diff --git a/devTools/types/assistant.d.ts b/devTools/types/assistant.d.ts
index 432c1a2aa441dc525c0aa8ce8b6f0c9fbe759d71..2faa4a7e1fc91ad87a7da0478f78f6edbb3d8d21 100644
--- a/devTools/types/assistant.d.ts
+++ b/devTools/types/assistant.d.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
+type assistantAppearance = "normal" | "monstergirl" | "shemale" | "amazon" | "businesswoman" | "goddess" | "hypergoddess" | "schoolgirl" | "loli" | "preggololi" | "fairy" | "pregnant fairy" | "slimegirl" | "cowgirl"| "harpygirl" | "kitsunegirl" | "lamiagirl" | "spidergirl" | "angel" | "cherub" | "imp" | "witch" | "ERROR_1606_APPEARANCE_FILE_CORRUPT" | "incubus" | "succubus";
+type fsAssistantAppearance = "default" | "paternalist" | "degradationist" | "supremacist" | "subjugationist" | "roman revivalist" | "aztec revivalist" | "egyptian revivalist" | "edo revivalist" | "arabian revivalist" | "chinese revivalist" | "chattel religionist" | "repopulation focus" | "eugenics" | "physical idealist" | "hedonistic decadence" | "gender radicalist" | "gender fundamentalist" | "asset expansionist" | "transformation fetishist" | "pastoralist" | "maturity preferentialist" | "youth preferentialist" | "slimness enthusiast" | "body purist" | "intellectual dependency" | "slave professionalism" | "petite admiration" | "statuesque glorification" | "neoimperialist";
 interface assistant {
-	appearance: "normal" | "monstergirl" | "shemale" | "amazon" | "businesswoman" | "goddess" | "hypergoddess" | "schoolgirl" | "loli" | "preggololi" | "fairy" | "pregnant fairy" | "slimegirl" | "cowgirl"| "harpygirl" | "kitsunegirl" | "lamiagirl" | "spidergirl" | "angel" | "cherub" | "imp" | "witch" | "ERROR_1606_APPEARANCE_FILE_CORRUPT" | "incubus" | "succubus";
-	fsAppearance: "default" | "paternalist" | "degradationist" | "supremacist" | "subjugationist" | "roman revivalist" | "aztec revivalist" | "egyptian revivalist" | "edo revivalist" | "arabian revivalist" | "chinese revivalist" | "chattel religionist" | "repopulation focus" | "eugenics" | "physical idealist" | "hedonistic decadence" | "gender radicalist" | "gender fundamentalist" | "asset expansionist" | "transformation fetishist" | "pastoralist" | "maturity preferentialist" | "youth preferentialist" | "slimness enthusiast" | "body purist" | "intellectual dependency" | "slave professionalism" | "petite admiration" | "statuesque glorification" | "neoimperialist";
+	appearance: assistantAppearance;
+	fsAppearance: fsAssistantAppearance
 	personality: -1 | 0 | 1;
 	name: string;
 	power: number;
@@ -16,57 +19,6 @@ interface assistant {
 	announcedName: FC.Bool;
-interface appearance {
-	"normal": fsAppearance,
-	"monstergirl": fsAppearance,
-	"shemale": fsAppearance,
-	"amazon": fsAppearance,
-	"businesswoman": fsAppearance,
-	"goddess": fsAppearance,
-	"hypergoddess": fsAppearance,
-	"schoolgirl": fsAppearance,
-	"loli": fsAppearance,
-	"preggololi": fsAppearance,
-	"fairy": fsAppearance,
-	"pregnant fairy": fsAppearance,
-	"slimegirl": fsAppearance,
-	"angel": fsAppearance,
-	"cherub": fsAppearance,
-	"imp": fsAppearance,
-	"witch": fsAppearance,
-	"incubus": fsAppearance,
-	"succubus": fsAppearance,
+type appearance = Record<assistantAppearance, fsAppearance>;
-interface fsAppearance {
-	"paternalist": string,
-	"degradationist": string,
-	"supremacist": string,
-	"subjugationist": string,
-	"roman revivalist": string,
-	"aztec revivalist": string,
-	"egyptian revivalist": string,
-	"edo revivalist": string,
-	"arabian revivalist": string,
-	"chinese revivalist": string,
-	"chattel religionist": string,
-	"repopulation focus": string,
-	"eugenics": string,
-	"physical idealist": string,
-	"hedonistic decadence": string,
-	"gender radicalist": string,
-	"gender fundamentalist": string,
-	"asset expansionist": string,
-	"transformation fetishist": string,
-	"pastoralist": string,
-	"maturity preferentialist": string,
-	"youth preferentialist": string,
-	"slimness enthusiast": string,
-	"body purist": string,
-	"intellectual dependency": string,
-	"slave professionalism": string,
-	"petite admiration": string,
-	"statuesque glorification": string,
-	"neoimperialist": string,
\ No newline at end of file
+type fsAppearance = Record<fsAssistantAppearance, string>;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/js/003-data/assistantData.js b/js/003-data/assistantData.js
index b96e390ab40924446e27d95850c5310fa72f89b4..512626647898426a5de724a854f1d6a7fe7b7926 100644
--- a/js/003-data/assistantData.js
+++ b/js/003-data/assistantData.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 App.Data.Assistant = {};
  * Assistant appearances mapped to the FS that love seeing her look like she do.
