diff --git a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt
index c51108d9c802290f6f89dbfa77e664869d615e67..2eb4fd6e2eda8cc150c847edb98820b13e2b46d4 100644
--- a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
+++ b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
@@ -3489,7 +3489,7 @@ How to set up your own hero slave.
 -The default slave template used:
-<<set $activeSlave = {slaveName: "blank", slaveSurname: 0, birthName: "blank", birthSurname: 0, genes: "XX", pronoun: "she", possessive: "her", possessivePronoun: "hers", objectReflexive: "herself", object: "her", noun: "girl", weekAcquired: 0, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 0, prestige: 0, pornFeed: 0, pornFame: 0, pornFameSpending: 0, pornPrestige: 0, pornPrestigeDesc: 0, pornFameType: "none", pornFocus: "none", pornTypeGeneral: 0, pornTypeFuckdoll: 0, pornTypeRape: 0, pornTypePreggo: 0, pornTypeBBW: 0, pornTypeGainer: 0, pornTypeStud: 0, pornTypeLoli: 0, pornTypeDeepThroat: 0, pornTypeStruggleFuck: 0, pornTypePainal: 0, pornTypeTease: 0, pornTypeRomantic: 0, pornTypePervert: 0, pornTypeCaring: 0, pornTypeUnflinching: 0, pornTypeSizeQueen: 0, pornTypeNeglectful: 0, pornTypeCumAddict: 0, pornTypeAnalAddict: 0, pornTypeAttentionWhore: 0, pornTypeBreastGrowth: 0, pornTypeAbusive: 0, pornTypeMalicious: 0, pornTypeSelfHating: 0, pornTypeBreeder: 0, pornTypeSub: 0, pornTypeCumSlut: 0, pornTypeAnal: 0, pornTypeHumiliation: 0, pornTypeBoobs: 0, pornTypeDom: 0, pornTypeSadist: 0, pornTypeMasochist: 0, pornTypePregnancy: 0, prestigeDesc: 0, recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, father: 0, mother: 0, daughters: 0, sisters: 0, canRecruit: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, training: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", indenture: -1, indentureRestrictions: 0, birthWeek: random(0,51), actualAge: 18, visualAge: 18, physicalAge: 18, ovaryAge: 18, ageImplant: 0, health: 0, minorInjury: 0, trust: 0, oldTrust: 0, devotion: 0, oldDevotion: 0, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 170, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "slave", race: "white", origRace: "white", markings: "none", eyes: 1, eyeColor: "brown", origEye: "brown", pupil: "circular", sclerae: "white", eyewear: "none", hears: 0, earwear: "none", earImplant: 0, origHColor: "brown", hColor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", underArmHColor: "brown", eyebrowHColor: "brown", origSkin: "light", skin: "light", hLength: 60, eyebrowFullness: "natural", hStyle: "short", pubicHStyle: "neat", underArmHStyle: "neat", eyebrowHStyle: "natural", waist: 0, corsetPiercing: 0, PLimb: 0, amp: 0, heels:0, voice: 2, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, boobsImplant: 0, boobsImplantType: 0, boobShape: "normal", nipples: "cute", nipplesPiercing: 0, nipplesAccessory: 0, areolae: 0, areolaePiercing: 0, areolaeShape: "circle", boobsTat: 0, lactation: 0, lactationAdaptation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, hips: 0, hipsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, buttImplantType: 0, buttTat: 0, face: 0, faceImplant: 0, faceShape: "normal", lips: 15, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: 0, teeth: "normal", tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 0, vaginaLube: 0, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: 0, preg: -1, pregSource: 0, pregType: 0, pregAdaptation: 50, superfetation: 0, ovaImplant: 0, wombImplant: "none", broodmother: 0, broodmotherFetuses: 0, broodmotherOnHold: 0, broodmotherCountDown: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, cSec: 0, bellyAccessory: "none", labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "vanilla", foreskin: 0, anus: 0, dick: 0, analArea: 1, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: 0, prostate: 0, balls: 0, scrotum: 0, ovaries: 0, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: 0, makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 0, shouldersTat: 0, armsTat: 0, legsTat: 0, backTat: 0, stampTat: 0, vaginalSkill: 0, oralSkill: 0, analSkill: 0, whoreSkill: 0, entertainSkill: 0, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "spare", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "restrictive", relationshipRules: "restrictive", standardPunishment: "situational", standardReward: "situational", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "healthy", dietCum: 0, dietMilk: 0, tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "no drugs", curatives: 0, chem: 0, aphrodisiacs: 0, addict: 0, fuckdoll: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "no clothing", collar: "none", shoes: "none", vaginalAccessory: "none", dickAccessory: "none", legAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", buttplugAttachment: "none", intelligence: 0, intelligenceImplant: 0, energy: 50, need: 0, attrXX: 0, attrXY: 0, attrKnown: 0, fetish: "none", fetishStrength: 70, fetishKnown: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, publicCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: "", customLabel: "", customDesc: "", customTitle: "", customTitleLisp: "", rudeTitle: 0, customImage: 0, currentRules: [], bellyTat: 0, induce: 0, mpreg: 0, inflation: 0, inflationType: "none", inflationMethod: 0, milkSource: 0, cumSource: 0, burst: 0, pregKnown: 0, pregWeek: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, bellyFluid: 0, bellyImplant: -1, bellySag: 0, bellySagPreg: 0, bellyPain: 0, cervixImplant: 0, birthsTotal: 0, pubertyAgeXX: 13, pubertyAgeXY: 13, scars: 0, breedingMark: 0, bodySwap: 0, HGExclude: 0, ballType: "human", eggType: "human", reservedChildren: 0, reservedChildrenNursery: 0, choosesOwnChastity: 0, pregControl: "none", readyLimbs: [], ageAdjust: 0, bald: 0, origBodyOwner: "", origBodyOwnerID: 0, death: "", hormoneBalance: 0, onDiet: 0, breastMesh: 0, slavesFathered: 0, PCChildrenFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, PCKnockedUp: 0, prematureBirth: 0, premature: 0, origSkin: "white", vasectomy: 0, haircuts: 0, newGamePlus: 0, skillHG: 0, skillRC: 0, skillBG: 0, skillMD: 0, skillDJ: 0, skillNU: 0, skillTE: 0, skillAT: 0, skillMT: 0, skillST: 0, skillMM: 0, skillFA: 0, skillWA: 0, skillS: 0, skillE: 0, skillW: 0, tankBaby: 0, geneMods: {NCS: 0, rapidCellGrowth: 0}, NCSyouthening: 0, override_Race: 0, override_Skin: 0, override_Eye_Color: 0, override_H_Color: 0, override_Pubic_H_Color: 0, override_Arm_H_Color: 0, override_Brow_H_Color: 0, missingEyes: 0, missingArms: 0, missingLegs: 0, slaveCost: 0, lifetimeCashExpenses: 0, lifetimeCashIncome: 0, lastWeeksCashIncome: 0, lifetimeRepExpenses: 0, lifetimeRepIncome: 0, lastWeeksRepIncome: 0}>>
+<<set $activeSlave = {slaveName: "blank", slaveSurname: 0, birthName: "blank", birthSurname: 0, genes: "XX", pronoun: "she", possessive: "her", possessivePronoun: "hers", objectReflexive: "herself", object: "her", noun: "girl", weekAcquired: 0, origin: 0, career: 0, ID: 0, prestige: 0, pornFeed: 0, pornFame: 0, pornFameSpending: 0, pornPrestige: 0, pornPrestigeDesc: 0, pornFameType: "none", pornFocus: "none", pornTypeGeneral: 0, pornTypeFuckdoll: 0, pornTypeRape: 0, pornTypePreggo: 0, pornTypeBBW: 0, pornTypeGainer: 0, pornTypeStud: 0, pornTypeLoli: 0, pornTypeDeepThroat: 0, pornTypeStruggleFuck: 0, pornTypePainal: 0, pornTypeTease: 0, pornTypeRomantic: 0, pornTypePervert: 0, pornTypeCaring: 0, pornTypeUnflinching: 0, pornTypeSizeQueen: 0, pornTypeNeglectful: 0, pornTypeCumAddict: 0, pornTypeAnalAddict: 0, pornTypeAttentionWhore: 0, pornTypeBreastGrowth: 0, pornTypeAbusive: 0, pornTypeMalicious: 0, pornTypeSelfHating: 0, pornTypeBreeder: 0, pornTypeSub: 0, pornTypeCumSlut: 0, pornTypeAnal: 0, pornTypeHumiliation: 0, pornTypeBoobs: 0, pornTypeDom: 0, pornTypeSadist: 0, pornTypeMasochist: 0, pornTypePregnancy: 0, prestigeDesc: 0, recruiter: 0, relation: 0, relationTarget: 0, relationship: 0, relationshipTarget: 0, rivalry: 0, rivalryTarget: 0, subTarget: 0, father: 0, mother: 0, daughters: 0, sisters: 0, canRecruit: 0, choosesOwnAssignment: 0, assignment: "rest", assignmentVisible: 1, sentence: 0, training: 0, toyHole: "all her holes", indenture: -1, indentureRestrictions: 0, birthWeek: random(0,51), actualAge: 18, visualAge: 18, physicalAge: 18, ovaryAge: 18, ageImplant: 0, health: 0, minorInjury: 0, trust: 0, oldTrust: 0, devotion: 0, oldDevotion: 0, weight: 0, muscles: 0, height: 170, heightImplant: 0, nationality: "slave", race: "white", origRace: "white", markings: "none", eyes: 1, eyeColor: "brown", origEye: "brown", pupil: "circular", sclerae: "white", eyewear: "none", hears: 0, earwear: "none", earImplant: 0, origHColor: "brown", hColor: "brown", pubicHColor: "brown", underArmHColor: "brown", eyebrowHColor: "brown", origSkin: "light", skin: "light", hLength: 60, eyebrowFullness: "natural", hStyle: "short", pubicHStyle: "neat", underArmHStyle: "neat", eyebrowHStyle: "natural", waist: 0, corsetPiercing: 0, PLimb: 0, amp: 0, heels:0, voice: 2, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, boobsImplant: 0, boobsImplantType: 0, boobShape: "normal", nipples: "cute", nipplesPiercing: 0, nipplesAccessory: 0, areolae: 0, areolaePiercing: 0, areolaeShape: "circle", boobsTat: 0, lactation: 0, lactationAdaptation: 0, milk: 0, cum: 0, hips: 0, hipsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, buttImplantType: 0, buttTat: 0, face: 0, faceImplant: 0, faceShape: "normal", lips: 15, lipsImplant: 0, lipsPiercing: 0, lipsTat: 0, teeth: "normal", tonguePiercing: 0, vagina: 0, vaginaLube: 0, vaginaPiercing: 0, vaginaTat: 0, preg: -1, pregSource: 0, pregType: 0, pregAdaptation: 50, superfetation: 0, ovaImplant: 0, wombImplant: "none", broodmother: 0, broodmotherFetuses: 