diff --git a/src/endWeek/brothelReport.js b/src/endWeek/brothelReport.js
index a7df34a613a6ae9de947f566c4052414ed32a003..f7cc0d3b0416f861cac7ec10d1e0acff975d8612 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/brothelReport.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/brothelReport.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-globalThis.brothelReport = function() {
+App.EndWeek.brothelReport = function() {
 	const el = document.createElement("p");
 	let r;
diff --git a/src/endWeek/incubatorReport.js b/src/endWeek/incubatorReport.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4b61119b2ad0ecdff0889b7dd1901a6a5936dbf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/endWeek/incubatorReport.js
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+App.EndWeek.incubatorReport = function() {
+	const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
+	V.readySlaves = 0;
+	for (const tank of V.tanks) {
+		const entry = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement('p', frag);
+		let r = [];
+		const {He, he, His, his, him} = getPronouns(tank);
+		tank.birthWeek += 1;
+		if (tank.birthWeek >= 52) {
+			tank.birthWeek = 0;
+			if (V.seeAge === 1) {
+				tank.actualAge++;
+				tank.ovaryAge++;
+			}
+		}
+		if (tank.growTime > 0) {
+			tank.growTime -= V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed;
+			r.push(`<span class="pink">${tank.slaveName}'s</span> growth is currently being accelerated. ${He}`);
+			if (Math.round(tank.growTime/V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed) <= 0) {
+				r.push(`is <span class="lime">ready for release.</span> ${He} will be ejected from ${his} tank upon your approach.`);
+			} else {
+				r.push(`will be ready for release in about ${Math.round(tank.growTime/V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed)} weeks.`);
+			}
+		} else {
+			r.push(`<span class="pink">${tank.slaveName}</span> is <span class="lime">ready for release.</span> ${He} will be ejected from ${his} tank upon your approach.`);
+			V.readySlaves = 1;
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(entry, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		if (V.incubatorUpgradeWeight === 1) {
+			if (V.incubatorWeightSetting === 1) {
+				if (tank.weight < 200) {
+					if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+						tank.weight += 70;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+						tank.weight += 40;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+						tank.weight += 20;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+						tank.weight += 10;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+						tank.weight += 5;
+					}
+				}
+				r.push(`The weight monitoring systems are overloading ${his} intake causing <span class="red">rapid weight gain.</span>`);
+			} else if (V.incubatorWeightSetting === 2) {
+				if (tank.weight > 10) {
+					if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+						tank.weight -= 30;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+						tank.weight -= 10;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+						tank.weight -= 5;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+						tank.weight -= 2;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+						tank.weight -= 1;
+					}
+					r.push(`The weight monitoring systems detect ${he} is overweight and <span class="green">decrease ${his} caloric intake.</span>`);
+				} else if (tank.weight < -10) {
+					if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+						tank.weight += 30;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+						tank.weight += 10;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+						tank.weight += 5;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+						tank.weight += 2;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+						tank.weight += 1;
+					}
+					r.push(`The weight monitoring systems detect ${he} is underweight and <span class="green">increase ${his} caloric intake.</span>`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`${He} is <span class="lime">currently at a healthy weight;</span> efforts will be made to maintain it.`);
+				}
+			} else if (V.incubatorWeightSetting === 0) {
+				if (tank.weight > -100) {
+					r.push(`${His} developing body <span class="red">quickly sheds its gained weight.</span>`);
+					tank.weight -= 40;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (tank.weight > -100) {
+				r.push(`${His} developing body <span class="red">quickly sheds its gained weight.</span>`);
+				tank.weight -= 40;
+			}
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(entry, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		if (V.incubatorUpgradeMuscles === 1) {
+			if (V.incubatorMusclesSetting === 2) {
+				if (tank.muscles < 100) {
+					if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+						tank.muscles += 70;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+						tank.muscles += 40;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+						tank.muscles += 20;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+						tank.muscles += 10;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+						tank.muscles += 5;
+					}
+				}
+				r.push(`The strength monitoring systems are overloading ${him} with steroids causing <span class="green">rapid muscle development.</span>`);
+			} else if (V.incubatorMusclesSetting === 1) {
+				if (tank.muscles > 10) {
+					if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+						tank.muscles -= 30;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+						tank.muscles -= 10;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+						tank.muscles -= 5;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+						tank.muscles -= 2;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+						tank.muscles--;
+					}
+					r.push(`The strength monitoring systems detect ${he} is overly muscular and <span class="green">decrease ${his} steroid dosage.</span>`);
+				} else if (tank.muscles < -10) {
+					if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+						tank.muscles += 30;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+						tank.muscles += 10;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+						tank.muscles += 5;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+						tank.muscles += 2;
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+						tank.muscles++;
+					}
+					r.push(`The strength monitoring systems detect ${he} is weak and <span class="green">increase ${his} steroid dosage.</span>`);
+				} else {
+					r.push(`${He} has <span class="lime">a healthy musculature;</span> efforts will be made to maintain it.`);
+				}
+			} else if (V.incubatorMusclesSetting === 0) {
+				if (tank.muscles > -100) {
+					r.push(`${His} developing body <span class="red">quickly loses its gained muscle.</span>`);
+					tank.muscles -= 40;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (tank.muscles > -100) {
+				r.push(`${His} developing body <span class="red">quickly loses its gained muscle.</span>`);
+				tank.muscles -= 40;
+			}
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(entry, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		if (V.incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims === 1 && V.incubatorGrowthStimsSetting !== 0) {
+			let heightLimit = Math.trunc(Math.clamp((Height.mean(tank) * 1.25), 0, 274));
+			let heightLimitAge = Height.forAge(tank.height, tank);
+			if (tank.geneticQuirks.dwarfism === 2 && tank.geneticQuirks.gigantism !== 2) {
+				heightLimit = Math.min(heightLimit, 160);
+			}
+			if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+				/* NCS should block physical growth beyond that of a toddler, but some players might like
+				 * a little more or less. So using V.minimumSlaveAge or 8, whichever is lesser.	*/
+				const _limitAge = Math.min(8, V.minimumSlaveAge);
+				heightLimitAge = Height.forAge(tank.height, _limitAge, tank.genes);
+				heightLimit = heightLimitAge;
+			} else if (tank.geneticQuirks.neoteny === 2 && tank.actualAge > 12) {
+				heightLimitAge = Height.forAge(tank.height, 12, tank.genes);
+				heightLimit = heightLimitAge;
+			}
+			if (tank.height >= heightLimit) {
+				r.push(`The monitoring system detects ${his} body is not able to support further increases in height, so it carefully regulates stimulant injections to <span class="yellow">maintain ${his} current stature.</span>`);
+				tank.height = heightLimit;
+			} else if (V.incubatorGrowthStimsSetting === 2) {
+				if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+					r.push(`The monitoring system floods ${his} body with growth stimulants, but ${his} <span class="orange">NCS prevents an increase in ${his} growth rate.</span>`);
+					tank.height = heightLimitAge;
+				} else {
+					r.push(`The monitoring system floods ${his} body with growth stimulants, causing <span class="green">a sharp increase in growth rate.</span>`);
+					if (V.incubatorWeightSetting >= 1 && V.incubatorMusclesSetting <= 1 && V.incubatorReproductionSetting <= 1) {
