diff --git a/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js b/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
index a44211698d5f3d69ddfcbd8516ab5c0854b5ca3f..bed3287f8569dc142e7eb439b1d858a5c2b85baa 100644
--- a/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
+++ b/js/003-data/gameVariableData.js
@@ -948,58 +948,65 @@ App.Data.resetOnNGPlus = {
 	shelterAbuse: 0,
 	shelterSlaveGeneratedWeek: 0,
-	// alternate clothing access variables
-	clothesBoughtBunny: 0,
-	clothesBoughtConservative: 0,
-	clothesBoughtChains: 0,
-	clothesBoughtWestern: 0,
-	clothesBoughtOil: 0,
-	clothesBoughtHabit: 0,
-	clothesBoughtToga: 0,
-	clothesBoughtHuipil: 0,
-	clothesBoughtKimono: 0,
-	clothesBoughtHarem: 0,
-	clothesBoughtQipao: 0,
-	clothesBoughtEgypt: 0,
-	clothesBoughtBelly: 0,
-	clothesBoughtMaternityDress: 0,
-	clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie: 0,
-	clothesBoughtLazyClothes: 0,
-	clothesBoughtBimbo: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCourtesan: 0,
-	shoesBoughtHeels: 0,
-	clothesBoughtPetite: 0,
-	// non-fs
-	clothesBoughtMilitary: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCultural: 0,
-	clothesBoughtMiddleEastern: 0,
-	clothesBoughtPol: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCostume: 0,
-	clothesBoughtPantsu: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCareer: 0,
-	clothesBoughtDresses: 0,
-	clothesBoughtBodysuits: 0,
-	clothesBoughtCasual: 0,
-	clothesBoughtUnderwear: 0,
-	clothesBoughtSports: 0,
-	clothesBoughtPony: 0,
-	clothesBoughtSwimwear: 0,
-	toysBoughtDildos: 0,
-	toysBoughtGags: 0,
-	toysBoughtVaginalAttachments: 0,
-	toysBoughtButtPlugs: 0,
-	toysBoughtButtPlugTails: 0,
-	toysBoughtSmartVibes: 0,
-	buckets: 0,
 	specialSlavesPriceOverride: 0,
 	pregAccessibility: 0,
 	dickAccessibility: 0,
 	ballsAccessibility: 0,
 	buttAccessibility: 0,
 	ageMode: 0,
-	enema: 0,
-	medicalEnema: 0,
+	boughtItem: {
+		clothing: {
+			// alternate clothing access variables
+			Bunny: 0,
+			Conservative: 0,
+			Chains: 0,
+			Western: 0,
+			Oil: 0,
+			Habit: 0,
+			Toga: 0,
+			Huipil: 0,
+			Kimono: 0,
+			Harem: 0,
+			Qipao: 0,
+			Egypt: 0,
+			Belly: 0,
+			MaternityDress: 0,
+			MaternityLingerie: 0,
+			LazyClothes: 0,
+			Bimbo: 0,
+			Courtesan: 0,
+			Petite: 0,
+			// non-fs
+			Military: 0,
+			Cultural: 0,
+			MiddleEastern: 0,
+			Pol: 0,
+			Costume: 0,
+			Pantsu: 0,
+			Career: 0,
+			Dresses: 0,
+			Bodysuits: 0,
+			Casual: 0,
+			Underwear: 0,
+			Sports: 0,
+			Pony: 0,
+			Swimwear: 0,
+		},
+		shoes: {
+			heels: 0,
+		},
+		toys: {
+			enema: 0,
+			medicalEnema: 0,
+			buckets: 0,
+			toysBoughtDildos: 0,
+			toysBoughtGags: 0,
+			toysBoughtVaginalAttachments: 0,
+			toysBoughtButtPlugs: 0,
+			toysBoughtButtPlugTails: 0,
+			toysBoughtSmartVibes: 0,
+		},
+	},
 	dairyPiping: 0,
 	inflatedSlavesMilk: 0,
 	inflatedSlavesCum: 0,
diff --git a/js/003-data/miscData.js b/js/003-data/miscData.js
index 9cbcf65a6eda38246f4ca99085e2f577094f0484..2e020b2abc02cc006aeadfa748b7f940fd2ff6d0 100644
--- a/js/003-data/miscData.js
+++ b/js/003-data/miscData.js
@@ -1938,291 +1938,228 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		name: "Maternity lingerie",
 		value: "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman",
 		fs: "FSRepopulationFocus",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.maternityLingerie; }
 		name: "Bunny outfit",
 		value: "a bunny outfit",
 		fs: "FSGenderFundamentalist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtBunny"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.bunny; }
 		name: "Body oil",
 		value: "body oil",
 		fs: "FSPhysicalIdealist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtOil"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.oil; }
 		name: "Chattel habit",
 		value: "a chattel habit",
 		fs: "FSChattelReligionist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtHabit"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.habit; }
 		name: "Conservative clothing",
 		value: "conservative clothing",
 		fs: "FSPaternalist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtConservative"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.conservative; }
 		name: "Harem gauze",
 		value: "harem gauze",
 		fs: "FSArabianRevivalist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtHarem"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.harem; }
 		name: "Huipil",
 		value: "a huipil",
 		fs: "FSAztecRevivalist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtHuipil"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.huipil; }
