diff --git a/src/Mods/Reminder/reminder.js b/src/Mods/Reminder/reminder.js
index 3dbd591d33be4a37f7af58b9b1b561357d96c748..91888300fc07973c87e265e49d65567a19dbd9bf 100644
--- a/src/Mods/Reminder/reminder.js
+++ b/src/Mods/Reminder/reminder.js
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ App.Reminders.add = function(message, week, category = "manual") {
- * @param {number} [maxFuture] how far into the future should reminders be displayed.
- * @param {string} [category]
- * @param {boolean} [link] show link to managePersonalAffairs.tw
+ * @param {Object} [obj]
+ * @param {number} [obj.maxFuture] how far into the future should reminders be displayed.
+ * @param {string} [obj.category]
+ * @param {boolean} [obj.link] show link to managePersonalAffairs.tw
  * @returns {HTMLSpanElement}
 App.Reminders.list = function list({maxFuture = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, category = "all", link = false} = {}) {
diff --git a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
index 327613f3ebec0e3bd288eb16c06897260f321be8..5fbf0e8254d1a599eaf78a23fa1fd70698416a23 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
+++ b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/SpecialForce.js
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ App.SF.weeklyGift = function(input) {
 	return value;
 App.SF.unlocked = (function() {
 	return {
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ App.SF.upgrades = (function() {
 		if (V.SF.Toggle === 0 || V.SF.Active < 1) {
 			return 0;
- 		return Object.values(V.SF.Squad).reduce((a,b) => a+b);
+		return Object.values(V.SF.Squad).reduce((a, b) => a+b);
 	function list(completeView = '') {
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ App.SF.Init = function() {
 		FS_OPTIONS = FS_OPTIONS.concat(Revivalisms);
 		for (let i = 0; i < FS_OPTIONS.length; i++) {
 			if (V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]] === undefined) {
-				V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]] = {lv: 0, vaildOption: 1, gift: 0};
+				V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]] = {lv: 0, validOption: 1, gift: 0};
@@ -224,33 +224,33 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100) {
 	function validityTester() {
 		if (V.SF.FS.Repopulation.lv > V.SF.FS.Eugenics.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Eugenics.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Eugenics.validOption = 0;
 		} else if (V.SF.FS.Eugenics.lv > V.SF.FS.Repopulation.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Repopulation.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Repopulation.validOption = 0;
 		if (V.SF.FS.Gender_radicalism.lv > V.SF.FS.Gender_traditionalism.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Gender_traditionalism.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Gender_traditionalism.validOption = 0;
 		} else if (V.SF.FS.Gender_traditionalism.lv > V.SF.FS.Gender_radicalism.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Gender_radicalism.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Gender_radicalism.validOption = 0;
 		if (V.SF.FS.Body_Purism.lv > V.SF.FS.Transformation_Fetishism.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Transformation_Fetishism.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Transformation_Fetishism.validOption = 0;
 		} else if (V.SF.FS.Transformation_Fetishism.lv > V.SF.FS.Body_Purism.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Body_Purism.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Body_Purism.validOption = 0;
 		if (V.SF.FS.Youth_Preferentialism.lv > V.SF.FS.Maturity_Preferentialism.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Maturity_Preferentialism.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Maturity_Preferentialism.validOption = 0;
 		} else if (V.SF.FS.Maturity_Preferentialism.lv > V.SF.FS.Youth_Preferentialism.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Youth_Preferentialism.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Youth_Preferentialism.validOption = 0;
 		if (V.SF.FS.Slimness_Enthusiasm.lv > V.SF.FS.Asset_Expansionism.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Asset_Expansionism.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Asset_Expansionism.validOption = 0;
 		} else if (V.SF.FS.Asset_Expansionism.lv > V.SF.FS.Slimness_Enthusiasm.lv) {
-			V.SF.FS.Slimness_Enthusiasm.vaildOption = 0;
+			V.SF.FS.Slimness_Enthusiasm.validOption = 0;
 		let ChosenRevivalism;
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100) {
 		if (ChosenRevivalism) {
 			for (let i = 0; i < Revivalisms.length; i++) {
 				if (V.SF.FS[Revivalisms[i]] !== ChosenRevivalism) {
-					V.SF.FS[Revivalisms[i]].vaildOption = 0;
+					V.SF.FS[Revivalisms[i]].validOption = 0;
@@ -334,117 +334,117 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100) {
 		InputText0 += `\n`;
 		switch (selectedFS) {
 			case 'Repopulation':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nRepopulation efforts: focus on mass breeding in order to repopulate the future world.`;
 			case 'Eugenics':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nEugenics: rebuilding society using restrictive breeding programs reserved solely for society's finest. `;
 			case 'Gender_radicalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nGender radicalism: a radical redefinition of gender that identifies powerful people as male, and everyone else as female.`;
 			case 'Gender_traditionalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nGender traditionalism: a societal preference for feminine slaves and support for slave pregnancy. `;
 			case 'Paternalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nPaternalism: a vision of slave improvement, including slaves' health, mental well-being, and education. `;
 			case 'Degradationism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nDegradationism: a belief that slaves are not human and should not be treated decently.`;
 			case 'Body_Purism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nBody Purism: societal disapproval of implant surgery. `;
 			case 'Transformation_Fetishism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nTransformation Fetishism: societal fetishization of implant surgery.`;
 			case 'Youth_Preferentialism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nYouth Preferentialism: increased interest in girls just past their majority. `;
 			case 'Maturity_Preferentialism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nMaturity Preferentialism: increased interest in mature slaves. `;
 			case 'Slimness_Enthusiasm':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nSlimness Enthusiasm: a fashion for slaves with girlish figures.`;
 			case 'Asset_Expansionism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nAsset Expansionism: societal hunger for huge assets of whatever origin.`;
 			case 'Slave_Pastoralism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nSlave Pastoralism: societal acceptance of slave products like milk.`;
 			case 'Physical_Idealism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nPhysical Idealism: societal reverence for the idealized human form, including height, health and muscle.`;
 			case 'Hedonistic_Decadence':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nHedonistic Decadence: societal acceptance of overindulgence and immediate gratification. Be it food, drink, sex, drugs or whatever one's desire may be.`;
 			case 'Chattel_Religionism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nChattel Religionism: a new strain of religion that emphasizes the slaveholding portions of religious history.`;
 			case 'Roman_Revivalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nRoman Revivalism: a vision of a new Rome.`;
 			case 'Aztec_Revivalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nAztec Revivalism: a vision of a new Aztec Empire.`;
 			case 'Egyptian_Revivalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nEgyptian Revivalism: a vision of a Pharaoh's Egypt.`;
 			case 'Edo_Revivalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nEdo Revivalism: a vision of Edo Japan.`;
 			case 'Arabian_Revivalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nArabian Revivalism: a vision of the Sultanate of old.`;
 			case 'Chinese_Revivalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nChinese Revivalism: a vision of ancient China.`;
 			case 'Multiculturalism':
-				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption < 1) {
+				if (fsIncrease > 0 || V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption < 1) {
 					InputText0 += `\nMulticulturalism: a commitment to allow your arcology's citizens cultural freedom.`;
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100) {
 			InputText0 += `\n&nbsp;Smuggle in FS-optimized (${V.SF.FS[selectedFS].lv}%): `;
-		if (V.SF.FS[selectedFS].gift < 1 || (V.SF.FS[selectedFS].lv < 100 && V.SF.FS[selectedFS].vaildOption > 0)) {
+		if (V.SF.FS[selectedFS].gift < 1 || (V.SF.FS[selectedFS].lv < 100 && V.SF.FS[selectedFS].validOption > 0)) {
 			InputText0 += `&nbsp;[[${InputText1}|Firebase][cashX(-${cost}, "specialForcesCap"), $SF.FS.Tension += ${tension}, $SF.FS.${[selectedFS]}.gift = ${gift}, $SF.FS.${[selectedFS]}.lv += ${fsIncrease}]]`;
 			if (fsIncrease > 0) {
 				InputText0 += ` (FS acceptance:<span class='green'>+${fsIncrease}%,</span>`;
@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100) {
 			text += `You walk past The Colonel and move towards the common area to meet with an exclusive group of her very influential officers that are currently relaxing at their favorite table. These men and women are known for their competence, popularity, and authority within in their respective divisions of the ${V.SF.Lower}, they are hard to replace, and they are always looking to earn more coin; they are the perfect weak link for trickling your Future Society influences down into the Firebase. As the officers make room at their table for you to sit and join them for discussion, you spot The Colonel staring at you from afar, and she does not look happy with you. As you are her employer, she cannot stop you from speaking with her soldiers or moving around as you please, but she can tell that you are up to no good.`;
 			for (let i = 0; i < FS_OPTIONS.length; i++) {
-				if (V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].vaildOption !== 0 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv < 100) {
+				if (V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].validOption !== 0 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv < 100) {
 				if (V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].gift < 1) {
@@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100) {
 						text += `\nEveryday, the captives kept in the processing cages must learn a new hymn or a new chapter from the Holy Book, word for word. Backsliders who do not learn the assigned content by end of day are made to repent of their faithlessness, through whipping and the gnashing of teeth.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 25 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
-						text += `\nEvery chair is engraved with a powerful verse of scripture from your Holy Book, and a large ornate den has been constructed on the eastern fringe of the common area to serve as the Firebase's orthodox confession booths. War is hell, and here, soldiers are often invited to speak anonymously with the compassionate and unjudgmental priests of the faith to share their most troublesome memories. It is only here that they can safely unload their emotional burdens of guilt, anxiety, and fear to the benevolent unseen listener, and receive absolution.\n`;
+						text += `\nEvery chair is engraved with a powerful verse of scripture from your Holy Book, and a large ornate den has been constructed on the eastern fringe of the common area to serve as the Firebase's orthodox confession booths. War is hell, and here, soldiers are often invited to speak anonymously with the compassionate and nonjudgmental priests of the faith to share their most troublesome memories. It is only here that they can safely unload their emotional burdens of guilt, anxiety, and fear to the benevolent unseen listener, and receive absolution.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 30 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
 						text += `\nOn every wall of the barracks, the authoritative scripture in boldly inscribed in fine calligraphy. Disguised speakers tucked away in corners play gentle, unobtrusive hymns that ease the troops to sleep at nights, and the beds themselves are painted in majestic colors that herald the glorious destinies of the faithful that use them.\n`;
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@ App.SF.fsIntegration = function(input = 'Menu', textDisplay = 100) {
 						text += `\nA carefully paved world-class swimming pool occupies the exterior of the Firebase, with an integrated water heater, several water slides, and even a built-in waterfall. The pool and its surrounding platform plays host to the regular pool parties and swimming competitions that are open to all soldiers and staff that have some free time. Laughter can frequently be heard from the swimwear-clad partygoers as they hang out and socialize here.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 90 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
-						text += `\nLenghty, good-spirited debates and competitions have become regular activities in the Firebase, and that is to be expected. Your exciting, inclusive tolerant, and artistic multiculture fills a void within your warriors that killing, drugging, and whoring do not. For many it provides new outlooks on life, for those that delve deep enough, it provides novel reams of worldly wisdom. Rather than take up space in cemeteries, the bodies of your fallen are promptly cremated to make more room for the living. Every week, ceremonies are held in honor of Life itself. Sanctioned protocols for properly interacting with non-hostile civilians, soldiers, and slaves from foreign countries and arcologies are taught consistently throughout basic training alongside the conventional curricula, which has so far worked well in avoiding faux pas that could have lead to needless conflict with members of other cultures. Soldiers and staff can be heard humming internationally-popular songs or quietly chanting military cadences as they clean weapons and tools, get dressed, move about, and perform many other typical tasks, including fucking. Quite a few officers and NCO's double as language teachers too, and trained interpreters are a coveted addition to any platoon that doesn't already have one. It is common for deployed troops to exchange gifts with one another before mounting up and heading for battle, and as you see a fully kitted infantry section huddled around an ornate tree right now, you are confident that the globalization effort has succeeded.\n`;
+						text += `\nLengthy, good-spirited debates and competitions have become regular activities in the Firebase, and that is to be expected. Your exciting, inclusive tolerant, and artistic multiculture fills a void within your warriors that killing, drugging, and whoring do not. For many it provides new outlooks on life, for those that delve deep enough, it provides novel reams of worldly wisdom. Rather than take up space in cemeteries, the bodies of your fallen are promptly cremated to make more room for the living. Every week, ceremonies are held in honor of Life itself. Sanctioned protocols for properly interacting with non-hostile civilians, soldiers, and slaves from foreign countries and arcologies are taught consistently throughout basic training alongside the conventional curricula, which has so far worked well in avoiding faux pas that could have lead to needless conflict with members of other cultures. Soldiers and staff can be heard humming internationally-popular songs or quietly chanting military cadences as they clean weapons and tools, get dressed, move about, and perform many other typical tasks, including fucking. Quite a few officers and NCO's double as language teachers too, and trained interpreters are a coveted addition to any platoon that doesn't already have one. It is common for deployed troops to exchange gifts with one another before mounting up and heading for battle, and as you see a fully kitted infantry section huddled around an ornate tree right now, you are confident that the globalization effort has succeeded.\n`;
 					if (textDisplay === 100 && V.SF.FS[FS_OPTIONS[i]].lv >= textDisplay) {
 						text += `\nMulticulturalism: Sometimes when The Colonel is making her rounds in the Firebase, you'll see her wearing a finely tailored business suit, complete with jacket and skirt, much like many wealthy and powerful women these days. Sometimes when she is relaxing or sleeping she'll wear just a simple comfortable bra and panties, like most women around the world do by now too. Her pavilion contains a wide assortment of goods made from countries all over the world, not just this part of it. Her combat battledress now features a simple cloth beret and a collapsible ballistic shield painted to look like the flag of the ${V.SF.Lower}.\n`;
@@ -2389,8 +2389,8 @@ App.SF.AAR = function(endWeekCall = 1) {
 		if (endWeekCall > 0) {
 			cashX(income, "specialForces");
-			//We run this in economyJS.js now.
-			//cashX(forceNeg(upkeep), "specialForces");
+			// We run this in economyJS.js now.
+			// cashX(forceNeg(upkeep), "specialForces");
 			if (V.SF.ArmySize > unitCap) {
 				V.SF.ArmySize = unitCap;
@@ -2507,7 +2507,7 @@ App.SF.env = function() {
 App.SF.UpgradeCost = function(cost, unit) {
 	"use strict";
 	const S = V.SF.Squad;
-	let value = cost * App.SF.env() * Math.pow(1.15 , unit + 1);
+	let value = cost * App.SF.env() * Math.pow(1.15, unit + 1);
 	if ([S.AircraftCarrier, S.Drones, S.GiantRobot, S.GunS, S.MissileSilo, S.Satellite.lv, S.SpacePlane, S.Sub].includes(unit)) {
 		value *= V.HackingSkillMultiplier;
diff --git a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/TrickShotNight.tw b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/TrickShotNight.tw
index 5d6e26793602f425c7d485e714250d86727bdc3b..fe97bfcc3b35f4c7d9f7bff7da0bb553c28150d4 100644
--- a/src/Mods/SpecialForce/TrickShotNight.tw
+++ b/src/Mods/SpecialForce/TrickShotNight.tw
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ Despite your direct elevator, interaction with the majority of your security for
 		<<replace "#result">>
 			You instruct $assistant.name to inform $SF.Lower that you will be attending their trick shot night, and after settling your affairs in the penthouse you head down to the firebase. The atmosphere in the firebase is casual, especially in comparison to the usual situations you meet them, though your security force still maintain some measure of decorum towards you as their employer. Eventually, you settle in at the table with a handful of $SF.Lower officers and turn your @@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(50000)>>@@ into bullets. All that remains is to decide your strategy for the night.
-			<span id="bountyresult">
+			<span id="bountyResult">
 			<<link "Play it safe">>
-				<<replace "#bountyresult">>
+				<<replace "#bountyResult">>
 					<<if random(1,100) > _shootChance>>
 						Despite your attempts to mitigate risk and play the safest shots possible, it seems lady luck has conspired against you this evening. However, even when your last bullet is shot, your security force pitch you a few bullets to keep you in the game for the rest of the night. You may have lost most of your ¤, but it seems you've @@.green;made some friends.@@
 						<<run repX(5000, "event")>>
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Despite your direct elevator, interaction with the majority of your security for
 			<<if random(1,100) < _shootChance>>
 				<br> <<link "Up the ante">>
-					<<replace "#bountyresult">>
+					<<replace "#bountyResult">>
 						<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMinAge = 25>>
 						<<set $activeSlaveOneTimeMaxAge = 35>>
 						<<set $one_time_age_overrides_pedo_mode = 1>>
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ Despite your direct elevator, interaction with the majority of your security for
 						Some aggressive play and an eye for riling up your fellow players has resulted in an immense payout, and all but one of your adversaries have folded as the situation has escalated. The only player still in contention is a wily old mercenary, the veteran of $his fair share of battles on the battlefield and at the firing range. $He's short on bullets, however, and $he'll have to buy in with something else as collateral.
-						<span id="aliveresult">
+						<span id="aliveResult">
 							<<link "A year of servitude">>
 								<<set $activeSlave.clothes = "no clothing">>
-								<<replace "#aliveresult">>
+								<<replace "#aliveResult">>
 									<<if random(1,100) > _shootChance>>
 										For all your skillful maneuvering to reach this position, ultimately the win comes down to chance. This time, however, luck was not on your side. As the victor sweeps up $his spoils, the other security force clap you on the back and offer their condolences for your defeat. Though you may have lost your ¤, it seems you've @@.green;made some friends.@@
 										<<run repX(5000, "event")>>
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Despite your direct elevator, interaction with the majority of your security for
 							<br> <<link "Dock $his wages">>
-								<<replace "#aliveresult">>
+								<<replace "#aliveResult">>
 									<<if random(1,100) > _shootChance>>
 										For all your skillful maneuvering to reach this position, ultimately the win comes down to chance. This time, however, luck was not on your side. As the victor sweeps up $his spoils, the other security force members clap you on the back and offer their condolences for your defeat. Though you may have lost your ¤, it seems you've @@.green;made some friends.@@
 										<<run repX(5000, "event")>>
diff --git a/src/events/RESS/assFitting.js b/src/events/RESS/assFitting.js
index 58d170a2c9524893c1b4ae391cbbbc0ed330eaa7..6e29e104937c42495eda812701eb761c6cf1bb87 100644
--- a/src/events/RESS/assFitting.js
+++ b/src/events/RESS/assFitting.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ App.Events.RESSAssFitting = class RESSAssFitting extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
 		/** @type {Array<App.Entity.SlaveState>} */
 		let [eventSlave] = this.actors.map(a => getSlave(a));
 		const {
-			He, he, His, his, hers, him, himself, girl
+			He, he, His, his, him
 		} = getPronouns(eventSlave);
 		const {title: Master} = getEnunciation(eventSlave);
diff --git a/src/events/RESS/moistPussy.js b/src/events/RESS/moistPussy.js
index 9d3c7648699f7a2149a73fd7f0b2fec565706550..2377d370f6b5814e3b5b728087ca7621ce5c445d 100644
--- a/src/events/RESS/moistPussy.js
+++ b/src/events/RESS/moistPussy.js
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ App.Events.RESSMoistPussy = class RESSMoistPussy extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
 		/** @type {Array<App.Entity.SlaveState>} */
 		let [eventSlave] = this.actors.map(a => getSlave(a));
 		const {
-			He, he, His, his, hers, him, himself, girl
+			He, he, His, his, him
 		} = getPronouns(eventSlave);
 		const belly = bellyAdjective(eventSlave);
diff --git a/src/events/RESS/muscles.js b/src/events/RESS/muscles.js
index 607fcc050f65017adeeb0124c6df3db82b0ac559..5aaf4e91e5ac3b5e024cc4f2c1541120a414ea97 100644
--- a/src/events/RESS/muscles.js
+++ b/src/events/RESS/muscles.js
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ App.Events.RESSMuscles = class RESSMuscles extends App.Events.BaseEvent {
 			} else {
 				t.push(`As ${he} lies still,`);
 				if (V.PC.dick === 0) {
-					t.push(`you lift one of ${his} legs and straddle yourself in to bring your groin against ${hers}. It's a strange sensation, this mass of muscle lying quietly still beneath you, whimpering with delight as you gently scissor yourself against ${him}. ${He} comes in no time at all. When ${he} does ${he} squeezes you between vicelike thighs, ${V.PC.vagina !== -1 ? "pressing your pussy deliciously and" : ""} bringing you to climax, too.`);
+					t.push(`you lift one of ${his} legs and straddle yourself in to bring your groin against ${hers}. It's a strange sensation, this mass of muscle lying quietly still beneath you, whimpering with delight as you gently scissor yourself against ${him}. ${He} comes in no time at all. When ${he} does ${he} squeezes you between vice-like thighs, ${V.PC.vagina !== -1 ? "pressing your pussy deliciously and" : ""} bringing you to climax, too.`);
 				} else {
 					t.push(`you slowly push your cock into ${his}`);
 					if (canDoVaginal(eventSlave)) {
 						t.push(`pussy; ${he}'s so relaxed from the massage that it slides in easily.`);
 						t.push(VCheck.Vaginal(1, eventSlave));
-						t.push(`It's a strange sensation, this mass of muscle lying quietly still beneath you, whimpering with delight as you gently penetrate ${him}. ${He} comes in no time at all. When ${he} does you happen to be halfway inside ${him}; ${he} wraps ${his} legs around you and pulls you into ${his} depths. You explode into ${him} as ${he} holds you in place with ${his} vicelike thighs.`);
+						t.push(`It's a strange sensation, this mass of muscle lying quietly still beneath you, whimpering with delight as you gently penetrate ${him}. ${He} comes in no time at all. When ${he} does you happen to be halfway inside ${him}; ${he} wraps ${his} legs around you and pulls you into ${his} depths. You explode into ${him} as ${he} holds you in place with ${his} vice-like thighs.`);
 					} else {
 						t.push(`ass; ${he}'s so relaxed from the massage that it slides in easily.`);
 						t.push(VCheck.Anal(1, eventSlave));
diff --git a/src/events/RESS/obedientGirlish.js b/src/events/RESS/obedientGirlish.js
index 5900257f1235057431b562b56ebbc8d16dea5471..8767676e5902d31093be6d3a788f729f76d0b787 100644
--- a/src/events/RESS/obedientGirlish.js
+++ b/src/events/RESS/obedientGirlish.js
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ App.Events.RESSObedientGirlish = class RESSObedientGirlish extends App.Events.Ba
 		function dress() {
 			t = [];
-			t.push(`You let ${eventSlave.slaveName} don a nice dress and take ${him} out ${!canWalk(eventSlave) ? "in a wheelchair" : ""}. ${He}'s a little suspicious at first but when you reach the first balcony on your lazy route around the huge building the sun on ${his} face and the gentle breeze around ${his} ears convince ${him} there's no trick. ${He} watches you shyly as you lead ${him} around, soaking in the sights and relaxing. Though you still speak as ${his} ${WrittenMaster(eventSlave)}, you chat about goings on around the arcology, and you buy ${him} a fresh fruit from a vendor. The unexpected show of care and compassion has ${him} quite agog. By the time you take ${him} out onto another parklike balcony and fuck ${him} on a bench,`);
+			t.push(`You let ${eventSlave.slaveName} don a nice dress and take ${him} out ${!canWalk(eventSlave) ? "in a wheelchair" : ""}. ${He}'s a little suspicious at first but when you reach the first balcony on your lazy route around the huge building the sun on ${his} face and the gentle breeze around ${his} ears convince ${him} there's no trick. ${He} watches you shyly as you lead ${him} around, soaking in the sights and relaxing. Though you still speak as ${his} ${WrittenMaster(eventSlave)}, you chat about goings on around the arcology, and you buy ${him} a fresh fruit from a vendor. The unexpected show of care and compassion has ${him} quite agog. By the time you take ${him} out onto another park-like balcony and fuck ${him} on a bench,`);
 			if (eventSlave.dick > 0 && eventSlave.chastityPenis === 1 && eventSlave.chastityAnus === 1) {
 				t.push(`${his} combined chastity cage and anal chastity belt makes ${him} move awkwardly.`);
 			} else if (eventSlave.dick > 0 && eventSlave.chastityPenis === 1) {
diff --git a/src/events/RESS/retchingCum.js b/src/events/RESS/retchingCum.js
index a8e6ebdbf19eaea598aad498b577dbeddb13b454..f49ce0e31a0c9ae5d89dbb98cbe8d20b3e1aaec0 100644
--- a/src/events/RESS/retchingCum.js
+++ b/src/events/RESS/retchingCum.js
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ App.Events.RESSRetchingCum = class RESSRetchingCum extends App.Events.BaseEvent
 		/** @type {Array<App.Entity.SlaveState>} */
 		let [eventSlave] = this.actors.map(a => getSlave(a));
 		const {
-			He, he, His, his, hers, him, himself, girl
+			He, he, His, his, him, girl
 		} = getPronouns(eventSlave);
 		V.nextLink = "Next Week";
diff --git a/src/events/RESS/slaveOnSlaveDick.js b/src/events/RESS/slaveOnSlaveDick.js
index 435260fe9180a2373a22a705498dc3568f6e1610..4978555768b94d8d4246036e5a6360c4431bb0d9 100644
--- a/src/events/RESS/slaveOnSlaveDick.js
+++ b/src/events/RESS/slaveOnSlaveDick.js
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ App.Events.RESSSlaveOnSlaveDick = class RESSSlaveOnSlaveDick extends App.Events.
 		} else if (eventSlave.dick <= 4) {
 			t.push(`long cock.`);
 		} else if (eventSlave.dick > 4) {
-			t.push(`huge, horselike phallus.`);
+			t.push(`huge, horse-like phallus.`);
 		t.push(`Since you gave ${him} orders that permit ${him} to fuck your other slaves, ${he}'s been fucking them whenever ${he} can. The other slave is`);
 		if (eventSlave.dick <= 2) {
diff --git a/src/events/RESS/tooThinForCumDiet.js b/src/events/RESS/tooThinForCumDiet.js
index c2c416234e03caf2ef8a7f0b07a3549db7ba2027..e4a1cd5962ad4b374d58f3519ff4a7acae5cb4c2 100644
--- a/src/events/RESS/tooThinForCumDiet.js
+++ b/src/events/RESS/tooThinForCumDiet.js
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ App.Events.RESSTooThinForCumDiet = class RESSTooThinForCumDiet extends App.Event
 		/** @type {Array<App.Entity.SlaveState>} */
 		let [eventSlave] = this.actors.map(a => getSlave(a));
 		const {
-			He, he, His, his, hers, him, himself, girl
+			He, he, His, his, him, girl
 		} = getPronouns(eventSlave);
 		const {title: Master} = getEnunciation(eventSlave);
diff --git a/src/events/intro/introSummary.tw b/src/events/intro/introSummary.tw
index c23e211417a0e22ca8df87f7d6a831622dace12d..6e7d67402070b710898e99e800d5b25cafa1af52 100644
--- a/src/events/intro/introSummary.tw
+++ b/src/events/intro/introSummary.tw
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ You may review your settings before clicking "Continue" to begin.<br>
 		<<set _options = new App.UI.OptionsGroup()>>
 		<<run _options.addOption("", "imageChoice")
-		.addValueList([["Revamped embedded vector art", 3], ["Non-embedded vector art", 2], ["NoX/Deepmurk's vector art", 1], ["Shokushu's rendered imagepack", 0]])>>
+		.addValueList([["Revamped embedded vector art", 3], ["Non-embedded vector art", 2], ["NoX/Deepmurk's vector art", 1], ["Shokushu's rendered image pack", 0]])>>
 		<<if $imageChoice === 1>>
 			<<run _options.addOption("").addComment('<span class="warning">Git compiled only, no exceptions.</span>')>>
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ You may review your settings before clicking "Continue" to begin.<br>
 	<<run _options.addOption("Mention nationality", "seeNationality")
 	.addValue("Enabled", 1).on().addValue("Disabled", 0).off()>>
-	<<run _options.addOption("Dynasties of enslaved royalities are", "realRoyalties")
+	<<run _options.addOption("Dynasties of enslaved royalties are", "realRoyalties")
 	.addValueList([["Historical", 1], ["Random", 0]])>>
 	<<run _options.addOption("New slaves may have male names", "allowMaleSlaveNames").addComment("This only affects slave generation and not your ability to name your slaves.")
diff --git a/src/events/reRelativeRecruiter.js b/src/events/reRelativeRecruiter.js
index d582c49a6eed26ae4d1a6b3ab76fe0ba8ad1fa9d..770be7e9d786ab922afd176243962ab749b2c852 100644
--- a/src/events/reRelativeRecruiter.js
+++ b/src/events/reRelativeRecruiter.js
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ App.Events.RERelativeRecruiter = class RERelativeRecruiter extends App.Events.Ba
 		// pick a random background for the selected relative
 		this.params.background = this._getRelativeBackgrounds(this.params.relative).random();
-		let _this = this; // fuck javascript's halfassed classes
+		let _this = this; // fuck javascript's half-assed classes
 		let cost = 0; // will be filled out later
 		let cheatDiv = App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", (V.cheatMode === 1) ? cheatModeSelectors() : '');
diff --git a/src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js b/src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js
index 6589e302425aa01ae213484f4fd079a76b9f0dc9..c5bd773daedd5c0bb286e9879c90e91a33799b3d 100644
--- a/src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js
+++ b/src/events/scheduled/murderAttempt.js
@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ App.Events.murderAttemptFollowup = function(variation, companyName, type) {
 			r.push("After several months of fighting the Free Cities colony in the old world is finally established. While small scale fighting will continue likely for years to come local Free Cities can easily do this, so external forces, like your own mercenaries, are starting to withdraw. For your participation you get",
 				cashFormatColor(1000000), "and 500 menial slaves.");
 			cashX(1000000, "event");
-			V.menial += 500;
+			V.menials += 500;
 		} else {
 			r.push("Despite great efforts the coalition of Free Cities trying to establish a colony in the old world finally announces the projects failure. Whether the reason is that  the old world military still has enough power left to stop the establishment of a colony or simple mismanagement by the leading Free Cities is a topic for debate, but the fact remains that months were waisted on a fruitless war. Luckily you didn't invest too much so the cost for failure is a meager",
 				cashFormatColor(40000, true), "and some <span class='reputation dec'>reputation loss.</span>");
diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
index ee0a928cee55fdedf73434c32b86177c56d446ab..5b6d3203f9808f21679f90d8cccc6e83711974e4 100644
--- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
+++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopedia.tw
@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ SLAVES
 	Slaves' ''health'' is extremely important for the performance of your slaves and there are many ins and outs interacting with a slave's health. While slaves have an overarching health value it is good to be aware of the individual components; ''condition, short term damage'' and ''long term damage.'' A slave's ''tiredness'' and ''illness'' are also related and interact with ''health.''
-	<br>An overall indication of health and well-being; indicating how the slave is feeling physically. A poor condition often reduces a slave's effectiveness while a slave in excellent condition will perfrom better. The <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Rest", "Rest")>> or <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Spa", "Spa")>> assignment will increase condition; curative drugs will increase it, while preventative drugs can stop assignment-related health losses. Curatives and rest will synergize and add additional condition if applied simultaneously.
+	<br>An overall indication of health and well-being; indicating how the slave is feeling physically. A poor condition often reduces a slave's effectiveness while a slave in excellent condition will perform better. The <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Rest", "Rest")>> or <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Spa", "Spa")>> assignment will increase condition; curative drugs will increase it, while preventative drugs can stop assignment-related health losses. Curatives and rest will synergize and add additional condition if applied simultaneously.