+						if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							tank.height += random(3, 6);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							tank.height += random(2, 5);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 4);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 3);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 2);
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							tank.height += random(2, 5);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 4);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 3);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 2);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							tank.height += random(0, 1);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else if (V.incubatorGrowthStimsSetting === 1) {
+				if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+					r.push(`The monitoring system detects ${he} is near the expected height for ${his} <span class="orange">NCS</span> condition, so it carefully regulates stimulant injections to <span class="yellow">maintain ${his} current stature.</span>`);
+					tank.height = heightLimitAge;
+				} else if (tank.height > heightLimitAge) {
+					r.push(`The monitoring systems detect ${he} is near the expected height, so it carefully regulates stimulant injections to <span class="yellow">maintain ${his} current stature.</span>`);
+					if (random(1, 10) === 10) {
+						if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 4);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 3);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							tank.height += random(1, 2);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							tank.height += random(0, 1);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							tank.height += random(0, 1);
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					r.push(`The monitoring systems detect ${his} body is capable of developing more rapidly and <span class="green">increase ${his} growth stimulant dosage.</span>`);
+					if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+						tank.height += random(1, 4);
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+						tank.height += random(1, 3);
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+						tank.height += random(1, 2);
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+						tank.height += random(0, 1);
+					} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+						tank.height += random(0, 1);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			tank.height = Math.clamp(tank.height, 0, heightLimit);
+		} else {
+			r.push(`With the growth stimulant injections offline, ${his} body is left to develop naturally.`);
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(entry, r, "div");
+		r = [];
+		if (V.incubatorUpgradeReproduction === 1) {
+			const rearQuirk = tank.geneticQuirks.rearLipedema === 2 ? 2 : 1;
+			if (V.incubatorReproductionSetting === 2) {
+				r.push(`${His} developing body is being flooded with hormones.`);
+				if (V.incubatorWeightSetting === 1) {
+					r.push(`Combined with the abundant food provided to ${him}, ${his} body grows rapidly.`);
+					if (tank.ovaries === 1) {
+						tank.pubertyXX = 1;
+						if (tank.hormoneBalance < 500) {
+							tank.hormoneBalance += 100;
+						}
+						tank.readyOva = V.seeHyperPreg === 1 ? random(25, 45) : random(3, 8);
+						if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+							/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+							r.push(`${His} <span class="orange">NCS blocks all growth</span> despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding ${his} body.`);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 8000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 2000;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 50) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips += 2;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 12*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 30/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt += 4;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 8000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 500;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 50) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 12*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 50/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt += 3;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 8000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 200;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 60) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">causes ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 12*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 50/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt += 2;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 8000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 100;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 70) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 12*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 60/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 8000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 100;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 12*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 70/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (tank.balls > 0) {
+						tank.pubertyXY = 1;
+						if (tank.hormoneBalance > -500) {
+							tank.hormoneBalance -= 100;
+						}
+						if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+							/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+							r.push(`${His} <span class="orange">NCS blocks all growth</span> despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding ${his} body.`);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							if (tank.balls < 40) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls += 16;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 10 && random(1, 100) > 20) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick += 4;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							if (tank.balls < 40 && random(1, 100) > 10) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls += 9;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 10 && random(1, 100) > 30) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick += 3;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							if (tank.balls < 40 && random(1, 100) > 20) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls += 4;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 10 && random(1, 100) > 50) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick += 2;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							if (tank.balls < 40 && random(1, 100) > 30) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls += 2;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 10 && random(1, 100) > 70) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							if (tank.balls < 40 && random(1, 100) > 30) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls++;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 10 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else if (V.incubatorWeightSetting === 2) {
+					r.push(`Combined with the healthy food provided to ${him}, ${his} body grows readily.`);
+					if (tank.ovaries === 1) {
+						tank.pubertyXX = 1;
+						if (tank.hormoneBalance < 500) {
+							tank.hormoneBalance += 100;
+						}
+						tank.readyOva = V.seeHyperPreg === 1 ? random(15, 25) : random(2, 6);
+						if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+							/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+							r.push(`${His} <span class="orange">NCS blocks all growth</span> despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding ${his} body.`);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 4000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 1000;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 70) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 8*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 50/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt += 3;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 4000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 500;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 8*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 50/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 4000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 200;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 90) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 8*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 60/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 4000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 100;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 95) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 8*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 70/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 4000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 100;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 95) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 8*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 80/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (tank.balls > 0) {
+						tank.pubertyXY = 1;
+						if (tank.hormoneBalance > -500) {