 		name: "Kimono",
 		value: "a kimono",
 		fs: "FSEdoRevivalist",
-		rs: {
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtKimono: 1,
-				continent: "Japan"
-			}
-		}
+		get rs() { return (V.boughtItem.kimono || V.continent === "Japan"); }
 		name: "Maternity dress",
 		value: "a maternity dress",
 		fs: "FSRepopulationFocus",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtMaternityDress"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.maternityDress; }
 		name: "Qipao (slutty)",
 		value: "a slutty qipao",
 		fs: "FSChineseRevivalist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtQipao"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.qipao; }
 		name: "Qipao (long)",
 		value: "a long qipao",
 		fs: "FSChineseRevivalist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtCultural"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.cultural; }
 		name: "Stretch pants and a crop-top",
 		value: "stretch pants and a crop-top",
 		fs: "FSHedonisticDecadence",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtLazyClothes"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.clothes; }
 		name: "Toga",
 		value: "a toga",
 		fs: "FSRomanRevivalist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtToga"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toga; }
 		name: "Western clothing",
 		value: "Western clothing",
 		fs: "FSPastoralist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtWestern"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.western; }
 		name: "Courtesan dress",
 		value: "a courtesan dress",
 		fs: "FSSlaveProfessionalism",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtCourtesan"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.courtesan; }
 		name: "Bimbo outfit",
 		value: "a bimbo outfit",
 		fs: "FSIntellectualDependency",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtBimbo"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.bimbo; }
 		name: "Petite admi outfit",
 		value: "petite admi outfit",
 		fs: "FSPetiteAdmiration",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtPetite"
-	},
-	{name: "Battlearmor", value: "battlearmor", rs: "clothesBoughtMilitary"},
-	{name: "Military uniform", value: "a military uniform", rs: "clothesBoughtMilitary"},
-	{name: "Red Army uniform", value: "a red army uniform", rs: "clothesBoughtMilitary"},
-	{name: "Battledress", value: "battledress", rs: "clothesBoughtMilitary"},
-	{name: "Biyelgee costume", value: "a biyelgee costume", rs: "clothesBoughtCultural"},
-	{name: "Dirndl", value: "a dirndl", rs: "clothesBoughtCultural"},
-	{name: "Lederhosen", value: "lederhosen", rs: "clothesBoughtCultural"},
-	{name: "Mounty outfit", value: "a mounty outfit", rs: "clothesBoughtCultural"},
-	{name: "Hanbok", value: "a hanbok", rs: "clothesBoughtCultural"},
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.petite; }
+	},
+	{name: "Battlearmor", value: "battlearmor", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.military; }},
+	{name: "Military uniform", value: "a military uniform", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.military; }},
+	{name: "Red Army uniform", value: "a red army uniform", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.military; }},
+	{name: "Battledress", value: "battledress", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.military; }},
+	{name: "Biyelgee costume", value: "a biyelgee costume", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.cultural; }},
+	{name: "Dirndl", value: "a dirndl", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.cultural; }},
+	{name: "Lederhosen", value: "lederhosen", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.cultural; }},
+	{name: "Mounty outfit", value: "a mounty outfit", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.cultural; }},
+	{name: "Hanbok", value: "a hanbok", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.cultural; }},
 		name: "Burqa",
 		value: "a burqa",
-		rs: {
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtMiddleEastern: 1,
-				continent: "the Middle East"
-			}
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.middleEastern || V.continent === "the Middle East"; }
 		name: "Niqab and abaya",
 		value: "a niqab and abaya",
-		rs: {
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtMiddleEastern: 1,
-				continent: "the Middle East"
-			}
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.middleEastern || V.continent === "the Middle East"; }
 		name: "Hijab and blouse",
 		value: "a hijab and blouse",
-		rs: {
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtConservative: 1,
