diff --git a/devNotes/clothing hair and accessory passages.txt b/devNotes/clothing hair and accessory passages.txt
index 1855d58e5ae1a97b4f571ad534e95518e5a66604..0f21ba82353920f93479c531fe5971c455ebf97c 100644
--- a/devNotes/clothing hair and accessory passages.txt	
+++ b/devNotes/clothing hair and accessory passages.txt	
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Collars:
diff --git a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt
index 56b50dea52bc58941d09974f0efc0021e32cd88f..301f899b87df6cbb98b493a1bb992a2e34f9ac63 100644
--- a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
+++ b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ slave's assignment
 	Assigned to facility:
 		"rest in the spa"
 		"work as a nanny"
-		"work as a servant" (Servants' Quarters )
+		"work as a servant" (Servants' Quarters)
 		"work in the dairy"
 		"work as a farmhand"
 		"serve in the club"
diff --git a/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw b/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
index 3f7902c782b5f1f19ffd8ad7f05d69ff68f6a014..1baa3a8dcf7170bf877aaca9cbe6fd0e3aa2ae54 100644
--- a/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
+++ b/src/SecExp/secExpSmilingMan.tw
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
 	During your morning routine, you come across a peculiar report: it's been several weeks now that your arcology has been the victim of a series of cyber-crimes conducted by a mysterious figure.
 	The egocentric criminal took great pride in their acts, to the point of signing his acts with their peculiar symbol: a stylized smiling face. Your arcology was not the only one under assault by the
 	machinations of the one the media quickly nicknamed //the smiling man//.
-	<br>Despite the sheer damage this criminal was doing, you cannot help but admire the skill with which every misdeed is carried - the worst white collar crimes of the century, carried out with such elegance
+	<br>Despite the sheer damage this criminal was doing, you cannot help but admire the skill with which every misdeed is carried — the worst white collar crimes of the century, carried out with such elegance
 	that they almost seemed the product of natural laws, rather than the masterful manipulation of the digital market.
 	While you sift through the pages of the report, $assistantName remains strangely quiet. "I'm worried, <<= properTitle()>> — this individual seems to be able to penetrate whichever system garners his attention. I... feel vulnerable," _heA says. "It's not something I'm used to."
-	<br>Fortunately you have not been hit directly by this criminal - not yet at least. Still, the repercussions of numerous bankruptcies take their toll on your arcology, whose @@.red;prosperity suffers@@.
+	<br>Fortunately you have not been hit directly by this criminal — not yet at least. Still, the repercussions of numerous bankruptcies take their toll on your arcology, whose @@.red;prosperity suffers@@.
 	<br><<set $arcologies[0].prosperity *= random(80,90) * 0.01>>
 	<span id="result">
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
 	<br>"Should I open it?" your assistant asks. You silently nod.
 	<br>Suddenly the room flashes red, while your assistant fades for half a second. When _heA reappears, _hisA face has been replaced by a stylized smiling face.
 	<br>"Hello, my dear $PC.name. I can call you $PC.name, right? I've been keeping an eye on you for so long now, it feels like we're friends! I am terribly sorry for my unannounced visit, but I wanted to meet face to face... well, face to hologram." its says, letting out a childlike giggle.
-	"I'm sure you're aware of my recent activities around this rock of ours, and, well, to put it simply, it's your turn to contribute to my great project! You'll love it when you see it, I'm sure! By the way, thanks for the offer - it's so nice to see people contribute to a worthy cause so generously! Well, I've taken enough of your time, see you soon!"
+	"I'm sure you're aware of my recent activities around this rock of ours, and, well, to put it simply, it's your turn to contribute to my great project! You'll love it when you see it, I'm sure! By the way, thanks for the offer — it's so nice to see people contribute to a worthy cause so generously! Well, I've taken enough of your time, see you soon!"
 	<br>The lights flicker once more and an instant later your assistant returns to _hisA usual self.
-	<br>"I... I - I couldn't stop him! I'm sorry, <<= properTitle()>>."
+	<br>"I... I — I couldn't stop him! I'm sorry, <<= properTitle()>>."
 	<br>You waste no time in rushing to the console and checking your finances. It's as you feared, @@.red;you have been robbed@@.
 	<<set _lostCash = Math.clamp(50000 * Math.trunc($week / 20), 50000, 1000000)>>
 	<<if $assistantPower == 1>>
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 	<<set $smilingManWeek = $week>>
 	When $assistantName violently wakes you up, _hisA worried expression can mean only one thing: the Smiling Man had been back. "Today at midnight a new site popped up in the web: it's a very simple site, no visuals, no text; only a countdown ticking away. It will reach zero this evening." your assistant says.
-	This is troubling, yet somewhat exciting. The Smiling Man never failed to cause damage, but his ego had gotten the best of him this time - having time to prepare before their attack will give you a chance to find them. For the rest of the day you do your best to plan, prepare and focus.
+	This is troubling, yet somewhat exciting. The Smiling Man never failed to cause damage, but his ego had gotten the best of him this time — having time to prepare before their attack will give you a chance to find them. For the rest of the day you do your best to plan, prepare and focus.
 	<br>Evening came faster than you anticipated. Your security team was already at full alert, waiting for any signal on the horizon. The die was cast.
 	<br>Suddenly all the computers in the room begin to act strangely, then it happened. On all of the screens across the arcology the Smiling Man's icon appears, then every speaker begins broadcasting the same voice, one that you have already heard once before:
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 		<<set $crime = Math.clamp($crime * 1.5, 20,100)>>
-	<br>A short, meek man approaches you with a weak smile. "Not all is lost, <<= properTitle()>>. We have a lead on him - he is here, in $arcologies[0].name."
+	<br>A short, meek man approaches you with a weak smile. "Not all is lost, <<= properTitle()>>. We have a lead on him — he is here, in $arcologies[0].name."
 	<br>Despite the bleak situation, you cannot help but smile back.
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
 		<<if $relationshipLM >= 4>>
 			Your men move to immobilize $him. Terror flashes through $his eyes for a second, but $he quickly recovers $his usual demeanor.
-			Your men move to immobilize $him. Terror flashes through $his eyes for a second - $he barely manages to recover $his usual demeanor.
+			Your men move to immobilize $him. Terror flashes through $his eyes for a second — $he barely manages to recover $his usual demeanor.
 		<<set $saleDescription = 0, $applyLaw = 0>>
diff --git a/src/SecExp/transportHub.tw b/src/SecExp/transportHub.tw
index 025c1f00ea5a2868bf4b8d46309f39b6a361c9f0..00aed0656adf1bc76019521f444cfc8a9fd564d5 100644
--- a/src/SecExp/transportHub.tw
+++ b/src/SecExp/transportHub.tw
@@ -173,4 +173,4 @@ You quickly reach the transport hub, where a constant stream of vehicles, people
 <br><br>[[Return this sector to standard markets|Main][cashX(forceNeg(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology)), "capEx"), $sectors[$AS].type = "Markets", $transportHub = 0, $hubSecurity = 1]]
-	//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>//
+//Costs <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology))>>//
diff --git a/src/art/artWidgets.tw b/src/art/artWidgets.tw
index dfa91038b833344e1665211047fa70cb2b0454e1..d64afd4ba0b940ef890796468585a0ea692ccc65 100644
--- a/src/art/artWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/art/artWidgets.tw
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ vector art added later is drawn over previously added art
 <<= VectorArt(_artSlave)>>
-<<elseif $imageChoice == 2>> /* VECTOR ART BY NOX - Pregmod Legacy Version */
+<<elseif $imageChoice == 2>> /* VECTOR ART BY NOX — Pregmod Legacy Version */
 /* 000-250-006 */
diff --git a/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw b/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
index ca550074a7712e906291f629ccfba368d4d871a1..c267a7e6a50d8e37b7ecd323acb764bdadc01ed6 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
+++ b/src/events/intro/initNationalities.tw
@@ -62,9 +62,9 @@
 	<<set $rep += 2000>>
 <<elseif $PC.visualAge < 35>>
 	<<if $rep >= 2000>>
-	<<set $rep -= 2000>>
+		<<set $rep -= 2000>>
-	<<set $rep = 0>>
+		<<set $rep = 0>>
diff --git a/src/events/intro/introSummary.tw b/src/events/intro/introSummary.tw
index 291573deab5858a0a589f359f78f7ebd270a743b..09bf179f521dd3b0bf554bf01de17f2a65ac1869 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/introSummary.tw
+++ b/src/events/intro/introSummary.tw
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <<set $PC.birthWeek = variableAsNumber($PC.birthWeek, 0, 0, 51)>>
+	FertilityAge($fertilityAge)
 You may review your settings before clicking "Continue" to begin.
@@ -96,15 +96,15 @@ You are using standardized slave trading channels. [[Customize the slave trade|C
 	<<if $internationalTrade == 1>>
-	<<if $internationalVariety == 0>>
-		International slave variety is ''semi-realistic,'' so more populous nations will be more common.
-		[[Normalized national variety|Intro Summary][$internationalVariety = 1]]
-		<br>
-	<<else>>
-		International slave variety is ''normalized,'' so small nations will appear nearly as much as large ones.
-		[[Semi-realistic national variety|Intro Summary][$internationalVariety = 0]]
-		<br>
-	<</if>>
+		<<if $internationalVariety == 0>>
+			International slave variety is ''semi-realistic,'' so more populous nations will be more common.
+			[[Normalized national variety|Intro Summary][$internationalVariety = 1]]
+			<br>
+		<<else>>
+			International slave variety is ''normalized,'' so small nations will appear nearly as much as large ones.
+			[[Semi-realistic national variety|Intro Summary][$internationalVariety = 0]]
+			<br>
+		<</if>>
 	Current nationality distributions are [[Adjust the slave trade|Customize Slave Trade][$customWA = 0, $customVariety = 1]] | [[Stop customizing|Intro Summary][delete $customVariety]]
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ You are using standardized slave trading channels. [[Customize the slave trade|C
 Economic Tabs on weekly reports are
 <<if $useTabs == 0>>
-@@.red;DISABLED.@@ [[Enable|Intro Summary][$useTabs = 1]]
+	@@.red;DISABLED.@@ [[Enable|Intro Summary][$useTabs = 1]]
-@@.cyan;ENABLED.@@ [[Disable|Intro Summary][$useTabs = 0]]
+	@@.cyan;ENABLED.@@ [[Disable|Intro Summary][$useTabs = 0]]
@@ -213,23 +213,23 @@ __''General slave settings''__
 <</if>> //Extended family mode must be on for the incubation facility to be enabled.//
 <<if $familyTesting == 1>>
-<<if $inbreeding == 1>>
-	Successive breeding ''will'' result in sub-average slaves.
-	[[Disable inbreeding damage|Intro Summary][$inbreeding = 0]]
-	Successive breeding ''will not'' result in sub-average slaves.
-	[[Enable inbreeding damage|Intro Summary][$inbreeding = 1]]
+	<br>
+	<<if $inbreeding == 1>>
+		Successive breeding ''will'' result in sub-average slaves.
+		[[Disable inbreeding damage|Intro Summary][$inbreeding = 0]]
+	<<else>>
+		Successive breeding ''will not'' result in sub-average slaves.
+		[[Enable inbreeding damage|Intro Summary][$inbreeding = 1]]
+	<</if>>
-<<if $allowFamilyTitles == 1>>
-	Your relatives ''will'' use family titles.
-	[[Disable family titles|Intro Summary][$allowFamilyTitles = 0]]
-	Your relatives ''will not'' use family titles.
-	[[Enable family titles|Intro Summary][$allowFamilyTitles = 1]]
+	<br>
+	<<if $allowFamilyTitles == 1>>
+		Your relatives ''will'' use family titles.
+		[[Disable family titles|Intro Summary][$allowFamilyTitles = 0]]
+	<<else>>
+		Your relatives ''will not'' use family titles.
+		[[Enable family titles|Intro Summary][$allowFamilyTitles = 1]]
+	<</if>>
@@ -244,9 +244,9 @@ Interactions between slaves' weight and asset size are
 <<if ($curativeSideEffects != 0)>>
-Curative side effects are ''enabled''. [[Disable|Intro Summary][$curativeSideEffects = 0]]
+	Curative side effects are ''enabled''. [[Disable|Intro Summary][$curativeSideEffects = 0]]
-Curative side effects are ''disabled''. [[Enable|Intro Summary][$curativeSideEffects = 1]]
+	Curative side effects are ''disabled''. [[Enable|Intro Summary][$curativeSideEffects = 1]]
@@ -493,16 +493,16 @@ The Free City features ''$neighboringArcologies'' arcologies in addition to your
 	[[Marine|Intro Summary][$terrain = "marine"]] |
 	[[Oceanic|Intro Summary][$terrain = "oceanic"]]
 	<<if $terrain != "oceanic">>
-	<br>
-	The Free City is located in ''$continent''.
-	[[North America|Intro Summary][$continent = "North America", $language = "English"]] | [[South America|Intro Summary][$continent = "South America", $language = "Spanish"]] | [[Brazil|Intro Summary][$continent = "Brazil", $language = "Portuguese"]] | [[Europe|Intro Summary][$continent = "Europe", $language = "English"]] | [[the Middle East|Intro Summary][$continent = "the Middle East", $language = "Arabic"]] | [[Africa|Intro Summary][$continent = "Africa", $language = "Arabic"]] | [[Asia|Intro Summary][$continent = "Asia", $language = "Chinese"]] | [[Australia|Intro Summary][$continent = "Australia", $language = "English"]] |
-	<<if $freshPC == 1 || $saveImported == 0>>
-		[[Japan|Intro Summary][$continent = "Japan", $language = "Japanese", $PC.race = "asian", $PC.nationality = "Japanese", $PC.hColor = "black", $PC.eyeColor = "brown"]]
-	<<else>>
-		[[Japan|Intro Summary][$continent = "Japan", $language = "Japanese"]]
+		<br>
+		The Free City is located in ''$continent''.
+		[[North America|Intro Summary][$continent = "North America", $language = "English"]] | [[South America|Intro Summary][$continent = "South America", $language = "Spanish"]] | [[Brazil|Intro Summary][$continent = "Brazil", $language = "Portuguese"]] | [[Europe|Intro Summary][$continent = "Europe", $language = "English"]] | [[the Middle East|Intro Summary][$continent = "the Middle East", $language = "Arabic"]] | [[Africa|Intro Summary][$continent = "Africa", $language = "Arabic"]] | [[Asia|Intro Summary][$continent = "Asia", $language = "Chinese"]] | [[Australia|Intro Summary][$continent = "Australia", $language = "English"]] |
+		<<if $freshPC == 1 || $saveImported == 0>>
+			[[Japan|Intro Summary][$continent = "Japan", $language = "Japanese", $PC.race = "asian", $PC.nationality = "Japanese", $PC.hColor = "black", $PC.eyeColor = "brown"]]
+		<<else>>
+			[[Japan|Intro Summary][$continent = "Japan", $language = "Japanese"]]
+		<</if>>
 <<if !["RomanRevivalist", "AztecRevivalist", "EgyptianRevivalist", "EdoRevivalist", "ArabianRevivalist", "ChineseRevivalist"].includes($targetArcology.type)>>
@@ -664,12 +664,12 @@ __''Player Character''__
 		[[Pure Black|Intro Summary][$PC.skin = "pure black"]]
 	<<switch $PC.markings>>
-		<<case "freckles">>
-			<<set _PCCreationFreckles = "has light freckling">>
-		<<case "heavily freckled">>
-			<<set _PCCreationFreckles = "has heavy freckling">>
-		<<default>>
-			<<set _PCCreationFreckles = "is clear of blemishes">>
+	<<case "freckles">>
+		<<set _PCCreationFreckles = "has light freckling">>
+	<<case "heavily freckled">>
+		<<set _PCCreationFreckles = "has heavy freckling">>
+	<<default>>
+		<<set _PCCreationFreckles = "is clear of blemishes">>
 	<br>Your body ''_PCCreationFreckles''.
 		[[None|Intro Summary][$PC.markings = "none"]] |
@@ -701,31 +701,31 @@ __''Player Character''__
 	<<switch $PC.career>>
-		<<case "capitalist">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a business leader">>
-		<<case "mercenary">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a mercenary">>
-		<<case "slaver">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a slaver">>
-		<<case "engineer">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "an engineer">>
-		<<case "medicine">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a doctor">>
-		<<case "celebrity">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a minor celebrity">>
-		<<case "escort">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "an escort">>
-		<<case "servant">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a servant">>
-		<<case "gang">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a gang leader">>
-		<<case "BlackHat">>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "an incursion specialist">>
-		<<default>>
-			<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a member of the idle wealthy">>
+	<<case "capitalist">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a business leader">>
+	<<case "mercenary">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a mercenary">>
+	<<case "slaver">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a slaver">>
+	<<case "engineer">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "an engineer">>
+	<<case "medicine">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a doctor">>
+	<<case "celebrity">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a minor celebrity">>
+	<<case "escort">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "an escort">>
+	<<case "servant">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a servant">>
+	<<case "gang">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a gang leader">>
+	<<case "BlackHat">>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "an incursion specialist">>
+	<<default>>
+		<<set _PCCreationCareer = "a member of the idle wealthy">>
-	Before you came to the free cities, you were ''_PCCreationCareer'' and it is rumoured that you acquired your arcology through ''$PC.rumor''.
+	Before you came to the free cities, you were ''_PCCreationCareer'' and it is rumored that you acquired your arcology through ''$PC.rumor''.
 	<br>__Past career:__
 	<<if $PC.career != "arcology owner">>
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ __''Player Character''__
 		[[gang leader|Intro Summary][$PC.career = "gang"]]
-	<br>__rumor:__
+	<br>__Rumor:__
 	[[wealth|Intro Summary][$PC.rumor = "wealth"]] |
 	[[hard work|Intro Summary][$PC.rumor = "diligence"]] |
 	[[force|Intro Summary][$PC.rumor = "force"]] |
@@ -804,20 +804,20 @@ __''Player Character''__
 	<<switch $PC.boobsBonus>>
-		<<case -3>>
-			<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "small B-cups">>
-		<<case -2>>
-			<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "unnoticeable C-cups">>
-		<<case -1>>
-			<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "unremarkable D-cups">>
-		<<case 1>>
-			<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "noticeable F-cups">>
-		<<case 2>>
-			<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "huge G-cups">>
-		<<case 3>>
-			<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "massive H-cups">>
-		<<default>>
-			<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "average DD-cups">>
+	<<case -3>>
+		<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "small B-cups">>
+	<<case -2>>
+		<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "unnoticeable C-cups">>
+	<<case -1>>
+		<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "unremarkable D-cups">>
+	<<case 1>>
+		<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "noticeable F-cups">>
+	<<case 2>>
+		<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "huge G-cups">>
+	<<case 3>>
+		<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "massive H-cups">>
+	<<default>>
+		<<set _PCCreationBoobSize = "average DD-cups">>
 	<<if $PC.boobsImplant>>
@@ -1109,7 +1109,7 @@ __''Mods''__
 			@@.cyan;ENABLED.@@ [[Disable|Intro Summary][$SF.Facility.Toggle = 0]]
 	<</if>> //Prep for future content.
-<br>// This mod is initially from anon1888 but expanded by SFanon offers a lategame special (started out as security but changed to special in order to try and reduce confusion with CrimeAnon's separate Security Expansion (SecExp) mod) force, that is triggered after week 80. It is non-canon where it conflicts with canonical updates to the base game.//
+<br>// This mod is initially from anon1888 but expanded by SFanon offers a late-game special (started out as security but changed to special in order to try and reduce confusion with CrimeAnon's separate Security Expansion (SecExp) mod) force, that is triggered after week 80. It is non-canon where it conflicts with canonical updates to the base game.//
 <<if $cyberMod == 1>>
@@ -1139,26 +1139,26 @@ __''Mods''__
 <<link "Continue">>
 	<<if $freshPC == 1 || $saveImported == 0>>
 		<<switch $PC.career>>
-			<<case "capitalist">>
-				<<set $PC.trading = 100>>
-			<<case "mercenary">>
-				<<set $PC.warfare = 100>>
-			<<case "slaver">>
-				<<set $PC.slaving = 100>>
-			<<case "engineer">>
-				<<set $PC.engineering = 100>>
-			<<case "medicine">>
-				<<set $PC.medicine = 100>>
-			<<case "BlackHat">>
-				<<set $PC.hacking = 100>>
-			<<case "arcology owner">>
-				<<set $PC.trading = 100, $PC.warfare = 100, $PC.hacking = 100, $PC.slaving = 100, $PC.engineering = 100, $PC.medicine = 100>>
-			<<case "escort">>
-				<<set $PC.trading = 50, $PC.warfare = -100, $PC.slaving = -100, $PC.engineering = -100, $PC.medicine = 10, $PC.hacking = 10>>
-			<<case "servant">>
-				<<set $PC.trading = -100, $PC.warfare = -100, $PC.slaving = -100, $PC.engineering = -100, $PC.medicine = -100, $PC.hacking = -100>>
-			<<case "gang">>
-				<<set $PC.trading = 50, $PC.warfare = 50, $PC.slaving = 50, $PC.engineering = -100, $PC.medicine = 0, $PC.hacking = 50>>
+		<<case "capitalist">>
+			<<set $PC.trading = 100>>
+		<<case "mercenary">>
+			<<set $PC.warfare = 100>>
+		<<case "slaver">>
+			<<set $PC.slaving = 100>>
+		<<case "engineer">>
+			<<set $PC.engineering = 100>>
+		<<case "medicine">>
+			<<set $PC.medicine = 100>>
+		<<case "BlackHat">>
+			<<set $PC.hacking = 100>>
+		<<case "arcology owner">>
+			<<set $PC.trading = 100, $PC.warfare = 100, $PC.hacking = 100, $PC.slaving = 100, $PC.engineering = 100, $PC.medicine = 100>>
+		<<case "escort">>
+			<<set $PC.trading = 50, $PC.warfare = -100, $PC.slaving = -100, $PC.engineering = -100, $PC.medicine = 10, $PC.hacking = 10>>
+		<<case "servant">>
+			<<set $PC.trading = -100, $PC.warfare = -100, $PC.slaving = -100, $PC.engineering = -100, $PC.medicine = -100, $PC.hacking = -100>>
+		<<case "gang">>
+			<<set $PC.trading = 50, $PC.warfare = 50, $PC.slaving = 50, $PC.engineering = -100, $PC.medicine = 0, $PC.hacking = 50>>
 	<<if $saveImported == 1 && $freshPC == 0 && $girls < 3>>
diff --git a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmerSelectWorkaround.tw b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmerSelectWorkaround.tw
index 9e3257bed6910660bdd97cf81f189cc21ce563a9..65fc5da28a5ddd2df600db9e782c7017fb75c21f 100644
--- a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmerSelectWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmerSelectWorkaround.tw
@@ -10,4 +10,3 @@
 <<goto "Farmyard">>
diff --git a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyard.tw b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyard.tw
index 33608ab64f554be01205f73a2493af2197986143..2d74ced5af7f7efce1e28f4ce612fe6bbbc64d13 100644
--- a/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyard.tw
+++ b/src/facilities/farmyard/farmyard.tw
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ $farmyardNameCaps is an oasis of growth in the midst of the jungle of steel and
 <<if $Farmer != 0>>
-<<set $Flag = 2>>
+	<<set $Flag = 2>>
 	<<include "Slave Summary">>
 	You do not have a slave serving as a Farmer. [[Appoint one|Farmer Select]]
diff --git a/src/facilities/nursery/longChildDescription.tw b/src/facilities/nursery/longChildDescription.tw
index 4448062074d88e0d543e1b3ac7845b0f676c1670..848641526f39fc422fb8e0aa01024e7fac9468dc 100644
--- a/src/facilities/nursery/longChildDescription.tw
+++ b/src/facilities/nursery/longChildDescription.tw
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 <span id="childName">
-''@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeChild)>>@@''
+	''@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeChild)>>@@''
 <<if $activeChild.customLabel>> (@@.yellow;''<<print $activeChild.customLabel>>''@@)<</if>>
diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
index 8fbecb5ff90a37c627a42b9dca8e6766033ee074..28ed81dee05cfcbd132aff90cd200ba750437b88 100644
--- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
+++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
@@ -2896,7 +2896,7 @@ Error: bad title.
 	| [[Tips and Tricks|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Tips and Tricks"]]
-<<if ["Being in charge","Arcologies and Reputation","Random Events","Costs Summary","Rules Assistant","Sexual Energy","PC Skills",].includes($encyclopedia)>>
+<<if ["Arcologies and Reputation", "Being in charge", "Costs Summary", "PC Skills", "Random Events", "Rules Assistant", "Sexual Energy"].includes($encyclopedia)>>
 	<br><br>//Being in charge//<br>
 	<<if $encyclopedia != "Arcologies and Reputation">>
 		[[Arcologies and Reputation|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Arcologies and Reputation"]]
@@ -2942,7 +2942,7 @@ Error: bad title.
 		| [[The Corporation|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "The Corporation"]]
-<<if ["Slave Assignments","Career Experience","Attendant","Matron","Bodyguard","Concubine","DJ","Head Girl","Madam","Milkmaid","Farmer","Nurse","Recruiter","Schoolteacher","Stewardess","Wardeness","Attending Classes","Confinement","Fucktoy","Glory Hole","Milking","Public Service","Rest","Sexual Servitude","Servitude","Whoring",].includes($encyclopedia)>>
+<<if ["Attendant", "Attending Classes", "Bodyguard", "Career Experience", "Concubine", "Confinement", "DJ", "Farmer", "Fucktoy", "Glory Hole", "Head Girl", "Madam", "Matron", "Milking", "Milkmaid", "Nurse", "Public Service", "Recruiter", "Rest", "Schoolteacher", "Servitude", "Sexual Servitude", "Slave Assignments", "Stewardess", "Wardeness", "Whoring"].includes($encyclopedia)>>
 	<br><br>//Slave leadership positions// | [[Career Experience|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Career Experience"]]<br>
 	[[Attendant|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Attendant"]]
 	| [[Matron|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Matron"]]
@@ -3027,7 +3027,7 @@ Error: bad title.
 	| [[Submissives|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Submissives"]]
-<<if["Quirks","Adores men","Adores women","Advocate","Confident","Cutting","Fitness","Funny","Insecure","Sinful",].includes($encyclopedia)>>
+<<if["Adores men", "Adores women", "Advocate", "Confident", "Cutting", "Fitness", "Funny", "Insecure", "Quirks", "Sinful"].includes($encyclopedia)>>
 	<br><br>//Behavioral [[Quirks|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Quirks"]]://
 	<br>[[Adores men|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Adores men"]]
@@ -3181,7 +3181,7 @@ Error: bad title.
 	| [[Aztec Revivalism|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Aztec Revivalism"]]
-<<if ["Lore","Money","Disease in the Free Cities","Free Cities Justice","Modern Anal","Slave Couture","Slave Marriage","The Ejaculate Market","Gingering","Dyes","The New Rome","Naked, Barefoot, and Pregnant","The Top","The Bottom","The Purity of the Human Form","A World Built on Implants","Slaves as Stock","Slavery and the Physical Ideal","Faith in the Free Cities","Slave Whore, Arcology K-2","Slave Acolyte, Arcology V-7","Public Slave, Arcology A-3","Mercenary, Arcology B-2","Slave Trainer, Arcology D-10","Security Drones","Water Filtration","Slave Nutrition",].includes($encyclopedia)>>
+<<if ["A World Built on Implants", "Disease in the Free Cities", "Dyes", "Faith in the Free Cities", "Free Cities Justice", "Gingering", "Lore", "Mercenary, Arcology B-2", "Modern Anal", "Money", "Naked, Barefoot, and Pregnant", "Public Slave, Arcology A-3", "Security Drones", "Slave Acolyte, Arcology V-7", "Slave Couture", "Slave Marriage", "Slave Nutrition", "Slave Trainer, Arcology D-10", "Slave Whore, Arcology K-2", "Slavery and the Physical Ideal", "Slaves as Stock", "The Bottom", "The Ejaculate Market", "The New Rome", "The Purity of the Human Form", "The Top", "Water Filtration"].includes($encyclopedia)>>
 	<br>The Free Cities today:
diff --git a/src/init/storyInit.tw b/src/init/storyInit.tw
index 76de9434306ee5d0c4edd281840b39d195f1ba95..d4fb349d1e40aaa37641207432eb982a18cb416a 100644
--- a/src/init/storyInit.tw
+++ b/src/init/storyInit.tw
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 				<<set $slaves[_i].nationality = "Ancient Chinese Revivalist">>
 			<<if $slaves[_i].relationTarget != 0>>
-			<<set $slaves[_i].relationTarget += 1200000>>
+				<<set $slaves[_i].relationTarget += 1200000>>
 			<<if $slaves[_i].relationshipTarget != 0>>
-			<<set $slaves[_i].relationshipTarget += 1200000>>
+				<<set $slaves[_i].relationshipTarget += 1200000>>
 			<<if $slaves[_i].cloneID != 0>>
-			<<set $slaves[_i].cloneID += 1200000>>
+				<<set $slaves[_i].cloneID += 1200000>>
 			<<set $slaves[_i].rivalry = 0, $slaves[_i].rivalryTarget = 0, $slaves[_i].subTarget = 0>>
 			<<set $slaves[_i].drugs = "no drugs">>
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 				<<set _seed = 1>>
 			<<if _seed == 0>>
-			<<set $slaves[_i].relation = 0, $slaves[_i].relationTarget = 0>>
+				<<set $slaves[_i].relation = 0, $slaves[_i].relationTarget = 0>>
 		<<if $slaves[_i].relationship > 0>>
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with thi
 				<<set _seed = 1>>
 			<<if _seed == 0>>
-			<<set $slaves[_i].relationship = 0, $slaves[_i].relationshipTarget = 0>>
+				<<set $slaves[_i].relationship = 0, $slaves[_i].relationshipTarget = 0>>
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/fAnus.tw b/src/npc/descriptions/fAnus.tw
index ebd714a0b44c8049173b947e318d43c5b573b8d9..29e561d7ceaef4ebf19f6ee4a241a9fd42760657 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/fAnus.tw
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/fAnus.tw
@@ -155,74 +155,74 @@ You call $him over so you can
 <<if ($PC.dick != 0)>>
-<<if $activeSlave.cervixImplant == 2 || $activeSlave.cervixImplant == 3>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.bellyImplant += random(10,20)>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.cervixImplant == 2 || $activeSlave.cervixImplant == 3>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.bellyImplant += random(10,20)>>
+	<</if>>
-<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-	Your cum falls out of $his gaping hole.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus > 2)>>
-	Cum flows out of $his gaped butthole.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-	Cum drips out of $his newly gaped anus.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-	$His still-tight ass keeps your load inside $him.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		Your cum falls out of $his gaping hole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus > 2)>>
+		Cum flows out of $his gaped butthole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		Cum drips out of $his newly gaped anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		$His still-tight ass keeps your load inside $him.
+	<</if>>
-<<if canImpreg($activeSlave, $PC)>>
-	<<= knockMeUp($activeSlave, 5, 1, -1)>>
+	<<if canImpreg($activeSlave, $PC)>>
+		<<= knockMeUp($activeSlave, 5, 1, -1)>>
+	<</if>>
-<<if $postSexCleanUp > 0>>
-	<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.anus < 2>>
-			<<set _Anus = "tight butt">>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.anus < 3>>
-			<<set _Anus = "used butthole">>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.anus < 4>>
-			<<set _Anus = "gaping butthole">>
-		<<else>>
-			<<set _Anus = "anal gape">>
+	<<if $postSexCleanUp > 0>>
+		<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.anus < 2>>
+				<<set _Anus = "tight butt">>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.anus < 3>>
+				<<set _Anus = "used butthole">>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.anus < 4>>
+				<<set _Anus = "gaping butthole">>
+			<<else>>
+				<<set _Anus = "anal gape">>
+			<</if>>
+			<<switch $activeSlave.assignment>>
+			<<case "work in the brothel">>
+				$He goes to wash $his _Anus so $his next customer can have the illusion that he's the first to use it today.
+			<<case "serve in the club">>
+				$He goes to wash and delicately perfume $his _Anus so it can gratify the finest citizen.
+			<<case "work in the dairy">>
+				$He goes off to carefully wash $his _Anus to avoid besmirching the nice clean dairy.
+			<<case "work as a farmhand">>
+				$He goes off to wash $his _Anus to avoid tainting the food in $farmyardName.
+			<<case "work as a servant">>
+				$He rushes to wash $his _Anus, impatient to get back to $his many chores.
+			<<case "work as a nanny">>
+				$He goes off to wash $his _Anus, before hurrying to continue taking care of the children in $nurseryName.
+			<<case "whore">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before returning to offering it for sale.
+			<<case "serve the public">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before returning to offering it for free.
+			<<case "be a servant">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus, since $his chores didn't perform themselves while you used $his backdoor.
+			<<case "rest">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before crawling back into bed, face down.
+			<<case "get milked">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus <<if $activeSlave.lactation > 0>>before going to get $his uncomfortably milk-filled tits drained<<else>>and then rests until $his balls are ready to be drained again<</if>>.
+			<<case "please you">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before returning to await your next use of $his backdoor, as though nothing had happened.
+			<<case "be a subordinate slave">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus, though it's only a matter of time before another slave decides to play with $his backdoor.
+			<<case "be your Head Girl">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus, worried that $his charges got up to trouble while $he enjoyed the buttsex.
+			<<case "guard you">>
+				$He hurries off to wash $his _Anus so you'll be unguarded for as little time as possible.
+			<<case "train slaves">>
+				$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before $he returns to teaching $his classes, a little bow-legged.
+			<<default>>
+				$He hurries off to wash $his _Anus before going back to $activeSlave.assignment.
+			<</switch>>
+			<<set _Anus = "">>
-		<<switch $activeSlave.assignment>>
-		<<case "work in the brothel">>
-			$He goes to wash $his _Anus so $his next customer can have the illusion that he's the first to use it today.
-		<<case "serve in the club">>
-			$He goes to wash and delicately perfume $his _Anus so it can gratify the finest citizen.
-		<<case "work in the dairy">>
-			$He goes off to carefully wash $his _Anus to avoid besmirching the nice clean dairy.
-		<<case "work as a farmhand">>
-			$He goes off to wash $his _Anus to avoid tainting the food in $farmyardName.
-		<<case "work as a servant">>
-			$He rushes to wash $his _Anus, impatient to get back to $his many chores.
-		<<case "work as a nanny">>
-			$He goes off to wash $his _Anus, before hurrying to continue taking care of the children in $nurseryName.
-		<<case "whore">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before returning to offering it for sale.
-		<<case "serve the public">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before returning to offering it for free.
-		<<case "be a servant">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus, since $his chores didn't perform themselves while you used $his backdoor.
-		<<case "rest">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before crawling back into bed, face down.
-		<<case "get milked">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus <<if $activeSlave.lactation > 0>>before going to get $his uncomfortably milk-filled tits drained<<else>>and then rests until $his balls are ready to be drained again<</if>>.
-		<<case "please you">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before returning to await your next use of $his backdoor, as though nothing had happened.
-		<<case "be a subordinate slave">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus, though it's only a matter of time before another slave decides to play with $his backdoor.
-		<<case "be your Head Girl">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus, worried that $his charges got up to trouble while $he enjoyed the buttsex.
-		<<case "guard you">>
-			$He hurries off to wash $his _Anus so you'll be unguarded for as little time as possible.
-		<<case "train slaves">>
-			$He uses an enema to clean $his _Anus before $he returns to teaching $his classes, a little bow-legged.
-		<<default>>
-			$He hurries off to wash $his _Anus before going back to $activeSlave.assignment.
-		<</switch>>
-		<<set _Anus = "">>
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/fBoobs.tw b/src/npc/descriptions/fBoobs.tw
index 3c7ab1efb577085b62af54fa18eabf56c03cb518..c90f2863c385865f23b02281f78a8b8aec37d649 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/fBoobs.tw
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/fBoobs.tw
@@ -60,38 +60,38 @@ tits.
 	<<if $PC.dick == 1>>
 		You lay $him down on the couch on $his back, lather oil onto $his breasts and gingerly straddle $his face; your stiff prick between $his tits and under your belly, and your needy cunt over $his mouth.
 		<<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 20000)>>
-		$His breasts are so colossal you can barely maintain this position. They completely devour your dick and threaten to swallow up your pregnant belly as well. Between $his licking, and the fleshy prison surrounding your privates, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
+			$His breasts are so colossal you can barely maintain this position. They completely devour your dick and threaten to swallow up your pregnant belly as well. Between $his licking, and the fleshy prison surrounding your privates, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 10000)>>
-		$His breasts are so massive you can barely maintain this position. They completely devour your dick and swell around the sides of your pregnancy as well. Between $his licking, and the fleshy prison surrounding your privates, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
+			$His breasts are so massive you can barely maintain this position. They completely devour your dick and swell around the sides of your pregnancy as well. Between $his licking, and the fleshy prison surrounding your privates, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 5000)>>
-		$His breasts are so monstrous they completely devour your dick and tickle your pregnant belly. Pushing $his breasts together under your gravidness, you thrust between them and the underside of your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy into $his face. With $his licking, and all the flesh against your cock, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
+			$His breasts are so monstrous they completely devour your dick and tickle your pregnant belly. Pushing $his breasts together under your gravidness, you thrust between them and the underside of your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy into $his face. With $his licking, and all the flesh against your cock, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 1000)>>
-		$His huge breasts fill the area under your pregnancy nicely. Pushing them together under your gravidness, you thrust between them and the underside of your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy into $his face. With $his licking, and all the flesh against your cock, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
+			$His huge breasts fill the area under your pregnancy nicely. Pushing them together under your gravidness, you thrust between them and the underside of your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy into $his face. With $his licking, and all the flesh against your cock, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobsImplant > 250)>>
-		$His fake breasts fill the area under your pregnancy nicely. Pushing them together under your gravidness, you thrust between them and the underside of your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy into $his face. With $his licking, and all the flesh against your cock, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
+			$His fake breasts fill the area under your pregnancy nicely. Pushing them together under your gravidness, you thrust between them and the underside of your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy into $his face. With $his licking, and all the flesh against your cock, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>>
-		$His big breasts fill the area under your pregnancy nicely. You thrust between them and the underside of your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy into $his face. With $his licking, and all the flesh against your cock, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
+			$His big breasts fill the area under your pregnancy nicely. You thrust between them and the underside of your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy into $his face. With $his licking, and all the flesh against your cock, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and plant your seed deep into $his cleavage.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 300)>>
-		You have to feel around under your pregnancy to hold your cock against $his tiny breasts. You thrust against them and your hand, while the other teases your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy against $his face. Between $his licking, and your own teasing, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and splatter your seed across $his front.
+			You have to feel around under your pregnancy to hold your cock against $his tiny breasts. You thrust against them and your hand, while the other teases your middle, all the while rubbing your pussy against $his face. Between $his licking, and your own teasing, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and splatter your seed across $his front.
-		You have to lean forward and pin your cock against $his flat chest with the underside of your own pregnancy to make any real channel to thrust into. You fondle your belly<<if $PC.boobs > 0>> and breasts<</if>>, all the while rubbing your pussy against $his face. Between $his licking, and your own teasing, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and splatter your seed across your underbelly and $his front. You turn around and have $his lick you clean before pulling your gravid bulk off of $him.
+			You have to lean forward and pin your cock against $his flat chest with the underside of your own pregnancy to make any real channel to thrust into. You fondle your belly<<if $PC.boobs > 0>> and breasts<</if>>, all the while rubbing your pussy against $his face. Between $his licking, and your own teasing, it doesn't take long for you to soak $his face and splatter your seed across your underbelly and $his front. You turn around and have $his lick you clean before pulling your gravid bulk off of $him.
 		You lay $him down on the couch on $his back, lather oil onto $his breasts and gingerly straddle $his face; your needy cunt over $his mouth.
 		<<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 20000)>>
-		$His breasts are so colossal you can barely maintain this position, but they are massively fun to play with as $he eats you out. You massage your pregnancy with $his acres of breast flesh, teasing your own stretched skin with $hers. You can visibly see the vibrations running through $his tits as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you fall into $his endless cleavage for a short rest.
+			$His breasts are so colossal you can barely maintain this position, but they are massively fun to play with as $he eats you out. You massage your pregnancy with $his acres of breast flesh, teasing your own stretched skin with $hers. You can visibly see the vibrations running through $his tits as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you fall into $his endless cleavage for a short rest.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 10000)>>
-		$His breasts are so massive you can barely maintain this position, but they are fun to play with as $he eats you out. You massage the edges of your pregnancy with $his breast flesh, teasing your own stretched skin with $hers. You can visibly see the vibrations running through $his tits as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you fall into $his immense cleavage for a short rest.
+			$His breasts are so massive you can barely maintain this position, but they are fun to play with as $he eats you out. You massage the edges of your pregnancy with $his breast flesh, teasing your own stretched skin with $hers. You can visibly see the vibrations running through $his tits as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you fall into $his immense cleavage for a short rest.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 5000)>>
-		$His breasts are so monstrous they make a fabulous rest for your pregnancy as $he eats you out. You tease $his breasts using your baby bump, rubbing it against them and vice versa. You can visibly see the vibrations running through $his tits as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you dismount and lean against $his monster breasts for a quick rest.
+			$His breasts are so monstrous they make a fabulous rest for your pregnancy as $he eats you out. You tease $his breasts using your baby bump, rubbing it against them and vice versa. You can visibly see the vibrations running through $his tits as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you dismount and lean against $his monster breasts for a quick rest.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 1000)>>
-		$His breasts are huge enough to support your pregnancy as $he eats you out. You press your belly more and more into them as $his tongue delves deeper into your folds. You can visibly see the vibrations running through the breast flesh forced to the sides of your middle as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you dismount and lean against $his huge breasts for a quick rest.
+			$His breasts are huge enough to support your pregnancy as $he eats you out. You press your belly more and more into them as $his tongue delves deeper into your folds. You can visibly see the vibrations running through the breast flesh forced to the sides of your middle as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you dismount and lean against $his huge breasts for a quick rest.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>>
-		$His big breasts fill the area under your pregnancy nicely. You press your belly more and more into them as $his tongue delves deeper into your folds. You can visibly see the vibrations running through the breast flesh forced to the sides of your middle as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you dismount and lean against $his big breasts for a quick rest.
+			$His big breasts fill the area under your pregnancy nicely. You press your belly more and more into them as $his tongue delves deeper into your folds. You can visibly see the vibrations running through the breast flesh forced to the sides of your middle as you quiver from the mouth working your pussy. Thoroughly soaking $him, you dismount and lean against $his big breasts for a quick rest.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 300)>>
-		$His tiny breasts are completely covered by your pregnancy. You reach under yourself, grabbing what you can of $his breasts and pushing them against your crotch. Between rubbing $his breasts against your self and $his tongue in your pussy, you quickly climax, thoroughly soaking $him.
+			$His tiny breasts are completely covered by your pregnancy. You reach under yourself, grabbing what you can of $his breasts and pushing them against your crotch. Between rubbing $his breasts against your self and $his tongue in your pussy, you quickly climax, thoroughly soaking $him.
-		$His flat chest is completely covered by your pregnancy. Reach under yourself, you feel around until you find $his nipples. You tease $his flat chest until you're at you limit, thoroughly soaking $him, before dismounting and returning to your desk.
+			$His flat chest is completely covered by your pregnancy. Reach under yourself, you feel around until you find $his nipples. You tease $his flat chest until you're at you limit, thoroughly soaking $him, before dismounting and returning to your desk.
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.amp == 1)>>
@@ -105,25 +105,25 @@ tits.
 <<elseif tooBigBelly($activeSlave)>>
 	<<if $PC.dick == 1>>
-	$His excessively large belly makes $him a unique appliance for mammary intercourse. You lay $him down on the ground on $his back, lube $his cleavage, and gingerly fit yourself between $his belly and $his breasts. With your cock between $his breasts, you <<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>>squash $his tits together to form a nice lubricated channel,<<else>>hold your cock in place,<</if>> and ride back and forth on $him. You blast $him in the face with your cum in no time<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>, leaving your pussyjuice on $his belly where you rubbed against $him<</if>>.
+		$His excessively large belly makes $him a unique appliance for mammary intercourse. You lay $him down on the ground on $his back, lube $his cleavage, and gingerly fit yourself between $his belly and $his breasts. With your cock between $his breasts, you <<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>>squash $his tits together to form a nice lubricated channel,<<else>>hold your cock in place,<</if>> and ride back and forth on $him. You blast $him in the face with your cum in no time<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>, leaving your pussyjuice on $his belly where you rubbed against $him<</if>>.
 	<<elseif $PC.boobs != 0>>
-	You lie down on top of $him, face to face, forced high into the air by $his excessively large belly, so that your breasts press into $his<<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 20000)>> colossal tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 10000)>> massive tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 5000)>> monster tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 1000)>> huge tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobsImplant > 250)>> fake tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>> big tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 300)>> small tits.<<else>> flat chest.<</if>> Scooting around to stimulate your nipples against $his warm breastflesh, you kiss the slave while pushing a hand down between you to schlick yourself against $him.
+		You lie down on top of $him, face to face, forced high into the air by $his excessively large belly, so that your breasts press into $his<<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 20000)>> colossal tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 10000)>> massive tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 5000)>> monster tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 1000)>> huge tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobsImplant > 250)>> fake tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>> big tits.<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 300)>> small tits.<<else>> flat chest.<</if>> Scooting around to stimulate your nipples against $his warm breastflesh, you kiss the slave while pushing a hand down between you to schlick yourself against $him.
-	You set $his massively distended body on the floor, and tease $him for a while until $his nipples are rock hard. This done, you kneel down on $him with each of your legs aside $his torso, rear against the top of $his belly, and hump your pussy back and forth on the stiff nub of one nipple. $He lies there, desperately trying to reach around $his bulk to $his own pussy, but unable to do so, resorts to squirming with the stimulation.
+		You set $his massively distended body on the floor, and tease $him for a while until $his nipples are rock hard. This done, you kneel down on $him with each of your legs aside $his torso, rear against the top of $his belly, and hump your pussy back and forth on the stiff nub of one nipple. $He lies there, desperately trying to reach around $his bulk to $his own pussy, but unable to do so, resorts to squirming with the stimulation.
 <<elseif tooBigBreasts($activeSlave)>>
 	<<if $PC.dick == 1>>
-	$His excessive breasts make $him a unique appliance for mammary intercourse. You lay $him down on the ground on $his back, lube $his cleavage, and straddle $his torso. $He holds $his udders together, creating a warm, wet channel as fuckable as any hole. You blast $him in the face with your cum in no time<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>, leaving your pussyjuice on $his chest where you rubbed against $him<</if>>.
+		$His excessive breasts make $him a unique appliance for mammary intercourse. You lay $him down on the ground on $his back, lube $his cleavage, and straddle $his torso. $He holds $his udders together, creating a warm, wet channel as fuckable as any hole. You blast $him in the face with your cum in no time<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>, leaving your pussyjuice on $his chest where you rubbed against $him<</if>>.
 	<<elseif $PC.boobs != 0>>
-	You lie down on top of $him, face to face, so that your much smaller breasts press into the massive pillows formed by $his chest. Scooting around to stimulate your nipples against $his warm breastflesh, you kiss the slave while pushing a hand down between you to schlick yourself against $him.
+		You lie down on top of $him, face to face, so that your much smaller breasts press into the massive pillows formed by $his chest. Scooting around to stimulate your nipples against $his warm breastflesh, you kiss the slave while pushing a hand down between you to schlick yourself against $him.
-	You set $his nearly helpless body on the floor and then scoot your hips under the massive weight of $his tits. The heft feels nice against you, and you worm a naughty hand under there to play with yourself in the warm cave formed by your pelvis and $his udders.
+		You set $his nearly helpless body on the floor and then scoot your hips under the massive weight of $his tits. The heft feels nice against you, and you worm a naughty hand under there to play with yourself in the warm cave formed by your pelvis and $his udders.
 <<elseif tooBigButt($activeSlave)>>
 	<<if $PC.dick == 1>>
-	$His excessive butt makes $him a unique appliance for mammary intercourse. You lay $him down on the ground on $his back, $his butt hoisting $his crotch high above $his head, lube $his cleavage, and straddle $his torso. With your cock between $his breasts, you <<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>>squash $his tits together to form a nice lubricated channel,<<else>>hold your cock in place,<</if>> and ride back and forth on $him<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>, leaving your pussyjuice on $his chest where you rubbed against $him<</if>>. $He has some trouble breathing under the assault, but $he manages. And for the finale, $he's totally unable to avoid a perfect cumshot.
+		$His excessive butt makes $him a unique appliance for mammary intercourse. You lay $him down on the ground on $his back, $his butt hoisting $his crotch high above $his head, lube $his cleavage, and straddle $his torso. With your cock between $his breasts, you <<if ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>>squash $his tits together to form a nice lubricated channel,<<else>>hold your cock in place,<</if>> and ride back and forth on $him<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>, leaving your pussyjuice on $his chest where you rubbed against $him<</if>>. $He has some trouble breathing under the assault, but $he manages. And for the finale, $he's totally unable to avoid a perfect cumshot.
 	<<elseif $PC.boobs != 0>>
-	You set $him upright on your lap, facing you, so that your breasts and $hers are resting heavily against one another and $his massive ass covers your lap. $He turns $his head to avoid getting splashed in the eyes as you add a generous coating of oil to the combined breastflesh. You reach around to grab $his luxurious ass and jiggle $him up and down, giving you both a wonderful mammary oil massage.
+		You set $him upright on your lap, facing you, so that your breasts and $hers are resting heavily against one another and $his massive ass covers your lap. $He turns $his head to avoid getting splashed in the eyes as you add a generous coating of oil to the combined breastflesh. You reach around to grab $his luxurious ass and jiggle $him up and down, giving you both a wonderful mammary oil massage.
 		You set $his nearly helpless body on the floor and then scoot your hips under the massive weight of $his tits. The heft feels nice against you, and you worm a naughty hand under there to play with yourself in the warm cave formed by your pelvis and $his udders.
@@ -200,40 +200,40 @@ tits.
 <<if ($activeSlave.amp !== 1)>>
-<<switch $activeSlave.assignment>>
-<<case "work in the dairy">>
-	$He goes off to carefully wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> to keep production in $dairyName nice and sanitary.
-<<case "work as a farmhand">>
-	$He goes off to carefully wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> to make sure $he doesn't taint the food in $farmyardName.
-<<case "whore">>
-	$He heads off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before $he returns to prostituting $himself.
-<<case "work in the brothel">>
-	$He goes to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, even though it's likely to be splashed with customers' cum soon after $he returns to work.
-<<case "serve the public">>
-	$He heads off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before $he goes back out to fuck passersby.
-<<case "serve in the club">>
-	$He goes to beautify $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> so it can again serve as an ornament to $clubName.
-<<case "work as a servant">>
-	$He rushes to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, afraid $he's fallen behind on the chores while you used $him.
-<<case "work as a nanny">>
-	$He rushes to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, before hurrying to continue taking care of the children in $nurseryName.
-<<case "rest">>
-	$He stumbles off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before crawling back into bed.
-<<case "train slaves">>
-	$He heads off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before $he returns to $his classes.
-<<case "get milked">>
-	$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> <<if $activeSlave.lactation > 0>>before going to get $his uncomfortably milk-filled tits drained<<else>>and then rests until $his balls are ready to be drained again<</if>>.
-<<case "please you">>
-	$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before returning to await use, as though nothing had happened.
-<<case "be a subordinate slave">>
-	$He moves off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, though it's only a matter of time before another slave decides to play with $his tits.
-<<case "be a servant">>
-	$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, since $his chores didn't perform themselves while you titfucked $him.
-<<case "be your Head Girl">>
-	$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, worried that $his charges got up to trouble while $he had $his breasts around your cock.
-<<case "guard you">>
-	$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> so that you will be unguarded for as little time as possible.
+	<<switch $activeSlave.assignment>>
+	<<case "work in the dairy">>
+		$He goes off to carefully wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> to keep production in $dairyName nice and sanitary.
+	<<case "work as a farmhand">>
+		$He goes off to carefully wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> to make sure $he doesn't taint the food in $farmyardName.
+	<<case "whore">>
+		$He heads off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before $he returns to prostituting $himself.
+	<<case "work in the brothel">>
+		$He goes to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, even though it's likely to be splashed with customers' cum soon after $he returns to work.
+	<<case "serve the public">>
+		$He heads off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before $he goes back out to fuck passersby.
+	<<case "serve in the club">>
+		$He goes to beautify $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> so it can again serve as an ornament to $clubName.
+	<<case "work as a servant">>
+		$He rushes to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, afraid $he's fallen behind on the chores while you used $him.
+	<<case "work as a nanny">>
+		$He rushes to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, before hurrying to continue taking care of the children in $nurseryName.
+	<<case "rest">>
+		$He stumbles off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before crawling back into bed.
+	<<case "train slaves">>
+		$He heads off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before $he returns to $his classes.
+	<<case "get milked">>
+		$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> <<if $activeSlave.lactation > 0>>before going to get $his uncomfortably milk-filled tits drained<<else>>and then rests until $his balls are ready to be drained again<</if>>.
+	<<case "please you">>
+		$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> before returning to await use, as though nothing had happened.
+	<<case "be a subordinate slave">>
+		$He moves off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, though it's only a matter of time before another slave decides to play with $his tits.
+	<<case "be a servant">>
+		$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, since $his chores didn't perform themselves while you titfucked $him.
+	<<case "be your Head Girl">>
+		$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>>, worried that $his charges got up to trouble while $he had $his breasts around your cock.
+	<<case "guard you">>
+		$He hurries off to wash $his <<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1500>>acre of cleavage<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 500>>generous cleavage<<else>>chest<</if>> so that you will be unguarded for as little time as possible.
+	<</switch>>
 <<if passage() !== "Slave Interact">>
diff --git a/src/npc/exportSlave.tw b/src/npc/exportSlave.tw
index b4a2464c1433d99b18cfc81722804187870e5d34..1cf3bef48208e0bd0a7d42841e2b918b8d61d4a1 100644
--- a/src/npc/exportSlave.tw
+++ b/src/npc/exportSlave.tw
@@ -11,6 +11,6 @@
 /* <br><br><br> __Direct JSON export method__: <br><br> */
 <div class="output">
-<<set _jsonText = toJson($activeSlave)>>
+	<<set _jsonText = toJson($activeSlave)>>
+	_jsonText
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/npc/fPCImpreg.tw b/src/npc/fPCImpreg.tw
index c35fde2c6e718ca3521a9934115f2f22ca645dc9..b1c15d078afd86287dfc19902ad919922361a020 100644
--- a/src/npc/fPCImpreg.tw
+++ b/src/npc/fPCImpreg.tw
@@ -133,4 +133,3 @@ You repeat this ritual throughout the week, ensuring that $activeSlave.slaveName
 	<<set $rep += $FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist/$FSLockinLevel)>>
 	<<set $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist += 0.05*$FSSingleSlaveRep>>
diff --git a/src/npc/fRelation.tw b/src/npc/fRelation.tw
index 0524104b35e2c02540f7c5f6cd37095956987dcc..4d99a444dbdfc07f7258aaa9ea5c7cef0150f6c3 100644
--- a/src/npc/fRelation.tw
+++ b/src/npc/fRelation.tw
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ You call both $activeSlave.slaveName and $slaves[$partner].slaveName to your off
 	<<set $slaves[$partner].oralCount++, $activeSlave.oralCount++, $oralTotal++>>
 	<<= BothVCheck()>>
 	<<= PartnerVCheck()>>
-<<elseif ["twin", "daughter", "mother", "father", "sister", "half-sister"].includes(_activeSlaveRel)>>
+<<elseif ["daughter", "father", "half-sister", "mother", "sister", "twin"].includes(_activeSlaveRel)>>
 	Since between them they aren't able to enthusiastically perform an incestuous threesome, you simply line $activeSlave.slaveName and $slaves[$partner].slaveName up next to one another on the couch next to your desk,<<if ($PC.dick == 0)>> don a strap-on,<</if>> and fuck <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race holes <</if>>at will. Whenever a hole begins to pall you just switch to another. $activeSlave.slaveName tries hard to ignore the fact that $he's getting fucked next to $his _partnerRel, and $slaves[$partner].slaveName pretends the cock getting shoved into _him2 isn't slick from _his2 _activeSlaveRel's fuckhole.
 	<<= BothVCheck()>>
 	<<= PartnerVCheck()>>
diff --git a/src/npc/fRival.tw b/src/npc/fRival.tw
index ac91bdb4c39260ebe4ccd974a123b845a03c16e6..604f5abbc841b3681073cdf2dfd334e2b8c82375 100644
--- a/src/npc/fRival.tw
+++ b/src/npc/fRival.tw
@@ -57,4 +57,3 @@ $slaves[$partner].slaveName sees $activeSlave.slaveName as _he2 enters and looks
 <<if passage() !== "Slave Interact">>
 	<<set $nextLink = "AS Dump">>
diff --git a/src/npc/fSlaveImpreg.tw b/src/npc/fSlaveImpreg.tw
index d8aaf62c89f34e4b2d3ef36b50254610c4a55a8d..fb54d72f5a3cdb0cf4bf6366e6376116e6ed7818 100644
--- a/src/npc/fSlaveImpreg.tw
+++ b/src/npc/fSlaveImpreg.tw
@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ __Select an eligible slave to serve as the semen donatrix:__
 <<if ($eligibility == 0)>>
 	//You have no slaves capable of inseminating others.//
diff --git a/src/npc/fSlaveImpregConsummate.tw b/src/npc/fSlaveImpregConsummate.tw
index 7acc6c2456d334e58447545e27b57397a9a804e0..cbd4a716ed1a83cd3b95066c854bcd4870773c5e 100644
--- a/src/npc/fSlaveImpregConsummate.tw
+++ b/src/npc/fSlaveImpregConsummate.tw
@@ -299,49 +299,49 @@ $activeSlave.slaveName and $impregnatrix.slaveName are likely to produce
 <<if ($seeRace == 1)>>
-<<if ($activeSlave.race == "white") && ($impregnatrix.race == "white")>>
-	a pure white,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "asian") && ($impregnatrix.race == "asian")>>
-	a pure Asian,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "latina") && ($impregnatrix.race == "latina")>>
-	a pure latina,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
-	a pure black,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "middle eastern") && ($impregnatrix.race == "middle eastern")>>
-	a pure Middle Eastern,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "malay") && ($impregnatrix.race == "malay")>>
-	a pure malay,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "white") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
-	a mulatto,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "white")>>
-	a mulatto,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "white") && ($impregnatrix.race == "latina")>>
-	a mestizo,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "latina") && ($impregnatrix.race == "white")>>
-	a mestizo,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "asian") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
-	an Afro-Asian,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "asian")>>
-	an Afro-Asian,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "middle eastern") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
-	an Afro-Arab,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "middle eastern")>>
-	an Afro-Arab,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
-	an Afro-Indian,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "indo-aryan")>>
-	an Afro-Indian,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "amerindian") && ($impregnatrix.race == "white")>>
-	a mestizo,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "white") && ($impregnatrix.race == "amerindian")>>
-	a mestizo,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == $impregnatrix.race) && ($activeSlave.race !== "mixed race") && ($impregnatrix.race !== "mixed race")>>
-	an ethnically pure,
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.race !== $impregnatrix.race) && ($activeSlave.race !== "mixed race") && ($impregnatrix.race !== "mixed race")>>
-	a biracial,
-	mixed ethnicity,
+	<<if ($activeSlave.race == "white") && ($impregnatrix.race == "white")>>
+		a pure white,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "asian") && ($impregnatrix.race == "asian")>>
+		a pure Asian,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "latina") && ($impregnatrix.race == "latina")>>
+		a pure latina,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
+		a pure black,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "middle eastern") && ($impregnatrix.race == "middle eastern")>>
+		a pure Middle Eastern,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "malay") && ($impregnatrix.race == "malay")>>
+		a pure malay,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "white") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
+		a mulatto,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "white")>>
+		a mulatto,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "white") && ($impregnatrix.race == "latina")>>
+		a mestizo,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "latina") && ($impregnatrix.race == "white")>>
+		a mestizo,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "asian") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
+		an Afro-Asian,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "asian")>>
+		an Afro-Asian,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "middle eastern") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
+		an Afro-Arab,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "middle eastern")>>
+		an Afro-Arab,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan") && ($impregnatrix.race == "black")>>
+		an Afro-Indian,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "black") && ($impregnatrix.race == "indo-aryan")>>
+		an Afro-Indian,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "amerindian") && ($impregnatrix.race == "white")>>
+		a mestizo,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == "white") && ($impregnatrix.race == "amerindian")>>
+		a mestizo,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race == $impregnatrix.race) && ($activeSlave.race !== "mixed race") && ($impregnatrix.race !== "mixed race")>>
+		an ethnically pure,
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.race !== $impregnatrix.race) && ($activeSlave.race !== "mixed race") && ($impregnatrix.race !== "mixed race")>>
+		a biracial,
+	<<else>>
+		mixed ethnicity,
+	<</if>>
@@ -380,4 +380,3 @@ $activeSlave.slaveName and $impregnatrix.slaveName are likely to produce
 <<set $slaves[$slaveIndices[$impregnatrix.ID]] = $impregnatrix>> /* save changes */
diff --git a/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.tw b/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.tw
index bea301341dce0b3606277a6ee5d072aa1a18d443..17ea4b39eefdd95fccc284e7b24223605995bfc8 100644
--- a/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.tw
+++ b/src/npc/startingGirls/startingGirls.tw
@@ -1602,24 +1602,24 @@ Her nationality is $activeSlave.nationality.
 //Inexpensive potential to become a great right hand woman//
 <<if $seeExtreme != 0>>
-<<link "Wellspring">>
-	<<StartingGirlsWorkaround>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0, $activeSlave.oralSkill = 0, $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 0, $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0, $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0, $activeSlave.combatSkill = 0, $activeSlave.actualAge = 18, $activeSlave.visualAge = 18, $activeSlave.physicalAge = 18, $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0, $activeSlave.attrKnown = 0, $activeSlave.health = 10, $activeSlave.intelligence = -100, $activeSlave.intelligenceImplant = 0, $activeSlave.vagina = 3, $activeSlave.anus = 3, $activeSlave.ovaries = 1, $activeSlave.dick = 5, $activeSlave.balls = 5, $activeSlave.prostate = 1, $activeSlave.lactation = 2, $activeSlave.lactationDuration = 2, $activeSlave.nipples = "huge", $activeSlave.boobs = 10000>>
-	<<StartingGirlsRefresh>>
-	<<SaleDescription>>
-	<<StartingGirlsCost>>
-//Capable of producing all kinds of useful fluids//
-<<link "Onahole">>
-	<<StartingGirlsWorkaround>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0, $activeSlave.oralSkill = 0, $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 0, $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0, $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0, $activeSlave.combatSkill = 0, $activeSlave.fetish = "mindbroken", $activeSlave.amp = 1, $activeSlave.voice = 0, $activeSlave.eyes = 1, $activeSlave.hears = 0>>
-	<<StartingGirlsRefresh>>
-	<<SaleDescription>>
-	<<StartingGirlsCost>>
-//A living cocksleeve//
+	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+	<<link "Wellspring">>
+		<<StartingGirlsWorkaround>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0, $activeSlave.oralSkill = 0, $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 0, $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0, $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0, $activeSlave.combatSkill = 0, $activeSlave.actualAge = 18, $activeSlave.visualAge = 18, $activeSlave.physicalAge = 18, $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0, $activeSlave.attrKnown = 0, $activeSlave.health = 10, $activeSlave.intelligence = -100, $activeSlave.intelligenceImplant = 0, $activeSlave.vagina = 3, $activeSlave.anus = 3, $activeSlave.ovaries = 1, $activeSlave.dick = 5, $activeSlave.balls = 5, $activeSlave.prostate = 1, $activeSlave.lactation = 2, $activeSlave.lactationDuration = 2, $activeSlave.nipples = "huge", $activeSlave.boobs = 10000>>
+		<<StartingGirlsRefresh>>
+		<<SaleDescription>>
+		<<StartingGirlsCost>>
+	<</link>>
+	//Capable of producing all kinds of useful fluids//
+	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+	<<link "Onahole">>
+		<<StartingGirlsWorkaround>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0, $activeSlave.oralSkill = 0, $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 0, $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0, $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0, $activeSlave.combatSkill = 0, $activeSlave.fetish = "mindbroken", $activeSlave.amp = 1, $activeSlave.voice = 0, $activeSlave.eyes = 1, $activeSlave.hears = 0>>
+		<<StartingGirlsRefresh>>
+		<<SaleDescription>>
+		<<StartingGirlsCost>>
+	<</link>>
+	//A living cocksleeve//
 <br><br>__Start over by selecting a nationality:__
@@ -1636,7 +1636,7 @@ Her nationality is $activeSlave.nationality.
 	<<if _sg < setup.baseNationalities.length-1>>
-	|
+		|
diff --git a/src/player/actions/fondleButt.tw b/src/player/actions/fondleButt.tw
index 3490910f9f1c67d5cefb3adde60bb7ccaec8ee7d..845412338d3f54683053b0acd4b5ebdee9e53981 100644
--- a/src/player/actions/fondleButt.tw
+++ b/src/player/actions/fondleButt.tw
@@ -333,117 +333,117 @@ as well as $his
 		$He's opposed to the thought of your hands groping $him, but as an amputee can do nothing about it. You reach around and grab $his
-		<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
-			flat
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
-			cute
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
-			firm
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
-			generous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
-			massive
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
-			enormous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
-			gigantic
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
-			inhuman
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
-			couch-like
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>> buttocks.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-			$He tries to grab your wrists to keep them away but $he cannot resist for long.
-		<</if>>
-		You start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his<<if $seeRace == 1>> $activeSlave.race<</if>> ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. $He tries to break out of your grasp as you rub fingers around $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping anus.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose anus.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used asshole.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight butthole.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin butthole.
-		<</if>>
-		$He writhes as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He struggles to stay still while you circle around $his anus, not breaking contact with $him with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he has shut $his eyes, trying not to think about what's happening to $his butt. This only encourages you to continue. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly — first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but quiver while in your grasp.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and push $him down, bending $him over your desk while $he tries to push away.
-		<<else>>
-			You move closer to $him, turn $him around and push $him down, face down on your desk while $he tries to wriggle desperately.
-		<</if>>
-		You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You wander along the outline of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, then look at $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin
-		<</if>>
-		butthole as you trace it with your fingers and thumb. Eventually, you decide to stop. $He slowly stands and looks in your eyes, as though almost demanding answers. $He looks apprehensive about what you will do next.
+	<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
+		flat
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
+		cute
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
+		firm
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
+		generous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
+		massive
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
+		enormous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
+		gigantic
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
+		inhuman
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
+		couch-like
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>> buttocks.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		$He tries to grab your wrists to keep them away but $he cannot resist for long.
+	<</if>>
+	You start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his<<if $seeRace == 1>> $activeSlave.race<</if>> ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. $He tries to break out of your grasp as you rub fingers around $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used asshole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight butthole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin butthole.
+	<</if>>
+	$He writhes as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He struggles to stay still while you circle around $his anus, not breaking contact with $him with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he has shut $his eyes, trying not to think about what's happening to $his butt. This only encourages you to continue. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly — first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but quiver while in your grasp.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and push $him down, bending $him over your desk while $he tries to push away.
+	<<else>>
+		You move closer to $him, turn $him around and push $him down, face down on your desk while $he tries to wriggle desperately.
+	<</if>>
+	You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You wander along the outline of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, then look at $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin
+	<</if>>
+	butthole as you trace it with your fingers and thumb. Eventually, you decide to stop. $He slowly stands and looks in your eyes, as though almost demanding answers. $He looks apprehensive about what you will do next.
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 20) && ($activeSlave.vagina < 0)>>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
 		You instruct $him to present $his anus. $He complies without comment, standing in front of you.
 		$He's hesitant at the thought of your hands groping $him, but as an amputee can do nothing about it.
-		You reach around and grab $his
-		<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
-			flat
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
-			cute
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
-			firm
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
-			generous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
-			massive
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
-			enormous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
-			gigantic
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
-			inhuman
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
-			couch-like
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>> buttocks. $His dick cannot stop twitching as you start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his<<if $seeRace == 1>> $activeSlave.race<</if>> ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. You rub your fingers around $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping anus.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose anus.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used asshole.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight butthole.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin butthole.
-		<</if>>
-		$He writhes as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He struggles to stay still while you circle around $his anus with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he has shut $his eyes, trying not to get aroused by your touch on $his butt. This only encourages you to continue. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly — first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but quiver while in your grasp.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and push $him down, bending $him over your desk.
-		<<else>>
-			You move closer to $him, turn $him around and push $him down, face down on your desk while $he wriggles.
-		<</if>>
-		You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You wander along the outline of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, then look at $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin
-		<</if>>
-		butthole as you trace it with your fingers and thumb. Eventually, you decide to stop and $he looks up at you quizzically, unsure about what you will do next.
+	You reach around and grab $his
+	<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
+		flat
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
+		cute
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
+		firm
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
+		generous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
+		massive
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
+		enormous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
+		gigantic
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
+		inhuman
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
+		couch-like
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>> buttocks. $His dick cannot stop twitching as you start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his<<if $seeRace == 1>> $activeSlave.race<</if>> ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. You rub your fingers around $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used asshole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight butthole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin butthole.
+	<</if>>
+	$He writhes as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He struggles to stay still while you circle around $his anus with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he has shut $his eyes, trying not to get aroused by your touch on $his butt. This only encourages you to continue. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly — first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but quiver while in your grasp.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and push $him down, bending $him over your desk.
+	<<else>>
+		You move closer to $him, turn $him around and push $him down, face down on your desk while $he wriggles.
+	<</if>>
+	You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You wander along the outline of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, then look at $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin
+	<</if>>
+	butthole as you trace it with your fingers and thumb. Eventually, you decide to stop and $he looks up at you quizzically, unsure about what you will do next.
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 50)>>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
 		You instruct $him to present $his <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>>anus. $He hesitates but eventually stands in front of you showing $his buttocks before presenting $his
diff --git a/src/pregmod/JobFulfillmentCenter/JobFulfillmentCenterOrder.tw b/src/pregmod/JobFulfillmentCenter/JobFulfillmentCenterOrder.tw
index 7ca573244c5453a18629394e97cb9a5a774636da..9961389fcad3e14ad6c60c0c2f462cdbcc4455ca 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/JobFulfillmentCenter/JobFulfillmentCenterOrder.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/JobFulfillmentCenter/JobFulfillmentCenterOrder.tw
@@ -9,21 +9,20 @@
 <<if $JFCOrder == 0>>
 	<span id="JobType">
 		<<link "Security">>
-		<<replace "#JobType">>
-				<br>
-				/*<<if $SF.Toggle && $SF.Active >= 1 && $SF.Facility.Toggle > 0 && $SF.Facility.Active > 0 && $SF.Facility.LCActive < 1>>
-					<br>[[Lieutenant Colonel|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Lieutenant Colonel"]]
-				<</if>>*/
-				<br>[[Bodyguard|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Bodyguard"]]
-				<br>[[Wardeness|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Wardeness"]]
-				<br>[[Return|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder]]
-		<</replace>>
+			<<replace "#JobType">>
+					<br>
+					/*<<if $SF.Toggle && $SF.Active >= 1 && $SF.Facility.Toggle > 0 && $SF.Facility.Active > 0 && $SF.Facility.LCActive < 1>>
+						<br>[[Lieutenant Colonel|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Lieutenant Colonel"]]
+					<</if>>*/
+					<br>[[Bodyguard|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Bodyguard"]]
+					<br>[[Wardeness|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Wardeness"]]
+					<br>[[Return|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder]]
+			<</replace>>
 		<br><<link "Management">>
-		<<replace "#JobType">>
+			<<replace "#JobType">>
 				<br>[[Headgirl|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Headgirl"]]
 				<br>[[Teacher|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Teacher"]]
@@ -34,19 +33,18 @@
 				<br>[[Milkmaid|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Milkmaid"]]
 				<br>[[Farmer|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Farmer"]]
-		<</replace>>
+			<</replace>>
 		<br><<link "Entertainment">>
-		<<replace "#JobType">>
+			<<replace "#JobType">>
 				<br>[[DJ|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "DJ"]]
 				<br>[[Madam|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Madam"]]
 				<br>[[Concubine|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 1, $Role = "Concubine"]]
-		<</replace>>
+			<</replace>>
 	[[Withdraw slave order|JobFulfillmentCenterOrder][$JFCOrder = 0, $Role = ""]]
diff --git a/src/pregmod/beastFuck.tw b/src/pregmod/beastFuck.tw
index d2331ba056d5175f0b5c9718ddd8746258af0fd9..4d1ffb6b7294ca13dea8a83d9cba1d50eb7965f4 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/beastFuck.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/beastFuck.tw
@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@ before calling in the _animal.species. The _animal.species slowly saunters up to
 			<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
-		<<if ($activeSlave.energy <= 95) && ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "hates anal penetration")>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.energy <= 95) && ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "hates anal")>>
 			Having a _animal.species fuck $him by force has given $him a @@.red;hatred of anal penetration.@@
-			<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "hates anal penetration">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
@@ -325,11 +325,11 @@ before calling in the _animal.species. The _animal.species slowly saunters up to
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina == 2)>>
 		Cum drips out of $his stretched vagina.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina == 1)>>
-		$His still-tight vagina keeps your load inside $him.
+		$His still-tight vagina keeps its load inside $him.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina < 0)>>
 		Cum drips out of $his girly ass.
-		Your cum slides right out of $his gaping hole.
+		Its cum slides right out of $his gaping hole.
 	<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/electiveSurgery.tw b/src/pregmod/electiveSurgery.tw
index 8606c05d6fc8a49de9ca54ce443b21745888c286..ef56c7283b6ee8f977ddf84fb5f7e85fb9b3c981 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/electiveSurgery.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/electiveSurgery.tw
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ You're @@.orange;$PC.actualAge years old.@@
 You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original skin tone was $PC.origSkin.<</if>>
 <<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>>
-		[[Restore natural color|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = $PC.origSkin, cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] |
+	[[Restore natural color|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = $PC.origSkin, cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] |
 <<if $PC.skin != "pure white">>
 	[[Pure White|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.skin = "pure white", cashX(-2000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "skinTone"]] |
@@ -175,76 +175,76 @@ You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original
 <<if $PC.belly >= 100 && $PC.preg > 3>>
-<br><br>She darts for your middle.
-<<if $PC.belly >= 120000>>
-	"My god! What happened to you? You might now want to hit the fertility drugs so hard next time. Then again, I don't think you'll see us complaining when you come in for a tummy tuck to get everything back where it used to be." She says with a wink as she uses both hands to massage your
-	<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue octuplet-bursting belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
-	<<else>>over-crowded belly.
+	<br><br>She darts for your middle.
+	<<if $PC.belly >= 120000>>
+		"My god! What happened to you? You might now want to hit the fertility drugs so hard next time. Then again, I don't think you'll see us complaining when you come in for a tummy tuck to get everything back where it used to be." She says with a wink as she uses both hands to massage your
+		<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue octuplet-bursting belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
+		<<else>>over-crowded belly.
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 110000>>
+		"My god! What happened to you? You might now want to hit the fertility drugs so hard next time. Then again, I don't think you'll see us complaining when you come in for a tummy tuck to get everything back where it used to be." She says with a wink as she uses both hands to massage your
+		<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue septuplet-stuffed belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
+		<<else>>over-crowded belly.
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 95000>>
+		Oh wow! It's like a party in there!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your
+		<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue sextuplet-stuffed belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
+		<<else>>crowded belly.
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 80000>>
+		You must feel so full, like all the time. What's it feel like? Do they every calm down?" She says as she uses both hands to massage your
+		<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue quadruplet-filled belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
+		<<else>>crowded belly.
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 64000>>
+		Oh wow! You're immense! I almost can't wrap my arms around it!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your
+		<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue quadruplet-filled belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
+		<<else>>crowded belly.
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 48000>>
+		"Oh wow! You're gigantic! Are you sure you want to have surgery in this state? Things start to get complicated when you're this pregnant." She says as she uses both hands to massage your
+		<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue triplet-filled belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
+		<<else>>crowded belly.
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 32000>>
+		"My word, are you sure you want to have surgery in this state? You're gigantic! Plus things start to get complicated when you're this pregnant." She says as she uses both hands to massage your
+		<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue twin-filled belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
+		<<else>>crowded belly.
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 16000>>
+		"My word, are you sure you want to have surgery in this state? You're giant!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your
+		<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue belly, enjoying the kicks from your child within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
+		<<else>>belly, taking note of the extra occupants.
+		<</if>>
+		<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 14000>>
+		"Wow, are you going to be ok? That looks really heavy." She says as she uses both hands to grope your massive belly, paying extra attention to your navel. "Are you sure you don't want to take a seat?"<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 12000>>
+		"You're huge! Look at that adorable navel!" She says as she uses both hands to grope your huge belly, paying extra attention to your navel.<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 10000>>
+		"Look how big you are!" She says as she uses both hands to grope your huge belly.<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 7000>>
+		"You're getting so big!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your big pregnant belly.<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 5000>>
+		"You're getting so big!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your pregnant belly.<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 3000>>
+		"Looks like fun!" She says as she uses both hands to rub your pregnant belly.<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 1500>>
+		"Awwww, you're getting soo big!." She says as she rubs your pregnant belly.<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 500>>
+		"Awwww, you have a bun in the oven! That's so adorable, didn't think you the type." She says as she pats your rounded middle.<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 300>>
+		"Awwww, you have a bun in the oven! That's so adorable, didn't think you the type." She says as she rubs your slightly rounded middle.<br>
+	<<elseif $PC.belly >= 100>>
+		"Awwww, you have a bun in the oven! That's so adorable, didn't think you the type." She says as she rubs your slightly swollen belly. No denying it now.<br>
-	<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 110000>>
-	"My god! What happened to you? You might now want to hit the fertility drugs so hard next time. Then again, I don't think you'll see us complaining when you come in for a tummy tuck to get everything back where it used to be." She says with a wink as she uses both hands to massage your
-	<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue septuplet-stuffed belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
-	<<else>>over-crowded belly.
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 95000>>
-	Oh wow! It's like a party in there!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your
-	<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue sextuplet-stuffed belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
-	<<else>>crowded belly.
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 80000>>
-	You must feel so full, like all the time. What's it feel like? Do they every calm down?" She says as she uses both hands to massage your
-	<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue quadruplet-filled belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
-	<<else>>crowded belly.
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 64000>>
-	Oh wow! You're immense! I almost can't wrap my arms around it!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your
-	<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue quadruplet-filled belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
-	<<else>>crowded belly.
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 48000>>
-	"Oh wow! You're gigantic! Are you sure you want to have surgery in this state? Things start to get complicated when you're this pregnant." She says as she uses both hands to massage your
-	<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue triplet-filled belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
-	<<else>>crowded belly.
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 32000>>
-	"My word, are you sure you want to have surgery in this state? You're gigantic! Plus things start to get complicated when you're this pregnant." She says as she uses both hands to massage your
-	<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue twin-filled belly, enjoying the kicks from your children within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
-	<<else>>crowded belly.
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 16000>>
-	"My word, are you sure you want to have surgery in this state? You're giant!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your
-	<<if $PC.preg > 40>>overdue belly, enjoying the kicks from your child within. "If you go into labor, we have everything you'll need, so don't worry."
-	<<else>>belly, taking note of the extra occupants.
-	<</if>>
-	<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 14000>>
-	"Wow, are you going to be ok? That looks really heavy." She says as she uses both hands to grope your massive belly, paying extra attention to your navel. "Are you sure you don't want to take a seat?"<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 12000>>
-	"You're huge! Look at that adorable navel!" She says as she uses both hands to grope your huge belly, paying extra attention to your navel.<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 10000>>
-	"Look how big you are!" She says as she uses both hands to grope your huge belly.<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 7000>>
-	"You're getting so big!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your big pregnant belly.<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 5000>>
-	"You're getting so big!" She says as she uses both hands to massage your pregnant belly.<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 3000>>
-	"Looks like fun!" She says as she uses both hands to rub your pregnant belly.<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 1500>>
-	"Awwww, you're getting soo big!." She says as she rubs your pregnant belly.<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 500>>
-	"Awwww, you have a bun in the oven! That's so adorable, didn't think you the type." She says as she pats your rounded middle.<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 300>>
-	"Awwww, you have a bun in the oven! That's so adorable, didn't think you the type." She says as she rubs your slightly rounded middle.<br>
-<<elseif $PC.belly >= 100>>
-	"Awwww, you have a bun in the oven! That's so adorable, didn't think you the type." She says as she rubs your slightly swollen belly. No denying it now.<br>
 <<elseif $PC.belly >= 100 && $PC.preg < 1>>
 	She pinches your belly. "How about a tummy tuck? We can smooth this right out, cheaply too, @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(500)>>.@@" She lets your saggy middle flop back to its usual drooping state.
 	[[Firm up your stomach|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.belly = 0, cashX(-500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "tummyTuck"]]
@@ -281,66 +281,66 @@ You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original
 <<if $PC.dick == 1>>
-<br><br>"We could add gel around your testes to make your balls look bigger. Would also dampen any impacts to them as well, if that is anything to consider." She says, running a finger down the length of your shaft. "@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(7500)>>@@ for draining and @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(15000)>>@@ for filling, it's not the most simple procedure, you know? Anyway, they'll be very obvious, if that turns you on."
-<<if $AGrowth == 2>>
-	She takes another look at you before offering another option "of course, if you want bigger balls in a <i>functional</i> sense, we can do that too. The doctor's research in advanced targeted growth hormones has shown promising results in slaves, and he's been able to use them successfully on a few citizen patients so far. A direct injection of hormone gel, and your testes and prostate will grow on their own. Unlike the cosmetic gel, there's no reversing this treatment. It's expensive too, for the high quality drugs you want, @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(15000)>>@@ for one round of therapy. It'll cost @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>@@ if you want hormone treatment and a gel adjustment at the same time.<br>
-	She takes another look at you before continuing. "Of course, you seem like the type that might want bigger balls in a <i>functional</i> sense. The doctor's been working on a treatment using advanced targeted growth hormones, but it isn't quite ready yet. Might be something to keep in mind before you decide on a gel injection."<br>
-<<if $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 3>>
-	You have a @@.orange;monstrous, massive pair of balls@@ roughly the size of small watermelons; it's impossible to sit normally so you've had to buy special chairs, you've given up on wearing pants, and they're so obvious that people probably assume they're fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distended belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it.
-	<br>//You have trouble moving around and need special furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; you can hardly even walk anymore. It might be worth getting rid of the cosmetic gel.// | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]]
-<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
-	You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and they're so obvious that people probably assume they're fake, but every slave you fuck gets a swollen belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it.
-	<br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 3, $PC.ballsImplant = 4, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]]
-<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-	You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time.
-	<br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 2, $PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]]
-<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-	You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and your all-natural balls are so obvious they attract a lot of attention, but every slave you fuck gets a distended belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it.
-	<br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 4, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
-<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-	You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time but every slave you fuck gets a swollen belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it.
-	<br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 3, $PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
-<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
-	You have a @@.orange;large pair of balls;@@ you can certainly feel them as you move.
-	<br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 2, $PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
-<<elseif $PC.balls == 0 && $AGrowth == 2>>
-	<<if $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-		You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and everyone can tell they are fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distinct slap with each thrust and you love it.
-		<br>//Getting growth hormones is going to require reducing the amount of cosmetic gel you already have. // | [[Have some gel extracted and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Completely remove gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]]
-	<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
-		You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time.
-		<br>//Getting growth hormones is going to require reducing the amount of cosmetic gel you already have. // | [[Have some gel extracted and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Completely remove gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] | [[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
-	<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
-		You have a @@.orange;large pair of balls;@@ you can certainly feel them as you move.
-		<br>[[Remove the gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 1, $PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] | [[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+	<br><br>"We could add gel around your testes to make your balls look bigger. Would also dampen any impacts to them as well, if that is anything to consider." She says, running a finger down the length of your shaft. "@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(7500)>>@@ for draining and @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(15000)>>@@ for filling, it's not the most simple procedure, you know? Anyway, they'll be very obvious, if that turns you on."
