From b3fc3eec801631526d9558f1a2eeab48aad910fb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ezsh <>
Date: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 21:49:38 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor long switches in slave summary

Replace long simple switches with dictionary lookups and dictionaries
under App.Data.SlaveSummary.
 js/003-data/slaveSummaryData.js | 855 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 src/js/slaveSummaryHelpers.js   | 509 ++++---------------
 src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js   | 786 +----------------------------
 3 files changed, 826 insertions(+), 1324 deletions(-)

diff --git a/js/003-data/slaveSummaryData.js b/js/003-data/slaveSummaryData.js
index d19b3cc91b7..9152432f7a5 100644
--- a/js/003-data/slaveSummaryData.js
+++ b/js/003-data/slaveSummaryData.js
@@ -1,150 +1,212 @@
 App.Data.SlaveSummary = {
 	long: {
+		body: {
+			age: {
+				0: "Underage.",
+				18: "Eighteen.",
+				19: "Nineteen.",
+				20: "Early twenties.",
+				25: "Late twenties.",
+				30: "Early thirties.",
+				35: "Late thirties.",
+				40: "Forties."
+			},
+			face: { // face value + 100
+				0: {desc: "Very ugly", style: "red"},
+				5: {desc: "Ugly", style: "red"},
+				60: {desc: "Unattractive", style: "red"},
+				90: {desc: "Average"},
+				111: {desc: "Attractive", style: "pink"},
+				141: {desc: "Beautiful", style: "pink"},
+				196: {desc: "Very beautiful", style: "pink"},
+			},
+			lips: {
+				0: {desc: "Thin lips", style: "red"},
+				11: {desc: "Normal lips"},
+				21: {desc: "Pretty lips"},
+				41: {desc: "Big lips"},
+				71: {desc: "Huge lips"},
+				96: {desc: "Facepussy"}
+			},
+			teeth: {
+				"crooked": {desc: "Crooked teeth.", style: "yellow"},
+				"gapped": {desc: "Tooth gap.", style: "yellow"},
+				"cosmetic braces": {desc: "Cosmetic braces."},
+				"straightening braces": {desc: "Braces."},
+				"removable": {desc: "Removable teeth."},
+				"pointy": {desc: "Sharp fangs."},
+				"baby": {desc: "Baby teeth."},
+				"mixed": {desc: "Mixed teeth."}
+			},
+			waist: { // waist value + 100
+				0: {desc: "Absurdly narrow waist", style: "pink"},
+				5: {desc: "Hourglass waist", style: "pink"},
+				60: {desc: "Feminine waist", style: "pink"},
+				90: {desc: "Average waist"},
+				111: {desc: "Unattractive waist", style: "red"},
+				141: {desc: "Ugly waist", style: "red"},
+				195: {desc: "Masculine waist", style: "red"}
+			}
+		},
+		mental: {
+			behavioralFlaw: {
+				"arrogant": "Arrogant.",
+				"bitchy": "Bitchy.",
+				"odd": "Odd.",
+				"hates men": "Hates men.",
+				"hates women": "Hates women.",
+				"gluttonous": "Stress eater.",
+				"anorexic": "Anorexic",
+				"devout": "Devoutly religious.",
+				"liberated": "Mentally liberated.",
+			}
+		},
 		clothes: {
-			"Western clothing": 'Chaps.',
-			"a Santa dress": 'Santa dress.',
-			"a ball gown": 'Ball gown.',
-			"a bimbo outfit": 'Bimbo outfit.',
-			"a biyelgee costume": 'Biyelgee costume.',
-			"a bra": 'Nice bra.',
-			"a bunny outfit": 'Bunny outfit.',
-			"a burkini": 'Burkini.',
-			"a burqa": 'Burqa.',
-			"a button-up shirt and panties": 'Button-up shirt, panties.',
-			"a button-up shirt": 'Nice button-up shirt.',
-			"a chattel habit": 'Chattel habit.',
-			"a cheerleader outfit": 'Cheerleader.',
-			"a comfortable bodysuit": 'Bodysuit.',
-			"a courtesan dress": 'Courtesan dress.',
-			"a cybersuit": 'Cybersuit.',
-			"a dirndl": 'Dirndl.',
-			"a fallen nuns habit": 'Slutty habit.',
-			"a gothic lolita dress": 'Gothic lolita dress.',
-			"a halter top dress": 'Halter top dress.',
-			"a hanbok": 'Hanbok.',
-			"a hijab and abaya": 'Hijab and abaya.',
-			"a hijab and blouse": 'Hijab and blouse.',
-			"a huipil": 'Huipil.',
-			"a kimono": 'Kimono.',
-			"a klan robe": 'Klan robe.',
-			"a latex catsuit": 'Nice latex.',
-			"a leotard": 'Leotard.',
-			"a long qipao": 'Long Qipao.',
-			"a maternity dress": 'Maternity dress.',
-			"a military uniform": 'Military uniform.',
-			"a mini dress": 'Mini dress.',
-			"a monokini": 'Monokini.',
-			"a mounty outfit": 'Mounty outfit.',
-			"a nice maid outfit": 'Nice maid.',
-			"a nice nurse outfit": 'Nice nurse.',
-			"a nice pony outfit": 'Nice pony outfit.',
-			"a niqab and abaya": 'Niqab and abaya.',
-			"a one-piece swimsuit": 'Swimsuit.',
-			"a penitent nuns habit": 'Cilice.',
-			"a police uniform": 'Police uniform.',
-			"a red army uniform": 'Red Army uniform.',
-			"a scalemail bikini": 'Scalemail bikini.',
-			"a schoolgirl outfit": 'Schoolgirl outfit.',
-			"a schutzstaffel uniform": 'Schutzstaffel uniform.',
-			"a skimpy loincloth": 'Skimpy loincloth.',
-			"a slave gown": 'Slave gown.',
-			"a slutty klan robe": 'Slutty klan robe.',
-			"a slutty maid outfit": 'Slutty maid.',
-			"a slutty nurse outfit": 'Slutty nurse.',
-			"a slutty outfit": 'Slutty outfit.',
-			"a slutty pony outfit": 'Slutty pony outfit.',
-			"a slutty qipao": 'Slutty qipao.',
-			"a slutty schutzstaffel uniform": 'Slutty Schutzstaffel uniform.',
-			"a sports bra": 'Sports bra.',
-			"a string bikini": 'String bikini.',
-			"a striped bra": 'Striped bra.',
-			"a succubus outfit": 'Succubus outfit.',
-			"a sweater and cutoffs": 'Jean s, sweater.',
-			"a sweater and panties": 'Sweater, panties.',
-			"a sweater": 'Nice sweater.',
-			"a t-shirt and jeans": 'Blue jeans, t-shirt.',
-			"a t-shirt and panties": 'Panties, t-shirt.',
-			"a t-shirt and thong": 'Thong, t-shirt.',
-			"a t-shirt": 'T-shirt.',
-			"a tank-top and panties": 'Tank-top, panties.',
-			"a tank-top": 'Nice tank-top.',
-			"a thong": 'Nice thong.',
-			"a toga": 'Toga.',
-			"a tube top and thong": 'Tube top, thong.',
-			"a tube top": 'Nice tube top.',
-			"an apron": 'Apron.',
-			"an oversized t-shirt and boys": 'Over-sized t-shirt, boy s.',
-			"an oversized t-shirt": 'Nice over-sized t-shirt.',
-			"attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman": 'Preggo lingerie.',
-			"attractive lingerie": 'Nice lingerie.',
-			"battlearmor": 'Battlearmor.',
-			"battledress": 'Battledress.',
-			"body oil": 'Body oil.',
-			"boys": 'Boy s.',
-			"chains": 'Chains.',
-			"clubslut netting": 'Netting.',
-			"conservative clothing": 'Conservative clothing.',
-			"cutoffs and a t-shirt": 'Cutoffs, t-shirt.',
-			"cutoffs": 'Jean s.',
-			"harem gauze": 'Harem outfit.',
-			"jeans": 'Tight blue jeans.',
-			"kitty lingerie": 'Kitty lingerie.',
-			"leather pants and a tube top": 'Leather pants, tube top.',
-			"leather pants and pasties": 'Leather pants, pasties.',
-			"leather pants": 'Nice leather pants.',
-			"lederhosen": 'Lederhosen.',
-			"nice business attire": 'Nice suit.',
-			"overalls": 'Overalls.',
-			"panties and pasties": 'Pasties, panties.',
-			"panties": 'Nice panties.',
-			"pasties": 'Pasties.',
-			"restrictive latex": 'Bondage latex.',
-			"shibari ropes": 'Shibari.',
-			"slutty business attire": 'Slutty suit.',
-			"slutty jewelry": 'Bangles.',
-			"spats and a tank top": 'Spats, tank top.',
-			"sport s and a sports bra": 'Shorts, bra.',
-			"sport s and a t-shirt": 'Nice sport s, shirt.',
-			"sport s": 'Shorts.',
-			"stretch pants and a crop-top": 'Stretch pants, crop-top.',
-			"striped panties": 'Striped panties.',
-			"striped underwear": 'Striped underwear',
-			"uncomfortable straps": 'Leather straps.',
+			"Western clothing": "Chaps.",
+			"a Santa dress": "Santa dress.",
+			"a ball gown": "Ball gown.",
+			"a bimbo outfit": "Bimbo outfit.",
+			"a biyelgee costume": "Biyelgee costume.",
+			"a bra": "Nice bra.",
+			"a bunny outfit": "Bunny outfit.",
+			"a burkini": "Burkini.",
+			"a burqa": "Burqa.",
+			"a button-up shirt and panties": "Button-up shirt, panties.",
+			"a button-up shirt": "Nice button-up shirt.",
+			"a chattel habit": "Chattel habit.",
+			"a cheerleader outfit": "Cheerleader.",
+			"a comfortable bodysuit": "Bodysuit.",
+			"a courtesan dress": "Courtesan dress.",
+			"a cybersuit": "Cybersuit.",
+			"a dirndl": "Dirndl.",
+			"a fallen nuns habit": "Slutty habit.",
+			"a gothic lolita dress": "Gothic lolita dress.",
+			"a halter top dress": "Halter top dress.",
+			"a hanbok": "Hanbok.",
+			"a hijab and abaya": "Hijab and abaya.",
+			"a hijab and blouse": "Hijab and blouse.",
+			"a huipil": "Huipil.",
+			"a kimono": "Kimono.",
+			"a klan robe": "Klan robe.",
+			"a latex catsuit": "Nice latex.",
+			"a leotard": "Leotard.",
+			"a long qipao": "Long Qipao.",
+			"a maternity dress": "Maternity dress.",
+			"a military uniform": "Military uniform.",
+			"a mini dress": "Mini dress.",
+			"a monokini": "Monokini.",
+			"a mounty outfit": "Mounty outfit.",
+			"a nice maid outfit": "Nice maid.",
+			"a nice nurse outfit": "Nice nurse.",
+			"a nice pony outfit": "Nice pony outfit.",
+			"a niqab and abaya": "Niqab and abaya.",
+			"a one-piece swimsuit": "Swimsuit.",
+			"a penitent nuns habit": "Cilice.",
+			"a police uniform": "Police uniform.",
+			"a red army uniform": "Red Army uniform.",
+			"a scalemail bikini": "Scalemail bikini.",
+			"a schoolgirl outfit": "Schoolgirl outfit.",
+			"a schutzstaffel uniform": "Schutzstaffel uniform.",
