diff --git a/devTools/types/FC/gameState.d.ts b/devTools/types/FC/gameState.d.ts
index b74aca74cb850fbb3f14612ad92f761c2d1116b3..fb42f6230fca72cf6cb4de7cce273e89d8b4fb78 100644
--- a/devTools/types/FC/gameState.d.ts
+++ b/devTools/types/FC/gameState.d.ts
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ declare namespace FC {
 		independent: number;
 		undermining: number;
 		influenceAnnounced: number;
-		tastes: number;
+		tastes: Zeroable<String>;
 	interface DeprecatedGameVariables {
diff --git a/src/interaction/sellSlave.js b/src/interaction/sellSlave.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c26c996e036d9faad14745677c09d8021ecfce4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/interaction/sellSlave.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3184 @@
+new App.DomPassage("Sell Slave", () => {
+	V.nextButton = "Back";
+	V.nextLink = "Slave Interact";
+	const scene = document.createElement("span");
+	const slave = getSlave(V.AS);
+	const {
+		He, His,
+		he, his, hers, him, himself, girl, sister, daughter, father, mother
+	} = getPronouns(slave);
+	const {womenU} = getNonlocalPronouns(V.seeDicks).appendSuffix("U");
+	let cost;
+	let t = [];
+	t.push(`You prepare ${him} for sale. ${His} response to being put up for purchase is`);
+	if (slave.devotion < -50) {
+		if (slave.trust > 20) {
+			t.push(`annoyance; ${he} must have thought ${he} had a good thing going here despite ${his} defiance.`);
+		} else {
+			t.push(`muted; perhaps ${he} hopes a new master will be less hateful than you.`);
+		}
+	} else if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+		if (slave.trust > 20) {
+			t.push(`mild panic; ${he} seems to be concerned about ${his} future.`);
+		} else {
+			t.push(`muted weeping; for some reason, ${he} doesn't like being treated like meat on a slab.`);
+		}
+	} else if (slave.devotion <= 20) {
+		t.push(`hesitant; ${he} can't seem to make up ${his} mind whether this is going to mean an improvement or not.`);
+	} else if (slave.devotion <= 50) {
+		t.push(`obedient, if mechanical; ${he} may want to stay with you.`);
+	} else if (slave.devotion <= 95) {
+		t.push(`ill-concealed sorrow; ${he} clearly wants to stay with you very much.`);
+	} else {
+		t.push(`open, abject, and heart-wrenching begging. Staying with you truly seems to be ${his} only wish.`);
+	}
+	if (slave.trust < -50) {
+		t.push(`${He}'s certainly very willing to get away from your horrible punishments.`);
+	} else if (slave.trust < -20) {
+		t.push(`${He}'s probably hoping ${he}'ll be a little less frightened all the time, wherever ${he} goes.`);
+	} else if (slave.trust < 20) {
+		t.push(`${He} does seem concerned that, hard as you are, ${his} buyer may be less fair.`);
+	} else if (slave.trust < 50) {
+		t.push(`${He}'s worried, probably because ${he}'s learned how to avoid punishment here and will have to learn new rules.`);
+	} else if (slave.trust < 95) {
+		if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+			t.push(`${He}'s worried, probably because ${he} thinks you won't harm ${him} while another owner might.`);
+		} else {
+			t.push(`${He} promises ${he} will do ${his} best to make you proud by being a good slave to ${his} new owners.`);
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (slave.devotion < -20) {
+			t.push(`${He}'s rather upset at the notion that ${he} may be going from a weak willed master to someone with the balls to actually try and break ${him}.`);
+		} else {
+			t.push(`${He} tries to conceal ${his} terror at going from a trustworthy slave master to the cruel and uncertain world outside your penthouse, but ${he} fails.`);
+		}
+	}
+	cost = slaveCost(slave);
+	cost = (random(70, 80) * Math.trunc(cost / 100));
+	if (slave.breedingMark === 1 && V.propOutcome === 1 && V.arcologies[0].FSRestart !== "unset") {
+		t.push(`Since you are selling a breeding slave, ${he} will be sent to auction before other members of the Societal Elite.`);
+	} else if (slave.geneticQuirks.progeria === 2 && slave.physicalAge >= 45) {
+		t.push(`With ${his} advanced progeria, it would be a waste of time to have ${him} appraised. You have to cast a wide net to find a buyer, and the meager offering presented may be the most you'll get for ${him}.`);
+	} else {
+		if (V.showAppraisal === 1) {
+			App.Events.addParagraph(scene, t);
+			t = [];
+			const reviewers = [];
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist > 20) {
+				reviewers.push("roman");
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist > 20) {
+				reviewers.push("imperial");
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist > 20) {
+				reviewers.push("aztec");
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20) {
+				reviewers.push("egyptian");
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist > 20) {
+				reviewers.push("edo");
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist > 20) {
+				reviewers.push("arabian");
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist > 20) {
+				reviewers.push("chinese");
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist > 20) {
+				reviewers.push("priestess");
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSRestartDecoration === 100) {
+				reviewers.push("Elite");
+			}
+			if (V.seeDicks !== 0) {
+				reviewers.push("futa");
+				reviewers.push("businesswoman");
+				reviewers.push("slaver");
+				reviewers.push("accountant");
+			} else {
+				reviewers.push("businesswoman");
+				reviewers.push("slaver");
+				reviewers.push("accountant");
+			}
+			const appraiser = reviewers.random();
+			t.push(`A reputable slave appraiser arrives promptly to inspect ${him} and certify ${his} qualities for sale. The appraiser,`);
+			switch (appraiser) {
+				case "roman":
+					t.push(`one of the arcology's appointed censors, sweeps in grandly in his toga with its blue stripe of office, greets you confidently, and turns to the slave. He unrolls a scroll-shaped soft tablet, reviewing video of the ${girl}'s skills and referring back to ${his} body as he works his way through the prescribed method of valuation. Finished, he turns to you.`);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`"${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.9) {
+							t.push(`"First Consul,`);
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.6) {
+							t.push(`"Quaestor,`);
+						} else {
+							t.push(`"Aedile,`);
+						}
+					}
+					t.push(`I have appraised your slave. As directed by law, my appraisal is based on ${his} potential income in a brothel, with modification for any significant qualities. I have found the following.`);
+					break;
+				case "imperial":
+					t.push(`one of the arcology's noble Barons, dressed in a pristine cybernetic suit that highlights his musculature underneath lines that pulsate when he moves and a golden band around his forehead that keeps his unruly hair in place, greets you with a smile full of white teeth and projects a holographic screen from the wrist of his suit. For around a minute, he hems and murmurs as he reviews slave vitals and statistics on his holographic screen, then turns his attention back to you.`);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`"${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.9) {
+							t.push(`"Your Highness and Immortal Emperor,`);
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.6) {
+							t.push(`"Your Highness,`);
+						} else {
+							t.push(`"Noble Lord,`);
+						}
+					}
+					t.push(`My appraisal is complete. As the statutes of Imperial law direct, I have taken into account ${his} qualities, skills, and potential income should ${he} be placed in a brothel or other useful venue. My assessment finds the following.`);
+					break;
+				case "aztec":
+					t.push(`one of the arcology's slave examiners, walks elegantly in, wearing a very richly ornamented cape and a simple headdress to accentuate her face.`);
+					if (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw === 1) {
+						t.push(`Her bronzed middle is noticeably swollen with pregnancy.`);
+					}
+					t.push(`She acquaints herself with the slave and carries on a short inspection and a shorter conversation. She returns to you, goes on one knee, and follows by saying.`);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`"${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.9) {
+							t.push(`"Piety,`);
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.6) {
+							t.push(`"Sanctity,`);
+						} else {
+							t.push(`"Your Greatness,`);
+						}
+					}
+					t.push(`I have appraised your slave. My appraisal is based on ${his} potential income in a brothel, with modification for ${his} special qualities. I have found the following.`);
+					break;
+				case "egyptian":
+					t.push(`one of the arcology's traditional slave examiners, comes elegantly in wearing a simple gown shift that sweeps low, baring her bronzed back.`);
+					if (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw === 1) {
+						t.push(`Her gown is noticeably swollen with pregnancy.`);
+					}
+					t.push(`She greets you warmly, and then turns to the slave. She inspects ${him} and carries on a polite conversation with ${him}, learning about ${him} by talking with ${him}. When she finishes, she turns to you and bows deeply.`);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`"My ${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.9) {
+							t.push(`"Your worship,`);
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.6) {
+							t.push(`"Pharaoh,`);
+						} else {
+							if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+								t.push(`"My prince,`);
+							} else {
+								t.push(`"My princess,`);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					t.push(`I have appraised your slave. My appraisal is based on ${his} potential income in a brothel, with modification for ${his} special qualities. I have found the following.`);
+					break;
+				case "edo":
+					t.push(`one of the arcology's recognized slave examiners, arrives alone, but is no less regal for it. She is dressed as a proper Edo lady, and is a natural at it, slim${(V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw === 1) ? `, despite her large pregnancy` : ``}, pretty, and proper. She greets you correctly, the only sign of her middle age being a little creasing at the corners of her eyes, and then turns to the slave. She seems to have researched her skills already, and so performs a skilled inspection without even needing to touch the ${girl}.`);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`"${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.9) {
+							if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+								t.push(`"Honored Emperor,`);
+							} else {
+								t.push(`"Honored Deity,`);
+							}
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.6) {
+							t.push(`"Honored Shogun,`);
+						} else {
+							t.push(`"Honored Daimyo,`);
+						}
+					}
+					t.push(`I have appraised your slave. My appraisal is based on ${his} potential income in a brothel, with modification for special matters. I have found the following.`);
+					break;
+				case "arabian":
+					t.push(`a huge, jovial man, sweeps in and fills the room with bonhomie. He wears loose silk pantaloons, a silk sash with a short leather whip thrust into it, and a little jacket that leaves most of his dark-skinned, massive chest bare. After booming a respectful greeting, he turns to the slave. He seems to have asked around about ${his} skills, and so limits himself to a quick physical inspection before rumbling,`);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`"${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.9) {
+							if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+								t.push(`"Honored Caliph,`);
+							} else {
+								t.push(`"Handmaiden of Allah, your servant's heart is desolate with the honor of looking upon you.`);
+							}
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.6) {
+							if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+								t.push(`"Honored Sultan,`);
+							} else {
+								t.push(`"Sultana, your servant's heart is desolate with the honor of looking upon you.`);
+							}
+						} else {
+							t.push(`"Peace be upon you, honored slaveowner.`);
+						}
+					}
+					t.push(`I have appraised your slave. My appraisal is based on ${his} potential income in the whorehouse, with modification for special matters. As to them, I have found the following.`);
+					break;
+				case "chinese":
+					t.push(`an older and rather stout woman${(V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw === 1) ? `, with a noticeably heavy pregnancy,` : ``} in traditional Chinese dress, gives you a precise and proper greeting. She extracts a tablet from one of her wide sleeves and reviews video of the slave in action before performing a physical inspection. Then she seats herself, stows her tablet again, and recites in a didactic tone, "Honored`);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`"${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.9) {
+							if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+								t.push(`Emperor and Holder of the Mandate of Heaven,`);
+							} else {
+								t.push(`Empress and Holder of the Mandate of Heaven,`);
+							}
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.6) {
+							if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+								t.push(`Emperor,`);
+							} else {
+								t.push(`Empress,`);
+							}
+						} else {
+							if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+								t.push(`Governor of the Province,`);
+							} else {
+								t.push(`Governess of the Province,`);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					t.push(`my appraisals are based on a slave's potential income as a prostitute, with modifiers for special characteristics. I have appraised your slave, and I have found the following.`);
+					break;
+				case "priestess":
+					t.push(`a holy woman ordained to provide this service, wears a white surplice that covers her hair and a long white dress — but since she is a priestess of the new religion, not one of the old faiths, the ensemble also includes a white leather corset, chased with gold${(V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw === 1) ? ` and loosened to accommodate her rounded middle` : ``}, that displays her breasts magnificently. It's easy to tell she's no slave, though, since her nipples are covered. She accepts your gaze with a smile, and assumes a straight-backed recitation posture. "Book of the Slaver, Chapter Seven: the Appraisal, Verse Six. The appraiser shall value a slave based on ${his} income as a whore, with allowances for special qualities, which ${he} shall disclose to the Owner. Amen." She turns to her work, and then adopts her recitation posture again.`);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`"${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw === 1) {
+							t.push(`"Prophet, this is an honor.`);
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.9) {
+							t.push(`"Honored Keeper,`);
+						} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= V.FSLockinLevel * 0.6) {
+							t.push(`"Honored Champion of the Faith,`);
+						} else {
+							t.push(`"Your Holiness,`);
+						}
+					}
+					t.push(`I have examined your slave in accordance with the Book.`);
+					break;
+				case "Elite":
+					t.push(`a member of the Societal Elite you are familiar with greets you respectfully and `);
+					if (V.PC.dick !== 0) {
+						t.push(`tosses you a wink as she pats her rounded belly. "He's doing well.`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`calms her kicking child so she can continue. "Think he'll look as good as his father?`);
+					}
+					t.push(`Anyway, as I'm sure you know, ${properTitle()}," she says as she uses curt instructions to direct ${slave.slaveName}, "appraisals are based on a slave's potential worth as a toy, with modifiers for special characteristics." She scrolls down the list. "I'll just mention the interesting ones.`);
+					break;
+				case "futa":
+					t.push(`a curvy, middle aged, and quite attractive woman wearing a tank top and yoga pants greets you cheerfully and turns to the slave. As she does, you can't help but notice that the yoga pants make it obvious she has a penis almost as long as one of her forearms. She makes notes on a tablet, flipping through videos that display the slave in action as she works. "${properTitle()}, I'm, like, sorry to have to say this to you since I know you know it better than I do, but it's the script, you know? Anyway appraisals are based on a slave's potential performance as a public slut, with modifiers for special characteristics." She makes notes. "I'll just mention the significant ones.`);
+					break;
+				case "businesswoman":
+					t.push(`an older${(V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw === 1) ? `, slightly pregnant` : ``} businesswoman with a reputation for correctness gives you a prim nod before turning to the nude slave without wasting further time. She deftly makes notes on a haptic wrist interface, flipping through videos of the slave in action as she works. "As I'm sure you know, ${properTitle()}," she says as she uses curt instructions to direct ${slave.slaveName}, "appraisals are based on a slave's potential income as a prostitute, with modifiers for special characteristics." Her fingers fly across the interface. "I'll just mention the significant ones.`);
+					break;
+				case "slaver":
+					t.push(`a scarred old slaver with calloused hands and a knowing face, greets you in his companionable way before clapping his hands together and turning to the slave. He switches back and forth between the ${girl} and a battered old tablet with video proving ${his} skills. "Well, as you know `);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`${V.PC.customTitle}`);
+					} else if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+						t.push(`suh,`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`madame,`);
+					}
+					t.push(`" he says as he firmly repositions ${slave.slaveName}, "appraisals are based on a slave's potential income as a whore, with modifiers for special things." He pauses, prodding the tablet. "I'll just mention the main items.`);
+					break;
+				default:
+					t.push(`a fashionably but formally dressed young man with slicked-back hair, greets you correctly before activating an examination visor and reviewing video evidence of the slave's skills. That done, he deactivates the visor and performs a quick physical examination. "As I'm sure you know, ${properTitle()}," he says as he gently repositions ${slave.slaveName} to get a good look at ${him}, "appraisals are based on a slave's potential income as a whore, with modifiers for special characteristics." He pauses, using subvocalizations to make data entries. "I'll just mention the significant ones.`);
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSPetiteAdmirationSMR === 1 || V.arcologies[0].FSStatuesqueGlorificationSMR === 1) {
+				if (heightPass(slave)) {
+					t.push(`${He} is an attractive height, which is a good start.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (getBestVision(slave) === 0) {
+				t.push(`${His} blindness is an obvious issue.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.geneticQuirks.albinism === 2) {
+				t.push(`${His} albinism makes ${him} rather desirable.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.geneticQuirks.progeria !== 2 && slave.geneticQuirks.neoteny === 2 && slave.actualAge > slave.visualAge + 5) {
+				t.push(`${He} appears to be neotonic, that will turn off some but attract others. Overall should prove positive though.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.career !== 0) {
+				if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.bodyguard.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Bodyguard; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.wardeness.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Wardeness; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.attendant.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Attendant; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.nurse.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Nurse; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.matron.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Matron; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.schoolteacher.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Schoolteacher; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.stewardess.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Stewardess; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.milkmaid.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Milkmaid; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.farmer.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Farmer; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.madam.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Madam; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.DJ.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good DJ; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.HG.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Head Girl; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.recruiter.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background would help make ${him} a good Recruiter; that's valuable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.General.entertainment.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background should help ${his} flirting a little.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.General.whore.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background should help ${his} fucking a little.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.General.grateful.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background should make ${him} a bit more trusting.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.General.menial.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background should make ${him} a bit more tractable.`);
+				} else if (App.Data.Careers.Leader.servant.includes(slave.career)) {
+					t.push(`${His} background should make ${him} a good servant.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if ((V.week - slave.weekAcquired >= 20) && (slave.skill.entertainment >= 100)) {
+				if (App.Data.Careers.General.entertainment.includes(slave.career)) {
+				} else {
+					t.push(`${He}'s gotten enough experience as a slave entertainer that ${he} has the added value of a ${girl} with a history in entertainment from before ${he} was a slave.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.counter.oral + slave.counter.anal + slave.counter.vaginal + slave.counter.mammary + slave.counter.penetrative > 1000) {
+				if (App.Data.Careers.General.whore.includes(slave.career)) {
+				} else {
+					t.push(`I see ${he}'s sexually very experienced; that counts as a stand-in for the usual bonus value from having been a sex worker before enslavement.`);
+				}
+			}
+			const careers = [];
+			if (slave.skill.headGirl >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.HG.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Head Girl");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.recruiter >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.recruiter.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Recruiter");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.bodyguard >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.bodyguard.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Bodyguard");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.madam >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.madam.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Madam");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.DJ >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.DJ.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("DJ");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.nurse >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.nurse.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Nurse");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.teacher >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.schoolteacher.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Schoolteacher");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.attendant >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.attendant.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Attendant");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.matron >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.matron.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Matron");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.stewardess >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.stewardess.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Stewardess");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.milkmaid >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.milkmaid.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Milkmaid");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.farmer >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.farmer.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Farmer");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.wardeness >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.wardeness.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Wardeness");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.servant >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.servant.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Servant");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.entertainer >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.General.entertainment.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Entertainer");
+			}
+			if (slave.skill.whore >= V.masteredXP && !App.Data.Careers.General.whore.includes(slave.career)) {
+				careers.push("Whore");
+			}
+			if (careers.length > 0) {
+				t.push(`${He} has working experience as a`);
+				if (careers.length > 1) {
+					t.push(`${toSentence(careers)}.`);
+				} else {
+					t.push(`${careers[0]}, providing ${him} the same additional value if ${he} had a relevant career.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.behavioralFlaw !== "none") {
+				if (slave.sexualFlaw !== "none") {
+					t.push(`${He} has both a behavioral flaw and a sexual flaw; those are both minor negatives.`);
+				} else {
+					t.push(`${He} has a behavioral flaw, which is a minor negative.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.sexualFlaw === "breeder" && V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus !== "unset") {
+				t.push(`${He} is obsessed with breeding, which will make ${him} very popular in your arcology.`);
+			} else if (slave.sexualFlaw !== "none") {
+				if (slave.behavioralFlaw === "none") {
+					t.push(`${He} has a sexual flaw, which is a minor negative.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.behavioralFlaw !== "none" || slave.sexualFlaw !== "none") {
+				if (slave.behavioralQuirk !== "none") {
+					if (slave.sexualQuirk !== "none") {
+						t.push(`On the other hand, ${he} has both a behavioral quirk and a sexual quirk; those are both minor positives.`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`On the other hand, ${he} has a behavioral quirk, which is a minor positive.`);
+					}
+				}
+				if (slave.sexualQuirk !== "none") {
+					if (slave.behavioralQuirk === "none") {
+						t.push(`On the other hand, ${he} has a sexual quirk, which is a minor positive.`);
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (slave.behavioralQuirk !== "none") {
+					if (slave.sexualQuirk !== "none") {
+						t.push(`${He} has both a behavioral quirk and a sexual quirk; those are both minor positives.`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`${He} has a behavioral quirk, which is a minor positive.`);
+					}
+				}
+				if (slave.sexualQuirk !== "none") {
+					if (slave.behavioralQuirk === "none") {
+						t.push(`${He} has a sexual quirk, which is a minor positive.`);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.fetish === "mindbroken") {
