diff --git a/devTools/scripts/dependencyCheck.bat b/devTools/scripts/dependencyCheck.bat
index 7c8743c6b008b5a7c9627408e338fbe4b76563bd..20ee7b66bf158e7d74b3ba4b595acc5867964d41 100644
--- a/devTools/scripts/dependencyCheck.bat
+++ b/devTools/scripts/dependencyCheck.bat
@@ -28,11 +28,10 @@ IF DEFINED git (
 :: Otherwise prompt the user
-ECHO This project has some optional dependencies that enable features that we believe will make the development process easier and more fruitful.
-ECHO You are seeing this because some or all of these dependencies are missing.
-ECHO If you wish to no longer see this, please use the simple compiler. 'simple-compiler.bat'
+ECHO This project has some optional dependencies that enable extra features that we believe will be helpful to our users and developers.
+ECHO You are seeing this because the feature you are trying to use requires dependencies that are missing.
-ECHO Here is a list of the packages that are missing:
+ECHO Here is a list of the dependencies that are missing:
 IF NOT DEFINED git CALL :gitMessage
@@ -74,6 +73,7 @@ GOTO :eof
 ECHO   Node.js, https://nodejs.org/, enables all of the new sanity checks and the advanced compiler.
 ECHO     Allows for things like:
+ECHO       Serving FC using 'serve.bat'
 ECHO       Source maps for easier debugging: https://dzone.com/articles/what-are-source-maps-and-how-to-properly-use-them
 ECHO       JavaScript linting to catch bugs early using ESLint: https://eslint.org/
 ECHO       JavaScript type checking to catch bugs early using the Typescript compiler: https://www.typescriptlang.org/
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ GOTO :eof
 :: if node_modules doesn't exist
 IF NOT EXIST node_modules (
-	ECHO All optional dependencies for the advance compiler are installed, but the Node modules are not installed.
+	ECHO All optional dependencies are installed, but the Node modules are not installed.
 	ECHO These packages should take up less than 500MB of disk space. ~150 MB at time of writing.
 	ECHO They will be stored in the 'node_modules' directory inside of the project directory.
diff --git a/devTools/scripts/dependencyCheck.sh b/devTools/scripts/dependencyCheck.sh
index aa5f5ee0afdd8ded0e3d94797450e034249d15c8..beee2e91e08cee8c6c574ba9753a85f2acfcb46d 100755
--- a/devTools/scripts/dependencyCheck.sh
+++ b/devTools/scripts/dependencyCheck.sh
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function modulesCheck() {
     if [[ ! -d node_modules ]]; then
         # ask user if we can install modules
         echo ""
-        echo "All optional dependencies for the advance compiler are installed, but the Node modules are not installed."
+        echo "All optional dependencies are installed, but the Node modules are not installed."
         echo ""
         echo "These packages should take up less than 500MB of disk space. (~150 MB at time of writing)."
         echo "They will be stored in the 'node_modules' directory inside of the project directory."
@@ -141,11 +141,10 @@ if [[ "$git" && "$node" ]]; then
 # Otherwise prompt the user
-echo "This project has some optional dependencies that enable features that we believe will make the development process easier and more fruitful."
-echo "You are seeing this because some or all of these dependencies are missing."
-echo "If you wish to no longer see this, please use the simple compiler. 'simple-compiler.sh'"
+echo "This project has some optional dependencies that enable extra features that we believe will be helpful to our users and developers."
+echo "You are seeing this because the feature you are trying to use requires dependencies that are missing."
 echo ""
-echo "Here is a list of the packages that are missing:"
+echo "Here is a list of the dependencies that are missing:"
 if [[ ! "$git" ]]; then
     echo "  git, https://git-scm.com/, needed to interact with the .git folder in this project."
