diff --git a/sanityCheck.sh b/sanityCheck.sh
index 9a735796b2604eca6fef112f06a0e70077a771b3..e1f9d84c281d02b4474ceb9338a132cc70692ae7 100755
--- a/sanityCheck.sh
+++ b/sanityCheck.sh
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ $GREP 'elseif $ ' -- 'src/*'  | myprint "missing ; before statement"
 $GREP "[^]a-zA-Z0-9 \")}'+-\*\`] *>>" -- 'src/*' | myprint "StrangeCharacterAtEndOfCommand"
 # Check for a . inside a <<>>
 $GREP "<<[a-zA-Z]\([^\"'>]\|[^\"'>]>[^\"'>]\)*[a-zA-Z][.][^a-zA-Z]" | myprint "StrangeCharacterAfterDot"
-# Check for @@. instead of .@@
+# Check for @@.  instead of .@@ 
 $GREP -E "@@(\.|,|;|:)\s" -- src/*.tw | myprint "WrongSelectorPunctuation"
 $GREP "@@[a-z]\+;" -- 'src/*' | myprint "SelectorMissingDot"
diff --git a/src/SpecialForce/Firebase.tw b/src/SpecialForce/Firebase.tw
index 60a3677938385ba08c7f6d724d731f0831dd5281..a0c3747f12cfbb4493d3bd020be16a52f3ae4d40 100644
--- a/src/SpecialForce/Firebase.tw
+++ b/src/SpecialForce/Firebase.tw
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 	You continue towards the common area, the soldiers you pass, nod respectfully, salute, or bow slightly, as they please. You pass the briefing areas, the officers and sergeants of the force are conferring over planning tables and display screens regarding their upcoming deployments.
 	<br><br><div style="margin-left:2em">The commanders are
 	<<if $SF.Target === "recruit">>
-		viewing lists of potential recruits for $SF.Lower. Mainly mercenaries and Old World soldiers who might be receptive to an offer of employment and residence within the arcology, in addition to some citizens of the arcology who wish to have some excitement in their lives.
+		viewing lists of potential recruits for $SF.Lower. Mainly mercenaries and old world soldiers who might be receptive to an offer of employment and residence within the arcology, in addition to some citizens of the arcology who wish to have some excitement in their lives.
 	<<elseif $SF.Target === "secure">>
 		reviewing maps of trade routes to the arcology as well as nearby merchant hubs, arranging their future deployments to best protect them and encourage business and trade.
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 	<<elseif $SF.Regs === "some">>
 		On several screens, there are some minor warnings regarding the mild disciplinary procedures that may be taken against soldiers who commit especially severe crimes while on deployment.
-		There are no warnings or information regarding disciplinary procedures on any of the screens. Near one of them, a waste basket has been dragged over and a soldier has posted a note above it that says: "For Old World Complaints and Warrants."
+		There are no warnings or information regarding disciplinary procedures on any of the screens. Near one of them, a waste basket has been dragged over and a soldier has posted a note above it that says: "For old world Complaints and Warrants."
 	<</if>> </div>
 	<br>You arrive at the firebase's common area, a nest of bars, pleasure dens, public spaces, and other facilities catering to the soldiers' needs and giving them somewhere to spend their free time, since they do not mingle with your citizens on the higher levels or exit the arcology except on deployment. It is well-occupied by the soldiers not currently tasked with duties, and they respectfully move out of your way as you approach, clearing a path for you to move forward.
diff --git a/src/SpecialForce/NamingColonel.tw b/src/SpecialForce/NamingColonel.tw
index a264a2a424fb20688d9f6c7fc87d736918f3d4bd..c99d15deed53884ab93120b94ec16ffd0e3e0187 100644
--- a/src/SpecialForce/NamingColonel.tw
+++ b/src/SpecialForce/NamingColonel.tw
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
 			eating you out, pressing _hisU face into your pussy and forcing _hisU tongue deep inside you.
-	<br><br>A blinking light tells you that the channel is open. You take a deep breath, and begin. You greet your citizens and explain that while you believe deeply in the underlying principles of the Free Cities, recent events have forced you to modify some of your views. The Old World attack from the outside and the more recent assault by the Daughters of Liberty from within has proven that some form of permanent, organized standing force is needed to ensure the personal safety of the citizen body.
-	<br><br>You tell them that the Old World continues to deteriorate. You tell them that it is only a matter of time before the poor, diseased, starving, and unwashed masses try their hand at invading the arcology again. You tell them that such a force would be good for business, securing trade routes and conducting slaving raids far greater in scale than those performed by private slaving corporations. And finally, to quell their greatest fear, you tell them that you would personally support the force financially.
+	<br><br>A blinking light tells you that the channel is open. You take a deep breath, and begin. You greet your citizens and explain that while you believe deeply in the underlying principles of the Free Cities, recent events have forced you to modify some of your views. The old world attack from the outside and the more recent assault by the Daughters of Liberty from within has proven that some form of permanent, organized standing force is needed to ensure the personal safety of the citizen body.
+	<br><br>You tell them that the old world continues to deteriorate. You tell them that it is only a matter of time before the poor, diseased, starving, and unwashed masses try their hand at invading the arcology again. You tell them that such a force would be good for business, securing trade routes and conducting slaving raids far greater in scale than those performed by private slaving corporations. And finally, to quell their greatest fear, you tell them that you would personally support the force financially.
 	<br><br>As you speak, you carefully monitor the citizens' opinions as indicated on their communication devices. It is uniformly positive — they know whom they have to thank for their continued survival and dominance. You also monitor your arousal given the ministrations of your slave. A few small movements on your part communicate to your citizens what is happening without being too obvious. Free Cities business etiquette respects business conducted while being subtly serviced (and your doing so during such a public and important broadcast signals how seriously you are taking it), but a climax would be seen as a serious lack of discipline.
 	<br><br>You finally wrap up your speech, declaring yourself Marshal of the newly-formed <<textbox "$SF.Lower" $SF.Lower "Security Force Naming-Colonel">>
 	<br><br>You close the link to the communication system and read a message from your assistant that appeared during the last moments of your address. In consultation with major figures in the mercenary community, a suitable candidate for day-to-day command of the new unit has been found. Your instructions were to keep you in the dark about them so as to avoid prejudgment. They are waiting outside your office.
 	<br><br>[[Invite them inside|Security Force Naming-Colonel][$SF.IntroProgress = 1]]
 <<elseif $SF.IntroProgress < 2>> <<= SFNameCapsCheck()>>
-	The figure that enters is not what you were expecting, given your previous experiences with the mercenary groups that work with the arcology owners of the Free Cities. Most mercenaries you've worked with have been grizzled stout men, veterans of the Old World militaries that finally had too much and went private. Instead, a woman walks in.
+	The figure that enters is not what you were expecting, given your previous experiences with the mercenary groups that work with the arcology owners of the Free Cities. Most mercenaries you've worked with have been grizzled stout men, veterans of the old world militaries that finally had too much and went private. Instead, a woman walks in.
 	<<if $SF.Colonel.Core === "">>
 		She strikes you as someone who is likely to be:
 		<br><br>[[Kind|Security Force Naming-Colonel][$SF.Colonel.Core = "kind"]]
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 <<elseif $SF.IntroProgress < 3>> <<set $nextLink = "RIE Eligibility Check",$nextButton = "Continue">>
 	She turns and leaves, and you chase the slave out after her. A few minutes later, a soft chime announces the arrival of a message. It's from the Colonel.
-	<br><br>//Hey boss, just wanted to mention something else. In your speech you said that you were going to be paying for $SF.Lower. In my mind that means it's yours, no matter what anyone else here might think. I do what you tell me to do. I make sure the troops behave as you want them to behave. I've worked for some 'nice guys' in the past, and I can do that job if you want. It's boring, but sustainable, and I'll have the $SF.Lower turning a profit and supporting the arcology in good order. But if you let me <<if $SF.Colonel.Core === "cruel">>off the leash<<else>>do what I do<</if>> and throw any Old World complaints in the trash where they belong, I promise you'll have money pouring into your coffers, even accounting for the good amounts me and my boys will pocket along the way. You'll have an empire in short order.
+	<br><br>//Hey boss, just wanted to mention something else. In your speech you said that you were going to be paying for $SF.Lower. In my mind that means it's yours, no matter what anyone else here might think. I do what you tell me to do. I make sure the troops behave as you want them to behave. I've worked for some 'nice guys' in the past, and I can do that job if you want. It's boring, but sustainable, and I'll have the $SF.Lower turning a profit and supporting the arcology in good order. But if you let me <<if $SF.Colonel.Core === "cruel">>off the leash<<else>>do what I do<</if>> and throw any old world complaints in the trash where they belong, I promise you'll have money pouring into your coffers, even accounting for the good amounts me and my boys will pocket along the way. You'll have an empire in short order.
 	<<if $mercenaries > 1>>
 		Either way, I'll keep my hands off those mercs you've already installed. I figure that you've reasons for having two different death squads under contract.
diff --git a/src/SpecialForce/Proposal.tw b/src/SpecialForce/Proposal.tw
index cdf521355e5da9de948593709daec51c3823641c..7c9e478ca8aaa92406d640aeeef983f7e9f093b3 100644
--- a/src/SpecialForce/Proposal.tw
+++ b/src/SpecialForce/Proposal.tw
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
 <<set $nextButton = " ">> <span id="result">
 The Free Cities were founded on the principles of unrestrained anarcho-capitalism. To those with such beliefs, the very idea of possessing an armed force, a key tool of government control, or weapons at all, was anathema.
-<br><br>In the period since, however, your citizens have seen the value in weaponry. They watched on their news-feed as some Free Cities were sacked by the armies and mobs of the Old World, driven by their hatred of the citizens' luxurious lifestyles. They've seen other Cities toppled from within, by slave conspiracies or infighting among citizen groupings with differing beliefs. They've witnessed the distressingly rapid rise of fanatical anti-slavery organizations, who would like nothing more than to see them slowly bled by their own chattel. They are learned people, and they know what happens to slaveowners who lose their power.
-<br><br>They've also seen the results of your policies. Your actions towards the arming of both yourself and the arcology proved critical, and ensured their safety when the Old World came for them. And your victory over the Daughters of Liberty, who the citizens know would have executed every single one of them, has created an opportunity. If you insisted upon the creation of a standing 'special' force for the arcology, many would support you and, more importantly, nobody of note would object.
-<br><br>Such a force would solve many problems. More soldiers would mean more control, which is very good for you. More soldiers would mean more security for the arcology and the approaches to it, which is very good for business. More soldiers would mean more obedience from rebellious slaves who can see how powerless they truly are, which is very good for everybody. The force would be tiny compared to the Old World militaries that still exist, but money and technology can, of course, overcome massive numerical inferiority. This being the Free Cities, they would have other uses besides security. Perhaps, in time, you could exert some manner of influence on the Old World itself.
+<br><br>In the period since, however, your citizens have seen the value in weaponry. They watched on their news-feed as some Free Cities were sacked by the armies and mobs of the old world, driven by their hatred of the citizens' luxurious lifestyles. They've seen other Cities toppled from within, by slave conspiracies or infighting among citizen groupings with differing beliefs. They've witnessed the distressingly rapid rise of fanatical anti-slavery organizations, who would like nothing more than to see them slowly bled by their own chattel. They are learned people, and they know what happens to slaveowners who lose their power.
+<br><br>They've also seen the results of your policies. Your actions towards the arming of both yourself and the arcology proved critical, and ensured their safety when the old world came for them. And your victory over the Daughters of Liberty, who the citizens know would have executed every single one of them, has created an opportunity. If you insisted upon the creation of a standing 'special' force for the arcology, many would support you and, more importantly, nobody of note would object.
+<br><br>Such a force would solve many problems. More soldiers would mean more control, which is very good for you. More soldiers would mean more security for the arcology and the approaches to it, which is very good for business. More soldiers would mean more obedience from rebellious slaves who can see how powerless they truly are, which is very good for everybody. The force would be tiny compared to the old world militaries that still exist, but money and technology can, of course, overcome massive numerical inferiority. This being the Free Cities, they would have other uses besides security. Perhaps, in time, you could exert some manner of influence on the old world itself.
 <br><br>''This is a unique and very important opportunity'', and is possible only because of your recent victory over the Daughters. If you do not seize it, the memories and fears of your citizens will fade,and you will not be able to raise the matter again.
 <<set _price = 20000>> <<if $PC.warfare >= 100>> <<set _price *= .5>>
diff --git a/src/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js b/src/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
index 2781621225f12ac7d729fb08ae2e5b91ae147fcf..7db09805e1f0d9dd0ce411c32dbae4a9fd7650e1 100644
--- a/src/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
+++ b/src/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ window.BadOutcome = function() {
 			r += `<br>The main Residential courtyard features the Residential Sectors' massive elevator complex, which will give The Colonel's forces rapid access to the Promenade, and ultimately, You. In front of it, your Mercenary Captain stands atop one of the many meters-thick sandbag walls his men just assembled there, leading the raging defensive blockade in bringing the vanguard's assault to a gory halt. ${V.SF.Lower}'s bodies and bits and debris pile up in small walls on the outskirts under the burning heat of hundreds of flying autocannon rounds and dozens of screeching missiles. Before the vanguard's morale can break however, The Colonel shows up in person behind her own lines, kitted in a customized power armor and dragging, of all things, a hydraulic trebuchet loaded with a crudely-welded large metal box. She launches the box from beyond your Mercenaries' line of sight, sending it reeling towards them and predicting that they will try to shoot it out of the sky. They do, not wanting the slow but strange projectile to hit them directly, only learning of their folly when the metal 'box' detonates midair and releases a dense cloud of cluster bombs over their position. The munitions themselves disable some of the exosuits, but they don't kill too many on their own. However, the bomblets do succeed in detonating the various ammo dumps that were feeding your Mercenaries' blazing guns. The chain explosions, resulting fires, destroyed cover, and widespread casualties and confusion all create the perfect opportunity for The Colonel to storm the previously implacable barricade at the head of her troops, with her followers rushing the merc lines and blasting off the heavy armor plating of your disoriented Mercenaries themselves before stabbing them to death, or in some cases, hauling off the dis-armored and defeated female Mercenaries they discover for immediate use. As the few intact Mercenaries remaining desperately struggle to hold off the advancing horde with their remaining ammo, The Colonel takes on your dazed Mercenary Captain in single combat. When their ammunition runs dry, and their blasted battlesuits break down, they both eject, and then the knives come out. Minutes later, she stabs him in the side of his skull after she dodges yet another attempt to land a killing blow on her. With the source of Mercenary command and control gone, The Colonel staunches her own bleeding, yanks a trooper out of a near-pristine battlesuit that she now claims for herself, and directly organizes the isolation and extermination of the smaller teams of Mercenaries that are bleeding her troops everywhere else. She routs your Mercenaries for good with the razing of their Garrison structure. The ${V.SF.Lower} now enjoys absolute air and ground superiority. Soon the surviving rear of her army is brought upstairs from the killing floors down in the Markets, and the many elevators and cargo lifts of the elevator complex are boarded, with your executive override codes to remotely shut down the elevators somehow being manually bypassed by her combat engineers. It won't be long now.`;
 			r += `<br>Dawn has broken over the Free City. Only five hours into the slaughter (of which your Mercenaries no doubt bought you at least three), it becomes very clear to you that the only way to save your arcology is to destroy it. Everything and Everyone will burn before you let this crazy bitch and her rabid dogs get their dirty hands on you or your slaves. On your order, your most loyal subordinates, the ones who were with you since the early days to patrol your Arcology before you even had drones to protect it, fight their way to through the carnage of your panicking civilians on The Promenade to get to the exact hidden elevators that your Personal Assistant specifies for them. Their destination is the arcology's reactor complex, of course. Following the PA's instructions precisely, they arm their many high-yield explosive charges on your now-exposed and de-stabilized reactor, and in one final service to you, detonate them, creating a colossal explosion. The rapidly ascending heretics quite literally have the rug pulled from under them, as the blast takes out nearly all of the arcology's lesser foundational support beams, thus collapsing many thousands of metric tons of concrete, steel, plastic, and plaster out from underneath the upward bound Colonel and her men... And everyone else, unfortunately. With no foundation any longer, all of your arcology's interior Sectors are utterly gutted from the bottom-up by gravity itself, and everything beneath your ration-stocked, backup-powered Penthouse crumbles to the earth. The massive cloud of dust created by the widespread fires and interior collapse ends up covering the entire Free City for hours. Her aircraft, now bereft of their logistical support and command structure, immediately fly off to neighboring arcologies to offer their services to the various employers there, seeing as the coup has failed and they have nowhere else to go. The skies are free for You to travel as you please, but You aren't going anywhere.`;
 			r += `<br>It is late evening when the tremors finally stop. Everything below your Penthouse is ruin, and your arcology, its population, and your reputation are now essentially dust. However, the arcology did not fall. It. Is. Still. Yours. You shall rise again, not flee this tragedy in shame. Of course, no one will ever know that you sacrificed the arcology deliberately in order to save yourself; it is all too easy to claim that The Colonel carelessly damaged the reactor complex during her assault, ironically causing her own defeat. Frankly, sacrificing most of your tenants doesn't bother you as much as it probably should; maybe its because you know that if The Colonel and her men had won, all those people were as good as dead anyway.`;
-			r += `<br>You know that if you want to survive, you'll need to surround yourself with workers and allies to rebuild fast, else your rivals gobble you up. It costs you a horrific sum to clear and process the wreckage and rebuild the basic Sector superstructures and infrastructure for your arcology on such short notice, even after liquidating everything your workers salvage. Your powerful friends still residing in the Old World or other Free Cities have lent you a surprising amount of aid too, with quite a few lent super-heavy construction assets getting huge amounts of work done quickly. Even then, what you've been able to rebuild is very little. After a nearly sleepless, sexless week of immense toil, you've successfully organized tens of thousands of people in restoring the arcology to a barely functional condition (along with rudimentary imitations of all your upgrades), and you've even got some new Garrison Mercenaries in by week's end too... But its just not the same. If it weren't for your bruised weather-plating your arcology would look like a giant skeleton. Inside, it feels like a concrete boneyard; everything has been built cheap and utilitarian, and the walls aren't even painted. With only a few operational services staffed by commuters from neighboring arcologies, there is just an eerie silence just about everywhere. With few amenities for relief, there are going to be many long days ahead for your few tenants, most of them being wealthy but distraught returning travelers who left before the attack. Maybe your slaves can help entertain them. A lot of these people are VIP's it seems.`;
+			r += `<br>You know that if you want to survive, you'll need to surround yourself with workers and allies to rebuild fast, else your rivals gobble you up. It costs you a horrific sum to clear and process the wreckage and rebuild the basic Sector superstructures and infrastructure for your arcology on such short notice, even after liquidating everything your workers salvage. Your powerful friends still residing in the old world or other Free Cities have lent you a surprising amount of aid too, with quite a few lent super-heavy construction assets getting huge amounts of work done quickly. Even then, what you've been able to rebuild is very little. After a nearly sleepless, sexless week of immense toil, you've successfully organized tens of thousands of people in restoring the arcology to a barely functional condition (along with rudimentary imitations of all your upgrades), and you've even got some new Garrison Mercenaries in by week's end too... But its just not the same. If it weren't for your bruised weather-plating your arcology would look like a giant skeleton. Inside, it feels like a concrete boneyard; everything has been built cheap and utilitarian, and the walls aren't even painted. With only a few operational services staffed by commuters from neighboring arcologies, there is just an eerie silence just about everywhere. With few amenities for relief, there are going to be many long days ahead for your few tenants, most of them being wealthy but distraught returning travelers who left before the attack. Maybe your slaves can help entertain them. A lot of these people are VIP's it seems.`;
 			r += `<br>It is now midnight. In a rare moment of reflection, you contemplate that what The Colonel just did to your arcology was exactly what you were all too happy to have her do to dozens, if not hundreds of innocent villages and townships under your shadow during her 'Raiding and Slaving' operations. Nevertheless, You have hard work ahead of you, especially now that your enemies see that you are now much weaker than you have ever been.`;
 			r += `<br>The Colonel's body was never found.`;
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ window.UnitText = function(input) {
 	let e0 = `The engine has been`, engine3 = ``, armor3 = ``, tires = ``;
 	let m1 = ``, m2 = ``, pod1 = ``, pod2 = ``;
-	let b1 = `has been sold to ${V.SF.Lower} through back channels to support a failing Old World nation. The tank is so large it cannot fit inside the garage, and has`;
+	let b1 = `has been sold to ${V.SF.Lower} through back channels to support a failing old world nation. The tank is so large it cannot fit inside the garage, and has`;
 	let c1 = ``, engines4 = `. Two engines power the left and right sides of the tank separately, leaving it underpowered and slow`;
 	let gun0 = ``, gun1 = ``, gun2 = `an undersized main gun and makeshift firing system from a standard battle tank`;
 	let armor5 = ``, armor6 = ``, cannon = ``, laser = ``, PGTframe = ``;
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@ window.UnitText = function(input) {
 	let miniguns = ``, counter = ``;
 	let engine20 = `ramjet engines in the atmosphere that can reach Mach 10`;
-	let b5 = `has been purchased from an insolvent Old World nation. It `;
+	let b5 = `has been purchased from an insolvent old world nation. It `;
 	let shield = ``, camera = ``, efficiency = ``, camera2 = ``, drag = ``;
 	let crew = ``, engine2 = ``, skin = ``;
@@ -687,11 +687,11 @@ window.UnitText = function(input) {
 	let barrels = `Miniguns and Gatling cannons line`, distance = `, though the distance to ground targets renders the smaller calibers somewhat less useful`;
 	let b4 = ``, c2 = ``, fuel = ``, GS_Speed = ``, countermeasures = ``, ammunition = ``, DFA = ``, autocannon = ``;
-	let loc1 = `An unused science satellite has been purchased from an Old World nation. While currently useless, it holds potential to be a powerful tool.`;
+	let loc1 = `An unused science satellite has been purchased from an old world nation. While currently useless, it holds potential to be a powerful tool.`;
 	let gyro = ``, telemetry = ``, thrusters = ``, solar = ``, surviv = ``;
 	let laser1 = ``, heat = ``, reactor = ``, lens = ``, kin = ``;
-	let loc = `has been purchased from a crumbling Old World nation. It`;
+	let loc = `has been purchased from a crumbling old world nation. It`;
 	let power = `Large batteries mounted in oversized shoulders power the robot for up to ten minutes of use, though they make for large targets.`;
 	let knife = `simply a 8.5 meter long knife, though additional weapons are under development.`;
 	let armor8 = ``, actuator = ``, cannon1 = ``, heatsink = ``, ammo2 = ``;
@@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ window.UnitText = function(input) {
 	let b2 = `outdated, something quickly rigged together to give the launch site something to fire in the case of an attack`;
 	let c8 = ``, d1 = ``, e1 = ``, f1 = ``, g1 = ``, h1 = ``;
-	let recom1 = `has been recommissioned from the Old World for ${V.SF.Lower}. It`;
+	let recom1 = `has been recommissioned from the old world for ${V.SF.Lower}. It`;
 	let jets = `Formerly mothballed strike jets`, loc2 = ``, radar = ``, AAG = ``;
 	let prop = ``, torp = ``, armor9 = ``, power1 = ``, scramble1 = ``;
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ window.UnitText = function(input) {
 				if (S.AV >= 7) fireC2 = `and an autoloader have`; fireC1 = `rapid, accurate fire while separating the crew from the stored ammunition in the event the ammo cooks off.`;
 				if (S.AV >= 8) armor22 = `A reactive armor system has been added, giving the tank an additional, if temporary, layer of protection.`;
 				if (S.AV >= 9) turret = `The turret has been massively redesigned, lowering the tank profile and increasing the efficiency of the mechanisms within.`;
-				if (S.AV >= 10) MG = `140 mm main gun can quash anything even the greatest Old World nations could muster.`;
+				if (S.AV >= 10) MG = `140 mm main gun can quash anything even the greatest old world nations could muster.`;
 				return `${text5} A fleet of main battle tanks ${activate} are parked in the garage${mechanics}. ${turret} The ${MG} ${ammo1} ${mg} ${fireC0} ${fireC2} ${fireC3} ${fireC1} ${engine1} ${armor2} ${armor22}`;
diff --git a/src/endWeek/saServeThePublic.js b/src/endWeek/saServeThePublic.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..377e444007fa07d6ee571abcb8a10821691aefd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/endWeek/saServeThePublic.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1687 @@
+window.saServeThePublic = (function saServeThePublic() {
+	"use strict";
+	let V;
+	let T;
+	let r;
+	let arcology;
+	// if the following are set outside this file, they must be set in it too!
+	let beauty;
+	let FuckResult;
+	let beautyMultiplier;
+	let cervixPump;
+	let pronouns;
+	let he, him, his, hers, himself, girl, loli, He, His;
+	// if the following are set outside this file, they must be set in it too!
+	let oralUse;
+	let analUse;
+	let vaginalUse;
+	let mammaryUse;
+	let penetrativeUse;
+	return saServeThePublic;
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function saServeThePublic(slave) {
+		V = State.variables;
+		T = State.temporary;
+		arcology = V.arcologies[0];
+		r = ` `;
+		pronouns = getPronouns(slave);
+		he = pronouns.pronoun, him = pronouns.object, his = pronouns.possessive, hers = pronouns.possessivePronoun, himself = pronouns.objectReflexive, girl = pronouns.noun;
+		He = capFirstChar(he), His = capFirstChar(his);
+		girl === "girl" ? loli = "loli" : loli = "shota";
+		gatherStatistics(slave);
+		if (slave.assignment === "serve in the club") {
+			// By being at the end, every slave after the first will get a bonus. By moving it up, the first can enjoy it too. updateNonSlaveVariables() checks Edo Rivalist, so here we are.
