satisfaction by constant commission of the sin of incest, which is extreme enough to appease even ${his} appetite for transgression. ${His} incestuous relationship becomes <span class="relationship">romantically emotional</span> as well as physical and familial.`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (mutualChildren(slave, friend, V.slaves) > 0 && random(1, 100) < (50 + (10 * mutualChildren(slave, friend, V.slaves)) + seed)) {
+						r.push(`Between their children and common sexual flings, they begin seeing each other as a traditional couple. Their relationship becomes <span class="relationship">strongly emotional</span> as well as physical.`);
+						 if (slave.pregSource === friend.ID && friend.pregSource === slave.ID && slave.pregKnown === 1 && friend.pregKnown === 1) {
+							r.push(`Not very surprising, since they both have the other's child growing in their womb.`);
+						} else if (slave.pregSource === friend.ID && slave.pregKnown === 1) {
+							r.push(`Not very surprising, since ${slave.slaveName} is carrying another of ${friend.slaveName}'s children.`);
+						} else if (friend.pregSource === slave.ID && friend.pregKnown === 1) {
+							r.push(`Not very surprising, since ${friend.slaveName} is carrying another of ${slave.slaveName}'s children.`);
+						}
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (slave.energy > 95 && random(1, 100) > (80 - seed)) {
+						r.push(`${He} not only enjoys ${friend.slaveName}'s body, but looks after ${his2} pleasure, too. Without meaning it to, their relationship becomes <span class="relationship">strongly emotional</span> as well as physical.`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if ((random(1, 100) > (100 - seed) - (0.2 * slave.attrXX)) && (friend.vagina > -1 || friend.faceShape !== "masculine")) {
+						r.push(`${He} not only enjoys ${friend.slaveName}'s body, but looks after ${his2} pleasure, too. Without meaning it to, their relationship becomes <span class="relationship">strongly emotional</span> as well as physical.`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if ((random(1, 100) > (100 - seed) - (0.2 * slave.attrXY)) || (friend.dick > 0 || friend.faceShape === "masculine")) {
+						r.push(`${He} not only enjoys ${friend.slaveName}'s body, but looks after ${his2} pleasure, too. Without meaning it to, their relationship becomes <span class="relationship">strongly emotional</span> as well as physical.`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					} else if (random(1, 100) > (95 - seed)) {
+						r.push(`They've spent enough time looking after each other's sexual and emotional needs that their relationship has become <span class="relationship">very strong.</span>`);
+						slave.relationship++;
+						friend.relationship = slave.relationship;
+					}
+					break;
+				case 4: // lovers
+					r.push(`and ${friend.slaveName} are lovers.`);
+					break;
+				default: // married
+					r.push(`has a slave ${wife2}, ${friend.slaveName}.`);
+					 if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist !== "unset") {
+						r.push(`Society <span class="reputation inc">approves</span> of their marriage, which advances the slave sacrament.`);
+						V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist += 0.05 * V.FSSingleSlaveRep;
+						repX(V.FSSingleSlaveRep * (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist / V.FSLockinLevel), "SlaveRelationships", slave);
+					}
+			}
+			if (slave.relationship > 0) { // catch should she change her relationship status
+				if (slave.devotion <= 95) {
+					if (slave.devotion !== friend.devotion) {
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} absorbs`);
+						if (slave.relationship === 1) {
+							r.push(`a touch of ${his} friend's`);
+						} else if (slave.relationship === 2) {
+							r.push(`a little of ${his} best friend's`);
+						} else if (slave.relationship === 3) {
+							r.push(`some of ${his} close friend's`);
+						} else if (slave.relationship === 4) {
+							r.push(`a lot of ${his} lover's`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`much of ${his} ${wife2}'s`);
+						}
+						if (slave.devotion > friend.devotion) {
+							r.push(`<span class="devotion dec">`);
+							if (friend.devotion > 50) {
+								r.push(`remaining doubts about you.</span>`);
+							} else if (friend.devotion > 20) {
+								r.push(`remaining hesitations about sexual slavery.</span>`);
+							} else if (friend.devotion >= -20) {
+								r.push(`unhappiness about being a sex slave.</span>`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`anger at being a slave.</span>`);
+							}
+						} else {
+							r.push(`<span class="devotion inc">`);
+							if (friend.devotion > 50) {
+								r.push(`love for you.</span>`);
+							} else if (friend.devotion > 20) {
+								r.push(`acceptance of sexual slavery.</span>`);
+							} else if (friend.devotion >= -20) {
+								r.push(`submission to the reality of being a sex slave.</span>`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`unwillingness to immediately rebel.</span>`);
+							}
+						}
+						slave.devotion -= Math.trunc((slave.devotion - friend.devotion) * (0.1 * slave.relationship));
+					}
+				} else if (friend.devotion <= 95) {
+					r.push(`${He}'s so devoted to you that ${he}'s unaffected by ${friend.slaveName}'s less abject submission.`);
+				}
+				if (slave.trust <= 95) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}`);
+					if (slave.trust < -20) {
+						r.push(`cares for ${friend.slaveName} and is <span class="trust dec">terrified</span> of what you might do to ${him2} if either of them misbehave. ${He} <span class="devotion inc">does ${his} best</span> to avoid that.`);
+						slave.trust -= slave.relationship;
+						slave.devotion += slave.relationship;
+					} else {
+						r.push(`<span class="trust inc">trusts you</span>`);
+						 if (slave.relationship <= 2) {
+							r.push(`a little more for allowing ${him} to have a friend.`);
+						} else if (slave.relationship === 3) {
+							r.push(`for letting ${him} have a fuckbuddy.`);
+						} else if (slave.relationship === 4) {
+							r.push(`for permitting ${him} and ${his} lover to be together.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`for giving ${him} a ${wife2}.`);
+						}
+						slave.trust += slave.relationship;
+					}
+				} else if (slave.devotion > 95 && slave.relationship > 4) {
+					r.push(`${He} feels`);
+					if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist !== "unset") {
+						r.push(`blessed with`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${he} has`);
+					}
+					r.push(`a truly good life as your ${slave}.`);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 *
+	 */
+	function incestReactions(slave, relative) {
+		if (areRelated(slave, relative)) {
+			const relationType = relativeTerm(slave, relative);
+			const repType = relative.ID === -1 ? "PCRelationships" : "SlaveRelationships";
+			if (slave.fetish !== "mindbroken") {
+				if (relative.ID === -1) {
+					r.push(`${He}`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}`);
+				}
+				if ((slave.origin === "$He offered $himself to you for enslavement hoping you would preserve $his incestuous relationship with $his sibling." || slave.origin === "$He offered to become your slave to protect $his incestuous relationship.") && relative.ID !== -1) {
+					r.push(`is <span class="devotion inc">grateful</span> and <span class="trust inc">trusting</span> towards you for protecting ${him} in ${his} long-standing incestuous relationship.`);
+					slave.devotion += 2;
+					slave.trust += 2;
+				} else if (slave.sexualQuirk === "perverted") {
+					r.push(`is such a pervert that ${he} <span class="devotion inc">enjoys</span> carrying on an incestuous relationship with ${his} own ${relationType}.`);
+					slave.devotion += 1;
+				} else if (slave.devotion > 95) {
+					r.push(`is so inured to the perversities of slavery that ${he} <span class="devotion inc">enjoys</span> carrying on an incestuous relationship with ${his} own ${relationType}.`);
+					slave.devotion += 1;
+				} else if (slave.behavioralQuirk === "sinful") {
+					r.push(`is torn between sinful delight and deep disgust that ${he}'s carrying on an incestuous relationship with ${his} own ${relationType}.`);
+				} else if (slave.devotion > 75) {
+					r.push(`is so devoted to you that ${he} accepts carrying on an incestuous relationship with ${his} own ${relationType}.`);
+				} else if (slave.devotion > 50) {
+					r.push(`is somewhat <span class="devotion dec">disturbed</span> that ${he}'s carrying on an incestuous relationship with ${his} own ${relationType}.`);
+					slave.devotion -= 2;
+				} else if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+					r.push(`is <span class="devotion dec">disturbed</span> and <span class="trust dec">scared</span> that ${he}'s carrying on an incestuous relationship with ${his} own ${relationType}.`);
+					slave.devotion -= 2;
+					slave.trust -= 2;
+				} else {
+					r.push(`is <span class="devotion dec">revolted</span> and <span class="trust dec">scared</span> that ${he}'s carrying on an incestuous relationship with ${his} own ${relationType}.`);
+					slave.devotion -= 4;
+					slave.trust -= 4;
+				}
+				if (slave.pregKnown === 1 && slave.pregSource === relative.ID) {
+					if ((slave.origin === "$He offered $himself to you for enslavement hoping you would preserve $his incestuous relationship with $his sibling." || slave.origin === "$He offered to become your slave to protect $his incestuous relationship.") && relative.ID !== -1) {
+						r.push(`${He}'s <span class="devotion inc">overjoyed</span> to be carrying ${his} ${relationType}'s child${slave.pregType > 1 ? "ren." : "."}`);
+						slave.devotion += 2;
+					} else if (slave.sexualQuirk === "perverted") {
+						r.push(`${He}'s even <span class="devotion inc">aroused</span> by the constant awareness that ${his} ${relationType} is the parent of the child${slave.pregType > 1 ? "ren" : ""} ${he}'s carrying.`);
+						slave.devotion += 1;
+					} else if (slave.behavioralQuirk === "sinful") {
+						r.push(`${His} feelings about carrying ${his} ${relationType}'s child${slave.pregType > 1 ? "ren" : ""} are <span class="devotion inc">secretly less mixed,</span> though.`);
+						slave.devotion += 1;
+					} else if (slave.devotion > 95) {
+						r.push(`${He} occasionally remembers that ${he}'s carrying ${his} ${relationType}'s child${slave.pregType > 1 ? "ren" : ""}, but does ${his} best to accept it by not thinking about it.`);
+					} else if (slave.devotion > 50) {
+						r.push(`${He}'s <span class="devotion dec">disgusted</span> that the`);
+						if (slave.pregType > 1) {
+							r.push(`babies ${he}'s carrying are`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`baby ${he}'s carrying is`);
+						}
+						r.push(`${his} ${relationType}'s, though ${he} tries ${his} best not to think about it.`);
+						slave.devotion -= 1;
+					} else if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+						r.push(`${He}'s so <span class="devotion dec">disgusted</span> that the`);
+						if (slave.pregType > 1) {
+							r.push(`babies ${he}'s carrying are`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`baby ${he}'s carrying is`);
+						}
+						r.push(`${his} ${relationType}'s that ${he} often wakes up crying about it.`);
+						slave.devotion -= 2;
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${He}'s <span class="devotion dec">passionately hateful</span> of you for making ${him} carry an incestuous pregnancy.`);
+						slave.devotion -= 4;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist !== "unset") {
+				r.push(`Society <span class="reputation inc">strongly approves</span> of your incestuous relationship, which advances the Egyptian revivalist ideal of slave incest.`);
+				repX((2 * V.FSSingleSlaveRep * (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist / V.FSLockinLevel)), repType, slave);
+				V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += (0.1 * V.FSSingleSlaveRep);
+				if (slave.bellyPreg >= 1500 && slave.pregSource === relative.ID) {
+					r.push(`<span class="reputation inc">The effect is greatly enhanced</span> by ${slave.slaveName}'s pureblooded pregnancy.`);
+					repX((V.FSSingleSlaveRep * (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist / V.FSLockinLevel)), repType, slave);
+					V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += (0.05 * V.FSSingleSlaveRep * V.pornFameBonus);
+				}
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy === 1) {
+				r.push(`Society <span class="reputation inc">enjoys</span> your incestuous relationship since incest is currently trendy.`);
+				repX((1.5 * V.FSSingleSlaveRep), repType, slave);
+				if (slave.bellyPreg >= 1500 && slave.pregSource === relative.ID) {
+					r.push(`<span class="reputation inc">The effect is enhanced</span> by ${slave.slaveName}'s pureblooded pregnancy.`);
+					repX(V.FSSingleSlaveRep, repType, slave);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 *
+	 */
+	function consumateRelationship(slave) {
+		let lover = getSlave(slave.relationshipTarget);
+		({