-				continent: "the Middle East"
-			}
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.conservative || V.continent === "the Middle East"; }
 		name: "Burkini",
 		value: "a burkini",
-		rs: {
-			clothesBoughtSwimwear: 1,
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtMiddleEastern: 1,
-				continent: "the Middle East"
-			}
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.swimwear && (V.boughtItem.clothing.swimwear || V.continent === "the Middle East"); }
-	{name: "Santa dress", value: "a Santa dress", rs: "clothesBoughtCostume"},
+	{name: "Santa dress", value: "a Santa dress", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.costume; }},
-	{name: "Klan robe", value: "a klan robe", rs: "clothesBoughtPol"},
-	{name: "Slutty klan robe", value: "a slutty klan robe", rs: "clothesBoughtPol"},
-	{name: "Schutzstaffel uniform", value: "a schutzstaffel uniform", rs: "clothesBoughtPol"},
-	{name: "Slutty schutzstaffel uniform", value: "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform", rs: "clothesBoughtPol"},
+	{name: "Klan robe", value: "a klan robe", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pol; }},
+	{name: "Slutty klan robe", value: "a slutty klan robe", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pol; }},
+	{name: "Schutzstaffel uniform", value: "a schutzstaffel uniform", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pol; }},
+	{name: "Slutty schutzstaffel uniform", value: "a slutty schutzstaffel uniform", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pol; }},
-	{name: "Nice business attire", value: "nice business attire", rs: "clothesBoughtCareer"},
-	{name: "Nurse (nice)", value: "a nice nurse outfit", rs: "clothesBoughtCareer"},
-	{name: "Police uniform", value: "a police uniform", rs: "clothesBoughtCareer"},
+	{name: "Nice business attire", value: "nice business attire", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.career; }},
+	{name: "Nurse (nice)", value: "a nice nurse outfit", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.career; }},
+	{name: "Police uniform", value: "a police uniform", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.career; }},
 		name: "Maid (nice)",
 		value: "a nice maid outfit",
-		rs: {
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtCareer: 1,
-				PC: {
-					career: "servant"
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	{name: "Ballgown", value: "a ball gown", rs: "clothesBoughtDresses"},
-	{name: "Gothic lolita dress", value: "a gothic lolita dress", rs: "clothesBoughtDresses"},
-	{name: "Cybersuit", value: "a cybersuit", rs: "clothesBoughtBodysuits"},
-	{name: "Latex catsuit", value: "a latex catsuit", rs: "clothesBoughtBodysuits"},
-	{name: "Button-up shirt and panties", value: "a button-up shirt and panties", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Button-up shirt", value: "a button-up shirt", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Cutoffs", value: "cutoffs", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Jeans", value: "jeans", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Leather pants and a tube top", value: "leather pants and a tube top", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Leather pants", value: "leather pants", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Oversized t-shirt", value: "an oversized t-shirt", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Sweater and cutoffs", value: "a sweater and cutoffs", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Sweater and panties", value: "a sweater and panties", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Sweater", value: "a sweater", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "T-shirt and jeans", value: "a t-shirt and jeans", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "T-shirt and panties", value: "a t-shirt and panties", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "T-shirt", value: "a t-shirt", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Tank-top and panties", value: "a tank-top and panties", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Tank-top", value: "a tank-top", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Tube top", value: "a tube top", rs: "clothesBoughtCasual"},
-	{name: "Boyshorts", value: "boyshorts", rs: "clothesBoughtUnderwear"},
-	{name: "Bra", value: "a bra", rs: "clothesBoughtUnderwear"},
-	{name: "Kitty lingerie", value: "kitty lingerie", rs: "clothesBoughtUnderwear"},
-	{name: "Panties and pasties", value: "panties and pasties", rs: "clothesBoughtUnderwear"},