- * @type {Map<FC.FutureSociety, Array>}
+ * @type {Map<FC.FutureSociety, Array<assistantAppearance>>}
 App.Data.Assistant.appearanceForFS = new Map([
 	["FSSupremacist", ["amazon", "monstergirl", "succubus"]],
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ App.Data.Assistant.appearanceForFS = new Map([
- * @type {Map<string, {readonly requirements: boolean}>}
+ * @type {Map<assistantAppearance, {readonly requirements: boolean}>}
 App.Data.Assistant.appearances = new Map([
 	["normal", {get requirements() { return true; }}],
diff --git a/src/personalAssistant/assistantAppearance.js b/src/personalAssistant/assistantAppearance.js
index 57882d1df60f4701f48ae6c2ef7cfcea67c6e3b9..6f82bb5b66af05851e294bf06edd0b0f5de68e9f 100644
--- a/src/personalAssistant/assistantAppearance.js
+++ b/src/personalAssistant/assistantAppearance.js
@@ -913,6 +913,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 		/** @type {appearance} */
 		const fsAppearance = {
 			"normal": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": ``,
 				"degradationist": ``,
 				supremacist: ``,
@@ -944,6 +945,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": ``,
 			"monstergirl": {
+				"default": ``,
 				paternalist: `${HeA}'s wearing a surprisingly conservative outfit: khakis, a sweater, and eyeglasses.`,
 				degradationist: `${HeA}'s sharpened ${hisA} appearance to be quite frightening: ${HeA} has impressive fangs, and a snakelike tongue flicks out between them.`,
 				supremacist: `${HisA} distinct ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} features are only enhanced by ${hisA} monstrous appearance, and ${heA} has taken to jump-scaring slaves of lesser races when ${heA} isn't too busy with other tasks.`,
@@ -975,6 +977,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `${HeA}'s extremely tall, and behaves quite predatory.`,
 			"shemale": {
+				"default": ``,
 				paternalist: `${HeA}'s made ${himselfA} up to look a bit classier recently: ${HeA} has elegant fake nails, and has ${hisA} hair piled up on ${hisA} head.`,
 				degradationist: `${HeA}'s made ${himselfA} up to look almost comically evil: ${HeA}'s wearing black lipstick, black eyeliner, and a black barbed cockring.`,
 				supremacist: `${HeA} remains nude in order to properly display the glory of a superior ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} cock.`,
@@ -1006,6 +1009,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `${HeA}'s recently adjusted ${hisA} height to be quite tall, complete with a longer penis.`,
 			"amazon": {
+				"default": ``,
 				paternalist: `with long flowing hair, tribal tattoos, shredded abs, and bone jewelry. ${HeA} has bigger natural tits than anyone that ripped could possibly maintain.`,
 				degradationist: `with ochre-dyed dreadlocks, war tattoos, shredded abs, and jewelry made from human bones. ${HeA} has bigger natural tits than anyone that ripped could possibly maintain.`,
 				supremacist: `wearing armor that blends elements from elite warriors of several historically ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} cultures, evoking the glory of ages past.`,
@@ -1037,6 +1041,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `that few stand a chance of escaping being scooped up and carried off for sex.`,
 			"businesswoman": {
+				"default": ``,
 				paternalist: `wearing a perfectly-tailored suit, with ${hisA} silver-blonde hair brushed back over ${hisA} shoulders. ${HisA} clothes are conservative, but they can't hide ${hisA} generous curves.`,
 				degradationist: `wearing an iron-gray suit, with ${hisA} hair up in a severe bun. ${HeA}'s wearing deep red lipstick and a predatory expression.`,
 				"supremacist": `wearing a perfectly-tailored suit. ${HeA} has two different tones ${heA} uses when speaking: a respectful one for talking with ${hisA} ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} equals, and a strict domineering one for interacting with the lesser races.`,
@@ -1069,6 +1074,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 			"goddess": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `with swollen breasts and a big pregnant belly. ${HeA} wears only a gossamer white camisole over ${hisA} tanned skin, with a woven crown of daisies.`,
 				"degradationist": `with swollen hips and breasts and a huge pregnant belly. ${HeA}'s naked aside from the steel piercings in ${hisA} protruding clit, navel, and nipples.`,
