diff --git a/src/005-passages/interactPassages.js b/src/005-passages/interactPassages.js
index e931955cf90f3b623f7c4e82f9b11313533789b7..77c353f76a08aed801cfc0af9037059aabd309cf 100644
--- a/src/005-passages/interactPassages.js
+++ b/src/005-passages/interactPassages.js
@@ -341,3 +341,17 @@ new App.DomPassage("Find Slave",
 		return App.UI.findSlave();
 	}, ["jump-to-safe", "jump-from-safe"]
+new App.DomPassage("Analyze Pregnancy",
+	() => {
+		V.nextButton = "Continue";
+		return App.UI.analyzePregnancy();
+	}, ["jump-from-safe"]
+new App.DomPassage("Analyze PC Pregnancy",
+	() => {
+		V.nextButton = "Continue";
+		return App.UI.analyzePCPregnancy();
+	}, ["jump-from-safe"]
diff --git a/src/facilities/surgery/analyzePlayerPregnancy.js b/src/facilities/surgery/analyzePlayerPregnancy.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..809cadc7cc45064e0c3eb4112683a06521d6b69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/facilities/surgery/analyzePlayerPregnancy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+App.UI.analyzePCPregnancy = function() {
+	//:: Analyze PC Pregnancy [nobr]
+	const node = new DocumentFragment();
+	if (lastVisited("Incubator") === 1) {
+		V.storedLink = "Incubator";
+	} else if (lastVisited("Manage Personal Affairs") === 1) {
+		V.storedLink = "Manage Personal Affairs";
+	}
+	V.nextButton = "Continue";
+	V.nextLink = V.storedLink;
+	const _WL = V.PC.womb.length;
+	const _incubatorReservations = WombReserveCount(V.PC, "incubator");
+	const _nurseryReservations = WombReserveCount(V.PC, "nursery");
+	const _freeTanks = V.incubator.capacity - V.incubator.tanks.length;
+	const _freeCribs = V.nursery - V.cribs.length;
+	const _reservedChildren = FetusGlobalReserveCount("incubator");
+	const _reservedChildrenNursery = FetusGlobalReserveCount("nursery");
+	let linkArray = [];
+	if (_WL === 0) {
+		setTimeout(() => Engine.play("Manage Personal Affairs"), Engine.minDomActionDelay);
+	} else {
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node, `You make yourself comfortable and prep your stomach for examination.`, "scene-intro");
+		App.Events.addParagraph(node, [App.Desc.Player.analyzePreg()]);
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", node, "Furthest developed pregnancy");
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node, `Fetal development week: ${V.PC.preg}`);
+		let p = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node);
+		if (V.incubator.capacity > 0 || V.nursery > 0) {
+			let div = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", p);
+			if (V.incubator.capacity > 0) {
+				if (_incubatorReservations > 0) {
+					linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+						`Remove all of your children from ${V.incubator.name}`,
+						() => {
+							WombChangeReserveType(V.PC, "incubator", "");
+						},
+						[],
+						"Analyze PC Pregnancy"
+					));
+				}
+				if (_incubatorReservations < _WL && (_reservedChildren + _WL - _incubatorReservations <= _freeTanks)) {
+					linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+						`Keep all of your children in ${V.incubator.name}`,
+						() => {
+							WombChangeReserveType(V.PC, "nursery", "incubator");
+							WombChangeReserveType(V.PC, "", "incubator");
+						},
+						[],
+						"Analyze PC Pregnancy"
+					));
+				} else if (_incubatorReservations < _WL) {
+					App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", div, `There is not enough free space in ${V.incubator.name} for the rest of your children.`);
+				}
+				div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+			}
+			linkArray = [];
+			div = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", p);
+			if (V.nursery > 0) {
+				if (_nurseryReservations > 0) {
+					linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+						`Remove all of your children from ${V.nurseryName}`,
+						() => {
+							WombChangeReserveType(V.PC, "nursery", "");