-	{name: "Skimpy loincloth", value: "a skimpy loincloth", rs: "clothesBoughtUnderwear"},
-	{name: "Thong", value: "a thong", rs: "clothesBoughtUnderwear"},
-	{name: "Pasties", value: "pasties", rs: "clothesBoughtUnderwear"},
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.career || V.PC.career === "servant"; }
+	},
+	{name: "Ballgown", value: "a ball gown", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.dresses; }},
+	{name: "Gothic lolita dress", value: "a gothic lolita dress", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.dresses; }},
+	{name: "Cybersuit", value: "a cybersuit", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.bodysuits; }},
+	{name: "Latex catsuit", value: "a latex catsuit", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.bodysuits; }},
+	{name: "Button-up shirt and panties", value: "a button-up shirt and panties", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Button-up shirt", value: "a button-up shirt", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Cutoffs", value: "cutoffs", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Jeans", value: "jeans", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Leather pants and a tube top", value: "leather pants and a tube top", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Leather pants", value: "leather pants", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Oversized t-shirt", value: "an oversized t-shirt", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Sweater and cutoffs", value: "a sweater and cutoffs", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Sweater and panties", value: "a sweater and panties", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Sweater", value: "a sweater", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "T-shirt and jeans", value: "a t-shirt and jeans", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "T-shirt and panties", value: "a t-shirt and panties", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "T-shirt", value: "a t-shirt", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Tank-top and panties", value: "a tank-top and panties", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Tank-top", value: "a tank-top", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Tube top", value: "a tube top", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }},
+	{name: "Boyshorts", value: "boyshorts", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear; }},
+	{name: "Bra", value: "a bra", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear; }},
+	{name: "Kitty lingerie", value: "kitty lingerie", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear; }},
+	{name: "Panties and pasties", value: "panties and pasties", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear; }},
+	{name: "Skimpy loincloth", value: "a skimpy loincloth", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear; }},
+	{name: "Thong", value: "a thong", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear; }},
+	{name: "Pasties", value: "pasties", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear; }},
 		name: "Leather pants and pasties",
 		value: "leather pants and pasties",
-		rs: {
-			clothesBoughtUnderwear: 1,
-			clothesBoughtCasual: 1
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear &&  V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }
 		name: "T-shirt and thong",
 		value: "a t-shirt and thong",
-		rs: {
-			clothesBoughtUnderwear: 1,
-			clothesBoughtCasual: 1
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear &&  V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }
 		name: "Tube top and thong",
 		value: "a tube top and thong",
-		rs: {
-			clothesBoughtUnderwear: 1,
-			clothesBoughtCasual: 1
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear &&  V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }
 		name: "Oversized t-shirt and boyshorts",
 		value: "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts",
-		rs: {
-			clothesBoughtUnderwear: 1,
-			clothesBoughtCasual: 1
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.underwear &&  V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }
-	{name: "Sport shorts and a sports bra", value: "sport shorts and a sports bra", rs: "clothesBoughtSports"},
-	{name: "Sport shorts", value: "sport shorts", rs: "clothesBoughtSports"},
-	{name: "Sports bra", value: "a sports bra", rs: "clothesBoughtSports"},
+	{name: "Sport shorts and a sports bra", value: "sport shorts and a sports bra", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.sports; }},
