diff --git a/src/facilities/nursery/generateChild.js b/src/facilities/nursery/generateChild.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f9aedd0845aab900eda461350e81815048432553
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/facilities/nursery/generateChild.js
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+ * Creates a new child object based on its mother and father and whether or not it is destined for the Incubator
+ * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} mother The slave object carrying the child source
+ * @param {object} ovum The source for the child, comes from the mother's womb array
+ * @param {number} destination Optional
+ * @returns {App.Entity.SlaveState|App.Entity.InfantState}
+ */
+globalThis.generateChild = function (mother, ovum, incubator=false) {
+	let genes = ovum.genetics; // TODO: maybe just argument this? We'll see.
+	let child = {};
+	if (!incubator) { // does extra work for the incubator if defined, otherwise builds a simple object
+		child.genes = genes.gender;
+		setSlaveName();
+		setSurname();
+		child.mother = genes.mother;
+		child.father = genes.father;
+		child.nationality = genes.nationality;
+		child.race = genes.race;
+		child.intelligence = genes.intelligence;
+		if (mother.prematureBirth > 0) {
+			if (child.intelligence >= -90) {
+				child.intelligence -= jsRandom(0, 10);
+			}
+			child.premature = 1;
+		}
+		child.face = genes.face;
+		child.underArmHStyle = genes.underArmHStyle;
+		child.pubicHStyle = genes.pubicHStyle;
+		child.markings = genes.markings;
+		child.sexualFlaw = genes.sexualFlaw;
+		child.behavioralFlaw = genes.behavioralFlaw;
+		child.fetish = genes.fetish;
+		child.geneticQuirks = clone(genes.geneticQuirks);
+		if (child.geneticQuirks.albinism === 2) {
+			child.albinismOverride = makeAlbinismOverride(child.race);
+		}
+		child.origSkin = genes.skin;
+		child.eyeColor = genes.eyeColor;
+		child.origHColor = genes.hColor;
+		child.skin = getGeneticSkinColor(child);
+		child.hColor = getGeneticHairColor(child);
+		child.pubicHColor = child.hColor;
+		child.underArmHColor = child.hColor;
+		child.eyebrowHColor = child.hColor;
+		child.birthWeek = 0;
+		child.actualAge = 0;
+		if (genes.faceShape !== undefined) {
+			child.faceShape = genes.faceShape;
+		}
+		if (mother.addict > 0) {
+			child.addict = Math.trunc(mother.addict / 2);
+		}
+		child.weekAcquired = V.week;
+		if (child.nationality === "Stateless") {
+			const revivalistNationality = getRevivalistNationality();
+			if (typeof revivalistNationality === 'string') {
+				child.nationality = revivalistNationality;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		const fixedAge = {
+			minAge: V.targetAge,
+			maxAge: V.targetAge,
+			ageOverridesPedoMode: 1,
+			mature: 0
+		};
+		child = GenerateNewSlave(genes.gender, fixedAge);
+		setSlaveName();
+		setSurname();
+		child.actualAge = 0;
+		if (genes.clone !== undefined) {
+			child.clone = genes.clone;
+			child.cloneID = genes.cloneID;
+		}
+		child.mother = genes.mother;
+		child.father = genes.father;
+		child.nationality = genes.nationality;
+		child.race = genes.race;
+		child.origRace = child.race;
+		child.geneticQuirks = clone(genes.geneticQuirks);
+		if (child.geneticQuirks.albinism === 2) {
+			child.albinismOverride = makeAlbinismOverride(child.race);
+		}
+		child.origSkin = genes.skin;
+		child.eye.origColor = genes.eyeColor;
+		child.origHColor = genes.hColor;
+		child.skin = getGeneticSkinColor(child);
+		child.hColor = getGeneticHairColor(child);
+		resetEyeColor(child, "both");
+		child.pubicHColor = child.hColor;
+		child.underArmHColor = child.hColor;
+		child.eyebrowHColor = child.hColor;
+		child.intelligence = genes.intelligence;
+		if (mother.prematureBirth > 0) {