+				t.push(`It's a shame ${he}'s mindbroken. From a price perspective.`);
+			} else if (slave.fetish !== "none" && slave.fetishKnown === 1) {
+				t.push(`${His} fetish is good for performance, of course, but it adds a little bonus to value, too.`);
+			} else if (slave.fetishKnown === 1) {
+				t.push(`${His} tastes are a tad plain, but at least it won't hurt ${his} value.`);
+			} else {
+				t.push(`It's a pity there's no information on ${his} fetishes. Without it, buyers tend to assume the worst.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.attrKnown === 1) {
+				if (slave.energy > 95) {
+					t.push(`Nymphomania adds a major price bonus.`);
+				}
+			} else {
+				t.push(`With ${his} sex drive not well tested, I cannot award ${him} any value in that area.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.vagina === 0) {
+				t.push(`Virgin pussies are less common than you might think; that's a minor positive.`);
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusSMR !== 0) {
+				if (slave.preg < -1) {
+					t.push(`The lack of an ability to become pregnant greatly decreases value, the global market being what it is.`);
+				} else if ((slave.bellyPreg >= 300000)) {
+					t.push(`That belly is all child? Incredible. Such fertility will price ${him} very high, the global market being what it is.`);
+				} else if ((slave.bellyPreg >= 120000)) {
+					t.push(`Such a massive pregnancy demands a high value, the global market being what it is.`);
+				} else if ((slave.preg > slave.pregData.normalBirth / 4)) {
+					t.push(`The advanced pregnancy adds a little value, the global market being what it is.`);
+				}
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR !== 0) {
+				if (slave.preg < -1) {
+					t.push(`${His} infertility improves ${his} value, since ${his} kind should not be allowed to reproduce.`);
+				} else if ((slave.bellyPreg >= 300000)) {
+					t.push(`That belly is all child? How horrible. ${He}'d make a better example of the horrors of pregnancy than a sex slave.`);
+				} else if ((slave.bellyPreg >= 30000)) {
+					t.push(`What a disgusting creature, that filth inside ${him} will destroy ${his} value.`);
+				} else if ((slave.preg > slave.pregData.normalBirth / 4)) {
+					t.push(`What a waste, if ${he} weren't pregnant, ${he} might be worth something.`);
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (slave.ovaries === 0 && slave.vagina > -1 && slave.genes === "XY") {
+					t.push(`The lack of a natural vagina still removes a little value, the global market being what it is.`);
+				} else if ((slave.bellyPreg >= 300000)) {
+					t.push(`Such an obscene and life threatening display of fertility will turn off most buyers and considerably damage ${his} value, the global market being what it is.`);
+				} else if ((slave.bellyPreg >= 120000)) {
+					t.push(`Such a massive and dangerous pregnancy removes some value, the global market being what it is.`);
+				} else if ((slave.preg > slave.pregData.normalBirth / 4)) {
+					t.push(`The advanced pregnancy removes a little value, the global market being what it is.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.mpreg === 1) {
+				t.push(`What's this strange organ listed here? ${He} can become anally pregnant? That will certainly interest some buyers.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.pregWeek < 0) {
+				t.push(`${He} seems a little uncomfortable with ${his} holes being touched. By the feel of it, ${he} is a new mother, no? A lack of receptivity will not go over well with buyers; it may more profitable to let ${him} recover first.`);
+			}
+			const intelligenceScore = (slave.intelligenceImplant < 0 ? slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant : slave.intelligence); // negative education makes a slave seem slower than they are
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependencySMR === 1) {
+				if (intelligenceScore >= -15) {
+					t.push(`${He}'s too smart to be of interest to local bidders, but there is still a demand for smart slaves elsewhere.`);
+					if (slave.intelligenceImplant >= 15) {
+						t.push(`${His} education is an added positive too, in that regard.`);
+					}
+				} else {
+					t.push(`${His} idiotic mind will draw in local bids.`);
+				}
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSSlaveProfessionalismSMR === 1) {
+				if (intelligenceScore <= 50) {
+					t.push(`${He}'s no where near smart enough to compete with the local markets, so outside bids are going to be the only option.`);
+				} else {
+					t.push(`${His} brain is probably going to bring in very generous bids on its own.`);
+					if (slave.intelligenceImplant >= 15) {
+						t.push(`${His} education is an added positive, beyond that.`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`${He}'s uneducated, though, which will turn off some buyers.`);
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (intelligenceScore > 95) {
+					t.push(`${His} genius is probably going to bring in very generous bids.`);
+					if (slave.intelligenceImplant >= 15) {
+						t.push(`${His} education is an added positive, beyond that.`);
+					}
+				} else if (intelligenceScore > 15) {
+					t.push(`Of course, ${his} intelligence is an asset outside of its sexual applications.`);
+					if (slave.intelligenceImplant >= 15) {
+						t.push(`${His} education is an added positive, beyond that.`);
+					}
+				} else if (intelligenceScore < -15) {
+					t.push(`Of course, ${his} stupidity will be a minor negative.`);
+					if (slave.intelligenceImplant >= 15) {
+						t.push(`${His} education will help ameliorate that in price terms.`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`${He}'s uneducated, too.`);
+					}
+				} else if (intelligenceScore < -95) {
+					t.push(`${His} sheer idiocy will likely hamper bids.`);
+					if (slave.intelligenceImplant >= 15) {
+						t.push(`${His} education will help a little, though I can't imagine the hassle it must have been to get ${him} to remember anything.`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`${He}'s uneducated, too, not that there's a surprise in that.`);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.anus === 0) {
+				t.push(`${His} virgin anus is a minor positive, since anal defloration is in such high demand.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.vagina > -1) {
+				if (slave.dick > 0) {
+					t.push(`${He} has both sets of equipment, I see; that's very valuable.`);
+					if (slave.ovaries > 0 && slave.balls > 0 && slave.ballType !== "sterile") {
+						if (V.arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR === 1) {
+							t.push(`And both are fertile? Horrible. Such fertility is wasted on trash.`);
+						} else {
+							t.push(`And both are fertile? Incredible. ${He}'ll appraise extremely well for that.`);
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (slave.pubertyXY === 0 && slave.physicalAge >= V.potencyAge && V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist === "unset" && slave.balls > 0) {
+				t.push(`${He} never went through male puberty, that's a plus.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.prestige > 0) {
+				t.push(`I see notes on ${his} notoriety in ${his} file. That will drive up ${his} price.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.porn.prestige === 3) {
+				t.push(`${He}'s pretty popular in ${slave.porn.fameType} smut, isn't ${he}? Buyers will be lining up for ${him}.`);
+			} else if (slave.porn.prestige === 2) {
+				t.push(`${He}'s gained quite the following in ${slave.porn.fameType} smut. In fact, I've even seen some of ${his} smut; buyers will flock to ${him}.`);
+			} else if (slave.porn.prestige === 1) {
+				t.push(`${He}'s got a small fanbase in ${slave.porn.fameType} smut. Who knows? Maybe one of them will want ${him} all to themselves?`);
+			}
+			let trustPositive;
+			if (slave.devotion > 95) {
+				t.push(`${His} worshipfulness is a major positive`);
+				trustPositive = 1;
+			} else if (slave.devotion > 50) {
+				t.push(`${His} devotion is a significant positive`);
+				trustPositive = 1;
+			} else if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+				t.push(`${His} acceptance of slavery is a minor positive`);
+				trustPositive = 1;
+			} else if (slave.devotion >= -20) {
+				t.push(`${His} acceptance of slavery is equivocal`);
+				trustPositive = 0;
+			} else if (slave.devotion >= -50) {
+				t.push(`${His} resistance to slavery is a minor negative`);
+				trustPositive = 0;
+			} else if (slave.devotion >= -75) {
+				t.push(`${His} hatred of slavery is a significant negative`);
+				trustPositive = -1;
+			} else {
+				t.push(`${His} rebelliousness is a major negative`);
+				trustPositive = -1;
+			}
+			if (trustPositive === 1) {
+				if (slave.trust > 95) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} powerful trust is a major positive.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust > 50) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} trust is a significant positive.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust > 20) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} carefulness is a minor positive.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust >= -20) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} fearfulness is equivocal.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust >= -50) {
+					t.push(`but ${his} fear is a minor negative.`);
+				} else if (slave.devotion >= -90) {
+					t.push(`but ${his} terrified state is a significant negative.`);
+				} else {
+					t.push(`but ${his} abjectly terrified state is a major negative.`);
+				}
+			} else if (trustPositive === 0) {
+				if (slave.trust > 95) {
+					t.push(`but ${his} powerful trust is worrisome.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust > 50) {
+					t.push(`but ${his} trust is a little out of place.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust > 20) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} carefulness is a minor positive.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust >= -20) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} fearfulness is useful.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust >= -50) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} fear is useful.`);
+				} else if (slave.devotion >= -90) {
+					t.push(`but ${his} terrified state will aid in fully breaking ${him}.`);
+				} else {
+					t.push(`but ${his} abjectly terrified state will make it easy to break ${him}.`);
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (slave.trust > 95) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} powerful trust is a problem.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust > 50) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} trust is troublesome.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust > 20) {
+					t.push(`and ${his} carefulness is bad sign.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust >= -20) {
+					t.push(`but ${his} fearfulness is useful.`);
+				} else if (slave.trust >= -50) {
+					t.push(`but ${his} fear is useful.`);
+				} else if (slave.devotion >= -90) {
+					t.push(`but ${his} terrified state will aid in fully breaking ${him}.`);
+				} else {
+					t.push(`but ${his} abjectly terrified state will make it easy to break ${him}.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(slave.brand)) {
+				if (V.rep > 10000) {
+					t.push(`I see ${he}'s branded with your mark; with your stellar reputation, that will make ${him} appraise better.`);
+				} else if (V.rep < 5000) {
+					t.push(`I see ${he}'s branded with your mark; unfortunately, that will make ${him} appraise slightly less well.`);
+				} else {
+					t.push(`I see ${he}'s branded with your mark; that won't have a significant impact.`);
+				}
+			}
+			let timeBeforeAgeRetirement;
+			if (V.policies.retirement.physicalAgePolicy === 1) {
+				timeBeforeAgeRetirement = 52 * (V.retirementAge - slave.physicalAge);
+			} else {
+				timeBeforeAgeRetirement = 52 * (V.retirementAge - slave.actualAge);
+			}
+			if (slave.actualAge >= V.retirementAge - 5) {
+				t.push(`Since ${he} has a mere ${timeBeforeAgeRetirement} weeks left until the local retirement age for sex slaves, buyers will be willing to offer much less for ${him}.`);
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME !== 0 && slave.race !== V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace) {
+				t.push(`Your supremacism has pushed a lot of subhumans like ${him} into the market, so offers will be low.`);
+			} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME !== 0 && slave.race === V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace) {
+				t.push(`Your subjugationism has pushed a lot of animals like ${him} into the market, so ${his} race marks ${him} as low quality.`);
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusSMR !== 0) {
+				if (slave.pregKnown === 1) {
+					t.push(`Pregnant slaves appraise quite well, thanks to your leadership on repopulation.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR !== 0) {
+				if (slave.dick > 0) {
+					t.push(`Subhumans with dicks appraise less well, since they don't need them.`);
+				}
+				if (slave.balls > 0) {
+					t.push(`${He} has balls too. A slave that can impregnate is worth little under your vision of the future.`);
+				}
+				if (slave.vagina > 0) {
+					t.push(`Subhumans with vaginas appraise less well, since they don't need them.`);
+				}
+				if (slave.ovaries > 0) {
+					t.push(`${He} can get pregnant too. A slave that can bear children is worth little under your vision of the future.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceSMR !== 0) {
+				if (slave.weight > 60 && slave.muscles < 5) {
+					t.push(`Plush, soft slaves like ${him} appraise well, thanks to the shifting views on beauty.`);
+				}
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistSMR !== 0) {
+				if (slave.dick > 0) {
+					t.push(`Slaves with dicks appraise less well, thanks to your leadership on gender.`);
+					if (slave.balls > 0) {
+						t.push(`That's especially true for ${him}, since ${he} still has ${his} balls.`);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta !== 0) {
+				if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta === 1) {
+					if (slave.dick > 0) {
+						if (slave.vagina > -1) {
+							t.push(`Futas appraise better than ever, thanks to your leadership on gender.`);
+						}
+					}
+				} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta === 2) {
+					if (slave.dick > 0) {
+						if (slave.balls > 0) {
+							t.push(`Slaves with cocks and balls appraise quite well, thanks to your leadership on gender.`);
+						}
+					}
+				} else if (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta === 4) {
+					if (slave.boobs <= 400) {
+						if (slave.dick > 0 && slave.dick < 3) {
+							if (slave.balls > 0 && slave.balls < 3) {
+								t.push(`Slaves with such cute little parts appraise quite well, thanks to your leadership on gender.`);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (slave.butt >= 5) {
+						if (slave.anus >= 2) {
+							if (slave.hips >= 1) {
+								if (slave.skill.anal > 60) {
+									t.push(`Slaves with big butts and skilled anuses appraise quite well, thanks to your leadership on gender.`);
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist > 50) {
+				t.push(`And of course, we can't forget the premium you get on selling slaves.`);
+			}
+			if (V.arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist > 40) {
+				t.push(`And of course, you'll receive a premium for the nobility of such Imperial slaves.`);
+			}
+			if (slave.indenture > -1) {
+				t.push(`Though I dislike mentioning something so obvious, being an indentured servant will have a huge impact on ${his} valuation.`);
+			}
+			switch (appraiser) {
+				case "roman":
+					t.push(`That is all." He rolls his screen-scroll up and tucks it into his toga, and nods. "A pleasure."`);
+					break;
+				case "imperial":
+					t.push(`That will be all, your Highness." He dismisses the holographic screen with a flick of his cybernetically-suited wrist, smiles once more, and leaves with a flourish of the short white cape behind him.`);
+					break;
+				case "aztec":
+					t.push(`That's all. Thank you." She turns to go, her long cape swiveling in the air, showing a glimpse of her `);
+					if (V.arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw === 1) {
+						t.push(`fecund`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`pleasant`);
+					}
+					t.push(`figure.`);
+					break;
+				case "egyptian":
+					t.push(`That's all. Thank you for this delightful opportunity." She turns to go, but turns again in the doorway to offer another deep bow, this one so low that her linen dress discloses just a hint of her dimpled rear.`);
+					break;
+				case "edo":
+					t.push(`That is all. Thank you." She performs a perfect bow and retreats.`);
+					break;
+				case "arabian":
+					t.push(`That is all. ${He} may fetch a fine price, if the Almighty will it." He bows deeply and backs out the door.`);
+					break;
+				case "chinese":
+					t.push(`That is all." She bows and backs out the door.`);
+					break;
+				case "priestess":
+					t.push(`Amen." She forms a holy symbol with her hands, kneels before you to bow so low that her cleavage presses against the floor, and retreats.`);
+					break;
+				case "futa":
+					t.push(`That's all. Thanks! Cute ${girl}." She goes, but pauses in the doorway to give you a little wave.`);
+					break;
+				case "Elite":
+					t.push(`That's all. `);
+					if (V.PC.dick !== 0) {
+						t.push(`See you around! Have to have a few other guy's kids before we can have some more fun, but I'll keep you in mind!"`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`See you around, we'll have to go drinking after I'm done sometime!"`);
+					}
+					t.push(`She waves as she leaves.`);
+					break;
+				case "businesswoman":
+					t.push(`That will be all. Thank you, and good day." She bows curtly and goes.`);
+					break;
+				case "slaver":
+					t.push(`That's all I've got for you, `);
+					if (V.PC.customTitle) {
+						t.push(`${V.PC.customTitle},`);
+					} else if (V.PC.title === 1) {
+						t.push(`suh,`);
+					} else {
+						t.push(`ma'am,`);
+					}
+					t.push(`thank you kindly." He offers a genteel bow and leaves.`);
+					break;
+				default:
+					t.push(`And that is all. Thank you." He nods in a businesslike fashion and departs.`);
+			}
+			t.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("h2", `Financial Records`));
+			t.push(slaveExpenses(slave));
+	}/* closes breeding mark */
+	App.Events.addParagraph(scene, t);
+	/**
+	 * @typedef {Object} slaveBuyerData
+	 * @property {number} cost
+	 * @property {string} offerDesc
+	 * @property {boolean} requirements
+	 * @property {number} percentOdds
+	 * @property {Node} [completeSale]
+	 * @property {boolean} [allowsBoomerang=true]
+	 */
+	/** @type {Map<string, slaveBuyerData>}*/
+	let buyers;
+	if (slave.breedingMark === 1 && V.propOutcome === 1 && V.arcologies[0].FSRestart !== "unset") {
+		buyers = new Map([[
+			"elite auction",
+			{
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `The current offer for ${him} stands at`,
+				get requirements() { return true; },
+				percentOdds: 100,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is quickly escorted out by ${his} new master. ${He} is rarely seen in public anymore, but ${his} records show ${he} is settling well into being ${his} new owner's breeder.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.breedingMark !== 1 && V.propOutcome === 1) {
+							s.devotion -= 5;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your non-chosen slaves <span class="mediumorchid">resent</span> you for denying them the special treatment ${slave.slaveName} is receiving.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				},
+				allowsBoomerang: false
+			}
+		]]);
+	} else if (slave.geneticQuirks.progeria === 2 && slave.physicalAge >= 45) {
+		buyers = new Map([[
+			"progeria",
+			{
+				cost: random(10, 100) * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `The current offer for ${him} stands at`,
+				get requirements() { return true; },
+				percentOdds: 100,
+			}
+		]]);
+	} else {
+		(App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("h2", scene, `Bids Received`));
+		buyers = getBuyers();
+		const relist = App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", scene, App.UI.DOM.link(
+			`Re-list ${him}`,
+			() => {
+				cashX(-500, "personalBusiness");
+				App.UI.reload();
+			}
+		));
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("span", relist, ` This will cost ${cashFormat(500)}`);
+	}
+	if (V.debugMode) {
+		App.UI.DOM.appendNewElement("div", scene, `Base slave cost: `).append(App.UI.DOM.cashFormat(cost));
+	}
+	const buyerKeys = [];
+	for (const [key, obj] of buyers) {
+		if (!obj.requirements || (V.cheatMode === 0 && random(1, 100) > obj.percentOdds)) {
+			continue;
+		}
+		buyerKeys.push(key);
+	}
+	const sortedBuyerKeys = buyerKeys.sort((a, b) => buyers.get(b).cost - buyers.get(a).cost);
+	sortedBuyerKeys.forEach(b => scene.append(buyerLink(b)));
+	return scene;
+	function buyerLink(key) {
+		const saleNode = new DocumentFragment();
+		const buyer = buyers.get(key);
+		const r = [];
+		const cashColor = buyer.cost >= cost ? "cash" : undefined; // Green text if the buyer is offering at or above slaveCost(), white if below.
+		r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("span", cashFormat(buyer.cost), cashColor));
+		r.push(buyer.offerDesc);
+		if (V.debugMode) {
+			r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("span", `(${key})`));
+		}
+		r.push(App.UI.DOM.link(
+			"Accept bid",
+			() => {
+				V.nextButton = "Back to Main";
+				V.nextLink = "Main";
+				V.returnTo = "Main";
+				V.encyclopedia = "Personal Assistant";
+				App.Utils.scheduleSidebarRefresh();
+				const resultNode = new DocumentFragment();
+				const allowsBoomerang = !buyer.hasOwnProperty("allowsBoomerang") || buyer.allowsBoomerang;
+				const slaveCanBoomerang = () => (
+					(
+						((slave.actualAge < V.retirementAge-1) && V.policies.retirement.physicalAgePolicy === 0) ||
+						((slave.physicalAge < V.retirementAge-1) && V.policies.retirement.physicalAgePolicy === 1)
+					) && slave.fuckdoll === 0 && canWalk(slave) && canTalk(slave) && slave.fetish !== "mindbroken" && slave.devotion > 50 &&
+					(slave.trust > 95 || slave.trust < -20 || (slave.intelligence+slave.intelligenceImplant < -15))
+				);
+				if (allowsBoomerang && slaveCanBoomerang() && (!V.boomerangSlave || V.boomerangWeeks > 15)) {
+					V.boomerangSlave = clone(slave);
+					V.boomerangWeeks = 1;
+					V.boomerangBuyer = key;
+					V.boomerangSlave.assignment = "rest";
+					V.boomerangStats = {
+						PCpregSource: 0, PCmother: 0, PCfather: 0, boomerangMother: [], boomerangFather: [], boomerangPregSources: [], boomerangMotherTank: [], boomerangFatherTank: [], boomerangRelationship: 0, boomerangRivalry: 0, boomerangRelation: 0, boomerangBody: 0
+					};
+					if (V.AS === V.PC.pregSource) {
+						V.boomerangStats.PCpregSource = V.AS;
+					}
+					if (V.PC.mother === V.AS) {
+						V.boomerangStats.PCmother = V.AS;
+					}
+					if (V.PC.father === V.AS) {
+						V.boomerangStats.PCfather = V.AS;
+					}
+					for (const s of V.slaves) { //TODO: review for hyperfet compatibility
+						if (s.ID !== V.AS) {
+							if (s.mother === V.AS) {
+								V.boomerangStats.boomerangMother.push(s.ID);
+							}
+							if (s.father === V.AS) {
+								V.boomerangStats.boomerangFather.push(s.ID);
+							}
+							if (V.AS === s.pregSource) {
+								V.boomerangStats.boomerangPregSources.push(s.ID);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.incubator.capacity > 0) {
+						for (const child of V.incubator.tanks) {
+							if (V.AS === child.mother) {
+								V.boomerangStats.boomerangMotherTank.push(child.ID);
+							}
+							if (V.AS === child.father) {
+								V.boomerangStats.boomerangFatherTank.push(child.ID);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.nursery > 0) {
+						for (const child of V.cribs) {
+							if (V.AS === child.mother) {
+								V.boomerangStats.boomerangMotherTank.push(child.ID);
+							}
+							if (V.AS === child.father) {
+								V.boomerangStats.boomerangFatherTank.push(child.ID);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					V.boomerangSlave.sisters = 0;
+					V.boomerangSlave.daughters = 0;
+					if (slave.relationship > 0) {
+						V.boomerangStats.boomerangRelationship = slave.relationshipTarget;
+					}
+					if (slave.rivalry > 0) {
+						V.boomerangStats.boomerangRivalry = slave.rivalryTarget;
+					}
+					if (slave.bodySwap > 0) {
+						const myBody = V.slaves.find(s => s.origBodyOwnerID === V.AS);
+						if (myBody) {
+							V.boomerangStats.boomerangBody = myBody.ID;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				for (const s of V.slaves) {
+					const {his2} = getPronouns(s).appendSuffix("2");
+					if (slave.mother === s.ID) {
+						r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${s.slaveName} is <span class="mediumorchid">grieved</span> that you are selling ${his2} ${daughter}.`));
+						s.devotion -= 20;
+					}
+					if (slave.father === s.ID) {
+						r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${s.slaveName} is <span class="mediumorchid">disappointed</span> that you are selling ${his2} ${daughter}.`));
+						s.devotion -= 10;
+					}
+					if (V.AS === s.father) {
+						r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${s.slaveName} is <span class="mediumorchid">saddened</span> that you are selling ${his2} ${father}.`));
+						s.devotion -= 10;
+					}
+					if (V.AS === s.mother) {
+						r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${s.slaveName} is <span class="mediumorchid">grieved</span> that you are selling ${his2} ${mother}.`));
+						s.devotion -= 20;
+					}
+					switch (areSisters(slave, s)) {
+						case 1:
+							r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${s.slaveName} is <span class="mediumorchid">devastated</span> that you are selling ${his2} twin.`));
+							s.devotion -= 30;
+							break;
+						case 2:
+							r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${s.slaveName} is <span class="mediumorchid">grieved</span> that you are selling ${his2} ${sister}.`));
+							s.devotion -= 20;
+							break;
+						case 3:
+							r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("div", `${s.slaveName} is <span class="mediumorchid">disheartened</span> that you are selling ${his2} half-${sister}.`));
+							s.devotion -= 10;
+							break;
+					}
+				}
+				if (slave.relationship > 0) {
+					const rel = getSlave(slave.relationshipTarget);
+					if (rel && rel.fetish !== "mindbroken") {
+						const {his2} = getPronouns(rel).appendSuffix("2");
+						r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("p", `${rel.slaveName} is <span class="mediumorchid">grieved</span> that you are selling ${his2} best source of comfort and companionship in a life of bondage.`));
+						rel.devotion -= rel.relationship*10;
+					}
+				} else if (slave.relationship === -3) {
+					r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("p", `Selling one of your slave wives is <span class="red">socially unacceptable.</span> In addition, your other devoted slaves are <span class="gold">worried</span> that you may not respect their status.`));
+					repX(-200, "slaveTransfer");
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion > 50) {
+							s.trust -= 5;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (slave.rivalry !== 0) {
+					const riv = getSlave(slave.rivalryTarget);
+					if (riv && riv.fetish !== "mindbroken") {
+						const {he2, his2} = getPronouns(riv).appendSuffix("2");
+						r.push(App.UI.DOM.makeElement("p", `${riv.slaveName} is <span class="hotpink">pleased</span> that ${he2} won't have to see ${his2} rival any more.`));
+						riv.devotion += riv.rivalry*3;
+					}
+				}
+				cashX(buyer.cost, "slaveTransfer");
+				if (isShelterSlave(slave)) {
+					V.shelterAbuse += 1;
+				}
+				resultNode.append(
+					buyer.hasOwnProperty("completeSale") ?
