diff --git a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
index 956615e26ab1e8b707f32b41a788a39d359e2126..cc228b13471eac74bde9ec076a2075fbda663659 100644
--- a/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
+++ b/src/data/backwardsCompatibility/backwardsCompatibility.js
@@ -1363,16 +1363,19 @@ App.Update.slaveRecords = function(node) {
 App.Update.genePoolRecords = function(node) {
 	Object.values(V.missingTable).forEach(s => {
-		if (!jsDef(s.mother))
+		if (!jsDef(s.mother)) {
 			s.mother = 0;
-		if (!jsDef(s.father))
+		}
+		if (!jsDef(s.father)) {
 			s.father = 0;
-		if (!jsDef(s.inbreedingCoeff))
+		}
+		if (!jsDef(s.inbreedingCoeff)) {
 			s.inbreedingCoeff = 0;
+		}
-	let ib_coeff = ibc.coeff_slaves(V.genePool);
-	V.genePool.forEach(g => {g.inbreedingCoeff = ib_coeff[g.ID]});
+	let ibCoeff = ibc.coeff_slaves(V.genePool);
+	V.genePool.forEach(g => { g.inbreedingCoeff = ibCoeff[g.ID]; });
 	V.slaveIndices = slaves2indices(); // we're going to need to compare to active slaves, if they exist
 	for (let bci = 0; bci < V.genePool.length; bci++) {