+			"a skimpy loincloth": "Skimpy loincloth.",
+			"a slave gown": "Slave gown.",
+			"a slutty klan robe": "Slutty klan robe.",
+			"a slutty maid outfit": "Slutty maid.",
+			"a slutty nurse outfit": "Slutty nurse.",
+			"a slutty outfit": "Slutty outfit.",
+			"a slutty pony outfit": "Slutty pony outfit.",
+			"a slutty qipao": "Slutty qipao.",
+			"a slutty schutzstaffel uniform": "Slutty Schutzstaffel uniform.",
+			"a sports bra": "Sports bra.",
+			"a string bikini": "String bikini.",
+			"a striped bra": "Striped bra.",
+			"a succubus outfit": "Succubus outfit.",
+			"a sweater and cutoffs": "Jean shorts, sweater.",
+			"a sweater and panties": "Sweater, panties.",
+			"a sweater": "Nice sweater.",
+			"a t-shirt and jeans": "Blue jeans, t-shirt.",
+			"a t-shirt and panties": "Panties, t-shirt.",
+			"a t-shirt and thong": "Thong, t-shirt.",
+			"a t-shirt": "T-shirt.",
+			"a tank-top and panties": "Tank-top, panties.",
+			"a tank-top": "Nice tank-top.",
+			"a thong": "Nice thong.",
+			"a toga": "Toga.",
+			"a tube top and thong": "Tube top, thong.",
+			"a tube top": "Nice tube top.",
+			"an apron": "Apron.",
+			"an oversized t-shirt and boy shorts": "Over-sized t-shirt, boy shorts.",
+			"an oversized t-shirt": "Nice over-sized t-shirt.",
+			"attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman": "Preggo lingerie.",
+			"attractive lingerie": "Nice lingerie.",
+			"battlearmor": "Battlearmor.",
+			"battledress": "Battledress.",
+			"body oil": "Body oil.",
+			"boyshorts": "Boy shorts.",
+			"chains": "Chains.",
+			"clubslut netting": "Netting.",
+			"conservative clothing": "Conservative clothing.",
+			"cutoffs and a t-shirt": "Cutoffs, t-shirt.",
+			"cutoffs": "Jean shorts.",
+			"harem gauze": "Harem outfit.",
+			"jeans": "Tight blue jeans.",
+			"kitty lingerie": "Kitty lingerie.",
+			"leather pants and a tube top": "Leather pants, tube top.",
+			"leather pants and pasties": "Leather pants, pasties.",
+			"leather pants": "Nice leather pants.",
+			"lederhosen": "Lederhosen.",
+			"nice business attire": "Nice suit.",
+			"overalls": "Overalls.",
+			"panties and pasties": "Pasties, panties.",
+			"panties": "Nice panties.",
+			"pasties": "Pasties.",
+			"restrictive latex": "Bondage latex.",
+			"shibari ropes": "Shibari.",
+			"slutty business attire": "Slutty suit.",
+			"slutty jewelry": "Bangles.",
+			"spats and a tank top": "Spats, tank top.",
+			"sport shorts and a sports bra": "Shorts, bra.",
+			"sport shorts and a t-shirt": "Nice sport shorts, shirt.",
+			"sport shorts": "Shorts.",
+			"stretch pants and a crop-top": "Stretch pants, crop-top.",
+			"striped panties": "Striped panties.",
+			"striped underwear": "Striped underwear",
+			"uncomfortable straps": "Leather straps.",
 		accessory: {
 			collar: {
-				"ancient Egyptian": 'Wesekh.',
-				"ball gag": 'Ball gag.',
-				"bell collar": 'Bell collar.',
-				"bit gag": 'Bit gag.',
-				"bowtie": 'Bowtie collar.',
-				"cruel retirement counter": 'Cruel counter collar.',
-				"dildo gag": 'Dildo gag.',
-				"heavy gold": 'Gold collar.',
-				"leather with cowbell": 'Cowbell collar.',
-				"massive dildo gag": 'Throat-bulging dildo gag.',
-				"neck corset": 'Neck corset.',
-				"nice retirement counter": 'Nice counter collar.',
-				"porcelain mask": 'Porcelain mask.',
-				"preg biometrics": 'Pregnancy biometrics collar.',
-				"pretty jewelry": 'Pretty collar.',
-				"satin choker": 'Satin choker.',
-				"shock punishment": 'Shock collar.',
-				"silk ribbon": 'Silken ribbon.',
-				"stylish leather": 'Stylish leather collar.',
-				"tight steel": 'Steel collar.',
-				"uncomfortable leather": 'Leather collar.',
+				"ancient Egyptian": "Wesekh.",
+				"ball gag": "Ball gag.",
+				"bell collar": "Bell collar.",
+				"bit gag": "Bit gag.",
+				"bowtie": "Bowtie collar.",
+				"cruel retirement counter": "Cruel counter collar.",
+				"dildo gag": "Dildo gag.",
+				"heavy gold": "Gold collar.",
+				"leather with cowbell": "Cowbell collar.",
+				"massive dildo gag": "Throat-bulging dildo gag.",
+				"neck corset": "Neck corset.",
+				"nice retirement counter": "Nice counter collar.",
+				"porcelain mask": "Porcelain mask.",
+				"preg biometrics": "Pregnancy biometrics collar.",
+				"pretty jewelry": "Pretty collar.",
+				"satin choker": "Satin choker.",
+				"shock punishment": "Shock collar.",
+				"silk ribbon": "Silken ribbon.",
+				"stylish leather": "Stylish leather collar.",
+				"tight steel": "Steel collar.",
+				"uncomfortable leather": "Leather collar.",
 			belly: {
-				"a corset": 'Corset.',
-				"a huge empathy belly": 'Huge fake belly.',
-				"a large empathy belly": 'Large fake belly.',
-				"a medium empathy belly": 'Medium fake belly.',
-				"a small empathy belly": 'Small fake belly.',
-				"a support band": 'Support band.',
-				"an extreme corset": 'Extreme corsetage.',
-				"shapewear": 'Shapewear.',
+				"a corset": "Corset.",
+				"a huge empathy belly": "Huge fake belly.",
+				"a large empathy belly": "Large fake belly.",
+				"a medium empathy belly": "Medium fake belly.",
+				"a small empathy belly": "Small fake belly.",
+				"a support band": "Support band.",
+				"an extreme corset": "Extreme corsetage.",
+				"shapewear": "Shapewear.",
 			vaginal: {
 				"bullet vibrator": "Attached bullet vibrator.",
@@ -155,10 +217,523 @@ App.Data.SlaveSummary = {
 				"long dildo": "Long vaginal dildo.",
 				"long, large dildo": "Long and large vaginal dildo.",
 				"long, huge dildo": "Long and wide vaginal dildo.",
+			},
+			buttplug: {
+				"plug": "Buttplug.",
+				"large plug": "Large buttplug.",
+				"huge plug": "Huge buttplug.",
+				"long plug": "Long buttplug.",
+				"long, large plug": "Large, long buttplug.",
+				"long, huge plug": "Enormous buttplug.",
+			},
+			buttplugAttachment: {
+				"tail": "Attached tail.",
+				"cat tail": "Attached cat tail.",
+				"fox tail": "Attached fox tail.",
+				"cow tail": "Attached cow tail.",
+			}
+		},
+		diet: {
+			"restricted": "Dieting.",
+			"fattening": "Gaining weight.",
+			"corrective": "Corrective.",
+			"XX": "Estrogen rich.",
+			"XY": "Testosterone rich.",
+			"XXY": "Futanari mix.",
+			"muscle building": "Pumping iron.",
+			"slimming": "Slimming down.",
+			"cum production": "Cum production.",
+			"cleansing": "Cleansing.",
+			"fertility": "Fertility.",
+		},
+		race: {
+			"white": "Caucasian",
+			"asian": "Asian",
+			"indo-aryan": "Indo-aryan",
+			"latina": "Latina",
+			"middle eastern": "Middle Eastern",
+			"black": "Black",
+			"pacific islander": "Pacific Islander",
+			"malay": "Malay",
+			"amerindian": "Amerindian",
+			"semitic": "Semitic",
+			"southern european": "Southern European",
+			"mixed race": "Mixed race",
+		},
+		hormoneBalance: { // rating is hormoneBalance value + 400
+			0: "Overwhelmingly masculine",
+			100: "Extremely masculine",
+			200: "Heavily masculine",
+			300: "Very masculine",
+			379: "Masculine",
+			420: "Neutral",
+			499: "Feminine",
+			599: "Very feminine",
+			699: "Heavily feminine",
+			799: "Extremely feminine",
+			900: "Overwhelmingly feminine"
+		},
+		health: {
+			illness: {
+				0: {desc: "Sick", style: "yellow"},
+				2: {desc: "Ill", style: ["red", "strong"]},
+				3: {desc: "Very ill", style: ["red", "strong"]},
+				4: {desc: "Terribly ill", style: ["red", "strong"]}
+			},
+			tiredness: {
+				0: {desc: "Energetic", style: "green"},
+				31: {desc: "Tired", style: "yellow"},
+				61: {desc: "Fatigued", style: "orange"},
+				91: {desc: "Exhausted", style: ["red", "strong"]}
+			},
+			health: { // health + 100
+				0: {desc: "On the edge of death", style: ["red", "strong"]},
+				10: {desc: "Extremely unhealthy", style: ["red", "strong"]},
+				50: {desc: "Unhealthy", style: ["red", "strong"]},
+				80: {desc: "healthy", style: "yellow"},
+				121: {desc: "Very healthy", style: "green"},
+				151: {desc: "Extremely healthy", style: "green"},
+				191: {desc: "Unnaturally healthy", style: "green"}
+			},
+		},
+		prestige: {
+			0: null,
+			1: {desc: "Prestigious.", style: "green"},
+			2: {desc: "Very prestigious.", style: "green"},
+			3: {desc: "Extremely prestigious.", style: "green"},
+		},
+		accent: {
+			1: {desc: "Cute accent.", style: "pink"},
+			2: {desc: "Accent."},
+			3: {desc: "Bad accent.", style: "red"},
+			4: {desc: "No language skills.", style: "red"},
+		}
+	},
+	short: {
+		body: {
+			age: {
+				18: "18",
+				19: "19",
+				20: "Ea20s",
+				25: "Lt20s",
+				30: "Ea30s",
+				35: "Lt30s",
+				40: "40s"
+			},
+			face: { // face value + 100
+				0: {desc: "Face---", style: "red"},
+				5: {desc: "Face--", style: "red"},
+				60: {desc: "Face-", style: "red"},
+				90: {desc: "Face"},
+				111: {desc: "Face+", style: "pink"},
+				141: {desc: "Face++", style: "pink"},
+				196: {desc: "Face+++", style: "pink"},
+			},
+			lips: {
+				0: {desc: "Lips-", style: "red"},
+				11: {desc: "Lips"},
+				21: {desc: "Lips+"},
+				41: {desc: "Lips++"},
+				71: {desc: "Lips+++"},
+				96: {desc: "Facepussy"}
+			},
+			teeth: {
+				"crooked": {desc: "Cr Teeth", style: "yellow"},