+						},
+						[],
+						"Analyze Pregnancy"
+					));
+				}
+				if (_nurseryReservations < _WL && (_reservedChildrenNursery + _WL - _nurseryReservations <= _freeCribs)) {
+					linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+						`Keep all of your children in ${V.incubator.name}`,
+						() => {
+							WombChangeReserveType(V.PC, "incubator", "nursery");
+							WombChangeReserveType(V.PC, "", "nursery");
+						},
+						[],
+						"Analyze Pregnancy"
+					));
+				} else if (_nurseryReservations < _WL) {
+					App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", div, `There is not enough free space in ${V.nurseryName} for the rest of your children.`);
+				}
+				div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+			}
+		}
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", node, "Deep scan");
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node, analyzePregnancies(V.PC, false));
+	}
+	return node;
diff --git a/src/facilities/surgery/analyzePregnancy.js b/src/facilities/surgery/analyzePregnancy.js
index 2a17314c88e6b09fd8939013a6b3b508bc97a0d0..08229f5d8584fef10c42032c9864866e27bf6778 100644
--- a/src/facilities/surgery/analyzePregnancy.js
+++ b/src/facilities/surgery/analyzePregnancy.js
@@ -240,3 +240,122 @@ globalThis.analyzePregnancies = function(mother, cheat) {
+App.UI.analyzePregnancy = function() {
+	const node = new DocumentFragment();
+	if (lastVisited("Incubator") === 1) {
+		V.storedLink = "Incubator";
+	} else if (lastVisited("Slave Interact") === 1) {
+		V.storedLink = "Slave Interact";
+	}
+	V.nextLink = V.storedLink;
+	const slave = getSlave(V.AS);
+	const _WL = slave.womb.length;
+	const _incubatorReservations = WombReserveCount(slave, "incubator");
+	const _nurseryReservations = WombReserveCount(slave, "nursery");
+	const _freeTanks = V.incubator.capacity - V.incubator.tanks.length;
+	const _freeCribs = V.nursery - V.cribs.length;
+	const _reservedChildren = FetusGlobalReserveCount("incubator");
+	const _reservedChildrenNursery = FetusGlobalReserveCount("nursery");
+	let linkArray = [];
+	const {
+		His, He,
+		his
+	} = getPronouns(slave);
+	App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node, `${slave.slaveName} is ${(slave.devotion < 20) ? `restrained` : `comfortably reclined`} with ${his} stomach prepped for examination. ${He} shudders slightly at the cold touch of the sensor against ${his} skin.`, "scene-intro");
+	App.Events.addParagraph(node, [App.Desc.pregnancy(slave)]);
+	App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", node, "Overall statistics");
+	let p = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node);
+	const _cc = Math.round(slave.bellyPreg);
+	const _safeCC = Math.round(slave.pregAdaptation * 2000);
+	if (V.geneticMappingUpgrade > 0) {
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", p, `Estimated physical degree of pregnancy adaptation: ${num(Math.round(slave.pregAdaptation))}`);
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", p, `Estimated safe ${(slave.ovaries === 1 || slave.mpreg === 1) ? `womb` : `abdominal`} volume: ${num(_safeCC)}cc`);
+	}
+	App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", p, `Current fetal count: ${slave.womb.length}`);
+	App.Events.addNode(p, [
+		`Estimated ${(slave.ovaries === 1 || slave.mpreg === 1) ? `womb` : `abdominal`} volume: ${(_safeCC < _cc && V.geneticMappingUpgrade > 0) ? `<span class="red">${num(_cc)}</span>` : num(_cc)}cc`
+	], "div");
+	if (slave.womb.length > 0) {
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", node, "Furthest developed pregnancy");
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node, `Fetal development week: ${Math.trunc(slave.preg * 1000) / 1000}`);
+		p = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node);
+		if (V.incubator.capacity > 0 || V.nursery > 0) {
+			let div = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", p);