0, broodmotherOnHold: 0, broodmotherCountDown: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, cSec: 0, bellyAccessory: "none", labia: 0, clit: 0, clitPiercing: 0, clitSetting: "vanilla", foreskin: 0, anus: 0, dick: 0, analArea: 1, dickPiercing: 0, dickTat: 0, prostate: 0, balls: 0, scrotum: 0, ovaries: 0, anusPiercing: 0, anusTat: 0, makeup: 0, nails: 0, brand: 0, brandLocation: 0, earPiercing: 0, nosePiercing: 0, eyebrowPiercing: 0, navelPiercing: 0, shouldersTat: 0, armsTat: 0, legsTat: 0, backTat: 0, stampTat: 0, vaginalSkill: 0, oralSkill: 0, analSkill: 0, whoreSkill: 0, entertainSkill: 0, combatSkill: 0, livingRules: "spare", speechRules: "restrictive", releaseRules: "restrictive", relationshipRules: "restrictive", standardPunishment: "situational", standardReward: "situational", useRulesAssistant: 1, diet: "healthy", dietCum: 0, dietMilk: 0, tired: 0, hormones: 0, drugs: "no drugs", curatives: 0, chem: 0, aphrodisiacs: 0, addict: 0, fuckdoll: 0, choosesOwnClothes: 0, clothes: "no clothing", collar: "none", shoes: "none", vaginalAccessory: "none", dickAccessory: "none", legAccessory: "none", buttplug: "none", buttplugAttachment: "none", intelligence: 0, intelligenceImplant: 0, energy: 50, need: 0, attrXX: 0, attrXY: 0, attrKnown: 0, fetish: "none", fetishStrength: 70, fetishKnown: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", oralCount: 0, vaginalCount: 0, analCount: 0, mammaryCount: 0, penetrativeCount: 0, publicCount: 0, pitKills: 0, customTat: "", customLabel: "", customDesc: "", customTitle: "", customTitleLisp: "", rudeTitle: 0, customImage: 0, currentRules: [], bellyTat: 0, induce: 0, mpreg: 0, inflation: 0, inflationType: "none", inflationMethod: 0, milkSource: 0, cumSource: 0, burst: 0, pregKnown: 0, pregWeek: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, bellyFluid: 0, bellyImplant: -1, bellySag: 0, bellySagPreg: 0, bellyPain: 0, cervixImplant: 0, birthsTotal: 0, pubertyAgeXX: 13, pubertyAgeXY: 13, scars: 0, breedingMark: 0, bodySwap: 0, HGExclude: 0, ballType: "human", eggType: "human", reservedChildren: 0, reservedChildrenNursery: 0, choosesOwnChastity: 0, pregControl: "none", readyLimbs: [], ageAdjust: 0, bald: 0, origBodyOwner: "", origBodyOwnerID: 0, death: "", hormoneBalance: 0, onDiet: 0, breastMesh: 0, slavesFathered: 0, PCChildrenFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, PCKnockedUp: 0, prematureBirth: 0, premature: 0, origSkin: "white", vasectomy: 0, haircuts: 0, newGamePlus: 0, skillHG: 0, skillRC: 0, skillBG: 0, skillMD: 0, skillDJ: 0, skillNU: 0, skillTE: 0, skillAT: 0, skillMT: 0, skillST: 0, skillMM: 0, skillFA: 0, skillWA: 0, skillS: 0, skillE: 0, skillW: 0, tankBaby: 0, geneMods: {NCS: 0, rapidCellGrowth: 0}, NCSyouthening: 0, override_Race: 0, override_Skin: 0, override_Eye_Color: 0, override_H_Color: 0, override_Pubic_H_Color: 0, override_Arm_H_Color: 0, override_Brow_H_Color: 0, missingEyes: 0, missingArms: 0, missingLegs: 0, slaveCost: 0, lifetimeCashExpenses: 0, lifetimeCashIncome: 0, lastWeeksCashIncome: 0, lifetimeRepExpenses: 0, lifetimeRepIncome: 0, lastWeeksRepIncome: 0, chastityVagina = 0, chastityPenis = 0, chastityAnus = 0}>>
 Making your slave; add their name to the following, then go down the documentation adding in your changes.
 -each variable must be separated from the last by a comma followed by a space
diff --git a/src/art/artWidgets.tw b/src/art/artWidgets.tw
index 1f5935f8d733892c960b3d350a81e51afa2cddc2..f75251b4034ecc4dc707dff9cab27b42cb5f6612 100644
--- a/src/art/artWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/art/artWidgets.tw
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ vector art added later is drawn over previously added art
 			<<print "<img class='paperdoll' src=" + _imgSkinLoc + "/penis " + _penisSize + ".svg'" + " style='"+ _skinFilter + "'>">>
 			<<print "<img class='paperdoll' src=" + _imgSkinLoc + "/flaccid " + _penisSize + ".svg'" + " style='"+ _skinFilter + "'>">>
-			<<if $args[0].dickAccessory == chastityPenis>>
+			<<if $args[0].chastityPenis>>
 				<<print "<img class='paperdoll' src=" + _folderLoc + "/outfit/chastity male fore " + _penisSize + ".svg'" + "/>">>
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ vector art added later is drawn over previously added art
 			<<print "<img class='paperdoll' src=" + _imgSkinLoc + "/penis " + _penisSize + ".svg'" + " style='"+ _skinFilter + "'>">>
 			<<print "<img class='paperdoll' src=" + _imgSkinLoc + "/flaccid " + _penisSize + ".svg'" + " style='"+ _skinFilter + "'>">>
-			<<if $args[0].dickAccessory == chastityPenis>>
+			<<if $args[0].chastityPenis>>
 				<<print "<img class='paperdoll' src=" + _folderLoc + "/outfit/chastity male fore " + _penisSize + ".svg'" + "/>">>
diff --git a/src/art/vector_revamp/vectorRevampedArtControl.js b/src/art/vector_revamp/vectorRevampedArtControl.js
index de7f76fa26b55d08243baea5485a7b376c6dbd4f..82e8a4978e4e97f86ae5913ec18c043c0e6551aa 100644
--- a/src/art/vector_revamp/vectorRevampedArtControl.js
+++ b/src/art/vector_revamp/vectorRevampedArtControl.js
@@ -1045,11 +1045,11 @@ class RevampedArtControl {
 	get chastityBeltLayer() {
 		var result = [];
-		var isChastityAnalWorn = this.artSlave.dickAccessory == "anal chastity" || this.artSlave.dickAccessory == "combined chastity" || this.artSlave.vaginalAccessory == "anal chastity" || this.artSlave.vaginalAccessory == "combined chastity";
+		var isChastityAnalWorn = this.artSlave.chastityAnus == 1;
 		isChastityAnalWorn = isChastityAnalWorn && this.showChastityAnal;
-		var isChastityVaginalWorn = this.artSlave.vaginalAccessory == "chastity belt" || this.artSlave.vaginalAccessory == "combined chastity";
+		var isChastityVaginalWorn = this.artSlave.chastityVagina == 1;
 		isChastityVaginalWorn = isChastityVaginalWorn && this.showChastityVaginal;
@@ -1168,7 +1168,7 @@ class RevampedArtControl {
 		if (!this.showPenis || penisSize < 0)
 			return result;
-		if (canAchieveErection(this.artSlave) && (this.artSlave.dickAccessory != "chastity") && (this.artSlave.dickAccessory != "combined chastity"))
+		if (canAchieveErection(this.artSlave) && (this.artSlave.chastityPenis != 1)
 			result.push("Art_Vector_Revamp_Penis_" + penisSize);
diff --git a/src/js/eventSelectionJS.js b/src/js/eventSelectionJS.js
index f4a9043b4801faedae9a5ca97479a914e762bc86..6491306720bd9b513cbe82d4b7b75af59fc7a45f 100644
--- a/src/js/eventSelectionJS.js
+++ b/src/js/eventSelectionJS.js
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ window.generateRandomEventPoolStandard = function (eventSlave) {
 					if (eventSlave.devotion > 20) {
 						if (eventSlave.releaseRules !== "restrictive" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "masturbation" && eventSlave.releaseRules !== "chastity") {
 							if (eventSlave.fetish === "buttslut" || eventSlave.fetish === "sadist" || eventSlave.fetish === "dom") {
-								if ((eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "chastity" && eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "combined chastity") || eventSlave.dick === 0) {
+								if (!(eventSlave.chastityPenis) || eventSlave.dick === 0) {
 									State.variables.RETSevent.push("anal cowgirl");
@@ -1183,7 +1183,7 @@ window.generateRandomEventPoolStandard = function (eventSlave) {
 				if (eventSlave.need) {
 					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
 						if (eventSlave.trust >= -20) {
-							if ((eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "chastity" && eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "combined chastity") || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
+							if (!(eventSlave.chastityPenis) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
 								State.variables.RESSevent.push("forbidden masturbation");
@@ -1610,7 +1610,7 @@ window.generateRandomEventPoolStandard = function (eventSlave) {
 				if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) {
 					if (canAchieveErection(eventSlave)) {
 						if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) {
-							if (eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "chastity" && eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "combined chastity") {
+							if !(eventSlave.chastityPenis) {
 								State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick huge");
@@ -2448,7 +2448,7 @@ window.generateRandomEventPoolServant = function (eventSlave) {
 			if (eventSlave.balls > 0) {
 				if (eventSlave.scrotum > 0) {
-					if (eventSlave.dickAccessory === "chastity" || eventSlave.dickAccessory === "combined chastity") {
+					if (eventSlave.chastityPenis) {
 						if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
 							if (eventSlave.energy > 50) {
 								if (eventSlave.energy < 95) {
@@ -2577,7 +2577,7 @@ window.generateRandomEventPoolServant = function (eventSlave) {
 				if (eventSlave.need) {
 					if (eventSlave.devotion <= 95) {
 						if (eventSlave.trust >= -20) {
-							if ((eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "chastity" && eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "combined chastity") || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
+							if (!(eventSlave.chastityPenis) || (eventSlave.dick === 0)) {
 								State.variables.RESSevent.push("forbidden masturbation");
@@ -2820,7 +2820,7 @@ window.generateRandomEventPoolServant = function (eventSlave) {
 				if (eventSlave.amp !== 1) {
 					if (canAchieveErection(eventSlave)) {
 						if (eventSlave.belly < 10000) {
-							if (eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "chastity" && eventSlave.dickAccessory !== "combined chastity") {
+							if !(eventSlave.chastityPenis) {
 								State.variables.RESSevent.push("slave dick huge");