+			applyFSDecoration();
+		}
+		updateNonSlaveVariables(slave);
+		addRep(slave);
+		sexCounts(slave);
+		jobPreface(slave);
+		bonusMultiplierText(slave);
+		usageCountDescripions(slave);
+		if (V.seeAge === 1) {
+			comingOfAge(slave);
+		}
+		mentalEffects(slave);
+		physicalEffects(slave);
+		slaveSkills(slave);
+		if (V.showEWM === 1) {
+			publicReactions(slave);
+		}
+		if (slave.sexualFlaw === "none") {
+			addFlaw(slave);
+		}
+		sexualSatiation(slave);
+		if (V.showVignettes === 1) {
+			assignmentVignette(slave);
+		}
+		return r;
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function gatherStatistics(slave) {
+		/* Statistics gathering */
+		const facility = slave.assignment === Job.CLUB ? V.facility.club : undefined;
+		T.incomeStats = getSlaveStatisticData(slave, facility);
+	}
+	// I suspect this one will mostly be cut out in the overhauling
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function updateNonSlaveVariables(slave) {
+		if (slave.assignment === "serve in the club" || slave.assignment === "serve the public") {
+			V.publicServants += 1;
+		}
+		// FResult setting
+		FuckResult = FResult(slave);
+		//slave needs release
+		if ((slave.releaseRules === "restrictive" || slave.releaseRules === "chastity") && slave.standardReward !== "orgasm" && slave.energy >= 20) {
+			FuckResult += 2;
+		}
+		if (V.ACitizens > (V.ASlaves * 4)) {
+			FuckResult = Math.trunc(FuckResult * 1.1);
+		} else if (V.ACitizens > (V.ASlaves * 2)) {
+			FuckResult = Math.trunc(FuckResult * 1);
+		} else if (V.ACitizens > V.ASlaves) {
+			FuckResult = Math.trunc(FuckResult * 0.95);
+		} else if (V.ACitizens > (V.ASlaves * 0.5)) {
+			FuckResult = Math.trunc(FuckResult * 0.9);
+		} else {
+			FuckResult = Math.trunc(FuckResult * 0.85);
+		}
+		if (canDoVaginal(slave) && slave.vagina === 0) {
+			FuckResult += 5;
+		}
+		if (canDoAnal(slave) && slave.anus === 0) {
+			FuckResult += 10;
+		}
+		// Beauty setting
+		beauty = Beauty(slave);
+		if (V.ACitizens > (V.ASlaves * 4)) {
+			beauty = Math.trunc(beauty * 1.1);
+		} else if (V.ACitizens > (V.ASlaves * 2)) {
+			beauty = Math.trunc(beauty * 1);
+		} else if (V.ACitizens > V.ASlaves) {
+			beauty = Math.trunc(beauty * 0.95);
+		} else if (V.ACitizens > (V.ASlaves * 0.5)) {
+			beauty = Math.trunc(beauty * 0.9);
+		} else {
+			beauty = Math.trunc(beauty * 0.85);
+		}
+		if (slave.sexualFlaw === "attention whore") {
+			beauty = Math.trunc(beauty * 1.1);
+		}
+		if (slave.assignment === "be the DJ") {
+			if (V.clubSlaves + V.slavesGettingHelp > 0) {
+				beauty = Math.trunc(beauty * ((10 - V.clubSlaves - V.slavesGettingHelp) / 10));
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.minorInjury !== 0) {
+			beauty -= 1;
+		}
+		// Beauty multipliers
+		if (arcology.FSEdoRevivalist === "unset") {
+			beautyMultiplier = 1;
+		} else {
+			beautyMultiplier = (1 + (arcology.FSEdoRevivalist / (V.FSLockinLevel * 3)));
+		}
+		if (V.club > 0) {
+			if ((V.universalRulesFacilityWork === 1 && slave.assignment === "serve the public" && V.clubSpots > 0) || (slave.assignment === "serve in the club")) {
+				if (slave.assignment === "serve the public") {
+					V.clubSpots -= 1;
+				}
+				// ads
+				if (V.clubAdsSpending !== 0) {
+					if (V.clubAdsStacked === 1) {
+						if (slave.butt > 4 && slave.boobs > 800) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsStacked === -1) {
+						if (slave.boobs < 500 && slave.butt < 3 && slave.weight <= 10 && slave.muscles <= 30) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsPreg === 1) {
+						if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || slave.bellyImplant >= 5000) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsPreg === -1) {
+						if (slave.belly < 100 && slave.weight < 30 && !setup.fakeBellies.includes(slave.bellyAccessory) && slave.bellyImplant <= 0) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsModded === 1) {
+						if ((V.modScore > 15) || (V.piercingScore > 8 && V.tatScore > 5)) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsModded === -1) {
+						if (slave.corsetPiercing === 0 && V.piercingScore < 3 && V.tatScore < 2) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsImplanted === 1) {
+						if (slave.boobsImplant > 0 && slave.buttImplant > 0 && slave.waist < -10 && slave.lipsImplant > 0) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsImplanted === -1) {
+						if (slave.boobsImplant === 0 && slave.buttImplant === 0 && slave.waist >= -95 && slave.lipsImplant === 0 && slave.bellyImplant === -1 && slave.faceImplant < 30) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsOld === 1) {
+						if (slave.physicalAge >= 30) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsOld === -1) {
+						if (slave.physical < 30 && slave.physical >= 18) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsOld === -2) {
+						if (slave.physical <= 18 && slave.physical >= 13) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsOld === -3) {
+						if (slave.physical < 13) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsXX === 1) {
+						if (slave.dick === 0 && slave.scrotum === 0) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsXX === -1) {
+						if (slave.dick > 0) {
+							beautyMultiplier += 0.05;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if ((slave.hears === -1 && slave.earwear !== "hearing aids") || (slave.hears === 0 && slave.earwear === "muffling ear plugs") || (slave.hears === -2)) {
+					beautyMultiplier -= 0.15;
+				}
+				if (V.DJ !== 0) {
+					if (V.DJRepBonus > 0) {
+						beautyMultiplier += V.DJRepBonus;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		beauty = Math.trunc(beauty * beautyMultiplier);
+		if ((slave.hears === -1 && slave.earwear !== "hearing aids") || (slave.hears === 0 && slave.earwear === "muffling ear plugs") ||(slave.hears === -2)) {
+			if (!canHear(slave)) {
+				beauty *= .5;
+			} else {
+				beauty *= .75;
+			}
+		}
+		T.incomeStats.customers = beauty;
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function jobPreface(slave) {
+		if (slave.devotion > 95 || slave.energy > 95) {
+			r += `enthusiastically serves`;
+		} else if (slave.devotion > 50) {
+			r += `willingly serves`;
+		} else if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+			r += `obediently serves`;
+		} else if (slave.trust < -20) {
+			r += `reluctantly serves`;
+		} else {
+			r += `is forced to serve`;
+		}
+		r += ` the public.`;
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function bonusMultiplierText(slave) {
+		if (V.club > 0) {
+			if ((V.universalRulesFacilityWork === 1 && slave.assignment === "serve the public" && V.clubSpots > 0) || (slave.assignment === "serve in the club")) {
+				if (slave.assignment === "serve the public") {
+					r += ` Since there's extra space in $clubName, ${he}'s promiscuous there.`;
+				}
+				// ads
+				if (V.clubAdsSpending !== 0) {
+					if (V.clubAdsStacked === 1) {
+						if (slave.butt > 4 && slave.boobs > 800) {
+							r += ` ${His} stacked body fits ${V.clubName}'s ad campaign, getting ${him} more attention.`;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsStacked === -1) {
+						if (slave.boobs < 500 && slave.butt < 3 && slave.weight <= 10 && slave.muscles <= 30) {
+							r += ` ${His} slim body fits ${V.clubName}'s ad campaign, getting ${him} more attention.`;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsPreg === 1) {
+						if (slave.bellyPreg >= 5000 || slave.bellyImplant >= 5000) {
+							r += ` ${His} gravid body fits ${V.clubName}'s ad campaign, getting ${him} more attention.`;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsPreg === -1) {
+						if (slave.belly < 100 && slave.weight < 30 && !setup.fakeBellies.includes(slave.bellyAccessory) && slave.bellyImplant <= 0) {
+							r += ` ${His} flat belly fits ${V.clubName}'s ad campaign, getting ${him} more attention.`;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsModded === 1) {
+						if ((V.modScore > 15) || (V.piercingScore > 8 && V.tatScore > 5)) {
+							r += ` Body art like ${hers} is a major draw.`;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsModded === -1) {
+						if (slave.corsetPiercing === 0 && V.piercingScore < 3 && V.tatScore < 2) {
+							r += ` Very clean bodies like ${hers} are a major draw.`;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsImplanted === 1) {
+						if (slave.boobsImplant > 0 && slave.buttImplant > 0 && slave.waist < -10 && slave.lipsImplant > 0) {
+							r += ` Many citizens come to ${V.clubName} looking to fuck a plastic slut like ${him}.`;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsImplanted === -1) {
+						if (slave.boobsImplant === 0 && slave.buttImplant === 0 && slave.waist >= -95 && slave.lipsImplant === 0 && slave.bellyImplant === -1 && slave.faceImplant < 30) {
+							r += ` Many citizens come to ${V.clubName} looking to get with a natural ${girl} like ${him}.`;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsOld === 1) {
+						if (slave.physicalAge >= 30) {
+							r += ` ${He}'s perfect for ${V.clubName}, which practically exists to match citizens up with mature slaves.`;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsOld === -1) {
+						if (slave.physical < 30 && slave.physical >= 18) {
+							r += ` ${He}'s perfect for ${V.clubName}, which practically exists to match citizens up with young slaves.`;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsOld === -2) {
+						if (slave.physical <= 18 && slave.physical >= 13) {
+							r += ` ${He}'s perfect for ${V.clubName}, which practically exists to match citizens up with teenage slaves.`;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsOld === -3) {
+						if (slave.physical < 13) {
+							r += ` ${He}'s perfect for ${V.clubName}, which practically exists to match citizens up with ${loli} slaves.`;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.clubAdsXX === 1) {
+						if (slave.dick === 0 && slave.scrotum === 0) {
+							r += ` Almost everyone who comes to ${V.clubName} is looking to fuck a ${girl} like ${him}.`;
+						}
+					} else if (V.clubAdsXX === -1) {
+						if (slave.dick > 0) {
+							r += ` Almost everyone who comes to ${V.clubName} is looking to poke a ${girl} who cums when buttfucked.`;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if ((slave.hears === -1 && slave.earwear !== "hearing aids") || (slave.hears === 0 && slave.earwear === "muffling ear plugs") || (slave.hears === -2)) {
+					r += ` ${His} inability to move to the rhythm of the music is very off putting to those looking to party.`;
+				}
+				if (V.DJ !== 0) {
+					const DJpronouns = getPronouns(V.DJ);
+					if (V.DJRepBonus > 0) {
+						if (slave.assignment === "serve the public") {
+							r += ` Working`;
+						} else {
+							r += ` Living and working`;
+						}
+						r += ` out of the club, ${he} comes under ${SlaveFullName(V.DJ)}'s `;
+						if (V.DJRepBonus < 0.1) {
+							r += `completely inept`;
+						} else if (V.DJRepBonus < 0.2) {
+							r += `unskilled`;
+						} else if (V.DJRepBonus < 0.3) {
+							r += `skillful`;
+						} else {
+							r += `masterful`;
+						}
+						r += ` leadership.`;
+						if (V.DJ.face > 40 && (V.DJ.intelligence + V.DJ.intelligenceImplant > 50)) {
+							if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+								r += ` The DJ is such a gorgeous diva that ${he}'s swept along by ${DJpronouns.his} charisma, and does ${his} best to be a worthy part of ${DJpronouns.his} entourage.`;
+							}
+						}
+						if (V.DJignoresFlaws !== 1) {
+							if (!["abusive", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "breeder", "cum addict", "malicious", "neglectful", "none", "self hating"].includes(slave.sexualFlaw) && jsRandom(1, 100) > 90) {
+								r += ` ${SlaveFullName(V.DJ)} manages to <span class="green">break</span> ${slave.slaveName} of ${his} sexual flaws.`;
+								slave.sexualFlaw = "none";
+							} else if (slave.behavioralFlaw !== "none" && jsRandom(1, 100) > 90) {
+								r += ` ${SlaveFullName(V.DJ)} manages to <span class="green">break</span> ${slave.slaveName} of ${his} flaws.`;
+								slave.behavioralFlaw = "none";
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function usageCountDescripions(slave) {
+		r += ` ${His} appearance attracted ${beauty} members of the public (${Math.trunc(beauty / 7)} a day)`;
+		if (beauty > 160) {
+			r += `, so many that `;
+			if (canDoVaginal(slave) && canDoAnal(slave)) {
+				r += `each of ${his} holes was`;
+			} else if (canDoVaginal(slave) || canDoAnal(slave)) {
+				r += `each of ${his} available holes was`;
+			} else {
+				r += `${his} mouth and anywhere else a dick could fit was`;
+			}
+			r += ` often filled by more than one cock`;
+		} else if (beauty > 140) {
+			r += `, so many that ${he} spent much of ${his} time getting gangbanged`;
+		} else if (beauty > 120) {
+			r += `, so many that citizens often `;
+			if (canDoAnal(slave) || canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+				r += `spitroasted`;
+			} else {
+				r += `double-teamed`;
+			}
+			r += ` the slut`;
+		} else if (beauty > 100) {
+			r += `, so many that ${he} frequently had sex with multiple citizens at once`;
+		} else if (beauty > 70) {
+			r += `, so many that ${he} occasionally had sex with multiple citizens at once`;
+		}
+		r += `. Most of them `;
+		if (FuckResult > 15) {
+			r += `were putty in ${his} hands.`;
+		} else if (FuckResult > 10) {
+			r += `greatly enjoyed ${his} services.`;
+		} else if (FuckResult > 5) {
+			r += `enjoyed ${his} body.`;
+		} else {
+			r += `liked using ${him}.`;
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function comingOfAge(slave) {
+		if (slave.physicalAge === V.minimumSlaveAge && slave.physicalAge === V.fertilityAge && canGetPregnant(slave) && (arcology.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset" || arcology.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset") && arcology.FSRestart === "unset") {
+			if (slave.birthWeek === 0) {
+				r += ` ${He} just turned ${V.minimumSlaveAge} this week, giving ${him} an immense boost to both popularity and appeal. ${He} is also expected to become fertile soon, giving ${him} an additional boost as citizens clamor to claim ${his} fresh womb.`;
+			} else if (slave.birthWeek < 4) {
+				r += ` This is still the first month in which it's legal to pay to fuck ${him}, giving ${him} a boost to both popularity and appeal. ${He} was also anticipated to become fertile this month, and ${his} womb is still unoccupied, giving ${him} an additional boost.`;
+			}
+		} else if (slave.physicalAge === V.minimumSlaveAge) {
+			if (slave.birthWeek === 0) {
+				r += ` ${He} just turned ${V.minimumSlaveAge} this week, giving ${him} an immense boost to both popularity and appeal.`;
+			} else if (slave.birthWeek < 4) {
+				r += ` This is still the first month in which it's legal to pay to fuck ${him}, giving ${him} a boost to both popularity and appeal.`;
+			}
+		} else if (slave.physicalAge === V.fertilityAge && canGetPregnant(slave) && (arcology.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset" || arcology.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset")) {
+			if (slave.birthWeek === 0) {
+				r += ` ${He} is expected to become fertile soon, giving ${him} an immense boost to both popularity and appeal as citizens clamor to claim ${his} fresh womb.`;
+			} else if (slave.birthWeek < 4) {
+				r += ` This is still the first month in which ${he} was anticipated to become fertile, and ${his} womb is still unoccupied, giving ${him} a boost to both popularity and appeal.`;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function mentalEffects(slave) {
+		if (slave.behavioralQuirk === "advocate") {
+			r += ` ${slave.slaveName} <span class="hotpink">really enjoys</span> being able to share ${his} convert's enthusiasm about slavery with new people.`;
+			slave.devotion += 1;
+		} else if (slave.behavioralQuirk === "funny") {
+			r += ` ${slave.slaveName} <span class="hotpink">really enjoys</span> making so many people laugh.`;
+			slave.devotion += 1;
+		}
+		if (slave.sexualQuirk === "tease") {
+			r += ` ${slave.slaveName} <span class="mediumaquamarine">trusts your judgment</span> in assigning ${him} a job that affords ${him} a chance to tease and flirt.`;
+			slave.trust += 1;
+		}
+		if (slave.assignment === "serve in the club" && slave.devotion > 50) {
+			r += ` Being so far from your presence <span class="mediumorchid">weakens ${his} intense devotion to you.</span>`;
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function physicalEffects(slave) {
+		let injury = 0;
+		if (slave.assignment !== "serve in the club") {
+			if (slave.curatives > 0 || slave.inflationType === "curative") {
+				r += ` The drugs `;
+				if (slave.inflationType === "curative") {
+					r += `${he} holds within ${his} gut`;
+				} else {
+					r += `${he}'s on`;
+				}
+				r += ` protect ${him} from the wear of being a slut.`;
+			} else if (slave.health < -50) {
+				r += ` The stress of being a slut while ill is <span class="red">very hard on ${him}.</span>`;
+				slave.health -= 10;
+				injury = 1;
+			} else if (slave.health < -20 && jsRandom(1, 100) > 50) {
+				r += ` The stress of being a slut while ill is <span class="red">hard on ${him}.</span>`;
+				slave.health -= 7;
+				injury = 1;
+			} else if (slave.vagina < 0) {
+				if ((slave.analSkill + slave.oralSkill) >= 200) {
+					r += ` ${He}'s such an expert public servant that ${he} copes with the stress of being a ${SlaveTitle(slave)} slut.`;
+				} else if (jsRandom(1, 100) > (40 + (10 * (slave.analSkill + slave.oralSkill)))) {
+					r += ` The stress of being a ${SlaveTitle(slave)} slut is <span class="red">hard on ${him}.</span>`;
+					slave.health -= 7;
+					injury = 1;
+				}
+			} else if (slave.vagina > 0 && !canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+				if (canDoAnal(slave)) {
+					if ((slave.analSkill + slave.oralSkill) >= 200) {
+						r += ` ${He}'s such an expert slut that ${he} copes with the stress of being limited to buttsex and oral.`;
+					} else if (jsRandom(1, 100) > (40 + (10 * (slave.analSkill + slave.oralSkill)))) {
+						r += ` The stress of being limited to buttsex and oral is <span class="red">hard on ${him}.</span>`;
+						slave.health -= 7;
+						injury = 1;
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (slave.oralSkill >= 100) {
+						r += ` ${He}'s such an expert slut that ${he} copes with the stress of being limited to oral.`;
+					} else if (jsRandom(1, 100) > (40 + (10 * slave.oralSkill))) {
+						r += ` The stress of being limited to oral sex is <span class="red">hard on ${him}.</span>`;
+						slave.health -= 7;
+						injury = 1;
+					}
+				}
+			} else if ((slave.analSkill + slave.oralSkill + slave.vaginalSkill) < 300) {
+				if (jsRandom(1, 100) > (10 + ((slave.analSkill + slave.oralSkill + slave.vaginalSkill) / 10))) {
+					injury = 1;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (injury === 1) {
+			slave.health -= 3;
+			let injuryChance;
+			if (canDoAnal(slave)) {
+				injuryChance = jsRandom(1, 100);
+			} else {
+				injuryChance = jsRandom(1, 80);
+			}
+			if (injuryChance > 80) {
+				slave.minorInjury = "sore ass";
+				r += ` Rough anal with a careless citizen left ${him} with a <span class="red">${slave.minorInjury}.</span>`;
+				r += minorInjuryResponse(slave);
+			} else if (injuryChance > 60) {
+				slave.minorInjury = "black eye";
+				r += ` A violent citizen left ${him} with a <span class="red">${slave.minorInjury}.</span>`;
+				r += minorInjuryResponse(slave);
+			} else if (injuryChance > 40) {
+				slave.minorInjury = "split lip";
+				r += ` An abusive citizen left ${him} with a <span class="red">${slave.minorInjury}.</span>`;
+				r += minorInjuryResponse(slave);
+			} else if (injuryChance > 20) {
+				slave.minorInjury = "bad bruise";
+				r += ` A rough citizen left ${him} with a <span class="red">${slave.minorInjury}.</span>`;
+				r += minorInjuryResponse(slave);
+			} else {
+				slave.minorInjury = "sore muscle";
+				r += ` The hard labor of constant sex left ${him} with a <span class="red">${slave.minorInjury}.</span>`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+			if (slave.vagina === 0) {
+				if (slave.aphrodisiacs > 1 || slave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") {
+					r += ` ${His} virginity goes to the <span class="green">citizen who most deserves the gift of a slave's cherry.</span> ${He}'s so full of aphrodisiacs that ${he} <span class="hotpink">enjoys the experience.</span> <span class="lime">${His} pussy is now broken in.</span>`;
+					slave.devotion += 4;
+					slave.vagina = 1;
+				} else if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+					r += ` ${His} virginity goes to the <span class="green">citizen who most deserves the gift of a slave's cherry.</span> Losing ${his} virginity in this way <span class="hotpink">confirms ${his} submission to you.</span> <span class="lime">${His} pussy is now broken in.</span>`;
+					slave.devotion += 4;
+					slave.vagina = 1;
+				} else {
+					r += ` ${His} virginity goes to the <span class="green">citizen who most deserves the gift of a slave's cherry.</span> ${He} tries to resist, and losing ${his} virginity to a rape makes ${him} <span class="mediumorchid">hate</span> and <span class="gold">fear</span> you a great deal. <span class="lime">${His} pussy is now broken in.</span>`;
+					slave.devotion -= 10;
+					slave.trust -= 10;
+					slave.vagina = 1;
+				}
+			} else if (slave.vagina < 3) {
+				if (jsRandom(1, 100) > ((170 - beauty) + (slave.vagina * 10) + (slave.vaginalSkill / 3))) {
+					r += ` <span class="lime">${His} pussy gets loosened by the intense use.</span>`;
+					slave.vagina += 1;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (canDoAnal(slave)) {
+			if (slave.anus === 0) {
+				if (slave.aphrodisiacs > 1 || slave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") {
+					r += ` ${His} tight little anus goes to the <span class="green">most prominent citizen</span> to show an interest in an anal virgin. ${He}'s so full of aphrodisiacs that ${he} <span class="hotpink">enjoys the experience.</span> ${His} fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it <span class="lime">${he} won't sit down.</span>`;
+					slave.devotion += 4;
+					slave.anus = 2;
+				} else if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+					r += ` ${His} tight little anus goes to the <span class="green">most prominent citizen</span> to show an interest in an anal virgin. The pain and humiliation <span class="hotpink">confirm ${his} submission to you.</span> ${His} fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it <span class="lime">${he} won't sit down.</span>`;
+					slave.devotion += 4;
+					slave.anus = 2;
+				} else {
+					r += ` ${His} tight little anus goes to the <span class="green">most prominent citizen</span> to show an interest in an anal virgin. The pain and humiliation increases ${his} <span class="mediumorchid">hatred</span> and <span class="gold">fear</span> for you. ${His} fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it <span class="lime">${he} won't sit down.</span>`;
+					slave.devotion -= 5;
+					slave.trust -= 5;
+					slave.anus = 2;
+				}
+			} else if (slave.anus < 3) {
+				if (slave.vagina < 0) {
+					if (jsRandom(1, 100) > ((150 - beauty) + (slave.anus * 10) + (slave.analSkill / 6))) {
+						r += ` <span class="lime">${His} asshole sees constant use in place of a pussy and loosens.</span>`;
+						slave.anus += 1;
+					}
+				} else if (!canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+					if (jsRandom(1, 100) > ((150 - beauty) + (slave.anus * 10) + (slave.analSkill / 6))) {
+						r += ` <span class="lime">${His} asshole sees constant use in place of ${his} protected pussy and loosens.</span>`;
+						slave.anus += 1;
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (jsRandom(1, 100) > ((160 - beauty) + (slave.anus * 10) + (slave.analSkill / 6))) {
+						r += ` <span class="lime">${His} asshole loosens with constant use.</span>`;
+						slave.anus += 1;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function slaveSkills(slave) {
+		let skillIncrease;
+		if (!setup.entertainmentCareers.includes(slave.career) && slave.skillE < V.masteredXP) {
+			slave.skillE += jsRandom(1, Math.ceil((slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant) / 15) + 8);
+		}
+		if (setup.entertainmentCareers.includes(slave.career)) {
+			r += ` ${He} has experience with entertainment from ${his} life before ${he} was a slave, making ${him} more effective.`;
+		} else if (slave.skillE >= V.masteredXP) {
+			r += ` ${He} has learned to be entertaining from working for you, making ${him} more effective.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+			if (!canWalk(slave)) {
+				r += ` Since ${he} can't walk, never mind dance, ${he} sits on a stool near the floor to flirt until a citizen feels like helping ${him} back to a private room.`;
+			} else if (slave.entertainSkill <= 30) {
+				r += ` ${He} attracts some attention by stripping, come-ons, and simple dancing.`;
+			} else if (slave.entertainSkill <= 60) {
+				r += ` ${He} attracts more attention with striptease, flirting, and erotic dancing.`;
+			} else if (slave.entertainSkill < 100) {
+				r += ` ${He} attracts much attention with arousing innuendo and lusty striptease.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` ${He} attracts popular attention with clever flirting and world-class erotic dancing.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.aphrodisiacs > 1 || slave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") {
+			r += ` The aphrodisiac cocktail has ${him} so desperately horny that regardless of ${his} personal feelings, ${he} <span class="hotpink">gets off with the public all week.</span> In ${his} drug-addled state ${he} doesn't remember enough to learn sexual skills.`;
+			slave.devotion += 4;
+		} else if (slave.devotion <= 20 && slave.energy <= 95) {
+			if (slave.trust >= -20) {
+				r += ` ${He} tries to refuse being treated as an open slut, so ${he} is restrained for public use. ${He} loses a bit of ${himself} to a week of rape, but remembers enough to know <span class="mediumorchid">you're responsible,</span> and <span class="gold">can force ${him} if necessary.</span>`;
+				slave.devotion -= 5;
+				slave.trust -= 5;
+			} else {
+				r += ` ${He} doesn't show much enthusiasm, but the habit of sexual slavery <span class="hotpink">wears away at ${his} will.</span>`;
+				slave.devotion += 4;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ((slave.oralSkill + slave.analSkill >= 200) && ((slave.vaginalSkill >= 100) || !canDoVaginal(slave))) {
+				r += ` ${He}'s a <span class="aquamarine">sexual master</span> `;
+				if (canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+					r += `whose`;
+				} else {
+					r += `and despite `;
+					if (slave.vagina < 0) {
+						r += `${his} lack of a`;
+					} else {
+						r += `the inaccessibility of ${his}`;
+					}
+					r += ` front hole, ${his}`;
+				}
+				r += ` charms are only for the <span class="green">most prominent citizens.</span> When ${he}'s not `;
+				if (canDoVaginal(slave) && jsRandom(1, 4) === 1) {
+					r += `pleasing high society with ${his} `;
+					if (slave.prestige > 1 || slave.pornPrestige > 2) {
+						r += `prestigious`;
+					} else {
+						r += `popular`;
+					}
+					r += ` pussy,`;
+				} else if (beauty > 70 && jsRandom(1, 3) === 1) {
+					r += `getting gangbanged,`;
+				} else if (jsRandom(1, 2) === 1) {
+					r += `giving away one of ${his} `;
+					if (slave.prestige > 1 || slave.pornPrestige > 2) {
+						r += `famous`;
+					} else {
+						r += `top-tier`;
+					}
+					r += ` blowjobs,`;
+				} else {
+					r += `providing free access to ${his} `;
+					if (slave.prestige > 1 || slave.pornPrestige > 2) {
+						r += `legendary`;
+					} else {
+						r += `notorious`;
+					}
+					r += ` anus,`;
+				}
+				r += ` ${he} offers personal training and sexual therapy.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` ${He} shows diligence, and ${his} <span class="green">sexual skills improve,</span> according to what the citizens demand`;
+				if (!canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+					r += ` and what's possible for ${him}`;
+				}
+				r += `.`;
+				skillIncrease = (5 + Math.floor((slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant) / 32) + V.oralUseWeight);
+				r += `${SkillIncrease.Oral(slave, skillIncrease)}`;
+				if (canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+					skillIncrease = (5 + Math.floor((slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant) / 32) + V.vaginalUseWeight);
+					r += `${SkillIncrease.Vaginal(slave, skillIncrease)}`;
+				}
+				if (canDoAnal(slave)) {
+					skillIncrease = (5 + Math.floor((slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant) / 32) + V.analUseWeight);
+					r += `${SkillIncrease.Anal(slave, skillIncrease)}`;
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.amp !== 1) {
+				if (slave.entertainSkill < 100) {
+					r += ` ${He} gains experience as a public slut.`;
+					skillIncrease = (10 + Math.floor((slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant) / 32));
+					r += `${SkillIncrease.Entertain(slave, skillIncrease)}`;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function publicReactions(slave) {
+		let sstp;
+		if (slave.releaseRules === "restrictive" && slave.standardReward !== "orgasm") {
+			r += ` ${He}'s a better slut because public service is ${his} main sexual outlet.`;
+		}
+		//Someone double check this block
+		if (V.familyTesting === 1) {
+			if (totalRelatives(slave) > 0) {
+				let children = [];
+				children = V.slaves.filter(
+					function(s) {
+						return ((slave.ID === s.father || slave.ID === s.mother || s.ID === slave.father || s.ID === slave.mother || areSisters(slave, s) > 0) && (s.assignment === slave.assignment));
+					}
+				);
+				if (children.length > 2) {
+					r += ` Since ${his} relatives,`;
+					sstp = 0;
+					for (; sstp < children.length; sstp++) {
+						if (sstp < children.length - 1) {
+							r += ` ${children[sstp].slaveName},`;
+						} else {
+							r += ` and ${children[sstp].slaveName},`;
+						}
+					}
+					r += ` are public sluts too, ${he} earns extra attention.`;
+					if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20) {
+						r += ` Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.`;
+					} else if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy === 1) {
+						r += ` Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex.`;
+					}
+				} else if (children.length > 1) {
+					r += ` Since ${his} relatives, ${children[0].slaveName} and ${children[1].slaveName}, are public sluts too, ${he} earns extra attention.`;
+					if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20) {
+						r += ` Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.`;
+					} else if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy === 1) {
+						r += ` Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex.`;
+					}
+				} else if (children.length > 0) {
+					r += ` Since ${his} relative, ${children[0].slaveName}, is a public slut too, ${he} earns extra attention.`;
+					if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20) {
+						r += ` Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.`;
+					} else if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy === 1) {
+						r += ` Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex.`;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (slave.relation !== 0) {
+				sstp = V.slaveIndices[slave.relationTarget];
+				if (sstp !== undefined && slave.assignment === V.slaves[sstp].assignment) {
+					r += ` Since ${his} ${V.slaves[sstp].relation} ${V.slaves[sstp].slaveName} is a public slut too, ${he} earns extra attention.`;
+					if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20) {
+						r += ` Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.`;
+					} else if (arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy === 1) {
+						r += ` Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex.`;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.relationship > 0) {
+			sstp = V.slaveIndices[slave.relationshipTarget];
+			if (sstp !== undefined && slave.assignment === V.slaves[sstp].assignment) {
+				r += ` ${His} ${relationshipTerm(slave)} ${V.slaves[sstp].slaveName} is also serving the public and they work well together.`;