+			if (child.intelligence >= -90) {
+				child.intelligence -= jsRandom(0, 10);
+			}
+			child.premature = 1;
+		}
+		if (child.geneticQuirks.dwarfism === 2 && child.geneticQuirks.gigantism !== 2) {
+			child.height = Height.random(child, { limitMult: [-4, -1], spread: 0.15 });
+		} else if (child.geneticQuirks.gigantism === 2 && child.geneticQuirks.dwarfism !== 2) {
+			child.height = Height.random(child, { limitMult: [3, 10], spread: 0.15 });
+		}
+		child.face = genes.face;
+		child.underArmHStyle = genes.underArmHStyle;
+		child.pubicHStyle = genes.pubicHStyle;
+		child.markings = genes.markings;
+		child.sexualFlaw = genes.sexualFlaw;
+		child.behavioralFlaw = genes.behavioralFlaw;
+		child.fetish = genes.fetish;
+		child.birthWeek = 0;
+		child.energy = 0;
+		child.anus = 0;
+		if (child.vagina > 0) { child.vagina = 0; }
+		if (child.fetish !== "none") { child.fetishStrength = 20; }
+		if (child.dick > 0) { child.foreskin = 1; child.balls = 1; child.scrotum = 1; }
+		if (genes.faceShape !== undefined) { child.faceShape = genes.faceShape; }
+		if (mother.addict > 0) { child.addict = Math.trunc(mother.addict / 2); }
+		child.career = "a slave since birth";
+		child.birthName = child.slaveName;
+		child.birthSurname = child.slaveSurname;
+		child.devotion = 0;
+		child.trust = 0;
+		child.weekAcquired = V.week;
+		if (child.nationality === "Stateless") {
+			const revivalistNationality = getRevivalistNationality();
+			if (typeof revivalistNationality === 'string') {
+				child.nationality = revivalistNationality;
+			}
+		}
+		child.weight = -100;
+		child.muscles = -100;
+		child.boobs = 0;
+		child.butt = 0;
+		child.chem = 990;
+		child.areolaePiercing = 0;
+		child.corsetPiercing = 0;
+		child.boobsImplant = 0;
+		child.boobsImplantType = "none";
+		child.nipplesPiercing = 0;
+		child.areolaePiercing = 0;
+		child.lactation = 0;
+		child.hipsImplant = 0;
+		child.buttImplant = 0;
+		child.buttImplantType = "none";
+		child.lipsImplant = 0;
+		child.lipsPiercing = 0;
+		child.tonguePiercing = 0;
+		child.vaginaPiercing = 0;
+		child.preg = 0;
+		child.pregType = 0;
+		child.pregKnown = 0;
+		child.belly = 0;
+		child.bellyPreg = 0;
+		child.bellyFluid = 0;
+		child.bellyImplant = -1;
+		child.cervixImplant = 0;
+		child.clitPiercing = 0;
+		child.dickPiercing = 0;
+		child.makeup = 0;
+		child.nails = 0;
+		child.earPiercing = 0;
+		child.nosePiercing = 0;
+		child.eyebrowPiercing = 0;
+		child.stampTat = 0;
+		child.bellyTat = 0;
+		child.anusPiercing = 0;
+		child.anusTat = 0;
+		child.shouldersTat = 0;
+		child.armsTat = 0;
+		child.legsTat = 0;
+		child.backTat = 0;
+		child.skill.combat = 0;
+		child.skill.whoring = 0;
+		child.skill.entertainment = 0;
+		child.skill.oral = 0;
+		child.skill.anal = 0;
+		child.skill.vaginal = 0;
+		child.accent = 4;
+		child.canRecruit = 0;
+		child.hStyle = "long";
+		child.hLength = 300;
+		if (V.incubatorImprintSetting === "terror") {
+			child.origin = "$He was conditioned from birth into mindless terror in an aging tank.";
+			child.tankBaby = 2;
+		} else if (V.incubatorImprintSetting === "trust") {
+			child.origin = "$He was conditioned from birth into trusting obedience in an aging tank.";
+			child.tankBaby = 1;
+		} else {
+			child.origin = "$His brain is blank outside of the most basic of functions.";
+			child.fetish = "mindbroken";
+			child.tankBaby = 3;
+		}
+		child.intelligenceImplant = 0;
+		child.navelPiercing = 0;
+	}
+	this.setSurname(child, genes);
+	this.setSlaveName(child, genes);
+	generatePronouns(child);
+	return child;
+ * Sets the child's surname based on information on its mother and father
+ * @param {object} child
+ * @param {object} genes An object containing child's genetic information
+ */