diff --git a/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js b/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
index 10485bc49124e4a386320ba667cfce3609fa1cfa..7d977b50c9b454088197ac7cfb77c83b94608680 100644
--- a/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
+++ b/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
@@ -4600,16 +4600,14 @@ window.SlaveSummaryUncached = (function(){
 	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
 	function long_vaginal_acc(slave) {
+		if (slave.chastityVagina === 1 && slave.chastityAnus === 1) {
+			r += `Combined chastity.`;
+		} else if (slave.chastityVagina === 1) {
+			r += `Vaginal chastity.`;
+		} else if (slave.chastityAnus === 1) {
+			r += `Anal chastity.`;
+		}
 		switch (slave.vaginalAccessory) {
-			case "chastity belt":
-				r += `Vaginal chastity.`;
-				break;
-			case "combined chastity":
-				r += `Combined chastity.`;
-				break;
-			case "anal chastity":
-				r += `Anal chastity.`;
-				break;
 			case "dildo":
 				r += `Vaginal dildo.`;
@@ -4634,11 +4632,11 @@ window.SlaveSummaryUncached = (function(){
 	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
 	function long_dick_acc(slave) {
-		if (slave.dickAccessory === "chastity") {
-			r += `Chastity cage.`;
-		} else if (slave.dickAccessory === "combined chastity") {
+		if (slave.chastityPenis === 1 && slave.chastityAnus === 1) {
 			r += `Combined chastity.`;
-		} else if (slave.dickAccessory === "anal chastity") {
+		} else if (slave.chastityPenis === 1) {
+			r += `Chastity cage.`;
+		} else if (slave.chastityAnus === 1) {
 			r += `Anal chastity.`;
 		r += " ";
diff --git a/src/js/storyJS.js b/src/js/storyJS.js
index 0987daa07cc16acc8111415edee9094317602f77..6d13697c7b8124e0eab712b8d1ed9f6876b09a52 100644
--- a/src/js/storyJS.js
+++ b/src/js/storyJS.js
@@ -177,9 +177,7 @@ window.canImpreg = function(slave1, slave2) {
 	} else if (slave2.balls < 1) {
 		return false;
-	} else if (slave2.dickAccessory === "chastity") {
-		return false;
-	} else if (slave2.dickAccessory === "combined chastity") {
+	} else if (slave2.chastityPenis === 1) {
 		return false;
 	} else if (slave2.pubertyXY === 0) { /* pregmod start */
 		return false;
@@ -265,9 +263,7 @@ window.canPenetrate = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (slav
 		return null;
 	} else if (!canAchieveErection(slave)) {
 		return false;
-	} else if (slave.dickAccessory === "chastity") {
-		return false;
-	} else if (slave.dickAccessory === "combined chastity") {
+	} else if (slave.chastityPenis === 1) {
 		return false;
 	} else if (slave.dick > 7) {
 		return false;
@@ -350,7 +346,7 @@ window.canTalk = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (slave) {
 window.canDoAnal = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (slave) {
 	if (!slave) {
 		return null;
-	} else if (slave.chastityAnus) {
+	} else if (slave.chastityAnus === 1) {
 		return false;
 	return true;
@@ -361,7 +357,7 @@ window.canDoVaginal = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (slav
 		return null;
 	} else if (slave.vagina < 0) {
 		return false;
-	} else if (slave.chastityVagina) {
+	} else if (slave.chastityVagina === 1) {
 		return false;
 	return true;
diff --git a/src/js/walkPastJS.js b/src/js/walkPastJS.js
index 5066089d4d7e842b53c5ab04d3327afee1dbd196..d0c066bce55f221af9e2ced6212755eb3f5b67fa 100644
--- a/src/js/walkPastJS.js
+++ b/src/js/walkPastJS.js
@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ window.walkPasts = function(slave, _seed) {
 			} else if (_seed > 40) {
 				if (canPenetrate(slave)) {
 					t += `with ${his} dick inside `;
-				} else if (slave.dick > 0 && slave.dickAccessory !== "chastity" && slave.dick !== "combined chastity") {
+				} else if (slave.dick > 0 && slave.chastityPenis !== 1) {
 					t += `getting ${his} soft dick sucked by `;
 				} else if (canDoVaginal(slave) || canDoAnal(slave)) {
 					t += "getting eaten out by ";
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/fButt.tw b/src/npc/descriptions/fButt.tw
index 38a9b911a4470926d8174272a4b955247f0b8c14..130f197a5a366dd4bd4abaa87269981c9dec5db1 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/fButt.tw
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/fButt.tw
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ $His anus is invitingly bleached,
 	<<if ($activeSlave.dick != 0) && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
 		<<if $activeSlave.prostate == 0>>
 			$He lacks a prostate, denying $him any real pleasure. $His dick stays flaccid as you rape $him.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity")>>
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.chastityPenis)>>
 			Despite $his unwillingness to be sodomized, the prostate stimulation starts to give $him an erection, which $his dick chastity makes horribly uncomfortable. $He bucks with the pain, $his asshole spasming delightfully.
 			Despite $his unwillingness to be sodomized, the prostate stimulation gives $him an erection. $He's mortified that $he would get hard while being anally raped.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity")>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.chastityPenis)>>
 		$His dick chastity keeps $his bitch cock hidden away while you use $his anus like a pussy.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick !== 0)>>
 		$His flaccid dick is ground into the back of the couch as you rape $him.
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/fVagina.tw b/src/npc/descriptions/fVagina.tw
index 0d7b5463d3aaa4fe58b8ea92d8c0cf0bd3584b43..5ab9fae65fa1d9d3689b03dd6afeb59dbb412556 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/fVagina.tw
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/fVagina.tw
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ You call $him over so you can
 			atop your cock and slide $him up and down<<if _fSpeed > 75>>, hard and fast<<elseif _fSpeed > 50>>, firmly and vigorously<<elseif _fSpeed > 25>>, steadily and controlled<<else>>, slowly and tenderly<</if>>, managing $him with your arms.
 		<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
-			<<if $activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity" || $activeSlave.dickAccessory == "combined chastity">>
+			<<if $activeSlave.chastityPenis>>
 				$His dick chastity keeps $his useless bitchclit out of the way.
 			<<elseif !canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
 				As you use $him as a helpless cock jacket, $his
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ You call $him over so you can
 	you can feel <<if $activeSlave.bellyPreg >= 300000>>$his children begin to squirm in reaction to their mother's lust<<else>>$his heart beating hard<</if>>. As the sex reaches its climax, $he begs you to cum inside $his unworthy body.
 	<<if ($activeSlave.dick != 0) && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
-		<<if $activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity" || ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "combined chastity")>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.chastityPenis>>
 			$He does $his submissive best to stay completely soft within $his dick chastity.
 			As a submissive $he spares no attention for $his own orgasm, so $his rock hard erection swings untended.
@@ -322,12 +322,12 @@ You call $him over so you can
 		bend the disobedient slave over your desk and take $him hard from behind. $His breasts <<if ($activeSlave.dick != 0)>>and cock <</if>>slide back and forth across the desk. You give $his buttocks some nice hard swats as you pound $him. $He grunts and moans but knows better than to try to get away.
 		<<if ($activeSlave.dick != 0) && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
 			Despite $his unwillingness to be raped, the stimulation
-			<<if $activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity" || ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "combined chastity")>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.chastityPenis>>
 				starts to give $him an erection, which $his dick chastity makes horribly uncomfortable. $He bucks with the pain, $his hole spasming delightfully.
 				gives $him an erection. $He's mortified that $he would get hard while being raped.
-		<<elseif ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity") || ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "combined chastity")>>
+		<<elseif ($activeSlave.chastityPenis)>>
 			$His dick chastity keeps $his bitch cock hidden away while you use $his whore hole.
 		<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick != 0)>>
 			$His flaccid dick is ground into the back of the couch as you rape $him.
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ You call $him over so you can
 	<<if ($PC.dick != 0)>>
 		$He obeys, lying on the couch next to your desk with $his legs spread. You kneel on the ground and enter $him, a hand on each of $his legs to give you a good grip. <<if _fSpeed > 75>>The pounding is hard and fast<<elseif _fSpeed > 50>>You pound $him firmly and vigorously<<elseif _fSpeed > 25>>You fuck $him steadily and controlled<<else>>You fuck $him slowly and tenderly<</if>>, and $he gasps and <<if _fSpeed > 50>>whines<<else>>moans<</if>>. You reach a hand down to maul $his breasts.
 		<<if ($activeSlave.dick != 0) && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
-			<<if ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity") || ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "combined chastity")>>
+			<<if ($activeSlave.chastityPenis)>>
 				$He enjoys $himself, even though $his dick chastity keeps $him soft by making the beginnings of erection very uncomfortable.