+						buyer.completeSale :
+						`The buyer forwards payment and sends a purchasing agent to collect ${him}. There is nothing more to be done.`
+				);
+				jQuery(scene).empty().append(resultNode);
+				removeSlave(slave);
+			}
+		));
+		App.Events.addNode(saleNode, r, "div");
+		return saleNode;
+	}
+	function getBuyers() {
+		/** @type {Map<string, slaveBuyerData>} */
+		const buyers = new Map([
+			["housekeeper", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 0.9) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a polite older citizen looking for a housekeeper and bedwarmer.`,
+				get requirements() { return ((slave.physicalAge > 30) && (slave.devotion > 20)); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} settles into ${his} new life in a humbler part of ${V.arcologies[0].name}, and can occasionally be seen accompanying ${his} master in public.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.trust >= -20) {
+							if (s.physicalAge > 30) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other older, obedient slaves are <span class="mediumaquamarine">reassured</span> that if they're sold, they can hope for better than life in a cheap brothel.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["preg fetishist", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a male citizen who wants to ensure his posterity by using ${him} to carry his children.`,
+				get requirements() { return ((isFertile(slave) && V.seePreg !== 0) && cost > 10000); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} settles in to ${his} new role easily enough; ${he}'s one of the most pampered slaves in the arcology. All ${he}'s expected to do is light housework and self-maintenance, along with gentle unprotected vaginal sex with ${his} new master.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "pregnancy") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves with pregnancy fetishes envy ${him}, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that even if you decide to sell them,</span> they'll find themselves in a sexually satisfying life.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["organ crafter", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from an organ modifier interested in ${his} anal womb.`,
+				get requirements() { return ((isFertile(slave) && V.seePreg !== 0) && slave.mpreg === 1); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is seen in a research report nine months later; ${he} has undergone some interesting changes. As expected by someone interested in ${his} odd womb, ${he} is quite pregnant, but what really stands out is the massive size of ${his} testicles and ${his} huge round implants. A quick glance at the article reveals that they aren't implants; in fact, ${his} breasts and testicles are rounded with children.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.mpreg === 1) {
+							s.trust -= 5;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other anally fertile slaves <span class="gold">are concerned </span> that they may end up carrying children in more than just their bellies.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				},
+				allowsBoomerang: false
+			}],
+			["womb filler", {
+				cost: 400 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a pharmaceuticals corporation looking for fertile virgins for testing extreme fertility drugs.`,
+				get requirements() { return ((isFertile(slave) && V.seePreg !== 0) && V.seeHyperPreg === 1 && V.seeExtreme === 1 && slave.vagina === 0); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}`);
+					r.push(`is seen in a drug report nine months later; ${he} is unrecognizable. ${His} gaunt body is completely bloated by ${his} enormous womb, leaving `);
+					if (!isAmputee(slave)) {
+						r.push(`what's left of ${his} `);
+						if (hasAnyArms(slave)) {
+							r.push((hasBothArms(slave)) ? `arms` : `arm`);
+							if (hasAnyLegs(slave)) {
+								r.push(`and `);
+							}
+						}
+						if (hasAnyLegs(slave)) {
+							r.push(hasBothLegs(slave) ? `legs` : `leg`);
+						}
+						r.push(`dangling`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`${his} torso teetering`);
+					}
+					r.push(`pathetically atop its quivering mass. The headline reads "New drug allows for upwards of seven hundred children carried at once". Live on stream, ${his} body loses stability and ruptures, flooding the room with fluid and children.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.vagina === 0) {
+							if (isFertile(s)) {
+								s.trust -= 20;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other virgins <span class="gold">are terrified they'll meet a similar fate</span> if they cannot convince you to fill their wombs with your children.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				},
+				allowsBoomerang: false
+			}],
+			["eugenics arcology", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner seeking a smart, pretty slave to use as a breeder to produce superior children.`,
+				get requirements() { return ((isFertile(slave) && V.seePreg !== 0) && slave.intelligence > 50) && slave.face >= 55 && slave.faceShape !== "masculine"; },
+				percentOdds: 90,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is seen nearly a year later, happy and healthy, along with ${his} owner and newborn son. They are quite a good looking family.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant < -15) {
+							if (isFertile(s)) {
+								s.devotion -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your more idiotic slaves are <span class="mediumorchid">deeply jealous</span> of 
+						slave.slaveName's new pampered lifestyle, oblivious to the demanding nature of eugenics.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				},
+				allowsBoomerang: false
+			}],
+			["repopulationist arcology", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner focusing on building a future society based on his genes: he seeks fertile virgins with wide hips, feeling they will be the best mothers.`,
+				get requirements() { return ((isFertile(slave) && V.seePreg !== 0) && slave.hips > 1 && slave.vagina === 0); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is seen nine months later with an enormous pregnancy and the most content look on ${his} face. ${He} `);
+					if (hasAnyArms(slave)) {
+						r.push(`gently pats ${his} quadruplet filled belly and lets off a moan as ${his} children kick in response.`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`moans lewdly as ${his} children kick away in ${his} womb.`);
+					}
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.vagina === 0) {
+							if (isFertile(s)) {
+								if (s.fetish === "pregnancy") {
+									s.devotion -= 2;
+									slaveImpact = 1;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other pregnancy fetishists <span class="mediumorchid">are jealous</span> of ${slave.slaveName}'s good fortune.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				},
+				allowsBoomerang: false
+			}],
+			["virgin trader", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.3) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trader with a notorious virgin impregnation fetish: he uses his work to provide himself with an endless supply of virgins to knock up and resell.`,
+				get requirements() { return ((isFertile(slave) && V.seePreg !== 0) && slave.vagina === 0); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is seen in a shipment of slaves leaving the arcology a month later, with just the slightest hint of a gravid belly and a worn-down expression on ${his} face.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.vagina === 0) {
+							if (s.ovaries === 1) {
+								s.trust -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other virgins <span class="gold">fear they'll be subjected to similar abuse</span> if they cannot make their virginities otherwise valuable or appealing to you.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["abortion TV", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a group that takes pleasure in performing abortions on live TV.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.seePreg !== 0 && V.seeHyperPreg === 1 && V.seeExtreme === 1 && (slave.preg > slave.pregData.normalBirth / 2) && (slave.bellyPreg >= 300000)); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is soon seen on live TV, restrained and still grotesquely pregnant. ${He} screams into ${his} restraints as the host approaches with a comically large syringe of abortifacients and drives it deep into ${his} womb. Within minutes, a flood of liquid and fetuses are pouring from ${his} gaping cunt, all the while he times how long it takes ${his} overburdened womb to drain of all its contents.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.bellyPreg >= 300000) {
+							s.trust -= 15;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other hyper pregnant slaves <span class="gold">are terrified that their children will be ripped from them</span> if they don't please you.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				},
+				allowsBoomerang: false
+			}],
+			["nipple fetishist", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a female citizen with a very specific fetish: she loves breasts to the point of enjoying slaves with nipples large enough to meaningfully penetrate her.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.nipples === "huge"); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s new mistress is an exhibitionist as well as a nipple fetishist, and before long, she's seen in the club, riding ${slave.slaveName}'s chest with her wet pussy. The slave is expected to keep ${his} nipples erect for her at all times.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "boobs") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves with breast fetishes envy ${him}, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that even if you decide to sell them,</span> they'll find themselves in a sexually satisfying life.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["nipple fucker", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a male citizen with a kink that's hard to satisfy: he loves nipple fucking, but hates how breasts just don't work that way.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.nipples === "fuckable"); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s new master is an exhibitionist as well as a nipple fetishist, and before long, he's seen in the club, plowing ${slave.slaveName}'s engorged breasts. Since nipple cunts aren't naturally lubricated, some owners find stimulating milk production a suitable replacement; judging from the pooling fluids and sympathetic gushes from ${his} ignored tit, he is one of them.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "boobs") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								if (s.nipples === "fuckable") {
+									s.trust += 1;
+									slaveImpact = 1;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves in love with their own fuckable breasts envy ${him}, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that even if you decide to sell them,</span> they'll find themselves in a sexually satisfying life, even if your average guy can only satisfy one breast at a time.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["anal fetishist", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a citizen who enjoys buttfucking slaves with the necessary equipment, willingness, and anal skill to reward his efforts with messy, hands-free orgasms of their own.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.balls > 0 && slave.skill.anal > 10 && slave.devotion > 20); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`The next time ${slave.slaveName} is seen in public, on an errand for ${his} master, ${he}'s `);
+					if (canWalk(slave)) {
+						r.push(`walking`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`moving`);
+					}
+					r.push(`a little oddly. ${His} naked dick has the flaccidity of sexual satiation, and ${he} has a tired but dreamy expression on ${his} face.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "buttslut") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your buttsluts envy ${him}, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that even if you decide to sell them,</span> they'll find themselves orgasming with dicks up their asses anyway.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["oral fetishist", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from an unusually well-endowed citizen who strongly prefers oral sex with willing partners who can deepthroat him successfully.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.skill.oral > 30 && slave.devotion > 20); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`The next time ${slave.slaveName} is seen in public, ${he}'s obediently accompanying ${his} new master. After doing some business on the promenade, he pulls ${him} into an alcove and lets ${him} masturbate as he uses ${his} throat.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "cumslut") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your cumsluts envy ${him}, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that even if you decide to sell them,</span> they'll find themselves filled with cum every day.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["pain fetishist", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a sadistic citizen who likes hurting her slaves, dislikes masochists for their enjoyment of her treatment, yet prefers slaves who will not hate her.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.fetish !== "masochist" && slave.devotion > 50); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is not seen again in public for a long time, but the crack of leather on flesh and the resultant hoarse female howling that issues from ${his} new mistress's apartment is well-known.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "masochist") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your masochists envy ${him}, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that even if you decide to sell them,</span> they'll never lack for the abuse they need.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["sadism fetishist", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a sadistic citizen who is looking for an imposing, stupid slave she can train to rape her victims on command.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.muscles > 30 && slave.height >= 170 && (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant < -15)); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} rarely leaves ${his} new mistress's apartments, but the slave rumor mill bears stories about ${him} to your penthouse anyway. ${His} mistress uses ${him} as a rapist on demand, and ${his} dumbly obedient brutality is renowned.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "sadist") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your sadists consider such a life scarcely capable of improvement, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that if you decide to sell them,</span> they'll get a chance to abuse other slaves.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["dom fetishist", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a newly wealthy citizen who is expanding his household and is interested in smart, educated, and obedient slaves for leadership roles.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.devotion > 20 && (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant > 50) && slave.intelligenceImplant >= 15); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} wins ${himself} a leadership position with ${his} new master, who repays ${his} hard work by allowing ${him} to use his slaves at will.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "dom") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your sexually dominant slaves do their best to follow ${his} success, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that if you decide to sell them,</span> they'll stand a chance of winning a place in which they can fuck as well as get fucked.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["sub fetishist", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.05) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a citizen whose job keeps her deskbound; bored, she's looking for a devoted oral slave to occupy the space under the desk and be her constant pussylicking appliance.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.devotion > 50 && slave.skill.oral >= 100); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`The back of ${slave.slaveName}'s head becomes a well-known sight in business circles, since ${his} mistress rarely lets it out from between her legs.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "submissive") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your sexually submissive slaves secretly envy ${his} simple life, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that if you decide to sell them,</span> there are places where a sub can be valuable and safe.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["buttbreaker", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.3) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a wealthy citizen infamous for cruelly raping anal virgins in public; he buys and abuses a new one every few weeks.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.anus === 0); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`In short order, ${slave.slaveName} is heard out on the promenade, sobbing and screaming as ${his} new owner breaks in ${his} virgin butt in public.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.anus === 0) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other anal virgins <span class="gold">fear for their asses</span> should you decide to sell them.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["trainer staffing", {
+				cost: (500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500)),
+				offerDesc: `from a small, local slave trainer interested in using ${him} to help train new slaves in the sexual arts.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.skill.oral >= 100 && slave.skill.anal >= 100 && (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant > 15)); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is soon well-known among the slaves of the arcology, as many of them are sold after passing under ${his} hands in training. ${He} performs effectively, imparting good sex slave ethics in a generation of sluts.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant > 15) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other intelligent slaves <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust that their skills will be valued</span> even should you decide to sell them.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D milf staffing", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.4) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a skilled slave trainer who feels that MILFs make the best slave trainers.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.skill.oral >= 100 && slave.skill.anal >= 100 && (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant > 15) && slave.intelligenceImplant >= 15 && slave.physicalAge > 35); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} becomes a common sight around the arcology, training slaves for ${his} new master. They're usually seen hanging close by ${him} as ${he} manages them with an air at once protective and frankly sexual.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.actualAge > 35) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your older slaves are <span class="mediumaquamarine">happy for ${him},</span> since it isn't always easy for older ladies.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D hucow", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen with a notorious fetish for fertile, natural cows.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.boobsImplant === 0 && slave.lactation > 0 && slave.ovaries > 0 && slave.boobs > 1000); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} becomes quite a fixture at social events hosted by ${his} new master; he enjoys showing off how healthy, happy and productive his cow is.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.lactation > 0) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other milkers are sometimes concerned about being sold to a cruel stockyard, and ${his} pleasant life encourages them to <span class="mediumaquamarine">stop being so worried.</span>`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D startled the witch", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen who's pursuing some sort of mercenary project that requires worryingly large numbers of thin ${girl}s with sharp teeth.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.muscles > 5 && slave.weight < -10 && slave.teeth === "pointy" && slave.skill.combat > 0); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} heads off to form part of whatever great design ${his} new master is pursuing; all you know is that it apparently requires lots of lithe, sharp toothed slave ${girl}s.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion <= 20) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your properly broken slaves are so inured to strange tastes that they pay no attention, but the others are just <span class="mediumaquamarine">glad ${he} won't frighten them</span> any more. They thought ${he} was scary.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["vampire clan", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a becloaked individual with an unusual interest in pale ${girl}s with fangs.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.teeth === "fangs" && (skinToneLevel(slave.skin) < 7)); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is quickly embraced by ${his} new owner and spirited away like all the other ${girl}s that catch his fancy.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion <= 20) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your properly broken slaves are so inured to strange tastes that they pay no attention, but the others are just <span class="mediumaquamarine">glad ${he} won't frighten them</span> any more. There was a rumor circulating that ${he} was a creature of the night.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D virgin asspussy", {
+				cost: Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen who appreciates ${girl}s who are both vaginal virgins and anal veterans.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.vagina === 0 && slave.anus > 1 && slave.skill.anal >= 100 && slave.physicalAge < 25); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s buyer takes charge of ${him}, and cannot resist immediately running a hand between ${his} buttocks to sink a couple of groping fingers into ${his} soft asspussy.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "buttslut") {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves who enjoy having things shoved up their assholes <span class="mediumaquamarine">hope that if they're sold,</span> their new masters will be like that too.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D waifu", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen with moist palms who insistently refers to ${him} as "his waifu," whatever that means.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.vagina === 0 && (slave.fetish === "submissive" || slave.fetish === "pregnancy") && slave.skill.entertainment > 30 && slave.physicalAge < 30); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is rarely seen after ${his} buyer takes charge of ${him}, since he prefers to keep his beloved at home. Though ${he} seems to be well treated, arcology society finds him repellent enough that your other slaves do not envy ${him}.`);
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["monster movie", { // or "sex double"
+				cost: 700 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 700),
+				offerDesc: `from a production studio interested in using ${him} as a double`,
+				get requirements() {
+					return (
+						(slave.vagina > 0 && slave.dick === 0 && slave.balls === 0) &&
+						(slave.physicalAge >= 20 && slave.physicalAge < 25) &&
+						(slave.visualAge >= 20 && slave.visualAge < 25) &&
+						(slave.preg <= 0 && slave.bellyImplant <= 0) &&
+						(slave.weight < 10 && slave.weight > -10) &&
+						(slave.waist < 10 && slave.waist > -50) &&
+						(slave.boobs >= 550 && slave.boobs < 1000) &&
+						(slave.butt > 2 && slave.butt < 5) &&
+						(slave.hips > 0 && slave.hips < 3) &&
+						(slave.face >= 20)
+					);
+				},
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					if (random(1, 3) === 1 && V.seePreg !== 0) {
+						// Monster movie
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} soon makes ${his} debut on the big screen in a thrilling horror movie. At its end, the male lead finds his partner, played by ${him} in this scene, glued to a wall with a massively distended middle filled to capacity with the monster's spawn. The camera slowly zooms in on ${him} as ${he} gives birth to a future sequel.`);
+						for (const s of V.slaves) {
+							if (s.sexualFlaw === "breeder") {
+								s.devotion -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+						if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+							r.push(`The pregnancy obsessed sluts among your slaves are <span class="mediumorchid">envious</span> of ${slave.slaveName}'s new experience, even if it is fake.`);
+						}
+					} else {
+						// Sex Double
+						r.push(`${slave.slaveName} soon makes ${his} debut on the big screen in a debaucherous gangbang in place of the popular lead. ${He} is a spitting image of the actress, even when coated in layers of semen.`);
+						for (const s of V.slaves) {
+							if (s.sexualFlaw === "attention whore") {
+								s.devotion -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+						if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+							r.push(`The attention whores among your slaves are <span class="mediumorchid">envious</span> of ${slave.slaveName}'s good fortune.`);
+						}
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D oral servants", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen who likes to provide his favored, well-endowed slaves with subordinate, orally skilled dickgirls with nice butts.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.dick > 0 && slave.skill.oral >= 100 && slave.height < 160 && slave.butt > 3); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is an occasional sight around the arcology; ${he}'s never seen outside the company of ${his} new slave superior. This is one of ${his} new master's more favored slaves. ${He} has a huge cock, and ${slave.slaveName} is usually seen crouching down, hugging one of ${his} superior's legs and keeping ${his} mouth obediently near that dick.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+							if (s.fetish === "cumslut") {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your cumsluts are <span class="mediumaquamarine">rather envious.</span>`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D trap lover", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen who prefers slaves that look like demure ${girl}s with their clothes on, and are willing to take cock up their pretty asspussies.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.dick > 0 && slave.devotion > 20 && slave.fetish === "buttslut" && slave.visualAge < 25 && slave.boobs < 400 && slave.weight <= 10); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} becomes a frequent sight around the arcology, accompanying ${his} new master. ${He}'s clearly happy, and is frequently seen to offer ${his} butt to him with a smile.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.dick > 0) {
+							if (s.devotion > 20) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves with dicks who've accepted their lot in life find this <span class="mediumaquamarine">encouraging.</span>`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D butt bury", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from an eccentric citizen notorious for keeping tall slaves with huge soft butts, just so he can bury himself between their cheeks when they're standing.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.height > 185 && slave.butt > 8 && slave.buttImplant < 2 && slave.weight > 10); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s buyer arrives promptly; he seems pleased with his new slave's bountiful bottom, so far off the ground.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "buttslut") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your buttsluts giggle over what he's got in store for ${him}, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">envy</span> ${his} new owner a little.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D milky herm", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen with strong opinions on futas: he likes a feminine ${girl} with a nice cock, a lovely pussy, no visible balls and yet the ability to get hard, and plentifully milky nipples.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.dick > 1 && slave.balls === 1 && slave.vagina > -1 && canAchieveErection(slave) && slave.lactation > 0 && slave.face > 10 && slave.faceShape !== "masculine"); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s buyer arrives and seems pleased with ${his} lovely feminine appearance; he verifies ${his} lactation and ${his} ability to achieve erection despite ${his} lack of visible balls.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.dick > 0) {
+							if (s.boobs > 400) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other feminine slaves with dicks <span class="mediumaquamarine">trust</span> they'll go to owners that will value them, should they be sold.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D amazon hunter", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen whose friends never let him hear the end of his incorrigibly romantic treatment of his apartment full of amazons.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.dick === 0 && slave.muscles > 30 && slave.devotion > 20 && slave.height > 180); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					r.push(`When ${slave.slaveName}'s buyer appears, the big ${girl} is almost bashful. He tries to resist the impulse, but quickly breaks down and sweeps ${him} into a tight hug. ${He} accepts the embrace meekly. Your other slaves find this <span class="mediumaquamarine">very romantic.</span>`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						s.trust += 1;
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D shorty breeder", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen who keeps a large harem of lithe, muscular ${girl}s to bear him children.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.seePreg !== 0 && slave.ovaries === 1 && slave.preg > -2 && slave.muscles > 30 && slave.weight <= 10 && slave.height < 165); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s lithe, muscular form is rarely seen after ${his} buyer takes charge of ${him}, since ${he} seems to spend most of ${his} time at home making babies.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetish === "pregnancy") {
+							if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+								s.trust += 4;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves with pregnancy fetishes <span class="mediumaquamarine">almost want to be sold</span> since there's a chance they'll be purchased by him, too.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D oral servants", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.35) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen who's looking for a fresh, skilled pair of lips eager to wrap around a thick cock.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.devotion > 20 && slave.fetish === "cumslut" && slave.lips > 30 && hasAnyArms(slave) && hasAnyLegs(slave) && slave.skill.oral > 50); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is an occasional sight around the arcology; ${he}'s never seen outside the company of ${his} new slave superior. This is one of ${his} new master's more favored slaves. ${He} has a huge cock, and ${slave.slaveName} is usually seen crouching down, hugging one of ${his} superior's legs and keeping ${his} mouth obediently near that dick.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.fetishKnown === 1) {
+							if (s.fetish === "cumslut") {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your cumsluts are <span class="mediumaquamarine">rather envious.</span>`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D r9k", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.15) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen who's a notoriously inexperienced lover; it's painfully obvious that he prefers inexperienced slaves as they make him feel less insecure.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.skill.vaginal <= 10 && slave.skill.anal <= 10 && slave.skill.oral <= 10 && slave.skill.whoring <= 10 && slave.skill.entertainment <= 10); },
+				percentOdds: 80,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s nervous buyer comes to collect ${him}, stammering and sweating and doing his best to pretend he does this all the time.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.counter.vaginal + s.counter.anal < 20) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other less experienced slaves persistently find this romantic, and <span class="mediumaquamarine">hope something like that will happen to them,</span> too.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["D cannibal", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a prominent citizen who takes unusually close interest in ${his} health and muscle tone, and cannot quite hide his salivation as he does so.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.weight > 10 && slave.muscles > 5 && slave.health.condition > 60 && cost < 10000); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is never seen again. ${His} buyer prefers to keep whatever happened to ${him} private. However, rumors of steaks, rump roasts, sweetbreads, and blood pudding eaten at three in the morning filter out from time to time. Naturally, these murmurs never fail to <span class="gold">terrify</span> your other slaves.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						s.trust -= 2;
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["obsessed fan", {
+				cost: 200 * Math.trunc((cost * 2) / 200),
+				offerDesc: `from an obsessive fan who absolutely must have ${him} for himself.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.porn.prestige === 1); },
+				percentOdds: 69, // Who did this?  Seriously, who did this...