+function setSurname(child, genes) {
+	child.slaveSurname = genes.surname;
+	if (genes.clone) {
+		if (genes.cloneID === -1) {
+			child.slaveSurname = V.PC.slaveSurname;
+		} else {
+			let cloneSeed = getSlave(genes.cloneID);
+			if (cloneSeed !== undefined) {
+				if (cloneSeed.slaveSurname !== 0 && cloneSeed.slaveSurname !== "") {
+					child.slaveSurname = cloneSeed.slaveSurname;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else if (genes.mother === -1 || genes.father === -1) {
+		child.slaveSurname = V.PC.slaveSurname;
+	} else if (genes.father > 0) {
+		let currentMother = getSlave(genes.mother);
+		if (currentMother !== undefined) {
+			if (currentMother.slaveSurname !== 0 && currentMother.slaveSurname !== "") {
+				child.slaveSurname = currentMother.slaveSurname;
+			}
+		} else {
+			let currentFather = getSlave(genes.father);
+			if (currentFather !== undefined) {
+				if (currentFather.slaveSurname !== 0 && currentFather.slaveSurname !== "") {
+					child.slaveSurname = currentFather.slaveSurname;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		let currentMother = getSlave(genes.mother);
+		if (currentMother !== undefined) {
+			if (currentMother.slaveSurname !== 0 && currentMother.slaveSurname !== "") {
+				child.slaveSurname = currentMother.slaveSurname;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+ * Sets the child's name or title based on information on its mother and father
+ * @param {object} child
+ * @param {object} genes An object containing child's genetic information
+ */
+function setSlaveName(child, genes) {
+	const relString = child.genes === "XX" ? "daughter" : "son";
+	if (!(V.pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade) || genes.name.indexOf("ovum") === 0) {
+		if (genes.clone) {
+			if (genes.cloneID === -1) {
+				child.slaveName = `Your clone`;
+			} else {
+				child.slaveName = `${genes.clone}'s clone`;
+			}
+		} else if (genes.mother === -1) {
+			if (genes.father <= 0) {
+				child.slaveName = `Your ${relString}`;
+			} else {
+				child.slaveName = `Your and ${genes.fatherName}'s ${relString}`;
+			}
+		} else if (genes.father === -1) {
+			child.slaveName = `${genes.motherName}'s and your ${relString}`;
+		} else if (genes.father > 0) {
+			child.slaveName = `${genes.motherName} and ${genes.fatherName}'s ${relString}`;
+		} else {
+			child.slaveName = `${genes.motherName}'s bastard ${relString}`;
+		}
+	} else {
+		child.slaveName = genes.name;
+	}
+ * Changes the child's skin depending on if it has albinism
+ * @param {string} race The child's race
+ */
+function makeAlbinismOverride(race) {
+	let albinismOverride = {
+		skin: 0,
+		eyeColor: "red",
+		hColor: "white"
+	};
+	switch (race) {
+		case "black":
+		case "indo-aryan":
+		case "malay":
+		case "pacific islander":
+		case "amerindian":
+			albinismOverride.skin = "very fair";
+			break;
+		case "latina":
+			albinismOverride.skin = "extremely fair";
+			break;
+		case "asian":
+		case "middle eastern":
+		case "semitic":
+		case "southern european":
+		case "white":
+			albinismOverride.skin = "pure white";
+			break;
+		default:
+			albinismOverride.skin = "pure white";
+	}
+	return albinismOverride;
diff --git a/src/js/generateGenetics.js b/src/js/generateGenetics.js
index 520fc57fc63f12de31ff3431a1c172fb1c30433b..88adc9cdcd921b95dea393f4f3109a0c63227190 100644
--- a/src/js/generateGenetics.js
+++ b/src/js/generateGenetics.js
@@ -1057,304 +1057,3 @@ globalThis.generateGenetics = (function() {
 	return generateGenetics;
- * @param {App.Entity.SlaveState} mother
- * @returns {App.Entity.SlaveState|App.Entity.InfantState}
- */
-globalThis.generateChild = function(mother, ova, destination) {
-	let genes = ova.genetics; // maybe just argument this? We'll see.