+				"gapped": {desc: "Gap", style: "yellow"},
+				"cosmetic braces": {desc: "Cos Braces"},
+				"straightening braces": {desc: "Braces"},
+				"removable": {desc: "Rem Teeth"},
+				"pointy": {desc: "Fangs"},
+				"baby": {desc: "Baby"},
+				"mixed": {desc: "Mixed"}
+			},
+			waist: { // waist value + 100
+				0: {desc: "Wst+++", style: "pink"},
+				5: {desc: "Wst++", style: "pink"},
+				60: {desc: "Wst+", style: "pink"},
+				90: {desc: "Wst"},
+				111: {desc: "Wst-", style: "red"},
+				141: {desc: "Wst--", style: "red"},
+				195: {desc: "Wst---", style: "red"}
+			}
+		},
+		mental: {
+			behavioralFlaw: {
+				"arrogant": "Arrog",
+				"bitchy": "Bitchy",
+				"odd": "Odd",
+				"hates men": "Men-",
+				"hates women": "Women-",
+				"gluttonous": "Glut",
+				"anorexic": "Ano",
+				"devout": "Dev",
+				"liberated": "Lib",
+			},
+			sexualFlaw: {
+				"hates oral": {desc: "Oral-", style: "red"},
+				"hates anal": {desc: "Anal-", style: "red"},
+				"hates penetration": {desc: "Fuck-", style: "red"},
+				"shamefast": {desc: "Shame", style: "red"},
+				"idealistic": {desc: "Ideal", style: "red"},
+				"repressed": {desc: "Repre", style: "red"},
+				"apathetic": {desc: "Apath", style: "red"},
+				"crude": {desc: "Crude", style: "red"},
+				"judgemental": {desc: "Judge", style: "red"},
+				"cum addict": {desc: "CumAdd", style: "yellow"},
+				"anal addict": {desc: "AnalAdd", style: "yellow"},
+				"attention whore": {desc: "Attention", style: "yellow"},
+				"breast growth": {desc: "BoobObsess", style: "yellow"},
+				"abusive": {desc: "Abusive", style: "yellow"},
+				"malicious": {desc: "Malice", style: "yellow"},
+				"self hating": {desc: "SelfHatr", style: "yellow"},
+				"neglectful": {desc: "SelfNeglect", style: "yellow"},
+				"breeder": {desc: "BreedObsess", style: "yellow"},
+			},
+			behavioralQuirk: {
+				"confident": "Confid",
+				"cutting": "Cutting",
+				"funny": "Funny",
+				"fitness": "Fit",
+				"adores women": "Women+",
+				"adores men": "Men+",
+				"insecure": "Insec",
+				"sinful": "Sinf",
+				"advocate": "Advoc",
+			},
+			sexualQuirk: {
+				"gagfuck queen": "Gagfuck",
+				"painal queen": "Painal",
+				"strugglefuck queen": "Struggle",
+				"tease": "Tease",
+				"romantic": "Romantic",
+				"perverted": "Perverted",
+				"caring": "Caring",
+				"unflinching": "Unflinch",
+				"size queen": "SizeQ",
+			}
+		},
+		health: {
+			tiredness: {
+				0: {desc: "Ene", style: "green"},
+				31: {desc: "Tir", style: "yellow"},
+				61: {desc: "Tir+", style: "orange"},
+				91: {desc: "Exh", style: ["red", "strong"]}
-		short: {
+		accent: {
+			1: {desc: "Acc", style: "pink"},
+			2: {desc: "Acc-"},
+			3: {desc: "Acc--"},
+			4: {desc: "Acc--", style: "red"},
+		},
+		diet: {
+			"restricted": "Di:W-",
+			"fattening": "Di:W+",
+			"corrective": "Di:W=",
+			"XX": "Di:XX+",
+			"XY": "Di:XY+",
+			"XXY": "Di:XXY+",
+			"muscle building": "Di:M+",
+			"slimming": "Di:M-",
+			"cum production": "Di:C+",
+			"cleansing": "Di:H+",
+			"fertility": "Di:F+",
+		drugs: {
+			"breast injections": "Boobs+",
+			"intensive breast injections": "Boobs++",
+			"hyper breast injections": "Boobs+++",
+			"nipple enhancers": "Nipple+",
+			"butt injections": "Butt+",
+			"intensive butt injections": "Butt++",
+			"hyper butt injections": "Butt+++",
+			"lip injections": "Lip+",
+			"fertility drugs": "Fert+",
+			"super fertility drugs": "Fert++",
+			"penis enhancement": "Dick+",
+			"intensive penis enhancement": "Dick++",
+			"hyper penis enhancement": "Dick+++",
+			"testicle enhancement": "Balls+",
+			"intensive testicle enhancement": "Balls++",
+			"hyper testicle enhancement": "Balls+++",
+			"psychosuppressants": "Psych-",
+			"psychostimulants": "Psych+",
+			"steroids": "Ster",
+			"female hormone injections": "HormXX++",
+			"male hormone injections": "HormXY++",
+			"hormone enhancers": "Horm+",
+			"hormone blockers": "Horm-",
+			"anti-aging cream": "Age-",
+			"appetite suppressors": "ApSup",
+			"penis atrophiers": "Dick-",
+			"testicle atrophiers": "Balls-",
+			"clitoris atrophiers": "Clit-",
+			"labia atrophiers": "Labia-",
+			"nipple atrophiers": "Nipple-",
+			"lip atrophiers": "Lip-",
+			"breast redistributors": "Breast-",
+			"butt redistributors": "Butt-",
+			"sag-B-gone": "AntiSag",
+			"growth stimulants": "GroStim",
+			"priapism agents": "Erection"
+		},
+		nationality: { // NOTE this dictionary lacks "Zimbabwean" key, which is a spacial case
+			"Afghan": "Afg",
+			"Albanian": "Alb",
+			"Algerian": "Alg",
+			"American": "USA",
+			"Andorran": "And",
+			"Angolan": "Ang",
+			"Antiguan": "AB",
+			"Argentinian": "Arg",
+			"Armenian": "Arm",
+			"Aruban": "Aru",
+			"Australian": "Aus",
+			"Austrian": "Aut",
+			"Azerbaijani": "Aze",
+			"Bahamian": "Bah",
+			"Bahraini": "Bah",
+			"Bangladeshi": "Bgd",
+			"Barbadian": "Bar",
+			"Belarusian": "Ber",
+			"Belgian": "Bel",
+			"Belizean": "Blz",
+			"Beninese": "Ben",
+			"Bermudian": "Bmd",
+			"Bhutanese": "Bhu",
+			"Bissau-Guinean": "GB",
+			"Bolivian": "Bol",
+			"Bosnian": "Bos",
+			"Brazilian": "Bra",
+			"British": "UK",
+			"Bruneian": "Bru",
+			"Bulgarian": "Bul",
+			"Burkinabé": "BF",
+			"Burmese": "Bur",
+			"Burundian": "Bnd",
+			"Cambodian": "Kam",
+			"Cameroonian": "Cam",
+			"Canadian": "Can",
+			"Cape Verdean": "CV",
+			"Catalan": "Cat",
+			"Central African": "CAR",
+			"Chadian": "Cha",
+			"Chilean": "Chl",
+			"Chinese": "Chi",
+			"Colombian": "Col",
+			"Comorian": "Com",
+			"Congolese": "RC",
+			"a Cook Islander": "CI",
+			"Costa Rican": "CR",
+			"Croatian": "Cro",
+			"Cuban": "Cub",
+			"Curaçaoan": "Cur",
+			"Cypriot": "Cyp",
+			"Czech": "Cze",
+			"Danish": "Den",
+			"Djiboutian": "Dji",
+			"Dominican": "DR",
+			"Dominiquais": "Dom",
+			"Dutch": "Nld",
+			"East Timorese": "ET",
+			"Ecuadorian": "Ecu",
+			"Egyptian": "Egy",
+			"Emirati": "UAE",
+			"Equatoguinean": "EG",
+			"Eritrean": "Eri",
+			"Estonian": "Est",
+			"Ethiopian": "Eth",
+			"Fijian": "Fij",
+			"Filipina": "Phl",
+			"Finnish": "Fin",
+			"French": "Fra",
+			"French Guianan": "FG",
+			"French Polynesian": "FP",
+			"Gabonese": "Gab",
+			"Gambian": "Gam",
+			"Georgian": "Geo",
+			"German": "Ger",
+			"Ghanan": "Gha",
+			"Greek": "Gre",
+			"Greenlandic": "Grn",
+			"Grenadian": "Gda",
+			"Guamanian": "Gua",
+			"Guatemalan": "Gtm",
+			"Guinean": "Gui",
+			"Guyanese": "Guy",
+			"Haitian": "Hai",
+			"Honduran": "Hon",
+			"Hungarian": "Hun",
+			"I-Kiribati": "Kir",
+			"Icelandic": "Ice",
+			"Indian": "Ind",
+			"Indonesian": "Idn",
+			"Iranian": "Irn",
+			"Iraqi": "Irq",
+			"Irish": "Irl",
+			"Israeli": "Isr",
+			"Italian": "Ita",
+			"Ivorian": "IC",
+			"Jamaican": "Jam",
+			"Japanese": "Jpn",
+			"Jordanian": "Jor",
+			"Kazakh": "Kaz",
+			"Kenyan": "Ken",
+			"Kittitian": "SKN",
+			"Korean": "Kor",
+			"Kosovan": "Kos",
+			"Kurdish": "Kur",
+			"Kuwaiti": "Kuw",
+			"Kyrgyz": "Kyr",
+			"Laotian": "Lao",
+			"Latvian": "Lat",
+			"Lebanese": "Lbn",
+			"Liberian": "Lib",
+			"Libyan": "Lby",
+			"a Liechtensteiner": "Lie",
+			"Lithuanian": "Lit",
+			"Luxembourgian": "Lux",
+			"Macedonian": "Mac",
+			"Malagasy": "Mad",
+			"Malawian": "Mwi",
+			"Malaysian": "Mys",
+			"Maldivian": "Mdv",
+			"Malian": "Mal",
+			"Maltese": "Mlt",
+			"Marshallese": "MI",
+			"Mauritanian": "Mta",
+			"Mauritian": "Mts",
+			"Mexican": "Mex",
+			"Micronesian": "FSM",
+			"Moldovan": "Mol",
+			"Monégasque": "Mnc",
+			"Mongolian": "Mon",
+			"Montenegrin": "Mng",
+			"Moroccan": "Mor",
+			"Mosotho": "Les",
+			"Motswana": "Bot",
+			"Mozambican": "Moz",
+			"Namibian": "Nam",
+			"Nauruan": "Nau",
+			"Nepalese": "Npl",
+			"New Caledonian": "NC",
+			"a New Zealander": "NZ",
+			"Ni-Vanuatu": "Van",
+			"Nicaraguan": "Nic",
+			"Nigerian": "Nga",
+			"Nigerien": "Ngr",
+			"Niuean": "Niu",
+			"Norwegian": "Nor",
+			"Omani": "Omn",
+			"Pakistani": "Pak",
+			"Palauan": "Plu",
+			"Palestinian": "Pal",
+			"Panamanian": "Pan",
+			"Papua New Guinean": "PNG",
+			"Paraguayan": "Par",
+			"Peruvian": "Per",
+			"Polish": "Pol",
+			"Portuguese": "Por",
+			"Puerto Rican": "PR",
+			"Qatari": "Qat",
+			"Romanian": "Rom",
+			"Russian": "Rus",
+			"Rwandan": "Rwa",
+			"Sahrawi": "Sah",
+			"Saint Lucian": "SL",
+			"Salvadoran": "ES",
+			"Sammarinese": "SM",
+			"Samoan": "Sam",
+			"São Toméan": "STP",
+			"Saudi": "Sau",
+			"Scottish": "Sco",
+			"Senegalese": "Sen",
+			"Serbian": "Srb",
+			"Seychellois": "Sey",
+			"Sierra Leonean": "Sie",
+			"Singaporean": "Sng",
+			"Slovak": "Svk",
+			"Slovene": "Svn",
+			"a Solomon Islander": "SI",
+			"Somali": "Som",
+			"South African": "RSA",
+			"South Sudanese": "SS",
+			"Spanish": "Spa",
+			"Sri Lankan": "Sri",
+			"Sudanese": "Sud",
+			"Surinamese": "Sur",
+			"Swazi": "Swa",
+			"Swedish": "Swe",
+			"Swiss": "Swi",
+			"Syrian": "Syr",
+			"Taiwanese": "Tai",
+			"Tajik": "Taj",
+			"Tanzanian": "Tza",
+			"Thai": "Tha",
+			"Tibetan": "Tib",
+			"Togolese": "Tog",
+			"Tongan": "Ton",
+			"Trinidadian": "TT",
+			"Tunisian": "Tun",
+			"Turkish": "Tur",
+			"Turkmen": "Tkm",