 	<br><br>''Short Term Damage''
 	<br>Whenever something hurts a slave, be it their assignment, an event or perhaps surgery, they will incur short term damage. Short term damage tends to accumulate throughout the week and gets reduced at the end of the week. This process also lessens a slave's condition, but the condition impact can be lessened by the use of curatives or preventatives. Small amounts of short term damage are relatively harmless for a slave's overall health and will quickly heal, however large amounts of damage are dangerous.
diff --git a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopediaDialog.js b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopediaDialog.js
index 379d4f575f1c715259d7282ea5d83e82b9a86e39..a2b41f58e4e1a6272ad2539d8bbd6011d08469c4 100644
--- a/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopediaDialog.js
+++ b/src/gui/Encyclopedia/encyclopediaDialog.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 App.Encyclopedia.Dialog = (function() {
 	/** Create a link to an encyclopedia dialog for a given article with the given text
 	 * @param {string} text Text for link
-	 * @param {string} article Encyclopdia article to link to
+	 * @param {string} article Encyclopedia article to link to
 	 * @returns {string} SugarCube link markup
 	function makeLinkSC(text, article) {
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ App.Encyclopedia.Dialog = (function() {
 	/** Create a link to an encyclopedia dialog for a given article with the given text
 	 * @param {string} text Text for link
-	 * @param {string} article Encyclopdia article to link to
+	 * @param {string} article Encyclopedia article to link to
 	 * @returns {HTMLElement} DOM link element
 	function makeLinkDOM(text, article) {
diff --git a/src/gui/options/options.tw b/src/gui/options/options.tw
index 6bb51042deefb5f30eb2f7c109cebcafd4d1c50f..e04ae581a80e5c7e4e258547358975c09e8dc173 100644
--- a/src/gui/options/options.tw
+++ b/src/gui/options/options.tw
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@
 			<<if $SecExp.settings.battle.enabled > 0 || $SecExp.settings.rebellion.enabled > 0>>
 				<<run _options.addOption("Detailed battle statistics are", "showStats", $SecExp.settings)
 				.addValue("Shown", 1).on().addValue("Hidden", 0).off()
-				.addComment("Visability of detailed statistics and battle turns.")>>
+				.addComment("Visibility of detailed statistics and battle turns.")>>
 				<<run _options.addOption("Difficulty is", "difficulty", $SecExp.settings)
 				.addValueList([["Extremely hard", 2], ["Very hard", 1.5], ["Hard", 1.25], ["Normal", 1], ["Easy", 0.75], ["Very easy", 0.5]])>>
diff --git a/src/interaction/main/mainLinks.js b/src/interaction/main/mainLinks.js
index cf8f0af1bc6c13e19ccc89de58943c9e940bf048..96d9cbc5779d17885300a64e925822aece8c63da 100644
--- a/src/interaction/main/mainLinks.js
+++ b/src/interaction/main/mainLinks.js
@@ -70,10 +70,9 @@ App.UI.View.mainLinks = function() {
 					const trainees = [];
 					PA.forEach((trainee, i) => {
-							trainees.push(App.UI.DOM.combineNodes(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("span", SlaveFullName(trainee), "slave-name"),
-								` to ${V.personalAttention[i].trainingRegimen}`));
-						}
-					);
+						trainees.push(App.UI.DOM.combineNodes(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("span", SlaveFullName(trainee), "slave-name"),
+							` to ${V.personalAttention[i].trainingRegimen}`));
+					});
 					fragment.append(` this week.`);
@@ -159,7 +158,18 @@ App.UI.View.mainLinks = function() {
 					div.append('an organ');
 				div.append(" for ",
-					App.UI.DOM.makeElement("span", App.UI.DOM.link(V.slaves[i].slaveName, () => { V.activeSlave = V.slaves[i], V.tabChoice.RemoteSurgery = "Structural"; }, [], "Remote Surgery"), "clear-formatting"),
+					App.UI.DOM.makeElement(
+						"span",
+						App.UI.DOM.link(
+							V.slaves[i].slaveName,
+							() => {
+								V.activeSlave = V.slaves[i];
+								V.tabChoice.RemoteSurgery = "Structural";
+							},
+							[],
+							"Remote Surgery")
+						, "clear-formatting"
+					),
 					" which ");
 				if (slaveOrgans > 1) {
diff --git a/src/interaction/main/useGuard.js b/src/interaction/main/useGuard.js
index 79977929ba8faf5b2504b4454b4063ab9fe77d70..2e86f80892eaf433e8253bb71ddb095e8b90afb8 100644
--- a/src/interaction/main/useGuard.js
+++ b/src/interaction/main/useGuard.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * @param slave
- * @return {string}
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
+ * @returns {string}
 App.Interact.guardPose = function(slave) {
 	"use strict";
diff --git a/src/interaction/main/walkPast.js b/src/interaction/main/walkPast.js
index 26473522603c4904e45e36733acaf7cc823a0074..3530725741f8a5765677dc1ff51345e16efd2a4e 100644
--- a/src/interaction/main/walkPast.js
+++ b/src/interaction/main/walkPast.js
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 		const {
-			he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+			him, his, He
 		} = getPronouns(activeSlave);
 		if (activeSlave.fuckdoll === 0) {
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 		r = "";
 		const {
-			he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+			he, his
 		} = getPronouns(activeSlave);
 		if (partnerSlave !== undefined) { /* potential problem point */
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 		race = (V.seeRace ? activeSlave.race : "");
 		const {
-			he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, wife,
+			he, him, his, himself, boy,
 			He, His
 		} = getPronouns(activeSlave);
@@ -5713,25 +5713,25 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 						case "an oversized t-shirt":
 						case "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts":
 						case "sport shorts and a t-shirt":
-							t += `${His} big belly gentlly pushes out ${his} shirt.`;
+							t += `${His} big belly gently pushes out ${his} shirt.`;
 						case "a tank-top":
 						case "a tank-top and panties":
-							t += `${His} big belly gentlly pushes out ${his} tank-top.`;
+							t += `${His} big belly gently pushes out ${his} tank-top.`;
 						case "a sweater":
 						case "a sweater and panties":
 						case "a sweater and cutoffs":
-							t += `${His} big belly gentlly pushes out ${his} sweater.`;
+							t += `${His} big belly gently pushes out ${his} sweater.`;
 						case "a gothic lolita dress":
-							t += `${His} big belly gentlly pushes out ${his} dress.`;
+							t += `${His} big belly gently pushes out ${his} dress.`;
 						case "a hanbok":
-							t += `${His} big belly gentlly pushes out ${his} hanbok.`;
+							t += `${His} big belly gently pushes out ${his} hanbok.`;
 						case "a one-piece swimsuit":
-							t += `${His} big belly gentlly pushes out ${his} swimsuit.`;
+							t += `${His} big belly gently pushes out ${his} swimsuit.`;
 						case "a nice pony outfit":
 						case "a slutty pony outfit":
@@ -8092,7 +8092,7 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 				t += `${His} leather outfit clings tightly to the outline of ${his} genitals.`;
 			case "a skimpy loincloth":
-				t += `${His} skimpy loincloth gives frequent glipses of ${his} bare genitals underneath.`;
+				t += `${His} skimpy loincloth gives frequent glimpses of ${his} bare genitals underneath.`;
 			case "a burkini":
 				t += `${His} modest swimwear includes a tunic that ends halfway down ${his} thighs.`;
@@ -8663,7 +8663,7 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 				t += `${His} leather outfit clings tightly to the outline of ${his} genitals.`;
 			case "a skimpy loincloth":
-				t += `${His} skimpy loincloth gives frequent glipses of ${his} bare genitals underneath.`;
+				t += `${His} skimpy loincloth gives frequent glimpses of ${his} bare genitals underneath.`;
 			case "a burkini":
 				t += `${His} modest swimwear includes a tunic that ends halfway down ${his} thighs.`;
@@ -8894,7 +8894,7 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 				case "a slutty klan robe":
 				case "a sports bra":
 				case "a t-shirt":
-				case "pasites":
+				case "pasties":
 					t += `${His} outfit exposes ${his} bare butt and vulnerable asshole.`;
 				case "an oversized t-shirt and boyshorts":
@@ -9079,7 +9079,7 @@ globalThis.walkPast = (function() {
 					t += `${His} scandalously short miniskirt leaves ${his} ass hanging out and begging for it.`;
 				case "a courtesan dress":
-					t += `As ${he} moves, you catch tantilizing glimpses of ${his} ass beneath the petals.`;
+					t += `As ${he} moves, you catch tantalizing glimpses of ${his} ass beneath the petals.`;
 					if (slave.chastityVagina) {
diff --git a/src/interaction/slaveInteract.js b/src/interaction/slaveInteract.js
index e54f7cb0c5b7919f7b2e0976c36e48e1e98bd092..ab1f4c98150f6bd7e69b5f0bcd0af133632de32c 100644
--- a/src/interaction/slaveInteract.js
+++ b/src/interaction/slaveInteract.js
@@ -1447,7 +1447,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	const separator = document.createTextNode(` | `);
-	let fertilityblock = document.createElement('span');
+	let fertilityBlock = document.createElement('span');
 	let link = document.createElement('div');
 	link.className = "choices";
 	if (slave.ovaries === 1 || slave.mpreg === 1 || slave.preg > 0) {
@@ -1480,10 +1480,10 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
 					"Slave Interact"
-				fertilityblock.append(link);
+				fertilityBlock.append(link);
 		} else if (slave.preg >= -1) {
-			fertilityblock.append("Contraception and fertility: ");
+			fertilityBlock.append("Contraception and fertility: ");
 			let fertility = document.createElement('span');
 			// fertility.id = "fertility";
 			fertility.style.fontWeight = "bold";
@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
 			fertility.textContent += ". ";
-			fertilityblock.appendChild(fertility);
+			fertilityBlock.appendChild(fertility);
 			if (slave.preg === 0) {
@@ -1514,7 +1514,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
-				fertilityblock.append(link);
+				fertilityBlock.append(link);
 			} else if (slave.preg === -1) {
 					`Let ${him} get pregnant`,
@@ -1523,7 +1523,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
-				fertilityblock.append(link);
+				fertilityBlock.append(link);
 			} else if (slave.induce === 1) {
 				note.textContent += `Hormones are being slipped into ${his} food; ${he} will give birth suddenly and rapidly this week`;
 			} else if (slave.preg > slave.pregData.normalBirth - 2 && slave.preg > slave.pregData.minLiveBirth && slave.broodmother === 0 && slave.labor === 0) {
@@ -1537,9 +1537,9 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
 					"Slave Interact"
-				fertilityblock.append(link);
-				fertilityblock.appendChild(separator);
-				fertilityblock.append(App.UI.DOM.passageLink(`Give ${him} a cesarean section`, "csec"));
+				fertilityBlock.append(link);
+				fertilityBlock.appendChild(separator);
+				fertilityBlock.append(App.UI.DOM.passageLink(`Give ${him} a cesarean section`, "csec"));
 			} else if (slave.broodmother > 0) {
 				if (slave.broodmotherOnHold !== 1) {
@@ -1549,14 +1549,14 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
 							slave.broodmotherCountDown = 38 - WombMinPreg(slave);
-					fertilityblock.append(link);
+					fertilityBlock.append(link);
 				if (slave.broodmotherOnHold !== 1 && slave.preg >= 36) {
-					fertilityblock.appendChild(separator);
+					fertilityBlock.appendChild(separator);
-				fertilityblock.appendChild(separator);
+				fertilityBlock.appendChild(separator);
 				if (slave.preg > 37) {
-					fertilityblock.append(App.UI.DOM.passageLink(`Induce mass childbirth`, "BirthStorm"));
+					fertilityBlock.append(App.UI.DOM.passageLink(`Induce mass childbirth`, "BirthStorm"));
 			} else if (slave.preg > slave.pregData.minLiveBirth) {
@@ -1568,7 +1568,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
-				fertilityblock.append(link);
+				fertilityBlock.append(link);
 			} else if (slave.preg > 0 && slave.breedingMark === 1 && V.propOutcome === 1 && V.arcologies[0].FSRestart !== "unset" && V.eugenicsFullControl !== 1 && (slave.pregSource === -1 || slave.pregSource === -6)) {
 				note.textContent += "You are forbidden from aborting an Elite child";
 			} else if (slave.preg > 0) {
@@ -1581,9 +1581,9 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
-				fertilityblock.append(link);
+				fertilityBlock.append(link);
-			fertilityblock.append(note);
+			fertilityBlock.append(note);
 	if (
@@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
 		} else {
 			title.append("Normal gestation and birth. ");
-		fertilityblock.appendChild(title);
+		fertilityBlock.appendChild(title);
 		if (slave.preg >= slave.pregData.minLiveBirth) {
 			if (slave.pregControl === "labor suppressors") {
@@ -1668,9 +1668,9 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.fertility = function(slave) {
-		fertilityblock.appendChild(link);
+		fertilityBlock.appendChild(link);
-	return jQuery('#fertilityblock').empty().append(fertilityblock);
+	return jQuery('#fertilityBlock').empty().append(fertilityBlock);
 App.UI.SlaveInteract.curatives = function(slave) {
@@ -3412,7 +3412,7 @@ App.UI.SlaveInteract.generateRows = function(array, slave, category, accessCheck
 		let unlocked = false;
 		if (accessCheck === true) {
 			if (category === "chastity") {
-				let text = array[i].text.toLowerCase(); // Yucky. Category name does not match for chastity (since it sets multiple kinds of chastity at once). Compare using a lowercased name instead.
+				let text = array[i].text.toLowerCase(); // Yucky. Category name does not match for chastity (since it sets multiple kinds of chastity at once). Compare using a lowercase name instead.
 				unlocked = isItemAccessible.entry(text, category, slave);
 			} else {
 				unlocked = isItemAccessible.entry(array[i].updateSlave[category], category, slave);
diff --git a/src/js/DefaultRules.js b/src/js/DefaultRules.js
index fe70f5f55039ea83c3ab49dd2a6d58c17c1a0eba..bde8b5d6e49e9e8b4c2c255e391894e1f0fec53d 100644
--- a/src/js/DefaultRules.js
+++ b/src/js/DefaultRules.js
@@ -2936,7 +2936,7 @@ globalThis.DefaultRules = (function() {
 			r += `<br>All of ${slave.slaveName}'s tags have been removed.`;
-		// mass removal of old tags, variant from GUI swith.
+		// mass removal of old tags, variant from GUI switch.
 		if (rule.labelTagsClear === true) {
 			slave.custom.label = slave.custom.label.replace(/(?:\[.+\])+/, "");
 			r += `<br>All of ${slave.slaveName}'s tags have been removed.`;
diff --git a/src/js/extendedFamilyModeJS.js b/src/js/extendedFamilyModeJS.js
index cf9a8c3a9a50d309c4a702b346312afc9f701a23..18887bac233bcab2d60f4c66f80796176670ecb0 100644
--- a/src/js/extendedFamilyModeJS.js
+++ b/src/js/extendedFamilyModeJS.js
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ globalThis.isAunt = function(niece, aunt) {
 	return false;
-// testtest catches the case if a mother is a father or a father a mother - thank you familyAnon, for this code
+// catches the case if a mother is a father or a father a mother - thank you familyAnon, for this code
 globalThis.sameTParent = function(slave1, slave2) {
 	if (slave1.mother === -1 && slave1.father === -1 && slave2.mother === -1 && slave2.father === -1) {
 		return 1;
diff --git a/src/js/futureSocietyJS.js b/src/js/futureSocietyJS.js
index 3253f9605fc3bb307025e32306f9bbeac4451d77..49b9735e00b5c9804cbbd7b7ebe8e6cdfb019aca 100644
--- a/src/js/futureSocietyJS.js
+++ b/src/js/futureSocietyJS.js
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ globalThis.FutureSocieties = (function() {
-	/** Caculate the number of FS credits that the player still has available (unspent)
+	/** Calculate the number of FS credits that the player still has available (unspent)
 	 * Call as FutureSocieties.availCredits()
 	 * @returns {number}
diff --git a/src/js/porn.js b/src/js/porn.js
index 6a48d23fd9d9d41394e1e13638e8afcfa6b442ca..f646c25d68c73825a8a718a4be70d13bb9313073 100644
--- a/src/js/porn.js
+++ b/src/js/porn.js
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@ App.Porn.getGenresByType = function(type) {
 /** Returns a string with the pipe-separated SugarCube links necessary to set any valid genre for this slave.
- * @param {string} page Sugarcube passage name to redirect to when the link is clicked
+ * @param {string} page SugarCube passage name to redirect to when the link is clicked
 App.Porn.genreChoiceLinks = function(page, slave) {
 	let makeLink = function(genre) { return App.UI.link(genre.uiName(), (s, g) => s.porn.focus = g.focusName, [slave, genre], page); };
diff --git a/src/js/pregJS.js b/src/js/pregJS.js
index ff2318cf4f9eac1d2555a0d80ab34c416c1630ae..addda73e7fb64548d9d50c716e82124ae0e0b148 100644
--- a/src/js/pregJS.js
+++ b/src/js/pregJS.js
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
 /* Major props to the anons who worked together to forge the Super Pregnancy Project. Let your legacy go unforgotten.*/
 globalThis.getPregBellySize = function(s) {
 	let targetLen;
-	let gestastionWeek = s.preg;
+	let gestationWeek = s.preg;
 	let fetuses = s.pregType;
 	let phi = 1.618;
-	if (gestastionWeek <= 32) {
-		targetLen = ((0.00006396 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 4)) - (0.005501 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 3)) + (0.161 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 2)) - (0.76 * gestastionWeek) + 0.208);
-	} else if (gestastionWeek <= 106) {
-		targetLen = ((-0.0000004675 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 4)) + (0.0001905 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 3)) - (0.029 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 2)) + (2.132 * gestastionWeek) - 16.575);
+	if (gestationWeek <= 32) {
+		targetLen = ((0.00006396 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 4)) - (0.005501 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 3)) + (0.161 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 2)) - (0.76 * gestationWeek) + 0.208);
+	} else if (gestationWeek <= 106) {
+		targetLen = ((-0.0000004675 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 4)) + (0.0001905 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 3)) - (0.029 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 2)) + (2.132 * gestationWeek) - 16.575);
 	} else {
-		targetLen = ((-0.00003266 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 2)) + (0.076 * gestastionWeek) + 43.843);
+		targetLen = ((-0.00003266 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 2)) + (0.076 * gestationWeek) + 43.843);
 	let bellySize = ((4 / 3) * (Math.PI) * (phi / 2) * (Math.pow((targetLen / 2), 3)) * fetuses);
@@ -383,14 +383,14 @@ globalThis.setPregType = function(actor) {
 	if (actor.geneticQuirks.superfetation === 2 && actor.womb.length > 0) {
-		let ftvol = FetusGetPrediction(actor, actor.pregData.normalBirth);
-		let cmvol = ftvol * actor.womb.length;
-		let maxvol = actor.pregAdaptation*2000;
+		let ftVol = FetusGetPrediction(actor, actor.pregData.normalBirth);
+		let cmVol = ftVol * actor.womb.length;
+		let maxVol = actor.pregAdaptation*2000;
 		if (V.seeHyperPreg === 0) {
-			maxvol /= 10; // without hyperpreg enabled it's limited to be roughly ten times smaller.
+			maxVol /= 10; // without hyperpreg enabled it's limited to be roughly ten times smaller.
-		let freevol = maxvol - cmvol;
-		let coeff = ((maxvol/actor.womb.length) / (freevol/ftvol)) / 2; // more divide to 2 is to balance for ensured 1 ova even if over limit.
+		let freeVol = maxVol - cmVol;
+		let coeff = ((maxVol/actor.womb.length) / (freeVol/ftVol)) / 2; // more divide to 2 is to balance for ensured 1 ova even if over limit.
 		if (coeff < 0) { coeff = 0; }
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ globalThis.setPregType = function(actor) {
 		if (ovum < 1) { ovum = 1; }
-		// console.log("Name: ", actor.slaveName, "  ftvol:", ftvol, "  cmvol:", cmvol, "  maxvol:", maxvol, "  freevol:", freevol, "  coeff:", coeff, "  fertilityStack: ", fertilityStack, "  ovum: ", ovum);
+		// console.log("Name: ", actor.slaveName, "  ftVol:", ftVol, "  cmVol:", cmVol, "  maxVol:", maxVol, "  freeVol:", freeVol, "  coeff:", coeff, "  fertilityStack: ", fertilityStack, "  ovum: ", ovum);
 	return Math.ceil(ovum);
diff --git a/src/js/removeActiveSlave.js b/src/js/removeActiveSlave.js
index eb32e2872f8dede7976205ae5c0deca11ca5f9c8..8b48b96ba8920b748cf6313baf314d14d1c13d6f 100644
--- a/src/js/removeActiveSlave.js
+++ b/src/js/removeActiveSlave.js
@@ -198,8 +198,9 @@ globalThis.removeActiveSlave = function() {
 		Object.values(V.missingTable).forEach(s => {
-			if (s.mother === V.activeSlave.ID || s.father === V.activeSlave.ID)
+			if (s.mother === V.activeSlave.ID || s.father === V.activeSlave.ID) {
 				missing = true;
+			}
 		if (missing) {
 			V.missingTable[V.missingParentID] = {
@@ -220,10 +221,12 @@ globalThis.removeActiveSlave = function() {
 				V.boomerangSlave.missingParentTag = V.missingParentID;
 			Object.values(V.missingTable).forEach(s => {
-				if (s.mother === V.activeSlave.ID)
+				if (s.mother === V.activeSlave.ID) {
 					s.mother = V.missingParentID;
-				if (s.father === V.activeSlave.ID)
+				}
+				if (s.father === V.activeSlave.ID) {
 					s.father = V.missingParentID;
+				}
@@ -324,8 +327,9 @@ globalThis.removeNonNGPSlave = function(removedSlave) {
 		Object.values(V.missingTable).forEach(s => {
-			if (s.mother == removedSlave.ID || s.father == removedSlave.ID)
+			if (s.mother === removedSlave.ID || s.father === removedSlave.ID) {
 				missing = true;
+			}
 		if (missing) {
 			V.missingTable[V.missingParentID] = {
@@ -340,10 +344,12 @@ globalThis.removeNonNGPSlave = function(removedSlave) {
 				inbreedingCoeff: removedSlave.inbreedingCoeff
 			Object.values(V.missingTable).forEach(s => {
-				if (s.mother === removedSlave.ID)
+				if (s.mother === removedSlave.ID) {
 					s.mother = V.missingParentID;
-				if (s.father === removedSlave.ID)
+				}
+				if (s.father === removedSlave.ID) {
 					s.father = V.missingParentID;
+				}
diff --git a/src/js/rulesAutosurgery.js b/src/js/rulesAutosurgery.js
index c20bc4f188cd8563c80d4b04f8543bd0a28e8e6a..8c6f7aed7cc0b8b09cc1f924d1b47756ff66005d 100644
--- a/src/js/rulesAutosurgery.js
+++ b/src/js/rulesAutosurgery.js
@@ -236,7 +236,10 @@ globalThis.rulesAutosurgery = (function() {
 		if (slave.lactation === 2 && thisSurgery.lactation === 0) {
 			commitProcedure(`surgery to remove ${his} lactation implants`, s => { s.lactation = 0; });
 		} else if (slave.lactation !== 2 && (thisSurgery.lactation === 1)) {
-			commitProcedure("lactation inducing implanted drugs", s => { s.lactation = 2, s.rules.lactation = "none"; });
+			commitProcedure("lactation inducing implanted drugs", s => {
+				s.lactation = 2;
+				s.rules.lactation = "none";
+			});
 		} else if ((slave.boobShape === "saggy" || slave.boobShape === "downward-facing") && thisSurgery.cosmetic > 0 && slave.breastMesh !== 1) {
 			commitProcedure("a breast lift", s => { s.boobShape = "normal"; });
 		} else if ((slave.boobShape === "normal" || slave.boobShape === "wide-set") && thisSurgery.cosmetic > 0 && slave.breastMesh !== 1) {
diff --git a/src/js/sexActsJS.js b/src/js/sexActsJS.js
index 095ba03a20b227056e8f3d2b9fcc75056c472b2d..5342a4f4806319a91ac81dce73412f06e9c77bb7 100644
--- a/src/js/sexActsJS.js
+++ b/src/js/sexActsJS.js
@@ -371,12 +371,12 @@ globalThis.SimpleSexAct = (function() {
 	 * count is how many times to increment either the Vaginal, Anal, or Oral counts, depending on availability of slave.
 	 * If count is left undefined it will assume it to be 1.
 	 * Intended to be a simple "x got fucked y times by z and I don't want to keep coding it".
-	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} subslave
-	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} domslave
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} subSlave
+	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} domSlave
 	 * @param {number} fuckCount
 	 * @returns {string}
-	function SimpleSlaveSlaveFucking(subslave, domslave, fuckCount = 1) {
+	function SimpleSlaveSlaveFucking(subSlave, domSlave, fuckCount = 1) {
 		let fuckTarget = 0;
 		let r = "";
 		let slave1ID;
@@ -386,57 +386,57 @@ globalThis.SimpleSexAct = (function() {
 		for (let j = 0; j < fuckCount; j++) {
 		// there is a reason randomization happens inside cycle - to spread fuck around, otherwise cycle isn't even needed
 			fuckTarget = jsRandom(1, 100);
-			if (subslave.nipples === "fuckable" && canPenetrate(domslave) && fuckTarget > 80) {
+			if (subSlave.nipples === "fuckable" && canPenetrate(domSlave) && fuckTarget > 80) {
 				sex = "mammary";
 				if (passage() === "SA serve your other slaves") {
-					if (subslave.ID === V.slaves[V.i].ID) {
+					if (subSlave.ID === V.slaves[V.i].ID) {
 						slave1ID = V.slaves[V.i].ID;
-						slave2ID = domslave.ID;
+						slave2ID = domSlave.ID;
 					} else {
-						slave1ID = subslave.ID;
+						slave1ID = subSlave.ID;
 						slave2ID = V.slaves[V.i].ID;
 				} else {
-					slave1ID = subslave.ID;
-					slave2ID = domslave.ID;
+					slave1ID = subSlave.ID;
+					slave2ID = domSlave.ID;
-			} else if (canDoVaginal(subslave) && subslave.vagina > 0 && canPenetrate(domslave) && fuckTarget > 33) {
+			} else if (canDoVaginal(subSlave) && subSlave.vagina > 0 && canPenetrate(domSlave) && fuckTarget > 33) {
 				sex = "vaginal";
 				if (passage() === "SA serve your other slaves") {
-					if (subslave.ID === V.slaves[V.i].ID) {
+					if (subSlave.ID === V.slaves[V.i].ID) {
 						slave1ID = V.slaves[V.i].ID;
-						slave2ID = domslave.ID;
+						slave2ID = domSlave.ID;
 					} else {
-						slave1ID = subslave.ID;
+						slave1ID = subSlave.ID;
 						slave2ID = V.slaves[V.i].ID;
 				} else {
-					slave1ID = subslave.ID;
-					slave2ID = domslave.ID;
+					slave1ID = subSlave.ID;
+					slave2ID = domSlave.ID;
-				if (canImpreg(subslave, domslave)) {
-					r += knockMeUp(subslave, 3, 0, domslave.ID, 1);
+				if (canImpreg(subSlave, domSlave)) {
+					r += knockMeUp(subSlave, 3, 0, domSlave.ID, 1);
-			} else if (canDoAnal(subslave) && subslave.anus > 0 && canPenetrate(domslave) && fuckTarget > 10) {
+			} else if (canDoAnal(subSlave) && subSlave.anus > 0 && canPenetrate(domSlave) && fuckTarget > 10) {
 				// i think would impregnate from anal here even without .mpreg? same in original widget too
 				sex = "anal";
-				if (canImpreg(subslave, domslave) && subslave.mpreg === 1) {
-					r += knockMeUp(subslave, 3, 1, domslave.ID, 1);
+				if (canImpreg(subSlave, domSlave) && subSlave.mpreg === 1) {
+					r += knockMeUp(subSlave, 3, 1, domSlave.ID, 1);
 				if (passage() === "SA serve your other slaves") {
-					if (subslave.ID === V.slaves[V.i].ID) {
+					if (subSlave.ID === V.slaves[V.i].ID) {
 						slave1ID = V.slaves[V.i].ID;
-						slave2ID = domslave.ID;
+						slave2ID = domSlave.ID;
 					} else {
-						slave1ID = subslave.ID;
+						slave1ID = subSlave.ID;
 						slave2ID = V.slaves[V.i].ID;
 				} else {
-					slave1ID = subslave.ID;
-					slave2ID = domslave.ID;
+					slave1ID = subSlave.ID;
+					slave2ID = domSlave.ID;
 			} else {
-				actX(subslave, "oral");
+				actX(subSlave, "oral");
 			if (typeof slave1ID === Number && typeof slave2ID === Number) {
 				seX(V.slaves[slave1ID], sex, V.slaves[slave2ID], "penetrative");
diff --git a/src/js/slaveCostJS.js b/src/js/slaveCostJS.js
index 064e183ef1fa25f82e8219e31a8df47976ac6bce..3928d8c7b03a5dbaab01c9cf4f1c2e4cf49f3149 100644
--- a/src/js/slaveCostJS.js
+++ b/src/js/slaveCostJS.js
@@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ globalThis.BeautyArray = (function() {
 			if (slave.butt <= 2) {
 				adjustBeauty("Small Butt: General", (2 * (slave.butt - 1))); /* 2 */
 			} else if (slave.butt <= 4) {
-				adjustBeauty("Big Bubble Buttt: General", (2 + (1.5 * (slave.butt - 2)))); /* 5 */
+				adjustBeauty("Big Bubble Butt: General", (2 + (1.5 * (slave.butt - 2)))); /* 5 */
 			} else if (slave.butt <= 8) {
 				adjustBeauty("Ridiculous Butt: General", (2 + (1.5 * (slave.butt - 2)))); /* 11 */
 			} else {
diff --git a/src/js/vignettes.js b/src/js/vignettes.js
index 4c8c856db9d17302d27f16db2efbdaf44ebad21e..43c7894ffcc70b005e6310d99db8f955d32fff0f 100644
--- a/src/js/vignettes.js
+++ b/src/js/vignettes.js
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
  * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
  * @returns {{text: string, type: string, effect: number}}
-globalThis.GetVignette = function (slave) {
+globalThis.GetVignette = function(slave) {
 	/** @type {{text: string, type: string, effect: number}[]} */
 	let vignettes = [];
-	const { he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He } = getPronouns(slave);
+	const {he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.assignment === window.Job.WHORE || slave.assignment === window.Job.BROTHEL || slave.assignment === window.Job.MADAM) {
 		let seed = jsRandom(1, 10);
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@ globalThis.GetVignette = function (slave) {
 					effect: 1,
-					text: `a few partygoers were so impressed with ${his} provocative teasing that they left ${him} a sizable tip,`,
+					text: `a few party-goers were so impressed with ${his} provocative teasing that they left ${him} a sizable tip,`,
 					type: "cash",
 					effect: 1,
@@ -2606,7 +2606,7 @@ globalThis.GetVignette = function (slave) {
 					effect: 1,
-					text: `a few partygoers were so impressed with ${his} provocative teasing that they left ${him} a sizable tip,`,
+					text: `a few party-goers were so impressed with ${his} provocative teasing that they left ${him} a sizable tip,`,
 					type: "cash",
 					effect: 1,
@@ -4611,7 +4611,6 @@ globalThis.GetVignette = function (slave) {
 					type: "cash",
 					effect: 1
 		} else {
diff --git a/src/js/wombJS.js b/src/js/wombJS.js
index 1a1f8a0fd7ff3c0a20e75e01eb9b118ea4aad148..23714b9481ad27e9b6aa0052434ce5cb4d14dbed 100644
--- a/src/js/wombJS.js
+++ b/src/js/wombJS.js
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ globalThis.WombGetVolume = function(actor) { // most legacy code from pregJS.tw
 	function getCurData(actor, age) {
 		let i = 0;
-		let min, max, ageMin, ageMax, rateMin, rateMax, one, rateOne, rate, cage, csize;
+		let min, max, ageMin, ageMax, rateMin, rateMax, one, rateOne, rate, cage, cSize;
 		let data = {};
 		while (actor.pregData.fetusWeek[i + 1] < age && i < actor.pregData.fetusWeek.length - 1) {
@@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ globalThis.WombGetVolume = function(actor) { // most legacy code from pregJS.tw
 		rate = rateMin + (rateOne * cage);
-		csize = (min + (one * cage));
-		// console.log("min:"+min+"  max:"+max+"  ageMin:"+ageMin+"  ageMax:"+ageMax+"  one:"+one+"  rateOne:"+rateOne+"  cage:"+cage+"  rate:"+rate+"  csize:"+csize+"  final size:"+csize*rate);
+		cSize = (min + (one * cage));
+		// console.log("min:"+min+"  max:"+max+"  ageMin:"+ageMin+"  ageMax:"+ageMax+"  one:"+one+"  rateOne:"+rateOne+"  cage:"+cage+"  rate:"+rate+"  cSize:"+cSize+"  final size:"+cSize*rate);
-		data.size = csize;
+		data.size = cSize;
 		data.rate = rate;
-		return data; // csize * rate;
+		return data; // cSize * rate;
 		// maybe not very effective code, but simple and easy to debug. May be optimized more in future.