+	<<if $AGrowth == 2>>
+		She takes another look at you before offering another option "of course, if you want bigger balls in a <i>functional</i> sense, we can do that too. The doctor's research in advanced targeted growth hormones has shown promising results in slaves, and he's been able to use them successfully on a few citizen patients so far. A direct injection of hormone gel, and your testes and prostate will grow on their own. Unlike the cosmetic gel, there's no reversing this treatment. It's expensive too, for the high quality drugs you want, @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(15000)>>@@ for one round of therapy. It'll cost @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>@@ if you want hormone treatment and a gel adjustment at the same time.<br>
-		You have a @@.orange;normal, uneventful pair of balls.@@
-		<br>[[Get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 1, $PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have the gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+		She takes another look at you before continuing. "Of course, you seem like the type that might want bigger balls in a <i>functional</i> sense. The doctor's been working on a treatment using advanced targeted growth hormones, but it isn't quite ready yet. Might be something to keep in mind before you decide on a gel injection."<br>
-	<<if $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
-		You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and everyone can tell they are fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distinct slap with each thrust and you love it.
-		<br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]]
-	<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
+	<<if $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 3>>
+		You have a @@.orange;monstrous, massive pair of balls@@ roughly the size of small watermelons; it's impossible to sit normally so you've had to buy special chairs, you've given up on wearing pants, and they're so obvious that people probably assume they're fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distended belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it.
+		<br>//You have trouble moving around and need special furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; you can hardly even walk anymore. It might be worth getting rid of the cosmetic gel.// | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]]
+	<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 3>>
+		You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and they're so obvious that people probably assume they're fake, but every slave you fuck gets a swollen belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it.
+		<br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 3, $PC.ballsImplant = 4, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]]
+	<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
 		You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time.
-		<br>[[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]]
-	<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
+		<br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 2, $PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkageHorm"]]
+	<<elseif $PC.balls > 2 && $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
+		You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and your all-natural balls are so obvious they attract a lot of attention, but every slave you fuck gets a distended belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it.
+		<br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 4, $PC.balls = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+	<<elseif $PC.balls == 2 && $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
+		You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time but every slave you fuck gets a swollen belly from all the cum you pump into them, and you love it.
+		<br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 3, $PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, $PC.balls = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+	<<elseif $PC.balls == 1 && $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
 		You have a @@.orange;large pair of balls;@@ you can certainly feel them as you move.
-		<br>[[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]]
+		<br>[[Get another round of growth hormones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 2, $PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+	<<elseif $PC.balls == 0 && $AGrowth == 2>>
+		<<if $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
+			You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and everyone can tell they are fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distinct slap with each thrust and you love it.
+			<br>//Getting growth hormones is going to require reducing the amount of cosmetic gel you already have. // | [[Have some gel extracted and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Completely remove gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]]
+		<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
+			You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time.
+			<br>//Getting growth hormones is going to require reducing the amount of cosmetic gel you already have. // | [[Have some gel extracted and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Completely remove gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] | [[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+		<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
+			You have a @@.orange;large pair of balls;@@ you can certainly feel them as you move.
+			<br>[[Remove the gel and get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, $PC.balls = 1, cashX(20000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballBigShrinkage"]] | [[Just get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 1, $PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Just get gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]] | [[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+		<<else>>
+			You have a @@.orange;normal, uneventful pair of balls.@@
+			<br>[[Get hormone treatment|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.balls = 1, $PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargementHorm"]] | [[Have the gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+		<</if>>
-		You have a @@.orange;normal, uneventful pair of balls.@@
-		<br>[[Have the gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+		<<if $PC.ballsImplant > 2>>
+			You have an @@.orange;enormous, heavy pair of balls@@ roughly the size of cantaloupes; it's difficult to sit normally, your clothes barely fit, and everyone can tell they are fake, but every slave you fuck gets a distinct slap with each thrust and you love it.
+			<br>//You're beginning to have trouble moving around and using furniture thanks to your over-sized nuts, even bringing your legs together is a pain; any bigger and they might seriously impede your ability to run your arcology, or walk, for that matter.// | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]]
+		<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 2>>
+			You have a @@.orange;huge pair of balls@@ roughly the size of softballs; they make quite a bulge in your clothes and dangle heavily any other time.
+			<br>[[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 3, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]]
+		<<elseif $PC.ballsImplant == 1>>
+			You have a @@.orange;large pair of balls;@@ you can certainly feel them as you move.
+			<br>[[Have more gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 2, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]] | [[Have gel extracted|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, cashX(-7500, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballShrinkage"]]
+		<<else>>
+			You have a @@.orange;normal, uneventful pair of balls.@@
+			<br>[[Have the gel added|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "ballEnlargement"]]
+		<</if>>
 <<if $PC.vagina == 1 && $PC.newVag == 0 && ($PC.births > 2 || $PC.career == "servant" || $PC.career == "escort")>>
-"Looking a little loose down there, I can fix that for you. Get you nice and tight again. Oh, and our pussies are guaranteed to not lose their tightness or your money back! @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(15000)>>@@ for a brand new vagina."
-[[Get a tighter vagina|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.newVag = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "tightPussy"]]
+	<br><br>
+	"Looking a little loose down there, I can fix that for you. Get you nice and tight again. Oh, and our pussies are guaranteed to not lose their tightness or your money back! @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(15000)>>@@ for a brand new vagina."
+	<br>
+	[[Get a tighter vagina|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.newVag = 1, cashX(-15000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "tightPussy"]]
 <<if $PC.preg == -2 && $PC.physicalAge < 70>>
@@ -355,33 +355,33 @@ You have @@.orange;$PC.skin skin.@@<<if $PC.skin != $PC.origSkin>> Your original
 <<if $PC.preg > 0>>
 	She pokes your belly. "You're pregnant. What did I tell you?"
-<<if $PC.dick == 1 && $PC.vagina == 1>>
-	You have working @@.orange;male and female reproductive organs@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@ "We'll store some of your sperm for you, should you decide to lose your maleness, and have it shipped to your arcology. Who you decide to use it on, well... That's up to you!"
-	<br>
-	[[Remove your male half|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2female"]] |
-	[[Remove your female half|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2male"]]
-	<<if $PC.title > 0>>
-		| [[Remove your male half completely|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2truefemale"]]
+	<<if $PC.dick == 1 && $PC.vagina == 1>>
+		You have working @@.orange;male and female reproductive organs@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@ "We'll store some of your sperm for you, should you decide to lose your maleness, and have it shipped to your arcology. Who you decide to use it on, well... That's up to you!"
+		<br>
+		[[Remove your male half|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2female"]] |
+		[[Remove your female half|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2male"]]
+		<<if $PC.title > 0>>
+			| [[Remove your male half completely|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2truefemale"]]
+		<<else>>
+			| [[Remove your female half completely|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2truemale"]]
+		<</if>>
+	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1>>
+		You have @@.orange;male genitalia@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@ "We'll store some of your sperm for you, should you decide to lose your maleness, and have it shipped to your arcology. Who you decide to use it on, well... That's up to you!"
+		<br>
+		[[Have your male organs replaced with female ones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2female"]] |
+		[[Add a female reproductive tract|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2herm"]]
+		<<if $PC.title > 0>>
+			| [[Become a woman|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2truefemale"]]
+			| [[Become a hermaphrodite girl|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2hermfemale"]]
+		<</if>>
-		| [[Remove your female half completely|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(25000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "herm2truemale"]]
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $PC.dick == 1>>
-	You have @@.orange;male genitalia@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@ "We'll store some of your sperm for you, should you decide to lose your maleness, and have it shipped to your arcology. Who you decide to use it on, well... That's up to you!"
-	<br>
-	[[Have your male organs replaced with female ones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2female"]] |
-	[[Add a female reproductive tract|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2herm"]]
-	<<if $PC.title > 0>>
-		| [[Become a woman|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 0, $PC.storedCum += 10, $PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2truefemale"]]
-		| [[Become a hermaphrodite girl|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.vagina = 1, $PC.newVag = 1, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.title = 0, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "male2hermfemale"]]
+		You have @@.orange;female genitalia@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@
+		<br>
+		[[Have your female organs replaced with male ones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.vagina = 0, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2male"]] |
+		[[Add a male reproductive tract|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2herm"]]
+		<<if $PC.title == 0>>
+			| [[Become a man|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2truemale"]]
+			| [[Become a hermaphrodite boy|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2hermmale"]]
+		<</if>>
-	You have @@.orange;female genitalia@@ and a @@.orange;<<if $PC.title > 0>>masculine<<else>>feminine<</if>> appearance.@@
-	<br>
-	[[Have your female organs replaced with male ones|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.vagina = 0, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2male"]] |
-	[[Add a male reproductive tract|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2herm"]]
-	<<if $PC.title == 0>>
-		| [[Become a man|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.vagina = 0, $PC.preg = 0, WombFlush($PC), $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(50000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2truemale"]]
-		| [[Become a hermaphrodite boy|PC Surgery Degradation][$PC.ballsImplant = 0, $PC.balls = 0, $PC.dick = 1, $PC.title = 1, generatePlayerPronouns($PC), $PC.boobs = 0, $PC.boobsBonus = 0, $PC.boobsImplant = 0, cashX(150000, "PCmedical"), $surgeryType = "female2hermmale"]]
-	<</if>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/fDick.tw b/src/pregmod/fDick.tw
index 997b05153f8c86b9e6625cd3c01ad87c100bfbdc..2113e45d374ecca49c27829a2a040fdc0852c177 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/fDick.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/fDick.tw
@@ -180,9 +180,9 @@
 		hypertrophied dick
 	<<if $activeSlave.dick <= 6>>
-	until you are sitting on $his loins.
+		until you are sitting on $his loins.
-	until feel that you can't take more of $him inside you.
+		until feel that you can't take more of $him inside you.
 	You reach back
diff --git a/src/pregmod/fFeet.tw b/src/pregmod/fFeet.tw
index 4df86481ea448001f8e79fb22531629ff8db9d03..01ef571cfb98f5bdd8737bc2dbaeb1770a3821ba 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/fFeet.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/fFeet.tw
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ You call $activeSlave.slaveName to your office, telling $him to use $his feet to
 			to reveal $his <<if $activeSlave.vaginaLube == 1>>wet <<elseif $activeSlave.vaginaLube == 2>>dripping wet <</if>>aroused vagina, then $he spreads $his <<if $activeSlave.labia == 3>>extremely large <<elseif $activeSlave.labia == 2>>large <<elseif $activeSlave.labia == 1>>pretty <<else>>minimal <</if>>pussylips
-	with a sultry smile.
+		with a sultry smile.
 		rolls onto $his side while still stroking your dick, revealing $his _butt ass, _hips hips and _thighs thighs with a sultry smile.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/fMarry.tw b/src/pregmod/fMarry.tw
index 4e3b9a430d74bddb50355561447bb1ded69a6bdd..b1eca7dedd30787a341bb0fbde1b9e2f39960d98 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/fMarry.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/fMarry.tw
@@ -345,401 +345,401 @@ You tell $activeSlave.slaveName that you're going to marry $him. (A proposal, of
 <span id="result">
 <br><<link "Just redesignate $him as your slave wife">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You order $assistantName to simply redesignate $activeSlave.slaveName as your slave wife.
-	<<if $assistant == 0>>
-		"Slave redesignated," it responds immediately. The thing is done.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $assistantAppearance == "monstergirl">>
-			_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and shrugs off its surplice, revealing _hisA tentacle hair, pale skin, and cocks once more.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "shemale">>
-			_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and starts to masturbate more energetically.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "amazon">>
-			_HisA avatar gives its medicine stick a shake.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "businesswoman">>
-			_HisA avatar snaps its fingers.
-		<<elseif ($assistantAppearance == "fairy") || ($assistantAppearance == "pregnant fairy")>>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands twice, looking a bit disappointed at the lack of celebration.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "goddess">>
-			_HisA avatar makes a complex hand gesture, looking beatific.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "hypergoddess">>
-			_HisA avatar makes a complex hand gesture, looking beatific.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "loli">>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands together.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "preggololi">>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands together.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "schoolgirl">>
-			_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and gives a little twirl.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "angel">>
-			_HisA avatar spreads its wings and arms and emits a flash of light.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "cherub">>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands together, emitting a burst of light.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "incubus">>
-			_HisA avatar flicks the tip of its penis and blows _hisA load towards the both of you.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "succubus">>
-			_HisA avatar starts to masturbate furiously and orgasms lewdly.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "imp">>
-			_HisA avatar claps its hands together, emitting a burst of darkness.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "witch">>
-			_HisA avatar pulls out its spell book and attempts a spell to bind you two; _heA manages to conjure a large ring around _himA, pinning _hisA arms to _hisA sides.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "ERROR_1606_APPEARANCE_FILE_CORRUPT">>
-			_HisA avatar splits open to reveal a number of tentacles and wraps them around each other.
+		You order $assistantName to simply redesignate $activeSlave.slaveName as your slave wife.
+		<<if $assistant == 0>>
+			"Slave redesignated," it responds immediately. The thing is done.
-			_HisA symbol flashes.
-		<</if>>
-		"Done," _heA says.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.relationshipTarget = 0>>
-		<<set $slaves[_m].relationship = 0, $slaves[_m].relationshipTarget = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.devotion+$activeSlave.trust >= 175>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other's future.
-			<<if $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
-				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 5, $slaves[_m].trust -= 5>>
-			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
-				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 3, $slaves[_m].trust -= 3>>
+			<<if $assistantAppearance == "monstergirl">>
+				_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and shrugs off its surplice, revealing _hisA tentacle hair, pale skin, and cocks once more.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "shemale">>
+				_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and starts to masturbate more energetically.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "amazon">>
+				_HisA avatar gives its medicine stick a shake.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "businesswoman">>
+				_HisA avatar snaps its fingers.
+			<<elseif ($assistantAppearance == "fairy") || ($assistantAppearance == "pregnant fairy")>>
+				_HisA avatar claps its hands twice, looking a bit disappointed at the lack of celebration.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "goddess">>
+				_HisA avatar makes a complex hand gesture, looking beatific.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "hypergoddess">>
+				_HisA avatar makes a complex hand gesture, looking beatific.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "loli">>
+				_HisA avatar claps its hands together.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "preggololi">>
+				_HisA avatar claps its hands together.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "schoolgirl">>
+				_HisA avatar snaps its fingers and gives a little twirl.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "angel">>
+				_HisA avatar spreads its wings and arms and emits a flash of light.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "cherub">>
+				_HisA avatar claps its hands together, emitting a burst of light.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "incubus">>
+				_HisA avatar flicks the tip of its penis and blows _hisA load towards the both of you.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "succubus">>
+				_HisA avatar starts to masturbate furiously and orgasms lewdly.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "imp">>
+				_HisA avatar claps its hands together, emitting a burst of darkness.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "witch">>
+				_HisA avatar pulls out its spell book and attempts a spell to bind you two; _heA manages to conjure a large ring around _himA, pinning _hisA arms to _hisA sides.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "ERROR_1606_APPEARANCE_FILE_CORRUPT">>
+				_HisA avatar splits open to reveal a number of tentacles and wraps them around each other.
-				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 1, $slaves[_m].trust -= 1>>
+				_HisA symbol flashes.
+			"Done," _heA says.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.relationship == -1>>
-			$He @@.mediumorchid;hates@@ that $he has to be yours only and @@.gold;fears@@ what will happen if $he strays.
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 40, $activeSlave.trust -= 40>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 40, $slaves[_m].trust -= 40>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 40, $activeSlave.trust -= 40>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 30, $slaves[_m].trust -= 30>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.trust -= 30>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 20, $slaves[_m].trust -= 20>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 20, $activeSlave.trust -= 20>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.relationship == -1>>
-			$He @@.mediumorchid;dislikes@@ that $he has to be yours only and @@.gold;worries@@ what will happen if $he strays.
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10, $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 20, $slaves[_m].trust -= 20>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 20, $activeSlave.trust -= 20>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;are saddened@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 10, $slaves[_m].trust -= 10>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10, $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;are disappointed@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 5, $slaves[_m].trust -= 5>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.relationshipTarget = 0>>
+			<<set $slaves[_m].relationship = 0, $slaves[_m].relationshipTarget = 0>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.relationship = -3>>
-	<<if $PC.surname && $activeSlave.slaveSurname != $PC.surname>>
-		<br><br><span id="surnaming">
-		<<link "Give $him your surname">>
-			<<replace "#surnaming">>
-				<<set $activeSlave.slaveSurname = $PC.surname>>
-				You also command $assistantName to rename your new slave wife $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname.
-				<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "mindbroken">>
-					The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and shows no reaction. Like many things, names mean nothing to $him now.
-				<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion+$activeSlave.trust >= 175>>
-					The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and breaks down again. Being brusquely redesignated as your slave wife was such a sterile experience that $he wasn't sure it was real, and hearing that $he's to take your surname @@.mediumaquamarine;reassures $him@@ that it is. Not to mention, $he might be a $desc, but $he's still a $girl, and hearing that $he wouldn't get a decent wedding did disappoint $him, but this makes up for it. You might not be all that expressive, but @@.hotpink;$he's your wife,@@ and that's what matters to $him.
-					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5, $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
-				<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20 && $activeSlave.trust > 20>>
-					The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and scoffs audibly. @@.mediumorchid;$He'll remember $his name, even if you try to take it away.@@ $He can't hide @@.mediumorchid;$his annoyance@@ that you couldn't even spring for a fancy wedding.
-					<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10>>
-				<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
-					The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and breaks down again. Not only have you taken $his hand, but now also $his name; @@.hotpink;$he's yours now,@@ nothing $he thinks can change that.
-					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.devotion+$activeSlave.trust >= 175>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other's future.
+				<<if $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
+					<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 5, $slaves[_m].trust -= 5>>
+				<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
+					<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 3, $slaves[_m].trust -= 3>>
-					The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and nods acceptingly. Being trusted with your surname @@.mediumaquamarine;reassures $him@@ that $he must mean something to you, though $he is a @@.mediumorchid;little disappointed@@ by the lack of a wedding, however.
-					<<set $activeSlave.devotion--, $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
+					<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 1, $slaves[_m].trust -= 1>>
-			<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-		</span>
-	<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.relationship == -1>>
+				$He @@.mediumorchid;hates@@ that $he has to be yours only and @@.gold;fears@@ what will happen if $he strays.
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 40, $activeSlave.trust -= 40>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 40, $slaves[_m].trust -= 40>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 40, $activeSlave.trust -= 40>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 30, $slaves[_m].trust -= 30>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.trust -= 30>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 20, $slaves[_m].trust -= 20>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 20, $activeSlave.trust -= 20>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.relationship == -1>>
+				$He @@.mediumorchid;dislikes@@ that $he has to be yours only and @@.gold;worries@@ what will happen if $he strays.
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10, $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 20, $slaves[_m].trust -= 20>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 20, $activeSlave.trust -= 20>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;are saddened@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 10, $slaves[_m].trust -= 10>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10, $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;are disappointed@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 5, $slaves[_m].trust -= 5>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.relationship = -3>>
+		<<if $PC.surname && $activeSlave.slaveSurname != $PC.surname>>
+			<br><br><span id="surnaming">
+			<<link "Give $him your surname">>
+				<<replace "#surnaming">>
+					<<set $activeSlave.slaveSurname = $PC.surname>>
+					You also command $assistantName to rename your new slave wife $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname.
+					<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "mindbroken">>
+						The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and shows no reaction. Like many things, names mean nothing to $him now.
+					<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion+$activeSlave.trust >= 175>>
+						The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and breaks down again. Being brusquely redesignated as your slave wife was such a sterile experience that $he wasn't sure it was real, and hearing that $he's to take your surname @@.mediumaquamarine;reassures $him@@ that it is. Not to mention, $he might be a $desc, but $he's still a $girl, and hearing that $he wouldn't get a decent wedding did disappoint $him, but this makes up for it. You might not be all that expressive, but @@.hotpink;$he's your wife,@@ and that's what matters to $him.
+						<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5, $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
+					<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20 && $activeSlave.trust > 20>>
+						The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and scoffs audibly. @@.mediumorchid;$He'll remember $his name, even if you try to take it away.@@ $He can't hide @@.mediumorchid;$his annoyance@@ that you couldn't even spring for a fancy wedding.
+						<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10>>
+					<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
+						The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and breaks down again. Not only have you taken $his hand, but now also $his name; @@.hotpink;$he's yours now,@@ nothing $he thinks can change that.
+						<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
+					<<else>>
+						The new Mrs. $activeSlave.slaveSurname hears this, of course, and nods acceptingly. Being trusted with your surname @@.mediumaquamarine;reassures $him@@ that $he must mean something to you, though $he is a @@.mediumorchid;little disappointed@@ by the lack of a wedding, however.
+						<<set $activeSlave.devotion--, $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
+					<</if>>
+				<</replace>>
+			<</link>>
+			</span>
+		<</if>>
 <br><<link "Have your assistant marry $him to you">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You order $activeSlave.slaveName to go change into bridal lingerie.
-	<<if _reactionType == 0>>
-		<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
-			$He hurries off, still crying. When $he returns, $he's wearing
+		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to go change into bridal lingerie.
+		<<if _reactionType == 0>>
+			<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
+				$He hurries off, still crying. When $he returns, $he's wearing
+			<<else>>
+				$He is helped out, still crying. When $he is returned, $he's wearing
+			<</if>>
+		<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>
+			$He is helped out, completely unaware of $his pending marriage. When $he is returned, $he's wearing
+		<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>
+			<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
+				$He shuffles off, still sobbing. When $he returns, $he's wearing
+			<<else>>
+				$He is helped out, still sobbing. When $he is returned, $he's wearing
+			<</if>>
-			$He is helped out, still crying. When $he is returned, $he's wearing
+			<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
+				$He hurries off to fulfill your orders. When $he returns, $he's wearing
+			<<else>>
+				$He is helped out to get dressed. When $he is returned, $he's wearing
+			<</if>>
-	<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>
-		$He is helped out, completely unaware of $his pending marriage. When $he is returned, $he's wearing
-	<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>
-		<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
-			$He shuffles off, still sobbing. When $he returns, $he's wearing
+		<<if ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			white, since $he's a virgin.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.pregKnown == 1)>>
+			light pink, since $he is pregnant.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina < 0) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			white, since $he's an anal virgin.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina < 0) && ($activeSlave.boobs > 500)>>
+			electric blue, since $he's a shemale.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina < 0)>>
+			pale blue, since $he's a sissy slave.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0)>>
+			hot pink, since $he's a futa slave.
-			$He is helped out, still sobbing. When $he is returned, $he's wearing
+			light pink, since $he's an experienced sex slave.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
-			$He hurries off to fulfill your orders. When $he returns, $he's wearing
+		A flimsy veil covers $his head and shoulders.
+		<<if ($activeSlave.boobs > 4000)>>
+			On such short notice, no bridal bra for boobs of $his size was available, so $he's topless. Not a tragedy.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs > 1200)>>
+			$His lacy bridal bra just barely restrains $his huge boobs, leaving the tops of $his areolae visible.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs > 400)>>
+			$His lacy bridal bra flatters $his pretty breasts.
-			$He is helped out to get dressed. When $he is returned, $he's wearing
+			$His lacy bridal bra flatters $his pretty chest.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		white, since $he's a virgin.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.pregKnown == 1)>>
-		light pink, since $he is pregnant.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina < 0) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		white, since $he's an anal virgin.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina < 0) && ($activeSlave.boobs > 500)>>
-		electric blue, since $he's a shemale.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.vagina < 0)>>
-		pale blue, since $he's a sissy slave.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0)>>
-		hot pink, since $he's a futa slave.
-	<<else>>
-		light pink, since $he's an experienced sex slave.
-	<</if>>
-	A flimsy veil covers $his head and shoulders.
-	<<if ($activeSlave.boobs > 4000)>>
-		On such short notice, no bridal bra for boobs of $his size was available, so $he's topless. Not a tragedy.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs > 1200)>>
-		$His lacy bridal bra just barely restrains $his huge boobs, leaving the tops of $his areolae visible.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs > 400)>>
-		$His lacy bridal bra flatters $his pretty breasts.
-	<<else>>
-		$His lacy bridal bra flatters $his pretty chest.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 600000>>
-		$His expansive, squirming pregnant belly makes $his bridal wear particularly obscene.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 1500)>>
-		$His _belly pregnant belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 1500)>>
-		$His _belly <<print $activeSlave.bellyImplant>>cc belly implant protrudes $his middle out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyFluid >= 10000)>>
-		$His hugely bloated, <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyFluid >= 5000)>>
-		$His bloated, <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-stuffed belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyFluid >= 1500)>>
-		$His distended, <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.dickAccessory == ("chastity") || $activeSlave.dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
-		$His slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage.
-	<<elseif canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
-		<<if ($activeSlave.dick > 4) && ($activeSlave.belly >= 5000)>>
-		$He's hugely erect, with $his lacy g-string only serving to hold $his dick agonizingly pressed against the bottom of $his _belly <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>pregnant <</if>>belly.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 4>>
-		$He's hugely erect, with $his lacy g-string only serving to hold $his dick upright along $his belly.
-		<<else>>
-		$His erection tents the front of $his lacy g-string.
+		<<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 600000>>
+			$His expansive, squirming pregnant belly makes $his bridal wear particularly obscene.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 1500)>>
+			$His _belly pregnant belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyImplant >= 1500)>>
+			$His _belly <<print $activeSlave.bellyImplant>>cc belly implant protrudes $his middle out the front of $his bridal wear.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyFluid >= 10000)>>
+			$His hugely bloated, <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyFluid >= 5000)>>
+			$His bloated, <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-stuffed belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyFluid >= 1500)>>
+			$His distended, <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0)>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.dick > 10>>
-		$His huge soft cock is allowed to dangle freely as no g-string could hope to contain it.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 4>>
-		$His big soft cock forms a lewd mass, stuffed into $his lacy g-string.
+		<<if $activeSlave.dickAccessory == ("chastity") || $activeSlave.dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
+			$His slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage.
+		<<elseif canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if ($activeSlave.dick > 4) && ($activeSlave.belly >= 5000)>>
+				$He's hugely erect, with $his lacy g-string only serving to hold $his dick agonizingly pressed against the bottom of $his _belly <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>pregnant <</if>>belly.
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 4>>
+				$He's hugely erect, with $his lacy g-string only serving to hold $his dick upright along $his belly.
+			<<else>>
+				$His erection tents the front of $his lacy g-string.
+			<</if>>
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0)>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.dick > 10>>
+				$His huge soft cock is allowed to dangle freely as no g-string could hope to contain it.
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 4>>
+				$His big soft cock forms a lewd mass, stuffed into $his lacy g-string.
+			<<else>>
+				$His lacy g-string perfectly conceals $his soft dick.
+			<</if>>
-		$His lacy g-string perfectly conceals $his soft dick.
+			<<if $activeSlave.clit > 1>>
+				$His huge clit is quite hard, making $his shift uncomfortably as $his lacy g-string stimulates it.
+			<<else>>
+				$His lacy g-string is starting to look a bit moist in front.
+			<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.clit > 1>>
-		$His huge clit is quite hard, making $his shift uncomfortably as $his lacy g-string stimulates it.
+		<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> marries $him to you in a brief ceremony adapted for slaves and their owners. You place a
+		<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>
+			simple steel ring on $his finger;
-		$His lacy g-string is starting to look a bit moist in front.
+			chain with a simple steel ring around $his neck;
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> marries $him to you in a brief ceremony adapted for slaves and their owners. You place a
-	<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>
-		simple steel ring on $his finger;
-	<<else>>
-		chain with a simple steel ring around $his neck;
-	<</if>>
-	$he does not reciprocate, since this marriage does not bind you.
-	<<if $assistant == 0>>
-		"The marriage protocol now requires you to <<if $PC.dick == 1>>fellate<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>perform cunnilingus on<</if>> the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>," $assistantName orders $him, and $he <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $assistantAppearance == "monstergirl">>
-			"To consecrate the ceremony," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar begins to play with _hisA dicks.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "shemale">>
-			"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar starts to jill off.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "amazon">>
-			"To complete this ritual," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar starts to jill off.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "businesswoman">>
-			"To consecrate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>fellate<<else>>perform cunnilingus on<</if>> the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar sneaks a hand down _hisA suit skirt, blushing furiously.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "fairy">>
-			"To seal the deal," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you gotta drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom's <<else>>bride's <</if>><<if $PC.dick == 1>>semen<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and pussy juices<</if>><<else>>pussy juices<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar spreads _hisA legs while still hovering in the air and masturbates eagerly through _hisA half-worn robes.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "pregnant fairy">>
-			"To seal the deal," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you gotta drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom's <<else>>bride's <</if>><<if $PC.dick == 1>>semen<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and pussy juices<</if>><<else>>pussy juices<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's pregnant avatar curls while still hovering in the air and masturbates eagerly around _hisA large belly.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "goddess">>
-			"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you must now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s seed<<else>>drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s female juices<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar looks on approvingly, cradling _hisA perpetual pregnancy.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "hypergoddess">>
-			"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you must now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s seed<<else>>drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s female juices<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar looks on approvingly, cradling _hisA massive perpetual pregnancy.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "loli">>
-			"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you should now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s cock<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>and lick _hisP cunny.<</if>><<else>>lick the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s cunny<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar sneaks a hand down _hisA dress, blushing furiously.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "preggololi">>
-			"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you should now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s lovely cock<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>and eat out _hisP cunt.<</if>><<else>>lick the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s cunt<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar attempts to sneak a hand down _hisA dress, but is thwarted by _hisA belly. _HeA instead openly rubs _hisA crotch through the front of _hisA dress, blushing furiously.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "schoolgirl">>
-			"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, the rules say you should now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar starts to jill off.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "angel">>
-			"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you must now join <<= PlayerName()>> in their bedroom and consummate this marriage." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>stares blankly<<else>>looks confused<</if>>. "After the wedding ends, would be the time." $assistantName says, covering _hisA face in embarrassment at the thought.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "cherub">>
-			"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you should <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s cock<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>and lick _hisP pussy,<</if>><<else>>lick the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>, in the privacy of <<= PlayerName()>>'s bedroom, of course." $assistantName hides _hisA face in _hisA hands at the thought.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "incubus">>
-			"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Enjoying the sight, $assistantName's avatar begins to furiously stroke its shaft.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "succubus">>
-			"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar pulls out a large dildo and begins ramming it into _hisA own pussy.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "imp">>
-			"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar hikes _hisA robe and vigorously rubs _hisA pussy.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "witch">>
-			"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar begins to fidget at the sight, having summoned a vibrator beforehand and accidentally linked it to your pleasure.
-		<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "ERROR_1606_APPEARANCE_FILE_CORRUPT">>
-			"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar begins to swell, drawing all its gained mass to its midsection. Its gravid middles splits vertically, allowing a new mass of flesh to fall to the floor, which quickly grows and reshapes itself into a spitting image of yourself. Meanwhile, the original twists into an image of $activeSlave.slaveName. $assistantName's two avatars begin copying you and $activeSlave.slaveName's actions perfectly.
+		$he does not reciprocate, since this marriage does not bind you.
+		<<if $assistant == 0>>
+			"The marriage protocol now requires you to <<if $PC.dick == 1>>fellate<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>perform cunnilingus on<</if>> the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>," $assistantName orders $him, and $he <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>.
-			"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, the rules say you should now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. With only a symbol to express _hisA approval, $assistantName is forced to content _himselfA with spinning the symbol and making it glow in time with your new slave wife's efforts.
-		<</if>>
-		"Done," _heA says when you climax. "Enjoy your
-		<<if ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60)>>
-			<<if ($activeSlave.fetish == "submissive")>>
-			submissive slave wife!"
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut")>>
-			slave wife's mouth!"
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "humiliation")>>
-			exhibitionist slave wife!"
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			slave wife's butthole!"
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "boobs")>>
-			slave wife's boobs!"
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-			breeder wife!"
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "dom")>>
-			slave wife's aggression!"
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "sadist")>>
-			slave wife's sadistic tendencies!"
-			<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "masochist")>>
-			slave wife's pain!"
+			<<if $assistantAppearance == "monstergirl">>
+				"To consecrate the ceremony," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar begins to play with _hisA dicks.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "shemale">>
+				"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar starts to jill off.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "amazon">>
+				"To complete this ritual," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar starts to jill off.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "businesswoman">>
+				"To consecrate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>fellate<<else>>perform cunnilingus on<</if>> the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar sneaks a hand down _hisA suit skirt, blushing furiously.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "fairy">>
+				"To seal the deal," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you gotta drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom's <<else>>bride's <</if>><<if $PC.dick == 1>>semen<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and pussy juices<</if>><<else>>pussy juices<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar spreads _hisA legs while still hovering in the air and masturbates eagerly through _hisA half-worn robes.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "pregnant fairy">>
+				"To seal the deal," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you gotta drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom's <<else>>bride's <</if>><<if $PC.dick == 1>>semen<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and pussy juices<</if>><<else>>pussy juices<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's pregnant avatar curls while still hovering in the air and masturbates eagerly around _hisA large belly.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "goddess">>
+				"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you must now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s seed<<else>>drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s female juices<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar looks on approvingly, cradling _hisA perpetual pregnancy.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "hypergoddess">>
+				"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you must now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s seed<<else>>drink the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s female juices<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar looks on approvingly, cradling _hisA massive perpetual pregnancy.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "loli">>
+				"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you should now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s cock<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>and lick _hisP cunny.<</if>><<else>>lick the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s cunny<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar sneaks a hand down _hisA dress, blushing furiously.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "preggololi">>
+				"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you should now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s lovely cock<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>and eat out _hisP cunt.<</if>><<else>>lick the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s cunt<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar attempts to sneak a hand down _hisA dress, but is thwarted by _hisA belly. _HeA instead openly rubs _hisA crotch through the front of _hisA dress, blushing furiously.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "schoolgirl">>
+				"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, the rules say you should now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar starts to jill off.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "angel">>
+				"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you must now join <<= PlayerName()>> in their bedroom and consummate this marriage." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>stares blankly<<else>>looks confused<</if>>. "After the wedding ends, would be the time." $assistantName says, covering _hisA face in embarrassment at the thought.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "cherub">>
+				"To consummate the marriage," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you should <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s cock<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>and lick _hisP pussy,<</if>><<else>>lick the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>the bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>, in the privacy of <<= PlayerName()>>'s bedroom, of course." $assistantName hides _hisA face in _hisA hands at the thought.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "incubus">>
+				"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Enjoying the sight, $assistantName's avatar begins to furiously stroke its shaft.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "succubus">>
+				"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar pulls out a large dildo and begins ramming it into _hisA own pussy.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "imp">>
+				"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. Pleased by the sight, $assistantName's avatar hikes _hisA robe and vigorously rubs _hisA pussy.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "witch">>
+				"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar begins to fidget at the sight, having summoned a vibrator beforehand and accidentally linked it to your pleasure.
+			<<elseif $assistantAppearance == "ERROR_1606_APPEARANCE_FILE_CORRUPT">>
+				"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, you will now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. $assistantName's avatar begins to swell, drawing all its gained mass to its midsection. Its gravid middles splits vertically, allowing a new mass of flesh to fall to the floor, which quickly grows and reshapes itself into a spitting image of yourself. Meanwhile, the original twists into an image of $activeSlave.slaveName. $assistantName's two avatars begin copying you and $activeSlave.slaveName's actions perfectly.
-			slave wife!"
+				"To get this marriage started," $assistantName concludes, "$activeSlave.slaveName, the rules say you should now <<if $PC.dick == 1>>suck the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and eat _hisP pussy<</if>><<else>>eat the <<if $PC.title == 1>>groom<<else>>bride<</if>>'s pussy<</if>>." The slave <<if _reactionType == 0>>only starts when you push $his head to your crotch<<elseif _reactionType == 1>>eagerly complies<<elseif _reactionType == 2>>reluctantly obeys<<else>>hurries to obey<</if>>. With only a symbol to express _hisA approval, $assistantName is forced to content _himselfA with spinning the symbol and making it glow in time with your new slave wife's efforts.
-		<<else>>
-			slave wife!"
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.relationshipTarget = 0>>
-		<<set $slaves[_m].relationship = 0, $slaves[_m].relationshipTarget = 0>>
-		<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[_m] 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.devotion+$activeSlave.trust >= 175>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-			$His ex is @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worries@@ for _his2 love's future.
-			<<if $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
-				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 5, $slaves[_m].trust -= 5>>
-			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
-				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 3, $slaves[_m].trust -= 3>>
+			"Done," _heA says when you climax. "Enjoy your
+			<<if ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60)>>
+				<<if ($activeSlave.fetish == "submissive")>>
+					submissive slave wife!"
+				<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut")>>
+					slave wife's mouth!"
+				<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "humiliation")>>
+					exhibitionist slave wife!"
+				<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "buttslut")>>
+					slave wife's butthole!"
+				<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "boobs")>>
+					slave wife's boobs!"
+				<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "pregnancy")>>
+					breeder wife!"
+				<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "dom")>>
+					slave wife's aggression!"
+				<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "sadist")>>
+					slave wife's sadistic tendencies!"
+				<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "masochist")>>
+					slave wife's pain!"
+				<<else>>
+					slave wife!"
+				<</if>>
-				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 1, $slaves[_m].trust -= 1>>
+				slave wife!"
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.relationship == -1>>
-			$He @@.mediumorchid;hates@@ that $he has to be yours only and @@.gold;fears@@ what will happen if $he strays.
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 40, $activeSlave.trust -= 40>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 40, $slaves[_m].trust -= 40>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 40, $activeSlave.trust -= 40>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 30, $slaves[_m].trust -= 30>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.trust -= 30>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 20, $slaves[_m].trust -= 20>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 20, $activeSlave.trust -= 20>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.relationship == -1>>
-			$He @@.mediumorchid;dislikes@@ that $he has to be yours only and @@.gold;worries@@ what will happen if $he strays.
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10, $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 20, $slaves[_m].trust -= 20>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 20, $activeSlave.trust -= 20>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;are saddened@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 10, $slaves[_m].trust -= 10>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10, $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-			Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;are disappointed@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
-			<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 5, $slaves[_m].trust -= 5>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.relationshipTarget = 0>>
+			<<set $slaves[_m].relationship = 0, $slaves[_m].relationshipTarget = 0>>
+			<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[_m] 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.relationship = -3>>
-	<<if $PC.surname && $activeSlave.slaveSurname != $PC.surname>>
-		<br><br><span id="surnaming">
-		<<link "Give $him your surname">>
-			<<replace "#surnaming">>
-				<<set $activeSlave.slaveSurname = $PC.surname>>
-				You also command $assistantName to rename your new slave wife $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname.
-				<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "mindbroken">>
-					Before you get too distracted, you tell your lovely new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. You are uncertain if it sunk in or not.
-				<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion+$activeSlave.trust >= 175>>
-					Before you get too distracted, you tell your lovely new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. It would be an understatement to say $he's delighted. $He's a good $desc, but even $he has to retain a kernel of doubt about whether a marriage between an owner and a piece of property is really worth much. This @@.mediumaquamarine;reassures $him@@ that it is. $His special day probably wasn't exactly like $he might once have imagined it, but $he obviously thinks it's been @@.hotpink;very nice,@@ all things considered.
-					<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>"_myName _playerSurname," $he murmurs to $himself occasionally, smiling.<</if>>
-					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5, $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
-				<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20 && $activeSlave.trust > 20>>
-					Before you get too distracted, you tell your lovely new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. @@.mediumorchid;$He'll remember $his name, even if you try to take it away.@@
-					<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>"_myName _playerSurname," $he mutters to $himself occasionally; their is a distinct distaste to the way $he says it.<</if>>
-					<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10>>
-				<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
-					Before you get too distracted, you tell your quivering new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. $He nods in terror. Not only have you taken $his hand, but now also $his name; @@.hotpink;$he's yours now,@@ nothing $he thinks can change that.
-					<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>"_myName _playerSurname," $he mutters to $himself occasionally, $his voice wavering as $he struggles to hold back the tears.<</if>>
-					<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.devotion+$activeSlave.trust >= 175>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+				$His ex is @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worries@@ for _his2 love's future.
+				<<if $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
+					<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 5, $slaves[_m].trust -= 5>>
+				<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
+					<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 3, $slaves[_m].trust -= 3>>
-					Before you get too distracted, you tell your lovely new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. $He nods acceptingly. $He's a good $desc, but $he has doubts about whether a marriage between an owner and a piece of property is really worth much. That doesn't matter, @@.mediumaquamarine;it's worth something to $him.@@
-					<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>"_myName _playerSurname," $he murmurs to $himself occasionally<<if canHear($activeSlave)>>, listening to how it sounds<</if>>.<</if>>
-					<<set $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
+					<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 1, $slaves[_m].trust -= 1>>
-			<</replace>>
-		<</link>>
-		</span>
-	<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.relationship == -1>>
+				$He @@.mediumorchid;hates@@ that $he has to be yours only and @@.gold;fears@@ what will happen if $he strays.
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 40, $activeSlave.trust -= 40>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 40, $slaves[_m].trust -= 40>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 40, $activeSlave.trust -= 40>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 30, $slaves[_m].trust -= 30>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.trust -= 30>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;fear@@ for each other's future.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 20, $slaves[_m].trust -= 20>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 20, $activeSlave.trust -= 20>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.relationship == -1>>
+				$He @@.mediumorchid;dislikes@@ that $he has to be yours only and @@.gold;worries@@ what will happen if $he strays.
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10, $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 20, $slaves[_m].trust -= 20>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 20, $activeSlave.trust -= 20>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;are saddened@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 10, $slaves[_m].trust -= 10>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10, $activeSlave.trust -= 10>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+				Both $him and $his ex are @@.mediumorchid;are disappointed@@ that their relationship had to end and @@.gold;worry@@ for each other.
+				<<set $slaves[_m].devotion -= 5, $slaves[_m].trust -= 5>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.relationship = -3>>
+		<<if $PC.surname && $activeSlave.slaveSurname != $PC.surname>>
+			<br><br><span id="surnaming">
+			<<link "Give $him your surname">>
+				<<replace "#surnaming">>
+					<<set $activeSlave.slaveSurname = $PC.surname>>
+					You also command $assistantName to rename your new slave wife $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname.
+					<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "mindbroken">>
+						Before you get too distracted, you tell your lovely new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. You are uncertain if it sunk in or not.
+					<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion+$activeSlave.trust >= 175>>
+						Before you get too distracted, you tell your lovely new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. It would be an understatement to say $he's delighted. $He's a good $desc, but even $he has to retain a kernel of doubt about whether a marriage between an owner and a piece of property is really worth much. This @@.mediumaquamarine;reassures $him@@ that it is. $His special day probably wasn't exactly like $he might once have imagined it, but $he obviously thinks it's been @@.hotpink;very nice,@@ all things considered.
+						<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>"_myName _playerSurname," $he murmurs to $himself occasionally, smiling.<</if>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5, $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
+					<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20 && $activeSlave.trust > 20>>
+						Before you get too distracted, you tell your lovely new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. @@.mediumorchid;$He'll remember $his name, even if you try to take it away.@@
+						<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>"_myName _playerSurname," $he mutters to $himself occasionally; their is a distinct distaste to the way $he says it.<</if>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 10>>
+					<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
+						Before you get too distracted, you tell your quivering new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. $He nods in terror. Not only have you taken $his hand, but now also $his name; @@.hotpink;$he's yours now,@@ nothing $he thinks can change that.
+						<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>"_myName _playerSurname," $he mutters to $himself occasionally, $his voice wavering as $he struggles to hold back the tears.<</if>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
+					<<else>>
+						Before you get too distracted, you tell your lovely new wife that $he's now to be known as $activeSlave.slaveName $activeSlave.slaveSurname. $He nods acceptingly. $He's a good $desc, but $he has doubts about whether a marriage between an owner and a piece of property is really worth much. That doesn't matter, @@.mediumaquamarine;it's worth something to $him.@@
+						<<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>"_myName _playerSurname," $he murmurs to $himself occasionally<<if canHear($activeSlave)>>, listening to how it sounds<</if>>.<</if>>
+						<<set $activeSlave.trust += 5>>
+					<</if>>
+				<</replace>>
+			<</link>>
+			</span>
+		<</if>>
 <<if $cash > 10000>>
-<br>Invite prominent citizens to a wedding (This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>):
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<link "Straightforward ceremony">>
-	<<replace "#result">>
-	You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to a straightforward ceremony for a slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangement. The wedding will take place during the upcoming week.
-	<<set $weddingPlanned = 1>>
-	<<run cashX(-10000, "event", $activeSlave)>>
-	<</replace>>
-<<if ($activeSlave.vagina != 0) && ($activeSlave.anus != 0)>>
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<link "Orgiastic ceremony">>
-	<<replace "#result">>
-	You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to an orgiastic ceremony for a slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangements. The wedding orgy will take place during the upcoming week.
-	<<set $weddingPlanned = 2>>
-	<<run cashX(-10000, "event", $activeSlave)>>
-	<</replace>>
-<</link>> //This will involve the slave having sex with a very large number of citizens//
-<<if isFertile($activeSlave) && ($PC.dick == 1)>>
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<link "Impregnation ceremony">>
-	<<replace "#result">>
-	You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to a ceremony for a fertile slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangements. The wedding will take place during the upcoming week.
-	<<set $weddingPlanned = 3>>
-	<<run cashX(-10000, "event", $activeSlave)>>
-	<</replace>>
-<</link>> //This will involve you impregnating the slave//
+	<br>Invite prominent citizens to a wedding (This will cost <<print cashFormat(10000)>>):
+	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<link "Straightforward ceremony">>
+		<<replace "#result">>
+			You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to a straightforward ceremony for a slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangement. The wedding will take place during the upcoming week.
+			<<set $weddingPlanned = 1>>
+			<<run cashX(-10000, "event", $activeSlave)>>
+		<</replace>>
+	<</link>>
+	<<if ($activeSlave.vagina != 0) && ($activeSlave.anus != 0)>>
+		<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<link "Orgiastic ceremony">>
+			<<replace "#result">>
+				You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to an orgiastic ceremony for a slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangements. The wedding orgy will take place during the upcoming week.
+				<<set $weddingPlanned = 2>>
+				<<run cashX(-10000, "event", $activeSlave)>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> //This will involve the slave having sex with a very large number of citizens//
+	<</if>>
+	<<if isFertile($activeSlave) && ($PC.dick == 1)>>
+		<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<link "Impregnation ceremony">>
+			<<replace "#result">>
+				You order $assistantName to invite deserving citizens to a ceremony for a fertile slave being married to a slaveowner, and to make the arrangements. The wedding will take place during the upcoming week.
+				<<set $weddingPlanned = 3>>
+				<<run cashX(-10000, "event", $activeSlave)>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>> //This will involve you impregnating the slave//
+	<</if>>
-//You cannot afford an elaborate ceremony//
+	//You cannot afford an elaborate ceremony//
diff --git a/src/pregmod/fPat.tw b/src/pregmod/fPat.tw
index 8348f65798bcd223cee13f4a303073757ce75466..9f785489368d063b7ea3deea1a511bf68231a96f 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/fPat.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/fPat.tw
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ You walk around $him, drawing closer and slowly resting your hand on $his head.
 	$He reflexively turns away from you, but you tenderly hold $his chin and maneuver $him in position with one hand and slowly but gently move your other hand to the top of $his head. Spluttering, $he leans backwards, but you catch $him by the shoulder and pin $him against you, where you feel the intense heat from $his body against your <<if $PC.boobs == 1>>soft breasts<<else>>manly chest<</if>>, before resuming your gentle stroking. $He desperately tries to wriggle out of your grasp, but $his struggles slowly subside as $he realizes that you're not taking this any farther. Tenderly and lovingly you stroke your fingers over $his head, appreciating the feeling of your slave's rebelliousness.
-You pat $him softly move your palm down the side of $his head with a soothing touch as you pet $him. Gently you start to run your hand down the back of $his head, softly stroking and caressing $him. You delicately lift $his head and touch your fingertips to $his chin, tenderly brushing along the line of $his mouth with the your <<if $PC.title == 1>>manly<<else>>feminine<</if>> thumb.
+You pat $him softly move your palm down the side of $his head with a soothing touch as you pet $him. Gently you start to run your hand down the back of $his head, softly stroking and caressing $him. You delicately lift $his head and touch your fingertips to $his chin, tenderly brushing along the line of $his mouth with your <<if $PC.title == 1>>manly<<else>>feminine<</if>> thumb.
 <<if $activeSlave.hStyle == "shaved bald">>
 	Then, you gently touch $his
diff --git a/src/pregmod/fSlaveFeed.tw b/src/pregmod/fSlaveFeed.tw
index 2210dde90f108ad18e31b1fb5eeca2a5da3a4e4c..86d0db3eab643766b598c51f6a70eef44fb34f14 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/fSlaveFeed.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/fSlaveFeed.tw
@@ -9,737 +9,737 @@
 <<setLocalPronouns $milkTap 2>>
 <<if $activeSlave.inflationType == "milk">>
-<<set $activeSlave.milkSource = $milkTap.ID>>
-The first necessary step is to prepare the milk cow and _his2 udders.
-<<if $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
-	This is hilariously easy, as you have complete control over how $milkTap.slaveName is posed.
-<<elseif $milkTap.fetish == "mindbroken">>
-	This is very easy, as $milkTap.slaveName blankly follows your every will. Combined with _his2 instinct to relieve the pressure in _his2 breasts, _he2 is simple to position.
-<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName wants to see $activeSlave.slaveName's belly swell painfully as $he is force-fed _his2 milk. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>$he is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName
-	<<if $milkTap.relationship == 1>>
-		wants _his2 friend to try _his2 milk, fresh from the source
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 2>>
-		wants _his2 best friend to try _his2 milk, fresh from the source
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 3>>
-		can't wait to have some fun with _his2 friend with benefits
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 4>>
-		enjoys spending intimate time with _his2 lover, and having _his2 breasts suckled is one of _his2 favorites
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 5>>
-		enjoys spending intimate time with _his2 wife, and having _his2 breasts suckled is one of _his2 favorites
-	<</if>>. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_He2 is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
-<<elseif ($milkTap.fetish == "boobs") && ($milkTap.fetishKnown == 1) && ($milkTap.fetishStrength > 60) && ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
-	This is very easy, since $milkTap.slaveName loves _his2 tits played with and can't wait to get suckled. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_he2 is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes next to no effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
-	This is easy enough, as $milkTap.slaveName fondly remembers nursing _his2 daughter. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>$he is practically gushing milk with nostalgia<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
-	This is extremely tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable breast feeding the $girl _he2 sired. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release, however<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName finds it awkward to nurse _his2 own mother. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	This is very tough, as $milkTap.slaveName finds it weird to let _his2 father suckle from _him2. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release, however<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
-	This is easy enough, as $milkTap.slaveName wants _his2 twin to try _his2 milk, but only if $he can taste $hers too. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>$he is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
-	This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 sister. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
-	This is slightly difficult, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 half-sister. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.relationTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	<<if $milkTap.relation == "twin">>
-		This is easy enough, as $milkTap.slaveName wants _his2 twin to try _his2 milk, but only if $he can taste _his2's too. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_he2 is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "sister">>
-		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 sister. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _his2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _his2 eager for relief<</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "mother">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.milkSource = $milkTap.ID>>
+	The first necessary step is to prepare the milk cow and _his2 udders.
+	<<if $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
+		This is hilariously easy, as you have complete control over how $milkTap.slaveName is posed.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.fetish == "mindbroken">>
+		This is very easy, as $milkTap.slaveName blankly follows your every will. Combined with _his2 instinct to relieve the pressure in _his2 breasts, _he2 is simple to position.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName wants to see $activeSlave.slaveName's belly swell painfully as $he is force-fed _his2 milk. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>$he is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName
+		<<if $milkTap.relationship == 1>>
+			wants _his2 friend to try _his2 milk, fresh from the source
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 2>>
+			wants _his2 best friend to try _his2 milk, fresh from the source
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 3>>
+			can't wait to have some fun with _his2 friend with benefits
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 4>>
+			enjoys spending intimate time with _his2 lover, and having _his2 breasts suckled is one of _his2 favorites
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 5>>
+			enjoys spending intimate time with _his2 wife, and having _his2 breasts suckled is one of _his2 favorites
+		<</if>>. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_He2 is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.fetish == "boobs") && ($milkTap.fetishKnown == 1) && ($milkTap.fetishStrength > 60) && ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
+		This is very easy, since $milkTap.slaveName loves _his2 tits played with and can't wait to get suckled. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_he2 is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes next to no effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
 		This is easy enough, as $milkTap.slaveName fondly remembers nursing _his2 daughter. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>$he is practically gushing milk with nostalgia<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "daughter">>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
+		This is extremely tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable breast feeding the $girl _he2 sired. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release, however<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
 		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName finds it awkward to nurse _his2 own mother. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		This is very tough, as $milkTap.slaveName finds it weird to let _his2 father suckle from _him2. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release, however<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
+		This is easy enough, as $milkTap.slaveName wants _his2 twin to try _his2 milk, but only if $he can taste $hers too. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>$he is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
+		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 sister. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
+		This is slightly difficult, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 half-sister. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.relationTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		<<if $milkTap.relation == "twin">>
+			This is easy enough, as $milkTap.slaveName wants _his2 twin to try _his2 milk, but only if $he can taste _his2's too. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_he2 is practically gushing milk with excitement<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "sister">>
+			This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 sister. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _his2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _his2 eager for relief<</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "mother">>
+			This is easy enough, as $milkTap.slaveName fondly remembers nursing _his2 daughter. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>$he is practically gushing milk with nostalgia<<else>>It takes minimal effort to get _his2 milk flowing<</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "daughter">>
+			This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName finds it awkward to nurse _his2 own mother. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>_His2 excessive milk production quickly leaves _him2 eager for release<<else>>It takes some coaxing and kneading to get _his2 milk flowing and _him2 eager for relief<</if>>.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($milkTap.lactation > 1) && ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName produces so much milk, _he2 eagerly accepts any source of relief _he2 can manage.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.lactation > 1) && ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName produces so much milk, _he2 eagerly accepts any source of relief _he2 can manage.
-<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion > 50)>>
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName is devoted to you, _he2'll allow anyone you want to drink deeply from _him2.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion > 50)>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName is devoted to you, _he2'll allow anyone you want to drink deeply from _him2.
-<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion > 20)>>
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName is obedient, _he2 appreciates any relief from _his2 swollen breasts.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion > 20)>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName is obedient, _he2 appreciates any relief from _his2 swollen breasts.
-<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName does not resist your will, _he2 should comply reasonably well. If anything, $he'll at least be thankful to be relieved of some pressure.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName does not resist your will, _he2 should comply reasonably well. If anything, $he'll at least be thankful to be relieved of some pressure.
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName is unlikely to comply willingly, you simply restrain _him2 with _his2 tits exposed and ready to be drank from. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>You affix nipple clamps to _his2 $milkTap.nipples nipples and step back to watch _his2 breasts back up with milk. When _he2 is unclamped, the flow should certainly be strong enough for your desires<<else>>You make sure to roughly coax _his2 milk into flowing, all the while reminding _him2 that _he2 is nothing more than a cow now<</if>>.
+	<<else>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName is unlikely to comply willingly, you simply restrain _him2 with _his2 tits exposed and ready to be drank from. <<if $milkTap.lactation > 1>>You affix nipple clamps to _his2 $milkTap.nipples nipples and step back to watch _his2 breasts back up with milk. When _he2 is unclamped, the flow should certainly be strong enough for your desires<<else>>You make sure to roughly coax _his2 milk into flowing, all the while reminding _him2 that _he2 is nothing more than a cow now<</if>>.
+	<</if>>
+	<br><br>
-Next, you see to $activeSlave.slaveName.
+	Next, you see to $activeSlave.slaveName.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp == 1)>>
-	You move the limbless $girl to $milkTap.slaveName's nipple and strap $him to it to prevent it from falling out of $his mouth.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp == 1)>>
+		You move the limbless $girl to $milkTap.slaveName's nipple and strap $him to it to prevent it from falling out of $his mouth.
-<<elseif tooBigBreasts($activeSlave)>>
-	You set $him up so that $his massive breasts pin $him on $milkTap.slaveName's milky nipple.
+	<<elseif tooBigBreasts($activeSlave)>>
+		You set $him up so that $his massive breasts pin $him on $milkTap.slaveName's milky nipple.
-<<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
-	$He hesitantly brings $his mouth to its milky nipple, uncertain about suckling from a living doll.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
+		$He hesitantly brings $his mouth to its milky nipple, uncertain about suckling from a living doll.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.rivalryTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
-	Knowing $his relationship with $milkTap.slaveName, you feel it best to restrain $him and anchor $him to $milkTap.slaveName's milky nipple so $he has no choice but to drink until you release $him.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.rivalryTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
+		Knowing $his relationship with $milkTap.slaveName, you feel it best to restrain $him and anchor $him to $milkTap.slaveName's milky nipple so $he has no choice but to drink until you release $him.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.relationshipTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
-	This is rather easy, as $activeSlave.slaveName
-	<<if $activeSlave.relationship == 1>>
-		licks $his lips as $he approaches $his friend's breasts.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 2>>
-		eagerly licks $his lips as $he approaches $his best friend's breasts.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
-		licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his friend with benefits breasts, knowing well how _his2 milk tastes.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
-		licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his lover's breasts. This won't be the first time $he's suckled from _him2 like this.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 5>>
-		licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his wife's breasts. This won't be the first time $he's suckled from _him2 like this.
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationshipTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
+		This is rather easy, as $activeSlave.slaveName
+		<<if $activeSlave.relationship == 1>>
+			licks $his lips as $he approaches $his friend's breasts.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 2>>
+			eagerly licks $his lips as $he approaches $his best friend's breasts.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
+			licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his friend with benefits breasts, knowing well how _his2 milk tastes.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
+			licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his lover's breasts. This won't be the first time $he's suckled from _him2 like this.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 5>>
+			licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his wife's breasts. This won't be the first time $he's suckled from _him2 like this.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
-	$He draws close to $his mother's nipples, trying to remember if $he once had a favorite.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
-	$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his father's nipple. <<if $milkTap.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($milkTap)>> $he nearly backs away when $he feels the dick that sired $him poking at $his belly.<</if>>
-<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's nipple.
-<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's nipple<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>, $his cock steadily hardening at the perversion of suckling from $his child<</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
-	$He readily gets in position to taste $his twin<<if $activeSlave.lactation > 0>> while coaxing $his own milk to flow<</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
-	$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his sister's nipple.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
-	$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his half-sister's nipple.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.relationTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.relation == "twin">>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
+		$He draws close to $his mother's nipples, trying to remember if $he once had a favorite.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
+		$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his father's nipple. <<if $milkTap.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($milkTap)>> $he nearly backs away when $he feels the dick that sired $him poking at $his belly.<</if>>
+	<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's nipple.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's nipple<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>, $his cock steadily hardening at the perversion of suckling from $his child<</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
 		$He readily gets in position to taste $his twin<<if $activeSlave.lactation > 0>> while coaxing $his own milk to flow<</if>>.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "sister">>
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
 		$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his sister's nipple.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "mother">>
-		$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's nipple.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "daughter">>
-		$He draws close to $his mother's nipples, trying to remember if $he once had a favorite.
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
+		$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his half-sister's nipple.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.relation == "twin">>
+			$He readily gets in position to taste $his twin<<if $activeSlave.lactation > 0>> while coaxing $his own milk to flow<</if>>.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "sister">>
+			$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his sister's nipple.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "mother">>
+			$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's nipple.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "daughter">>
+			$He draws close to $his mother's nipples, trying to remember if $he once had a favorite.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "boobs") && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.devotion >= -20)>>
-	$He can't wait to wrap $his hands around $milkTap.slaveName's massive milky breasts and eagerly approaches $his nipples to suckle.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "boobs") && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.devotion >= -20)>>
+		$He can't wait to wrap $his hands around $milkTap.slaveName's massive milky breasts and eagerly approaches $his nipples to suckle.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "submissive") && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1)>>
-	$He is accustomed to submitting to you, but as a natural submissive $he doesn't have much trouble submitting to $milkTap.slaveName's mothering instead.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "submissive") && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1)>>
+		$He is accustomed to submitting to you, but as a natural submissive $he doesn't have much trouble submitting to $milkTap.slaveName's mothering instead.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
-	$He tries to refuse, so you strap $him to $milkTap.slaveName's breast, milky $milkTap.nipples nipple wedged in $his mouth.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
+		$He tries to refuse, so you strap $him to $milkTap.slaveName's breast, milky $milkTap.nipples nipple wedged in $his mouth.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 20>>
-	$He obeys your orders reluctantly, drawing near $milkTap.slaveName's breasts despite $his obvious hesitation to be filled with milk.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 20>>
+		$He obeys your orders reluctantly, drawing near $milkTap.slaveName's breasts despite $his obvious hesitation to be filled with milk.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 50>>
-	$He obeys your orders, drawing near $milkTap.slaveName's breasts despite $his slight hesitation at the idea of being filled with milk.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 50>>
+		$He obeys your orders, drawing near $milkTap.slaveName's breasts despite $his slight hesitation at the idea of being filled with milk.
-	$He happily obeys your orders, eagerly wrapping $his lips around $milkTap.slaveName's milky $milkTap.nipples nipple and suckling enthusiastically.
+	<<else>>
+		$He happily obeys your orders, eagerly wrapping $his lips around $milkTap.slaveName's milky $milkTap.nipples nipple and suckling enthusiastically.
+	<</if>>
+	<br><br>
-<<if $activeSlave.preg > $activeSlave.pregData.normalBirth/13.33 && $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.inflation > 1>>
-	It becomes abundantly clear that something is wrong with $activeSlave.slaveName as $he struggles to down $his milky meal. Before $his health can be affected further, you pull $him into a medical exam. While most of the tests come back normal, one in particular catches your eye; @@.lime;$he is pregnant<<if $activeSlave.preg > $activeSlave.pregData.normalBirth/4>> and surprisingly far along<</if>>.@@ $he should be able to still handle at least two liters of milk, however.
-	<<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0, $activeSlave.inflationType = "none", $activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1>>
-	<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
-<<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
-	Slight moaning emanates from the Fuckdoll as $activeSlave.slaveName drinks from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off _his2 nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off _his2 nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off _his2 nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName grins as $his rival is forced to drink until $his belly is <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>nearly bursting with milk. $activeSlave.slaveName struggles against $his bindings until the pressure building in $him overwhelms $him, causing $him to pass out directly into $milkTap.slaveName's cushiony breasts. You quickly remove $him from the nipple before $he drowns<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>is rounded, jiggling and sloshing with milk. You release $his bindings, allowing $him to flop to the floor. <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>$he gingerly crawls away from $milkTap.slaveName, one hand cradling $his overfull stomach<<else>>$he rolls onto $his side, groaning with discomfort<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>bloated with milk. You release $his bindings, allowing $him to flop to the floor. <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>$he gingerly sits up and begins massaging $his full stomach<<else>>$he rolls onto $his back, hiccupping pathetically<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	<<if $milkTap.relationship == 1>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as $his friend drinks deeply from $his breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 2>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as $his best friend drinks deeply from $his breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his best friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his best friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his best friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 3>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as $his friend with benefits drinks deeply from $his breasts, savoring it despite commonly being nursed by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 4>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as $his lover drinks deeply from $his breasts, savoring it despite commonly being nursed by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his lover's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his lover's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his lover's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 5>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as $his wife drinks deeply from $his breasts, savoring it despite commonly being nursed by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his wife's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his wife's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his wife's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.preg > $activeSlave.pregData.normalBirth/13.33 && $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.inflation > 1>>
+		It becomes abundantly clear that something is wrong with $activeSlave.slaveName as $he struggles to down $his milky meal. Before $his health can be affected further, you pull $him into a medical exam. While most of the tests come back normal, one in particular catches your eye; @@.lime;$he is pregnant<<if $activeSlave.preg > $activeSlave.pregData.normalBirth/4>> and surprisingly far along<</if>>.@@ $he should be able to still handle at least two liters of milk, however.
+		<<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0, $activeSlave.inflationType = "none", $activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1>>
+		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
+	<<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
+		Slight moaning emanates from the Fuckdoll as $activeSlave.slaveName drinks from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off _his2 nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off _his2 nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off _his2 nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName grins as $his rival is forced to drink until $his belly is <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>nearly bursting with milk. $activeSlave.slaveName struggles against $his bindings until the pressure building in $him overwhelms $him, causing $him to pass out directly into $milkTap.slaveName's cushiony breasts. You quickly remove $him from the nipple before $he drowns<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>is rounded, jiggling and sloshing with milk. You release $his bindings, allowing $him to flop to the floor. <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>$he gingerly crawls away from $milkTap.slaveName, one hand cradling $his overfull stomach<<else>>$he rolls onto $his side, groaning with discomfort<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>bloated with milk. You release $his bindings, allowing $him to flop to the floor. <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>$he gingerly sits up and begins massaging $his full stomach<<else>>$he rolls onto $his back, hiccupping pathetically<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		<<if $milkTap.relationship == 1>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as $his friend drinks deeply from $his breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 2>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as $his best friend drinks deeply from $his breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his best friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his best friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his best friend's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 3>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as $his friend with benefits drinks deeply from $his breasts, savoring it despite commonly being nursed by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 4>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as $his lover drinks deeply from $his breasts, savoring it despite commonly being nursed by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his lover's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his lover's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his lover's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 5>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as $his wife drinks deeply from $his breasts, savoring it despite commonly being nursed by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his wife's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his wife's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his wife's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as _his2 little $girl once again suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 daughter suckles from _his2 breasts<<if $milkTap.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($milkTap)>>, _his2 dick throbbing with lust<</if>>. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his father's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his father's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his father's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>><<if $milkTap.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($milkTap)>><<if $activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>. The way $he is wiggling $his hips suggests $he isn't finished with $his daddy just yet, and $his father's moaning confirms $he is teasing _him2 with $his rear. $He giggles as the horny cow unloads on $his backside<<else>>. $He doesn't stay put for long, as a strong moan and a blast of cum across $his rear from the horny cow startles $him from $his rest<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _he2 enjoys some role reversal as _his2 mother suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 father suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as _his2 twin sister suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 <<if $milkTap.actualAge >= $activeSlave.actualAge>>little<<else>>big<</if>> sister suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 half-sister suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.relationTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	<<if $milkTap.relation == "twin">>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as _his2 little $girl once again suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 daughter suckles from _his2 breasts<<if $milkTap.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($milkTap)>>, _his2 dick throbbing with lust<</if>>. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his father's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his father's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his father's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>><<if $milkTap.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($milkTap)>><<if $activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>. The way $he is wiggling $his hips suggests $he isn't finished with $his daddy just yet, and $his father's moaning confirms $he is teasing _him2 with $his rear. $He giggles as the horny cow unloads on $his backside<<else>>. $He doesn't stay put for long, as a strong moan and a blast of cum across $his rear from the horny cow startles $him from $his rest<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _he2 enjoys some role reversal as _his2 mother suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 father suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
 		$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as _his2 twin sister suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "sister">>
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
 		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 <<if $milkTap.actualAge >= $activeSlave.actualAge>>little<<else>>big<</if>> sister suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "mother">>
-		$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as _his2 little $girl once again suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "daughter">>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as $he enjoys some role reversal as _his2 mother suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 half-sister suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.relationTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		<<if $milkTap.relation == "twin">>
+			$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as _his2 twin sister suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his twin's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "sister">>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 <<if $milkTap.actualAge >= $activeSlave.actualAge>>little<<else>>big<</if>> sister suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his sister's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "mother">>
+			$milkTap.slaveName sighs contently as _his2 little $girl once again suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his mother's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "daughter">>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as $he enjoys some role reversal as _his2 mother suckles from _his2 breasts. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with milk. $He pops off $his daughter's nipple and settles into _his2 breasts for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20) && ($milkTap.devotion < -20)>>
-	Since you have two restrained and unwilling slaves, the work of milking $milkTap.slaveName's breasts falls to you. That doesn't mean you can't have fun doing it though.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($milkTap)>>
-		Moving behind the restrained cow while<<if $PC.dick == 0>> donning a strap-on<<else>>teasing your erect cock<</if>>, you push _him2 forward to allow you to insert yourself into _his2 <<if $milkTap.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy. Getting comfortable, you reach around to _his2 immense mammaries and begin kneading them in time to your thrusts. After some time, and several orgasms in both yourself and the sobbing cow, is $activeSlave.slaveName bloated with enough milk.
-		<<set $milkTap.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-		<<if canImpreg($milkTap, $PC)>>
-			<<= knockMeUp($milkTap, 40, 0, -1)>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($milkTap)>>
-		Moving behind the restrained cow while<<if $PC.dick == 0>> donning a strap-on<<else>> teasing your erect cock<</if>>, you push _him2 forward to allow you to insert yourself into _his2 <<if $milkTap.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>rear. Getting comfortable, you reach around to _his2 immense mammaries and begin kneading them in time to your thrusts. After some time, and several orgasms in both yourself and the sobbing cow, is $activeSlave.slaveName bloated with enough milk.
-		<<set $milkTap.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-		<<if canImpreg($milkTap, $PC)>>
-			<<= knockMeUp($milkTap, 40, 1, -1)>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $milkTap.butt > 4>>
-		Moving behind the restrained cow while teasing your erect cock, you push _him2 forward to allow you to press your dick between _his2 huge butt cheeks. Getting comfortable, you reach around to _his2 immense mammaries and begin kneading them in time to your thrusts. After some time, and several orgasms across the back of the sobbing cow, is $activeSlave.slaveName bloated with enough milk.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $milkTap.amp == 0>>
-		Moving behind the restrained cow while teasing your erect cock, you find a severe lack of places to stick your dick. Sighing, you hoist _his2 belted ass into the air so you may thrust between _his2 <<if $milkTap.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs. Getting comfortable, you reach around to _his2 immense mammaries and begin kneading them in time to your thrusts. After some time, and several loads blown<<if $milkTap.belly >= 1500>> onto the rounded belly of the sobbing cow<</if>>, is $activeSlave.slaveName bloated with enough milk.
-	<<else>>
-		With a lack of holes to penetrate, you simply wrap your arms around $milkTap.slaveName and begin fondling and milking _his2 luscious breasts. After some time, $activeSlave.slaveName is finally bloated to your desired size.
-	<</if>>
-	Standing and releasing $him from $milkTap.slaveName, gives you the opportunity to finally see $activeSlave.slaveName's <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>taut, round belly<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>rounded, jiggling belly<<else>>distended, sloshing belly<</if>>. You just wish you could have enjoyed it a bit more, though forcing milk into the squirming slave was quite enjoyable.
-	Both slaves @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ what you made them do and @@.gold;fear you@@ as a result.
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
-	<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($milkTap) && ($milkTap.vagina == 0)>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;especially,@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his virginity@@ to your inconvenience.
-		<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.vagina = 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($milkTap) && ($milkTap.anus == 0)>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;especially,@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his anal virginity@@ to your inconvenience.
-		<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.anus = 1>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20) && ($milkTap.devotion < -20)>>
+		Since you have two restrained and unwilling slaves, the work of milking $milkTap.slaveName's breasts falls to you. That doesn't mean you can't have fun doing it though.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($milkTap)>>
+			Moving behind the restrained cow while<<if $PC.dick == 0>> donning a strap-on<<else>>teasing your erect cock<</if>>, you push _him2 forward to allow you to insert yourself into _his2 <<if $milkTap.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy. Getting comfortable, you reach around to _his2 immense mammaries and begin kneading them in time to your thrusts. After some time, and several orgasms in both yourself and the sobbing cow, is $activeSlave.slaveName bloated with enough milk.
+			<<set $milkTap.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+			<<if canImpreg($milkTap, $PC)>>
+				<<= knockMeUp($milkTap, 40, 0, -1)>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($milkTap)>>
+			Moving behind the restrained cow while<<if $PC.dick == 0>> donning a strap-on<<else>> teasing your erect cock<</if>>, you push _him2 forward to allow you to insert yourself into _his2 <<if $milkTap.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>rear. Getting comfortable, you reach around to _his2 immense mammaries and begin kneading them in time to your thrusts. After some time, and several orgasms in both yourself and the sobbing cow, is $activeSlave.slaveName bloated with enough milk.
+			<<set $milkTap.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+			<<if canImpreg($milkTap, $PC)>>
+				<<= knockMeUp($milkTap, 40, 1, -1)>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $milkTap.butt > 4>>
+			Moving behind the restrained cow while teasing your erect cock, you push _him2 forward to allow you to press your dick between _his2 huge butt cheeks. Getting comfortable, you reach around to _his2 immense mammaries and begin kneading them in time to your thrusts. After some time, and several orgasms across the back of the sobbing cow, is $activeSlave.slaveName bloated with enough milk.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $milkTap.amp == 0>>
+			Moving behind the restrained cow while teasing your erect cock, you find a severe lack of places to stick your dick. Sighing, you hoist _his2 belted ass into the air so you may thrust between _his2 <<if $milkTap.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs. Getting comfortable, you reach around to _his2 immense mammaries and begin kneading them in time to your thrusts. After some time, and several loads blown<<if $milkTap.belly >= 1500>> onto the rounded belly of the sobbing cow<</if>>, is $activeSlave.slaveName bloated with enough milk.
+		<<else>>
+			With a lack of holes to penetrate, you simply wrap your arms around $milkTap.slaveName and begin fondling and milking _his2 luscious breasts. After some time, $activeSlave.slaveName is finally bloated to your desired size.
+		<</if>>
+		Standing and releasing $him from $milkTap.slaveName, gives you the opportunity to finally see $activeSlave.slaveName's <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>taut, round belly<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>rounded, jiggling belly<<else>>distended, sloshing belly<</if>>. You just wish you could have enjoyed it a bit more, though forcing milk into the squirming slave was quite enjoyable.
+		Both slaves @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ what you made them do and @@.gold;fear you@@ as a result.
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
+		<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($milkTap) && ($milkTap.vagina == 0)>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;especially,@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his virginity@@ to your inconvenience.
+			<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.vagina = 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($milkTap) && ($milkTap.anus == 0)>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;especially,@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his anal virginity@@ to your inconvenience.
+			<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.anus = 1>>
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion < -20)>>
-	Since your cow is restrained, you order the more obedient $activeSlave.slaveName to enjoy $himself with $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. As $he suckles, you can't help but notice the tantalizing way $he wiggles $his rear.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		<<if $PC.dick == 0>>Donning a strap-on<<else>>Teasing your stiffening cock<</if>>, you push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName and mount $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>> pussy, doggy style. You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.<<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>> $Him senses were so overwhelmed, $he didn't even notice you @@.lime;broke in $his vagina.@@<</if>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		<<if $PC.dick == 0>>Donning a strap-on<<else>>Teasing your stiffening cock<</if>>, you push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName and mount $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>> asshole, doggy style. You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>> $Him senses were so overwhelmed, $he didn't even notice you @@.lime;broke in $his anus.@@<</if>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		Teasing your stiffening cock, you push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName and squeeze your dick between $his huge butt cheeks. You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk as you fuck $his butt. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		Teasing your stiffening cock, you find a severe lack of places to stick your dick. Sighing, you hoist $his belted ass into the air, push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName and squeeze your dick between $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs. You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk as you fuck $his butt. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.
-	<<else>>
-		With a lack of holes to penetrate, you simply wrap your arms around $him and push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName. You bring a hand to $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and lead the other to your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>soaked pussy<<else>>stiff prick<</if>>. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.
-	<</if>>
-	$He gives the shaking $milkTap.slaveName an apologetic look before taking a seat. The poor cow isn't used to this yet and @@.gold;is terrified of your willingness@@ to take what you want from your slaves.
-	<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion < -20)>>
+		Since your cow is restrained, you order the more obedient $activeSlave.slaveName to enjoy $himself with $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. As $he suckles, you can't help but notice the tantalizing way $he wiggles $his rear.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if $PC.dick == 0>>Donning a strap-on<<else>>Teasing your stiffening cock<</if>>, you push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName and mount $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>> pussy, doggy style. You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.<<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>> $Him senses were so overwhelmed, $he didn't even notice you @@.lime;broke in $his vagina.@@<</if>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if $PC.dick == 0>>Donning a strap-on<<else>>Teasing your stiffening cock<</if>>, you push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName and mount $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>> asshole, doggy style. You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>> $Him senses were so overwhelmed, $he didn't even notice you @@.lime;broke in $his anus.@@<</if>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			Teasing your stiffening cock, you push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName and squeeze your dick between $his huge butt cheeks. You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk as you fuck $his butt. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			Teasing your stiffening cock, you find a severe lack of places to stick your dick. Sighing, you hoist $his belted ass into the air, push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName and squeeze your dick between $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs. You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk as you fuck $his butt. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.
+		<<else>>
+			With a lack of holes to penetrate, you simply wrap your arms around $him and push $him deeper into the protesting $milkTap.slaveName. You bring a hand to $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and lead the other to your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>soaked pussy<<else>>stiff prick<</if>>. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming milk balloon is $he allowed to pull $himself off of the @@.mediumorchid;resentful $milkTap.slaveName@@ and catch $his breath.
+		<</if>>
+		$He gives the shaking $milkTap.slaveName an apologetic look before taking a seat. The poor cow isn't used to this yet and @@.gold;is terrified of your willingness@@ to take what you want from your slaves.
+		<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($milkTap.fetish == "boobs") && ($milkTap.fetishStrength > 60) && ($milkTap.devotion > 20) && ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>> $he @@.mediumorchid;hates you so much more@@ that you @@.lime;broke in $his virgin vagina.@@<</if>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>> $he @@.mediumorchid;hates you so much more@@ that you @@.lime;broke in $his virgin anus.@@<</if>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know $he'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach, and cum soaked back, @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better, while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen, cum-covered stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.
-	<<else>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts, since $he lacks any better way to please you while you lavish attention on your eager cow. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.fetish == "boobs") && ($milkTap.fetishStrength > 60) && ($milkTap.devotion > 20) && ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>> $he @@.mediumorchid;hates you so much more@@ that you @@.lime;broke in $his virgin vagina.@@<</if>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>> $he @@.mediumorchid;hates you so much more@@ that you @@.lime;broke in $his virgin anus.@@<</if>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know $he'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach, and cum soaked back, @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better, while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen, cum-covered stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.
+		<<else>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he is forced to drink from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts, since $he lacks any better way to please you while you lavish attention on your eager cow. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the moaning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat. You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much $he loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 well milked breasts, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another milking soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.
+		<</if>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
+		<</if>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
-	<<set $milkTap.devotion += 4>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 20) || ($milkTap.devotion <= 20)>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better, while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-	<<else>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $himself so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts, since $he lacks any better way to please you while you lavish praise on your obedient cow. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-	<</if>>
-	You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much _he2 loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting. Neither slave seems to have enjoyed it, instead opting to just get it over with, though $milkTap.slaveName makes sure to thank $activeSlave.slaveName for lightening _his2 milky breasts.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
-	<</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
+		<<set $milkTap.devotion += 4>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 20) || ($milkTap.devotion <= 20)>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better, while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<<else>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $himself so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts, since $he lacks any better way to please you while you lavish praise on your obedient cow. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the docile $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<</if>>
+		You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much _he2 loves it groped. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting. Neither slave seems to have enjoyed it, instead opting to just get it over with, though $milkTap.slaveName makes sure to thank $activeSlave.slaveName for lightening _his2 milky breasts.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 50) || ($milkTap.devotion <= 50)>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the chaste slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better, while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the chaste slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-	<<else>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $himself so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts, since $he lacks any better way to please you while you lavish attention on your happy cow. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-	<</if>>
-	You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much _he2 gets backed up. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting. Both slaves enjoyed their union, though $milkTap.slaveName even more so thanks to _his2 lighter breasts.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName feels @@.hotpink;closer to you@@ after losing $his virginity to you.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.devotion += 2>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName feels @@.hotpink;closer to you@@ after losing $his anal virginity to you.
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1, $activeSlave.devotion += 2>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 50) || ($milkTap.devotion <= 50)>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the chaste slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better, while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the chaste slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<<else>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $himself so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's breasts, since $he lacks any better way to please you while you lavish attention on your happy cow. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $him into the smiling $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<</if>>
+		You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple, knowing just how much _he2 gets backed up. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting. Both slaves enjoyed their union, though $milkTap.slaveName even more so thanks to _his2 lighter breasts.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName feels @@.hotpink;closer to you@@ after losing $his virginity to you.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.devotion += 2>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName feels @@.hotpink;closer to you@@ after losing $his anal virginity to you.
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1, $activeSlave.devotion += 2>>
+		<</if>>
-	$activeSlave.slaveName eagerly lifts $his ass and jiggles it seductively as $he suckles from the moaning cow.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		You know that signal, so you hilt yourself in <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> and begin fucking $him against $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		You know that signal, so you hilt yourself in <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> and begin fucking $him against $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get penetrated, so you settle for sticking your dick between $his huge butt cheeks and fucking $him against $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get penetrated, so you settle for sticking your dick between $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better, and fuck $him against $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
-		You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get fucked, so you reposition $him so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		$activeSlave.slaveName eagerly lifts $his ass and jiggles it seductively as $he suckles from the moaning cow.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			You know that signal, so you hilt yourself in <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> and begin fucking $him against $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			You know that signal, so you hilt yourself in <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> and begin fucking $him against $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get penetrated, so you settle for sticking your dick between $his huge butt cheeks and fucking $him against $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get penetrated, so you settle for sticking your dick between $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better, and fuck $him against $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<<else>>
+			You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get fucked, so you reposition $him so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he drinks from $milkTap.slaveName's tits. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push $him into the grinning $milkTap.slaveName forcing even more milk down $his throat.
+		<</if>>
+		You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple to prevent _him2 from feeling left out. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting from $his meal<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) || canDoAnal($activeSlave)>> and from the pleasure you drove into $him<</if>>. Both slaves @@.hotpink;loved the attention,@@ though $milkTap.slaveName even more so thanks to _his2 lighter breasts.
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $milkTap.devotion += 4>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName got off quite strongly from the growing pressure within $him, @@.hotpink;cementing@@ $his @@.lime;first fucking@@ as something special.
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName got off quite strongly from the growing pressure within $him, @@.hotpink;cementing@@ $his @@.lime;first anal@@ as something special.
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<</if>>
-	You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with milk and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's free nipple to prevent _him2 from feeling left out. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with milk under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting from $his meal<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) || canDoAnal($activeSlave)>> and from the pleasure you drove into $him<</if>>. Both slaves @@.hotpink;loved the attention,@@ though $milkTap.slaveName even more so thanks to _his2 lighter breasts.
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $milkTap.devotion += 4>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName got off quite strongly from the growing pressure within $him, @@.hotpink;cementing@@ $his @@.lime;first fucking@@ as something special.
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName got off quite strongly from the growing pressure within $him, @@.hotpink;cementing@@ $his @@.lime;first anal@@ as something special.
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+	<<if $milkTap.lactation > 0>>
+		<<set $milkTap.lactationDuration = 2>>
+		<<set $milkTap.boobs -= $milkTap.boobsMilk, $milkTap.boobsMilk = 0>>
+<<else>> /* cum variant */
+	<<set $activeSlave.cumSource = $milkTap.ID>>
-<<if $milkTap.lactation > 0>>
-	<<set $milkTap.lactationDuration = 2>>
-	<<set $milkTap.boobs -= $milkTap.boobsMilk, $milkTap.boobsMilk = 0>>
-<<else>> /* cum variant */
-<<set $activeSlave.cumSource = $milkTap.ID>>
-The first necessary step is to prepare the cum slave and $his cock and balls.
-<<if $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
-	This is hilariously easy, as you have complete control over how $milkTap.slaveName is posed.
-<<elseif $milkTap.fetish == "mindbroken">>
-	This is very easy, as $milkTap.slaveName blankly follows your every will. Combined with _his2 instinct to relieve the building pressure in _his2 loins, _he2 is simple to position.
-<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-		This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName wants to see $activeSlave.slaveName's belly swell painfully as $he is forced to suck down _his2 huge loads.