+			"Tuvaluan": "Tuv",
+			"Ugandan": "Uga",
+			"Ukrainian": "Ukr",
+			"Uruguayan": "Uru",
+			"Uzbek": "Uzb",
+			"Vatican": "VC",
+			"Venezuelan": "Ven",
+			"Vietnamese": "Vnm",
+			"Vincentian": "SVG",
+			"Yemeni": "Yem",
+			"Zairian": "DRC",
+			"Zambian": "Zam",
+			"Ancient Chinese Revivalist": "Chi Rev",
+			"Ancient Egyptian Revivalist": "Egy Rev",
+			"Arabian Revivalist": "Ara Rev",
+			"Aztec Revivalist": "Azt Rev",
+			"Edo Revivalist": "Edo Rev",
+			"Roman Revivalist": "Rom Rev",
+			"": "None",
+			"none": "None",
+			"slave": "None",
+			"Stateless": "None"
+		},
+		race: {
+			"white": "C",
+			"asian": "A",
+			"indo-aryan": "I",
+			"latina": "L",
+			"middle eastern": "ME",
+			"black": "B",
+			"pacific islander": "PI",
+			"malay": "M",
+			"amerindian": "AI",
+			"semitic": "S",
+			"southern european": "SE",
+			"mixed race": "MR",
+		},
+		skin: {
+			"pure white": "P. Whi",
+			"extremely fair": "E. Fai",
+			"very fair": "V. Fai",
+			"extremely pale": "E. Pal",
+			"very pale": "V. Pal",
+			"light brown": "L. Br",
+			"dark brown": "D. Br",
+			"light olive": "L. Oli",
+			"dark olive": "D. Oli",
+			"light beige": "L. Bei",
+			"dark beige": "D. Bei",
+			"tan": "Tan",
+			"bronze": "Bron",
+			"ebony": "Ebon",
+			"pure black": "P. Bla",
+			"dark": "Dark",
+			"fair": "Fair",
+			"pale": "Pale"
+		}
diff --git a/src/js/slaveSummaryHelpers.js b/src/js/slaveSummaryHelpers.js
index d08727fb011..f5bfc39e741 100644
--- a/src/js/slaveSummaryHelpers.js
+++ b/src/js/slaveSummaryHelpers.js
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
 /* eslint-disable camelcase */
 App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
+	const data = App.Data.SlaveSummary;
 	const helpers = function() {
 		 * @param {HTMLElement} element
@@ -110,13 +112,71 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 			return ratings[p];
+		/**
+		 * @typedef {object} StyledDesc
+		 * @property {string} desc
+		 * @property {string|string[]} [style]
+		 */
+		/** @typedef {Object.<string, StyledDesc>} StyledRatings */
+		/**
+		 * @param {Node} container
+		 * @param {StyledRatings} ratings
+		 * @param {number} [value]
+		 * @param {number} [offset] value offset in the ratings dictionary (to eliminate negative values)
+		 * @param {boolean} [stdDecor=false]
+		 */
+		function makeRatedStyledSpan(container, ratings, value, offset = 0, stdDecor = false) {
+			/** @type {StyledDesc} */
+			const d = getNumericRating(ratings, value + offset);
+			makeSpan(container, d.desc,, stdDecor, value);
+		}
+		/**
+		 * @param {Node} container
+		 * @param {StyledRatings} ratings
+		 * @param {string|number} value
+		 */
+		function makeStyledSpan(container, ratings, value) {
+			const d = ratings[value];
+			if (d) {
+				makeSpan(container, d.desc,;
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * @param {Node} container
+		 * @param {Object.<string, string>} ratings
+		 * @param {string|number} value
+		 * @param {string|string[]} [classNames]
+		 */
+		function makeMappedSpan(container, ratings, value, classNames) {
+			const d = ratings[value];
+			if (d) {
+				makeSpan(container, d, classNames);
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 * Returns first three string characters with the first one uppercased (string -> Str)
+		 * @param {string} s
+		 * @returns {string}
+		 */
+		function firstThreeUc(s) {
+			return s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.charAt(1) + s.charAt(2);
+		}
 		return {
 			addText: addText,
 			makeSpan: makeSpan,
 			makeBlock: makeBlock,
 			makeParagraph: makeParagraph,
 			getExactRating: getExactRating,
-			getNumericRating: getNumericRating
+			getNumericRating: getNumericRating,
+			makeRatedStyledSpan: makeRatedStyledSpan,
+			makeStyledSpan: makeStyledSpan,
+			makeMappedSpan: makeMappedSpan,
+			firstThreeUc: firstThreeUc
@@ -124,6 +184,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		const addText = helpers.addText;
 		const makeSpan = helpers.makeSpan;
 		const makeBlock = helpers.makeBlock;
+		const makeRatedStyledSpan = helpers.makeRatedStyledSpan;
 		 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
 		 * @param {Node} c
@@ -152,11 +213,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_illness(slave, c) {
-			if ( > 4) {
-				makeSpan(c, `Ill${}`, ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( > 3) {
-				makeSpan(c, `Ill${}`, ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( > 2) {
+			if ( > 2) {
 				makeSpan(c, `Ill${}`, ["red", "strong"], true,;
 			} else if ( > 0) {
 				makeSpan(c, `Ill${}`, ["yellow", "strong"], true,;
@@ -169,15 +226,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_tired(slave, c) {
-			if ( > 90) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Exh", ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( > 60) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Tir+", "orange", true,;
-			} else if ( > 30) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Tir", "yellow", true,;
-			} else if ( < 0) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Ene", "green", true,;
-			}
+			helpers.makeRatedStyledSpan(c,,, 0, true);
@@ -186,21 +235,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_health(slave, c) {
-			if ( < -90) {
-				makeSpan(c, "On the edge of death", ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( < -50) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Extremely unhealthy", ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( < -20) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Unhealthy", ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( <= 20) {
-				makeSpan(c, "healthy", "yellow", true,;
-			} else if ( <= 50) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Very healthy", "green", true,;
-			} else if ( <= 90) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Extremely healthy", "green", true,;
-			} else {
-				makeSpan(c, "Unnaturally healthy", "green", true,;
-			}
+			helpers.makeRatedStyledSpan(c,,, 100, true);
 			if (passage() === "Clinic" && V.clinicUpgradeScanner) {
 				if (slave.chem > 15) {
 					makeSpan(c, `Carcinogen buildup: ${Math.ceil(slave.chem / 10)}.`, "cyan");
@@ -216,15 +251,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_illness(slave, c) {
-			if ( > 4) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Terribly ill", ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( > 3) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Very ill", ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( > 2) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Ill", ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( > 0) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Sick", "yellow", true,;
-			}
+			makeRatedStyledSpan(c,,, 0, true);
@@ -233,15 +260,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_tired(slave, c) {
-			if ( > 90) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Exhausted", ["red", "strong"], true,;
-			} else if ( > 60) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Fatigued", "orange", true,;
-			} else if ( > 30) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Tired", "yellow", true,;
-			} else if ( < 0) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Energetic", "green", true,;
-			}
+			makeRatedStyledSpan(c,,, 0, true);
@@ -253,22 +272,8 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 			let r = makeSpan(c, "", "pink");
 			if (V.showAgeDetail === 1) {
 				r.textContent += `Age ` + `${slave.actualAge}` + `.`;
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 40) {
-				r.textContent += `Forties.`;
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 35) {
-				r.textContent += `Late thirties.`;
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 30) {
-				r.textContent += `Early thirties.`;
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 25) {
-				r.textContent += `Late twenties.`;
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 20) {
-				r.textContent += `Early twenties.`;
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 19) {
-				r.textContent += `Nineteen.`;
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 18) {
-				r.textContent += `Eighteen.`;
 			} else {
-				r.textContent += `Underage.`;
+				r.textContent +=  helpers.getNumericRating(data.long.body.age, slave.actualAge);
 			 ** No NCS, then do the standard, However because of the wrinkles of Incubators, as long as visual age is greater
@@ -304,21 +309,8 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_face(slave, c) {
-			if (slave.face < -95) {
-				makeSpan(c, `Very ugly ${slave.faceShape} face`, "red", true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face < -40) {
-				makeSpan(c, `Ugly ${slave.faceShape} face`, "red", true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face < -10) {
-				makeSpan(c, `Unattractive ${slave.faceShape} face`, "red", true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face <= 10) {
-				makeSpan(c, `Average ${slave.faceShape} face`, null, true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face <= 40) {