+	{name: "Sport shorts", value: "sport shorts", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.sports; }},
+	{name: "Sports bra", value: "a sports bra", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.sports; }},
 		name: "Sport shorts and a t-shirt",
 		value: "sport shorts and a t-shirt",
-		rs: {
-			clothesBoughtSports: 1,
-			clothesBoughtCasual: 1
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.sports &&  V.boughtItem.clothing.casual; }
-	{name: "Pony outfit (nice)", value: "a nice pony outfit", rs: "clothesBoughtPony"},
-	{name: "Pony outfit (slutty)", value: "a slutty pony outfit", rs: "clothesBoughtPony"},
+	{name: "Pony outfit (nice)", value: "a nice pony outfit", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pony; }},
+	{name: "Pony outfit (slutty)", value: "a slutty pony outfit", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pony; }},
-	{name: "Monokini", value: "a monokini", rs: "clothesBoughtSwimwear"},
-	{name: "One-piece swimsuit", value: "a one-piece swimsuit", rs: "clothesBoughtSwimwear"},
+	{name: "Monokini", value: "a monokini", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.swimwear; }},
+	{name: "One-piece swimsuit", value: "a one-piece swimsuit", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.swimwear; }},
 		name: "Striped bra",
 		value: "a striped bra",
-		rs: {
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtPantsu: 1,
-				continent: "Japan"
-			}
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pantsu || V.continent === "Japan"; }
 		name: "Striped panties",
 		value: "striped panties",
-		rs: {
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtPantsu: 1,
-				continent: "Japan"
-			}
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pantsu || V.continent === "Japan"; }
 		name: "Striped underwear",
 		value: "striped underwear",
-		rs: {
-			either: {
-				clothesBoughtPantsu: 1,
-				continent: "Japan"
-			}
-		}
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.pantsu || V.continent === "Japan"; }
 	// "Normal" things:
@@ -2258,7 +2195,7 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		name: "Chains",
 		value: "chains",
 		fs: "FSDegradationist",
-		rs: "clothesBoughtChains"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.chains; }
 	{name: "Go naked", value: "no clothing"},
 	{name: "Penitent nun", value: "a penitent nuns habit"},
@@ -2273,34 +2210,34 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		{name: "Silken ribbon", value: "silk ribbon"},
 		{name: "Heavy gold", value: "heavy gold"},
 		{name: "Pretty jewelry", value: "pretty jewelry"},
-		{name: "Nice retirement counter", value: "nice retirement counter", rs: "seeAge"},
+		{name: "Nice retirement counter", value: "nice retirement counter", get rs() { return V.seeAge; }},
 		{name: "Bell", value: "bell collar"},
 		{name: "Cowbell", value: "leather with cowbell"},
 			name: "Bowtie collar",
 			value: "bowtie",
 			fs: "FSGenderFundamentalist",
-			rs: "clothesBoughtBunny"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.bunny; }
 			name: "Neck tie",
 			value: "neck tie",
 			fs: "FSPaternalist",
-			rs: "clothesBoughtConservative"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.conservative; }
 			name: "Ancient Egyptian",
 			value: "ancient Egyptian",
 			fs: "FSEgyptianRevivalist",
-			rs: "clothesBoughtEgypt"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.egypt; }
 	harshCollars: [
 		{name: "Tight steel", value: "tight steel"},
-		{name: "Cruel retirement counter", value: "cruel retirement counter", rs: "seeAge"},
+		{name: "Cruel retirement counter", value: "cruel retirement counter", get rs() { return V.seeAge; }},
 		{name: "Uncomfortable leather", value: "uncomfortable leather"},
-		{name: "Pregnancy biometrics", value: "preg biometrics", rs: "seePreg"},
+		{name: "Pregnancy biometrics", value: "preg biometrics", get rs() { return V.seeAge; }},
 		{name: "Shock punishment", value: "shock punishment"},
 		{name: "Neck corset", value: "neck corset"},
@@ -2317,7 +2254,7 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 			name: "Massive dildo gag",
 			value: "massive dildo gag",
-			rs: "toysBoughtGags"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.gags; }
 		{name: "Dildo gag", value: "dildo gag"},
@@ -2333,19 +2270,19 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 			name: "Platforms",
 			value: "platform shoes",
 			fs: "FSStatuesqueGlorification",
-			rs: "shoesBoughtHeels"
+			get rs() { return (boughtItem.clothing.heels); }
 			name: "Platform heels",
 			value: "platform heels",
 			fs: "FSStatuesqueGlorification",
-			rs: "shoesBoughtHeels"