-	let child = {};
-	function setSurname() {
-		child.slaveSurname = genes.surname;
-		if (genes.clone) {
-			if (genes.cloneID === -1) {
-				child.slaveSurname = V.PC.slaveSurname;
-			} else {
-				let cloneSeed = getSlave(genes.cloneID);
-				if (cloneSeed !== undefined) {
-					if (cloneSeed.slaveSurname !== 0 && cloneSeed.slaveSurname !== "") {
-						child.slaveSurname = cloneSeed.slaveSurname;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} else if (genes.mother === -1 || genes.father === -1) {
-			child.slaveSurname = V.PC.slaveSurname;
-		} else if (genes.father > 0) {
-			let currentMother = getSlave(genes.mother);
-			if (currentMother !== undefined) {
-				if (currentMother.slaveSurname !== 0 && currentMother.slaveSurname !== "") {
-					child.slaveSurname = currentMother.slaveSurname;
-				}
-			} else {
-				let currentFather = getSlave(genes.father);
-				if (currentFather !== undefined) {
-					if (currentFather.slaveSurname !== 0 && currentFather.slaveSurname !== "") {
-						child.slaveSurname = currentFather.slaveSurname;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			let currentMother = getSlave(genes.mother);
-			if (currentMother !== undefined) {
-				if (currentMother.slaveSurname !== 0 && currentMother.slaveSurname !== "") {
-					child.slaveSurname = currentMother.slaveSurname;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function setSlaveName() {
-		const relString = child.genes === "XX" ? "daughter" : "son";
-		if (!(V.pregnancyMonitoringUpgrade) || genes.name.indexOf("ovum") === 0) {
-			if (genes.clone) {
-				if (genes.cloneID === -1) {
-					child.slaveName = `Your clone`;
-				} else {
-					child.slaveName = `${genes.clone}'s clone`;
-				}
-			} else if (genes.mother === -1) {
-				if (genes.father <= 0) {
-					child.slaveName = `Your ${relString}`;
-				} else {
-					child.slaveName = `Your and ${genes.fatherName}'s ${relString}`;
-				}
-			} else if (genes.father === -1) {
-				child.slaveName = `${genes.motherName}'s and your ${relString}`;
-			} else if (genes.father > 0) {
-				child.slaveName = `${genes.motherName} and ${genes.fatherName}'s ${relString}`;
-			} else {
-				child.slaveName = `${genes.motherName}'s bastard ${relString}`;
-			}
-		} else {
-			child.slaveName = genes.name;
-		}
-	}
-	function makeAlbinismOverride(race) {
-		let albinismOverride = {
-			skin: 0,
-			eyeColor: "red",
-			hColor: "white"
-		};
-		switch (race) {
-			case "black":
-			case "indo-aryan":
-			case "malay":
-			case "pacific islander":
-			case "amerindian":
-				albinismOverride.skin = "very fair";
-				break;
-			case "latina":
-				albinismOverride.skin = "extremely fair";
-				break;
-			case "asian":
-			case "middle eastern":
-			case "semitic":
-			case "southern european":
-			case "white":
-				albinismOverride.skin = "pure white";
-				break;
-			default:
-				albinismOverride.skin = "pure white";
-		}
-		return albinismOverride;
-	}
-	if (!destination) { // does extra work for the incubator if defined, otherwise builds a simple object
-		child.genes = genes.gender;
-		setSlaveName();
-		setSurname();
-		child.mother = genes.mother;
-		child.father = genes.father;
-		child.nationality = genes.nationality;
-		child.race = genes.race;
-		child.intelligence = genes.intelligence;