@@ -310,24 +310,24 @@ globalThis.WombGetVolume = function(actor) { // most legacy code from pregJS.tw
 		try {
 			actor.womb.forEach(ft => {
 				/* legacy block for debug only
-				let gestastionWeek = ft.age;
+				let gestationWeek = ft.age;
 				let oldLen;
 				let oldVol;
-				if (gestastionWeek <= 32) {
-					oldLen = (0.00006396 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 4)) -
-						(0.005501 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 3)) +
-						(0.161 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 2)) -
-						(0.76 * gestastionWeek) +
+				if (gestationWeek <= 32) {
+					oldLen = (0.00006396 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 4)) -
+						(0.005501 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 3)) +
+						(0.161 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 2)) -
+						(0.76 * gestationWeek) +
-				} else if (gestastionWeek <= 106) {
-					oldLen = (-0.0000004675 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 4)) +
-						(0.0001905 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 3)) -
-						(0.029 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek, 2)) +
-						(2.132 * gestastionWeek) -
+				} else if (gestationWeek <= 106) {
+					oldLen = (-0.0000004675 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 4)) +
+						(0.0001905 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 3)) -
+						(0.029 * Math.pow(gestationWeek, 2)) +
+						(2.132 * gestationWeek) -
 				} else {
-					oldLen = (-0.00003266 * Math.pow(gestastionWeek,2)) +
-						(0.076 * gestastionWeek) +
+					oldLen = (-0.00003266 * Math.pow(gestationWeek,2)) +
+						(0.076 * gestationWeek) +
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ globalThis.FetusGetPrediction = function(actor, age) {
 	function getCurData(actor, age) {
 		let i = 0;
-		let min, max, ageMin, ageMax, rateMin, rateMax, one, rateOne, rate, cage, csize;
+		let min, max, ageMin, ageMax, rateMin, rateMax, one, rateOne, rate, cage, cSize;
 		let data = {};
 		while (actor.pregData.fetusWeek[i + 1] < age && i < actor.pregData.fetusWeek.length - 1) {
@@ -433,13 +433,13 @@ globalThis.FetusGetPrediction = function(actor, age) {
 		rate = rateMin + (rateOne * cage);
-		csize = (min + (one * cage));
-		// console.log("min:"+min+"  max:"+max+"  ageMin:"+ageMin+"  ageMax:"+ageMax+"  one:"+one+"  rateOne:"+rateOne+"  cage:"+cage+"  rate:"+rate+"  csize:"+csize+"  final size:"+csize*rate);
+		cSize = (min + (one * cage));
+		// console.log("min:"+min+"  max:"+max+"  ageMin:"+ageMin+"  ageMax:"+ageMax+"  one:"+one+"  rateOne:"+rateOne+"  cage:"+cage+"  rate:"+rate+"  cSize:"+cSize+"  final size:"+cSize*rate);
-		data.size = csize;
+		data.size = cSize;
 		data.rate = rate;
-		return data; // csize * rate;
+		return data; // cSize * rate;
 		// maybe not very effective code, but simple and easy to debug. May be optimized more in future.
diff --git a/src/neighbor/arcologyDiplomacy.js b/src/neighbor/arcologyDiplomacy.js
index 0f0a1c1962150e599433cef0f5d0514e43a633dd..df7dd4eaa4e235090c7787274c5c0ef8020317ba 100644
--- a/src/neighbor/arcologyDiplomacy.js
+++ b/src/neighbor/arcologyDiplomacy.js
@@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ App.Neighbor.selectInfluenceTarget = function(arcID) {
 	const arcology = V.arcologies[arcID];
 	if (influenceSources.length > 0) {
 		let eligibleTargets = [];
-		const obdedient = (arcology.government === "your trustees" || arcology.government === "your agent");
+		const obedient = (arcology.government === "your trustees" || arcology.government === "your agent");
 		for (let targetID = 0; targetID < V.arcologies.length; ++targetID) {
 			const target = V.arcologies[targetID];
 			if (arcology.direction !== target.direction) {
-				if (!obdedient || target.direction !== 0) {
+				if (!obedient || target.direction !== 0) {
 					const {shared, conflicting} = FutureSocieties.diplomaticFSes(arcID, targetID);
 					let count = 0;
 					count += shared.filter(notMulticulturalism).length;
diff --git a/src/neighbor/neighborInteract.js b/src/neighbor/neighborInteract.js
index ae251c972d706d15ef29238cdd7dd659e1548d20..2010275847a566ca5c972e642037cf2a5af8e1a3 100644
--- a/src/neighbor/neighborInteract.js
+++ b/src/neighbor/neighborInteract.js
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ App.Neighbor.Interact = (function() {
 		addAcquisitionBlock("FSDegradationist", "chains", "clothing", "binding chains", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.chains = 1; });
 		addAcquisitionBlock("FSGenderFundamentalist", "a bunny outfit", "clothing", "bunny suits", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.bunny = 1; });
 		addAcquisitionBlock("FSIntellectualDependency", "a bimbo outfit", "clothing", "bimbo attire", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.bimbo = 1; });
-		addAcquisitionBlock("FSSlaveProfessionalism", "a courtesan dress", "clothing", "cortesan dresses", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.courtesan = 1; });
+		addAcquisitionBlock("FSSlaveProfessionalism", "a courtesan dress", "clothing", "courtesan dresses", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.courtesan = 1; });
 		// addAcquisitionBlock("FSPetiteAdmiration", "petite dress", "clothing", "petite-sized dresses", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.petite = 1; });
 		addAcquisitionBlock("FSPhysicalIdealist", "body oil", "clothing", "body oil", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.oil = 1; });
 		addAcquisitionBlock("FSHedonisticDecadence", "stretch pants and a crop-top", "clothing", "stretch pants and crop-tops", () => { V.boughtItem.clothing.lazyClothes = 1; });
diff --git a/src/npc/children/childSummary.js b/src/npc/children/childSummary.js
index 655e4bdab3e99e89183ba525936f3a950f89af1c..af022e0d9c285fb97b535ffc59d123be7534ee5e 100644
--- a/src/npc/children/childSummary.js
+++ b/src/npc/children/childSummary.js
@@ -2318,7 +2318,6 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.ChildSummary = function(child) {
 				r += `Looks ` + `${child.visualAge}` + `. `;
 		} else {
 			// Now the rub. The use of physical Age for the year old body above, basically conflicts with the changes
 			// that NCS introduces, so here to *distinguish* the changes, we use visual age with the 'year old body'
 			// and appears, for exampChild release from incubator at age 10, Her summary would show, 'Age 0. 10
diff --git a/src/npc/children/longChildDescription.js b/src/npc/children/longChildDescription.js
index 450353465b8c4f5e4969c136c4f78de75959b799..4d4611995c13faa31d7e5e08516d0bf9b2873164 100644
--- a/src/npc/children/longChildDescription.js
+++ b/src/npc/children/longChildDescription.js
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
  * @returns {string}
 App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, eventDescription = 0} = {}) {
 	// declarations
 		arcology = V.arcologies[0],
@@ -145,7 +144,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 					} else if (child.buttplugAttachment === "fox tail") {
 						r += `A bushy ${child.hColor} tail with a white tip protrudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear. `;
 					} else if (child.buttplugAttachment === "cow tail") {
-						r += `A slim, spotted tail with a cute tuft at its tip protudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear. `;
+						r += `A slim, spotted tail with a cute tuft at its tip protrudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear. `;
 					} else if (child.buttplugAttachment === "cat tail") {
 						r += `A tail protrudes from the back of the plug and springs upwards from ${his} rear. `;
@@ -164,7 +163,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 					} else if (child.buttplugAttachment === "fox tail") {
 						r += `A bushy ${child.hColor} tail with a white tip protrudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear. `;
 					} else if (child.buttplugAttachment === "cow tail") {
-						r += `A slim, spotted tail with a cute tuft at its tip protudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear. `;
+						r += `A slim, spotted tail with a cute tuft at its tip protrudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear. `;
 					} else if (child.buttplugAttachment === "cat tail") {
 						r += `A tail protrudes from the back of the plug and springs upwards from ${his} rear. `;
@@ -838,7 +837,8 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 			case "preg biometrics":
 				if (child.pregSource > 0) {
-					daddy = findFather(child.pregSource), daddy = daddy.slaveName;
+					daddy = findFather(child.pregSource);
+					daddy = daddy.slaveName;
 				r += `${He} is wearing a heavy metal collar with a digital display; it currently reads: `;
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 				r += `Since ${his} body is flooded with female hormones, ${his} cock is soft. `;
 				if (child.devotion > 75) {
 					r += `Despite this, ${he}'s so devoted to you that being near you has ${his} horny. ${His} limp member is tipped by a drop of precum. `;
-				} else if (child.drugs === "testicle enhancement" || child.drugs === "hyper testicle enhancemet") {
+				} else if (child.drugs === "testicle enhancement" || child.drugs === "hyper testicle enhancement") {
 					r += `Unfortunately for the poor slave, ${he}'s also on drugs that cause overproduction of cum. Since ${his} soft dick makes it difficult for ${him} to ejaculate properly, ${he}'s almost frantic with discomfort, and ${his} dickhead is dribbling excessive precum. `;
 			} else if (child.dick > 6) {
@@ -6375,7 +6375,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 				r += `${He}'s <span class="green">insecure,</span> defining ${his} self worth by how much others want to fuck ${him}. `;
 			case "sinful":
-				if (arcology.FSChattelRelionist === "unset") {
+				if (arcology.FSChattelReligionist === "unset") {
 					r += `${He}'s delightfully <span class="green">sinful,</span> taking real pleasure in breaking cultural mores. `;
 				} else {
 					r += `${He}'s a devout Chattel Religionist, and is aggressively <span class="green">sinful</span> against old world faiths. ${He} is enthusiastic about slutty religious clothing, and excited by intentional sacrilege like openly using old world religious icons as sex toys or having orgies on altars. `;
@@ -6835,7 +6835,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 				r += `${He}'s <span class="green">insecure,</span> defining ${his} self worth by how much others want to fuck ${him}. `;
 			case "sinful":
-				if (arcology.FSChattelRelionist === "unset") {
+				if (arcology.FSChattelReligionist === "unset") {
 					r += `${He}'s delightfully <span class="green">sinful,</span> taking real pleasure in breaking cultural mores. `;
 				} else {
 					r += `${He}'s a devout Chattel Religionist, and is aggressively <span class="green">sinful</span> against old world faiths. ${He} is enthusiastic about slutty religious clothing, and excited by intentional sacrilege like openly using old world religious icons as sex toys or having orgies on altars. `;
@@ -7460,7 +7460,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 	} else if (child.weight > 95) {
 		if (child.hips > 1) {
-			r += `${"extremely curvy", "extremely plush"}, but ${his} huge hips make the extra weight attractive on ${him}. `;
+			r += `${jsEither("extremely curvy", "extremely plush")}, but ${his} huge hips make the extra weight attractive on ${him}. `;
 		} else if (arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") {
 			r += `${jsEither("extremely curvy", "extremely plush")}. `;
 		} else {
@@ -7486,10 +7486,10 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 		} else if (child.hips < -1) {
 			r += `${jsEither("quite skinny", "very thin")}, but ${his} trim hips make ${him} look like a model. `;
 		} else {
-			r += `<span class="red">${"rail thin", "too skinny", "underweight"}.</span> `;
+			r += `<span class="red">${jsEither("rail thin", "too skinny", "underweight")}.</span> `;
 	} else {
-		r += `<span class="red">${"dangerously skinny", "emaciated"}.</span> `;
+		r += `<span class="red">${jsEither("dangerously skinny", "emaciated")}.</span> `;
 	if (child.hips > 2) {
@@ -7499,7 +7499,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 	r += waist(child);
 	if (arcology.FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty + arcology.FSGenderFundamentalistLawBeauty > 0) {
-		if (arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence === "unset" && arcology.FSPhyscialIdealistStrongFat === 0) {
+		if (arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence === "unset" && arcology.FSPhysicalIdealistStrongFat === 0) {
 			if (child.weight > 130) {
 				r += `${He} is much too fat for the fashionable feminine ideal. `;
 			} else if (child.weight > 30) {
@@ -7515,7 +7515,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 	} else if (arcology.FSSlimnessEnthusiastLaw === 1) {
-		if (arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence === "unset" && arcology.FSPhyscialIdealistStrongFat === 0) {
+		if (arcology.FSHedonisticDecadence === "unset" && arcology.FSPhysicalIdealistStrongFat === 0) {
 			if (child.weight > 30) {
 				r += `${He} is much too fat for the fashionable feminine ideal. `;
 			} else if (child.weight > 10) {
@@ -7648,21 +7648,21 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 			r += `${He} has ${a}normal arm${s} with `;
-	if (child.muscles > 95) {
-		r += `huge muscles`;
-		if (child.weight > 95) {
-			r += ` hidden beneath ${his} soft flesh`;
-		}
-		r += `. `;
-	} else if (child.muscles > 30) {
-		r += `obvious muscles`;
-		if (child.weight > 95) {
-			r += ` hidden beneath ${his} soft flesh`;
-		}
-		r += `. `;
-	} else if (child.muscles > 5) {
-		r += `toned muscles`;
-		if (child.weight > 30) {
+		if (child.muscles > 95) {
+			r += `huge muscles`;
+			if (child.weight > 95) {
+				r += ` hidden beneath ${his} soft flesh`;
+			}
+			r += `. `;
+		} else if (child.muscles > 30) {
+			r += `obvious muscles`;
+			if (child.weight > 95) {
+				r += ` hidden beneath ${his} soft flesh`;
+			}
+			r += `. `;
+		} else if (child.muscles > 5) {
+			r += `toned muscles`;
+			if (child.weight > 30) {
 				r += ` hidden beneath ${his} soft flesh`;
 			r += `. `;
@@ -7955,8 +7955,8 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} tits uncomfortably` : `squirms under the unfamiliar weight on ${his} chest`}. The ${child.drugs === "hyper breast injections" ? `HA-HGH` : `A-HGH`} must be having an effect, painfully stretching ${his} breasts as the mammary and adipose tissue underneath grows explosively. `;
 		case "nipple enhancers":
-				r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} nipples uncomfortably` : `squirms in respose to the discomfort in ${his} nipples`}. The A-HGH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to expand ${his} nipples. `;
-				break;
+			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} nipples uncomfortably` : `squirms in response to the discomfort in ${his} nipples`}. The A-HGH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to expand ${his} nipples. `;
+			break;
 		case "intensive butt injections":
 		case "hyper butt injections":
 			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} butt uncomfortably` : `squirms under the unfamiliar weight on ${his} backside`}. The ${child.drugs === "hyper butt injections" ? `HA-HGH` : `A-HGH`} must be having an effect, painfully stretching ${his} buttocks as the muscular and adipose tissue underneath grows explosively. `;
@@ -7984,26 +7984,26 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.LongChildDescription = function(child, {market = 0, event
 		case "female hormone injections":
-		case "male hormore injections":
+		case "male hormone injections":
 			r += `${He} looks very ill, likely a side effect of the extreme hormone injections. `;
-		case "appetite suppresors":
+		case "appetite suppressors":
 			r += `Despite how little ${he} has been eating lately, ${his} stomach barely growls at all. `;
 		case "penis atrophiers":
-			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} dick uncomfortably` : `squirms in respose to the discomfort in ${his} dick`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} dick. `;
+			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} dick uncomfortably` : `squirms in response to the discomfort in ${his} dick`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} dick. `;
-		case "testicle atropiers":
-			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} balls uncomfortably` : `squirms in respose to the discomfort in ${his} balls`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} balls. `;
+		case "testicle atrophiers":
+			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} balls uncomfortably` : `squirms in response to the discomfort in ${his} balls`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} balls. `;
 		case "clitoris atrophiers":
-			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} clit uncomfortably` : `squirms in respose to the discomfort in ${his} clit`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} clit. `;
+			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} clit uncomfortably` : `squirms in response to the discomfort in ${his} clit`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} clit. `;
 		case "labia atrophiers":
-			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} pussy uncomfortably` : `squirms in respose to the discomfort in ${his} pussy`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} pussy. `;
+			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} pussy uncomfortably` : `squirms in response to the discomfort in ${his} pussy`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} pussy. `;
 		case "nipple atrophiers":
-			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} nipples uncomfortably` : `squirms in respose to the discomfort in ${his} nipples`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} nipples. `;
+			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} nipples uncomfortably` : `squirms in response to the discomfort in ${his} nipples`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} nipples. `;
 		case "lip atrophiers":
 			r += `${He} ${hasAnyArms(child) ? `massages ${his} lips uncomfortably` : `licks ${his} lips uncomfortably`}. The A-TRPH must be having an effect, painfully causing ${his} body to atrophy ${his} lips. `;
diff --git a/src/npc/databases/dSlavesDatabase.js b/src/npc/databases/dSlavesDatabase.js
index 896dd033213a268050876b4ecd266495626cac76..88159dbfee683c5e0b3044f6d3598c1f90ea004c 100644
--- a/src/npc/databases/dSlavesDatabase.js
+++ b/src/npc/databases/dSlavesDatabase.js
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
-	/* corrected eye color, makeup, tweaked entertainskill, added 'arrogant' -BoneyM*/
+	/* corrected eye color, makeup, tweaked entertain skill, added 'arrogant' -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900011,
 		slaveName: "Lilly",
@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 	/* red contacts*/
-	/* Reduced weight, changed eyes to blue, corrected tattoo syntax, added flexibility in customdesc, changed skin to pale -BoneyM*/
+	/* Reduced weight, changed eyes to blue, corrected tattoo syntax, added flexibility in customDesc, changed skin to pale -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900033,
 		slaveName: "Jennifer",
@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 	/* missing left leg, burn scar, low sex drive, fighter*/
-	/* Added customdesc, fixed tattoo syntax, added combat skill, eye color and origin -BoneyM*/
+	/* Added customDesc, fixed tattoo syntax, added combat skill, eye color and origin -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900040,
 		slaveName: "Lexi",
@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		tonguePiercing: 1
 	/* big clit*/
-	/* Changed eyes to hazel, increased clit, added a lot of piercings, changed fetish to nympho, fixed customdesc syntax -BoneyM*/
+	/* Changed eyes to hazel, increased clit, added a lot of piercings, changed fetish to nympho, fixed customDesc syntax -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900044,
 		slaveName: "Anneliese",
@@ -1713,7 +1713,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		fetishKnown: 1,
 		custom: {desc: "$He has the air of a princess."}
-	/* Changed eyes to blue, added origin, pierced ears, fixed customdesc syntax -BoneyM*/
+	/* Changed eyes to blue, added origin, pierced ears, fixed customDesc syntax -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900045,
 		slaveName: "Riley",
@@ -1757,7 +1757,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 	/* compulsive masturbation*/
-	/* Moved customdesc to origin, added scar to customdesc, reduced weight, added nympho, added nipple and clit piercings -BoneyM*/
+	/* Moved customDesc to origin, added scar to customDesc, reduced weight, added nympho, added nipple and clit piercings -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900046,
 		slaveName: "Victoria",
@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 			desc: "$He is a permanent, irrecoverable aphrodisiac addict."
-	/* Corrected customdesc syntax -BoneyM*/
+	/* Corrected customDesc syntax -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900047,
 		slaveName: "Aveline",
@@ -1898,7 +1898,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		clothes: "kitty lingerie"
-	/* Fixed tattoo and customdesc syntax -BoneyM*/
+	/* Fixed tattoo and customDesc syntax -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900050,
 		slaveName: "Thorn",
@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
-	/* Increased health, added origin, fixed customdesc syntax -BoneyM*/
+	/* Increased health, added origin, fixed customDesc syntax -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900051,
 		slaveName: "Kinsey",
@@ -2020,7 +2020,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 	/* laid back*/
-	/* Added origin, increased weight, pierced ears, added customdesc -BoneyM*/
+	/* Added origin, increased weight, pierced ears, added customDesc -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900053,
 		slaveName: "Klara",
@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		brand: {"right buttock": "Cum slut"},
 		custom: {tattoo: "'bitch whore' is tattooed on $his inner left thigh."}
-	/* Fixed typo in customdesc, increased whore and entertainskill, changed eye color -BoneyM*/
+	/* Fixed typo in customDesc, increased whore and entertainskill, changed eye color -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900054,
 		slaveName: "Lucy",
@@ -2203,7 +2203,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		height: 168
 	/* masochist*/
-	/* Added piercings, corrected customdesc syntax, added bitchy to fit with $his smart-ass masochist personality. -BoneyM*/
+	/* Added piercings, corrected customDesc syntax, added bitchy to fit with $his smart-ass masochist personality. -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900059,
 		slaveName: "Mikayla",
@@ -2244,7 +2244,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		custom: {desc: "$He is extremely claustrophobic."}
 	/* claustrophobia, pride*/
-	/* Fixed customdesc syntax, added pierced ears, corrected hair color, added origin and arrogant -BoneyM*/
+	/* Fixed customDesc syntax, added pierced ears, corrected hair color, added origin and arrogant -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900060,
 		slaveName: "Xendra",
@@ -2299,7 +2299,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		career: "a shut-in"
 	/* toned, snuff, fighter*/
-	/* Increased health, added combatskill, bitchy and pierced ears, fixed tattoo and customdesc syntax, corrected skin color from 'white' to 'dark' -BoneyM*/
+	/* Increased health, added combat skill, bitchy and pierced ears, fixed tattoo and customDesc syntax, corrected skin color from 'white' to 'dark' -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900061,
 		slaveName: "Gwen",
@@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		navelPiercing: 1
-	/* Reduced weight, increased face and faceimplant, added piercings, corrected tattoo and customdesc syntax -BoneyM*/
+	/* Reduced weight, increased face and face implant, added piercings, corrected tattoo and customDesc syntax -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900063,
 		slaveName: "Emily",
@@ -2430,7 +2430,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		behavioralFlaw: "arrogant",
 		custom: {desc: "$He has a short nose and is very intelligent."}
-	/* Added origin, reduced age, fetish was 'arrogant', changed it to quirk, fixed customdesc syntax. -BoneyM*/
+	/* Added origin, reduced age, fetish was 'arrogant', changed it to quirk, fixed customDesc syntax. -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900064,
 		slaveName: "Bitch",
@@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		hips: 3,
 		markings: "beauty mark"
-	/* Fixed customdesc syntax, changed eye color, added piercings, increased waist -BoneyM*/
+	/* Fixed customDesc syntax, changed eye color, added piercings, increased waist -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900065,
 		slaveName: "Nala",
@@ -2532,7 +2532,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		attrXY: 40
 	/* love*/
-	/* Added origin, removed it from customdesc. Increased health.*/
+	/* Added origin, removed it from customDesc. Increased health.*/
 		ID: 900067,
 		slaveName: "Koko",
@@ -2569,7 +2569,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		custom: {desc: "$He is trim and fit."}
 	/* genki*/
-	/* Pierced ears, added origin, corrected customdesc syntax. -BoneyM*/
+	/* Pierced ears, added origin, corrected customDesc syntax. -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900068,
 		slaveName: "Jasmine",
@@ -2681,7 +2681,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
-	/* Increased height, reduced weight, reduced butt, fixed customdesc syntax -BoneyM*/
+	/* Increased height, reduced weight, reduced butt, fixed customDesc syntax -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900071,
 		slaveName: "No Name",
@@ -2726,7 +2726,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		hips: 1
 	/* //*hypno-anal/cum*/
-	/* Reduced weight, changed eyes, corrected customdesc syntax, added origin, increased rebelliousness, changed clitsetting to oral. -BoneyM*/
+	/* Reduced weight, changed eyes, corrected customDesc syntax, added origin, increased rebelliousness, changed clit setting to oral. -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900072,
 		slaveName: "Sara",
@@ -2774,7 +2774,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 	/* likes pain*/
-	/* Corrected tattoo syntax, added origin and customdesc, increased health -BoneyM*/
+	/* Corrected tattoo syntax, added origin and customDesc, increased health -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900073,
 		slaveName: "Falcon",
@@ -2811,7 +2811,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		custom: {desc: "$He has an implanted GPS tracker to find $him in case $his habit of stalking pretty girls gets the better of $him."}
 	/* proactive stalker hypnosis masseuse*/
-	/* Corrected birthname (was 'Jasmine'), changed eye color, added customdesc -BoneyM*/
+	/* Corrected birth name (was 'Jasmine'), changed eye color, added customDesc -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900074,
 		slaveName: "Beatrice (No. 525)",
@@ -2858,7 +2858,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 	/* contraception but breeder naturally, well trained*/
-	/* Fetish was 'arrogant', changed it to flaw. Added origin, whore and entertainskill: { Changed eye color, corrected tattoo syntax, pierced ears, reduced weight -BoneyM*/
+	/* Fetish was 'arrogant', changed it to flaw. Added origin, whore and entertain skill: { Changed eye color, corrected tattoo syntax, pierced ears, reduced weight -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900075,
 		slaveName: "Yuuki",
@@ -2896,7 +2896,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		sexualFlaw: "crude"
 	/* mischievous tease*/
-	/* Reduced height, added entertainskill, added bitchy, changed eyes -BoneyM*/
+	/* Reduced height, added entertain skill, added bitchy, changed eyes -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900076,
 		slaveName: "Elisa",
@@ -4073,7 +4073,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.D = [
 		fetishKnown: 1
-/* Removed eyecolor customdesc -BoneyM*/
+/* Removed eye color customDesc -BoneyM*/
 App.Data.HeroSlaves.Dextreme = [
 		ID: 900099,
@@ -4442,7 +4442,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.Dextreme = [
 		removedLimbs: [1, 1, 1, 1],
 	/* bitchy arrogant*/
-	/* Added 'bitchy' quirk, reduced height and weight, added customdesc -BoneyM*/
+	/* Added 'bitchy' quirk, reduced height and weight, added customDesc -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900107,
 		slaveName: "Cunt",
@@ -4608,7 +4608,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.Dextreme = [
 		custom: {
 			desc: "$He is a complete mental blank; to $him, there is only the Master."