+			he2, him2, his2, hers2, himself2, girl2, He2, His2, loli2, wife2
+		} = getPronouns(lover).appendSuffix("2"));
+		incestReactions(slave, lover);
+		if (App.Utils.sexAllowed(slave, lover)) {
+			if (slave.sexualQuirk === "size queen" && canPenetrate(lover)) {
+				if (lover.dick > 5) {
+					r.push(`${He}'s <span class="devotion inc">very happy</span> with ${his} romantic status, since it means ${he} regularly gets monster cock.`);
+					if (canDoAnal(slave) && slave.anus > 0 && slave.anus < 3) {
+						r.push(`${He}'s such a size queen that ${he} takes it up ${his} ass as often as ${he} can bear it, despite ${his} poor anus not being used to such abuse. This <span class="lime">stretches out ${his} sphincter.</span>`);
+						slave.anus++;
+					}
+					if (canDoVaginal(slave) && slave.vagina > 0 && slave.vagina < 3) {
+						r.push(`It's a little big for what ${his} pussy can handle, <span class="lime">but ${he} gets used to it.</span>`);
+						slave.vagina++;
+					}
+					r.push(`For ${his2} part, ${lover.slaveName} <span class="devotion inc">can barely believe ${his2} luck,</span> their sex life is so good.`);
+					slave.devotion += 2;
+					lover.devotion += 2;
+				} else if (lover.dick > 4) {
+					r.push(`${He} <span class="devotion inc">quite likes</span> being in a sexual relationship with a slave who has such an impressive dick.`);
+					if (canDoAnal(slave) && slave.anus > 0 && slave.anus < 2) {
+						r.push(`${He}'s such a size queen that ${he} takes it up ${his} ass as often as ${he} can bear it, despite ${his} tight butt not being used to such abuse. This <span class="lime">stretches out ${his} sphincter.</span>`);
+						slave.anus++;
+					}
+					if (canDoVaginal(slave) && slave.vagina > 0 && slave.vagina < 2) {
+						r.push(`It's a little big for what ${his} tight pussy can handle, <span class="lime">but ${he} gets used to it.</span>`);
+						slave.vagina++;
+					}
+					r.push(`For ${his2} part, ${lover.slaveName} <span class="devotion inc">enjoys</span> the benefits of having a lover so interested in ${his2} junk.`);
+					slave.devotion++;
+					lover.devotion++;
+				} else if (lover.dick > 3) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} <span class="devotion inc">certainly doesn't mind</span> having reliable access to such a nice big dick. For ${his2} part, ${lover.slaveName} <span class="devotion inc">likes</span> having a lover who finds ${his2} penis appealing.`);
+					slave.devotion++;
+					lover.devotion++;
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.energy <= 90) {
+				if (lover.energy > 95) {
+					r.push(`${lover.slaveName} is such a sex addict that ${he2} drags ${slave.slaveName} along with ${him2} in their enthusiastic sex life, <span class="improvement">slowly improving ${his} sex drive.</span>`);
+					slave.energy += 3;
+				} else if (lover.fetish === slave.fetish && lover.fetish !== "none") {
+					r.push(`${lover.slaveName} and ${slave.slaveName} enjoy sharing their sexual fetishes so much it <span class="improvement">improves their sex drives</span> in proportion to the strength of their kinks.`);
+					slave.energy += 1 + Math.trunc(slave.fetishStrength / 30);
+				} else if (slave.attrXX > 65 && (lover.vagina > -1 || (lover.face > 0 && lover.faceShape !== "masculine"))) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is very much attracted to ${lover.slaveName}, and their fulfilling sexual relationship <span class="improvement">gradually improves ${slave.slaveName}'s sex drive.</span>`);
+					slave.energy++;
+				} else if (slave.attrXY > 65 && lover.dick > 0) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} enjoys ${lover.slaveName} and ${his2} cock, and their fulfilling sexual relationship <span class="improvement">gradually improves ${slave.slaveName}'s sex drive.</span>`);
+					slave.energy++;
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.attrXX <= 95 && random(1, 100) < (slave.relationship * 5) && (lover.vagina > -1 || lover.faceShape !== "masculine")) {
+				if (slave.attrKnown === 1) { // just becuase you don't know about it doesn't mean it's not happening.
+					r.push(`After finding comfort with a feminine lover, ${slave.slaveName} begins to experience more attraction to women.`);
+				}
+				slave.attrXX += 2;
+			}
+			if (slave.attrXY <= 95 && random(1, 100) < (slave.relationship * 5) && canAchieveErection(lover)) {
+				if (slave.attrKnown === 1) {
+					r.push(`After growing close to a lover with a dick, ${slave.slaveName} begins to experience more attraction to men.`);
+				}
+				slave.attrXY += 2;
+			}
+			if (lover.fetish !== "none" && lover.fetish !== "mindbroken" && slave.fetishStrength <= 95 && lover.fetish !== slave.fetish && fetishChangeChance(slave) > (random(0, 100) - (slave.relationship * 5))) {
+				switch (lover.fetish) {
+					case "boobs":
+						r.push(`After experiencing ${lover.slaveName}'s love of breasts, both ${his2} own and ${slave.slaveName}'s, ${slave.slaveName} happily joins ${him2} as a <span class="fetish gain">boob fanatic.</span>`);
+						slave.fetish = "boobs";
+						slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+						slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						break;
+					case "buttslut":
+						r.push(`${lover.slaveName} begs ${slave.slaveName} to fuck ${his2} ass so many times that ${slave.slaveName} reconsiders ${his} stance on buttsex. ${He} becomes just as much of an <span class="fetish gain">anal slut</span> as ${lover.slaveName}.`);
+						slave.fetish = "buttslut";
+						slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+						slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						break;
+					case "cumslut":
+						r.push(`After sharing blowjobs with ${lover.slaveName} enough times, ${slave.slaveName} develops an <span class="fetish gain">oral fixation</span> of ${his} own.`);
+						slave.fetish = "cumslut";
+						slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+						slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						break;
+					case "submissive":
+						if (slave.fetish !== "dom") {
+							r.push(`${lover.slaveName} begs ${slave.slaveName} to dominate ${him2} so many times that ${slave.slaveName} gets used to domination, and finds ${he} likes it. ${He} becomes just as much of a <span class="fetish gain">sexual dominant</span> as a slave can be.`);
+							slave.fetish = "dom";
+							slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+							slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "dom":
+						if (slave.fetish !== "submissive") {
+							r.push(`${lover.slaveName} holds ${slave.slaveName} down and fucks ${him} so many times that ${slave.slaveName} starts to get off on being used. ${He} becomes a true <span class="fetish gain">sexual submissive,</span> and loves ${lover.slaveName} all the more for dominating ${him}.`);
+							slave.fetish = "submissive";
+							slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+							slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "masochist":
+						if (slave.fetish !== "sadist") {
+							r.push(`${lover.slaveName} begs ${slave.slaveName} to hurt ${him2} so many times that ${slave.slaveName} gets used to sadism, and finds ${he} likes it. ${He} becomes just as much of an <span class="fetish gain">sexual sadist</span> as a slave can be.`);
+							slave.fetish = "sadist";
+							slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+							slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "sadist":
+						if (slave.fetish !== "masochist") {
+							r.push(`${lover.slaveName} hits ${slave.slaveName} during sex so often that ${slave.slaveName} starts to get off on being beaten. ${He} becomes a true <span class="fetish gain">masochist,</span> and loves ${lover.slaveName} all the more for abusing ${him}.`);
+							slave.fetish = "masochist";
+							slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+							slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "humiliation":
+						r.push(`${lover.slaveName} begs ${slave.slaveName} to humiliate ${him2} sexually so many times that ${slave.slaveName} can't help but be embarrassed by all the public sex, ${himself}. ${He} gets off on the <span class="fetish gain">humiliation</span> with ${lover.slaveName}.`);
+						slave.fetish = "humiliation";
+						slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+						slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						break;
+					case "pregnancy":
+						r.push(`${lover.slaveName} shares ${his2} hopes and dreams of pregnancy and children with ${slave.slaveName} all the time, and ${slave.slaveName} can't help but feel`);
+						if (isFertile(slave) && isFertile(lover)) {
+							r.push(`${his} <span class="fetish gain">biological clock</span> tick in time with ${lover.slaveName}'s.`);
+						} else if (lover.pregKnown === 1 && isFertile(slave)) {
+							r.push(`the <span class="fetish gain">need to become pregnant</span> like ${lover.slaveName}.`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`the <span class="fetish gain">same obsession</span> as ${lover.slaveName}.`);
+						}
+						slave.fetish = "pregnancy";
+						slave.fetishKnown = 1;
+						slave.fetishStrength = 65;
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+			if (lover.actualAge - slave.actualAge > 10 && slave.relationship >= 4 && random(1, 300) > (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant + lover.intelligence + lover.intelligenceImplant) && lover.devotion > 75 && lover.trust > 50 && (lover.intelligence + lover.intelligenceImplant > 15) && (slave.devotion > 20 || (slave.devotion >= -20 && slave.trust < -20) || slave.trust > -10)) {
+				if ((lover.skill.oral > slave.skill.oral) || (lover.skill.anal > slave.skill.anal) || (lover.skill.vaginal > slave.skill.vaginal && slave.vagina >= 0 && lover.vagina >= 0) || (lover.trust > slave.trust)) {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s `);
+					if (slave.relationship >= 5) {
+						r.push(`${wife2}`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`lover`);
+					}
+					r.push(`is older, more experienced, and`);
+					if (lover.skill.oral > slave.skill.oral) {
+						r.push(`better at blowjobs than ${he} is. They are such good slaves that the senior ${girl2} serves as a mentor to the junior, improving ${his} oral skills.`);
+						r.push(`${SkillIncrease.Oral(slave, 5)}`);
+					} else if (lover.skill.anal > slave.skill.anal) {
+						r.push(`better at`);
+						if (lover.anus > 0) {
+							r.push(`taking a buttfuck`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`using ${his2} rear`);
+						}
+						r.push(`than ${he} is, and they are such good slaves that the senior ${girl2} serves as a mentor to the junior, improving ${his} anal skills.`);
+						r.push(`${SkillIncrease.Anal(slave, 5)}`);
+					} else if (lover.skill.vaginal > slave.skill.vaginal && slave.vagina > 0 && lover.vagina > 0) {
+						if (lover.vagina > 0) {
+							r.push(`a better lover`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`better with a virgin pussy`);
+						}
+						r.push(`than ${he}`);
+						if (slave.vagina > 0) {
+							r.push(`is without one,`);
+						} else {
+							r.push(`is,`);
+						}
+						r.push(`and they are such good slaves that the senior ${girl2} serves as a mentor to the junior, improving ${his} vaginal skills.`);
+						r.push(`${SkillIncrease.Vaginal(slave, 5)}`);
+					} else if (lover.trust > slave.trust) {
+						r.push(`a better slave than ${he} is, and they are such obedient slaves that the senior ${girl2} serves as a mentor to the junior, <span class="trust inc">improving ${his} trust.</span>`);
+						slave.trust += 5;
+					} else {
+						r.push(`a more devoted slave than ${he} is; since they are such obedient slaves, the senior ${girl2} serves as a mentor to the junior, <span class="devotion inc">teaching ${him} to better serve you.</span>`);
+						slave.devotion += 2;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} else { // lovers not allowed to have sex...that's just mean
+			r.push(`${He}'s <span class="devotion dec">frustrated,</span> both sexually and mentally, since ${he}'s not allowed to fuck ${lover.slaveName}`);
+			slave.devotion -= 2;
+			if (disobedience(slave) + 5 > random(0, 100)) {
+				r.push(`and tries to defy your rules, <span class="trust dec">earning severe punishment.</span>`);
+				slave.trust -= 3;
+			} else {
+				r.push(`but <span class="trust inc">trusts</span> that you know best.`);
+				slave.trust++;
+			}
+			if (slave.relationship < 5 && random(0, 100) > 90) {
+				r.push(`With the lack of sexual intimacy, ${slave.slaveName} and ${lover.slaveName} find themselves less passionate about each other and suffer a break up, becoming <span class="relationship dec">merely friends.</span> They both <span class="devotion dec">deeply regret</span> the loss of that spark.`);
+				slave.relationship = 2;
+				lover.relationship = 2;
+				slave.devotion -= 10;
+				lover.devotion -= 10;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+	 *
+	 */
+	function familyFeelings(slave) {
+		if (slave.trust <= 95) {
+			let relatives = V.slaves.filter((s) => areRelated(slave, s)); // Is it possible to move this into the loop?