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is rarely seen after ${his} buyer takes charge of ${him}, since he prefers to keep his prize safe and sound at home.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.porn.prestige === 1) {
+							if (s.devotion > 20) {
+								s.trust += 1;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other borderline unheard of sluts <span class="mediumaquamarine">hope that someone like him would consider whisking them away,</span> but most of your slaves are skeptical at what his intent may be.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["porn studio", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.3) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a studio interested in continued production of ${his} porn.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.porn.prestige === 3); },
+				percentOdds: 90,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} becomes a frequent sight in ${slave.porn.fameType} smut and attracts huge crowds with each public appearance.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.porn.prestige > 0 && s.porn.prestige < 3) {
+							if (s.devotion > 20) {
+								s.trust += 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other aspiring porn stars <span class="mediumaquamarine">try harder than ever</span> in the hopes of following in ${his} prestigious footsteps.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["teaching trainer", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in educating slaves and reselling them at a profit.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist === "unset" && slave.intelligenceImplant < 15); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is not pleased by ${his} change in circumstances, since ${he} is soon subjected to training rigor that ${he} did not experience while your property.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.intelligenceImplant < 15) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other uneducated slaves <span class="gold">fear the abusive indoctrination</span> they will apparently suffer under should you decide to sell them.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["implanting trainer", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in filling slaves with implants before resale.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist === "unset" && slave.boobsImplant === 0); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`A few weeks later, ${slave.slaveName} is seen in a shipment of slaves heading out of the arcology. ${He} has new fake tits, a bigger butt, lip implants, and even some facial bone structure alterations, but ${his} balloon breasts are the most shocking change.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.boobsImplant === 0) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your unimplanted slaves <span class="gold">fear they'll go under the knife</span> for invasive surgery like ${slave.slaveName} suffered, should you ever decide to sell them.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["purifying trainer", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in fixing slaves who have been surgically ruined with overimplantation.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist === "unset" && slave.boobsImplant > 0); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`A few weeks later, ${slave.slaveName} is seen in a shipment of slaves heading out of the arcology. ${He} is almost unrecognizable, having been quickly returned to as natural an appearance as skillful removal of ${his} implants could manage.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.boobsImplant > 800) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves who are carrying around huge implants <span class="mediumaquamarine">hope they'll be allowed to lay down their burdens</span> should you decide to sell them.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["slimming trainer", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in slimming down fat slaves to appeal to buyers who prefer slim ${girl}s.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist === "unset" && slave.boobs > 600 && slave.butt > 3 && slave.weight > 10); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is occasionally visible around the arcology, looking rather tired and gaunt under the stresses of a severe crash diet coupled with a punishing cardio regime.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.weight > 10) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your chubby slaves take note, and <span class="gold">fear they'll have to suffer too</span> should you ever decide to sell them.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["broadening trainer", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in improving slaves with disappointing assets; they prefer pharmaceutical means but are not averse to surgical intervention if necessary.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast === "unset" && slave.boobs < 600 && slave.butt < 3 && slave.weight < -10); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is only rarely seen around the arcology, since ${his} new owners force ${him} to spend most of ${his} time sleeping, eating and looking after ${himself}. But ${his} belly, painfully distended with food, makes ${his} situation obvious.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.weight > 10) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`When they hear about ${him}, your slim slaves are <span class="gold">disgusted and afraid,</span> fearing they'll be forced to eat themselves plush if sold.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["cow trainer", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in getting womenU ready to be dairy cows by using aggressive hormonal and pharmaceutical treatment to balloon their tits.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.boobs > 1000 && slave.boobsImplant === 0 && slave.lactation === 0); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is last seen somewhat later, packed into a shipment of cows heading out of the arcology. ${He} looks rather ill from the drugs ${he}'s been filled with, and ${his} now-distended breasts are marred by unsightly stretch marks.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.lactation === 0) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Even your slaves who normally enjoy breast expansion are <span class="gold">disgusted and afraid</span> they'll be treated as pharmaceutical mixing machines if you sell them to the same company. Only your cows are inured to lactation to the point they're unaffected.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["clipping trainer", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in feminizing imperfect shemales; an orchiectomy is invariably their first step.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist === "unset" && slave.balls > 0 && slave.boobs < 500); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is frequently seen in public over the next few weeks, since ${he}'s being trained to improve ${his} feminine deportment. ${He} grows visibly more feminine as time passes, as the hormonal effects of having ${his} balls cut off become apparent.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.balls > 0) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves who retain their testicles are <span class="gold">afraid</span> of displeasing you, knowing that castration is a distinct possibility on the open market.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["reassignment trainer", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in creating proper slave women from raw material that falls short of that ideal but has potential anyway.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist === "unset" && slave.dick > 0 && cost > 10000); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is next seen after some weeks of surgery. ${He}'s barely recognizable, and now possesses a serviceable vagina which ${he} clearly is unsure of. ${His} original status is scarcely discernible.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.dick > 0) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your less feminized slaves <span class="gold">fear similar treatment;</span> even those who aspire to be better slave girls are shocked by the rapidity and totality of the surgical transformation.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["pastoralist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner working towards autarkic slave pastoralism. He's awed by ${his} milk productivity.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.boobs - slave.boobsImplant > 2000 && slave.lactation > 1); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is subjected to a stock assay and then packed off to take ${his} place as a prize heifer.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.lactation === 0) {
+							if (s.devotion <= 20) {
+								s.trust -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves who are already lactating know that ${his} role is to be a relatively easy and decent one, and your obedient slaves accept it regardless. Others, however, <span class="gold">fear being transformed into livestock</span> a little.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["egyptian revivalist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner building a facsimile of ancient Egypt. He's in the market for wise and educated slaves willing to pass on their skills.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.devotion > 50 && (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant > 50) && slave.intelligenceImplant >= 30); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s journey to ${his} new home is respectful, even celebratory, as far as you can see. ${He} is gravely informed by the purchasing agent that many slaves await ${his} learned instruction.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant < -50) {
+							s.devotion -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Most of your slaves quietly envy ${his} good fortune. The stupidest however tend to resent their intellectual superiors and <span class="mediumorchid">actively resent</span> how obvious ${his} advantage over them proved to be.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["aztec revivalist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner building a recreation of the Great Aztec Empire. He's in the market for willing, strong and combat ready slaves, to bolster his empire`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.skill.combat >= 1 && slave.health.condition > 40 && slave.muscles > 25); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is transported after losing a military engagement. Though ${his} will remains strong, ${he}'s <span class="gold">filled with fear</span> when ${he} sees the rivers of blood that flow through the city.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.skill.combat > 0) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`${His} willingness to obey will be tested. ${His} life will be forfeit, a fate many others <span class="gold">fear might befall them,</span> if ${he} does not perform.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["roman revivalist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner building a facsimile of classical Rome. He's in the market for slaves with basic combat skills to fight in modern gladiatorial combats.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.skill.combat > 0 && slave.health.condition > 40 && slave.muscles > 5); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is shipped to a new arcology, and culturally, across the centuries. ${His} skill at arms is well enough known that ${his} impending role as a gladiatrix is easily deduced.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.skill.combat > 0) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`A gladiatrix's life expectancy in an arcology that enjoys lethal combats is punishingly low. Your other slaves with combat skill <span class="gold">worry they'll follow ${him}</span> out onto the sand.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["neoimperialist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from an arcology owner who's crowned himself a neo-noble, looking for healthy, intelligent, and fit slaves to build up a prestigious harem worthy of a genuine King.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.health.condition > 40 && (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant > 20) && slave.muscles > 5); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s is taken away by an expensive, flashy shuttle shortly after you finalize the trade. ${He} is swept into a life of luxury; the next time you see ${him}, ${he}'s dressed in a manner more befitting of a consort than a simple slave.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant < 50) {
+							s.devotion -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`The majority of your slaves are simply jealous of the wealth and luxury of ${his} new home, but the brighter servants shudder with the understanding that such decadence is bought at the price of fawning obedience to a trussed-up megalomaniac.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["chattel religionist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner with interesting religious beliefs, which require beautiful slaves to be available to the public. Since ${slave.slaveName} is pretty and not heavily used, he considers it a duty to buy ${him} and make ${him} a holy prostitute.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.face > 10 && slave.counter.anal < 100); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is terrified of ${his} impending religious life; perhaps ${he}'s heard the new text that reads 'no woman come of age is holy unless she performs the act as many times per day as she has years less than forty.'`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.counter.anal < 200) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your sexually experienced slaves are too inured to industrial lovemaking to be affected by ${his} fate, but your more innocent slaves <span class="gold">fear being required to fuck</span> at that pace.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["physical idealist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner devoted to muscular ladies. He seems to feel that ${slave.slaveName} is not at ${his} true potential, and wants a try at improving ${his} physique himself.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.muscles > 5 && slave.muscles <= 95 && slave.health.condition > 60); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`Stories about the arcology ${slave.slaveName} is headed to have circulated among slaves. Most intelligent slaves see a life of workouts as relatively harmless.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.weight > 10) {
+							if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant < -15) {
+								s.trust -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`However, your stupider slaves consider a life of rigorous dieting and punishing exercise daunting, and are filled with <span class="gold">minor fears</span> that they will be made to starve and sweat, too.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["hedonistic decadence arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner devoted to chubby ladies. He seems to feel that ${slave.slaveName} can handle a fair bit more weight, and wants a try at fattening ${him} up himself.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.weight > 30 && slave.weight <= 95 && slave.health.condition > 60); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is taken away to join a quivering mass of plump, pampered ladies that crowd the bedroom of ${his} new owner.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.behavioralFlaw === "gluttonous") {
+							s.devotion -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your more gluttonous slaves are <span class="mediumorchid">deeply jealous</span> of ${slave.slaveName}'s constant feedings and excessive weight gain.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["stuffer chef", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a chef that likes stuffing more than just turkeys.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast !== "unset" && slave.weight < 10 && slave.muscles < 10 && slave.belly === 0 && slave.preg < 1); },
+				percentOdds: 80,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s new owner is quite fond of his work and typically sends out photos of his progress. This is no exception; you are treated to a series of images featuring ${slave.slaveName} being force-fed until ${his} stomach bulges. Day after day, you watch ${him} handle more and more food until ${his} belly is big enough to fill ${his} lap even when empty.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.weight < 10) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other thin slaves are <span class="gold">terrified</span> that they'll soon find themselves tied to a chair and fed until they are ready to pop.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["transformation fetishist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner who loves breast implants. Since large natural breasts can support larger implants, he seems to feel ${slave.slaveName} has good potential to be implanted up to a truly gigantic size without too much stretching.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.boobs > 1000 && slave.boobsImplant === 0); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`A purchasing agent arrives for ${slave.slaveName}; he uses a lull in the proceedings to use a permanent marker to begin mapping out surgical sites across ${his} body. There are a lot of them.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion <= 20) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your unbroken slaves who hear about how severely ${he}'s about to be cut up are <span class="gold">somewhat afraid</span> that they will suffer similar surgical invasion.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["asset expansionist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner who never fails to dream big. He's interested in ${him} mostly for growth potential, since ${his} assets have grown so big, so young.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.boobs > 800 && slave.boobsImplant === 0 && slave.physicalAge < 25); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`A shipping container arrives for ${slave.slaveName}; as ${he}'s loaded into it, it sedates ${him} and begins to pump hormones, curatives and growth enhancers into no less than seven places scattered over ${his} body.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion <= 20) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your unbroken slaves who hear about the grotesque display of pharmacological art are <span class="gold">somewhat afraid</span> that they will suffer similar chemical invasion.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["slimness enthusiast arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner with simple tastes. He likes his slaves young, slim, and reasonably innocent.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.boobs < 500 && slave.butt < 3 && slave.physicalAge < 25 && slave.anus < 2); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is taken away to join the tribe of squealing, slim forms that populate the arcology of ${his} new owner.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant > 50) {
+							s.devotion -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Most of your chattel could scarcely care less, but your most intelligent slaves are <span class="mediumorchid">privately dubious of your tacit support</span> for an arcology owner whose tastes they wonder about.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["body purist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner with a hatred of implants that reaches missionary zeal. He buys slaves full of silicone, removes their implants, reconditions them, and resells them whenever his finances will permit.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.boobsImplant > 0 && slave.buttImplant > 0 && slave.lipsImplant > 0); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is shipped to ${his} new owner's arcology to have ${his} implants extracted and the resultant damage addressed.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion <= 50) {
+							if (s.boobsImplant > 1000) {
+								s.devotion -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves burdened with gigantic implants who aren't devoted enough to bear them cheerfully <span class="mediumorchid">resent you somewhat</span> for keeping them here with aching backs.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["degradationist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner who runs a terrifyingly degrading society. He prefers slaves who have been well-treated previously; it lends their screams a certain special authenticity.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.trust > 20); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`Stories about the place ${he}'s going have reached ${V.arcologies[0].name}, and ${slave.slaveName} suspects the fate ${he}'s been condemned to when ${he}'s loaded into a shipping container expressly designed to keep the inmate awake and uncomfortable.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion > 20) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other devoted or just obedient slaves are <span class="gold">suddenly afraid</span> that their obedience and their devotion is as nothing next to the fact that they are sex slaves relying on your whim.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["paternalist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner with an almost messianic calling to educate and improve slaves, though somewhat hypocritically, he prefers to start with reasonably obedient ${girl}s, which usually means slaves broken by someone else.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.intelligenceImplant < 5 && slave.devotion > 20 && slave.fetish !== "mindbroken"); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is shipped off to be improved into a happy, educated slave at the best pace ${his} new owner can manage.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion < -20) {
+							if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant < -15) {
+								s.devotion -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your unbroken, uneducated slaves who hear about this are <span class="mediumorchid">quietly resentful,</span> not understanding that ${he} was only sold to a paternalist arcology because ${he} was obedient.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["gender fundamentalist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner who likes willing, uncomplicated young ladies with bouncing boobs and big butts. He's an uncomplicated sort.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.dick === 0 && slave.boobs > 800 && slave.butt > 3 && slave.devotion > 20 && (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant < -15)); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is taken away to join the legion of airheaded, big-titted sex slaves that throng the arcology owned by ${his} purchaser.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant > 50) {
+							s.devotion -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Most of your chattel could scarcely care less, but your most intelligent slaves are <span class="mediumorchid">privately skeptical of ${his} fate;</span> ${he}'s become one more cookie cutter bimbo in a place that uses and discards such sluts.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["gender radicalist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner with a notorious fetish for the process of feminization. He prefers diamonds in the rough, because the process of polishing is so much fun.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.dick > 0 && slave.face < -10 && slave.boobs < 400); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is shipped off, but ${his} buyer is so unwilling to waste any time that the shipment container includes hormonal injectors to get ${him} started on an intensive feminization regime as quickly as possible.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.dick > 0) {
+							if (s.devotion <= 20) {
+								s.trust -= 2;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves who retain dicks, and are not yet broken to your will, <span class="gold">fear the implication</span> that feminization is inescapable: either you'll turn them into girly sluts, or someone else will.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["supremacist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner with a strongly held belief that ${slave.race} people should not be slaves. He devotes as much of his resources as he can to manumission of such ${girl}s, concentrating on the downtrodden.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.race !== "mixed race" && slave.devotion <= 20 && slave.trust < 20); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} leaves your control forthwith, to be freed and installed in a favored life in an arcology that gives ${slave.race} people every possible advantage.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion < 10) {
+							s.devotion -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`All your slaves who are not devoted to you <span class="mediumorchid">like you a little less</span> in the light of this thin beam of freedom you've allowed to shine into ${V.arcologies[0].name}.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["subjugationist arcology", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.25) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a fellow arcology owner working on a project to breed a race of ${slave.race} people with natural, unquestioning obedience. He clearly considers ${him} good stock for the project.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.seePreg !== 0 && slave.race !== "mixed race" && (slave.intelligence + slave.intelligenceImplant < -50) && slave.ovaries === 1); },
+				percentOdds: 70,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is shipped off to help produce a race of ${slave.race} idiots to perform eternal servitude. ${He} is not perceptive enough to fear ${his} upcoming life as a downtrodden breeder.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant > 15) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Those of your slaves who are intelligent enough to understand the implications of the scheme <span class="gold">fear all slaveholders more, and especially you,</span> since you've shown yourself willing to subject them to eugenics.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["cheap brothel", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a cheap brothel chain that operates a franchise on a lower level of the arcology.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist === "unset" && cost < 10000); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is soon seen on shift outside a seedy establishment in the lower arcology, mechanically offering ${his} holes to passersby and flinching whenever ${his} superiors come out to check on ${him}.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if ((s.assignment === "whore") || (s.assignment === "work in the brothel")) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other slave prostitutes <span class="gold">fear they'll be condemned</span> to similar exploitation in their turn.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["factory farm", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a factory farm notorious for extracting every drop of value from its slaves' bodies.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist === "unset" && cost < 20000 && slave.boobsImplant === 0); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is never again seen in public, but ${his} fate is obvious: ${he}'s chained to a milking rack somewhere in a cavernous factory farm, with milk draining from ${his}`);
+					if (slave.balls > 0) {
+						r.push(`tits and an electroshock stimulator up ${his} butt to force ${him} to cum`);
+					} else if (slave.ovaries > 0) {
+						r.push(`tits and a new baby in ${his} belly every ten months`);
+					} else {
+						r.push(`tits.`);
+					}
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion <= 50) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other slaves are <span class="gold">afraid they'll end up like that too,</span> since the factory farms will buy almost anyone. Only your devoted slaves trust you to spare them such a fate.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["arcade", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a sex arcade that maintains good service quality by rapidly cycling new slaves through their facilities.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist === "unset" && cost < 5000); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`The upper half of ${slave.slaveName}'s body is never seen again. ${His} butt, on the other hand, is periodically visible in a lower-level arcade, ${his} orifices gradually showing the wear and ${his} price gradually decreasing, until finally ${he} is seen no more.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.devotion < 10) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your devoted slaves are fairly confident they will escape such a fate, but everyone else <span class="gold">is terrified of ending that way.</span>`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["volume breeder", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a high-volume breeding operation interested in ${him} mostly for ${his} healthy, functional womb.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.seePreg !== 0 && V.arcologies[0].FSPaternalist === "unset" && cost < 10000 && slave.health.condition > 40 && slave.ovaries === 1); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`The breeder already has stud stock, and ${slave.slaveName} is rapidly impregnated. ${He}'s kept in a stockyard on the lower service levels of the arcology, one of a dense crowd of beaten-down women with gravid bellies.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.ovaries === 1) {
+							s.trust -= 2;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other fertile slaves <span class="gold">fear they'll be sold as breeding stock</span> if they fail to make themselves useful to you otherwise.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["nice brothel", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a group of partners that run a handsome brothel off the promenade.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist === "unset" && cost > 20000); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} disappears for a time as ${his} training is perfected, but ${he} reappears in the refined brothel, wearing classy clothes and flirting gracefully with patrons of ${his} body.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if ((s.assignment === "whore") || (s.assignment === "work in the brothel")) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other slave prostitutes <span class="mediumaquamarine">hope they'll be lucky enough</span> to find themselves in relatively decent circumstances too, should you decide to sell them.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["free range", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 0.8) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a free-range farm that pays for the high costs of high quality livestock care by aggressively marketing its cruelty-free products.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.arcologies[0].FSDegradationist === "unset" && cost < 50000 && slave.boobsImplant === 0 && slave.health.condition > 40); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is a common sight around the arcology, since free range cows are allowed to range between milkings. ${He} seems reasonably content.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if ((s.assignment === "get milked") || (s.assignment === "work in the dairy")) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other cows <span class="mediumaquamarine">hope they'll be lucky enough</span> to find themselves in relatively decent circumstances too, should you decide to sell them.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["harvester", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.2) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from an organ harvesting firm that acquires healthy raw materials cheaply.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.chem < 50 && slave.health.condition > 40 && cost < 5000); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					r.push(`Though ${slave.slaveName}'s fate as a source of organs for transplantation is not announced, rumors of what happens to those who <span class="gold">fail to be valuable to you</span> pass among your slaves.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						s.trust -= 2;
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["fuckdoll", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a manufacturer of large sexual appliances that include a living inmate, drugged into helplessness.`,
+				get requirements() { return (cost < 5000); },
+				percentOdds: 50,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					r.push(`Though ${slave.slaveName}'s fate as a living fucktoy is not obvious, since most of ${his} body will forever after be encased in thick latex, rumors of what happens to those who <span class="gold">fail to be valuable to you</span> pass among your slaves.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						s.trust -= 2;
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["tentacle bred", {
+				cost: 7000,
+				offerDesc: `from a porn director interested in a cheap slave with a belly implant for use in a snuff film.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.seeExtreme === 1 && cost < 5000 && slave.vagina > -1 && slave.bellyImplant > -1); },
+				percentOdds: 90,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`Sometime later, a snuff film starring ${slave.slaveName} as a heroine captured, raped, and fatally bred by tentacles is released. It receives rave reviews for the scene involving ${slave.slaveName}, depicting ${his} aphrodisiac-filled body being penetrated in all ${his} holes by tentacles. Their thrusting into ${him} increases until large bulges of cum pass through the ones filling ${his} stretched cunt, visibly bloating ${his} belly. ${He} then collapses to the ground, ${his} swollen belly rapidly growing with the tentacle spawn gestating within ${him}. As they bulge against the straining walls of ${his} implant-filled middle; ${he} lets out a final moan as ${his} belly ruptures, releasing ${his} "spawn" to hunt down the other heroines.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (canSee(s)) {
+							if (s.intelligence + s.intelligenceImplant < -15) {
+								s.devotion -= 4;
+								slaveImpact = 1;
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your less than intelligent slaves are <span class="mediumorchid">deeply envious</span> of ${slave.slaveName}, completely failing to comprehend what they saw were not special effects.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				},
+				allowsBoomerang: false
+			}],
+			["reputable trader", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 0.9) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a reputable slave trader who will likely ship ${him} out of the arcology.`,
+				get requirements() { return true; }, // yep, no gate for this one!
+				percentOdds: 30,
+			}],
+			["mindbreak trader", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 0.9) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trader who buys vast numbers of mindbroken ${girl}s. His purpose is unknown, and none of them are ever seen again.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.fetish === "mindbroken"); },
+				percentOdds: 20,
+			}],
+			["concert hall", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.3) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a concert venue that wants a sex slave to keep the stage crew satisfied, but doesn't want to worry about any possible hearing loss.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.hears === -2); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`As ${slave.slaveName} now spends all ${his} time backstage, ${he}'s rarely seen again. Occasionally, however, a roadie will bring ${him} outside as he hauls the equipment, and ${he} jacks him off.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.hears < 0) {
+							s.trust += 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves with hearing problems <span class="mediumaquamarine">take some solace</span> in the idea of being bought because of their disability, not in spite of it.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["etiquette coach", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.4) / 500),
+				offerDesc: `from a slave trainer that specializes in teaching proper manners and etiquette to low-class slaves.`,
+				get requirements() { return (slave.sexualFlaw === "crude"); },
+				percentOdds: 60,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName}'s new etiquette trainer sends you courtesy updates on ${his} progress, as ${he} learns proper poise and enunciation, the correct locations of silverware, and how to avoid making vulgar comments while performing lascivious acts.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.sexualFlaw === "crude") {
+							s.trust -= 1;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your other slaves lacking in manners consider being turned into a proper member of polite society <span class="gold">a fate wore than death.</span>`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+			["sniper spotter", {
+				cost: 450 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.45) / 450),
+				offerDesc: `from a mercenary sniper looking for a small slave to act as his spotter.`,
+				get requirements() { return (hasBothEyes(slave) && canSeePerfectly(slave) && isSlim(slave)); },
+				percentOdds: 65,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					const r = [];
+					let slaveImpact;
+					r.push(`The mercenary sniper greets ${slave.slaveName} before the two of them head off for a battlefield halfway around the world. "Let's hope you've got a good eye for political assassinations," he says humorlessly.`);
+					for (const s of V.slaves) {
+						if (s.skill.combat <= 15) {
+							s.devotion -= 3;
+							slaveImpact = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					if (slaveImpact === 1) {
+						r.push(`Your slaves lacking in combat skills don't envy ${him}, and <span class="gold">in fact seem very worried</span> that they may share ${his} fate.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				}
+			}],
+		]);
+		if (V.peacekeepers !== 0) {
+			buyers.set("peacekeepers", {
+				cost: V.peacekeepers.attitude < 100 ?
+					500 * Math.trunc((cost * 0.5) / 500) :
+					500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.2) / 500),
+				offerDesc:
+					(V.peacekeepers.attitude < 100) ?
+						`from the officer in charge of 'recreational activities' for General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s forces. This is far less than the slave is worth, but the bid comes with the implicit offer of more influence over the peacekeepers.` :
+						`from the sex slave buyer for General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s client state, which prefers ${V.peacekeepers.tastes}.`,
+				get requirements() { return (V.plot && V.peacekeepers && V.peacekeepers.strength >= 50); },
+				percentOdds: 100,
+				get completeSale() {
+					const el = new DocumentFragment();
+					if (V.peacekeepers === 0) {
+						return el;
+					}
+					const r = [];
+					r.push(`${slave.slaveName} is delivered to General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s forces, to serve as a barracks whore. Several days later, the purchasing officer forwards a short shot of ${slave.slaveName}`);
+					cost = slaveCost(slave);
+					if (V.peacekeepers.tastes === 0) {
+						const influential = (cost > random(10000, 50000) || V.peacekeepers.attitude > 90);
+						if (influential && slave.belly >= 300000) {
+							r.push(`smiling as ${his} ${bellyAdjective(slave)} belly is used as the center of a large bukkake party. You can just barely make out the figure of someone taking ${him} from behind beyond ${his} immensity. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${his} exotic feature makes ${him} very popular. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more massive bellied ${girl}s in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "bellies with girls attached";
+						} else if (influential && slave.balls > 0 && slave.scrotum > 0 && slave.dick > 0 && slave.vagina > -1 && slave.energy > 50) {
+							r.push(`with dicks in ${his} mouth, pussy, and ass. ${He}'s totally covered in cum, and a lot of it is ${hers}. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${he}'s very popular. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more lusty futas in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "lusty futanari";
+						} else if (influential && slave.fetish === "cumslut" && slave.fetishStrength > 95 && slave.sexualFlaw === "cum addict") {
+							r.push(`on`);
+							if (hasBothLegs(slave)) {
+								r.push(`${his} knees,`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`the ground,`);
+							}
+							r.push(`sucking dick. That's where ${he}'s at home, of course, and as soon as the man ${he}'s blowing cums down ${his} throat and steps away, another immediately replaces him. ${slave.slaveName} keeps guzzling penis without hesitation. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${his} apparently bottomless appetite for cum has made ${him} very popular. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more cum addicts in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "cum addicts";
+						} else if (influential && slave.boobs > 2000 && slave.lactation > 1) {
+							r.push(`standing obediently in a comfort station in one of their rear area facilities, while a huge group of muscular men and women take turns drinking straight from ${his} nipples as a break from using the other whores. Someone's fucking ${him} from behind. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${he}'s very popular. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more big-breasted cows in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "big-breasted cows";
+						} else if (influential && slave.boobs > 20000 && slave.butt > 10) {
+							r.push(`standing obediently in a comfort station in one of their rear area facilities, while a huge group of muscular men titfuck ${his} near endless cleavage and another, smaller group use ${his} gigantic asscheeks. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${his} mind-blowing assets make ${him} very popular. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more slaves with bountiful T&A in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "flesh balloons";
+						} else if (influential && slave.physicalAge > 34 && slave.visualAge > 34 && slave.energy > 80) {
+							r.push(`energetically bouncing atop one young man while a muscular young woman standing over ${him} rides ${his} face. `);
+							if (hasAnyArms(slave)) {
+								r.push(`${He}'s got dicks in `);
+								if (!hasBothArms(slave)) {
+									r.push(`${his} hand,`);
+								} else {
+									r.push(`both of ${his} hands,`);
+								}
+								r.push(`and is stroking them eagerly. `);
+							}
+							r.push(`There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${he}'s very popular. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more horny MILFs in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "horny MILFs";
+						} else if (influential && slave.physicalAge < 13 && slave.visualAge < 13 && slave.boobs > 2000) {
+							r.push(`kneeling over a soldier, putting ${his} proportionally massive breasts to work. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${he}'s very popular. It's not surprising; ${he}'s young, full of energy, and practically overflowing with tit flesh. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more busty little ${girl}s in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "oppai loli";
+						} else if (influential && slave.physicalAge < 25 && slave.visualAge < 25 && slave.face > 95) {
+							r.push(`striking a come-hither pose for an enormous crowd of cheering soldiers. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${he}'s very popular. It's not surprising; ${he}'s young, very beautiful, and able to handle a lot of devoted attention. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more beautiful young sex slaves in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "beautiful young sex slaves";
+						} else if (influential && slave.vagina === 0 && isFertile(slave)) {
+							r.push(`happily taking it vaginally while teasing the growing crowd eager to cum in ${his} needy pussy. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${he}'s very popular. It's not surprising; ${he} has a burning need that they are dutifully fulfilling. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more eager virgins in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "fertile virgins";
+						} else if (influential && slave.preg > slave.pregData.normalBirth / 4 && slave.fetish === "pregnancy" && slave.sexualFlaw === "breeder") {
+							r.push(`on ${his} back, getting fucked while teasing ${his} growing baby bump. That's where ${he}'s at home, of course, and as soon as the man ${he}'s taking cums in ${his} `);
+							if (slave.mpreg > 0) {
+								r.push(`asspussy`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`pussy`);
+							}
+							r.push(`and steps away, another immediately replaces him. ${slave.slaveName} keeps `);
+							if (hasBothLegs(slave)) {
+								r.push(`spreading ${his} legs`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`presenting ${himself}`);
+							}
+							r.push(`without hesitation. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${his} apparently bottomless appetite for bareback sex has made ${him} very popular. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more baby-obsessed breeders in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "baby obsessed breeders";
+						} else if (influential && slave.preg > slave.pregData.normalBirth / 4 && slave.energy > 50) {
+							r.push(`eagerly bouncing atop one young man while a muscular young woman standing over ${him} rides ${his} face. `);
+							if (hasAnyArms(slave)) {
+								r.push(`${He}'s got dicks in `);
+								if (!hasBothArms(slave)) {
+									r.push(`${his} hand,`);
+								} else {
+									r.push(`both of ${his} hands,`);
+								}
+								r.push(`and is stroking them eagerly, encouraging their owners to cum on ${his} rounded middle.`);
+							}
+							r.push(`There's a note attached, stating superfluously that ${he}'s very popular. General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s buyer is going to be looking for more horny preggos in the future.`);
+							V.peacekeepers.tastes = "lusty preggos";
+						} else {
+							if (slave.devotion > 20) {
+								if (slave.energy > 80) {
+									r.push(`eagerly`);
+								} else {
+									r.push(`willingly`);
+								}
+								r.push(`offering ${himself} outside`);
+							} else {
+								r.push(`restrained for use inside`);
+							}
+							r.push(`a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, together with a note stating that ${he}'s satisfactory. ${He}'s sufficient but not remarkable enough to have a major impact.`);
+						}
+					} else {
+						switch (V.peacekeepers.tastes) {
+							case "lusty futanari":
+								r.push(`getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for chicks with dicks.`);
+								break;
+							case "cum addicts":
+								r.push(`providing incessant oral service at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to ${his} ability to eagerly suck dick for as long as there's cum available.`);
+								break;
+							case "horny MILFs":
+								r.push(`getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for older ${womenU} who really know how to take cocks.`);
+								break;
+							case "big-breasted cows":
+								r.push(`being hand-milked at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the most valued piece of human livestock due to the peacekeepers' growing taste for human milk.`);
+								break;
+							case "beautiful young sex slaves":
+								r.push(`getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for beautiful young ${girl}s with those special Free Cities skills.`);
+								break;
+							case "fertile virgins":
+								r.push(`getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the main attraction due to ${his} eagerness to get pregnant. Since that won't take long, they'll likely be back looking for more shortly.`);
+								break;
+							case "lusty preggos":
+								r.push(`getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for pregnant ${womenU} with a bottomless lust for cocks.`);
+								break;
+							case "baby obsessed breeders":
+								r.push(`getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for knocking ${womenU} up.`);
+								break;
+							case "bellies with girls attached":
+								r.push(`suspended in a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for gigantically gravid ${girl}s.`);
+								break;
+							case "flesh balloons":
+								r.push(`getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for absolutely enormous assets.`);
+								break;
+							case "oppai loli":
+								r.push(`giving paizuri at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where ${he}'s become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for top-heavy little ${girl}s.`);
+								break;
+						}
+						if (V.peacekeepers.attitude < 100) {
+							V.peacekeepers.attitude++;
+						}
+					}
+					if (V.peacekeepers.attitude + Math.ceil(cost / 10000) < 100) {
+						r.push(`${His} presence will influence General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s troops in favor of a closer relationship with the Free City; old world mores are difficult to maintain while inside an arcology-trained sex slave.`);
+						V.peacekeepers.attitude += Math.ceil(cost / 10000);
+					} else if (V.peacekeepers.attitude < 100) {
+						r.push(`With ${slave.slaveName} added to their stable of sex slaves, General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s troops will be fully converted to the idea of aligning with the slaveowning Free Cities, and the general will no longer have to maintain even plausible deniability. <span class="yellow">General V.peacekeepers.generalName's little empire is now effectively a client state of ${V.arcologies[0].name}.</span>`);
+						V.peacekeepers.attitude = 100;
+					} else {
+						r.push(`General ${V.peacekeepers.generalName}'s little empire continues to be a reliable client state of ${V.arcologies[0].name}, and a good market for ${V.peacekeepers.tastes}.`);
+					}
+					App.Events.addNode(el, r);
+					return el;
+				},
+				allowsBoomerang: false
+			});
+		}
+		let desc;
+		if ((slave.visualAge < 20) && (slave.weight < -10) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who likes his slaves young and slender.`;
+		} else if ((slave.visualAge > 40) && (slave.weight > 10) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who likes her slaves mature and motherly.`;
+		} else if ((slave.dick > 3) && canAchieveErection(slave) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who likes fat cocks.`;
+		} else if ((slave.dick > 3) && (slave.balls === 0) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who likes a big limp dick flopping around when he fucks a slave's asspussy.`;
+		} else if ((slave.dick === 1) && (slave.balls === 0 || slave.ballType === "sterile") && (slave.anus === 3) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who likes sissies with anal slits longer than their little limp dicks.`;
+		} else if ((slave.dick > 0) && (slave.boobs < 300) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who likes traps.`;
+		} else if ((slave.dick > 0) && (slave.balls > 0) && (slave.boobs > 600) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who likes lusty shemales.`;
+		} else if ((slave.anusPiercing > 1) && (slave.nipplesPiercing > 1) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who is clearly fascinated by ${his} lewd piercings.`;
+		} else if ((slave.anusTat > 1) && (slave.buttTat > 1) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who is clearly aroused by ${his} slutty tattoos.`;
+		} else if ((slave.boobs > 800) && (slave.areolaeShape !== "circle") && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who can't take his eyes off ${his} unique areolae.`;
+		} else if ((slave.clit > 2) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who keeps running her tongue over her lips while staring at the slave's giant clit.`;
+		} else if ((slave.labia > 1) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who has an obvious fascination with ${his} dangling labia.`;
+		} else if ((slave.boobs > 2000) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen with an obvious breast expansion fetish.`;
+		} else if ((slave.preg > slave.pregData.normalBirth / 2) && (slave.lactation === 1) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who pays obsessive attention to ${his} gravid belly and naturally lactating breasts.`;
+		} else if ((slave.ovaries === 1) && (slave.physicalAge < 25) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who pays unusually close attention to the section of the medical report on ${his} fertility.`;
+		} else if ((slave.butt > 6) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen with an obvious butt expansion fetish.`;
+		} else if ((slave.face > 10) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who can't keep his eyes off ${his} pretty face.`;
+		} else if ((slave.skill.anal >= 100) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen interested in acquiring a skilled butthole bitch.`;
+		} else if ((slave.skill.vaginal >= 100) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen interested in acquiring a slut with real vaginal skill.`;
+		} else if ((slave.skill.oral >= 100) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen interested in acquiring a skilled cocksucker.`;
+		} else if ((slave.health.condition > 80) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen who pays creepily close attention to the state of ${his} health, and ignores everything else.`;
+		} else if ((slave.nationality !== 0) && (random(1, 100) > 80)) {
+			desc = ` from a citizen with a special appetite for ${moreNational(slave.nationality)} ${girl}s.`;
+		}
+		if (desc) {
+			buyers.set("generic", {
+				cost: 500 * Math.trunc((cost * 1.15) / 500),
+				offerDesc: desc,
+				get requirements() { return true; },
+				percentOdds: 100,
+			});
+		}
+		return buyers;
+	}
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/sellSlave.tw b/src/uncategorized/sellSlave.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index afc1fcd632505c71e8b2ca844902f6519592d901..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/uncategorized/sellSlave.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2105 +0,0 @@
-:: Sell Slave [nobr]
-<<set $nextButton = "Back", $nextLink = "Slave Interact">>
-<<run App.Utils.setLocalPronouns(getSlave($AS))>>
-You prepare $him for sale. $His response to being put up for purchase is
-<<if getSlave($AS).devotion < -50>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).trust > 20>>
-		annoyance; $he must have thought $he had a good thing going here despite $his defiance.