+							tank.hormoneBalance -= 100;
+						}
+						if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+							/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+							r.push(`${His} <span class="orange">NCS blocks all growth</span> despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding ${his} body.`);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							if (tank.balls < 10) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls += 3;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 7 && random(1, 100) > 20) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick += 2;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							if (tank.balls < 10 && random(1, 100) > 10) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls += 2;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 7 && random(1, 100) > 30) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							if (tank.balls < 10 && random(1, 100) > 20) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls++;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 7 && random(1, 100) > 50) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							if (tank.balls < 10 && random(1, 100) > 30) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls++;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 7 && random(1, 100) > 70) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							if (tank.balls < 10 && random(1, 100) > 30) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls++;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 7 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					r.push(`Since ${his} body has little to work with, ${his} growth is fairly minor.`);
+					if (tank.ovaries === 1) {
+						tank.pubertyXX = 1;
+						if (tank.hormoneBalance < 500) {
+							tank.hormoneBalance += 100;
+						}
+						tank.readyOva = V.seeHyperPreg === 1 ? random(10, 15) : random(2, 4);
+						if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+							/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+							r.push(`${His} <span class="orange">NCS blocks all growth</span> despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding ${his} body.`);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 2000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 700;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 90) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips += 2;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 6*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 70/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt += 2;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 2000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 200;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 6*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 70/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 2000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly balloon ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 50;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 6*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 90/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 2000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly grow ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 20;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 90) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 6*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 90/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							if (tank.boobs < 2000) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">rapidly grow ${his} breasts.</span>`);
+								tank.boobs += 10;
+							}
+							if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 95) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} hips to widen for childbirth.</span>`);
+								tank.hips++;
+							}
+							if (tank.butt < 6*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 90/rearQuirk) {
+								r.push(`The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} rear to grow fatter.</span>`);
+								tank.butt++;
+							}
+						}
+					} else if (tank.balls > 0) {
+						tank.pubertyXY = 1;
+						if (tank.hormoneBalance > -500) {
+							tank.hormoneBalance -= 100;
+						}
+						if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+							/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+							r.push(`${His} <span class="orange">NCS blocks all growth</span> despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding ${his} body.`);
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 52) {
+							if (tank.balls < 6) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to grow for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls += 2;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 4 && random(1, 100) > 60) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 18) {
+							if (tank.balls < 6 && random(1, 100) > 50) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to grow for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls++;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 4 && random(1, 100) > 60) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 9) {
+							if (tank.balls < 6 && random(1, 100) > 60) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to balloon for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls++;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 4 && random(1, 100) > 70) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick += 2;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 6) {
+							if (tank.balls < 6 && random(1, 100) > 70) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to grow for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls++;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 4 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						} else if (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed === 5) {
+							if (tank.balls < 6 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} balls to grow for extra cum production.</span>`);
+								tank.balls++;
+							}
+							if (tank.dick < 4 && random(1, 100) > 90) {
+								r.push(`The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones <span class="green">cause ${his} penis to swell.</span>`);
+								tank.dick++;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else if (V.incubatorReproductionSetting === 1) {
+				r.push(`${His} hormone levels are being carefully managed, <span class="green">encouraging early puberty.</span>`);
+				if (tank.ovaries === 1) {
+					tank.pubertyXX = 1;
+					tank.hormoneBalance = 250;
+					if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+						/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+						r.push(`${His} <span class="orange">NCS blocks growth</span> despite the added estrogen.`);
+					} else {
+						if (tank.boobs < 400 && random(1, 100) > 60) {
+							r.push(`The added estrogen <span class="green">causes ${his} breasts to swell.</span>`);
+							tank.boobs += 50;
+						}
+						if (tank.hips < 2 && random(1, 100) > 90) {
+							r.push(`The added estrogen <span class="green">causes ${his} hips to widen.</span>`);
+							tank.hips++;
+						}
+						if (tank.butt < 5*rearQuirk && random(1, 100) > 80/rearQuirk) {
+							r.push(`The added estrogen <span class="green">causes ${his} butt to grow.</span>`);
+							tank.butt++;
+						}
+					}
+				} else if (tank.balls > 0) {
+					tank.pubertyXY = 1;
+					tank.hormoneBalance = -250;
+					if (tank.geneMods.NCS === 1) {
+						/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
+						r.push(`${His} <span class="orange">NCS blocks all growth</span> despite the added testosterone.`);
+					} else {
+						if (tank.balls < 3 && random(1, 100) > 80) {
+							r.push(`The added testosterone <span class="green">causes ${his} balls to swell.</span>`);
+							tank.balls++;
+						}
+						if (tank.dick < 3 && random(1, 100) > 60) {
+							r.push(`The added testosterone <span class="green">causes ${his} penis to grow.</span>`);
+							tank.dick++;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (tank.hormoneBalance > 100) {
+					tank.hormoneBalance -= 50;
+				} else if (tank.hormoneBalance < -100) {
+					tank.hormoneBalance += 50;
+				}
+				if (tank.balls > 0) {
+					if (tank.balls > 1) {
+						tank.balls -= 5;
+					}
+					if (tank.dick > 1) {
+						tank.dick -= 5;
+					}
+					if (tank.balls <= 0) {
+						tank.balls = 1;
+					}
+					if (tank.dick <= 0) {
+						tank.dick = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				if (tank.boobs > 0) {
+					tank.boobs -= 500;
+				}
+				if (tank.butt > 0) {
+					tank.butt -= 4;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (tank.hormoneBalance > 100) {
+				tank.hormoneBalance -= 50;
+			} else if (tank.hormoneBalance < -100) {
+				tank.hormoneBalance += 50;
+			}
+			if (tank.balls > 0) {
+				if (tank.balls > 1) {
+					tank.balls -= 5;
+				}
+				if (tank.dick > 1) {
+					tank.dick -= 5;
+				}
+				if (tank.balls <= 0) {
+					tank.balls = 1;
+				}
+				if (tank.dick <= 0) {
+					tank.dick = 1;
+				}
+			}
+			if (tank.boobs > 0) {
+				tank.boobs -= 500;
+			}
+			if (tank.butt > 0) {
+				tank.butt -= 4;
+			}