 				$He bites $his lip and moans as $he climaxes. You fill $his squeezing fuckhole with your cum. $He already dribbled $his own weak load all over $his stomach.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/saClothes.tw b/src/pregmod/saClothes.tw
index 78e7b4aced63961b2990117dcebd07b03b7d0868..4c716e1cc5d5916f2e612f30a50fe5dfc6deda01 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/saClothes.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/saClothes.tw
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
-		<<if ["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($slaves[$i].dickAccessory)>>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
 				<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 40)>>
 					<<if ($slaves[$i].hormoneBalance < 100)>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.tw b/src/pregmod/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.tw
index ce2f9ae112078d610d3ce12acd98159024e2dc40..bef3f70b15c8dd3dc7cb564dbb1855bb3c226652 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/slaveOnSlaveFeedingWorkAround.tw
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $slaves.length; _i++>> /* cum output */
-<<if $slaves[_i].balls > 0 && $slaves[_i].dick > 0 && ($slaves[_i].dickAccessory != "chastity" || $slaves[_i].dickAccessory != "combined chastity")>>
+<<if $slaves[_i].balls > 0 && $slaves[_i].dick > 0 && !($slaves[_i].chastityPenis)>>
 	<<set $slaves[_i].cumOutput = 0>>
 	<<set _cum = cumAmount($slaves[_i])>>
 	<<set _cum = (_cum/7)>>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw b/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
index 8cf478a42428668d47f58a227254277b70d3c7d5..0d0bfb1c0c2f8b184fb7a4f86099c43c6de11a0a 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/slaveSlaveSwapWorkaround.tw
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ The surgeon awaits the pair of slaves to be strapped into the surgery. So far on
 __Select an eligible slave:__
 <<for _i = 0; _i < $slaves.length; _i++>>
-<<capture _i>>
-	<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_i])>>
-	<<if $slaves[_i].fuckdoll == 0>>
-	<<if ($slaves[_i].ID != $activeSlave.ID)>>
-		<<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_i])>>
-		<br>[[_name|Slave Slave Swap][$swappingSlave = $slaves[_i], cashX(-10000, "slaveSurgery", $slaves[_i])]]
-	<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<</if>>
+	<<capture _i>>
+		<<if isSlaveAvailable($slaves[_i])>>
+			<<if $slaves[_i].fuckdoll == 0>>
+				<<if ($slaves[_i].ID != $activeSlave.ID)>>
+					<<set _name = SlaveFullName($slaves[_i])>>
+					<br>[[_name|Slave Slave Swap][$swappingSlave = $slaves[_i], cashX(-10000, "slaveSurgery", $slaves[_i])]]
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</capture>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
index 612aee850961b571a69370547bd3ee0924e18821..a965656c0d410362d08ded15540f9b98d7371647 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/bodyswapWidgets.tw
@@ -173,6 +173,9 @@
 <<set $args[0].shoes = $args[1].shoes>>
 <<set $args[0].vaginalChastity = $args[1].vaginalChastity>>
 <<set $args[0].dickAccessory = $args[1].dickAccessory>>
+<<set $args[0].chastityVagina = $args[1].chastityVagina>>
+<<set $args[0].chastityPenis = $args[1].chastityPenis>>
+<<set $args[0].chastityAnus = $args[1].chastityAnus>>
 <<set $args[0].buttplug = $args[1].buttplug>>
 <<set $args[0].customTat = $args[1].customTat>>
 <<set $args[0].bellyTat = $args[1].bellyTat>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
index dd0c007fd84e40af28eba7570c4fb929aa1ff7b8..af759bae42f0a4c897d976f3e5e5bb761e7a46cf 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
@@ -422,12 +422,11 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to
 	The next morning, you sit at your desk to do business as usual, and $activeSlave.slaveName takes up station just behind your left shoulder. You thank $him for $his vigilance as $he does. $He looks almost confused to be thanked for doing $his proper duty, so you settle on a more direct method of communicating your closeness to $him.
 	<<if ($activeSlave.vagina == 0) && !canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
 		Since $he's wearing chastity, you take $him out onto the balcony, arm an extra security system so $he can relax, remove $his protection, and have gentle, loving sex with $him until $he's climaxed twice.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>>
 		<<= VaginalVCheck(1)>>
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.anus == 0) && !canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
 		Since $he's wearing chastity, you take $him out onto the balcony, arm an extra security system so $he can relax, remove $his protection, and have gentle, loving anal sex with $him until $he's climaxed twice.
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none">>
-		<<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.chastityAnus = 0>>
 		<<= AnalVCheck(1)>>
 	<<elseif !canDoVaginal($activeSlave) && !canDoAnal($activeSlave)>>
 		You take $him out onto the balcony, arm an extra security system so $he can relax, and firmly massage $his neck and shoulders to work out all the tension.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RECI.tw b/src/uncategorized/RECI.tw
index ce7edc41b420a908cb65e6d7a1a640c895aae23d..0f839f2ca3702f51ab572bc13df17dd92a0dde8d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RECI.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RECI.tw
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ $He looks pensive, and goes through two false starts before $he clears $his thro
 <<if $Concubine != 0>>
-<<if ($Concubine.dick == 0) || (($Concubine.dick > 1) && canAchieveErection($Concubine) && ($Concubine.dickAccessory != "chastity") && ($Concubine.dickAccessory != "combined chastity"))>>
+<<if ($Concubine.dick == 0) || (($Concubine.dick > 1) && canAchieveErection($Concubine) && !($Concubine.chastityPenis))>>
 <br><<link "Double anal with your Concubine">>
 	<<setLocalPronouns $Concubine 2>>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
index a9e958ce806eec8d01a49c98f96b6b27318ffb94..d75d968817f64889eb32f0c24f023caf5a6644be 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
@@ -4576,7 +4576,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 		begs, "I can't take it any more, <<Master>>! Plea<<s>>e fuck me!"
 	You snicker, but remind $him that $he has no say in $his release. You line up and insert your <<if ($PC.dick == 0)>>strap-on<<else>>cock<</if>> up $his ass and begin slowly fucking $him, making sure to stimulate $his prostate. When $he finally orgasms <<if ($PC.dick == 0)>>$his unabashed enjoyment<<else>>the strength of $his spasming sphincter<</if>> sends you over as well. $He's left in a confused haze; $his body tells $him to fuck, but you tell $him to get fucked. $He @@.hotpink;sides with your decision@@ and vows to be the one taking dick for you. <<if $activeSlave.fetish == "none">>@@.coral;Overcoming $his urges to become a father via anal cause $him to become a buttslut.@@<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "buttslut", $activeSlave.fetishStrength = 10>><</if>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.devotion += 5, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>>
 	<<= AnalVCheck()>>
 <</link>><<if ($activeSlave.anus == 0)>> //This option will take anal virginity//<</if>>
@@ -4775,7 +4775,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 			<br><<link "Lock $his dick in chastity">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
 				You simply clamp a chastity cage onto $his limp dick; $he'll be taking a little break from fucking girls for the time being. When $he comes to and finds $himself locked in chastity, immediately begins fiddling with it in an attempt to remove it. $He feels this punishment is laughable and only @@.mediumaquamarine;grows more defiant.@@ Word spreads through your chattel that the only downside of trying to rape <<= WrittenMaster()>> is getting locked in chastity, @@.mediumaquamarine;spreading defiance@@ through your rebellious slaves.
-				<<set $activeSlave.trust += 10, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity">>
+				<<set $activeSlave.trust += 10, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>>
 				<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust += 5; } })>>
@@ -4807,7 +4807,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 				<br><<link "Surgically alter $his gender">>
 					<<replace "#result2">>
 					You ask $him if $he enjoyed the last time $he used $his dick and if it was worth crossing you, because it will not happen again. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a shemale@@ $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ You waste no time in shoving $him against the wall and forcing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into $his virgin pussy. You use $him until you are satisfied and toss $him to the floor to think about $his new life. Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>>
 					<<= VaginalVCheck()>>
 					<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 					<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -4817,7 +4817,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 				<br><<link "Remove $his male genitalia">>
 					<<replace "#result2">>
 					You ask $him if $he enjoyed the last time $he used $his dick and if it was worth crossing you, because it will not happen again. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a surgical null@@ and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.foreskin = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none">>
+					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.foreskin = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>>
 					<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 					<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -4826,7 +4826,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 			<br><<link "Deny $him from ever having satisfying sex again">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
 				You ask $him if $he enjoyed $his last orgasm, because $he won't be getting any more. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a surgical null,@@ though $he retains $his balls, and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ You waste no time in shoving $him against the wall and forcing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into $his anus. As $his arousal grows, $he realizes you not only took $his dick, but $his prostate as well. $He quickly find $himself desperate for release but lacking any way to do so. You watch $him squirm in sexual frustration. This will be $his new life. Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 0, $activeSlave.ovaries = 0, $activeSlave.clit = 0, $activeSlave.labia = 0>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.vagina = 0, $activeSlave.ovaries = 0, $activeSlave.clit = 0, $activeSlave.labia = 0, $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>>
 				<<= AnalVCheck()>>
 				<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 				<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*4), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -4875,7 +4875,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 			<br><<link "Lock $his dick in chastity">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
 				You simply clamp a chastity cage onto $his limp dick; $he'll be taking a little break from fucking girls for the time being. When $he comes to and finds $himself locked in chastity, immediately begins fiddling with it in an attempt to remove it. $He feels this punishment is laughable and only @@.mediumaquamarine;grows more defiant.@@ Word spreads through your chattel that the only downside of trying to rape <<= WrittenMaster()>> is getting locked in chastity, @@.mediumaquamarine;spreading defiance@@ through your rebellious slaves.
-				<<set $activeSlave.trust += 10, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity">>
+				<<set $activeSlave.trust += 10, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>>
 				<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust += 5; } })>>
@@ -4907,7 +4907,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 				<br><<link "Surgically alter $his gender">>
 					<<replace "#result2">>
 					You ask $him if $he enjoyed the last time $he used $his dick and if it was worth crossing you, because it will not happen again. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a shemale@@ and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ You waste no time in shoving $him against the wall and forcing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into $his virgin pussy. You use $him until you are satisfied and toss $him to the floor to think about $his new life. Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>>
 					<<= VaginalVCheck()>>
 					<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 					<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -4917,7 +4917,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 				<br><<link "Remove $his male genitalia">>
 					<<replace "#result2">>
 					You ask $him if $he enjoyed the last time $he used $his dick and if it was worth crossing you, because it will not happen again. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a surgical null@@ and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.foreskin = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none">>
+					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.foreskin = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>>
 					<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 					<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -4926,7 +4926,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 			<br><<link "Deny $him from ever having satisfying sex again">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
 				You ask $him if $he enjoyed $his last orgasm, because $he won't be getting any more. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a surgical null,@@ though $he retains $his balls, and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ You waste no time in shoving $him against the wall and forcing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into $his anus. As $his arousal grows, $he realizes you not only took $his dick, but $his prostate as well. $He quickly find $himself desperate for release but lacking any way to do so. You watch $him squirm in sexual frustration. This will be $his new life. Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 0, $activeSlave.ovaries = 0, $activeSlave.clit = 0, $activeSlave.labia = 0>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.vagina = 0, $activeSlave.ovaries = 0, $activeSlave.clit = 0, $activeSlave.labia = 0, $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>>
 				<<= AnalVCheck()>>
 				<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 				<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*4), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -4970,7 +4970,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 			<br><<link "Lock $his dick in chastity">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
 				You simply clamp a chastity cage onto $his limp dick; $he'll be taking a little break from fucking girls for the time being. When $he comes to and finds $himself locked in chastity, immediately begins fiddling with it in an attempt to remove it. $He feels this punishment is laughable and only @@.mediumaquamarine;grows more defiant.@@ Word spreads through your chattel that the only downside of trying to rape <<= WrittenMaster()>> is getting locked in chastity, @@.mediumaquamarine;spreading defiance@@ through your rebellious slaves.