-		/* Fixed customdesc syntax, changed hair from blue -BoneyM*/
+		/* Fixed customDesc syntax, changed hair from blue -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 900110,
diff --git a/src/npc/databases/ddSlavesDatabase.js b/src/npc/databases/ddSlavesDatabase.js
index ae6f30bab726563420f4649ce0255dffae38ac94..edf41470770ebd2e43eac3fe79c4dfe5136b4735 100644
--- a/src/npc/databases/ddSlavesDatabase.js
+++ b/src/npc/databases/ddSlavesDatabase.js
@@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@ App.Data.HeroSlaves.DDextreme = [
 	/* tsundere, grey eyes, unhappy to be herm*/
-	/* Changed eye color, added customdesc and origin -BoneyM*/
+	/* Changed eye color, added customDesc and origin -BoneyM*/
 		ID: 800033,
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/accent.js b/src/npc/descriptions/accent.js
index 32787c8736a8840b185df3b02c042f3a536e284c..79bfdc5ad6838865f9d611f9538061496bbbc79e 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/accent.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/accent.js
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
 App.Desc.accent = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		him, He
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	let accent;
 	if (slave.accent !== 0) {
 		if (slave.accent === 1) {
-			accent = either("a beautiful", "a distinctive", "an intriguing", "a light", "a lovely", "a mild", "a pleasant", "a rich", "a slight", "a smooth");
+			accent = jsEither("a beautiful", "a distinctive", "an intriguing", "a light", "a lovely", "a mild", "a pleasant", "a rich", "a slight", "a smooth");
 			r.push(`${He} speaks ${V.language} in ${accent} ${aNational(slave.nationality)}`);
 			if (slave.rules.speech === "accent elimination") {
 				r.push(`accent, which the rules encourage ${him} to suppress.`);
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ App.Desc.accent = function(slave) {
 		} else if (slave.accent === 2) {
-			accent = either("a broad", "a harsh", "a heavy", "an intense", "a marked", "a noticeable", "a rough", "a significant", "a stressed", "a strong", "a thick");
+			accent = jsEither("a broad", "a harsh", "a heavy", "an intense", "a marked", "a noticeable", "a rough", "a significant", "a stressed", "a strong", "a thick");
 			r.push(`${He} speaks ${V.language} in ${accent} ${aNational(slave.nationality)} accent that can be hard to`);
 			if (slave.rules.speech === "accent elimination") {
 				r.push(`understand, and the rules encourage ${him} to make an effort to suppress it.`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/belly/belly.js b/src/npc/descriptions/belly/belly.js
index 8261fcd4f1ffa0539e17de31248c4b9301b5b752..ffff633c15d9d1b185f7c8d465a5b844581515ed 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/belly/belly.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/belly/belly.js
@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ App.Desc.belly = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 							r.push(`Impressively, ${he} is strong enough to keep ${his} belly from dragging along the ground as ${he} crawls.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`It does not stop it from completely immodilizing ${him}, however.`);
+						r.push(`It does not stop it from completely immobilizing ${him}, however.`);
 				} else if (slave.height >= 185) {
 					r.push(`but ${his} tall frame barely keeps ${his} titanic belly off the ground; with considerable effort, of course.`);
@@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ App.Desc.belly = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 							r.push(`Impressively, ${he} is strong enough to keep ${his} belly from dragging along the ground as ${he} crawls.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`It does not stop it from completely immodilizing ${him}, however.`);
+						r.push(`It does not stop it from completely immobilizing ${him}, however.`);
 				} else if (slave.height >= 185) {
 					r.push(`but ${his} tall frame barely keeps ${his} titanic belly off the ground; with considerable effort, of course.`);
@@ -11863,14 +11863,14 @@ App.Desc.belly = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					// WIP//
 				} else if (slave.belly >= 750000) {
 					if (slave.bellyFluid >= slave.bellyPreg && slave.bellyFluid >= slave.bellyImplant) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been retailored to expose ${his} monolithic, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been re-tailored to expose ${his} monolithic, ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
 					} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 0) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been retailored to expose ${his} monolithic, implant-filled belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been re-tailored to expose ${his} monolithic, implant-filled belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
 					} else {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been retailored to expose ${his} monolithic pregnant belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been re-tailored to expose ${his} monolithic pregnant belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
 				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 600000) {
-					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been retailored to expose ${his} titanic bulging pregnant belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been re-tailored to expose ${his} titanic bulging pregnant belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
 				} else if (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown, while tailored, strains to contain ${his} massive pregnant belly.`);
 				} else if (slave.weight > 190) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/belly/bellyImplant.js b/src/npc/descriptions/belly/bellyImplant.js
index 6477ec72b6b3ccd5ae474371e39a6e4ca071a60f..296add92d0b12b0778d14f27ddb9d73bf7f99e35 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/belly/bellyImplant.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/belly/bellyImplant.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.bellyImplant = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His, girl
+		he, him, his, He, His, girl
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ App.Desc.bellyImplant = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s beautiful halter top dress has been torn open by ${his} titanic implant-filled belly. ${His} immense stomach hangs out the whole it made.`);
 						case "a ball gown":
-							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been retailored to expose ${his} titanic implant-filled belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fabulous silken ball gown has been re-tailored to expose ${his} titanic implant-filled belly while still maintaining its beauty.`);
 						case "slutty jewelry":
 							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s bangles include a long thin chain that looks ready to snap as in encircles ${his} titanic implant-filled belly.`);
@@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ App.Desc.bellyImplant = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge implant-filled belly fills out ${his} loose dress. ${His} dress is specially tailored to be modest yet draw attention to ${his} expanded middle.`);
 						case "stretch pants and a crop-top":
-							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'shuge implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge implant-filled belly takes full advantage of ${his} exposed midriff to hang freely and obscure ${his} stretch pants.`);
 						case "chains":
 							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge implant-filled belly is tightly wrapped with chains, causing it to bulge angrily.`);
@@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@ App.Desc.bellyImplant = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 						case "a bimbo outfit":
-							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s thong strings dig into ${his} fat belly as it lewdly draps over ${his} miniskirt.`);
+							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s thong strings dig into ${his} fat belly as it lewdly drapes over ${his} miniskirt.`);
 						case "a courtesan dress":
 							r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fat belly bulges the ribs of ${his} corset, creating valleys of soft flesh.`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/belly/bellyInflation.js b/src/npc/descriptions/belly/bellyInflation.js
index 8d32fac17bb512d95325792cc1c14dacfc230da8..5cc1b98765f359271ddb8ab54a03f75c427b1489 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/belly/bellyInflation.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/belly/bellyInflation.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.bellyInflation = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.inflation === 3) {
 		r.push(`${His} middle is enormously distended with ${slave.inflationType},`);
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ App.Desc.bellyInflation = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s mini dress barely clings to ${his} hugely swollen belly.`);
 					case "a long qipao":
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'sdress barely clings to ${his} hugely swollen belly.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s dress barely clings to ${his} hugely swollen belly.`);
 					case "battlearmor":
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s armor barely clings to ${his} hugely swollen belly.`);
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ App.Desc.bellyInflation = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					case "a bimbo outfit":
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s miniskirt digs into ${his} jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly as the top half spills over its egde.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s miniskirt digs into ${his} jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly as the top half spills over its edge.`);
 					case "a courtesan dress":
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s jiggling ${slave.inflationType}-filled belly is tightly gripped by the ribs of ${his} corset, forcing it to bulge angrily between the gaps.`);
@@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ App.Desc.bellyInflation = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					case "a bimbo outfit":
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s thong strings dig into ${his} fat belly as it lewdly draps over ${his} miniskirt.`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s thong strings dig into ${his} fat belly as it lewdly drapes over ${his} miniskirt.`);
 					case "a courtesan dress":
 						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s fat belly bulges the ribs of ${his} corset, creating valleys of soft flesh.`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/boobs/boobs.js b/src/npc/descriptions/boobs/boobs.js
index d9b43df9ce5eeff52bbfcb9fa618b71d78e7f801..2f776ae75998040f4093faa5b1ed719ec6a29be2 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/boobs/boobs.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/boobs/boobs.js
@@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ App.Desc.boobs = function() {
 			case "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman":
 				r += `${slave.slaveName}'s `;
 				if (slave.boobs > 12000) {
-					r += `top has been retailored to fit ${his} enormous bust. The ample breast flesh almost completely consumes ${his} silken lingerie. ${His} silken vest is barely visible behind ${his} massive tits.`;
+					r += `top has been re-tailored to fit ${his} enormous bust. The ample breast flesh almost completely consumes ${his} silken lingerie. ${His} silken vest is barely visible behind ${his} massive tits.`;
 				} else if (slave.boobs > 4000) {
 					r += `${adjNoun} dwarf ${his} tiny top. It barely manages to cover ${his} nipples. ${His} silken vest is parted to either side of ${his} breasts.`;
 				} else if (slave.boobs > 800) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/boobs/boobsShape.js b/src/npc/descriptions/boobs/boobsShape.js
index 02baac55ff91bff5e56a220f4806f1c6bea60405..4540c8af627de1e4ffec9b6adb6eca965991f9b0 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/boobs/boobsShape.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/boobs/boobsShape.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.boobsShape = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (V.showImplantEffects === 1) {
 		if (slave.fuckdoll > 0) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/butt/anus.js b/src/npc/descriptions/butt/anus.js
index c190c15f17829d894d34469870f49cde5eaf2025..f72ff22152b318e09e96e8ef3de832546173fa1e 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/butt/anus.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/butt/anus.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.anus = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	let skinDesc;
 	if (skinToneLevel(slave.skin) < 13) {
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ App.Desc.anus = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	} else {
 		skinDesc = "darker";
-	let analSkinDesc = either("crinkled", "puckered", "puffy");
+	let analSkinDesc = jsEither("crinkled", "puckered", "puffy");
 	if (slave.anus === 0) {
 		r.push(`${He} is an <span class="lime">anal virgin;</span> ${his} asshole is fresh and tight.`);
 	} else if (slave.anus === 1) {
-		r.push(`${His} ${either("anal opening", "anus", "asshole", "butthole")} is ${either("nice and", "very")} tight,`);
+		r.push(`${His} ${jsEither("anal opening", "anus", "asshole", "butthole")} is ${jsEither("nice and", "very")} tight,`);
 		if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 3) {
 			r.push(`but it's surrounded by a massive oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that runs from ${his} tailbone all the way down to the`);
 			if (slave.vagina > -1) {
@@ -33,20 +33,20 @@ App.Desc.anus = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				r.push(`base of ${his} cock.`);
 		} else if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 2) {
-			r.push(`but it's surrounded by an oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that occupies ${his} entire ${either("asscrack", "buttcrack")} ass.`);
+			r.push(`but it's surrounded by an oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that occupies ${his} entire ${jsEither("asscrack", "buttcrack")} ass.`);
 		} else if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 1) {
 			r.push(`but it's surrounded by a big ring of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin.`);
 		} else if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 0) {
-			r.push(`and it's surrounded by a cute ${either("pucker", "ring", "rosebud")} of ${skinDesc} skin.`);
+			r.push(`and it's surrounded by a cute ${jsEither("pucker", "ring", "rosebud")} of ${skinDesc} skin.`);
 		} else {
 			r.push(`and the ${skinDesc} skin around it is stretched smooth, since it's been deflowered only recently.`);
 	} else if (slave.anus === 2) {
-		r.push(`${His} ${either("anal opening", "anus", "asshole", "asspussy", "butthole")} is`);
+		r.push(`${His} ${jsEither("anal opening", "anus", "asshole", "asspussy", "butthole")} is`);
 		if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 1) {
-		r.push(either("relaxed", "loose", "accommodating"));
+		r.push(jsEither("relaxed", "loose", "accommodating"));
 		if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 2) {
 			r.push(`but it's surrounded by a massive oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that runs from ${his} tailbone all the way down to the`);
 			if (slave.vagina > -1) {
@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ App.Desc.anus = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				r.push(`base of ${his} cock.`);
 		} else if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 1) {
-			r.push(`but it's surrounded by an oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that occupies ${his} entire ${either("asscrack", "buttcrack")}`);
+			r.push(`but it's surrounded by an oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that occupies ${his} entire ${jsEither("asscrack", "buttcrack")}`);
 		} else if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 0) {
 			r.push(`and it's surrounded by a big ring of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin.`);
 		} else {
 			r.push(`and the ${skinDesc} skin around it is stretched smooth, suggesting it's getting used to being this way.`);
 	} else if (slave.anus === 3) {
-		r.push(`${His} ${either("anal opening", "anus", "asshole", "asspussy", "butthole")} is a ${either("lewd", "loose", "relaxed", "welcoming")} slit`);
+		r.push(`${His} ${jsEither("anal opening", "anus", "asshole", "asspussy", "butthole")} is a ${jsEither("lewd", "loose", "relaxed", "welcoming")} slit`);
 		if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 1) {
 			r.push(`and it's surrounded by a massive oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that runs from ${his} tailbone all the way down to the`);
 			if (slave.vagina > -1) {
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ App.Desc.anus = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				r.push(`base of ${his} cock.`);
 		} else if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 0) {
-			r.push(`and it's surrounded by an oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that occupies ${his} entire ${either("asscrack", "buttcrack")}.`);
+			r.push(`and it's surrounded by an oval of ${analSkinDesc} ${skinDesc} skin that occupies ${his} entire ${jsEither("asscrack", "buttcrack")}.`);
 		} else {
 			r.push(`and the ${skinDesc} skin around it is stretched smooth, suggesting ${he}'s getting used to having such a cock-hungry rear fuckhole.`);
 	} else {
-		r.push(`${His} ${either("anal opening", "anal slit", "anus", "asshole", "asspussy", "butthole")} is a ${either("loose", "open", "permanent", "relaxed")} gape,`);
+		r.push(`${His} ${jsEither("anal opening", "anal slit", "anus", "asshole", "asspussy", "butthole")} is a ${jsEither("loose", "open", "permanent", "relaxed")} gape,`);
 		if (slave.analArea - slave.anus > 0) {
 			r.push(`and it's surrounded by a massive oval of ${skinDesc} skin that runs from ${his} tailbone all the way down to the`);
 			if (slave.vagina > -1) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js b/src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js
index a9fb1d2e6d4daffbd32881fee8319cad7bd03a86..488e80366ff579d84b2ade573ef10d54816abecf 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.butt = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, girl, He, His
+		he, him, his, girl, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (V.showClothing === 1 && !market) {
 		if (V.surgeryDescription === 0) {
@@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ App.Desc.butt = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					if (slave.butt > 10) {
 						r.push(`inhuman buttocks, fanning wide as it travels down the lewd masses.`);
 					} else if (slave.butt > 6) {
-						r.push(`massive buttocks, giving a tantilizing view as it parts ever so slightly.`);
+						r.push(`massive buttocks, giving a tantalizing view as it parts ever so slightly.`);
 					} else if (slave.butt > 3) {
 						r.push(`buttocks, making it look larger than it already is.`);
 					} else {
@@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ App.Desc.butt = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				case "a bimbo outfit":
 					r.push(`${His} scandalously short miniskirt`);
 					if (slave.butt > 10) {
-						r.push(`is impossible to pull over ${his} enormous buttocks, leaving ${his} behind entirely exposed. The only hint of ${his} thong are a pair of straps disapearing into ${his} crack.`);
+						r.push(`is impossible to pull over ${his} enormous buttocks, leaving ${his} behind entirely exposed. The only hint of ${his} thong are a pair of straps disappearing into ${his} crack.`);
 					} else if (slave.butt > 6) {
 						r.push(`is impossible to pull over ${his} huge butt, leaving ${his} behind entirely exposed as its enormity has since devoured ${his} thong.`);
 					} else if (slave.butt > 3) {
@@ -1057,30 +1057,30 @@ App.Desc.butt = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	if (slave.butt <= 1) {
 		r.push(`flat and`);
 		if (V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20 && V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence === "unset") {
-			r.push(either("attractive", "enticing", "fashionable"));
+			r.push(jsEither("attractive", "enticing", "fashionable"));
 		} else {
-			r.push(either("skinny", "slim", "taut"));
+			r.push(jsEither("skinny", "slim", "taut"));
 	} else if (slave.butt <= 2) {
 		if (V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast > 20 && V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence === "unset") {
-			r.push(either("fashionable", "sleek and attractive", "small and enticing"));
+			r.push(jsEither("fashionable", "sleek and attractive", "small and enticing"));
 		} else {
-			r.push(either("rounded, small", "small but rounded", "small, sleek"));
+			r.push(jsEither("rounded, small", "small but rounded", "small, sleek"));
 		r.push(`rear end,`);
 	} else if (slave.butt <= 3) {
-		r.push(`${either("big and healthy", "curved and plump", "healthy and plump")} derrière,`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither("big and healthy", "curved and plump", "healthy and plump")} derrière,`);
 	} else if (slave.butt <= 4) {
-		r.push(`${either("big bubble", "curvy and enticing", "juicy and large")} butt,`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither("big bubble", "curvy and enticing", "juicy and large")} butt,`);
 	} else if (slave.butt <= 5) {
-		r.push(`${either("huge", "juicy and huge", "massive and undeniable")} rear end,`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither("huge", "juicy and huge", "massive and undeniable")} rear end,`);
 	} else if (slave.butt <= 6) {
-		r.push(`${either("enormous", "truly massive")} posterior,`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither("enormous", "truly massive")} posterior,`);
 	} else if (slave.butt <= 7) {
-		r.push(`${either("gigantic", "titanic")} ass,`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither("gigantic", "titanic")} ass,`);
 	} else if (slave.butt <= 10) {
-		r.push(`${either("gigantic", "titanic")} ass,`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither("gigantic", "titanic")} ass,`);
 		if (slave.assignment === "work in the dairy" && V.dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1) {
 			r.push(`so big it jiggles as the machine rapes ${his} asshole,`);
 		} else if (!canWalk(slave)) {
@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ App.Desc.butt = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 			r.push(`so big it jiggles as ${he} walks,`);
 	} else if (slave.butt <= 14) {
-		r.push(`${either("cushion-like", "hall-crowding")} ass,`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither("cushion-like", "hall-crowding")} ass,`);
 		if (slave.assignment === "work in the dairy" && V.dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1) {
 			r.push(`so big it massively jiggles as the machine rapes ${his} asshole,`);
 		} else if (!canWalk(slave)) {
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ App.Desc.butt = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 			r.push(`so big it jiggles nonstop as ${he} walks,`);
 	} else {
-		r.push(`${either("bean bag sized", "room-crowding")} ass,`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither("bean bag sized", "room-crowding")} ass,`);
 		if (slave.assignment === "work in the dairy" && V.dairyStimulatorsSetting > 1) {
 			r.push(`so massive it jiggles endlessly as the machine rapes ${his} asshole,`);
 		} else if (!canWalk(slave)) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/butt/buttplug.js b/src/npc/descriptions/butt/buttplug.js
index e7aee4af4e51d08f3e70c4340041292962e5cd31..bc9f257d326a9239e951033719184e4b4318dfeb 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/butt/buttplug.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/butt/buttplug.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.buttplug = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.assignment === "work in the dairy" && V.dairyRestraintsSetting > 1) {
 		r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s anus is`);
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ App.Desc.buttplug = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 			} else if (slave.buttplugAttachment === "fox tail") {
 				r.push(`A bushy ${slave.hColor} tail with a white tip protrudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear.`);
 			} else if (slave.buttplugAttachment === "cow tail") {
-				r.push(`A slim, spotted tail with a cute tuft at its tip protudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear.`);
+				r.push(`A slim, spotted tail with a cute tuft at its tip protrudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear.`);
 			} else if (slave.buttplugAttachment === "cat tail") {
 				r.push(`A tail protrudes from the back of the plug and springs upwards from ${his} rear.`);
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ App.Desc.buttplug = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 			} else if (slave.buttplugAttachment === "fox tail") {
 				r.push(`A bushy ${slave.hColor} tail with a white tip protrudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear.`);
 			} else if (slave.buttplugAttachment === "cow tail") {
-				r.push(`A slim, spotted tail with a cute tuft at its tip protudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear.`);
+				r.push(`A slim, spotted tail with a cute tuft at its tip protrudes from the back of the plug and dangles from ${his} rear.`);
 			} else if (slave.buttplugAttachment === "cat tail") {
 				r.push(`A tail protrudes from the back of the plug and springs upwards from ${his} rear.`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/career.js b/src/npc/descriptions/career.js
index 7c6b877d24502d2f23f859d8f7bdffbe3d4eef0d..8a9c7826e1a0bca65b128c90610a16e644e57125 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/career.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/career.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.career = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	const career = convertCareer(slave);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/crotch.js b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/crotch.js
index b613a20bb655c5643a87569ef984f5adf32d07ee..3ebc9061b71129be95b495798e10aa651384411f 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/crotch.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/crotch.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.crotch = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (V.showClothing === 1 && !market) {
 		if (slave.assignment === "work in the dairy" && V.dairyRestraintsSetting > 1) {
@@ -1394,7 +1394,7 @@ App.Desc.crotch = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 				case "a bimbo outfit":
 					if (slave.dick > 7 && canAchieveErection(slave) && slave.devotion > 20 && slave.belly >= 5000) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive erection extends from ${his} thong, traping ${his} miniskirt against the underside of ${his}`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s massive erection extends from ${his} thong, trapping ${his} miniskirt against the underside of ${his}`);
 						if (slave.bellyPreg > 2000) {
 						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 2000) {
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@ App.Desc.crotch = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 					} else if ((slave.dick > 5) && canAchieveErection(slave) && (slave.devotion > 20) && (slave.belly >= 5000)) {
-						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge erection extends from ${his} thong, traping ${his} miniskirt against the underside of ${his}`);
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s huge erection extends from ${his} thong, trapping ${his} miniskirt against the underside of ${his}`);
 						if (slave.bellyPreg > 2000) {
 						} else if (slave.bellyImplant > 2000) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/dick.js b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/dick.js
index 0fa49789ea631021f94a9a63100a58b483dc1de5..889d8986e0b18b0558d496ca78e3fe711e895a67 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/dick.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/dick.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.dick = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, girl, He, His
+		he, him, his, girl, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.dick > 0) {
 		switch (slave.dick) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/dickAccessory.js b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/dickAccessory.js
index c8ba6361e403b1d189f4a39497ed909adf458f16..a6d498ea02667cd1b8456bf66c5f91043918b795 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/dickAccessory.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/dickAccessory.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.dickAccessory = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.chastityPenis === 1) {
 		r.push(`${His} cock is encased in a tight chastity cage, which is designed to be comfortable as long as ${he} remains soft.`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/vagina.js b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/vagina.js
index dd9ebf30a4ba7c9341e58574bb42cb6147cf82a6..52d1e403a22accfd01a56e865e151bf03431449f 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/vagina.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/vagina.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.vagina = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.dick > 0) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/vaginalAccessory.js b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/vaginalAccessory.js
index 216cf5b6c0cf0a477bb35e28d57fe456c3d6a510..17f44408725c9023a12411ebc5b85c1aacb41843 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/vaginalAccessory.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/crotch/vaginalAccessory.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.vaginalAccessory = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	let held;
 	if (slave.chastityVagina) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/describeTattoos.js b/src/npc/descriptions/describeTattoos.js
index 8680017bdb5124fa44cc28608dda44c699162543..8d30958cc145611e1a4634547e17d50df76c10c3 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/describeTattoos.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/describeTattoos.js
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ App.Desc.tattoo = function(slave, surface) {
 		case "lips": {
-			/* Fuckdoll vulva and anus alone are visibile, plus enormus lips */
+			/* Fuckdoll vulva and anus alone are visible, plus enormous lips */
 			if (slave.fuckdoll === 0 || slave.lips > 95) {
 				if (slave.lipsTat !== 0) {
 					switch (slave.lipsTat) {
@@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ App.Desc.tattoo = function(slave, surface) {
 		case "vagina": {
-			/* Fuckdoll vulva and anus alone are visibile, plus enormus lips */
+			/* Fuckdoll vulva and anus alone are visible, plus enormous lips */
 			if (slave.vaginaTat !== 0) {
 				switch (slave.vaginaTat) {
 					case "tribal patterns":
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ App.Desc.tattoo = function(slave, surface) {
 		case "anus": {
-			/* Fuckdoll vulva and anus alone are visibile, plus enormus lips */
+			/* Fuckdoll vulva and anus alone are visible, plus enormous lips */
 			if (slave.anusTat !== 0) {
 				switch (slave.anusTat) {
 					case "bleached":
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/dimensions.js b/src/npc/descriptions/dimensions.js
index 669f9deaf678d8e30efde9c67e74d0c5ddd3b828..25f5df24362ec7fe06b7c09cc9f352020450e0b9 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/dimensions.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/dimensions.js
@@ -57,62 +57,62 @@ App.Desc.dimensions = function(slave) {
 		const r = [];
 		if (slave.weight > 190) {
 			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") {
-				r.push(either(`perfectly curvy.`, `perfectly plush.`));
+				r.push(jsEither(`perfectly curvy.`, `perfectly plush.`));
 			} else {
-				r.push(`<span class="red">${either(`dangerously fat`, `dangerously overweight`, `extremely obese`)}.</span>`);
+				r.push(`<span class="red">${jsEither(`dangerously fat`, `dangerously overweight`, `extremely obese`)}.</span>`);
 		} else if (slave.weight > 160) {
 			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") {
-				r.push(either(`spectacularly curvy.`, `spectacularly plush.`));
+				r.push(jsEither(`spectacularly curvy.`, `spectacularly plush.`));
 			} else {
-				r.push(`<span class="red">${either(`extremely fat`, `extremely overweight`, `very obese`)}.</span>`);
+				r.push(`<span class="red">${jsEither(`extremely fat`, `extremely overweight`, `very obese`)}.</span>`);
 		} else if (slave.weight > 130) {
 			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") {
-				r.push(either(`amazingly curvy.`, `amazingly plush.`));
+				r.push(jsEither(`amazingly curvy.`, `amazingly plush.`));
 			} else {
-				r.push(`<span class="red">${either(`obese`, `very fat`, `very overweight`)}.</span>`);
+				r.push(`<span class="red">${jsEither(`obese`, `very fat`, `very overweight`)}.</span>`);
 		} else if (slave.weight > 95) {
 			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") {
 				if (slave.hips > 1) {
-					r.push(`${either(`extremely curvy`, `extremely plush`)}, ${his} huge hips complementing ${his} plushness perfectly.`);
+					r.push(`${jsEither(`extremely curvy`, `extremely plush`)}, ${his} huge hips complementing ${his} plushness perfectly.`);
 				} else {
-					r.push(`${either(`extremely curvy`, `extremely plush`)}.`);
+					r.push(`${jsEither(`extremely curvy`, `extremely plush`)}.`);
 			} else if (slave.hips > 1) {
-				r.push(`${either(`extremely curvy`, `extremely plush`)}, but ${his} huge hips make the extra weight attractive on ${him}.`);
+				r.push(`${jsEither(`extremely curvy`, `extremely plush`)}, but ${his} huge hips make the extra weight attractive on ${him}.`);
 			} else {
-				r.push(`<span class="red">${either(`carrying a lot of extra weight`, `fat`, `overweight`)}.</span>`);
+				r.push(`<span class="red">${jsEither(`carrying a lot of extra weight`, `fat`, `overweight`)}.</span>`);
 		} else if (slave.weight > 30) {
 			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") {
 				if (slave.hips > 1) {
-					r.push(`${either(`quite curvy`, `very plush`)}, ${his} motherly hips adding to ${his} soft appeal.`);
+					r.push(`${jsEither(`quite curvy`, `very plush`)}, ${his} motherly hips adding to ${his} soft appeal.`);
 				} else {
-					r.push(`${either(`quite curvy`, `very plush`)}.`);
+					r.push(`${jsEither(`quite curvy`, `very plush`)}.`);
 			} else if (slave.hips > 1) {
-				r.push(`${either(`quite curvy`, `very plush`)}, but ${his} motherly hips make the extra weight attractive on ${him}.`);
+				r.push(`${jsEither(`quite curvy`, `very plush`)}, but ${his} motherly hips make the extra weight attractive on ${him}.`);
 			} else {
-				r.push(`<span class="red">${either(`carrying extra weight`, `chubby`)}.</span>`);
+				r.push(`<span class="red">${jsEither(`carrying extra weight`, `chubby`)}.</span>`);
 		} else if (slave.weight > 10) {
-			r.push(either(`nicely plush.`, `pleasingly curvy.`));
+			r.push(jsEither(`nicely plush.`, `pleasingly curvy.`));
 		} else if (slave.weight >= -10) {
-			r.push(either(`a healthy weight.`, `an attractive weight for ${his} frame.`, `neither too fat nor too skinny.`));
+			r.push(jsEither(`a healthy weight.`, `an attractive weight for ${his} frame.`, `neither too fat nor too skinny.`));
 		} else if (slave.weight >= -30) {
-			r.push(either(`appealingly skinny.`, `pleasingly thin.`));
+			r.push(jsEither(`appealingly skinny.`, `pleasingly thin.`));
 		} else if (slave.weight >= -95) {
 			if (slave.hips > 1) {
-				r.push(`${either(`quite skinny`, `very thin`)}, but ${his} wide hips make the gap between ${his} thighs very noticeable.`);
+				r.push(`${jsEither(`quite skinny`, `very thin`)}, but ${his} wide hips make the gap between ${his} thighs very noticeable.`);
 			} else if (slave.hips < -1) {
-				r.push(`${either(`quite skinny`, `very thin`)}, but ${his} trim hips make ${him} look like a model.`);
+				r.push(`${jsEither(`quite skinny`, `very thin`)}, but ${his} trim hips make ${him} look like a model.`);
 			} else {
-				r.push(`<span class="red">${either(`rail thin`, `too skinny`, `underweight`)}.</span>`);
+				r.push(`<span class="red">${jsEither(`rail thin`, `too skinny`, `underweight`)}.</span>`);
 		} else {
-			r.push(`<span class="red">${either(`dangerously skinny`, `emaciated`)}.</span>`);
+			r.push(`<span class="red">${jsEither(`dangerously skinny`, `emaciated`)}.</span>`);
 		return r.join(" ");
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/drugs.js b/src/npc/descriptions/drugs.js
index 1f4a34e433f593dc0d8f44761f78532c9296f3ea..4609cc969ab188b4ca1559b74d0e90df1cbeb8c3 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/drugs.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/drugs.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.drugs = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, himself, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	let ignoredRule;
 	if (slave.fuckdoll === 0) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/ears.js b/src/npc/descriptions/ears.js
index a0b298074bcda46f20be7d4c0f999eae6c40d918..93ae21425d4f6fb9931534428f753a76165713fe 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/ears.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/ears.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.ears = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	// ear shape description here
 	if (slave.earShape === "none") {
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ App.Desc.ears = function(slave) {
 	} else if (slave.earShape === "robot") {
 		r.push(`${He} has high tech cyber-ears that could be mistaken for headphones.`);// not yet implemented
 	} else if (slave.earShape === "pointy") {
-		r.push(`${His} small, ${either("elfin", "leaf-shaped", "pointed")} ears are quite cute and give ${him} an exotic appearance.`);
+		r.push(`${His} small, ${jsEither("elfin", "leaf-shaped", "pointed")} ears are quite cute and give ${him} an exotic appearance.`);
 	} else if (slave.earShape === "elven") {
-		r.push(`${He} has long, thin elven ears that ${either(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `tend to waggle up and down when ${he} is excited`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
+		r.push(`${He} has long, thin elven ears that ${jsEither(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `tend to waggle up and down when ${he} is excited`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
 	} else if (slave.earShape === "ushi") {
-		r.push(`${He} has long, floppy cow ears.`); // that ${either(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `tend waggle up and down when ${he} is excited`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}. These don't make sense for the most part.
