From ad03d07fc4f392758382532090c85be0bdf96bcf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: klorpa <>
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2018 16:15:54 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] More Fixes

 devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt        |  30 +--
 devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt |  48 ++--
 devNotes/inducedNCS.txt                       |   8 +-
 devNotes/scene-guide.txt                      |   2 +-
 devNotes/twine JS.txt                         |   8 +-
 slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt   |  80 +++----
 src/cheats/   |   4 +-
 src/cheats/              |   2 +-
 .../nursery/           |   4 +-
 src/uncategorized/   |  53 +++--
 src/uncategorized/                   |  78 +++----
 src/uncategorized/          |   6 +-
 src/uncategorized/           |   6 +-
 src/uncategorized/     |  16 +-
 src/uncategorized/                     |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/                  |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/          |  42 ++--
 src/uncategorized/              |  10 +-
 src/uncategorized/             |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/              |   4 +-
 src/uncategorized/        |  30 +--
 src/uncategorized/          |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/                  |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/               |  81 ++++---
 src/uncategorized/           | 219 +++++++++---------
 src/uncategorized/         |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/                |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/       |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/            |   2 +-
 src/uncategorized/                 | 190 +++++++--------
 src/utility/        |   2 +-
 src/utility/      |   2 +-
 src/utility/           |  18 +-
 33 files changed, 489 insertions(+), 472 deletions(-)

diff --git a/devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt b/devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt
index 4fe5f98833a..8804ca2b945 100644
--- a/devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt
+++ b/devNotes/AnatomyOfAFreeCitiesEvent.txt
@@ -30,21 +30,21 @@ Immediate effects
 Every event can have immediate effects, which happen when the event gets chosen. For most events, those are what should happen if the player ignores the event (by hitting "Continue" or the space bar on the keyboard). Choice effects (see below) can override or roll back those.
-		reRecuit (4-19)
-		<<if Array.isArray($recruit)>>
-	  <<if $cheatMode == 1>>
-		<<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Nonrandom Event", $returnTo = "Nonrandom Event">> /* if user just clicks spacebar */
-		''A random recruit event would have been selected from the following:''
-		<br>
-		<<for _i = 0; _i < $recruit.length; _i++>>
-			<<print "[[$recruit[_i]|RE recruit][$recruit = $recruit[" + _i + "]]]">>
+	reRecuit (4-19)
+	<<if Array.isArray($recruit)>>
+		<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
+			<<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Nonrandom Event", $returnTo = "Nonrandom Event">> /* if user just clicks spacebar */
+			''A random recruit event would have been selected from the following:''
-		<</for>>
-		<br><br>[[Go Back to Random Nonindividual Event|Random Nonindividual Event][$eventSlave = 0]]
-	  <<else>>
-		<<set $recruit = $recruit.random()>>
-		<<goto "RE recruit">>
-	  <</if>>
+			<<for _i = 0; _i < $recruit.length; _i++>>
+				<<print "[[$recruit[_i]|RE recruit][$recruit = $recruit[" + _i + "]]]">>
+				<br>
+			<</for>>
+			<br><br>[[Go Back to Random Nonindividual Event|Random Nonindividual Event][$eventSlave = 0]]
+		<<else>>
+			<<set $recruit = $recruit.random()>>
+			<<goto "RE recruit">>
+		<</if>>
 	If cheat mode is enabled and the user presses the space bar go back to the start. 
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ Choices should also be hidden when they run against the game rules, like for exa
 		''inactive.'' [[Active|Dairy][$dairyFeedersSetting = 1]]
-	$dairyNameCaps is equipped to feed and clean slaves normally. [[Upgrade the milking machines with intubators|Dairy][$cash -= _Tmult1, $dairyFeedersUpgrade = 1]] //Costs ¤_Tmult1 and will increase upkeep costs//
+	$dairyNameCaps is equipped to feed and clean slaves normally. [[Upgrade the milking machines with incubators|Dairy][$cash -= _Tmult1, $dairyFeedersUpgrade = 1]] //Costs ¤_Tmult1 and will increase upkeep costs//
 	In order to enable the industrial feeder option both any of the see extreme content options has be enabled and the restraint's have to be already set to industrial. 
diff --git a/devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt b/devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt
index dab52615a10..442aa8588f3 100644
--- a/devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt	
+++ b/devNotes/Useful JS Function Documentation.txt	
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ canGetPregnant(slave) - If the slave is fucked right now, could she get pregnant
 canBreed(slave1, slave2) - Returns if slave1 and slave2 are capable of breeding with each other.
-canImpreg(slave1, slave2) - Returns if slave2 can impregnate slave1. PC works as an arguement as well.
+canImpreg(slave1, slave2) - Returns if slave2 can impregnate slave1. PC works as an argument as well.
 isFertile(slave) - Returns if the slave is capable of having children.
@@ -118,11 +118,11 @@ tooBigButt(slave) - Returns if the slave's butt is too big for her to move.
 milkAmount(slave) - Returns the slave's expected milk output in liters.
-cumAmount(slave) - Returns the slave's expected cum output in decaliters.
+cumAmount(slave) - Returns the slave's expected cum output in deciliters.
 isVegetable(slave) - Returns if the slave is mindbroken.
-overpowerCheck(slave, PC) - Returns an integer that repesents the chance of a slave overpowering the player.
+overpowerCheck(slave, PC) - Returns an integer that represents the chance of a slave overpowering the player.
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ SlaveTitle(slave) - Returns the slave's descriptive title.
 relativeTerm(slave1, slave2) - Returns the term for slave2's relation to slave1. (daughter, mother, etc)
 relationshipChecks [script] All work as expected with <<if X.rivalryTarget == $slaves[$i].ID>> preceding them.
-	rivalryTerm(id) - Returns the rivarly term for the input . e.g. lines 99-100 of brothelReport. 
+	rivalryTerm(id) - Returns the rivalry term for the input . e.g. lines 99-100 of brothelReport. 
 		<<if $Madam.rivalryTarget == $slaves[$i].ID>> 
 			She forces her <<print rivalryTerm($Madam)>>, to service all the men in the brothel.
 		Would print 'She forces her growing rival, to service all the men in the brothel.'
@@ -161,24 +161,24 @@ relationshipChecks [script] All work as expected with <<if X.rivalryTarget == $s
 bellyAdjective(slave) - Returns a string describing her belly size.
-lispReplace(string) - Ruturns the string lispified.
+lispReplace(string) - Returns the string lispified.
 nippleColor(slave) - Returns the slave's nipple color.
 UtilJS [script]
-	commaNum() - Returns the value thousand sepeated with ',' if $formatNumbers > 0 else provides the raw value.
+	commaNum() - Returns the value thousand separated with ',' if $formatNumbers > 0 else provides the raw value.
 		line 138 of src/SpecialForce/, '...focused their <<print commaNum($SFUnit.Troops)>> troops'
 		if $formatNumbers > 0 'focused their 1,589 troops' else 'focused their 1589 troops'
-	cashFormat() - uses the above function to return the value thousand sepeated with ',' if $formatNumbers > 0 else provides the raw value. either way prepend ¤ (the fc domination) symbol.
+	cashFormat() - uses the above function to return the value thousand separated with ',' if $formatNumbers > 0 else provides the raw value. Either way perpend ¤ (the fc domination) symbol.
 		line 157 of the previously listed file, '..totaling @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_SFIncome)>>@@'
 		if $formatNumbers > 0 'totaling @@.yellowgreen;¤1,500,000@@' else 'totaling @@.yellowgreen;¤1500000@@'
 		isFloat() - Checks if value is float.
-		isInt() - Checks if value is an interger.
+		isInt() - Checks if value is an integer.
-		numberWithCommas() - Currently unsed.
+		numberWithCommas() - Currently unused.
 		jsRandom() - JS equivalent of sugarcube's random().
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ UtilJS [script]
 		arr2obj() - Converts an array to an object. e.g. line 250 of :: init Nationalities [silently]
 			<<set $nationalities = arr2obj(setup.baseNationalities)>>
-		hashPush() //Note really shure where input is being pushed to.
+		hashPush() //Note really sure where input is being pushed to.
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ getPronouns(slave) - Returns an object containing a slave's pronouns.
 SlavePronouns(slave) - Sets global pronoun variables to a slave's pronouns. ($he, $He, $His, $his, $him) (obsolete?)
-WrittenMaster(slave) - Returns a slave's title for the player and sets lisping. Returns $activeSlave if not given an arguement.
+WrittenMaster(slave) - Returns a slave's title for the player and sets lisping. Returns $activeSlave if not given an argument.
 Enunciate(slave) - Syncs lisp widgets with slave.
@@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ SetBellySize(slave) - Sets slave's belly size.(pregnancy+inflation+implant)
 generatePronouns(slave) - Sets slave's pronouns.
-SoftenBehavioralFlaw(slave) - Rplaces the slave's behavioral flaw with the corresponding quirk.
+SoftenBehavioralFlaw(slave) - Replaces the slave's behavioral flaw with the corresponding quirk.
-SoftenSexualFlaw(slave) - Rplaces the slave's sexual flaw with the corresponding quirk.
+SoftenSexualFlaw(slave) - Replaces the slave's sexual flaw with the corresponding quirk.
 UtilJS [script]
 	Height.mean(nationality, race, genes, age) - returns the mean height for the given combination and age in years (>=2).
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ UtilJS [script]
  Height.forAge(height, age, genes) - returns the height adapted to the age and genes.
  Height.forAge(height, slave) - returns the height adapted to the slave's age and genes.
- heightToEitherUnit() - takes an int in centimetres e.g. $activeSlave.height, returns a string in the format of either `200cm (6'7")`, `6'7"`, or `200cm`
+ heightToEitherUnit() - takes an int in centimeters e.g. $activeSlave.height, returns a string in the format of either `200cm (6'7")`, `6'7"`, or `200cm`
  Height.config(configuration) - configures the random height generator globally and returns the current configuration.
@@ -270,15 +270,15 @@ Sex Functions:
 knockMeUp(actor, chance, hole, fatherID, displayOverride) - Attempts to impregnate actor.
-AnalVCheck(count) - Increments $activeSlave's anal count by count and attempts to take virginity. Defualts to 1.
+AnalVCheck(count) - Increments $activeSlave's anal count by count and attempts to take virginity. Defaults to 1.
-VaginalVCheck(count) - Increments $activeSlave's vaginal count by count and attempts to take virginity. Defualts to 1.
+VaginalVCheck(count) - Increments $activeSlave's vaginal count by count and attempts to take virginity. Defaults to 1.
-VaginalVCheck(countAnal, countBoth) - Attempts to increment $activeSlave's anal count by countAnal and attempts to increment vaginal by countBoth. Defualts to 1. Attempts to take virginities.
+VaginalVCheck(countAnal, countBoth) - Attempts to increment $activeSlave's anal count by countAnal and attempts to increment vaginal by countBoth. Defaults to 1. Attempts to take virginities.
 SimpleVCheck(count) - Calls either VaginalVCheck or AnalVCheck count times.
-PartnerVCheck(countAnal, countBoth) - Attempts to increment $partner's anal count by countAnal and attempts to increment vaginal by countBoth. Defualts to 1. Attempts to take virginities.
+PartnerVCheck(countAnal, countBoth) - Attempts to increment $partner's anal count by countAnal and attempts to increment vaginal by countBoth. Defaults to 1. Attempts to take virginities.
 SimpleSexAct(slave, count) - Runs a player on slave sex act count times. (randomly chooses hole based off availability.)
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ Pregnancy Functions:
 WombInit($slave) - before first pregnancy, at slave creation, of as backward compatibility update.
-WombImpregnate($slave, $fetus_count, $fatherID, $initial_age) - should be added after normal impregnation code, with already calcualted fetus count. ID of father - can be used in future for prcess children from different fathers in one pregnancy. Initial age normally 1 (as .preg normally set to 1), but can be raised if needed. Also should be called at time as broodmother implant add another fetus(es), or if new fetuses added from other sources in future (transplanting maybe?)
+WombImpregnate($slave, $fetus_count, $fatherID, $initial_age) - should be added after normal impregnation code, with already calculated fetus count. ID of father - can be used in future for processing children from different fathers in one pregnancy. Initial age normally 1 (as .preg normally set to 1), but can be raised if needed. Also should be called at time as broodmother implant add another fetus(es), or if new fetuses added from other sources in future (transplanting maybe?)
 WombProgress($slave, $time_to_add_to_fetuses) - after code that update $slave.preg, time to add should be the same.
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ WombFlush($slave) - clean womb (array). Can be used at broodmother birthstorm or
 $slave.bellyPreg = WombGetWolume($slave) - return double, with current womb volume in CC - for updating $slave.bellyPreg, or if need to update individual fetuses sizes.
-findFather(ID) - searchs for the ID given and returns an object or undefined
+findFather(ID) - searches for the ID given and returns an object or undefined
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ Other Functions:
 isItemAccessible(itemName) - Returns if the string is available for use. Defaults to true.
 UtilJS [script]
-	arraySwap() - swapps inputted array.
+	arraySwap() - swaps inputted array.
 	html5passage(passage_function) - circumvents sugarcube, allowing a plain HTML5 UI within it
@@ -335,14 +335,14 @@ UtilJS [script]
 	cmToFootInchString() - takes an integer e.g. $activeSlave.height, returns a string in the format 6'5"
-	lengthToEitherUnit() - takes an int in centimetres e.g. $activeSlave.hLength, returns a string in the format of either `30cm (12 inches)`, `12 inches`, or `30cm`
+	lengthToEitherUnit() - takes an int in centimeters e.g. $activeSlave.hLength, returns a string in the format of either `30cm (12 inches)`, `12 inches`, or `30cm`
-	ValidateFacilityDecoration() - checks the value of the assoicated variable and it if it infinite i.e NA the text description is reset back to standard.
+	ValidateFacilityDecoration() - checks the value of the associated variable and it if it infinite i.e NA the text description is reset back to standard.
 		/* decoration should be passed as "facilityDecoration" in quotes. For example, ValidateFacilityDecoration("brothelDecoration"). The quotes are important, do not pass it as a story variable. */
 	FSChangePorn() - //Currently unused, widget version routes directly through FSChange()
-	ordinalSuffix(i) - takes a value as an input and then appends the appoperiate suffix. e.g.$Day === 1 "today is the <<print ordinalSuffix($Day)>> of the month"
+	ordinalSuffix(i) - takes a value as an input and then appends the appropriate suffix. e.g.$Day === 1 "today is the <<print ordinalSuffix($Day)>> of the month"
 		would print "today is the 1st of the month"
 	removeDuplicates() - Takes an array and returns a new array without duplicate entries
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/devNotes/inducedNCS.txt b/devNotes/inducedNCS.txt
index a19f580f41d..35ca801633c 100644
--- a/devNotes/inducedNCS.txt
+++ b/devNotes/inducedNCS.txt
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Induced NCS:
         features (drugs, hormones, food) work at a disadvantage, while growth-reversal features (drugs, hormones, 
         food) work at an advantage.  Finally, precocious puberty is generically incremented, such that drugs, 
         hormones or treatments that advance puberty are heightened while simultaneously drugs, hormones or 
-        treatements that work against puberty are lowered, with the exception of hormone blockers, which work as
+        treatments that work against puberty are lowered, with the exception of hormone blockers, which work as
 Slaves generated with .inducedNCS set to 0, and added to the backwards compatibility.
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Updated sa Long Term Effects.
         Added NCS youthening.
         NCS youthening, NCS will youthen slave appearances towards 8 years old if older, while younger slaves will
-        simply, not apear to age at all.
+        simply, not appear to age at all.
             1: every slave visually appearing less than 9 will not be affected.
             2: visually 45 yrs and over will always look 1 year younger each week.
             3: from 44 down to 9, the slave accumulates NCSyouthening points every week building towards a sliding
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ Updated sa Long Term Effects.
                 Formula, slaves <= 8 are ignored.
-                Caluclate _youtheningDifference the slaves visual age less 8, yielding 0 to say 38 or so, more than
-                that will be dealt with further down the line.  Take the _youthDifference devide by four and add .25
+                Calculate _youtheningDifference the slaves visual age less 8, yielding 0 to say 38 or so, more than
+                that will be dealt with further down the line.  Take the _youthDifference divide by four and add .25
                 to evenly break into 0 below 9, and 10 at 45, round to int to get the _youtheningLevel.  Subtract 
                 _youtheningLevel from 11 to find out the _youtheningRequirement
diff --git a/devNotes/scene-guide.txt b/devNotes/scene-guide.txt
index ee0859f2bdf..fa36b13bc75 100644
--- a/devNotes/scene-guide.txt
+++ b/devNotes/scene-guide.txt
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ SHOW THIS TEXT INSTEAD
-Conditions are usually comparative (i.e. $a < $b or $b == 5 or $c != $d.e) and can be chained together with && (and) or || (or) and grouped with parens () - for example:
+Conditions are usually comparative (i.e. $a < $b or $b == 5 or $c != $d.e) and can be chained together with && (and) or || (or) and grouped with parenthesis () - for example:
 <<if($a > 1 || ($b == 2 && $c != $a))>>
 lets you check that either variable A is greater than one, or both B equals two and C is not equal to A.