+			}
+		} else if (slave.relationship === -1) {
+			r += ` ${He} relies on citizens' desire to fuck ${him} for emotional support, making ${him} an excellent, if occasionally disturbing, slut.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.rivalry !== 0) {
+			sstp = V.slaveIndices[slave.rivalryTarget];
+			if (sstp !== undefined && slave.assignment === V.slaves[sstp].assignment) {
+				r += ` ${He}'s a little less effective due to ${his} mutual dislike with ${V.slaves[sstp].slaveName}.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.minorInjury !== 0) {
+			r += ` ${He} attracts fewer people due to ${his} minor injury.`;
+		}
+		if ((slave.hears === -1 && slave.earwear !== "hearing aids") || (slave.hears === 0 && slave.earwear === "muffling ear plugs") ||(slave.hears === -2)) {
+			r += ` ${His} trouble hearing causes ${him} to miss potential partners.`;
+		}
+		if (canTalk(slave)) {
+			if (slave.voice > 2) {
+				if (slave.voiceImplant > 0) {
+					r += ` ${His} high-pitched bimbo voice improves ${his} come-ons.`;
+				} else {
+					r += ` ${His} high, girly voice improves ${his} come-ons.`;
+				}
+			} else if (slave.voice === 1) {
+				r += ` Most citizens find ${his} deep voice unattractive, making it harder for ${him} to flirt successfully.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (arcology.FSTransformationFetishist > 20 || arcology.FSDegradationist > 20) {
+			if ((V.modScore > 15) || (V.piercingScore > 8 && V.tatScore > 5)) {
+				r += ` The public fetishizes body mods and considers ${hers} fascinating.`;
+			} else if (V.modScore > 7) {
+				r += ` The public fetishizes body mods and considers ${hers} interesting.`;
+			}
+		} else if (arcology.FSBodyPurist > 20 || arcology.FSPaternalist > 20) {
+			if (V.modScore > 7) {
+				r += ` The public disapproves of body mods and is pleased that ${he}'s unspoiled in that regard.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` The public disapproves of body mods and considers ${hers} unappealing.`;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ((V.modScore > 15) || (V.piercingScore > 8 && V.tatScore > 5)) {
+				r += ` ${He} has so much body art that most potential patrons don't think ${he} needs any more.`;
+			} else if (slave.corsetPiercing !== 0 || V.piercingScore >= 3 || V.tatScore >= 2) {
+				r += ` ${His} body art helps attract patrons to use $him freely.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.aphrodisiacs > 1 || (slave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac" && slave.inflation > 1)) {
+			r += ` On such a heavy aphrodisiac dose, ${he} can't wait for each citizen to fuck ${him}.`;
+			if (slave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac" && canDoAnal(slave)) {
+				r += ` Which is practically nonstop, as anyone that fucks ${his} ass gets a hit of the aphrodisiacs within ${his} belly.`;
+			}
+		} else if (slave.aphrodisiacs > 0 || (slave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac")) {
+			r += ` On aphrodisiacs, ${he} climaxes with every citizen.`;
+			if (slave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac" && canDoAnal(slave)) {
+				r += ` Which happens often, as anyone that fucks ${his} ass gets a tiny hit of the aphrodisiacs within ${his} belly.`;
+			}
+		} else if (slave.devotion > 95) {
+			r += ` ${He}'s so devoted that ${he} does ${his} best and pleases every citizen.`;
+		} else if (slave.devotion > 50) {
+			r += ` ${He}'s so devoted that ${he} works hard to please citizens.`;
+		} else if (slave.trust < -20) {
+			r += ` ${He}'s afraid of you, so ${he} works hard to please citizens.`;
+		} else {
+			r += ` ${He} neither loves nor fears you enough to work hard, and makes a poor slut.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.butt > 4 && slave.boobs > 800) {
+			if (arcology.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` ${His} huge, fashionable assets are immensely popular.`;
+				if (canTalk(slave)) {
+					if (slave.voice > 2) {
+						r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} bimbo image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+					}
+				}
+			} else if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast >= 20) {
+				r += ` ${He} receives little attention for ${his} large assets since many citizens consider them disgusting.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` The public enjoys ${his} huge assets.`;
+			}
+			if (arcology.FSGenderRadicalist !== "unset") {
+				if (slave.dick > 0) {
+					r += ` The new appetite for stacked sluts with dicks makes ${him} especially successful.`;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.visualAge >= 30) {
+			if (arcology.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` ${His} mature body is very fashionable.`;
+			} else if (arcology.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` ${His} old body is badly out of fashion.`;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (arcology.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` ${His} youthful body is very fashionable.`;
+			} else if (arcology.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` ${His} young body is out of fashion.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (arcology.FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty + arcology.FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty > 0) {
+			if (V.genderLawPass === 1) {
+				if (arcology.FSAssetExpansionist !== "unset") {
+					r += ` The public enjoys ${his} fashionably feminine body.`;
+				} else {
+					r += ` The public enjoys ${his} sleek, girlish figure.`;
+				}
+				if (canTalk(slave) && slave.voice > 2) {
+					r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} girlish image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw === 1) {
+			if (slimPass(slave) === 1) {
+				r += ` The public enjoys ${his} fashionably sleek little body.`;
+				if (canTalk(slave) && slave.voice > 2) {
+					r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} girlish image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+				}
+			}
+		} else if (arcology.FSHedonisticDecadenceLaw2 === 1) {
+			if (slave.boobs >= 2000 && slave.butt >= 5 && slave.weight > 95) {
+				r += ` The public enjoys ${his} fashionably plump body.`;
+				if (canTalk(slave) && slave.voice > 2) {
+					r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} feminine image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+				}
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (slave.boobs < 500 && slave.butt < 3) {
+				if (slave.muscles <= 30 && arcology.FSPhysicalIdealist === "unset" && slave.weight <= 10 && arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence === "unset") {
+					if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20) {
+						r += ` The public enjoys ${his} fashionably sleek little body.`;
+					} else {
+						r += ` The public enjoys ${his} sleek, girlish figure.`;
+					}
+					if (canTalk(slave) && slave.voice > 2) {
+						r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} girlish image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+					}
+				} else if (arcology.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset") { // no muscle malus for muscle loving societies
+					if (arcology.FSPhysicalIdealistStrongFat === 1 && slave.weight <= 30) { // reduced weight malus for fat loving societies
+						if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20) {
+							r += ` The public enjoys ${his} fashionably sleek little body.`;
+						} else {
+							r += ` The public enjoys ${his} sleek, girlish figure.`;
+						}
+						if (canTalk(slave) && slave.voice > 2) {
+							r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} girlish image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+						}
+					} else if (slave.weight <= 10) {
+						if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20) {
+							r += ` The public enjoys ${his} fashionably sleek little body.`;
+						} else {
+							r += ` The public enjoys ${his} sleek, girlish figure.`;
+						}
+						if (canTalk(slave) && slave.voice > 2) {
+							r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} girlish image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+						}
+					}
+				} else if (arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset" && slave.weight <= 30) { // reduced weight malus for fat loving societies
+					if (arcology.FSHedonisticDecadenceStrongFat === 1) { // no muscle malus for muscle loving societies
+						if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20) {
+							r += ` The public enjoys ${his} fashionably sleek little body.`;
+						} else {
+							r += ` The public enjoys ${his} sleek, girlish figure.`;
+						}
+						if (canTalk(slave) && slave.voice > 2) {
+							r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} girlish image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+						}
+					} else if (slave.muscles <= 30) {
+						if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20) {
+							r += ` The public enjoys ${his} fashionably sleek little body.`;
+						} else {
+							r += ` The public enjoys ${his} sleek, girlish figure.`;
+						}
+						if (canTalk(slave) && slave.voice > 2) {
+							r += ` ${His} high voice contributes to ${his} girlish image, so ${he} does even better.`;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.boobsImplant === 0 && slave.buttImplant === 0 && slave.waist >= -95 && slave.bellyImplant === -1 && slave.lipsImplant === 0 && slave.faceImplant < 30) {
+			if (arcology.FSBodyPurist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` With ${his} all-natural, implant free appearance, ${he}'s very popular.`;
+			} else if (arcology.FSTransformationFetishist >= 20) {
+				r += ` The public is disappointed by ${his} all-natural, implant free appearance.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` Some discerning people appreciate ${his} all-natural, implant free appearance.`;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (arcology.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` The public appreciates ${his} augmented body.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.nipples === "fuckable") {
+			if (arcology.FSTransformationFetishist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` ${His} fuckable nipples give ${him} an edge over those without such body modifications.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` ${His} fuckable nipples entice some of the more curious citizens.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.teeth === "removable") {
+			r += ` The extra attention ${he} receives from ${his} ability to give toothless sucks is about balanced out by the citizens who are disgusted by it.`;
+		} else if (slave.teeth === "pointy") {
+			r += ` The extra attention ${he} receives due to ${his} sharp teeth is balanced by the citizens who are scared off by them.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.dick !== 0) {
+			if (arcology.FSGenderRadicalist === "unset") {
+				r += ` ${He}'s less popular because many citizens prefer sluts without cocks.`;
+			} else if (arcology.FSGenderRadicalist < 50) {
+				r += ` ${His} cock entices some citizens and disappoints others; it has little effect on ${his} popularity.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` The overwhelming majority of citizens consider ${his} cock an attraction.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.muscles > 95) {
+			if (arcology.FSPhysicalIdealist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` In the new culture of ${arcology.name} ${his} muscles are cause for great admiration.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` ${His} muscles scare off many, but some will do anything to enjoy a muscular slave.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.amp === 1) {
+			r += ` Many prefer to fuck someone with limbs, but some greatly enjoy fucking a helpless amputee.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.lactation > 0) {
+			r += ` ${He} appeals to citizens who like lactation play, or just like sluts they can drink milk from.`;
+			slave.lactationDuration = 2;
+			slave.boobs -= slave.boobsMilk;
+			slave.boobsMilk = 0;
+		}
+		if (slave.bellyPreg >= 1500 || setup.fakeBellies.includes(slave.bellyAccessory) || slave.bellyImplant >= 1500) {
+			if (arcology.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset") {
+				r =+ ` In the new culture of ${arcology.name}, ${his}`;
+				if (setup.fakeBellies.includes(slave.bellyAccessory) || slave.bellyImplant >= 1500) {
+					r += ` apparent`;
+				}
+				r += ` pregnancy gets ${him} lots of attention.`;
+			} else if (slave.bellyAccessory.FSRepopulationFocusPregPolicy === 1 && slave.bellyPreg >= 1500) {
+				r += ` It's currently trendy to be ripe with child, so ${his} pregnancy gets ${him} lots of attention.`;
+			} else if (arcology.FSRestart !== "unset") {
+				r += ` In the new culture of ${arcology.name}, ${his}`;
+				if (setup.fakeBellies.includes(slave.bellyAccessory) || slave.bellyImplant >= 1500) {
+					r += ` apparent`;
+				}
+				r += ` pregnancy is a massive turn off to citizens.`;
+			} else if (arcology.FSGenderFundamentalist !== "unset") {
+				r += ` The new respect for slave fertility ensures that ${he} gets just as much love as slaves without pregnant bellies`;
+				if (setup.fakeBellies.includes(slave.bellyAccessory) || slave.bellyImplant >= 1500) {
+					r += `, even if ${his} bump isn't real`;
+				}
+				r += `.`;
+			} else {
+				r += ` Many citizens avoid visibly pregnant slaves.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (arcology.FSRepopulationFocusMilfPolicy === 1 && slave.birthsTotal > 0) {
+			r += ` Slaves that have had children are hot right now making ${him} quite the appealing MILF.`;
+		}
+		if (V.seeRace === 1) {
+			if (slave.race === "white") {
+				r += ` The public tastes favor white ${girl}s like ${slave.slaveName}.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (arcology.FSSupremacist !== "unset") {
+			if (slave.race !== arcology.FSSupremacistRace) {
+				r += ` Some citizens fetishize ${girl}s of the servile races.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (arcology.FSSubjugationist !== "unset") {
+			if (slave.race === arcology.FSSubjugationistRace) {
+				r += ` Many prefer to use and abuse sluts of the proper slave race.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (arcology.FSEdoRevivalist !== "unset") {
+			if (slave.nationality === "Japanese" || slave.nationality === "Edo Revivalist") {
+				r =+ ` As a proper Japanese ${girl}, ${he} is considered extremely desirable.`;
+			}
+		} else if (arcology.FSChineseRevivalist !== "unset") {
+			if (slave.nationality === "Chinese" || slave.nationality === "Chinese Revivalist") {
+				r += ` As a proper Chinese ${girl}, ${he} is considered extremely desirable.`;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant > 15) {
+			r += ` ${His} intelligence helps ${him} discern everyone's needs.`;
+		} else if (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant < -15) {
+			r += ` ${He} has trouble figuring out what everyone needs.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.prestige > 0) {
+			r += ` ${He} attracts more attention because it's prestigious to be seen with ${him}.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.pornPrestige > 2) {
+			r += ` Patrons line up for the chance to spend time with the face of ${slave.porn.fameType} porn.`;
+		} else if (slave.pornPrestige > 1) {
+			r += ` ${He} has a sizable fanbase, one that is eager to spend time with ${him}.`;
+		} else if (slave.pornPrestige > 0) {
+			r += ` A few of ${his} fans recognize ${him} and eagerly make use of ${him}.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.clitPiercing === 3 && slave.devotion >= -20) {
+			r += ` Almost everyone loves ${his} orgasms encouraged by ${his} smart piercing.`;
+		} else if (slave.clitPiercing === 3) {
+			r += ` Almost everyone appreciates ${his} reduced reluctance caused by ${his} smart piercing.`;
+		}
+		if (slave.fetishKnown === 1 && slave.fetishStrength > 60) {
+			switch (slave.fetish) {
+				case "submissive":
+					r += ` ${He} receives extra attention for ${his} eagerness to submit.`;
+					break;
+				case "cumslut":
+					r += ` ${He} receives extra attention for ${his} enjoyment of cum.`;
+					break;
+				case "humiliation":
+					r += ` ${He} receives extra attention for ${his} eagerness to be humiliated by citizens.`;
+					break;
+				case "buttslut":
+					if (canDoAnal(slave)) {
+						r += ` ${He} receives extra attention for ${his} obvious enjoyment of buttsex.`;
+					}
+					break;
+				case "dom":
+					r += ` ${He} receives some extra attention for ${his} enthusiasm dominating other slaves in group sex.`;
+					break;
+				case "masochist":
+					r += ` ${He} receives extra attention for ${his} obvious enjoyment of pain.`;
+					break;
+				case "boobs":
+					r += ` ${He} receives extra attention for ${his} obvious enjoyment of a solid chest groping.`;
+					break;
+				case "sadist":
+					r += ` ${He} receives some extra attention for ${his} willingness to abuse other slaves.`;
+					break;
+				case "pregnancy":
+					if (slave.mpreg === 0) {
+						if (slave.vagina > 0 && canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+							r += ` As an impregnation fetishist ${he}'s very enthusiastic about vaginal sex.`;
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (slave.anus > 0 && canDoAnal(slave)) {
+							r += ` As an impregnation fetishist ${he}'s very enthusiastic about anal sex.`;
+						}
+					}
+					break;
+				case "mindbroken":
+					r += ` ${He} receives less attention because ${he} just lies there, totally unresponsive.`;
+					break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.attrKnown === 1) {
+			if (slave.energy > 95) {
+				r += ` As a nymphomaniac ${he} gets sexual release from every sex act and is a crowd favorite.`;
+				slave.need -= beauty;
+			} else if (slave.energy > 80) {
+				r += ` With ${his} powerful sex drive ${he} rarely has to fake an orgasm.`;
+				slave.need -= (beauty * .9);
+			} else if (slave.aphrodisiacs > 0 || slave.inflationType === "aphrodisiac") {
+				r += ` With ${his} aphrodisiac boosted libido, it's barely possible to discern ${him} from a natural nymphomaniac.`;
+				slave.need -= (beauty * .9);
+			} else if (slave.energy > 60) {
+				r += ` With ${his} good sex drive ${he} often orgasms with citizens.`;
+				slave.need -= (beauty * .8);
+			} else if (slave.energy > 40) {
+				r += ` With ${his} average sex drive ${he} occasionally orgasms with citizens.`;
+				slave.need -= (beauty * .5);
+			} else if (slave.energy > 20) {
+				r += ` With ${his} poor sex drive ${he} almost never orgasms with citizens.`;
+				slave.need -= (beauty * .1);
+			} else {
+				r += ` Since ${he}'s frigid, ${he} rarely experiences authentic arousal with citizens.`;
+			}
+			if (slave.attrXY <= 15) {
+				if (slave.attrXX <= 15) {
+					r += ` ${His} general disgust with sex makes ${him} a very poor slut.`;
+				} else if (slave.attrXX <= 85) {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual disgust with men makes ${him} a poor slut.`;
+				} else if (slave.attrXX <= 95) {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual disgust with men hinders ${him}, though ${he} is more enthusiastic with female citizens.`;
+				} else {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual disgust with men hinders ${him}, though ${he} makes up for it with female citizens.`;
+				}
+			} else if (slave.attrXY <= 85) {
+				if (slave.attrXX <= 15) {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual disgust with men makes ${him} a poor slut.`;
+				} else if (slave.attrXX <= 85) {
+					r += ` ${His} indifference to men and women makes ${him} a poor slut.`;
+				} else if (slave.attrXX <= 95) {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual indifference to men hinders ${him}, though ${he} is more enthusiastic with female citizens.`;
+				} else {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual indifference to men hinders ${him}, though $he makes up for it with female citizens.`;
+				}
+			} else if (slave.attrXY <= 95) {
+				if (slave.attrXX <= 15) {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual disgust with women hinders ${him}, though ${he} makes up for it with male citizens.`;
+				} else if (slave.attrXX <= 85) {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual indifference to women hinders ${him}, though $he makes up for it with male citizens.`;
+				} else if (slave.attrXX <= 95) {
+					r += ` ${He} has the advantage of sexual sincerity with both men and women.`;
+				} else {
+					r += ` ${He}'s a good slut with male citizens, and truly enthusiastic with women.`;
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (slave.attrXX <= 15) {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual disgust with women hinders ${him}, though ${he} is enthusiastic with male citizens.`;
+				} else if (slave.attrXX <= 85) {
+					r += ` ${His} sexual indifference to women hinders ${him}, though ${he} is enthusiastic with male citizens.`;
+				} else if (slave.attrXX <= 95) {
+					r += ` ${He}'s a good slut with female citizens, and truly enthusiastic with men.`;
+				} else {
+					r += ` ${He}'s openly lustful towards all citizens, men and women.`;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		switch (slave.behavioralQuirk) {
+			case "confident":
+				r += ` ${He}'s better at ${his} job because ${he}'s so confident in the club.`;
+				break;
+			case "cutting":
+				r += ` ${He} gets a lot of attention for ${his} ability to joke at a patron's expense.`;
+				break;
+			case "funny":
+				r += ` ${He} frequently has ${his} corner of the club doubled over with laughter at ${his} antics.`;
+				break;
+			case "adores women":
+				r += ` ${He} singles out the prettiest ladies in the club for special personal attention.`;
+				break;
+			case "adores men":
+				r += ` ${He} singles out the hottest hunks in the club for special personal attention.`;
+				break;
+			case "fitness":
+				r += ` ${He} approaches life in the club as a good workout, to the delight of ${his} exhausted partners.`;
+				break;
+			case "insecure":
+				r += ` ${He}'s very willing to be promiscuous, since ${he} values ${himself} mainly as a sex object.`;
+				break;
+			case "sinful":
+				r += ` ${He}'s explicitly sacrilegious in the club, happily transgressing against cultural boundaries.`;
+				break;
+			case "advocate":
+				r += ` ${He} believes that the club represents ${arcology.name} well, and does ${his} best to contribute.`;
+				break;
+		}
+		switch (slave.sexualQuirk) {
+			case "gagfuck queen":
+				r += ` ${He}'s a popular target for oral gangbangs in the club, late at night.`;
+				break;
+			case "painal queen":
+				if (canDoAnal(slave)) {
+					r += ` ${He}'s a popular target for anal gangbangs in the club, late at night.`;
+				}
+				break;
+			case "strugglefuck queen":
+				r += ` ${He}'s a popular target for gangbangs in the club, late at night.`;
+				break;
+			case "tease":
+				r += ` Despite being a club slut, ${he} somehow retains the ability to blush enticingly at nudity.`;
+				break;
+			case "romantic":
+				r += ` Despite being a club slut, ${he} somehow retains the ability to make ${his} citizens feel special.`;
+				break;
+			case "perverted":
+				r += ` ${He}'s comfortable with the most perverted citizens' desires.`;
+				break;
+			case "unflinching":
+				r += ` ${He}'s impossible to disgust or surprise, pleasing citizens with odd tastes.`;
+				break;
+			case "size queen":
+				r += ` ${He}'s very eager to spend quality time with big cocks, making ${him} a favorite among the well-endowed.`;
+				break;
+			case "caring":
+				r += ` ${He} really cares for everyone ${he} meets in the club, and will provide a sympathetic ear for anyone who just feels like talking.`;
+				break;
+		}
+		switch (slave.behavioralFlaw) {
+			case "arrogant":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} treats clients like they are beneath ${his} dignity.`;
+				break;
+			case "bitchy":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} makes cutting remarks to clients.`;
+				break;
+			case "odd":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because clients are annoyed by ${his} odd behavior.`;
+				break;
+			case "hates men":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} can't conceal ${his} distaste for the company of men.`;
+				break;
+			case "hates women":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} can't conceal ${his} distaste for the company of women.`;
+				break;
+			case "devout":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because people are annoyed by ${his} habit of praying for forgiveness during sex.`;
+				break;
+			case "liberated":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because people are annoyed by ${his} obvious belief that being forced to serve them is wrong.`;
+				break;
+		}
+		switch (slave.sexualFlaw) {
+			case "hates oral":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} tries to avoid sucking cock.`;
+				break;
+			case "hates anal":
+				if (canDoAnal(slave)) {
+					r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} tries to avoid taking it up the ass.`;
+				}
+				break;
+			case "hates penetration":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} tries to avoid getting fucked.`;
+				break;
+			case "repressed":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because citizens who don't feel like forcing ${him} sometimes have to cajole ${him} past ${his} repressed sexuality.`;
+				break;
+			case "idealistic":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because citizens who don't feel like forcing ${him} sometimes have to convince ${him} to have sex with them.`;
+				break;
+			case "apathetic":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} often just lies there taking dick.`;
+				break;
+			case "crude":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} isn't exactly the most elegant sexual partner.`;
+				break;
+			case "judgemental":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} openly disdains unattractive citizens.`;
+				break;
+			case "shamefast":
+				r += ` ${He} receives less gratitude because ${he} sometimes hesitates to take ${his} clothes off and get to work.`;
+				break;
+			case "cum addict":
+				r += ` ${His} abject begging for cum annoys citizens who aren't looking for oral, but this is more than outweighed by how much it delights those who are.`;
+				break;
+			case "anal addict":
+				r += ` ${His} abject begging for buttsex annoys citizens who aren't interested in fucking ${his} ass, but this is more than outweighed by how much it delights those who are.`;
+				break;
+			case "attention whore":
+				r += ` As an attention whore, public service is ${his} forte, and ${he} delights citizens with ${his} eager willingness to try anything in the open.`;
+				break;
+			case "breast growth":
+				r += ` ${His} excessive obsession with ${his} own breasts, to the detriment of most sexual intercourse, annoys citizens.`;
+				break;
+			case "abusive":
+				r += ` ${He} annoys citizens whenever ${his} sexual abusiveness becomes apparent.`;
+				break;
+			case "malicious":
+				r += ` ${He} annoys citizens whenever ${his} sexual maliciousness becomes apparent.`;
+				break;
+			case "self hating":
+				r += ` ${He} annoys citizens during the crying jags brought on by ${his} self hatred.`;
+				break;
+			case "neglectful":
+				r += ` ${He} annoys those discerning citizens who can tell that ${he} neglects to orgasm with them.`;
+				break;
+			case "breeder":
+				r += ` ${His} obsession with pregnancy annoys citizens who aren't interested in that.`;
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function addFlaw(slave) {
+		if (slave.devotion < 10) {
+			if (jsRandom(1, 100) > 70) {
+				if (slave.vaginalSkill <= 30 && canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+					r += ` After being fucked too hard too often, ${he} now <span class="red">dislikes being penetrated.</span>`;
+					slave.sexualFlaw = "hates penetration";
+				} else if (slave.analSkill <= 30 && canDoAnal(slave)) {
+					r += ` After so much anal pain, ${he} now <span class="red">dislikes being buttfucked.</span>`;
+					slave.sexualFlaw = "hates anal";
+				} else if (slave.oralSkill <= 30) {
+					r += ` After one too many facials, ${he} now <span class="red">dislikes sucking cock.</span>`;
+					slave.sexualFlaw = "hates oral";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function addRep(slave) {
+		if (slave.assignment !== "recruit girls") {
+			if (slave.assignment === "serve in the club") {
+				repX(Math.trunc((beauty * FuckResult) * (1 + (0.003 * slave.entertainSkill)) * 0.15), "publicServantClub", slave);
+			} else if (slave.assignment === "serve the public") {
+				repX(Math.trunc((beauty * FuckResult) * (1 + (0.003 * slave.entertainSkill)) * 0.15), "publicServant", slave);
+			} else {
+				repX(Math.trunc((beauty * FuckResult) * (1 + (0.003 * slave.entertainSkill)) * 0.15), "serving the public in an unregistered building", slave);
+			}
+		}
+		T.incomeStats.income += Math.trunc((beauty * FuckResult) * (1 + (0.003 * slave.entertainSkill)) * 0.15);
+	}
+	function applyFSDecoration() {
+		const fsBeauty = (0.0005 * V.FSSingleSlaveRep * beauty);
+		switch (V.clubDecoration) {
+			case "Roman Revivalist":
+				arcology.FSRomanRevivalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Aztec Revivalist":
+				arcology.FSAztecRevivalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Egyptian Revivalist":
+				arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Edo Revivalist":
+				arcology.FSEdoRevivalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Arabian Revivalist":
+				arcology.FSArabianRevivalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Chinese Revivalist":
+				arcology.FSChineseRevivalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Chattel Religionist":
+				arcology.FSChattelReligionist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Degradationist":
+				arcology.FSDegradationist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Asset Expansionist":
+				arcology.FSAssetExpansionist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Transformation Fetishist":
+				arcology.FSTransformationFetishist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Gender Radicalist":
+				arcology.FSGenderRadicalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Repopulation Focus":
+				arcology.FSRepopulationFocus += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Eugenics":
+				arcology.FSRestart += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Gender Fundamentalist":
+				arcology.FSGenderFundamentalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Physical Idealist":
+				arcology.FSPhysicalIdealist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Hedonistic":
+				arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Supremacist":
+				arcology.FSSupremacist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Subjugationist":
+				arcology.FSSubjugationist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Paternalist":
+				arcology.FSPaternalist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Pastoralist":
+				arcology.FSPastoralist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Maturity Preferentialist":
+				arcology.FSMaturityPreferentialist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Youth Preferentialist":
+				arcology.FSYouthPreferentialist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Body Purist":
+				arcology.FSBodyPurist += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+			case "Slimness Enthusiast":
+				arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast += fsBeauty;
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function sexCounts(slave) {
+		oralUse = (V.oralUseWeight + (slave.oralSkill / 30) + (slave.lips / 20));
+		analUse = 0;
+		if (canDoAnal(slave)) {
+			analUse = (V.analUseWeight + (slave.analSkill / 30) - slave.anus);
+			if (analUse < 0) {
+				analUse = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		vaginalUse = 0;
+		if (canDoVaginal(slave)) {
+			vaginalUse = (V.vaginalUseWeight + (slave.vaginalSkill / 30) - slave.vagina);
+			if (vaginalUse < 0) {