-<<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName
-	<<if $milkTap.relationship == 1>>
-		always wanted to get _his2 dick sucked by _his2 friend.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 2>>
-		always wanted to get _his2 dick sucked by _his2 best friend.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 3>>
-		enjoys getting _his2 dick sucked by _his2 friend with benefits.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 4>>
-		loves getting _his2 dick sucked _his2 lover, something that commonly happens due to _his2 overproduction.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 5>>
-		loves getting _his2 dick sucked _his2 wife, something that commonly happens due to _his2 overproduction.
-	<</if>>.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
-	This is tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 daughter, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
-	This is tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is rather uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 daughter, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 own mother, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	This is tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 own father, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
-	This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 twin<<if $milkTap.energy >= 95>>, though as a nymphomaniac, the thought of someone who looks so much like _his2 is a major turn on<<else>> but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained<</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
-	This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 sister, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
-	This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 half-sister, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-<<elseif $milkTap.relationTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	<<if $milkTap.relation == "twin">>
-		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 twin<<if $milkTap.energy >= 95>>, though as a nymphomaniac, the thought of someone who looks so much like _his2 is a major turn on<<else>> but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained<</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "sister">>
-		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 sister, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "mother">>
+	The first necessary step is to prepare the cum slave and $his cock and balls.
+	<<if $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
+		This is hilariously easy, as you have complete control over how $milkTap.slaveName is posed.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.fetish == "mindbroken">>
+		This is very easy, as $milkTap.slaveName blankly follows your every will. Combined with _his2 instinct to relieve the building pressure in _his2 loins, _he2 is simple to position.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+			This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName wants to see $activeSlave.slaveName's belly swell painfully as $he is forced to suck down _his2 huge loads.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		This is rather easy, as $milkTap.slaveName
+		<<if $milkTap.relationship == 1>>
+			always wanted to get _his2 dick sucked by _his2 friend.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 2>>
+			always wanted to get _his2 dick sucked by _his2 best friend.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 3>>
+			enjoys getting _his2 dick sucked by _his2 friend with benefits.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 4>>
+			loves getting _his2 dick sucked _his2 lover, something that commonly happens due to _his2 overproduction.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 5>>
+			loves getting _his2 dick sucked _his2 wife, something that commonly happens due to _his2 overproduction.
+		<</if>>.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
 		This is tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 daughter, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "daughter">>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
+		This is tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is rather uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 daughter, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
 		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 own mother, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		This is tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 own father, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
+		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 twin<<if $milkTap.energy >= 95>>, though as a nymphomaniac, the thought of someone who looks so much like _his2 is a major turn on<<else>> but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained<</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
+		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 sister, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
+		This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 half-sister, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.relationTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		<<if $milkTap.relation == "twin">>
+			This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 twin<<if $milkTap.energy >= 95>>, though as a nymphomaniac, the thought of someone who looks so much like _his2 is a major turn on<<else>> but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained<</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "sister">>
+			This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is uncomfortable getting so intimate with _his2 sister, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "mother">>
+			This is tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 daughter, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "daughter">>
+			This is moderately tough, as $milkTap.slaveName is very uncomfortable having _his2 dick sucked by _his2 own mother, but _he2 can't really complain about getting _his2 overfilled nuts drained.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($milkTap.fetish == "cumslut") && ($milkTap.fetishKnown == 1) && ($milkTap.fetishStrength > 60) && ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
-	This is very easy, since $milkTap.slaveName loves blasting loads whenever _he2 can, and it is just a bonus to _his2 that _he2 gets a blowjob in the process.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.fetish == "cumslut") && ($milkTap.fetishKnown == 1) && ($milkTap.fetishStrength > 60) && ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
+		This is very easy, since $milkTap.slaveName loves blasting loads whenever _he2 can, and it is just a bonus to _his2 that _he2 gets a blowjob in the process.
-<<elseif ($milkTap.energy > 95)>>
-	This is very easy, since $milkTap.slaveName is so sexually charged _he2 is practically overflowing at the thought of getting _his2 dick sucked.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.energy > 95)>>
+		This is very easy, since $milkTap.slaveName is so sexually charged _he2 is practically overflowing at the thought of getting _his2 dick sucked.
-<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion > 50)>>
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName is devoted to you, _he2'd allow anyone you want to suck _his2 dick.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion > 50)>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName is devoted to you, _he2'd allow anyone you want to suck _his2 dick.
-<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion > 20)>>
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName is obedient, _he2 appreciates being allowed to have _his2 dick sucked.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion > 20)>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName is obedient, _he2 appreciates being allowed to have _his2 dick sucked.
-<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName does not resist your will, _he2 should comply reasonably well. If anything, _he2'll at least be thankful for the pleasure and relief.
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion >= -20)>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName does not resist your will, _he2 should comply reasonably well. If anything, _he2'll at least be thankful for the pleasure and relief.
-	Since $milkTap.slaveName is unlikely to comply willingly, you simply restrain _him2 with _his2 dick exposed and ready to be sucked. To get _him2 going,
-	<<if canDoAnal($milkTap) && $milkTap.prostate > 0>>
-		you circle around behind _him2, <<if $PC.dick == 0>>while donning a strap-on<<else>>teasing your erect cock<</if>>, and force _him2 forward to allow you to insert yourself into $his <<if $milkTap.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>rear. After a quick and brutal bit of prostrate stimulation, you finish and remove yourself from _him2. Before _he2 has a chance to reclench _his2 anus, you ram an electroshock stimulator in your stead.
-		you attach a number of vibrators to _his2 oversized balls and turn them to full power, stirring up _his2 overzealous cum factories.
-	<</if>>
-	_he2 cries in @@.mediumorchid;disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ as _his2 penis twitches from the sensation, begging for unwelcome release.
-	<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
-	<<if canDoAnal($milkTap)>>
-		<<if canImpreg($milkTap, $PC)>>
-			<<= knockMeUp($milkTap, 40, 1, -1)>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if ($milkTap.anus == 0)>>
-			$milkTap.slaveName feels @@.mediumorchid;especially violated@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his anal virginity@@ in such a manner.
-			<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.anus = 1>>
+		Since $milkTap.slaveName is unlikely to comply willingly, you simply restrain _him2 with _his2 dick exposed and ready to be sucked. To get _him2 going,
+		<<if canDoAnal($milkTap) && $milkTap.prostate > 0>>
+			you circle around behind _him2, <<if $PC.dick == 0>>while donning a strap-on<<else>>teasing your erect cock<</if>>, and force _him2 forward to allow you to insert yourself into $his <<if $milkTap.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>rear. After a quick and brutal bit of prostrate stimulation, you finish and remove yourself from _him2. Before _he2 has a chance to reclench _his2 anus, you ram an electroshock stimulator in your stead.
+		<<else>>
+			you attach a number of vibrators to _his2 oversized balls and turn them to full power, stirring up _his2 overzealous cum factories.
+		<</if>>
+		_he2 cries in @@.mediumorchid;disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ as _his2 penis twitches from the sensation, begging for unwelcome release.
+		<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
+		<<if canDoAnal($milkTap)>>
+			<<if canImpreg($milkTap, $PC)>>
+				<<= knockMeUp($milkTap, 40, 1, -1)>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<if ($milkTap.anus == 0)>>
+				$milkTap.slaveName feels @@.mediumorchid;especially violated@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his anal virginity@@ in such a manner.
+				<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.anus = 1>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<set $milkTap.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-		<<set $milkTap.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<</if>>
+	<</if>>
+	<br><br>
-Next, you see to $activeSlave.slaveName.
+	Next, you see to $activeSlave.slaveName.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp == 1)>>
-	You tip the limbless $girl face first into $milkTap.slaveName's dick.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp == 1)>>
+		You tip the limbless $girl face first into $milkTap.slaveName's dick.
-<<elseif tooBigBreasts($activeSlave)>>
-	You set $him up so that $his massive breasts pin $him, face first, to $milkTap.slaveName's dick.
+	<<elseif tooBigBreasts($activeSlave)>>
+		You set $him up so that $his massive breasts pin $him, face first, to $milkTap.slaveName's dick.
-<<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
-	$He hesitantly brings $his mouth to its precum tipped dick, uncertain about sucking off a doll.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
+		$He hesitantly brings $his mouth to its precum tipped dick, uncertain about sucking off a doll.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.rivalryTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
-	Knowing $his relationship with $milkTap.slaveName, you feel it best to restrain $him and anchor $him to $milkTap.slaveName's eager cock so $he has no choice but to suck $his way to release.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.rivalryTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
+		Knowing $his relationship with $milkTap.slaveName, you feel it best to restrain $him and anchor $him to $milkTap.slaveName's eager cock so $he has no choice but to suck $his way to release.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.relationshipTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
-	This is rather easy, as $activeSlave.slaveName
-	<<if $activeSlave.relationship == 1>>
-		licks $his lips as $he approaches $his friend's cock.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 2>>
-		eagerly licks $his lips as $he approaches $his best friend's cock.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
-		licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his friend with benefits' cock, knowing well how $his cum tastes.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
-		licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his lover's cock. This won't be the first time $he's sucked $his dick and swallowed $his huge loads.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 5>>
-		licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his wife's cock. This won't be the first time $he's sucked $his dick and swallowed $his huge loads.
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationshipTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
+		This is rather easy, as $activeSlave.slaveName
+		<<if $activeSlave.relationship == 1>>
+			licks $his lips as $he approaches $his friend's cock.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 2>>
+			eagerly licks $his lips as $he approaches $his best friend's cock.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 3>>
+			licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his friend with benefits' cock, knowing well how $his cum tastes.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 4>>
+			licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his lover's cock. This won't be the first time $he's sucked $his dick and swallowed $his huge loads.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == 5>>
+			licks $his lips and smiles as $he approaches $his wife's cock. This won't be the first time $he's sucked $his dick and swallowed $his huge loads.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
-	$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his mother's cock.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
-	$He <<if $activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>eagerly<<else>>awkwardly<</if>> brings $his lips to daddy's cock.
-<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's cock.
-<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's cock.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
-	$He gets in position to suck $his twin's dick.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
-	$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his sister's cock.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
-	$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his half-sister's cock.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.relationTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.relation == "twin">>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
+		$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his mother's cock.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
+		$He <<if $activeSlave.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>eagerly<<else>>awkwardly<</if>> brings $his lips to daddy's cock.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's cock.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's cock.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
 		$He gets in position to suck $his twin's dick.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "sister">>
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
 		$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his sister's cock.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "mother">>
-		$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's cock.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "daughter">>
-		$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his mother's cock.
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
+		$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his half-sister's cock.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationTarget == $milkTap.ID>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.relation == "twin">>
+			$He gets in position to suck $his twin's dick.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "sister">>
+			$He hesitatingly lowers $himself to $his sister's cock.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "mother">>
+			$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his daughter's cock.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.relation == "daughter">>
+			$He awkwardly brings $his lips to $his mother's cock.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut") && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.devotion >= -20)>>
-	$He can't wait to wrap $his lips around $milkTap.slaveName's cock and balloon with cum, so $he eagerly approaches the waiting shaft.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut") && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.devotion >= -20)>>
+		$He can't wait to wrap $his lips around $milkTap.slaveName's cock and balloon with cum, so $he eagerly approaches the waiting shaft.
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "submissive") && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1)>>
-	$He is accustomed to submitting to you, but as a natural submissive $he doesn't have much trouble submitting to $milkTap.slaveName instead.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "submissive") && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1)>>
+		$He is accustomed to submitting to you, but as a natural submissive $he doesn't have much trouble submitting to $milkTap.slaveName instead.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
-	$He tries to refuse, so you tie $him up, force a mouth spreader into $him, and position $him for $milkTap.slaveName to thrust into.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
+		$He tries to refuse, so you tie $him up, force a mouth spreader into $him, and position $him for $milkTap.slaveName to thrust into.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 20>>
-	$He obeys your orders reluctantly, drawing near $milkTap.slaveName's cock despite $his obvious hesitation to amount of cum that will be gushing into $him.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 20>>
+		$He obeys your orders reluctantly, drawing near $milkTap.slaveName's cock despite $his obvious hesitation to amount of cum that will be gushing into $him.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 50>>
-	$He obeys your orders, drawing near $milkTap.slaveName's cock despite $his slight hesitation at the idea of being filled with cum.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 50>>
+		$He obeys your orders, drawing near $milkTap.slaveName's cock despite $his slight hesitation at the idea of being filled with cum.
-	$He happily obeys your orders, eagerly tasting $milkTap.slaveName's beading precum before wrapping $his lips around $milkTap.slaveName's cock and sucking enthusiastically.
+	<<else>>
+		$He happily obeys your orders, eagerly tasting $milkTap.slaveName's beading precum before wrapping $his lips around $milkTap.slaveName's cock and sucking enthusiastically.
+	<</if>>
+	<br><br>
-<<if $activeSlave.preg > 3 && $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.inflation > 1>>
-	It becomes abundantly clear that something is wrong with $activeSlave.slaveName as $he struggles to down $his thick meal. Before $his health can be affected further, you pull $him into a medical exam. While most of the tests come back normal, one in particular catches your eye; @@.lime;$he is pregnant<<if $activeSlave.preg > 10>> and surprisingly far along<</if>>.@@ $he should be able to still handle at least two liters of cum, however.
-	<<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0, $activeSlave.inflationType = "none", $activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1>>
-	<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
-<<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
-	Slight moaning emanates from the Fuckdoll as $activeSlave.slaveName sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off _his2 cock and settles into _his2 balls for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off _his2 cock and settles into _his2 balls for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off _his2 cock and settles into _his2 balls for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName grins as _his2 rival is forced to suck down loads until $his belly is <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>nearly bursting with cum. $activeSlave.slaveName struggles against $his bindings until the pressure building in $his overwhelms $him, causing $him to pass out with $milkTap.slaveName's ejaculating cock still stuck in $him. You quickly remove $him from it, making sure $he gets roused from $his stupor by one last blast of cum directly to the face<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>is rounded, jiggling and sloshing with cum. You release $his bindings, allowing $him to flop to the floor. <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>$he gingerly crawls away from $milkTap.slaveName, one hand cradling $his overfull stomach<<else>>$he rolls onto $his side, groaning with discomfort<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>bloated with cum. You release $his bindings, allowing $him to flop to the floor. <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>$he gingerly sits up and begins massaging $his full stomach<<else>>$he rolls onto $his back, hiccupping pathetically<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	<<if $milkTap.relationship == 1>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans as _his2 friend energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 2>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans as _his2 best friend energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his best friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his best friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his best friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 3>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 friend with benefits energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 4>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lustfully as _his2 lover teases $his dick perfectly with _his2 tongue, savoring it despite commonly being sucked off by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his lover's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his lover's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his lover's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 5>>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lustfully as _his2 wife teases _his2 dick perfectly with $his tongue, savoring it despite commonly being sucked off by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his wife's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his wife's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his wife's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.preg > 3 && $activeSlave.pregKnown == 0 && $activeSlave.inflation > 1>>
+		It becomes abundantly clear that something is wrong with $activeSlave.slaveName as $he struggles to down $his thick meal. Before $his health can be affected further, you pull $him into a medical exam. While most of the tests come back normal, one in particular catches your eye; @@.lime;$he is pregnant<<if $activeSlave.preg > 10>> and surprisingly far along<</if>>.@@ $he should be able to still handle at least two liters of cum, however.
+		<<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0, $activeSlave.inflationType = "none", $activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1>>
+		<<set _pregDiscovery = 1>>
+	<<elseif $milkTap.fuckdoll > 0>>
+		Slight moaning emanates from the Fuckdoll as $activeSlave.slaveName sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off _his2 cock and settles into _his2 balls for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off _his2 cock and settles into _his2 balls for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off _his2 cock and settles into _his2 balls for a short rest while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.rivalryTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName grins as _his2 rival is forced to suck down loads until $his belly is <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>nearly bursting with cum. $activeSlave.slaveName struggles against $his bindings until the pressure building in $his overwhelms $him, causing $him to pass out with $milkTap.slaveName's ejaculating cock still stuck in $him. You quickly remove $him from it, making sure $he gets roused from $his stupor by one last blast of cum directly to the face<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>is rounded, jiggling and sloshing with cum. You release $his bindings, allowing $him to flop to the floor. <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>$he gingerly crawls away from $milkTap.slaveName, one hand cradling $his overfull stomach<<else>>$he rolls onto $his side, groaning with discomfort<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>bloated with cum. You release $his bindings, allowing $him to flop to the floor. <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>$he gingerly sits up and begins massaging $his full stomach<<else>>$he rolls onto $his back, hiccupping pathetically<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.relationshipTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		<<if $milkTap.relationship == 1>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans as _his2 friend energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 2>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans as _his2 best friend energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his best friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his best friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his best friend's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 3>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 friend with benefits energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his friend with benefits' cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 4>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lustfully as _his2 lover teases $his dick perfectly with _his2 tongue, savoring it despite commonly being sucked off by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his lover's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his lover's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his lover's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relationship == 5>>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lustfully as _his2 wife teases _his2 dick perfectly with $his tongue, savoring it despite commonly being sucked off by $activeSlave.slaveName during their lovemaking. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his wife's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his wife's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his wife's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 daughter energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 daughter energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his father's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his father's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his father's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 mother energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 father energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>><<if $activeSlave.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>, $his own stiff prick throbbing against the underside of $his new belly<</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 twin sister sucks _his2 off. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 <<if $milkTap.actualAge >= $activeSlave.actualAge>>little<<else>>big<</if>> sister energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
-	$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 half-sister sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-<<elseif $milkTap.relationTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
-	<<if $milkTap.relation == "twin">>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 twin sister sucks _his2 off. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "sister">>
-		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 <<if $milkTap.actualAge >= $activeSlave.actualAge>>little<<else>>big<</if>> sister energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "mother">>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.mother == $milkTap.ID>>
 		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 daughter energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "daughter">>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.father == $milkTap.ID>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 daughter energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his father's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his father's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his father's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.mother == $activeSlave.ID>>
 		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 mother energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif $milkTap.father == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 father energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>><<if $activeSlave.dick > 0 && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>, $his own stiff prick throbbing against the underside of $his new belly<</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 1>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 twin sister sucks _his2 off. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 2>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 <<if $milkTap.actualAge >= $activeSlave.actualAge>>little<<else>>big<</if>> sister energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif areSisters($activeSlave, $milkTap) == 3>>
+		$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 half-sister sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+	<<elseif $milkTap.relationTarget == $activeSlave.ID>>
+		<<if $milkTap.relation == "twin">>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 twin sister sucks _his2 off. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "sister">>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 <<if $milkTap.actualAge >= $activeSlave.actualAge>>little<<else>>big<</if>> sister energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his sister's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "mother">>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 daughter energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his mother's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<<elseif $milkTap.relation == "daughter">>
+			$milkTap.slaveName moans lewdly as _his2 mother energetically sucks _his2 dick. You enjoy the show, specifically the sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's belly steadily growing larger with each orgasm until <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>$his belly is round and taut, making $him look pregnant. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and rubbing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his belly is round, jiggling and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his wobbling, gurgling stomach<</if>><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his belly is distended and sloshing with cum. $He pops off $his daughter's cock and takes a seat facing the smiling $milkTap.slaveName while hiccupping<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and teasing $his gurgling stomach<</if>><</if>>.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20) && ($milkTap.devotion < -20)>>
-	Since you have two restrained and unwilling slaves, though $milkTap.slaveName's twitching penis betrays _him2, you are going to have to take an active role in forcing $activeSlave.slaveName to suck.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while<<if $PC.dick == 0>> donning a strap-on<<else>> teasing your erect cock<</if>>, you pull $him into a comfortable position to penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy. Once you are firmly mounted, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you thrust into $him, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while<<if $PC.dick == 0>> donning a strap-on<<else>> teasing your erect cock<</if>>, you pull $him into a comfortable position to penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>rear. Once you are firmly mounted, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you thrust into $him, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while teasing your erect cock, you pull $him into a comfortable position to rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks. Once you are firmly slotted, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you thrust against $him, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while teasing your erect cock, you pull $him into a comfortable position to fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better. Once you are firmly seated, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you thrust against $him, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
-	<<else>>
-		Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while teasing your erect cock, you find a distinct lack of ways to use $him to get off. <<if $PC.dick == 1>>You settle for rubbing your erection against $his back<<else>>You settle for a vibrating dildo stuck deep into your pussy<</if>>, you'll need both hands to fondle your toy. Once you are positioned, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you masturbate, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers and the seemingly endless supply of ejaculate from $milkTap.slaveName<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers and the seemingly endless supply of ejaculate from $milkTap.slaveName<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers and the seemingly endless supply of ejaculate from $milkTap.slaveName<</if>>. Standing and releasing $him from $milkTap.slaveName, gives you a lovely sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>taut, round belly<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>rounded, jiggling belly<<else>>distended, sloshing belly<</if>> quivering as $he comes down from $his own forced climax<<if $PC.dick == 1 && (canDoAnal($activeSlave) || canDoVaginal($activeSlave))>>, cum leaking from both ends<</if>>.
-	Both slaves @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ what you made them do and @@.gold;fear you@@ as a result.
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
-	<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;especially,@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his virginity@@ in such a demeaning manner.
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;especially,@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his anal virginity@@ in such a demeaning manner.
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion < -20) && ($milkTap.devotion < -20)>>
+		Since you have two restrained and unwilling slaves, though $milkTap.slaveName's twitching penis betrays _him2, you are going to have to take an active role in forcing $activeSlave.slaveName to suck.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while<<if $PC.dick == 0>> donning a strap-on<<else>> teasing your erect cock<</if>>, you pull $him into a comfortable position to penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy. Once you are firmly mounted, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you thrust into $him, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while<<if $PC.dick == 0>> donning a strap-on<<else>> teasing your erect cock<</if>>, you pull $him into a comfortable position to penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>rear. Once you are firmly mounted, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you thrust into $him, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while teasing your erect cock, you pull $him into a comfortable position to rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks. Once you are firmly slotted, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you thrust against $him, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while teasing your erect cock, you pull $him into a comfortable position to fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs, for a lack of anything better. Once you are firmly seated, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you thrust against $him, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
+		<<else>>
+			Moving behind the struggling cocksleeve while teasing your erect cock, you find a distinct lack of ways to use $him to get off. <<if $PC.dick == 1>>You settle for rubbing your erection against $his back<<else>>You settle for a vibrating dildo stuck deep into your pussy<</if>>, you'll need both hands to fondle your toy. Once you are positioned, you reach around, bringing one hand to $his empty stomach and the other to $his exposed throat. As you masturbate, you force $him to choke down $milkTap.slaveName's dick, applying pressure to $his throat any time $he attempts to pull away.
+		<</if>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers and the seemingly endless supply of ejaculate from $milkTap.slaveName<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers and the seemingly endless supply of ejaculate from $milkTap.slaveName<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers and the seemingly endless supply of ejaculate from $milkTap.slaveName<</if>>. Standing and releasing $him from $milkTap.slaveName, gives you a lovely sight of $activeSlave.slaveName's <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>taut, round belly<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>rounded, jiggling belly<<else>>distended, sloshing belly<</if>> quivering as $he comes down from $his own forced climax<<if $PC.dick == 1 && (canDoAnal($activeSlave) || canDoVaginal($activeSlave))>>, cum leaking from both ends<</if>>.
+		Both slaves @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ what you made them do and @@.gold;fear you@@ as a result.
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
+		<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;especially,@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his virginity@@ in such a demeaning manner.
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName @@.mediumorchid;especially,@@ having just @@.lime;lost $his anal virginity@@ in such a demeaning manner.
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion < -20)>>
-	Since your sperm tank is restrained, you order the more obedient $activeSlave.slaveName to enjoy $himself with $milkTap.slaveName's dick. As $he teases and licks, you can't help but notice the tantalizing way $he wiggles $his rear.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		<<if $PC.dick == 0>>Donning a strap-on<<else>>Stroking your stiffening cock<</if>>, you wait for the perfect moment and mount $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy, doggy style.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		<<if $PC.dick == 0>>Donning a strap-on<<else>>Stroking your stiffening cock<</if>>, you wait for the perfect moment and mount $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>asshole, doggy style.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		Stroking your stiffening cock, you wait for the perfect moment and slip your dick between $his huge butt cheeks.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		Stroking your stiffening cock, you wait for the perfect moment, hoist up $his rear and slip your dick between $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs.
-	<<else>>
-		As you watch $his butt, it becomes clear just how few ways there are to use $him to get off. <<if $PC.dick == 1>>You settle for rubbing your erection against $his back<<else>>You settle for a vibrating dildo stuck deep into your pussy<</if>>, you'll need both hands to fondle your toy.
-	<</if>>
-	You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming cum balloon is $he allowed to pull off of the @@.mediumorchid;exhausted $milkTap.slaveName's@@ cock and catch $his breath.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		$Him senses were so overwhelmed, $he didn't even notice you @@.lime;broke in $his pussy.@@
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		$Him senses were so overwhelmed, $he didn't even notice you @@.lime;broke in $his anus.@@
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	$He gives the shaking $milkTap.slaveName an apologetic look before taking a seat. The poor slave isn't used to this yet and @@.gold;is terrified of your willingness@@ to take what you want from your slaves.
-	<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
-<<elseif ($milkTap.fetish == "cumslut") && ($milkTap.fetishStrength > 60) && ($milkTap.devotion > 20) && ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
-	<<else>>
-		You position $activeSlave.slaveName so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick, since $he lacks any better way to please you. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
-	<</if>>
-	You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's swollen testicles, knowing just how much _he2 loves to jettison cum. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 spasming, dribbling cock, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another slave to fuck soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		$He @@.mediumorchid;hates you so much more@@ that you @@.lime;broke in $his virgin pussy.@@
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.devotion -= 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		$He @@.mediumorchid;hates you so much more@@ that you @@.lime;broke in $his virgin anus.@@
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1, $activeSlave.devotion -= 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
-	<<set $milkTap.devotion += 4>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 20) || ($milkTap.devotion <= 20)>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $milkTap.slaveName's cock deeper down $his throat, giving $milkTap.slaveName's orgasms a straight shot into the moaning slave's gullet.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $milkTap.slaveName's cock deeper down $his throat, giving $milkTap.slaveName's orgasms a straight shot into the moaning slave's gullet.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $his ass so you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $milkTap.slaveName's cock deeper down $his throat, giving $milkTap.slaveName's orgasms a straight shot into the moaning slave's gullet.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $his ass so you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $milkTap.slaveName's cock deeper down $his throat, giving $milkTap.slaveName's orgasms a straight shot into the moaning slave's gullet.
-	<<else>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $himself so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick, since $he lacks any better way to please you. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
-	<</if>>
-	You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's balls, planning to coax even stronger orgasms out of _him2. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting. Neither slave seems to have truly enjoyed it, instead opting to just get it over with, though $milkTap.slaveName makes sure to thank $activeSlave.slaveName for dealing with $his pent up loads.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.devotion < -20)>>
+		Since your sperm tank is restrained, you order the more obedient $activeSlave.slaveName to enjoy $himself with $milkTap.slaveName's dick. As $he teases and licks, you can't help but notice the tantalizing way $he wiggles $his rear.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if $PC.dick == 0>>Donning a strap-on<<else>>Stroking your stiffening cock<</if>>, you wait for the perfect moment and mount $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy, doggy style.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			<<if $PC.dick == 0>>Donning a strap-on<<else>>Stroking your stiffening cock<</if>>, you wait for the perfect moment and mount $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>asshole, doggy style.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			Stroking your stiffening cock, you wait for the perfect moment and slip your dick between $his huge butt cheeks.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			Stroking your stiffening cock, you wait for the perfect moment, hoist up $his rear and slip your dick between $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs.
+		<<else>>
+			As you watch $his butt, it becomes clear just how few ways there are to use $him to get off. <<if $PC.dick == 1>>You settle for rubbing your erection against $his back<<else>>You settle for a vibrating dildo stuck deep into your pussy<</if>>, you'll need both hands to fondle your toy.
+		<</if>>
+		You wrap your arms around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>>. Only once your weight is removed from the squirming cum balloon is $he allowed to pull off of the @@.mediumorchid;exhausted $milkTap.slaveName's@@ cock and catch $his breath.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			$Him senses were so overwhelmed, $he didn't even notice you @@.lime;broke in $his pussy.@@
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			$Him senses were so overwhelmed, $he didn't even notice you @@.lime;broke in $his anus.@@
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<</if>>
+		$He gives the shaking $milkTap.slaveName an apologetic look before taking a seat. The poor slave isn't used to this yet and @@.gold;is terrified of your willingness@@ to take what you want from your slaves.
+		<<set $milkTap.devotion -= 5, $milkTap.trust -= 5>>
+	<<elseif ($milkTap.fetish == "cumslut") && ($milkTap.fetishStrength > 60) && ($milkTap.devotion > 20) && ($activeSlave.devotion < -20)>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			You position the restrained $activeSlave.slaveName so that you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
+		<<else>>
+			You position $activeSlave.slaveName so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick, since $he lacks any better way to please you. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
+		<</if>>
+		You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's swollen testicles, knowing just how much _he2 loves to jettison cum. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>> and $milkTap.slaveName even more. _He2 is semi-conscious, drooling in @@.hotpink;pleasure and satisfaction,@@ by the time you release the bloated $activeSlave.slaveName from $his harness. Patting _his2 spasming, dribbling cock, you know _he2'll come out of it and be eagerly begging you for another slave to fuck soon. $activeSlave.slaveName, on the other hand, is regarding $his swollen stomach @@.mediumorchid;with disgust@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ of your power over $him.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			$He @@.mediumorchid;hates you so much more@@ that you @@.lime;broke in $his virgin pussy.@@
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.devotion -= 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			$He @@.mediumorchid;hates you so much more@@ that you @@.lime;broke in $his virgin anus.@@
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1, $activeSlave.devotion -= 1>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
+		<<set $milkTap.devotion += 4>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 20) || ($milkTap.devotion <= 20)>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $milkTap.slaveName's cock deeper down $his throat, giving $milkTap.slaveName's orgasms a straight shot into the moaning slave's gullet.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. With every thrust into the squirming slave, you push $milkTap.slaveName's cock deeper down $his throat, giving $milkTap.slaveName's orgasms a straight shot into the moaning slave's gullet.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $his ass so you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $milkTap.slaveName's cock deeper down $his throat, giving $milkTap.slaveName's orgasms a straight shot into the moaning slave's gullet.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $his ass so you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you push $milkTap.slaveName's cock deeper down $his throat, giving $milkTap.slaveName's orgasms a straight shot into the moaning slave's gullet.
+		<<else>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $himself so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he is forced to suck $milkTap.slaveName's dick, since $he lacks any better way to please you. With every thrust against the squirming slave, you force the moaning $milkTap.slaveName's cock deep into $his throat.
+		<</if>>
+		You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's balls, planning to coax even stronger orgasms out of _him2. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting. Neither slave seems to have truly enjoyed it, instead opting to just get it over with, though $milkTap.slaveName makes sure to thank $activeSlave.slaveName for dealing with $his pent up loads.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<</if>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 50) || ($milkTap.devotion <= 50)>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
+		<<else>>
+			You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $himself so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock, since $he lacks any better way to please you. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
+		<</if>>
+		You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's balls, knowing just how much _he2 gets backed up. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting. Both slaves enjoyed their union, though $milkTap.slaveName even more so after that many orgasms.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName feels @@.hotpink;closer to you@@ after losing $his virginity to you.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName feels @@.hotpink;closer to you@@ after losing $his anal virginity to you.
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1, $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 50) || ($milkTap.devotion <= 50)>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can penetrate $his <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust into the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can rub your dick between $his huge butt cheeks while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to lift $his ass so you can fuck $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
-		You order $activeSlave.slaveName to position $himself so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he sucks $milkTap.slaveName's cock, since $he lacks any better way to please you. $He submissively obeys. With every thrust against the moaning slave, you push milkTap.slaveName's dick deeper down $his throat.
-	<</if>>
-	You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's balls, knowing just how much _he2 gets backed up. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting. Both slaves enjoyed their union, though $milkTap.slaveName even more so after that many orgasms.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName feels @@.hotpink;closer to you@@ after losing $his virginity to you.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName feels @@.hotpink;closer to you@@ after losing $his anal virginity to you.
-		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1, $activeSlave.devotion += 5>>
-	<</if>>
+		$activeSlave.slaveName eagerly lifts $his ass and jiggles it seductively as $he sucks the moaning slut.
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
+			You know that signal, so you hilt yourself in <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> and begin spitroasting $him with $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust into the moaning slave, every participant comes closer to their own climax.
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
+			You know that signal, so you hilt yourself in <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> and begin spitroasting $him with $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust into the moaning slave, every participant comes closer to their own climax.
+			<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
+			You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get penetrated, so you settle for sticking your dick between $his huge butt cheeks and fucking $him along with $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust against the moaning slave, both you and $milkTap.slaveName come closer to climax.
+		<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
+			You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get penetrated, so you settle for sticking your dick between $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs and fucking $him along with $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust against the moaning slave, both you and $milkTap.slaveName come closer to climax.
+		<<else>>
+			You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get fucked, so you reposition $him so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he deepthroats $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust against the moaning slave, both you and $milkTap.slaveName come closer to climax.
+		<</if>>
+		You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's breasts to prevent _him2 from feeling left out from your attention. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting from $his meal and from the pleasure you drove into $him. Both slaves @@.hotpink;loved the attention,@@ though $milkTap.slaveName even more so after so much relief.
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
+		<<set $milkTap.devotion += 4>>
+		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName got off quite strongly from the growing pressure within $him, @@.hotpink;cementing@@ $his @@.lime;first fucking@@ as something special.
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName got off quite strongly from the growing pressure within $him, @@.hotpink;cementing@@ $his @@.lime;first anal@@ as something special.
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<</if>>
-	$activeSlave.slaveName eagerly lifts $his ass and jiggles it seductively as $he sucks the moaning slut.
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		You know that signal, so you hilt yourself in <<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>virgin <</if>>pussy <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> and begin spitroasting $him with $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust into the moaning slave, every participant comes closer to their own climax.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		You know that signal, so you hilt yourself in <<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>virgin <</if>>ass <<if $PC.dick == 0>>with a strap-on <</if>> and begin spitroasting $him with $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust into the moaning slave, every participant comes closer to their own climax.
-		<<set $activeSlave.analCount++, $analTotal++>>
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.butt > 4>>
-		You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get penetrated, so you settle for sticking your dick between $his huge butt cheeks and fucking $him along with $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust against the moaning slave, both you and $milkTap.slaveName come closer to climax.
-	<<elseif $PC.dick == 1 && $activeSlave.amp == 0>>
-		You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get penetrated, so you settle for sticking your dick between $his <<if $activeSlave.weight > 95>>soft <</if>>thighs and fucking $him along with $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust against the moaning slave, both you and $milkTap.slaveName come closer to climax.
-	<<else>>
-		You know that signal, but $he isn't allowed to get fucked, so you reposition $him so you can rub your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>dick<</if>> against $him while $he deepthroats $milkTap.slaveName. With every thrust against the moaning slave, both you and $milkTap.slaveName come closer to climax.
-	<</if>>
-	You wrap an arm around $activeSlave.slaveName's middle so you may feel $his stomach swell with ejaculate and place your other hand to $milkTap.slaveName's breasts to prevent _him2 from feeling left out from your attention. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>>You cum multiple times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, transform into a jiggling mass, and finally grow taut under your molesting fingers<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>You cum several times as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum, finally transforming into a jiggling mass, under your molesting fingers<<else>>You cum as you feel $his belly slowly round with cum under your molesting fingers<</if>>. When you release $him from under your weight, $he drops to the ground panting from $his meal and from the pleasure you drove into $him. Both slaves @@.hotpink;loved the attention,@@ though $milkTap.slaveName even more so after so much relief.
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
-	<<set $milkTap.devotion += 4>>
-	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.vagina == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName got off quite strongly from the growing pressure within $him, @@.hotpink;cementing@@ $his @@.lime;first fucking@@ as something special.
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
-	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave) && ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName got off quite strongly from the growing pressure within $him, @@.hotpink;cementing@@ $his @@.lime;first anal@@ as something special.
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
 <<if _pregDiscovery == 0>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/fSlaveSlaveVagConsummate.tw b/src/pregmod/fSlaveSlaveVagConsummate.tw
index 554e20c16ff0825199cc8b9857962986570b526e..e48a1a59637d71d9a7890abdc84c813f78a9baab 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/fSlaveSlaveVagConsummate.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/fSlaveSlaveVagConsummate.tw
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ You take a look at the slave you selected.
 		<<elseif $slaverapistx.devotion > 60>>
 			but _his2 experience as a slave means _he2 can mostly ignore it and focus on sex.
-		and is understandably disturbed.
+			and is understandably disturbed.
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Next, you see to $activeSlave.slaveName.
 		<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion > 60>>
 			and if $he focuses, $he can forget the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> standing erect in front of $him belongs to someone related to $him.
-		and is understandably disturbed, <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>eyes glued to the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> throbbing before $him.<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>listening to the heavy breathing of $his relative whose <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> will be entering $him soon.<<else>>imagining how the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> of $his relative will feel inside $him<</if>>
+			and is understandably disturbed, <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>eyes glued to the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> throbbing before $him.<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>listening to the heavy breathing of $his relative whose <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> will be entering $him soon.<<else>>imagining how the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> of $his relative will feel inside $him<</if>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/fillUpButt.tw b/src/pregmod/fillUpButt.tw
index b2df1a2a3c6655f10b39ef2f4000293df2499522..84f64c64b2d4df3e6777caa01f82a8becfd34a01 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/fillUpButt.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/fillUpButt.tw
@@ -124,57 +124,57 @@ before shoving the equipment into $his
 		$He's opposed to the thought of being filled with <<if $activeSlave.inflation > 0>>more <</if>>$activeSlave.inflationType, but as an amputee can do nothing about it. You reach around and grab $his
-		<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
-			flat
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
-			cute
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
-			firm
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
-			generous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
-			massive
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
-			enormous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
-			gigantic
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
-			inhuman
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
-			couch-like
-		<</if>> <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>> buttocks.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-			$he tries to grab your wrists to keep them away but $he cannot resist for long.
-		<</if>>
-		You start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his<<if $seeRace == 1>> $activeSlave.race<</if>> ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. $He tries to break out of your grasp as you rub fingers around $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping anus.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose anus.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used asshole.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight butthole.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin butthole.
-		<</if>> $He writhes as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He struggles to stay still while you circle around $his anus, not breaking contact with $him with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he has shut $his eyes, trying not to think about what's about to happen.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and bend $him over your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>, while $he tries to push away.
-		<<else>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and place $him on your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>, while $he tries to squirm away.
-		<</if>>
-		You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You explore the contours of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, before picking up the hose and inserting it into $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin
-		<</if>> butthole, and setting it on low. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his sloshing belly slowly grows even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You rest a hand on $his back as $his swelling belly forces $him to rise off your lap. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his taut, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looks in your eyes<<else>>faces you<</if>>, as though almost demanding answers. $He looks apprehensive about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with two gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his bloated belly slowly swells even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his jiggly, soft, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looks in your eyes<<else>>faces you<</if>>, as though almost demanding answers. $He looks apprehensive about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with four liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<else>>$his belly slowly swells with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his distended, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looks in your eyes<<else>>faces you<</if>>, as though almost demanding answers. $He looks apprehensive about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with two liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<</if>>.
+	<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
+		flat
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
+		cute
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
+		firm
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
+		generous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
+		massive
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
+		enormous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
+		gigantic
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
+		inhuman
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
+		couch-like
+	<</if>> <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>> buttocks.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		$he tries to grab your wrists to keep them away but $he cannot resist for long.
+	<</if>>
+	You start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his<<if $seeRace == 1>> $activeSlave.race<</if>> ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. $He tries to break out of your grasp as you rub fingers around $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used asshole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight butthole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin butthole.
+	<</if>> $He writhes as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He struggles to stay still while you circle around $his anus, not breaking contact with $him with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he has shut $his eyes, trying not to think about what's about to happen.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and bend $him over your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>, while $he tries to push away.
+	<<else>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and place $him on your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>, while $he tries to squirm away.
+	<</if>>
+	You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You explore the contours of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, before picking up the hose and inserting it into $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin
+	<</if>> butthole, and setting it on low. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his sloshing belly slowly grows even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You rest a hand on $his back as $his swelling belly forces $him to rise off your lap. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his taut, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looks in your eyes<<else>>faces you<</if>>, as though almost demanding answers. $He looks apprehensive about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with two gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his bloated belly slowly swells even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his jiggly, soft, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looks in your eyes<<else>>faces you<</if>>, as though almost demanding answers. $He looks apprehensive about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with four liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<else>>$his belly slowly swells with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his distended, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looks in your eyes<<else>>faces you<</if>>, as though almost demanding answers. $He looks apprehensive about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with two liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<</if>>.
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion <= 20)>>
 	<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
@@ -184,54 +184,54 @@ before shoving the equipment into $his
 		$he's hesitant of being filled with <<if $activeSlave.inflation > 0>>more <</if>>$activeSlave.inflationType, but as an amputee can do nothing about it.
-		You reach around and grab $his
-		<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
-			flat
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
-			cute
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
-			firm
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
-			generous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
-			massive
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
-			enormous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
-			gigantic
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
-			inhuman
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
-			couch-like
-		<</if>> <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>> buttocks. $He can't stop $himself from becoming aroused as you start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his<<if $seeRace == 1>> $activeSlave.race<</if>> ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. You rub your fingers around $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping anus.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose anus.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used asshole.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight butthole.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin butthole.
-		<</if>> $He writhes as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He struggles to stay still while you circle around $his anus with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he has shut $his eyes, trying not to get aroused by your touch on $his butt. This only encourages you to continue. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly - first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but quiver while in your grasp.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and bend $his over your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
-		<<else>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and place $his wriggling body on your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
-		<</if>>
-		You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You explore the contours of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, before picking up the hose and inserting it into $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin
-		<</if>> butthole, and setting it on low. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his sloshing belly slowly grows even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You rest a hand on $his back as $his swelling belly forces $him to rise off your lap. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his taut, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He looks up at you quizzically, unsure about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with two gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his bloated belly slowly swells even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his jiggly, soft, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He looks up at you quizzically, unsure about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with four liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<else>>$his belly slowly swells with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his distended, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He looks up at you quizzically, unsure about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with two liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<</if>>.
+	You reach around and grab $his
+	<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
+		flat
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
+		cute
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
+		firm
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
+		generous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
+		massive
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
+		enormous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
+		gigantic
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
+		inhuman
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
+		couch-like
+	<</if>> <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>> buttocks. $He can't stop $himself from becoming aroused as you start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his<<if $seeRace == 1>> $activeSlave.race<</if>> ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. You rub your fingers around $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose anus.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used asshole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+	tight butthole.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin butthole.
+	<</if>> $He writhes as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He struggles to stay still while you circle around $his anus with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he has shut $his eyes, trying not to get aroused by your touch on $his butt. This only encourages you to continue. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly - first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but quiver while in your grasp.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and bend $his over your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
+	<<else>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and place $his wriggling body on your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
+	<</if>>
+	You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You explore the contours of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, before picking up the hose and inserting it into $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin
+	<</if>> butthole, and setting it on low. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his sloshing belly slowly grows even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You rest a hand on $his back as $his swelling belly forces $him to rise off your lap. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his taut, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He looks up at you quizzically, unsure about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with two gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his bloated belly slowly swells even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his jiggly, soft, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He looks up at you quizzically, unsure about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with four liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<else>>$his belly slowly swells with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his distended, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He looks up at you quizzically, unsure about what you will do next. You order $him to keep $himself filled with two liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<</if>>.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.devotion <= 50>>
 	<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
@@ -241,43 +241,43 @@ before shoving the equipment into $his
 		$he's mildly hesitant of being filled with <<if $activeSlave.inflation > 0>>more <</if>>$activeSlave.inflationType, but as an amputee can do nothing about it.
-		You reach around and grab $his
-		<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
-			flat
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
-			cute
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
-			firm
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
-			generous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
-			massive
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
-			enormous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
-			gigantic
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
-			inhuman
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
-			couch-like
-		<</if>> buttocks. You start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>>ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. As you rub your fingers around $his anus, $he starts to relax. $He quivers as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He purses $his lips while you circle around $his anus with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he is <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looking back at you doe-eyed<<else>>smiling pleasantly at you<</if>>, trying but failing not to get aroused by your soft touch on $his butt. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly - first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but let out a moan while in your grasp.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and bend $him over your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
-		<<else>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and place $him wriggling body on your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
-		<</if>>
-		You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You wander along the outline of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, before picking up the hose and inserting it into $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin
-		<</if>> butthole, and setting it on low. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his sloshing belly slowly grows even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You rest a hand on $his back as $his swelling belly forces $him to rise off your lap. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his taut, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, hoping you'll give $him more attention. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with two gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his bloated belly slowly swells even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his jiggly, soft, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, hoping you'll give $him more attention. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with four liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<else>>$his belly slowly swells with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his distended, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, hoping you'll give $him more attention. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with two liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<</if>>.
+	You reach around and grab $his
+	<<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
+		flat
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
+		cute
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
+		firm
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
+		generous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
+		massive
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
+		enormous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
+		gigantic
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
+		inhuman
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
+		couch-like
+	<</if>> buttocks. You start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>>ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. As you rub your fingers around $his anus, $he starts to relax. $He quivers as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He purses $his lips while you circle around $his anus with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he is <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looking back at you doe-eyed<<else>>smiling pleasantly at you<</if>>, trying but failing not to get aroused by your soft touch on $his butt. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly - first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but let out a moan while in your grasp.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and bend $him over your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
+	<<else>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $him around and place $him wriggling body on your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
+	<</if>>
+	You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You wander along the outline of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, before picking up the hose and inserting it into $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin
+	<</if>> butthole, and setting it on low. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his sloshing belly slowly grows even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You rest a hand on $his back as $his swelling belly forces $him to rise off your lap. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his taut, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, hoping you'll give $him more attention. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with two gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his bloated belly slowly swells even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his jiggly, soft, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, hoping you'll give $him more attention. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with four liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<else>>$his belly slowly swells with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his distended, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, hoping you'll give $him more attention. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with two liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<</if>>.
 	<<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>
@@ -287,42 +287,42 @@ before shoving the equipment into $his
 		$he devotedly <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looks<<else>>smiles<</if>> at you, awaiting the warm liquids entering $his bowels.
-		You reach around and grab $his <<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
-			flat
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
-			cute
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
-			firm
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
-			generous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
-			massive
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
-			enormous
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
-			gigantic
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
-			inhuman
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
-			couch-like
-		<</if>> buttocks. You start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>>ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. As you rub your fingers around $his anus, $he sighs audibly. $He moans as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He quivers while you circle around $his anus with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he is <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looking<<else>>gazing<</if>> back at you longingly, getting aroused by your continued touch on $his butt. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly - first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but let out a moan while in your grasp.
-		<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $his around and bend $his over your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
-		<<else>>
-			You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $his around and place $his wriggling body on your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
-		<</if>>
-You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You wander along the outline of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, before picking up the hose and inserting it into $his
-		<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
-			gaping
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
-			loose
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
-			well-used
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
-			tight
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
-			virgin
-		<</if>> butthole, and setting it on low. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his sloshing belly slowly grows even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You rest a hand on $his back as $his swelling belly forces $him to rise off your lap. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his taut, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, before eagerly begging for more. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with two gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his bloated belly slowly swells even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his jiggly, soft, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, before eagerly begging for more. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with four liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<else>>$his belly slowly swells with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his distended, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, before eagerly begging for more. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with two liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<</if>>.
+	You reach around and grab $his <<if $activeSlave.butt < 2>>
+		flat
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 2>>
+		cute
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 3>>
+		firm
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 4>>
+		generous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 5>>
+		massive
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 7>>
+		enormous
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 10>>
+		gigantic
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 14>>
+		inhuman
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.butt <= 20>>
+		couch-like
+	<</if>> buttocks. You start rubbing along $his cheeks, feeling the shape of $his <<if $seeRace == 1>>$activeSlave.race <</if>>ass with your fingers and squeezing gently. As you rub your fingers around $his anus, $he sighs audibly. $He moans as you continue to move around $his posterior gently reaching to touch your fingertips against $his sphincter while rubbing $his ass at the same time. $He quivers while you circle around $his anus with your fingers. You look at $his face and $he is <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looking<<else>>gazing<</if>> back at you longingly, getting aroused by your continued touch on $his butt. You keep squeezing $his buttocks tenderly - first one, then the other and then finally both and $he can't help but let out a moan while in your grasp.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $his around and bend $his over your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
+	<<else>>
+		You pull $his body closer towards you by $his buttocks, turn $his around and place $his wriggling body on your lap, <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his soft and jiggly <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-filled belly spilling over your legs<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>> distended belly resting on your legs<<else>>$his belly resting on your legs<</if>>.
+	<</if>>
+	You look at $his rear while you squeeze $his cheeks and rub them with your firm hands. You wander along the outline of $his posterior with both your eyes and hands, before picking up the hose and inserting it into $his
+	<<if ($activeSlave.anus > 3)>>
+		gaping
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 3)>>
+		loose
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 2)>>
+		well-used
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 1)>>
+		tight
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>>
+		virgin
+	<</if>> butthole, and setting it on low. <<if $activeSlave.inflation == 2>>$his sloshing belly slowly grows even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You rest a hand on $his back as $his swelling belly forces $him to rise off your lap. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his taut, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, before eagerly begging for more. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with two gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>>$his bloated belly slowly swells even larger with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his jiggly, soft, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, before eagerly begging for more. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with four liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<<else>>$his belly slowly swells with $activeSlave.inflationType. You slip a hand under $his stomach to feel it grow in your palm. Once the enema is complete and $he is plugged, you <<if canWalk($activeSlave)>>push $him to $his feet<<else>>help $him onto your desk<</if>> and admire $his distended, $activeSlave.skin stomach. $He sighs contently, before eagerly begging for more. You pat $his belly and tell $him to keep $himself filled with two liters of $activeSlave.inflationType until you say otherwise<</if>>.
 <<if _pregDiscovery == 0>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.inflation += 1>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/hotswapprosthetics.tw b/src/pregmod/hotswapprosthetics.tw
index 9bdaf2764f084ce469976c53b19dd70db8288094..b2760aa71a09746447282ff1624b9ff78ca78372 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/hotswapprosthetics.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/hotswapprosthetics.tw
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 			<<set $activeSlave.amp = 1, $activeSlave.armsTat = 0, $activeSlave.legsTat = 0>>
 			<<set $activeSlave.readyLimbs.splice(_hsp, 1, _oldLimbs)>>
 			<<replace "#LimbOptions">>
-			<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
+				<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
 		<</link>> |
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 				<<set $activeSlave.readyLimbs.push(_oldLimbs)>>
 			<<replace "#LimbOptions">>
-			<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
+				<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
 	<<elseif def $activeLimbs && $activeLimbs.type == "simple" && $activeSlave.ID == $activeLimbs.ID>>
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 				<<set $activeSlave.readyLimbs.push(_oldLimbs)>>
 			<<replace "#LimbOptions">>
-			<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
+				<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
 	<<elseif def $activeLimbs && $activeLimbs.type == "sex" && $activeSlave.ID == $activeLimbs.ID>>
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 				<<set $activeSlave.readyLimbs.push(_oldLimbs)>>
 			<<replace "#LimbOptions">>
-			<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
+				<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
 	<<elseif def $activeLimbs && $activeLimbs.type == "beauty" && $activeSlave.ID == $activeLimbs.ID>>
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 				<<set $activeSlave.readyLimbs.push(_oldLimbs)>>
 			<<replace "#LimbOptions">>
-			<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
+				<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
 	<<elseif def $activeLimbs && $activeLimbs.type == "combat" && $activeSlave.ID == $activeLimbs.ID>>
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
 				<<set $activeSlave.readyLimbs.push(_oldLimbs)>>
 			<<replace "#LimbOptions">>
-			<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
+				<<include "Hotswap Prosthetics">>
 	<<elseif def $activeLimbs && $activeLimbs.type == "cyber" && $activeSlave.ID == $activeLimbs.ID>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/incubator.tw b/src/pregmod/incubator.tw
index fae743fe30a8dfa5c3a6d7521a1796abafc9e434..6f4359c40e02807b4f437972dddfe6a4523bc208 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/incubator.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/incubator.tw
@@ -72,76 +72,76 @@ Reserve an eligible mother-to-be's child to be placed in a tank upon birth. Of $
 <<for _u = 0; _u < _SL; _u++>>
 	<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[_u]>>
 	<<if $slaves[_u].preg > 0 && $slaves[_u].broodmother == 0 && $slaves[_u].pregKnown == 1 && $slaves[_u].eggType == "human">>
-	<<if $slaves[_u].assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting > 0>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set _slaveId = "slave-" + $slaves[_u].ID>>
-		<<set _WL = $slaves[_u].womb.length>>
-		<<set _reservedIncubator = WombReserveCount($slaves[_u], "incubator")>>
-		<<set _reservedNursery = WombReserveCount($slaves[_u], "nursery")>>
-		<<set _pregWeek = $slaves[_u].pregWeek>>
-		<<set _slaveName = SlaveFullName($slaves[_u])>>
-		<div class="possible" @id="_slaveId" @data-preg-count="_pregCount" @data-reserved-spots="_reservedIncubator" @data-preg-week="_pregWeek" @data-name="_slaveName">
-		<<print "[[_slaveName|Long Slave Description][$activeSlave = $slaves[" + _u + "], $nextLink = passage()]]">> is $slaves[_u].pregWeek weeks pregnant with
-		<<if $slaves[_u].pregSource == 0 || $slaves[_u].preg <= 5>>someone's<<if $slaves[_u].preg <= 5>>, though it is too early to tell whose,<</if>>
-		<<elseif $slaves[_u].pregSource == -1>>your
-		<<elseif $slaves[_u].pregSource == -2>>a citizen's
+		<<if $slaves[_u].assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting > 0>>
-			<<set _t = $slaveIndices[$slaves[_u].pregSource]>>
-			<<if def _t>>
-				<<print $slaves[_t].slaveName>>'s
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if _WL > 1>>_WL babies<<else>>baby<</if>>.
-		<<if _reservedIncubator > 0>>
-			<<set _childrenReserved = 1>>
-			<<if _WL == 1>>
-				$His child will be placed in $incubatorName.
-			<<elseif _reservedIncubator < _WL>>
-				_reservedIncubator of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
-			<<elseif _WL == 2>>
-				Both of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
+			<<set _slaveId = "slave-" + $slaves[_u].ID>>
+			<<set _WL = $slaves[_u].womb.length>>
+			<<set _reservedIncubator = WombReserveCount($slaves[_u], "incubator")>>
+			<<set _reservedNursery = WombReserveCount($slaves[_u], "nursery")>>
+			<<set _pregWeek = $slaves[_u].pregWeek>>
+			<<set _slaveName = SlaveFullName($slaves[_u])>>
+			<div class="possible" @id="_slaveId" @data-preg-count="_pregCount" @data-reserved-spots="_reservedIncubator" @data-preg-week="_pregWeek" @data-name="_slaveName">
+			<<print "[[_slaveName|Long Slave Description][$activeSlave = $slaves[" + _u + "], $nextLink = passage()]]">> is $slaves[_u].pregWeek weeks pregnant with
+			<<if $slaves[_u].pregSource == 0 || $slaves[_u].preg <= 5>>someone's<<if $slaves[_u].preg <= 5>>, though it is too early to tell whose,<</if>>
+			<<elseif $slaves[_u].pregSource == -1>>your
+			<<elseif $slaves[_u].pregSource == -2>>a citizen's
-				All _reservedIncubator of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (_reservedIncubator + _reservedNursery < _WL) && ($reservedChildren < $freeTanks)>>
-				<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-				<<print "[[Keep another child|Incubator][WombAddToGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 1)]]">>
-				<<if _reservedIncubator > 0>>
-					| <<print "[[Keep one less child|Incubator][WombCleanGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 1)]]">>
+				<<set _t = $slaveIndices[$slaves[_u].pregSource]>>
+				<<if def _t>>
+					<<print $slaves[_t].slaveName>>'s
-				<<if _reservedIncubator > 1>>
-					| <<print "[[Keep none of " + $his + " children|Incubator][WombCleanGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 9999)]]">>
+			<</if>>
+			<<if _WL > 1>>_WL babies<<else>>baby<</if>>.
+			<<if _reservedIncubator > 0>>
+				<<set _childrenReserved = 1>>
+				<<if _WL == 1>>
+					$His child will be placed in $incubatorName.
+				<<elseif _reservedIncubator < _WL>>
+					_reservedIncubator of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
+				<<elseif _WL == 2>>
+					Both of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
+				<<else>>
+					All _reservedIncubator of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
-				<<if ($reservedChildren + _WL - _reservedIncubator) <= $freeTanks>>
-					| <<print "[[Keep the rest of " + $his + " children|Incubator][WombAddToGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 9999)]]">>
+				<<if (_reservedIncubator + _reservedNursery < _WL) && ($reservedChildren < $freeTanks)>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					<<print "[[Keep another child|Incubator][WombAddToGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 1)]]">>
+					<<if _reservedIncubator > 0>>
+						| <<print "[[Keep one less child|Incubator][WombCleanGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 1)]]">>
+					<</if>>
+					<<if _reservedIncubator > 1>>
+						| <<print "[[Keep none of " + $his + " children|Incubator][WombCleanGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 9999)]]">>
+					<</if>>
+					<<if ($reservedChildren + _WL - _reservedIncubator) <= $freeTanks>>
+						| <<print "[[Keep the rest of " + $his + " children|Incubator][WombAddToGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 9999)]]">>
+					<</if>>
+				<<elseif (_reservedIncubator == _WL) || ($reservedChildren == $freeTanks) || (_reservedIncubator + _reservedNursery == _WL)>>
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					<<print "[[Keep one less child|Incubator][WombCleanGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 1)]]">>
+					<<if _reservedIncubator > 1>>
+						| <<print "[[Keep none of " + $his + " children|Incubator][WombCleanGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 9999)]]">>
+					<</if>>
-			<<elseif (_reservedIncubator == _WL) || ($reservedChildren == $freeTanks) || (_reservedIncubator + _reservedNursery == _WL)>>
-				<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-				<<print "[[Keep one less child|Incubator][WombCleanGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 1)]]">>
-				<<if _reservedIncubator > 1>>
-					| <<print "[[Keep none of " + $his + " children|Incubator][WombCleanGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 9999)]]">>
+			<<elseif ($reservedChildren < $freeTanks)>>
+				<<if _WL - _reservedNursery == 0>>
+					//$His children are already reserved for $nurseryName//
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					<<print "[[Keep " + $his + " " + ((_WL > 1) ? "children" : "child") + " here instead|Incubator][WombChangeReserveType($slaves[" + _u + "], 'nursery', 'incubator')]]">>
+				<<else>>
+					You have <<if $freeTanks == 1>>an<</if>> @@.lime;available aging tank<<if $freeTanks > 1>>s<</if>>.@@
+					<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+					<<print "[[Keep "+ ((_WL > 1) ? "a" : "the") +" child|Incubator][WombAddToGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 1)]]">>
+					<<if (_WL > 1) && ($reservedChildren + _WL - _reservedIncubator) <= $freeTanks>>
+						| <<print "[[Keep all of " + $his + " children|Incubator][WombAddToGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 9999)]]">>
+					<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif ($reservedChildren < $freeTanks)>>
-			<<if _WL - _reservedNursery == 0>>
-				//$His children are already reserved for $nurseryName//
+			<<elseif $reservedChildren == $freeTanks>>
-				<<print "[[Keep " + $his + " " + ((_WL > 1) ? "children" : "child") + " here instead|Incubator][WombChangeReserveType($slaves[" + _u + "], 'nursery', 'incubator')]]">>
-			<<else>>
-				You have <<if $freeTanks == 1>>an<</if>> @@.lime;available aging tank<<if $freeTanks > 1>>s<</if>>.@@
-				<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-				<<print "[[Keep "+ ((_WL > 1) ? "a" : "the") +" child|Incubator][WombAddToGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 1)]]">>
-				<<if (_WL > 1) && ($reservedChildren + _WL - _reservedIncubator) <= $freeTanks>>
-					| <<print "[[Keep all of " + $his + " children|Incubator][WombAddToGenericReserve($slaves[" + _u + "], 'incubator', 9999)]]">>
-				<</if>>
+				You have @@.red;no room for $his offspring.@@
-		<<elseif $reservedChildren == $freeTanks>>
-			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-			You have @@.red;no room for $his offspring.@@
+			<<set _eligibility = 1>>
+			</div>
-		<<set _eligibility = 1>>
-		</div>
-	<</if>>
@@ -304,242 +304,242 @@ Target age for release: <<textbox "$targetAge" $targetAge "Incubator">> [[Minimu
 <<if $incubatorSlaves > 0>>
 <br><br>''Children in $incubatorName''
-<<for $i = 0; $i < $incubatorSlaves; $i++>>
-	<<capture $i>>
-		<<setLocalPronouns $tanks[$i]>>
-		<br><br>@@.pink;$tanks[$i].slaveName@@ occupies this tank.
-		<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade == 1>>
-			$He is a <<if $tanks[$i].genes == "XX">>female<<else>>male<</if>> of $tanks[$i].race descent with $tanks[$i].eyeColor eyes, $tanks[$i].hColor hair and $tanks[$i].skin skin. Given $his parentage, $he is considered $tanks[$i].nationality.
-		<<else>>
-			$He appears to be <<if $tanks[$i].genes == "XX">>a natural girl<<else>>a natural boy<</if>>, with $tanks[$i].hColor hair<<if $tanks[$i].eyes != -2>> and $tanks[$i].eyeColor eyes.<<else>>. $He most likely will be blind.<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		Statistical projections indicates that once released $he will be around <<= heightToEitherUnit($tanks[$i].height + random(-5,5))>> tall. Most likely $he will be
-			<<if $tanks[$i].weight <= 30 && $tanks[$i].weight >= -30>>
-				at a healthy weight and
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].weight >= 31 && $tanks[$i].weight <= 95>>
-				quite overweight and
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].weight >= 96>>
-				very overweight and
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].weight <= -31 && $tanks[$i].weight >= -95>>
-				quite thin and
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].weight <= -96>>
-				very thin and
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].muscles <= 5 && $tanks[$i].muscles >= -5>>
-				with a normal musculature.
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles >= 6 && $tanks[$i].muscles <= 30>>
-				quite toned.
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles >= 31 && $tanks[$i].muscles <= 95>>
-				quite muscular.
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles >= 96>>
-				with a powerful musculature.
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles <= -6 && $tanks[$i].muscles >= -30>>
-				quite weak.
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles <= -31 && $tanks[$i].muscles >= -95>>
-				very weak.
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles <= -96>>
-				extremely weak.
-			<</if>>
-			$His breasts are projected to be
-			<<if $tanks[$i].boobs <= 799>>
-				of normal size,
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].boobs <= 1799>>
-				of generous size,
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].boobs <= 3249>>
-				of incredible size,
-			<<else>>
-				of humongous size,
-			<</if>>
-			while $his rear will be
-			<<if $tanks[$i].butt <= 3>>
-				a healthy size.
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].butt <= 6>>
-				quite impressive.
-			<<elseif $tanks[$i].butt <= 9>>
-				very impressive.
+	<<for $i = 0; $i < $incubatorSlaves; $i++>>
+		<<capture $i>>
+			<<setLocalPronouns $tanks[$i]>>
+			<br><br>@@.pink;$tanks[$i].slaveName@@ occupies this tank.
+			<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade == 1>>
+				$He is a <<if $tanks[$i].genes == "XX">>female<<else>>male<</if>> of $tanks[$i].race descent with $tanks[$i].eyeColor eyes, $tanks[$i].hColor hair and $tanks[$i].skin skin. Given $his parentage, $he is considered $tanks[$i].nationality.
-				immense.
+				$He appears to be <<if $tanks[$i].genes == "XX">>a natural girl<<else>>a natural boy<</if>>, with $tanks[$i].hColor hair<<if $tanks[$i].eyes != -2>> and $tanks[$i].eyeColor eyes.<<else>>. $He most likely will be blind.<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].dick > 0>>
-				<<if $tanks[$i].dick <= 3>>
-					The latest analysis reported $his dick will end up being around the average
-				<<elseif $tanks[$i].dick >= 4 && $tanks[$i].dick <= 6>>
-					The latest analysis reported $his dick will end up being above average
-				<<elseif $tanks[$i].dick >= 7 && $tanks[$i].dick <= 9>>
-					The latest analysis reported $his dick will end up being far above the average
-				<<else>>
-					The latest analysis reported $his dick will end up being of monstrous size
+			Statistical projections indicates that once released $he will be around <<= heightToEitherUnit($tanks[$i].height + random(-5,5))>> tall. Most likely $he will be
+				<<if $tanks[$i].weight <= 30 && $tanks[$i].weight >= -30>>
+					at a healthy weight and
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].weight >= 31 && $tanks[$i].weight <= 95>>
+					quite overweight and
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].weight >= 96>>
+					very overweight and
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].weight <= -31 && $tanks[$i].weight >= -95>>
+					quite thin and
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].weight <= -96>>
+					very thin and
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].balls > 0>>
-				<<if $tanks[$i].balls <= 3>>
-					and $his testicles will reach a normal size.
-				<<elseif $tanks[$i].balls >= 4 && $tanks[$i].balls <= 6>>
-					and $his testicles will be of remarkable size.
-				<<elseif $tanks[$i].balls >= 7 && $tanks[$i].balls <= 9>>
-					and $his testicles will reach an impressive size.
+				<<if $tanks[$i].muscles <= 5 && $tanks[$i].muscles >= -5>>
+					with a normal musculature.
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles >= 6 && $tanks[$i].muscles <= 30>>
+					quite toned.
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles >= 31 && $tanks[$i].muscles <= 95>>
+					quite muscular.
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles >= 96>>
+					with a powerful musculature.
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles <= -6 && $tanks[$i].muscles >= -30>>
+					quite weak.
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles <= -31 && $tanks[$i].muscles >= -95>>
+					very weak.
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].muscles <= -96>>
+					extremely weak.
+				<</if>>
+				$His breasts are projected to be
+				<<if $tanks[$i].boobs <= 799>>
+					of normal size,
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].boobs <= 1799>>
+					of generous size,
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].boobs <= 3249>>
+					of incredible size,
-					and $his testicles will reach a monstrous size.
+					of humongous size,
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].pubertyXX == 1 && $tanks[$i].ovaries == 1>>
-				Scanners report $his womb is fertile.
-			<<else>>
-				Scanners report $he is not fertile,
-				<<if $tanks[$i].pubertyXX == 0>>
-					as $he has not yet entered puberty.
+				while $his rear will be
+				<<if $tanks[$i].butt <= 3>>
+					a healthy size.
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].butt <= 6>>
+					quite impressive.
+				<<elseif $tanks[$i].butt <= 9>>
+					very impressive.
-					it appears $his womb is sterile.
+					immense.
-			<</if>>
-		<<if $tanks[$i].growTime <= 0>>
-			<<set $readySlaves = 1>>
-			<br>$He is ready to be released from $his tank.
-		<<else>>
-			<br>$His growth is currently being accelerated. $He will be ready for release in about <<print Math.round($tanks[$i].growTime/$incubatorUpgradeSpeed)>> weeks.
-		<</if>>
-		<br>The tank is imprinting $him with basic life and sexual skills, though $he will still be very naïve and inexperienced on release.
-		<<if $tanks[$i].tankBaby == 2>>
-			The majority of $his indoctrination involves painting the world as a terrible place where only horror awaits $him should $he not obey $his owner.
-		<<else>>
-			The majority of $his indoctrination involves painting the world as a wonderful place only if $he is unconditionally devoted to, and absolutely trusting of, $his owner.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $incubatorUpgradeWeight == 1>>
-			<br>
-			<<if $incubatorWeightSetting == 1>>
-				$His weight is not being properly managed, saving costs but likely causing excessive weight gain.
-			<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 2>>
-				$His weight is being carefully managed; $he will be released at a healthy weight.
-			<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 0>>
-				Weight management systems are offline; $he will likely be malnourished.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $incubatorUpgradeMuscles == 1>>
-			<br>
-			<<if $incubatorMusclesSetting == 2>>
-				$His strength levels are purposefully set higher than recommended; excessive muscle gain likely.
-			<<elseif $incubatorMusclesSetting == 1>>
-				$His musculature is being carefully managed; $he will be released with near normal strength.
-			<<elseif $incubatorMusclesSetting == 0>>
-				Strength management systems are offline; $he will likely be released extremely weak.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims == 1>>
-			<br>
-			<<if $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 2>>
-				$He is being injected with higher than recommended doses of stimulants; exceeding expected final height is likely.
-			<<elseif $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 1>>
-				$He is injected with the recommended dosage of stimulants; $he will grow to $his full expected height.
-			<<elseif $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 0>>
-				Growth stimulant injection systems are offline; $he will develop normally.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $incubatorUpgradeReproduction == 1>>
-			<br>
-			<<if $incubatorReproductionSetting == 2>>
-				$His hormone levels are purposefully set higher than recommended; over-active reproductive systems likely.
-			<<elseif $incubatorReproductionSetting == 1>>
-				$His hormone levels are being carefully managed; $he will be released with fully functional reproductive organs.
-			<<elseif $incubatorReproductionSetting == 0>>
-				Reproduction management systems are offline; $he will undergo normal puberty.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<br>Rename $him: <<textbox "_tempName" _tempName >> [[Apply |Incubator][$tanks[$i].slaveName = _tempName]] // Given name only //
-		<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
-			<br>''Cheatmode:''
-			<<link "Retrieve immediately">>
-				<<set $incubatorOldID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
-				<<set $readySlave = $tanks[$i]>>
-				<<run $tanks.splice($i, 1)>>
-				<<goto "Incubator Retrieval Workaround">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $incubatorUpgradeOrgans == 1>>
-			<br>
-			You can extract a sample and prepare a new organ for $him to be implanted once $he exits $his tank.
-			<<set _newOrgan = 0>>
-			<<set $tankOrgans = {
-				ovaries: 0,
-				penis: 0,
-				testicles:0,
-				eyes: 0,
-				voiceBox: 0}>>
-			<<for _i = 0; _i < $incubatorOrgans.length; _i++>>
-				<<if $tanks[$i].ID == $incubatorOrgans[_i].ID>>
-					<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "ovaries">>
-						<<set $tankOrgans.ovaries = 1>>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].dick > 0>>
+					<<if $tanks[$i].dick <= 3>>
+						The latest analysis reported $his dick will end up being around the average
+					<<elseif $tanks[$i].dick >= 4 && $tanks[$i].dick <= 6>>
+						The latest analysis reported $his dick will end up being above average
+					<<elseif $tanks[$i].dick >= 7 && $tanks[$i].dick <= 9>>
+						The latest analysis reported $his dick will end up being far above the average
+					<<else>>
+						The latest analysis reported $his dick will end up being of monstrous size
-					<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "testicles">>
-						<<set $tankOrgans.testicles = 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "penis">>
-						<<set $tankOrgans.penis = 1>>
-					<</if>>
-					<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "eyes">>
-						<<set $tankOrgans.eyes = 1>>
+				<</if>>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].balls > 0>>
+					<<if $tanks[$i].balls <= 3>>
+						and $his testicles will reach a normal size.
+					<<elseif $tanks[$i].balls >= 4 && $tanks[$i].balls <= 6>>
+						and $his testicles will be of remarkable size.
+					<<elseif $tanks[$i].balls >= 7 && $tanks[$i].balls <= 9>>
+						and $his testicles will reach an impressive size.
+					<<else>>
+						and $his testicles will reach a monstrous size.
-					<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "voicebox">>
-						<<set $tankOrgans.voicebox = 1>>
+				<</if>>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].pubertyXX == 1 && $tanks[$i].ovaries == 1>>
+					Scanners report $his womb is fertile.
+				<<else>>
+					Scanners report $he is not fertile,
+					<<if $tanks[$i].pubertyXX == 0>>
+						as $he has not yet entered puberty.
+					<<else>>
+						it appears $his womb is sterile.
-			<</for>>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].genes == "XX">>
-				Being a natural girl, $he possesses a functional vagina and ovaries. You can:
+			<<if $tanks[$i].growTime <= 0>>
+				<<set $readySlaves = 1>>
+				<br>$He is ready to be released from $his tank.
-				Being a natural boy, $he possesses a functional penis and balls. You can:
+				<br>$His growth is currently being accelerated. $He will be ready for release in about <<print Math.round($tanks[$i].growTime/$incubatorUpgradeSpeed)>> weeks.
-			<br>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].ovaries == 0 && $tankOrgans.ovaries != 1>>
-				<<link "Prepare ovaries">>
-					<<run cashX(-10000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
-					<<set _newOrgan = {type: "ovaries", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
-					<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
-					<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
-					<<goto "Incubator">>
-				<</link>>
+			<br>The tank is imprinting $him with basic life and sexual skills, though $he will still be very naïve and inexperienced on release.
+			<<if $tanks[$i].tankBaby == 2>>
+				The majority of $his indoctrination involves painting the world as a terrible place where only horror awaits $him should $he not obey $his owner.
+			<<else>>
+				The majority of $his indoctrination involves painting the world as a wonderful place only if $he is unconditionally devoted to, and absolutely trusting of, $his owner.
-			<<if $tanks[$i].dick == 0 && $tankOrgans.penis != 1>>
-				<<link "Prepare penis">>
-					<<run cashX(-5000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
-					<<set _newOrgan = {type: "penis", weeksToCompletion: "5", ID: 0}>>
-					<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
-					<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
-					<<goto "Incubator">>
-				<</link>>
+			<<if $incubatorUpgradeWeight == 1>>
+				<br>
+				<<if $incubatorWeightSetting == 1>>
+					$His weight is not being properly managed, saving costs but likely causing excessive weight gain.
+				<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 2>>
+					$His weight is being carefully managed; $he will be released at a healthy weight.
+				<<elseif $incubatorWeightSetting == 0>>
+					Weight management systems are offline; $he will likely be malnourished.
+				<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].balls == 0 && $tankOrgans.testicles != 1>>
-				|
-				<<link "Prepare testicles">>
-					<<run cashX(-5000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
-					<<set _newOrgan = {type: "testicles", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
-					<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
-					<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
-					<<goto "Incubator">>
-				<</link>>
+			<<if $incubatorUpgradeMuscles == 1>>
+				<br>
+				<<if $incubatorMusclesSetting == 2>>
+					$His strength levels are purposefully set higher than recommended; excessive muscle gain likely.
+				<<elseif $incubatorMusclesSetting == 1>>
+					$His musculature is being carefully managed; $he will be released with near normal strength.
+				<<elseif $incubatorMusclesSetting == 0>>
+					Strength management systems are offline; $he will likely be released extremely weak.
+				<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].eyes == -2 && $tankOrgans.eyes != 1>>
-				<br>$He appears to be blind:
-				<<link "Prepare eyes">>
-					<<run cashX(-10000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
-					<<set _newOrgan = {type: "eyes", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
-					<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
-					<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
-					<<goto "Incubator">>
-				<</link>>
+			<<if $incubatorUpgradeGrowthStims == 1>>
+				<br>
+				<<if $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 2>>
+					$He is being injected with higher than recommended doses of stimulants; exceeding expected final height is likely.
+				<<elseif $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 1>>
+					$He is injected with the recommended dosage of stimulants; $he will grow to $his full expected height.
+				<<elseif $incubatorGrowthStimsSetting == 0>>
+					Growth stimulant injection systems are offline; $he will develop normally.
+				<</if>>
-			<<if $tanks[$i].voice == 0 && $tankOrgans.voicebox != 1>>
-				<br>It appears $he was born a mute:
-				<<link "Prepare vocal cords">>
-					<<run cashX(-5000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
-					<<set _newOrgan = {type: "voicebox", weeksToCompletion: "5", ID: 0}>>
-					<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
-					<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
-					<<goto "Incubator">>
+			<<if $incubatorUpgradeReproduction == 1>>
+				<br>
+				<<if $incubatorReproductionSetting == 2>>
+					$His hormone levels are purposefully set higher than recommended; over-active reproductive systems likely.
+				<<elseif $incubatorReproductionSetting == 1>>
+					$His hormone levels are being carefully managed; $he will be released with fully functional reproductive organs.
+				<<elseif $incubatorReproductionSetting == 0>>
+					Reproduction management systems are offline; $he will undergo normal puberty.
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+			<br>Rename $him: <<textbox "_tempName" _tempName >> [[Apply |Incubator][$tanks[$i].slaveName = _tempName]] // Given name only //
+			<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
+				<br>''Cheatmode:''
+				<<link "Retrieve immediately">>
+					<<set $incubatorOldID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
+					<<set $readySlave = $tanks[$i]>>
+					<<run $tanks.splice($i, 1)>>
+					<<goto "Incubator Retrieval Workaround">>
-		<</if>>
-	<</capture>>
+			<<if $incubatorUpgradeOrgans == 1>>
+				<br>
+				You can extract a sample and prepare a new organ for $him to be implanted once $he exits $his tank.
+				<<set _newOrgan = 0>>
+				<<set $tankOrgans = {
+					ovaries: 0,
+					penis: 0,
+					testicles:0,
+					eyes: 0,
+					voiceBox: 0}>>
+				<<for _i = 0; _i < $incubatorOrgans.length; _i++>>
+					<<if $tanks[$i].ID == $incubatorOrgans[_i].ID>>
+						<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "ovaries">>
+							<<set $tankOrgans.ovaries = 1>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "testicles">>
+							<<set $tankOrgans.testicles = 1>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "penis">>
+							<<set $tankOrgans.penis = 1>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "eyes">>
+							<<set $tankOrgans.eyes = 1>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if $incubatorOrgans[_i].type == "voicebox">>
+							<<set $tankOrgans.voicebox = 1>>
+						<</if>>
+					<</if>>
+				<</for>>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].genes == "XX">>
+					Being a natural girl, $he possesses a functional vagina and ovaries. You can:
+				<<else>>
+					Being a natural boy, $he possesses a functional penis and balls. You can:
+				<</if>>
+				<br>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].ovaries == 0 && $tankOrgans.ovaries != 1>>
+					<<link "Prepare ovaries">>
+						<<run cashX(-10000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
+						<<set _newOrgan = {type: "ovaries", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
+						<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
+						<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
+						<<goto "Incubator">>
+					<</link>>
+				<</if>>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].dick == 0 && $tankOrgans.penis != 1>>
+					<<link "Prepare penis">>
+						<<run cashX(-5000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
+						<<set _newOrgan = {type: "penis", weeksToCompletion: "5", ID: 0}>>
+						<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
+						<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
+						<<goto "Incubator">>
+					<</link>>
+				<</if>>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].balls == 0 && $tankOrgans.testicles != 1>>
+					|
+					<<link "Prepare testicles">>
+						<<run cashX(-5000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
+						<<set _newOrgan = {type: "testicles", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
+						<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
+						<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
+						<<goto "Incubator">>
+					<</link>>
+				<</if>>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].eyes == -2 && $tankOrgans.eyes != 1>>
+					<br>$He appears to be blind:
+					<<link "Prepare eyes">>
+						<<run cashX(-10000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
+						<<set _newOrgan = {type: "eyes", weeksToCompletion: "10", ID: 0}>>
+						<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
+						<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
+						<<goto "Incubator">>
+					<</link>>
+				<</if>>
+				<<if $tanks[$i].voice == 0 && $tankOrgans.voicebox != 1>>
+					<br>It appears $he was born a mute:
+					<<link "Prepare vocal cords">>
+						<<run cashX(-5000, "incubator", $tanks[$i])>>
+						<<set _newOrgan = {type: "voicebox", weeksToCompletion: "5", ID: 0}>>
+						<<set _newOrgan.ID = $tanks[$i].ID>>
+						<<set $incubatorOrgans.push(_newOrgan)>>
+						<<goto "Incubator">>
+					<</link>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</capture>>
+	<</for>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/killedSlave.tw b/src/pregmod/killedSlave.tw
index 4fb89ca6c07958713f44067cb2d9d8acc2c66462..a101ab6de809a9677d549130e1a7a9d0364302a4 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/killedSlave.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/killedSlave.tw
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
 :: KilledSlave [nobr]
 <<if $killChoice <= 0>>
-<<setLocalPronouns $Bodyguard 2>>
+	<<setLocalPronouns $Bodyguard 2>>
-<<set _qualifiedFS = []>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set _qualifiedFS.push("roman revivalist"), _weapon = 'gladius'>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set _qualifiedFS.push("aztec revivalist"), _weapon = 'Tecpatl'>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set _qualifiedFS.push("egyptian revivalist"), _weapon = 'kopesh'>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set _qualifiedFS.push("edo revivalist"), _weapon = 'katana'>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set _qualifiedFS.push("arabian revivalist"), _weapon = 'scimitar'>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<set _qualifiedFS.push("chinese revivalist"), _weapon = 'jian'>>
+	<<set _qualifiedFS = []>>
+	<<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist != "unset">>
+		<<set _qualifiedFS.push("roman revivalist"), _weapon = 'gladius'>>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist != "unset">>
+		<<set _qualifiedFS.push("aztec revivalist"), _weapon = 'Tecpatl'>>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist != "unset">>
+		<<set _qualifiedFS.push("egyptian revivalist"), _weapon = 'kopesh'>>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">>
+		<<set _qualifiedFS.push("edo revivalist"), _weapon = 'katana'>>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist != "unset">>
+		<<set _qualifiedFS.push("arabian revivalist"), _weapon = 'scimitar'>>
+	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">>
+		<<set _qualifiedFS.push("chinese revivalist"), _weapon = 'jian'>>
+	<</if>>
-You simply smile at $him and tell $him not to worry as you continue
+	You simply smile at $him and tell $him not to worry as you continue
-<<if _qualifiedFS.length > 0>>
-	sharpening your _weapon.
-	threading on a suppressor.
+	<<if _qualifiedFS.length > 0>>
+		sharpening your _weapon.
+	<<else>>
+		threading on a suppressor.
+	<</if>>
-$activeSlave.slaveName gives an audible sigh of relief and begins to thank you profusely, though $his thanks are cut short as the sound of
+	$activeSlave.slaveName gives an audible sigh of relief and begins to thank you profusely, though $his thanks are cut short as the sound of
-<<if _qualifiedFS.length > 0>>
-	a sharp edge slicing though flesh
-	a suppressed gunshot
+	<<if _qualifiedFS.length > 0>>
+		a sharp edge slicing though flesh
+	<<else>>
+		a suppressed gunshot
+	<</if>>
 	rings through the room. You have another servant clean up the mess as you continue with what you were previously doing.
 	<<if $familyTesting == 1>>
-			<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-				<<if $activeSlave.mother == $slaves[_ss].ID>>
-					$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his daughter.
-					<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-					<br><br>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $activeSlave.father == $slaves[_ss].ID>>
-					$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that you have killed $his daughter.
-					<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-					<br><br>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $activeSlave.ID == $slaves[_ss].father>>
-					$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;saddened@@ that you have killed $his father.
-					<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-					<br><br>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if $activeSlave.ID == $slaves[_ss].mother>>
-					$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his mother.
-					<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-					<br><br>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<switch areSisters($activeSlave, $slaves[_ss])>>
-				<<case 1>>
-					$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;devastated@@ that you have killed $his twin.
-					<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-					<br><br>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
-				<<case 2>>
-					$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his sister.
-					<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-					<br><br>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
-				<<case 3>>
-					$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;disheartened@@ that you have killed $his half-sister.
-					<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-					<br><br>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
-				<</switch>>
-			<</for>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if $activeSlave.relation != 0>>
-				<<set _ss = $slaveIndices[$activeSlave.relationTarget]>>
-				<<if def _ss && $slaves[_ss].fetish != "mindbroken">>
-					$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his $activeSlave.relation.
-					<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-					<br><br>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
-					<<set $display = 1>>
-				<</if>>
+		<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.mother == $slaves[_ss].ID>>
+				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his daughter.
+				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
+				<br><br>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
-			<<set _ss = $slaveIndices[$activeSlave.relationshipTarget]>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.father == $slaves[_ss].ID>>
+				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that you have killed $his daughter.
+				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
+				<br><br>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.ID == $slaves[_ss].father>>
+				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;saddened@@ that you have killed $his father.