 There are also a few misc functions that let you check things like whether a slave can get pregnant or whether two slaves are mutually fertile
diff --git a/devNotes/twine JS.txt b/devNotes/twine JS.txt
index c9db61bb60b..bc5369d5ac0 100644
--- a/devNotes/twine JS.txt	
+++ b/devNotes/twine JS.txt	
@@ -34548,13 +34548,13 @@ window.GenerateNewSlave = (function(){
 		if (slave.boobs < 250) {
-			slave.nipples = jsEither(["tiny", "tiny", "tiny", "tiny", "cute", "cute", "puffy", "partially inverted"]);
+			slave.nipples = jsEither(["cute", "cute", "partially inverted", "puffy", "tiny", "tiny", "tiny", "tiny"]);
 		} else if (slave.boobs < 500) {
-			slave.nipples = jsEither(["tiny", "cute", "cute", "cute", "puffy", "partially inverted"]);
+			slave.nipples = jsEither(["cute", "cute", "cute", "partially inverted", "puffy", "tiny"]);
 		} else if (slave.boobs < 1000) {
-			slave.nipples = jsEither(["tiny", "cute", "cute", "cute", "puffy", "puffy", "partially inverted", "inverted"]);
+			slave.nipples = jsEither(["cute", "cute", "cute", "inverted", "partially inverted", "puffy", "puffy", "tiny"]);
 		} else {
-			slave.nipples = jsEither(["cute", "puffy", "partially inverted", "inverted", "huge"]);
+			slave.nipples = jsEither(["cute", "huge", "inverted", "partially inverted", "puffy"]);
diff --git a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt
index 1d5bcb2eba0..09b7657ee61 100644
--- a/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
+++ b/slave variables documentation - Pregmod.txt	
@@ -2640,28 +2640,28 @@ is fetish known to player
-"arrogant"    - clings to her dignity, thinks slavery is beneath her
-"bitchy"      - can't keep her opinions to herself
-"odd"         - says and does odd things
-"hates men"   - hates men
-"hates women" - hates women
-"gluttonous"  - likes eating, gains weight
-"anorexic"    - dislikes eating and being forced to eat, loses weight
-"devout"      - resistance through religious faith
-"liberated"   - believes slavery is wrong
+"arrogant"		- clings to her dignity, thinks slavery is beneath her
+"bitchy"		- can't keep her opinions to herself
+"odd"			- says and does odd things
+"hates men"		- hates men
+"hates women"	- hates women
+"gluttonous"	- likes eating, gains weight
+"anorexic"		- dislikes eating and being forced to eat, loses weight
+"devout"		- resistance through religious faith
+"liberated"		- believes slavery is wrong
-"confident"    - believes she has value as a slave
-"cutting"      - often has as witty or cunning remark ready, knows when to say it
-"funny"        - is funny
-"fitness"      - loves working out
-"adores women" - likes spending time with women
-"adores men"   - likes spending time with men
-"insecure"     - defines herself on the thoughts of others
-"sinful"       - breaks cultural norms
-"advocate"     - advocates slavery
+"confident"		- believes she has value as a slave
+"cutting"		- often has as witty or cunning remark ready, knows when to say it
+"funny"			- is funny
+"fitness"		- loves working out
+"adores women"	- likes spending time with women
+"adores men"	- likes spending time with men
+"insecure"		- defines herself on the thoughts of others
+"sinful"		- breaks cultural norms
+"advocate"		- advocates slavery
@@ -2689,15 +2689,15 @@ sexualFlaw:
-"gagfuck queen"      - can take a facefucking
-"painal queen"       - knows how far she can go without getting hurt
-"strugglefuck queen" - knows how much resistance her partners want
-"tease"              - is a tease
-"romantic"           - enjoys the closeness of sex
-"perverted"          - enjoys breaking sexual boundaries
-"caring"             - enjoys bring her partners to orgasm
-"unflinching"        - willing to do anything
-"size queen"         - prefers big cocks
+"gagfuck queen"			- can take a facefucking
+"painal queen"			- knows how far she can go without getting hurt
+"strugglefuck queen"	- knows how much resistance her partners want
+"tease"					- is a tease
+"romantic"				- enjoys the closeness of sex
+"perverted"				- enjoys breaking sexual boundaries
+"caring"				- enjoys bring her partners to orgasm
+"unflinching"			- willing to do anything
+"size queen"			- prefers big cocks
@@ -3147,14 +3147,14 @@ What species of ovum she produces.
 How many of her children are tagged to be incubated. Carefully balanced, do not manually touch.
-! Seconday|legacy. Can be used for caching only, use JS: 
+! Secondary|legacy. Can be used for caching only, use JS: 
   WombSetGenericReserve(slave, "incubator", reservedChildren) to setup primary data. Not add count, but set it to reservedChildren
   WombCleanGenericReserve(slave, "incubator", reservedChildren) to remove reserve. To clean all incubator reserve use 9999 for reservedChildren. 
 How many of her children are tagged to be put in the Nursery. Highly likely to break.
-! Seconday|legacy. Can be used for caching only, use JS: 
+! Secondary|legacy. Can be used for caching only, use JS: 
   WombSetGenericReserve(slave, "nursery", reservedChildren) to setup primary data. Not add count, but set it to reservedChildren
   WombCleanGenericReserve(slave, "nursery", reservedChildren) to remove reserve. To clean all nursery reserve use 9999 for reservedChildren. 
@@ -3435,18 +3435,18 @@ To test if your slave is functioning, start up a normal game, swap to cheat mode; 			- something good or health/libido/attraction gain; 			- something bad or health/libido/attraction loss
-@@.hotpink;			- devotion gain
-@@.mediumorchid; 		- devotion loss;					- something good or health/libido/attraction gain;						- something bad or health/libido/attraction loss
+@@.hotpink;					- devotion gain
+@@.mediumorchid;			- devotion loss
 @@.mediumaquamarine;		- trust gain;			- trust loss
-@@.coral;			- notable change and fetish loss
-@@.lightcoral;			- fetish strength gain, fetish acquisition and fetish discovery
-@@.lime;			- growth/improvement to a body part (reversed in some cases);			- shrinking/degradation of a body part (reversed in some cases)
-@@.lightsalmon;			- rivalry
-@@.lightgreen;			- relationship;					- trust loss
+@@.coral;					- notable change and fetish loss
+@@.lightcoral;				- fetish strength gain, fetish acquisition and fetish discovery
+@@.lime;					- growth/improvement to a body part (reversed in some cases);					- shrinking/degradation of a body part (reversed in some cases)
+@@.lightsalmon;				- rivalry
+@@.lightgreen;				- relationship subsystem:
diff --git a/src/cheats/ b/src/cheats/
index ce9b21bd67f..2b1ffe91c47 100644
--- a/src/cheats/
+++ b/src/cheats/
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 <<if $arcologies.length <= 8>>
 <<link "Add neighbor">>
-	<<set _seed = ["north", "northeast", "east", "southeast", "south", "southwest", "west", "northwest"]>>
+	<<set _seed = ["east", "north", "northeast", "northwest", "south", "southeast", "southwest", "west"]>>
 	<<for _eca = 0; _eca < $arcologies.length; _eca++>>
 		<<set _seed.delete($arcologies[_eca].direction)>> /* remove directions already in use */
-	<<set _govtypes = ["elected officials", "a committee", "an oligarchy", "an individual", "a corporation", "direct democracy"]>>
+	<<set _govtypes = ["a committee", "a corporation", "an individual", "an oligarchy", "direct democracy", "elected officials"]>>
 	<<set $activeArcology = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: _seed.random(), government: _govtypes.random(), honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, ownership: 50, minority: 20, PCminority: 0, demandFactor:0, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSAztecRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSRestart: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, rival: 0}>>
 	<<if $arcologies.length < 4>> /* X-4 is reserved for player's arcology, so X-1 is available */
diff --git a/src/cheats/ b/src/cheats/
index a26d979325a..30e925a0cbf 100644
--- a/src/cheats/
+++ b/src/cheats/
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ Paraphilias:
 <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "unflinching">> Unflinching
 <<radiobutton "$tempSlave.sexualQuirk" "size queen">> Size Queen
 <<if $tempSlave.sexualQuirk != "none">>
-	<<if !["cum addict", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "abusive", "malicious", "self hating", "neglectful", "breeder"].includes($tempSlave.sexualFlaw)>>
+	<<if !["abusive", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "breeder", "cum addict", "malicious", "neglectful", "self hating"].includes($tempSlave.sexualFlaw)>>
 		<<set $tempSlave.sexualFlaw = "none">>
diff --git a/src/facilities/nursery/ b/src/facilities/nursery/
index 87530df9ba1..09022963b95 100644
--- a/src/facilities/nursery/
+++ b/src/facilities/nursery/
@@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ $he's
 <<if $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<if $showBodyMods == 1>>
-		<<if ["neck", "left cheek", "right cheek", "cheeks", "left ears", "right ears", "ears"].includes($activeSlave.brandLocation)>>
+		<<if ["cheeks", "ears", "left cheek", "left ears", "neck", "right cheek", "right ears"].includes($activeSlave.brandLocation)>>
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ $He is
 <<if $activeSlave.fuckdoll == 0>>
 	<<if $showBodyMods == 1>>
 		/* Check it's not a facial brand: */
-		<<if ["back", "lower back", "chest", "right shoulder", "left shoulder", "shoulders", "right upper arm", "left upper arm", "upper arms", "right lower arm", "left lower arm", "lower arms", "right wrist", "left wrist", "wrists", "right hand", "left hand", "hands", "left ankle", "right ankle", "ankles", "right calf", "left calf", "calves", "right foot", "left foot", "feet"].includes($activeSlave.brandLocation)>>
+		<<if ["ankles", "back", "calves", "chest", "feet", "hands", "left ankle", "left calf", "left foot", "left hand", "left lower arm", "left shoulder", "left upper arm", "left wrist", "lower arms", "lower back", "right ankle", "right calf", "right foot", "right hand", "right lower arm", "right shoulder", "right upper arm", "right wrist", "shoulders", "upper arms", "wrists"].includes($activeSlave.brandLocation)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index d28f0c5da76..0925bce5b53 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@
 	<<set $propOutcome = 0>>
 <<if ndef $EliteSires>>
-	<<set $EliteSires = ["moves", "quick", "crazy", "virgin", "futa", "preggo"]>>
+	<<set $EliteSires = ["crazy", "futa", "moves", "preggo", "quick", "virgin"]>>
 <<if ndef $startingPoint>>
 	<<set $startingPoint = -1>>
@@ -1044,10 +1044,10 @@
 	<<set $eugenicsFullControl = 0>>
 <<if ndef $merchantFSWares>>
-	<<set $merchantFSWares = ["GenderRadicalistResearch", "TransformationFetishistResearch", "AssetExpansionistResearch", "SlimnessEnthusiastResearch", "YouthPreferentialistResearch", "HedonisticDecadenceResearch"]>>
+	<<set $merchantFSWares = ["AssetExpansionistResearch", "GenderRadicalistResearch", "HedonisticDecadenceResearch", "SlimnessEnthusiastResearch", "TransformationFetishistResearch", "YouthPreferentialistResearch"]>>
 <<if ndef $merchantIllegalWares>>
-	<<set $merchantIllegalWares = ["childhoodFertilityInducedNCS", "UterineRestraintMesh", "RapidCellGrowthFormula", "PGHack"]>>
+	<<set $merchantIllegalWares = ["childhoodFertilityInducedNCS", "PGHack", "RapidCellGrowthFormula", "UterineRestraintMesh"]>>
 <<elseif $merchantIllegalWares.length == 0>>
 	<<set $merchantIllegalWares.push("childhoodFertilityInducedNCS")>>
 	<<set $merchantIllegalWares.push("UterineRestraintMesh")>>
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@
 	<<set $showInches = 0>>
 <<if ndef $prisonCircuit>>
-	<<set $prisonCircuit = ["low tier criminals", "gangs and smugglers", "white collar", "military prison"]>>
+	<<set $prisonCircuit = ["gangs and smugglers", "low tier criminals", "military prison", "white collar"]>>
 	<<set $prisonCircuitIndex = random(0,$prisonCircuit.length-1)>>
 <<if $captureUpgradeRace === "">>
@@ -1362,19 +1362,18 @@
 <<if ndef $month>>
-<<set $month = either("January","February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December")>>
+	<<set $month = either("April", "August", "December", "February", "January", "July", "June", "March", "May", "November", "October", "September")>>
 <<if ndef $day>>
-<<set $day = random(1,28)>>
+	<<set $day = random(1,28)>>
 <<if ndef $year>>
 	<<set $year = (2037+Math.floor($week/52))>>
 <<if ndef $arcologies>>
-<<set $arcologies = []>>
-<<set $arcologies[0] = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: 0, government: 1, honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSRestart: "unset", FSHedonisticDecadence: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, rival: 0}>>
+	<<set $arcologies = []>>
+	<<set $arcologies[0] = {name: "Arcology X-", direction: 0, government: 1, honeymoon: 0, prosperity: 50, FSSupremacist: "unset", FSSupremacistRace: 0, FSSubjugationist: "unset", FSSubjugationistRace: 0, FSGenderRadicalist: "unset", FSGenderFundamentalist: "unset", FSPaternalist: "unset", FSDegradationist: "unset", FSBodyPurist: "unset", FSTransformationFetishist: "unset", FSYouthPreferentialist: "unset", FSMaturityPreferentialist: "unset", FSSlimnessEnthusiast: "unset", FSAssetExpansionist: "unset", FSPastoralist: "unset", FSPhysicalIdealist: "unset", FSChattelReligionist: "unset", FSRomanRevivalist: "unset", FSEgyptianRevivalist: "unset", FSEdoRevivalist: "unset", FSArabianRevivalist: "unset", FSChineseRevivalist: "unset", FSNull: "unset", FSRepopulationFocus: "unset", FSRestart: "unset", FSHedonisticDecadence: "unset", embargo: 1, embargoTarget: -1, influenceTarget: -1, influenceBonus: 0, rival: 0}>>
 <<if def $arcologyName>>
@@ -2630,7 +2629,7 @@ Setting missing global variables:
 <<if ndef $justiceEvents>>
-	<<set $justiceEvents = ["slave deal", "slave training", "majority deal", "indenture deal", "virginity deal"]>>
+	<<set $justiceEvents = ["indenture deal", "majority deal", "slave deal", "slave training", "virginity deal"]>>
 <<if (($ver.startsWith("0.6") && !$ver.startsWith("10.6")) || ($ver.startsWith("0.7")) || ($ver.startsWith("0.8")) || ($ver == "0.9"))>>
@@ -2934,23 +2933,32 @@ Setting missing slave variables:
 	<<if ndef _backwardsCompatibility>><<set _Slave.relation = 0, _Slave.relationTarget = 0>><</if>>
-<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look white">>
-	<<set _Slave.race = "white">>
+<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look amerindian">>
+	<<set _Slave.race = "amerindian">>
+<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look asian">>
+	<<set _Slave.race = "asian">>
 <<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look black">>
 	<<set _Slave.race = "black">>
+<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look indo-aryan">>
+	<<set _Slave.race = "indo-aryan">>
 <<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look latina">>
 	<<set _Slave.race = "latina">>
-<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look asian">>
-	<<set _Slave.race = "asian">>
+<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look malay">>
+	<<set _Slave.race = "malay">>
 <<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look middle eastern">>
 	<<set _Slave.race = "middle eastern">>
-<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look amerindian">>
-	<<set _Slave.race = "amerindian">>
+<<if (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look mixed race") || (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look mixed")>>
+	<<set _Slave.race = "mixed race">>
+<<if (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look pacific islander") || (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look like a pacific islander")>>
+	<<set _Slave.race = "pacific islander">>
 <<if (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look southern european") || (_Slave.race == "southern European")>>
 	<<set _Slave.race = "southern european">>
@@ -2958,17 +2966,8 @@ Setting missing slave variables:
 <<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look semitic">>
 	<<set _Slave.race = "semitic">>
-<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look malay">>
-	<<set _Slave.race = "malay">>
-<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look indo-aryan">>
-	<<set _Slave.race = "indo-aryan">>
-<<if (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look pacific islander") || (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look like a pacific islander")>>
-	<<set _Slave.race = "pacific islander">>
-<<if (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look mixed race") || (_Slave.race == "surgically altered to look mixed")>>
-	<<set _Slave.race = "mixed race">>
+<<if _Slave.race == "surgically altered to look white">>
+	<<set _Slave.race = "white">>
 <<if ndef _Slave.override_Race>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index c86a9241dcd..afb47435ba4 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -23,55 +23,55 @@
 /* Some scenes are also stored in,, and			*/
 <<if Array.isArray($RESSTRevent)>>
-  <<set $activeSlave = $eventSlave>>
-  <<if $cheatMode == 1>>
-	<<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Nonrandom Event", $returnTo = "Nonrandom Event">> /* if user just clicks spacebar */
-	''A random event would have been selected from the following:''
-	<br>
-	<<for _i = 0; _i < $RESSTRevent.length; _i++>>
-		<<print "[[$RESSTRevent[_i]|RESSTR][$RESSTRevent = $RESSTRevent[" + _i + "]]]">>
+	<<set $activeSlave = $eventSlave>>
+	<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
+		<<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Nonrandom Event", $returnTo = "Nonrandom Event">> /* if user just clicks spacebar */
+		''A random event would have been selected from the following:''
-	<</for>>
-	<br><br>[[Go Back to Random Individual Event|Random Individual Event][$activeSlave = 0]]
-  <<else>>
-	<<set $RESSTRevent = $RESSTRevent.random()>>
-	<<goto "RESSTR">>
-  <</if>>
+		<<for _i = 0; _i < $RESSTRevent.length; _i++>>
+			<<print "[[$RESSTRevent[_i]|RESSTR][$RESSTRevent = $RESSTRevent[" + _i + "]]]">>
+			<br>
+		<</for>>
+		<br><br>[[Go Back to Random Individual Event|Random Individual Event][$activeSlave = 0]]
+	<<else>>
+		<<set $RESSTRevent = $RESSTRevent.random()>>
+		<<goto "RESSTR">>
+	<</if>>
-<<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "AS Dump", $returnTo = "Next Week">>
+	<<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = "AS Dump", $returnTo = "Next Week">>