+				vaginalUse = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		mammaryUse = 0;
+		//perhaps boost this for truly massive breasts
+		if (slave.boobs > 10000) {
+			mammaryUse = (5 + V.mammaryUseWeight);
+		} else if (slave.boobs > 2000) {
+			mammaryUse = (V.mammaryUseWeight + (slave.boobs / 2000));
+		}
+		if (slave.nipples === "fuckable") {
+			mammaryUse *= 2;
+		}
+		let penetrativeUse = 0;
+		if (canDoVaginal(slave) && slave.clit > 1) {
+			penetrativeUse += (V.penetrativeUseWeight + (slave.vaginalSkill / 30) + slave.clit);
+		}
+		if (slave.dick && slave.chastityPenis !== 1) {
+			if (canPenetrate(slave)) {
+				penetrativeUse += (V.penetrativeUseWeight + slave.dick + Math.min(slave.balls, 10) / 4);
+				if (slave.drugs === "hyper testicle enhancement") {
+					penetrativeUse += Math.min(slave.balls, 5);
+				}
+			} else {
+				penetrativeUse += (V.penetrativeUseWeight + Math.min(slave.balls, 15) + Math.min(slave.balls, 10) / 8);
+				if (slave.drugs === "hyper testicle enhancement") {
+					penetrativeUse += Math.min(slave.balls, 5);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		const demand = (oralUse + analUse + vaginalUse + mammaryUse + penetrativeUse);
+		oralUse = Math.trunc((oralUse / demand) * beauty);
+		analUse = Math.trunc((analUse / demand) * beauty);
+		vaginalUse = Math.trunc((vaginalUse / demand) * beauty);
+		mammaryUse = Math.trunc((mammaryUse / demand) * beauty);
+		penetrativeUse = Math.trunc((penetrativeUse / demand) * beauty);
+		slave.oralCount += oralUse;
+		slave.publicCount += oralUse;
+		V.oralTotal += oralUse;
+		slave.analCount += analUse;
+		slave.publicCount += analUse;
+		V.analTotal += analUse;
+		slave.vaginalCount += vaginalUse;
+		slave.publicCount += vaginalUse;
+		V.vaginalTotal += vaginalUse;
+		slave.mammaryCount += mammaryUse;
+		slave.publicCount += mammaryUse;
+		V.mammaryTotal += mammaryUse;
+		slave.penetrativeCount += penetrativeUse;
+		slave.publicCount += penetrativeUse;
+		V.penetrativeTotal += penetrativeUse;
+		cervixPump = 0;
+		if (slave.cervixImplant === 1 || slave.cervixImplant === 3) {
+			cervixPump += (20 * vaginalUse);
+		}
+		if (slave.cervixImplant === 2 || slave.cervixImplant === 3) {
+			cervixPump += (20 * analUse);
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function sexualSatiation(slave) {
+		if (slave.need) {
+			if (slave.fetishKnown) {
+				switch (slave.fetish) {
+					case "submissive":
+					case "masochist":
+						if (analUse + vaginalUse > 0) {
+							r += ` ${He} enjoys being fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the ${num(analUse + vaginalUse)} dicks stuck inside ${him} this week.`;
+							slave.need -= (analUse + vaginalUse);
+						}
+						break;
+					case "dom":
+					case "sadist":
+						if (penetrativeUse > 0) {
+							r += ` ${He} enjoys being on top, and got special sexual satisfaction from the ${num(penetrativeUse)} times ${he} got to fuck someone this week.`;
+							slave.need -= 2 * penetrativeUse;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "cumslut":
+						if (oralUse > 0) {
+							r += ` ${He} enjoys sucking, and got sexual satisfaction from the ${num(oralUse)} blowjobs ${he} gave this week.`;
+							slave.need -= oralUse;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "buttslut":
+						if (analUse > 0) {
+							r += ` ${He} enjoys getting buttfucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the ${num(analUse)} times ${he} was sodomized this week.`;
+							slave.need -= analUse;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "boobs":
+						if (mammaryUse > 0) {
+							r += ` ${He} enjoys `;
+							if (slave.nipples === "fuckable") {
+								r += `having ${his} tits fucked,`;
+							} else {
+								r += `giving a good titfuck,`;
+							}
+							r += ` and got sexual satisfaction from the ${num(mammaryUse)} times they were used this week.`;
+							slave.need -= mammaryUse;
+						}
+						break;
+					case "pregnancy":
+						if (slave.mpreg === 0) {
+							if (vaginalUse > 0) {
+								r += ` ${He} enjoys having ${his} pussy fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the ${num(vaginalUse)} times ${he} got dick this week.`;
+								slave.need -= vaginalUse;
+							}
+						} else {
+							if (analUse > 0) {
+								r += ` ${He} enjoys having ${his} ass fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the ${num(analUse)} times ${he} got dick this week.`;
+								slave.need -= analUse;
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					case "humiliation":
+						r += ` ${He} enjoys the humiliation of being a public slut, and got a bit of sexual satisfaction from every sex act ${he} performed this week.`;
+						slave.need -= beauty;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if (slave.energy > 40 && slave.energy < 95) {
+			r += ` Being used sexually all week <span class="lime">increases ${his} sex drive.</span>`;
+			slave.energy += 1;
+		}
+		if (cervixPump > 0) {
+			r += ` ${He} notices ${his} <span class="lime">belly has swollen</span> from all the `;
+			if (slave.cervixImplant === 1) {
+				r += `vaginal`;
+			} else if (slave.cervixImplant === 2) {
+				r += `anal`;
+			}
+			r += ` sex ${he} had throughout the week.`;
+			slave.bellyImplant += cervixPump;
+		}
+	}
+	/** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */
+	function assignmentVignette(slave) {
+		let vignette;
+		if (slave.assignment !== "recruit girls") {
+			vignette = GetVignette(slave);
+			// I forgot what to do with __X__
+			r += ` __This week__ ${vignette.text} `;
+			if (vignette.type === "cash") {
+				if (vignette.effect > 0) {
+					r += `<span class="yellowgreen">making you an extra ${cashFormat(Math.trunc(FuckResult * vignette.effect))}.</span>`;
+				} else if (vignette.effect < 0) {
+					r += `<span class="red">losing you ${cashFormat(Math.abs(Math.trunc(FuckResult * vignette.effect)))}.</span>`;
+				} else {
+					r += `an incident without lasting effect.`;
+				}
+				cashX(Math.trunc(FuckResult * vignette.effect), "publicServant", slave);
+				T.incomeStats.rep += Math.trunc(FuckResult * vignette.effect);
+			} else if (vignette.type === "devotion") {
+				if (vignette.effect > 0) {
+					if (slave.devotion > 50) {
+						r += `<span class="hotpink">increasing ${his} devotion to you.</span>`;
+					} else if (slave.devotion >= -20) {
+						r += `<span class="hotpink">increasing ${his} acceptance of you.</span>`;
+					} else if (slave.devotion >= -50) {
+						r += `<span class="hotpink">reducing ${his} dislike of you.</span>`;
+					} else {
+						r += `<span class="hotpink">reducing ${his} hatred of you.</span>`;
+					}
+				} else if (vignette.effect < 0) {
+					if (slave.devotion > 50) {
+						r += `<span class="mediumorchid">reducing ${his} devotion to you.</span>`;
+					} else if (slave.devotion >= -20) {
+						r += `<span class="mediumorchid">reducing ${his} acceptance of you.</span>`;
+					} else if (slave.devotion >= -50) {
+						r += `<span class="mediumorchid">increasing ${his} dislike of you.</span>`;
+					} else {
+						r += `<span class="mediumorchid">increasing ${his} hatred of you.</span>`;
+					}
+				} else {
+					r += `an incident without lasting effect.`;
+				}
+				slave.devotion += (1 * vignette.effect);
+			} else if (vignette.type === "trust") {
+				if (vignette.effect > 0) {
+					if (slave.trust > 20) {
+						r += `<span class="mediumaquamarine">increasing ${his} trust in you.</span>`;
+					} else if (slave.trust >= -50) {
+						r += `<span class="mediumaquamarine">reducing ${his} fear of you.</span>`;
+					} else {
+						r += `<span class="mediumaquamarine">reducing ${his} terror of you.</span>`;
+					}
+				} else if (vignette.effect < 0) {
+					if (slave.trust > 20) {
+						r += `<span class="gold">reducing ${his} trust in you.</span>`;
+					} else if (slave.trust >= -20) {
+						r += `<span class="gold">increasing ${his} fear of you.</span>`;
+					} else {
+						r += `<span class="gold">increasing ${his} terror of you.</span>`;
+					}
+				} else {
+					r += `an incident without lasting effect.`;
+				}
+				slave.trust += (1 * vignette.effect);
+			} else if (vignette.type === "health") {
+				if (vignette.effect > 0) {
+					r += `<span class="green">improving ${his} health.</span>`;
+				} else if (vignette.effect < 0) {
+					r += `<span class="red">affecting ${his} health.</span>`;
+				} else {
+					r += `an incident without lasting effect.`;
+				}
+				slave.health += (2 * vignette.effect);
+			} else {
+				if (vignette.effect > 0) {
+					r += `<span class="green">gaining you a bit of reputation.</span>`;
+				} else if (vignette.effect < 0) {
+					r += `<span class="red">losing you a bit of reputation.</span>`;
+				} else {
+					r += `an incident without lasting effect.`;
+				}
+				repX(Math.trunc(FuckResult * vignette.effect * 0.1), "vignette", slave);
+				T.incomeStats.income += Math.trunc(FuckResult * vignette.effect * 0.1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/src/endWeek/saWorkTheFarm.js b/src/endWeek/saWorkTheFarm.js
index f3a2959ecaf417a7df026611f03a0e57550edfbc..f98e96e379d9ade463eb8a9ebc8179e7b22fdb67 100644
--- a/src/endWeek/saWorkTheFarm.js
+++ b/src/endWeek/saWorkTheFarm.js
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
-/* eslint-disable no-undef */
 window.saWorkTheFarm = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function saWorkTheFarm(slave) {
 	"use strict";
 	const V = State.variables;
 	const arcology = V.arcologies[0];
-	var pronouns = getPronouns(slave);
-	var he = pronouns.pronoun, him = pronouns.object, his = pronouns.possessive, hers = pronouns.possessivePronoun, himself = pronouns.objectReflexive, boy = pronouns.noun;
-	var He = capFirstChar(he), His = capFirstChar(his);
-	var incomeStats = getSlaveStatisticData(slave, V.facility.farmyard);
+	const pronouns = getPronouns(slave);
+	const he = pronouns.pronoun; const him = pronouns.object; const his = pronouns.possessive; const hers = pronouns.possessivePronoun; const himself = pronouns.objectReflexive; const boy = pronouns.noun;
+	const He = capFirstChar(he); const His = capFirstChar(his);
+	const incomeStats = getSlaveStatisticData(slave, V.facility.farmyard);
-	var t = `works as a farmhand this week. `;
+	let t = `works as a farmhand this week. `;
 	if (V.Farmer !== 0) {
 		t += `While there, ${he} benefits from ${V.Farmer.slaveName}'s `;
@@ -85,7 +83,7 @@ window.saWorkTheFarm = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function saWo
 	if (slave.tired === 1) {
 		t += `${He} is so tired that ${he} doesn't have the energy to work efficiently, impacting ${his} production. `;
-	t += `As a result, ${he} produces @@.chocolate;` + massFormat(food) + `@@ of food over the week. `;
+	t += `As a result, ${he} produces @@.chocolate;${ massFormat(food) }@@ of food over the week. `;
 	// Close Food Production
@@ -105,9 +103,9 @@ window.saWorkTheFarm = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function saWo
 		if (arcology.FSSubjugationist !== "unset") {
 			if (slave.race === arcology.FSSubjugationistRace) {
-				t += `Society @@.green;approves@@ of the degradation you submit your ` + arcology.FSSubjugationistRace + ` slaves to, and so ${he} earns you a bit more. `;
+				t += `Society @@.green;approves@@ of the degradation you submit your ${ arcology.FSSubjugationistRace } slaves to, and so ${he} earns you a bit more. `;
 			} else {
-				t += `Society doesn't disapprove of ${him} not being ` + arcology.FSSubjugationistRace + `, but ${he} doesn't earn as much as ${he} would if ${he} was ` + arcology.FSSubjugationistRace + `. `;
+				t += `Society doesn't disapprove of ${him} not being ${ arcology.FSSubjugationistRace }, but ${he} doesn't earn as much as ${he} would if ${he} was ${ arcology.FSSubjugationistRace }. `;
 		if (arcology.FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset") {
@@ -203,16 +201,16 @@ window.saWorkTheFarm = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function saWo
 		if (arcology.FSYouthPreferentialist !== "unset") {
 			if (slave.visualAge > 25) {		// TODO: not sure about this age
-				t += arcology.name + `'s citizens @@.red;disapprove@@ of your using such old slaves to put on shows. `;
+				t += `${arcology.name }'s citizens @@.red;disapprove@@ of your using such old slaves to put on shows. `;
 			} else {
-				t += arcology.name + `'s citizens @@.green;approve@@ of your using young slaves to put on shows. `;
+				t += `${arcology.name }'s citizens @@.green;approve@@ of your using young slaves to put on shows. `;
 		if (arcology.FSMaturityPreferentialist !== "unset") {
 			if (slave.visualAge > 25) {		// TODO: not sure about this age
-				t += arcology.name + `'s citizens @@.green;approve@@ of your using mature slaves to put on shows. `;
+				t += `${arcology.name }'s citizens @@.green;approve@@ of your using mature slaves to put on shows. `;
 			} else {
-				t += arcology.name + `'s citizens @@.red;disapprove@@ of your using such young slaves to put on shows. `;
+				t += `${arcology.name }'s citizens @@.red;disapprove@@ of your using such young slaves to put on shows. `;
 		if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset") {
@@ -418,7 +416,7 @@ window.saWorkTheFarm = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function saWo
 	if (slave.behavioralQuirk === "fitness") {
-		t += slave.slaveName + ` @@.hotpink;privately enjoys@@ the exercise ${he} receives while working in ${farmyardName}. `;
+		t += `${slave.slaveName } @@.hotpink;privately enjoys@@ the exercise ${he} receives while working in ${farmyardName}. `;
 		slave.devotion += 1;
@@ -427,14 +425,14 @@ window.saWorkTheFarm = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function saWo
 	// Open Vignettes
 	if (V.showVignettes) {
-		let vignette = GetVignette(slave);
-		t += `__This week__ ` + vignette.text;
+		const vignette = GetVignette(slave);
+		t += `__This week__ ${ vignette.text}`;
 		if (vignette.type === "cash") {
 			if (vignette.effect > 0) {
-				t += ` @@.yellowgreen;making you an extra ` + cashFormat(Math.trunc(V.FResult*vignette.effect)) + `.@@ `;
+				t += ` @@.yellowgreen;making you an extra ${ cashFormat(Math.trunc(V.FResult*vignette.effect)) }.@@ `;
 			} else if (vignette.effect < 0) {
-				t += ` @@.red;losing you ` + cashFormat(Math.abs(Math.trunc(V.FResult*vignette.effect))) + `.@@ `;
+				t += ` @@.red;losing you ${ cashFormat(Math.abs(Math.trunc(V.FResult*vignette.effect))) }.@@ `;
 			} else {
 				t += ` an incident without lasting effect. `;
@@ -514,82 +512,82 @@ window.saWorkTheFarm = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function saWo
 	// Open Facility Decorations
 	if (V.farmyardDecoration !== "standard") {
-		let fsGain = Math.min(0.0001*V.FSSingleSlaveRep*(food), 1);
+		const fsGain = Math.min(0.0001*V.FSSingleSlaveRep*(food), 1);
 		switch (V.farmyardDecoration) {
 			case "Roman Revivalist":
-				arcology.FSRomanRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSRomanRevivalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSRomanRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSRomanRevivalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Aztec Revivalist":
-				arcology.FSAztecRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSAztecRevivalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSAztecRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSAztecRevivalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Egyptian Revivalist":
-				arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSEgyptianRevivalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Edo Revivalist":
-				arcology.FSEdoRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSEdoRevivalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSEdoRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSEdoRevivalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Arabian Revivalist":
-				arcology.FSArabianRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSArabianRevivalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSArabianRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSArabianRevivalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Chinese Revivalist":
-				arcology.FSChineseRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSChineseRevivalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSChineseRevivalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSChineseRevivalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Chattel Religionist":
-				arcology.FSChattelReligionist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSChattelReligionist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSChattelReligionist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSChattelReligionist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Degradationist":
-				arcology.FSDegradationist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSDegradationist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSDegradationist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSDegradationist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Repopulation Focus":
-				arcology.FSRepopulationFocus = Math.clamp(arcology.FSRepopulationFocus += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSRepopulationFocus = Math.clamp(arcology.FSRepopulationFocus += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Eugenics":
-				arcology.FSRestart = Math.clamp(arcology.FSRestart += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSRestart = Math.clamp(arcology.FSRestart += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Asset Expansionist":
-				arcology.FSAssetExpansionist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSAssetExpansionist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSAssetExpansionist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSAssetExpansionist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Transformation Fetishist":
-				arcology.FSTransformationFetishist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSTransformationFetishist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSTransformationFetishist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSTransformationFetishist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Gender Radicalist":
-				arcology.FSGenderRadicalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSGenderRadicalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSGenderRadicalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSGenderRadicalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Gender Fundamentalist":
-				arcology.FSGenderFundamentalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSGenderFundamentalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSGenderFundamentalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSGenderFundamentalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Physical Idealist":
-				arcology.FSPhysicalIdealist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSPhysicalIdealist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSPhysicalIdealist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSPhysicalIdealist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Hedonistic":
-				arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence = Math.clamp(arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence = Math.clamp(arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Supremacist":
-				arcology.FSSupremacist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSSupremacist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSSupremacist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSSupremacist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Subjugationist":
-				arcology.FSSubjugationist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSSubjugationist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSSubjugationist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSSubjugationist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Paternalist":
-				arcology.FSPaternalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSPaternalist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSPaternalist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSPaternalist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Pastoralist":
-				arcology.FSPastoralist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSPastoralist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSPastoralist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSPastoralist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Maturity Preferentialist":
-				arcology.FSMaturityPreferentialist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSMaturityPreferentialist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSMaturityPreferentialist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSMaturityPreferentialist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Youth Preferentialist":
-				arcology.FSYouthPreferentialist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSYouthPreferentialist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSYouthPreferentialist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSYouthPreferentialist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Body Purist":
-				arcology.FSBodyPurist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSBodyPurist += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSBodyPurist = Math.clamp(arcology.FSBodyPurist += fsGain, 0, 100);
 			case "Slimness Enthusiast":
-				arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = Math.clamp(arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast += fsGain,0,100);
+				arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast = Math.clamp(arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiast += fsGain, 0, 100);
 	return t;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
index dd1aa2ded71cb24cb9659037d7a04cf2194e4fab..57687e5cd45d9b3237c42acc19bc0986a067b122 100644
--- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
+++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
@@ -760,7 +760,7 @@ SLAVE ASSIGNMENTS:
 	<br><br>A good Head Girl will be @@.hotpink;[[devotion|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "From Rebellious to Devoted"]]@@ to her master and sexually skilled. Experienced slaveowners have also found that an older slave girl is often more effective than a young one. Since slavery is new, older slave girls will have spent part of their adult lives as free women, and have a deeper body of life experience to draw on.
-	<br><br>Naturally, some slaveowners form a strong emotional bond with their Head Girl. @@.mediumaquamarine;[[Trusting|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Trust"]]@@ and relying on a close companion can begin to resemble Old World relationships. It is a paradox of modern Free Cities life that such closeness is strongly frowned upon. Rumors that a prominent person is emotionally involved with his or her Head Girl can be as socially devastating as rumors of infidelity were a hundred years ago.
+	<br><br>Naturally, some slaveowners form a strong emotional bond with their Head Girl. @@.mediumaquamarine;[[Trusting|Encyclopedia][$encyclopedia = "Trust"]]@@ and relying on a close companion can begin to resemble old world relationships. It is a paradox of modern Free Cities life that such closeness is strongly frowned upon. Rumors that a prominent person is emotionally involved with his or her Head Girl can be as socially devastating as rumors of infidelity were a hundred years ago.
 	<br><br>— Lawrence, W. G., //Guide to Modern Slavery, 2037 Edition////
diff --git a/src/js/SlaveState.js b/src/js/SlaveState.js
index aa78876a4fd2f890b60df30c8d94d564da7beae7..e5a14c55c1dffaf782551a294595862614ad992a 100644
--- a/src/js/SlaveState.js
+++ b/src/js/SlaveState.js
@@ -1820,7 +1820,9 @@ App.Entity.SlaveState = class SlaveState {
 			/** constantly loses weight unless gaining, easier to lose weight. wGain + wLoss - weight gain/loss fluctuates randomly */
 			wLoss: 0,
 			/** body attempts to normalize to an androgynous state */
-			androgyny: 0
+			androgyny: 0,
+			/** slave can only ever birth girls */
+			girlsOnly: 0
 		/** oral sex count */
 		this.oralCount = 0;
diff --git a/src/js/accordianJS.js b/src/js/accordianJS.js
index cce8bdfbaaa63d8d6d64a952d02ab793c4c2b21d..88c9f9abd3903366b41f8945ccdbcb55f4b88078 100644
--- a/src/js/accordianJS.js
+++ b/src/js/accordianJS.js
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
-/* eslint-disable no-undef */
 /* Accordion 000-250-006 */
@@ -17,33 +15,32 @@
 postdisplay["doAccordionSet"] = function (content) {
 	if (variables().useAccordion === 1) {
-		Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.macro-include'))
+		Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(".macro-include"))
 			.forEach(function (element) {
-				element.classList.add('accHidden');
+				element.classList.add("accHidden");
 postdisplay["doAccordion"] = function (content) {
-	var acc = document.getElementsByClassName("accordion");
-	var i;
+	const acc = document.getElementsByClassName("accordion");
-	for (i = 0; i < acc.length; i += 1) {
+	for (let i = 0; i < acc.length; i += 1) {
 		acc[i].onclick = function () {
-			var panel = this.nextElementSibling;
-			if(panel === null || panel === undefined){
-				panel = document.getElementById(this.id + "accHidden");
-				if( panel.style.display === 'none' ) {
-					panel.style.display = '';
-				}else{
-					panel.style.display = 'none';
+			let panel = this.nextElementSibling;
+			if (panel === null || panel === undefined) {
+				panel = document.getElementById(`${this.id }accHidden`);
+				if ( panel.style.display === "none" ) {
+					panel.style.display = "";
+				} else {
+					panel.style.display = "none";
-			}else{
+			} else {
 				if (panel.style.maxHeight) {
 					panel.style.maxHeight = null;
 				} else {
-					panel.style.maxHeight = 2 * panel.scrollHeight + "px";
+					panel.style.maxHeight = `${2 * panel.scrollHeight }px`;
diff --git a/src/js/descriptionWidgets.js b/src/js/descriptionWidgets.js
index f86ef1d11aa86d418c30b3b75fb3edf204672522..c743e1e1e585459a225c4bc23da0f40992196f6d 100644
--- a/src/js/descriptionWidgets.js
+++ b/src/js/descriptionWidgets.js
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
-/* eslint-disable no-undef */
 App.Desc.Eyes = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (slave) {
 	"use strict";
 	const V = State.variables;
@@ -263,6 +261,7 @@ App.Desc.AgeAndHealth = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (sl
 	var boy = pronouns.noun;
 	var He = capFirstChar(he);
 	var His = capFirstChar(his);
+	let woman = boy === "girl" ? "woman" : "man";
 	if (!slave.fuckdoll) {
 		if (slave.health < -90) {
@@ -400,7 +399,7 @@ App.Desc.AgeAndHealth = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (sl
 		} else if (slave.actualAge < 26) {
-			r += `a young V.woman, `;
+			r += `a young ${woman}, `;
 			if (V.showAgeDetail) {
 				r += `${num(slave.actualAge)} years old; `;
 				if (V.seeAge);
@@ -413,7 +412,7 @@ App.Desc.AgeAndHealth = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (sl
 				r += `in ${his} early twenties.`;
 		} else if (slave.actualAge < 30) {
-			r += `a younger V.woman, `;
+			r += `a younger ${woman}, `;
 			if (V.showAgeDetail) {
 				r += `${num(slave.actualAge)} years old; `;
 				if (V.seeAge);
@@ -502,6 +501,7 @@ App.Desc.AgeAndHealth = /** @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave */ function (sl
 		 ** This section replaces the age/therapy texts, giving more details for the NCS condition.
 		if (slave.geneMods.NCS) {
+			let bodyNCS;
 			if ((slave.vagina < 0) && (slave.dick <= 0)) {
 				bodyNCS = 'childlike'
 			} else if ((slave.vagina < 0) && (slave.dick > 0)) {
diff --git a/src/js/generateGenetics.js b/src/js/generateGenetics.js
index ae6e5e36a36f201700199628c87cda18946d1501..635926cddef1a17bca7fadf86d8b29340d99c497 100644
--- a/src/js/generateGenetics.js
+++ b/src/js/generateGenetics.js
@@ -88,7 +88,9 @@ window.generateGenetics = (function() {
 	// gender
 	function setGender(father, mother) {
 		let gender;
-		if (V.seeDicksAffectsPregnancy === 1) {
+		if (mother.geneticQuirks.onlyGirls === 2) {
+			gender = "XX";
+		} else if (V.seeDicksAffectsPregnancy === 1) {
 			gender = Math.floor(Math.random()*100) < V.seeDicks ? "XY" : "XX";
 		} else if (V.adamPrinciple === 1) {
 			if (father !== 0) {
diff --git a/src/js/generateNewSlaveJS.js b/src/js/generateNewSlaveJS.js
index 3ad61b5724dadb1fd5b796689f5940d38c764a01..30b1d04362b9b70eb2762fd3396a23cfbe74e73f 100644
--- a/src/js/generateNewSlaveJS.js
+++ b/src/js/generateNewSlaveJS.js
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ window.GenerateNewSlave = (function() {
 		generateNationality(); /* includes race selection */
-		nationalityToName(slave);
 	function postGenCleanup() {
+		nationalityToName(slave);
 		generateBoobTweaks(); /* split this up for female vs. male? */
diff --git a/src/pregmod/criminalMarkets.tw b/src/pregmod/criminalMarkets.tw
index 9bdfc8868143357f1c876f9e6fe5a239750c4289..aeae2ec19af8e8a94676f5949ffc45de1efb6f1e 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/criminalMarkets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/criminalMarkets.tw
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ You board the transport to
 <<switch $weeklyMarket>>
 <<case "low tier criminals">> /* mixed prisoners */
-	a small prison on the edge of the city spanning from the foot of your arcology with the appearance of an Old World police station. You arrive inside and are met by a cute receptionist, asking why one such as yourself would visit such a place. With formalities out of the way, the head of the station is called and arrives shortly. "Well now, didn't expect to see you here. Came to pick up a criminal and give them a chance at not being a menial?" You are then led further into the station and into the prisoners quarters; most of them downcast and dismal, but some look up to see what the commotion is about. "You! Come here! This gentleman wants to take a look so be on your best behavior!" the head calls out, bringing one of the criminals close enough to be inspected.
+	a small prison on the edge of the city spanning from the foot of your arcology with the appearance of an old world police station. You arrive inside and are met by a cute receptionist, asking why one such as yourself would visit such a place. With formalities out of the way, the head of the station is called and arrives shortly. "Well now, didn't expect to see you here. Came to pick up a criminal and give them a chance at not being a menial?" You are then led further into the station and into the prisoners quarters; most of them downcast and dismal, but some look up to see what the commotion is about. "You! Come here! This gentleman wants to take a look so be on your best behavior!" the head calls out, bringing one of the criminals close enough to be inspected.
 <<case "gangs and smugglers">> /* males only */
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ You board the transport to
 	what looks more like an oversized vacation home rather than something one goes to for committing crimes. You enter the premises into a small chamber with a booth to the side and are immediately met with, "Ah! We've been waiting for you. Please go in. We'll call someone to guide you immediately."
-	You nod at the prompt and enter further into the luxurious building to find a formally dressed guide and what appears to be the holding area of the prison. The cells, if you can call them that, are large and cozy, each with their own computer and television. The air is also conditioned for their comfort and Old World classical music is playing to provide further ambiance. Walking through, you see the prisoners themselves, lazing about in their beds, sitting at their computers or just talking to each other. If there was ever a prison you'd rather end up in, this would be it.
+	You nod at the prompt and enter further into the luxurious building to find a formally dressed guide and what appears to be the holding area of the prison. The cells, if you can call them that, are large and cozy, each with their own computer and television. The air is also conditioned for their comfort and old world classical music is playing to provide further ambiance. Walking through, you see the prisoners themselves, lazing about in their beds, sitting at their computers or just talking to each other. If there was ever a prison you'd rather end up in, this would be it.