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(entry, r, "div");
+		if (V.incubatorReproductionSetting === 2) {
+			tank.energy = 80;
+			tank.need = 100;
+		} else if (V.incubatorReproductionSetting === 1) {
+			tank.energy = 50;
+			tank.need = 20;
+		} else {
+			tank.energy = 0;
+			tank.need = 0;
+		}
+		r = [];
+		if (((V.incubatorPregAdaptationSetting === 1 && tank.genes === "XX") || (V.incubatorPregAdaptationSetting === 2 && tank.genes === "XY") || V.incubatorPregAdaptationSetting === 3) && tank.growTime > 0) {
+			r.push(`The incubator is working on adapting ${his} abdomen and reproductive organs for future pregnancies.`);
+			let _weekAdapt = tank.incubatorPregAdaptationInWeek * V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed;
+			if (isNaN(_weekAdapt)) {
+				/* NaN check AFTER multiply operation, against it result is critical here. Need to be absolutely sure about this operation, not about just tank property itself. This give me two very unpleasant hours to catch this */
+				tank.incubatorPregAdaptationInWeek = (15000 / 2000 - tank.pregAdaptation) / tank.growTime;
+			}
+			_weekAdapt = tank.incubatorPregAdaptationInWeek * V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed;
+			/* Now it should be fine */
+			_weekAdapt *= 1 + (V.incubatorReproductionSetting / 5);
+			_weekAdapt *= 1 + (tank.hormoneBalance / 1500);
+			tank.pregAdaptation += _weekAdapt;
+			/* here goes side effect from intense and extreme settings: */
+			if (random(0, 100) <= (tank.incubatorPregAdaptationPower - 1) * (V.incubatorUpgradeSpeed / 2 + 1)) {
+				switch (random(1, 9)) { /* side effect selection*/
+					case 1:
+						tank.preg = -2;
+						r.push(`It caused <span class="red">reproductive damage</span> when excessive meddling damaged an organ.`);
+						break;
+					case 2:
+						if (tank.ovaries === 1 || tank.mpreg === 1) {
+							tank.preg = -3;
+						}
+						if (tank.balls > 0) {
+							tank.ballType = "sterile";
+						}
+						r.push(`It caused <span class="red">severe reproductive damage</span> when excessive hormones shut down the associated organs.`);
+						break;
+					case 3:
+						tank.lactation = 1;
+						r.push(`It has <span class="orange">triggered a hormonal disorder,</span> causing ${his} breast glands begin producing milk.`);
+						break;
+					case 4:
+						tank.bellySag = 100;
+						tank.bellySagPreg = 100;
+						r.push(`It activated <span class="red">emergency protocols</span> when overpressure to ${his} abdominal tissues and skin reached critical levels. ${His} belly has lost muscle tone and has begun to strongly sag.`);
+						break;
+					case 5:
+						tank.health.condition -= 15;
+						r.push(`Overzealous prodding caused some <span class="red">internal bleeding.</span>`);
+						break;
+					case 6:
+						tank.weight += 50;
+						r.push(`An unexpected shift in hormones spurred <span class="red">massive weight gain</span> before it could be corrected.`);
+						break;
+					case 7:
+						tank.weight -= 50;
+						r.push(`An unexpected shift in hormones spurred <span class="red">massive weight loss</span> before it could be corrected.`);
+						break;
+					case 8:
+						tank.boobs += 5000;
+						tank.boobShape = "saggy";
+						r.push(`An unexpected shift in hormones encouraged <span class="green">explosive breast growth</span> before it could be corrected.`);
+						break;
+					case 9:
+						tank.hips = 3;
+						r.push(`A malfunction in the skeletal reconstruction software caused it to <span class="green">overwiden ${his} hips.</span>`);
+						break;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		App.Events.addNode(entry, r, "div");
+		if (tank.preg > 0) {
+			App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", entry, `The incubator is displaying an alert that ${he} may be pregnant.`, 'red');
+		}
+		tank.weight = Math.clamp(tank.weight, -100, 200);
+		tank.muscles = Math.clamp(tank.muscles, -100, 100);
+		tank.dick = Math.clamp(tank.dick, 0, 10);
+		tank.hips = Math.clamp(tank.hips, -2, 2);
+		tank.balls = Math.clamp(tank.balls, 0, 40);
+		tank.boobs = Math.clamp(tank.boobs, 25, 30000);
+		tank.height = Math.clamp(tank.height, 0, 274);
+		tank.hormoneBalance = Math.clamp(tank.hormoneBalance, -500, 500);
+		tank.foreskin = tank.dick;	/* simple, clean way of making sure foreskins and scrotums grow appropriately */
+		tank.scrotum = tank.balls;	/* if we want dicks/balls to outgrow foreskins/scrotums, this will have to be removed */
+	}
+	return frag;
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reports/penthouseReport.js b/src/endWeek/reports/penthouseReport.js
index 776b0e6cf67bd4a21d324de2cb12a13826c923ff..da7f65c6ead09287d9363ab2e42138f7c6629d2e 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/reports/penthouseReport.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/reports/penthouseReport.js
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ App.EndWeek.penthouseReport = function() {
 		} = getPronouns(slave);
 		let r = [];
 		let milkResults;
-		let milkResult;
 		r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("span", SlaveFullName(slave), "slave-name"));
 		if (slave.choosesOwnAssignment === 2) {
@@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ App.EndWeek.penthouseReport = function() {
 					r.push(`is forced to use`);
 				r.push(`the penthouse milkers frequently,`);
-				milkResult = App.SlaveAssignment.getMilked(slave, 0.5);
+				milkResults = App.SlaveAssignment.getMilked(slave, 0.5);
 			} else {
 				r.push(`keeps ${him} busy, but ${he}`);
 				if (slave.devotion > 20) {
@@ -139,25 +138,29 @@ App.EndWeek.penthouseReport = function() {
 					r.push(`is forced to use`);
 				r.push(`the penthouse milkers whenever ${he} can,`);
-				milkResult = App.SlaveAssignment.getMilked(slave, 0.25);
+				milkResults = App.SlaveAssignment.getMilked(slave, 0.25);
-			r.push(`and ${he} gives ${milkResult.milk} liters of milk over the week, which is sold for <span class="yellowgreen">${cashFormat(milkResult.milkSale)}.</span>`);
+			r.push(`and ${he} gives ${milkResults.milk} liters of milk over the week, which is sold for <span class="yellowgreen">${cashFormat(milkResults.milkSale)}.</span>`);
 		App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div");
-		r = [];
-		if (slave.minorInjury !== 0) {
-			r.push(`${His} ${slave.minorInjury} will heal by the end of the week.`);
-		}
 		if (V.showEWD !== 0) {
-			r.push(App.SlaveAssignment.standardSlaveReport(slave, false));
+			r = [];
+			if (slave.minorInjury !== 0) {
+				r.push(`${His} ${slave.minorInjury} will heal by the end of the week.`);
+			}
+			r.push(App.SlaveAssignment.choosesOwnClothes(slave));
+			r.push(...App.SlaveAssignment.individualSlaveReport(slave));
+			App.Events.addNode(el, r, "div", "indent");
 		} else {
 			// discard return values silently
-			App.SlaveAssignment.standardSlaveReport(slave, true);
+			App.SlaveAssignment.choosesOwnClothes(slave);
+			App.SlaveAssignment.individualSlaveReport(slave);
-		if (V.PC.health.shortDamage < 30 && Array.isArray(V.personalAttention) && V.personalAttention.findIndex(function(s) { return s.ID === slave.ID; }) !== -1) {
+		r = [];
+		if (V.PC.health.shortDamage < 30 && Array.isArray(V.personalAttention) && V.personalAttention.some(s => s.ID === slave.ID)) {
@@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ App.EndWeek.penthouseReport = function() {
-		r.push(App.SlaveAssignment.devotion(slave));
+		r.push(`<div class="indent">${App.SlaveAssignment.devotion(slave)}</span>`);
 		App.Events.addNode(el, r);
 		return el;
@@ -615,6 +618,9 @@ App.EndWeek.penthouseReport = function() {
+	/**
+	 * @returns {FC.HeadGirlTrainee[]}
+	 */
 	function slavesToTrain() {
 		if (S.HeadGirl) {
 			/** @type {FC.HeadGirlTrainee[][]} */
@@ -676,6 +682,7 @@ App.EndWeek.penthouseReport = function() {
+			// @ts-ignore - SC's flatten() is not typed correctly
 			return HGPossibleSlaves.flatten().slice(0, App.EndWeek.saVars.HGEnergy);
 		} else {
 			return [];
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/arcadeReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/arcadeReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 148369a2fec675ff39744ceb9110aad1d82f191c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/arcadeReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Arcade Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.arcadeReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/brothelReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/brothelReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 933e96f16f578fec98c6942a03cf9cd7f0223036..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/brothelReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Brothel Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM brothelReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/cellblockReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/cellblockReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 7982248f27c1b82c67f742f925b2cec4f66f0de7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/cellblockReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-:: Cellblock Report [nobr]
-/* This passage probably isn't really necessary but it helps organize the profiler output.