-/* 000-250-006 */
-<<if $seeImages == 1>>
-<<if $imageChoice == 1>>
-	<div class="imageRef lrgVector"><<SlaveArt $activeSlave 2 0>></div>
-	<div class="imageRef lrgRender"><<SlaveArt $activeSlave 2 0>></div>
-/* 000-250-006 */
+	/* 000-250-006 */
+	<<if $seeImages == 1>>
+		<<if $imageChoice == 1>>
+			<div class="imageRef lrgVector"><<SlaveArt $activeSlave 2 0>></div>
+		<<else>>
+			<div class="imageRef lrgRender"><<SlaveArt $activeSlave 2 0>></div>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>>
+	/* 000-250-006 */
-<<set $desc = SlaveTitle($activeSlave)>>
-<<run Enunciate($activeSlave)>>
+	<<set $desc = SlaveTitle($activeSlave)>>
+	<<run Enunciate($activeSlave)>>
-<<switch $RESSTRevent>>
+	<<switch $RESSTRevent>>
-	<br>ERROR: bad RESSTR event $RESSTRevent
+	<<default>>
+		<br>ERROR: bad RESSTR event $RESSTRevent
+	<</switch>>
-<span id="result">
-<<switch $RESSTRevent>>
+	<br><br>
+	<span id="result">
+	<<switch $RESSTRevent>>
-	<br>ERROR: bad RESSTR event $RESSTRevent
+	<<default>>
+		<br>ERROR: bad RESSTR event $RESSTRevent
+	<</switch>>
-<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
-	<br><br>DEBUG: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Go back to Nonrandom Event|Nonrandom Event][$activeSlave = 0, $eventSlave = 0]]
+	<<if $cheatMode == 1>>
+		<br><br>DEBUG: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;[[Go back to Nonrandom Event|Nonrandom Event][$activeSlave = 0, $eventSlave = 0]]
+	<</if>>
+	</span>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 512a47684b3..020fe8c2e0d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 	<<if $activeSlave.mother == -9999 && $activeSlave.father == -9998>> /* The twins - Camille & Kennerly */
 		<<for _k = 0; _k < $slaves.length; _k++>>
 			<<if areSisters($slaves[_k], $activeSlave) > 0>>
-				<<set $activeSlave.actualAge = $slaves[_k].actualAge, $activeSlave.physicalAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.visualAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.ovaryAge =  $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.birthWeek = $slaves[_k].birthWeek>>
+				<<set $activeSlave.actualAge = $slaves[_k].actualAge, $activeSlave.physicalAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.visualAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.ovaryAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.birthWeek = $slaves[_k].birthWeek>>
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
 		<<for _k = 0; _k < $slaves.length; _k++>>
 			<<if areSisters($slaves[_k], $activeSlave) > 0>>
 				<<if $activeSlave.birthName == "Elisa">>
-					<<set $activeSlave.actualAge = $slaves[_k].actualAge-1, $activeSlave.physicalAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.visualAge =  $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.ovaryAge =  $activeSlave.actualAge>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.actualAge = $slaves[_k].actualAge-1, $activeSlave.physicalAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.visualAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.ovaryAge = $activeSlave.actualAge>>
 				<<elseif $activeSlave.birthName == "Martin">>
-					<<set $activeSlave.actualAge = $slaves[_k].actualAge+1, $activeSlave.physicalAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.visualAge =  $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.ovaryAge =  $activeSlave.actualAge>>
+					<<set $activeSlave.actualAge = $slaves[_k].actualAge+1, $activeSlave.physicalAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.visualAge = $activeSlave.actualAge, $activeSlave.ovaryAge = $activeSlave.actualAge>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index c62721d4329..45cfa8d7b00 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.vagina = random(1,2)>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.ovaries = 1>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.birthsTotal = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.shouldersTat = either("tribal patterns", "flowers")>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.stampTat = either("tribal patterns", "flowers")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.shouldersTat = either("flowers", "tribal patterns")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.stampTat = either("flowers", "tribal patterns")>>
 <<case "breeding deal">>
 	<<set $contractCost = 40000>>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = $fertilityAge+3>>
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.navelPiercing = 1>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.nipplesPiercing = 1>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.clitPiercing = 1>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.stampTat = either("tribal patterns", "flowers")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.stampTat = either("flowers", "tribal patterns")>>
 	<<set $contractCost = 10000>>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 22>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index a0a974b23b9..5b68dd05b5b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@ and
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
 		<<print either("perfectly curvy", "perfectly plush")>>.
-;<<print either("dangerously overweight", "extremely obese", "dangerously fat")>>.@@
+;<<print either("dangerously fat", "dangerously overweight", "extremely obese")>>.@@
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 160 >>
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
@@ -1717,7 +1717,7 @@ and
 	<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
 		<<print either("amazingly curvy", "amazingly plush")>>.
-;<<print either("very overweight", "obese", "very fat")>>.@@
+;<<print either("obese", "very fat", "very overweight")>>.@@
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 95>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.hips > 1>>
@@ -1725,7 +1725,7 @@ and
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
 		<<print either("extremely curvy", "extremely plush")>>.
-;<<print either("overweight", "carrying a lot of extra weight", "fat")>>.@@
+;<<print either("carrying a lot of extra weight", "fat", "overweight")>>.@@
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 30>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.hips > 1>>
@@ -1733,20 +1733,20 @@ and
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset">>
 		<<print either("quite curvy", "very plush")>>.
-;<<print either("chubby", "carrying extra weight")>>.@@
+;<<print either("carrying extra weight", "chubby")>>.@@
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 10 >><<print either("nicely plush", "pleasingly curvy")>>.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight >= -10>><<print either("a healthy weight", "an attractive weight for $his frame", "neither too fat nor too skinny")>>.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight >= -30>><<print either("appealingly skinny", "pleasingly thin")>>.
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight >= -95>>
 	<<if $activeSlave.hips > 1>>
-		<<print either("very thin", "quite skinny")>>, but $his wide hips make the gap between $his thighs very noticeable.
+		<<print either("quite skinny", "very thin")>>, but $his wide hips make the gap between $his thighs very noticeable.
 	<<elseif $activeSlave.hips < -1>>
-		<<print either("very thin", "quite skinny")>>, but $his trim hips make $his look like a model.
+		<<print either("quite skinny", "very thin")>>, but $his trim hips make $his look like a model.
-;<<print either("rail thin", "underweight", "too skinny")>>.@@
+;<<print either("rail thin", "too skinny", "underweight")>>.@@
-<<else>>;<<print either("emaciated", "dangerously skinny")>>.@@
+<<else>>;<<print either("dangerously skinny", "emaciated")>>.@@
 <<if $activeSlave.hips > 2>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index c9651f87c3a..bb9ebbf4818 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 /* Saves use the first eight printed words to make the "file name", the below line cheats and makes saves here nicer named. */
-@@font-size: 0; $arcologies[0].name, Week $week, $slaves.length Slaves, <<print cashFormat($cash)>> … … …  @@
+@@font-size: 0; $arcologies[0].name, Week $week, $slaves.length Slaves, <<print cashFormat($cash)>> … … … @@
 <<if $newModelUI == 1>><<DisplayBuilding>><</if>>
 <<if $seeArcology == 1>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<<include "Arcology Description">> | [[Hide|Main][$seeArcology = 0]]<br><</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 96c76990055..0d2e1003afb 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ Experimental male pronouns are currently @@.cyan;ENABLED@@. [[Disable|Options][$
 Experimental male pronouns are currently;DISABLED@@. [[Enable|Options][$diversePronouns = 1]]
-<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Apply Backwards Compatibility after changing to update slave's pronouns.  Not all scenes support male pronouns and this is not yet incorporated into the lore or mechanics.//
+<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;//Apply Backwards Compatibility after changing to update slave's pronouns. Not all scenes support male pronouns and this is not yet incorporated into the lore or mechanics.//
 <<if $allowMaleSlaveNames>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 67c326fc43c..abf0bc602e7 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -3890,16 +3890,16 @@ You remind yourself that success in this conflict will not be defined by the tra
 	EKIA. Confirm, E. K. I. A. No other casualties, team exfiltrating."
 	<<set $rivalOwner = 0, $rivalryPower = 0>>
 	<<if $rivalSet != 0>>
-	  <<for _pra = 0; _pra < $arcologies.length; _pra++>>
-		<<if $arcologies[_pra].rival == 1>>
-		  <<set $arcologies[_pra].embargo = 0>>
-		  <<set $arcologies[_pra].embargoTarget = -1>>
-		  <<set $arcologies[_pra].influenceTarget = -1>>
-		  <<set $arcologies[_pra].rival = 0>>
-		  <<set $arcologies[_pra].government = "direct democracy">>
-		  <<break>>
-		<</if>>
-	  <</for>>
+		<<for _pra = 0; _pra < $arcologies.length; _pra++>>
+			<<if $arcologies[_pra].rival == 1>>
+				<<set $arcologies[_pra].embargo = 0>>
+				<<set $arcologies[_pra].embargoTarget = -1>>
+				<<set $arcologies[_pra].influenceTarget = -1>>
+				<<set $arcologies[_pra].rival = 0>>
+				<<set $arcologies[_pra].government = "direct democracy">>
+				<<break>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</for>>
 	<<if $hostageAnnounced == 1>>
 		$assistantName pauses. "Also confirm package is secure."
@@ -3951,17 +3951,17 @@ You remind yourself that success in this conflict will not be defined by the tra
 		<<set $rivalryPower = 0>>
 		<<if $rivalSet != 0>>
-		  <<for _pra = 0; _pra < $arcologies.length; _pra++>>
-			<<if $arcologies[_pra].rival == 1>>
-			  <<set $arcologies[_pra].embargo = 0>>
-			  <<set $arcologies[_pra].embargoTarget = -1>>
-			  <<set $arcologies[_pra].influenceTarget = -1>>
-			  <<set $arcologies[_pra].rival = 0>>
-			  <<set $arcologies[_pra].government = "direct democracy">>
-			  <<if _rivalCaptured == 1 && $arcologies[_pra].FSSupremacist > 20>><<set $rivalRace = $arcologies[_pra].FSSupremacistRace>><</if>>
-			  <<break>>
-			<</if>>
-		  <</for>>
+			<<for _pra = 0; _pra < $arcologies.length; _pra++>>
+				<<if $arcologies[_pra].rival == 1>>
+					<<set $arcologies[_pra].embargo = 0>>
+					<<set $arcologies[_pra].embargoTarget = -1>>
+					<<set $arcologies[_pra].influenceTarget = -1>>
+					<<set $arcologies[_pra].rival = 0>>
+					<<set $arcologies[_pra].government = "direct democracy">>
+					<<if _rivalCaptured == 1 && $arcologies[_pra].FSSupremacist > 20>><<set $rivalRace = $arcologies[_pra].FSSupremacistRace>><</if>>
+					<<break>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</for>>
 	<<if $hostageAnnounced == 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 47376d137c8..9b13787a83b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 <<set $activeSlave.intelligence = random(51,95)>>
 <<set $activeSlave.intelligenceImplant = 15>>
 <<if $activeSlave.physicalAge >= 12>>
-  <<set $activeSlave.teeth = "cosmetic braces">>
+	<<set $activeSlave.teeth = "cosmetic braces">>
 <<set $activeSlave.anus = 2>>
 <<set $activeSlave.hips = 1>>
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
 <<set $activeSlave.hLength = 35>>
 <<set $ = random(20,40)>>
 <<if $mercenaries >= 3>>
-  <<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 39>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 39>><</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 39>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 39>><</if>>
-  <<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 13>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 13>><</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 13>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 13>><</if>>
 You make a habit of dropping in on your mercenaries whenever you get the chance. You have regular meetings with their grizzled captain, of course, but turning up unannounced to get to know them is simply a matter of self-preservation. The better they like you, the more likely they are to think of more than their pay when deciding how to hazard themselves on your behalf.
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ When you enter the lounge of their <<if $barracks>>barracks<<else>>main living a
 <<set $activeSlave.stampTat = either("flowers", "tribal patterns")>>
 <<set $ = random(20,40)>>
 <<if $mercenaries >= 3>>
-  <<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 39>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 39>><</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 39>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 39>><</if>>
-  <<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 13>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 13>><</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.publicCount>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 13>><<else>><<set $activeSlave.publicCount = 13>><</if>>
 You make a habit of dropping in on your mercenaries whenever you get the chance. You have regular meetings with their grizzled captain, of course, but turning up unannounced to get to know them is simply a matter of self-preservation. The better they like you, the more likely they are to think of more than their pay when deciding how to hazard themselves on your behalf.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 6daa8ca6981..0dd3b19b010 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@
 <<case "fix her behavioral flaw">>
 	<<if ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "arrogant")>>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName seems to think she's better than everyone else. Naturally, as her owner you have the means to correct this sad misapprehension. As  you train her during the week, you ensure that she submits to anyone and everyone. She is rarely permitted to enjoy sex under your tutelage, but is instead required to use her mouth and hands to get others off. She cleans, washes, and serves.
+		$activeSlave.slaveName seems to think she's better than everyone else. Naturally, as her owner you have the means to correct this sad misapprehension. As you train her during the week, you ensure that she submits to anyone and everyone. She is rarely permitted to enjoy sex under your tutelage, but is instead required to use her mouth and hands to get others off. She cleans, washes, and serves.
 		<<set $activeSlave.oralCount += 10, $oralTotal += 10>>
 	<<elseif ($activeSlave.behavioralFlaw == "bitchy")>>
 		$activeSlave.slaveName always has a cutting remark ready. The more obedient she's feeling, the more she directs them at people other than her <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title != 0>>Master<<else>>Mistress<</if>>, but it's still a serious problem. When you train her this week, you keep a sharp ear on her. Whenever she bitches out, you require her to promptly offer the target of her pissiness the use of her mouth. She'll either shut her mouth or have it roughly filled.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 5f015e8a5de..8b68868e02c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ brings up the relevant feeds. There's a naked body crumpled pathetically against
 <<case "porn studio">>
 	"They're crazy. At fir<<s>>t it wa<<s>> all the <<s>>ame, ju<<s>>t make more <<s>>mut and reap the atten<<t>>ion, but <<s>>oon they <<s>>tarted wanting me to do more and more e<<x>>treme <<sh>>it." She gags at the thought. "While they were running a train on me, I overheard them talking... <<S>>aying they wanted to end my career in an unforgettable e<<x>>perien<<c>>e, and given what they've been having me do, I ran." You suspected the porn studio you sold her to would try to spice up her content to attract more views, but you never bothered to think of how far they would take it. 
 	<<set $activeSlave.anus = 4>>
-	<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1 &&  $activeSlave.vagina < 4>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.vagina > -1 && $activeSlave.vagina < 4>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 4>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.publicCount += 500>>
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ brings up the relevant feeds. There's a naked body crumpled pathetically against
 	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = 100, $activeSlave.weight = random(-85,-75)>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "anorexic">>
 <<case "chattel religionist arcology">>
-	"It wa<<s>> horrible." You sold her to a Chattel Religionist arcology; it's nothing short of incredible that she managed to get back here. She must have sold and traded herself without hesitation. "There were, um, cult<<s>> there, along with the Faith.  They were going to devote me to <<s>>omething called <<Sh>>e Who Thir<<s>>t<<s>>. Nobody ever hear<<s>> of girl<<s>> after that."
+	"It wa<<s>> horrible." You sold her to a Chattel Religionist arcology; it's nothing short of incredible that she managed to get back here. She must have sold and traded herself without hesitation. "There were, um, cult<<s>> there, along with the Faith. They were going to devote me to <<s>>omething called <<Sh>>e Who Thir<<s>>t<<s>>. Nobody ever hear<<s>> of girl<<s>> after that."