+			if (V.incubator.capacity > 0) {
+				if (_incubatorReservations > 0) {
+					linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+						`Remove all of ${his} children from ${V.incubator.name}`,
+						() => WombChangeReserveType(slave, "incubator", ""),
+						[],
+						"Analyze Pregnancy"
+					));
+				}
+				if (_incubatorReservations < _WL && (_reservedChildren + _WL - _incubatorReservations <= _freeTanks)) {
+					linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+						`Keep all of ${his} children in ${V.incubator.name}`,
+						() => {
+							WombChangeReserveType(slave, "nursery", "incubator");
+							WombChangeReserveType(slave, "", "incubator");
+						},
+						[],
+						"Analyze Pregnancy"
+					));
+				} else if (_incubatorReservations < _WL) {
+					App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", div, `There is not enough free space in ${V.incubator.name} for the rest of ${his} children.`);
+				}
+				div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+			}
+			linkArray = [];
+			div = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", p);
+			if (V.nursery > 0) {
+				if (_nurseryReservations > 0) {
+					linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+						`Remove all of ${his} children from ${V.nurseryName}`,
+						() => WombChangeReserveType(slave, "nursery", ""),
+						[],
+						"Analyze Pregnancy"
+					));
+				}
+				if (_nurseryReservations < _WL && (FetusGlobalReserveCount("nursery") + _WL - _nurseryReservations <= _freeCribs)) {
+					linkArray.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+						`Keep all of ${his} children in ${V.incubator.name}`,
+						() => {
+							WombChangeReserveType(slave, "incubator", "nursery");
+							WombChangeReserveType(slave, "", "nursery");
+						},
+						[],
+						"Analyze Pregnancy"
+					));
+				} else if (_nurseryReservations < _WL) {
+					App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", div, `There is not enough free space in ${V.nurseryName} for the rest of ${his} children.`);
+				}
+				div.append(App.UI.DOM.generateLinksStrip(linkArray));
+			}
+		}
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", node, "Deep scan");
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("p", node, analyzePregnancies(slave, false));
+	} else if (slave.preg === -3) { // special states
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node, `Failure to locate any ova. Subject is infertile.`);
+	} else if (slave.pregWeek < 0) { // special states
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node, `Subject is in the postpartum period.`);
+	} else if (slave.ovaryAge >= 47) {
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node, `${His} infertility is due to menopausal ovaries.`);
+	} else if (slave.ovaries === 0 && slave.mpreg === 0) {
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node, `${His} infertility is due to missing ovaries.`);
+	} else if (slave.preg === -2) { // special states
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node, `${His} infertility is due to sterilization; ${his} ovaries could still work.`);
+	} else if (slave.preg === -1) { // special states
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", node, `Contraceptive agents detected in subject.`);
+	}
+	return node;
diff --git a/src/pregmod/analyzePlayerPregnancy.tw b/src/pregmod/analyzePlayerPregnancy.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 61da9630dbffd60b6f604499b4e9142b1852e403..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pregmod/analyzePlayerPregnancy.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-:: Analyze PC Pregnancy [nobr]
-<<if lastVisited("Incubator") === 1>>
-	<<set $storedLink = "Incubator">>
-<<elseif lastVisited("Manage Personal Affairs") === 1>>
-	<<set $storedLink = "Manage Personal Affairs">>
-<<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = $storedLink>>