-				<<set $activeSlave.trust += 10, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity">>
+				<<set $activeSlave.trust += 10, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>>
 				<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust += 5; } })>>
@@ -5002,7 +5002,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 				<br><<link "Surgically alter $his gender">>
 					<<replace "#result2">>
 					You ask $him if $he enjoyed the last time $he used $his dick and if it was worth crossing you, because it will not happen again. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a shemale@@ and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ You waste no time in shoving $his against the wall and forcing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into $his virgin pussy. You use $him until you are satisfied and toss $him to the floor to think about $his new life. Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>>
 					<<= VaginalVCheck()>>
 					<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 					<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -5012,7 +5012,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 				<br><<link "Remove $his male genitalia">>
 					<<replace "#result2">>
 					You ask $him if $he enjoyed the last time $he used $his dick and if it was worth crossing you, because it will not happen again. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a surgical null@@ and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.foreskin = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none">>
+					<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.foreskin = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>>
 					<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 					<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -5021,7 +5021,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 			<br><<link "Deny $him from ever having satisfying sex again">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
 				You ask $him if $he enjoyed $his last orgasm, because $he won't be getting any more. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a surgical null,@@ though $he retains $his balls, and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ You waste no time in shoving $him against the wall and forcing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into $his anus. As $his arousal grows, $he realizes you not only took $his dick, but $his prostate as well. $He quickly find $himself desperate for release but lacking any way to do so. You watch $him squirm in sexual frustration. This will be $his new life. Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 0, $activeSlave.ovaries = 0, $activeSlave.clit = 0, $activeSlave.labia = 0>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.vagina = 0, $activeSlave.ovaries = 0, $activeSlave.clit = 0, $activeSlave.labia = 0, $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>>
 				<<= AnalVCheck()>>
 				<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 				<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*4), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -5040,7 +5040,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 		<br><<link "Lock $his dick in chastity">>
 			<<replace "#result2">>
 			You simply clamp a chastity cage onto $his limp dick; $he'll be taking a little break from fucking girls for the time being. When $he comes to and finds $himself locked in chastity, immediately begins fiddling with it in an attempt to remove it. $He feels this punishment is laughable and only @@.mediumaquamarine;grows more defiant.@@ Word spreads through your chattel that the only downside of trying to rape <<= WrittenMaster()>> is getting locked in chastity, @@.mediumaquamarine;spreading defiance@@ through your rebellious slaves.
-			<<set $activeSlave.trust += 10, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity">>
+			<<set $activeSlave.trust += 10, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>>
 			<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust += 5; } })>>
@@ -5072,7 +5072,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 			<br><<link "Surgically alter $his gender">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
 				You ask $him if $he enjoyed the last time $he used $his dick and if it was worth crossing you, because it will not happen again. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a shemale@@ and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ You waste no time in shoving $his against the wall and forcing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into $his virgin pussy. You use $him until you are satisfied and toss $him to the floor to think about $his new life. Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 1>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 1, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>>
 				<<= VaginalVCheck()>>
 				<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 				<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -5082,7 +5082,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 			<br><<link "Remove $his male genitalia">>
 				<<replace "#result2">>
 				You ask $him if $he enjoyed the last time $he used $his dick and if it was worth crossing you, because it will not happen again. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a surgical null@@ and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.foreskin = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none">>
+				<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 30, $activeSlave.devotion -= 25, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.foreskin = 0, $activeSlave.balls = 0, $activeSlave.scrotum = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0>>
 				<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 				<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*2), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -5091,7 +5091,7 @@ brought in to you. This time <<EventNameLink $activeSlave>> has been sent to del
 		<br><<link "Deny $him from ever having satisfying sex again">>
 			<<replace "#result2">>
 			You ask $him if $he enjoyed $his last orgasm, because $he won't be getting any more. Restrained as $he is, the most $he can do is cry and beg. Once $he comes to after the surgery, $he faces $his new body; @@.mediumorchid;$he's now a surgical null,@@ though $he retains $his balls, and $he's @@.gold;the only one to blame@@ for $his @@.red;suffering.@@ You waste no time in shoving $him against the wall and forcing your <<if $PC.dick == 1>>dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into $his anus. As $his arousal grows, $he realizes you not only took $his dick, but $his prostate as well. $He quickly find $himself desperate for release but lacking any way to do so. You watch $him squirm in sexual frustration. This will be $his new life. Every other rebellious slave is @@.gold;horrified by the example.@@
-			<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.vagina = 0, $activeSlave.ovaries = 0, $activeSlave.clit = 0, $activeSlave.labia = 0>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 50, $activeSlave.devotion -= 30, $activeSlave.health -= 20, $activeSlave.dick = 0, $activeSlave.prostate = 0, $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 0, $activeSlave.vagina = 0, $activeSlave.ovaries = 0, $activeSlave.clit = 0, $activeSlave.labia = 0, $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none", $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 0>>
 			<<= AnalVCheck()>>
 			<<set $slaves.forEach(function(s) { if (s.devotion < -50) { s.trust -= 15; } })>>
 			<<run cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost*4), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave)>>
@@ -13348,11 +13348,11 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	You let $activeSlave.slaveName don a nice dress and take $him out. $He's a little suspicious at first but when you reach the first balcony on your lazy route around the huge building the sun on $his face and the gentle breeze around $his ears convince $him there's no trick. $He watches you shyly as you lead $him around, soaking in the sights and relaxing. Though you still speak as $his <<= WrittenMaster($activeSlave)>>, you chat about goings on around the arcology, and you buy $him a fresh fruit from a vendor. The unexpected show of care and compassion has her quite agog. By the time you take $him out onto another parklike balcony and fuck $him on a bench,
-	<<if ($activeSlave.dick > 0) && ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "chastity")>>
-		$his chastity cage is dribbling precum, a sign $he wouldn't mind having to take it up the ass.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0) && ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "combined chastity")>>
+	<<if ($activeSlave.dick > 0) && ($activeSlave.chastityPenis) && ($activeSlave.chastityAnus)>>
 		$his combined chastity cage and anal chastity belt makes $him move awkwardly.
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0) && ($activeSlave.dickAccessory == "anal chastity")>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0) && ($activeSlave.chastityPenis)>>
+		$his chastity cage is dribbling precum, a sign $he wouldn't mind having to take it up the ass.
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0) && ($activeSlave.chastityAnus)>>
 		$his dick is tenting the front of $his dress, through $his anal chastity belt.
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 0) && canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
 		$his dick is tenting the front of $his dress and $he's happy to take it up the ass.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RETS.tw b/src/uncategorized/RETS.tw
index 3c2c14157e148f4c29d2560ec8e85619492322a6..6a6e19eeda9574a71f30a3d2f41b73290ce19083 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RETS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RETS.tw
@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ Advancing to get a better view, you identify the bottom as <<if $subSlave.bellyP
 		two fingers up $subSlave.slaveName's tight ass, which must be so stretched to accommodate them that _his2 anguish is probably due in part to anal pain.
-$activeSlave.slaveName isn't fucking $subSlave.slaveName at all: $he's just <<if canPenetrate($activeSlave)>>holding $his penis stationary<<else>>holding $his fingers<</if>> up $subSlave.slaveName's rear hole. _His2 buttocks has been severely spanked, so some of _his2 unhappiness probably comes from being forced to eat sheets and let $activeSlave.slaveName play with _his2 ass. But then you notice that $activeSlave.slaveName is <<if canPenetrate($activeSlave)>>reaching around<<else>>using $his other hand to reach around<</if>> $subSlave.slaveName, and is <<if $subSlave.dick > 0 && !["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($subSlave.dickAccessory)>>jerking $subSlave.slaveName off<<else>>manually stimulating $subSlave.slaveName<</if>> <<if ($activeSlave.oralSkill >= 60)>>with all $his considerable expertise<<elseif ($activeSlave.oralSkill > 30)>>with considerable skill<<else>>with every appearance of effort<</if>>. You're not sure what's going on here.
+$activeSlave.slaveName isn't fucking $subSlave.slaveName at all: $he's just <<if canPenetrate($activeSlave)>>holding $his penis stationary<<else>>holding $his fingers<</if>> up $subSlave.slaveName's rear hole. _His2 buttocks has been severely spanked, so some of _his2 unhappiness probably comes from being forced to eat sheets and let $activeSlave.slaveName play with _his2 ass. But then you notice that $activeSlave.slaveName is <<if canPenetrate($activeSlave)>>reaching around<<else>>using $his other hand to reach around<</if>> $subSlave.slaveName, and is <<if $subSlave.dick > 0 && !($subSlave.chastityPenis)>>jerking $subSlave.slaveName off<<else>>manually stimulating $subSlave.slaveName<</if>> <<if ($activeSlave.oralSkill >= 60)>>with all $his considerable expertise<<elseif ($activeSlave.oralSkill > 30)>>with considerable skill<<else>>with every appearance of effort<</if>>. You're not sure what's going on here.
 <<case "sadistic description">>
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ $he adds impishly. Hearing this, $subSlave.slaveName lets the breast pop free of
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
 	You tell $him you'll inspect $him after $he's done, but add that $subSlave.slaveName is clearly being a very good little anal slut, and _he2 deserves to be rewarded. Hearing this, $subSlave.slaveName @@.hotpink;looks at you very gratefully,@@ and mouths a quiet thanks. "Ye<<s>> <<Master>>!" comes the response. $activeSlave.slaveName shifts $his bitch to one side, and cranes $his head upward to make out with the compliant slave. $subSlave.slaveName kisses $him back with gusto, surprising $activeSlave.slaveName again. $He recoils in shock at how much tongue $subSlave.slaveName gives $him, but moans aggressively and gets $his revenge by dropping one of $subSlave.slaveName's knees and
-	<<if ["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($subSlave.dickAccessory)>>
+	<<if ($subSlave.chastityPenis)>>
 		playing with one of _his2 nipples.
 	<<elseif canAchieveErection($subSlave)>>
 		jacking _him2 off.
