diff --git a/src/markets/marketUI.js b/src/markets/marketUI.js
index 62a8a55c97112dfde15aa925e6f3256337e37522..981baec4b2e0a85ca42e932cb084708eb4eff5ad 100644
--- a/src/markets/marketUI.js
+++ b/src/markets/marketUI.js
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
 App.Markets.purchaseFramework = function(slaveMarket, {sTitleSingular = "slave", sTitlePlural = "slaves", costMod = 1} = {}) {
 	const el = new DocumentFragment();
 	const {slave, text} = generateMarketSlave(slaveMarket, (V.market.numArcology || 1));
-	const cost = getCost();
+	const costObj = getCost();
+	const cost = costObj.cost;
 	let prisonCrime = "";
 	if (slaveMarket === V.prisonCircuit[V.prisonCircuitIndex]) {
 		prisonCrime = pronounsForSlaveProp(slave, text);
@@ -17,16 +18,18 @@ App.Markets.purchaseFramework = function(slaveMarket, {sTitleSingular = "slave",
 		$(el).append(` ${text}`);
-	App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p",
-		el,
-		`The offered price is ${cashFormat(cost)}. ${(V.slavesSeen > V.slaveMarketLimit) ? `You have cast such a wide net for slaves this week that it is becoming more expensive to find more for sale. Your reputation helps determine your reach within the slave market.` : ``}`
-	);
+	App.Events.addParagraph(el, [
+		`The offered price is`,
+		App.UI.DOM.combineNodes(costObj.report, "."),
+		V.slavesSeen > V.slaveMarketLimit ? `You have cast such a wide net for slaves this week that it is becoming more expensive to find more for sale. Your reputation helps determine your reach within the slave market.` : ``
+	]);
 	return el;
 	function getCost() {
-		let cost = slaveCost(slave, false, !App.Data.misc.lawlessMarkets.includes(slaveMarket));
+		const costObj = slaveCost(slave, false, !App.Data.misc.lawlessMarkets.includes(slaveMarket), false, true);
+		let cost = costObj.cost;
 		if (V.slavesSeen > V.slaveMarketLimit) {
 			cost += cost * ((V.slavesSeen - V.slaveMarketLimit) * 0.1);
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ App.Markets.purchaseFramework = function(slaveMarket, {sTitleSingular = "slave",
 		console.log("CostMod: ", costMod);
 		cost = 500 * Math.trunc(cost / 500);
-		return cost;
+		return {cost, report: costObj.report};
 	function choices() {