+		r.push(`${He} has long, floppy cow ears.`); // that ${jsEither(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `tend waggle up and down when ${he} is excited`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}. These don't make sense for the most part.
 	if (slave.earT === "neko") {
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ App.Desc.ears = function(slave) {
 				r.push(`sudden noises and`);
-		r.push(`${either(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
 	} else if (slave.earT === "inu") {
 		r.push(`${He} has cute, ${slave.earTColor} dog ears on ${his} head; they`);
 		if (slave.earImplant === 1) {
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ App.Desc.ears = function(slave) {
 				r.push(`sudden noises and`);
-		r.push(`${either(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
 	} else if (slave.earT === "kit") {
 		r.push(`${He} has elegant, ${slave.earTColor} fox ears on ${his} head; they`);
 		if (slave.earImplant === 1) {
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ App.Desc.ears = function(slave) {
 				r.push(`sudden noises and`);
-		r.push(`${either(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
 	} else if (slave.earT === "tanuki") {
 		r.push(`${He} has adorable, ${slave.earTColor}, round tanuki ears on ${his} head; they`);
 		if (slave.earImplant === 1) {
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ App.Desc.ears = function(slave) {
 				r.push(`sudden noises and`);
-		r.push(`${either(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
 	} else if (slave.earT === "usagi") {
 		r.push(`${He} has long, ${slave.earTColor}, fluffy rabbit ears on ${his} head; they`);
 		if (slave.earImplant === 1) {
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ App.Desc.ears = function(slave) {
 				r.push(`sudden noises and`);
-		r.push(`${either(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
+		r.push(`${jsEither(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
 	} else if (slave.earT === "normal") {
 		r.push(`${He} has`);
 		if (slave.earShape !== "none") {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/face.js b/src/npc/descriptions/face.js
index 6106b94c93afcb41198b5d7af56492f5a46725d9..eb3c7d6aaf64c9dc81581b372461e14a5f536b5d 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/face.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/face.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.face = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	r.push(`${His} <span class="pink">face is`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/heels.js b/src/npc/descriptions/heels.js
index 2d68c7f8d7e27924534b1f227a07c2ffd4ed35d7..dd159688cb98e2c63aadff31a2b51cae5c10f3f8 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/heels.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/heels.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.heels = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.heels === 1 && hasAnyLegs(slave)) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/heightImplant.js b/src/npc/descriptions/heightImplant.js
index 70360ad026447b24a5f211bc09b6cb89ec49a98b..498c780ca9f91ee2ca9415430b47e7a0f20e9ce6 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/heightImplant.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/heightImplant.js
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
 App.Desc.heightImplant = function(slave) {
 	let r = [];
-	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
-	} = getPronouns(slave);
+	const {his} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.heightImplant > 1) {
 		r = limbs();
 		r.push(`are wrong; it's obvious that they have been artificially lengthened.`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/hips.js b/src/npc/descriptions/hips.js
index 3af4a1c094806ae1c31469dfce339353e6777adc..72c2209d1c16de3adf9175e9bd6e4cc15182edb6 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/hips.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/hips.js
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@
 App.Desc.hips = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
-	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
-	} = getPronouns(slave);
+	const {his} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.hips < -1) {
 		if (slave.butt > 2) {
 			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadence !== "unset") {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/horns.js b/src/npc/descriptions/horns.js
index a8ad3d4c4f91cc80a791620ce7c581d7a8c89abe..a50f4475f4ab1c4aadd171a3b97528946a115633 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/horns.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/horns.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.horns = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, his, He
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.horn === "curved succubus horns") {
 		r.push(`${He} has`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/mouth.js b/src/npc/descriptions/mouth.js
index a61e2d37959bdd19ce33ab2a929931966d104027..b5620910631e191e2b3779797f08713492ef8749 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/mouth.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/mouth.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.mouth = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His, woman, girl
+		he, him, his, He, His, woman, girl
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	r.push(`${He} has`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/name.js b/src/npc/descriptions/name.js
index 7967f98bdb7c7e61e5c17950bb362ebed43ba516..7afd2ff13395d1d0d587c903580ff9bd711a245a 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/name.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/name.js
@@ -8,36 +8,36 @@ App.Desc.name = function(slave) {
 		he, his, He
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.slaveName !== slave.birthName || slave.slaveSurname !== slave.birthSurname) {
-		let nameloss = 0;
+		let nameLoss = 0;
 		if (slave.fuckdoll === 0) {
 			if (slave.slaveName !== slave.birthName && slave.slaveSurname !== slave.birthSurname) {
 				r.push(`${SlaveFullName(slave)} is not ${his} original full name;`);
 				if (slave.birthName === "" || slave.birthSurname === "") {
 					r.push(`whatever it was, however, has been lost forever.`);
-					nameloss = 1;
+					nameLoss = 1;
 			} else if (slave.slaveName !== slave.birthName) {
 				r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is not ${his} original given name;`);
 				if (slave.birthName === "") {
 					r.push(`whatever it was, however, has been lost forever.`);
-					nameloss = 1;
+					nameLoss = 1;
 			} else if (slave.slaveSurname !== slave.birthSurname) {
 				if (slave.slaveSurname === 0 && slave.birthSurname === "") {
 					r.push(`${He} once had a surname; whatever it was, however, has been lost forever.`);
-					nameloss = 1;
+					nameLoss = 1;
 				} else if (slave.slaveSurname !== 0) {
 					r.push(`${slave.slaveSurname} is not ${his} original surname;`);
 					if (slave.birthSurname === "") {
 						r.push(`whatever it was, however, has been lost forever.`);
-						nameloss = 1;
+						nameLoss = 1;
 				} else {
-					nameloss = 1;
+					nameLoss = 1;
 			if (slave.birthName !== "" || slave.birthSurname !== "") {
-				if (nameloss === 1) {
+				if (nameLoss === 1) {
 				} else {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/shoulders.js b/src/npc/descriptions/shoulders.js
index 4f1dceae5929d0431be779d5d8f4ca766264f2bb..0cbbbe20bfb1a4077f06587705c7912ce90bfc76 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/shoulders.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/shoulders.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.shoulders = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		him, his, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.fuckdoll === 0) {
 		if (slave.shoulders < -1) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/skin.js b/src/npc/descriptions/skin.js
index 6bd663641ac4a9b38a164aeb6832a2d37fa1b676..ce7392890f572f7c139427a9c6894c70be8e77cb 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/skin.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/skin.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.skin = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	let r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, his, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.fuckdoll > 0) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/style/collar.js b/src/npc/descriptions/style/collar.js
index 5e402075de9c26a19ff7d9c7ed062980bacc78f2..e1b6787a4b1b6f08e12c92f9ccd0ea4d8567870d 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/style/collar.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/style/collar.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.collar = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	let daddy;
-	const pregCollar = either(1, 2, 3);
+	const pregCollar = jsEither(1, 2, 3);
 	const {
 		he, him, his, He
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/style/footwear.js b/src/npc/descriptions/style/footwear.js
index c5a17284320457df4f35b22b52197936898684bc..2899f2ebf18a04629af176ffe29b6e3c68cdd8d6 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/style/footwear.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/style/footwear.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.footwear = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, He
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (hasAnyLegs(slave)) {
 		switch (slave.clothes) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/style/hair.js b/src/npc/descriptions/style/hair.js
index 088fbeb551a3587edc6ee29afa2bc504bde16eb9..0da7d91d403eb8313743c495e5505295b6953908 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/style/hair.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/style/hair.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.hair = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		his, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	const hairLength = slave.hLength / slave.height;
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/style/hairClothing.js b/src/npc/descriptions/style/hairClothing.js
index 3d553e04c073a50e93f1739b85605fd93a8484ae..f77ef2c347b7a84b304c2fe3dc0db663188429ea 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/style/hairClothing.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/style/hairClothing.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 App.Desc.hairClothing = function(slave) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (slave.fuckdoll === 0) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/waist.js b/src/npc/descriptions/waist.js
index 4e885748d63fce6f77ba6a717f1626e687da1140..37df44eb601959ea5ed83a5b4996a9eedd172910 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/waist.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/waist.js
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ App.Desc.waist = function(slave) {
 		belly = bellyAdjective(slave);
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, girl, He, His, woman
+		he, him, his, girl, He, His, woman
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	r.push(`${He} has`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js b/src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js
index 8d38aefc24a75450b84864fdbf4d1238a2712097..d18ae63252b5244397325d36f3bc856a8165a0bf 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/womb/pregnancy.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.pregnancy = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		he, him, his, himself, He, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	let daddy;
 	if (slave.pregSource > 0) {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/womb/superfetation.js b/src/npc/descriptions/womb/superfetation.js
index f0046d6d431252593344b757cdad9c2382ac8d9e..47e49d634bbb8852d0a43561823d23103c73a3c1 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/womb/superfetation.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/womb/superfetation.js
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 App.Desc.superfetation = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	const r = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His
+		his, His
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	let lsd;
 	let daddy;
diff --git a/src/npc/generate/generateGenetics.js b/src/npc/generate/generateGenetics.js
index 8e119e198680560dd547a20b25a3da46e4c205ec..85b3c6419e7f0ab5e77c1c3906ee411089f584ac 100644
--- a/src/npc/generate/generateGenetics.js
+++ b/src/npc/generate/generateGenetics.js
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ globalThis.generateGenetics = (function() {
 		return sourceSpermY;
-	// generation chance of y-chormosome carrying sperm
+	// generation chance of y-chromosome carrying sperm
 	function setSpermY(father, mother) {
 		// Y-linked trait, so figure out where the Y chromosome is coming from and start from there
 		return normalRandInt(getSpermY(father, mother), 5); // mutation
@@ -708,8 +708,8 @@ globalThis.generateGenetics = (function() {
 			androgyny: 0
 		let chance = 0;
-		let fathergenes = 0;
-		let genetarget = 0;
+		let fatherGenes = 0;
+		let geneTarget = 0;
 		// during BC WombInit, the mother has been updated but the father might not have been yet.
 		// if the father is defined but doesn't have genetic quirks, just ignore him
@@ -727,11 +727,11 @@ globalThis.generateGenetics = (function() {
 		// Sex-linked recessive: ???
 		// realism would be, looking at hypothetical x-carried gene that by its nature can only affect women
-		// Male carrier, female with condition:		100% of daughters have condition, 100% of sons carriers					genetotal 3
-		// Normal male, female with condition:		100% of daughters are carriers, 100% of sons are carriers				genetotal 2
-		// Carrier male, carrier female:			50% of daughters have condition, 50% carriers; 50% of sons carriers.	genetotal 2
-		// Normal male, carrier female:				50% of daughters carriers,	50% of sons carriers						genetotal 1
-		// Carrier male, normal female:				100% of daughters carriers, sons normal									genetotal 1
+		// Male carrier, female with condition:		100% of daughters have condition, 100% of sons carriers					geneTotal 3
+		// Normal male, female with condition:		100% of daughters are carriers, 100% of sons are carriers				geneTotal 2
+		// Carrier male, carrier female:			50% of daughters have condition, 50% carriers; 50% of sons carriers.	geneTotal 2
+		// Normal male, carrier female:				50% of daughters carriers,	50% of sons carriers						geneTotal 1
+		// Carrier male, normal female:				100% of daughters carriers, sons normal									geneTotal 1
 		// Sex-linked traits (fertility-affecting, well-hung) left handled by the old method; latter made mirror image to former.
@@ -933,196 +933,196 @@ globalThis.generateGenetics = (function() {
 		// perfect face
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.pFace;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.pFace;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.pFace + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.pFace + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.pFace = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.pFace = 1;
 		// ugly face
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.uFace;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.uFace;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.uFace + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.uFace + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.uFace = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.uFace = 1;
 		// gigantism
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.gigantism;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.gigantism;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.gigantism + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.gigantism + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.gigantism = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.gigantism = 1;
 		// dwarfism
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.dwarfism;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.dwarfism;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.dwarfism + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.dwarfism + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.dwarfism = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.dwarfism = 1;
 		// albinism
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.albinism;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.albinism;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.albinism + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.albinism + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.albinism = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.albinism = 1;
 		// heterochromia
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.heterochromia;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.heterochromia;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.heterochromia + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.heterochromia + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.heterochromia = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.heterochromia = 1;
 		// rear lipedema
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.rearLipedema;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.rearLipedema;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.rearLipedema + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.rearLipedema + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.rearLipedema = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.rearLipedema = 1;
 		// Gigantomastia
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.gigantomastia;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.gigantomastia;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.gigantomastia + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.gigantomastia + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.gigantomastia = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.gigantomastia = 1;
 		// Macromastia
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.macromastia;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.macromastia;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.macromastia + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.macromastia + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.macromastia = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.macromastia = 1;
 		// myotonic hypertrophy
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.mGain;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.mGain;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.mGain + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.mGain + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.mGain = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.mGain = 1;
 		// myotonic dystrophy
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.mLoss;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.mLoss;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.mLoss + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.mLoss + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.mLoss = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.mLoss = 1;
 		// hyperleptinemia
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.wGain;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.wGain;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.wGain + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.wGain + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.wGain = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.wGain = 1;
 		// hypoleptinemia
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.wLoss;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.wLoss;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.wLoss + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.wLoss + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.wLoss = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.wLoss = 1;
 		// androgyny
 		if (father !== 0) {
-			fathergenes = father.geneticQuirks.androgyny;
+			fatherGenes = father.geneticQuirks.androgyny;
-		genetarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.androgyny + fathergenes);
-		if (genetarget >= 2) {
+		geneTarget = Math.pow(2, mother.geneticQuirks.androgyny + fatherGenes);
+		if (geneTarget >= 2) {
 			chance = jsRandom(1, 16);
-			if (chance <= genetarget) {
+			if (chance <= geneTarget) {
 				quirks.androgyny = 2;
-			} else if (chance <= 3 * genetarget) {
+			} else if (chance <= 3 * geneTarget) {
 				quirks.androgyny = 1;
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@ globalThis.generateGenetics = (function() {
  * @param {number} destination Optional
  * @returns {App.Entity.SlaveState|App.Entity.InfantState}
-globalThis.generateChild = function (mother, ovum, incubator=false) {
+globalThis.generateChild = function(mother, ovum, incubator=false) {
 	let genes = ovum.genetics; // TODO: maybe just argument this? We'll see.
 	let child = {};
@@ -1244,9 +1244,9 @@ globalThis.generateChild = function (mother, ovum, incubator=false) {
 			child.premature = 1;
 		if (child.geneticQuirks.dwarfism === 2 && child.geneticQuirks.gigantism !== 2) {
-			child.height = Height.random(child, { limitMult: [-4, -1], spread: 0.15 });
+			child.height = Height.random(child, {limitMult: [-4, -1], spread: 0.15});
 		} else if (child.geneticQuirks.gigantism === 2 && child.geneticQuirks.dwarfism !== 2) {
-			child.height = Height.random(child, { limitMult: [3, 10], spread: 0.15 });
+			child.height = Height.random(child, {limitMult: [3, 10], spread: 0.15});
 		child.face = genes.face;
 		child.underArmHStyle = genes.underArmHStyle;
diff --git a/src/npc/generate/generateMarketSlave.js b/src/npc/generate/generateMarketSlave.js
index 048c48b543107bcf1f3fc2d2ecf7ccfddb8d4600..c214b6c8f66d42c3fbec5bcedd792ebec86f9a38 100644
--- a/src/npc/generate/generateMarketSlave.js
+++ b/src/npc/generate/generateMarketSlave.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
  * @param {string} [market="kidnappers"]
  * @param {number} [numArcology=1] Defaults to 1 (V.arcologies[1]) since it refers to neighboring arcology, and V.arcologies[0] is the player's arcology.
- * @returns {{text:string, slave:Object}}
+ * @returns {{text: string, slave: object}}
 globalThis.generateMarketSlave = function(market = "kidnappers", numArcology = 1) {
 	let r = ``;
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ globalThis.generateMarketSlave = function(market = "kidnappers", numArcology = 1
 			if (V.arcologies[market].FSBodyPurist > 80) {
 				r += `They're quite pristine, free of any genomic damage or addictions regardless of any transformations they've had. `;
-				// clean out any changes those filthy impure degradationsts may have made
+				// clean out any changes those filthy impure degradationists may have made
 				slave.brand = {};
 				slave.scar = {};
 				slave.chem = 0;
@@ -1551,7 +1551,7 @@ globalThis.generateMarketSlave = function(market = "kidnappers", numArcology = 1
 		case "TUO": {
 			SGProp.minAge = V.minimumSlaveAge;
-			SGProp.maxAge = Math.max(V.fertilityAge + jsRandom(0,1), V.minimumSlaveAge + jsRandom(0,3));
+			SGProp.maxAge = Math.max(V.fertilityAge + jsRandom(0, 1), V.minimumSlaveAge + jsRandom(0, 3));
 			SGProp.disableDisability = 1;
 			slave = GenerateNewSlave("", SGProp);
 			slave.origin = "You bought $him from The Utopian Orphanage right after $his graduation.";
@@ -1565,12 +1565,12 @@ globalThis.generateMarketSlave = function(market = "kidnappers", numArcology = 1
 				slave.intelligenceImplant = 30;
 				slave.accent = 1;
 				slave.skill.entertainment = 75;
-				slave.skill.combat = jsEither(0,1,1);
+				slave.skill.combat = jsEither(0, 1, 1);
 			} else {
 				slave.face = random(10, 65);
 				slave.intelligence = Intelligence.random({limitIntelligence: [35, 75]});
 				slave.intelligenceImplant = 15;
-				slave.accent = jsEither(0,1);
+				slave.accent = jsEither(0, 1);
 				slave.skill.entertainment = 45;
 				slave.skill.combat = 0;
@@ -1579,28 +1579,28 @@ globalThis.generateMarketSlave = function(market = "kidnappers", numArcology = 1
 				slave.skill.oral = 15;
 				slave.skill.anal = 15;
 				slave.skill.whoring = 15;
-				slave.energy = jsRandom(40,95);
+				slave.energy = jsRandom(40, 95);
 			} else {
 				slave.skill.vaginal = 0;
 				slave.skill.oral = 0;
 				slave.skill.anal = 0;
 				slave.skill.whoring = 0;
-				slave.energy = jsRandom(15,65);
+				slave.energy = jsRandom(15, 65);
 			slave.faceImplant = 0;
-			slave.weight = jsRandom(-17,17);
-			slave.muscles = jsRandom(0,20);
-			slave.lips = jsRandom(10,40);
+			slave.weight = jsRandom(-17, 17);
+			slave.muscles = jsRandom(0, 20);
+			slave.lips = jsRandom(10, 40);
 			slave.lipsImplant = 0;
 			if (slave.physicalAge > 16) {
-				slave.boobs = jsEither(200, jsRandom(200,400), jsRandom(200, 950));
+				slave.boobs = jsEither(200, jsRandom(200, 400), jsRandom(200, 950));
 			} else if (slave.physicalAge <= 16 && slave.physicalAge > 13) {
 				slave.boobs = jsEither(200, jsRandom(200, 400));
 			} else {
 				slave.boobs = 200;
 			slave.boobsImplant = 0;
-			slave.butt = jsRandom(0,2);
+			slave.butt = jsRandom(0, 2);
 			slave.buttImplant = 0;
 			slave.vagina = 0;
 			slave.anus = 0;
diff --git a/src/npc/generate/generateNewSlaveJS.js b/src/npc/generate/generateNewSlaveJS.js
index c7d9d31776e813fb381fe43477748761e872c9eb..5f5b28b5063e9a033fbc4c5754f761ec22e4607f 100644
--- a/src/npc/generate/generateNewSlaveJS.js
+++ b/src/npc/generate/generateNewSlaveJS.js
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ globalThis.GenerateNewSlave = (function() {
 	 * @returns {App.Entity.SlaveState}
 	 * @param {?string} sex "XY" or "XX", or "" or null to use default rules
-	 * @param {Object} [Obj]
+	 * @param {object} [Obj]
 	 * @param {number} [Obj.minAge]
 	 * @param {number} [Obj.maxAge]
 	 * @param {number} [Obj.ageOverridesPedoMode=0] 0 or 1.
@@ -1798,7 +1798,7 @@ globalThis.GenerateNewSlave = (function() {
 globalThis.generateSalonModifications = function(slave) {
-	/*hair dyes*/
+	/* hair dyes*/
 	if ( (jsRandom(1, 50) === 1) || ((jsRandom(1, 20) === 1) && ["southern european", "white"].includes(slave.race)) ) {
 		slave.hColor = jsEither(["jet black", "black", "black", "dark brown", "brown", "chestnut", "chocolate", "amber", "golden", "blonde", "blonde", "blonde", "platinum blonde", "platinum blonde", "auburn", "ginger", "copper"]);
 		if (jsRandom(1, 10) === 1 || (["jet black", "black", "dark brown", "brown", "chestnut", "chocolate"].includes(slave.hColor) && jsRandom(1, 10) !== 1)) {
@@ -1817,7 +1817,7 @@ globalThis.generateSalonModifications = function(slave) {
 		slave.underArmHColor = slave.hColor;
-	/*hair style*/
+	/* hair style*/
 	if ( (["black", "mixed race"].includes(slave.race) && (jsRandom(1, 3) === 1)) || (jsRandom(1, 15) === 1) ) {
 		slave.hStyle = jsEither(["dreadlocks", "cornrows", "afro"]);
 	} else if (jsRandom(1, 5) === 1) {
@@ -1848,11 +1848,11 @@ globalThis.generateSalonModifications = function(slave) {
 			if (["Swedish"].includes(slave.nationality) || ["southern european", "latina", "indo-aryan", "middle eastern", "semitic"].includes(slave.race)) {
 				tan_chance += 5;
-			/*certain jobs being more likely to expose you to harmful solar radiation*/
+			/* certain jobs being more likely to expose you to harmful solar radiation*/
 			if (["a beggar", "a bimbo", "a construction worker", "a courier", "a gardener", "a delivery woman", "a farm laborer", "a farmer's daughter", "a farmer", "a farmhand", "a lifeguard", "a personal trainer", "a rancher", "a shepherd", "a street performer", "a street vendor", "a student athlete", "a tour guide", "a trophy wife", "an athlete", "an exotic dancer", "homeless"].includes(slave.career)) {
 				tan_chance += 10;
-			/*certain areas expose people to more harmful solar radiation*/
+			/* certain areas expose people to more harmful solar radiation*/
 			if (["the Middle East", "South America", "Africa", "Australia"].includes(V.continent)) {
 				tan_chance += 5;
diff --git a/src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js b/src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js
index 832945f4cc7e421e391e3cd92868d80d6353503d..96c0c5aa34c14c4a4a2b3dc43bf8545fb1402472 100644
--- a/src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js
+++ b/src/npc/generate/generateRelatedSlave.js
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
 	function makeTwin(slave) {
 		/* twins are physically identical, change only mental traits. */
-		randomiseFetishFlaws(slave);
+		randomizeFetishFlaws(slave);
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
-		randomiseFetishFlaws(slave);
+		randomizeFetishFlaws(slave);
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
-		randomiseFetishFlaws(slave);
+		randomizeFetishFlaws(slave);
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
 			slave.counter.birthsTotal = 0;
-		randomiseFetishFlaws(slave);
+		randomizeFetishFlaws(slave);
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
 			slave.counter.birthsTotal = 1;
-		randomiseFetishFlaws(slave);
+		randomizeFetishFlaws(slave);
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
 	 * Randomize fetish and flaws
 	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave
-	function randomiseFetishFlaws(slave) {
+	function randomizeFetishFlaws(slave) {
 		slave.fetishStrength = random(0, 90);
 		slave.fetish = either("buttslut", "cumslut", "dom", "humiliation", "masochist", "boobs", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "none", "pregnancy", "sadist", "submissive");
 		slave.behavioralFlaw = either("anorexic", "arrogant", "bitchy", "devout", "gluttonous", "hates men", "hates women", "liberated", "none", "none", "none", "odd");
@@ -418,11 +418,11 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
-	 * Give a slave a realistic chance to activate a sexlinked genetic quirk which her opposite-sex relative was only a carrier for.
+	 * Give a slave a realistic chance to activate a sex-linked genetic quirk which her opposite-sex relative was only a carrier for.
 	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave - the slave to adjust
 	 * @param {string} quirk - the sex-linked quirk to test
-	function activateSexlinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, quirk) {
+	function activateSexLinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, quirk) {
 		if (slave.geneticQuirks[quirk] === 1) {
 			if (random(1, 4) > 3) {
 				slave.geneticQuirks[quirk] = 2;
@@ -431,11 +431,11 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
-	 * Make a slave a carrier for a genetic sexlinked quirk which her opposite-sex relative had active.
+	 * Make a slave a carrier for a genetic sex-linked quirk which her opposite-sex relative had active.
 	 * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} slave - the slave to adjust
 	 * @param {string} quirk - the sex-linked quirk to test
-	function deactivateSexlinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, quirk) {
+	function deactivateSexLinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, quirk) {
 		if (slave.geneticQuirks[quirk] === 2) {
 			slave.geneticQuirks[quirk] = 1;
@@ -449,9 +449,9 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
 		slave.genes = "XX";
 		slave.pronoun = App.Data.Pronouns.Kind.female;
-		// activate/deactivate sexlinked genetic quirks
-		["wellHung"].forEach((q) => deactivateSexlinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, q));
-		["fertility", "hyperFertility", "macromastia", "gigantomastia"].forEach((q) => activateSexlinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, q));
+		// activate/deactivate sex-linked genetic quirks
+		["wellHung"].forEach((q) => deactivateSexLinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, q));
+		["fertility", "hyperFertility", "macromastia", "gigantomastia"].forEach((q) => activateSexLinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, q));
 		// alter body proportions
 		slave.hips = Math.clamp(slave.hips + 1, -2, 2);
@@ -500,9 +500,9 @@ globalThis.generateRelatedSlave = (function() {
 		slave.genes = "XY";
 		slave.pronoun = App.Data.Pronouns.Kind.male;
-		// activate/deactivate sexlinked genetic quirks
-		["wellHung"].forEach((q) => activateSexlinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, q));
-		["fertility", "hyperFertility", "macromastia", "gigantomastia"].forEach((q) => deactivateSexlinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, q));
+		// activate/deactivate sex-linked genetic quirks
+		["wellHung"].forEach((q) => activateSexLinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, q));
+		["fertility", "hyperFertility", "macromastia", "gigantomastia"].forEach((q) => deactivateSexLinkedGeneticQuirk(slave, q));
 		// alter body proportions
 		slave.hips = Math.clamp(slave.hips - 1, -2, 2);
diff --git a/src/npc/generate/heroCreator.js b/src/npc/generate/heroCreator.js
index c579200f0e4aa58e929643ea40c21f16b6adfd47..0da21a4a1f8171fac4ac74e3f9108496a26859d4 100644
--- a/src/npc/generate/heroCreator.js
+++ b/src/npc/generate/heroCreator.js
@@ -141,7 +141,11 @@ App.Utils.getHeroSlave = function(heroSlave) {
 		/* The twins — Camille & Kennerly */
 		for (let k = 0; k < V.slaves.length; k++) {
 			if (areSisters(V.slaves[k], newSlave) > 0) {
-				newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge, newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.birthWeek = V.slaves[k].birthWeek;
+				newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge;
+				newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+				newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+				newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+				newSlave.birthWeek = V.slaves[k].birthWeek;
@@ -150,9 +154,15 @@ App.Utils.getHeroSlave = function(heroSlave) {
 		for (let k = 0; k < V.slaves.length; k++) {
 			if (areSisters(V.slaves[k], newSlave) > 0) {
 				if (newSlave.birthName === "Elisa") {
-					newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge - 1, newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge - 1;
+					newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
 				} else if (newSlave.birthName === "Martin") {
-					newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge + 1, newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge + 1;
+					newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
@@ -162,9 +172,15 @@ App.Utils.getHeroSlave = function(heroSlave) {
 		for (let k = 0; k < V.slaves.length; k++) {
 			if (areSisters(V.slaves[k], newSlave) > 0) {
 				if (newSlave.birthName === "Green Grape") {
-					newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge - 5, newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge - 5;
+					newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
 				} else if (newSlave.birthName === "Purple Grape") {
-					newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge + 5, newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge, newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.actualAge = V.slaves[k].actualAge + 5;
+					newSlave.physicalAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.visualAge = newSlave.actualAge;
+					newSlave.ovaryAge = newSlave.actualAge;
diff --git a/src/npc/generate/lawCompliance.js b/src/npc/generate/lawCompliance.js
index c5801fe3cbff6a4baaf7587776eac97192fd161c..414e476f5bde3b72c88954d9f3848cd27b45d2ad 100644
--- a/src/npc/generate/lawCompliance.js
+++ b/src/npc/generate/lawCompliance.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ App.Desc.lawCompliance = function(slave, market = 0) {
 	let r = [];
 	const fearList = [];
 	const {
-		he, him, his, hers, himself, boy, He, His, girl
+		he, him, his, himself, He, His, girl
 	} = getPronouns(slave);
 	if (V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiastSMR === 1) {
diff --git a/src/npc/infants/infantSummary.js b/src/npc/infants/infantSummary.js
index c3dda62a3060ffcacbcf2cb0669dde5432b8dbe8..9e1cb4dd19244367f1691c2d09038bcefe541d38 100644
--- a/src/npc/infants/infantSummary.js
+++ b/src/npc/infants/infantSummary.js
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.InfantSummary = function(child) {
 	// function health() {
-		// if (abbreviate.health === 1) {
-		// 	return shortHealth();
-		// } else if (abbreviate.health === 2) {
-		// 	return longHealth();
-		// }
+	// if (abbreviate.health === 1) {
+	// 	return shortHealth();
+	// } else if (abbreviate.health === 2) {
+	// 	return longHealth();
+	// }
 	// }
 	function description() {
@@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.InfantSummary = function(child) {
 	function shortExtendedFamily() {
-			{ daughter, sister } = getPronouns(child);
+			{daughter, sister} = getPronouns(child);
 			handled = 0,
@@ -1721,7 +1721,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.InfantSummary = function(child) {
 	function longExtendedFamily() {
-			{ daughter, sister } = getPronouns(child);
+			{daughter, sister} = getPronouns(child);
 			handled = 0,
@@ -1861,7 +1861,7 @@ App.Facilities.Nursery.InfantSummary = function(child) {
 		if (child.rivalry !== 0) {
 			r += `&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`;
-			const _ssj = V.slaves.findIndex(function (s) {
+			const _ssj = V.slaves.findIndex(function(s) {
 				return s.ID === child.rivalryTarget;
 			if (_ssj !== -1) {
diff --git a/src/npc/interaction/fAbuse.tw b/src/npc/interaction/fAbuse.tw
index b764505c3566b13972d92eec0f0da9a12080b9c6..ec85b8c0c260a0f53e8d53977c386211bbfd0e7a 100644
--- a/src/npc/interaction/fAbuse.tw
+++ b/src/npc/interaction/fAbuse.tw
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-<<set _asspain = 0>>
+<<set _assPain = 0>>
 <<if !hasAnyLegs(getSlave($AS))>>
 	You set $his helpless form down for abuse. Brutalizing $him is almost childishly easy; $his <<if hasAnyArms(getSlave($AS))>>leg<<else>>limb<</if>>less torso leaves $him at your mercy.
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ from your victim.
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).chastityVagina) && canDoAnal(getSlave($AS))>>
 	The bitch's wearing a chastity belt, so $he isn't surprised when you shove <<if ($PC.dick == 0)>>the strap-on<<else>>your dick<</if>> up $his butt. What surprises $him is when you slide a finger or two in alongside your dick to stretch $him to the point of pain.
 	<<= VCheck.Anal()>>
-	<<set _asspain = 1>>
+	<<set _assPain = 1>>
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).vagina == 0)>>
 	The bitch's still a virgin and you don't mean to take that now, but you torture $him with the threat of raping $his virgin pussy for a while before settling for $his gagging throat.
 	<<set getSlave($AS).counter.oral++, $oralTotal++>>
@@ -403,15 +403,15 @@ from your victim.
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).anus == 1)>>
 	The bitch's butt is tight, so you ram <<if ($PC.dick == 0)>>the strap-on<<else>>your dick<</if>> into $him without lubricant and sodomize $him as hard as you can without damaging your property.<<if ($PC.vagina != -1) && ($PC.dick != 0)>> Fortunately for $him, this gets you so wet that some of your pussyjuice makes it down onto your shaft and serves as improvised lube.<</if>> $His asshole spasms with the pain of the rape. You cum explosively.
 	<<= VCheck.Anal()>>
-	<<set _asspain = 1>>
+	<<set _assPain = 1>>
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick > 0) && (getSlave($AS).scrotum > 0)>>
 	You ram <<if ($PC.dick == 0)>>the strap-on<<else>>your dick<</if>> into $his sissy butt without lubricant. As $he flinches you announce that $he'll be taking part in giving $himself anal pain. $He humps into you lamely, so you administer a truly agonizing slap to $his balls<<if ($PC.dick == 0)>><<else>> that makes $his anal ring stiffen deliciously around your dick<</if>>. To avoid further punishment $he fucks $himself against you almost hard enough to hurt $himself.<<if ($PC.vagina != -1) && ($PC.dick != 0)>> Fortunately for $him, this gets you so wet that some of your pussyjuice makes it down onto your shaft and serves as improvised lube.<</if>> You orgasm explosively.
 	<<= VCheck.Anal()>>
-	<<set _asspain = 1>>
+	<<set _assPain = 1>>
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick > 0)>>
 	You ram <<if ($PC.dick == 0)>>the strap-on<<else>>your dick<</if>> into $his gelded butt without lubricant and sodomize $him as hard as you can without damaging your property.<<if $PC.vagina != -1>> Fortunately for $him, this gets you so wet that some of your pussyjuice makes it down onto your shaft and serves as improvised lube.<</if>> $He's such a slut that $he shows signs of enjoyment, but you put a stop to that whenever it happens by slapping and flicking $his cock. You cum explosively.
 	<<= VCheck.Anal()>>
-	<<set _asspain = 1>>
+	<<set _assPain = 1>>
 	$He's got no special physical targets for abuse, so you just rape $him hard and fast, raining stinging slaps down on $him as you do. $He cries and whimpers; you finish.
 	<<= VCheck.Both()>>
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ from your victim.
 <<if (getSlave($AS).ID !== $BodyguardID)>>
 	<<if getSlave($AS).minorInjury == 0>>
-		<<if _asspain == 1>>
+		<<if _assPain == 1>>
 			The anal rape leaves $him with a sore butthole.