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ $he adds impishly. Hearing this, $subSlave.slaveName lets the breast pop free of
 		fingering _his2 clit.
 	Jerking at the stimulation, $subSlave.slaveName urges _his2 butt down against $activeSlave.slaveName's hips, physically begging for a resumption of the sodomy. $activeSlave.slaveName applies $himself, forcing a growing whine out of $subSlave.slaveName as _his2 asspussy is mercilessly fucked.
-	<<if ["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($subSlave.dickAccessory)>>
+	<<if ($subSlave.chastityPenis)>>
 		_His2 chastity cage prevents _him2 from orgasming, but when $activeSlave.slaveName climaxes and lets _him2 up,
 	<<elseif canAchieveErection($subSlave)>>
 		_He2 cums all over _his2 own <<if $subSlave.belly >= 5000>><<if $subSlave.bellyPreg >= 3000>>pregnant<<else>>rounded<</if>> belly<<else>>chest and belly<</if>>, the droplets of semen oozing down _him2 as $activeSlave.slaveName reaches $his own climax. When $activeSlave.slaveName lets _him2 up,
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reAnalPunishment.tw b/src/uncategorized/reAnalPunishment.tw
index d585e073468703d266c004a999bc675f544155b8..bab9246520cc94060c2677f3bf53cc7d47ab5a88 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reAnalPunishment.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reAnalPunishment.tw
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ As you're making the rounds through your penthouse, you hear $HeadGirl.slaveName
 You shoot an amused glance at $HeadGirl.slaveName, who smiles back as _he2 explains the slave's minor sin and _his2 intention to sodomize the malefactor. _He2 does not bother to keep an edge of anticipation out of _his2 voice, and $activeSlave.slaveName cries harder and clings to you with renewed force as your Head Girl pronounces _his2 intention with cruel clarity.<<if $activeSlave.boobs > 4000>> The supplicant's breasts are so huge that $his embrace of your leg has completely surrounded it in deliciously heaving breastflesh.<<elseif $activeSlave.boobs > 1000>> The weight of the supplicant's breasts is quite noticeable as $his embrace of your leg presses them against it.<</if>> You look down at $activeSlave.slaveName. $He stares back with huge wet $activeSlave.eyeColor eyes, doing $his best to implore you with $his gaze, and scooting $his rear in towards your foot in an unconscious effort to protect it from the promised assrape. $He's quite authentically terrified; $his whole body is shaking.
-$HeadGirl.slaveName is very much acting within _his2 duties, and $activeSlave.slaveName has now misbehaved twice by trying to go over your Head Girl's head by appealing to you. $HeadGirl.slaveName is ready to carry out the sentence: <<if ($HeadGirl.dick > 2) && canAchieveErection($HeadGirl) && ($HeadGirl.dickAccessory != "chastity") && ($HeadGirl.dickAccessory != "combined chastity")>>_his2 cock is fully erect, and _he2's keeping it hard with one hand. _He2 slaps its head against _his2 other palm<<elseif $HeadGirl.dick > 0>>since _his2 dick isn't an appropriate instrument for inflicting anal pain, _he2's got an elephantine dildo ready. _He2 slaps it against _his2 palm<<else>>_He2's got an elephantine dildo ready, and _he2 slaps it against _his2 palm<</if>>, forcing a frightened moan from $activeSlave.slaveName.
+$HeadGirl.slaveName is very much acting within _his2 duties, and $activeSlave.slaveName has now misbehaved twice by trying to go over your Head Girl's head by appealing to you. $HeadGirl.slaveName is ready to carry out the sentence: <<if ($HeadGirl.dick > 2) && canAchieveErection($HeadGirl) && !($HeadGirl.chastityPenis)>>_his2 cock is fully erect, and _he2's keeping it hard with one hand. _He2 slaps its head against _his2 other palm<<elseif $HeadGirl.dick > 0>>since _his2 dick isn't an appropriate instrument for inflicting anal pain, _he2's got an elephantine dildo ready. _He2 slaps it against _his2 palm<<else>>_He2's got an elephantine dildo ready, and _he2 slaps it against _his2 palm<</if>>, forcing a frightened moan from $activeSlave.slaveName.
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ $HeadGirl.slaveName is very much acting within _his2 duties, and $activeSlave.sl
 <br><<link "Take part">>
 	<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You explain $activeSlave.slaveName's double crime to $him, and tell $HeadGirl.slaveName to get started. Your Head Girl orders the weeping slave to present $his anus. The <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge > 30>>woman<<else>>girl<</if>> does not resist, but neither does $he comply. $HeadGirl.slaveName jabs a thumb into $activeSlave.slaveName's side, right above $his kidney, driving the wind out of the slave with a pained grunt. $He arches $his back involuntarily and $his grip on you loosens, so $HeadGirl.slaveName drags $him off you, telling $activeSlave.slaveName that it'll hurt less if $he cooperates and assumes the proper position. $He doesn't, so $HeadGirl.slaveName assfucks $him lying flat on the floor, with the poor $girl sobbing loudly as $HeadGirl.slaveName <<if ($HeadGirl.dick > 2) && canAchieveErection($HeadGirl) && ($HeadGirl.dickAccessory != "chastity") && ($HeadGirl.dickAccessory != "combined chastity")>>pistons _his2 cock in and out of $his rectum<<else>>rams the massive dildo up $his butt<</if>>.
+	You explain $activeSlave.slaveName's double crime to $him, and tell $HeadGirl.slaveName to get started. Your Head Girl orders the weeping slave to present $his anus. The <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge > 30>>woman<<else>>girl<</if>> does not resist, but neither does $he comply. $HeadGirl.slaveName jabs a thumb into $activeSlave.slaveName's side, right above $his kidney, driving the wind out of the slave with a pained grunt. $He arches $his back involuntarily and $his grip on you loosens, so $HeadGirl.slaveName drags $him off you, telling $activeSlave.slaveName that it'll hurt less if $he cooperates and assumes the proper position. $He doesn't, so $HeadGirl.slaveName assfucks $him lying flat on the floor, with the poor $girl sobbing loudly as $HeadGirl.slaveName <<if ($HeadGirl.dick > 2) && canAchieveErection($HeadGirl) && !($HeadGirl.chastityPenis)>>pistons _his2 cock in and out of $his rectum<<else>>rams the massive dildo up $his butt<</if>>.
-	After enjoying the spectacle for a while, you judge that the slave's sphincter is loose enough and tell $HeadGirl.slaveName to flip the bitch over. @@.hotpink;_He2 obeys, chuckling,@@ sitting _himself2 down and hauling the reluctant slave onto _his2 lap by seizing a nipple and pulling it into position so the agonized slave is forced to follow. <<if ($HeadGirl.dick > 2) && canAchieveErection($HeadGirl) && ($HeadGirl.dickAccessory != "chastity") && ($HeadGirl.dickAccessory != "combined chastity")>>$HeadGirl.slaveName reinserts _his2 dick, <<else>>$HeadGirl.slaveName maneuvers the dildo down over _his2 own crotch, approximating the position of a natural cock and using its base to stimulate _himself2. _He2 reinserts it,<</if>> intentionally missing twice to keep the experience unpleasant despite _his2 victim's well-fucked backdoor.
+	After enjoying the spectacle for a while, you judge that the slave's sphincter is loose enough and tell $HeadGirl.slaveName to flip the bitch over. @@.hotpink;_He2 obeys, chuckling,@@ sitting _himself2 down and hauling the reluctant slave onto _his2 lap by seizing a nipple and pulling it into position so the agonized slave is forced to follow. <<if ($HeadGirl.dick > 2) && canAchieveErection($HeadGirl) && !($HeadGirl.chastityPenis)>>$HeadGirl.slaveName reinserts _his2 dick, <<else>>$HeadGirl.slaveName maneuvers the dildo down over _his2 own crotch, approximating the position of a natural cock and using its base to stimulate _himself2. _He2 reinserts it,<</if>> intentionally missing twice to keep the experience unpleasant despite _his2 victim's well-fucked backdoor.
 	$activeSlave.slaveName, now facing upward rather than having $his face ground into the floor, notices for the first time that <<if $PC.dick == 1>>you've got your dick out and hard<<else>>you've donned one of your punishment-sized strap-ons<</if>>. $His $activeSlave.eyeColor eyes @@.gold;fly open with horror@@ as you kneel down and smack its head against $his <<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>poor pussy<<else>>stretched taint<</if>>, but $he doesn't realize how comprehensively fucked $he is until you press it against the top of $his already-stretched anal sphincter. "Plea<<s>>e no, <<Master>>! It won't fit! Plea<<s>>e <<if $activeSlave.vagina > 0>>put it in my pu<<ss>>y<<else>>let me <<s>>uck it<</if>> in<<s>>tead," $he begs desperately. "I p-promi<<s>>e I'll be a g-good giiAAIIEEHH," $he howls. $He gasps for air, tears streaming down $his $activeSlave.skin cheeks, and then continues: "AAAH! FUCK! TAKE IT OUUUT! N-NOOO, PLEA<<S>>E DON'T THRU<<S>>T — AAAH! AAAH! AAAH!"
 	<<set $activeSlave.trust -= 5, $activeSlave.analCount += 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saPleaseYou.tw b/src/uncategorized/saPleaseYou.tw
index 95082d6bdb8b81569acc67e3f2ec99e65c24c0e9..57b2ecf4e4ee90f5e566d01e7d9743413deeac74 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saPleaseYou.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saPleaseYou.tw
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ serves you this week.
 			mouth<<if $PC.dick == 1 && $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>and nipples<</if>>
 		available for you at all times.
-		<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].dickAccessory != "chastity" && $slaves[$i].dickAccessory != "combined chastity">>
+		<<if canAchieveErection($slaves[$i]) && !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
 			Every time $his beloved <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>> fucks $him, $he gets a hard-on.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick != 0) && ($slaves[$i].prostate > 0) && canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
 			$He doesn't get a hard-on as you use $him, but $he comes from the prostate stimulation when $his beloved <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>> uses $his pussy.
@@ -960,7 +960,7 @@ serves you this week.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
 		Whenever you feel the need, you use whichever of $his available holes that appears most appealing at the moment, since $he's up for anything.
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick != 0) && canAchieveErection($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].dickAccessory != "chastity" && $slaves[$i].dickAccessory != "combined chastity">>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick != 0) && canAchieveErection($slaves[$i]) && !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
 			By the end of the week $he gets a hard-on when you use $him.
