From 161f4cf93449e4accaee19776794d970f3d2939b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Skriv <>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 2021 20:37:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] fixes

 js/003-data/slaveProstheticsData.js        |  6 ++---
 src/events/REFS/refsWarhound.js            |  7 ++++-
 src/npc/                          | 30 ----------------------
 src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js          |  4 +--
 src/npc/descriptions/descriptionWidgets.js |  4 +--
 src/npc/descriptions/ears.js               |  2 +-
 src/npc/descriptions/upperBack.js          |  4 +--
 7 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/npc/

diff --git a/js/003-data/slaveProstheticsData.js b/js/003-data/slaveProstheticsData.js
index e1beb5edec7..e9e3c6fb4ea 100644
--- a/js/003-data/slaveProstheticsData.js
+++ b/js/003-data/slaveProstheticsData.js
@@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ App.Data.modTails = new Map([
 	["phoenix", {animal: "Phoenix", desc: "a magnificent bundle of luminescent tail feathers"}],
 	["peacock", {animal: "Peacock", desc: "a gorgeous bundle of peacock tail feathers"}],
 	["raven", {animal: "Raven", desc: "a bundle of crow tail feathers"}],
-	["swan", {animal: "Swan", desc: "a smal bundle of short swan tail feathers"}],
-	["sheep", {animal: "Sheep", desc: "a short, woolly sheeps tail"}],
+	["swan", {animal: "Swan", desc: "a small bundle of short swan tail feathers"}],
+	["sheep", {animal: "Sheep", desc: "a short, woolly sheep tail"}],
 	["cow", {animal: "Cow", desc: `a long cow tail`}],
 	["gazelle", {animal: "Gazelle", desc: "a short, silky gazelle tail"}],
 	["deer", {animal: "Deer", desc: "a short deer tail"}],
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ App.Data.modWings = new Map([
 	["seraph", {animal: "Seraph", desc: "three pairs of majestic-looking angels wings"}],
 	["demon", {animal: "Demon", desc: "a pair of sexy and sleek demonic wings"}],
 	["dragon", {animal: "Dragon", desc: "a pair of imposing draconic wings"}],
-	["phoenix", {animal: "Phoenix", desc: "a pair of magnificent, luminiscent phoenix wings"}],
+	["phoenix", {animal: "Phoenix", desc: "a pair of magnificent, luminescent phoenix wings"}],
 	["bird", {animal: "Bird", desc: "a pair of feathered wings"}],
 	["fairy", {animal: "Fairy", desc: "a pair of translucent, leaf-like fairy wings"}],
 	["butterfly", {animal: "Butterfly", desc: "a pair of beautiful butterfly wings"}],
diff --git a/src/events/REFS/refsWarhound.js b/src/events/REFS/refsWarhound.js
index 711323f0d50..85e04a063f6 100644
--- a/src/events/REFS/refsWarhound.js
+++ b/src/events/REFS/refsWarhound.js
@@ -69,9 +69,14 @@ App.Events.refsWarhound = class refsWarhound extends App.Events.BaseEvent { = `$He has the Imperial symbol of your arcology tattooed above a barcode on $his neck.`;
 		setHealth(slave, jsRandom(30, 60), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+		const {
+			He,
+			he, his, him, girl
+		} = getPronouns(slave);
 		App.Events.drawEventArt(node, slave);
-		App.Events.addParagraph(node, [`The Imperial marketplace is a loud and lively place, no matter the day or hour, permeated by the constant noise of face-to-face trade even in the dead of night. As you walk down the marketplace today a dozen different curiosities catch your eye, nose, and ear alike, distracted by the smell of roasting meat and the glimmer of a shiny new old-world fashion on display in some packed-in corner store. But one particularly unusual merchant and his wares catch your attention immediately, standing out from the trifles and trivialities always for sale - a fat, smiling man holding a colorful open-air stand, and holding in one hand a leash attached to a tight steel collar, keeping an obviously cybrernetically-enhanced quadruped ${girl} at his side.`]);