 	You enter the warden's office and are greeted with all due formalities, "Glad to see you at our establishment. When I heard that someone as renowned as yourself was coming over, I made the appropriate preparations." You are served a cup of tea as she brings in the chosen stock for you to observe at your leisure.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw b/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
index ded0fb6d8a4ce80b1a93701d315724de53f545ec..3a418ac65c09464e4cc58b535caf43e362984f3c 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/seFCTVshows.tw
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Tired after a long day, you tell <<if $Concubine != 0>>@@.pink;$Concubine.slaveN
 		The program is showing some poorly-shot video showing a woman with flaming-red short hair angrily shouting at a large but uncomfortable-looking man. The title text at the bottom says: <b>"EmancipationGate: Emancipation Movement Exposed"</b> The video continues, revealing more of the angry woman. She's short, wearing a sweaty tank top that makes her bushy underarm hair stand out. Based on the audio thus far, it seems she's trying to tell the large man to keep <<if $seeExtreme == 0>><i>hugging their captives until they smile</i><<else>>torturing their captives until they die<</if>>, that it has to be convincing for the camera. The man says he isn't comfortable doing that to kids, but the woman shouts him down by saying they're only migrant man brats before beginning some nonsensical babble about patriarchy and slavery. The video seems to be being shot on a small handheld device, and pans over to reveal a bunch of severely <<if $seeExtreme == 0>><i>hugged</i><<else>>beaten<</if>> children in slave chains that look like obvious S&M props to your well-trained eye. The angry woman's rant is still continuing from the background, but suddenly stops to be replaced with a yell: <i>"Get the fuck away from the subjects, you better not be fucking filming any..."</i> and the video cuts out.
 		The segment cuts back to two news anchors, a dark-haired man with a mustache and an aging bottle blonde.
-		<br><br>The bottle blonde speaks to the viewers. "Some of you may recognize the woman in that video as Angry Red, noted femsupremacist and a leading figure in the Old World Emancipation Movement. The video you saw was released along with countless other media files and documents from the movement in the EmancipationGate hacktivist attack. This particular video has been confirmed by computer analysis to be behind the scenes footage from the movement's latest documentary about the horrors of slavery."
+		<br><br>The bottle blonde speaks to the viewers. "Some of you may recognize the woman in that video as Angry Red, noted femsupremacist and a leading figure in the old world Emancipation Movement. The video you saw was released along with countless other media files and documents from the movement in the EmancipationGate hacktivist attack. This particular video has been confirmed by computer analysis to be behind the scenes footage from the movement's latest documentary about the horrors of slavery."
 		<br><br>The mustached man looks knowingly at the camera. "Anyone remotely familiar with Free City slavery knew the documentary was complete bullshit, but what we didn't know was just how far those radicalists were willing to go to make us all look bad."
 	<<elseif $randShow == 3 && $showOne > 3 || $showOne == 3>>
@@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.
 		Another common level for an arcology is the Concourse, which is typically located near the bottom of the structure. Like the Promenade, it hosts businesses, but these focus less on the luxury and entertainment needs of citizens than the Promenade. The Concourse typically houses bulk trade, necessary services such as medical clinics, corporate offices, research and development centers, and even education facilities. The best universities in the world are located on the concourse level of an arcology! Of course, the concourse also houses slave markets and slave training facilities. Some arcologies have arenas for sports or other events, while others have venues for sport combat ranging from traditional octagon fighting rings to pits reminiscent of ancient gladiatorial combat. If you're lucky, your arcology may just have a public arcade, where a variety of needs can be met at an affordable price. With research pointing to the benefits of arcades to adolescent development, family-friendly arcologies are quickly adding arcades of their own!
-		The lowest and largest level is typically known as the Service level. Its Sectors are occupied by manufacturing and industry, including the production of food resources such as livestock facilities and dairies. Menial slaves are housed in the Service level, and often work there too. The service level also contains much of an arcology's infrastructure, supplying clean water and electricity to the citizens and businesses. Another common sight in the service level is that of a warehouse, which stores the goods and raw materials an arcology needs, and also facilitates trade with other arcologies. Finally, the Service level may contain barracks and training facilities for mercenaries or arcology militia tasked to protect it from the Old World.
+		The lowest and largest level is typically known as the Service level. Its Sectors are occupied by manufacturing and industry, including the production of food resources such as livestock facilities and dairies. Menial slaves are housed in the Service level, and often work there too. The service level also contains much of an arcology's infrastructure, supplying clean water and electricity to the citizens and businesses. Another common sight in the service level is that of a warehouse, which stores the goods and raw materials an arcology needs, and also facilitates trade with other arcologies. Finally, the Service level may contain barracks and training facilities for mercenaries or arcology militia tasked to protect it from the old world.
 <<case 8>>
@@ -530,8 +530,8 @@ The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.
 	It looks like the random function chose to play
 	<<if $randShow == 1>>
 		a documentary on the surging Repopulation movement: "Continuing the Dream". After the opening credits, the documentary introduces a young and extremely pregnant woman as the commentator. The program makes an impassioned argument about the need for a new generation of citizens and slaves that were born into the dream of the free cities. The woman is wearing semi-conservative business attire, and has on elegant makeup. She looks somewhat plain when compared to the hyper-sexualized style of other FCTV programming, though she does make it plain over the course of the program that she loves sex more than ever. She tends to use herself as an example to show that pregnancy no longer means limitations or sacrifice, instead emphasizing that she's on her fifth pregnancy and would rather be with child than without.
-		<br><br>The woman makes two main points during the course of the documentary. The first is that the combined population of the free cities needs to grow explosively for 'Free City Society' to become stable. She points out several economic reasons, including the drive to invest in research and infrastructure. She has interviews with experts explaining the need for independence; that the Free Cities are still dependent on the Old World industrially and financially, and that the population must expand dramatically to avoid going down with the metaphorical ship. The more Free Cities there are, the more they become free and independent of the Old World.
-		<br><br>The second point concerns the source of the new citizens and slaves that the Free Cities need. Her arguments concerning citizens focus on the unique culture of the Free Cities, and the direction that the future society will take. She points out that immigrants from the Old World are rooted in its decaying culture. She asks her viewers how long it took them to adapt to their new lives, and how often they find themselves doubting their new home subconsciously. She admits that even she sometimes finds something wrong or repulsive, until she realizes that it's the ghost of her past life clinging to her. A noted psychologist talks about the strong hold people's earlier lives has on them, and how developing the promise of the Free Cities will need a generation untainted by the Old World. The documentary's argument for slaves largely comes down to the fact that second-generation slaves are happier, better adjusted, and simply better slaves.
+		<br><br>The woman makes two main points during the course of the documentary. The first is that the combined population of the free cities needs to grow explosively for 'Free City Society' to become stable. She points out several economic reasons, including the drive to invest in research and infrastructure. She has interviews with experts explaining the need for independence; that the Free Cities are still dependent on the old world industrially and financially, and that the population must expand dramatically to avoid going down with the metaphorical ship. The more Free Cities there are, the more they become free and independent of the old world.
+		<br><br>The second point concerns the source of the new citizens and slaves that the Free Cities need. Her arguments concerning citizens focus on the unique culture of the Free Cities, and the direction that the future society will take. She points out that immigrants from the old world are rooted in its decaying culture. She asks her viewers how long it took them to adapt to their new lives, and how often they find themselves doubting their new home subconsciously. She admits that even she sometimes finds something wrong or repulsive, until she realizes that it's the ghost of her past life clinging to her. A noted psychologist talks about the strong hold people's earlier lives has on them, and how developing the promise of the Free Cities will need a generation untainted by the old world. The documentary's argument for slaves largely comes down to the fact that second-generation slaves are happier, better adjusted, and simply better slaves.
 		<<if $IntelligenceEugenicsSMR != 0 || $HeightEugenicsSMR != 0 || $FaceEugenicsSMR != 0>>
 			It also points out the practical problems that the mass importation of slaves will cause in the gene pool.
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.
 	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist == "unset" && $randShow == 3>>
-		a documentary on the Slimness Enthusiast counter movement titled: "Slim Is In". Artistic opening credits play across the screen before a slim woman walks up and begins talking to the camera conversationally. She seems to be in her mid to late thirties, and is wearing conservative makeup to accent her natural beauty. Her narrow waist combines with her slim hips and full shoulders to create a balanced but muted hourglass profile. It's a look that was popular for decades on fashion models in the Old World, and it improves the attractiveness of her B- or C-cup breasts and taut butt. It's obvious that the woman aspires to be a role model in addition to being the documentary's commentator.
+		a documentary on the Slimness Enthusiast counter movement titled: "Slim Is In". Artistic opening credits play across the screen before a slim woman walks up and begins talking to the camera conversationally. She seems to be in her mid to late thirties, and is wearing conservative makeup to accent her natural beauty. Her narrow waist combines with her slim hips and full shoulders to create a balanced but muted hourglass profile. It's a look that was popular for decades on fashion models in the old world, and it improves the attractiveness of her B- or C-cup breasts and taut butt. It's obvious that the woman aspires to be a role model in addition to being the documentary's commentator.
 		<br><br>Much of the documentary's arguments center around the concept of fashion and the privileged. They point out how in the past societal changes have altered what people find attractive, giving skin tans as an example. When most worked outside and only the privileged stayed indoors pale skin was considered attractive. When the world changed and most people worked indoors, suddenly the tan skin of those with leisure time to spend outside came into vogue. She argues that modern hormones can easily expand the assets of the masses, but that only the privileged can afford to sculpt themselves into an ideal form like hers. She points out that even though the masses may imitate with surgery, they'll never be able to copy the naturally good bone structure and vibrancy of the well-bred elite.
@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ The offered price is <<print cashFormat($slaveCost)>>.
 		a documentary on the surging Repopulation movement: "Continuing the Dream". After the opening credits, the documentary introduces a young and extremely pregnant woman as the commentator. The program makes an impassioned argument about the need for a new generation of citizens and slaves that were born into the dream of the free cities. The woman is wearing semi-conservative business attire, and has on elegant makeup. She looks somewhat plain when compared to the hyper-sexualized style of other FCTV programming, though she does make it plain over the course of the program that she loves sex more than ever. She tends to use herself as an example to show that pregnancy no longer means limitations or sacrifice, instead emphasizing that she's on her fifth pregnancy and would rather be with child than without.
-		<br><br>The woman makes two main points during the course of the documentary. The first is that the combined population of the free cities needs to grow explosively for 'Free City Society' to become stable. She points out several economic reasons, including the drive to invest in research and infrastructure. She has interviews with experts explaining the need for independence; that the Free Cities are still dependent on the Old World industrially and financially, and that the population must expand dramatically to avoid going down with the metaphorical ship. The more Free Cities there are, the more they become free and independent of the Old World.
-		<br><br>The second point concerns the source of the new citizens and slaves that the Free Cities need. Her arguments concerning citizens focus on the unique culture of the Free Cities, and the direction that the future society will take. She points out that immigrants from the Old World are rooted in its decaying culture. She asks her viewers how long it took them to adapt to their new lives, and how often they find themselves doubting their new home subconsciously. She admits that even she sometimes finds something wrong or repulsive, until she realizes that it's the ghost of her past life clinging to her. A noted psychologist talks about the strong hold people's earlier lives has on them, and how developing the promise of the Free Cities will need a generation untainted by the Old World. The documentary's argument for slaves largely comes down to the fact that second-generation slaves are happier, better adjusted, and simply better slaves.
+		<br><br>The woman makes two main points during the course of the documentary. The first is that the combined population of the free cities needs to grow explosively for 'Free City Society' to become stable. She points out several economic reasons, including the drive to invest in research and infrastructure. She has interviews with experts explaining the need for independence; that the Free Cities are still dependent on the old world industrially and financially, and that the population must expand dramatically to avoid going down with the metaphorical ship. The more Free Cities there are, the more they become free and independent of the old world.
+		<br><br>The second point concerns the source of the new citizens and slaves that the Free Cities need. Her arguments concerning citizens focus on the unique culture of the Free Cities, and the direction that the future society will take. She points out that immigrants from the old world are rooted in its decaying culture. She asks her viewers how long it took them to adapt to their new lives, and how often they find themselves doubting their new home subconsciously. She admits that even she sometimes finds something wrong or repulsive, until she realizes that it's the ghost of her past life clinging to her. A noted psychologist talks about the strong hold people's earlier lives has on them, and how developing the promise of the Free Cities will need a generation untainted by the old world. The documentary's argument for slaves largely comes down to the fact that second-generation slaves are happier, better adjusted, and simply better slaves.
 		<<if $IntelligenceEugenicsSMR != 0 || $HeightEugenicsSMR != 0 || $FaceEugenicsSMR != 0>>
 			It also points out the practical problems that the mass importation of slaves will cause in the gene pool.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
index 3c143388f492c48a16a94ec56aa917561c80ea43..fc975ea39ff0b53452e0c1dfcfe6bb367474875c 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
-You board your VTOL bird for the trip to the current location of the particularly exclusive, and quite lucrative, Black Market knowing full well that the trip may take far longer than anticipated; the market frequently relocates to shake the unwanted attention it inevitably gains. It's far easier than paying off authorities, especially with how outrageous their demands have become with the decline of the Old World. You're greeted by a gruff bouncer, already fully aware of just who you are and your permission to be there. "Check your weapons — no firearms allowed inside.<<if $Bodyguard != 0>> $He may keep $his blade," he gestures to $Bodyguard.slaveName, "But keep in mind: if you cause us trouble, you will not be going home in one piece.<<if $Bodyguard.amp <= -4>> Oh, and one more thing." He taps his clearly bionic arm. "Disable $his weapons systems. I know what $he is capable of.<</if>><</if>>"
+You board your VTOL bird for the trip to the current location of the particularly exclusive, and quite lucrative, Black Market knowing full well that the trip may take far longer than anticipated; the market frequently relocates to shake the unwanted attention it inevitably gains. It's far easier than paying off authorities, especially with how outrageous their demands have become with the decline of the old world. You're greeted by a gruff bouncer, already fully aware of just who you are and your permission to be there. "Check your weapons — no firearms allowed inside.<<if $Bodyguard != 0>> $He may keep $his blade," he gestures to $Bodyguard.slaveName, "But keep in mind: if you cause us trouble, you will not be going home in one piece.<<if $Bodyguard.amp <= -4>> Oh, and one more thing." He taps his clearly bionic arm. "Disable $his weapons systems. I know what $he is capable of.<</if>><</if>>"
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
index 9ab5e9267b58ad0a6d8fab7d5d5ed8108bb99d1a..115c3a5bd955d4a05da0811618a38b0cd5debd87 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodWidgets.tw
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 :: pregmod widgets [nobr widget]
 <<widget "initPC">>
-	<<set $PC = {name: "Anonymous", surname: 0, title: 1, ID: -1, genes: "XY", pronoun: "he", possessive: "him", object: "his", dick: 1, vagina: 0, preg: 0, pregType: 0, pregWeek: 0, pregKnown: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, mpreg: 0, pregSource: 0, pregMood: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, boobsBonus: 0, degeneracy: 0, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, lactation: 0, lactationDuration: 0, career: "capitalist", rumor: "wealth", birthWeek: random(0,51), age: 2, sexualEnergy: 4, refreshment: "cigar", refreshmentType: 0, trading: 0, warfare: 0, slaving: 0, engineering: 0, medicine: 0, hacking: 0, cumTap: 0, race: "white", origRace: "white", skin: "white", origSkin: "white", markings: "none", eyeColor: "blue", origEye: "blue", pupil: "circular", sclerae: "white", hColor: "blonde", origHColor: "blonde", nationality: "Stateless", father: 0, mother: 0, sisters: 0, daughters: 0, birthElite: 0, birthMaster: 0, birthDegenerate: 0, birthClient: 0, birthOther: 0, birthArcOwner: 0, birthCitizen: 0, birthSelf: 0, birthLab: 0, birthFutaSis: 0, slavesFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, intelligence: 100, face: 100, faceShape: "normal", actualAge: 35, physicalAge: 35, visualAge: 35, boobsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, balls: 0, ballsImplant: 0, ageImplant: 0, newVag: 0, reservedChildren: 0, reservedChildrenNursery: 0, fertDrugs: 0, forcedFertDrugs: 0, staminaPills: 0, ovaryAge: 35, eggType: "human", ballType: "human", storedCum: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", fetish: "none", pubicHStyle: "hairless", underArmHStyle: "hairless", geneticQuirks: {macromastia: 0, gigantomastia: 0, fertility: 0, hyperFertility: 0, superfetation: 0, gigantism: 0, dwarfism: 0, pFace: 0, uFace: 0, albinism: 0, heterochromia: 0, rearLipedema: 0, wellHung: 0, wGain: 0, wLoss: 0, androgyny: 0}}>>
+	<<set $PC = {name: "Anonymous", surname: 0, title: 1, ID: -1, genes: "XY", pronoun: "he", possessive: "him", object: "his", dick: 1, vagina: 0, preg: 0, pregType: 0, pregWeek: 0, pregKnown: 0, belly: 0, bellyPreg: 0, mpreg: 0, pregSource: 0, pregMood: 0, labor: 0, births: 0, boobsBonus: 0, degeneracy: 0, voiceImplant: 0, accent: 0, shoulders: 0, shouldersImplant: 0, boobs: 0, lactation: 0, lactationDuration: 0, career: "capitalist", rumor: "wealth", birthWeek: random(0,51), age: 2, sexualEnergy: 4, refreshment: "cigar", refreshmentType: 0, trading: 0, warfare: 0, slaving: 0, engineering: 0, medicine: 0, hacking: 0, cumTap: 0, race: "white", origRace: "white", skin: "white", origSkin: "white", markings: "none", eyeColor: "blue", origEye: "blue", pupil: "circular", sclerae: "white", hColor: "blonde", origHColor: "blonde", nationality: "Stateless", father: 0, mother: 0, sisters: 0, daughters: 0, birthElite: 0, birthMaster: 0, birthDegenerate: 0, birthClient: 0, birthOther: 0, birthArcOwner: 0, birthCitizen: 0, birthSelf: 0, birthLab: 0, birthFutaSis: 0, slavesFathered: 0, slavesKnockedUp: 0, intelligence: 100, face: 100, faceShape: "normal", actualAge: 35, physicalAge: 35, visualAge: 35, boobsImplant: 0, butt: 0, buttImplant: 0, balls: 0, ballsImplant: 0, ageImplant: 0, newVag: 0, reservedChildren: 0, reservedChildrenNursery: 0, fertDrugs: 0, forcedFertDrugs: 0, staminaPills: 0, ovaryAge: 35, eggType: "human", ballType: "human", storedCum: 0, behavioralFlaw: "none", behavioralQuirk: "none", sexualFlaw: "none", sexualQuirk: "none", fetish: "none", pubicHStyle: "hairless", underArmHStyle: "hairless", geneticQuirks: {macromastia: 0, gigantomastia: 0, fertility: 0, hyperFertility: 0, superfetation: 0, gigantism: 0, dwarfism: 0, pFace: 0, uFace: 0, albinism: 0, heterochromia: 0, rearLipedema: 0, wellHung: 0, wGain: 0, wLoss: 0, androgyny: 0, girlsOnly: 0}}>>
 	<<set WombInit($PC)>>
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 <<widget "PMODinit">>
-<<set $args[0].geneticQuirks = Object.assign({macromastia: 0, gigantomastia: 0, fertility: 0, hyperFertility: 0, superfetation: 0, gigantism: 0, dwarfism: 0, pFace: 0, uFace: 0, albinism: 0, heterochromia: 0, rearLipedema: 0, wellHung: 0, wGain: 0, wLoss: 0, androgyny: 0}, $args[0].geneticQuirks)>>
+<<set $args[0].geneticQuirks = Object.assign({macromastia: 0, gigantomastia: 0, fertility: 0, hyperFertility: 0, superfetation: 0, gigantism: 0, dwarfism: 0, pFace: 0, uFace: 0, albinism: 0, heterochromia: 0, rearLipedema: 0, wellHung: 0, wGain: 0, wLoss: 0, androgyny: 0, girlsOnly: 0}, $args[0].geneticQuirks)>>
 <<set WombInit($args[0])>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
index 23a17716f403e831d060dc8bab0059b3d3835fb7..369d194bec4a949551081062faa88be630a2f76d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/BackwardsCompatibility.tw
@@ -395,6 +395,9 @@
 	<<if ndef $PC.geneticQuirks.heterochromia>>
 		<<set $PC.geneticQuirks.heterochromia = 0>>
+	<<if ndef $PC.geneticQuirks.girlsOnly>>
+		<<set $PC.geneticQuirks.girlsOnly = 0>>
+	<</if>>
 <<if $releaseID < 1032>>
 	<<if $PC.pregSource == -1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
index 7bfe1e20f93d243d6c44fc42e0f264972a8c9b88..1723cdec259f0fcfbe3839da2b1002f1cbc72f05 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/PESS.tw
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to
 	<<link "$He uses $his muscles to manhandle him">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName stomps over to the drunken delinquent, who finds himself sobering up with each step the muscular $woman makes in his direction. Soon he finds himself <<if ($activeSlave.height > 170)>>staring up at $his $activeSlave.faceShape face<<elseif ($activeSlave.height > 150)>>eye to eye with $his $activeSlave.faceShape face<<else>>looking down at $his $activeSlave.faceShape face<</if>> as $he grips him by the shoulders and lifts him bodily off of the ground. The man squeals with terror as he begs forgiveness for his affront to you, but $activeSlave.slaveName simply tosses him away from your presence as if discharging him from a bar. Word of your herculean protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the Old World mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior so strong $he can throw any man the breadth of a room in a single heave.
+		$activeSlave.slaveName stomps over to the drunken delinquent, who finds himself sobering up with each step the muscular $woman makes in his direction. Soon he finds himself <<if ($activeSlave.height > 170)>>staring up at $his $activeSlave.faceShape face<<elseif ($activeSlave.height > 150)>>eye to eye with $his $activeSlave.faceShape face<<else>>looking down at $his $activeSlave.faceShape face<</if>> as $he grips him by the shoulders and lifts him bodily off of the ground. The man squeals with terror as he begs forgiveness for his affront to you, but $activeSlave.slaveName simply tosses him away from your presence as if discharging him from a bar. Word of your herculean protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the old world mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior so strong $he can throw any man the breadth of a room in a single heave.
 		<<run repX(2500, "event", $activeSlave)>> <<if $activeSlave.prestige < 1>> <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1,$activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "Word in the arcology is $he can throw a man the breadth of a room in a single heave.">> <</if>>
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to
 	<br><<link "$He intimidates him with $his towering height">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName calmly strides over to the drunken delinquent and simply towers over him with a glower on $his $activeSlave.faceShape face. The man quickly finds himself sobering up and moves to run from the scene with all the drunken haste he can muster. Unfortunately for him, $activeSlave.slaveName matches his pace with a brisk power-walk, and the citizen soon finds himself face-down on the pavement after a swift strike to the back of the head. Word of your giant protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the Old World mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior twice the height of any man.
+		$activeSlave.slaveName calmly strides over to the drunken delinquent and simply towers over him with a glower on $his $activeSlave.faceShape face. The man quickly finds himself sobering up and moves to run from the scene with all the drunken haste he can muster. Unfortunately for him, $activeSlave.slaveName matches his pace with a brisk power-walk, and the citizen soon finds himself face-down on the pavement after a swift strike to the back of the head. Word of your giant protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the old world mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior twice the height of any man.
 		<<run repX(2500, "event", $activeSlave)>> <<if $activeSlave.prestige < 1>> <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1,$activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "Word in the arcology is $he is twice the height of any man.">> <</if>>
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to
 	<br><<link "$He distracts him with $his beautiful face">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName seductively saunters over to the drunken delinquent and poses alluringly nearby. The man can't help but become entranced by $his gorgeous $activeSlave.faceShape face, and follows $him like a lost puppy as $he beckons with one outstretched finger. $activeSlave.slaveName lures $his prey into a nearby alley before slamming $his fist into the unsuspecting drunkard's face, leaving him knocked out cold on the floor before returning to guard you. Word of your beautiful protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the Old World mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior unmatched by any $woman in the world in $his good looks.
+		$activeSlave.slaveName seductively saunters over to the drunken delinquent and poses alluringly nearby. The man can't help but become entranced by $his gorgeous $activeSlave.faceShape face, and follows $him like a lost puppy as $he beckons with one outstretched finger. $activeSlave.slaveName lures $his prey into a nearby alley before slamming $his fist into the unsuspecting drunkard's face, leaving him knocked out cold on the floor before returning to guard you. Word of your beautiful protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the old world mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior unmatched by any $woman in the world in $his good looks.
 		<<run repX(2500, "event", $activeSlave)>> <<if $activeSlave.prestige < 1>> <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1,$activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "Word in the arcology is $his beauty is unmatched by any woman in the world.">> <</if>>
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to
 	<br><<link "$He de-escalates the situation with tact">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName walks over to the man, puts an arm about his shoulders and explains to him <<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>in hushed whispers<<else>>with rapid sign language<</if>> the severity of the situation. The man sobers up quickly as the reality of his actions set in and he soon beats a hasty exit from the scene as $activeSlave.slaveName returns to guard your body. Word of your tactful protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the Old World mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior whose silver tongue is the envy of many politicians.
+		$activeSlave.slaveName walks over to the man, puts an arm about his shoulders and explains to him <<if canTalk($activeSlave)>>in hushed whispers<<else>>with rapid sign language<</if>> the severity of the situation. The man sobers up quickly as the reality of his actions set in and he soon beats a hasty exit from the scene as $activeSlave.slaveName returns to guard your body. Word of your tactful protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the old world mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior whose silver tongue is the envy of many politicians.
 		<<run repX(2500, "event", $activeSlave)>> <<if $activeSlave.prestige < 1>> <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1,$activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "$His silver tongue is the envy of many in the arcology.">> <</if>>
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ $He sees you examining at $him, and looks back at you submissively, too tired to
 	<br><<link "$He fights him hand to hand">>
 		<<EventNameDelink $activeSlave>>
 		<<replace "#result">>
-		$activeSlave.slaveName quickly maneuvers over to the man and strikes him low in the stomach, robbing him of breath in a single strike. The man sobers up somewhat and raises his arms to defend himself, but finds himself outmatched by $activeSlave.slaveName's skillful attacks. It doesn't take long for $activeSlave.slaveName to reduce the man to a battered heap on the ground with $his hands alone, after which $he soon returns to you to guard your body. Word of your martial protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the Old World mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior whose hands are deadlier than many weapons.
+		$activeSlave.slaveName quickly maneuvers over to the man and strikes him low in the stomach, robbing him of breath in a single strike. The man sobers up somewhat and raises his arms to defend himself, but finds himself outmatched by $activeSlave.slaveName's skillful attacks. It doesn't take long for $activeSlave.slaveName to reduce the man to a battered heap on the ground with $his hands alone, after which $he soon returns to you to guard your body. Word of your martial protector is soon @@.green;the talk of $arcologies[0].name and beyond,@@ with many in the old world mistakenly believing you are guarded by a warrior whose hands are deadlier than many weapons.
 		<<run repX(2500, "event", $activeSlave)>> <<if $activeSlave.prestige < 1>> <<set $activeSlave.prestige = 1,$activeSlave.prestigeDesc = "Word in the arcology is $his hands are deadlier than many weapons.">> <</if>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw b/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw
index ca50646365a563acbcb8d6acfe4a29767af892d9..68e1db5c280a2cc00a149969843271e1854a2997 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/REFS.tw
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ On one particular outing, you come across an elderly male citizen giving his you
 <<case "degradationist encounter">>
-As a result of $arcologies[0].name's adoption of degradationism there has been a remarkable effect on the social status of slaves, with the continued reduction of slave rights taking center stage. However, not all citizens are so keen as to internalize the tenants of degradationism, whether out of misplaced compassion, old habits or adherence to the Old World style of relationships.
+As a result of $arcologies[0].name's adoption of degradationism there has been a remarkable effect on the social status of slaves, with the continued reduction of slave rights taking center stage. However, not all citizens are so keen as to internalize the tenants of degradationism, whether out of misplaced compassion, old habits or adherence to the old world style of relationships.