 	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "odd", $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = "crude", $activeSlave.behavioralQuirk = "devout">>
 <<case "roman revivalist arcology">>
 	"It wa<<s>> horrible." You sold her to a Roman Revivalist arcology; it's nothing short of incredible that she managed to get back here. She must have sold and traded herself without hesitation. "I had to kill a girl," she adds in a small voice. "In the arena." Then, even more quietly: "I had to kill, um, girl<<s>>. I, I can't. Couldn't. Not again."
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 2aa4c9971d8..02d0c1dd03c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -3958,7 +3958,7 @@
 						<<set _givingAttention = -1>>
-					<<if _givingAttention != -1 && ["look after her", "soften her behavioral flaw", "soften her sexual flaw", "build her devotion", "Teach her"].includes($personalAttention[_givingAttention].trainingRegimen)>>
+					<<if _givingAttention != -1 && ["build her devotion", "look after her", "soften her behavioral flaw", "soften her sexual flaw", "Teach her"].includes($personalAttention[_givingAttention].trainingRegimen)>>
 						your attention. Relying on you for @@.hotpink;emotional support@@ strengthens $his @@.mediumaquamarine;bond@@ with <<= WrittenMaster($slaves[$i])>>.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion++, $slaves[$i].trust++>>
 					<<elseif _effect == 1>>
@@ -3987,7 +3987,7 @@
 						<<set _givingAttention = -1>>
-					<<if _givingAttention != -1 && ["look after her", "soften her behavioral flaw", "soften her sexual flaw", "build her devotion", "Teach her"].includes($personalAttention[_givingAttention].trainingRegimen)>>
+					<<if _givingAttention != -1 && ["build her devotion", "look after her", "soften her behavioral flaw", "soften her sexual flaw", "Teach her"].includes($personalAttention[_givingAttention].trainingRegimen)>>
 						forced $him to face $his problems with you. Lending $him support makes it @@.hotpink;a little more tolerable.@@
 					<<elseif _effect == 1>>
 						driven $him into;sexual apathy.@@
@@ -4834,10 +4834,10 @@
 			Society;approves@@ of $slaves[$i].slaveName's collar as an expression of the old ideal of mortification of the flesh, advancing the combination of religious originalism and modern slavery.
 		<<= FSChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", 1)>>
-		<<if ["a chattel habit", "a fallen nuns habit", "a penitent nuns habit", "a hijab and abaya", "a niqab and abaya", "a klan robe", "a burqa", "a succubus outfit"].includes($slaves[$i].clothes)>>
+		<<if ["a burqa", "a chattel habit", "a fallen nuns habit", "a hijab and abaya", "a niqab and abaya", "a penitent nuns habit", "a succubus outfit"].includes($slaves[$i].clothes)>>
 			Society;approves@@ of $his religiously themed clothing, strengthening the connection between sexual servitude and faith.
 			<<= FSChangePorn("ChattelReligionist", 1)>>
-		<<elseif ["uncomfortable straps", "shibari ropes", "a nice maid outfit", "chains", "nice business attire", "a nice nurse outfit", "a kimono", "a military uniform", "conservative clothing", "a toga", "body oil", "no clothing"].includes($slaves[$i].clothes)>>
+		<<elseif ["a kimono", "a military uniform", "a nice maid outfit", "a nice nurse outfit", "a toga", "body oil", "chains", "conservative clothing", "nice business attire", "no clothing", "shibari ropes", "uncomfortable straps"].includes($slaves[$i].clothes)>>
 			Society accepts $his spartan clothing, seeing it as permissible under the new religious mores.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].fuckdoll == 0)>>
 			Society;disapproves@@ of $his unnecessarily gaudy attire; this slows acceptance of a link between faith and sexual servitude.
@@ -4866,16 +4866,16 @@
 		<<if typeof $slaves[$i].origin == "string">>
 			<<set $toSearch = $slaves[$i].origin>>
 			<<if $toSearch.indexOf("Slave Shelter") != -1>>
-				<<if ["serve the public", "whore", "work in the brothel", "serve in the club"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
+				<<if ["serve in the club", "serve the public", "whore", "work in the brothel"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
 					<<if ($slaves[$i].trust > 20) && ($slaves[$i].health > 40)>>
 						<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
-							Society;strongly approves@@ of how you've brought a shelter girl health and happiness.
+							Society;strongly approves@@ of how you've brought a shelter $girl health and happiness.
 							<<= FSChangePorn("Paternalist", 2)>>
 							<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
 							<<case "work in the brothel">><<run getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $facility.brothel).rep += 2*$FSSingleSlaveRep*($arcologies[0].FSPaternalist/$FSLockinLevel)>>
 						<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
-							The public knows $he's a shelter girl you took in, and is;touched@@ that $he now seems happy and healthy.
+							The public knows $he's a shelter $girl you took in, and is;touched@@ that $he now seems happy and healthy.
 							<<set $repGain += 10>>
 							<<switch $slaves[$i].assignment>>
 							<<case "work in the brothel">><<run getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $facility.brothel).rep += 10>>
@@ -4917,7 +4917,7 @@
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
 				Since $he's blind, deaf and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes @@.hotpink;more reliant@@ on you, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of the world around $him.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 5, $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
-			<<elseif ["please you", "be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
+			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
 				$He may be blind and deaf, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
@@ -4934,7 +4934,7 @@
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
 				Since $he's blind, hard of hearing and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes @@.hotpink;more reliant@@ on you, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of the world around $him.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4, $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
-			<<elseif ["please you", "be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
+			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
 				$He may be blind and hard of hearing, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
@@ -4951,7 +4951,7 @@
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
 				Since $he's blind and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes slightly @@.hotpink;more reliant@@, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of what $he can't see.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-			<<elseif ["please you", "be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
+			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
 				$He may be blind, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
@@ -5004,7 +5004,7 @@
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
 				Since $he is also deaf, $he becomes @@.hotpink;very reliant@@ on you, but also begins to @@.mediumaquamarine;trust@@ you to convery what $his body does not.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 3>>
-			<<elseif ["please you", "be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
+			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
 				Since $he is also deaf, $he views you as $his @@.mediumaquamarine;blurry guardian.@@
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 5>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
@@ -5053,7 +5053,7 @@
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
 				Since $he's deaf and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes slightly @@.hotpink;more reliant@@, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of what is lurking out of sight.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-			<<elseif ["please you", "be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
+			<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
 				$He may be deaf, but no one can sneak up on $him while $he is with you, @@.mediumaquamarine;developing the trust@@ that you have $his back.
 				<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
@@ -5104,7 +5104,7 @@
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 20>>
 		Since $he's near helpless and on the cusp of devotion, $he becomes slightly @@.hotpink;more reliant@@, but also begins to be @@.mediumaquamarine;less fearful@@ of what $he can't see.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 3, $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-	<<elseif ["please you", "be your Concubine", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
+	<<elseif ["be your Concubine", "please you", "serve in the master suite"].includes($slaves[$i].assignment)>>
 		$He may be physically frail and vulnerable, but $he knows nobody would dare harm $him under your watch, @@.mediumaquamarine;building $his trust@@ in you.
 		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 2>>
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
@@ -5794,13 +5794,13 @@
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].amp == 1)>>
 				<<if $anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his limblessness<<else>>or would be if $he had limbs<</if>>,
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].heels == 1 && !["heels", "pumps", "boots", "extreme heels"].includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].heels == 1 && !["boots", "extreme heels", "heels", "pumps"].includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
 				<<if $anchors.length > 1>>but ultimately $his heels having been clipped<<else>>or would be if $his heels weren't clipped<</if>>,
 			<<if ($slaves[$i].amp == 1)>>
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].heels == 1 && !["heels", "pumps", "boots", "extreme heels"].includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
+			<<elseif $slaves[$i].heels == 1 && !["boots", "extreme heels", "heels", "pumps"].includes($slaves[$i].shoes)>>
 				heels having been clipped,
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index db4a11a2565..383dbef9d3b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@
 							<<if _SlaveI.origin == "She offered herself to you for enslavement hoping you would preserve her incestuous relationship with her sibling.">>
 								She's @@.hotpink;overjoyed@@ to be carrying her sister's child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>.
 								<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 2>>
-							<<elseif  _SlaveI.origin == "She offered to become your slave to protect her incestuous relationship.">>
+							<<elseif _SlaveI.origin == "She offered to become your slave to protect her incestuous relationship.">>
 								She's @@.hotpink;overjoyed@@ to be carrying her <<print $relationType>>'s child<<if _SlaveI.pregType > 1>>ren<</if>>.
 								<<set _SlaveI.devotion += 2>>
 							<<elseif _SlaveI.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index bea82fc2bfb..dcdf5c05657 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -2369,7 +2369,7 @@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-				<<switch $nurseryDecoration>>   /* TODO: these may need to be rewritten - I'm not much of a writer */
+				<<switch $nurseryDecoration>> /* TODO: these may need to be rewritten - I'm not much of a writer */
 				<<case "Chinese Revivalist">>
 					The Oriental artwork in $his personal room reminds $him of $his position and @@.hotpink;renders $him even more submissive.@@
 					<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 16f9fb60390..066eb1514b7 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 <<set $Lurcher = getSlave($Lurcher.ID)>>
+<<setLocalPronouns $Lurcher>>
 It's time to go coursing. You meet with fellow members of the Coursing Association while the automated maintenance drones clear the plaza and lay down the green, sharing a refine discussion of recent events over <<if $PC.refreshmentType == 0>>a $PC.refreshment<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 1>>glasses of $PC.refreshment<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 2>>plates of $PC.refreshment<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 3>>hits of $PC.refreshment<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 4>>shots of $PC.refreshment<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 5>>handfuls of $PC.refreshment<<elseif $PC.refreshmentType == 6>>tabs of $PC.refreshment<</if>>. Once the field is ready, the day's hares are led out and chained in a row along one side of the plaza, naked. You and the other members watch this process intently, since you won't get any more information on them than what you can learn by looking.
 The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reach the other side of the plaza without being caught and raped by the lurchers who will be released to chase them.
@@ -51,7 +53,6 @@ The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reac
 	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-50,50)>>
-	is an appealingly young $activeSlave.race girl, and has V symbols drawn over her cunt and on her lower back, in the interests of fairness. She's a;double virgin.@@<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around her neck.<</if>>
 <<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = $fertilityAge>>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 20>>
@@ -71,7 +72,6 @@ The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reac
 	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-20,100)>>
 	<<set $ = setup.youngCareers.random()>>
-	is <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $activeSlave.race girl, young and healthy but;heavily pregnant.@@ She's probably been selected to be a hare as a joke, or because someone hates her. <<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is attached to her popped navel.<</if>>
 <<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 35>>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 39>>
@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@ The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reac
 	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 35>>
 	<<set $ = either("a housewife", "a trophy wife")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-50,100)>>
-	is <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $activeSlave.race woman, no longer young, but attractive enough in a fake sort of way. She has obviously been crying, and has probably been recently enslaved from a comfortable life, like that of a;housewife or a trophy wife.@@<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around her neck.<</if>>
 <<elseif $origin == "disobedient young">>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 25>>
 	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
@@ -108,13 +107,12 @@ The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reac
 	<<set $activeSlave.oralSkill = 15>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 15>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 15>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = either("hates oral", "hates anal", "hates penetration", "idealistic")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = either("hates anal", "hates oral", "hates penetration", "idealistic")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = either("arrogant", "bitchy", "hates men")>>
 	<<set $ = 10>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = random(20,50)>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-20,20)>>
-	is a fit young $activeSlave.race girl, and is far more watchful and alert than her fellow hares. She may be a;disobedient slave@@ here because she was difficult to train.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around her neck.<</if>>
 <<elseif $origin == "disobedient young dickgirl">>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 25>>
 	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
@@ -133,7 +131,6 @@ The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reac
 	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = "none">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.muscles = random(20,50)>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-20,50)>>
-	is a strong young $activeSlave.race girl with who retains her cock and balls, and looks determined. Perhaps she's a;resistant dickgirl@@ who's been difficult to turn into a good girl.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around her cock.<</if>>
 <<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 25>>
 	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
@@ -147,7 +144,6 @@ The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reac
 	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = 0>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.whoreSkill = 0>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-50,100)>>
-	is <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $activeSlave.race slave whose distinguishing characteristic is a dangling scrotum and a pair of;huge balls.@@ This impediment bumps against her thighs as she's made ready.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around her hefty testicles.<</if>>
 <<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
 	<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 25>>
 	<<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
@@ -168,7 +164,22 @@ The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reac
 	<<set $activeSlave.attrXY = 100>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.attrXX = 0>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.weight = random(-100,200)>>
-	is <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $activeSlave.race bitch with a tiny dick who has been;heavily feminized,@@ yet seems terrified and very new to slavery. Her fake tits and girly behavior must be from her life before she was a slave.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around her neck.<</if>>
+<<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave 2>>
+<<if $origin == "virgin">>
+	is an appealingly young $activeSlave.race $girl, and has V symbols drawn over _his2 cunt and on _his2 lower back, in the interests of fairness. _He2's a;double virgin.@@<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around _his2 neck.<</if>>
+<<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
+	is <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $activeSlave.race $girl, young and healthy but;heavily pregnant.@@ _He2's probably been selected to be a hare as a joke, or because someone hates _him2. <<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is attached to _his2 popped navel.<</if>>
+<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
+	is <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $activeSlave.race $woman, no longer young, but attractive enough in a fake sort of way. _He2 has obviously been crying, and has probably been recently enslaved from a comfortable life, like that of a;housewife or a trophy wife.@@<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around _his2 neck.<</if>>
+<<elseif $origin == "disobedient young">>
+	is a fit young $activeSlave.race $girl, and is far more watchful and alert than _his2 fellow hares. _He2 may be a;disobedient slave@@ here because _he2 was difficult to train.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around _his2 neck.<</if>>
+<<elseif $origin == "disobedient young dickgirl">>
+	is a strong young $activeSlave.race $girl with who retains _his2 cock and balls, and looks determined. Perhaps _he2's a;resistant dickgirl@@ who's been difficult to turn into a good $girl.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around _his2 cock.<</if>>
+<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
+	is <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $activeSlave.race slave whose distinguishing characteristic is a dangling scrotum and a pair of;huge balls.@@ This impediment bumps against _his2 thighs as _he2's made ready.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around _his2 hefty testicles.<</if>>
+<<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
+	is <<if $activeSlave.race == "asian" || $activeSlave.race == "indo-aryan" || $activeSlave.race == "amerindian">>an<<else>>a<</if>> $activeSlave.race bitch with a tiny dick who has been;heavily feminized,@@ yet seems terrified and very new to slavery. _His2 fake tits and girly behavior must be from _his2 life before _he2 was a slave.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> To accommodate your blind lurcher, a bell is fastened around _his2 neck.<</if>>
 <<set $activeSlave.origin = "Your lurcher " + $Lurcher.slaveName + " caught her coursing; she was a " + $origin + " hare.">>
@@ -178,65 +189,65 @@ The rules have been explained to the hares: they're to be freed if they can reac
 <<set $activeSlave.oldDevotion = $activeSlave.devotion>>
 <<if $activeSlave.weight > 190>>
-	She's practically all fat and no slave; she's half-expected to roll her way to the finish like an overfed slutty bowling ball.
+	_He2's practically all fat and no slave; she's half-expected to roll _his2 way to the finish like an overfed slutty bowling ball.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 5>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 160>>
-	She's a catastrophically fat slut of a slave, and may stand a better chance of getting away rolling than running.
+	_He2's a catastrophically fat slut of a slave, and may stand a better chance of getting away rolling than running.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 3>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 95>>
-	She's a ridiculously fat slut of a slave with plenty of flesh to grab on to; her constant jiggling will be a sight to behold, however.
+	_He2's a ridiculously fat slut of a slave with plenty of flesh to grab on to; _his2 constant jiggling will be a sight to behold, however.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 2>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight > 30>>
-	She's chubby enough that her weight will reduce her speed.
+	_He2's chubby enough that _his2 weight will reduce _his2 speed.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.weight < -95>>
-	She's so skinny that it's not likely she's physically fit enough to be quick.
+	_He2's so skinny that it's not likely she's physically fit enough to be quick.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $activeSlave.muscles > 30>>
-	She's so heavily muscled that she's probably slower than she would be if she were merely fit.
+	_He2's so heavily muscled that she's probably slower than she would be if she were merely fit.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.muscles <= 5>>
-	She's soft, and her legs show no sign of tone at all.
+	_He2's soft, and _his2 legs show no sign of tone at all.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $activeSlave.height >= 185>>
-	She's tall enough that her height will probably slow her down.
+	_He2's tall enough that _his2 height will probably slow _him2 down.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.height < 150>>
-	She's short enough that her short legs will probably slow her down.
+	_He2's short enough that _his2 short legs will probably slow _him2 down.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 2>>
 <<if $activeSlave.boobs >= 2000>>
-	She has absurd tits that will destroy any chance she has of getting away.
+	_He2 has absurd tits that will destroy any chance she has of getting away.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.boobs >= 800>>
-	She has huge boobs that will make it painful for her to run hard.