+			for (const relative of relatives) {
+				({
+					he2, him2
+				} = getPronouns(relative).appendSuffix("2"));
+				if (slave.trust < -20) {
+					if (slave.rivalryTarget !== relative.ID) {
+						if (isParentP(relative, slave)) {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is <span class="trust dec">agonizingly aware</span> that ${his} child ${relative.slaveName} is also your slave and might suffer if either of them angers you, and <span class="devotion inc">does ${his} best</span> to protect ${him2}.`);
+							slave.trust -= 2;
+							slave.devotion += 6;
+						} else {
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is <span class="trust dec">painfully conscious</span> that ${his} ${relativeTerm(slave, relative)} ${relative.slaveName} is also your slave and might suffer if either of them displeases you, and <span class="devotion inc">tries to obey</span> as best ${he} can.`);
+							slave.trust -= 1;
+							slave.devotion += 3;
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} knows that ${his} ${relativeTerm(slave, relative)} ${relative.slaveName}`);
+					if (relative.devotion > 50) {
+						r.push(`loves being your sex slave, and is <span class="devotion inc">happy</span> for ${him2}.`);
+						slave.devotion += 4;
+					} else if (relative.devotion > 20 || relative.trust < -20) {
+						r.push(`is an obedient sex slave, and hopes ${he2}'ll avoid punishment.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`hates being a sex slave, and is <span class="trust dec">afraid</span> for ${him2}.`);
+						slave.trust -= 1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/endWeek/standardSlaveReport.js b/src/endWeek/standardSlaveReport.js
index ba1e5c9f6c7976d283544188a25faec52d5e8d56..97378aebef66fb64619c314088c43013073053c3 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/standardSlaveReport.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/standardSlaveReport.js
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ App.SlaveAssignment.standardSlaveReport = function(slave, silent=false) {
 		diet = App.UI.DOM.renderPassage("SA diet"),
 		ltEffects = App.UI.DOM.renderPassage("SA long term effects"),
 		drugs = App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(slave),
-		relationships = App.UI.DOM.renderPassage("SA relationships"),
+		relationships = App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(slave),
 		rivalries = App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(slave),
 		devotion = App.UI.DOM.renderPassage("SA devotion");
diff --git a/src/gui/css/mainStyleSheet.css b/src/gui/css/mainStyleSheet.css
index 02a8878c831774638822fc8d7d1d64788775c0c9..62228ef762102cadf8c9868598463a9a9d739419 100644
--- a/src/gui/css/mainStyleSheet.css
+++ b/src/gui/css/mainStyleSheet.css
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ span.zeroButton > a:hover { text-decoration: none; }
 .lightcoral, .lightcoral a, .fetish.gain, .fetish.gain a { color: lightcoral } /* compare pink for fetish */
 .lightgreen, .lightgreen a, .relationship, .relationship a, .rivalry.dec, .rivalry.dec a  { color: lightgreen }
 .lightpink, .lightpink a { color: lightpink }
-.lightsalmon, .lightsalmon a, .fetish.inc, .fetish.inc a, .rivalry.inc, .rivalry.inc a { color: lightsalmon }
+.lightsalmon, .lightsalmon a, .fetish.inc, .fetish.inc a, .rivalry.inc, .rivalry.inc a, .relationship.dec, .relationship.dec a { color: lightsalmon }
 .lime, .lime a, .change.positive, .change.positive a, .virginity.loss, .virginity.loss a, .pregnant, .pregnant a { color: lime } /* tight orifices, breast changes, take virginity, not sure on good aliases */
 .limegreen, .limegreen a { color: limegreen } /* multiple questionable uses */
 .magenta, .magenta a, .devotion.worship, .devotion.worship a { color: magenta }
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/arcadeReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/arcadeReport.tw
index 8bc8eac2c9aa86045ef0d580e1fc986fc86653c9..45fea6cbbb308f3b956754360c679dd371b2e7a2 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/arcadeReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/arcadeReport.tw
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
index 6caa232123ee1d8624040f1bc3ca5010bc1586b5..78e92d763df670a40ca63a23b5fc592ad37d840a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_S.Madam)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_S.Madam)>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_S.Madam)>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_S.Madam)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_S.Madam)>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_S.Madam)>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
 			<<include "SA diet">>
 			<<include "SA long term effects">>
 			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-			<<include "SA relationships">>
+			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 			<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 			<<include "SA diet">>
 			<<include "SA long term effects">>
 			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-			<<include "SA relationships">>
+			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 			<<include "SA devotion">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/cellblockReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/cellblockReport.tw
index 2faaf4c034c23044eb5aea051571aa24f591cc4e..bcc54c553443053dda1f0188bf4043f1baa30f06 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/cellblockReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/cellblockReport.tw
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries($slaves[$i])>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
index 8e70c1dfb320e94ba17a4bb8ff19fc291d7e2548..517d3b01692d4ce6dc42d9e7f798ffc66f3eca27 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_S.DJ)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_S.DJ)>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_S.DJ)>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_S.DJ)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_S.DJ)>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_S.DJ)>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 			<<include "SA diet">>
 			<<include "SA long term effects">>
 			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-			<<include "SA relationships">>
+			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 			<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
 			<<include "SA diet">>
 			<<include "SA long term effects">>
 			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-			<<include "SA relationships">>
+			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 			<<include "SA devotion">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
index d8e3db36fe100ceca528f63e2703ffb894f77a93..4ec081bb71b6a77a2ea69abfba250d0bb36d651a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
@@ -302,13 +302,13 @@
 		/* 000-250-006 */
 		<span class='slave-name'><<= SlaveFullName(_S.Milkmaid)>></span> is serving as your Milkmaid.
-		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.choosesOwnClothes($slaves[$i])>>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.choosesOwnClothes(_S.Milkmaid)>>
 		<<run tired(_S.Milkmaid)>>
 		<<include "SA rules">>
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_S.Milkmaid)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_S.Milkmaid)>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_S.Milkmaid)>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@
 		<<include "SA rules">>
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
-		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_S.Milkmaid)>>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_S.Milkmaid)>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_S.Milkmaid)>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
index d149e4e2790c36538e6ccc78294949f845c89308..41c5bc90c6fe4919040d9cb52054c162c6f93821 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 	<<include "SA diet">>
 	<<include "SA long term effects">>
 	<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<include "SA relationships">>
+	<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries($slaves[$i])>>
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 	<<include "SA diet">>
 	<<include "SA long term effects">>
 	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<include "SA relationships">>
+	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries($slaves[$i])>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
index 21fcacdcb5ca3364df556a0efd6a3af1454928c9..a4eace5a247b4bfee44aebb6a35af5e23c7589ba 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
 			<<include "SA diet">>
 			<<include "SA long term effects">>
 			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-			<<include "SA relationships">>
+			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 			<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 			<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
 			<<include "SA diet">>
 			<<include "SA long term effects">>
 			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-			<<include "SA relationships">>
+			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 			<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 			<<include "SA devotion">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saLiveWithHG.tw b/src/uncategorized/saLiveWithHG.tw
index 24ad123486096e4f67362c3b42b3c1f9a213b9ce..3a42696f9ad58336641a5d3ac82f7cb52943db92 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saLiveWithHG.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saLiveWithHG.tw
@@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@
 	<<include "SA diet">>
 	<<include "SA long term effects">>
 	<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<include "SA relationships">>
+	<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@
 	<<include "SA diet">>
 	<<include "SA long term effects">>
 	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<include "SA relationships">>
+	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships($slaves[$i])>>
 	<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries($slaves[$i])>>
 	<br><<include "SA devotion">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index db67b0c96e46d3355a15493502617ba4b33cfc37..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRelationships.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,972 +0,0 @@
-:: SA relationships [nobr]
-<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
-	<<set _SL = $slaves.length, _SlaveI = $slaves[$i], _SlaveJ = null, _drop = 0>>
-	<<setLocalPronouns _SlaveI>>
-	<<if _SlaveI.relationship == 0 && _SlaveI.fetish != "mindbroken">>
-		<<if (_SlaveI.devotion + _SlaveI.trust > 175) && (random(1,3) == 1)>>
-			_SlaveI.slaveName is quite devoted to you, and trusts both you and $his place as a slave. Since $he does not have a strong relationship with another slave,
-			<<if (_SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "romantic")>>
-				and persistently interprets sex in the most romantic possible terms, $he has decided that $he wants to be yours in $his heart as well as $his <<if _SlaveI.vagina > -1>>pussy<<else>>butthole<</if>>. @@.lightgreen;$He's become emotionally bonded to you!@@
-				<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -2>>
-			<<elseif (_SlaveI.assignment == "be your Concubine")>>
-				and is your concubine, $he almost inevitably comes to view you as much as a lover as an owner. @@.lightgreen;$He's become emotionally bonded to you!@@
-				<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -2>>
-			<<elseif ($masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "serve in the master suite")>>
-				and does nothing but eat, sleep, and make love to your other fucktoys, $he slowly loses sight of any distinction between emotional attachment and sexual congress. @@.lightgreen;$He's become an emotional slut!@@
-				<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -1>>
-			<<elseif (_SlaveI.assignment == "please you") || (_SlaveI.assignment == "serve in the master suite")>>
-				and spends $his days worshipping your <<if $PC.dick != 0>>cock<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina != -1>>cunt<</if>>, $he begins to focus more and more of $his happiness on how happy you are. @@.lightgreen;$He's become emotionally bonded to you!@@
-				<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -2>>
-			<<elseif (_SlaveI.assignment == "serve the public") || (_SlaveI.assignment == "serve in the club")>>
-				and $his life is an endless stream of lovers, $he unconsciously loses any sense of emotional attachment outside the intimacy of sex. @@.lightgreen;$He's become an emotional slut!@@
-				<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -1>>
-			<<elseif (_SlaveI.energy > 95) && ((_SlaveI.counter.anal + _SlaveI.counter.vaginal + _SlaveI.counter.oral + _SlaveI.counter.mammary + _SlaveI.counter.penetrative) > ($week - _SlaveI.weekAcquired) * random(20, 30))>>
-				is a total sex addict, and has a spectacularly promiscuous sexual history, $he begins to think of sex as $his only meaningful emotional connection with people. @@.lightgreen;$He's become an emotional slut!@@
-				<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -1>>
-			<<else>>
-				and loves you, $he begins to think of you as a $woman might think of $his lover — or spouse. $He knows $he cannot hope for more of a relationship with you than $he has, but $he finds emotional support in serving you nonetheless. @@.lightgreen;$He's become emotionally bonded to you!@@
-				<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -2>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif _SlaveI.career == "a Futanari Sister" && _SlaveI.rules.relationship == "permissive">>
-			<<for _j = 0; _j < _SL; _j++>>
-				<<set _SlaveJ = $slaves[_j]>>
-				<<setLocalPronouns _SlaveJ 2>>
-				<<if (_SlaveJ.career == "a Futanari Sister") && _SlaveJ.rules.relationship == "permissive" && (_SlaveJ.relationship == 0) && (_SlaveI.rivalryTarget != _SlaveJ.ID) && (_SlaveJ.ID != _SlaveI.ID) && _SlaveJ.fetish != "mindbroken">>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName greets _SlaveJ.slaveName with joy. It's not clear whether they ever knew each other during their lives as Futanari Sisters, but it seems that they believe themselves to be in a relationship by simple virtue of having been Sisters. In any case, _SlaveI.slaveName and _SlaveJ.slaveName @@.lightgreen;become inseparable lovers@@ instantly, as though there's no possibility they would do anything else. They're even surprised when other slaves ask them about it; it's as though they're unaware that other possibilities even exist.