 		You have the sexual energy to fuck $him
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ serves you this week.
 			mouth<<if $PC.dick == 1 && $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>and nipples<</if>>
 		to save $himself from worse treatment than mere rape.
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick != 0) && canAchieveErection($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].dickAccessory != "chastity" && $slaves[$i].dickAccessory != "combined chastity">>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].dick != 0) && canAchieveErection($slaves[$i]) && !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
 			By the end of the week $he gets a hard-on when you use $him.
 		You have the sexual energy to fuck $him
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
index aa714c907487c55490e6e8c57fce225a6aea6521..4e9416cc5f35621687e36898b6b03e1727a612ee 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saRules.tw
@@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust -= 2, $slaves[$i].need -= 10>>
 					@@.gold;fears@@ trying to
-					<<if ["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($slaves[$i].dickAccessory)>>
+					<<if ($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
 						touch $himself
 					<<elseif canAchieveErection($slaves[$i])>>
 						jack off
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw b/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
index d2b349bcbc3a0d80b5972602e796928bcb5d68d9..8f8cea559ec54d451d46495d07728533e1aa6f32 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ $His appearance attracted $beauty members of the public (<<print Math.trunc($bea
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
 			<<set _penetrativeUse += Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,5)>>
-	<<elseif !["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($slaves[$i].dickAccessory)>>
+	<<elseif !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
 		<<set _penetrativeUse += $penetrativeUseWeight+$slaves[$i].dick+Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,10)/8>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
 			<<set _penetrativeUse += Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,5)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saServeYourOtherSlaves.tw b/src/uncategorized/saServeYourOtherSlaves.tw
index 2543f4c4136d620a97fee6205b0069fb3802b6e2..3ad5a71014e4718bf4b8c861bd0b20b7d9d63ade 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saServeYourOtherSlaves.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saServeYourOtherSlaves.tw
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ is serving ''$slaves[_dom].slaveName'' this week.
 				$slaves[_dom].slaveName finds _himself2 under the weight of $slaves[$i].slaveName's limbless body and _his2 _domRace slit molested by an eager tongue. Afterward, $slaves[_dom].slaveName lavishes kisses on _his2 satisfactory top for $his efforts. $slaves[_dom].slaveName @@.hotpink;enjoys a week of constant submission,@@ and even though $he's technically being used, $slaves[$i].slaveName @@.hotpink;doesn't mind@@ being expected to torment a willing pussy.
 				<<set _oralUse = random(9,12)>>
 				<<set $slaves[_dom].vaginalCount += _oralUse, $vaginalTotal += _oralUse>>
-			<<elseif !["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($slaves[_dom].dickAccessory) && $slaves[_dom].dick > 0>>
+			<<elseif !($slaves[_dom].chastityPenis) && $slaves[_dom].dick > 0>>
 				$slaves[_dom].slaveName finds _himself2 under the weight of $slaves[$i].slaveName's limbless body with the tight embrace of _subRace lips around _his2 _domRace cock. Afterward, $slaves[_dom].slaveName lavishes kisses on _his2 satisfactory top for $his efforts. $slaves[_dom].slaveName @@.hotpink;enjoys a week of constant submission,@@ and even though $he's technically being used, $slaves[$i].slaveName @@.hotpink;doesn't mind@@ being expected to torment a willing dick.
 				<<set _oralUse = random(9,12)>>
 				<<set $slaves[_dom].penetrativeCount += _oralUse, $penetrativeTotal += _oralUse>>
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ is serving ''$slaves[_dom].slaveName'' this week.
 		hogties $him with sheets.
 	$slaves[$i].slaveName wriggles a little but doesn't really start to attempt escape until $slaves[_dom].slaveName begins to carefully tease $his _subRace
-	<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 0 && !["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($slaves[$i].dickAccessory)>>
+	<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 0 && !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].clit > 0>>
@@ -354,11 +354,11 @@ is serving ''$slaves[_dom].slaveName'' this week.
 	<<set _oralUse = random(9,12)>>
 	<<set $slaves[_dom].mammaryCount += _oralUse, $mammaryTotal += _oralUse>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls != 0) && !canAchieveErection($slaves[$i]) && !["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($slaves[$i].dickAccessory) && ($slaves[_dom].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[_dom].fetishStrength > 60) && ($slaves[_dom].fetish == "cumslut")>>
+<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls != 0) && !canAchieveErection($slaves[$i]) && !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis) && ($slaves[_dom].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[_dom].fetishStrength > 60) && ($slaves[_dom].fetish == "cumslut")>>
 	Since $slaves[_dom].slaveName loves cum, and $slaves[$i].slaveName has a dick, $slaves[_dom].slaveName has _his2 own private semen dispenser, even if it's rather limp. $slaves[_dom].slaveName sometimes gets tired of having to work hard for cum, so _he2 spends the week making $slaves[$i].slaveName painstakingly bring $his flaccid dick almost to orgasm before $slaves[_dom].slaveName wraps _his2 _domRace lips around $slaves[$i].slaveName's _subRace soft dickhead to suck down the cum. @@.hotpink;$slaves[_dom].slaveName enjoys having a servile dick on demand.@@
 	<<set _penetrativeUse = random(9,12)>>
 	<<set $slaves[_dom].oralCount += _penetrativeUse, $oralTotal += _penetrativeUse>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls != 0) && !["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($slaves[$i].dickAccessory) && ($slaves[_dom].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[_dom].fetishStrength > 60) && ($slaves[_dom].fetish == "cumslut")>>
+<<elseif ($slaves[$i].dick > 0) && ($slaves[$i].balls != 0) && !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis) && ($slaves[_dom].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[_dom].fetishStrength > 60) && ($slaves[_dom].fetish == "cumslut")>>
 	Since $slaves[_dom].slaveName loves cum, and $slaves[$i].slaveName has a dick, $slaves[_dom].slaveName has _his2 own private semen dispenser. $slaves[_dom].slaveName sometimes gets tired of having to work hard for cum, so _he2 spends the week
 	<<if $slaves[_dom].amp != 1>>
 		stimulating poor $slaves[$i].slaveName's <<if $slaves[$i].prostate>>prostate<<else>>balls<</if>> to force
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw b/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
index 9d3092f92ac17884545f45679ab4b730cbd02ea9..bb00633523450bfc1ff810d3d042c9f26ca28e78 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saWhore.tw
@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ In total, you were paid @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(Math.trunc($beauty*$FR
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
 			<<set _penetrativeUse += Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,5)>>
-	<<elseif !["chastity", "combined chastity"].includes($slaves[$i].dickAccessory)>>
+	<<elseif !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
 		<<set _penetrativeUse += $penetrativeUseWeight+$slaves[$i].dick+Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,10)/8>>
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
 			<<set _penetrativeUse += Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,5)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seWeddingDouble.tw b/src/uncategorized/seWeddingDouble.tw
index e9cb7a34c7843cc4764145d99b9edc2dedcb59f6..1d7ea6251ec9f1d1681d99a69b66b8d696b84769 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seWeddingDouble.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seWeddingDouble.tw
@@ -743,7 +743,7 @@
-		<<if _slave1.dickAccessory == ("chastity") || _slave1.dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
+		<<if _slave1.chastityPenis>>
 			_slave1's slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage,
 		<<elseif canAchieveErection(_slave1)>>
 			<<if (_slave1.dick > 4) && (_slave1.belly >= 5000)>>
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@
-		<<if _slave2.dickAccessory == ("chastity") || _slave2.dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
+		<<if _slave2.chastityPenis>>
 			_slave2.slaveName' slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage.
 		<<elseif canAchieveErection(_slave2)>>
 			<<if (_slave2.dick > 4) && (_slave2.belly >= 5000)>>
@@ -2103,7 +2103,7 @@
-		<<if _slave1.dickAccessory == ("chastity") || _slave1.dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
+		<<if _slave1.chastityPenis>>
 			_slave1's slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage,
 		<<elseif canAchieveErection(_slave1)>>
 			<<if (_slave1.dick > 4) && (_slave1.belly >= 5000)>>
@@ -2129,7 +2129,7 @@
-		<<if _slave2.dickAccessory == ("chastity") || _slave2.dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
+		<<if _slave2.chastityPenis>>
 			_slave2.slaveName' slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage.
 		<<elseif canAchieveErection(_slave2)>>
 			<<if (_slave2.dick > 4) && (_slave2.belly >= 5000)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seWeddingSingle.tw b/src/uncategorized/seWeddingSingle.tw
index 39a8700ab0b387eb44a55aafcb48d714ba1215e7..f802e2a171506e8246bc4280b009adb046ab0a49 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seWeddingSingle.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seWeddingSingle.tw
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
 	<<elseif ($slaves[_s].bellyFluid >= 1500)>>
 		$His distended, <<print $slaves[_s].inflationType>>-belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<<if $slaves[_s].dickAccessory == ("chastity") || $slaves[_s].dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
+	<<if $slaves[_s].chastityPenis>>
 		$His slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage.
 	<<elseif canAchieveErection($slaves[_s])>>
 		<<if ($slaves[_s].dick > 4) && ($slaves[_s].belly >= 5000)>>
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
 	<<elseif ($slaves[_s].bellyFluid >= 1500)>>
 		$His distended, <<print $slaves[_s].inflationType>>-belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<<if $slaves[_s].dickAccessory == ("chastity") || $slaves[_s].dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
+	<<if $slaves[_s].chastityPenis>>
 		$His slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage.
 	<<elseif canAchieveErection($slaves[_s])>>
 		<<if ($slaves[_s].dick > 4) && ($slaves[_s].belly >= 5000)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seWeddingTriple.tw b/src/uncategorized/seWeddingTriple.tw
index a28342c23afb55b55664873aecaa6d4623e62e1e..2afb75c8ff1aadc057eefb439e60490a88598dc6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seWeddingTriple.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seWeddingTriple.tw
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ In the days leading up to your wedding, your wives-to-be spent their time prepar
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.bellyFluid >= 1500)>>
 		$His distended, <<print $activeSlave.inflationType>>-belly protrudes out the front of $his bridal wear.
-	<<if $activeSlave.dickAccessory == ("chastity") || $activeSlave.dickAccessory == ("combined chastity")>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.chastityPenis>>
 		$His slave dick is hidden by its chastity cage.