-<<set _WL = $PC.womb.length, _incubatorReservations = WombReserveCount($PC, "incubator"), _nurseryReservations = WombReserveCount($PC, "nursery"), _freeTanks = $incubator.capacity - $incubator.tanks.length, _freeCribs = $nursery - $cribs.length>>
-<<set _reservedChildren = FetusGlobalReserveCount("incubator")>>
-<<set _reservedChildrenNursery = FetusGlobalReserveCount("nursery")>>
-<<if _WL == 0>>
-	<<goto "Manage Personal Affairs">>
-	<p class="scene-intro">
-		You make yourself comfortable and prep your stomach for examination. <<= App.Desc.Player.analyzePreg()>>
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		<h2>Furthest developed pregnancy</h2>
-		<div class="indent">
-			Fetal development week: $PC.preg
-		</div>
-	</p>
-	<<if $incubator.capacity > 0 || $nursery > 0>>
-	<p>
-		<<if $incubator.capacity > 0>>
-			<<if _incubatorReservations > 0>>
-				<<link "Remove all of your children from $incubator.name" "Analyze PC Pregnancy">>
-					<<run WombChangeReserveType($PC, "incubator", "")>>
-					<<set _reservedChildren -= _incubatorReservations>>
-				<</link>> |
-			<</if>>
-			<<if _incubatorReservations < _WL && (_reservedChildren + _WL - _incubatorReservations <= _freeTanks)>>
-				<<link "Keep all of your children in $incubator.name" "Analyze PC Pregnancy">>
-					<<run WombChangeReserveType($PC, "nursery", "incubator")>>
-					<<run WombChangeReserveType($PC, "", "incubator")>>
-					<<set _reservedChildrenNursery -= _nurseryReservations>>
-					<<set _reservedChildren += _WL - _incubatorReservations>>
-				<</link>>
-			<<elseif _incubatorReservations < _WL>>
-				There is not enough free space in <<= $incubator.name>> for the rest of your children.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		<<if $nursery > 0>>
-			<<if _nurseryReservations > 0>>
-				<<link "Remove all of your children from $nurseryName" "Analyze PC Pregnancy">>
-					<<run WombChangeReserveType($PC, "nursery", "")>>
-					<<set _reservedChildrenNursery -= _nurseryReservations>>
-				<</link>> |
-			<</if>>
-			<<if _nurseryReservations < _WL && (_reservedChildrenNursery + _WL - _nurseryReservations <= _freeCribs)>>
-				<<link "Keep all of your children in $nurseryName" "Analyze PC Pregnancy">>
-					<<run WombChangeReserveType($PC, "incubator", "nursery")>>
-					<<run WombChangeReserveType($PC, "", "nursery")>>
-					<<set _reservedChildren -= _incubatorReservations>>
-					<<set _reservedChildrenNursery += _WL - _nurseryReservations>>
-				<</link>>
-			<<elseif _nurseryReservations < _WL>>
-				There is not enough free space in $nurseryName for the rest of your children.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	</p>
-	<</if>>
-	<p>
-		<h2>Deep scan</h2>
-		<<includeDOM analyzePregnancies($PC)>>
-	</p>
diff --git a/src/pregmod/analyzePregnancy.tw b/src/pregmod/analyzePregnancy.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index 79f3582c7d326a1097ae698cfb873a72d2684de1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/pregmod/analyzePregnancy.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-:: Analyze Pregnancy [nobr]
-<<if lastVisited("Incubator") === 1>>
-	<<set $storedLink = "Incubator">>
-<<elseif lastVisited("Slave Interact") === 1>>
-	<<set $storedLink = "Slave Interact">>
-<<set $nextButton = "Continue", $nextLink = $storedLink>>
-<<run App.Utils.setLocalPronouns(getSlave($AS))>>
-<<set _WL = getSlave($AS).womb.length, _incubatorReservations = WombReserveCount(getSlave($AS), "incubator"), _nurseryReservations = WombReserveCount(getSlave($AS), "nursery"), _freeTanks = $incubator.capacity - $incubator.tanks.length, _freeCribs = $nursery - $cribs.length>>
-<p class="scene-intro">
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is <<if getSlave($AS).devotion < 20>>restrained<<else>>comfortably reclined<</if>> with $his stomach prepped for examination. $He shudders slightly at the cold touch of the sensor against $his skin.