+			get rs() { return (boughtItem.clothing.heels); }
 			name: "Painfully extreme platform heels",
 			value: "extreme platform heels",
 			fs: "FSStatuesqueGlorification",
-			rs: "shoesBoughtHeels"
+			get rs() { return (boughtItem.clothing.heels); }
@@ -2358,25 +2295,25 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 			name: "1st Trimester belly",
 			value: "a small empathy belly",
 			fs: "FSRepopulationFocus",
-			rs: "clothesBoughtBelly"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.belly; }
 			name: "2nd Trimester belly",
 			value: "a medium empathy belly",
 			fs: "FSRepopulationFocus",
-			rs: "clothesBoughtBelly"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.belly; }
 			name: "3rd Trimester belly",
 			value: "a large empathy belly",
 			fs: "FSRepopulationFocus",
-			rs: "clothesBoughtBelly"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.belly; }
 			name: "3rd Trimester twins belly",
 			value: "a huge empathy belly",
 			fs: "FSRepopulationFocus",
-			rs: "clothesBoughtBelly"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.clothing.belly; }
@@ -2391,7 +2328,7 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		name: "Smart bullet vibrator",
 		value: "smart bullet vibrator",
-		rs: "toysBoughtSmartVibes"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.smartVibes; }
 		name: "Dildo",
@@ -2400,7 +2337,7 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		name: "Long dildo",
 		value: "long dildo",
-		rs: "buyBigDildos"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.dildos; }
 		name: "Large dildo",
@@ -2409,16 +2346,16 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		name: "Long, large dildo",
 		value: "long, large dildo",
-		rs: "buyBigDildos"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.dildos; }
 		name: "Huge dildo",
-		value: "huge dildo"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.dildos; }
 		name: "Long, huge dildo",
 		value: "long, huge dildo",
-		rs: "buyBigDildos"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.dildos; }
@@ -2439,7 +2376,7 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 			name: "Smart bullet vibrator",
 			value: "smart bullet vibrator",
-			rs: "toysBoughtSmartVibes"
+			get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.smartVibes; }
@@ -2454,7 +2391,7 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		name: "Long plug",
 		value: "long plug",
-		rs: "toysBoughtButtPlugs"
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.buttPlugs; }
 		name: "Large plug",
@@ -2463,7 +2400,7 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		name: "Long, large plug",
 		value: "long, large plug",
-		rs: "toysBoughtButtPlugs",
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.buttPlugs; }
 		name: "Huge plug",
@@ -2472,16 +2409,16 @@ App.Data.misc = {
 		name: "Long, huge plug",
 		value: "long, huge plug",
-		rs: "toysBoughtButtPlugs",
+		get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.buttPlugs; }
 	buttplugAttachments: [
 		{name: "None", value: "none"},
-		{name: "Tail", value: "tail", rs: "toysBoughtButtPlugTails"},
-		{name: "Fox tail", value: "fox tail", rs: "toysBoughtButtPlugTails"},
-		{name: "Cat tail", value: "cat tail", rs: "toysBoughtButtPlugTails"},
-		{name: "Cow tail", value: "cow tail", rs: "toysBoughtButtPlugTails"}
+		{name: "Tail", value: "tail", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.buttPlugTails; }},
+		{name: "Fox tail", value: "fox tail", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.buttPlugTails; }},
+		{name: "Cat tail", value: "cat tail", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.buttPlugTails; }},
+		{name: "Cow tail", value: "cow tail", get rs() { return V.boughtItem.toys.buttPlugTails; }}
 	chastityDevices: [
diff --git a/src/js/itemAvailability.js b/src/js/itemAvailability.js
index ae2f3353f3af13ed0f0ab2cbeb63df056f8d0d9f..7ead21f2bce81291db6accf86c6e61e7e4b24040 100644
--- a/src/js/itemAvailability.js
+++ b/src/js/itemAvailability.js
@@ -104,52 +104,8 @@ globalThis.isItemAccessible = (function() {
 			return true;
 		if (item.hasOwnProperty("rs")) {
-			if (typeof item.rs === 'object' && item.rs !== null) {
-				let fail = false;
-				// Scan rs requirements one by one if they are an object
-				Object.keys(item.rs).forEach((requirement) => {
-					if (typeof item.rs[requirement] === 'object' && item.rs[requirement] !== null) {
-						let eitherCheck = 0;
-						if (requirement === "either") { // If we find the "either" nested object, we need to see if just one of the conditions in it are true.