+				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
+				<br><br>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.ID == $slaves[_ss].mother>>
+				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his mother.
+				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
+				<br><br>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<switch areSisters($activeSlave, $slaves[_ss])>>
+			<<case 1>>
+				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;devastated@@ that you have killed $his twin.
+				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
+				<br><br>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
+			<<case 2>>
+				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his sister.
+				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
+				<br><br>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
+			<<case 3>>
+				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;disheartened@@ that you have killed $his half-sister.
+				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
+				<br><br>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
+			<</switch>>
+		<</for>>
+	<<else>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.relation != 0>>
+			<<set _ss = $slaveIndices[$activeSlave.relationTarget]>>
 			<<if def _ss && $slaves[_ss].fetish != "mindbroken">>
-				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his best source of comfort and companionship in a life of bondage.
+				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his $activeSlave.relation.
 				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= $slaves[_ss].relationship*10>>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
 				<<set $display = 1>>
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == -3>>
-			Killing one of your slave wives is @@.red;socially unacceptable.@@ In addition, your other devoted slaves are @@.gold;worried@@ that you may not respect their status.
-			<<run clearSummaryCache()>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.relationship > 0>>
+		<<set _ss = $slaveIndices[$activeSlave.relationshipTarget]>>
+		<<if def _ss && $slaves[_ss].fetish != "mindbroken">>
+			$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you have killed $his best source of comfort and companionship in a life of bondage.
+			<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-			<<set $rep -= 200>>
+			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= $slaves[_ss].relationship*10>>
 			<<set $display = 1>>
-			<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-				<<if $slaves[_ss].devotion > 50>>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 10>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</for>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.rivalry != 0>>
-			<<set _ss = $slaveIndices[$activeSlave.rivalryTarget]>>
-			<<if def _ss && $slaves[_ss].fetish != "mindbroken">>
-				$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.hotpink;pleased@@ that $he won't have to see $his rival any more.
-				<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
-				<br><br>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion += $slaves[_ss].rivalry*3>>
-				<<set $display = 1>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.relationship == -3>>
+		Killing one of your slave wives is @@.red;socially unacceptable.@@ In addition, your other devoted slaves are @@.gold;worried@@ that you may not respect their status.
+		<<run clearSummaryCache()>>
+		<br><br>
+		<<set $rep -= 200>>
+		<<set $display = 1>>
+		<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
+			<<if $slaves[_ss].devotion > 50>>
+				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 10>>
+		<</for>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.rivalry != 0>>
+		<<set _ss = $slaveIndices[$activeSlave.rivalryTarget]>>
+		<<if def _ss && $slaves[_ss].fetish != "mindbroken">>
+			$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.hotpink;pleased@@ that $he won't have to see $his rival any more.
+			<<run clearSummaryCache($slaves[_ss])>>
+			<br><br>
+			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion += $slaves[_ss].rivalry*3>>
+			<<set $display = 1>>
+	<</if>>
-		<<include "Remove activeSlave">>
-		<<set $nextLink = "AS Dump">>
+	<<include "Remove activeSlave">>
+	<<set $nextLink = "AS Dump">>
 /* TODO: this will DEFINTELY need balancing */
 <<elseif $killChoice == 1>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/reMaleCitizenHookup.tw b/src/pregmod/reMaleCitizenHookup.tw
index 107e03c4c7505926b3103b92c7830adde03df0e7..f9b7ef3403839f82382197296de85d178c048faf 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/reMaleCitizenHookup.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/reMaleCitizenHookup.tw
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ He's clearly attracted to you; even the most consummate actor would have difficu
 		<<elseif _FS != "Youth Preferentialist">>
 			<<if $Concubine != 0 && $Concubine.amp != 1>>
-				The <<if canSee($Concubine)>>view of your bouncing tits<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>sound of lusty sex<<else>>vibrations from your bed bouncing up and down<</if>> is too much for $Concubine.slaveName to resist and crawls over to kiss and caress you as your lover finishes.
+				The <<if canSee($Concubine)>>view of your bouncing tits<<elseif canHear($Concubine)>>sound of lusty sex<<else>>vibrations from your bed bouncing up and down<</if>> is too much for $Concubine.slaveName to resist and crawls over to kiss and caress you as your lover finishes.
 		Sometimes society overlooks that you are a woman and have certain needs, but your lover tonight knows exactly how to treat you. When your guest <<if _FS != "Youth Preferentialist">>is finally spent<<else>>wakes up from against your body<</if>>, he showers, dresses, and leaves discreetly, offering you a proper thank you. This is the kind of thing that @@.green;builds a lasting reputation@@ in the Free Cities.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw b/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
index 38e27835803ddda0f4ce64e8250b9a759e0786a3..da21791c4af37dc55e8bf7f2203c95192980f671 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.
 		"Yes Daddy." even though she's almost whispering, her voice is filled with confidence.
-		Jason takes one hand off her hips and positions himself at the entrance to her pussy, sliding in the head with ease before immediately hitting a block. He leans forward until he can whisper in her ear "Deep breath, sweetie." then pushes a little harder against the resistance. "Ah..." Jessica moans, a mixture of pain and unprecedented pleasure. Finally breaking her hymen, his penis suddenly slides more than halfway into her. "AH!" He pushes the rest in before slowly sliding out, savoring every millimeter of her insides. The slow pace continues for some time, with Jessica's body slowly lowering more and more until only her father's hands are keeping her ass in the air. By that point Jason is hammering away, every thrust producing a slap loud enough to carry a slight echo in the apartment's master bedroom. The sheets beneath Jessica's pussy are soaked through, with a strand of femcum hanging between them and her clit. Her father grabs her tightly and rotates her body to missionary without removing his cock from her, then rips open her shirt, throwing buttons all around the room and exposing her tiny tits. He starts to play with them, resuming the tempo of his thrusts.
+		Jason takes one hand off her hips and positions himself at the entrance to her pussy, sliding in the head with ease before immediately hitting a block. He leans forward until he can whisper in her ear "Deep breath, sweetie." then pushes a little harder against the resistance. "Ah..." Jessica moans, a mixture of pain and unprecedented pleasure. Finally breaking her hymen, his penis suddenly slides more than halfway into her. "AH!" He pushes the rest in before slowly sliding out, savoring every <<if $showInches == 2>>fraction of an inch<<else>>millimeter<</if>> of her insides. The slow pace continues for some time, with Jessica's body slowly lowering more and more until only her father's hands are keeping her ass in the air. By that point Jason is hammering away, every thrust producing a slap loud enough to carry a slight echo in the apartment's master bedroom. The sheets beneath Jessica's pussy are soaked through, with a strand of femcum hanging between them and her clit. Her father grabs her tightly and rotates her body to missionary without removing his cock from her, then rips open her shirt, throwing buttons all around the room and exposing her tiny tits. He starts to play with them, resuming the tempo of his thrusts.
 		Jessica's hands grab at the sheets blindly, balling them up in her fists and causing one of the corners to become detached from the mattress. At this point she's no longer capable of dialog, moaning at a volume that would be audible at a club and begging for more in an almost unintelligible way. Her legs wrap around her father's hips, pulling her in closer, and making the seal between them tighter. Feeling this drives Jason over the edge and he slams into her crotch recklessly, knocking the bed frame against the window with every thrust. He mauls her tits, squeezing them and pinching the nipples, sometimes dipping his head down to suck and lick them. With one final hard thrust, he stops while completely inside her and blows an impressive load, especially for TV. His daughter's pussy is filled so quickly that cum is squeezed out of the limited space between his cock and her inner walls, squirting out onto the bed and pooling against her ass and on the inside of the back of her skirt. Jessica moans and convulses, her pussy contractions squeezing a second orgasm out of Jason. Panting, he says "You make the same face your mother used to."
diff --git a/src/pregmod/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.tw b/src/pregmod/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.tw
index ce2f9ae112078d610d3ce12acd98159024e2dc40..4d6576e6868b7910a6bad9a08fbc598a29934134 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.tw
@@ -5,29 +5,29 @@
 <<set $milkTap = 0, _descM = "milk", _descC = "cum", _eligibilityMilk2 = 0, _eligibilityMilk4 = 0, _eligibilityMilk8 = 0, _eligibilityCum2 = 0, _eligibilityCum4 = 0, _eligibilityCum8 = 0>>
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $slaves.length; _i++>> /* milk output */
-<<if $slaves[_i].lactation > 0>>
-	<<set $slaves[_i].milkOutput = 0>>
-	<<set _milk = milkAmount($slaves[_i])>>
-	<<set _milk = (_milk/14)>>
-	<<set _milk = Math.trunc(_milk)>>
-	<<set $slaves[_i].milkOutput = _milk>>
-	<<set _milk = 0>>
-	<<set $slaves[_i].milkOutput = 0>>
+	<<if $slaves[_i].lactation > 0>>
+		<<set $slaves[_i].milkOutput = 0>>
+		<<set _milk = milkAmount($slaves[_i])>>
+		<<set _milk = (_milk/14)>>
+		<<set _milk = Math.trunc(_milk)>>
+		<<set $slaves[_i].milkOutput = _milk>>
+	<<else>>
+		<<set _milk = 0>>
+		<<set $slaves[_i].milkOutput = 0>>
+	<</if>>
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $slaves.length; _i++>> /* cum output */
-<<if $slaves[_i].balls > 0 && $slaves[_i].dick > 0 && ($slaves[_i].dickAccessory != "chastity" || $slaves[_i].dickAccessory != "combined chastity")>>
-	<<set $slaves[_i].cumOutput = 0>>
-	<<set _cum = cumAmount($slaves[_i])>>
-	<<set _cum = (_cum/7)>>
-	<<set _cum = (_cum/10)>>
-	<<set _cum = Math.trunc(_cum)>>
-	<<set $slaves[_i].cumOutput = _cum>>
-	<<set _cum = 0>>
-	<<set $slaves[_i].cumOutput = 0>>
+	<<if $slaves[_i].balls > 0 && $slaves[_i].dick > 0 && ($slaves[_i].dickAccessory != "chastity" || $slaves[_i].dickAccessory != "combined chastity")>>
+		<<set $slaves[_i].cumOutput = 0>>
+		<<set _cum = cumAmount($slaves[_i])>>
+		<<set _cum = (_cum/7)>>
+		<<set _cum = (_cum/10)>>
+		<<set _cum = Math.trunc(_cum)>>
+		<<set $slaves[_i].cumOutput = _cum>>
+	<<else>>
+		<<set _cum = 0>>
+		<<set $slaves[_i].cumOutput = 0>>
+	<</if>>
 //$activeSlave.slaveName is prepped to drink $his fill; now you must select a slave capable of producing the required amount of milk or ejaculate.//
diff --git a/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
index 8cf478a42428668d47f58a227254277b70d3c7d5..0d0bfb1c0c2f8b184fb7a4f86099c43c6de11a0a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ The surgeon awaits the pair of slaves to be strapped into the surgery. So far on
 __Select an eligible slave:__
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $slaves.length; _i++>>
-<<capture _i>>
-	<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_i])>>
-	<<if $slaves[_i].fuckdoll == 0>>
-	<<if ($slaves[_i].ID != $activeSlave.ID)>>
-		<<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_i])>>
-		<br>[[_name|Slave Slave Swap][$swappingSlave = $slaves[_i], cashX(-10000, "slaveSurgery", $slaves[_i])]]
-	<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<capture _i>>
+		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[_i].fuckdoll == 0>>
+				<<if ($slaves[_i].ID != $activeSlave.ID)>>
+					<<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_i])>>
+					<br>[[_name|Slave Slave Swap][$swappingSlave = $slaves[_i], cashX(-10000, "slaveSurgery", $slaves[_i])]]
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</capture>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pregmod/surrogacyWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/surrogacyWorkaround.tw
index eefc4047a44b3312b55be964797939ccbb3294dc..f1e78efd4dfea878be871f2fd5b355d4c80fdccd 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/surrogacyWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/surrogacyWorkaround.tw
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ __Semen donatrix: _impreg __
 <<for _sw = 0; _sw < $slaves.length; _sw++>>
-<<capture _sw>>
-	<<if $slaves[_sw].balls > 0 && $slaves[_sw].pubertyXY == 1 && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_sw]) && canBreed($donatrix, $slaves[_sw])>>
-		<<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_sw])>>
-		<br>[[_name|Surrogacy Workaround][$impregnatrix = $slaves[_sw]]]
-		<<set _eligibility = 1>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<capture _sw>>
+		<<if $slaves[_sw].balls > 0 && $slaves[_sw].pubertyXY == 1 && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_sw]) && canBreed($donatrix, $slaves[_sw])>>
+			<<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_sw])>>
+			<br>[[_name|Surrogacy Workaround][$impregnatrix = $slaves[_sw]]]
+			<<set _eligibility = 1>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</capture>>
 <<if (_eligibility == 0)>>
 	<br>//You have no slaves with potent sperm.//
@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ __Semen donatrix: _impreg __
 	<<for _sw3 = 0; _sw3 < $tanks.length; _sw3++>>
-	<<capture _sw3>>
-		<<if $tanks[_sw3].balls > 0 && $tanks[_sw3].dick > 0 && canBreed($donatrix, $tanks[_sw3])>>
-			<<set _name3 = $tanks[_sw3].slaveName>>
-			[[_name3|Surrogacy Workaround][$impregnatrix = $tanks[_sw3]]]
-			<<set _eligibilityI = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</capture>>
+		<<capture _sw3>>
+			<<if $tanks[_sw3].balls > 0 && $tanks[_sw3].dick > 0 && canBreed($donatrix, $tanks[_sw3])>>
+				<<set _name3 = $tanks[_sw3].slaveName>>
+				[[_name3|Surrogacy Workaround][$impregnatrix = $tanks[_sw3]]]
+				<<set _eligibilityI = 1>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</capture>>
 	<<if (_eligibilityI == 0)>>
 		<br>//You have no growing slaves producing sperm.//
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@ __Chosen surrogate: _receive __
 <<for _sw1 = 0; _sw1 < $slaves.length; _sw1++>>
-<<capture _sw1>>
-	<<if ($slaves[_sw1].ovaries > 0 || $slaves[_sw1].mpreg > 0) && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_sw1]) && $slaves[_sw1].preg >= 0 && $slaves[_sw1].preg < 4 && $slaves[_sw1].pregWeek >= 0 && $slaves[_sw1].pubertyXX == 1 && $slaves[_sw1].pregType < 12 && $slaves[_sw1].bellyImplant == -1 && $slaves[_sw1].broodmother == 0 && $slaves[_sw1].inflation <= 2 && $slaves[_sw1].physicalAge < 70>>
-		<<set _name2 = SlaveFullName($slaves[_sw1])>>
-		<br>[[_name2|Surrogacy Workaround][$receptrix = $slaves[_sw1]]] <<if $slaves[_sw1].pregType >= 4>>//Using a slave carrying multiples is unadvisable//<</if>>
-		<<set _eligibility2 = 1>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<capture _sw1>>
+		<<if ($slaves[_sw1].ovaries > 0 || $slaves[_sw1].mpreg > 0) && isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_sw1]) && $slaves[_sw1].preg >= 0 && $slaves[_sw1].preg < 4 && $slaves[_sw1].pregWeek >= 0 && $slaves[_sw1].pubertyXX == 1 && $slaves[_sw1].pregType < 12 && $slaves[_sw1].bellyImplant == -1 && $slaves[_sw1].broodmother == 0 && $slaves[_sw1].inflation <= 2 && $slaves[_sw1].physicalAge < 70>>
+			<<set _name2 = SlaveFullName($slaves[_sw1])>>
+			<br>[[_name2|Surrogacy Workaround][$receptrix = $slaves[_sw1]]] <<if $slaves[_sw1].pregType >= 4>>//Using a slave carrying multiples is unadvisable//<</if>>
+			<<set _eligibility2 = 1>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</capture>>
 <<if (_eligibility2 == 0)>>
 	<br>//You have no slaves capable of acting as a surrogate.//
diff --git a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
index 9179990963c0ab3e1d4b298be313f7f56ec90a7f..e822631ef9f7a42e9e6164f6a1b727db4331f895 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-You board your VTOL bird for the trip to the current location of the particularly exclusive, and quite lucrative, Black Market knowing full well that the trip may take far longer than anticipated; the market frequently relocates to shake the unwanted attention it inevitably gains. It's far easier than paying off authorities, especially with how outrageous their demands have become with the decline of the Old World. You're greeted by a gruff bouncer, already fully aware of just who you are and your permission to be there. "Check your weapons - No firearms allowed inside.<<if $Bodyguard != 0>> $He may keep $his blade," he gestures to $Bodyguard.slaveName, "But keep in mind: if you cause us trouble, you will not be going home in one piece.<<if $Bodyguard.amp <= -4>>" He taps his clearly bionic arm. "Disable $his weapons systems. I know what $he is capable of.<</if>><</if>>"
+You board your VTOL bird for the trip to the current location of the particularly exclusive, and quite lucrative, Black Market knowing full well that the trip may take far longer than anticipated; the market frequently relocates to shake the unwanted attention it inevitably gains. It's far easier than paying off authorities, especially with how outrageous their demands have become with the decline of the Old World. You're greeted by a gruff bouncer, already fully aware of just who you are and your permission to be there. "Check your weapons — No firearms allowed inside.<<if $Bodyguard != 0>> $He may keep $his blade," he gestures to $Bodyguard.slaveName, "But keep in mind: if you cause us trouble, you will not be going home in one piece.<<if $Bodyguard.amp <= -4>>" He taps his clearly bionic arm. "Disable $his weapons systems. I know what $he is capable of.<</if>><</if>>"
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 									You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(20000)>>@@ for a supportive uterine mesh.
-								"This is an interesting one... It's designed to prevent any sort of rupturing of the uterus, but, while that idea is great and all, it does jack shit to prevent leaks from elsewhere in the organ. The guy funding the research company was pissed when his slave bloated up like a cum-filled balloon and dropped dead, destroyed most of the development lab. Fortunately, he failed to ruin the best part of it - these blueprints. Now, you're probably wondering what good is something like this, but I've done business with a number of industrial slave farms, and they swear upon its ability to force a girl to carry far more children than physically possible, well, up until their wombs crushed their organs, that is. I supposed it'd work with anything solid, really, if you enjoy sticking things up into slave girls."
+								"This is an interesting one... It's designed to prevent any sort of rupturing of the uterus, but, while that idea is great and all, it does jack shit to prevent leaks from elsewhere in the organ. The guy funding the research company was pissed when his slave bloated up like a cum-filled balloon and dropped dead, destroyed most of the development lab. Fortunately, he failed to ruin the best part of it — these blueprints. Now, you're probably wondering what good is something like this, but I've done business with a number of industrial slave farms, and they swear upon its ability to force a girl to carry far more children than physically possible, well, up until their wombs crushed their organs, that is. I supposed it'd work with anything solid, really, if you enjoy sticking things up into slave girls."
 								The autosurgery lacks the finesse needed to implant something of this complexity, so designs for a supportive uterine mesh are unusable until it is upgraded.
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ Of all the wonders present, the thing that catches your eye the most is a shady
 							You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(25000)>>@@ for animal anal wombs and ovaries.
 						/* TODO: flesh this out some more */
-						"Got something real special this week. These are schematics for implanting non-human organs into humans. My supplier told me they came from some military experiments or something - maybe they were trying to make some kind of super soldier. Not my business, though."
+						"Got something real special this week. These are schematics for implanting non-human organs into humans. My supplier told me they came from some military experiments or something — maybe they were trying to make some kind of super soldier. Not my business, though."
 						You lack the facilities required to grow organs.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/bodySwapReaction.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/bodySwapReaction.tw
index 893917e9ecffc09fd93f32603a32574a6308d155..95d74c1537bbe9627ec2f8c3b11a8f8b9c9e8d22 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/bodySwapReaction.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/bodySwapReaction.tw
@@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@ Now you only have to wait for $him to wake up.
 					and leans to $his side to finally see what's under $his body.
-				<<if $args[0].weight > 160 || ($args[0].boobs >= 20000 && ["wide-set", "saggy",].includes($args[0].boobShape)) || $args[0].boobs >= 40000 || $args[0].hips == 3>> /* still can't see */
+				<<if $args[0].weight > 160 || ($args[0].boobs >= 20000 && ["saggy", "wide-set"].includes($args[0].boobShape)) || $args[0].boobs >= 40000 || $args[0].hips == 3>> /* still can't see */
 					Unfortunately for $him,
 					<<if $args[0].boobs >= 40000>>
 						$his tits are so massive they hang over $his sides and block any line of sight $he may have been able to use.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
index affe70a34735ef0319c01aba4475416124ab90f4..4bb31650fe1c09c5df9af9b37f7a803fba41bc59 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 <<set $args[0].bellyPreg = $args[1].bellyPreg>>
 <<set $args[0].bellyFluid = $args[1].bellyFluid>>
 <<set $args[0].readyOva = $args[1].readyOva>>
-<<set $args[0].womb = $args[1].womb>> /* this is array assigned by reference, if slave body that is $args[1] will be still used anywhere in code (not discarded) - it's WRONG (they now technically share one womb object). Please tell me about it then. But if old body $args[1] just discarded - it's no problem then.*/
+<<set $args[0].womb = $args[1].womb>> /* this is array assigned by reference, if slave body that is $args[1] will be still used anywhere in code (not discarded) — it's WRONG (they now technically share one womb object). Please tell me about it then. But if old body $args[1] just discarded — it's no problem then.*/
 <<set $args[0].laborCount = $args[1].laborCount>>
 <<set $args[0].geneMods = $args[1].geneMods>>
 <<set $args[0].NCSyouthening = $args[1].NCSyouthening>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/playerDescriptionWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/playerDescriptionWidgets.tw
index b81e9695784cde0320ca0f7c566208e83ae44769..d8595b55fa02fa5e68898296f065b6210b498f4c 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/playerDescriptionWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/playerDescriptionWidgets.tw
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 	<<if $PC.career == "servant">>
 		<<if $PC.preg > 0>>
 			<<if $PC.belly >= 120000>>
-				You don't know how much more you can take. You feel so full and your children never calm down. You swear they take shifts tormenting your poor bladder. Even worse, your pregnancy juts out over a half-meter from your front and has soundly defeated the seams of your dress<<if $PC.dick == 1>>. Occasionally one of the bottoms manages to land a series of hits to your prostate, not that you mind as much, save for when they keep at it and you a can't restrain your orgasm<</if>>.
+				You don't know how much more you can take. You feel so full and your children never calm down. You swear they take shifts tormenting your poor bladder. Even worse, your pregnancy juts out over a half-<<if $showInches == 2>>yard<<else>>meter<</if>> from your front and has soundly defeated the seams of your dress<<if $PC.dick == 1>>. Occasionally one of the bottoms manages to land a series of hits to your prostate, not that you mind as much, save for when they keep at it and you a can't restrain your orgasm<</if>>.
 			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 105000>>
 				You can barely function any more. You're so big and heavy that even the simplest of actions requires both intense effort and thought just to get it done. Your frumpy dress is also at its limit, and much to your annoyance, your children will not stay still enough to let you fix it.
 			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 90000>>
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
 	<<elseif $PC.career == "escort">>
 		<<if $PC.preg > 0>>
 			<<if $PC.belly >= 120000>>
-				You don't know how much more you can take. You feel so full and your children never calm down. You swear they take shifts tormenting your poor bladder. Even worse, your pregnancy juts out over a half-meter from your front and has seized control as your dominant aspect<<if $PC.dick == 1>>. Occasionally one of the bottoms manages to land a series of hits to your prostate, not that you mind as much. It's good for business when you orgasm lewdly and cum your bottoms<</if>>.
+				You don't know how much more you can take. You feel so full and your children never calm down. You swear they take shifts tormenting your poor bladder. Even worse, your pregnancy juts out over a half-<<if $showInches == 2>>yard<<else>>meter<</if>> from your front and has seized control as your dominant aspect<<if $PC.dick == 1>>. Occasionally one of the bottoms manages to land a series of hits to your prostate, not that you mind as much. It's good for business when you orgasm lewdly and cum your bottoms<</if>>.
 			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 105000>>
 				You can barely function any more. You're so big and heavy that even the simplest of actions requires both intense effort and thought just to get it done. None of your poses work with your gravid body either and you're practically popping out of your skimpiest outfit.
 			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 90000>>
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
 		<<if $PC.preg > 0>>
 			<<if $PC.belly >= 120000>>
-				You don't know how much more you can take. You feel so full and your children never calm down. You swear they take shifts tormenting your poor bladder. Even worse, your pregnancy juts out over a half-meter from your front and has soundly defeated your maternity suit<<if $PC.dick == 1>>. Occasionally one of the bottoms manages to land a series of hits to your prostate, not that you mind as much, save for when they keep at it and you a can't restrain your orgasm. The last thing you want to do in a meeting is spontaneously orgasm and cum your in clothes<</if>>.
+				You don't know how much more you can take. You feel so full and your children never calm down. You swear they take shifts tormenting your poor bladder. Even worse, your pregnancy juts out over a half-<<if $showInches == 2>>yard<<else>>meter<</if>> from your front and has soundly defeated your maternity suit<<if $PC.dick == 1>>. Occasionally one of the bottoms manages to land a series of hits to your prostate, not that you mind as much, save for when they keep at it and you a can't restrain your orgasm. The last thing you want to do in a meeting is spontaneously orgasm and cum your in clothes<</if>>.
 			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 105000>>
 				You can barely function any more. You're so big and heavy that even the simplest of actions requires both intense effort and thought just to get it done. Your suit buttons keep popping, and much to your annoyance, your children will not stay still enough to let you redo them.
 			<<elseif $PC.belly >= 90000>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
index 401ae63a5d98ddf4493d07650f03318975fa70b5..f699c6a02420dc210e34b11022608db3d250b813 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
@@ -1237,603 +1237,603 @@
 <<if random(1,2) == 1>> /* at assignment else in halls/etc */
-<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
-<<case "rest">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a strong contraction. $He attempts to roll over, and failing that, begins to fall back to sleep as another contraction wracks $his body.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He struggles to draw $his child to $his breast and resumes resting.
-		<<else>>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a contraction. $He struggles to roll over, and failing that, clutches $his gravid belly as another contraction wracks $his body. Since this has already happened several times this week, $he knows what to expect.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$His child is collected and $his body cleaned before $he is allowed to resume $his rest.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a strong contraction. $He rolls over and begins to fall back to sleep as another contraction wracks $his body.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He struggles to draw $his child to $his breast and resumes resting.
-		<<else>>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a contraction. $He rolls over and clutches $his gravid belly as another contraction wracks $his body. Since this has already happened several times this week, $he knows what to expect.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$His child is collected and $his body cleaned before $he is allowed to resume $his rest.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
-<<case "be a subordinate slave">>
-	<<set _tempSub = getSlave($slaves[$i].subTarget)>>
-	<<setLocalPronouns _tempSub 2>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].subTarget == 0>>
-			While servicing your other slaves, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, though it does nothing to deter $him from $his task.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			No sooner than $his baby is born, a cock is shoved into $his gaping pussy as $he draws $his child to $his breast.
-		<<else>>
-			While servicing _tempSub.slaveName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, though it does nothing to deter $him from $his task.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			No sooner than $his baby is born does $he go back to pleasuring $his dom.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].subTarget == 0>>
-			While servicing your other slaves, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, causing $him to immediately try to break off. However, several hands quickly hook $his enormous bulk and $he is pulled back into another slave's crotch.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			Since $he is too pregnant to collect $his child, it is done for $him. $His exhausted form is slumped onto $his huge belly as another slave helps themselves to $his vulnerable body.
+	<<case "rest">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a strong contraction. $He attempts to roll over, and failing that, begins to fall back to sleep as another contraction wracks $his body.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He struggles to draw $his child to $his breast and resumes resting.
+			<<else>>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a contraction. $He struggles to roll over, and failing that, clutches $his gravid belly as another contraction wracks $his body. Since this has already happened several times this week, $he knows what to expect.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$His child is collected and $his body cleaned before $he is allowed to resume $his rest.
+			<</if>>
-			While servicing _tempSub.slaveName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, causing $him to immediately try to break off. $His dom eagerly watches _his2 pregnant sub's ordeal.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			_tempSub.slaveName collects the newborn child to be sent off before returning and planting _his2 crotch directly over _his2 exhausted sub's face.
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a strong contraction. $He rolls over and begins to fall back to sleep as another contraction wracks $his body.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He struggles to draw $his child to $his breast and resumes resting.
+			<<else>>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a contraction. $He rolls over and clutches $his gravid belly as another contraction wracks $his body. Since this has already happened several times this week, $he knows what to expect.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$His child is collected and $his body cleaned before $he is allowed to resume $his rest.
+			<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "whore">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While attempting to attract customers to fuck $his grotesquely distended body, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He struggles to bring $his child to $his breast as $he resumes whoring, oblivious to the free show $he just gave $his customers.
-		<<else>>
-			While attempting to attract customers to fuck $his grotesquely distended body, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to move and rapidly crowning, $he manages to get several men to help $him out.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He lies stranded on the ground, exhausted and covered in sperm from the circle of men watching $him, until $he is helped into a sitting position and handed $his child.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
+	<<case "be a subordinate slave">>
+		<<set _tempSub = getSlave($slaves[$i].subTarget)>>
+		<<setLocalPronouns _tempSub 2>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While attempting to attract customers with $his grotesquely distended body, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He draws $his child to $his breast as $he resumes whoring, oblivious to the free show $he just gave $his customers.
-		<<else>>
-			While attempting to attract customers with $his grotesquely distended body, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He knows it is pointless to try to waddle away, as large as $he is, so $he convinces several men to help $him out.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He lies on the ground, exhausted and covered in sperm from the circle of men watching $him, until $he is helped to $his feet and handed $his child.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "serve the public">>
-	<<set _pbw = random(1,100)>>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
-				While taking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood out on him. Showing no signs of stopping, he struggles to shoves $his bulk off of him. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. $He is handed $his child, which $he clutches to $his breast before beckoning for the next citizen's cock.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
-				While sucking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to continue.
-				<<ClothingBirth>>
-				He cums down $his throat before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he starts beckoning for the next citizen's cock.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
-				While licking a citizen's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so $he allows $him to continue.
+			<<if $slaves[$i].subTarget == 0>>
+				While servicing your other slaves, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, though it does nothing to deter $him from $his task.
-				The citizen splashes across $his face before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins beckoning for the next citizen's cunt.
+				No sooner than $his baby is born, a cock is shoved into $his gaping pussy as $he draws $his child to $his breast.
-				While taking a citizen's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to continue. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass before handing $him $his child. $He brings it to $his breast before beckoning for the next citizen's cock.
+				While servicing _tempSub.slaveName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, though it does nothing to deter $him from $his task.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				No sooner than $his baby is born does $he go back to pleasuring $his dom.
-			<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
-				While riding a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately struggles to disengage encouraging him to shove $him onto $his bloated womb and mount $him. He thoroughly enjoys $his contracting cunt before pulling out and standing over $him, jacking off. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his baby. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He comes over $his exhausted body and moves on leaving $him to recover and await $his child to be sent off.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
-				While sucking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he is incapable of moving $himself, $he carries on sucking.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				<<ClothingBirth>>
-				He cums down $his throat before letting $him collapse onto $his bloated form. When $he recovers, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
-				While licking a citizen's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he is incapable of moving $himself, $he carries on licking.
+			<<if $slaves[$i].subTarget == 0>>
+				While servicing your other slaves, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, causing $him to immediately try to break off. However, several hands quickly hook $his enormous bulk and $he is pulled back into another slave's crotch.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				She cums across $his face before helping $him to $his rear and handing $him the newborn child.
+				Since $he is too pregnant to collect $his child, it is done for $him. $His exhausted form is slumped onto $his huge belly as another slave helps themselves to $his vulnerable body.
-				While taking a citizen's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately struggles to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass as $he collapses onto $his bloated womb. Once $he recovers enough to collect $his child, $he awaits for it to be sent off.
+				While servicing _tempSub.slaveName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, causing $him to immediately try to break off. $His dom eagerly watches _his2 pregnant sub's ordeal.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				_tempSub.slaveName collects the newborn child to be sent off before returning and planting _his2 crotch directly over _his2 exhausted sub's face.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
-				While taking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood out on him. Showing no signs of stopping, he struggles to shoves $his bulk off of him. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. $He is handed $his child, which $he clutches to $his breast before seeking out the next citizen's cock.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
-				While sucking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to reposition and continue.
-				<<ClothingBirth>>
-				He cums down $his throat before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins seeking out the next citizen's cock.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
-				While licking a citizen's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so $he allows $him to reposition and continue.
+	<<case "whore">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While attempting to attract customers to fuck $his grotesquely distended body, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood.
-				The citizen splashes across $his face before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins seeking out the next citizen's cunt.
+				$He struggles to bring $his child to $his breast as $he resumes whoring, oblivious to the free show $he just gave $his customers.
-				While taking a citizen's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to reposition and continue. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass before handing $him $his child. $He brings it to $his breast before seeking out the next citizen's cock.
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
-				While riding a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. He thoroughly enjoys $his contracting cunt before pulling out and standing over $him, jacking off. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He comes over $his exhausted body and moves on leaving $him to recover and collect $his child to be sent off.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
-				While sucking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he grabs $his head and slams $him back into his crotch.
+				While attempting to attract customers to fuck $his grotesquely distended body, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to move and rapidly crowning, $he manages to get several men to help $him out.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				He cums down $his throat before letting $him collapse onto $his bloated form. When $he recovers, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
-				While licking a citizen's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but she grabs $his head and slams $him back into her crotch.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				$He lies stranded on the ground, exhausted and covered in sperm from the circle of men watching $him, until $he is helped into a sitting position and handed $his child.
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While attempting to attract customers with $his grotesquely distended body, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood.
-				She cums across $his face before helping $him to $his feet and handing $him the newborn child.
+				$He draws $his child to $his breast as $he resumes whoring, oblivious to the free show $he just gave $his customers.
-				While taking a citizen's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass as $he collapses onto $his bloated womb. Once $he recovers enough to get to $his feet, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
+				While attempting to attract customers with $his grotesquely distended body, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He knows it is pointless to try to waddle away, as large as $he is, so $he convinces several men to help $him out.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He lies on the ground, exhausted and covered in sperm from the circle of men watching $him, until $he is helped to $his feet and handed $his child.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "work a glory hole">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While sucking a dick through the hole of $his confining box, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He makes no effort to stop sucking the dicks presented to $him.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$His child is taken as it is born from $his rear hanging out of the box. $He never notices, focused entirely on the fresh cock poking through the glory hole.
+	<<case "serve the public">>
+		<<set _pbw = random(1,100)>>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
+					While taking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood out on him. Showing no signs of stopping, he struggles to shoves $his bulk off of him. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. $He is handed $his child, which $he clutches to $his breast before beckoning for the next citizen's cock.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
+					While sucking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to continue.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					He cums down $his throat before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he starts beckoning for the next citizen's cock.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
+					While licking a citizen's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so $he allows $him to continue.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					The citizen splashes across $his face before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins beckoning for the next citizen's cunt.
+				<<else>>
+					While taking a citizen's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to continue. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass before handing $him $his child. $He brings it to $his breast before beckoning for the next citizen's cock.
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
+					While riding a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately struggles to disengage encouraging him to shove $him onto $his bloated womb and mount $him. He thoroughly enjoys $his contracting cunt before pulling out and standing over $him, jacking off. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his baby. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He comes over $his exhausted body and moves on leaving $him to recover and await $his child to be sent off.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
+					While sucking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he is incapable of moving $himself, $he carries on sucking.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					He cums down $his throat before letting $him collapse onto $his bloated form. When $he recovers, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
+					While licking a citizen's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he is incapable of moving $himself, $he carries on licking.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					She cums across $his face before helping $him to $his rear and handing $him the newborn child.
+				<<else>>
+					While taking a citizen's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately struggles to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass as $he collapses onto $his bloated womb. Once $he recovers enough to collect $his child, $he awaits for it to be sent off.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
-			While sucking a dick through the hole of $his confining box, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He quickly finishes the dick off and sighs, knowing full well $he couldn't move even if $he weren't confined. Another dick is shoved into $his trapped face and $he is forced to keep sucking.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$His child is taken as it is born from $his rear hanging out of the box. $He never got a look at it, being unable to turn even slightly.
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
+					While taking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood out on him. Showing no signs of stopping, he struggles to shoves $his bulk off of him. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. $He is handed $his child, which $he clutches to $his breast before seeking out the next citizen's cock.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
+					While sucking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to reposition and continue.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					He cums down $his throat before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins seeking out the next citizen's cock.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
+					While licking a citizen's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so $he allows $him to reposition and continue.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					The citizen splashes across $his face before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins seeking out the next citizen's cunt.
+				<<else>>
+					While taking a citizen's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to reposition and continue. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass before handing $him $his child. $He brings it to $his breast before seeking out the next citizen's cock.
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
+					While riding a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. He thoroughly enjoys $his contracting cunt before pulling out and standing over $him, jacking off. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He comes over $his exhausted body and moves on leaving $him to recover and collect $his child to be sent off.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
+					While sucking a citizen's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he grabs $his head and slams $him back into his crotch.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					He cums down $his throat before letting $him collapse onto $his bloated form. When $he recovers, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
+					While licking a citizen's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but she grabs $his head and slams $him back into her crotch.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					She cums across $his face before helping $him to $his feet and handing $him the newborn child.
+				<<else>>
+					While taking a citizen's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass as $he collapses onto $his bloated womb. Once $he recovers enough to get to $his feet, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While sucking a dick through the hole of $his confining box, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He makes no effort to stop sucking the dicks presented to $him.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$His child is taken as it is born from $his rear hanging out of the box. $He never notices, focused entirely on the fresh cock poking through the glory hole.
+	<<case "work a glory hole">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While sucking a dick through the hole of $his confining box, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He makes no effort to stop sucking the dicks presented to $him.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$His child is taken as it is born from $his rear hanging out of the box. $He never notices, focused entirely on the fresh cock poking through the glory hole.
+			<<else>>
+				While sucking a dick through the hole of $his confining box, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He quickly finishes the dick off and sighs, knowing full well $he couldn't move even if $he weren't confined. Another dick is shoved into $his trapped face and $he is forced to keep sucking.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$His child is taken as it is born from $his rear hanging out of the box. $He never got a look at it, being unable to turn even slightly.
+			<</if>>
-			While sucking a dick through the hole of $his confining box, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He quickly finishes the dick off before realizing there is no way $he can move $his bloated form in the box. Another dick is shoved into $his trapped face and $he is forced to keep sucking.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$His child is taken as it is born from $his rear hanging out of the box. $He never got a look at it, being unable to turn even slightly.
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While sucking a dick through the hole of $his confining box, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He makes no effort to stop sucking the dicks presented to $him.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$His child is taken as it is born from $his rear hanging out of the box. $He never notices, focused entirely on the fresh cock poking through the glory hole.
+			<<else>>
+				While sucking a dick through the hole of $his confining box, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He quickly finishes the dick off before realizing there is no way $he can move $his bloated form in the box. Another dick is shoved into $his trapped face and $he is forced to keep sucking.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$His child is taken as it is born from $his rear hanging out of the box. $He never got a look at it, being unable to turn even slightly.
+			<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "get milked">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While getting milked, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He show little interest and continues kneading $his breasts.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He shows no interest in $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> being removed from the milking stall, instead focusing entirely on draining breasts.
+	<<case "get milked">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While getting milked, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He show little interest and continues kneading $his breasts.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He shows no interest in $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> being removed from the milking stall, instead focusing entirely on draining breasts.
+			<<else>>
+				While getting milked, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Between the milkers and $his immobilizing belly, $he ends up stranded atop $his immense pregnancy.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$His child is carried away and $he struggles to get off of $himself. $He groans as $he realizes the milk tank is nearly full, having been filled with the copious amounts of milk $his body is producing for $his brood.
+				<</if>>
-			While getting milked, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Between the milkers and $his immobilizing belly, $he ends up stranded atop $his immense pregnancy.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$His child is carried away and $he struggles to get off of $himself. $He groans as $he realizes the milk tank is nearly full, having been filled with the copious amounts of milk $his body is producing for $his brood.
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While getting milked, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He show little interest and continues kneading $his breasts.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He shows no interest in $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> being removed from the milking stall, instead focusing entirely on draining breasts.
+			<<else>>
+				While getting milked, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shifts into a comfortable position to give birth while the milker works $his breasts.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$His child is carried away and $he rests with $his back against the wall. $He groans as $he realizes the milk tank is nearly full, having been filled with the copious amounts of milk $his body is producing for $his brood.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While getting milked, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He show little interest and continues kneading $his breasts.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He shows no interest in $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> being removed from the milking stall, instead focusing entirely on draining breasts.
-		<<else>>
-			While getting milked, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shifts into a comfortable position to give birth while the milker works $his breasts.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$His child is carried away and $he rests with $his back against the wall. $He groans as $he realizes the milk tank is nearly full, having been filled with the copious amounts of milk $his body is producing for $his brood.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "please you">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-		While sitting absentmindedly nearby, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He pays no heed to it and continues waiting for you to use $him.
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		You certainly enjoyed the show as you call for a servant to take away $his child and to clean up the still oblivious broodmother.
-	<<else>>
-		While resting against $his belly nearby, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, startling $him. $He looks to you for guidance and you shake your head "no". Without permission to move $he <<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>decides to give you a show<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>reluctantly decides giving birth in front of you isn't so bad.<<else>>begins to panic as $his contractions come sooner and sooner<<set $humiliation = 1>><</if>>.
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		As thanks for the show, you help $his exhausted body onto the couch so $he can recover before returning to $his duties. You call for a servant to take away $his child and clean up your toy.
-	<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-		While sitting absentmindedly nearby, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He pays no heed to it and continues waiting for you to use $him.
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		You certainly enjoyed the show as you call for a servant to take away $his child and to clean up the still oblivious broodmother.
-	<<else>>
-		While standing nearby, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, startling $him. $He looks to you for guidance and you shake your head "no". Without permission to leave $he <<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>decides to give you a show<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>reluctantly decides giving birth in front of you isn't so bad.<<else>>begins to panic as $his contractions come sooner and sooner<<set $humiliation = 1>><</if>>.
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		As thanks for the show, you help $his exhausted body onto the couch so $he can recover before returning to $his duties. You call for a servant to take away $his child and clean up your toy.
-	<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "stay confined">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+	<<case "please you">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While waiting in confinement, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he can't move, $he just lets things happen.
+			While sitting absentmindedly nearby, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He pays no heed to it and continues waiting for you to use $him.
-			$He struggles for a minute before realizing $he is incapable of reaching $his child. The servant that has to crawl under $his bloated body to get $his child is less than pleased, especially since this is the third time this week $he has had to do it.
+			You certainly enjoyed the show as you call for a servant to take away $his child and to clean up the still oblivious broodmother.
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his stupor by $his body beginning to birth another of $his brood. $He struggles to get into position but ends up getting stuck atop $his massive belly.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+			While resting against $his belly nearby, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, startling $him. $He looks to you for guidance and you shake your head "no". Without permission to move $he <<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>decides to give you a show<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>reluctantly decides giving birth in front of you isn't so bad.<<else>>begins to panic as $his contractions come sooner and sooner<<set $humiliation = 1>><</if>>.
-			$He spills out of the cell when the servant comes once more to collect $his child. $He hastily tries to cram $his bulk back into $his cell before $he gets chastised.
+			As thanks for the show, you help $his exhausted body onto the couch so $he can recover before returning to $his duties. You call for a servant to take away $his child and clean up your toy.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While waiting in confinement, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He assumes a birthing position.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He struggles for a minute before realizing $his pregnancy takes up most of the cell and that $he can't reach $his child. The servant that has to crawl under $his bloated body to get $his child is less than pleased, especially since this is the third time this week $he has had to do it.
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his stupor by $his body beginning to birth another of $his brood. $He struggles to get into position but ends up getting stuck standing thanks to $his massive belly.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He spills out of the cell when the servant comes once more to collect $his child. $He hastily tries to cram $his bulk back into $his cell before $he gets chastised.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "work as a servant" "be a servant">>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-		<<if random(0,1) == 1>>
-			While giving a slave oral service, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He disregards this development and continues working.
+		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+			While sitting absentmindedly nearby, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He pays no heed to it and continues waiting for you to use $him.
-			The slave gets off quite strongly to the show and shoves $him out of the way, leaving $him to clean up $his mess. Instead, $he struggles to bring $his child to $his breast until <<if $Stewardess != 0>>$Stewardess.slaveName shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<<elseif $HeadGirl != 0>>$HeadGirl.slaveName shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<<else>><<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<</if>>.
+			You certainly enjoyed the show as you call for a servant to take away $his child and to clean up the still oblivious broodmother.
-			While struggling to scrub the penthouse floor, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He carries on trying to clean as $he drags $his belly along the floor.
+			While standing nearby, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood, startling $him. $He looks to you for guidance and you shake your head "no". Without permission to leave $he <<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>decides to give you a show<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>reluctantly decides giving birth in front of you isn't so bad.<<else>>begins to panic as $his contractions come sooner and sooner<<set $humiliation = 1>><</if>>.
-			Instead of carrying on $his task, $he draws $his child to $his breast until <<if $Stewardess != 0>>$Stewardess.slaveName shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<<elseif $HeadGirl != 0>>$HeadGirl.slaveName shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<<else>><<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<</if>>.
+			As thanks for the show, you help $his exhausted body onto the couch so $he can recover before returning to $his duties. You call for a servant to take away $his child and clean up your toy.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if random(0,1) == 1>>
-			While giving a slave oral service, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to pull away but they grab $his head and force $him back to their crotch.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			The slave gets off quite strongly to the show and shoves $him to the ground, leaving $him struggling to get up before <<if $Stewardess != 0>>$Stewardess.slaveName shouts at $him<<elseif $HeadGirl != 0>>$HeadGirl.slaveName shouts at $him <<else>><<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>shouts at $him<</if>>.
-		<<else>>
-			While using $his bloated belly to scrub the penthouse floor, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since this isn't the first time this week this happened, $he readies $himself for the coming birth.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He makes a pass around the room before scooping up $his child and struggling to $his feet. $He slowly waddles to drop off $his child.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "serve in the master suite">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 1>>
-				While awaiting your return on the big bed in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He struggles to shift into a more comfortable position before giving up.
+	<<case "stay confined">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While waiting in confinement, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he can't move, $he just lets things happen.
-				Resting in your bed, $he draws $his child to $his breast and resumes waiting for you. <<if $Concubine != 0>>Concubine.slaveName furiously orders $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> removed, and $him forcefully ejected from the bed so it can be cleaned before your return.<</if>>
-			<<elseif $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
-				While being the bottom of the master suite's fuckpit, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. While $he doesn't stop having sex, the fucktoys using $him do and attempt to drag $him from the pit to give birth. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. The fucktoys give up their efforts to haul $his bloated form out of the pit and allow $him to settle at the bottom. Without a second thought about $his child, $he attempts to coax the other slaves back into an orgy.
+				$He struggles for a minute before realizing $he is incapable of reaching $his child. The servant that has to crawl under $his bloated body to get $his child is less than pleased, especially since this is the third time this week $he has had to do it.
-				While awaiting your return in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He pays it no heed and continues blankly waiting.
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his stupor by $his body beginning to birth another of $his brood. $He struggles to get into position but ends up getting stuck atop $his massive belly.
+				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				Resting on $his belly, $he draws $his child to $his breast and resumes waiting for you. <<if $Concubine != 0>>Concubine.slaveName furiously orders $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> removed, and $him thoroughly cleaned before your return.<</if>>
+				$He spills out of the cell when the servant comes once more to collect $his child. $He hastily tries to cram $his bulk back into $his cell before $he gets chastised.
-			<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 1>>
-				While awaiting your return on the big bed in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Knowing there is nothing $he can do, $he accepts that $he is going to give birth in your bed.
-				<<ClothingBirth>>
-				Once $his child is removed, $he's cleaned up, and the sheets changed, $he struggles back into bed to recover for your return.
-			<<elseif $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
-				While participating in the fuckpit orgy, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He knows $he stands no chance of escaping the fuckpit, so $he leaves $himself at the mercy of the other fucktoys. They happily position themselves for $him to pleasure them while giving birth.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While waiting in confinement, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He assumes a birthing position.
-				Once the fucktoys are done tormenting the exhausted broodmother, they hand $his child off to the help and snuggle up to $his enormous pregnancy as $he recovers $his strength.
+				$He struggles for a minute before realizing $his pregnancy takes up most of the cell and that $he can't reach $his child. The servant that has to crawl under $his bloated body to get $his child is less than pleased, especially since this is the third time this week $he has had to do it.
-				While awaiting your return in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He knows $he stands no chance of reaching $his sex toys, so $he does $his best to conceal them. $He calls for a servant to hurry as $he begins laboring.
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his stupor by $his body beginning to birth another of $his brood. $He struggles to get into position but ends up getting stuck standing thanks to $his massive belly.
+				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				The servant collects $his child and helps $him onto the largest cushion in the room to recover for your return. With a little effort $he pushes the vibrating dildo out of $his ass before settling down for a nap.
+				$He spills out of the cell when the servant comes once more to collect $his child. $He hastily tries to cram $his bulk back into $his cell before $he gets chastised.
-	<<else>>
+	<<case "work as a servant" "be a servant">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 1>>
-				While awaiting your return on the big bed in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shifts into a more comfortable position.
+			<<if random(0,1) == 1>>
+				While giving a slave oral service, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He disregards this development and continues working.
-				Resting in your bed, $he draws $his child to $his breast and resumes waiting for you. <<if $Concubine != 0>>Concubine.slaveName furiously orders $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> removed, and $him forcefully ejected from the bed so it can be cleaned before your return.<</if>>
-			<<elseif $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
-				While being the bottom of the master suite's fuckpit, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. While $he doesn't stop having sex, the fucktoys using $him do and attempt to drag $him from the pit to give birth. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. The fucktoys give up their efforts to haul $his bloated form out of the pit and allow $him to settle a the bottom. Without a second thought about $his child, $he attempts to coax the other slaves back into an orgy.
+				The slave gets off quite strongly to the show and shoves $him out of the way, leaving $him to clean up $his mess. Instead, $he struggles to bring $his child to $his breast until <<if $Stewardess != 0>>$Stewardess.slaveName shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<<elseif $HeadGirl != 0>>$HeadGirl.slaveName shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<<else>><<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<</if>>.
-				While awaiting your return in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He pays it no heed and continues blankly waiting.
+				While struggling to scrub the penthouse floor, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He carries on trying to clean as $he drags $his belly along the floor.
-				Resting on $his belly, $he draws $his child to $his breast and resumes waiting for you. <<if $Concubine != 0>>Concubine.slaveName furiously orders $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> removed, and $him thoroughly cleaned before your return.<</if>>
+				Instead of carrying on $his task, $he draws $his child to $his breast until <<if $Stewardess != 0>>$Stewardess.slaveName shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<<elseif $HeadGirl != 0>>$HeadGirl.slaveName shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<<else>><<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>shouts at $him to move $his useless ass<</if>>.
-			<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 1>>
-				While awaiting your return on the big bed in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He quickly moves $himself off the bed and calls for a servant before dropping onto $his bloated stomach.
-				<<ClothingBirth>>
-				Once $his child is removed, $he's cleaned up, and the sheets changed, $he struggles back into bed to recover for your return.
-			<<elseif $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
-				While participating in the fuckpit orgy, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He tries to crawl out of the pit but the other fucktoys easily pull $him back in and position themselves for $him to pleasure them while giving birth.
+			<<if random(0,1) == 1>>
+				While giving a slave oral service, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to pull away but they grab $his head and force $him back to their crotch.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				Once the fucktoys are done tormenting the exhausted broodmother, they hand $his child off to the help and snuggle up to $his enormous pregnancy as $he recovers $his strength.
+				The slave gets off quite strongly to the show and shoves $him to the ground, leaving $him struggling to get up before <<if $Stewardess != 0>>$Stewardess.slaveName shouts at $him<<elseif $HeadGirl != 0>>$HeadGirl.slaveName shouts at $him <<else>><<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>shouts at $him<</if>>.
-				While awaiting your return in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He tries to get to the prepared area but fails to untangle $himself from the toys $he was playing with. $He calls for a servant to hurry as $he begins laboring.
+				While using $his bloated belly to scrub the penthouse floor, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since this isn't the first time this week this happened, $he readies $himself for the coming birth.
-				The servant collects $his child and helps $him onto the largest cushion in the room to recover for your return. With a little effort $he pushes the vibrating dildo out of $his ass before settling down for a nap.
+				$He makes a pass around the room before scooping up $his child and struggling to $his feet. $He slowly waddles to drop off $his child.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "serve in the club">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can. During one of $his dances, $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He keeps on dancing, despite $his condition, until $his contractions drag $him onto $his bloated stomach.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			Multiple citizens drag $him into a booth so that they may tease $his enormous exhausted body while the dance floor is dried and $his child is carried off.
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can, all the while flashing glimpses of $his crotch and nipples. During one of $his dances, $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He calls out to the crowd, hyping them up for $his new show.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			As $his child is removed from the dance floor, $he is helped into one of the back rooms by several of $his aroused onlookers.
-		<<else>>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can. During one of $his dances, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He frantically struggles to move drawing even more attention to $his helpless state. $He is roughly pulled into one of the side rooms by a group of men looking forward to the show $he's about to perform for them.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			Only once the last of $his clients cums over $his bloated body is $he handed $his child and allowed to rest. $He enjoys a moment with $his newborn before the servant comes to collect them.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can. During one of $his dances, $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He keeps on dancing, despite $his condition, until $his contractions drag $him onto $his bloated stomach.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			Multiple citizens drag $him into a booth so that they may tease $his enormous exhausted body while the dance floor is dried and $his child is carried off.
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can, all the while flashing glimpses of $his crotch and nipples. During one of $his dances, $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He calls out to the crowd, hyping them up for $his new show.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			As $his child is removed from the dance floor, $he is helped into one of the back rooms by several of $his aroused onlookers.
-		<<else>>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can. During one of $his dances, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He clumsily tries to leave the dance floor only to find hands groping $his titanic belly. $He is roughly pulled into one of the side rooms by a group of men looking forward to the show $he's about to perform for them.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			Only once the last of $his clients cums over $his bloated body is $he handed $his child and allowed to rest. $He enjoys a moment with $his newborn before the servant comes to collect them.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "choose her own job">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		While thinking about what job to take as an immobile womb, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to do anything but labor, $he gives in to what's coming.
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to. $He decides to rest for the rest of the day before returning to choosing $his next task.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
-			While slowly wandering the penthouse deciding on $his post, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Sensing an opportunity, $he waddles to the nearest balcony overlooking the city. $He calls out, making sure all eyes are on $him for what happens next.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to. $He decides to rest for the rest of the day before returning to choosing $his next task.
-		<<else>>
-			While slowly wandering the penthouse deciding on $his post, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to reach the prepared birthing room in time, $he finds a secluded room to give birth in.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to. $He decides to rest for the rest of the day before returning to choosing $his next task.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "rest in the spa">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While soaking in the spa's pool, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. As $he begins to ready $himself for birth, <<if $Attendant != 0>>$Attendant.slaveName struggles to pull $him out of the pool and glares at $him<<else>>the other bathers watch curiously<</if>>.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He and $his child are quickly dried off as $he begins nursing them. A servant soon arrives to take $his children away.
-		<<else>>
-			While soaking in the spa's pool, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. As $he begins to ready $himself for a water birth, <<if $Attendant != 0>>$Attendant.slaveName shifts into position to aid $him<<else>>the other bathers watch curiously<</if>>.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He and $his child are quickly dried off as $he begins nursing them. A servant soon arrives to take $his children away.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While soaking in the spa's pool, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. As $he begins to ready $himself for birth, <<if $Attendant != 0>>$Attendant.slaveName struggles to pull $him out of the pool and glares at $him<<else>>the other bathers watch curiously<</if>>.
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			$He and $his child are quickly dried off as $he begins nursing them. A servant soon arrives to take $his children away.
+	<<case "serve in the master suite">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 1>>
+					While awaiting your return on the big bed in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He struggles to shift into a more comfortable position before giving up.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					Resting in your bed, $he draws $his child to $his breast and resumes waiting for you. <<if $Concubine != 0>>Concubine.slaveName furiously orders $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> removed, and $him forcefully ejected from the bed so it can be cleaned before your return.<</if>>
+				<<elseif $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
+					While being the bottom of the master suite's fuckpit, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. While $he doesn't stop having sex, the fucktoys using $him do and attempt to drag $him from the pit to give birth. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. The fucktoys give up their efforts to haul $his bloated form out of the pit and allow $him to settle at the bottom. Without a second thought about $his child, $he attempts to coax the other slaves back into an orgy.
+				<<else>>
+					While awaiting your return in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He pays it no heed and continues blankly waiting.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					Resting on $his belly, $he draws $his child to $his breast and resumes waiting for you. <<if $Concubine != 0>>Concubine.slaveName furiously orders $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> removed, and $him thoroughly cleaned before your return.<</if>>
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 1>>
+					While awaiting your return on the big bed in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Knowing there is nothing $he can do, $he accepts that $he is going to give birth in your bed.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					Once $his child is removed, $he's cleaned up, and the sheets changed, $he struggles back into bed to recover for your return.
+				<<elseif $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
+					While participating in the fuckpit orgy, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He knows $he stands no chance of escaping the fuckpit, so $he leaves $himself at the mercy of the other fucktoys. They happily position themselves for $him to pleasure them while giving birth.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					Once the fucktoys are done tormenting the exhausted broodmother, they hand $his child off to the help and snuggle up to $his enormous pregnancy as $he recovers $his strength.
+				<<else>>
+					While awaiting your return in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He knows $he stands no chance of reaching $his sex toys, so $he does $his best to conceal them. $He calls for a servant to hurry as $he begins laboring.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					The servant collects $his child and helps $him onto the largest cushion in the room to recover for your return. With a little effort $he pushes the vibrating dildo out of $his ass before settling down for a nap.
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
-			While heading for the changing room before a nice soak, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He hurries into the changing room only to find it unusually crowded. Without any choice left, $he assumes a birthing position.
-			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<ClothingBirth>>
-			The several of other slaves present, that aren't pinned by $his sudden intrusion, help $him with $his child while the rest enjoy the show. <<if $Attendant != 0>>$Attendant.slaveName, lured in by the commotion, shoos the other slaves out and helps the new mother to a private relaxation room to unwind<<else>>Soon a servant arrives to take $his child away, and $he is ushered into the bath to clean up and relax<</if>>.
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 1>>
+					While awaiting your return on the big bed in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shifts into a more comfortable position.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					Resting in your bed, $he draws $his child to $his breast and resumes waiting for you. <<if $Concubine != 0>>Concubine.slaveName furiously orders $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> removed, and $him forcefully ejected from the bed so it can be cleaned before your return.<</if>>
+				<<elseif $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
+					While being the bottom of the master suite's fuckpit, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. While $he doesn't stop having sex, the fucktoys using $him do and attempt to drag $him from the pit to give birth. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. The fucktoys give up their efforts to haul $his bloated form out of the pit and allow $him to settle a the bottom. Without a second thought about $his child, $he attempts to coax the other slaves back into an orgy.
+				<<else>>
+					While awaiting your return in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He pays it no heed and continues blankly waiting.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					Resting on $his belly, $he draws $his child to $his breast and resumes waiting for you. <<if $Concubine != 0>>Concubine.slaveName furiously orders $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> removed, and $him thoroughly cleaned before your return.<</if>>
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				<<if $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 1>>
+					While awaiting your return on the big bed in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He quickly moves $himself off the bed and calls for a servant before dropping onto $his bloated stomach.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					Once $his child is removed, $he's cleaned up, and the sheets changed, $he struggles back into bed to recover for your return.
+				<<elseif $masterSuiteUpgradeLuxury == 2>>
+					While participating in the fuckpit orgy, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He tries to crawl out of the pit but the other fucktoys easily pull $him back in and position themselves for $him to pleasure them while giving birth.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					Once the fucktoys are done tormenting the exhausted broodmother, they hand $his child off to the help and snuggle up to $his enormous pregnancy as $he recovers $his strength.
+				<<else>>
+					While awaiting your return in the master suite, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He tries to get to the prepared area but fails to untangle $himself from the toys $he was playing with. $He calls for a servant to hurry as $he begins laboring.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					The servant collects $his child and helps $him onto the largest cushion in the room to recover for your return. With a little effort $he pushes the vibrating dildo out of $his ass before settling down for a nap.
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "learn in the schoolroom">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		During a lesson in $schoolroomName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since this isn't the first time $he interrupted the lesson this week, and $he is too heavy to move, $he is allowed to give birth right where $he is.
-		<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		$He struggles to gather $his newborn child as class slowly resume. Looking around, $he can't help but notice all the other students giggling and gesturing at $him.
-	<<else>>
-		During a lesson in $schoolroomName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since this isn't the first time $he interrupted the lesson this week, $he is helped into an adjacent storage room.
-		<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		$He struggles to gather $his newborn child and slowly excuses $himself from the class. $He can't help but notice all the other students giggling and gesturing as $he waddles out.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "take classes">>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		During a lesson under <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Your assistant pauses and waits for $him to finish, having given up after the last several times
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		Exhausted from the birth, $he is permitted a short break as $his child is collected to be cleaned up before the lesson is continued.
-	<<else>>
-		During a lesson under <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Your assistant pauses and waits for $him to finish, having given up after the last several times
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		Exhausted from the birth, $he is permitted a short break as $his child is collected to clean $himself up before the lesson is continued.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "work in the brothel">>
-	<<set _pbw = random(1,100)>>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
-				While taking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood out on him. Showing no signs of stopping, he struggles to shoves $his bulk off of him. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. $He is handed $his child, which $he clutches to $his breast before beckoning for the next customer's cock.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
-				While sucking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to continue.
+	<<case "serve in the club">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can. During one of $his dances, $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He keeps on dancing, despite $his condition, until $his contractions drag $him onto $his bloated stomach.
-				He cums down $his throat before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he beckoning for the next customer's cock.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
-				While licking a customer's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so she allows $him to continue.
+				Multiple citizens drag $him into a booth so that they may tease $his enormous exhausted body while the dance floor is dried and $his child is carried off.
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can, all the while flashing glimpses of $his crotch and nipples. During one of $his dances, $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He calls out to the crowd, hyping them up for $his new show.
+				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				The customer splashes across $his face before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins beckoning for the next customer's cunt.
+				As $his child is removed from the dance floor, $he is helped into one of the back rooms by several of $his aroused onlookers.
-				While taking a customer's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to continue. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass before handing $him $his child. $He brings it to $his breast before beckoning for the next customer's cock.
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can. During one of $his dances, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He frantically struggles to move drawing even more attention to $his helpless state. $He is roughly pulled into one of the side rooms by a group of men looking forward to the show $he's about to perform for them.
+				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				Only once the last of $his clients cums over $his bloated body is $he handed $his child and allowed to rest. $He enjoys a moment with $his newborn before the servant comes to collect them.
-			<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
-				While riding a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately struggles to disengage encouraging him to shove $him onto $his bloated womb and mount $him. He thoroughly enjoys $his contracting cunt before pulling out and standing over $him, jacking off. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his baby. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He comes over $his exhausted body and moves on leaving $him to recover and await $his child to be sent off.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
-				While sucking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he is incapable of moving $himself, $he carries on sucking.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can. During one of $his dances, $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He keeps on dancing, despite $his condition, until $his contractions drag $him onto $his bloated stomach.
-				He cums down $his throat before letting $him collapse onto $his bloated form. When $he recovers, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
-				While licking a customer's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he is incapable of moving $himself, $he carries on licking.
+				Multiple citizens drag $him into a booth so that they may tease $his enormous exhausted body while the dance floor is dried and $his child is carried off.
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can, all the while flashing glimpses of $his crotch and nipples. During one of $his dances, $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He calls out to the crowd, hyping them up for $his new show.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				She cums across $his face before helping $him to $his rear and handing $him the newborn child.
+				As $his child is removed from the dance floor, $he is helped into one of the back rooms by several of $his aroused onlookers.
-				While taking a customer's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately struggles to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass as $he collapses onto $his bloated womb. Once $he recovers enough to collect $his child, $he awaits for it to be sent off.
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is showing off $his grotesque body and trying to attract citizens by dancing as well as $he can. During one of $his dances, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He clumsily tries to leave the dance floor only to find hands groping $his titanic belly. $He is roughly pulled into one of the side rooms by a group of men looking forward to the show $he's about to perform for them.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				Only once the last of $his clients cums over $his bloated body is $he handed $his child and allowed to rest. $He enjoys a moment with $his newborn before the servant comes to collect them.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
-				While taking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood out on him. Showing no signs of stopping, he struggles to shoves $his bulk off of him. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. $He is handed $his child, which $he clutches to $his breast before seeking out the next citizen's cock.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
-				While sucking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to reposition and continue.
+	<<case "choose her own job">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			While thinking about what job to take as an immobile womb, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to do anything but labor, $he gives in to what's coming.
+			<<ClothingBirth>>
+			$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to. $He decides to rest for the rest of the day before returning to choosing $his next task.
+		<<else>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
+				While slowly wandering the penthouse deciding on $his post, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Sensing an opportunity, $he waddles to the nearest balcony overlooking the city. $He calls out, making sure all eyes are on $him for what happens next.
+				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				He cums down $his throat before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins seeking out the next citizen's cock.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
-				While licking a customer's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so she allows $him to reposition and continue.
+				$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to. $He decides to rest for the rest of the day before returning to choosing $his next task.
+			<<else>>
+				While slowly wandering the penthouse deciding on $his post, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to reach the prepared birthing room in time, $he finds a secluded room to give birth in.
-				The customer splashes across $his face before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins seeking out the next customer's cunt.
+				$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to. $He decides to rest for the rest of the day before returning to choosing $his next task.
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
+	<<case "rest in the spa">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While soaking in the spa's pool, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. As $he begins to ready $himself for birth, <<if $Attendant != 0>>$Attendant.slaveName struggles to pull $him out of the pool and glares at $him<<else>>the other bathers watch curiously<</if>>.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He and $his child are quickly dried off as $he begins nursing them. A servant soon arrives to take $his children away.
-				While taking a customer's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to reposition and continue. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass before handing $him $his child. $He brings it to $his breast before seeking out the next customer's cock.
+				While soaking in the spa's pool, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. As $he begins to ready $himself for a water birth, <<if $Attendant != 0>>$Attendant.slaveName shifts into position to aid $him<<else>>the other bathers watch curiously<</if>>.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He and $his child are quickly dried off as $he begins nursing them. A servant soon arrives to take $his children away.
-			<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
-				While riding a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. He thoroughly enjoys $his contracting cunt before pulling out and standing over $him, jacking off. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He comes over $his exhausted body and moves on leaving $him to recover and collect $his child to be sent off.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
-				While sucking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he grabs $his head and slams $him back into his crotch.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				<<ClothingBirth>>
-				He cums down $his throat before letting $him collapse onto $his bloated form. When $he recovers, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
-			<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
-				While licking a customer's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but she grabs $his head and slams $him back into $his crotch.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While soaking in the spa's pool, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. As $he begins to ready $himself for birth, <<if $Attendant != 0>>$Attendant.slaveName struggles to pull $him out of the pool and glares at $him<<else>>the other bathers watch curiously<</if>>.
-				She cums across $his face before helping $him to $his feet and handing $him the newborn child.
+				$He and $his child are quickly dried off as $he begins nursing them. A servant soon arrives to take $his children away.
-				While taking a customer's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass as $he collapses onto $his bloated womb. Once $he recovers enough to get to $his feet, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
+				While heading for the changing room before a nice soak, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He hurries into the changing room only to find it unusually crowded. Without any choice left, $he assumes a birthing position.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				The several of other slaves present, that aren't pinned by $his sudden intrusion, help $him with $his child while the rest enjoy the show. <<if $Attendant != 0>>$Attendant.slaveName, lured in by the commotion, shoos the other slaves out and helps the new mother to a private relaxation room to unwind<<else>>Soon a servant arrives to take $his child away, and $he is ushered into the bath to clean up and relax<</if>>.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "be your Concubine">>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-	<<else>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName cradles $his swollen belly, waiting for your return, when $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. Saddened that you aren't there for the show, $he begins waddling off to find you. By the time $he reaches your office, $he is barely holding back $his child. You rise to meet $him and struggle to help $him onto the couch, just before it's to late.
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		Cradling your child, the two of you rest for a spell before sending them off and spending some more intimate time together. You make sure to pay special attention to $his overstimulated belly before you help $him back to your suite.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "live with your Head Girl">>
-	<<setLocalPronouns $HeadGirl 2>>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a strong contraction. $He attempts to roll over, and failing that, begins to fall back to sleep as another contraction wracks $his body. $His body begins to birth another of $his brood.
+	<<case "learn in the schoolroom">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			During a lesson in $schoolroomName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since this isn't the first time $he interrupted the lesson this week, and $he is too heavy to move, $he is allowed to give birth right where $he is.
+			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			$He draws $his child to $his breast and resumes resting before $HeadGirl.slaveName returns from _his2 duties.
+			$He struggles to gather $his newborn child as class slowly resume. Looking around, $he can't help but notice all the other students giggling and gesturing at $him.
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He attempts to roll over, and failing that, claws at $his massive belly as another contraction wracks $his body.
+			During a lesson in $schoolroomName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since this isn't the first time $he interrupted the lesson this week, $he is helped into an adjacent storage room.
+			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			$He struggles to collect $his child and brings them to $his breast. $He waits for $HeadGirl.slaveName to return, hoping _he2 will arrive before another baby makes its way out of $him.
+			$He struggles to gather $his newborn child and slowly excuses $himself from the class. $He can't help but notice all the other students giggling and gesturing as $he waddles out.
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a strong contraction. $He rolls over and begins to fall back to sleep as another contraction wracks $his body. $His body begins to birth another of $his brood.
+	<<case "take classes">>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			During a lesson under <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Your assistant pauses and waits for $him to finish, having given up after the last several times
-			$He draws $his child to $his breast and resumes resting before $HeadGirl.slaveName returns from _his2 duties.
+			Exhausted from the birth, $he is permitted a short break as $his child is collected to be cleaned up before the lesson is continued.
-			$slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He rolls over and claws at $his massive belly as another contraction wracks $his body.
+			During a lesson under <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>>, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Your assistant pauses and waits for $him to finish, having given up after the last several times
-			$He struggles to collect $his child and places them in the cradle readied for $him. $He waddles off to take a bath as your servants clean up and remove $his child. Cleaned up, $he returns to resting knowing full well that $HeadGirl.slaveName will be eager to play with $his body upon returning.
+			Exhausted from the birth, $he is permitted a short break as $his child is collected to clean $himself up before the lesson is continued.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "be confined in the arcade">>
-	A gush of liquid pours from the $slaves[$i].slaveName's cunt, followed by the attendant in charge of the arcade hanging an "out of order" sign on $his exposed rear. While $his mouth is filled with a customer's dick, $his body instinctively births $his child into the waiting basket. As they are carried away, $his rear is cleaned up and the sign removed.
-<<case "get treatment in the clinic">>
-	<<if ($Nurse != 0)>>
-		<<setLocalPronouns $Nurse 2>>
-	<</if>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName is in the perfect place to give birth when $his body begins to push out another of $his brood. <<if $Nurse != 0>>$Nurse.slaveName<<else>>A freelance nurse<</if>> delivers $his child before taking them away. Before long _he2 returns to attend to _his2 patient's perpetual pregnancy.
-<<case "be confined in the cellblock">>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-		While waiting in confinement, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He assumes a birthing position.
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		$He struggles for a minute before realizing $his pregnancy takes up most of the cell and that $he can't reach $his child. The servant that has to crawl under $his bloated body to get $his child is less than pleased, especially since this is the third time this week $he has had to do it.
-	<<else>>
-		$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his stupor by $his body beginning to birth another of $his brood. $He struggles to get into position but ends up getting stuck thanks to $his massive belly and inability to properly move $himself.
-		<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-		<<ClothingBirth>>
-		$He spills out of the cell when the servant comes once more to collect $his child. $He hastily tries to cram $his bulk back into $his cell before $he gets chastised.
-	<</if>>
+	<<case "work in the brothel">>
+		<<set _pbw = random(1,100)>>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
+					While taking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood out on him. Showing no signs of stopping, he struggles to shoves $his bulk off of him. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. $He is handed $his child, which $he clutches to $his breast before beckoning for the next customer's cock.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
+					While sucking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to continue.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					He cums down $his throat before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he beckoning for the next customer's cock.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
+					While licking a customer's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so she allows $him to continue.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					The customer splashes across $his face before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins beckoning for the next customer's cunt.
+				<<else>>
+					While taking a customer's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to continue. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass before handing $him $his child. $He brings it to $his breast before beckoning for the next customer's cock.
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
+					While riding a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately struggles to disengage encouraging him to shove $him onto $his bloated womb and mount $him. He thoroughly enjoys $his contracting cunt before pulling out and standing over $him, jacking off. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his baby. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He comes over $his exhausted body and moves on leaving $him to recover and await $his child to be sent off.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
+					While sucking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he is incapable of moving $himself, $he carries on sucking.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					He cums down $his throat before letting $him collapse onto $his bloated form. When $he recovers, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
+					While licking a customer's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Since $he is incapable of moving $himself, $he carries on licking.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					She cums across $his face before helping $him to $his rear and handing $him the newborn child.
+				<<else>>
+					While taking a customer's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately struggles to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass as $he collapses onto $his bloated womb. Once $he recovers enough to collect $his child, $he awaits for it to be sent off.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
+					While taking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood out on him. Showing no signs of stopping, he struggles to shoves $his bulk off of him. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. $He is handed $his child, which $he clutches to $his breast before seeking out the next citizen's cock.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
+					While sucking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to reposition and continue.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					He cums down $his throat before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins seeking out the next citizen's cock.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
+					While licking a customer's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so she allows $him to reposition and continue.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					The customer splashes across $his face before placing $his child on $his breast, as $he begins seeking out the next customer's cunt.
+				<<else>>
+					While taking a customer's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He shows no signs of slowing down, so he allows $him to reposition and continue. Instinctively $he begins to push out $his baby, indifferent to who may be watching $his naked crotch. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass before handing $him $his child. $He brings it to $his breast before seeking out the next customer's cock.
+				<</if>>
+			<<else>>
+				<<if (_pbw > 80)>>
+					While riding a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. He thoroughly enjoys $his contracting cunt before pulling out and standing over $him, jacking off. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He comes over $his exhausted body and moves on leaving $him to recover and collect $his child to be sent off.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 60)>>
+					While sucking a customer's dick, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he grabs $his head and slams $him back into his crotch.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					He cums down $his throat before letting $him collapse onto $his bloated form. When $he recovers, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
+				<<elseif (_pbw > 40)>>
+					While licking a customer's cunt, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but she grabs $his head and slams $him back into $his crotch.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					She cums across $his face before helping $him to $his feet and handing $him the newborn child.
+				<<else>>
+					While taking a customer's dick in $his ass, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He desperately tries to disengage but he shoves $him onto $his bloated womb and mounts $him. Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>. He came strongly thanks to $him and gives $him a slap on the ass as $he collapses onto $his bloated womb. Once $he recovers enough to get to $his feet, $he gathers $his child to be sent off.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
-	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+	<<case "be your Concubine">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While stroking $his pregnancy absentmindedly, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He carries on until the contractions drag $him onto $his swollen belly.
+		<<else>>
+			$slaves[$i].slaveName cradles $his swollen belly, waiting for your return, when $his body begins to birth another of $his brood. Saddened that you aren't there for the show, $he begins waddling off to find you. By the time $he reaches your office, $he is barely holding back $his child. You rise to meet $him and struggle to help $him onto the couch, just before it's to late.
-			$He draws $his child to $his breast and rests upon $his mass until a servant collects $his child and helps $him back to $his bed.
+			Cradling your child, the two of you rest for a spell before sending them off and spending some more intimate time together. You make sure to pay special attention to $his overstimulated belly before you help $him back to your suite.
+		<</if>>
+	<<case "live with your Head Girl">>
+		<<setLocalPronouns $HeadGirl 2>>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a strong contraction. $He attempts to roll over, and failing that, begins to fall back to sleep as another contraction wracks $his body. $His body begins to birth another of $his brood.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He draws $his child to $his breast and resumes resting before $HeadGirl.slaveName returns from _his2 duties.
+			<<else>>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He attempts to roll over, and failing that, claws at $his massive belly as another contraction wracks $his body.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He struggles to collect $his child and brings them to $his breast. $He waits for $HeadGirl.slaveName to return, hoping _he2 will arrive before another baby makes its way out of $him.
+			<</if>>
-			<<if random(0,1) == 1>>
-				While waiting to be helped to $his next assignment, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to do anything, $he is forced to give birth where $he is.
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a strong contraction. $He rolls over and begins to fall back to sleep as another contraction wracks $his body. $His body begins to birth another of $his brood.
-				$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength while resuming $his wait for a servant to help $him to $his assignment.
+				$He draws $his child to $his breast and resumes resting before $HeadGirl.slaveName returns from _his2 duties.
-				While eating in the cafeteria, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to move, $he finds $himself stranded in the middle of all the dining slaves.
-				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+				$slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He rolls over and claws at $his massive belly as another contraction wracks $his body.
-				$He gathers $his child and waits to be rescued from the vicious mockery, fully aware of all the jestering and laughter.
+				$He struggles to collect $his child and places them in the cradle readied for $him. $He waddles off to take a bath as your servants clean up and remove $his child. Cleaned up, $he returns to resting knowing full well that $HeadGirl.slaveName will be eager to play with $his body upon returning.
-	<<else>>
+	<<case "be confined in the arcade">>
+		A gush of liquid pours from the $slaves[$i].slaveName's cunt, followed by the attendant in charge of the arcade hanging an "out of order" sign on $his exposed rear. While $his mouth is filled with a customer's dick, $his body instinctively births $his child into the waiting basket. As they are carried away, $his rear is cleaned up and the sign removed.
+	<<case "get treatment in the clinic">>
+		<<if ($Nurse != 0)>>
+			<<setLocalPronouns $Nurse 2>>
+		<</if>>
+		$slaves[$i].slaveName is in the perfect place to give birth when $his body begins to push out another of $his brood. <<if $Nurse != 0>>$Nurse.slaveName<<else>>A freelance nurse<</if>> delivers $his child before taking them away. Before long _he2 returns to attend to _his2 patient's perpetual pregnancy.
+	<<case "be confined in the cellblock">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-			While stroking $his pregnancy absentmindedly, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He carries on until the contractions drag $him onto $his swollen belly.
+			While waiting in confinement, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He assumes a birthing position.
-			$He draws $his child to $his breast and rests upon $his mass until a servant collects $his child and helps $him back to $his bed.
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
-			While waddling through the penthouse between assignments, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Sensing an opportunity, $he waddles to the nearest balcony overlooking the city. $He calls out, making sure all eyes are on $him for what happens next.
+			$He struggles for a minute before realizing $his pregnancy takes up most of the cell and that $he can't reach $his child. The servant that has to crawl under $his bloated body to get $his child is less than pleased, especially since this is the third time this week $he has had to do it.
+		<<else>>
+			$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his stupor by $his body beginning to birth another of $his brood. $He struggles to get into position but ends up getting stuck thanks to $his massive belly and inability to properly move $himself.
 			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-			$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to. $He resumes $his previous task, eager for the next child to move into position.
-		<<else>>
-			<<if random(0,1) == 1>>
-				While waddling through the penthouse on $his way to $his next assignment, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to reach the prepared birthing room in time, $he finds a secluded room to give birth in.
+			$He spills out of the cell when the servant comes once more to collect $his child. $He hastily tries to cram $his bulk back into $his cell before $he gets chastised.
+		<</if>>
+	<<default>>
+		<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While stroking $his pregnancy absentmindedly, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He carries on until the contractions drag $him onto $his swollen belly.
-				$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to before shuffling to $his assignment.
+				$He draws $his child to $his breast and rests upon $his mass until a servant collects $his child and helps $him back to $his bed.
-				While waddling through the penthouse on $his way to the cafeteria, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to reach the prepared birthing room in time, $he finds $himself stranded in the middle of all the dining slaves.
+				<<if random(0,1) == 1>>
+					While waiting to be helped to $his next assignment, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to do anything, $he is forced to give birth where $he is.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength while resuming $his wait for a servant to help $him to $his assignment.
+				<<else>>
+					While eating in the cafeteria, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to move, $he finds $himself stranded in the middle of all the dining slaves.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					$He gathers $his child and waits to be rescued from the vicious mockery, fully aware of all the jestering and laughter.
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
+				While stroking $his pregnancy absentmindedly, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. $He carries on until the contractions drag $him onto $his swollen belly.
+				<<ClothingBirth>>
+				$He draws $his child to $his breast and rests upon $his mass until a servant collects $his child and helps $him back to $his bed.
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>
+				While waddling through the penthouse between assignments, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Sensing an opportunity, $he waddles to the nearest balcony overlooking the city. $He calls out, making sure all eyes are on $him for what happens next.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before trying to escape out of sight of the jeering crowd. Finding a servant to give $his child to, $he hastily heads back to $his bed to hide $himself from the mockery, though $his enormous belly keeps $his blanket from covering $him.
+				$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to. $He resumes $his previous task, eager for the next child to move into position.
+			<<else>>
+				<<if random(0,1) == 1>>
+					While waddling through the penthouse on $his way to $his next assignment, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to reach the prepared birthing room in time, $he finds a secluded room to give birth in.
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before finding a servant to give $his child to before shuffling to $his assignment.
+				<<else>>
+					While waddling through the penthouse on $his way to the cafeteria, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to reach the prepared birthing room in time, $he finds $himself stranded in the middle of all the dining slaves.
+					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
+					<<ClothingBirth>>
+					$He gathers $his child and recovers $his strength before trying to escape out of sight of the jeering crowd. Finding a servant to give $his child to, $he hastily heads back to $his bed to hide $himself from the mockery, though $his enormous belly keeps $his blanket from covering $him.
+				<</if>>
-	<</if>>
+	<</switch>>
 <<else>> /* add extra events here (moving between jobs | after work) */
 	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
index b1d2ef11c57675e753fb13d5110b575e5caf59e1..8f693c38fcc5f59ace70572c82c448f5e4cc67a6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	$activeSlave.slaveName seductively saunters over to the drunken delinquent and poses alluringly nearby. The man can't help but become entranced by $his gorgeous $activeSlave.faceShape face, and follows $him like a lost puppy as $he beckons with one outstretched finger. $activeSlave.slaveName lures $his prey into a nearby alley before slamming $his fist into the unsuspecting drunkard's face, leaving him knocked out cold on the floor before returning to guard you. Word of your beautiful protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the Old World mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior unmatched by any $woman in the world in $his good looks.
-	<<set $rep += 500>> <<if $activeSlave.prestige < 1>> <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1,$activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "Word in the arcology is $his beauty is unmatched by any woman in the world.">> <</if>>
+	<<set $rep += 500>> <<if $activeSlave.prestige < 1>> <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1,$activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "Word in the arcology is $his beauty is unmatched by any $woman in the world.">> <</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RECI.tw b/src/uncategorized/RECI.tw
index 0534db0f5acad8d7bd3648af057a83810a0ef8e1..ca7f8ca0583bad875cc7a93a793e5ab03e140ed7 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RECI.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RECI.tw
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ You remember the way $he was when $he became your slave with sudden clarity. $He
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "buttslut") && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1)>>
 	"I didn't know how much fun getting fucked in the butt wa<<s>> back then.
-	"Guy<<s>> are ju<<s>>t <<s>>o hot - all big and <<s>>trong and mu<<sc>>ly.
+	"Guy<<s>> are ju<<s>>t <<s>>o hot — all big and <<s>>trong and mu<<sc>>ly.
 <<if $PC.title == 1>>
 	And being owned by <<s>>uch a hand<<s>>ome man ha<<s>> helped."
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ You often pepper slaves with questions during this inspection; it helps you gaug
 	But the training and the rule<<s>> pu<<sh>>ed me through it.