-	<<else>>
-		muted; perhaps $he hopes a new master will be less hateful than you.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion < -20>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).trust > 20>>
-		mild panic; $he seems to be concerned about $his future.
-	<<else>>
-		muted weeping; for some reason, $he doesn't like being treated like meat on a slab.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion <= 20>>hesitant; $he can't seem to make up $his mind whether this is going to mean an improvement or not.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion <= 50>>obedient, if mechanical; $he may want to stay with you.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion <= 95>>ill-concealed sorrow; $he clearly wants to stay with you very much.
-<<else>>open, abject, and heart-wrenching begging. Staying with you truly seems to be $his only wish.
-<<if getSlave($AS).trust < -50>>$He's certainly very willing to get away from your horrible punishments.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust < -20>>$He's probably hoping $he'll be a little less frightened all the time, wherever $he goes.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust < 20>>$He does seem concerned that, hard as you are, $his buyer may be less fair.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust < 50>>$He's worried, probably because $he's learned how to avoid punishment here and will have to learn new rules.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust < 95>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).devotion < -20>>
-		$He's worried, probably because $he thinks you won't harm $him while another owner might.
-	<<else>>
-		$He promises $he will do $his best to make you proud by being a good slave to $his new owners.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).devotion < -20>>
-		$He's rather upset at the notion that $he may be going from a weak willed master to someone with the balls to actually try and break $him.
-	<<else>>
-		$He tries to conceal $his terror at going from a trustworthy slave master to the cruel and uncertain world outside your penthouse, but $he fails.
-	<</if>>
-<<set _slaveCost = slaveCost(getSlave($AS))>>
-<<set _slaveCost = (random(70,80)*Math.trunc(_slaveCost/100))>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).breedingMark == 1 && $propOutcome == 1 && $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
-	Since you are selling a breeding slave, $he will be sent to auction before other members of the Societal Elite.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).geneticQuirks.progeria === 2 && getSlave($AS).physicalAge >= 45>>
-	With $his advanced progeria, it would be a waste of time to have $him appraised. You have to cast a wide net to find a buyer, and the meager offering presented may be the most you'll get for $him.
-<<if $showAppraisal == 1>>
-<<set _Reviewer = []>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist > 20>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("roman")>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist > 20>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("imperial")>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist > 20>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("aztec")>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist > 20>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("egyptian")>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist > 20>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("edo")>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist > 20>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("arabian")>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist > 20>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("chinese")>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist > 20>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("priestess")>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestartDecoration == 100>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("Elite")>>
-<<if $seeDicks != 0>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("futa")>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("businesswoman")>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("slaver")>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("accountant")>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("businesswoman")>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("slaver")>>
-	<<set _Reviewer.push("accountant")>>
-<<set _appraiser = _Reviewer.random()>>
-A reputable slave appraiser arrives promptly to inspect $him and certify $his qualities for sale. The appraiser,
-<<switch _appraiser>>
-<<case "roman">>
-	one of the arcology's appointed censors, sweeps in grandly in his toga with its blue stripe of office, greets you confidently, and turns to the slave. He unrolls a scroll-shaped soft tablet, reviewing video of the $girl's skills and referring back to $his body as he works his way through the prescribed method of valuation. Finished, he turns to you.
-	<<if def $PC.customTitle>>
-		"$PC.customTitle,
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.9>>
-			"First Consul,
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRomanRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
-			"Quaestor,
-		<<else>>
-			"Aedile,
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	I have appraised your slave. As directed by law, my appraisal is based on $his potential income in a brothel, with modification for any significant qualities. I have found the following.
-<<case "imperial">>
-	one of the arcology's noble Barons, dressed in a pristine cybernetic suit that highlights his musculature underneath lines that pulsate when he moves and a golden band around his forehead that keeps his unruly hair in place, greets you with a smile full of white teeth and projects a holographic screen from the wrist of his suit. For around a minute, he hems and murmurs as he reviews slave vitals and statistics on his holographic screen, then turns his attention back to you.
-	<<if def $PC.customTitle>>
-		"$PC.customTitle,
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.9>>
-			"Your Highness and Immortal Emperor,
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
-			"Your Highness,
-		<<else>>
-			"Noble Lord,
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	My appraisal is complete. As the statutes of Imperial law direct, I have taken into account $his qualities, skills, and potential income should $he be placed in a brothel or other useful venue. My assessment finds the following.
-<<case "aztec">>
-	one of the arcology's slave examiners, walks elegantly in, wearing a very richly ornamented cape and a simple headdress to accentuate her face.<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw == 1>> Her bronzed middle is noticeably swollen with pregnancy.<</if>> She acquaints herself with the slave and carries on a short inspection and a shorter conversation. She returns to you, goes on one knee, and follows by saying.
-	<<if def $PC.customTitle>>
-		"Your $PC.customTitle,
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.9>>
-			"Piety,
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSAztecRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
-			"Sanctity,
-		<<else>>
-			"Your Greatness,
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	I have appraised your slave. My appraisal is based on $his potential income in a brothel, with modification for $his special qualities. I have found the following.
-<<case "egyptian">>
-	one of the arcology's traditional slave examiners, comes elegantly in wearing a simple gown shift that sweeps low, baring her bronzed back.<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw == 1>> Her gown is noticeably swollen with pregnancy.<</if>> She greets you warmly, and then turns to the slave. She inspects $him and carries on a polite conversation with $him, learning about $him by talking with $him. When she finishes, she turns to you and bows deeply.
-	<<if def $PC.customTitle>>
-		"My $PC.customTitle,
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.9>>
-			"Your worship,
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEgyptianRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
-			"Pharaoh,
-		<<else>>
-			<<if $PC.title == 1>>
-				"My prince,
-			<<else>>
-				"My princess,
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	I have appraised your slave. My appraisal is based on $his potential income in a brothel, with modification for $his special qualities. I have found the following.
-<<case "edo">>
-	one of the arcology's recognized slave examiners, arrives alone, but is no less regal for it. She is dressed as a proper Edo lady, and is a natural at it, slim<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw == 1>>, despite her large pregnancy<</if>>, pretty, and proper. She greets you correctly, the only sign of her middle age being a little creasing at the corners of her eyes, and then turns to the slave. She seems to have researched her skills already, and so performs a skilled inspection without even needing to touch the $girl.
-	<<if def $PC.customTitle>>
-		"$PC.customTitle,
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.9>>
-			<<if $PC.title == 1>>
-				"Honored Emperor,
-			<<else>>
-				"Honored Deity,
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSEdoRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
-			"Honored Shogun,
-		<<else>>
-			"Honored Daimyo,
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	I have appraised your slave. My appraisal is based on $his potential income in a brothel, with modification for special matters. I have found the following.
-<<case "arabian">>
-	a huge, jovial man, sweeps in and fills the room with bonhomie. He wears loose silk pantaloons, a silk sash with a short leather whip thrust into it, and a little jacket that leaves most of his dark-skinned, massive chest bare. After booming a respectful greeting, he turns to the slave. He seems to have asked around about $his skills, and so limits himself to a quick physical inspection before rumbling,
-	<<if def $PC.customTitle>>
-		"$PC.customTitle,
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.9>>
-			<<if $PC.title == 1>>
-				"Honored Caliph,
-			<<else>>
-				"Handmaiden of Allah, your servant's heart is desolate with the honor of looking upon you.
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
-			<<if $PC.title == 1>>
-				"Honored Sultan,
-			<<else>>
-				"Sultana, your servant's heart is desolate with the honor of looking upon you.
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			"Peace be upon you, honored slaveowner.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	I have appraised your slave. My appraisal is based on $his potential income in the whorehouse, with modification for special matters. As to them, I have found the following.
-<<case "chinese">>
-	an older and rather stout woman<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw == 1>>, with a noticeably heavy pregnancy,<</if>> in traditional Chinese dress, gives you a precise and proper greeting. She extracts a tablet from one of her wide sleeves and reviews video of the slave in action before performing a physical inspection. Then she seats herself, stows her tablet again, and recites in a didactic tone, "Honored
-	<<if def $PC.customTitle>>
-		$PC.customTitle,
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.9>>
-			<<if $PC.title == 1>>
-				Emperor and Holder of the Mandate of Heaven,
-			<<else>>
-				Empress and Holder of the Mandate of Heaven,
-			<</if>>
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChineseRevivalist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
-			<<if $PC.title == 1>>
-				Emperor,
-			<<else>>
-				Empress,
-			<</if>>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if $PC.title == 1>>
-				Governor of the Province,
-			<<else>>
-				Governess of the Province,
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	my appraisals are based on a slave's potential income as a prostitute, with modifiers for special characteristics. I have appraised your slave, and I have found the following.
-<<case "priestess">>
-	a holy woman ordained to provide this service, wears a white surplice that covers her hair and a long white dress — but since she is a priestess of the new religion, not one of the old faiths, the ensemble also includes a white leather corset, chased with gold<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw == 1>> and loosened to accommodate her rounded middle<</if>>, that displays her breasts magnificently. It's easy to tell she's no slave, though, since her nipples are covered. She accepts your gaze with a smile, and assumes a straight-backed recitation posture. "Book of the Slaver, Chapter Seven: the Appraisal, Verse Six. The appraiser shall value a slave based on $his income as a whore, with allowances for special qualities, which $he shall disclose to the Owner. Amen." She turns to her work, and then adopts her recitation posture again.
-	<<if def $PC.customTitle>>
-		"$PC.customTitle,
-	<<else>>
-		<<if $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionistLaw == 1>>
-			"Prophet, this is an honor.
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.9>>
-			"Honored Keeper,
-		<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSChattelReligionist >= $FSLockinLevel*0.6>>
-			"Honored Champion of the Faith,
-		<<else>>
-			"Your Holiness,
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	I have examined your slave in accordance with the Book.
-<<case "Elite">>
-	a member of the Societal Elite you are familiar with greets you respectfully and <<if $PC.dick != 0>>tosses you a wink as she pats her rounded belly. "He's doing well.<<else>>calms her kicking child so she can continue. "Think he'll look as good as his father?<</if>> Anyway, as I'm sure you know, <<= properTitle()>>," she says as she uses curt instructions to direct <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, "appraisals are based on a slave's potential worth as a toy, with modifiers for special characteristics." She scrolls down the list. "I'll just mention the interesting ones.
-<<case "futa">>
-	a curvy, middle aged, and quite attractive woman wearing a tank top and yoga pants greets you cheerfully and turns to the slave. As she does, you can't help but notice that the yoga pants make it obvious she has a penis almost as long as one of her forearms. She makes notes on a tablet, flipping through videos that display the slave in action as she works. "<<= properTitle()>>, I'm, like, sorry to have to say this to you since I know you know it better than I do, but it's the script, you know? Anyway appraisals are based on a slave's potential performance as a public slut, with modifiers for special characteristics." She makes notes. "I'll just mention the significant ones.
-<<case "businesswoman">>
-	an older<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw == 1>>, slightly pregnant<</if>> businesswoman with a reputation for correctness gives you a prim nod before turning to the nude slave without wasting further time. She deftly makes notes on a haptic wrist interface, flipping through videos of the slave in action as she works. "As I'm sure you know, <<= properTitle()>>," she says as she uses curt instructions to direct <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, "appraisals are based on a slave's potential income as a prostitute, with modifiers for special characteristics." Her fingers fly across the interface. "I'll just mention the significant ones.
-<<case "slaver">>
-	a scarred old slaver with calloused hands and a knowing face, greets you in his companionable way before clapping his hands together and turning to the slave. He switches back and forth between the $girl and a battered old tablet with video proving $his skills. "Well, as you know <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title == 1>>suh<<else>>madame<</if>>," he says as he firmly repositions <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, "appraisals are based on a slave's potential income as a whore, with modifiers for special things." He pauses, prodding the tablet. "I'll just mention the main items.
-	a fashionably but formally dressed young man with slicked-back hair, greets you correctly before activating an examination visor and reviewing video evidence of the slave's skills. That done, he deactivates the visor and performs a quick physical examination. "As I'm sure you know, <<= properTitle()>>," he says as he gently repositions <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> to get a good look at $him, "appraisals are based on a slave's potential income as a whore, with modifiers for special characteristics." He pauses, using subvocalizations to make data entries. "I'll just mention the significant ones.
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSPetiteAdmirationSMR == 1 || $arcologies[0].FSStatuesqueGlorificationSMR == 1>>
-	<<if heightPass(getSlave($AS))>>
-		$He is an attractive height, which is a good start.
-	<</if>>
-<<if getBestVision(getSlave($AS)) === 0>>
-	$His blindness is an obvious issue.
-<<if getSlave($AS).geneticQuirks.albinism == 2>>
-	$His albinism makes $him rather desirable.
-<<if (getSlave($AS).geneticQuirks.progeria !== 2 && getSlave($AS).geneticQuirks.neoteny === 2 && getSlave($AS).actualAge > getSlave($AS).visualAge + 5)>>
-	$He appears to be neotonic, that will turn off some but attract others. Overall should prove positive though.
-<<if getSlave($AS).career != 0>>
-	<<if App.Data.Careers.Leader.bodyguard.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Bodyguard; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.wardeness.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Wardeness; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.attendant.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Attendant; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.nurse.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Nurse; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.matron.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Matron; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.schoolteacher.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Schoolteacher; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.stewardess.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Stewardess; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.milkmaid.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Milkmaid; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.farmer.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Farmer; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.madam.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Madam; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.DJ.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good DJ; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.HG.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Head Girl; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.recruiter.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Recruiter; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.matron.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background would help make $him a good Matron; that's valuable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.General.entertainment.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background should help $his flirting a little.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.General.whore.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background should help $his fucking a little.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.General.grateful.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background should make $him a bit more trusting.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.General.menial.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background should make $him a bit more tractable.
-	<<elseif App.Data.Careers.Leader.servant.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-		$His background should make $him a good servant.
-	<</if>>
-<<if ($week-getSlave($AS).weekAcquired >= 20) && (getSlave($AS).skill.entertainment >= 100)>>
-	<<if App.Data.Careers.General.entertainment.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<else>>
-		$He's gotten enough experience as a slave entertainer that $he has the added value of a $girl with a history in entertainment from before $he was a slave.
-	<</if>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).counter.oral + getSlave($AS).counter.anal + getSlave($AS).counter.vaginal + getSlave($AS).counter.mammary + getSlave($AS).counter.penetrative > 1000)>>
-	<<if App.Data.Careers.General.whore.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<else>>
-		I see $he's sexually very experienced; that counts as a stand-in for the usual bonus value from having been a sex worker before enslavement.
-	<</if>>
-<<set _careers = []>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.headGirl >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.HG.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Head Girl")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.recruiter >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.recruiter.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Recruiter")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.bodyguard >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.bodyguard.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Bodyguard")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.madam >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.madam.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Madam")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.DJ >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.DJ.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("DJ")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.nurse >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.nurse.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Nurse")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.teacher >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.schoolteacher.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Schoolteacher")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.attendant >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.attendant.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Attendant")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.matron >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.matron.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Matron")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.stewardess >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.stewardess.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Stewardess")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.milkmaid >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.milkmaid.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Milkmaid")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.farmer >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.farmer.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Farmer")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.wardeness >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.wardeness.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Wardeness")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.servant >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.Leader.servant.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Servant")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.entertainer >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.General.entertainment.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Entertainer")>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).skill.whore >= $masteredXP) && !App.Data.Careers.General.whore.includes(getSlave($AS).career)>>
-	<<set _careers.push("Whore")>>
-<<if _careers.length > 0>>
-	$He has working experience as a
-	<<if _careers.length > 2>>
-		<<for _j = 0; _j < _careers.length; _j++>>
-			<<if _j < _careers.length-1>>
-				<<print _careers[_j]>>,
-			<<else>>
-				and <<print _careers[_j]>>.
-			<</if>>
-		<</for>>
-	<<elseif _careers.length > 1>>
-		_careers[1] and <<print _careers[0]>>.
-	<<else>>
-		<<print _careers[0]>>, providing $him the same additional value if $he had a relevant career.
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).behavioralFlaw != "none">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw != "none">>
-		$He has both a behavioral flaw and a sexual flaw; those are both minor negatives.
-	<<else>>
-		$He has a behavioral flaw, which is a minor negative.
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw == "breeder" && $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocus != "unset">>
-	$He is obsessed with breeding, which will make $him very popular in your arcology.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw != "none">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).behavioralFlaw == "none">>
-		$He has a sexual flaw, which is a minor negative.
-	<</if>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).behavioralFlaw != "none") || (getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw != "none")>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).behavioralQuirk != "none">>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).sexualQuirk != "none">>
-			On the other hand, $he has both a behavioral quirk and a sexual quirk; those are both minor positives.
-		<<else>>
-			On the other hand, $he has a behavioral quirk, which is a minor positive.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).sexualQuirk != "none">>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).behavioralQuirk == "none">>
-			On the other hand, $he has a sexual quirk, which is a minor positive.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).behavioralQuirk != "none">>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).sexualQuirk != "none">>
-			$He has both a behavioral quirk and a sexual quirk; those are both minor positives.
-		<<else>>
-			$He has a behavioral quirk, which is a minor positive.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).sexualQuirk != "none">>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).behavioralQuirk == "none">>
-			$He has a sexual quirk, which is a minor positive.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).fetish == "mindbroken">>
-	It's a shame $he's mindbroken. From a price perspective.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).fetish != "none" && getSlave($AS).fetishKnown == 1>>
-	$His fetish is good for performance, of course, but it adds a little bonus to value, too.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).fetishKnown == 1>>
-	$His tastes are a tad plain, but at least it won't hurt $his value.
-	It's a pity there's no information on $his fetishes. Without it, buyers tend to assume the worst.
-<<if getSlave($AS).attrKnown == 1>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).energy > 95>>
-		Nymphomania adds a major price bonus.
-	<</if>>
-	With $his sex drive not well tested, I cannot award $him any value in that area.
-<<if getSlave($AS).vagina == 0>>
-	Virgin pussies are less common than you might think; that's a minor positive.
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusSMR != 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).preg < -1>>
-		The lack of an ability to become pregnant greatly decreases value, the global market being what it is.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).bellyPreg >= 300000)>>
-		That belly is all child? Incredible. Such fertility will price $him very high, the global market being what it is.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).bellyPreg >= 120000)>>
-		Such a massive pregnancy demands a high value, the global market being what it is.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/4)>>
-		The advanced pregnancy adds a little value, the global market being what it is.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR != 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).preg < -1>>
-		$His infertility improves $his value, since $his kind should not be allowed to reproduce.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).bellyPreg >= 300000)>>
-		That belly is all child? How horrible. $He'd make a better example of the horrors of pregnancy than a sex slave.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).bellyPreg >= 30000)>>
-		What a disgusting creature, that filth inside $him will destroy $his value.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/4)>>
-		What a waste, if $he weren't pregnant, $he might be worth something.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries == 0 && getSlave($AS).vagina > -1 && getSlave($AS).genes == "XY">>
-		The lack of a natural vagina still removes a little value, the global market being what it is.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).bellyPreg >= 300000)>>
-		Such an obscene and life threatening display of fertility will turn off most buyers and considerably damage $his value, the global market being what it is.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).bellyPreg >= 120000)>>
-		Such a massive and dangerous pregnancy removes some value, the global market being what it is.