+		App.Events.addParagraph(node, [`The Imperial marketplace is a loud and lively place, no matter the day or hour, permeated by the constant noise of face-to-face trade even in the dead of night. As you walk down the marketplace today a dozen different curiosities catch your eye, nose, and ear alike, distracted by the smell of roasting meat and the glimmer of a shiny new old-world fashion on display in some packed-in corner store. But one particularly unusual merchant and his wares catch your attention immediately, standing out from the trifles and trivialities always for sale - a fat, smiling man holding a colorful open-air stand, and holding in one hand a leash attached to a tight steel collar, keeping an obviously cybernetically-enhanced quadruped ${girl} at his side.`]);
 		App.Events.addParagraph(node, [`As you approach, the fat merchant bows deeply, still holding the leash. "Ah, your Highness!" The trader says in a high-pitched, silky voice, his pudgy face coming up to look you in the eyes. "I had not expected such a royal calibre of visitor to my humble stall, but you shall nevertheless profit much from my wares." You gesture to the ${girl} on the leash, who, upon closer inspection, seems to be some kind of cybernetic beast-${girl}, and ask what ${he} is.`]);
diff --git a/src/npc/ b/src/npc/
deleted file mode 100644
index b4cbe49c29a..00000000000
--- a/src/npc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-:: AS Dump [no-history]
-<<if (ndef $activeSlave) || ($activeSlave == 0)>>
-;ERROR:@@ AS Dump, activeSlave invalid, returnTo is '$returnTo', previous passage was '<<print previous()>>'. Please report this.
-	<<link "Continue">><<goto $returnTo>><</link>> | [[Go Back|previous()]]
-	<<silently>>
-	<<set _SL = $slaves.length, _ID = $activeSlave.ID>>
-	<<if $i >= 0 && $i < _SL && $slaves[$i].ID == _ID>> /* shortcut if $i is already pointing to this slave */
-		<<set $slaves[$i] = $activeSlave>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<set $i = $slaveIndices[_ID]>> /* find $i if exists */
-		<<if ndef $i>> /* not found, so new slave */
-			<<run newSlave($activeSlave)>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<set $slaves[$i] = $activeSlave>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<</silently>>
-	<<goto $returnTo>>
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js b/src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js
index ebe4fa4c29d..c7b75e94a2b 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/butt/butt.js
@@ -1303,7 +1303,7 @@ App.Desc.butt = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	} else if (slave.tailShape === "bird") {
 		r.push(`${He} has a bundle of soft, ${slave.tailColor} tail feathers. The tail is graduated, meaning that the feathers are longest in the middle and decrease in length the further away they go from the middle.`);
 	} else if (slave.tailShape === "phoenix") {
-		r.push(`${He} has a bundle of magnificent, ${slave.tailColor} tail feathers that give off a luminiscent glow when in the dark. The tail is graduated, meaning that the feathers are longest in the middle and decrease in length the further away they go from the middle.`);
+		r.push(`${He} has a bundle of magnificent, ${slave.tailColor} tail feathers that give off a luminescent glow when in the dark. The tail is graduated, meaning that the feathers are longest in the middle and decrease in length the further away they go from the middle.`);
 	} else if (slave.tailShape === "peacock") {
 		r.push(`${He} has a bundle of ${slave.tailColor} peacock tail feathers; ${his} tail can fan out to proudly display ${his} pretty feathers.`);
 	} else if (slave.tailShape === "raven") {
@@ -1311,7 +1311,7 @@ App.Desc.butt = function(slave, {market, eventDescription} = {}) {
 	} else if (slave.tailShape === "swan") {
 		r.push(`${He} has a small bundle of short ${slave.tailColor} swan tail feathers that have a slight upwards curve to them. The tail is graduated, meaning that the feathers are longest in the middle and decrease in length the further away they go from the middle.`);
 	} else if (slave.tailShape === "sheep") {
-		r.push(`${He} has a short and soft ${slave.tailColor} sheeps tail.`);
+		r.push(`${He} has a short and soft ${slave.tailColor} sheep tail.`);
 	} else if (slave.tailShape === "cow") {