-							Object.keys(item.rs.either).forEach((nestedRequirement) => {
-								if (typeof item.rs.either[nestedRequirement] === 'object' && item.rs.either[nestedRequirement] !== null) { // And yes sometimes even in either we have a nested object, to check V.PC mostly, so check for it.
-									let insideEitherCheck = 0;
-									Object.keys(item.rs.either[nestedRequirement]).forEach((insideNestedRequirement) => {
-										if (V[nestedRequirement][insideNestedRequirement] === item.rs.either[nestedRequirement][insideNestedRequirement]) {
-											insideEitherCheck++;
-										}
-									});
-									if (insideEitherCheck > 0) {
-										eitherCheck++;
-									}
-									if (V[nestedRequirement] === item.rs.either[nestedRequirement]) {
-										eitherCheck++;
-									}
-								} else {
-									if (item.rs.either[nestedRequirement] === V[nestedRequirement]) {
-										eitherCheck++;
-									}
-								}
-							});
-						} else {
-							Object.keys(item.rs.either).forEach((nestedRequirement) => { // Otherwise we are probably recording a nested V variable to be checked.
-								if (V[requirement][nestedRequirement] === item.rs[requirement][nestedRequirement]) {
-									eitherCheck++;
-								}
-							});
-						}
-						if (eitherCheck === 0) {
-							fail = true;
-						}
-					} else {
-						if (V[requirement] !== item.rs[requirement]) {
-							fail = true;
-						}
-					}
-				});
-				return !(fail);
-			} else { // string
-				return (V[item.rs] >= 1);
+			if (item.rs) {
+				return true;
 		if (item.hasOwnProperty("fs")) {
diff --git a/src/neighbor/neighborInteract.js b/src/neighbor/neighborInteract.js
index 3abdab94c9fa7e198a71f6b4f4cabd693b5572b8..e8c1259bfbe52d297ea79df2e4229e533ebf2adb 100644
--- a/src/neighbor/neighborInteract.js
+++ b/src/neighbor/neighborInteract.js
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ App.Neighbor.Interact = (function() {
 		 * @param {string} itemName - the item name to check to see if the player already has this item
 		 * @param {string} category - the category to check to see if the player already has this item
 		 * @param {string} itemDisplay - a display name for a group of the item; as in, "a shipment of XXX" or "enough XXX"
-		 * @param {string} property - the global property controlling whether this item has been acquired
+		 * @param {function} property - adjusts the global property controlling whether this item has been acquired
 		 * @param {number} [itemPrice] - the price the player should pay for the item; by default, basePrice (computed above)
 		function addAcquisitionBlock(fsRequired, itemName, category, itemDisplay, property, itemPrice = basePrice) {
@@ -263,19 +263,19 @@ App.Neighbor.Interact = (function() {
 				if (!isItemAccessible.entry(itemName, category)) {
 					if (controlled) {
 						const link = App.UI.DOM.link(`Request a shipment of ${itemDisplay}`, (f) => {
-							V[property] = 1;
+							property();
 						App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", container, link);
 					} else if (V.PC.skill.hacking >= 50) {
 						const link = App.UI.DOM.link(`Divert an outgoing shipment of ${itemDisplay}`, (f) => {
-							V[property] = 1;
+							property();
 						App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", container, link);
 					} else if (V.arcologies[arcID].direction !== V.arcologies[0].embargoTarget) {
 						const link = App.UI.DOM.link(`Divert an outgoing shipment of ${itemDisplay}`, (f) => {
-							V[property] = 1;
+							property();
 							cashX(forceNeg(itemPrice), "capEx");
 							// replaceDetails(arcID); - cash changed, force passage transition for sidebar update
 						}, [], "Neighbor Interact");
@@ -289,26 +289,26 @@ App.Neighbor.Interact = (function() {
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSRomanRevivalist", "a toga", "clothing", "togas", "clothesBoughtToga");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSEdoRevivalist", "a kimono", "clothing", "kimonos", "clothesBoughtKimono");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSArabianRevivalist", "harem gauze", "clothing", "silken harem garb", "clothesBoughtHarem");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSAztecRevivalist", "a huipil", "clothing", "huipils", "clothesBoughtHuipil");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSChineseRevivalist", "a slutty qipao", "clothing", "skimpy qipaos", "clothesBoughtQipao");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSEgyptianRevivalist", "ancient Egyptian", "collar", "Egyptian necklace replicas", "clothesBoughtEgypt");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSPaternalist", "conservative clothing", "clothing", "conservative clothing", "clothesBoughtConservative");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSDegradationist", "chains", "clothing", "binding chains", "clothesBoughtChains");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSGenderFundamentalist", "a bunny outfit", "clothing", "bunny suits", "clothesBoughtBunny");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSIntellectualDependency", "a bimbo outfit", "clothing", "bimbo attire", "clothesBoughtBimbo");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSSlaveProfessionalism", "a courtesan dress", "clothing", "cortesan dresses", "clothesBoughtCourtesan");