 				"supremacist": `with swollen breasts and a big pregnant belly. ${HeA} wears a golden tiara on ${hisA} head, and ${hisA} otherwise nude form is a shining example of the ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} race's divine beauty.`,
@@ -1100,6 +1106,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `with swollen breasts and an enormous pregnant belly to fit ${hisA} towering form. ${HeA}'s nude aside from a crown of flowers, ${hisA} modesty protected only by ${hisA} flowing hair.`,
 			"hypergoddess": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `${HeA}'s made ${himselfA} up to look a bit classier recently: ${HeA} has elegant fake nails, and has ${hisA} hair piled up on ${hisA} head. Occasionally a stream of liquid pours from ${hisA} crotch along with a healthy baby.`,
 				"repopulation focus": `${HeA} rests atop ${hisA} newly modified belly. It bulges greatly from all sides and holds ${himA} far off the ground.`,
 				"eugenics": `${HeA} appears as an ugly and unkempt slave ${girlA}, massively pregnant with hundreds of subhuman spawn. ${HisA} immense belly is coated in bulges and moving ominously. A malformed, impish child claws its way out of ${hisA} ruined cunt periodically.`,
@@ -1141,6 +1148,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `${HeA}'s increased ${hisA} height massively, but ${hisA} mammoth belly has grown proportionately as well. Occasionally a stream of liquid pours from ${hisA} crotch along with a rather lanky baby.`,
 			"schoolgirl": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `wearing a long plaid skirt and a clean white shirt. ${HeA} does ${hisA} best to look as prim as possible, which, given ${hisA} duties, often isn't very prim at all.`,
 				"degradationist": `wearing a plaid skirt and a white shirt, though ${heA}'s hiked the skirt up to show almost everything, and torn the shirt open to bare ${hisA} perky boobs.`,
 				"supremacist": `wearing a plaid skirt and a white shirt. ${HeA} is constantly taking notes and studying the latest textbooks, satisfying the ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} race's thirst for knowledge.`,
@@ -1172,6 +1180,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `wearing a plaid skirt that shows a lot of leg and a white shirt that barely covers ${hisA} navel. ${HeA}'s been doing a lot of growing lately.`,
 			"loli": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `${girlA} wearing a cute pink dress.`,
 				"supremacist": `${girlA} wearing shorts and a pink t-shirt with the words '${properMaster()}'s little ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} princess' on the front.`,
 				"subjugationist": `slave ${girlA} wearing nothing but a leather collar and trying ${hisA} best to do master proud.`,
@@ -1203,8 +1212,9 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `${girlA} wearing a too small dress. ${HeA}'s growing up fast, but still has a long way to go if ${heA} wants to stand out in a crowd.`,
 			"preggololi": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `belly wearing a cute pink dress. The middle is stretched tight by ${hisA} growing belly.`,
-				"supremacist": `belly wearing a cute yellow dress. ${HeA} cradles ${hisA} swollen belly protectively, glowing with pride at carrying ${addA(V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace)} child.`,
+				"supremacist": `belly wearing a cute yellow dress. ${HeA} cradles ${hisA} swollen belly protectively, glowing with pride at carrying ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace !== 0 ? addA(V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace) : ""} child.`,
 				"subjugationist": `belly, wearing nothing but a pregnancy biometrics collar. The collar's display reads 'Carrying 2 more ${V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace} subhumans!', something the ${girlA} occasionally reads aloud to ${himselfA}.`,
 				"roman revivalist": `belly wearing a ${girlA}'s stola.`,
 				"neoimperialist": `belly wearing a tiny elementary schooler's uniform, complete with miniature plaid skirt. ${HisA} belly swells underneath the cotton shirt.`,
@@ -1234,6 +1244,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `belly wearing a too small dress. ${HeA}'s growing up fast and, given the size of ${hisA} belly, so is ${hisA} child.`,
 			"fairy": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"eugenics": `fairy wearing ${hisA} birthday suit, since ${heA} is so flawless ${heA} needs nothing else.`,