- * TODO: Once all the facility reports look like this, we should probably get rid of these intermediate passages. */
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.cellblockReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/childrenReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/childrenReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 25e61aba4a5364839ca02d639891c2e218bf7350..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/childrenReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Children Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Nursery.childrenReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/clinicReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/clinicReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 8478322d5f928bfaa5782fe62866fe04b2d7989d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/clinicReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-:: Clinic Report [nobr]
-/* This passage probably isn't really necessary but it helps organize the profiler output.
- * TODO: Once all the facility reports look like this, we should probably get rid of these intermediate passages. */
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.clinicReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/clubReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/clubReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index c345a8117e0533450cebafdeec7c0338106ce2b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/clubReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Club Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.clubReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/dairyReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/dairyReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index c299f843e0c2d1a866783854c32efe328bb221be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/dairyReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Dairy Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.dairyReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/farmyardReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/farmyardReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index f1f3443c0b0576a383498b8498646cc3c34cac52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/farmyardReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Farmyard Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Farmyard.farmyardReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/masterSuiteReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/masterSuiteReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index de0391e8f8020139f88db5f4421f60af6b01f701..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/masterSuiteReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-:: Master Suite Report [nobr]
-/* This passage probably isn't really necessary but it helps organize the profiler output.
- * TODO: Once all the facility reports look like this, we should probably get rid of these intermediate passages. */
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.masterSuiteReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/nurseryReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/nurseryReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f318e0e1c9fdfb0c96f0fbea11a23034881c267..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/nurseryReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Nursery Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Nursery.nurseryReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/penthouseReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/penthouseReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 76857d1b84df48b6af0145a9a63d34104bf78731..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/penthouseReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Penthouse Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.penthouseReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/schoolroomReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/schoolroomReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d651a8e6642991fa209ba41e731453c85bff245..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/schoolroomReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-:: Schoolroom Report [nobr]
-/* This passage probably isn't really necessary but it helps organize the profiler output.
- * TODO: Once all the facility reports look like this, we should probably get rid of these intermediate passages. */
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.schoolroomReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/servantsQuartersReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/servantsQuartersReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 6abf6fc4e9d59aec7819e2b6c0eaa63e013633f6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/servantsQuartersReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-:: Servants' Quarters Report [nobr]
-/* This passage probably isn't really necessary but it helps organize the profiler output.
- * TODO: Once all the facility reports look like this, we should probably get rid of these intermediate passages. */
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.servantsQuartersReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/spaReport.tw b/src/endWeek/reportsTW/spaReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 66addcfb79267c42028517494fb0128cb299fc59..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/endWeek/reportsTW/spaReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-:: Spa Report [nobr]
-<<includeDOM App.EndWeek.spaReport()>>
diff --git a/src/endWeek/saChoosesOwnJob.js b/src/endWeek/saChoosesOwnJob.js
index 5291eb2344ea5b066f5800391c37ef6365be8464..a4d853fcfcadd45bf222189bdece0b6f05b1da76 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/saChoosesOwnJob.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/saChoosesOwnJob.js
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ App.SlaveAssignment.choosesOwnJob = (function() {
 					choice.push(removeJob(slave, slave.assignment));
 			 } else {
-				choice.push(`<span class="job change">decides to rest</span>, taking advantage of your permission to <span class="devotion dec">remain indolent.</span>`);
+				choice.push(`<span class="job change">decides to rest,</span> taking advantage of your permission to <span class="devotion dec">remain indolent.</span>`);
 				choice.push(removeJob(slave, slave.assignment));
 			 slave.devotion -= 5;
diff --git a/src/endWeek/saLiveWithHG.js b/src/endWeek/saLiveWithHG.js
index bd6c5eb51b69c7149e92987115ce40d674ab77f3..f8b898cb6e782e619f49c4765bc579a405d74d25 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/saLiveWithHG.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/saLiveWithHG.js
@@ -1625,23 +1625,13 @@ App.SlaveAssignment.liveWithHG = (function() {
 	function slaveReport(slave) {
 		if (V.showEWD === 0) {
 			/* App.SlaveAssignment.choosesOwnClothes(slave) */
-			App.SlaveAssignment.rules(slave);
-			App.SlaveAssignment.diet(slave);
-			App.SlaveAssignment.longTermEffects(slave);
-			App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(slave);
-			App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(slave);
-			App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(slave);
+			App.SlaveAssignment.individualSlaveReport(slave);
 		} else {
 			/* App.SlaveAssignment.choosesOwnClothes(slave) */
 			const content = App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", '', "indent");
-				App.SlaveAssignment.rules(slave),
-				App.SlaveAssignment.diet(slave),
-				App.SlaveAssignment.longTermEffects(slave),
-				App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(slave),