-I try to be a good <<s>>lave girl for you, <<Master>>. Can I - can I be a good <<s>>lave girl for you? Right now? Plea<<s>>e?" $He twists $his $activeSlave.skin body suggestively,
+I try to be a good <<s>>lave girl for you, <<Master>>. Can I — can I be a good <<s>>lave girl for you? Right now? Plea<<s>>e?" $He twists $his $activeSlave.skin body suggestively,
 <<if ($activeSlave.dick > 0) && ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity" || $activeSlave.dickAccessory == "combined chastity")>>
 	offering you $his rear hole, the only hope the chastity caged girl has of release.
 <<elseif canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ I try to be a good <<s>>lave girl for you, <<Master>>. Can I - can I be a good <
 $His $activeSlave.eyeColor eyes track your sudden motion, of course, and $he follows it to the screen. Suddenly, the $desc is eye to eye with a life-size picture of who $he used to be, just a few <<if $showInches == 2>>feet<<else>>meters<</if>> away. $He gasps with recognition, and then $his face clouds inscrutably. $He takes a couple of hesitant steps forward, and then reaches out to touch the cheek of the $girl in the picture. As $his fingertips brush the smooth surface of the wallscreen, $his other hand ghosts along $his own face. $His expression is not sad, so it's surprising when a single tear rolls down $his cheek. You order $him to tell you how the picture makes $him feel.
-$He looks pensive, and goes through two false starts before $he clears $his throat, wrenches $his gaze away from $his picture, and <<say>>s introspectively, "<<Master>>, it'<<s>> <<s>>trange. We - we don't have picture<<s>> of our<<s>>elve<<s>>, from before we were en<<s>>laved. I didn't really reali<<z>>e how much I'd changed. <<S>>ome day<<s>> being a <<s>>lave i<<s>> hard. But <<s>>eeing that picture, it make<<s>> me feel better about it. You - you're really <<if $PC.title == 1>>hand<<s>>ome<<else>>pretty<</if>>, <<Master>>. I bet you alway<<s>> were." $He inclines $his head towards the homely $girl on the screen. "It'<<s>> hard to be ugly, <<Master>>. Really hard. I feel <<s>>orry for that $girl, and I'm glad I don't look like $him anymore." $He laughs suddenly, a little self-consciously. "The cra<<z>>y thing i<<s>>, if you'd told that $girl that
+$He looks pensive, and goes through two false starts before $he clears $his throat, wrenches $his gaze away from $his picture, and <<say>>s introspectively, "<<Master>>, it'<<s>> <<s>>trange. We — we don't have picture<<s>> of our<<s>>elve<<s>>, from before we were en<<s>>laved. I didn't really reali<<z>>e how much I'd changed. <<S>>ome day<<s>> being a <<s>>lave i<<s>> hard. But <<s>>eeing that picture, it make<<s>> me feel better about it. You — you're really <<if $PC.title == 1>>hand<<s>>ome<<else>>pretty<</if>>, <<Master>>. I bet you alway<<s>> were." $He inclines $his head towards the homely $girl on the screen. "It'<<s>> hard to be ugly, <<Master>>. Really hard. I feel <<s>>orry for that $girl, and I'm glad I don't look like $him anymore." $He laughs suddenly, a little self-consciously. "The cra<<z>>y thing i<<s>>, if you'd told that $girl that
 <<if $activeSlave.assignment == "whore">>
 	lot<<s>> and lot<<s>> of people would pay to fuck $him
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ $He looks pensive, and goes through two false starts before $he clears $his thro
 	<<replace "#result">>
 		You head into the bathroom, shedding clothing as you go. $He stares at you as you advance, $his eyes fixing on your <<if $PC.boobs>>tits as you reveal them<<else>>ripped abs as they become visible<</if>>, and $his lips part slightly. $His gaze only shifts when you disrobe completely, revealing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>hardening dick<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>flushed womanhood<</if>>; $he licks $his lips unconsciously. You grab a towel off the counter, spread it on a bathroom bench, and recline on it with your back against the wall. You pat your <<if $PC.title == 1>>hard<<else>>pretty<</if>> thighs, and $he hurries over, <<if ($activeSlave.fetish == "buttslut") && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1)>>eagerly<<else>>carefully<</if>> swinging $his leg over the bench and seating $himself in your lap. <<if $PC.dick == 1>>Your cock slides easily up $his whorish butt. One of your arms<<else>>You decided not to bother with a strap-on, so you slide a couple of fingers inside $him, and $he reciprocates by working a hand under $himself to attend to your pussy. Your free arm<</if>> wraps around<<if $activeSlave.boobs > 4000>> $him and under $his heavy tits, resting in a cocoon of soft breastflesh<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 800>> $his heavy breasts, hefting their weight and eliciting a sigh from the slave<<else>> $him to support $his chest<</if>>. Being held this way, $he can't really <<if $PC.dick == 1>>bounce on your dick, so $he just wiggles $his butt into you to seat it a bit deeper<<else>>grind against your fingers<</if>> and sighs contentedly. You instruct $him to elaborate on what $he said earlier.
-		"Ye<<s>> <<Master>>," $he <<say>>s automatically, and then pauses. "Hmm. I try not to think about back, you know, before." $He squeezes $his buttocks against your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>crotch<<else>>hand<</if>>. "But I gue<<ss>> back then I didn't really think about my butthole, much? Like, I went to the bathroom, and wa<<sh>>ed it in the <<sh>>ower, and that wa<<s>> it. But with the liquid <<s>>lave food, I don't - <<s>>orry, <<Master>>, I'm being <<s>>illy. You know all about that." You tell $him to explain it anyway. $He looks puzzled for a moment, but @@.mediumaquamarine;remembers $he can trust you,@@ and twists around to plant an awkward kiss on your chin before continuing. "Well," $he <<say>>s, with mock seriousness. "Here in the arcology, we <<s>>lave<<s>> eat a very <<s>>pe<<c>>ial liquid diet that keep<<s>> u<<s>> healthy and fit and ready to fuck. And, it'<<s>> ab<<s>>orbed completely, <<s>>o our butt<<s>> are alway<<s>> ni<<c>>e and clean. That way, <<Master>> can -" $he clenches $his sphincter <<if $PC.dick == 1>>around the base of your cock - "fuck<<else>>against your invading fingers - "play with<</if>> our a<<ss>>e<<s>>" - clench - "whenever" - clench - "<<heP>>" - clench - "want<<s>>!" $He squeals as you use your encircling arm to hoist $his torso up a bit higher, and mercilessly <<if $PC.dick == 1>>fuck<<else>>fingerfuck<</if>> $his ass. Many of your other slaves came and went during this, and none of them saw anything unusual about you molesting $activeSlave.slaveName's bottom in a corner of the restroom.
+		"Ye<<s>> <<Master>>," $he <<say>>s automatically, and then pauses. "Hmm. I try not to think about back, you know, before." $He squeezes $his buttocks against your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>crotch<<else>>hand<</if>>. "But I gue<<ss>> back then I didn't really think about my butthole, much? Like, I went to the bathroom, and wa<<sh>>ed it in the <<sh>>ower, and that wa<<s>> it. But with the liquid <<s>>lave food, I don't — <<s>>orry, <<Master>>, I'm being <<s>>illy. You know all about that." You tell $him to explain it anyway. $He looks puzzled for a moment, but @@.mediumaquamarine;remembers $he can trust you,@@ and twists around to plant an awkward kiss on your chin before continuing. "Well," $he <<say>>s, with mock seriousness. "Here in the arcology, we <<s>>lave<<s>> eat a very <<s>>pe<<c>>ial liquid diet that keep<<s>> u<<s>> healthy and fit and ready to fuck. And, it'<<s>> ab<<s>>orbed completely, <<s>>o our butt<<s>> are alway<<s>> ni<<c>>e and clean. That way, <<Master>> can -" $he clenches $his sphincter <<if $PC.dick == 1>>around the base of your cock — "fuck<<else>>against your invading fingers — "play with<</if>> our a<<ss>>e<<s>>" — clench — "whenever" — clench — "<<heP>>" — clench — "want<<s>>!" $He squeals as you use your encircling arm to hoist $his torso up a bit higher, and mercilessly <<if $PC.dick == 1>>fuck<<else>>fingerfuck<</if>> $his ass. Many of your other slaves came and went during this, and none of them saw anything unusual about you molesting $activeSlave.slaveName's bottom in a corner of the restroom.
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust += 4>>
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ $He looks pensive, and goes through two false starts before $he clears $his thro
 	<br><<link "Change it some more">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-			You tell $him that since $he appreciates how $his ass has changed, $he won't be surprised if you treat it like the fuckhole it is. Something in your tone makes $him cautious, but $he's a good girl and says "Ye<<s>>, <<Master>>," automatically. You pass $assistantName wardrobe orders for the poor <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge > 30>>$woman<<else>>$girl<</if>>, and instructions to have $him report to your office once $he's dressed. A few minutes later, $activeSlave.slaveName walks up to your desk, stark naked except for a buttplug that comfortably fills $his rectum and a sturdy leather collar attached to a leash. You snap your fingers, pointing at the ground, and $he scrambles to $his hands and knees and removes $his plug. After $he's taken a harsh buttfuck, you <<if $PC.dick == 1>>push the plug back in without letting any of your cum escape<<else>>plug $him up again<</if>> and attach the leash to your belt. You ignore your anal toy completely, letting $him kneel next to you as you work - $he doesn't seem to want to sit, for some reason. For the rest of the day, $his anus takes the full force of your libido. You fuck nothing else, confining your efforts to $his backdoor, keeping $him plugged when you aren't penetrating $him. When you're bored, you hand $him a dildo and tell $him to take care of it $himself.
+			You tell $him that since $he appreciates how $his ass has changed, $he won't be surprised if you treat it like the fuckhole it is. Something in your tone makes $him cautious, but $he's a good girl and says "Ye<<s>>, <<Master>>," automatically. You pass $assistantName wardrobe orders for the poor <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge > 30>>$woman<<else>>$girl<</if>>, and instructions to have $him report to your office once $he's dressed. A few minutes later, $activeSlave.slaveName walks up to your desk, stark naked except for a buttplug that comfortably fills $his rectum and a sturdy leather collar attached to a leash. You snap your fingers, pointing at the ground, and $he scrambles to $his hands and knees and removes $his plug. After $he's taken a harsh buttfuck, you <<if $PC.dick == 1>>push the plug back in without letting any of your cum escape<<else>>plug $him up again<</if>> and attach the leash to your belt. You ignore your anal toy completely, letting $him kneel next to you as you work — $he doesn't seem to want to sit, for some reason. For the rest of the day, $his anus takes the full force of your libido. You fuck nothing else, confining your efforts to $his backdoor, keeping $him plugged when you aren't penetrating $him. When you're bored, you hand $him a dildo and tell $him to take care of it $himself.
 			$He's quite exhausted by the end of the day, walking dumbly along behind you, leashed to your belt and wondering tiredly when $his next reaming is coming. $He doesn't notice that you're bringing $him back to stand in front of the mirror until $he's there. You push $his compliant body into an approximation of $his position from the morning and tell $him to remove $his plug and look at $his asshole. "Ye<<s>> <<Master>>," $he <<says>>, and obeys.<<if $PC.dick == 1>> This releases quite a rush of ejaculate.<</if>> $His anus is @@.lime;very loose,@@ a lewd, gaping fuckhole hungry for toys, fingers, and dick. You tell $him that, and ask whether $he agrees. @@.hotpink;"Ye<<s>> <<Master>>," $he <<say>>s.@@
 			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@ $He looks pensive, and goes through two false starts before $he clears $his thro
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 		You tell $him to head down to the wardrobe and put on the outfit that'll be laid out for $him there. $He obeys promptly, but does not return for some time, having gotten instructions from $assistantName along the way to put extra effort into $his grooming. When $he finally returns, the effect is striking. <<if $activeSlave.face > 10>>$He's a gorgeous girl with or without makeup, dressed up or naked, but $he's especially luscious tonight.<<else>>$His face is not flawless, but $he's conscious of $his transformation, and the new confidence in $his beauty adds a special glow that cannot be faked.<</if>> $His evening dress is elegant; it's quite slutty by old world standards, but according to Free Cities fashion, it's just about the most conservative gown a slave can be expected to wear, and quite daring in that it isn't immediately obvious whether $he's a slave or not. The tops of $his areolae are hardly even visible.<br><br>
-		You take $him out to a nice lounge, with blue-toned light and soft music. $He clings to your arm, pressing $himself against you just the right amount: not enough to demand sex right now, but enough to raise the anticipation of it later. $He's a slave, so $he does not eat or drink the usual fare on offer, but the establishment is used to slaves and offers flavorful variation on liquid slave food. $He drinks the translucent fluid out of a tall glass, carefully maintaining $his poise. You circulate, leaving $him at the bar when acquaintances appear. $He perches on a stool, conscious of and pleased by the discreet admiration of $his body, delectably outlined by the tight dress. Once a new arrival who did not see you with $him introduces himself to $him. He's tall and fit and silver-haired, but he picked $him out of the room to approach, and it's with polite disappointment that he reacts to $his indication of you, across the room - "I'm <<s>>orry, <<S>>ir, that'<<s>> my <<Master>> there." He offers a nonverbal apology without coming over, which you accept with a wave: it's such a common mistake in Free Cities high society that it's universally brushed off without offense. It happens again later in the night, when a slightly tipsy free woman occupies the barstool next to $activeSlave.slaveName's and keeps trying to relax against $him until the flattered slave explains $himself again. When you bring $him home at the end of the night, $his eyes are shining with @@.mediumaquamarine;private assurance,@@ and $he presses $himself against you more closely than ever.
+		You take $him out to a nice lounge, with blue-toned light and soft music. $He clings to your arm, pressing $himself against you just the right amount: not enough to demand sex right now, but enough to raise the anticipation of it later. $He's a slave, so $he does not eat or drink the usual fare on offer, but the establishment is used to slaves and offers flavorful variation on liquid slave food. $He drinks the translucent fluid out of a tall glass, carefully maintaining $his poise. You circulate, leaving $him at the bar when acquaintances appear. $He perches on a stool, conscious of and pleased by the discreet admiration of $his body, delectably outlined by the tight dress. Once a new arrival who did not see you with $him introduces himself to $him. He's tall and fit and silver-haired, but he picked $him out of the room to approach, and it's with polite disappointment that he reacts to $his indication of you, across the room — "I'm <<s>>orry, <<S>>ir, that'<<s>> my <<Master>> there." He offers a nonverbal apology without coming over, which you accept with a wave: it's such a common mistake in Free Cities high society that it's universally brushed off without offense. It happens again later in the night, when a slightly tipsy free woman occupies the barstool next to $activeSlave.slaveName's and keeps trying to relax against $him until the flattered slave explains $himself again. When you bring $him home at the end of the night, $his eyes are shining with @@.mediumaquamarine;private assurance,@@ and $he presses $himself against you more closely than ever.
 		<<set $activeSlave.analCount += 1>>
 		<<set $analTotal += 1>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust += 4>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw b/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw
index c820e2641cb2d22d163f0e9e7a99810f3dde2b4e..9a2408696066ec31864d9714b71f66be26b08be3 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw
@@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ While navigating your arcology on an outing, you find yourself coming across one
 <<case "transformation fetishism encounter">>
-As a result of $arcologies[0].name's adoption of transformation fetishism, a number of plastic surgery clinics, cosmetic surgeries and other transformative businesses have begun to crop up around the arcology's various promenades and shopping districts. The citizens of $arcologies[0].name have taken to the idea of altering their bodies with a gusto - though not all are so quick to adopt the trend just because it's in vogue.
+As a result of $arcologies[0].name's adoption of transformation fetishism, a number of plastic surgery clinics, cosmetic surgeries and other transformative businesses have begun to crop up around the arcology's various promenades and shopping districts. The citizens of $arcologies[0].name have taken to the idea of altering their bodies with a gusto — though not all are so quick to adopt the trend just because it's in vogue.
 On one particular outing, you come across a female citizen outside a surgery clinic staring pensively up at a poster advertising the variety of cosmetic procedures on offer in the institution. The citizen's expression is wistful, if somewhat grave, and at odds with the display above $him lit up with silicone breasts, plump bee-stung lips and fake asses. From $his unaltered appearance and simple garments, it is likely that she is not one of the arcology's wealthier denizens and thus is unable to shape $his body to $his heart's desire.
 <<case "body purism encounter">>
-As a result of $arcologies[0].name's adoption of body purism, a number of restorative spas, implant removal clinics and other cleansing businesses have begun to crop up around the arcology's various promenades and shopping districts. The citizens of $arcologies[0].name have taken to the idea of treating their bodies with sanctity - though not all are so quick to adopt the trend just because it's in vogue.
+As a result of $arcologies[0].name's adoption of body purism, a number of restorative spas, implant removal clinics and other cleansing businesses have begun to crop up around the arcology's various promenades and shopping districts. The citizens of $arcologies[0].name have taken to the idea of treating their bodies with sanctity — though not all are so quick to adopt the trend just because it's in vogue.
 On one particular outing, you come across a female citizen outside a famous health spa staring pensively up at a poster advertising the variety of purification procedures on offer in the institution. The citizen's expression is wistful, if somewhat grave, and at odds with the display above $him lit up with pure unadulterated bodies, expensive health treatments and a plethora of natural cosmetic procedures. The citizen's clothes are ragged and sheer, revealing a number of implant scars around her bust and rear, likely from a costly attempt to render herself fashionable by having her prior implants removed. With such visible scarring, it is unlikely that she is one of the arcology's wealthier denizens, having paid the price to return her body to its natural, unimplanted state.
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ On one particular outing, you come across a female citizen outside a famous heal
 Your excursions out of your penthouse and into the arcology as a whole often put you in close proximity with citizens from all levels of the social strata. After all, they themselves have their own lives to live within the walls of $arcologies[0].name.
-On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a nubile young woman, accompanied by $his father. From $his plain clothes and rudimentary makeup, it is readily apparent that $he is not one of the arcology's well-to-do inhabitants. $He recognizes you quickly and dips $his head in deference to your high status, <<if ($PC.visualAge >= 50)>>$his cheeks flushed in embarrassment and delight at an aged arcology owner's interest in a young $girl like $him.<<else>>$his expression awestruck by the presence of an arcology owner before $him.<</if>>
+On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a nubile young $woman, accompanied by $his father. From $his plain clothes and rudimentary makeup, it is readily apparent that $he is not one of the arcology's well-to-do inhabitants. $He recognizes you quickly and dips $his head in deference to your high status, <<if ($PC.visualAge >= 50)>>$his cheeks flushed in embarrassment and delight at an aged arcology owner's interest in a young $girl like $him.<<else>>$his expression awestruck by the presence of an arcology owner before $him.<</if>>
 <<case "maturity preferentialist encounter">>
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen
 	<<replace "#result">>
 		You make your presence known to citizen, and once the usual shock and disbelief have worn off the citizen rapidly agrees to your proposal. $He follows you back to the penthouse where you inform $assistantName that the citizen is to be given the works in the remote surgery. As the citizen passes through the doors to the surgery, $he turns and blows you a kiss of gratitude.
-		When the citizen is later delivered to your private suite to uphold $his end of the bargain, $he does so as the veritable image of a perfect bimbo slut. In $his rush to come thank you for transforming $him from $his plain and plebian appearance $he has evidently neglected to clothe herself, so you can admire $his new firm tits, plump ass and bee-stung lips from the moment $he enters the room. Despite being fresh from surgery, $he's an exquisite fuck and an enthusiastic partner - citizens like $him often are, given that penetration from a slave would be a social suicide.
+		When the citizen is later delivered to your private suite to uphold $his end of the bargain, $he does so as the veritable image of a perfect bimbo slut. In $his rush to come thank you for transforming $him from $his plain and plebian appearance $he has evidently neglected to clothe herself, so you can admire $his new firm tits, plump ass and bee-stung lips from the moment $he enters the room. Despite being fresh from surgery, $he's an exquisite fuck and an enthusiastic partner — citizens like $him often are, given that penetration from a slave would be a social suicide.
 		<<if $cash >= 10000>>
 			<span id="result2">
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen
 <<if $cash >= 1000>>
 	<br><<link "Pay for a day of treatment for her">>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-			It takes a moment for you to convince the woman that you aren't playing some cruel joke on her, but once you do she practically squeals with joy as you take her through the doors of the spa and announce your intent to pay for a day of cleansing, pampering and luxury. When you next see her it's on a wallscreen television at your penthouse praising you profusely. The rejuvenated young woman has clearly spread word of your generosity @@.green;across $arcologies[0].name@@.
+			It takes a moment for you to convince the $woman that you aren't playing some cruel joke on her, but once you do she practically squeals with joy as you take her through the doors of the spa and announce your intent to pay for a day of cleansing, pampering and luxury. When you next see her it's on a wallscreen television at your penthouse praising you profusely. The rejuvenated young $woman has clearly spread word of your generosity @@.green;across $arcologies[0].name@@.
 			<<set $rep += 1000>>
 			<<run cashX(-1000, "event")>>
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen
 <<if $cash >= 500>>
 	<br><<link "Fuck $him over dinner">>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-			It takes a moment for you to convince the young $girl and $his father that you aren't playing some cruel joke on them, but once you do $he enthusiastically agrees to be your companion for the evening. With a pretty young thing on your arm for the rest of the night, and $his father trailing behind the two of you at a respectful distance, you take $arcologies[0].name by storm amidst a flurry of speculative whispers and contemplative rumors. Later that night, you conclude your date with a pleasant meal at one of $arcologies[0].name's choicest restaurants with fine dining and even finer conversation. To the credit of $his father, he politely continues eating his dinner without batting an eye when you <<if $PC.dick == 0>>don a strap-on and <</if>>take his daughter over the dinner table. When you part ways, the young $girl is clearly smitten with you - so it's no wonder that by the next day the story of your encounter has @@.green;spread across $arcologies[0].name like wildfire@@.
+			It takes a moment for you to convince the young $girl and $his father that you aren't playing some cruel joke on them, but once you do $he enthusiastically agrees to be your companion for the evening. With a pretty young thing on your arm for the rest of the night, and $his father trailing behind the two of you at a respectful distance, you take $arcologies[0].name by storm amidst a flurry of speculative whispers and contemplative rumors. Later that night, you conclude your date with a pleasant meal at one of $arcologies[0].name's choicest restaurants with fine dining and even finer conversation. To the credit of $his father, he politely continues eating his dinner without batting an eye when you <<if $PC.dick == 0>>don a strap-on and <</if>>take his daughter over the dinner table. When you part ways, the young $girl is clearly smitten with you — so it's no wonder that by the next day the story of your encounter has @@.green;spread across $arcologies[0].name like wildfire@@.
 			<<set $rep += 500>>
 			<<run cashX(-500, "event")>>
@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen
 	<<replace "#result">>
 		It only takes a moment for $assistantName to uncover the father's financial records and the copious debt therein, and only another moment for you to browbeat the terrified father into allowing his daughter to sleep with you under threat of purchasing all their debt and summarily enslaving $him.
-		Once you both retire to your private suite, you peel the girl's clothes off as easily as one might shed a gift of its wrapping. In the nude $his body is tastefully youthful, with narrow hips, firm breasts, and a delicate blush across $his shamefaced, rosy cheeks. Despite the circumstances of your sexual conquest of $him, $he seems to enjoy the fuck well enough by the sounds of $his frenzied moans - citizens like $him often do since sexual submission to a slave would be a crippling scandal to a prominent citizen, let alone one of $his diminished social stature.
+		Once you both retire to your private suite, you peel the girl's clothes off as easily as one might shed a gift of its wrapping. In the nude $his body is tastefully youthful, with narrow hips, firm breasts, and a delicate blush across $his shamefaced, rosy cheeks. Despite the circumstances of your sexual conquest of $him, $he seems to enjoy the fuck well enough by the sounds of $his frenzied moans — citizens like $him often do since sexual submission to a slave would be a crippling scandal to a prominent citizen, let alone one of $his diminished social stature.
 		<<if $cash >= 10000>>
 			<span id="result2">
@@ -420,14 +420,14 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen
 <span id="result">
 <<link "Let them pass">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-		You step aside gracefully and bow your head, while signifying to the older woman that you intend to allow $him to pass you. $He seems taken aback by your geniality, especially given the gulf in social standing between the two of you, and seems disproportionately flustered by your small show of civility. Nonetheless, $he is struck by $his chance encounter with you and cannot stop recounting the story to all $his friends, and soon @@.green;the anecdote has seized the imaginations of $arcologies[0].name's mature, female citizens@@.
+		You step aside gracefully and bow your head, while signifying to the older $woman that you intend to allow $him to pass you. $He seems taken aback by your geniality, especially given the gulf in social standing between the two of you, and seems disproportionately flustered by your small show of civility. Nonetheless, $he is struck by $his chance encounter with you and cannot stop recounting the story to all $his friends, and soon @@.green;the anecdote has seized the imaginations of $arcologies[0].name's mature, female citizens@@.
 		<<set $rep += 100>>
 <<if $cash >= 500>>
 	<br><<link "Fuck $him over dinner">>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-			It takes a moment for you to convince the older woman and $his sons that you aren't playing some cruel joke on them, but once you do $he enthusiastically agrees to be your companion for the evening. With a mature lady on your arm for the rest of the night, and $his sons trailing behind the two of you at a respectful distance, you take $arcologies[0].name by storm amidst a flurry of speculative whispers and contemplative rumors. Later that night, you conclude your date with a pleasant meal at one of $arcologies[0].name's choicest restaurants with fine dining and even finer conversation. To the credit of $his sons, they politely continue eating their dinner without batting an eye when you <<if $PC.dick == 0>>don a strap-on and <</if>>take their mother over the dinner table. When you part ways, the older woman is clearly smitten with you - so it's no wonder that by the next day the story of your encounter has @@.green;spread across $arcologies[0].name like wildfire@@.
+			It takes a moment for you to convince the older $woman and $his sons that you aren't playing some cruel joke on them, but once you do $he enthusiastically agrees to be your companion for the evening. With a mature lady on your arm for the rest of the night, and $his sons trailing behind the two of you at a respectful distance, you take $arcologies[0].name by storm amidst a flurry of speculative whispers and contemplative rumors. Later that night, you conclude your date with a pleasant meal at one of $arcologies[0].name's choicest restaurants with fine dining and even finer conversation. To the credit of $his sons, they politely continue eating their dinner without batting an eye when you <<if $PC.dick == 0>>don a strap-on and <</if>>take their mother over the dinner table. When you part ways, the older $woman is clearly smitten with you — so it's no wonder that by the next day the story of your encounter has @@.green;spread across $arcologies[0].name like wildfire@@.
 			<<set $rep += 500>>
 			<<run cashX(-500, "event")>>
@@ -437,13 +437,13 @@ On this particular outing you happen to cross paths with a comely female citizen
 	<<replace "#result">>
 		It only takes a moment for $assistantName to uncover the citizen's financial records and the copious debt therein, and only another moment for you to browbeat the terrified older women into sleeping with you under threat of purchasing all $his debt and summarily enslaving $him. $His sons, frightened into obedience by the possibility of losing their dear mother, take their cue to make themselves scarce during the encounter.
-		Once you both retire to your private suite, you peel the mature citizen's clothes off as easily as one might shed a gift of its wrapping. In the nude $his body is tastefully plush, with wide hips, firm motherly breasts, and a delicate blush across $his shamefaced, plump cheeks. Despite the circumstances of your sexual conquest of $him, $he seems to enjoy the fuck well enough by the sounds of $his frenzied moans - citizens like $him often do since sexual submission to a slave would be a crippling scandal to a prominent citizen, let alone one of $his diminished social stature.
+		Once you both retire to your private suite, you peel the mature citizen's clothes off as easily as one might shed a gift of its wrapping. In the nude $his body is tastefully plush, with wide hips, firm motherly breasts, and a delicate blush across $his shamefaced, plump cheeks. Despite the circumstances of your sexual conquest of $him, $he seems to enjoy the fuck well enough by the sounds of $his frenzied moans — citizens like $him often do since sexual submission to a slave would be a crippling scandal to a prominent citizen, let alone one of $his diminished social stature.
 		<<if $cash >= 10000>>
 			<span id="result2">
 			<<link "Enslave $him afterwards">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
-					After $he regains $his bearings from your sexual encounter, the older woman slips on $his simple clothes and attempts to slink away from your private suite unobtrusively. $He makes it out the door before being confronted by a glowing array of wallscreen monitors, each displaying a visual representation of your purchase of $his considerable debt and subsequent enslavement of $him on the basis of that debt. Tears begin to stream down $his weathered cheeks as $he sinks to $his knees, $his hopes of making it through the breadth of $his long life without enslavement now dashed.
+					After $he regains $his bearings from your sexual encounter, the older $woman slips on $his simple clothes and attempts to slink away from your private suite unobtrusively. $He makes it out the door before being confronted by a glowing array of wallscreen monitors, each displaying a visual representation of your purchase of $his considerable debt and subsequent enslavement of $him on the basis of that debt. Tears begin to stream down $his weathered cheeks as $he sinks to $his knees, $his hopes of making it through the breadth of $his long life without enslavement now dashed.
 					<<run cashX(-10000, "event", $activeSlave)>>
 					<<include "New Slave Intro">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
index c4fa54b7effce31378da82f2f996ce7a69e5ce56..dd624878c1aa3ba331cdc7290743cf5c86d099af 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ The sight is comical. <<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>Four<<else>>Three<</if>>
 	$His boobs bob gently to the currents in the water with just a bit more firmness than one would expect.
 <<if ($activeSlave.belly >= 500000)>>It's amazing $he can manage to stay afloat with $his middle that hugely distended.<</if>>
-In any case, $he's completely lost in the warmth and comfort of the water - and the relief of having the weight taken off $his chest<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 100000>> and stomach<</if>> for a brief moment.
+In any case, $he's completely lost in the warmth and comfort of the water — and the relief of having the weight taken off $his chest<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 100000>> and stomach<</if>> for a brief moment.
 <<case "newly devoted sunrise">>
@@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ You pass one of the penthouse's several supply closets by chance, and are surpri
 	on all fours
-in the middle of the room with the machines all around $him. $He has <<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>><<if $activeSlave.vagina > 2>>two large dildos working $his gaping cunt, <<elseif $activeSlave.vagina > 1>>a large dildo working $his cunt, <<elseif $activeSlave.vagina > 0>>a dildo working $his tight pussy, <</if>><</if>><<if canDoAnal($activeSlave)>><<if $activeSlave.anus > 2>>two large dildos fucking $his enormous butthole, <<elseif $activeSlave.anus > 1>>a large dildo fucking $his butthole, <<elseif $activeSlave.anus > 0>>a dildo fucking $his tight butt, <</if>><</if>><<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1200>>has lubricated $his cavernous cleavage to titfuck another, <<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 400>>has lubricated $his cleavage to titfuck another, <</if>><<if $activeSlave.nipples == "fuckable">>has a pair pistoning in and out of $his nipples, <</if>><<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>is performing two handjobs at once, to either side, <</if>><<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>has lubricated the sides of $his _belly <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>> pregnancy<</if>>, along with $his inner thighs, to create a sort of belly job, <</if>><<if $activeSlave.oralSkill >= 60>>and is making use of $his outstanding oral skills to suck off two more.<<elseif $activeSlave.oralSkill > 30>>and is taking a throatfuck from one more.<<else>>and is giving the final one a blowjob.<</if>> When $he <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>sees that you've entered - which takes a while, since $he's distracted<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>hears that you've entered - which takes a while, given the amount of noise<<else>>realizes that you've entered - which takes a while, considering $his state<</if>> - $he tries to smile<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and wave<</if>>.
+in the middle of the room with the machines all around $him. $He has <<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>><<if $activeSlave.vagina > 2>>two large dildos working $his gaping cunt, <<elseif $activeSlave.vagina > 1>>a large dildo working $his cunt, <<elseif $activeSlave.vagina > 0>>a dildo working $his tight pussy, <</if>><</if>><<if canDoAnal($activeSlave)>><<if $activeSlave.anus > 2>>two large dildos fucking $his enormous butthole, <<elseif $activeSlave.anus > 1>>a large dildo fucking $his butthole, <<elseif $activeSlave.anus > 0>>a dildo fucking $his tight butt, <</if>><</if>><<if $activeSlave.boobs > 1200>>has lubricated $his cavernous cleavage to titfuck another, <<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 400>>has lubricated $his cleavage to titfuck another, <</if>><<if $activeSlave.nipples == "fuckable">>has a pair pistoning in and out of $his nipples, <</if>><<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>>is performing two handjobs at once, to either side, <</if>><<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>has lubricated the sides of $his _belly <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>> pregnancy<</if>>, along with $his inner thighs, to create a sort of belly job, <</if>><<if $activeSlave.oralSkill >= 60>>and is making use of $his outstanding oral skills to suck off two more.<<elseif $activeSlave.oralSkill > 30>>and is taking a throatfuck from one more.<<else>>and is giving the final one a blowjob.<</if>> When $he <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>sees that you've entered — which takes a while, since $he's distracted<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>hears that you've entered — which takes a while, given the amount of noise<<else>>realizes that you've entered — which takes a while, considering $his state<</if>> — $he tries to smile<<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and wave<</if>>.
 The source of the many-voiced personal assistant becomes clear: probably on the incorrigible $activeSlave.slaveName's request, your sultry personal assistant is voicing each and every one of the machines. When the nymphomaniac masturbator tries to smile <<if $activeSlave.amp != 1>> and wave<</if>>, there's an absolute chorus of "Back to work, slut," "Smile less, suck more," "Take it, bitch," et cetera. Yet another instance of $assistantName chuckles in your ear. "Care to join in, <<= properTitle()>>? I'm sure we can find room somewhere."
@@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ into your bedroom. Since $he is not allowed to ask questions, $he says nothing,
 	massive, sagging natural
-tits dominate $his figure, but the real attention getter are $his unique, $activeSlave.areolaeShape-shaped areolae. The darker flesh around $his nipples would be - should be - circular in any other $woman, and the cute $activeSlave.areolaeShape shapes around $activeSlave.slaveName's nipples are proof of just how much you've modified $him. $He's devoted to you, so much so that $he loves showing off $his special assets.
+tits dominate $his figure, but the real attention getter are $his unique, $activeSlave.areolaeShape-shaped areolae. The darker flesh around $his nipples would be — should be — circular in any other $woman, and the cute $activeSlave.areolaeShape shapes around $activeSlave.slaveName's nipples are proof of just how much you've modified $him. $He's devoted to you, so much so that $he loves showing off $his special assets.
 <<case "huge tits">>
@@ -1622,7 +1622,7 @@ $He stops and <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>stares<<else>>faces you<</if>>, struggl
 	<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
 		$He tries to communicate something with $his hands, but $he's so distracted $he can't manage it. $He starts to shake a little and gives up.
-		"<<Master>>, plea<<s>>e! Plea<<s>>e - I - plea<<s>>e, I need to - oh, <<Master>> -" $he <<if SlaveStatsChecker.checkForLisp($activeSlave)>>lisps frantically<<else>>babbles<</if>>. $He starts to shake a little and lapses into silence.
+		"<<Master>>, plea<<s>>e! Plea<<s>>e — I — plea<<s>>e, I need to — oh, <<Master>> —" $he <<if SlaveStatsChecker.checkForLisp($activeSlave)>>lisps frantically<<else>>babbles<</if>>. $He starts to shake a little and lapses into silence.
 The reason for $his distress is obvious:
@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ During a routine inspection of <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>>, you notice that $
 You're working at your desk when <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> walks by your office. $He checks to see whether you're in while trying very hard to look like $he's minding $his own business, and turns to go once $he <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>sees<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>hears<<else>>assumes<</if>> that you're present. You <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>crook a finger at $him<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>clear your throat at $him, signaling you want $him before you<<else>>remotely and quickly close the door behind $him<</if>>. $He's a good $girl and not likely to be plotting anything nefarious, but letting nonsense like that slide would be stupid. $He hurries in, blushing furiously, with $his hands behind $his back. Deciding to deal with the obvious thing first, you ask $him what $he's got. $He blushes even harder, and brings $his hands around to reveal one of the large cloth napkins used for entertaining, carefully folded into the shape of _napkin. It's very well done.
-"I'm <<s>>orry, <<Master>>," $he mumbles, <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>glancing<<else>>$his head facing<</if>> down at $his feet. "One of the other girl<<s>> <<if canSee($activeSlave)>><<sh>>owed<<else>>taught<</if>> u<<s>> how to fold <<s>>tuff when we were re<<s>>ting together. I wanted to make <<s>>omething for you, and thi<<s>> wa<<s>> the fir<<s>>t thing that wa<<s>> good enough. I wa<<s>> ju<<s>>t going to <<s>>lip it onto your de<<s>>k. I - I feel kind of <<s>>tupid, now."
+"I'm <<s>>orry, <<Master>>," $he mumbles, <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>glancing<<else>>$his head facing<</if>> down at $his feet. "One of the other girl<<s>> <<if canSee($activeSlave)>><<sh>>owed<<else>>taught<</if>> u<<s>> how to fold <<s>>tuff when we were re<<s>>ting together. I wanted to make <<s>>omething for you, and thi<<s>> wa<<s>> the fir<<s>>t thing that wa<<s>> good enough. I wa<<s>> ju<<s>>t going to <<s>>lip it onto your de<<s>>k. I — I feel kind of <<s>>tupid, now."
 <<case "mods please">>
@@ -1963,7 +1963,7 @@ At your <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>nod<<else>>acknowledgment<</if>>, $he
 	$He shivers at the thought, <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looking<<else>>gazing<</if>> at you hopefully.
 	bats $his eyes at you, and turns halfway to display $his boobs in profile.
-	"<<Master>>, may I have my nipple<<s>> pier<<c>>ed? It'<<s>> <<s>>illy and girly, but I gue<<ss>> - I gue<<ss>> I'd like <<s>>omething <<s>>illy and girly. Plea<<s>>e?"
+	"<<Master>>, may I have my nipple<<s>> pier<<c>>ed? It'<<s>> <<s>>illy and girly, but I gue<<ss>> — I gue<<ss>> I'd like <<s>>omething <<s>>illy and girly. Plea<<s>>e?"
 	$He blushes prettily and <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>looks<<else>>gazes<</if>> at you hopefully.
@@ -1973,7 +1973,7 @@ At your <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>nod<<else>>acknowledgment<</if>>, $he
 <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> comes to see you, clearly in a good mood. Since $he's allowed to ask questions, $he comes right out with it.
-"<<Master>>, I'm feeling healthy, and I've been a good $girl thi<<s>> week. With everyone getting <<s>>o many powerful drug<<s>> -" $he takes a breath before asking in a rush "- may I have a do<<s>>e of
+"<<Master>>, I'm feeling healthy, and I've been a good $girl thi<<s>> week. With everyone getting <<s>>o many powerful drug<<s>> —" $he takes a breath before asking in a rush "— May I have a do<<s>>e of
 <<if ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1) && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60)>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "dom">>
@@ -2545,7 +2545,7 @@ $He's chosen to do it in a dark corner and looks like $he's hurrying; $he clearl
 <<case "hates oral">>
-<<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been in your service long enough to know that oral sex is a daily fact of life for most slaves, and that most slaves are not only required to put up with cum, but to love it, too - or at least be able to fake enjoyment convincingly. $He's <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>seen cum spattered on other slaves' faces, pooling in their mouths, and dripping from their asses only to be licked up by other slaves<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>heard cum spattering across other slaves' faces, the sound of it in their mouths, dripping from their asses, and more<<else>>felt seminal fluid on $his skin and on $his lips, always coercively or accidentally<</if>>. It's clear from $activeSlave.slaveName's recent reactions to these acts that $he's quite disgusted by oral sex in general and cum in particular. Depending on your point of view, this could be a flaw for $him to overcome or a weakness you can exploit.
+<<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been in your service long enough to know that oral sex is a daily fact of life for most slaves, and that most slaves are not only required to put up with cum, but to love it, too — or at least be able to fake enjoyment convincingly. $He's <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>seen cum spattered on other slaves' faces, pooling in their mouths, and dripping from their asses only to be licked up by other slaves<<elseif canHear($activeSlave)>>heard cum spattering across other slaves' faces, the sound of it in their mouths, dripping from their asses, and more<<else>>felt seminal fluid on $his skin and on $his lips, always coercively or accidentally<</if>>. It's clear from $activeSlave.slaveName's recent reactions to these acts that $he's quite disgusted by oral sex in general and cum in particular. Depending on your point of view, this could be a flaw for $him to overcome or a weakness you can exploit.
 <<case "mindbroken morning">>
@@ -2934,7 +2934,7 @@ Passing near the slave dormitory late at night, you hear a quiet cry within. Thi
 	becoming attractively erect.
-Still dreaming, $he clasps $his arms protectively over $his <<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1>>unborn child<<else>>vulnerable chest<</if>>, and rolls to one side. Halfway into a fetal position, $he turns $his head against $his pillow, murmuring "N-no - plea<<s>>e no - I'll d-do anyth-thing - no..."
+Still dreaming, $he clasps $his arms protectively over $his <<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1>>unborn child<<else>>vulnerable chest<</if>>, and rolls to one side. Halfway into a fetal position, $he turns $his head against $his pillow, murmuring "N-no — plea<<s>>e no — I'll d-do anyth-thing — no..."
 <<case "cockfeeder resistance">>
@@ -2997,7 +2997,7 @@ Opportunities for gallantry didn't used to fall into your lap like this, but wit
 <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>staring<<else>>looking<</if>> up at you coquettishly. Apparently worrying that $his sexual availability isn't obvious enough, $he catches $his <<if $activeSlave.lips > 40>>enormous<<elseif $activeSlave.lips > 20>>plush<<else>>soft<</if>> lower lip behind $his teeth and bats $his eyes at you.
 <<if ($activeSlave.teeth == "straightening braces") || ($activeSlave.teeth == "cosmetic braces")>>
-	$His braces make the flirty gesture look amusingly innocent<<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 35>> for such a mature woman<</if>>.
+	$His braces make the flirty gesture look amusingly innocent<<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 35>> for such a mature $woman<</if>>.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.teeth == "pointy">>
 	Somehow $he manages to make this look cute despite $his carnivorously pointed teeth.
@@ -3686,7 +3686,7 @@ $He begins $his cleaning dutifully, fluttering about your office in a flurry of
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.preg > $activeSlave.pregData.normalBirth/2>>
 		Despite $his pregnancy, $he manages to clean with surprising efficacy. $He often cradles $his gravid belly through $his sheer skirt as $he dusts or scrubs with one hand, conscious of the fragile life within $him even as $he works hard to cleanse your office of any unsightly blemishes.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 800>>
-		$His breasts are pleasingly large and appealingly visible despite the minor concealment provided by $his blouse. They often cause $him difficulty by mashing against the top surface of your desk as $he tries to duck beneath to clean the underside. The struggle is surprisingly erotic - if not without humor.
+		$His breasts are pleasingly large and appealingly visible despite the minor concealment provided by $his blouse. They often cause $him difficulty by mashing against the top surface of your desk as $he tries to duck beneath to clean the underside. The struggle is surprisingly erotic — if not without humor.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.muscles > 30>>
 		With $his incredible musculature, $he's able to conduct a deep cleaning that few other slaves can match. Life as an arcology owner exposes you to a wealth of unique situations, but you doubt many of your peers have seen a slave in a slutty maid ensemble lift up a couch with one outstretched arm as they sweep the now exposed ground beneath it clean with the other.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.energy > 95>>
@@ -3716,7 +3716,7 @@ $He begins $his cleaning dutifully, fluttering about your office in a flurry of
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.preg > $activeSlave.pregData.normalBirth/2>>
 		Despite $his pregnancy, $he manages to clean with surprising efficacy. $He often cradles $his gravid belly through $his thick apron as $he dusts or scrubs with one hand, conscious of the fragile life within $him even as $he works hard to cleanse your office of any unsightly blemishes.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 800>>
-		$His breasts are pleasingly large and appealingly visible, even beneath the folds and ruffles of $his dress. They often cause $him difficulty by mashing against the top surface of your desk as $he tries to duck beneath to clean the underside. The struggle is surprisingly erotic - if not without humor.
+		$His breasts are pleasingly large and appealingly visible, even beneath the folds and ruffles of $his dress. They often cause $him difficulty by mashing against the top surface of your desk as $he tries to duck beneath to clean the underside. The struggle is surprisingly erotic — if not without humor.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.muscles > 30>>
 		With $his incredible musculature, $he's able to conduct a deep cleaning that few other slaves can match. Life as an arcology owner exposes you to a wealth of unique situations, but you doubt many of your peers have seen a slave in a modest maid ensemble lift up a couch with one outstretched arm as they sweep the now exposed ground beneath it clean with the other.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.energy > 95>>
@@ -3942,11 +3942,11 @@ $He saunters over and
 in front of you, awaiting further direction.
 <<if $activeSlave.amp < 0>>
-	Clad in an antique T-Shirt referencing some defunct old world website, $his P-Limbs stand in stark contrast - gyros and servomotors against simple thread and cloth. With such tangible examples of the technological prowess of the Free Cities serving as $his limbs, $his <<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>taut <</if>>shirt is an amusing testimonial to how far behind the old world stands in contrast to the new.
+	Clad in an antique T-Shirt referencing some defunct old world website, $his P-Limbs stand in stark contrast — gyros and servomotors against simple thread and cloth. With such tangible examples of the technological prowess of the Free Cities serving as $his limbs, $his <<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>taut <</if>>shirt is an amusing testimonial to how far behind the old world stands in contrast to the new.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 4000>>
-	$His breasts are so massive that the front of $his loose pyjama top must be unbuttoned. Even so, the protrusion of $his immense breasts<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> and _belly rounded belly<</if>> from $his chest strains the soft pyjama top to it's breaking point.
+	$His breasts are so massive that the front of $his loose pajama top must be unbuttoned. Even so, the protrusion of $his immense breasts<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> and _belly rounded belly<</if>> from $his chest strains the soft pajama top to it's breaking point.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
-	As a clever $girl, $his simple<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>, yet tight around the middle,<</if>> summer dress evokes memories of bygone warm weather days at elite old world colleges - and the sexual conquest of their youthful residents.
+	As a clever $girl, $his simple<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>, yet tight around the middle,<</if>> summer dress evokes memories of bygone warm weather days at elite old world colleges — and the sexual conquest of their youthful residents.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.muscles > 30>>
 	$His simple sports bra and compression shorts ensemble does little to conceal $his incredible musculature, <<if $activeSlave.belly >= 1500 && $activeSlave.belly < 5000>>straining to hold up against $his swelling middle and<<elseif $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>straining to hold up against $his swelling middle and <</if>>glistening with sweat from a recent workout. Despite $his recent exertions, $he's able to maintain utter stillness in the perfect posture of an obedient slave.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.energy > 95>>
@@ -5910,7 +5910,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 		"my pu<<ss>>y i<<s>> getting <<s>>unburnt! Plea<<s>>e, <<Master>>, help me!" $He spreads $his legs invitingly, running a hand across $his clit and down to spread $his pussylips to the sunshine. $He moans as $he feels <<if $PC.dick == 1>>your cockhead<<else>>a strap-on<</if>> penetrate $him, $his sun-warmed chest warm against yours.
 		<<set _didVaginal = 1>>
-	$He @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you more@@ for being witty with $him, for allowing $him the simple pleasure of a little sunbathing - and for sharing fun sex with $him, of course.
+	$He @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts you more@@ for being witty with $him, for allowing $him the simple pleasure of a little sunbathing — and for sharing fun sex with $him, of course.
 	<<set $activeSlave.trust += 4>>
 	<<if _didAnal == 1>>
 		<<= AnalVCheck()>>
@@ -6537,7 +6537,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 <br><<link "Punish $him for $his forgetfulness">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You're not close to the penthouse kitchen area, so it takes you some time to make your way there. By the time you<<if $PC.dick == 0>> don a strap-on and<</if>> get there, the poor <<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1>>pregnant <</if>>girl is pounding weakly against the refrigerator door to try to get someone's attention. $He looks relieved when you open the door, but $his relief turns to ashes when you shut the door behind you. $He shivers with cold and fear as you sternly point out the release, high up on the door, and then demand $his hands. You bind them together and loop them over the release before hoisting $his legs off the ground so that $his back is against the cold metal door and all $his weight is hanging off the release by $his arms. $He doesn't struggle until you tell $him $he can leave - if $he can get the release open like this. $He tries, but $he can't get enough leverage; $his spastic efforts get weaker as you pull $his <<if ($activeSlave.butt > 5)>>massive ass<<elseif ($activeSlave.butt > 2)>>big butt<<else>>nice little butt<</if>> away from the door and line <<if $PC.dick == 0>>the strap-on<<else>>your cock<</if>> up with $his <<if ($activeSlave.anus > 2)>>loose asspussy<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus > 1)>>asshole<<else>>tight little asshole<</if>>. Teeth chattering, legs shaking with cold, $he takes a buttfuck in the cold cooler, hanging from what $he should have used to let $himself out. When you finish, you hit it yourself and drop $his legs, letting $him unhook $himself and flee to the warmth outside. $He @@.gold;begs your pardon@@ abjectly as $he rubs $his <<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> _belly $activeSlave.skin belly <<else>>$activeSlave.skin shoulders <</if>>to warm $himself up<<if $PC.dick == 0>><<else>>, ignoring the cum <<if ($activeSlave.anus > 2)>>leaking out of $his fucked-out anus<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus > 1)>>leaking out of $his now-gaped backdoor<<else>>filling $his still-tight anus<</if>><</if>>.
+	You're not close to the penthouse kitchen area, so it takes you some time to make your way there. By the time you<<if $PC.dick == 0>> don a strap-on and<</if>> get there, the poor <<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1>>pregnant <</if>>girl is pounding weakly against the refrigerator door to try to get someone's attention. $He looks relieved when you open the door, but $his relief turns to ashes when you shut the door behind you. $He shivers with cold and fear as you sternly point out the release, high up on the door, and then demand $his hands. You bind them together and loop them over the release before hoisting $his legs off the ground so that $his back is against the cold metal door and all $his weight is hanging off the release by $his arms. $He doesn't struggle until you tell $him $he can leave — if $he can get the release open like this. $He tries, but $he can't get enough leverage; $his spastic efforts get weaker as you pull $his <<if ($activeSlave.butt > 5)>>massive ass<<elseif ($activeSlave.butt > 2)>>big butt<<else>>nice little butt<</if>> away from the door and line <<if $PC.dick == 0>>the strap-on<<else>>your cock<</if>> up with $his <<if ($activeSlave.anus > 2)>>loose asspussy<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus > 1)>>asshole<<else>>tight little asshole<</if>>. Teeth chattering, legs shaking with cold, $he takes a buttfuck in the cold cooler, hanging from what $he should have used to let $himself out. When you finish, you hit it yourself and drop $his legs, letting $him unhook $himself and flee to the warmth outside. $He @@.gold;begs your pardon@@ abjectly as $he rubs $his <<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> _belly $activeSlave.skin belly <<else>>$activeSlave.skin shoulders <</if>>to warm $himself up<<if $PC.dick == 0>><<else>>, ignoring the cum <<if ($activeSlave.anus > 2)>>leaking out of $his fucked-out anus<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus > 1)>>leaking out of $his now-gaped backdoor<<else>>filling $his still-tight anus<</if>><</if>>.
 	<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
 	<<= AnalVCheck()>>
@@ -6597,7 +6597,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 <<link "Slaveowners do not hold their slaves' hands">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	<<if canSee($activeSlave)>>You shake your head sternly<<else>>You say nothing but don't take $his hand<</if>>. $He looks neither afraid nor crushed, but simply gazes properly at you, clearly waiting for punishment. When none comes, $he accepts that it was not culpably wrong of $him to ask, but that the answer is no. $He leaves the balcony feeling reassured about $his place in $arcologies[0].name - a little more independent of $his <<= WrittenMaster()>> and yet a little more inured to the reality of his control. $He is a proper devoted slave and will remain so.
+	<<if canSee($activeSlave)>>You shake your head sternly<<else>>You say nothing but don't take $his hand<</if>>. $He looks neither afraid nor crushed, but simply gazes properly at you, clearly waiting for punishment. When none comes, $he accepts that it was not culpably wrong of $him to ask, but that the answer is no. $He leaves the balcony feeling reassured about $his place in $arcologies[0].name — a little more independent of $his <<= WrittenMaster()>> and yet a little more inured to the reality of his control. $He is a proper devoted slave and will remain so.
 <br><<link "Hold $his hand">>
@@ -7319,7 +7319,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "repressed") && ($activeSlave.oralCount > 0 || $activeSlave.analCount > 0 || $activeSlave.vaginalCount > 0 || $activeSlave.mammaryCount > 0)>>
 	"I'm filthy, <<Master>>. I've been u<<s>>ed, and I can't ever be clean again. I'm a d-dirty, <<s>>inful whore."
-	"<<S>>orry, <<Master>>. I wa<<s>> ju<<s>>t r-remembering, b-before - all thi<<s>>."
+	"<<S>>orry, <<Master>>. I wa<<s>> ju<<s>>t r-remembering, b-before — all thi<<s>>."
 You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address this. Then, you turn and go. $He's mystified; though $he's not overjoyed by the promise of correction, $he finds $himself @@.hotpink;less resistant@@ to following your plans.
 	<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
@@ -7700,7 +7700,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		through $his inconvenient oral piercings
 	"<<S>>ix, AAGHHH, <<S>>even, AAGHHH, <<S>>even"
-	and then realizes $his mistake and begs for mercy - in vain, of course. You finish $him off with a rough
+	and then realizes $his mistake and begs for mercy — in vain, of course. You finish $him off with a rough
 	<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
 		fuck, with $him jerking against $his restraints every time you stroke into $his sore buttocks.
 		<<= VaginalVCheck()>>
@@ -9389,7 +9389,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
 		$He indicates through $his weeping that $he can't climax without the drugs.
-		"I - I - fucking need my fix to come, <<Master>>," $he sobs.
+		"I — I — fucking need my fix to come, <<Master>>," $he sobs.
 	You pass $him the pill, and $he continues to weep inconsolably, apologizing all the while, until the drug takes away $his ability to care about anything but getting fucked. When you finish and extract <<if $PC.dick == 0>>yourself from between $his legs<<else>>your cock from $his well-used hole<</if>>, though, you think you can detect a deep sadness in $his eyes that it cannot reach.
 	<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
@@ -9594,7 +9594,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		$He begs through tears, "Plea<<s>>e no, <<if $activeSlave.rudeTitle == 1>><<= PoliteRudeTitle($activeSlave)>><<else>><<Master>><</if>>! Plea<<s>>e let me keep them! Plea<<s>>e!"
-	You patiently inform $him that $he can - for now, and so long as $he is a good little $girl. $He flees from the room backwards, bowing, scraping, and profusely thanking you, repeating desperate @@.gold;promises of good behavior.@@
+	You patiently inform $him that $he can — for now, and so long as $he is a good little $girl. $He flees from the room backwards, bowing, scraping, and profusely thanking you, repeating desperate @@.gold;promises of good behavior.@@
 	<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 5>>
@@ -9608,7 +9608,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 <br><<link "Geld $him gradually">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You shove $his unresisting<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>gravid<<else>>swollen<</if>><</if>> body over the couch and seize $his ballsack. When $he feels your tight grip $he spasms and tries to pull away reflexively, but goes limp when $he feels the agony of a warning squeeze. You fasten a tight rubber ring around the base of $his sack, leaving $him writhing on the couch in considerable discomfort. You add leather mittens to $his hands to stop $him removing the rubber, and then observe that this is a method used to geld livestock. $His tearful begging goes on until you tire of it and put $him out. <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> tracks $his agonized, weeping progress around the arcology for the many hours it takes the lack of blood flow to necessitate a trip to the remote surgery. When that time comes, you make $him beg you to remove $his balls for an hour straight before you do - and $he's so desperate for relief from the pain that $he does it. The experience has left $him @@.red;slightly injured,@@ @@.orange;gelded,@@ @@.red;thoroughly traumatized,@@ and @@.gold;willing to do anything@@ to avoid any more pain.
+	You shove $his unresisting<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>gravid<<else>>swollen<</if>><</if>> body over the couch and seize $his ballsack. When $he feels your tight grip $he spasms and tries to pull away reflexively, but goes limp when $he feels the agony of a warning squeeze. You fasten a tight rubber ring around the base of $his sack, leaving $him writhing on the couch in considerable discomfort. You add leather mittens to $his hands to stop $him removing the rubber, and then observe that this is a method used to geld livestock. $His tearful begging goes on until you tire of it and put $him out. <<if $assistantName == "your personal assistant">>Your personal assistant<<else>>$assistantName<</if>> tracks $his agonized, weeping progress around the arcology for the many hours it takes the lack of blood flow to necessitate a trip to the remote surgery. When that time comes, you make $him beg you to remove $his balls for an hour straight before you do — and $he's so desperate for relief from the pain that $he does it. The experience has left $him @@.red;slightly injured,@@ @@.orange;gelded,@@ @@.red;thoroughly traumatized,@@ and @@.gold;willing to do anything@@ to avoid any more pain.
 	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "odd", $activeSlave.trust -= 20, $activeSlave.health -= 10, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0>>
@@ -9740,7 +9740,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 <<link "No, reassure $him that $he doesn't need to be a slut">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You kindly explain that you've decided to save $his virginity - for now. $He looks slightly down-hearted and tries to smile nonetheless, but finds $himself swept off $his <<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>stumps<<else>>feet<</if>> and<<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 5000>> gently<</if>> deposited on the couch. $He gasps with surprise when $he finds $himself being teased, fondled, and massaged rather than outright used. In no time at all $he's pressing $his whole<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>gravid<<else>>rounded<</if>><</if>> body against you and shivering with delight. $He shudders, almost uncontrollably, when you grind your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clitoris<<else>>dick<</if>> against $his moistened, wet pussy between $his thighs, taking extra care not to penetrate the willing slave. $He leaves your office feeling @@.hotpink;very close to $his <<= WrittenMaster()>> indeed,@@ and seems to have forgotten $his unfucked vagina, for now.
+	You kindly explain that you've decided to save $his virginity — for now. $He looks slightly down-hearted and tries to smile nonetheless, but finds $himself swept off $his <<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>stumps<<else>>feet<</if>> and<<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 5000>> gently<</if>> deposited on the couch. $He gasps with surprise when $he finds $himself being teased, fondled, and massaged rather than outright used. In no time at all $he's pressing $his whole<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>gravid<<else>>rounded<</if>><</if>> body against you and shivering with delight. $He shudders, almost uncontrollably, when you grind your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clitoris<<else>>dick<</if>> against $his moistened, wet pussy between $his thighs, taking extra care not to penetrate the willing slave. $He leaves your office feeling @@.hotpink;very close to $his <<= WrittenMaster()>> indeed,@@ and seems to have forgotten $his unfucked vagina, for now.
 	<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 4>>
@@ -9784,7 +9784,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 <<link "No, reassure $him that $he doesn't need to be an anal slut">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You kindly explain that you've decided to save $his ass - for now. $He starts to express understanding and apologize for bothering you, but finds $himself swept off $his <<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>stumps<<else>>feet<</if>> and<<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 5000>> gently<</if>> deposited on the couch. $He gasps with surprise when $he finds $himself being teased, fondled, and massaged rather than outright used. In no time at all $he's pressing $his whole<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>gravid<<else>>rounded<</if>><</if>> body against you and shivering with delight.
+	You kindly explain that you've decided to save $his ass — for now. $He starts to express understanding and apologize for bothering you, but finds $himself swept off $his <<if $activeSlave.amp == 1>>stumps<<else>>feet<</if>> and<<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 5000>> gently<</if>> deposited on the couch. $He gasps with surprise when $he finds $himself being teased, fondled, and massaged rather than outright used. In no time at all $he's pressing $his whole<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>> <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>gravid<<else>>rounded<</if>><</if>> body against you and shivering with delight.
 	<<if $activeSlave.vagina > 0 && canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
 		$His shivers reach a crescendo when you <<if $PC.dick == 0>>scissor yourself against<<else>>enter<</if>> $his warm, wet pussy, which convulsively flexes against your <<if $PC.dick == 0>>clit<<else>>rock hard dick<</if>>.
@@ -10809,13 +10809,13 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	You tell $him that $he deserves a reward for coming to you. $He almost bursts into tears and nods jerkily, unable to do anything else. You brush a finger across $his cheek, $his ear, $his lips; at each touch $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>breathes in sharply<<else>>gasps<</if>>. Moving around behind $him, you run a hand down $his flank to $his hip, and then around to $his<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 10000 || $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 5000>> popped<</if>> navel, and up to cup $his breasts. Your run a thumb <<if $activeSlave.nipples != "fuckable">>over<<else>>into<</if>> each nipple, almost tipping $him over the edge. Your hands move down again,
 	<<if canDoAnal($activeSlave) && canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		spreading $his buttocks to tease $his clenched anus, and then forward across $his perineum. From there, you trace $his labia and end with a pinch of $his clit - and this is enough.
+		spreading $his buttocks to tease $his clenched anus, and then forward across $his perineum. From there, you trace $his labia and end with a pinch of $his clit — and this is enough.
 	<<elseif canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
-		spreading $his buttocks to tease $his clenched anus, and then forward across $his perineum - and this is enough.
+		spreading $his buttocks to tease $his clenched anus, and then forward across $his perineum — and this is enough.
 	<<elseif canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
-		tracing $his labia, and then forward to $his clit - and this is enough.
+		tracing $his labia, and then forward to $his clit — and this is enough.
-		to give $his buttcheeks a rub down before teasing at $his chastity - and this is enough.
+		to give $his buttcheeks a rub down before teasing at $his chastity — and this is enough.
 	$He spasms, pitching forward
 	<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 300000>>
@@ -13079,7 +13079,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		$He begs, "Plea<<s>>e no, <<Master>>, plea<<s>>e don't rape me in my a<<ss>>, <<Master>>!"
-	You make a show of considering, and then tell $him that if $he's extra obedient, you might let $him keep $his butt - for now. You tell $him to <<if $PC.dick == 1>>blow you<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>lick your pussy<</if>>, and $he does with unusual obedience. When $he's done, you bend down and whisper in $his ear that if $he shows any sign of rebelliousness, you'll ruin $his little asshole. @@.gold;$He's terrified.@@
+	You make a show of considering, and then tell $him that if $he's extra obedient, you might let $him keep $his butt — for now. You tell $him to <<if $PC.dick == 1>>blow you<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>lick your pussy<</if>>, and $he does with unusual obedience. When $he's done, you bend down and whisper in $his ear that if $he shows any sign of rebelliousness, you'll ruin $his little asshole. @@.gold;$He's terrified.@@
 	<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 5, $activeSlave.oralCount++, $oralTotal++>>
@@ -13110,7 +13110,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		$He begs, "Plea<<s>>e no, <<Master>>, plea<<s>>e don't rape me in my a<<ss>>, <<Master>>!"
-	You make a show of considering, and then tell $him you know a way $he can continue being an anal virgin - for now. You want a new hole to play with, and $he has two untouched holes. $He gasps when $he realizes what you want. $He hesitates to answer, uncertain of which $he values more, and finds $himself bound to the couch<<if ["combined chastity", "anal chastity"].includes($activeSlave.vaginalAccessory) || ["combined chastity", "anal chastity"].includes($activeSlave.dickAccessory)>>, stripped of $his chastity,<</if>> and thoroughly whipped. It isn't a sexual whipping, either, but a methodical and scientific administration of pain right up to the border of damage. When $he's been reduced to a state of abject, sobbing surrender, you free $him and repeat your orders as though nothing had happened. Still crying, $he prostrates $himself and
+	You make a show of considering, and then tell $him you know a way $he can continue being an anal virgin — for now. You want a new hole to play with, and $he has two untouched holes. $He gasps when $he realizes what you want. $He hesitates to answer, uncertain of which $he values more, and finds $himself bound to the couch<<if ["combined chastity", "anal chastity"].includes($activeSlave.vaginalAccessory) || ["combined chastity", "anal chastity"].includes($activeSlave.dickAccessory)>>, stripped of $his chastity,<</if>> and thoroughly whipped. It isn't a sexual whipping, either, but a methodical and scientific administration of pain right up to the border of damage. When $he's been reduced to a state of abject, sobbing surrender, you free $him and repeat your orders as though nothing had happened. Still crying, $he prostrates $himself and
 	<<if $activeSlave.trust < 20>>
 		spreads $his butt for you.
@@ -14381,7 +14381,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		<br><br><span id="result2">
 		<<link "Now let $him review">>
 			<<replace "#result2">>
-			You tell $him to do the inspection routine again, narrating it $himself. $He understands immediately, and hustles back to stand in front of your desk, brow furrowed in concentration as $he struggles to keep the vocabulary in $his head. $He shows each part of $his body to you in turn, and gets every single one of the terms to describe $his body - which in the legal sense, is actually //your// body, one of many you own - perfectly right, though of course $he repeats them in $his atrocious <<if $activeSlave.nationality == "a Cook Islander">>Cook Islander<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a Liechtensteiner">>Liechtensteiner<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a New Zealander">>New Zealander<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a Solomon Islander">>Solomon Islander<<else>>$activeSlave.nationality<</if>> accent. $He even @@.mediumaquamarine;has the confidence@@ to throw in a little flourish: $he says
+			You tell $him to do the inspection routine again, narrating it $himself. $He understands immediately, and hustles back to stand in front of your desk, brow furrowed in concentration as $he struggles to keep the vocabulary in $his head. $He shows each part of $his body to you in turn, and gets every single one of the terms to describe $his body — which in the legal sense, is actually //your// body, one of many you own — perfectly right, though of course $he repeats them in $his atrocious <<if $activeSlave.nationality == "a Cook Islander">>Cook Islander<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a Liechtensteiner">>Liechtensteiner<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a New Zealander">>New Zealander<<elseif $activeSlave.nationality == "a Solomon Islander">>Solomon Islander<<else>>$activeSlave.nationality<</if>> accent. $He even @@.mediumaquamarine;has the confidence@@ to throw in a little flourish: $he says
 			<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 10000>>
 				"Belly!" with flirty emphasis, stroking it sensually.
 			<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs > 3000)>>
@@ -14538,7 +14538,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
 			<<set _targetJobs = ["rest", "be a servant", "be a subordinate slave", "whore", "serve the public", "work a glory hole", "get milked", "please you", "work as a servant", "serve in the club", "rest in the spa", "learn in the schoolroom", "take classes", "work in the brothel"]>>
-			You tell $activeSlave.slaveName to get up on the kitchen counter and spread $his legs. $He catches something in the tone of your voice and looks frightened, but obeys. You then make several conversational observations, as though for no particular reason, to the rest of the slaves. First, you point out, the consent rule works for everyone: they, hypothetically, would not need to ask $activeSlave.slaveName $his permission to fuck $his ass, just like $he doesn't have to ask their permission to molest them during meals. (At this $activeSlave.slaveName's fear deepens into obvious @@.gold;terror.@@) Second, you have decided $activeSlave.slaveName will not be getting down off the counter until everyone's done with their meals - and anything else they wish to do in the kitchen. And third, you conclude, any number of large strap-ons and dildos can be found in the kitchen cabinets. There is a general rush for these; you tell $activeSlave.slaveName, whose
+			You tell $activeSlave.slaveName to get up on the kitchen counter and spread $his legs. $He catches something in the tone of your voice and looks frightened, but obeys. You then make several conversational observations, as though for no particular reason, to the rest of the slaves. First, you point out, the consent rule works for everyone: they, hypothetically, would not need to ask $activeSlave.slaveName $his permission to fuck $his ass, just like $he doesn't have to ask their permission to molest them during meals. (At this, $activeSlave.slaveName's fear deepens into obvious @@.gold;terror.@@) Second, you have decided $activeSlave.slaveName will not be getting down off the counter until everyone's done with their meals — and anything else they wish to do in the kitchen. And third, you conclude, any number of large strap-ons and dildos can be found in the kitchen cabinets. There is a general rush for these; you tell $activeSlave.slaveName, whose
 			<<if $activeSlave.lips > 40>>
 			<<elseif $activeSlave.lips > 20>>
@@ -14797,7 +14797,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 			$He begs, "Plea<<s>>e no, <<Master>>, plea<<s>>e don't rape my mouth, <<Master>>!"
-		You make a show of considering, and then tell $him that if $he's extra obedient, you might let $him earn a break for $his throat - for now.
+		You make a show of considering, and then tell $him that if $he's extra obedient, you might let $him earn a break for $his throat — for now.
 		<<if canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.vagina > 0>>
 			You tell $him to lie back and spread $his legs, because you're going to give $him a good old fashioned missionary-position pounding. $He does so with unusual obedience<<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>, $his legs hanging off the couch to give you a better angle with $his _belly <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>pregnancy<<else>>belly<</if>> in the way<</if>>, and as you're giving $him a thorough pounding, whether out of relief, gratitude, or a desire to put on a good performance, $he certainly seems to be enjoying it more than usual.
 			<<= VaginalVCheck()>>
@@ -14871,7 +14871,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 <br><<link "Try to brute-force $his oral resistance with a public blowbang">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-		Simple problems require simple solutions - $he'll get fucked in the mouth until $he either gets over $his hang-ups about oral or learns to hide them. You drag the protesting $activeSlave.slaveName out in public, chain $him low so that $his mouth is available, and tell $him that $he'll suck dicks until $he gets through five in a row without grimacing, gagging, or resisting. You have a comfortable chair brought out to you and settle in to watch the show.
+		Simple problems require simple solutions — $he'll get fucked in the mouth until $he either gets over $his hang-ups about oral or learns to hide them. You drag the protesting $activeSlave.slaveName out in public, chain $him low so that $his mouth is available, and tell $him that $he'll suck dicks until $he gets through five in a row without grimacing, gagging, or resisting. You have a comfortable chair brought out to you and settle in to watch the show.
 		$activeSlave.slaveName tries, $he really does. But when word gets out as to the conditions of $his enslavement, $his users take a perverse enjoyment in being rougher than usual to evoke the exact reactions $he's trying to avoid. By the third failed streak, you've started to grow bored of the spectacle, but luckily you find entertainment in conversation with those who have already been entertained by poor $activeSlave.slaveName. Before long more chairs have been brought up and an impromptu salon has been set up alongside the blowbang line. By the sixth failed streak, an enterprising citizen has set up a small bar and is serving drinks. By the ninth, you've delegated watching $activeSlave.slaveName to your assistant. You personally break the 11th streak after $he reached four, to general acclaim from your newfound friends and a toast to your virility.
 		When the 14th streak is finally successful, there are serious talks about making these blowbang salons a regular occurrence and some backslapping directed towards you for your innovation in genteel hedonism. While you seriously doubt $activeSlave.slaveName enjoys oral sex any more than $he did at the start of the day, $he's certainly @@.green;learned to keep $his feelings on the matter to $himself.@@ $He did, however, @@.red;have quite a rough time@@ of it<<if $activeSlave.oralSkill <= 30>>, though $he did learn a thing or two about sucking dick.<<set $skillIncrease = 10>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>><<else>>.<</if>> And last of all, you and $activeSlave.slaveName did make @@.green;quite a good impression@@ today, though for widely differing reasons.
 		<<set $activeSlave.health -= 10, $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
@@ -17220,7 +17220,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		You seize a tablet and hurry out of your office, working furiously and using every feature of $assistantName to the utmost. These bitches have offended you, and you quickly frame the structure of an appropriate revenge. By the time you get to where $activeSlave.slaveName is still being heckled by spoiled, drunken harpies, everyone else present in that arcology hall has mysteriously received urgent messages and gone elsewhere. $activeSlave.slaveName <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>sees you approach, and stares at you<<else>>recognizes your dominant footsteps approaching, and turns to face you<</if>>, $his sudden intense look alerting your vile little guests to your presence. One of them attempts to frame an insult for the interloper, but one of her friends pokes her in the side and whispers something in her ear and she goes silent, staring at you with wide eyes.
 		<<if $PC.title != 1>>She then winces, visibly realizing that you're likely aware that she called $activeSlave.slaveName's owner $his Master. Somehow, the mistake seems important to her now that you're standing here, effortlessly dominating the space for all your femininity.<</if>>
-		You hold the tablet out to them wordlessly. It's displaying security footage of the three of them, boarding a public VTOL transport for another arcology nearby. The prominent timestamp is thirty minutes in the future. The scene changes, showing them partying in one of that arcology's nightclubs. You clear your throat, dragging their attention away from the counterfeited footage, and describe in detail the other evidence - tickets, identification checks, biometrics - that will prove they left your arcology and visited two others before regrettably disappearing. One of them tries, with utter predictability, to threaten you with her father, but you tell her bluntly that if he does make the effort, he'll be looking in the wrong place.
+		You hold the tablet out to them wordlessly. It's displaying security footage of the three of them, boarding a public VTOL transport for another arcology nearby. The prominent timestamp is thirty minutes in the future. The scene changes, showing them partying in one of that arcology's nightclubs. You clear your throat, dragging their attention away from the counterfeited footage, and describe in detail the other evidence — tickets, identification checks, biometrics — that will prove they left your arcology and visited two others before regrettably disappearing. One of them tries, with utter predictability, to threaten you with her father, but you tell her bluntly that if he does make the effort, he'll be looking in the wrong place.
 		"We shouldn't have come here," one of them says dully. She's wrong in that they would have had no trouble at all if they hadn't offended you, but right in that here, they put themselves entirely under your power. Tourists would never visit if this were widely known, but fortunately, you've been successful at concealing this. They begin to cry, and then to beg, and then the drones bag them and take them away.
 		<<for _ress = 0; _ress < 3; _ress++>>
@@ -17431,7 +17431,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<br><<link "Suppress $his gag reflex and double $his cum intake for a week">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-			$He is already on a very heavy cum-based diet, and there's only so much ejaculate you can force a slut to ingest before it negatively affects $his health. However, as a temporary measure, you still have options. You instruct $assistantName to re-double the amount of ejaculate in <<print $activeSlave.slaveName>>'s diet for the week. You also have $him closely monitored and injected with anti-nausea drugs to help $his hold down $his food. Although the idea of being forced to eat large amounts of human reproductive fluid still disgusts $him, the week of having a super-concentrated cum-diet, along with the suppressed reflex to purge it has its effect. Knowing that you monitor and control every aspect of $his life @@.hotpink;breaks down $his resistance to your will,@@ and by the end of the week, $he is grateful that you return $him to a more nutritionally viable regimen - even if its cum content is still overwhelmingly high. <<if $activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1>>@@.lightcoral;$His brain has now begun to accept the sexual perversity of $his food as a turn on.@@<<else>>$He is now able to eat and digest $his prescribed diet without pharmacological assistance.<</if>>
+			$He is already on a very heavy cum-based diet, and there's only so much ejaculate you can force a slut to ingest before it negatively affects $his health. However, as a temporary measure, you still have options. You instruct $assistantName to re-double the amount of ejaculate in <<print $activeSlave.slaveName>>'s diet for the week. You also have $him closely monitored and injected with anti-nausea drugs to help $his hold down $his food. Although the idea of being forced to eat large amounts of human reproductive fluid still disgusts $him, the week of having a super-concentrated cum-diet, along with the suppressed reflex to purge it has its effect. Knowing that you monitor and control every aspect of $his life @@.hotpink;breaks down $his resistance to your will,@@ and by the end of the week, $he is grateful that you return $him to a more nutritionally viable regimen — even if its cum content is still overwhelmingly high. <<if $activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1>>@@.lightcoral;$His brain has now begun to accept the sexual perversity of $his food as a turn on.@@<<else>>$He is now able to eat and digest $his prescribed diet without pharmacological assistance.<</if>>
 			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5, $activeSlave.fetish = "cumslut">>
 			<<if $activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1>>
 				<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength = 10>>
@@ -17443,7 +17443,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<br><<link "Sentence $him to a day in $arcadeName for cum injection therapy">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-			You have $assistantName inform $activeSlave.slaveName of $his unacceptable behavior and sentence $him to a day in $arcadeName. $He cries and pleads for mercy, and even begs to be allowed to suck a cock, any cock, so $he can prove $his newfound enthusiasm for cum, but you are unmerciful as two other slaves drag $him off to serve $his sentence. $He is forced to wear a<<if $activeSlave.vagina != -1>> combined vaginal and<<else>>n<</if>> anal chastity belt so that the only hole available is $his mouth, and is then confined in $arcadeName with $his mouth spread open by a ring gag and $his head sticking through the hole in the wall. A sign below $his mouth proclaims $him to be a "cum extraction tube" and $he is used that way for the duration of $his stay - a grueling, 18-hour marathon of relentless throat fucking. <<if $activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "hates oral">>$His ordeal is so extreme that $he now @@.red;hates oral sex@@<<else>>$His hatred of oral sex makes $his ordeal that much more horrific<</if>>, but it @@.hotpink;breaks down $his resistance.@@ $He now @@.gold;better understands the terrifying power you have over $him,@@ and the sheer amount of cum $he is forced to ingest @@.red;negatively effects $his health.@@ Your other cum-fed slaves take note of what you do to those who can't hold down their assigned diet.
+			You have $assistantName inform $activeSlave.slaveName of $his unacceptable behavior and sentence $him to a day in $arcadeName. $He cries and pleads for mercy, and even begs to be allowed to suck a cock, any cock, so $he can prove $his newfound enthusiasm for cum, but you are unmerciful as two other slaves drag $him off to serve $his sentence. $He is forced to wear a<<if $activeSlave.vagina != -1>> combined vaginal and<<else>>n<</if>> anal chastity belt so that the only hole available is $his mouth, and is then confined in $arcadeName with $his mouth spread open by a ring gag and $his head sticking through the hole in the wall. A sign below $his mouth proclaims $him to be a "cum extraction tube" and $he is used that way for the duration of $his stay — a grueling, 18-hour marathon of relentless throat fucking. <<if $activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "hates oral">>$His ordeal is so extreme that $he now @@.red;hates oral sex@@<<else>>$His hatred of oral sex makes $his ordeal that much more horrific<</if>>, but it @@.hotpink;breaks down $his resistance.@@ $He now @@.gold;better understands the terrifying power you have over $him,@@ and the sheer amount of cum $he is forced to ingest @@.red;negatively effects $his health.@@ Your other cum-fed slaves take note of what you do to those who can't hold down their assigned diet.
 			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5, $activeSlave.trust -= 5, $activeSlave.health -= 5, $activeSlave.oralCount += 55, $activeSlave.publicCount += 55, $oralTotal += 55, $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "hates oral", $activeSlave.fetish = "masochist">>
@@ -17539,9 +17539,9 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		There are the segregated milking stalls, where only the dirtiest and most dilapidated machines are reserved for filthy $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace sluts.
 	<<if $club > 0>>
-		There are the "refresher" sinks in $clubName where normal slaves can go to periodically clean the cum out of their holes before returning to service more citizens - but such a luxury is off limits to $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace animals, who simply have to work through their long shifts with ever increasing amount of ejaculate covering their worthless bodies.
+		There are the "refresher" sinks in $clubName where normal slaves can go to periodically clean the cum out of their holes before returning to service more citizens — but such a luxury is off limits to $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace animals, who simply have to work through their long shifts with ever increasing amount of ejaculate covering their worthless bodies.
-		There are the "animal fuckers" in the public square - groups of racial purists who specifically seek out slaves of the inferior $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace race to mistreat through extreme public use.
+		There are the "animal fuckers" in the public square — groups of racial purists who specifically seek out slaves of the inferior $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace race to mistreat through extreme public use.
 	<<if $clinic > 0>>
 		While $clinicName is available to normal slaves to recover from injuries and general ill health, such things aren't afforded to $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace whores. They have to work through it, no matter the outcome.
@@ -18984,7 +18984,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<<if canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
 	<<link "Clean out $his ass with an enema and fuck it">>
 		<<replace "#result2">>
-		You tell $activeSlave.slaveName that $he forgot to clean one thing in $his office - $himself. As $he looks at you in confusion, you rise from your chair and lightly press $his chest down on your desk. $He lays there obediently, only letting out a gasp as the cold tip of an enema bulb penetrates $his ass. As a result of $his slave diet and daily anal preparation, the insertion of the enema is little more a bit of roleplaying spectacle. When you retrieve the enema from $his rectum you remark, <<if $PC.dick == 0>>as you don a strap-on, <</if>>that you'll need to inspect $his asshole personally with a vigorous assfucking. Soon $activeSlave.slaveName finds $himself being pounded so forcefully that a small pool of drool begins to form beneath $his open mouth, staining the surface of your desk that $he so meticulously cleaned. $He @@.mediumaquamarine;resolves to trust you more in the future,@@ since you took a personal interest in $his cleanliness.
+		You tell $activeSlave.slaveName that $he forgot to clean one thing in $his office — $himself. As $he looks at you in confusion, you rise from your chair and lightly press $his chest down on your desk. $He lays there obediently, only letting out a gasp as the cold tip of an enema bulb penetrates $his ass. As a result of $his slave diet and daily anal preparation, the insertion of the enema is little more a bit of roleplaying spectacle. When you retrieve the enema from $his rectum you remark, <<if $PC.dick == 0>>as you don a strap-on, <</if>>that you'll need to inspect $his asshole personally with a vigorous assfucking. Soon $activeSlave.slaveName finds $himself being pounded so forcefully that a small pool of drool begins to form beneath $his open mouth, staining the surface of your desk that $he so meticulously cleaned. $He @@.mediumaquamarine;resolves to trust you more in the future,@@ since you took a personal interest in $his cleanliness.
 		<<= AnalVCheck()>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust += 4>>
@@ -18994,7 +18994,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 		<<replace "#result2">>
 			You recline in your chair and inform $activeSlave.slaveName that $he has one last thing to clean in your office. $He understands your meaning quickly, sinks to $his knees and <<if $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>struggles to crawl<<else>>crawls<</if>> beneath your desk to kneel between your legs. Soon enough you feel the sensation of $his lips wrapping obediently about one of your toes, fellating the appendage with some enthusiasm. $He works $his way through your various digits, taking some solace in the simplicity of $his task, before a sudden understanding dawns on $him. $He runs $his tongue up your leg, cleansing your skin with $his tongue as best $he can, before heading for your
 		<<if $PC.dick == 1>>cock<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>cunt<</if>>
-		but you lay a hand on $his forehead and halt $him - $he'll do that last.
+		but you lay a hand on $his forehead and halt $him — $he'll do that last.
 		<<if $PC.boobs == 1 || $PC.title == 0>>
 			Soon enough $he manages to lick all the way up from your feet to your breasts, cleansing your <<if $PC.belly >= 60000>>massively gravid <<elseif $PC.belly >= 5000>>motherly <</if>>body with $his wet tongue all the way. $He hesitates before teasingly laying a single lap on your nipples, so you take $his head and hold it against your breasts to enjoy $his skillful tongue on your nipples.<<if $PC.lactation > 0>> $He even gets a special treat to savor, fresh from $his <<= WrittenMaster($activeSlave)>>'s milky breasts. $He makes sure your sore breasts are sufficiently relieved.<</if>>
@@ -20535,7 +20535,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 <br><<link "Try the 'Butter Strategy'">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You ponder $his predicament for a moment before settling on a solution. You procure an industrial sized jar of curative laced moisturizing butter - specially formulated to ease the strain of hypermassive pregnancy - and explain to your slave that, to free $him, you're going to need to completely cover $him in it so that $he can squeeze through.
+	You ponder $his predicament for a moment before settling on a solution. You procure an industrial sized jar of curative laced moisturizing butter — specially formulated to ease the strain of hypermassive pregnancy — and explain to your slave that, to free $him, you're going to need to completely cover $him in it so that $he can squeeze through.
 	<<if $activeSlave.devotion > 95>>
 		$He grins at you and then huffs, pretending to be put off by the idea.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion > 50>>
@@ -20565,7 +20565,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 7000)>>
 		massage the soft butter into $his monstrous tits, enjoying the struggle it takes to heft each butter-slick, glistening melon with both hands. You note with satisfaction $his nipples harden with arousal.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 3000)>>
-		massage the soft butter into each of $his huge tits. Your slave cranes $his head back a bit to avoid being smothered by $his own breasts as you work the butter into them, but you can tell $he's aroused by what you're doing - $his nipples have turned hard as rocks.
+		massage the soft butter into each of $his huge tits. Your slave cranes $his head back a bit to avoid being smothered by $his own breasts as you work the butter into them, but you can tell $he's aroused by what you're doing — $his nipples have turned hard as rocks.