+	_He2 has huge boobs that will make it painful for _him2 to run hard.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $activeSlave.butt >= 6>>
-	She has a monstrous bottom that won't help her gait.
+	_He2 has a monstrous bottom that won't help _his2 gait.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $activeSlave.dick >= 5>>
-	Her big cock is going to bounce around cruelly.
+	_His2 big cock is going to bounce around cruelly.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if ($activeSlave.balls >= 5) && ($activeSlave.scrotum > 0)>>
-	Her balls are likely to hurt badly enough, running naked, to slow her down.
+	_His2 balls are likely to hurt badly enough, running naked, to slow _him2 down.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $activeSlave.belly >= 60000>>
-	She's so massively pregnant it'll be lucky if she even makes it anywhere.
+	_He2's so massively pregnant it'll be lucky if she even makes it anywhere.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 10>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.belly >= 10000>>
-	Her pregnant belly will probably stop her from running at all.
+	_He2 pregnant belly will probably stop _him2 from running at all.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 5>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.belly >= 5000>>
-	She's visibly pregnant and likely to be cautious and unsure about running.
+	_He2's visibly pregnant and likely to be cautious and unsure about running.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 3>>
 <<elseif $activeSlave.belly >= 1500>>
-	There is a slight roundness to her middle, likely an early pregnancy that will distract her.
+	There is a slight roundness to _his2 middle, likely an early pregnancy that will distract _him2.
 	<<set $hareSpeed -= 1>>
@@ -262,40 +273,40 @@ You lead your lurcher $Lurcher.slaveName out on a leash, naked just like the har
 <<if ($Lurcher.dick > 0)>>
 	<<if canPenetrate($Lurcher) && ($ > 60) && ($Lurcher.devotion > 20)>>
 		<<if ($Lurcher.dick > 4)>>
-			She's sporting an enormous half-erection, which has already been heavily lubricated to prevent permanent damage to the hares' holes. As you bring her up to the mark, she grabs its base and begins to slap it against her thigh, hard. The hares look around to see what the wet smacking noise is, and are understandably frightened; one of them begins to beg openly. Your fellow competitors;think this is hilarious.@@
+			$He's sporting an enormous half-erection, which has already been heavily lubricated to prevent permanent damage to the hares' holes. As you bring $him up to the mark, $he grabs its base and begins to slap it against $his thigh, hard. The hares look around to see what the wet smacking noise is, and are understandably frightened; one of them begins to beg openly. Your fellow competitors;think this is hilarious.@@
 			<<set $rep += 50>>
 			<<set $phallus = "huge dick">>
-			She's ready to do her best. Since she's concentrating on the immediate challenge of catching rather than the secondary challenge of raping, she isn't hard yet, but she's not indifferent to the prospect of getting her dick wet. There's a bead of precum forming at her tip.
+			$He's ready to do $his best. Since $he's concentrating on the immediate challenge of catching rather than the secondary challenge of raping, $he isn't hard yet, but $he's not indifferent to the prospect of getting $his dick wet. There's a bead of precum forming at $his tip.
 			<<set $phallus = "dick">>
 	<<elseif !canAchieveErection($Lurcher)>>
-		There's no way she's going to be able to achieve an erection, so she's holding a lubricated dildo in one hand. This is technically permitted under the rules, but your fellow competitors and the crowd gathering to spectate;consider it poor form.@@
+		There's no way $he's going to be able to achieve an erection, so $he's holding a lubricated dildo in one hand. This is technically permitted under the rules, but your fellow competitors and the crowd gathering to spectate;consider it poor form.@@
 		<<set $rep -= 50>>
 		<<set $phallus = "dildo">>
 	<<elseif ($ <= 60) || ($Lurcher.devotion <= 20)>>
-		She looks nervous, and obviously doesn't find the situation arousing. She knows she's to catch a slave and rape her, but may not be able to get hard enough to do the deed properly. Your fellow competitors and the crowd gathering to spectate;are unimpressed@@ by her lack of spirit.
+		$He looks nervous, and obviously doesn't find the situation arousing. $He knows $he's to catch and then rape a slave, but may not be able to get hard enough to do the deed properly. Your fellow competitors and the crowd gathering to spectate;are unimpressed@@ by $his lack of spirit.
 		<<set $rep -= 50>>
 		<<set $phallus = "fingers">>
-		Her dick is not a fit instrument for sexual assault, so she's holding a lubricated dildo in one hand. This is technically permitted under the rules, but your fellow competitors and the crowd gathering to spectate;consider it poor form.@@
+		$His dick is not a fit instrument for sexual assault, so $he's holding a lubricated dildo in one hand. This is technically permitted under the rules, but your fellow competitors and the crowd gathering to spectate;consider it poor form.@@
 		<<set $rep -= 50>>
 		<<set $phallus = "dildo">>
 <<elseif ($Lurcher.clit > 1) && ($ > 60) && ($Lurcher.devotion > 20)>>
-	She's gently masturbating as you bring her up to the mark, her enormous clit becoming engorged and stiff. Your fellow competitors and the gathering crowd of spectators;are fascinated,@@ realizing that she intends to attempt rape with it.
+	$He's gently masturbating as you bring $him up to the mark, $his enormous clit becoming engorged and stiff. Your fellow competitors and the gathering crowd of spectators;are fascinated,@@ realizing that $he intends to attempt rape with it.
 	<<set $rep += 50>>
 	<<set $phallus = "clit">>
 <<elseif $seeDicks != 0>>
-	She's holding a lubricated dildo in one hand, since she's missing a natural phallus of her own. This is technically permitted under the rules, but your fellow competitors and the crowd gathering to spectate;consider it poor form.@@
+	$He's holding a lubricated dildo in one hand, since $he's missing a natural phallus of $his own. This is technically permitted under the rules, but your fellow competitors and the crowd gathering to spectate;consider it poor form.@@
 	<<set $rep -= 50>>
 	<<set $phallus = "dildo">>
-	She's holding a lubricated dildo in one hand. As you bring her up to the mark, she begins to slap it against her thigh out of nervousness and eagerness to begin. The hares look around to see what the wet smacking noise is, and are understandably frightened; one of them begins to cry openly.
+	$He's holding a lubricated dildo in one hand. As you bring $him up to the mark, $he begins to slap it against $his thigh out of nervousness and eagerness to begin. The hares look around to see what the wet smacking noise is, and are understandably frightened; one of them begins to cry openly.
 	<<set $phallus = "dildo">>
-<<if canSee($Lurcher)>>$Lurcher.slaveName looks at you questioningly, wondering which of the hares she should try to chase down and molest<<else>>$Lurcher.slaveName looks at you questioningly, wondering which of the dingling bells she should try to chase down and molest<</if>>.
+<<if canSee($Lurcher)>>$Lurcher.slaveName looks at you questioningly, wondering which of the hares $he should try to chase down and molest<<else>>$Lurcher.slaveName looks at you questioningly, wondering which of the dingling bells $he should try to chase down and molest<</if>>.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 7ee5f0fff00..8c05bb90622 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -1,148 +1,151 @@
 :: SE coursing race [nobr]
-You place your hand on the leash's quick release and whisper your direction into her ear without letting the other competitors or their lurchers hear. Then, you gently push her down into her starting crouch. The umpire trips the hares' releases, a few yards in front of you and $Lurcher.slaveName, and you instantly let your lurcher off her leash.
+<<setLocalPronouns $Lurcher>>
+<<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave 2>>
+You place your hand on the leash's quick release and <<if canHear($Lurcher)>>whisper your direction into $his ear without letting the other competitors or their lurchers hear<<else>>gently point $him towards the target hare without letting the other competitors or their lurchers see<</if>>. Then, you gently push $him down into $his starting crouch. The umpire trips the hares' releases, a few yards in front of you and $Lurcher.slaveName, and you instantly let your lurcher off $his leash.
 <<set _LurcherSpeed = 10>>
 <<if $Lurcher.devotion > 50>>
-	She's eager to do well for you, and immediately takes off.
+	$He's eager to do well for you, and immediately takes off.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed += 2>>
 <<elseif $ < -20>>
-	She's frightened of failing you, and immediately takes off.
+	$He's frightened of failing you, and immediately takes off.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed += 1>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.devotion < -20>>
-	She's disgusted by this, and is slow to start.
+	$He's disgusted by this, and is slow to start.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
-	She's a bit hesitant about this, but gets off reasonably well.
+	$He's a bit hesitant about this, but gets off reasonably well.
 <<if $ > 60>>
-	Her shining health allows her to pour it on.
+	$His shining health allows $him to pour it on.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed += 1>>
 <<elseif $ < 0>>
-	Her poor health slows her down.
+	$His poor health slows $him down.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if !canSee($Lurcher)>>
-	Her inability to see causes her to be cautious of her footing, making her first several strides slow and uncertain.
+	$His inability to see causes $him to be cautious of $his footing, making $his first several strides slow and uncertain.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $Lurcher.weight > 190>>
-	She's so fat that her run is nothing more than an out of breath waddle.
+	$He's so fat that $his run is nothing more than an out of breath waddle.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 5>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.weight > 160>>
-	It takes her a while to get her fat ass up to her, rather pathetic, top speed, such as it is.
+	It takes $him a while to get $his fat ass up to $his, rather pathetic, top speed, such as it is.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 3>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.weight > 95>>
-	It takes her a while to get her fat ass up to her top speed, such as it is.
+	It takes $him a while to get $his fat ass up to $his top speed, such as it is.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 2>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.weight > 30>>
-	It takes her a while to get her chubby body up to speed.
+	It takes $him a while to get $his chubby body up to speed.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.weight < -95>>
-	She's so thin that she lacks the vigor to run really well.
+	$He's so thin that $he lacks the vigor to run really well.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $Lurcher.muscles > 30>>
-	She's muscle-bound, without the range of motion to move freely.
+	$He's muscle-bound, without the range of motion to move freely.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.muscles <= 5>>
-	She's soft, and is panting desperately within a few short strides.
+	$He's soft, and is panting desperately within a few short strides.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.muscles <= -30>>
-	She's very weak, and is panting desperately from just walking to the starting line.
+	$He's very weak, and is panting desperately from just walking to the starting line.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 4>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.muscles <= -95>>
-	She's physically frail, barely capable of walking let alone running.
+	$He's physically frail, barely capable of walking let alone running.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 20>>
 <<if $Lurcher.height >= 185>>
-	Her steps are long - too long, in fact, her long legs slowing her gait.
+	$His steps are long - too long, in fact: $his long legs slow $his gait.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.height < 150>>
-	Her stride is too short, but it's the best her little legs can manage.
+	$His stride is too short, but it's the best $his little legs can manage.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $Lurcher.boobs >= 2000>>
-	Her naked breasts slosh around wildly, ruining her attempt at running.
+	$His naked breasts slosh around wildly, ruining $his attempt at running.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 2>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.boobs >= 800>>
-	Her big tits bounce energetically, looking quite nice but hurting her speed.
+	$His big tits bounce energetically, looking quite nice but hurting $his speed.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $Lurcher.butt >= 6>>
-	She does her best to stay light on her feet despite her inconveniently huge buttocks.
+	$He does $his best to stay light on $his feet despite $his inconveniently huge buttocks.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $Lurcher.dick >= 5>>
-	Her cock bounces up and down wildly; she does her best to ignore it, but it does get in the way.
+	$His cock bounces up and down wildly; $he does $his best to ignore it, but it does get in the way.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $Lurcher.balls >= 5>>
-	As you watch her go, her testicles smack into her thigh, and she gasps with pain.
+	As you watch $him go, $his testicles smack into $his thigh, and $he gasps with pain.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $Lurcher.preg >= 40>>
-	She seems terrified that her water might break if she tried to move too fast.
+	$He seems terrified that $his water might break if $he tried to move too fast.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 10>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.belly >= 120000>>
-	She can barely move herself, let alone consider chasing something with her titanic <<if $Lurcher.bellyImplant > 100>>belly implant<<else>>pregnant belly<</if>> in the way.
+	$He can barely move $himself, let alone consider chasing something with $his titanic <<if $Lurcher.bellyImplant > 100>>belly implant<<else>>pregnant belly<</if>> in the way.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 20>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.belly >= 60000>>
-	She can barely waddle with her <<if $Lurcher.bellyImplant > 100>>enormous belly implant<<else>>enormously pregnant belly<</if>>.
+	$He can barely waddle with $his <<if $Lurcher.bellyImplant > 100>>enormous belly implant<<else>>enormously pregnant belly<</if>>.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 10>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.belly >= 10000 && $Lurcher.bellyFluid < 2000>>
-	She can barely waddle along with her huge <<if $Lurcher.bellyImplant > 100>>belly implant<<else>>pregnant belly<</if>>.
+	$He can barely waddle along with $his huge <<if $Lurcher.bellyImplant > 100>>belly implant<<else>>pregnant belly<</if>>.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 5>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.bellyPreg >= 5000>>
-	She seems unwilling to really run while pregnant.
+	$He seems unwilling to really run while pregnant.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 3>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.bellyImplant >= 5000>>
-	Her big belly implant hinders her ability to run
+	$His big belly implant hinders $his ability to run
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 2>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.belly >= 1500>>
-	She keeps one hand on her slightly swollen middle as she runs.
+	$He keeps one hand on $his slightly swollen middle as $he runs.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 1>>
 <<if $Lurcher.bellyFluid >= 10000>>
-	Her hugely bloated, <<print $Lurcher.inflationType>>-filled belly is taut and painful, forcing her to a slow waddle.
+	$His hugely bloated, <<print $Lurcher.inflationType>>-filled belly is taut and painful, forcing $him to a slow waddle.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 5>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.bellyFluid >= 5000>>
-	Her bloated, <<print $Lurcher.inflationType>>-stuffed belly is constantly jiggling and moving, making it extremely difficult to run.
+	$His bloated, <<print $Lurcher.inflationType>>-stuffed belly is constantly jiggling and moving, making it extremely difficult to run.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 4>>
 <<elseif $Lurcher.bellyFluid >= 2000>>
-	Her distended, <<print $Lurcher.inflationType>>-belly is uncomfortable and heavy, slowing her down.
+	$His distended, <<print $Lurcher.inflationType>>-belly is uncomfortable and heavy, slowing $him down.
 	<<set _LurcherSpeed -= 2>>
 <<if _LurcherSpeed > 10>>
-	Her turn of speed is impressive.
+	$His turn of speed is impressive.
 <<elseif _LurcherSpeed > 8>>
-	She runs reasonably fast.
+	$He runs reasonably fast.
 <<elseif _LurcherSpeed > 6>>
-	In all, she runs slowly.
+	In all, $he runs slowly.
 <<elseif _LurcherSpeed > 4>>
-	In all, she barely manages a quick jog.
+	In all, $he barely manages a quick jog.
-	In all, she can barely do more than stumble after the hares.
+	In all, $he can barely do more than stumble after the hares.
 <<if $hareSpeed >= _LurcherSpeed>>
 	<<if $origin == "virgin">>
 		The virgin, however,
 	<<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-		Despite her pregnancy, the hare
+		Despite _his2 pregnancy, the hare
 	<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
-		Despite her fake boobs, the hare
+		Despite _his2 fake boobs, the hare
 	<<elseif $origin == "disobedient young">>
 		The fit young slave, however,
 	<<elseif $origin == "disobedient young dickgirl">>
 		The strong young slave, however,
 	<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
-		Despite her ridiculous ballsack, the hare
+		Despite _his2 ridiculous ballsack, the hare
-		Despite her fake boobs and exaggeratedly feminine gait, the hare
+		Despite _his2 fake boobs and exaggeratedly feminine gait, the hare
-	<<if $hareSpeed > _LurcherSpeed>>immediately pulls away<<else>>manages to maintain her narrow head start<</if>>. Realizing that she stands no chance of catching her assigned target, $Lurcher.slaveName <<if canSee($Lurcher)>>looks around for a slower hare<<else>>listens for a nearby bell<</if>>.
+	<<if $hareSpeed > _LurcherSpeed>>immediately pulls away<<else>>manages to maintain _his2 narrow head start<</if>>. Realizing that $he stands no chance of catching $his assigned target, $Lurcher.slaveName <<if canSee($Lurcher)>>looks around for a slower hare<<else>>listens for a nearby bell<</if>>.
 	<<if $hareSpeed2 < $hareSpeed3>>
 		<<set $activeSlave = $hare2>>
 		<<set $origin = $origin2>>
@@ -152,152 +155,153 @@ You place your hand on the leash's quick release and whisper your direction into
 		<<set $origin = $origin3>>
 		<<set $hareSpeed = $hareSpeed3>>
-	<<if canSee($Lurcher)>>Seeing that the $origin hare is slower<<else>>hearing the $origin hare's bell nearby<</if>>, she angles after her instead.
+	<<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave 2>>
+	<<if canSee($Lurcher)>>Seeing that the $origin hare is slower<<else>>hearing the $origin hare's bell nearby<</if>>, $he angles after _him2 instead.