-				makeSpan(c, `Attractive ${slave.faceShape} face`, "pink", true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face <= 95) {
-				makeSpan(c, `Beautiful ${slave.faceShape} face`, "pink", true, slave.face);
-			} else {
-				makeSpan(c, `Very beautiful ${slave.faceShape} face`, "pink", true, slave.face);
-			}
+			const r = helpers.getNumericRating(data.long.body.face, slave.face + 100);
+			makeSpan(c, `${r.desc} ${slave.faceShape} face`,, true, slave.face);
@@ -353,19 +345,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_lips(slave, c) {
-			if (slave.lips > 95) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Facepussy", undefined, true, slave.lips);
-			} else if (slave.lips > 70) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Huge lips", undefined, true, slave.lips);
-			} else if (slave.lips > 40) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Big lips", undefined, true, slave.lips);
-			} else if (slave.lips > 20) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Pretty lips", undefined, true, slave.lips);
-			} else if (slave.lips > 10) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Normal lips", undefined, true, slave.lips);
-			} else {
-				makeSpan(c, "Thin lips", "red", true, slave.lips);
-			}
+			makeRatedStyledSpan(c, data.long.body.lips, slave.lips, 0, true);
@@ -374,23 +354,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_teeth(slave, c) {
-			if (slave.teeth === "crooked") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Crooked teeth.", "yellow");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "gapped") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Tooth gap.", "yellow");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "cosmetic braces") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Cosmetic braces.");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "straightening braces") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Braces.");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "removable") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Removable teeth.");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "pointy") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Sharp fangs.");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "baby") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Baby teeth.");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "mixed") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Mixed teeth.");
-			}
+			helpers.makeStyledSpan(c, data.long.body.teeth, slave.teeth);
@@ -435,15 +399,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 			if (slave.voice === 0) {
 				makeSpan(c, "Mute.", "red");
 			} else {
-				if (slave.accent === 3) {
-					makeSpan(c, "Bad accent.", "red");
-				} else if (slave.accent === 4) {
-					makeSpan(c, "No language skills.", "red");
-				} else if (slave.accent === 2) {
-					makeSpan(c, "Accent.");
-				} else if (slave.accent === 1) {
-					makeSpan(c, "Cute accent.", "pink");
-				}
+				helpers.makeStyledSpan(c, data.long.accent, slave.accent);
@@ -531,21 +487,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_waist(slave, c) {
-			if (slave.waist > 95) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Masculine waist", "red", true, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist > 40) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Ugly waist", "red", true, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist > 10) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Unattractive waist", "red", true, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist >= -10) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Average waist", null, true, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist >= -40) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Feminine waist", "pink", true, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist >= -95) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Hourglass waist", "pink", true, slave.waist);
-			} else {
-				makeSpan(c, "Absurdly narrow waist", "pink", true, slave.waist);
-			}
+			makeRatedStyledSpan(c, data.long.body.waist, slave.waist, 100, true);
@@ -604,19 +546,10 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 			let r = makeSpan(c, "", "pink");
 			if (V.showAgeDetail === 1) {
 				r.textContent += slave.actualAge.toString();
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 40) {
-				r.textContent += "40s";
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 35) {
-				r.textContent += "Lt30s";
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 30) {
-				r.textContent += "Ea30s";
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 25) {
-				r.textContent += "Lt20s";
-			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 20) {
-				r.textContent += "Ea20s";
 			} else if (slave.actualAge >= 18) {
-				r.textContent += slave.actualAge.toString();
+				r.textContent += helpers.getNumericRating(data.short.body.age, slave.actualAge);
 			if (slave.actualAge !== slave.physicalAge) {
 				r.textContent += ` w ${slave.physicalAge}y-bdy`;
@@ -631,21 +564,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_face(slave, c) {
-			if (slave.face < -95) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Face---", "red", true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face < -40) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Face--", "red", true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face < -10) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Face-", "red", true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face <= 10) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Face", null, true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face <= 40) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Face+", "pink", true, slave.face);
-			} else if (slave.face <= 95) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Face++", "pink", true, slave.face);
-			} else {
-				makeSpan(c, "Face+++", "pink", true, slave.face);
-			}
+			makeRatedStyledSpan(c, data.short.body.face, slave.face, 100, true);
@@ -680,19 +599,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_lips(slave, c) {
-			if (slave.lips > 95) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Facepussy");
-			} else if (slave.lips > 70) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Lips+++", null, true, slave.lips);
-			} else if (slave.lips > 40) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Lips++", null, true, slave.lips);
-			} else if (slave.lips > 20) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Lips+", null, true, slave.lips);
-			} else if (slave.lips > 10) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Lips", null, true, slave.lips);
-			} else {
-				makeSpan(c, "Lips-", "red", true, slave.lips);
-			}
+			makeRatedStyledSpan(c, data.short.body.lips, slave.lips, 0, true);
@@ -701,23 +608,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_teeth(slave, c) {
-			if (slave.teeth === "crooked") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Cr Teeth", "yellow");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "gapped") {
-				makeSpan(c, "Gap", "yellow");
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "cosmetic braces") {
-				makeSpan(c, `Cos Braces`);
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "straightening braces") {
-				makeSpan(c, `Braces`);
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "removable") {
-				makeSpan(c, `Rem Teeth`);
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "pointy") {
-				makeSpan(c, `Fangs`);
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "baby") {
-				makeSpan(c, `Baby`);
-			} else if (slave.teeth === "mixed") {
-				makeSpan(c, `Mixed`);
-			}
+			helpers.makeStyledSpan(c, data.short.body.teeth, slave.teeth);
@@ -762,15 +653,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 			if (slave.voice === 0) {
 				makeSpan(c, "Mute", "red");
 			} else {
-				if (slave.accent === 3) {
-					makeSpan(c, "Acc--", "red");
-				} else if (slave.accent === 2) {
-					makeSpan(c, "Acc-");
-				} else if (slave.accent === 4) {
-					makeSpan(c, "Acc--");
-				} else if (slave.accent === 1) {
-					makeSpan(c, "Acc", "pink");
-				}
+				helpers.makeStyledSpan(c, data.short.accent, slave.accent);
@@ -861,21 +744,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_waist(slave, c) {
-			if (slave.waist > 95) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Wst---", "red", false, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist > 40) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Wst--", "red", false, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist > 10) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Wst-", "red", false, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist >= -10) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Wst", undefined, false, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist >= -40) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Wst+", "pink", false, slave.waist);
-			} else if (slave.waist >= -95) {
-				makeSpan(c, "Wst++", "pink", false, slave.waist);
-			} else {