 	<<elseif Math.floor($activeSlave.boobsImplant/$activeSlave.boobs) >= .60>>
 		massage the soft butter into $his fat, fake titties, noting with satisfaction $his nipples harden with arousal.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.boobs >= 650)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/bulkSlaveGenerate.tw b/src/uncategorized/bulkSlaveGenerate.tw
index 9969344b103b180f780dae1356ee24ac651afd09..60004a5210e570c182c7d097c05c9600e62b2b2e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/bulkSlaveGenerate.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/bulkSlaveGenerate.tw
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 		<<set _backup = $activeSlave>> /* backup newly generated slave */
-			<<include "Law Compliance">> /* includes CheckForGingering - slave stats may change, affecting price */
+			<<include "Law Compliance">> /* includes CheckForGingering — slave stats may change, affecting price */
 		<<slaveCost $activeSlave>>
 		<<run removeGingering()>> /* remove gingered state, if applied, so we can apply it again later */
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/djWorkaround.tw b/src/uncategorized/djWorkaround.tw
index 90f00e21c8170382b041d39d7d867e7250205126..b5b918514dc47b39c40a120418e99a5e928aa0e2 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/djWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/djWorkaround.tw
@@ -10,4 +10,3 @@
 <<goto "Club">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/endWeek.tw b/src/uncategorized/endWeek.tw
index 9b93558690477814bbd75495d90e2ea532f8bbe2..65141a7bde25c3abdde2850b2505106328751029 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/endWeek.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/endWeek.tw
@@ -38,21 +38,21 @@
 <<if $organs.length > 0>>
-<<for _i = 0; _i < $organs.length; _i++>>
-	<<if $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion > 0>>
-		<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 3>>
-			<<set $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion -= 4>>
-		<<elseif $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
-			<<set $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion -= 2>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<set $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion-->>
+	<<for _i = 0; _i < $organs.length; _i++>>
+		<<if $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion > 0>>
+			<<if $organFarmUpgrade == 3>>
+				<<set $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion -= 4>>
+			<<elseif $organFarmUpgrade == 2>>
+				<<set $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion -= 2>>
+			<<else>>
+				<<set $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion-->>
+			<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion <= 0>>
-		<<set $completedOrgans.push($organs[_i])>>
-		<<set $organs.deleteAt(_i)>>
-	<</if>>
+		<<if $organs[_i].weeksToCompletion <= 0>>
+			<<set $completedOrgans.push($organs[_i])>>
+			<<set $organs.deleteAt(_i)>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</for>>
 <<if $incubatorOrgans.length > 0>>
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $incubatorOrgans.length; _i++>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/freeRangeDairyAssignmentScene.tw b/src/uncategorized/freeRangeDairyAssignmentScene.tw
index f64efd8f596f3d9caba3c123a92fce6b363b03a3..5467aaaa969e9d942ad7fde6aa1a5d49869bfb73 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/freeRangeDairyAssignmentScene.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/freeRangeDairyAssignmentScene.tw
@@ -308,31 +308,31 @@ Sexual stimulation increases product output.
 	The machine strokes $his dick mechanically, but very pleasurably.
 It does not take long for $activeSlave.slaveName to reach $his first orgasm of many. $His muscles tense.
-	<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
-		$His <<if $activeSlave.balls > 5 >>cum-engorged<</if>> balls draw up.
-		$His <<if $activeSlave.dick > 8 >>gargantuan member<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 6 >>huge cock<<else>>dick<</if>> twitches and flexes within its receptacle.
-		<<if $activeSlave.balls >= 50>>
-			A special tank beneath $him holds $his monolithic balls' endless ejaculate while the machine struggles to suck it away.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.balls >= 37>>
-			A special tank attached to the hose holds $his titanic balls' near endless ejaculate while the machine struggles to suck it away.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.balls >= 25>>
-			A special reservoir attached to the hose holds $his massive balls' ridiculous ejaculate while the machine struggles to suck it away.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.balls >= 10>>
-			The machine strains to suck down the giant load from $his huge balls.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.balls > 5>>
-			The copious ejaculation from $his over-sized balls give the machine something to work on.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.balls > 0>>
-			$His ejaculate is quickly sucked away.
-		<<else>>
-			$His ballslessness impedes cum-production, but ejaculating feels nice, anyway.
-		<</if>>
+<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
+	$His <<if $activeSlave.balls > 5 >>cum-engorged<</if>> balls draw up.
+	$His <<if $activeSlave.dick > 8 >>gargantuan member<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 6 >>huge cock<<else>>dick<</if>> twitches and flexes within its receptacle.
+	<<if $activeSlave.balls >= 50>>
+		A special tank beneath $him holds $his monolithic balls' endless ejaculate while the machine struggles to suck it away.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.balls >= 37>>
+		A special tank attached to the hose holds $his titanic balls' near endless ejaculate while the machine struggles to suck it away.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.balls >= 25>>
+		A special reservoir attached to the hose holds $his massive balls' ridiculous ejaculate while the machine struggles to suck it away.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.balls >= 10>>
+		The machine strains to suck down the giant load from $his huge balls.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.balls > 5>>
+		The copious ejaculation from $his over-sized balls give the machine something to work on.
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.balls > 0>>
+		$His ejaculate is quickly sucked away.
+	<<else>>
+		$His ballslessness impedes cum-production, but ejaculating feels nice, anyway.
 <<if ($activeSlave.dick < 1) && ($activeSlave.balls > 0) && ($activeSlave.prostate > 0)>>
 	Cum splashes from $his urethra and is quickly sucked away.
 <<if $activeSlave.lactation > 0>>
-The milking cups <<if $activeSlave.nipples == "fuckable">>over<<else>>on<</if>> $his nipples switch from rhythmic pulsing into intense suction. Aided by $his orgasm, milk spurts from $his nipples
+	<br>
+	The milking cups <<if $activeSlave.nipples == "fuckable">>over<<else>>on<</if>> $his nipples switch from rhythmic pulsing into intense suction. Aided by $his orgasm, milk spurts from $his nipples
 	<<if $activeSlave.boobs > 20000>>
 		in obscenely massive amounts. $His immense breasts seem to never empty.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 10000>>
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@ The milking cups <<if $activeSlave.nipples == "fuckable">>over<<else>>on<</if>>
 <<if $activeSlave.prostate != 0 && $activeSlave.dick == 0 && $activeSlave.balls == 0>>
-$activeSlave.slaveName has no cock, but a functional prostate gland. It's attached to $his urethra, so $he squirts <<if $activeSlave.prostate > 2>>massively<<else>>copiously<</if>> while $he orgasms. The exotic fluid is caught by a basin positioned under $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= 0 >>dripping pussy<<else>>featureless crotch<</if>>.
+	<br>
+	$activeSlave.slaveName has no cock, but a functional prostate gland. It's attached to $his urethra, so $he squirts <<if $activeSlave.prostate > 2>>massively<<else>>copiously<</if>> while $he orgasms. The exotic fluid is caught by a basin positioned under $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina >= 0 >>dripping pussy<<else>>featureless crotch<</if>>.
 With the first milking cycle being over, $activeSlave.slaveName drifts into a relaxing slumber.
 <<if $dairyFeedersSetting == 1 && ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "cum addict" || $activeSlave.fetish == "cumslut")>>
-$He grins madly around the phallus $he stuffed in $his mouth.
+	$He grins madly around the phallus $he stuffed in $his mouth.
 <<if $dairyPregSetting > 0 && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.vagina > 0>>
 	$He gets comfortable around $his cum-bloated belly as the impregnator continues its task.
@@ -367,10 +367,10 @@ $He grins madly around the phallus $he stuffed in $his mouth.
 	<<set $activeSlave.boobs -= $activeSlave.boobsMilk, $activeSlave.boobsMilk = 0>>
 <<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
-The suction on $his dick stops, allowing $his abused member to go soft and have some rest.
+	The suction on $his dick stops, allowing $his abused member to go soft and have some rest.
 <<if $activeSlave.balls > 0 && $activeSlave.scrotum > 0>>
-$His balls rest, dangling down and relieved. They already started to produce more cum. They seem to wait for their next chance to unload.
+	$His balls rest, dangling down and relieved. They already started to produce more cum. They seem to wait for their next chance to unload.
 The next milking cycle will start soon.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
index a36372da4c246bfd4fa4427047fca67d6aabd750..6e111eb0edeec02858a2f51dcb54447230f0739b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 /* 000-250-006 */
 <<if $seeImages && $seeReportImages>>
 	<div class="imageRef medImg">
-	<<SlaveArt $slaves[$i] 2 0>>
+		<<SlaveArt $slaves[$i] 2 0>>
 /* 000-250-006 */
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw b/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw
index 61c36edd7e8b5ce64988f7a191185296fb254b13..7d0ac3ec53565339e7b68d529442bd06914d9237 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw
@@ -833,36 +833,36 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<link "Free breast growth is acceptable">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	Since you're not displeased with the breast expansion, you accept the health compensation and even make discreet inquiries to see of the effect can perhaps be replicated. Unfortunately, it seems that the result that occurred was as much due to luck as anything else. The process cannot be safely marketed.
-	<<run $slaves.forEach(function(s) {
-		if (s.curatives > 1) {
-			if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
-				s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 50;
-			}
-			else {
-				s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
-			}
-		}
-		if (s.inflationType == "curative") {
-			if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
-				s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 150 * s.inflation;
+		Since you're not displeased with the breast expansion, you accept the health compensation and even make discreet inquiries to see of the effect can perhaps be replicated. Unfortunately, it seems that the result that occurred was as much due to luck as anything else. The process cannot be safely marketed.
+		<<run $slaves.forEach(function(s) {
+			if (s.curatives > 1) {
+				if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
+					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 50;
+				}
+				else {
+					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
+				}
-			else {
-				s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 300 * s.inflation;
+			if (s.inflationType == "curative") {
+				if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
+					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 150 * s.inflation;
+				}
+				else {
+					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 300 * s.inflation;
+				}
-		}
-	})>>
+		})>>
 <br><<link "Demand further compensation">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You muster all the contractual remedies available to you and join the crowd of slaveowners laying into the hapless manufacturer. Of course, with so many attackers, there is as much infighting between them as conflict with the helpless enemy, since everyone knows the business will go bankrupt before everyone gets paid. Nevertheless you @@.yellowgreen;approximately double@@ the money you make out of the situation.
-	<<run cashX(500*$slaves.length, "events")>>
+		You muster all the contractual remedies available to you and join the crowd of slaveowners laying into the hapless manufacturer. Of course, with so many attackers, there is as much infighting between them as conflict with the helpless enemy, since everyone knows the business will go bankrupt before everyone gets paid. Nevertheless you @@.yellowgreen;approximately double@@ the money you make out of the situation.
+		<<run cashX(500*$slaves.length, "events")>>
 <br><<link "Force surgical repairs">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	The hapless manufacturer eventually goes bankrupt. However, you do manage to force surgical repair of the breast expansion before they do. At the manager's expense, your slaves move through a top-flight surgeon's care and are reduced to their former sizes.
+		The hapless manufacturer eventually goes bankrupt. However, you do manage to force surgical repair of the breast expansion before they do. At the manager's expense, your slaves move through a top-flight surgeon's care and are reduced to their former sizes.
@@ -870,146 +870,146 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<link "The emotional distress isn't worth the trouble">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	Since subjecting all the affected slaves to abortions would cause you severe losses, you've decided to let them keep the pregnancies. You hope you are prepared for all the children you'll be producing. Those who couldn't become pregnant @@.lime;gained some breast, hip and ass size,@@ as well as @@.lime;began lactating@@.
-	<<for $i = 0; $i < $slaves.length; $i++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections") && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = random(10,25)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1>>
-			<<run SetBellySize($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections">>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.lactationDuration = 2>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= .5>>
-					<</if>>
+		Since subjecting all the affected slaves to abortions would cause you severe losses, you've decided to let them keep the pregnancies. You hope you are prepared for all the children you'll be producing. Those who couldn't become pregnant @@.lime;gained some breast, hip and ass size,@@ as well as @@.lime;began lactating@@.
+		<<for $i = 0; $i < $slaves.length; $i++>>
+			<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections") && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = random(10,25)>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1>>
+				<<run SetBellySize($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "breast injections">>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.lactationDuration = 2>>
+				<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1)>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 1>>
-					/* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects */
-					<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= .5>>
+				<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+					<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
+						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1>>
+						<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
+							<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= .5>>
+						<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections" && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = random(15,35)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1>>
-			<<run SetBellySize($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections">>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.lactationDuration = 2>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1.5>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= .75>>
+					<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
+						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 1>>
+						/* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects */
+						<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
+							<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= .5>>
+						<</if>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 1.5>>
-					/* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects */
-					<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= .75>>
-					<</if>>
+				<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+				<<else>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections") && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = random(20,45)>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1>>
-			<<run SetBellySize($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections">>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.lactationDuration = 2>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 2>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 2>>
-					<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1>>
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections" && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = random(15,35)>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1>>
+				<<run SetBellySize($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "intensive breast injections">>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.lactationDuration = 2>>
+				<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1)>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 1>>
+				<</if>>
+				<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+					<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
+						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1.5>>
+						<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
+							<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= .75>>
+						<</if>>
+					<</if>>
+					<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
+						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 1.5>>
+						/* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects */
+						<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
+							<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= .75>>
+						<</if>>
-				<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
-					<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 2>>
-					/* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects */
-					<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
-						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 1>>
+				<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+				<<else>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
+				<</if>>
+			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections") && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i])>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].preg = 1>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregType = random(20,45)>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregKnown = 1>>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].pregWeek = 1>>
+				<<run SetBellySize($slaves[$i])>>
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper breast injections">>
+				<<set $slaves[$i].lactation = 1>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.lactationDuration = 2>>
+				<<if ($slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0) && ($slaves[$i].hips < 1)>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].hips += 1>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].butt += 2>>
+				<</if>>
+				<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+					<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXX == 0 && ($slaves[$i].ovaries == 1 || $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1)>>
+						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 2>>
+						<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
+							<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXX -= 1>>
+						<</if>>
+					<</if>>
+					<<if $slaves[$i].pubertyXY == 0 && $slaves[$i].balls > 0>>
+						<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY += 2>>
+						/* NCS reduces the male puberty slowing affects */
+						<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 1>>
+							<<set $slaves[$i].pubertyAgeXY -= 1>>
+						<</if>>
+				<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
+				<<else>>
+					<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
+				<</if>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].geneMods.NCS == 0>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 300>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<set $slaves[$i].boobs += 150>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
+		<</for>>
 <br><<link "Demand further compensation">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You muster all the contractual remedies available to you and join the crowd of slaveowners laying into the hapless manufacturer. Of course, with so many attackers, there is as much infighting between them as conflict with the helpless enemy, since everyone knows the business will go bankrupt before everyone gets paid. Nevertheless you @@.yellowgreen;approximately double@@ the money you make out of the situation, plenty to deal with the pregnancies.
+		You muster all the contractual remedies available to you and join the crowd of slaveowners laying into the hapless manufacturer. Of course, with so many attackers, there is as much infighting between them as conflict with the helpless enemy, since everyone knows the business will go bankrupt before everyone gets paid. Nevertheless you @@.yellowgreen;approximately double@@ the money you make out of the situation, plenty to deal with the pregnancies.
 		<<run cashX(2000*$slaves.length, "events")>>
 <br><<link "Force surgical repairs and compensation">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	The hapless manufacturer eventually goes bankrupt. However, you do manage to force surgical correction of the pregnancies before they do. As additional compensation, they agree to naturally enhance your afflicted slaves' busts knowing full well that most buyers are not interested in slaves that have been knocked up. At the managers expense, your slaves move through a top-flight surgeons care and are pregnancy free and sporting @@.lime;larger breasts@@.
-	<<run $slaves.forEach(function(s) {
-		if (canGetPregnant(s)) {
-			if (s.drugs == "breast injections") {
-				if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
-					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 50;
-				}
-				else {
-					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
-				}
-			} else if (s.drugs == "intensive breast injections") {
-				if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
-					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
-				}
-				else {
-					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 150;
-				}
-			} else if (s.drugs == "hyper breast injections") {
-				if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
-					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 200;
-				}
-				else {
-					s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 300;
+		The hapless manufacturer eventually goes bankrupt. However, you do manage to force surgical correction of the pregnancies before they do. As additional compensation, they agree to naturally enhance your afflicted slaves' busts knowing full well that most buyers are not interested in slaves that have been knocked up. At the managers expense, your slaves move through a top-flight surgeons care and are pregnancy free and sporting @@.lime;larger breasts@@.
+		<<run $slaves.forEach(function(s) {
+			if (canGetPregnant(s)) {
+				if (s.drugs == "breast injections") {
+					if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
+						s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 50;
+					}
+					else {
+						s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
+					}
+				} else if (s.drugs == "intensive breast injections") {
+					if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
+						s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 100;
+					}
+					else {
+						s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 150;
+					}
+				} else if (s.drugs == "hyper breast injections") {
+					if (s.geneMods.NCS > 0) {
+						s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 200;
+					}
+					else {
+						s.boobs += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10 + 1) * 300;
+					}
-		}
-	})>>
+		})>>
@@ -1018,27 +1018,27 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<set $PStrip = 1>>
 <<link "Offer to take them in">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	The now-unemployed strippers are not impressed by your offer to take them in. "What," one of them says, "be one of your shivering little cunts? You'd have us signing ourselves into slavery inside two weeks. Fuck off, we'll take the streets." Under the nonlethal riot cannons of the security drones, they file off, muttering mutinously. Unfortunately, you don't have any pretense to enslave or imprison them.
-	<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
+		The now-unemployed strippers are not impressed by your offer to take them in. "What," one of them says, "be one of your shivering little cunts? You'd have us signing ourselves into slavery inside two weeks. Fuck off, we'll take the streets." Under the nonlethal riot cannons of the security drones, they file off, muttering mutinously. Unfortunately, you don't have any pretense to enslave or imprison them.
+		<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
 <br><<link "Offer them severance pay">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You have a word with them, stepping closer and speaking quietly to defuse the situation. You tell them you're aware that they're in a difficult place, but you also explain that the Free Cities are a new and changing place. No one can rely on the old way of doing things any more. You offer to pay each of them a small stipend to help tide them over until they find other employment. They're surprised at your munificence but @@.green;accept it with gratitude.@@
-	<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
-	<<set $rep += 500>>
-	<<run cashX(-1000, "event")>>
-	<<set $PStrip = 2>>
+		You have a word with them, stepping closer and speaking quietly to defuse the situation. You tell them you're aware that they're in a difficult place, but you also explain that the Free Cities are a new and changing place. No one can rely on the old way of doing things any more. You offer to pay each of them a small stipend to help tide them over until they find other employment. They're surprised at your munificence but @@.green;accept it with gratitude.@@
+		<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
+		<<set $rep += 500>>
+		<<run cashX(-1000, "event")>>
+		<<set $PStrip = 2>>
 <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(1000)>>//
 <br><<link "Offer to set them up independently">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You offer a way out of their situation. They, you suggest, can keep working in the now-vacant shop if they work together to pay the rent. They can move into a couple of vacant rooms nearby that you can easily have set up as a bunkhouse. You'll collect a little more rent, and they'll have a second chance. They @@.green;accept it with gratitude.@@ It's quite likely they'll either fail or have to accept being whores rather than strippers, but that's not your concern. @@.green;Your arcology's prosperity has increased.@@
-	<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
-	<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 1>>
-	<<set $rep += 100>>
-	<<run cashX(-500, "event")>>
-	<<set $PStrip = 3>>
+		You offer a way out of their situation. They, you suggest, can keep working in the now-vacant shop if they work together to pay the rent. They can move into a couple of vacant rooms nearby that you can easily have set up as a bunkhouse. You'll collect a little more rent, and they'll have a second chance. They @@.green;accept it with gratitude.@@ It's quite likely they'll either fail or have to accept being whores rather than strippers, but that's not your concern. @@.green;Your arcology's prosperity has increased.@@
+		<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
+		<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 1>>
+		<<set $rep += 100>>
+		<<run cashX(-500, "event")>>
+		<<set $PStrip = 3>>
 <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(500)>>//
@@ -1046,33 +1046,33 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<if $PStrip != 3>>
 	<<if $cash >= $contractCost>>
-	<<link "Enslave $him">>
-		<<run cashX(forceNeg($contractCost), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave)>>
-		<<replace "#result">>
-		<<if $PStrip == 1>>
-			$He sobs with gratitude as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. The medical scan discloses that $his aphrodisiac addiction is very new: $he will probably be able to kick the habit in short order if you decide to withhold further doses.
-		<<else>>
-			$He smiles with gratitude as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He's seen what Free Cities life is, and $he seems to have come to the conclusion that being a slave in the penthouse is better than being a free whore on the lower levels.
-		<</if>>
-		<<include "New Slave Intro">>
-		<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
+		<<link "Enslave $him">>
+			<<run cashX(forceNeg($contractCost), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave)>>
+			<<replace "#result">>
+				<<if $PStrip == 1>>
+					$He sobs with gratitude as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. The medical scan discloses that $his aphrodisiac addiction is very new: $he will probably be able to kick the habit in short order if you decide to withhold further doses.
+				<<else>>
+					$He smiles with gratitude as the biometric scanners scrupulously record $his every particular as belonging not to a person but to a piece of human property. $He's seen what Free Cities life is, and $he seems to have come to the conclusion that being a slave in the penthouse is better than being a free whore on the lower levels.
+				<</if>>
+				<<include "New Slave Intro">>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>>
 		//You lack the necessary funds to enslave $him.//
 	<<link "Take an Arcology Tour">>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-		The cubicle _heU takes you back into is small, but clean and well-kept. _HeU gives you a kiss on the cheek. "That's not part of the Arcology Tour. Sorry. Here's the start of the real tour." <<if $PC.dick == 1>>_HeU sucks you to full mast while shucking off _hisU skimpy clothing<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>, giggling appreciatively at your pussy and lavishing attention on it with _hisU hands<</if>>. Then _heU turns around and slides you into _hisU <<if _heU == "he">>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>> with the ease of long practice. After a good long standing fuck, _heU begs you to "finish the tour" in _hisU ass and then "pay the tour guide" by coming in _hisU mouth.<<else>>_HeU giggles. "Tour's a little different for a lady like you, Ma'am. Here," _heU says, and starts to make out with you, pressing you back down onto a bench. _HeU lavishes expert oral attention on your pussy in a series of clever positions that offer every part of _hisU body to you in turn for you to grope, squeeze, and penetrate with your fingers.<</if>> Afterward, as _heU's hurrying back into _hisU clothes, _heU says, "We've got the money you paid to set those rooms up, @@.yellowgreen;here it is.@@ And we're doing pretty good, so we could use a little more working space. We'd like the vacant space next door. We'll furnish it, if you'll let us have it?" @@.green;$arcologies[0].name's prosperity has increased.@@
-		<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 2>>
-		<<run cashX(500, "events")>>
+			The cubicle _heU takes you back into is small, but clean and well-kept. _HeU gives you a kiss on the cheek. "That's not part of the Arcology Tour. Sorry. Here's the start of the real tour." <<if $PC.dick == 1>>_HeU sucks you to full mast while shucking off _hisU skimpy clothing<<if $PC.vagina == 1>>, giggling appreciatively at your pussy and lavishing attention on it with _hisU hands<</if>>. Then _heU turns around and slides you into _hisU <<if _heU == "he">>ass<<else>>pussy<</if>> with the ease of long practice. After a good long standing fuck, _heU begs you to "finish the tour" in _hisU ass and then "pay the tour guide" by coming in _hisU mouth.<<else>>_HeU giggles. "Tour's a little different for a lady like you, Ma'am. Here," _heU says, and starts to make out with you, pressing you back down onto a bench. _HeU lavishes expert oral attention on your pussy in a series of clever positions that offer every part of _hisU body to you in turn for you to grope, squeeze, and penetrate with your fingers.<</if>> Afterward, as _heU's hurrying back into _hisU clothes, _heU says, "We've got the money you paid to set those rooms up, @@.yellowgreen;here it is.@@ And we're doing pretty good, so we could use a little more working space. We'd like the vacant space next door. We'll furnish it, if you'll let us have it?" @@.green;$arcologies[0].name's prosperity has increased.@@
+			<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 2>>
+			<<run cashX(500, "events")>>
 	<br><<link "Politely decline">>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-		"Aw," _heU says, "you're no fun. Well anyway, we've got the money you paid to set those rooms up, @@.yellowgreen;here it is.@@ And we're doing pretty good, so we could use a little more working space. We'd like the vacant space next door. We'll furnish it, if you'll let us have it?" @@.green;$arcologies[0].name's prosperity has increased.@@
-		<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 2>>
-		<<run cashX(500, "events")>>
+			"Aw," _heU says, "you're no fun. Well anyway, we've got the money you paid to set those rooms up, @@.yellowgreen;here it is.@@ And we're doing pretty good, so we could use a little more working space. We'd like the vacant space next door. We'll furnish it, if you'll let us have it?" @@.green;$arcologies[0].name's prosperity has increased.@@
+			<<set $arcologies[0].prosperity += 2>>
+			<<run cashX(500, "events")>>
@@ -1081,31 +1081,31 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<set $personalArms = 0>>
 <<if $arcologyUpgrade.drones == 1>>
-<<link "Arm yourself and your drones">>
-	<<replace "#result">>
-	In a time of uncertainty, the public adores people who protect them. So, in addition to publicly procuring yourself the latest weapons and armor, you update the arcology's drone systems. The security drones' riot cannons can be replaced for easy maintenance, so it's rather easy to provide them with alternate, lethal weaponry that they can switch to if it becomes necessary. $arcologies[0].name becomes known as one of the best-protected in the Free Cities. @@.green;Your reputation has greatly improved.@@
-	<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
-	<<set $rep += 1500>>
-	<<run cashX(-5000, "event")>>
-	<<set $personalArms = 3>>
-	<</replace>>
-<</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>>//
+	<<link "Arm yourself and your drones">>
+		<<replace "#result">>
+			In a time of uncertainty, the public adores people who protect them. So, in addition to publicly procuring yourself the latest weapons and armor, you update the arcology's drone systems. The security drones' riot cannons can be replaced for easy maintenance, so it's rather easy to provide them with alternate, lethal weaponry that they can switch to if it becomes necessary. $arcologies[0].name becomes known as one of the best-protected in the Free Cities. @@.green;Your reputation has greatly improved.@@
+			<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
+			<<set $rep += 1500>>
+			<<run cashX(-5000, "event")>>
+			<<set $personalArms = 3>>
+		<</replace>>
+	<</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(5000)>>//
+	<br>
 <<link "Arm yourself">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	In a time of uncertainty, the public looks up to people who project strength. So, you purchase yourself some of the latest armor and weapons, and make sure they are visible in a glass-walled cabinet in your office. Many of your wealthier tenants follow suit. A few of them even emulate your example and practice using these implements once a week. @@.green;Your reputation has improved.@@
-	<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
-	<<set $rep += 500>>
-	<<run cashX(-2000, "event")>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(2000)>>//
-	<<set $personalArms = 1>>
+		In a time of uncertainty, the public looks up to people who project strength. So, you purchase yourself some of the latest armor and weapons, and make sure they are visible in a glass-walled cabinet in your office. Many of your wealthier tenants follow suit. A few of them even emulate your example and practice using these implements once a week. @@.green;Your reputation has improved.@@
+		<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
+		<<set $rep += 500>>
+		<<run cashX(-2000, "event")>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(2000)>>//
+		<<set $personalArms = 1>>
 <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(2000)>>//
 <br><<link "Ignore this foolishness">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	No doubt this panicky fad will pass. You ignore the controversy. In a few days, the subject of a militia passes from the public mind.
-	<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
-	<<set $personalArms = 0>>
+		No doubt this panicky fad will pass. You ignore the controversy. In a few days, the subject of a militia passes from the public mind.
+		<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
+		<<set $personalArms = 0>>
@@ -1114,14 +1114,14 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<set $PShoot = 0>>
 <<link "Buy in">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You receive a brief but elegant confirmation. It looks like you've RSVP'd.
-	<<run cashX(-5000, "event")>>
-	<<set $PShoot = 1>>
+		You receive a brief but elegant confirmation. It looks like you've RSVP'd.
+		<<run cashX(-5000, "event")>>
+		<<set $PShoot = 1>>
 <br><<link "Politely decline">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You decline the invitation.
+		You decline the invitation.
@@ -1130,199 +1130,199 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<set $PShoot = 0>>
 <<link "Hit the muscular slave about to successfully cross the lawn">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 18>>
-	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 28>>
-	<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
-	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
-	<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You won her at a shotgun match against other arcology owners.">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.lips = random(5,25)>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount += 1>>
-	<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion = 25>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.trust = 5>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = 25>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.face = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.preg = -1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 50>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.weight = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.health = 80>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.boobs = 400>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.butt = 2>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.waist = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "arrogant">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
-	You decide to stop the athletic slave $girl about to win $his freedom, and place your taser slug in $his muscular buttock. $He goes stiff and skids across the grass with a growl. Your taser slug is linked to $assistantName, who hits $him again whenever $he tries to continue running. Fury glints from her eyes, but $he apparently knows how to pick her battles. By the time you approach $him, $he's already bent over, presenting $himself, and from the oily sheen on $his privates, it looks like $he even managed to get some lube somewhere to make the experience a little easier. It is a strange thing, respecting a slave, but $he rises even higher in your estimation as you fuck her on the grass. $He does $his best to please you, having clearly decided to do her best given her situation. $He's sexually inexpert, but clearly smart enough to know when to submit.
-	<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
+		<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 18>>
+		<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 28>>
+		<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
+		<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
+		<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You won her at a shotgun match against other arcology owners.">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.lips = random(5,25)>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount += 1>>
+		<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion = 25>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.trust = 5>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = 25>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.face = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.preg = -1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 50>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.weight = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.health = 80>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.boobs = 400>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.butt = 2>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.waist = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "arrogant">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
+		You decide to stop the athletic slave $girl about to win $his freedom, and place your taser slug in $his muscular buttock. $He goes stiff and skids across the grass with a growl. Your taser slug is linked to $assistantName, who hits $him again whenever $he tries to continue running. Fury glints from her eyes, but $he apparently knows how to pick her battles. By the time you approach $him, $he's already bent over, presenting $himself, and from the oily sheen on $his privates, it looks like $he even managed to get some lube somewhere to make the experience a little easier. It is a strange thing, respecting a slave, but $he rises even higher in your estimation as you fuck her on the grass. $He does $his best to please you, having clearly decided to do her best given her situation. $He's sexually inexpert, but clearly smart enough to know when to submit.
+		<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
 <<if $minimumSlaveAge <= 8>>
-<br><<link "Hit the young slave with the unnaturally wide hips struggling along">>
-	<<replace "#result">>
-	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 8>>
-	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 8>>
-	<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
-	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
-	<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You won her at a shotgun match against other arcology owners.">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.lips = random(5,25)>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.anus = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount += 1>>
-	<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion = 25>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.trust = 5>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = 25>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.face = 25>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.preg = 0>>
-	<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXX = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.weight = -10>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.height = 135>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.health = 80>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.boobs = 200>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.butt = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.waist = -50>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.shoulders = -2>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.hips = 3>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.hipsImplant = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "pregnancy">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength = 60>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
-	You decide to stop the wide-hipped $loli struggling to run, and easily place your taser slug in $his broad rear. $He goes stiff and falls flat on $his face. Your taser slug is linked to $assistantName, but since the $girl can't manage to flip over, let alone stand, shocking $him more is unneeded. Fury glints from $his eyes, but $he fully realizes it's over for $him. By the time you approach $him, $he's hoisted $his overly wide rear upwards, presenting $himself, moisture beginning to ooze from $his virgin cunt. It looks like $he was being groomed to be a breeding slave, and $he seems to understand $his role quite well, judging by the way $he rocks $his hips back and forth for you. You thoroughly enjoy $his gratifyingly tight pussy, which is so nice that you confine yourself entirely to it despite the appealing sight of $his virgin butthole.
-	<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
-	<</replace>>
+	<br><<link "Hit the young slave with the unnaturally wide hips struggling along">>
+		<<replace "#result">>
+			<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 8>>
+			<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 8>>
+			<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
+			<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
+			<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You won her at a shotgun match against other arcology owners.">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.lips = random(5,25)>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.anus = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount += 1>>
+			<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion = 25>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.trust = 5>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = 25>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.face = 25>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.preg = 0>>
+			<<if $precociousPuberty == 1>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXX = 1>>
+			<</if>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.weight = -10>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.height = 135>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.health = 80>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.boobs = 200>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.butt = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.waist = -50>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.shoulders = -2>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.hips = 3>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.hipsImplant = 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "pregnancy">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength = 60>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "idealistic">>
+			You decide to stop the wide-hipped $loli struggling to run, and easily place your taser slug in $his broad rear. $He goes stiff and falls flat on $his face. Your taser slug is linked to $assistantName, but since the $girl can't manage to flip over, let alone stand, shocking $him more is unneeded. Fury glints from $his eyes, but $he fully realizes it's over for $him. By the time you approach $him, $he's hoisted $his overly wide rear upwards, presenting $himself, moisture beginning to ooze from $his virgin cunt. It looks like $he was being groomed to be a breeding slave, and $he seems to understand $his role quite well, judging by the way $he rocks $his hips back and forth for you. You thoroughly enjoy $his gratifyingly tight pussy, which is so nice that you confine yourself entirely to it despite the appealing sight of $his virgin butthole.
+			<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
+		<</replace>>
+	<</link>>
 <br><<link "Hit the plush older slave lagging behind">>
 	<<setNonlocalPronouns $seeDicks>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 36>>
-	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 42>>
-	<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
-	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
-	<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You won her at a shotgun match against other arcology owners.">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount += 1>>
-	<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion = -60>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.trust = -40>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = -60>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.face = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.preg = -1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.anus = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 20>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.weight = 20>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.health = 30>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.lips < 10>><<set $activeSlave.lips += 10>><</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.boobs = 1000>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.butt = 6>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.waist = -15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "bitchy">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
-	You decide to drop the luscious specimen in the rear, and place your taser slug in $his huge buttock. $He goes stiff and slumps to the grass in defeat. Your taser slug is linked to $assistantName, who hits $him again whenever $he tries to rise. Meanwhile, an athletic slave has successfully crossed the lawn, and is sobbing with joy as _hisU manumission forms are completed. Disbelief and anger fills your supine prize's eyes, and $he's spitting with rage by the time you reach $him. It's a comical sight, since $his gyrations only serve to display $his magnificent breasts and broad butt. $He must have been recently enslaved, and is new enough to slavery that you are obliged to tase $him twice more before $he presents $his holes. The impression of newness to slavery despite $his age is reinforced by $his gratifyingly tight pussy, which is so nice that you confine yourself entirely to it despite the appealing sight of what is almost certainly a virgin butthole.
-	<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
+		<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 36>>
+		<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 42>>
+		<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
+		<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
+		<<include "Generate XX Slave">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You won her at a shotgun match against other arcology owners.">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount += 1>>
+		<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion = -60>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.trust = -40>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = -60>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.face = 15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.preg = -1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 20>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.weight = 20>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.health = 30>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.lips < 10>><<set $activeSlave.lips += 10>><</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.boobs = 1000>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.butt = 6>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.waist = -15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "bitchy">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
+		You decide to drop the luscious specimen in the rear, and place your taser slug in $his huge buttock. $He goes stiff and slumps to the grass in defeat. Your taser slug is linked to $assistantName, who hits $him again whenever $he tries to rise. Meanwhile, an athletic slave has successfully crossed the lawn, and is sobbing with joy as _hisU manumission forms are completed. Disbelief and anger fills your supine prize's eyes, and $he's spitting with rage by the time you reach $him. It's a comical sight, since $his gyrations only serve to display $his magnificent breasts and broad butt. $He must have been recently enslaved, and is new enough to slavery that you are obliged to tase $him twice more before $he presents $his holes. The impression of newness to slavery despite $his age is reinforced by $his gratifyingly tight pussy, which is so nice that you confine yourself entirely to it despite the appealing sight of what is almost certainly a virgin butthole.
+		<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
 <br><<link "Hit the slave with the tits, pussy and impressive dick">>
 	<<setNonlocalPronouns $seeDicks>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 18>>
-	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 24>>
-	<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
-	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
-	<<include "Generate XY Slave">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You won her at a shotgun match against other arcology owners.">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.analCount += 1>>
-	<<set $analTotal += 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount += 1>>
-	<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion = 25>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.trust = 5>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = 25>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.foreskin > 0>><<set $activeSlave.foreskin = $activeSlave.dick>><</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.balls > 0>><<set $activeSlave.scrotum = $activeSlave.balls>><</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.dick = 6>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.balls = 3>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.face = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.clit = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.preg = -2>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.anus = 2>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 35>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.weight = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.health = 30>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.lips < 10>><<set $activeSlave.lips += 10>><</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.boobs = 800>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.butt = 4>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.waist = -15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "odd">>
-	You decide to drop the really rare specimen, and place your taser slug in $his leg. $He goes stiff and slumps to the grass, squealing with pain since the taser robbed $his ability to break $his fall, leading $him to land on nearly <<if $showInches == 2>>a foot<<else>>thirty centimeters<</if>> of flaccid cock. Your taser slug is linked to $assistantName, who hits $him again whenever $he tries to rise. Meanwhile, an athletic slave has successfully crossed the lawn, and is sobbing with joy as _hisU manumission forms are completed. Apathy fills your supine prize's eyes, and $he simply lies face down and quiescent. $He obeys orders to roll over so you can see what you've gotten, however. $He's clearly a work of long and careful hormonal treatment. $He has no implants, but sports big breasts, feminine hips, a nice butt, plush lips, and a huge dick. When you fuck $his pussy and then $his anus, $he even gets a massive erection, showing that $he isn't even on hormone treatment to maintain this unusual set of attributes.
-	<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
+		<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 18>>
+		<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 24>>
+		<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
+		<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
+		<<include "Generate XY Slave">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You won her at a shotgun match against other arcology owners.">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalSkill = 15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.entertainSkill = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.analCount += 1>>
+		<<set $analTotal += 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalCount += 1>>
+		<<set $vaginalTotal += 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.devotion = 25>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.trust = 5>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = 25>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.foreskin > 0>><<set $activeSlave.foreskin = $activeSlave.dick>><</if>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.balls > 0>><<set $activeSlave.scrotum = $activeSlave.balls>><</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.dick = 6>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.balls = 3>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.face = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.clit = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.preg = -2>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 2>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 35>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.weight = 0>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.health = 30>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.lips < 10>><<set $activeSlave.lips += 10>><</if>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.boobs = 800>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.butt = 4>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.waist = -15>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "odd">>
+		You decide to drop the really rare specimen, and place your taser slug in $his leg. $He goes stiff and slumps to the grass, squealing with pain since the taser robbed $his ability to break $his fall, leading $him to land on nearly <<if $showInches == 2>>a foot<<else>>thirty centimeters<</if>> of flaccid cock. Your taser slug is linked to $assistantName, who hits $him again whenever $he tries to rise. Meanwhile, an athletic slave has successfully crossed the lawn, and is sobbing with joy as _hisU manumission forms are completed. Apathy fills your supine prize's eyes, and $he simply lies face down and quiescent. $He obeys orders to roll over so you can see what you've gotten, however. $He's clearly a work of long and careful hormonal treatment. $He has no implants, but sports big breasts, feminine hips, a nice butt, plush lips, and a huge dick. When you fuck $his pussy and then $his anus, $he even gets a massive erection, showing that $he isn't even on hormone treatment to maintain this unusual set of attributes.
+		<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
 <<case "aid invitation">>
 <<set $PAid = 0>>
-	<<set _price = 10000>>
+<<set _price = 10000>>
 <<link "Agree">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You dispatch your personal VTOL bird immediately. It lands <<if $PAidTarget == "volleyballTeam">>beside the bus<<else>>on the roof of the building<</if>> they're sheltering in, and brings them across the closest border and into a more functional country. You receive a call expressing their heartfelt thanks and promising to @@.green;spread the word@@ about how you helped them escape, and a wire transfer of their @@.yellowgreen;payment@@ for the airlift.
-	<<run cashX(2000, "events")>>
-	<<set $rep += 100>>
+		You dispatch your personal VTOL bird immediately. It lands <<if $PAidTarget == "volleyballTeam">>beside the bus<<else>>on the roof of the building<</if>> they're sheltering in, and brings them across the closest border and into a more functional country. You receive a call expressing their heartfelt thanks and promising to @@.green;spread the word@@ about how you helped them escape, and a wire transfer of their @@.yellowgreen;payment@@ for the airlift.
+		<<run cashX(2000, "events")>>
+		<<set $rep += 100>>
 <br><<link "Do it for free">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You dispatch your personal VTOL bird immediately. It lands <<if $PAidTarget == "volleyballTeam">>beside the bus<<else>>on the roof of the building<</if>> they're sheltering in, and brings them across the closest border and into a more functional country. You receive a call expressing their heartfelt thanks, and when you refuse their payment for the airlift, they tearfully promise to tell the story of how you @@.green;extended charity@@ to those in need, belying the rumors about slaveowners.
-	<<set $rep += 250>>
+		You dispatch your personal VTOL bird immediately. It lands <<if $PAidTarget == "volleyballTeam">>beside the bus<<else>>on the roof of the building<</if>> they're sheltering in, and brings them across the closest border and into a more functional country. You receive a call expressing their heartfelt thanks, and when you refuse their payment for the airlift, they tearfully promise to tell the story of how you @@.green;extended charity@@ to those in need, belying the rumors about slaveowners.
+		<<set $rep += 250>>
 <br><<link "Airlift them into slavery">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You send your personal VTOL bird to the shop for some immediate and very expensive modifications to its cargo and passenger area. Since this will take several days, you stall the supplicants.
-	<<if $PAidTarget == "volleyballTeam">>
-		A few of the girls decide to leave, but the sight of them pushed against the wall of a nearby building, toned bodies glistening with sweat and seed as their captors rape them into submission, keep the rest happy to stay on the bus. Those that remained
-	<<else>>
-		Their situation isn't truly dire yet, and they can wait. They
-	<</if>>
-	are extremely grateful, though they would be less hopeful if they knew the true nature of the aircraft coming to retrieve them.
-	<<set $PAid = 1>>
-	<<run cashX(forceNeg(_price), "event")>>
+		You send your personal VTOL bird to the shop for some immediate and very expensive modifications to its cargo and passenger area. Since this will take several days, you stall the supplicants.
+		<<if $PAidTarget == "volleyballTeam">>
+			A few of the girls decide to leave, but the sight of them pushed against the wall of a nearby building, toned bodies glistening with sweat and seed as their captors rape them into submission, keep the rest happy to stay on the bus. Those that remained
+		<<else>>
+			Their situation isn't truly dire yet, and they can wait. They
+		<</if>>
+		are extremely grateful, though they would be less hopeful if they knew the true nature of the aircraft coming to retrieve them.
+		<<set $PAid = 1>>
+		<<run cashX(forceNeg(_price), "event")>>
 <</link>> //This will cost <<print cashFormat(_price)>>//
@@ -1331,19 +1331,19 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<set $PAid = 0>>
 <<link "Sell your captures immediately">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	<<for _genPlot = 0; _genPlot < _newSlaves.length; _genPlot++>>
-		<<slaveCost _newSlaves[_genPlot]>>
-		<<run cashX($slaveCost, "slaveTransfer")>>
-	<</for>>
-	Prisoners @@.green;sold.@@
+		<<for _genPlot = 0; _genPlot < _newSlaves.length; _genPlot++>>
+			<<slaveCost _newSlaves[_genPlot]>>
+			<<run cashX($slaveCost, "slaveTransfer")>>
+		<</for>>
+		Prisoners @@.green;sold.@@
 <br><<link "Enslave them all">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	<<for _genPlot = 0; _genPlot < _newSlaves.length; _genPlot++>>
-		<<run newSlave(_newSlaves[_genPlot])>> /* skip New Slave Intro — TODO: use Bulk Slave Intro */
-	<</for>>
-	You simply enslave all of the escapees yourself. These slaves will more than make up for the costs you expended, in the long run.
+		<<for _genPlot = 0; _genPlot < _newSlaves.length; _genPlot++>>
+			<<run newSlave(_newSlaves[_genPlot])>> /* skip New Slave Intro — TODO: use Bulk Slave Intro */
+		<</for>>
+		You simply enslave all of the escapees yourself. These slaves will more than make up for the costs you expended, in the long run.
@@ -1351,8 +1351,8 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<link "Hurrah!">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	Your citizens enthusiastically respond to your naming of the arcology as $arcologies[0].name. They are proud to finally have a real name for their home. Other Free Cities take note, and some take up their own names as well, another indication of the Cities' collective ascension over the Old World.
-	<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
+		Your citizens enthusiastically respond to your naming of the arcology as $arcologies[0].name. They are proud to finally have a real name for their home. Other Free Cities take note, and some take up their own names as well, another indication of the Cities' collective ascension over the Old World.
+		<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
 <</link>> // Click to confirm your arcology's name, for now and ever! Or until you decide to change it again while managing your arcology.//
@@ -1361,13 +1361,13 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<set $revealFoodEffects = 0>>
 <<link "Conceal the effects from your slaves">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	Your slaves don't need to know that every drop of food they drink is making the light of any eventual freedom they may someday enjoy dimmer and dimmer. Slaves talk to each other all the time, and rumors fly around in such profusion that the truth often gets lost among them. The cruel irony of the symptoms the research discovered is that they're impossible for the slaves to notice so long as they continue to eat the slave food.
+		Your slaves don't need to know that every drop of food they drink is making the light of any eventual freedom they may someday enjoy dimmer and dimmer. Slaves talk to each other all the time, and rumors fly around in such profusion that the truth often gets lost among them. The cruel irony of the symptoms the research discovered is that they're impossible for the slaves to notice so long as they continue to eat the slave food.
 <br><<link "Admit the truth to your slaves">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	Your new slaves already receive a simple explanation of the way the slave food works as part of their training. You simply append a statement to the effect that the slaves' bodies will adapt to the slave food, slowly making it difficult and eventually impossible for them to eat anything else. There is no immediate reaction, but the news begins to filter out among the slaves. They'll react to the newly revealed nature of their food in accordance with their individual attitudes.
-	<<set $revealFoodEffects = 1>>
+		Your new slaves already receive a simple explanation of the way the slave food works as part of their training. You simply append a statement to the effect that the slaves' bodies will adapt to the slave food, slowly making it difficult and eventually impossible for them to eat anything else. There is no immediate reaction, but the news begins to filter out among the slaves. They'll react to the newly revealed nature of their food in accordance with their individual attitudes.
+		<<set $revealFoodEffects = 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/headGirlSuite.tw b/src/uncategorized/headGirlSuite.tw
index 9de9910d74951d5ec5ff9a3f00a1c6b48bf6d69c..51347520547af835d35f0bd749fa4b15d37d0bae 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/headGirlSuite.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/headGirlSuite.tw
@@ -27,21 +27,21 @@
 	The current Head Girl will ''remain Head Girl.'' [[Have them alternate|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteEquality = 1,$HGSuiteSurgery = 0,$HGSuiteDrugs = 0,$HGSuiteHormones = 0]] //This will only take effect if the other girl is an appropriate candidate//
 	<<if $HGSuiteSurgery == 1>>
-	$He is ''allowed'' to use surgical modification on $his slave. [[Disallow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteSurgery = 0]]
+		$He is ''allowed'' to use surgical modification on $his slave. [[Disallow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteSurgery = 0]]
-	$He is ''not allowed'' to use surgical modification on $his slave. [[Allow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteSurgery = 1]]
+		$He is ''not allowed'' to use surgical modification on $his slave. [[Allow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteSurgery = 1]]
 	<<if $HGSuiteDrugs == 1>>
-	$He is ''allowed'' to use growth hormones on $his slave. [[Disallow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteDrugs = 0]]
+		$He is ''allowed'' to use growth hormones on $his slave. [[Disallow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteDrugs = 0]]
-	$He is ''not allowed'' to use growth hormones on $his slave. [[Allow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteDrugs = 1]]
+		$He is ''not allowed'' to use growth hormones on $his slave. [[Allow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteDrugs = 1]]
 	<<if $HGSuiteHormones == 1>>
-	$He is ''allowed'' to customize $his slave with hormone treatments. [[Disallow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteHormones = 0]]
+		$He is ''allowed'' to customize $his slave with hormone treatments. [[Disallow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteHormones = 0]]
-	$He is ''not allowed'' to customize $his slave with hormone treatments. [[Allow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteHormones = 1]]
+		$He is ''not allowed'' to customize $his slave with hormone treatments. [[Allow|Head Girl Suite][$HGSuiteHormones = 1]]
@@ -64,5 +64,4 @@
 <br><br>Rename $HGSuiteName: <<textbox "$HGSuiteName" $HGSuiteName "Head Girl Suite">> //Use a noun or similar short phrase//
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/hgApplication.tw b/src/uncategorized/hgApplication.tw
index 60af1abc0d6deb1822492652f0459bdb650acf8f..db75db9f808b4944835b28f6513bc58d6744c172 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/hgApplication.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/hgApplication.tw
@@ -43,259 +43,259 @@
 <<if $HGtraining == "health">>
-$He helps $activeSlave.slaveName however $he can. The tender care has @@.green;improved $activeSlave.slaveName's health.@@
-<<set $activeSlave.health += 10>>
-<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+	$He helps $activeSlave.slaveName however $he can. The tender care has @@.green;improved $activeSlave.slaveName's health.@@
+	<<set $activeSlave.health += 10>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-<<if $HeadGirl.career == "an arcology owner">>
-	$He was once an arcology owner $himself, making $him truly peerless as a Head Girl.
-	<<set _effectiveness += 50>>
-<<elseif setup.HGCareers.includes($HeadGirl.career)>>
-	$He was used to giving commands and being obeyed in $his life before $he was a slave, experience $he can call on now.
-	<<set _effectiveness += 5>>
-<<elseif $HeadGirl.skillHG >= $masteredXP>>
-	$He is used to giving commands and being obeyed through experience, rendering $him more effective.
-	<<set _effectiveness += 5>>
+	<<if $HeadGirl.career == "an arcology owner">>
+		$He was once an arcology owner $himself, making $him truly peerless as a Head Girl.
+		<<set _effectiveness += 50>>
+	<<elseif setup.HGCareers.includes($HeadGirl.career)>>
+		$He was used to giving commands and being obeyed in $his life before $he was a slave, experience $he can call on now.
+		<<set _effectiveness += 5>>
+	<<elseif $HeadGirl.skillHG >= $masteredXP>>
+		$He is used to giving commands and being obeyed through experience, rendering $him more effective.
+		<<set _effectiveness += 5>>
+	<</if>>
-<<if $HeadGirl.actualAge > 30>>
-	$His age and experience help $him as $he works with $activeSlave.slaveName.
-<<elseif $HeadGirl.actualAge < 25 && $AgePenalty > 0>>
-	$His youth and inexperience impede $him as $he works with $activeSlave.slaveName.
+	<<if $HeadGirl.actualAge > 30>>
+		$His age and experience help $him as $he works with $activeSlave.slaveName.
+	<<elseif $HeadGirl.actualAge < 25 && $AgePenalty > 0>>
+		$His youth and inexperience impede $him as $he works with $activeSlave.slaveName.
+	<</if>>
-<<if $HeadGirl.accent >= 3>>
-	$He does $his best to give orders in $language, but has to resort to a lot of unseemly gesticulation and shouting, making $him much less effective.
-<<elseif $HeadGirl.accent == 2>>
-	$His heavy $HeadGirl.nationality accent impedes $his clarity in $language, making $him somewhat less effective.
+	<<if $HeadGirl.accent >= 3>>
+		$He does $his best to give orders in $language, but has to resort to a lot of unseemly gesticulation and shouting, making $him much less effective.
+	<<elseif $HeadGirl.accent == 2>>
+		$His heavy $HeadGirl.nationality accent impedes $his clarity in $language, making $him somewhat less effective.
+	<</if>>
-<<if ($HGtraining == "obedience") || ($HGtraining == "flaw") || ($HGtraining == "soften")>>
-	<<if $HeadGirl.intelligence+$HeadGirl.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
-			$He needs $his wits about $him to mold $activeSlave.slaveName, who's quite intelligent _himself2.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant >= -50>>
-			$His intelligence helps $him mold $activeSlave.slaveName.
-		<<else>>
-			Molding $activeSlave.slaveName is very easy, especially for a smart Head Girl like $him.
+	<<if ($HGtraining == "obedience") || ($HGtraining == "flaw") || ($HGtraining == "soften")>>
+		<<if $HeadGirl.intelligence+$HeadGirl.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
+				$He needs $his wits about $him to mold $activeSlave.slaveName, who's quite intelligent _himself2.
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant >= -50>>
+				$His intelligence helps $him mold $activeSlave.slaveName.
+			<<else>>
+				Molding $activeSlave.slaveName is very easy, especially for a smart Head Girl like $him.
+			<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $HeadGirl.intelligence+$HeadGirl.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
-			Both slaves are quite intelligent, making $his job much easier.
-		<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant >= -50>>
-			$He's quite intelligent and can teach $activeSlave.slaveName well.
-		<<else>>
-			$He needs all $his considerable intelligence to get through to the idiot $he has to teach.
+	<<else>>
+		<<if $HeadGirl.intelligence+$HeadGirl.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant > 50>>
+				Both slaves are quite intelligent, making $his job much easier.
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant >= -50>>
+				$He's quite intelligent and can teach $activeSlave.slaveName well.
+			<<else>>
+				$He needs all $his considerable intelligence to get through to the idiot $he has to teach.
+			<</if>>
-<<if $HGSeverity > 0>>
-	Your directives encourage $him to rape any slave that fails in the slightest way, a task $he approaches
-	<<if $HeadGirl.sexualFlaw == "abusive">>
-		eagerly, since $he prefers to take $his pleasure without consent.
-	<<elseif $HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist">>
-		with sadistic enthusiasm.
-	<<elseif $HeadGirl.fetish == "dom">>
-		with confidence.
-	<<elseif $HeadGirl.energy > 95>>
-		as a convenient way to
-		<<if ($HeadGirl.balls > 0)>>
-			drain $his perpetually overfilled balls into a series of spasming holes.
+	<<if $HGSeverity > 0>>
+		Your directives encourage $him to rape any slave that fails in the slightest way, a task $he approaches
+		<<if $HeadGirl.sexualFlaw == "abusive">>
+			eagerly, since $he prefers to take $his pleasure without consent.
+		<<elseif $HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist">>
+			with sadistic enthusiasm.
+		<<elseif $HeadGirl.fetish == "dom">>
+			with confidence.
+		<<elseif $HeadGirl.energy > 95>>
+			as a convenient way to
+			<<if ($HeadGirl.balls > 0)>>
+				drain $his perpetually overfilled balls into a series of spasming holes.
+			<<else>>
+				sate $his excess sexual appetite.
+			<</if>>
-			sate $his excess sexual appetite.
+			dutifully.
+		<</if>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>
+			In $activeSlave.slaveName's case, $he's careful to limit _his2 sexual abuse to things that won't take the _girl2's virginity. The slave
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.anus == 0>>
+			$He's careful to molest $activeSlave.slaveName in ways that don't involve penetrating _his2 virgin ass. The slave
+		<<else>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName
+		<</if>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.devotion > 50>>
+			accepts the abuse, believing _he2 deserves to be raped.
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion >= -20>>
+			is @@.gold;frightened@@ by the unceasing abuse.
+			<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 1>>
+		<<else>>
+			@@.mediumorchid;hates@@ and @@.gold;fears@@ the constant abuse.
+			<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 1>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 1>>
+		<</if>>
+		$HeadGirl.slaveName makes sure $his victim hates it, every time, and $activeSlave.slaveName can't help but do _his2 very best to avoid this treatment.
+	<<elseif $HGSeverity == 0>>
+		You allow $him to use $his own judgment when punishing failures,
+		<<if $HeadGirl.sexualFlaw == "abusive">>
+			and $he usually decides in favor of forcing misbehaving slaves to get $him off.
+		<<elseif $HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist">>
+			permission the sadist uses for $his own gratification.
+		<<elseif $HeadGirl.fetish == "dom">>
+			which the dominant $girl uses confidently.
+		<<elseif $HeadGirl.energy > 95>>
+			which $he uses to
+			<<if ($HeadGirl.balls > 0)>>
+				force $his subordinates to keep $his balls drained.
+			<<else>>
+				extract the constant sexual favors $his libido demands.
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			and $he does $his best to be fair.
-	<<else>>
-		dutifully.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.vagina == 0>>
-		In $activeSlave.slaveName's case, $he's careful to limit _his2 sexual abuse to things that won't take the _girl2's virginity. The slave
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.anus == 0>>
-		$He's careful to molest $activeSlave.slaveName in ways that don't involve penetrating _his2 virgin ass. The slave
-	<<else>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.devotion > 50>>
-		accepts the abuse, believing _he2 deserves to be raped.
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion >= -20>>
-		is @@.gold;frightened@@ by the unceasing abuse.
-		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 1>>
-	<<else>>
-		@@.mediumorchid;hates@@ and @@.gold;fears@@ the constant abuse.
-		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 1>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.devotion -= 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	$HeadGirl.slaveName makes sure $his victim hates it, every time, and $activeSlave.slaveName can't help but do _his2 very best to avoid this treatment.
-<<elseif $HGSeverity == 0>>
-	You allow $him to use $his own judgment when punishing failures,
-	<<if $HeadGirl.sexualFlaw == "abusive">>
-		and $he usually decides in favor of forcing misbehaving slaves to get $him off.
-	<<elseif $HeadGirl.fetish == "sadist">>
-		permission the sadist uses for $his own gratification.
-	<<elseif $HeadGirl.fetish == "dom">>
-		which the dominant $girl uses confidently.
-	<<elseif $HeadGirl.energy > 95>>
-		which $he uses to
-		<<if ($HeadGirl.balls > 0)>>
-			force $his subordinates to keep $his balls drained.
+		<<if $activeSlave.devotion > 50>>
+			is @@.mediumaquamarine;grateful@@ that _he2 is punished justly when _he2 makes mistakes.
+			<<set $activeSlave.trust += 1>>
+		<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion >= -20>>
+			does _his2 best to learn quickly and avoid punishment.
-			extract the constant sexual favors $his libido demands.
+			is @@.gold;scared@@ by _his2 inability to get away with the smallest disobedience.
+			<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 1>>
-		and $he does $his best to be fair.
-	<</if>>
-	$activeSlave.slaveName
-	<<if $activeSlave.devotion > 50>>
-		is @@.mediumaquamarine;grateful@@ that _he2 is punished justly when _he2 makes mistakes.
+		You require $him to use respect when punishing; $he does $his best to motivate, but is unable to use real fear as a tool. $activeSlave.slaveName understands this, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts@@ that if _he2 fails, the consequences won't be too awful.
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust += 1>>
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion >= -20>>
-		does _his2 best to learn quickly and avoid punishment.
-	<<else>>
-		is @@.gold;scared@@ by _his2 inability to get away with the smallest disobedience.
-		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	You require $him to use respect when punishing; $he does $his best to motivate, but is unable to use real fear as a tool. $activeSlave.slaveName understands this, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts@@ that if _he2 fails, the consequences won't be too awful.
-	<<set $activeSlave.trust += 1>>
-<<if $HGtraining == "obedience">>
-<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-<<set _effectiveness -= ($activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant)/3>>
-<<if _effectiveness <= 0>>
-	$activeSlave.slaveName is smart enough to complicate things; _he2 manages to outwit $him this week and makes no progress.
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion += Math.ceil(_effectiveness/4)>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.devotion < -50>>
-		$He helps watch and restrain the rebellious $activeSlave.slaveName, helping wear _him2 down, @@.gold;breaking $activeSlave.slaveName's rebelliousness.@@
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
-		$He keeps $activeSlave.slaveName constantly aware of _his2 slavery, @@.gold;breaking $activeSlave.slaveName's resistance.@@
-	<<else>>
-		$He acts as another pair of eyes watching $activeSlave.slaveName and metes out punishments, @@.gold;improving $activeSlave.slaveName's servitude.@@
-<<elseif $HGtraining == "paraphilia">>
+	<<if $HGtraining == "obedience">>
-<<set _effectiveness -= ($activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant)/3>>
-<<set $activeSlave.training += _effectiveness>>
-$HeadGirl.slaveName does $his best to get $activeSlave.slaveName past it with punishments and rewards,
-<<if $activeSlave.training > 100>>
-	and @@.green;resolves $activeSlave.slaveName's paraphilia.@@
-	<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
-	and makes partial progress.
+		<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+		<<set _effectiveness -= ($activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant)/3>>
+		<<if _effectiveness <= 0>>
+			$activeSlave.slaveName is smart enough to complicate things; _he2 manages to outwit $him this week and makes no progress.
+		<<else>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.devotion += Math.ceil(_effectiveness/4)>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.devotion < -50>>
+				$He helps watch and restrain the rebellious $activeSlave.slaveName, helping wear _him2 down, @@.gold;breaking $activeSlave.slaveName's rebelliousness.@@
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.devotion < -20>>
+				$He keeps $activeSlave.slaveName constantly aware of _his2 slavery, @@.gold;breaking $activeSlave.slaveName's resistance.@@
+			<<else>>
+				$He acts as another pair of eyes watching $activeSlave.slaveName and metes out punishments, @@.gold;improving $activeSlave.slaveName's servitude.@@
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif $HGtraining == "flaw">>
+	<<elseif $HGtraining == "paraphilia">>
-<<set _effectiveness -= ($activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant)/3>>
-<<set $activeSlave.training += _effectiveness>>
-$HeadGirl.slaveName punishes $activeSlave.slaveName whenever $he catches _him2 indulging in _his2 bad habits,
-<<if $activeSlave.training > 100>>
-	and @@.green;fixes $activeSlave.slaveName's flaw.@@
-	<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw != "none">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "none">>
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "none">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
-	<</if>>
-	and makes partial progress.
+		<<set _effectiveness -= ($activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant)/3>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.training += _effectiveness>>
+		$HeadGirl.slaveName does $his best to get $activeSlave.slaveName past it with punishments and rewards,
+		<<if $activeSlave.training > 100>>
+			and @@.green;resolves $activeSlave.slaveName's paraphilia.@@
+			<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
+		<<else>>
+			and makes partial progress.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif $HGtraining == "soften">>
+	<<elseif $HGtraining == "flaw">>
+		<<set _effectiveness -= ($activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant)/3>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.training += _effectiveness>>
+		$HeadGirl.slaveName punishes $activeSlave.slaveName whenever $he catches _him2 indulging in _his2 bad habits,
+		<<if $activeSlave.training > 100>>
+			and @@.green;fixes $activeSlave.slaveName's flaw.@@
+			<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw != "none">>
+				<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "none">>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "none">>
+				<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			and makes partial progress.
+		<</if>>
-<<set _effectiveness -= ($activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant)/3>>
-<<set $activeSlave.training += _effectiveness>>
-$He punishes $activeSlave.slaveName whenever $he sees _him2 breaking the rules yet does $his best to retain what makes the slave special,
-<<if $activeSlave.training > 150>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-	and successfully @@.green;softens $activeSlave.slaveName's flaw.@@
-	<<if $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw != "none">>
-		<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($activeSlave)>>
-	<<elseif $activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "none">>
-		<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($activeSlave)>>
-	<</if>>
-	and makes partial progress.
+	<<elseif $HGtraining == "soften">>
+		<<set _effectiveness -= ($activeSlave.intelligence+$activeSlave.intelligenceImplant)/3>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.training += _effectiveness>>
+		$He punishes $activeSlave.slaveName whenever $he sees _him2 breaking the rules yet does $his best to retain what makes the slave special,
+		<<if $activeSlave.training > 150>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+			and successfully @@.green;softens $activeSlave.slaveName's flaw.@@
+			<<if $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw != "none">>
+				<<run SoftenBehavioralFlaw($activeSlave)>>
+			<<elseif $activeSlave.sexualFlaw != "none">>
+				<<run SoftenSexualFlaw($activeSlave)>>
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			and makes partial progress.
+		<</if>>
-<<elseif $HGtraining == "oral skill">>
-<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-<<if ($HeadGirl.fetish == "cumslut") && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to suck cocks, cunts, and assholes. $His enthusiasm for oral sex is infectious. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;oral skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif ($HeadGirl.dick > 0) && canPenetrate($HeadGirl)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to suck cocks, cunts, and assholes. Your Head Girl uses $his penis as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;oral skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif ($HeadGirl.clit > 2)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to suck cocks, cunts, and assholes. Your Head Girl uses $his pseudophallus-sized clit as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;oral skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to suck cocks, cunts, and assholes. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;oral skills have improved.@@
-<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif $HGtraining == "anal skill">>
-<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-<<if ($HeadGirl.fetish == "buttslut") && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take it up the ass. Your Head Girl's enthusiasm for backdoor loving is infectious. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;anal skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<AnalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif ($HeadGirl.dick > 0) && canPenetrate($HeadGirl)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick up the butt. Your Head Girl uses $his penis as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;anal skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<AnalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif ($HeadGirl.clit > 2)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a phallus up the butt. Your Head Girl uses $his pseudophallus-sized clit as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;anal skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<AnalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick up the butt. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;anal skills have improved.@@
-<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<AnalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif $HGtraining == "fuck skill">>
-<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-<<if ($HeadGirl.energy > 95)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick. Your Head Girl's enthusiasm for sex is infectious. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;vanilla sex skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<VaginalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif ($HeadGirl.dick > 0) && canPenetrate($HeadGirl)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick. Your Head Girl uses $his penis as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;vanilla sex skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<VaginalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif ($HeadGirl.clit > 2)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a phallus. Your Head Girl uses $his pseudophallus-sized clit as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;vanilla sex skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<VaginalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;vanilla sex skills have improved.@@
-<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<VaginalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+	<<elseif $HGtraining == "oral skill">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+		<<if ($HeadGirl.fetish == "cumslut") && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to suck cocks, cunts, and assholes. $His enthusiasm for oral sex is infectious. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;oral skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<elseif ($HeadGirl.dick > 0) && canPenetrate($HeadGirl)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to suck cocks, cunts, and assholes. Your Head Girl uses $his penis as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;oral skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<elseif ($HeadGirl.clit > 2)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to suck cocks, cunts, and assholes. Your Head Girl uses $his pseudophallus-sized clit as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;oral skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<else>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to suck cocks, cunts, and assholes. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;oral skills have improved.@@
+		<</if>>
+		<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<OralSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+	<<elseif $HGtraining == "anal skill">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+		<<if ($HeadGirl.fetish == "buttslut") && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take it up the ass. Your Head Girl's enthusiasm for backdoor loving is infectious. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;anal skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<AnalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<elseif ($HeadGirl.dick > 0) && canPenetrate($HeadGirl)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick up the butt. Your Head Girl uses $his penis as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;anal skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<AnalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<elseif ($HeadGirl.clit > 2)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a phallus up the butt. Your Head Girl uses $his pseudophallus-sized clit as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;anal skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<AnalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<else>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick up the butt. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;anal skills have improved.@@
+		<</if>>
+		<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<AnalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+	<<elseif $HGtraining == "fuck skill">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+		<<if ($HeadGirl.energy > 95)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick. Your Head Girl's enthusiasm for sex is infectious. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;vanilla sex skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<VaginalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<elseif ($HeadGirl.dick > 0) && canPenetrate($HeadGirl)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick. Your Head Girl uses $his penis as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;vanilla sex skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<VaginalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<elseif ($HeadGirl.clit > 2)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a phallus. Your Head Girl uses $his pseudophallus-sized clit as an effective teaching tool. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;vanilla sex skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<VaginalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<else>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to take a dick. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;vanilla sex skills have improved.@@
+		<</if>>
+		<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<VaginalSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif $HGtraining == "whore skill">>
+	<<elseif $HGtraining == "whore skill">>
-<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to prostitute _himself2. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;whoring skills have improved.@@
-<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<WhoreSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+		In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to prostitute _himself2. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;whoring skills have improved.@@
+		<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<WhoreSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-<<elseif $HGtraining == "entertain skill">>
+	<<elseif $HGtraining == "entertain skill">>
-<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
-<<if ($HeadGirl.fetish == "humiliation") && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to entertain. Your Head Girl's enthusiasm for public display is infectious. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;entertainment skills have improved.@@
-	<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<EntertainSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
-	In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to entertain. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;entertainment skills have improved.@@
-<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<EntertainSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.training = 0>>
+		<<if ($HeadGirl.fetish == "humiliation") && ($HeadGirl.fetishStrength > 60)>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to entertain. Your Head Girl's enthusiasm for public display is infectious. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;entertainment skills have improved.@@
+			<<set $skillIncrease = random(5,10)>><<EntertainSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+		<<else>>
+			In spare moments $he teaches $activeSlave.slaveName how to entertain. $activeSlave.slaveName's @@.green;entertainment skills have improved.@@
+		<</if>>
+		<<set $skillIncrease = Math.ceil(_effectiveness/10)>><<EntertainSkillIncrease $activeSlave>>
+	<</if>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.devotion >= -20)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/householdLiquidator.tw b/src/uncategorized/householdLiquidator.tw
index 0b2964648dd8b8e0f17d7de82f11bd3152b9e0b4..02603b2d81f0ee14660377cc8dc00e2150a3f20e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/householdLiquidator.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/householdLiquidator.tw
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ The price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost*3)>>.
 <<if $cash >= $slaveCost*3>>
-	[[Buy their slave contract|Siblings Workaround][cashX(forceNeg($slaveCost*3), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave),,$nextButton = "Continue",$nextLink = "Main"]]
+	[[Buy their slave contract|Siblings Workaround][cashX(forceNeg($slaveCost*3), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave),$nextButton = "Continue",$nextLink = "Main"]]
 	//You lack the necessary funds to buy these slaves.//
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ The price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost*3)>>.<<if $slavesSeen > $slaveMarketL
 <<if $cash >= $slaveCost*3>>
-	[[Buy their slave contract|Mother Daughter Workaround][cashX(forceNeg($slaveCost*3), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave),,"Continue",$nextLink = "Main"]]
+	[[Buy their slave contract|Mother Daughter Workaround][cashX(forceNeg($slaveCost*3), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave),"Continue",$nextLink = "Main"]]
 	//You lack the necessary funds to buy these slaves.//
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ The price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost*4)>>.<<if $slavesSeen > $slaveMarketL
 <<if $cash >= $slaveCost*4>>
-	[[Buy their slave contract|Twins Workaround][cashX(forceNeg($slaveCost*4), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave),,$nextButton = "Continue",$nextLink = "Main"]]
+	[[Buy their slave contract|Twins Workaround][cashX(forceNeg($slaveCost*4), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave),$nextButton = "Continue",$nextLink = "Main"]]
 	//You lack the necessary funds to buy these slaves.//
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/industrialDairyAssignmentScene.tw b/src/uncategorized/industrialDairyAssignmentScene.tw
index 1eafd9470fad31c12d2005e001436e7731258733..82bc592cc3a2696a161ee03869196561c583e7fb 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/industrialDairyAssignmentScene.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/industrialDairyAssignmentScene.tw
@@ -9,198 +9,198 @@ When $activeSlave.slaveName reports to the dairy, it's to the sight of an unoccu
 <<if $activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "self hating">> /* GETTING IN */
-As $he realizes $his fate, a kind of peace comes over the self hating slut.
-<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-	$He <<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>mouths<<else>>gestures<</if>> $his thanks dreamily.
-	"Thank you, <<Master>>," $he <<say>>s simply. "I de<<s>>erve thi<<s>>," $he adds quietly, half to $himself.
-Then $he falls silent and stares at the machine. Though $he hates $himself and looks forward to the release of being unable to do anything but get fucked, that doesn't mean $he isn't afraid.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
-		$He gauges the size of the sodomizer with $his hand, finding that it's wider than $his fist, and then presses the fist against $his own anus. Realizing what's about to happen, $he gives a little shudder.
-		<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-			$He does the same with the dildo that will keep $him pregnant and $his pussy, and $his lower lip starts to quiver.
-		<</if>>
+	As $he realizes $his fate, a kind of peace comes over the self hating slut.
+	<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+		$He <<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>mouths<<else>>gestures<</if>> $his thanks dreamily.
-		<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-			$He gauges the size of the dildo that will keep $him pregnant with $his hand, finding that it's wider than $his fist, and then presses the fist against $his pussy. Realizing what's about to happen, $he gives a little shudder.
+		"Thank you, <<Master>>," $he <<say>>s simply. "I de<<s>>erve thi<<s>>," $he adds quietly, half to $himself.
+	<</if>>
+	Then $he falls silent and stares at the machine. Though $he hates $himself and looks forward to the release of being unable to do anything but get fucked, that doesn't mean $he isn't afraid.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
+			$He gauges the size of the sodomizer with $his hand, finding that it's wider than $his fist, and then presses the fist against $his own anus. Realizing what's about to happen, $he gives a little shudder.
+			<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
+				$He does the same with the dildo that will keep $him pregnant and $his pussy, and $his lower lip starts to quiver.
+			<</if>>
+		<<else>>
+			<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
+				$He gauges the size of the dildo that will keep $him pregnant with $his hand, finding that it's wider than $his fist, and then presses the fist against $his pussy. Realizing what's about to happen, $he gives a little shudder.
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<if ($dairyFeedersSetting > 1)>>
+			Looking at the phallus that will feed $him, $he begins to cry softly.
-	<<if ($dairyFeedersSetting > 1)>>
-		Looking at the phallus that will feed $him, $he begins to cry softly.
+	<br><br>
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		$He strips and climbs into the machine's embrace,
+	<<else>>
+		Another slave helps $him strip and lays $him in the machine,
+	<</if>>
+	$his tears pattering onto the uncaring metal. When $he's in place, $his shoulders slump as $he gives up completely.
+	<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+		$He mouths 'Goodbye.'
+	<<elseif SlaveStatsChecker.checkForLisp($activeSlave)>>
+		"'Bye," $he lisps.
+	<<else>>
+		"'Bye," $he whispers.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	$He strips and climbs into the machine's embrace,
-	Another slave helps $him strip and lays $him in the machine,
-$his tears pattering onto the uncaring metal. When $he's in place, $his shoulders slump as $he gives up completely.
-<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-	$He mouths 'Goodbye.'
-<<elseif SlaveStatsChecker.checkForLisp($activeSlave)>>
-	"'bye," $he lisps.
-	"'bye," $he whispers.
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.sexualFlaw == "breeder") && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-As $he realizes what's about to happen, $he begins to cry openly. A curious mix of arousal, joy, and abject horror is obvious on $his face, and $he deals with the conflicting feelings by sobbing.
-<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-	$He <<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>mouths<<else>>gestures<</if>> $his thanks shakily.
-	"Th-thank you, <<Master>>," $he <<say>>s through $his tears. "I love you."
-Then $he falls silent and stares at the machine. $He's probably imagined this a thousand times, but the prospect is still frightening.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
-		$He gauges the size of the sodomizer with $his hand, finding that it's wider than $his fist, and then presses the fist against $his own anus. Realizing that $his anus is about to be permanently gaped, $he looks doubtful, but then visibly reassures $himself. $He'll need both $his mouth and $his ass to eat enough.
+	As $he realizes what's about to happen, $he begins to cry openly. A curious mix of arousal, joy, and abject horror is obvious on $his face, and $he deals with the conflicting feelings by sobbing.
+	<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+		$He <<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>mouths<<else>>gestures<</if>> $his thanks shakily.
+	<<else>>
+		"Th-thank you, <<Master>>," $he <<say>>s through $his tears. "I love you."
-	<<if ($dairyFeedersSetting > 1)>>
-		Looking at the phallus that will feed $him, $he inserts a finger into its faux urethra, measuring how fast it can pour nutrition in $him.
+	Then $he falls silent and stares at the machine. $He's probably imagined this a thousand times, but the prospect is still frightening.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
+			$He gauges the size of the sodomizer with $his hand, finding that it's wider than $his fist, and then presses the fist against $his own anus. Realizing that $his anus is about to be permanently gaped, $he looks doubtful, but then visibly reassures $himself. $He'll need both $his mouth and $his ass to eat enough.
+		<</if>>
+		<<if ($dairyFeedersSetting > 1)>>
+			Looking at the phallus that will feed $him, $he inserts a finger into its faux urethra, measuring how fast it can pour nutrition in $him.
+		<</if>>
+		$He strokes the dildo that will keep $him pregnant like a lover, which, of course, it's about to be.
-	$He strokes the dildo that will keep $him pregnant like a lover, which, of course, it's about to be.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	$He strips and climbs into the machine's embrace, shaking with nerves.
-	Another slave helps $him strip and lays $him in the machine. $He shakes with nerves.
-<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1>>
-	$He cranes around to look at $his already-pregnant belly, and looks impatient.
-	<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-		$He mouths 'hurry up, I need room.'
+	<br><br>
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		$He strips and climbs into the machine's embrace, shaking with nerves.
-		"Hurry up, I need the room," $he whispers.
+		Another slave helps $him strip and lays $him in the machine. $He shakes with nerves.
-	$He cranes around to look at $his belly, and looks impatient.
-	<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
-		$He mouths 'come on, I'm ready.'
+	<<if $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1>>
+		$He cranes around to look at $his already-pregnant belly, and looks impatient.
+		<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+			$He mouths 'hurry up, I need room.'
+		<<else>>
+			"Hurry up, I need the room," $he whispers.
+		<</if>>
-		"Come on, I'm ready," $he whispers.
+		$He cranes around to look at $his belly, and looks impatient.
+		<<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>
+			$He mouths 'come on, I'm ready.'
+		<<else>>
+			"Come on, I'm ready," $he whispers.
+		<</if>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.devotion > 95>> /* GETTING IN */
-As $he realizes $his fate, the worshipful slave squares $his shoulders, steeling $himself. "<<Master>>," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s<</if>>, "I will do my best to <<s>>erve you." $He steps over to the machine.
-$He looks it over clinically, getting $himself into the right mindset.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
-	$He gauges the size of the massive phallus that will soon penetrate $his anus. It's broader than $his fist. "I think I can take this. It'll be tough, but I'll need all the hydration I can get."
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-	$He considers the enormous dildo that will fill $him with cum when $he's fertile, and switch to ejaculating drugs when $he conceives. "I'll be a mother to a whole generation of <<s>>lave<<s>>," $he <<say>>s proudly, taking strength from it.
+	As $he realizes $his fate, the worshipful slave squares $his shoulders, steeling $himself. "<<Master>>," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s<</if>>, "I will do my best to <<s>>erve you." $He steps over to the machine.
+	$He looks it over clinically, getting $himself into the right mindset.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
+			$He gauges the size of the massive phallus that will soon penetrate $his anus. It's broader than $his fist. "I think I can take this. It'll be tough, but I'll need all the hydration I can get."
+		<</if>>
+		<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
+			$He considers the enormous dildo that will fill $him with cum when $he's fertile, and switch to ejaculating drugs when $he conceives. "I'll be a mother to a whole generation of <<s>>lave<<s>>," $he <<say>>s proudly, taking strength from it.
+		<</if>>
+		<<if ($dairyFeedersSetting > 1)>>
+			$He moves $his hand to the dildo that will occupy $his throat, feeding $him. "I will need my mouth to take in a<<s>> much food a<<s>> I can," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s<</if>>. "I won't be able to talk. <<S>>o, I'll <<s>>ay it one la<<s>>t time, <<Master>>: I love you."
+		<</if>>
-	<<if ($dairyFeedersSetting > 1)>>
-	$He moves $his hand to the dildo that will occupy $his throat, feeding $him. "I will need my mouth to take in a<<s>> much food a<<s>> I can," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s<</if>>. "I won't be able to talk. <<S>>o, I'll <<s>>ay it one la<<s>>t time, <<Master>>: I love you."
+	<br><br>
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		$He strips and climbs into the machine's embrace.
+	<<else>>
+		Another slave helps $him strip and lays $him in the machine.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	$He strips and climbs into the machine's embrace.
-	Another slave helps $him strip and lays $him in the machine.
-$He does not hesitate or glance back at you. You stand by as the straps automatically tighten, robbing $him of the ability to move. "<<Master>>," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s quietly<</if>>, "I will try to be <<s>>trong enough to <<s>>tand up to thi<<s>>. But if I'm not, and I forget too much, plea<<s>>e leave me in here <<s>>o I can be u<<s>>eful."
+	$He does not hesitate or glance back at you. You stand by as the straps automatically tighten, robbing $him of the ability to move. "<<Master>>," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s quietly<</if>>, "I will try to be <<s>>trong enough to <<s>>tand up to thi<<s>>. But if I'm not, and I forget too much, plea<<s>>e leave me in here <<s>>o I can be u<<s>>eful."
 <<elseif $activeSlave.devotion > 60>>
-As $he realizes $his fate, the tears come quickly. "<<Master>>," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s quietly<</if>>, "i<<s>> thi<<s>> for me?" You nod, and $he steps over to the machine. $He lightly traces its gleaming metal, looking wistful.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
-	$He gently touches the head of the massive phallus that will soon penetrate $his anus. It's broader than $his fist. "M-my butthole i<<s>>n't going to be any good for anal after thi<<s>>."
+	As $he realizes $his fate, the tears come quickly. "<<Master>>," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s quietly<</if>>, "i<<s>> thi<<s>> for me?" You nod, and $he steps over to the machine. $He lightly traces its gleaming metal, looking wistful.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
+			$He gently touches the head of the massive phallus that will soon penetrate $his anus. It's broader than $his fist. "M-my butthole i<<s>>n't going to be any good for anal after thi<<s>>."
+		<</if>>
+		<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
+			$He considers the enormous dildo that will fill $him with cum when $he's fertile, and switch to ejaculating drugs when $he conceives. "I gue<<ss>> that thing won't have any trouble reaching my <<c>>ervi<<x>>."
+		<</if>>
+		<<if ($dairyFeedersSetting > 1)>>
+			$He moves $his hand to the dildo that will occupy $his throat, feeding $him. "I-I won't be able to t-talk m-much," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s<</if>> sadly. "<<S>>-<<s>>o, I'll <<s>>ay it one la<<s>>t time, <<Master>>: I love you."
+		<</if>>
-	<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-	$He considers the enormous dildo that will fill $him with cum when $he's fertile, and switch to ejaculating drugs when $he conceives. "I gue<<ss>> that thing won't have any trouble reaching my <<c>>ervi<<x>>."
+	<br><br>
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		$He strips and climbs into the machine's embrace.
+	<<else>>
+		Another slave helps $him strip and lays $him in the machine.
-	<<if ($dairyFeedersSetting > 1)>>
-	$He moves $his hand to the dildo that will occupy $his throat, feeding $him. "I-I won't be able to t-talk m-much," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>><<say>>s<</if>> sadly. "<<S>>-<<s>>o, I'll <<s>>ay it one la<<s>>t time, <<Master>>: I love you."
+	"<<Master>>," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>>gasps out<</if>>, the tears coming fast now. "C-can you
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		h-hold my h-hand while it a-activate<<s>>? Plea<<s>>e?" You take $his hand as the straps automatically tighten, robbing $him of the ability to move. $He grips your hand tightly.
+	<<else>>
+		<<S>>-<<s>>tay with me while it activate<<s>>? Plea<<s>>e?" You stand by as the straps automatically tighten, robbing $him of the ability to move.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	$He strips and climbs into the machine's embrace.
-	Another slave helps $him strip and lays $him in the machine.
-"<<Master>>," $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>>gasps out<</if>>, the tears coming fast now. "C-can you
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	h-hold my h-hand while it a-activate<<s>>? Plea<<s>>e?" You take $his hand as the straps automatically tighten, robbing $him of the ability to move. $He grips your hand tightly.
-	<<S>>-<<s>>tay with me while it activate<<s>>? Plea<<s>>e?" You stand by as the straps automatically tighten, robbing $him of the ability to move.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.devotion > 20>>
-$He desperately tries to be brave and obey, but as $his fate dawns on $him, $his courage and conditioning fail $him.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	$He tries to wriggle away from the machine, so
-	$He turns and tries to run, so
-<<if ($Milkmaid == 0)>>
-	you are
-	$Milkmaid.slaveName is
-obliged to
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	subdue $him and strap $him,
-	place $him,
-begging and sobbing, into the machine's embrace.
-"Plea<<s>>e, <<Master>>!" $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>>begs<</if>>. "Plea<<s>>e no!