 	<<if $hareSpeed >= _LurcherSpeed>>
-		She does no better with her new target; her course is over.
+		$He does no better with $his new target; $his course is over.
 	<<elseif random(1,2) == 1>>
-		One of her rival lurchers has the same idea, however, and tries to trip her up.
+		One of $his rival lurchers has the same idea, however, and tries to trip $him up.
 		<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>>
-			Unable to see it coming, she goes down with a crash; her course is over.
+			Unable to see it coming, $he goes down with a crash; $his course is over.
 		<<elseif $Lurcher.combatSkill == 1>>
-			She parries the attempt with contemptuous ease and catches up to her new target.
+			$He parries the attempt with contemptuous ease and catches up to $his new target.
 			<<set _seed = 1>>
 		<<elseif $Lurcher.muscles > 30>>
-			She muscles through the attempt and catches up to her new target.
+			$He muscles through the attempt and catches up to $his new target.
 			<<set _seed = 1>>
-			She goes down with a crash; her course is over.
+			$He goes down with a crash; $his course is over.
-		She manages to overtake her new target.
+		$He manages to overtake $his new target.
 		<<set _seed = 1>>
-	She rapidly overtakes the $origin hare.
+	$He rapidly overtakes the $origin hare.
 	<<set _seed = 1>>
 <<if _seed == 1>>
 	<<if $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-		Her quarry is unwilling to be tackled, probably out of fear for her baby, and flings herself down as soon as $Lurcher.slaveName gets near.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> She screams as she sees $Lurcher.slaveName preparing to dive on her, alerting the blind lurcher that her prey has already surrendered.<</if>>
+		$His quarry is unwilling to be tackled, probably out of fear for _his2 baby, and flings _himself2 down as soon as $Lurcher.slaveName gets near.<<if !canSee($Lurcher)>> _He2 screams as _he2 sees $Lurcher.slaveName preparing to dive on _him2, alerting the blind lurcher that $his prey has already surrendered.<</if>>
 	<<elseif !canSee($Lurcher) && random(1,3) == 1>>
-		Her prey takes advantage of her lack of eyesight, baiting $Lurcher.slaveName to dive in the wrong direction. As she rises to her feet, the slave is too far gone to make another lunge. $Lurcher.slaveName's course is over.
+		$His prey takes advantage of $his lack of eyesight, baiting $Lurcher.slaveName to dive in the wrong direction. As $he rises to $his feet, the slave is too far gone to make another lunge. $Lurcher.slaveName's course is over.
 	<<elseif $Lurcher.combatSkill == 1>>
-		Her tackle is expert: she wraps her quarry up and pulls her down, falling on top of the struggling body.
+		$His tackle is expert: $he wraps $his quarry up and pulls _him2 down, falling on top of the struggling body.
 	<<elseif $Lurcher.muscles > 30>>
-		She's burly enough that she tackles her quarry by simple force, an approach no less effective for its inelegance.
+		$He's burly enough that $he tackles $his quarry by simple force, an approach no less effective for its inelegance.
 	<<elseif $origin == "virgin">>
 		<<if random(1,3) == 1>>
-			The young slave manages to evade her inexpert tackle, however, and there is no space for another before she crosses the plaza. $Lurcher.slaveName's course is over.
+			The young slave manages to evade $his inexpert tackle, however, and there is no space for another before $he crosses the plaza. $Lurcher.slaveName's course is over.
 			<<set _seed = 0>>
-			Her tackle is inexpert, but the young slave stumbles and falls anyway.
+			$His tackle is inexpert, but the young slave stumbles and falls anyway.
 	<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
 		<<if random(1,4) == 1>>
-			The spoiled slave shows surprising agility, however, and evades $Lurcher.slaveName's inexpert attempts to tackle all the way across the plaza. Her course is over.
+			The spoiled slave shows surprising agility, however, and evades $Lurcher.slaveName's inexpert attempts to tackle all the way across the plaza. $His course is over.
 			<<set _seed = 0>>
-			Her tackle is inexpert, but the top-heavy bimbo goes down anyway.
+			$His tackle is inexpert, but the top-heavy bimbo goes down anyway.
 	<<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
 		<<if random(1,4) == 1>>
-			The sissy bitch shows surprising agility, however, and evades $Lurcher.slaveName's inexpert attempts to tackle all the way across the plaza. Her course is over.
+			The sissy bitch shows surprising agility, however, and evades $Lurcher.slaveName's inexpert attempts to tackle all the way across the plaza. $His course is over.
 			<<set _seed = 0>>
-			Her tackle is inexpert, but the sissy bitch goes down with a wail.
+			$His tackle is inexpert, but the sissy bitch goes down with a wail.
 	<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
 		<<if random(1,4) == 1>>
-			The slave shows surprising agility despite her flopping ballsack, and evades $Lurcher.slaveName's inexpert attempts to tackle all the way across the plaza. Her course is over.
+			The slave shows surprising agility despite _his2 flopping ballsack, and evades $Lurcher.slaveName's inexpert attempts to tackle all the way across the plaza. $His course is over.
 			<<set _seed = 0>>
-			Her tackle is inexpert, but the slave goes down, screaming with pain when her balls get trapped under their combined weight.
+			$His tackle is inexpert, but the slave goes down, screaming with pain when _his2 balls get trapped under their combined weight.
 		<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
-			The determined young slave evades her inexpert attempts to tackle all the way across the plaza, however. $Lurcher.slaveName's course is over.
+			The determined young slave evades $his inexpert attempts to tackle all the way across the plaza, however. $Lurcher.slaveName's course is over.
 			<<set _seed = 0>>
-			Her tackle is inexpert, but the determined slave is unlucky, stumbling and going down anyway.
+			$His tackle is inexpert, but the determined slave is unlucky, stumbling and going down anyway.
 <<if _seed == 1>>
-	The hare knows that once her knees touched the field, her chance at freedom was gone. She begins to cry
+	The hare knows that once _his2 knees touched the field, _his2 chance at freedom was gone. _He2 begins to cry
 	<<if $phallus == "huge dick">>
 		and then scream as $Lurcher.slaveName
 		<<if $origin == "virgin">>
-			rapes her virgin ass. The lurcher has to fuck the slave to claim her for you, and she knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud. She has to be very careful, since her cock is big enough to seriously hurt an anal virgin, but despite her care the racket is appallingly loud.
+			rapes _his2 virgin ass. The lurcher has to fuck the slave to claim _him2 for you, and $he knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud. $He has to be very careful, since $his cock is big enough to seriously hurt an anal virgin, but despite $his care the racket is appallingly loud.
 		<<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-			fucks her cunt. As her belly attests, she's no virgin, but the lurcher's dick is big enough to reach her cervix. Her screams crescendo into shrieks as she experiences this internal torment.
+			fucks _his2 cunt. As _his2 belly attests, _he2's no virgin, but the lurcher's dick is big enough to reach _his2 cervix. _His2 screams crescendo into shrieks as _he2 experiences this internal torment.
 		<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
-			fucks her in the ass. A kept woman like her is probably no stranger to giving up her butthole to please a cock, but she apparently isn't used to dick quite this formidable. The lurcher leaves her sobbing disconsolately with a fresh load of cum leaking out of her backdoor.
+			fucks _him2 in the ass. A kept _woman2 like _him2 is probably no stranger to giving up _his2 butthole to please a cock, but _he2 apparently isn't used to dick quite this formidable. The lurcher leaves _him2 sobbing disconsolately with a fresh load of cum leaking out of _his2 backdoor.
 		<<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
-			fucks her in the ass. The high-pitched shrieking produces some discussion in the crowd. If the slave didn't want huge cock up her girly anus, why did she feminize herself so thoroughly? A mystery.
+			fucks _him2 in the ass. The high-pitched shrieking produces some discussion in the crowd. If the slave didn't want huge cock up _his2 girly anus, why did _he2 feminize _himself2 so thoroughly? A mystery.
 		<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
-			fucks her in the ass. The lurcher pounds her doggy style, taking nice long strokes that slide her formidable shaft almost all the way out of her victim's poor butthole before shoving it back in again. The slave's balls brush the field with each thrust.
+			fucks _him2 in the ass. The lurcher pounds _him2 doggy style, taking nice long strokes that slide $his formidable shaft almost all the way out of $his victim's poor butthole before shoving it back in again. The slave's balls brush the field with each thrust.
-			fucks her in the ass. She never stops struggling, though this isn't much proof of undiminished resistance. After all, the lurcher's dick is so big that she'd probably fight to get it out of her butthole even if she weren't in need of breaking.
+			fucks _him2 in the ass. _He2 never stops struggling, though this isn't much proof of undiminished resistance. After all, the lurcher's dick is so big that _he2'd probably fight to get it out of _his2 butthole even if _he2 weren't in need of breaking.
 	<<elseif $phallus == "dick">>
 		as $Lurcher.slaveName
 		<<if $origin == "virgin">>
-			penetrates her virgin ass. The lurcher has to fuck the slave to claim her for you, and she knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud. You see her back stiffen with overstimulation as she experiences the rare delight of raping an anal virgin.
+			penetrates _his2 virgin ass. The lurcher has to fuck the slave to claim _him2 for you, and $he knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud. You see $his back stiffen with overstimulation as $he experiences the rare delight of raping an anal virgin.
 		<<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-			uses her cunt. The lurcher pulls the slave upright so she can cradle her pregnant belly while she fucks her. When she climaxes, she thrusts as deeply as she can manage, though more cum won't make the slave any more pregnant.
+			uses _his2 cunt. The lurcher pulls the slave upright so $he can cradle _his2 pregnant belly while $he fucks _him2. When _he2 climaxes, $he thrusts as deeply as $he can manage, though more cum won't make the slave any more pregnant.
 		<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
-			fucks her in the ass. Her tears seem to come more from disappointment than anal pain; a kept woman like her has probably put up with more than one buttfuck she didn't want.
+			fucks _him2 in the ass. _His2 tears seem to come more from disappointment than anal pain; a kept _woman2 like _him2 has probably put up with more than one buttfuck _he2 didn't want.
 		<<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
-			fucks her in the ass. The whining produces some discussion in the crowd. If the slave didn't want cock up her girly anus, why did she feminize herself so thoroughly? A mystery.
+			fucks _him2 in the ass. The whining produces some discussion in the crowd. If the slave didn't want cock up _his2 girly anus, why did _he2 feminize _himself2 so thoroughly? A mystery.
 		<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
-			uses her anus. With them facing away from you, the coupling takes the usual stacked symmetry of a dickgirl fucking a dickgirl, though the bottom's generous balls sway eye-catchingly back and forth with the rhythm of the assrape.
+			uses _his2 anus. With them facing away from you, the coupling takes the usual stacked symmetry of a dickgirl fucking a dickgirl, though the bottom's generous balls sway eye-catchingly back and forth with the rhythm of the assrape.
-			fucks her in the ass. She never stops struggling, which is eloquent proof of the slave's undiminished resolve to resist her lot in life. She's probably been assraped more than once before today, but she fights this like it's the first time.
+			fucks _him2 in the ass. _He2 never stops struggling, which is eloquent proof of the slave's undiminished resolve to resist _his2 lot in life. _He2's probably been assraped more than once before today, but _he2 fights this like it's the first time.
 	<<elseif $phallus == "clit">>
 		as $Lurcher.slaveName
 		<<if $origin == "virgin">>
-			grinds herself against the hare to get her pseudophallic clit into her victim's virgin ass. The lurcher has to fuck the slave to claim her for you, and she knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud. You see her back stiffen with overstimulation as her enormous bitch button slips up the slave's asshole.
+			grinds $himself against the hare to get $his pseudophallic clit into $his victim's virgin ass. The lurcher has to fuck the slave to claim _him2 for you, and $he knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud. You see $his back stiffen with overstimulation as $his enormous bitch button slips up the slave's asshole.
 		<<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-			grinds herself against the hare to get her pseudophallic clit inside her victim's cunt. The lurcher has to force the hare down, legs spread, in order to work her enormous clit inside the slave, but she manages it and you see her back stiffen as her pseudophallus, small by the standards of penises but much more sensitive, slides inside.
+			grinds $himself against the hare to get $his pseudophallic clit inside $his victim's cunt. The lurcher has to force the hare down, legs spread, in order to work $his enormous clit inside the slave, but $he manages it and you see $his back stiffen as $his pseudophallus, small by the standards of penises but much more sensitive, slides inside.
 		<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
-			grinds herself against the hare to get her pseudophallic clit inside her victim's cunt. The slave doesn't seem to know what to make of this. Being raped by a huge clit is very probably a novel experience for her, but it isn't really painful. She closes her eyes and visibly tries to pretend it's a small penis.
+			grinds $himself against the hare to get $his pseudophallic clit inside $his victim's cunt. The slave doesn't seem to know what to make of this. Being raped by a huge clit is very probably a novel experience for _him2, but it isn't really painful. _He2 closes _his2 eyes and visibly tries to pretend it's a small penis.
 		<<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
-			grinds herself against the hare to get her pseudophallic clit inside her victim's experienced anus. The slave stiffens with shock. She's obviously had quite a variety of things pushed up her girly butthole, but apparently this is her first time being fucked by a clit.
+			grinds $himself against the hare to get $his pseudophallic clit inside $his victim's experienced anus. The slave stiffens with shock. _He2's obviously had quite a variety of things pushed up _his2 girly butthole, but apparently this is _his2 first time being fucked by a clit.
 		<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
-			grinds herself against the hare to get her pseudophallic clit inside her victim's asshole. The slave stiffens with shock. Though it's huge by the standards of clitorises, the pseudophallus isn't big enough to make assrape painful, but the extreme inversion of gender roles makes up for it, to go by the slave's horror.
+			grinds $himself against the hare to get $his pseudophallic clit inside $his victim's asshole. The slave stiffens with shock. Though it's huge by the standards of clitorises, the pseudophallus isn't big enough to make assrape painful, but the extreme inversion of gender roles makes up for it, to go by the slave's horror.
-			grinds herself against the hare to get her pseudophallic clit inside her victim's asshole. The slave never stops struggling, which is eloquent proof of the slave's undiminished resolve to resist her lot in life. She's probably been assraped by much larger phalli, but she fights it anyway.
+			grinds $himself against the hare to get $his pseudophallic clit inside $his victim's asshole. The slave never stops struggling, which is eloquent proof of the slave's undiminished resolve to resist _his2 lot in life. _He2's probably been assraped by much larger phalli, but _he2 fights it anyway.
 	<<elseif $phallus == "dildo">>
 		as $Lurcher.slaveName
 		<<if $origin == "virgin">>
-			inserts her dildo into the slave's virgin ass. The lurcher has to fuck the slave to claim her for you, and she knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud. The dildo is reasonably sized and well lubricated, but the poor slave shrieks with anal pain anyway.
+			inserts $his dildo into the slave's virgin ass. The lurcher has to fuck the slave to claim _him2 for you, and $he knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud. The dildo is reasonably sized and well lubricated, but the poor slave shrieks with anal pain anyway.
 		<<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-			pushes her dildo inside the slave's fertile cunt. Desperate to preserve her baby, the slave complies as best she can. Taking the cue, your lurcher caresses her, producing a grotesque parody of loving pregnant sex that holds the crowd's attention.
+			pushes $his dildo inside the slave's fertile cunt. Desperate to preserve _his2 baby, the slave complies as best _he2 can. Taking the cue, your lurcher caresses _him2, producing a grotesque parody of loving pregnant sex that holds the crowd's attention.
 		<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
-			pushes her dildo up the slave's ass. A kept woman like her is not likely to be any stranger to sex toys, but to go by her reaction, she probably prefers to put them in her cunt.
+			pushes $his dildo up the slave's ass. A kept _woman2 like _him2 is not likely to be any stranger to sex toys, but to go by _his2 reaction, _he2 probably prefers to put them in _his2 cunt.
 		<<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
-			pushes her dildo up the slave's sissy ass. The whining produces some discussion in the crowd. Why would a girl who feminized herself so thoroughly have any problem with something being shoved inside her rear pussy? A mystery.
+			pushes $his dildo up the slave's sissy ass. The whining produces some discussion in the crowd. Why would a _girl2 who feminized _himself2 so thoroughly have any problem with something being shoved inside _his2 rear pussy? A mystery.
 		<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
-			pushes her dildo up the slave's ass. Knowing that she should do her best to create a spectacle, she takes the slave's dangling balls in one hand, squeezing them to force her bottom to be a good little butthole bitch, and then stimulating them until the slave achieves a shameful anal orgasm.
+			pushes $his dildo up the slave's ass. Knowing that $he should do $his best to create a spectacle, $he takes the slave's dangling balls in one hand, squeezing them to force $his bottom to be a good little butthole bitch, and then stimulating them until the slave achieves a shameful anal orgasm.
-			pushes her dildo up the slave's ass. The slave never stops struggling, which is eloquent proof of the slave's undiminished resolve to resist her lot in life. She's probably had several dildos pushed up her disobedient asshole, but it seems she's determined to learn nothing.