-		if (mother.prematureBirth > 0) {
-			if (child.intelligence >= -90) {
-				child.intelligence -= jsRandom(0, 10);
-			}
-			child.premature = 1;
-		}
-		child.face = genes.face;
-		child.underArmHStyle = genes.underArmHStyle;
-		child.pubicHStyle = genes.pubicHStyle;
-		child.markings = genes.markings;
-		child.sexualFlaw = genes.sexualFlaw;
-		child.behavioralFlaw = genes.behavioralFlaw;
-		child.fetish = genes.fetish;
-		child.geneticQuirks = clone(genes.geneticQuirks);
-		if (child.geneticQuirks.albinism === 2) {
-			child.albinismOverride = makeAlbinismOverride(child.race);
-		}
-		child.origSkin = genes.skin;
-		child.eyeColor = genes.eyeColor;
-		child.origHColor = genes.hColor;
-		child.skin = getGeneticSkinColor(child);
-		child.hColor = getGeneticHairColor(child);
-		child.pubicHColor = child.hColor;
-		child.underArmHColor = child.hColor;
-		child.eyebrowHColor = child.hColor;
-		child.birthWeek = 0;
-		child.actualAge = 0;
-		if (genes.faceShape !== undefined) {
-			child.faceShape = genes.faceShape;
-		}
-		if (mother.addict > 0) {
-			child.addict = Math.trunc(mother.addict / 2);
-		}
-		child.weekAcquired = V.week;
-		if (child.nationality === "Stateless") {
-			const revivalistNationality = getRevivalistNationality();
-			if (typeof revivalistNationality === 'string') {
-				child.nationality = revivalistNationality;
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		const fixedAge = {
-			minAge: V.targetAge,
-			maxAge: V.targetAge,
-			ageOverridesPedoMode: 1,
-			mature: 0
-		};
-		child = GenerateNewSlave(genes.gender, fixedAge);
-		setSlaveName();
-		setSurname();
-		child.actualAge = 0;
-		if (genes.clone !== undefined) {
-			child.clone = genes.clone;
-			child.cloneID = genes.cloneID;
-		}
-		child.mother = genes.mother;
-		child.father = genes.father;
-		child.nationality = genes.nationality;
-		child.race = genes.race;
-		child.origRace = child.race;
-		child.geneticQuirks = clone(genes.geneticQuirks);
-		if (child.geneticQuirks.albinism === 2) {
-			child.albinismOverride = makeAlbinismOverride(child.race);
-		}
-		child.origSkin = genes.skin;
-		child.eye.origColor = genes.eyeColor;
-		child.origHColor = genes.hColor;
-		child.skin = getGeneticSkinColor(child);
-		child.hColor = getGeneticHairColor(child);
-		resetEyeColor(child, "both");
-		child.pubicHColor = child.hColor;
-		child.underArmHColor = child.hColor;
-		child.eyebrowHColor = child.hColor;
-		child.intelligence = genes.intelligence;
-		if (mother.prematureBirth > 0) {
-			if (child.intelligence >= -90) {
-				child.intelligence -= jsRandom(0, 10);
-			}
-			child.premature = 1;
-		}
-		if (child.geneticQuirks.dwarfism === 2 && child.geneticQuirks.gigantism !== 2) {
-			child.height = Height.random(child, {limitMult: [-4, -1], spread: 0.15});
-		} else if (child.geneticQuirks.gigantism === 2 && child.geneticQuirks.dwarfism !== 2) {
-			child.height = Height.random(child, {limitMult: [3, 10], spread: 0.15});
-		}
-		child.face = genes.face;
-		child.underArmHStyle = genes.underArmHStyle;
-		child.pubicHStyle = genes.pubicHStyle;
-		child.markings = genes.markings;
-		child.sexualFlaw = genes.sexualFlaw;
-		child.behavioralFlaw = genes.behavioralFlaw;
-		child.fetish = genes.fetish;
-		child.birthWeek = 0;