-	<<elseif (getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/4)>>
-		The advanced pregnancy removes a little value, the global market being what it is.
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).mpreg == 1>>
-	What's this strange organ listed here? $He can become anally pregnant? That will certainly interest some buyers.
-<<if getSlave($AS).pregWeek < 0>>
-	$He seems a little uncomfortable with $his holes being touched. By the feel of it, $he is a new mother, no? A lack of receptivity will not go over well with buyers; it may more profitable to let $him recover first.
-<<set _intelligenceScore = (getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant < 0 ? getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant : getSlave($AS).intelligence)>> /* negative education makes a slave seem slower than they are */
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSIntellectualDependencySMR == 1>>
-	<<if _intelligenceScore >= -15>>
-		$He's too smart to be of interest to local bidders, but there is still a demand for smart slaves elsewhere.
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 15>>
-			$His education is an added positive too, in that regard.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		$His idiotic mind will draw in local bids.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSlaveProfessionalismSMR == 1>>
-	<<if _intelligenceScore <= 50>>
-		$He's no where near smart enough to compete with the local markets, so outside bids are going to be the only option.
-	<<else>>
-		$His brain is probably going to bring in very generous bids on its own.
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 15>>
-			$His education is an added positive, beyond that.
-		<<else>>
-			$He's uneducated, though, which will turn off some buyers.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if _intelligenceScore > 95>>
-		$His genius is probably going to bring in very generous bids.
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 15>>
-			$His education is an added positive, beyond that.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif _intelligenceScore > 15>>
-		Of course, $his intelligence is an asset outside of its sexual applications.
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 15>>
-			$His education is an added positive, beyond that.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif _intelligenceScore < -15>>
-		Of course, $his stupidity will be a minor negative.
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 15>>
-			$His education will help ameliorate that in price terms.
-		<<else>>
-			$He's uneducated, too.
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif _intelligenceScore < -95>>
-		$His sheer idiocy will likely hamper bids.
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 15>>
-			$His education will help a little, though I can't imagine the hassle it must have been to get $him to remember anything.
-		<<else>>
-			$He's uneducated, too, not that there's a surprise in that.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).anus == 0>>
-	$His virgin anus is a minor positive, since anal defloration is in such high demand.
-<<if getSlave($AS).vagina > -1>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-		$He has both sets of equipment, I see; that's very valuable.
-		<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries > 0 && getSlave($AS).balls > 0 && getSlave($AS).ballType != "sterile">>
-			<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR == 1>>
-				And both are fertile? Horrible. Such fertility is wasted on trash.
-			<<else>>
-				And both are fertile? Incredible. $He'll appraise extremely well for that.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).pubertyXY == 0 && getSlave($AS).physicalAge >= $potencyAge && $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist == "unset" && getSlave($AS).balls > 0>>
-	$He never went through male puberty, that's a plus.
-<<if getSlave($AS).prestige > 0>>
-	I see notes on $his notoriety in $his file. That will drive up $his price.
-<<if getSlave($AS).porn.prestige == 3>>
-	$He's pretty popular in <<= getSlave($AS).porn.fameType>> smut, isn't $he? Buyers will be lining up for $him.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).porn.prestige == 2>>
-	$He's gained quite the following in <<= getSlave($AS).porn.fameType>> smut. In fact, I've even seen some of $his smut; buyers will flock to $him.
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).porn.prestige == 1>>
-	$He's got a small fanbase in <<= getSlave($AS).porn.fameType>> smut. Who knows? Maybe one of them will want $him all to themselves?
-<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 95>>
-	$His worshipfulness is a major positive
-	<<set _trustPositive = 1>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion > 50>>
-	$His devotion is a significant positive
-	<<set _trustPositive = 1>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-	$His acceptance of slavery is a minor positive
-	<<set _trustPositive = 1>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion >= -20>>
-	$His acceptance of slavery is equivocal
-	<<set _trustPositive = 0>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion >= -50>>
-	$His resistance to slavery is a minor negative
-	<<set _trustPositive = 0>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion >= -75>>
-	$His hatred of slavery is a significant negative
-	<<set _trustPositive = -1>>
-	$His rebelliousness is a major negative
-	<<set _trustPositive = -1>>
-<<if _trustPositive == 1>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).trust > 95>>
-		and $his powerful trust is a major positive.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust > 50>>
-		and $his trust is a significant positive.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust > 20>>
-		and $his carefulness is a minor positive.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust >= -20>>
-		and $his fearfulness is equivocal.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust >= -50>>
-		but $his fear is a minor negative.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion >= -90>>
-		but $his terrified state is a significant negative.
-	<<else>>
-		but $his abjectly terrified state is a major negative.
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif _trustPositive == 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).trust > 95>>
-		but $his powerful trust is worrisome.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust > 50>>
-		but $his trust is a little out of place.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust > 20>>
-		and $his carefulness is a minor positive.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust >= -20>>
-		and $his fearfulness is useful.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust >= -50>>
-		and $his fear is useful.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion >= -90>>
-		but $his terrified state will aid in fully breaking $him.
-	<<else>>
-		but $his abjectly terrified state will make it easy to break $him.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).trust > 95>>
-		and $his powerful trust is a problem.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust > 50>>
-		and $his trust is troublesome.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust > 20>>
-		and $his carefulness is bad sign.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust >= -20>>
-		but $his fearfulness is useful.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).trust >= -50>>
-		but $his fear is useful.
-	<<elseif getSlave($AS).devotion >= -90>>
-		but $his terrified state will aid in fully breaking $him.
-	<<else>>
-		but $his abjectly terrified state will make it easy to break $him.
-	<</if>>
-<<if (!jQuery.isEmptyObject(getSlave($AS).brand))>>
-	<<if $rep > 10000>>
-		I see $he's branded with your mark; with your stellar reputation, that will make $him appraise better.
-	<<elseif $rep < 5000>>
-		I see $he's branded with your mark; unfortunately, that will make $him appraise slightly less well.
-	<<else>>
-		I see $he's branded with your mark; that won't have a significant impact.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $policies.retirement.physicalAgePolicy == 1>>
-	<<set _TimeBeforeAgeRetirement = 52*($retirementAge-getSlave($AS).physicalAge)>>
-	<<set _TimeBeforeAgeRetirement = 52*($retirementAge-getSlave($AS).actualAge)>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).actualAge >= $retirementAge-5)>>
-	Since $he has a mere _TimeBeforeAgeRetirement weeks left until the local retirement age for sex slaves, buyers will be willing to offer much less for $him.
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistLawME != 0 && getSlave($AS).race != $arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace>>
-	Your supremacism has pushed a lot of subhumans like $him into the market, so offers will be low.
-<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistLawME != 0 && getSlave($AS).race == $arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace>>
-	Your subjugationism has pushed a lot of animals like $him into the market, so $his race marks $him as low quality.
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusSMR != 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).pregKnown == 1>>
-		Pregnant slaves appraise quite well, thanks to your leadership on repopulation.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSRestartSMR != 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-		Subhumans with dicks appraise less well, since they don't need them.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0>>
-		$He has balls too. A slave that can impregnate is worth little under your vision of the future.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).vagina > 0>>
-		Subhumans with vaginas appraise less well, since they don't need them.
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries > 0>>
-		$He can get pregnant too. A slave that can bear children is worth little under your vision of the future.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSHedonisticDecadenceSMR != 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).weight > 60 && getSlave($AS).muscles < 5>>
-		Plush, soft slaves like $him appraise well, thanks to the shifting views on beauty.
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalistSMR != 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-		Slaves with dicks appraise less well, thanks to your leadership on gender.
-		<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0>>
-			That's especially true for $him, since $he still has $his balls.
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta != 0>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta == 1>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).vagina > -1>>
-				Futas appraise better than ever, thanks to your leadership on gender.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta == 2>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0>>
-				Slaves with cocks and balls appraise quite well, thanks to your leadership on gender.
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<elseif $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalistLawFuta == 4>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).boobs <= 400>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0 && getSlave($AS).dick < 3>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0 && getSlave($AS).balls < 3>>
-					Slaves with such cute little parts appraise quite well, thanks to your leadership on gender.
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).butt >= 5>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).anus >= 2>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).hips >= 1>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).skill.anal > 60>>
-						Slaves with big butts and skilled anuses appraise quite well, thanks to your leadership on gender.
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSArabianRevivalist > 50>>
-	And of course, we can't forget the premium you get on selling slaves.
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSNeoImperialist > 40>>
-	And of course, you'll receive a premium for the nobility of such Imperial slaves.
-<<if getSlave($AS).indenture > -1>>
-	Though I dislike mentioning something so obvious, being an indentured servant will have a huge impact on $his valuation.
-<<switch _appraiser>>
-	<<case "roman">>
-		That is all." He rolls his screen-scroll up and tucks it into his toga, and nods. "A pleasure."
-	<<case "imperial">>
-		That will be all, your Highness." He dismisses the holographic screen with a flick of his cybernetically-suited wrist, smiles once more, and leaves with a flourish of the short white cape behind him.
-	<<case "aztec">>
-		That's all. Thank you." She turns to go, her long cape swiveling in the air, showing a glimpse of her <<if $arcologies[0].FSRepopulationFocusLaw == 1>>fecund<<else>>pleasant<</if>> figure.
-	<<case "egyptian">>
-		That's all. Thank you for this delightful opportunity." She turns to go, but turns again in the doorway to offer another deep bow, this one so low that her linen dress discloses just a hint of her dimpled rear.
-	<<case "edo">>
-		That is all. Thank you." She performs a perfect bow and retreats.
-	<<case "arabian">>
-		That is all. $He may fetch a fine price, if the Almighty will it." He bows deeply and backs out the door.
-	<<case "chinese">>
-		That is all." She bows and backs out the door.
-	<<case "priestess">>
-		Amen." She forms a holy symbol with her hands, kneels before you to bow so low that her cleavage presses against the floor, and retreats.
-	<<case "futa">>
-		That's all. Thanks! Cute $girl." She goes, but pauses in the doorway to give you a little wave.
-	<<case "Elite">>
-		That's all. <<if $PC.dick != 0>>See you around! Have to have a few other guy's kids before we can have some more fun, but I'll keep you in mind!<<else>>See you around, we'll have to go drinking after I'm done sometime!<</if>>" She waves as she leaves.
-	<<case "businesswoman">>
-		That will be all. Thank you, and good day." She bows curtly and goes.
-	<<case "slaver">>
-		That's all I've got for you, <<if def $PC.customTitle>>$PC.customTitle<<elseif $PC.title == 1>>suh<<else>>ma'am<</if>>, thank you kindly." He offers a genteel bow and leaves.
-	<<default>>
-		And that is all. Thank you." He nods in a businesslike fashion and departs.
-__Financial Records__
-<<includeDOM slaveExpenses(getSlave(V.AS))>>
-<</if>> /* CLOSES APPRAISAL */
-<</if>> /* closes breeding mark */
-<<if getSlave($AS).breedingMark == 1 && $propOutcome == 1 && $arcologies[0].FSRestart != "unset">>
-<<set $buyer = 0>>
-<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-	<br>The current offer for $him stands at ''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>''.
-	<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-		<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer")>>
-		<<set $buyer = "elite auction">>
-	<</link>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).geneticQuirks.progeria === 2 && getSlave($AS).physicalAge >= 45>>
-	<<set $buyer = 0>>
-	<<set _Price = random(10, 100)*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-	<br>The current offer for $him stands at ''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>''.
-	<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-		<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer")>>
-	<</link>>
-__Bids Received__
-<<set $buyer = 0>>
-<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.15)/500)>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).visualAge < 20) && (getSlave($AS).weight < -10) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who likes his slaves young and slender.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).visualAge > 40) && (getSlave($AS).weight > 10) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who likes her slaves mature and <<= $mother>>ly.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick > 3) && canAchieveErection(getSlave($AS)) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who likes fat cocks.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick > 3) && (getSlave($AS).balls == 0) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who likes a big limp dick flopping around when he fucks a slave's asspussy.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick == 1) && (getSlave($AS).balls == 0 || getSlave($AS).ballType == "sterile") && (getSlave($AS).anus == 3) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who likes sissies with anal slits longer than their little limp dicks.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick > 0) && (getSlave($AS).boobs < 300) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who likes traps.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).dick > 0) && (getSlave($AS).balls > 0) && (getSlave($AS).boobs > 600) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who likes lusty shemales.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).anusPiercing > 1) && (getSlave($AS).nipplesPiercing > 1) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who is clearly fascinated by $his lewd piercings.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).anusTat > 1) && (getSlave($AS).buttTat > 1) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who is clearly aroused by $his slutty tattoos.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).boobs > 800) && (getSlave($AS).areolaeShape != "circle") && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who can't take his eyes off $his unique areolae.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).clit > 2) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who keeps running her tongue over her lips while staring at the slave's giant clit.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).labia > 1) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who has an obvious fascination with $his dangling labia.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).boobs > 2000) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen with an obvious breast expansion fetish.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/2) && (getSlave($AS).lactation == 1) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who pays obsessive attention to $his gravid belly and naturally lactating breasts.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).ovaries == 1) && (getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 25) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who pays unusually close attention to the section of the medical report on $his fertility.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).butt > 6) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen with an obvious butt expansion fetish.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).face > 10) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who can't keep his eyes off $his pretty face.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).skill.anal >= 100) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen interested in acquiring a skilled butthole bitch.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).skill.vaginal >= 100) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen interested in acquiring a slut with real vaginal skill.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).skill.oral >= 100) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen interested in acquiring a skilled cocksucker.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).health.condition > 80) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen who pays creepily close attention to the state of $his health, and ignores everything else.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<elseif (getSlave($AS).nationality != 0) && (random(1,100) > 80)>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(_Price)>>'' from a citizen with a special appetite for <<print moreNational(getSlave($AS).nationality)>> <<= $girl>>s.
-	<<set _NewOwner = 1>>
-<<if _NewOwner == 1>>
-	<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-		<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer")>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge > 30>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.9)/500))>>'' from a polite older citizen looking for a housekeeper and bedwarmer.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.9)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "housekeeper">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if isFertile(getSlave($AS)) && $seePreg != 0>>
-	<<if _slaveCost > 10000>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a male citizen who wants to ensure his posterity by using $him to carry his children.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "preg fetishist">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).mpreg == 1>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from an organ modifier interested in $his anal womb.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "organ crafter">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1 && $seeExtreme == 1>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).vagina == 0>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(400*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a pharmaceuticals corporation looking for fertile virgins for testing extreme fertility drugs.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 400*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "womb filler">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence > 50>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).face >= 55>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).faceShape != "masculine">>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 90>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner seeking a smart, pretty slave to use as a breeder to produce superior children.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "eugenics arcology">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).hips > 1>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).vagina == 0>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner focusing on building a future society based on his genes: he seeks fertile virgins with wide hips, feeling they will be the best mothers.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "repopulationist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).vagina == 0>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.3)/500))>>'' from a slave trader with a notorious virgin impregnation fetish: he uses his work to provide himself with an endless supply of virgins to knock up and resell.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.3)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "virgin trader">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $seePreg != 0>>
-	<<if $seeHyperPreg == 1 && $seeExtreme == 1>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/2>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).bellyPreg >= 300000>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a group that takes pleasure in performing abortions on live TV.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 400*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "abortion TV">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).nipples == "huge">>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a female citizen with a very specific fetish: she loves breasts to the point of enjoying slaves with nipples large enough to meaningfully penetrate her.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "nipple fetishist">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).nipples == "fuckable">>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a male citizen with a kink that's hard to satisfy: he loves nipple fucking, but hates how breasts just don't work that way.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "nipple fetishist">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).skill.anal > 10>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a citizen who enjoys buttfucking slaves with the necessary equipment, willingness, and anal skill to reward his efforts with messy, hands-free orgasms of their own.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "anal fetishist">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).skill.oral > 30>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from an unusually well-endowed citizen who strongly prefers oral sex with willing partners who can deepthroat him successfully.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "oral fetishist">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).fetish != "masochist">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 50>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a sadistic citizen who likes hurting her slaves, dislikes masochists for their enjoyment of her treatment, yet prefers slaves who will not hate her.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "pain fetishist">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 30>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).height >= 170>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant < -15>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a sadistic citizen who is looking for an imposing, stupid slave she can train to rape her victims on command.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "sadism fetishist">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant > 50>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 15>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a newly wealthy citizen who is expanding his household and is interested in smart, educated, and obedient slaves for leadership roles.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "dom fetishist">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 50>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).skill.oral >= 100>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500))>>'' from a citizen whose job keeps her deskbound; bored, she's looking for a devoted oral slave to occupy the space under the desk and be her constant pussylicking appliance.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.05)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "sub fetishist">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).anus == 0>>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.3)/500))>>'' from a wealthy citizen infamous for cruelly raping anal virgins in public; he buys and abuses a new one every few weeks.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.3)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "buttbreaker">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).skill.oral >= 100>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).skill.anal >= 100>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant > 15>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a small, local slave trainer interested in using $him to help train new slaves in the sexual arts.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "trainer staffing">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).skill.oral >= 100>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).skill.anal >= 100>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant > 15>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 15>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge > 35>>
-					<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.4)/500))>>'' from a skilled slave trainer who feels that MILFs make the best slave trainers.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-							<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.4)/500)>>
-							<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-							<<set $buyer = "D milf staffing">>
-						<</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant == 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).lactation > 0>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries > 0>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 1000>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen with a notorious fetish for fertile, natural cows.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "D hucow">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 5>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).weight < -10>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).teeth == "pointy">>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).skill.combat > 0>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen who's pursuing some sort of mercenary project that requires worryingly large numbers of thin <<= $girl>>s with sharp teeth.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "D startled the witch">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).teeth == "fangs">>
-	<<if (skinToneLevel(getSlave($AS).skin) < 7)>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a becloaked individual with an unusual interest in pale <<= $girl>>s with fangs.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "vampire clan">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).vagina == 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).anus > 1>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).skill.anal >= 100>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 25>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen who appreciates <<= $girl>>s who are both vaginal virgins and anal veterans.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "D virgin asspussy">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).vagina == 0>>
-	<<if (getSlave($AS).fetish == "submissive") || (getSlave($AS).fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).skill.entertainment > 30>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 30>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen with moist palms who insistently refers to $him as "his waifu," whatever that means.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "D waifu">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).vagina > 0 && getSlave($AS).dick == 0 && getSlave($AS).balls == 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge >= 20 && getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 25>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).visualAge >= 20 && getSlave($AS).visualAge < 25>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).preg <= 0 && getSlave($AS).bellyImplant <= 0>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).weight < 10 && getSlave($AS).weight > -10>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).waist < 10 && getSlave($AS).waist > -50>>
-						<<if getSlave($AS).boobs >= 550 && getSlave($AS).boobs < 1000>>
-							<<if getSlave($AS).butt > 2 && getSlave($AS).butt < 5>>
-								<<if getSlave($AS).hips > 0 && getSlave($AS).hips < 3>>
-									<<if getSlave($AS).face >= 20>>
-										<<set _movieDouble = random(1,100)>>
-										<<if _movieDouble > 90 && $seePreg != 0>>
-											<br>''<<print cashFormat(700*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/700))>>'' from a production studio interested in using $him as a double.
-											<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-												<<set _Price = 700*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/700)>>
-												<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-												<<set $buyer = "monster movie">>
-											<</link>>
-										<<elseif _movieDouble > 70>>
-											<br>''<<print cashFormat(700*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/700))>>'' from a production studio interested in using $him as a double.
-											<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-												<<set _Price = 700*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/700)>>
-												<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-												<<set $buyer = "sex double">>
-											<</link>>
-										<</if>>
-									<</if>>
-								<</if>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).skill.oral >= 100>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).height < 160>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).butt > 3>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen who likes to provide his favored, well-endowed slaves with subordinate, orally skilled dickgirls with nice butts.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "D oral servants">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).fetish == "buttslut">>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).visualAge < 25>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).boobs < 400>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).weight <= 10>>
-						<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-							<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen who prefers slaves that look like demure <<= $girl>>s with their clothes on, and are willing to take cock up their pretty asspussies.
-							<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-								<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-								<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-								<<set $buyer = "D trap lover">>
-							<</link>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).height > 185>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).butt > 8>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).buttImplant < 2>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).weight > 10>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from an eccentric citizen notorious for keeping tall slaves with huge soft butts, just so he can bury himself between their cheeks when they're standing.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "D butt bury">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 1>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).balls == 1>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).vagina > -1>>
-			<<if canAchieveErection(getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).lactation > 0>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).face > 10>>
-						<<if getSlave($AS).faceShape != "masculine">>
-							<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-								<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen with strong opinions on futas: he likes a feminine $girl with a nice cock, a lovely pussy, no visible balls and yet the ability to get hard, and plentifully milky nipples.
-								<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-									<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-									<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-									<<set $buyer = "D milky herm">>
-								<</link>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).dick == 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 30>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).height > 180>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen whose friends never let him hear the end of his incorrigibly romantic treatment of his apartment full of amazons.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "D amazon hunter">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $seePreg != 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries == 1>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).preg > -2>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 30>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).weight <= 10>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).height < 165>>
-						<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-							<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen who keeps a large harem of lithe, muscular <<= $girl>>s to bear him children.