 				"paternalist": `fairy wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of ${hisA} waist length golden-blonde hair. ${HeA} looks like a little Bucuretsi doll.`,
 				"degradationist": `fairy and completely unclothed, with ${hisA} hair in a mess and covered in dirt.`,
@@ -1265,6 +1276,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `fairy wearing a simple dress. ${HeA}'s adjusted the length of ${hisA} dress to make it appear that ${heA} is taller than ${heA} really is.`,
 			"pregnant fairy": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"eugenics": `wearing nothing but a band with insignia of the Elite emblazoned on it.`,
 				"paternalist": `wearing a well-sewn blue dress, with a large red bow tied to the back of ${hisA} waist length golden-blonde hair. ${HeA} looks like a little Bucuresti doll.`,
 				"degradationist": `and completely unclothed, with ${hisA} hair in a mess and covered in dirt.`,
@@ -1296,6 +1308,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `wearing a simple dress. ${HeA}'s adjusted the length of ${hisA} dress to make it appear that ${heA} is taller than ${heA} really is, but it keeps riding up ${hisA} middle and ruining the look.`,
 			"slimegirl": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `slime with a modest pink dress floating inside ${himA}.`,
 				"supremacist": `slime. ${HeA} keeps trying to shape ${hisA} goo into a beautiful ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} ${girlA}, but ${heA} hasn't quite perfected the finer details yet.`,
 				"subjugationist": `slime. ${HeA} keeps trying to shape ${hisA} goo into a pretty face, but keeps ending up with over-exaggerated ${V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace} features instead.`,
@@ -1327,6 +1340,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `slime.`,
 			"angel": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `${HeA} is currently wearing a long, conservative skirt and a pretty white blouse complete with gaps for ${hisA} wings. ${HeA} is positively radiant.`,
 				"degradationist": `${HeA} is wearing black eyeliner and lipstick while using a thin black ribbon to protect ${hisA} modesty. It's pretty obvious ${heA} has a stud through ${hisA} left nipple.`,
 				"supremacist": `${HeA} cycles between different outfits that reflect the various holy garments of religions popular in ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} countries.`,
@@ -1367,6 +1381,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 			"cherub": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `${HeA} has swapped ${hisA} usual short skirt for a much longer one. No more panty flashes for you!`,
 				"degradationist": `${HeA} is wearing black lipstick along with ${hisA} usual white linen dress with a short skirt. Occasionally you get a glance up that skirt; a dark black thong greets you.`,
 				"supremacist": `${HeA} is wearing a cute little dressed stitched with designs from ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} culture. Occasionally you get a glance up it; a white pair of panties with similar designs say hello.`,
@@ -1398,6 +1413,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `${HeA} wears a simple white linen dress that struggles to come close to covering ${hisA} panties. ${HeA}'s gotten quite tall.`,
 			"imp": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `${HeA} has swapped to wearing much more, relatively speaking, modest clothing; extremely tight jeans and a top so small and taut you swear ${heA}'s about to pop out of it.`,
 				"degradationist": `${HeA} has replaced ${hisA} loincloth with a chastity belt containing an immense dildo; it is clearly seen distending ${hisA} belly. Countless scars line ${hisA} back and ass from the frequent lashings ${heA} enjoys.`,
 				get "supremacist"() {
@@ -1439,6 +1455,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 			"witch": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `${HeA} still hasn't managed to undo the spell; ${hisA} chest is still unnaturally smooth, not one nipple peaks the fabric of the robe.`,
 				"degradationist": `${HeA} still hasn't managed to undo the spell; ${hisA} face, hands and every surface of ${hisA} body are completely covered in tattoos. It is especially noticeable when ${heA} talks that ${hisA} tongue is tattooed too; wonder what decorates the surfaces of ${hisA} body you can't see?`,