-		// addAcquisitionBlock("FSPetiteAdmiration", "petite dress", "clothing", "petite-sized dresses", "clothesBoughtPetite");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSPhysicalIdealist", "body oil", "clothing", "body oil", "clothesBoughtOil");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSHedonisticDecadence", "stretch pants and a crop-top", "clothing", "stretch pants and crop-tops", "clothesBoughtLazyClothes");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSChattelReligionist", "a chattel habit", "clothing", "chattel religionist habits", "clothesBoughtHabit");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSPastoralist", "Western clothing", "clothing", "Western clothing", "clothesBoughtWestern");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSRepopulationFocus", "a maternity dress", "clothing", "maternity dresses", "clothesBoughtMaternityDress");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSRepopulationFocus", "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman", "clothing", "maternity lingerie", "clothesBoughtMaternityLingerie");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSRepopulationFocus", "a small empathy belly", "bellyAccessory", "empathy bellies", "clothesBoughtBelly");
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSStatuesqueGlorification", "platform heels", "shoes", "platform shoes", "shoesBoughtHeels");
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSRomanRevivalist", "a toga", "clothing", "togas", () => { V.boughtItem.toga = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSEdoRevivalist", "a kimono", "clothing", "kimonos", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Kimono = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSArabianRevivalist", "harem gauze", "clothing", "silken harem garb", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Harem = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSAztecRevivalist", "a huipil", "clothing", "huipils", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Huipil = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSChineseRevivalist", "a slutty qipao", "clothing", "skimpy qipaos", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Qipao = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSEgyptianRevivalist", "ancient Egyptian", "collar", "Egyptian necklace replicas", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Egypt = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSPaternalist", "conservative clothing", "clothing", "conservative clothing", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Conservative = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSDegradationist", "chains", "clothing", "binding chains", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Chains = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSGenderFundamentalist", "a bunny outfit", "clothing", "bunny suits", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Bunny = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSIntellectualDependency", "a bimbo outfit", "clothing", "bimbo attire", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Bimbo = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSSlaveProfessionalism", "a courtesan dress", "clothing", "cortesan dresses", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Courtesan = 1; });
+		// addAcquisitionBlock("FSPetiteAdmiration", "petite dress", "clothing", "petite-sized dresses", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Petite = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSPhysicalIdealist", "body oil", "clothing", "body oil", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Oil = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSHedonisticDecadence", "stretch pants and a crop-top", "clothing", "stretch pants and crop-tops", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.LazyClothes = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSChattelReligionist", "a chattel habit", "clothing", "chattel religionist habits", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Habit = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSPastoralist", "Western clothing", "clothing", "Western clothing", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Western = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSRepopulationFocus", "a maternity dress", "clothing", "maternity dresses", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.MaternityDress = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSRepopulationFocus", "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman", "clothing", "maternity lingerie", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.MaternityLingerie = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSRepopulationFocus", "a small empathy belly", "bellyAccessory", "empathy bellies", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.Belly = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSStatuesqueGlorification", "platform heels", "shoes", "platform shoes", () => { V.boughtItem.shoes.heels = 1; });
 		if (exports !== 1) {
 			const luck = (V.arcologies[arcID].direction === V.arcologies[0].embargoTarget) ? `Fortunately` : `Unfortunately`;