diff --git a/compile.bat b/compile.bat
index c095971fa11a97bfebc5edd0738d819ad2dd8176..ad3570dfc45fe2b8291d3652546ccab784faa625 100644
--- a/compile.bat
+++ b/compile.bat
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 :: Set working directory
 pushd %~dp0
-if not exist "bin\" mkdir bin
+if not exist "bin\resources" mkdir bin\resources
 :: Run the appropriate compiler for the user's CPU architecture.
 	CALL "%~dp0devTools\tweeGo\tweego_win64.exe" -o "%~dp0bin/FC_pregmod.html" --head devTools/head.html "%~dp0src"
diff --git a/compile.sh b/compile.sh
index 5f404f908d26fcc25af19f71f52847f470ab83b7..ebc27c41a500f9d9b6f4fbadfb0160b9175449b3 100755
--- a/compile.sh
+++ b/compile.sh
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ function compile {
 	#Make the output prettier, replacing \t with a tab and \n with a newline
 	sed -i -e '/^.*<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\t/\t/g' -e '/^.*<div id="store-area".*$/s/\\n/\n/g' $file
-	ln -s ../resources bin/ 2> /dev/null
+	mkdir -p bin/resources
 	if [[ ! "$usehash" ]]; then git checkout -- src/gui/mainMenu/AlphaDisclaimer.tw;fi # Revert AlphaDisclaimer for next compilation
 	echoMessage "Saved to $file."
diff --git a/resources/Readme before adding art.md b/resources/Readme before adding art.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8bc7c392b6596a16195998799e83977959218b26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resources/Readme before adding art.md	
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+There are actually two places to add art for FreeCities.  The folder you are currently in, ./resources, is not for custom art, or for the old renders.  It is only for art connected to the git, and it is pushed into the HTML when it's compiled.
+If you are interested in adding the old renders or your own custom art to your local version of FreeCities, then you actually want to have a resources folder in the same folder FC_pregmod.html is in.  By default, that will be ./bin/resources.  If you put art in the same folder as this readme, the compile will not recognize it and it will be left behind when the HTML is made.
+Two different resources folders, and both connected to art.  But they work very differently.
\ No newline at end of file