-				App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(slave),
-				App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(slave),
+				...App.Events.spaceSentences(App.SlaveAssignment.individualSlaveReport(slave)),
 				`<div class="indent">${App.SlaveAssignment.devotion(slave)}</span>`);
diff --git a/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js b/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
index ae7220bd60721c1f53d29463e153c8e261b7436c..73cf86303a4cec56ccbc7e2bc2d2ced29aca0fc4 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/slaveAssignmentReport.js
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ App.EndWeek.slaveAssignmentReport = function() {
 	 * @param array _facListArr
 	 *	Multidimensional temporary array
-	 *	0: The SC passage name or DOM function for the facility's report
+	 *	0: The DOM function for the facility's report
 	 *	1: A facility object, or the title of the report if there is no facility object
 	 *	2: If there is no facility object, a truthy value indicating whether the facility exists
 	 *	3: If there is no facility object, the maximum capacity of the facility
@@ -251,21 +251,21 @@ App.EndWeek.slaveAssignmentReport = function() {
 	const facListArr = [
-		["Arcade Report", App.Entity.facilities.arcade],
-		["Brothel Report", App.Entity.facilities.brothel],
-		["Cellblock Report", App.Entity.facilities.cellblock],
-		["Clinic Report", App.Entity.facilities.clinic],
-		["Club Report", App.Entity.facilities.club],
-		["Dairy Report", App.Entity.facilities.dairy],
-		["Farmyard Report", App.Entity.facilities.farmyard],
-		["Schoolroom Report", App.Entity.facilities.schoolroom],
-		["Spa Report", App.Entity.facilities.spa],
-		["Servants' Quarters Report", App.Entity.facilities.servantsQuarters],
-		["Nursery Report", App.Entity.facilities.nursery],
-		["Children Report", "Nursery Children", V.nursery, V.nurseryChildren],
-		["Incubator Report", App.Entity.facilities.incubator],
-		["Master Suite Report", App.Entity.facilities.masterSuite],
-		["Penthouse Report", "The Penthouse"],
+		[App.EndWeek.arcadeReport, App.Entity.facilities.arcade],
+		[App.EndWeek.brothelReport, App.Entity.facilities.brothel],
+		[App.EndWeek.cellblockReport, App.Entity.facilities.cellblock],
+		[App.EndWeek.clinicReport, App.Entity.facilities.clinic],
+		[App.EndWeek.clubReport, App.Entity.facilities.club],
+		[App.EndWeek.dairyReport, App.Entity.facilities.dairy],
+		[App.Facilities.Farmyard.farmyardReport, App.Entity.facilities.farmyard],
+		[App.EndWeek.schoolroomReport, App.Entity.facilities.schoolroom],
+		[App.EndWeek.spaReport, App.Entity.facilities.spa],
+		[App.EndWeek.servantsQuartersReport, App.Entity.facilities.servantsQuarters],
+		[App.Facilities.Nursery.nurseryReport, App.Entity.facilities.nursery],
+		[App.Facilities.Nursery.childrenReport, "Nursery Children", V.nursery, V.nurseryChildren],
+		[App.EndWeek.incubatorReport, App.Entity.facilities.incubator],
+		[App.EndWeek.masterSuiteReport, App.Entity.facilities.masterSuite],
+		[App.EndWeek.penthouseReport, "The Penthouse"],
 		[App.EndWeek.rulesAssistantReport, "Rules Assistant", V.rulesAssistantAuto], /** should be last — may reassign slaves **/
 		[App.EndWeek.labReport, "Lab", V.researchLab.level]
@@ -307,12 +307,8 @@ App.EndWeek.slaveAssignmentReport = function() {
 		// TODO: this call should be in the individual reports' slave loops so slaves don't leak data to their coworkers if someone fucks up
-		const reportContent = document.createElement("div");
-		if (typeof facSubArr[0] === "function") {
-			reportContent.append(facSubArr[0]());
-		} else if (typeof facSubArr[0] === "string") {
-			App.UI.DOM.includePassage(reportContent, facSubArr[0]);
-		}
+		// @ts-ignore - the first element of the subarray is always callable but TS isn't smart enough to figure that out
+		const reportContent = App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", facSubArr[0]());
 		// needs to be inside the loop after the report passage to get the employees number after re-assignments
 		const stats = _getReportElementStats(facSubArr);
diff --git a/src/endWeek/standardSlaveReport.js b/src/endWeek/standardSlaveReport.js
index 5ed4a6d9b43f2f8129093671ce28c516ed8e1fe3..5a090d67d9bcfc082f053b1a64c7a8ab156eaa0c 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/standardSlaveReport.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/standardSlaveReport.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
  * Generates (and returns if not silent) a standard slave report
+ * This is the part after the slave's job in most facilities.
  * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
  * @param {boolean} silent
  * @returns {HTMLElement|null}
@@ -9,19 +10,31 @@ App.SlaveAssignment.standardSlaveReport = function(slave, silent=false) {
-	const rules = App.SlaveAssignment.rules(slave);
-	const diet = App.SlaveAssignment.diet(slave);
-	const ltEffects = App.SlaveAssignment.longTermEffects(slave);
-	const drugs = App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(slave);
-	const relationships = App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(slave);
-	const rivalries = App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(slave);
+	const individualReport = App.SlaveAssignment.individualSlaveReport(slave);
 	const devotion = App.SlaveAssignment.devotion(slave);
 	if (!silent) {
 		const content = App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", '', "indent");
-		$(content).append(clothes, rules, diet, ltEffects, drugs, relationships, rivalries, `<div class="indent">${devotion}</div>`);
+		$(content).append(...App.Events.spaceSentences([clothes, ...individualReport]), `<div class="indent">${devotion}</div>`);
 		return content;
+ * Generates the main part of the standard slave report for an individual slave.
+ * This is the section that's identical for all slaves regardless of facility.
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {Array<DocumentFragment|string>}
+ */
+App.SlaveAssignment.individualSlaveReport = function(slave) {
+	return [
+		App.SlaveAssignment.rules(slave),
+		App.SlaveAssignment.diet(slave),
+		App.SlaveAssignment.longTermEffects(slave),
+		App.SlaveAssignment.drugs(slave),
+		App.SlaveAssignment.relationships(slave),
+		App.SlaveAssignment.rivalries(slave),
+	];
diff --git a/src/pregmod/incubatorReport.tw b/src/pregmod/incubatorReport.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index d4c6d6d4bcd0f1537afd2e022fcfa07a36fdb145..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pregmod/incubatorReport.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,829 +0,0 @@
-:: Incubator Report [nobr]
-<<set $readySlaves = 0>>
-<<if $incubatorImprintSetting == 0>><<set $incubatorImprintSetting = "trust">><</if>>
-<<for _inc = 0; _inc < $tanks.length; _inc++>>
-	<<setLocalPronouns $tanks[_inc]>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].birthWeek += 1>>
-	<<if $tanks[_inc].birthWeek >= 52>>
-		<<set $tanks[_inc].birthWeek = 0>>
-		<<if $seeAge == 1>>
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].actualAge++, $tanks[_inc].ovaryAge++>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $tanks[_inc].growTime > 0>>
-		<<set $tanks[_inc].growTime -= $incubatorUpgradeSpeed>>
-		<br>@@.pink;<<print $tanks[_inc].slaveName>>'s@@ growth is currently being accelerated. $He <<if Math.round($tanks[_inc].growTime/$incubatorUpgradeSpeed) <= 0>>is @@.lime;ready for release.@@ $He will be ejected from $his tank upon your approach<<else>>will be ready for release in about <<print Math.round($tanks[_inc].growTime/$incubatorUpgradeSpeed)>> weeks<</if>>.
-	<<else>>
-		@@.pink;$tanks[_inc].slaveName@@ is @@.lime;ready for release.@@ $He will be ejected from $his tank upon your approach.