 		<<elseif random(1,100) > 50>>
 			<<set getSlave($AS).minorInjury = either("black eye", "bruise", "split lip")>>
diff --git a/src/npc/interaction/fDance.tw b/src/npc/interaction/fDance.tw
index d53bee364747b24278f9409f1bae1bc4a4c012dc..352a27fd03892248ea32ded254acf4e1f3c92818 100644
--- a/src/npc/interaction/fDance.tw
+++ b/src/npc/interaction/fDance.tw
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@ It's not over yet, though. You tell your slave that it's time to incorporate som
 			<<case "attractive lingerie for a pregnant woman">>
 				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s
 				<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 12000>>
-					top has been retailored to fit $his enormous bust. The ample breast flesh almost completely consumes $his silken lingerie. $His silken vest is barely visible behind $his massive tits.
+					top has been re-tailored to fit $his enormous bust. The ample breast flesh almost completely consumes $his silken lingerie. $His silken vest is barely visible behind $his massive tits.
 				<<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs > 4000>>
 					gigantic tits dwarf $his tiny top. It barely manages to cover $his nipples. $His silken vest is parted to either side of $his breasts.
 				<<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs > 800>>
diff --git a/src/npc/interaction/fFeet.tw b/src/npc/interaction/fFeet.tw
index ed12652f7c9999442742ac852b8b960841a1965e..90681b275bbc1c92e89352d92ba3ecb423608c0c 100644
--- a/src/npc/interaction/fFeet.tw
+++ b/src/npc/interaction/fFeet.tw
@@ -72,66 +72,66 @@
 <<if getSlave($AS).boobs >= 30000>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "skip">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "skip">>
 	<<set _boobs = "room filling">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 20000>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "beanbag sized">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "beanbag sized">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 8500>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "obscenely massive">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "obscenely massive">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 8000>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "Z-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "Z-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 7500>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "Y-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "Y-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 7000>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "X-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "X-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 6500>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "V-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "V-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 5500>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "U-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "U-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 5100>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "T-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "T-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 4700>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "S-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "S-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 4300>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "R-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "R-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 3950>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "Q-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "Q-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 3600>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "P-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "P-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 3250>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "O-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "O-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 2900>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "N-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "N-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 2600>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "M-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "M-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 2300>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "L-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "L-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 2050>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "K-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "K-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 1800>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "J-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "J-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 1600>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "I-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "I-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 1400>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "H-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "H-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 1200>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "G-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "G-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 1000>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "F-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "F-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 800>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "DD-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "DD-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 650>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "D-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "D-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 400>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "C-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "C-cup">>
 <<elseif getSlave($AS).boobs >= 300>>
-	<<set _boobsa = "B-cup">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "B-cup">>
-	<<set _boobsa = "skip">>
+	<<set _boobsA = "skip">>
 	<<set _boobs = "flat">>
-<<if _boobsa != "skip">>
-	<<set _boobs = _boobsa + " " + getSlave($AS).boobShape>>
+<<if _boobsA != "skip">>
+	<<set _boobs = _boobsA + " " + getSlave($AS).boobShape>>
 <<if getSlave($AS).balls == 1>>
diff --git a/src/npc/interaction/fSlaveSlaveVagConsummate.tw b/src/npc/interaction/fSlaveSlaveVagConsummate.tw
index b6d8636bc430e874ebd1cfee196aa592d9ce6864..90556062224ba7cfa0903ced843810ae0a822df3 100644
--- a/src/npc/interaction/fSlaveSlaveVagConsummate.tw
+++ b/src/npc/interaction/fSlaveSlaveVagConsummate.tw
@@ -9,25 +9,25 @@
 <<set $slaverapistx.counter.penetrative++, $penetrativeTotal++>>
 <<if $slaverapistx.dick == 1>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "pathetic">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "pathetic">>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.dick == 2)>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "tiny">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "tiny">>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.dick == 3)>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "average">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "average">>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.dick == 4)>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "big">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "big">>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.dick == 5)>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "huge">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "huge">>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.dick == 6)>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "gigantic">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "gigantic">>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.dick == 7)>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "titanic">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "titanic">>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.dick == 8)>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "absurd">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "absurd">>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.dick == 9)>>
-	<<set _dicksize = "inhuman">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "inhuman">>
-	<<set _dicksize = "obscene">>
+	<<set _dickSize = "obscene">>
 <<if areRelated(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>
@@ -37,26 +37,26 @@
 You take a look at the slave you selected.
 <<if ($slaverapistx.fetish == "dom") && ($slaverapistx.fetishStrength > 20) && ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
-	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName loves to dominate others it's not hard to get _his2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize dick<<else>>massive clit<</if>> ready.
+	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName loves to dominate others it's not hard to get _his2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize dick<<else>>massive clit<</if>> ready.
 	<<if ($slaverapistx.attrXX > 65)>>
 		With _his2 love of pussy, _he2 becomes aroused indecently fast.
-		_His2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize cock<<else>>massive clit<</if>> quickly swells to a throbbing erection at the prospect of forcing _himself2 on another slave.
+		_His2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize cock<<else>>massive clit<</if>> quickly swells to a throbbing erection at the prospect of forcing _himself2 on another slave.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "sadist") && ($slaverapistx.fetishStrength > 20) && ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
-	With the prospect of torturing another slave <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_his2 _dicksize cock swells to a throbbing erection in seconds<<else>>_his2 huge clit becomes fully engorged in seconds<</if>>.
+	With the prospect of torturing another slave <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_his2 _dickSize cock swells to a throbbing erection in seconds<<else>>_his2 huge clit becomes fully engorged in seconds<</if>>.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "pregnancy") && ($slaverapistx.fetishStrength > 20) && ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20) && $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>
-	With the prospect of raping another slave bareback, _his2 _dicksize cock swells to a throbbing erection in seconds.
+	With the prospect of raping another slave bareback, _his2 _dickSize cock swells to a throbbing erection in seconds.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.attrXX > 65) && ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
-	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName likes sticking _his2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> in girls, _he2 doesn't take much convincing.
+	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName likes sticking _his2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> in girls, _he2 doesn't take much convincing.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion > 50)>>
 	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName is devoted to you, _he2'll eagerly fuck anything you tell _him2 to fuck.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
 	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName is obedient, _he2'll fuck anything you tell _him2 to fuck.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
-	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName does not resist your will, _he2 should comply reasonably well. _He2 has to work to get _his2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> hard despite _his2 doubts, visibly disturbed that you are ordering _him2 to fuck someone for your entertainment.
+	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName does not resist your will, _he2 should comply reasonably well. _He2 has to work to get _his2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> hard despite _his2 doubts, visibly disturbed that you are ordering _him2 to fuck someone for your entertainment.
-	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName is unlikely to comply willingly, you simply restrain _him2 and administer a massive dose of vasodilators, directly where they will do the most good. $slaverapistx.slaveName writhes with the pain of the injection, which is compounded as _his2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> quickly reaches an agonizingly full erection.
+	Since $slaverapistx.slaveName is unlikely to comply willingly, you simply restrain _him2 and administer a massive dose of vasodilators, directly where they will do the most good. $slaverapistx.slaveName writhes with the pain of the injection, which is compounded as _his2 <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> quickly reaches an agonizingly full erection.
 <<if _isIncest == 1>>
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ Next, you see to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>.
 	<<if (getSlave($AS).sexualQuirk == "perverted") || (getSlave($AS).sexualQuirk == "sinful")>>
 		<<if (getSlave($AS).energy > 60)>>
-			whose <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> is standing firm above $him. $He seems indecently aroused, flushed and shivering in anticipation.
+			whose <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> is standing firm above $him. $He seems indecently aroused, flushed and shivering in anticipation.
-			but despite $his conflicted feelings $his growing arousal is clear as $he <<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>stares at<<else>>imagines<</if>> the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> that's soon going inside $him.
+			but despite $his conflicted feelings $his growing arousal is clear as $he <<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>stares at<<else>>imagines<</if>> the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> that's soon going inside $him.
 		<<if _incestMood == "Top">>
 			<<set _incestMood = "Both">>
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ Next, you see to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>.
 			slave _wife2's
-		<<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> that will be penetrating $him.
+		<<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> that will be penetrating $him.
 		<<if _incestMood == "Top">>
 			<<set _incestMood = "Both">>
@@ -139,16 +139,16 @@ Next, you see to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>.
 		<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 95>>
-			and $his deep acceptance of $his status as a slave has $him staring <<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>at<<else>>blindly towards<</if>> the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> above $him with a lusty smile.
+			and $his deep acceptance of $his status as a slave has $him staring <<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>at<<else>>blindly towards<</if>> the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> above $him with a lusty smile.
 			<<if _incestMood == "Top">>
 				<<set _incestMood = "Both">>
 				<<set _incestMood = "Bottom">>
 		<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion > 60>>
-			and if $he focuses, $he can forget the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> standing erect in front of $him belongs to someone related to $him.
+			and if $he focuses, $he can forget the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> standing erect in front of $him belongs to someone related to $him.
-			and is understandably disturbed, <<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>eyes glued to the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> throbbing before $him.<<elseif canHear(getSlave($AS))>>listening to the heavy breathing of $his relative whose <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> will be entering $him soon.<<else>>imagining how the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> of $his relative will feel inside $him<</if>>
+			and is understandably disturbed, <<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>eyes glued to the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> throbbing before $him.<<elseif canHear(getSlave($AS))>>listening to the heavy breathing of $his relative whose <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> will be entering $him soon.<<else>>imagining how the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize penis<<else>>massive clit<</if>> of $his relative will feel inside $him<</if>>
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ Next, you see to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>.
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).fetish == "submissive") && (getSlave($AS).fetishStrength > 60) && (getSlave($AS).fetishKnown == 1)>>
 	$He smiles as $he lays back and presents $his pussy to $slaverapistx.slaveName. $He openly enjoys submitting $himself for others to make use of.
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).devotion > 20) && (getSlave($AS).vagina == 0) >>
-	$He accepts your orders without comment and presents $his virgin pussy to $slaverapistx.slaveName. $He gasps in shock when $he feels the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize dick<<else>>massive clit<</if>> enter $him. @@.hotpink;$He is broken to slavery@@ by this application of $his body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in $his pussy.@@
+	$He accepts your orders without comment and presents $his virgin pussy to $slaverapistx.slaveName. $He gasps in shock when $he feels the <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize dick<<else>>massive clit<</if>> enter $him. @@.hotpink;$He is broken to slavery@@ by this application of $his body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in $his pussy.@@
 	<<set getSlave($AS).vagina = 1>>
 	<<set getSlave($AS).devotion += 10>>
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).devotion >= -20) && (getSlave($AS).vagina == 0)>>
@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@ Next, you see to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>.
 <<if (getSlave($AS).devotion < -20) && ($slaverapistx.devotion < -20)>>
-	Since you have two restrained slaves, it's up to you to do all the work. <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is tied up on the bed with $his pussy available, so you maneuver $slaverapistx.slaveName's <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into place. The two slaves make no further moves until you deal $slaverapistx.slaveName a terrific swat across the ass and promise to give _him2 more of the same until _he2 gets going. $slaverapistx.slaveName starts moving very slowly, barely prodding. After watching them mechanically go at it for a while, you use your leg to suddenly push _him2 deep into <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, fully hilting _him2 in one motion. You occasionally prod them with an electrical jolt to keep them going at a faster pace. Both slaves resent what you made them do for you and fear you'll make them do it again.
+	Since you have two restrained slaves, it's up to you to do all the work. <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is tied up on the bed with $his pussy available, so you maneuver $slaverapistx.slaveName's <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into place. The two slaves make no further moves until you deal $slaverapistx.slaveName a terrific swat across the ass and promise to give _him2 more of the same until _he2 gets going. $slaverapistx.slaveName starts moving very slowly, barely prodding. After watching them mechanically go at it for a while, you use your leg to suddenly push _him2 deep into <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, fully hilting _him2 in one motion. You occasionally prod them with an electrical jolt to keep them going at a faster pace. Both slaves resent what you made them do for you and fear you'll make them do it again.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion < -20)>>
-	Since your dick slave is restrained, you order <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> to present $himself on the bed, and then maneuver $slaverapistx.slaveName's <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dicksize dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into place. <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> does $his best to hump $himself against the unwilling cock until you deal $slaverapistx.slaveName a terrific swat across the ass and promise to give _him2 more of the same until _he2 gets going. _He2 is still unenthusiastic, so you have _him2 lie down and have <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> ride $himself to orgasm. _He2 resents what you made _him2 do and fears you'll force _him2 to do it again. Though <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> accepts the situation, $he looks into $slaverapistx.slaveName's eyes with obvious apology.
+	Since your dick slave is restrained, you order <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> to present $himself on the bed, and then maneuver $slaverapistx.slaveName's <<if $slaverapistx.dick > 0>>_dickSize dick<<else>>strap-on<</if>> into place. <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> does $his best to hump $himself against the unwilling cock until you deal $slaverapistx.slaveName a terrific swat across the ass and promise to give _him2 more of the same until _he2 gets going. _He2 is still unenthusiastic, so you have _him2 lie down and have <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> ride $himself to orgasm. _He2 resents what you made _him2 do and fears you'll force _him2 to do it again. Though <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> accepts the situation, $he looks into $slaverapistx.slaveName's eyes with obvious apology.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "dom") && ($slaverapistx.fetishStrength > 20) && ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
 	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is tied and placed on the bed with $his pussy defenseless and available, and then you tell the randy $slaverapistx.slaveName that it's all _hers2. The slave life has so affected $slaverapistx.slaveName that _he2 is quite eager to rape another slave for _his2 pleasure. _He2 penetrates _him2 immediately, fondling, pinching and licking while pistoning away, fully enjoying _his2 dominant role, edging _his2 poor toy again and again and making _him2 beg for release.
diff --git a/src/npc/interaction/passage/fSlaveSlaveDickConsummate.tw b/src/npc/interaction/passage/fSlaveSlaveDickConsummate.tw
index c9dbd551b220a78077b0969d36033d9d9214c057..555d3eac3263df3a981cc9d4441cdd021d2493b8 100644
--- a/src/npc/interaction/passage/fSlaveSlaveDickConsummate.tw
+++ b/src/npc/interaction/passage/fSlaveSlaveDickConsummate.tw
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
 <<if getSlave($AS).dick>>
 	<<if getSlave($AS).dick == 1>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "tiny">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "tiny">>
 	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick == 2)>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "tiny">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "tiny">>
 	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick == 3)>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "average">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "average">>
 	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick == 4)>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "big">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "big">>
 	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick == 5)>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "huge">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "huge">>
 	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick == 6)>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "gigantic">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "gigantic">>
 	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick == 7)>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "titanic">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "titanic">>
 	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick == 8)>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "absurd">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "absurd">>
 	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick >= 9)>>
-		<<set _dicksize = "inhuman">>
+		<<set _dickSize = "inhuman">>
@@ -57,21 +57,21 @@ You take a look at the bound cock toy.
 <<elseif tooBigBalls(getSlave($AS))>>
 	$His huge balls might get a bit in the way in this position.
 <<elseif tooFatSlave(getSlave($AS))>>
-	$His huge gut threatens to envelope $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>>.
+	$His huge gut threatens to envelope $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>>.
 <<if (getSlave($AS).fetish == "mindbroken") && (getSlave($AS).career != "a dairy cow") && (getSlave($AS).career != "a breeding bull")>>
 	<<if getSlave($AS).energy > 40>>
 		<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is broken mentally, but has a serviceable libido. After a bit of stimulation $he's good to go without any further reaction on $his own.
-		<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is broken mentally, and $his low libido prevents $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize penis<</if>> from becoming erect. A massive dose of vasodilators fixes this, and you think you see $his face twitch with the pain, but there is no further reaction.
+		<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is broken mentally, and $his low libido prevents $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize penis<</if>> from becoming erect. A massive dose of vasodilators fixes this, and you think you see $his face twitch with the pain, but there is no further reaction.
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).fetish == "mindbroken") && (getSlave($AS).career == "a dairy cow")>>
 	<<if getSlave($AS).energy > 40>>
-		<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, as a good cow with a good libido, takes only a little fondling before $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize penis<</if>> becomes erect. When you let go, $he gives a needy moo with a sad expression to ask you to keep going.
+		<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, as a good cow with a good libido, takes only a little fondling before $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize penis<</if>> becomes erect. When you let go, $he gives a needy moo with a sad expression to ask you to keep going.
-		<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> may be a cow, but $his low libido keeps $his mostly soft despite plenty of fondling. You inject $him with vasodilators so $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> becomes erect, and $he moos in discomfort and struggles against $his restraints.
-		<<set _bottomdrugged = 1>>
+		<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> may be a cow, but $his low libido keeps $his mostly soft despite plenty of fondling. You inject $him with vasodilators so $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> becomes erect, and $he moos in discomfort and struggles against $his restraints.
+		<<set _bottomDrugged = 1>>
 <<elseif (getSlave($AS).fetish == "mindbroken") && (getSlave($AS).career == "a breeding bull")>>
 	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, as a good bull, was already erect while being tied down. It seems $he knows what's going to happen to $him soon. Maybe someone at the Cattle Ranch has been sampling their bulls?
@@ -80,42 +80,42 @@ You take a look at the bound cock toy.
 		<<if getSlave($AS).energy > 40>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).fetishKnown == 1)>>
 				<<if (getSlave($AS).fetish == "submissive")>>
-					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is a known sub, and seconds after $he is ordered to lie down to be restrained $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> is erect. $He knows $he's going to get used, and can't hide $his excitement.
+					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is a known sub, and seconds after $he is ordered to lie down to be restrained $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> is erect. $He knows $he's going to get used, and can't hide $his excitement.
 				<<elseif (getSlave($AS).fetish == "dom")>>
-					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is a known dom, and needs some stimulation before $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> becomes hard. Despite knowing $he's going to be used, $he can't hide $his curiosity to experience what the other side feels.
+					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is a known dom, and needs some stimulation before $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> becomes hard. Despite knowing $he's going to be used, $he can't hide $his curiosity to experience what the other side feels.
 				<<elseif (getSlave($AS).fetish == "masochist")>>
-					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> almost gets off on being tied down tight, sporting a <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize erection<</if>> once you have finished. $His nipples are firm as well, and $he struggles against $his restraints to feel them dig into $him tighter.
+					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> almost gets off on being tied down tight, sporting a <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize erection<</if>> once you have finished. $His nipples are firm as well, and $he struggles against $his restraints to feel them dig into $him tighter.
 				<<elseif (getSlave($AS).fetish == "sadist")>>
-					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is a sadist, and finds $himself in the exact opposite position $he'd want to be in to get off. It's obvious $he's not going to get aroused soon, so you inject $him with vasodilators so $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> becomes erect and hope $he at least learns something from being on the receiving end for once.
-					<<set _bottomdrugged = 1>>
+					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is a sadist, and finds $himself in the exact opposite position $he'd want to be in to get off. It's obvious $he's not going to get aroused soon, so you inject $him with vasodilators so $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> becomes erect and hope $he at least learns something from being on the receiving end for once.
+					<<set _bottomDrugged = 1>>
 				<<elseif (getSlave($AS).fetish == "humiliation")>>
-					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gets off on humiliation, and after being ordered to lay naked on a bed to be tied down, becomes flushed with arousal with $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> throbbing in anticipation at being used like a toy.
+					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gets off on humiliation, and after being ordered to lay naked on a bed to be tied down, becomes flushed with arousal with $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> throbbing in anticipation at being used like a toy.
 				<<elseif (getSlave($AS).fetish == "pregnancy") && ($arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset") && canPenetrate(getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gets off thinking about pregnancy, and in your arcology most women are pregnant or fertile. $He knows someone's pussy will be around $his _dicksize cock soon, and is clearly lost in $his fantasies as $his cock swells to a throbbing erection.
+					<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gets off thinking about pregnancy, and in your arcology most women are pregnant or fertile. $He knows someone's pussy will be around $his _dickSize cock soon, and is clearly lost in $his fantasies as $his cock swells to a throbbing erection.
 			<<elseif (getSlave($AS).attrXX > 65)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> has a good sex drive and likes pussy, even before $he's fully bound $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> is throbbing in anticipation.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> has a good sex drive and likes pussy, even before $he's fully bound $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> is throbbing in anticipation.
-				Despite $his adequate sex drive, since <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> isn't turned on by the prospect of pussy, $he takes some manual stimulation before $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> stands erect.
+				Despite $his adequate sex drive, since <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> isn't turned on by the prospect of pussy, $he takes some manual stimulation before $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> stands erect.
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).attrXX > 65)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> isn't known for $his high libido, but since $he likes pussy all it takes is some teasing to get $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> erect and ready.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> isn't known for $his high libido, but since $he likes pussy all it takes is some teasing to get $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> erect and ready.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> doesn't have a high libido, and also isn't attracted to female slaves. A dose of vasodilators injected at the base of $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> causes $him to quickly reach painful readiness, and the unnatural pain makes $him strain at $his bonds.
-				<<set _bottomdrugged = 1>>
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> doesn't have a high libido, and also isn't attracted to female slaves. A dose of vasodilators injected at the base of $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> causes $him to quickly reach painful readiness, and the unnatural pain makes $him strain at $his bonds.
+				<<set _bottomDrugged = 1>>
 		<<if getSlave($AS).energy > 60>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).attrXX > 65)>>
-				Although <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> does not like being a slave, $his high libido and love for pussy have $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize erection<</if>> ready for sex despite $his negative feelings.
+				Although <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> does not like being a slave, $his high libido and love for pussy have $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize erection<</if>> ready for sex despite $his negative feelings.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> does not like being a slave, and isn't attracted to women, but with $his high libido all it takes is simple teasing for $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> to be ready for sex.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> does not like being a slave, and isn't attracted to women, but with $his high libido all it takes is simple teasing for $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> to be ready for sex.
-			<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> does not like being a slave, and without a high sex drive $he is able to resist stimulation and stay soft. A quick dose of vasodilators changes that, and $he moans in pain and struggles against $his bonds in vain as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> becomes painfully hard.
-			<<set _bottomdrugged = 1>>
+			<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> does not like being a slave, and without a high sex drive $he is able to resist stimulation and stay soft. A quick dose of vasodilators changes that, and $he moans in pain and struggles against $his bonds in vain as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> becomes painfully hard.
+			<<set _bottomDrugged = 1>>
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> <<if canSee(getSlave($AS))>>sees<<elseif canHear(getSlave($AS))>>hears<<else>>dimly acknowledges<</if>> the newcomer, and with $his simple mind
-	$he only knows that they have a pussy and $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>swollen clit<<else>>_dicksize penis<</if>> is erect. Naturally, $he seems quite eager to put them together.
+	$he only knows that they have a pussy and $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>swollen clit<<else>>_dickSize penis<</if>> is erect. Naturally, $he seems quite eager to put them together.
 	<<set _incestMood = "Bottom">>
 	<<if _isIncest == 1>>
@@ -186,16 +186,16 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 			<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 95>>
 				<<set _incestMood = "Bottom">>
-				but $his deep acceptance of slavery means $he is eager to please you, <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>leaving $his massive clit flushed<<else>>making $his _dicksize cock drip precum<</if>>.
+				but $his deep acceptance of slavery means $he is eager to please you, <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>leaving $his massive clit flushed<<else>>making $his _dickSize cock drip precum<</if>>.
 			<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion > 60>>
 				and is clearly struggling between keeping $himself hard and acknowledging the incest. A small dose of vasodilators and $his impressive desire to please you should keep $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>clit<<else>>penis<</if>> up for $slaverapistx.slaveName.
 				<<set _incestMood = "BottomFragile">>
-				<<if ndef _bottomdrugged>>
-					and once it becomes clear to $him that $slaverapistx.slaveName will be the one mounting $him, $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize penis<</if>> shrinks away. A direct injection of vasodilators changes that, bringing $him back to readiness to $his horror.
-					<<set _bottomdrugged = 1>>
+				<<if ndef _bottomDrugged>>
+					and once it becomes clear to $him that $slaverapistx.slaveName will be the one mounting $him, $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize penis<</if>> shrinks away. A direct injection of vasodilators changes that, bringing $him back to readiness to $his horror.
+					<<set _bottomDrugged = 1>>
-					and to $his own horror the drugs $he was injected with keep $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize penis<</if>> ready and waiting.
+					and to $his own horror the drugs $he was injected with keep $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize penis<</if>> ready and waiting.
@@ -213,12 +213,12 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		Since both slaves are essentially vegetables, this is shaping up to be a rather contrived sexual demonstration. The parts are all there, but the actors aren't going to contribute much to the show.
 <<elseif $slaverapistx.fetish == "mindbroken" && ($slaverapistx.career == "a dairy cow")>>
-	$slaverapistx.slaveName sees the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize penis<</if>> ready and waiting, and catches on to why _he2's here quickly. _He2 takes it into _his2 mouth before you stop _him2 and tap _his2 pussy, and after a few seconds of thinking _he2 straddles <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s hips with a moo.
+	$slaverapistx.slaveName sees the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize penis<</if>> ready and waiting, and catches on to why _he2's here quickly. _He2 takes it into _his2 mouth before you stop _him2 and tap _his2 pussy, and after a few seconds of thinking _he2 straddles <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s hips with a moo.
 	<<if _isIncest == 1>>
 		Naturally, since _he2 thinks _he2's a cow, incest means nothing to _him2.
 <<elseif $slaverapistx.fetish == "mindbroken" && ($slaverapistx.career == "a breeding bull")>>
-	$slaverapistx.slaveName sees the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize penis<</if>> ready and waiting, but isn't quite sure what to do with it. _He2's been brought up to use _his2 dick when thinking, after all. It takes a few minutes to get _him2 to straddle <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s hips with the intent to get _his2 pussy penetrated.
+	$slaverapistx.slaveName sees the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize penis<</if>> ready and waiting, but isn't quite sure what to do with it. _He2's been brought up to use _his2 dick when thinking, after all. It takes a few minutes to get _him2 to straddle <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s hips with the intent to get _his2 pussy penetrated.
 	<<if _isIncest == 1>>
 		Naturally, since _he2 thinks _he2's a breeding bull, incest means nothing to _him2.
@@ -264,9 +264,9 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 				and can't hide the look of horror that crosses _his2 face. You assure _him2 this is what _he2 needs to do.
 				<<if _incestMood == "Bottom">>
-					To _his2 growing disgust, _he2 can tell <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>erect clit<<else>>_dicksize erection<</if>> shows off genuine arousal despite their blood relation.
+					To _his2 growing disgust, _he2 can tell <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>erect clit<<else>>_dickSize erection<</if>> shows off genuine arousal despite their blood relation.
-					_He2 might find solace in the fact that the owner of the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>erect clit<<else>>_dicksize erection<</if>> on display doesn't seem thrilled as well.
+					_He2 might find solace in the fact that the owner of the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>erect clit<<else>>_dickSize erection<</if>> on display doesn't seem thrilled as well.
@@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 	<<if _incestMood == "Top" || _incestMood == "Both" || ndef(_isIncest)>>
 		<<if ($slaverapistx.fetishKnown == 1)>>
 			<<if ($slaverapistx.fetish == "submissive")>>
-				$slaverapistx.slaveName usually prefers to be underneath someone with a <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> like that, which is obvious in _his2 expressions. Knowing _he2's riding it due to someone's orders is just about the only detail that plays to _his2 fetish.
+				$slaverapistx.slaveName usually prefers to be underneath someone with a <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> like that, which is obvious in _his2 expressions. Knowing _he2's riding it due to someone's orders is just about the only detail that plays to _his2 fetish.
 			<<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "dom")>>
-				$slaverapistx.slaveName can't hide _his2 domineering smile at the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>> tied up and presented to _him2. Being on top and controlling everything is what gets _him2 off, and you just gave _him2 a nice human dildo to dominate.
+				$slaverapistx.slaveName can't hide _his2 domineering smile at the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>> tied up and presented to _him2. Being on top and controlling everything is what gets _him2 off, and you just gave _him2 a nice human dildo to dominate.
 			<<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "masochist")>>
-				$slaverapistx.slaveName usually prefers to be the one being abused, which is clear from _his2 disappointed reaction as _he2 considers the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize erection<</if>> tied before _him2. Maybe _he2 can delude _himself2 into thinking this is a denial play for _himself2 and enjoy the human dildo, or maybe not.
+				$slaverapistx.slaveName usually prefers to be the one being abused, which is clear from _his2 disappointed reaction as _he2 considers the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize erection<</if>> tied before _him2. Maybe _he2 can delude _himself2 into thinking this is a denial play for _himself2 and enjoy the human dildo, or maybe not.
 			<<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "sadist")>>
-				$slaverapistx.slaveName is a sadist, and seeing a human dildo tied town for _him2 to abuse and enjoy has _him2 almost panting in arousal. The ecstatic look of devotion _he2 flashes you makes it clear _he2's going to enjoy _himself2, regardless of how the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize cock<</if>>'s owner feels.
+				$slaverapistx.slaveName is a sadist, and seeing a human dildo tied town for _him2 to abuse and enjoy has _him2 almost panting in arousal. The ecstatic look of devotion _he2 flashes you makes it clear _he2's going to enjoy _himself2, regardless of how the <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize cock<</if>>'s owner feels.
 			<<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "humiliation")>>
 				$slaverapistx.slaveName usually gets off on humiliation, and you know _he2 wishes the roles were reversed here. Despite that, having _his2 <<= WrittenMaster($slaverapistx)>> order _him2 to get _himself2 off with the human dildo beneath _him2 is quite thrilling, sexually.
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 	Since you have two restrained slaves, it's up to you to do all the work. Since <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is already lying on the bed, you maneuver $slaverapistx.slaveName's pussy into place. The two slaves make no further moves until you deal $slaverapistx.slaveName a terrific swat across the ass and promise to give _him2 more of the same until _he2 gets going. $slaverapistx.slaveName starts lowering _himself2 very slowly, pulling back every time <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s dick prods _his2 womanhood. After watching the sad display for a while, you grab _him2 by the hips and slam _him2 down onto <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, hilting _him2 in one, scream-inducing move.
 	<<if ($slaverapistx.vagina == 0)>> /* losing virginity */
 		<<if ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
+			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
 			<<set $slaverapistx.vagina = 1, $slaverapistx.devotion += 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
 			$slaverapistx.slaveName is clearly unhappy at the idea of losing _his2 pearl of great price to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; this probably isn't what _he2 imagined _his2 first real sex would be like. _He2 fears _he2 might get pregnant. Nevertheless, @@.hotpink;$he is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
@@ -307,15 +307,15 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		<<if $slaverapistx.mother == getSlave($AS).ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
 		<<elseif getSlave($AS).mother == $slaverapistx.ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
 	<</if>> /* closes losing virginity */
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 	Since your dick slave is restrained, you order $slaverapistx.slaveName to kneel on the bed on top of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, and then maneuver _his2 pussy into place. <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is uncooperative, so you prod and slap $him until $he starts to thrust $his cock into $slaverapistx.slaveName with urgency.
 	<<if ($slaverapistx.vagina == 0)>> /* losing virginity */
 		<<if ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
+			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
 			<<set $slaverapistx.vagina = 1, $slaverapistx.devotion += 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
 			$slaverapistx.slaveName is clearly unhappy at the idea of losing _his2 pearl of great price to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; this probably isn't what _he2 imagined _his2 first real sex would be like. _He2 fears _h2e might get pregnant. Nevertheless, @@.hotpink;$he is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
@@ -336,24 +336,24 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		<<if $slaverapistx.mother == getSlave($AS).ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
 		<<elseif getSlave($AS).mother == $slaverapistx.ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
 	<</if>> /* closes losing virginity */
 	It doesn't take long for <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> to orgasm. $He resents what you made $him do and fears you as a result.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "dom") && ($slaverapistx.fetishStrength > 20) && ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-	You tell the randy $slaverapistx.slaveName that <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> is all _hers2. The slave life has so affected $slaverapistx.slaveName that _he2 is quite eager to rape another slave for _his2 pleasure.
