diff --git a/src/facilities/farmyard/food/foodReport.js b/src/facilities/farmyard/food/foodReport.js
index 88d9c689e47e7ec78884c51f2efceba709caa923..b0c543bdd3d0484d73e94b26031374bd16bfed6b 100644
--- a/src/facilities/farmyard/food/foodReport.js
+++ b/src/facilities/farmyard/food/foodReport.js
@@ -1,20 +1,53 @@
 App.UI.foodReport = function() {
 	const text = [];
-	const farmhands = App.Entity.facilities.farmyard.hostedSlaves;
-	const slaveAmount = App.Entity.facilities.farmyard.employees().reduce((acc, cur) => acc + App.Facilities.Farmyard.foodAmount(cur), 0);
-	const menialAmount = V.farmMenials * App.Facilities.Farmyard.foodAmount();
-	const total = slaveAmount + menialAmount;
-	text.push(`${V.arcologies[0].name} produced ${massFormat(total)} of food this week.`);
+	text.push(
+		production(),
+		consumption(),
+	);
-	if (slaveAmount > 0) {
-		text.push(`${V.farmMenials ? capFirstChar(massFormat(slaveAmount)) : `All of it`} was produced by your ${num(farmhands)} farmhands`);
-	}
-	if (menialAmount > 0) {
-		text.push(`${slaveAmount > 0 ? text.pop() + `, and ${massFormat(total - slaveAmount)}` : `All of it`} was produced by ${num(V.farmMenials)} menial slaves`);
+	return text.join(' ');
+	function production() {
+		const text = [];
+		const production = App.Facilities.Farmyard.foodProduction();
+		const farmhands = App.Entity.facilities.farmyard.hostedSlaves;
+		const slaveAmount = App.Entity.facilities.farmyard.employees()
+			.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + App.Facilities.Farmyard.foodAmount(cur), 0);
+		const menialAmount = V.farmMenials * App.Facilities.Farmyard.foodAmount();
+		text.push(`${V.arcologies[0].name} produced ${massFormat(production)} of food this week.`);
+		if (slaveAmount > 0) {
+			text.push(`${V.farmMenials ? capFirstChar(massFormat(slaveAmount)) : `All of it`} was produced by your ${num(farmhands)} farmhands`);
+		}
+		if (menialAmount > 0) {
+			text.push(`${slaveAmount > 0 ? text.pop() + `, and ${massFormat(production - slaveAmount)}` : `All of it`} was produced by ${num(V.farmMenials)} menial slaves`);
+		}
+		text.push(text.pop() + `.`);
+		return text.join(' ');
-	text.push(text.pop() + `.`);
+	function consumption() {
+		const text = [];
+		const production = App.Facilities.Farmyard.foodProduction();
+		const consumption = App.Facilities.Farmyard.foodConsumption();
+		const deficit = Math.abs(consumption - production);
+		const cost = deficit * V.mods.food.cost;
+		const storage = V.mods.food.amount;
-	return text.join(' ');
+		if (production > consumption) {
+			text.push(`${capFirstChar(massFormat(consumption))} of it was consumed, with a spare ${massFormat(production - consumption)} moved into long-term storage.`);
+		} else {
+			if (storage > deficit) {
+				text.push(`Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to cover needs of your hungry arcology, and ${massFormat(deficit)} had to be brought up from storage.`);
+			} else if (V.cash > cost) {
+				text.push(`Unfortunately, this wasn't enough to cover needs of your hungry arcology, and because you didn't have enough food in storage, you has to purchase and additional ${massFormat(deficit - storage)} for ${cashFormat()}.`);
+			}
+		}
+		return text.join(' ');
+	}