-		<<set $readySlaves = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $incubatorUpgradeWeight == 1>>
-		<br>
-		<<if $incubatorWeightSetting == 1>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].weight < 200>>
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 70>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 40>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 20>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 10>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 5>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			The weight monitoring systems are overloading $his intake causing @@.red;rapid weight gain.@@
-		<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 2>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].weight > 10>>
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 30>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 10>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 5>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 2>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 1>>
-				<</if>>
-				The weight monitoring systems detect $he is overweight and @@.green;decrease $his caloric intake.@@
-			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].weight < -10>>
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 30>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 10>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 5>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 2>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 1>>
-				<</if>>
-				The weight monitoring systems detect $he is underweight and @@.green;increase $his caloric intake.@@
-			<<else>>
-				$He is @@.lime;currently at a healthy weight;@@ efforts will be made to maintain it.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 0>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].weight > -100>>
-				$His developing body @@.red;quickly sheds its gained weight.@@
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 40>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].weight > -100>>
-			$His developing body @@.red;quickly sheds its gained weight.@@
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 40>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $incubatorUpgradeMuscles == 1>>
-		<br>
-		<<if $incubatorMusclesSetting == 2>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].muscles < 100>>
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 70>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 40>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 20>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 10>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 5>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			The strength monitoring systems are overloading $him with steroids causing @@.green;rapid muscle development.@@
-		<<elseif $incubatorMusclesSetting == 1>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].muscles > 10>>
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles -= 30>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles -= 10>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles -= 5>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles -= 2>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles-->>
-				<</if>>
-				The strength monitoring systems detect $he is overly muscular and @@.green;decrease $his steroid dosage.@@
-			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].muscles < -10>>
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 30>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 10>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 5>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles += 2>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles++>>
-				<</if>>
-				The strength monitoring systems detect $he is weak and @@.green;increase $his steroid dosage.@@
-			<<else>>
-				$He has @@.lime;a healthy musculature;@@ efforts will be made to maintain it.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $incubatorMusclesSetting == 0>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].muscles > -100>>
-				$His developing body @@.red;quickly loses its gained muscle.@@
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles -= 40>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].muscles > -100>>
-			$His developing body @@.red;quickly loses its gained muscle.@@
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles -= 40>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims == 1 && $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting != 0>>
-		<br>
-		<<set _heightLimit = Math.trunc(Math.clamp((Height.mean($tanks[_inc]) * 1.25),0,274))>>
-		<<set _heightLimitAge = Height.forAge($tanks[_inc].height, $tanks[_inc])>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].geneticQuirks.dwarfism == 2 && $tanks[_inc].geneticQuirks.gigantism != 2>>
-			<<set _heightLimit = Math.min(_heightLimit, 160)>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-			/*
-			** NCS should block physical growth beyond that of a toddler, but some players might like
-			** a little more or less. So using $minimumSlaveAge or 8, whichever is lesser.
-			*/
-			<<set _limitAge = Math.min(8, $minimumSlaveAge)>>
-			<<set _heightLimitAge = Height.forAge($tanks[_inc].height, _limitAge, $tanks[_inc].genes)>>
-			<<set _heightLimit = _heightLimitAge>>
-		<<elseif ($tanks[_inc].geneticQuirks.neoteny === 2 && $tanks[_inc].actualAge > 12)>>
-			<<set _heightLimitAge = Height.forAge($tanks[_inc].height, 12, $tanks[_inc].genes)>>
-			<<set _heightLimit = _heightLimitAge>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].height >= _heightLimit>>
-			The monitoring system detects $his body is not able to support further increases in height, so it carefully regulates stimulant injections to @@.yellow;maintain $his current stature.@@
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].height = _heightLimit>>
-		<<elseif $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 2>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-				The monitoring system floods $his body with growth stimulants, but $his @@.orange;NCS prevents an increase in $his growth rate.@@
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].height = _heightLimitAge>>
-			<<else>>
-				The monitoring system floods $his body with growth stimulants, causing @@.green;a sharp increase in growth rate.@@
-				<<if $incubatorWeightSetting >= 1 && $incubatorMusclesSetting <= 1 && $incubatorReproductionSetting <= 1>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(3,6)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(2,5)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,3)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,2)>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<else>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(2,5)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,3)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,2)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(0,1)>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 1>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-				The monitoring system detects $he is near the expected height for $his @@.orange;NCS@@ condition, so it carefully regulates stimulant injections to @@.yellow;maintain $his current stature.@@
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].height = _heightLimitAge>>
-			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].height > _heightLimitAge>>
-				The monitoring systems detect $he is near the expected height, so it carefully regulates stimulant injections to @@.yellow;maintain $his current stature.@@
-				<<if random(1,10) == 10>>
-					<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,3)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,2)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(0,1)>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(0,1)>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				The monitoring systems detect $his body is capable of developing more rapidly and @@.green;increase $his growth stimulant dosage.@@
-				<<if $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,4)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,3)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(1,2)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(0,1)>>
-				<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].height += random(0,1)>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $tanks[_inc].height = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].height, 0, _heightLimit)>>
-	<<else>>
-		<br>
-		With the growth stimulant injections offline, $his body is left to develop naturally.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $incubatorUpgradeReproduction == 1>>
-		<br>
-		<<set _rearQuirk = $tanks[_inc].geneticQuirks.rearLipedema == 2 ? 2 : 1>>
-		<<if $incubatorReproductionSetting == 2>>
-			$His developing body is being flooded with hormones.
-			<<if $incubatorWeightSetting == 1>>
-				Combined with the abundant food provided to $him, $his body grows rapidly.
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance < 500>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance += 100>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(25,45)>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(3,8)>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
-						$His @@.orange;NCS blocks all growth@@ despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding $his body.
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 2000>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 30/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 4>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 500>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 50/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 3>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 200>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;causes $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 50/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 100>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 60/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 8000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 100>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 12*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 70/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $tanks[_inc].balls > 0>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXY = 1>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance > -500>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance -= 100>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
-						$His @@.orange;NCS blocks all growth@@ despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding $his body.
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 16>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 20>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 4>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40 && random(1,100) > 10>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 9>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 3>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40 && random(1,100) > 20>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 4>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 40 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 10 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 2>>
-				Combined with the healthy food provided to $him, $his body grows readily.
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance < 500>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance += 100>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(15,25)>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(2,6)>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
-						$His @@.orange;NCS blocks all growth@@ despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding $his body.
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 1000>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 50/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 3>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 500>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 50/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 200>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 60/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 100>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 70/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 4000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 100>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 8*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 80/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $tanks[_inc].balls > 0>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXY = 1>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance > -500>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance -= 100>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
-						$His @@.orange;NCS blocks all growth@@ despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding $his body.
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 3>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 20>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10 && random(1,100) > 10>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10 && random(1,100) > 20>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 10 && random(1,100) > 30>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 7 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				Since $his body has little to work with, $his growth is fairly minor.
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance < 500>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance += 100>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(10,15)>>
-					<<else>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].readyOva = random(2,4)>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
-						$His @@.orange;NCS blocks all growth@@ despite the excess estrogen-laced growth hormones flooding $his body.
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 700>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 70/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 200>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 70/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly balloon $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 50>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 90/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly grow $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 20>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 90/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 2000>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;rapidly grow $his breasts.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 10>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 95>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his hips to widen for childbirth.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 6*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 90/_rearQuirk>>
-							The excess estrogen-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his rear to grow fatter.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<elseif $tanks[_inc].balls > 0>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXY = 1>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance > -500>>
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance -= 100>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
-						$His @@.orange;NCS blocks all growth@@ despite the excess testosterone-laced growth hormones flooding $his body.