+	You tell the randy $slaverapistx.slaveName that <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> is all _hers2. The slave life has so affected $slaverapistx.slaveName that _he2 is quite eager to rape another slave for _his2 pleasure.
 	<<if $slaverapistx.vagina == 0>>
-		Without further instruction, $slaverapistx.slaveName lowers _his2 virgin pussy onto <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> waiting <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>clit-dick<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>>, impaling _himself2 slowly and teasing _his2 bound victim. This act @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
+		Without further instruction, $slaverapistx.slaveName lowers _his2 virgin pussy onto <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> waiting <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>clit-dick<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>>, impaling _himself2 slowly and teasing _his2 bound victim. This act @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
 		<<set $slaverapistx.vagina = 1, $slaverapistx.fetishStrength += 1>>
 	_He2 begins playing with _him2 immediately, fondling, pinching and licking while bouncing on the meaty shaft. Occasionally _he2 stops, denying <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> release and teasing $him, fully enjoying _his2 dominant role.
@@ -366,10 +366,10 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.fetish == "sadist") && ($slaverapistx.fetishStrength > 20) && (getSlave($AS).devotion < -20)>>
-	You tell the grinning $slaverapistx.slaveName that <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> is all _hers2. The slave life has so affected $slaverapistx.slaveName that _he2 is quite eager to hurt and rape another slave for _his2 pleasure.
+	You tell the grinning $slaverapistx.slaveName that <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> is all _hers2. The slave life has so affected $slaverapistx.slaveName that _he2 is quite eager to hurt and rape another slave for _his2 pleasure.
 	<<if ($slaverapistx.vagina == 0)>> /* losing virginity */
 		<<if ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
+			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
 			<<set $slaverapistx.vagina = 1, $slaverapistx.devotion += 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
 			$slaverapistx.slaveName is clearly unhappy at the idea of losing _his2 pearl of great price to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; this probably isn't what _he2 imagined _his2 first real sex would be like. _He2 fears _he2 might get pregnant. Nevertheless, @@.hotpink;$he is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
@@ -380,15 +380,15 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		<<if $slaverapistx.mother == getSlave($AS).ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
 		<<elseif getSlave($AS).mother == $slaverapistx.ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
 	<</if>> /* closes losing virginity */
@@ -397,10 +397,10 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 	<<set getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative += 3, $penetrativeTotal += 3, $slaverapistx.counter.vaginal += 3, $vaginalTotal += 3>>
 <<elseif ($slaverapistx.energy > 95) && ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-	You tell the randy $slaverapistx.slaveName that <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> is all $hers. The slave life has so affected $slaverapistx.slaveName that _he2 is quite eager to rape another slave, just for the perverted novelty of the act.
+	You tell the randy $slaverapistx.slaveName that <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> is all $hers. The slave life has so affected $slaverapistx.slaveName that _he2 is quite eager to rape another slave, just for the perverted novelty of the act.
 	<<if ($slaverapistx.vagina == 0)>> /* losing virginity */
 		<<if ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
+			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
 			<<set $slaverapistx.vagina = 1, $slaverapistx.devotion += 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
 			$slaverapistx.slaveName is clearly unhappy at the idea of losing _his2 pearl of great price to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; this probably isn't what _he2 imagined _his2 first real sex would be like. _He2 fears _he2 might get pregnant. Nevertheless, @@.hotpink;$he is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
@@ -411,15 +411,15 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		<<if $slaverapistx.mother == getSlave($AS).ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
 		<<elseif getSlave($AS).mother == $slaverapistx.ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
 	<</if>> /* closes losing virginity */
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 	You toss <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> onto the bed and tell $slaverapistx.slaveName to get on with it.
 	<<if ($slaverapistx.vagina == 0)>> /* losing virginity */
 		<<if ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
+			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
 			<<set $slaverapistx.vagina = 1, $slaverapistx.devotion += 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
 			$slaverapistx.slaveName is clearly unhappy at the idea of losing _his2 pearl of great price to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; this probably isn't what _he2 imagined _his2 first real sex would be like. _He2 fears _he2 might get pregnant. Nevertheless, @@.hotpink;_he2 is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
@@ -441,15 +441,15 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		<<if $slaverapistx.mother == getSlave($AS).ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
 		<<elseif getSlave($AS).mother == $slaverapistx.ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
 	<</if>> /* closes losing virginity */
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 	You order <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> and $slaverapistx.slaveName to get on with it.
 	<<if ($slaverapistx.vagina == 0)>> /* losing virginity */
 		<<if ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
+			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
 			<<set $slaverapistx.vagina = 1, $slaverapistx.devotion += 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
 			$slaverapistx.slaveName is clearly unhappy at the idea of losing _his2 pearl of great price to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; this probably isn't what _he2 imagined _his2 first real sex would be like. _He2 fears _he2 might get pregnant. Nevertheless, @@.hotpink;$he is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
@@ -470,25 +470,25 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		<<if $slaverapistx.mother == getSlave($AS).ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
 		<<elseif getSlave($AS).mother == $slaverapistx.ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
 	<</if>> /* closes losing virginity */
-	They fuck mechanically at first, gazing with roiling emotions into each others' eyes. Eventually, they begin to enjoy the intimacy of the act, finding the shared pleasure between them comforting. They finish and resume life as slaves, the light of this intimacy diminishing, softening with <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> and dripping away with the contents of $slaverapistx.slaveName's cum-filled pussy. You notice $slaverapistx.slaveName's looking a little more longingly at <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>.
+	They fuck mechanically at first, gazing with roiling emotions into each others' eyes. Eventually, they begin to enjoy the intimacy of the act, finding the shared pleasure between them comforting. They finish and resume life as slaves, the light of this intimacy diminishing, softening with <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> and dripping away with the contents of $slaverapistx.slaveName's cum-filled pussy. You notice $slaverapistx.slaveName's looking a little more longingly at <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>.
 	The two slaves turn eagerly to the business of sex.
 	<<if ($slaverapistx.vagina == 0)>> /* losing virginity */
 		<<if ($slaverapistx.devotion > 20)>>
-			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
+			$slaverapistx.slaveName accepts your orders without comment and lowers _his2 virgin pussy on <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s ready <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>>. @@.hotpink;$slaverapistx.slaveName is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;will break in _his2 pussy.@@
 			<<set $slaverapistx.vagina = 1, $slaverapistx.devotion += 10>>
 		<<elseif ($slaverapistx.devotion >= -20)>>
 			$slaverapistx.slaveName is clearly unhappy at the idea of losing _his2 pearl of great price to <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; this probably isn't what _he2 imagined _his2 first real sex would be like. _He2 fears _he2 might get pregnant. Nevertheless, @@.hotpink;$he is further broken to slavery@@ by this application of _his2 body, which naturally @@.lime;breaks in _his2 pussy.@@
@@ -499,15 +499,15 @@ You call $slaverapistx.slaveName into the room.
 		<<if $slaverapistx.mother == getSlave($AS).ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his <<print relativeTerm(getSlave($AS), $slaverapistx)>>'s vagina.
 		<<elseif getSlave($AS).mother == $slaverapistx.ID>>
 			<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative == 0)>>
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> for the first time.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> gasps and $his eyes widen as $he feels the tender folds of a pussy — and none other than $his mother's — embracing $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> for the first time.
-				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dicksize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
+				<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s breath quickens as $his <<if (getSlave($AS).clit >= 4)>>massive clit<<else>>_dickSize dick<</if>> disappears into $his mother's vagina.
 	<</if>> /* closes losing virginity */
diff --git a/src/npc/newSlaveIncestSex.tw b/src/npc/newSlaveIncestSex.tw
index a4f489ff0be037eef808a189786fef322aa03e7c..5a07f1e820a41b763b7abec9430859bf4c9b4db8 100644
--- a/src/npc/newSlaveIncestSex.tw
+++ b/src/npc/newSlaveIncestSex.tw
@@ -33,22 +33,22 @@
 /* two sisters / brothers: identify by age, in the case of same age twins check their birthWeek */
 	<<if $relative.actualAge == $relative2.actualAge>>
 		<<if $relative.birthWeek >= $relative2.birthWeek>>
-			<<set _onelong = "older "+_one >>
-			<<set _otherlong = "younger "+_other >>
+			<<set _oneLong = "older "+_one >>
+			<<set _otherLong = "younger "+_other >>
 		<<elseif $relative.birthWeek < $relative2.birthWeek>>
-			<<set _onelong = "younger "+_one >>
-			<<set _otherlong = "older "+_other >>
+			<<set _oneLong = "younger "+_one >>
+			<<set _otherLong = "older "+_other >>
 	<<elseif $relative.actualAge > $relative2.actualAge>>
-		<<set _onelong = "older "+_one >>
-		<<set _otherlong = "younger "+_other >>
+		<<set _oneLong = "older "+_one >>
+		<<set _otherLong = "younger "+_other >>
 	<<elseif $relative.actualAge < $relative2.actualAge>>
-		<<set _onelong = "younger "+_one >>
-		<<set _otherlong = "older "+_other >>
+		<<set _oneLong = "younger "+_one >>
+		<<set _otherLong = "older "+_other >>
-	<<set _onelong = _one>>
-	<<set _otherlong = _other>>
+	<<set _oneLong = _one>>
+	<<set _otherLong = _other>>
 /* prepare some text passages based on options */
@@ -90,13 +90,13 @@ _othershe / _otherher <br>
 Now that you own them, you want to see proof of their love for each other. You order the <<if _one == "twin">>twins<<elseif _one == _other>><<= $sister>>s<<else>>_one and _other<</if>> to perform mutual oral sex in front of you.
 Hesitantly, they assume the 69 position on your couch. They have either never done this in front of a stranger or have never had sex this way before. You remind them that they are sex slaves now. They need to follow all orders, including sexual ones, so this is a relatively gentle start.
-<<if _one == "twin">>One _one<<else>>The _onelong<</if>> shows more boldness as $he lowers $his head towards $his _otherlong's privates.
+<<if _one == "twin">>One _one<<else>>The _oneLong<</if>> shows more boldness as $he lowers $his head towards $his _otherLong's privates.
 <<if $relative2.dick == 0 >>
-	Carefully, $he spreads $his _other's labia. Then $he continues to give $his _other's exposed pussy a few experimental licks. At first, $his efforts seem to be futile, but after a while the _otherlong's clit becomes engorged and _his2 juices start flowing.
+	Carefully, $he spreads $his _other's labia. Then $he continues to give $his _other's exposed pussy a few experimental licks. At first, $his efforts seem to be futile, but after a while the _otherLong's clit becomes engorged and _his2 juices start flowing.
-	Uncertain, $he grabs $his <<if _other == "twin">>_other<<else>>_otherlong<</if>>'s penis. Then $he puts $his _other's flaccid member into $his mouth and gives it an experimental suck. At first, $his efforts seem to be futile, but after a while the _otherlong sports a nice, hard erection.
+	Uncertain, $he grabs $his <<if _other == "twin">>_other<<else>>_otherLong<</if>>'s penis. Then $he puts $his _other's flaccid member into $his mouth and gives it an experimental suck. At first, $his efforts seem to be futile, but after a while the _otherLong sports a nice, hard erection.
-As the _other's arousal grows, _he2 becomes more eager to please _his2 _onelong, too. Going down on _his2's lover's genitals, _he2 starts to mimic $his ministrations.
+As the _other's arousal grows, _he2 becomes more eager to please _his2 _oneLong, too. Going down on _his2's lover's genitals, _he2 starts to mimic $his ministrations.
 <<if ($relative.dick == 0) != ($relative2.dick == 0) >>
 	Of course, _he2 has to adapt _his2 actions <<if $relative.dick == 0 >>from the feelings on _his2 dick to the pussy pressed against _his2 lips.<<else>>from the feelings at _his2 pussy to the dick in _his2 mouth.<</if>>
diff --git a/src/personalAssistant/assistantAppearance.tw b/src/personalAssistant/assistantAppearance.tw
index a30c52a6dba9203754b66a43ece4754bb961863e..41bcb2cb013421e667f4ff04b1c043a6b6b4ff7a 100644
--- a/src/personalAssistant/assistantAppearance.tw
+++ b/src/personalAssistant/assistantAppearance.tw
@@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ _HeA's a cute little <<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset" && $assistant.
 	<<case "supremacist">>
 		slime. _HeA keeps trying to shape _hisA goo into a beautiful $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace _girlA, but _heA hasn't quite perfected the finer details yet.
 	<<case "subjugationist">>
-		slime. _HeA keeps trying to shape _hisA goo into a pretty face, but keeps ending up with overexaggerated $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace features instead.
+		slime. _HeA keeps trying to shape _hisA goo into a pretty face, but keeps ending up with over-exaggerated $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace features instead.
 	<<case "roman revivalist">>
 		slime with a _girlA's stola sinking into _hisA head.
 	<<case "egyptian revivalist">>
diff --git a/src/personalAssistant/assistantEvents.tw b/src/personalAssistant/assistantEvents.tw
index 9fca4c3f34a582af92a343738b1014320c8f0743..e1b2d99e49b96e0f7aa029430a6f0b2d100150e0 100644
--- a/src/personalAssistant/assistantEvents.tw
+++ b/src/personalAssistant/assistantEvents.tw
@@ -1044,9 +1044,9 @@
 				<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist != "unset">>
 					casts a spell to make _himselfA appear Chinese; _heA succeeds in swapping the material of _hisA robes to a fine silk.
 				<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSupremacist != "unset">>
-					casts a spell to look more $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace; _heA does too good of a job, ending up looking like an overexaggerated $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace stereotype.
+					casts a spell to look more $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace; _heA does too good of a job, ending up looking like an over-exaggerated $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace stereotype.
 				<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationist != "unset">>
-					casts a spell to look more $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace; _heA does too good of a job and ends up looking like an overexaggerated $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace stereotype.
+					casts a spell to look more $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace; _heA does too good of a job and ends up looking like an over-exaggerated $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace stereotype.
 				<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist != "unset">>
diff --git a/src/personalAssistant/assistantVariableDocumentation.txt b/src/personalAssistant/assistantVariableDocumentation.txt
index f89ff563792844b4bac0d3e78ceb45affcb46ba6..5c7635058e9f4cefa11704e50eb837a2a62125e3 100644
--- a/src/personalAssistant/assistantVariableDocumentation.txt
+++ b/src/personalAssistant/assistantVariableDocumentation.txt
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ The assistant's appearance, is a string.
 First additional set of appearance choices.
-If defined the choices are avalibe.
+If defined the choices are available.
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Relationship status between the assistant and the market assistant, is a string.
-The ammount of credits the market assistant is allowed to use. 10,000,000 maxium.
+The amount of credits the market assistant is allowed to use. 10,000,000 maximum.
diff --git a/src/player/desc/playerBoobs.js b/src/player/desc/playerBoobs.js
index a9d95077f8e05f11674c8b23bacaf4fab43d3cea..12a23c521748914ff617a88dc77035d80bbb090e 100644
--- a/src/player/desc/playerBoobs.js
+++ b/src/player/desc/playerBoobs.js
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ App.Desc.Player.boobs = function() {
 		} else {
 			if (V.PC.boobs >= 1400) {
-				r.push(`You've gotten your top retailored to fit your huge bust.`);
+				r.push(`You've gotten your top re-tailored to fit your huge bust.`);
 			} else if (V.PC.boobs >= 1200) {
 				r.push(`Your top strains against your big breasts`);
 				if (V.PC.markings === "freckles") {
diff --git a/src/player/desc/playerCrotch.js b/src/player/desc/playerCrotch.js
index f208a2a2a556be8d7507ad98d6da26ebbf4b2401..08a1e4052b937e6201f8324959eaa5ea0097366f 100644
--- a/src/player/desc/playerCrotch.js
+++ b/src/player/desc/playerCrotch.js
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ App.Desc.Player.crotch = function() {
 			if (V.PC.balls >= 30) {
 				r.push(`You've pretty much given up on suit pants because of your monstrous balls, but you've replaced them with a custom kilt tailored to match the rest of your business attire. People would wonder why you're wearing such old fashioned clothes if your ridiculous bulge didn't make it obvious.`);
 			} else if (V.PC.balls >= 14) {
-				r.push(`You've had to get your suit pants retailored again to fit your enormous balls. It is obvious that the bulge in your pants is not your`);
+				r.push(`You've had to get your suit pants re-tailored again to fit your enormous balls. It is obvious that the bulge in your pants is not your`);
 				if (V.PC.preg >= 28) {
 					r.push(`penis; you've had several people rush to your aid under the mistaken belief that`);
 					if (V.PC.pregType > 1) {
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ App.Desc.Player.crotch = function() {
 			} else if (V.PC.balls >= 9) {
-				r.push(`You've had to get your suit pants retailored to fit your huge balls. It gives you a striking figure, though.`);
+				r.push(`You've had to get your suit pants re-tailored to fit your huge balls. It gives you a striking figure, though.`);
 			} else if (V.PC.balls >= 5) {
 				r.push(`Your suit pants bulge more than ever with your big balls.`);
diff --git a/src/player/js/PlayerState.js b/src/player/js/PlayerState.js
index b647f1e457fee475e4d0054b72cf7e10139b5e57..88a608b32a409571951358b8b5836ce823c513f2 100644
--- a/src/player/js/PlayerState.js
+++ b/src/player/js/PlayerState.js
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ App.Entity.PlayerState = class PlayerState {
 		this.tailShape = "none";
 		/** tail color */
 		this.tailColor = "none";
-		/** yout original hair color, defaults to your initial hair color. */
+		/** your original hair color, defaults to your initial hair color. */
 		this.origHColor = "blonde";
 		/** hair color */
 		this.hColor = "blonde";
@@ -724,7 +724,7 @@ App.Entity.PlayerState = class PlayerState {
 		this.lactation = 0;
 		/** how many more weeks until lactation dries up
-		 * usually 2 as interactions and lact. implant reset it to 2 */
+		 * usually 2 as interactions and lactation implant reset it to 2 */
 		this.lactationDuration = 0;
 		 * odds of inducing lactation
diff --git a/src/pregmod/analyzePregnancy.tw b/src/pregmod/analyzePregnancy.tw
index e181f59ad04c845e0972aa176dda1852e4acaaa2..16a1a15edee1e4e20ca6505440258e16a6da6984 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/analyzePregnancy.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/analyzePregnancy.tw
@@ -383,5 +383,5 @@
 <<elseif getSlave($activeSlave.ID).preg == -2>> /*special states*/
 	$His infertility is due to sterilization; $his ovaries could still work.
 <<elseif getSlave($activeSlave.ID).preg == -1>> /*special states*/
-	Contreceptive agents detected in subject.
+	Contraceptive agents detected in subject.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
index aa035b107c3c5f868e4dc07aa9e4b6b1c93340b5..184bc3f4f5b434042ab6efcc03f14e29f4ba17e2 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/theBlackMarket.tw
@@ -199,9 +199,9 @@ He gestures to a door in the back of the stall. "The good shit's back there<<if
 								<<set _match = "I'm not sure this is a good match for your arcology's current society at this moment, but I'm sure you could have fun with it.">>
 							<<if ($pedo_mode)>>
-								<<set _toydolls = "If you like sexy little toy dolls, I mean biological ''@@.coral;lolis@@'' or ''@@.coral;shotas@@'' for life, then this is the one for you. I picked it up from an exotics dealer, who picked it up from some old world government research center.", _norefunds = "Remember, though, no money back on this. Technology like this doesn't exist anywhere else, your younger slaves will stay that way forever, and your older ones will slowly begin to regress towards that nice mid-childhood state. If you want to build yourself a cadre of ''@@.coral;preteen@@'' delights for yourself or your customers, then buy now!">>
+								<<set _toyDolls = "If you like sexy little toy dolls, I mean biological ''@@.coral;lolis@@'' or ''@@.coral;shotas@@'' for life, then this is the one for you. I picked it up from an exotics dealer, who picked it up from some old world government research center.", _noRefunds = "Remember, though, no money back on this. Technology like this doesn't exist anywhere else, your younger slaves will stay that way forever, and your older ones will slowly begin to regress towards that nice mid-childhood state. If you want to build yourself a cadre of ''@@.coral;preteen@@'' delights for yourself or your customers, then buy now!">>
-								<<set _toydolls = "This might be a little too shady or perverted for you. But, if you want your slaves to last longer, you know, look younger for longer, well this treatment can help. However it comes at a price, this treatment will eventually turn your slave girls younger and younger looking, until the point you might not want to use them as sex slaves because they'll appear as teenagers or even younger. I'm serious, your slaves treated with this treatment will eventually look like children! They won't be, really, but this is no fountain of perpetual youth, and to be fair, maybe none of this will be up your alley. If that's the case, I guess you could just sell them once they get too young looking, and possibly for a higher price than if they looked older. It's, at best, for possibly more discerning or eclectic tastes then you might have. I picked it up from an exotics dealer, who picked it up from some old world government research center.", _norefunds = "Remember, though, no money back on this. Technology like this doesn't exist anywhere else, your treated slaves will stay and become younger looking forever, and your older ones will slowly begin to regress towards a disturbingly young mid-childhood state. All those caveats aside, if this sounds like something you'd want, then buy now!">>
+								<<set _toyDolls = "This might be a little too shady or perverted for you. But, if you want your slaves to last longer, you know, look younger for longer, well this treatment can help. However it comes at a price, this treatment will eventually turn your slave girls younger and younger looking, until the point you might not want to use them as sex slaves because they'll appear as teenagers or even younger. I'm serious, your slaves treated with this treatment will eventually look like children! They won't be, really, but this is no fountain of perpetual youth, and to be fair, maybe none of this will be up your alley. If that's the case, I guess you could just sell them once they get too young looking, and possibly for a higher price than if they looked older. It's, at best, for possibly more discerning or eclectic tastes then you might have. I picked it up from an exotics dealer, who picked it up from some old world government research center.", _noRefunds = "Remember, though, no money back on this. Technology like this doesn't exist anywhere else, your treated slaves will stay and become younger looking forever, and your older ones will slowly begin to regress towards a disturbingly young mid-childhood state. All those caveats aside, if this sounds like something you'd want, then buy now!">>
 							<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade == 0>>
 								You lack the facilities required for such a treatment to be effective on specific individuals.
@@ -210,10 +210,10 @@ He gestures to a door in the back of the stall. "The good shit's back there<<if
 								<<if $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch == 0>>
 									<<if $cash >= 135000>>
-										"_toydolls _match _norefunds"<br>
+										"_toyDolls _match _noRefunds"<br>
 										[[Purchase childhood fertility induced NCS|The Black Market][cashX(-135000, "capEx"), $arcologies[0].childhoodFertilityInducedNCSResearch = 1, _dump = $merchantFSWares.delete("childFertilityInducedSyndromeX")]] //@@.yellowgreen;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>.@@//<br>
-										"_toydolls _match _norefunds Or, you know, come back with money."<br>
+										"_toyDolls _match _noRefunds Or, you know, come back with money."<br>
 										You cannot afford the asking price of @@.red;<<print cashFormat(135000)>>@@ for the Childhood Fertility @@.orange;Induced NCS@@ (genetic engineering and hormonal blend) research recipe.<br>
 									He notices your interest and lets you read the information <<= App.Encyclopedia.Dialog.linkSC("Childhood Fertility Induced NCS", "Childhood Fertility Induced NCS")>>.
diff --git a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
index f0e412c573a94a5ac2712721c96944e6b9bbb8c3..dce4922f9bf3baf0beafe60a0315a201d412e015 100644
--- a/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/pregmod/widgets/pregmodBirthWidgets.tw
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 			<<if (random(1,20) > $suddenBirth)>>
-				$He is taken by _tempSub.slaveName to a private room so that _he2 may <<if canSee(_tempSub)>>watch<<else>>be present<</if>>. Reluctantly, $he begins to push out <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, fully aware of _tempSub.slaveName's <<if _tempSub.fetish == "pregnancy">>hungry gaze<<else>>amused gaze<</if>><<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>, but is quicly overwhelmed by the pleasure from $his orgmasmic birth<</if>>. $His child is promptly taken and _tempSub.slaveName eagerly descends upon $his exhausted and still very gravid body.
+				$He is taken by _tempSub.slaveName to a private room so that _he2 may <<if canSee(_tempSub)>>watch<<else>>be present<</if>>. Reluctantly, $he begins to push out <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, fully aware of _tempSub.slaveName's <<if _tempSub.fetish == "pregnancy">>hungry gaze<<else>>amused gaze<</if>><<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>>, but is quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure from $his orgasmic birth<</if>>. $His child is promptly taken and _tempSub.slaveName eagerly descends upon $his exhausted and still very gravid body.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
 				While servicing _tempSub.slaveName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's water breaks, causing $him to immediately try to break off. $His dom eagerly watches _his2 gravid sub's ordeal.
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@
 	<<if !canWalk($slaves[$i])>>
 		<<if (random(1,20) > $suddenBirth)>>
-			Having been notified in the weeks leading up to $his <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>first<<else>>regular<</if>> birth, $he is helped to the front of the class and stripped; $he is being used as a learning aid in this lesson. Blushing strongly, $he begins working on birthing <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, fully aware of the rapt attention of the other students.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> However $he quicly forgets about the audience as orgasms, one after another, hit $him.<</if>> $His child is promptly taken and, following a cleaning and fresh change of clothes, $he is helped back to $his seat. $He can't help but <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>notice some of the detailed notes the class took on $his genitals<<else>>overhear some of the lewd comments about $his still very gravid figure<</if>>.
+			Having been notified in the weeks leading up to $his <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>first<<else>>regular<</if>> birth, $he is helped to the front of the class and stripped; $he is being used as a learning aid in this lesson. Blushing strongly, $he begins working on birthing <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, fully aware of the rapt attention of the other students.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> However $he quickly forgets about the audience as orgasms, one after another, hit $him.<</if>> $His child is promptly taken and, following a cleaning and fresh change of clothes, $he is helped back to $his seat. $He can't help but <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>notice some of the detailed notes the class took on $his genitals<<else>>overhear some of the lewd comments about $his still very gravid figure<</if>>.
 			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
 			During a lesson in $schoolroomName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's water breaks. Since $he can't leave the lesson, $he tries $his best to hold back the upcoming birth of <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby. $He fails to manage and a particularly strong contraction elicits a moan noticeable enough to draw all the students' attention.
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@
 		<<if (random(1,20) > $suddenBirth)>>
-			Having been notified in the weeks leading up to $his <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>first<<else>>regular<</if>> birth, $he heads to the front of the class and strips; $he is being used as a learning aid in this lesson. Blushing strongly, $he begins working on birthing <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, fully aware of the rapt attention of the other students.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> However $he quicly forgets about the audience as orgasms, one after another, hit $him.<</if>> $His child is promptly taken and, following a cleaning and fresh change of clothes, $he returns to $his seat. $He can't help but <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>notice some of the detailed notes the class took on $his genitals<<else>>overhear some of the lewd comments about $his still very gravid figure<</if>>.
+			Having been notified in the weeks leading up to $his <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>first<<else>>regular<</if>> birth, $he heads to the front of the class and strips; $he is being used as a learning aid in this lesson. Blushing strongly, $he begins working on birthing <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, fully aware of the rapt attention of the other students.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> However $he quickly forgets about the audience as orgasms, one after another, hit $him.<</if>> $His child is promptly taken and, following a cleaning and fresh change of clothes, $he returns to $his seat. $He can't help but <<if canSee($slaves[$i])>>notice some of the detailed notes the class took on $his genitals<<else>>overhear some of the lewd comments about $his still very gravid figure<</if>>.
 			<<set $humiliation = 1>>
 			During a lesson in $schoolroomName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's water breaks. Since $he can't leave the lesson, $he tries $his best to hold back the upcoming birth of <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby. $He fails to manage and a particularly strong contraction elicits a moan noticeable enough to draw all the students' attention.
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
 <<case "take classes">>
 	<<if (random(1,20) > $suddenBirth)>>
-		Or $he would have, had $assistant.name allowed it. Since $he can't leave the lesson, $he tries $his best to hold back the upcoming birth, not without your assistant noticing. As punishment for poor planning, especially since this will be a weekly occurrence in $his life, $his birth will be turned into a live broadcast. Blushing strongly, $he begins working on birthing <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, trying $his best to hide $his shame.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> However $he quicly forgets about the audience as orgasms, one after another, hit $him.<</if>> Exhausted from the birth, $he is permitted a short break as $his child is collected to clean $himself up before the lesson is continued.
+		Or $he would have, had $assistant.name allowed it. Since $he can't leave the lesson, $he tries $his best to hold back the upcoming birth, not without your assistant noticing. As punishment for poor planning, especially since this will be a weekly occurrence in $his life, $his birth will be turned into a live broadcast. Blushing strongly, $he begins working on birthing <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby, trying $his best to hide $his shame.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> However $he quickly forgets about the audience as orgasms, one after another, hit $him.<</if>> Exhausted from the birth, $he is permitted a short break as $his child is collected to clean $himself up before the lesson is continued.
 		<<set $humiliation = 1>>
 		During a lesson under $assistant.name, $slaves[$i].slaveName's water breaks. Since $he can't leave the lesson, $he tries $his best to hold back the upcoming birth, not without your assistant noticing. As punishment for poor planning, especially since this will be a weekly occurrence in $his life, $he is forbidden from leaving. Additionally, $his birth will be turned into a live broadcast.
@@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@
 					While eating in the cafeteria, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth <<if $slaves[$i].counter.birthsTotal == 0>>$his first<<else>>this week's<</if>> baby. Unable to walk without assistance, $he finds $himself stranded in the middle of all the dining slaves.
 					<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-					$He gathers $his child and waits to be rescued from the vicious mockery, fully aware of all the jestering and laughter.
+					$He gathers $his child and waits to be rescued from the vicious mockery, fully aware of all the jeering and laughter.
 					$slaves[$i].slaveName is awoken from $his rest by a moist sensation followed by a contraction. $He rolls over and clutches $his gravid belly as another contraction wracks $his body.
@@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@
 				While eating in the cafeteria, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to move, $he finds $himself stranded in the middle of all the dining slaves.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				$He gathers $his child and waits to be rescued from the vicious mockery, fully aware of all the jestering and laughter.
+				$He gathers $his child and waits to be rescued from the vicious mockery, fully aware of all the jeering and laughter.
@@ -1855,7 +1855,7 @@
 				While eating in the cafeteria, $slaves[$i].slaveName's body begins to birth another of $his brood. Unable to move, $he finds $himself stranded in the middle of all the dining slaves.
 				<<set $humiliation = 1>>
-				$He gathers $his child and waits to be rescued from the vicious mockery, fully aware of all the jestering and laughter.
+				$He gathers $his child and waits to be rescued from the vicious mockery, fully aware of all the jeering and laughter.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
index ee1ca79f3a1fa8c940b0c7f6b380a2c6364c981d..b0fc1303f6aaf4b979085c5c590dd87ed5f3c66c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/brothelReport.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 :: Brothel Report [nobr]
-<span id="brothelstats">
+<span id="brothelStats">
 <<set _slaves = App.Utils.sortedEmployees(App.Entity.facilities.brothel)>>
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
 	<!-- Statistics output -->
 	<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Brothel.Stats(false)>>
 	<<timed 50ms>>
-		<<replace #brothelstats>>
+		<<replace #brothelStats>>
 			<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Brothel.Stats(true)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/club.tw b/src/uncategorized/club.tw
index 264823944969fed4d2d79a07ca60dd334a292111..e486cb76f31e48767cfb96fce1442efc062c13cd 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/club.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/club.tw
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
 	<<if $clubUpgradePDAs == 1>>
-		$clubNameCaps has been wired for unobtrusive personal data assistants to let your sluts pass tips about enslaveable people to your recruiter.