 On one particular outing, you come across an elderly male citizen holding the hand of his young slave, seemingly on a date at one of the arcology's prominent promenades. From the ring on the $girl's finger and the modest neckline on $his clothing, it is clear that $his owner is treating $him as if $he is his wife. His obscene treatment of his slave has already drawn a large crowd of shocked onlookers.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
index 4a38d5ae893df28a6182e588f07a16f0eb8a3d94..b7197cb4beddc164b875a53a0ff7ee42388c528a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/RESS.tw
@@ -19364,7 +19364,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = _clothesTemp>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You direct $assistantName to clear $activeSlave.slaveName's schedule and to find a local Frat House willing to 'host' a $woman of $his age and experience. Perhaps a group of virile college boys running a train on $activeSlave.slaveName might accustom $him to younger sexual partners. When $activeSlave.slaveName leaves the penthouse, $he's dressed up to look like a frumpy Old World MILF and is clearly skeptical about your age-play therapy.
+	You direct $assistantName to clear $activeSlave.slaveName's schedule and to find a local Frat House willing to 'host' a $woman of $his age and experience. Perhaps a group of virile college boys running a train on $activeSlave.slaveName might accustom $him to younger sexual partners. When $activeSlave.slaveName leaves the penthouse, $he's dressed up to look like a frumpy old world MILF and is clearly skeptical about your age-play therapy.
 	$activeSlave.slaveName returns to the penthouse naked, disheveled, and absolutely covered in a thick coating of drying cum. Despite $his appearance, however, $he is practically beaming with happiness. It seems young cock agrees with $him, and by the state of $his
 	<<if $activeSlave.mpreg == 1>>
@@ -19529,7 +19529,7 @@ You tell $him kindly that you understand, and that $he'll be trained to address
 	<<set $activeSlave.clothes = _clothesTemp>>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You direct $assistantName to clear $activeSlave.slaveName's schedule and to find a local retirement community willing to 'host' a $girl of $his age. Perhaps a group of venerable graybeards running a train on $activeSlave.slaveName might accustom $him to older sexual partners. When $activeSlave.slaveName leaves the penthouse, $he's dressed up to look like an Old World schoolgirl and is clearly skeptical about your age-play therapy.
+	You direct $assistantName to clear $activeSlave.slaveName's schedule and to find a local retirement community willing to 'host' a $girl of $his age. Perhaps a group of venerable graybeards running a train on $activeSlave.slaveName might accustom $him to older sexual partners. When $activeSlave.slaveName leaves the penthouse, $he's dressed up to look like an old world schoolgirl and is clearly skeptical about your age-play therapy.
 	$activeSlave.slaveName returns to the penthouse naked, disheveled, and absolutely covered in a thick coating of drying cum. Despite $his appearance, however, $he is practically beaming with happiness. It seems a good fucking from experienced older men agrees with $him, and by the state of $his
 	<<if $activeSlave.mpreg == 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/REroyalblood.tw b/src/uncategorized/REroyalblood.tw
index b0e92526acc188cf611926764e761fc76737c6fd..988a92696d29be383808a5de7821d631606db188 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/REroyalblood.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/REroyalblood.tw
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ Time is short, but you are well placed to acquire some choice slaves. With an ad
 <span id="result">
 <<link "Go back to sleep">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	You inform your personal assistant that you aren't planning to take any action. It's not every day that a monarchy collapses in the Old World, but it's also not particularly uncommon either.
+	You inform your personal assistant that you aren't planning to take any action. It's not every day that a monarchy collapses in the old world, but it's also not particularly uncommon either.
 <<if ($cash >= 50000) && ($rep >= 2000)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
index 2873728c8e58737f91a3ffcd6584f6f541e81f07..f6094d87f5b588045b341955f022d238328425e6 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@
 			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Since $he doesn't have enough sluts in $clubName to make it worthwhile for $him to be on stage 24/7, $he spends $his extra time slutting it up $himself. $He has sex with $beauty citizens, @@.green;pleasing them immensely,@@ since it's more appealing to fuck the DJ than some club slut.
 			<<if $showEWD != 0>>
-				<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$He <<include "SA serve the public">>
+				<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$He <<= saServeThePublic($slaves[$i])>>
-				<<silently>><<include "SA serve the public">><</silently>>
+				<<set _dump = saServeThePublic($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<run repX(Math.trunc(($beauty*$FResult)*(1+(0.003*$slaves[_FLs].entertainSkill))*0.1*0.5), "club", $slaves[_FLs])>>
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
 				is serving in $clubName.
-			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$He <<include "SA serve the public">>
+			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$He <<= saServeThePublic($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<= saChoosesOwnClothes($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<include "SA rules">>
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
 			<<include "SA chooses own job">>
-			<<include "SA serve the public">>
+			<<set _dump = saServeThePublic($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<set _chosenClothes = saChoosesOwnClothes($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<include "SA rules">>
 			<<include "SA diet">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
index 6e111eb0edeec02858a2f51dcb54447230f0739b..dcf0e0edf3bfb30d44f9d3c7c2c04a02fbeaabcc 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/fullReport.tw
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 <<case "whore">>
 	<<include "SA whore">>
 <<case "serve the public">>
-	<<include "SA serve the public">>
+	<<= saServeThePublic($slaves[$i])>>
 <<case "work a glory hole">>
 	<<include "SA work a glory hole">>
 <<case "get milked">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw b/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw
index 8656331dda80cba0f3b3316dd65a27cb3709887f..b0dec61763cbdb44f8bcd6a8649b979416afa51a 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/genericPlotEvents.tw
@@ -1395,7 +1395,7 @@ A screen opposite your desk springs to life, <<if $assistant == 0>>showing your
 <<link "Hurrah!">>
 	<<replace "#result">>
-	Your citizens enthusiastically respond to your naming of the arcology as $arcologies[0].name. They are proud to finally have a real name for their home. Other Free Cities take note, and some take up their own names as well, another indication of the Cities' collective ascension over the Old World.
+	Your citizens enthusiastically respond to your naming of the arcology as $arcologies[0].name. They are proud to finally have a real name for their home. Other Free Cities take note, and some take up their own names as well, another indication of the Cities' collective ascension over the old world.
 	<<set $nextButton = "Continue">>
 <</link>> // Click to confirm your arcology's name, for now and ever! Or until you decide to change it again while managing your arcology.//
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
index adaca2bb871b90752ad8c2f1cd9581b78b89efa7..0d0ca405b358bca9447957daf12af1ce514749cc 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/masterSuiteReport.tw
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
 				<<set $servantMilkersMultiplier = 0.25>><<silently>><<include "SA get milked">><</silently>><<set $servantMilkersMultiplier = 1>>
 				gives $milk liters of milk over the week, which is sold for @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat($milkSale)>>.@@
-			<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+			&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
 			<<= saChoosesOwnClothes($slaves[$i])>>
 			<<include "SA rules">>
 			<<include "SA diet">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw b/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
index b87cc31eb6b17899601ecd4475a936079ced245d..ac2237f90c1ca80fce810e707b8e2e1fbe6ad973 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/newSlaveIntro.tw
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeSlave)>>@@__'' <<
 	waiting meekly for orders.
 <<elseif canSmell($activeSlave) && $activeSlave.career == "a breeding bull" && isPlayerFertile($PC)>>
 	sniffing the air and staring intently at your crotch.
-<<elseif $activeSlave.origin == "She submitted to enslavement to escape the hard life of an Old World whore.">>
+<<elseif $activeSlave.origin == "She submitted to enslavement to escape the hard life of an old world whore.">>
 	wondering what one of your working girls can expect.
 <<elseif ($activeSlave.origin == "She submitted to enslavement to get access to modern prenatal care.") || ($activeSlave.origin == "She sold herself into slavery out of fear that life on the streets was endangering her pregnancy.")>>
 	hoping you'll give $him modern medicine right away.
@@ -579,8 +579,8 @@ The legalities completed, ''__@@.pink;<<= SlaveFullName($activeSlave)>>@@__'' <<
 //Now might be a good time to introduce $him to life in your stable of sex slaves//
 <<switch $activeSlave.origin>>
-<<case "She submitted to enslavement to escape the hard life of an Old World whore.">>
-	//and since $he wanted to leave the Old World...//
+<<case "She submitted to enslavement to escape the hard life of an old world whore.">>
+	//and since $he wanted to leave the old world...//
 	<<link "Brand $him to introduce $him to life as a slave whore">>
 		<<replace "#introResult">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/persBusiness.tw b/src/uncategorized/persBusiness.tw
index 443c14fcab4b2760065bcd2afb7b2bef929a73e7..cad03dabfbe1c102fed978398162a5b1b9d52866 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/persBusiness.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/persBusiness.tw
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
 		You manage to arrange a few sex-changes and geldings in your own remote surgery for some powerful people to accommodate your arcology's sense of power, but also for people who want to transform others into females so that they lose all the power they have. This makes you @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_income)>>.@@
 	<<case "hedonistic">>
 		<<set _income += random(1500,2500)>>
-		Since most of what the Old World considered to be illegal is legal in your arcology, "smuggling" is quite common, and you easily find people ready to pay for your help with dealing with their competition. With this, you manage to make @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_income)>>.@@
+		Since most of what the old world considered to be illegal is legal in your arcology, "smuggling" is quite common, and you easily find people ready to pay for your help with dealing with their competition. With this, you manage to make @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_income)>>.@@
 	<<case "pastoralist">>
 		<<set _income += random (1500,2500)>>
 		You take advantage of your own laws, making sure that animal products still come into your arcology. But you also make sure to make them as disgusting as possible so that people would rather turn to slave-produced ones instead. This allows you to make @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(_income)>>.@@
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw b/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
index 73d39e4da0775494b9971799936743d6a3a39c01..abef6a35fefd2df7a59e609f6da76cdbf68988f1 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/randomNonindividualEvent.tw
@@ -1177,57 +1177,81 @@
 	<<set $RESMove = []>>
-	<<if $TSS.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
-		<<if $TSS.schoolPresent == 0>>
-			<<if $TSS.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $RESMove.push("TSS")>>
+	<<if ($seeDicks != 100)>> /* is the player ok with seeing vaginas? */
+		<<if $TSS.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
+			<<if $TSS.schoolPresent == 0>>
+				<<if $TSS.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $RESMove.push("TSS")>>
+				<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $GRI.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
-		<<if $GRI.schoolPresent == 0>>
-			<<if $GRI.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $RESMove.push("GRI")>>
+		<<if $GRI.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
+			<<if $GRI.schoolPresent == 0>>
+				<<if $GRI.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $RESMove.push("GRI")>>
+				<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $SCP.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
-		<<if $SCP.schoolPresent == 0>>
-			<<if $SCP.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $RESMove.push("SCP")>>
+		<<if $SCP.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
+			<<if $SCP.schoolPresent == 0>>
+				<<if $SCP.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $RESMove.push("SCP")>>
+				<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $LDE.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
-		<<if $LDE.schoolPresent == 0>>
-			<<if $LDE.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $RESMove.push("LDE")>>
+		<<if $HA.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
+			<<if $HA.schoolPresent == 0>>
+				<<if $HA.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $RESMove.push("HA")>>
+				<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $TGA.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
-		<<if $TGA.schoolPresent == 0>>
-			<<if $TGA.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $RESMove.push("TGA")>>
+		<<if $TCR.schoolUpgrade != 0 && $TCR.schoolPresent == 0 && $TCR.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
+			<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+			<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+			<<set $RESMove.push("TCR")>>
+		<</if>>
+	<</if>> /* end "player is okay with vaginas" check */
+	<<if ($seeDicks != 0)>> /* begin "player is ok with dick" check */
+		<<if $LDE.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
+			<<if $LDE.schoolPresent == 0>>
+				<<if $LDE.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $RESMove.push("LDE")>>
+				<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $HA.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
-		<<if $HA.schoolPresent == 0>>
-			<<if $HA.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $RESMove.push("HA")>>
+		<<if $TGA.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
+			<<if $TGA.schoolPresent == 0>>
+				<<if $TGA.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $RESMove.push("TGA")>>
+				<</if>>
+			<</if>>
+		<</if>>
+		<<if $TFS.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
+			<<if $TFS.schoolPresent == 0>>
+				<<if $TFS.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+					<<set $RESMove.push("TFS")>>
+					<<if ($PC.dick == 1) && ($PC.vagina == 1) && ($PC.boobs == 1)>>
+						<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+						<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
+						<<set $RESMove.push("TFS")>>
+						<<set $RESMove.push("TFS")>>
+					<</if>>
+				<</if>>
@@ -1240,26 +1264,6 @@
-	<<if $TCR.schoolUpgrade != 0 && $TCR.schoolPresent == 0 && $TCR.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
-		<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-		<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-		<<set $RESMove.push("TCR")>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $TFS.schoolUpgrade != 0>>
-		<<if $TFS.schoolPresent == 0>>
-			<<if $TFS.schoolAnnexed == 0>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-				<<set $RESMove.push("TFS")>>
-				<<if ($PC.dick == 1) && ($PC.vagina == 1) && ($PC.boobs == 1)>>
-					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-					<<set $events.push("RES Move")>>
-					<<set $RESMove.push("TFS")>>
-					<<set $RESMove.push("TFS")>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
 	<<set $RESSale = []>>
 	<<if $cash > 10000>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw b/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
index e501e812241afed1b30000b5b21dd7b6cff9d764..d1e13d434410578e5c23a2f97dfbe0d9410fad67 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reFSAcquisition.tw
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ It seems that they've run into a serious cash flow problem. They may not have li
 <<case "Supremacist Two">>
-Ever since you have been steering $arcologies[0].name towards a belief in $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace supremacy, you've been receiving increasingly useful communications from groups that share your ideals. With much of the Old World in freefall many groups with particularly vehement racial beliefs are expanding unchecked by the mores of big government, and by taking the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace side, you've automatically inserted yourself into a worldwide network of like-minded organizations. You receive a communication from one such group.
+Ever since you have been steering $arcologies[0].name towards a belief in $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace supremacy, you've been receiving increasingly useful communications from groups that share your ideals. With much of the old world in freefall many groups with particularly vehement racial beliefs are expanding unchecked by the mores of big government, and by taking the $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace side, you've automatically inserted yourself into a worldwide network of like-minded organizations. You receive a communication from one such group.
 It seems that in a man in their town made the mistake of marrying a $woman of an undesirable racial background, and this group has stepped in to put an end to such a distasteful union. However, though they may be ruthless vigilantes, they don't consider themselves murderers. They're interested in fencing this former wife to you, no questions asked, on a flat fee basis. Included in the message is a slave dossier detailing the piece of human chattel they're offering.
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ This one is a little odd; it merely begs you for an in person audience and offer
 <<case "Chattel Religionist Two">>
-Ever since you have been steering $arcologies[0].name towards a belief in chattel religionism, you've been receiving increasingly useful communications from groups that share your ideals. With much of the Old World in freefall, many groups with particularly vehement religious beliefs are expanding unchecked by the mores of big government, and by taking the chattel religionist side, you've automatically inserted yourself into a worldwide network of like-minded organizations. You receive a message from one such group.
+Ever since you have been steering $arcologies[0].name towards a belief in chattel religionism, you've been receiving increasingly useful communications from groups that share your ideals. With much of the old world in freefall, many groups with particularly vehement religious beliefs are expanding unchecked by the mores of big government, and by taking the chattel religionist side, you've automatically inserted yourself into a worldwide network of like-minded organizations. You receive a message from one such group.
 It seems that the Chattel Religionists have all but taken over their town and driven out or converted the local worshippers of old world religions, save for a single religious building and its clergy who continue in defiance. This group has stepped in to put an end to this impiety. However, though they may be ruthless vigilantes, they don't consider themselves murderers. They're interested in fencing a member of the clergy to you, no questions asked, on a flat fee basis. Included in the message is a slave dossier detailing the piece of human chattel they're offering: <<if $activeSlave.genes == "XX">>a lovely virgin nun<<else>>a rather stuck up priest<</if>>.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/remoteSurgery.tw b/src/uncategorized/remoteSurgery.tw
index 10c396c0a0eeb1aefc6a8653fd13578290cd9484..b5634b1768640bdafcc0274206799acd4d4121f0 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/remoteSurgery.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/remoteSurgery.tw
@@ -297,20 +297,33 @@ $He has <<if $activeSlave.horn == "none">>no horns<<else>>$activeSlave.horn<</if
 <<if $activeSlave.indentureRestrictions >= 2>>
 	//$His indenture forbids elective surgery//
 <<elseif $activeSlave.horn != "none">>
-	[[Remove them|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "none", $activeSlave.hornColor = "none", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "hornGone"]]<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.horn != "one long oni horn">>
+		[[Remove them|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "none", $activeSlave.hornColor = "none", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "hornGone"]]
+	<<else>>
+		[[Remove it|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "none", $activeSlave.hornColor = "none", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "hornGone"]]
+	<</if>>
+<<if $activeSlave.horn == "none">>
 	Give $him:
-<<if $activeSlave.horn != "curved succubus horns">>
-	[[Succubus horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "curved succubus horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = "jet black", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]<</if>>
-<<if $activeSlave.horn != "backswept horns">>
-	| [[Backswept horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "backswept horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = "jet black", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]<</if>>
-<<if $activeSlave.horn != "cow horns">>
-	| [[Bovine horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "cow horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = "ivory", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]<</if>>
-<<if $activeSlave.horn != "one long oni horn">>
-	| [[an oni horn|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "one long oni horn", $activeSlave.hornColor = $activeSlave.skin, cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]<</if>>
-<<if $activeSlave.horn != "two long oni horns">>
-	| [[2 oni horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "two long oni horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = $activeSlave.skin, cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]<</if>>
-<<if $activeSlave.horn != "small horns">>
-	| [[Small horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "small horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = "ivory", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.horn != "curved succubus horns">>
+		[[Succubus horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "curved succubus horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = "jet black", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.horn != "backswept horns">>
+		| [[Backswept horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "backswept horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = "jet black", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.horn != "cow horns">>
+		| [[Bovine horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "cow horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = "ivory", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.horn != "one long oni horn">>
+		| [[an Oni horn|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "one long oni horn", $activeSlave.hornColor = $activeSlave.skin, cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.horn != "two long oni horns">>
+		| [[two Oni horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "two long oni horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = $activeSlave.skin, cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]
+	<</if>>
+	<<if $activeSlave.horn != "small horns">>
+		| [[Small horns|Surgery Degradation][$activeSlave.horn = "small horns", $activeSlave.hornColor = "ivory", cashX(forceNeg($surgeryCost), "slaveSurgery", $activeSlave), $activeSlave.health -= 10, $surgeryType = "horn"]]
+	<</if>>
 $He has
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
index dd6f6dd685020d4fd0f8db11123a17f7039fc6e7..4db67ce2c4c61d4bf3cf485c4668ab4e9cce93ec 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saLongTermEffects.tw
@@ -7385,7 +7385,7 @@
 				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 					$His _belly belly is troublesome for $him. Every step is a slow, ponderous one and $he has to be careful not to collide with anything.
 					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
-						However, such inconveniences are nothing when you're more pregnant than any woman ever was in the Old World.
+						However, such inconveniences are nothing when you're more pregnant than any woman ever was in the old world.
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
 						$His day to day life is @@.mediumorchid;miserable@@ as $he struggles to do the simplest of tasks.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
@@ -7435,7 +7435,7 @@
 				<<if canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 					$His _belly belly is troublesome for $him. Every step is a slow, ponderous one and $he has to be careful not to collide with anything.
 					<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $slaves[$i].preg > 0>>
-						However, such inconveniences are nothing when you're more pregnant than any woman ever was in the Old World.
+						However, such inconveniences are nothing when you're more pregnant than any woman ever was in the old world.
 					<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion <= 50>>
 						$His day to day life is @@.mediumorchid;miserable@@ as $he struggles to do the simplest of tasks.
 						<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 4>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saRecruitGirls.tw b/src/uncategorized/saRecruitGirls.tw
index 1700eb920eb1ac66eae234587cd818ce258e4f95..f361a51ace0e2ba97d05cfe27eb3959e54b2a9a1 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/saRecruitGirls.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/saRecruitGirls.tw
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 		<<set _oldRepGain = hashSum($lastWeeksRepIncome)>>
 		<<set $pure = 0>>
-		<<silently>><<include "SA serve the public">><</silently>>
+		<<set _dump = saServeThePublic($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<set _influence = Math.clamp((hashSum($lastWeeksRepIncome)-_oldRepGain)*0.01,1,3)>>
 		<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset">>
@@ -971,7 +971,7 @@
 						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 60 || $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "tease" || $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
 							<<if _recruiterRelation.energy > 60 || _recruiterRelation.sexualQuirk == "tease" || _recruiterRelation.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-								$slaves[$i].slaveName and $his $relationType _recruiterRelation.slaveName collaborate on a series of short commercials walking and playing in your arcology's public spaces. A little hand on the ass here, a little lips almost touching there, and it's enough to tease your Ancient Egyptian sensibility about incest without running afoul of too many Old World censors.
+								$slaves[$i].slaveName and $his $relationType _recruiterRelation.slaveName collaborate on a series of short commercials walking and playing in your arcology's public spaces. A little hand on the ass here, a little lips almost touching there, and it's enough to tease your Ancient Egyptian sensibility about incest without running afoul of too many old world censors.
 							<<elseif $slaves[$i].relationshipTarget == _recruiterRelation.ID>>
 								Even though their incestuous relationship is not condemned here, $his $relationType _recruiterRelation.slaveName is too shy to act it out in front of the world.
@@ -995,7 +995,7 @@
 						<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 60 || $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "tease" || $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
 							<<if _recruiterRelation.energy > 60 || _recruiterRelation.sexualQuirk == "tease" || _recruiterRelation.sexualQuirk == "perverted">>
-								$slaves[$i].slaveName and $his _recruiterRelation.relation _recruiterRelation.slaveName collaborate on a series of short commercials walking and playing in your arcology's public spaces. A little hand on the ass here, a little lips almost touching there, and it's enough to tease your Ancient Egyptian sensibility about incest without running afoul of too many Old World censors.
+								$slaves[$i].slaveName and $his _recruiterRelation.relation _recruiterRelation.slaveName collaborate on a series of short commercials walking and playing in your arcology's public spaces. A little hand on the ass here, a little lips almost touching there, and it's enough to tease your Ancient Egyptian sensibility about incest without running afoul of too many old world censors.
 							<<elseif $slaves[$i].relationshipTarget == _recruiterRelation.ID>>
 								Even though their incestuous relationship is not condemned here, $his _recruiterRelation.relation _recruiterRelation.slaveName is too shy to act it out in front of the world.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw b/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 7735fa9c457de89c4f3de8f5356bf2fb39850f6a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/uncategorized/saServeThePublic.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1311 +0,0 @@
-:: SA serve the public [nobr]
-<!-- Statistics gathering -->
-<<set _incomeStats = getSlaveStatisticData($slaves[$i], $slaves[$i].assignment === Job.CLUB ? $facility.club : undefined)>>
-<<set $bellyAccessory = $slaves[$i].bellyAccessory>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club") || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public")>>
-	<<set $publicServants += 1>>
-<<set $FResult = FResult($slaves[$i])>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].releaseRules == "restrictive") && ($slaves[$i].standardReward !== "orgasm")>>
-	<<set $FResult += 2>>
-<<if $ACitizens > $ASlaves*4>>
-	<<set $FResult = Math.trunc($FResult*1.1)>>
-<<elseif $ACitizens > $ASlaves*2>>
-	<<set $FResult = Math.trunc($FResult*1)>>
-<<elseif $ACitizens > $ASlaves>>
-	<<set $FResult = Math.trunc($FResult*0.95)>>
-<<elseif $ACitizens > $ASlaves*0.5>>
-	<<set $FResult = Math.trunc($FResult*0.9)>>
-	<<set $FResult = Math.trunc($FResult*0.85)>>
-<<set $beauty = Beauty($slaves[$i])>>
-<<if $ACitizens > $ASlaves*4>>
-	<<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*1.1)>>
-<<elseif $ACitizens > $ASlaves*2>>
-	<<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*1)>>
-<<elseif $ACitizens > $ASlaves>>
-	<<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*0.95)>>
-<<elseif $ACitizens > $ASlaves*0.5>>
-	<<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*0.9)>>
-	<<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*0.85)>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "attention whore">>
-	<<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*1.1)>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "be the DJ">>
-	<<if $clubSlaves+$slavesGettingHelp > 0>>
-		<<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*((10-$clubSlaves-$slavesGettingHelp)/10))>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 95) || ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-	enthusiastically serves
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 50)>>
-	willingly serves
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
-	obediently serves
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].trust < -20)>>
-	reluctantly serves
-	is forced to serve
-the public.
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist == "unset">>
-	<<set $beautyMultiplier = 1>>
-	<<set $beautyMultiplier = (1+($arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist/($FSLockinLevel*3)))>>
-<<if $club > 0>>
-	<<if (($universalRulesFacilityWork == 1) && ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public") && ($clubSpots > 0)) || ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club")>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public")>>
-		Since there's extra space in $clubName, $he's promiscuous there.
-		<<set $clubSpots -= 1>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $clubAdsSpending != 0>>
-		<<if $clubAdsStacked == 1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 4)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs > 800)>>
-					<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-					$His stacked body fits $clubName's ad campaign, getting $him more attention.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $clubAdsStacked == -1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 500)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].butt < 3)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].weight <= 10)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
-							<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-							$His slim body fits $clubName's ad campaign, getting $him more attention.
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $clubAdsPreg == 1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 5000) || ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 5000)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				$His gravid body fits $clubName's ad campaign, getting $him more attention.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $clubAdsPreg == -1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].belly < 100) && ($slaves[$i].weight < 30) && (!setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory)) && ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant <= 0)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				$His flat belly fits $clubName's ad campaign, getting $him more attention.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $clubAdsModded == 1>>
-			<<if $modScore > 15 || ($piercingScore > 8 && $tatScore > 5)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				Body art like $hers is a major draw.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $clubAdsModded == -1>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].corsetPiercing == 0 && $piercingScore < 3 && $tatScore < 2>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				Very clean bodies like $hers are a major draw.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $clubAdsImplanted == 1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant > 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].buttImplant > 0)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].waist < -10)>>
-							<<if ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant > 0)>>
-								<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-								Many citizens come to $clubName looking to fuck a plastic slut like $him.
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $clubAdsImplanted == -1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant == 0)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].buttImplant == 0)>>
-					<<if ($slaves[$i].waist >= -95)>>
-						<<if ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant == 0)>>
-							<<if ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant == -1)>>
-								<<if ($slaves[$i].faceImplant < 30)>>
-									<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-									Many citizens come to $clubName looking to get with a natural $girl like $him.
-								<</if>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $clubAdsOld == 1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].physicalAge >= 30)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				$He's perfect for $clubName, which practically exists to match citizens up with mature slaves.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $clubAdsOld == -1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].physical < 30) && ($slaves[$i].physical >= 18)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				$He's perfect for $clubName, which practically exists to match citizens up with young slaves.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $clubAdsOld == -2>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].physical <= 18) && ($slaves[$i].physical >= 13)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				$He's perfect for $clubName, which practically exists to match citizens up with teenage slaves.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $clubAdsOld == -3>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].physical < 13)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				$He's perfect for $clubName, which practically exists to match citizens up with $loli slaves.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if $clubAdsXX == 1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].dick == 0)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				Almost everyone who comes to $clubName is looking to fuck a $girl like $him.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $clubAdsXX == -1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].dick > 0)>>
-				<<set $beautyMultiplier += 0.05>>
-				Almost everyone who comes to $clubName is looking to poke a $girl who cums when buttfucked.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if (($slaves[$i].hears == -1 && $slaves[$i].earwear != "hearing aids") || ($slaves[$i].hears == 0 && $slaves[$i].earwear == "muffling ear plugs") ||($slaves[$i].hears == -2))>>
-		$His inability to move to the rhythm of the music is very off putting to those looking to party.
-		<<set $beautyMultiplier -= 0.15>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $DJ != 0>>
-		<<if $DJRepBonus > 0>>
-			<<set $beautyMultiplier += $DJRepBonus>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public")>>
-				Working
-			<<else>>
-				Living and working
-			<</if>>
-			out of the club, $he comes under <<= SlaveFullName($DJ)>>'s
-			<<if $DJRepBonus < 0.1>>
-				completely inept
-			<<elseif $DJRepBonus < 0.2>>
-				unskilled
-			<<elseif $DJRepBonus < 0.3>>
-				skillful
-			<<else>>
-				masterful
-			<</if>>
-			leadership.