+			pushes $his dildo up the slave's ass. The slave never stops struggling, which is eloquent proof of the slave's undiminished resolve to resist _his2 lot in life. _He2's probably had several dildos pushed up _his2 disobedient asshole, but it seems _he2's determined to learn nothing.
-		as $Lurcher.slaveName hesitates over her. The lurcher realizes that she won't be able to get hard. Desperate to avoid failure, she
+		as $Lurcher.slaveName hesitates over _him2. The lurcher realizes that $he won't be able to get hard. Desperate to avoid failure, $he
 		<<if $origin == "virgin">>
-			shoves a couple of fingers into the slave's virgin ass. She has to fuck the slave to claim her for you, and she knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud.
+			shoves a couple of fingers into the slave's virgin ass. $He has to fuck the slave to claim _him2 for you, and $he knows that a virgin pussy is more valuable than a virgin rosebud.
 		<<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-			gives up and fingerfucks the pregnant girl. Desperate to preserve her baby, the slave complies as best she can, producing a contest between her attempts to go along and the lurcher's attempts to make it unpleasant. This degenerates into a sobbing cunt fisting session.
+			gives up and fingerfucks the pregnant _girl2. Desperate to preserve _his2 baby, the slave complies as best _he2 can, producing a contest between _his2 attempts to go along and the lurcher's attempts to make it unpleasant. This degenerates into a sobbing cunt fisting session.
 		<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
-			shoves a couple of fingers up the slave's ass. A kept woman like her is not likely to be any stranger to a little anal play, but she doesn't seem to be much of a fan. She does her best to relax, but it's obvious that she doesn't appreciate having her asshole fingered.
+			shoves a couple of fingers up the slave's ass. A kept _woman2 like _him2 is not likely to be any stranger to a little anal play, but _he2 doesn't seem to be much of a fan. _He2 does _his2 best to relax, but it's obvious that _he2 doesn't appreciate having _his2 asshole fingered.
 		<<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
-			shoves her fingers up the slave's sissy ass. It's so loose that this fails to have the desired effect. Afraid that she has to produce some sort of reaction, the lurcher shoves her entire fist up there, producing a wail of anal anguish.
+			shoves $his fingers up the slave's sissy ass. It's so loose that this fails to have the desired effect. Afraid that $he has to produce some sort of reaction, the lurcher shoves $his entire fist up there, producing a wail of anal anguish.
 		<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
-			shoves a couple of fingers up the slave's ass. Casting about for something to do to distract from her inadequacy, the lurcher seizes the slave's dangling balls and shoves one of them up her loosened butt. This produces a shriek of pain and surprise, followed by a long fight to get the other one up there.
+			shoves a couple of fingers up the slave's ass. Casting about for something to do to distract from $his inadequacy, the lurcher seizes the slave's dangling balls and shoves one of them up _his2 loosened butt. This produces a shriek of pain and surprise, followed by a long fight to get the other one up there.
 			shoves a couple of fingers up the slave's ass. The slave never stops struggling, producing nothing more interesting than an extended wrestling match in which one of the parties has some fingers inside the other's butthole.
@@ -307,21 +311,21 @@ You place your hand on the leash's quick release and whisper your direction into
 		<<if ($Lurcher.fetish == "sadist")>>
 			@@.hotpink;What is finest in life,@@ in the mind of your sadistic lurcher?
 			<<if $origin == "virgin">>
-				To sodomize a virgin asshole, and to hear screams of anal pain.
+				To sodomize a virgin asshole, and to <<if canHear($Lurcher)>>hear<<else>>feel<</if>> screams of anal pain.
 			<<elseif $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-				To molest a pregnant slut, and hear her sob with fear.
+				To molest a pregnant slut, and <<if canHear($Lurcher)>>hear<<else>>see<</if>> _him2 sob with fear.
 			<<elseif $origin == "housewife">>
-				To rape a stuck-up bitch, and hear her cry with anal pain.
+				To rape a stuck-up bitch, and <<if canHear($Lurcher)>>hear<<else>>see<</if>> _him2 cry with anal pain.
 			<<elseif $origin == "feminized">>
-				To rape a sissy's asspussy, and hear her squeal.
+				To rape a sissy's asspussy, and <<if canHear($Lurcher)>>hear<<else>>see<</if>> _him2 squeal.
 			<<elseif $origin == "huge balled">>
 				To abuse defenseless testicles, and make their owner scream.
-				To rape a struggling victim, and taste her tears of defeat.
+				To rape a struggling victim, and taste _his2 tears of defeat.
 			<<set $Lurcher.devotion += 5>>
 		<<elseif $Lurcher.fetish == "pregnancy" && $origin == "heavily pregnant">>
-			You lurcher is @@.hotpink;thrilled@@ to have had the privilege of chasing down and raping a pregnant woman.
+			You lurcher is @@.hotpink;thrilled@@ to have had the privilege of chasing down and raping a pregnant _woman2.
 			<<set $Lurcher.devotion += 5>>
@@ -329,11 +333,12 @@ You place your hand on the leash's quick release and whisper your direction into
 	<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
 	<<if $Lurcher.devotion > 50>>
-		She makes her way back to you dejectedly, hanging her head.
+		$He makes $his way back to you dejectedly, hanging $his head.
-		She makes her way back to you slowly, doing her best to look contrite.
+		$He makes $his way back to you slowly, doing $his best to look contrite.
-	On the other side of the plaza, there is a scream of triumph followed by tears of joy as one of the hares successfully wins her freedom. This cheerful noise mixes strangely with screams of a very different sort and the slap of flesh on flesh as a more successful lurcher rapes her capture.
+	<<setNonlocalPronouns $seeDicks>>
+	On the other side of the plaza, there is a scream of triumph followed by tears of joy as one of the hares successfully wins _hisU freedom. This cheerful noise mixes strangely with screams of a very different sort and the slap of flesh on flesh as a more successful lurcher rapes _hisU capture.
 <<set $slaves[$slaveIndices[$Lurcher.ID]] = $Lurcher>>
 <<unset $origin, $origin1, $origin2, $origin3, $hareSpeed, $hareSpeed1, $hareSpeed2, $hareSpeed3, $hare1, $hare2, $hare3>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 853a8476a8c..f8bb20a657f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
 		Your $mercenariesTitle capture the law firm's staff without much difficulty, but when they open the door to the lawyer's office they find her frothing from the mouth and unresponsive. From the quantity of pill bottles evident on her desk, it seems she found the sole loophole to escape capture.
-		Your $mercenariesTitle capture the law firm's staff without much difficulty, but when they open the door to the lawyer's office they find her frothing from the mouth and unresponsive. Despite her attempts to drug herself into suicide, the effects are temporary and the lawyer  soon finds herself being hauled off to a waiting VTOL with her staff.
+		Your $mercenariesTitle capture the law firm's staff without much difficulty, but when they open the door to the lawyer's office they find her frothing from the mouth and unresponsive. Despite her attempts to drug herself into suicide, the effects are temporary and the lawyer soon finds herself being hauled off to a waiting VTOL with her staff.
 		The lawyer spends the VTOL ride scarcely sparing any attention to the rape of her staff all about her. Instead she seems almost lost in thought, as if concentrating on finding some loophole or legal means to escape the fate that has befallen her staff.
 		<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 66c11a63b9f..d8e5dc8f92e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ __Bids Received__
 <<if $activeSlave.fetish != "masochist">>
 <<if $activeSlave.devotion > 50>>
 	<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc(($slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a sadistic citizen who likes hurting her slaves, dislikes masochists for their enjoyment of her treatment, yet  prefers slaves who will not hate her.
+	<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc(($slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a sadistic citizen who likes hurting her slaves, dislikes masochists for their enjoyment of her treatment, yet prefers slaves who will not hate her.
 	<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
 		<<set $cash += 500*Math.trunc(($slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
 		<<set $buyer = "pain fetishist">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 0d5bdc75652..85c84b7b2ca 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Your new pair of slaves look frightened and uncertain, but seem encouraged by ea
 <<set _secondSlave.fetish = either("buttslut", "cumslut", "dom", "humiliation", "masochist", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "pregnancy", "sadist", "submissive")>>
 <<set _secondSlave.behavioralFlaw = either("anorexic", "arrogant", "bitchy", "devout", "gluttonous", "hates men", "hates women", "hates women", "liberated", "masochist", "none", "none", "none", "odd")>>
 <<if (_secondSlave.behavioralFlaw == "devout")>>
-	<<set _secondSlave.sexualFlaw = either("none", "repressed",  "shamefast", "apathetic")>>
+	<<set _secondSlave.sexualFlaw = either("apathetic", "none", "repressed", "shamefast")>>
 	<<set _secondSlave.sexualFlaw = either("apathetic", "crude", "hates anal", "hates oral", "hates penetration", "idealistic", "judgemental", "none", "none", "none", "none", "repressed", "shamefast")>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index 9101b7a0c66..66b2ae8efcb 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
 <span id="fucktoypref">
 	<<if ($activeSlave.assignment == "please you") || ($activeSlave.assignment == "serve in the master suite") || ($activeSlave.assignment == "be your Concubine")>>
 		Fucktoy use preference: <strong><span id="hole">$activeSlave.toyHole</span></strong>.
-		  <<link "Mouth">><<set $activeSlave.toyHole = "mouth">><<replace "#hole">>$activeSlave.toyHole<</replace>><</link>>
+		<<link "Mouth">><<set $activeSlave.toyHole = "mouth">><<replace "#hole">>$activeSlave.toyHole<</replace>><</link>>
 		| <<link "Tits">><<set $activeSlave.toyHole = "boobs">><<replace "#hole">>$activeSlave.toyHole<</replace>><</link>>
 		<<if ($activeSlave.vagina > 0) && canDoVaginal($activeSlave)>>
 		| <<link "Pussy">><<set $activeSlave.toyHole = "pussy">><<replace "#hole">>$activeSlave.toyHole<</replace>><</link>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/ b/src/uncategorized/
index b3d92f77c68..49ddcd0ab64 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/
+++ b/src/uncategorized/
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 :: Toychest [nobr]
+<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[$i]>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
@@ -12,25 +14,25 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
 	<<if $slaves[$i].toyHole == "mouth">>
-		has positioned herself nearby with her mouth conveniently <<if $PC.dick == 1>>at cock level<<else>>level with your pussy<</if>>.
+		has positioned $himself nearby with $his mouth conveniently <<if $PC.dick == 1>>at cock level<<else>>level with your pussy<</if>>.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].toyHole == "boobs">>
-		is kneeling nearby with her chest thrust out as far as it will go.
+		is kneeling nearby with $his chest thrust out as far as it will go.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "pussy") && ($slaves[$i].amp != 1)>>
-		is kneeling on the couch with legs apart to present her pussy.
+		is kneeling on the couch with legs apart to present $his pussy.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].toyHole == "pussy">>
-		is lying on the couch with her pussy ready for you.
+		is lying on the couch with $his pussy ready for you.
 	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass") && ($slaves[$i].amp != 1)>>
-		is lying on the couch with her legs up and back to present her butthole.
+		is lying on the couch with $his legs up and back to present $his butthole.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].toyHole == "ass">>
-		is lying on the couch with her butt ready for you.
+		is lying on the couch with $his butt ready for you.
 	<<elseif $slaves[$i].toyHole == "dick">>
-		is lying on the couch with her dick at the ready for you.	
+		is lying on the couch with $his dick at the ready for you.	
-		is nearby, eagerly presenting herself.
+		is nearby, eagerly presenting $himself.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
-	is waiting nearby in terror, hoping obedience will save her from punishment.
+	is waiting nearby in terror, hoping obedience will save $him from punishment.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -90>>
 	is hogtied nearby for sexual abuse.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion < -50>>
@@ -40,186 +42,186 @@
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 20>>
 	is obediently waiting nearby for sexual use.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
-	has positioned herself nearby to offer you her body.
+	has positioned $himself nearby to offer you $his body.
 <<set _pose = random(1,100)>>
 <<if $slaves[$i].fuckdoll > 0>>
-	Its holes are, as always, available.
+	$His holes are, as always, available.
 <<elseif $slaves[$i].fetish == "mindbroken">>
-	She ignores her clothing, regarding it as an impediment to her purpose.
+	$He ignores $his clothing, regarding it as an impediment to $his purpose.
 	<<switch $slaves[$i].clothes>>
 	<<case "shibari ropes">>
-		You've tied her shibari bindings so that she's forced to thrust out her chest.
+		You've tied $his shibari bindings so that $he's forced to thrust out $his chest.
 	<<case "uncomfortable straps">>
 		<<if _pose > 75>>
-			Her leather straps are forcing her to thrust out her tits.
+			$His leather straps are forcing $him to thrust out $his tits.
 		<<elseif _pose > 50>>
-			Her leather straps are uncomfortably pressing her breasts and asscrack.
+			$His leather straps are uncomfortably pressing $his breasts and asscrack.
 		<<elseif _pose > 25>>
-			The rings in her leather straps over each nipple and hole make her look like a perfect fucktoy.
+			The rings in $his leather straps over each nipple and hole make $him look like a perfect fucktoy.
-			Her uncomfortable straps force her to constantly present her holes.
+			$His uncomfortable straps force $him to constantly present $his holes.
 	<<case "restrictive latex" "a latex catsuit">>
-		Her complete suit of latex makes her a nice, artistic display, a plastic work of art in the shape of a female form.
+		$His complete suit of latex makes $him a nice, artistic display, a plastic work of art in the shape of a female form.
 	<<case "a military uniform">>
-		Her uniformed presence lends your office the air of a military command center.
+		$His uniformed presence lends your office the air of a military command center.
 	<<case "a schutzstaffel uniform">>
-		Her uniformed presence lends your office the air of a military command center.
+		$His uniformed presence lends your office the air of a military command center.
 	<<case "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform">>
-		Her uniformed presence lends your office the air of a military command center.
+		$His uniformed presence lends your office the air of a military command center.
 	<<case "a red army uniform">>
-		Her uniformed presence lends your office the air of a military command center.
+		$His uniformed presence lends your office the air of a military command center.
 	<<case "a long qipao">>
-		Her elegant qipao lends your office an air of traditional opulence and prestige.
+		$His elegant qipao lends your office an air of traditional opulence and prestige.
 	<<case "battlearmor">>
-		Her armored presence lends your office the air of a battlefield command center.
+		$His armored presence lends your office the air of a battlefield command center.
 	<<case "a mounty outfit">>
-		Her uniformed presence lends your office the air of a police command center.
+		$His uniformed presence lends your office the air of a police command center.
 	<<case "a dirndl">>
-		Her dirndl lends a traditional atmosphere to your office.
+		$His dirndl lends a traditional atmosphere to your office.
 	<<case "lederhosen">>
-		Her lederhosen lends a traditional atmosphere to your office.
+		$His lederhosen lends a traditional atmosphere to your office.
 	<<case "a biyelgee costume">>
-		Her biyelgee costume lends a festive atmosphere to your office.
+		$His biyelgee costume lends a festive atmosphere to your office.
 	<<case "a mini skirt">>
-		Her flattering mini dress makes her the perfect office ornament for the modern captain of industry.
+		$His flattering mini dress makes $him the perfect office ornament for the modern captain of industry.
 	<<case "a nice nurse outfit">>
-		Her proper nurse's outfit gives the office a clinical air.
+		$His proper nurse's outfit gives the office a clinical air.
 	<<case "a fallen nuns habit">>
-		Her latex parody of a nuns habit gives the office a sacrilegious air.
+		$His latex parody of a nuns habit gives the office a sacrilegious air.
 	<<case "a chattel habit">>
-		Her chattel habit makes the office look like what it is: the inner sanctum of a new and deeply sensual faith.
+		$His chattel habit makes the office look like what it is: the inner sanctum of a new and deeply sensual faith.
 	<<case "a penitent nuns habit">>
-		Her sackcloth habit gives the office a somber air.
+		$His sackcloth habit gives the office a somber air.
 	<<case "attractive lingerie">>
-		She's wearing classy lingerie, making her an unusually refined ornament to the office.
+		$He's wearing classy lingerie, making $him an unusually refined ornament to the office.
 	<<case "kitty lingerie">>
-		Her cat-themed lingerie gives the office a bizarrely innocent air of perversion.
+		$His cat-themed lingerie gives the office a bizarrely innocent air of perversion.
 	<<case "a succubus outfit">>
-		She's dressed to look like a succubus. There is a <<if $PC.title == 1>>demon in this office, and she serves him<<else>>demoness in this office, and she serves her<</if>>.
+		$He's dressed to look like a succubus. There is a <<if $PC.title == 1>>demon in this office, and $he serves him<<else>>demoness in this office, and $he serves her<</if>>.
 	<<case "spats and a tank top">>
-		She's wearing spats and a tank top, giving the office the active air of a gym.
+		$He's wearing spats and a tank top, giving the office the active air of a gym.
 	<<case "a string bikini">>
-		She's wearing a string bikini, making her a sexy, enticing office ornament.
+		$He's wearing a string bikini, making $him a sexy, enticing office ornament.
 	<<case "a scalemail bikini">>
-		Her scalemail bikini gives the office a medieval air.