+		$clubNameCaps has been wired for unobtrusive personal data assistants to let your sluts pass tips about enslavable people to your recruiter.
 		<<set _Tmult1 = Math.trunc(10000*$upgradeMultiplierArcology*$HackingSkillMultiplier)>>
 		The rooms are standard.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
index f001183f31f8263213dfac903fbf3e4a88da448f..012ce2c6b504884b03335596ade22431e7309b90 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/clubReport.tw
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 :: Club Report [nobr]
-<span id="clubstats"></span>
+<span id="clubStats"></span>
 <<set _slaves = App.Utils.sortedEmployees(App.Entity.facilities.club)>>
 <<set _DL = _slaves.length, _SL = $slaves.length, $clubBonuses = 0, $legendaryEntertainerID = 0, _FLsFetish = 0>>
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
 	<!-- Statistics output -->
 	<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Club.Stats(false)>>
 	<<timed 50ms>>
-		<<replace #clubstats>>
+		<<replace #clubStats>>
 			<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Club.Stats(true)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/costsReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/costsReport.tw
index b6713c52e23bb97c5078f66a94be2d473bfc2e9e..4ee38131c205c9e814b889936fd9e0b361ae8003 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/costsReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/costsReport.tw
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 <<set _arcologyCosts = 0>>
 <<set _total = 0>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/customSlave.tw b/src/uncategorized/customSlave.tw
index 8c4d8069d159393bcd729aa1913d18ef354c8bfa..ce3bd27d366f78c1a9fef5ffed7ce0b69a04fa20 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/customSlave.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/customSlave.tw
@@ -1030,7 +1030,7 @@ Skin tone: <span id = "skin">
-<span id = "whoreskills">
+<span id = "whoreSkills">
 <<if $customSlave.skill.whore <= 10>>Unskilled at prostitution and entertainment.
 <<elseif $customSlave.skill.whore <= 15>>Basic skills at prostitution and entertainment.
 <<else>>Skilled at prostitution and entertainment.
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ Skin tone: <span id = "skin">
-<span id = "combatskills">
+<span id = "combatSkills">
 <<if $customSlave.skill.combat == 0>>Unskilled at combat.
 <<else>>Skilled at combat.
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw b/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
index 15515b63295c42d61374e81ff5c91281a6307a02..745f7775b2b2bb8c30d524b933d2548d695d4e8d 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/dairyReport.tw
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 :: Dairy Report [nobr]
-<span id="dairystats">
+<span id="dairyStats">
 <<set _MMWorkout = 0>>
 <<set _BF = App.Data.misc.bioreactorFluids>>
 <<set _slaves = App.Utils.sortedEmployees(App.Entity.facilities.dairy)>>
-<<set _DL = _slaves.length, _SL = $slaves.length, $bioreactorPerfectedID = 0, $legendaryBallsID = 0, $legendaryCowID = 0, $milkmaidDevotionBonus = 1, $milkmaidHealthBonus = 0, $milkmaidTrustBonus = 1, $milkmaidDevotionThreshold = 45, $milkmaidTrustThreshold = 35, _anusesStretched = 0, _birthers = 0, _births = 0, _cumWeek = 0, _femCumWeek = 0, _FLsFetish = 0, _milkWeek = 0, _balltacular = 0, _boobtacular = 0, _careerForgotten = 0, _chemMinor = 0, _chemSevere = 0, _desterilized = 0, _hatefilled = 0, _horrified = 0, _intelligenceLost = 0, _mindbroken = 0, _profits = 0, _skillsLost = 0, _stupidified = 0, _vaginasStretched = 0, _cmSlave = 0, _dsSlave = 0, _hfSlave = 0, _hrSlave = 0, _slSlave = 0, _cfSlave = 0, _stSlave = 0, _btSlave = 0>>
+<<set _DL = _slaves.length, _SL = $slaves.length, $bioreactorPerfectedID = 0, $legendaryBallsID = 0, $legendaryCowID = 0, $milkmaidDevotionBonus = 1, $milkmaidHealthBonus = 0, $milkmaidTrustBonus = 1, $milkmaidDevotionThreshold = 45, $milkmaidTrustThreshold = 35, _anusesStretched = 0, _birthers = 0, _births = 0, _cumWeek = 0, _femCumWeek = 0, _FLsFetish = 0, _milkWeek = 0, _balltacular = 0, _boobtacular = 0, _careerForgotten = 0, _chemMinor = 0, _chemSevere = 0, _desterilized = 0, _hateFilled = 0, _horrified = 0, _intelligenceLost = 0, _mindbroken = 0, _profits = 0, _skillsLost = 0, _stupidified = 0, _vaginasStretched = 0, _cmSlave = 0, _dsSlave = 0, _hfSlave = 0, _hrSlave = 0, _slSlave = 0, _cfSlave = 0, _stSlave = 0, _btSlave = 0>>
 <!-- Statistics gathering -->
 <<set $facility = $facility || {}, $facility.dairy = initFacilityStatistics($facility.dairy)>>
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 				<<if _slave.belly >= 5000>>
 					<<set _MMWorkout += 2>>
-			<<elseif !canWalk(_slave)>> /* smaller bonus if they are fat as cows and need assistanace with moving */
+			<<elseif !canWalk(_slave)>> /* smaller bonus if they are fat as cows and need assistance with moving */
 				<<if _slave.weight >= 70>>
 					<<set _MMWorkout += 1>>
@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@
 				<<if (_slave.devotion > -75)>>
 					<<set _slave.devotion -= 10>>
 					<<if (_slave.devotion < -65)>>
-						<<set _hatefilled++>>
+						<<set _hateFilled++>>
 						<<set _hfSlave = _slave>>
 				<<elseif (_slave.trust > -75)>>
@@ -810,7 +810,7 @@
 			<<if (_slave.devotion > -75)>>
 				<<set _slave.devotion -= 5>>
 				<<if (_slave.devotion < -70)>>
-					<<set _hatefilled++>>
+					<<set _hateFilled++>>
 					<<set _hfSlave = _slave>>
 			<<elseif (_slave.trust > -75)>>
@@ -988,9 +988,9 @@
 	<<setLocalPronouns _dsSlave>>
 	One cow had minor health issues preventing $his fertile womb from conceiving; they have been resolved and $he has been impregnated.
-<<if _hatefilled > 1>>
-	_hatefilled cows stopped struggling so much when fucked by the machines; it seems they have sunk into a fugue.
-<<elseif _hatefilled > 0>>
+<<if _hateFilled > 1>>
+	_hateFilled cows stopped struggling so much when fucked by the machines; it seems they have sunk into a fugue.
+<<elseif _hateFilled > 0>>
 	<<setLocalPronouns _hfSlave>>
 	One cow stopped struggling so much when fucked by the machines; it seems $he has sunk into a fugue.
@@ -1195,7 +1195,7 @@ $dairyNameCaps produced <<print _milkWeek+_outputMilk>> liters of milk<<if _cumW
 	<!-- Statistics output -->
 	<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Dairy.Stats(false)>>
 	<<timed 50ms>>
-		<<replace #dairystats>>
+		<<replace #dairyStats>>
 			<<includeDOM App.Facilities.Dairy.Stats(true)>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw b/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
index 052c79c2df433f04abc5ff13a4b643774a34ce95..5583b4ce1a0c87783eae893da8445c3f895db269 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/manageArcology.tw
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
 		You have not installed an FCTV receiver.
 		Installing this receiver yourself will cost <<print cashFormat(_noSub)>>.
-		You can have your citizens pay for the fiberoptic upgrades, reducing the cost to <<print cashFormat(_lightSub)>>.
+		You can have your citizens pay for the fiber optic upgrades, reducing the cost to <<print cashFormat(_lightSub)>>.
 		You can also have them heavily subsidize installation, they will be upset about it, but it will only cost <<print cashFormat(_heavySub)>>.
 		<<link "No subsidy" "Manage Arcology">>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/reCitizenHookup.tw b/src/uncategorized/reCitizenHookup.tw
index 978e1071a042ac7e5e4b23de2450971179f5ebda..2c22eb3374ee2621aee130a180f3580fb23c767c 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/reCitizenHookup.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/reCitizenHookup.tw
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 	<<set _FS = "none">>
-At night, the best living areas in the arcology offer a constant mélange of selective entertainments. There's a perpetual social scrum of who is to be invited to what going on, and you occupy a preeminent place atop it, mostly aloof from the struggles of your citizens for recognition and influence. You're invited to almost everything, since everyone who lives here knows the value of being in favor with the owner of the arcology. Invitations to your parties, of course, are some of the most valuable social currency in the arcology and one of $assistant.name's most important duties is to help you manage them without wasting your valuable time. It's not actually necessary for you to attend your own parties, since almost everyone will be glad to be seen in the entertainment area of the penthouse whether or not the propriet<<if $PC.title == 1>>or<<else>>ress<</if>> is actually present.
+At night, the best living areas in the arcology offer a constant mélange of selective entertainments. There's a perpetual social scrum of who is to be invited to what going on, and you occupy a preeminent place atop it, mostly aloof from the struggles of your citizens for recognition and influence. You're invited to almost everything, since everyone who lives here knows the value of being in favor with the owner of the arcology. Invitations to your parties, of course, are some of the most valuable social currency in the arcology and one of $assistant.name's most important duties is to help you manage them without wasting your valuable time. It's not actually necessary for you to attend your own parties, since almost everyone will be glad to be seen in the entertainment area of the penthouse whether or not the <<if $PC.title == 1>>proprietor<<else>>proprietress<</if>> is actually present.
 But tonight, you've put in an appearance. Your citizens are drinking your <<if $arcologies[0].FSPastoralist != "unset">>milk<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>finest alcohol<<else>>alcohol<</if>> and eating your food, though of course they helped pay for it through their rent. They're performing a complex dance of social dominance, and it all radiates around you, with complex unspoken rules of collective approval governing which citizens cycle past you for a word, and for how long. During a low point in the ebb and flow,
 <<switch _FS>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seExpiration.tw b/src/uncategorized/seExpiration.tw
index df473743b1d393701a3decff38957bc84caf4085..4b1e28664b142a024b46acab6f09d7e28a629c31 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seExpiration.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seExpiration.tw
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ $activeSlave.slaveName's indentured servitude is ending this week, meaning that
 <<set $lowerClass += 1>>
 <<set _seed = 0>>
-<<for _seexp = 0; _seexp < $slaves.length; _seexp++>>
-	<<if $slaves[_seexp].devotion <= 20>>
+<<for _seeXp = 0; _seeXp < $slaves.length; _seeXp++>>
+	<<if $slaves[_seeXp].devotion <= 20>>
 		<<set _seed = 1>>
-		<<set $slaves[_seexp].devotion -= 1>>
+		<<set $slaves[_seeXp].devotion -= 1>>
 <<if _seed == 1>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/seRaidingAssault.tw b/src/uncategorized/seRaidingAssault.tw
index 040822015dae56613eecd8df0d0d3a82c4477b8c..0d97ddc47933a1fe19e6a2cd9be5d6648f92ee1b 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/seRaidingAssault.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/seRaidingAssault.tw
@@ -3,27 +3,27 @@
 You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<set _MercCaptureL = -4,_MercCaptureU = 4>>
-<<set _raidescapeL = 1,_raidescapeU = 3>>
+<<set _raidEscapeL = 1,_raidEscapeU = 3>>
 <<if $SF.Toggle && $SF.Active >= 1>>
 	<<if $SF.Squad.Satellite >= 1 && $SF.SatLaunched > 0>>
 		<<set _MercCaptureL += 1,_MercCaptureU += 1>>
-		<<set _raidescapeL -= 1,_raidescapeU -= 1>>
+		<<set _raidEscapeL -= 1,_raidEscapeU -= 1>>
 	<<if $SF.Squad.SpacePlane >= 1>>
 		<<set _MercCaptureL += 1,_MercCaptureU += 1>>
-		<<set _raidescapeL -= 1>>
+		<<set _raidEscapeL -= 1>>
 <<set _MercCapture = random(_MercCaptureL,_MercCaptureU)>>
-<<set _raidescape = random(_raidescapeL,_raidescapeU)>>
+<<set _raidEscape = random(_raidEscapeL,_raidEscapeU)>>
 <<setLocalPronouns $activeSlave>>
 <<switch $origin>>
 <<case "housewife">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		Somehow the house<<= $wife>> manages to evade your mercenaries.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		Your $mercenariesTitle pry open the door to the mansion's panic room to find that the $woman has hung $himself to escape capture. A waste.
 		Your $mercenariesTitle pry open the door to the mansion's panic room and pull the protesting house<<= $wife>> from its depths.
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "university professor">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		A confrontation with the University's security team allows the professors to escape capture by the $mercenariesTitle.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		Your $mercenariesTitle are met with surprising resistance by the university's professors and are forced to bid a hasty retreat before security can arrive in greater numbers.
 		Your $mercenariesTitle corner the professors and their department head in one of the university's many conference rooms, hauling them off to the VTOLs when the academics promptly surrender.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "university student">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		A confrontation with the University's security team allows the students to escape capture by the $mercenariesTitle.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		Your $mercenariesTitle are met with surprising resistance by the university's students and are forced to bid a hasty retreat before security can arrive in greater numbers.
 		Your $mercenariesTitle corner the students in their rooms, hauling them off one by one to the VTOLs as they protest feebly.
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "female military officer">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		The officer's escort engages the $mercenariesTitle in a gunfight and in the confusion the officer manages to escape capture on foot.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		As your mercenaries gain the upper hand on the officer's escort, $he promptly puts $his service weapon to $his temple and pulls the trigger. A waste.
 		As your mercenaries gain the upper hand on the officer's escort, $he promptly puts $his service weapon to $his temple but hesitates. Luckily one of your $mercenariesTitle is close by and able to pluck the pistol from $his stiff fingers. The despondent officer is cuffed and taken back to the VTOL for transport.
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "male military officer">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		The officer's escort engages the $mercenariesTitle in a gunfight and in the confusion the officer manages to escape capture on foot.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		As your mercenaries gain the upper hand on the officer's escort, $he promptly puts $his service weapon to $his temple and pulls the trigger. A waste.
 		As your mercenaries gain the upper hand on the officer's escort, $he promptly puts $his service weapon to $his temple but hesitates. Luckily one of your $mercenariesTitle is close by and able to pluck the pistol from $his stiff fingers. The despondent officer is cuffed and taken back to the VTOL for transport.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "military soldier">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		The young soldiers fight valiantly against the $mercenariesTitle until they are routed. Despite defeating them in the field, your $mercenariesTitle are unable to capture any of the soldiers who escape on foot.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		The young soldiers are unfaltering in their conviction and fight to their last last. When the smoke clears, the barracks is chocked with corpses for none of the soldiers are left alive to capture.
 		The young soldiers fight valiantly, but when the battle turns against them they decide to surrender. Their sergeant is cuffed with the remaining survivors and taken back to the VTOL for transport.
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "doctor">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		The hospital's security staff alone would prove little match for the $mercenariesTitle, but just as they are about to be overrun an uneasy coalition of rival gangster and criminals who had been committed as patients join the fray and turn the tide of battle.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		The hospital's security staff alone would prove little match for your mercenaries, but they are joined by an uneasy coalition of rival gangster and criminals who had been committed as patients. Though your $mercenariesTitle prevail, they discover to their chagrin that the doctors and their staff were slain during the wanton exchange of fire.
 		The security staff of the hospital is easily overpowered and surrender rapidly, allowing your $mercenariesTitle to take the doctors and their staff into custody with little fuss.
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "nun">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		As the $mercenariesTitle close in on the commune, they are spotted by a group of young nuns tending to their grounds. Before your $mercenariesTitle can close the distance, they retreat behind the walls of their community and seal the gate behind them.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		The nuns flee into their inner sanctum as your $mercenariesTitle approach and bar the doors behind them as they go. When the last barrier is pried open, your $mercenariesTitle discover the nuns have committed suicide as a group rather than be taken prisoner.
 		Unarmed and defenseless, the nuns are easily cowed by your $mercenariesTitle and taken away one by one to the VTOLs. The most pious $sister prays vehemently until $he is dragged out of the inner sanctum in cuffs.
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "journalist">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		Though the $mercenariesTitle easily overwhelm the single security guard posted at the firm, they are unable to do so before he triggers an alarm. Faced with the prospect of local law enforcement arriving, your $mercenariesTitle beat a hasty retreat.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		Your $mercenariesTitle are met with fierce resistance by the staff of the newspaper firm, who take the raid as an opportunity to turn their abolitionist words into violent action. Eventually, your $mercenariesTitle retreat from the building before law enforcement can arrive.
 		Once the lone security guard is subdued, the journalists and editors of the firm quietly accept their restraints and file out of the building and into the waiting VTOL.
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "local news anchor">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		Unfortunately for the $mercenariesTitle, the news channel appears to have been interviewing members of the local militia garrison at the time of the raid. Upon encountering more firepower than they had anticipated, your $mercenariesTitle wisely retreat from the engagement.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		Your $mercenariesTitle are able to subdue the news anchor and bid a hasty exit from the recording studio. Before they can board the waiting VTOL however, the anchor is struck in the head by a bullet fired by a man who was $his longtime fan turned stalker. It seems if he cannot have $him, neither can you.
 		The news anchor is subdued without issue and quietly escorted out of the recording studio and into the waiting VTOL.
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "classical dancer">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		Though they are excellent soldiers, the $mercenariesTitle are crude and uncultured. They are unable to blend into the audience and are soon discovered, giving the dance troupe the warning needed to make an escape from the theater.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		As your $mercenariesTitle close in on the stage and reveal their concealed weapons, the darling star of the dance troupe loses $his footing in shock and tumbles off the stage. The sharp crack as $he hits the ground drives the crowd and remaining members of the troupe hysterical, while your $mercenariesTitle exit the theater as chaos surges around them.
 		Once your $mercenariesTitle close in on the stage and reveal their concealed weapons, the dance troupe promptly surrenders. With the shocked audience looking on, each member is cuffed and escorted out the door to the waiting VTOL.
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "law enforcement officer">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		Despite the lack of staff, it seems this particular precinct has been the recipient of an alarming quantity of military grade equipment. With their overwhelming firepower, the officers are able to hold off your $mercenariesTitle until reinforcements arrive and force your troops to retreat.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		Despite being outnumbered and outgunned, the officers stand their ground to the last. The sterling officer of the law your $mercenariesTitle sought to capture is the last to fall, stifled by a hail of bullets.
 		Your $mercenariesTitle break through the door of the precinct with their guns drawn. The precinct is so understaffed that each officer has a number of weapons drawn on them from every angle, so its no surprise when the precinct's sterling police<<= $woman>> formally surrenders the precinct and its officers to your mercenaries.
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "classical musician">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		Though they are excellent soldiers, the $mercenariesTitle are crude and uncultured. They are unable to blend into the audience and are soon discovered, giving the orchestra the warning needed to make an escape from the concert hall.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		As your $mercenariesTitle close in on the stage and reveal their concealed weapons, the crown jewel of the orchestra loses $his footing in shock and tumbles off the stage. The sharp crack as $he hits the ground drives the crowd and remaining members of the orchestra hysterical, while your $mercenariesTitle exit the concert hall as chaos surges around them.
 		Once your $mercenariesTitle close in on the stage and reveal their concealed weapons, the orchestra promptly surrenders. With the shocked audience looking on, each member is cuffed and escorted out the door to the waiting VTOL.
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "politician">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		The $mercenariesTitle clash with the politician's security detail amidst a maelstrom of terrified civilians and the confrontation drags out for some time. By the time your $mercenariesTitle can advance, they discover that the politician has already been evacuated.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		With their security detail defeated and their crowd of supporters offering no protection, the politician tries to take up one of $his fallen protector's pistols to defend $himself. Unfortunately for $him and for your mercenaries, the politician has a staggeringly poor understanding of firearms and manages to shoot themselves in the face when they discharge the weapon. With the politician dead, there is little your $mercenariesTitle can do but exit the venue.
 		With their security detail defeated and their crowd of supporters offering no protection, the politician promptly surrenders in the hopes that they won't be harmed and is escorted to the waiting VTOL.
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "shut-in">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		The $mercenariesTitle pry open the shut-in's door to discover an empty shack. From the cooked meal still steaming on the dining room table and the remarkable absence of dust, it seems $he left only recently. Somehow the crafty <<if $activeSlave.visualAge < 13>>little <<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 18>>teen <<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 24>>young <<elseif $activeSlave.visualAge <= 32>><<else>>old <</if>> minx must have seen your $mercenariesTitle coming.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		When the $mercenariesTitle break down the door to the shut-in's shack, they are met with a terrible stench of dust and decay. Judging by the body hanging limply from the banisters, the shut-in took $his own life some time ago.
 		When your $mercenariesTitle break down the door to the shut-in's shack, they are met with a surprised and somewhat unkempt $woman staring at them. Despite $his lack of social interaction, they know better than to argue with a small army of armed $mercenariesTitle and quietly accepts being escorted back to the waiting VTOL.
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "procuress">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		The $mercenariesTitle break down the door to the halfway home to discover a throng of sniffling young women, who cling to their boots and beg for rescue. Once they have been accounted for, your $mercenariesTitle discover the procuress is nowhere to be found. It seems the wily old minx has somehow made $his escape before your $mercenariesTitle even arrived.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		When your $mercenariesTitle enter the halfway house, the impoverished women within mistake them for an international rescue mission. Before your $mercenariesTitle can say otherwise, the women go berserk with the prospect of freedom and break into the procuress' office to tear $him apart with their bare hands.
 		When your $mercenariesTitle enter the halfway house, the impoverished women within mistake them for an international rescue mission. Before your $mercenariesTitle can say otherwise, the women band together and drag the procuress out of $his office and restrain $him themselves. The $mercenariesTitle have to do little more than escort the grinning women to the waiting VTOLs, while they drag the protesting procuress with them.
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "investor">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		The $mercenariesTitle raid the business exposition and thoroughly search the premises, only to discover that the investor never arrived. A terrified businessman informs your $mercenariesTitle that $he cited heightened security risks as the reason for $his absence.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		When your $mercenariesTitle corner the investor in the exposition, $he seemingly mistakes them for international police intent on taking $him in for prior economic crimes. Before $he can be subdued, the investor swallows a concealed pill and crumples to the ground dead.
 		When your $mercenariesTitle corner the investor in the exposition, $he seemingly mistakes them for international police intent on taking $him in for prior economic crimes. $He begrudgingly surrenders and is subsequently escorted back to a waiting VTOL.
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "scientist">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		When the $mercenariesTitle make an explosive entrance into the lab with their guns drawn, the chief scientist throws a vial of some mysterious liquid in front of them. The resultant smoke is so thick and choking that your $mercenariesTitle are forced to retreat from the building, during which time the scientists make their own escape. When your $mercenariesTitle reenter the building, they find it abandoned.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		The bulk of the scientists surrender shortly after your $mercenariesTitle make an explosive entrance into their lab. Before $he can be cuffed, the chief scientist takes a swig from some mysterious beaker of liquid. From the triumphant look on $his face as $he keels over dead, your $mercenariesTitle suspect the liquid was intended to have a transformative effect rather than a suicidal one.
 		The bulk of the scientists surrender shortly after your $mercenariesTitle make an explosive entrance into their lab. Before $he can be cuffed, the chief scientist takes a swig from some mysterious beaker of liquid. As the triumphant look on $his face fades, it becomes clear that the liquid did not have the transformative effect that $he desired.
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 <<case "lawyer">>
 	<<if $targetEscape >= _MercCapture>>
 		It seems the lawyer had anticipated the possibility of conflict on the frontier on the outer rim of the old world, so the $mercenariesTitle are able to do little more than enter the building before the law firm's offices seal themselves off. Faced with the prospect of lingering in a conflict zone, your $mercenariesTitle cut their losses and retreat back to their VTOLs.
-	<<elseif _raidescape == 1>>
+	<<elseif _raidEscape == 1>>
 		Your $mercenariesTitle capture the law firm's staff without much difficulty, but when they open the door to the lawyer's office they find $him frothing from the mouth and unresponsive. From the quantity of pill bottles evident on $his desk, it seems $he found the sole loophole to escape capture.
 		Your $mercenariesTitle capture the law firm's staff without much difficulty, but when they open the door to the lawyer's office they find $him frothing from the mouth and unresponsive. Despite $his attempts to drug $himself into suicide, the effects are temporary and the lawyer soon finds $himself being hauled off to a waiting VTOL with $his staff.
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ You make your selection and direct your $mercenariesTitle to attack the target.
 		<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>> /* skip New Slave Intro */
-<<if ($targetEscape >= _MercCapture) || (_raidescape == 1)>>
+<<if ($targetEscape >= _MercCapture) || (_raidEscape == 1)>>
 	Your $mercenariesTitle return without their final prize, but remain in high spirits given their other successes out in the field.
 <<unset $targetEscape, $origin>>
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/universalRules.tw b/src/uncategorized/universalRules.tw
index d07f4819b2d5cadcb4a1d9142ef8f90a28f9958c..74924fc2876e6ccfe7e8f3530bb3093c3bef1003 100644
--- a/src/uncategorized/universalRules.tw
+++ b/src/uncategorized/universalRules.tw
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ Slave nicknames are
 		<<elseif $FSNamePref == 5>>
 			New slaves are currently being named according to feudal Japanese Custom.
 		<<elseif $FSNamePref == 6>>
-			New slaves are currently being named according to Degradationalist Custom.
+			New slaves are currently being named according to Degradationist Custom.
 		<<elseif $FSNamePref == 7>>
 			New slaves are currently being named according to Paternalist Custom.
 		<<elseif $FSNamePref == 8>>
diff --git a/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw b/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
index d28ab9b1a09aa9811404ba729cd81d66cbe72d04..be11452a5f16089e0d39ac7bf35236f7d2dd2703 100644
--- a/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/birthWidgets.tw
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 		<<if $clinic != 0>>
-			$He is lead to $clinicName since $he is likely to face complications with childbirth. $He is helped from $his clothes and into a comfortable hospital bed to relax until $he is ready. $He makes $himself comfortable and begins working on birthing $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>, fully aware of $his watching helpers.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> $His body is so sensitive that even difficult birth is an intensly pleasurable experience for $him.<</if>> <<if $birthDamage > 10>><<set $csec = 1>><<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar($slaves[$i], "belly", "c-section")>>After several hours of intense labor, $he is transferred to the surgery wing. Following an emergency c-section, $he is returned to the recovery wing to rest<<else>>After several hours,<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity != 1>> and a touch of morphine,<</if>> $he has successfully given birth<</if>>. $His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> promptly taken and $he is left under observation to make sure $he recovers.
+			$He is lead to $clinicName since $he is likely to face complications with childbirth. $He is helped from $his clothes and into a comfortable hospital bed to relax until $he is ready. $He makes $himself comfortable and begins working on birthing $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>, fully aware of $his watching helpers.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> $His body is so sensitive that even difficult birth is an intensely pleasurable experience for $him.<</if>> <<if $birthDamage > 10>><<set $csec = 1>><<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar($slaves[$i], "belly", "c-section")>>After several hours of intense labor, $he is transferred to the surgery wing. Following an emergency c-section, $he is returned to the recovery wing to rest<<else>>After several hours,<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity != 1>> and a touch of morphine,<</if>> $he has successfully given birth<</if>>. $His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> promptly taken and $he is left under observation to make sure $he recovers.
 			<<set $csec = 1>>
 			<<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar($slaves[$i], "belly", "c-section")>>
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
 <<if $birthDamage > 5>>
 	<<set $csec = 1>>
 	<<if $clinic != 0>>
-		$He is carried to $clinicName, since $he is likely to face complications with childbirth. $He is stripped from $his clothes and set up in a comfortable hospital bed to relax until $he is ready. $He wiggles $himself into a comfortable spot and begins working on birthing $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>, fully aware of $his watching helpers.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> $His body is so sensitive that even difficult birth is an intensly pleasurable experience for $him.<</if>> <<if $birthDamage > 10>><<set $csec = 1>><<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar($slaves[$i], "belly", "c-section")>>After several hours of intense labor, $he is transferred to the surgery wing. Following an emergency c-section, $he is returned to the recovery wing to rest<<else>>After several hours,<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity != 1>> and a touch of morphine,<</if>> $he has successfully given birth<</if>>. $His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> promptly taken and $he is left under observation to make sure $he recovers.
+		$He is carried to $clinicName, since $he is likely to face complications with childbirth. $He is stripped from $his clothes and set up in a comfortable hospital bed to relax until $he is ready. $He wiggles $himself into a comfortable spot and begins working on birthing $his bab<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ies<<else>>y<</if>>, fully aware of $his watching helpers.<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity == 2>> $His body is so sensitive that even difficult birth is an intensely pleasurable experience for $him.<</if>> <<if $birthDamage > 10>><<set $csec = 1>><<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar($slaves[$i], "belly", "c-section")>>After several hours of intense labor, $he is transferred to the surgery wing. Following an emergency c-section, $he is returned to the recovery wing to rest<<else>>After several hours,<<if $slaves[$i].geneticQuirks.uterineHypersensitivity != 1>> and a touch of morphine,<</if>> $he has successfully given birth<</if>>. $His child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren are<<else>> is<</if>> promptly taken and $he is left under observation to make sure $he recovers.
 		<<set $csec = 1>>
 		<<run App.Medicine.Modification.addScar($slaves[$i], "belly", "c-section")>>
@@ -1099,7 +1099,7 @@
 	$He thanks $his charges for their less than helpful efforts and collects $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> for removal. Upon returning, $he strips down and enters the pool, desperate for a break.
 <<case "be the Matron">>
-	While tending to the infants in $nurseryName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's water breaks. The nannies quickly come to $his aid as the contractions get closer and closer together. They crowd around and watch, their curiousity getting the better of them.
+	While tending to the infants in $nurseryName, $slaves[$i].slaveName's water breaks. The nannies quickly come to $his aid as the contractions get closer and closer together. They crowd around and watch, their curiosity getting the better of them.
 	<<set $humiliation = 1>>
 	$He thanks $his assistants for their less than helpful efforts and collects $his child<<if $slaves[$i].pregType > 1>>ren<</if>> for removal.
diff --git a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
index 916ad89f03ad80700b12ecf790a2443d11e26195..31e4381c62cab2292332ee17b50ea8722982c505 100644
--- a/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
+++ b/src/utility/slaveCreationWidgets.tw
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@
  Call as <<CustomSlaveWhoreSkills>>
 <<widget "CustomSlaveWhoreSkills">>
-	<<replace #whoreskills>>
+	<<replace #whoreSkills>>
 		<<if $customSlave.skill.whore <= 10>>Unskilled at prostitution and entertainment.
 		<<elseif $customSlave.skill.whore <= 35>>Basic prostitution and entertainment skills.
 		<<else>>Skilled at prostitution and entertainment.
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
  Call as <<CustomSlaveCombatSkills>>
 <<widget "CustomSlaveCombatSkills">>
-	<<replace #combatskills>>
+	<<replace #combatSkills>>
 		<<if $customSlave.skill.combat == 0>>Unskilled at combat.
 		<<else>>Skilled at combat.