-				makeSpan(c, "Wst+++", "pink", false, slave.waist);
-			}
+			makeRatedStyledSpan(c, data.short.body.waist, slave.waist, 100, false);
@@ -1351,40 +1220,8 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_buttplug(slave, c) {
-			switch (slave.buttplug) {
-				case "plug":
-					makeSpan(c, "Buttplug.");
-					break;
-				case "large plug":
-					makeSpan(c, "Large buttplug.");
-					break;
-				case "huge plug":
-					makeSpan(c, "Huge buttplug.");
-					break;
-				case "long plug":
-					makeSpan(c, "Long buttplug.");
-					break;
-				case "long, large plug":
-					makeSpan(c, "Large, long buttplug.");
-					break;
-				case "long, huge plug":
-					makeSpan(c, "Enormous buttplug.");
-					break;
-			}
-			switch (slave.buttplugAttachment) {
-				case "tail":
-					makeSpan(c, "Attached tail.");
-					break;
-				case "cat tail":
-					makeSpan(c, "Attached cat tail.");
-					break;
-				case "fox tail":
-					makeSpan(c, "Attached fox tail.");
-					break;
-				case "cow tail":
-					makeSpan(c, "Attached cow tail.");
-					break;
-			}
+			helpers.makeMappedSpan(c, data.long.accessory.buttplug, slave.buttplug);
+			helpers.makeMappedSpan(c, data.long.accessory.buttplugAttachment, slave.buttplugAttachment);
@@ -1680,35 +1517,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_behavior_flaw(slave, c) {
-			function descStr() {
-				switch (slave.behavioralFlaw) {
-					case "arrogant":
-						return `Arrog`;
-					case "bitchy":
-						return `Bitchy`;
-					case "odd":
-						return `Odd`;
-					case "hates men":
-						return `Men-`;
-					case "hates women":
-						return `Women-`;
-					case "gluttonous":
-						return `Glut`;
-					case "anorexic":
-						return `Ano`;
-					case "devout":
-						return `Dev`;
-					case "liberated":
-						return `Lib`;
-					default:
-						slave.behavioralFlaw = "none";
-						return null;
-				}
-			}
-			const s = descStr();
-			if (s) {
-				makeSpan(c, descStr(), "red");
-			}
+			helpers.makeMappedSpan(c, data.short.mental.behavioralFlaw, slave.behavioralFlaw, "red");
@@ -1717,65 +1526,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_sex_flaw(slave, c) {
-			switch (slave.sexualFlaw) {
-				case "hates oral":
-					makeSpan(c, "Oral-", "red");
-					break;
-				case "hates anal":
-					makeSpan(c, "Anal-", "red");
-					break;
-				case "hates penetration":
-					makeSpan(c, "Fuck-", "red");
-					break;
-				case "shamefast":
-					makeSpan(c, "Shame", "red");
-					break;
-				case "idealistic":
-					makeSpan(c, "Ideal", "red");
-					break;
-				case "repressed":
-					makeSpan(c, "Repre", "red");
-					break;
-				case "apathetic":
-					makeSpan(c, "Apath", "red");
-					break;
-				case "crude":
-					makeSpan(c, "Crude", "red");
-					break;
-				case "judgemental":
-					makeSpan(c, "Judge", "red");
-					break;
-				case "cum addict":
-					makeSpan(c, "CumAdd", "yellow");
-					break;
-				case "anal addict":
-					makeSpan(c, "AnalAdd", "yellow");
-					break;
-				case "attention whore":
-					makeSpan(c, "Attention", "yellow");
-					break;
-				case "breast growth":
-					makeSpan(c, "BoobObsess", "yellow");
-					break;
-				case "abusive":
-					makeSpan(c, "Abusive", "yellow");
-					break;
-				case "malicious":
-					makeSpan(c, "Malice", "yellow");
-					break;
-				case "self hating":
-					makeSpan(c, "SelfHatr", "yellow");
-					break;
-				case "neglectful":
-					makeSpan(c, "SelfNeglect", "yellow");
-					break;
-				case "breeder":
-					makeSpan(c, "BreedObsess", "yellow");
-					break;
-				default:
-					slave.sexualFlaw = "none";
-					break;
-			}
+			helpers.makeStyledSpan(c, data.short.mental.sexualFlaw, slave.sexualFlaw);
@@ -1784,35 +1535,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_behavior_quirk(slave, c) {
-			function descStr() {
-				switch (slave.behavioralQuirk) {
-					case "confident":
-						return `Confid`;
-					case "cutting":
-						return `Cutting`;
-					case "funny":
-						return `Funny`;
-					case "fitness":
-						return `Fit`;
-					case "adores women":
-						return `Women+`;
-					case "adores men":
-						return `Men+`;
-					case "insecure":
-						return `Insec`;
-					case "sinful":
-						return `Sinf`;
-					case "advocate":
-						return `Advoc`;
-					default:
-						slave.behavioralQuirk = "none";
-						return null;
-				}
-			}
-			const s = descStr();
-			if (s) {
-				makeSpan(c, s, "green");
-			}
+			helpers.makeMappedSpan(c, data.short.mental.behavioralQuirk, slave.behavioralQuirk, "green");
@@ -1821,35 +1544,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function short_sex_quirk(slave, c) {
-			function descStr() {
-				switch (slave.sexualQuirk) {
-					case "gagfuck queen":
-						return `Gagfuck`;
-					case "painal queen":
-						return `Painal`;
-					case "strugglefuck queen":
-						return `Struggle`;
-					case "tease":
-						return `Tease`;
-					case "romantic":
-						return `Romantic`;
-					case "perverted":
-						return `Perverted`;
-					case "caring":
-						return `Caring`;
-					case "unflinching":
-						return `Unflinch`;
-					case "size queen":
-						return `SizeQ`;
-					default:
-						slave.sexualQuirk = "none";
-						return null;
-				}
-			}
-			const s = descStr();
-			if (s) {
-				makeSpan(c, s, "green");
-			}
+			helpers.makeMappedSpan(c, data.short.mental.sexualQuirk, slave.sexualQuirk, "green");
@@ -2100,35 +1795,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		function long_behavior_flaw(slave, c) {
-			function descStr() {
-				switch (slave.behavioralFlaw) {
-					case "arrogant":
-						return `Arrogant.`;
-					case "bitchy":
-						return `Bitchy.`;
-					case "odd":
-						return `Odd.`;
-					case "hates men":
-						return `Hates men.`;
-					case "hates women":
-						return `Hates women.`;
-					case "gluttonous":
-						return `Stress eater.`;
-					case "anorexic":
-						return `Anorexic.`;
-					case "devout":
-						return `Devoutly religious.`;
-					case "liberated":
-						return `Mentally liberated.`;
-					default:
-						slave.behavioralFlaw = "none";
-						return null;
-				}
-			}
-			const s = descStr();
-			if (s) {
-				makeSpan(c, s, "red");
-			}
+			helpers.makeMappedSpan(c, data.long.mental.behavioralFlaw, slave.behavioralFlaw, "red");
diff --git a/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js b/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
index 8f5bc4fe424..77f9659a3b9 100644
--- a/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
+++ b/src/js/slaveSummaryWidgets.js
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 	const bits = App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl.bits;
 	const helpers = App.UI.SlaveSummaryImpl.helpers;
+	const data = App.Data.SlaveSummary;
 	const shortRenderers = {
@@ -277,45 +278,11 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 		diet: function(slave, c) {
 			const makeSpan = helpers.makeSpan;
-			let diet = makeSpan(null, "", ["teal", "strong"]);
-			switch ( {
-				case "restricted":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:W-";
-					break;
-				case "fattening":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:W+";
-					break;
-				case "corrective":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:W=";
-					break;
-				case "XX":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:XX+";
-					break;
-				case "XY":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:XY+";
-					break;
-				case "XXY":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:XXY+";
-					break;
-				case "muscle building":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:M+";
-					break;
-				case "slimming":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:M-";
-					break;
-				case "cum production":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:C+";
-					break;
-				case "cleansing":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:H+";
-					break;
-				case "fertility":
-					diet.textContent = "Di:F+";
-					break;
-			}
-			if (diet.textContent.length > 0) {
-				c.appendChild(diet);
+			const dietStr =[];
+			if (dietStr) {
+				makeSpan(c, dietStr, ["teal", "strong"]);
 			let specialDiet = makeSpan(null, "", ["cyan", "strong"]);
 			if (slave.dietCum === 2) {
 				specialDiet.textContent = "Cum++";
@@ -339,117 +306,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		drugs: function(slave, c) {
-			let drugDesc = "";
-			switch (slave.drugs) {
-				case "breast injections":
-					drugDesc = "Boobs+";
-					break;
-				case "intensive breast injections":
-					drugDesc = "Boobs++";
-					break;
-				case "hyper breast injections":
-					drugDesc = "Boobs+++";
-					break;
-				case "nipple enhancers":
-					drugDesc = "Nipple+";
-					break;
-				case "butt injections":
-					drugDesc = "Butt+";
-					break;
-				case "intensive butt injections":
-					drugDesc = "Butt++";
-					break;
-				case "hyper butt injections":
-					drugDesc = "Butt+++";
-					break;
-				case "lip injections":
-					drugDesc = "Lip+";
-					break;
-				case "fertility drugs":
-					drugDesc = "Fert+";
-					break;
-				case "super fertility drugs":
-					drugDesc = "Fert++";