-							<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-								<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-								<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-								<<set $buyer = "D shorty breeder">>
-							<</link>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).fetish == "cumslut">>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).lips > 30>>
-			<<if hasAnyArms(getSlave($AS)) && hasAnyLegs(getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).skill.oral > 50>>
-					<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen who's looking for a fresh, skilled pair of lips eager to wrap around a thick cock.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-							<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.35)/500)>>
-							<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-							<<set $buyer = "D oral servants">>
-						<</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).skill.vaginal <= 10>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).skill.anal <= 10>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).skill.oral <= 10>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).skill.whoring <= 10>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).skill.entertainment <= 10>>
-					<<if random(1,100) > 80>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.15)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen who's a notoriously inexperienced lover; it's painfully obvious that he prefers inexperienced slaves as they make him feel less insecure.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-							<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.15)/500)>>
-							<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-							<<set $buyer = "D r9k">>
-						<</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).weight > 10>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 5>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 60>>
-			<<if _slaveCost < 10000>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a prominent citizen who takes unusually close interest in $his health and muscle tone, and cannot quite hide his salivation as he does so.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "D cannibal">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).porn.prestige == 1>>
-	<<if random(1,100) == 69>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(200*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*2)/200))>>'' from an obsessive fan who absolutely must have $him for himself.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 200*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*2)/200)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "obsessed fan">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).porn.prestige == 3>>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 90>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.3)/500))>>'' from a studio interested in continued production of $his porn.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.3)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "porn studio">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant < 15>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in educating slaves and reselling them at a profit.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "teaching trainer">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSBodyPurist == "unset">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant == 0>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in filling slaves with implants before resale.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "implanting trainer">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSTransformationFetishist == "unset">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant > 0>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in fixing slaves who have been surgically ruined with overimplantation.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "purifying trainer">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSAssetExpansionist == "unset">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 600>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).butt > 3>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).weight > 10>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in slimming down fat slaves to appeal to buyers who prefer slim <<= $girl>>s.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "slimming trainer">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast == "unset">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).boobs < 600>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).butt < 3>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).weight < -10>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in improving slaves with disappointing assets; they prefer pharmaceutical means but are not averse to surgical intervention if necessary.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "broadening trainer">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 1000>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant == 0>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).lactation == 0>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in getting $women ready to be dairy cows by using aggressive hormonal and pharmaceutical treatment to balloon their tits.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "cow trainer">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderFundamentalist == "unset">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).boobs < 500>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in feminizing imperfect shemales; an orchiectomy is invariably their first step.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "clipping trainer">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSGenderRadicalist == "unset">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-		<<if _slaveCost > 10000>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in creating proper slave women from raw material that falls short of that ideal but has potential anyway.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "reassignment trainer">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).boobs - getSlave($AS).boobsImplant > 2000>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).lactation > 1>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner working towards autarkic slave pastoralism. He's awed by $his milk productivity.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "pastoralist arcology">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 50>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant > 50>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant >= 30>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner building a facsimile of ancient Egypt. He's in the market for wise and educated slaves willing to pass on their skills.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "egyptian revivalist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).skill.combat >= 1>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 40>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 25>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner building a recreation of the Great Aztec Empire. He's in the market for willing, strong and combat ready slaves, to bolster his empire
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "aztec revivalist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).skill.combat > 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 40>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 5>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner building a facsimile of classical Rome. He's in the market for slaves with basic combat skills to fight in modern gladiatorial combats.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "roman revivalist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 40>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant > 20>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 5>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from an arcology owner who's crowned himself a neo-noble, looking for healthy, intelligent, and fit slaves to build up a prestigious harem worthy of a genuine King.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "neoimperialist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).face > 10>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).counter.anal < 100>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner with interesting religious beliefs, which require beautiful slaves to be available to the public. Since <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is pretty and not heavily used, he considers it a duty to buy $him and make $him a holy prostitute.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "chattel religionist arcology">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).muscles > 5>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).muscles <= 95>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 60>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner devoted to muscular ladies. He seems to feel that <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is not at $his true potential, and wants a try at improving $his physique himself.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "physical idealist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).weight > 30>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).weight <= 95>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 60>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner devoted to chubby ladies. He seems to feel that <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> can handle a fair bit more weight, and wants a try at fattening $him up himself.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "hedonistic decadence arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSSlimnessEnthusiast != "unset">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).weight < 10>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).muscles < 10>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).belly == 0 && getSlave($AS).preg < 1>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 80>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/400))>>'' from a chef that likes stuffing more than just turkeys.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/400)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "stuffer chef">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 1000>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant == 0>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner who loves breast implants. Since large natural breasts can support larger implants, he seems to feel <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> has good potential to be implanted up to a truly gigantic size without too much stretching.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "transformation fetishist arcology">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 800>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant == 0>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 25>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner who never fails to dream big. He's interested in $him mostly for growth potential, since $his assets have grown so big, so young.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "asset expansionist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).boobs < 500>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).butt < 3>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 25>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).anus < 2>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner with simple tastes. He likes his slaves young, slim, and reasonably innocent.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "slimness enthusiast arcology">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant > 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).buttImplant > 0>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).lipsImplant > 0>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner with a hatred of implants that reaches missionary zeal. He buys slaves full of silicone, removes their implants, reconditions them, and resells them whenever his finances will permit.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "body purist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).trust > 20>>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner who runs a terrifyingly degrading society. He prefers slaves who have been well-treated previously; it lends their screams a certain special authenticity.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "degradationist arcology">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant < 5>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).fetish != "mindbroken">>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner with an almost messianic calling to educate and improve slaves, though somewhat hypocritically, he prefers to start with reasonably obedient <<= $girl>>s, which usually means slaves broken by someone else.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "paternalist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).dick == 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 800>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).butt > 3>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant < -15>>
-					<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner who likes willing, uncomplicated young ladies with bouncing boobs and big butts. He's an uncomplicated sort.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-							<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-							<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-							<<set $buyer = "gender fundamentalist arcology">>
-						<</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).dick > 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).face < -10>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).boobs < 400>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner with a notorious fetish for the process of feminization. He prefers diamonds in the rough, because the process of polishing is so much fun.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "gender radicalist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).race != "mixed race">>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).devotion <= 20>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).trust < 20>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner with a strongly held belief that <<= getSlave($AS).race>> people should not be slaves. He devotes as much of his resources as he can to manumission of such <<= $girl>>s, concentrating on the downtrodden.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "supremacist arcology">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $seePreg != 0>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).race != "mixed race">>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant < -50>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries == 1>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 70>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500))>>'' from a fellow arcology owner working on a project to breed a race of <<= getSlave($AS).race>> people with natural, unquestioning obedience. He clearly considers $him good stock for the project.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.25)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "subjugationist arcology">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist == "unset">>
-	<<if _slaveCost < 10000>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a cheap brothel chain that operates a franchise on a lower level of the arcology.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "cheap brothel">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist == "unset">>
-	<<if _slaveCost < 20000>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant == 0>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a factory farm notorious for extracting every drop of value from its slaves' bodies.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "factory farm">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist == "unset">>
-	<<if _slaveCost < 5000>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a sex arcade that maintains good service quality by rapidly cycling new slaves through their facilities.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "arcade">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $seePreg != 0>>
-	<<if $arcologies[0].FSPaternalist == "unset">>
-		<<if _slaveCost < 10000>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 40>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).ovaries == 1>>
-					<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a high-volume breeding operation interested in $him mostly for $his healthy, functional womb.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-							<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-							<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-							<<set $buyer = "volume breeder">>
-						<</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
-	<<if _slaveCost > 20000>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500))>>'' from a group of partners that run a handsome brothel off the promenade.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.1)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "nice brothel">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $arcologies[0].FSDegradationist == "unset">>
-	<<if _slaveCost < 50000>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).boobsImplant == 0>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 40>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 50>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.8)/500))>>'' from a free-range farm that pays for the high costs of high quality livestock care by aggressively marketing its cruelty-free products.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.8)/500)>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "free range">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).health.condition > 40>>
-	<<if _slaveCost < 5000>>
-		<<if random(1,100) > 10>>
-			<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from an organ harvesting firm that acquires healthy raw materials cheaply.
-			<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-				<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500)>>
-				<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<set $buyer = "harvester">>
-			<</link>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if _slaveCost < 5000>>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 10>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1)/500))>>'' from a manufacturer of large sexual appliances that include a living inmate, drugged into helplessness.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "fuckdoll">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $seeExtreme == 1>>
-	<<if _slaveCost < 5000>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).vagina > -1>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).bellyImplant > -1>>
-				<<if random(1,100) > 90>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(7000)>>'' from a porn director interested in a cheap slave with a belly implant for use in a snuff film.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 7000>>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-						<<set $buyer = "tentacle bred">>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if random(1,100) > 30>>
-	<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.9)/500))>>'' from a reputable slave trader who will likely ship $him out of the arcology.
-	<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-		<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.9)/500)>>
-		<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-	<</link>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).fetish == "mindbroken">>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 20>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.9)/500))>>'' from a slave trader who buys vast numbers of mindbroken <<= $girl>>s. His purpose is unknown, and none of them are ever seen again.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.9)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).hears == -2)>>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.3)/500))>>'' from a concert venue that wants a sex slave to keep the stage crew satisfied, but doesn't want to worry about any possible hearing loss.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.3)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "concert hall">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if (getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw == "crude")>>
-	<<if random(1,100) > 60>>
-		<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.4)/500))>>'' from a slave trainer that specializes in teaching proper manners and etiquette to low-class slaves.
-		<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-			<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.4)/500)>>
-			<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<set $buyer = "etiquette coach">>
-		<</link>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if hasBothEyes(getSlave($AS))>>
-	<<if canSeePerfectly(getSlave($AS))>>
-		<<if isSlim(getSlave($AS))>>
-			<<if random(1,100) > 65>>
-				<br>''<<print cashFormat(450*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.45)/450))>>'' from a mercenary sniper looking for a small slave to act as his spotter.
-				<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-					<<set _Price = 450*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.45)/450)>>
-					<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<set $buyer = "sniper spotter">>
-				<</link>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<if $plot>>
-	<<if $peacekeepers>>
-		<<if $peacekeepers.strength >= 50>>
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>>
-				<<if getSlave($AS).skill.oral + getSlave($AS).skill.anal + getSlave($AS).skill.vaginal > 100>>
-					<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.5)/500))>>'' from the officer in charge of 'recreational activities' for General $peacekeepers.generalName's forces. This is far less than the slave is worth, but the bid comes with the implicit offer of more influence over the peacekeepers.
-					<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">>
-						<<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*0.5)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">>
-						<<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>>
-					<</link>>
-				<</if>>
-			<<else>>
-				<<switch $peacekeepers.tastes>>
-				<<case "lusty futanari">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0 && getSlave($AS).ballType != "sterile" && getSlave($AS).scrotum > 0 && getSlave($AS).dick > 0 && getSlave($AS).vagina > -1 && getSlave($AS).energy > 50>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "cum addicts">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).fetish == "cumslut" && getSlave($AS).fetishStrength > 95 && getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw == "cum addict">>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "horny MILFs">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge > 34 && getSlave($AS).visualAge > 34 && getSlave($AS).energy > 80>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "big-breasted cows">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 2000 && getSlave($AS).lactation > 1>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "beautiful young sex slaves">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 25 && getSlave($AS).visualAge < 25 && getSlave($AS).face > 95>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "fertile virgins">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).vagina == 0 && isFertile(getSlave($AS))>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "lusty preggos">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/4 && getSlave($AS).energy > 50>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "baby obsessed breeders">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/4 && getSlave($AS).fetish == "pregnancy" && getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw == "breeder">>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "bellies with girls attached">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).belly >= 300000>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "flesh balloons">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 20000 && getSlave($AS).butt > 10>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<<case "oppai loli">>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).boobs > 2000 && getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 13 && getSlave($AS).visualAge < 13>>
-						<br>''<<print cashFormat(500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500))>>'' from the sex slave buyer for General $peacekeepers.generalName's client state, which prefers $peacekeepers.tastes.
-						<<link "Accept bid" "Slave Sold">><<set _Price = 500*Math.trunc((_slaveCost*1.2)/500), $buyer = "peacekeepers">><<run cashX(_Price, "slaveTransfer", getSlave($AS))>><</link>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</switch>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<link "Re-list $him" "Sell Slave">><<run cashX(-500, "personalBusiness")>><</link>>
-//This will cost <<print cashFormat(500)>>// 
diff --git a/src/uncategorized/slaveSold.tw b/src/uncategorized/slaveSold.tw
deleted file mode 100644
index f9a6789e4fb993ee0e1dbd5708eb5d0bb5d682d8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/uncategorized/slaveSold.tw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1172 +0,0 @@
-:: Slave Sold [nobr]
-<<set $nextButton = "Back to Main", $nextLink = "Main", $returnTo = "Main", $encyclopedia = "Personal Assistant">>
-<<run App.Utils.setLocalPronouns(getSlave($AS))>>
-<<if !["abortion TV", "elite auction", "eugenics arcology", "organ crafter", "peacekeepers", "repopulationist arcology", "tentacle bred", "womb filler"].includes($buyer) && (((getSlave($AS).actualAge < $retirementAge-1) && $policies.retirement.physicalAgePolicy == 0) || ((getSlave($AS).physicalAge < $retirementAge-1) && $policies.retirement.physicalAgePolicy == 1))>> /* organ crafter is not viable now, the elite/peacekeepers won't part so easily with a prize, some take place x months later when the event's max is 15 weeks, and the rest are snuff events. You don't want that slave back. */
-	<<if !$boomerangSlave || $boomerangWeeks > 15>>
-		<<if getSlave($AS).fuckdoll == 0>>
-			<<if canWalk(getSlave($AS))>>
-				<<if canTalk(getSlave($AS))>>
-					<<if getSlave($AS).fetish != "mindbroken">>
-						<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 50>>
-							<<if getSlave($AS).trust > 95 || getSlave($AS).trust < -20 || (getSlave($AS).intelligence+getSlave($AS).intelligenceImplant < -15)>>
-								<<set $boomerangSlave = clone(getSlave($AS)), $boomerangWeeks = 1, $boomerangBuyer = $buyer>>
-								<<set $boomerangSlave.assignment = "rest">>
-								<<set $boomerangStats = {PCpregSource: 0, PCmother: 0, PCfather: 0, boomerangMother: [], boomerangFather: [], boomerangPregSources: [], boomerangMotherTank: [], boomerangFatherTank: [], boomerangRelationship: 0, boomerangRivalry: 0, boomerangRelation: 0, boomerangBody: 0}>>
-								<<if $AS == $PC.pregSource>>
-									<<set $boomerangStats.PCpregSource = $AS>>
-								<</if>>
-								<<if $PC.mother == $AS>>
-									<<set $boomerangStats.PCmother = $AS>>
-								<</if>>
-								<<if $PC.father == $AS>>
-									<<set $boomerangStats.PCfather = $AS>>
-								<</if>>
-								<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-									<<if $slaves[_ss].ID != $AS>>
-										<<if $slaves[_ss].mother == $AS>>
-											<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangMother.push($slaves[_ss].ID)>>
-										<</if>>
-										<<if $slaves[_ss].father == $AS>>
-											<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangFather.push($slaves[_ss].ID)>>
-										<</if>>
-										<<if $AS == $slaves[_ss].pregSource>>
-											<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangPregSources.push($slaves[_ss].ID)>>
-										<</if>>
-									<</if>>
-								<</for>>
-								<<if $incubator.capacity > 0>>
-									<<for _child range $incubator.tanks>>
-										<<if $AS === _child.mother>>
-											<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangMotherTank.push(_child.ID)>>
-										<</if>>
-										<<if $AS === _child.father>>
-											<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangFatherTank.push(_child.ID)>>
-										<</if>>
-									<</for>>
-								<</if>>
-								<<if $nursery > 0>>
-									<<for _z = 0; _z < $cribs.length; _z++>>
-										<<if $AS == $cribs[_z].mother>>
-											<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangMotherTank.push($slaves[_z].ID)>>
-										<</if>>
-										<<if $AS == $cribs[_z].father>>
-											<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangFatherTank.push($slaves[_z].ID)>>
-										<</if>>
-									<</for>>
-								<</if>>
-								<<set $boomerangSlave.sisters = 0, $boomerangSlave.daughters = 0>>
-								<<if getSlave($AS).relationship > 0>>
-									<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangRelationship = getSlave($AS).relationshipTarget>>
-								<</if>>
-								<<if getSlave($AS).rivalry > 0>>
-									<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangRivalry = getSlave($AS).rivalryTarget>>
-								<</if>>
-								<<if getSlave($AS).bodySwap > 0>>
-									<<set _myBody = $slaves.findIndex(function(s) { return s.origBodyOwnerID == $AS; })>>
-									<<if _myBody != -1>>
-										<<set $boomerangStats.boomerangBody = $slaves[_myBody].ID>>
-									<</if>>
-								<</if>>
-							<</if>>
-						<</if>>
-					<</if>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</if>>
-<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-	<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[_ss] 2>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).mother == $slaves[_ss].ID>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you are selling _his2 $daughter.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if getSlave($AS).father == $slaves[_ss].ID>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;disappointed@@ that you are selling _his2 $daughter.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 10>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $AS == $slaves[_ss].father>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;saddened@@ that you are selling _his2 father.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 10>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $AS == $slaves[_ss].mother>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you are selling _his2 mother.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<switch areSisters(getSlave($AS), $slaves[_ss])>>
-	<<case 1>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;devastated@@ that you are selling _his2 twin.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 30>>
-	<<case 2>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you are selling _his2 $sister.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 20>>
-	<<case 3>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;disheartened@@ that you are selling _his2 half-<<= $sister>>.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 10>>
-	<</switch>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).relationship > 0>>
-	<<set _ss = $slaveIndices[getSlave($AS).relationshipTarget]>>
-	<<if (def _ss) && $slaves[_ss].fetish != "mindbroken">>
-		<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[_ss] 2>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.mediumorchid;grieved@@ that you are selling _his2 best source of comfort and companionship in a life of bondage.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= $slaves[_ss].relationship*10>>
-	<</if>>
-<<elseif getSlave($AS).relationship == -3>>
-	Selling one of your slave $wives is @@.red;socially unacceptable.@@ In addition, your other devoted slaves are @@.gold;worried@@ that you may not respect their status.
-	<br><br>
-	<<run repX(-200, "slaveTransfer")>>
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if $slaves[_ss].devotion > 50>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 5>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-<<if getSlave($AS).rivalry != 0>>
-	<<set _ss = $slaveIndices[getSlave($AS).rivalryTarget]>>
-	<<if (def _ss) && $slaves[_ss].fetish != "mindbroken">>
-		<<setLocalPronouns $slaves[_ss] 2>>
-		$slaves[_ss].slaveName is @@.hotpink;pleased@@ that _he2 won't have to see _his2 rival any more.
-		<br><br>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion += $slaves[_ss].rivalry*3>>
-	<</if>>
-<<set _slaveImpact = 0>>
-<<switch $buyer>>
-<<case "housekeeper">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> settles into $his new life in a humbler part of $arcologies[0].name, and can occasionally be seen accompanying $his master in public.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].trust >= -20)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].physicalAge > 30)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other older, obedient slaves are @@.mediumaquamarine;reassured@@ that if they're sold, they can hope for better than life in a cheap brothel.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "buttbreaker">>
-	In short order, <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is heard out on the promenade, sobbing and screaming as $his new owner breaks in $his virgin butt in public.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].anus == 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other anal virgins @@.gold;fear for their asses@@ should you decide to sell them.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "cheap brothel">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is soon seen on shift outside a seedy establishment in the lower arcology, mechanically offering $his holes to passersby and flinching whenever $his superiors come out to check on $him.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[_ss].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other slave prostitutes @@.gold;fear they'll be condemned@@ to similar exploitation in their turn.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "nice brothel">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> disappears for a time as $his training is perfected, but $he reappears in the refined brothel, wearing classy clothes and flirting gracefully with patrons of $his body.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].assignment == "whore") || ($slaves[_ss].assignment == "work in the brothel")>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other slave prostitutes @@.mediumaquamarine;hope they'll be lucky enough@@ to find themselves in relatively decent circumstances too, should you decide to sell them.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "factory farm">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is never again seen in public, but $his fate is obvious: $he's chained to a milking rack somewhere in a cavernous factory farm, with milk draining from $his tits<<if getSlave($AS).balls > 0>> and an electroshock stimulator up $his butt to force $him to cum<<elseif getSlave($AS).ovaries > 0>> and a new baby in $his belly every ten months<</if>>.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion <= 50)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other slaves are @@.gold;afraid they'll end up like that too,@@ since the factory farms will buy almost anyone. Only your devoted slaves trust you to spare them such a fate.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "elite auction">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is quickly escorted out by $his new master. $He is rarely seen in public anymore, but $his records show $he is settling well into being $his new owner's breeder.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].breedingMark != 1 && $propOutcome == 1)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 5>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your non-chosen slaves @@.mediumorchid;resent@@ you for denying them the special treatment <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is receiving.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "free range">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is a common sight around the arcology, since free range cows are allowed to range between milkings. $He seems reasonably content.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].assignment == "get milked") || ($slaves[_ss].assignment == "work in the dairy")>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other cows @@.mediumaquamarine;hope they'll be lucky enough@@ to find themselves in relatively decent circumstances too, should you decide to sell them.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "volume breeder">>
-	The breeder already has stud stock, and <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is rapidly impregnated. $He's kept in a stockyard on the lower service levels of the arcology, one of a dense crowd of beaten-down women with gravid bellies.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].ovaries == 1)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other fertile slaves @@.gold;fear they'll be sold as breeding stock@@ if they fail to make themselves useful to you otherwise.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "preg fetishist">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> settles in to $his new role easily enough; $he's one of the most pampered slaves in the arcology. All $he's expected to do is light housework and self-maintenance, along with gentle unprotected vaginal sex with $his new master.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves with pregnancy fetishes envy $him, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that even if you decide to sell them,@@ they'll find themselves in a sexually satisfying life.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "nipple fetishist">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s new mistress is an exhibitionist as well as a nipple fetishist, and before long, she's seen in the club, riding <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s chest with her wet pussy. The slave is expected to keep $his nipples erect for her at all times.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "boobs")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves with breast fetishes envy $him, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that even if you decide to sell them,@@ they'll find themselves in a sexually satisfying life.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "nipple fucker">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s new master is an exhibitionist as well as a nipple fetishist, and before long, he's seen in the club, plowing <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s engorged breasts. Since nipple cunts aren't naturally lubricated, some owners find stimulating milk production a suitable replacement; judging from the pooling fluids and sympathetic gushes from $his ignored tit, he is one of them.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "boobs")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<if $slaves[_ss].nipples == "fuckable">>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-					<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves in love with their own fuckable breasts envy $him, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that even if you decide to sell them,@@ they'll find themselves in a sexually satisfying life, even if your average guy can only satisfy one breast at a time.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "anal fetishist">>
-	The next time <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen in public, on an errand for $his master, $he's <<if canWalk(getSlave($AS))>>walking<<else>>moving<</if>> a little oddly. $His naked dick has the flaccidity of sexual satiation, and $he has a tired but dreamy expression on $his face.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your buttsluts envy $him, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that even if you decide to sell them,@@ they'll find themselves orgasming with dicks up their asses anyway.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "oral fetishist">>
-	The next time <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen in public, $he's obediently accompanying $his new master. After doing some business on the promenade, he pulls $him into an alcove and lets $him masturbate as he uses $his throat.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your cumsluts envy $him, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that even if you decide to sell them,@@ they'll find themselves filled with cum every day.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "pain fetishist">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is not seen again in public for a long time, but the crack of leather on flesh and the resultant hoarse female howling that issues from $his new mistress's apartment is well-known.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "masochist")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your masochists envy $him, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that even if you decide to sell them,@@ they'll never lack for the abuse they need.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "sadism fetishist">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> rarely leaves $his new mistress's apartments, but the slave rumor mill bears stories about $him to your penthouse anyway. $His mistress uses $him as a rapist on demand, and $his dumbly obedient brutality is renowned.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "sadist")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your sadists consider such a life scarcely capable of improvement, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that if you decide to sell them,@@ they'll get a chance to abuse other slaves.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "dom fetishist">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> wins $himself a leadership position with $his new master, who repays $his hard work by allowing $him to use his slaves at will.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "dom")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your sexually dominant slaves do their best to follow $his success, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that if you decide to sell them,@@ they'll stand a chance of winning a place in which they can fuck as well as get fucked.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "sub fetishist">>
-	The back of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s head becomes a well-known sight in business circles, since $his mistress rarely lets it out from between her legs.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "submissive")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your sexually submissive slaves secretly envy $his simple life, and @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that if you decide to sell them,@@ there are places where a sub can be valuable and safe.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "supremacist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> leaves your control forthwith, to be freed and installed in a favored life in an arcology that gives <<= getSlave($AS).race>> people every possible advantage.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion < 10)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		All your slaves who are not devoted to you @@.mediumorchid;like you a little less@@ in the light of this thin beam of freedom you've allowed to shine into $arcologies[0].name.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "subjugationist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is shipped off to help produce a race of <<= getSlave($AS).race>> idiots to perform eternal servitude. $He is not perceptive enough to fear $his upcoming life as a downtrodden breeder.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant > 15)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Those of your slaves who are intelligent enough to understand the implications of the scheme @@.gold;fear all slaveholders more, and especially you,@@ since you've shown yourself willing to subject them to eugenics.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "gender radicalist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is shipped off, but $his buyer is so unwilling to waste any time that the shipment container includes hormonal injectors to get $him started on an intensive feminization regime as quickly as possible.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].dick > 0)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion <= 20)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves who retain dicks, and are not yet broken to your will, @@.gold;fear the implication@@ that feminization is inescapable: either you'll turn them into girly sluts, or someone else will.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "gender fundamentalist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is taken away to join the legion of airheaded, big-titted sex slaves that throng the arcology owned by $his purchaser.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant > 50)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Most of your chattel could scarcely care less, but your most intelligent slaves are @@.mediumorchid;privately skeptical of $his fate;@@ $he's become one more cookie cutter bimbo in a place that uses and discards such sluts.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "paternalist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is shipped off to be improved into a happy, educated slave at the best pace $his new owner can manage.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion < -20)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant < -15)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your unbroken, uneducated slaves who hear about this are @@.mediumorchid;quietly resentful,@@ not understanding that $he was only sold to a paternalist arcology because $he was obedient.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "degradationist arcology">>
-	Stories about the place $he's going have reached $arcologies[0].name, and <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> suspects the fate $he's been condemned to when $he's loaded into a shipping container expressly designed to keep the inmate awake and uncomfortable.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion > 20)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other devoted or just obedient slaves are @@.gold;suddenly afraid@@ that their obedience and their devotion is as nothing next to the fact that they are sex slaves relying on your whim.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "slimness enthusiast arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is taken away to join the tribe of squealing, slim forms that populate the arcology of $his new owner.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant > 50)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Most of your chattel could scarcely care less, but your most intelligent slaves are @@.mediumorchid;privately dubious of your tacit support@@ for an arcology owner whose tastes they wonder about.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "asset expansionist arcology">>
-	A shipping container arrives for <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; as $he's loaded into it, it sedates $him and begins to pump hormones, curatives and growth enhancers into no less than seven places scattered over $his body.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion <= 20)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your unbroken slaves who hear about the grotesque display of pharmacological art are @@.gold;somewhat afraid@@ that they will suffer similar chemical invasion.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "organ crafter">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen in a research report nine months later; $he has undergone some interesting changes. As expected by someone interested in $his odd womb, $he is quite pregnant, but what really stands out is the massive size of $his testicles and $his huge round implants. A quick glance at the article reveals that they aren't implants; in fact, $his breasts and testicles are rounded with children.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].mpreg == 1)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 5>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other anally fertile slaves @@.gold;are concerned @@ that they may end up carrying children in more than just their bellies.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "abortion TV">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is soon seen on live TV, restrained and still grotesquely pregnant. $He screams into $his restraints as the host approaches with a comically large syringe of abortifacients and drives it deep into $his womb. Within minutes, a flood of liquid and fetuses are pouring from $his gaping cunt, all the while he times how long it takes $his overburdened womb to drain of all its contents.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if $slaves[_ss].bellyPreg >= 300000>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 15>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other hyper pregnant slaves @@.gold;are terrified that their children will be ripped from them@@ if they don't please you.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "womb filler">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen in a drug report nine months later; $he is unrecognizable. $His gaunt body is completely bloated by $his enormous womb, leaving <<if !isAmputee(getSlave($AS))>>what's left of $his <<if hasAnyArms(getSlave($AS))>>arm<<if hasBothArms(getSlave($AS))>>s<</if>><<if hasAnyLegs(getSlave($AS))>> and <</if>><</if>><<if hasAnyLegs(getSlave($AS))>>leg<<if hasBothLegs(getSlave($AS))>>s<</if>><</if>> dangling<<else>>$his torso teetering<</if>> pathetically atop its quivering mass. The headline reads "New drug allows for upwards of seven hundred children carried at once". Live on stream, $his body loses stability and ruptures, flooding the room with fluid and children.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].vagina == 0)>>
-			<<if isFertile($slaves[_ss])>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 20>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other virgins @@.gold;are terrified they'll meet a similar fate@@ if they cannot convince you to fill their wombs with your children.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "repopulationist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen nine months later with an enormous pregnancy and the most content look on $his face. $He <<if hasAnyArms(getSlave($AS))>>gently pats $his quadruplet filled belly and lets off a moan as $his children kick in response<<else>>moans lewdly as $his children kick away in $his womb<</if>>.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].vagina == 0)>>
-			<<if isFertile($slaves[_ss])>>
-				<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-					<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-					<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-				<</if>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other pregnancy fetishists @@.mediumorchid;are jealous@@ of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s good fortune.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "eugenics arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen nearly a year later, happy and healthy, along with $his owner and newborn son. They are quite a good looking family.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant < -15)>>
-			<<if isFertile($slaves[_ss])>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your more idiotic slaves are @@.mediumorchid;deeply jealous@@ of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s new pampered lifestyle, oblivious to the demanding nature of eugenics.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "hedonistic decadence arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is taken away to join a quivering mass of plump, pampered ladies that crowd the bedroom of $his new owner.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if $slaves[_ss].behavioralFlaw == "gluttonous">>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your more gluttonous slaves are @@.mediumorchid;deeply jealous@@ of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s constant feedings and excessive weight gain.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "stuffer chef">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s new owner is quite fond of his work and typically sends out photos of his progress. This is no exception; you are treated to a series of images featuring <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> being force-fed until $his stomach bulges. Day after day, you watch $him handle more and more food until $his belly is big enough to fill $his lap even when empty.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if $slaves[_ss].weight < 10>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other thin slaves are @@.gold;terrified@@ that they'll soon find themselves tied to a chair and fed until they are ready to pop.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "transformation fetishist arcology">>
-	A purchasing agent arrives for <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>; he uses a lull in the proceedings to use a permanent marker to begin mapping out surgical sites across $his body. There are a lot of them.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion <= 20)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your unbroken slaves who hear about how severely $he's about to be cut up are @@.gold;somewhat afraid@@ that they will suffer similar surgical invasion.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "physical idealist arcology">>
-	Stories about the arcology <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is headed to have circulated among slaves. Most intelligent slaves see a life of workouts as relatively harmless.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].weight > 10)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant < -15)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		However, your stupider slaves consider a life of rigorous dieting and punishing exercise daunting, and are filled with @@.gold;minor fears@@ that they will be made to starve and sweat, too.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "pastoralist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is subjected to a stock assay and then packed off to take $his place as a prize heifer.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].lactation == 0)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion <= 20)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves who are already lactating know that $his role is to be a relatively easy and decent one, and your obedient slaves accept it regardless. Others, however, @@.gold;fear being transformed into livestock@@ a little.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "chattel religionist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is terrified of $his impending religious life; perhaps $he's heard the new text that reads 'no woman come of age is holy unless she performs the act as many times per day as she has years less than forty.'