-					<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 4, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 4, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-					<<break>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</for>>
-			<<if _j == _SL>> /* gone through the full loop, found no matches, so reset _SlaveJ */
-				<<set _SlaveJ = null>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif (_SlaveI.origin == "You were acquainted with $him before you were an arcology owner; your rival tried to use $him to manipulate you, but you rescued $him.") && ($rivalryDuration > 20) && !["Intellectual Dependency", "Paternalism", "Racial Supremacism", "Slave Professionalism"].includes($rivalryFS)&& _SlaveI.newGamePlus == 0>>
-			<<for _j = 0; _j < _SL; _j++>>
-				<<set _SlaveJ = $slaves[_j]>>
-				<<setLocalPronouns _SlaveJ 2>>
-				<<if _SlaveJ.fetish != "mindbroken" && _SlaveJ.prestigeDesc == "You bankrupted and enslaved $him in revenge for $his part in the attack on your arcology by the Daughters of Liberty.">>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName greets _SlaveJ.slaveName with joy, happy to see $his former owner again. Without any regard to you, they continue their prior relationship.
-					<<if _SlaveJ.relationship > 0>>
-						<<set _k = $slaveIndices[_SlaveJ.relationshipTarget]>>
-						<<if def _k>>
-							<<set $slaves[_k].relationshipTarget = 0, $slaves[_k].relationship = 0>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 4, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 4, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-					<<break>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</for>>
-			<<if _j == _SL>> /* gone through the full loop, found no matches, so reset _SlaveJ */
-				<<set _SlaveJ = null>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif _SlaveI.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-			<<if _SlaveI.devotion > -90>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.behavioralFlaw == "none">>
-					<<set _seed = random(1, 100)>>
-				<<else>>
-					<<set _seed = random(1, 80)>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<if _seed > 75>>
-			<<set _resentment = 0>>
-			<<for _j = 0; _j < _SL; _j++>>
-				<<set _SlaveJ = $slaves[_j]>>
-				<<setLocalPronouns _SlaveJ 2>>
-				<<if (_SlaveJ.ID != _SlaveI.ID) && (_SlaveJ.relationship == 0) && (_SlaveI.rivalryTarget != _SlaveJ.ID) && (_SlaveJ.assignment != "stay confined") && (_SlaveJ.fetish != "mindbroken")>>
-				<<if (_SlaveJ.ID == $MadamID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName manages to ingratiate $himself with the Madam, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the Madam, _SlaveJ.slaveName, and is @@.gold;punished@@ by _him2 for disrespect.
-							<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $djID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == Job.CLUB)>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName manages to ingratiate $himself with the DJ, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the DJ, _SlaveJ.slaveName, and is @@.gold;punished@@ by _him2 for disrespect.
-							<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $MilkmaidID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "work in the dairy")>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName manages to ingratiate $himself with the Milkmaid, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the Milkmaid, _SlaveJ.slaveName, and is @@.gold;punished@@ by _him2 for disrespect.
-							<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $FarmerID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "work as a farmhand")>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName manages to ingratiate $himself with the Farmer, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the Farmer, _SlaveJ.slaveName, and is @@.gold;punished@@ by _him2 for disrespect.
-							<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $SchoolteacherID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "learn in the schoolroom")>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName manages to ingratiate $himself with the Schoolteacher, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the Schoolteacher, _SlaveJ.slaveName, and is @@.gold;punished@@ by _him2 for disrespect.
-							<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $AttendantID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "rest in the spa")>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName basks in the affection and care of the spa attendant, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the spa attendant, _SlaveJ.slaveName. _He2 gently @@.hotpink;counsels@@ $him to obey the rules.
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $StewardessID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "work as a servant")>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName manages to ingratiate $himself with the Stewardess, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the Stewardess, _SlaveJ.slaveName, and is @@.gold;punished@@ by _him2 for disrespect.
-							<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $WardenessID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "be confined in the cellblock")>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName manages to earn the respect of the Wardeness, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the Wardeness, _SlaveJ.slaveName, and is @@.gold;beaten@@ by _him2 for $his trouble.
-							<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 5>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.ID == $ConcubineID) && (_SlaveI.assignment == "serve in the master suite")>>
-					<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName becomes especially close to the Concubine, _SlaveJ.slaveName. The two slaves have @@.lightgreen;struck up a friendship.@@
-						<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-						<<break>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with the Concubine, _SlaveJ.slaveName, and is gently @@.hotpink;counseled@@ by _him2 that such things are against the rules.
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif _SlaveJ.assignment == _SlaveI.assignment>>
-					<<if random(1, 100) > 50>>
-						<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship != "restrictive">>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName and _SlaveJ.slaveName see a lot of each other
-							<<if _SlaveI.assignment == "learn in the schoolroom" || _SlaveI.assignment == "take classes">>
-								in class
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.assignment == "get treatment in the clinic">>
-								while being treated
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.assignment == "be confined in the cellblock">>
-								while being punished
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.assignment == "rest">>
-								in their time off
-							<<else>>
-								at work
-							<</if>>
-							and @@.lightgreen;strike up a friendship.@@
-							<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-							<<break>>
-						<<else>>
-							<<if _resentment == 0>>
-								_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a friendship with _SlaveJ.slaveName and is @@.gold;punished@@ for breaking the rules against such things; $he @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ being castigated for simple sociability.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2, _SlaveI.trust -= 2, _resentment++>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif mutualChildren(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ, $slaves) > 0>>
-					<<if App.Utils.sexAllowed(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ)>>
-						<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship == "permissive">>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName and _SlaveJ.slaveName have <<if mutualChildren(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ, $slaves) == 0>>a child<<else>>children<</if>> living in your penthouse, so it's not surprising that their offspring brings them together. They have @@.lightgreen;become friends@@ for their child's sake.
-							<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-							<<break>>
-						<<else>>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName tries to renew $his relationship with _SlaveJ.slaveName and is @@.gold;punished@@ for breaking the rules against such things; $he @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ being prevented from reuniting with _him2.
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2, _SlaveI.trust -= 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif _SlaveJ.fetish == _SlaveI.fetish>>
-					<<if (_SlaveI.fetish != "none") && App.Utils.sexAllowed(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ)>>
-						<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship == "permissive">>
-							_SlaveI.slaveName and _SlaveJ.slaveName share sexual inclinations, so it's only natural that they @@.lightgreen;become friends with benefits.@@
-							<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 3, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveI.relationship = 3, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = _SlaveJ.ID>>
-							<<break>>
-						<<else>>
-							<<if _resentment == 0>>
-								_SlaveI.slaveName tries to strike up a sexual relationship with _SlaveJ.slaveName and is @@.gold;punished@@ for breaking the rules against such things; $he @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ being prevented from pursuing _him2.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2, _SlaveI.trust -= 2, _resentment++>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</for>>
-			<<if _SlaveI.relationshipTarget != _SlaveJ.ID>>
-				<<set _SlaveJ = null>>
-			<</if>>
-			<</if>> /*seed*/
-			<</if>> /*devotion*/
-		<</if>>
-		<<set _drop = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if (_SlaveI.relationship > 0)>>
-		<<set _J = $slaveIndices[_SlaveI.relationshipTarget]>>
-		<<if def _J>>
-			<<set _SlaveJ = $slaves[_J], _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = _SlaveI.ID, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-			<<setLocalPronouns _SlaveJ 2>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if (_SlaveI.relationship > 0) && (_SlaveJ == null)>>
-			<br>@@.red;_SlaveI.slaveName's relationship was _SlaveI.relationship and relationshipTarget was _SlaveI.relationshipTarget but no slave with that ID was found@@<br>
-			<<set _SlaveI.relationship = 0, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = 0>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if (_SlaveI.relationship != 0) && (_drop == 0)>> /% RELATIONSHIP IS NOT 0; NOW ON TO ONGOING RELATIONSHIPS %/
-		<<if (_SlaveI.rivalry != 0 && _SlaveJ != null)>>
-			<<if _SlaveI.rivalryTarget == _SlaveI.relationshipTarget>>
-				<<set _SlaveJ.rivalry = 0, _SlaveJ.rivalryTarget = 0, _SlaveI.rivalry = 0, _SlaveI.rivalryTarget = 0>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if _SlaveI.fetish == "mindbroken" && _SlaveI.relationship != -3>>
-			Since $he is mindbroken, $he @@.lightsalmon;can't really maintain@@ any meaningful relationship with
-			<<if _SlaveJ != null>>
-				_SlaveJ.slaveName.