 				get "supremacist"() {
@@ -1451,7 +1468,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 					r.push(`If ${heA} were real, ${heA} would make the perfect breeding stock for the next generation of the master race.`);
 					return r.join(" ");
-				"subjugationist": `${HeA} still hasn't managed to undo the spell; ${heA} looks like a racist caricature of ${addA(V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace)} ${girlA}, and has an appropriately demeaning accent to match. What's worse, the spell also seems to have stripped most of ${hisA} literacy in ${V.language}, making reading ${hisA} tomes an arduous task for ${himA}.`,
+				"subjugationist": `${HeA} still hasn't managed to undo the spell; ${heA} looks like a racist caricature of ${V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace !== 0 ? addA(V.arcologies[0].FSSubjugationistRace) : ""} ${girlA}, and has an appropriately demeaning accent to match. What's worse, the spell also seems to have stripped most of ${hisA} literacy in ${V.language}, making reading ${hisA} tomes an arduous task for ${himA}.`,
 				"roman revivalist": `While ${heA} acts like a typical Roman ${womanA}, ${heA} is pretty obviously Greek. ${HeA} can't even name the Pantheon correctly.`,
 				"neoimperialist": `${HeA} looks like someone you would find selling "magical tokens" on the side of your neon-bathed streets, cybernetic trinkets adorning ${hisA} whole body.`,
 				"aztec revivalist": `${HeA} is still very obviously not a native and has become rather caught up in the fear that ${heA}'ll soon be sacrificed.`,
@@ -1496,6 +1513,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `wearing ill fitting clothing. Various movements can be seen under ${hisA} misbuttoned shirt and lopsided skirt.`,
 				"degradationist": `wearing nothing except some oversized, strange looking piercings all over ${hisA} body. You swear you see movement under ${hisA} skin and ${hisA} piercings have a habit of never being in the same shape or location.`,
 				"supremacist": `wearing nothing at all. ${HeA} looks vaguely ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace}, but wrong. You swear you see patches of fish-like scales on ${hisA} skin, but they keep disappearing whenever you try to focus on them.`,
@@ -1545,6 +1563,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"statuesque glorification": `wearing nothing at all; it would only get in the way of ${himA} preying on all those smaller than ${hisA} looming form.`,
 			"incubus": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `${HeA}'s begun wearing rather conservative clothing, but nothing can hide the bulge running down one pant leg and the two round globes in the other.`,
 				"degradationist": `${HeA}'s recently added an obscene number of piercings to ${hisA} cock and balls in addition to a pair of nipple rings. A thin chain links a ring attached to the head of ${hisA} penis to the heavy rings adorning ${hisA} chest.`,
 				"supremacist": `${HeA} is an ideal ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} man, and ${hisA} massive dick is always hard and ready to continue propagating the master race.`,
@@ -1615,6 +1634,7 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 			"succubus": {
+				"default": ``,
 				"paternalist": `${HeA}'s wearing an absolutely stunning dress that perfectly hugs ${hisA} curves. Surprisingly, ${heA} even has underwear on.`,
 				"degradationist": `${HeA}'s recently added an obscene number of piercings to ${hisA} labia in addition to a pair of nipple rings and a big, heavy ring on ${hisA} clit. A thin chain links the clit ring to the heavy rings adorning ${hisA} chest.`,
 				"supremacist": `In fact, ${heA} is the most gorgeous ${V.arcologies[0].FSSupremacistRace} ${womanA} you've ever seen.`,
@@ -1724,6 +1744,166 @@ globalThis.PersonalAssistantAppearance = function() {
 				"petite admiration": `${HeA} has recently lowered ${hisA} height considerably and is now the perfect size to copulate while sitting in one's lap.`,
 				"statuesque glorification": `${HeA} has recently increased ${hisA} height considerably and begun wearing clothing that showcases the length of ${hisA} body and legs.`,
+			"cowgirl": {
+				"default": ``,
+				"paternalist": ``,
+				"degradationist": ``,
+				supremacist: ``,
+				subjugationist: ``,
+				"roman revivalist": ``,
+				"neoimperialist": ``,
+				"aztec revivalist": ``,