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].counter.anal < 200)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your sexually experienced slaves are too inured to industrial lovemaking to be affected by $his fate, but your more innocent slaves @@.gold;fear being required to fuck@@ at that pace.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "roman revivalist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is shipped to a new arcology, and culturally, across the centuries. $His skill at arms is well enough known that $his impending role as a gladiatrix is easily deduced.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].skill.combat > 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		A gladiatrix's life expectancy in an arcology that enjoys lethal combats is punishingly low. Your other slaves with combat skill @@.gold;worry they'll follow $him@@ out onto the sand.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "aztec revivalist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is transported after losing a military engagement. Though $his will remains strong, $he's @@.gold;filled with fear@@ when $he sees the rivers of blood that flow through the city.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].skill.combat > 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		$His willingness to obey will be tested. $His life will be forfeit, a fate many others @@.gold;fear might befall them,@@ if $he does not perform.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "egyptian revivalist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s journey to $his new home is respectful, even celebratory, as far as you can see. $He is gravely informed by the purchasing agent that many slaves await $his learned instruction.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant < -50)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Most of your slaves quietly envy $his good fortune. The stupidest however tend to resent their intellectual superiors and @@.mediumorchid;actively resent@@ how obvious $his advantage over them proved to be.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "virgin trader">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen in a shipment of slaves leaving the arcology a month later, with just the slightest hint of a gravid belly and a worn-down expression on $his face.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].vagina == 0)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].ovaries == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other virgins @@.gold;fear they'll be subjected to similar abuse@@ if they cannot make their virginities otherwise valuable or appealing to you.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "body purist arcology">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is shipped to $his new owner's arcology to have $his implants extracted and the resultant damage addressed.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion <= 50)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].boobsImplant > 1000)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves burdened with gigantic implants who aren't devoted enough to bear them cheerfully @@.mediumorchid;resent you somewhat@@ for keeping them here with aching backs.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "trainer staffing">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is soon well-known among the slaves of the arcology, as many of them are sold after passing under $his hands in training. $He performs effectively, imparting good sex slave ethics in a generation of sluts.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant > 15)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other intelligent slaves @@.mediumaquamarine;trust that their skills will be valued@@ even should you decide to sell them.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "teaching trainer">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is not pleased by $his change in circumstances, since $he is soon subjected to training rigor that $he did not experience while your property.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant < 15)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other uneducated slaves @@.gold;fear the abusive indoctrination@@ they will apparently suffer under should you decide to sell them.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "implanting trainer">>
-	A few weeks later, <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen in a shipment of slaves heading out of the arcology. $He has new fake tits, a bigger butt, lip implants, and even some facial bone structure alterations, but $his balloon breasts are the most shocking change.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].boobsImplant == 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your unimplanted slaves @@.gold;fear they'll go under the knife@@ for invasive surgery like <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> suffered, should you ever decide to sell them.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "purifying trainer">>
-	A few weeks later, <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is seen in a shipment of slaves heading out of the arcology. $He is almost unrecognizable, having been quickly returned to as natural an appearance as skillful removal of $his implants could manage.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].boobsImplant > 800)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves who are carrying around huge implants @@.mediumaquamarine;hope they'll be allowed to lay down their burdens@@ should you decide to sell them.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D virgin asspussy">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s buyer takes charge of $him, and cannot resist immediately running a hand between $his buttocks to sink a couple of groping fingers into $his soft asspussy.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves who enjoy having things shoved up their assholes @@.mediumaquamarine;hope that if they're sold,@@ their new masters will be like that too.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D startled the witch">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> heads off to form part of whatever great design $his new master is pursuing; all you know is that it apparently requires lots of lithe, sharp toothed slave <<= $girl>>s.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion <= 20)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your properly broken slaves are so inured to strange tastes that they pay no attention, but the others are just @@.mediumaquamarine;glad $he won't frighten them@@ any more. They thought $he was scary.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "vampire clan">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is quickly embraced by $his new owner and spirited away like all the other <<= $girl>>s that catch his fancy.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion <= 20)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your properly broken slaves are so inured to strange tastes that they pay no attention, but the others are just @@.mediumaquamarine;glad $he won't frighten them@@ any more. There was a rumor circulating that $he was a creature of the night.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D milf staffing">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> becomes a common sight around the arcology, training slaves for $his new master. They're usually seen hanging close by $him as $he manages them with an air at once protective and frankly sexual.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].actualAge > 35)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your older slaves are @@.mediumaquamarine;happy for $him,@@ since it isn't always easy for older ladies.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D hucow">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> becomes quite a fixture at social events hosted by $his new master; he enjoys showing off how healthy, happy and productive his cow is.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].lactation > 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other milkers are sometimes concerned about being sold to a cruel stockyard, and $his pleasant life encourages them to @@.mediumaquamarine;stop being so worried.@@
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D r9k">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s nervous buyer comes to collect $him, stammering and sweating and doing his best to pretend he does this all the time.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].counter.vaginal + $slaves[_ss].counter.anal < 20)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other less experienced slaves persistently find this romantic, and @@.mediumaquamarine;hope something like that will happen to them,@@ too.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "slimming trainer">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is occasionally visible around the arcology, looking rather tired and gaunt under the stresses of a severe crash diet coupled with a punishing cardio regime.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].weight > 10)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your chubby slaves take note, and @@.gold;fear they'll have to suffer too@@ should you ever decide to sell them.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "broadening trainer">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is only rarely seen around the arcology, since $his new owners force $him to spend most of $his time sleeping, eating and looking after $himself. But $his belly, painfully distended with food, makes $his situation obvious.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].weight > 10)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		When they hear about $him, your slim slaves are @@.gold;disgusted and afraid,@@ fearing they'll be forced to eat themselves plush if sold.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "cow trainer">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is last seen somewhat later, packed into a shipment of cows heading out of the arcology. $He looks rather ill from the drugs $he's been filled with, and $his now-distended breasts are marred by unsightly stretch marks.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].lactation == 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Even your slaves who normally enjoy breast expansion are @@.gold;disgusted and afraid@@ they'll be treated as pharmaceutical mixing machines if you sell them to the same company. Only your cows are inured to lactation to the point they're unaffected.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "clipping trainer">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is frequently seen in public over the next few weeks, since $he's being trained to improve $his feminine deportment. $He grows visibly more feminine as time passes, as the hormonal effects of having $his balls cut off become apparent.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].balls > 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves who retain their testicles are @@.gold;afraid@@ of displeasing you, knowing that castration is a distinct possibility on the open market.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "reassignment trainer">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is next seen after some weeks of surgery. $He's barely recognizable, and now possesses a serviceable vagina which $he clearly is unsure of. $His original status is scarcely discernible.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].dick > 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your less feminized slaves @@.gold;fear similar treatment;@@ even those who aspire to be better slave girls are shocked by the rapidity and totality of the surgical transformation.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "arcade">>
-	The upper half of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s body is never seen again. $His butt, on the other hand, is periodically visible in a lower-level arcade, $his orifices gradually showing the wear and $his price gradually decreasing, until finally $he is seen no more.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion < 10)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your devoted slaves are fairly confident they will escape such a fate, but everyone else @@.gold;is terrified of ending that way.@@
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D cannibal">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is never seen again. $His buyer prefers to keep whatever happened to $him private. However, rumors of steaks, rump roasts, sweetbreads, and blood pudding eaten at three in the morning filter out from time to time. Naturally, these murmurs never fail to @@.gold;terrify@@ your other slaves.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-	<</for>>
-<<case "harvester">>
-	Though <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s fate as a source of organs for transplantation is not announced, rumors of what happens to those who @@.gold;fail to be valuable to you@@ pass among your slaves.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-	<</for>>
-<<case "D amazon hunter">>
-	When <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s buyer appears, the big $girl is almost bashful. He tries to resist the impulse, but quickly breaks down and sweeps $him into a tight hug. $He accepts the embrace meekly. Your other slaves find this @@.mediumaquamarine;very romantic.@@
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-	<</for>>
-<<case "D oral servants">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is an occasional sight around the arcology; $he's never seen outside the company of $his new slave superior. This is one of $his new master's more favored slaves. $He has a huge cock, and <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is usually seen crouching down, hugging one of $his superior's legs and keeping $his mouth obediently near that dick.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "cumslut")>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your cumsluts are @@.mediumaquamarine;rather envious.@@
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D trap lover">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> becomes a frequent sight around the arcology, accompanying $his new master. $He's clearly happy, and is frequently seen to offer $his butt to him with a smile.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].dick > 0)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion > 20)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves with dicks who've accepted their lot in life find this @@.mediumaquamarine;encouraging.@@
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D butt bury">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s buyer arrives promptly; he seems pleased with his new slave's bountiful bottom, so far off the ground.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "buttslut")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your buttsluts giggle over what he's got in store for $him, and @@.mediumaquamarine;envy@@ $his new owner a little.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D milky herm">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s buyer arrives and seems pleased with $his lovely feminine appearance; he verifies $his lactation and $his ability to achieve erection despite $his lack of visible balls.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].dick > 0)>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].boobs > 400)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other feminine slaves with dicks @@.mediumaquamarine;trust@@ they'll go to owners that will value them, should they be sold.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D shorty breeder">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s lithe, muscular form is rarely seen after $his buyer takes charge of $him, since $he seems to spend most of $his time at home making babies.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetish == "pregnancy")>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].fetishKnown == 1)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 4>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves with pregnancy fetishes @@.mediumaquamarine;almost want to be sold@@ since there's a chance they'll be purchased by him, too.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "D waifu">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is rarely seen after $his buyer takes charge of $him, since he prefers to keep his beloved at home. Though $he seems to be well treated, arcology society finds him repellent enough that your other slaves do not envy $him.
-<<case "fuckdoll">>
-	Though <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s fate as a living fucktoy is not obvious, since most of $his body will forever after be encased in thick latex, rumors of what happens to those who @@.gold;fail to be valuable to you@@ pass among your slaves.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 2>>
-	<</for>>
-<<case "porn studio">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> becomes a frequent sight in <<= getSlave($AS).porn.fameType>> smut and attracts huge crowds with each public appearance.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if $slaves[_ss].porn.prestige > 0 && $slaves[_ss].porn.prestige < 3>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion > 20)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 2>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other aspiring porn stars @@.mediumaquamarine;try harder than ever@@ in the hopes of following in $his prestigious footsteps.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "obsessed fan">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is rarely seen after $his buyer takes charge of $him, since he prefers to keep his prize safe and sound at home.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if $slaves[_ss].porn.prestige == 1>>
-			<<if ($slaves[_ss].devotion > 20)>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other borderline unheard of sluts @@.mediumaquamarine;hope that someone like him would consider whisking them away,@@ but most of your slaves are skeptical at what his intent may be.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "tentacle bred">>
-	Sometime later, a snuff film starring <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> as a heroine captured, raped, and fatally bred by tentacles is released. It receives rave reviews for the scene involving <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, depicting $his aphrodisiac-filled body being penetrated in all $his holes by tentacles. Their thrusting into $him increases until large bulges of cum pass through the ones filling $his stretched cunt, visibly bloating $his belly. $He then collapses to the ground, $his swollen belly rapidly growing with the tentacle spawn gestating within $him. As they bulge against the straining walls of $his implant-filled middle; $he lets out a final moan as $his belly ruptures, releasing $his "spawn" to hunt down the other heroines.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if canSee($slaves[_ss])>>
-			<<if $slaves[_ss].intelligence+$slaves[_ss].intelligenceImplant < -15>>
-				<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 4>>
-				<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-			<</if>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if _slaveImpact == 1>>
-		Your less than intelligent slaves are @@.mediumorchid;deeply envious@@ of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>, completely failing to comprehend what they saw were not special effects.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "concert hall">>
-	As <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> now spends all $his time backstage, $he's rarely seen again. Occasionally, however, a roadie will bring $him outside as he hauls the equipment, and $he jacks him off.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].hears < 0)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust += 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves with hearing problems @@.mediumaquamarine;take some solace@@ in the idea of being bought because of their disability, not in spite of it.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "etiquette coach">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s new etiquette trainer sends you courtesy updates on $his progress, as $he learns proper poise and enunciation, the correct locations of silverware, and how to avoid making vulgar comments while performing lascivious acts.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].sexualFlaw == "crude")>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].trust -= 1>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your other slaves lacking in manners consider being turned into a proper member of polite society @@.gold;a fate wore than death.@@
-	<</if>>
-<<case "sex double">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> soon makes $his debut on the big screen in a debaucherous gangbang in place of the popular lead. $He is a spitting image of the actress, even when coated in layers of semen.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].sexualFlaw == "attention whore")>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		The attention whores among your slaves are @@.mediumorchid;envious@@ of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s good fortune.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "monster movie">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> soon makes $his debut on the big screen in a thrilling horror movie. At its end, the male lead finds his partner, played by $him in this scene, glued to a wall with a massively distended middle filled to capacity with the monster's spawn. The camera slowly zooms in on $him as $he gives birth to a future sequel.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].sexualFlaw == "breeder")>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 2>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		The pregnancy obsessed sluts among your slaves are @@.mediumorchid;envious@@ of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>'s new experience, even if it is fake.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "sniper spotter">>
-	The mercenary sniper greets <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> before the two of them head off for a battlefield halfway around the world. "Let's hope you've got a good eye for political assassinations," he says humorlessly.
-	<<for _ss = 0; _ss < $slaves.length; _ss++>>
-		<<if ($slaves[_ss].skill.combat <= 15)>>
-			<<set $slaves[_ss].devotion -= 3>>
-			<<set _slaveImpact = 1>>
-		<</if>>
-	<</for>>
-	<<if (_slaveImpact == 1)>>
-		Your slaves lacking in combat skills don't envy $him, and @@.gold;in fact seem very worried@@ that they may share $his fate.
-	<</if>>
-<<case "peacekeepers">>
-	<<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> is delivered to General $peacekeepers.generalName's forces, to serve as a barracks whore. Several days later, the purchasing officer forwards a short shot of <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>>
-	<<set _slaveCost = slaveCost(getSlave($AS))>>
-	<<if $peacekeepers.tastes == 0>>
-		<<if _slaveCost > random(10000,50000) || $peacekeepers.attitude > 90>><<set _influential = 1>><<else>><<set _influential = 0>><</if>>
-		<<if _influential && getSlave($AS).belly >= 300000>>
-			<<set _belly = bellyAdjective(getSlave($AS))>>
-			smiling as $his _belly belly is used as the center of a large bukkake party. You can just barely make out the figure of someone taking $him from behind beyond $his immensity. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $his exotic feature makes $him very popular. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more massive bellied <<= $girl>>s in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "bellies with girls attached">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).balls > 0 && getSlave($AS).scrotum > 0 && getSlave($AS).dick > 0 && getSlave($AS).vagina > -1 && getSlave($AS).energy > 50>>
-			with dicks in $his mouth, pussy, and ass. $He's totally covered in cum, and a lot of it is $hers. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $he's very popular. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more lusty futas in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "lusty futanari">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).fetish == "cumslut" && getSlave($AS).fetishStrength > 95 && getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw == "cum addict">>
-			on <<if hasBothLegs(getSlave($AS))>>$his knees<<else>>the ground<</if>>, sucking dick. That's where $he's at home, of course, and as soon as the man $he's blowing cums down $his throat and steps away, another immediately replaces him. <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> keeps guzzling penis without hesitation. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $his apparently bottomless appetite for cum has made $him very popular. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more cum addicts in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "cum addicts">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).boobs > 2000 && getSlave($AS).lactation > 1>>
-			standing obediently in a comfort station in one of their rear area facilities, while a huge group of muscular men and women take turns drinking straight from $his nipples as a break from using the other whores. Someone's fucking $him from behind. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $he's very popular. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more big-breasted cows in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "big-breasted cows">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).boobs > 20000 && getSlave($AS).butt > 10>>
-			standing obediently in a comfort station in one of their rear area facilities, while a huge group of muscular men titfuck $his near endless cleavage and another, smaller group use $his gigantic asscheeks. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $his mind-blowing assets make $him very popular. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more slaves with bountiful T&A in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "flesh balloons">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).physicalAge > 34 && getSlave($AS).visualAge > 34 && getSlave($AS).energy > 80>>
-			energetically bouncing atop one young man while a muscular young woman standing over $him rides $his face. <<if (hasAnyArms(getSlave($AS)))>>$He's got dicks in <<if (!hasBothArms(getSlave($AS)))>>$his hand<<else>>both of $his hands<</if>>, and is stroking them eagerly. <</if>>There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $he's very popular. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more horny MILFs in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "horny MILFs">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 13 && getSlave($AS).visualAge < 13 && getSlave($AS).boobs > 2000>>
-			kneeling over a soldier, putting $his proportionally massive breasts to work. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $he's very popular. It's not surprising; $he's young, full of energy, and practically overflowing with tit flesh. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more busty little <<= $girl>>s in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "oppai loli">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).physicalAge < 25 && getSlave($AS).visualAge < 25 && getSlave($AS).face > 95>>
-			striking a come-hither pose for an enormous crowd of cheering soldiers. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $he's very popular. It's not surprising; $he's young, very beautiful, and able to handle a lot of devoted attention. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more beautiful young sex slaves in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "beautiful young sex slaves">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).vagina == 0 && isFertile(getSlave($AS))>>
-			happily taking it vaginally while teasing the growing crowd eager to cum in $his needy pussy. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $he's very popular. It's not surprising; $he has a burning need that they are dutifully fulfilling. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more eager virgins in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "fertile virgins">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/4 && getSlave($AS).fetish == "pregnancy" && getSlave($AS).sexualFlaw == "breeder">>
-			on $his back, getting fucked while teasing $his growing baby bump. That's where $he's at home, of course, and as soon as the man $he's taking cums in $his <<if getSlave($AS).mpreg > 0>>asspussy<<else>>pussy<</if>> and steps away, another immediately replaces him. <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> keeps <<if hasBothLegs(getSlave($AS))>>spreading $his legs<<else>>presenting $himself<</if>> without hesitation. There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $his apparently bottomless appetite for bareback sex has made $him very popular. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more baby-obsessed breeders in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "baby obsessed breeders">>
-		<<elseif _influential && getSlave($AS).preg > getSlave($AS).pregData.normalBirth/4 && getSlave($AS).energy > 50>>
-			eagerly bouncing atop one young man while a muscular young woman standing over $him rides $his face. <<if (hasAnyArms(getSlave($AS)))>>$He's got dicks in <<if (!hasBothArms(getSlave($AS)))>>$his hand<<else>>both of $his hands<</if>>, and is stroking them eagerly, encouraging their owners to cum on $his rounded middle. <</if>>There's a note attached, stating superfluously that $he's very popular. General $peacekeepers.generalName's buyer is going to be looking for more horny preggos in the future.
-			<<set $peacekeepers.tastes = "lusty preggos">>
-		<<else>>
-			<<if getSlave($AS).devotion > 20>><<if getSlave($AS).energy > 80>>eagerly<<else>>willingly<</if>> offering $himself outside<<else>>restrained for use inside<</if>> a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, together with a note stating that $he's satisfactory. $He's sufficient but not remarkable enough to have a major impact.
-		<</if>>
-	<<else>>
-		<<switch $peacekeepers.tastes>>
-		<<case "lusty futanari">>
-			getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for chicks with dicks.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "cum addicts">>
-			providing incessant oral service at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to $his ability to eagerly suck dick for as long as there's cum available.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "horny MILFs">>
-			getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for older $women who really know how to take cocks.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "big-breasted cows">>
-			being hand-milked at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the most valued piece of human livestock due to the peacekeepers' growing taste for human milk.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "beautiful young sex slaves">>
-			getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for beautiful young <<= $girl>>s with those special Free Cities skills.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "fertile virgins">>
-			getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the main attraction due to $his eagerness to get pregnant. Since that won't take long, they'll likely be back looking for more shortly.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "lusty preggos">>
-			getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for pregnant $women with a bottomless lust for cocks.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "baby obsessed breeders">>
-			getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for knocking $women up.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "bellies with girls attached">>
-			suspended in a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for gigantically gravid <<= $girl>>s.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "flesh balloons">>
-			getting gangbanged at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for absolutely enormous assets.
-			<<if $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>><<set $peacekeepers.attitude++>><</if>>
-		<<case "oppai loli">>
-			giving paizuri at a comfort station at one of their rear area facilities, where $he's become the star attraction due to the erstwhile peacekeepers' preference for top-heavy little <<= $girl>>s.
-		<</switch>>
-	<</if>>
-	<<if $peacekeepers.attitude+Math.ceil(_slaveCost/10000) < 100>>
-		$His presence will influence General $peacekeepers.generalName's troops in favor of a closer relationship with the Free City; old world mores are difficult to maintain while inside an arcology-trained sex slave.
-		<<set $peacekeepers.attitude += Math.ceil(_slaveCost/10000)>>
-	<<elseif $peacekeepers.attitude < 100>>
-		With <<= getSlave($AS).slaveName>> added to their stable of sex slaves, General $peacekeepers.generalName's troops will be fully converted to the idea of aligning with the slaveowning Free Cities, and the general will no longer have to maintain even plausible deniability. @@.yellow;General $peacekeepers.generalName's little empire is now effectively a client state of $arcologies[0].name.@@
-		<<set $peacekeepers.attitude = 100>>
-	<<else>>
-		General $peacekeepers.generalName's little empire continues to be a reliable client state of $arcologies[0].name, and a good market for $peacekeepers.tastes.
-	<</if>>
-	The buyer forwards payment and sends a purchasing agent to collect $him. There is nothing more to be done.
-<<if isShelterSlave(getSlave($AS))>>
-	<<set $shelterAbuse += 1>>
-<<run removeSlave(getSlave($AS))>>