+		$His scalemail bikini gives the office a medieval air.
 	<<case "striped panties" "a striped bra" "striped underwear">>
-		She's wearing cute underwear, making her a sexy, innocent-looking office ornament.
+		$He's wearing cute underwear, making $him a sexy, innocent-looking office ornament.
 	<<case "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman">>
-		Her breasts gently spill out of her slightly to small top.
+		$His breasts gently spill out of $his slightly too small top.
 		<<if $slaves[$i].lactation > 0>>
-			Her leaking nipples have rendered her top see-through.
+			$His leaking nipples have rendered $his top see-through.
 	<<case "a maternity dress">>
-		Her low cut dress reveals ample cleavage.
+		$His low cut dress reveals ample cleavage.
 	<<case "stretch pants and a crop-top">>
-		Her comfortable clothes give your office a laid back air and are easy to slip off when the mood strikes.
+		$His comfortable clothes give your office a laid back air and are easy to slip off when the mood strikes.
 	<<case "a cheerleader outfit">>
-		She's wearing a slutty cheerleader outfit, making it look like she's here to fuck before team practice.
+		$He's wearing a slutty cheerleader outfit, making it look like $he's here to fuck before team practice.
 	<<case "clubslut netting">>
-		She's wearing slutty netting and headphones so she can dance to music without annoying visitors.
+		$He's wearing slutty netting and headphones so $he can dance to music without annoying visitors.
 	<<case "cutoffs and a t-shirt">>
-		She's wearing cutoffs and a t-shirt, making her a fun, clean office ornament.
+		$He's wearing cutoffs and a t-shirt, making $him a fun, clean office ornament.
 	<<case "a slutty nurse outfit">>
-		She's wearing a slutty nurse outfit, and looks more than ready to minister to any patient's needs.
+		$He's wearing a slutty nurse outfit, and looks more than ready to minister to any patient's needs.
 	<<case "a schoolgirl outfit">>
-		She's wearing a slutty schoolgirl outfit, and looks ready to do whatever it takes to improve her grades.
+		$He's wearing a slutty schoolgirl outfit, and looks ready to do whatever it takes to improve $his grades.
 	<<case "a kimono">>
-		She's wearing a kimono, lending your office an air of elegance, though she lacks some of the air of the true yamato nadeshiko.
+		$He's wearing a kimono, lending your office an air of elegance, though $he lacks some of the air of the true yamato nadeshiko.
 	<<case "a burkini">>
-		She's wearing a colorful burkini, lending your office a vague air of conservatism.
+		$He's wearing a colorful burkini, lending your office a vague air of conservatism.
 	<<case "a hijab and blouse">>
-		She's wearing a modest hijab and blouse, lending your office a certain air of conservatism.
+		$He's wearing a modest hijab and blouse, lending your office a certain air of conservatism.
 	<<case "a hijab and abaya">>
-		She's wearing a modest hijab and abaya, lending your office a certain air of conservatism.
+		$He's wearing a modest hijab and abaya, lending your office a certain air of conservatism.
 	<<case "a niqab and abaya">>
-		She's wearing a niqab and abaya, lending your office an air of conservatism.
+		$He's wearing a niqab and abaya, lending your office an air of conservatism.
 	<<case "a klan robe" "a slutty klan robe">>
-		She's wearing a ku klux klan robe, lending your office an air of conservatism.
+		$He's wearing a ku klux klan robe, lending your office an air of conservatism.
 	<<case "a burqa">>
-		She's wearing an all-concealing burqa, lending your office an intense air of conservatism.
+		$He's wearing an all-concealing burqa, lending your office an intense air of conservatism.
 	<<case "battledress">>
-		She's wearing skimpy battledress, making your office seem a little like the ideal bunker for a survivalist.
+		$He's wearing skimpy battledress, making your office seem a little like the ideal bunker for a survivalist.
 	<<case "a slutty outfit">>
 		<<if $slaves[$i].actualAge < 21>>
-			She's wearing a schoolgirl uniform and sucking on hard candy, giving her a delectably youthful appearance.
+			$He's wearing a schoolgirl uniform and sucking on hard candy, giving $him a delectably youthful appearance.
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].actualAge < 30>>
-			She's chosen to wear a slutty nurse outfit, and looks more than ready to minister to any patient's needs.
+			$He's chosen to wear a slutty nurse outfit, and looks more than ready to minister to any patient's needs.
 		<<elseif $slaves[$i].actualAge < 40>>
-			She's wearing a schoolgirl uniform and sucking on hard candy, a delightfully perverse outfit for a slave in her thirties.
+			$He's wearing a schoolgirl uniform and sucking on hard candy, a delightfully perverse outfit for a slave in $his thirties.
-			She's wearing a wifely apron that covers her front, but leaves her backside bare, an appropriate outfit for a slave in her forties.
+			$He's wearing a wifely apron that covers $his front, but leaves $his backside bare, an appropriate outfit for a slave in $his forties.
 	<<case "a halter top dress">>
-		The gorgeous halter top dress she's wearing is almost a work of art.
+		The gorgeous halter top dress $he's wearing is almost a work of art.
 	<<case "a ball gown">>
-		The fabulous silken ball gown she's wearing lifts the entire atmosphere.
+		The fabulous silken ball gown $he's wearing lifts the entire atmosphere.
 	<<case "a slave gown">>
-		The gorgeous gown she's wearing lends an air of class to the office.
+		The gorgeous gown $he's wearing lends an air of class to the office.
 	<<case "slutty business attire">>
-		The suit she's wearing would make it look like she's here to do business, if not for the extreme shortness of the skirt and her acre of cleavage.
+		The suit $he's wearing would make it look like $he's here to do business, if not for the extreme shortness of the skirt and $his acre of cleavage.
 	<<case "nice business attire">>
-		The suit she's wearing makes it look like she's here to do business, not fuck.
+		The suit $he's wearing makes it look like $he's here to do business, not fuck.
 	<<case "a comfortable bodysuit">>
-		The bodysuit she's wearing displays her every fuckable curve.
+		The bodysuit $he's wearing displays $his every fuckable curve.
 	<<case "a leotard">>
-		The leotard she's wearing is tight enough to advertise every detail.
+		The leotard $he's wearing is tight enough to advertise every detail.
 	<<case "a monokini">>
-		Her topless swimsuit gives the office a perverted yet cultured aura.
+		$His topless swimsuit gives the office a perverted yet cultured aura.
 	<<case "an apron">>
-		Her apron makes the office an intimate air, especially since she's nude underneath it.
+		$His apron makes the office an intimate air, especially since $he's nude underneath it.
 	<<case "a cybersuit">>
-		Her cybersuit lends to an impersonal but sexual atmosphere, as her delicious curves are prominently displayed.
+		$His cybersuit lends to an impersonal but sexual atmosphere, as $his delicious curves are prominently displayed.
 	<<case "a bunny outfit">>
-		The bunny outfit she's wearing makes her look ready to serve drinks and suck dick.
+		The bunny outfit $he's wearing makes $him look ready to serve drinks and suck dick.
 	<<case "a slutty maid outfit">>
-		Her maid outfit makes her look useful and sexually easy.
+		$His maid outfit makes $him look useful and sexually easy.
 	<<case "a nice maid outfit">>
-		Her maid outfit makes her servitude obvious while not looking too lewd.
+		$His maid outfit makes $his servitude obvious while not looking too lewd.
 	<<case "harem gauze">>
-		Her harem girl outfit lends her corner of your office an Eastern opulence.
+		$His harem girl outfit lends $his corner of your office an Eastern opulence.
 	<<case "slutty jewelry">>
-		The bangles she's wearing make little noises every time she moves, serving as a constant reminder of her sexual availability.
+		The bangles $he's wearing make little noises every time $he moves, serving as a constant reminder of $his sexual availability.
 	<<case "conservative clothing">>
-		Her clothes make it look like she's here for some other purpose than sexual slavery.
+		$His clothes make it look like $he's here for some other purpose than sexual slavery.
 	<<case "chains">>
-		Her chains make it obvious that she's here as an office sex toy.
+		$His chains make it obvious that $he's here as an office sex toy.
 	<<case "Western clothing">>
-		Her Western clothing is comically out of place in a modern office.
+		$His Western clothing is comically out of place in a modern office.
 	<<case "body oil">>
-		Her body oil makes her muscles a lovely ornament to the office, and makes all her holes nice and inviting.
+		$His body oil makes $his muscles a lovely ornament to the office, and makes all $his holes nice and inviting.
 	<<case "a toga" "a hanbok">>
-		Her toga lends an air of antiquity to the office.
+		$His toga lends an air of antiquity to the office.
 	<<case "a huipil">>
-		Her revealing huipil is a delightfully exotic novelty in your office.
+		$His revealing huipil is a delightfully exotic novelty in your office.
 	<<case "a slutty qipao">>
-		Her lovely qipao is a delicious contradiction of conservative silk patterns and scandalously high cuts.
+		$His lovely qipao is a delicious contradiction of conservative silk patterns and scandalously high cuts.
 	<<case "a tube top and thong" "a button-up shirt and panties" "a bra" "a button-up shirt" "a sweater" "a tank-top" "a thong" "a tube top" "a t-shirt" "a sweater and panties" "a tank-top and panties" "a t-shirt and thong" "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts" "an oversized t-shirt" "a t-shirt and jeans" "boyshorts" "cutoffs" "panties" "leather pants and pasties" "leather pants" "a t-shirt and panties" "panties and pasties" "jeans" "a sweater and cutoffs" "leather pants and a tube top">>
-		Her purpose as your office sex toy is prominently displayed by her revealing outfit.
+		$His purpose as your office sex toy is prominently displayed by $his revealing outfit.
 	<<case "a gothic lolita dress">>
-		Her gothic lolita dress lends a cute but dark old world charm to your office.
+		$His gothic lolita dress lends a cute but dark old world charm to your office.
 	<<case "a police uniform">>
-		Her police uniform lends an air of security and authority to your office.
+		$His police uniform lends an air of security and authority to your office.
 	<<case "a one-piece swimsuit">>
-		Her one-piece swimsuit lends your office a more casual atmosphere.
+		$His one-piece swimsuit lends your office a more casual atmosphere.
 	<<case "a nice pony outfit" "a slutty pony outfit">>
-		Her bondage pony outfit reinforces the atmosphere of submission to your will.
+		$His bondage pony outfit reinforces the atmosphere of submission to your will.
 	<<case "a sports bra" "sport shorts and a t-shirt" "sport shorts and a sports bra" "sport shorts">>
-		Her athletlic clothing gives the office a more youthful vibe.
+		$His athletic clothing gives the office a more youthful vibe.
 	<<case "a skimpy loincloth">>
-		Her skimpy loincloth gives the office a more barbaric and raw atmosphere.
+		$His skimpy loincloth gives the office a more barbaric and raw atmosphere.
 		<<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "chastity belt")>>
-			Her chastity belt covers and protects her, but leaves her breasts naked, her mouth available, and her asshole vulnerable.
+			$His chastity belt covers and protects $his pussy, but leaves $his breasts naked, $his mouth available, and $his asshole vulnerable.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "anal chastity")>>
-			Her chastity belt covers and protects her anus, but leaves her breasts naked, her mouth available, and her pussy vulnerable.
+			$His chastity belt covers and protects $his anus, but leaves $his breasts naked, $his mouth available, and $his pussy vulnerable.
 		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vaginalAccessory == "combined chastity")>>
-			Her chastity belt covers and protects both her vagina and anus, but leaves her breasts naked and her mouth available.
+			$His chastity belt covers and protects both $his vagina and anus, but leaves $his breasts naked and $his mouth available.
-			She's nude and ready to be fucked.
+			$He's nude and ready to be fucked.
diff --git a/src/utility/ b/src/utility/
index 8653fc15ed3..8d1d461d800 100644
--- a/src/utility/
+++ b/src/utility/
@@ -1352,7 +1352,7 @@ $His
 		<<case "a monokini")>>
 			Since $he is topless, they're plainly visible.
-			<<if !["tiny", "inverted", "partially inverted", "fuckable"].includes($activeSlave.nipples)>>
+			<<if !["fuckable", "inverted", "partially inverted", "tiny"].includes($activeSlave.nipples)>>
 				<<switch $activeSlave.clothes>>
 				<<case "cutoffs and a t-shirt")>>
 					Since $he isn't wearing a bra, they tent the front of $his t-shirt.
diff --git a/src/utility/ b/src/utility/
index 6df673d2f41..0a4ba2a4453 100644
--- a/src/utility/
+++ b/src/utility/
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
-<<if ($activeSlave.brand != 0) && ["left buttock", "right buttock", "buttocks", "left thigh", "right thigh", "thighs"].includes($activeSlave.brandLocation)>>
+<<if ($activeSlave.brand != 0) && ["buttocks", "left buttock", "left thigh", "right buttock", "right thigh", "thighs"].includes($activeSlave.brandLocation)>>
diff --git a/src/utility/ b/src/utility/
index dc0855b51da..04630178a85 100644
--- a/src/utility/
+++ b/src/utility/
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@
 <<widget "ToggleFetish">>
 <<if ($args[0] == 0)>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = either("none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "submissive", "cumslut", "humiliation", "buttslut", "boobs", "pregnancy", "dom", "sadist", "masochist"), $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.fetish = either("boobs", "buttslut", "cumslut", "dom", "humiliation", "masochist", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "pregnancy", "sadist", "submissive"), $activeSlave.fetishKnown = 0>>
 	<<replace "#fetishblock">>
 		//Not known.//
 		<<link "Known">>
@@ -2545,7 +2545,7 @@
 			<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = "gluttonous">>
 		<<if $activeSlave.fetish == "none">>
-			<<set $activeSlave.fetish = either("submissive", "cumslut", "humiliation", "buttslut", "boobs", "pregnancy", "dom", "sadist", "masochist")>>
+			<<set $activeSlave.fetish = either("boobs", "buttslut", "cumslut", "dom", "humiliation", "masochist", "pregnancy", "sadist", "submissive")>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.fetishStrength = random(60,90)>>
 		<<if random(1,100) <= 5 && $activeSlave.fetish != "mindbroken">>
@@ -2743,7 +2743,7 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.nationality = "Stateless">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.devotion = 40>>
 	<<set $ = -100>>
-	<<set $ = either("a politician", "a college scout", "a business owner", "a house DJ", "a soldier", "a prison guard", "a doctor", "a counselor", "a dairy worker", "a secretary", "a teacher")>>
+	<<set $ = either("a business owner", "a college scout", "a counselor", "a dairy worker", "a doctor", "a house DJ", "a politician", "a prison guard", "a secretary", "a soldier", "a teacher")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.intelligence = Intelligence.random({limitIntelligence: [20,100]})>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.intelligenceImplant = 30>>
 	<<set $ = random(-99,-50)>>
@@ -2893,8 +2893,8 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.analSkill = random(15,100)>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.anus = random(1,3)>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.weight = Math.clamp(-25, 25, $activeSlave.weight)>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = either("arrogant", "bitchy", "odd", "hates men", "hates women", "hates women", "anorexic", "gluttonous", "devout", "liberated")>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = either("hates oral", "hates anal", "hates penetration", "repressed", "idealistic", "shamefast", "apathetic", "crude", "judgemental")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = either("anorexic", "arrogant", "bitchy", "devout", "gluttonous", "hates men", "hates women", "hates women", "liberated", "odd")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = either("apathetic", "crude", "hates anal", "hates oral", "hates penetration", "idealistic", "judgemental", "repressed", "shamefast")>>
 	<<if random(1,2) == 1>>
 		<<set _slaveGen = random(2,8)*200>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.boobs += _slaveGen>>
@@ -3292,8 +3292,8 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.pubicHStyle = "waxed">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.underArmHStyle = "waxed">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.birthWeek = 0>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = either("none", "apathetic")>>
-	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = either("none", "arrogant", "odd")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.sexualFlaw = either("apathetic", "none")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.behavioralFlaw = either("arrogant", "none", "odd")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hStyle = "short">>
 	<<set $activeSlave.hLength = 2>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.customTat = "She has the baroque crest of the Gymnasium-Academy that trained her branded into her left cheek.">>
@@ -3452,7 +3452,7 @@
 	<<set $activeSlave.origin = "You bought her from the enigmatic Futanari Sisters after they sold her into slavery.">>
 	<<set $ = "a Futanari Sister">>
-	<<set $activeSlave.faceShape = either("sensual", "exotic")>>
+	<<set $activeSlave.faceShape = either("exotic", "sensual")>>
 	<<set $activeSlave.pubertyXY = 1>>
 	<<set _sisterAge = random(1,5)>>
 	<<if _sisterAge == 1>>
@@ -3514,7 +3514,7 @@
 		<<set $activeSlave.waist = random(-30,10)>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.vagina = 2>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.anus = 2>>
-		<<set $activeSlave.fetish = either("submissive", "buttslut", "cumslut")>>
+		<<set $activeSlave.fetish = either("buttslut", "cumslut", "submissive")>>
 	<<elseif _sisterAge == 3>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.intelligence = 0>>
 		<<set $activeSlave.hips = 2>>