-				<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 0, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = 0>>
-			<<else>>
-				you.
-			<</if>>
-			<<set _SlaveI.relationship = 0, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = 0>>
-		<<elseif _SlaveI.relationship < 0>>
-			/% Relationship with the PC %/
-			<<if _SlaveI.relationship == -1>>
-				<<if ["be the DJ", "serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work in the brothel"].includes(_SlaveI.assignment)>>
-					$His endless stream of lovers maintains and satisfies $his emotional reliance on sex.
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.assignment == "serve in the master suite") && ($masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2)>>
-					Forming a part of the pile of copulating bodies in $masterSuiteName satisfies $his voracious sexual appetite.
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.energy <= 90)>>
-					$He is not a complete nymphomaniac and $he doesn't have a constant stream of lovers, so $he has @@.lightsalmon;begun to rely less on sex for emotional support@@ than $he once did.
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship = 0>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.energy >= 90)>>
-					$He is such a nymphomaniac that even without a steady stream of lovers, $his emotional reliance on promiscuity remains.
-					<<if (_SlaveI.devotion > 60)>>
-						$He is @@.mediumorchid;emotionally unfulfilled@@ by $his assignment, since it does not afford $him the validation of massive promiscuity.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion-->>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if (_SlaveI.trust > 60)>>
-						$He is @@.gold;impatient@@ with $his limited field of potential sexual partners, and would prefer to be a publicly available nympho.
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust-->>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif _SlaveI.relationship == -2>>
-				<<if areRelated(_SlaveI, $PC)>>
-					<<set _PCrelative = relativeTerm(_SlaveI, $PC)>>
-					$He
-					<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-						is such a pervert that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95>>
-						is so inured to the perversities of slavery that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">>
-						is torn between sinful delight and deep disgust that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 75>>
-						is so devoted to you that $he accepts carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 50>>
-						is somewhat @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 20>>
-						is @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ and @@.gold;scared@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						is @@.mediumorchid;revolted@@ and @@.gold;scared@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 4>>
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if _SlaveI.pregKnown == 1>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.pregSource == -1>>
-							<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-								$He's even @@.hotpink;aroused@@ by the constant awareness that $his _PCrelative is the parent of the daughter<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>s<</if>> $he's carrying.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">>
-								$His feelings about carrying $his _PCrelative's child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> are @@.hotpink;secretly less mixed,@@ though.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95>>
-								$He occasionally remembers that $he's carrying $his _PCrelative's child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>, but does $his best to accept it by not thinking about it.
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 50>>
-								$He's @@.mediumorchid;disgusted@@ that the bab<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ies $he's carrying are<<else>>y $he's carrying is<</if>> $his _PCrelative's, though $he tries $his best not to think about it.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 1>>
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 20>>
-								$He's so @@.mediumorchid;disgusted@@ that the bab<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ies $he's carrying are<<else>>y $he's carrying is<</if>> $his _PCrelative's that $he often wakes up crying about it.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-							<<else>>
-								$He's @@.mediumorchid;passionately hateful@@ of you for making $him carry an incestuous pregnancy.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 4>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
-						Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of your incestuous relationship, which advances the Egyptian revivalist ideal of slave incest.
-						<<run repX(2*$FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist/$FSLockinLevel), "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += 0.1*$FSSingleSlaveRep>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-							<<if _SlaveI.pregSource == -1>>
-								@@.green;The effect is greatly enhanced@@ by _SlaveI.slaveName's pureblooded pregnancy.
-								<<run repX($FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist/$FSLockinLevel), "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-								<<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += 0.05*$FSSingleSlaveRep*$pornFameBonus>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
-						Society @@.green;enjoys@@ your incestuous relationship since incest is currently trendy.
-						<<run repX(1.5*$FSSingleSlaveRep, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-							<<if _SlaveI.pregSource == -1>>
-								@@.green;The effect is enhanced@@ by _SlaveI.slaveName's pureblooded pregnancy.
-								<<run repX($FSSingleSlaveRep, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if (_SlaveI.devotion + _SlaveI.trust < 150)>>
-					<<if random(1, 100) > 50>>
-						$He is no longer as devoted to you as $he once was, and has @@.lightsalmon;begun to look elsewhere for emotional support.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship = 0>>
-					<<elseif (_SlaveI.trust < 75) && (random(1, 100) > 50)>>
-						$He is no longer as trusting of you as $he once was, and has @@.lightsalmon;begun to look elsewhere for emotional support.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship = 0>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.relationship == -2>>
-					<<switch _SlaveI.assignment>>
-					<<case "be a servant" "be your Concubine" "please you" "serve in the master suite" "work as a servant">>
-						$He is @@.hotpink;happy@@ to be allowed to serve you personally, since it's as close a relationship to you as $he can aspire to. In addition, $his deep love for you produces a slow but steady increase of both @@.hotpink;devotion@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveI.trust++>>
-					<<default>>
-						$His deep love for you produces a slow but steady increase of both @@.hotpink;devotion@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveI.trust++>>
-					<</switch>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif _SlaveI.relationship == -3>>
-				<<if areRelated(_SlaveI, $PC) && _SlaveI.fetish != "mindbroken">>
-					<<set _PCrelative = relativeTerm(_SlaveI, $PC)>>
-					$He
-					<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-						is such a pervert that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95>>
-						is so inured to the perversities of slavery that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">>
-						is torn between sinful delight and deep disgust that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 75>>
-						is so devoted to you that $he accepts carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 50>>
-						is somewhat @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 20>>
-						is @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ and @@.gold;scared@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 2>>
-					<<else>>
-						is @@.mediumorchid;revolted@@ and @@.gold;scared@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _PCrelative.
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 4>>
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if _SlaveI.pregKnown == 1>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.pregSource == -1>>
-							<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-								$He's even @@.hotpink;aroused@@ by the constant awareness that $his _PCrelative is the parent of the daughter<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>s<</if>> $he's carrying.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">>
-								$His feelings about carrying $his _PCrelative's child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> are @@.hotpink;secretly less mixed,@@ though.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95>>
-								$He occasionally remembers that $he's carrying $his _PCrelative's child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>, but does $his best to accept it by not thinking about it.
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 50>>
-								$He's @@.mediumorchid;disgusted@@ that the bab<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ies $he's carrying are<<else>>y $he's carrying is<</if>> $his _PCrelative's, though $he tries $his best not to think about it.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 1>>
-							<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 20>>
-								$He's so @@.mediumorchid;disgusted@@ that the bab<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ies $he's carrying are<<else>>y $he's carrying is<</if>> $his _PCrelative's that $he often wakes up crying about it.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-							<<else>>
-								$He's @@.mediumorchid;passionately hateful@@ of you for making $him carry an incestuous pregnancy.
-								<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 4>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
-						Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of your incestuous relationship, which advances the Egyptian revivalist ideal of slave incest.
-						<<run repX(2*$FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist/$FSLockinLevel), "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += 0.1*$FSSingleSlaveRep>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-							<<if _SlaveI.pregSource == -1>>
-								@@.green;The effect is greatly enhanced@@ by _SlaveI.slaveName's pureblooded pregnancy.
-								<<run repX($FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist/$FSLockinLevel), "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-								<<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += 0.05*$FSSingleSlaveRep*$pornFameBonus>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
-						Society @@.green;enjoys@@ your incestuous relationship since incest is currently trendy.
-						<<run repX(1.5*$FSSingleSlaveRep, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<if _SlaveI.bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-							<<if _SlaveI.pregSource == -1>>
-								@@.green;The effect is enhanced@@ by _SlaveI.slaveName's pureblooded pregnancy.
-								<<run repX($FSSingleSlaveRep, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.relationship == -3>>
-					<<if _SlaveI.fetish == "mindbroken">>
-						<<switch _SlaveI.assignment>>
-						<<case "be a servant" "work as a servant" "serve in the master suite" "please you" "be your Concubine">>
-							$He lives a nice life by your side, despite $his inability to realize it. Since $he is so malleable and willing, you rarely have reason to punish $him anymore.
-							<<if def _SlaveI.kindness>>
-								<<set _SlaveI.kindness += 2>>
-							<<else>>
-								<<set _SlaveI.kindness = 2>>
-							<</if>>
-						<<case "whore" "work in the brothel" "serve the public" "serve in the club" "work a glory hole" "be confined in the arcade">>
-							You, others, it doesn't matter. They are all the same to your mindbroken $wife. The public, however, is less forgiving of you ordering your slave $wife to fuck random citizens, @@.red;seriously damaging your reputation.@@
-							<<run repX(-100, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<default>>
-							Being your $wife is wasted on $his empty mind. If it weren't for the ring <<if hasAnyArms(_SlaveI)>>around $his finger<<else>>hanging from $his neck<</if>>, nobody would ever realize $he was so close to you.
-						<</switch>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion+_SlaveI.trust >= 175>>
-						<<switch _SlaveI.assignment>>
-						<<case "be a servant" "work as a servant" "serve in the master suite" "please you" "be your Concubine">>
-							$He is @@.hotpink;happy@@ to be allowed to live $his life close to you, since $he's your $wife. In addition, $his deep reliance on $his formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both @@.hotpink;devotion@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 2, _SlaveI.trust += 2>>
-						<<case "whore" "work in the brothel" "serve the public" "serve in the club" "work a glory hole" "be confined in the arcade">>
-							$His reliance on $his formal relationship to you produces a slight increase of both @@.hotpink;devotion@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust,@@ though this is reduced by being on a public sexual assignment rather than being kept for you alone. The public is less forgiving of you ordering your slave $wife to fuck random citizens, @@.red;seriously damaging your reputation.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveI.trust++>>
-							<<run repX(-100, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<default>>
-							$His deep reliance on $his formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both @@.hotpink;devotion@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveI.trust++>>
-						<</switch>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion < -20 && _SlaveI.trust > 0>>
-						<<switch _SlaveI.assignment>>
-						<<case "be a servant" "work as a servant" "serve in the master suite" "please you" "be your Concubine">>
-							$He @@.orangered;takes advantage@@ of your kindness, since $he is allowed to live a pampered life just for letting you use $his body. $His insolence allows $him to retain, if not strengthen, @@.mediumorchid;$his hatred of you.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 7, _SlaveI.trust += 5>>
-						<<case "whore" "work in the brothel" "serve the public" "serve in the club" "work a glory hole" "be confined in the arcade">>
-							Not being a pampered fucktoy to you @@.gold;wounds $his expectations as your $wife,@@ but gives $him the space needed to @@.hotpink;begin warming up to you.@@ The public, disregarding $his opinions, is less forgiving of you ordering your slave $wife to fuck random citizens, @@.red;seriously damaging your reputation.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveI.trust-->>
-							<<run repX(-100, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<default>>
-							$He @@.orangered;takes advantage@@ of your kindness, since $he expects you'd never truly harm your $wife. $His insolence allows $him to remain, if not strengthen, @@.mediumorchid;$his hatred of you.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 5, _SlaveI.trust += 3>>
-						<</switch>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion < -20>>
-						<<switch _SlaveI.assignment>>
-						<<case "be a servant" "work as a servant" "serve in the master suite" "please you" "be your Concubine">>
-							$He is @@.gold;thoroughly terrified@@ by having to remain in a formal relationship with the _womanP $he hates. Being so close to you forces $him to slowly @@.hotpink;accept@@ $his new role as your $wife.