 		r.push(`${He} has a long ${slave.tailColor} ${App.Utils.translate("cow")} tail with a small tuft of ${slave.hColor} hair at its end; ${he} tends to swat at things absentmindedly.`);
 	} else if (slave.tailShape === "gazelle") {
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/descriptionWidgets.js b/src/npc/descriptions/descriptionWidgets.js
index 601bd7dd2b4..70db7eed0ea 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/descriptionWidgets.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/descriptionWidgets.js
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ App.Desc.limbs = function(slave) {
 			} else {
 				r += `${He} has ${addA(idToDescription(getRightArmID(slave)))} right foreleg, but ${his} left has been amputated,`;
-		} else if (hasBothQuadrupedArms(slave) && isQuadrupedal(slave) && !(getLeftArmID(slave) === getRightArmID(slave))) {
+		} else if (hasBothQuadrupedArms(slave) && isQuadrupedal(slave) && getLeftArmID(slave) !== getRightArmID(slave)) {
 			r += `${He} has ${addA(idToDescription(getLeftArmID(slave)))} left foreleg, ${addA(idToDescription(getRightArmID(slave)))} right foreleg,`;
 		} else if (hasBothQuadrupedArms(slave) && isQuadrupedal(slave) && (getLeftArmID(slave) === getRightArmID(slave))) {
 			r += `${He} has ${idToDescription(getLeftLegID(slave))} forelegs, with which she can't grab or hold anything,`;
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ App.Desc.limbs = function(slave) {
 			} else {
 				r += `${he} has ${addA(idToDescription(getRightLegID(slave)))} right backleg, but ${his} left has been amputated.`;
-		} else if (hasBothQuadrupedLegs(slave) && isQuadrupedal(slave) && !(getLeftLegID(slave) === getRightLegID(slave))) {
+		} else if (hasBothQuadrupedLegs(slave) && isQuadrupedal(slave) && getLeftLegID(slave) !== getRightLegID(slave)) {
 			r += ` ${addA(idToDescription(getLeftLegID(slave)))} left backleg, ${addA(idToDescription(getRightLegID(slave)))} right backleg.`;
 		} else if (hasBothQuadrupedLegs(slave) && isQuadrupedal(slave) && (getLeftLegID(slave) === getRightLegID(slave))) {
 			r += `${he} has ${idToDescription(getLeftLegID(slave))} backlegs.`;
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/ears.js b/src/npc/descriptions/ears.js
index 5caf8b7bb1f..7445ae51256 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/ears.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/ears.js
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ App.Desc.ears = function(slave) {
 		r.push(`${either(`tend to droop when ${he} is relaxed or sad`, `twitch at the slightest touch`)}.`);
-	}else if (slave.earT === "squirrel") {
+	} else if (slave.earT === "squirrel") {
 		r.push(`${He} has small and pointy ${slave.earTColor} ${App.Utils.translate("squirrel")} ears on ${his} head; they`);
 		if (slave.earImplant === 1) {
 			r.push(`perk up at`);
diff --git a/src/npc/descriptions/upperBack.js b/src/npc/descriptions/upperBack.js
index 7cf48a13745..ff6cc2fc246 100644
--- a/src/npc/descriptions/upperBack.js
+++ b/src/npc/descriptions/upperBack.js
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@ App.Desc.upperBack = function(slave) {
 	} else if (slave.wingsShape === "dragon") {
 		r.push(`${he} has a pair of imposing ${slave.appendagesColor} draconic wings that tend to create a small breeze when ${he} flaps them.`);
 	} else if (slave.wingsShape === "phoenix") {
-		r.push(`${he} has a pair of magnificent, ${slave.appendagesColor} phoenix wings that give off a luminiscent glow when shrouded in darkness.`);
+		r.push(`${he} has a pair of magnificent, ${slave.appendagesColor} phoenix wings that give off a luminescent glow when shrouded in darkness.`);
 	} else if (slave.wingsShape === "bird") {
-		r.push(`${he} has a pair of soft ${slave.appendagesColor} feathererd wings.`);
+		r.push(`${he} has a pair of soft ${slave.appendagesColor} feathered wings.`);
 	} else if (slave.wingsShape === "fairy") {
 		r.push(`${he} has a pair of dainty, translucent fairy wings that are shaped like leaves and tend to flutter when ${he}'s excited.`);
 	} else if (slave.wingsShape === "butterfly") {