-			<<if ($DJ.face > 40) && ($DJ.intelligence+$DJ.intelligenceImplant > 50)>>
-				<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
-				The DJ is such a gorgeous diva that $he's swept along by $his charisma, and does $his best to be a worthy part of $his entourage.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-			<<if $DJignoresFlaws != 1>>
-				<<if !["abusive", "anal addict", "attention whore", "breast growth", "breeder", "cum addict", "malicious", "neglectful", "none", "self hating"].includes($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw) && (random(1,100) > 90)>>
-					<<= SlaveFullName($DJ)>> manages to @@.green;break@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName of $his sexual flaws.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "none">>
-				<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw != "none") && (random(1,100) > 90)>>
-					<<= SlaveFullName($DJ)>> manages to @@.green;break@@ $slaves[$i].slaveName of $his flaws.
-					<<set $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw = "none">>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<set $beauty = Math.trunc($beauty*$beautyMultiplier)>>
-$His appearance attracted $beauty members of the public (<<print Math.trunc($beauty/7)>> a day)<<if $beauty > 160>>, so many that <<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>each of $his holes was<<elseif canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) || canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>each of $his available holes was<<else>>$his mouth and anywhere else a dick could fit was<</if>> often filled by more than one cock<<elseif $beauty > 140>>, so many that $he spent much of $his time getting gangbanged<<elseif $beauty > 120>>, so many that citizens often <<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i]) || canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>spitroasted<<else>>double-teamed<</if>> the slut<<elseif $beauty > 100>>, so many that $he frequently had sex with multiple citizens at once<<elseif $beauty > 70>>, so many that $he occasionally had sex with multiple citizens at once<</if>>. Most of them
-<<if $FResult > 15>>
-	were putty in $his hands.
-<<elseif $FResult > 10>>
-	greatly enjoyed $his services.
-<<elseif $FResult > 5>>
-	enjoyed $his body.
-	liked using $him.
-<<set _incomeStats.customers = $beauty>>
-<<if $seeAge == 1>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].physicalAge == $minimumSlaveAge && $slaves[$i].physicalAge == $fertilityAge && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i]) && ($arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset" || $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset") && $arcologies[0].FSRestart == "unset">>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].birthWeek == 0>>
-		$He just turned $minimumSlaveAge this week, giving $him an immense boost to both popularity and appeal. $He is also expected to become fertile soon, giving $him an additional boost as citizens clamor to claim $his fresh womb.
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].birthWeek < 4>>
-		This is still the first month in which it's legal to pay to fuck $him, giving $him a boost to both popularity and appeal. $He was also anticipated to become fertile this month, and $his womb is still unoccupied, giving $him an additional boost.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge == $minimumSlaveAge>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].birthWeek == 0>>
-		$He just turned $minimumSlaveAge this week, giving $him an immense boost to both popularity and appeal.
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].birthWeek < 4>>
-		This is still the first month in which it's legal to pay to fuck $him, giving $him a boost to both popularity and appeal.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].physicalAge == $fertilityAge && canGetPregnant($slaves[$i]) && ($arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset" || $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset")>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].birthWeek == 0>>
-		$He is expected to become fertile soon, giving $him an immense boost to both popularity and appeal as citizens clamor to claim $his fresh womb.
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].birthWeek < 4 && $slaves[$i].pregKnown == 0>>
-		This is still the first month in which $he was anticipated to become fertile, and $his womb is still unoccupied, giving $him a boost to both popularity and appeal.
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "advocate")>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.hotpink;really enjoys@@ being able to share $his convert's enthusiasm about slavery with new people.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk == "funny")>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.hotpink;really enjoys@@ making so many people laugh.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualQuirk == "tease")>>
-	$slaves[$i].slaveName @@.mediumaquamarine;trusts your judgment@@ in assigning $him a job that affords $him a chance to tease and flirt.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1>>
-<<set $injury = 0>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club">>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].curatives > 0) || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "curative")>>
-	The drugs <<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "curative">>$he holds within $his gut<<else>>$he's on<</if>> protect $him from the wear of being a slut.
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].health < -50)>>
-	The stress of being a slut while ill is @@.red;very hard on $him.@@
-	<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 10>>
-	<<set $injury = 1>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].health < -20) && (random(1,100) > 50)>>
-	The stress of being a slut while ill is @@.red;hard on $him.@@
-	<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 7>>
-	<<set $injury = 1>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vagina < 0)>>
-	<<set $desc = SlaveTitle($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<if (($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill) >= 200)>>
-		$He's such an expert public servant that $he copes with the stress of being a $desc slut.
-	<<elseif random(1,100) > 40+(10*($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill))>>
-		The stress of being a $desc slut is @@.red;hard on $him.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 7>>
-		<<set $injury = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vagina > 0 && !canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]))>>
-	<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<if (($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill) >= 200)>>
-			$He's such an expert slut that $he copes with the stress of being limited to buttsex and oral.
-		<<elseif random(1,100) > 40+(10*($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill))>>
-			The stress of being limited to buttsex and oral is @@.red;hard on $him.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 7>>
-			<<set $injury = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].oralSkill >= 100>>
-			$He's such an expert slut that $he copes with the stress of being limited to oral.
-		<<elseif random(1,100) > 40+(10*$slaves[$i].oralSkill)>>
-			The stress of being limited to oral sex is @@.red;hard on $him.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 7>>
-			<<set $injury = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill + $slaves[$i].vaginalSkill) < 300>>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 10+(($slaves[$i].analSkill + $slaves[$i].oralSkill + $slaves[$i].vaginalSkill)/10)>>
-		<<set $injury = 1>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($injury == 1)>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].health -= 3>>
-	<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<set _injuryChance = random(1,100)>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set _injuryChance = random(1,80)>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if (_injuryChance > 80)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "sore ass">>
-		Rough anal with a careless citizen left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
-		<<= minorInjuryResponse($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<elseif (_injuryChance > 60)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "black eye">>
-		A violent citizen left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
-		<<= minorInjuryResponse($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<elseif (_injuryChance > 40)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "split lip">>
-		An abusive citizen left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
-		<<= minorInjuryResponse($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<elseif (_injuryChance > 20)>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "bad bruise">>
-		A rough citizen left $him with a @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
-		<<= minorInjuryResponse($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].minorInjury = "sore muscle">>
-		The hard labor of constant sex left $him with @@.red;$slaves[$i].minorInjury.@@
-	<</if>>
-<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina == 0)>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1) || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-			$His virginity goes to the @@.green;citizen who most deserves the gift of a slave's cherry.@@ $He's so full of aphrodisiacs that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys the experience.@@ @@.lime;$His pussy is now broken in.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4, $slaves[$i].vagina = 1>>
-			<<set $FResult += 10>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
-			$His virginity goes to the @@.green;citizen who most deserves the gift of a slave's cherry.@@ Losing $his virginity in this way @@.hotpink;confirms $his submission to you.@@ @@.lime;$His pussy is now broken in.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4, $slaves[$i].vagina = 1>>
-			<<set $FResult += 10>>
-		<<else>>
-			$His virginity goes to the @@.green;citizen who most deserves the gift of a slave's cherry.@@ $He tries to resist, and losing $his virginity to a rape makes $him @@.mediumorchid;hate@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ you a great deal. @@.lime;$His pussy is now broken in.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 10, $slaves[$i].trust -= 10, $slaves[$i].vagina = 1>>
-			<<set $FResult += 10>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].vagina < 3)>>
-		<<if (random(1,100) > ((170-$beauty)+($slaves[$i].vagina*10)+($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill/3)))>>
-			@@.lime;$His pussy gets loosened by the intense use.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].vagina += 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].anus == 0)>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1) || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-			$His tight little anus goes to the @@.green;most prominent citizen@@ to show an interest in an anal virgin. $He's so full of aphrodisiacs that $he @@.hotpink;enjoys the experience.@@ $His fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;$he won't sit down.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4, $slaves[$i].anus = 2>>
-			<<set $FResult += 5>>
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
-			$His tight little anus goes to the @@.green;most prominent citizen@@ to show an interest in an anal virgin. The pain and humiliation @@.hotpink;confirm $his submission to you.@@ $His fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;$he won't sit down.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4, $slaves[$i].anus = 2>>
-			<<set $FResult += 5>>
-		<<else>>
-			$His tight little anus goes to the @@.green;most prominent citizen@@ to show an interest in an anal virgin. The pain and humiliation increases $his @@.mediumorchid;hatred@@ and @@.gold;fear@@ for you. $His fresh asshole is fucked all week, and by the end of it @@.lime;$he won't sit down.@@
-			<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i].anus = 2>>
-			<<set $FResult += 5>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].anus < 3)>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina < 0)>>
-			<<if ((random(1,100) > ((150-$beauty)+($slaves[$i].anus*10)+($slaves[$i].analSkill/6))))>>
-				@@.lime;$His asshole sees constant use in place of a pussy and loosens.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif !canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-			<<if ((random(1,100) > ((150-$beauty)+($slaves[$i].anus*10)+($slaves[$i].analSkill/6))))>>
-				@@.lime;$His asshole sees constant use in place of $his protected pussy and loosens.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if ((random(1,100) > ((160-$beauty)+($slaves[$i].anus*10)+($slaves[$i].analSkill/6))))>>
-				@@.lime;$His asshole loosens with constant use.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].anus += 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if !setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career) && $slaves[$i].skillE < $masteredXP>>
-	<<set $slaves[$i].skillE += random(1,Math.ceil(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/15) + 8)>>
-<<if setup.entertainmentCareers.includes($slaves[$i].career)>>
-	$He has experience with entertainment from $his life before $he was a slave, making $him more effective.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].skillE >= $masteredXP>>
-	$He has learned to be entertaining from working for you, making $him more effective.
-<<if ($slaves[$i].devotion > 20)>>
-<<elseif !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
-	Since $he can't walk, never mind dance, $he sits on a stool near the floor to flirt until a citizen feels like helping $him back to a private room.
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].entertainSkill <= 30)>>
-	$He attracts some attention by stripping, come-ons, and simple dancing.
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].entertainSkill <= 60)>>
-	$He attracts more attention with striptease, flirting, and erotic dancing.
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].entertainSkill < 100)>>
-	$He attracts much attention with arousing innuendo and lusty striptease.
-	$He attracts popular attention with clever flirting and world-class erotic dancing.
-<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1 || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-	The aphrodisiac cocktail has $him so desperately horny that regardless of $his personal feelings, $he @@.hotpink;gets off with the public all week.@@ In $his drug-addled state $he doesn't remember enough to learn sexual skills.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].devotion <= 20) && ($slaves[$i].energy <= 95)>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
-		$He tries to refuse being treated as an open slut, so $he is restrained for public use. $He loses a bit of $himself to a week of rape, but remembers enough to know @@.mediumorchid;you're responsible,@@ and @@.gold;can force $him if necessary.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion -= 5, $slaves[$i].trust -= 5>>
-	<<else>>
-		$He doesn't show much enthusiasm, but the habit of sexual slavery @@.hotpink;wears away at $his will.@@
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 4>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].oralSkill + $slaves[$i].analSkill >= 200) && (($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill >= 100) || !canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]))>>
-		$He's a @@.aquamarine;sexual master@@
-		<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-			whose
-		<<else>>
-			and despite <<if $slaves[$i].vagina < 0>>$his lack of a<<else>>the inaccessibility of $his<</if>> front hole, $his
-		<</if>>
-		charms are only for the @@.green;most prominent citizens.@@ When $he's not
-		<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) && (random(1,4) == 1)>>
-			pleasing high society with $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>prestigious<<else>>popular<</if>> pussy,
-		<<elseif ($beauty > 70) && (random(1,3) == 1)>>
-			getting gangbanged,
-		<<elseif (random(1,2) == 1)>>
-			giving away one of $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>famous<<else>>top-tier<</if>> blowjobs,
-		<<else>>
-			providing free access to $his <<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 1 || $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>legendary<<else>>notorious<</if>> anus,
-		<</if>>
-		$he offers personal training and sexual therapy.
-	<<else>>
-		$He shows diligence, and $his @@.green;sexual skills improve,@@ according to what the citizens demand<<if !canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>> and what's possible for $him<</if>>.
-		<<set $skillIncrease = 5+Math.floor(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/32)+$oralUseWeight>>
-		<<OralSkillIncrease $slaves[$i]>>
-		<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-			<<set $skillIncrease = 5+Math.floor(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/32)+$analUseWeight>>
-			<<AnalSkillIncrease $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-		<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-			<<set $skillIncrease = 5+Math.floor(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/32)+$vaginalUseWeight>>
-			<<VaginalSkillIncrease $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].amp != 1)>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].entertainSkill < 100)>>
-			$He gains experience as a public slut.
-			<<set $skillIncrease = 10+Math.floor(($slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant)/32)>>
-			<<EntertainSkillIncrease $slaves[$i]>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club" && $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-	Being so far from your presence @@.mediumorchid;weakens $his intense devotion to you.@@
-<<if $showEWM == 1>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].releaseRules == "restrictive") && ($slaves[$i].standardReward !== "orgasm")>>
-	$He's a better slut because public service is $his main sexual outlet.
-<<if $familyTesting == 1>>
-	<<if totalRelatives($slaves[$i]) > 0>>
-		<<set _children = $slaves.filter(function(s) { return ($slaves[$i].ID == s.father || $slaves[$i].ID == s.mother || s.ID == $slaves[$i].father || s.ID == $slaves[$i].mother || areSisters($slaves[$i], s) > 0) && s.assignment == "serve the public"; })>>
-		<<if _children.length > 2>>
-			Since $his relatives,
-			<<for _sstp = 0; _sstp < _children.length; _sstp++>>
-				<<if _sstp < _children.length-1>>
-					_children[_sstp].slaveName,
-				<<else>>
-					and _children[_sstp].slaveName,
-				<</if>>
-			<</for>>
-			are public sluts too, $he earns extra attention.
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
-				Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.
-			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
-				Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif _children.length > 1>>
-			Since $his relatives, _children[0].slaveName and _children[1].slaveName, are public sluts too, $he earns extra attention.
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
-				Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.
-			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
-				Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif _children.length > 0>>
-			Since $his relative, _children[0].slaveName, is a public slut too, $he earns extra attention.
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
-				Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.
-			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
-				Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].relation != 0>>
-		<<set $j = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].relationTarget]>>
-		<<if (def $j) && $slaves[$j].assignment == $slaves[$i].assignment>>
-			Since $his $slaves[$j].relation $slaves[$j].slaveName is a public slut too, $he earns extra attention.
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
-				Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex like the ancient Egyptians.
-			<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalistIncestPolicy == 1>>
-				Citizens are very excited about being able to participate in incestuous sex.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].relationship > 0>>
-	<<set $j = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].relationshipTarget]>>
-	<<if (def $j) && $slaves[$j].assignment == $slaves[$i].assignment>>
-		$His <<print relationshipTerm($slaves[$i])>> $slaves[$j].slaveName is also serving the public and they work well together.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].relationship == -1>>
-	$He relies on citizens' desire to fuck $him for emotional support, making $him an excellent, if occasionally disturbing, slut.
-<<if $slaves[$i].rivalry != 0>>
-	<<set $j = $slaveIndices[$slaves[$i].rivalryTarget]>>
-	<<if (def $j) && $slaves[$j].assignment == $slaves[$i].assignment>>
-		$He's a little less effective due to $his mutual dislike with $slaves[$j].slaveName.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].minorInjury != 0>>
-	$He attracts fewer people due to $his minor injury.
-	<<set $beauty -= 1>>
-<<if (($slaves[$i].hears == -1 && $slaves[$i].earwear != "hearing aids") || ($slaves[$i].hears == 0 && $slaves[$i].earwear == "muffling ear plugs") ||($slaves[$i].hears == -2))>>
-	$His trouble hearing causes $him to miss potential partners.
-	<<if !canHear($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<set $beauty *= .5>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $beauty *= .75>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].voiceImplant > 0>>
-			$His high-pitched bimbo voice improves $his come-ons.
-		<<else>>
-			$His high, girly voice improves $his come-ons.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].voice == 1>>
-		Most citizens find $his deep voice unattractive, making it harder for $him to flirt successfully.
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist > 20) || ($arcologies[0].FSDegradationist > 20)>>
-	<<if $modScore > 15 || ($piercingScore > 8 && $tatScore > 5)>>
-		The public fetishizes body mods and considers $hers fascinating.
-	<<elseif $modScore > 7>>
-		The public fetishizes body mods and considers $hers interesting.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif ($arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist > 20) || ($arcologies[0].FSPaternalist > 20)>>
-	<<if $modScore <= 7>>
-		The public disapproves of body mods and is pleased that $he's unspoiled in that regard.
-	<<else>>
-		The public disapproves of body mods and considers $hers unappealing.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $modScore > 15 || ($piercingScore > 8 && $tatScore > 5)>>
-		$He has so much body art that most potential patrons don't think $he needs any more.
-	<<elseif !($slaves[$i].corsetPiercing == 0 && $piercingScore < 3 && $tatScore < 2)>>
-		$His body art helps attract patrons to use $him freely.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 1 || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac" && $slaves[$i].inflation > 1)>>
-	On such a heavy aphrodisiac dose, $he can't wait for each citizen to fuck $him.<<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac" && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>> Which is practically nonstop, as anyone that fucks $his ass gets a hit of the aphrodisiacs within $his belly.<</if>>
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-	On aphrodisiacs, $he climaxes with every citizen.<<if $slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac" && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>> Which happens often, as anyone that fucks $his ass gets a tiny hit of the aphrodisiacs within $his belly.<</if>>
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 95>>
-	$He's so devoted that $he does $his best and pleases every citizen.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-	$He's so devoted that $he works hard to please citizens.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust < -20>>
-	$He's afraid of you, so $he works hard to please citizens.
-	$He neither loves nor fears you enough to work hard, and makes a poor slut.
-<<if ($slaves[$i].butt > 4) && ($slaves[$i].boobs > 800)>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">>
-		$His huge, fashionable assets are immensely popular.
-		<<if canTalk($slaves[$i])>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-				$His high voice contributes to $his bimbo image, so $he does even better.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast >= 20>>
-		$He receives little attention for $his large assets since many citizens consider them disgusting.
-	<<else>>
-		The public enjoys $his huge assets.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist != "unset">>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].dick > 0>>
-		The new appetite for stacked sluts with dicks makes $him especially successful.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].visualAge >= 30)>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">>
-		$His mature body is very fashionable.
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">>
-		$His old body is badly out of fashion.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist != "unset">>
-		$His youthful body is very fashionable.
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist != "unset">>
-		$His young body is out of fashion.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty + $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawBeauty > 0>>
-	<<if $genderLawPass == 1>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist != "unset">>
-			The public enjoys $his fashionably feminine body.
-		<<else>>
-			The public enjoys $his sleek, girlish figure.
-		<</if>>
-		<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-			$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw == 1>>
-	<<if slimPass($slaves[$i]) == 1>>
-		The public enjoys $his fashionably sleek little body.
-		<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-			$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceLaw2 == 1>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs >= 2000) && ($slaves[$i].butt >= 5) && ($slaves[$i].weight > 95)>>
-		The public enjoys $his fashionably plump body.
-		<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-			$His high voice contributes to $his feminine image, so $he does even better.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].boobs < 500) && ($slaves[$i].butt < 3)>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30) && $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist == "unset" && ($slaves[$i].weight <= 10) && $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence == "unset">>
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-				The public enjoys $his fashionably sleek little body.
-			<<else>>
-				The public enjoys $his sleek, girlish figure.
-			<</if>>
-			<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-				$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">> /* no muscle malus for muscle loving societies */
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealistStrongFat == 1 && ($slaves[$i].weight <= 30)>> /* reduced weight malus for fat loving societies */
-				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-					The public enjoys $his fashionably sleek little body.
-				<<else>>
-					The public enjoys $his sleek, girlish figure.
-				<</if>>
-				<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-					$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].weight <= 10)>>
-				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-					The public enjoys $his fashionably sleek little body.
-				<<else>>
-					The public enjoys $his sleek, girlish figure.
-				<</if>>
-				<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-					$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence != "unset" && ($slaves[$i].weight <= 30)>> /* reduced weight malus for fat loving societies */
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceStrongFat == 1>> /* no muscle malus for muscle loving societies */
-				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-					The public enjoys $his fashionably sleek little body.
-				<<else>>
-					The public enjoys $his sleek, girlish figure.
-				<</if>>
-				<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-					$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
-				<</if>>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].muscles <= 30)>>
-				<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20>>
-					The public enjoys $his fashionably sleek little body.
-				<<else>>
-					The public enjoys $his sleek, girlish figure.
-				<</if>>
-				<<if canTalk($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].voice > 2>>
-					$His high voice contributes to $his girlish image, so $he does even better.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].boobsImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].buttImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].waist >= -95) && ($slaves[$i].bellyImplant == -1) && ($slaves[$i].lipsImplant == 0) && ($slaves[$i].faceImplant < 30)>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist != "unset">>
-		With $his all-natural, implant free appearance, $he's very popular.
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist >= 20>>
-		The public is disappointed by $his all-natural, implant free appearance.
-	<<else>>
-		Some discerning people appreciate $his all-natural, implant free appearance.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">>
-		The public appreciates $his augmented body.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist != "unset">>
-		$His fuckable nipples give $him an edge over those without such body modifications.
-	<<else>>
-		$His fuckable nipples entice some of the more curious citizens.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].teeth == "removable">>
-	The extra attention $he receives from $his ability to give toothless sucks is about balanced out by the citizens who are disgusted by it.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].teeth == "pointy">>
-	The extra attention $he receives due to $his sharp teeth is balanced by the citizens who are scared off by them.
-<<if $slaves[$i].dick != 0>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist == "unset">>
-		$He's less popular because many citizens prefer sluts without cocks.
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist < 50>>
-		$His cock entices some citizens and disappoints others; it has little effect on $his popularity.
-	<<else>>
-		The overwhelming majority of citizens consider $his cock an attraction.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].muscles > 95>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist != "unset">>
-		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name $his muscles are cause for great admiration.
-	<<else>>
-		$His muscles scare off many, but some will do anything to enjoy a muscular slave.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].amp == 1>>
-	Many prefer to fuck someone with limbs, but some greatly enjoy fucking a helpless amputee.
-<<if $slaves[$i].lactation > 0>>
-	$He appeals to citizens who like lactation play, or just like sluts they can drink milk from.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].lactationDuration = 2, $slaves[$i].boobs -= $slaves[$i].boobsMilk, $slaves[$i].boobsMilk = 0>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500 || setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">>
-		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name, $his<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>> apparent<</if>> pregnancy gets $him lots of attention.
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusPregPolicy == 1 && $slaves[$i].bellyPreg >= 1500>>
-		It's currently trendy to be ripe with child, so $his pregnancy gets $him lots of attention.
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
-		In the new culture of $arcologies[0].name, $his<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>> apparent<</if>> pregnancy is a massive turn off to citizens.
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist != "unset">>
-		The new respect for slave fertility ensures that $he gets just as much love as slaves without pregnant bellies<<if setup.fakeBellies.includes($bellyAccessory) || $slaves[$i].bellyImplant >= 1500>> even if $his bump isn't real<</if>>.
-	<<else>>
-		Many citizens avoid visibly pregnant slaves.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusMilfPolicy == 1 && $slaves[$i].birthsTotal > 0>>
-	Slaves that have had children are hot right now making $him quite the appealing MILF.
-<<if ($seeRace == 1)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].race == "white")>>
-		The public tastes favor white <<= $girl>>s like $slaves[$i].slaveName.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset">>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].race != $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace>>
-		Some citizens fetishize <<= $girl>>s of the servile races.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset">>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>>
-		Many prefer to use and abuse sluts of the proper slave race.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].nationality == "Japanese") || ($slaves[$i].nationality == "Edo Revivalist")>>
-		As a proper Japanese $girl, $he is considered extremely desirable.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].nationality == "Chinese") || ($slaves[$i].nationality == "Chinese Revivalist")>>
-		As a proper Chinese $girl, $he is considered extremely desirable.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant > 15>>
-	$His intelligence helps $him discern everyone's needs.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].intelligence+$slaves[$i].intelligenceImplant < -15>>
-	$He has trouble figuring out what everyone needs.
-<<if $slaves[$i].prestige > 0>>
-	$He attracts more attention because it's prestigious to be seen with $him.
-<<if $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 2>>
-	Patrons line up for the chance to spend time with the face of $slaves[$i].porn.fameType porn.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 1>>
-	$He has a sizable fanbase, one that is eager to spend time with $him.
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].pornPrestige > 0>>
-	A few of $his fans recognize $him and eagerly make use of $him.
-<<if ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing == 3) && ($slaves[$i].devotion >= -20)>>
-	Almost everyone loves $his orgasms encouraged by $his smart piercing.
-<<elseif ($slaves[$i].clitPiercing == 3)>>
-	Almost everyone appreciates $his reduced reluctance caused by $his smart piercing.
-<<if ($slaves[$i].fetishKnown == 1) && ($slaves[$i].fetishStrength > 60)>>
-	<<switch $slaves[$i].fetish>>
-	<<case "submissive">>
-		$He receives extra attention for $his eagerness to submit.
-	<<case "cumslut">>
-		$He receives extra attention for $his enjoyment of cum.
-	<<case "humiliation">>
-		$He receives extra attention for $his eagerness to be humiliated by citizens.
-	<<case "buttslut">>
-		<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-			$He receives extra attention for $his obvious enjoyment of buttsex.
-		<</if>>
-	<<case "dom">>
-		$He receives some extra attention for $his enthusiasm dominating other slaves in group sex.
-	<<case "masochist">>
-		$He receives extra attention for $his obvious enjoyment of pain.
-	<<case "boobs">>
-		$He receives extra attention for $his obvious enjoyment of a solid chest groping.
-	<<case "sadist">>
-		$He receives some extra attention for $his willingness to abuse other slaves.
-	<<case "pregnancy">>
-		<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].vagina > 0) && canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-				As an impregnation fetishist $he's very enthusiastic about vaginal sex.
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].anus > 0) && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-				As an impregnation fetishist $he's very enthusiastic about anal sex.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<case "mindbroken">>
-		$He receives less attention because $he just lies there, totally unresponsive.
-	<</switch>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].attrKnown == 1)>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].energy > 95)>>
-		As a nymphomaniac $he gets sexual release from every sex act and is a crowd favorite.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 80)>>
-		With $his powerful sex drive $he rarely has to fake an orgasm.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.9>>
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].aphrodisiacs > 0 || ($slaves[$i].inflationType == "aphrodisiac")>>
-		With $his aphrodisiac boosted libido, it's barely possible to discern $him from a natural nymphomaniac.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.9>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 60)>>
-		With $his good sex drive $he often orgasms with citizens.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.8>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 40)>>
-		With $his average sex drive $he occasionally orgasms with citizens.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.5>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].energy > 20)>>
-		With $his poor sex drive $he almost never orgasms with citizens.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty*.1>>
-	<<else>>
-		Since $he's frigid, $he rarely experiences authentic arousal with citizens.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 15)>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 15)>>
-			$His general disgust with sex makes $him a very poor slut.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
-			$His sexual disgust with men makes $him a poor slut.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 95)>>
-			$His sexual disgust with men hinders $him, though $he is more enthusiastic with female citizens.
-		<<else>>
-			$His sexual disgust with men hinders $him, though $he makes up for it with female citizens.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 85)>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 15)>>
-			$His sexual disgust with men makes $him a poor slut.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
-			$His indifference to men and women makes $him a poor slut.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 95)>>
-			$His sexual indifference to men hinders $him, though $he is more enthusiastic with female citizens.
-		<<else>>
-			$His sexual indifference to men hinders $him, though $he makes up for it with female citizens.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXY <= 95)>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 15)>>
-			$His sexual disgust with women hinders $him, though $he makes up for it with male citizens.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
-			$His sexual indifference to women hinders $him, though $he makes up for it with male citizens.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 95)>>
-			$He has the advantage of sexual sincerity with both men and women.
-		<<else>>
-			$He's a good slut with male citizens, and truly enthusiastic with women.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 15)>>
-			$His sexual disgust with women hinders $him, though $he is enthusiastic with male citizens.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 85)>>
-			$His sexual indifference to women hinders $him, though $he is enthusiastic with male citizens.
-		<<elseif ($slaves[$i].attrXX <= 95)>>
-			$He's a good slut with female citizens, and truly enthusiastic with men.
-		<<else>>
-			$He's openly lustful towards all citizens, men and women.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralQuirk>>
-<<case "confident">>
-	$He's better at $his job because $he's so confident in the club.