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveI.trust -= 3>>
-						<<case "whore" "work in the brothel" "serve the public" "serve in the club" "work a glory hole" "be confined in the arcade">>
-							Being forced into public service only reinforces $his @@.gold;fears@@ and @@.mediumorchid;perceptions@@ of you. If there was any chance of $his thinking you cared, @@.mediumorchid;it's gone now.@@ The public, disregarding $his opinions, is less forgiving of you ordering your slave $wife to fuck random citizens, @@.red;seriously damaging your reputation.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 10, _SlaveI.trust -= 10>>
-							<<run repX(-100, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<default>>
-							$He is @@.gold;thoroughly terrified@@ by having to remain in a formal relationship with the _womanP $he hates. Without you nearby to distract $him, $he dwells on $his situation as $his @@.mediumorchid;hate for you grows.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 3, _SlaveI.trust -= 5>>
-						<</switch>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<switch _SlaveI.assignment>>
-						<<case "be a servant" "work as a servant" "serve in the master suite" "please you" "be your Concubine">>
-							$He is @@.hotpink;happy@@ to be allowed to live a rather nice life close to you, since $he's your $wife. In addition, $his formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both @@.hotpink;devotion@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 2, _SlaveI.trust += 2>>
-						<<case "whore" "work in the brothel" "serve the public" "serve in the club" "work a glory hole" "be confined in the arcade">>
-							$His formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both @@.hotpink;devotion@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust,@@ though this is reduced by being on a public sexual assignment rather than being kept for you alone, not that $he minds; just as you ordered $him to marry you, so may you order $him to fuck others. The public, however, is less forgiving of you ordering your slave $wife to fuck random citizens, @@.red;seriously damaging your reputation.@@
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveI.trust++>>
-							<<run repX(-100, "PCRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-						<<default>>
-							$His formal relationship to you produces a steady increase of both @@.hotpink;devotion@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust@@ as $he gradually grows closer to $his spouse.
-							<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveI.trust++>>
-						<</switch>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif _SlaveI.rules.relationship == "restrictive">>
-			<<if _SlaveJ.rules.relationship == "restrictive">>
-				Since the rules forbid the relationship between _SlaveI.slaveName and _SlaveJ.slaveName, they are @@.lightsalmon;forced apart.@@
-				<<if _SlaveI.relationship > 1>>
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship--, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<else>>
-					<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 0, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = 0, _SlaveI.relationship = 0, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = 0>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.devotion <= 50>>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ this.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _SlaveJ.devotion <= 50>>
-					_SlaveJ.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ this.
-					<<set _SlaveJ.devotion -= 2>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif _SlaveI.rules.relationship == "just friends">>
-			<<if _SlaveI.relationship > 2 && _SlaveJ.rules.relationship == "restrictive">>
-				Since the sexual relationship between _SlaveI.slaveName and _SlaveJ.slaveName is against the rules, they are<<if (!hasAnyArms(_SlaveI)) && (!hasAnyArms(_SlaveJ))>>, metaphorically speaking,<</if>> @@.lightsalmon;forced to keep their hands to themselves.@@
-				<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 2, _SlaveI.relationship = 2>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.devotion <= 50>>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ this.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _SlaveJ.devotion <= 50>>
-					_SlaveJ.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;resents@@ this.
-					<<set _SlaveJ.devotion -= 2>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<set _seed = 0>>
-			_SlaveI.slaveName
-			<<switch _SlaveI.relationship>>
-			<<case 1>> /% friends %/
-				is friends with _SlaveJ.slaveName.
-				<<if (_SlaveI.devotion + _SlaveI.trust > 170) && (random(1, 2) == 1)>>
-					$He's very devoted to you, and strongly trusts both you and $his place as a slave. Since $he is just friends with _SlaveJ.slaveName,
-					<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "romantic">>
-						and persistently interprets sex in the most romantic possible terms, $he has decided that $he wants to be yours in $his heart as well as $his <<if _SlaveI.vagina > -1>>pussy<<else>>butthole<</if>>. @@.lightgreen;$He's become emotionally bonded to you!@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -2>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.energy > 90>>
-						and is a total sex addict, $he begins to think of sex as $his only meaningful emotional connection with people. @@.lightgreen;$He's become an emotional slut!@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -1>>
-					<<else>>
-						and loves you, $he begins to think of you as a $woman might think of $his lover — or spouse. $He knows $he cannot hope for more of a relationship with you than $he has, but $he finds emotional support in serving you nonetheless. @@.lightgreen;$He's become emotionally bonded to you!@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -2>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 0, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = 0, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = 0>>
-				<<elseif areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-					They build on their family relationship and become @@.lightgreen;best friends.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif mutualChildren(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ, $slaves) > 0 && (random(1, 100) < (50+(10*mutualChildren(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ, $slaves))))>>
-					Hoping to benefit of their mutual children, they draw closer together becoming @@.lightgreen;best friends.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.energy > 95) && (random(1, 100) > 70)>>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName obviously lusts after $his friend, and does everything $he can to @@.lightgreen;draw _him2 closer.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.attrXX > 85) && (random(1, 100) > 70)>>
-					<<if (_SlaveJ.vagina > -1) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape != "masculine")>>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName obviously lusts after $his friend, and does everything $he can to @@.lightgreen;draw _him2 closer.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.attrXY > 85) && (random(1, 100) > 70)>>
-					<<if (_SlaveJ.balls > 0) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape == "masculine")>>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName obviously lusts after $his friend, and does everything $he can to @@.lightgreen;draw _him2 closer.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (random(1, 100) > 90)>>
-					They support and reassure each other and become @@.lightgreen;best friends.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<case 2>> /% best friends %/
-				maintains a close friendship with _SlaveJ.slaveName.
-				<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "romantic">>
-					$His romantic bent drives $him to search for a regular sexual partner.
-					<<set _seed = 10>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if (_SlaveI.devotion + _SlaveI.trust > 95) && (random(1, 2) == 1)>>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName is totally devoted to you, and implicitly trusts both you and $his place as a slave. Since $his relationship with _SlaveJ.slaveName has not yet turned sexual, and
-					<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "romantic">>
-						$he persistently interprets sex in the most romantic possible terms, $he has decided that $he wants to be yours in $his heart as well as $his <<if _SlaveI.vagina > -1>>pussy<<else>>butthole<</if>>. @@.lightgreen;$He's become emotionally bonded to you!@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -2>>
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.energy > 90>>
-						$he's a total sex addict, $he begins to think of sex as $his only meaningful emotional connection with people. @@.lightgreen;$He's become an emotional slut!@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -1>>
-					<<else>>
-						$he loves you, $he begins to think of you as a $woman might think of $his lover — or spouse. $He knows $he cannot hope for more of a relationship with you than $he has, but $he finds emotional support in serving you nonetheless. @@.lightgreen;$He's become emotionally bonded to you!@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship = -2>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<set _SlaveJ.relationship = 0, _SlaveJ.relationshipTarget = 0, _SlaveI.relationshipTarget = 0>>
-				<<elseif mutualChildren(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ, $slaves) > 0 && (random(1, 100) < (50+(10*mutualChildren(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ, $slaves))+_seed))>>
-					Having already had kids together, their relationship turns sexual once again and they become @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif $seeIncest == 1 && (_SlaveI.energy > 95) && areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ) && (random(1,100) > (90-_seed))>>
-					Driven by nymphomania to attempt to have sex with everyone, _SlaveI.slaveName successfully seduces _SlaveJ.slaveName and they become @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif $seeIncest == 1 && (_SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted") && areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ) && (random(1,100) > (80-_seed))>>
-					Reveling in the taboo nature of $his attraction to _SlaveJ.slaveName, _SlaveI.slaveName successfully seduces _him2 and they become @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif $seeIncest == 1 && (_SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful") && areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ) && (random(1,100) > (80-_seed))>>
-					Aroused by the chance to commit the sin of incest, _SlaveI.slaveName successfully seduces _SlaveJ.slaveName and they become @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.energy > 95) && (random(1, 100) > (80 - _seed))>>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName successfully seduces _SlaveJ.slaveName and they become @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif random(1, 100) > (100 - _seed) - (0.2 * _SlaveI.attrXX)>>
-					<<if (_SlaveJ.vagina > -1) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape != "masculine")>>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName successfully seduces _SlaveJ.slaveName and they become @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif random(1, 100) > (100 - _seed) - (0.2 * _SlaveI.attrXY)>>
-					<<if (_SlaveJ.balls > 0) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape == "masculine")>>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName successfully seduces _SlaveJ.slaveName and they become @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $seeIncest == 1 && areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ)>>
-					<<if random(1,100) > (95-_seed)>>
-						Eventually, they happen to be together and horny, and find themselves fucking without thinking. They have become incestuous @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (random(1, 100) > (95 - _seed))>>
-					<<if (_SlaveJ.vagina != -1) && (_SlaveI.behavioralFlaw == "hates women") && (random(1, 2) == 1)>>
-						Despite _SlaveI.slaveName's dislike of pussy,
-					<<elseif ((_SlaveJ.balls > 0) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape == "masculine")) && (_SlaveI.behavioralFlaw == "hates men") && (random(1, 2) == 1)>>
-						Despite _SlaveI.slaveName's distaste for cock,
-					<<else>>
-						Living in an atmosphere of omnipresent sexuality,
-					<</if>>
-					they fuck in a weak moment and find themselves becoming @@.lightgreen;friends with benefits.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<case 3>> /% FWB %/
-				keeps up a sexual friendship with _SlaveJ.slaveName.
-				<<if _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "romantic">>
-					$His romantic bent drives $him to do $his best to advance $his relationship to an emotional level.
-					<<set _seed = 10>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $seeIncest == 1 && _SlaveI.energy > 95 && areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ) && (random(1,100) > (90-_seed))>>
-					$He's such a desperate nympho that constant incest is nothing to $him. $He develops real feelings for _SlaveJ.slaveName as a romantic partner. Their relationship becomes @@.lightgreen;romantically emotional@@ as well as physical and familial.
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif $seeIncest == 1 && (_SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted") && areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ) && (random(1,100) > (80-_seed))>>
-					Reveling in the taboo nature of $his sexual relationship with _SlaveJ.slaveName, $he not only enjoys _SlaveJ.slaveName's body, but looks after _his2 pleasure, too. Their relationship becomes @@.lightgreen;romantically emotional@@ as well as physical and familial.
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif $seeIncest == 1 && (_SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful") && areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ) && (random(1,100) > (80-_seed))>>
-					$He gets deep, perverse satisfaction by constant commission of the sin of incest, which is extreme enough to appease even $his appetite for transgression. $His incestuous relationship becomes @@.lightgreen;romantically emotional@@ as well as physical and familial.
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif mutualChildren(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ, $slaves) > 0 && (random(1, 100) < (50+(10*mutualChildren(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ, $slaves))+_seed))>>
-					Between their children and common sexual flings, they begin seeing each other as a traditional couple. Their relationship becomes @@.lightgreen;strongly emotional@@ as well as physical.