-<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
-	I-it'll fuck my b-butthole <<s>>o wide I'll be u<<s>>ele<<ss>> for anal!
-<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 2) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-	My w-womb c-c-can't take it! I'll b-bur<<s>>t! And m-my c-c-cunt will be ruined from the dildo and birthing!
-<<elseif ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-	M-my c-c-cunt will be <<s>>-<<s>>o <<s>>tretched from the dildo and birthing!
-I'll d-do anything!"
+	$He desperately tries to be brave and obey, but as $his fate dawns on $him, $his courage and conditioning fail $him.
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		$He tries to wriggle away from the machine, so
+	<<else>>
+		$He turns and tries to run, so
+	<</if>>
+	<<if ($Milkmaid == 0)>>
+		you are
+	<<else>>
+		$Milkmaid.slaveName is
+	<</if>>
+	obliged to
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		subdue $him and strap $him,
+	<<else>>
+		place $him,
+	<</if>>
+	begging and sobbing, into the machine's embrace.
+	"Plea<<s>>e, <<Master>>!" $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>>begs<</if>>. "Plea<<s>>e no!
+	<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
+		I-it'll fuck my b-butthole <<s>>o wide I'll be u<<s>>ele<<ss>> for anal!
+	<</if>>
+	<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 2) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
+		My w-womb c-c-can't take it! I'll b-bur<<s>>t! And m-my c-c-cunt will be ruined from the dildo and birthing!
+	<<elseif ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
+		M-my c-c-cunt will be <<s>>-<<s>>o <<s>>tretched from the dildo and birthing!
+	<</if>>
+	I'll d-do anything!"
-$He starts to weep as soon as $he realizes $his fate.
-<<if $activeSlave.trust >= -20>>
-	$He is afraid of you, but not afraid enough that $he will not resist this.
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp == 1)>>
-	$He tries to wriggle away from the machine, so
-	$He turns and tries to run, so
-<<if ($Milkmaid == 0)>>
-	you are
-	$Milkmaid.slaveName is
-obliged to
-<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
-	subdue $him and strap $him,
-	place $him,
-begging and sobbing, into the machine's embrace.
+	$He starts to weep as soon as $he realizes $his fate.
+	<<if $activeSlave.trust >= -20>>
+		$He is afraid of you, but not afraid enough that $he will not resist this.
+	<</if>>
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp == 1)>>
+		$He tries to wriggle away from the machine, so
+	<<else>>
+		$He turns and tries to run, so
+	<</if>>
+	<<if ($Milkmaid == 0)>>
+		you are
+	<<else>>
+		$Milkmaid.slaveName is
+	<</if>>
+	obliged to
+	<<if ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+		subdue $him and strap $him,
+	<<else>>
+		place $him,
+	<</if>>
+	begging and sobbing, into the machine's embrace.
-"Plea<<s>>e, <<Master>>!" $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>>begs<</if>>. "Plea<<s>>e no!
-<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
-	I-it'll fuck my b-butthole so loo<<s>>e I'll be u<<s>>ele<<ss>> for anal! I p-promi<<s>>e I'll be a good little bitch from now on!
-<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 2) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-	My w-womb c-c-can't take that many babie<<s>>! I'll b-bur<<s>>t! M-my c-c-cunt can't t-take that dildo either! I d-don't want to g-get p-pregnant over and over...
-<<elseif ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
-	M-my c-c-cunt can't t-take that dildo! I d-don't want to g-get p-pregnant over and over...
-I'll d-do anything!"
+	"Plea<<s>>e, <<Master>>!" $he <<if !canTalk($activeSlave)>>signs<<else>>begs<</if>>. "Plea<<s>>e no!
+	<<if ($dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1)>>
+		I-it'll fuck my b-butthole so loo<<s>>e I'll be u<<s>>ele<<ss>> for anal! I p-promi<<s>>e I'll be a good little bitch from now on!
+	<</if>>
+	<<if ($dairyPregSetting > 2) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
+		My w-womb c-c-can't take that many babie<<s>>! I'll b-bur<<s>>t! M-my c-c-cunt can't t-take that dildo either! I d-don't want to g-get p-pregnant over and over...
+	<<elseif ($dairyPregSetting > 1) && isFertile($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.mpreg != 1>>
+		M-my c-c-cunt can't t-take that dildo! I d-don't want to g-get p-pregnant over and over...
+	<</if>>
+	I'll d-do anything!"
 <</if>> /* CLOSES DEVOTION */
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/madamWorkaround.tw b/src/uncategorized/madamWorkaround.tw
index 241a97c7fb5af68a87fc51877d7db53c9916ae74..dea2a96ca665d0a3bcd4d5f4caf36fa178da7f1f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/madamWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/madamWorkaround.tw
@@ -10,4 +10,3 @@
 <<goto "Brothel">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/main.tw b/src/uncategorized/main.tw
index 15a86ebf74830ad4b2324fb295e80af8178a4c4e..09b8c24e2b4cc7029f7d48c6c9c07ee2abf3fd7c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/main.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/main.tw
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ __''MAIN MENU''__&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//[[Summary Options]]//
 	<div class="tab">
 		<<if $useSlaveSummaryOverviewTab == 1>>
-		<button class="tablinks" onclick="opentab(event, 'overview')">Overview</button>
+			<button class="tablinks" onclick="opentab(event, 'overview')">Overview</button>
 		<button class="tablinks" onclick="opentab(event, 'resting')">Resting</button>
 		<button class="tablinks" onclick="opentab(event, 'stay confined')">Confined</button>
@@ -248,43 +248,43 @@ __''MAIN MENU''__&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//[[Summary Options]]//
 			/* Start Italic event text */
 			<<for $i = 0; $i < _SL; $i++>>
 				<<capture $i>>
-				<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[$i]>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "please you")>>
-					<br><<include "Toychest">> //In the coming week you plan to concentrate on
-					<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
-						<<if $slaves[$i].toyHole != "all her holes">>
-							$his $slaves[$i].toyHole, but for now://
-						<<else>>
-							all of $his holes equally, but for now://
-						<</if>>
-						<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[["Use "+$his+" mouth"|FLips][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]] | [["Play with "+$his+" tits"|FBoobs][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
-						<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-							| [["Fuck "+$him|FVagina][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
+					<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[$i]>>
+					<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "please you")>>
+						<br><<include "Toychest">> //In the coming week you plan to concentrate on
+						<<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0>>
+							<<if $slaves[$i].toyHole != "all her holes">>
+								$his $slaves[$i].toyHole, but for now://
+							<<else>>
+								all of $his holes equally, but for now://
+							<</if>>
+							<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[["Use "+$his+" mouth"|FLips][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]] | [["Play with "+$his+" tits"|FBoobs][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
+							<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
+								| [["Fuck "+$him|FVagina][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
+								<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
+									| [["Use "+$his+" holes"|FButt][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
+								<</if>>
+							<</if>>
 							<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-								| [["Use "+$his+" holes"|FButt][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
+								| [["Fuck "+$his+" ass"|FAnus][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
-						<</if>>
-						<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-							| [["Fuck "+$his+" ass"|FAnus][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
-						<</if>>
-						<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) || canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-							<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
-								| [["Fuck "+$him+" over "+$his+" belly"|FBellyFuck][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
+							<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) || canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
+								<<if $slaves[$i].belly >= 300000>>
+									| [["Fuck "+$him+" over "+$his+" belly"|FBellyFuck][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i], $nextButton = _j, $nextLink = _k, $returnTo = _l]]
+								<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-						/*check*/
-						<<if canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
-							| [["Ride "+$him|FDick][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i],$nextButton = _j,$nextLink = _k,$returnTo = _l]]
-						<</if>>
-						| [["Abuse "+$him|FAbuse][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i],$nextButton = _j,$nextLink = _k,$returnTo = _l]]
-					<<else>>
-						<<if $slaves[$i].toyHole != "all her holes">>
-							$his $slaves[$i].toyHole.
+							/*check*/
+							<<if canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
+								| [["Ride "+$him|FDick][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i],$nextButton = _j,$nextLink = _k,$returnTo = _l]]
+							<</if>>
+							| [["Abuse "+$him|FAbuse][$activeSlave = $slaves[$i],$nextButton = _j,$nextLink = _k,$returnTo = _l]]
-							all of $his holes.
+							<<if $slaves[$i].toyHole != "all her holes">>
+								$his $slaves[$i].toyHole.
+							<<else>>
+								all of $his holes.
+							<</if>>
-				<</if>>
 			/* End Italic event text */
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersInfluence.tw b/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersInfluence.tw
index d5083a90b4a70f567ec7c6a12ef3a40b135837f5..116ae7c6942ee3aa3577fce93965e73811bc892b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersInfluence.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/pPeacekeepersInfluence.tw
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ As you review intelligence from the area at your desk,
 	<<case "businesswoman">>
 		The stacked businesswoman appears hugging a tablet to _hisA generous bosom, squashing _hisA cleavage upward and indicating that _heA has important information for you.
 	<<case "amazon">>
-		The ferocious little warrior woman stands up straight, cutely muscular and full of self-importance, as though _heA has something _heA'd like to share.
+		The ferocious little warrior _womanA stands up straight, cutely muscular and full of self-importance, as though _heA has something _heA'd like to share.
 	<<case "fairy">>
 		The little fairy appears on your table, flailing around while _hisA body lights up. _HeA bends over and starts slapping _hisA butt at you and giggling. _HisA slapping turns into groping, and _heA gets lost in molesting _hisA own ass. Clearing your throat, _heA looks upside down between _hisA legs and sees that _heA finally has your attention.
 	<<case "pregnant fairy">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/pRivalInitiation.tw b/src/uncategorized/pRivalInitiation.tw
index 9cc5df658605b9e2e6b3b406736e81cf58a1a3fb..b74c2f4473f08abafd9c8c5a68903cd785804c2d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/pRivalInitiation.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/pRivalInitiation.tw
@@ -9,65 +9,65 @@
 	<<goto $returnTo>>
-<<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
+	<<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
-This is a special week, the week of your victory. <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> awaits your pleasure. You could certainly do to $him anything and everything you usually do to your chattel. You could also do something special to mark the occasion.
+	This is a special week, the week of your victory. <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> awaits your pleasure. You could certainly do to $him anything and everything you usually do to your chattel. You could also do something special to mark the occasion.
+	<br><br>
-<span id="result">
-<<link "Force $him to do a public relations tour with you">>
-	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
-	<<replace "#result">>
-		Though $he hates you with all $his heart, $he knows better than most what happens to slaves who disobey. So, when you describe your public relations plans to $him, $he promises to obey before you even get to the threats. $He finds $himself accompanying you to the arcology's finest establishment in a lovely evening dress. The two of you share an understandably quiet meal, with a growing crowd coming to leer at the defeated slaveowner-cum-slave. At a prearranged signal from you, $he stands, quickly strips naked, gets down on $his knees, and <<if $PC.dick == 1>>sucks you off<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>eats you out<</if>>. Such public humiliation starts $him down the path of @@.hotpink;obedience,@@ and is the @@.green;talk of the Free Cities.@@
-		<<set $rep += 500, $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.oralCount += 1, $oralTotal += 1>>
-		<<set $rivalID = 0>>
-	<</replace>>
-<br><<link "Make $him orally service your other slaves in public">>
-	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
-	<<replace "#result">>
-		<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[1] 2>>
-		$slaves[0].slaveName leads $him out into the arcology's largest atrium, forces $him to $his knees, and in full view of the whole arcology, orally rapes someone who was until this week a slaveowner $himself. Behind them, $slaves[1].slaveName is standing ready for _his2 turn, and all your other slaves stand behind _him2. Public opinion is divided; the precedent is universally agreed to be bad, but the punishment is generally thought to be terrible and deserved. Your slaves, however, are almost insufferably @@.hotpink;pleased with you@@ for forcing $activeSlave.slaveName, whom they still view as a slaveowner, to pleasure them.
-		<<set $activeSlave.oralCount += $slaves.length*2, $oralTotal += $slaves.length*2>>
-		<<run $slaves.forEach(function(s) { s.devotion += 10; })>>
-		<<set $rivalID = 0>>
-	<</replace>>
-<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>
-	<br><<link "Break $his ass and then let the public use it">>
+	<span id="result">
+	<<link "Force $him to do a public relations tour with you">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-			$activeSlave.slaveName, who has been fairly dignified up to this point, breaks down when $he's placed in stocks with $his ass in the air. $His sobs become screams when, for the first time in $his life, $he feels the burning sensation of a well-lubricated <<if $PC.dick == 1>>cockhead<<else>>strap-on<</if>> forcing its way past $his virgin sphincter. Raping a virgin anus is not a new pleasure for you, but the usual shrieking, struggling and spasming is all the sweeter this time. @@.green;Half the arcology@@ has used $his @@.red;poor injured butthole@@ by the end of the day, $he @@.gold;is learning to fear you,@@ and hates you @@.mediumorchid;even more@@ if possible.
-			<<set $rep += 500, $activeSlave.devotion -= 4, $activeSlave.trust -= 5, $activeSlave.health -= 10, $activeSlave.anus = 3, $activeSlave.analCount += 47, $analTotal += 47>>
-			<<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 47>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 47>><</if>>
+			Though $he hates you with all $his heart, $he knows better than most what happens to slaves who disobey. So, when you describe your public relations plans to $him, $he promises to obey before you even get to the threats. $He finds $himself accompanying you to the arcology's finest establishment in a lovely evening dress. The two of you share an understandably quiet meal, with a growing crowd coming to leer at the defeated slaveowner-cum-slave. At a prearranged signal from you, $he stands, quickly strips naked, gets down on $his knees, and <<if $PC.dick == 1>>sucks you off<<if $PC.vagina == 1>> and <</if>><</if>><<if $PC.vagina == 1>>eats you out<</if>>. Such public humiliation starts $him down the path of @@.hotpink;obedience,@@ and is the @@.green;talk of the Free Cities.@@
+			<<set $rep += 500, $activeSlave.devotion += 4, $activeSlave.oralCount += 1, $oralTotal += 1>>
 			<<set $rivalID = 0>>
-<<if ($activeSlave.balls > 0) && ($seeExtreme == 1)>>
-	<br><<link "Publicly geld $him">>
+	<br><<link "Make $him orally service your other slaves in public">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-			You announce that since $activeSlave.slaveName has spent so much money and effort turning $himself into a girl with expensive hormones, you'll take a lower-tech step to bring $him further in that regard. An auto surgery is set up in public and the populace is treated to the edifying spectacle of a very large pair of testicles being efficiently removed by the modern surgical art. Unusually, $he was not given general anesthesia, but instead given local painkillers and made to watch on a monitor, to $his @@.gold;rage@@ and @@.mediumorchid;horror.@@ There is @@.green;applause@@ as the cauterizer seals the surgical site where $his massive scrotum used to hang. $His cock looks softer already.
-			<<set $rep += 500, $activeSlave.devotion -= 50, $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.health -= 10, $activeSlave.balls = 0>>
+			<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[1] 2>>
+			$slaves[0].slaveName leads $him out into the arcology's largest atrium, forces $him to $his knees, and in full view of the whole arcology, orally rapes someone who was until this week a slaveowner $himself. Behind them, $slaves[1].slaveName is standing ready for _his2 turn, and all your other slaves stand behind _him2. Public opinion is divided; the precedent is universally agreed to be bad, but the punishment is generally thought to be terrible and deserved. Your slaves, however, are almost insufferably @@.hotpink;pleased with you@@ for forcing $activeSlave.slaveName, whom they still view as a slaveowner, to pleasure them.
+			<<set $activeSlave.oralCount += $slaves.length*2, $oralTotal += $slaves.length*2>>
+			<<run $slaves.forEach(function(s) { s.devotion += 10; })>>
 			<<set $rivalID = 0>>
-<<if (isFertile($activeSlave)) && ($seePreg == 1)>>
-	<br><<link "Let the public impregnate $him">>
-		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
-		<<replace "#result">>
-			You announce that since $activeSlave.slaveName damaged the arcology, $he will be taking a leading role in the reconstruction. $He will be doing this by replacing one of the residents killed in the violence — by bearing a new slave, to be conceived collectively. The shame and @@.mediumorchid;horror@@ of $his future as breeding stock comes home to $him as $he's restrained in a chair with $his legs spread. Soon, the stream of fluids is running down $his thoroughly-fucked pussy and over $his anus to pool on the floor beneath $him. Modern medical imaging reveals $his fertile ovum's last, losing battle against a legion of sperm in real time, and the images are projected on large screens.
-			<<set $rep += 500, $activeSlave.preg = 1, $activeSlave.pregSource = -2, $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1, $activeSlave.pregWeek = 1, $activeSlave.devotion -= 15>>
-			<<set $activeSlave.pregType = setPregType($activeSlave)>>
-			<<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, $activeSlave.pregType, -2, 1)>>
-			<<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 47>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 47>><</if>>
-			<<set $rivalID = 0>>
-		<</replace>>
-	<</link>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.anus == 0>>
+		<br><<link "Break $his ass and then let the public use it">>
+			<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
+			<<replace "#result">>
+				$activeSlave.slaveName, who has been fairly dignified up to this point, breaks down when $he's placed in stocks with $his ass in the air. $His sobs become screams when, for the first time in $his life, $he feels the burning sensation of a well-lubricated <<if $PC.dick == 1>>cockhead<<else>>strap-on<</if>> forcing its way past $his virgin sphincter. Raping a virgin anus is not a new pleasure for you, but the usual shrieking, struggling and spasming is all the sweeter this time. @@.green;Half the arcology@@ has used $his @@.red;poor injured butthole@@ by the end of the day, $he @@.gold;is learning to fear you,@@ and hates you @@.mediumorchid;even more@@ if possible.
+				<<set $rep += 500, $activeSlave.devotion -= 4, $activeSlave.trust -= 5, $activeSlave.health -= 10, $activeSlave.anus = 3, $activeSlave.analCount += 47, $analTotal += 47>>
+				<<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 47>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 47>><</if>>
+				<<set $rivalID = 0>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if ($activeSlave.balls > 0) && ($seeExtreme == 1)>>
+		<br><<link "Publicly geld $him">>
+			<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
+			<<replace "#result">>
+				You announce that since $activeSlave.slaveName has spent so much money and effort turning $himself into a girl with expensive hormones, you'll take a lower-tech step to bring $him further in that regard. An auto surgery is set up in public and the populace is treated to the edifying spectacle of a very large pair of testicles being efficiently removed by the modern surgical art. Unusually, $he was not given general anesthesia, but instead given local painkillers and made to watch on a monitor, to $his @@.gold;rage@@ and @@.mediumorchid;horror.@@ There is @@.green;applause@@ as the cauterizer seals the surgical site where $his massive scrotum used to hang. $His cock looks softer already.
+				<<set $rep += 500, $activeSlave.devotion -= 50, $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.health -= 10, $activeSlave.balls = 0>>
+				<<set $rivalID = 0>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>>
+	<</if>>
+	<<if (isFertile($activeSlave)) && ($seePreg == 1)>>
+		<br><<link "Let the public impregnate $him">>
+			<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
+			<<replace "#result">>
+				You announce that since $activeSlave.slaveName damaged the arcology, $he will be taking a leading role in the reconstruction. $He will be doing this by replacing one of the residents killed in the violence — by bearing a new slave, to be conceived collectively. The shame and @@.mediumorchid;horror@@ of $his future as breeding stock comes home to $him as $he's restrained in a chair with $his legs spread. Soon, the stream of fluids is running down $his thoroughly-fucked pussy and over $his anus to pool on the floor beneath $him. Modern medical imaging reveals $his fertile ovum's last, losing battle against a legion of sperm in real time, and the images are projected on large screens.
+				<<set $rep += 500, $activeSlave.preg = 1, $activeSlave.pregSource = -2, $activeSlave.pregKnown = 1, $activeSlave.pregWeek = 1, $activeSlave.devotion -= 15>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.pregType = setPregType($activeSlave)>>
+				<<set WombImpregnate($activeSlave, $activeSlave.pregType, -2, 1)>>
+				<<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 47>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 47>><</if>>
+				<<set $rivalID = 0>>
+			<</replace>>
+		<</link>>
+	<</if>>
+	</span>
 <</if>> /* def $activeSlave */
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw b/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
index f97825fcd4c77da4edc704cf93f0e7711e425b21..639ed2896ed4601952c0d7bb82a5c9fa2c611b10 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
@@ -1301,13 +1301,13 @@ The call comes in from an office, and you suppress the urge to check whether $as
 	<<case "Paternalist Two">>
 		$He speaks to you as a free $woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, $he stops and waits for instruction before talking. $He may not have had many prospects in $his life back home, but if $he remains this obedient $he'll fit right in here in the Free Cities.
 	<<case "Degradationist">>
-		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he blurts out, "Whatever that fucker told you, it i<<s>>n't true. I'll be your little bitch bimbo, whatever you want. Ju<<s>>t don't - ju<<s>>t don't fucking hurt me." $He sticks out $his chest in a clear attempt to entice you with $his fake tits.
+		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he blurts out, "Whatever that fucker told you, it i<<s>>n't true. I'll be your little bitch bimbo, whatever you want. Ju<<s>>t don't — ju<<s>>t don't fucking hurt me." $He sticks out $his chest in a clear attempt to entice you with $his fake tits.
 	<<case "Degradationist Two">>
 		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he glares deep into your eyes and addresses you directly, "Tho<<s>>e fucker<<s>> threw everything they could at me, you can't break me. No one can."
 	<<case "Body Purist">>
-		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he isn't particularly happy with the situation, but there is some evident relief to $him. When asked about it, $he says, "I really hate the idea of <<s>>urgery, e<<s>>pe<<c>>ially implant <<s>>urgery, <<Master>>. Ju<<s>>t - the idea of having fake <<sh>>it in here -" $he rubs $his chest a little "- ugh." $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation.
+		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he isn't particularly happy with the situation, but there is some evident relief to $him. When asked about it, $he says, "I really hate the idea of <<s>>urgery, e<<s>>pe<<c>>ially implant <<s>>urgery, <<Master>>. Ju<<s>>t — the idea of having fake <<sh>>it in here —" $he rubs $his chest a little "— Ugh." $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation.
 	<<case "Body Purist Two">>
-		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he's fairly happy. After all, the slave school trained $him for this. When asked about it, $he says, "<<S>>ome of the girl<<s>> who graduated before me were given implant<<s>>, <<Master>>. Ju<<s>>t - the idea of having fake <<sh>>it in here -" $he rubs $his chest a little "- ugh. I'm glad you're not into that." $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation.
+		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he's fairly happy. After all, the slave school trained $him for this. When asked about it, $he says, "<<S>>ome of the girl<<s>> who graduated before me were given implant<<s>>, <<Master>>. Ju<<s>>t — the idea of having fake <<sh>>it in here —" $he rubs $his chest a little "— Ugh. I'm glad you're not into that." $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation.
 	<<case "Transformation Fetishist">>
 		$He arrives with various medical devices still attached to $him, wrapped up in supportive hospital clothing. Despite this, it's obvious that you've made a good decision. The new tits that got $him into this situation are so cartoonish that some of the medical tubing has been hastily routed between them. After a few weeks on curatives and a few more in training, $he'll be ready to bounce those fake boobs up and down as $he takes dick.
 	<<case "Transformation Fetishist Two">>
@@ -1333,7 +1333,7 @@ The call comes in from an office, and you suppress the urge to check whether $as
 	<<case "Maturity Preferentialist Two">>
 		$He arrives apologizing for $his fine clothing. "I'm <<s>>orry," $he apologizes sadly, "but I wanted to wear my be<<s>>t one la<<s>>t time." $He sighs, squares $his shoulders, and visibly steels $himself. "My <<s>>on'<<s>> a ba<<s>>tard for <<s>>elling me to you, and all to <<s>>ave that u<<s>>ele<<ss>> <<s>>tore of hi<<s>>." $He delivers this last with a bitter smile on $his lips. "At lea<<s>>t he had the <<s>>en<<s>>e to <<s>>ell me to <<s>>omeone with e<<x>>qui<<s>>ite ta<<s>>te, like you. After all, you did buy me."
 	<<case "Chattel Religionist">>
-		$He lets out a convulsive sob when you accept $his servitude, and is painfully obsequious as you complete the formalities of enslavement. Your exam reveals several minor indications of self-harm - chewed nails, bitten lips, and such. But for all that, a remarkable look of peace has settled on the poor $woman's face. $He waits patiently for a hint of your will, <<if canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>$his cock painfully erect<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 0>>precum dripping from $his soft dick<<else>>$his pussy visibly moist<</if>> at the prospect of the servile sex $he is convinced is $his duty.
+		$He lets out a convulsive sob when you accept $his servitude, and is painfully obsequious as you complete the formalities of enslavement. Your exam reveals several minor indications of self-harm — chewed nails, bitten lips, and such. But for all that, a remarkable look of peace has settled on the poor $woman's face. $He waits patiently for a hint of your will, <<if canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>$his cock painfully erect<<elseif $activeSlave.dick > 0>>precum dripping from $his soft dick<<else>>$his pussy visibly moist<</if>> at the prospect of the servile sex $he is convinced is $his duty.
 	<<case "Chattel Religionist Two">>
 		You complete the legalities and a clearly improvised VTOL craft arrives at $arcologies[0].name, broadcasting an erratic array of IFF codes. It seems this group hasn't quite mastered the intricacies of air travel. The aircraft doesn't seem capable of the delicate feat of landing on the pad it had been directed to: it simply hovers <<if $showInches == 2>>six feet<<else>>two meters<</if>> off the pad for the five seconds it takes to shove a canvas bag that obviously contains a struggling human form out of the side door. The condemned prays tirelessly throughout the biometric scanning process, utterly shocked and disgusted by what they've witnessed in just the few minutes they've been in your arcology. Then it's off to the penthouse for basic slave induction.
 	<<case "Roman Revivalist">>
@@ -1391,13 +1391,13 @@ The call comes in from an office, and you suppress the urge to check whether $as
 	<<case "Paternalist Two">>
 		$He speaks to you as a free $woman throughout the enslavement process, but as soon as it is completed, $he stops and waits for instruction before talking. $He may not have had many prospects in $his life back home, but if $he remains this obedient $he'll fit right in here in the Free Cities. When the purchasing agent arrives $he is momentarily surprised but not alarmed, $he figures $he'll been sold to a citizen of $arcologies[0].name who shares paternalistic beliefs.
 	<<case "Degradationist">>
-		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he blurts out, "Whatever that fucker told you, it i<<s>>n't true. I'll be your little bitch bimbo, whatever you want. Ju<<s>>t don't - jus<<>>t don't fucking hurt me." $He sticks out $his chest in a clear attempt to entice you with $his fake tits, and is rewarded with a bag over $his head, courtesy of the purchaser's agent who arrived in the meantime. The agent clearly felt that $he would be a handful worth corralling quickly, and this proves correct. $He goes limp after being tased, though.
+		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he blurts out, "Whatever that fucker told you, it i<<s>>n't true. I'll be your little bitch bimbo, whatever you want. Ju<<s>>t don't — jus<<>>t don't fucking hurt me." $He sticks out $his chest in a clear attempt to entice you with $his fake tits, and is rewarded with a bag over $his head, courtesy of the purchaser's agent who arrived in the meantime. The agent clearly felt that $he would be a handful worth corralling quickly, and this proves correct. $He goes limp after being tased, though.
 	<<case "Degradationist Two">>
 		When $he arrives as part of the anonymous slave transfers that make up a good part of the inter-arcology commerce, $he has clearly had some time to mull over $his situation. As soon as $he sees you, $he glares deep into your eyes and addresses you directly, "Tho<<s>>e fucker<<s>> threw everything they could at me, you can't break me. No one can." $He is rewarded with a bag over $his head, courtesy of the purchaser's agent who arrived in the meantime. The agent clearly felt that $he would be a handful worth corralling quickly, and this proves correct. $He goes limp after being tased, though.
 	<<case "Body Purist">>
 		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he isn't particularly happy with the situation, but there is some evident relief to $him. It vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away. $He looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased $him. You tell $him truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought $him as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits, and he isn't particular about whether they're natural.
 	<<case "Body Purist Two">>
-		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he's fairly happy. After all, the slave school trained $him for this. When asked about it, $he says, "<<S>>ome of the girl<<s>> who graduated before me were given implants, <<Master>>. Ju<<s>>t - the idea of having fake <<sh>>it in here -" $he rubs $his chest a little "- ugh. I'm glad you're not into that." $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation. $His playfulness vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away. $He looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased $him. You tell $him truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought $him as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits, and he isn't particular about whether they're natural.
+		When $he arrives, it's obvious that $he's fairly happy. After all, the slave school trained $him for this. When asked about it, $he says, "<<S>>ome of the girl<<s>> who graduated before me were given implants, <<Master>>. Ju<<s>>t — the idea of having fake <<sh>>it in here —" $he rubs $his chest a little "— Ugh. I'm glad you're not into that." $He laughs bitterly at $himself, and then rubs $his chest again, looking at you with mixed fear and invitation. $His playfulness vanishes when a purchaser's agent arrives to take $him away. $He looks at you desperately, begging to know who's purchased $him. You tell $him truthfully that a wealthy citizen one arcology over bought $him as a house slave; you neglect to mention that he likes big tits, and he isn't particular about whether they're natural.
 	<<case "Transformation Fetishist">>
 		The only downside to $his condition is that reselling $him is utterly anticlimactic. A purchaser's agent arrives and takes charge of $him, transferring $him to a medical transport bed. He takes $him away, and it's done.
 	<<case "Transformation Fetishist Two">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reFSEgyptianRevivalistAcquisition.tw b/src/uncategorized/reFSEgyptianRevivalistAcquisition.tw
index 8c07ba8dc74d713ac8800de81564d42b20017092..20080671cd62bf4bf059d44447fe5549a3e41e78 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reFSEgyptianRevivalistAcquisition.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reFSEgyptianRevivalistAcquisition.tw
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 You receive so many messages, as a noted titan of the new Free Cities world, that $assistantName has to be quite draconian in culling them. _HeA lets only the most important through to you. One category of message that always gets through regardless of content, though, is requests for voluntary enslavement. As the new world takes shape, they've become less rare than they once were.
-This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. In this case, however, the story is more unusual - the callers seem stressed, but otherwise normal. They haltingly and quietly explain, with many nervous glances off-camera to ensure they are not overheard, that they are both siblings and lovers, and their attempts to keep the truth of the nature of their relationship from their friends, family, and society at large have failed. They had heard of $arcologies[0].name's reverence for incestuous relationships, and have managed to talk themselves into the questionable conclusion that their only chance to be together was for them to sell themselves to someone who would not just accept but encourage their incest - namely, you.
+This call is coming from a public kiosk, which is usually an indication that the person on the other end is a transient individual who has decided to take slavery over homelessness. In this case, however, the story is more unusual — the callers seem stressed, but otherwise normal. They haltingly and quietly explain, with many nervous glances off-camera to ensure they are not overheard, that they are both siblings and lovers, and their attempts to keep the truth of the nature of their relationship from their friends, family, and society at large have failed. They had heard of $arcologies[0].name's reverence for incestuous relationships, and have managed to talk themselves into the questionable conclusion that their only chance to be together was for them to sell themselves to someone who would not just accept but encourage their incest — namely, you.
 //Enslaving them will cost <<print cashFormat($contractCost)>>. Selling them immediately will bring in approximately <<print cashFormat($slaveCost*2)>>.//
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw b/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
index bfd6a0ca11b50999553b77519cacd5896fab3787..b8174af799aae0eed154803b61912436c1557f8e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reNickname.tw
@@ -840,13 +840,13 @@
 <<case "chubby">>
 	<<set $nickname = either("'Ample'", "'BBW'", "'Bloated'", "'Chubby'", "'Chubster'", "'Chunky'", "'Double Wide'", "'Fat'", "'Feedee'", "'Hambeast'", "'Jabba'", "'Jiggles'", "'Jiggly'", "'Jumbo'", "'Landwhale'", "'Plump'", "'Plush'", "'Rotund'", "'Rubenesque'", "'Thicc'", "'Tubby'", "'Whale'")>>
-	<<set $situationDesc = "is carrying a little extra weight. The cruelty of life as a slave increases your property's willingness to do cruelty where they can get away with it - what is passed to them, they pass to others — so $he finds $himself mocked for $his size.">>
+	<<set $situationDesc = "is carrying a little extra weight. The cruelty of life as a slave increases your property's willingness to do cruelty where they can get away with it — what is passed to them, they pass to others — so $he finds $himself mocked for $his size.">>
 	<<set $applyDesc = "knows that being fat makes $him less valuable on the market, but $he begins to accept that $he's going to have to put up with being chubby for now.">>
 	<<set $notApplyDesc = "believes that this means $he's going to have to lose weight soon, causing $him some trepidation.">>
 <<case "fat">>
 	<<set $nickname = either("'Beluga'", "'Bed Breaker'", "'Blimp'", "'Bloated'", "'Buffet Closer'", "'Cow'", "'Double Wide'", "'Fat'", "'Fatass'", "'Fatso'", "'Fatty'", "'Feedee'", "'Hambeast'", "'Jabba'", "'Jiggles'", "'Jiggly'", "'Jumbo'", "'Lap Crusher'", "'Lardy'", "'Piggy'", "'Roller'", "'Scale Breaker'", "'Smothers'", "'SSBBW'", "'Thud'", "'Whale'")>>
-	<<set $situationDesc = "is carrying a lot of extra weight. The cruelty of life as a slave increases your property's willingness to do cruelty where they can get away with it - what is passed to them, they pass to others — so $he finds $himself mocked for $his size.">>
+	<<set $situationDesc = "is carrying a lot of extra weight. The cruelty of life as a slave increases your property's willingness to do cruelty where they can get away with it — what is passed to them, they pass to others — so $he finds $himself mocked for $his size.">>
 	<<set $applyDesc = "knows that being obese makes $him less valuable on the market, but $he begins to accept that $he's going to have to put up with being fat for now.">>
 	<<set $notApplyDesc = "believes that this means $he's going to have to lose a lot of weight soon, causing $him some trepidation, though deep down $he hopes you'll just have it sucked out instead of making $him run.">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reRebels.tw b/src/uncategorized/reRebels.tw
index 428043986e575ba05ad1b78a30db5302cd7f8fef..9bf476789e5845625b98b6fbafde2a0bf94c26fb 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reRebels.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reRebels.tw
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ You have a rebel problem. $slaves[_i].slaveName and $slaves[_j].slaveName are bo
 <span id="result">
 <<link "Set them against each other, in public">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You haul your little rebel bitches out in public, one by one, bound, with bags over their heads. They find themselves chained in a low position so their mouths are publicly available. Then, you whisper to each of them that whichever slut sucks off the most passersby gets to rest tomorrow - and whichever sucks least gets a beating. It doesn't take long before @@.hotpink;they forget their friendship@@ and try to outdo each other, and their desperate efforts @@.green; are certainly appreciated by the citizens getting free blowjobs.@@ It's childishly easy to declare the contest over when they happen to be tied, and announce that no one will be punished or rewarded. They hate you less and each other more.
+	You haul your little rebel bitches out in public, one by one, bound, with bags over their heads. They find themselves chained in a low position so their mouths are publicly available. Then, you whisper to each of them that whichever slut sucks off the most passersby gets to rest tomorrow — and whichever sucks least gets a beating. It doesn't take long before @@.hotpink;they forget their friendship@@ and try to outdo each other, and their desperate efforts @@.green; are certainly appreciated by the citizens getting free blowjobs.@@ It's childishly easy to declare the contest over when they happen to be tied, and announce that no one will be punished or rewarded. They hate you less and each other more.
 	<<set $slaves[_i].devotion += 4>>
 	<<set $slaves[_j].devotion += 4>>
 	<<set $slaves[_j].oralCount += 6>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw b/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
index 4aa24b265847fc6935dc377d4e330f0e8c0e7e35..35b3cfff4cfdc7990106233273dedf99b774290d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reRecruit.tw
@@ -2120,13 +2120,13 @@ After a short while, your assistant whispers in your earpiece, <<if $assistant =
 "Hi", $he says hesitantly. $He's a pretty convincing girl; $his voice is the only giveaway. You tell $him that if $he wishes to be considered for enslavement, you need to inspect $him naked. To $his credit, $he obeys, undressing quickly to reveal a body that's clearly seen a good deal of hormone therapy. $He's not unhealthy and isn't too shabby, so you ask $him why $he's here.
-"I don't make very much money," $he says, and you manage not to laugh at the ab<<s>>urdity. "I really want to be a prettier girl. I'm - I'm not really comfortable yet. But all the modern <<s>>urgerie<<s>> and drug<<s>> are <<s>>o e<<x>>pen<<s>>ive. And I can't afford it, and I won't be able to before I'm old unle<<ss>> I de<<c>>ide to be a whore. <<S>>o I de<<c>>ided if I wa<<s>> going to do that I might a<<s>> well do it here, for you. You're," $he blushes, "you're very pretty. I would love to look like you."
+"I don't make very much money," $he says, and you manage not to laugh at the ab<<s>>urdity. "I really want to be a prettier girl. I'm — I'm not really comfortable yet. But all the modern <<s>>urgerie<<s>> and drug<<s>> are <<s>>o e<<x>>pen<<s>>ive. And I can't afford it, and I won't be able to before I'm old unle<<ss>> I de<<c>>ide to be a whore. <<S>>o I de<<c>>ided if I wa<<s>> going to do that I might a<<s>> well do it here, for you. You're," $he blushes, "you're very pretty. I would love to look like you."
 <<case "female SD">>
-Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of pretty liberal students from a<<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>> college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>> high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>> junior high school<<else>>n elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street.
+Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of pretty liberal students from a<<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>> college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>> high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>> junior high school<<else>>n elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters — and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street.
-One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a quite pretty young $woman, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of $him getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search (since all the officers agreed $he 'had to be hiding something') is definitively worth saving to a private folder.
+One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it — a quite pretty young $woman, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of $him getting booked — complete with a thorough strip-search (since all the officers agreed $he 'had to be hiding something') is definitively worth saving to a private folder.
 Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of $his bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way $he or even anyone related to $him could come up with the cash. All of which leaves you with an opportunity... the car's owner hasn't seen $him yet, so you could conceivably approach him and buy the debt for this beauty off him. Better be quick, if he realizes what is waiting in a cell for him, you doubt he'd sell $him at all.
@@ -2134,9 +2134,9 @@ Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of $his bank
 <<case "male SD">>
-Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of pretty liberal students from a<<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>> college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>> high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>> junior high school<<else>>n elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street.
+Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of pretty liberal students from a<<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>> college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>> high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>> junior high school<<else>>n elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters — and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street.
-One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a good-looking young man, well-muscled too, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of him getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search (since all the officers agreed he 'had to be hiding something') does make you think about the potential this guy would have as a dickgirl slave with a little work done on him.
+One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it — a good-looking young man, well-muscled too, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of him getting booked — complete with a thorough strip-search (since all the officers agreed he 'had to be hiding something') does make you think about the potential this guy would have as a dickgirl slave with a little work done on him.
 Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of his bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way he or even anyone related to him could come up with the cash. All of which leaves you with an opportunity... the car's owner hasn't seen the arrested student yet, so you could conceivably approach him and buy the debt for this young buck off him. Better be quick, or the owner might just choose to keep such a promising slave himself.
@@ -2144,9 +2144,9 @@ Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of his bank
 <<case "female SD 2">>
-Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of rather liberal students from a<<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>> college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>> high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>> junior high school<<else>>n elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters - and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street.
+Your desk flags a report of the arcology security service for your immediate attention. As it turns out, a number of rather liberal students from a<<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 18>> college<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 14>> high school<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 11>> junior high school<<else>>n elementary school<</if>> in your arcology led a protest earlier today in the financial district several levels up from their institution. Seems to have been against slavery, for environmentalism, or some other nonsense that you skip over reading. The really interesting thing is what happened during the protest anyways. Things became a bit unruly between protesters and some counter-protesters — and at some point rocks started to fly... all of which would barely be worth a mention, if the vintage sports car of a prominent resident hadn't been parked on the same street.
-One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it - a rather fat young $woman, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of $him getting booked - complete with a thorough strip-search by a new recruit (since all the officers agreed $he 'had to be hiding something') was definitely amusing. $His reaction was priceless.
+One dented hood and smashed windshield later, someone was in big trouble. The ever-present camera surveillance in your arcology made it easy to track the rock to the hand of the person who threw it — a rather fat young $woman, who immediately got arrested and is awaiting sentencing in the lock-up right now. The video of $him getting booked — complete with a thorough strip-search by a new recruit (since all the officers agreed $he 'had to be hiding something') was definitely amusing. $His reaction was priceless.
 Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of $his bank accounts, this student is definitively up for enslavement. There's no way $he or even anyone related to $him could come up with the cash.
 <<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
@@ -2159,7 +2159,7 @@ Given the damage to an expensive classic car and the meager balance of $his bank
 <<case "female SE">>
-A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same - which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slaveowners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
+A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same — which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slaveowners — and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
 The situation does yield a few business opportunities too, as not all of the guys think just with their dicks. One of them is currently offering his free $girl for sale, which your assistant instantly flags for your attention. A video attached to the offer does look quite nice, as the slave-$girl happily poses in the nude for $his 'beloved', not knowing that he's planning to sell $him.
@@ -2167,15 +2167,15 @@ The situation does yield a few business opportunities too, as not all of the guy
 <<case "MTF SE">>
-A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same - which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slaveowners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
+A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same — which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slaveowners — and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
-It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwagon, throwing in a little bit of transformative surgery in the mix. Either going all the way to making themselves into female slaves or hoping to be accepted as dick-girls after making the target of their affection fall for a pretty face and breasts. One of former cases gets flagged by your assistant as a business opportunity, as the new slaveowner wasn't impressed by a former male - despite $his good looks and virgin pussy, he can't forget $he originally was a man. A video attached to the 'sale offer' online post does show a relatively pretty young $woman, sniffling quietly as $he gets ordered to show off $his body to prospective buyers.
+It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwagon, throwing in a little bit of transformative surgery in the mix. Either going all the way to making themselves into female slaves or hoping to be accepted as dick-girls after making the target of their affection fall for a pretty face and breasts. One of former cases gets flagged by your assistant as a business opportunity, as the new slaveowner wasn't impressed by a former male — despite $his good looks and virgin pussy, he can't forget $he originally was a man. A video attached to the 'sale offer' online post does show a relatively pretty young $woman, sniffling quietly as $he gets ordered to show off $his body to prospective buyers.
 //The $girl should go pretty cheap, just <<print cashFormat(2000)>>. Sounds like the owner mostly wants to not be bothered by $him anymore.//
 <<case "DG SE">>
-A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same — which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slaveowners - and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
+A (quite unrealistic) blockbuster movie took your arcology by storm recently, causing some curious side effects among the more idealistic type of young people here. The movie plot is about a young woman who sells herself into slavery to be close to a love interest... then wins his adoration and her freedom in the process. Of course, just because it works like that in a movie doesn't mean real life will be the same — which didn't seem to occur to several young women who actually try to put such a plan in action. Mostly, the sudden spike of self-enslavement does lead to a number of handsome college students getting their dicks wet as they enjoy their new status as slaveowners — and not a one freed his love-sick slave-girl either.
 It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwagon, throwing in a little bit of transformative surgery in the mix. Either going all the way to making themselves into female slaves or hoping to be accepted as dick-girls after making the target of their affection fall for a pretty face and breasts. One of latter cases gets flagged by your assistant as a business opportunity, as the new slaveowner wasn't impressed by a former male and wants to get rid of the dickgirl as quickly as possible. A video attached to the 'sale offer' online post does show a relatively pretty young dickgirl, sniffling quietly as $he gets ordered to show off $his body to prospective buyers.
@@ -2183,11 +2183,11 @@ It isn't just all natural females either, as a few men also jumped on the bandwa
 <<case "gang leader">>
-Your desk flags a video message as coming from an... interesting source. It is from one of the minor gangs on the lower levels of your arcology - or not so minor anymore, as a pop-up tells you of the power-grab they made barely an hour ago. Curious what they might want, you take the call.
+Your desk flags a video message as coming from an... interesting source. It is from one of the minor gangs on the lower levels of your arcology — or not so minor anymore, as a pop-up tells you of the power-grab they made barely an hour ago. Curious what they might want, you take the call.
-A tough-looking man with multiple tattoos and a wife-beater shirt on appears on the screen, nodding in recognition. "Hey there, boss-<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>man<<else>>woman<</if>>! Just calling to pay my respects. Those weak-ass punks that were squatting in this section won't bother you anymore... we took care of 'em. Now it's just all law-abiding citizens and shit down here - so you don't have to send your security goons to check us out, you know." Your assistant throws up a list of the gang's numerous criminal activities, as well as the estimates what other enterprises they've just taken over. Nothing much out of the ordinary and with the shape the world is in, you've got bigger problems. The recommendation is to observe but mostly ignore them, which you casually confirm with a flick of your finger.
+A tough-looking man with multiple tattoos and a wife-beater shirt on appears on the screen, nodding in recognition. "Hey there, boss-<<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>man<<else>>woman<</if>>! Just calling to pay my respects. Those weak-ass punks that were squatting in this section won't bother you anymore... we took care of 'em. Now it's just all law-abiding citizens and shit down here — so you don't have to send your security goons to check us out, you know." Your assistant throws up a list of the gang's numerous criminal activities, as well as the estimates what other enterprises they've just taken over. Nothing much out of the ordinary and with the shape the world is in, you've got bigger problems. The recommendation is to observe but mostly ignore them, which you casually confirm with a flick of your finger.
-Clearing his throat, the new gang leader on level twenty-five continues, "But that's not all, we got a bit of tribute for ya." Waving his hand, he makes room for two muscular bruisers carrying the unconscious form of another man - easily recognizable from $his muscled build and numerous tattoos as a hardened criminal. The face-recognition software tells you $he is the now overthrown gangster boss in that area of the arcology. "Everyone knows what fun things you do with your slaves, so we thought it'd fit for this guy. Gonna throw $him in an elevator in a minute and send it up, kay? If you make $him into a proper brainless slut, you'll have quite a few guys standing in line to have a go. And well, $he'd make a capable gladiator in a pit fight too. Have fun with the bastard."
+Clearing his throat, the new gang leader on level twenty-five continues, "But that's not all, we got a bit of tribute for ya." Waving his hand, he makes room for two muscular bruisers carrying the unconscious form of another man — easily recognizable from $his muscled build and numerous tattoos as a hardened criminal. The face-recognition software tells you $he is the now overthrown gangster boss in that area of the arcology. "Everyone knows what fun things you do with your slaves, so we thought it'd fit for this guy. Gonna throw $him in an elevator in a minute and send it up, kay? If you make $him into a proper brainless slut, you'll have quite a few guys standing in line to have a go. And well, $he'd make a capable gladiator in a pit fight too. Have fun with the bastard."
 The signal is cut suddenly, and just a few moments later, your assistant flags an elevator going up containing a person needing medical attention. Anticipating your wishes, the planning interface of the remote surgery opens up right away, indicating available options for the criminal's feminized face.
@@ -2203,7 +2203,7 @@ After the fighting died down, they found a dickgirl inside the compound, harshly
 A report about a successful operation by your mercenaries waits at your desk when you come in the office this morning. Turns out they tracked a brutal gang that was waylaying travelers near the Free City and stormed their hideout last night. All of the criminals were killed in the process, preventing proper punishments or more... creative uses for them. From the videos of the raid and the fanatic way the men fought to the last man, it seems that this was unavoidable, so you send a quick note of approval to their commander.
-After the fighting died down, they found a $woman inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gangbangs there. A scan of $his biometric data revealed that $he is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago - into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched $his pussy and ass wide, <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $activeSlave.pubertyAge>> $he is pregnant with some dead criminal's offspring,<</if>> $he has been crudely gelded, and they've decorated $him with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable $girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
+After the fighting died down, they found a $woman inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gangbangs there. A scan of $his biometric data revealed that $he is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago — into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched $his pussy and ass wide, <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $activeSlave.pubertyAge>> $he is pregnant with some dead criminal's offspring,<</if>> $he has been crudely gelded, and they've decorated $him with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable $girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
 //The young dickgirl has been used and abused quite a bit, making $him deathly terrified about what might happen to $him next. $He has partially resigned to be nothing but a fuckhole. You can get $him cheap from the owner, it'll be just <<print cashFormat(1000)>>.//
@@ -2211,7 +2211,7 @@ After the fighting died down, they found a $woman inside the compound, harshly u
 A report about a successful operation by your mercenaries waits at your desk when you come in the office this morning. Turns out they tracked a brutal gang that was waylaying travelers near the Free City and stormed their hideout last night. All of the criminals were killed in the process, preventing proper punishments or more... creative uses for them. From the videos of the raid and the fanatic way the men fought to the last man, it seems that this was unavoidable, so you send a quick note of approval to their commander.
-After the fighting died down, your men found a $woman inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gangbangs there. A scan of $his biometric data revealed that $he is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago - into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched $his pussy and ass wide,<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $activeSlave.pubertyAge>> $he is pregnant with some dead criminal bastard's offspring,<</if>> and they've decorated $him with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable $girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
+After the fighting died down, your men found a $woman inside the compound, harshly used and seemingly the center of many gangbangs there. A scan of $his biometric data revealed that $he is in fact a slave that ran away about two months ago — into a much worse situation after being caught by the gang, as it turns out. Countless dicks have stretched $his pussy and ass wide,<<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= $activeSlave.pubertyAge>> $he is pregnant with some dead criminal bastard's offspring,<</if>> and they've decorated $him with numerous piercings. As you notify the owner that her property has been retrieved, the woman is distraught at the state of her merchandise, grumbling that a once quite valuable $girl is now worth almost nothing. Seems she's unwilling to invest her time and money in caring for the slave. With a sigh, the slave-mistress whips out her smart-phone and starts to set up a selling offer in one of the popular slave trading apps.
 //The young $woman has been used and abused quite a bit, making $him deathly terrified about what might happen to $him next. $He has partially resigned to be nothing but a fuckhole. You can get $him cheap from the owner, it'll be just <<print cashFormat(1000)>>.//
@@ -2219,7 +2219,7 @@ After the fighting died down, your men found a $woman inside the compound, harsh
 As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
-Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young and almost naked <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>$woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>little $girl<</if>> walks through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation - $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He certainly has a unique look, waking your interest enough to check the slave markets for $him - and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
+Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in — which is when a pretty, young and almost naked <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>$woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>little $girl<</if>> walks through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation — $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He certainly has a unique look, waking your interest enough to check the slave markets for $him — and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
 The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young $woman<<else>>$girl<</if>> is best described as being 'angelic', in a stereotypical Western view of the mythical divine messengers. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and with milky-white skin, $he has had a pair of beautifully detailed wings tattooed on $his back. The small icon of two cherries next to one another also designates $him to be a complete virgin.
@@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young $woman<<else>>$girl<</if>> is bes
 As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
-Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young and almost naked <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>$woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>little $girl<</if>> walks through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation - $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He certainly has a unique look, waking your interest enough to check the slave markets for $him - and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
+Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in — which is when a pretty, young and almost naked <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>$woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>little $girl<</if>> walks through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation — $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He certainly has a unique look, waking your interest enough to check the slave markets for $him — and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
 The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young $woman<<else>>$girl<</if>> is best described as being 'angelic', in a stereotypical Western view of the mythical divine messengers. Having jet-black hair and amber eyes, coupled with milky-white skin, there is a pair of beautifully detailed wings tattooed on $his back. A whole row of icons depicting stylized sex acts mark $him as being well versed in sexual matters.
@@ -2237,55 +2237,55 @@ The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young $woman<<else>>$girl<</if>> is bes
 <<case "racer DG chaser">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end - with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end — with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked — or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
-Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dickgirls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slave's precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
+Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on — and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dickgirls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slave's precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
-As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his dick-girls to you at a fairly reasonable price. When you ask for a reason, the man replies, "Well, $he's a crowd-pleaser alright with that big dick of $hers, but... a bit headstrong. You see, $he punched one of the other girls when they grabbed a virgin at the same time. $He's been a distraction for the rest of the team, so I think it's best to remove $him and bring in new talent." He then sends you $his file to review, including more than a few videos of $him 'in action' on the racetrack - both running as well as fucking.
+As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his dick-girls to you at a fairly reasonable price. When you ask for a reason, the man replies, "Well, $he's a crowd-pleaser alright with that big dick of $hers, but... a bit headstrong. You see, $he punched one of the other girls when they grabbed a virgin at the same time. $He's been a distraction for the rest of the team, so I think it's best to remove $him and bring in new talent." He then sends you $his file to review, including more than a few videos of $him 'in action' on the racetrack — both running as well as fucking.
 //The dickgirl does have an impressive physique and is tall, fast on the track and has a whopping big dick. $He has some prestige from appearing in the races, but with the control issues, you could likely negotiate a bit and get $him for <<print cashFormat(5000)>>.//
 <<case "racer loser">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end — with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end — with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked — or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
-Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dickgirls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slave's precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
+Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on — and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dickgirls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slave's precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
-As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his well-known virgin runners to you. When you ask him why, he is slightly surprised that you don't know already - turns out, the young $woman got caught by an especially motivated chaser during the race yesterday, wrestling $him to the ground and taking $his virginity with their thick shaft. While a great athlete like $him usually still would have a place in his stable, the race track's resident doctor just confirmed that $he's pregnant. With abortion being out of the question - as the fans would see that as scandalous cheating defeating the purpose of the virgin race - the owner now wants to sell $him before $his fame fades.
+As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his well-known virgin runners to you. When you ask him why, he is slightly surprised that you don't know already — turns out, the young $woman got caught by an especially motivated chaser during the race yesterday, wrestling $him to the ground and taking $his virginity with their thick shaft. While a great athlete like $him usually still would have a place in his stable, the race track's resident doctor just confirmed that $he's pregnant. With abortion being out of the question — as the fans would see that as scandalous cheating defeating the purpose of the virgin race — the owner now wants to sell $him before $his fame fades.
 //The young $woman is really pretty and tall, if a bit plain in the breast department. With the moderate fame $he has earned during $his racing career and its spectacular end, $he'd draw raised interest if used as a whore. Due to the fact that $he's no longer a virgin, pregnant, and not really trained in sex acts, you could likely negotiate a bit and get $him for <<print cashFormat(5000)>>.//
 <<case "racer winner">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end - with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked - or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting news item for you to check out. Looks like the monthly final in the slave racing league was yesterday. With the push of a button on the keyboard, you check out the rankings and then choose to display a video of the race's end — with a very pretty young woman crossing the finish line, immediately followed by half a dozen further slaves. It is quite a show since of course, all of them are naked — or almost so, as anything but smallish breasts make sports bras a necessity.
-Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on - and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dickgirls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slave's precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
+Whatever your predecessor's faults, he surely did something very right in endorsing the slave racing league when it started to establish itself way back when. These days, many of your residents regularly watch the races going on — and that number rises to include a clear majority in the arcology for the special events that are also in the organizer's program. An absolute favorite of the population is the 'vestalian hunt', in which a dozen virgins are chased along the track by very well-hung dickgirls. Anyone falling behind soon has their cherry taken in the most public way possible, right on the track. Only the quickest manage to make it to the finish line at all without being wrestled down and pounded hard. Quite a risk, with the slave's precious virginity being sacrificed this way, but of course those who make it win their owners large sums of prize money. You've just switched over to see a re-play of the action, seeing the camera move past the very attractive lineup of the race, when your communicator rings with an incoming call.
 As fate has it, the person calling is the owner of the local race-track, wanting to offer you a deal. It turns out that he wants to sell one of his very prestigious virgin runners to you. $He's been the champion of the race track for three years in a row now, the virgin queen of the slave-girl sprinters... so the man decided he'd maximize his profit by selling $him at the height of $his popularity instead of chancing a loss in the next big race. It's a young woman's sport, and with new talent being trained, he feels it's time to give the <<if $activeSlave.actualAge >= 20>>young adult<<elseif $activeSlave.actualAge >= 13>>teenaged<<else>>pre-teen<</if>> slave<<= $girl>> a new purpose. There are numerous interested parties in buying $him of course, but out of respect he is coming to you first.
-//The young $woman is really pretty and tall, if a bit plain in the breast department. With the fame $he has earned during $his racing career, $he'd draw quite a bit of interest if used as a whore. The price for $him reflects that of course - you doubt you can get a price under <<print cashFormat(10000)>>.//
+//The young $woman is really pretty and tall, if a bit plain in the breast department. With the fame $he has earned during $his racing career, $he'd draw quite a bit of interest if used as a whore. The price for $him reflects that of course — you doubt you can get a price under <<print cashFormat(10000)>>.//
 <<case "repo housekeeper">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a professional repossession company. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities... and when someone falls upon hard times, the repo-men and repo-women start their work. Grim-faced and unmoved by sympathy, they go in to seize the debtor's assets to pay off their debts - which does at times include some quite interesting pieces of merchandise, like a nice slave or two.
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a professional repossession company. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities... and when someone falls upon hard times, the repo-men and repo-women start their work. Grim-faced and unmoved by sympathy, they go in to seize the debtor's assets to pay off their debts — which does at times include some quite interesting pieces of merchandise, like a nice slave or two.
 The current sale offer by the company was taken from a college frat-house — apparently being enrolled at the small university in your arcology doesn't mean that the guys know their asses from their elbows in money-management. A few too many parties and frivolous purchases sent an asset reclamation officer to their door, soon leaving with one of those recent purchases — a pretty female slave who doubled as both a housekeeper and fuckhole for the whole bunch of horny students. $He's cute and apparently well-trained, if a bit exhausted right now after numerous gangbangs $his former owners put $him through.
-//The repo-company doesn't hold on to assets long, they just want to get new cash pretty quickly - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the young $woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
+//The repo-company doesn't hold on to assets long, they just want to get new cash pretty quickly — which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the young $woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
 <<case "repo nanny">>
-Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a professional repossession company. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities... and when someone falls upon hard times, the repo-men and repo-women start their work. Grim-faced and unmoved by sympathy, they go in to seize the debtor's assets to pay off their debts - which does at times include some quite interesting pieces of merchandise, like a nice slave or two.
+Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an interesting offer for you to check out in the newsletter of a professional repossession company. Life in the Free Cities being what it is, there are winners and losers of the ever-changing local and global realities... and when someone falls upon hard times, the repo-men and repo-women start their work. Grim-faced and unmoved by sympathy, they go in to seize the debtor's assets to pay off their debts — which does at times include some quite interesting pieces of merchandise, like a nice slave or two.
-The current sale offer by the company was taken from a businesswoman's apartment - one of the higher income strata of the arcology, she's recently had fortune turn from her due to some unfortunate occurrences outside your demesne of the free cities. The file doesn't say exactly which — some natural catastrophe, raiders, competing business or whatnot — one thing is for sure though, she's in a financial pinch right now. All of which meant that her slave nanny was fair game to be taken and is now awaiting re-sale. As $his mistress never had any sexual interest in the slave, the young $woman is actually a virgin and used to the relatively cushy life of just watching children. The fact that all of that ended from one day to the next has made $him quite afraid for $his future...
+The current sale offer by the company was taken from a businesswoman's apartment — one of the higher income strata of the arcology, she's recently had fortune turn from her due to some unfortunate occurrences outside your demesne of the free cities. The file doesn't say exactly which — some natural catastrophe, raiders, competing business or whatnot — one thing is for sure though, she's in a financial pinch right now. All of which meant that her slave nanny was fair game to be taken and is now awaiting re-sale. As $his mistress never had any sexual interest in the slave, the young $woman is actually a virgin and used to the relatively cushy life of just watching children. The fact that all of that ended from one day to the next has made $him quite afraid for $his future...
-//The repo-company doesn't hold on to assets long, they just want to get new cash pretty quickly - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the young $woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
+//The repo-company doesn't hold on to assets long, they just want to get new cash pretty quickly — which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the young $woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
 <<case "farm cow">>
 As you're working on some boring administrative matters, a courier comes to your office, delivering a satchel of documents. Opening it up to check who would go through the trouble of having something hand-delivered, you find out that the Free Cities Farmers Association (FCFA) has chosen your arcology to hold the next of their semi-regular conventions, in which prominent members of the industry will gather and new developments be presented. Sounds like a mixture of a conference and a trade show, and the association has rented out the convention center in the mid-levels of your demesne for more than a week. That'll certainly boost the local economy a bit.
-From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that - in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the obedient milking cow from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
+From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that — in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the obedient milking cow from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
 //Checking $his stats and the videos included, you see the $woman is healthy and well cared for, fitting for a prized milk-producer. $He's a mother of three already and has got another baby on the way, making $his lactation an all natural one. With the registration and all, it'll still just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him and add $him to your own slave lineup.//
@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@ From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the associat
 As you're working on some boring administrative matters, a courier comes to your office, delivering a satchel of documents. Opening it up to check who would go through the trouble of having something hand-delivered, you find out that the Free Cities Farmers Association (FCFA) has chosen your arcology to hold the next of their semi-regular conventions, in which prominent members of the industry will gather and new developments be presented. Sounds like a mixture of a conference and a trade show, and the association has rented out the convention center in the mid-levels of your demesne for more than a week. That'll certainly boost the local economy a bit.
-From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that - in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the fresh and yet unused virgin cow from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
+From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the association's president is well-versed in how the Free Cities are run... leading him to promote his group directly to you. And not only that — in an effort to curry favor, he included a slave's records, including an offer to buy the fresh and yet unused virgin cow from his own stable for an almost ridiculously low price.
 //Checking $his stats and the videos included, you see the young $woman is healthy and well cared for, with a nice pair of tits. $His records indicate that $he is very fertile and has excellent genes, promising a nice line of slaves to be bred in $his womb. With the registration and all, it'll still just take <<print cashFormat(1500)>> to buy $him and add $him to your own slave lineup.//
@@ -2309,7 +2309,7 @@ From the looks of all the brochures and extra information included, the associat
 An invitation to a 'visitation day' at an orphanage in the arcology pops up in your in-box, prompting you to make some room in your schedule to go have a look. Run by a well-meaning non-profit organization active in numerous of the Free Cities, the facility does house quite a few orphans (both local and saved from the chaos of the old world), doing excellent work in teaching them and finding new homes. Still, with times being what they are, the people running things do have a... realistic outlook, in the end. And so, in order to keep the orphanage going, those living there who aren't adopted till they reach maturity are sold as slaves. Legally this practice is easily arranged, as the life-debt for any of the orphans builds up over the years, pretty much automatically putting them over the limit for enslavement.
-Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accordingly and try to instill obedience and acceptance into those soon reaching eighteen years of age, but there are always those with whom the lessons don't quite take hold. The young $woman that catches your eye from among the newly of age orphans is such a case... from all accounts, $he's rather headstrong and doesn't bend $his will to anyone really - for example having long lost $his virginities one way or another. Still, a young slave at a fairly low price could be worth the investment for anyone who likes breaking them in...
+Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accordingly and try to instill obedience and acceptance into those soon reaching eighteen years of age, but there are always those with whom the lessons don't quite take hold. The young $woman that catches your eye from among the newly of age orphans is such a case... from all accounts, $he's rather headstrong and doesn't bend $his will to anyone really — for example having long lost $his virginities one way or another. Still, a young slave at a fairly low price could be worth the investment for anyone who likes breaking them in...
 //A short discussion with an administrator establishes the young $woman's asking price at <<print cashFormat(1500)>>.//
@@ -2317,9 +2317,9 @@ Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accord
 An invitation to a 'visitation day' at an orphanage in the arcology pops up in your in-box, prompting you to make some room in your schedule to go have a look. Run by a well-meaning non-profit organization active in numerous of the Free Cities, the facility does house quite a few orphans (both local and saved from the chaos of the old world), doing excellent work in teaching them and finding new homes. Still, with times being what they are, the people running things do have a... realistic outlook, in the end. And so, in order to keep the orphanage going, those living there who aren't adopted till they reach maturity are sold as slaves. Legally this practice is easily arranged, as the life-debt for any of the orphans builds up over the years, pretty much automatically putting them over the limit for enslavement.
-Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accordingly and try to instill obedience and acceptance into those soon reaching eighteen years of age, and the young man you're shown in short notice is said to be a good student and receptive for his lessons. It is quite obvious why he hasn't been adopted so far - the eighteen year old is relatively small in stature and his face was too pretty and feminine to appeal to anyone wanting to add a male child to their family. For your uses on the other hand, he's perfect. With a little bit of training, this teen will make an excellent dickgirl. Approaching him, you question the soon-to-be slave a little, finding him nervous but fairly obedient to commands. Testing out his limits, you have him pull down his pants right then and there, revealing that there's one part of his body that's not at all small - his dick. When you pose the question what he'd think about becoming a dickgirl, he is speechless at first, then after a pointed stare stammers out, "I - um, I'd do my best, <<if $PC.title != 0>>sir<<else>>ma'am<</if>>!"
+Knowing what's coming, the teachers in the facility do train their pupils accordingly and try to instill obedience and acceptance into those soon reaching eighteen years of age, and the young man you're shown in short notice is said to be a good student and receptive for his lessons. It is quite obvious why he hasn't been adopted so far — the eighteen year old is relatively small in stature and his face was too pretty and feminine to appeal to anyone wanting to add a male child to their family. For your uses on the other hand, he's perfect. With a little bit of training, this teen will make an excellent dickgirl. Approaching him, you question the soon-to-be slave a little, finding him nervous but fairly obedient to commands. Testing out his limits, you have him pull down his pants right then and there, revealing that there's one part of his body that's not at all small — his dick. When you pose the question what he'd think about becoming a dickgirl, he is speechless at first, then after a pointed stare stammers out, "I — um, I'd do my best, <<if $PC.title != 0>>sir<<else>>ma'am<</if>>!"
-//Satisfied, you leave him be and have a short discussion with an administrator, who establishes the young man's - or rather dickgirl's - asking price at <<print cashFormat(1500)>>.//
+//Satisfied, you leave him be and have a short discussion with an administrator, who establishes the young man's — or rather dickgirl's — asking price at <<print cashFormat(1500)>>.//
 <<case "captured teen">>
@@ -2364,7 +2364,7 @@ Coming to your desk in the morning, you see that your assistant has flagged an i
 The current sale offer comes from one of the arcology's oldest college frat-houses — apparently a wealthy alumnus of the fraternity has bestowed a significant donation on the current brothers of the frat house. A few visits to the slave market later, the frat house is practically flush with fresh, nubile, slavegirls. Yet, all these new slaves have left little room for one of the frat house's oldest fixtures — an older female slave who doubled as both a housekeeper and fuckhole for a few generations of horny students. $He's pretty and has been well-trained over the years, if a bit exhausted from $his decades of serving as a sexual outlet to a house of frat brothers.
-//The brothers don't want to hold onto $him for long, having already been entranced by their multitude of new purchases - which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the middle-aged $woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
+//The brothers don't want to hold onto $him for long, having already been entranced by their multitude of new purchases — which makes this a nice opportunity, as the price for the middle-aged $woman is set pretty low. It'll just take <<print cashFormat(2500)>> to buy $him off their hands.//
 <<case "immigrant">>
@@ -2433,7 +2433,7 @@ While digging through the highest security and clearance level database of a pow
 As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
-Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when a pretty, young, naked and extremely pregnant <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>$woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>little $girl<</if>> slowly waddles through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation - $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He caught your interest just enough to check the slave markets for a potential better look at that cult's tastes - and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
+Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in — which is when a pretty, young, naked and extremely pregnant <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>$woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>little $girl<</if>> slowly waddles through the image, escorted by two repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation — $he must have been the cult leader's personal slave. $He caught your interest just enough to check the slave markets for a potential better look at that cult's tastes — and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
 The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young $woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>child<</if>> is likely a virgin, given $his obvious discomfort at being poked and prodded for display and is trying $his hardest to cover $his shame. Quickly reading through the details, your suspicions are confirmed; $he is indeed a heavily pregnant virgin. Odds are high that $he was treated as a "Virgin Mary" for the cult and is likely going to catch the eye of any collectors of religious objects.
@@ -2443,7 +2443,7 @@ The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young $woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actu
 As a minor point of information on your daily news download, you see that yet another of the new religions (cults really) that tend to spring up like weeds in the Free Cities has met its almost inevitable fate. Even with the most charismatic leader, starry-eyed idealism or boundless greed in milking the followers usually put a sudden end to the various self-declared churches, temples and holy places. In this case, the cult leader successfully made a hasty getaway, leaving his creditors and conned believers behind. Repo men are sent out in force, carting off the contents of the 'house of worship' and the luxurious apartment the man kept.
-Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in - which is when the obscenely child-filled body of a <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>$woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>little $girl<</if>> is slowly carted through the image, pushed along by several repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation - $he must have been a slave used by the cult leader for religious rituals. $He caught your interest just enough to check the slave markets for a potential better look at that cult's tastes - and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
+Wondering what sorts of strange paraphernalia or weird sex toys the grifter might have kept himself amused with, you casually select the feed of one of the surveillance cameras that overlooks the area. And indeed, the contents of many boxes being carried out of there do have a certain perverted look to them, prompting you to zoom in — which is when the obscenely child-filled body of a <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>$woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>little $girl<</if>> is slowly carted through the image, pushed along by several repo men. Immediately directing the camera to follow $him, you see that they scan and log $him like any of the other items in the household liquidation — $he must have been a slave used by the cult leader for religious rituals. $He caught your interest just enough to check the slave markets for a potential better look at that cult's tastes — and indeed, half an hour later $he's being listed as for sale.
 The <<if ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 18)>>young $woman<<elseif ($activeSlave.actualAge >= 13)>>$girl<<else>>child<</if>> isn't in the greatest of shape, which is understandable when one is ready to burst at the seams with child, and completely devoid of any semblance of awareness of the current situation. $He was likely nothing more than a sacrifice to act as a conduit for their Lord to enter the world; in other words, an excuse to load a girl up with fertility drugs and fuck $him ridiculously pregnant before your followers while they shout praise to the heavens to every load of cum. Going by how distinctly you can see the life inside $him pushing against the thinning walls of $his abdomen, $he's likely going to either give birth or explode into crying babies at any time, something not lost on those looking to pick up a cheap bundle of future prospects.
@@ -2590,25 +2590,25 @@ He explains that one of his servant <<= $girl>>s was impregnated by his fool of
 				<<case "DG SE">>
 					Sending an offer to buy the dickgirl, you get a confirmation from the student very shortly afterward. It doesn't take much longer before he appears at the security office leading into your penthouse to drop off his slave, leaving $him behind without even saying goodbye. The sniffling and dejected $girl is brought into your office so you can check $him out in person afterward. On your orders, $he strips and submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 				<<case "gang leader">>
-					Opening a voice-link, you call in two security guards to await the elevator and have your new property brought to the remote surgery. After some fun playing with various sliders and buttons in its settings, you have the machine start on modding the man into a new dickgirl with a pleasing set of features. By the time $he comes to after the operation and quick-heal treatment, the legalities of enslavement are completed too, leaving you with another slave registered as your property. Of course, $he is naturally horrified and furious with you; where there was once a tough young man's square jaw, there is now a definitively feminine face which looks rather cute when angry. The rest of $him is still broad-shouldered and muscular, with all the tattoos and a well-sized dick - but you can always mod that later if you want to.
+					Opening a voice-link, you call in two security guards to await the elevator and have your new property brought to the remote surgery. After some fun playing with various sliders and buttons in its settings, you have the machine start on modding the man into a new dickgirl with a pleasing set of features. By the time $he comes to after the operation and quick-heal treatment, the legalities of enslavement are completed too, leaving you with another slave registered as your property. Of course, $he is naturally horrified and furious with you; where there was once a tough young man's square jaw, there is now a definitively feminine face which looks rather cute when angry. The rest of $him is still broad-shouldered and muscular, with all the tattoos and a well-sized dick — but you can always mod that later if you want to.
 				<<case "DG runaway" "female runaway" "herm runaway">>
 					With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the slave<<= $girl>>'s owner, then have your guardsmen bring $him from the station infirmary to your penthouse. $He is led to stand before you, shivering in terror and looking at $his feet. Only after an insistent command does $he look up long enough to be biometrically scanned and registered as your property.
 				<<case "CCS angel" "CCS DA">>
-					Winning out in the auction, you have the young $woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
+					Winning out in the auction, you have the young $woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown — some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 				<<case "blessed virgin">>
-					Winning out in the auction, you have the $girl brought to you straight away. $He is helped into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. With quivering hands, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
+					Winning out in the auction, you have the $girl brought to you straight away. $He is helped into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown — some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. With quivering hands, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 				<<case "blessed vessel">>
 					Winning out in the auction, you have the $girl brought to you straight away. $He is rolled into your penthouse completely nude giving you a full view of $his cavernous pussy and how it is barely holding back a flood of life from being released upon your floor. Pondering whether or not this was worth it, you submit $him to biometric scanning, registering $him, and $his coming brood, as your property.
 				<<case "racer DG chaser">>
 					After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the $girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the dickgirl athlete, dressed in nothing but a long bathrobe and with a slightly sullen look on $his face. Seems like $he was brought here from $his former owner's premises without so much as a warning or chance to put on any clothes. He really must have wanted $him out of his racing stable quickly. On your orders, $he pushes the robe over $his shoulders and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 				<<case "racer loser">>
-					After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the $girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the young athlete, dressed in a cute yet revealing white dress, the 'showing off' outfit used for virgin runners - or ex-virgins, in $his case. On your orders, $he obediently takes it off, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
+					After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the $girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the young athlete, dressed in a cute yet revealing white dress, the 'showing off' outfit used for virgin runners — or ex-virgins, in $his case. On your orders, $he obediently takes it off, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 				<<case "racer winner">>
 					After some negotiations with the race track owner, you finally agree on a good price. After he tells his subordinates to bring the $girl to you, the two of you chat a bit about business matters and you're invited to the owner's booth for the next big race. A short while later, guards bring in the virgin athlete, dressed in a cute yet revealing white dress, highlighting $his pureness and virginity. On your orders, $he readily takes it off, letting the thin fabric fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property.
 				<<case "repo housekeeper">>
 					With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the repo company, then wait for $his delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with $him are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers $his head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, what will my new ta<<s>>k<<s>> in your hou<<s>>ehold be? <<Sh>>all I ju<<s>>t clean or will there be... other thing<<s>> for me to do?" The eager tremble in $his voice tells you that $he's more than a little aroused by the thought of being used, so you tell $him it'll all depend on if $he's a good $girl...
 				<<case "repo nanny">>
-					With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the repo company, then wait for $his delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with $him are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers $his head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, I - umm... what will be required of me? I'm really good with children and... and I can <<s>>ing. Al<<s>>o, I've -" The fearful tremble in $his voice tells you that $he's more than a little afraid of what you might have planned for $him. Waving off the slave's frightened babbling, you tell $him that you'll decide what to do with $him when you feel like it.
+					With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the repo company, then wait for $his delivery. After being brought into your penthouse by security, the legalities and biometric scanning with $him are taken care off fairly quickly and without fuss. Stepping towards you after the chime announcing a successful registration as your property, $activeSlave.slaveName lowers $his head obediently and asks, "<<Master>>, I — umm... what will be required of me? I'm really good with children and... and I can <<s>>ing. Al<<s>>o, I've -" The fearful tremble in $his voice tells you that $he's more than a little afraid of what you might have planned for $him. Waving off the slave's frightened babbling, you tell $him that you'll decide what to do with $him when you feel like it.
 				<<case "farm cow">>
 					Making a video call to tell the association president you accept the asking price for $activeSlave.slaveName, you're drawn into a conversation with the skillful speaker, at the end of which you agree to be the honored guest for their convention. Who knows, new developments in the slave farming industry might actually prove interesting to learn about, and the pleasure of acquiring a new slave will make it worth your while even if it turns out to be boring. In short notice, the $woman you just bought is brought to your penthouse where $he obediently strips and stands ready for your inspection.
 				<<case "farm bull">>
@@ -2722,11 +2722,11 @@ He explains that one of his servant <<= $girl>>s was impregnated by his fool of
 					<<case "DG runaway" "female runaway" "herm runaway">>
 						With a few keystrokes, you wire the payment to the slave<<= $girl>>'s owner, then have your guardsmen bring $him from the station infirmary to your penthouse. $He is led to stand before you, shivering in terror and looking at $his feet. Only after an insistent command does $he look up long enough to be biometrically scanned and registered as your property. Frowning at the emotional state the gang left $him in, you're relieved when your guards take $him away a moment later, to be transported to the office of a slave broker you know well. Oh well, now $he'll be someone else's problem to fix up.
 					<<case "CCS angel">>
-						Winning out in the auction, you have the young $woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young $woman sighs, sad that $he's not staying as yours in the luxurious penthouse you call your own.
+						Winning out in the auction, you have the young $woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown — some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young $woman sighs, sad that $he's not staying as yours in the luxurious penthouse you call your own.
 					<<case "CCS DA">>
-						Winning out in the auction, you have the young $woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young $woman lets out a little huff, as if telling $himself that your luxurious penthouse can't be that good if you're not keeping $him for it.
+						Winning out in the auction, you have the young $woman brought to you straight away. $He is led into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown — some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. Obediently, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young $woman lets out a little huff, as if telling $himself that your luxurious penthouse can't be that good if you're not keeping $him for it.
 					<<case "blessed virgin">>
-						Winning out in the auction, you have the young $woman brought to you straight away. $He is helped into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown - some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. With shaking hands, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young $woman lets out a little sob, as if fearful of $his future.
+						Winning out in the auction, you have the young $woman brought to you straight away. $He is helped into your penthouse in semitransparent shimmering gown — some sort of cult garb that was thrown into the sale as a bonus. It certainly looks amazing on $him, but you want to see all of your new acquisition so you order $him to strip. With shaking hands, $he slides the fabric off and lets it fall to the floor, then submits to biometric scanning, registering $him as your property. When $he's taken away to the office of the slave broker you sold $him on to, the young $woman lets out a little sob, as if fearful of $his future.
 					<<case "blessed vessel">>
 						Winning out in the auction, you have the $girl brought to you straight away. $He is rolled into your penthouse completely nude giving you a full view of $his cavernous pussy and how it is barely holding back a flood of life from being released upon your floor. Pondering whether or not this was worth it, you submit $him to biometric scanning, registering $him, and $his coming brood, as your property. The purchasing agent groans at that sight of $him, not eager at the amount of effort it will take him to roll $him to the volume breeder that purchased $him.
 					<<case "spoiled daughter">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/remFluctuations.tw b/src/uncategorized/remFluctuations.tw
index 0614899650138a2c04eed0347175a78dea9c2802..9ec7a3f37ae3179289b14d80c7059c452e944bef 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/remFluctuations.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/remFluctuations.tw
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ Your <<if $marketAssistantAnnounced>>market<<else>>personal<</if>> assistant's s
 	<<set $menialDemandFactor = Math.clamp($menialDemandFactor,-50000,50000)>>
 	<<set $slaveCostFactor = menialSlaveCost()/1000>>
 <<elseif $REM == "tainted drugs">>
-	The Free Cities are anarcho-capitalist paradises - or 'paradises,' depending on one's station and assets. You can't complain personally, as one of the Free Cities' richest citizens, master of your own arcology and owner of sexual slaves. Unfortunately quite a few slaves in the markets are in a position to complain today, as are their owners. Many slave markets use long-lasting stimulants to pep their wares up for auction; dull-eyed slaves earn low bids. Corner-cutting at one of the major suppliers of these stimulants led to a number of slaves being prepared for auction being damaged today. Relatively few were permanently lost, but slaves are going to be a little scarce for a while, which will drive up the going rate. Projections suggest increases of up to five percent. There will be no immediate impact on you or your slaves, but the coming weeks will be a great time to sell stock, and a bad time to buy. @@.yellow;The market price of slaves has increased.@@
+	The Free Cities are anarcho-capitalist paradises — or 'paradises,' depending on one's station and assets. You can't complain personally, as one of the Free Cities' richest citizens, master of your own arcology and owner of sexual slaves. Unfortunately quite a few slaves in the markets are in a position to complain today, as are their owners. Many slave markets use long-lasting stimulants to pep their wares up for auction; dull-eyed slaves earn low bids. Corner-cutting at one of the major suppliers of these stimulants led to a number of slaves being prepared for auction being damaged today. Relatively few were permanently lost, but slaves are going to be a little scarce for a while, which will drive up the going rate. Projections suggest increases of up to five percent. There will be no immediate impact on you or your slaves, but the coming weeks will be a great time to sell stock, and a bad time to buy. @@.yellow;The market price of slaves has increased.@@
 	<<set $menialSupplyFactor -= 12000>>
 	<<set $menialSupplyFactor = Math.clamp($menialSupplyFactor,-50000,50000)>>
 	<<set $slaveCostFactor = menialSlaveCost()/1000>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/resFailure.tw b/src/uncategorized/resFailure.tw
index b5fd4e4e3caed6cdd823b17ba613b405841f8edd..69a30d7689d4324b68c1de2a67b62c9447fa657a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/resFailure.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/resFailure.tw
@@ -756,19 +756,19 @@
 <<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
 <<if $RESFailure == "TSS">>
-	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of The Slavegirl School, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
+	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of The Slavegirl School, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange — the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
 <<elseif $RESFailure == "GRI">>
-	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Growth Research Institute, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our subsidiary lab down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The lab we're closing has five solid test subjects. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
+	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Growth Research Institute, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange — the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our subsidiary lab down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The lab we're closing has five solid test subjects. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
 <<elseif $RESFailure == "SCP">>
-	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of St. Claver Prep, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
+	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of St. Claver Prep, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange — the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
 <<elseif $RESFailure == "LDE">>
-	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the École des Enculées, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
+	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the École des Enculées, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange — the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
 <<elseif $RESFailure == "TGA">>
-	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Gymnasium-Academy, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
+	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Gymnasium-Academy, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange — the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
 <<elseif $RESFailure == "HA">>
-	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Hippolyta Academy, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
+	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Hippolyta Academy, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange — the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our branch campus down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. I regret to add," he says nervously, "that we're experiencing continued difficulty finding the liquidity to pay what we owe you. The branch campus we're closing has five recent graduates. We'd like to transfer them to you in lieu of payment." He hurriedly ends the call.
 <<elseif $RESFailure == "TCR">>
-	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Cattle Ranch, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange - the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our farm down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. However, we lack the funds to remove some of our finest cattle and since we still owe you a little... We'd like to you to have them; we'll even have them delivered to your penthouse with the last of our credits." He hurriedly ends the call.
+	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Cattle Ranch, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. "I apologize," he says with some embarrassment, "but it seems our expansion into your arcology was a mistake. It's strange — the business climate seemed excellent, and other corporations are doing well." He sighs. "Nevertheless, nothing ever seemed to go as planned. We'll be shutting our farm down immediately. In fact, it should be shut down within the hour. However, we lack the funds to remove some of our finest cattle and since we still owe you a little... We'd like to you to have them; we'll even have them delivered to your penthouse with the last of our credits." He hurriedly ends the call.
 	The senior Sister of the community of Futanari Sisters in your arcology appears at your penthouse, as you've been expecting since their second missed rent payment. This is quite the occasion, since they never leave their little nest. $He's delightfully nude, and it occurs to you that the Sisters probably do not own clothing at all. $He has obviously been crying; puffy eyes and a sniffling nose mar $his gorgeous face. $He must have caused quite the sensation as $he made $his way here, in tears, gigantic tits and huge cock bouncing around. To your surprise, $he flings $himself at your feet, $his dick making a painful-sounding slap against the floor and $his breasts squashing out to either side of $him.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/resMove.tw b/src/uncategorized/resMove.tw
index 217275c434ceb320e57c8e8a9ea019ff94a9e65e..b55a18fd1025fb69d6cd803695d20950d91436d1 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/resMove.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/resMove.tw
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 <<elseif $RESMove == "TCR">>
 	You receive a personal call from a senior representative of the Cattle Ranch. "<<if $PC.surname>><<if $PC.title>>Mr.<<else>>Ms.<</if>> <<print $PC.surname>><<else>><<print $PC.name>><</if>>," he says without preamble, "The Ranch would like to open a pasture in $arcologies[0].name. We'd like to ask for a significant reduction in rent from your standard rate, since we could bring significant benefits to you through our presence." After some further pleasantries, he urges you to consider the offer, wishes you a pleasant day, and ends the call.