-		child.energy = 0;
-		child.anus = 0;
-		if (child.vagina > 0) { child.vagina = 0; }
-		if (child.fetish !== "none") { child.fetishStrength = 20; }
-		if (child.dick > 0) { child.foreskin = 1; child.balls = 1; child.scrotum = 1; }
-		if (genes.faceShape !== undefined) { child.faceShape = genes.faceShape; }
-		if (mother.addict > 0) { child.addict = Math.trunc(mother.addict / 2); }
-		child.career = "a slave since birth";
-		child.birthName = child.slaveName;
-		child.birthSurname = child.slaveSurname;
-		child.devotion = 0;
-		child.trust = 0;
-		child.weekAcquired = V.week;
-		if (child.nationality === "Stateless") {
-			const revivalistNationality = getRevivalistNationality();
-			if (typeof revivalistNationality === 'string') {
-				child.nationality = revivalistNationality;
-			}
-		}
-		child.weight = -100;
-		child.muscles = -100;
-		child.boobs = 0;
-		child.butt = 0;
-		child.chem = 990;
-		child.areolaePiercing = 0;
-		child.corsetPiercing = 0;
-		child.boobsImplant = 0;
-		child.boobsImplantType = "none";
-		child.nipplesPiercing = 0;
-		child.areolaePiercing = 0;
-		child.lactation = 0;
-		child.hipsImplant = 0;
-		child.buttImplant = 0;
-		child.buttImplantType = "none";
-		child.lipsImplant = 0;
-		child.lipsPiercing = 0;
-		child.tonguePiercing = 0;
-		child.vaginaPiercing = 0;
-		child.preg = 0;
-		child.pregType = 0;
-		child.pregKnown = 0;
-		child.belly = 0;
-		child.bellyPreg = 0;
-		child.bellyFluid = 0;
-		child.bellyImplant = -1;
-		child.cervixImplant = 0;
-		child.clitPiercing = 0;
-		child.dickPiercing = 0;
-		child.makeup = 0;
-		child.nails = 0;
-		child.earPiercing = 0;
-		child.nosePiercing = 0;
-		child.eyebrowPiercing = 0;
-		child.stampTat = 0;
-		child.bellyTat = 0;
-		child.anusPiercing = 0;
-		child.anusTat = 0;
-		child.shouldersTat = 0;
-		child.armsTat = 0;
-		child.legsTat = 0;
-		child.backTat = 0;
-		child.skill.combat = 0;
-		child.skill.whoring = 0;
-		child.skill.entertainment = 0;
-		child.skill.oral = 0;
-		child.skill.anal = 0;
-		child.skill.vaginal = 0;
-		child.accent = 4;
-		child.canRecruit = 0;
-		child.hStyle = "long";
-		child.hLength = 300;
-		if (V.incubatorImprintSetting === "terror") {
-			child.origin = "$He was conditioned from birth into mindless terror in an aging tank.";
-			child.tankBaby = 2;
-		} else if (V.incubatorImprintSetting === "trust") {
-			child.origin = "$He was conditioned from birth into trusting obedience in an aging tank.";
-			child.tankBaby = 1;
-		} else {
-			child.origin = "$His brain is blank outside of the most basic of functions.";
-			child.fetish = "mindbroken";
-			child.tankBaby = 3;
-		}
-		child.intelligenceImplant = 0;
-		child.navelPiercing = 0;
-	}
-	generatePronouns(child);
-	return child;
diff --git a/src/npc/interaction/passage/birthStorm.tw b/src/npc/interaction/passage/birthStorm.tw
index 875295dd9a775b44fd8363a7b677ddf9f015d56d..760e9c7794d940b257d737bb37b108fb0946bc1c 100644
--- a/src/npc/interaction/passage/birthStorm.tw
+++ b/src/npc/interaction/passage/birthStorm.tw
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ The remote surgery allows the removal of the pregnancy generator through convent
-	/*No live babies. Placeholder */
+	/* TODO: No live babies. Placeholder */
 <<set _curBabies = getSlave($AS).curBabies.length>>