-					<<if _SlaveI.pregSource == _SlaveJ.ID && _SlaveJ.pregSource == _SlaveI.ID && _SlaveI.pregKnown == 1 && _SlaveJ.pregKnown == 1>>
-						Not very surprising, since they both have the other's child growing in their womb.
-					<<elseif _SlaveI.pregSource == _SlaveJ.ID && _SlaveI.pregKnown == 1>>
-						Not very surprising, since _SlaveI.slaveName is carrying another of _SlaveJ.slaveName's children.
-					<<elseif _SlaveJ.pregSource == _SlaveI.ID && _SlaveJ.pregKnown == 1>>
-						Not very surprising, since _SlaveJ.slaveName is carrying another of _SlaveI.slaveName's children.
-					<</if>>
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.energy > 95) && (random(1, 100) > (80 - _seed))>>
-					$He not only enjoys _SlaveJ.slaveName's body, but looks after _his2 pleasure, too. Without meaning it to, their relationship becomes @@.lightgreen;strongly emotional@@ as well as physical.
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<<elseif random(1, 100) > (100 - _seed) - (0.2 * _SlaveI.attrXX)>>
-					<<if (_SlaveJ.vagina > -1) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape != "masculine")>>
-						$He not only enjoys _SlaveJ.slaveName's body, but looks after _his2 pleasure, too. Without meaning it to, their relationship becomes @@.lightgreen;strongly emotional@@ as well as physical.
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif random(1, 100) > (100 - _seed) - (0.2 * _SlaveI.attrXY)>>
-					<<if (_SlaveJ.balls > 0) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape == "masculine")>>
-						$He not only enjoys _SlaveJ.slaveName's body, but looks after _his2 pleasure, too. Without meaning it to, their relationship becomes @@.lightgreen;strongly emotional@@ as well as physical.
-						<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif (random(1, 100) > (95 - _seed))>>
-					They've spent enough time looking after each other's sexual and emotional needs that their relationship has become @@.lightgreen;very strong.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.relationship++, _SlaveJ.relationship = _SlaveI.relationship>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<case 4>> /% lovers %/
-				and _SlaveJ.slaveName are lovers.
-			<<default>> /% slave wives %/
-				has a slave _wife2, _SlaveJ.slaveName.
-				<<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>
-					Society @@.green;approves@@ of their marriage, which advances the slave sacrament.
-					<<set $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist += 0.05 * $FSSingleSlaveRep>>
-					<<run repX($FSSingleSlaveRep * ($arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist / $FSLockinLevel), "SlaveRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</switch>>
-			<<if _SlaveI.relationship > 0>> /* catch should $he change $his relationship status */
-				<<if _SlaveI.devotion <= 95>>
-					<<if _SlaveI.devotion != _SlaveJ.devotion>>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName absorbs <<if _SlaveI.relationship == 1>>a touch of $his friend<<elseif _SlaveI.relationship == 2>>a little of $his best friend<<elseif _SlaveI.relationship == 3>>some of $his close friend<<elseif _SlaveI.relationship == 4>>a lot of $his lover<<else>>much of $his _wife2<</if>>'s
-						<<if _SlaveI.devotion > _SlaveJ.devotion>>
-							@@.mediumorchid;<<if _SlaveJ.devotion > 50>>remaining doubts about you<<elseif _SlaveJ.devotion > 20>>remaining hesitations about sexual slavery<<elseif _SlaveJ.devotion >= -20>>unhappiness about being a sex slave<<else>>anger at being a slave<</if>>.@@
-						<<else>>
-							@@.hotpink;<<if _SlaveJ.devotion > 50>>love for you<<elseif _SlaveJ.devotion > 20>>acceptance of sexual slavery<<elseif _SlaveJ.devotion >= -20>>submission to the reality of being a sex slave<<else>>unwillingness to immediately rebel<</if>>.@@
-						<</if>>
-						<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= Math.trunc((_SlaveI.devotion - _SlaveJ.devotion) * (0.1 * _SlaveI.relationship))>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif _SlaveJ.devotion <= 95>>
-					$He's so devoted to you that $he's unaffected by _SlaveJ.slaveName's less abject submission.
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.trust <= 95>>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName
-					<<if _SlaveI.trust < -20>>
-						cares for _SlaveJ.slaveName and is @@.gold;terrified@@ of what you might do to _him2 if either of them misbehave. $He @@.hotpink;does $his best@@ to avoid that.
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust -= _SlaveI.relationship, _SlaveI.devotion += _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<<else>>
-						@@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you@@
-						<<if _SlaveI.relationship <= 2>>
-							a little more for allowing $him to have a friend.
-						<<elseif _SlaveI.relationship == 3>>
-							for letting $him have a fuckbuddy.
-						<<elseif _SlaveI.relationship == 4>>
-							for permitting $him and $his lover to be together.
-						<<else>>
-							for giving $him a _wife2.
-						<</if>>
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust += _SlaveI.relationship>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95 && _SlaveI.relationship > 4>>
-					$He feels <<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist != "unset">>blessed with<<else>>$he has<</if>> a truly good life as your slave.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	/% FWB, lovers, slave wives %/
-	<<if _SlaveI.relationship > 2>>
-		<<set _relation = areRelated(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ) ? _SlaveJ : 0>>
-		<<set _relationType = relativeTerm(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ)>>
-		<<if _relation != 0>>
-			_SlaveI.slaveName
-			<<if _SlaveI.origin == "$He offered $himself to you for enslavement hoping you would preserve $his incestuous relationship with $his sibling." || _SlaveI.origin == "$He offered to become your slave to protect $his incestuous relationship.">>
-				is @@.hotpink;grateful@@ and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusting@@ towards you for protecting $him in $his long-standing incestuous relationship.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 2>>
-				<<set _SlaveI.trust += 2>>
-			<<elseif _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-				is such a pervert that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _relationType.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-			<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95>>
-				is so inured to the perversities of slavery that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _relationType.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-			<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">>
-				is torn between sinful delight and deep disgust that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _relationType.
-			<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 75>>
-				is so devoted to you that $he accepts carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _relationType.
-			<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 50>>
-				is somewhat @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _relationType.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-			<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 20>>
-				is @@.mediumorchid;disturbed@@ and @@.gold;scared@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _relationType.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-				<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 2>>
-			<<else>>
-				is @@.mediumorchid;revolted@@ and @@.gold;scared@@ that $he's carrying on an incestuous relationship with $his own _relationType.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 4>>
-				<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 4>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if _SlaveI.pregKnown == 1 && _SlaveI.pregSource == _relation.ID>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.origin == "$He offered $himself to you for enslavement hoping you would preserve $his incestuous relationship with $his sibling." || _SlaveI.origin == "$He offered to become your slave to protect $his incestuous relationship.">>
-					$He's @@.hotpink;overjoyed@@ to be carrying $his _relationType's child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 2>>
-				<<elseif _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-					$He's even @@.hotpink;aroused@@ by the constant awareness that $his _relationType is the parent of the daughter<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>s<</if>> $he's carrying.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-				<<elseif _SlaveI.behavioralQuirk == "sinful">>
-					$His feelings about carrying $his _relationType's child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> are @@.hotpink;secretly less mixed,@@ though.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 1>>
-				<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 95>>
-					$He occasionally remembers that $he's carrying $his _relationType's child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>, but does $his best to accept it by not thinking about it.
-				<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 50>>
-					$He's @@.mediumorchid;disgusted@@ that the bab<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ies $he's carrying are<<else>>y $he's carrying is<</if>> $his _relationType's, though $he tries $his best not to think about it.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 1>>
-				<<elseif _SlaveI.devotion > 20>>
-					$He's so @@.mediumorchid;disgusted@@ that the bab<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ies $he's carrying are<<else>>y $he's carrying is<</if>> $his _relationType's that $he often wakes up crying about it.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 2>>
-				<<else>>
-					$He's @@.mediumorchid;passionately hateful@@ of you for making $him carry an incestuous pregnancy.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion -= 4>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
-				Society @@.green;strongly approves@@ of their incestuous relationship, which advances the Egyptian revivalist ideal of slave incest.
-				<<run repX(2*$FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist/$FSLockinLevel), "SlaveRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-				<<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += 0.1*$FSSingleSlaveRep>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.bellyPreg >= 1500 && _SlaveI.pregSource == _relation.ID>>
-					@@.green;The effect is greatly enhanced@@ by _SlaveI.slaveName's pureblooded pregnancy.
-					<<run repX($FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist/$FSLockinLevel), "SlaveRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-					<<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += 0.05*$FSSingleSlaveRep*$pornFameBonus>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
-				Society @@.green;enjoys@@ their incestuous relationship since incest is currently trendy.
-				<<run repX(1.5*$FSSingleSlaveRep, "SlaveRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.bellyPreg >= 1500 && _SlaveI.pregSource == _relation.ID>>
-					@@.green;The effect is enhanced@@ by _SlaveI.slaveName's pureblooded pregnancy.
-					<<run repX($FSSingleSlaveRep, "SlaveRelationships", _SlaveI)>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if App.Utils.sexAllowed(_SlaveI, _SlaveJ)>>
-			<<if (_SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "size queen") && (canPenetrate(_SlaveJ))>>
-			<<if _SlaveJ.dick > 5>>
-				$He's @@.hotpink;very happy@@ with $his romantic status, since it means $he regularly gets monster cock.
-				<<if ((_SlaveI.anus > 0) && (_SlaveI.anus < 3))>>
-					$He's such a size queen that $he takes it up $his ass as often as $he can bear it, despite $his poor anus not being used to such abuse. This @@.lime;stretches out $his sphincter.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.anus++>>
-				<</if>>
-				For _his2 part, _SlaveJ.slaveName @@.hotpink;can barely believe _his2 luck,@@ their sex life is so good.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 2, _SlaveJ.devotion += 2>>
-			<<elseif _SlaveJ.dick > 4>>
-				$He @@.hotpink;quite likes@@ being in a sexual relationship with a slave who has such an impressive dick.
-				<<if ((_SlaveI.anus > 0) && (_SlaveI.anus < 2))>>
-					$He's such a size queen that $he takes it up $his ass as often as $he can bear it, despite $his tight butt not being used to such abuse. This @@.lime;stretches out $his sphincter.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.anus++>>
-				<</if>>
-				For _his2 part, _SlaveJ.slaveName @@.hotpink;enjoys@@ the benefits of having a lover so interested in _his2 junk.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveJ.devotion++>>
-			<<elseif _SlaveJ.dick > 3>>
-				_SlaveI.slaveName @@.hotpink;certainly doesn't mind@@ having reliable access to such a nice big dick. For _his2 part, _SlaveJ.slaveName @@.hotpink;likes@@ having a lover who finds _his2 penis appealing.
-				<<set _SlaveI.devotion++, _SlaveJ.devotion++>>
-			<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (_SlaveI.energy <= 90)>>
-				<<if (_SlaveJ.energy > 95)>>
-					_SlaveJ.slaveName is such a sex addict that _he2 drags _SlaveI.slaveName along with _him2 in their enthusiastic sex life, @@.green;slowly improving $his sex drive.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.energy += 3>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.fetish == _SlaveI.fetish) && (_SlaveJ.fetishKnown == 1) && (_SlaveI.fetishKnown == 1)>>
-					_SlaveJ.slaveName and _SlaveI.slaveName enjoy sharing their sexual fetishes so much it @@.green;improves their sex drives@@ in proportion to the strength of their kinks.