@@ -157,6 +156,7 @@ fi
 if [[ ! "$node" ]]; then
     echo "  Node.js, https://nodejs.org/, enables all of the new sanity checks and the advanced compiler."
     echo "    Allows for things like:"
+    echo "      Serving FC using 'serve.sh'"
     echo "      Source maps for easier debugging: https://dzone.com/articles/what-are-source-maps-and-how-to-properly-use-them"
     echo "      JavaScript linting to catch bugs early using ESLint: https://eslint.org/"
     echo "      JavaScript type checking to catch bugs early using the Typescript compiler: https://www.typescriptlang.org/"
diff --git a/serve.bat b/serve.bat
index 986de8a1fe9163067e13568d8f4eaface51001a9..55e5128ce415b6338645348982ece2de3a908255 100644
--- a/serve.bat
+++ b/serve.bat
@@ -5,24 +5,25 @@
 pushd %~dp0
-:: check for node
-where /q node
-	ECHO Node is required to run this http server.
-	exit /b 0
+:: run dependencyCheck.bat
+CALL .\devTools\scripts\dependencyCheck.bat
-:: if the node_modules directory doesn't exist
-IF NOT EXIST .\node_modules\ (
-	ECHO Node available, but the required Node modules are not installed.
-	CHOICE /C YN /N /M "Would you like us to run 'npm install' to install Node modules, using ~120 MB of disk space [Y/N]?"
-	IF !errorlevel!==1 (
-		ECHO Installing Node modules...
-		CALL npm install
-	) ELSE (
-		ECHO Requirements not met, exiting...
-		exit /b 0
-	)
+IF %CODE% EQU 69 (
+	:: if exit code is 69, then we don't have all the dependencies we need
+	ECHO Dependencies not met.
+    ECHO.
+	EXIT /b 0
+	:: if exit code is 0, run web server
+	CALL npx http-server --port 6969 -c-1
+	EXIT /b 0
+) ELSE (
+	:: if exit code is not 0, print error message
+	ECHO dependencyCheck.bat exited with code: %CODE%
+	ECHO Dependency check failed.
+    ECHO.
+    EXIT /b 0
-CALL npx http-server --port 6969 -c-1
diff --git a/serve.sh b/serve.sh
index bf0b76429b9cdc0fe4e8a84db98ce28cb0a9d7a3..df006ed86026f2577c9a48c03930d6ee8ba45d2e 100755
--- a/serve.sh
+++ b/serve.sh
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ if [[ $exitCode -eq 69 ]]; then
 # if exit code is not 0, print error message
 elif [[ $exitCode -ne 0 ]]; then
 	echo "dependencyCheck.sh exited with code: $exitCode"
-    echo "Dependency check failed unexpectedly."
+    echo "Dependency check failed."
     echo ""
     exit 0
 # if exit code is 0, run web server
diff --git a/setup.bat b/setup.bat
index 62601e4445126349f66060bc61c73245b8d291c8..e5954b4561b224c3ccc7230890ff1da01a0c8203 100644
--- a/setup.bat
+++ b/setup.bat
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ IF %CODE% EQU 69 (
 	:: if exit code is not 0, print error message
 	ECHO dependencyCheck.bat exited with code: %CODE%
-	ECHO Dependency check failed unexpectedly.
+	ECHO Dependency check failed.
 	ECHO If the only thing you need is to simply compile FC, then you can use 'simple-compiler.bat' instead.
     EXIT /b 0
diff --git a/setup.sh b/setup.sh
index 8910112836ee3a7ee79659e5a037e5eebc6cb39c..cc7fc64cfebd56290bcc9bc471a089f0f17e92f9 100755
--- a/setup.sh
+++ b/setup.sh
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ if [[ $exitCode -eq 69 ]]; then
 # if exit code is not 0, print error message
 elif [[ $exitCode -ne 0 ]]; then
 	echo "dependencyCheck.sh exited with code: $exitCode"
-    echo "Dependency check failed unexpectedly."
+    echo "Dependency check failed."
     echo "If the only thing you need is to simply compile FC, then you can use 'simple-compiler.bat' instead."
     echo ""
     exit 0