-<<= App.Desc.pregnancy(getSlave($AS))>>
-	<h2>Overall statistics</h2>
-	<div class="indent">
-		<<set _cc = Math.round(getSlave($AS).bellyPreg)>>
-		<<set _safeCC = Math.round(getSlave($AS).pregAdaptation*2000)>>
-		<<if $geneticMappingUpgrade > 0>>
-			<div>
-				Estimated physical degree of pregnancy adaptation: <<print num(Math.round(getSlave($AS).pregAdaptation))>>
-			</div>
-			<div>
-				Estimated safe
-				<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries == 1 || getSlave($AS).mpreg == 1>>
-					womb
-				<<else>>
-					abdominal
-				<</if>>
-				volume: <<= num(_safeCC)>> cc
-			</div>
-		<</if>>
-		<div>
-			Current fetal count: <<= getSlave($AS).womb.length>>
-		</div>
-		<div>
-			Estimated
-			<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries == 1 || getSlave($AS).mpreg == 1>>
-				womb
-			<<else>>
-				abdominal
-			<</if>>
-			volume: <<if _safeCC < _cc && $geneticMappingUpgrade > 0>>@@.red;<<= num(_cc)>>@@<<else>><<= num(_cc)>><</if>> cc
-		</div>
-	</div>
-<<if getSlave($AS).womb.length > 0>>
-	<p>
-		<h2>Furthest developed pregnancy</h2>
-		<div class="indent">
-			Fetal development week: <<= Math.trunc(getSlave($AS).preg * 1000) / 1000>>
-		</div>
-	</p>
-	<p>
-	<<if $incubator.capacity > 0 || $nursery > 0>>
-		<div>
-			<<if $incubator.capacity > 0>>
-				<<if _incubatorReservations > 0>>
-					<<link "Remove all of $his children from $incubator.name" "Analyze Pregnancy">>
-						<<run WombChangeReserveType(getSlave($AS), "incubator", "")>>
-					<</link>> |
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _incubatorReservations < _WL && (_reservedChildren + _WL - _incubatorReservations <= _freeTanks)>>
-					<<link "Keep all of $his children in $incubator.name" "Analyze Pregnancy">>
-						<<run WombChangeReserveType(getSlave($AS), "nursery", "incubator")>>
-						<<run WombChangeReserveType(getSlave($AS), "", "incubator")>>
-					<</link>>
-				<<elseif _incubatorReservations < _WL>>
-					There is not enough free space in <<= $incubator.name>> for the rest of $his children.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		</div>
-		<div>
-			<<if $nursery > 0>>
-				<<if _nurseryReservations > 0>>
-					<<link "Remove all of $his children from $nurseryName" "Analyze Pregnancy">>
-						<<run WombChangeReserveType(getSlave($AS), "nursery", "")>>
-					<</link>> |
-				<</if>>
-				<<if _nurseryReservations < _WL && (FetusGlobalReserveCount("nursery") + _WL - _nurseryReservations <= _freeCribs)>>
-					<<link "Keep all of $his children in $nurseryName" "Analyze Pregnancy">>
-						<<run WombChangeReserveType(getSlave($AS), "incubator", "nursery")>>
-						<<run WombChangeReserveType(getSlave($AS), "", "nursery")>>
-					<</link>>
-				<<elseif _nurseryReservations < _WL>>
-					There is not enough free space in $nurseryName for the rest of $his children.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		</div>
-	<</if>>
-	</p>
-	<p>
-		<h2>Deep scan</h2>
-		<<includeDOM analyzePregnancies(getSlave($AS))>>
-	</p>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).preg == -3>> /*special states*/
-	Failure to locate any ova. Subject is infertile.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).pregWeek < 0>> /*special states*/
-	Subject is in the postpartum period.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).ovaryAge >= 47 >>
-	$His infertility is due to menopausal ovaries.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).ovaries === 0 && getSlave($AS).mpreg === 0>>
-	$His infertility is due to missing ovaries.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).preg == -2>> /*special states*/
-	$His infertility is due to sterilization; $his ovaries could still work.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).preg == -1>> /*special states*/
-	Contraceptive agents detected in subject.