-					<<set _SlaveI.energy += 1 + Math.trunc(_SlaveI.fetishStrength / 30)>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.attrXX > 65) && (_SlaveI.attrKnown == 1) && ((_SlaveJ.vagina > -1) || (_SlaveJ.face > 0))>>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName is very much attracted to _SlaveJ.slaveName, and their fulfilling sexual relationship @@.green;gradually improves _SlaveI.slaveName's sex drive.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.energy++>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveI.attrXY > 65) && (_SlaveI.attrKnown == 1) && (_SlaveJ.dick > 0)>>
-					_SlaveI.slaveName enjoys _SlaveJ.slaveName and _his2 cock, and their fulfilling sexual relationship @@.green;gradually improves _SlaveI.slaveName's sex drive.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.energy++>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (_SlaveI.attrKnown == 1)>>
-				<<if (_SlaveI.attrXX <= 95) && (random(1, 100) < (_SlaveI.relationship * 5)) && ((_SlaveJ.vagina > -1) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape != "masculine"))>>
-					After finding comfort with a feminine lover, _SlaveI.slaveName begins to experience more attraction to women.
-					<<set _SlaveI.attrXX += 2>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if (_SlaveI.attrXY <= 95) && (random(1, 100) < (_SlaveI.relationship * 5)) && ((_SlaveJ.balls > 0) || (_SlaveJ.faceShape == "masculine"))>>
-					After growing close to a lover with a dick, _SlaveI.slaveName begins to experience more attraction to men.
-					<<set _SlaveI.attrXY += 2>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if ((_SlaveJ.fetish != "none") && (_SlaveJ.fetish != "mindbroken")) && (_SlaveI.fetishStrength <= 95) && (_SlaveJ.fetish != _SlaveI.fetish) && (fetishChangeChance(_SlaveI) > (random(0, 100) - (_SlaveI.relationship * 5)))>>
-				<<switch _SlaveJ.fetish>>
-				<<case "boobs">>
-					After experiencing _SlaveJ.slaveName's love of breasts, both _his2 own and _SlaveI.slaveName's, _SlaveI.slaveName happily joins _him2 as a @@.lightcoral;boob fanatic.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "boobs", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-				<<case "buttslut">>
-					_SlaveJ.slaveName begs _SlaveI.slaveName to fuck _his2 ass so many times that _SlaveI.slaveName reconsiders $his stance on buttsex. $He becomes just as much of an @@.lightcoral;anal slut@@ as _SlaveJ.slaveName.
-					<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "buttslut", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-				<<case "cumslut">>
-					After sharing blowjobs with _SlaveJ.slaveName enough times, _SlaveI.slaveName develops an @@.lightcoral;oral fixation@@ of $his own.
-					<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "cumslut", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-				<<case "submissive">>
-					<<if (_SlaveI.fetish != "dom")>>
-						_SlaveJ.slaveName begs _SlaveI.slaveName to dominate _him2 so many times that _SlaveI.slaveName gets used to domination, and finds $he likes it. $He becomes just as much of a @@.lightcoral;sexual dominant@@ as a slave can be.
-						<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "dom", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "dom">>
-					<<if (_SlaveI.fetish != "submissive")>>
-						_SlaveJ.slaveName holds _SlaveI.slaveName down and fucks $him so many times that _SlaveI.slaveName starts to get off on being used. $He becomes a true @@.lightcoral;sexual submissive,@@ and loves _SlaveJ.slaveName all the more for dominating $him.
-						<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "submissive", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "masochist">>
-					<<if (_SlaveI.fetish != "sadist")>>
-						_SlaveJ.slaveName begs _SlaveI.slaveName to hurt _him2 so many times that _SlaveI.slaveName gets used to sadism, and finds $he likes it. $He becomes just as much of an @@.lightcoral;sexual sadist@@ as a slave can be.
-						<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "sadist", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "sadist">>
-					<<if (_SlaveI.fetish != "masochist")>>
-						_SlaveJ.slaveName hits _SlaveI.slaveName during sex so often that _SlaveI.slaveName starts to get off on being beaten. $He becomes a true @@.lightcoral;masochist,@@ and loves _SlaveJ.slaveName all the more for abusing $him.
-						<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "masochist", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "humiliation">>
-					_SlaveJ.slaveName begs _SlaveI.slaveName to humiliate _him2 sexually so many times that _SlaveI.slaveName can't help but be embarrassed by all the public sex, $himself. $He gets off on the @@.lightcoral;humiliation@@ with _SlaveJ.slaveName.
-					<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "humiliation", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-				<<case "pregnancy">>
-					_SlaveJ.slaveName shares _his2 hopes and dreams of pregnancy and children with _SlaveI.slaveName all the time, and _SlaveI.slaveName can't help but feel $his @@.lightcoral;biological clock@@ tick in time with _SlaveJ.slaveName's.
-					<<set _SlaveI.fetish = "pregnancy", _SlaveI.fetishKnown = 1, _SlaveI.fetishStrength = 65>>
-				<</switch>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			/* lovers not allowed to have sex...that's just mean */
-			$He's @@.mediumorchid;frustrated@@ because $he's not allowed to fuck _SlaveJ.slaveName
-			<<set _SlaveI.devotion-->>
-			<<if disobedience(_SlaveI) + 5 > random(0,100)>>
-				and defies your rules, for which $he is @@.yellow;severely punished.@@
-				<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 3>>
-			<<else>>
-				but @@.aquamarine;trusts@@ that you know best.
-				<<set _SlaveI.trust++>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if _SlaveI.relationship < 5 && (jsRandom(0, 100) > 90)>>
-				Having been chaste for some time, _SlaveI.slaveName and _SlaveJ.slaveName find themselves less passionate about each other, and have gone back to being just @@.lightgreen;friends.@@ They both @@.mediumorchid;regret@@ the loss of intimacy.
-				<<set _SlaveI.relationship = 1, _SlaveJ.relationship = 1, _SlaveI.devotion--, _SlaveJ.devotion-->>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if (_SlaveJ.actualAge - _SlaveI.actualAge > 10) && (_SlaveI.relationship >= 4) && (random(1,300) > (_SlaveI.intelligence) + (_SlaveJ.intelligence)) && (_SlaveJ.devotion > 75) && (_SlaveJ.trust > 50) && (_SlaveJ.intelligence+_SlaveJ.intelligenceImplant > 15) && (_SlaveJ.intelligenceImplant >= 15) && ((_SlaveI.devotion > 20) || ((_SlaveI.devotion >= -20) && (_SlaveI.trust < -20)) || (_SlaveI.trust > -10))>>
-			<<if (_SlaveJ.skill.oral > _SlaveI.skill.oral) || ((_SlaveJ.skill.anal > _SlaveI.skill.anal) && (_SlaveI.anus > 0)) || ((_SlaveJ.skill.vaginal > _SlaveI.skill.vaginal) && (_SlaveI.vagina > 0) && (_SlaveJ.vagina > 0)) || (_SlaveJ.trust > _SlaveI.trust)>>
-				_SlaveI.slaveName's <<if _SlaveI.relationship >= 5>>_wife2<<else>>lover<</if>> is older, more experienced, and
-				<<if (_SlaveJ.skill.oral > _SlaveI.skill.oral)>>
-					better at blowjobs than $he is. They are such good slaves that the senior _girl2 serves as a mentor to the junior, improving $his oral skills.
-					<<= SkillIncrease.Oral(_SlaveI, 5)>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.skill.anal > _SlaveI.skill.anal) && (_SlaveI.anus > 0)>>
-					better at taking a buttfuck than $he is, and they are such good slaves that the senior _girl2 serves as a mentor to the junior, improving $his anal skills.
-					<<= SkillIncrease.Anal(_SlaveI, 5)>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.skill.vaginal > _SlaveI.skill.vaginal) && (_SlaveI.vagina > 0) && (_SlaveJ.vagina > 0)>>
-					a better lover than $he is, and they are such good slaves that the senior _girl2 serves as a mentor to the junior, improving $his vaginal skills.
-					<<= SkillIncrease.Vaginal(_SlaveI, 5)>>
-				<<elseif (_SlaveJ.trust > _SlaveI.trust)>>
-					a better slave than $he is, and they are such obedient slaves that the senior _girl2 serves as a mentor to the junior, @@.mediumaquamarine;improving $his trust.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.trust += 11>>
-				<<else>>
-					a more devoted slave than $he is; since they are such obedient slaves, the senior _girl2 serves as a mentor to the junior, @@.mediumaquamarine;teaching $him to better serve you.@@
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 2>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<if totalRelatives(_SlaveI) > 0 && _SlaveI.trust <= 95>>
-		<<set _relatives = $slaves.filter((s) => areRelated(_SlaveI, s))>>
-		<<for _j = 0; _j < _relatives.length; _j++>>
-			<<setLocalPronouns _relatives[_j] 2>>
-			<<if _SlaveI.trust < -20>>
-				<<if _SlaveI.rivalryTarget != _relatives[_j].ID>>
-					<<if isParentP(_relatives[_j], _SlaveI)>>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName is @@.gold;agonizingly aware@@ that $his child _relatives[_j].slaveName is also your slave and might suffer if either of them angers you, and @@.hotpink;does $his best@@ to protect _him2.
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 2, _SlaveI.devotion += 6>>
-					<<else>>
-						_SlaveI.slaveName is @@.gold;painfully conscious@@ that $his <<print relativeTerm(_SlaveI, _relatives[_j])>> _relatives[_j].slaveName is also your slave and might suffer if either of them displeases you, and @@.hotpink;tries to obey@@ as best $he can.
-						<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 1, _SlaveI.devotion += 3>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				_SlaveI.slaveName knows that $his <<print relativeTerm(_SlaveI, _relatives[_j])>> _relatives[_j].slaveName
-				<<if _relatives[_j].devotion > 50>>
-					loves being your sex slave, and is @@.hotpink;happy@@ for _him2.
-					<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 4>>
-				<<elseif (_relatives[_j].devotion > 20) || (_relatives[_j].trust < -20)>>
-					is an obedient sex slave, and hopes _he2'll avoid punishment.
-				<<else>>
-					hates being a sex slave, and is @@.gold;afraid@@ for _him2.
-					<<set _SlaveI.trust -= 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</for>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i] = _SlaveI>>
-	<<if _SlaveJ != null>>
-		<<set $slaves[_J] = _SlaveJ>>
-	<</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/spaReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/spaReport.tw
index 2f9c724ee5a0bdaf6b659e15944b76ee54bc7b50..1d79263d41a5cf80c813d7f9957258b327837d7d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/spaReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/spaReport.tw
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_S.Attendant)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_S.Attendant)>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_S.Attendant)>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_S.Attendant)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_S.Attendant)>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_S.Attendant)>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 		<<= App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 		<br><<include "SA devotion">>
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
 		<<include "SA diet">>
 		<<include "SA long term effects">>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(_slave)>>
-		<<include "SA relationships">>
+		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(_slave)>>
 		<<run App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(_slave)>>
 		<<include "SA devotion">>