-<<case "cutting">>
-	$He gets a lot of attention for $his ability to joke at a patron's expense.
-<<case "funny">>
-	$He frequently has $his corner of the club doubled over with laughter at $his antics.
-<<case "adores women">>
-	$He singles out the prettiest ladies in the club for special personal attention.
-<<case "adores men">>
-	$He singles out the hottest hunks in the club for special personal attention.
-<<case "fitness">>
-	$He approaches life in the club as a good workout, to the delight of $his exhausted partners.
-<<case "insecure">>
-	$He's very willing to be promiscuous, since $he values $himself mainly as a sex object.
-<<case "sinful">>
-	$He's explicitly sacrilegious in the club, happily transgressing against cultural boundaries.
-<<case "advocate">>
-	$He believes that the club represents $arcologies[0].name well, and does $his best to contribute.
-<<switch $slaves[$i].sexualQuirk>>
-<<case "gagfuck queen">>
-	$He's a popular target for oral gangbangs in the club, late at night.
-<<case "painal queen">>
-	$He's a popular target for anal gangbangs in the club, late at night.
-<<case "strugglefuck queen">>
-	$He's a popular target for gangbangs in the club, late at night.
-<<case "tease">>
-	Despite being a club slut, $he somehow retains the ability to blush enticingly at nudity.
-<<case "romantic">>
-	Despite being a club slut, $he somehow retains the ability to make $his citizens feel special.
-<<case "perverted">>
-	$He's comfortable with the most perverted citizens' desires.
-<<case "unflinching">>
-	$He's impossible to disgust or surprise, pleasing citizens with odd tastes.
-<<case "size queen">>
-	$He's very eager to spend quality time with big cocks, making $him a favorite among the well-endowed.
-<<case "caring">>
-	$He really cares for everyone $he meets in the club, and will provide a sympathetic ear for anyone who just feels like talking.
-<<switch $slaves[$i].behavioralFlaw>>
-<<case "arrogant">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he treats clients like they are beneath $his dignity.
-<<case "bitchy">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he makes cutting remarks to clients.
-<<case "odd">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because clients are annoyed by $his odd behavior.
-<<case "hates men">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he can't conceal $his distaste for the company of men.
-<<case "hates women">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he can't conceal $his distaste for the company of women.
-<<case "devout">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because people are annoyed by $his habit of praying for forgiveness during sex.
-<<case "liberated">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because people are annoyed by $his obvious belief that being forced to serve them is wrong.
-<<switch $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw>>
-<<case "hates oral">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he tries to avoid sucking cock.
-<<case "hates anal">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he tries to avoid taking it up the ass.
-<<case "hates penetration">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he tries to avoid getting fucked.
-<<case "repressed">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because citizens who don't feel like forcing $him sometimes have to cajole $him past $his repressed sexuality.
-<<case "idealistic">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because citizens who don't feel like forcing $him sometimes have to convince $him to have sex with them.
-<<case "apathetic">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he often just lies there taking dick.
-<<case "crude">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he isn't exactly the most elegant sexual partner.
-<<case "judgemental">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he openly disdains unattractive citizens.
-<<case "shamefast">>
-	$He receives less gratitude because $he sometimes hesitates to take $his clothes off and get to work.
-<<case "cum addict">>
-	$His abject begging for cum annoys citizens who aren't looking for oral, but this is more than outweighed by how much it delights those who are.
-<<case "anal addict">>
-	$His abject begging for buttsex annoys citizens who aren't interested in fucking $his ass, but this is more than outweighed by how much it delights those who are.
-<<case "attention whore">>
-	As an attention whore, public service is $his forte, and $he delights citizens with $his eager willingness to try anything in the open.
-<<case "breast growth">>
-	$His excessive obsession with $his own breasts, to the detriment of most sexual intercourse, annoys citizens.
-<<case "abusive">>
-	$He annoys citizens whenever $his sexual abusiveness becomes apparent.
-<<case "malicious">>
-	$He annoys citizens whenever $his sexual maliciousness becomes apparent.
-<<case "self hating">>
-	$He annoys citizens during the crying jags brought on by $his self hatred.
-<<case "neglectful">>
-	$He annoys those discerning citizens who can tell that $he neglects to orgasm with them.
-<<case "breeder">>
-	$His obsession with pregnancy annoys citizens who aren't interested in that.
-<</if>> /* CLOSES EWM */
-<<if ($slaves[$i].sexualFlaw == "none")>>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].devotion < 10>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-			<<if ($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill <= 30) && canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>>
-				After being fucked too hard too often, $he now @@.red;dislikes being penetrated.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates penetration">>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].analSkill <= 30) && canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>>
-				After so much anal pain, $he now @@.red;dislikes being buttfucked.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates anal">>
-			<<elseif ($slaves[$i].oralSkill <= 30)>>
-				After one too many facials, $he now @@.red;dislikes sucking cock.@@
-				<<set $slaves[$i].sexualFlaw = "hates oral">>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($slaves[$i].assignment == "recruit girls")>>
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club">>
-	<<run repX(Math.trunc(($beauty*$FResult)*(1+(0.003*$slaves[$i].entertainSkill))*0.15), "publicServantClub", $slaves[$i])>>
-<<elseif $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve the public">>
-	<<run repX(Math.trunc(($beauty*$FResult)*(1+(0.003*$slaves[$i].entertainSkill))*0.15), "publicServant", $slaves[$i])>>
-	<<run repX(Math.trunc(($beauty*$FResult)*(1+(0.003*$slaves[$i].entertainSkill))*0.15), "serving the public in an unregistered building", $slaves[$i])>>
-<<set _incomeStats.income += Math.trunc(($beauty*$FResult)*(1+(0.003*$slaves[$i].entertainSkill))*0.15)>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].assignment == "serve in the club">>
-	<<if $clubDecoration != "standard">>
-		<<set _fsBeauty = 0.0005*$FSSingleSlaveRep*$beauty>>
-		<<switch $clubDecoration>>
-		<<case "Roman Revivalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Aztec Revivalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Egyptian Revivalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Edo Revivalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Arabian Revivalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Chinese Revivalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Chattel Religionist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Degradationist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Asset Expansionist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Transformation Fetishist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Gender Radicalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Repopulation Focus">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Eugenics">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSRestart += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Gender Fundamentalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Physical Idealist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSPhysicalIdealist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Hedonistic">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Supremacist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Subjugationist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Paternalist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Pastoralist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Maturity Preferentialist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSMaturityPreferentialist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Youth Preferentialist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSYouthPreferentialist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Body Purist">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist += _fsBeauty>>
-		<<case "Slimness Enthusiast">>
-			<<set $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast += _fsBeauty>>
-		<</switch>>
-	<</if>>
-<<set _oralUse = $oralUseWeight+($slaves[$i].oralSkill/30)+($slaves[$i].lips/20)>>
-<<set _analUse = 0>>
-<<if canDoAnal($slaves[$i])>><<set _analUse = $analUseWeight+($slaves[$i].analSkill/30)-$slaves[$i].anus>><</if>>
-<<set _vaginalUse = 0>>
-<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i])>><<set _vaginalUse = $vaginalUseWeight+($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill/30)-$slaves[$i].vagina>><</if>>
-<<set _mammaryUse = 0>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].boobs > 10000>><<set _mammaryUse += 5+$mammaryUseWeight>><<elseif $slaves[$i].boobs > 2000>><<set _mammaryUse += $mammaryUseWeight+($slaves[$i].boobs/2000)>><</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">><<set _mammaryUse = _mammaryUse*2>><</if>>
-<<set _penetrativeUse = 0>>
-<<if canDoVaginal($slaves[$i]) && $slaves[$i].clit > 1>><<set _penetrativeUse += $penetrativeUseWeight+($slaves[$i].vaginalSkill/30)+$slaves[$i].clit>><</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].dick>>
-	<<if canPenetrate($slaves[$i])>>
-		<<set _penetrativeUse += $penetrativeUseWeight+$slaves[$i].dick+Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,10)/4>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
-			<<set _penetrativeUse += Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,5)>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif !($slaves[$i].chastityPenis)>>
-		<<set _penetrativeUse += $penetrativeUseWeight+$slaves[$i].dick+Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,10)/8>>
-		<<if ($slaves[$i].drugs == "hyper testicle enhancement")>>
-			<<set _penetrativeUse += Math.min($slaves[$i].balls,5)>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<set _demand = _oralUse+_analUse+_vaginalUse+_mammaryUse+_penetrativeUse>>
-<<set _oralUse = Math.trunc((_oralUse/_demand)*$beauty)>>
-<<set _analUse = Math.trunc((_analUse/_demand)*$beauty)>>
-<<set _vaginalUse = Math.trunc((_vaginalUse/_demand)*$beauty)>>
-<<set _mammaryUse = Math.trunc((_mammaryUse/_demand)*$beauty)>>
-<<set _penetrativeUse = Math.trunc((_penetrativeUse/_demand)*$beauty)>>
-<<set $slaves[$i].oralCount += _oralUse, $slaves[$i].publicCount += _oralUse, $oralTotal += _oralUse>>
-<<set $slaves[$i].analCount += _analUse, $slaves[$i].publicCount += _analUse, $analTotal += _analUse>>
-<<set $slaves[$i].vaginalCount += _vaginalUse, $slaves[$i].publicCount += _vaginalUse, $vaginalTotal += _vaginalUse>>
-<<set $slaves[$i].mammaryCount += _mammaryUse, $slaves[$i].publicCount += _mammaryUse, $mammaryTotal += _mammaryUse>>
-<<set $slaves[$i].penetrativeCount += _penetrativeUse, $slaves[$i].publicCount += _penetrativeUse, $penetrativeTotal += _penetrativeUse>>
-<<set _cervixPump = 0>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].cervixImplant == 1 || $slaves[$i].cervixImplant == 3>>
-	<<set _cervixPump += 20*_vaginalUse>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].cervixImplant == 2 || $slaves[$i].cervixImplant == 3>>
-	<<set _cervixPump += 20*_analUse>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].need>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].fetishKnown>>
-<<switch $slaves[$i].fetish>>
-<<case "submissive" "masochist">>
-	<<if _analUse+_vaginalUse > 0>>
-		$He enjoys being fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the <<print _analUse+_vaginalUse>> dicks stuck inside $him this week.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _analUse+_vaginalUse>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "dom" "sadist">>
-	<<if _penetrativeUse > 0>>
-		$He enjoys being on top, and got special sexual satisfaction from the _penetrativeUse times $he got to fuck someone this week.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= 2*_penetrativeUse>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "cumslut">>
-	<<if _oralUse > 0>>
-		$He enjoys sucking, and got sexual satisfaction from the _oralUse blowjobs $he gave this week.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _oralUse>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "buttslut">>
-	<<if _analUse > 0>>
-		$He enjoys getting buttfucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _analUse times $he was sodomized this week.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _analUse>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "boobs">>
-	<<if _mammaryUse > 0>>
-		$He enjoys <<if $slaves[$i].nipples == "fuckable">>having $his tits fucked<<else>>giving a good titfuck<</if>>, and got sexual satisfaction from the _mammaryUse times they were used this week.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _mammaryUse>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "pregnancy">>
-	<<if $slaves[$i].mpreg == 0>>
-	<<if _vaginalUse > 0>>
-		$He enjoys having $his pussy fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _vaginalUse times $he got dick this week.
-		<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _vaginalUse>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if _analUse > 0>>
-			$He enjoys having $his ass fucked, and got sexual satisfaction from the _analUse times $he got dick this week.
-			<<set $slaves[$i].need -= _analUse>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<case "humiliation">>
-	$He enjoys the humiliation of being a public slut, and got a bit of sexual satisfaction from every sex act $he performed this week.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].need -= $beauty>>
-<<if ($showVignettes == 1) && $slaves[$i].assignment != "recruit girls">>
-	<<set _vignette = GetVignette($slaves[$i])>>
-	__This week__ _vignette.text
-	<<if (_vignette.type == "cash")>>
-		<<if (_vignette.effect > 0)>>
-			@@.yellowgreen;making you an extra <<print cashFormat(Math.trunc($FResult*_vignette.effect))>>.@@
-		<<elseif (_vignette.effect < 0)>>
-			@@.red;losing you <<print cashFormat(Math.abs(Math.trunc($FResult*_vignette.effect)))>>.@@
-		<<else>>
-			an incident without lasting effect.
-		<</if>>
-		<<run cashX(Math.trunc($FResult*_vignette.effect), "publicServant", $slaves[$i])>>
-		<<set _incomeStats.rep += Math.trunc($FResult*_vignette.effect)>>
-	<<elseif (_vignette.type == "devotion")>>
-		<<if (_vignette.effect > 0)>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-		@@.hotpink;increasing $his devotion to you.@@
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		@@.hotpink;increasing $his acceptance of you.@@
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -50>>
-		@@.hotpink;reducing $his dislike of you.@@
-			<<else>>
-		@@.hotpink;reducing $his hatred of you.@@
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif (_vignette.effect < 0)>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].devotion > 50>>
-		@@.mediumorchid;reducing $his devotion to you.@@
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -20>>
-		@@.mediumorchid;reducing $his acceptance of you.@@
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].devotion >= -50>>
-		@@.mediumorchid;increasing $his dislike of you.@@
-			<<else>>
-		@@.mediumorchid;increasing $his hatred of you.@@
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			an incident without lasting effect.
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].devotion += 1*_vignette.effect>>
-	<<elseif (_vignette.type == "trust")>>
-		<<if (_vignette.effect > 0)>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 20>>
-		@@.mediumaquamarine;increasing $his trust in you.@@
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust >= -50>>
-		@@.mediumaquamarine;reducing $his fear of you.@@
-			<<else>>
-		@@.mediumaquamarine;reducing $his terror of you.@@
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif (_vignette.effect < 0)>>
-			<<if $slaves[$i].trust > 20>>
-		@@.gold;reducing $his trust in you.@@
-			<<elseif $slaves[$i].trust >= -20>>
-		@@.gold;increasing $his fear of you.@@
-			<<else>>
-		@@.gold;increasing $his terror of you.@@
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			an incident without lasting effect.
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].trust += 1*_vignette.effect>>
-	<<elseif (_vignette.type == "health")>>
-		<<if (_vignette.effect > 0)>>
-		@@.green;improving $his health.@@
-		<<elseif (_vignette.effect < 0)>>
-		@@.red;affecting $his health.@@
-		<<else>>
-			an incident without lasting effect.
-		<</if>>
-		<<set $slaves[$i].health += 2*_vignette.effect>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if (_vignette.effect > 0)>>
-			@@.green;gaining you a bit of reputation.@@
-		<<elseif (_vignette.effect < 0)>>
-			@@.red;losing you a bit of reputation.@@
-		<<else>>
-			an incident without lasting effect.
-		<</if>>
-		<<run repX( Math.trunc($FResult*_vignette.effect*0.1), "vignette", $slaves[$i])>>
-		<<set _incomeStats.income += Math.trunc($FResult*_vignette.effect*0.1)>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $slaves[$i].energy > 40 && $slaves[$i].energy < 95>>
-	Being used sexually all week @@.lime;increases $his sex drive.@@
-	<<set $slaves[$i].energy += 1>>
-<<if _cervixPump > 0>>
-	$He notices $his @@.lime;belly has swollen@@ from all the
-	<<if $slaves[$i].cervixImplant == 1>>
-		vaginal
-	<<elseif $slaves[$i].cervixImplant == 2>>
-		anal
-	<</if>>
-	sex $he had throughout the week.
-	<<set $slaves[$i].bellyImplant += _cervixPump>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seRaiding.tw b/src/uncategorized/seRaiding.tw
index 7fb51df1c46a4c45113480091027e132df9b66c1..c7f66a83d1a537b549e8856e0d3c4c5b2e54a88e 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seRaiding.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seRaiding.tw
@@ -567,43 +567,43 @@ target
 <<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
 <<switch $origin>>
 <<case "housewife">>
-	is an idyllic mansion in the countryside of an Old World nation. It's owner is a businessman of some notoriety, but is often away from his expansive estate. A number of servants and maids are in residence, but the primary resident of the mansion is his wife. From the sound of things, $he is not a young $woman but attractive enough in a fake sort of way.
+	is an idyllic mansion in the countryside of an old world nation. It's owner is a businessman of some notoriety, but is often away from his expansive estate. A number of servants and maids are in residence, but the primary resident of the mansion is his wife. From the sound of things, $he is not a young $woman but attractive enough in a fake sort of way.
 <<case "university student">>
-	is the department offices of a still operational Old World university. The University prides itself on a diverse and capable faculty, often touting its wealth of female professors as a symbol of its progressive agenda. Though they are unlikely to be young, these professors will be educated and quite intelligent. The head of the department is no exception, a $woman of considerable academic credentials.
+	is the department offices of a still operational old world university. The University prides itself on a diverse and capable faculty, often touting its wealth of female professors as a symbol of its progressive agenda. Though they are unlikely to be young, these professors will be educated and quite intelligent. The head of the department is no exception, a $woman of considerable academic credentials.
 <<case "university student">>
-	is the residence dormitories of a still operational Old World university. The University prides itself on a diverse and inspired student body, often touting its wealth of female students as a symbol of its progressive agenda. Though they are young, these students will likely have benefited from their education and fairly intelligent. By all accounts the prettiest of them is no exception, a student with a shining academic record.
+	is the residence dormitories of a still operational old world university. The University prides itself on a diverse and inspired student body, often touting its wealth of female students as a symbol of its progressive agenda. Though they are young, these students will likely have benefited from their education and fairly intelligent. By all accounts the prettiest of them is no exception, a student with a shining academic record.
 <<case "female military officer">>
-	is a military officer currently traveling to the front of a fresh conflict between rival powers in the Old World. In an attempt to disguise $his high rank, $he is traveling with only a small escort of soldiers and is a prime target for enslavement. The officer is a graduate of a renowned Old World military college and no stranger to the battlefield, yet has retained $his femininity despite $his considerable achievements.
+	is a military officer currently traveling to the front of a fresh conflict between rival powers in the old world. In an attempt to disguise $his high rank, $he is traveling with only a small escort of soldiers and is a prime target for enslavement. The officer is a graduate of a renowned old world military college and no stranger to the battlefield, yet has retained $his femininity despite $his considerable achievements.
 <<case "male military officer">>
-	is a military officer currently traveling to the front of a fresh conflict between rival powers in the Old World. In an attempt to disguise $his high rank, $he is traveling with only a small escort of soldiers and is a prime target for enslavement. The officer is a graduate of a renowned Old World military college and no stranger to the battlefield.
+	is a military officer currently traveling to the front of a fresh conflict between rival powers in the old world. In an attempt to disguise $his high rank, $he is traveling with only a small escort of soldiers and is a prime target for enslavement. The officer is a graduate of a renowned old world military college and no stranger to the battlefield.
 <<case "military soldier">>
-	is the barracks of a local garrison in an Old World town. The majority of the town's young men have already been sent to the front of a new conflict, so the town has conscripted a number of young $women to fill the ranks of their garrison. Though the soldiers are likely to be untested, they have still received some measure of combat training. Their sergeant is the nominal leader of the group, though $he holds the position due to familial connections rather than any real military seniority.
+	is the barracks of a local garrison in an old world town. The majority of the town's young men have already been sent to the front of a new conflict, so the town has conscripted a number of young $women to fill the ranks of their garrison. Though the soldiers are likely to be untested, they have still received some measure of combat training. Their sergeant is the nominal leader of the group, though $he holds the position due to familial connections rather than any real military seniority.
 <<case "doctor">>
-	is a hospital located in an impoverished Old World City. Despite its crime ridden surroundings, the hospital possesses a sterling reputation as a result of its distinguished staff of veteran doctors and nurses. Chief among these medical professionals is a female doctor, an accomplished pioneer in $his field.
+	is a hospital located in an impoverished old world City. Despite its crime ridden surroundings, the hospital possesses a sterling reputation as a result of its distinguished staff of veteran doctors and nurses. Chief among these medical professionals is a female doctor, an accomplished pioneer in $his field.
 <<case "nun">>
 	is a reclusive religious community in a mountain range between two current conflict zones. The members of the community have withdrawn from the collapsing social order of the world and established a commune in their mountain retreat, filling their days with peaceful reflection and prayer. Though the nuns have no true leader, one among them has emerged as the most pious of the sisters.
 <<case "journalist">>
-	is the offices of an esteemed Old World newspaper firm. The paper is known for its investigative journalism, particularly as one of the few firms willing to delve into the brave new world of the Free Cities. The rising star of the paper is undoubtedly a young journalist who has been an outspoken critic of slaveholding and other Free Cities traditions.
+	is the offices of an esteemed old world newspaper firm. The paper is known for its investigative journalism, particularly as one of the few firms willing to delve into the brave new world of the Free Cities. The rising star of the paper is undoubtedly a young journalist who has been an outspoken critic of slaveholding and other Free Cities traditions.
 <<case "local news anchor">>
-	is the recording studio of a sleepy Old World town's local news channel. The news channel itself is unremarkable, a quaint reminder of the tedious life of a small town, save for its news anchor. The anchor stands in stark contrast to $his fellow residents by the abundance of $his plastic surgery, likely an attempt to cling to youth lest $his coveted anchor position be snatched away by a younger $woman.
+	is the recording studio of a sleepy old world town's local news channel. The news channel itself is unremarkable, a quaint reminder of the tedious life of a small town, save for its news anchor. The anchor stands in stark contrast to $his fellow residents by the abundance of $his plastic surgery, likely an attempt to cling to youth lest $his coveted anchor position be snatched away by a younger $woman.
 <<case "classical dancer">>
-	is the performing arts theater at the heart of an aristocratic Old World city. The theater itself would usually not be considered a choice target, except that tonight its stage is graced by a renowned dance troupe. The jewel of the troupe's cast is a young $girl<<if $pedo_mode == 0>>, barely past $his majority,<</if>> whose performance has been said to bring tears to the eyes of audiences the world over.
+	is the performing arts theater at the heart of an aristocratic old world city. The theater itself would usually not be considered a choice target, except that tonight its stage is graced by a renowned dance troupe. The jewel of the troupe's cast is a young $girl<<if $pedo_mode == 0>>, barely past $his majority,<</if>> whose performance has been said to bring tears to the eyes of audiences the world over.
 <<case "law enforcement officer">>
-	is the precinct of a small Old World town's police department. The department is notoriously underfunded and unlikely to be particularly well staffed. Nonetheless, one of the officers is well known in the area for $his adherence to the letter of the law despite $his small town cop status.
+	is the precinct of a small old world town's police department. The department is notoriously underfunded and unlikely to be particularly well staffed. Nonetheless, one of the officers is well known in the area for $his adherence to the letter of the law despite $his small town cop status.
 <<case "classical musician">>
-	is the concert hall at the heart of an aristocratic Old World city. The concert hall itself would usually not be considered a choice target, except that tonight its stage is graced by a renowned orchestra. The pride of the orchestra's cast is a <<if $activeSlave.visualAge < 13>>little $girl<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 18>>teenager<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 24>>young $woman<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 32>>$woman<<else>>mature $woman<</if>>, whose skill with $his instrument has been known to move listeners to tears.
+	is the concert hall at the heart of an aristocratic old world city. The concert hall itself would usually not be considered a choice target, except that tonight its stage is graced by a renowned orchestra. The pride of the orchestra's cast is a <<if $activeSlave.visualAge < 13>>little $girl<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 18>>teenager<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 24>>young $woman<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 32>>$woman<<else>>mature $woman<</if>>, whose skill with $his instrument has been known to move listeners to tears.
 <<case "politician">>
-	is a campaign rally for the reelection of an Old World politician. Though the rally will be an extremely public affair, the benefits of capturing a prestigious politician could outweigh the risks.
+	is a campaign rally for the reelection of an old world politician. Though the rally will be an extremely public affair, the benefits of capturing a prestigious politician could outweigh the risks.
 <<case "shut-in">>
 	is the shack of a notorious shut-in located just outside your arcology. Not a particularly distinguished target, but it would save your $mercenariesTitle considerable time and effort. The shut-in $himself has been a fixture of the landscape for <<if $activeSlave.visualAge < 13>>only a little while<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 18>>some time<<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 32>>years<<else>>decades<</if>>, with many speculating that $he remains a virgin<<if $activeSlave.visualAge > 32>> despite $his mature age<</if>>.
 <<case "procuress">>
 	is a halfway house for vulnerable $women operating in a nearby conflict zone. Far from being a wholesome institution, the proprietor of this halfway house is a notorious procuress who sells $his guests into slavery. Raiding the halfway house avoids the procuress' fees on a new shipment of slaves, with the procuress $himself as a tempting bonus.
 <<case "investor">>
-	is one of the last remaining business expositions still operating in the Old World. In years past, such expositions were often a showcase for innovation and corporate development but in recent years have become a sad spectacle of industry stagnation. This particular exposition's keynote speaker is a reputable investor with decades of experience, hoping to breathe new life into some valuable yet dying firms.
+	is one of the last remaining business expositions still operating in the old world. In years past, such expositions were often a showcase for innovation and corporate development but in recent years have become a sad spectacle of industry stagnation. This particular exposition's keynote speaker is a reputable investor with decades of experience, hoping to breathe new life into some valuable yet dying firms.
 <<case "scientist">>
-	is a research lab operating on the lawless fringe between the Old World and the Free Cities. Here, scientists push the boundaries of the known world without the burden of governmental oversight or moral restrictions. Their de facto leader is a fellow scientist, one of the first to leave the Old World behind in pursuit of knowledge.
+	is a research lab operating on the lawless fringe between the old world and the Free Cities. Here, scientists push the boundaries of the known world without the burden of governmental oversight or moral restrictions. Their de facto leader is a fellow scientist, one of the first to leave the old world behind in pursuit of knowledge.
 <<case "lawyer">>
-	is the offices of a law firm operating on the boundary between the Old World and the Free Cities. The lawyers within profit from the shaky legal channels between Old World nations and new Free Cities, largely drawing up contracts or facilitating the transfer of goods, services, and slaves. The sole senior partner of the firm is one of the pioneers of this new field of legal work, having been a staunch corporate advocate for much of $his life.
+	is the offices of a law firm operating on the boundary between the old world and the Free Cities. The lawyers within profit from the shaky legal channels between old world nations and new Free Cities, largely drawing up contracts or facilitating the transfer of goods, services, and slaves. The sole senior partner of the firm is one of the pioneers of this new field of legal work, having been a staunch corporate advocate for much of $his life.
 <<set $activeSlave.origin = "Your " + $mercenariesTitle + " caught her while raiding; she was a " + $origin + ".">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seRaidingAssault.tw b/src/uncategorized/seRaidingAssault.tw
index 74b052726da2c6447ecafd893724c01d92a6eba2..1321a0ee0957b23fbede46e9e69937e317372f82 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seRaidingAssault.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seRaidingAssault.tw
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "lawyer">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
-		It seems the lawyer had anticipated the possibility of conflict on the frontier on the outer rim of the Old World, so the $mercenariesTitle are able to do little more than enter the building before the law firm's offices seal themselves off. Faced with the prospect of lingering in a conflict zone, your $mercenariesTitle cut their losses and retreat back to their VTOLs.
+		It seems the lawyer had anticipated the possibility of conflict on the frontier on the outer rim of the old world, so the $mercenariesTitle are able to do little more than enter the building before the law firm's offices seal themselves off. Faced with the prospect of lingering in a conflict zone, your $mercenariesTitle cut their losses and retreat back to their VTOLs.
 	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
 		Your $mercenariesTitle capture the law firm's staff without much difficulty, but when they open the door to the lawyer's office they find $him frothing from the mouth and unresponsive. From the quantity of pill bottles evident on $his desk, it seems $he found the sole loophole to escape capture.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seRecruiterSuccess.tw b/src/uncategorized/seRecruiterSuccess.tw
index 7411a622b220886313470b7c9ba5b6e7d361ee28..8e311b0d4789de03e17ea7bab3081f9bdb5a152f 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seRecruiterSuccess.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seRecruiterSuccess.tw
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
 <<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 22>>
 <<set $oneTimeDisableDisability = 1>>
 <<include "Generate New Slave">>
-<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She submitted to enslavement to escape the hard life of an Old World whore.">>
+<<set $activeSlave.origin = "She submitted to enslavement to escape the hard life of an old world whore.">>
 <<set $activeSlave.career = "a prostitute">>
 <<set $activeSlave.devotion = random(-15,5)>>
 <<set $activeSlave.trust = random(-10,10)>>