-					break;
-				case "penis enhancement":
-					drugDesc = "Dick+";
-					break;
-				case "intensive penis enhancement":
-					drugDesc = "Dick++";
-					break;
-				case "hyper penis enhancement":
-					drugDesc = "Dick+++";
-					break;
-				case "testicle enhancement":
-					drugDesc = "Balls+";
-					break;
-				case "intensive testicle enhancement":
-					drugDesc = "Balls++";
-					break;
-				case "hyper testicle enhancement":
-					drugDesc = "Balls+++";
-					break;
-				case "psychosuppressants":
-					drugDesc = "Psych-";
-					break;
-				case "psychostimulants":
-					drugDesc = "Psych+";
-					break;
-				case "steroids":
-					drugDesc = "Ster";
-					break;
-				case "female hormone injections":
-					drugDesc = "HormXX++";
-					break;
-				case "male hormone injections":
-					drugDesc = "HormXY++";
-					break;
-				case "hormone enhancers":
-					drugDesc = "Horm+";
-					break;
-				case "hormone blockers":
-					drugDesc = "Horm-";
-					break;
-				case "anti-aging cream":
-					drugDesc = "Age-";
-					break;
-				case "appetite suppressors":
-					drugDesc = "ApSup";
-					break;
-				case "penis atrophiers":
-					drugDesc = "Dick-";
-					break;
-				case "testicle atrophiers":
-					drugDesc = "Balls-";
-					break;
-				case "clitoris atrophiers":
-					drugDesc = "Clit-";
-					break;
-				case "labia atrophiers":
-					drugDesc = "Labia-";
-					break;
-				case "nipple atrophiers":
-					drugDesc = "Nipple-";
-					break;
-				case "lip atrophiers":
-					drugDesc = "Lip-";
-					break;
-				case "breast redistributors":
-					drugDesc = "Breast-";
-					break;
-				case "butt redistributors":
-					drugDesc = "Butt-";
-					break;
-				case "sag-B-gone":
-					drugDesc = "AntiSag";
-					break;
-				case "growth stimulants":
-					drugDesc = "GroStim";
-					break;
-				case "priapism agents":
-					drugDesc = "Erection";
-					break;
-			}
+			let drugDesc = data.short.drugs[slave.drugs];
 			const makeSpan = helpers.makeSpan;
 			if (drugDesc) {
 				makeSpan(c, "Dr:" + drugDesc, ["tan", "strong"]);
@@ -610,37 +467,8 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		race: function(slave, c) {
-			function descStr(slave) {
-				switch (slave.race) {
-					case "white":
-						return `C`;
-					case "asian":
-						return `A`;
-					case "indo-aryan":
-						return `I`;
-					case "latina":
-						return `L`;
-					case "middle eastern":
-						return `ME`;
-					case "black":
-						return `B`;
-					case "pacific islander":
-						return `PI`;
-					case "malay":
-						return `M`;
-					case "amerindian":
-						return `AI`;
-					case "semitic":
-						return `S`;
-					case "southern european":
-						return `SE`;
-					case "mixed race":
-						return `MR`;
-					default:
-						return `${slave.race.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + slave.race.charAt(1) + slave.race.charAt(2)}`;
-				}
-			}
-			helpers.makeSpan(c, descStr(slave), "tan");
+			const s = data.short.race[slave.race];
+			helpers.makeSpan(c, s ? s : helpers.firstThreeUc(slave.race), "tan");
@@ -649,459 +477,15 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		nationality: function(slave, c) {
-			function descStr(slave) {
-				switch (slave.nationality) {
-					case "Afghan":
-						return "Afg";
-					case "Albanian":
-						return "Alb";
-					case "Algerian":
-						return "Alg";
-					case "American":
-						return "USA";
-					case "Andorran":
-						return "And";
-					case "Angolan":
-						return "Ang";
-					case "Antiguan":
-						return "AB";
-					case "Argentinian":
-						return "Arg";
-					case "Armenian":
-						return "Arm";
-					case "Aruban":
-						return "Aru";
-					case "Australian":
-						return "Aus";
-					case "Austrian":
-						return "Aut";
-					case "Azerbaijani":
-						return "Aze";
-					case "Bahamian":
-						return "Bah";
-					case "Bahraini":
-						return "Bah";
-					case "Bangladeshi":
-						return "Bgd";
-					case "Barbadian":
-						return "Bar";
-					case "Belarusian":
-						return "Ber";
-					case "Belgian":
-						return "Bel";
-					case "Belizean":
-						return "Blz";
-					case "Beninese":
-						return "Ben";
-					case "Bermudian":
-						return "Bmd";
-					case "Bhutanese":
-						return "Bhu";
-					case "Bissau-Guinean":
-						return "GB";
-					case "Bolivian":
-						return "Bol";
-					case "Bosnian":
-						return "Bos";
-					case "Brazilian":
-						return "Bra";
-					case "British":
-						return "UK";
-					case "Bruneian":
-						return "Bru";
-					case "Bulgarian":
-						return "Bul";
-					case "Burkinabé":
-						return "BF";
-					case "Burmese":
-						return "Bur";
-					case "Burundian":
-						return "Bnd";
-					case "Cambodian":
-						return "Kam";
-					case "Cameroonian":
-						return "Cam";
-					case "Canadian":
-						return "Can";
-					case "Cape Verdean":
-						return "CV";
-					case "Catalan":
-						return "Cat";
-					case "Central African":
-						return "CAR";
-					case "Chadian":
-						return "Cha";
-					case "Chilean":
-						return "Chl";
-					case "Chinese":
-						return "Chi";
-					case "Colombian":
-						return "Col";
-					case "Comorian":
-						return "Com";
-					case "Congolese":
-						return "RC";
-					case "a Cook Islander":
-						return "CI";
-					case "Costa Rican":
-						return "CR";
-					case "Croatian":
-						return "Cro";
-					case "Cuban":
-						return "Cub";
-					case "Curaçaoan":
-						return "Cur";
-					case "Cypriot":
-						return "Cyp";
-					case "Czech":
-						return "Cze";
-					case "Danish":
-						return "Den";
-					case "Djiboutian":
-						return "Dji";
-					case "Dominican":
-						return "DR";
-					case "Dominiquais":
-						return "Dom";
-					case "Dutch":
-						return "Nld";
-					case "East Timorese":
-						return "ET";
-					case "Ecuadorian":
-						return "Ecu";
-					case "Egyptian":
-						return "Egy";
-					case "Emirati":
-						return "UAE";
-					case "Equatoguinean":
-						return "EG";
-					case "Eritrean":
-						return "Eri";
-					case "Estonian":
-						return "Est";
-					case "Ethiopian":
-						return "Eth";
-					case "Fijian":
-						return "Fij";
-					case "Filipina":
-						return "Phl";
-					case "Finnish":
-						return "Fin";
-					case "French":
-						return "Fra";
-					case "French Guianan":
-						return "FG";
-					case "French Polynesian":
-						return "FP";
-					case "Gabonese":
-						return "Gab";
-					case "Gambian":
-						return "Gam";
-					case "Georgian":
-						return "Geo";
-					case "German":
-						return "Ger";
-					case "Ghanan":
-						return "Gha";
-					case "Greek":
-						return "Gre";
-					case "Greenlandic":
-						return "Grn";
-					case "Grenadian":
-						return "Gda";
-					case "Guamanian":
-						return "Gua";
-					case "Guatemalan":
-						return "Gtm";
-					case "Guinean":
-						return "Gui";
-					case "Guyanese":
-						return "Guy";
-					case "Haitian":
-						return "Hai";
-					case "Honduran":
-						return "Hon";
-					case "Hungarian":
-						return "Hun";
-					case "I-Kiribati":
-						return "Kir";
-					case "Icelandic":
-						return "Ice";
-					case "Indian":
-						return "Ind";
-					case "Indonesian":
-						return "Idn";
-					case "Iranian":
-						return "Irn";
-					case "Iraqi":
-						return "Irq";
-					case "Irish":
-						return "Irl";
-					case "Israeli":
-						return "Isr";
-					case "Italian":
-						return "Ita";
-					case "Ivorian":
-						return "IC";
-					case "Jamaican":
-						return "Jam";
-					case "Japanese":
-						return "Jpn";
-					case "Jordanian":
-						return "Jor";
-					case "Kazakh":
-						return "Kaz";
-					case "Kenyan":
-						return "Ken";
-					case "Kittitian":
-						return "SKN";
-					case "Korean":
-						return "Kor";
-					case "Kosovan":
-						return "Kos";
-					case "Kurdish":
-						return "Kur";
-					case "Kuwaiti":
-						return "Kuw";
-					case "Kyrgyz":
-						return "Kyr";
-					case "Laotian":
-						return "Lao";
-					case "Latvian":
-						return "Lat";
-					case "Lebanese":
-						return "Lbn";
-					case "Liberian":
-						return "Lib";
-					case "Libyan":
-						return "Lby";
-					case "a Liechtensteiner":
-						return "Lie";
-					case "Lithuanian":
-						return "Lit";
-					case "Luxembourgian":
-						return "Lux";
-					case "Macedonian":
-						return "Mac";
-					case "Malagasy":
-						return "Mad";
-					case "Malawian":
-						return "Mwi";
-					case "Malaysian":
-						return "Mys";
-					case "Maldivian":
-						return "Mdv";
-					case "Malian":
-						return "Mal";
-					case "Maltese":
-						return "Mlt";
-					case "Marshallese":
-						return "MI";
-					case "Mauritanian":
-						return "Mta";
-					case "Mauritian":
-						return "Mts";
-					case "Mexican":
-						return "Mex";
-					case "Micronesian":
-						return "FSM";
-					case "Moldovan":
-						return "Mol";
-					case "Monégasque":
-						return "Mnc";
-					case "Mongolian":
-						return "Mon";
-					case "Montenegrin":
-						return "Mng";
-					case "Moroccan":
-						return "Mor";
-					case "Mosotho":
-						return "Les";