+				"egyptian revivalist": ``,
+				"edo revivalist": ``,
+				"arabian revivalist": ``,
+				"chinese revivalist": ``,
+				"chattel religionist": ``,
+				"repopulation focus": ``,
+				"eugenics": ``,
+				"physical idealist": ``,
+				"hedonistic decadence": ``,
+				"gender radicalist": ``,
+				"gender fundamentalist": ``,
+				"asset expansionist": ``,
+				"transformation fetishist": ``,
+				"pastoralist": ``,
+				"maturity preferentialist": ``,
+				"youth preferentialist": ``,
+				"slimness enthusiast": ``,
+				"body purist": ``,
+				"intellectual dependency": ``,
+				"slave professionalism": ``,
+				"petite admiration": ``,
+				"statuesque glorification": ``,
+			},
+			"harpygirl": {
+				"default": ``,
+				"paternalist": ``,
+				"degradationist": ``,
+				supremacist: ``,
+				subjugationist: ``,
+				"roman revivalist": ``,
+				"neoimperialist": ``,
+				"aztec revivalist": ``,
+				"egyptian revivalist": ``,
+				"edo revivalist": ``,
+				"arabian revivalist": ``,
+				"chinese revivalist": ``,
+				"chattel religionist": ``,
+				"repopulation focus": ``,
+				"eugenics": ``,
+				"physical idealist": ``,
+				"hedonistic decadence": ``,
+				"gender radicalist": ``,
+				"gender fundamentalist": ``,
+				"asset expansionist": ``,
+				"transformation fetishist": ``,
+				"pastoralist": ``,
+				"maturity preferentialist": ``,
+				"youth preferentialist": ``,
+				"slimness enthusiast": ``,
+				"body purist": ``,
+				"intellectual dependency": ``,
+				"slave professionalism": ``,
+				"petite admiration": ``,
+				"statuesque glorification": ``,
+			},
+			"kitsunegirl": {
+				"default": ``,
+				"paternalist": ``,
+				"degradationist": ``,
+				supremacist: ``,
+				subjugationist: ``,
+				"roman revivalist": ``,
+				"neoimperialist": ``,
+				"aztec revivalist": ``,
+				"egyptian revivalist": ``,
+				"edo revivalist": ``,
+				"arabian revivalist": ``,
+				"chinese revivalist": ``,
+				"chattel religionist": ``,
+				"repopulation focus": ``,
+				"eugenics": ``,
+				"physical idealist": ``,
+				"hedonistic decadence": ``,
+				"gender radicalist": ``,
+				"gender fundamentalist": ``,
+				"asset expansionist": ``,
+				"transformation fetishist": ``,
+				"pastoralist": ``,
+				"maturity preferentialist": ``,
+				"youth preferentialist": ``,
+				"slimness enthusiast": ``,
+				"body purist": ``,
+				"intellectual dependency": ``,
+				"slave professionalism": ``,
+				"petite admiration": ``,
+				"statuesque glorification": ``,
+			},
+			"lamiagirl": {
+				"default": ``,
+				"paternalist": ``,
+				"degradationist": ``,
+				supremacist: ``,
+				subjugationist: ``,
+				"roman revivalist": ``,
+				"neoimperialist": ``,
+				"aztec revivalist": ``,
+				"egyptian revivalist": ``,
+				"edo revivalist": ``,
+				"arabian revivalist": ``,
+				"chinese revivalist": ``,
+				"chattel religionist": ``,
+				"repopulation focus": ``,
+				"eugenics": ``,
+				"physical idealist": ``,
+				"hedonistic decadence": ``,
+				"gender radicalist": ``,
+				"gender fundamentalist": ``,
+				"asset expansionist": ``,
+				"transformation fetishist": ``,
+				"pastoralist": ``,
+				"maturity preferentialist": ``,
+				"youth preferentialist": ``,
+				"slimness enthusiast": ``,
+				"body purist": ``,
+				"intellectual dependency": ``,
+				"slave professionalism": ``,
+				"petite admiration": ``,
+				"statuesque glorification": ``,
+			},
+			"spidergirl": {
+				"default": ``,
+				"paternalist": ``,
+				"degradationist": ``,
+				supremacist: ``,
+				subjugationist: ``,
+				"roman revivalist": ``,
+				"neoimperialist": ``,
+				"aztec revivalist": ``,
+				"egyptian revivalist": ``,
+				"edo revivalist": ``,
+				"arabian revivalist": ``,
+				"chinese revivalist": ``,
+				"chattel religionist": ``,
+				"repopulation focus": ``,
+				"eugenics": ``,
+				"physical idealist": ``,
+				"hedonistic decadence": ``,
+				"gender radicalist": ``,
+				"gender fundamentalist": ``,
+				"asset expansionist": ``,
+				"transformation fetishist": ``,
+				"pastoralist": ``,
+				"maturity preferentialist": ``,
+				"youth preferentialist": ``,
+				"slimness enthusiast": ``,
+				"body purist": ``,
+				"intellectual dependency": ``,
+				"slave professionalism": ``,
+				"petite admiration": ``,
+				"statuesque glorification": ``,
+			},
 		return fsAppearance[V.assistant.appearance][V.assistant.fsAppearance];