 	<<elseif canAchieveErection($activeSlave)>>
 		<<if ($activeSlave.dick > 4) && ($activeSlave.belly >= 5000)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/slaveInteract.tw b/src/uncategorized/slaveInteract.tw
index 2e3443faf7f9c1a88c24757395596150a9c9f38b..dc602c38c350ef59f034f652603372e668a9c100 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/slaveInteract.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/slaveInteract.tw
@@ -999,37 +999,37 @@
 	<<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "none">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
 	| <<link "Tight corset">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a corset">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-	| <<link "Extreme corset">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "an extreme corset">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Extreme corset">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "an extreme corset">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.belly > 10000)>>
-	| <<link "Supportive band">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a support band">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Supportive band">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a support band">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
 	<<if isItemAccessible("a small empathy belly")>> /* works for all of them */
-	<<if $activeSlave.belly < 1500 && $activeSlave.weight < 130>>
-	| <<link "1st Trimester belly">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a small empathy belly">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
-	| <<link "2nd Trimester belly">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a medium empathy belly">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
-	| <<link "3rd Trimester belly">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a large empathy belly">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
-	| <<link "3rd Trimester twins belly">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a huge empathy belly">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
-	<<else>>
-		| $His stomach is too big to fit an empathy belly around.
-	<</if>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.belly < 1500 && $activeSlave.weight < 130>>
+			| <<link "1st Trimester belly">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a small empathy belly">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+			| <<link "2nd Trimester belly">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a medium empathy belly">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+			| <<link "3rd Trimester belly">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a large empathy belly">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+			| <<link "3rd Trimester twins belly">><<set $activeSlave.bellyAccessory = "a huge empathy belly">><<replace "#bellyAccessory">>$activeSlave.bellyAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+		<<else>>
+			| $His stomach is too big to fit an empathy belly around.
+		<</if>>
 	<br>Anal accessory: ''<span id="buttplug">$activeSlave.buttplug</span>.''
 	<<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "none", $activeSlave.buttplugAttachment = "none">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
 	| <<link "Normal">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
 	<<if isItemAccessible("long plug") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-	| <<link "Long">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Long">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
 	| <<link "Large">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "large plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
 	<<if isItemAccessible("long, large plug") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-	| <<link "Long and large">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long, large plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Long and large">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long, large plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.anus >= 2>>| <<link "Huge">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "huge plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>><</if>>
 	<<if isItemAccessible("long, huge plug")>>
-	<<if ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0) && $activeSlave.anus >= 2>>
-	| <<link "Long and huge">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long, huge plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
-	<</if>>
+		<<if ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0) && $activeSlave.anus >= 2>>
+			| <<link "Long and huge">><<set $activeSlave.buttplug = "long, huge plug">><<replace "#buttplug">>$activeSlave.buttplug<</replace>><</link>>
+		<</if>>
 	<<if isItemAccessible("tail") && $activeSlave.buttplug != "none">>
 		&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Anal accessory attachment: ''<span id="buttplugAttach">$activeSlave.buttplugAttachment</span>.''
@@ -1041,30 +1041,30 @@
 	<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
-	<br>Vaginal accessory: ''<span id="vaginalAccessory">$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory</span>.''
-	<<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
-	| <<link "Dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
-	<<if isItemAccessible("long dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-	| <<link "Long dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
-	<</if>>
-	| <<link "Large dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "large dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
-	<<if isItemAccessible("long, large dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-	| <<link "Large and long dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long, large dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.vagina >= 2>>| <<link "Huge dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "huge dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>><</if>>
-	<<if isItemAccessible("long, huge dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.vagina >= 2>>| <<link "Huge and long dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long, huge dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>><</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	| <<link "Chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "chastity belt",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
-	| <<link "Anal chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "anal chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
-	| <<link "Combined chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "combined chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
+		<br>Vaginal accessory: ''<span id="vaginalAccessory">$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory</span>.''
+		<<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "none">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+		<<if isItemAccessible("long dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
+			| <<link "Long dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+		<</if>>
+		| <<link "Large dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "large dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+		<<if isItemAccessible("long, large dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
+			| <<link "Large and long dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long, large dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<if $activeSlave.vagina >= 2>>| <<link "Huge dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "huge dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>><</if>>
+		<<if isItemAccessible("long, huge dildo") && ($activeSlave.breedingMark != 1 || $propOutcome == 0)>>
+			<<if $activeSlave.vagina >= 2>>| <<link "Huge and long dildo">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "long, huge dildo">><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><</link>><</if>>
+		<</if>>
+		| <<link "Chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "chastity belt",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Anal chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "anal chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Combined chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "combined chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#vaginalAccessory">>$activeSlave.vaginalAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractImpreg>><<SlaveInteractFertility>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
-	<br>Dick accessory: ''<span id="dickAccessory">$activeSlave.dickAccessory</span>.''
-	<<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none">><<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
-	| <<link "Chastity cage">><<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
-	| <<link "Anal chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "anal chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</replace>><</link>>
-	| <<link "Combined chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "combined chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
+		<br>Dick accessory: ''<span id="dickAccessory">$activeSlave.dickAccessory</span>.''
+		<<link "None">><<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "none">><<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Chastity cage">><<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Anal chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "anal chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</replace>><</link>>
+		| <<link "Combined chastity belt">><<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "combined chastity",$activeSlave.choosesOwnChastity = 0>><<replace "#dickAccessory">>$activeSlave.dickAccessory<</replace>><<SlaveInteractSexOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalSexOption>><<SlaveInteractGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractDickGropeOption>><<SlaveInteractAnalGropeOption>><</link>>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset" && $activeSlave.devotion > 20 && $activeSlave.trust > 0 && $activeSlave.choosesOwnClothes == 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/slaveStats.tw b/src/uncategorized/slaveStats.tw
index d416a2b99dc8ecef331a684e6e60a4636220c8c7..6d6daeb89d8cd1aa8a9a51ff4605320199f5dc77 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/slaveStats.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/slaveStats.tw
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 <<run clearSummaryCache($activeSlave)>>
 <<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
-slaveName: $activeSlave.slaveName	   /* TODO: figure out why this is being indented ingame */
+slaveName: $activeSlave.slaveName	   /* TODO: figure out why this is being indented in-game */
 <br>slaveSurname: $activeSlave.slaveSurname
 <br>birthName: $activeSlave.birthName
 <br>birthSurname: $activeSlave.birthSurname
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/toychest.tw b/src/uncategorized/toychest.tw
index 57b49480c45427eaddfb68904927f07ba8de32cb..f840401c413b8e1aceb7c1f2752ee2f06628d246 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/toychest.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/toychest.tw
@@ -215,12 +215,13 @@
 	<<case "a skimpy loincloth">>
 		$His skimpy loincloth gives the office a more barbaric and raw atmosphere.
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "chastity belt")>>
+		<<if ($slaves[$i].chastityVagina) && ($slaves[$i].chastityAnus)>>
+			$His chastity belt covers and protects both $his vagina and anus, but leaves $his breasts naked and $his mouth available.
+		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].chastityVagina)>>
 			$His chastity belt covers and protects $his pussy, but leaves $his breasts naked, $his mouth available, and $his asshole vulnerable.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "anal chastity")>>
+		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].chastityAnus)>>
 			$His chastity belt covers and protects $his anus, but leaves $his breasts naked, $his mouth available, and $his pussy vulnerable.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "combined chastity")>>
-			$His chastity belt covers and protects both $his vagina and anus, but leaves $his breasts naked and $his mouth available.
 			$He's nude and ready to be fucked.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/walkPast.tw b/src/uncategorized/walkPast.tw
index 855c154a232ca5f20f037878ee630edb6197a71e..9e42a3f3b4ff96dee3dd1906ef7fecd686c54da9 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/walkPast.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/walkPast.tw
@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 1) && canPenetrate($activeSlave) && (_partnerSlave.vagina > 0) && canDoVaginal(_partnerSlave) && (_partnerSlave.amp != 1) && ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
 		<<if $activeSlave.livingRules == "luxurious">>in bed in the nice little room they share,<<else>>out in the open on $activeSlave.slaveName's bedroll in the slave dormitory,<</if>> making love in the missionary position. _partnerSlave.slaveName has _his2 legs wrapped around $activeSlave.slaveName's waist and _his2 arms hugging $him around the chest, and is looking deep into $his eyes as _he2 enjoys the wonderful feeling of _his2 _activeSlaveRel's cock in _his2 womanhood.
 		<<set $activeSlave.penetrativeCount++, _partnerSlave.vaginalCount++, $vaginalTotal++, $penetrativeTotal++>>
-	<<elseif ($activeSlave.clit > 2) && ($activeSlave.vaginalAccessory != "chastity belt") && ($activeSlave.vaginalAccessory != "combined chastity") && (_partnerSlave.vagina > 0) && canDoVaginal(_partnerSlave) && (_partnerSlave.amp != 1) && ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
+	<<elseif ($activeSlave.clit > 2) && !($activeSlave.chastityVagina) && (_partnerSlave.vagina > 0) && canDoVaginal(_partnerSlave) && (_partnerSlave.amp != 1) && ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
 		<<if $activeSlave.livingRules == "luxurious">>in bed in the nice little room they share,<<else>>out in the open on $activeSlave.slaveName's bedroll in the slave dormitory,<</if>> making love in the missionary position. _partnerSlave.slaveName has _his2 legs wrapped around $activeSlave.slaveName's waist and _his2 arms hugging $him around the chest, and is looking deep into $his eyes as _he2 enjoys the wonderful feeling of _his2 _activeSlaveRel's huge clit in _his2 womanhood.
 		<<set _partnerSlave.vaginalCount++, $activeSlave.penetrativeCount++, $vaginalTotal++, $penetrativeTotal++>>
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.dick > 1) && canPenetrate($activeSlave) && canDoAnal(_partnerSlave) && (_partnerSlave.anus > 0) && (_partnerSlave.amp != 1) && ($activeSlave.amp != 1)>>
diff --git a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
index 96083b9b406748f41d5dfa4255ad9e41e02c59f6..e9501c47710327dce9c04065778a54e0b80df60a 100644
--- a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
@@ -4060,10 +4060,10 @@
 	<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "chastity belt">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1>>
@@ -4337,10 +4337,10 @@
 	<<if $activeSlave.dick > 0>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.dickAccessory = "chastity">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.chastityPenis = 1>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.vaginalAccessory = "chastity belt">>
+		<<set $activeSlave.chastityVagina = 1>>