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 52>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 18>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6 && random(1,100) > 50>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 9>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to balloon for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick += 2>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 6>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6 && random(1,100) > 70>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<<elseif $incubatorUpgradeSpeed == 5>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 6 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his balls to grow for extra cum production.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-						<</if>>
-						<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 4 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-							The excess testosterone-laced growth hormones @@.green;cause $his penis to swell.@@
-							<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $incubatorReproductionSetting == 1>>
-			$His hormone levels are being carefully managed, @@.green;encouraging early puberty.@@
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXX = 1>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance = 250>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-					/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
-					$His @@.orange;NCS blocks growth@@ despite the added estrogen.
-				<<else>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs < 400 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-						The added estrogen @@.green;causes $his breasts to swell.@@
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 50>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].hips < 2 && random(1,100) > 90>>
-						The added estrogen @@.green;causes $his hips to widen.@@
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].hips++>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].butt < 5*_rearQuirk && random(1,100) > 80/_rearQuirk>>
-						The added estrogen @@.green;causes $his butt to grow.@@
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].butt++>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].balls > 0>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].pubertyXY = 1>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance = -250>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-					/* NCS blocks hormonal growth of all secondary sexual characteristics */
-					$His @@.orange;NCS blocks all growth@@ despite the added testosterone.
-				<<else>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].balls < 3 && random(1,100) > 80>>
-						The added testosterone @@.green;causes $his balls to swell.@@
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].balls++>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $tanks[_inc].dick < 3 && random(1,100) > 60>>
-						The added testosterone @@.green;causes $his penis to grow.@@
-						<<set $tanks[_inc].dick++>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance > 100>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance -= 50>>
-			<<elseif $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance < -100>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance += 50>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].balls > 0>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].balls > 1>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].balls -= 5>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].dick > 1>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].dick -= 5>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].balls <= 0>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].balls = 1>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].dick <= 0>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].dick = 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs > 0>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs -= 500>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].butt > 0>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].butt -= 4>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance > 100>>
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance -= 50>>
-		<<elseif $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance < -100>>
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance += 50>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].balls > 0>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].balls > 1>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].balls -= 5>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].dick > 1>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].dick -= 5>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].balls <= 0>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].balls = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[_inc].dick <= 0>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].dick = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].boobs > 0>>
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs -= 500>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $tanks[_inc].butt > 0>>
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].butt -= 4>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $incubatorReproductionSetting == 2>>
-		<<set $tanks[_inc].energy = 80, $tanks[_inc].need = 100>>
-	<<elseif $incubatorReproductionSetting == 1>>
-		<<set $tanks[_inc].energy = 50, $tanks[_inc].need = 20>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $tanks[_inc].energy = 0, $tanks[_inc].need = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if (($incubatorPregAdaptationSetting == 1 && $tanks[_inc].genes == "XX") || ($incubatorPregAdaptationSetting == 2 && $tanks[_inc].genes == "XY") || $incubatorPregAdaptationSetting == 3) && $tanks[_inc].growTime > 0>>
-		<br>
-		The incubator is working on adapting $his abdomen and reproductive organs for future pregnancies.
-		<<set _weekAdapt = $tanks[_inc].incubatorPregAdaptationInWeek * $incubatorUpgradeSpeed>>
-		<<if isNaN(_weekAdapt)>> /* NaN check AFTER multiply operation, against it result is critical here. Need to be absolutely sure about this operation, not about just tank[x] property itself. This give me two very unpleasant hours to catch this */
-			<<set $tanks[_inc].incubatorPregAdaptationInWeek = (15000 / 2000 - $tanks[_inc].pregAdaptation) / $tanks[_inc].growTime>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<set _weekAdapt = $tanks[_inc].incubatorPregAdaptationInWeek * $incubatorUpgradeSpeed>> /* Now it's should be fine */
-		<<set _weekAdapt *= 1 + ($incubatorReproductionSetting / 5)>>
-		<<set _weekAdapt *= 1 + ($tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance / 1500)>>
-		/*And now we done*/
-		<<set $tanks[_inc].pregAdaptation += _weekAdapt>>
-		/* here goes side effect from intense and extreme settings: */
-		<<if (random(0, 100) <= ($tanks[_inc].incubatorPregAdaptationPower - 1) * ($incubatorUpgradeSpeed / 2 + 1))>>
-			<<switch random(1, 9)>> /*side effect selection*/
-			<<case 1>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].preg = -2>>
-				It caused @@.red;reproductive damage@@ when excessive meddling damaged an organ.
-			<<case 2>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].ovaries == 1 || $tanks[_inc].mpreg == 1>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].preg = -3>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $tanks[_inc].balls > 0>>
-					<<set $tanks[_inc].ballType = "sterile">>
-				<</if>>
-				It caused @@.red;severe reproductive damage@@ when excessive hormones shut down the associated organs.
-			<<case 3>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].lactation = 1>>
-				It has @@.orange;triggered a hormonal disorder,@@ causing $his breast glands begin producing milk.
-			<<case 4>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].bellySag = 100, $tanks[_inc].bellySagPreg = 100>>
-				It activated @@.red;emergency protocols@@ when overpressure to $his abdominal tissues and skin reached critical levels. $His belly has lost muscle tone and has begun to strongly sag.
-			<<case 5>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].health.condition -= 15>>
-				Overzealous prodding caused some @@.red;internal bleeding.@@
-			<<case 6>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].weight += 50>>
-				An unexpected shift in hormones spurred @@.red;massive weight gain@@ before it could be corrected.
-			<<case 7>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].weight -= 50>>
-				An unexpected shift in hormones spurred @@.red;massive weight loss@@ before it could be corrected.
-			<<case 8>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs += 5000>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].boobShape = "saggy">>
-				An unexpected shift in hormones encouraged @@.green;explosive breast growth@@ before it could be corrected.
-			<<case 9>>
-				<<set $tanks[_inc].hips = 3>>
-				A malfunction in the skeletal reconstruction software caused it to @@.green;overwiden $his hips.@@
-			<</switch>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $tanks[_inc].preg > 0>>
-		@@.red;The incubator is displaying an alert that $he may be pregnant.@@
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].weight = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].weight, -100, 200)>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].muscles = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].muscles, -100, 100)>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].dick = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].dick, 0, 10)>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].hips = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].hips, -2, 2)>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].balls = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].balls, 0, 40)>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].boobs = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].boobs, 25, 30000)>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].height = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].height, 0, 274)>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance = Math.clamp($tanks[_inc].hormoneBalance, -500, 500)>>
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].foreskin = $tanks[_inc].dick>> /*simple, clean way of making sure foreskins and scrotums grow appropriately*/
-	<<set $tanks[_inc].scrotum = $tanks[_inc].balls>> /*if we want dicks/balls to outgrow foreskins/scrotums, this will have to be removed*/
-<<if $tanks.length == 0>>
-<<= capFirstChar($incubatorName)>> is currently unused.