-					case "Motswana":
-						return "Bot";
-					case "Mozambican":
-						return "Moz";
-					case "Namibian":
-						return "Nam";
-					case "Nauruan":
-						return "Nau";
-					case "Nepalese":
-						return "Npl";
-					case "New Caledonian":
-						return "NC";
-					case "a New Zealander":
-						return "NZ";
-					case "Ni-Vanuatu":
-						return "Van";
-					case "Nicaraguan":
-						return "Nic";
-					case "Nigerian":
-						return "Nga";
-					case "Nigerien":
-						return "Ngr";
-					case "Niuean":
-						return "Niu";
-					case "Norwegian":
-						return "Nor";
-					case "Omani":
-						return "Omn";
-					case "Pakistani":
-						return "Pak";
-					case "Palauan":
-						return "Plu";
-					case "Palestinian":
-						return "Pal";
-					case "Panamanian":
-						return "Pan";
-					case "Papua New Guinean":
-						return "PNG";
-					case "Paraguayan":
-						return "Par";
-					case "Peruvian":
-						return "Per";
-					case "Polish":
-						return "Pol";
-					case "Portuguese":
-						return "Por";
-					case "Puerto Rican":
-						return "PR";
-					case "Qatari":
-						return "Qat";
-					case "Romanian":
-						return "Rom";
-					case "Russian":
-						return "Rus";
-					case "Rwandan":
-						return "Rwa";
-					case "Sahrawi":
-						return "Sah";
-					case "Saint Lucian":
-						return "SL";
-					case "Salvadoran":
-						return "ES";
-					case "Sammarinese":
-						return "SM";
-					case "Samoan":
-						return "Sam";
-					case "São Toméan":
-						return "STP";
-					case "Saudi":
-						return "Sau";
-					case "Scottish":
-						return "Sco";
-					case "Senegalese":
-						return "Sen";
-					case "Serbian":
-						return "Srb";
-					case "Seychellois":
-						return "Sey";
-					case "Sierra Leonean":
-						return "Sie";
-					case "Singaporean":
-						return "Sng";
-					case "Slovak":
-						return "Svk";
-					case "Slovene":
-						return "Svn";
-					case "a Solomon Islander":
-						return "SI";
-					case "Somali":
-						return "Som";
-					case "South African":
-						return "RSA";
-					case "South Sudanese":
-						return "SS";
-					case "Spanish":
-						return "Spa";
-					case "Sri Lankan":
-						return "Sri";
-					case "Sudanese":
-						return "Sud";
-					case "Surinamese":
-						return "Sur";
-					case "Swazi":
-						return "Swa";
-					case "Swedish":
-						return "Swe";
-					case "Swiss":
-						return "Swi";
-					case "Syrian":
-						return "Syr";
-					case "Taiwanese":
-						return "Tai";
-					case "Tajik":
-						return "Taj";
-					case "Tanzanian":
-						return "Tza";
-					case "Thai":
-						return "Tha";
-					case "Tibetan":
-						return "Tib";
-					case "Togolese":
-						return "Tog";
-					case "Tongan":
-						return "Ton";
-					case "Trinidadian":
-						return "TT";
-					case "Tunisian":
-						return "Tun";
-					case "Turkish":
-						return "Tur";
-					case "Turkmen":
-						return "Tkm";
-					case "Tuvaluan":
-						return "Tuv";
-					case "Ugandan":
-						return "Uga";
-					case "Ukrainian":
-						return "Ukr";
-					case "Uruguayan":
-						return "Uru";
-					case "Uzbek":
-						return "Uzb";
-					case "Vatican":
-						return "VC";
-					case "Venezuelan":
-						return "Ven";
-					case "Vietnamese":
-						return "Vnm";
-					case "Vincentian":
-						return "SVG";
-					case "Yemeni":
-						return "Yem";
-					case "Zairian":
-						return "DRC";
-					case "Zambian":
-						return "Zam";
-					case "Zimbabwean":
-						if (slave.race === "white") {
-							return `Rho`;
-						} else {
-							return `Zwe`;
-						}
-					case "Ancient Chinese Revivalist":
-						return `Chi Rev`;
-					case "Ancient Egyptian Revivalist":
-						return `Egy Rev`;
-					case "Arabian Revivalist":
-						return `Ara Rev`;
-					case "Aztec Revivalist":
-						return `Azt Rev`;
-					case "Edo Revivalist":
-						return `Edo Rev`;
-					case "Roman Revivalist":
-						return `Rom Rev`;
-					case "":
-					case "none":
-					case "slave":
-					case "Stateless":
-						return "None";
-					default:
-						return `${slave.nationality.charAt(0) + slave.nationality.charAt(1) + slave.nationality.charAt(2)}`;
+			let tmp = data.short.nationality[slave.nationality];
+			if (!tmp && slave.nationality === "Zimbabwean") {
+				if (slave.race === "white") {
+					tmp = 'Rhodesian.';
+				} else {
+					tmp = `${slave.nationality}.`;
-			helpers.makeSpan(c, descStr(slave), "tan");
+			helpers.makeSpan(c, tmp ? tmp : slave.nationality.substr(0, 3), "tan");
@@ -1110,47 +494,8 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		skin: function(slave, c) {
-			function descStr(slave) {
-				switch ( {
-					case "pure white":
-						return `P. Whi`;
-					case "extremely fair":
-						return `E. Fai`;
-					case "very fair":
-						return `V. Fai`;
-					case "extremely pale":
-						return `E. Pal`;
-					case "very pale":
-						return `V. Pal`;
-					case "light brown":
-						return `L. Br`;
-					case "dark brown":
-						return `D. Br`;
-					case "light olive":
-						return `L. Oli`;
-					case "dark olive":
-						return `D. Oli`;
-					case "light beige":
-						return `L. Bei`;
-					case "dark beige":
-						return `D. Bei`;
-					case "tan":
-						return `Tan`;
-					case "bronze":
-						return `Bron`;
-					case "ebony":
-						return `Ebon`;
-					case "pure black":
-						return `P. Bla`;
-					case "dark":
-					case "fair":
-					case "pale":
-						return `${ +}`;
-					default:
-						return `${ + +}`;
-				}
-			}
-			helpers.makeSpan(c, descStr(slave));
+			const s =[];
+			helpers.makeSpan(c, s ? s : helpers.firstThreeUc(;
 		clothes: function() { },
@@ -1393,43 +738,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		diet: function(slave, c) {
-			let dietDesc = "";
-			switch ( {
-				case "restricted":
-					dietDesc = `Dieting.`;
-					break;
-				case "fattening":
-					dietDesc = `Gaining weight.`;
-					break;
-				case "corrective":
-					dietDesc = `Corrective.`;
-					break;
-				case "XX":
-					dietDesc = `Estrogen rich.`;
-					break;
-				case "XY":
-					dietDesc = `Testosterone rich.`;
-					break;
-				case "XXY":
-					dietDesc = `Futanari mix.`;
-					break;
-				case "muscle building":
-					dietDesc = `Pumping iron.`;
-					break;
-				case "slimming":
-					dietDesc = `Slimming down.`;
-					break;
-				case "cum production":
-					dietDesc = `Cum production.`;
-					break;
-				case "cleansing":
-					dietDesc = `Cleansing.`;
-					break;
-				case "fertility":
-					dietDesc = `Fertility.`;
-					break;
-			}
+			const dietDesc =[];
 			if (dietDesc) {
 				helpers.makeSpan(c, dietDesc, "teal");
@@ -1598,30 +907,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 		hormoneBalance: function(slave, c) {
 			const colorClass = slave.hormoneBalance <= -21 ? "deepskyblue" : "pink";
-			let desc = "";
-			if (slave.hormoneBalance < -400) {
-				desc = `Overwhelmingly masculine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= -300) {
-				desc = `Extremely masculine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= -200) {
-				desc = `Heavily masculine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= -100) {
-				desc = `Very masculine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= -21) {
-				desc = `Masculine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= 20) {
-				desc = `Neutral`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= 99) {
-				desc = `Feminine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= 199) {
-				desc = `Very feminine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= 299) {
-				desc = `Heavily feminine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= 399) {
-				desc = `Extremely feminine`;
-			} else if (slave.hormoneBalance <= 500) {
-				desc = `Overwhelmingly feminine`;
-			}
+			const desc = helpers.getNumericRating(data.long.hormoneBalance, slave.hormoneBalance + 400);
 			helpers.makeSpan(c, desc + " hormone balance.", colorClass);
@@ -1696,37 +982,11 @@ App.UI.SlaveSummaryRenderers = function() {
 		 * @returns {void}
 		race: function(slave, c) {
-			function descStr(slave) {
-				switch (slave.race) {
-					case "white":
-						return `Caucasian.`;
-					case "asian":
-						return `Asian.`;
-					case "indo-aryan":
-						return `Indo-aryan.`;
-					case "latina":
-						return `Latina.`;
-					case "middle eastern":
-						return `Middle Eastern.`;
-					case "black":
-						return `Black.`;
-					case "pacific islander":
-						return `Pacific Islander.`;
-					case "malay":
-						return `Malay.`;
-					case "amerindian":
-						return `Amerindian.`;
-					case "semitic":
-						return `Semitic.`;
-					case "southern european":
-						return `Southern European.`;
-					case "mixed race":
-						return `Mixed race.`;
-					default:
-						return `${slave.race.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + slave.race.slice(1)}.`;
-				}
+			let raceStr = App.Data.SlaveSummary.long.race[slave.race];
+			if (!raceStr) {
+				raceStr = capFirstChar(slave.race);
-			helpers.makeSpan(c, descStr(slave), "tan");
+			helpers.makeSpan(c, raceStr + '.', "tan");