-	You receive a personal call from a senior Futanari Sister - not the one you helped win the power struggle over futa balls. "<<if $PC.surname>><<if $PC.title>>Mr.<<else>>Ms.<</if>> <<print $PC.surname>><<else>><<print $PC.name>><</if>>," she says with the odd confidence all elder Sisters share, "our numbers are growing,
+	You receive a personal call from a senior Futanari Sister — not the one you helped win the power struggle over futa balls. "<<if $PC.surname>><<if $PC.title>>Mr.<<else>>Ms.<</if>> <<print $PC.surname>><<else>><<print $PC.name>><</if>>," she says with the odd confidence all elder Sisters share, "our numbers are growing,
 	<<if ($PC.dick == 1) && ($PC.vagina == 1) && ($PC.boobs == 1)>>
 		and we are very eager to become closer to you. Normally, we would ask for lowered rent in return for the benefits we bring an arcology, but for you, we are unwilling to ask even that. We shall charge others more for their purchase of Sisters instead. Please, will you have us?" She bats her eyes at you, looking very willing to be had.
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ as you suspected,
 		<<case "shemale">>
 			those soft young butthole sluts..." _heA trails off, _hisA avatar starting to masturbate.
 		<<case "amazon">>
-			their soft - I mean their submissive - you know, how they take..." _hisA avatar trails off, blushing.
+			their soft — I mean their submissive — you know, how they take..." _hisA avatar trails off, blushing.
 		<<case "businesswoman">>
 			all that whoring potential," _hisA avatar says, looking aroused at the possibilities.
 		<<case "fairy">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/rulesAssistantReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/rulesAssistantReport.tw
index 541c6cb80d21bee7182f0c9688565a2b4801fac6..820dbcd83e03fcacca9c71a45e3d3b1a3fee8874 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/rulesAssistantReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/rulesAssistantReport.tw
@@ -7,4 +7,3 @@
 		<<= DefaultRules($slaves[$i])>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveDeselectWorkaround.tw b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveDeselectWorkaround.tw
index 0af802d7a8896702d76fedf4f520068aa88871aa..fda2a7f7570445ddb3ad2f160d2095bb8b4f736e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveDeselectWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveDeselectWorkaround.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-:: Rules Slave Deselect Workaround
+:: Rules Slave Deselect Workaround [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Rules Slave Select">>
 <<if ruleSlaveSelected($activeSlave, $currentRule)>>
@@ -8,5 +7,3 @@
 <<goto "Rules Slave Select">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveExclude.tw b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveExclude.tw
index 5c6e5a4f5226d8b86da1dae715c467f39fe0be98..3bda3fbbe8e85595d0a240438868031231cd0a27 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveExclude.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveExclude.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-:: Rules Slave Exclude
+:: Rules Slave Exclude [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Rules Assistant">>
 <<if ndef $currentRule.excludedSlaves>>
@@ -20,4 +19,3 @@
 	<<set $Flag = 0>>
 	<<include "Slave Summary">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveExcludeWorkaround.tw b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveExcludeWorkaround.tw
index 6d62166fa42bfc49002b902a8a81db000f59e5fc..e35b1fcd4c6303c209bdb08aa8e22305f5cee76b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveExcludeWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveExcludeWorkaround.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-:: Rules Slave Exclude Workaround
+:: Rules Slave Exclude Workaround [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Rules Slave Exclude">>
 <<if !ruleSlaveExcluded($activeSlave, $currentRule)>>
@@ -11,5 +10,3 @@
 <<goto "Rules Slave Exclude">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveNoExcludeWorkaround.tw b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveNoExcludeWorkaround.tw
index cd7238218d00017546cd9dd1342288c69b22dace..3213729339855c1cab2d7dfb034a63277258c2ad 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveNoExcludeWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveNoExcludeWorkaround.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-:: Rules Slave NoExclude Workaround
+:: Rules Slave NoExclude Workaround [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Rules Slave Exclude">>
 <<if ruleSlaveExcluded($activeSlave, $currentRule)>>
@@ -8,5 +7,3 @@
 <<goto "Rules Slave Exclude">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveSelect.tw b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveSelect.tw
index 2c7a4cf70ab7319230d34ea7a1b6def0917606c3..4f234f4a0790886558cb52525bd6877576724c84 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveSelect.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveSelect.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-:: Rules Slave Select
+:: Rules Slave Select [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Rules Assistant">>
 <<if ndef $currentRule.selectedSlaves>>
@@ -20,4 +19,3 @@
 	<<set $Flag = 0>>
 	<<include "Slave Summary">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveSelectWorkaround.tw b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveSelectWorkaround.tw
index e8ed3ce8c5a822bcc64299a43d128c8e43b837da..af9e05771eb64595e42676badff8f37852dd7a85 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveSelectWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/rulesSlaveSelectWorkaround.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-:: Rules Slave Select Workaround
+:: Rules Slave Select Workaround [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "Rules Slave Select">>
 <<if !ruleSlaveSelected($activeSlave, $currentRule)>>
@@ -11,5 +10,3 @@
 <<goto "Rules Slave Select">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seCoursingRace.tw b/src/uncategorized/seCoursingRace.tw
index 9cac4fd60d951fb42953f6e68cca788bf7315bed..dc6c92c77e5af20801da2a821b6d316af1967dfd 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seCoursingRace.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seCoursingRace.tw
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ You place your hand on the leash's quick release and <<if canHear($Lurcher)>>whi
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 20>>
 <<if $Lurcher.height >= 185>>
-	$His steps are long - too long, in fact: $his long legs slow $his gait.
+	$His steps are long — too long, in fact: $his long legs slow $his gait.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.height < 150>>
 	$His stride is too short, but it's the best $his little legs can manage.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seExpiration.tw b/src/uncategorized/seExpiration.tw
index b0358f25862a667712ef10eb1627e0623b95ff2a..d96a9188c018855adf4d162283e65a643ed0e935 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seExpiration.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seExpiration.tw
@@ -159,6 +159,6 @@ at the moment of $his scheduled emancipation, $he seems willing to consider a sh
-$He makes no effort at all to conceal $his joy at being a free woman again. It seems very unlikely that $he'll stay in the arcology; $he'll probably take what remains of $his indenture payment, held in escrow for this day, and be off to wherever it is that $he came from in the first place.
+$He makes no effort at all to conceal $his joy at being a free $woman again. It seems very unlikely that $he'll stay in the arcology; $he'll probably take what remains of $his indenture payment, held in escrow for this day, and be off to wherever it is that $he came from in the first place.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/shops.tw b/src/uncategorized/shops.tw
index dada283f36dc8a2d80196792fce1e2ac6f1f4064..59fb9eec579d2f9c13f45badc5a1fd72804eee82 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/shops.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/shops.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 :: Shops [nobr]
 <<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Main">>
+<<setNonlocalPronouns $seeDicks>>
 This is a section of the promenade
 <<switch $sectors[$AS].type>>
@@ -8,80 +9,81 @@ This is a section of the promenade
 	filled with a variety of small, higher-end shops, salons, brothels, and clubs. You control this part of the arcology and all these businesses pay you rent.
 <<case "Subjugationist">>
 	dedicated to $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace subjugationism. There are genteel dining establishments with $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace wait staff. Shops offer traditional slaving implements, including fine bespoke leather whips. To go by the shrieking, one of these is being tried on a shop's complimentary whipping targets.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Shop there">><<replace "#result">>Interested, you head in to see how the latest styles feel in hand. The fearful slave salesgirls offer you complimentary tries at the targets, of course. They barely manage to avoid bursting into tears, knowing that if they make the slightest mistake representing the shop to the arcology owner, they'll be chained up for whip trials, too. The rich handmade leather is supple and handy, and readily extracts throat rending screams from the slaves you're encouraged to try it on.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Shop there">><<replace "#result">>Interested, you head in to see how the latest styles feel in hand. The fearful slave sales<<= _girlU>>s offer you complimentary tries at the targets, of course. They barely manage to avoid bursting into tears, knowing that if they make the slightest mistake representing the shop to the arcology owner, they'll be chained up for whip trials, too. The rich handmade leather is supple and handy, and readily extracts throat rending screams from the slaves you're encouraged to try it on.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Supremacist">>
 	dedicated to $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace supremacism. There are some select social establishments here which don't actually use any slaves at all, offering a surprisingly egalitarian atmosphere in which citizens of the master race can relax in each others' company without any subhuman filth present.
 	<span id="result"><<link "Put in an appearance">><<replace "#result">>You decide to stop in at one of these establishments, and of course your money's no good. You're welcomed with considerable bonhomie, and much less formality than you usually receive at social events in your arcology. Everyone's $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace here, and in that you're all equal, and all good friends. Everyone wants to have at least a quick word, and you stay longer than you originally meant to.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Gender Radicalist">>
 	dedicated to Gender Radicalism. The shops here offer a bewildering cornucopia of sex toys. Citizens can kit themselves and their slaves out for anything, regardless of bodily layout. A female citizen is looking over the latest strap-ons, while a male peer is considering versions designed to enable double penetration by one person.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Try one">><<replace "#result">>You decide to try one of the latest models. Naturally, the store is eager to have you seen considering their products. The harness is very comfortable, and it <<if $PC.dick == 1>>equips you with a second phallus. The slave salesgirl lacks a vagina, but encourages you to try the setup on her anyway, promising that her backpussy can accept double penetration. It can.<<else>>provides you with an extremely large phallus, which cums from an internal reservoir. The slave salesgirl encourages you to try the setup on her, promising that her holes can accommodate it. They can.<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Try one">><<replace "#result">>You decide to try one of the latest models. Naturally, the store is eager to have you seen considering their products. The harness is very comfortable, and it <<if $PC.dick == 1>>equips you with a second phallus. The slave sales<<= _girlU>> lacks a vagina, but encourages you to try the setup on _himU anyway, promising that _hisU backpussy can accept double penetration. It can.<<else>>provides you with an extremely large phallus, which cums from an internal reservoir. The slave sales<<= _girlU>> encourages you to try the setup on _himU, promising that _hisU holes can accommodate it. They can.<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Gender Fundamentalist">>
 	dedicated to Gender Fundamentalism. The establishments here are mostly focused on <<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>keeping slaves attractively feminine. There are shops offering all kinds of treatments, drugs, clothes, and furniture to satisfy even the most discerning lady<<else>>citizen reproduction with slaves. There are shops offering all kinds of treatments, drugs, clothes, and furniture to facilitate the successful impregnation of one's chattel, along with a variety of beauty products to keep them soft and feminine<</if>>.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Get a massage">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance at a tenant business, and the massage parlors are of course very eager to offer you complimentary services. The masseuse is very well-trained, and not at all a sex toy with poor massage skills as a veneer for handjob services. She releases the muscle soreness from your latest workout, and uses her delicate touch to bring you to an enjoyable orgasm; she <<if $PC.dick == 1>>catches your cum in her mouth and swallows it<<else>>swallows your femcum<</if>> with every appearance of appetite.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Get a massage">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance at a tenant business, and the massage parlors are of course very eager to offer you complimentary services. The masseuse is very well-trained, and not at all a sex toy with poor massage skills as a veneer for handjob services. _HeU releases the muscle soreness from your latest workout, and uses _hisU delicate touch to bring you to an enjoyable orgasm; _heU <<if $PC.dick == 1>>catches your cum in _hisU mouth and swallows it<<else>>swallows your femcum<</if>> with every appearance of appetite.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Paternalist">>
-	dedicated to Paternalism. Many of the establishments here cater to slaves, some even to slaves exclusively. They offer luxurious and relaxing treatment for good girls whose owners send them here as rewards. Trusted slaves enter and exit these without any visible restraint or accompaniment, looking for all the world like pretty girls on a day out.
+	dedicated to Paternalism. Many of the establishments here cater to slaves, some even to slaves exclusively. They offer luxurious and relaxing treatment for good <<= _girlU>>s whose owners send them here as rewards. Trusted slaves enter and exit these without any visible restraint or accompaniment, looking for all the world like pretty <<= _girlU>>s on a day out.
 	<span id="result"><<link "Tour the area">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance at these establishments, and tour their front lobbies, listening politely to the educated slave receptionists' polished descriptions of the services offered. You stay out of the back areas, of course; those are for relaxing slaves, and owners typically leave them be while they're there. Most of the slaves moving through the area know who you are, and many of them are confident enough to give you respectful smiles.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Degradationist">>
 	dedicated to Degradationism. The stores for slaveowners sell all sorts of inventive restraints and punishments. There are also a few of a uniquely Degradationist establishment: torture parlors, where any citizen can send a slave for punishment by paying customers, within bounds defined by the owner.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Try a round">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance at a tenant business and show off your skills, and the torture parlors are very eager to have you accept a complimentary round. You select a pretty girl sent to a torture parlor for some unknown failing by her owner, and use a switch to flog her calves, inner thighs, and breasts until she loses control of her bladder. <<if $PC.slaving >= 100>>You're skilled at this. The trick is to stop just short of blows that will break the skin, applying all possible pain without any inconvenient blood.<<else>>There's a bit of blood, but her owner will expect that.<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Try a round">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance at a tenant business and show off your skills, and the torture parlors are very eager to have you accept a complimentary round. You select a pretty _girlU sent to a torture parlor for some unknown failing by _hisU owner, and use a switch to flog _hisU calves, inner thighs, and breasts until _heU loses control of _hisU bladder. <<if $PC.slaving >= 100>>You're skilled at this. The trick is to stop just short of blows that will break the skin, applying all possible pain without any inconvenient blood.<<else>>There's a bit of blood, but _hisU owner will expect that.<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Body Purist">>
 	dedicated to Body Purism. There are high end clinics for citizens, with medical specialists skilled in the latest longevity treatments. Shops offer beauty treatments, anti-aging products, and personal massage services. The slave masseuses are naturally beautiful, and their bodies are obviously part of the services offered.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Get a massage">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance at a tenant business, and the massage parlors are of course very eager to offer you complimentary services. The masseuse is very well-trained, and not at all a sex toy with poor massage skills as a veneer for handjob services. She releases the muscle soreness from your latest workout, and uses her delicate touch to bring you to an enjoyable orgasm; she <<if $PC.dick == 1>>catches your cum in her mouth and swallows it<<else>>swallows your femcum<</if>> with every appearance of appetite.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Get a massage">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance at a tenant business, and the massage parlors are of course very eager to offer you complimentary services. The masseuse is very well-trained, and not at all a sex toy with poor massage skills as a veneer for handjob services. _HeU releases the muscle soreness from your latest workout, and uses _hisU delicate touch to bring you to an enjoyable orgasm; _heU <<if $PC.dick == 1>>catches your cum in _hisU mouth and swallows it<<else>>swallows your femcum<</if>> with every appearance of appetite.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Transformation Fetishist">>
 	dedicated to Transformation Fetishism. Autosurgeries are expensive, and require a lot of infrastructure, so almost all of your citizens have to send their slaves to clinics for surgical transformation. These establishments attempt to differentiate themselves by specializing in different surgeries, and advertising what they're best at.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to shop around the best surgery clinics, to put in an appearance and check out the latest developments available to citizens less exalted than yourself. The slave salesgirls are all heavily modified silicone bimbos, with an emphasis on whatever their owner's surgical specialty is. The lip specialists' salesgirls have facepussies so huge they can't talk at all, so they wear touchscreens around their necks that do the talking for them.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to shop around the best surgery clinics, to put in an appearance and check out the latest developments available to citizens less exalted than yourself. The slave sales<<= _girlU>>s are all heavily modified silicone bimbos, with an emphasis on whatever their owner's surgical specialty is. The lip specialists' sales<<= _girlU>>s have facepussies so huge they can't talk at all, so they wear touchscreens around their necks that do the talking for them.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Youth Preferentialist">>
-	dedicated to Youth Preferentialism. The shops here are quite varied. Some, like the tailors, only betray their focus on young slaves by their selections of schoolgirl outfits, girlish leotards, and the like. There are several high-end slave trainers who specialize in maximizing slaves' <<if $seeDicks < 100>>vaginal and <</if>>anal skills while they're still virgins, with instruction only.
+	dedicated to Youth Preferentialism. The shops here are quite varied. Some, like the tailors, only betray their focus on young slaves by their selections of school<<= _girlU>> outfits, girlish leotards, and the like. There are several high-end slave trainers who specialize in maximizing slaves' <<if $seeDicks < 100>>vaginal and <</if>>anal skills while they're still virgins, with instruction only.
 	<span id="result"><<link "Look in on the classes">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance and look into the training sessions. Of course, the trainers are very eager to share all the details with the arcology owner, and have you seen displaying an interest in their work. You're shown a classroom of obedient young slaves, right at sale age, paying rapt attention to a male trainer and a slave at the head of the classroom. He's reviewing how to relax during one's first time before 'deflowering' the teacher's assistant, whose <<if $seeDicks > 25>>asshole is allowed to rest and return to virgin tightness<<else>>hymen is surgically restored<</if>> between sessions.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Maturity Preferentialist">>
 	dedicated to Maturity Preferentialism. It's not immediately apparent, though the stores here offer fashions that are obviously designed to flatter mature women, and anti-aging products of all kinds are prominently displayed. What there are, though, are quite a number of pretty, scantily clad female citizens here, obviously retired from sexual slavery and looking to slake their still trained libidos with any handsome fellow citizen interested.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Hook up with a MILF">><<replace "#result">>Many of them recognize you, and it's immediately apparent that you have your choice of pretty much every retired slave present. You select the prettiest and make out with her for a while, among many admirers, until you feel like bringing her over to a nearby bench and doing her. <<if $PC.dick == 0>>She's as eager as a teenager to have a lesbian experience in public, and can't stop giggling as you fuck.<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">>Like many recently retired slaves in your arcology, she's gotten pregnant as a free woman, and it's supercharged her sex drive. No matter what you do to her, she just wants more.<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">>She's got a big dick, and clearly has close friends among the other recently retired girls, but is very willing to be your bottom, especially in public.<<else>>She was horny to begin with, but the foreplay and the naughtiness of doing it out in public has her as eager as a teenager, and she goes wild.<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Hook up with a MILF">><<replace "#result">>Many of them recognize you, and it's immediately apparent that you have your choice of pretty much every retired slave present. You select the prettiest and make out with _himU for a while, among many admirers, until you feel like bringing _himU over to a nearby bench and doing _himU. <<if $PC.dick == 0>>_HeU's as eager as a teenager to have a lesbian experience in public, and can't stop giggling as you fuck.<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">>Like many recently retired slaves in your arcology, _heU's gotten pregnant as a free _womanU, and it's supercharged _hisU sex drive. No matter what you do to _himU, _heU just wants more.<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">>_HeU's got a big dick, and clearly has close friends among the other recently retired <<= _girlU>>s, but is very willing to be your bottom, especially in public.<<else>>_HeU was horny to begin with, but the foreplay and the naughtiness of doing it out in public has _himU as eager as a teenager, and _heU goes wild.<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Slimness Enthusiast">>
 	dedicated to Slimness Enthusiasm. The shops here are quite varied. Some, like the tailors, only betray their focus on slim slaves by their selections of lingerie for petite breasts and trim hips. There are a large number of contract slave exercisers and slave dieticians, since many citizens who can afford a slave need assistance there.
 	<span id="result"><<link "Tour the trainers">><<replace "#result">>You decide to put in an appearance and look around the trainers. They're very eager to show you around, of course, and have you seen looking around; your expertise in keeping slaves slender is well known. The most inspiring sight you're shown is a long row of slaves on treadmills, running as fast as their individual fitness can support. They do this nude, since none of them have boobs big enough to require support, offering the sight of a long row of cute butts covered in a sheen of feminine sweat.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Asset Expansionist">>
-	dedicated to Asset Expansionism. The sector's focus is unmissable, even in the clothes stores. Many of the bras on offer look like a cross between an engineering marvel and a bad joke, and there are dresses that look like parachutes when they aren't on a mannequin or worn by a slave salesgirl. Then there's the crane store.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Shop there">><<replace "#result">>You decide to look in on the crane showroom, to see how citizens who don't own enough slaves to do the lifting and carrying are served. The huge-boobed slave salesgirls show you a variety of wheeled cranes that can help support a slave's breasts if they get too big for her to walk, and she needs to go somewhere. You have other slaves to help with that, and mechanical assistance built into your penthouse, but not everyone does. The salesgirls work in pairs, so one of them can unbutton her tentlike blouse and demonstrate the merchandise with her monstrous udders.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	dedicated to Asset Expansionism. The sector's focus is unmissable, even in the clothes stores. Many of the bras on offer look like a cross between an engineering marvel and a bad joke, and there are dresses that look like parachutes when they aren't on a mannequin or worn by a slave sales<<= _girlU>>. Then there's the crane store.
+	<span id="result"><<link "Shop there">><<replace "#result">>You decide to look in on the crane showroom, to see how citizens who don't own enough slaves to do the lifting and carrying are served. The huge-boobed slave sales<<= _girlU>>s show you a variety of wheeled cranes that can help support a slave's breasts if they get too big for _himU to walk, and _heU needs to go somewhere. You have other slaves to help with that, and mechanical assistance built into your penthouse, but not everyone does. The sales<<= _girlU>>s work in pairs, so one of them can unbutton _hisU tent-like blouse and demonstrate the merchandise with _hisU monstrous udders.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Pastoralist">>
-	dedicated to Pastoralism. Milking is mostly done elsewhere, so the establishments here are a curious mix of farm supply stores and eateries. You can sample all kinds of ice cream, shakes, smoothies, cheeses, butter, and other dairy products here, all made from creamy human milk drawn from a busty slavegirl's breasts. <<if $seeDicks > 0>>There are also all kinds of slave beauty products and foods made from 'the other slavegirl milk,' cum.<</if>>
+	dedicated to Pastoralism. Milking is mostly done elsewhere, so the establishments here are a curious mix of farm supply stores and eateries. You can sample all kinds of ice cream, shakes, smoothies, cheeses, butter, and other dairy products here, all made from creamy human milk drawn from a busty slave<<= _girlU>>'s breasts. <<if $seeDicks > 0>>There are also all kinds of slave beauty products and foods made from 'the other slave<<= _girlU>> milk,' cum.<</if>>
 	<span id="result"><<link "Tour the kitchens">><<replace "#result">>The eateries are very eager to have you seen inspecting their equipment and methods, and roll out the red carpet for you as they show you around. All kinds of old world culinary skill is on display here: artisan cheesemaking, butter hand-churned by muscular slaves, sweet custards and delicate flans that could compete in any dessert contest in the world. It's all so very refined and normal that it's quite easy to forget completely that the milk that is the basis of all this food comes from slaves.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Physical Idealist">>
 	dedicated to Physical Idealism. There are supplement shops and workout equipment stores here, but they're small and packed into the spaces between all the gyms. These are some of the best patronized gyms in the world, because not only do physical idealists work out, there's a strong inclination to work out in public.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Leg day">><<replace "#result">>It's all very positive, and the one unspoken rule is not to disparage others, but there's definitely competition. So when you step forward and get a complimentary day pass from one of the bubbly, permed slavegirl receptionists, you have an audience. What kind of definition you've got in your quads is going to be a subject of conversation today, but you've got confidence. You lift, and receive respectful complements and bro-fists. Then you take your turn spotting others, an honor your citizens greatly appreciate.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Leg day">><<replace "#result">>It's all very positive, and the one unspoken rule is not to disparage others, but there's definitely competition. So when you step forward and get a complimentary day pass from one of the bubbly, permed slave<<= _girlU>> receptionists, you have an audience. What kind of definition you've got in your quads is going to be a subject of conversation today, but you've got confidence. You lift, and receive respectful complements and bro-fists. Then you take your turn spotting others, an honor your citizens greatly appreciate.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Chattel Religionist">>
 	dedicated to Chattel Religionism. The stores offer all the items useful to a slaveowner who holds the new faith: proper slave restraints and penitent slave garments, of course, but also fine oils and incense, candles, tapers, and other devotional necessities. There are also correctional convents for the assistance of citizens with wayward slaves.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Visit the convents">><<replace "#result">>As a leader of the new faith, your visitation rights on these convents are unquestioned, and their owners are indeed eager to have you look around and offer your revered advice. The average citizen with only a slave or two often needs help keeping girls within the faith. The convents are severe houses of correction, and the sounds of prayer and penitence are omnipresent. In one nave, a slave prostrates herself before a religious icon, praying in a loud, desperate tone while <<if $seeDicks == 0>>a woman in nun's attire holding a ribbed vibrating dildo<<elseif $seeDicks < 100>>futanari in nun's attire<<else>>a man in monk's attire<</if>> fucks her mercilessly from behind.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<span id="result"><<link "Visit the convents">><<replace "#result">>As a leader of the new faith, your visitation rights on these convents are unquestioned, and their owners are indeed eager to have you look around and offer your revered advice. The average citizen with only a slave or two often needs help keeping <<= _girlU>>s within the faith. The convents are severe houses of correction, and the sounds of prayer and penitence are omnipresent. In one nave, a slave prostrates _himselfU before a religious icon, praying in a loud, desperate tone while <<if $seeDicks == 0>>a woman in nun's attire holding a ribbed vibrating dildo<<elseif $seeDicks < 100>>futanari in nun's attire<<else>>a man in monk's attire<</if>> fucks _himU mercilessly from behind.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Roman Revivalist">>
 	dedicated to Roman Revivalism. Since the forums are out on the arcology's plazas, there are fewer stores here. There are eateries, from which the sharp smell of //garum// is distinctly identifiable, but most of the space is occupied by hypocaust baths, which are free to enter but include various concession stands run by slaves.
 	<span id="result"><<link "Clean yourself">><<replace "#result">>A good Roman trip to the baths serves to cleanse, but it's a social experience, too. After being oiled down by a skilled slave, you work out in the proper nude, and then have the oil and any dirt scraped off your skin with by another slave. Then you make your way across the heated floor through a set of baths of varying temperatures, ending in a large and egalitarian space where many naked citizens of the new Rome are sharing the news of the day. You're welcomed with surprise, but also with comradeship, and made to feel welcome.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Aztec Revivalist">>
 	//I need content!//
 <<case "Egyptian Revivalist">>
-	dedicated to Egyptian Revivalism. There are a bewildering multiplicity of shops here; ancient Egypt is wonderfully fertile of linen fashion, fine jewelry, perfumes, incense, and other luxury goods. Beautiful warm-skinned slavegirls of all races have wares in hand to offer citizens who pass by, and they seem well-treated.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to tour the shops; with so much fine merchandise on offer, it's possible that someone's selling something that even you haven't heard of, and it's always good to see and be seen. The slave salesgirls are welcoming, and most are so well-trained that despite knowing who you are, they treat you with the same friendly courtesy that they offer everyone. They all offer you the peculiar straight-down curtsey that allows them to keep their necks straight, since they're all wearing gradually melting perfume cakes atop their hair, making them glisten with beguiling scent.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	dedicated to Egyptian Revivalism. There are a bewildering multiplicity of shops here; ancient Egypt is wonderfully fertile of linen fashion, fine jewelry, perfumes, incense, and other luxury goods. Beautiful warm-skinned slave<<= _girlU>>s of all races have wares in hand to offer citizens who pass by, and they seem well-treated.
+	<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to tour the shops; with so much fine merchandise on offer, it's possible that someone's selling something that even you haven't heard of, and it's always good to see and be seen. The slave sales<<= _girlU>>s are welcoming, and most are so well-trained that despite knowing who you are, they treat you with the same friendly courtesy that they offer everyone. They all offer you the peculiar straight-down curtsey that allows them to keep their necks straight, since they're all wearing gradually melting perfume cakes atop their hair, making them glisten with beguiling scent.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Edo Revivalist">>
 	dedicated to Edo Revivalism. There are strict restrictions on the establishments' décor here, so //tatami// mats and paper partitions are ubiquitous. There are handsome //sake// shops and tea rooms offering the traditional ceremony, and //kabuki// theaters offering the traditional performance, with modern plots and themes.
 	<span id="result"><<link "See a show">><<replace "#result">>As soon as you enter a theater, the play stops, and refined slave attendants usher you forward to the place of honor. None of the citizens present resent the interruption; having you here is a great addition to the performance. The actors bow deeply to you and resume. The classical dance drama is almost impenetrable to outsiders, and the modernity of the characters and events would not be at all decipherable. Once you catch the thread, though, the richness of the allegory towards Free Cities personages and events is quite enjoyable.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Arabian Revivalist">>
-	dedicated to Arabian Revivalism. The thriving mercantilism isn't limited to the slave markets, so many floors below; there are a bewildering variety of shops and stalls here, in no discernible order. Particolored cloth awnings, stacked goods, and bustling menial slaves constantly obscure your view, as pretty slavegirls hawking luxurious goods do their best to catch your eye.
+	dedicated to Arabian Revivalism. The thriving mercantilism isn't limited to the slave markets, so many floors below; there are a bewildering variety of shops and stalls here, in no discernible order. Particolored cloth awnings, stacked goods, and bustling menial slaves constantly obscure your view, as pretty slave<<= _girlU>>s hawking luxurious goods do their best to catch your eye.
 	<span id="result"><<link "Visit a coffee house">><<replace "#result">>But you disappoint them, even though some of them artfully manage to fall out of their slinky silk garments as you pass. You look into a little coffeehouse, densely packed with citizens drinking the strong, hot beverage out of tiny china and discussing the news of the day. Coffeehouses are democratic sorts of places and you're welcomed with comradely warmth; prosperous citizens shuffle and pack a little closer to make you a space, and a steaming cup full of almost midnight black coffee appears before you, as if from nowhere.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Chinese Revivalist">>
 	dedicated to Chinese Revivalism. The longest continuous cultural history humanity has provides so much material that no two establishments here fill quite the same niche. There are calligraphy schools and Confucian academies to teach ignorant citizens how to fit in. There are shops selling traditional cures and the latest pharmacological wonders side by side. There are even martial arts schools.
 	<span id="result"><<link "Exercise yourself">><<replace "#result">>You look into one of these. The students are exercising, moving through a series of forms in unison. The teacher recognizes you, <<if $PC.warfare >= 100>>and eagerly beckons you to join. Your martial skill is well known, and he's not disappointed. You're familiar with the forms, and join them seamlessly. Much later, when the exercise is done, the students are extremely pleased to discover exactly who their skillful temporary classmate was.<<else>>and gives you a doubtful, questioning glance, politely asking whether you can join with credit to yourself, all without words. You nod and pick up the forms, having a basic familiarity with them. They're difficult, but you're able to get through the enjoyable exercise with credit.<</if>><</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Repopulationist">>
-	dedicated to Repopulationism. The shops here offer a lovely mix of sex toys, fertility agents, maternity wear and furniture to fit even the biggest pregnancy. An attractive slave salesgirl with a huge belly is demonstrating the proper use of a swing designed to accommodate her added heft to a female citizen just beginning to show and her curious husband.
-	<span id="result"><<link "Give the swing a try">><<replace "#result">>You wait for the couple to leave before approaching the hapless girl and placing a hand on her vulnerable middle. She squeaks in surprise before she realizes just who is browsing her toys and the goods between her legs. <<if $PC.belly >= 5000>>Spreading her legs, you find that she is suspended at the perfect height for you to comfortably penetrate her; or she would be, if your own rounded middle wasn't pushing into her own. She asks for a little help getting down, and afterwards, shows you to a series of harness designed to hold a girl with her belly dangling beneath her. The perfect toy for the very pregnant slaveowner hoping to plow her equally gravid chattel.<<elseif $PC.dick == 1>>Spreading her legs, you find that she is suspended at the perfect height for you to comfortably penetrate her.<<else>> Picking out an attractive strap-on, donning it, and spreading her legs, you find that she is suspended at the perfect height for you to comfortably penetrate her.<</if>> Even better, the swing handles her weight, so no sprained back!<</replace>><</link>></span>
+	<<setPlayerPronouns>>
+	dedicated to Repopulationism. The shops here offer a lovely mix of sex toys, fertility agents, maternity wear and furniture to fit even the biggest pregnancy. An attractive slave salesgirl with a huge belly is demonstrating the proper use of a swing designed to accommodate _hisU added heft to a female citizen just beginning to show and her curious husband.
+	<span id="result"><<link "Give the swing a try">><<replace "#result">>You wait for the couple to leave before approaching the hapless _girlU and placing a hand on _hisU vulnerable middle. _HeU squeaks in surprise before _heU realizes just who is browsing _hisU toys and the goods between _hisU legs. <<if $PC.belly >= 5000>>Spreading _hisU legs, you find that _heU is suspended at the perfect height for you to comfortably penetrate _himU; or _heU would be, if your own rounded middle wasn't pushing into _hisU own. _HeU asks for a little help getting down, and afterwards, shows you to a series of harnesses designed to hold a _girlU with _hisU belly dangling beneath _himU. The perfect toy for the very pregnant slaveowner hoping to plow _hisP equally gravid chattel.<<elseif $PC.dick == 1>>Spreading _hisU legs, you find that _heU is suspended at the perfect height for you to comfortably penetrate _himU.<<else>> Picking out an attractive strap-on, donning it, and spreading _hisU legs, you find that _heU is suspended at the perfect height for you to comfortably penetrate _himU.<</if>> Even better, the swing handles _hisU weight, so no sprained back!<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Eugenics">>
 	dedicated to Eugenics. You knew the individuals drawn into your society had connections, but you had no idea they were this extensive! If you can think of it, a shop here is selling it; though they are not cheap, only the finest available merchandise is for sale here. Numerous recognizable faces browse the storefronts, accompanied by their favorite chattel, and upon noticing you, vie for your valuable attention.
 	<<if $PC.preg > 20 && ($PC.pregSource == -1 || $PC.pregSource == -6)>>
-		<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to waddle between the shops; with so much fine merchandise on offer, it's possible that someone's selling something to fulfill your growing cravings, and it's always good to see and be seen, especially with a middle rounded with a superior child. The slave salesgirls are accommodating and welcoming, most are so well-trained that they treat you with the respect a member of the Societal Elite deserves. They all offer you a curtsey that allows them lift their skirts, revealing the appropriate chastity. You end up leaving the stores with bags and bags of exotic foods and treats as well as a cute dress that shows off your pregnancy.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+		<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to waddle between the shops; with so much fine merchandise on offer, it's possible that someone's selling something to fulfill your growing cravings, and it's always good to see and be seen, especially with a middle rounded with a superior child. The slave sales<<= _girlU>>s are accommodating and welcoming; most are so well-trained that they treat you with the respect a member of the Societal Elite deserves. They all offer you a curtsey that allows them lift their skirts, revealing the appropriate chastity. You end up leaving the stores with bags and bags of exotic foods and treats as well as a cute dress that shows off your pregnancy.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 	<<elseif $PC.title == 1>>
-		<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to wander between the shops; with so much fine merchandise on offer, it's possible that someone's selling something to catch your discerning eye, and it's always good to see and be seen. The slave salesgirls are welcoming and most are so well-trained that they treat you with the respect a member of the Societal Elite deserves. They all offer you a curtsey that allows them lift their skirts, revealing the appropriate chastity. You end up leaving the stores with several fancy chastity belts and an amazing suit you can't wait to debut at your next social meeting.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+		<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to wander between the shops; with so much fine merchandise on offer, it's possible that someone's selling something to catch your discerning eye, and it's always good to see and be seen. The slave sales<<= _girlU>>s are welcoming and most are so well-trained that they treat you with the respect a member of the Societal Elite deserves. They all offer you a curtsey that allows them lift their skirts, revealing the appropriate chastity. You end up leaving the stores with several fancy chastity belts and an amazing suit you can't wait to debut at your next social meeting.<</replace>><</link>></span>
-		<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to wander between the shops; with so much fine merchandise on offer, it's possible that someone's selling something to catch your discerning eye, and it's always good to see and be seen. The slave salesgirls are welcoming and most are so well-trained that they treat you with the respect a member of the Societal Elite deserves. They all offer you a curtsey that allows them lift their skirts, revealing the appropriate chastity. You end up leaving the stores with several fancy chastity belts, a bag of tasty treats and an alluring dress you can't wait to debut at your next social meeting.<</replace>><</link>></span>
+		<span id="result"><<link "Shop around">><<replace "#result">>You decide to wander between the shops; with so much fine merchandise on offer, it's possible that someone's selling something to catch your discerning eye, and it's always good to see and be seen. The slave sales<<= _girlU>>s are welcoming and most are so well-trained that they treat you with the respect a member of the Societal Elite deserves. They all offer you a curtsey that allows them lift their skirts, revealing the appropriate chastity. You end up leaving the stores with several fancy chastity belts, a bag of tasty treats and an alluring dress you can't wait to debut at your next social meeting.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<case "Hedonism">>
-	dedicated to Hedonism. The establishments here are nearly all eateries, with a few sex shops and plus size clothing stores thrown in for good measure. Lovely smells fill the air, drawing your attention to the food vendors. Plump, cheerful slavegirls are present outside most of them offering free samples of the food sold within. You can't help but sample as you browse the menus.
+	dedicated to Hedonism. The establishments here are nearly all eateries, with a few sex shops and plus size clothing stores thrown in for good measure. Lovely smells fill the air, drawing your attention to the food vendors. Plump, cheerful slave<<= _girlU>>s are present outside most of them offering free samples of the food sold within. You can't help but sample as you browse the menus.
 	<span id="result"><<link "Conduct a more thorough culinary inspection">><<replace "#result">>The eateries are very eager to have you seen enjoying their food, and go all out in their presentations. Plate after plate, vendor after vendor, you are treated to the best they can make and as much as you want, free of charge. You make sure to not go too crazy, but by the final restaurant, your clothing is definitely getting a little tight around your bloated belly. After a number of glowing reviews, you're left with making your way back home. Fortunately, your arcology features plenty of moving walkways and escalators, so you can relax as your infrastructure delivers you right back to your penthouse.<</replace>><</link>></span>
 <<default>>ERROR: bad sector type
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/slaveInteract.tw b/src/uncategorized/slaveInteract.tw
index d09d10d5dbd37c0c6bca40257f32894843e16307..2ab1800cca69d1ba8a005a774709a456d2bc7849 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/slaveInteract.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/slaveInteract.tw
@@ -1350,105 +1350,105 @@ Aphrodisiacs: <span id="aphrodisiacs"><strong><<if $activeSlave.aphrodisiacs > 1
 <<set _WL = $activeSlave.womb.length>>
 <<if $incubator > 0>>
-<<if $activeSlave.preg > 0 && $activeSlave.broodmother == 0 && $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1 && $activeSlave.eggType == "human">>
-<<if $activeSlave.assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting > 0>>
-	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-	<<if _WL - _reservedNursery == 0>>
-		//$His children are already reserved for $nurseryName//
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $freeTanks = ($incubator-$tanks.length)>>
-		<<if _reservedIncubator > 0>>
-			<<if _WL == 1>>
-				$His child will be placed in $incubatorName.
-			<<elseif _reservedIncubator < _WL>>
-				_reservedIncubator of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
-			<<elseif _WL == 2>>
-				Both of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
+	<<if $activeSlave.preg > 0 && $activeSlave.broodmother == 0 && $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1 && $activeSlave.eggType == "human">>
+		<<if $activeSlave.assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting > 0>>
+		<<else>>
+			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+			<<if _WL - _reservedNursery == 0>>
+				//$His children are already reserved for $nurseryName//
-				All _reservedIncubator of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
-			<</if>>
-			<<if (_reservedIncubator + _reservedNursery < _WL) && ($reservedChildren < $freeTanks)>>
-				<<link "Keep another child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 1)>><</link>>
+				<<set $freeTanks = ($incubator-$tanks.length)>>
 				<<if _reservedIncubator > 0>>
-					| <<link "Keep one less child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 1)>><</link>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _reservedIncubator > 1>>
-					| <<link "Keep none of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 9999)>><</link>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if ($reservedChildren + _WL - _reservedIncubator) <= $freeTanks>>
-					| <<link "Keep the rest of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 9999)>><</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif (_reservedIncubator == _WL) || ($reservedChildren == $freeTanks) || (_reservedIncubator - _reservedNursery >= 0)>>
-				<<link "Keep one less child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 1)>><</link>>
-				<<if _reservedIncubator > 1>>
-					| <<link "Keep none of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 9999)>><</link>>
+					<<if _WL == 1>>
+						$His child will be placed in $incubatorName.
+					<<elseif _reservedIncubator < _WL>>
+						_reservedIncubator of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
+					<<elseif _WL == 2>>
+						Both of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
+					<<else>>
+						All _reservedIncubator of $his children will be placed in $incubatorName.
+					<</if>>
+					<<if (_reservedIncubator + _reservedNursery < _WL) && ($reservedChildren < $freeTanks)>>
+						<<link "Keep another child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 1)>><</link>>
+						<<if _reservedIncubator > 0>>
+							| <<link "Keep one less child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 1)>><</link>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if _reservedIncubator > 1>>
+							| <<link "Keep none of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 9999)>><</link>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if ($reservedChildren + _WL - _reservedIncubator) <= $freeTanks>>
+							| <<link "Keep the rest of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 9999)>><</link>>
+						<</if>>
+					<<elseif (_reservedIncubator == _WL) || ($reservedChildren == $freeTanks) || (_reservedIncubator - _reservedNursery >= 0)>>
+						<<link "Keep one less child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 1)>><</link>>
+						<<if _reservedIncubator > 1>>
+							| <<link "Keep none of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 9999)>><</link>>
+						<</if>>
+					<</if>>
+				<<elseif $reservedChildren < $freeTanks>>
+					$He is pregnant and you have <<if $freeTanks == 1>>an<</if>> @@.lime;available aging tank<<if $freeTanks > 1>>s<</if>>.@@
+					<<print "[[Keep "+ ((_WL > 1) ? "a" : "the") +" child|Slave Interact][WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, 'incubator', 1)]]">>
+					<<if (_WL > 1) && ($reservedChildren + _WL) <= $freeTanks>>
+						| <<link "Keep all of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 9999)>><</link>>
+					<</if>>
+				<<elseif $reservedChildren == $freeTanks>>
+					You have no available tanks for $his children.
-		<<elseif $reservedChildren < $freeTanks>>
-			$He is pregnant and you have <<if $freeTanks == 1>>an<</if>> @@.lime;available aging tank<<if $freeTanks > 1>>s<</if>>.@@
-			<<print "[[Keep "+ ((_WL > 1) ? "a" : "the") +" child|Slave Interact][WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, 'incubator', 1)]]">>
-			<<if (_WL > 1) && ($reservedChildren + _WL) <= $freeTanks>>
-				| <<link "Keep all of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "incubator", 9999)>><</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $reservedChildren == $freeTanks>>
-			You have no available tanks for $his children.
 <<if $nursery > 0>>
-<<if $activeSlave.preg > 0 && $activeSlave.broodmother == 0 && $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1 && $activeSlave.eggType == "human">>
-<<if $activeSlave.assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting > 0>>
-	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-	<<if _WL - _reservedIncubator == 0>>
-		<<set $reservedChildren = 0>>
-		//$His children are already reserved for $incubatorName//
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $freeCribs = ($nursery-$cribs.length)>>
-		<<if _reservedNursery > 0>>
-			<<if _WL == 1>>
-				$His child will be placed in $nurseryName.
-			<<elseif _reservedNursery < _WL>>
-				_reservedNursery of $his children will be placed in $nurseryName.
-			<<elseif _WL == 2>>
-				Both of $his children will be placed in $nurseryName.
+	<<if $activeSlave.preg > 0 && $activeSlave.broodmother == 0 && $activeSlave.pregKnown == 1 && $activeSlave.eggType == "human">>
+		<<if $activeSlave.assignment == "work in the dairy" && $dairyPregSetting > 0>>
+		<<else>>
+			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+			<<if _WL - _reservedIncubator == 0>>
+				<<set $reservedChildren = 0>>
+				//$His children are already reserved for $incubatorName//
-				All _reservedNursery of $his children will be placed in $nurseryName.
-			<</if>>
-			<<if ((_reservedIncubator + _reservedNursery < _WL) && ($reservedChildrenNursery < $freeCribs))>>
-				<<link "Keep another child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 1)>><</link>>
+				<<set $freeCribs = ($nursery-$cribs.length)>>
 				<<if _reservedNursery > 0>>
-					| <<link "Keep one less child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 1)>><</link>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _reservedNursery > 1>>
-					| <<link "Keep none of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 9999)>><</link>>
-				<</if>>
-				<<if ($reservedChildrenNursery + _WL - _reservedNursery) <= $freeCribs>>
-					| <<link "Keep the rest of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 9999)>><</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif (_reservedNursery == _WL) || ($reservedChildrenNursery == $freeCribs) || (_reservedNursery - _reservedIncubator >= 0)>>
-				<<link "Keep one less child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 1)>><</link>>
-				<<if _reservedNursery > 1>>
-					| <<link "Keep none of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 9999)>><</link>>
+					<<if _WL == 1>>
+						$His child will be placed in $nurseryName.
+					<<elseif _reservedNursery < _WL>>
+						_reservedNursery of $his children will be placed in $nurseryName.
+					<<elseif _WL == 2>>
+						Both of $his children will be placed in $nurseryName.
+					<<else>>
+						All _reservedNursery of $his children will be placed in $nurseryName.
+					<</if>>
+					<<if ((_reservedIncubator + _reservedNursery < _WL) && ($reservedChildrenNursery < $freeCribs))>>
+						<<link "Keep another child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 1)>><</link>>
+						<<if _reservedNursery > 0>>
+							| <<link "Keep one less child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 1)>><</link>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if _reservedNursery > 1>>
+							| <<link "Keep none of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 9999)>><</link>>
+						<</if>>
+						<<if ($reservedChildrenNursery + _WL - _reservedNursery) <= $freeCribs>>
+							| <<link "Keep the rest of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 9999)>><</link>>
+						<</if>>
+					<<elseif (_reservedNursery == _WL) || ($reservedChildrenNursery == $freeCribs) || (_reservedNursery - _reservedIncubator >= 0)>>
+						<<link "Keep one less child" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 1)>><</link>>
+						<<if _reservedNursery > 1>>
+							| <<link "Keep none of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombCleanGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 9999)>><</link>>
+						<</if>>
+					<</if>>
+				<<elseif $reservedChildrenNursery < $freeCribs>>
+					$He is pregnant and you have <<if $freeCribs == 1>>an<</if>> @@.lime;available room<<if $freeCribs > 1>>s<</if>>@@ in $nurseryName.
+					<<print "[[Keep "+ ((_WL > 1) ? "a" : "the") +" child|Slave Interact][WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, 'nursery', 1)]]">>
+					<<if (_WL > 1) && ($reservedChildrenNursery + _WL) <= $freeCribs>>
+						| <<link "Keep all of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 9999)>><</link>>
+					<</if>>
+				<<elseif $reservedChildrenNursery == $freeCribs>>
+					You have no available rooms for $his children.
-		<<elseif $reservedChildrenNursery < $freeCribs>>
-			$He is pregnant and you have <<if $freeCribs == 1>>an<</if>> @@.lime;available room<<if $freeCribs > 1>>s<</if>>@@ in $nurseryName.
-			<<print "[[Keep "+ ((_WL > 1) ? "a" : "the") +" child|Slave Interact][WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, 'nursery', 1)]]">>
-			<<if (_WL > 1) && ($reservedChildrenNursery + _WL) <= $freeCribs>>
-				| <<link "Keep all of $his children" "Slave Interact">><<set WombAddToGenericReserve($activeSlave, "nursery", 9999)>><</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $reservedChildrenNursery == $freeCribs>>
-			You have no available rooms for $his children.
 <<if $propOutcome == 1 && $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
 	<<if $activeSlave.breedingMark == 0 && $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0 && $activeSlave.eggType == "human" && isFertile($activeSlave)>>
@@ -1459,17 +1459,17 @@ Aphrodisiacs: <span id="aphrodisiacs"><strong><<if $activeSlave.aphrodisiacs > 1
 <span id="bloating">
 <<if $activeSlave.inflation > 0>>
-__Required Bloating__: <strong><span id="inflate"><<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>><<print "$He is required to keep 2 gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType in $him at all times">><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>><<print "$He is required to keep 4 liters of $activeSlave.inflationType in $him at all times">><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>><<print "$He is required to keep 2 liters of $activeSlave.inflationType in $him at all times">><</if>></span></strong>.
-<<if $activeSlave.inflationMethod == 3>>
-	<<link "Let $him deflate">><<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0,$activeSlave.inflationType = "none",$activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0,$activeSlave.cumSource = 0,$activeSlave.milkSource = 0, SetBellySize($activeSlave)>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><</link>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.inflationType == "milk">>
-	<<link "Let $him deflate">><<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0,$activeSlave.inflationType = "none",$activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, SetBellySize($activeSlave)>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><</link>>
-<<elseif $activeSlave.inflationType == "cum">>
-	<<link "Let $him deflate">><<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0,$activeSlave.inflationType = "none",$activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, SetBellySize($activeSlave)>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><</link>>
-	<<link "Let $him deflate">><<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0,$activeSlave.inflationType = "none",$activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, SetBellySize($activeSlave)>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><</link>>
+	<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+	__Required Bloating__: <strong><span id="inflate"><<if $activeSlave.inflation == 3>><<print "$He is required to keep 2 gallons of $activeSlave.inflationType in $him at all times">><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 2>><<print "$He is required to keep 4 liters of $activeSlave.inflationType in $him at all times">><<elseif $activeSlave.inflation == 1>><<print "$He is required to keep 2 liters of $activeSlave.inflationType in $him at all times">><</if>></span></strong>.
+	<<if $activeSlave.inflationMethod == 3>>
+		<<link "Let $him deflate">><<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0,$activeSlave.inflationType = "none",$activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0,$activeSlave.cumSource = 0,$activeSlave.milkSource = 0, SetBellySize($activeSlave)>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><</link>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.inflationType == "milk">>
+		<<link "Let $him deflate">><<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0,$activeSlave.inflationType = "none",$activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, SetBellySize($activeSlave)>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><</link>>
+	<<elseif $activeSlave.inflationType == "cum">>
+		<<link "Let $him deflate">><<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0,$activeSlave.inflationType = "none",$activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, SetBellySize($activeSlave)>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><</link>>
+	<<else>>
+		<<link "Let $him deflate">><<set $activeSlave.inflation = 0,$activeSlave.inflationType = "none",$activeSlave.inflationMethod = 0, SetBellySize($activeSlave)>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><</link>>
+	<</if>>
@@ -1477,58 +1477,58 @@ __Required Bloating__: <strong><span id="inflate"><<if $activeSlave.inflation ==
 Hormones: <strong><span id="hormones">
 <<if $activeSlave.hormones == -2>>intensive male<<elseif $activeSlave.hormones == -1>>male<<elseif $activeSlave.hormones == 2>>intensive female<<elseif $activeSlave.hormones == 1>>female<<else>>none<</if>></span></strong>.
 <<if $activeSlave.indentureRestrictions < 2>>
-<<link "Intensive Female">><<set $activeSlave.hormones = 2>><<replace "#hormones">>intensive female<</replace>><</link>> |
+	<<link "Intensive Female">><<set $activeSlave.hormones = 2>><<replace "#hormones">>intensive female<</replace>><</link>> |
 <<link "Female">><<set $activeSlave.hormones = 1>><<replace "#hormones">>female<</replace>><</link>> |
 <<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.hormones = 0>><<replace "#hormones">>none<</replace>><</link>> |
 <<link "Male">><<set $activeSlave.hormones = -1>><<replace "#hormones">>male<</replace>><</link>> |
 <<if $activeSlave.indentureRestrictions < 2>>
-<<link "Intensive Male">><<set $activeSlave.hormones = -2>><<replace "#hormones">>intensive male<</replace>><</link>>
+	<<link "Intensive Male">><<set $activeSlave.hormones = -2>><<replace "#hormones">>intensive male<</replace>><</link>>
 <br>Diet: <strong><span id="diet">$activeSlave.diet</span></strong>.
 <<link "Healthy">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "healthy">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.health < 90 || $activeSlave.chem >= 10) && ($dietCleanse == 1)>>
-| <<link "Cleanse">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "cleansing">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Cleanse">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "cleansing">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
 <<elseif ($dietCleanse == 1)>>
-| //$He is already healthy//
+	| //$He is already healthy//
 <<if ($activeSlave.balls > 0) && ($cumProDiet == 1)>>
-| <<link "Cum production">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "cum production">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Cum production">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "cum production">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
 <<if canGetPregnant($activeSlave) && ($dietFertility == 1)>>
-| <<link "Fertility">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "fertility">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Fertility">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "fertility">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.weight >= -95)>>
-| <<link "Lose weight">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "restricted">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Lose weight">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "restricted">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
-| //$He is already underweight//
+	| //$He is already underweight//
 <<if $activeSlave.weight <= 200>>
-| <<link "Fatten">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "fattening">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Fatten">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "fattening">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
-| //$He is already extremely overweight//
+	| //$He is already extremely overweight//
 <<if $feeder == 1>>
-| <<link "Estrogen enriched">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "XX">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
-| <<link "Testosterone enriched">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "XY">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
-<<if $dietXXY == 1 && $activeSlave.balls > 0 && ($activeSlave.ovaries == 1 || $activeSlave.mpreg == 1)>>
-| <<link "Herm hormone blend">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "XXY">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Estrogen enriched">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "XX">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Testosterone enriched">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "XY">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	<<if $dietXXY == 1 && $activeSlave.balls > 0 && ($activeSlave.ovaries == 1 || $activeSlave.mpreg == 1)>>
+		| <<link "Herm hormone blend">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "XXY">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	<</if>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.muscles <= 95) && $activeSlave.amp != 1>>
-| <<link "Build muscle">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "muscle building">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Build muscle">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "muscle building">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.muscles > 95 && $activeSlave.amp != 1>>
-| //$He is maintaining $his enormous musculature//
+	| //$He is maintaining $his enormous musculature//
-| //$He has no limbs and thus can't effectively build muscle//
+	| //$He has no limbs and thus can't effectively build muscle//
 <<if ($activeSlave.muscles > 5 || $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0) && canWalk($activeSlave)>>
-| <<link "Slim down">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "slimming">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
+	| <<link "Slim down">><<set $activeSlave.diet = "slimming">><<replace "#diet">>$activeSlave.diet<</replace>><</link>>
 <<elseif !canWalk($activeSlave)>>
-| //$He can't move and thus can't trim down//
+	| //$He can't move and thus can't trim down//
 <<elseif $activeSlave.fuckdoll > 0>>
-| //$He has no muscles left to lose//
+	| //$He has no muscles left to lose//
 <br>Diet Base: <strong><span id="dietBase"><<if $activeSlave.dietCum == 2>>Cum Based<<elseif ($activeSlave.dietCum == 1) && ($activeSlave.dietMilk == 0)>>Cum Added<<elseif ($activeSlave.dietCum == 1) && ($activeSlave.dietMilk == 1)>>Cum and Milk Added<<elseif ($activeSlave.dietMilk == 1) && ($activeSlave.dietCum == 0)>>Milk Added<<elseif ($activeSlave.dietMilk == 2)>>Milk Based<<elseif ($activeSlave.dietCum == 0) && ($activeSlave.dietMilk == 0)>>Normal<<else>>THERE HAS BEEN AN ERROR<</if>></span></strong>
@@ -1625,7 +1625,7 @@ Hormones: <strong><span id="hormones">
 	| <<link "Dom">><<set $activeSlave.clitSetting = "dom">><<replace "#setting">>$activeSlave.clitSetting<</replace>><</link>>
 	| <<link "Humiliation">><<set $activeSlave.clitSetting = "humiliation">><<replace "#setting">>$activeSlave.clitSetting<</replace>><</link>>
 	<<if $seePreg != 0>>
-	| <<link "Preg">><<set $activeSlave.clitSetting = "pregnancy">><<replace "#setting">>$activeSlave.clitSetting<</replace>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Preg">><<set $activeSlave.clitSetting = "pregnancy">><<replace "#setting">>$activeSlave.clitSetting<</replace>><</link>>
 	| <<link "Pain">><<set $activeSlave.clitSetting = "masochist">><<replace "#setting">>$activeSlave.clitSetting<</replace>><</link>>
 	| <<link "Sadism">><<set $activeSlave.clitSetting = "sadist">><<replace "#setting">>$activeSlave.clitSetting<</replace>><</link>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/specialSlave.tw b/src/uncategorized/specialSlave.tw
index 03b45484dbd7bb865ac6d03cf4b003927a75c40c..c2fc8202545f3707e7e4e1483f1e860fa50e7efc 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/specialSlave.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/specialSlave.tw
@@ -52,14 +52,14 @@
 	<<run SetBellySize($activeSlave)>>
 	<<if $familyTesting == 1>>
 		/* special slaves exceptions to keep siblings sensible */
-		<<if $activeSlave.mother == -9999 && $activeSlave.father == -9998>> /* The twins - Camille & Kennerly */
+		<<if $activeSlave.mother == -9999 && $activeSlave.father == -9998>> /* The twins — Camille & Kennerly */
 			<<for _k = 0; _k < $slaves.length; _k++>>
 				<<if areSisters($slaves[_k], $activeSlave) > 0>>
 					<<set $activeSlave.actualAge = $slaves[_k].actualAge, $activeSlave.physicalAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.visualAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.ovaryAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.birthWeek = $slaves[_k].birthWeek>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.mother == -9997 && $activeSlave.father == -9996>> /* The siblings - Elisa & Martin */
+		<<if $activeSlave.mother == -9997 && $activeSlave.father == -9996>> /* The siblings — Elisa & Martin */
 			<<for _k = 0; _k < $slaves.length; _k++>>
 				<<if areSisters($slaves[_k], $activeSlave) > 0>>
 					<<if $activeSlave.birthName == "Elisa">>
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
-		<<if $activeSlave.mother == -9995 && $activeSlave.father == -9994>> /* The fruit siblings - Green & Purple Grape */
+		<<if $activeSlave.mother == -9995 && $activeSlave.father == -9994>> /* The fruit siblings — Green & Purple Grape */
 			<<for _k = 0; _k < $slaves.length; _k++>>
 				<<if areSisters($slaves[_k], $activeSlave) > 0>>
 					<<if $activeSlave.birthName == "Green Grape">>
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
 	The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.
-	[["Buy " + $his + " slave contract"|New Slave Intro][cashX(forceNeg($slaveCost), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave),,$nextButton = "Continue",$nextLink = "AS Dump",$returnTo = "Main",$specialSlave = 1]]
+	[["Buy " + $his + " slave contract"|New Slave Intro][cashX(forceNeg($slaveCost), "slaveTransfer", $activeSlave),$nextButton = "Continue",$nextLink = "AS Dump",$returnTo = "Main",$specialSlave = 1]]
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/surgeryDegradation.tw b/src/uncategorized/surgeryDegradation.tw
index 174ed2058a192c41d3ab35a92c2063fc77981edb..2057da137cfd0e05bcb156b6043672153d8cda9e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/surgeryDegradation.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/surgeryDegradation.tw
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes,
 	<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "mindbroken">>
 		As with all surgery @@.red;$his health has been slightly affected.@@
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.fetish == "pregnancy") && ($activeSlave.fetishStrength > 60) && ($activeSlave.fetishKnown == 1)>>
-		$He is @@.red; filled with despair@@ about missing being swollen with life and rubs $his flat belly with sorrow. Only one fact slightly soothes $him and allows $him to remain sane - at least $he will not become infertile and still can get pregnant naturally. As with all surgery @@.red;$his health has been slightly affected.@@
+		$He is @@.red; filled with despair@@ about missing being swollen with life and rubs $his flat belly with sorrow. Only one fact slightly soothes $him and allows $him to remain sane — at least $he will not become infertile and still can get pregnant naturally. As with all surgery @@.red;$his health has been slightly affected.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 10, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30>>
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
 		$He's @@.hotpink;grateful@@ that you allowed $his body to be free of constant pregnancy stress, and a little nervous about if you will appreciate $him enough without such dedication. As with all surgery @@.red;$his health has been slightly affected.@@
@@ -1697,7 +1697,7 @@ As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes,
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
 		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. $He knows what a slave's life is, but $he did not really expect that it would ever come to this for $him. After a long, silent <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>stare at<<else>>consideration of<</if>> $his limbless torso, $he squares $his shoulders and visibly resolves to carry on being a good slave as best $he can. Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. Despite $his obedience, $he cries softly the whole time, shoulder and hip stumps moving occasionally as $he reflexively tries to stand - to walk - to touch $himself - to gesture - all things that $he will never do again. @@.mediumorchid;$He will struggle greatly with $his medically created disability.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@ $He is @@.gold;cripplingly afraid@@ of your total power over $his body.
+		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. Despite $his obedience, $he cries softly the whole time, shoulder and hip stumps moving occasionally as $he reflexively tries to stand — to walk — to touch $himself — to gesture — all things that $he will never do again. @@.mediumorchid;$He will struggle greatly with $his medically created disability.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@ $He is @@.gold;cripplingly afraid@@ of your total power over $his body.
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 20, $activeSlave.devotion -= 20>>
 		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. You had a good idea what $his reaction would be, so <<if ($activeSlave.teeth == "removable")>>you removed $his teeth<<else>>$he's muzzled<</if>> to prevent $him from trying to bite. $He sobs convulsively, and $his <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>eyes dart desperately from side to side through $his tears, hopelessly imploring the mirror to show $him something other than this<<else>>stumps twitch pathetically with $his desperate efforts to move $his limbs, to prove there is something other than this<</if>>. Anything other than this. @@.mediumorchid;The surgical invasion has filled $him with horror and anger.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@ $He is @@.gold;terrified to the point of insanity@@ of your total power over $his body.
@@ -1710,7 +1710,7 @@ As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes,
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
 		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. $He knows what a slave's life is, but $he did not really expect that it would ever come to this for $him. Anesthesia has yet to completely wear off so it takes $him a while to notice ports in $his stumps. When $he does, $he visibly relaxes, realizing $he may yet walk again. $He squares $his shoulders and visibly resolves to carry on being a good slave as best $he can. Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. Despite $his obedience, $he cries softly the whole time, shoulder and hip stumps moving occasionally as $he reflexively tries to stand - to walk - to touch $himself - to gesture - all things that $he will never do again. $He slightly calms down when $he <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>sees<<else>>feels<</if>> ports installed in $his stumps and realizes $his immobility may not be permanent. Even so, $he is still @@.gold;terrified@@ of your total power over $his body. @@.mediumorchid;$He will struggle greatly with $his medically created disability.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@
+		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. Despite $his obedience, $he cries softly the whole time, shoulder and hip stumps moving occasionally as $he reflexively tries to stand — to walk — to touch $himself — to gesture — all things that $he will never do again. $He slightly calms down when $he <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>sees<<else>>feels<</if>> ports installed in $his stumps and realizes $his immobility may not be permanent. Even so, $he is still @@.gold;terrified@@ of your total power over $his body. @@.mediumorchid;$He will struggle greatly with $his medically created disability.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 10, $activeSlave.devotion -= 10>>
 		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. You had a good idea what $his reaction would be, so <<if ($activeSlave.teeth == "removable")>>you removed $his teeth<<else>>$he's muzzled<</if>> to prevent $him from trying to bite. $He sobs convulsively, and <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>seeing<<else>>noticing<</if>> ports installed in $his stumps does little to stop $his tears. @@.mediumorchid;The surgical invasion has filled $him with horror and anger.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@ $He is @@.gold;terrified to the point of insanity@@ of your total power over $his body.
@@ -1756,7 +1756,7 @@ As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes,
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
 		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. $He knows what a slave's life is, but $he did not really expect that it would ever come to this for $him. Anesthesia has yet to completely wear off so it takes $him a while to notice ports in $his stumps. When $he does, $he visibly relaxes, realizing $he may yet walk again. $He squares $his shoulders and visibly resolves to carry on being a good slave as best $he can. Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. Despite $his obedience, $he cries softly the whole time, shoulder and hip stumps moving occasionally as $he reflexively tries to stand - to walk - to touch $himself - to gesture - all things that $he will never do again. $He slightly calms down when $he <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>sees<<else>>feels<</if>> ports installed in $his stumps and realizes $his immobility is not permanent. Even so, $he is still @@.gold;terrified@@ of your total power over $his body. @@.mediumorchid;$He will struggle greatly with $his medically created disability.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@
+		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. Despite $his obedience, $he cries softly the whole time, shoulder and hip stumps moving occasionally as $he reflexively tries to stand — to walk — to touch $himself — to gesture — all things that $he will never do again. $He slightly calms down when $he <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>sees<<else>>feels<</if>> ports installed in $his stumps and realizes $his immobility is not permanent. Even so, $he is still @@.gold;terrified@@ of your total power over $his body. @@.mediumorchid;$He will struggle greatly with $his medically created disability.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 10, $activeSlave.devotion -= 10>>
 		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. You had a good idea what $his reaction would be, so <<if ($activeSlave.teeth == "removable")>>you removed $his teeth<<else>>$he's muzzled<</if>> to prevent $him from trying to bite. $He sobs convulsively, and $his <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>eyes dart desperately from side to side through $his tears, hopelessly imploring the mirror to show $him something other than this<<else>>stumps twitch pathetically with $his desperate efforts to move $his limbs, to prove there is something other than this<</if>>. Anything other than this. @@.mediumorchid;The surgical invasion has filled $him with horror and anger.@@ Since the surgery was invasive, @@.red;$his health has been greatly affected.@@ $He is @@.gold;terrified to the point of insanity@@ of your total power over $his body.
@@ -1889,7 +1889,7 @@ As the remote surgery's long recovery cycle completes,
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 50)>>
 		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. $He knows what a slave's life is, but $he did not really expect $his artificial limbs would be removed again so suddenly. After a long, silent <<if canSee($activeSlave)>>stare at<<else>>consideration of<</if>> $his limbless torso, $he squares $his shoulders and visibly resolves to carry on being a good slave as best $he can. As $he was already amputated, there was no lasting effect. As with all surgery @@.red;$his health has been slightly affected.@@
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.devotion > 20)>>
-		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. Despite $his obedience, $he cries softly the whole time, shoulder and hip stumps moving occasionally as $he reflexively tries to stand - to walk - to touch $himself - to gesture - all things that $he had to learn to do again. Your removal of $his prosthetic limbs has caused @@.mediumorchid;$his devotion to drop@@ and @@.gold;$his trust to drop.@@ As with all surgery @@.red;$his health has been slightly affected.@@
+		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. Despite $his obedience, $he cries softly the whole time, shoulder and hip stumps moving occasionally as $he reflexively tries to stand — to walk — to touch $himself — to gesture — all things that $he had to learn to do again. Your removal of $his prosthetic limbs has caused @@.mediumorchid;$his devotion to drop@@ and @@.gold;$his trust to drop.@@ As with all surgery @@.red;$his health has been slightly affected.@@
 		<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 5, $activeSlave.devotion -= 5>>
 		Of course, $he could not walk out of the surgery; you carried $him. It seems that $his mistrust of you was well founded and this removal of $his artificial limbs has caused @@.mediumorchid;$his devotion to drop@@ and @@.gold;$his trust to drop.@@ As with all surgery @@.red;$his health has been slightly affected.@@
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/theFutanariSisters.tw b/src/uncategorized/theFutanariSisters.tw
index b2780126275b8db06c4b764a4d3535e88388b1c7..95b7c1490169d61c8e598021231764afb80e0cbd 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/theFutanariSisters.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/theFutanariSisters.tw
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ Visitors are not common: in fact, visitors are only as frequent as you feel like
-//The Futanari Sisters use the same legalistic structures as other slave schools, but are actually very different. They're quite enigmatic, and inquiry into their cultlike methods is politely discouraged. All the Sisters own the institution together, and seem to share the goal of pursuing transformation of themselves to fit the classic futanari fetish - that is, to transform themselves into beautiful, curvaceous women with large dicks. All Sisters remain within the closed society for at least seven years. The Sisters fund themselves by selling members into slavery: interestingly, the more impressive a member is, the older she seems to be when sold; there may be a sort of selection mechanism by which the losers are sold immediately and the winners remain, leading the Sisters. This does not mean that ex-Sisters are unhappy with enslavement. On the contrary, it seems to be an expected stage of their lives, and not shameful.
+//The Futanari Sisters use the same legalistic structures as other slave schools, but are actually very different. They're quite enigmatic, and inquiry into their cult-like methods is politely discouraged. All the Sisters own the institution together, and seem to share the goal of pursuing transformation of themselves to fit the classic futanari fetish — that is, to transform themselves into beautiful, curvaceous women with large dicks. All Sisters remain within the closed society for at least seven years. The Sisters fund themselves by selling members into slavery: interestingly, the more impressive a member is, the older she seems to be when sold; there may be a sort of selection mechanism by which the losers are sold immediately and the winners remain, leading the Sisters. This does not mean that ex-Sisters are unhappy with enslavement. On the contrary, it seems to be an expected stage of their lives, and not shameful.
 <<if $TFS.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
 	Since you have supported the faction within the Sisters that favors
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/walkPast.tw b/src/uncategorized/walkPast.tw
index 3f6ffa10654782b0024a11765119d9f36684aa39..8472b5929cae2bc86e8a862d34f3f3d692f68013 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/walkPast.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/walkPast.tw
@@ -2193,7 +2193,7 @@
 		<<case "a nice pony outfit" "a slutty pony outfit">>
 			$His leather outfit clings tightly to the outline of $his genitals.
 		<<case "a skimpy loincloth">>
-			$His skimpy loincloth gives frequent glipses of $his bare genitals underneath.
+			$His skimpy loincloth gives frequent glimpses of $his bare genitals underneath.
 		<<case "a burkini">>
 			$His modest swimwear includes a tunic that ends halfway down $his thighs.
 		<<case "a hijab and blouse">>
diff --git a/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw b/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
index 118a47f9cb2275aca6b4a3b29cc27709fca712c1..f2b2f49fd767e9f78f7d594e94fbb02926f835e9 100644
--- a/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
@@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ Feeling childbirth approaching, $slaves[$i].slaveName is helped to $his prepared
 		Quickly $he spreads $his legs apart and begins pushing out <<if $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0>><<if $slaves[$i].birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby<<else>>$his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>><</if>>.<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">> $He is thrilled that $his frilly apron reveals what's happening between $his legs<<else>> $He does $his best to hide what's happening between $his legs<</if>>.
-<<case "a tube top and thong" "a button-up shirt and panties" "a thong" "a slutty klan robe" "a slutty pony outfit" "a sweater and panties" "a tank-top and panties" "a t-shirt and thong" "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts" "boyshorts" "panties" "a t-shirt and panties" "panties and pasties" "striped underwear">>
+<<case "a button-up shirt and panties" "a slutty klan robe" "a slutty pony outfit" "a sweater and panties" "a t-shirt and panties" "a t-shirt and thong" "a tank-top and panties" "a thong" "a tube top and thong" "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts" "boyshorts" "panties" "panties and pasties" "striped underwear">>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
 		Instinctively, $he begins to push out <<if $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0>><<if $slaves[$i].birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby<<else>>$his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>><</if>>, indifferent to the obvious wetness forming <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>under $his rear<<else>>over $his crotch<</if>>.
@@ -1744,358 +1744,358 @@ Feeling childbirth approaching, $slaves[$i].slaveName is helped to $his prepared
 		$He removes $his
 		<<switch $slaves[$i].clothes>>
 		<<case "a slutty pony outfit">>
-		slutty pony outfit
+			slutty pony outfit
 		<<case "a slutty klan robe">>
-		slutty klan robe
+			slutty klan robe
 		<<case "a police uniform">>
-		police uniform
+			police uniform
 		<<case "a nice pony outfit">>
-		nice pony outfit
+			nice pony outfit
 		<<case "a hanbok">>
-		hanbok
+			hanbok
 		<<case "a gothic lolita dress">>
-		gothic lolita dress
+			gothic lolita dress
 		<<case "a slutty maid outfit">>
-		slutty maid outfit
+			slutty maid outfit
 		<<case "a slutty nurse outfit">>
-		slutty nurse outfit
+			slutty nurse outfit
 		<<case "a schoolgirl outfit">>
-		schoolgirl outfit
+			schoolgirl outfit
 		<<case "a cheerleader outfit">>
-		cheerleader outfit
+			cheerleader outfit
 		<<case "a slutty qipao">>
-		slutty qipao
+			slutty qipao
 		<<case "a chattel habit">>
-		chattel habit
+			chattel habit
 		<<case "a toga">>
-		toga
+			toga
 		<<case "a huipil">>
-		huipil
+			huipil
 		<<case "a fallen nuns habit">>
-		fallen nun's habit
+			fallen nun's habit
 		<<case "a succubus outfit">>
-		succubus outfit
+			succubus outfit
 		<<case "a klan robe">>
-		a klan robe
+			a klan robe
 		<<case "cutoffs and a t-shirt">>
-		cutoffs and t-shirt
+			cutoffs and t-shirt
 		<<case "a mini dress">>
-		mini dress
+			mini dress
 		<<case "a military uniform">>
-		military uniform
+			military uniform
 		<<case "a schutzstaffel uniform">>
-		schutzstaffel uniform
+			schutzstaffel uniform
 		<<case "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform">>
-		slutty schutzstaffel uniform
+			slutty schutzstaffel uniform
 		<<case "a red army uniform">>
-		red army uniform
+			red army uniform
 		<<case "a long qipao">>
-		long qipao
+			long qipao
 		<<case "battlearmor">>
-		battlearmor
+			battlearmor
 		<<case "a mounty outfit">>
-		mounty uniform
+			mounty uniform
 		<<case "a dirndl">>
-		dirndl
+			dirndl
 		<<case "lederhosen">>
-		lederhosen
+			lederhosen
 		<<case "a biyelgee costume">>
-		biyelgee costume
+			biyelgee costume
 		<<case "an apron">>
-		apron
+			apron
 		<<case "a string bikini">>
-		string bikini
+			string bikini
 		<<case "a scalemail bikini">>
-		scalemail bikini
+			scalemail bikini
 		<<case "striped panties">>
-		shimapan panties
+			shimapan panties
 		<<case "a kimono">>
-		kimono
+			kimono
 		<<case "a slave gown">>
-		slave gown
+			slave gown
 		<<case "a hijab and abaya" "a niqab and abaya">>
-		abaya
+			abaya
 		<<case "a halter top dress">>
-		halter top dress
+			halter top dress
 		<<case "a ball gown">>
-		ball gown
+			ball gown
 		<<case "a maternity dress">>
-		maternity dress
+			maternity dress
 		<<case "a slutty outfit">>
-		slutty outfit
+			slutty outfit
 		<<case "a nice maid outfit">>
-		nice maid outfit
+			nice maid outfit
 		<<case "a leotard">>
-		leotard
+			leotard
 		<<case "a hijab and blouse">>
-		skirt
+			skirt
 		<<case "a burqa">>
-		burqa
+			burqa
 		<<case "a burkini">>
-		burkini
+			burkini
 		<<case "a monokini">>
-		monokini
+			monokini
 		<<case "a cybersuit">>
-		cybersuit
+			cybersuit
 		<<case "a comfortable bodysuit">>
-		comfortable bodysuit
+			comfortable bodysuit
 		<<case "a bunny outfit">>
-		bunny outfit
+			bunny outfit
 		<<case "a nice nurse outfit">>
-		nice nurse outfit
+			nice nurse outfit
 		<<case "a latex catsuit">>
-		latex catsuit
+			latex catsuit
 		<<case "stretch pants and a crop-top">>
-		stretch pants
+			stretch pants
 		<<case "spats and a tank top">>
-		spats
+			spats
 		<<case "a tube top and thong">>
-		thong
+			thong
 		<<case "a button-up shirt and panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "a bra">>
-		bra
+			bra
 		<<case "a button-up shirt">>
-		button-up shirt
+			button-up shirt
 		<<case "a sweater">>
-		sweater
+			sweater
 		<<case "a tank-top">>
-		tank-top
+			tank-top
 		<<case "a thong">>
-		thong
+			thong
 		<<case "a tube top">>
-		tube top
+			tube top
 		<<case "a one-piece swimsuit">>
-		swimsuit
+			swimsuit
 		<<case "a striped bra">>
-		bra
+			bra
 		<<case "a skimpy loincloth">>
-		loincloth
+			loincloth
 		<<case "a sports bra">>
-		sports bra
+			sports bra
 		<<case "a sweater and panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "a t-shirt">>
-		t-shirt
+			t-shirt
 		<<case "a tank-top and panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "a t-shirt and thong">>
-		thong
+			thong
 		<<case "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts">>
-		boy shorts
+			boy shorts
 		<<case "an oversized t-shirt">>
-		t-shirt
+			t-shirt
 		<<case "a t-shirt and jeans">>
-		blue jeans
+			blue jeans
 		<<case "boyshorts">>
-		boy shorts
+			boy shorts
 		<<case "cutoffs">>
-		jean shorts
+			jean shorts
 		<<case "leather pants and pasties">>
-		leather pants
+			leather pants
 		<<case "leather pants">>
-		leather pants
+			leather pants
 		<<case "panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "sport shorts and a t-shirt">>
-		shorts
+			shorts
 		<<case "a t-shirt and panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "panties and pasties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "striped underwear">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "sport shorts and a sports bra">>
-		shorts
+			shorts
 		<<case "jeans">>
-		blue jeans
+			blue jeans
 		<<case "a sweater and cutoffs">>
-		jean shorts
+			jean shorts
 		<<case "leather pants and a tube top">>
-		leather pants
+			leather pants
 		<<case "sport shorts">>
-		shorts
+			shorts
-		$slaves[$i].clothes
+			$slaves[$i].clothes
 		as instinct takes hold compelling $him to begin pushing. $He pays no mind to who may be watching $his naked <<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 1>>rear<<else>>crotch<</if>> as <<if $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0>><<if $slaves[$i].birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby<<else>>$his<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>> first<</if>> baby<</if>> begins to crown.
 		$He hastily removes $his
 		<<switch $slaves[$i].clothes>>
 		<<case "a slutty pony outfit">>
-		slutty pony outfit
+			slutty pony outfit
 		<<case "a slutty klan robe">>
-		slutty klan robe
+			slutty klan robe
 		<<case "a police uniform">>
-		police uniform
+			police uniform
 		<<case "a nice pony outfit">>
-		nice pony outfit
+			nice pony outfit
 		<<case "a hanbok">>
-		hanbok
+			hanbok
 		<<case "a gothic lolita dress">>
-		gothic lolita dress
+			gothic lolita dress
 		<<case "a slutty maid outfit">>
-		slutty maid outfit
+			slutty maid outfit
 		<<case "a slutty nurse outfit">>
-		slutty nurse outfit
+			slutty nurse outfit
 		<<case "a schoolgirl outfit">>
-		schoolgirl outfit
+			schoolgirl outfit
 		<<case "a cheerleader outfit">>
-		cheerleader outfit
+			cheerleader outfit
 		<<case "a slutty qipao">>
-		slutty qipao
+			slutty qipao
 		<<case "a chattel habit">>
-		chattel habit
+			chattel habit
 		<<case "a toga">>
-		toga
+			toga
 		<<case "a huipil">>
-		huipil
+			huipil
 		<<case "a fallen nuns habit">>
-		fallen nun's habit
+			fallen nun's habit
 		<<case "a succubus outfit">>
-		succubus outfit
+			succubus outfit
 		<<case "a klan robe">>
-		a klan robe
+			a klan robe
 		<<case "cutoffs and a t-shirt">>
-		cutoffs and t-shirt
+			cutoffs and t-shirt
 		<<case "a mini dress">>
-		mini dress
+			mini dress
 		<<case "a military uniform">>
-		military uniform
+			military uniform
 		<<case "a schutzstaffel uniform">>
-		schutzstaffel uniform
+			schutzstaffel uniform
 		<<case "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform">>
-		slutty schutzstaffel uniform
+			slutty schutzstaffel uniform
 		<<case "a red army uniform">>
-		red army uniform
+			red army uniform
 		<<case "a long qipao">>
-		long qipao
+			long qipao
 		<<case "battlearmor">>
-		battlearmor
+			battlearmor
 		<<case "a mounty outfit">>
-		mounty uniform
+			mounty uniform
 		<<case "a dirndl">>
-		dirndl
+			dirndl
 		<<case "lederhosen">>
-		lederhosen
+			lederhosen
 		<<case "a biyelgee costume">>
-		biyelgee costume
+			biyelgee costume
 		<<case "an apron">>
-		apron
+			apron
 		<<case "a string bikini">>
-		string bikini
+			string bikini
 		<<case "a scalemail bikini">>
-		scalemail bikini
+			scalemail bikini
 		<<case "striped panties">>
-		shimapan panties
+			shimapan panties
 		<<case "a kimono">>
-		kimono
+			kimono
 		<<case "a slave gown">>
-		slave gown
+			slave gown
 		<<case "a hijab and abaya" "a niqab and abaya">>
-		abaya
+			abaya
 		<<case "a halter top dress">>
-		halter top dress
+			halter top dress
 		<<case "a ball gown">>
-		ball gown
+			ball gown
 		<<case "a maternity dress">>
-		maternity dress
+			maternity dress
 		<<case "a slutty outfit">>
-		slutty outfit
+			slutty outfit
 		<<case "a nice maid outfit">>
-		nice maid outfit
+			nice maid outfit
 		<<case "a leotard">>
-		leotard
+			leotard
 		<<case "a hijab and blouse">>
-		skirt
+			skirt
 		<<case "a burqa">>
-		burqa
+			burqa
 		<<case "a burkini">>
-		burkini
+			burkini
 		<<case "a monokini">>
-		monokini
+			monokini
 		<<case "a cybersuit">>
-		cybersuit
+			cybersuit
 		<<case "a comfortable bodysuit">>
-		comfortable bodysuit
+			comfortable bodysuit
 		<<case "a bunny outfit">>
-		bunny outfit
+			bunny outfit
 		<<case "a nice nurse outfit">>
-		nice nurse outfit
+			nice nurse outfit
 		<<case "a latex catsuit">>
-		latex catsuit
+			latex catsuit
 		<<case "stretch pants and a crop-top">>
-		stretch pants
+			stretch pants
 		<<case "spats and a tank top">>
-		spats
+			spats
 		<<case "a tube top and thong">>
-		thong
+			thong
 		<<case "a button-up shirt and panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "a bra">>
-		bra
+			bra
 		<<case "a button-up shirt">>
-		button-up shirt
+			button-up shirt
 		<<case "a sweater">>
-		sweater
+			sweater
 		<<case "a tank-top">>
-		tank-top
+			tank-top
 		<<case "a thong">>
-		thong
+			thong
 		<<case "a tube top">>
-		tube top
+			tube top
 		<<case "a one-piece swimsuit">>
-		swimsuit
+			swimsuit
 		<<case "a striped bra">>
-		bra
+			bra
 		<<case "a skimpy loincloth">>
-		loincloth
+			loincloth
 		<<case "a sports bra">>
-		sports bra
+			sports bra
 		<<case "a sweater and panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "a t-shirt">>
-		t-shirt
+			t-shirt
 		<<case "a tank-top and panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "a t-shirt and thong">>
-		thong
+			thong
 		<<case "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts">>
-		boy shorts
+			boy shorts
 		<<case "an oversized t-shirt">>
-		t-shirt
+			t-shirt
 		<<case "a t-shirt and jeans">>
-		blue jeans
+			blue jeans
 		<<case "boyshorts">>
-		boy shorts
+			boy shorts
 		<<case "cutoffs">>
-		jean shorts
+			jean shorts
 		<<case "leather pants and pasties">>
-		leather pants
+			leather pants
 		<<case "leather pants">>
-		leather pants
+			leather pants
 		<<case "panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "sport shorts and a t-shirt">>
-		shorts
+			shorts
 		<<case "a t-shirt and panties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "panties and pasties">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "striped underwear">>
-		panties
+			panties
 		<<case "sport shorts and a sports bra">>
-		shorts
+			shorts
 		<<case "jeans">>
-		blue jeans
+			blue jeans
 		<<case "a sweater and cutoffs">>
-		jean shorts
+			jean shorts
 		<<case "leather pants and a tube top">>
-		leather pants
+			leather pants
 		<<case "sport shorts">>
-		shorts
+			shorts
-		$slaves[$i].clothes
+			$slaves[$i].clothes
 		and tosses it aside. Quickly $he spreads $his legs and begins pushing out <<if $slaves[$i].broodmother > 0>><<if $slaves[$i].birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby<<else>>$his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>><</if>>. $He can't hide what's happening between $his legs, <<if $slaves[$i].fetish == "humiliation">>but that only makes it more exciting<<else>>so $he bears with it<</if>>.